ECE R86 第4次修订
ECE系列标准序号代号法规名称1 ECE R1 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有R2/或HS1类灯丝灯泡的机动车前照灯的统一规定2 ECE R2 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光的前照灯用白炽电灯泡的统一规定3 ECE R3 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车回复反射装置的统一规定4 ECE R4 关于批准机动车辆(摩托车除外)及其挂车后牌照板照明装置的统一规定5 ECE R5 关于批准发射欧洲型不对称近光和/或远光机动车封闭式前照灯(SB) 的统一规定6 ECE R6 关于批准机动车及其挂车转向指示器的统一规定7 ECE R7 关于批准机动车(不含摩托车)及其挂车前后位置(侧边)灯、制动灯和示廓灯的统一规定8 ECE R8 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H1、H2、H3、HB3、HB4、H7、H8、H9、HIR1、HIR2和/或H11)的机动车前照灯的统一规定9 ECE R9 关于就噪声方面批准L2、L4和L5类车辆的统一规定10 ECE R10 关于就电磁兼容性方面批准车辆的统一规定11 ECE R11 关于就门锁和车门保持件方面批准车辆的统一规定12 ECE R12 关于就碰撞中防止转向机构伤害驾驶员方面批准车辆的统一规定13 ECE R13 关于就制动方面批准M类、N类和O类车辆的统一规定14 ECE R13--H 关于就制动方面批准乘用车的统一规定(欧美日协调版)15 ECE R14 关于就安全带固定点方面批准车辆的统一规定16 ECE R15 关于就发动机气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火式发动机或压燃式发动机的车辆的统一规定--点火式发动机的功率测量方法---车辆的油耗测量方法17 ECE R16 关于:1批准机动车成年乘客用安全带和约束系统;2批准装用安全带的车辆的统一规定18 ECE R17 关于就座椅、座椅固定点和头枕方面批准车辆的统一规定19 ECE R18 关于就防盗方面批准机动车的统一规定20 ECE R19 关于批准机动车前雾灯的统一规定21 ECE R20 关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H4)的机动车前照灯的统一规定22 ECE R21 关于就内饰件方面批准车辆的统一规定23 ECE R22 关于批准摩托车轻便摩托车驾驶员及乘客用头盔和面罩的统一规定24 ECE R23 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车的倒车灯的统一规定25 ECE R24 关于1.就可见污染物排放方面批准压燃式(C.I)发动机; 2.就已获得型式批准的C.I.发动机的安装方面批准机动车; 3. 就发动机可见污染物排放方面批准装用C.I.发动机的车辆; 4 .C.I.发动机的功率测量的统一规定26 ECE R25 关于批准与车辆座椅一体或非一体的头枕的统一规定27 ECE R26 关于就外部凸出物方面批准车辆的统一规定28 ECE R27 关于批准提前三角警告牌的统一规定29 ECE R28 关于就声响信号方面批准声报警装置和机动车辆的统一规定30 ECE R29 关于就商用车辆驾驶室乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定31 ECE R30 关于批准机动车及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定32 ECE R31 关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光的卤素封闭式(HSB)机动车前照灯的统一规定33 ECE R32 关于就追尾碰撞中被撞车辆的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定34 ECE R33 关于就正面冲撞中被撞的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定35 ECE R34 关于就火灾预防方面批准车辆的统一规定36 ECE R35 关于就脚控制件的布置方面批准车辆的统一规定37 ECE R36 关于就一般结构方面批准大型客车的统一规定38 ECE R37 关于批准用于已经批准的机动车和挂车灯具中的白炽灯的统一规定39 ECE R38 关于批准机动车和挂车后雾灯的统一规定40 ECE R39 关于就车速表及其安装方面批准车辆的统一规定41 ECE R40 关于就发动机气体污染物的排放方面批准装有点火式发动机的摩托车的统一规定42 ECE R41 关于就噪声方面批准摩托车的统一规定43 ECE R42 关于就车辆前、后保护装置(保险杠等)批准车辆的统一规定44 ECE R43 关于批准安全玻璃材料的统一规定45 ECE R44 关于批准机动车儿童乘客约束装置(儿童约束系统)的统一规定46 ECE R45 关于就前照灯清洗器方面批准机动车辆和批准前照灯清洗器的统一规定47 ECE R46 关于批准后视镜和就后视镜的安装方面批准机动车辆的统一规定48 ECE R47 关于就发动机的气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火发动机的轻便摩托车的统一规定49 ECE R48 关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定50 ECE R49 关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准压燃式发动机、天然气发动机和燃用液化石油气的点燃式发动机以及装有这些发动机的车辆的统一规定51 ECE R50 关于批准轻便摩托车、摩托车及其类似车辆前后位置灯、制动灯、转向信号灯和后牌照板照明装置的统一规定52 ECE R51 关于就噪声排放方面批准四轮及四轮以上机动车的统一规定53 ECE R52 关于就一般结构方面批准小型公共运输车辆(M2、M3)的统一规定54 ECE R53 关于就灯光及光信号装置的安装方面批准L3类车辆(摩托车)的统一规定55 ECE R54 关于批准商用车辆及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定56 ECE R55 关于批准汽车列车机械联结件的统一规定57 ECE R56 关于批准轻便摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定58 ECE R57 关于批准摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定59 ECE R58 关于1.批准后下部防护装置;2.就已批准的后下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.就后下部防护装置方面批准车辆的统一规定60 ECE R59 关于批准备用消声系统的统一规定61 ECE R60 关于就驾驶员操纵的控制件,包括控制件、信号装置和指示器的识别方面批准两轮摩托车的统一规定62 ECE R61 关于就驾驶室后挡板之前的外部凸出物方面批准商用车的统一规定63 ECE R62 关于就防盗方面批准带有操纵把的机动车的统一规定64 ECE R63 关于就噪声方面批准两轮轻便摩托车的统一规定65 ECE R64 关于批准装有应急备用车轮/轮胎的车辆的统一规定66 ECE R65 关于批准机动车特别警告灯的统一规定67 ECE R66 关于就上部结构强度方面批准大型客车的统一规定68 ECE R67 关于:1批准在其驱动系统中使用液化石油气的机动车辆特殊装置;2 在这一装置的安装方面批准装用使其驱动系统使用液化石油气的特殊装置的车辆的统一规定69 ECE R68 关于就最大车速的测量方面批准包括纯电动车辆在内的机动车的统一规定70 ECE R69 关于批准低速车辆及其挂车后标志牌的统一规定71 ECE R70 关于批准重,长型车辆后标志牌的统一规定72 ECE R71 关于就驾驶员视野方面批准农用拖拉机的统一规定73 ECE R72 关于批准发射非对称近光和远光并装有卤素灯(HS1灯)的摩托车前大灯统一规定74 ECE R73 关于就侧防护方面批准货车、挂车和半挂车的统一规定75 ECE R74 关于就灯光和光信号装置方面批准L1类车辆的统一规定76 ECE R75 关于批准摩托车和轻便摩托车气压轮胎的统一规定77 ECE R76 关于批准发射远光和近光的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定78 ECE R77 关于批准机动车驻车灯的统一规定79 ECE R78 关于就制动方面批准L类车辆的统一规定80 ECE R79 关于就转向装置方面批准车辆的统一规定81 ECE R80 关于就座椅及其固定点方面批准大型客车座椅和车辆的统一规定82 ECE R81 关于就车把上后视镜的安装方面批准后视镜及带与不带边斗的二轮机动车的统一规定83 ECE R82 关于批准装有卤素灯丝灯泡(HS2)的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定84 ECE R83 关于根据发动机燃油要求就污染物排放方面批准车辆的统一规定85 ECE R84 关于就油耗测量方面批准装有内燃机的机动车的统一规定86 ECE R85 关于就净功率和最大30分钟电传动系功率的测量方面批准用于驱动M和N类机动车辆的内燃机或电传动系的统一规定87 ECE R86 关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准农林拖拉机的统一规定88 ECE R87 换向批准机动车白天行车灯的统一规定89 ECE R88 关于批准摩托车反光轮胎的统一规定90 ECE R89 关于1.就最高车速限制或其可调车速限制功能方面批准车辆;2.就已批准型式的最高车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.批准车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的统一规定91 ECE R90 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车用可更替制动衬片总成和鼓式制动器衬片的统一规定92 ECE R91 关于批准机动车及其挂车侧标志灯的统一规定93 ECE R92 关于批准摩托车、轻便摩托车和三轮车辆非原装可更换排气消声系统的统一规定94 ECE R93 关于1.批准前下部防护装置;2.就已批准型式的前下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆; 3.就前下部防护方面批准车辆的统一规定95 ECE R94 关于就前碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定96 ECE R95 关于就侧碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定97 ECE R96 关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准农林拖拉机和非道路机动机械装用的压燃式发动机的统一规定98 ECE R97 关于批准车辆报警系统和就报警系统方面批准机动车辆的统一规定99 ECE R98 关于批准装用气体放电光源的机动车前照灯的统一规定100 ECE R99 关于批准用于已获得型式批准的机动车气体放电灯具的气体放电光源的统一规定101 ECE R100 关于就结构、功能安全性和氢排放的特殊要求方面批准蓄电池电动车辆的统一规定102 ECE R101 关于就CO2排放和油耗的测量方面批准装用内燃机的乘用车和就电能消耗量和范围的测量方面批准装用电传动系的M1和N1类车辆的统一规定103 ECE R102 关于1.批准紧耦合装置;2.就已批准的紧耦合装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定。
ECE R48 第6版 第1次修订
GE.10-Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions forWheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for ReciprocalRecognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions * (Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)Addendum 47: Regulation No. 48 Revision 6 – Amendment 1Supplement 4 to the 04 series of amendments to the Regulation: Date of entry into force: 19 August 2010Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard tothe installation of lighting and light-signalling devicesUNITED NATIONS* Former title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions ofApproval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, don’t atGeneva on 20 March 1958.E /ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1−E /ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.14 October 2010E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.12Paragraph 2.7.6., insert a reference to footnote 3 and a new footnote 3 to read:“2.7.6. … a common lamp body3;__________________3Examples to enable a decision regarding reciprocal incorporation of lamps can be found in Annex 3, Part 7.”Paragraph 2.8., amend to read:“2.8. “Light emitting surface” of … see Annex 3 (See e.g. Parts 1, and 4);…b) … see Annex 3. (See e.g. Part 5);”Insert a new paragraph 2.8.1., to read:“2.8.1. “Textured outer lens” or “Textured outer lens area” means all or part of an outer lens, designed to modify or influence the propagation of light from thelight source(s), such that the light rays are significantly diverted from theiroriginal direction.”Paragraph 2.9.1., amend to read:“2.9.1. "Illuminating surface of a lighting” … are adjustable relative to one another, the mean adjustment should be used.In the case of AFS being installed: where a lighting function is produced bytwo or more simultaneously operated lighting units on a given side of thevehicle, the individual illuminating surfaces, taken together, constitute theilluminating surface to be considered (for example, in the figure ofparagraph 6.22.4. below, the individual illuminating surfaces of the lightingunits 8, 9 and 11, regarded together and taking into account their respectivelocation, constitute the illuminating surface to be considered for the righthand side of the vehicle).”Paragraph 2.9.2., amend to read:“2.9.2. “Illuminating surface of a light-signalling device … encloses a non-lighted surface, the illuminating surface may be considered to be the light emittingsurface itself. (See e.g. Annex 3, Parts 2, 3, 5 and 6)”Paragraph 2.10., amend to read:“2. 10. The “apparent surface” for a defined direction of observation means, at the request of the manufacturer or his duly accredited representative, theorthogonal projection of:either the boundary of the illuminating surface projected on the exteriorsurface of the lens;or the light-emitting surface;in a plane perpendicular to the direction of observation and tangential to themost exterior point of the lens. Different examples of the application ofapparent surface can be found in Annex 3 to this Regulation.”Paragraphs 2.29.1. to 2.29.4. and 2.30. to 2.32.1., the reference to footnote 3 and footnote 3, renumber as footnote 4.Paragraph 4.4.1., the reference to footnote 4 and footnote 4, renumber as footnote 5.E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1Paragraph 5.2.1., the reference to footnote 5 and footnote 5, renumber as footnote 6.Paragraph 5.15., the reference to footnotes 6, 7 and 8 and footnotes 6, 7 and 8, renumber asfootnotes 7, 8 and 9.Paragraph, the reference to footnote 9 and footnote 9, renumber as footnote 10.Paragraph 6.2.9., the reference to footnote 10 and footnote 10, renumber as footnote 11.Paragraph, the reference to footnote 11 and footnote 11, renumber as footnote 12. Paragraphs 6.3.5. and, the reference to footnote 12 and footnote 12, renumber asfootnote 13.Paragraph 6.5.3., amend to read:“6.5.3. Arrangements(see figure below)A: two front direction-indicator lamps of the following categories:…5for all M1 vehicles;for N1, M2 and M3 vehicles not exceeding 6 metres in length.6for all N2 and N3 vehicles;for N1, M2 and M3 vehicles exceeding 6 metres in length.It is permitted to replace Category 5 side direction-indicator lamps byCategory 6 side direction-indicator lamps in all instancesA maximum of three optional Category 5 or one optional Category 6 deviceper side on vehicles of type M2, M3, N2 and N3 exceeding 9 m in length.…B: two rear direction-indicator lamps (Categories 2a or 2b)two optional lamps (Category 2a or 2b) on all vehicles in Categories O2, O3and O4.A maximum of three optional Category 5 or one optional Category 6 deviceper side on vehicles of type O2, O3 and O4 exceeding 9 m in length.Where an AFS…”Paragraphs to, amend to read:“ If the structure of the vehicle …. and if the optional rear lamps are ….categories 1, 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b. If optional rear lamps … mandatory lamps. In length (see figure below)…(b) For all other categories of vehicles if the structure of the vehiclemakes it impossible to comply with the minimum angles of visibility.Optional Category 5 side direction indicator lamps, shall be fitted, spacedevenly, along the length of the vehicle.3E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.14Optional Category 6 side direction indicator lamp shall be fitted in the areabetween the first and last quartiles of the length of a trailer.6.5.5. Geometric visibility6.5.5.1. Horizontal angles: (see figure below)… The vertical angle above the horizontal may be reduced to 5°if theoptional rear lamps are not less than 2,100 mm above the ground.…”Paragraph 6.5.8., amend to read (the reference to footnote 12 and footnote 12, renumber as footnote 13):“6.5.8. Tell-tale…For the optional direction-indicator lamps on motor vehicles and trailers,operating tell-tale shall not be mandatory.”Paragraph, amend to read:“ In height: Above the ground, not less than 250 mm nor more than 900 mm (not more than 1,200 mm if grouped with any rear lamp(s),1,500 mm if theshape of the bodywork makes it impossible to keep within 900 mm or 1200mm respectively).”Paragraph, amend to read:“ In height: Above the ground, not less than 250 mm nor more than 900 mm (not more than 1,200 mm if grouped with any rear lamp(s),1,500 mm if theshape of the bodywork makes it impossible to keep within 900 mm or 1200mm respectively).”Paragraph, amend to read:“ In height: Above the ground, not less than 250 mm nor more than 900 mm (not more than 1,200 mm if grouped with any lamp(s), 1,500 mm if the shapeof the bodywork makes it impossible to keep within 900 mm or 1200 mmrespectively or if the presence of the device is not mandatory according toparagraph 6.17.1.).”Paragraph, amend to read:“ …However, for motor vehicles the length of which does not exceed 6 m, it issufficient to have one side retro-reflector fitted within the first third and/orone within the last third of the vehicle length. For M1 vehicles the length ofwhich exceeds 6 m but does not exceed 7 m it is sufficient to have one sideretro-reflector fitted not further than 3 m from the front and one within thelast third of the vehicle length.”E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1Paragraph, amend to read:“ …However, for vehicles the length of which does not exceed 6 m and forchassis-cabs it is sufficient to have one side-marker lamp fitted within thefirst third and/or within the last third of the vehicle length. For M1 vehiclesthe length of which exceeds 6 m but does not exceed 7 m it is sufficient tohave one side-marker lamp fitted not further than 3 m from the front and onewithin the last third of the vehicle length.”Paragraph 6.19., the reference to footnote 13 and footnote 13, renumber as footnote 14.Paragraph, the reference to footnote 14 and footnote 14, renumber as footnote 15. Paragraph, amend to read:“ In width: one cornering lamp shall be located on each side of the vehicle'smedian longitudinal plane.”Paragraphs and, the reference to footnote 15 and footnote 15,renumber as footnote 16.Paragraph, amend to read:“ Conspicuity markings shall be considered continuous if the distance betweenadjacent elements are as small as possible and do not exceed 50 per cent ofthe shortest adjacent element length. However, if the manufacturer can proveto the satisfaction of the authority responsible for type approval that it isimpossible to respect the value of 50 per cent, the distance between adjacentelements may be larger than 50 per cent of the shortest adjacent element, andit shall be as small as possible and not exceed 1000 mm.”Paragraph, the reference to footnote 16 and footnote 16, renumber asfootnote 17.Paragraph, the reference to footnote 17 and footnote 17, renumber asfootnote 18.Paragraph, the reference to footnote 18 and footnote 18, renumber asfootnote 19.Paragraph, the reference to footnote 19 and footnote 19, renumber as footnote 20.5E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.16Annex 3, amend to read:“Annex 3Examples of lamp surfaces, axes, centres of reference, andangles of geometric visibilityThese examples show some arrangements to aid the understanding of the provisions and arenot intended to be design restrictive.KEY for all examples in this Annex:1. Illuminating surface2. Axis of reference3. Centre of reference4. Angle of geometric visibility5. Light-emitting surface6. Apparent surface based on the illuminating surface 7a. Apparent surface based on the light-emitting surface according to paragraph 2.8.a (with outer lens)7b. Apparent surface based on the light-emitting surface according to paragraph 2.8.b (without outer lens) 8. Direction of visibility IO Inner optical partLG Light guideL Outer lensR ReflectorS Light sourceX Not part of this function F1 Function oneF2 Function twoPart 1 – Light emitting surface of a light-signalling device other than a retro-reflectorApparent surface based on Light Emitting SurfaceE/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1 E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.17 Part 2 – Illuminating surface of a light-signalling device other than a retro-reflectorScreens; other positions of the screens are possibleIlluminating surfaceResulting illuminating surface over all possible screenpositions,e.g. for the determination of maximum orminimum area specification.E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.18Part 3 – Examples of apparent surface based on illuminating surface in different directions of geometric visibilityApparent surface based on illuminatingsurfaceApparent surface based onilluminating surface Apparent surface based onilluminating surfaceE/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1 E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.19 Part 4 – Examples of apparent surface based on light emitting surface in different directions of geometric visibility+Apparent surfacebased on LightEmitting Surface Apparent surface based on Light Emitting SurfaceE/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.1E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.110Part 5 – Example of illuminating surface incomparison with light-emitting surface in the case of a “single function lamp” (See paragraphs 2.8. to 2.9 of this Regulation) Examples of a light source with a reflector optic behind an outer lens:Example 1:Example 2(Including the outer lens) (Excluding the non textured outer lens) Examples of a light source with a reflector optic with a inner lens behind an outer lens: Example 3:Example 4(Including the outer lens) (Excluding the non textured outer lens) Examples of a light source with a reflector optic with a partial inner lens behind an outer lens: Example 5:Example 6(Including the outer lens) (Excluding the non textured outer lens)11Example of a light guide optic behind an outer lens: Example 7:Example of a light guide optic or a reflector optic behind an outer lens: Example 8:SectionIn the case where the non textured outer lens is excluded, “7b” is theapparent surface according to paragraph 2.8. b, and F1 shall not transparent to F2In the case where the non textured outer lens is excluded, “7b” is theapparent surface according to paragraph 2.8. b.Section Section12Example of a light source with a reflector optic in combination with an area which is not part of this function, behind an outer lens:Example 9:Part 6 – Examples showing the determination of the light-emitting surface in comparison with illuminating surface (See paragraphs 2.8. and 2.9. of this Regulation) Note: Reflected light could / may contribute to the determination of the light emitting surface Example A:Illuminating surfaceDeclared Light-emitting surface according to 2.8.aEdges are a and b c and dIn the case where the non textured outer lens is excluded, “7b” is the apparentsurface according to paragraph 2.8. b.DECLARED AXIS OFREFERENCESurface of the lens shown flat for conveniencePROJECTED VIEW13Example B:Illuminating surfaceDeclared Light-emitting surface according to 2.8.aEdges are a and b c and dExample C:Example to determine the illuminating surface in combination with an area which is not part of the function:Illuminating surfaceEdges are a and bX is not part of this function Surface of the lens shown flat for convenienceDECLARED AXIS OF REFERENCEPROJECTED VIEWDECLARED AXIS OF REFERENCESurface of the lensShown flat forconveniencePROJECTED VIEW14Example D:Example to determine a light emitting surface according to 2.8.a in combination with an area which is not part of the function:Declared Light-emitting surface according to 2.8.aEdges are c-d and e-fExample E:Example to determine the apparent surface in combination with an area which is not part of the function and a non textured outer lens (according to 2.8.b):Declared Light emitting surface according to 2.8b. for exampleEdges are c’-d’ and e’-f’X is not part of this functionDECLARED AXIS OF REFERENCESurface of the lens Shown flat for conveniencePROJECTED VIEWDECLARED AXIS OF REFERENCEX is not part of this functionSurface of the lens Shown flat for conveniencePROJECTED VIEW15Part 7 – Examples to enable a decision regarding the reciprocal incorporation of two functionsIn the case with a textured outer lens and a wall in between:====================================================================In the case with a textured outer lens:====================================================================Not reciprocally incorporatedReciprocally incorporated16In the case where the non-textured outer lens is excluded:===================================================================In the case where the non-textured outer lens is excluded:NotreciprocallyincorporatedNotreciprocallyincorporatedNotreciprocallyincorporated17In the case where the outer lens (textured or not) is included:====================================================================In the case where the outer lens (textured or not) is included:====================================================================Reciprocally incorporatedReciprocally incorporatedReciprocally incorporated18In the case where the non-textured outer lens is excluded, “7b” is the apparent surfaceaccording to paragraph 2.8 and F1 shall not be transparent to F2:====================================================================In the case where the non-textured outer lens is excluded or not:====================================================================”F1 is notreciprocallyincorporatedwith F2Reciprocallyincorporated。
ECE系列标准序号代号法规名称1 ECE R1 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有R2/或HS1类灯丝灯泡的机动车前照灯的统一规定2 ECE R2 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光的前照灯用白炽电灯泡的统一规定3 ECE R3 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车回复反射装置的统一规定4 ECE R4 关于批准机动车辆(摩托车除外)及其挂车后牌照板照明装置的统一规定5 ECE R5 关于批准发射欧洲型不对称近光和/或远光机动车封闭式前照灯(SB) 的统一规定6 ECE R6 关于批准机动车及其挂车转向指示器的统一规定7 ECE R7 关于批准机动车(不含摩托车)及其挂车前后位置(侧边)灯、制动灯和示廓灯的统一规定8 ECE R8 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H1、H2、H3、 HB3、HB4、H7、H8、H9、HIR1、HIR2和/或H11)的机动车前照灯的统一规定9 ECE R9 关于就噪声方面批准L2、L4和L5类车辆的统一规定10 ECE R10 关于就电磁兼容性方面批准车辆的统一规定11 ECE R11 关于就门锁和车门保持件方面批准车辆的统一规定12 ECE R12 关于就碰撞中防止转向机构伤害驾驶员方面批准车辆的统一规定13 ECE R13 关于就制动方面批准M类、N类和O类车辆的统一规定14 ECE R13--H 关于就制动方面批准乘用车的统一规定(欧美日协调版)15 ECE R14 关于就安全带固定点方面批准车辆的统一规定16 ECE R15 关于就发动机气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火式发动机或压燃式发动机的车辆的统一规定--点火式发动机的功率测量方法---车辆的油耗测量方法17 ECE R16 关于:1批准机动车成年乘客用安全带和约束系统;2批准装用安全带的车辆的统一规定18 ECE R17 关于就座椅、座椅固定点和头枕方面批准车辆的统一规定19 ECE R18 关于就防盗方面批准机动车的统一规定20 ECE R19 关于批准机动车前雾灯的统一规定21 ECE R20 关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H4)的机动车前照灯的统一规定22 ECE R21 关于就内饰件方面批准车辆的统一规定23 ECE R22 关于批准摩托车轻便摩托车驾驶员及乘客用头盔和面罩的统一规定24 ECE R23 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车的倒车灯的统一规定25 ECE R24 关于1.就可见污染物排放方面批准压燃式(C.I)发动机; 2.就已获得型式批准的C.I.发动机的安装方面批准机动车; 3. 就发动机可见污染物排放方面批准装用C.I.发动机的车辆; 4 .C.I.发动机的功率测量的统一规定26 ECE R25 关于批准与车辆座椅一体或非一体的头枕的统一规定27 ECE R26 关于就外部凸出物方面批准车辆的统一规定28 ECE R27 关于批准提前三角警告牌的统一规定29 ECE R28 关于就声响信号方面批准声报警装置和机动车辆的统一规定30 ECE R29 关于就商用车辆驾驶室乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定31 ECE R30 关于批准机动车及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定32 ECE R31 关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光的卤素封闭式(HSB)机动车前照灯的统一规定33 ECE R32 关于就追尾碰撞中被撞车辆的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定34 ECE R33 关于就正面冲撞中被撞的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定35 ECE R34 关于就火灾预防方面批准车辆的统一规定36 ECE R35 关于就脚控制件的布置方面批准车辆的统一规定37 ECE R36 关于就一般结构方面批准大型客车的统一规定38 ECE R37 关于批准用于已经批准的机动车和挂车灯具中的白炽灯的统一规定39 ECE R38 关于批准机动车和挂车后雾灯的统一规定40 ECE R39 关于就车速表及其安装方面批准车辆的统一规定41 ECE R40 关于就发动机气体污染物的排放方面批准装有点火式发动机的摩托车的统一规定42 ECE R41 关于就噪声方面批准摩托车的统一规定43 ECE R42 关于就车辆前、后保护装置(保险杠等)批准车辆的统一规定44 ECE R43 关于批准安全玻璃材料的统一规定45 ECE R44 关于批准机动车儿童乘客约束装置(儿童约束系统)的统一规定46 ECE R45 关于就前照灯清洗器方面批准机动车辆和批准前照灯清洗器的统一规定47 ECE R46 关于批准后视镜和就后视镜的安装方面批准机动车辆的统一规定48 ECE R47 关于就发动机的气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火发动机的轻便摩托车的统一规定49 ECE R48 关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定50 ECE R49 关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准压燃式发动机、天然气发动机和燃用液化石油气的点燃式发动机以及装有这些发动机的车辆的统一规定51 ECE R50 关于批准轻便摩托车、摩托车及其类似车辆前后位置灯、制动灯、转向信号灯和后牌照板照明装置的统一规定52 ECE R51 关于就噪声排放方面批准四轮及四轮以上机动车的统一规定53 ECE R52 关于就一般结构方面批准小型公共运输车辆(M2、M3)的统一规定54 ECE R53 关于就灯光及光信号装置的安装方面批准L3类车辆(摩托车)的统一规定55 ECE R54 关于批准商用车辆及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定56 ECE R55 关于批准汽车列车机械联结件的统一规定57 ECE R56 关于批准轻便摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定58 ECE R57 关于批准摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定59 ECE R58 关于1.批准后下部防护装置; 2.就已批准的后下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆; 3.就后下部防护装置方面批准车辆的统一规定60 ECE R59 关于批准备用消声系统的统一规定61 ECE R60 关于就驾驶员操纵的控制件,包括控制件、信号装置和指示器的识别方面批准两轮摩托车的统一规定62 ECE R61 关于就驾驶室后挡板之前的外部凸出物方面批准商用车的统一规定63 ECE R62 关于就防盗方面批准带有操纵把的机动车的统一规定64 ECE R63 关于就噪声方面批准两轮轻便摩托车的统一规定65 ECE R64 关于批准装有应急备用车轮/轮胎的车辆的统一规定66 ECE R65 关于批准机动车特别警告灯的统一规定67 ECE R66 关于就上部结构强度方面批准大型客车的统一规定68 ECE R67 关于:1批准在其驱动系统中使用液化石油气的机动车辆特殊装置;2 在这一装置的安装方面批准装用使其驱动系统使用液化石油气的特殊装置的车辆的统一规定69 ECE R68 关于就最大车速的测量方面批准包括纯电动车辆在内的机动车的统一规定70 ECE R69 关于批准低速车辆及其挂车后标志牌的统一规定71 ECE R70 关于批准重,长型车辆后标志牌的统一规定72 ECE R71 关于就驾驶员视野方面批准农用拖拉机的统一规定73 ECE R72 关于批准发射非对称近光和远光并装有卤素灯(HS1灯)的摩托车前大灯统一规定74 ECE R73 关于就侧防护方面批准货车、挂车和半挂车的统一规定75 ECE R74 关于就灯光和光信号装置方面批准L1类车辆的统一规定76 ECE R75 关于批准摩托车和轻便摩托车气压轮胎的统一规定77 ECE R76 关于批准发射远光和近光的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定78 ECE R77 关于批准机动车驻车灯的统一规定79 ECE R78 关于就制动方面批准L类车辆的统一规定80 ECE R79 关于就转向装置方面批准车辆的统一规定81 ECE R80 关于就座椅及其固定点方面批准大型客车座椅和车辆的统一规定82 ECE R81 关于就车把上后视镜的安装方面批准后视镜及带与不带边斗的二轮机动车的统一规定83 ECE R82 关于批准装有卤素灯丝灯泡(HS2)的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定84 ECE R83 关于根据发动机燃油要求就污染物排放方面批准车辆的统一规定85 ECE R84 关于就油耗测量方面批准装有内燃机的机动车的统一规定86 ECE R85 关于就净功率和最大30分钟电传动系功率的测量方面批准用于驱动M和N类机动车辆的内燃机或电传动系的统一规定87 ECE R86 关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准农林拖拉机的统一规定88 ECE R87 换向批准机动车白天行车灯的统一规定89 ECE R88 关于批准摩托车反光轮胎的统一规定90 ECE R89 关于1.就最高车速限制或其可调车速限制功能方面批准车辆; 2.就已批准型式的最高车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的安装方面批准车辆; 3.批准车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的统一规定91 ECE R90 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车用可更替制动衬片总成和鼓式制动器衬片的统一规定92 ECE R91 关于批准机动车及其挂车侧标志灯的统一规定93 ECE R92 关于批准摩托车、轻便摩托车和三轮车辆非原装可更换排气消声系统的统一规定94 ECE R93 关于1.批准前下部防护装置; 2.就已批准型式的前下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆; 3.就前下部防护方面批准车辆的统一规定95 ECE R94 关于就前碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定96 ECE R95 关于就侧碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定97 ECE R96 关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准农林拖拉机和非道路机动机械装用的压燃式发动机的统一规定98 ECE R97 关于批准车辆报警系统和就报警系统方面批准机动车辆的统一规定99 ECE R98 关于批准装用气体放电光源的机动车前照灯的统一规定100 ECE R99 关于批准用于已获得型式批准的机动车气体放电灯具的气体放电光源的统一规定101 ECE R100 关于就结构、功能安全性和氢排放的特殊要求方面批准蓄电池电动车辆的统一规定102 ECE R101 关于就CO2排放和油耗的测量方面批准装用内燃机的乘用车和就电能消耗量和范围的测量方面批准装用电传动系的M1和N1类车辆的统一规定103 ECE R102 关于1.批准紧耦合装置;2.就已批准的紧耦合装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定。
ECE R115 第4次修订
GE.10-Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions forWheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or beUsed on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for ReciprocalRecognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions *(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)Addendum 114: Regulation No. 115 Amendment 4Supplement 4 to the original version of the Regulation: Date of entry into force: 19 August 2010Uniform provisions concerning the approval of:I Specific LPG (liquefied petroleum gases) retrofit systems to beinstalled in motor vehicles for the use of LPG in their propulsionsystemII. Specific CNG (compressed natural gas) retrofit systems to beinstalled in motor vehicles for the use of CNG in their propulsionsystemUNITED NATIONS* Former title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions ofApproval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, don’t atGeneva on 20 March 1958.E /ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4−E /ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.412 October 2010E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.42The text of the Regulation, amend to read:“Regulation No. 115Uniform provisions concerning the approval of:I. Specific LPG (liquefied petroleum gases) retrofit systemsto be installed in motor vehicles for the use of LPG intheir propulsion systemII. Specific CNG (compressed natural gas) retrofit systems to be installed in motor vehicles for the use of CNG intheir propulsion system1. ScopeThis Regulation applies to:1.1. Part I: Specific LPG retrofit systems to be installed in motor vehicles forthe use of LPG in the propulsion system.Part II: Specific CNG retrofit systems to be installed in motor vehicles forthe use of CNG in the propulsion system.1.2. This Regulation applies when the retrofit systems manufacturer keep theinitial characteristics of the whole system, for the specific vehicle family forwhich the approval has been granted.1.3. This Regulation does not apply to the procedures, checks and inspectionsaimed at verifying the correct installation of the retrofit systems on vehicles,since this matter relies on the competence of the Contracting Party ofCountry where the vehicle is registered.1.4. This Regulation applies to retrofit systems intended to be fitted on vehicles ofcategories M and N, with the exception of:(a) Vehicles type-approved pursuant to Regulation No. 83, series ofamendments 00 or 01 or 02 or 03 or 04 series,(b) Vehicles type-approved pursuant to Regulation No. 49, series ofamendments 00 or 01 or 02 or 03 series,(c) Vehicles type-approved pursuant to EC Directive 70/220/EEC up toand including the amending Directive 96/69/EC,(d) Vehicles type-approved pursuant to EC Directive 88/77/EEC up toand including the amending Directive 96/1/EC.1.5. The requirements for the different categories (M1, N1 or others) are defined inparagraphs 2. to 7.1.Once the retrofit system is installed in the vehicle, the modified vehicle shallfulfil all the provisions of the Regulation for which the type approval hasbeen initially granted.1Regarding safety requirements, it is recommended that the minimum requirements of RegulationNo. 67, 01 series of amendments and Regulation No. 110 shall apply to all retrofitted vehicles.E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4 2. Definitions2.1. “Approval of an LPG or CNG retrofit system” means the approval of the typeof retrofit system to be installed in motor vehicles for the use of LPG orCNG.2.1.1. Specific LPG retrofit system of an approved type may consist of severalcomponents as classified and approved according to Regulation No. 67, 01series of amendments, Part I and the specific vehicle instruction manual.2.1.2. Specific CNG retrofit system of an approved type may consist of severalcomponents as classified and approved according to Regulation No. 110, PartI and the specific vehicle instruction manual.2.1.3. “A vehicle is considered mono-fuel”, when, after the retrofit operation, it isequipped with a petrol tank of capacity ≤ 15 litres, that can only be used to“limp-home”.2.1.4. “A vehicle is considered bi-fuel”, when after the retrofit, it is equipped tooperate on both petrol and LPG or CNG, with a petrol tank capacityexceeding 15 litres.2.1.5. “Master-slave system” means a retrofit system in which the LPG ElectronicControl Unit (ECU) or CNG ECU is able to translate the petrol ECU controlstrategy in LPG or CNG operation.2.1.6. “Original vehicle” means a vehicle before the installation of the retrofitsystem.2.2. “Specific LPG or CNG retrofit system of an approved type” means systems,which do not differ in such respect as:2.2.1. Retrofit system manufacturer (responsible for retrofit approval application);2.2.2. Pressure regulator/vaporiser type by the same manufacturer;2.2.3. Gas fuelling system type by the same manufacturer (i.e. induction mixer,injector device, vapour or liquid, single or multi-point injection system);2.2.4. Sensors and actuators set types;2.2.5. The fuel container type (i.e. LPG liquid take off / vapour pressure, LPGvapour take off, LPG liquid take off / pressurized by pump, pressurized CNGtake off), the safety devices and fuel container accessories, as required byRegulation No. 67, 01 series of amendments, or Regulation No. 110, whereapplicable (i.e. relief valve);2.2.6. Fuel container fitting devices;Note:With respect to paragraphs 2.2.4., 2.2.5. and 2.2.6., the manufacturer of the retrofitcan insert in his installation manual other components, included in the approval, as interchangeable items (see para. 7).2.2.7. ECU type by the same manufacturer;2.2.8. Basic software principles and control strategy;2.2.9. Installation manual (see para. 7);2.2.10. End-user manual (see para. 7).2.3. “System manufacturer” means an organization which can assume technicalresponsibility for the manufacturing of LPG and CNG retrofit systems and3E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.44can demonstrate that it possesses the features required and the necessarymeans to achieve quality assessment and conformity of production of theretrofit system.2.4. “Installer” means an organization which can assume technical responsibilityfor the correct and safe installation of the approved LPG and CNG retrofitsystem, in conformity with respectively paragraphs and ofthis Regulation2.2.5. For the purposes of this Regulation, “the parent vehicle”, with regard both toLPG system and to CNG system, means a vehicle that is selected to act as thevehicle, on which the requirements of this Regulation are going to bedemonstrated, and to which the members of a family refer.2.5.1. According to this Regulation, “a member of the family” is a vehicle sharingthe following essential characteristics with its parent vehicle:The family definition is based on the original vehicle characteristics. (a) It is produced by the same vehicle manufacturer.(b) It is classified in the same category M1 or M2 or M3 or N1 or N2 or N3.Vehicles of category M1 and N1 class I may belong to the same family.(c) It is subject to the same emission limits or those specified in earlier seriesof amendments of the applicable Regulation.(d) If the gas fuelling system has a central metering for the whole engine: ithas an approved power output between 0.7 and 1.15 times that of theengine of the parent vehicle. If the gas fuelling system as an individualmetering per cylinder: it has an approved power output per cylinderbetween 0.7 and 1.15 times that of the engine of the parent vehicle.(e) Fuel feed and combustion process (injection: direct or indirect, single-point or multi-point).(f) It has the same pollution control system:(i) Same type of catalyst if fitted (three-way, oxidation, DeNO x)(ii) Air injection (with or without)(iii) Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) (with or without)If the tested vehicle was not equipped with air-injection or EGR, engineswith these devices are allowed. With regard to the requirement of paragraph, the vehicle familycan also cover vehicles produced by other vehicle manufacturers if it can bedemonstrated to the type approval authority that the same engine type andemission strategy is used. With regard to requirement of paragraph the bounds of the legislative power of the Contracting Party, as stated in paragraph 1.3. of this Regulation, in order to ensure a proper qualification of the installer, it is recommended to requirevalid certificates, issued by the system manufacturer and/or by skilled organizations, attesting the personnel's necessary expertise and the workshop's suitability to carry out retrofit system's installation.E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4(a) In the case of a central metering for the whole vehicle where ademonstration shows that two gas fuelled vehicles could be membersof the same family with the exception of their approved power output,respectively P1 and P2 (P1 < P2), and both are tested as if they wereparent vehicles, the family relation will be considered valid for anyvehicle with an approved power output between 0.7*P1 and 1.15*P2;(b) In the case of an individual metering per cylinder where ademonstration shows two gas fuelled vehicles could be members ofthe same family with the exception of their approved power output,respectively P1 and P2 (P1 < P2), and both are tested as if they wereparent vehicles, the family relation will be considered valid for anyvehicle with an approved power output between 0.7*P1 and 1.15*P2. With regard to the requirement of paragraph in case of a “master-slave” system, as defined in paragraph 2.1.6., the family relation will beconsidered valid regardless of the presence of the air injection or the EGR.2.6. For definitions of the components of LPG retrofit systems refer toRegulation No. 67, 01 series of amendments.2.7. For definitions of the components of CNG retrofit systems refer toRegulation No. 110.3. Application for approval3.1. The application for approval of a specific retrofit system shall be submittedby the manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative.3.2. It shall be accompanied by the under-mentioned documents in triplicate andby the following details:3.2.1. Description of the retrofit system comprising all the relevant details, includedthe approval numbers of each component referred to in Annex 3A to thisRegulation for LPG system and Annex 3B to this Regulation for CNGsystem;3.2.2. Description of the parent vehicle(s) on which the requirements of thisRegulation are going to be tested;3.2.3. Description of all modifications applied to the original parent vehicle, only incase of bi-fuel configuration;3.2.4. Verification of compliance with the specifications prescribed in paragraph 6of this Regulation;3.2.5. If needed for the purpose of paragraph 5.2., notice of approval of the retrofitsystem for a parent vehicle which is different from those the approval isapplied for, certifying that the retrofit system has been approved as a“master-slave” system, as defined in paragraph Installation manual(s) for the retrofit system installation on the parentvehicle(s).3.4. End-user manual.3.5 A sample of the specific retrofit system, properly installed in the parentvehicle(s).5E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.464. Markings4.1. The sample(s) of a specific retrofit system submitted to type approval shall beaccompanied by a plate with the trade name or mark of the retrofitmanufacturer and the type, as indicated in Annexes 2A and 2B.4.2. All retrofit systems, installed in the vehicle belonging to the family, asdefined in paragraph 2., shall be identified by a plate, in which the approvalnumber, and the technical specifications, as required in Annexes 2A and 2Bshall be placed. This plate has to be permanently fixed to the structure of thevehicle and shall be clearly readable and indelible.5. Approval5.1. If the retrofit system sample submitted for approval meets the requirementsof paragraph 6. of this Regulation, the type approval of the retrofit systemshall be granted.5.2. Retrofit systems, which have already been approved as “master-slave”systems on at least one parent vehicle, do not need to comply withparagraph or of this Regulation.5.3. An approval number shall be assigned to each type of the retrofit systemapproved. Its first two digits (at present 00 according to the Regulation in itsoriginal form) shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the mostrecent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time ofissue of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign the sametype approval number to another type of retrofit system.5.4. Notice of approval or of refusal or of extension of approval of a retrofitsystem type/part pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to theParties to the Agreement applying this Regulation, by means of a formconforming to the model in Annexes 1A and 1B to this Regulation.5.5. An international approval mark shall be affixed in the plate as indicated inAnnexes 2A and 2B, to all retrofit systems, conforming to a type approvedunder this Regulation, in addition to the mark prescribed in thisparagraph 4.1. This approval mark shall consist of:E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4 5.5.1. A circle surrounding the letter “E” followed by the distinguishing number ofthe country which has granted the approval3;5.5.2. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter “R”, a dash and theapproval number to the right of the circle defined in paragraph 5.5.1. Theapproval number consists of the retrofit system type approval number, whichappears in the communication form for this type (see paragraph 5.2. andAnnexes 1A and 1B) preceded by two figures indicating the latest series ofamendments to this Regulation.5.6. The approval mark shall be clearly readable and be indelible.5.7. Annexes 2A and 2B to this Regulation give examples of the arrangement ofthe aforesaid plate with approval mark.6. Specifications regarding the retrofit systems6.1. Part I - LPG retrofit system specifications:6.1.1. Requirements for the installation of specific equipment for the use of LPG inthe propulsion system of a vehicle6.1.1.1. An LPG retrofit system shall consist at least of the following components: Components indicated in Regulation No. 67, 01 series of amendments anddefined as necessary, Installation manual, End-user manual. The LPG retrofit system may also include components indicated as optionalin Regulation No. 67, 01 series of amendments. The LPG retrofit system installed in the vehicle, in a proper way as defined inthe above installation manual, shall comply with the installation requirementsof Regulation No. 67, 01 series of amendments. Concerning the fixation ofthe fuel container, the requirements of Regulation No. 67, 01 series ofamendments shall be deemed to be met if the requirements of Annex 5 to thepresent Regulation are satisfied.3 1 for Germany, 2 for France, 3 for Italy,4 for the Netherlands,5 for Sweden,6 for Belgium,7 forHungary, 8 for the Czech Republic, 9 for Spain, 10 for Serbia and Montenegro, 11 for the UnitedKingdom, 12 for Austria, 13 for Luxembourg, 14 for Switzerland, 15 (vacant), 16 for Norway, 17 forFinland, 18 for Denmark, 19 for Romania, 20 for Poland, 21 for Portugal, 22 for Russian Federation, 23for Greece, 24 for Ireland, 25 for Croatia, 26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 forEstonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32 for Latvia, 33 (vacant), 34 for Bulgaria,35 (vacant), 36 for Lithuania, 37 for Turkey, 38 (vacant), 39 for Azerbaijan, 40 for The former YugoslavRepublic of Macedonia, 41 (vacant), 42 for the European Union (Approvals are granted by its MemberStates using their respective ECE symbol), 43 for Japan, 44 (vacant), 45 for Australia, 46 for Ukraine, 47for South Africa, 48 for New Zealand, 49 for Cyprus, 50 for Malta, 51 for the Republic of Korea, 52 forMalaysia, 53 for Thailand, 54 and 55 (vacant), 56 for Montenegro, 57 (vacant) and 58 for Tunisia.Subsequent numbers shall be assigned to other countries in the chronological order in which they ratifythe Agreement Concerning the Adoption for Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles,Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions forReciprocal Recognition of Approval Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, and the numbers, andthe numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to theContracting Parties to the Agreement.7E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.486.1.2. Pollutants emissions and CO2emissions (for category M1and N1vehiclesonly) One LPG retrofit system sample, as described in paragraph 2.2. of thisRegulation, installed into the parent vehicle(s), as described in paragraph 2.5.of this Regulation, shall be submitted to the test procedures described inRegulations No. 834 and No. 101, or No. 495, where applicable, in the limitsof the requirements of paragraphs vehicles and/orthe engines are also submitted to a maximum power comparison test, asdescribed in Regulation No. 85 for engines, or defined in paragraph 6.1.3.below for vehicles. requirements by the engine: the type of fuel normally used by the enginecould be:(a) LPG only (mono-fuel)(b) Both unleaded petrol or LPG (bi-fuel)(c) Both diesel fuel or diesel fuel and LPG(dual fuel)(Provisions for dual fuel have still to be defined). “Pollutants” means:(a) Carbon monoxide(b) Hydrocarbons assuming a ratio:CH1,85 for petrol,CH1,86 for diesel fuel,CH2,52 for LPG,CH (to be defined) for dual fuel;(c) Oxides of nitrogen, the latter being expressed in nitrogen dioxide(NO2) equivalent.(d) Particulates, etc. Exhaust emissions and CO2 emissions (M1 and N1 category of vehicles): Specific requirements on the Type I test (verifying the average exhaustemissions after a cold start) as defined in Regulation No. 83, 05 series ofamendments (for vehicles having the maximum mass notexceeding 3,500 kg): Measurements of tailpipe emissions shall be performed after a cold start witheach fuel:(a) Reference petrol,(b) Reference LPG A,(c) Reference LPG B.4According to Regulation No. 83, the series of amendments in force during the initial type approval of the engine.5According to Regulation No. 49, the series of amendments in force during the initial type approval of the engine.E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4 The emissions of CO, HC, and NO x are calculated according RegulationNo. 834. Setting of the dynamometerWith the agreement of the type approval authority, one of the followingmethods may be used: Using of coast-down factors/coefficients of the original vehicle:In case coast-down coefficients of the original vehicle used during the typeapproval are used, the following conditions shall apply:(a) The parent vehicle mass shall be measured with the retrofit systeminstalled on the vehicle including the LPG tank fully filled up or shallbe calculated as the sum of the original vehicle reference mass and themass of the retrofit system with the LPG tank fully filled up;(b) The inertia mass of the parent vehicle shall be determined accordingto the mass of the retrofitted vehicle;(c) The rolling resistance of the parent vehicle shall correspond to theoriginal vehicle value proportionally adjusted to the parent vehiclemass measured or calculated as above:F0' = f0 + (abs(f0))*(p/m)Where:F'0 = rolling resistance of the parent vehiclef0 = rolling resistance of the original vehiclem = reference mass of the original vehiclep = retrofit system mass;(d) The other coefficients of the resistance of the parent vehicle shall beequal to that of the original vehicle. Using of the table values:(a) The parent vehicle mass shall be measured with the retrofit systeminstalled on the vehicle including the LPG tank fully filled up or shallbe calculated as the sum of the original vehicle reference mass and themass of the retrofit system with the LPG tank fully filled up;(b) The inertia mass of the parent vehicle shall be determined accordingto the mass of the retrofitted vehicle;(c) The coefficient a shall be the one corresponding to the reference massof the retrofitted vehicle;(d) The coefficient b shall be the one corresponding to the reference massof the original vehicle. Subject to the requirements of paragraph, the tests shall berepeated three times using reference petrol. The parent vehicle(s), equippedwith the retrofit system, shall comply with the limit values according to thetype approval of the original vehicle(s) including the deterioration factorsapplied during the type approval of the original vehicle(s). Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph, for eachpollutant or combination of pollutants, one of the three test results may9E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.4E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.114/Amend.410exceed, by not more than 10 per cent, the limit prescribed, provided that thearithmetical mean of the three results is below the prescribed limit. Where theprescribed limits are exceeded for more than one pollutant, it is immaterialwhether this occurs in the same test or in different tests. The number of emission tests prescribed in paragraph may bereduced under the following conditions:(a) One test is required if the result obtained for each pollutant subject tolimitation is less than or equal to 0.7 the emission limit(i.e. V1 ≤ 0.70 G);(b) Two tests are required if, for each pollutant subject to limitation thefollowing requirements are met:V1 ≤ 0.85 G and V1 + V2 ≤ 1.70 G and V2 ≤ Gwhere:V1 value of the emission of one pollutant obtained from the firsttest of the Type I performed;V2 value of the emission of one pollutant obtained from the secondtest of the Type I performed;G limit value of the emissions of one pollutant (CO/HC/NO x)according to the type approval of the vehicle(s) divided by thedeterioration factors. Subject to the requirements of paragraph, the tests shall berepeated three times with each reference LPG. The parent vehicle, equippedwith the retrofit system, shall comply with the limit values according to thetype approval of the original vehicle(s) including the deterioration factorsapplied during the type approval of the original vehicle(s).If the parent vehicle complies with Regulation No. 83, 05 series ofamendments, or with Directive 98/69/EC, or with Regulation No. 49, 04series of amendments, or with Directive 1999/96/EC, the vehicle shall notuse petrol for more than a maximum of 90 seconds during each test.For vehicles complying with later series of amendments to RegulationsNos. 83 and 49, or later amending Directives or European Regulations, thisperiod shall not exceed 60 seconds. Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph, for eachpollutant or combination of pollutants, one of the three test results mayexceed, by not more than 10 per cent, the limit prescribed, provided that thearithmetical mean of the three results is below the prescribed limit. In thiscase the prescribed limits may be exceeded for more than one pollutant in thesame test or in different tests. The number of emission tests prescribed in paragraph on eachLPG reference fuel may be reduced under the following conditions:(a) One test is required if the result obtained for each pollutant or for thecombined emission of two pollutants subject to limitation is less thanor equal to 0.7 the emission limit (i.e. M1≤ 0.70 G);11 (b) Two tests are required if, for each pollutant or for the combined emission of two pollutants subject to limitation the following requirements are met: M 1 ≤ 0.85 G and M 1 + M 2 ≤ 1.70 G and M 2 ≤ G where: M 1 value of the emission of one pollutant obtained from the first test of the Type I performed; M 2 value of the emission of one pollutant obtained from the second test of the Type I performed; G limit value of the emissions of one pollutant (CO/HC/NO x ) or the sum of two pollutants (HC + NO x ) according to the type approval of the vehicle(s) divided by the deterioration factors. requirements on the Type II test (carbon monoxide emission test at idling speed) for vehicles having a maximum mass exceeding 3,500 kg: LPG retrofit system sample, as described in paragraph 2.2. of this Regulation, installed into the parent vehicle, as described in paragraph 2.5. of this Regulation, shall be submitted to the Type II test procedures described in Regulation No. 83. the provisions of Annex 5 of Regulation No. 83, 05 series of amendments, the Type II test shall be performed at the request of the system manufacturer with only one LPG reference fuel chosen at the discretion of the type approval technical service responsible for the test. of the CO 2 emissions and fuel consumption (for M 1 and N 1 category of vehicles). emissions of CO 2 are calculated according to Regulation No. 101 for each parent vehicle, if applicable. The mean of CO 2 emissions shall be calculated as follows:where: i number of parent vehicles (i = 1 to n)CO 2Ai mean value of the emissions of CO 2 obtained from the threeType I tests with the retrofit system and with LPG A forvehicle No. i,CO 2Bi mean value of the emissions of CO 2 obtained from the threeType I tests with the retrofit system and with LPG B forvehicle No. i;CO 2petrol.i mean value of the emissions of CO 2 obtained from the threeType I tests with reference petrol for vehicle No. i.CO 2LPG =1/n (CO 2Ai +CO 2Bi i =1n )/2∑CO petrol n COpetrol ii n 2121==∑/.12 The mean fuel consumption shall be calculated in the same way as for themean of CO 2 emissions, as defined in paragraph The ratios of CO 2 emissions and fuel consumption shall be calculated as follows: K CO = CO 2LPG / CO 2petrol 2 K Cons = Cons LPG / Cons petrolFor each vehicle of the family, the official values of CO 2 emissions are multiplied by the above ratios. emissions (M 2, M 3, N 2 and N 3 categories of vehicles)This paragraph is reserved for the specific requirements for emissions of diesel engines approved according to Regulation No. 49 and equipped with a retrofit LPG system (dual fuel) if required. 6.1.3.Power requirementsThe parent vehicle(s) or engine(s) are submitted to the tests as follows: LPG retrofit system sample as described in paragraph 2.2. of this Regulation, installed in the parent vehicle(s) or on the parent engine(s) shall be submitted to the test procedures of paragraph or The measured power with LPG shall be lower than that measured with petrol + 5 per cent. dynamometer method:The maximum power at the wheels is measured on a chassis dynamometer on each parent vehicle with the following fuels: (a) Reference petrol, (b) Reference LPG A or B, The mean of power measurements shall be calculated as follows: The ratio of engine power shall be calculated as follows: K power = Power LPG / Power petrol For each vehicle of the family, the official values of engine power are multiplied by the above ratio. dynamometer method:The maximum power at the crankshaft is measured on an engine dynamometer according to Regulation No. 85 for each parent vehicle(s) with the following fuels: Power petrol 1/n Power petrol i i=1n = .∑Power LPG 1/n Power LPG i i=1n = .∑。
序号代号法规名称1ECE R1关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有R2/或HS1类灯丝灯泡的机动车前照灯的统一规定2ECE R2关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光的前照灯用白炽电灯泡的统一规定3ECE R3关于批准机动车辆及其挂车回复反射装置的统一规定4ECE R4关于批准机动车辆(摩托车除外)及其挂车后牌照板照明装置的统一规定5ECE R5关于批准发射欧洲型不对称近光和/或远光机动车封闭式前照灯(SB)的统一规定6ECE R6关于批准机动车及其挂车转向指示器的统一规定7ECE R7关于批准机动车(不含摩托车)及其挂车前后位置(侧边)灯、制动灯和示廓灯的统一规定8ECE R8关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H1、H2、H3、HB3、HB4、H7、H8、H9、HIR1、HIR2和/或H11)的机动车前照灯的统一规定9ECE R9关于就噪声方面批准L2、L4和L5类车辆的统一规定10ECE R10关于就电磁兼容性方面批准车辆的统一规定11ECE R11关于就门锁和车门保持件方面批准车辆的统一规定12ECE R12关于就碰撞中防止转向机构伤害驾驶员方面批准车辆的统一规定13ECE R13关于就制动方面批准M类、N类和O类车辆的统一规定14ECE R13--H关于就制动方面批准乘用车的统一规定(欧美日协调版)15ECE R14关于就安全带固定点方面批准车辆的统一规定16ECER15关于就发动机气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火式发动机或压燃式发动机的车辆的统一规定--点火式发动机的功率测量方法---车辆的油耗测量方法17ECE R16关于:1批准机动车成年乘客用安全带和约束系统;2批准装用安全带的车辆的统一规定18ECE R17关于就座椅、座椅固定点和头枕方面批准车辆的统一规定19ECE R18关于就防盗方面批准机动车的统一规定20ECE R19关于批准机动车前雾灯的统一规定21ECE R20关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H4)的机动车前照灯的统一规定22ECE R21关于就内饰件方面批准车辆的统一规定23ECE R22关于批准摩托车轻便摩托车驾驶员及乘客用头盔和面罩的统一规定24ECE R23关于批准机动车辆及其挂车的倒车灯的统一规定25ECER24关于1.就可见污染物排放方面批准压燃式(C.I)发动机;2.就已获得型式批准的C.I.发动机的安装方面批准机动车;3.就发动机可见污染物排放方面批准装用C.I.发动机的车辆;4 .C.I.发动机的功率测量的统一规定26ECE R25关于批准与车辆座椅一体或非一体的头枕的统一规定27ECE R26关于就外部凸出物方面批准车辆的统一规定28ECE R27关于批准提前三角警告牌的统一规定29ECE R28关于就声响信号方面批准声报警装置和机动车辆的统一规定30ECE R29关于就商用车辆驾驶室乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定31ECE R30关于批准机动车及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定32ECE R31关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光的卤素封闭式(HSB)机动车前照灯的统一规定33ECE R32关于就追尾碰撞中被撞车辆的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定34ECE R33关于就正面冲撞中被撞的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定35ECE R34关于就火灾预防方面批准车辆的统一规定36ECE R35关于就脚控制件的布置方面批准车辆的统一规定37ECE R36关于就一般结构方面批准大型客车的统一规定38ECE R37关于批准用于已经批准的机动车和挂车灯具中的白炽灯的统一规定39ECE R38关于批准机动车和挂车后雾灯的统一规定41ECE R40关于就发动机气体污染物的排放方面批准装有点火式发动机的摩托车的统一规定42ECE R41关于就噪声方面批准摩托车的统一规定43ECE R42关于就车辆前、后保护装置(保险杠等)批准车辆的统一规定44ECE R43关于批准安全玻璃材料的统一规定45ECE R44关于批准机动车儿童乘客约束装置(儿童约束系统)的统一规定46ECE R45关于就前照灯清洗器方面批准机动车辆和批准前照灯清洗器的统一规定47ECE R46关于批准后视镜和就后视镜的安装方面批准机动车辆的统一规定48ECE R47关于就发动机的气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火发动机的轻便摩托车的统一规定49ECE R48关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定50ECE R49关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准压燃式发动机、天然气发动机和燃用液化石油气的点燃式发动机以及装有这些发动机的车辆的统一规定51ECER50关于批准轻便摩托车、摩托车及其类似车辆前后位置灯、制动灯、转向信号灯和后牌照板照明装置的统一规定52ECE R51关于就噪声排放方面批准四轮及四轮以上机动车的统一规定53ECE R52关于就一般结构方面批准小型公共运输车辆(M2、M3)的统一规定54ECE R53关于就灯光及光信号装置的安装方面批准L3类车辆(摩托车)的统一规定55ECE R54关于批准商用车辆及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定56ECE R55关于批准汽车列车机械联结件的统一规定57ECE R56关于批准轻便摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定58ECE R57关于批准摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定59ECER58关于1.批准后下部防护装置;2.就已批准的后下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.就后下部防护装置方面批准车辆的统一规定60ECE R59关于批准备用消声系统的统一规定61ECE R60关于就驾驶员操纵的控制件,包括控制件、信号装置和指示器的识别方面批准两轮摩托车的统一规定62ECE R61关于就驾驶室后挡板之前的外部凸出物方面批准商用车的统一规定63ECE R62关于就防盗方面批准带有操纵把的机动车的统一规定64ECE R63关于就噪声方面批准两轮轻便摩托车的统一规定65ECE R64关于批准装有应急备用车轮/轮胎的车辆的统一规定66ECE R65关于批准机动车特别警告灯的统一规定67ECE R66关于就上部结构强度方面批准大型客车的统一规定68ECE R67关于:1批准在其驱动系统中使用液化石油气的机动车辆特殊装置;2在这一装置的安装方面批准装用使其驱动系统使用液化石油气的特殊装置的车辆的统一规定69ECE R68关于就最大车速的测量方面批准包括纯电动车辆在内的机动车的统一规定70ECE R69关于批准低速车辆及其挂车后标志牌的统一规定71ECE R70关于批准重,长型车辆后标志牌的统一规定72ECE R71关于就驾驶员视野方面批准农用拖拉机的统一规定73ECE R72关于批准发射非对称近光和远光并装有卤素灯(HS1灯)的摩托车前大灯统一规定74ECE R73关于就侧防护方面批准货车、挂车和半挂车的统一规定75ECE R74关于就灯光和光信号装置方面批准L1类车辆的统一规定76ECE R75关于批准摩托车和轻便摩托车气压轮胎的统一规定77ECE R76关于批准发射远光和近光的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定78ECE R77关于批准机动车驻车灯的统一规定79ECE R78关于就制动方面批准L类车辆的统一规定80ECE R79关于就转向装置方面批准车辆的统一规定81ECE R80关于就座椅及其固定点方面批准大型客车座椅和车辆的统一规定83ECE R82关于批准装有卤素灯丝灯泡(HS2)的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定84ECE R83关于根据发动机燃油要求就污染物排放方面批准车辆的统一规定85ECE R84关于就油耗测量方面批准装有内燃机的机动车的统一规定86ECE R85关于就净功率和最大30分钟电传动系功率的测量方面批准用于驱动M和N类机动车辆的内燃机或电传动系的统一规定87ECE R86关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准农林拖拉机的统一规定88ECE R87换向批准机动车白天行车灯的统一规定89ECE R88关于批准摩托车反光轮胎的统一规定90ECE R89关于1.就最高车速限制或其可调车速限制功能方面批准车辆;2.就已批准型式的最高车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.批准车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的统一规定91ECE R90关于批准机动车辆及其挂车用可更替制动衬片总成和鼓式制动器衬片的统一规定92ECE R91关于批准机动车及其挂车侧标志灯的统一规定93ECE R92关于批准摩托车、轻便摩托车和三轮车辆非原装可更换排气消声系统的统一规定94ECE R93关于1.批准前下部防护装置;2.就已批准型式的前下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.就前下部防护方面批准车辆的统一规定95ECE R94关于就前碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定96ECE R95关于就侧碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定97ECER96关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准农林拖拉机和非道路机动机械装用的压燃式发动机的统一规定98ECE R97关于批准车辆报警系统和就报警系统方面批准机动车辆的统一规定99ECE R98关于批准装用气体放电光源的机动车前照灯的统一规定100ECE R99关于批准用于已获得型式批准的机动车气体放电灯具的气体放电光源的统一规定101ECE R100关于就结构、功能安全性和氢排放的特殊要求方面批准蓄电池电动车辆的统一规定102ECER101关于就CO2排放和油耗的测量方面批准装用内燃机的乘用车和就电能消耗量和范围的测量方面批准装用电传动系的M1和N1类车辆的统一规定103ECE R102关于1.批准紧耦合装置;2.就已批准的紧耦合装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定。
ECE R13 第6版 第4次修订
}Rev.1/Add.12/Rev.6/Amend.4E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/50530 December 2009AGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONSFOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTEDAND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OFTHESE PRESCRIPTIONS ∗/(Revision 2, including the amendments that entered into force on 16 October 1995)_________Addendum 12: Regulation No. 13Revision 6 - Amendment 4Supplement 2 to the 11 series of amendments: Date of entry into force: 24 October 2009UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF VEHICLES OF CATEGORIES M, N AND O WITH REGARD TO BRAKING_________UNITED NATIONS∗/ Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.GE.09-}Rev.1/Add.12/Rev.6/Amend.4E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No 13page 2Add new paragraphs 2.35. and 2.36., to read:"2.35. "Subject trailer" is a trailer representative of the trailer type for which type approval is sought.2.36. The "brake factor (B F)" is the input to output amplification ratio of the brake."Add a new paragraph 12.1.8., to read:"12.1.8. As from the official date of entry into force of Supplement 2 to the 11 series of amendments to this Regulation, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shallrefuse to grant approval under this Regulation as amended by Supplement 2 tothe 11 series of amendments."Add a new paragraph 12.2.7., to read:"12.2.7. As from 48 months after the date of entry into force of Supplement 2 to the 11 series of amendments to this Regulation, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shallgrant approvals only if the vehicle type to be approved meets the requirements of thisRegulation as amended by Supplement 2 to the 11 series of amendments."Add a new paragraph 12.3.2., to read:"12.3.2. Starting 84 months after the entry into force of Supplement 2 to the 11 series of amendments to this Regulation, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation mayrefuse first national registration (first entry into service) of a vehicle which does notmeet the requirements of Supplement 2 to the 11 series of amendments to thisRegulation."Annex 11,Paragraph 2., amend to read:"2. The term "identical", as used in paragraphs 1.1., 1.2. and 1.3. above, means identical as regards the geometric and mechanical characteristics and the materials used forthe components of the vehicle referred to in those paragraphs.In the case of trailers, these requirements are deemed to be fulfilled, with respect toparagraphs 1.1. and 1.2. above, if the identifiers referred to in Appendix 2,paragraph 3.7. of this Annex for the axle / brake of the subject trailer are contained ina report for a reference axle / brake.A "reference axle / brake" is an axle / brake for which a test report mentioned inAppendix 2, paragraph 3.9. of this annex exists."E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505}Rev.1/Add.12/Rev.6/Amend.4Regulation No 13page 3Annex 11 - Appendix 1,Table I, amend to read (including footnote 1/):"Axles of the vehicle Reference axlesStatic mass (P) 1/Brakingforce neededat wheelsSpeed Test mass(P e) 1/Brakingforcedeveloped atwheelsSpeedkg N km/h kg N km/h Axle 1Axle 2Axle 3Axle 41/ See paragraph 2.1. of Appendix 2 to this annex"Table III, third row, amend to read (including the deletion of footnote 2/):"REFERENCE AXLE .......………….REPORT NO. ......…… Date .........……..(copy attached)Type-I Type-III Braking force per axle (N)(see paragraph 4.2.1., Appendix 2)Axle 1 Axle 2 Axle 3 T1= ....... % F eT2= ....... % F eT3= ....... % F eT1= ...... % F eT2= ...... % F eT3= ...... % F e… … …" Annex 11 – Appendix 2,Insert a new paragraph 1.2.2., to read:"1.2.2. Tests carried out in accordance with this appendix prior to Supplement 2 to the 11 series of amendments to this Regulation which, together with any supportingdata from the vehicle/axle/brake manufacturer, provide sufficient information tomeet the requirements of Supplement 2 to the 11 series of amendments can be usedfor a new report or the extension of an existing test report without the need to carry-out actual tests."}Rev.1/Add.12/Rev.6/Amend.4E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No 13page 4Paragraph 1.4.1., amend to read:"1.4.1. In the case of air ... shall be adjusted to:s0 > 1.1 · s re-adjust (the upper limit … by the manufacturer),"Paragraph 2., amend to read:"2. SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS2.1. SymbolsP = part of the vehicle mass borne by the axle under static conditionsF = normal reaction of road surface on the axle under static conditions = P·gF R= total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels of trailerF e= test axle loadP e= F e / gg = acceleration due to gravity: g = 9.81 m/s2C = brake input torqueC0= brake input threshold torque, definition see paragraph 2.2.2.C0,dec = declared brake input threshold torqueC max= declared maximum brake input torqueR = tyre rolling radius (dynamic)T = brake force at tyre/road interfaceT R= total brake force at tyre/road interface of the trailerM = brake torque = T·Rz = braking rate = T/F or M/(R·F)s = actuator stroke (working stroke plus free stroke)s p= see Annex 19, Appendix 7Th A= see Annex 19, Appendix 7l = lever lengthr = internal radius of brake drums or effective radius of brake discsp = brake actuation pressureNote: Symbols with the suffix "e" relate to the parameters associated with the reference brake test and may be added to other symbols as appropriate.2.2. Definitions2.2.1. Mass of a disc or drum2.2.1.1. The "declared mass" is the mass declared by the manufacturer which is arepresentative mass for the brake identifier (see paragraph of this appendix). The "nominal test mass" is the mass which the manufacturer specifies for the disc ordrum with which the relevant test is carried out by the Technical Service.}Rev.1/Add.12/Rev.6/Amend.4E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No 13page The "actual test mass" is the mass measured by the Technical Service prior to thetest.2.2.2. "Brake input threshold torque": The brake input threshold torque "C0" is the input torque necessary to produce ameasurable brake torque. This torque may be determined by extrapolation ofmeasurements within a range not exceeding 15 percent braking rate or otherequivalent methods (e.g. Annex 10, paragraph The brake input threshold torque "C0,dec" is the brake input threshold torque declaredby the manufacturer which is a representative brake input threshold torque for thebrake (see paragraph of this appendix) and is needed to produce diagram 2of Annex The brake input threshold torque "C0,e" is determined by the procedure as defined inparagraph above, measured by the Technical Service at the end of the test. 2.2.3. "External diameter of a disc": The "declared external diameter" is the external diameter of a disc declared by themanufacturer which is a representative external diameter for the disc (seeparagraph of this appendix). The "nominal external diameter" is the external diameter which the manufacturerspecifies for the disc on which the relevant test is carried out by the TechnicalService. The "actual external diameter" is the external diameter measured by the TechnicalService prior to the test.2.2.4. The "effective length of the cam shaft" is the distance from the centre line of theS-cam to the centre line of the operating lever."Paragraph 3.4., amend to read:"3.4. Test conditions (general)"Paragraphs 3.7. to 3.7.3., should be deleted.Insert new paragraphs 3.7. to 3.9.4., to read:"3.7. Identification}Rev.1/Add.12/Rev.6/Amend.4E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No 13page 63.7.1. The axle shall carry in a visible position at least the following identificationinformation grouped together, in any order, in a legible and indelible manner:(a) Axle manufacturer and/or make;(b) Axle identifier (see paragraph of this appendix);(c) Brake identifier (see paragraph of this appendix);(d) F e identifier (see paragraph of this appendix);(e) Base part of test report number (see paragraph 3.9. of this appendix).An example is given below:Axle Manufacturer and/or make ABCID1-XXXXXXID2-YYYYYYID3-11200ID4-ZZZZZZZ3.7.1.1. A non-integrated automatic brake adjustment device shall carry in a visible positionat least the following identification information grouped together, in a legible andindelible manner:(a) Manufacturer and/or make;(b) Type;(c) Version. The make and type of each brake lining shall be visible when the lining/pad ismounted on the brake shoe / back plate in a legible and indelible manner.3.7.2. Identifiers3.7.2.1. Axle identifierThe axle identifier categorizes an axle in terms of its braking force/torque capabilityas stated by the axle manufacturer.The axle identifier shall be an alphanumeric number consisting of the four characters"ID1-" followed by a maximum of 20 characters. Brake identifierThe brake identifier shall be an alphanumeric number consisting of the fourcharacters "ID2-" followed by a maximum of 20 characters.A brake with the same identifier is a brake which does not differ with regard to thefollowing criteria:}Rev.1/Add.12/Rev.6/Amend.4E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No 13page 7(a) Type of brake (e.g. drum (S-cam, wedge, etc.) or disc brake (fixed, floating,single or twin disc, etc.));(b) Base material (e. g. ferrous or non ferrous) with respect to calliper housing,brake carrier, brake disc and brake drum;(c) Dimensions with the suffix "e" according to figures 2A and 2B of Appendix 5of this annex;(d) The basic method used within the brake to generate the braking force;(e) In the case of disc brakes, the friction ring mounting method: fixed or floating;(f) Brake factor B F;(g) Different brake characteristics with respect to the requirements of Annex 11which are not covered by subparagraph Differences allowed within the same brake identifierThe same brake identifier may include different brake characteristics with regard tothe following criteria:(a) Increase in maximum declared brake input torque C max;(b) Deviation of declared brake disc and brake drum mass m dec: ± 20 per cent;(c) Method of attachment of the lining / pad on the brake shoe / back plate;(d) In the case of disc brakes, increase of maximum stroke capability of the brake;(e) Effective length of the cam shaft;(f) Declared threshold torque C0,dec;(g) ± 5 mm from the declared external diameter of the disc;(h) Type of cooling of the disc (ventilated/non-ventilated);(i) Hub (with or without integrated hub);(j) Disc with integrated drum – with or without parking brake function;(k) Geometric relationship between disc friction surfaces and disc mounting;(l) Brake lining type;(m) Material variations (excluding changes in base material, see paragraph for which the manufacturer confirms that such a material variation does notchange the performance with respect to the required tests;(n) Back plate and shoes. F e identifierThe F e identifier indicates the test axle load. It shall be an alphanumeric numberconsisting of the four characters "ID3-" followed by the F e value in daN, without the"daN" unit identifier.E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505}Rev.1/Add.12/Rev.6/Amend.4Regulation No 13page Test report identifierThe test report identifier shall be an alphanumeric number consisting of the fourcharacters "ID4-" followed by the base part of the test report number.3.7.3. Automatic brake adjustment device (integrated and non-integrated) Types of automatic brake adjustment deviceThe same type of automatic brake adjustment device does not differ with regard tothe following criteria:(a) Body: base material (e. g. ferrous or non ferrous, cast iron or forged steel);(b) Maximal permitted brake shaft moment;(c) Adjustment operating principle, e.g. stroke (travel) dependent, force dependentor electronic/mechanical. Versions of automatic brake adjustment device, with respect to the adjustmentbehaviourAutomatic brake adjustment devices within a type that have an impact on the runningclearance of the brake are considered to be different versions.3.8. Test criteriaThe testing shall demonstrate compliance with all the requirements laid down inAppendix 2 of this annex.In the case that a new test report, or a test report extension, is required for a modifiedaxle/brake within the limits specified in paragraph the following criteriaare used to determine the necessity for further testing taking into account worst caseconfigurations agreed with the Technical Service.Abbreviations shown below are used in the subsequent table:CT (complete test) Test according to Annex 11, Appendix 2:3.5.1.: Supplementary cold performance test3.5.2.: Fade test (Type-I test) */3.5.3.: Fade test (Type-III test) */Test according to Annex 19:4.: Cold performance characteristics for trailer brakes*/FT (fade test) Test according to Annex 11, Appendix 2:3.5.1.: Supplementary cold performance test3.5.2.: Fade test (Type-I test) */3.5.3.: Fade test (Type-III test) */*/ If applicableE/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505}Rev.1/Add.12/Rev.6/Amend.4Regulation No 13page 9Differences according toparagraph aboveTest criteria(a) Increase in maximum declared brakeinput torque C maxChange allowed without additional testing(b) Deviation of declared brake disc andbrake drum mass m dec: ± 20 per cent CT: The lightest variant shall be tested if the nominal test mass for a new variant deviates less than 5 per cent from a previously tested variant with a higher nominal value then the test of the lighter version may be dispensed with.The actual test mass of the test specimen may vary ± 5 per cent from the nominal test mass.(c) Method of attachment of the lining /pad on the brake shoe / back plate The worst case specified by the manufacturer and agreed by the Technical Services conducting the test(d) In the case of disc brakes, increase ofmaximum stroke capability of thebrakeChange allowed without additional testing(e) Effective length of the cam shaft The worst case is considered to be the lowest cam shaft torsional stiffness and shall be verified by either:(i) FT or(ii) Change allowed without additional testing if by calculation the influence with respect to stroke and braking force can be shown. In this case the test report shall indicate the following extrapolated values: s e, C e, T e, T e/F e,(f) Declared threshold torque C0,dec It shall be checked that the brake performance remains within the corridors of Diagram 2 of Annex 19.(g) ± 5 mm from the declared externaldiameter of the disc The worst case test is considered the smallest diameterThe actual external diameter of the test specimen may vary ± 1 mm from the nominal external diameter specified by the axle manufacturer.(h) Type of cooling of the disc(ventilated/non-ventilated)Each type shall be tested(i) Hub (with or without integrated hub) Each type shall be tested(j) Disc with integrated drum – with orwithout parking brake functionTesting is not required for this feature (k) Geometric relationship between discfriction surfaces and disc mountingTesting is not required for this feature (l) Brake lining type Each type of brake liningE/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505}Rev.1/Add.12/Rev.6/Amend.4Regulation No 13page 10Differences according toparagraph aboveTest criteria (m) Material variations (excludingchanges in base material, seeparagraph for which themanufacturer confirms that such amaterial variation does not changethe performance with respect to therequired testsTest not required for this condition(n) Back plate and shoes Worst case test conditions */:Back plate: minimum thickness Shoe: lightest brake shoe*/ No test is required if the manufacturer can demonstrate that a change does not effect the stiffness3.8.1. If an automatic brake adjustment device deviates from a tested one according toparagraphs and an additional test according to paragraph 3.6.2. ofthis appendix is necessary.3.9. Test report3.9.1. Test report numberThe test report number consists of two parts: a base part and a suffix which identifiesthe issue level of the test report.The base part, consisting of a maximum of 20 characters, and suffix shall be clearlyseparated from each other using e.g. a dot or slash.The base part of the test report number shall only cover brakes with the same brakeidentifier and the same brake factor (according to paragraph 4. of Annex 19 to thisRegulation).3.9.2. Test codeIn addition to the test report number a "test code" consisting of up to eight characters(e.g. ABC123) shall indicate the test results applicable to the identifiers and the testspecimen, which is described by the details given in paragraph 3.7. above.3.9.3. Test results3.9.3.1. The result of tests carried out in accordance with paragraphs 3.5. and 3.6.1. of thisappendix shall be reported on a form, a model of which is shown in Appendix 3 tothis annex. the case of a brake installed with an alternative brake adjustment device the results of tests carried out in accordance with paragraph 3.6.2. of this appendix shall be reported on a form, a model of which is shown in Appendix 4 to this annex. 3.9.4. Information documentAn information document, provided by the axle or vehicle manufacturer, containing at least the information defined in Appendix 5 to this annex shall be part of the Test Report.The information document shall identify, if applicable, the various variants of the brake/axle equipment with respect to the essential criteria listed in paragraph above."Paragraph 4.1., amend to read: "4.1. Verification of componentsThe brake specification of the vehicle to be type approved shall comply with the requirements laid down in paragraphs 3.7. and 3.8. above"Paragraphs 4.1.1. to 4.1.7., should be deleted. Paragraph, the formula, amend to read:()F 0.01RR C C C C F 0.01T T eoe e o e e ⋅+⋅−−⋅−=Paragraph 4.3.2., the formula, amend to read:F T = F T RRΣΣpage 12Annex 11 – Appendix 3, amend to read (including the deletion of figures 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B):"Annex 11 – Appendix 3MODEL TEST REPORT FORM AS PRESCRIBED IN PARAGRAPH 3.9.OF APPENDIX 2 TO THIS ANNEXTEST REPORT No. ………Base part: ID4- ………Suffix: ……………1. General1.1. Axle manufacturer (name and address): ..........................................................................1.1.1. Make of axle manufacturer:..............................................................................................1.2. Brake manufacturer (name and address): .........................................................................1.2.1. Brake identifier ID2-:........................................................................................................1.2.2. Automatic brake adjustment device: integrated/non-integrated 1/1.3. Manufacturer's Information Document: ...........................................................................2. Test RecordThe following data has to be recorded for each test:2.1. Test code (see paragraph3.9.2. of Appendix 2 of this annex): ........................................2.2. Test specimen: (precise identification of the variant tested related to theManufacturer's Information Document. See also paragraph 3.9.2. of Appendix 2 of thisannex)2.2.1. Axle2.2.1.1. Axle identifier: ID1-.......................................................................................................... Identification of tested axle: ............................................................................................. Test axle load (Fe identifier): ID3-............................................................................daN 2.2.2. Brake2.2.2.1. Brake identifier: ID2-........................................................................................................ Identification of tested brake: ........................................................................................... Maximum stroke capability of the brake 2/:..................................................................... Effective length of the cam shaft 3/:................................................................................. Material variation as per paragraph3.8 (m) of Appendix 2 of this annex: ...................... Brake drum / disc 1/ Actual test mass of disc / drum 1/: ................................................................................... Nominal external diameter of disc 2/: .............................................................................. Type of cooling of the disc ventilated/non-ventilated 1/ With or without integrated hub 1/ Disc with integrated drum – with or without parking brake function 1/ 2/ Geometric relationship between disc friction surfaces and disc mounting:...................... Base material:.................................................................................................................... Brake lining or pad 1/ Manufacturer:.................................................................................................................... Make:................................................................................................................................ Type:................................................................................................................................. Method of attachment of the lining / pad on the brake shoe / back plate 1/: ................... Thickness of back plate, weight of shoes or other describing information(Manufacturer's Information Document) 1/:..................................................................... Base material of brake shoe / back plate 1/:......................................................................2.2.3. Automatic brake adjustment device (not applicable in the case of integrated automaticbrake adjustment device) 1/ Manufacturer (name and address): ................................................................................... Make:................................................................................................................................ Type:................................................................................................................................. Version:.............................................................................................................................2.2.4. Wheel(s) (dimensions see Figures 1A and 1B in Appendix 5 of this annex) Reference tyre rolling radius (R e) at test axle load (F e): .................................................. Data of the fitted wheel during testing:Tyre size Rim size X e (mm) D e (mm) E e (mm) G e (mm) 2.2.5. Lever length le: ................................................................................................................2.2.6. Brake actuator2.2.6.1. Manufacturer: ................................................................................................................... Make: ............................................................................................................................... Type: ................................................................................................................................ (Test) Identification number: ...........................................................................................2.3. Test results (corrected to take account of rolling resistance of 0.01·F e)2.3.1. In the case of vehicles of categories O2 and O3Test type: 0 IAnnex 11, Appendix 2, paragraph: speed km/h 40 40 40Brake actuator pressure p e kPa -Braking time min - 2.55 -Brake force developed T e daNBrake efficiency T e/F e-Actuator stroke s e mm -Brake input torque C e Nm -Brake input threshold torque C0,e Nm -page 142.3.2. In the case of vehicles of category O4Test type: 0 III Annex 11, Appendix 2, paragraph: speed initial km/h 60 60Test speed final km/hBrake actuator pressure p e kPa -Number of brake applications - - 20 -Duration of braking cycle s - 60 -Brake force developed T e daNBrake efficiency T e/F e-Actuator stroke s e mm -Brake input torque C e Nm -Brake input threshold torque C0,e Nm -2.3.3. This item is to be completed only when the brake has been subject to the testprocedure defined in paragraph 4. of Annex 19 to this Regulation to verify the coldperformance characteristics of the brake by means of the brake factor (B F). Brake factor B F: Declared threshold torque C0,dec Nm2.3.4. Performance of the automatic brake adjustment device (if applicable) Free running according to para. 3.6.3. of Annex 11, Appendix 2: yes / no 1/3. Application rangeThe application range specifies the axle/brake variants that are covered in this testreport, by showing which variables are covered by the individual test codes.4. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance with Appendix 2to Annex 11 and where appropriate paragraph 4. of Annex 19 to Regulation No. 13 aslast amended by the ... series of amendments.At the end of the test defined in paragraph 3.6. of Annex 11, Appendix 2, 4/ therequirements of paragraph of Regulation No. 13 were deemed to be fulfilled/ not fulfilled. 1/Technical Service 5/ carrying out the testSigned: ....................................... Date: ........................................5. Approval Authority 5/Signed: ....................................... Date: ........................................。
ECE R80 第1次修订
5 May 1998AGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OF THESE PRESCRIPTIONS */(Revision 2, including the amendments entered into force on 16 October 1995)__________Addendum 79: Regulation No. 80Amendment 101 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 8 February 1998UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF SEATS OF LARGE PASSENGER VEHICLES AND OF THESE VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO THE STRENGTH OF THE SEATS AND THEIRANCHORAGES__________UNITED NATIONS_____________*/Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.GE.98-Regulation No. 80page 2Contents,:Item 6., amend to read:"6.Requirements for seat anchorages of a vehicle type ..................." Insert a new item 7., to read:"7.Requirements for installation of seats in a vehicle type.............." Items 7 to 11 (former),renumber as items 8 to 12.Insert the titles of new Appendices 1 to 6, to read:"Appendix 1 -Test procedures for seats according to paragraph 5 and/oranchorages according to paragraph 6.1.2Appendix 2 -Test procedures for the anchorages of a vehicle in application of paragraph 6.1.1.Appendix 3 - Measurements to be made.Appendix 4 - Determination of acceptability criteriaAppendix 5 - Static test requirements and proceduresAppendix 6 - Energy absorption characteristics of the rear part of seat backs."Titles of annexes 4 to 7, should be deleted.The title of Annex 8., renumber as annex 4.Text of the Regulation:Paragraphs 1 to 2.3., replace by the following text (inserting also a new footnote */):"1.Scope1.1.This Regulation applies to seats in vehicles of categories M2and M3 */, except vehicles of class I, as defined inparagraph 2.1.1. of Regulation No. 36 and class A, as defined inparagraph 2.1.1. of Regulation No. 52, in respect of:1.1.1.Every passenger seat intended to be installed facing forwards;1.1.2.The seat anchorages provided in the vehicle and intended to befitted with the seats indicated in paragraph 1.1., or any othertype of seat likely to be fitted on these anchorages.1.2.As an alternative to this Regulation and at the request of themanufacturer vehicles of category M2 may be approved to RegulationNo. 171.3.Vehicles where some seats benefit from the derogation provided inparagraph 7.4. to Regulation No. 14 shall be approved to thisRegulation No. 80page 3Regulation.2.DEFINITIONSFor the purposes of this Regulation:2.1."Approval of a seat" means an approval of a seat type as acomponent in relation to the protection of the occupants offorward-facing seats with regard to their strength and the designof the seat backs;2.2."Approval of a vehicle" means an approval of a vehicle type withregard to the strength of the parts of the vehicle structure towhich seats are to be secured, and with regard to the installationof seats;2.3."Seat type" means seats which do not differ essentially withrespect to the following characteristics likely to affect theirstrength and their aggressiveness:(Note: Paragraphs 2.3.1. to 2.3.3., not modified)___________*/As defined in the Consolidated resolution on the Construction of vehicles (R.E.3), Annex 7 (document TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1)"Paragraph 2.4., amend to read:"2.4"Vehicle type" means vehicles which do not differ essentially in respect of:2.4.1.the constructional features relevant to this Regulation; and,2.4.2.the type or types of type approved seat(s) fitted to the vehicle,if any."Paragraph 2.12., amend to read:"....... to be displaced laterally or longitudinally without a fixedintermediate position ......"Regulation No. 80page 4Paragraph 2.17., amend to read:"2.17."Auxiliary seat" means a seat for the manikin mounted on the trolley to the rear of the seat to be tested. This seat shall berepresentative of the seat to be used in the vehicle behind theseat to be tested."Paragraph 2.18., amend the reference to "annex 8" to read "annex 4".Paragraph 2.20. and footnote 1/ pertinent to this paragraph, amend to read: "2.20."Manikin", a manikin corresponding to the specificationsfor HYBRID II or III 1/.___________1/The technical specifications and detailed drawings of HYBRID II and III, corresponding to the principal dimensions of the fiftieth percentile male of the United States of America, and the specifications for its adjustment for this test are deposited with the Secretary-General of the UnitedNations and may be consulted on request at the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland."(Note by the secretariat: For Hybrid III only the description withoutdrawings is available (TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/18, para.8).)Insert new paragraphs 2.21. to 2.23., to read:"2.21."Reference zone", means the space between two vertical longitudinal planes, 400 mm apart and symmetrical with respect to the H-point,and defined by rotation from vertical to horizontal of the head-form apparatus, described in Regulation No. 21, annex 1. Theapparatus shall be positioned as described in that annex toRegulation No. 21 and set to the maximum length of 840 mm.2.22."3-point belt" for the purposes of this Regulation also includesbelts with more than three anchorage points.2.23."Seat spacing" means, in the case of seats facing in the samedirection, the distance between the front of a seat squab and theback of the seat squab of the seat preceding it, measuredhorizontally at the height of 620 mm above the floor."Paragraph 4.2., amend to read:"..............of paragraphs 6 and 7 below....".Paragraph 4.3., amend to read:"..... Its first two digits (at present 01, corresponding to the 01 series of amendments) shall indicate the series ....."Paragraph 4.5.1., footnote 2/, amend to read:"2/ 1 for Germany, ......8 for the Czech Republic, ........15 (vacant), ......22 for the Russian Federation, 23 for Greece, 24 (vacant), 25 for Croatia,26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 for Estonia,30(vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32-36 (vacant) and 37 forTurkey. Subsequent numbers.................."Regulation No. 80page 5Paragraphs 4.5.3., and, should be deleted.Paragraphs 5 to 6.4., replace by the following text (paragraphs"5.REQUIREMENTS FOR SEATS5.1.Each type of seat shall be subject to the test requirements ofeither appendix 1 (dynamic test) or appendices 5 and 6 (statictest) at the request of the manufacturer.5.2.The tests which the seat type has passed shall be recorded in thecommunication form concerning the approval of a seat type andconforming to the model in annex 1.5.3.Every adjustment and displacement system provided shall incorporatea locking system, which shall operate automatically.5.4.The adjustment and locking systems shall not be required to be infull working order after the test.6.REQUIREMENTS FOR SEAT ANCHORAGES OF A VEHICLE TYPE6.1.The anchorages for the seats of the vehicle shall be capable ofwithstanding:6.1.1.either the test described in appendix 2;6.1.2.or, if a seat is mounted on the part of the vehicle structure beingtested, the tests prescribed in appendix 1. The seat need not tobe an approved seat provided that it satisfies the requirements ofparagraph 3.2.1 of the above mentioned appendix.6.2.Permanent deformation, including breakage, of an anchorage or ofthe surrounding area shall be permissible provided that theprescribed force has been sustained throughout the prescribedperiod.6.3.When there is more than one type of anchorage on a vehicle, eachvariant shall be tested in order to obtain an approval for thevehicle.6.4.One test may be used to approve simultaneously a seat and avehicle.6.5.In the case of vehicles of category M3, seat anchorages shall bedeemed to comply with the requirements of paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2 ifthe safety-belt anchorages of the corresponding seating positionsare fitted directly to the seats to be installed and these beltanchorages comply with the requirements of Regulation No. 14, ifnecessary with the derogation provided in paragraph 7.4.7.REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTALLATION OF SEATS IN A VEHICLE TYPE7.1.All forward-facing seats installed shall be approved to therequirements of paragraph 5 of this Regulation and subject to thefollowing conditions:Regulation No. 80page 67.1.1.the seat shall have a reference height of at least 1 m; and7.1.2.the H-point of the seat immediately behind shall be less than 72 mmhigher than the H-point of the seat in question or, if the seatbehind has the H-point more than 72 mm higher, the seat in questionshall be tested and approved for installation in such a position. 7.2.When approved to appendix 1, test 1 and 2 shall apply, except asfollows:7.2.1.Test 1 shall not apply where the rear of the seat cannot be struckby an unrestrained passenger (i.e. there is no forward-facing seatdirectly behind the seat to be tested).7.2.2.Test 2 shall not apply7.2.2.1.if the rear of the seat cannot be struck by a restrained passenger;or7.2.2.2.if the seat behind is fitted with a 3-point belt with anchoragesthat comply fully with Regulation No. 14 (without derogation); or the seat fulfils the requirements of appendix 6 to thisRegulation.7.3.When approved to appendices 5 and 6, all tests shall apply, exceptas follows:7.3.1.The test of appendix 5 shall not apply if the rear of the seatcannot be struck by an unrestrained passenger (i.e. there is noforward-facing seat directly behind the seat to be tested).7.3.2.The test of appendix 6 shall not apply: the rear of the seat cannot be struck by a restrained passenger;or7.3.2.2.if the seat behind is fitted with a 3-point belt with anchoragesthat comply fully with Regulation No. 14 (without derogation)." Paragraph 7. (former), renumber as paragraph 8., and amend to read:"8.CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTIONThe conformity of production procedures shall comply with those setout in the Agreement, appendix 2 (E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2),with the following requirements:"Paragraph 7.1. (former), renumber as paragraph 8.1 and amend the reference to "paragraphs 5. and 6." to read "paragraphs 5, 6 and 7".Paragraph 7.2. (former), renumber as paragraph 8.2. and amend the reference to "paragraph 7.1." to read "paragraph 8.1."Paragraphs 7.3. to 7.3.3. (former), should be deleted.Paragraph 7.4., renumber as paragraph 8.3., and amend to read:"..... carried out for the approval. The normal frequency of theseRegulation No. 80page 7verifications shall be once a year."Paragraph 7.5. (former), should be deleted.Paragraphs 8. to 10. (former), renumber as paragraphs 9. to 11.Insert new appendices 1 to 6, to read:Insert new paragraphs 12. to 12.3., to read:"12.TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS12.1.As from the official date of entry into force of the 01 seriesof amendments, no Contracting Party applying this Regulationshall refuse to grant ECE approvals under this Regulation asamended by the 01 series of amendments.12.2.As from 1 October 1999 for vehicles of category M with a maximum2mass not exceeding 3,500 kg, and as from the sixtieth day afterthe entry into force of the 01 series of amendments to thisRegulation for vehicles of category M, Contracting Parties3applying this Regulation shall grant ECE approvals only if therequirements of this Regulation, as amended by the 01 series ofamendments, are satisfied.12.3.As from 1 October 2001 for vehicles of category M with a maximum2mass not exceeding 3,500 kg, and as from 1 October 1999 forvehicles of category M, Contracting Parties applying this3Regulation may refuse to recognize approvals which were notgranted in accordance with the 01 series of amendments to thisRegulation."Paragraph 11. (former), renumber as paragraph 13."Appendix 1TEST PROCEDURES FOR SEATS ACCORDING TO PARAGRAPH 5 AND/OR ANCHORAGESACCORDING TO PARAGRAPH tests are to determine:1.1.1.If the seat occupant(s) is (are) correctly retained by the seat(s)in front of him (them) and/or by the use of a safety belt. requirement shall be considered satisfied if the forwardmovement of any part of the trunk and the head of the manikin doesnot pass beyond the transversal vertical plane situated at 1.6 mfrom the R point of the auxiliary seat;1.1.2.If the seat occupant(s) is (are) not seriously injured. requirement shall be considered satisfied if the followingbiomechanical acceptability criteria for the instrumented manikin,determined in accordance with Appendix 4, are met; that is: head acceptability criterion HIC is less than 500;Regulation No. 80page thorax acceptability criterion (ThAC) is less than 30g exceptfor periods totalling less than 3 ms (g = 9.81 m/s); femur acceptability criterion (FAC) is less than 10kN and thevalue of 8 kN is not exceeded for periods totalling morethan 20 ms;1.1.3.If the seat and the seat mountings are strong enough. requirement shall be considered satisfied part of the seat, the seat mountings or the accessories becomescompletely detached during the test; seat remains firmly held, even if one or more anchorages arepartly detached, and all the locking systems remain locked duringthe whole duration of the test; the test no structural part of the seat or accessories hasany fracture or sharp or pointed edges or corners likely to causeany bodily injury.1.2.All fittings forming part of the back of the seat or accessoriesthereto shall be such as to be unlikely to cause any bodily injuryto a passenger during impact. This requirement shall be consideredsatisfied if any part contactable by a sphere 165 mm in diameterpresents a radius of curvature of at least 5 mm.1.2.1If any part of the fittings and accessories referred to above ismade of a material of hardness less than 50 Shore A on a rigidbacking, the requirements set out in paragraph aboveshall apply only to the rigid backing.1.2.2.The parts of the back of the seat such as adjustment devices forthe seat and accessories shall not be subject to any requirementsof paragraph if in the position of rest they are situatedbelow a horizontal plane 400 mm above the reference plane, even ifthe occupant might enter into contact with them.2.Preparation of the seat to be tested2.1.The seat to be tested shall be mounted:2.1.1.either on a testing platform representative of the body of avehicle,2.1.2.or on a rigid testing platform.2.2.The anchorage on the testing platform provided for the test seat(s)shall be identified to or have the same characteristics as thatused in vehicle(s) in which the seat is intended to be used.2.3.The seat to be tested shall be complete with all upholstery andaccessories. If the seat is fitted with a table, it shall be inthe stowed position.2.4.If adjustable laterally, the seat shall be positioned for maximumextension.Regulation No. 80page 92.5.If adjustable, the seat back shall be adjusted so that theresulting inclination of the torso of the manikin used fordetermining the H-point and the actual torso angle for seatingpositions in motor vehicles is as close as possible to thatrecommended by the manufacturer for normal use or, in the absenceof any particular recommendation by the manufacturer, as near aspossible to 25E towards the rear in relation to the vertical.2.6If the seat back is equipped with a head restraint adjustable forheight, it shall be in its lowest position.2.7.Safety-belts of an approved type, conforming to Regulation No. 16and mounted on anchorages installed according to Regulation No. 14(including, if appropriate, the derogation provided inparagraph 7.4 to that Regulation) shall be fitted to both theauxiliary seat and the seat to be tested.Regulation No. 80page 103.Dynamic tests3.1.Test 1The testing platform shall be mounted on a trolley.3.2.Auxiliary seatThe auxiliary seat may be of the same type as the seat being testedand shall be located parallel to and directly behind the seat beingtested. The two seats shall be at the same height, adjustedidentically and on a seat spacing of 750 mm.3.2.1.If an auxiliary seat of a different type is used this shall bementioned in the communication form concerning the approval of aseat type and conformity to the model in annex 1 to thisRegulation.3.3.Manikin3.3.1.The manikin shall be placed unrestrained on the auxiliary seat sothat its plane of symmetry corresponds to the plane of symmetry ofthe seating position in question.3.3.2.The manikin's hands shall rest on its thighs with the elbowstouching the seat back; the legs shall be extended to the maximumand shall, if possible, be parallel; the heels shall touch thefloor.3.3.3.Each manikin required shall be installed on a seat in accordancewith the following procedure: manikin shall be placed on the seat as close as possible to thedesired position, a flat rigid surface 76 mm x 76 mm in area shall be placed as lowas possible against the front of the manikin's torso, flat surface shall be pressed horizontally against themanikin's torso at a load of between 25 and 35 daN: torso shall be drawn forward by the shoulders to the verticalposition, then laid back against the seat back. This operationshall be performed twice; the torso moving, the head shall be placed in a positionsuch that the platform supporting the measuring instrumentscontained in the head is horizontal and that the median sagittalplane of the head is parallel to that of the vehicle. flat surface be carefully removed, manikin shall be moved forward on the seat and the installationprocedure described above repeated, necessary, the position of the lower members shall be corrected, measuring instruments installed shall not in any way affect themovement of the manikin during impact, temperature of the system of measuring instruments shall bestabilised before the test and maintained so far as possible withina range between 19E and 26E C.3.4.Impact simulation3.4.1.The impact speed of the trolley shall be between 30 and 32 km/h.3.4.2.The deceleration of the trolley during the impact test shall be inaccordance with the provisions shown in Figure 1 below. Except forintervals totalling less than 3 ms, the deceleration time historyof the trolley shall remain between the limit curves shown inFigure, the average deceleration shall be comprised between6.5 and 8.5g.3.5.Test 23.5.1.Test 1 shall be repeated with a manikin seated in the auxiliaryseat: the manikin shall be restrained by a safety-belt fitted andadjusted in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Thenumber of safety-belt anchorage points for the purpose of Test 2shall be recorded in the communication form concerning the approvalof a seat type and conforming to the model in annex 1 to thisRegulation.3.5.2.The auxiliary seat shall be either of the same type as the seatbeing tested or of a different type, the details of which shall berecorded in the communication form concerning the approval of aseat type and conforming to the model in annex 1 to thisRegulation.3.5.3.In the case where Test 2 is conducted with the manikin restrainedby a 3-point belt and the injury criteria are not exceeded, theauxiliary seat shall be considered to have met the requirementsrelating to the static test loads and movement of the upperanchorage during the test specified in Regulation No. 14 withregard to this installation.___________Appendix 2TEST PROCEDURE FOR THE ANCHORAGES OF A VEHICLEIN APPLICATION OF PARAGRAPH apparatus1.1. A rigid structure sufficiently representative of the seat intendedfor use on the vehicle is fixed by the means of fixation (bolts,screws, etc.) provided by the manufacturer to the parts of thestructure submitted to the tests.1.2.If several seat types differing from one another in respect of thedistance between the front and back ends of their feet can bemounted on the same anchorage, the test shall be carried out withthe shortest footing. This footing shall be described on the type-approval certificate.2.Test procedure2.1. A force F shall be a height of 750 mm above the reference plane and on the verticalline containing the geometrical centre of the surface bounded bythe polygon having the different anchorage points as apexes or, ifapplicable, the extreme anchorages of the seat, by the rigidstructure as defined in paragraph 1.1. above; the horizontal direction and directed to the front of thevehicle; a delay as short as possible and for a duration of at least0.2s.2.2.The force F shall be determined the following formula: F = (5000 ± 50) x iwhere:F is given in N and i represents the number of seating positions ofthe seat for which the anchorages to be tested are to be approved;or, if requested by the manufacturer, accordance with the representative loads measured during dynamictests as described in appendix 1 to this Regulation.___________Appendix 3MEASUREMENTS TO BE MADE1.All measurements necessary shall be made with measurement systemscorresponding to the specifications of International Standard ISO(r 2'(l 2%(v 2%(t 26487:1987 entitled "Measurement techniques in impact tests:Instrumentation".2.Dynamic test 2.1.Measurements to be made on the trolleyThe characteristics of the deceleration of the trolley shall bemeasured, from the accelerations measured on the rigid frame of thetrolley, with measurement systems with a CFC of 60.2.2.Measurements to be made on manikinsThe readings of the measuring devices shall be recorded throughindependent data channels of the following CFC:2.2.1.Measurements in the head of the manikinThe resultant triaxial acceleration referring to the centre ofgravity (() 1/ shall be measured with a CFC of 600.r 2.2.2.Measurements in the thorax of the manikinThe resultant acceleration at the centre of gravity shall bemeasured with a CFC of in the femur of the manikinThe axial compression force shall be measured with a CFC of 600.__________1/Expressed in g (= 9.81 m/s ) the scalar value of which is calculated2according to the following formula:where:( =value of instant longitudinal acceleration;l ( =value of instant vertical acceleration;v ( =value of instant transversal acceleration.t __________HIC'(t2&t1)mt1t2(r dt Appendix 4DETERMINATION OF ACCEPTABILITY CRITERIA1.1.This injury criterion (HIC) is calculated on the basis of theresultant triaxial acceleration measured according toappendix 3, paragraph 2.2.1. by the following expression:in which t and t are any values of time during the test, HIC being12maximum value for and interval t, t. The values of t and t are1212 expressed in seconds.2.Thorax acceptability criterion (ThAC)2.1.This criterion is determined by the absolute value of resultantacceleration, expressed in g and measured according to Appendix 3,paragraph 2.2.2, and by the acceleration period, expressed in ms. 3.Femur acceptability criterion (FAC)This criterion is determined by the compression load expressed inkN, transmitted axially on each femur of the manikin and measuredaccording to appendix 3, paragraph 2.2.3., and by the duration ofthe compression load, expressed in ms.___________Appendix 5STATIC TEST REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE1.Requirements1.1.The requirements for seats tested according to this appendix are todetermine:1.1.1.If the seat occupants are correctly retained by the seats in frontof them;1.1.2.If the seat occupants are not seriously injured; and1.1.3.If the seat and the seat mountings are strong enough.1.2.The requirements of paragraph 1.1.1. above shall be consideredsatisfied if the maximum displacement of the central of applicationof each force prescribed in Paragraph 2.2.1 measured in thehorizontal plane and in the longitudinal median plane of therelevant seating position does not exceed 400 mm.1.3.The requirements of paragraph 1.1.2. above shall be consideredsatisfied if the following characteristics are met:1.3.1.The maximum displacement of the central point of application ofeach of the forces prescribed in paragraph 2.2.1, measured asdescribed in paragraph 1.2, is not less than 100 mm;1.3.2.The maximum displacement of the central point of application ofeach of the forces prescribed in paragraph 2.2.2, measured asdescribed in paragraph 1.2; is not less than 50 mm.1.3.3.All fittings forming part of the back of the seat or accessoriesthereto shall be such as to be unlikely to cause any bodily injuryto a passenger during impact. This requirement shall be consideredsatisfied if any part contactable by a sphere 165 mm in diameterpresents a radius of curvature of at least 5 mm.1.3.4.If any part of the fittings and accessories referred to above ismade of a material of hardness less than 50 shore A on a rigidbacking, the requirements set out in paragraph 1.3.3. above shallapply only to the rigid backing.1.3.5.The parts of the back of the seat such as adjustment devices forthe seat and accessories shall not be subject to any requirementsof paragraph 1.3.3 if in the position of rest they are situatedbelow a horizontal plane 400 mm above the reference plane, even ifthe occupant might enter into contact with them.1.4.The requirements of paragraph 1.1.3. shall be considered satisfiedif:1.4.1.No part of the seat, the seat mountings or the accessories becomescompletely detached during the test;1.4.2.The seat remains firmly held, even if one or more anchoragesis(are) partly detached, and all the locking systems remain lockedduring the whole duration of the test;1.4.3.After the test no structural part of the seat or accessories hasany fracture or sharp or pointed edges or corners likely to causeany bodily injury.。
ECE系列标准序号代号法规名称1 ECE R1 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有R2/或HS1类灯丝灯泡的机动车前照灯的统一规定2 ECE R2 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光的前照灯用白炽电灯泡的统一规定3 ECE R3 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车回复反射装置的统一规定4 ECE R4 关于批准机动车辆(摩托车除外)及其挂车后牌照板照明装置的统一规定5 ECE R5 关于批准发射欧洲型不对称近光和/或远光机动车封闭式前照灯(SB) 的统一规定6 ECE R6 关于批准机动车及其挂车转向指示器的统一规定7 ECE R7 关于批准机动车(不含摩托车)及其挂车前后位置(侧边)灯、制动灯和示廓灯的统一规定8 ECE R8 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H1、H2、H3、HB3、HB4、H7、H8、H9、HIR1、HIR2和/或H11)的机动车前照灯的统一规定9 ECE R9 关于就噪声方面批准L2、L4和L5类车辆的统一规定10 ECE R10 关于就电磁兼容性方面批准车辆的统一规定11 ECE R11 关于就门锁和车门保持件方面批准车辆的统一规定12 ECE R12 关于就碰撞中防止转向机构伤害驾驶员方面批准车辆的统一规定13 ECE R13 关于就制动方面批准M类、N类和O类车辆的统一规定14 ECE R13--H 关于就制动方面批准乘用车的统一规定(欧美日协调版)15 ECE R14 关于就安全带固定点方面批准车辆的统一规定16 ECE R15 关于就发动机气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火式发动机或压燃式发动机的车辆的统一规定--点火式发动机的功率测量方法---车辆的油耗测量方法17 ECE R16 关于:1批准机动车成年乘客用安全带和约束系统;2批准装用安全带的车辆的统一规定18 ECE R17 关于就座椅、座椅固定点和头枕方面批准车辆的统一规定19 ECE R18 关于就防盗方面批准机动车的统一规定20 ECE R19 关于批准机动车前雾灯的统一规定21 ECE R20 关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H4)的机动车前照灯的统一规定22 ECE R21 关于就内饰件方面批准车辆的统一规定23 ECE R22 关于批准摩托车轻便摩托车驾驶员及乘客用头盔和面罩的统一规定24 ECE R23 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车的倒车灯的统一规定25 ECE R24 关于1.就可见污染物排放方面批准压燃式(C.I)发动机; 2.就已获得型式批准的C.I.发动机的安装方面批准机动车; 3. 就发动机可见污染物排放方面批准装用C.I.发动机的车辆; 4 .C.I.发动机的功率测量的统一规定26 ECE R25 关于批准与车辆座椅一体或非一体的头枕的统一规定27 ECE R26 关于就外部凸出物方面批准车辆的统一规定28 ECE R27 关于批准提前三角警告牌的统一规定29 ECE R28 关于就声响信号方面批准声报警装置和机动车辆的统一规定30 ECE R29 关于就商用车辆驾驶室乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定31 ECE R30 关于批准机动车及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定32 ECE R31 关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光的卤素封闭式(HSB)机动车前照灯的统一规定33 ECE R32 关于就追尾碰撞中被撞车辆的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定34 ECE R33 关于就正面冲撞中被撞的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定35 ECE R34 关于就火灾预防方面批准车辆的统一规定36 ECE R35 关于就脚控制件的布置方面批准车辆的统一规定37 ECE R36 关于就一般结构方面批准大型客车的统一规定38 ECE R37 关于批准用于已经批准的机动车和挂车灯具中的白炽灯的统一规定39 ECE R38 关于批准机动车和挂车后雾灯的统一规定40 ECE R39 关于就车速表及其安装方面批准车辆的统一规定41 ECE R40 关于就发动机气体污染物的排放方面批准装有点火式发动机的摩托车的统一规定42 ECE R41 关于就噪声方面批准摩托车的统一规定43 ECE R42 关于就车辆前、后保护装置(保险杠等)批准车辆的统一规定44 ECE R43 关于批准安全玻璃材料的统一规定45 ECE R44 关于批准机动车儿童乘客约束装置(儿童约束系统)的统一规定46 ECE R45 关于就前照灯清洗器方面批准机动车辆和批准前照灯清洗器的统一规定47 ECE R46 关于批准后视镜和就后视镜的安装方面批准机动车辆的统一规定48 ECE R47 关于就发动机的气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火发动机的轻便摩托车的统一规定49 ECE R48 关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定50 ECE R49 关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准压燃式发动机、天然气发动机和燃用液化石油气的点燃式发动机以及装有这些发动机的车辆的统一规定51 ECE R50 关于批准轻便摩托车、摩托车及其类似车辆前后位置灯、制动灯、转向信号灯和后牌照板照明装置的统一规定52 ECE R51 关于就噪声排放方面批准四轮及四轮以上机动车的统一规定53 ECE R52 关于就一般结构方面批准小型公共运输车辆(M2、M3)的统一规定54 ECE R53 关于就灯光及光信号装置的安装方面批准L3类车辆(摩托车)的统一规定55 ECE R54 关于批准商用车辆及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定56 ECE R55 关于批准汽车列车机械联结件的统一规定57 ECE R56 关于批准轻便摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定58 ECE R57 关于批准摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定59 ECE R58 关于1.批准后下部防护装置;2.就已批准的后下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.就后下部防护装置方面批准车辆的统一规定60 ECE R59 关于批准备用消声系统的统一规定61 ECE R60 关于就驾驶员操纵的控制件,包括控制件、信号装置和指示器的识别方面批准两轮摩托车的统一规定62 ECE R61 关于就驾驶室后挡板之前的外部凸出物方面批准商用车的统一规定63 ECE R62 关于就防盗方面批准带有操纵把的机动车的统一规定64 ECE R63 关于就噪声方面批准两轮轻便摩托车的统一规定65 ECE R64 关于批准装有应急备用车轮/轮胎的车辆的统一规定66 ECE R65 关于批准机动车特别警告灯的统一规定67 ECE R66 关于就上部结构强度方面批准大型客车的统一规定68 ECE R67 关于:1批准在其驱动系统中使用液化石油气的机动车辆特殊装置;2 在这一装置的安装方面批准装用使其驱动系统使用液化石油气的特殊装置的车辆的统一规定69 ECE R68 关于就最大车速的测量方面批准包括纯电动车辆在内的机动车的统一规定70 ECE R69 关于批准低速车辆及其挂车后标志牌的统一规定71 ECE R70 关于批准重,长型车辆后标志牌的统一规定72 ECE R71 关于就驾驶员视野方面批准农用拖拉机的统一规定73 ECE R72 关于批准发射非对称近光和远光并装有卤素灯(HS1灯)的摩托车前大灯统一规定74 ECE R73 关于就侧防护方面批准货车、挂车和半挂车的统一规定75 ECE R74 关于就灯光和光信号装置方面批准L1类车辆的统一规定76 ECE R75 关于批准摩托车和轻便摩托车气压轮胎的统一规定77 ECE R76 关于批准发射远光和近光的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定78 ECE R77 关于批准机动车驻车灯的统一规定79 ECE R78 关于就制动方面批准L类车辆的统一规定80 ECE R79 关于就转向装置方面批准车辆的统一规定81 ECE R80 关于就座椅及其固定点方面批准大型客车座椅和车辆的统一规定82 ECE R81 关于就车把上后视镜的安装方面批准后视镜及带与不带边斗的二轮机动车的统一规定83 ECE R82 关于批准装有卤素灯丝灯泡(HS2)的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定84 ECE R83 关于根据发动机燃油要求就污染物排放方面批准车辆的统一规定85 ECE R84 关于就油耗测量方面批准装有内燃机的机动车的统一规定86 ECE R85 关于就净功率和最大30分钟电传动系功率的测量方面批准用于驱动M和N类机动车辆的内燃机或电传动系的统一规定87 ECE R86 关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准农林拖拉机的统一规定88 ECE R87 换向批准机动车白天行车灯的统一规定89 ECE R88 关于批准摩托车反光轮胎的统一规定90 ECE R89 关于1.就最高车速限制或其可调车速限制功能方面批准车辆;2.就已批准型式的最高车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.批准车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的统一规定91 ECE R90 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车用可更替制动衬片总成和鼓式制动器衬片的统一规定92 ECE R91 关于批准机动车及其挂车侧标志灯的统一规定93 ECE R92 关于批准摩托车、轻便摩托车和三轮车辆非原装可更换排气消声系统的统一规定94 ECE R93 关于1.批准前下部防护装置;2.就已批准型式的前下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆; 3.就前下部防护方面批准车辆的统一规定95 ECE R94 关于就前碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定96 ECE R95 关于就侧碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定97 ECE R96 关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准农林拖拉机和非道路机动机械装用的压燃式发动机的统一规定98 ECE R97 关于批准车辆报警系统和就报警系统方面批准机动车辆的统一规定99 ECE R98 关于批准装用气体放电光源的机动车前照灯的统一规定100 ECE R99 关于批准用于已获得型式批准的机动车气体放电灯具的气体放电光源的统一规定101 ECE R100 关于就结构、功能安全性和氢排放的特殊要求方面批准蓄电池电动车辆的统一规定102 ECE R101 关于就CO2排放和油耗的测量方面批准装用内燃机的乘用车和就电能消耗量和范围的测量方面批准装用电传动系的M1和N1类车辆的统一规定103 ECE R102 关于1.批准紧耦合装置;2.就已批准的紧耦合装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定。
Regulation No.49
E/ECE/TRANS/505 Rev.1/Add.50/Rev.1/Amend.1/Corr. 有关对四轮以上汽车就其噪声排放认证的统 51 1 一规定 E/ECE/324 E/ECE/TRANS/505 52 Rev.1/Add.51/Rev.1/Amend.2 E/ECE/324 E/ECE/TRANS/505 54 Rev.1/Add.53/Rev.1/Amend.3 E/ECE/324 E/ECE/TRANS/505 55 Rev.1/Add.54/Amend.1 E/ECE/324 E/ECE/TRANS/505 58 Rev.1/Add.57/Rev.1
动力驱动汽车儿童乘客的约束保护装置认证 的统一规定
Regulation No.44
前照灯清洗器认证的统一规定 汽车后视镜及安装后视镜的汽车认证的统一 规定
Regulation No.45
Regulation No.46
E/ECE/324 E/ECE/TRANS/505 49 Rev.1/Add.48/Rev.3 E/ECE/324
Regulation No.35
大型客车一般结构认证的统一规定 关于机动车辆及其挂车的灯具-灯丝灯泡认 证的统一规定
Regulation No.36
Regulation No.37
Regulation No.38
Regulation No.13
E/ECE/324 E/ECE/TRANS/505 15 Rev.1/Add.14/Rev.3/Amend.1 E/ECE/324 E/ECE/TRANS/505 16 Rev.1/Add.15/Rev.4/Amend.1 E/ECE/324 E/ECE/TRANS/505 17 Rev.1/Add.16/Rev.3/Amend.4 18 E/ECE/324 E/ECE/TRANS/505 19 Rev.1/Add.18/Rev.3/Amend.4
ECE R85 第4次修订
}Rev.1/Add.84/Amend.4E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/50512 July 2005AGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OFTHESE PRESCRIPTIONS ∗/(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)_________Addendum 84: Regulation No. 85Amendment 4Supplement 4 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 23 June 2005UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES OR ELECTRIC DRIVE TRAINS INTENDED FOR THE PROPULSION OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF CATEGORIES M AND N WITH REGARD TO THE MEASUREMENT OF THE NET POWER AND THE MAXIMUM 30 MINUTESPOWER OF ELECTRIC DRIVE TRAINS_________UNITED NATIONS∗/ Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.}Rev.1/Add.84/Amend.4E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 85page 2Insert new paragraphs 2.5. to 2.5.3., to read:"2.5. "Hybrid vehicles (HV)":2.5.1. "Hybrid vehicle (HV)" means a vehicle with at least two different energy convertersand two different energy storage systems (on vehicle) for the purpose of vehiclepropulsion.2.5.2. "Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)" means a vehicle that, for the purpose of mechanicalpropulsion, draws energy from both of the following on-vehicle sources of storedenergy/power:- a consumable fuel- an electrical energy/power storage device (e.g.: battery, capacitor, flywheel/generator ...)2.5.3. For a hybrid electric vehicle the "power train" comprises a combination of two differentdrive train types:- an internal combustion engine, and- one (or several) electric drive train(s)."Paragraph 3.2., amend to read:"3.2. It shall be accompanied by the description, in triplicate, of the drive train comprising all the relevant particulars referred to:- in Annex 1 for vehicles powered by an internal combustion engine only, or- in Annex 2 for pure electric vehicles, or- in Annexes 1 and 2 for hybrid electric vehicles."Insert a new paragraph 3.3., to read:"3.3. For hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), the tests shall be carried out separately on the internal combustion engine (according to Annex 5) and on the electric drive train(s)(according to Annex 6)."Paragraph 3.3. (former), renumber as paragraph 3.4. and amend to read:"3.4. A drive train (or set of drive trains), representative of the (set of) drive train type(s) to be approved, shall, with the equipment prescribed in Annexes 5 and 6 to thisRegulation, be submitted to the technical service conducting the approval tests."}Rev.1/Add.84/Amend.4E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 85page 3Annex 3, (COMMUNICATION)Items 1 to 5, amend to read:"1. Trade name or mark of drive train or set of drive trains:…......……………….2. Internal combustion engine:2.1. Make:............................................................………………….......…………..................................................................................................…………2.2. Type:2.3. Manufacturer's name and address: ....................................................................3. Electric drive train(s):............................................................…………………….....………..3.1. Make:...............................................................................................………….3.2. Type:3.3. Manufacturer's name and address: .......................…........................................5. Drive train or set of drive trains submitted for approval on:……..…………"Item 12, amend to read:"12. Electric drive train(s):………………………………….....………………….."-----。
As for the content of this “Automotive Regulations Information”, JASIC has edited the original text of the official gazette issued by the authorities concerned. In spite of every effort to make its edition faithful to the original, there are possibilities that the edited text may contain some inaccuracies in content or in structure. JASIC is not liable for any problems caused by such inaccuracies. Users of this information are advised to refer to the original text of the official gazette itself in case that accuracy is needed.Japan Automobile Standards Internationalization Center ECE No. 66STRENGTH OF SUPER STRUCTURE(LARGE PASSENGER VEHICLE)Development of RegulationNo.Revised Issue Date Effective Date Date Presented by JASIC Remarks1.001986/12/012.S11997/09/031998/02/ PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF LARGE PASSENGERVEHICLES WITH REGARD TO THE STRENGTH OF THEIR SUPERSTRUCTURECONTENTSREGULATION1.Scope2.Definitions3.Application for approval4.Approval5.General specifications and requirements6.Test methods7.Residual space8.Interpretation of test results9.Modifications of the vehicle type and extension of approval10.Conformity of production11.Penalties for non-conformity of production12.Production definitely discontinueds and addresses of technical services responsible for conducting approval tests and of administrative departmentsANNEXESAnnex 1 -Communication concerning the approval or refusal or extension or withdrawal of approval or production definitely discontinued of a vehicle type with regard to the strength of its superstructure pursuant to Regulation No. 66.Annex 2 -Arrangement of the approval markAnnex 3 -Roll-over test on a complete vehicleAnnex 4 -Roll-over test on a body sectionAnnex 5 -Pendulum test on a body sectionAnnex 6 -Verification of strength of superstructure by calculationUNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF LARGE PASSENGERVEHICLES WITH REGARD TO THE STRENGTH OF THEIR SUPERSTRUCTURE1.SCOPEThis Regulation applies to single-decked vehicles constructed for the carriage of morethan 16 passengers, whether seated or standing, in addition to the driver and crew.*/ 2.DEFINITIONSFor the purposes of this Regulation:2.1."Approval of a vehicle" means the approval of a vehicle type with regard to theconstruction features specified in this Regulation;2.2."Vehicle type" means a category of vehicles which do not differ essentially in respect ofthe constructional features specified in this Regulation;2.3."Passenger compartment" means the space intended for passengers' use excluding anyspace occupied by fixed appliances such as bars, kitchenettes or toilets;2.4."Driver's compartment" means the space intended for the driver's exclusive use andcontaining the driver's seat, the steering wheel, controls, instruments and other devicesnecessary for driving the vehicle;2.5."Unladen kerb mass" (MK) (kg) means the mass of the vehicle in running order,unoccupied and unladen but with the addition of 75 kg for the mass of the driver, themass of fuel corresponding to 90 % of the capacity of the fuel tank specified by themanufacturer, and the masses of coolant, lubricant, tools and spare wheel, if any;2.6."Residual space" means the space to be preserved in the passenger compartment duringand after the structure has been subjected to one of the tests prescribed in paragraph 6 ofthis Regulation;2.7."Superstructure" means the parts of a vehicle structure which contribute to the strengthof the vehicle in the event of a roll-over accident;2.8."Body section" means a section containing at least two identical vertical pillars on eachside representative of a part or parts of the structure of the vehicle;2.9."Total energy" means the energy assumed to be absorbed by the complete structure ofthe vehicle. This may be determined as shown in appendix 1 of annex 5 to thisRegulation.3.APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL3.1.The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to the strength of itssuperstructure shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his duly accreditedrepresentative.3.2.It shall be accompanied by three copies of each of the undermentioned documents and*/Nothing in this Regulation shall prevent the Contracting Parties from restricting its scope to particular categories of the following particulars:3.2.1. a detailed description of the superstructure of the vehicle type including its dimensions,configuration and constituent materials and its attachment to any chassis frame;3.2.2.drawings of the vehicle and those parts of its interior arrangement which have aninfluence on the strength of the superstructure or on the residual space;3.2.3.particulars of: unladen kerb mass (kg)(In the case of an articulated bus this information shall be given separately for the tworigid portions); unladen kerb mass for each axle (kg); position of the centre of gravity of the unladen vehicle in the longitudinal, transverseand vertical directions; maximum distance between the centre lines of the outboard passenger seats.3.3.Either a complete vehicle or one or more sections of the superstructure representative ofthe type to be approved shall be submitted to the technical service responsible forconducting the approval tests unless the approval is to be conducted by means ofcalculation, in which case the calculation shall be submitted to the technical service. 3.4.The competent authority shall verify the existence of satisfactory arrangements forensuring effective control of the conformity of production before type approval isgranted.4.APPROVAL4.1.If the vehicle submitted for approval to this Regulation meets the requirements ofparagraph 5 below, approval of that vehicle type shall be granted.4.2.An approval number shall be assigned to each vehicle type approved. Its first two digits(at present 00 for the Regulation in its original form) shall indicate the series ofamendments incorporating the most recent major technical amendments made to theRegulation at the time of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall notassign the same number to another vehicle type as defined in paragraph 2.2. above. 4.3.Notice of approval or of refusal or extension of approval of a vehicle type pursuant tothis Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement which apply thisRegulation, by means of a form conforming to the model in annex 1 to this Regulationand of drawings and diagrams supplied by the applicant for approval, in a format notexceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm) or folded to that format and on an appropriate scale. 4.4.There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place specified on theapproval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle type approved under thisRegulation an international approval mark consisting of:4.4.1. a circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of the countrywhich has granted approval; 1/4.4.2.the number of this Regulation, followed by the letter "R", a dash and the approvalnumber to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.4.6.The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate affixed by themanufacturer.4.7.Annex 2 to this Regulation gives an example of the approval mark.5.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS5.1.The superstructure of the vehicle shall be of sufficient strength to ensure that during andafter it has been subjected to one of the methods of test or calculation prescribed inparagraph 6:5.1.1.No displaced part of the vehicle intrudes into the residual space, as specified inparagraph 7, and5.1.2.No part of the residual space projects outside the deformed structure.5.2.The requirements of paragraph 5.1. above shall apply to the vehicle including all itsstructural parts, members and panels and all projecting rigid parts such as luggage racks,ventilation equipment, etc. However, bulkheads, partitions, rings or other membersreinforcing the superstructure of the vehicle and fixed appliances such as bars,kitchenettes or toilets shall be ignored for the purposes of paragraph the case of an articulated vehicle each part of the vehicle shall comply with therequirements specified in paragraph 5.1. above.6.TEST METHODS6.1.Each type of vehicle shall be verified according to one of the following methods at thediscretion of the manufacturer or according to an alternative method approved by thecompetent authority:6.1.1. A roll-over test on a complete vehicle in accordance with the procedure set out in annex3 to this Regulation;6.1.2. A roll-over test on a body section or sections representative of a complete vehicle inaccordance with annex 4 to this Regulation;6.1.3. A pendulum test on a body section or sections in accordance with annex 5 to thisRegulation; or6.1.4. A verification of strength of superstructure by calculation in accordance with annex 6 tothis Regulation.6.2.If the methods prescribed in paragraphs 6.1.2., 6.1.3. or 6.1.4. cannot take account of asignificant variation between one section of the vehicle and another, for example an air-conditioning installation on the roof, additional test methods or calculations shall besubmitted to the technical service. In the absence of such additional information thevehicle may be required to undergo the method of test prescribed in paragraph SPACE7.1.For the purpose of paragraph 5.1. of this Regulation, the residual space means thevolume within the passenger compartment which is swept when the transverse verticalplane defined in figure 1 (a) of this Regulation is moved in a straight line or lines so thatthe point "R" in figure 1 (a) passes from the "R" point of the rearmost outer seat, throughthe "R" point of every intermediate outer seat to the "R" point of the foremost outerpassenger seat.7.2.The position of the "R" point shown in figure 1 (b) shall be assumed to be 500 mm abovethe floor under the passengers' feet, 300 mm from the inside surface of the side of thevehicle and 100 mm in front of the seat back in the centre line of the outboard seats. 8.INTERPRETATION OF TEST RESULTS8.1.If body sections are tested, the technical service responsible for conducting the test shallensure that the vehicle complies with the conditions specified in appendix 2 of annex 5to this Regulation which contains requirements for the distribution of the main energyabsorbing parts of the superstructure of a vehicle.9.MODIFICATIONS OF THE VEHICLE TYPE AND EXTENSION OFAPPROVAL9.1.Every modification of the vehicle type shall be notified to the administrative departmentwhich granted the type approval. The department may then either:9.1.1.consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have an appreciable adverse effectand that in any case the vehicle still complies with the requirements; or9.1.2.require a further test report from the technical service responsible for conducting thetests.9.2.Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alterations, shall be notified by theprocedure specified in paragraph 4.3. above to the Parties to the Agreement which applythis Regulation.9.3.The competent authority issuing the extension of approval shall assign a series numberto each communication form drawn up for such an extension.Figure 1RESIDUAL SPACE(All dimensions in millimetres)1 (a) LATERALLY1 (b) LONGITUDINALLYSection A-A of the vehicle in the vertical plane of the centre-line of the inboard seats.Note: See requirements of paragraph 7.2. of the Regulation.10.CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION10.1.vehicles approved in accordance with this Regulation shall be so manufactured as toconform to the type approved by meeting the requirements set out in paragraph 5 above.10.2.To verify that conformity, suitable controls of the production shall be carried out. In thiscase suitable controls means checking the dimensions of the product as well as theexistence of procedures for the effective control of the quality of products.10.3.The holder of the approval shall in particular:10.3.1.have access to control equipment necessary for checking the conformity to eachapproved type,10.3.2.ensure that data of test results are recorded and that annexed documents shall remainavailable for a period to be determined in accordance with the administrative service,and10.3.3.analyse the results of each type of test, in order to verify and ensure the stability of theproduct characteristics, making allowance for variation of an industrial production. 10.4.The competent authority which has granted type-approval may at any time verify theconformity control methods applicable to each production unit.10.5.The normal frequency of inspections authorized by the competent authority shall be oneper year. In the case where negative results are recorded during one of these visits, thecompetent authority shall ensure that all necessary steps are taken to re-establish theconformity of production as rapidly as possible.11.PENALTIES FOR NON-CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION11.1.The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regulation may bewithdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 10.1. above are not compliedwith.11.2.If a party to the Agreement applying this Regulation withdraws an approval it haspreviously granted, it shall forthwith so notify the other Contracting Parties applying thisRegulation, by means of a copy of the approval form bearing at the end, in large letters,the signed and dated annotation "APPROVAL WITHDRAWN".12.PRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUEDIf the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of vehicleapproved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the authority whichgranted the approval. Upon receiving the relevant communication, that authority shallinform thereof the other Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation by means ofa copy of the approval form bearing at the end, in large letters, the signed and datedannotation "PRODUCTION DISCONTINUED".S AND ADDRESSES OF TECHNICAL SERVICES RESPONSIBLE FORCONDUCTING APPROVAL TESTS, AND OF ADMINISTRATIVEDEPARTMENTSThe Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation shall communicate to theUnited Nations Secretariat the names and addresses of the technical services responsiblefor conducting approval tests and of the administrative departments which grantapproval and to which forms certifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawalof approval, issued in other countries, are to be sent.1/ for the Federal Republic of Germany, 2 for France, 3 for Italy, 4 for the Netherlands, 5 for Sweden, 6 for Belgium, 7 for Hungary, 8 for Czechoslovakia, 9 for Spain, 10 for Yugoslavia, 11 for the United Kingdom, 12 for Austria, 13 for Luxembourg, 14 for Switzerland, 15 for the German Democratic Republic, 16 for Norway, 17 for Finland, 18 for Denmark, 19 for Romania, 20 for Poland, 21 for Portugal and 22 for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Subsequent numbers shall be assigned to other countries in the chronological order in which they ratify or accede to the Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, and the numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement.(Maximum format- A 4 (210 x 297 mm))Communication concerning- approvalrefusal of approvalextension of approvalwithdrawal of approvalproduction definitelydiscontinued 2/of a vehicle type with regard to the strength ofits superstructure pursuant to Regulation No. 66Approval No..................................... Extension No........................................1.Trade name or mark of the vehicle...............................................................................................2.Vehicle type..................................................................................................................................3.Manufacturer's name and address.................................................................................................4.If applicable, name and address of the manufacturer's representative..........................................5.Brief description of the superstructure of the vehicle type including dimensions, configuration and constituent materials and its attachment to any chassis frame......................................................................................................................................................6.The position of the centre of gravity of the unladen vehicle in the longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions......................................................................................................................................................7.Unladen kerb mass (kg)................................................................................................................8.Vehicle submitted for approval on...............................................................................................9.Method of test or calculation employed for approval...................................................................10.Technical service responsible for conducting approval tests.......................................................11.Date of test report issued by that service......................................................................................12.Number of report issued by that service.......................................................................................13.Approval granted/refused/extended/withdrawn 2/.......................................................................14.Reason(s) of extension (if applicable)..........................................................................................15.Position of approval mark on the vehicle.....................................................................................16.The documents with data, specified in paragraphs 3.2.1., 3.2.2. and 3.2.3., bearing the approval number shown above, deposited with the competent authority, are available on request.Place:.............................................................................................................................................Date...............................................................................................................................................Signature:......................................................................................................................................1/1/Name of administration.2/ Strike out what does not apply.ARRANGEMENT OF THE APPROVAL MARK(see paragraph 4.4 of this Regulation)The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle type concerned has, with regard to the strength of the superstructure, been approved in the United Kingdom (E 11) pursuant to Regulation No. 66 under approval number 002431. The first two digits of the approval number indicate that the approval was granted in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No. 66 in its original form.ROLL-OVER TEST ON A COMPLETE VEHICLE1.TEST CONDITION1.1.While the vehicle need not be in a fully finished condition it shall be representative ofproduction vehicles in respect of unladen kerb mass, centre of gravity and distributionof mass as declared by the manufacturer.1.2.Driver and passenger seats shall be placed with their backs, if adjustable, in their mostupright position. The height of the seats, if adjustable, shall be the highest position. 1.3.Every door and opening window of the vehicle shall be closed and latched but notlocked. Windows and glazed bulkheads or screens may be glazed or unglazed at theapplicant's discretion. If they are unglazed an equivalent weight shall be imposed on thevehicle at the appropriate positions.1.4.Tyres shall be inflated to the pressure prescribed by the vehicle manufacturer and, if thevehicle has an air-spring suspension system, the air supply to the air springs shall beensured. Any automatic leveling system shall be adjusted with the vehicle on a flat,horizontal surface to the level specified by the manufacturer. Shock absorbers shalloperate normally.1.5.Fuel, battery acid and other combustible, explosive or corrosive materials may besubstituted by other materials provided that the conditions prescribed in paragraph 1.1above are met.1.6.The impact area shall consist of concrete or other rigid material.2.TEST PROCEDURE (See figure 1 of this annex)2.1.The vehicle shall be placed on a platform in order to be rolled over on one side. Thisside shall be specified by the manufacturer.2.2.The position of the vehicle on the platform shall be such that when the platform ishorizontal:2.2.1.the axis of rotation is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle,2.2.2.the axis of rotation is 0 - 200 mm from the vertical step between the two levels,2.2.3.the axis of rotation is 0 - 100 mm from the side of the tyre at the widest axle,2.2.4.the axis of rotation is 0 - 100mm below the horizontal starting plane on which the tyresstand, and2.2.5.the difference between the height of the horizontal starting plane and the horizontallower plane on which impact takes place shall be not less than 800 mm.2.3.Means shall be provided to prevent the vehicle moving along its longitudinal axis.2.4.The test apparatus shall prevent the tyres from sliding sideways in the direction of roll-over by means of side walls.2.5.The test apparatus shall ensure the simultaneous lifting of the axles of the vehicle.2.6.The vehicle shall be tilted without rocking and without dynamic effects until it rollsover. The angular velocity shall not exceed 5 degrees per second (0.087 rad/sec).2.7.High-speed photography, deformable templates or other suitable means shall be used todetermine that the requirement of paragraph 5.1 of this Regulation has been met. Thisshall be verified at not less than two positions, nominally at the front and rear of thepassenger compartment, the exact positions being at the discretion of the technicalservice. Templates shall be fixed to substantially non-deformable parts of the structure.Figure 1ROLL-OVER TEST ON A BODY SECTION1.TEST CONDITIONS1.1.The body section shall represent a section of the unladen vehicle.1.2.The geometry of the body section, the axis of rotation and the position of the centre ofgravity in the vertical and lateral directions shall be representative of the completevehicle.1.3.The mass of the body section, expressed as a percentage of the unladen kerb mass of thevehicle, shall be specified by the manufacturer.1.4.The energy to be absorbed by the body section, expressed as a percentage of the totalenergy which would be absorbed by a complete vehicle, shall be specified by themanufacturer.1.5.The percentage of total energy described in paragraph 1.4 shall not be less than thepercentage of total kerb mass described in paragraph test conditions specified in paragraph 1.6 of annex 3 and in paragraphs2.1 to 2.6 ofannex 5 shall apply.2.TEST PROCEDURE2.1.The test procedure shall be the same as the procedure described in annex 3, except thatthe body section described above shall be used instead of a complete vehicle.PENDULUM TEST ON A BODY SECTION1.ENERGY LEVEL AND DIRECTION OF IMPACT1.1.The energy to be transmitted to a particular body section shall be the sum of the energiesdeclared by the manufacturer to be allocated to each of the cross-sectional rings includedin that particular body section.1.2.The appropriate proportion of the energy prescribed in appendix 1 to this annex shall beapplied to the body section by the pendulum such that at the moment of impact thedirection of motion of the pendulum makes an angle of 25 degrees (+ 0 degrees ; - 5degrees ) to the central longitudinal vertical plane of the body section. The precise anglewithin this range may be specified by the vehicle manufacturer.2.TEST CONDITIONS2.1. A sufficient number of tests shall be carried out for the technical service conducting thetest to be satisfied that the requirement specified in paragraph 5.1 of this Regulation hasbeen met.2.2.For the purposes of the test body sections shall have sections of the normal structurefitted between the pillars in relation to the floor, underframe, sides and roof. Sectionsof such items as luggage racks, ventilation ducting etc., where fitted, shall also beincluded.2.3.Every door and opening window of the body section shall be closed and latched but notlocked. Windows and glazed bulkheads or screens may be glazed or unglazed at theapplicant's discretion.2.4.Where appropriate seats may also be included, at the option of the manufacturer, in theirnormal positions in relation to the structure of the body section. The normal fixings andjoints between all members and attachments shall be incorporated. The backrests ifadjustable shall be in their most upright position and the height of the seats if adjustableshall be the highest position.2.5.The side of the body section to be impacted shall be at the discretion of the manufacturer.Where more than one body section is required to be tested both shall be impacted on thesame side.2.6.High speed photography, deformable templates or other suitable means shall be used todetermine that the requirement specified in paragraph 5.1 of this Regulation has beenmet. Templates shall be fixed to a substantially non-deformable part of the structure.2.7.The body section to be tested shall be firmly and securely attached to the mountingframe through the cross-bearers or parts which replace these in such a way that nosignificant energy is absorbed in the support frame and its attachments during theimpact.2.8The pendulum shall be released from such a height that it strikes the body section at aspeed of between 3 and 8 m/s.3.DESCRIPTION OF THE PENDULUM3.1.The striking face of the pendulum shall be made of steel, or plywood 20 mm + 5 mmthick, and the mass of the pendulum shall be evenly distributed. Its striking face shallbe rectangular and flat, having a width of not less than the width of the body sectionbeing tested and a height of not less than 800 mm. Its edges shall be rounded to a radiusof curvature of not less than 15 mm.3.2.The body of the pendulum shall be rigidly attached to two rigid bars. The axis of thebars shall be not less than 3,500 mm from the geometric centre of the body of thependulum.。
精心整理ECE 系列标准序号??代号??法规名称1??ECER1??关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有R2/或HS1类灯丝灯泡的机动车前照灯的统一规定 2??ECER2??关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光的前照灯用白炽电灯泡的统一规定3??ECER3??关于批准机动车辆及其挂车回复反射装置的统一规定4??ECER4??关于批准机动车辆(摩托车除外)及其挂车后牌照板照明装置的统一规定5??ECER5??关于批准发射欧洲型不对称近光和/或远光机动车封闭式前照灯(SB)的统一规定6??ECER6??关于批准机动车及其挂车转向指示器的统一规定7??ECER7??关于批准机动车(不含摩托车)及其挂车前后位置(侧边)灯、制动灯和示廓灯的统一规定 H8、H9、HIR1、-- 发动机的29??ECER28??关于就声响信号方面批准声报警装置和机动车辆的统一规定30??ECER29??关于就商用车辆驾驶室乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定31??ECER30??关于批准机动车及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定32??ECER31??关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光的卤素封闭式(HSB )机动车前照灯的统一规定 33??ECER32??关于就追尾碰撞中被撞车辆的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定34??ECER33??关于就正面冲撞中被撞的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定35??ECER34??关于就火灾预防方面批准车辆的统一规定36??ECER35??关于就脚控制件的布置方面批准车辆的统一规定37??ECER36??关于就一般结构方面批准大型客车的统一规定38??ECER37??关于批准用于已经批准的机动车和挂车灯具中的白炽灯的统一规定39??ECER38??关于批准机动车和挂车后雾灯的统一规定40??ECER39??关于就车速表及其安装方面批准车辆的统一规定41??ECER40??关于就发动机气体污染物的排放方面批准装有点火式发动机的摩托车的统一规定42??ECER41??关于就噪声方面批准摩托车的统一规定43??ECER42??关于就车辆前、后保护装置(保险杠等)批准车辆的统一规定44??ECER43??关于批准安全玻璃材料的统一规定45??ECER44??关于批准机动车儿童乘客约束装置(儿童约束系统)的统一规定46??ECER45??关于就前照灯清洗器方面批准机动车辆和批准前照灯清洗器的统一规定47??ECER46??关于批准后视镜和就后视镜的安装方面批准机动车辆的统一规定48??ECER47??关于就发动机的气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火发动机的轻便摩托车的统一规定49??ECER48??关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定3.就后下70??ECER69??关于批准低速车辆及其挂车后标志牌的统一规定71??ECER70??关于批准重,长型车辆后标志牌的统一规定72??ECER71??关于就驾驶员视野方面批准农用拖拉机的统一规定73??ECER72??关于批准发射非对称近光和远光并装有卤素灯(HS1灯)的摩托车前大灯统一规定74??ECER73??关于就侧防护方面批准货车、挂车和半挂车的统一规定75??ECER74??关于就灯光和光信号装置方面批准L1类车辆的统一规定76??ECER75??关于批准摩托车和轻便摩托车气压轮胎的统一规定77??ECER76??关于批准发射远光和近光的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定78??ECER77??关于批准机动车驻车灯的统一规定79??ECER78??关于就制动方面批准L类车辆的统一规定80??ECER79??关于就转向装置方面批准车辆的统一规定81??ECER80??关于就座椅及其固定点方面批准大型客车座椅和车辆的统一规定82??ECER81??关于就车把上后视镜的安装方面批准后视镜及带与不带边斗的二轮机动车的统一规定83??ECER82??关于批准装有卤素灯丝灯泡(HS2)的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定84??ECER83??关于根据发动机燃油要求就污染物排放方面批准车辆的统一规定85??ECER84??关于就油耗测量方面批准装有内燃机的机动车的统一规定86??ECER85??关于就净功率和最大30分钟电传动系功率的测量方面批准用于驱动M和N类机动车辆的内燃机或电传动系的统一规定87??ECER86??关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准农林拖拉机的统一规定88??ECER87??换向批准机动车白天行车灯的统一规定89??ECER88??关于批准摩托车反光轮胎的统一规定90??ECER89??关于1.就最高车速限制或其可调车速限制功能方面批准车辆;2.就已批准型式的最高车速限3.就规定殊部件的安装方面批准在其驱动系统使用压缩天然气(CNG)的机动车的统一规定112??ECER111??关于就倾翻稳定性方面批准N类和O类罐式机动车的统一规定113??ECER112??关于批准发射不对称远光和/或近光和装有灯丝灯泡的机动车前照灯的统一规定114??ECER113??关于批准发射对称远光和/或近光和装有灯丝灯泡的机动车前照灯的统一规定115??ECER114??关于批准:1.更换性气囊系统用气囊组件;2.装有已经批准的气囊组件的更换性转向轮;3.安装在转向轮以外部位的更换性气囊系统的统一规定。
ECE 汽车技术法规2010.08•2011年05月12日 15:16•来源:全国汽车标准化技术委员会1.ECE法规的制定发布组织和《1958年协定书》ECE汽车技术法规由联合国世界车辆法规协调论坛(UN/WP29)负责制定发布。
后来随着欧洲汽车生产和贸易的迅速发展,欧洲各国原有的汽车技术法规和认证方式阻碍了贸易的自由化和技术交流, 为此在原西德、法国、意大利、荷兰四国的首倡下, 联合国ECE于1958年3月20日在日内瓦制定了《关于采用统一条件批准机动车辆装备和部件并相互承认此批准的协定书》(简称为《1958年协定书》, 于1959年6月20日正式实施)这一具有法律效力的多边框架协定书, 旨在整个欧洲范围内对汽车产品制修订统一的汽车技术法规(即ECE法规),并按照ECE法规开展统一的型式批准(即ECE汽车产品型式批准制度), 以打破欧洲各国的疆界, 便利汽车贸易与技术交流。
ECE R85 第2次修订
11 August 1998AGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OF THESE PRESCRIPTIONS */(Revision 2, including the amendments entered into force on 16 October 1995)__________Addendum 84: Regulation No. 85Amendment 2Supplement 2 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 14 May 1998 UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES OR ELECTRIC DRIVE TRAINS INTENDED FOR THE PROPULSION OF MOTOR VEHICLESOF CATEGORIES M AND N WITH REGARD TO THE MEASUREMENT OF THE NET POWER AND THE MAXIMUM 30 MINUTES POWER OF ELECTRIC DRIVE TRAINS__________UNITED NATIONS_____________*/Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.GE.98-Regulation No. 85page 2Paragraph 3.4., should be deleted.Paragraph 4.4.1., footnote 1/, amend to read:“1/..... 8 for the Czech Republic, ..... 22 for the Russian Federation,23 for Greece, 24 (vacant), 25 for Croatia, 26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 for Estonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina,32-36 (vacant), 37 for Turkey, 38-39 (vacant) and 40 for The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Subsequent numbers ..... to the Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles,Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, .....”Paragraph 5.2.3., amend to read:"5.2.3.The fuel used shall be the following:"Insert new paragraphs to, to read:" positive ignition engines fuelled with petrol:The fuel used shall be the one available on the market. In anycase of dispute, the fuel shall be one of the reference fuelsdefined by CEC 2/ for petrol fuelled engines, in CEC documentsRF-01-A-84 and RF-01-A- positive ignition engines fuelled with LPG: the case of an engine with self-adaptive fuelling:The fuel used shall be the one available on the market. In anycase of dispute the fuel shall be one of the reference fuelsspecified in annex 8; the case of an engine without self-adaptive fuelling:The fuel used shall be the reference fuel specified in annex 8with the lowest C3-content, or5. the case of an engine labelled for one specific fuelcomposition:The fuel used shall be the fuel for which the engine is labelled. fuel used shall be specified in the test report.2/European Coordinating CouncilRegulation No. 85page positive ignition engines fuelled with natural gas: the case of an engine with self-adaptive fuelling:The fuel used shall be the one available on the market. In anycase of dispute the fuel shall be one of the references fuelsspecified in annex 8; the case of an engine without self-adaptive fuelling:The fuel used shall be the one available on the market with aWobbe index at least 52.6 MJm (20°C, 101.3 kPa). In case of-3dispute the fuel used shall be the reference fuel G20 specified inannex 8, i.e. the fuel with the highest Wobbe Index, or5. the case of an engine labelled for a specific range of fuels:The fuel used shall be the one available on the market with aWobbe index at least 52.6 MJm (20°C, 101.3 kPa) if the engine is-3labelled for the H-range of gases, or at lease 47.2 MJm (20°C,-3101.3 kPa) if the engine is labelled for the L-range of gases. Incase of dispute the fuel used shall be the reference fuel G20specified in annex 8 if the engine is labelled for the H-range ofgases, or the reference fuel G23 if the engine is labelled for theL-range of gases, i.e. the fuel with the highest Wobbe Index forthe relevant range, or5. the case of an engine labelled for one specific fuelcomposition:The fuel used shall be the fuel for which the engine is labelled. fuel used shall be specified in the test report. compression ignition enginesThe fuel used shall be the one available on the market. In anycase of dispute, the fuel shall be the reference fuel defined byCEC for compression ignition engines, in CEC document RF-03-A-84." Paragraphs 6. to 6.2., amend to read:“6.CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTIONThe conformity of production procedures shall comply with thoseset out in the Agreement, Appendix 2 (E/ECE/324 -E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2), with the following requirements:6.1.Engines approved under this Regulation shall be so manufactured asto conform to the type approved.6.2.The minimum requirements for conformity of production controlprocedures set forth in annex 7 to this Regulation shall becomplied with.”Paragraphs 6.3. to 6.4.2., should be deleted.Annex 1,Regulation No. 85page 4Insert a new item 1.1., to read:"1.11.Fuel: leaded petrol / unleaded petrol / diesel oil / LPG / NG 3/" Items 1.11. to 1.13. (former), renumber as items 1.12. to 1.14.Insert new items 3.2.3. to, to read:"3.2.3.By LPG fuelling system : yes/no 3/ number according to Regulation No. 67 anddocumentation: ...................... Engine Management Control Unit for LPG-fuelling: ......................... ........................... related adjustment possibilities: ........ documentation: of the safeguarding of the catalyst at switch-overfrom petrol to LPG or back: ................ lay-out (electrical connections, vacuum connectionscompensation hoses, etc): ................. of the symbol: .................. 3.2.4.By NG fuelling system: yes/no 3/ number according to Regulation No. 67: ...... Engine Management Control Unit for NG-fuelling: ......................... ........................... related adjustment possibilities: ........ documentation: of the safeguarding of the catalyst at switch-overfrom petrol to NG or back: ................ lay-out (electrical connections, vacuum connectionscompensation hoses, etc.): ................ of the symbol: ................." Annex 3, insert a new item 11.3., to read:"11.3.Engine fuel requirements: leaded petrol / unleaded petrol / diesel fuel / NG / LPG: 2/: ................."Regulation No. 85page 5Insert a new annex 8, to read:"Annex 81. TECHNICAL DATA OF THE LPG REFERENCE FUELSFuel A Fuel B Test method Composition:ISO 7941C3% vol.30 ± 285 ± 2C4% vol.balance balance<C3, >C4% vol.max. 2 %max. 2 %Olefines% vol. 9 ± 312 ± 3Evaporative residue ppm max. 50max. 50NFM 41-015Water content none none visual inspect. Sulphur content ppm mass */max. 50max. 50EN 24260 Hydrogen sulphide none noneCopper corrosion rating class 1class 1ISO 625 1 **/Odour Characteristic CharacteristicMON min. 89min. 89EN 589 Annex B*/Value to be determined at standard conditions (293.2 K (20E C) and 101.3 kPa).**/This method may not accurately determine the presence of corrosive materials if the sample contains corrosion inhibitors or other chemicals which diminish the corrosivity of the sample to the copper strip.Therefore, the addition of such compounds for the sole purpose ofbiasing the test method is prohibited.* * *Wobbe Index'HgasRegulation No. 85page 62.TECHNICAL DATA OF NG REFERENCE FUELSG20G23G25Composition:CH4% vol10092.586N2% vol 0 7.514Wobbe Index */MJ/m53.6 ±48.2 + 2%43.9 ± 2%32%*/Based on the gross calorific value and calculated for 0E C.The constituting gases of the mixtures shall have at least the following purities:N : 99%2CH: 95%with a total content of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and 4oxygen below 1 % and a total content of nitrogen andcarbon dioxide below 2%The Wobbe Index is the ratio of the calorific value of a gas per unitvolume and the square root of its relative density under the samereference conditions:with H = calorific value of the fuel in MJ/m at 0E Cgas3D = density of air at 0E CairD = density of fuel at 0E CgasThe Wobbe Index is said to be gross or net according to whether thecalorific value uses is the gross or net calorific value."___________。
ECER48第6版第2次修订GE.11-AgreementConcerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions forWheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or beUsed on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions *(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)Addendum 47: Regulation No. 48 Revision 6 – Amendment 2Supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 9 December 2010Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to theinstallation of lighting and light-signalling devicesUNITED NATIONS* Former title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions ofApproval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done atGeneva on 20 March 1958.E /ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.2?E /ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.225 January 2011E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.22Paragraphs to, amend to read:" To the rear:…(b) O3 and O4 (with the exception of incomplete vehicles) Totheside: Partial contour marking on vehicles exceeding 6,000 mm in length (includingthe drawbar for trailers) of the following categories:…(b) O3 and O4 (with the exception of incomplete vehicles) A line marking may be installed instead of the mandatory contour marking ifthe shape, structure, design or operational requirements of the vehicle make itimpossible to install the mandatory contour marking."Insert new paragraphs and, to read:" If the exterior surfaces of the bodywork are partially constituted of flexible material, this line marking shall be installed on (a) rigid part(s) of the vehicle.The remaining portion of conspicuity markings may be fitted on the flexiblematerial. However, if the exterior surfaces of the bodywork are fullyconstituted of flexible material, requirements of paragraph 6.21. shall be met. In cases where the manufacturer, after verification by the Technical Service,can prove to the satisfaction of the authority responsible for type approvalthat it is impossible, due to the operational requirements which may requirespecial shape, structure or design of the vehicle, to complywith therequirements contained in paragraphs 6.21.2. to, then partialfulfilment of some of these requirements is acceptable. This is conditionalupon a portion of the requirements being met where possible, and theapplication of conspicuity markings that partially meet requirementsmaximised on the vehicle structure. This may include fitting of additionalbrackets or plates containing material compliant with Regulation No. 104where structure is available to ensure clear and uniform signalling compatiblewith the objective of conspicuity.Where partial fulfillment is deemed acceptable, retro-reflective devices likeretro-reflectors of class IV of Regulation No. 3 or brackets containingretro-reflecting material compliant with photometric requirements of Class Cof Regulation No. 104 may substitute part of the required conspicuitymarkings. In this case, at least one of these retroreflective devices shall beinstalled per 1500 mm.The necessary information shall be indicated in the communication form." Paragraph 6.21.3., amend to read: "6.21.3. ArrangementThe conspicuity markings shall be as close as practicable to horizontal andvertical, compatible with the shape, structure, design and operationalrequirements of the vehicle; if this is not possible, the full or partial contourmarkings, when fitted, shall follow as close as practicable the contour of theouter shape of the vehicle.E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.23 Furthermore, the conspicuity markings shall be spaced as evenly as possibleover the horizontal dimensions of the vehicle such that the total length and/orwidth of the vehicle can be identified."Paragraph, amend to read:" Line markings and contour markings lower element(s)As low as practicable within the range:Minimum: n ot less than 250 mm above the ground.Maximum: n ot more than 1,500 mm above the ground.However, a maximum mounting height of 2,500 mm may be accepted wherethe shape, structure, design or operational conditions of the vehicle preventcompliance with the maximum value of 1,500 mm or, if necessary, to fulfilthe requirements of paragraphs,,, or the horizontal positioning of the line marking or the lowerelement(s) of the contour marking.The necessary justification for installation of conspicuity material higherthan 1500 mm shall be indicated in the communication form."Paragraphs 6.21.5., amend to read:"6.21.5. VisibilityThe conspicuity marking shall be considered visible, if at least 80 per cent ofthe illuminating surface of the installed marking is visible when viewed by anobserver positioned at any point within the observation planes definedbelow:"Paragraph, amend to read:" In width, by two vertical planes which form an angle of 4° outwards from thevehicle's median longitudinal plane and which pass through the intersectionof the vertical planes parallel to the vehicle's median longitudinal planedelimiting the vehicle's overall width, and the plane perpendicular to thelongitudinal axis of the vehicle that delimits the end of the vehicle."Paragraphs and, amend to read:" In height, by two horizontal planes 1.0 m and 1.5 m respectively above theground, In width, by two vertical planes which form an angle of 4° outwards from aplane perpendicular to the vehicle's longitudinal axis and which pass throughthe intersection of the vertical planes perpendicular to the vehicle'slongitudinal axis delimiting the vehicle's overall length and the extreme outeredge of the vehicle."Paragraphs and, amend to read:" To the side:As close as practicable to being parallel to the median longitudinal plane ofthe vehicle, compatible with the shape, structure, design and operationrequirements of the vehicle; if this is not possible, it shall follow as close aspracticable the contour of the outer shape of the vehicle.E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend. Totherear:As close as practicable to being parallel to the transverse plane of the vehicle,compatible with the shape, structure, design and operation requirements ofthe vehicle, if this is not possible, it shall follow as close as practicable thecontour of the outer shape of the vehicle."Paragraph, amend to read:" In the case of a partial contour marking, each upper corner shall be described by two lines at 90°, to each other and each at least 250 mm in length; if this isnot possible, the marking shall follow as close as practicable the contour ofthe outer shape of the vehicle."Annex 1,Insert a new item 9.24.4., to read:"9.24.4. Exemption regarding conspicuity marking according to paragraph" Insert new items 10.7. and 10.8., to read:"10.7. Comments regarding conspicuity marking (according to paragraphs and of this Regulation) …10.8. Comments regarding conspicuity marking (Incomplete vehicle or CompleteVehicles according to paragraphs and Incompletevehicles:yes/noCompletevehicles:yes/noCompletedvehicles:yes/no"E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.2E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.25 Observation plane Annex 11, amend to read:"Annex 11Visibility of conspicuity markings to the rear, front and side of a vehicle(see paragraph 6.21.5. of this Regulation)Figure 1Figure 2"Observation plane。
ECER48第6版第3次修订GE.11-AgreementConcerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions forWheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions * (Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)Addendum 47: Regulation No. 48 Revision 6 – Amendment 3Supplement 5 to the 04 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 9 December 2010 Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to theinstallation of lighting and light-signalling devicesUNITED NATIONS* Former title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions ofApproval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.E /ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.3?E /ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.325 January 2011E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.3E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.32Insert new paragraphs 2.7.30. and, to read:"2.7.30. "Interdependent lamp system" means an assembly of two or three interdependent lamps providing the same function. "Interdependent lamp" means a device operating as part of an interdependentlamp system. Interdependent lamps operate together when activated, haveseparate apparent surfaces in the direction of the reference axis and separatelamp bodies, and may have separate light source(s)."Paragraph 2.13., amend to read:"2.13. "Angles of geometric visibility" means the angles which determine the field of the minimum solid angle in which the apparent surface of the lamp is visible.That field of the solid angle is determined by the segments of the sphere ofwhich the centre coincides with the centre of reference of the lamp and theequator is parallel with the ground. These segments are determined inrelation to the axis of reference. The horizontal angles ? correspond to thelongitude and the vertical angles α to the latitude."Paragraph 2.16.1., amend to read:"2.16.1. …(c) Any assembly ……or(d) Any interdependent lamp system composed of two or threeinterdependent lamps providing the same function, approved togetheras type "Y" and installed so that the distance between adjacentapparent surfaces in the direction of the reference axis does notexceed 75 mm when measured perpendicularly to the reference axis." Insert a new paragraph, to read:" Or, in the case of interdependent lamps, the distance between adjacent apparent surfaces in the direction of the reference axis does notexceed 75 mm when measured perpendicularly to the reference axis."Insert a new paragraph 5.11.4., to read:"5.11.4. In the case of an interdependent lamp system, all light sources shall be switched ON and OFF simultaneously." Paragraph 5.18.1., amend to read:"5.18.1. if at all fixed positions of the movable components the lamps on the movable components meet all the position, geometric visibility and photometricrequirements for those lamps."Insert a new paragraph 5.18.2., to read:"5.18.2. In the case where the functions referred to in paragraph 5.18. are obtained by an assembly of two lamps marked "D" (seeparagraph 2.16.1.), only one ofthe lamps needs to meet the position, geometric visibility and photometricrequirements for those lamps at all fixed positions of the movablecomponents.or"E/ECE/324/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.3 E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.47/Rev.6/Amend.3 3 Paragraph 5.18.2. (former), renumber as paragraph 5.18.3.Insert a new paragraph 5.18.4., to read:"5.18.4. In the case where the functions referred to in paragraph 5.18. are obtained byan interdependent lamp system either of the following conditions shall apply:(a) Should the complete interdependent lamp system be mounted on themoving component(s), the requirements of paragraph 5.18.1. shall besatisfied. However, additional lamps for the above functions may beactivated, when the movable component is in any fixed open position,provided that these additional lamps satisfy all the position, geometricvisibility and photometric requirements applicable to the lampsinstalled on the movable component.or(b) Should the interdependent lamp system be partly mounted on the fixedcomponent and partly mounted on a movable component, theinterdependent lamp(s) specified by the Applicant during the deviceapproval procedure shall meet all the position, outwards geometricvisibility and photometric requirements for those lamps, at all fixedpositions of the movable component(s). The inwards geometricvisibility requirement(s) is(are) deemed to be satisfied if this(these)interdependent lamp(s) still conform(s) to the photometric valuesprescribed in the field of light distribution for the approval of thedevice, at all fixed positions of the movable component(s)."Insert new paragraphs 5.28. to 5.28.5., to read:"5.28. General provisions relating to Geometric Visibility5.28.1. There shall be no obstacle on the inside of the angles of geometric visibilityto the propagation of light from any part of the apparent surface of the lampobserved from infinity. However, no account is taken of obstacles, if theywere already presented when the lamp was type-approved.5.28.2. If measurements are taken closer to the lamp, the direction of observationshall be shifted parallel to achieve the same accuracy.5.28.3. If, when the lamp is installed, any part of the apparent surface of the lamp ishidden by any further parts of the vehicle, proof shall be furnished that thepart of the lamp not hidden by obstacles still conforms to the photometricvalues prescribed for the approval of the device.5.28.4. When the vertical angle of geometric visibility below the horizontal may be reduced to 5° (lamp at less than 750 mm above the ground) the photometric field of measurements of the installed optical unit may be reduced to 5°below the horizontal.5.28.5. In the case of an interdependent lamp system the geometric visibility requirements shall be fulfilled when all its interdependent lamps are operated together."Paragraph, amend to read:" Only, when … either:two …median longitudinal plane, oran interdependent lamp system of category S3 or S4 may be installed."。
13、修订61.95条: 将颁发认可证书改为颁发认可函。 规章规定了依据外国或香港、澳门特别行政 区驾驶员执照申请认可函的条件、认可函包 含的内容及认可函持有人的权利和限制。
较之原来120天有效的认可证书,认可函的 有效期延长为两年,更加有利于航空运营人 的运行。
14、修订了“学生驾驶员执照”一章,修改内 容如下: 关于为取得运动驾驶员执照的学生驾驶员, 新增了有关规定。为取得运动驾驶员执照的 学生驾驶员,无需办理学生驾驶员执照,但 应满足相应的资格要求、单飞要求、转场单 飞要求以及一般限制。 关于资格要求,将“有良好的道德品质”改 为“5年内无犯罪记录”。
规定了外国或香港、澳门特别行政区颁发的 含有初级飞机、自转旋翼机、滑翔机、自由 气球或小型飞艇等级的驾驶员执照持有人颁 发我国颁发的运动驾驶员执照的流程。
(e) 外国或香港、澳门特别行政区颁发的含有初级飞机、 自转旋翼机、滑翔机、自由气球或小型飞艇等级的驾 驶员执照持有人,通过理论考试和实践考试后可申请 按本规则颁发的相应等级的运动驾驶员执照。
8、修订第61.51条,细化和明确了飞行经历记 录本中单飞时间和副驾驶经历时间的计算。 对于副驾驶飞行经历时间,本规则新增规定 在型号合格审定为只有一名驾驶员操纵,但 有运行规章要求配备一名副驾驶操作的航空 器上担任副驾驶时,可将其不超过50%的副 驾驶飞行时间记入为取得更高级别驾驶员执 照所需的总飞行时间。
14、修订了“学生驾驶员执照”一章,修改内 容如下: 关于转场单飞,因运动驾驶员执照申请人无 需办理学生驾驶员执照,所以仅由提供训练 的授权教员在其飞行经历记录本上做出转场 单飞的签字批准。
ECE R10 第四修订版 翻译稿
附件 15 车辆交流与直流输电线 电快速瞬态/瞬间干扰抗扰度测试方法……………………….79
附件 16 车辆交流/直流输电线浪涌干扰抗扰度测试方法…………….81
ECE R10 关于车辆电磁兼容性认证的统一规定
1. 范围
1.1. L、M、N 及 O1/ 类车辆的电磁兼容性
3.1.9. 车辆型式认证应适用于RESS和RESS充电耦合系统,由于它们被认为是电气/电子 系统。
ECE R10 关于车辆电磁兼容性认证的统一规定
3.2. ESA)型式认证 3.2.1. 本法规对ESA的适用性
ESA 是专门的车辆设备?
1.2. 在条款3.2.1中限定的车辆上打算安装的零部件和独立技术单元的电磁兼容性
(a) 车辆某些功能对辐射骚扰和传导骚扰的抗扰度要求,这些功能是关于车辆的 直接控制功能;关于驾驶员、乘客和其它道路使用者的保护功能;关于驾驶 员和其它道路使用者引起混乱的功能。
(b) 控制无用的辐射和传导发射以保护自己或邻近或附近的车辆上的电气或电子 设备的正常使用的要求。控制来自用于汽车改造的附加装备的骚扰的要求。
源天线电缆。 2.12. 抗扰度相关功能:
(a) 关于车辆直接控制的功能: (i) 发动机、传动装置、制动器、悬挂、主动转向系统、限速装置等设备的 降级或改变; (ii) 影响驾驶员的位置,如座位或方向盘定位; (iii) 影响驾驶员的视野,如近光灯、风挡雨刮。
(b) 关于驾驶员、乘客和其它道路使用者保护功能: (i) 安全气囊和安全约束系统。
ECE 汽车技术法规2010.08•2011年05月12日 15:16•来源:全国汽车标准化技术委员会1.ECE法规的制定发布组织和《1958年协定书》ECE汽车技术法规由联合国世界车辆法规协调论坛(UN/WP29)负责制定发布。
后来随着欧洲汽车生产和贸易的迅速发展,欧洲各国原有的汽车技术法规和认证方式阻碍了贸易的自由化和技术交流, 为此在原西德、法国、意大利、荷兰四国的首倡下, 联合国ECE于1958年3月20日在日内瓦制定了《关于采用统一条件批准机动车辆装备和部件并相互承认此批准的协定书》(简称为《1958年协定书》, 于1959年6月20日正式实施)这一具有法律效力的多边框架协定书, 旨在整个欧洲范围内对汽车产品制修订统一的汽车技术法规(即ECE法规),并按照ECE法规开展统一的型式批准(即ECE汽车产品型式批准制度), 以打破欧洲各国的疆界, 便利汽车贸易与技术交流。
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4 November 2008
(Revision 2, including the amendments that entered into force on 16 October 1995)
Addendum 85: Regulation No. 86
Amendment 4
Supplement 4 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 15 October 2008
∗/ Former title of the Agreement:
Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.
Regulation No. 86
page 2
Insert a new paragraph 2.19., to read:
"2.19. "Colour of the light emitted from the device." The definitions of the colour of the light emitted given in Regulation No. 48 and its series of amendments in force at the
time of application for type approval shall apply to this Regulation."
Paragraph 5.15, insert footnote 3/, to read:
"5.15. The colour of the lamps 3/ referred to in this Regulation shall be as follows: ...
3/ Measurement of the chromaticity coordinates of the light emitted by the lamps is not part of this regulation."
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