Phase fluctuations and Non-Fermi Liquid Properties of 2D Fermi-system with attraction
Corresponding Solutions for Chemical Reaction EngineeringCHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW OF CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
CHAPTER 2 KINETICS OF HOMOGENEOUS REACTIONS ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
CHAPTER 3 INTERPRETATION OF BATCH REACTOR DATA ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
CHAPTER 4 INTRODUCTION TO REACTOR DESIGN ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
CHAPTER 5 IDEAL REACTOR FOR A SINGLE REACTOR........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
CHAPTER 6 DESIGN FOR SINGLE REACTIONS ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
CHAPTER 10 CHOOSING THE RIGHT KIND OF REACTOR ....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
关键词:硫含量;紫外荧光;微库仑中图分类号:TE622.1+4文献标识码:B文章编号:1671-4962(2023)02-0059-03 Comparison of ultraviolet fluorescence method and microcoulomb method for determination of Sulfur content in oil productsLi Jianguo(Sinopec ZHSH(Wuhan)Inspection and Testing Center,Wuhan430000,China)Abstract:Sulfur is very harmful to equipment and environmental health in the production and application of oil products.There are many ways to determine the sulfur content in petroleum products.This paper introduced ultraviolet fluorescence method and microcoulomb method,analyzed and compared the two methods from the aspects of measurement principle,important influencing factors,accuracy and pared with the microcoulomb method,ultraviolet fluorescence method had better accuracy and repeatability and fewer influencing factors.Keywords:sulfur content;ultraviolet fluorescence;microcoulombS是石油中常见的组成元素,在石油的炼制加工过程中,通常使用加氢精制装置进行脱硫,S在石油炼制、加工、存贮过程中对设备造成腐蚀,具有高毒性的H2S会给生产带来安全风险,必须进行处理。
前言Mannich反应(简称曼氏反应),是以德国化学家Carl Ulvich Franz Mannich 的名字而命名的也称作胺甲基化反应,是含有活泼氢的化合物(通常为羰基化合物)与甲醛(或其它醛)及胺的不对称缩合反应,所得产物为Mannich碱。
其反应通式为:OC R2 R1H2C ++OC R3HN HR4R5N CR4R5CHR3HR1OR2反应中的胺一般为二级胺,如哌啶、二甲胺等。
Mannich经历了一相当长的探索时期,从20世纪80年代以前间接法—酮交换法(the addition of ketones to Schiff bases)和胺交换法(amine exchange reactions)。
紫外分光光度法同时测定小儿复方苯巴比妥片剂中的4组分文 莉1,方惠会2(1.中南大学湘雅医学院化学教研室长沙410078;2.中南大学分析测试中心长沙410083)[摘要] 目的:建立小儿复方苯巴比妥片剂中4组分含量的检测方法。
相对标准偏差(RS D)分别为2.0%,2.0%, 2.9%和2.2%。
[关键词] 分光光度测定法,紫外线; 阿斯匹林; 非那西丁; 咖啡因; 苯巴比妥; 小儿复方苯巴比妥3 [中图分类号] O657.32 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 100025625(2002)0120083202Simultaneous determination of four components in the compound child phenobarbital tablet using ultraviolet spectrophotometryWE N Li1,FANG Hui2hui2(1.Department o f Chemistry,Xiangya School o f Medicine,Central South University,Changsha410078,China;2.Center o f Analysis and Test, Central South University,Changsha410083,China)Abstract: Objective T o establish a method to determine four com ponents in the child phenobarbital tablet.Methods Ultraviolet spectrophotometry was used to determine four com ponents without separation.R e2 sults The contents of aspirin,phenacetin,caffeine and phenobarbital could be measured simultaneously.The average recoveries of four com ponents in simulated sam ples and the com pound child phenobarbital tablet sam ples were99.0%,98.9%,99.8%,and101%,respectively,and relative standard deviations of those were2.0%,2.0%,2.9%,and2.2%,respectively.Conclusion The method is sim ple,fast,reliable,and can be used to m onitor the quality of com pound drugs.K ey w ords: spectrophotometry; ultraviolet; aspirin; phenacetin; caffeine; phenobarbital; child’s phenobarbital table3[Bull Hunan Med Univ,2002,27(1):0083202] 小儿复方苯巴比妥是由阿司匹林、非那西丁、咖啡因和苯巴比妥组成的复方制剂,其各组分含量的测定,中国药典[1]和天津地方标准采用分步分离再分别测定的方法。
摩擦纳米发电激发光动力学英文回答:Frictional nanogenerators (FNGs) are devices that can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy through the process of triboelectric effect. They work by utilizing the frictional forces between two different materials to generate a charge imbalance, which can then be harvested as electricity. FNGs have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential applications in self-powered systems and wearable electronics.The study of the photodynamics of FNGs involves investigating the light emission properties that occur during the frictional process. When two materials rub against each other, they generate not only electrical energy but also light emissions. These light emissions can provide valuable information about the underlying mechanisms of FNGs and can be used to optimize their performance.One example of the photodynamics of FNGs is the generation of triboluminescence. Triboluminescence refers to the emission of light when certain materials are subjected to frictional forces. This phenomenon has been observed in various materials, such as sugar crystals, quartz, and certain types of plastics. When these materials are rubbed or crushed, they emit a brief burst of light. The exact mechanism behind triboluminescence is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to involve the breaking of chemical bonds, the release of stored energy, and the recombination of charged particles.Understanding the photodynamics of FNGs can have practical implications in the development of more efficient and reliable nanogenerators. By studying the light emissions during the frictional process, researchers can gain insights into the energy conversion mechanisms and identify ways to enhance the overall performance of FNGs. For example, by optimizing the materials used in FNGs, it may be possible to increase the intensity or duration of the light emissions, leading to higher energy output.中文回答:摩擦纳米发电激发光动力学是研究摩擦过程中发生的光发射特性的学科。
A general theory of phase noise in electrical oscillators
A General Theory of Phase Noisein Electrical OscillatorsAli Hajimiri,Student Member,IEEE,and Thomas H.Lee,Member,IEEE Abstract—A general model is introduced which is capableof making accurate,quantitative predictions about the phasenoise of different types of electrical oscillators by acknowledgingthe true periodically time-varying nature of all oscillators.Thisnew approach also elucidates several previously unknown designcriteria for reducing close-in phase noise by identifying the mech-anisms by which intrinsic device noise and external noise sourcescontribute to the total phase noise.In particular,it explains thedetails of how1=f noise in a device upconverts into close-inphase noise and identifies methods to suppress this upconversion.The theory also naturally accommodates cyclostationary noisesources,leading to additional important design insights.Themodel reduces to previously available phase noise models asspecial cases.Excellent agreement among theory,simulations,andmeasurements is observed.Index Terms—Jitter,oscillator noise,oscillators,oscillator sta-bility,phase jitter,phase locked loops,phase noise,voltagecontrolled oscillators.I.I NTRODUCTIONT HE recent exponential growth in wireless communicationhas increased the demand for more available channels inmobile communication applications.In turn,this demand hasimposed more stringent requirements on the phase noise oflocal oscillators.Even in the digital world,phase noise in theguise of jitter is important.Clock jitter directly affects timingmargins and hence limits system performance.Phase and frequencyfluctuations have therefore been thesubject of numerous studies[1]–[9].Although many modelshave been developed for different types of oscillators,eachof these models makes restrictive assumptions applicable onlyto a limited class of oscillators.Most of these models arebased on a linear time invariant(LTI)system assumptionand suffer from not considering the complete mechanism bywhich electrical noise sources,such as device noise,becomephase noise.In particular,they take an empirical approach indescribing the upconversion of low frequency noise sources,suchascorner in the phase noise spectrum is smallerthanis the amplitude,0018–9200/98$10.00©1998IEEEFig.1.Typical plot of the phase noise of an oscillator versus offset an arbitrary,fixed phase refer-ence.Therefore,the spectrum of an ideal oscillator with norandom fluctuations is a pair of impulsesat.In a practical oscillator,however,the output is more generally givenbyandis aperiodic function with period2andrepresents the single side-band power at a frequency offsetofandis dominated by its phaseportion,,known as phase noise,which we will simplydenoteas.Fig.2.A typical RLC oscillator.The semi-empirical model proposed in [1]–[3],known also as the Leeson–Cutler phase noise model,is based on an LTI assumption for tuned tank oscillators.It predicts the followingbehaviorfor:is an empirical parameter (often called the “deviceexcess noisenumber”),is the absolutetemperature,),andregion can beobtained by applying a transfer function approach as follows.The impedance of a parallel RLC,for,is easily calculated tobeHAJIMIRI AND LEE:GENERAL THEORY OF PHASE NOISE IN ELECTRICAL OSCILLATORS181Fig.3.Phase and amplitude impulse response model.a multiplicativefactor,a priori.One importantreason is that much of the noise in a practical oscillatorarises from periodically varying processes and is thereforecyclostationary.Hence,as mentioned in[3],region of the spectrum can be calculatedasregion is thus easily obtained,the expressionforthecorner of thephase noise is the same asthe(7)whereis the effective series resistance,givenbyare shown in Fig.2.Note that itis still not clear how tocalculateinputs(each associated with one noise source)and two outputsthat are the instantaneous amplitude and excess phase of theoscillator,,as defined by(1).Noise inputs to thissystem are in the form of current sources injecting into circuitnodes and voltage sources in series with circuit branches.Foreach input source,both systems can be viewed as single-input,single-output systems.The time and frequency-domainfluctuationsof can be studied by characterizingthe behavior of two equivalent systems shown in Fig.3.Note that both systems shown in Fig.3are time variant.Consider the specific example of an ideal parallel LC oscillatorshown in Fig.4.If we inject a current impulse as shown,the amplitude and phase of the oscillator will have responsessimilar to that shown in Fig.4(a)and(b).The instantaneousvoltagechange182IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS,VOL.33,NO.2,FEBRUARY1998(a)(b)Fig.5.(a)A typical Colpitts oscillator and (b)a five-stage minimum size ring oscillator.capacitor and will not affect the current through the inductor.It can be seen from Fig.4that the resultant changeinis time dependent.In particular,if the impulse is applied at the peak of the voltage across the capacitor,there will be no phase shift and only an amplitude change will result,as shown in Fig.4(a).On the other hand,if this impulse is applied at the zero crossing,it has the maximum effect on the excessphase,which results in no phase change and changes only the amplitude,while applying an impulse atpointm CMOS inverter chain ring oscillatorshown in Fig.5(b).The results are shown in Fig.6(a)and (b),respectively.The impulse is applied close to a zerocrossing,(a)(b)Fig.6.Phase shift versus injected charge for oscillators of Fig.5(a)and (b).where it has the maximum effect on phase.As can be seen,the current-phase relation is linear for values of charge up to 10%of the total charge on the effective capacitance of the node of interest.Also note that the effective injected charges due to actual noise and interference sources in practical circuits are several orders of magnitude smaller than the amounts of charge injected in Fig.6.Thus,the assumption of linearity is well satisfied in all practical oscillators.It is critical to note that the current-to-phase transfer func-tion is practically linear even though the active elements may have strongly nonlinear voltage-current behavior.However,the nonlinearity of the circuit elements defines the shape of the limit cycle and has an important influence on phase noise that will be accounted for shortly.We have thus far demonstrated linearity,with the amount of excess phase proportional to the ratio of the injected charge to the maximum charge swing across the capacitor on the node,i.e.,when the impulseis injected.Therefore,the unit impulse response for excess phase can be expressedas(10)whereis the unit step.Wecallwhich describes how much phase shift results fromapplying a unit impulse attimeis a function of the waveformor,equivalently,the shape of the limit cycle which,in turn,is governed by the nonlinearity and the topology of the oscillator.Given the ISF,the output excessphaseHAJIMIRI AND LEE:GENERAL THEORY OF PHASE NOISE IN ELECTRICAL OSCILLATORS183(a)(b)Fig.7.Waveforms and ISF’s for(a)a typical LC oscillator and(b)a typical ring oscillator.where represents the input noise current injected into the node of interest.Since the ISF is periodic,it can be expanded in a Fourierseriesth harmonic.As will be seenlater,for an arbitrary inputcurrent injected into any circuit node,once the variousFourier coefficients of the ISF have been found.As an illustrative special case,suppose that we inject a lowfrequency sinusoidal perturbation current into the node ofinterest at a frequencyof(14)where.The argumentsof all the integrals in(13)are at frequencies higherthanand are significantly attenuated by the averaging nature ofthe integration,except the term arising from thefirst integral,whichinvolves.Therefore,the only significant termin,denotedas.As an important second special case,consider a current at afrequency close to the carrier injected into the node of interest,givenby.A process similar to thatof the previous case occurs except that the spectrumofFig.8.Conversion of the noise around integer multiples of the oscillationfrequency into phase noise.consists of two impulsesat as shown in Fig.8.This time the only integral in(13)which will have a lowfrequency argument isfor is givenby.More generally,(13)suggests that applying acurrentclose to any integer multiple of theoscillation frequency will result in two equal sidebandsat.Hence,in the generalcaseusing(13).Computing the power spectral density(PSD)of the oscillatoroutputvoltage requires knowledge of how the outputvoltage relates to the excess phase variations.As shown inFig.8,the conversion of device noise current to output voltagemay be treated as the result of a cascade of two processes.Thefirst corresponds to a linear time variant(LTV)current-to-phase converter discussed above,while the second is anonlinear system that represents a phase modulation(PM),which transforms phase to voltage.To obtain the sidebandpower around the fundamental frequency,the fundamentalharmonic of the oscillatoroutputas the input.Substitutinggiven by(17).Therefore,an injected currentat(18)184IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS,VOL.33,NO.2,FEBRUARY1998(a)(b)Fig.9.Simulated power spectrum of the output with current injection at(a) f m=50MHz and(b)f0+f m=1:06GHz.This process is shown in Fig.8.Appearance of the frequencydeviation.This type of nonlinearity does not directlyappear in the phase transfer characteristic and shows itself onlyindirectly in the ISF.It is instructive to compare the predictions of(18)withsimulation results.A sinusoidal current of10MHz.This power spectrum is obtained usingthe fast Fourier transform(FFT)analysis in HSPICE96.1.Itis noteworthy that in this version of HSPICE the simulationartifacts observed in[9]have been properly eliminated bycalculation of the values used in the analysis at the exactpoints of interest.Note that the injected noise is upconvertedinto two equal sidebandsat,where is the average capacitance on each node of thecircuitand is the maximum swing across it.For thisoscillator,–whose power spectral density has both aflat region anda,which in turn becomeclose-in phase noise in the spectrumof,as illustrated inFig.11.It can be seen that thetotal is given by the sumof phase noise contributions from device noise in the vicinityof the integer multiplesof,weighted by thecoefficients.This is shown in Fig.12(a)(logarithmic frequency scale).The resulting single sideband spectral noisedensity isplotted on a logarithmic scale in Fig.12(b).The sidebands inthe spectrumof,in turn,result in phase noise sidebandsin the spectrumof through the PM mechanism discussin the previous subsection.This process is shown in Figs.11and12.The theory predicts the existenceof,andflatregions for the phase noise spectrum.The low-frequency noisesources,such asflicker noise,are weighted by thecoefficientand showaHAJIMIRI AND LEE:GENERAL THEORY OF PHASE NOISE IN ELECTRICAL OSCILLATORS185Fig.11.Conversion of noise to phase fluctuations and phase-noise side-bands.the white noise terms are weighted byother coefficients and give rise tothecontainsregions.Finally,the flat noise floor in Fig.12(b)arises from the white noise floor of the noise sources in the oscillator.The total sideband noise power is the sum of these two as shown by the bold line in the same figure.To carry out a quantitative analysis of the phase noise sideband power,now consider an input noise current with a white power spectraldensityHz.Based on the foregoing development and (18),the total single sideband phase noise spectral density in dB below the carrier per unit bandwidth due to the source on one node at an offset frequencyof(20)where.As aresultregion of the phase noise spectrum.For a voltage noise source in series with aninductor,,wherecorner of thephase noise.It is important to note that it is by nomeans(a)(b)Fig.12.(a)PSD of (t )and (b)single sideband phase noise power spectrum,L f 1!g .obvious from the foregoing development thatthecanbe describedby(22)whereportion of the phasenoisespectrum:corner,corner in the phase noisespectrum:phase noise corner due to internal noisesources is not equal tothe186IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS,VOL.33,NO.2,FEBRUARY1998Fig.13.Collector voltage and collector current of the Colpitts oscillator of Fig.5(a).D.Cyclostationary Noise SourcesIn addition to the periodically time-varying nature of the system itself,another complication is that the statistical prop-erties of some of the random noise sources in the oscillator may change with time in a periodic manner.These sources are referred to as cyclostationary.For instance,the channel noise of a MOS device in an oscillator is cyclostationary because the noise power is modulated by the gate source overdrive which varies with time periodically.There are other noise sources in the circuit whose statistical properties do not depend on time and the operation point of the circuit,and are therefore called stationary.Thermal noise of a resistor is an example of a stationary noise source.A white cyclostationary noise current can be decom-posed as[13]:is a white cyclostationaryprocess,is awhite stationary processandis a deterministic periodic function describing the noise amplitude modulation.Wedefineto be a normalized function with a maximum value of1.Thisway,is equal to the maximum mean square noisepower,,which changes periodically with time.Applying the above expression forto(11),(27)wherecan be derived easily from device noise character-istics and operating point.Hence,this effective ISF shouldbeFig.14.0(x ),0e (x ),and (x )for the Colpitts oscillator of Fig.5(a).used in all subsequent calculations,in particular,calculation of thecoefficients .Note that there is a strong correlation between the cyclosta-tionary noise source and the waveform of the oscillator.The maximum of the noise power always appears at a certain point of the oscillatory waveform,thus the average of the noise may not be a good representation of the noise power.Consider as one example the Colpitts oscillator of Fig.5(a).The collector voltage and the collector current of the transistor are shown in Fig.13.Note that the collector current consists of a short period of large current followed by a quiet interval.The surge of current occurs at the minimum of the voltageacross the tank where the ISF is small.Functions,andfor this oscillator are shown in Fig.14.Note that,in thiscase,is quite differentfrom is at a maximum,i.e.,thesensitivity is large)at the same time the noise power is large.Functions,and for the ring oscillator of Fig.5(b)are shown in Fig.15.Note that in the case of theringoscillatorare almost identical.This indicates that the cyclostationary properties of the noise are less important in the treatment of the phase noise of ring oscillators.This unfortunate coincidence is one of the reasons why ring oscillators in general have inferior phase noise performance compared to a Colpitts LC oscillator.The other important reason is that ring oscillators dissipate all the stored energy during one cycle.E.Predicting Output Phase Noise with Multiple Noise Sources The method of analysis outlined so far has been used to predict how much phase noise is contributed by a single noise source.However,this method may be extended to multiple noise sources and multiple nodes,as individual contributions by the various noise sources may be combined by exploiting superposition.Superposition holds because the first system of Fig.8is linear.HAJIMIRI AND LEE:GENERAL THEORY OF PHASE NOISE IN ELECTRICAL OSCILLATORS187Fig.15.0(x ),0e (x ),and (x )for the ring oscillator of Fig.5(b).The actual method of combining the individual contributions requires attention to any possible correlations that may exist among the noise sources.The complete method for doing so may be appreciated by noting that an oscillator has a current noise source in parallel with each capacitor and a voltage noise source in series with each inductor.The phase noise in the output of such an oscillator is calculated using the following method.1)Find the equivalent current noise source in parallel with each capacitor and an equivalent voltage source in series with each inductor,keeping track of correlated and noncorrelated portions of the noise sources for use in later steps.2)Find the transfer characteristic from each source to the output excess phase.This can be done as follows.a)Find the ISF for each source,using any of the methods proposed in the Appendix,depending on the required accuracy and simplicity.b)Find,the amount of charge swing across the effec-tive capacitor it is injectingintois the tank capacitor,andis the maximum voltage swing across the tank.Equation (19)reducesto,the result obtained in [8]istwo times larger than the result of (29).Assuming that the total noise contribution in a parallel tank oscillator can be modeled using an excess noisefactorandfor valuesofregionare suggested by (24),which shows thatthe188IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS,VOL.33,NO.2,FEBRUARY1998(a)(b)(c)(d)Fig.16.(a)Waveform and (b)ISF for the asymmetrical node.(c)Waveform and (d)ISF for one of the symmetrical nodes.waveform.One such property concerns the rise and fall times;the ISF will have a large dc value if the rise and fall times of the waveform are significantly different.A limited case of this for odd-symmetric waveforms has been observed [14].Although odd-symmetric waveforms havesmall coefficients,the class of waveforms withsmall is not limited to odd-symmetric waveforms.To illustrate the effect of a rise and fall time asymmetry,consider a purposeful imbalance of pull-up and pull-down rates in one of the inverters in the ring oscillator of Fig.5(b).This is obtained by halving the channelwidthAatMHz is applied to one of the symmetric nodes ofthe(a)(b)Fig.17.Simulated power spectrum with current injection at f m =50MHz for (a)asymmetrical node and (b)symmetrical node.oscillator.In the second experiment,the same source is applied to the asymmetric node.As can be seen from the power spectra of the figure,noise injected into the asymmetric node results in sidebands that are 12dB larger than at the symmetric node.Note that (30)suggests that upconversion of low frequency noise can be significantly reduced,perhaps even eliminated,byminimizing ,at least in principle.Sincedepends on the waveform,this observation implies that a proper choice of waveform may yield significant improvements in close-in phase noise.The following experiment explores this concept by changing the ratioofA of sinusoidal current at 100MHz intoone node.The sideband power below carrier as a function oftheA at 50MHz injected at the drain node of one of the buffer stages results in two equal sidebands,Fig.18.Simulated and predicted sideband power for low frequency injection versus PMOS to NMOS W=Lratio.Fig.19.Four-stage differential ring oscillator.upconversion of noise to close-in phase noise,even though differential signaling is used.Since the asymmetry is due to the voltage dependent con-ductance of the load,reduction of the upconversion might be achieved through the use of a perfectly linear resistive load,because the rising and falling behavior is governed by an RC time constant and makes the individual waveforms more symmetrical.It was first observed in the context of supply noise rejection [15],[16]that using more linear loads can reduce the effect of supply noise on timing jitter.Our treatment shows that it also improves low-frequency noise upconversion into phase noise.Another symmetry-related property is duty cycle.Since the ISF is waveform-dependent,the duty cycle of a waveform is linked to the duty cycle of the ISF.Non-50%duty cyclesgenerally result inlargerforeven tank of an LC oscillator is helpful in this context,since ahighMHz,MHz,and MHz,and the sideband powersatis proportionalto,and hence the sideband power is proportionaltoA (rms)at20dB/decade,again in complete accordance with (18).The third experiment aims at verifying the effect of thecoefficientson the sideband power.One of the predictions of the theory isthatis responsible for the upconver-sion of low frequency noise.As mentionedbefore,is a strong function of waveform symmetry at the node into which the current is injected.Noise injected into a node with an asymmetric waveform (created by making one inverter asymmetric in a ring oscillator)would result in a greater increase in sideband power than injection into nodes with more symmetric waveforms.Fig.22shows the results of an experiment performed on a five-stage ring oscillator in which one of the stages is modified to have an extra pulldownFig.21.Measured sideband power versus f m ,for injections in vicinity of multiples of f 0.Fig.22.Power of the sidebands caused by low frequency injection into symmetric and asymmetric nodes of the ring oscillator.NMOS device.A current of20m,5-V CMOS process runningatandregion.For thisprocess we have a gate oxide thicknessofnm and threshold voltagesofVand mandm m,and a lateral diffusionof fF.Therefore,Fig.23.Phase noise measurements for a five-stage single-ended CMOS ring oscillator.f 0=232MHz,2- m processtechnology.identical noise sources thenpredictskHz,this equationpredictskHz dBc/Hz,in good agreement with a measurementofregion,it is enough to calculatetheratio iscalculated to be 0.3,which predictsamandmm,whichresults in a total capacitance of 43.5fFand,or122.5d B c /H z ,a g a i n i na g r e e m e n t w i t h p r e d i c t i o n s .T h e r a t i o i s c a l c u l a t e t ob e 0.17w h ic h p r ed i c t sar e g i o n b e h a v i o r .I t i n v o l v e s a s e v es t a r v e d ,s i n g l e -e n d e d r i n g o s c i l l a t o r i s t a g e c o n s i s t s o f a n a d d i t i o n a l N M O S a i n s e r i e s .T h e g a t e d r i v e s o f t h e a d d e d i n d e p e n d e n t c o n t r o l o f t h e r i s e a n d f a l l t h e p h a s e n o i s e w h e n t h e c o n t r o l v o l t a g a c h i e v e s y m m e t r y v e r s u s w h e n t h e y a r e n c o n t r o l v o l t a g e s a r e a d j u s t e d t o k e e p t h eFig.24.Phase noise measurements for an 11-stage single-ended CMOS ring oscillator.f 0=115MHz,2- m processtechnology.Fig.25.Effect of symmetry in a seven-stage current-starved single-ended CMOS VCO.f 0=60MHz,2- m process technology.constant at 60MHz.As can be seen,making the waveform more symmetric has a large effect on the phase noise intheregion.Another experiment on the same circuit is shown in Fig.26,which shows the phase noise power spectrum at a 10kHz offset versus the symmetry-controlling voltage.For all the data points,the control voltages are adjusted to keep the oscillation frequency at 50MHz.As can be seen,the phase noise reaches a minimum by adjusting the symmetry properties of the waveform.This reduction is limited by the phase noiseinm CMOS process.Each stage istapped with an equal-sized buffer.The tail current source has a quiescent current of108fFand the voltage swingisV,which resultsin fF.The total channel noise current on eachnodeFig.26.Sideband power versus the voltage controlling the symmetry of the waveform.Seven-stage current-starved single-ended CMOS VCO.f 0=50MHz,2- m processtechnology.Fig.27.Phase noise measurements for a four-stage differential CMOS ring oscillator.f 0=200MHz,0.5- m process,the phase noise inthe,or103.9d B c /H z ,a g a i n i n a g r e e m e n t w i tA l s o n o t e t h a t d e s p i t e d i f f e r e n t i a l s y m m e trw h i l e k e e p i n g t h e e f f e c t i v ec a p a c i t a n ce c o n s t a n t t o m a i n t a iand e c r e a s e s t h e c o n d u c t i o n a n g l e ,a n d t h e r e f f e c t i ve.T h e p h a s e n o i s e u l t i m a t e l y i n c r e a s e s(h e r e ,a b o u t0.2)t h a t m i n i m i z e s t h e p h a s e n o i s e .T h i s r t h e o r e t i c a l b a s i s f o r t h e c o m m o n r u l e -o f -t hFig.28.Sideband power versus capacitive division ratio.Bipolar LC Colpitts oscillator f 0=100MHz.use)inColpitts oscillators [17].VI.C ONCLUSIONThis paper has presented a model for phase noise which explains quantitatively the mechanism by which noise sources of all types convert to phase noise.The power of the model derives from its explicit recognition of practical oscillators as time-varying systems.Characterizing an oscillator with the ISF allows a complete description of the noise sensitivity of an oscillator and also allows a natural accommodation of cyclostationary noise sources.This approach shows that noise located near integer mul-tiples of the oscillation frequency contributes to the total phase noise.The model specifies the contribution of those noise components in terms of waveform properties and circuit parameters,and therefore provides important design insight by identifying and quantifying the major sources of phase noise degradation.In particular,it shows that symmetry properties of the oscillator waveform have a significant effect on the upconversion of low frequency noise and,hence,thefromit.The second method is based on an analytical state-space approach to find the excess phase change caused by an impulse of current from the oscillation waveforms.The third method is an easy-to-use approximate method.A.Direct Measurement of Impulse ResponseIn this method,an impulse is injected at different relative phases of the oscillation waveform and the oscillatorsimulatedFig.29.State-space trajectory of an n th-order oscillator.for a few cycles afterwards.By sweeping the impulse injec-tion time across one cycle of the waveform and measuring the resulting timeshiftis the period of oscillation.Fortunately,many implementations of SPICE have an internal feature to perform the sweep automatically.Since for each impulse one needs to simulate the oscillator for only a few cycles,the simulation executes rapidly.Onceth-order system can be represented by its trajectory inanwhich suddenly changes the state of the systemto.As discussed earlier,amplitude variations eventually die away,but phase variations do not.Application of the perturbation impulse causes a certain change in phase in either a negative or positive direction,depending on the state-vector and the direction of the perturbation.To calculate the equivalent time shift,we first find the projection of the perturbation vector on a unity vector in the direction of motion,i.e.,the normalized velocityvectoris the equivalent displacement along the trajectory,and,which arises from the projection operation.Theequivalent time shift is given by the displacement divided by。
Ke o d : onsrw; ells ;eme tt nkn t s fa no s u g y w r s c r t a c l o e fr nai ie i ;i me t u n i u o c l f
纤维素是世界上最大的可再生有机资源 ,我国 的纤维类资源极为丰 富 ,仅秸秆 和皮 壳每年可达
中的应用 ,即利用纤维素酶转化可再生性的能源物
质生产化工原料等【 ” 。然而 ,由于纤维素酶活力低 ,
当前 ,许多国家 已展开对纤维素利用的深入研
收稿 1期 :2 1— 0 1 3 00 1—2
基金项 目:河南 省科技攻关项 目( 8 12 2 0 1 0 2 0 20 0 ) 作 者简 介:贾翠英 (94 ) 17一 ,女 ,讲师, 士,研究方 向为生物化工 与生物制药 。E m i fed2@ ou o 博 - a:rn46 sh. 的菌体含 碳量测定进行描述。
1 . 产物 C — a酶活 力的 测定 .5 4 MC N
以 C — a酶 为 代 表 进 行 产 物 纤 维 素 酶 活 力 MC N
测定 ,其方法采用 D S N 试剂法 l 1 5 1 。首先进行葡萄
糖标 准 曲线绘 制 ,然后 依 照葡 萄糖标 准 曲线 绘制 步
7 0 t 目前对其主要的利用方式是作为低级燃 ×1s。 料 ,腐化为肥和家畜过腹还田,因此 ,有效利用率
究 ,主要 集 中在 两个 方 面 :首 先酶 的基 础 研究 ,即
纤维素酶如何使一束纤维从不可溶的聚合物上脱离 下来 ,催化的化学机制以及纤维素酶如何相互作用
以实 现协 同效 应 ;其 次是酶 在 实现 生物 量转 化 过程
域具 有极 大地 实 际应用 价 值 。
Repression of induced apoptosis in the 2-cell bovine embryo involves DNA methylation and histone deacetylationSilvia F.Carambula,Lilian J.Oliveira,Peter J.Hansen *Department of Animal Sciences,University of Florida,P.O.Box 110910,Gainesville,FL 32611-0910,USAa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 2August 2009Available online 8August 2009Keywords:ApoptosisPreimplantation embryo DNA methylation Histone acetylation 5-Aza-20-deoxycytidine Trichostatin Aa b s t r a c tApoptosis in the bovine embryo cannot be induced by activators of the extrinsic apoptosis pathway until the 8–16-cell stage.Depolarization of mitochondria with the decoupling agent carbonyl cyanide 3-chlo-rophenylhydrazone (CCCP)can activate caspase-3in 2-cell embryos but DNA fragmentation does not occur.Here we hypothesized that the repression of apoptosis is caused by methylation of DNA andTUNEL was affected by a treatment ÂCCCP interaction (P <0.0001).CCCP did not cause a large increase in the percent of cells positive for TUNEL in embryos treated with vehicle but did increase the percent of cells that were TUNEL positive if embryos were pretreated with AZA or TSA.Immunostaining using an antibody against 5-methyl-cytosine antibody revealed that AZA and TSA reduced DNA methylation.In conclusion,disruption of DNA methylation and histone deacetylation removes the block to apoptosis in bovine 2-cell embryos.Ó2009Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.IntroductionDuring preimplantation development,the mammalian embryo goes through a period where it is resistant to proapoptotic signals.In the best studied example,the bovine,this period lasts from the 2-cell stage through the 8–16-cell stage [1–5].Inhibition of the extrinsic pathway for apoptosis at the 2-cell stage is caused in part by resistance of the mitochondria to depolarization [4,5].In addi-tion,a second block exists that is revealed when the mitochondrial membrane is artificially depolarized by carbonyl cyanide 3-chloro-phenylhydrazone (CCCP).In this case,caspase-9and caspase-3activation takes place but DNA fragmentation does not occur [4].Thus,DNA is resistant to caspase-3mediated events such as activa-tion of caspase-activated DNase (CAD).One possible explanation for DNA resistance to CAD may reside with the structure of DNA in the early preimplantation embryo.At the 2-cell stage,little transcription takes place [6–7]and DNA is highly methylated [8].DNA demethylation occurs over the next several cleavage divisions [9].Thus,the stage of development at which susceptibility to apoptosis is acquired (the 8–16-cell stage)is also a time of when DNA methylation is reduced [9]and tran-scription is activated [6].DNA methylation can reduce the accessibility of DNases to DNA as shown for DNase I [10].Here we hypothesize that the repression of apoptosis responses in response to mitochondrial depolarization in the 2-cell embryo is caused by DNA methylation that makes internucleosomal DNA inaccessible to activated CAD.Moreover,we hypothesize that repression requires deacetylated histones.Materials and methodsReagents.Materials for in vitro maturation of oocytes,in vitro fer-tilization,and embryo culture were obtained as described previously [11].Carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP)was pur-chased from Sigma (St.Louis,MO)and was maintained in 100mM stocks in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)at À20°C in the dark.The CCCP stock solution was diluted in embryo culture medium (called KSOM-BE2,see Ref.[12]for recipe)to 100l M in 0.1%DMSO on the day of use.5-Aza-20-deoxycytidine (AZA)and trichostatin-A (TSA)were ob-tained from Sigma and used at a final concentration of 100l M and 100nM,respectively.The In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit (TMR red)was from Roche Diagnostics Corporation (Indianapolis,IN),Hoescht 33342was from Sigma,polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)was from Eastman Kodak (Rochester,NY).Anti-5-methylcytosine (mouse IgG1;clone 16233D3)was purchased from Calbiochem (San Diego,CA).The Zenon Alexa Fluor 488mouse IgG1labeling kit 488and Prolong ÒAntifade Kit were obtained from Invitrogen0006-291X/$-see front matter Ó2009Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2009.08.029*Corresponding author.Fax:+13523925595.E-mail (P.J.Hansen).Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 388(2009)418–421Contents lists available at ScienceDirectBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communicationsjournal homepage:www.else v i e r.c o m /l o ca t e /y b b r cMolecular Probes(Eugene,OR).All other reagents were purchased from Sigma or Fisher Scientific(Pittsburgh,PA).Experiment1—Effects of cytosine demethylation and inhibition of histone deacetylation on induction of apoptosis by CCCP in2-cell em-bryos.Procedures for production of embryos in vitro were per-formed as previously described[12].After fertilization of matured oocytes for8h at38.5°C in an atmosphere of5%(v/v) CO2in humidified air,putative zygotes were cultured in groups of30in50-l l microdrops of KSOM-BE2overlaid with mineral oil at38.5°C in a humidified atmosphere of5%(v/v)CO2and5%(v/ v)O2with the balance N2.At18h post insemination(hpi),embryos were harvested and placed in groups of30in fresh50-l l micro-drops of KSOM-BE2containing either0.1%DMSO(vehicle), 100l M AZA or100nM TSA.At28–30hpi,2-cell embryos were harvested and placed in groups of10–20in50-l l microdrops of KSOM-BE2containing the same treatment as previously(vehicle, AZA or TSA)and either vehicle(0.1%DMSO,v/v)or100l M CCCP. Embryos were cultured for24h,harvested and then analyzed for TUNEL labeling.Procedures for TUNEL were performed as described previously [13].Slides were examined using a Zeiss Axioplan2epifluores-cence microscope(Zeiss,Gottingen,Germany)with Zeissfilter sets 02(DAPIfilter)and15(rhodaminefilter).Digital images for epi-fluorescence and for light microscopy using differential interfer-ence contrast were acquired using AxioVision software(Zeiss) and a high-resolution black and white Zeiss AxioCam MRm digital camera.Images were merged for presentation.The Hoescht stain-ing was digitally converted to green before merger.The experiment was replicated six times using a total of458 embryos.Experiment2—Effects of cytosine demethylation and inhibition of histone deacetylation on DNA methylation.The experiment was con-ducted as for Experiment1except embryos were examined for DNA methylation at the end of the experiment using immunocyto-chemistry with an antibody against5-methylcytosine.Unless otherwise stated,reactions were at room temperature and re-agents were diluted in phosphate-buffered saline(PBS;10mM KPO4,pH7.4containing0.9%(w/v)NaCl)containing1mg/ml pol-yvinylpyrrolidone(PVP).Embryos were washed in PBS–PVP,fixed in4%(w/v)paraformaldehyde,washed in PBS–PVP,permeabilized with0.3%(v/v)Triton X-100for30min,washed extensively in 0.05%Tween20and treated with3M HCl for30min at37°C.After neutralization with100mM Tris–HCl,pH8.5containing1mg/ml PVP,embryos were washed in0.05%(v/v)Tween20and non-spe-cific binding sites blocked by incubation in a blocking buffer con-sisting of PBS–PVP containing2%(w/v)bovine serum albumin overnight at4°C.The anti-5-methylcytosine antibody used for visualization of DNA methylation was labeled with Fab fragments against mouse IgG conjugated to Alexa Flour488(ZenonÒMouse Labeling IgG kits,Invitrogen Molecular Probes)as per manufacturer’s instruc-tions.An irrelevant mouse IgG1was similarly labeled as an isotype control.The labeled complex was diluted in blocking buffer at afi-nal concentration of5l g/ml primary antibody and embryos were incubated for1h at room temperature in the dark.After several washes in0.05%(v/v)Tween20in PBS-PVP,embryos were placed on slides and coverslips mounted using ProlongÒAntifade reagent (Invitrogen).Embryos were examined using a Zeiss Axioplan2epi-fluorescence microscope with Zeissfilter sets02(DAPIfilter)and 03(FITC).Intensity of methylation was subjectively scored for each embryo on a scale of0(no methylation)to3.A total of61embryos in two replicates were analyzed.Statistical analysis.Data were analyzed by least-squares analysis of variance using the General Linear Models procedure of the Sta-tistical Analysis System(SAS for Windows,version9.2,SAS Insti-tute,Inc.,Cary NC).Dependent variables for Experiment1,calculated on an embryo basis,were total cell number and percent of cells that were apoptotic(i.e.,TUNEL positive).Independent variables included pretreatments(vehicle,AZA or TSA),CCCP(yes replicate.The mathematical model included main ef-fects and all interactions.Replicate was considered random and other main effects were consideredfixed.F tests were calculated using error terms calculated from expected means squares.Differ-ences between individual means were determined using the pdiff procedure of SAS.The dependent variable for Experiment3was methylation score and the independent variable was treatment.ResultsExperiment1—Effects of cytosine demethylation and inhibition of histone deacetylation on induction of apoptosis by CCCP in2-cell embryosIn thefirst experiment,embryos were treated with either AZA or TSA at the zygote stage to block cytosine methylation or histone deacetylation and then treated with CCCP at the2-cell stage.Rep-resentative images of TUNEL labeling are shown in Fig.1A–F,least-squares means±SEM for total cell number are in Fig.1G and least-squares means±SEM for the percent of cells that were TUNEL-po-sitive are in Fig.1H.Embryo growth,as determined by total cell number at the end of the experiment,was reduced by AZA,and to a lesser extent,TSA (P<0.05)(Fig.1G).Regardless of pretreatment,CCCP induced cell-cycle arrest as determined by a reduction in cell number (P<0.001)(Fig.1G).As shown in Fig.1H,the percent of blastomeres positive for TUN-EL was affected by a treatmentÂCCCP interaction(P<0.0001). CCCP did not cause a large increase in the percent of cells positive for TUNEL in embryos treated with vehicle(2.0±3.4%vs.7.7±5.5%;compare Fig.1A with D)but did cause a large increase in the percent of cells that were positive for TUNEL for embryos pre-treated with AZA(5.4±2.9%vs.42.3±3.2%;compare Fig.1B,E)or TSA(17.1±2.8%vs.24.9±4.2%;compare Fig.1C,F).The magnitude of the TUNEL labeling after CCCP depolarization was less for TSA than AZA(P<0.01)(Fig.1H).The degree of TUNEL labeling in the absence of CCCP was great-er for embryos treated with TSA than for control embryos or em-bryos treated with AZA(P<0.01).A total of32%of TSA-treated embryos were P8cells,a stage when apoptosis is possible.In this subset of TSA-treated embryos,the proportion of cells that were TUNEL-positive was25.7±4.1%.In control embryos P8cells,only 1.3±4.6%of cells were TUNEL positive.Thus,some of the TSA-trea-ted embryos underwent apoptosis when developing past the8-cell stage.None of the AZA-treated embryos were>8cells.Further analysis of the effect of CCCP on TSA-treated embryos focused on the subset of embryos that were<8cells(i.e.,those that are ordi-narily not susceptible to apoptosis).In this subset,which repre-sents68%of the TSA-treated embryos,there was an increase in the percent of blastomeres that were TUNEL positive after CCCP treatment(10.0±4.2%vs.24.4±4.5%,P<0.025).Experiment2—Effects of cytosine demethylation and inhibition of histone deacetylation on DNA methylationAs determined by reactivity with an antibody to5-methylcyto-sine,treatment of putative zygotes with AZA or TSA reduced DNA methylation at52–54hpi(Fig.2).In control embryos treated with vehicle,nuclei reacted strongly with antibody against5-methyl-cytosine(Fig.2A).Immunoreaction product was greatly reduced in embryos treated with AZA(Fig.2B)and reduced to a lesser ex-tent for embryos treated with TSA(Fig.2C).The subjective score for degree of DNA methylation was greatest in control embryosS.F.Carambula et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications388(2009)418–421419(2.5±0.1),least in AZA-treated embryos (1.0±0.1),and intermedi-ate in TSA-treated embryos (1.9±0.1).Differences between each mean were significant (P <0.0001).DiscussionThe bovine preimplantation embryo undergoes a period from the 2-cell stage to 8–16-cell stage when it is resistant to activators of the extrinsic pathway for induction of apoptosis [1–5].The block to apoptosis involves resistance of the mitochondria to depolariza-tion and failure of caspase-3activation to lead to DNA fragmenta-tion [4,5].Here we show that the resistance of DNA to caspase-3mediated events is the result of inaccessibility of the DNA caused by a chromatin structure dependent upon DNA methylation and histone acetylation.5-Aza-20-deoxycytidine inhibits DNA methylation by incor-poration into DNA during replication and subsequent inhibition of DNA methyltransferases (DNMT)[14].Treatment of embryos with AZA reversed the block to apoptosis so that CCCP treat-ment caused DNA fragmentation.Experiments with AZA indi-cate that inhibition of apoptosis caused by mitochondrial depolarization involves DNA methylation preventing accessibil-ity of CAD to DNA.One can visualize two mechanisms by which methylated cytosines could prevent enzymatic cleavage of DNA.Methylated cytosines can repel certain proteins,for example transcription factors [15],and may also repel CAD.Alternatively,methylated cytosines can attract other proteins,such as the Sin3A histone deacetylase complex and a methyl-CpG binding protein called MeCP2that binds tightly to chro-mosomes [15].Fig.1.DNA demethylation and histone acetylation allows DNA fragmentation in 2-cell embryos after apoptosis triggered by mitochondria depolarization.Putative zygotes were treated with vehicle (DMSO),5-aza-20-deoxycytidine (AZA)or trichostatin-A (TSA);2-cell embryos were collected at 28–30h post insemination and exposed to 100l M CCCP.Total cell number and the percent of cells positive for the TUNEL reaction were determined 24h later.Representative images of embryos following the TUNEL procedure are shown in panels A–F.Nuclei were labeled with Hoechst 33342(digitally colored as green)and those that are TUNEL-positive nuclei are additionally labeled with TMR red (red).(G)Total cell number and (H)the percent of blastomeres that are TUNEL positive.Data are least-squares means ±SEM for embryos cultured in the absence (black bars)and presence (white bars)of CCCP.Cell number was affected by pretreatment (P <0.025),CCCP (P <0.001)and the interaction (P <0.001).Percent of blastomeres positive for TUNEL was affected by CCCP (P <0.025)and the interaction between pretreatment and CCCP (P <0.001).Bars with different superscripts differ (P <0.05orless).Fig.2.Reduction in DNA methylation caused by treatment of putative zygotes with 5-aza-20-deoxycytidine (AZA)and trichostatin-A (TSA).DNA methylation was observed by the immunolocalization of 5-methylcytosine in bovine embryos at 52–54h after insemination using an anti-5-methycytosine tagged with Alexa Fluor 488(green).(For interpretation of color mentioned in this figure the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)420S.F.Carambula et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 388(2009)418–421The fact that embryos treated with TSA were also capable of undergoing DNA fragmentation in response to CCCP suggests that repression of apoptosis involves histone interactions with DNA controlled by histone deacetylation.Results with TSA were more complex to interpret than for AZA because more TSA-treated em-bryos not exposed to CCCP experienced TUNEL labeling than for AZA-treated embryos.This effect is due to an increase in TUNEL labeling among TSA-treated embryos that were8cells or greater. Unlike for AZA,which caused a large reduction in cell number, TSA reduced developmental competence only slightly and many TSA embryos reached the8–16-cell stage.In these more advanced embryos,TSA caused apoptosis in the absence of CCCP.Given the role of DNA methylation and histone deacetylation in repressing apoptosis in early stages of development,it is proposed that the acquisition of the capacity for apoptosis at the8–16-cell stage is dependent upon loss of DNA methylation or changes in his-tone acetylation.There are large species differences in the pattern of DNA methylation during early development with some species like the mouse experiencing a continual reduction in DNA methyl-ation until the blastocyst stage while other species like the pig and rabbit do not experience large scale demethylation during early development[16].In the cow,DNA methylation is reduced from the2-cell to8-cell stage and then increases by the16-cell stage [9,17].There are also changes in histone acetylation that occur dur-ing development with Histone H4K5and K12becoming deacety-lated at the one and2-cell stages,followed by reacetylation that reaches a maximum at the8-cell stage[17].Given the importance of DNA methylation and histone deacet-ylation for repressing apoptosis in early cleavage-stage embryos, it is possible that some types of embryonic death result from inad-equate DNA methylation or histone deacetylation.Patterns of DNA methylation during early development are clearly important for embryonic development because AZA caused a large reduction in embryo cell number.In conclusion,repression of apoptosis in the2-cell embryo in-volves inaccessibility of caspase-activated DNases to the DNA med-iated by a chromatin structure determined by DNA methylation and histone deacetylation.Future work should focus on the particular interactions between methylated cytosines and histones responsi-ble for this inaccessibility as well as the importance of aberrant chro-matin structure and premature apoptosis in embryonic death.AcknowledgmentsFunding was provided by the National Research Initiative Com-petitive Grants Program Grant No.2007-35203-18070from the U.S.Department of Agriculture Cooperative State Research,Educa-tion and Extension Service.Lilian Oliveira was supported by a CAPES/Fulbright Fellowship.The authors thank William Rembert for collecting ovaries;Marshall,Adam,and Alex Chernin and employees of Central Beef Packing Co.(Center Hill,FL)for provid-ing ovaries;and Scott A.Randell of Southeastern Semen Services (Wellborn,FL)for donating semen.None of the authors have a con-flict of interest.References[1]F.F.Paula-Lopes,P.J.Hansen,Heat-shock induced apoptosis in preimplantationbovine embryos is a developmentally-regulated phenomenon,Biol.Reprod.66 (2002)1169–1177.[2]C.E.Krininger III,S.H.Stephens,P.J.Hansen,Developmental changes ininhibitory effects of arsenic and heat shock on growth of preimplantation bovine 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001 (ISSCC tutorial)Noise Analysis in Switched-Capacitor Circuits
© 2011 IEEE
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference
© 2011 IEEE
Thermal Noise Power
• Nyquist showed that
PSD ( f ) = 4kT
• The total average noise power of a resistor in a certain frequency band is therefore
– Examples: Audio systems, wireless transceivers, sensor interfaces
• Electronic noise directly trades with power dissipation and speed • Electronic noise is a major concern in modern technologies with reduced VDD
• The noise of a MOSFET operating in the triode region is approximately equal to that of a resistor • In the saturation region, the thermal noise can be modeled using a drain current source with power spectral density
• We can model the noise using an equivalent voltage or current generator
2 vn
= Pn ⋅ R = 4kT ⋅ R ⋅ Δf
阎波1,2,* ꎬ 谭送琴2 ꎬ 马晓芳2 ꎬ 刘宪斌1,2 ꎬ 田胜艳1,2 ꎬ 张涛2 ꎬ 王璐2
2017 年 第 12 卷
第 3 期ꎬ572 ̄578
Vol. 12, 2017
No.3, 572 ̄578
Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology
DOI:10.7524/AJE.1673 ̄5897.20160927001
阎波, 谭送琴, 马晓芳, 等. 菲和镉单一及复合污染条件下在毛蚶体内的富集动力学研究[J]. 生态毒理学报ꎬ2017, 12(3): 572 ̄578
Anadara subcrenata under Single and Joint Exposures
Yan Bo1,2,* , Tan Songqin2 , Ma Xiaofang2 , Liu Xianbin1,2 , Tian Shengyan1,2 , Zhang Tao2 , Wang Lu2
threne and Cd were faster during the early stage and slowed down after eight days. The temporal trend of the elimi ̄
nation rate was similar to that of bioconcentration. Phenanthrene possessed a higher BCF (37.80) than did Cd
Diflunisal Tablets» Diflunisal Tablets contain not less than 90.0 percent and not more than 110.0 percent of the labeled amount of C13H8F2O3.Packaging and storage— Preserve in well-closed containers.USP Reference standards 11—USP Diflunisal RS.Identification—A: The retention time of the major peak in the chromatogram of the Assay preparation corresponds to that of the Standard preparation, obtained as directed in the Assay.B: Transfer a quantity of finely ground Tablets, equivalent to about 100 mg of diflunisal, to a 10-mL volumetric flask, add 2 mL of water, and sonicate for 5 minutes. Dilute with methanol to volume, sonicate for an additional 5 minutes, mix, and filter. Separately apply 10 µL each of the filtrate and a Standard solution of USP Diflunisal RS in methanol solution (4 in 5) containing 10 mg per mL to a thin-layer chromatographic plate (see Chromatography 62) coated with a 0.25-mm layer of chromatographic silica gel mixture.Develop the chromatogram in a solvent system consisting of n-hexane, glacial acetic acid, and chloroform (17:3:2) until the solvent front has moved aboutthree-fourths of the length of the plate. Remove the plate from the chamber, air-dry, and examine under long-wavelength UV light: the RF value of the principal spot in the chromatogram of the test solution corresponds to that obtained from the Standard solution.Dissolution 71—pH 7.20, 0.1 M Tris buffer— Dissolve 121 g of tris (hydroxymethyl) aminome thane (THAM) in 9 liters of water. Adjust the solution with a 7 in 100 solution of anhydrous citric acid in water to a pH of 7.45, at 25. Dliters, equilibrate to 37, a H of 7.20, if necessary.Medium: pH 7.20, 0.1 M Tris buffer; 900 mL.Apparatus 2: 50 rpm.Time: 30 minutes.Procedure— Determine the amount of C13H8F2O3 dissolved from UV absorbances at the wavelength of maximum absorbance at about 306 nm of filtered portions of the solution under test, suitably diluted with pH 7.20, 0.1 M Tris buffer, in comparison with a Standard solution having a known concentration of USP Diflunisal RS in the same Medium.Tolerances— Not less than 80% (Q) of the labeled amount of C13H8F2O3 is dissolved in 30 minutes.Uniformity of dosage units 90: mProcedure for content uniformity—Transfer 1 finely powdered Tablet to a200-mL volumetric flask, add 50 mL of water, shake by mechanical means for 30 minutes, and sonicate for 2 minutes. Add 100 mL of alcohol to the flask, shake by mechanical means for 15 minutes, and sonicate for 2 minutes. Dilute with alcohol to volume, mix, and centrifuge a portion of the solution. Quantitatively dilute an accurately measured volume of the resultant clear supernatant with alcohol, if necessary, to obtain a test solution containing about 1.25 mg per mL. Transfer about 125 mg of USP Diflunisal RS, accurately weighed, to a 100-mL volumetric flask, add 75 mL of alcohol to dissolve, dilute with water to volume, and mix to obtain the Standard solution. Transfer 3.0 mL each of the Standard solution and the test solution to separate 50-mL volumetric flasks. To each flask add 5.0 mL of a solution containing 1 g of ferric nitrate in 100 mL of 0.08 N nitric acid, dilute with water to volume, and mix. Concomitantly determine the absorbances of the solutions at the wavelength of maximum absorbance at about 550 nm, with a suitable spectrophotometer, using water as the blank. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of C13H8F2O3 in the Tablet by the formula:(TC / D)(AU / AS)in which T is the labeled quantity, in mg, of diflunisal in the Tablet; C is the concentration, in µg per mL, of USP Diflunisal RS in the Standard solution; D is the concentration, in µg per mL, of diflunisal in the test solution, based uponthe labeled quantity per Tablet and the extent of dilution; and AU and AS are the absorbances of the solutions from the test solution and the Standard solution, respectively.Assay—Mobile phase—Prepare a suitable degassed mixture of water, methanol, acetonitrile, and glacial acetic acid (45:40:17:6) such that the retention time of diflunisal is about 8 minutes.Standard preparation— Dissolve a suitable quantity of USP Diflunisal RS in a mixture of acetonitrile and water (60:40) to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 1.0 mg per mL.Assay preparation—Weigh and finely powder not fewer than 20 Tablets. Transfer an accurately weighed portion of the powder, equivalent to about 100 mg of diflunisal, to a 100-mL volumetric flask containing about 5 mL of water. Sonicate for 5 minutes, add 60.0 mL of acetonitrile, sonicate for an additional 5 minutes, dilute with water to volume, mix, and filter.Chromatographic system (see Chromatography 62)—The liquid chromatograph is equipped with a 254-nm detector and a 3.9-mm × 30-cm column that contains packing L1.The flow rate is about 2.0 mL per minute. Chromatograph the Standard preparation, and record the peak responses as directed for Procedure: the tailing factor for the analyte peak is not more than 2.0, and the relative standard deviation for replicate injections is not more than 2.0%.Procedure— Separately inject equal volumes (about 20 µL) of the Standard preparation and the Assay preparation into the chromatograph, record the chromatograms, and measure the responses for the major peaks. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of diflunisal (C13H8F2O3) in the portion of Tablets taken by the formula:100C(rU / rS)in which C is the concentration, in mg per mL, of USP Diflunisal RS in the Standard preparation; and rU and rS are the peak responses obtained from the Assay preparation and the Standard preparation, respectively.。
电芬顿法英文Electrochemical Fenton Process: A Promising Approach for Wastewater TreatmentThe rapid industrialization and urbanization have led to the generation of a vast array of pollutants, posing a significant threat to the environment and human health. Among the various pollutants, organic contaminants have become a major concern due to their persistence, toxicity, and potential for bioaccumulation. Conventional wastewater treatment methods often struggle to effectively remove these recalcitrant organic compounds, necessitating the development of more efficient and sustainable treatment technologies.One such promising approach is the electrochemical Fenton process, which combines the principles of electrochemistry and the Fenton reaction to achieve the degradation of organic pollutants. The Fenton reaction, named after its discoverer Henry John Horstman Fenton, involves the generation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (•OH) through the reaction between hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ferrous ions (Fe2+). These hydroxyl radicals are potent oxidizing agents capable of breaking down a wide range of organiccompounds into less harmful or even harmless substances.The electrochemical Fenton process takes the Fenton reaction a step further by integrating an electrochemical system. In this approach, the ferrous ions required for the Fenton reaction are generated in situ through the electrochemical oxidation of an iron or steel electrode. This eliminates the need for the external addition of ferrous salts, which can lead to the generation of unwanted sludge. Additionally, the electrochemical system allows for the in situ production of hydrogen peroxide, further enhancing the efficiency of the Fenton reaction.The electrochemical Fenton process offers several advantages over traditional wastewater treatment methods. Firstly, it is highly effective in the degradation of a wide range of organic pollutants, including dyes, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals. The hydroxyl radicals generated during the process are capable of breaking down complex organic molecules into simpler, less harmful compounds, ultimately leading to the mineralization of the pollutants.Secondly, the electrochemical Fenton process is a relatively simple and cost-effective technology. The in situ generation of the required reagents, such as ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide, eliminates the need for the external addition of costly chemicals, reducing theoverall operational costs. Additionally, the process can be easily integrated into existing wastewater treatment systems, making it a versatile and adaptable solution.Furthermore, the electrochemical Fenton process is considered an environmentally friendly technology. Unlike some conventional treatment methods that may generate hazardous sludge or byproducts, the electrochemical Fenton process typically produces only innocuous end products, such as carbon dioxide and water, minimizing the environmental impact.The implementation of the electrochemical Fenton process in wastewater treatment has been the subject of extensive research and development. Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of this technology in treating a wide range of organic pollutants, including dyes, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial chemicals. The process has been successfully applied at both laboratory and pilot scales, showcasing its potential for large-scale industrial applications.One of the key factors in the successful implementation of the electrochemical Fenton process is the optimization of various operating parameters, such as pH, current density, and the concentration of reactants. Researchers have explored different electrode materials, reactor configurations, and processmodifications to enhance the efficiency and performance of the system.Additionally, the integration of the electrochemical Fenton process with other treatment technologies, such as adsorption, membrane filtration, or biological treatment, has been investigated to further improve the overall treatment efficiency and expand the range of pollutants that can be effectively removed.As the global demand for sustainable and efficient wastewater treatment solutions continues to grow, the electrochemical Fenton process emerges as a promising technology that can contribute to addressing the pressing environmental challenges. With its ability to effectively degrade a wide range of organic contaminants, its cost-effectiveness, and its environmental friendliness, the electrochemical Fenton process holds great potential for widespread adoption in the field of wastewater treatment.。
pH 乳液
of disulfide enables an enhanced conformational mobility, which in turn allows the protein to rearrange so that the hydrophobic residues are oriented toward the oil phase while the polar residues radiate into the aqueous phase to form a viscoelastic fi lm layer capable of absorbing disruptive mechanical impacts.11 In food systems, many proteins and short peptides are able to scavenge radicals and sequester prooxidative metal ions, therefore acting as antioxidants.12,13 Proteins as natural antioxidants can be applied to food systems at high concentrations without the toxic side effects associated with the use of synthetic equivalents. Such proteins commonly possess peptide segments consisting of 3−20 amino acids that are imbedded in the peptide sequence within a large polypeptide. These occluded peptide sections are released when the parent protein is subjected to digestive enzymes14,15 or exposed upon certain food processing treatments.16 The most sensitive amino acids to radical oxidants include heterocyclic amino acids and those containing free amino and phenolic groups. Hence, tryptophan, histidine, lysine, cysteine, and tyrosine are prone to oxidation where the hydrogen atom is abstracted from either OH-, SH-, or N-containing groups.17 By virtue, they are considered antioxidative amino acids. Unfolding of protein tertiary structure allows the exposure of these antioxidative residues. Because structural changes in a protein arriving at the fat globule surface are restricted to favoring thermodynamic distribution of polar and nonpolar segments of the protein, the parent structure of a protein before its adsorption to the
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第21卷第丨期2021年1月过程与工艺£过程工程学报Vol.21No.l The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering J a n.2021DOI: 10.12034/j.i s s n.1009-606X.220042Experiment and calculation for phase equilibria in quaternary system of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate-diammonium hydrogenphosphate-ammonium polyphosphate-waterX iaofuLU,DehuaXU,Zhiye ZHANG,Xinlong W ANG*,Lin YANGCollege of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610065, ChinaAbstract: Ammonium polyphosphate is widely used in watersoluble fertilizer industry due to its excellent water solubility,slow-release property and chelation.However,ammoniumpolyphosphate is easily hydrolyzed into ammoniumdihydrogen phosphate and diammonium hydrogen phosphatein storage,and the composition of its aqueous solution changescontinuously.It’s solubility decreases with decreasingpolymerization rate,causing crystallization and precipitationin the storage solution,that increases the cost of transportationand application.The quaternary phase diagram o f ammoniumdihydrogen phosphate-diammonium hydrogenphosphate-ammonium polyphosphate-water at25 °C was established by using Schreinemaker wet slag method,and the mass distribution o f each component in saturated liquid and wet slag phase was obtained by ion chromatography and mass conservation equation.The reasons of crystallization and precipitation of ammonium polyphosphate solution were explained,which was a guidance for storage and use of ammonium polyphosphate as a high efficiency water-soluble fertilizer.The polymerization degree o f ammonium polyphosphate was diverse due to the variety of ammonium polyphosphate products produced by the manufacturers.There were different solution systems while the ammonium polyphosphate as a compound fertilizer raw materials,and it was time-consuming and laborious to obtain phase diagrams by experiments for each system.The calculation of water-salt phase diagram by mathematical model can save a lot o f experimental work and provide the basis for the agricultural use o f ammonium polyphosphate.In order to quickly obtain phase diagrams o f other ammonium polyphosphate systems,local composition model of electrolyte solution was introduced to get solvent(salt)-salt interaction energy parameters o f the experimental system.The phase diagram calculated by regression parameters was in good agreement with the experiment,and it can be used to predict the phase diagram of other ammonium polyphosphate systems.Key words: solution; phase equilibrium; ammonium polyphosphate; electrolyte; calculateh2o(d(收稿:2020-02-10,修回:2020-04-07,网络发表:2020-05-19,Received: 2020-02-10, Revised: 2020-04-07, l)ub丨ished onl i n e:2020-05-19基金项目:“十三国家重点研发计划(编号:2016YFD0200404>作者简介:吕孝福(1995-),男,四川省成都市人,硕士研宄生,化学工程专业,E-mail:*****************:王辛龙,通讯联系人I E-mail: **************.cn.引用格式:吕孝福,许德华,张志业,等.磷酸二氢铵-磷酸氢二铵-聚磷酸铵-水四元体系相平衡的实验与计算.过程工程学报,2021,21(1):64-70.L i i X F, Xu D H, Zhang Z Y, e t a l. Experiment and c a l c u l a t i o n f o r phase e q u i l i b r i a i n quaternary system of ammonium dihydrogenphosphate-diammonium hydrogen phosphate-ammonium polyphosphate-water (i n Chinese). Chin. J.Process Eng., 2021,21(1): 64-70,DOI: 10.12034/j.issn.l009-606X.220042.第1期吕孝福等:磷酸二氢铵-磷酸氢二铵-聚磷酸铵-水四元体系相平衡的实验与计算65磷酸二氢铵-磷酸氢二铵-聚磷酸铵-水四元体系相平衡的实验与计算吕孝福,许德华,张志业,王辛龙'杨林四川大学化学工程学院,四川成都610065摘要:利用Schreinemaker湿渣法,通过离子色谱和质量守恒方程联立得到各组分在饱和液相和湿渣相中的分布,从而得到25 °C 下磷酸二氢铵-磷酸氢二铵-聚磷酸铵-水四元空间相图,解释了聚磷酸铵水溶液结晶、沉淀的问题,对聚磷酸铵作为高效水溶肥 料使用、储存具有指导意义。
【摘要】结晶性头孢噻夫游离酸(ceftiofur crystalline free acid,简写CCFA)是美国辉瑞动物保健公司开发的兽类专用药物头孢噻夫的新剂型。
2.头孢曲松、头孢噻肟和头孢呋辛治疗下呼吸道感染的药物经济学评价 [J], 温预关;唐干益;谭献文
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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /9906407v 2 [c o n d -m a t .s u p r -c o n ] 17 M a r 2000Phase fluctuations and Non-Fermi Liquid Properties of2D Fermi-system with attractionValery P.Gusynin 1,Vadim M.Loktev 1,Rachel M.Quick 2and Sergei G.SharapovThe main quantity of interest in the present report is the one-fermion Green’s function and the associated spectral function A (ω,k )=−(1/π)Im G (ω+i 0,k ).The second quantity,being propor-tional to the intensity of the angle-resolved photoemission spectrum (ARPES)[4],encodes infor-mation about the quasiparticles.Following the approach of Ref.[3]the Green’s function for the charged (physical)fermions,G (ω,k )is given by the convolution (in momentum space)of the propa-gator for neutral fermions which has a gap ρ=0and the Fourier transform of the phase correlator exp(iθ(x )/2)exp(−iθ(0)/2) .We demonstrate that the quasiparticle spectral function broadens considerably when passing fromthe superconducting to the normal state as observed experimentally [4].More importantly the phase fluctuations result in non-Fermi liquid behavior of the system both below and above T BKT ,where T BKT is the temperature of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT)superconducting transition in 2D.In the frequency-momentum representation the Green function of charged fermions can be written (see details in [5])asG (iωn ,k )=T∞m =−∞d 2pr 0−Tξ+(T ),(2)where γis the phenomenological decay constant;J (T )is the superfluid stiffness [3];r 0is the scale of algebraic decay of the correlations in the BKT phase (T <T BKT );ξ+(T )is the correlation length for T >T BKT (ξ+=∞for T ≤T BKT ).Note that t is the real time,so that (2)is the retarded Green function.The power decay factor in Eq.(2)is related to the spin-wave phase fluctuations,while the exponent with ξ+is responsible for the vortex excitations,which are present only above T BKT .2It is remarkable that the static case(Ωn=γ=0)can be studied analytically and one obtains the retarded Green function[5]G(ω,k)=−Cmξ2α+(v1v2)αF1 α,α,α;α+1;v1−1v2+( ω2−ρ2) ,(3)where F1is the Appell’s function of two variables,α=1−TΓ(1−α) 22τ3+ωω2−ρ2,v1,2=mξ2+(v0±√mξ2+(µ+2mξ2+−µ−(k2/2m−µ)2+ρ2one can derive from (3)thatG(ω,k)∼−Γ2(α) 2[−(µ+ Γ2(α)1ω2−ρ2)≃1.It is seen that Eq.(5)is evidently nonstandard since it contains a branch cut,not pole.The latter in its turn corresponds to the non-Fermi liquid behavior of the system as whole.It must be underlined that non-Fermi liquid peculiarities are tightly related to the charge(i.e.observable)fermions only–the Green function of neutral ones has typical(pole type)BCS form.Besides,because the parameterαis a function of T(see(4))the non-Fermi liquid behavior is becoming more pronounced as temperature increases and is preserved untilρvanishes.The spectral function A(ω,k)associated with G(ω,k)has been studied in[5].Here we sketch the major features.i)The quasiparticle peaks of the spectral density have afinite temperature dependent width which decreases with decreasing T in the superconducting state.The sharpening of the peaks with decreasing T is seen experimentally[4]and this is in a striking difference from the BCS temperature independent“pile-up”.ii)For T>T BKT the width of peaks broadens dramatically which is also observed experimentally[4].iii)In the static approximation(Ωn=γ=0)we obtained two extra peaks which are present for T=0.The gap in the excitation spectrum remains nonfilled even above T BKT.iv)The spectral density for the dynamicalfluctuations,i.e.whenΩn=0modes are taken into account can also be obtained.The extra peaks seen in the static case disappear.Clearly3the dynamicalfluctuationsfill the gap giving the observed pseudogap behaviour[4]where the strenght of thefilling depends onγ.AcknowledgementsR.M.Q and S.G.Sh acknowledge thefinancial support of the NRF,Pretoria.References[1]V.Emery,S.A.Kivelson,Nature374,434(1995);Phys.Rev.Lett.74,3253(1995).[2]J.Corson,R.Mallozzi,et al.,Nature398,221(1999).[3]V.P.Gusynin,V.M.Loktev,S.G.Sharapov,JETP Lett.65,182(1997);JETP88,685(1999);V.M.Loktev,S.G.Sharapov,Cond.Mat.Physics(Lviv)No.11,131(1997)(cond-mat/9706285);R.M.Quick,S.G.Sharapov,Physica C301,262(1998);V.M.Loktev,R.M.Quick,S.G.Sharapov, Physica C314,233(1999),cond-mat/9904126,to appear in Low Temp.Phys.(2000).[4]M.Randeria and J.C.Campuzano,in Proceedings of the International School of Physics,“EnricoFermi”,Varenna,1997(North Holland,New York)(cond-mat/9709107).[5]V.P.Gusynin,V.M.Loktev,S.G.Sharapov,JETP Lett.69,141(1999);cond-mat/9811207,toappear in JETP(2000).4。