5 Stages of Group Development
汉服大体上可分为周汉汉服、魏晋南北朝汉服、隋唐汉服、宋明汉服四个发展阶段,周汉风格古朴凝重,魏晋风格潇洒飘逸,隋唐风格雍容华贵, 宋明两朝为汉服的集大成时代, 古朴、典雅、华贵、明快等多种风格并存,百花齐放,形成了蔚为大观的汉服体系。
Han served, that is, the traditional costume of the Han nationality, formally known as the Chinese dressed, also known as the ancient Chinese equipment, and services to China and Chinese dressed, and so on.第一张图。
Understanding Group Behavior (cont.)
Basic Group Concepts (cont.)
– Status - a prestige grading, position, or rank in a group • may be conferred informally based on personal characteristics • may be formally conferred
Stages Of Group Development
Stage I Forming
Stage II Storming
Stage III Norming
Stage IV Performing
Stage V Adjourning
Understanding Group Behavior (cont.)
Understanding Group Behavior (cont.)
Basic Group Concepts (cont.) – Conflict Management (cont.) • interactionist view - some conflict is absolutely necessary –functional conflict - supports the goals of the work group and improves its performance –dysfunctional conflict - prevents group from achieving its goals
– storming - acceptance of the group’s existence • conflict over who will control the group
Group Formation
Formal groups - official or assigned groups gathered to perform various tasks
need ethnic, gender, cultural, and interpersonal diversity
Groups & Teams
Group - two or more people with common interests or objectives
Team - a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common mission, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable
Group Behavior
Norms of behavior - the standards that a work group uses to evaluate the behavior of its members
Group cohesion - the “interpersonal glue” that makes members of a group stick together
Consensus decision making
Members listen well & participate
Group aware of its operation & function
Clear assignments made & accepted
《组织行为学》(双语)课程教学大纲课程中文名称(英文名称):组织行为学(Organizational Behavior)课程代码:B27052课程类别:专业课程课程性质: 必修课课程学时:32学分: 2适用专业:人力资源管理专业先修课程:普通心理学一、课程介绍1。
另外,每学期期末集中大型辅导1次.五、考核方式和成绩评定方法考核方式:期末闭卷考试成绩评定方法:平时成绩(含考勤、回答问题、作业等)占30%,期末考试成绩占70%六、教材与主要参考书目教材:《Essentials of Organizational Behavior》,Stephen P. Robbins等,中国人民大学出版社,2011年。
individual’s behavior. 5. Contrast the strengths and weaknesses of group decision
Two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who come together to
achieve particular objectives
• Defined by the organization’s structure
Role Expectations – how others believe you should act in a given situation
Role Conflict – conflict experienced when multiple roles are incompatible
Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
• Norming:
• Group is cohesive with strong group identity
• Performing:
• Group fully functional and working toward goals
• Adjourning:
• For temporary groups: breaking up
Impact of Status
Deep structure and surface structure
In brief, the sentences that have the form that people can actually say are called surface structures. But the deep structure means the fact that speakers try to convey the message of the sentence. That is to say, the surface structure of language determines the form of sentences, while deep structure determines meaning of sentences. For example, (1). The glass is broken (2). Breaking the glass Though the form of sentences is different, but the message conveyed is same.
The fact that ep structure of sentence ,but the two forms of sentences that convey the fact is the surface structure.
3)The Extended Standard Theory, which focuses discussion on language universals and universal grammar Studies on Semantic in Generative Grammar,1972
创建高效团队Creating high-performance teams
创建高效团队Creating high-performance teamsA team is a group whose members influence one another toward the accomplishment of an organizational objective团队是指一种为了实现某一目标而由相互协作的个体所组成的正式群体A work team generates positive synergy through coordinated effort通过相互配合的努力产生协同优势. Their individual efforts result in a level of performance that is greater than the sum of those individual inputs.Teams vs. Groups—what's the differenceThe terms group and team are not synonymous术语群体和团队并不是同义词. Teams and groups are not the same thing团队和群体不是同一个东西.A group consists of “any numbers of people一个群体由任意数量的人组成who interact with one another, are psychologically aware of one another, and perceive themselves to a group”.A team is a group whose members influence one another toward the accomplishment of an organizational objective.Not all groups in organizations are teams不是所有的团体都是团队, but all teams are groups但所有团队都是团体. A group qualifies as a team only if its members focus on helping one another to accomplish organizational objectives.A work team generates positive synergy through coordinated effort一个团队通过共同努力产生协同效应. Their individual efforts result in a level of performance that is greater than the sum of those individual inputs.团队的发展阶段Stages of team developmentBruce Tuckman的团队发展阶段Stages of Team Development模型可以被用来辨识团队构建与发展的关键性因素,并对团队的历史发展给以解释。
Questions for the final examination (26items)American Beginnings1.What were the new and powerful social forces which led to the awakening ofEurope and the discovery of America?’p34The first new force was the development of capitalism; the second major force that brought about the modern development of Europe was the Renaissance, which marked a changing outlook on life; the third influential force was the Religious Reformation, a religious reform movement that started from Germany.2.What was the unique American phenomenon? How did it come into being? Doyou think it still exists in today’s American society?The unique American phenomenon is that, on the one hand, the English and other Europeans went to North America for seeking freedom. On the other hand, these very white people who were seeking and fighting for their own freedom deprived black Africans of their freedom.On July 30, 1619, the first meeting of an elected legislature, a representative assembly, was held in Virginia. A month later, still in Virginia, a Dutch ship brought in over 20 Negroes as servants for a term of years to make a start toward the enslavement of Africans within what was to be the American republic.T his phenomenon still exists in today’s American society, such as the racial discrimination.Until now, the black people still receive the unfair prejudice. However, the society in America is full of freedom, especially to the white people. They have a lot of rights in their life.3.In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?p37-38New England established another American tradition—a strain of often intolerant moralism. The Puritans believed that governments should enforce God's morality. They strictly punished drunks, adulterers, violators of the Sabbath and other religious believers different from themselves. Roger Williams, one of the Puritans who protested that the state should not interfere with religion, was driven out of Massachusetts. In 1635, he set up Rhode Island colony, which guaranteed religious freedom and the separation of church and state. The Puritans also have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans. The American values such as individualism, hard work, respect of education owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.4.In what way did the pattern of founding of Maryland influence American culture?In 1649, the Maryland Toleration Act, which assured freedom of worship to all who believed in Jesus Christ, was passed. Because the Protestant majority were capitalistic-minded people and refused to carry out the feudal plan, and because the wilderness of North America provided plenty of land while labor was scarce, Maryland like other colonies in North America, followed a capitalist development road, that is to say, America was on a capitalist road.The Political System1.What is a federal system? P52A federal system is one in which power is shared between a central authority and its constituent parts, with some rights reserved to each. The Constitution specifiedexactly what power the central government had and which power was reserved for the states.2.How did the delegates from the early British colonies design the constitution?In the course of the Convention, the delegates designed a new form of governme nt for the United States.The plan for the government was written in very simple language in document call ed the Constitution of the United States.The Constitution set up a federal system with a strong central government.In writing the constitution ,the delegates deal with two fears shared by most A mericans.3.What were the two main fears shared by Americans while writing the constitutionand how did they deal with them?p52-53One fear was that one person or group, including the majority, might become too powerful or be able to seize control the country and create a tyranny. To guard agai nst this possibility, the delegates set up a government consisting of three parts, or branches, the executive, the legislative and the judicial. Each branch has a way of counteracting and limiting any wrongful action by another branch.Another fear was that the new central government might weaken or take away the power of the state government to run their own affairs. To deal with this the Consti tution specified exactly what power the central government had and which power wa s reserved for the state. The state governments were allowed to run their own governments as they wished, provided that their governments were republicans. 4.What is the Executive Branch?P54The chief executive of the United State is the president, who, together with th e vice president, is elected to a four-year term. Under a Constitutional Amendment passed in 1951, a president can be elected to only two terms. Except for the right o f succession to the presidency, the vice president’s only constitution duties are to s erve as the presiding officer of the Senate; the vice president may vote in the Sena te only in the event of a tie.5.What is the Bill of Rights? Why is it necessary to write the Bill of Rightsexplicitly into the US Constitution?It’s another basic foundation in Americans’ constitution. It consists of 10 very short paragraphs which guarantee freedom and individual rights and forbid interference with lives of individuals by the government. Each paragraph is an amendment to the original Constitution.The Bill of Rights and subsequent constitutional amendments guarantee the American people the fullest possible opportunity to enjoy fundamental human rights.In the Bill of Rights, Americans are guaranteed freedom of religion, of speech a nd of the press.They have a right to assemble in public places, to protest government actions, and to demand change.They have the right to own weapons if they wish.Because of the Bill of rights, either police nor soldiers can stop and search a person without good reason. They also cannot search a person’s home without a legal permission from a court.Economy1.What is the current economic position of America in the world?2.What are the five stages of industrial development?p65-67One key development was the introduction of the factory system;A second deve lopment was the "American system"of mass production;A third development was the application of new technologies to industrial tasks;A fourth development was the em ergency of new forms of business organization;Finally,the construction of railroads began,marking the start of a new era for the United States.3.What are the roots of affluence in America?P69Bountiful resources,the geographical size of the country and population trends h ave all contributed to these successes.Religious, social and political traditions;the in stitutional structures of government and business;and the courage,hard work and de termination of countless entrepreneurs and workers have also played a part.4.What are the main sectors of industry in America? Name some of the importantcities representing each sector.Manufacturing : ChicagoAviation : Dallas and HoustonCar industry : DetroitHigh tech industry : Los Angeles and San FranscicoService industries. New York and SeattleHeavy Industry : PittsburghEducation1.How did America change the way of education to teach the children to be worldcitizens? P122In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that the practice of segregating blacks into separate schools was unconstitutional. Between 1950 and 1960, more new knowledge was developed than in all of the world’s history before 1950.Schools were asked not only to teach this new information, but to help students ask their own questions about it. More science courses were added to the curriculum.The federal government began to spend millions for the development of new science curricula and for training teachers to use them.2.How do Americans apply for a university? p1233.What are the categories of higher institutions in America? p123The university, the four-year undergraduate institution, the technical training institution, the two-year, or community college4.What factors that determine the best prestige of a university?P124T he factors determine whether an institution is prestigious are quality of teaching f aculty , quality of research facilities ,amount of funding available for libraries ,speci al programs and the competence and the number of applicants for admission and how selective the institution can be in choosing its students.5.How to select a college or a university? Name all the members of the Ivy League.When selecting a college or a university , you should take the following factors in to account :<1>a school’s entrance requirements (and its fees)<2>degrees the school offer and how long it takes to earn<3>curricula a college or university offers and req uirements for earning a degree <4> public institution or private one .Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College,Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University.6.Explain why Americans respect education.In America, education is a national concern, a state responsibility and a local function.7.What degrees do undergraduate colleges and graduate schools offer?undergraduate colleges:bachelor’s degreegraduate schools: master’s or a doctoral’s degree8.What are the functions of the boards of education?They make policies for schools at the state and district level, also, make decisions about the school curriculum, teacher standards and certification, and the overall measurement of student progress.American Way of Life1.What are the stereotypes about the USA?<1>All Americans are rich. <2>American society is violent. <3>American familiesare in disarray . <4>Americans are all religious . <5>Americans are optimistic.2.What are the metaphors that have been used as the national self-images and why didthey lose their credibility?<1>“the melting pot" because its anglophilic values no longer held for a clear majority of the people.<2>"salad bowl " because the characteristics of different culture quickly dec ay .<3> "mosaic " because an image for a nation should imply changes of any one of its co mponents . But the mosaic ,once made ,never change.<4>"kaleidoscope" because the k aleidoscopic changes too problematically ,so it is difficult to make people take it seriou sly.4.Why is the Internet an up-to-date metaphor used to encapsulate the USA?Because the Internet has several characteristics that seem consonant with the USAtoday . <1>The WWW has no center. <2>No one is reliably in charge . <3>Each individual must take the responsibility for what he or she takes seriously.All of them important features of the American way of life .4.Why is America said to be a society of violence? What is the NRA?About 25% of Americans own a gun, which is often associated with high crime rate and the threat of violence is often played up by the news media.The NRA, which is short for the National Rifle Association, is a US private organization that has mad great efforts to protect the right of US citizens to freely own and use guns.5.What are the reasons for the changing marriage pattern in the USA? What is its effect on USA way of life? P170Since the introduction of “no-fault”divorce laws in the late 1970s, America’s divorce rate has been about 50%. Since most divorced people remarry at some point, many families blend together children from different parents. Somewhat less than half of American children today are raised with and by their birth-parents.The effect of these shifting marriage patterns is to diminish the authority of parents in relation to their children. Traditional values do not transmit readily from one generation to the next, reducing the chances for a national consensus on public issues.。
Deep structure and surface structure
In brief, the sentences that have the form that people can actually say are called surface structures. But the deep structure means the fact that speakers try to convey the message of the sentence. That is to say, the surface structure of language determines the form of sentences, while deep structure determines meaning of sentences. For example, (1). The glass is broken (2). Breaking the glass Though the form of sentences is different, but the message conveyed is same.
3)Phrase structure grammar
It consists solely of phrase-structure rules that formalise some of the traditional insights of constituent structure analysis. This grammar has greater generative powers than a finite state grammar.
4.8.2Three kinds of grammar
本次测试范围为:组织行为学测试题(1)选择题:题填空题:题判断题:题问答题:题第1题[单选题]_________ is the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goala:valueb:. rolec:perceptiond:motivation参考答案:d第2题[单选题]________ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.a:organizational designb:organizational culturec:. organizational learningd: organizational behavior参考答案:d第3题[单选题]________ is a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, or resource related to what the individual desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.a:streeb:conflictc:powerd:politics参考答案:a第4题[单选题]a common perception held by the organization’s members; and a system of shared meaning is __________.a:organizational designb:organizational culturec:organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:b第5题[单选题]_______ is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to that the first party cares about.a:negotiationb:conflictc:powerd:politics参考答案:b第6题[单选题]_________ refers to the empowerment of employees to assume more responsibility and accountability for planning, performing, controlling, and evaluating their own work.a:. job rotationb:job engineeringc:job enrichmentd: job enlargement参考答案:c第7题[单选题]__________ must include both the transference and the understanding of meaning.a:powerb:. communicationc:. conflictd: negotiation参考答案:b第8题[单选题]power is a __________ that a has to influence the behavior of b so that b acts in accordance with a’s wishes.a:. functionb: impressionc:capacityd:. responsibility参考答案:c第9题[单选题]__________ is a process by which individual their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.a: perceptionb:emotionc: attituded:personality 参考答案:a第10题[单选题]__________are those needed to perform mental activities --- for thinking, reasoning, and problem soving. .a:abilityb:intellectual abilityc:. learningd:physical ability参考答案:b第11题[填空题]is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attemptto agree on the exchange rate for them.参考答案:( negotiation )第12题[填空题]is a positive expectation that another will not- through words, actions, or decisions- actopportunistically. p442参考答案:( trust )第13题[填空题]is activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in the organization, butthat influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages anddisadvantages within the organization.参考答案:( political behavior )第14题[填空题]is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particularorganization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in theorganization.参考答案:( organizational commitment )第15题[填空题]is any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result ofexperience.参考答案:( learning )第16题[填空题]focus the evaluator’s attention on the behaviors that are key in making thedifference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively.参考答案:( critical incidents )第17题[填空题]are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.参考答案:( emotions )第18题[填空题]is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements,but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization.参考答案:( organizational citizenship behavior )第19题[填空题]are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that often lack acontextual stimulus.参考答案:( moods )第20题[填空题]is a collection of planned-change interventions built onhumanistics-democratic values that seek to improve organizationaleffectiveness and employee well-being.参考答案:( organizationaldevelopment )第21题[判断explain the job characteristics model.题]参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal andworkoutcomes. skill variety task identity task significance autonomy feedback第22题[判断what is the communication process?题]参考答案:the senderencodingthe messagethe channeldecodingthereceivernoisefeedback第23题[判断what are the 5 stages of group development?题]参考答案:(a) forming(b) stoming(c) norming(d) performing(e)adjourning第24题[判断题]what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?参考答案:selective perceptionhalo effectcontrasteffectsprojectionstereotyping第25题[判断题]what is the job characteristics model参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal andworkoutcomes.skill varietytask identitytask significanceautonomyfeedback第26题[判断题]what are the group decision-making techniques?参考答案:(a)brainstorming,(b)electronic brainstorming,(c)and nominalgroup technique.第27题[判断题]what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?参考答案:selective perceptionhalo effectcontrasteffectsprojection stereotyping第28题[判断题] “o.k., i admit it. i am not a team player. i work best when i work alone and am left alone,” says da hai.da hai’s employer, am office furniture manufacturer, recently reorganized around teams. all production in the company’s wenzhou factory is now done in teams. and da hai’s design department has been broken up into three design teams.“i’ve worked here for 4 years. i’m very good at what i do. and my performance reviews confirm that. i’ve scored 96 percent or higher on my evaluations every yeari’ve been here. but now everything is changing. i’m expected to be part of our modular-office design team. my evaluations and pay raises are going to depend on how well the team does. and, get this, 50 percent of my evaluation will be on how well i facilitate the performance of the team. i’m really frustrated and demoralized. they hired me for my design skills. they know i wasn’t a soc参考答案:1. what is a team and what is team work?2. does this employer have any responsibility to provide da hai with an alternative that would allow him to continue to work independently?第29题[判断题] xie li, lao bao and lin juan have something in common. they all were promoted within their organizations into management positions. and each found the transition a challenge.xie li was promoted to director of catering for the glazier group of restaurants in hang zhou city. with the promotion, she realized that things would never be the same again. no longer would she be able to participate in water-cooler gossip or shrug off an employee’s chronic laterness. she says she found her new role to be daunting. “at first i was like a bulldozer, knocking everyone over, and that was not well received. i was saying, ‘it’s my way or the highway.’ and was forgetting that my friends were also in transition.” she admits that this style alienated just about everyone with whom she worked.lao bao, a technical manager at lenovo chi参考答案:1, a lot of new managers err in selecting the right leadership style when they move into management. why do you think this happens?2, which leadership theories, if any, could help new leaders deal with this transition?本次测试范围为:组织行为学测试题(2)选择题:15题填空题:0题判断题:0题问答题:8题第1题[单选题]__________is any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.a:abilityb:learningc:attituded:. negotiation参考答案:b第2题[单选题]________ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.a:organizational designb:organizational culturec:organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:d第3题[单选题]power is a __________ that a has to influence the behavior of b so that b acts in accordance with a’s wishes.a:functionb:impressionc:capacityd:. responsibility参考答案:b第4题[单选题]__________are those needed to perform mental activities --- for thinking, reasoning, and problem soving. .a:abilityb:intellectual abilityc: learningd: physical ability参考答案:b第5题[单选题] _________are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.a: emotionb: personalityc:attituded:motivation参考答案:a第6题[单选题]_______ is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to that the first party cares about.a: negotiationb:conflictc:. powerd:politics 参考答案:b第7题[单选题]___ focus the evaluator’s attention on the behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively.a:critical incidentsb: written essaysc:graphic ratingd:behaviorally anchored rating scales参考答案:a第8题[单选题]________ is a process by which individual their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.a:perceptionb:emotionc:attituded:personality参考答案:a第9题[单选题]_________are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that often lack a contextual stimulus.a:emotionb:perceptionc:satisfactiond:. moods参考答案:d第10题[单选题]________is a positive expectation that another will not- through words, actions, or decisions- act opportunistically. p442a: leadershipb:communicationc: powerd:trust参考答案:d第11题[单选题]_________ is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.a: organizational developmentb: organizational learningc:organizational commitmentd:organizational culture参考答案:c第12题[单选题]a common perception held by the organization’s members; and a system of shared meaning is __________.a:organizational designb: organizational culturec: organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:b第13题[单选题]_________ is activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in the organization, but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization.a: conflictb:negotiationc: political behaviord:motivation参考答案:c第14题[单选题]________ must include both the transference and the understanding of meaning.a:powerb:communicationc:conflictd: negotiation参考答案:b第15题[单选题]_______ is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree on the exchange rate for them.a:conflictb: powerc: negotiationd:political behavior参考答案:c第16题[判断题]what are the 5 stages of group development?参考答案:(a) forming(b) stoming(c) norming(d) performing(e)adjourning第17题[判断题] o.k., i admit it. i am not a team player. i work best when i work alone and am left alone,” says da hai.da hai’s employer, am office furniture manufacturer, recently reorganized around teams. all production in the company’s wenzhou factory is now done in teams. and da hai’s design department has been broken up into three design teams.“i’ve worked here for 4 years. i’m very good at what i do. and my performance reviews confirm that. i’ve sco red 96 percent or higher on my evaluations every year i’ve been here. but now everything is changing. i’m ex参考答案:1. what is a team and what is team work?2. does this employer have any responsibility to provide da hai with an alternative that would allow him to continue to work independently?第18题[判断题] early in the twentieth century, henry ford became rich and famous by building automobiles on an assembly line. every ford worker was assigned a specific, repetitive task. for instance, one person would just put on the right-front wheel and someone else would install theright-front door. by breaking jobs up into small standardized tasks, which could be performed over and over again, ford was able to produce cars at the rate of one every 10 seconds, while using employees who had relatively limited skill.questions:1. what is organizational structure? what is the key element that managers need to address when they design their org参考答案:organizational structure is how job tasks are formally divided,grouped, and coordinated.work specialization departmentalization chainof command span of control centralization and decentralizationformalization第19题[判断题]what are the group decision-making techniques?参考答案:(a)brainstorming,(b)electronic brainstorming,(c)and nominalgroup technique.第20题[判断题] xie li, lao bao and lin juan have something in common. they all were promoted within their organizations into management positions. and each found the transition a challenge.xie li was promoted to director of catering for the glazier group of restaurants in hang zhou city. with the promotion, she realized that things would never be the same again. no longer would she be able to participate in water-cooler gossip or shrug off an employee’s chronic laterness. she says she found her new role to be daunting. “at first i was like a bulldozer, knocking everyone over, and that was not well received. i was saying, ‘it’s my way or the highway.’ and was forgetting that my friends were also in transition.” she admits that this参考答案:1, a lot of new managers err in selecting the right leadership style when they move into management. why do you think this happens?2, which leadership theories, if any, could help new leaders deal with this transition?第21题[判断题]explain the job characteristics model.参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal andworkoutcomes. skill variety task identity task significance autonomy feedback第22题[判断题] a sales representative for a women’s sportswear manufacturer has just closed a$13,000 order from a small clothing retailer. the sales rep calls in the or der to her firm’s credit department. she is told that the firm can’t approve credit to this customer because of a past slow-payment record. the next day, the sales rep and the firm’s credit manager meet to discuss the problem. the sale rep doesn’t want to lose the business. neither does the credit manger, but he also doesn’t want to get stuck with an uncollectible debt. the two openlyreview their options. after considerable discussion, they agree on a solution that meets boththeir needs: the credit manage r will approve the sale, but the clothing store’s owner 60 days.参考答案:distributive bargaining integrative bargaining第23题[判断题]what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?参考答案:selective perception halo effect contrast effectsprojectionstereotyping本次测试范围为:组织行为学测试题(3)选择题:10题填空题:10题判断题:0题问答题:7题第1题[单选题] _________ must include both the transference and the understanding of meaning.a:powerb:communicationc:conflictd: negotiation参考答案:b第2题[单选题]______ is a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, or resource related to what the individual desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.a:streeb:conflictc:powerd:politics参考答案:a第3题[单选题]power is a __________ that a has to influence the behavior of b so that b acts in accordance with a’s wishes.a:functionb:impressionc:capacityd:responsibility参考答案:c第4题[单选题]____ is a process by which individual their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.a:. perceptionb:emotionc:attituded:personality参考答案:a第5题[单选题]a common perception held by the organization’s members; and a system of shared meaning is __________.a:organizational designb:organizational culturec: organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:b第6题[单选题]__________ is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to that the first party cares about.a:. negotiationb:conflictc:powerd: politics参考答案:b第7题[单选题]________ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.a:organizational designb:organizational culturec:organizational learningd: organizational behavior参考答案:d第8题[单选_________are those needed to perform mental activities --- for thinking, reasoning,题] and problem soving. .a:abilityb: intellectual abilityc:learningd:physical ability参考答案:b第9题[单选题]__________ refers to the empowerment of employees to assume more responsibility and accountability for planning, performing, controlling, and evaluating their own work.a:. job rotationb: job engineeringc:. job enrichmentd:job enlargement参考答案:c第10题[单选题]_________ is the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal..a:valueb:. rolec:perceptiond:motivation参考答案:d第11题[填空题]is activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in theorganization, but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution ofadvantages and disadvantages within the organization.参考答案:( politicalbehavior )第12题[填空题]is a collection of planned-change interventions built on humanistics-democratic values that seekto improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being.参考答案:( organizationaldevelopment )第13题[填空题]is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particularorganization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in theorganization.参考答案:( organizational commitment )第14题[填空题]is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services andattempt to agree on the exchange rate for them.参考答案:( negotiation )第15题[填空题]is any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result ofexperience.参考答案:( learning )第16题[填空题]are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that often lack acontextual stimulus.参考答案:( moods )第17题[填空题]focus the evaluator’s attention on the behaviors that are key in making the difference betweenexecuting a job effectively and executing it ineffectively.参考答案:( critical incidents )第18题[填空题]is a positive expectation that another will not- through words, actions, or decisions-act opportunistically.参考答案:( trust )第19题[填空题]are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.参考答案:( emotions )第20题[填空题]is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements,but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization.参考答案:( organizational citizenship behavior )第21题[判断what are the 5 stages of group development?题]参考答案:(a) forming(b) stoming(c) norming(d) performing(e)adjourning第22题[判断what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?题]参考答案:selective perception(选择性知觉)halo effect(晕轮效应)contrast effects(对比效应)projection(投射)stereotyping(刻板印象第23题[判断what is the communication process?题]参考答案:the senderencodingthe messagethe channeldecodingthereceivernoisefeedback第24题[判断what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?题]参考答案:selective perceptionhalo effectcontrasteffectsprojectionstereotyping第25题[判断explain the job characteristics model.题]参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal andworkoutcomes. skill variety task identity task significance autonomy feedback第26题[判断what is the job characteristics model题]参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal and workoutcomes.skill varietytask identitytask significanceautonomyfeedback第27题[判断what are the group decision-making techniques?题]参考答案:(a)brainstorming,(b)electronic brainstorming,(c)and nominalgroup technique.本次测试范围为:组织行为学测试题(4)选择题:16题填空题:0题判断题:0题问答题:6题第1题[单选题] . a common perception held by the organization’s members; and a system of shared meaning is __________a:organizational designb:organizational culturec: organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:b第2题[单选题]______ is a process by which individual their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.a:perceptionb:emotionc:attituded: personality参考答案:a第3题[单选题]________ focus the evaluator’s attention on the behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively and executing it ineffectively.a:critical incidentsb:. written essaysc:graphic ratingd:behaviorally anchored rating scales参考答案:a第4题[单选题]________ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.a:organizational designb: organizational culturec:organizational learningd:organizational behavior参考答案:d第5题[单选题]_________ is activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in the organization, but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization.a:conflictb:negotiationc: political behaviord:motivation参考答案:c第6题[单选题] _________ must include both the transference and the understanding of meaning a:. powerb:communicationc:conflictd:. negotiation参考答案:b第7题[单选题]________is a positive expectation that another will not- through words, actions, or decisions- act opportunistically.a: leadershipb:communicationc:powerd: trust参考答案:d第8题[单选题]________are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that often lack a contextual stimulus.a:emotionb:perceptionc:. satisfactiond:moods参考答案:d第9题[单选题]________is a positive expectation that another will not- through words, actions, or decisions- act opportunistically.a: leadershipb:communicationc:powerd: trust参考答案:d第10题[单选题]_________are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.a:. emotionb:personalityc:attituded:motivation参考答案:a第11题[单选题]_______ is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.a:organizational developmentb:organizational learningc:organizational commitmentd:organizational culture参考答案:c第12题[单选题]__________are those needed to perform mental activities --- for thinking, reasoning, and problem soving. .a:abilityb:. intellectual abilityc: learningd:physical ability参考答案:b第13题[单选题]____ is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to that the first party cares about.a:negotiationb:conflictc: powerd: politics参考答案:b第14题[单选题]______ is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree on the exchange rate for thema: conflictb: powerc:negotiationd: political behavior参考答案:c第15题[单选题]power is a __________ that a has to influence the behavior of b so that b acts in accordance with a’s wishes.a:functionb: impressionc: capacityd: responsibility参考答案:c第16题[单选题]______is any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.a:abilityb:. learningc:. attituded:. negotiation参考答案:b第17题[判断题]what are the group decision-making techniques?参考答案:(a)brainstorming,(b)electronic brainstorming,(c)and nominalgroup technique.第18题[判断题]what are the frequently used shortcuts in judging others?参考答案:selective perception(选择性知觉)halo effect(晕轮效应)contrast effects(对比效应)projection(投射)stereotyping(刻板印象第19题[判断题] early in the twentieth century, henry ford became rich and famous by building automobiles on an assembly line. every ford worker was assigned a specific, repetitive task. for instance, one person would just put on the right-front wheel and someone else would install the right-front door. by breaking jobs up into small standardized tasks, which could be performed over and over again, ford was able to produce cars at the rate of one every 10 seconds, while using employees who had relatively limited skill.questions:1.what is organizational structure?what is the key element that managers need to address when they design their organizati参考答案:organizational structure is how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated.work specialization(工作专门化)departmentalization(部门化)chain of command(命令链)span of control(控制跨度)centralization anddecentralization(集权/分权)formalization(正规化)第20题[判断题]explain the job characteristics model.参考答案:identifies five job characteristics and their relationship to personal andworkoutcomes. skill variety task identity task significance autonomy feedback第21题[判断题] a sales representative for a women’s sportswear manufacturer has just closed a$13,000 order from a small clothing retailer. the sales rep calls in the o rder to her firm’s credit department. she is told that the firm can’t approve credit to this customer because of a past slow-payment record. the next day, the sales rep and the firm’s credit manager meet to discuss the problem. the sale rep doesn’t want to lose the business. neither does the credit manger, but he also doesn’t want to get stuck with an uncollectible debt. the two openly review their options. after considerable discussion, they agree on a solution that meets both their needs: the credit manager will approve the sale, but the clothing store’s owner 60 days.<参考答案:distributive bargaining分配谈判integrative bargaining 综合谈判第22题[判断题]what are the 5 stages of group development?参考答案:(a) forming(b) stoming(c) norming(d) performing(e)adjourning本次测试范围组织行为学测试题(5)为:选择题:题填空题:题判断题:题问答题:题第1题[填空题]is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements,but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization.参考答案:( organizational citizenship behavior )第2题[填空题]is a collection of planned-change interventions built on humanistics-democraticvalues that seek to improve organizational effectiveness and employeewell-being.参考答案:( organizational development )第3题[填空题]are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and that often lack acontextual stimulus.参考答案:( moods )第4题[填空题]is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services andattempt to agree on the exchange rate for them.参考答案:( negotiation )第5题[填空题]is activities that are not required as part of one’s formal role in theorganization, but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution ofadvantages and disadvantages within the organization.参考答案:( politicalbehavior )第6题[填空题]focus the evaluator’s attention on the behaviors that are key in making the difference betweenexecuting a job effectively and executing it ineffectively.参考答案:( critical incidents )第7题[填空题]is defined as a state in which an employee identifies with a particularorganization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in theorganization.参考答案:( organizational commitment )第8题[填空题]are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.参考答案:( emotions )。
汽车零部件开发流程5个阶段英文缩写Title: The 5 stages of automotive parts development processIn the automotive industry, the development of parts for vehicles is a crucial process that requires careful planning, design, and testing. The development process typically consists of 5 stages, each of which plays a key role in ensuring the final product meets the necessary requirements for performance and safety.Stage 1: Conceptualization and Design (CD)The first stage of the automotive parts development process is conceptualization and design. During this stage, engineers and designers work together to create a concept for the part based on the requirements provided by the client. This involves conducting research, brainstorming ideas, and creating initial sketches and prototypes. Once a design concept is finalized, it is then translated into detailed technical drawings and specifications.Stage 2: Engineering and Analysis (EA)After the design concept is finalized, the next stage is engineering and analysis. In this stage, engineers use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create a detailed 3Dmodel of the part. This model is then subjected to various analysis and simulations to ensure that it meets all performance and safety requirements. Engineers also conduct feasibility studies to determine the best materials and manufacturing processes to use for the part.Stage 3: Prototyping and Testing (PT)Once the design has been finalized and analyzed, the next stage is prototyping and testing. During this stage, physical prototypes of the part are created using rapid prototyping techniques such as 3D printing. These prototypes are then subjected to a series of rigorous tests to evaluate their performance, durability, and safety. Any issues or defects found during testing are addressed and corrected before moving on to the next stage.Stage 4: Manufacturing and Production (MP)After the prototypes have been tested and approved, the next stage is manufacturing and production. In this stage, the part is mass-produced using the selected materials and manufacturing processes. Engineers work closely with manufacturers to ensure that the parts are produced to the highest quality standards and meet all specifications. Quality control measures are put in place to monitor the productionprocess and ensure that each part meets the necessary requirements.Stage 5: Quality Control and Evaluation (QCE)The final stage of the automotive parts development process is quality control and evaluation. During this stage, the manufactured parts are subjected to thorough quality control checks to ensure that they meet all specifications and standards. This involves inspecting the parts for defects, conducting performance tests, and evaluating their overall quality. Any issues found during quality control checks are addressed and corrected before the parts are released for use in production vehicles.In conclusion, the development process of automotive parts consists of 5 key stages: conceptualization and design, engineering and analysis, prototyping and testing, manufacturing and production, and quality control and evaluation. By following these stages carefully and meticulously, automotive manufacturers can ensure that the parts they develop meet all necessary requirements for performance, durability, and safety.。
描述群体发展的五阶段模型The five-stage model of group development, also known as Tuckman's stages of group development, provides a framework for understanding the various stages that a group goes through in its development process. This model was proposed by psychologist Bruce Tuckman in 1965 and has since become widely accepted and used in the field of group dynamics.The first stage of group development is forming. Inthis stage, group members come together and start to get to know each other. They may be polite and cautious in their interactions, as they are still trying to establish trust and understand the group's purpose and goals. This stage is characterized by a lot of uncertainty and anxiety, as individuals may feel unsure about their role in the group and how they fit in.The second stage is storming. As the group begins to work together more closely, conflicts and disagreements mayarise. This stage is marked by power struggles, as individuals try to establish their positions and influence within the group. It is common for there to be differences in opinions and approaches, which can lead to tension and frustration. This stage is crucial for the group's development, as it allows for the exploration and resolution of these conflicts.The third stage is norming. During this stage, the group starts to establish norms and rules for behavior. Members begin to develop a sense of cohesion and unity as they find common ground and work towards a shared goal. They start to understand and appreciate each other's strengths and weaknesses, and collaboration becomes more effective. This stage is characterized by increased trust and cooperation among group members.The fourth stage is performing. In this stage, the group is highly functional and productive. Members have developed a strong sense of trust and are able to work together seamlessly towards their common goal. They are able to make decisions collectively and resolve conflictsefficiently. This stage is characterized by a high level of motivation and satisfaction among group members, as they experience a sense of accomplishment and success.The final stage is adjourning. This stage is not always included in the original model but is often added to acknowledge that groups may disband or transition into new forms. In this stage, the group reflects on its achievements and experiences a sense of closure. Members may feel a mix of emotions, including sadness and nostalgia, as they say goodbye to their fellow group members. This stage is important for individuals to process their experiences and prepare for future group interactions.Overall, the five-stage model of group development provides a useful framework for understanding the different stages that a group goes through in its development process. It highlights the importance of establishing trust,resolving conflicts, and developing norms and rules for behavior. By understanding these stages, group members and leaders can better navigate the challenges and dynamicsthat arise within groups and work towards achieving their goals more effectively.。
塔克菲尔原则(Tuckman's Stages of Group Development)是由美国心理学家布鲁斯·塔克菲尔(Bruce Tuckman)提出的一种关于团队发展的模型。
1. 形成阶段(Forming):在此阶段,团队成员刚刚组合在一起,彼此还不太了解。
2. 风暴阶段(Storming):在这个阶段,团队成员开始展示出各自的意见、观点和个性。
3. 规范阶段(Norming):在规范阶段,团队成员开始逐渐形成共同的目标和价值观,并制定出明确的规范和工作方式。
4. 表现阶段(Performing):在表现阶段,团队成员已经形成高度协作和相互依赖的关系。
布鲁斯·塔克曼的团队发展阶段模型团队发展阶段模型(Tuckman Stages of Team Development Model)团队发展阶段模型概述布鲁斯·塔克曼(Bruce Tuckman)的团队发展阶段(Stages of Team Development)模型可以被用来辨识团队构建与发展的关键性因素,并对团队的历史发展给以解释。
1965年,Bruce Tuckman(1938 -)发表了一篇短文,题为《小型团队的发展序列》(Developmental Sequence in Small Groups)。
团队发展阶段流程1. 组建期。
(Forming) 项目小组启蒙阶段。
2. 激荡期。
成员是自治的 , 不依 靠指 派 的 领 导 者 。对 于所需要的群体过程 的发起和讨论 , 每个 人分担责任
对群体 内领导 阶层的 反应
群体成员采取一个试 群体成员挑战领导者 。 对领导阶层的全面支 探 性 的 、边 等 边 看 小 集 团 ( factions ) 和 持 。领 导 能 力 在 团 体 (wait and see) 的方法 。 派 系 ( cliques) 出 现 。 中共享 他们保持一段距离地 权力斗争和两极分化 观察 , 并 仍 然 依 靠 一 经常出现 个固定的责任层级
二 、五阶段模型的特征
该是最具生产性的 。单个的成员已经变成自我确信的
在 Tuckman 的五阶段模型中 , 在每个阶段中 , 群
(self - assuring) , 对群体承认的需要成为过去 。成员 体的结构和任务活动都是不同的 。群体结构主要关注
既是高度任务导向的又是高度人类导向的 。存在一 群体内的人际关系和群体结构的稳定性 , 而任务活动
群体内的角色和责 任完成
对群体 过程的 关注
过程经常被忽视 ; 它 群体工作对于所需的 被注 意 到 但 被 避 免。 努力看起来并不是有 成员测试水深 (test the 效 的 。 派 系 形 成 waters) 并从指派的领 (Cliques form) 导者那里寻求指导
成员产生群体准则和 发展相互的关系 ( re2 spect) 。然而 , 可能被 过程讨论导入侧轨和 关注不重要的问题而 浪费时间
群体结构 人际关系的模式 ; 成员行动方式和彼此的关系
任务活动 与手头上任务有关的交互作用的内容
形成 : 导向 , 测试和依赖
动荡 : 对群体影响和任务要求的抵制
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In the Forming stage, personal relations are characterized by dependence. Group members rely on safe, patterned behavior and look to the group leader for guidance and direction. Group members have a desire for acceptance by the group and a need to be know that the group is safe.
The next stage, called Storming, is characterized by competition and conflict in the personal relations dimension an organization in the task-functions dimension. As the group members attempt to organize for the task, conflict inevitably results in their personal relations. Individuals have to bend and mold their feelings, ideas, attitudes, and beliefs to suit the group organization. Because of "fear of exposure" or "fear of failure," there will be an increased desire for structural clarification and commitment. Although conflicts may or may not surface as group issues, they do exist. Questions will arise about who is going to be responsible for what, what the rules are, what the reward system is, and what criteria for evaluation are. These reflect conflicts over leadership, structure, power, and authority. There may be wide swings in members’ behavior based on emerging issues of competition and hostilities. Because of the discomfort generated during this stage, some members may remain completely silent while others attempt to dominate.
In the Norming stage, interpersonal relations are characterized by cohesion. Group members are engaged in active acknowledgment of all members’ contributions, community building and maintenance, and solving of group issues. Members are willing to change their preconceived ideas or opinions on the basis of facts presented by other members, and they actively ask questions of one another. Leadership is shared, and cliques dissolve
The Performing stage is not reached by all groups In this stage, people can work independently, in subgroups, or as a total unit with equal facility. Their roles and authorities dynamically adjust to the changing needs of the group and individuals. Stage four is marked by interdependence in personal relations and problem solving in the realm of task functions. By now, the group should be most productive. Individual members have become self-assuring, and the need for group approval is past. Members are both highly task oriented and highly people oriented. There is unity: group identity is complete, group morale is high, and group loyalty is intense.
The final stage, Adjourning, involves the termination of task behaviors and disengagement from relationships. A planned conclusion usually includes recognition for participation and achievement and an opportunity for members to say personal goodbyes. Concluding a group can create some apprehension - in effect, a minor crisis. The termination of the group is a regressive movement from giving up control to giving up inclusion in the group. The most effective interventions in this stage are those that facilitate task termination and the disengagement process.。