On Conley's Fundamental Theorem of Dynamical Systems




6-14-2008 The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic•The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic says that every integer greater than1can be factored uniquely into a product of primes.•Euclid’s lemma says that if a prime divides a product of two numbers,it must divide at least one of the numbers.•The least common multiple[a,b]of nonzero integers a and b is the smallest positive integer divisible by both a and b.Theorem.(Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic)Every integer greater than1can be written in the formp n11p n22···p n kkwhere n i≥0and the p i’s are distinct primes.The factorization is unique,except possibly for the order of the factors.Example.4312=2·2156=2·2·1078=2·2·2·539=2·2·2·7·77=2·2·2·7·7·11.That is,4312=23·72·11.I need a couple of lemmas in order to prove the uniqueness part of the Fundamental Theorem.In fact, these lemmas are useful in their own right.Lemma.If m|pq and(m,p)=1,then m|q.Proof.Write1=(m,p)=am+bp for some a,b∈Z.Thenq=amq+bpq.Now m|amq and m|bpq(since m|pq),so m|(amq+bpq)=q.Lemma.If p is prime and p|a1a2···a n,then p|a i for some i.For n=2,the result says that if p is prime and p|ab,then p|a or p|b.This is often called Euclid’s lemma.Proof.Do the case n=2first.Suppose p|a1a2,and suppose p|a1.I must show p|a2.(p,a1)|p,and p is prime,so(p,a1)=1or(p,a1)=p.If(p,a1)=p,then p=(p,a1)|a1,which contradicts p|a1.Therefore,(p,a1)=1.By the preceding lemma,p|a2.This establishes the result for n=2.Assume n>2,and assume the result is true when p divides a product of with less than n factors. Suppose that p|a1a2···a n.Grouping the terms,I havep|(a1a2···a n−1)a n.By the case n=2,either p|a1a2···a n−1or p|a n.If p|a n,I’m done.Otherwise,if p|a1a2···a n−1,then p divides one of a1,a2,...,a n−1,by induction.In either case,I’ve shown that p divides one of the a i’s,which completes the induction step and the proof.Proof.(Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic)First,I’ll use induction to show that every integer greater than1can be expressed as a product of primes.n=2is prime,so the result is true for n=2.Suppose n>2,and assume every number less than n can be factored into a product of primes.If n is prime,I’m done.Otherwise,n is composite,so I can factor n as n=ab,where1<a,b<n.By induction, a and b can be factored into primes.Then n=ab shows that n can,too.Now I’ll prove the uniqueness part of the Fundamental Theorem.Suppose thatp m11···p m j j=q n11···q n kk.Here the p’s are distinct primes,the q’s are distinct primes,and all the exponents are greater than orequal to1.I want to show that j=k,and that each p m a a is q n bbfor some b—that is,p a=q b and m a=n b.Look at p1.It divides the left side,so it divides the right side.By the last lemma,p1|q n i i for some i. But q n i i is q i···q i(n i times),so again by the last lemma,p1|q i.Since p1and q i are prime,p1=q i.To avoid a mess,renumber the q’s so q i becomes q1and vice versa.Thus,p1=q1,and the equation readsp m11···p m j j=p n11···q n kk.If m1>n1,cancel p n11from both sides,leavingp m1−n1 1···p m j j=q n22···q n kk.This is impossible,since now p1divides the left side,but not the right.For the same reason m1<n1is impossible.It follows that m1=n1.So I can cancel the p1’s offboth sides,leavingp m22···p m j j=q n22···q n kk.Keep going.At each stage,I pair up a power of a p with a power of a q,and the preceding argument shows the powers are equal.I can’t wind up with any primes left over at the end,or else I’d have a product of primes equal to1.So everything must have paired up,and the original factorizations were the same(except possibly for the order of the factors).Example.The least common multiple of nonzero integers a and b is the smallest positive integer divisible by both a and b.The least common multiple of a and b is denoted[a,b].For example,[6,4]=12,[33,15]=165.Here’s an interesting fact that is easy to derive from the Fundamental Theorem:[a,b](a,b)=ab.Factor a and b in products of primes,but write out all the powers(e.g.write23as2·2·2):a=p1···p l q1···q m,b=q1···q m r1···r n.Here the q ’s are the primes a and b have in common,and the p ’s and r don’t overlap.Picture:aFrom the picture,(a,b )=q 1···q m ,[a,b ]=p 1···p l q 1···q m r 1···r n ,ab =p 1···p l q 21···q 2m r 1···r n .Thus,[a,b ](a,b )=ab .Here’s how this result looks for 36and 90:369022335(36,90)=18,[36,90]=180,and 36·90=32400=18·180.。



Fundament of material scienceThis course is focuses on researching compound, structure, process and quality of materials.it also focus on the relation between different factors which are effects material both from internal to external.Bravais lattice: 14 kindsCrystal orientation index: [011]……Mill index: (110)…….Basic structure: BCC, FCC, HCPStructure of alloy phase:Solid solution: symbols 1) both atoms of solute and solvent occupied same bravais lattice2) have range of composition3) have obvious characteristics of metal.Kinds of solid solution: interstitial solid solution and substitutional solid solution Kinds of diffusion: 1) chemical and self diffusion2) uphill diffusion and downhill diffusion3) short-diffusion4) phase diffusionFactors affects diffusion:1)Temperature2)Composition3)Structure of crystalCrystallization and solidification of metal:Liquid phase gibbs free energy:Solid phase gibbs free energy:Nucleation: 1) homogeneous nucleation 2) heterogeneous nucleationFe-Fe3C Phase diagramFe-Fe3C Phase diagramδ: high temperature ferrite 铁素体Max C 0.09% at 1495ϒ: austenite 奥氏体Max C 2.11% at 1148αor F: ferrite 铁素体Max 0.0218% at 727Fe3C: Cementite 渗碳体Max C 6.69% at 1227Pure iron C<0.0218%, process: High temperature ferrite-----homogeneous crystallization transformation disappear------high temperature ferrite transform to austenite-----austenite transform to ferrite------over ferrite assemble Fe3CIII------ferrite or ferrite+tertiary cementite (F+Fe3CIII Max0.33%)Steel: 0.0218%<C<2.11%1)Hypoeutectoid steel 0.0218%<C<0.77%, Processes: homogeneous transformation, liquid to high temperature ferrite-----peritectic transformation------homogeneous crystallization transformation-----0.4%C austenite------austenite to ferrite------F+(F+Fe3C)-----ferrite+pearlite (F 94%+P 6%) 2)Eutectoid steel0.77%=C, Processes: homogeneous transformation, liquid to austenite------homogeneous crystallization disappear, 0.77% austenite-----eutectoid transformation, P (F 88.5%+Fe3C 11.5%)= pearlite3)Graphitic steel 0.77%<C<2.11% , Processes: high temperatureferrite------homogeneous crystallization------austenite------eutectoid transformation, austenite to Fe3CII----- pearlite+secondary cementite (P 92.74%+Fe3CII 7.26%) White cast iron: 2.11%<C<4.3%1)Hypoeutectic white cast iron 2.11%<C<4.3%, Processes: homogeneous transformation, liquid to austenite-------Ld-------pearlite+secondary cementite+abnormality ledeburite (P 45.95%+Fe3CII 13.41%+L'd 40.64%)2)Eutectic white cast iron C=4.3% , Processes: eutectic reaction, austenite+Fe3C(Ld, ledeburite)-----austenite to Fe3CII-------austenite to P------abnormality ledeburite (L'd, P +Fe3CII+Fe3C, F 35.73%+Fe3C 64.27%) Hypereutectic white cast iron 4.3%<C<6.69%,Process: homogeneous transformation, Fe3C----Ld------- firstly cementite+abnormality ledeburite (Fe3CI (F+Fe3C) 29.29%+L'd 70.71%)。



rigidity in one part of the system should entail lack of flexibility in another. A remarkable characteristic of the Harrod-Domar model is that it consistently studies long-run problems with the usual short-run tools. One usually thinks of the long run as the domain of the neoclassical analysis, the land of the margin. Instead Harrod and Domar talk of the long run in terms of the multiplier, the accelerator, "the" capital coefficient. The bulk of this paper is devoted to a model of long-run growth which accepts all the Harrod-Domar assumptions except that of fixed proportions. Instead I suppose that the single composite commodity is produced by labor and capital under the standard neoclassical conditions. The adaptation of the system to an exogenously given rate of increase of the labor force is worked out in some detail, to see if the Harrod instability appears. The price-wageinterest reactions play an important role in this neoclassical adjustment process, so they are analyzed too. Then some of the other rigid assumptions are relaxed slightly to see what qualitative changes result: neutral technological change is allowed, and an interest-elastic savings schedule. Finally the consequences of certain more "Keynesian" relations and rigidities are briefly considered. II. A MODEL OF LONG-RUN GROWTH There is only one commodity, output as a whole, whose rate of production is designated Y(t). Thus we can speak unambiguously of the community's real income. Part of each instant's output is consumed and the rest is saved and invested. The fraction of output saved is a constant s, so that the rate of saving is sY(t). The community's stock of capital K(t) takes the form of an accumulation of the composite commodity. Net investment is then just the rate of increase of this capital stock dK/dt or K, so we have the basic identity at every instant of time: K = sY. (1) Output is produced with the help of two factors of production, capital and labor, whose rate of input is L(t). Technological possibilities are represented by a production function (2)




34. The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repa ying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed.34.消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的钱应与所贷款的价值相同。

35. Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion.35.未来主义,二十世纪早期的一个艺术思潮。


36. One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States is the Evergla des where wildlife is abundant and largely protected.36. Everglades是美国境内最为荒凉和人迹罕至的地区之一,此处有大量的野生动植物而且大多受(法律)保护。

37. Lucretia Mott’s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some a uthorities as the originator of feminism in the United States.37. Lucretia Mott’s的影响巨大,所以一些权威部门认定她为美国女权运动的创始人。



GGALVANIC DISTORTIONThe electrical conductivity of Earth materials affects two physical processes:electromagnetic induction which is utilized with magneto-tellurics(MT)(q.v.),and electrical conduction.If electromagnetic induction in media which are heterogeneous with respect to their elec-trical conductivity is considered,then both processes take place simul-taneously:Due to Faraday’s law,a variational electric field is induced in the Earth,and due to the conductivity of the subsoil an electric cur-rent flows as a consequence of the electric field.The current compo-nent normal to boundaries within the heterogeneous structure passes these boundaries continously according tos1E1¼s2E2where the subscripts1and2indicate the boundary values of conductiv-ity and electric field in regions1and2,respectively.Therefore the amplitude and the direction of the electric field are changed in the vicinity of the boundaries(Figure G1).In electromagnetic induction studies,the totality of these changes in comparison with the electric field distribution in homogeneous media is referred to as galvanic distortion. The electrical conductivity of Earth materials spans13orders of mag-nitude(e.g.,dry crystalline rocks can have conductivities of less than 10–6S mÀ1,while ores can have conductivities exceeding106S mÀ1). Therefore,MT has a potential for producing well constrained mod-els of the Earth’s electrical conductivity structure,but almost all field studies are affected by the phenomenon of galvanic distortion, and sophisticated techniques have been developed for dealing with it(Simpson and Bahr,2005).Electric field amplitude changes and static shiftA change in an electric field amplitude causes a frequency-indepen-dent offset in apparent resistivity curves so that they plot parallel to their true level,but are scaled by a real factor.Because this shift can be regarded as spatial undersampling or“aliasing,”the scaling factor or static shift factor cannot be determined directly from MT data recorded at a single site.If MT data are interpreted via one-dimensional modeling without correcting for static shift,the depth to a conductive body will be shifted by the square root of the factor by which the apparent resistivities are shifted.Static shift corrections may be classified into three broad groups: 1.Short period corrections relying on active near-surface measurementssuch as transient electromagnetic sounding(TEM)(e.g.,Meju,1996).2.Averaging(statistical)techniques.As an example,electromagneticarray profiling is an adaptation of the magnetotelluric technique that involves sampling lateral variations in the electric field con-tinuously,and spatial low pass filtering can be used to suppress sta-tic shift effects(Torres-Verdin and Bostick,1992).3.Long period corrections relying on assumed deep structure(e.g.,a resistivity drop at the mid-mantle transition zones)or long-periodmagnetic transfer functions(Schmucker,1973).An equivalence relationship exists between the magnetotelluric impedance Z and Schmucker’s C-response:C¼Zi om0;which can be determined from the magnetic fields alone,thereby providing an inductive scale length that is independent of the dis-torted electric field.Magnetic transfer functions can,for example, be derived from the magnetic daily variation.The appropriate method for correcting static shift often depends on the target depth,because there can be a continuum of distortion at all scales.As an example,in complex three-dimensional environments near-surface correction techniques may be inadequate if the conductiv-ity of the mantle is considered,because electrical heterogeneity in the deep crust creates additional galvanic distortion at a larger-scale, which is not resolved with near-surface measurements(e.g.,Simpson and Bahr,2005).Changes in the direction of electric fields and mixing of polarizationsIn some target areas of the MT method the conductivity distribution is two-dimensional(e.g.,in the case of electrical anisotropy(q.v.))and the induction process can be described by two decoupled polarizations of the electromagnetic field(e.g.,Simpson and Bahr,2005).Then,the changes in the direction of electric fields that are associated with galvanic distortion can result in mixing of these two polarizations. The recovery of the undistorted electromagnetic field is referred to as magnetotelluric tensor decomposition(e.g.,Bahr,1988,Groom and Bailey,1989).Current channeling and the“magnetic”distortionIn the case of extreme conductivity contrasts the electrical current can be channeled in such way that it is surrounded by a magneticvariational field that has,opposite to the assumptions made in the geo-magnetic deep sounding(q.v.)method,no phase lag with respect to the electric field.The occurrence of such magnetic fields in field data has been shown by Zhang et al.(1993)and Ritter and Banks(1998).An example of a magnetotelluric tensor decomposition that includes mag-netic distortion has been presented by Chave and Smith(1994).Karsten BahrBibliographyBahr,K.,1988.Interpretation of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor: regional induction and local telluric distortion.Journal of Geophy-sics,62:119–127.Chave,A.D.,and Smith,J.T.,1994.On electric and magnetic galvanic distortion tensor decompositions.Journal of Geophysical Research,99:4669–4682.Groom,R.W.,and Bailey,R.C.,1989.Decomposition of the magneto-telluric impedance tensor in the presence of local three-dimensional galvanic distortion.Journal of Geophysical Research,94: 1913–1925.Meju,M.A.,1996.Joint inversion of TEM and distorted MT sound-ings:some effective practical considerations.Geophysics,61: 56–65.Ritter,P.,and Banks,R.J.,1998.Separation of local and regional information in distorted GDS response functions by hypothetical event analysis.Geophysical Journal International,135:923–942. Schmucker,U.,1973.Regional induction studies:a review of methods and results.Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,7: 365–378.Simpson,F.,and Bahr,K.,2005.Practical Magnetotellurics.Cam-bridge:Cambridge University Press.Torres-Verdin,C.,and Bostick,F.X.,1992.Principles of special sur-face electric field filtering in magnetotellurics:electromagnetic array profiling(EMAP).Geophysics,57:603–622.Zhang,P.,Pedersen,L.B.,Mareschal,M.,and Chouteau,M.,1993.Channelling contribution to tipper vectors:a magnetic equivalent to electrical distortion.Geophysical Journal International,113: 693–700.Cross-referencesAnisotropy,ElectricalGeomagnetic Deep SoundingMagnetotelluricsMantle,Electrical Conductivity,Mineralogy GAUSS’DETERMINATION OF ABSOLUTE INTENSITYThe concept of magnetic intensity was known as early as1600in De Magnete(see Gilbert,William).The relative intensity of the geomag-netic field in different locations could be measured with some preci-sion from the rate of oscillation of a dip needle—a method used by Humboldt,Alexander von(q.v.)in South America in1798.But it was not until Gauss became interested in a universal system of units that the idea of measuring absolute intensity,in terms of units of mass, length,and time,was considered.It is now difficult to imagine how revolutionary was the idea that something as subtle as magnetism could be measured in such mundane units.On18February1832,Gauss,Carl Friedrich(q.v.)wrote to the German astronomer Olbers:“I occupy myself now with the Earth’s magnetism,particularly with an absolute determination of its intensity.Friend Weber”(Wilhelm Weber,Professor of Physics at the University of Göttingen)“conducts the experiments on my instructions.As, for example,a clear concept of velocity can be given only through statements on time and space,so in my opinion,the complete determination of the intensity of the Earth’s magnetism requires to specify(1)a weight¼p,(2)a length¼r,and then the Earth’s magnetism can be expressed byffiffiffiffiffiffiffip=rp.”After minor adjustment to the units,the experiment was completed in May1832,when the horizontal intensity(H)at Göttingen was found to be1.7820mg1/2mm–1/2s–1(17820nT).The experimentThe experiment was in two parts.In the vibration experiment(Figure G2) magnet A was set oscillating in a horizontal plane by deflecting it from magnetic north.The period of oscillations was determined at different small amplitudes,and from these the period t0of infinite-simal oscillations was deduced.This gave a measure of MH,where M denotes the magnetic moment of magnet A:MH¼4p2I=t20The moment of inertia,I,of the oscillating part is difficult to deter-mine directly,so Gauss used the ingenious idea of conductingtheFigure G2The vibration experiment.Magnet A is suspended from a silk fiber F It is set swinging horizontally and the period of an oscillation is obtained by timing an integral number of swings with clock C,using telescope T to observe the scale S reflected in mirror M.The moment of inertia of the oscillating part can be changed by a known amount by hanging weights W from the rodR. 278GAUSS’DETERMINATION OF ABSOLUTE INTENSITYexperiment for I and then I þD I ,where D I is a known increment obtained by hanging weights at a known distance from the suspension.From several measures of t 0with different values of D I ,I was deter-mined by the method of least squares (another of Gauss ’s original methods).In the deflection experiment,magnet A was removed from the suspension and replaced with magnet B.The ratio M /H was measured by the deflection of magnet B from magnetic north,y ,produced by magnet A when placed in the same horizontal plane as B at distance d magnetic east (or west)of the suspension (Figure G3).This required knowledge of the magnetic intensity due to a bar magnet.Gauss deduced that the intensity at distance d on the axis of a dipole is inversely proportional to d 3,but that just one additional term is required to allow for the finite length of the magnet,giving 2M (1þk/d 2)/d 3,where k denotes a small constant.ThenM =H ¼1=2d 3ð1Àk =d 2Þtan y :The value of k was determined,again by the method of least squares,from the results of a number of measures of y at different d .From MH and M /H both M and,as required by Gauss,H could readily be deduced.Present methodsWith remarkably little modification,Gauss ’s experiment was devel-oped into the Kew magnetometer,which remained the standard means of determining absolute H until electrical methods were introduced in the 1920s.At some observatories,Kew magnetometers were still in use in the 1980s.Nowadays absolute intensity can be measured in sec-onds with a proton magnetometer and without the considerable time and experimental skill required by Gauss ’s method.Stuart R.C.MalinBibliographyGauss,C.F.,1833.Intensitas vis magneticae terrestris ad mensuram absolutam revocata.Göttingen,Germany.Malin,S.R.C.,1982.Sesquicentenary of Gauss ’s first measurement of the absolute value of magnetic intensity.Philosophical Transac-tions of the Royal Society of London ,A 306:5–8.Malin,S.R.C.,and Barraclough,D.R.,1982.150th anniversary of Gauss ’s first absolute magnetic measurement.Nature ,297:285.Cross-referencesGauss,Carl Friedrich (1777–1855)Geomagnetism,History of Gilbert,William (1544–1603)Humboldt,Alexander von (1759–1859)Instrumentation,History ofGAUSS,CARL FRIEDRICH (1777–1855)Amongst the 19th century scientists working in the field of geomag-netism,Carl Friedrich Gauss was certainly one of the most outstanding contributors,who also made very fundamental contributions to the fields of mathematics,astronomy,and geodetics.Born in April 30,1777in Braunschweig (Germany)as the son of a gardener,street butcher,and mason Johann Friderich Carl,as he was named in the certificate of baptism,already in primary school at the age of nine perplexed his teacher J.G.Büttner by his innovative way to sum up the numbers from 1to ter Gauss used to claim that he learned manipulating numbers earlier than being able to speak.In 1788,Gauss became a pupil at the Catharineum in Braunschweig,where M.C.Bartels (1769–1836)recognized his outstanding mathematical abilities and introduced Gauss to more advanced problems of mathe-matics.Gauss proved to be an exceptional pupil catching the attention of Duke Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand of Braunschweig who provided Gauss with the necessary financial support to attend the Collegium Carolinum (now the Technical University of Braunschweig)from 1792to 1795.From 1795to 1798Gauss studied at the University of Göttingen,where his number theoretical studies allowed him to prove in 1796,that the regular 17-gon can be constructed using a pair of compasses and a ruler only.In 1799,he received his doctors degree from the University of Helmstedt (close to Braunschweig;closed 1809by Napoleon)without any oral examination and in absentia .His mentor in Helmstedt was J.F.Pfaff (1765–1825).The thesis submitted was a complete proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra.His studies on number theory published in Latin language as Disquitiones arithi-meticae in 1801made Carl Friedrich Gauss immediately one of the leading mathematicians in Europe.Gauss also made further pioneering contributions to complex number theory,elliptical functions,function theory,and noneuclidian geometry.Many of his thoughts have not been published in regular books but can be read in his more than 7000letters to friends and colleagues.But Gauss was not only interested in mathematics.On January 1,1801the Italian astronomer G.Piazzi (1746–1820)for the first time detected the asteroid Ceres,but lost him again a couple of weeks later.Based on completely new numerical methods,Gauss determined the orbit of Ceres in November 1801,which allowed F.X.von Zach (1754–1832)to redetect Ceres on December 7,1801.This prediction made Gauss famous next to his mathematical findings.In 1805,Gauss got married to Johanna Osthoff (1780–1809),who gave birth to two sons,Joseph and Louis,and a daughter,Wilhelmina.In 1810,Gauss married his second wife,Minna Waldeck (1788–1815).They had three more children together,Eugen,Wilhelm,and Therese.Eugen Gauss later became the founder and first president of the First National Bank of St.Charles,Missouri.Carl Friedrich Gauss ’interest in the Earth magnetic field is evident in a letter to his friend Wilhelm Olbers (1781–1862)as early as 1803,when he told Olbers that geomagnetism is a field where still many mathematical studies can be done.He became more engaged in geo-magnetism after a meeting with A.von Humboldt (1769–1859)and W.E.Weber (1804–1891)in Berlin in 1828where von Humboldt pointed out to Gauss the large number of unsolved problems in geo-magnetism.When Weber became a professor of physics at the Univer-sity of Göttingen in 1831,one of the most productive periods intheFigure G3The deflection experiment.Suspended magnet B is deflected from magnetic north by placing magnet A east or west (magnetic)of it at a known distance d .The angle of deflection y is measured by using telescope T to observe the scale S reflected in mirror M.GAUSS,CARL FRIEDRICH (1777–1855)279field of geomagnetism started.In1832,Gauss and Weber introduced the well-known Gauss system according to which the magnetic field unit was based on the centimeter,the gram,and the second.The Mag-netic Observatory of Göttingen was finished in1833and its construc-tion became the prototype for many other observatories all over Europe.Gauss and Weber furthermore developed and improved instru-ments to measure the magnetic field,such as the unifilar and bifilar magnetometer.Inspired by A.von Humboldt,Gauss and Weber realized that mag-netic field measurements need to be done globally with standardized instruments and at agreed times.This led to the foundation of the Göttinger Magnetische Verein in1836,an organization without any for-mal structure,only devoted to organize magnetic field measurements all over the world.The results of this organization have been published in six volumes as the Resultate aus den Beobachtungen des Magnetischen Vereins.The issue of1838contains the pioneering work Allgemeine Theorie des Erdmagnetismus where Gauss introduced the concept of the spherical harmonic analysis and applied this new tool to magnetic field measurements.His general theory of geomagnetism also allowed to separate the magnetic field into its externally and its internally caused parts.As the external contributions are nowadays interpreted as current systems in the ionosphere and magnetosphere Gauss can also be named the founder of magnetospheric research.Publication of the Resultate ceased in1843.W.E.Weber together with such eminent professors of the University of Göttingen as Jacob Grimm(1785–1863)and Wilhelm Grimm(1786–1859)had formed the political group Göttingen Seven protesting against constitutional violations of King Ernst August of Hannover.As a consequence of these political activities,Weber and his colleagues were dismissed. Though Gauss tried everything to bring back Weber in his position he did not succeed and Weber finally decided to accept a chair at the University of Leipzig in1843.This finished a most fruitful and remarkable cooperation between two of the most outstanding contribu-tors to geomagnetism in the19th century.Their heritage was not only the invention of the first telegraph station in1833,but especially the network of36globally operating magnetic observatories.In his later years Gauss considered to either enter the field of bota-nics or to learn another language.He decided for the language and started to study Russian,already being in his seventies.At that time he was the only person in Göttingen speaking that language fluently. Furthermore,he was asked by the Senate of the University of Göttingen to reorganize their widow’s pension system.This work made him one of the founders of insurance mathematics.In his final years Gauss became fascinated by the newly built railway lines and supported their development using the telegraph idea invented by Weber and himself.Carl Friedrich Gauss died on February23,1855as a most respected citizen of his town Göttingen.He was a real genius who was named Princeps mathematicorum already during his life time,but was also praised for his practical abilities.Karl-Heinz GlaßmeierBibliographyBiegel,G.,and K.Reich,Carl Friedrich Gauss,Braunschweig,2005. Bühler,W.,Gauss:A Biographical study,Berlin,1981.Hall,T.,Carl Friedrich Gauss:A Biography,Cambridge,MA,1970. Lamont,J.,Astronomie und Erdmagnetismus,Stuttgart,1851. Cross-referencesHumboldt,Alexander von(1759–1859)Magnetosphere of the Earth GELLIBRAND,HENRY(1597–1636)Henry Gellibrand was the eldest son of a physician,also Henry,and was born on17November1597in the parish of St.Botolph,Aldersgate,London.In1615,he became a commoner at Trinity Col-lege,Oxford,and obtained a BA in1619and an MA in1621.Aftertaking Holy Orders he became curate at Chiddingstone,Kent,butthe lectures of Sir Henry Savile inspired him to become a full-timemathematician.He settled in Oxford,where he became friends withHenry Briggs,famed for introducing logarithms to the base10.Itwas on Briggs’recommendation that,on the death of Edmund Gunter,Gellibrand succeeded him as Gresham Professor of Astronomy in1627—a post he held until his death from a fever on16February1636.He was buried at St.Peter the Poor,Broad Street,London(now demolished).Gellibrand’s principal publications were concerned with mathe-matics(notably the completion of Briggs’Trigonometrica Britannicaafter Briggs died in1630)and navigation.But he is included herebecause he is credited with the discovery of geomagnetic secular var-iation.The events leading to this discovery are as follows(for furtherdetails see Malin and Bullard,1981).The sequence starts with an observation of magnetic declinationmade by William Borough,a merchant seaman who rose to“captaingeneral”on the Russian trade route before becoming comptroller ofthe Queen’s Navy.The magnetic observation(Borough,1581,1596)was made on16October1580at Limehouse,London,where heobserved the magnetic azimuth of the sun as it rose through sevenfixed altitudes in the morning and as it descended through the samealtitudes in the afternoon.The mean of the two azimuths for each alti-tude gives a measure of magnetic declination,D,the mean of which is11 190EÆ50rms.Despite the small scatter,the value could have beenbiased by site or compass errors.Some40years later,Edmund Gunter,distinguished mathematician,Gresham Professor of Astronomy and inventor of the slide rule,foundD to be“only6gr15m”(6 150E)“as I have sometimes found it oflate”(Gunter,1624,66).The exact date(ca.1622)and location(prob-ably Deptford)of the observation are not stated,but it alerted Gunterto the discrepancy with Borough’s measurement.To investigatefurther,Gunter“enquired after the place where Mr.Borough observed,and went to Limehouse with...a quadrant of three foot Semidiameter,and two Needles,the one above6inches,and the other10inches long ...towards the night the13of June1622,I made observation in sev-eral parts of the ground”(Gunter,1624,66).These observations,witha mean of5 560EÆ120rms,confirmed that D in1622was signifi-cantly less than had been measured by Borough in1580.But was thisan error in the earlier measure,or,unlikely as it then seemed,was Dchanging?Unfortunately Gunter died in1626,before making anyfurther measurements.When Gellibrand succeeded Gunter as Gresham Professor,allhe required to do to confirm a major scientific discovery was towait a few years and then repeat the Limehouse observation.Buthe chose instead to go to the site of Gunter’s earlier observationin Deptford,where,in June1633,Gellibrand found D to be“muchless than5 ”(Gellibrand,1635,16).He made a further measurement of D on the same site on June12,1634and“found it not much to exceed4 ”(Gellibrand,1635,7),the published data giving4 50 EÆ40rms.His observation of D at Paul’s Cray on July4,1634adds little,because it is a new site.On the strength of these observations,he announced his discovery of secular variation(Gellibrand,1635,7and 19),but the reader may decide how much of the credit should go to Gunter.Stuart R.C.Malin280GELLIBRAND,HENRY(1597–1636)BibliographyBorough,W.,1581.A Discourse of the Variation of the Compass,or Magnetical Needle.(Appendix to R.Norman The newe Attractive).London:Jhon Kyngston for Richard Ballard.Borough,W.,1596.A Discourse of the Variation of the Compass,or Magnetical Needle.(Appendix to R.Norman The newe Attractive).London:E Allde for Hugh Astley.Gellibrand,H.,1635.A Discourse Mathematical on the Variation of the Magneticall Needle.Together with its admirable Diminution lately discovered.London:William Jones.Gunter,E.,1624.The description and use of the sector,the crosse-staffe and other Instruments.First booke of the crosse-staffe.London:William Jones.Malin,S.R.C.,and Bullard,Sir Edward,1981.The direction of the Earth’s magnetic field at London,1570–1975.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London,A299:357–423. Smith,G.,Stephen,L.,and Lee,S.,1967.The Dictionary of National Biography.Oxford:University Press.Cross-referencesCompassGeomagnetic Secular VariationGeomagnetism,History ofGEOCENTRIC AXIAL DIPOLE HYPOTHESISThe time-averaged paleomagnetic fieldPaleomagnetic studies provide measurements of the direction of the ancient geomagnetic field on the geological timescale.Samples are generally collected at a number of sites,where each site is defined as a single point in time.In most cases the time relationship between the sites is not known,moreover when samples are collected from a stratigraphic sequence the time interval between the levels is also not known.In order to deal with such data,the concept of the time-averaged paleomagnetic field is used.Hospers(1954)first introduced the geocentric axial dipole hypothesis(GAD)as a means of defining this time-averaged field and as a method for the analysis of paleomag-netic results.The hypothesis states that the paleomagnetic field,when averaged over a sufficient time interval,will conform with the field expected from a geocentric axial dipole.Hospers presumed that a time interval of several thousand years would be sufficient for the purpose of averaging,but many studies now suggest that tens or hundreds of thousand years are generally required to produce a good time-average. The GAD model is a simple one(Figure G4)in which the geomag-netic and geographic axes and equators coincide.Thus at any point on the surface of the Earth,the time-averaged paleomagnetic latitude l is equal to the geographic latitude.If m is the magnetic moment of this time-averaged geocentric axial dipole and a is the radius of the Earth, the horizontal(H)and vertical(Z)components of the magnetic field at latitude l are given byH¼m0m cos l;Z¼2m0m sin l;(Eq.1)and the total field F is given byF¼ðH2þZ2Þ1=2¼m0m4p a2ð1þ3sin2lÞ1=2:(Eq.2)Since the tangent of the magnetic inclination I is Z/H,thentan I¼2tan l;(Eq.3)and by definition,the declination D is given byD¼0 :(Eq.4)The colatitude p(90 minus the latitude)can be obtained fromtan I¼2cot pð0p180 Þ:(Eq.5)The relationship given in Eq. (3) is fundamental to paleomagnetismand is a direct consequence of the GAD hypothesis.When applied toresults from different geologic periods,it enables the paleomagneticlatitude to be derived from the mean inclination.This relationshipbetween latitude and inclination is shown in Figure G5.Figure G5Variation of inclination with latitude for a geocentricdipole.GEOCENTRIC AXIAL DIPOLE HYPOTHESIS281Paleom a gnetic polesThe positio n where the time-averaged dipole axis cuts the surface of the Earth is called the paleomagnetic pole and is defined on the present latitude-longitude grid. Paleomagnetic poles make it possible to com-pare results from different observing localities, since such poles should represent the best estimate of the position of the geographic pole.These poles are the most useful parameter derived from the GAD hypothesis. If the paleomagnetic mean direction (D m , I m ) is known at some sampling locality S, with latitude and longitude (l s , f s ), the coordinates of the paleomagnetic pole P (l p , f p ) can be calculated from the following equations by reference to Figure G6.sin l p ¼ sin l s cos p þ cos l s sin p cos D m ðÀ90 l p þ90 Þ(Eq. 6)f p ¼ f s þ b ; when cos p sin l s sin l porf p ¼ f s þ 180 À b ; when cos p sin l s sin l p (Eq. 7)wheresin b ¼ sin p sin D m = cos l p : (Eq. 8)The paleocolatitude p is determined from Eq. (5). The paleomagnetic pole ( l p , f p ) calculated in this way implies that “sufficient ” time aver-aging has been carried out. What “sufficient ” time is defined as is a subject of much debate and it is always difficult to estimate the time covered by the rocks being sampled. Any instantaneous paleofield direction (representing only a single point in time) may also be con-verted to a pole position using Eqs. (7) and (8). In this case the pole is termed a virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP). A VGP can be regarded as the paleomagnetic analog of the geomagnetic poles of the present field. The paleomagnetic pole may then also be calculated by finding the average of many VGPs, corresponding to many paleodirections.Of course, given a paleomagnetic pole position with coordinates (l p , f p ), the expected mean direction of magnetization (D m , I m )at any site location (l s , f s ) may be also calculated (Figure G6). The paleocolatitude p is given bycos p ¼ sin l s sin l p þ cos l s cos l p cos ðf p À f s Þ; (Eq. 9)and the inclination I m may then be calculated from Eq. (5). The corre-sponding declination D m is given bycos D m ¼sin l p À sin l s cos pcos l s sin p; (Eq. 10)where0 D m 180 for 0 (f p – f s ) 180and180 < D m <360for 180 < (f p –f s ) < 360 .The declination is indeterminate (that is any value may be chosen)if the site and the pole position coincide. If l s ¼Æ90then D m is defined as being equal to f p , the longitude of the paleomagnetic pole.Te s ting the GAD hy p othesis Tim e scale 0– 5 MaOn the timescale 0 –5 Ma, little or no continental drift will have occurred, so it was originally thought that the observation that world-wide paleomagnetic poles for this time span plotted around the present geographic indicated support for the GAD hypothesis (Cox and Doell,1960; Irving, 1964; McElhinny, 1973). However, any set of axial mul-tipoles (g 01; g 02 ; g 03 , etc.) will also produce paleomagnetic poles that cen-ter around the geographic pole. Indeed, careful analysis of the paleomagnetic data in this time interval has enabled the determination of any second-order multipole terms in the time-averaged field (see below for more detailed discussion of these departures from the GAD hypothesis).The first important test of the GAD hypothesis for the interval 0 –5Ma was carried out by Opdyke and Henry (1969),who plotted the mean inclinations observed in deep-sea sediment cores as a function of latitude,showing that these observations conformed with the GAD hypothesis as predicted by Eq. (3) and plotted in Figure G5.Testing the axial nature of the time-averaged fieldOn the geological timescale it is observed that paleomagnetic poles for any geological period from a single continent or block are closely grouped indicating the dipole hypothesis is true at least to first-order.However,this observation by itself does not prove the axial nature of the dipole field.This can be tested through the use of paleoclimatic indicators (see McElhinny and McFadden,2000for a general discus-sion).Paleoclimatologists use a simple model based on the fact that the net solar flux reaching the surface of the Earth has a maximum at the equator and a minimum at the poles.The global temperature may thus be expected to have the same variation.The density distribu-tion of many climatic indicators (climatically sensitive sediments)at the present time shows a maximum at the equator and either a mini-mum at the poles or a high-latitude zone from which the indicator is absent (e.g.,coral reefs,evaporates,and carbonates).A less common distribution is that of glacial deposits and some deciduous trees,which have a maximum in polar and intermediate latitudes.It has been shown that the distributions of paleoclimatic indicators can be related to the present-day climatic zones that are roughly parallel with latitude.Irving (1956)first suggested that comparisons between paleomag-netic results and geological evidence of past climates could provide a test for the GAD hypothesis over geological time.The essential point regarding such a test is that both paleomagnetic and paleoclimatic data provide independent evidence of past latitudes,since the factors con-trolling climate are quite independent of the Earth ’s magnetic field.The most useful approach is to compile the paleolatitude values for a particular occurrence in the form of equal angle or equalareaFigure G6Calculation of the position P (l p ,f p )of thepaleomagnetic pole relative to the sampling site S (l s ,f s )with mean magnetic direction (D m ,I m ).282GEOCENTRIC AXIAL DIPOLE HYPOTHESIS。

The Consequences of Radical Reform

The Consequences of Radical Reform

The Consequences of Radical Reform:The FrenchRevolutionDaron Acemoglu y Davide Cantoni z Simon Johnson xJames A.Robinson{March2009.AbstractThe French Revolution of1789had a momentous impact on neighboring countries.The French Revolutionary armies during the1790s and later under Napoleon invaded and controlled large parts of Europe.Together with invasion came various radical institutional changes. French invasion removed the legal and economic barriers that had protected the nobility,clergy, guilds,and urban oligarchies and established the principle of equality before the law.The evidence suggests that areas that were occupied by the French and that underwent radical institutional reform experienced more rapid urbanization and economic growth,especially after 1850.There is no evidence of a negative e¤ect of French invasion.Our interpretation is that the Revolution destroyed(the institutional underpinnings of)the power of oligarchies and elites opposed to economic change;combined with the arrival of new economic and industrial opportunities in the second half of the19th century,this helped pave the way for future economic growth.The evidence does not provide any support for several other views,most notably,that evolved institutions are inherently superior to those‘designed’;that institutions must be‘appropriate’and cannot be‘transplanted’;and that the civil code and other French institutions have adverse economic e¤ects.Keywords:institutions,civil code,guilds,democracy,oligarchy,political economy.We thank Jared Diamond,Robert Dixon,Niall Ferguson,Tim Guinnane,Peter Hall,Philip Ho¤man,Joel Mokyr,Sheilagh Ogilvie,Winifred Rothemberg,Jesus Villaverde,John Wallis,Peter Wilson and participants in the American Economic Association Annual Meeting for their comments,and Camilo García,Tarek Hassan, Jutta Hoppe and Michael Kapps for excellent research assistance.y Massachussetts Institute of Technology,Department of Economics,E52-380,50Memorial Drive,Cambridge MA02142,USA.e-mail:daron@.z Harvard University,Department of Economics,Littauer Center,Cambridge MA02138,email:can-toni@.x MIT,Sloan School of Management,50Memorial Drive,Cambridge MA02142,USA.e-mail:sjohn-son@.{Harvard University,Department of Government and IQSS,1737Cambridge Street N309,Cambridge MA 01238,USA;e-mail:jrobinson@.1IntroductionThe recent literature on comparative development has emphasized that underdevelopment is caused by institutions that do not create the right incentives for economic growth.But there is disagreement about which specific institutions are important.Some scholars emphasize property rights(North and Thomas,1973,Acemoglu,Johnson and Robinson,2001,Acemoglu and Johnson,2005),some legal institutions(La Porta,Lopez-de-Silanes,Shleifer,and Vishny, 1998)and others barriers to entry or oligarchies(Olson,1982,Acemoglu,2008).Another unresolved issue is whether institutions can be designed,and relatedly whether they can be reformed externally.Hayek(1960)argued that institutions cannot be designed and have to evolve organically(and that this was the major reason for the inferiority of the civil code),and a recent literature has claimed that institutions have to be‘appropriate’to the specific circumstances of countries(Berkowitz,Pistor and Richard,2003a,b,Rodrik,2007).1 These problems are amplified when such reforms are implemented‘Big Bang’style.Propo-nents of these views argue that enforced institutional change is likely to reduce prosperity,a claim that receives some support from the apparent failures of institutional reforms in Latin America,Africa,the former Soviet Union in the1980s and1990s,and the recent experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq.Not all external reform are failures,however,as evidenced,for example, by the successful US-imposed reforms in postwar Germany and Japan.In this paper we exploit the variation in institutional reform created in Europe by the French Revolution to investigate the consequences of radical,externally-imposed reform on subsequent economic growth.After1792French armies invaded and reformed the institutions of many European countries.The lessons from this episode are central to some of the current debates on institutions.First,the package of reforms the French imposed on areas they conquered included the civil code,the abolition of guilds and the remnants of feudalism,and the introduction of equality before the law and the undermining of aristocratic privilege.These reforms thus clearly relate to the above-mentioned debates.If oligarchies were the main barrier to economic growth in Europe at the turn of the19th century,then we would expect the Revolutionary reforms to unleash more rapid economic growth in affected areas.If,on the other hand,externally-imposed radical reform is generally costly or if the civil code creates major distortions,the1Relatedly,a dominant paradigm in economics maintains that institutions efficiently—albeit slowly—adapt to the underlying characteristics of society(e.g.,Demsetz,1967,Djankov,Glaeser,La Porta,Lopez-de-Silanes and Shleifer,2003).reforms should have negative effects.2We investigate the economic consequences of the French Revolution,and particularly,the reforms that it imposed on the rest of Europe,by using two sources of historical data.Thefirst is cross-national.French armies invaded and reformed some parts of Europe but not others, so we can take those invaded as the‘treatment group’and compare their relative economic success before and after the revolutionary period.Nevertheless,there is a substantial amount of heterogeneity in this sample.For instance,the French tended to have a greater impact on countries in Western Europe compared to Eastern Europe and even though we show that there is no evidence of pre-trends,this does not rule out potential unobserved differences between the treatment and control groups.In addition to cross-national variation,we also examine variation within Germany.Parts of Germany,primarily the west and northwest,were invaded and reformed,while the south and the east were not.Therefore we can construct more comparable treatment and control groups within Germany.In addition,we collected data to develop several series of institutional reforms across German polities.This enables us both to verify that the French did indeed reform various aspects of institutions and to utilize a two-stage least squares strategy,with French invasion as an instrument for institutional reform.Crucially for our identification strategy,European countries or parts of Germany did not choose the French institutions,but those institutions were imposed on themfirst by the Revo-lution and then by Napoleon.3Moreover,territorial expansion by French armies did not target places with a greater future growth potential.Instead,it had two major objectives.Thefirst was defensive,especially,in response to the threat of Austrian or Prussian(or later British) attempts to topple the Revolutionary regime.The second was expansionary.This was partly because of resource needs of the French Republic,and partly because of the ideology of the French Revolution.In addition,in the early1790s,the French sought to establish France’s ‘natural frontiers.’4Finally,the purpose of the institutional reforms of the French Revolution2These issues are also related to the classic historical debate about the extent to which the institutions of the ancien r´e gime impeded capitalism and economic growth and whether or not the French Revolution played a constructive or destructive role in European political development.The historical debate about the consequences of the French Revolution is also about its impact on political institutions and democracy,which is beyond the scope of the current paper.3In most cases,there were local Jacobin(local radical)forces in the countries invaded by the French armies, but the presence of such forces did not play a major role in determining which countres and cities were invaded by the French.See,for example,Doyle(1989,Chapter9).4For example,the Revolutionary leader George Danton stated:“Les limites de la France sont marqu´e es par la nature,nous les atteindrons des quatre coins de l’horizon,du cˆo t´e du Rhin,du cˆo t´e de l’Oc´e an,duwas not to foster industrialization per se,though they may have achieved this objective as a by-product of its major goal of destroying the grip of the aristocracy,oligarchy,and the clergy on political and economic power.5Therefore,to afirst approximation,we can think of the imposition of the institutions of the French Revolution as an‘exogenous treatment’and investigate the economic implications of the radical French reforms.We distinguish three definitions of‘French treatment:’(1)length of French occupation (in years),(2)a dummy for French control during the Revolutionary period prior to the take-over of Napoleon in9November1799(18Brumaire in the revolutionary calendar),(3) a dummy for French control during the Napoleonic period up ing all three definitions,wefind reduced-form evidence,both across countries and within Germany,that our main proxy for economic prosperity,urbanization rates,increased significantly faster in treated areas during the second half of the19th century.We also supplement our cross-country analysis with Maddison’s GDP data.Maddison reports data for‘Germany’and‘Italy’prior to their unification,rather than the independent polities which subsequently unified.Much of the variation in French treatment,however,is within what became Germany and Italy, so Maddison’s data are much less appropriate than the urbanization data for our purposes. Nevertheless,thefindings with GDP per-capita are similar,though on the whole weaker than those using urbanization rates.Within Germany,we provide supporting evidence using the expansion of railways and the sectoral composition of employment,again suggesting that treated parts of Germany grew more rapidly—in fact,industrialized more rapidly—ing German data,we further show a strong association between our measures of institutional reforms and French invasion or ing this association as afirst stage,we also estimate instrumental-variables models,which indicate large effects of institutional reforms on subsequent growth.Overall, our results show no evidence that the reforms imposed by the French had negative economic consequences.On the contrary,there is fairly consistent evidence from a variety of different cˆo t´e des Alpes.L`a,doiventfinir les bornes de notre r´e publique.”(speech to National Convention,January31, 1793;quoted in Blanning1983,p.2).Grab(2003,p.1)summarizes these motives and arguments as:“The revolutionary governments justified the occupation of foreign lands,using the theory of‘natural frontiers’and declaring their intention or liberating oppressed people from tyrannical regimes.”5It is unlikely that the reforms were made specifically to encourage industrial growth.Most likely,no one at the turn of the19th century could have anticipated the new technologies that were to arrive a few decades later.The exception to this statement is textiles.By1800the British and others had established some new technologies that increased productivity(e.g.,in spinning)by an order of magnitude.Textiles are an important part of the story in the Rhineland,discussed below,but there is no evidence that the French changed institutions in the Rhineland specifically because they foresaw great potential in the manufacture of cloth.empirical strategies that they had positive effects.An important aspect of ourfindings is that the positive effects of institutional reforms are only visible in the second half of the19th century.By1850,treated areas show no differential growth or in some specifications,slight(and insignificant)negative growth.This is not sur-prising.The French reforms were accompanied by the disruptions caused by invasion and war and this often had quite destructive and exploitative aspects(see,for instance,Blanning,1983, 1986).Grab(2003,p.1),for example,writes“the French armies requisitioned provisions and imposed heavy war contributions on occupied regions,thereby alienating their populations.”Thus,the short-term impact of French invasion may have been negative.But this is unin-formative about the impact of Revolution-imposed institutional changes.The most plausible hypothesis—and our starting point—is that the major role of the reforms was in creating an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurial activity.This environment mattered most in the dissemination of the industrial revolution,which took place in Continental Europe in the second half of the19th century.6Our evidence of positive effects in the second half of the19th century is consistent with this hypothesis.There are several main conclusions from the evidence presented in this paper.First,the results emphasize the role of institutions and institutional reforms in economic development.7 Second,ourfindings are consistent with the view that the institutions of the ancien r´e gime (guilds,feudal legacy in countryside,absence of equality before the law)impeded growth. However,the fact that French reforms came as a bundle does not allow us to assess the rel-ative importance of,for example,the abolition of guilds compared to the abolition of feudal privileges.Third,they do not support the view that civil code and French institutions have detrimental economic effects.8Fourth,the evidence does not support the thesis that insti-6This argument is similar to that of Engerman and Sokoloff(1997)and Acemoglu,Johnson and Robinson (2002)who argue that the divergence of institutions in colonial societies,which took place between1500and 1800,had little economic impact until the age of industry.7Also noteworthy is that unlike the experience of European colonialism in the wider world,the French did not settle after1815in the parts of Europe they reformed and they did not build schools,so during this episode there were large changes in institutions with culture,human capital and the ethnic composition of the population remaining largely unchanged.8This statement is subject to two obvious caveats,firstly,that the comparison is not to the common law, and secondly,that it could be that the imposition of the civil code did have negative effects,but these were more than compensated for by positive effects emanating from reforms simultaneously implemented with the civil code.These caveats notwithstanding,if the civil code and other aspects of French institutions were highly damaging to growth,particularly if imposed on other countries,we would expect tofind significant negative effects in treated areas.In addition,apart from parts of the world that voluntarily adopted the civil code,such as Latin America,existing evidence on the consequences of the civil code comes from former French colonies which,like the Europe we study,had the civil code imposed simultaneously with other French reforms.tutions are efficiently adapted to the underlying characteristics of a society and that evolved institutions are superior to those that are designed or externally imposed.The French Revolu-tionary armies imposed new and radically different institutions from those existing previously, and did so in extreme‘Big Bang’style.Nevertheless,our evidence suggests that this was an ‘economic success’.Taken together,thesefindings are interesting for those who favor radi-cal institutional reforms.They suggest these may be successful,at least in certain historical contexts.The success of the French reforms raises the question:why did they work when other externally-imposed reforms often fail?Most likely this is because the reforms were much more radical than is typically the case.9The French reformed simultaneously in many dimensions and weakened the powers of local elites,making a return to the status quo ante largely impossi-ble.Even when some pre-revolution elites returned to power after1815,there was a permanent change in the political equilibrium.This scope and radicalism of the French reforms are com-mon with the post-war reform experiences in Germany and Japan and stand in contrast with many other reform experiences.In addition to the literature on the implications and desirability of different types of insti-tutional reforms,discussed above,our paper is related to a large literature on the consequences of the French Revolution.The debate on the French Revolution was started in its modern form by the pamphlet published by the conservative English philosopher Edmund Burke in1790, entitled Reflections on the Revolution in France,which initiated controversies about institu-tional change which continue today.In this pamphlet,Burke condemned the brutality,the interventionist spirit and the radicalism of the French Revolution and argued:“It is with infinite caution that any man should venture upon pulling down an edifice,which has answered in any tolerable degree for ages the common purposes ofsociety,or on building it up again without having models and patterns of approvedutility before his eyes”Burke(1969,p.152).The conclusion Burke drew from these events was that the negative impacts of the French Revolution would be felt not only in France and not only in its immediate aftermath,but would potentially change the world for many more decades or even centuries to come.On the other side,the positive reception of the French Revolution was as enthusiastic as Burke’s condemnation.Thomas Paine,in a book that would subsequently become a classic for 9See Acemoglu and Robinson(2008)for a model in which limited reforms can be counterproductive.the democratization movements of the19th-century Europe,The Rights of Man,responded to Burke in1791.Paine hailed the French Revolution as the harbinger of freedom and equality before the law,a role that it achieved by demolishing the ancien r´e gime.Paine argued:“It was...against the despotic principles of the government,that the nation revolted.These principles had...become too deeply rooted to be removed,andthe Augean stable of parasites and plunderers too abominablyfilthy to be cleansed,by anything short of a complete and universal revolution”Paine(1969,p.69).According to Paine,the French Revolution was exactly the kind of radical institutional reform necessary to break the hold on land and people exercised by the ancien r´e gime,which was not only morally abhorrent,but also the source of significant economic inefficiencies.The Revolution would therefore pave the way for modern freedoms and democratic institutions by removing serfdom,aristocratic privileges,the Church’s domination over politics and land,and inequity before the law.The debate between Burke and Paine has not been resolved by academic research and there is no consensus about the economic consequences of the French Revolution.On the one hand, many economic historians,like Landes(1969,p.142),view the French Revolution as“a po-litical roadblock”to technological adoption for Continental countries,and conclude that as a consequence of the Revolution,“the gap in technique[between the Continent and Britain]had widened,while most of the fundamental educational,economic,and social obstacles to imita-tion remained”(Landes,1969,p.147).Similarly,Buyst and Mokyr(1990,p.64,74)write:“it is our contention...that the Dutch economy in the years of the French and Napoleonic Wars was another example of a small open commercial economy whose prosperity was disrupted by world events...The French period...[was]disastrous for the Dutch economy.”Crouzet’s (2001,p.121)view is similar,noting“the French Revolution and the wars that followed greatly slowed the transfer of technology.”1010Within the history profession the economic impact of the French Revolution has become inexorably inter-twined with the Marxist interpretation of the revolution as marking the‘rise of the bourgoisie’.Most historians now reject a Marxist interpretation of the Revolution,but have not articulated an alternative assessment of its implications.Other economic historians simply ignore the Revolution.In the literature on19th century German industrialization,for example,though it is common to argue that the Stein-Hardenberg Reforms in Prussia after 1807,which were induced by the defeat of Prussia by Napoleon at Jena,helped to modernize agriculture and facilitate the reallocation of labor to industrial areas(e.g.,Tilly,1996),little mention is made of any potential impact of French institutional reforms in Germany.The institutional reform most mentioned is the formation of the Zollverein customs union in1833.On the other hand,many other economic historians also agree with Mokyr’s assessments that“the Revolution’s long-term effect was to clear up the debris of the ancien r´e gime on the Continent,thus assuring Europe’s ability eventually to follow Britain in revolutionizing its productive system”(1990,p.259),and that“the French Revolution and Napoleon installed more forward looking governments in Europe”(1990,p.253).Even Landes,who generally em-phasizes the negative effects of the Revolution,also mentions in passing that such institutional changes as the abolition of guilds were beneficial(1969,pp.144-145).11The rest of the paper is organized as follows.Section2provides an overview of the history of the French Revolution and the subsequent invasion of Europe by the French.Section3discusses our data.Section4provides country-level regression evidence investigating the reduced form effect of treatment on our dependent variables.Section5looks at the differences in the growth experience of treated and untreated German polities.Section6concludes.2The Effect of the French Revolution on EuropeIn this section,we provide a brief sketch of certain aspects of the French Revolution and the situation in various neighboring countries and cities before the Revolution that are relevant to our investigation.We also recount how expansion by the French Revolutionary armies and later by Napoleon affected these areas.12Further historical details are provided in Acemoglu, Cantoni,Johnson and Robinson(2009).The Revolution was precipitated by a long-runningfiscal crisis which led to the convening of the Estates-General in1789for thefirst time since1614.The initial meeting of the Estates-General in Versailles on May5,1789ended with the decision to convene a more powerful body,the National Assembly,which initiated a process of radicalization culminating in the storming of the Bastille on July14,1789.The newly-formed National Constituent Assembly abolished feudalism and all of the special privileges and rights of the First and Second Estates on August4,1789.This was followed by the abolition of the Church’s authority to levy special taxes,and later turning the clergy into employees of the state,thus starting the process of the separation of church and state.It subsequently passed a constitution on September29,1791,11See also Crouzet(2001,p.122),Cameron(1993,pp.211-213)and Rosenthal(1992).Similarly,Rud´e (1964),Kisch(1962),Trebilcock(1981),Doyle(1989),or Grab(2003)also argue that the French reforms were significant improvements relative to the situation at the time.None of these works systematically investigates the economic consequences of the Revolution either in the short or the long run.12This section draws on Doyle(1989),Palmer(1959,1964),Rud´e(1988),Grab(2003),and Blanning(1983, 1986,1996).making France a constitutional monarchy.This constitution also removed the major power of the guilds in the cities.The radicalization of the Revolution led to the Terror which ended with the execution of Robespierre and Saint-Just in July1794.There followed a phase of relative stability,first in the form of collective government under the Directory between1795and1799,and then with more concentrated power in the form of a three person Consulate,consisting of Ducos,Sieyes and Napoleon Bonaparte.Already during the directory,the young general Bonaparte had become famous for his military successes and statesmanship.His influence was only to grow after1799.The Consulate soon became personal rule by Napoleon,who initially engineered his election as First Consul in November1799with the coup of the18th of Brumaire and then declared himself emperor in1804.The years between1799and the end of Napoleon’s reign, 1815,witnessed a series of great victories,including those at Austerlitz,Jena-Auerstedt,and Wagram,bringing continental Europe to its knees.They also allowed Napoleon to impose his will(and his legal code)across a wide swath of territory.2.1Europe Before the RevolutionBefore the age of the French Revolution,much of Europe was dominated by two kinds of oli-garchies,the landed nobility in agriculture and the urban-based oligarchy controlling commerce and various occupations,with explicit or implicit entry barriers.By the end of the eighteenth century,feudalism in its most rigid form had disappeared in many parts of Europe,but a lot of its remnants remained.Serfdom—the system through which peasants are tied to the land and cannot sell their labor in free markets or engage in other occupations without the permission of landowners—still continued in much of Eastern Europe(see Blum,1978),while it had been replaced by various forms of taxes and tributes to landowners in other areas,which could nonetheless be quite onerous.13For example,in the Rhineland,thefirst area in Germany to come under French control,an attenuated form of serfdom(Grundherrschaft)which severely restricted freedom of movement was still practiced (Blanning1983,pp.20-21).Grab(2003,p.86)states:“Their conditions were worse east of the Elbe where serfdom still prevailed.But even in many western regions where serfdom had declined and peasants were freer and better off,they were often still subject to landlords to13Since one could be concerned that including Eastern Europe in the sample leads the control group to be very heterogeneous,in the empirical work we show that all our results hold when we restrict our sample to Europe West of the Elbe.whom they owed seigneurial fees and labor obligations.In addition they had to pay taxes and support their parishes and village communities.”Even when serfdom in its classic form was absent,various rights of the nobility and clergy created a very unequal political and economic situation in rural areas.These groups were frequently exempt from taxation by the state and enjoyed the right of taxation of the peasants under their control.Lenger(2004,p.92),for example,describes this as:“besides the origi-nal obligations to provide services and dues to the lord the agricultural labor force was also burdened with personal servitude”.He continues:“In the small territory of Nassau-Usingen around1800there were no less than230different payments,dues,and services that the peasants living there had to provideto the lords.Dues included...the‘blood tithe’to be paid after an animal wasslaughtered,a‘bee tithe’,a‘wax tithe’...as well as large fees owed to the lordwhenever a piece of property changed hands.”(Lenger,2004,p.96).Moreover,in places where some form of seigneurial privilege remained,it was usual for nobility and clergy to be subject to different laws and courts.The principle of equality before the law was quite alien(or even revolutionary)in most of Europe in1789.The urban oligarchy was perhaps even more pernicious to industrialization.Almost all major occupations were controlled by guilds,significantly limiting entry into those professions by others,and often restricting adoption of new technologies(see White,2001,for examples from French guilds).For example,Cipolla(1970)argues that the guilds stopped innovation in Italy,in particular they forbade the production of exactly the type of lower quality goods that were taking their markets.In Venice(p.206)“for almost the whole of the17th century, the statutes of the guild prevented cloth from being made of the English and Dutch type, which had had so much success on the international markets.Moreover,the guild statutes not only demanded the production of a traditional type of goods,but also prevented the adoption of new methods of making these old products.”Braudel’s(1992,p.136)and Rapp’s(1976) analysis is similar.For the case of Germany,a similar argument is made by Ogilvie(2004, 2007)and Kisch(1989)for the Rhineland.In the major cities of Cologne and Aachen the adoption of new textile(spinning and weaving)machines were significantly delayed because of guild restrictions.In addition,many cities were controlled by a few families for many generations,amassing wealth at the expense of potential new entrants with greater ability or better technologies.。



三个基本哲学问题英文版The Three Fundamental Questions of PhilosophyIntroduction:Philosophy, which is derived from the Greek word "philosophia," meaning "love of wisdom," is the study of fundamental questions concerning existence, knowledge, ethics, and reality. Throughout history, philosophers have sought to understand the world around them by questioning and analyzing these foundational concepts. Three fundamental questions lay at the core of philosophical inquiry: What can I know? What should I do? What is real? This article aims to explore these questions and delve into their significancein human existence.Question 1: What can I know?The first fundamental question focuses on the nature of knowledge and the limits of human understanding. Epistemology, the branch of philosophy concerned with the study of knowledge, investigates how knowledge is acquired, justified,and retained. Philosophers have proposed various theories and systems to address this question.Rationalism, championed by Rene Descartes, argues that true knowledge can be derived through reason. Descartes famously proclaimed, "Cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), suggesting thatself-awareness is the foundation of all knowledge. On the other hand, Empiricism, advocated by philosophers like John Locke and David Hume, emphasizes that knowledge arises from sensory experience. Empiricists believe that all concepts and ideas are ultimately derived from our senses.The question of what can be known has far-reaching implications, extending beyond personal cognition. It shapes our understanding of the world, influences science and technology, and impacts the pursuit of truth in all intellectual endeavors.Question 2: What should I do?The second fundamental question pertains to ethics, which seeks to determine what is morally right or wrong, good or bad. Ethics examines humanbehavior, personal values, and the principles that guide our decisions and actions. It explores concepts such as virtue, duty, and the nature of ethical systems.Various ethical theories offer diverse frameworks for ethical decision-making. Deontological ethics, as advocated by Immanuel Kant, emphasizes following universal moral principles, irrespective of the outcomes. Utilitarianism, championed by philosophers like John Stuart Mill, focuses on maximizing overall happiness and minimizing harm.Ethics plays a vital role in shaping societal norms, laws, and justice systems. It influences personal conduct, social relationships, and the distribution of resources. By grappling with the question of what we should do, philosophers aim to provide ethical guidance for individuals and societies alike.Question 3: What is real?The third fundamental question deals with metaphysics, the branch of philosophy concernedwith the nature of reality. It explores the fundamental principles and underlying structures that govern the universe and our place within it. Metaphysics investigates concepts such as the nature of being, existence, time, causality, and the relationship between mind and body.Philosophers have proposed diverse viewpoints to tackle this question. Idealism, championed by George Berkeley, argues that reality is fundamentally mental or subjective in nature. Materialism, endorsed by thinkers like Karl Marx, asserts that only physical matter is real, and mental phenomena are mere products of the material world.Understanding what is real informs our worldview, shapes religious beliefs, and impacts scientific inquiry. Metaphysical questions extend beyond the realm of the tangible and provoke contemplation on the purpose and meaning of life.Conclusion:The three fundamental questions of philosophy – What can I know? What should I do? What is real?– serve as existential cornerstones for human intellect and inquiry. By exploring the limits of knowledge, seeking ethical guidance, andscrutinizing the nature of reality, philosophy provides a framework for understanding the world and our place in it.Through rational inquiry and critical thinking, philosophers strive to unravel the mysteries of existence and provide guidance for individuals and society as a whole. As we continue to grapple with these fundamental questions, we pave the way for intellectual growth, personal development, and a deeper understanding of the human condition.。


Theory Part 5,Asset Pricing Part 6,Corporate Finance(capital
structure,finance and corporate strategy)
Finance is the study of how people allocate scarce resources over time.Two features that distinguish financial decisions from other resource allocation decisions are that the costs and benefits of financial decisions are(1)spread out over time and (2)usually not known with certainty in advance by either the decision makers or anybody else.
of capital,capital budgeting,capital structure and dividend policy decisions,working capital management) Part 5,Investor Decision Making
Principles of Finance
Zvi Bodie & Robert C.Merton,Finance.Pearson Education,2002.高等教育出版社影印出版, 2002。
Scott Besley & Eugene F.Brigham,Principles of Finance.Thomson Learning,Inc.,2003.北京大学 出版社影印出版,2003。



The kind of energy input supplied to make them work The type of movement performed by their components The way in which their operation can be monitored and controlled The possibility to repeat the operation at will and establish a cyclic process The timescale needed to complete a cycle of operation The function performed by the molecular machine
Seminar I
1 P. L. Anelli, N. Spencer, J. F. Stoddart et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113, 5133 (1991). 2 J. D. Badjic, V. Balzani, A Credi et al., Science 303, 1845 (2004). 3 Y. Liu, A. H. Flood, P. A. Bonvallet et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 9745 (2005). 4 T. R. Kelly, H. D. Silva, R. A. Silva et al., Nature 401, 150 ( 1999). 5 T. R. Kelly, Acc. Chem. Res. 34, 514 ( 2001) .
Seminar I
Linear Artificial Molecular Muscles

An Elementary Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Tropical Algebra

An Elementary Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Tropical Algebra

An Elementary Proof of the Fundamental Theoremof Tropical AlgebraNathan Grigg ∗Nathan ManwaringFebruary 5,2008AbstractIn this paper we give an elementary proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra for polynomials over the rational tropical semi-ring.We prove that,tropically,the rational numbers are algebraically closed.We provide a simple algorithm for factoring tropical polynomials of a single variable.A central idea is the concept of least-coefficient polynomials as representatives for classes of functionally equivalent polynomials.This idea has importance far beyond the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Tropical Algebra.1IntroductionIn this paper we will consider the tropical semi-ring,as discussed by Richter-Gebert,Sturmfels,and Theobald in [3]and by Speyer and Sturmfels in [4].Our goal is to give an elementary proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra as it applies to the tropical semi-ring.Although the authors of some papers refer to this theorem,they do not do more than confirm it as true or dismiss it as trivial.Nevertheless,our proof of this theorem is key to understanding vital components of the tropical algebraic structure.We note that one version of the proof has been published by Izhakian in [2],but Izhakian gives his proof over an “extended”tropical semi-ring that is substantially different from the standard tropical semi-ring that most others study.Hence,there is merit in discussing this elementary proof and the underlying ideas it addresses.Fundamental Theorem of Tropical Algebra.Every tropical polynomial in one variable with rational coefficients can be factored uniquely as a product of linear tropical polynomials with rational coefficients,up to functional equivalence.∗Nathan Grigg and Nathan Manwaring are undergraduates at Brigham Young University.This research was funded in part by a grant from the BYU Office of Research and Creative Activities.1a r X i v :0707.2591v 1 [m a t h .C O ] 17 J u l 2007It is important to note that this theorem only applies up to functional equiv-alence.To illustrate this,note that we would factor x2⊕4x⊕6as(x⊕3)2.As functions,these are the same—for any x they are equal.Nevertheless,the second expression expands to the polynomial x2⊕3x⊕6,which is not the same polyno-mial as thefirst.For this reason,together with the fact that geometric properties of a polynomial depend only on its function,we will regard two polynomials as equivalent if they define the same function.For more information,see Section2.Since we will be dealing with equivalence classes of polynomials,it is useful to have a representative for each functional equivalence class.In Section3,we discuss one possible,very useful representative,called a least-coefficient polynomial.We prove that every tropical polynomial is functionally equivalent to a least-coefficient polynomial and that each least-coefficient polynomial can be easily factored using the formula given in Section4.Definition1.1.The rational tropical semi-ring is Q=(Q∪∞,⊕, ),wherea⊕b:=min(a,b),anda b:=a+b.We note that the additive identity of Q is∞and the multiplicative identity is0. Elements of Q do not have additive inverses,but the multiplicative inverse of a is the classical negative a.The commutative,associative,and distributive properties hold.Notation We will write tropical multiplication a b as ab,and repeated multi-plication a a as a2.We will write classical addition,subtraction,multiplication,,respectively.and division as a+b,a−b,a·b,and ab2Equality and Functional EquivalenceA polynomial f(x)∈Q[x]is defined to be a formal sumf(x)=a n x n⊕a n−1x n−1⊕···⊕a0.For two polynomials f and g,we write f=g if each pair of corresponding coeffi-cients of f and g are equal.We can also think of a tropical polynomial as a function.Two polynomials are functionally equivalent if for each x∈Q,f(x)=g(x).In this case,we write f∼g.Notice that functional equivalence does not imply equality.For example, the polynomials x2⊕1x⊕2and x2⊕2x⊕2are functionally equivalent,but not equal as polynomials.In general,functional equivalence is a more useful equivalence relation to use with tropical polynomials than equality of coefficients.Definition2.1.A coefficient a i of a polynomial f(x)is a least coefficient if for any b∈Q with b<a i,the polynomial g(x)formed by replacing a i with b is not functionally equivalent to f(x).2Note.If f (x )=a n x n ⊕a n −1x n −1⊕···⊕a r x r ,where a n ,a r =∞,then a n and a r are least coefficients.Additionally,if r <i <n and a i =∞,then a i is not a least coefficient.Lemma 2.2(Alternate definition of least coefficient).Let a i x i be a term of a polynomial f (x ),with a i not equal to infinity.Then a i is a least coefficient of f (x )if and only if there is some x 0∈Q such that f (x 0)=a i x i 0.Proof.For all x ∈Q ,note that f (x )≤a i x i .Suppose that there is no x such that f (x )=a i x i .Then f (x )<a i x i for all x .Now,let ϕ(x )=f (x )−(i ·x +a i ).Note that ϕis a piecewise-linear,continuous function that is linear over a finite number of intervals.Thus,there is an interval large enough to contain all the pieces of ϕ.By applying the extreme value theorem to this interval,we see that sup ϕ∈ϕ(R ),and hence sup ϕ<0.Let =|sup ϕ|and b ∈Q be such that a i − <b <a i .Thenf (x )−(i ·x +b )<f (x )−(i ·x +a i )+ ≤0and therefore f (x )<i ·x +b for all x ∈Q .Therefore,the polynomial created by replacing a i with b is functionally equivalent to f (x ),so a i is not a least coefficient.For the other direction,suppose that there is an x 0∈Q such that f (x 0)=a i x i 0.Given b <a i ,let g (x )be f (x )with a i replaced by b .Then g (x 0)≤bx i 0<a i x i 0=f (x 0),sog is not functionally equivalent to f .Therefore a i is a leastcoefficient.3Least-coefficient polynomialsDefinition 3.1.A polynomial is a least-coefficient polynomial if all its coefficients are least coefficients.Lemma 3.2(Uniqueness of least-coefficient polynomials).Let f and g be least-coefficient polynomials.Then f is equal to g if and only if f is functionally equiv-alent to g .Proof.It is clear that f =g implies f ∼g .For the other direction,suppose that f =g .Then for some term a i x i of f (x )and the corresponding term b i x i of g (x ),we have a i =b i .Without loss of generality,suppose a i<b i .Since g is a least-coefficient polynomial,g (x 0)=b i x i 0for some x 0,by Lemma 2.2.Now,f (x 0)≤a i x i 0<b i x i 0=g (x 0),so f is not functionally equivalent to g .We will now prove that every functional equivalence class contains a unique least-coefficient polynomial.This least-coefficient representative is often the most useful way to represent a functional equivalence class of tropical polynomials.Lemma 3.3.Let f (x )=a n x n ⊕a n −1x n −1⊕···⊕a r x r .There is a unique least-coefficient polynomial g (x )=b n x n ⊕b n −1x n −1⊕···⊕b r x r such that f ∼g .Fur-thermore,each coefficient b j of g (x )is given by b j =min a j ∪ a i ·(k −j )+a k ·(j −i )k −ir ≤i <j <k ≤n .(1)3Proof.First we will show that f ∼g .Given x 0,note that f (x 0)=a s x s 0=a s +s ·x 0for some s .Also,g (x 0)=min r ≤j ≤n{b j +j ·x 0}=min r ≤i<j<k ≤n a j +j ·x 0,a i ·(k −j )+a k ·(j −i )k −i +j ·x 0 .(2)So for any i,j,and k such that r ≤i <j <k ≤n ,if x 0≥a i −a k k −i then a s +s ·x 0≤a i +i ·x 0=a i ·(k −j )+a k ·(j −i )k −i +(j −i )· a i −a k k −i+i ·x 0≤a i ·(k −j )+a k ·(j −i )k −i+(j −i )·x 0+i ·x 0=a i ·(k −j )+a k ·(j −i )k −i+j ·x 0.A similar argument shows that if x 0≤a i −a k k −i ,then a s +s ·x 0≤a k +k ·x 0≤a i ·(k −j )+a k ·(j −i )k −i+j ·x 0.Since this is true for all i ,j ,and k ,the equation in (2)evaluates to g (x 0)=a s x s 0,so g (x 0)=f (x 0)and f ∼g ,as desired.Secondly,we must show g is a least-coefficient polynomial.Given a coefficient b j in g ,suppose that a j is a least coefficient of f .From Equation (1)we see that b j ≤a j .Since a j is a least coefficient,there is some x 0such that f (x 0)=a j x j0,sob j x j 0≥g (x 0)=f (x 0)=a j x j 0.Therefore b j =a j and g (x 0)=b j x j 0.Now suppose that a j is not a least coefficient.Then since a r and a n are least-coefficient,we can choose u <j and v >j such that a u and a v are least coefficients and for any t such that u <t <v ,a t is not a least coefficient.Let x 0=a u −a v v −u and suppose,by way of contradiction,that f (x 0)=a u x u 0.Thenf (x 0)=a w x w 0<a u x u 0for some w .Note that a w is a least coefficient,so it cannotbe that u <w <v by our assumption on u and v .If w <u then for x ≥x 0,a w +w ·x =a w +u ·x −(u −w )·x ≤a w +u ·x −(u −w )·x 0=a w +w ·x 0+u ·(x −x 0)<a u +u ·x 0+u ·(x −x 0)=a u +u ·x4For x <x 0,a v +v ·x =a v +u ·x +(v −u )·x <a v +u ·x +(v −u )·x 0=a v +v ·x 0+u ·(x −x 0)=a u +u ·x 0+u ·(x −x 0)=a u +u ·xSo there is no x such that f (x )=a u x u and thus a u is not a least coefficient,which contradicts our assumption.If w >v ,a similar argument shows that a v is not a least coefficient,again contradicting our assumption.Therefore,f (x 0)=a u +u · a u −a v v −u =a u ·(v −j )+a v ·(j −u )v −u +j · a u −a v v −u=c +j ·x 0,where c =a u ·(v −j )+a v ·(j −u )v −u(3)Again,from(1)we see that b j ≤c ,and from (3)we see cx j0=f (x 0)=g (x 0)≤b j x j 0.So b j =c and g (x 0)=b j x j0.Finally,g is the only such polynomial by Lemma 3.2.Note.The use of a least-coefficient polynomial as a best representative for a func-tional equivalence class is one of the key ideas of this paper.We cannot develop well-defined algebraic transformations of tropical polynomials without unique rep-resentatives for functional equivalence classes.While Izhakian discusses in [2]what he calls an “effective”coefficient (similar to a least coefficient),the idea of using least-coefficient polynomials to represent functional equivalence classes has not been discussed.Lemma 3.4.Let f (x )=a n x n ⊕a n −1x n −1⊕···⊕a r x r ,where each a i is not infinity.Let d i =a i −1−a i be the difference between two consecutive coefficients.Then f (x )is a least-coefficient polynomial if and only if the difference between consecutive coefficients is non-decreasing,that is,if d n ≤d n −1≤···≤d r +1.Proof.Suppose that f has a set of consecutive coefficients whose differences are decreasing ,that is,ax i +1,bx i ,and cx i −1are consecutive terms of f (x )such thatb −a >c −b .Then b >12·(a +c ).We will show that f (x 0)<bx i 0for all x 0,meaning that b is not a least coefficient.Given x 0,if x 0≤12·(c −a )then ax i +10=(i +1)·x 0+a≤i ·x 0+12·(c −a )+a =i ·x 0+12·(c +a )<i ·x 0+b =bx i 0,5so f(x0)≤ax i+10<bx i0.Similarly,if x0≥12·(c−a),cx i−1=(i−1)·x0+c≤i·x0−12·(c−a)+c=i·x0+12·(c+a)<i·x0+b=bx i0,so f(x0)≤cx i−10<bx i0.Therefore b is not a least coefficient,and f is not aleast-coefficient polynomial.For the other direction,suppose that the differences between the coefficients of f(x)are nondecreasing.Since a n,a r=∞,a n and a r are least coefficients.Let a i be a coefficient of f,with r<i<n,and let x0=a i−1−a i+12.We willshow that f(x0)=a i x i0,so a i is a least coefficient.We must show for all k that i·x0+a i≤k·x0+a k.This is certainly true for i=k.Suppose k>i.Then,since(a t−a t+1)≤(a s−a s+1)for t≥s,we have(a i−a i+2)=(a i−a i+1)+(a i+1−a i+2)≤2·(a i−a i+1)(a i−a i+3)=(a i−a i+2)+(a i+2−a i+3)≤3·(a i−a i+1)And in general we get(a i−a k)≤(a i−a i+1)·(k−i)=12·2·(a i−a i+1)·(k−i)≤12·(a i−1−a i)+(a i−a i+1)·(k−i)=x0·(k−i).Thus,i·x i+a i≤k·x i+a k.A similar argument holds for k<i.So(tropically) a i x i i≤a s x s i for all s.This means that f(x i)=a i x i i,so a i is a least coefficient. Therefore,f is a least-coefficients polynomial.Note.If f(x)has a coefficient a i such that a i=∞for r<i<n,then f is not a least-coefficient polynomial;but of course,a i=∞for all i>n and all i<r,even in a least-coefficient polynomial.4The Fundamental Theorem of Tropical AlgebraFundamental Theorem of Tropical Algebra.Let f(x)=a n x n⊕a n−1x n−1⊕···⊕a r x r be a least coefficients polynomial.Then f(x)can be written uniquely as the product of linear factorsa n x r(x⊕d n)(x⊕d n−1)···(x⊕d r+1),(4)where d i=a i−1−a i.In other words,the roots of f(x)are the differences between consecutive coefficients.6Proof.Since f (x )is a least-coefficient polynomial,the differences between consec-utive coefficients is non-decreasing,i.e.,d n ≤d n −1≤···≤d r +1.Knowing these inequalities,we can expand (4)to geta n x n ⊕a n d n x n −1⊕a n d n d n −1x n −2⊕···⊕a n d n d n −1···d r +1.(5)But the coefficient of the x i term in this polynomial isa n d n d n −1···d i +1=a n +d n +d n −1+···+d i +1.A straightforward computation shows that this is equal to a i ,so the polynomial in(5)is equal to f (x ),as desired.Now suppose that there is another way of writing f (x )as a product of lin-ear factors.Call this product g and note that it must have the same degree as f .Additionally,the smallest non-infinite term of g must have the same de-gree as the smallest non-infinite term of f .Hence,we are able to write g (x )=a n x r (x ⊕d n ) x ⊕d n −1 ··· x ⊕d r +1 ,with each d i chosen,after reindexing,ifnecessary,such that d n ≤d n −1≤···≤d r +1.Expanding this product shows thatthe differences between consecutive coefficients of g are non-decreasing,so g is a least-coefficient polynomial by Lemma 3.4.We see from (5)that f =g ,so by Lemma 3.2,f is not functionally equivalent to g .Therefore,the factorization is unique.Finally we note that tropical factoring gives us a slightly different result than classical factoring.Classically,the set of roots (or zero locus)of a polynomial is the set of points at which the polynomial evaluates to the additive identity.Unfortunately,tropical polynomials have either no roots or trivial roots in this sense.In fact,if f (x )=∞,then f (x 0)never evaluates to the additive identity ∞when x 0=∞.However,as we have seen,polynomials in Q [x ]can be factored and seem to have “roots,”although they do not evaluate to the additive identity at these points.Clearly,we must use a different,more meaningful definition.In [3]motivation is given for the following definition of zero locus.Definition 4.1.Let f (x )∈Q [x ].The tropical zero locus (or corner locus )Z (f )is the set of points x 0in Q for which at least two monomials of f attain the minimum value.The d i in (4)are precisely that points of Z (f ),as we now show.Theorem 4.2.Given a point d ∈Q and a least-coefficient polynomial f (x ),x ⊕d is a factor of f (x )if and only if f (d )attains its minimum on at least two monomials.Proof.First,suppose that x ⊕d is a factor of f (x ).If we write f as a product of linear factors as in (4),d i =d for some d i .For all j <i ,a i +i ·d i =a i +(i −j )·d i +j ·d i≤a i +d i +d i −1+···+d j +1 i −j terms +j ·d i =a j +j ·d i .7A similar calculation shows that for j>i,we have a i+i·d i≤a j+j·d i.Sof(d i)=a i d i i.Also,a i d i i=a n d n d n−1···d i+1d i i=a n d n d n−1···d i d i−1i =a i−1d i−1i,so the minimum is attained by at least two monomials of f(x)at x=d.For the other direction,suppose that the minimum is attained by two monomials at f(d).By way of contradiction,suppose that these monomials are not consecutive. Then for some j<i<k,we have a j d j=a k d k<a i d i.If x≤d thena k+k·x=a k+i·x+(k−i)·x≤a k+i·x+(k−i)·d=a k+k·d+i·(x−d)<a i+i·d+i·(x−d)=a i+i·xSimilarly,if x≥d,then a j x j<a i x i.Thus there is no x such that f(x)=a i x i,so a i is not a least coefficient,which is a contradiction.Therefore there is some i such that a i d i=a i−1d i−1.Thus we have0=a i−1+(i−1)·d−(a i+i·d)=a i−1−a i−d.So d=a i−1−a i,the difference between two consecutive coefficients.Since f is a least-coefficient polynomial,x⊕d is a factor of f by the Fundamental Theorem.Thus,as in the classical case,the unique factorization of a polynomial in Q[x] gives us what could be considered the roots of the polynomial.It is clear that all of the arguments and results of this paper hold if we replace the rationals Q with any orderedfield.Thus any orderedfield,together with∞,can be said to be tropically algebraically closed.References[1]Nathan Grigg,Factorization of tropical polynomials in one and several variables,Honor’s Thesis,Brigham Young University,June2007.[2]Zur Izhakian,Tropical varieties,ideals and an algebraic nullstellensatz,preprint/pdf/math.AC/0511059,2005.[3]J¨u rgen Richter-Gebert,Bernd Sturmfels,and Thorsten Theobald,First stepsin tropical geometry,Idempotent mathematics and mathematical physics,Con-temp.Math.,vol.377,Amer.Math.Soc.,Providence,RI,2005,pp.289–317.MR MR2149011(2006d:14073)[4]David Speyer and Bernd Sturmfels,Tropical mathematics,preprint http:///pdf/math.CO/0408099,2004.8。



现象学及其效应英语English Answer:1. Introduction.Phenomenology is a philosophical and psychological movement that emphasizes the first-person perspective and the importance of lived experience. It is based on the idea that all knowledge is rooted in our own subjective experiences and that we can only understand the world through our own perceptions.2. Phenomenological Method.The phenomenological method involves bracketing all assumptions about the world and focusing on the immediate and unmediated experience of things. This is done by suspending judgment and simply describing the things we experience in the moment.3. Phenomenological Reduction.Phenomenological reduction is a process of bracketing or suspending all beliefs and assumptions about the worldin order to get to the pure essence of things. This can be done by imagining a "phenomenological epoché," in which we put all of our beliefs and assumptions in parentheses and simply focus on the things themselves.4. The Phenomenological Subject.The phenomenological subject is the first-person perspective that is the source of all experience. This is not a fixed or unchanging self, but rather a fluid andever-changing stream of consciousness.5. The Phenomenological World.The phenomenological world is the world as it is experienced by the subject. This is not an objective world that exists independently of the subject, but rather a world that is constituted by the subject's own experiences.6. The Phenomenological Attitude.The phenomenological attitude is an attitude of openness and curiosity towards the world. This attitude involves letting go of all preconceived notions and simply experiencing the world as it is.7. Phenomenology in Psychology.Phenomenology has had a significant impact on psychology, leading to the development of qualitative research methods such as phenomenological interviewing and participant observation. These methods allow researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the subjective experiences of individuals.8. Phenomenology in Philosophy.Phenomenology has also been a major influence on philosophy, leading to the development of new philosophical approaches such as existentialism and hermeneutics. Theseapproaches emphasize the importance of the human experience and the need for understanding the world from the perspective of the individual.9. Phenomenology in Other Fields.Phenomenology has also had an impact on other fields such as sociology, anthropology, and literary criticism. In these fields, phenomenology has been used to gain a deeper understanding of the subjective experiences of individuals and the ways in which these experiences shape the social world.10. Conclusion.Phenomenology is a powerful philosophical and psychological approach that has had a significant impact on a wide range of fields. It is a method for understanding the world from the first-person perspective and for gaining a deeper understanding of the subjective experiences of individuals.Chinese Answer:1. 介绍。



2022年考研考博-考博英语-南开大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.单选题An important property of scientific theory is its ability to ()further research and further thinking about a particular topic.问题1选项A.stimulateB.renovateC.arouseD.advocate【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。

stimulate刺激,鼓舞;renovate革新,修复;arouse引起,唤醒;advocate 主张,拥护。



2.单选题In general, our society is becoming one of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery. The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and “human-relations” experts; yet all this oiling does not alter the tact that man has become powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly participate in his work and that he is bored with it. In fact, the blue-collar and the white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.The worker and employee are anxious, not only because they might find themselves out of a job; they are anxious also because they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction or interest in life. They live and die without ever having confronted the fundamental realities of human existence as emotionally and intellectually independent and productive human beings. Those higher up on the social ladder are no less anxious. Their lives are no less empty than those of their subordinates. They are even more insecure in some respects. They are in a highly competitive race. To be promoted or to fall behind is not a matter of salary but even more d matter of self-respect. When they apply for their first job, they are tested for intelligence as well as for the tight mixture of submissiveness and independence. From that moment on they are tested again and again by the psychologists, for whom testing is a big business, and by their superiors, who judge their behavior, sociability, capacity to get along. etc. This constant need to prove that one is as good as or better than one's fellow-competitor creates constant anxiety and stress, the very causes of unhappiness and illness. Am I suggesting that we should return to the preindustrial mode of production or to nineteenth-century “free enterprise” capitalis m? Certainly not. Problems are never solved by returning to a stage which one has already outgrown. I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities—those of love and of reason—are the aims of all social arrangements. Production and consumption should serve only as means to this end, and should be prevented from ruling man.1.By “a well-oiled cog in the machinery” the author intends to render the idea that man is ().2.From die passage we can inter that real happiness of life belongs to those() .3.To solve the present social problems the author suggests that we should() .4.The author's attitude towards industrialism might best be summarized as one of() .问题1选项A.a necessary part of the society though each individual's function is negligibleB.working in complete harmony with the rest of the societyC.an unimportant part in comparison with the rest of the society, though functioning smoothlyD.a humble component of the society, especially when working smoothly问题2选项A.who are at the bottom of the societyB.who prove better than their fellow-competitorsC.who could keep far away from this competitive worldD.who are higher up in their social status问题3选项A.resort to the production mode of our ancestorsB.offer higher wages to the workers and employeesC.enable man to fully develop his potentialitiesD.take the fundamental realities for granted问题4选项A.approvalB.dissatisfactionC.suspicionD.tolerance【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:C第4题:B【解析】1.信息推断题。

Getting the Most Out of the

Getting the Most Out of the

x a
f (t )dt
What is the derivative of this function?

x a
f (t )dt
is a function of x on [a, b].
a d x a f (t )dt lim h 0 dx lim
h 0 x
The proposed key was (B). That is,
If f ( x) x2 , the graph of y 1 f (t )dt could be
While everyone was concentrating on the Fundamental Theorem application, they had missed the hidden “initial condition” that y must equal zero when x = 1!
mi/hr 60 v(t) = 40 40 20 1 d = 120 mi 4 hr
The calculus pioneers knew that the area would still yield distance, but what was the connection to tangent lines?
That was why most of us quickly moved on to antiderivatives, which is how we wanted students to do integrals. Needless to say, when we came to the Fundamental Theorem, students found it to be the greatest anticlimax in the course.



附录【原文】Upgrading in Global Value ChainsThe aim of this paper is to explore how small- and medium-sized Latin American enterprises ( SMEs) may participate in global markets in a way that provides for sustainable growth. This may be defined asthe ‘‘highroad’’ to competitiveness, contrasting with the ‘‘low road,’’ typical offirms from developing countries, which often compete by squeezing wages and profit margins rather than by improving productivity, wages, and profits. Thekey difference between the high and the low road to competitiveness is often explained by the different capabilities of firms to ‘‘upgrade.’ In this paper, upgrading refers to the capacity of a firmto innovate to increase the value added of its products and processes (Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002a; Kaplinsky&Readman, 2001; Porter, 1990).Capitalizing on one of the most productive areas of the recent literature on SMEs, we restrict our fieldof research to small enterprises located in clusters.There is now a wealth ofempirical evidence (Humphrey, 1995; Nadvi &Schmitz, 1999; Rabellotti, 1997) showing that small firms in clusters, both indeveloped and developing countries, are able to over come some of the major constraints they usually face:lack of specialized skills, difficult access to technology, inputs, market, information, credit, andexternal services.Nevertheless, the literature on clusters, mainlyfocused on the local sources ofcompetitiveness coming from intracluster vertical and horizontal relationshipsgenerating ‘‘collective efficiency’’ (Schmitz, 1995), has often neglected theincreasing importance of external link ages. Due to recent changes in productionsystems, distribution channels, and financial markets, and to the spread of informationtechnologies, enterprises and clusters are increasingly integrated in value chains thatoften operate across many different countries. The literature on global value chains(GVCs) (Gereffi, 1999; Gereffi& Kaplinsky, 2001) calls attention to the opportunitiesfor local producers to learn from the global leadersof the chains that may be buyers or1producers. The internal governance of the value chain has an importanteffect on the scope of local firms’ upgrading (Humphrey& Schmitz, 2000).Indeed, extensive evidence on Latin America reveals that both the local and the global dimensions matter, and firms often participate in clustersas well as in value chains (Pietrobelli& Rabellotti, 2004). Both forms of organization offer opportunities to foster competitiveness via learning and upgrading. However, they also have remarkable drawbacks, as, for instance, upgrading may be limited in some forms of value chains, andclusters with little developed external economies and joint actions may h ave no influence on competitiveness.Moreover, both strands of literature were conceived and developed toovercome the sectoral dimension in the analysis of industrial organization and dynamism. On the one hand, studies on clusters, focusing on agglomerations of firms specializing in different stages of the filie′re, moved beyond the traditional units of analysis of industrial economics: the firm and the sector. On the other hand, according to the value chain literature, firms from different sectors may all participate in the same value chain (Gereffi, 1994). Nevertheless, SMEs located in clusters and involved in value chains, may undertake a process of upgrading in order toincrease and improve their participation in the global economy, especially as the industrial sector plays a role and affects the upgrading prospectsof SMEs.The contribution this paper makes is by taking into accountall of these dimensions together. Thus, within this general theoretical background, this study aims to investigate the hypothesis that enterpriseupgrading is simultaneously affected by firm-specific efforts and actions, and by the environment in which firms operate. The latter is crucially shaped by three characteristics: (i) the collective efficiency of the clusterin which SMEs operate, (ii) the pattern of governance of the value chainin which SMEs participate, and (iii) the peculiar features that characterize learning and innovation patterns in specific sectors.The structure of the paper is the following: in Section 2, we brieflyreview theconcepts of clustering and value chains, and focus on theiroverlaps andcomplementarities. Section 3 first discusses the notion of SMEs’ upgrading and then2introduces a categorization of groups of sectors, based on the notionsunderlying the Pavitt taxonomy, and applied to the present economicreality of Latin America. Section 4reports the original empirical evidence on a large sample of Latin American clusters, and shows that the sectoral dimension matters to explain why clustering and participating in globalvalue chains offer different opportunities for upgrading in differentgroups of sectors. Section5 summarizes and concludes.2. CLUSTERS AND VALUE CHAINSDuring the last two decades, the successful performance of industrialdistricts in the developed world, particularly in Italy, has stimulatednew attention to the potential offered by this form of industrial organization for firms of developing countries. The capability of clustered firms to be economically viable and grow has attracted a great deal ofinterest in development studies. 1In developing countries, the sectoral and geographical concentration of SMEs israther common, and a wide range of cases has since been reported. 2 Obviously, theexistence of acritical mass of specialized and agglomerated activities,in a number ofcases with historically strong roots, does not necessarily imply thatthese clustersshare all the stylized facts which identify the Marshall type ofdistrict, as firstlydefined by Becattini (1987). 3 Nonetheless, clustering may be consideredas a majorfacilitating factor for a number of subsequent developments (which mayor may notoccur): division and specialization of labor, the emergence of a widenetwork ofsuppliers, the appearance of agents who sell to distant national and internationalmarkets, the emergence of specialized producer services, the materialization of a poolof specialized and skilled workers, and the formation of business associations.To capture the positive impacts of these factors on the competitivenessof firmslocated in clusters,Schmitz (1995)introduced the concept of ‘‘collective efficiency’’ (CE) defined as the competitive advantage derived from local externaleconomies andjoint action. The concept of external economies 4 was first introducedby Marshall inhis Principles of Economics(1920). According to Schmitz (1999a), incidental externaleconomies (EE) are of importance in explaining the competitivenessof industrialclusters, but there is also a deliberate force at work: consciously pursued joint action3(JA).Such joint action can be within vertical or horizontal linkages. 5The combination of both incidental external economies and the effectsof activecooperation defines the degree of collective efficiency of a cluster and, dynamically,its potential for fostering SMEs’ upgrading. Both dimensions are crucial: Onlyincidental, passive external economies may not suffice without jointactions, and thelatter hardly develop in the absence of external economies. Thus, ourfocus is on therole of intracluster vertical and horizontal relationships generating collectiveefficiency.However, recent changes in production systems, distribution channels and financial markets, accelerated by the globalization of product markets and the spread of information technologies, suggest that more attention needs to be paid to external linkages. 6 Gereffi’s global value chain approach (Gereffi, 1999) helps us to take into account activities takingplace outside the cluster and, in particular, to understand the strategicrole of the relationships with key external actors.From an analytical point of view, the value chain perspective is useful because (Kaplinsky,2001; Wood, 2001) the focus moves f rom manufacturing only to the other activities involved in the supply of goods and services,including distribution and marketing. All these activities contributeto add value. Moreover, the ability to identify the activities providing higher returns along the value chain is key to understanding the global appropriation of the returns to production.Value chain research focuses on the nature of the relationships among t he various actors involved in the chain, and on their implications fordevelopment (Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002b). To study these relationships, the concept of ‘‘governance’’ is central to the analysis.At any point in the chain, some degree of governance or coordination isrequired inorder to take decisions not only on ‘‘what’’ should be, or ‘‘how’’ something shouldbe, produced but sometimes also ‘‘when,’’ ‘‘how much,’’ and even ‘‘at what price.’’ Coordination may occur through arm’s-length market relations ornon marketrelationships. In the latter case, following Humphrey and Schmitz (2000), wedistinguish three possible types of governance:(a) network implying cooperation4between firms of more or less equal power which share their competencieswithin the chain; (b) quasi-hierarchy involving relationships between legally independent firms in which one is subordinated to the other, witha leader in the chain defining the rules to which the rest of the actorshave to comply; and (c) hierarchy when a firm is owned by an external firm.Also stressed is the role played by GVC leaders, particularly by thebuyers, intransferring knowledge along the chains. For small firms in less developed countries(LDCs), participation in value chains is a way to obtain information onthe need andmode t o gain access to global markets. Yet, although this information has high valuefor local SMEs, the role played by the leaders of GVCs in fostering andsupportingthe SMEs’ upgrading process is less clear.Gereffi (1999), mainly focusing on EastAsia, assumes a rather optimistic view, emphasizing the role of the leaders that almostautomatically promote process, product, and functional upgrading amongsmall localproducers.Pietrobelli and Rabellotti (2004)present a more differentiated picture forLatin America.In line with the present approach, Humphrey and Schmitz (2000) discuss the prospects of upgrading with respect to the pattern of valuechain governance. They conclude that insertion in a quasi-hierarchical chain offers very favorable conditions for process and product upgrading, buthinders functional upgrading. Networks offer ideal upgrading conditions,but they are the least likely to occur for developing country producers.In addition, a more dynamic approach suggests that chain governanceis not given forever and may change because(Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002b): (a) power relationships may evolve when existing producers, or their spinoffs, acquire new capabilities;(b) establishing and maintaining quasi-hierarchical governance is costly for the lead firm and leads to inflexibility because of transaction specific investments; and (c) firms and cluster soften do not operate only in one chain but simultaneously in several types of chains, and they may apply competencies learned in one chainto supply other chains.In sum, both modes of organizing production, that is, the cluster and the valuechain, offer interesting opportunities for the upgrading and modernization of local5firms, and are not mutually exclusive alternatives. However, in order toassess their potential contribution to local SMEs’ innovation and upgrading, we need to understand their organization of inter firmlinkages and their internal governance. Furthermore, as we explain in the following section, the nature of their dominant specialization also plays a role and affects SMEs’ upgrading prospects.’ UPGRADING3. THE SECTORAL DIMENSION OFSMEs(a) The concept of upgradingThe concept of upgrading—making better products, making them more efficiently, or moving in to more skilled activities—has often been used in studies on competitiveness (Kaplinsky,2001; Porter, 1990), and is relevant here.Following this approach, upgrading is decisively related to innovation. Here wedefine upgrading as innovating to increase value added. 7 Enterprisesachieve this invarious ways, such as, for example, by entering higher unit value market niches ornew s ectors, or by undertaking new p roductive (or service) functions. The concept ofupgrading may be effectively described for enterprises working within avalue chain,where four types of upgrading are singled out (Humphrey & Schmitz, 2000): —Process upgrading is transforming inputs into outputs moreefficiently by reorganizing the production system or introducing superiortechnology (e.g., footwear producers in the Sinos Valley; Schmitz, 1999b). —Product upgrading is moving into more sophisticated product lines interms of increased unit values (e.g., the apparel commodity chain inAsia upgrading from discount chains to department stores; Gereffi,1999).—Functional upgrading is acquiring new, superior functions in the chain, such as design or marketing or abandoning existing low-value added functions to focus on higher value added activities (e.g., Torreon’s blue jeans industry upgrading from maquila to ‘‘full-package’’ manufacturing; Bair&Gereffi, 2001).—Inter sectoral upgrading is applying the competence acquired ina particularfunction to move i nto a new s ector. For instance, in Taiwan, competence in producingTVs was used to make monitors and then to move into the computer sector (Guerrieri& Pietrobelli,2004; Humphrey & Schmitz,2002b). In sum, upgrading withina value6chain implies going up on the value ladder, moving away from activitiesin which competitionis of the ‘‘low road’’ type and entry barriers are low.Our focus on upgrading requires moving a step forward and away fromRicardo’s static concept of ‘‘Comparative Advantage’’ (CA). While CA registers ex-post gaps in relative productivity which determine international trade flows, success in firmlevel upgrading enables thedynamic acquisition of competitiveness in new market niches, sectors orphases of the productive chain (Lall, 2001; Pietrobelli, 1997). In sum, the logic goes from innovation, to upgrading, to the acquisition offirm-level competitiveness(i.e., competitive advantage). 8In this paper, we argue that the concept of competitive advantageincreasinglymatters. In the theory of comparative advantage, what matters is relative productivity,determining different patterns of inter industry specialization.Within such atheoretical approach, with perfectly competitive markets, firms need to target onlyproduction efficiency. In fact, this is not enough, and competitiveadvantage is therelevant concept to analyze SMEs’ performance because of (i) the existence of formsof imperfect competition in domestic and international markets and (ii)the presenceof different degrees of (dynamic) externalities in different subsect or sand stages ofthe value chain.More specifically, in non perfectly competitive market rents and nichesof ‘‘extra-normal’’ profits often emerge, and this explains the efforts to enterselectively specificsegments rather than simply focusing on efficiency improvements, regardless of theprevailing productive specialization (as advocated by the theory of CA). Moreover,different stages in the value chain offer different scope for dynamic externalities.Thus, for example, in traditional manufacturing, the stages ofdesign, productinnovation, marketing, and distribution may all foster competitivenessincreases inrelated activities and sectors. The advantage of functional upgrading isin reducing thefragility and vulnerability of an enterprise’s productive specialization. Competitionfrom new entrants—i.e., firms from developing countries with lower production costs,crowding out incumbents—is stronger in the manufacturing phases of thevalue chainthan in other more knowledge and organization-intensive phases (e.g.,product design7and innovation, chain management, d istribution and retail, etc.).Therefore, functionalupgrading may bring about more enduring and solid competitiveness.For all these reasons, the concept of production efficiency is encompassed withinthe broader concept of competitiveness, and the efforts to upgradefunctionally andinter sectorally (and the policies to support these processes) are justifiedto reap largerrents and externalities emerging in specific stages of the value chain,market niches,or sectors.An additional element that crucially affects the upgrading prospectsof firms and clusters is the sectoral dimension. Insofar as we have defined upgrading as innovating to increase value added, then all the factorsinfluencing innovation acquire a new relevance. This dimension is often overlooked in studies on clusters, perhaps due to the fact that most of these studies are not comparative but rather detailed intra industry case studies.In order to take into account such a sectoral dimension, and the effectthis may have on the firms’ pattern of innovation and learning, we need to introduce the concept of ‘‘tacit knowledge.’’ This notion was first introduced by Polanyi(1967)and then discussed in the context of evolutionary economics by Nelson and Winter(1982). It refers to the evidence that some aspects of technological knowledge are wellarticulated, written down in manuals and papers, and taught. Others arelargely tacit, mainly learned through practice and practical examples. Inessence, this is knowledge which can be freely used by its owners, butthat can not be easily expressed and communicated to anyone else.The tacit component of technological knowledge makes its transfer and applicationcostly and difficult. As a result, the mastery of a technologymay require anorganization to be active in the earlier stages of its development,and a close andcontinuous interaction between the user and the producer—or transfer—of suchknowledge. Inter firm relationships are especially needed in thiscontext. Tacitknowledge is an essential dimension to define a useful groupingof economicactivities.(b) Sectoral specificities in upgrading and innovation: a classification for Latin8American countriesThe impact of collective efficiency and patterns of governance on thecapacity of SMEs to upgrade may differ across sectors. This claim is based upon the consideration that sectoral groups differ in termsof technological complexity and in the modes and sources of innovationand upgrading. 9 As shown by innovation studies, in some s ectors, vertical relations with suppliers of inputs may b e particularly important sources of product and process upgrading (as in the case of textiles and the mosttraditional manufacturing), while in other sectors, technologyusers, organizations such as universities or the firms themselves (as, for example, with software or agro industrial products) may provide majorstimuli for technical change (Pavitt,1984; Von Hippel, 1987).Consistently with this approach, the properties of firm knowledge bases acrossdifferent sectors (Malerba & Orsenigo, 1993) 10 mayaffect the strategic relevance ofcollective efficiencyfor the processes of upgrading in clusters. Thus,for example, intraditional manufacturing sectors, technology has important tacit and idiosyncraticelements, and therefore, upgrading strongly depends on the intensity of technologicalexternalities and cooperation among l ocal actors (e.g., firms, research centers, andtechnology and quality diffusion centers), in other words, upgradingdepends on thedegree of collective efficiency. While in other groups (e.g., complexproducts or largenatural resource-based firms) technology is more codified and the access to externalsources of knowledge such as transnational corporations(TNCs,or researchlaboratories located in developed countries become more critical forupgrading.Furthermore, the differences across sectoral groups raise questions onthe role ofglobal buyers in fostering (or hindering) the upgrading in differentclusters. Thus, forexample, global buyers may be more involved and interested intheir providers’ upgrading if the technology required is mainly tacit and requires intense interaction.Moreover, in traditional manufacturing industries, characterized by alow degree oftechnological complexity, firms are likely to be included in GVCs evenif they havevery low technological capabilities. Therefore, tight supervision anddirect supportbecome necessary conditions for global buyers who rely on the competencies of their9local suppliers and want to reduce the risk of non compliance(Humphrey & Schmitz,2002b). The situation is at the opposite extreme in the case of complex products,where technology is often thoroughly codified and the technological complexityrequires that firms have already internal technological capabilities to be subcontracted,otherwise large buyers would not contract them at all.In order to take into account the above-mentioned hypotheses, wedevelop asectoral classification, adapting existing taxonomies to the Latin American case. 11On the basis of Pavitt’s seminal work (1984), we consider that in Latin America, in-house R&D activities are very low both in domestic and foreign firms(Archibugi&Pietrobelli, 2003), domestic inter sectoral linkages have beendisplaced by tradeliberalization(Cimoli & Katz, 2002), and university-industry linkagesappear to bestill relatively weak (Arocena & Sutz, 2001). 12 Furthermore, in the past10 years,Latin America has deepened its productive specialization in resource based sectors and has weakened its position in more engineering intensive industries (Katz,2001), reflecting its rich endowment o f natural resources, relatively more than human and technical resources (Wood & Berge,1997).Hence, we retain Pavitt’s key notions and identify four main sectoral groups for Latin America on the basis of the way l earning and upgrading occur, and on the related industrial organization that most frequently prevails.13The categories are as follows:1. Traditional manufacturing, mainly labor intensive and ‘‘traditional’’ technology industries such as textiles, footwear, tiles, and furniture;2. Natural resource-based sectors (NRbased),implying the direct exploitation of natural resources, for example, copper, marble, fruit, etc.;3. Complex products industries (COPs), including, among others, automobiles,autocomponents and aircraft industries, ICT and consumer electronics;4. Specializedsuppliers, in our LA cases, essentially software.Each of these categories tends to havea predominant learning and innovating behavior, in terms of main sourcesof technicalchange, dependence on basic or applied research, modes of in-house innovation (e.g.,‘‘routinized’’ versus large R&D laboratories), tacitness orcodified nature ofknowledge, scale and relevance of R&D activity, andappropriability of10innovation(Table 1).Traditional manufacturing and resource-based sectors are by far the mostpresent in Latin America, and therefore especially relevant toour presentaims of assessing SMEs’ potential for upgrading within clustersand value chains. Traditional manufacturing is defined as supplierdominated, because major process innovations are introduced by producersof inputs (e.g., machinery, materials, etc.). Indeed, firm shave room toupgrade their products (and processes)by developing or imitating newproducts’ designs, often interacting with large buyers that increasinglyplay a role in shaping the design of final products and hence thespecificities of the process of production (times, quality standards, andcosts).Natural resource-based sectors crucially rely on the advancement ofbasic and applied science, which, due to low appropriabilityconditions, is most often undertaken by public research institutes,possibly in connection with producers (farmers, breeders, etc.). 14 Inthese sectors, applied research is mainly carried out by input suppliers(i.e., chemicals, machinery, etc.) which achieve economies of scale andappropriate the results of their research through patents.Complex products are defined as ‘‘high cost, engineering-intensive products,subsystems, or constructs supplied by a unit of production’’ (Hobday,1998), 15where the local network is normally anchored to one ‘‘assembler,’’ whichoperates asa leading firm characterized by high design and technologicalcapabilities. To ouraims, th e relationships of local suppliers with these ‘‘anchors’’ may be crucial tofoster (or hinder) firms’ upgrading through technology and skill transfers(or the lackof them).Scale-intensive firms typically lead complex product sectors (Bell& Pavitt,1993), where the process of technical change is realized within an architectural set(Henderson & Clark, 1990), and it is often incremental and modular.Among the Specialized Suppliers, we only consider software, which istypicallyclient driven. This is an especially promising sector for developingcountries’ SMEs,due to the low transport and physical capital costs and the high information intensityof the sector, which moderates the importance of proximity to finalmarkets andextends the scope for a deeper international division of labor.Moreover, the11disintegration of some productive cycles, such as for example of telecommunications,opens up new m arket niches with low entry barriers(Torrisi, 2003). However, at thesame time, the proximity of the market and of clients may cruciallyimprove thedevelopment of design capabilities and thereby foster product/process upgrading.Thus, powerful pressures for cluste ring and globalization coexist in thissector.The different learning patterns across these four groups of activities are expected to affect the process of upgrading of clusters in value chains.This paper also aims at analyzing with original empirical evidencewhether—and how—the sectoral dimension influences this process in Latin America.4. METHODOLOGY: COLLECTIONAND ANALYSIS OF DATAThis study is based on the collection of original data from 12 clusters in LatinAmerica that have not hitherto been investigated, and on an extensivereview of cluster studies available. The empirical analysis was carried out from September 2002 to June 2003 with the support of the Inter American Development Bank. An international team of 12 experts in Italy andin four LA countries collected and reviewed the empirical data.Desk and field studies were undertaken following the same methodology,whichinvolved field interviews with local firms, institutions, and observers,interviews withforeign buyers and TNCs involved in the local cluster, and secondary sources such as。

fundamental 例句 简单

fundamental 例句 简单

fundamental 例句简单1. Fundamental principles are the building blocks of any subject or discipline.2. Understanding the fundamental concepts is crucial for success in advanced mathematics.3. The fundamental laws of physics govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe.4. In music, learning the fundamental techniques and theory is essential for becoming a skilled musician.5. The fundamental values of a society shape its culture and norms.6. Mastering the fundamental skills of reading and writing is the foundation for academic success.7. The fundamental goal of education is to empower individuals with knowledge and skills for life.8. The fundamental purpose of government is to ensure the welfare and security of its citizens.9. In sports, practicing the fundamental techniques is necessary for improving performance.10. Fundamental human rights, such as freedom of speech and equality, should be protected and respected by all.11. Understanding the fundamental principles of economics helps individuals make informed financial decisions.12. The fundamental principles of democracy include the rule of law and respect for human rights.13. The study of history allows us to understand the fundamental causes and consequences of past events.14. The fundamental concepts of biology, such as cells and evolution, provide the basis for understanding life on Earth.15. The fundamental principles of ethics guide individuals in making moral choices and behaving ethically.16. The fundamental laws of chemistry govern the interactions and transformations of matter.17. Fundamental research aims to deepen our understanding of the underlying mechanisms and principles in a field.18. The fundamental principles of engineering are applied to design and construct various structures and systems.19. In psychology, understanding the fundamental processes of the mind and behavior is essential for studying human cognition.20. The fundamental principles of economics, such as supply and demand, influence market dynamics and economic decisions.这些例句展示了fundamental这个词在不同领域和学科中的应用。



Specialisation can be seen as a response to the problem of an increasing accumulation of scientific knowledge. By splitting up the subject matter into smaller units, one man could continue to handle the information and use it as the basis for further research. But specialisation was only one of a series of related developments in science affecting the process of communication. Another was the growing professionalisation of scientific activity. No clear-cut distinction can be drawn between professionals and amateurs in science: exceptions can be found to any rule. Nevertheless, the word “amateur” does carry a connotation that the person concerned is not fully integrated into the scientific community and, in particular, may not fully share its values. The growth of specialisation in the nineteenth century, with its consequent requirement of a longer, more complex training, implied greater problems for amateur participation in science. The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of science based especially on a mathematical or laboratory training, and can be illustrated in terms of the development of geology in the United Kingdom. A comparison of British geological publications over the last century and a half reveals not simply an increasing emphasis on the primacy of research, but also a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable research paper. Thus, in the nineteenth century, local geological studies represented worthwhile research in their own right; but, in the twentieth century, local studies have increasingly become acceptable to professionals only if they incorporate, and reflect on, the wider geological picture. Amateurs, on the other hand, have continued to pursue local studies in the old way. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the nineteenth century and then by several local geological journals in the twentieth century. As a logical consequence of this development, separate journals have now appeared aimed mainly towards either professional or amateur readership. A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies, where as the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way. Although the process of professionalisation and specialisation was already well under way in British geology during the nineteenth century, its full consequences were thus delayed until the twentieth century. In science generally, however,the nineteenth century must be reckoned as the crucial period for this change in the structure of science. 51. The growth of specialisation in the 19th century might be more clearly seen in sciences such as ________. (A)sociology and chemistry (B)physics and psychology (C)sociology and psychology (D)physics and chemistry 52. We can infer from the passage that ________. (A)there is little distinction between specialisation and professionalisation (B)amateurs can compete with professionals in some areas of science (C)professionals tend to welcome amateurs into the scientific community (D)amateurs have national academic societies but no local ones 53. The author writes of the development of geology to demonstrate ________. (A)the process of specialisation and professionalisation (B)the hardship of amateurs in scientific study (C)the change of policies in scientific publications (D)the discrimination of professionals against amateurs 54. The direct reason for specialisation is ________. (A)the development in communication (B)the growth of professionalisation (C)the expansion of scientific knowledge (D)the splitting up of academic societies 答案及试题解析 DBAC 51.(D) 根据第⼆段第三、四句,19世纪开始的专门化要求更长时间、更复杂的培训,⽇益增长的专门化给参与科学活动的业余爱好者带来了更⼤的问题。

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a rX iv:mat h /9184v1[mat h.DS]2Sep2On Conley’s Fundamental Theorem of Dynamical Systems M.R.Razvan (To the memory of C.Conley)Abstract In this paper,we generalize Conley’s fundamental theorem of dynamical systems in Conley index theory.We also conclude the existence of regular index filtration for every Morse decomposition.11Introduction Charles Conley is mostly known for his fundamental theorem of dynamical systems and his homotopy index theory [C].In the latter,he proved that every continuous flow on a compact metric space admits a Lyapunov function which is strictly decreasing along the orbits offthe chain recurrent set.This result has been developed by Franks for homeo-morphisms [F]and Hurley for noncompact metric spaces [H1]-[H4].In the former,Conley defined a homotopy invariant for any isolated invariant set for a continuous flow.This invariant gives some invaluable information about the behavior of the isolated invariant set.This paper concerns a combination of these two masterpieces.Indeed we generalize Conley’s fundamental theorem of dynamical systems in Conley index theory.We alsoconclude the existence of regular index filtration for every Morse decomposition.The generalized Morse inequalities is a consequence of the existence of regular index filtration.2Conley index theoryWe start this section with some basic definitions.Letϕt be a continuousflow on a metricspace X.An isolated invariant set is a subset S⊂X which is the maximal invariantset in a compact neighborhood of itself.Such a neighborhood is called an isolatingneighborhood.A Morse decomposition for S is a collection{M i}n i=1where each M i is anisolated invariant subset of S and for all x∈S− n i=1M i there exist i,j∈{1,···,n} such that i>j,α(x)∈M i andω(x)∈M j.A pair(A,A∗)of subsets of S is calledan attractor-repeller pair if{A,A∗}is a Morse decomposition for S i.e.α(x)∈A∗andω(x)∈A for every x∈S−(A∪A∗).Let S be an isolated invariant set with an isolating neighborhood V and a Morsedecomposition{M i}n i=1.In[S],it is proved that ifϕ[0,+∞)(x)⊂V,thenω(x)⊂M i forsome1≤i≤n.Similarly ifϕ(−∞,0](x)⊂V,thenα(x)⊂M i for some1≤i≤n.Nowfor j=0,···,n,we defineI+j=I+j(V)={x∈V|ϕ[0,∞)(x)⊂V,ω(x)⊂M j+1∪···∪M n}I−j=I−j(V)={x∈V|ϕ(−∞,0](x)⊂V,α(x)⊂M1∪···∪M j}S∗j={x∈S|ω(x)⊂M j+1∪···∪M n},S j={x∈S|α(x)⊂M1∪···∪M j}. Moreover if(A,A∗)is an attractor-repeller pair for S,we set={x∈V|ϕ[0,∞)(x)⊂V,ω(x)⊂A∗},I−A={x∈V|ϕ(−∞,0](x)⊂V,α(x)⊂A} I+A∗In[S]and[CZ],it is proved that I+j and I−j are compact and(I+j,I−j)is an attractor-repeller pair for S.This fact allows us to prove our results for an attractor-repeller pairand then extend them to every Morse decomposition.In order to define the concept of index pair,we follow[RS]and[S].Given a compactpair(N,L)with L⊂N⊂X,we define the induced semi-flow on N/L byϕt♯:N/L−→N/L,ϕt♯(x)= ϕt(x)ifϕ[0,t](x)⊂N−L[L]otherwise.In[RS]it is proved thatϕt♯is continuous if and only ifi)L is positively invariant relative to N,i.e.x∈L,t≥0,ϕ[0,t](x)⊂N⇒ϕ[0,t](x)⊂L.ii)Every orbit which exits N goes through Lfirst,i.e.x∈N,ϕ[0,∞)(x)⊂N⇒∃t≥0withϕ[0,t](x)⊂N,ϕt(x)∈L,or equivalently if x∈N−L then there is a t>0such thatϕ[0,t](x)⊂N.Definition.An index pair for an isolated invariant set S⊂X is a compact pair(N,L) in X such thatProposition2.2.An index pair(N,L)is regular provided thatϕ[0,t](x)⊂N−L.If B is a compact subset of N/L−I+A∗and U is a neighborhood of[L]∪I−A,then there exists T∈R+such thatϕ[T,+∞)♯(B)⊂U.Proof.We may assume that U is a compact neighborhood of[L]∪I−A with U∩I−A=∅.Now suppose that there are x n∈B and t n−→∞such thatϕt n♯(x n)∈U.Since B iscompact,we may choose x n’s so that x n−→x∈B.It is easy to see thatϕ[0,+∞)(x)⊂N−L.Since B∩I+A∗=∅,we haveω(x)⊂A,hence there is a t∈R+such thatϕ[t,+∞)(x)∈◦U.Since x n−→x,there are t n∈R+such that t n−→+∞,ϕ[t,t n]♯(x n)⊂◦U and t n>t for every n∈N.It follows that there exists t′n∈[t,t n]such thatϕ[t,t′n]⊂U,ϕt′n(x n)∈∂U and t′n−t−→+∞.(The latter is true sinceϕ[t,+∞)(x n)⊂◦U and x n−→x.)Thereforethe sequenceϕt′n(x n)has a limit point y∈∂U such thatϕ(−∞,0](y)⊂U∩(N−L)and y∈ω(B)⊂S.Thusα(y)⊂A which follows that y∈A.This contradicts y∈∂U.Theorem3.2.Let S be an isolated invariant set with an attractor-repeller pair(A,A∗) and an index pair(N,L).There exists a continuous function g:N/L−→[0,1]such that(i)g−1(0)=[L]∪I−A and g−1(1)=I+A∗.(ii)g(ϕt(x))<g(x)for every x∈[L]∪I−A ∪I+A∗and t∈R+.Proof.Letρ:N/L−→[0,1]be a continuous function withρ−1(0)=[L]∪I−Aandρ−1(1)=I+A∗.We define h:N/L−→[0,1]by h(x)=supt≥0ρ(ϕt♯(x)).It is not hard tosee that h−1(0)=[L]∪I−A ,h−1(1)=I+A∗.We show that h is upper semi-continuous.For every x∈N/L andǫ>0there is a t∈R+such thatρ(ϕt♯(x))>h(x)−ǫ.Now there is a neighborhood U of x such thatϕt♯(y)>h(x)−ǫfor every y∈U.Therefore h(y)>h(x)−ǫfor every y∈U which proves the upper semi-continuity of h.As a result, h is continuous in h−1(1).Now suppose that x∈h−1(1)=I+A∗andǫ<1−h(x).If we set B=ρ−1[0,h(x)+ǫ]and U=ρ−1[0,h(x)+ǫ)in the above lemma,we obtain a T∈R+ withρ(ϕt♯(y))<h(x)+ǫfor every y∈B and t≥T.Now by continuity ofϕ♯,there exists an open set V⊂N/L such that x∈V andρ(ϕt♯(y))<h(x)+ǫfor every t∈[0,T]and y∈V,Therefore h(y)<h(x)−ǫfor every t∈[0,T]and y∈U∩V which shows that h is lower semi-continuous in x.Now it is not hand to check that g:= +∞0e−t f(ϕt♯(x))dt is the desired function[S].Theorem3.3.Let S be an isolated invariant set with an index pair(N,L)and a Morse decomposition{M i}n i=1.There is a continuous function g:N/L−→[0,N+1]such that (i)g−1(0)=[L]and g(M i)=i for every1≤i≤n.(ii)If x∈N−L− n i=1M i and t>0,then g(ϕt♯(x))<g(x).Proof.Consider the attractor-repeller pairs(I j,I∗j)for0≤j≤n.By Theorem3.2, there are continuous functions g i:N/L−→[0,1]with g−1i(0)=[L]∪I−j,g−1i(1)=I+j and g j(ϕt(x))<g j(x)for every x∈[L]∪I−j∪I+j.Now g:=g0+···+g n is the desired function.Corollary3.4.Every Morse decomposition admits a regular indexfiltration. Proof.Let f be the above Lyapunov function.If we set N k:=π−1(f−1[0,k+1/2])for 0≤k≤n and N n:=N,then by Proposition2.2,(N k,N k−1)is a regular index pair for M k,for every1≤k≤n.Definition.Letϕt be a continuousflow on a compact metric space X.Anǫ-chain forϕt is a sequence x0,···,x n in X and t1,···,t n in[1,+∞)such that d(ϕt i(x i−1))<ǫ.A point x∈X is called chain recurrent if for everyǫ>0,there is anǫ-chain x=x0,···,x n=x. The set of all chain recurrent points forϕt is denoted by R(ϕt).It is not hard to Check that R(ϕt)is a closed invariant subset of X containing the non-wandering setΩ(ϕt).In[C]and[Ro],it has been shown that R(ϕt|R(ϕt))=R(ϕt) and R(ϕt)= (A∪A∗)where the intersection is taken over all attractor-repeller pairs (A,A∗)in X.It is also known that the number of all attractor-repeller pairs in a compact metric space is at most countable.Theorem3.5.Let S be an isolated invariant set with an index pair(N,L).Then there is a continuous function g:N/L−→[0,1]such that(i)g−1(0)=[L]and g(ϕt(x))≤g(x)for every x∈N/L and t≥0.(ii)if x∈N−L−R(ϕt|I)and t≥,then g(ϕt♯(x))<g(x).Proof.Let{(A i,A∗i)}∞i=1be the sequence of all attractor-repeller pairs in S including (∅,S)and(S,∅).Now by the Theorem3.2,there are continuous functions g i:N/L−→[0,1]such that g−1i(0)=[L]∪I−A i ,g−1i=I+A∗iand g i(ϕt(x))<g i(x)for every t∈R+andx∈[L]∪I+A∗i ∪I−A i.Now g= ∞i=12−i g i is the desired function.The above result can be considered as a generalization of Conley’s Fundamental The-orem of Dynamical Systems.A similar result for maps and semi-flows can be obtained by following[FR],[H3],[H4]and[Sz].Acknowledgment.The author would like to thank Institute for studies in theoretical Physics and Mathematics,IPM,for supporting this research.References[C]Conley,C.,Isolated invariant set and the Morse index,CBMS Notes,38(1978),AMS Providence,RI.[CZ]Conley,C.and Zehnder,E.,Morse type index forflows and periodic solutions for Hamiltonian systems,Comm.Pure App.Math.,37(1984),207–253.[F]Franks,J.,A variation on the Poincare-Birkhofftheorem,Contemporary Math.81(1988),111–117.[FR]Franks,J.,and Richeson,D.,Shift equivalence and Conley index,Trans.Amer.AMath.Soc.352(2000),3305–3332.[H1]Hurley,M.,Chain recurrence and attraction in noncompact spaces,Ergodic Theory Dynamival Systems,11(1991),709–729.[H2]Hurley,M.,Noncompact chain recurrence and attraction,Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.,115(1992),1139-1148.[H3]Hurley,M.,Chain recurrence,semiflows and gradients,J.Dynamics.Diff.Equatuions,7(1995),437–459.[H4]Hurley,M.,Lyapunov functions and attractors in arbitrary metric spaces,Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.,126(1998),245–256.[Ro]Robinson,D.,Dynamical Systems,CRC Press,1995.[RS]Robbin,J.and Salamon,D.,Dynamical systems,shape theory and the Conley index,Ergodic Theory Dynamical Systems,8*(1998),375–393.[S]Salamon,D.,Connected simple systems and the conley index for isolated in-variant sets.Trans.Amer.Math.Soc.,22(1985),113–140.[Sz]Szymczak,A.,The Conley index for discrete semidynamical systems,Topology Appl.66(1995),215–240.Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and MathematicsP.O.Box:19395−5746,Tehran,IRAN.e-mail:razvan@karun.ipm.ac.ir,Fax:009821-2290648。
