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ArenaMatch Utility 小前景 补声扬声器 AMU105 AMU108 AMU206
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Yoosee IP摄像头应用程序用户手册说明书
Cámaras IP con Aplicación YooseeManual de Usuarioaplicación1)Con su celular conectado al Wifi dondeesta conectada la cámara entramos a la app,la cual nos pide registrarnos,dando clic en Registro rápido2)Se selecciona el método que se desea, ya sea mediante un número telefónico o un correo y se selecciona confirmar3)Una vez confirmado el registro,se procede a iniciar sesión para hacer uso de la aplicaciónConexión cableadaInstalación:1)Se conecta el cable de RED a la cámara y al router2)Luego se conecta el cable de corrienteCámara IP3) Para añadir la cámara a la aplicación,se presiona el botón+4) Se presionaAñadir nuevo dispositivo5)Se selecciona el modo de conexión ypresiona siguiente para continuar con elproceso 6)Se realiza la búsqueda del dispositivo y se selecciona el dispositivo encontradoen la etiqueta de la cámaraañadidavisualización desde la aplicaciónConexión Remota1) Para añadir la cámara a la aplicación,se presiona el botón +2) Se presionaAñadir nuevo dispositivo3) Se introduce el ID (que se encuentra en una etiqueta debajo de la cámara)4) Se asigna un nombre al dispositivo a añadir5) Se introduce la contraseña del dispositivo (se encuentra en la etiqueta debajo de la cámara)6) Se presiona Guardar para finalizar la operaciónInalámbrica1) Para añadir la cámara a la aplicación,se presiona el botón +2) Se presionaAñadir nuevo dispositivo3)Se selecciona el modo de conexión ypresiona siguiente para continuar con elproceso 6)Se introduce la contraseña del WIFI donde estáconectado el teléfono y al cual se desea conectar lacámara5)Se verifica que el equipo se encuentreencendido y se presiona el botón Heoído el timbre de aviso para conectar 6)Se coloca el teléfono cercano a la cámara para que esta pueda serescuchada5)Se espera a que el dispositivo escuche el timbre emitido por el teléfono y se espera que se añadaen la etiqueta de la cámaraañadidavisualización desde la aplicaciónMovimientoPara que la cámara gire, se deberá deslizar el dedo sobre la pantalla donde se está visualizando su cámara.Deslizando para arriba o para abajo se conseguirá el movimiento vertical de hasta 120°.Deslizando para la derecha o izquierda se conseguirá el movimiento horizontal de hasta 355°.Grabación2) Para la grabación, se deberá ir a la configuración y seleccionar la Configuración de grabación3) Se podrá seleccionar la grabación manual la cual iniciará la grabaciónde forma inmediata4) La grabación de alarma se activará cuando un movimiento sea detectado5) Con el temporizador de grabación se configurará a qué hora del día se desea iniciar y terminar la grabación1) Apague la cámara e inserte una tarjeta micro SD (La capacidadmáxima varía según el modelo)GrabacionesPara la visualización de grabaciones manuales o programadas se debe presionar el botón Reproducción en la pantalla principal de la aplicaciónAquí podrá seleccionar el video que desea visualizar. Este video se encuentra grabado en la memoria SD instalada en su cámara.Cambio a red WIFIEn el menú de configuraciones se selecciona la Configuración de RedSe cambia el tipo de Red a WIFI y seleccione la red a la que se va a conectar e introduzca la contraseña de la redUna vez introducida la contraseña, el equipo podrá ser desconectado del cable de red y se mantendrá en líneaAlarmasEn la configuración se selecciona el Ajuste de alarmaSe selecciona si se desea recibir lanotificación de la alarmaSe escoge el sonido que se desea escuchar al activarse en ZumbadorSe puede activar la Detección de movimiento y escoger la sensibilidad.Para las notificaciones al correo, se presiona la opción Email de alarmaSe selecciona el correo el cual se utilizará para la notificación Se inicia sesión en el correo y se espera la confirmación de inicio de sesión。
FLAMMA 吉他综合效果器FX150 说明书
注意事项-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------01 性能概述-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------02 主面板说明----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------03-04 接口面板说明-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------05-06 应用场景连接说明------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------07-12 连接吉他功放后级+吉他箱体--------------------------------------------------------------------------------07 连接全频设备 - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------08 全频+非全频设备混合连接 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------09 连接吉他音箱的INPUT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 连接吉他音箱的FXLOOP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 四线接法 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 基本操作------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------13-19 开机 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 主界面--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 编辑界面-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 选择预置音色--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15-17 编辑预置音色 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 编辑效果链顺序----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 预置音色保存------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 调音器-------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------20 LOOPER乐句循环功能--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21-22
NETGEAR Orbi 系列路由器使用指南说明书
Per iniziareOrbiScopri tutto quello che puoi fare con l'app Orbi! Metti in pausa Internet, esegui un test di velocità, imposta i parental control intelligenti e molto altro.(La disponibilità dei servizi software può variare a seconda dell'area geografica.)Sul telefono cellulare, scarica l'app Orbi e segui le istruzioni per la configurazione.Proteggi i tuoi dispositivi con NETGEAR Armor2Con l'app si può fare di più3NETGEAR Armor™ protegge la rete Wi-Fidella tua famiglia con uno scudo automatico di protezione sui dispositivi connessi.Tocca l'icona Security (Sicurezza) sull'app Orbi per iniziare il periodo di prova gratuito.Supporto e CommunityVisitare per trovare le risposte alle domande e accedere agli ultimi download.Puoi cercare anche utili consigli nella nostra Community NETGEAR visitando la pagina /it.Per la conformità alle normative vigenti, compresa la Dichiarazione di conformità UE, visitare il sito Web https:///it/about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consulta il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.Può essere applicato solo ai dispositivi da 6 GHz: utilizzare il dispositivo solo in un ambiente al chiuso. L'utilizzo di dispositivi a 6 GHz è vietato su piattaforme petrolifere, automobili, treni, barche e aerei, tuttavia il suo utilizzo è consentito su aerei di grandi dimensioni quando volano sopra i 10.000 piedi di altezza. L'utilizzo di trasmettitori nella banda 5.925-7.125 GHz è vietato per il controllo o le comunicazioni con sistemi aerei senza equipaggio.NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria DriveSan Jose, CA 95134, Stati Uniti © NETGEAR, Inc. NETGEAR e il logo NETGEAR sono marchi di NETGEAR, Inc. Qualsiasi marchio non-NETGEAR è utilizzato solo come riferimento.NETGEAR INTERNATIONAL LTD Floor 6, Penrose 2, Penrose Dock, Cork, T23 YY09, IrlandaNovembre 2022Conformità normativa e note legaliRisoluzione dei problemiIn caso di problemi con l'installazione, provare a effettuare le seguenti operazioni:•Se possiedi un altro router Orbi e hai già utilizzato l'app Orbi in passato, dalla dashboard, tocca > SET UP A NEW ORBI SYSTEM (CONFIGURA UN NUOVO SISTEMA ORBI).•Spegni il modem e il router Orbi e scollega l'uno dall'altro. Riavvia il modem. Ricollega il router Orbi al modem e prova a eseguire nuovamente l'installazione tramite l'app Orbi.•Se l'installazione del router Orbi tramite l'app Orbi non è ancora riuscita, installalo manualmente utilizzando l'interfaccia Web del router. Visita il sito per accedere all'interfaccia Web del router.Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta la pagina /orbihelp.Contenuto Router Orbi Satellite Orbi Alimentatore di alimentazione X 2 (varia in base all'areageografica)Adattatori presa Tipo C X 2(per la maggior parte dei Paesi europei)Adattatori presa Tipo G X 2(per il Regno Unito)Cavo EthernetPanoramicaRouter Orbi Satellite Orbi1Pulsante disincronizzazione 2Porta Internet a 10 G 3Porta Ethernet a 2,5 G 4Porte Gigabit Ethernet 5Pulsante di ripristino 6Connettore di alimentazione 7LED di alimentazione。
ProStretch 和 StepStretch 体验指南说明书
I LLUSTRATED I NSTRUCTIONAL M ANUALPro Stretch Therapy Products ®®TMlower extremity strength, balance and flexibility. ProStretch is a unique performance enhancement tool specifically designed to allow you to improve all three of these categories while reducing your overall risk of injury.Important:¥If you presently have a foot, ankle or calf injury, consultyour physician or physical therapist before usingProStretch.¥Do not use ProStretch on wet surface, ice, gravel, loose stone or sand.¥Never stretch a cold muscle. Warm up first with a short walk or jog.¥Never stretch to the point of pain or bounce while stretching, as this will actually tighten the muscle rather than increasing its flexibility.¥ A rubber soled shoe is recommended while using ProStretch.¥When in doubt about your physical ability, consult a physician or physical therapist.For additional Information or technical assistance,please call 1-800-810-1740.Gastronemius Achilles Tendon Soleus Ankle Tendons &Ligaments Anteroir Tibialis Plantar Fascia“During the past year, we have used the ProStretch with excellent results. We have seen improvements in flexibility in all four components of the lower leg and foot. The step by step approach with simple instructions makes perfect sense.”Jack Foley, Director of Sports Medicine Lehigh UniversityTo Increase Flexibility . . .Increased muscle flexibility reduces the risk of athletic injury.The more pliable a muscle becomes, the less likely you are to tear that muscle. With a proper ProStretch flexibility program, muscles and tendons actually begin to lengthen. In many sports, longer gastroc/soleus calf muscles improve the ability to increase stride length, and longer stride length translates into increased performance. Improved muscle flexibility also reduces the risk of back pain, muscle pulls,cramping and overuse injures such as Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis.As flexibility also becomes known as an important aspect of medical diagnosis and treatment, physicians and therapists are recommending ProStretch for numerous lower legcomplications. While stretching may be prescribed as a vital part of the rehabilitation process, many patients do notspend the appropriate amount of time stretching. ProStretch improves patient compliancy with home therapy by making stretching a fun and enjoyable experience. The ProStretch is a unique way to assist in rehabilitation of most foot, ankle,lower leg and back injuries.¥You may choose one or all the following exercisesdepending on your own personal needs.¥Best results are achieved by using daily, once or several times if so desired. ProStretch is most effective before and after an activity.¥Each individual exercise routine should consist of three sets, each set lasting at least 30 seconds with 5 second intervals.“I would certainly recommend ProStretch for tight plantar fascia and the intrinsic muscles the fascia supports, as well as to promote ankle range of motion post cast removal, and for most Achilles’ problems.”Richard T. Braver, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S.Medical Chairman - New Jersey Division of U.S. Track &FieldPro Stretch Therapy Products ®Flexibility Exercises:G Gastrocnemius or “gastroc”This is the upper bulky part of the calf which attaches behind the knee and joins to the soleus calf muscle. The gastroc is the most dense of the two calf muscles and will allow the most flexibility.With Unilateral1.Place ProStretch arms lengthaway from wall or othersupportive structure.2.Place both hands on wall — thenfit either foot into ProStretchwith heel snugly into heel cupand toes on front platform.3.Stand straight up with all yourweight on ProStretch and leanslightly forward. Your otherfoot not in ProStretch shouldcome up off floor and may be pointed so that toes touch thefloor. This is important for balance and to keep hips level. While leaning slightly forward, keep shoulders,hips and ankle of foot on ProStretch in line with each other. (Figure 1A)4.Keep leg straight on ProStretch and let your ankle pivot so your heel gently rocks back until you feel a slight tension in the upper gastroc calf muscle.5.Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the foot to neutralposition and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of 30seconds.6.Switch to other leg and start from #1.7.To reach the inner and outerregion of the gastroc , slowlyrock heel back again until youfeel slight tension and simplyturn your hips outward. Holdand repeat #5. Turning hipsinward will rotate the stretch tothe opposite side. Hold andrepeat # 5. (Figure 1B)8.Switch to the other leg andfollow same procedure.(Figure 1A)G Soleus and Achilles TendonThe soleus is the smaller of the twocalf muscles which connectsunderneath the gastroc andattaches to the Achilles tendon. Toisolate the soleus/Achilles tendon,use the same procedure as thebeginning gastroc stretch, steps 1through 4, and continue the followingwith either the Unilateral or Bilateralmodels.With UnilateralWhile a slight tension is felt in the gastroc , bend your knee slightly forward approximately 5-10 degrees. To maximize the effect of the stretch, maintain tension in your Achilles tendon by keeping your heel back while bending knee. Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the foot to neutral position and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of 30 seconds.With BilateralWhile a slight tension is felt in the gastrocs , bend your knees slightly forward approximately 5-10 degrees. To maximize the effect of the stretch, maintain tension in your Achilles tendons by keeping your heels back while bending knees. Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the feet to neutral position and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of30 seconds.G HamstringsKeep one foot in the ProStretchand extend the free foot onelarge step backwards. With yourfoot securely in the ProStretch,bend knee slightly and keep heelto the floor. Keep your backstraight and your head up, andslowly extend your chestforward to stretch hamstrings inthe back of the leg. You maysupport yourself while holding acountertop or back of a chair.Hold for 30 seconds, then rollthe feet to neutral position andrelax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of 30 seconds.“You’ll notice the difference immediately. ProStretch hits the right spot! Unlike slant boards, curbs, and steps, ProStretch stretches the lower leg correctly, giving you the competitive edge.”Marty LiquoriFormer World’s Best MilerG Gastrocnemius or “gastroc”With Bilateral1.Place ProStretch arms length awayfrom wall or other supportivestructure.2.Place both hands on wall — then fitright foot into right side ofProStretch with heel snugly intoheel cup and toes on frontplatform.3.Stand straight up on your rightfoot with all your weight onProStretch and lean slightlyforward. Keep right foot in neutral position (same position as if youwere standing on floor.) Simply slide left heel snugly into heel cup on left ProStretch. While leaning slightly forward, keep shoulders, hips and ankles in line with each other. (Figure 2A)4.Keep legs straight on ProStretch and let your ankles pivot so your heels gently rock back until you feel a slight tension in the upper gastroc calf muscles.5.Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the feet to neutralposition and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of 30seconds.6.To reach the inner and outer regions of the gastroc ,place one foot in ProStretch. Slowly rock heel back again until you feel slight tension and simply turn hips outward. Hold and repeat #5. Turning hips inward will rotate the stretch to the opposite side. Hold and repeat # 5. (Figure 1B)“People who don’t normally maintain a good level of stretching, or people who play tennis, racquetball or run and don’t stretch properly, could benefit from this device. If they will bring the ProStretch with them and work on it, it will help them prevent injury”Pepper Burruss, P.T., A.T., C.Trainer, Green Bay PackersG Plantar FasciaThis is the connective tissuealong the bottom of the foot.While performing either thegastroc or soleus/Achillestendon exercise, you are automatically stretching the plantar fascia by the suspension of the foot and the extension of the toes.G Advanced StretchingTechnique(with bilateral models only)While standing on the Bilateral inneutral position, lift either foot out ofProStretch and place the toes of thatfoot onto the heel cup of the emptyside unit. Slowly rock back while gentlyapplying pressure with your toes onthe heel cup. You may do this keepinga straight leg or bent knee to reachgastroc or soleus/Achilles tendon.After 3 sets of 30 seconds with 5second intervals, repeat with other leg.G Anterior TibialisTo stretch the anterior tibialismusculature found on the front of thelower leg, turn ProStretch around soheel cup is towards wall. Place yourhands on the wall for balance. Placeyour toes in the heel cup with yourheel on the toe platform. Stand up,keeping your leg straight and pointyour toes toward the floor (similar toa ballet dancer standing on their toes.)Slowly lean forward towards the walluntil a slight stretch is felt on the frontof the lower leg.“I have been practicing for over fifteen years in the area of geriatrics as a physical therapist, and I have infrequently found a piece of equipment that is as useful and as inexpensive as ProStretch.”Carole Lewis, P.T.,M.S.G., M.P.A., Ph.D. Physical Therapy Services of Washington, D.C., improve muscular strength and endurance . . .Improving muscular strength and endurance is just another way that ProStretch was designed to prevent injures. Any time you use ProSretch, you are automatically strengthening the muscles of the lower leg. The longer you continuously work on the ProStretch, the more endurance training takes place. By improving muscular strength and endurance, the risk of sports injuries occurring from muscular fatigue are reduced.1.Gastro/Soleus Toe-UpsTurn the ProStretch unit around and place your toes into the center valley of Prostretch. Bracing yourself against a wall for balance,point toes toward the floor,then drop heel back tofloor. 3 sets of 10 with 5 second intervals are recommended.2.Anterior Tibialis Toe Tapping From a seated position,place your foot in ProStretch. Lift toes and then push down as if accelerating on the gas pedal in your car. 3 sets of 25 with 5 seconds are recommended.Toe LiftsPlace ProStretch arms length from wall. With hands on wall for support,place complete foot on front platform of ProStretch. Slide heel back securely against elevated heel portion. Lift up toes and drop back to floor. 3sets of 8 to 10 with 5second intervals isrecommended.Pro Stretch Therapy Products ®G Inverters and EvertersLateral LiftsStarting in sitting position, turnthe ProStretch sideways 90ß andplace the middle of your left footon the front platform so that theinside of the foot fits gentlyagainst the heel portion of theProStretch. Rock your footinward and outward to increasethe strength and endurance ofthe inverters and everters. Onceyou feel comfortable with thisroutine you may progress to thestanding position. Always usechair or countertop for support.The following Educational DVD is available by calling Medi-Dyne Healthcare at 1-800-810-1740G Educational VideoOur new educational video covers all the basic and advanced stretching techniques you can perform with all the ProStretch models. This is a valuable tool for first-time users and a great refresher for ProStretch pros!“As a podiatrist and former competitive runner, I would urge anyone who trains on a regular basis to use the ProStretch to help improve flexibility and avoid injuries.”Thomas Vorderer, D.P.M.Sports Medicine FoundationLimited WarrantyThis program instruction manual, and reference materials are sold as is, without warranty as to their performance,merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of this product is assumed by you specifically by way of example but not limitation, in the event that you have history of medicalconditions, muscular disorders, infirmities or are not in good health, you should consult with your physician before using this product.However, to the original purchaser only, the manufacturer warrants the product to be free from defects in materials and faulty workmanship under normal use for a period of one year from the date of purchase. If during this one year period the product should become defective, it may be returned to the manufacturer for a replacement without charge, provided you have previously sent in your limited warranty registration card to the publisher or send proof of purchase of the product.Manufacturer makes no other warranties, expressed or implied relating to the product including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, shall not be liable for indirect, social, orconsequential damages resulting of the use of this product.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental consequential damages, so the above limitations might not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.©2007 Medi-Dyne Healthcare Products, Ltd., P.O. Box 1649, Colleyville, Texas 76034 USAPhone 1-800-810-1740 • Fax (817) 488-6616Authorized Representative: Medical Specialities Ltd., Blackburn BB2 4HT U/K,ProStretch ®is a trademark of Medi-Dyne HealthcareProducts, Ltd. ®TMPro Stretch®Therapy ProductsName________________________________________ Address______________________________________ City__________________________________________ State__________________Zip______________ Product(s) purchased:____________________________ Date Purchased________________________________ Where Purchased________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________®TMMedi-Dyne Healthcare Products,Ltd.P.O.Box 1649Colleyville,Texas 76034USA 1-800-810-1740 ®TM。
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GoTaq Probe qPCR Master Mix 说明书
Revised 6/14TM378GoTaq ® Probe qPCRMaster MixInstruc Ɵ ons for Use of ProductsA6101 and A6102T E C H N I C A L M A N U A LPromega Corpora Ɵ on · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516 1 TM378 · Revised 6/14All technical literature is available at: /protocols/Visit the web site to verify that you are using the most current version of this Technical Manual.E-mailPromegaTechnicalServicesifyouhavequestionsonuseofthissystem:********************GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix1. DescriptionThe GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix (a,b) is optimized for quantitative PCR assays in the hydrolysis probe detection format. It is provided as a ready-to-use, stabilized 2X formulation that includes all components for qPCR (except template, primers and probe). This master mix does not contain a reference dye; however, a separate tube of carboxy-X-rhodamine (CXR) reference dye is included with this system, allowing users to add reference dye to amplifi cation reactions if desired.The GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix is designed to provide resistance to a wide range of PCR inhibitors. This formulation uses antibody-mediated hot-start chemistry, allowing reaction setup to be performed at room temperature. The master mix also employs rapid hot-start activation and processive enzymes, making it compatible with both standard and fast instrument cycling programs.1. Description (1)2. Product Components and Storage Conditions (3)3. General Considerations (3)3.A. Prevention of Contamination (3)3.B. qPCR Primers and Probes (4)3.C. Genomic DNA Template Quantity (4)3.D. CXR Reference Dye (4)3.E. Instruments for Low-Level (30nM) Reference Dye (4)3.F. Instruments for High-Level (500nM) Reference Dye (5)4. GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Protocol (5)4.A. Addition of CXR Reference Dye to the GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix (Optional) (5)4.B. Preparation of GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Amplifi cations (6)5. Thermal Cycling (7)6. General qPCR References (7)7. Summary of Changes (8)2 Promega Corpora Ɵ on · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516TM378 · Revised 6/14 1. Description (continued)11006TAPrepare gDNA, primers andprobe and GoTaq ® ProbeqPCR Master Mix.Perform qPCR using standardor FAST mode on a real-time PCRinstrument.Assemble reaction.Analyze amplificationand standard curve data.Figure 1. Flow diagram of the GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix protocol.Promega Corpora Ɵ on · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516 3 TM378 · Revised 6/142. Product Components and Storage ConditionsP R O D U C TS I Z E C AT.#GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix 200 reac Ɵ ons A6101For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Contains suffi cient reagents for 200 × 20μl assays. Includes:• 2 × 1ml GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix, dTTP (2X)• 100µl CXR Reference Dye, 30µM• 2 × 1.25ml Nuclease-Free WaterP R O D U C T S I Z E C AT.#GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix 1,000 reac Ɵ ons A6102For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Contains suffi cient reagents for 1,000 × 20μl assays. Includes:• 10 × 1ml GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix, dTTP (2X)• 2 × 200µl CXR Reference Dye, 30µM• 13ml Nuclease-Free WaterAvailable SeparatelyP R O D U C T S I Z E C AT.#GoTaq 1-Step RT-qPCR System*200 reac Ɵ ons A6120GoTaq 2-Step RT-qPCR System*200 reac Ɵ ons A6110Nuclease-Free Water** 50ml P1193*For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.**For Laboratory Use.3. General Considerations3.A. Prevention of Contamination• Use designated work areas and pipettes for pre- and post-amplifi cation steps to minimize the potential for cross-contamination between samples and revent carryover of nucleic acid from one experiment to the next.• Wear gloves and change them often.• Do not open the reactions after amplifi cation is complete. Opening increases the risk of contaminating subsequent reactions with the amplifi ed product.• Prevent contamination by using aerosol-resistant pipette tips.4 Promega Corpora Ɵ on · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516TM378 · Revised 6/14 3.B. qPCR Primers and ProbesThe concentrations of primers and probes should be optimized for each primer/probe combination. For geneexpression assays, primer and probe concentration may need to be adjusted based on target abundance. As a general rule, a concentration of 900nM for PCR primers and 250nM for the hydrolysis probe is a recommended starting point. Concentrations of PCR primers may range from 200nM to 1µM, while probe concentration may range from 100nM to 300nM; titrations should be performed to ensure optimal results.We recommend preparing and storing 20X solutions of the PCR primers and hydrolysis probe.3.C. Genomic DNA Template QuantityUse ≤250ng of genomic DNA.3.D. CXR Reference DyeThe GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix formulation does not contain a reference dye; however, a separate tube ofcarboxy-X-rhodamine (CXR) reference dye is included with this system, allowing users to add reference dye if desired. Addition of the reference dye will help maximize eff ectiveness of the GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix when used on real-time PCR instruments that allow normalization. The CXR reference dye has the same spectral properties as ROX™dye. The dye is provided at a concentration of 30µM.Some instrumentation is designed to normalize with a low concentration of ROX™ reference dye. We recommend that the CXR reference dye be added to a fi nal reaction concentration of 30nM for instruments that recommend a “low” level of ROX™ dye. Other instruments require ROX™ at a high concentration for normalization. We recommend that the CXR reference dye be added to a fi nal reaction concentration of 500nM for instruments that recommend a “high” level of ROX™ dye.Examples of instrument recommendations are listed below. Directions for setting up qPCR amplifi cation reactions for both “low dye” and “high dye” instruments are included in Section 4.3.E.Instruments for Low-Level (30nM) Reference Dye •Applied Biosystems 7500 and 7500 FAST Real-Time PCR System •Bio-Rad CFX96 Real-Time PCR Detection System • Bio-Rad DNA Engine Opticon ® and Opticon ® 2 Real Time PCR Detection Systems• Bio-Rad/MJ Research Chromo4™ Real-Time Detector• Cepheid SmartCycler ® system• Corbett Rotor-Gene™ 3000 and 6000 Real-Time Rotary Analyzer• Eppendorf Mastercycler ® ep realplex Real-Time PCR System• Roche LightCycler ® 480 Real-Time PCR System• Stratagene Mx3000P ® and Mx3005P ® Real-Time PCR Systems• Stratagene Mx4000® Multiplex Quantitative PCR SystemPromega Corpora Ɵ on · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516 5 TM378 · Revised 6/143.F.Instruments for High-Level (500nM) Reference Dye •Applied Biosystems ABI PRISM ® 7000 and 7700 Sequence Detection System •Applied Biosystems 7300 and 7900HT Real-Time PCR System •Applied Biosystems GeneAmp ® 5700 Thermal Cycler • Applied Biosystems StepOne™ and StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR Systems4. GoTaq ® Probe qPCR ProtocolMaterials to Be Supplied by the User• real-time PCR instrument and related equipment (i.e., appropriate PCR plates and plate covers)• sterile, aerosol-resistant pipette tips• nuclease-free pipettors dedicated to pre-amplifi cation work• DNA template• qPCR primers and probe4.A. Addition of CXR Reference Dye to the GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix (Optional)For users who wish to include CXR Reference Dye in their amplifi cation reactions, we recommend adding an aliquot ofconcentrated CXR Reference Dye to the 1ml tube of GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix. Depending on your instrumen-tation, the CXR Reference Dye should be added at either “low dye” concentration or “high dye” concentration, as follows (refer to the list in Section 3 to determine if your instrument requires low CXR or high CXR):1. Thaw the GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix and the Nuclease-Free Water. Do not thaw the Master Mix at elevatedtemperatures (i.e., above room temperature).2. Briefl y vortex the GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix for 3–5 seconds to mix.3.Add CXR Reference Dye to the 1ml tube of GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix:For “Low Dye” Instruments: Add 2µl of CXR Reference Dye (at 30µM) to the 1ml tube of GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix. For “High Dye” Instruments: Add 17µl of CXR Reference Dye (at 30µM) to the 1ml tube of GoTaq ® ProbeqPCR Master Mix.4. Briefl y vortex the GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix with CXR added for 3–5 seconds to mix.5. After adding the CXR to the GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix, mark the tube to indicate that you have performedthis step. The GoTaq ® Probe qPCR Master Mix with CXR added should be stored at –20°C.4.B. Preparation of GoTaq® Probe qPCR Amplifi cationsThe GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix uses a hot-start chemistry, allowing reaction setup to be performed at room temperature.1. Thaw the GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix and the Nuclease-Free Water. Do not thaw the Master Mix at el-evated temperatures (i.e., above room temperature).2. Briefl y vortex the GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix for 3–5 seconds to mix.3. Determine the number of reactions to be set up. This should include negative control reactions. Add 1 or 2 reac-tions to this number to compensate for pipetting error. While this approach does require using a small amount of extra reagent, it ensures that you will have enough PCR master mix for all samples.Notes:• The reagent composition for a 20μl reaction volume is shown. Component volumes may be scaled for larger or smaller reaction volumes.• The reaction concentrations of primers and hydrolysis probe should be optimized for each primer/probe combi-nation.Nuclease-Free Water To a 20µl total reaction volume4. Prepare the reaction mix (without the template DNA) by combining the GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix, thePCR primers, hydrolysis probe, and Nuclease-Free Water. Vortex briefl y to mix.5. Add the appropriate volume of reaction mix (without the template DNA) to each PCR tube or to each well of anoptical grade PCR plate.6. Add DNA template to the sample reactions.7. Seal the tubes or optical plates; centrifuge briefl y to collect the contents of the wells at the bottom. The samplesare ready for thermal cycling. Protect from extended light exposure or elevated temperatures before cycling.6Promega CorporaƟ on · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516 TM378 · Revised 6/14 Promega Corpora Ɵ on · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516 7 TM378 · Revised 6/145. Thermal CyclingThe cycling parameters below are off ered as a guideline and may be modifi ed as necessary for optimal results.Standard Cycling ConditionsFAST Cycling ConditionsDenaturation95°C 3 seconds 6. General qPCR References 1. Bustin, S.A. et al . (2009) The MIQE guidelines: Minimum information for publication of quantitative real-timePCR experiments. Clin. Chem . 55, 611–22.2.Dorak, M.T. (2009) Glossary of real-time PCR terms. This can be viewed online at: /genet-ics/glosrt.html 3. Fleige, S. and Pfaffl , M.W. (2006) RNA integrity and the eff ect on the real-time qRT-PCR performance. Mol.Aspects Med. 27, 126–39.4. Lefever, S. et al. (2009) RDML: Structured language and reporting guidelines for real-time quantitative PCRdata. Nucleic Acids Res . 37, 2065–9.5. Livak, K.J. and Schmittgen, T.D. (2001) Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitativePCR and the 2(-delta delta C(T)) method. Methods 25, 402–8.7. Summary of ChangesThe following changes were made to the 6/14 revision of this document:1. Expired patent and license statements were removed.2. Document design was updated.(a)U.S. Pat. No. 6,242,235, Australian Pat. No. 761757, Canadian Pat. No. 2,335,153, Chinese Pat. No. ZL99808861.7, Hong Kong Pat. No. HK 1040262, Japanese Pat. No. 3673175, European Pat. No. 1088060 and other patents pending.(b)NOTICE TO PURCHASER: DISCLAIMER OF LICENSENo license is conveyed with the purchase of this product under any of US Pat. Nos. 5,210,015, 5,487,972, 5,804,375, 5,994,056, 6,171,785, 6,214,979,5,538,848, 5,723,591, 5,876,930, 6,030,787, and 6,258,569, and corresponding patents outside the United States, or any other patents or patent applicaƟ ons, relaƟ ng to the 5’ Nuclease and dsDNA-Binding Dye Processes. For further informaƟ on contact the Director of Licensing, Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA.© 2012, 2014 Promega CorporaƟ on. All Rights Reserved.GoTaq and RNasin are registered trademarks of Promega CorporaƟ on. GoScript is a trademark of Promega CorporaƟ on.ABI PRISM is a registered trademark and ROX, StepOne and StepOnePlus are trademarks of Applera CorporaƟ on. GeneAmp is a registered trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. DNA Engine OpƟ con is a registered trademark and Chromo4 is a trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. LightCycler is a registered trademark of Roche DiagnosƟ cs, GmbH. Mastercycler is a registered trademark of Eppendorf-Netheler-Hinz GmbH. Mx3000P, Mx3005P and Mx4000 are registered trademarks of Stratagene. Rotor-Gene is a trademark of CorbeƩ Research Pty Ltd. SmartCycler is a registered trademark of Cepheid CorporaƟ on.Products may be covered by pending or issued patents or may have certain limitaƟ ons. Please visit our Web site for more informaƟ on.All prices and specifi caƟ ons are subject to change without prior noƟ ce.Product claims are subject to change. Please contact Promega Technical Services or access the Promega online catalog for the most up-to-dateinformaƟ on on Promega products.8Promega CorporaƟ on · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516 TM378 · Revised 6/14 。
Logitech G335 耳机使用手册说明书
Name and function of each partName und Funktion des jeweiligen TeilsNom et fonction de chaque pièceNombres y funciones de cada parteNome e funzione di ciascun componenteHeadsetManualENGLISHSpecificationsHow to connectBasic operation instructionsConnect the USB connecter (USB A) to the PC USB B cable USB connector (USB A)Adjusting the volumeVolume up Turning off the microphone (Mute mic)Mute micTurning off the noise reduction functionTurn offthe noise reductionfunctionWhen OFF:the light will blink twice.This function may not be available, depending on the connected device or application. This function may not be available, depending on the connected device or application.If the mic mute function does not work on this product, try operating the mute function from your software or application.Volume down When mic is ON: (Blue) lights up When mic is OFF: (Red) lights upCompatible models PC equipped with USB-A terminal, PlayStation 4/5 andNINTENDO SWITCH™.Functions cannot be guaranteed for all devices.External dimensions (W x D x H)Approx. 180 × 70 × 190mm [7.1" × 2.8" × 7.5"] (excluding cable)When folded: Approx. 180 × 70 × 120mm [7.1" × 2.8" × 4.7"] (excluding cable)Cable length Approx. 1.9m [6.2ft]Weight Approx. 165g [5.8oz] (excluding cable)HeadsetSpeaker type Dynamic type (monaural)Driver unitDiameter 40mm Maximum input 20mW Impedance100 ΩFrequency response20 to 20,000HzMicrophoneMicrophone type Electret condenser Directionality Unidirectional HeadsetBedienungsanleitungTechnische DatenSo funktioniert das AnschließenHinweise zur grundlegenden BedienungUSB-Stecker (USB A) an die USB-Buchse des PCs anschließen.USB-Kabel USB-Stecker (USB A)Lautstärke einstellenLautstärke erhöhenAusschalten des Mikrofons (Mikrofon stummschalten)Mikrofon stummschaltenAusschalten RauschunterdrückungsfunktionBei OFF:Leuchte blinkt zweimal.Je nach angeschlossenem Gerät oder Anwendung ist diese Funktion möglicherweise nicht verfügbar. Sollte die Mikrofonstummschaltung bei diesem Produkt nicht funktionieren, schalten Sie die Stummschaltung mithilfe Ihrer Software oder Anwendung utstärke reduzierenBei Mikrofon ON: (Blau) leuchtet auf Bei Mikrofon OFF: (Rot) leuchtet aufOreilletteManuelSpécificationsComment la connecterInstructions d'utilisation de baseConnectez le connecteur USB (USB A) au port USB du PC.Câble USB Connecteur USB (USB A)Réglage du volumeAugmentation du volumeDésactivation du micro (Mise en sourdine du micro)Mise en sourdine du microLorsque le micro est activé (ON) : (Bleu) s'allumeLorsque le micro est éteint (OFF) : (Rouge) s'allumeDésactivation de la fonction de réduction du bruitDésactiver la fonction de réduction du bruitLorsqu'il est éteint (OFF) : le voyant clignote deux fois.Cette fonction peut ne pas être disponible, selon le dispositif ou l'application connecté(e). Cette fonction peut ne pas être disponible, selon le dispositif ou l'application connecté(e).Si la fonction de mise en sourdine du micro ne fonctionne pas sur ce produit, essayez d'utiliserladite fonction à partir de votre logiciel ou application.Baisse du volumeAuricularesManualEspecificacionesComo se conectaInstrucciones básicas de funcionamientoConecte el conector USB (USB A) al puerto USB del PC.Cable USB Conector USB (USB A)Ajuste del volumenSubir el volumenApagar el micrófono (Silenciar micrófono)Silenciar micrófonoDesactivación de la función de reducción de ruidoDesactivar la función de reducción de ruidoCuando se apague:la luz parpadeará dos veces.Es posible que esta función no se encuentre disponible según el dispositivo o la aplicación conectados. Si la función silenciar micrófono no funciona en este producto, intente activar la función silenciar desde su software o aplicación.Bajar el volumenCuando se enciende el micrófono: (Azul) se iluminaCuando se apaga el micrófono: (Rojo) se iluminaCuffiaManualeSpecificheCome eseguire il collegamentoIstruzioni di base per l’usoCollegare il connettore USB (USB A) alla porta USB del PC.Cavo USBConnettore USB (USB A)Regolazione del volumeAlzare il volumeDisattivazione del microfonoQuando il microfono è ACCESO (ON): (Blu) si illuminaQuando il microfono è SPENTO (OFF): (Rosso) si illuminaDisattivare il microfonoDisattivazione della funzione di cancellazione del rumoreQuando è DISATTIVATA, l’indicatore luminoso lampeggia due volte.Disattivare la cancellazione del rumoreQuesta funzione potrebbe non essere disponibile a seconda del dispositivo collegato o dell’applicazione in uso. Se la funzione di disattivazione del microfono non funziona su questo prodotto, provare a disattivare il microfono tramite il software o l’applicazione.Abbassare il volumeJe nach angeschlossenem Gerät oder Anwendung ist diese Funktion möglicherweise nicht verfügbar.Ausschalten der Rauschunterdrü-ckungsfunktionKompatible Modelle PC mit USB-A-Anschluss, PlayStation 4 / 5 und NINTENDO SWITCH™Funktionen können nicht für alle Geräte garantiert werden.Außenmaße(B x T x H)Ca. 180 × 70 × 190 mm (ohne Kabel)Zusammengefaltet: Ca. 180 × 70 × 120 mm (ohne Kabel)Länge des Kabels Ca. 1,9 mGewichtCa. 165 g (ohne Kabel)HeadsetArt des Lautsprechers Dynamischer Typ (monaural)Treibereinheit Durchmesser 40 mm MaximaleEingangsleistung 20mWImpedanz 100 ΩFrequenzgang20 bis 20.000HzMikrofonMikrofontypElektret-Kondensator Richtungsabhängigkeit Einfachgerichtet Modèles compatibles PC équipé d’un terminal USB-A, PlayStation 4 / 5 et NINTENDO SWITCH™Les fonctions ne peuvent être garanties pour tous les appareils.Dimensions externes (l x P x H)Env. 180 × 70 × 190 mm (sans le câble)Lorsqu’elle est pliée : Env. 180 × 70 × 120 mm (sans le câble)Longueur de câble Env. 1,9 mPoidsEnv. 165 g (sans le câble)OreilletteType de haut-parleur Type dynamique (monophonique)Unité de commande Diamètre 40 mm Entrée maximale 20mW Impédance100 ΩRéponse de fréquence20 à 20 000 HzMicrophoneType de microphone Condensateur électret DirectionnalitéUnidirectionnel Es posible que esta función no se encuentre disponible según el dispositivo o la aplicación conectados. Modelos compatiblesPC equipado con terminal USB-A, PlayStation 4 / 5 y NINTENDO SWITCH™No se pueden garantizar las funciones para todos los dispositivos.Dimensiones exteriores (Anc. x Pro. x Alt.)Aprox. 180 × 70 × 190 mm (sin cable)Cuando está plegado: Aprox. 180 × 70 × 120 mm (sin cable)Longitud de cable Aprox. 1,9 m Peso Aprox. 165 g (sin cable)AuricularesTipo de altavozTipo dinámico (monoaural)Unidad de controlador Diámetro 40 mm Entrada máxima 20 mW Impedancia100 ΩRespuesta de frecuencia20 a 20 000 HzMicrófonoTipo de micrófono Condensador electret DireccionalidadUnidireccional Questa funzione potrebbe non essere disponibile a seconda del dispositivo collegato o dell’applicazione in uso.DEUTSCHFRANÇAISESPAÑOLITALIANOModelli compatibili PC dotati di terminale USB-A, PlayStation 4 / 5 e NINTENDO SWITCH™La disponibilità delle funzioni non è garantita per tutti i dispositivi.Dimensioni esterne(L x P x H)180 x 70 x 190 mm circa (cavo escluso)Se ripiegata: 180 x 70 x 120 mm circa (cavo escluso)Lunghezza del cavo 1,9 m circaPeso165 g circa (cavo escluso)CuffiaTipo di altoparlante Dinamico (tipo: monoaurale)Unità del driver Diametro 40 mm Input massimo 20 MW Impedenza100 ΩRisposta in frequenzaDa 20 a 20000 HzMicrofonoTipo di microfono Condensatore a elettrete DirezionalitàUnidirezionale Sensibilità di input -42dB ± 3dB (+: Press once)(-: Press once)(+ -: Press once)( : Press once)(+: Einmal betätigen)(-: Einmal betätigen)(+ -: Einmal betätigen)( : Einmal betätigen)(+: Appuyer une fois)(-: Appuyer une fois)(+-: Appuyer une fois)( : Appuyer une fois)(+: Pulse una vez)(-: Pulse una vez)(+ -: Pulse una vez)( : Pulse una vez)(Premere una volta il pulsante + -)(Premere una volta il pulsante )(Premere una volta il pulsante +)(Premere una volta il pulsante -)Model: HS-HP100UNCModell: HS-HP100UNCModèle: HS-HP100UNCModelo: HS-HP100UNCModello: HS-HP100UNC5Volume button 6USB connector3LED light4Power ON/OFF button 1Microphone2Noise-cancelling microphonePlugging the USB connector in after starting up an application may cause the application to function incorrectly.Covering the noise-cancelling microphone will cause the noise reduction function to decrease. Please do not cover the microphone.You can adjust the length of theheadband and turn the microphone to your preferred position.The headset can be folded.When worn over the right ear* Turn the microphone counter-clockwise if you are wearing the earpiece over your left ear.Connect this product to the USB port of your device, e.g. PC. Please refer to your device manual for instructions on how to operate your device.Please refrain from plugging the connector in or changing settings while the application is starting up. Close the application and then restart it.Depending on the application you are using, you may need to setup the audio device in the application.When connecting this product, connect it directly to the USB port of a PC. If you connect it to a USB hub, it may not work properly.When worn over the left ear5Lautstärkeregler 6USB-Verbindung3LED-Licht4Taste EIN/AUS 1Mikrofon2Mikrofon mit GeräuschunterdrückungWird der USB-Stecker nach dem Starten einer Anwendung angeschlossen, kann dies zu einer Fehlfunktion der Anwendung führen.Durch Abdecken des Mikrofons mit Geräuschunterdrückung wird dieGeräuschunterdrückungsfunktion verringert. Bitte das Mikrofon nicht abdecken.Die Länge des Kopfbügels lässt sich verstellen und das Mikrofon in die gewünschte Position drehen.Das Headset kann zusammengeklappt werden.Über dem rechten Ohr getragen* Drehen Sie dasMikrofon gegen den Uhrzeigersinn, wenn Sie die Hörmuschel über dem linken Ohr tragen.Schließen Sie dieses Produkt an den USB-Anschluss Ihres Geräts, z. B. Ihres PCs, an. Anweisungen zur Bedienung des Geräts finden Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung.Während des Starts der Anwendung den Stecker nicht anschließen und die Einstellungen nicht ändern. Die Anwendung schließen und neu starten.Je nach der von Ihnen eingesetzten Anwendung müssen Sie das Audiogerät in der Anwendung einrichten.Dieses Produkt direkt an die USB-Buchse Ihres PCs anschließen. Das Anschließen an einen USB-Hub kann dazu führen, dass es nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert.Über dem linken Ohr getragen5Bouton du volume 6Connecteur USB3Lumière LED4Bouton d’alimentation ON/OFF (Sous tension/Hors tension)1Microphone2Microphone anti-bruitBrancher le connecteur USB après le démarrage d'une application peut entraîner un mauvais fonctionnement de l'application.Si vous couvrez le microphone anti-bruit, la fonction de réduction du bruit diminuera. Prière de ne pas couvrir le microphone.Vous pouvez régler la longueur du serre-tête et tourner le micro dans la position de votre choix.L'oreillette peut être pliée.Lorsqu'elle est portée sur l'oreille droite* Tournez le micro dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre si vous portez l'oreillette sur votre oreille gauche.Connectez ce produit au port USB de votre appareil, par exemple un PC. Veuillez vous reporter au manuel de votre appareil pour obtenir des instructions sur la façon de le faire fonctionner.Veuillez vous abstenir de brancher le connecteur ou de modifier les paramètres pendant le démarrage de l'application. Fermez l'application, puis redémarrez-la.En fonction de l'application que vous utilisez, vous devrez peut-être configurer le périphérique audio dans l'application.Veuillez connecter ce produit directement au port USB de votre PC. La connexion à un concentrateur USB peut entraîner un fonctionnement anormal de ce produit.Lorsqu'elle est portée sur l'oreille gauche 5Botón de volumen 6Conector USB 3Luz LED4Botón Encendido/Apagado 1Micrófono2Micrófono con cancelación de ruidoSi enchufa el conector USB después de iniciar una aplicación, es posible que la aplicación no funcione correctamente.Si cubre el micrófono con cancelación de ruido, hará que disminuya la función de reducción de ruido. No cubra el micrófono.Puede adaptar la longitud de banda ajustable y girar el micrófono a su posición preferida.Los auriculares se puede plegar.Cuando se lleva puesto sobre la oreja derecha* Gire el micrófono hacia laizquierda si lleva puesto el auricular sobre la oreja izquierda.Conecte este producto al puerto USB de su dispositivo, p. ej. PC. Consulte el manual del dispositivo para obtener información sobre cómo utilizar su dispositivo.No enchufe el conector ni cambie los ajustes mientras se inicia la aplicación. Cierre la aplicación y después reiníciela.En función de la aplicación que utilice, es posible que deba configurar el dispositivo de audio en la aplicación.Conecte este producto directamente al puerto USB de su PC. Si lo conecta a un concentrador USB, es posible que este producto no funcione correctamente.Cuando se lleva puesto sobre la oreja izquierda5Pulsante volume 6Connettore USB3Luce a LED4Pulsante ON/OFF 1Microfono2Microfono a cancellazione di rumoreL’inserimento del connettore USB dopo l’avvio dell’applicazione può provocare il funzionamento improprio dell’applicazione.Coprendo il microfono a cancellazione dirumore si avrà una diminuzione della riduzione del rumore. Si prega di non coprire il microfono.È possibile regolare la lunghezza dell’archetto e collocare il microfono nella posizione preferita.La cuffia può essere ripiegata.Se indossata sull’orecchio destro* Ruotare il microfono in senso antiorario se si indossa la cuffia sull’orecchio sinistro.Collegare il prodotto alla porta USB del dispositivo, ad es. del PC. Consultare il manuale del dispositivo per leggere le istruzioni di funzionamento del dispositivo stesso.Evitare di inserire il connettore o di modificare le impostazioni durante l’avvio dell’applicazione. Chiudere l’applicazione e riavviarla.A seconda dell’applicazione che si sta utilizzando, potrebbe essere necessario configurare il dispositivo audio all’interno dell’applicazione.Collegare il prodotto direttamente alla porta USB del PC. Il collegamento a un hub USB può provocare un funzionamento anomalo del prodotto.Se indossata sull’orecchio sinistro12346* This is an illustration of when the earpiece is worn over the right ear.512346* Diese Abbildung zeigt, wie die Hörmuschel über dem rechten Ohr getragen wird.512346* Ceci est une illustration du cas où l'oreillette est portée sur l'oreille droite.512346* Esta es una ilustración de como se coloca el auricular sobre la oreja derecha.512346* L’immagine mostra la cuffia indossata sull’orecchio destro.5Name and function of each part各部分的名称及功能各部分的名稱和功能Nama dan Fungsi dari Setiap BagianHeadsetManualENGLISHSpecificationsHow to connectBasic operation instructionsConnect the USB connecter (USB A) to the PC USB port.USB cable USB connector (USB A)Adjusting the volumeVolume up Turning off the microphone (Mute mic)Mute micTurning off the noise reduction functionTurn offthe noise reductionfunctionWhen OFF:the light will blink twice.This function may not be available, dependingon the connected device or application.This function may not be available, depending on the connected device or application.If the mic mute function does not work on this product, try operating the mute function from your software or application.Volume down When mic is ON: (Blue) lights up When mic is OFF: (Red) lights upCompatible models PC equipped with USB-A terminal, PlayStation 4/5 andNINTENDO SWITCH™.Functions cannot be guaranteed for all devices.External dimensions (W x D x H)Approx. 180 × 70 × 190mm [7.1" × 2.8" × 7.5"] (excluding cable)When folded: Approx. 180 × 70 × 120mm [7.1" × 2.8" × 4.7"] (excluding cable)Cable length Approx. 1.9m [6.2ft]Weight Approx. 165g [5.8oz] (excluding cable)HeadsetSpeaker type Dynamic type (monaural)Driver unitDiameter 40mm Maximum input 20mW Impedance100 ΩFrequency response20 to 20,000HzMicrophoneMicrophone type Electret condenser Directionality Unidirectional头戴式耳机使用说明书规格如何连接基本操作指南将USB连接器(USB A)连接至计算机的USB端口。
Sika Boom-400 Fire泡沫聚氨酯专业防火密封胶说明书
Hoja de Datos de Producto ProvisionalEdición 14/06/20165Identificación no: 4.5.9Versión nº.1 Sika Boom ®-400 FireC o n s t r u c t i o n Sika Boom ®-400 FireEspuma de poliuretano profesional con clasificación al fuego Descripción delProducto Sika Boom ®-400 Fire es una espuma de poliuretano monocomponente y expansivaque cumple con los más altos requisitos de resistencia al fuego, EI 204, y estácertificada según la EN 1366-4El envase de la Sika Boom ®-400 Fire permite la aplicación manual con cánula o laaplicación con pistolaUsos Sika Boom ®-400 Fire está diseñada para el sellado de juntas en paredes y muros que requieran protección al fuego, así como el sellado alrededor de puertas cortafuegos y ventanas. Debido a su resistencia al fuego durante más de 30 minutos, Sika Boom ®-400 Fire es el producto preferido de los aplicadores profesionales para su uso en la construcción de edificios donde se requiera normativa al fuego. Características / Ventajas ⏹ Monocomponente ⏹ Envase para aplicación manual y con pistola ⏹ Resistencia a la temperatura entre -40ºC y 90ºC. Certificados / Normativa ⏹ Ensayo según la EN 1366-4 ⏹ Clasificación al fuego según la EN 13501-2 Información delProductoBase químicaPoliuretano monocomponente EnvaseAerosol de 750 ml con válvula (12 aerosoles por caja) ColorRosa Vida del producto Sika Boom ®-400 Fire tiene una vida de 12 meses desde su fecha de fabricación, sise almacena correctamente sin dañar el embalaje original, sellado,y si se cumplen las condiciones de almacenamiento. Una vez abiertos losaerosoles de Sika Boom ®-400 Fire deben usarse en 4 semanas.Condiciones de almacenamiento Sika Boom ®-400 Fire tiene que almacenarse en posición vertical, en lugar seco yfresco, protegido de la acción directa del sol y a una temperatura entre +5º C y+25º C.Densidad Aplicación con pistola: 28 kg/m 3 aprox.Aplicación manual: 33 kg/m 3aprox.Información técnicaTemperatura de servicio -40°C a +90°CDiseño de junta Ancho 10-45 mmProfundidad 100 – 200 mmPara las dimensiones de la junta consultar el informe según la EN 13501-2 Información deAplicaciónRendimiento El consumo se puede regular ajustando la presión en el adaptador de la boquilla ola válvula de presión en la pistolaAerosol de 750 ml aplicación con pistola 33 l aprox.Aerosol de 750 ml aplicación manual 28 l aprox.Temperatura del ambiente Óptima: +18ºC a +25ºCPermitida: +5ºC a +35ºCMínimo 3ºC por encima de la temperatura del punto de rocíoTiempo para el corte Aplicación con pistola: 15 minutos aprox.Aplicación manual: 15-40 minutos aprox..Tiempo libre de tack Aplicación con pistola: 5 minutos aprox.Aplicación manual: 6 minutos aprox..Instrucciones de AplicaciónPreparación del sustratoEl soporte debe estar limpio, sano, y homogéneo, libre de aceites, grasas, polvo ypartículas sueltas o mal adheridas. Pinturas, lechadas de cemento y otroscontaminantes mal adheridos deben eliminarse. Sika Boom -400 Fire adhiere sinimprimación y o activadores. Se recomienda humedecer previamente el soportecon agua con el fin de obtener la máxima expansión y adherencia.Método de Aplicación /Herramientas.Aplicación con pistola Agitar enérgicamente el envase antes de su uso durante mínimo 20 segundos.Volver a agitar cuando se interrumpa la aplicación durante un largo periodo detiempo. Separar la boquilla del adaptador. Enroscar el envase con el adaptador enla válvula de la pistola de aplicación. La cantidad de espuma extruida se puederegular aplicando más o menos presión en el gatillo o ajustando la válvula depresión en la pistola. Rellenar los huecos profundos aplicando varias capas deespuma. Dejar curar y que expanda suficientemente aplicando agua entre capas opermitir suficiente tiempo entre capas. No rellenar los huecos totalmente, ya que laespuma expande durante el curado. Se deben fijar temporalmente los elementosque se quieren fijar antes de que endurezca la espuma. No quitar el aerosol SikaBoom®- 400 Fire de la pistola a no ser totalmente necesario. Si se quita la pistolasin limpiarse con Sika® Boom® Limpiador, la espuma puede endurecer y provocarel mal funcionamiento posterior de la pistola. La manera más segura es mantenerel Sika Boom®- 400 Fire colocado en la pistola hasta que esté completamentevacío el aerosol.Aplicación manual Agitar enérgicamente el envase antes de su uso durante mínimo 20 segundos.Volver a agitar cuando se interrumpa la aplicación durante un largo periodo detiempo. Separar la boquilla del adaptador y quitar el adaptador del aerosol.Atornillar la boquilla firmemente en su lugar sin presionar el gatillo. Regular el flujoaplicando más o menos presión en el gatillo. Rellenar los huecos profundosaplicando varias capas de espuma. Dejar curar y que expanda suficientementeaplicando agua entre capas o permitir suficiente tiempo entre capas. No rellenar loshuecos totalmente, ya que la espuma expande durante el curado. Se deben fijartemporalmente los elementos que se quieren fijar antes de que endurezca laespuma.Limpieza de herramientas Limpiar todas las herramientas y equipos de aplicación inmediatamente despuésde su uso con Sika Boom® -Limpiador y/o Sika® Remover-208. Una vez curado, elmaterial residual sólo puede eliminarse mecánicamente.Documentación adicional disponible Ficha de datos de seguridad Certificado EN 1366-4 Certificado EN 13501-2Limitaciones La temperatura mínima del producto para la aplicación debe ser 10ºCCon el fin de obtener una espuma de buena calidad, la temperatura del aerosol nodebe variar más de 10ºC respecto a la temperatura ambiente.Proteger de la acción directa del sol y de las altas temperaturas, por encima de50ºC existe riesgo de explosiónPara un correcto curado de la espuma, la humedad es necesaria.No usar sobre polietileno PE, polipropileno (PP), teflón y silicona, aceite, grasa uotros productos que contengan agentes desmoldeantes.Sika Boom®- 400 Fire no es resistente a la radiación UV.Leer todas las recomendaciones técnicas y de seguridad que aparecen impresasen el aerosol.Notas Todos los datos técnicos indicados en estas Hojas de Datos de Producto estánbasados en ensayos de laboratorio. Las medidas reales de estos datos puedenvariar debido a circunstancias más allá de nuestro control.Restricciones Locales Téngase en cuenta que como resultado de regulaciones locales específicas, el funcionamiento de los productos puede variar de un país a otro. Se recomienda la consulta de la Hoja de Datos de Producto local para obtener una descripción。
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A Ana log 模拟A/D Ana log t o Dig ital模-数转换AAC Adva ncedAudio Codi ng 高级音频编码ABBAutom aticBlack Bala nce 自动黑平衡ABCAmeri can B roadc astin g Com pany美国广播公司Au tomat ic Ba ss Co mpens ation自动低音补偿A utoma tic B right nessContr ol 自动亮度控制ABLAutom aticBlack Leve l 自动黑电平A BLC A utoma tic B right nessLimit er Ci rcuit自动亮度限制电路ABUAsian Broa dcast ing U nion亚洲广播联盟(亚广联 ABSAmeri can B ureau of S tanda rd 美国标准局AC Ac cessCondi tions接入条件Aud io Ce nter音频中心ACAAdjac ent C hanne l Att enuat ion 邻频道衰减ACCAutom aticCente ringContr ol 自动中心控制Auto matic Chro ma Co ntrol自动色度(增益控制ACK Auto matic Chro ma Ki ller自动消色器ACP Addi tiveColou r Pro cess加色法ACS A ccess Cont rol S ystem接入控制系统A dvanc ed Co mmuni catio n Ser vice高级通信业务Ar ea Co mmuni catio n Sys tem 区域通信系统ADC Anal og to Digi tal C onver ter 模-数转换器Aut omati c Deg aussi rng C ircui t 自动消磁电路ADL A coust ic De lay L ine 声延迟线ADS A udioDistr ibuti on Sy stem音频分配系统AE Audi o Era sing音频(声音擦除A EF Au tomat ic Ed iting Func tion自动编辑功能AE S Aud io En ginee ringSocie ty 音频工程协会AF A 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ion S ystem线缆调制解调器终端系统C NR Ca rrier-to-N oiseRatio载噪比CONConso le 操纵台Co ntrol ler 控制器C PB Co rpora tionof Pu blicBroad casti ng (美国公共广播公司C PU Ce ntral Proc essin g Uni t 中央处理单元CRC C yclic Redu ndanc y Che ck 循环冗余校验CRCC CRICycli c Red undan cy Ch eck C ode 循环冗余校验码CR OM Ch ina R adioInter natio nal 中国国际广播电台C RT Co ntrol Read Only Memo ry 控制只读存储器CSCatho de-Ra y Tub e 阴极射线管C SC Co mmuni catio n Sat ellit e 通信卫星CS S Col or Su b-car rier彩色副载波Cen ter S torag e Ser ver 中央存储服务器Co ntent Scra mblin g Sys tem 内容加扰系统CSU Chan nel S ervic e Uni t 信道业务单元CT Co lor T emper ature色温CTC C asset te Ta pe Co ntrol ler 盒式磁带控制器Ch annel Traf fic C ontro l 通道通信量控制Coun ter T imerCircu it 计数器定时器电路Co unter Time r Con trol计数器定时器控制CTE C ableTermi natio n Equ ipmen t 线缆终端设备Custo mer T ermin al Eq uipme nt 用户终端设备CTVColor Tele visio n 彩色电视CV D Chi na Vi deo D isc 中国数字视盘CWCarri e Wav e 载波DABDigit al Au dio B roadc astin g 数字音频广播DASHDigit al Au dio S tatio naryHead数字音频静止磁头DAT D igita l Aud io Ta pe 数字音频磁带DBMS Data Base Mana gemen t Sys tem 数据库管理系统DB S Dir ect B roadc ast S atell ite 直播卫星DCC D igita l Com pactCasse tte 数字小型盒带Dyn amicContr ast C ontro l 动态对比度控制DCTDigit al Co mpone nt Te chnol ogy 数字分量技术Dis crete Cosi ne Tr ansfo rm 离散余弦变换DCTV Digi tal C olorTelev ision数字彩色电视D D Dir ect D rive直接驱动DDCDirec t Dig italContr ol 直接数字控制DDEDynam ic Da ta Ex chang e 动态数据交换DDM D ata D ispla y Mon itor数据显示监视器D ES Da ta El ement ary S tream数据基本码流D ata E ncryp tionStand ard (美国数据加密标准DF Di spers ion F latte ned 色散平坦(光纤DG Diff erent ial G ain 微分增益DI Di gital Inte rface数字接口DIT EC Di gital Tele visio n Cam era 数字电视摄像机DL Dela y Lin e 延时线DLD Dyna mic L inear Driv e 动态线性驱动DM De lta M odula tion增量调制Digi tal M odula tion数字调制DMBDigit al Mu ltime dia B roadc astin g 数字多媒体广播DMCDynam ic Mo tionContr ol 动态控制D ME Di gital Mult ipleEffec t 数字多功能特技DMSDigit al Ma steri ng Sy stem数字主系统DNDataNetwo rk 数据网络D NG Di gital News Gath ering数字新闻采集D NR Di gital Nois e Red ucer数字式降噪器DO B Dat a Out put B us 数据输出总线DOCS IS Da ta Ov er Ca ble S ervic e Int erfac e Spe cific ation s 有线数据传输业务接口规范DOCDropOut C ompen satio n 失落补偿DO S Dis c Ope ratin g Sys tem 磁盘操作系统DPDiffe renti al Ph ase 微分相位DataPulse数据脉冲DPC M Dif feren tialPulse Code Modu latio n 差值脉冲编码调制DPL Dolb y Pro Logi c 杜比定向逻辑DSB D igita l Sat ellit e Bro adcas ting数字卫星广播DS C Dig italStudi o Con trol数字演播室控制D SD Do lby S urrou nd Di gital杜比数字环绕声DSE D igita l Spe cialEffec t 数字特技DS K Dow n-Str eam K ey 下游键DS P Dig italSigna l Pro cessi ng 数字信号处理Digi tal S oundProce ssor数字声音处理器D SS Di gital Sate llite Syst em 数字卫星系统DT D igita l Tec hniqu e 数字技术Di gital Tele visio n 数字电视Da ta Te rmina l 数据终端Da ta Tr ansmi ssion数据传输DTB Digi tal T erres trial Broa dcast ing 数字地面广播DTB C Dig italTime-BaseCorre ctor数字时基校正器D TC Di gital Tele visio n Cam era 数字电视摄像机DT S Dig italTheat er Sy stem数字影院系统Di gital Tuni ng Sy stem数字调谐系统Di gital Tele visio n Sta ndard数字电视标准D VB Di gital Vide o Bro adcas ting数字视频广播DV C Dig italVideo Comp ressi on 数字视频压缩DVEDigit al Vi deo E ffect数字视频特技D VS De sktop Vide o Stu dio 桌上视频演播(系统DVTRDigit al Vi deo T ape R ecord er 数字磁带录像机EAExten sionAmpli fier延长放大器EBElect ron B eam 电子束E BS Em ergen cy Br oadca sting Syst em 紧急广播系统EBUEurop ean B roadc astin g Uni on 欧洲广播联盟EC E rrorCorre ction误差校正ECN Emer gency Comm unica tions Netw ork 应急通信网络ECS Euro peanCommu nicat ion S atell ite 欧洲通信卫星EDC Erro r Det ectio n Cod e 错误检测码E DE El ectro nic D ata E xchan ge 电子数据交换EDFErbiu m-Dop ed Fi ber 掺饵光纤EDFAErbiu m-Dop ed Fi ber A mplif ier 掺饵光纤放大器ED L Edi t Dec ision List编辑点清单ED TV Ex tende d Def initi on Te levis ion 扩展清晰度电视EE Erro r Exc epted允许误差EFM Eigh t toFourt een M odula tion8-14调制EF P Ele ctron ic Fi eld P roduc tion电子现场节目制作EH Et herne t Hos ts 以太网主机EIN E quiva lentInput Nois e 等效输入噪声EIS E lectr onicInfor matio n Sys tem 电子信息系统EIS A Ext ended Indu stria l Sta ndard Arch itect ure 扩展工业标准总线E L Ele ctro-Lumin escen t 场致发光EM Erro r Mon itori ng 误码监测E N End Node末端节点ENG Elec troni c New s Gat herin g 电子新闻采集EOT E nd of Tape带尾EP Ed it Po int 编辑点E rrorProto col 错误协议EPG E lectr onicProgr am Gu ides电子节目指南EP S Eme rgenc y Pow er Su pply应急电源ERPEffec tiveRadia ted P ower有效辐射功率ES Elem entar y Str eam 基本码流End S ystem终端系统ESA Euro peanSpace Agen cy 欧洲空间局ETV E ducat ion T elevi sion教育电视FA E nhanc ed Te levis ion 增强电视FABMFAS F acial Anim ation面部动画FCFiber Ampl ifier Boos ter M odule光纤放大器增强模块Fib er Ac cessSyste m 光纤接入系统Frequ encyChang er 变频器FC C Fib er Ch annel光纤通道FDFilmCompo ser 电影编辑系统Fed eralCommu nicat ionsCommi ssion(美国联邦通信委员会FD CT Fr equen cy Di vider分频器FDDI FDMFiber Duct光纤管道FDP Forw ard D iscre te Co sineTrans form离散余弦正变换F E Fib er Di strib utedDataInter face分布式光纤数据接口Freq uency-Divi sionMulti plexi ng 频分复用F F Fib er Di strib ution Poin t 光纤分配点F G Fro nt En d 前端FH F ramin g Err or 成帧误差F IT Fa st Fo rward快进FN Fr equen cy Ge nerat or 频率发生器FOA F reque ncy H oppin g 跳频FOCFrame-Inte rline Tran sfer帧一行间转移Fi ber N ode 光纤节点Fiber Opti c Amp lifie r 光纤放大器F OM Fi ber O pticCable光缆FON F iberOptic Comm unica tions光纤通信FOS Fibe r Opt ic Co upler光纤耦合器FO TC Fi ber O pticModem光纤调制解调器FS Fi ber O pticNet 光纤网F actor of S afety安全系数Fib er Op tic T runkCable光缆干线FTFrame Scan帧扫描FTPFrame Stor e 帧存储器FT TB Fr ame S ynchr o 帧同步机FT TC Fr anceTelec om 法国电信F TTH F TTN F ile T ransf er Pr otoco l 文件传输协议FTTOFiber-To-T he-Bu ildin g 光纤到楼GA Fibe r-To-The-C urb 光纤到路边GB F iber-To-Th e-Hom e 光纤到家GF C Fib er-To-The-Node光纤到节点GMT Fibe r-To-The-O ffice光纤到办公室G ND Ge neral Aver age 总平均值GPC G ain B andwi dth 增益带宽GPIBGener ic Fl ow Co ntrol一般流量控制G PS Gr eenwi ch Me an Ti me 格林威治标准时间Gr ound接地G SM Ge neral Purp ose C omput er 通用接口G VFS G enera l Pur poseInter faceBus 通用接口总线HAGloba l Pos ition ing S atell ite 全球定位卫星HBGloba l Pos ition ing S ystem全球定位系统H C Glo bal S ystem forMobil e Com munic ation全球移动通信系统HCTGener al Vi deo F ile S erver通用视频文件服务器HDHeadAmpli fier前置放大器Hea d Bus前端总线HDM Hier archi cal C oding分层编码HDT V Hom e Com munic ation Term inal家庭通信终端HD VS Hi gh De finit ion 高清晰度HF Ho rizon tal D rive水平驱动(脉冲H FC Hi gh De nsity Modu latio n 高密度调制H FCT H igh D efini tionTelev ision高清晰度电视H IS Hi gh De finit ion V ideoSyste m 高清晰度视频系统Hi-Fi Hi gh Fr equen cy 高频HPA Hybr id Fi ber C oaxia l 光纤同轴电缆混合网HP F HQA D Hyb rid F iberConce ntric Twis ted P air W ire 混合光纤同轴双绞线HS Ho me In forma tionSyste m 家庭信息系统HSC H igh-F ideli ty 高保真(度HighPower Ampl ifier大功率放大器H SDB H igh-P ass F ilter高通滤波器HT High Qual ity A udioDisc高品位音频光盘H TT HT TP Ho rizon Scan ner 水平扫描HTU H igh S peedCamer a Sys tem 高速摄像机系统IA High Spee d Cha nnel高速信道IB H igh S peedDataBroad cast高速数据广播Hi gh Te nsion高压HomeTelev ision Thea tre 家庭电视影院IBC Hype r Tex t Tra nsmis sionProto col 超文本传输协议Ho me Te rmina l Uni t 家庭终端单元Infor matio n Acc ess 信息存取IBG I ntern ation al Br oadca sting国际广播ICInter faceBus 接口总线IDCTInter nal B us 内部总线I F Int egrat ed Br oadba nd Co mmuni catio n 综合宽带通信IM In terna tiona l Bro adcas tingCente r 国际广播中心IMTVInter natio nal B roadc astin g Con venti on (欧洲国际广播会议I N Int er Bl ock G ap 字组间隔I NFO I NS In tegra ted C ircui t 集成电路IO CS In verse Disc reteCosin e Tra nsfor m 离散余弦逆变换IODInter media te Fr equen cy 中频IPInter faceModul e 接口模块In terac tiveMulti media Tele visio n 交互式多媒体电视IPC Inte grate d Net work综合网IPD I ntegr atedNetwo rk Us ing F iberOptic s 光纤综合网I PTC I nform ation Netw ork S ystem信息网络系统I RD In put-O utput Cont rol S ystem输入/输出控制系统ISInfor matio n OnDeman d 点播信息In put P ower输入功率Inte rnetProto col 因特网协议ISAInfor matio n Pro cessi ng Ce nter信息处理中心IS AN In terac tiveProgr am Di recto ry 交互式节目指南Int ernat ional Pres s Tel ecomm unica tionCounc il 国际新闻通信委员会I SO IS RC In tegra ted R eceiv er/De coder综合接收机/解码器ISS I Inf ormat ion S uperh ighwa y 信息高速公路IT In terac tiveServi ce 交互业务I TS In terna tiona l Sta ndard国际标准Ind ustry Stan dardArchi tectu re 工业标准总线Inte grate d Ser viceAnalo g Net work综合业务模拟网I TU In terna tiona l Sta ndard Audi ovisu al Nu mber国际标准音视频编号ITVInter natio nal S tanda rds O rgani zatio n 国际标准化组织Inte rnati onalStand ard R ecord ing C ode 国际标准记录码IU Inte r-Swi tchin g Sys tem I nterf ace 交换机间系统接口I VCS I nterl ine T ransf er 行间转移I VDS I nsert ion T est S ignal插入测试信号I VOD I ntell igent Traf fic S ystem智能交通系统I VS In terna tiona l Tel ecomm unica tionServi ce 国际电信业务JB I ntern ation al Te lecom munic ation s Uni on 国际电信联盟JCTA Indu stria l Tel evisi on 工业电视J PEG I ntera ctive Tele visio n 交互式电视J SB In forma tionUnit信息单元KB I ntell igent Vide o Con feren cingSyste m 智能视频会议系统LAN Inte racti ve Vi deo D ata S ervic e 交互视频数据业务LBC Inte racti ve Vi deo O n Dem and 交互点播电视LCInter activ e Vid eo Sy stem交互视频系统LC D Jun ction Box接线盒Japan Cabl e Tel evisi on As socia tion***有线电视协会LD J ointPhoto graph ic Ex perts Grou p 联合图片专家组LDTV Japa n Sat ellit e Bro adcas tingInc ***广播卫星公司IED K eyboa rd 键盘LFLocal Area Netw ork 局域网L FE Lo w Bit-rate Codi ng 低码率编码LFO L ossle ss Co ding无损编码LI L iquid Crys tal D ispla y 液晶显示器L MDS L ightCoupl ed De vice光耦合器件LNA Lase r Dio de 激光二极管LO Lo w Def initi on Te levis ion 低分辨率数字电视L PF Li ght-E mitti ng Di ode 发光二极管LRCLow F reque ncy 低频LS LowFrequ encyRespo nse 低频响应LSD L ow Fr equen cy Os cilla tor 低频振荡器LSILevel Indi cator电平指示器LS N Loc al Mi crowa ve Di strib ution Syst em 本地微波分配系统LT C Low Nois e Amp lifie r 低噪声放大器LVD L ocalOscil lator本地振荡器LV R Low Pass Filt er 低通滤波器Longi tudin al Re dunda ncy C hecki ng 纵向冗余校验Ligh t Sou rce 光源MA C Lar ge Sc reenDispl ay 大屏幕显示器MANLarge Scal e Int egrat ed Ci rcuit大规模集成电路MAPILocal Supe rvisi on Ne twork本地监测网MA TV Lo ngitu dinal Time Code纵向时间码MC Lase r Vis ion D isc 激光电视唱片Las er Vi deo R ecord ing S ystem激光视盘录制系统Mult iplex ed An alogCompo nents复用模拟分量M etrop olita n Are a Net work都市网MCI M ultim ediaAppli catio n Pro gramm ing I nterf ace 多媒体应用编程接口MCPCMaste r Ant ennaTelev ision共用天线电视M CR Ma in Co ntrol主控Media Comp oser非线性媒体编辑系统MD M otion Comp ensat ion 运动补偿MDM M ultim ediaCommu nicat ion 多媒体通信MDOP Medi a Con trolInter face媒体控制接口MF Mult i-Cha nnelPer C arrie r 多路单载波M IC Ma sterContr ol Ro om 主控制室M IDI M obile Cont rol R oom 转播车,移动控制室MMDSMagne tic D rum 磁鼓MO DEM M ultim ediaDataManag ement多媒体数据管理MOL M ultim ediaDataOpera tionPlatf orm 多媒体数据操作平台MON M edium Freq uency中频MPC M icrop hone传声器,话筒MP EG Mu sical Inst rumen t Dig italInter face乐器数字接口MP O Mul ti-Ch annel Micr owave Dist ribut ion S ystem微波多点分配系统Modu lator AndDemod ulato r 调制解调器M R Max imumOutpu t Lev el 最大输出电平MSCMonit or 监视器,监听器。
DesignMax DM3C 内吸扬音箱技术参数表说明书
TECHNICAL DATADesignMax DM3C in-ceiling loudspeakerTechnical SpecificationsProduct OverviewWith coaxial two-way drivers, the 30-watt DesignMax DM3C loudspeaker offers clear, intelligible highs and surprising low end for its size — along with premium aesthetics that complement any commercial sound installation. The DM3C features a two-way 3.5-inch woofer and .75-inch coaxial tweeter mounted within the Dispersion Alignment system, delivering a frequency range of 75 Hz – 20 kHz. The DM3C is ceiling-mounted, installed easily via QuickHold mounting arms.Key FeaturesCombine DesignMax models to complete any design, big or small — 12 loudspeakers to mix and match, from 2-inch, low-profile models to 8-inch, high-SPL compression-driver loudspeakers and outdoor-rated options.Deliver clear highs and surprising low-end for their size with coaxial two-way drivers — no DSP or EQ required. For even better sound, combine with select Bose DSPs and amplifiers to enable Bose loudspeaker EQ and SmartBass processing, which expands performance and response at any listening level.Ensure a consistent listening experience throughout the room with the Dispersion Alignment system, which matches the coverage of the woofer to the pattern of the tweeter.Blend with any room design with elegant form factors, minimum-bezel grilles available in black or white, and removable logos.Reduce installation time with the patented QuickHold mounting system, which also reduces strain, hassle, and the chance of product damage.Install easily with industry-standard accessories — all models include Euroblock connectors; in-ceiling models include plenum-rated backcans, tile bridges, and front-access audio wiring that makes installation and troubleshooting easier.Footnotes(1) Frequency response and range measured on-axis in half-space environment with Bose EQ voicing(2) Sensitivity measured on-axis in half-space environment averaged 100 Hz – 10 kHz using recommended High-Pass protection(3) Maximum SPL calculated from sensitivity and power handling specifications, exclusive of power compression.(4) AES standard 2-hour duration with IEC system noise(5) Bose extended-lifecycle test using pink noise filtered to meet IEC268-5, 6-dB crest factor, 500-hour duration.(6) Measured in whole-space environmentOn-Axis Frequency ResponseBeamwidth 6Dimensions。
Aguilar DB 599 Bass Compressor 说明书
Aguilar Musical Instruments LLC 599 Broadway, 7th fl.NY, NY 10012 DB 599The DB 599 bass compressor gives bassists the ability to control their dynamics in a simple and compact format. Tailored around the specific needs of bass players, the DB 599 utilizes musically appropriate compression ratios and attack / release parameters to make dialing in your compressed tone a breeze. Simply add in the desired amount of compression with the COMP knob, use the GAIN control to adjust your volume, and take your bass sound to the next level –that’s it!Features:•Simple two-knob interface•Bass appropriate compression ratios and attack / release parameters that sound natural and musical•Studio-quiet with no artifacts•9-volt power supply requiredOwner’s ManualManual Version 1.0I. FunctionsCOMP: Controls the amount of compression. For more compression, turn clockwise, for less turn counter clockwise. At it’s furthest left, your signal is uncompressed. GAIN: Controls the amount of make-up gain. As you turn up the COMP control your overall output will decrease. Use the GAIN control to add back lost output level. ENGAGE: Toggles between on and off. The blue LED indicates that the effect is on. : denotes ¼” input and output jacks. The input jack is located on the right-handside panel and labeled with an arrow pointing towards the pedal. The output jack is located on the left-hand side panel and it is labeled with an arrow pointing away from the pedal.DC: This is a standard 2.1mm DC jack. The center terminal polarity is negative.II. Specifications:Current c onsumption:………………….6.5mAInput impedance: ...................................1M Ω (Effect On)Output impedance: ................................600 ΩExternal DC Power: …………………...9-10VDC, center terminal negative Dimensions: …………………………. 3.65” x 1.5” x 1.25”III. Warranty InformationThe DB 599 is covered under limited warranty against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 3 years. This warranty is non-transferable. Thewarranty period starts from the date of purchase from an authorized Aguilar dealer. Please retain your sales receipt as it is necessary to obtain warranty service. Before sending your unit to Aguilar for repair, you must receive a return authorizationnumberfromus.Pleasecontactusviaemail(**************************).Donot send any products to us without first receiving a return authorization from Aguilar.You are responsible for all shipping charges. You must ship the unit to us freight prepaid. We will return the unit to you freight collect. Aguilar Musical Instruments LLC is not responsible for shipping damage, either to or from our service center. Claims must be filed with the carrier. The only company in the USA authorized to perform work under this warranty is Aguilar Musical Instruments LLC of New York, NY.Warranty service outside the USA: Warranty Service may be different in your country. Please contact the Aguilar distributor in your country for terms and procedures.IV. Environmental ProtectionThis symbol means that used electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) should not be disposed of with household waste. Please contact your local authority or retailer for further information on nearest WEEE collectioncenter and recycling advice.。
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安迪美® AMR产品使用说明
载银/锌磷酸锆 (M
2/n O . P
. xH
O) ≥99%
0.5- 1.0%(基体树脂重量)