505 编程组态杭汽
505E 的软件使用菜单界面。
Operator Control Panel操作控制面板:505E将汽轮机控制和操作面板结合成一体。
Turbine Control Parameters 汽机控制参数:505E用二个控制值(HP和LP)来控制二组参数和一个附加参数。
Communications 通讯基于操作面板上的二个Modbus 通信口通信,505E可以直接用于分散控制系统(Distributed Control Systems)和/或者CRT。
通信口支持RS-232、RS-422、RS-485,使用ASCⅡ或RTU MODBUS通信协议。
可以在505E和DCS系统,通过硬件上的连接实现通信,因为所有的505E PID给定值能通过.模拟输入信号得到控制,接口协议和控制是不会被中断的。
Additional Features 额外的特殊功能505E同样提供以下的特殊功能:First-Out首发跳闸指示(总共5个跳闸输入),临界速度躲避(2个速度区域),自动定序开机(热开机、冷开机),双动态速度/负荷,零速度检测,用于超速跳机的速度峰值显示,和系统间同步共享。
串级控制能被组态成用于控制与汽轮机转速或负荷有关或受其影响的任何系 统过程参数 通常 该控制回路用于控制汽轮机的进汽或排汽压力
串级控制是一个 PID 控制回路 它将 4 20mA 的过程信号与串级给定值相比 较 PID 控制回路调整转速控制回路的给定值直到过程信号与给定值达到一致
可以通过调速器面板键盘 远程触点输入或通信线路的升或降指令来调整串
505 调速器具有两个独立的控制通道 转速 负荷和辅助控制回路 这两个 回路的输出与另外一个通道 阀位限制器信号低选 LSS LSS 的输出将直接 设定执行机构驱动器的输出 除了这两个通道外 转速 负荷回路还能受控于另 一个控制回路 即串级控制回路 串级控制回路 串接 在转速回路中 因此由 串级控制回路的输出将直接改变转速控制回路的给定值 辅助控制回路既可作为 控制通道也可作为限制通道 所有这三个 PID控制回路都可以选择模拟输入信号 来远程调整它们的给定值 505 调速器的附加功能包括频率控制 同步负荷分配
图 2-1 505 功能概述 2-4
图 2-1 505 功能概述 2-5
辅助控制通道能用来控制或者限制一个参数 辅助 PID控制回路能用来控制 或限制机组的负荷 功率 电厂的输入 输出值 进口压力 排汽压力 温度或 其它与汽轮机负荷直接相关的过程参数
辅助输入是一个 4 20mA 的电流信号 辅助 PID控制放大器将这个输入信号 与给定值相比较 并产生一个控制输出信号至 LSS 信号低选总线 LSS 总线将 最小的信号送至执行机构驱动器回路
505 调速器能够通过两个 ModBus® 通信口直接与工厂的集散控制系统和 或
以 CRT 为基础的操作人员控制屏进行通信 这两个通信口支持采用 ASC 或 RTU MODBUS传输协议的 RS-232 RS-422 或 RS-485 通信 505 与工厂集散控制系统之 间的通信也能够通过硬接线连接进行 因为所有的 505 PID 给定值都能通过模拟 输入信号来控制而不会削弱接口分辨率和控制精度
505 程序卡
505 程序卡505 程序使用卡505 PROGRAM MODE WORKSHEET资料号:0-0350- 2362-220透平号Tr №HS2362驱动Drive压缩机Compressor杭州中能汽轮动力有限公司GOVERNOR SERIAL NUMBER:(调节器序列号)APPLICATION(应用):山东滨化滨阳燃化有限公司TURBINE START(汽轮机启动)dflt:系统默认(default)MANUAL START? (手动启动)Yes No dflt= No(Yes/No)选择YES后按ENTER键就组态了手动起动方式,组态了手动起动方式后,操作人员用手动模式控制汽轮机转速从零提升至最低控制转速。
手动启动顺序:按RUN 键,执行机构自动开到最大位置,接着,操作人员缓慢开启速关阀直到调速器投入控制。
AUTOMA TIC START? (自动启动)Yes Y No dflt= No(Yes/No)选择YES后按ENTER键就组态了自动起动方式。
SEMIAUTOMA TIC START?(半自动启动)Yes No dflt= No(Yes/No)选择YES后按ENTER键就组态了半自动起动方式。
RA TE TO MIN= 10 RPM/SEC dflt=10.0(0.1,500)至最低转速速率:输入数值后按ERTER键。
c2转速给定值以“至最低转速速率(Rate To Min Rate)”,从零转速变化至最低控制转速。
Programmable time in seconds the turbine will delay at the low idle speed when a cold start has been determined.
If YES, selects a manual start mode where the operator controls the turbine speed from zero up to the minimum control speed. The Start Sequence would be: Push RUN. The actuator(s) automatically move to max. position. Lastly, the operator slowly opens the T&T valve until the governor takes control.
(Must be less than or equal to the 'Low Idle Delay-Cold' Setting)
RATE TO HI IDLE(COLD)=RPM/SECdflt=1.0(0.1,100)
Programmable rate at which the Speed setpoint will ramp from low idle speed to high idle speed when a cold start is determined.
(Must be less than or equal to the 'Cold Start' Hours)
505操作说明505操作说明一、505编程组态操作在使用505 调速器控制汽轮机前必须采用有效的程序对其进行编程组态。
调速器通电和简单自检完毕后就显示备用状态Controlling Parameter/ Push Run or Program。
进入编程方式:按PRGM 键,输入口令1113,然后按ENTER?键,505 的显示器上将出现SHUTDOWN?CONTROLY/N 的提示,按YES 键,505 调速器将触发停机并可进入编程方式(如果按了NO 键,505 将返回到选择方式屏幕且不进入编程方式)。
如果显示值满足要求,按上箭头键、下箭头键或ENTER 键继续。
而且按了ENTER 键后调速器自动进入下一步。
按CLEAR 键返回到程序功能块的条目处。
在显示条目时按CLEAR 键就完全退出编程方式,这样就保存了所组态的值并触发编程组态检查程序的执行。
505给出了13 个程序功能块。
最前面的7 个程序功能块对每种装置都必须组态,剩余的6 个功能块包含了一些可选择的特性,可按实际使用要求选择。
下面将介绍这13 个程序功能块及其它们的基本功能。
要求组态的功能块:1、Turbine Start (汽轮机起动):组态起动方式暖机额定和顺序自动起动设定值;2、Speed Control (转速控制):组态MPU?或非接触式转速探头的有关参数和转速控制动态参数设定值;3、Speed Setpoint Values (转速给定值):组态转速设定值,超速跳闸设定值,远程转速设定值控制和临界转速避开范围;4、Operating Parameters(操作参数):组态驱动发电机的机组和采用就地/远程功能;5、Driver Configuration (驱动器组态):组态驱动器的输出,如果不使用驱动器2,驱动器2可用作4~20mA 的读数输出;6、Analog Inputs (模拟输入):组态模拟输入选项;7、Contact Inputs (触点输入):组态触点输入选项;可选组态的功能块1、Function Keys (功能键):组态F3和F4功能键选项。
.此刻,505控制器将以程序服务模式中设置的阀门开度变化限制率“V ALVE LIMITER RA TE ”将汽轮机调节汽门开到最大值。
同时,505控制器将以程序服务模式中设置的最小速度设定升速率“RATE TO MIN”RATE 将汽轮机转速控制在最小速度设定值(MINIMMUN SPEED SETPONT)C.以一定的速度开启汽轮机自动主汽门。
或者是程序组态上选择了“AUTO START SEQUWENCE”,此时,汽轮机转速控制将按照“AUTO START SEQUENCE”中的设置进行控制。
(保证调节汽门关闭严密)C.按“RUN”键此时,505控制器将以程序服务模式中设置的最小速度设定升速率“RA TE TO MIN”RA TE 将汽轮机转速控制在最小速度设定值(MINIMMUN SPEED SETPONT)。
dflt 5.0 0.1 25
每秒 后按 ENTER 键 这是在选择 RUN 或通过开
关指令改变限制器的设定值时阀位限制器的变化速率 采用半自动或自动起动
时 该设置值应当设置得很小 一般小于 2 每秒 当采用手动起动时 该设
定值就不太重要 可以为缺省值 5 每秒
转速从零提升至最低控制转速 半自动起动操作顺序 打开主汽门 按 RUN 键
dflt 10.0 0.1 2000
输入转速给定值至最低控制转速的升速率后按 ENTER 键 该升速率是接受到
起动指令后转速给定值从零变化至最低控制转速的速率 假定汽轮机处于零转
速 如果采用暖机 额定功能 这最低控制转速就是 暖机转速 如果采用顺
序自动起动 这最低控制转速就是 低暖机转速 如果没有采用这二种起动特性
dflt NO Yes No
如果需要这个功能就选择 YES 后按 ENTER 键 如果选择 NO 就跳过这一项
进入 Use Auto Start Sequence 采用顺序自动起动 如果选择了 YES 当通
过键盘 Modbus 或外部开关选择额定转速时 调速器将自动从可编程暖机转速升
当显示器上出现该条目时 按下箭头键以进行该功能块的组态或者按左或右
汽轮机的505数字式调速器一、概述WOODWARD 505 是美国WOODWARD 公司专门为控制汽轮机研制生产的以微处理器为基础的数字式转速调节器。
其组态直接在WOODWARD 505面板上进行。
2.2 面板介绍30个按键的功能介绍如下:SCROLL:键盘中央的大菱形键,在其四个角上带有箭头。
只有当上、下行都为可调整变量(动态,阀门标定方式)时,SELECT 键和@符号才起作用。
0 / NO(取消):输入0 / NO 或退出。
1 / YES(确认):输入1 / YES或投入。
2 / ACTR(执行机构):输入2或显示执行机构位置(运行方式)。
此时画面第一行为实际速度值,第二行应显示“Setpt xxxx”为设定值,如不是,可用方向键翻至此行。
下翻一页到“Extraction is Disabled”
画面,Yes)可投入抽汽控制,面板将显示“Extraction in Controlled”,
505操作简介第一部分505工作示意图一、505逻辑图6-1 基本程序结构图二、运行模式结构505通过控制面板供用户进行操作,通过离散逻辑模块与DCS进行通讯。
当控制器送电且CPU自检成功后,会在显示屏上出现“PUSH RUN OR PROGRAM”。
运行健在屏幕显示“PUSH RUN OR PRGM”的信息时,用于启动机组运行。
停止健运行方式中, 按此键可引发汽轮机可控停机。
[hider] manual start 手动启动automatic start yes 自动启动rate to min (rpm/sec) 10 至最低转速速率HP vlv Lmtr rate (%/sec) 2.5 高阀位限制器速率use idie /rate? no 采用暖机/额定use auto start sequence yes 采用顺序自动启动cold start =(>xxHRS) 24 冷态启动hot start =(>xxHRS) 2 热态启动low idle setpt (rpm) 500 低暖机转速设定值low idle delay (cold) 15 低暖机转速保持(冷态)low idle delay (hot) 0 低暖机转速保持(热态)rat to hi idle (cold) 1.5 至高暖机转速速率(冷态)rat to hi idle (hot) 3 至高暖机转速速率(冷态)high idle setpt(rpm) 2500 高暖机转速设定值high idle delay(cold) 15 高暖机转速保持(冷态)high idle delay(hot ) 0 高暖机转速保持(热态)rat to rated (cold) 1 至额定转速速率(冷态)rat to rated idle (hot) 2 至额定转速速率(热态)rated to setpt(rpm) 3000 额定转速设定值auto halt at idle setpts no 暖机转速下自动暂停ext trips in trip relcy yes 外部跳闸释放跳闸继电器rest clears trip output no 复位清除跳闸输出SPEED CONTROLteeth seen by mpu 60 测速齿轮齿数gear ratio 1 1 速比failed speed level(rpm) 250 失效转速值use speed input #2? yes 采用#2转速输入falled speed level(rpm) 250 失效转速值off-line prop gain 8 脱机比例增益off-line int gain 0.5 脱机积分增益off-line deriv ratio 5 脱机微分增益on-line prop gain 5 联机比例增益on-line int gain 0.5 联机积分增益on-line deriv ratio 5 联机微分增益SPEED SETPOINT VALUES转速给定值overspeed test limt(rpm) 3360 超速试验极限值overspeed trip (rpm) 3270 超速跳闸转速max governor speed(rpm) 3210 调速器上限转速min governor speed(rpm) 2800 调速器下限转速setpt slow rate (rpm/sec) 3 给定值慢速率use remote speed setpt? no 采用远程转速给定值use critical speeds? yes 使用临界转速critical speed rate 10 临界转速速率critical speed max 1800 第一临界转速上限critical speed min 1400 第一临界转速下限use critical band 2? no 使用临界转速范围2 OPERATING PARAMETERS操作参数generator apptication? yes 用于发电机组use gen brkr oper trip? no 采用发电机断路器断开跳闸use tie brkr oper trip? no 采用电网断路器断开跳闸use kw droop? no 便用功率不等率droop(%) 5 不等率rated spd setpt 3000 额定转速给定值use freg arm/disarm? no 采用频率介入/退出use local /remote no 采用就地/远程EXTR/ADM CONTROLlost E/A input=trip? no 抽汽信号丢失是否跳机lost E/A input=max trip? yes 抽汽信号丢失低调门至最大invert extr/adm input? no 抽汽信号反相min extr/adm setpt 6 最小抽汽压力设定max extr/adm setpt 15 最大抽汽压力设定setpt rate (units/sec) 0.2 设定速率setpt initical value 8 设定额定值extr/adm droop 10 抽汽不等率PID proptional gain 1 比例增益PID integral gain 0.3 积分增益PID derivative ratio 100 微分增益tiebrkr open E/A disable yes 电网解列不抽汽gen brkr open E/A disable yes 发电机解列不抽汽E/R speed enable setting 2950 抽汽丢掉稳定空转转速use remate setting no 使用远程控制ext/adm units of measure kg/cm2TURB PERFORMANCE VALUESuse decoupling nomax power 60 最大功率max HP flow 384 最大进汽量extraction only? yes 只有抽汽use automatic enable no 自动投入max power@min extr 50 最大功率最小抽汽max HP flow@min extr 216 最大进汽最小抽汽min power@max extr 30 最小功率最大抽汽min HP flow@max extr 286 最小进汽最大抽汽min power@min extr 0 最小功率最小抽汽min HP flow@min extr 0 最小进汽最小抽汽min LP life(%) 0LP valve limiter rate 1speed control priority? yesLP max lmt E/A priority? noDRIVER CONFIGURATION驱动器组态act #1 ( HP) in 4-20mA? yes #1执行机构4-20mAinvert driver output? no 驱动器输出反向use act 1 fit shutdown yes 使用#1执行机构故障停机act #1 ( HP) dither(%) 0.4 #1执行机构颤振act #2 ( LP) is 4-20mA? yes #2执行机构4-20mAinvet drive output no 驱动器输出反向use act 2 fit shutdown yes 使用#2执行机构故障停机act 2(LP) dither(%) 0.5 #2执行机构颤振ANALOG INPUT模拟输入analog input #1function extraction/admission #1模拟输入功能input 1 4mA value 0 #1输入4mAinput 1 20mA value 16 #1输入20mAanalog input #2 function not used #2模拟输入功能input 2 4mA value 0 #2输入4mAinput 2 20mA value 100 #2输入20mAanalog input #3 function not usedinput 3 4mA value 0 #3输入4mAinput 3 20mA value 100 #3输入20mAanalog input #4 function not usedinput 4 4mA value 0 #4输入4mAinput 4 20mA value 100 #4输入20mAanalog input #5 function not usedinput 5 4mA value 0 #5输入4mAinput 5 20mA value 100 #5输入20mAanalog input #6 function kw/unit load inputinput 6 4mA value 0 #5输入4mAinput 6 20mA value 86.6 #5输入20mACONTACT INPUTS触点输入contact Iinput 1 function generator breaker 发电机断路器contact Iinput 2 function utility tie breaker 电网断路器。
1. 调节汽阀阀杆装配孔 2. 导叶持环支承搭子 3. 排缸 4. 后猫爪 5. 后汽封装配凸环 6. 后支座定位搭子 7. 排汽法兰 8. 后汽封出汽管接口 9. 中分面螺栓孔 10. 导叶持环装配凸环 11.前猫爪 12.前汽封装配凸环 13.进汽室 14.调节汽阀阀座装配孔 15.速关阀阀壳 16.内缸安装搭子
ZS589 速关阀全关 ZS589 速关阀全关 ZS587 速关阀全开 ZS587 速关阀全开
跳闸信号 (来自ESD) HP>=30% (来自505) n<=500rpm (来自505)
F、要求控制室人员要掌握调速器的工作原理和 一般故障问题判别和解决
(二)机组、需要进行技术改造, 用户要求采用505电子调速器控 制方式,代替了背压电调等多种 功能
(三)505电子调速器与电液转换器,错 油门,油动机,调节阀的工作原理简介
抽汽调节同上,505电调输出 4-20ma 对应 二次油压²对应调节阀最小开度-最 大开度。 转速探头接受转速信号505调速器控 制输出4-20ma电液转换二次油压 控制错油门油动机调节阀
A D J A D J505E 运行操作手册本操作指导手册只根据杭联热电有限公司的现有的电液调节机组设置编写,不适合其它机组。
一、505E 面板介绍:1. 1显示屏:两行数码管,每行最多显示24个字母。
1. 2操作键(30个键完成各自功能):PRGM 程序键,任何时侯按此键进入程序组态,进入条件为:必须通过505E 停机,其二,密码通过。
RUN 运行键,停机复位后按此键开机。
STOP 可控停机键,运行中按此键,转速以最快速率下降,条件是相应屏幕中按“YES ”键,下降过程可被“NO ”中止,“YES ”恢复。
CLEAR 退回上级屏幕键,编程模式下有存储作用。
ENTER 赋值键,用于数值输入前相当于“=”,数值输入后相于确认。
换屏鍵(4个)上翻屏 下翻屏 左翻屏右翻屏左右翻屏①用于编程模式切换②用于模块头转换 调节键(2个)①增加赋值②在线调增转速/功率/抽汽/排汽 ①减低赋值②在线调减转速/功率/抽汽/排汽F1 (ALARM)报警键,用以查看报警信息。
F2(OVERSPEED TEST ENBLE )超速试验键,用以超速使能和 与的超速联控F3 可编程功能键,未用 F4可编程功能键,未用注: F1 、F2 、F3 、F4 带指示灯,可闪烁。
SPEED AUXKW789转速运行键 辅控运行键 功率运行键(未用) CAS RMT LMTR45 6EMERGE NCY串控运行键远控运行键虚拟阀位运行键(排汽)(未用)YES ACTR CCNT123CLEAR确认/重启自动过程执行器运行键参数信息键清除键(在屏幕提示下操作优效)NO EXT/ADM DYN0.+/-ENTER否认键/中止自动过程抽汽运行键PID參数键回车键(在屏幕提示下操作优效)*在组态模式下,上述键仅作为数字键、小数点、正负数。
505 组态介绍
一旦组态检查完毕且汽轮机处于停机状态就可进入调速器的编程 方式(组态)。为了安全,汽轮机运行时只能检查程序而接受对 程序的任何更改。按PRGM键,输入口令(1113),然后按 ENTER键,显示器上将出现SHUTDOWN CONTROL Y/N的提 示。如果按了YES键,调速器将触发停机并可进入编程方式。如 果按了NO键,调速器将返回到选择方式屏幕且不进入编程方式。 一旦组态完毕后,要退出编程方式应按两次CLEAR键,这样就 使调速器保存所组态的内容并启动组态检查程序。如果编程组态 无出错,调速器将显示”Controlling Parameter/ Press Run or Program”,如果出错,将显示“Config ERRORPress PRGM”以及所发现的组态错误。
Auto Halt at Idle Setpts.............YES_______NO______ 在暖机转速下自动暂停 Ext Trips in Trip Relay..............YES_______NO______ 外部跳闸释放跳闸继电器 Reset Clears Trip Output.............YES_______NO______ 复位清除跳闸输出 SPEED CONTROL转速控制 Teeth Seen by MPU______________________________________ 测速齿轮齿数 Gear Ratio 1:__________________________________________ 速比1 Failed Speed Level (RPM)____________________________RPM 失效转速值
505汽轮机调速系统说明书-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1505汽轮机调速系统说明书引言505是以微处理器为基础的调速器,适用于单执行机构或双执行机构的汽轮机控制。
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GOVERNOR SERIAL NUMBER:APPLICATION:天津天保热电有限公司505编程方式工作卡调速器顺序号使用场合日期TUBINE START汽轮机启动Manua1 Start..............YES........NO...... dflt=No(Yes/No)If YES , selects a manual start mode where the operator controls the turbine speed from zero up to the minimum control speed. The Start Sequence would be:Push RUN. The actuator(s) automatically move to max. position. Lastly ,the operator slowly opens the T&T valve until the governor takes control.手动启动Automatic Start............YES....Y...NO...... dflt=No(Yes/No)If YES, selects an automatic start mode where the 505 controls the turbine speed from zero up to the minimum control speed. The Start sequence would be: Open the T&T valve, then push RUN. The valve limiter opens automatically until the governor takes control.自动启动Semiautomatic Start.........YES.......NO...... dflt=No(Yes/No)If YES, selects a semiautomatic start mode where the 505 valve limiter must be opened slowly by the operator to open the control valve and bring the turbine speed from zero up to the minimum control speed. The Start Sequence would be: Open the T&T valve, then push RUN. The valve limiter must then be raised by the operator until governor takes control.半自动启动NOTEOne of the three start modes must be selected before the unit will run.Rate to min(RPM/Sec).................10...RPM/Sec dflt=10.0(0.1,500)Rate at which speed setpiont moves to lowest controlling speed on start. The min controlling speed will be either ‘idle’, if idle/rated is used, or ‘low idle’, if the auto start sequence is used. If neither of these startup features is used, the min speed will be the minimum governor speed setpoint.至最低转速速率Va1ve Limiter Rate(%Sec)..............1 ...%Sec dflt=5.0(0.1,25)Rate at which the valve limiter moves. When using a semiautomatic or automatic start, this setting should be very slowly—typically less than 2%/sec. When using a manual start, this setting is less critical and can be left at the default of 5%/sec.阀位限制器速率Use id1e/Rated? .............YES....Y...NO...... dflt=No(Yes/No)If NO, skip to use Auto Start Sequence. If YES, the control will ramp from a programmable Rated speed setpoint when Rated is selected through keypad, ModBus or external switch.采用暖机/额定Id1e Setpt(RPM)...........800...... RPM dflt=1000(0.0,20000) Lowest control setpoint when using the Idle/Rated function.暖机转速设定值Rated Setpt(RPM)...........5350.....RPM dflt=0.0(0.0,20000)(Must be greater than or equal to the ‘Minimum Governor’ Setting)额定转速设定值Id1e/Rated SETPT Rate(RPM/SEC)..5.. RPM/SEC. dflt=5.0(0.0,100)Rate at which the speed setpoint moves between Idle and Rated speed setpoints when using the IDLE/RATED commands.暖机/额定速率Use Auto Start Sequence......YES...NO.. N.... dflt=No(Yes/No)If YES and run is selected, the 505 automatically accelerates the speed setpoint to a programmable low idle speed and holds for programmable time then ramps to a programmable high idle speed and holds for programmable time then ramps to a programmable rated speed setpoint. The start sequence can be actuated or halted through the keypad, ModBus or external switch.采用顺序自动启动Cold Start-(>XX Hrs)...................HRS dflt=0.0(0.0,200)If this much time has expired after a trip condition, then the control will use the cold start values. If less than this time has expired, the control will interpolate between the hot and cold start values to determine rates hold times.冷态启动Hot Start-(>XX Hrs) ...................HRS dflt=0.0(0.0,200)Maximum time allowed after a trip for the hot start sequence curves to be used. If less than this time has expired then the control will use the hot start values.(Must be less than or equal to the ‘Cold Start’ Hours)热态启动Low Id1e Sept(RPM) ....................RPM dflt=1000(0.0,20000)The first hold speed which using the automatic start sequence. The speed setpoint will remain at this setting until the low idle delay/hold time has expired.低暖机转速设定值Low Id1e De1ay Time(C01d)..............MINUTES dflt=0.0(0.0,20000)Programmable time in seconds the turbime will delay at the low idle speed when a cold start has been determined.低暖机转速保持冷态Low Id1c De1ay Time(Hot)..................MIN dflt=0.0(0.0,20000)Programmable time in seconds the turbine will delay at the low idle speed when a hot start is determined. If the turbine has been shutdown for longer than the Hot time but shorter than the Cold time, the control will interpolate between the Hot an Cold delays to determine the low idle hold time.(Must be less than or equal to the ‘Low Idle –Cold’ setting)低暖机转速保持热态Rated to Hi Idle (Cold)................RPM/SEC dflt=1.0(0.1,100)Programmable rate at which the speed setpoint will ramp from low idle speed to high idle speed when a cold start is determined.至高暖机转速速率冷态Rated to Hi Idle (Hot)........... RPM/SEC dflt=1.0(0.1,100)Programmable rate at which the speed setpoint will ramp from low idle speed to high idle speed when a hot start is determined. If the turbine has been shutdown for longer than the hot time but shorter than the cold time, the control will interpolate between the HOT AND COLD rates to determine the acceleration rate the hi idle setpoint.(Must be greater than or equal to the ‘RATE TO HI IDLE-COLD’Setting)至高暖机转速速率热态High Idle Sept (Rpm).............RPM dflt=0.0(0.0,20000)The second hold speed when using the automatic start sequence. The speed setpoint will remain at this setting until the hi idle delay/hold time has expired.(Must be greater than ‘LOW IDLE’Setting)高暖机转速设定值High Idle Delay Time (Cold)...........Min dflt=0.0(0.0,20000)Programmable time in seconds the turbine will delay at the high idle speed when a cold start has been determined.高暖机转速保持冷态High Idle Delay Time(Hot).........Min dflt=0.0(0.0,20000)Programmable time in seconds the turbine will delay at the high idle speed when a hot start has been determined. If the turbine has been shutdown for longer than the HOT time but shorter than the COLD time, the control will interpolate between the HOT and COLD delays to determine the hi idle hold time.(Must be less than or equal to the ‘HIGH IDLE DELAY-COLD’Setting)高暖机转速保持热态Rate to Rated (Cold)........... RPM/SEC dflt=1.0(0.1,100)Programmable rate at which the Speed Setpoint will ramp from high idle speed to min governor speed when a cold start is determined.至额定转速速率冷态Rate to Rated (Hot).............. RPM/SEC dflt=1.0(0.1,100)Programmable rate at which the speed setpoint will ramp from high idle speed to min governor speed when a hot start is determined. If the turbine has been shutdown for longer than the HOT time but shorter than the COLD time, the control will interpolate between the HOT an COLD delays to determine the acceleration rate to rated setpoint.(Must be greater than or equal to the ‘RATE TO RATED-COLD’Setting)至额定转速速率热态Rated Sept (RPM)..................RPM dflt=0.0(0.0,20000) (Must be greater than or equal to the ‘Minimum Governor’Setting)额定转速设定值Auto Halt at Idle Setpts................YES_____NO_____在暖机转速下自动暂停Ext Trips in Trip Relay........ YES_____NO___N__ dflt=yes(yes/no)Select YES followed by ENTER key to allow the external trip inputs to de-energize the Trip Relay output. When set to NO, an external trip contact input to the 505 control but will not de-energize the 505’s trip relay output.外部跳闸释放跳闸继电器Reset Clears Trip Output.... YES__Y___NO_____ dflt=no(yes/no)When set to Yes, a Reset command will energize the trip relay output even when a trip condition is still sensed by the 505-typically due to the external trip input. When NO, the trip relay output will be de-energized on a 505 trip and will not energize until all trips have cleared.复位清除跳闸输出SPEED CONTROL转速控制NOTEThe maximum turbine speed is 20000 rpm and the maximum speed input frequency is 15000 hertz. Teeth Seen by MPU.......60... dflt=60.0(1,300)Number of teeth on gear that the speed probe is mounted on.速比1MPU GEAR RATIO...1... dflt=1.0(0.1,200)The ratio of the MPU gear to the turbine shaft. This geat ratio is the result of diveding the speed of the MPU gear by the speed of the turbine shaft.齿轮比率Failed Speed Leve1(RPM)...250...RPM dflt=250(0.5,1000)Speed proble input failure level. If speed drops below this level the control will determine the speed input device is failed.失效转速值Use Speed Input #2 ?........YES___Y__NO_____ dflt=no(yes/no)采用2#转速输入Off-Line Proportional Gain ...5...% dflt=5.0(0.0,100)Used to set speed/load control response, when the Gen and Utility breaker contacts are open and the turbine speed is below minimum governor speed or when the Select Dynamics function is used and the contact is open.脱机比例增益Off-Line Integral Gain...0.5...rps dflt=5.0(0.0,50)Used to set speed/load control response, when the Gen and Utility breaker contacts are open and the turbine speed is below minimum governor speed or when the Select Dynamics function is used and the contact is open.脱机积分增益Off-Line derivative Gain...100...% dflt=5.0(0.01,100)Used to set speed/load control response, when the Gen and Utility breaker contacts are open and the turbine speed is below minimum governor speed or when the Select Dynamics function is used and the contact is open.脱机微分率On-Line Prop Gain....5...% dflt=5.0(0.0,100)Used to set speed/load control response, when the Gen and Utility breaker contacts are open and the turbine speed is below minimum governor speed (if not a GEN set) or when the Select Dynamics function is used and the contact is closed.联机比例增益On-Line Int Gain...0.5...rps dflt=5.0(0.0,50)Used to set speed/load control response, when the Gen and Utility breaker contacts are open and the turbine speed is below minimum governor speed (if not a GEN set) or when the Select Dynamics function is used and the contact is closed.联机积分增益On-Line Deriv Ratio...100...% dflt=5.0(0.01,100)Used to set speed/load control response, when the Gen and Utility breaker contacts are open and the turbine speed is below minimum governor speed (if not a GEN set) or when the Select Dynamics function is used and the contact is closed.联机微分率SPEED SETPOINT VALUES转速给定值NoteThe maximum turbine speed is 20000 rpm and the maximum speed input frequency is 15000 hertz.Overspeed Test Lmt (RPM)...6045...RPM dflt=1100(0.0,20000)The maximum speed setpoint for overspeed testing the unit. The setpoint can only be raised to this level when the overspeed test function is being performed.超速试验极限值Overspeed Trip LEVEL(RPM)...5778...RPM dflt=1100(0.0,20000)Governor overspeed trip setpoint only. Not to be used as ultimate overseed protection.(Must be less than the ‘Overspeed Test Limit’ Setting)超速跳闸转速Max Governor Speed(RPM) SETPOINT...5618...RPM dflt=0.0(0.0,20000)Normal governor operation upper limit. For turbine/generation applications, this value must be at least equal to [Rated speed+(Droop%×Rated Speed)].(Must be less than the ‘Overspeed Trip Level’ Setting)调速器上限转速Min Governor Speed(RPM) SETPOINT...5082...RPM dflt=0.0(0.0,20000)Normal governor operation low limit.(Must be less than the ‘Maximum Governor Speed’ Setting)调速器下限转速Speed Setpt Slow Rate(RPM/SEC)...5...RPM/SEC dflt=5.0(0.1,100)Rate of speed change for normal operation.给定值慢速率Use Remote Speed Setpt ?.... YES___Y__NO_____ dflt=YES(YES,NO)Set to YES if using an analog input to set the Speed/Load setpoint采用远程转速给定值Rmt Spd Setpt Max Rate...10....RPM/SEC dflt=50.0(0.1,500)Maximum rate of speed change for remote speed setpoint operation.远程转速给定值最大速率Use Critical Speeds ?....... YES_____NO_____ dflt=YES(YES,NO)When set to YES, allows up to two critical speed avoidance bands to be programmed. Within the bands, the speed setpoint cannot be stopped. These bands are used to protect the turbine and driven device from speeds that inherently high vibration.(Must program either ‘Idle/Rated’ or ‘Auto Start Sequence’ to use critical speed avoidance.)使用临界转速Critical Speed Rate.......RPM/SEC dflt=50.0(0.1,500)The rate that speed setpoint move through the critical speed ranges.(Must be greater than the ‘Speed Setpt Rate’ setting)临界转速速率Critical Speed 1 Max......RPM dflt=1.0(1.0,20000)Upper limit of the critical speed avoidance band.(Must be less than the ‘minimum governor speed’ setting)第一临界转速上限值Critical Speed 1 Min......RPM dflt=1.0(1.0,20000)Lower limit of the critical speed avoidance band.(Must be less than the ‘critical speed 1 max’ setting)第一临界转速下限值Use Critical speed 2 ?......YES_____NO_____ dflt=YES(YES,NO) 使用临界转速范围2Critical Speed 2 Max....RPM dflt=1.0(1.0,20000)Upper limit of the critical speed avoidance band.(Must be less than the ‘minimum governor speed’ setting)第二临界转速上限值Critical Speed 2 Min.......RPM dflt=1.0(1.0,20000)Lower limit of the critical speed avoidance band.(Must be less than the ‘critical speed 1 max’ setting)第二阶临界转速下限值OPERATING PARAMETERS操作参数Generator Applicat ion ?.....YES__Y___NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO)If YES, requires a Generator breaker and Utility Tie breaker to be programmed as a contact inputs.用于发电机机组Use Gen Brkr Open Trip ?..... YES__ Y ___NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO)If YES, unit will trip when the generator breaker opens after being closed.采用发电机断路器断开跳闸Use Tie Brkr Open Trip ?....... YES___ Y __NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO)If YES, unit will trip when the utility tie breaker opens after being colsed.采用电网断路器断开跳闸Use KW Droop ? ................ YES__ ___NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO) If YES, selects generator load(KW) feedback as the controlling parameter for stability. If NO, internal LSS(speed) demand/actuator position droop is used.使用KW不等率KW Max Load............KW dflt=100(0.1,100000)Limits the max.Load the turbine/generator can carry.(Must be less than or equal to the ‘Kw input at 20mA’ setting)KW最大负荷Droop (%)........................% dflt=5.0(0.0,10)Not more than 10%.不等率Rated Spd Setpt....5350...RPM dflt=5.0(0.0,20000)(Must be greater than or equal to ‘the minimum governor speed’ setting)额定转速给定值Use Freq Arm/Disarm ?..... YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO)If YES, frequency control must be armed before the unit will switch into frequency control. If NO, frequency control is always armed.采用频率介入/退出Use Local/Remote........ YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO)If YES,enables the unit to go from REMOTE(ModBus, contact input and front panel) control to LOCAL(front panel) control only. If NO, all programmed inputs are active at all times.采用就地/远程DRIVER CONFIGURATION驱动器组态Act #1 is 4-20mA ?......... YES__Y___NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO)Enter YES if actuator is 4-20mA or enter NO if actuator is 20-160mA. Most Woodward actuatorsare 20-160mA.1#执行机构为4-20mAInvert Driver Outputs ?....... ..YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO) 驱动器输出反向Use Act 1 Fault Shutdown.......... YES__ Y ___NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO)If YES, Unit will issue a shutdown if Actuator 1# has a fault.使用1#执行机构故障停机Act #1 Dither%..........................% dflt=0.0(0.0,10)(RUNMODE)-ACT 1 : Min Value_____mA dflt=4(2,20) or 20(10,24)Max Value_____mA dflt=20(10,80) or 160(100,200)This information is here to document calibration changes made in the RUN mode under the ACTUATOR heading while stroking the actuator.1#执行机构颤振Use Actuator NNUMBER #2 ?... YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO)Set to YES if using both Actuator outputs(Act 1 & Act 2). If NO skip to use 2 as readout.采用2#执行机构Act #2 is 4-20mA ?....... YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO)Enter YES if actuator is 4-20mA or enter NO if actuator is 20-160mA.2#执行机构为4-20mAAct #2 Offset(%)..........% dflt=0.0(0.0,100)The % actuator 1# is at when actuator 2# begins to open. Enter 0.0 if both actuators open together.2#执行机构偏置值Use Act 2 Flt Shutdown......YES_____NO_____ dflt=YES(YES,NO)Unit will issue a shutdown if actuator 2# has a fault.使用2#执行机构故障停机Act #2 Dither(%)...........% dflt=0.0(0.0,10)(RUNMODE)-ACT 1 : Min Value_____mA dflt=4(2,20) or 20(10,24)Max Value_____mA dflt=20(10,80) or 160(100,200)This information is here to document calibration changes made in the RUN mode under the ACTUATOR heading while stroking the actuator.2#执行机构颤振Use Act #2 as Readout ?....... YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES,NO)2#执行机构作为读数输出ACTUATOR 2# READOUT IS: _____OPTIONS FOR ACTUATOR 2# READOUTActuator speed rmt cascade setptSpeed setpoint auxiliary inputRemote speed setpt auxiliary setpointSync/Ld share input rmt auxiliary setptKW input valve limiter setpointCascade input actuator 1# readoutCascade setpoint first stg press input(the function that the readout uses must be programmed or an error message occur. For example, to use cascade setpoint readout, the ‘USE CASCADE’function must be programmed.) 2#执行机构读数输出为Readout 4mA Value......Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Minimum value that will correspond to 4mA input.读数输出为4mAReadout 20mA Value.....Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Maximum value that will correspone to 20mA input.(must be greater than the ‘readout 4Ma value’ setting.)读数输出为20mA值ANALOG INPUTS模拟输入Analog Input #1 Function: _____Analog input options(not used) cascade inputRemote speed setpt remote cascade setptSynchronizing input auxiliary inputSync/load share input remote aux setptKW/unit load input first stage press inputNoteThe 4-20mA values are scaled internally within the 505 (the function that the analog input used must be programmed or an error message will occur. For example,to use the cascade input, the ‘use cascade’ function must be programmed)1#模拟输入功能Input 1 4mA Value......Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 4mA input.1#输入4mA值Input 1 20mA Value.....Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 20mA input.(Must be greater than the ‘input 4mA value’ setting)1#输入20mA值Analog Input #2 Function_____2#模拟输入功能Input 2 4mA Value.......Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 4mA input.2#输入4mA值Input 2 20mA Value......Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 20mA input.(Must be greater than the ‘input 4mA value’ setting)2#输入20mA值Analog Input #3 Function_____3#模拟输入功能Input 3 4mA Value.......Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 4mA input.3#输入4mA值Input 3 20mA Value......Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 20mA input.(Must be greater than the ‘input 4mA value’ setting)3#输入20mA值Analog Input #4 Function___Remote Cascade Setpt____4#模拟输入功能Input 4 4mA Value...0....Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 4mA input.4#输入4mA值Input 4 20mA Value...25...Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 20mA input.(Must be greater than the ‘input 4mA value’ setting)4#输入20mA值Analog Input #5 Function__cascade input___5#模拟输入功能Input 5 4mA Value...0....Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 4mA input.5#输入4mA值Input 5 20mA Value...25...Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 20mA input.(Must be greater than the ‘input 4mA value’ setting)5#输入20mA值Analog Input #6 Function__remote speed setpt___6#模拟输入功能Input 6 4mA Value...5082....Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 4mA input.6#输入4mA值Input 6 20mA Value...5618...Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)Value in engineering units that will correspond to 20mA input.(Must be greater than the ‘input 4mA value’ setting)6#输入20mA值CONTACT INPUTS触点输入NOTEIf unit is configured as a ‘generator set’, then contact input must be programmed for generator and tie breaker contacts. Also, each contact input option may be configured only once. In addition, the function that the contact input uses must be programmed or an error message will occur. For example, to use Cascade Control Enable contact input, the ‘use cascade’ function must be programmed.Contact input 1 Function:____Idle/Rated_________CONTACT INPUT OPTIONS(Not Used) freq control arm/disarmGenerator breader casc setpt raiseUtility tie breaker casc setpt lowerOverspeed test casc control enableExternal run remote case setpt enableStart permissive aux setpt raiseIdle/rated aux setpt lowerHalt/continue auto start sequence aux control enableOverride MPU fault remote aux setpt enableSelect on-line dynamics valve limiter openLocal/remote valve limiter closeRemote speed setpt enable external trip 2Sync enable external trip 3Sync/Ld share enable controlled shutdown(manual)1#触点输入功能Contact input 2 Function:____external run_________2#触点输入功能Contact input 3 Function:____overspeed test_________3#触点输入功能Contact input 4 Function:____generator breaker_________4#触点输入功能Contact input 5 Function:____utility tie breaker_________5#触点输入功能Contact input 6 Function:____start permissive_________6#触点输入功能Contact input 7 Function:____remote speed setpt enable_________7#触点输入功能Contact input 8 Function:____remote casc setpt enable_________8#触点输入功能Contact input 9 Function:_____________9#触点输入功能Contact input 10 Function:_____________10#触点输入功能Contact input 11 Function:_____________11#触点输入功能Contact input 12 Function:_____________12#触点输入功能FUNCTION KEYS功能键(Each function key option may be configured only once. In addition, the function that the function used must be programmed or an error message will occur. For example, to use the Cascade Control Enable function key, the ‘Use Cascade’ function must be programmed.) F3 Key Performs:_____________OPTIONS FOR FUNCTION KEYS F3&F4(Not Used) freq arm/disarmLocal/remote casc control enableIdle/rated remote cascade setpt enableHalt/continue auto start sequence aux control enableSync enable remote aux setpt enableSync/load share energize relay outputBLINK F3 LED WHEN NOT ACTIVE? YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES/NO)When YES, the function key LED will blink if the function is enabled but not active. The LED will be ON whenever the function is active or in control. If NO, the function key LED is ON when the function is enabled, active, or in control.F3键执行Blink when not Active.................... YES_____NO_____未激活时闪烁F4 Key Performs:_____________See option list above.Blink F4 LED when not Active ?................. YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES/NO) When YES, the function key LED will blink if the function is enabled but not active. The LED will blink if the function is enabled but not active. The LED will be ON whenever the function is active in control. If NO, the function key LED is ON when the function is enabled, active, or in control.未激活时闪烁AUXILIARY CONTROL辅助控制Use Auxiliary Control ?.................. YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES/NO) 使用辅助控制Lost Aux Input Shutdown ?............... YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES/NO)If YES, unit will issue a shutdown if the auxiliary input fails.失去辅助输入时停机Use KW Input ?........................... YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES/NO)Set to YES to allow the AUX control channel to use the KW Input programmed. When YES, no Aux analog input is needed. When NO, an AUX analog input must be programmed.采用KW输入Invert Aux input? ...................... YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES/NO) 辅助输入反向Min Aux Setpt=.....................Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)The minimum setpoint value that the auxiliary setpoint can be decreased/lowered to (lower limit of Aux setpoint).辅助给定值下限Max Aux Setpt=.....................Units dflt=100(-100000,100000)The maximum setpoint value that the auxiliary setpoint can be increased/raised to (upper limit of Aux setpoint).(must be greater than the ‘min aux setpt ’ settint)辅助给定值上限Aux Setpt Rate units/sec=.........Units/SEC dflt=5.0(0.1,1000)Rate at which aux setpoint moves when adjusted.辅助给定值速率Use Aux Enable ?............. YES_____NO_____ dflt=NO(YES/NO)If NO, then Aux is always enabled and will act as a controlling limiter. If YES, AUX will require an ENABLE command to enable Aux control.采用辅助投入Setpt Initial Value.................Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000)When not using Aux Enable function, this is the value that the auxiliary setpoint initializes to upon power-up or exiting the program mode.(must be less than or equal to the ‘Max Aux Setpt’ Setting)初始给定值Aux Droop=.............................% dflt=0.0(0.0,10)If required, a typical value is 5%.辅助不等率Aux PID Prop Gain=......................% dflt=1.0(0.0,100) 辅助PID比例增益Aux PID Integral Gain=.................% dflt=3.0(0.0,50)辅助PID积分增益Aux Derivative Ratio=...................% dflt=100(0.01,100) 辅助PID微分率Tiebrkr Open Aux Disable....... YES_____NO_____ dflt=YES(YES/NO)Disables Auxiliary Control when the Utility Tie breaker is open.电网断路器断开时退出辅助控制Genbrkr Open Aux Disable....... YES_____NO_____ dflt=YES(YES/NO)Disable Auxiliary Control when the Generator breaker is open.发电机断路器断开时退出辅助控制Use Remote Aux Setting........ .YES_____NO_____ dflt= NO (YES/NO)Allow the Aux setpoint to be adjusted from an analog input.采用远程辅助给定值Remote Aux Max Rate.........UNITS/SEC dflt=5.0(0.1,1000)Maximum rate at which the remote input will move the Aux setpoint.远程辅助最大速率Aux Units of Measure: _____Options: PSI t/hkPa k#hrMW #/hrKW kg/cm2dkgF bardegC atm(none)辅助控制的测量单位CASCADE CONTROL串级控制Use Cascade Control ?....... YES__Y___NO_____ dflt= NO (YES/NO)使用串级控制Invert Cascade input?........YES_____NO_____ dflt= NO (YES/NO)When NO, the valve demand will increase when the cascade input decreases below the cascade setpoint. Typically set to YES for Turbine Inlet Pressure control.反向串级控制Min Cascade Setpt=.......0..........Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000) The minimum setpoint value that the cascade setpoint can be decreased/lowered to (lower limit of cascade setpoint).串级给定值下限Max Cascade Setpt=........25.........Units dflt=100(-100000,100000) The maximum setpoint value that the cascade setpoint can be increased/raised to (upper limit of cascade setpoint).(must be greater than the ‘min cascade setpt’ setting)串级给定值上限Casc Setpt Rate(/sec)=........0.1....... Units/SEC dflt=5.0(0.1,1000)Rate at which the cascade setpoint will change when raising or lowering.串级给定值速率Use Setpoint Tracking ? ............ YES__Y___NO_____ dflt= NO (YES/NO)If YES, the cascade setpoint tracks the cascade input to provide bumpless transfer to cascade control when it is enabled. If NO, the cascade setpoint remains at the last position excepton power-up or exiting the program mode.使用给定值跟踪功能Setpt Initial Value....5082...Units dflt=0.0(-100000,100000) When not using the Setpoint Tracking function, this is the value that the cascade setpoint initializes to upon power-up or exiting the program mode.(Must be less than or equal to the ‘Max Cascade Setpt’ Setting)初始给定值Speed Setpt Lower Limit...5082.....RPM dflt=0.0(0.0,20000)The minimum speed setpoint that the cascade controller can lower the speed setpoint to.(Must be greater than or equal to the ‘Minimum Governer Speed Setpt’ Setting)转速给定值下限Speed Setpt Upper Limit...5618....RPM dflt=0.0(0.0,20000)The maximum speed setpoint that the cascade controller can raise the speed setpoint to. (Must be less than or equal to the ‘Minimum Governer Speed Setpt’ Setting) 转速给定值上限Max Speed Rate(RPM/sec)....5...RPM/SEC dflt=5.0(0.1,100)The maximum rate at which the cascade control can vary the speed setpoint.最大转速速率Cascde Droop .........% dflt=0.0(0.0,10.0)If needer, typically 5%.串级控制不等率Casc PID Prop Gain....1....% dflt=1.0(0.0,100) 串级PID比例增益Casc PID Integral Gain...3.0... % dflt=3.0(0.0,50) 串级PID积分增益Casc Derivative Ratio...100....% dflt=100(0.01,100) 串级PID微分率Use Remte Casc Setting.. YES__Y___NO_____ dflt=NO(Yes/No)Allows the cascade setpoint to be adjusted from an analog input.采用远程串级给定值Remote Casc Max Rate...0.1...Units/SEC dflt=5.0(0.1,1000)Maximum rate at which the remote input will raise or lower the Cascade setpoint.远程串级最大速率Casc Units of Measure......bar.......Options: PSI t/hkPa k#hrMW #/hrKW kg/cm2dkgF bardegC atm(none)_串级控制的测量单位READOUTS读数输出All six 4-20mA analog readouts may be configured.Analog Readout 1 is......................................ANALOG READOUT OPTIONS。