Antibiotics and resistance
抗生素相关腹泻 鲍曼不动杆菌 免疫实践咨询委员会 主动筛查 腺病毒 主动检测和隔离 全自动内镜清洗消毒机 产生气溶胶的操作 抗酸杆菌 美国医院协会 速干手消毒剂 经空气传播疾病 急性白血病 氨基青霉素 耐药性 抗菌缝线 抗菌药物管理团队 抗菌剂 美国感染控制与流行病学专业协会 成人型呼吸窘迫综合征 耐药性微生物 耐药性病原体 抗菌药物管理项目 黑曲霉菌 抗菌药物敏感性试验 抗菌药物应用和耐药性 苯扎氯铵 菌血症 细菌性气溶胶 细菌性腹膜炎 血源性病原体 床旁隔离 生物膜 血琼脂平板 呼吸回路 布里斯托分型表 广谱抗生素 布鲁氏菌 血流感染
临时性血管通路 终末消毒 清洗效果测试物 四环素 替加环素 全髋关节置换术 全肠外营养 阿萨希毛孢子菌 甲氧苄氨嘧啶 万古霉素 呼吸机相关肺炎 汽化过氧化氢 霍乱弧菌 创伤弧菌 耐万古霉素肠球菌 耐万古霉素屎肠球菌 水痘-带状疱疹病毒 白细胞计数 西尼罗病毒 泛耐药鲍曼不动杆菌 泛耐药
Buffer room Burkholderia cepacia CA-BSI (catheter-associated blood stream infections) Campylobacter jejuni CA-MRSA (community associated MRSA ) Candida parapsilosis Carbapenems CASS(continuous aspiration of subglottic secretions) Candida albicans CAUTI(Catherter—associated urinary tract infection) CBIC(Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology) CCNA(cell cytotoxin neutralization assay) CCT( Controlled clinical trail ) CDAD (Clostridium difficile–associated disease) CDI(Clostridium difficile infection) Cephalosporins CHA(Chlorhexidine acetate) CHG(Chlorhexidine gluconate) Chlamydia trachomatis Chlorine product CJD(Creutzfedt-Jekob disease) CLABSI(central line-associated bloodstream infections) CLAD(closed Luer access device) Clindamycin Clostridium perfringens Colistin colonisation CoNS(coagulase-negative staphylococci) Contact isolation CoV(coronavirus) CoxA16(Coxsackievirus) CPE(carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae) CPIS(clinical pulmonary infection score) CPS(coagulase-positive staphylococci) CRAB(Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter) CRE(carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae) Critical dental instruments CRKP(carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae) CRV(community respiratory viruses) CSSD(Central sterile supply department) Decontamination area Dental scaler Di间 洋葱伯克霍尔德菌 导管相关血流感染 空肠弯曲杆菌 社区相关甲氧西林耐药金葡菌 近平滑假丝酵母菌 碳青霉烯类 持续声门下吸引 白色念珠菌 导尿管相关尿路感染 感染控制与流行病学认证委员会 细胞毒素中和试验 临床对照试验 艰难梭菌相关性腹泻 艰难梭菌感染 头孢菌素类 醋酸氯已定 葡萄糖酸氯已定 沙眼衣原体 含氯消毒剂 克雅病 中心静脉导管相关血流感染 密封的鲁尔接着装置 克林霉素 产气荚膜梭菌 黏菌素 定植 凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌 接触隔离 冠状病毒 柯萨奇A16型病毒 产碳青霉烯酶肠杆菌 临床肺部感染评分 凝固酶阳性葡萄球菌 耐碳青霉烯鲍曼不动杆菌 耐碳青霉烯类肠杆菌 高危口腔器械 耐碳青霉烯肺炎克雷伯菌 社区呼吸道病毒 消毒供应中心 去污区 牙洁治器 透析
参考文献[1] Davies J. Inactivation of antibiotics and the dissemintion of resistanc genes. Science, 1994, 264:357-382.选用微生态制剂需注意菌株安全性一些多联微生态制剂含有粪肠球菌:1.贝飞达肠溶胶囊: 长型双歧杆菌+嗜酸乳杆菌+粪肠球菌2.思联康: 婴儿型双歧杆菌+嗜酸乳杆菌++蜡样芽孢杆菌+粪肠球菌3妈咪爱,美常安: 枯草杆菌+屎肠球菌过去认为肠球菌是对人体无害的共生菌,但近年来的研究已经证实它是严重的条件致病菌,具有潜在致病性。
肠球菌属亦可产生一种质粒编码的、可增加感染严重程度的溶血素(cytolysin)[1],其毒力因子还有聚集物质(AS)、表面蛋白(esp)、心内膜炎抗原(efaA)、明胶酶(gelE)、胶原结合蛋白(ace)、胞外超氧化物(O2-)、透明质酸酶、性信息素等[2],从而引起尿路感染、皮肤软组织感染,还可引起危及生命的腹腔感染、败血症、心内膜炎和脑膜炎等,死亡率达21.0~27.5 %[3],主要见于免疫力低下或过量使用抗生素的患者[4]。
2023年抗菌抗生素临床应用最新研究英文版Latest Research on the Clinical Application of Antibiotics and Antimicrobials in 2023In the ever-evolving field of medicine, the use of antibiotics and antimicrobials plays a crucial role in treating various infections. With the rise of antibiotic resistance, researchers are constantly exploring new ways to optimize the clinical application of these drugs.Recent studies have shown promising results in the development of novel antibiotics with increased efficacy against resistant strains of bacteria. These new drugs offer hope for patients with infections that were once difficult to treat.Furthermore, research has focused on the appropriate use of antibiotics to minimize the development of resistance. By implementingguidelines and protocols for prescribing antibiotics, healthcare providers can help slow down the emergence of resistant bacteria.In addition, the use of antimicrobials in non-traditional settings, such as agriculture and veterinary medicine, has also been a topic of interest in recent research. Understanding the impact of antimicrobial use in these areas is essential for preventing the spread of resistant bacteria to humans.Overall, the latest research in 2023 highlights the importance of judicious antibiotic use, the development of new antimicrobial agents, and the need for a multidisciplinary approach to combat antibiotic resistance. By staying informed on the latest advancements in this field, healthcare professionals can continue to provide effective treatment for patients while minimizing the risk of resistance.。
细菌耐药性(英文PPT)Antimicrobial Resistance
Can affect the rate of spread of bacterial resistance by applying selective pressure via exposure to the thousands of metric tons of antibiotics we have used in patients and livestock over the last half century
Underlying Principles of Antibiotic Resistance
Given sufficient time and drug use, antibiotic resistance will emerge. There are no antibiotics to which resistance has not eventually appeared (PRSP took 25 years)
Resistance is progressively evolving from low levels through intermediate to high levels (Increasing MICs are a marker for future resistance)
短语 excrete toxins--- 排出毒素 maintenance --- 健康保持3.a building block --- 基本构件4.waning of immunity --- 免疫力减弱5.recurrent jaundice --- 反复发作的黄疸6.exacerbate pathophysiology --- 加重病理生理状况7.aggressive treatment--- 积极治疗8.medical budget --- 医疗预算9.a clinical trial --- 临床试验10.widespread metastases --- 广泛转移11.anti-tumor agents--- 抗肿瘤的药剂12.medical literature --- 医学文献13. a health crisis --- 健康危机14.the Red Cross --- 红十字会15.anxiety and confusion--- 焦虑与困惑16. a malaria case --- 一个疟疾病例17.bilirubin metabolism --- 胆红素代谢18.blood pressure control --- 血压控制19.aggressive treatment--- 积极治疗20. a nursing station --- 护士站21.brain perfusion --- 大脑血灌注22. a 10-year follow-up study --- 10年的跟踪研究23.cardiovascular reactions--- 心血管反应24. a medical ward --- 内科病房25.casualty of war --- 战争中的人员伤亡26.blood pressure control --- 血压控制27. a typical office visit --- 典型的诊所就诊28.certification evaluations--- 证书评估29.bottled water--- 瓶装水30.agents of bioterrorism --- 生物恐怖活动病原31.childproof cap--- 防孩子打开的盖子 animal model --- 动物模型 internal medicine residency --- 内科实习期34.aggressive treatment--- 积极治疗plications or concomitant conditions--- 并发症与合并症 unknown pathogen --- 一种未知的病原体37.continuing medical education credits --- 继续医学教育学分 international humanitarian group --- 一个国际人道主义组织39.control group--- 对照组40.chronic illness--- 慢性病41.antibiotics and vaccine --- 抗生素和疫苗42.coordination of emotions --- 情绪协调43.Aorto-coronary arterial bypass --- 主动脉冠状动脉旁路44.dairy category--- 乳制品类 completely from sth immune --- 对某事完全免疫46.decaying teeth--- 蛀牙47.becoming bedridden --- 卧床不起48.diagnostic errors --- 诊断错误49.bedside manner --- 医生对患者的态度,临床举止50.diastolic blood pressure--- 舒张压51.bilateral infiltrates --- 双侧浸润52.dietary habits --- 饮食习惯53.brain function --- 脑功能54.emergency decisions--- 紧急状况下做的决定55.bubonic plague --- 腺鼠疫56.emergency relief efforts--- 紧急援助工作57.emergent disease --- 新现疾病58.caloric intake --- 热量摄入59.exclusive purview--- 专属领域60.childhood obesity --- 儿童肥胖症61.exposure to carriers of disease --- 接触带病者62.Chronic gastric ulcer --- 慢性胃溃疡63.foodborne infections--- 通过食物传播的传染病64.classic manifestations --- 典型临床表现65.fragile health--- 脆弱的健康66.exclusive purview--- 专属领域67.clinical course --- 临床病程68.genetic shift--- 基因改变69.exposure to carriers of disease --- 接触带病者70.genuine feelings and emotions --- 真情实感71.clinical ideal --- 临床理念 vivo pharmacology--- 体内药理学73.clinical investigation --- 临床调查74.incidence of relapse--- 复发率75.clinical maladies --- 临床疾患76.infectious disease--- 传染病77.genuine feelings and emotions --- 真情实感fort measures --- 舒适护理措施rmed treatment decision --- 知情治疗决定puterized tomography --- CT, 计算机断层描81.interferon gamma tests--- Y干扰素测试82.DEXA scan --- DEXA扫描83.intractable infectious diseases --- 难治的传染病84.dose regimen --- 剂量方案85.intravenous morphine--- 静脉注射吗啡86.drug resistance --- 抗药性bored breathing--- 呼吸困难88.drug toxicity --- 药物毒性tent tuberculosis --- 潜伏结核病90.electronic record --- 电子病历91.lean protein--- 精益蛋白质92.emotional solace --- 情感慰藉 machines--- 生命维持系统94.mammogram report --- 乳房X线检查报告 and vitality --- 能量和活力96.neurological complications--- 神经性并发症97.ethical principles --- 伦理准则rmed treatment decision --- 知情治疗决定99.neuromuscular electrical stimulation --- 神经肌肉电刺激。
抗生素与耐药(英文PPT)Antibiotics and Resistance
Antibiotic Resistance is the ability to resist the harmful effects of antibiotics by…
Alteration of target receptor proteins Prevention of entry into the cell Destruction of antibiotic upon entry Association with antibiotic which blocks entry Pump antibiotic out of cell before activation Bypass affected step in the metabolic pathway It is rare for a bacterium to possess more than 1,
Resistance can be prevented by taking all of your prescribed antibiotics, taking multiple antibiotics at one time, and restricting antibiotic use to individuals with weakened immune systems.
Antibiotic Resistance is the ability to resist the harmful effects of antibiotics.
Resistance is acquired through genetic mutation, the ingestion of genetic material for resistance, or continuous exposure to low doses of antibiotics.
Antibiotics (anti-microbials)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ New drugs are continually being introduced to combat evolving patterns of resistance.
Disruption of the microbial cell membrane
Essentially, affect cell membrane transportation in and out
Increases permeability of membrane
External influences have greater effect Microbe death
Interrupt this leads to new microbes being susceptible to external influences
Cell ruptures Microbe death
Eg. Penicillinsm cephalosporins, vancomycin and bacitracin
Antibiotics (anti-microbials)
Dr Gareth Noble (and Dr Sue Jordan)
Kock & Pasteur over a century
Discovered ‘cause and effect’ Once found, needed an agent to be created to handle them
安 徽 医 药 Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal 2011 Dec;15(12)
流感嗜血杆菌 的耐药性及 耐药机制
桂 和翠 ,王 中新 ,沈 纪录
(安徽 22)
摘 要 :流感 嗜血杆菌 是引起人 类呼吸道感 染 的常见致病菌 ,尤其 在儿童 中。近年来 ,由于抗生素 的广泛使用 ,流感 嗜血杆菌对 B一内酰胺类抗生素 、复方新诺 明、四环 素 、氯霉素 、大环 内酯类 的耐药率不断上升 ,且存 在明显的地区差异。此外 ,p一内酰胺 酶阴 性 的耐 氨苄西 林(BLNAR)流感 嗜血 杆菌报道增加 ,更表 明了抗生 素选 择压 力下复杂的耐药机制。该文就 流感嗜血杆 菌对 常用 抗生 素的耐药性和耐药机制作一综述 。 关键 词 :流感嗜血杆菌 ;抗生素 ;耐药机 制
2004年,Rysz等建议将抗生素抗性基因本身作为环境污染物( Rysz and Alvar,Water Res,2004 ); 2006年,Pruden等将ARGs作为一种新型的环境污染物明确提出后,对环境中抗性基因的研究得到了广泛 关注(Pruden et al., Environ Sci Technol, 2004 ); 2008年,我国胡建英对河流中E.coli的抗生素抗性做了初步研究;
目前研究抗生素抗性的方法主要是利用各种含有抗生素的培养基进GE技术 2、PCR技术--定性 3、qPCR技术—定量 4、基因芯片技术—原理是PCR技术 5、RT-PCR—基因表达 抗性基因研究的领域: 1、水环境:
Beta变形菌门和黄杆菌门 的细菌产生烯抗生素和头 孢菌素的抗性。
(Cristina, 2015)
E.coli中zntA,copA和copA-like; 对10种和12种种抗生素均表现出不同程度的抗性; 实验也表明抗性基因可以在不同E.coli 之间发生水平转移 (Cristina, 2015)
四环素抗性基因: tet(O) tet(Q) tet(W) tet(M) tet(P) tet(S) tet(T)
长江口主导的抗生素、微生物及其抗性基因的时空分布规律 NP颗粒物对微生物抗性基因的产生/影响及其机理(两者间的相互作用) NP及抗生素同时存在下对微生物对微生物抗性基因的影响机制。(三者间 的相互作用) 抗性基因的传播?
滥用抗生素作文英文英文:Antibiotic abuse is a serious problem that has been affecting our society for years. As a healthcare professional, I have seen firsthand the negative consequences of this practice. Antibiotics are powerful drugs that are designed to kill bacteria, but they are not effective against viruses. However, many people still demand antibiotics for viral infections such as colds and flu. This misuse of antibiotics has led to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which are much more difficult to treat.One of the main reasons for antibiotic abuse is the lack of education about the proper use of antibiotics. Many people believe that antibiotics can cure any infection, regardless of whether it is caused by bacteria or viruses. In addition, some healthcare providers prescribeantibiotics unnecessarily, either due to pressure frompatients or a lack of knowledge about the appropriate use of antibiotics.Another factor contributing to antibiotic abuse is the overuse of antibiotics in agriculture. Farmers often use antibiotics to promote growth in livestock, which can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in animals. These bacteria can then be transmitted to humans through the consumption of contaminated meat.To combat antibiotic abuse, education is key. Healthcare providers need to educate their patients about the appropriate use of antibiotics and the dangers of antibiotic resistance. In addition, strict regulations need to be put in place to limit the use of antibiotics in agriculture.In conclusion, antibiotic abuse is a serious problem that requires action from healthcare providers, patients, and policymakers. By working together, we can prevent the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and ensurethat antibiotics remain an effective tool in the fightagainst bacterial infections.中文:抗生素滥用是一个长期困扰我们社会的严重问题。
关键词:抗生素;耐药;基因;数据库;进化中图分类号:R978.1文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-8751(2021)02-0065-05Application of Genomics in Antibiotic ResistanceCheng Rong1,Zhao De-jun1,Zhu Long2(1Qingzhen First Peopled Hospital,Qingzhen Guizhou551400;2Huishui Public Security Bureau,Huishui Guizhou550600) Abstract:The discovery of antibiotics is a big revolution in human history,and its clinical application hassaved countless lives.However,with the widespread use of antibiotics,many pathogens have developed resistance. The problem of resistance has become one of the most severe environmental health problems faced by mankind in the21st century.At the same time,resistance has attracted the attention of many researchers.At present,researches on the development of new antibiotics,the improvement of antibiotics,and the elucidation of microbial resistance mechanisms are constantly being carried out.In the process of research on antibiotics resistance,the research progress of genomics provides a great convenience.High-throughput sequencing technology combined with molecular biology technology also constructed a variety of antibiotic resistance gene databases and analysis tools,which is extremely helpful for us to efficiently discover new drug resistance genes and understand the generation and development process of drug resistance.Our purpose of this review is to understand the drug resistance of pathogens from a genetic perspective,so as to facilitate our better understanding and response to drug resistance in scientific research and clinical work.Keywords:antibiotics;resistance;genetics;databases;evolution抗生素是人类历史上的一大重要发现,其拯救了无数感染患者的生命。
Misuse and overuse of these drugs, however, have contributed to a phenomenon known as antibiotic resis-tance. This resistance develops when potentially harmful bacteria change in a way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of antibiotics.A Public Health IssueAntibiotic resistance is a growing public health concern worldwide. When a person is infected with an antibiotic-resistant bacterium, not only is treatment of that patient more difficult, but the antibiotic-resistant bacterium may spread to other people.When antibiotics don’t work, the result can be • longer illnesses• more complicated illnesses • more doctor visits • t he use of stronger and more expensive drugs • m ore deaths caused by bacterial infectionsExamples of the types of bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics include the species that cause skin infections, meningitis, sexually transmitted diseases and respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia.In cooperation with other government agencies, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has launched sev-eral initiatives to address antibiotic resistance.The agency has issued drug labeling regulations, emphasizing the prudent use of antibiotics. The regula-tions encourage health care professionals to prescribe antibiotics only when clinically necessary, and to coun-Combating Antibiotic ResistanceA ntibiotics are drugs used for treatinginfections caused by bacteria. Also known as antimicrobial drugs, antibiotics have saved countless lives.FotosearchHealth care professionals should prescribe antibiotics only for infections they believe to be caused by bacteria. Patients should not demand antibiotics when a health care professionalsays the drugs are not needed.sel patients about the proper use of such drugs and the importance of taking them as directed. FDA has also encouraged the development of new drugs, vaccines, and improved tests for infectious diseases.Antibiotics Fight Bacteria, Not VirusesAntibiotics are meant to be used against bacterial infec-tions. For example, they are used to treat strep throat, which is caused by streptococcal bacteria, and skin infec-tions caused by staphylococcal bacteria.Although antibiotics kill bacteria, they are not effec-tive against viruses. Therefore, they will not be effective against viral infections such as colds, most coughs, many types of sore throat, and influ-enza (flu).Using antibiotics against viral infec-tions• will not cure the infection• w ill not keep other individuals from catching the virus• will not help a person feel better • m ay cause unnecessary, harmful side effects• m ay contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteriaPatients and health care profession-als alike can play an important role in combating antibiotic resistance. Patients should not demand antibi-otics when a health care professional says the drugs are not needed. Health care professionals should prescribe antibiotics only for infections they believe to be caused by bacteria.As a patient, your best approach is to ask your health care professional whether an antibiotic is likely to be effective for your condition. Also, ask what else you can do to relieve your symptoms.Follow Directions for Proper Use When you are prescribed an antibi-otic to treat a bacterial infection, it’s important to take the medication exactly as directed. Here are more tips to promote proper use of anti-biotics.• C omplete the full course of the drug. It’s important to take all of the medication, even if you are feeling better. If treatment stops too soon, the drug may not kill all the bac-teria. You may become sick again,and the remaining bacteria maybecome resistant to the antibioticthat you’ve taken.• D o not skip doses. Antibiotics aremost effective when they are takenregularly.• D o not save antibiotics. You mightthink that you can save an antibioticfor the next time you get sick, butan antibiotic is meant for your par-ticular infection at the time. Nevertake leftover medicine. Taking thewrong medicine can delay gettingthe appropriate treatment and mayallow your condition to worsen.• D o not take antibiotics prescribedfor someone else.These may notbe appropriate for your illness, maydelay correct treatment, and mayallow your condition to worsen.• T alk with your health care profes-sional. Ask questions, especially ifyou are uncertain about when anantibiotic is appropriate or how totake it.It’s important that you let yourhealth care professional know of anytroublesome side effects. Consum-ers and health care professionals canalso report adverse events to FDA’sMedWatch program at 800-FDA-1088or online at /medwatch/report.htm.What FDA is DoingEfforts to combat antibiotic resistanceinclude agency-wide cooperation anddevelopment of an FDA Task Force onAntimicrobial Resistance. FDA activi-ties include• L abeling regulations addressingproper use of antibiotics.Anti-biotic labeling contains requiredstatements in several places advis-ing health care professionals thatthese drugs should be used onlyto treat infections that are believedto be caused by bacteria. Labelingalso encourages health care profes-sionals to counsel patients aboutproper use.• P artnering to promote publicawareness. FDA is partnering withthe Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) on “Get Smart:Know When Antibiotics Work,” acampaign that offers Web pages,brochures, fact sheets, and otherinformation sources aimed at help-ing the public learn about prevent-ing antibiotic-resistant infections.• E ncouraging the development ofnew antibiotics.FDA is activelyengaged in developing guidancefor industry on the types of clinicalstudies that could be performed toevaluate how an antibacterial drugworks for the treatment of differenttypes of infections.For More InformationFDA: Antibiotic Resistance/oc/opacom/hottopics/anti_resist.htmlFDA Center for Drug Evaluation andResearch (CDER): AntimicrobialResistance/cder/drug/antimicrobial/default.htmFDA Task Force on AntimicrobialResistance/cder/drug/antimicrobial/documents/TFREPORT12052000.pdfCDC: Get Smart: Know WhenAntibiotics Work/drugresistance/community/Although antibiotics kill bacteria, they are not effective against viruses.。
2023年抗生素临床应用新原则英文版New Principles for Antibiotic Clinical Application in 2023In the ever-evolving landscape of medicine, it is crucial to stay updated on the latest guidelines for antibiotic use. The year 2023 brings forth new principles that aim to optimize the clinical application of antibiotics.1. Precision Medicine: Tailoring antibiotic therapy to individual patients based on their specific characteristics and the type of infection they have.2. Antibiotic Stewardship: Promoting the responsible use of antibiotics to minimize the development of antibiotic resistance.3. Combination Therapy: Utilizing multiple antibiotics to combat infections caused by multidrug-resistant organisms.4. Duration of Therapy: Emphasizing the importance of completing the full course of antibiotic treatment to ensure eradication of the infection.5. De-escalation: Starting with broad-spectrum antibiotics and then narrowing down to more targeted therapy based on culture and sensitivity results.6. Prophylactic Antibiotics: Using antibiotics only when necessary to prevent surgical site infections or other specific indications.7. Continuous Monitoring: Regularly assessing the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy and adjusting as needed to achieve optimal outcomes.8. Patient Education: Ensuring that patients understand the importance of antibiotics, including proper dosing and potential side effects.9. Collaborative Approach: Involving a multidisciplinary team in decision-making regarding antibiotic therapy to enhance patient care.10. Research and Development: Supporting ongoing research efforts to develop new antibiotics and combat emerging resistant strains.By adhering to these new principles for antibiotic clinical application in 2023, healthcare providers can optimize patient outcomes while minimizing the risk of antibiotic resistance.。
As a high school student with a keen interest in the sciences, particularly biology and chemistry, Ive always been fascinated by the world of medicine. The intricate workings of the human body, the mysteries of diseases, and the quest for cures are subjects that never cease to amaze me. Recently, I delved into a book that has broadened my understanding of medical treatments and their evolution over time.The book I read, titled The Healing Touch: A Journey Through Medical Treatments, is a comprehensive exploration of the history, science, and ethics of medical interventions. Its not just a textbook its a narrative that takes the reader on a journey through time, from the earliest forms of healing to the cuttingedge therapies of today.The author begins by discussing the ancient practices of healing, such as the use of herbs and rituals in various civilizations. It was intriguing to learn how early humans relied on natural remedies and the wisdom passed down through generations. The book then transitions to the contributions of the Greeks, who laid the foundation for modern medicine with their systematic approach to understanding the human body.One of the most captivating chapters was about the Middle Ages, a time when superstition often overshadowed science. The author describes how the Black Death led to a reevaluation of medical practices, paving the way for the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment. It was during this period that the first medical schools were established, and the practice of dissection helped to advance our understanding of human anatomy.As I turned the pages, I was drawn into the era of modern medicine, where the discovery of germs and the development of vaccines revolutionized our approach to disease prevention. The book does not shy away from the ethical dilemmas that have arisen with advancements in medical technology, such as the debate surrounding stem cell research and genetic engineering.What I found particularly compelling was the section on the development of antibiotics and the subsequent emergence of antibiotic resistance. The author uses this as a case study to highlight the importance of responsible use of medications and the need for ongoing research to combat evolving threats to public health.The book also delves into the psychological aspects of medical treatment, discussing the role of the patientphysician relationship and the impact of the mind on the bodys ability to heal. It was enlightening to learn about the placebo effect and how belief and expectation can influence the outcome of a treatment.One of the most impactful parts of the book for me was the chapter on global health disparities. It brought to light the stark differences in access to healthcare and the varying standards of medical treatment around the world. The author calls for a more equitable distribution of resources and a commitment to improving healthcare for all, regardless of socioeconomic status.The Healing Touch is not just a book about medical treatments its a call toaction for future generations of healthcare professionals and scientists. It challenges the reader to consider the broader implications of medical advancements and the responsibility we have to use our knowledge for the betterment of society.In conclusion, this book has been an eyeopener for me, providing a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances of medical treatments. It has inspired me to think critically about the role of medicine in our lives and the ethical considerations that come with it. As I continue my studies, I am more determined than ever to contribute to the field of medicine, driven by a passion for healing and a commitment to making a difference in the world.。
目录中文摘要(关键词) (2)外文摘要(关键词) (2)前言 (3)1 材料与方法 (6)1.1 材料 (6)1.1.1 菌株 (6)1.1.2 药物 (6)1.1.3 培养基及试剂 (7)1.1.4 器材 (7)1.2 方法 (7)1.2.1 培养基的制备 (8)1.2.2 大肠杆菌的扩大培养 (6)1.2.3 药敏纸片琼脂扩散试验 (8)1.2.4 微量稀释法试验 (10)1.2.5 棋盘稀释法测定联合抑菌浓度指数(FIC) (13)2 结果与分析 (13)2.1 药敏纸片琼脂扩散试验 (13)2.2 微量稀释法试验 (14)2.3 FIC指数 (16)3 结论与讨论 (17)3.1 讨论 (17)3.1.1 关于试验 (17)3.1.2药敏试验在兽医临床疫病防治中的意义 (18)3.1.3 药敏试验的注意事项 (19)3.1.4 关于耐药性 (19)3.2 结论 (20)参考文献 (22)致谢······················································································································错误!未定义书签。