【范文】Dragon Boat Festival教案1

Dragon Boat Festival教案1 module1citylifeUnit3DragonBoatFestivalThefirstperiod:Reading:QuyuanandtheDragonBoatFestiv alLanguagefocus:.Asking‘wh-’questionstofindoutthereasone.g.whydopeoplecelebrateit?ingthesimplepasttensetotalkaboutpastactivitiesa ndstatese.g.Quyuanwasbornabouttwothousandyearsagoinchina.ingthesimplepresenttensetotalkaboutpresentstate se.g.Today,peopleeatricedumplingsandhavedragonboatra cesto…keyanddifficultpoints:.Thesimplepasttenseoftheverbsinthestorye.g.wasborn,loved,took,died,lostect.2.Somephrasese.g.wouldliketodosth.,beborn,takeone’sadvice,listentosb.…3.Remindstudentstopayattentiontotheuseofdifferentte nseswhentalkingaboutthepastandthepresentinthestory.Preparationbeforeclass一.Givethesimplepasttenseoftheverbsbelow.Is______take_______die_______lose______jump_____Love______listen_______eat璤_____buy______give_____二.TranslatethephrasesintochineseorEnglish.thestoryofthefestival___________2.giveadviceto__________3.abouttwothousandyearsago_____________4.indanger________5.loseabattle_________6.listentosb_____7.端午节_______________8.赛龙舟____________9.农历五月初五________________10.想要干某事___________1.在那一天_____________2.听从某人的建议____________三.Readthestory,thenanswerthefollowingquestions..whenwasQuyuanborn?__________________________.2.whatwasQuyuan’sjob?_______________________________.3.whywasQuyuansad?______________________________.4.Howdidhedie?__________________________.5.whenistheDragonBoatFestival?_____________________________.6.HowdopeoplerememberQuyuantoday?____________________________.Teachingprocedure:.Talkaboutsomefestivals,suchas:Newyear;women’sDayect.2.whatdoyouknowaboutDragonBoatFestival?).whenisit?2).whatdotheydo?3)whydopeoplecelebrateit?3.HowmuchdoyouknowaboutQuyuan?4.ListentothetaperecordingthentrytoanswertheQuestio nsandfillintheblanks.5.TrytotalkaboutQuyuanwithus.consolidationinclass:一.Fillintheblankswithproperwordsinthepassage..Hewasverysadbecausehiscountrylosttheb_______.2.Thek______alwayslistenedtohim.3.Pleasetaketheteacher’sa_________.4.Quyuanlikedhisc________verymuch.5.chinesepeoplec_________theDragonBoatFestivalevery year.二.FillintheblanksQuyuan__________abouttwothousandyearsagoinchina.He_______ hiscountryverymuch.Hisjob_____to____________theking.Thekingalways_____________.However,theking______andthenewking_________listentohim.Later,thenewking_____abattlebecausehe_______takeQuy uan’sadvice.Thecountrywas__________.Quyuan_____verysad. He______intoariverand_____.Itwas_________________of thatyear.Today,peopleeat___________andhave_______________tor ememberhimonthatdayeveryyear.Afterclass一.Fillintheblankswiththeproperformsofthegivenverbs..wouldyoulike_________it?Doeshelike_______?2.we__________athomeonSundays.He______toclassesever yday.3.She________manythingsinthesupermarketyesterday.4.canyou________aletterinEnglish?5.Look!Someboys_______________afootballgame.6.myfather’sjobis___________sickpeoplebetter.二.Rewritethefollowingsentencesasrequired..TheLisdidn’tgotoarestaurantlastSunday.TheLis______________arestaurantlastSunday.2.Peterwasborntwentyyearsagoinchina._________and_________wasPeterborn?3.Alicegotupearlythismorningtocatchthefirstbus._________________Alicegetupearlythismorning?4.Ittookmehalfanhourtodothehousework.______________________it______youtothehousework?Thesecondperiod:Listeningandspeaking:Ricedumplings Languagefocus:.Theusesof“with”and“without”2.Thedrills:Ilike…Idon’tlike….Doyoulike…?3.Theuseof“ones”Preparationbeforeclass:一.TranslatethephrasesintoEnglish..咸粽子____________________2.甜粽子_________________3.咸肉粽___________________4.没豆子的甜粽___________________5.有豆子的甜粽_________________6.没肉的咸粽__________________二.completethefollowingdialogue..A:wouldyoulikesomericedumplings?B:__________________________________.2.A:Doyoulikepizza?B:_______________________.3.A:whywasQuyuansad?B:_________________________.Teachingprocedure:.Review2.Sayoutdifferentkindsofricedumplings.3.Listenandanswerthequestions.4.Askandanswer.5.Doasurveythendrawabarchartonpage16.consolidation一.choosethebestanswer1.Ilikecoffee______milk.A,aboutB,ofc,withD,for2,Thearemanyskirtsintheshop.Doyoulikethered_______?A,oneB,onesc,one’sD,once3,Itisnotpolitetoleave________sayinggoodbye.A,toB,forc,withD,without4,weshouldn’tgotoschool_________breakfastinthemorning.A,withB,forc,withoutD,about5,Idon’tlikethereddress.Iwouldrather________A,theblueoneB,buytheblueonec,blueD,buyblueone二.Fillintheblankswithproperwordstocompletethepassa geTodayisthelastSaturdaybeforechristmas.Almosteveryon eintheUSAiss_______forpresents.Itissnowingandpeople arewalkingveryfast.Theyaremovingf____shoptoshop.Int heshops,childrenarelookingfortheirt_____andtalkingt oFatherchristmas.Heisaskingthemwhattheywantforchris tmas.IntheUSAitiswarmandbeautifuliinsummer.Thetreesandfi eldsaregreenthen,butnowitiswinterandeverythingisw__ ____.Atnight,therearedifferentc______.Thousandsofsmalllightsdecoratethehousesandbuildingsofeverytown.T hessebrightred,blue,orangeandyellowlightshelpm_____ __christmasabeautifultimeoftheyear.Thethirdperiod:ListenandsayLanguagefocus:.Usingmodalstomakeanoffere.g.wouldyoulikesomericedumplings?ingformulaicexpression_rstoacceptofferse.g.yes,please.Ilikericedumplings.ingformulaicexpression_rstodeclineofferse.g.No,thanks.Idon’tlikericedumplings.ingmodalstoiindicatepreferencese.g.I’dratherhaveapieceofpizza.consolidation一.choosethebestanswers.wouldyou________somecookies?A,lovetoB,liketoc,likeD,rather2.Idon’tlike7-up.I______havesomecoke.A,wouldlikeB,wouldratherc,wantD,like3.Thekingalwaystook_____advice.A,heB,hisc,himD,hers4.Hedoesn’tlikecoke.He’drather_______somewater. A,drinkB,drinksc,todrinkD,drinking5.Ateacher’sjobis__________studentsknowledge. A,teachB,teacheresc,toteachingD,toteach6.Theteachersoftengiveussome________.A,adviseB,advicec,advisesD,advices二.choosetheproperwordsfromthebracketstocompletethe sentences..Themid-autumnFestivalis______thefifteenthdayof theeighthlunarmonth.2.How______doyouknowabouttheDragonBoatFestival?3.Eddielikethe_______ricedumplingswithmeat.4.Decemberisthe_______monthofayear.5.Ilikemilk______sugarbecausesugarkeepsmefat.6.Thejobforadoctoris_________people’slives.三.Rewritethesentencesasrequired.mymotherdidsomecleaninglastnight.mymother____________anycleaninglastnight.2.Theteacheroftengiveussomeideas.Theteachersoften_____someideas_____us.3.weknowalittleaboutQuyuan.____________youknow…?。
Unit 1 The Dragon Boat Festival教学案

Unit 1 The Dragon Boat Festival 教学案一、教学目标1.熟悉端午节的传统活动和习俗。
三、教学过程1. 导入新课(10分钟)•利用PPT幻灯片介绍端午节的背景和概念。
2. 主体内容(45分钟)•分组活动:学生分成小组,每组通过讨论和合作,找出端午节的传统活动和习俗,并用笔记本记录下来。
3. 巩固练习(20分钟)•词汇练习:教师通过随堂练习帮助学生巩固所学的词汇,比如用词汇填空、选择题等。
4. 作业布置(5分钟)•教师布置作业:要求学生在家写一篇关于自己家庭过端午节的短文,并准备下堂课向全班分享。
以上是一份关于Unit 1 The Dragon Boat Festival的教学案,希望能为您提供一些参考和帮助。
Uni8 The Dragon Boat Festival.教学设计

Unit 8 The Dragon Boat Festival.Period 1Teaching aims;1.Can read and use the new words: dragon boat, Dragon Boat Race, poet, nuts, ricedumplings2.Can understand the story about The Dragon Boast Festival.3.To know some background about the festival4.To compare the Mid-autumn Festival with the Dragon Boast FestivalTeaching aids:ppt,Teaching ProcedureStep 1: Greetings and review1.Greetings.T: Good morning. boys and girls. How are you?2. Review1)T: Before our new class. let’s do some eye exercises. Pleas e look and say灯片出示下列词moon cakes, egg yolk, dumplings, hard nuts, rice, bread, grapes, teaT: I like mooncakes. They are delicious. What do you like? why ?2). T: Now, can you read these sentences?The Mid-autumn Festival falls on the fifteenth of the eighth lunar month.We eat mooncakes and drink Chinese tea on the Mid-autumn festival.T:Who can translate the sentences?Step 2: presentation1. new words and important sentencesT: Yes, these are about the Mid-autumn Festival. Today we are going to enjoy another festival. what’s that? I will give you some key words, please guess, what festival it is. (猜猜是什么节日)rice dumplings, nutsPPT: T: What’s this? (出示一个粽子) It’s a rice dumpling. (带读) T: What are these?(出示多个粽子)They are rice dumplings. (带读)T: I like rice dumplings. They are delicious.Look, it has pork in it.Look at this one. there are nuts in it.dragon boat, Dragon Boat RacePPT: T: What’s this? It’s a boat.What does it look like? It looks like a dragon.So it’s a dragon boat. 带读三遍What are these?They are dragon boats.What are they doing? They are boating. They are having a dragon boat race. 板书带读。
Dragon Boat Festival

have s ude s r t nt ead hem . t
P3: e r s c e W a a h t
P : me e a 4 Re mb rQu Yu n
P5: tg e n b a a e Ea r e e n c k
后 的 阅读教 学做 好铺 垫 。
L o a t e p c ur s a d o k t h it e n
s om et ng aboutt ay s hi he ‘D r gon ‘ a BoatFes i ” tval T : o y kno D ou w的 竞 赛 ,效 果
可能会 更好 。
( ) h re n f u te , f e 4 T ite , re n f t n o i e
P6: Put he b he doo r on t r
设 计 意 图 :根 据 疑 问 词 自
T : fn s m e e I i d o n w wo d rs
t oo.Can ou ead t m ? y r he
己提 问 , 培 养 学 生 自主 提 问 和
案 例 精 选
教 学过程
W a mi g u S n a s n r n p: i g o g
“ ow , O 。 O your boat’ R R W R W ’
设 计 意 图 :通 过 课 前 英 文
歌 曲的 热 身 活动 ,为 学 生的课
周 建 萍
堂 学 习 营造 轻 松 愉 悦 的 氛 围 ,
自主 解 决 问题 的 能 力 。
些 , 后 自己也加 入 到 报 数 中 , 然
The Dragon Boat Festival教案

”。如: He is young but very experienced. 他虽然年轻,但很有经验。 Mary likes classical music, but her husband likes rock music. 玛丽喜欢古典音乐,而她的丈夫却喜欢摇滚乐。 注意:but 不能与 though/although 连用。 2. 作介词,常与 nothing, nobody, who, all 等连用,意为除之外”。 如: We had nothing to do but wait. 除了等待之外,我们一筹莫展。 No one but me saw him. 除了我之外,没人看到他。 3. 作副词,意思接近于 only,意为只不过”。如: She is but a young girl. 她只不过是一个小女孩儿。 4. 需掌握的一些其他用法: 1)用于表示歉意的话语后,引起一个分句,but 本身无意义。如: I’m sorry, but I think you are wrong when you say she did it willingly. 抱歉,你说她情愿做那件事,我觉得你搞错了。 Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith?
The Dragon Boat Festival 教案
以下是为您推荐的 The Dragon Boat Festival 教案,希望本篇文章对您学 习有所帮助。 The Dragon Boat Festival 教案 一. 教学内容: Module 3 Food and drink Unit 1 The Dragon Boat Festival (一)课标单词 (二)重点短语 (三)重要句型 (四)连词 but、介词 with, without 的用法 (五)用英语写调查报告 二. 知识总结与归纳 (一)课标单词 1. hate 2. dumpling 3. sweet 4. fifth 5. race 6. celebrate 7. month 8. born 9. sure 10. famous

小学端午节英语教学活动方案Introduction:The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Jie, is a traditional Chinese holiday with a rich history and cultural significance. It is an excellent opportunity to engage elementary school students in English language learning while exploring Chinese culture. This teaching activity plan aims to integrate language skills with cultural education, making the learning experience both fun and informative.Objectives:1. To teach students about the history and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival.2. To enhance students' English vocabulary related to the festival.3. To develop students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through various activities.Materials:- English descriptions of the Dragon Boat Festival- Images of festival activities (e.g., dragon boat races, zongzi)- English vocabulary cards related to the festival- Audio recordings of festival-related stories or songs- Craft materials for making mini dragon boats or zongziActivity 1: Introduction to the Dragon Boat Festival- Begin with a brief presentation in English about the origins and significance of the Dragon Boat Festival.- Show images and discuss the various customs associated with the festival.Activity 2: Vocabulary Building- Distribute vocabulary cards with English terms related to the festival (e.g., dragon boat, zongzi, rice dumpling).- Encourage students to repeat the words after you and explain the meanings in simple English.Activity 3: Listening Practice- Play an audio recording of a story about the Dragon Boat Festival in English.- Ask students to listen carefully and answer comprehension questions afterward.Activity 4: Speaking and Pronunciation- Divide students into small groups and have them discuss the festival using the new vocabulary.- Encourage them to share their discussions with the class, focusing on pronunciation and fluency.Activity 5: Reading Comprehension- Provide a short, simple English passage about the festival for students to read individually.- Follow up with a group discussion or a reading comprehension quiz.Activity 6: Writing Activity- Assign students to write a short essay or a story in English about how they would celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival if they could.Activity 7: Cultural Craft Session- Guide students in making a mini dragon boat or zongzi using craft materials.- Encourage them to describe their creations in English and explain why these items are significant to the festival.Conclusion:- Summarize the key points learned about the Dragon Boat Festival in English.- Encourage students to share their experiences and creations with their classmates.Assessment:- Observe students' participation and engagement in the activities.- Evaluate their vocabulary retention through informal quizzes and discussions.- Assess their speaking and writing skills through group interactions and written assignments.This activity plan is designed to be flexible and can be adapted to suit the specific needs and abilities of your students. By combining cultural education with language learning, students will not only improve their English skills but also gain a deeper appreciation for Chinese traditions.。

小学端午节英语教学活动方案English: The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese festival that is often celebrated by eating zongzi, racing dragon boats, and hanging herbs to keep evil spirits away. Students can learn about this festival through various activities such as making zongzi, creating dragon boat crafts, and learning about the history and significance of the festival. For example, students can practice their fine motor skills by making zongzi with sticky rice, filling, and bamboo leaves. They can also participate in a dragon boat race simulation where they work together in a team to paddle to the finish line. Additionally, students can learn about the story of Qu Yuan and how he is remembered during the festival by listening to stories or watching a video. This can be followed by a discussion on the values of loyalty and perseverance that Qu Yuan represented and how they can be applied in their daily lives.Translated content: 端午节是一个传统的中国节日,通常通过吃粽子、赛龙舟和挂草药来庆祝。

《Dragon Boat Festival》教学设计教材简析:《Dragon Boat Festival》是本学期教学的一节延伸课。
2.新的课程规明确提出, 在英语教学中要注意文化意识的渗透。
本课把文化中的笼统元素直观形象化,有利于教师对同学进行文化渗透, 冶同学的情操。
2.本课应掌握的会话容:-What do you do on the Dragon Boat Festival?-I eat rice dumpling.-What do you do on the Dragon Boat Festival?-I watch Dragon Boat races.能力目标1.听:能听懂传统风俗的由来,并回答相关问题。
课时安排:一课时教学过程:一: Greetings and warm-upStep 1 热身活动Sing the song - ‘Dragon boat song’。

《DragonBoatFestival》教学设计教学目标:一、知识与技能:1.掌握多见的食品单词的拼写;2.知道并学会将学过的食品进行分类识记;3.能够在生活中灵敏应用“Would you like some……”并做出肯定否定回答。
二、过程与方法:通过查阅、收集资料及小组讨论的学习活动,体验合作学习的过程和方法;分类掌握已经学过的食品单词的拼写,巩固并扩充单词量;通过结伴练习熟练掌握“Would you like some……”及肯否定回答。
3、板书句型:Wouldyoulikesome……?Yes ,please .Ilike……No ,thanks .I don’tlike……Iwouldratherhave……①告知学生对于别人提出的问题,应做到有礼貌地回答。

第八页,编辑于星期六:六点 三十三分。
The origins of
Dragon Boat Festival
There are a great many of legends about the origin of Dragon Boat Festival. The most popular theory of the origin of the festival is that it was derived from the activities commemorating
第十三页,编辑于星期六:六点 三十三分。
This is said to be the origin of the present
nation-wide custom, which is the common
expression of
grief over Qu’s
第四页,编辑于星期六:六点 三十三分。
Dragon Boat Festival
第五页,编辑于星期六:六点 三十三分。
About its name
第六页,编辑于星期六:六点 三十三分。
第七页,编辑于星期六:六点 三十三分。
It is a popular and traditional festival celebrated by the Hans, Koreans, Mongolians, Huis, Yis, Bais, Miaos, Zhuangs and others, altogether 27 of the 56 nationalities in China.

Dragon Boat Festival教案(精选2篇)Dragon Boat Festival 篇1module 1 city lifeunit 3 dragon boat festival1. celebrate----celebration2. danger----dangerous3. five---fifth4. sad---sadly5. salt---salty6. with—without7. like--dislike8. have dragon boat festival9. would like to do =want to do10. celebrate sth.11. be born in /on12. give advice to sb.(advice 不可数)13. take one’s advice=listen to sb.14. lose a battle15. be in danger16. jump into a river17. lunar month of that year18. on that day19. do sth. to do20. a sweet rice dumping21. salty rice dumpings with meat22. sweet rice dumpings without beans23. the kinds of rice dumplings24. i like …,but i don’t like…25. draw a bar chart26. would you like some …? yes,please./no,thanks.27. would rather +动词原形28. would rather not do sth.29. had better do sth.30. had better not do sth.31. .sometthing +adj.32. something interesting33. k now much about …(知道某事是不可数的)34. two thousand years (不加s)35. here’s …31.love sth. very much(不能说very love)Dragon Boat Festival教案篇2module 1 city lifeunit 3 dragon boat festivalthe first period :reading: qu yuan and the dragon boat festivallanguage focus:1. asking ‘wh-’questions to find out the reasone.g. why do people celebrate it?2. using the simple past tense to talk about past activities and statese.g. qu yuan was born about two thousand years ago in china.3. using the simple present tense to talk about present statese.g. today, people eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to…key and difficult points:1. the simple past tense of the verbs in the story(故事中出现的动词的过去时)e.g. was born, loved, took, died, lost ect.2. some phrases (一些短语)e.g. would like to do sth., be born, take one’s advice, listen to sb. …3. remind students to pay attention to the use of different tenses when talking about the past and the present in the story.(学会用不同的时态来谈论不同时间发生的事。

bothpron.“双方,两者”Bothofthemlikepopularsongs.Bothareinterestingstories.3.QuYuanwasbornaroundtwothousandyearsago.beborn“出生”Shewasbornonthesixthdayoftheeighthlunarmonth.IwasbornonChristmas.around“大约”Heisaround(about)180centimetershigh.4.Hisjobwastogiveadvicetotheemperor.advicen.“建议、劝告”Healwaysgivesadvicetotheheadmaster.5.begoodat=dowellinHeisgoodatEnglish.=HedoeswellinEnglish.Sheisgoodatplayingthepiano.6.I’dratherhavesomehamburgers.wouldrat her“宁愿”I’dratherhaveacupoftea.7.Wouldyoulikeapieceofricedumpling?wouldlike“想要”—Wouldyoulikesomenoodles?—Yes,please./No,thanks.8.Iamgoingtotakesomephotos.takephotos“拍照片”WetookmanynicephotosinBeijing.9.Iwillsendyousome.sendsb.sth.=sendsth.tosb.Tomwillsendhersistersomebooks.Lilysentalettertomelastweek.(四)连词but、介词with,without的用法but的用法作连词,可以连接两个并列成分或两个并列分句,意为“但是,然而”。

语言结构hydoeeatriceduplingsduringtheDragonBoatFestival?hydidthepeoplethroriceduplingsintotheriver?词汇掌握词汇:dragonboat,DragonBoatRace,poet,nuts,lunaronth 理解词汇:ricedupling,delicious,por,during语法一般过去时;特殊疑问句。
T:Loo!Toadyisthefifthdayofthefifthlunaronth.Isitthe id-AutunFestival?S:No.It'stheDragonBoatFestival.板书并教学词组lunaronth,theDragonBoatFestival。
Dragon Boat Festival-教学文档

Dragon Boat FestivalThe Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice(糯米)wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon boats.The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. This regatta(赛舟会)commemorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.Qu was a minister of the State of Chu situated in present-day Hunan and Hubei provinces, during the Warring States Period (475-221BC)(战国时期). He was upright, loyal and highly esteemed for his wise counsel that brought peace and prosperity to the state. However, when a dishonest and corrupt prince vilified Qu, he was disgraced and dismissed from office. Realizing that the country was now in the hands of evil and corrupt officials, Qu grabbed a large stone and leapt into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month. Nearby fishermen rushed over to try and save him but were unable to even recover his body. Thereafter, the state declined and was eventually conquered by the State of Qin.The people of Chu who mourned the death of Qu threw rice into the river to feed his ghost every year on the fifth day of the fifth month. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a huge reptile(爬行动物)in the river had stolen the rice. The spirit then advised them to wrap the rice in silk and bind it with five different-colored threads before tossing it into the river.During the Duanwu Festival, a glutinous rice pudding called zong zi is eaten to symbolize the rice offerings to Qu. Ingredients such as beans, lotus seeds(莲子), chestnuts(栗子), pork fat and the golden yolk of a salted duck egg are often added to the glutinous rice. The pudding is then wrapped with bamboo leaves, bound with a kind of raffia and boiled in salt water for hours.The dragon-boat races symbolize the many attempts to rescue and recover Qu's body. A typical dragon boat ranges from 50-100 feet in length, with a beam of about 5.5 feet, accommodating two paddlers seated side by side.A wooden dragon head is attached at the bow, and a dragon tail at the stern(船尾). A banner hoisted on a pole is also fastened at the stern and the hull is decorated with red, green and blue scales edged in gold. In the center of the boat is a canopied shrine behind which the drummers, gong(铜锣)beaters and cymbal(铙钹)players are seated to set the pace for the paddlers. There are also men positioned at the bow to set off firecrackers, toss rice into the water and pretend to be looking for Qu. All of the noise and pageantry creates an atmosphere of gaiety and excitement for the participants and spectators alike. The races are held among different clans, villages and organizations, and the winners are awarded medals, banners, jugs of wine and festive meals.第 1 页。
Dragon Boat Festival(教学设计 教学反思)

Dragon Boat Festival(教学设计)Teaching contents: Dragon Boat Festival.Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:1.Review the past simple tense.2.Understand the story about the Dragon Boat Festival.Ability aims:1.Be able to retell the story of the Dragon Boat Festival with what they learn in class. To improve the students’communication2.To develop students ability of listening ,speaking, reading and writing. Emotion aims:Let students understand the Dragon Boat Festival and to develop students consciousness of love country.Teaching steps:Step 1:Sing a song.【设计理念:英语歌曲的演唱为学生创造了一定的英语情境,并激发学生的学习兴趣。
】Step 2: Leading.T: In China, there are some traditional festivals. Do you know about Chinese traditional festivals?S: Yes.T: Ok. Today we'll learn about some festivals.T: Ok. Who can tell me these festivals?T: Yes, they're Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival.T: Look at the pictures, which festival is this?(出示大屏幕)S: Spring Festival.T: When is the Spring Festival?S: The first day of the first lunar month.T: What always do we do on Spring Festival?S: We eat dumplings.T: Yes, we always wear new clothes, eat peanuts, eat sweets and so on.T: Which festival is this?(出示大屏幕)S: Lantern Festival.T: When is the Lantern Festival?S: It's the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.T: On Lantern Festival, we always go to see the dragon dances and see lantern in the evening, then we eat round rice dumplings.(出示大屏幕)T: Which festival we eat mooncakes?(出示大屏幕)S: Mid-Autumn Festival.(出示大屏幕)T: When is the Mid-Autumn Festival?S: It's the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month.T: Look at the picture, what can you see?(出示大屏幕)S:I can see a dragon boat races and rice dumplings.T: Look here, Do you know which festival like this celebrate?S: Dragon Boat Festival.板书:《Dragon Boat Festival》设计意图:运用大家熟悉的中国传统节日导入,一是为了让学生进一步了解中国的传统节日如何用英语来表达,二是为后面的学习内容做铺垫,并用多媒体激发学生的求知欲。
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《Drago n Boat Festival》教学设计
While-task Post-task 二.What festival do you
e MOODLE platform
a. Check the an swer
b. Share the n ewspaper
c. D o a survey:
1. Elicit Drago n Boat
2. When is the Dragon
Boat Festival?
The Drago n Boat Festival
is on the fifth day of the fifth
lunar mon th.
3. Why do
celebrate this
We celebrate it to
remember Qu Yuan.
3. What do
usually do at the
Drago n Boat Festival?
a. watch the drago n boat
b. make and eat Zon gzi
c. eat eggs
d. drink realgar wine
4. Z on gai has
flavors. I like the Zon gzi
with meat. How about you?
Lear n: I
《Row a boat》
2. Free talk
3.Share the newspaper and in
troduce what do people usually
do at
_____ festival with
1. Lear n the expressi
2. L ook and say
3. F ill in the bla nks.
4. Ask and an swer
1. Read a story
2. R ead and choose
1.Watch and lear n
(1)Free talk
(2)Enjoy some pictures
1.I have a
friend ,Steve n . He
1. Read a passage
2. R ead and judge
3. L ear n the sentence
4. G uess ing game
5. C hat on BBS
1. Free talk
2. Write an email