A Method for Constructing Large DNA Codesets




文章编号:2096-1472(2021)-02-38-07DOI:10.19644/ki.issn2096-1472.2021.02.008软件工程 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 第24卷第2期2021年2月V ol.24 No.2Feb. 2021基于知识图谱问答系统的技术实现魏泽林1,2,张 帅1,2,王建超1,2(1.大连东软信息学院,辽宁 大连 116023;2.大连东软教育科技集团有限公司研究院,辽宁 大连 116023)*******************;*********************;***********************摘 要:知识图谱是实现对话机器人的一类重要工具。






关键词:知识图谱;问答系统;对话机器人;语言模型;语义匹配中图分类号:TP183 文献标识码:AImplementation of Question Answering based on Knowledge GraphWEI Zelin 1,2, ZHANG Shuai 1,2, WANG Jianchao 1,2( 1.Dalian Neusoft University of Information , Dalian 116023, China ;2.Research Institute , Dalian Neusoft Education Technology Group Co . Limited , Dalian 116023, China )*******************;*********************;***********************Abstract: Knowledge graph is an important tool for realizing chatbots. The lifecycle of constructing a question answering system based on knowledge graph is a complex task. This paper summarizes a number of topics from the perspective of building a knowledge graph-based question answering system. The topics include knowledge graph types, knowledge graph construction and storage, language models used in knowledge graph dialogue, semantic matching and generation in graph space. Furthermore, this paper summarizes commonly used methods and models in vertical areas of topics, and analyzes the purpose and necessity of sub-modules. A method for quickly constructing a baseline model of a knowledge graph based question answering system will be presented. The proposed method relies on the cutting-edge algorithms and effectively guarantees scalability, accuracy and timeliness.Keywords: knowledge graph; question answering system; chatbot; language model; semantic matching1 引言(Introduction)知识问答系统在二十世纪五六十年代时就已经出现。



Monkeys are fascinating creatures that belong to the primate order,which also includes humans,apes,and prosimians.They are known for their agility,intelligence,and social behavior.Heres an introduction to these remarkable animals in English:1.Classification and Diversity:Monkeys are classified into two main groups:the New World monkeys,which are found in Central and South America,and the Old World monkeys,which are native to Africa and Asia.There are over260species of monkeys, each with unique characteristics and adaptations.2.Physical Characteristics:Monkeys exhibit a wide range of physical traits.They typically have long arms and legs,which are wellsuited for climbing and swinging through trees.Their hands and feet are equipped with opposable thumbs,allowing them to grasp objects and manipulate their environment with precision.3.Adaptations:Many monkeys have prehensile tails that they use for balance and as an additional limb for grasping.Their eyes are forwardfacing,providing them with excellent depth perception,which is crucial for navigating their arboreal habitats.4.Diet:Monkeys are omnivorous,with diets that vary depending on their species and habitat.Some are primarily frugivorous,feeding on fruits,while others consume a mix of leaves,seeds,insects,and occasionally small animals.5.Social Behavior:Monkeys are known for their complex social structures.They live in groups ranging from small troops to large communities.These social groups provide safety in numbers and facilitate cooperative behaviors such as grooming,which helps to reinforce social bonds.munication:Monkeys communicate through a variety of vocalizations,body language,and facial expressions.They use these methods to convey information about their emotional state,to coordinate group activities,and to establish dominance hierarchies.7.Reproduction:Monkeys have a gestation period that varies by species,typically ranging from five to seven months.They give birth to one or two offspring at a time,and the young are cared for by the mother and sometimes other members of the group.8.Conservation Status:Many monkey species are threatened by habitat loss,poaching, and the illegal pet trade.Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these animals and preserve the biodiversity of our planet.9.Cultural Significance:Monkeys have been revered and depicted in various cultures around the world.In Chinese mythology,the Monkey King is a popular figure,while in Hinduism,the god Hanuman is a revered monkey god.10.Research and Study:Due to their genetic and behavioral similarities to humans, monkeys are often used in scientific research to study diseases,genetics,and behavior. They are also studied in the wild to understand their ecology and social dynamics.In conclusion,monkeys are an integral part of many ecosystems and hold a special place in the animal kingdom for their intelligence and adaptability.Understanding their biology, behavior,and the challenges they face is essential for their conservation and our appreciation of the natural world.。

Channel polarization A method for constructing capacity achieving codes for symmetric binaryinput

Channel polarization  A method for constructing capacity achieving codes for symmetric binaryinput

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 55, NO. 7, JULY 20093051Channel Polarization: A Method for Constructing Capacity-Achieving Codes for Symmetric Binary-Input Memoryless ChannelsErdal Arıkan, Senior Member, IEEEAbstract—A method is proposed, called channel polarization, to construct code sequences that achieve the symmetric capacity of any given binary-input discrete memoryless channel (B-DMC) . The symmetric capacity is the highest rate achievable subject to using the input letters of the channel with equal probability. Channel polarization refers to the fact that it is possible to synthesize, out of independent copies of a given B-DMC , a second set of binary-input channels such that, as becomes large, the fraction of indices for which is near approaches and the fraction for which . The polarized channels is near approaches are well-conditioned for channel coding: one need only send data at rate through those with capacity near and at rate through the remaining. Codes constructed on the basis of this idea are called polar codes. The paper proves that, given any B-DMC and any target rate , there exists a with sequence of polar codes has block-length such that , rate , and probability of block error under successive cancellation decoding bounded as independently of the code rate. This performance is achievable by encoders and decoders with complexity for each. Index Terms—Capacity-achieving codes, channel capacity, channel polarization, Plotkin construction, polar codes, Reed– Muller (RM) codes, successive cancellation decoding.A. Preliminaries to denote a generic B-DMC with , output alphabet , and transition probabilities . The input alphabet will always be , the output alphabet and the transition probabilities may to denote the channel corresponding be arbitrary. We write with to uses of ; thus, . Given a B-DMC , there are two channel parameters of primary interest in this paper: the symmetric capacity We write input alphabetand the Bhattacharyya parameterAI. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW FASCINATING aspect of Shannon’s proof of the noisy channel coding theorem is the random-coding method that he used to show the existence of capacity-achieving code sequences without exhibiting any specific such sequence [1]. Explicit construction of provably capacity-achieving code sequences with low encoding and decoding complexities has since then been an elusive goal. This paper is an attempt to meet this goal for the class of binary-input discrete memoryless channels (B-DMCs). We will give a description of the main ideas and results of the paper in this section. First, we give some definitions and state some basic facts that are used throughout the paper.These parameters are used as measures of rate and reliability, is the highest rate at which reliable commurespectively. using the inputs of with equal nication is possible across is an upper bound on the probability of maxfrequency. imum-likelihood (ML) decision error when is used only once to transmit a or . takes values in . Throughout, It is easy to see that will also take we will use base- logarithms; hence, values in . The unit for code rates and channel capacities will be bits. iff , Intuitively, one would expect that iff . The following bounds, proved in and the Appendix, make this precise. Proposition 1: For any B-DMC , we have (1) (2) equals the Shannon capacity The symmetric capacity is a symmetric channel, i.e., a channel for which there when such that i) exists a permutation of the output alphabet and ii) for all . The binary symmetric channel (BSC) and the binary erasure channel (BEC) are examples of symmetric channels. A BSC is a B-DMC with and . A B-DMC is called a BEC if for each , either or . In the latter case,Manuscript received October 14, 2007; revised August 13, 2008. Current version published June 24, 2009. This work was supported in part by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜB˙ ITAK) under Project 107E216 and in part by the European Commission FP7 Network of Excellence NEWCOM++ under Contract 216715. The material in this paper was presented in part at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Toronto, ON, Canada, July 2008. The author is with the Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, 06800, Turkey (e-mail: arikan@.tr). Communicated by Y. Steinberg, Associate Editor for Shannon Theory. Color versions of Figures 4 and 7 in this paper are available online at http:// . Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIT.2009.20213790018-9448/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE3052IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 55, NO. 7, JULY 2009Fig. 1. The channel.is said to be an erasure symbol. The sum of over all erasure symbols is called the erasure probability of the BEC. We denote random variables (RVs) by upper case letters, such , and their realizations (sample values) by the correas . For an RV, sponding lower case letters, such as denotes the probability assignment on . For a joint ensemble denotes the joint probability assignment. of RVs to denote the We use the standard notation mutual information and its conditional form, respectively. as shorthand for denoting a row vector We use the notation . Given such a vector , we write , , to denote the subvector ; if is regarded and , we write to denote as void. Given . We write to denote the subvector the subvector odd . We write to dewith odd indices even . note the subvector with even indices , we have For example, for . The notation is used to denote the all-zero vector. Code constructions in this paper will be carried out in vector spaces over the binary field GF . Unless specified otherwise, all vectors, matrices, and operations on them will be over vectors over GF we write GF . In particular, for to denote their componentwise mod- sum. The and an Kronecker product of an -by- matrix -by- matrix is defined as . . . .. . . . .Fig. 2. The channeland its relation toand., where can be any power of two, . The recursion begins at the th level with only one copy of and we set . The first level of the recursion combines two independent copies of as shown in Fig. 1 and obtains the channel with the transition probabilities channel (3) The next level of the recursion is shown in Fig. 2 where two are combined to create the channel independent copies of with transition probabilities . is the permutation operation that maps an input In Fig. 2, to . The mapping from the input of to the input of can be written as withwhich is an -by- matrix. The Kronecker power is for all . We will follow the defined as convention that . to denote the number of elements in a set . We We write to denote the indicator function of a set ; thus, write equals if and otherwise. to We use the standard Landau notation denote the asymptotic behavior of functions. B. Channel Polarization Channel polarization is an operation by which one manufacindependent copies of a given B-DMC a tures out of second set of channels that show a becomes large, the polarization effect in the sense that, as symmetric capacity terms tend towards or for all but a vanishing fraction of indices . This operation consists of a channel combining phase and a channel splitting phase. 1) Channel Combining: This phase combines copies of a in a recursive manner to produce a vector given B-DMCThus, we have the relation beand those of . tween the transition probabilities of The general form of the recursion is shown in Fig. 3 where are combined to produce the two independent copies of . The input vector to is first transformed channel so that and for into . The operator in the figure is a permutation, known as the reverse shuffle operation, and acts on its input to produce , which becomes the as shown in the figure. input to the two copies of is linear over GF . We observe that the mapping It follows by induction that the overall mapping , to the input of from the input of the synthesized channel , is also linear and may be the underlying raw channels so that . We call represented by a matrix the generator matrix of size . The transition probabilities of and are related by the two channels (4) for all equals for any . We will show in Section VII that , where is a .permutation matrix known as bit-reversal andARIKAN: A METHOD FOR CONSTRUCTING CAPACITY-ACHIEVING CODES3053. This recursion is valid only for BECs with and it is proved in Section III. No efficient algorithm is known for calculation of for a general B-DMC . Fig. 4 shows that tends to be near for small and near for large . However, shows an erratic behavior for an intermediate range of . For general B-DMCs, determining the subset of indices for which is above a given threshold is an important computational problem that will be addressed in Section IX. 4) Rate of Polarization: For proving coding theorems, the speed with which the polarization effect takes hold as a function of is important. Our main result in this regard is given in terms of the parametersFig. 3. Recursive construction offrom two copies of.(7) with , and Theorem 2: For any B-DMC any fixed , there exists a sequence of sets , such that and for all . This theorem is proved in Section IV-B. We stated the polarization result in Theorem 2 in terms rather than because this form is better suited to the coding results that we will develop. A rate of polarization result in terms of can be obtained from Theorem 2 with the help of Proposition 1. C. Polar CodingNote that the channel combining operation is fully specified by and have the same set of the matrix . Also note that rows, but in a different (bit-reversed) order; we will discuss this topic more fully in Section VII. 2) Channel Splitting: Having synthesized the vector channel out of , the next step of channel polarization is to back into a set of binary-input coordinate channels split , , defined by the transition probabilities (5) where denotes the output of and its input. To gain an intuitive understanding of the channels , consider a genie-aided successive cancellation decoder in which after observing and the th decision element estimates (supplied correctly by the genie the past channel inputs is a regardless of any decision errors at earlier stages). If priori uniform on , then is the effective channel seen by the th decision element in this scenario. 3) Channel Polarization: Theorem 1: For any B-DMC , the channels polarize in the sense that, for any fixed , as goes to infinity through powers of two, the fraction of indices for which goes to and the fraction for which goes to . This theorem is proved in Section IV. The polarization effect is illustrated in Fig. 4 for the case is a BEC with erasure probability . The numbers have been computed using the recursive relationsWe take advantage of the polarization effect to construct by a codes that achieve the symmetric channel capacity method we call polar coding. The basic idea of polar coding is to create a coding system where one can access each coordinate channel individually and send data only through those for is near . which -Coset Codes: We first describe a class of block codes 1) that contain polar codes—the codes of main interest—as a spefor this class are restricted to cial case. The block lengths for some . For a given , each powers of two, code in the class is encoded in the same manner, namely (8) is the generator matrix of order , defined above. where , we may write (8) as For an arbitrary subset of (9) denotes the submatrix of formed by the rows where with indices in . , but leave as a free variable, we If we now fix and obtain a mapping from source blocks to codeword blocks . This mapping is a coset code: it is a coset of the linear block(6)3054IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 55, NO. 7, JULY 2009Fig. 4. Plot ofversusfor a BEC with.code with generator matrix , with the coset determined . We will refer to this class by the fixed vector -coset codes. Individual -coset of codes collectively as , codes will be identified by a parameter vector where is the code dimension and specifies the size of .1 The is called the code rate. We will refer to as the inratio as frozen bits or vector. formation set and to code has the encoder For example, the mappingin the order from to , where are decision functions defined as if otherwise,(12)(10) For a source block , the coded block is . Polar codes will be specified shortly by giving a particular rule for the selection of the information set . 2) A Successive Cancellation Decoder: Consider a -coset code with parameter . Let be , let be sent over the channel encoded into a codeword , and let a channel output be received. The decoder’s task is to generate an estimate of , given knowledge and . Since the decoder can avoid errors in the of , the real decoding task is to frozen part by setting of . generate an estimate The coding results in this paper will be given with respect to a specific successive cancellation (SC) decoder, unless some other decoder is mentioned. Given any -coset code, we will use an SC decoder that generates its decision by computing if if1We include the redundant parameter we consider an ensemble of codes with. We will say that a decoder for all or equivalently if . block error occurred if defined above resemble ML deThe decision functions cision functions but are not exactly so, because they treat the as RVs, rather than future frozen bits can be as known bits. In exchange for this suboptimality, computed efficiently using recursive formulas, as we will show in Section II. Apart from algorithmic efficiency, the recursive structure of the decision functions is important because it renders the performance analysis of the decoder tractable. Fortunately, the loss in performance due to not using true ML decision is still achievable. functions happens to be negligible: 3) Code Performance: The notation will denote the probability of block error for an code, assuming that each data vector is sent with and decoding is done by the above SC decoder. probability More preciselyThe average of be denoted byover all choices for , i.e.,will(11) A key bound on block error probability under SC decoding is the following.in the parameter set because often fixed and free.ARIKAN: A METHOD FOR CONSTRUCTING CAPACITY-ACHIEVING CODES3055Proposition 2: For any B-DMC parametersand any choice of the (13)chosen in accordance with the polar coding rule for , and fixed arbitrarily. The block error probability under successive cancellation decoding satisfies (16) This is proved in Section VI-B. Note that for symmetric chanequals the Shannon capacity of . nels 6) Complexity: An important issue about polar coding is the complexity of encoding, decoding, and code construction. The recursive structure of the channel polarization construction leads to low-complexity encoding and decoding algorithms for -coset codes, and in particular, for polar codes. the class of -coset codes, the complexity Theorem 5: For the class of of encoding and the complexity of successive cancellation as functions of code block decoding are both length . This theorem is proved in Sections VII and VIII. Notice that the complexity bounds in Theorem 5 are independent of the code rate and the way the frozen vector is chosen. The bounds , but clearly this has no practical hold even at rates above significance. As for code construction, we have found no low-complexity algorithms for constructing polar codes. One exception is the case of a BEC for which we have a polar code construction al. We discuss the code construcgorithm with complexity tion problem further in Section IX and suggest a low-complexity statistical algorithm for approximating the exact polar code construction. D. Relations To Previous Work This paper is an extension of work begun in [2], where channel combining and splitting were used to show that improvements can be obtained in the sum cutoff rate for some specific DMCs. However, no recursive method was suggested there to reach the ultimate limit of such improvements. As the present work progressed, it became clear that polar coding had much in common with Reed–Muller (RM) coding [3], [4]. Indeed, recursive code construction and SC decoding, which are two essential ingredients of polar coding, appear to have been introduced into coding theory by RM codes. According to one construction of RM codes, for any and , an RM code with block length and , is defined as a linear code dimension , denoted whose generator matrix is obtained by deleting of the rows of so that none of the deleted rows has a larger Hamming weight (number of ’s in that row) than any of the remaining rows. For instance andHence, for each that, there exists a frozen vectorsuch (14)This is proved in Section V-B. This result suggests choosing from among all -subsets of so as to minimize the right-hand side (RHS) of (13). This idea leads to the definition of polar codes. -coset code with 4) Polar Codes: Given a B-DMC , a parameter will be called a polar code for if the information set is chosen as a -element subset of such that for all . Polar codes are channel-specific designs: a polar code for one channel may not be a polar code for another. The main result of this paper will be to show that polar coding achieves the symof any given B-DMC . metric capacity An alternative rule for polar code definition would be to as a -element subset of such that specify for all . This alternative . However, the rule based on the rule would also achieve Bhattacharyya parameters has the advantage of being connected with an explicit bound on block error probability. The polar code definition does not specify how the frozen is to be chosen; it may be chosen at will. This devector simplifies the performance gree of freedom in the choice of analysis of polar codes by allowing averaging over an ensemble. However, it is not for analytical convenience alone that we do , but also because not specify a precise rule for selecting it appears that the code performance is relatively insensitive to that choice. In fact, we prove in Section VI-B that, for symmetric is as good as any other. channels, any choice for . 5) Coding Theorems: Fix a B-DMC and a number be defined as with selected in Let accordance with the polar coding rule for . Thus, is the probability of block error under SC decoding for polar with block length and rate , averaged over coding over . The main coding result of all choices for the frozen bits this paper is the following. Theorem 3: For any given B-DMC and fixed , block error probability for polar coding under successive cancellation decoding satisfies (15) This theorem follows as an easy corollary to Theorem 2 and the bound (13), as we show in Section V-B. For symmetric channels, we have the following stronger version of Theorem 3. Theorem 4: For any symmetric B-DMC , consider any sequence of with increasing to infinity, and any fixed -coset codesThis construction brings out the similarities between RM and have the same codes and polar codes. Since set of rows (only in a different order) for any , it is -coset codes. clear that RM codes belong to the class of3056IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 55, NO. 7, JULY 2009is the -coset code with parameter . So, RM coding and polar coding may be regarded as two alternative rules for selecting the inforof a -coset code of a given size . mation set Unlike polar coding, RM coding selects the information set in a channel-independent manner; it is not as fine-tuned to the channel polarization phenomenon as polar coding is. We will show in Section X that, at least for the class of BECs, the RM rule for information set selection leads to asymptotically unreliable codes under SC decoding. So, polar coding goes beyond RM coding in a nontrivial manner by paying closer attention to channel polarization. Another connection to existing work can be established by codes, which noting that polar codes are multilevel are a class of codes originating from Plotkin’s method for code combining [5]. This connection is not surprising in view of the codes [6, pp. fact that RM codes are also multilevel 114–125]. However, unlike typical multilevel code constructions, where one begins with specific small codes to build larger ones, in polar coding the multilevel code is obtained by expur, with respect gating rows of a full-order generator matrix ento a channel-specific criterion. The special structure of sures that, no matter how expurgation is done, the resulting code code. In essence, polar coding enjoys is a multilevel the freedom to pick a multilevel code from an ensemble of such codes so as to suit the channel at hand, while conventional approaches to multilevel coding do not have this degree of flexibility. Finally, we wish to mention a “spectral” interpretation of polar codes which is similar to Blahut’s treatment of Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem (BCH) codes [7, Ch. 9]; this type of similarity has already been pointed out by Forney [8, Ch. 11] in connection with RM codes. From the spectral viewpoint, the encoding operation (8) is regarded as a transform to a “time” of a “frequency” domain information vector domain codeword vector . The transform is invertible with . The decoding operation is regarded as a spectral estimation problem in which one is given a time domain , which is a noisy version of , and asked to observation estimate . To aid the estimation task, one is allowed to freeze . This spectral a certain number of spectral components of interpretation of polar coding suggests that it may be possible to treat polar codes and BCH codes in a unified framework. The spectral interpretation also opens the door to the use of various signal processing techniques in polar coding; indeed, in Section VII, we exploit some fast transform techniques in designing encoders for polar codes. E. Paper Outline The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II explores the recursive properties of the channel splitting operation. In Section III, we focus on how and get transformed through a single step of channel combining and splitting. We extend this to an asymptotic analysis in Section IV and complete the proofs of Theorems 1 and 2. This completes the part of the paper on channel polarization; the rest of the paper is mainly about polar coding. Section V develops an upper bound on the block error probability of polar coding under SCFor example,decoding and proves Theorem 3. Section VI considers polar coding for symmetric B-DMCs and proves Theorem 4. Sec, which tion VII gives an analysis of the encoder mapping results in efficient encoder implementations. In Section VIII, we give an implementation of SC decoding with complexity . In Section IX, we discuss the code construction statistical algorithm for complexity and propose an approximate code construction. In Section X, we explain why RM codes have a poor asymptotic performance under SC decoding. In Section XI, we point out some generalizations of the present work, give some complementary remarks, and state some open problems. II. RECURSIVE CHANNEL TRANSFORMATIONS We have defined a blockwise channel combining and splitting operation by (4) and (5) which transformed independent copies of into . The goal in this section is to show that this blockwise channel transformation can be broken recursively into single-step channel transformations. and We say that a pair of binary-input channels are obtained by a single-step transformation of two independent copies of a binary-input channel and write iff there exists a one-to-one mapping such that (17) (18) . for all According to this, we can write because any given B-DMC for(19)(20) which are in the form of (17) and (18) by taking mapping. It turns out we can write more generally as the identity(21) This follows as a corollary to the following. Proposition 3: For any ,(22)ARIKAN: A METHOD FOR CONSTRUCTING CAPACITY-ACHIEVING CODES3057transformation (21). By understanding the local behavior, we will be able to reach conclusions about the overall transformato . Proofs of the results in tion from this section are given in the Appendix. A. Local Transformation of Rate and Reliability Proposition 4: Suppose of binary-input channels. Then for some set (24) (25) with equality iff equals or .Fig. 5. The channel transformation process withchannels.andThe equality (24) indicates that the single-step channel transform preserves the symmetric capacity. The inequality (25) together with (24) implies that the symmetric capacity remains unchanged under a single-step transform, , iff is either a perfect channel or a completely noisy one. If is neither perfect nor completely noisy, the single-step transform moves the symmetric capacity away from the center , thus helping polarin the sense that ization. Proposition 5: Suppose of binary-input channels. Then (23) for some set (26) (27) (28) is a BEC. We have Equality holds in (27) iff iff equals or , or equivalently, iff or . equalsThis proposition is proved in the Appendix. The transform relationship (21) can now be justified by noting that (22) and (23) are identical in form to (17) and (18), respectively, after the following substitutions:This result shows that reliability can only improve under a single-step channel transform in the sense that (29) Thus, we have shown that the blockwise channel transformation from to breaks at a local level into single-step channel transformations of the form (21). The full set of such transformations form a fabric as shown in Fig. 5 for . Reading from right to left, the figure starts with four copies of the transformation and continues in butterfly patterns, each representing a channel transformation of the form . The two channels at the right endpoints of the butterflies are always identical and independent. At the rightmost level there are eight independent copies of ; at the next level to the left, there are four independent copies of and each; and so on. Each step to the left doubles the number of channel types, but halves the number of independent copies. is a BEC. with equality iff Since the BEC plays a special role with respect to (w.r.t.) extremal behavior of reliability, it deserves special attention. Consider the channel transformation . If is a BEC with some erasure and are BECs with probability , then the channels and , respectively. Conversely, erasure probabilities or is a BEC, then is BEC. if Proposition 6: B. Rate and Reliability for We now return to the context at the end of Section II. Proposition 7: For any B-DMC the transformation is rate-preserving and reliability-improving in the sense that (30) (31)III. TRANSFORMATION OF RATE AND RELIABILITY We now investigate how the rate and reliability parameters, and , change through a local (single-step)3058IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, VOL. 55, NO. 7, JULY 2009with equality in (31) iff is a BEC. Channel splitting moves the rate and reliability away from the center in the sense that (32) (33) with equality in (32) and (33) iff ability terms further satisfy equals or . The reli-(34) (35) with equality in (34) iff reliability satisfy is a BEC. The cumulative rate andFig. 6. The tree process for the recursive channel construction.(36) (37) with equality in (37) iff is a BEC.This result follows from Propositions 4 and 5 as a special case and no separate proof is needed. The cumulative relations (36) and (37) follow by repeated application of (30) and (31), respectively. The conditions for equality in Proposition 4 are stated in terms of rather than ; this is possible because i) by Proposition 4, iff ; and ii) is a BEC iff is a BEC, which follows from Proposition 6 by induction. is a BEC with an erasure probaFor the special case that bility , it follows from Propositions 4 and 6 that the parameters can be computed through the recursion(38) with . The parameter equals the erasure probability of the channel . The recursive relations (6) follow from (38) by the fact that for a BEC. IV. CHANNEL POLARIZATION We prove the main results on channel polarization in this section. The analysis is based on the recursive relationships depicted in Fig. 5; however, it will be more convenient to re-sketch Fig. 5 as a binary tree as shown in Fig. 6. The root node of the gives birth to tree is associated with the channel . The root an upper channel and a lower channel , which are associated with the two nodes at level . The channel in turn and , and so on. The channel gives birth to channelsis located at level of the tree at node number counting from the top. There is a natural indexing of nodes of the tree in Fig. 6 by bit sequences. The root node is indexed with the null sequence. The upper node at level is indexed with and the lower node , the upper with . Given a node at level with index and the lower node emanating from it has the label node . According to this labeling, the channel is situated at the node with . We denote the channel located at node alternatively . as , in We define a random tree process, denoted connection with Fig. 6. The process begins at the root of the tree with . For any , given that equals or with probability each. Thus, through the channel tree may be thought the path taken by of as being driven by a sequence of independent and identically where distributed (i.i.d.) Bernoulli RVs equals or with equal probability. Given that has , the random channel process taken on a sample value takes the value . In order to keep track of the rate and reliability parameters of the random sequence of channels , we define the random processes and . For a more precise formulation of the problem, we consider where is the space of all binary the probability space is the Borel field (BF) sequences generated by the cylinder sets , and is the probability measure defined on such that . For each , we define as the BF generated by the cylinder sets . We as the trivial BF consisting of the null set and only. define . Clearly, The random processes described above can now be formally and , define defined as follows. For and . For , define。



2022-2023学年湖北省武汉市部分重点中学高一下学期期中联考英语试题1. These universities in the United Kingdom have been numerically ranked based on their positions in the overall Best Global Universities rankings. Schools were evaluated based on their research performance and their ratings by members of the academic community around the world and within Europe. These are some of the top global universities in the United Kingdom.the University of Edinburgh United Kingdom / Edinburgh#6 in Best Universities in the United Kingdom#34 in Best Global UniversitiesThe University of Edinburgh is a public institution that was funded in 1583. It is spread across five campuses in… CLICK HERE TO READ MOREGLOBAL SCORE 77. 8ENROLLMENT 32, 800King’s College London United Kingdom / London (U.K.)#5 in Best Universities in the United Kingdom#33 in Best Global UniversitiesCLICK HERE TO READ MOREGLOBAL SCORE 77.9ENROLLMENT 29, 240University College London United Kingdom / London(U.K.)#3 in Best Universities in the United Kingdom#12 in Best Global UniversitiesUniversity College London, or UCL, is a public institution that was founded in 1826. It was the third university... CLICK HERE TO READ MOREGLOBAL SCORE 84.4ENROLLMENT 36, 900Imperial College London United Kingdom /London (U.K.)#4 in Best Universities in the United Kingdom#13 in Best Global UniversitiesImperial College London is a public institution that was founded in 1907. The university was previously a college of the... CLICK HERE TO READ MORECLOBAL SCORE 84. 3ENROLLMENT 18, 4551. Which of the following matters most to the ranking?A.Size of the campus. B.Numbers of professors.C.Achievements in research. D.Influence of the university.2. Which university enrolls the most students?A.King’s College London.B.The University of Edinburgh.C.Imperial College London. D.University College London.3. Where can you find the passage?A.In a magazine. B.On the Internet.C.In a newspaper. D.In an education paper.2. Tia Wimbush and Susan Elis have been co-workers for a decade, and while they didn’t know each other well, they had something in common, both dealing with the same medical stress at home. Their husbands each needed a kidney transplant( 肾脏移植). They were willing to donate one of theirs, but previous tests showed theirs weren’t apposite to their respective husbands.When they knew each other’s condition and met in the washroom, the women paused for a moment and had a short conversation. Then they had tests again. Tests showed that each woman was an excellent match for the other’s husband. And seven months after that chance conversation, Tia donated one of her kidneys to Susan’s husband Lance Ellis, and Susan donated one of hers to Tia’s husband Rodney Wimbush.“It is extremely rare for two people to suggest exchanging their own paired organ and actually be a match for each other. I’ve personally never seen this happen,” Christina Klein, a medical director of Piedmont Atlanta Hospital’s kidney transplant program, says. “When we put patients’ information into large databases for national paired kidney exchange programs, some patients wait months or even years for a match.”The couples met a few days before the surgeries when they came to the hospital for the final round of testing. Before that, they had chatted on social media a bit. The surgeries lasted about three to four hours each and were beyond their expectations, with no one developing complications. “ It’s really just a story about simple kindnes s,” Susan says,“For us, it started with two people just being good humans. Now we’d like to tell people they can do the same. ”Rodney says he will be forever grateful to his wife and Susan. “Susan and Lance are going to come with us to North Carolina for our son’s first college football game,” his wife adds, “ We’ve skipped the friendship. We’re family now.”1. What does the underlined word “apposite” in paragraph 1 mean?A.Sensitive. B.Relevant. C.Suited. D.Comparable.2. How does Christina Klein find T ia and Susan’s story?A.It is touching. B.It is inspiring.C.It is worrying. D.It is surprising.3. What is the change in the two families after the transplant operations?A.They bond with each other closely.B.They become interested in football.C.They interact more regularly online.D.They are motivated to do good deeds.4. Which can be the best title of the text?A.A Different Family B.An Unimaginable MatchC.A Funny Coincidence D.An Unforgettable Kindness3. Mosquitoes can spread a range of potentially life-threatening diseases. Existing methods of controlling the insect can be inefficient. For example, mosquitoes can develop a resistance to insecticides(杀虫剂).Now, Kevin Gorman at the biotechnology firm Oxitec in Abingdon, UK, and his colleagues have genetically modified (基因改造) males of the mosquito species Aedes aegypti in a way that will greatly cut the insect’s population. Among all mosquito species, only females bite. So the team modified males to create so-called OX5034 mosquitoes. They have a gene that allows young male mosquitoes to live, but prevents the females from surviving into adulthood.In the peak season for reproducing, OX5034 males were released into four heavily populated places in the city of Indaiatuba in Brazil. Within two of these neighborhoods, 100 modified mosquitoes were released at a time, while the remaining test areas were exposed to up to 500 of the insects at a time. Compared with a nearby community that wasn’t exposed to any of these mosquitoes, the places where the modified insects were released saw an 88 percent to 96 percent decline in their mosquito population.The researchers particularly focus on controlling dengue-a disease caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes. Globally, the number of dengue cases has grown significantly in the past three decades, with 100 million to 400 million cases now occurring annually. While the study didn’t look at whether suppressing (抑制) the mosquitoes led to a lower rate of dengue, there was evidence of this elsewhere. Similar efforts in Australia saw fewer cases of locally spread dengue compared with previous years. A study also found a 77 percent reduction of dengue in Indonesia after modified mosquitoes were introduced there.According to Dawn Wesson at the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Louisiana, Oxitec’s effort is a step up from previous insect control strategies in which mosquito sexual selection wasn’t done by genetic means. That’s the beauty of this method. As well as dengue, Oxitec is making plans for developing modified mosquitoes to reduce other diseases like malaria, says Nathan Rose at Oxitec.1. How does Kevin Gorman’s team try to control mosquitoes?A.By decreasing the males’ population.B.By transforming all mosquitoes’ genes.C.By shortening the females’ life.D.By improving the insecticides’ effect.2. Which aspect of the research is mainly discussed in paragraph 3?A.The target and site. B.The process and findings.C.The data and report. D.The preparations and methods.3. Why are Australia and Indonesia mentioned in paragraph 4?A.To state the potential use of the method.B.To explain the background of the study.C.To draw attention to the severity of dengue.D.To show the method’s effect on reducing dengue.4. What may Oxitec work on next?A.Widening the applications of the method.B.Engineering other species of mosquitoes.C.Exploring better mosquito control strategies.D.Finding cures for mosquito-related diseases.4. Do milestones aid growth and quality of life? Or do they construct barriers? This is what I often struggle with, especially when constructing a vision of my life in the future.On the one hand, milestones can be a really helpful tool for igniting(激起)motivation and a sense of purpose. Particularly in times of depression, I can find myself examining life and how I would like it to look I set myself goals and targets in the hopes of reaching the lifestyle I want to create for myself. However, I usually end up setting unrealistic targets. I get frustrated when my life takes a different course of action, and my milestones are missed, adapted or just changed.We need to remember that convenience is not comprehensive. Life will sometimes not go the way you want it to. There is no straight pathway. Both people and our lives are completely unique, and are in constant evolution - so why put so much pressure on ourselves to reach targets by a certain point?Society consistently sets unrealistic standards upon us all. As such, we feel we should therefore conform to(遵从)the general standard presented to us, without considering what is right for ourselves as individuals. The pressure to act and look a certain way based on your age is unhealthy and exhausting, particularly when society chooses not to see each individual as just that – an individual.So, do milestones help or slow growth?As far as I am concerned, the answer is both yes and no. Milestones help bring a sense of calm to the disorder of somebody’s life, but they also have the potential to create confusion an d frustration when life takes you on a different path, forcing you to miss determined targets for new unexpected ones.Life is ultimately personal and full of many individual choices that both open and close varying pathways - the choice of how to move forward in life is yours. The key needed, however, is knowing yourself well enough to evaluate and decide which milestones are needed and when.1. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning his own goal-setting experience?A.To explain the advantages of milestones.B.To introduce effective ways to set goals.C.To highlight the necessity of setting goals.D.To show milestones are a double-edged sword.2. Why can social standards have a negative effect on us?A.They ignore that each of us is unique.B.They fail to guide us to do the right things.C.They are too general for us to follow.D.They constantly change and thus exhaust us.3. Why can milestones slow growth according to the author?A.They can take us on a wrong path.B.They can disturb our pace of life.C.They can discourage us when we miss goals.D.They can force us to change our targets constantly.4. What is the authors suggestion on making a decision on milestones?A.Stick to our decisions. B.Examine ourselves well.C.Stay positive and calm. D.Be prepared for the unexpected.5. Being interviewed can be extremely stressful. Follow these tips, and you will go into the interview room feeling a fresh as a daisy(雏菊),with plenty of energy to focus on the student exchange interview.Give yourself plenty of time.Stress consumes much energy. 1 Make sure that you allow plenty of time to get yourself ready, and travel to the place where your interview is being held.Keep things as normal and calm as possible.2 Shower, dress and have breakfast in the normal way. Make sure it’s a good breakfast, too——you’ll need the energy later on. If you want to have a brief look at your application, that’s OK. But keep it within ten minutes. 3Get someone to drive you to the interview spot.Even if you can drive, get someone to drive you there. If it’s a long drive, the driving will tire you out. 4 However, don’t get the person to ask you pretended interview questions, which will stress you out and use up your valuable energy. Instead, talk about whatever else helping you to relax.5Take a snack and eat it 10-15 minutes before your interview. If your stomach is empty, you’ll be disturbed and won’t have the energy to concentrate on the whole interview. Take a quick review of the content before the interview to keep your energy full.6. Mason Suljic, 24, struggles in some everyday situations. He can’t always ______graphs charts or maps very well. He has red-green color-blindness which makes it ______to tell the difference between some colors and ______ the overall number of colors he can see. Today, however, his eyesight is experiencing a temporary (暂时的) but completely change.Inside Sydney University Chau Chak Wing Museum, Suljic is ______ on a pair of vision-improving glasses that promises to help him see in a fuller range of color. “The water and the necklace are completely different with the glasses on.’’ he tells Guardian Australia , ______ a picture called South Sea Beauty. Suljic slides the glasses up and down , ______ the view through the lenses (镜片) and without them. “ The ______ looks very different — it becomes a cooler color but also more bright. The trees stand out more.” ______, paintings like this would appear to Suljic in duller colors, reducing their ______. But with the glasses on, colors ______ and pop, and objects become more defined (外形清晰的). For Suljic, this is a new experience.Chau Chak Wing Museum has offered color-correcting ______ to guests like Suljic since April. “I think especially in cultural and arts institutions , accessibility needs to be key,” said Jane Th ogersen , a curator at the museum.Suljic is ______ the technology exists. “Looking at the ______ with glasses on, it definitely brings art into a new light,” Suljic said. He’ll ______ the glasses and see the world as usual soon. But it’s nice to know that a fuller range of color is ______ .1.A.read B.draw C.classify D.tell2.A.slow B.hard C.interesting D.important3.A.shows B.doubles C.reduces D.measures4.A.trying B.turning C.working D.acting5.A.watching B.preventing C.introducing D.appreciating 6.A.changing B.recalling C.comparing D.imagining7.A.boat B.cloud C.water D.stone8.A.Usually B.Finally C.Gradually D.Fortunately 9.A.values B.details C.materials D.mysteries 10.A.appear B.combine C.sharpen D.darken11.A.guide B.treatment C.glasses D.suggestions 12.A.glad B.hopeful C.confident D.surprised 13.A.life B.world C.museum D.painting14.A.buy B.keep C.wear D.return15.A.true B.possible C.precious D.ready7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Robust real-time face detection

Robust real-time face detection

Robust Real-time Face DetectionPaul Viola and Michael JonesCompaq Cambridge Research LaboratoryOne Cambridge Center Cambridge,MA 02142We have constructed a frontal face detection system which achieves detection and false positive rates which are equivalent to the best published results [7,5,6,4,1].This face detection system is most clearly distinguished from previous approaches in its ability to detect faces extremely rapidly.Operating on 384by 288pixel images,faces are de-tected at 15frames per second on a conventional 700MHz Intel Pentium III.In other face detection systems,auxiliary information,such as image differences in video sequences,or pixel color in color images,have been used to achieve high frame rates.Our system achieves high frame rates working only with the information present in a single grey scale image.These alternative sources of information can also be integrated with our system to achieve even higher frame rates.The first contribution of this work is a new image repre-sentation called an integral image that allows for very fast feature evaluation.Motivated in part by the work of Papa-georgiou et al.our detection system does not work directly with image intensities [3].Like these authors we use a set of features which are reminiscent of Haar Basis functions.In order to compute these features very rapidly at many scales we introduce the integral image representation for images.The integral image can be computed from an image using a few operations per pixel.Once computed,any one of these Harr-like features can be computed at any scale or location in constant time.The second contribution of this work is a method for con-structing a classifier by selecting a small number of impor-tant features using AdaBoost [2].Within any image sub-window the total number of Harr-like features is very large,far larger than the number of pixels.In order to ensure fast classification,the learning process must exclude a large ma-jority of the available features,and focus on a small set of critical features.Motivated by the work of Tieu and Viola,feature selection is achieved through a simple modification of the AdaBoost procedure:the weak learner is constrained so that each weak classifier returned can depend on only a single feature [8].As a result each stage of the boosting process,which selects a new weak classifier,can be viewed as a feature selection process.The third major contribution of this work is a method forcombining successively more complex classifiers in a cas-cade structure which dramatically increases the speed of thedetector by focusing attention on promising regions of the image.More complex processing is reserved only for these promising regions.Those sub-windows which are not re-jected by the initial classifier are processed by a sequence of classifiers,each slightly more complex than the last.If any classifier rejects the sub-window,no further processing is performed.The structure of the cascaded detection pro-cess is essentially that of a degenerate decision tree,and as such is related to the work of Amit and Geman [1].The complete face detection cascade has 32classifiers.Nevertheless the cascade structure results in extremely rapid average detection times.The face detector runs at about 15frames per second on 384by 288pixel images which is about 15times faster than any previous system.On the MIT+CMU dataset,containing 507faces and 75million sub-windows,our detection rate is 90%with 78false detec-tions (which is 1false positive in about 961,000queries).References[1]Y .Amit,D.Geman,and K.Wilder.Joint induction of shapefeatures and tree classifiers,1997.[2]Y .Freund and R.Schapire.A decision-theoretic generaliza-tion of on-line learning and an application to boosting.In Eurocolt ’95,pages 23–37.Springer-Verlag,1995.[3] C.Papageorgiou,M.Oren,and T.Poggio.A general frame-work for object detection.In ICCV ,1998.[4] D.Roth,M.Yang,and N.Ahuja.A snow-based face detector.In NIPS 12,2000.[5]H.Rowley,S.Baluja,and T.Kanade.Neural network-basedface detection.In IEEE PAMI ,volume 20,1998.[6]H.Schneiderman and T.Kanade.A statistical method for 3Dobject detection applied to faces and cars.In ICCV ,2000.[7]K.Sung and T.Poggio.Example-based learning for view-based face detection.In IEEE PAMI ,volume 20,pages 39–51,1998.[8]K.Tieu and P.Viola.Boosting image retrieval.In ICCV ,2000.10-7695-1143-0/01 $10.00 (C) 2001 IEEEProceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV’01) 0-7695-1143-0/01 $17.00 © 2001 IEEE。



The_Global_Positioning_System全球定位系统简述Recently, according to the requirements of some important GPS research subjects in the fields of Geodesy, Geophysics, Space-Physics and navigation in China, we studied systematically how to correcting the effects of the ionosphere on GPS, with high-precision and accuracy. As the parts of the main contributions, the research projects focus mainly on how to improve GPS surveying by reducing ionospheric delay for dual/single frequency kinematic/static users: high accuracy correction of ionospheric delay for single/dual frequency GPS users on the earth and in space, China WAAS ionospheric modeling and the theory and method of monitoring of ionosphere using GPS.The main contents of this Ph.D paper consist of two parts:Fisrt part---the outline of research background and the systematic introduction and summarization of the previous research results of this work.Second part---the main contribution and research results of this paper are focused on as follows:(1) How to use the measurements of a dual frequency GPS receiver to determine the ionospheric delay correction model for single frequency GPS of a local range;(2) How to separate the instrumental biases with the ionospheric delays in GPS observation;(3) How to establish a large range grid ionosphere model and use the GPS data of Chinese crust movement observation network to investigate the change law of ionospheric TEC of China area;(4) How to improve the effectiveness of correcting ionospheric delays for WAAS’s users under adverse conditions.(5) How to establish the basic theory and the corresponding framework of monitoring the stochastic ionospheric disturbance using GPS(6) How to improve the modelling ability of ionospheric delay according to its diurnal,seasonal, annual variations based on GPS;(7) How to meet the demand of correcting the ionospheric delay of high-precision orbit determination for low-earth satellite using a single frequency GPS receiver1 Extracting (local) ionospheric information from GPS data with high-precisionThe factors are systematically described and analyzed which limit the precision of using GPS data to extract ionospheric delays. The precision of determining ionospheric delay using GPS is improved based on the further research of the related models and methods. The main achievements of this work include the some aspects as follows:(1) Based on a simple model with constant number of parameters, which consists of a set of trigonometric series functions, a generalized ionospheric model is constructed whose parameters can be adjusted. Due to the property of selecting the different parameters according to the change law of ionospheric delay, the new model has better availability in the field of the related theoretic research and engineering application. The experimental results show that the model can indicate the characteristic of ionospheric actions, improves further the modeling ability of local ionosphere and may be used to correct efficiently ionospheric delay of the single frequency GPS uses serviced by DGPS.(2) Different calculating schemes are designed which are used to analyze in detail the characteristics of the effect from instrumental bias (IB) in GPS observations on determining ionospheric delays. IB is different from noise in GPS observations. The experimental results show that the effect of IB is much larger than that of the noise on estimating ionospheic delay, and IB can cause ionospheric delay measurements to include systematic errors of the order of several meters. Therefore, one must significantly take notice of IB and remove its negative effect, and should not casually consider IB as part of noise whenever GPS data are used to fit ionospheric model or to directly calculate ionospheric delay.(3) Stability of IB is studied with a refined method for separating it from ionospheric delay using multi-day GPS phase-smoothed code data. The experimental results showthat, by using averaging of noise with phase-smoothed code observation,the effect of noise on separating IB from ION can be efficiently reduced, and satellite bias plus receiver bias are relatively stable and may be used to predict the IBs of the next session or even that of the next several days.(4) A new algorithm about static real time determination of ionospheric delay is presented on the basis of the predicted values of IB and the technique of real time averaging of noise and weighted-adjustment of dual P-code and carrier phase measurements. The preliminary results show that the new method, which is by post-processing phase-smoothed code data to calculate the IB and then with them to predict and to correct the IB of data needed to remove its effects in real time in the next observation periods, has relatively better accuracy and effectiveness in estimating ionospheric delay. It is very obvious that the scheme can relatively decrease the number of unknown parameters, can efficiently reduce the main negative effect from instrumental bias, and can be easily used to directly and precisely determine ionospheric delay with dual-frequency GPS data. Hence, the method may be considered as an available scheme to determine ionospheric delays for WAAS and many other large range GPS application systems.2 A method of constructing large range (regional and global) high-precision grid ionospheric model─—the Different Area for Different Stations (DADS) and its application in ChinaBased on the systematic and further research of the principle and methods of establishing grid ionospheric model (GIM), a new method of establishing a GIM ----- Different Areas for Different Stations (DADS) is investigated which is advantageous for considering the local characters of ionosphere, avoiding the effects of the geometrical construction of GPS reference network on estimating the external precision of the GIM, and improving the precision of calculating model parameters. The above results are used to make a preliminary estimation of the latent precision that can be obtained by establishing a large range high precision grid ionospheric model based on the Chinese crust movement observation network, and to investigate the possibility that the GIM provides high-precision ionospheric correction, and toidentify the relevant problems which need to be solved for the planned GPS Wide area Augmentation System (WAAS) of China.3 A method of efficiently correcting ionospheric delays for WAAS’s users under typical adverse conditions ——the Absolute Plus Relative Scheme (APR-I)The commonly used WAAS’s DIDC received by single frequency GPS receivers can usually provide the effective correction of the ionospheric delays for the users under normal conditions and in the fields of calm ionosphere. However, the ionospheric delays cannot be efficiently accounted for during those periods when the WAAS cannot broadcast the DIDC values to users, or when the receivers cannot receive the DIDCs for whatever reason. The ionospheric delay corrections will be less well known in cases when the variations of the ionospheric delays may be very large due to ionospheric disturbances. The above difficulties cannot be avoided to be encountered and must be solved for the WAAS.For this, a new ionospheric delay correction scheme for single frequency GPS data—the APR-I scheme is proposed which can efficiently address the above problems.1) The theoretic basis of constructing the APR-I SchemeThe WAAS can provide high-precision absolute ionospheric delay estimates when it operates properly. Meanwhile, a single frequency GPS receiver serviced by the WAAS can efficiently determine the relative variation of the ionospheric delays between two arbitrary epochs even under adverse conditions if without considering observation noises.2) On the APR-I SchemeBased on a robust recurrence procedure and an efficient combination approach between absolute ionospheric delays and ionospheric relative changes, the APR-I scheme is present which is an new method of correcting ionospheric delay for single frequency GPS user. The formula of estimating the precision of the APR-I scheme is given. An implementation approach of the APR-I scheme is analyzed as well.The experimental results discussed above show that the APR-I scheme not only retains the characteristic of high accuracy of the DIDC from the WAAS under normalionospheric and reception conditions, but also has relatively better correction effectiveness under different abnormal conditions. The implementation of this method need not change the present basic ionospheric delay correction algorithm of the WAAS. In addition, the APR-I method does not impose new demands on receiver hardware, and only requires a few improvements to receiver software. Hence it can be easily used by single frequency GPS users.4 A new theory of monitoring the random signal —Auto-Covariance Estimation of Variable Samples(ACEVS) and its application in using GPS to monitor the random ionosphereA new approach for monitoring ionospheric delays is found and developed, based on the characteristic of time series observation of GPS, an investigation of the statistical properties of the estimated auto-covariance of the random ionospheric delay when changing the number of samples in the time series, the development of the related basic theory and the corresponding framework scheme, and the further research of using GPS and the above research results to study ionosphere.The concrete work is as follows:1) Studied the Auto-Covariance Estimation of Variable Samples (ACEVS)From a general mathematical aspect, the basic model of ACEVS is established. The theoretic and approximate solution formulas for ACEVS are derived based on the improvement of theory of white noise and then a test raw of the state of a random signal is established based on ACEVS;2) Verified and modeled the possibility of using ACEVS to test the change of state of stochastic delaysThe possibility of using ACEVS to monitor ionosphere is verified in terms of theory. Also it is found that the statistical property of ACEVS is sensitive to the change of the random ionospheric delay, on the basis of modeling the characteristics of ACEVS using a dual frequency GPS receiver. The application conditions of using ACEVS to monitor the variation of TEC extracted by GPS data are preliminarily discussed and analyzed as well.3) Established a preliminary framework scheme of using GPS to monitor thedisturbance of random ionospheric delay.According to ACVES and all other results of the above and the characteristic of the time series observations of GPS, a preliminary framework scheme for monitoring the disturbance of random ionospheric delay using GPS is established. Although this method is proposed for real time monitoring, it can be easily applied to post-processing of GPS data. The framework scheme based on ACVES can be used to design many practical schemes for monitoring ionosphere variation using a (static or kinematic) dual frequency GPS receiver.5 A new method of modelling ionospheric delay using GPS data ——Ionospheric Eclipse Factor Method (IEFM)The Ionospheric Eclipse Factor (IEF) and its influence factor (IFF) of Ionospheric Pierce Point (IPP) is present and a simple method of calculating the IEF is also given. By combining the IEF and IFF with the local time t of IPP, a new method of modelling ionospheric delay using GPS data —Ionospheric Eclipse Factor Method (IEFM) is developed. The IEF and its IFF can efficiently combine the different ionospheric models for different seasons according to the diurnal, seasonal and annual variations of ionosphere. The preliminary experimental results show that the correction accuracy of the ionospheric delay modeled by IEFM is very close to that of using the ionosphere- free observation to correct directly the ionospheric delay, that is, the precision of using IEFM to model ionospheric delay for single GPS users seems to has a breakthrough improvement and be similar to that of using the corresponding dual frequency GPS data to correct directly the ionospheric delays. The IEFM also suits to model the ionospheric delays for a kinematic based–single GPS receiver embeded in low-earth satellite with high rapid due to its good ability in distinguishing the daytime and nighttime of the earth ionosphere for an IPP.6 A new strategy of correcting ionospheric delay for high-precision orbit determination for low-earth satellite using a single frequency GPS receiver ---the APR-II scheme, i.e., Space-based APR schemeAnalyzed the shortcomings of using the previous methods to divide with high accuracy the earth ionosphere into different layers. Used GPS data to model globalionospheric TEC. Established a high precision grid ionospheric model. Discussed the possibility of finding out some local areas whose ionospheric construction and action have relatively better obvious law with respect to the other areas on a global scale. Designed a scheme for combining GPS-grounded data with GPS-spaced data to divide efficiently the ionosphere into some layers. Given the corresponding formula of estimating the precision of the scheme. The preliminary precision estimation and the experimental results show the possibility and property of the above idea of dividing ionosphere into different layers according to application requirement and its implementation scheme. Based on the above research, the APR-II scheme is presented which is a new and combined method of correcting the ionospheric delays of high-precision orbit determination for low-earth satellite using a single frequency GPS receiver. The preliminary experimental results based on two different sets of GPS-grounded data show that the APR-II scheme can provide the effective ionospheric delay correction for high-precision orbit determination for low-earth satellite.。



We have synthesized a 582,970 bp Mycoplasma genitaliumgenome. This synthetic genome, named M. genitaliumJCVI-1.0, contains all the genes of wild-type M. genitaliumG37 except MG408, which was disrupted by an antibioticmarker to block pathogenicity and to allow for selection.To identify the genome as synthetic, we inserted“watermarks” at intergenic sites known to toleratetransposon insertions. Overlapping “cassettes” of 5 to 7kb, assembled from chemically synthesizedoligonucleotides, were joined by in vitro recombination toproduce intermediate assemblies of approximately 24 kb,72 kb (“1/8 genome”), and 144 kb (“1/4 genome”), whichwere all cloned as bacterial artificial chromosomes(BACs) in Escherichia coli . Most of these intermediateclones were sequenced, and clones of all four 1/4 genomeswith the correct sequence were identified. The completesynthetic genome was assembled by transformation-associated recombination (TAR) cloning in the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae , then isolated and sequenced. Aclone with the correct sequence was identified. Themethods described here will be generally useful forconstructing large DNA molecules from chemicallysynthesized pieces and also from combinations of naturaland synthetic DNA segments.M. genitalium is a bacterium with the smallest genome of anyindependently replicating cell that has been grown in pureculture (1, 2). Approximately 100 of its 485 protein codinggenes are nonessential under optimal laboratory conditions,when individually disrupted (3, 4). However it is not knownwhich of these 100 genes are simultaneously dispensable. Weproposed that one approach to this question would be toproduce reduced genomes by chemical synthesis andintroduce them into cells to test their capacity to provide theessential genetic functions for life (4, 5). This paper describesa necessary step toward these goals ―the complete chemicalsynthesis of a mycoplasma genome. The actual synthesis and assembly of this genome presented a formidable technical challenge. Although chemical synthesis of genes has become routine, the only completely synthetic genomes so far reported have been viral (6–8). The largest previously published synthetic DNA that we are aware of is a 32 kb polyketide gene cluster (9). To accomplish assembly of the 582,970 bp M. genitalium JCVI-1.0 genome we needed to establish convenient and reliable methods for the assembly and cloning of much larger synthetic DNA molecules. Strategy for synthesis and assembly. The native 580,076 bp M. genitalium genome sequence (Mycoplasma genitalium G37 ATCC 33530 genomic sequence; accession no. L43967) (3) was partitioned into 101 cassettes of approximately 5 to 7 kb in length (Fig. 1) that were individually synthesized, verified by sequencing, and then joined together in stages. In general, cassette boundaries were placed between genes so that each cassette contained one or several complete genes. This will simplify the future deletion or manipulation of the genes in individual cassettes. Most cassettes overlapped their adjacent neighbors by 80 bp; however, some segments overlapped by as much as 360 bp. Cassette 101 overlapped cassette 1, thus completing the circle. Short “watermark” sequences were inserted in cassettes 14, 29, 39, 55 and 61. Watermarks are inserted or substituted sequences used to identify or encode information into DNA. This information can be either in noncoding or coding sequences (10–12). Most commonly watermarking has been used to encrypt information within coding sequences without altering the amino acid sequences(10, 11). We opted to insert watermark sequences at intergenic sites because synonymous codon changes may have significant biological effects. Our watermarks are located at sites known to tolerate transposon insertions so we expect minimal biological effects. They allow us to easily differentiate the synthetic genome from the native genome (2, 13).In addition to the watermarks, a 2,514 bp insertion in geneMG408 (msrA), which includes an aminoglycoside resistanceComplete Chemical Synthesis, Assembly, and Cloning of a Mycoplasma genitalium GenomeDaniel G. Gibson , Gwynedd A. Benders , Cynthia Andrews-Pfannkoch , Evgeniya A. Denisova , Holly Baden-Tillson , Jayshree Zaveri , Timothy B. Stockwell , Anushka Brownley , David W. Thomas , Mikkel A. Algire , Chuck Merryman , Lei Young , Vladimir N. Noskov , John I. Glass , J. Craig Venter , Clyde A. Hutchison III , Hamilton O. Smith*The J. Craig Venter Institute, Rockville, MD 20850, USA.*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: hsmith@gene, was placed in cassette 89. It has been shown that a strain with this specific defect in this virulence factor cannot adhere to mammalian cells, thus eliminating pathogenicity in the best available model systems(14). The synthetic genome with all of the above insertions is 582,970 bp in length. Fig. 1 is a map of the M. genitalium JCVI-1.0 genome showing various features such as genes, ribosomal and tRNAs, transposon insertions(3, 4), watermark locations, and cassette positions.Synthesis of DNA the size of our cassettes has become a commodity, so we opted to outsource their production, principally to Blue Heron Technology, but also to DNA2.0 and GENEART. The main challenges in this project were the assembly and cloning of synthetic DNA molecules larger than those previously reported. We planned a five-stage assembly as diagrammed in Fig. 2. In the first stage, sets of 4 neighboring cassettes were assembled by in vitro recombination as described below and joined to a BAC vector DNA to form circularized recombinant plasmids with ~24 kb inserts. For example, cassettes 1 to 4 were joined together to form the A1-4 assembly, cassettes 5 to 8 were assembled to form A5-8, and so forth. In the second stage, the 25 A-series assemblies were taken 3-at-a-time to form B-series assemblies. For example, B1-12 was constructed from A1-4, A5-8, and A9-12. This reduced the 25 A-assemblies to only 8 B-assemblies, each about 1/8 of a genome in size (~72 kb). In the third stage, the 1/8-genome B-assemblies were taken 2-at-a-time to make four C-assemblies, each approximately 1/4-genome (~144 kb) in size. These first three stages of assembly were done by in vitro recombination and cloned into E. coli. We encountered difficulties in carrying out the planned assembly and cloning of the half and whole synthetic genomes in E. coli. For this reason, the final assemblies were carried out in S. cerevisiae by TAR cloning.Assembly of synthetic cassettes by in vitro recombination. Fig. 3 illustrates the reaction used for the first stage of assembly of the overlapping cassettes. Recombinant plasmids bearing the individual cassette DNA inserts were cleaved with the appropriate Type IIS restriction enzymes to release the insert DNA. After phenol-chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation, the cassettes were used without removing vector DNA. The essential steps of the reaction are: (i) the overlapping DNA molecules are digested with a 3′-exonuclease to expose the overlaps, (ii) the complementary overlaps are annealed, and (iii) the joints are repaired. PCR amplification was used to produce a unique BAC vector for the cloning of each assembly, with terminal overlaps to the ends of the assembly. Each PCR primer includes an overlap with one end of the BAC, a Not I restriction site, and an overlap with one end of the cassette assembly. Cassettes were assembled, four-at-a-time, in the presence of the appropriate BAC vector. Since the M. genitalium JCVI-1.0 genome does not contain a Not I site, all of the assemblies can be released intact from the BAC.For example, the assembly A66-69 was constructed by mixing together equimolar amounts of the 4 cassette DNAs and the linear PCR amplified BAC vector specific for this assembly, BAC 66-69, as described above (Fig. 3) (13). The 3′-ends of the mixture of duplex vector and cassette DNAs were then digested to expose the overlap regions using T4 polymerase in the absence of dNTPs. The T4 polymerase was inactivated by incubation at 75ºC, followed by slow cooling to anneal the complementary overlap regions. The annealed joints were repaired using Taq polymerase and Taq ligase at 45ºC in the presence of all four dNTPs and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). See Materials & Methods for details of the assembly reaction(13).Samples of the assembly reactions were subjected to field inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE) to evaluate the success of the assembly (Fig. 4) (13). Additional samples were electroporated into E. coli EPI300 (Epicentre) or DH10B (Invitrogen) cells and plated on LB agar plates containing 12.5 µg/ml chloramphenicol. Colonies appeared after 24 to 48 hours. A-series assembly reactions generally yielded several thousand colonies. B- and C-series assembly reactions generally yielded several hundred colonies. Colonies were picked and BAC DNA was prepared from cultures using an alkaline lysis procedure. The DNA was then cleaved with Not I and analyzed by FIGE to verify the correct sizes of the assemblies. Typically more than 90% of the A-series and 50% of the B- and C-series clones contained a BAC with the correct insert size. Clones with the correct size were preserved as frozen glycerol stocks. Some of the cloned assemblies were sequenced to ascertain the accuracy of the synthesis as indicated by bold boxes in Fig. 2.The 25 A-series assemblies and all the larger assemblies were cloned in the pCC1BAC vector from Epicentre (Fig. 3). The pCC1BAC clones could be propagated at single copy level in EPI300 cells and then induced to 10 copies per cell according to the Epicentre protocol. Induced 100 ml cultures yielded up to 200 µg of BAC DNA. The assembly inserts in the BACs were immediately flanked on each side by a Not I site such that cleavage efficiently yielded the insert DNA with part of the Not I site attached at each end (the M. genitalium genome has no Not I sites). When the Not I-flanked assemblies were used in higher assemblies, the 3′-portion of the Not I site (2 nucleotides) was removed by the chew-back reaction. The 5′-portion of the Not I site produced a 6-nucleotide overhang after annealing, but the overhang was removed during repair by the Taq polymerase 5′-exonuclease activity (Fig. 5).B-series assemblies were constructed from Not I-digested A-series clones and C-series assemblies were constructed from Not I-digested B-series assemblies. It was generally notnecessary to gel purify the inserts from the cleaved vector DNA since, without complementary overhangs, they were inactive in subsequent reactions. FIGE analyses of the assembly reactions for A66-69, B50-61 and C25-49 are shown in Fig. 4, A to C. Fig. 4D shows a FIGE analysis of the sizes of these cloned inserts.Assembly by in vivo recombination in yeast. We were unable to obtain half genome clones in E. coli by the in vitro recombination procedure described above. We suspected that larger assemblies were simply not stable in E. coli. We had already experienced difficulty in maintaining the C78-101 clone except in Stbl4 E. coli cells (Invitrogen). Thus we turned to S. cerevisiae as a cloning host. Yeast will support at least 2 Mb of DNA in a linear centromeric yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) (15) and has been used to clone sequences that are unstable in E. coli (16).Linear YAC clones are usually constructed by ligation of an insert into a restriction enzyme cloning site (17). An improvement upon this method uses co-transformation of overlapping insert and vector DNAs into yeast spheroplasts, where they are joined by homologous recombination (Fig.6A). This produces circular clones and is known as TAR cloning(18). A TAR clone, like a linear YAC, contains a centromere and thus is maintained at chromosomal copy number along with the native yeast genome. However, unlike linear YACs, circular TAR clones can be readily separated from the linear yeast chromosomes (see below).To assemble quarter genomes into halves and wholes in yeast, we used the pTARBAC3 vector (19). This vector contains both YAC and BAC sequences (Fig. 6B). The vector was prepared using a strategy similar to the one described above for BAC vectors, but longer, 60 bp, overlaps were generated at the termini (20). In TAR cloning, recombination is stimulated about twenty-fold at double-stranded breaks (21). Thus we integrated the vector at the cleaved intergenic BsmB I site in C50-77. This resulted in the elimination of the four bases of the BsmB I 5′ overhang. The DNA to be transformed consisted of 6 pieces (1 vector, 2 fragments of quarter 3, and quarters 1, 2, and 4). To obtain a full-sized genome as an insert in pTARBAC3, a single yeast cell must take up all 6 pieces and assemble them by homologous recombination.Transformation of the yeast cells was performed using a published method (22). Vector and inserts were transformed at approximately equimolar amounts. Transformants were screened first by PCR and then by Southern blot with mycoplasma-specific probes(13). Positive clones were tested for stability by Southern blotting of subclones. Based on these assays, at least 17 out of 94 transformants screened carried a complete synthetic genome. One of these clones, sMgTARBAC37, was selected for sequencing.TAR cloning was also performed with each of the four sets of two adjacent quarter genomes, as well as with a mixture of C1-24, C25-49, and C50-77. DNAs from transformants of these various experiments were isolated and electroporated into E. coli (23). In this way, we obtained BAC clones of the sizes expected for D1-49, D50-101, and assemblies 25-77 and 1-77. Of these, D1-49 was chosen for sequencing and it was correct. Our lack of success in obtaining these clones directly by in vitro recombination may have been due to inefficient circularization of large DNA molecules or to breakage during the handling of the DNA prior to transforming E. coli.Recovery of the synthetic M. genitalium genome from yeast and confirmation of its sequence. A 600 kb YAC is about five percent of the total DNA in a yeast cell. To enrich sMgTARBAC37 for sequencing we used a strategy of total DNA isolation in agarose, selective restriction digestion of yeast host chromosomes, and electrophoretic separation of these linear fragments from the large, relatively electrophoretically immobile circular molecules(13). Figure 6 shows the size and purity of the sMgTARBAC37 DNA that was used to prepare a library for sequencing. The sMgTARBAC37 DNA was sequenced by the random shotgun method to approximately 7X coverage. The sequence exactly matched our designed genome, and can be accessed as GenBank sequencing project 25337.Error management. Our objective was to produce a cloned synthetic genome 582,970 base pairs in length with exactly the sequence we designed. This was not trivial because differences (errors) between the actual and designed sequence can arise in several ways. An error could be present in the sequence that was supplied to the contractors. The contractors could produce cassettes with errors. Errors could occur during repair of the assembly junctions. Propagation of assemblies in E. coli or yeast could lead to errors. In the latter two instances, errors could occur at a late stage of the assembly. At various points during the genome assembly clones were sequenced (Fig. 2). Most of the assemblies were exactly correct; however, in our E. coli clones we encountered at least one example of each of the error types described above. Several errors were repaired by rebuilding assemblies, but in some cases other methods were used.During sequence verification of the C50-77 quarter molecule, two single base pair deletions were detected. One was traced back to a synthesis error in cassette 65 and a corrected version was supplied by the contractor. An error in cassette 55 resulted from an incorrect sequence transmitted to the contractor. This cassette was corrected by replacing a restriction fragment containing the error with a newly synthesized fragment. C50-77 was then reassembled and sequenced. The two errors were corrected, but two new single base substitution errors appeared. Taq polymerase misincorporation in a joint region likely caused one of theseerrors. The other remains unexplained, but could have arisen during propagation in E. coli. One final reassembly yielded the correct quarter molecule that was used to assemble the whole chromosome.Concluding remarks. We designed, chemically synthesized, and assembled the entire M. genitalium JCVI-1.0 chromosome, which is based on M. genitalium G37, and cloned it in yeast. This construct is more than an order of magnitude larger than previously reported chemically synthesized DNA products(9). The final product is built from ~104 synthetic oligonucleotides, each ~50 nucleotides in length, and is the largest chemically synthesized molecule of defined structure that we are aware of.Very large non-synthetic constructs have previously been produced from bacterial genomic DNA using in vivo methods. Itaya et al. (24) developed a method for cloning megabase-sized segments of DNA into the Bacillus subtilis genome using the natural transformation system of this bacterium. They cloned almost all of the SynechocystisPCC6803 genome as a set of 4 separate approximately 800 to 900 kb fragments into the B. subtilis chromosome by a reiterated “inch worm” process, to generate a composite genome. Using a similar approach, this group recently reported the assembly and cloning of PCR products into an extrachromosomal vector (25). Holt et al. (26) have described how one might reassemble a fragmented donor genome from Haemophilus influenzae piece-wise into E. coli using, for example, lambda Red recombination. All these methods used sequential stepwise addition of segments to reconstruct a donor genome within a recipient bacterium. The sequential nature of these constructions makes such methods slower than the purely hierarchical scheme that we employed (Fig. 2). Other approaches have been proposed that could use hierarchical assembly strategies (27).The Itaya (24) and Holt (26) groups found that the bacterial recipient strains were unable to tolerate some portions of the donor genome to be cloned, for example ribosomal RNA operons. In contrast, we found that the M. genitalium ribosomal RNA genes could be stably cloned in E. coli BACs. We were able to clone the entire M. genitalium genome, and also to assemble the four quarter genomes in a single step, using yeast as a recipient host. However, we do not yet know how generally useful yeast will be as a recipient for bacterial genome sequences.For the assembly of our synthetic genome we used both in vitro and in vivo recombination methods. The efficiency of our in vitro procedure declined as the assemblies became larger. We were able to obtain quarter genome, but not half genome, clones using the in vitro methods described above. Some of the larger products in the half-genome reactions appeared to be concatamers that formed in preference to circles. In addition, large BACs (>100 kb) transform E. coli less efficiently. Sheng et al. (28) found that a 240 kb BAC transformed 30X less efficiently than an 80 kb BAC in the same recipient strain of E. coli.To complete the assembly we turned to in vivo yeast recombination. Previous work had established that relatively large segments (>100 kb) of the human genome can be cloned in a circular yeast vector if the vector carries terminal homologies (“hooks”) that flank the human genome segment (18). If yeast is co-transformed with a mixture of vector and high molecular weight human DNA, clones containing the human DNA segment are obtained. Recombination is stimulated by breaks at the point of homology. We surmised that our overlapping pieces, each of which has terminal 80 bp homologies to adjacent pieces, might be efficiently assembled and then joined to overlapping vector DNA by the transformation-associated recombination mechanism in yeast (20). We found that 2 quarters could be efficiently cloned to produce half genomes in the yeast vector. More surprisingly, 4 quarters, one of which had been cleaved at the vector insertion point, could be recombined and cloned to yield whole genomes. This implies that some of the competent yeast cells are capable of taking up as many as 6 separate DNA molecules and recombining them into a circular DNA molecule. This raises the question: How many pieces can be assembled in yeast in a single step? The ability to assemble many pieces of DNA in a single reaction could be very useful for generation of combinatorial genome libraries. In the future it may be advantageous to make greater use of yeast recombination to assemble chromosomes.We are currently using a TARBAC vector to propagate the synthetic chromosome in yeast. We do not know whether this vector might interfere with the production of viable cells by transplantation (5), nor do we know whether the genomic location of the vector could affect viability. It may be necessary to alter the vector sequences, or even to excise the vector prior to transplantation.The methods described here have advantages compared to those previously described for constructing large DNA molecules, either chemically synthesized or natural. Large in vitro DNA assemblies (> 30 kb) have used Type IIS restriction enzymes to generate unique sticky ends on the components of the assembly, which are then joined by ligation [for example, see (9, 29)]. As the pieces to be assembled grow larger it becomes increasingly difficult to find a Type IIS enzyme that does not cleave within the piece. Our method is not limited to Type IIS enzymes. We can use enzymes that cleave infrequently, for example Type II enzymes with 8 base recognition sites (e.g. Not I, see Figs. 3 and 5) or enzymes with even greater specificity (e.g. homing endonucleases, see NEB catalog). Instead of Type IIS sticky end ligation, our method uses in vitro recombination of overlaps between the ends of the fragments to be assembled.A chew-back and anneal method (Fig. 3) similar to the first step of the assembly reaction described here was used to simultaneously assemble and clone up to 9 small overlapping DNA fragments (275 – 980 bp) into a plasmid vector (30). The second step repair reaction included in our method (13) greatly increases the efficiency of cloning of large assemblies (>50 kb).Nothing in our methodology restricts its use to chemically synthesized DNA. It should be possible to assemble any combination of synthetic and natural DNA segments in any desired order by designing PCR primers to generate appropriate overlaps between them.In closing, we wonder whether use of the UGA codon to code for tryptophan in mycoplasmas, rather than for termination as in the “universal” code, contributed to our success in cloning the synthetic M. genitalium JCVI-1.0 genome. This may make cloning in E. coli and other organisms less toxic because most M. genitalium proteins will be truncated. If so, then it should be possible to synthesize other genome constructions using this same code. The genome would then need to be installed, for example by transplantation (5), in a cytoplasm that can properly translate the UGA to tryptophan. To generalize on this phenomenon, it might be possible to use other codon changes as long as there is a receptive cytoplasm with appropriate codon usage.Note added in proof: While this paper was in press, we realized that the TARBAC vector in our sMgTARBAC37 clone interrupts the gene for the RNA subunit of RNase P (rnpB). This confirms our speculation that the vector might not be at a suitable site for subsequent transplantation experiments.References and Notes1. S. D. Colman, P. C. Hu, W. Litaker, K. F. Bott, MolMicrobiol4, 683 (Apr, 1990).2. C. M. Fraser et al., Science270, 397 (Oct 20, 1995).3. J. I. Glass et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA103, 425 (Jan 10,2006).4. C. A. Hutchison et al., Science286, 2165 (Dec 10, 1999).5. C. Lartigue et al., Science317, 632 (Aug 3, 2007).6. K. J. Blight, A. A. Kolykhalov, C. M. Rice, Science290,1972 (Dec. 8, 2000).7. J. Cello, A. V. Paul, E. Wimmer, Science297, 1016 (Sep 9,2002).8. H. O. Smith, C. A. Hutchison, 3rd, C. Pfannkoch, J. 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Barrett, M.A. Resnick, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A94, 7384 (Jul 8,1997).33. We thank J. Mulligan for his interest in our work andexpediting cassette synthesis by Blue Heron Technologies, S. Vashee and R.-Y. Chuang for many helpful discussions about the manuscript, and J. Johnson and T. Davidsen for assistance with GenBank submissions. Additionally wethank the Larionov laboratory at NIH for their gifts ofyeast strains and TAR cloning expertise. The bulk of the work was supported by Synthetic Genomics, Inc. J.C.V. is Chief Executive Officer and Co-Chief Scientific Officer of Synthetic Genomics, Inc, a privately held entity thatdevelops genomic-driven strategies to address globalenergy and environmental challenges. H.O.S. is Co-Chief Scientific Officer and on the Board of Directors ofSynthetic Genomics, Inc. C.H. is Chairman of theSynthetic Genomics, Inc., Scientific Advisory Board. All three of these authors hold Synthetic Genomics, Inc.,stock.Supporting Online Material/cgi/content/full/1151721/DC1 Materials and MethodsFig. S1Tables S1 to S5References15 October 2007; accepted 11 January 2008Published online 24 January 2008; 10.1126/science.1151721 Include this information when citing this paper.Fig. 1. Linear GenomBench (Invitrogen) representation of the circular 582,970 bp M. genitalium JCVI-1.0 genome. Features shown include locations of: watermarks and the aminoglycoside resistance marker, viable Tn4001 transposon insertions determined in our 1999 and 2006 studies (3, 4), overlapping synthetic DNA cassettes that comprise the whole genome sequence, 485 M. genitalium protein coding genes, 43 M. genitalium rRNA, tRNA and structural RNA genes, and B-series assemblies (Fig. 2). The red dagger on the genome coordinates line shows the location of the yeast/E. coli shuttle vector insertion. Table S1 lists cassette coordinates; table S2 has FASTA files for all 101 cassettes; table S3 lists watermark coordinates; table S4 lists the sequences of the watermarks.Fig. 2. A plan for the five-stage assembly of the M. genitalium chromosome. In the first stage of assembly, 4 cassettes are joined to make an A-series assembly approximately 24 kb in length (assembly 37-41 contained 5 cassettes). In the next stage, 3 A-assemblies are joined together to make a total of 8 approximately 72 kb B-series assemblies (assembly B62-77 contained 4 A-series assemblies). The eighth-genome B-assemblies are taken 2-at-a-time to make quarter genome C-series assemblies. These assemblies were all made by in vitro recombination (see Fig.3) and cloned into E. coli using BAC vectors. Half genome and whole genome assemblies were made by in vivo yeast recombination. Assemblies in bold boxes were sequenced to verify their correctness. For the final molecule, the D-series half molecules were not employed. Rather we assembled the whole molecule from the 4 C-series quarter molecules.Fig. 3. Assembly of cassettes by in vitro recombination. (A) Diagram of steps in the in vitro recombination reaction, using the assembly of cassettes 66-69 as an example. (B) BAC vector is prepared for the assembly reaction by PCR amplification using primers as illustrated. The linear amplification product, after gel purification, is included in the assembly reaction of (A), such that the desired assembly is circular DNA containing the 4 cassettes and the BAC DNA as depicted in (C).Fig. 4. Gel electrophoretic analyses of selected examples of A-, B-, and C-series assembly reactions and their cloned products. (A to C) A 10 µl sample of the chew-back assembly reactions for A66-69 (A), B50-61 (B), and C25-49 (C) was loaded onto a 0.8% Invitrogen E-gel (A and B) or onto a 1% BioRad Ready Agarose Mini Gel (C) then subjected to FIGE using the U-5 program (A and B) or the U-9 program(13) (C). See SOM Materials & Methods for FIGE parameters. (D) Sizes of the Not I-cleaved assemblies were determined by FIGE analysis as in (C). The DNA size standards were the 1 kb extension ladder (M; Invitrogen) and the low range PFG marker (LR PFG; NEB). Bands were visualized with a BioRad Gel Doc (A and B) or using an Amersham Typhoon 9410 Fluorescence Imager (C and D). Unreacted cassette, A-series, B-series and BAC DNA, incomplete assembly products, and full-length assembly products are indicated. Fig. 5. Repair of annealed junctions containing non-homologous 3′ and 5′ Not I sequences. The 3′-GC nucleotides are removed during the chew-back reaction. In the repair reaction the 5′-GGCCGC Not I overhangs are removed by the 5′-exonuclease activity contained in the Taq polymerase. Fig. 6. Yeast TAR cloning of the complete synthetic genome.(A) The vector used for TAR cloning contains both BAC (shown in blue) and YAC (shown in red) sequences (shown to scale). Recombination of vector with insert occurs at “hooks” (shown in green) added to the TARBAC by PCR amplification. A yeast replication origin (ARS) allows for propagation of clones, as no ARS-like sequences (31) exist in the M. genitalium genome. Selection in yeast is by complementation of histidine auxotrophy in the host strain. BAC sequences allow for potential electroporation into E. coli of clones purified from yeast. (B) M. genitalium JCVI-1.0 quarter genomes were purified from E. coli, Not I-digested, and mixed with a TARBAC vector for co-transformation into S. cerevisiae, where recombination at overlaps from 60-264 bp combined the 6 fragments into a single clone. The TARBAC was inserted into the BsmB I site in C50-77. (C) CHEF gel analysis of the complete synthetic genome clone sMgTARBAC37. Size markers are the low-range pulsed field gel marker (NEB), the host yeast strainVL6-48N (32), undigested, and the native M. genitaliumMS5(14) genome, which contains an insertion disrupting the MG408 gene. Purified sMgTARBAC37 from the preparation used for sequencing is shown both undigested and Not I digested. The Not I digest releases the 583 kb synthetic M. genitalium genome from the vector. The undigested sample confirms the circularity of the clone, as a 592 kb circle was。



构造幻方的方法Constructing magic squares is a fascinating and challenging puzzle that has captured the imagination of mathematicians and enthusiasts for centuries. The beauty of magic squares lies in their elegant symmetry and the intricate patterns that emerge from arranging numbers in a specific way. These unique properties make magic squares a popular subject of study in mathematics and a source of intrigue for those who enjoy solving puzzles.构造幻方是一个引人入胜且具有挑战性的谜题,几个世纪以来吸引了数学家和爱好者的想象力。



One of the most common methods for constructing magic squares is the odd order magic square method, which involves arranging numbers in a square grid such that the sum of each row, column, and diagonal is equal. This method is relatively straightforward and canbe easily understood and applied by enthusiasts of all skill levels. Byfollowing a set of rules and patterns, anyone can create a unique and intriguing magic square that showcases their mathematical prowess.构造幻方的最常用方法之一是奇次阶幻方方法,它涉及将数字排列在一个方形网格中,使得每行、每列和对角线的和相等。


fiduciary level
可靠度: Reliability|degree of reliability
不可靠度: Unreliability
高可靠度: High Reliability
geometrical characteristic
几何特性: geometrical characteristic
prestressed concrete
预应力混凝土: prestressed concrete|prestre edconcrete
预应力混凝土梁: prestressed concrete beam
预应力混凝土管: prestressed concrete pipe
预应力钢筋束: pre-stressing tendon|pre-stre ingtendon
rigid frame bridge
刚构桥: rigid frame bridge
形刚构桥: T-shaped rigid frame bridge
持续刚构桥: continuous rigid frame bridge
stiffness ratio
ratio of rigidity
刚度比: ratio of rigidity|stiffness ratio
finite element analysis
有限元分析: FEA|finite element analysis (FEA)|ABAQUS
反有限元分析: inverse finite element analysis















例:How much is the shirt?A.£19.15.B.£9.18.C.£9.15.答案是C。

1.Where are the speakers?A.In the café.B.In the store.C.In the street.2.How does the man feel?A.Delighted.B.Nervous.C.Regretful.3.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Colleagues.B.Fellow students.C.Teacher and student.4.Where does the man suggest the woman go for her holiday?A.Italy.B.France.C.Costa Rica.5.What's the weather like now?A.Windy.B.Rainy.C.Sunny.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



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Product Introduction
What is Rammed Earth
Rammed earth, also known as taipa in Portuguese, tapial in Spanish, pisé (de terre) in French, and hangtu (Chinese: 夯土; pinyin: hāngtǔ), is a technique for constructing foundations, floors, and walls using natural raw materials such as earth, chalk, lime, or gravel.[2] It is an ancient method that has been revived recently as a sustainable building material used in a technique of natural building. Rammed earth is simple to manufacture, non-combustible, thermally massive, strong, and durable. However, structures such as walls can be laborious to construct of rammed earth without machinery, e. g., powered tampers, and they are susceptible to water damage if inadequately protected or maintained. In modern variations of the technique, rammed-earth walls are constructed on top of conventional footings or a reinforced concrete slab base. Where blocks made of rammed earth are used, they are generally stacked like regular blocks and are bonded together with a thin mud slurry instead of cement. Special machines, usually powered by small engines and often portable, are used to compress the material into blocks. Presently more than 30% of the world's population uses earth as a building material. Rammed earth has been used globally in a wide range of climatic conditions.Rammed-earth housing may resolve homelessness caused by otherwise expensive construction techniques.



Package‘GillespieSSA2’January23,2023Type PackageTitle Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm for Impatient PeopleVersion0.3.0Description A fast,scalable,and versatile framework forsimulating large systems with Gillespie's Stochastic SimulationAlgorithm('SSA').This package is the spiritual successor to the'GillespieSSA'package originally written by Mario Pineda-Krch.Benefits of this package include major speed improvements(>100x),easier to understand documentation,and many unit tests that try toensure the package works as intended.Cannoodt and Saelens et al.(2021)<doi:10.1038/s41467-021-24152-2>.License GPL(>=3)URL https://rcannood.github.io/GillespieSSA2/,https:///rcannood/GillespieSSA2BugReports https:///rcannood/GillespieSSA2/issuesDepends R(>=3.3)Imports assertthat,dplyr,dynutils,Matrix,methods,purrr,Rcpp(>=0.12.3),RcppXPtrUtils,readr,rlang,stringr,tidyrSuggests covr,ggplot2,GillespieSSA,knitr,rmarkdown,testthat(>=2.1.0)LinkingTo RcppVignetteBuilder knitrEncoding UTF-8RoxygenNote7.2.2NeedsCompilation yesAuthor Robrecht Cannoodt[aut,cre](<https:///0000-0003-3641-729X>), Wouter Saelens[aut](<https:///0000-0002-7114-6248>) Maintainer Robrecht Cannoodt<******************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-01-2319:20:02UTC12compile_reactions R topics documented:compile_reactions (2)GillespieSSA2 (3)ode_em (5)plot_ssa (5)port_reactions (6)print.SSA_reaction (6)reaction (7)ssa (8)ssa_btl (10)ssa_etl (11)ssa_exact (12)Index13 compile_reactions Precompile the reactionsDescriptionBy precompiling the reactions,you can run multiple SSA simulations repeatedly without having to recompile the reactions every time.Usagecompile_reactions(reactions,state_ids,params,buffer_ids=NULL,hardcode_params=FALSE,fun_by=10000L,debug=FALSE)Argumentsreactions’reaction’A list of multiple reaction()objects.state_ids[character]The names of the states in the correct order.params[named numeric]Constants that are used in the propensity functions.buffer_ids[character]The order of any buffer calculations that are made as part of the propensity functions.hardcode_params[logical]Whether or not to hardcode the values of params in the compilationof the propensity functions.Setting this to TRUE will result in a minor sacrificein accuracy for a minor increase in performance.fun_by[integer]Combine this number of propensity functions into one function.debug[logical]Whether to print the resulting C++code before compiling.ValueA list of objects solely to be used by ssa().•x[["state_change"]]:A sparse matrix of reaction effects.•x[["reaction_ids"]]:The names of the reactions.•x[["buffer_ids"]]:A set of buffer variables found in the propensity functions.•x[["buffer_size"]]:The minimum size of the buffer required.•x[["function_pointers"]]:A list of compiled propensity functions.•x[["hardcode_params"]]:Whether the parameters were hard coded into the source code.‘Examplesinitial_state<-c(prey=1000,predators=1000)params<-c(c1=10,c2=0.01,c3=10)reactions<-list(#propensity function effects name for reactionreaction(~c1*prey,c(prey=+1),"prey_up"),reaction(~c2*prey*predators,c(prey=-1,predators=+1),"predation"),reaction(~c3*predators,c(predators=-1),"pred_down"))compiled_reactions<-compile_reactions(reactions=reactions,state_ids=names(initial_state),params=params)out<-ssa(initial_state=initial_state,reactions=compiled_reactions,params=params,method=ssa_exact(),final_time=5,census_interval=.001,verbose=TRUE)plot_ssa(out)GillespieSSA2GillespieSSA2:Gillespie’s Stochastic Simulation Algorithm for im-patient people.DescriptionGillespieSSA2is a fast,scalable,and versatile framework for simulating large systems with Gille-spie’s Stochastic Simulation Algorithm(SSA).This package is the spiritual successor to the Gille-spieSSA package originally written by Mario Pineda-Krch.DetailsGillespieSSA2has the following added benefits:•The whole algorithm is run in Rcpp which results in major speed improvements(>100x).Evenyour propensity functions(reactions)are being compiled to Rcpp!•Parameters and variables have been renamed to make them easier to understand.•Many unit tests try to ensure that the code works as intended.The SSA methods currently implemented are:Exact(ssa_exact()),Explicit tau-leaping(ssa_etl()), and the Binomial tau-leaping(ssa_btl()).The stochastic simulation algorithmThe stochastic simulation algorithm(SSA)is a procedure for constructing simulated trajectories offinite populations in continuous time.If X i(t)is the number of individuals in population i (i=1,...,N)at time t,the SSA estimates the state vector X(t)≡(X1(t),...,X N(t)),given that the system initially(at time t0)was in state X(t0)=x0.Reactions are single instantaneous events changing at least one of the populations(e.g.birth,death, movement,collision,predation,infection,etc).These cause the state of the system to change over time.The SSA procedure samples the timeτto the next reaction R j(j=1,...,M)and updates the system state X(t)accordingly.Each reaction R j is characterized mathematically by two quantities;its state-change vectorνj and its propensity function a j(x).The state-change vector is defined asνj≡(ν1j,...,νNj),where νij is the change in the number of individuals in population i caused by one reaction of type j.The propensity function is defined as a j(x),where a j(x)dt is the probability that a particular reaction j will occur in the next infinitesimal time interval[t,t+dt].Contents of this package•ssa():The main entry point for running an SSA simulation.•plot_ssa():A standard visualisation for generating an overview plot fo the output.•ssa_exact(),ssa_etl(),ssa_btl():Different SSA algorithms.•ode_em():An ODE algorithm.•compile_reactions():A function for precompiling the reactions.See Alsossa()for more explanation on how to use GillespieSSA2ode_em5 ode_em Euler-Maruyama method(EM)DescriptionEuler-Maruyama method implementation of the ODE.Usageode_em(tau=0.01,noise_strength=2)Argumentstau tau parameternoise_strength noise_strength parameterValuean object of to be used by ssa().plot_ssa Simple plotting of ssa outputDescriptionProvides basic functionally for simple and quick time series plot of simulation output from ssa().Usageplot_ssa(ssa_out,state=TRUE,propensity=FALSE,buffer=FALSE,firings=FALSE,geom=c("point","step"))Argumentsssa_out Data object returned by ssa().state Whether or not to plot the state values.propensity Whether or not to plot the propensity values.buffer Whether or not to plot the buffer values.firings Whether or not to plot the reactionfirings values.geom Which geom to use,must be one of"point","step".6print.SSA_reaction port_reactions Port GillespieSSA parameters to GillespieSSA2DescriptionThis is a helper function to tranform GillesieSSA-style paramters to GillespieSSA2.Usageport_reactions(x0,a,nu)Argumentsx0The x0parameter of GillespieSSA::ssa().a The a parameter of GillespieSSA::ssa().nu The nu parameter of GillespieSSA::ssa().ValueA set of reaction()s to be used by ssa().Examplesx0<-c(Y1=1000,Y2=1000)a<-c("c1*Y1","c2*Y1*Y2","c3*Y2")nu<-matrix(c(+1,-1,0,0,+1,-1),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)port_reactions(x0,a,nu)print.SSA_reaction Print various SSA objectsDescriptionPrint various SSA objectsUsage##S3method for class SSA_reactionprint(x,...)##S3method for class SSA_methodprint(x,...)Argumentsx An SSA reaction or SSA method...Not usedreaction7 reaction Define a reactionDescriptionDuring an SSA simulation,at any infinitesimal time interval,a reaction will occur with a probability defined according to its propensity.If it does,then it will change the state vector according to its effects.Usagereaction(propensity,effect,name=NA_character_)Argumentspropensity[character/formula]A character or formula representation of the propensity function,written in C++.effect[named integer vector]The change in state caused by this reaction.name[character]A name for this reaction(Optional).May only contain characters matching[A-Za-z0-9_].DetailsIt is possible to use’buffer’values in order to speed up the computation of the propensity functions.For instance,instead of"(c3*s1)/(1+c3*c1)",it is possible to write"buf=c3*s1;buf/ (buf+1)"instead.Value[SSA_reaction]This object describes a single reaction as part of an SSA simulation.It contains the following member values:•r[["propensity"]]:The propensity function as a character.•r[["effect"]]:The change in state caused by this reaction.•r[["name"]]:The name of the reaction,NA_character_if no name was provided.Examples#propensity effectreaction(~c1*s1,c(s1=-1))reaction("c2*s1*s1",c(s1=-2,s2=+1))reaction("buf=c3*s1;buf/(buf+1)",c(s1=+2))8ssassa Invoking the stochastic simulation algorithmDescriptionMain interface function to the implemented SSA methods.Runs a single realization of a predefinedsystem.For a detailed explanation on how to set up yourfirst SSA system,check the introductionvignette:vignette("an_introduction",package="GillespieSSA2").If you’re transitioningfrom GillespieSSA to GillespieSSA2,check out the corresponding vignette:vignette("converting_from_GillespieSSA"package="GillespieSSA2").Usagessa(initial_state,reactions,final_time,params=NULL,method=ssa_exact(),census_interval=0,stop_on_neg_state=TRUE,max_walltime=Inf,log_propensity=FALSE,log_firings=FALSE,log_buffer=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,console_interval=1,sim_name=NA_character_,return_simulator=FALSE)Argumentsinitial_state[named numeric vector]The initial state to start the simulation with.reactions A list of reactions,see reaction().final_time[numeric]Thefinal simulation time.params[named numeric vector]Constant parameters to be used in the propensityfunctions.method[ssa_method]]Which SSA algorithm to use.Must be one of:ssa_exact(),ssa_btl(),or ssa_etl().census_interval[numeric]The approximate interval between recording the state of the system.Setting this parameter to0will cause each state to be recorded,and to Inf willcause only the end state to be recorded.stop_on_neg_state[logical]Whether or not to stop the simulation when the a negative value inthe state has occured.This can occur,for instance,in the ssa_etl()method.ssa9max_walltime[numeric]The maximum duration(in seconds)that the simulation is allowed to run for before terminated.log_propensity[logical]Whether or not to store the propensity values at each census.log_firings[logical]Whether or not to store number offirings of each reaction between censuses.log_buffer[logical]Whether or not to store the buffer at each census.verbose[logical]If TRUE,intermediary information pertaining to the simulation will be displayed.console_interval[numeric]The approximate interval between intermediary information outputs.sim_name[character]An optional name for the simulation.return_simulatorWhether to return the simulator itself,instead of the output.DetailsSubstantial improvements in speed and accuracy can be obtained by adjusting the additional(and optional)ssa arguments.By default ssa uses conservative parameters(o.a.ssa_exact())which prioritise computational accuracy over computational speed.Approximate methods(ssa_etl()and ssa_btl())are not fool proof!Some tweaking might be required for a stochastic model to run appropriately.ValueReturns a list containing the output of the simulation:•out[["time"]]:[numeric]The simulation time at which a census was performed.•out[["state"]]:[numeric matrix]The number of individuals at those time points.•out[["propensity"]]:[numeric matrix]If log_propensity is TRUE,the propensity value of each reaction at each time point.•out[["firings"]]:[numeric matrix]If log_firings is TRUE,the number offirings be-tween two time points.•out[["buffer"]]:[numeric matrix]If log_buffer is TRUE,the buffer values at each time point.•out[["stats"]]:[data frame]Various stats:–$method:The name of the SSA method used.–$sim_name:The name of the simulation,if provided.–$sim_time_exceeded:Whether the simulation stopped because thefinal simulation timewas reached.–$all_zero_state:Whether an extinction has occurred.–$negative_state:Whether a negative state has occurred.If an SSA method other thanssa_etl()is used,this indicates a mistake in the provided reaction effects.–$all_zero_propensity:Whether the simulation stopped because all propensity valuesare zero.–$negative_propensity:Whether a negative propensity value has occurred.If so,thereis likely a mistake in the provided reaction propensity functions.10ssa_btl –$walltime_exceeded:Whether the simulation stopped because the maximum executiontime has been reached.–$walltime_elapsed:The duration of the simulation.–$num_steps:The number of steps performed.–$dtime_mean:The mean time increment per step.–$dtime_sd:THe standard deviation of time increments.–$firings_mean:The mean number offirings per step.–$firings_sd:The standard deviation of the number offirings.See AlsoGillespieSSA2for a high level explanation of the packageExamplesinitial_state<-c(prey=1000,predators=1000)params<-c(c1=10,c2=0.01,c3=10)reactions<-list(#propensity function effects name for reactionreaction(~c1*prey,c(prey=+1),"prey_up"),reaction(~c2*prey*predators,c(prey=-1,predators=+1),"predation"),reaction(~c3*predators,c(predators=-1),"pred_down"))out<-ssa(initial_state=initial_state,reactions=reactions,params=params,method=ssa_exact(),final_time=5,census_interval=.001,verbose=TRUE)plot_ssa(out)ssa_btl Binomial tau-leap method(BTL)DescriptionBinomial tau-leap method implementation of the SSA as described by Chatterjee et al.(2005).ssa_etl11Usagessa_btl(mean_firings=10)Argumentsmean_firings A coarse-graining factor of how manyfirings will occur at each iteration on average.Depending on the propensity functions,a value for mean_firings willresult in warnings generated and a loss of accuracy.Valuean object of to be used by ssa().ReferencesChatterjee A.,Vlachos D.G.,and Katsoulakis M.A.2005.Binomial distribution based tau-leap accelerated stochastic simulation.J.Chem.Phys.122:024112.doi:10.1063/1.1833357.ssa_etl Explicit tau-leap method(ETL)DescriptionExplicit tau-leap method implementation of the SSA as described by Gillespie(2001).Note that this method does not attempt to select an appropriate value for tau,nor does it implement estimated-midpoint technique.Usagessa_etl(tau=0.3)Argumentstau the step-size(default0.3).Valuean object of to be used by ssa().ReferencesGillespie D.T.2001.Approximate accelerated stochastic simulation of chemically reacting systems.J.Chem.Phys.115:1716-1733.doi:10.1063/1.1378322.12ssa_exact ssa_exact Exact methodDescriptionExact method implementation of the SSA as described by Gillespie(1977).Usagessa_exact()Valuean object of to be used by ssa().ReferencesGillespie D.T.1977.Exact stochastic simulation of coupled chemical reactions.J.Phys.Chem.81:2340.doi:10.1021/j100540a008Indexcompile_reactions,2compile_reactions(),4GillespieSSA2,3,10GillespieSSA2-package(GillespieSSA2),3 GillespieSSA::ssa(),6ode_em,5ode_em(),4plot_ssa,5plot_ssa(),4port_reactions,6print.SSA_method(print.SSA_reaction),6 print.SSA_reaction,6reaction,2,7reaction(),2,6,8ssa,8ssa(),3–6,11,12ssa_btl,10ssa_btl(),4,8,9ssa_etl,11ssa_etl(),4,8,9ssa_exact,12ssa_exact(),4,8,913。



专利名称:Method发明人:Leif Isaksson,Peter Jorgen Hagg,Farhard Maruf Abdulkarim申请号:US10481038申请日:20040603公开号:US20040234984A1公开日:20041125专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention relates to a method for deletion of antibiotic resistance and/or plasmid stabilisation. The invention includes the steps of constructing a vector comprising an antibiotic resistance gene surrounded by a direct repeat sequence gene. This direct repeat gene may be an essential gene or a Rek-sequence. In the latter case the essential gene with a suitable promoter is presented in the vector. A host cell is transformed with the vector obtained, followed by deletion of the essential chromosomal gene in the host cell and deletion of the antibiotic resistance gene in the vector in the cell. The essential gene infA is preferred. The invention also relates to a method of stable maintenance of a vector in a host cell, a method of producing DNA in the cell and a method of producing amino acids, preptides and proteins in the cell. Further, the invention is directed to transformed host cells from which the chromosomal essential gene has been deleted and which comprise a vector containing the corresponding essential gene and possibly also one or more genes X of interest. The vector carries no gene for antibiotic resistance. The use of vector DNA obtained from the host for the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for gene therapy such as a vaccine is also covered. Bacteria carrying the vector with appropriate genes X can be used for large scale production of compounds asdirected by the gene product(s) of such gene(s).申请人:ISAKSSON LEIF,HAGG PETER JORGEN,ABDULKARIM FARHARD MARUF 更多信息请下载全文后查看。



博士学位论文人类基因组indel与结构变异的检测和分析方法的研究RESEARCH ON HUMAN GENOME INDEL AND STRUCTURAL VARIANTS DETECTION ANDANALYSIS APPROACHES姜玥哈尔滨工业大学2013年10月国内图书分类号:TP18 学校代码:10213国际图书分类号:004.89 密级:公开工学博士学位论文人类基因组indel与结构变异的检测和分析方法的研究博士研究生:姜玥导师:王亚东教授申请学位:工学博士学科:计算机应用技术所在单位:计算机科学与技术学院答辩日期:2013年10月授予学位单位:哈尔滨工业大学Classified Index: TP18U.D.C: 004.89Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree in EngineeringRESEARCH ON HUMAN GENOME INDEL AND STRUCTURAL VARIANTS DETECTION ANDANALYSIS APPROACHESCandidate:Jiang YueSupervisor:Prof. Wang YadongAcademic Degree Applied for:Doctor of Engineering Speciality:Computer Application Technology Affiliation:School of Computer Science andTechnologyDate of Defence:October, 2013Degree-Conferring-Institution:Harbin Institute of Technology摘要高通量测序技术的不断发展促进了人类基因组的研究,其中indel与结构变异的检测与分析是一项重要的内容。


Chaperone Plasmid Set Product Manual

Chaperone Plasmid Set Product Manual

Inducer L-Arabinose Tetracycline L-Arabinose L-Arabinose Tetracycline L-Arabinose
Resistant Marker References
2, 3
Safety Precautions
Because the araB promoter and araC gene derived from Salmonella typhimurium are present on the Chaperone Plasmids pG-KJE8, pGro7, pKJE7, and pTf16, please follow all relevant guidelines for experiments using recombinant DNA as indicted by your organization when using this product.
Tf Synthesized
DnaK DnaJ
Native Form
Figure 1. Possible model for chaperone - assisted protein folding in E. coli (Reference 1).
induced individually if the target gene is placed under the control of another promoter (e.g., lac ). These plasmids also contain either araC or tetR for each promoter. Note that this system cannot be used in combination with chloramphenicol-resistant E. coli host



杂交捕获建库流程Hybrid capture-based sequencing is a powerful method for enriching target DNA regions prior to sequencing. This technique allows for the efficient detection of genetic variations in a high-throughput manner. However, the process of designing and constructing a hybrid capture library can be complex and challenging.杂交捕获建库是一种在测序前富集靶DNA区域的强大方法。



The first step in the hybrid capture library construction process is to design specific probes that will target the regions of interest. These probes are designed to hybridize to the DNA fragments of interest and capture them for sequencing. Designing optimal probes requires careful consideration of factors such as target region specificity, probe length, and hybridization efficiency.杂交捕获文库建设流程的第一步是设计特定的探针,以便针对感兴趣的区域。













第一个工作,我们首先通过小分子与蛋白片段巯基间的Thiol-ene 偶联实现辅基与泛素片段间的高效装载,然后通过自然化学连接反应将装载有辅基的泛素片段与泛素酰肼进行连接,实现了泛素链的高效合成,克服了之前的大分子与大分子之间偶联效率低的问题。

通过该方法,我们高效合成了K48、K27 位链接类型二泛素链。

第二个工作,我们发展了一种可以高效快速地合成泛素探针Ub-AMC 的新方法。

Ub-AMC 作为一种泛素探针目前已被广泛应用于去泛素化酶酶活测定、去泛素化酶抑制剂高通量筛查。

然而,目前合成Ub-AMC 的方法主要有化学全合成和片段连接法。

这二种方法都有合成步骤繁琐、工作量大、成本高的缺陷,基于此,我们发展一种可以高效便捷的合成百毫克级的Ub-AMC 新方法,并通过去泛素化酶酶解实验验证了合成的泛素探针可以很好的应用于DUB 酶活动力学性质探究及DUB 抑制剂的筛查。

关键词:Lys48 位链接泛素链、Lys27 位链接泛素链、泛素衍生物、蛋白质化学合成、硫醇-烯烃反应ABSTRACTProtein ubiquitination, as a kind of important post-translational modification of the important protein with various effects and diverse results, is involved in almost all life activities of eukaryotes. Such as protein degradation, cell division, growth, cell signal transduction, cell movement and apoptosis. Former people developed a variety of synthetic strategies for obtaining ubiquitinated proteins. Enzymatic methods fail to obtain certain ubiquitinated proteins due to the lack of specific enzyme systems. Protein in vitro chemical synthesis provides an effective way to obtain precise size and different types of ubiquitin chains because of its advantages of being capable of accurately constructing proteins at the atomic scale, but the synthesis steps are complicated and the workload is large. In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, previous researchers proposed a method for constructing non-natural isopeptide ubiquitin chains based on chemical ligation reactions. However, this strategy requires that the ubiquitin fragment be first chemically engineered and the ligation reaction be less efficient. In addition, the vast majority of mimic isopeptide bonds differ greatly from the true structure. Based on this, it is great scientific significance to develop a new strategy for efficiently obtaining uniform ubiquitin chains. In this paper, protein chemical synthesis technology is used to study the chemical synthesis of ubiquitin chains and ubiquitin derivatives. In the first work, we first performed efficient loading between prosthetic and ubiquitin fragments by Thiol-ene coupling between small molecules and protein fragment sulfhydryls, and then through the natural chemical ligation reaction, the ubiquitin fragments loaded with auxiliary and the ubiquitin hydrazides are linked to achieve efficient synthesis of ubiquitin chains, overcoming the previously low coupling efficiency between macromolecules and macromolecules. By this method, we efficiently synthesize K48 and K27-linked diubiquitin chains. In the second work, we developed a new method for the efficient and rapid synthesis of ubiquitin probe Ub-AMC. As an ubiquitin probe, Ub-AMC has been widely used in deubiquitinase enzymatic assays and high-throughput screening for deubiquitinase inhibitors. However, the current methods for the synthesis of Ub-AMC mainly include chemical total synthesis and fragment ligation. Both of these methods have the drawbacks of tedious synthesis steps, heavy workload, and high cost. Based on this, we develop a new method for the efficient synthesis of one-hundred milligrams of Ub-AMC that can be efficiently digested by deubiquitinase. TheIIIexperiment verified that the synthesized ubiquitin probe can be well applied to explore the dynamic mechanical properties of DUB enzyme and the screening of DUB inhibitors.KEYWORDS:Lys48-linked Ubiquitin Chain; Lys27-linked Ubiquitin Chain; Ubiquitin derivative; Protein Chemical Synthesis;Thiol-ene ReactionIV目录第一章引言 (1)1.1蛋白质科学 (1)1.2蛋白质化学合成的发展历程 (1)1.2.1多肽固相合成 (2)1.2.2多肽片段连接 (3)1.3自然化学连接及其发展 (7)1.3.1自然化学连接反应 (7)1.3.2自然化学连接反应中N端Cys的改进 (8)1.3.3自然化学连接反应中的C端硫酯的改进 (14)1.3.4表达蛋白连接 (18)1.4本章小结 (19)第二章多聚泛素链的合成 (21)2.1引言 (21)2.2实验部分 (31)2.2.1试剂与仪器设备 (31)2.2.2辅基连接臂的设计与反应条件的优化 (32)2.2.3 K48位链接二泛素的合成 (35)2.2.4 K27位链接二泛素的合成 (42)2.3本章小结 (47)第三章泛素衍生物Ub-AMC的合成 (49)3.1引言 (49)3.2实验部分 (51)3.2.1实验材料与仪器设备 (51)3.2.2 Ub(1-75)-NHNH2的制备 (52)3.2.3 Ub(1-75)-Mes的制备 (53)3.2.4 Ub(1-76)-AMC的制备 (54)3.2.5 Ub-AMC的结构与活性测试 (56)3.3本章小结 (58)第四章总结与展望 (59)参考文献 (60)附录:核磁共振氢谱图与高分辨谱图及酶活图 (71)攻读硕士学位期间的学术活动及成果情况 (77)插图清单图1.1 多肽固相合成的基本原理 (3)图1.2 硫酯胺解反应示意图 (4)图1.3 巯基捕获连接反应示意图 (4)图1.4 亚胺捕获连接反应示意图 (5)图1.5 自然化学连接示意图 (5)图1.6 无痕Staudinger连接反应示意图 (6)图1.7 酮酸-羟胺连接反应示意图 (6)图1.8 KAHA连接反应示意图 (7)图1.9 自然化学连接的基本原理 (8)图1.10 在丙氨酸位点的自然化学连接示意图 (9)图1.11 Acm保护下的选择性脱硫 (10)图1.12 自由基介导脱硫示意图 (10)图1.13 巯基化的氨基酸 (10)图1.14 辅基介导的多肽片段连接 (11)图1.15 在组氨酸位点的连接反应示意图 (12)图1.16 在甲硫氨酸位点的连接反应示意图 (12)图1.17 在丝氨酸/苏氨酸位点的连接反应示意图 (13)图1.18 硒代半胱氨酸的连接反应示意图 (14)图1.19 Boc法制备多肽硫酯 (15)图1.20 O到S的酰基迁移制备硫酯 (15)图1.21 SEA方法制备硫酯 (15)图1.22 苯并咪唑酮制备硫酯 (16)图1.23(a)酰肼树脂的制备;(b)多肽酰肼法制备硫酯 (17)图1.24 基于酰肼法的一锅连接-脱硫反应 (17)图1.25 表达蛋白连接基本原理 (18)图2.1 泛素蛋白的序列、结构及异肽键展示 (23)图2.2 酶法对底物单泛素化及多聚泛素化 (24)图2.3 基于甘氨酸辅基的泛素链合成策略 (25)图2.4 基于巯基化Lys 的泛素链合成策略 (25)图2.5 基于供体泛素甘氨酸76突变策略合成二泛素 (26)图2.6 基于二硫键策略合成二泛素 (27)图2.7 基于Click法合成二泛素 (28)图2.8 基于Thiol-ene法合成二泛素 (28)图2.9 基于二氯丙酮策略合成二泛素 (29)图2.10 基于Dha策略合成二泛素 (29)图2.11 几种非天然氨基酸 (30)图2.12 TEC合成多聚泛素链 (30)图2.13 设计的二种辅基连接臂结构式 (32)图2.14 辅基连接臂合成路线示意图 (32)图2.15优化Thiol-ene方法用于多聚泛素链合成 (34)图2.16 泛素酰肼Ub(1-75)G76C的色谱和质谱图 (37)图2.17 泛素酰肼Ub(1-75)-NHNH2的色谱和质谱图 (37)图2.18 Ub(1-76)K48C的SDS-PAGE跑胶图 (38)图2.19 Ub(1-76)K48C+Aux的色谱和质谱图 (39)图2.20 Ub(1-76)K48C+Aux脱Thz保护基的色谱和质谱图 (39)图2.21 二泛素Ub2(1-76)K48C+Aux的色谱和质谱图 (40)图2.22 二泛素Ub2(1-76)K48C的色谱和质谱图 (41)图2.23 二泛素Ub2(1-76)K48C的SDS-PAGE跑胶图 (41)图2.24 Ub(1-76)K27C的SDS-PAGE跑胶图 (43)图2.25 Ub(1-76)K27C+Aux的色谱和质谱 (43)图2.26 Ub(1-76)K27C+Aux脱Thz保护基的色谱和质谱图 (44)图2.27 二泛素Ub2(1-76)K27C+Aux的色谱和质谱图 (44)图2.28 脱除辅基的色谱图 (45)图2.29 二泛素Ub2(1-76)K27C的质谱图 (45)图2.30 二泛素Ub2(1-76)K27C的SDS-PAGE跑胶图 (46)图2.31 Ub(1-76)K29C+Aux的高效液相色谱图 (46)图2.32 Ub(1-76)K33C+Aux的高效液相色谱图 (47)图3.1 泛素化与去泛素化过程 (49)图3.2 线性固相合成Ub-AMC (50)图3.3 三片段合成Ub-AMC (50)图3.4 二片段合成Ub-AMC (51)图3.5 基于intein法合成Ub-AMC (51)图3.6泛素探针Ub-AMC合成新方法 (51)图3.7 制备泛素酰肼Ub(1-75)-NHNH2的反应色谱图 (52)图3.8 泛素酰肼Ub(1-75)-NHNH2的色谱和质谱图 (53)图3.9 泛素硫酯Ub(1-75)-MesNa的色谱和质谱图 (53)VII图3.10 不同条件下氨解反应的色谱图 (54)图3.11 泛素探针Ub-AMC的高效液相色谱图和质谱图 (56)图3.12泛素探针Ub-AMC与天然Ub的SDS-PAGE图 (56)图3.13 Ub-AMC与天然Ub的CD测试 (57)图3.14 用UCHL1酶测试Ub-AMC的活性 (57)VIII表格清单表2.1 实验仪器与设备 (31)表2.2 TEC反应优化 (35)表2.3 突变引物序列 (36)表3.1 氨解条件优化 (54)第一章引言第一章引言1.1蛋白质科学蛋白质(protein)是由氨基酸以“脱水缩合”的方式组成的多肽链经过盘曲折叠形成的具有一定空间结构的物质。

magic square翻译

magic square翻译

magic square翻译magic square翻译:魔术方块。

[词典]纵横图;幻方;[例句]The formula construction method for complex magic square and its structure analysis 复合幻方的公式构造法与结构分析magic square造句1、A Method for Constructing Magic Square with Even Order偶数阶幻方的一种构造方法2、THE STUDY OF THE STRUCTURE LAWS OF ANY MAGIC SQUARE OF SINGLE EVEN──ORDER单偶阶幻方──任意阶幻方构造规律研究3、Our city is a magic square full of love; There are love and friendship in person.我们的城市是个爱的魔方,充满了爱与友谊。

4、This article improves the lozenge method to structure odd magic square and proves its improvement.对构造奇数阶幻方的菱形法进行了改进,并对改进方法进行证明。

5、An Algorithm of N Degree Magic Square MatricesN阶魔方阵的算法6、Construction Method of Symmetric Swapping for the Magic Square of Order 4k4k阶幻方的对称交换构造法7、Two kinds of methods constructing 6-order equivalent magic square of blocks两类6阶等值幻方砌块的构造方法8、The paper gives construction magic square of even by descnt method.提出了一种新颖的针阀偶件设计方案。







%The linear model is among the vital models in 3D visual scene, and its degree of fineness determines the visual effect of the scene. Common methods for constructing linear models can be divided into integral model method and spliced model method;nevertheless, for large-curvature linear models, neither method is ideal. The vertex coordinates and texture mapping are difficult to control when the integral model method is employed, and space between models and texture overlaps is inevitable when the other methods are used. A 3D visualization method for high-curvature linear entity is proposed in this paper. In the phase of geometric modeling, the vertex coordinates, normal vectors andindex data are calculated for model lofting based on path and cross section. In the phase of texture mapping, textures are made by creating a mapping between vertices on the model and pixels on the photo. The results show that the algorithm can be utilized to make large -curvature linear models like railway roadbed models, and the algorithm has the merits of high accuracy, requirement of less manual work and good visual effect.【总页数】5页(P43-47)【作者】刘钊;高培超;闵世平;赵龙;罗智德【作者单位】清华大学土木工程系地球空间信息研究所,北京摇 100084;清华大学土木工程系地球空间信息研究所,北京摇 100084;中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,成都摇 610031;中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,成都摇 610031;清华大学土木工程系地球空间信息研究所,北京摇 100084【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP75;P208【相关文献】1.一种基于顶点曲率的三维实体表面模型加密算法 [J], 徐苏维;盛业华;王永波;白世彪;刘平2.U弦长曲率:一种离散曲率计算方法 [J], 郭娟娟;钟宝江3.基于规则格网 DEM 线状矢量要素三维可视化方法 [J], 程绵绵;李少梅;朱新铭;程见桥4.一种用于专利实体的实体消歧方法 [J], 王琰炎;王裴岩;蔡东风5.一种用于专利实体的实体消歧方法 [J], 王琰炎;王裴岩;蔡东风;因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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A Method for Constructing Large DNA CodesetsVinhthuy PhanAbstractThe word design problem is an important problem in DNA computing.The goal is to design a set of single-stranded DNA molecules that are structure-free and mutually non-crosshybridizing.We present an innovative methodof constructing such large sets,so called codesets,whose degree of structure-freeness and non-crosshybridization is controlled by a given ing awell-known,simplified model of hybridization affinity,known as the h-distancemodel,our method produces sets larger than those produced under similarmodels,for example,a similar(slightly less realistic)model can construct1088-mers,while our construction produces2568-mers with the same constraints interms of the strands’mutual hybridization affinity and GC-content.We furtherprovide a justification for the claimed large sizes of produced sets by estimatingtheir relative sizes to those of theoretically maximal sets.The existence of suchlarge sets of structure-free,non-crosshybridizing strands is necessary for large-scale DNA computations and approaches.Current methods that employ morerealistic estimates of DNA hybridization affinity have been unable to producesets large enough to encode more than several thousands or even hundred pa-rameters.It seems feasible to extend our methodology to include more realisticassumptions,such as making use of known thermodynamic parameters.Keywords:Data representation,codeword design,Gibbs energy,h-distance,insertion-deletion block-isomorphic distance.1IntroductionSince the discovery of the DNA double helix by Watson and Crick[46]and the sub-sequent discovery of the base-pairing rule that provides a mechanism for the cell to replicate and correct mistakes made during various biological processes,DNA mole-cules have been known as a very powerful storage medium of genetic information. Recently,this genetic material and its base-pairing characteristic have served as a basis for computation and the building of nano-structures in test tubes.Adelman [1]designed an experiment using DNA molecules to encode and solve a computa-tionally hard problem,known to be NP-complete.This seminal work effectively proved that DNA materials can be used to compute,and in fact solve very hard computational problems.Since then,researchers have proposed solutions that use DNA materials to solve and model various types of problems,including models of DNA memories[4,10,24,25,35],the design and construction of nano-structures1[15,18,26,28,31,39,44,49],the construction of sophisticated protein arrays [27,30],and other models and approaches in DNA computing[6,32,41,42,45,48]. The usage of DNA materials in bio-computing is attractive mainly because the inher-ent massively parallelism of chemical reactions that take place once single-stranded DNAs are placed in a test tube.In fact,this was the reason Adelman argued that an NP-complete problem can be solved tractably in a biocomputing framework.At the heart of such an experiment is the process that transforms a computational problem into a biological experiment.The obvious approach to encode information in DNA is to encode symbolic strings in DNA strands.Direct encoding is,how-ever,not very efficient for storage or processing of massive amounts of abiotic data because of the enormous implicit cost of DNA synthesis to produce the encoding se-quences.Indirect and more efficient methods have been proposed[19,23],assuming the existence of a large set of structure-free and non-cross-hybridizing DNA mole-cules.Cross-hybridization happens when two different strands interact and form a secondary-structure duplex,or when even a strand interacts with itself,forming a secondary structure.For the encoding to work,there must be a way to rep-resent parameters of the computational problem as single-stranded DNAs so that no cross-hybridization(hybridization among unintended molecules)is allowed.In other words,a strand should hybridize only to its designated strands.When many strands do not hybridize to designated strands,the experiment will not work as intended.Hence,the modeling of the original problem using DNA strands must be very carefully done,to discourage as few cross-hybridizations as possible.The codeword design problem[7,12,16,18,21,22]is to design a set of single-stranded DNAs in such a way that cross-hybridizations and freeness of structures can be controlled effectively.The goal is to produce sets of strands that are likely to hybridize to targeted strands while minimizing the possibility of unintended hy-bridizations that may induce erroneous outcomes.The ability to construct large sets of strands with such properties gives hope to the modeling of large problem inputs using DNA molecules without worrying much about these side effects as a result of cross-hybridization.Without such large sets,computing in a test tube is restricted to only solving small problems.Stability of DNA and RNA structures has been described using simple measures of such as the number of matching pairs,the GC-content[34]as well as more real-istic estimates of free-energy using thermodynamic models[2,8].Current methods based on latest thermodynamic parameters[37]have done an admirable job in pre-dicting the stability of DNA/RNA single strands and ing these methods to create large sets of non-crosshybridized,structure-free single-stranded DNAs is, however,a computationally expensive and often infeasible task.The complexity of the estimation of free energy used by these model has made it difficult to design a simple,systematic,well-parametrized procedure to create such large sets,other than searching through the space of single-stranded DNAs or performing a limited heuristic.Although various algorithms have been proposed for testing the quality ofcodeword sets in terms of being free of secondary structure[7,14],very few methods have been proposed to systematically produce large sets of high enough quality to guarantee good performance in test tube protocols[19].Similarly,although bounds on the cardinality of maximal sets of given parameters have been established using very simple models[29,33],no such estimates on the cardinality of maximal sets are known under more realistic measures of strand stability.Attempts to construct non-crosshybridizing sets in silico using various methods such as templates[3,16] or heuristic search[40,43]have produced relatively small sets.Other attempts to create non-crosshybridizing sets[9]in vitro are attractive in being able to construct a physical set but suffer from the challenge of knowing precisely its size and more seriously its content,which is necessary to encode a problem.In this work,we present a methodology to construct very large sets of non-crosshybridizing singled-stranded DNAs.We employ a measure of duplex stability known as the h-distance[21,22,35]that is has been shown in vitro to be a good approximation of free energy[5,19,21,22,24].We use the notion of a codeset,which is a set of single-stranded DNAs satisfying a hybridization constraint,to define the distance between two single-stranded DNAs,which relates negatively to the number of complementary matches in any rigid alignment between the two strands themselves and between their complements.This ensures that the strands in the set and their Watson-Crick complements do not cross-hybridize.This definition will be articulated more precisely in the following sections.Our methodology shares similar characteristics to such methods as the template methods[3,16],where a defined product between a base set with another set is taken to produce the desired codeset. One difference is that we use a base set whose strands are short and thus can be constructed in anyway with stringent thermodynamic properties(computationally feasible due to the presumed short strand length).From these base set,we then construct much larger codesets.As such,our methodology produces very large codesets in comparison to other methods using similar models of strand stability. For instance,a model that is less realistic than ours[16]produces a codeset of108 8-mers with Hamming distance of4and GC-content of4;our methodology can produce a codeset of2568-mers with h-distance(more stringent than Hamming distance)of4and GC-content of4.Our methodology can produce easily very large codesets with a given x%of h-distance and x%GC-content.Table1shows the sizes of codesets with various constraints in the h-distanceτand GC-content.2Hybridization of Single-stranded DNAsBio-computation relies on the base-pairing mechanism of DNA molecules.A single stranded DNA–and we will simply call a strand–is a directed sequence of Adenine (A),Thymine(T),Cytosine(C)and Guanine(G),conventional read from the5’end to3’end.Further,when two nucleotides(a.k.a bases)of the same strand or of different strands come into contact,the base-pairing rule dictates that A pairs withLengthτ=Lengthτ=Length/2GC-content=Length/2GC-content=Length/28-mer1625612-mer644,09616-mer25665,53620-mer10241,048,57624-mer409616,777,216Table1:Sizes of produced codesets with stringency,τat100%and50%of lengths, respectively and GC-content at50%of lengths.The larger the stringencyτ,the more non-crosshybridizing the strands in a codeset are.τ=100%of length is the most stringent condition.T and C pairs with G by forming hydrogen bonds.Whether two bases A and T or C and G pair together also depend on the environment’s temperature and–according to models such as that of[2,8,36,37,38]–also what the neighboring bases are. As a consequence,when two strands come to close contact,if the number of hydro-gen bonds between them formed via A-T,C-G pairs is strong enough at the given temperature,they will hybridize and form a secondary-structure duplex.A strand can even hybridize to itself to fold into a secondary structure,if it has enough com-plementary bases arranged in an appropriate manner.When two strands hybridize with sufficiently many hydrogen bonds,small variations in strand composition will not cause major changes in hybridization events.In a bio-computing experiment,the experiment designer typically aims to have a DNA strand(representing part of the original problem)hybridize only to a small set of designated strands,most often only its perfect complement.When these strands float freely in the test tube,they however can come into contact with any other strand,and possibly hybridize to any of them if the two form enough hydrogen bonds.When such a cross-hybridization occurs,the designated strand will not be able to hybridize to its target and the experiment does not occur as the experi-ment designer desires.To avoid these undesirable effects,input strands should be by design”far apart”from one another in hybridization affinity.Unfortunately,the hybridization affinity between DNA strand sets is difficult to quantify and the most precise models of approximating the Gibbs free-energy of a DNA duplex is compu-tationally expensive[11,37,38].Further,the problem offinding a maximal set of strands that are mutually far apart in hybridization affinity can be abstracted as the maximum independent set problem,which is computationally infeasible[17]when the problem size gets large.In fact,evenfinding a very large set is computationally difficult[11],even for the small oligo-nucleotide sizes useful in DNA computing.Re-cent efforts based on the thermodynamic estimate of free energy has only been able to produce sets of no larger than400strands of12-to20-mers[40,43].This greatlyrestrict the ability to model and solve large problem instances in the test tube.As a result,researchers have either used most accurate models to design very small sets of non-crosshybridizing strands or relied on simpler models to design larger sets. Our work presented here uses a good approximation to the most accurate model of free energy to produce very large sets of strands that are mutually far apart in hybridization affinity.2.1Estimating Hybridization AffinityThe Gibbs free energy between two strands is the most appropriate criterion of quality for sets of non-crosshybridizing strands or experiments in-vitro[47].And al-though hybridization reactions in vitro are governed by well established rules of local interaction between base pairings in the nearest-neighbor model and the staggered-zipper mode[36,37,38],an exhaustive search of strand large sets of strands that are non-crosshybridizing and structure-free is infeasible,even for the small size of oligo-nucleotides useful in DNA computing.Even computing large sets of non-crosshybridizing strands is too computationally expensive.Thus,we need to address this serious problem,if we wish to carry out large-scale bio-computing tasks.Several approaches have been proposed to estimate hybridization affinity by making assumptions about the type of interactions between neighboring bonds,for the range of oligo-nucleotides used in DNA-based computing.These approaches include simple Hamming distance[29,33],Hamming distance with limited overlap regions[3],h-distance[21,22,35],insertion-deletion block-isomorphic[13].An ex-tension of the nearest neighbor model proposed by[11]computes optimal alignments between DNA oligo-nucleotides using a dynamic programming algorithm.Of these, models based strictly on the Hamming distance is most efficient as the distance between any two strands can be computed in O(n)time(n being the length of the two strands);the h-distance model is less efficient(O(n2)time);and the insertion-deletion block-isomorphic model and nearest neighbor models are least efficient (O(n3)time).The simple Hamming distance model is too crude as an approximation about hybridization affinity as it exclude the possibility of two strands hybridizing in shifted alignments.The h-distance model appears to be a good enough estimation to hybridization affinity and in vitro protocols(such as PCR selection)based on it has appeared to produce decent-quality sets of mutually non-crohybridizing strands [5,19,21,22,24].At the same time,the h-distance model isflexible enough to allow construction of very large sets of mutually non-crohybridizing strands,as shown in this work.In the model using the h-distance,the Gibbs energy is approximated by counting the maximal number of basepair matches in all possible alignments of two strands. More precisely,Let x,y be two strands(written from the5 -to the3 -end.)Defineh(x,y):=min−n<k<n|k|+H(x,σk(y ))whereσk is the shift by k positions(k>0means right shift;k<0means left shift); y is the Watson-Crick complement of y obtained by reversing y and exchanging A s for T s and vice versa,and C s for G s and vice versa;and H(·,·)is the ordinary Hamming distance measuring the number of different bases in the specified shift. The h-distance considers hybridization in all possible frame-shifts and is therefore more realistically restrictive than simpler models[3,16,29,33].A distance of0 indicates perfect complementarity.A large distance indicates that even when x finds itself in the proximity of y,they contain few complementary basepairs,and are less likely to hybridize.This distance measure h can be precisely related to the maximum number of complementary base pairs in all frame shifts as follows: Lemma2.1.h(x,y)=n−max−n≤i≤n{m(x,σi(y ))}where m(x,σs(y ))is the number of agreed bases of x and y when they are aligned in frame shift i.Proof.Let s be the shift in which h(x,y)=τ=s+H(u,σs(v ))is minimum.Since s+H(u,σs(v ))+m(u,σs(v ))=n,we get h(x,y)=n−m(u,σs(v )).Further,since s+H(u,σs(v ))is minimum over all shifts s,m(u,σs(v ))is maximum over all shifts s.Example:Suppose we have x=AGC,y=T GG(and y =CCA).In the computation of h(x,y),we look at the number of differing characters in all shift of x and y .At shift-2,the distance is2+H(A,A)=2.At shift-1,the distance is 1+H(AG,CA)=3.At shift0,the distance is H(AGC,CCA)=3.At shift1,the distance is1+H(GC,CC)=2.At shift2,the distance is2+H(C,C)=2.So, h(ACG,CGG)=2.Lemma2.1shows that the h-distance is a special case of the insertion-deletion like block-isomorphic metric introduced by[13]to estimate the free energy between two strands.The notion of block-isomorphic subsequences of two strands allows alignment of the two strands with insertions and deletions of nucleotides.This model is more general than the h-distance model because it allows two DNA strands hybridizing in blocks with non-equal gaps in between.For short strands(12-to20-mers),the difference does not seem to be substantial.In the insertion-deletion block-isormorphic model,the distance between two strands x and y is defined as:ψ(x,y)=min{ x , y }−max{b(x,y )}where x =x i is the weight of the strand x,which is a sum of all weightsof its bases.This means each base can have a different weight,for instance indi-cating the number of hydrogen bonds it could form with its complementary base. b(x,y )=max{ σ(x) :σ(x)=σ(y)}is the weight of the maximum isomorphic block that are identical in both x and y .As an example,one of such blocks(in-dicated by capitalized letters)in x=aCGT ggAA and y =aatCGT aaaggAAccis CGT-AA.Each corresponding pair of subblocks in the block must have equal length;for example,the blocks(indicated by capitalized letters)in aCaaGT ggAA and aatCGT aaaggAAcc are not isomorphic.3Construction of Large DNA CodesetsThe notion of a codeset is borrowed from information theory,where codewords of a codeset have the property of being mutually far from one another so that errors that occur during the transmission of codewords through a noisy channel can be best detected.In the DNA word design problem,a codeset[24,35]is a set of single-stranded DNAs that are mutually far from one another,with respect to a distance measure that is an estimate of free energy,which in our case is the h-distance.The larger their mutual distances are,the less likely they cross-hybridize. Stronger conditions for a codeset require that not only these strands but also their complements are far from one another so that they and their complements are less likely to cross-hybridize[40,43].In this work,we define a(m,τ)-codeset using these requirements,which are stronger than other simpler models[3,16,29,33]. Our codeset with parameterτis very similar to the set of strands with parameter δof another model that employs a nearest-neighbor thermodynamic model[40] to construct(much smaller)codesets.Specifically,given a distance measure d,an (m,τ)-codeset S is a set of strands with length m,satisfying the following properties:1.d(u,v)≥τ,for all u,v∈S possibly u=v.2.d(u,v )≥τ,for all u,v∈S,u=v.Note that d(u,u )=0for all u.3.d(u ,v )≥τ,for all u,v∈S,u=vThefirst property ensures that cross-hybridization between strands within the code-set is unlikely.The second property ensures that cross-hybridization between strands within the codeset and complements of strands within the codeset(other than their own complements)is unlikely.This property maximizes the chance that the com-plement of a strand within the codeset will hybridize to it,not other strands within the codeset.The third property ensures that the complements of strands within the codeset will not cross-hybridize,again to maximize the chance that complements of strands within the codeset will hybridize to their targeted strands(in the set)and not among themselves.It is desirable to require a codeset to have an additional property of having a similar GC-content[3,29].If each strand has the same number of G’s and C’s, they are expected to have a similar melting temperature,due to the fact a GC bond with three hydrogen bonds is stronger than an AT bond with only two hydrogen bonds.Similar melting characteristics are particular important in bio-molecular experiments that rely heavily on repeated melting and annealing DNA strands,such as PCR selection.To incorporate this requirement,we define an(m,τ,w)-codesetto be the same as an(m,τ)-codeset with the additional property that each strand in the set has exactly w G’s or C’s in totality.Our methodology of constructing large codesets is a two-step process and can be summarized as follows:•First,a base(m,k)-codeset(or(m,k,w)-codeset)S is constructed.•Second,the base codeset is shuffled l times to create an(ml,kl)-codeset(or (ml,kl,wl)-codeset)of cardinality|S|l.This methodology assumes the existence of a base codeset,which can be con-structed by any method.For example,it is easy to construct an(m,1)-codeset (or(m,1,w)-codeset)under the model of the h-distance,or the insertion-deletion block-isomorphic distance for that matter.The attractiveness of this construction is that it scales linearly the stringency l and scales multiply the cardinality of the base codeset,consequently producing very large codesets.To summarize our specific results,we can construct•An(ml,l)-code of size4m−|P m|2l,where|P m|=|{x:h(x,x)=0,|x|=m}=4m2if m is even,and0if m is odd.•An(ml,l,wl)-code(each strand having GC-content wl)of size(mw)2m−|Q m|2l,where|Q m|= m/2w/22m/2if m and w are even and|Q m|=0if m or w is odd.•In general,given a(m,k)-codeset(or(m,k,w)-codeset with GC-content of w) S that is amplifiable,we can construct an(ml,kl)-code(or(ml,kl,wl)-codeset respectively)of size|S|l.Table1shows the sizes of a few sample codesets that we can construct.Its sizes compare favourably to others such as[16].3.1The Base CodesetThefirst step of constructing a codeset using our methodology is to create a base codeset.A base codeset is a codeset that already exists or can be easily constructed. This means that we can make use of existing codesets to construct larger codesets with longer strands or if we choose to construct it expensively,it should have short strands and/or a small parameterτ.Here,we describe a simple construction of an (m,1)-codeset and respectively an(m,1,w)-codeset(with GC-content w).Lemma3.1.Algorithm1constructs a set S m,which is an(m,1)-codesetProof.By construction it consists of no pair u,v such that d(u,v)=0.The distance d can be either the h-distance or the insertion-deletion distance or any distance function with which d(u,v)=0if and only if u=v .More specifically,1.d(u,v)≥1for all u,v∈S m(by construction).2.d(u,v )≥1for all u,v∈S m,u=v.This is because d(u,v )=0if and only ifv =u or v=u.Since the algorithm removes all strand u from S m for which d(u,u)=0,it is impossible to have d(u,v )=0.3.d(u ,v )≥1for all u,v∈S m,u=v .This is because d(u ,v )=0if and onlyif v =(u ) =u,which is again impossible for the same reason as above.We can further determine the cardinality of S m,|S m|,to be equal to4m−|P m|2,where P m is the set of strands that are their own Watson-Crick reverse complements, i.e.strands u’s such that d(u,v)=0;The cardinality of this set is|P m|=4m2if m is even,and0if m is odd.After removing these strands,there is exactly one Watson-Crick reverse complement v for every strand v left,such that v =v.Therefore, |S m|=4m−|P m|2.Algorithm1Input:n=m.Output:(m,1)-codesetConstruct S m,the set of all possible DNA strands of length m.for all strand v∈S m doLet v be the unique complement of v.S m=S m−{v }end forAlgorithm2Input:m,w.Output:an(m,1,w)-code(w is the GC-content)S m=Ø.for all configuration f of all nwpositions containing G or C dofor all strand v in configuration f doS m,w=S m,w∪vend forend forfor all strand v∈S m,w doConstruct v ,the unique complement of v.S m,w=S m,w−vend forConstructing an(m,1,w)-codeset follows the same ideas as in Algorithm1.Lemma3.2.Algorithm2constructs an(m,1,w)-codeset S m,w,which is an(m,1)-code with the additional property that every strands of S m,w has exactly w G’s and C’s in totality.Proof.Similar to the proof above.Using the same argument,we can show that the set S m,w constructed is an(m,1,w )-code.Further,the cardinality of S m,w is |S m |=(n w )2n −|Q m |2,where Q m ={x :d (x,x )=0,x has exactly w G’s or C’s in total.},and |Q m |= m/2w/2 2m/2if mand w are even,and 0if either m or w is odd.More specifically,the set S m,w starts out with n w 2n strands,because there are n w configurations for G’s and C’s,in each of which there are exactly two choices for each position.Then,complements of strands in S m,w are removed from the set.These strands consists of the set Q m ,all strands v ’s that are its own reverse complements.|Q m |= m/2w/22m/2because the i th and (m −i +1)th characters of these strands must be complementary,which implies m and w must be both even and further the GC-content of w implies that each position has exactly 2choices.After strands in Q m are removed from S m,w ,as before thereis exactly one complement for each strand left.Hence,|S m |=(n w )2n −|Q m |2.3.2Amplifiable Functions and the Shuffle FunctionAfter constructing a base (m,1)-codeset or using a good,existing codeset,the second step of our construction is apply the shuffle function to this base codeset l times to create a larger (ml,l )-codeset.Similarly,we can shuffle an (m,1,w )-codeset (with GC-content w )to construct an (ml,l,wl )-codeset (with GC-content wl ).The reason this construction works as claimed is based on the property of the shuffle function being amplifiable .A function f :D m ×D m ×···D m (l times)→D ml (D m is a set of strands of length m )is amplifiable with respect to the distance function d ifd (f (u 1,···,u l ),f (v 1,···,v l ))≥min 1≤i,j ≤l{l ·d (u i ,v j )}Theorem 3.3.Let S m be (m,k )-codeset (or (m,k,w )-codeset),f be an amplifiable function,andS ml ={f (u 1,···,u l ):u i ∈S m ,1≤i ≤l }Then,S ml is an (ml,kl )-codeset (or (ml,kl,wl )-codeset,respectively).Proof.for all u,v ∈S ml ,where u =f (u 1,···,u l ),v =f (v 1,···,v l ),u i ,v j ∈S m ,1≤i,j ≤l :d (u,v )≥min 1≤i,j ≤l{l ·d (u i ,v j )}≥lkOur construction is based on the theorem above and an amplifiable function called Shuffle .Let u 1,u 2,···,u l be l strands,each of length m .Specifically,let u i =u i 1u i 2···u im .Define:Sh (u 1,···,u l )=u 11u 21···u l 1u 12u 22···x l 2···u 1m u 2m ···u lmIn other words,Sh (u 1,···,u l )is a string of length lm ,whose first l characters are the first characters of u 1,···,u l concatenated together,and whose next l characters are the second characters of u 1,···,u l concatenated together,and so on.This function is analogous to shuffling l decks of cards (each having m cards)together in such a way that the cards are perfectly interleaved.For example,suppose u 1=ABC,u 2=LMN,u 3=XY Z ,thenSh (u 1,u 2,u 3)=ALXBMY CNZTheorem 3.4.Sh is amplifiable with respect to the h -distance function.Proof.According to Lemma 2.1,the h -distance function defines the distance be-tween two strands u ,v as:h (u,v )=n −max −n ≤i ≤n{m (u,σi (v ))}where m (u,σi (v ))is the number of agreed bases of u and v when they are aligned in frame shift i .Suppose we construct a set S by applying Sh to S m ,an (m,k )-code l times.Let u =Sh (u 0,···,u l −1),v =Sh (v 0,···,v l −1)∈S and u i ,v i ∈S m ,0≤i ≤l −1.Note that the Sh function is designed in such a way that when u and v are aligned in any frame shift,each u j is aligned perfectly to some v f (f is uniquely determined by the frame shift).Let i be the frame shift where h (u,v )attains its value,i.e.h (u,v )=lm −m (u,σi (v )).In this case,each u j is aligned perfectly with v j +i mod l .And we have,m (u,σi (v ))≤ l j =1max −m ≤k ≤m {m (u j ,σk (v j +i mod l ))}.Hence,h (u,v )=lm −m (u,σi (v ))≥lj =1m −max −m ≤k ≤m {m (u j ,σk (v j +i mod l ))}=lj =1h (u j ,v j +i mod l )≥l ·min 1≤i,j ≤l{h (u i ,u j )}Therefore,Sh is amplifiable. Corollary 3.5.Under the h -distance model,our construction can construct•An (ml,l )-code of size 4m −|P m |2l ,where |P m |=|{x :h (x,x )=0,|x |=m }=4m 2if m is even,and 0if m is odd.•An (ml,l,wl )-code (each strand having GC-content wl )of size(m w )2m −|Q m |2 l,where |Q m |= m/2w/2 2m/2if m and w are even and |Q m |=0if m or w is odd.。
