2014欧洲专家共识 血小板功能检测PCI病人
1.常用抗血小板药物(1)非笛体类抗炎药这一类药物的代表为阿司匹林,非苗体类抗炎药通过抑制血栓素A2 形成达到抗栓作用。
替格瑞洛的常用剂量为90 mg每日2次,停药后3天血小板功能可恢复正长。
坎格雷洛在注射后几分钟内起效,停止注射后1〜2 h内血小板功能全部恢复。
1. 氯吡格雷的药理作用机制氯吡格雷作为一种无活性的前体药物,必须通过体内肝脏代谢为有活性的产物时才能发挥其药理学作用。
当人体口服氯吡格雷后,约占50%通过胃肠道吸收;其中85%的前体药物被酯酶水解成为无活性的羧酸衍生物,余下约占15%则被肝细胞色素P450 (cytochrome P450,CYP) 系统代谢,氯吡格雷噻吩环被氧化后形成一种中间代谢物(2氧-氯吡格雷),2氧-氯吡格雷被细胞色素P450进一步氧化,导致噻吩环打开,形成羧基和巯基。
随后,氯吡格雷的活性巯基在血小板P2Y12受体的半胱氨酸之间形成一个二硫键,不可逆地与血小板表面二磷酸腺苷(ADP)P2Y12受体结合,减少ADP结合位点,阻断ADP对腺苷酸环化酶的抑制作用,促进环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)依赖的舒血管物质磷酸蛋白(VASP)的磷酸化、抑制纤维蛋白原受体(即糖蛋白GP IIb/IIIa)活化,明显减少血小板激活和随后的瀑布样聚集反应,达到抗血小板作用[1]。
2019 ARC-HBR专家共识白皮书PCI患者高危出血定义解读
2019 ARC-HBR专家共识白皮书:PCI患者高危出血定义解读经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(Percutaneous Coronary Intervention,PCI)已经成为冠心病治疗的重要手段,PCI术后需要接受双联抗血小板治疗(Dual Antiplatelet Therapy,DAPT)以降低支架内血栓风险,而抗栓治疗后继发出血又成为DAPT最常见的非心脏并发症。
医疗保健系统研究网络(Health Care Systems Research Network,HCSRN)的一项注册研究纳入了8371例患者,所有患者均植入第一代药物洗脱支架(Drug Eluting Stent,DES),在术后12个月内有4.8%的患者因发生严重出血事件而住院治疗,其中58.3%的住院原因是胃肠道出血[1]。
ADAPT-DES 研究纳入了8577例PCI患者,平均随访300天,535例(6.2%)患者发生出血事件,其中胃肠道出血最常见(61.7%),术后发生出血事件与全因死亡率(13%vs. 3.2%;P<0.001)、出院后急性心肌梗死(HR: 1.92; p = 0.009)和2年死亡风险(HR 5.03;P<0.0001)增加相关[3]。
尽管多种原因与PCI术后出血有关,目前还没有公认准确的危险分层方法预测和评估PCI术后出血风险,即便是大型随机对照试验的入选和排除标准对高危出血风险(High Bleeding risk,HBR)的定义也不一致。
高出血风险学术研究联盟(The Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk,ARC-HBR)是由研究团体、监管机构和医生科学家组成的学术组织,专注于PCI相关出血的防控研究。
近些年,针对旋磨的专家共识也层出不穷,最具有代表性的就是一篇发表在今年5月《EuroIntervention》杂志上的欧洲专家旋磨共识(由欧洲最著名的旋磨专家和介入专家共同起草):European Expert Consensus On Rotational Atherectomy和一篇去年发表在《JACC》杂志上的Current Status of Rotational Atherectomy(由美国著名的旋磨专家Dr. Samin Sharma所在的中心起草)。
1. 欧洲专家旋磨共识解读:欧洲共识首先肯定了旋磨最近呈现再一次的热度,一是人口老龄化带来更多的钙化病变的病人需要进行PCI治疗;二是DES更低的再狭窄率使PCI的适应症扩宽至更复杂的病变,钙化首当其冲是血管预处理最需要解决的难题。
而如今,随着药物涂层支架的不断完善和新器械的发明,旋磨更多结合药物支架一起使用,在支架植入前进行斑块修饰(Plaque Modification),对于球囊无法通过和球囊无法扩张的病变进行更多的斑块修饰,已确保后续器械通过病变,并保证支架充分扩张。
国际血栓与止血协会DIC积分诊断准则国际血栓与止血协会DIC(Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation)积分诊断准则是一种用于诊断DIC的方法。
以下是DIC积分诊断准则的主要指标和评分方法:1.血小板计数(PLT)评分:-≥100×10^9/L:0分-50-100×10^9/L:1分-<50×10^9/L:2分2.凝血酶原时间(PT)评分:-<3s延长:0分-3-6s延长:1分->6s延长:2分3.凝血酶时间(TT)评分:-<3s延长:0分-3-6s延长:1分->6s延长:2分4.纤维蛋白原(FIB)评分:->1.5g/L:0分-1.0-1.5g/L:1分-<1.0g/L:2分5.D-二聚体(D-DI)评分:- <500 ng/ml:0分- 500-1000 ng/ml:1分- >1000 ng/ml:2分6.微血栓评分:-未见或轻:0分-中等:1分-重:2分7.病因评分:-无或非DIC原因:0分-高度可疑有DIC病因:3分-DIC病因明确:5分根据以上评分指标,将各项得分相加,得出总分。
2010年ACC会议上,韩国学者公布了DES-LATE研究结果:该研究由两个临床试验组成(REAL-LATE和ZEST-LATE) 研究对象:2701例植入DES一年内未发生心血管事件的患者 DES-LATE研究想回答的问题是:对DES-PCI患者服用12个月以上的阿司匹林和氯吡格雷双联抗血小板治疗(DAT)是否优于单服用阿司匹林?
I B*
Data suggest that certain patient population (e.g. high risk for thrombotic events, patients after SES or PES implantation) may benefit from prolonged DAPT beyond 1 year. ….3 lines below Recent data suggest that DAPT for 6 months may be sufficient because late and very late stent thrombosis correlate poorly with discontinuation of DAPT
Ff f
501 randomized to EES 499 received EES 10 received POBA for ≥1 lesion 4 had ≥1 failed treated lesion 5 died before 30 days 1 withdrew at 30 days
Balancing Randomization
1° Endpoint Randomization
2099 4891 5374 6639 6789 10,799 12,940 15,339 17,403 17,804 18,104 20,186
TIGER-PA 研究造影结果显示,早期治疗组(急诊室给药) 干预前血流 TIMI3 级比率,明显优于晚期治疗组(导管室给药)。 但两组术后 TIMI3 级比率均为92%。 两组 30 天心血管事件发生率亦无显著差异。
ON-TIME 研究PCI前早期治疗组(入院前) TIMI 2-3 级的比率高于晚期治疗组(导管室应用)。 早期治疗组造影提示血栓或新鲜阻塞征象的比率低于晚期治疗组。
• 国内替罗非班最大的注册研究;301医院牵头; • 全国15个中心参与,共入选病例927例; • 不干预临床用药,旨在观察欣维宁使用安全性
用药方式多种多样,未依照处方推荐给药方法的占37.91% 临床用药维持时间和指南相比较短; PCI提前使用比例不高;
荟萃研究证实:使用替罗非班可以降低NSTE-ACS行PCI治疗患者30天死亡 /心梗事件发生率,上游用药效果尤其显著
Marco Valgimigli, et al. Tirofiban as adjunctive therapy for acute coronary syndromes and percutaneous coronary intervention: a meta-analysis of randomized trials. European Heart Journal (2010) 31, 35–49.
血栓事件的判断应结合血小板功能检测结果、 临床和介入手术特点综合考虑
Copyright © 2012 Haemonetics Corporation
1. PCI患者与血小板功能相关的出血; 2. 外科手术患者与血小板功能的出血;
Copyright © 2012 Haemonetics Corporation
Copyright © 2012 Haemonetics Corporation
Copyright © 2012 Haemonetics Corporation
《中华医学会心血管病学分会 中国专家建议》推荐
国际国内对于血小板ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้功能检测发布了专家 共识/建议 • JACC 2013年国际 专家共识 • 2014年中华医学会 心血管病学分会 中 国专家建议
Copyright © 2012 Haemonetics Corporation
抗血小板治疗反应多样性的发生机制和影响 因素
1. 遗传因素 我国人群CYP2C19LOF 等位基因携带者的比率约为欧美国家的 2 倍 (56%比 27%), CYP2C19 基因多态性在氯比格雷抗血小板反应 的变异中,约占12%归因效度 细胞因素 如血小板更新的加速可能降低抗血小板药物的治疗反应 如糖尿病患者体内往往有一种或多种细胞膜受体或受体后的调节功能 异常,对膜表面抗血小板药物作用受体有潜在的影响 临床因素 剂量,依从性,ACS, BMI,肾功不全, 药物间相互作用(质子泵抑制剂,钙通道阻滞剂)
由此可见,尽管DES支架内血栓发生率较低,但是其后果却是灾难性的。 到目前为止,支架内血栓是PCI后主要的死因。
1、病人个体情况: (1)内源性血小板活性增加(可能原因有氯吡格雷抵抗、ASA抵抗或者
全身炎症激活状态下导致的血小板功能亢进等) (2)各种因素导致的高凝状态(高脂血症、应激反应炎症激活、肾病综
如负荷剂量后ACT没有达标, 可以追加2000-5000u,
2、肝素维持剂量(遵循指南): PCI术中应用肝素抗凝,术后注意开始给肝素维持 剂量的时间和用量:
⑴术后开始给维持量的时间是:肝素体存量4000u或 ACT200s可以给维持剂量12-15u/Kg.h, ⑵可以根据体内的代谢速度,700-1000u/h ⑶静脉肝素维持24-48h,之后可以改为皮下注射1w.
⑶抗栓治疗,可选用LMWH和重组水蛭素。 达那肝素钠是一种葡萄糖胺聚糖混合物(主要是硫酸肝素和硫酸皮肤 素),体 外可抑制HIT-IgG对血小板的激活,并可通过抑制因子Xa减少凝血酶生成。 重组水蛭素则与HIT-IgG 无交叉反应,且能直接抑制凝血酶活性,其抗凝效 果可通过激活的部分凝血活酶时间进行监测。
荟萃分析显示: 携带功能降低的遗传变异基因(CYP2C19等位基因)患者者, 服用氯吡格雷有较高的心血管事件风险、死亡风险和支架内血栓风险。
美国FDA在2010年3月提出了警示, “由于基因多态性,携带CYP2C19功能减低基因的患者是氯吡格雷弱代谢者, 比CYP2C19功能正常的患者在PCI术后心血管事件、死亡及支架内血栓发生率高”。
经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)手术前后抑郁和(或)焦虑中医诊疗专家共识(全文)1 前言经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)作为冠心病治疗的主要方法之一,美国约有每年100万、欧洲约有每年80万患者接受PCI,目前我国PCI手术量已超过每年50万,成功率高达91%-97%,其适应症还在不断扩大[1]。
1985年时任美国卫生与民众服务部部长马格丽特. 赫克勒(Margaret Heckler)就向全美中老年人推荐:每天服用一片阿司匹林预防血栓性疾病。
本共识文件是对由欧洲心血管介入协会(European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions,EAPCI)发起组织全球16个国家22名腔内影像学专家的观点进行总结,共识文件共包括两部分,本文为第一部分。
本共识全面阐释了血管内影像技术临床应用指征的现有证据,并基于当前临床实践,为介入医生提供了关于血管内超声(intravenous ultrasound,IVUS)和光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)的应用价值、各自优势和潜在局限性。
院时血压升高是颅内出血的主要危险因素。一旦发生颅内出血,应立即停止溶 栓和抗栓治疗;进行急诊CT或磁共振检查;测定红细胞比容、血红蛋白、凝血 酶原、活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、血小板计数和纤维蛋白原、D-二聚体 ,并检测血型及交叉配血。治疗措施包括降低颅内压;4 h内使用过普通肝素的 患者,推荐用鱼精蛋白中和(1 mg鱼精蛋白中和100 U普通肝素);出血时间 异常可酌情输入6~8 U血小板。
危险分层是一个连续的过程,需根据临床情况不断更新最初的 评估。高龄、女性、Killip分级Ⅱ~Ⅳ级、既往心肌梗死史、心房 颤动(房颤)、前壁心肌梗死、肺部啰音、收缩压<100 mmHg、 心率>100次/min、糖尿病、cTn明显升高等是STEMI患者死亡风 险增加的独立危险因素。溶栓治疗失败、伴有右心室梗死和血液动 力学异常的下壁STEMI患者病死率增高。合并机械性并发症的 STEMI患者死亡风险增大。冠状动脉造影可为STEMI风险分层提供 重要信息。
• 应注意不典型疼痛部位和表现及无痛性心肌梗死 (特别是女性 、糖尿病及高血压患者)
• 既往史包括冠心病史、高血压、糖尿病、外科手术或拔牙史, 出血性疾病、脑血管疾病以及抗血小板、抗凝和溶栓药物应用 史
• 观察患者的一般状态,有无皮肤湿冷、面色苍白、烦躁不安、 颈静脉怒张等
➢ T波高尖可出现在STEMI超急性期 ➢ 与既往心电图进行比较有助于诊断 ➢ 左束支阻滞患者发生心肌梗死时,需结合临床情况仔细判断
新指南VS 旧指南新指南的新推荐首次推荐使用双联抗血小板时长的评分系统指南推荐使用PRECISE-DAPT 和DAPT 评分系统帮助更好的决策双联抗血小板的时间(IIb,A)。
对于PRECISE-DAPT 评分,使用得分图计算分数:分别标记病人每个临床指标的数值,然后画一条垂直线到「得分」轴得出每个临床指标对应的分数,这些分值相加后得到总分数。
分值≥25 建议短期DAPT(即3~6 个月),分值<25 建议标准或长期DAPT(即12~24 个月)。
对于DAPT 评分,将对应指标的正值相加后再减去对应年龄的分值即的总得分,分值≥2 建议长期DAPT(即30 个月),分值<2 建议标准DAPT(即12 个月)。
CHF = 充血性心力衰竭;CrCl = 肌酐清除率;DAPT = 双重抗血小板治疗;Hb = 血红蛋白;LVEF = 左心室射血分数;MI = 心肌梗死;PCI = 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗;PRECISE-DAPT 行支架植入术后双重抗血小板治疗患者的出血并发症预测;WBC = 白细胞计数。
具体推荐等级1. P2Y12 拮抗剂的选择及使用时机不论既往用药方案如何,若无禁忌,均推荐ACS 患者在阿司匹林基础上加用替格瑞洛(负荷量180 mg,90 mg bid 维持)。
(I,B)对于行PCI 的ACS 患者,除非有高致命性出血风险或其他禁忌,均推荐在阿司匹林基础上加普拉格雷(负荷量60 mg,10 mg qd 维持)。
包括既往未使用过P2Y12 拮抗剂的NSTE-ACS 患者和经过谨慎治疗或急需PCI 的STEMI 患者。
(I,B)对冠脉解剖明确且拟行PCI(包括STEMI)的患者,术前需用P2Y12 拮抗剂进行预治疗。
PCI 基本流程及规范PCI 是冠心病治疗的重要手段。
在完成为了CAG 以及其他对冠脉解剖或者功能的侵入性检查后,将获得的冠脉解剖或者功能的侵入性检查后,将获得的冠脉病变特征结合患者的临床症状、客观证据以及合并的疾病等情况决定介入治疗的策略。
PCI 的规范更多体现在严格掌握指征、子细评价手术相关风险并合理应用围手术期药物治疗方面。
一、PCI 基本流程(一) PCI 适应症对于稳定型心绞痛,PCI 的价值主要在于缓解症状。
尽管Courage 研究的结果提示:起始介入治疗和起始优化药物治疗策略对于患者远期预后的影响无统计学差异,但是对于已经接受强化药物治疗而仍有心绞痛症状的患者,进行介入治疗仍然是缓解症状、改善生活质量的合理选择。
而对于缺血范围较大的患者,有证据表明与药物治疗相比,PCI 可以降低心血管事件的发生率。
优化的药物治疗应该包括足量的硝酸酯和beta 受体阻滞剂,如患者的心绞痛症状仍达到CCS3 级以及以上,则需进行PCI。
有较大范围心肌放血的客观证据I A自体冠状动脉的原发病变常规置入支架I A静脉旁路血管的原发病变常规置人支架I A慢性彻底闭塞病变IIa C外科手术高风险患者IIa B多支血管病变无糖尿病,病变适合PCI IIa B多支病变合并糖尿病IIb C经选择的无保护左主干病变IIb CNSTE-ACS 的PCI 指征以及手术时机更为复杂。
抗血小板药物治疗反应多样性临床检测和处理的中国专家建议(文末附:抗血小板相关指南推荐链接)中华医学会心血管病学分会中华心血管病杂志编辑委员会血小板的黏附、活化和聚集在急性冠状动脉综合征(acute coronary syndromes,ACS)及经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)的病理生理过程中起重要作用。
阿司匹林和P2Y12受体抑制剂(如氯吡格雷)作为两类最常用的抗血小板药物,是目前ACS和(或)PCI 术后预防血栓事件的基石。
(完整)2014欧洲指南低钠血症诊治流程 解读
症状严重的低钠血症 (1)
是 •150ml 3%高张钠 静否脉输注 20分钟 •20分钟后复测血Na ••可 目标重复:输血注Na↑急5m性m低ol/钠l 血症?
•0.9% NS 静脉输注 直至 开始病因治疗
≤30mmol/L 有效动脉血容量不足
>30mmol/L 利尿剂或肾脏病
•心衰 •肝硬化
•细胞外液量减少 急性或严重症状
是 立即开始高张钠盐治疗
是 立即开始高张钠盐治疗
否 尿渗透压
≤30mmol/L 有效循环血容量不足
>30mmol/L 利尿剂或肾脏病
•利尿剂 是 •肾脏疾病
是 立即开始高张钠盐治疗
2 尿渗透压
3 尿钠浓度
•原发性烦渴 •盐摄入不足 •嗜酒
经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)手术前后抑郁和(或)焦虑中医诊疗专家共识(全文)1 前言经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)作为冠心病治疗的主要方法之一,美国约有每年100万、欧洲约有每年80万患者接受PCI,目前我国PCI手术量已超过每年50万,成功率高达91%-97%,其适应症还在不断扩大[1]。
通过心血管造影检查,可以清晰地观察冠状动脉的情况,及时发现血管再狭窄、支架restenosis 等情况,为临床诊断和治疗提供重要依据。
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CURRENT OPINIONExpert position paper on the role of platelet function testing in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventionDa´niel Aradi 1,*,Robert F.Storey 2,Andra ´s Komo ´csi 3,Dietmar Trenk 4,Dietrich Gulba 5,Ro´bert Ga ´bor Kiss 6,Steen Husted 7,Laurent Bonello 8,Dirk Sibbing 9,Jean-Philippe Collet 10,and Kurt Huber 11,on behalf of the Working Group on Thrombosis of the European Society of Cardiology1Department of Cardiology,Heart Center Balatonfu ¨red,2Gyo ´gy te ´r,Balatonfu ¨red 8230,Hungary;2Department of Cardiovascular Science,University of Sheffield,Sheffield,UK;3University of Pe ´cs,Heart Institute,Pe ´cs,Hungary;4Universita ¨ts-Herzzentrum Freiburg-Bad Krozingen,Klinik fu ¨r Kardiologie und Angiologie II,Bad Krozingen,Germany;5Department forInternal Medicine and Cardiology,KKO St Marien-Hospital,Oberhausen,Germany;6Department of Cardiology,National Medical Center,Military Hospital,Budapest,Hungary;7Department of Cardiology,Aarhus University Hospital,Aarhus,Denmark;8De´partement de Cardiologie,Ho ˆpital Universitaire Nord,Aix-Marseille Universite ´,Inserm UMRS 608,AP-HM,Marseille,France;9Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I,Ludwig-Maximilians-University Mu¨nchen,Munich,Germany;10Institut de Cardiologie,INSERM UMRS937,Pitie ´-Salpe ˆtrie `re Hospital (AP-HP),Universite´Paris,Pierre et Marie Curie,Paris,France;and 113rd Department of Medicine,Cardiology and Emergency Medicine,Wilhelminenhospital,Vienna,Austria Received 26March 2013;revised 25July 2013;accepted 19August 2013;online publish-ahead-of-print 25September 2013PrefaceOptimizing outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI)requires balancing between the risks of thrombotic and bleed-ing events in individual patients.1–3However,finding the optimal balance is not always straightforward since the risks of thrombotic and bleeding complications may differ extremely between indivi-duals.In addition,the individual effects of anticoagulant and antiplate-let drugs are not uniform in patients.4Recent European guidelines 1,3recommend the use of prasugrel or ticagrelor instead of clopidogrel in all PCI-treated acute coronary syndrome (ACS)patients without contraindication,acknowledging that laboratory assessment of P2Y 12-receptor inhibition may be con-sidered only in selected cases when clopidogrel is used.1However,there is no guidance with respect to the appropriate methodology and the suggested interpretation of results.The Working Group on Thrombosis of the European Society of Cardiology aimed to review the available evidence and the clinical relevance of platelet function testing in order to reach a consensus regarding the methodology,evaluation,and clinical interpretation of platelet function in patients undergoing PCI.Clinical guideline recommendationsRegarding the choice between available P2Y 12-inhibitors,the 2011ESC guidelines on non-ST segment elevation acute coronarysyndromes (NSTE-ACS)1and the 2012guidelines on ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction 3recommend prasugrel and ticagrelor for all ACS patients without contraindication,and clopidogrel is only recommended if these agents are not available.Despite the restrict-ive recommendations for clopidogrel,it still holds a class I indication in ACS due to the large differences in the availability of the new-generation P2Y 12-inhibitors among European countries.According to the 2011ACCF/AHA/SCAI guidelines for PCI,5a P2Y 12-inhibitor should be given for ACS patients without preferring novel P2Y 12-inhibitors over clopidogrel.Similarly,the 2012ACCF/AHA unstable angina/non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction guidelines 6and the 2013ACCF/AHA ST-elevation myocardial infarction guide-lines 7do not explicitly endorse one of the P2Y 12-inhibitors over the other,acknowledging that large-scale,randomized clinical data on the use of prasugrel and ticagrelor are still limited.The 2011ESC guidelines on NSTE-ACS 1issued a class IIb indica-tion for platelet function testing stating that it may be considered in selected cases when clopidogrel is used.However,routine use of platelet function testing is not recommended because dose adapta-tion of clopidogrel according to residual platelet reactivity failed to show any clinical benefit.8–10According to the 2011ACCF/AHA/SCAI guidelines for PCI,5platelet function testing may be considered in patients at high risk for poor clinical outcomes after PCI.If results reveal high on-treatment platelet reactivity (HPR),alternative agents,such as prasugrel or ticagrelor,may be considered.(Supplementary material online,Table S1)The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the Editors of the European Heart Journal or of the European Society of Cardiology.*Corresponding author.Tel:+36302355639,Fax:+3672536497,Email:daniel_aradi@&The Author 2013.Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (/licenses/by-nc/3.0/),which permits non-commercial re-use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.For commercial re-use,please contact journals.permissions@European Heart Journal (2014)35,209–215doi:10.1093/eurheartj/eht375reactivityThere are a wide variety of methods for monitoring platelet reactivity (Supplementary material online,Table S2).The global aggregation measure approach(platelet aggregation)is usually less specific to the drug action while analysis of the drug effect with high specificity at subcellular levels[such as vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP)phosphorylation]gives less information regarding the overall state of the activation-aggregation cascade.Testing the efficacy of aspirin is methodologically more compli-cated and less reliable than measuring the effects of P2Y12-receptor inhibitors.11,12Monitoring the serum levels of thromboxane B2(TxB2), thestablemetaboliteofTXA2,afteraspirinadministrationiscomplex.13 As a surrogate,its urinary-excreted stable metabolite(11-dehydro-thromboxane B2,dTXB2)can be determined.11However,these compounds can be generated via COX-1-independent,COX-2-dependent pathways,which may reflect the overall inflammatory status rather than platelet inhibition by aspirin‘per se’.13Therefore, the antiplatelet efficacy of aspirin is preferentially assessed via the indir-ect effect of TXA2-induced platelet aggregation by adding arachidonic acid to blood samples.11Many non-COX-specific agonists(ADP,epi-nephrine,and collagen)are alsoused to evaluate‘aspirin response’with a common drawback of overestimation of true aspirin resistance.12,14 Therefore,most of the available methods are not specific for the effect of aspirin,but also reflect the overall inflammatory and hyper-reactive state of patients.13Residual platelet reactivity during P2Y12-inhibitor treatment is evaluated via stimulating platelets with ADP.15Results can be assessed at the stage of intracellular signalling pathways(VASP)or at the level of the subsequent aggregation process.16Compared with the poor assays have better agreement among themselves.17,18However, there are substantial methodological differences between ADP-stimulated assays that explain why this agreement is still far from perfect,resulting in heterogeneity in identification of subjects at risk for thrombotic events15(Figure1).According to the available evi-dence,there are currently four ADP-stimulated assays[VASP,Multi-plate,VerifyNow,and light transmission aggregometry(LTA)]that were shown to predict clinical outcomes in large numbers of patients after PCI.15,19–24Although the methodology of assessment in three of these tests is fairly standardized,LTA lacks standardization for sample collection,preparation,and processing.15Most important advantages and disadvantages of these assays are discussed in detail in the Supple-mentary material online(platelet function assays:advantages and limitations).Consensus summaryMonitoring platelet reactivity during clopidogrel treatment with ADP-stimulated platelet assays is more specific to the drug action and more predictive for thrombotic events than the assessment of aspirin responsiveness.23Based on the currently available evidence, the recommended assays for monitoring platelet inhibition during P2Y12-inhibitors are the VerifyNow P2Y12assay,the Multiplate device with the ADP kit and the VASP assay.Although the optimal thresholds to define a higher risk for thrombotic events may depend on the clinical situation and are still under investigation,avail-able evidence suggests208PRU with the VerifyNow,23,2546U with the Multiplate assay22and50%with the VASP assay.19,21(Supplemen-tary material online,Table S2)LTA is only recommended when no standardized assays are available.Measurement of response to aspirin therapy is not recommended.Figure1Inter-individual variability in platelet reactivity after600mg clopidogrel loading dose.Inter-individual variation in platelet reactivity values in consecutive stable angina patients tested6–24h after a600mg clopidogrel loading dose with four different platelet function assays.Notably,each platelet function plot represents a unique stable angina patient population after a600mg clopidogrel loading dose.Patients in(A)were recruited for light transmission aggregometry,vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein phosphorylation(VASP-PRI)and Multiplate testing in the Heart Institute, University of Pe´cs,Hungary,while those in(B)represent a similar patient population enrolled in Institut de Cardiologie,Pitie´-Salpeˆtrie`re Hospital, Paris,France.LTA,light transmission aggregometry;VASP-PRI,vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein phosphorylation index.to ADP and thrombotic eventsNumerous prospective,observational studies,including large patient populations,demonstrated that HPR to ADP is an independent and strong predictor of post-PCI ischaemic events.22–24,26–31High on-treatment platelet reactivity has been associated with a significant increase in non-fatal myocardial infarction,definite/probable stent thrombosis,or cardiovascular mortality by four independent meta-analyses.32–35The prospective,multicentre,large-scale ADAPT-DES registry involving8583patients demonstrated that HPR identified with the VerifyNow assay was an independent predictor of both early (HR:3.00,95%CI:1.39–6.49,P¼0.005)and1-year ST(HR:2.49, 95%CI:1.43–4.31,P¼0.001).23Notably,the hazard associated with HPR was greater in patients with ACS than in patients undergo-ing PCI for stable angina.36High on-treatment platelet reactivity to ADP explained almost60%of the early ST events.23Owing to the very low incidence of ST observed with new-generation drug-eluting stents,the positive predictive value of HPR remains low(,10%), with a large proportion of patients who tolerate HPR without any adverse events.15,23However,HPR should not be viewed as a diag-nostic marker for ST(such as troponin for myocardial infarction) but rather as a risk factor for the patient(such as diabetes or high cholesterol for myocardial infarction).37Therefore,diagnostic tests (such as ROC curve analysis,positive,and negative predictive value)are not appropriate to judge the utility of platelet function estimates;instead,the associated relative risk(hazard or odds ratio)should be used to determine the clinical usefulness of platelet function testing.37It is also important to know that platelet reactivity values during clopidogrel treatment are not only a measure of drug response, but rather a global integrator of response to P2Y12-inhibitiors and co-existing patient comorbidities that highly interfere with platelet activation(such as advanced age,diabetes,renal insufficiency).24,38,39 Aspirin responsiveness and thrombotic eventsIn contrast to the independent predictive value of HPR to ADP for thrombotic events,clinical relevance of platelet function testing reflecting the response to aspirin remains unclear.Although the ‘aspirin resistant’phenotype was associated with higher risk of ischae-mic events in a few studies,40it is important to note that most of these results were gained from patients treated with aspirin monotherapy, not double anti-platelet therapy(DAPT).Moreover,many of these studies included non-specific platelet assays to determine‘aspirin re-sistance’that rather reflect the overall‘hyper-reactive platelet pheno-type’than the specific effects of aspirin.13,14,41The ADAPT-DES registry found no difference in response to aspirin between patients with and without stent thrombosis.23Similar to this,another large study found that high platelet reactivity to arachidonic acid is not asso-ciated with adverse clinical events.42Therefore,current evidence does not support the prognostic utility of screening for aspirin response in patients after PCI.Medically Manage Acute Coronary Syndromes(TRILOGY-ACS) randomized controlled clinical trial,43stabilized ACS patients managed without revascularization were randomized to either pra-sugrel or clopidogrel treatment.44Although prasugrel demonstrated stronger and more consistent P2Y12-receptor inhibition with signifi-cantly lower rate of HPR compared with clopidogrel,the benefit achieved in platelet inhibition did not translate into a significant clin-ical improvement.43,44According to the platelet function substudy, HPR was a univariate predictor of adverse clinical events,but not an independent predictor of the composite of cardiovascular death,myocardial infarction,or stroke.44In addition to this trial, another prospective study investigated the link between platelet function results and clinical outcome in stable outpatients with cor-onary artery disease.45In the Antiplatelet Drug Resistances and Is-chemic Events(ADRIE)study,platelet function estimates were not associated with major ischaemic events.45Overall,in contrast to patients undergoing PCI,HPR seems to carry less prognostic information in patients managed without revas-cularization,decreasing the value of platelet function testing in this subset.Role of genotyping to predict thrombotic events after percutaneous coronary interventionGenetic variability related to the steps of clopidogrel metabolism is responsible for the variable efficiency of generation of the active me-tabolite of clopidogrel and consequential variable platelet inhib-ition15,16,46(Figure2).The hepatic two-step oxidative process is of particular importance,as it is dependent on a highly polymorphic family of mono-oxygenases of the cytochrome P450(CYP) enzymes.15,16Pharmacogenomic analyses have identified CYP2C19 as the predominant isoenzyme in catalysing both oxidative steps;47 however,both loss-of-function(mainly*2)and gain-of-function (*17)variant alleles of CYP2C19are common in the population result-ing in variable active metabolite generation.48–51Carriers of the*2 allele have been shown to have lower levels of active metabolite, less potent platelet inhibition and an elevated risk for thrombotic events in patients after PCI.47,52,53The genotype,however,accounts for only 2–12%38,50,54of the inter-individual variability of response to clopidogrel and is only one of the many cellular and clinical factors involved in high platelet reactivity.Despite the large number of factors influencing platelet inhibition with clopidogrel, the rapid inactivation after absorption is likely to explain why genetic polymorphisms in hepatic enzymes deeply influence the active metabolite formation and associated platelet inhibition with clopidogrel,55but do not have substantial impact on platelet inhib-ition after prasugrel56or ticagrelor51treatment.(Figure2).Rapid and accurate point-of-care genetic tests have become avail-able recently,and selecting P2Y12-inhibitor based on genotype was shown to reduce the prevalence of HPR.57However,clinical dataare still lacking whether treatment modification based on rapid geno-typing is able to improve clinical outcomes.Consensus summaryHigh on-treatment platelet reactivity to ADP is a strong and inde-pendent predictor of adverse thrombotic events,especially early stent thrombosis in patients on clopidogrel after PCI.23,32–34The as-sociation is stronger in patients with ACS,while less established in patients with stable angina.36Although the genotype accounts for only a small portion of the inter-patient variability with clopidogrel,patients harbouring CYP2C19LOF alleles are at higher risk for stent thrombosis.52,53Inter-individual differences in response to aspirin are not asso-ciated with stent thrombosis in patients treated with DAPT following PCI;23,42therefore,testing the response to aspirin cannot be recommended.In patients managed without revascularization,HPR is not an inde-pendent predictor of recurrent ischaemic events;therefore,platelet function testing to change antiplatelet strategy is not recommended in this subset.44Treatment intensification in patients with high on-treatment platelet reactivityIt is still debated whether HPR is a marker of higher risk or a modi-fiable risk factor that can be used to tailor treatment in patients after PCI.8,10,27,58Theoretically,there are several options to intensify platelet inhibition in patients with HPR:increasing the dose of aspirin or clopidogrel,switching from clopidogrel to a new-generation of P2Y 12-receptor inhibitor or adding a third antiplatelet agent on top of standard therapy (Supplementary material online,Table S3).Dose increase in case of aspirinAlthough there is no dedicated RCT that has evaluated the clinical relevance of increased dose of aspirin based on platelet reactivity testing,findings from a large RCT comparing low-dose and high-dose aspirin in patients with ACS without platelet function testing suggestno benefit for using high doses (.100mg)of aspirin.59,60The Rando-mized Trial of Optimal Clopidogrel and Aspirin Dosing in Patients with ACS Undergoing an Early Invasive Strategy with Intent For PCI (CURRENT OASIS-7trial)compared low-dose (75–100mg)and high-dose (300–325mg)aspirin in 25087patients with ACS and found no difference in the 30-day risk of cardiovascular death,myo-cardial infarction,or stroke in both the overall ACS population 59(HR:0.96,95%CI:0.85–1.08,P ¼0.47)and in the subgroup of patients who underwent PCI 60(HR:0.98,95%CI:0.84–1.13,P ¼0.76).There was a higher rate of gastrointestinal bleeding in the high-dose aspirin group (0.24vs.0.38%,P ¼0.051).59Similarly,higher risk of bleeding with high-dose aspirin was observed in the post hoc analysis of the Harmonizing Outcomes With Revascularization and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction (HORIZONS-AMI)Trial.61Post hoc ana-lysis of the PLATelet inhibition and patient Outcomes (PLATO)trial,prompted by regional differences between North America and other countries in the primary endpoint of the trial,suggested a possible interaction between ticagrelor and high-dose aspirin.62,63After ex-tensive statistical modelling,investigators suggested that the use of high-dose aspirin might explain the trend for an increased risk of car-diovascular death,myocardial infarction,or stroke in patients rando-mized to ticagrelor,whereas others treated with low-dose aspirin and ticagrelor had a significant benefit over clopidogrel.62,63However,since this interaction lacks—so far—any biological explan-ation and comes from a post hoc ,non-pre-specified analysis,it should be interpreted cautiously.Consensus summaryAlthough some markers of platelet activation reflecting response to aspirin might be influenced by a dose escalation,measuring aspirin responsiveness is not recommended since these platelet activation markers are not associated with thrombotic events after PCI.23,42In general,high-dose (.100mg)aspirin treatment does not improve clinical efficacy,but might expose patients to higher risk of (gastrointestinal)bleeding.59,61Therefore,a low maintenance dose (≤100mg)of aspirin is recommended with P2Y 12-inhibitors and dose increase is discouraged,even when based on platelet functionresults.Figure 2Comparison between the metabolic transformations of clopidogrel,prasugrel and ticagrelor.Grey panels show inactive substances,while cyan panels show active molecules capable of inhibiting P2Y 12-receptor.CYP,cytochrome P450enzyme system;hCE,human cholinesterase;PON-1,paraoxonase-1enzyme (despite prior suggestion,it does not play a role in the activation process of clopidogrel).D.Aradi et al .212Many pharmacodynamic studies have shown that increasing the loading or maintenance dose of clopidogrel significantly enhances platelet inhibition;64,65however,this impact is rather modest and highly dependent on the patient’s genotype.65Thefirst large-scale, randomized study to investigate the clinical impact of giving high-dose (additional600mg loading dose and150mg maintenance dose)vs. standard-dose clopidogrel for patients with HPR identified by the VerifyNow P2Y12assay was the Gauging Responsiveness with AVer-ifyNow assay—Impact on Thrombosis And Safety(GRAVITAS) trial.8In the study,41%of the5479patients were found to have HPR12–24h after PCI for stable angina or due to NSTE-ACS.No ST-elevation patients were enrolled,and only10%of patients had AMI on recruitment.8The primary endpoint of cardiovascular death,myocardial infarction,or stent thrombosis at6months was identical between high-dose and standard-dose groups(HR:1.01, 95%CI:0.58–1.76,P¼0.98).GUSTO moderate/severe bleeding events were also not significantly different;even numerically lower in the150-mg group.8A time-dependent post hoc analysis of the trial suggested that patients having PRU values,208at30days or 6months had a significant clinical benefit in the primary endpoint,25 suggesting that the modest and variable effect of high-dose clopido-grel might be one reason for the negativefindings,and the achieved level of platelet reactivity might be clinically important when high-dose clopidogrel is given.The Responsiveness to Clopidogrel and Stent Thrombosis2–ACS (RE-CLOSE-2ACS)single-centre observational registry evaluated the clinical impact of increasing the dose of clopidogrel or switching to ticlopidine in1789ACS patients with HPR after PCI.27According to the results,patients with HPR persisted at significantly higher risk for adverse ischaemic events despite the treatment adjustment with high-dose clopidogrel or ticlopidine,when compared with patients without HPR,including a higher risk for mortality.27More recently,the Assessment by a Double Randomization of a Conventional Antiplatelet Strategy vs.a Monitoring-guided Strategy for Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation and of Treatment Interruption vs.Continuation One Year after Stenting(ARCTIC)multicentre,ran-domized study sought to determine whether a strategy based on Ver-ifyNow testing to tailor antiplatelet therapy is superior to standard care in2440patients with stable angina or NSTE-ACS undergoing PCI.10In contrast to the GRAVITAS trial,8this study randomized the use of platelet function testing with treatment intervention(mon-itoring arm)vs.standard of care according to clinician’s preference without platelet function test(conventional arm).In the monitoring arm,serial platelet function tests(before stent implantation and during the maintenance phase)and treatment adjustments using a predefined treatment algorithm[including high-dose clopidogrel, high-dose aspirin,and glycoprotein IIbIIIa inhibitors(GPI)]were per-formed.Since prasugrel became available late after study initiation,it was rarely used in the study in both arms.In addition to treatment in-tensification,patients were also switched back from prasugrel to clo-pidogrel after PCI if low on-treatment platelet reactivity(LPR)was observed on testing.The primary endpoint of death,myocardial in-farction,stent thrombosis,stroke,or urgent revascularization was similar after1year between treatment arms(HR:1.13,95%CI: 0.98–1.29,P¼0.10).10Interestingly,there was a trend for more finding that needs further investigation and clarification.10A meta-analysis is also available to compare standard-dose clopido-grel with intensified antiplatelet therapy in patients with HPR.58Al-though the analysis included many small-sized studies and treatment intensification was highly heterogeneous in the included cohorts (repeated loading doses of clopidogrel,150mg maintenance dose of clopidogrel,GPI)orprasugrel],thepooled results showed a significant-ly reduced risk in definite/probable ST and in cardiovascular mortality without a significant increase in bleeding complications favouring intensified antiplatelet therapy in patients with HPR.58Notably,the meta-regression analysis showed a significant association between the risk of stent thrombosis and the net clinical benefit achieved after intensified antiplatelet therapy,supporting the concept that not only the platelet function results,but also the patients’baseline clinical and procedural risk for stent thrombosis must be taken into account when the optimal antiplatelet strategy is selected:patients at high risk for stent thrombosis might profit more from treatment intensification than others at low risk for stent thrombosis.58Switch to potent P2Y12-inhibitor in patients with high on-treatment platelet reactivityThe only randomized trial that aimed to investigate the clinical impact of giving a new-generation P2Y12-inhibitor for patients with HPR was prematurely terminated due to futility.9In the Testing platelet Re-activity In patients underGoing elective stent placement on clopido-grel to Guide alternative thErapy with pRasugrel(TRIGGER-PCI) study,stable angina patients with HPR(.208PRU)screened by the VerifyNow P2Y12assay after uncomplicated,successful PCI with DES implantation were randomized to receive standard-dose clopidogrel or10mg of prasugrel.9Although the primary hypothesis was to achieve a significant reduction in cardiovascular death and myocardial infarction with prasugrel during6months,an interim ana-lysis performed after236patients completing6-month follow-up demonstrated that only one primary endpoint event had occurred, corresponding to an incidence of0.4%.On the contrary,there were three TIMI major bleeding events in the prasugrel arm and one in the clopidogrel group within the total cohort of423rando-mized patients.The unanticipated low rate of ischaemic events led the study steering committee to discontinue the trial for futility. Just recently,results of a prospective,single-centre registry were presented on the clinical effects of selecting P2Y12-inhibitors based on platelet function testing in consecutive,high-risk ACS patients undergoing PCI.66Platelet reactivity to ADP was measured with the Multiplate device after600mg loading dose of clopidogrel in 563patients.Among141subjects with HPR the choice of prasugrel or high-dose clopidogrel was compared in a non-randomized manner,while others having sufficient platelet inhibition continued low-dose clopidogrel.After200days of follow-up,prasugrel was sig-nificantly more effective than high-dose clopidogrel in reducing the risk of vascular mortality or definite/probable stent thrombosis in patients with HPR,while good responders on clopidogrel had similar-ly low risk to thrombotic events as those treated with prasugrel.66DAPT in patients with high on-treatment platelet reactivityTwo randomized,controlled clinical trials demonstrated that adding either tirofiban or abciximab to standard DAPT during PCI of elective patients with HPR might reduce the risk of peri-procedural myone-crosis.67,68However,the impact of this strategy on hard clinical out-comes,including major bleeding is unclear,as these studies were not powered to these endpoints.Although the ARCTIC study also used GPI-s for PCI to intensify antiplatelet therapy in patients with HPR, there was no sign of any benefit in the primary endpoint in the mon-itored compared with the standard-care arm.10Consensus summaryIn patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing PCI,prasugrel and ticagrelor should be the preferred choices over clopidogrel unless contraindicationsexist(Supplementarymaterialonline,TableS4).1,3,63,69,70 Although clinical data are presently scarce,platelet function testing may be considered in selected clopidogrel-pretreated ACS patients with a history of major spontaneous bleeding event or at low risk for thrombotic events(such as troponin negative patients without high-risk clinical features)to guide the choice between available P2Y12-inhibitors.1Since the availability of prasugrel and ticagrelor is restricted or limited to certain indications in a significant number of countries,platelet function testing may be considered in these coun-tries to identify patients with HPR,who are at heightened risk for thrombotic complications on clopidogrel and require a potent P2Y12-inhibitor(prasugrel orticagrelor).23,66Administrationofhigh-doseclo-pidogrel in ACS patients with HPR is not recommended.8,10,27,66In stable angina patients after uncomplicated PCI,standard-dose clopidogrel should be preferred and routine platelet function testing is not recommended.9Platelet function testing may be considered if results may change the P2Y12-inhibitor strategy due to(i)unexpected definite stent thrombosis despite being adherent to clopidogrel;(ii)markedly ele-vated risk for stent thrombosis(prior stent thrombosis or complex stenting procedure in high-risk patients),and(iii)last remaining vessel or unprotected left main stem PCI involving the bifurcation. Thefinal decision-making on the preferred P2Y12-inhibitor should in-corporate both the platelet function result and the bleeding risk of the patient.In patients with absolute indications for sustained oral anticoagula-tion after PCI(atrialfibrillation,intraventricular thrombus or pros-thetic heart valves),triple therapy consisting of DAPT and an oral anticoagulant(either vitamin K-antagonist or Factor IIa or Xa antag-onist)should include standard-dose clopidogrel.Platelet function testing to guide dose modification of clopidogrel or switch to prasu-grel/ticagrelor is not recommended in these patients.71–73 Role of platelet function testing in predicting the risk of bleeding eventsThe risk of bleeding is dependent on the clinical characteristics of the patient and on the combination and dosage of various antiplatelet and clinical and pharmacological determinants,the large inter-patient variability in response to P2Y12-inhibitors is also an important con-tributor to bleeding events.In a single-centre study including2533 patients undergoing PCI,the authors found that LPR on clopidogrel were associated with a three-fold higher risk for in-hospital major bleeding events.74More recently,the1-year results of the large-scale, multicentre ADAPT-DES registry showed in.8500patients that platelet reactivity after PCI is an independent predictor of bleeding events:clopidogrel-treated patients with a PRU less than208had a significantly elevated risk for TIMI major non-CABG-related bleed-ing.74Compared with clopidogrel,excessive P2Y12-receptor inhib-ition is even more common with prasugrel and ticagrelor.Two recent studies showed that prasugrel-treated patients with LPR had a higher risk for bleeding events.75,76According to a small study, switching these subjects from prasugrel to clopidogrel might reduce the risk of minor bleeding complications;however,a group of patients with HPR is unmasked during clopidogrel treatment with unknown clinical consequences.77Together with the predictive value of HPR in predicting thrombo-tic complications,the higher risk for bleeding in patients with LPR sug-gests the relevance of a therapeutic window for P2Y12-receptor inhibitors,in that both thrombotic and bleeding complications might be the lowest.75,78,79Therefore,the approach of using platelet function assays to titrate the inhibitory effect of P2Y12-inhibitors into a therapeutic window is both mechanistically and scientifically appealing,but further randomized studies should validate the benefit of such a strategy(NCT01538446).Consensus summaryAlthough evidence is culminating74,75,79,80(Supplementary material online,Table S5),the link between LPR and bleeding events in PCI patients exposed to P2Y12-inhibitors is not as clearly established as for HPR and stent thrombosis.In addition,outcome studies are lacking in patients with LPR.Therefore,despite the growing lines of evidence on the relevance of therapeutic window with P2Y12-inhibition,reducing the dose of prasugrel/ticagrelor or switching back to clopidogrel based solely on platelet function results cannot be recommended.1,3However,in selected patients who experience a major bleeding event during P2Y12-inhibitor treatment and remain at increased risk for recurrent bleeding,platelet function testing might be con-sidered to determine the potency of platelet inhibition and to facili-tate the optimal P2Y12-inhibitor strategy during/after the bleeding episode.Conclusions and future directions Combined platelet inhibition with double antiplatelet therapy pro-vides the greatest clinical benefit in preventing PCI-related complica-tions.1,3DAPT should consist of aspirin and a P2Y12-inhibitor.1,3 Aspirin given at low doses(≤100mg)results in effective suppression of thromboxane generation in the vast majority of patients;higher doses might increase gastrointestinal bleeding complications without decreasing thrombotic events.59,61Therefore,aspirin should be given at low doses and platelet function testing to adjust dosing is not recom-mended(Supplementary material online,Table S4).。