A Floral-Derived Compound Attractive to the Tephritid Fruit Fly Parasitoid




You guys may have read this article. But here is my version of translation from English into Chinese. Let's check it out to see what the differences are. I'm sure there are mistakes.咖啡杯品术语杯品(杯测)咖啡时,我们要区分咖啡的风味、醇厚度、酸度和湿香气是否宜人。


While tasting the coffee, you should try to discern whether the flavor, body, acidity and aroma of the coffee is pleasant, or unpleasant. Here are the criteria that most tasters use to judge coffee:酸度Acidity :酸度是咖啡的必备特征,是咖啡在舌下边缘和后腭产生的干的感觉。




Acidity is a desirable characteristic in coffee. It is the sensation of dryness that the coffee produces under the edges of your tongue and on the back of your palate. The role acidity plays in coffee is not unlike its role as related to the flavor of wine. It provides a sharp, bright, vibrant quality. With out sufficient acidity, the coffee will tend to taste flat. Acidity should not be confused with sour, which is an unpleasant, negative flavor characteristic.[B]湿香气Aroma湿香气很难与风味分开。



第48卷第4期2023年7月㊀林㊀业㊀调㊀查㊀规㊀划Forest Inventory and PlanningVol.48㊀No.4July2023doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-3168.2023.04.039桃金娘科引鸟植物在华南地区园林绿地的生态景观营造研究何卓彦,丘燕芬,罗连,林石狮(广东环境保护工程职业学院,广东佛山528216)摘要:桃金娘科园林植物形态种类丰富,能吸引鸟类㊁蜂类㊁蝶类等,对部分桃金娘科引鸟植物的生态效益和景观营造进行评估㊂结果表明:桃金娘科植物花色艳丽,果实硕大,可作动物食源,能有效吸引具有生态景观价值的野生鸟类如暗绿绣眼鸟㊁白头鹎㊁红嘴蓝鹊㊁红耳鹎㊁珠颈斑鸠㊁黑脸噪鹛㊁乌鸫㊁领雀嘴鹎等㊂结合花期吸引传粉昆虫及果期引鸟效果,提出相应的生态景观营造策略,有利于食物网的完善构建,进一步完善绿地生态系统建设㊂关键词:桃金娘科;引鸟植物;生态景观;取食鸟类中图分类号:S731.1;P901;Q949.762.2㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1671-3168(2023)04-0226-05引文格式:何卓彦,丘燕芬,罗连,等.桃金娘科引鸟植物在华南地区园林绿地的生态景观营造研究[J].林业调查规划,2023,48(4):226-230.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-3168.2023.04.039HE Zhuoyan,QIU Yanfen,LUO Lian,et al.Ecological Landscape Construction of Mytaceae Bird Attractive Plants in Garden of Southern China[J].Forest Inventory and Planning,2023,48(4):226-230.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-3168.2023.04.0390Ecological Landscape Construction of Mytaceae Bird Attractive Plants inGarden of Southern ChinaHE Zhuoyan,QIU Yanfen,LUO Lian,LIN Shishi(Guangdong Polytechnic of Environmental Protection Engineering,Foshan,Guangdong528216,China) Abstract:The Mytaceae garden plants has a rich variety of forms and can attract birds,bees,butterflies, etc.This paper evaluated the ecological benefits and landscape construction of some Mytaceae bird attrac-tive plants.The results showed that the Mytaceae plants had bright flowers and large fruits,which could be used as the species of animal feed and could effectively attract wild birds with ecological landscape val-ue,such as Zosterops japonicus,Pycnonotus sinensis,Urocissa erythrorhyncha,Pycnonotus jocosus,Spi-lopelia chinensis,Garrulax perspicillatus,Turdus merula and Spizixos semitorques.Based on the attraction of pollinating insects during the flowering period and the effect of attracting birds during the fruiting period, corresponding ecological landscape construction strategies were proposed,which was conducive to the im-provement and construction of the food web and further improve the construction of the green ecosystem. Key words:Mytaceae;bird attractive plant;ecological landscape;feeding birds收稿日期:2022-02-25;修回日期:2022-03-23.基金支持:广东省教育厅青年创新人才类项目(2017GkQNCX045);广东省教育厅2022年省继续教育质量提升工程建设类项目(JXJYGC2022GX554);广东省高职教育教学改革项目(JZQN201702;CYQN2017027);广东省高等职业院校农林牧渔类专业教学指导委员会教育教学改革项目(YN2021YB18);广州市科技计划项目(201903010076);广东环境保护工程职业学院2019年质量工程项目(J422920022202);广东环境保护工程职业学院2020年度院长基金项目(科学研究类)(K620821042304).第一作者:何卓彦(1983-),女,广东广州人,硕士,讲师.从事园林植物造景㊁花坛花境设计㊁花艺设计等研究.Email:472604402@ 责任作者:林石狮(1984-),男,广东汕头人,硕士,高级工程师.从事生态学研究.Email:lionrei1@何卓彦,等:桃金娘科引鸟植物在华南地区园林绿地的生态景观营造研究㊀㊀鸟类,作为城市生态系统中重要组成部分之一,其活动的活跃程度与城市生态系统的完善程度呈一定相关性[1]㊂鸟类活动一定程度上也是生态园林建设水平的体现,许多欧美国家常以鸟类的出没㊁活动㊁栖息状况来衡量城市绿地建设和生态环境质量[2-3]㊂在城市的生态环境营造中,可采用作为多种动物食源的乡土植物,以增加野生动物特别是鸟类食物的可选性和丰富性[4],有效提升城市园林绿地的生态效益㊂而在城市景观设计中加入动植物生态系统方面的自然科普教育,更是有效提升城市绿地社会效益的方法[5]㊂桃金娘科(Myrtaceae)植物主产热带和亚热带地区,全世界约有100属,超过3000种,我国原产及驯化的桃金娘科植物共有9属㊁126种㊁8变种,主产于广东㊁广西及云南等热带亚热带地区[6]㊂据詹慧玲等[7]统计,华南地区可利用的桃金娘科园林㊁景观植物有6属㊁14种,占国内桃金娘科乡土植物属㊁种的60%和11.6%㊂国外园艺工作者也对桃金娘科园林观赏植物进行了较多的培育工作,近年来国内也成功引入了不少种类,如红千层(Callistemon rigidus )㊁白千层(Melaleuca leucadendron )㊁香桃木(Myrtus communis )㊁黄金蒲桃(Xanthostemon chrysan-thus )㊁嘉宝果(Myrciaria cauliflora )[7-8]等,在园林㊁景观上已逐渐推广㊂桃金娘科的乔木树冠浓密婆娑,花色鲜艳,果实显著饱满,具有极高的生态和观赏价值㊂尤其蒲桃属㊁桃金娘属及红千层属植物花型显著,花色或果色呈现鲜艳的红㊁黄色,盛花期㊁挂果期能吸引蜜蜂等多种昆虫,其浆果能为鸟类㊁小型哺乳类㊁蜂蚁类等提供食物来源[9-11]㊂在长期从事引鸟植物筛选与生态景观营造调查和实践的基础上,对部分桃金娘科植物的生态效益和景观营造开展相关评估㊂1华南地区常见桃金娘科园林树种形态特征结合詹慧玲等[7-8,10]的研究开展野外观测,初步筛选出华南地区常见桃金娘科园林引鸟植物共14种㊂对其形态特征㊁花果期及观赏特点归纳见表1㊂表1㊀引鸟效果较佳的桃金娘科植物Tab.1㊀Plants of Mytaceae plants with better bird attracting effects蒲桃Syzygium 明显,果可食用;自然状态下小苗较多,繁殖能力强洋蒲桃Syzygium samarangense乔木㊀2 7月粉红枝叶粗壮,树冠大,遮荫;果实大,鲜艳可食用海南蒲桃Syzygium hainanense乔木㊀4 10月紫黑速生树种,耐瘠薄,根系保水能力强,树冠浓密,盛花期满树白花,果可食用肖蒲桃Acmena acuminatissima乔木㊀7 10月紫黑速生树种,树干通直而形态披散,嫩叶红色,果实密集,颇为壮观小叶蒲桃Syzygium luehmannii小乔木3 6月粉红枝纤细,密集而亮,耐修剪,嫩枝叶粉红色,果密集繁多红鳞蒲桃Syzygium hancei灌木至小乔木8 9月紫色叶密集且光亮,枝叶耐修剪,嫩枝叶红色,常用作彩叶植物,果繁多水翁Cleistocalyx operculatus乔木㊀5 10月紫红耐潮湿环境,野生于山地㊁丘陵的沟谷边,树形疏散,果实多尖叶红千层Callistemon pearsonii小灌木4 8月鲜红株型开展,叶浓密,短小,坚硬;穗状花序亮红色,花期长岩生红千层Callistemon pearsonii Rocky Rambler低矮半匍匐灌木㊀㊀4 8月鲜红尖叶红千层的矮生栽培种,低矮半匍匐植物,植株紧凑,叶暗绿色,花大量着生于枝末,花丝鲜红色,雄蕊金黄色;良好的岩生植物和庭院地被植物,或在海滨驳岸作镶边植物桃金娘Rhodomyrtus tomentosa灌木㊀3 8月粉红㊁紫红山坡复绿㊁水土保持的常绿灌木;花期绚丽多彩,灿若红霞,边开花边结果;成熟果可食红果仔Eugenia uniflora灌木㊀4 7月鲜红叶色浓绿,四季常青;果实酷似灯笼串钱柳Callistemon viminalis乔木㊀6 12月鲜红枝条下垂,酷似垂柳,随风摆动,树姿优美小约翰Callistemon Little John丛生小灌木㊀4 10月鲜红适合在假山㊁花钵或列植作绿篱皱果科林比亚Corymbia ptychocarpa小乔木7 翌年2月紫红㊁粉㊁橙白等多色伞房花序成簇着生枝顶,花团似锦,非常壮观㊃722㊃第4期林业调查规划2桃金娘科园林植物引鸟效果㊀㊀在华南地区的广州㊁深圳㊁珠海㊁佛山等地,定点观察鸟类对城市园林绿地中蒲桃属植物的取食情况,发现在春夏季花期,蒲桃属的花有效吸引叉尾太阳鸟㊁暗绿绣眼鸟等取食花蜜㊂而在秋㊁冬两季,多种鸟类取食桃金娘科植物的频率高,在中小型植物群落里,白天基本每隔半小时就可观察到鸟类取食等活动㊂部分定点记录详见表2㊂表2㊀常见桃金娘科园林引鸟植物及取食鸟类统计Tab.2㊀Statistics of common Mytaceae bird attractiveplants and feeding birds in garden臀鹎㊁乌鸫㊁红嘴蓝鹊㊁叉尾太阳鸟2洋蒲桃暗绿绣眼鸟㊁红耳鹎㊁白头鹎㊁白喉红臀鹎㊁大山雀㊁灰背鸫㊁乌鸫㊁红嘴蓝鹊㊁鹊鸲㊁白鹡鸰㊁黑脸噪鹛㊁叉尾太阳鸟+++3海南蒲桃暗绿绣眼鸟㊁红耳鹎㊁白头鹎㊁白喉红臀鹎㊁领雀嘴鹎㊁大山雀㊁灰背鸫㊁乌鸫㊁红嘴蓝鹊㊁鹊鸲㊁白鹡鸰㊁黑脸噪鹛+++4肖蒲桃暗绿绣眼鸟㊁红耳鹎㊁白头鹎+++5小叶蒲桃栗背短脚鹎㊁暗绿绣眼鸟㊁白喉红臀鹎+㊀6红鳞蒲桃暗绿绣眼鸟㊁栗背短脚鹎㊁白喉红臀鹎㊁红耳鹎㊁白头鹎㊁灰背鸫㊁乌鸫㊁红嘴蓝鹊㊁珠颈斑鸠+++7水翁暗绿绣眼鸟㊁红耳鹎㊁乌鸫㊁红嘴蓝鹊㊁叉尾太阳鸟㊁红胸啄花鸟+++8尖叶红千层暗绿绣眼鸟㊁红耳鹎㊁白头鹎+㊀9岩生红千层暗绿绣眼鸟㊁红耳鹎+㊀10桃金娘栗背短脚鹎㊁黑脸噪鹛㊁大山雀++㊀11红果仔红耳鹎㊁暗绿绣眼鸟++㊀12串钱柳红耳鹎㊁白头鹎㊁暗绿绣眼鸟㊁大山雀+++13小约翰暗绿绣眼鸟14皱果科林比亚(皱果桉)暗绿绣眼鸟+㊀15柠檬桉暗绿绣眼鸟++㊀㊀㊀蒲桃类植物果实较大,因此鸟类都是啄食式取食㊂在深圳市荔枝公园种植较多蒲桃类植物,大量鹎类㊁暗绿绣眼鸟等集群取食其果实,又有部分鸫类在林下觅食,形成较为良好的小群落[12]㊂蒲桃类植物还适宜种植在水边,可以同水体共同组建综合的栖息地㊂调查结果显示,主要取食鸟类包括暗绿绣眼鸟(Zosterops japonicus )㊁白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis )㊁红耳鹎(Pycnonotus jocosus )㊁乌鸫(Turdus merula )㊁领雀嘴鹎(Spizixos semitorques )㊁黑脸噪鹛(Garrulaxperspicillatus )㊁红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha )㊁珠颈斑鸠(Spilopelia chinensis )等,同时也观察到有黑领椋鸟(Sturnus nigricollis )㊁黑脸噪鹛(Garrulax per-spicillatus )㊁白喉红臀鹎(Pycnonotus aurigaster )等取食或来访㊂大量果实掉到地面,也为节肢动物㊁软体动物等无脊椎动物提供丰富食源,从而有利于食物网的完善构建㊂部分国外引进的物种也是当地有名的引蜂㊁引鸟植物,如桉树类特别是皱果桉,红千层类等在国外常见其引蜂㊁引鸟的描述[13]㊂常见鸟类取食活动见图1㊂3桃金娘科园林植物生态效果桃金娘科植物中很多是蜜源植物,花㊁果的色香显著,能吸引鸟类㊁蜂类㊁蝶类动物,丰富城市园林绿地食物链,具有可观的生态价值[13]㊂桃金娘科一般花量大而密集,可提供丰富的蜜源,实地观察到其可以吸引大量食蜜鸟类㊁蜂类㊁蝶类聚集,如水翁能吸引报喜斑粉蝶等多种蝶类;同时该类昆虫也吸引部分捕食者前来㊂而在果期,挂果和落果也均能吸引多种昆虫取食,并进而吸引部分食虫鸟类㊁蜘蛛等捕食者㊂4桃金娘科引鸟植物园林应用及景观营造桃金娘科园林引鸟植物形态种类丰富,从半匍匐小灌木(如岩生红千层㊁小约翰)㊁低矮灌木(如桃金娘㊁红果仔),到小乔木(如小叶蒲桃㊁红鳞蒲桃)㊁树形开展婆娑的大乔木(如水翁㊁水蒲桃),桃金娘科植物广泛应用于各类园林绿地当中㊂根据周雯等[14]研究,鸟类群落多样性与城市园林绿地植物群落生境特征因子关系密切,园林绿化树种㊁层次和盖度等生境特征因子对鸟类的分布㊁行为㊁栖息地选择均有一定影响㊂在3类常见的城市绿地空间(临水林下空间㊁开阔草坪空间㊁岩石景观空间)当中,桃金娘科园林引鸟植物参与配植能同时满足景观及生态功能(图2)㊂桃金娘科引鸟植物的园林应用及景观特色见表3㊂㊃822㊃第48卷何卓彦,等:桃金娘科引鸟植物在华南地区园林绿地的生态景观营造研究图1㊀常见鸟类取食活动Fig.1㊀Common bird feeding activities图2㊀桃金娘科引鸟植物配置Fig.2㊀Allocation of Mytaceae bird attractive plants ㊃922㊃第4期林业调查规划表3㊀桃金娘科引鸟植物园林应用及景观特色Tab.3㊀Application and landscape characteristics of Mytaceae bird attractive plants in garden场所;远距离观赏能强调湖岸线性轮廓;利用不同种类花㊁果期的差异,延长植物群落总体花期和果期2绿篱㊁植物迷宫桃金娘㊁红果仔㊁红鳞蒲桃生长快速,萌生枝多,枝叶繁茂,花㊁果具有较高的观赏价值3复合群落(乔木㊁小乔木㊁灌木㊁匍匐灌木)海南蒲桃 红鳞蒲桃㊁小叶蒲桃 尖叶红千层㊁桃金娘㊁红果仔 岩生红千层配置桃金娘科引鸟植物,能提高景观郁闭度,丰富植物群落中的果实种类,为鸟类提供栖息地及食物来源,提高鸟类群落多样性4观光果园蒲桃㊁洋蒲桃㊁桃金娘果实可直接食用,也可用于药用㊁酿酒5结㊀论㊀㊀1)引鸟植物在生态景观中的重要性大量调查数据㊁照片显示,通过种植引鸟植物,城市公园等园林绿地能吸引大量鸟类㊁蜂蝶类以及无脊椎动物等㊂因此引鸟植物的种植有利于食物网的完善构建,并进一步完善绿地生态系统建设㊂2)桃金娘科植物的园林使用潜力桃金娘科园林植物形态种类丰富,能广泛应用于各类园林绿地中,花㊁果的色香显著,能吸引鸟类㊁蜂类㊁蝶类等,丰富城市园林绿地食物链,具有可观的生态价值㊂参考文献:[1]冼丽铧,徐彬瑜,翁殊斐,等.广州城市园林绿地食源树种应用及其生态景观营造[J].中南林业科技大学学报,2020,40(2):142-147.[2]王绪平,李德志,盛丽娟,等.城市园林中鸟类及蜂蝶的重要性及其招引与保护[J].林业科学,2007,43(12):134-143.[3]胡运骅.上海建设现代化国际大都市的绿化发展方向初探[J].中国园林,2002,18(5):27-29.[4]PAKER Y,YOMTOV Y,ALONMOZES T,et al.The effectof plant richness and urban garden structure on bird species richness,diversity and community structure[J].Landscapeand Urban Planning,2014,122(3):186-195.[5]林石狮,廖亮,何文,等.优良鸟类食源植物冬红Holm-skioldia sanguinea 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(生物科技行业)王玉梅托福词汇里的生物类单词总结adaptadapableadaptation--modification(以上三词都与动物进化有关) antibiotic抗菌的,抗生的antibiotics抗生素aquaticadj.水生的,水栖的aquariumn.水族馆arborealadj.树栖的,树的;乔木的arid--dryadj.干旱的semiaridadj.雨量特别少的aroman. 芳香,香气aromatic--fragrantadj.芳香的fragrant--aromatica,fragrance--scentn,香味perfumen,香味,香水backbone--spinen,脊椎,中枢baldeagle秃头鹰(美国国鸟)bardn, 鱼钩等的 - 倒勾,倒刺;bark--outercoveringn,树皮n/vi. 狗叫beakn, 鸟嘴polarbear北极熊grizzlybear灰熊biologistn.生物学家biologicaldiversity生物多样性bisonn. 美洲或欧洲的野牛bloomn/vi. 花/ 开花blossomn/vi. 花/ 开花boardern,寄生者baboonn,狒狒bouquetn,花簇breed--raise,hatch,matevt,养育,生殖n,品种crossbreedingn,异种杂交budn, 芽,蓓蕾vi, 萌芽bulbn ,球茎cannibalismn,同类相食carapacen,龟蟹等得-甲壳cardiacadj,心脏的,cardinaladj, 红衣凤头鸟 - 一种美洲鸟,雄性有深红色羽毛carnivorousadj,食肉的caterpillarn,毛虫chimpanzeen,黑猩猩gorillan,大猩猩calmn, 蚌肉clutchn, 一次所孵的蛋condorn,秃鹰conifern,松类针叶树coralreef珊瑚礁carbn, 蟹crawl--creepvi,爬行crown, 乌鸦crustaceann,甲壳动物culturevi,培养(微生物细胞组织等)daisyn, 雏菊deciduousadj,每年落叶的,decompositionn,腐化,分解decompose--decayv,分解,使腐化rodentn,edentaten,贫齿类动物dolphinn,海豚domesticate-cultivatevt,驯养驯化domesticated-tameadj. dormantadj,休眠的endotoxinn,内梅素endothermn,恒温动物draftanimal耕种动物( horse之类)dragonflyn,蜻蜓ecologicaladj,生态学的,生态的ecologistnecologynecologistemn生态系统embryo-completelyundevelopedformn,胚胎;embryologicaladj,胚胎学的embryonicadj,萌芽期的,endanger-threaen,jeopardizevt,危及endangeredadj,有灭绝危险的,将要绝种的evergreenadj 常绿的, n,常绿植物extinctadj, 动物 -灭绝的;extinctionn.falconn, 猎鹰falconern,养猎鹰之人faunan, 动物群floran植物群floraladj,花的,植物的feedv, 饲养,靠。



1.2 开花性状的测定和数据分析
群体开花习性调查在 Vries 和 Dubois(1984)的方法基础上进行改良,将后代的开花习性分为 连续开花(Perpetual blooming,PB)和非连续开花(non-perpetual blooming,NPB)2 种表型(按质 量性状)进行调查。连续开花基因型在种子萌发后 6 ~ 8 周第一次开花,随后即表现为持续开花的 能力;非连续开花基因型种子萌发后 1 ~ 3 年才第 1 次开花,表现为一季开花习性(Vries & Dubois, 1984)。在此基础上,还连续调查了 3 年的群体开花表型。对 F2 和 BC1 分离世代的调查结果利用 SPSS 19.0 软件 χ2 适合性测验和 Monte Carlo 模型精确显著水平的无偏评估。
2 结果与分析
2.1 遗传分离群体的获得 构建了 OB、W、F1、F2、BC1OB 和 BC1W 等 6 个世代 827 株的遗传分离群体。试验以 OB 为
母本,W 为父本,各无性扦插繁殖 20 株。2011 至 2012 年获得 F1 群体 296 株;选择 1 株育性好的 F1 植株,无性扦插繁殖 20 株,用于构建 F2 和 BC1 群体;2012 年获得 BC1W 群体 150 株;2013 年 获得 BC1OB 群体 141 株;2014 年获得 BC1OB 群体 159 株,F2 群体 41 株。
LI Shu-bin,ZHOU Ning-ning,ZHOU Qing,YAN Hui-jun,JIAN Hong-ying,WANG Qi-gang,CHEN Min,QIU Xian-qin,ZHANG Hao,WANG Shu-fang,LI Shu-fa,and TANG Kai-xue*


主要是利用各种类型的外植体诱导类原球茎,进而诱 导分生苗实现快繁,不用通过诱导愈伤组织而直接分
蝶兰植株再生IH以及花葶培养、试管苗分株等方法进 行繁殖。本文概述了近年来蝴蝶兰的组织培养与快繁 技术的研究进展。包括外植体、基本培养基、激素及其 他添加物的选择.外植体褐变的防治措施以及生根壮 苗培养方法等,以期为蝴蝶兰的生产发展提供参考。
蝴蝶兰外植体在组织培养过程中容易褐变死亡, 褐化问题是影响其成活率的关键因素。褐化是由于植 物组织中含有的PPO作用于酚类物质形成醌而引起 的。培养基的pH值、矿质元素含量以及培养期间的光 照、温度等都能影响植物组织的PPO活性,从而对植 物组织的褐变产生重要影响。印芳等[231研究了蝴蝶兰 外植体初代培养过程中不同浓度Fe、K、ca、zn、cu等 矿质元素对其褐变的影响.结果表明,培养基中Fe、Cu 浓度越高.褐变情况越严重;培养基中K、Ca、Zn浓度 越高.褐化越轻。赵伶俐等[2a-20研究表明,对外植体进 行遮光处理町减缓植物组织中酚类物质的合成,从而 抑制褐变的发生,且不同光照强度对褐化的影响不同, 其中1 000lx和3 000lx光强培养可降低褐化率;培 养前的黑暗预处理能减轻外植体的褐化,其中以黑暗 预处理10 d的褐化程度最轻:此外.当培养基pH值为 6.5或培养温度为20℃时外植体的褐化率最低。 有关研究表明,活性炭对蝴蝶兰原球茎和幼苗的 生长均具有积极作用,在每升基本培养基中添加活性 炭1—2 g.适时切除培养物的褐化部分并及时更换新 鲜培养基,能有效抑制外植体的褐变死亡嘞。
蝶兰小苗的生根有明显抑制作用。低浓度的6一BA能 促进生根;NAA对生根有促进作用;添加苹果汁、香蕉 汁、椰子汁和活性炭等也可明显促进壮苗的培养和生 根,提高移栽成活率。鲁雪华等”研究认为.GA,0.1



中国传统手工英语小作文Chinese traditional handicrafts are a rich and diverse aspect of the country's cultural heritage. These intricate and beautiful works of art showcase the skill, creativity, and ingenuity of generations of Chinese artisans. From delicate porcelain to intricate embroidery, these handicrafts not only hold immense aesthetic value but also serve as a window into the rich history and traditions of China.One of the most renowned Chinese handicrafts is the art of porcelain making. Porcelain, often referred to as "white gold," has been produced in China for thousands of years. The process of creating these delicate and translucent ceramics is a true testament to the patience and skill of the artisans. The production of porcelain involves a complex series of steps, including the careful selection and preparation of the raw materials, the shaping and molding of the clay, the intricate decoration, and the precise firing process. The result is a stunning and durable product that has been prized around the world for its beauty and craftsmanship.Another iconic Chinese handicraft is the art of silk embroidery.Chinese embroidery is renowned for its exquisite detail, vibrant colors, and intricate designs. The process of creating these masterpieces is incredibly labor-intensive, often requiring hundreds of hours of painstaking work. Embroiderers use a variety of techniques, including the use of fine silk threads, delicate stitches, and intricate patterns, to create stunning works of art. From delicate floral designs to elaborate scenes depicting mythological creatures, Chinese embroidery is a true testament to the skill and artistry of the craftspeople who create them.In addition to porcelain and embroidery, Chinese traditional handicrafts also include a wide range of other art forms, such as jade carving, lacquerware, and cloisonné. Jade carving, in particular, is a highly revered art form in China, with a history dating back thousands of years. Artisans carefully select and shape the jade, using a variety of tools and techniques to create intricate and beautiful sculptures and jewelry. The end result is a unique and precious piece that reflects the cultural and spiritual significance of jade in Chinese society.Lacquerware is another traditional Chinese handicraft that has been prized for centuries. The process of creating lacquerware involves the application of multiple layers of lacquer, a natural resin derived from the lacquer tree, to a variety of surfaces, including wood, bamboo, and even metal. The resulting pieces are not only visually stunningbut also highly durable and resistant to wear and tear. Lacquerware has been used for a wide range of purposes, from decorative items to functional household goods, and is a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of Chinese artisans.Cloisonné, a technique that involves the use of metal wire to create intricate designs on a metal surface, is another example of the rich and diverse world of Chinese traditional handicrafts. Cloisonné pieces are often adorned with vibrant enamel colors, creating a stunning visual effect that has captivated viewers for centuries. The process of creating cloisonné is highly complex, requiring a great deal of skill and patience, and the resulting pieces are truly works of art.Beyond these well-known handicrafts, China is also home to a wealth of other traditional art forms, each with its own unique history and cultural significance. From the delicate paper-cutting techniques of Jiangsu province to the intricate wood carvings of Guangdong, the diversity of Chinese traditional handicrafts is a testament to the country's rich cultural heritage.One of the key factors that has contributed to the enduring legacy of Chinese traditional handicrafts is the dedication and commitment of the artisans who have passed down these skills from generation to generation. Many of these crafts require years of apprenticeship andtraining, as the techniques and methods are highly specialized and complex. The artisans who practice these crafts are not only skilled in their respective fields but also deeply committed to preserving and promoting the cultural significance of their work.In recent years, there has been a growing appreciation and demand for Chinese traditional handicrafts both within China and around the world. As globalization has brought people from different cultures and backgrounds into closer contact, there has been a renewed interest in the unique and authentic products that reflect the rich cultural heritage of China. This has led to a resurgence in the production and promotion of traditional handicrafts, with many artisans and organizations working to ensure that these art forms continue to thrive and evolve.However, the preservation of Chinese traditional handicrafts is not without its challenges. The rapid pace of modernization and industrialization in China has threatened the viability of many traditional craft industries, as mass-produced goods have become more affordable and accessible. Additionally, the lack of investment and support for traditional artisans, as well as the difficulty in attracting younger generations to these labor-intensive crafts, has posed significant obstacles to the long-term sustainability of these art forms.Despite these challenges, there are many efforts underway to safeguard and promote Chinese traditional handicrafts. Governments, cultural organizations, and individual artisans are working to raise awareness, provide training and support, and create new markets for these unique and valuable products. Through initiatives such as heritage preservation programs, cultural festivals, and online marketplaces, the rich and diverse world of Chinese traditional handicrafts is being brought to the forefront, ensuring that these art forms continue to captivate and inspire people around the world.In conclusion, Chinese traditional handicrafts are a remarkable and enduring aspect of the country's cultural heritage. From the delicate porcelain to the intricate embroidery, these works of art showcase the skill, creativity, and ingenuity of generations of Chinese artisans. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the preservation and promotion of these traditional handicrafts have become more important than ever, as they serve as a window into the rich history and traditions of China. Through the continued dedication and commitment of artisans, policymakers, and cultural organizations, the legacy of Chinese traditional handicrafts will continue to thrive and inspire people around the world.。






英译汉篇【原文】The COSMOS Standard establishes common requirements and definitions for organic and/or natural cosmetics, and has been developed at the European and international level by BDIH (Germany), COSMEBIO & ECOCERT (France), ICEA (Italy) and SOIL ASSOCIATION (UK).①They are the founders of the COSMOS-standard AISBL, an international non-profit association registered in Belgium.COSMOS validation requires an ingredient to meet criteria defining it as natural in origin and processing. Among the criteria, ingredients must be free of contaminants including pesticides, GMOs, heavy metals, aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrates, nitrosamines, mycotoxins, radioactivity, medicinal residues,dioxins and PCBs above naturally-occurring levels.②The following meet the COSMOS definition of natural origin: physically processed agro-ingredients and chemically processed agro-ingredients derived from plant, animal and microbial sources providing that they meet the COSMOS standard conditions③; water; as well as minerals and ingredients of mineral origin listed in Appendix IV of the COSMOS standard. Chemically processed agro-ingredients may contain petrochemical moieties.(来源:某化学品公司可持续发展报告)【解析】这次重点解析三个出问题较多的句子,涉及对原文理解、逻辑、常识、中文表达习惯等问题。


安全利 生技124班 2012014116
◆ 前言
◆ 早期研究 ◆ 突破性进展 ◆ 展望
◆ 成花素(开花素)假说认为植物叶片在光的诱导下产生一 种叫成花素(Florigen)的分子,可以运输到植物茎顶端 诱导花芽的分化。
◆ 成花素的化学本质很长时间一直没有被鉴定。
◆FT 基因的发现
FT 基因的发现
下 游 靶 基 因
FT(Flowering Locus T)基因

◆ 研究发现单纯抑制CO 基 因,但使FT 基因表达, 并不能抑制开花;相反, FT 基因突变株却能抑制 开花。
AYRE B,TURGEON R.Graft transmission of a floral stimulant derived from CONSTANS[J].Plant Physiology,2004(135):2271 - 2278. ANH, Constans acts in the phloem to regulate a systemic sig -nal that induces photoperiodic flowering of Arabidopsis [J]. Develop -ment,2004(131):3615-3626
◆ 瑞典农业大学 尼尔森(Ove Nilsson)实验室 FT基因的 mRNA可以从叶片中转移到茎顶端诱导拟南芥植物开花。 (Tao Huang 2005年) ◆ 在拟南芥植物中,FT mRNA完全符合成花素的生理学定义, FT基因在叶片中转录后,FT mRNA长途转运到茎尖诱导植 物开花。 ◆ 《科学》杂志2005年度重大发现之一。



简短草莓的句⼦⼼情英⽂单词1. 英语关于草莓的⼩短⽂四五句话'Hey, where's my sweater?It's a cool and windy day.I need a cap and sweaterto go outside and play.Hey, where's my winter coat?It's a cold and snowy day.I need a coat, hat and glovesto go outside and play.Hey, where's my raincoat?It's a wet and rainy day.I need a raincoat and some bootsto go outside and play.Hey, where's my swimsuit?It's a hot and sunny day.I need my suit and some sandalsto go outside and play.When the seasons change,the clothes I wear change ,tooNo matter what the weather is,I play outside, don't you?2. ⽤英语描写草莓strawberry The strawberry (Fragaria) is a genus of plants in the family Rosaceae, and the fruit of these plants. There are more than 20 named species and many hybrids and cultivars. The most common strawberries grown commercially are cultivars of the Garden strawberry, a Fragaria * ananassa hybrid. Strawberries are a valuable source of vitamin C.MorphologyThe strawberry is an accessory fruit; that is, the fleshy part is derived not from the ovaries (which are the "seeds", actually achenes) but from the peg at the bottom of the hypanthium that held the ovaries. So from a technical standpoint, the seeds are the actual fruits of the plant, and the flesh of the strawberry is a vegetable. It is greenish-white as it develops and in most species turns red when ripe.The rosette growth of the plants are a well-known characteristic. Most species send out long slender runners that produce a new bud at the extremity. The leaves typically have three leaflets, but the number of leaflets may be five or one.While the flower has the typical rosaceous structure, the fruit is very peculiar, but it may be understood by the contrast it presents with the rose hip of the rose. In a rose the top of the flower-stalk expands as it grows into a vase-shaped cavity, the hip, within which are concealed the true fruits or seed-vessels. In the rose the extremity of the floral axis is concave and bears the carpels in its interior. In the strawberry, the floral axis, instead of being concave, swells out into a fleshy, dome-shaped or flattened mass in which the carpels or true fruits, commonly called pips or seeds, are more or less embedded but never wholly concealed. A ripe strawberry in fact may be aptly compared to the fruit of a rose turned inside out.Strawberries are now out of season.ClassificationThere are more than 20 Fragaria species worldwide. Key to the classification of strawberry species is recognizing that they vary in the number of chromosomes. There are seven basic types of chromosomes that they all have in common. However, they exhibit different polyploidy. Some species are diploid, having two sets of the seven chromosomes (14 chromosomes total). Others are tetraploid (four sets, 28 chromosomes total), hexaploid (six sets, 42 chromosomes total), octoploid (eight sets, 56 chromosomes total), or decaploid (ten sets, 70chromosomes total).As a rough rule (with exceptions), strawberry species with more chromosomes tend to be more robust and produce larger plants with larger berries (Darrow).EtymologyThe name is derived from Old English streawberige which is a compound of streaw meaning "straw" and berige meaning "berry". The reason for this is unclear. It may derive from the strawlike appearance of the runners, or from an obsolete denotation of straw, meaning "chaff", referring to the scattered appearance of the achenes.Interestingly, in other Germanic countries there is a tradition of collecting wild strawberries by threading them on straws. In those countries people find straw-berry to be an easy word to learn considering their association with straws.There is an alternative theory that the name derives from the Anglo-Saxon verb for "strew" (meaning to spread around) which was streabergen (Strea means "strew" and Bergen means "berry" or "fruit") and thence to streberie, straiberie, strauberie, straubery, strauberry, and finally, "strawberry", the word which we use today. The name might have come from the fact that the fruit and various runners appear "strewn" along the ground.Popular etymology has it that it comes from gardeners' practice of mulching strawberries with straw to protect the fruits from rot (a pseudoetymology that can be found in non-linguistic sources such as the Old Farmer's Almanac 2005). However, there is no evidence that the Anglo-Saxons ever grew strawberries, and even less that they knew of this practice.。

人工麝香 生产方法

人工麝香 生产方法

人工麝香生产方法英文回答:Production Methods for Artificial Musk.Artificial musk, a synthetic fragrance compound, has gained significant popularity in the fragrance industry due to its stability, cost-effectiveness, and versatility. Its production involves multiple methods, each tailored to specific chemical structures and properties. Here are the major production methods for artificial musk:1. Nitro Musks.Nitro musks, including musk xylene, musk ketone, and musk ambrette, are among the earliest synthetic musk compounds produced. They are derived from nitrobenzene, which undergoes a series of chemical reactions to introduce the musk-like aroma. The process involves nitration, reduction, and cyclization steps.2. Polycyclic Musks.Polycyclic musks, such as galaxolide and tonalide, are characterized by their complex polycyclic structures. They are synthesized from aromatic compounds through multi-step reactions, often involving cyclization, condensation, and alkylation steps. The resulting compounds exhibit excellent stability and low volatility.3. Macrocyclic Musks.Macrocyclic musks, represented by exaltolide, are large cyclic molecules with musk-like odors. Their synthesis involves the formation of macrocycles through reactions between dialdehydes and ketoesters. These compounds possess high odor strength and are widely used in fine fragrances.4. Acyclic Musks.Acyclic musks, such as musk indanone and musk HHCB, are characterized by their open-chain structures. They aretypically derived from terpenes or other acyclic precursors through various chemical transformations, including oxidation, reduction, and cyclization.Factors Influencing Production.The production of artificial musk is influenced by several factors, including:Desired Odor Profile: Different musk compounds exhibit distinct odor profiles, ranging from floral to woody to animalistic. The choice of production method depends on the desired scent characteristics.Stability and Volatilization: Artificial musks should possess high chemical stability and low volatility to ensure long-lasting fragrance effects.Cost-Effectiveness: The production cost is a crucial factor in the commercial viability of artificial musk compounds.Regulatory Compliance: Environmental and health regulations restrict the use of certain musk compounds, requiring manufacturers to adopt compliant production methods.Chinese 回答:人造麝香的生产方法。



食用油的英文单词Culinary Oils: Liquid Treasures for the PaletteThe world of culinary oils is a vast and intriguing realm where flavors, textures, and health benefits converge to create a symphony for the senses. From the rich and nutty aroma of virgin olive oil to the delicate floral notes of safflower oil, each type of cooking oil possesses its own unique character, making it an essential component in the kitchen.At the heart of this exploration lies the fundamental understanding of the English terminology used to describe these liquid treasures. The term "cooking oil" is a broad category that encompasses a wide array of plant-derived oils, each with its own distinct properties and applications. From the ubiquitous vegetable oil to the more specialized avocado oil, the vocabulary surrounding culinary oils is as diverse as the oils themselves.One of the most widely recognized and utilized cooking oils is the humble "vegetable oil." This term, however, can be misleading, as it does not refer to a single source but rather a blend of various plant-derived oils, such as soybean, corn, or canola oil. These oils are oftenchosen for their neutral flavor profiles and high smoke points, making them ideal for a wide range of cooking methods, fromsautéing to deep-frying.Stepping into the realm of more specialized oils, we encounter the "olive oil," a revered ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine. Olive oil can be further classified into subcategories, such as "extra-virgin olive oil" and "virgin olive oil," which denote the level of processing and acidity. These distinctions not only impact the flavor but also the nutritional profile and recommended culinary uses of the oil.Another oil that has gained widespread popularity in recent years is "coconut oil." Derived from the kernel of the coconut palm, this oil boasts a unique flavor and a range of purported health benefits. Coconut oil can be found in both its "refined" and "unrefined" forms, each offering different characteristics and applications.Moving beyond the well-known options, the world of culinary oils presents a tapestry of lesser-known but equally captivating varieties. "Avocado oil," for instance, has gained recognition for its high monounsaturated fat content and its ability to withstand high heat, making it a versatile choice for cooking and baking. "Peanut oil," on the other hand, is prized for its neutral flavor and high smoke point, making it a popular choice for deep-frying.The realm of cooking oils extends even further, with oils such as "sesame oil," "walnut oil," and "grapeseed oil" each offering their own distinct flavors and properties. Sesame oil, with its nutty aroma and distinctive taste, is a staple in Asian cuisines, while walnut oil's rich, buttery notes make it a favorite for dressings and marinades. Grapeseed oil, on the other hand, is celebrated for its light texture and high smoke point, rendering it suitable for a variety of cooking techniques.Beyond their culinary applications, many cooking oils also boast impressive health benefits. "Olive oil," for instance, is renowned for its high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, making it a heart-healthy choice. "Avocado oil," too, is rich in beneficial fats and vitamins, offering a nutritional boost to various dishes.As we delve deeper into the world of culinary oils, it becomes evident that the English terminology used to describe them is not merely a matter of nomenclature but a reflection of the unique properties and applications of each oil. From the familiar "vegetable oil" to the more specialized "walnut oil," each term carries with it a wealth of information, guiding us in the selection and utilization of these liquid treasures.In the ever-evolving culinary landscape, the understanding andappreciation of the diverse range of cooking oils can elevate our culinary experiences, empowering us to unlock new flavors, textures, and health benefits with every dish we create. By embracing the rich vocabulary that surrounds these oils, we can embark on a gastronomic journey, exploring the nuances and complexities that make each oil a unique and invaluable asset in the kitchen.。



植物萃取精油成分的英文Essential Oil Components Derived from Plant Extracts.Plants have been a rich source of natural ingredients for centuries, with their extracts and essential oils finding applications in various industries, including cosmetics, aromatherapy, and alternative medicine. These oils, extracted from different parts of plants such as flowers, leaves, roots, and bark, possess unique chemical compounds that confer their therapeutic and aromatic properties.1. Common Plant Sources of Essential Oils.Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): Known for its calming and sedative effects, lavender oil is extracted from the flowers and is widely used in perfumes, soaps, and skin care products.Rose (Rosa damascena): Rose oil, extracted from thepetals, is highly prized for its sweet, floral aroma and is often used in luxury cosmetics and perfumes.Peppermint (Mentha piperita): The leaves of peppermint plants yield an oil that isrefreshing and has analgesic and antiseptic properties, making it popular in dental products and massage oils.Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia): Native to Australia, tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves and is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it a popular ingredient in skin care products.2. Major Components of Plant-Derived Essential Oils.Terpenes: These are the primary constituents of essential oils and are responsible for their characteristic aroma. Terpenes can be further classified into monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes, based on their chemical structure.Phenols: Phenols are a group of compounds thatcontribute to the antibacterial and antifungal properties of some essential oils. They are often found in oils extracted from plants such as oregano and thyme.Aldehydes and Ketones: These compounds contribute to the sweet and fruity aroma of some essential oils, such as those derived from vanilla and cinnamon.Esters: Esters give essential oils a fruity or floral aroma and are often found in oils extracted from flowers such as roses and jasmine.3. Uses of Plant-Derived Essential Oils.Aromatherapy: Essential oils are widely used in aromatherapy to create a calming, invigorating, or relaxing atmosphere. Different oils can be diffused into the air using an essential oil diffuser or added to a warm bath.Skin Care: Many essential oils are known for their skin-beneficial properties, such as antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory actions. They are oftenincorporated into creams, lotions, and soaps.Hair Care: Some essential oils, such as rosemary and lavender, are known to promote hair growth and add shine to hair. They can be added to hair oils or used as a final rinse after shampooing.Household Cleaning: Essential oils can be used to make natural and eco-friendly cleaning products. They can be combined with vinegar, water, and other natural ingredients to create cleaning sprays and surface cleaners.4. Safety Considerations.While essential oils are generally considered safe for most individuals, it's important to note that they can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in some people. It's always advisable to perform a skin test before using an essential oil directly on the skin. Additionally, essential oils should be stored in dark, airtight containers and kept out of reach of children.In conclusion, plant-derived essential oils are a rich source of natural ingredients with a wide range of applications. Their unique chemical components confer them with therapeutic and aromatic properties that are highly valued in various industries. However, it's essential to use them responsibly, taking into account safety considerations and following recommended usage guidelines.。



作文荔枝英语Lychee is a delectable fruit that has captivated the hearts and taste buds of people around the world. Originating from the Guangdong and Fujian provinces of China, this exotic fruit has a rich history and cultural significance that extends far beyond its succulent flesh and fragrant aroma.At its core lychee is a symbol of prosperity and joy in Chinese culture. The name "lychee" is derived from the Cantonese word "lai chi" which translates to "gift from the mountain". This reflects the fruit's association with good fortune and the bountiful gifts of nature. In traditional Chinese medicine, lychee is believed to have cooling properties that help to balance the body's yin and yang energies. It is often consumed during the hot summer months to help regulate body temperature and provide relief from the heat.Beyond its cultural significance lychee is prized for its unique flavor and texture. The fruit's thin, red-pink shell conceals a translucent white pulp that is simultaneously sweet juicy and subtly tart. The flesh has a delicate floral aroma that is often described as a blend ofrose and citrus. When fresh, lychee has a soft jelly-like consistency that practically melts in the mouth. The small black seed at the center of the fruit adds a pleasant crunch to the overall experience.Lychee's versatility in the kitchen is another factor that has contributed to its widespread popularity. The fruit can be enjoyed fresh out of hand as a refreshing snack. It also lends itself well to a variety of culinary applications such as juices, smoothies, sorbets, and even savory dishes. In Chinese cuisine lychee is commonly used in desserts, often paired with ingredients like coconut cream, tapioca pearls, and even ice cream. The sweet-tart flavor profile of lychee also makes it a popular addition to cocktails and mocktails providing a tropical twist to classic drinks.Beyond the palate lychee offers an array of nutritional benefits. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, providing over 100% of the recommended daily intake in a single serving. Lychee is also rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids which have been linked to reduced inflammation and improved immune function. Additionally the fruit contains small amounts of B vitamins, minerals like copper and potassium, and fiber which support overall health and well-being.Despite its popularity lychee remains somewhat of a niche fruit outside of Asia. This is largely due to the fruit's highly perishablenature and the challenges of cultivating and transporting it to distant markets. Lychee has a very short shelf life once harvested and requires specific growing conditions to thrive. The fruit is sensitive to changes in temperature, humidity, and handling which can cause it to bruise, decay, and lose its signature juicy texture.Nonetheless intrepid growers and importers around the world have worked to overcome these obstacles and make lychee more widely available. In recent years the fruit has gained a loyal following in North America Europe and other parts of the globe. Lychee's unique flavor profile and health benefits have made it a darling of the wellness and culinary communities sparking a surge of interest and innovation.Creative chefs and mixologists are constantly finding new ways to showcase lychee's versatility experimenting with everything from lychee-infused cocktails to lychee-based desserts. Meanwhile health-conscious consumers are embracing lychee as a nutritious alternative to more common tropical fruits. As awareness and appreciation for this exotic gem continues to grow it's clear that lychee's star is only beginning to rise.For those who have yet to experience the joys of lychee the first bite is truly a revelation. The burst of sweet floral flavor the cool juicy texture and the satisfying crunch of the seed all combine to create atruly transcendent sensory experience. It's no wonder that lychee has been revered as the "king of fruits" in Chinese culture for centuries.As global trade and travel continue to shrink the world lychee is poised to capture the hearts and palates of an ever-wider audience. Whether enjoyed on its own as a refreshing snack or incorporated into creative culinary creations this captivating fruit is sure to leave a lasting impression. So the next time you have the opportunity to indulge in the delights of lychee be sure to savor every bite and allow yourself to be transported to a world of tropical enchantment.。



香水英文翻译Perfume is a mixture of fragrant essential oils or aroma compounds, fixatives, and solvents used to give the human body, animals, objects, and living spaces a pleasant scent. It is commonly used for personal grooming and beauty purposes, as well as to freshen the air in a room or to mask unpleasant odors.The history of perfume dates back thousands of years to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, and China. Perfumes were initially made from natural ingredients such as flowers, herbs, spices, and fruits. These ingredients were extracted through various methods such as distillation, enfleurage, and maceration. Over time, perfumers began to experiment with synthetic ingredients, which allowed for a wider range of scents to be created.There are several categories of perfumes, including floral, oriental, woody, and fresh. Floral perfumes have a prominent floral scent, often derived from flowers such as roses, jasmine, and lilies. Oriental perfumes are characterized by rich and warm scents such as vanilla, cinnamon, and amber. Woody perfumes have a strong woody scent, often derived from ingredients such as sandalwood, cedarwood, and patchouli. Fresh perfumes have a light and clean scent, often derived from ingredients such as citrus fruits and clean laundry.When purchasing a perfume, it is important to consider several factors such as the concentration of fragrance oil, known as perfume oil, and the longevity of the scent. The concentration of perfume oil determines how strong and long-lasting the scent will be. Eau de parfum has a higher concentration of perfume oil,making it more intense and longer-lasting than eau de toilette or eau de cologne. The longevity of a perfume is affected by factors such as the individual's skin chemistry, the climate, and the storage conditions.Perfume packaging is an important aspect of the perfume industry. Perfumes are often packaged in decorative bottles made from glass, crystal, or porcelain. The bottle design can reflect the brand identity and target market of the perfume. Some bottles are designed to be collectibles or works of art.In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards personalized perfumes. Companies offer customized perfume services where individuals can create their own unique scent by selecting from a range of ingredients and notes. This allows individuals to have a fragrance that is tailored to their preferences and personality.In conclusion, perfume is a popular and timeless product that enhances our daily lives through scent. Its history, variety of scents, and customization options make it a fascinating and ever-evolving industry. Whether it is a floral, oriental, woody, or fresh scent, perfume has the power to evoke emotions, create memories, and enhance our overall well-being.。



mimosa英语作文Mimosa, the Delicate Flower of Grace and BeautyMimosa, a delicate and captivating plant, has long been a source of fascination for botanists, gardeners, and nature enthusiasts alike. This remarkable species, known for its fern-like leaves and delicate, pom-pom-like flowers, holds a special place in the hearts of those who appreciate the quiet elegance of the natural world.Originating from the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, the mimosa, or Albizia julibrissin, is a member of the legume family. Its name, derived from the Greek word "mimos," meaning "mimic," refers to the plant's remarkable ability to respond to touch, with its leaves folding inward when gently brushed or disturbed. This unique characteristic has earned the mimosa the endearing nickname of "the sensitive plant," and has captivated the imaginations of people for centuries.One of the most striking features of the mimosa is its stunning display of flowers. Appearing in clusters atop the plant's slender branches, the blooms resemble delicate pom-poms, with their fluffy, silky-soft stamens radiating outward in a captivating display. Theflowers themselves come in a range of colors, from the classic pale pink to more vibrant shades of fuchsia and crimson, each hue adding to the plant's natural beauty.Beyond its visual appeal, the mimosa holds a significant cultural and symbolic significance in many parts of the world. In Japan, for example, the mimosa is revered as a symbol of the transience of life, its delicate flowers serving as a reminder of the fleeting nature of beauty and the importance of cherishing the present moment. In other cultures, the mimosa is associated with themes of sensitivity, gentleness, and the power of nature to captivate and inspire.For gardeners and horticulturists, the mimosa presents a unique challenge and opportunity. While the plant is renowned for its striking appearance, it can also be temperamental and difficult to cultivate, requiring specific growing conditions and careful attention to thrive. The mimosa prefers well-drained, acidic soil and full sun exposure, and can be sensitive to cold temperatures and drought. Despite these challenges, the rewards of successfully growing a healthy mimosa are immense, with the plant's showy blooms and graceful, fern-like foliage adding a touch of tropical elegance to any garden or landscape.Beyond its horticultural appeal, the mimosa has also found a place in various culinary and medicinal traditions. The plant's flowers andleaves have been used in traditional herbal remedies, with some cultures believing the mimosa to have calming and sedative properties. In certain regions, the plant's edible flowers have also been incorporated into salads, teas, and other culinary creations, adding a delicate, floral flavor to these dishes.As we delve deeper into the world of the mimosa, it becomes clear that this remarkable plant is more than just a pretty face. Its unique characteristics, cultural significance, and potential for medicinal and culinary applications make it a truly fascinating subject of study and appreciation. Whether admiring its delicate blooms in a garden, incorporating its flavors into a culinary masterpiece, or simply marveling at its ability to respond to touch, the mimosa continues to captivate and inspire those who encounter its gentle, yet powerful presence.In conclusion, the mimosa is a testament to the beauty and wonder of the natural world. Its delicate, yet resilient nature, its cultural significance, and its multifaceted applications all contribute to the plant's enduring appeal and importance. As we continue to explore and appreciate the mimosa, we are reminded of the incredible diversity and complexity of the natural world, and the endless opportunities it presents for discovery, wonder, and reverence.。



D ICTIONARY OF F ABRIC T ERMSA - HAAbsorbencyThe ability of a fabric to take in moisture. Absorbency is a very important property, which effects many other characteristics such as skin comfort, static build-up, shrinkage, stain removal, water repellency, and wrinkle recovery.AcetateA manufactured fiber formed by compound of cellulose, refined from cotton linters and/orwood pulp, and acedic acid that has been extruded through a spinneret and then hardened. AcrylicA manufactured fiber derived from polyacrylonitrile. Its major properties include a soft,wool-like hand, machine washable and dryable, excellent color retention. Solution-dyed versions have excellent resistance to sunlight and chlorine degradation.AlpacaA natural hair fiber obtained from the Alpaca sheep, a domesticated member of the llamafamily. The fiber is most commonly used in fabrics made into dresses, suits, coats, and sweaters.AngoraThe hair of the Angora goat. Also known as Angora mohair. Angora may also apply to the fur of the Angora rabbit. However, according to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, any apparel containing Angora rabbit hair must be labeled as "Angora rabbit hair" on the garment.Return to IndexBBarréAn imperfection, characterized by a ridge or mark running in the crosswise or lengthwise directions of the fabric. Barr巗can be caused by tension variations in the knitting process, poor quality yarns, problems during the finishing process.Basket WeaveA variation of the plain weave construction, formed by treating two or more warp yarns and/ortwo or more filling yarns as one unit in the weaving process. Yarns in a basket weave are laid into the woven construction flat, and maintain a parallel relationship. Both balanced and unbalanced basket weave fabrics can be produced. Examples of basket weave construction includes monk cloth and oxford cloth.Bast FiberStrong, soft, woody fibers, such as flax, jute, hemp, and ramie, which are obtained from the inner bark in the stems of certain plants.BatisteA medium-weight, plain weave fabric, usually made of cotton or cotton blends. End-usesinclude blouses and dresses.Bedford CordA cord cotton-like fabric with raised ridges in the lengthwise direction. Since the fabric has ahigh strength and a high durability, it is often used for upholstery and work clothes.BlendA term applied to a yarn or a fabric that is made up of more than one fiber. In blended yarns,two or more different types of staple fibers are twisted or spun together to form the yarn.Examples of a typical blended yarn or fabric is polyester/cotton.BoucleA knit or woven fabric made from a rough, curly, knotted boucle yarn. The fabric has a looped,knotted surface and is often used in sportswear and coats.BroadclothA plain weave tightly woven fabric, characterized by a slight ridge effect in one direction,usually the filling. The most common broadcloth is made from cotton or cotton/polyester blends.BrocadeA heavy, exquisite jacquard type fabric with an all-over raised pattern or floral design.Common end-uses include such formal applications as upholstery, draperies, and eveningwear. BurlapA loosely constructed, heavy weight, plain weave fabric used as a carpet backing, and asinexpensive packaging for sacks of grain or rice. Also, as fashion dictates, burlap may also appear as a drapery fabric.Burn-outA brocade-like pattern effect created on the fabric through the application of a chemical,instead of color, during the burn-out printing process. (Sulfuric acid, mixed into a colorless print paste, is the most common chemical used.) Many simulated eyelet effects can be created using this method. In these instances, the chemical destroys the fiber and creates a hole in the fabric in a specific design, where the chemical comes in contact with the fabric. The fabric is then over-printed with a simulated embroidery stitch to create the eyelet effect. However, burn-out effects can also be created on velvets made of blended fibers, in which the ground fabric is of one fiber like a polyester, and the pile may be of a cellulosic fiber like rayon or acetate. In this case, when the chemical is printed in a certain pattern, it destroys the pile in those areas where the chemical comes in contact with the fabric, but leave the ground fabric unharmed.Return to IndexCCalenderingA process for finishing fabrics in which such special effects as high luster, glazing, embossing,and moiré are produced.CalicoA tightly-woven cotton type fabric with an all-over print, usually a small floral pattern on acontrasting background color. Common end-uses include dresses, aprons, and quilts.Camel's HairA natural fiber obtained from the hair of the Bactrian camel, a two-humped pack-carryingspecies. The fiber is used primarily in coats, sweaters, and suits.CardingA process which eliminates fibers too short for inclusion in the spun yarn. The process alsoremoves dirt and foreign matter still remaining in the fiber mass, and arranges the fibers into a very thin layer.CashmereA luxury fiber obtained from the soft fleecy undergrowth of the Kashmir goat of Tibet,Mongolia, China, Iran, Iraq, and India. Most commonly used in sweaters, shawls, suits, coats, and dresses.CelluloseA material derived from the cell walls of certain plants. Cellulose is used in the production ofmany vegetable fibers, as well as being the major raw material component used in the production of the manufactured fibers of acetate, rayon, and triacetate.ChallisA lightweight, soft plain weave fabric with a slightly brushed surface. The fabric is oftenprinted, usually in a floral pattern. Challis is most often seen in fabrics made of cotton, wool, or rayon.ChambrayA plain woven fabric that can be made from cotton, silk, or manufactured fibers, but is mostcommonly cotton. It incorporates a colored warp (often blue) and white filling yarns.ChiffonA plain woven lightweight, extremely sheer, airy, and soft silk fabric, containing highlytwisted filament yarns. The fabric, used mainly in evening dresses and scarves, can also be made from rayon and other manufactured fibers.ChintzA plain-weave fabric, which has been glazed to produce a polished look. Usually made ofcotton, this fabric is most commonly used in blouses, dresses, draperies, and slipcovers. ColorfastnessA term used to describe a dyed fabric's ability to resist fading due to washing, exposure tosunlight, and other environmental conditions.CombingThe combing process is an additional step beyond carding. In this process the fibers are arranged in a highly parallel form, and additional short fibers are removed, producing high quality yarns with excellent strength, fineness, and uniformity.CorduroyA fabric, usually made of cotton, utilizing a cut-pile weave construction. Extra sets of fillingyarns are woven into the fabric to form ridges of yarn on the surface. The ridges are built so that clear lines can be seen when the pile is cut.Core-Spun YarnsConsist of a filament base yarn, with an exterior wrapping of loose fiber which has not been twisted into a yarn. Polyester filament is often wrapped with a cotton outer layer in order to provide the strength and resiliency of polyester, along with the moisture-absorbent aesthetics and dye affinity of cotton. Sewing thread as well as household and apparel fabrics are madefrom these yarns.ConverterA person or a company which buys grey goods and sells them as finished fabrics. A converterorganizes and manages the process of finishing the fabric to a buyers' specifications, particularly the bleaching, dyeing, printing, etc.CottonA unicellular, natural fiber that grows in the seed pod of the cotton plant. Fibers are typically1/2 inch to 2 inches long. The longest staple fibers, longer than 1 1/2 inch, including the Pima and Egyptian varieties, produce the highest quality cotton fabrics.Crepe-back SatinA satin fabric in which highly twisted yarns are used in the filling direction. The floating yarnsare made with low twist and may be of either high or low luster. If the crepe effect is the right side of the fabric, the fabric is called satin-back crepe.CrinolineA lightweight, plain weave, stiffened fabric with a low yarn count (few yarns to the inch ineach direction).CrockingThe rubbing-off of dye from a fabric. Crocking can be the result of lack of penetration of the dyeing agent, the use of incorrect dyes or dyeing procedures, or the lack of proper washing procedures and finishing treatments after the dyeing process.CuprammoniumA process of producing a type of regenerated rayon fiber. In this process, the wood pulp orcotton liners are dissolved in an ammoniac copper oxide solution. Bemberg rayon is a type of Cuprammonium rayon.Return to IndexDDamaskA glossy jacquard fabric, usually made from linen, cotton, rayon, silk, or blends. The patternsare flat and reversible. The fabric is often used in napkins, tablecloths, draperies, and upholstery.DenierA system of measuring the weight of a continuous filament fiber. In the United States, thismeasurement is used to number all manufactured fibers (both filament and staple), and silk, but excluding glass fiber. The lower the number, the finer the fiber; the higher the number, the heavier the fiber. Numerically, a denier is the equivalent to the weight in grams of 9,000 meters of continuous filament fiber.DenimTrue denim is a twill weave cotton-like fabric made with different colored yarns in the warp and the weft. Due to the twill construction, one color predominates on the fabric surface. Dobby WeaveA decorative weave, characterized by small figures, usually geometric, that are woven into thefabric structure. Dobbies may be of any weight or compactness, with yarns ranging from very fine to coarse and fluffy. Standard dobby fabrics are usually flat and relatively fine or sheer.However, some heavyweight dobby fabrics are available for home furnishings and for heavy apparel.DoeskinGenerally applied to a type of fabric finish in which a low nap is brushed in one direction to create a soft suede-like hand on the fabric surface. End-uses include billiard table surfaces and men's' sportswear.Donegal TweedA medium to heavy of plain or twill weave fabric in which colorful yarn slubs are woven intothe fabric. The name originally applied to a hand-woven woolen tweed fabric made in Donegal, Ireland. End-uses include winter coats and suits.Dotted SwissA lightweight, sheer cotton or cotton blend fabric with a small dot flock-like pattern eitherprinted on the surface of the fabric, or woven into the fabric. End-uses for this fabric include blouses, dresses, baby clothes, and curtains.Double ClothA fabric construction, in which two fabrics are woven on the loom at the same time, one ontop of the other. In the weaving process, the two layers of woven fabric are held together using binder threads. The woven patterns in each layer of fabric can be similar or completely different.Double KnitA weft knit fabric in which two layers of loops are formed that cannot be separated. A doubleknit machine, which has two complete sets of needles, is required for this construction. Double WeaveA woven fabric construction made by interlacing two or more sets of warp yarns with two ormore sets of filling yarns. The most common double weave fabrics are made using a total of either four or five sets of yarns.DuckA tightly woven, heavy, plain-weave, bottom-weight fabric with a hard, durable finish. Thefabric is usually made of cotton, and is widely used in men's and women's slacks, and children's playclothes.DurabilityThe ability of a fabric to resist wear through continual use.Durable PressA treatment applied to the fabric in the finishing process in which it maintains a smoothattractive appearance, resists wrinkling, and retains creases or pleats during laundering.Return to IndexEElasticityThe ability of a fiber or fabric to return to its original length, shape, or size immediately after the removal of stress.EmbossingA calendering process in which fabrics are engraved with the use of heated rollers underpressure to produce a raised design on the fabric surface.EmbroideryAn embellishment of a fabric or garment in which colored threads are sewn on to the fabric to create a design. Embroidery may be done either by hand or machine.EyeletA type of fabric which contains patterned cut-outs, around which stitching or embroidery maybe applied in order to prevent the fabric from raveling.Return to IndexFFaceThe right side or the better-looking side of the fabric.FacingA piece of fabric that is sewn to the collar, front opening, cuffs, or arms eye of a garment tocreate a finished look.FailleA glossy, soft, finely-ribbed silk-like woven fabric made from cotton, silk, or manufacturedfibers.FeltA non-woven fabric made from wool, hair, or fur, and sometimes in combination with certainmanufactured fibers, where the fibers are locked together in a process utilizing heat, moisture, and pressure to form a compact material.FiberThe basic entity, either natural or manufactured, which is twisted into yarns, and then used in the production of a fabric.FiberfillSpecially engineered manufactured fibers, which are used as filler material in pillows, mattresses, mattress pads, sleeping bags, comforters, quilts, and outerwear.FilamentA manufactured fiber of indefinite length (continuous), extruded from the spinneret during thefiber production process.FillingIn a woven fabric, the yarns that run cross the fabric from selvage to selvage, and which run perpendicular to the warp or lengthwise yarns. Also referred to as the weft.FindingsAny extra items attached to a garment during the manufacturing process. This can include trims, buttons, hooks, snaps, or embellishments.Finished FabricA fabric that has gone through all the necessary finishing processes, and is ready to be used inthe manufacturing of garments.Flame ResistantA term used to describe a fabric that burns very slowly, or has the ability to self-extinguishupon the removal of an external flame.Flame RetardantA chemical applied to a fabric, or incorporated into the fiber at the time of production, whichsignificantly reduces a fabric's flammability.FlannelA medium-weight, plain or twill weave fabric that is typically made from cotton, a cottonblend, or wool. The fabric has a very soft hand, brushed on both sides to lift the fiber ends out of the base fabric and create a soft, fuzzy surface. End-uses include shirts and pajamas. FlanneletteA medium-weight, plain weave fabric with a soft hand, usually made from cotton. The fabricis usually brushed only on one side, and is lighter weight than flannel. End-uses include shirts and pajamas.FlaxThe plant from which cellulosic linen fiber is obtained. Linen is used in apparel, accessories, draperies, upholstery, tablecloths, and towels.FlockingA type of raised decoration applied to the surface of a fabric in which an adhesive is printedon the fabric in a specific pattern, and then finely chopped fibers are applied by means of dusting, air-brushing, or electrostatic charges. The fibers adhere only to the areas where the adhesive has been applied, and the excess fibers are removed by mechanical means.FoulardA lightweight twill-weave fabric, made from filament yarns like silk, acetate, polyester, with asmall all-over print pattern on a solid background. The fabric is often used in men's ties.Return to IndexGGabardineA tightly woven, twilled, worsted fabric with a slight diagonal line on the right side. Woolgabardine is known as a year-round fabric for business suiting. Polyester, cotton, rayon, and various blends are also used in making gabardine.GaugeA measurement most commonly associated with knitting equipment. It can mean the numberof needles per inch in a knitting machine. However, in full fashioned hosiery and sweater machines, the number of needles per 1-1/2 inches represents the gauge.GauzeA thin, sheer plain-weave fabric made from cotton, wool, silk, rayon, or other manufacturedfibers. End-uses include curtains, apparel, trimmings, and surgical dressings.GeorgetteA sheer lightweight fabric, often made of silk or from such manufactured fibers as polyester,with a crepe surface. End-uses include dresses and blouses.GeotextilesManufactured fiber materials made into a variety of fabric constructions, and used in a variety civil engineering applications.GinghamA medium weight, plain weave fabric with a plaid or check pattern. End-uses include dresses,shirts, and curtains.Glass FiberAn inorganic fiber which is very strong, but has poor flexibility and poor abrasion resistance.Glass will not burn and will not conduct electricity. It is impervious to insects, mildew, and sunlight. Today, the primary use of glass fiber is in such industrial applications as insulation or reinforcement of composite structures.Greige GoodsAn unfinished fabric, just removed from a knitting machine or a loom. Also called grey goods.Return to IndexHHandThe way the fabric feels when it is touched. Terms like softness, crispness, dryness, silkiness are all terms that describe the hand of the fabric.HeatherA yarn that is spun using pre-dyed fibers. These fibers are blended together to give a particularlook. (For example, black and white may be blended together to create a grey heathered yarn.) The term, heather, may also be used to describe the fabric made from heathered yarns.HempA coarse, durable bast fiber obtained from the inner bark of the hemp plant. Used primarily intwines and cordages, and most recently apparel.HerringboneA variation on the twill weave construction in which the twill is reversed, or broken, at regularintervals, producing a zig-zag effect.Houndstooth CheckA variation on the twill weave construction in which a broken check effect is produced by avariation in the pattern of interlacing yarns, utilizing at least two different colored yarns. Hydrophilic FibersFibers that absorb water easily, take longer to dry, and require more ironing.Hydrophobic FiberFibers that lack the ability to absorb water.Return to IndexKKapokA short, lightweight, cotton-like, vegetable fiber found in the seed pods of the Bombocaceaetree. Because of its brittle quality, it is generally not spun. However, its buoyancy and moisture resistance makes it ideal for use in cushions, mattresses, and life jackets.Knit-de-knitA type of yarn texturizing in which a crimped yarn is made by knitting the yarn into a fabric,and then heat-setting the fabric. The yarn is then unraveled from the fabric and used in this permanently crinkled form.Knit FabricsFabrics made from only one set of yarns, all running in the same direction. Some knits have their yarns running along the length of the fabric, while others have their yarns running across the width of the fabric. Knit fabrics are held together by looping the yarns around each other.Knitting creates ridges in the resulting fabric. Wales are the ridges that run lengthwise in the fabric; courses run crosswise.Return to IndexLLamb's WoolThe first clip of wool sheered from lambs up to eight months old. The wool is soft, slippery and resilient. It is used in fine grade woolen fabrics.LaméA woven fabric using flat silver or gold metal threads to create either the design or thebackground in the fabric.LawnA light, fine cloth made using carded or combed, linen or cotton yarns. The fabric has acrease-resistant, crisp finish. Linen lawn is synonymous with handkerchief linen. Cotton lawn is a similar type of fabric, which can be white, solid colored, or printed.Leno WeaveA construction of woven fabrics in which the resulting fabric is very sheer, yet durable. In thisweave, two or more warp yarns are twisted around each other as they are interlaced with the filling yarns; thus securing a firm hold on the filling yarn and preventing them from slipping out of position. Also called the gauze weave. Leno weave fabrics are frequently used for window treatments, because their structure gives good durability with almost no yarn slippage, and permits the passage of light and air.LinenA fabric made from linen fibers obtained from inside the woody stem of the flax plant. Linenfibers are much stronger and more lustrous than cotton. Linen fabrics are very cool and absorbent, but wrinkle very easily, unless blended with manufactured fibers. Linen is one of the oldest textile fibers.LiningA fabric that is used to cover the inside of a garment to provide a finished look. Generally, thelining is made of a smooth lustrous fabric.LoomA machine used for weaving fabrics.Lyocell FiberA manufactured fiber composed of regenerated cellulose. Lyocell has a similar hand and drapeas rayon, but is stronger, more durable, and in many cases machine washable. It has a subtle luster and is rich in color. Lyocell possesses low shrinkage characteristics, as well as good absorbency and wrinkle resistant qualities.Return to IndexMMadrasA lightweight plain weave cotton fabric with a striped, plaid, or checked pattern. A truemadras will bleed when washed. This type of fabric is usually imported from India. End-uses are men's and women's shirts and dresses.MatelasséA medium to heavyweight luxury fabric made in a double cloth construction to create ablistered or quilted surface. Common end-uses are upholstery, draperies, and evening dresses. MeltonA heavyweight, dense, compacted, and tightly woven wool or wool blend fabric used mainlyfor coats.MercerizationA process of treating a cotton yarn or fabric, in which the fabric or yarn is immersed in acaustic soda solution and later neutralized in acid. The process causes a permanent swelling of the fiber, resulting in an increased luster on the surface of the fabric, an increased affinity for dyes, and increased strength.MerinoA type of wool that originates from pure-bred Merino sheep. The best Merino wool comesfrom Italy.MeshA type of fabric characterized by its net-like open appearance, and the spaces between theyarns. Mesh is available in a variety of constructions including wovens, knits, laces, or crocheted fabrics.Metallic FiberAn inorganic fiber made from minerals and metals, blended and extruded to form fibers. The fiber is formed from a flat ribbon of metal, coated with a protective layer of plastic, which reduces tarnishing. Metal used in apparel fabric is purely decorative.MicrofibersThe name given to ultra-fine manufactured fibers and the name given to the technology of developing these fibers. Fibers made using microfiber technology, produce fibers which weigh less than 1.0 denier. The fabrics made from these extra-fine fibers provide a superior hand, a gentle drape, and incredible softness. Comparatively, microfibers are two times finer than silk, three times finer than cotton, eight times finer than wool, and one hundred times finer than a human hair. Currently, there are four types of microfibers being produced. These include acrylic microfibers, nylon microfibers, polyester microfibers, and rayon microfibers. Modacrylic FiberA manufactured fiber similar to acrylic in characteristics and end-uses. Modacrylics have ahigher resistance to chemicals and combustion than acrylic, but also have a lower safe ironing temperature and a higher specific gravity than acrylic.MohairHair fibers from the Angora goat. End-uses include sweaters, coats, suits, and scarves.MoiréA corded fabric, usually made from silk or one of the manufactured fibers, which has adistinctive water-marked wavy pattern on the face of the fabric.Moisture RegainThe amount of water a completely dry fiber will absorb from the air at a standard condition of70 degrees F and a relative humidity of 65%. Expressed as a % of the dry fiber weight. Moisture TransportThe movement of water from one side of a fabric to the other, caused by capillary action,。



介绍中国传统的手艺艺术英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Traditional Chinese Handicrafts: A Testament to Ingenuity and CultureAs a student fascinated by the rich heritage of my country, I have always been drawn to the exquisite world of traditional Chinese handicrafts. These remarkable artworks, crafted by skilled artisans over generations, are not merely objects of beauty but also embodiments of our nation's profound history, cultural values, and unwavering spirit of innovation.From the intricate embroidery that adorns regal robes to the delicate porcelain vases that grace imperial palaces, Chinese handicrafts have captivated the world with their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and meticulous attention to detail. Each piece is a labor of love, a testament to the artisans' dedication and mastery of their craft.One of the most renowned Chinese handicrafts is silk embroidery, an art form that dates back thousands of years. The process of creating these intricate works is nothing short ofawe-inspiring. Skilled embroiderers, their fingers nimble and their eyes sharp, meticulously guide threads of silk through layers of fabric, weaving together scenes of breathtaking beauty. From delicate floral patterns to majestic landscapes, each stitch is a brushstroke, painting a vivid tapestry that tells a story of our cultural heritage.Another revered handicraft is porcelain, a material so delicate yet so enduring that it has become a symbol of Chinese elegance and refinement. The art of porcelain-making is a closely guarded secret, passed down through generations of master potters. From the careful selection of clay to the precise firing techniques, each step is a delicate dance, a fusion of science and artistry. The resulting pieces are not merely functional vessels but true works of art, adorned with intricate patterns and glazes that shimmer like precious gems.Beyond embroidery and porcelain, China's handicraft traditions extend to a myriad of other art forms, each with its own unique history and cultural significance. The art of lacquerware, for instance, involves the meticulous application of layers of lacquer, a natural resin derived from the lacquer tree. This labour-intensive process results in pieces that are not onlyvisually stunning but also remarkably durable, with a lustrous finish that can withstand the test of time.Another captivating handicraft is jade carving, an art form that has been revered in China for millennia. Jade, asemi-precious stone prized for its beauty and symbolic meaning, is meticulously carved into intricately detailed sculptures, pendants, and other ornamental objects. The artisans who work with jade possess a rare combination of skill, patience, and reverence,篇2Traditional Chinese Handicrafts: A Vibrant Tapestry of Artistry and CultureAs a student fascinated by the rich tapestry of Chinese culture, I have always been drawn to the intricate world of traditional handicrafts. These time-honored art forms, passed down through generations, not only showcase extraordinary craftsmanship but also weave together threads of history, symbolism, and cultural identity.One of the most celebrated handicrafts in China is silk weaving. Dating back to the Neolithic period, this ancient art has been a source of pride and admiration for centuries. The delicateprocess of transforming silkworm cocoons into lustrous fabrics is a testament to the patience and skill of Chinese artisans. From the ethereal beauty of silk embroidery to the vibrant hues of silk paintings, this craft has evolved into a multifaceted expression of artistry.Another craft that has captured my imagination is Chinese ceramics. The art of pottery and porcelain-making has been a cornerstone of Chinese culture since ancient times. The famous kilns of Jingdezhen, for instance, have produced some of the world's most exquisite and coveted porcelain wares. Each piece, whether a delicate vase or a intricately painted bowl, is a canvas for the artisan's creativity and mastery of glazes, firing techniques, and decorative motifs.Jade carving is another revered handicraft that holds significant cultural and symbolic value in China. This ancient art form has been practiced for over 7,000 years, with jade being revered for its beauty, durability, and associations with virtue and nobility. Skilled jade carvers transform this precious stone into intricate sculptures, jewelry, and decorative objects, each piece imbued with meaning and artistry.Lacquerware is yet another distinctive Chinese handicraft that has captivated me. The process of layering and polishinglacquer, often combined with intricate inlays, carving, and painting, results in stunning works of art that are both functional and visually stunning. From delicate lacquer boxes to ornate furniture, this craft showcases the patience, precision, and attention to detail that are hallmarks of Chinese artisanship.Calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing, is not only a revered handicraft but also a profound expression of Chinese culture and philosophy. The graceful strokes of the brush, combined with the careful selection of ink and paper, transform written characters into visual poetry. Calligraphers spend years mastering the techniques and embodying the principles of balance, harmony, and rhythm that define this art form.As I delve deeper into the world of traditional Chinese handicrafts, I am struck by the profound connection between these art forms and the rich tapestry of Chinese culture. Each craft is infused with symbolism, drawing inspiration from nature, philosophy, and ancient traditions. The intricate patterns, motifs, and techniques employed by artisans often carry profound meanings and stories, serving as visual narratives of China's remarkable history and cultural heritage.Moreover, these handicrafts are not merely artistic expressions but also embodiments of the values and virtuescherished by Chinese society. The patience, dedication, and perseverance required to master these crafts mirror the diligence and discipline deeply ingrained in Chinese culture. The pursuit of perfection, the appreciation for beauty, and the reverence for tradition are all reflected in the breathtaking works of art created by skilled artisans.As the world becomes increasingly globalized and modern, the preservation and promotion of traditional Chinese handicrafts take on even greater significance. These art forms represent a living link to China's rich cultural past, serving as a testament to the ingenuity, creativity, and resilience of its people. By supporting and celebrating these handicrafts, we not only honor the artisans who dedicate their lives to these crafts but also ensure that the traditions and stories they embody are passed on to future generations.In conclusion, traditional Chinese handicrafts are more than just objects of beauty or functional items; they are living embodiments of a profound cultural legacy. Each piece, whether a delicate silk tapestry, a stunning porcelain vase, or a meticulously carved jade sculpture, tells a story of dedication, skill, and the enduring spirit of Chinese artistry. As a student fascinated by this vibrant tapestry of culture, I am committed toexploring, appreciating, and helping preserve these remarkable handicrafts, ensuring that the threads of China's artistic heritage remain woven into the fabric of our global cultural tapestry.篇3The Exquisite Beauty of Chinese Traditional HandicraftsAs a student deeply intrigued by the rich cultural heritage of China, I have always been fascinated by the intricate and exquisite traditional handicrafts that have been passed down through generations. These age-old crafts are not merely objects of beauty but also serve as a testament to the ingenuity, patience, and dedication of the countless artisans who have dedicated their lives to preserving these time-honored traditions.One of the most renowned and iconic Chinese handicrafts is silk embroidery. Dating back thousands of years, this delicate and intricate art form has been revered for its vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and meticulous stitching. The process of creating a silk embroidery masterpiece is incrediblylabor-intensive, with skilled artisans spending years perfecting their techniques and honing their skills. The result is a breathtaking tapestry of silk threads that seems to come alive,depicting scenes from nature, folklore, or historical events with remarkable detail and depth.Another craft that has captivated my imagination is Chinese porcelain. The art of porcelain-making in China can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty, and over the centuries, it has evolved into a highly sophisticated and revered art form. The skilled potters and artisans who create these delicate and beautiful pieces must possess an in-depth understanding of the properties of clay, glazes, and firing techniques. The result is a stunning array of porcelain vessels, vases, and sculptures that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional works of art.Traditional Chinese lacquerware is another craft that never fails to leave me in awe. The process of creating these exquisite pieces is incredibly labor-intensive, involving multiple layers of lacquer applied and polished over a period of months or even years. The end result is a piece of art that is not only beautiful but also incredibly durable and resistant to wear and tear. Chinese lacquerware is renowned for its vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and lustrous finish, making it a highly coveted and treasured art form.One cannot discuss Chinese traditional handicrafts without mentioning the art of calligraphy. This ancient form of artisticexpression is not only a means of communication but also a way to capture the essence of Chinese culture and philosophy. The skilled calligraphers who practice this art form must possess a deep understanding of the brush strokes, ink, and paper, as well as a profound appreciation for the beauty of the written word. The resulting works of calligraphy are not merely words on paper but rather visually stunning pieces of art that convey emotion, energy, and a sense of harmony.Beyond these well-known crafts, there are countless other traditional Chinese handicrafts that deserve recognition and appreciation. From the intricate wood carvings that adorn temples and palaces to the delicate paper-cutting art that adorns windows and walls, each craft is a testament to the ingenuity, skill, and dedication of the artisans who have dedicated their lives to preserving these traditions.As a student, I am constantly humbled and inspired by the rich tapestry of Chinese traditional handicrafts. These crafts are not merely objects of beauty but also serve as a powerful reminder of the resilience and adaptability of human creativity and ingenuity. They are a living connection to our past, a testament to the enduring spirit of artisans who have dedicatedtheir lives to preserving these traditions, and an inspiration for future generations to continue this legacy of excellence.In a world that is increasingly focused on mass production and efficiency, it is easy to overlook the importance and value of traditional handicrafts. However, these crafts are not merely relics of the past but rather living, breathing expressions of our cultural heritage. They serve as a reminder of the importance of slowing down, appreciating beauty in its purest form, and valuing the time, effort, and dedication that goes into creating something truly extraordinary.As I continue my studies and explore the depths of Chinese culture, I am committed to promoting and preserving these traditional handicrafts. Whether through education, advocacy, or simply appreciating and supporting the work of skilled artisans, I believe it is our responsibility to ensure that these treasured traditions are not lost to the sands of time.In conclusion, Chinese traditional handicrafts are not merely objects of beauty but rather living, breathing expressions of our cultural heritage. They are a testament to the ingenuity, skill, and dedication of countless artisans who have dedicated their lives to preserving these traditions. As a student, I am constantly humbled and inspired by the rich tapestry of these crafts, and Iam committed to promoting and preserving them for generations to come.。



研究:性感红唇最吸引男性Research shows men are drawn to a woman's lips more than any other facial featureAll smiles: Jessica Alba and Cheryl Cole proved to have popular pouts according to the research.If you want to catch a man’s attention, don’t bother fluttering your eyelashes or flicking your hair. Just practise your pout. According to a study, a woman’s lips are the most attractive part of her body. Especially if she’s wearing red lipstick. Scientists found that in the ten seconds after meeting a lady for the first time, the average chap will spend more than half his time gazing at her mouth.If she’s applied lipstick, he’ll find it difficult to look away, with a dash of pink holding his attention for 6.7 seconds and red keeping him fixated for 7.3 seconds.The study, carried out by scientists at Manchester University, involved tracking the eye movements of 50 men as they were presented with images of different women.When the women wore lipstick, the men gazed at their lips for an average of seven seconds – spending just 0.95 seconds looking at their eyes and 0.85 seconds studying their hair.But when they went without make-up, the men tired of looking at their lips after 2.2 seconds, instead devoting 2.97 seconds to admiring their eyes and 2.77 seconds to studying their noses.Full lips were deemed to be the most attractive feature, but the appeal of thin lips increased by more than 40 per cent once make-up had been applied.Dr Geoff Beattie, who led the research, said: ‘This study proves that lips represent one of the most sensual aspects of a woman’s body and play a critical role in human sexual attraction. Full and red lips combined deliver the perfect pout to achieve male fixation, but women who simply wear lipstick – regardless of their lip type – secure significantly greater levels of attraction than those who do not.‘For centuries, women have painted their lips red to enhance their appeal, with this practice dating back as far as the Ancient Egyptians who commonly used red lipstick and rouge to enhance their attractiveness.‘The research suggests that red lips and perceived attractiveness are still inextricably linked, with red lipstick proving to be the most powerful attractor and significantly increasing visual fixation.’HOT LIPS: THE TENAngelina JolieScarlett JohanssonCheryl ColeJessica AlbaBeyonce KnowlesHalle BerryMegan FoxEva MendesKimberley WalshNicole Scherzinger如果你想吸引男⼈的⽬光,不必费⼼去眨动睫⽑或捋头发,只需性感地撅撅嘴就可以了。



健康的化妆品英文名词解释In recent years, the popularity of cosmetic products has skyrocketed. People around the world are becoming more conscious of their appearance and actively seek out products that enhance their beauty. However, with the growing concern for health and wellness, the demand for healthy and natural cosmetics has been on the rise. In this article, we will explore the concept of healthy cosmetics and provide explanation for commonly used English terms in the industry.1. Natural CosmeticsNatural cosmetics refer to products made from ingredients derived from nature, such as plants, minerals, and even some animal byproducts. These ingredients are often sourced and processed using methods that do not involve harsh chemicals or synthetic additives. Natural cosmetics aim to provide consumers with a healthier alternative to traditional beauty products, as they generally contain fewer harmful substances.Common English terms in natural cosmetics:- Organic: This term refers to cosmetic products that are made from organically grown ingredients, which means they are produced without the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), synthetic fertilizers, or pesticides. Organic cosmetics are regulated by certification standards to ensure their authenticity.- Vegan: Vegan cosmetics are formulated without any animal-derived ingredients or byproducts. They are suitable for individuals who follow a vegan lifestyle or those who prioritize cruelty-free products. Vegan cosmetics often bear a certification label to guarantee their adherence to strict guidelines.- Cruelty-free: Cruelty-free cosmetics are products that have not been tested on animals. This term assures consumers that the manufacturing and testing processes of the product have not involved any animal cruelty or harm.2. Clean BeautyAnother term that has gained popularity in recent years is "clean beauty." Clean beauty refers to cosmetics that are made with ingredients that are not harmful to human health or the environment. These products are free from potentially harmful chemicals, such as parabens, sulfates, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances.Notable English terms in clean beauty:- Non-toxic: Non-toxic cosmetics are formulated without any ingredients that are known to cause harm to human health. These products avoid chemicals that have been linked to allergies, irritation, hormone disruption, or other adverse effects.- Transparent labeling: Companies that practice transparent labeling provide detailed information about their products, including the complete list of ingredients and any potential concerns associated with their use. This allows consumers to make informed decisions about the products they purchase.3. Sustainable BeautySustainable beauty is a concept that focuses on the environmental impact of the beauty industry. It promotes the use of ingredients and packaging materials that are eco-friendly and have minimal impact on the planet.Important English terms in sustainable beauty:- Biodegradable: Biodegradable cosmetics are formulated to break down naturally over time and do not leave harmful residues in the environment. This term emphasizes the product's ability to reduce waste and pollution after use.- Zero-waste: Zero-waste cosmetics strive to create minimal waste throughout their entire life cycle, from production to consumer use. This may include refillable packaging, reusable containers, and responsible manufacturing processes that limit waste generation.- Upcycling: Upcycling refers to the practice of transforming waste materials into new and useful products. In the beauty industry, upcycling may involve repurposing leftover ingredients or packaging materials to reduce waste.In conclusion, as the demand for healthy and natural products continues to grow, the cosmetics industry is evolving to meet these needs. Understanding the English terms related to healthy cosmetics, such as natural, organic, vegan, cruelty-free, clean beauty, non-toxic, transparent labeling, sustainable beauty, biodegradable, zero-waste, and upcycling, empowers consumers to make informed choices and prioritize their well-being.。



鸡蛋花作文英文回答:Plumeria: A Fragrant Symbol of Tropical Grace。

Plumeria, a genus of flowering plants in the Apocynaceae family, is known for its exquisite beauty and tantalizing fragrance. Native to tropical regions of the Americas, these captivating plants evoke a sense of paradise wherever they grace.Botanical Characteristics。

Plumerias are shrubs or small trees that typically grow between 2-8 meters in height. Their succulent stems exude a milky sap and bear large, leathery leaves that range in shape from elliptical to obovate. The leaves are often adorned with intricate venation patterns.Blooms of Enchantment。

The most striking feature of plumerias is their breathtaking blooms. These large, fragrant flowers are borne in clusters at the ends of branches and come in a kaleidoscope of colors, including white, pink, yellow, orange, and red. The flowers' intricate petals curve gracefully, creating a mesmerizing display.Cultural Significance。

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A Floral-Derived Compound Attractive to the Tephritid Fruit Fly Parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Hymenoptera:Braconidae)Eric Rohrig&John Sivinski&Peter Teal&Charles Stuhl&Martin AlujaReceived:30October2007/Revised:20December2007/Accepted:23January2008#Springer Science+Business Media,LLC2008Abstract Many adult hymenopteran parasitoids,even host-feeding species,consume the nectar of flowering plants. Previous field studies had identified plants attractive (Lobularia maritima L.)and unattractive(Spermacoce verticillata L)to certain opiine braconids(Hymenoptera). Under laboratory conditions,Diachasmimorpha longicau-data(Ashmead),a parasitoid of tephritid fruit fly larvae and representative opiine,responded in flight tunnels to L. maritima but not to S.verticillata.V olatile chemicals of the two flowers were collected and analyzed by using capillary gas liquid chromatography and mass spectral analysis. Acetophenone was isolated from L.maritima but not from S.verticillata.In flight tunnels, D.longicaudata were exposed to10concentrations(doses)of acetophenone. Female parasitoids showed a significant attraction to several acetophenone doses,with concentrations of25and 50ng the most attractive.No odor source,either floral or floral-derived,was attractive to male parasitoids.Reliable trapping systems for parasitoid species,particularly species such as D.longicaudata used for augmentative biological control,would be a valuable monitoring tool.At present, there are few,if any,florally derived synthetic lures for attracting hymenopteran parasitoids.Keywords Acetophenone.Opiinae.Traps.Biological control.FlowersIntroductionUnderstanding the population dynamics of target pests and their natural enemies is critically important in Integrated Pest Management(IPM)(Kogan1998;Suckling et al. 2002).Attraction and trapping techniques are among the simplest means of determining pest and natural enemy distributions and densities in the field,and this information, combined with known insect biology,can help determine what controls should be applied,when and where to use them,and the status of non-target organisms that might be affected(Prokopy1985).Among the controls best timed and placed through the use of trapping-demographic data is the inundative release of beneficial insects(Jewitt and Carpenter2001).It is particularly important to monitor the dispersal and survival of the mass-released predators/para-sitoids so that adjustments can be made to the releases,and their efficacies estimated.At present,most pest-insect attractants are based on sex pheromones,and majority of these are female-derived chemicals that capture males(Foster and Harris1997). Sex pheromones are also emitted by female,and more rarely male,parasitic Hymenoptera(Sivinski and Petersson 1997;Kainoh1999),and can also be used as attractants (Rice and Jones1982;Jewett and Carpenter2001;Suckling et al.2002).However,compounds associated with hosts,orJ Chem EcolDOI10.1007/s10886-008-9438-yE.RohrigDepartment of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida,Bldg.970,Natural Area Dr., Gainesville,FL32611,USAE.Rohrig:J.Sivinski(*):P.Teal:C.Stuhl USDA-ARS Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology, 1660/1700SW23rd Dr.,Gainesville,FL32604,USAe-mail:jsivinski@ M.AlujaInstituto de Ecología,A.C.,Apartado Postal63,91000Xalapa,Veracruz,Méxicoenvironments where hosts might be found,may be more generally attractive to a presumably largely non-virgin and sexually unresponsive female parasitoid population.For example,among tephritid fruit fly parasitoids,Fopius arisanus(Sonan)and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead)females are attracted to fruit volatiles(Messing and Jang1992;Eben et al.2000;Altuzar et al.2004),the latter particularly to decaying fruit and associated fungi (Greany et al.1977).Yet another tephritid parasitoid Psyttalia fletcheri Silvestri responds to decaying fruits and leaves of pumpkins and cucumbers(Messing et al.1996). Nishida(1956)earlier found that stem tissues of cucurbits are attractive to P.fletcheri,and Messing et al.(1996) suggest that the attractiveness to leaf and stem tissues may be due in part to“green leaf volatiles”,a suite of common leaf-derived compounds known to be attractive to other braconid species(Whitman and Eller1990).Flowers of many species of plants produce odors that are also highly attractive to various natural enemies(Andersen 1987;Maini and Burgio1999;Ventura et al.2000;Landolt et al.2001).Although nectar feeding,and to a lesser extent pollen consumption,is common in the parasitic Hymenop-tera(Jervis et al.1993),there has been little if any use of floral-derived compounds as attractants.However,there may be advantages to the use of such compounds.Like host odors,but unlike male-produced sex pheromones,flower volatiles might be more consistently appealing to the mated females that likely constitute the bulk of many parasitoid populations.In the course of a previous field comparison,flowers that were attractive(Lobularia maritima L.)and unattrac-tive(Spermacoce verticillata L.)to an economically significant subfamily of Braconidae,the Opiinae,were preliminarily identified(Rohrig2006).In the present experiments,the flight tunnel responses of D.long-icaudata,a widely used tephritid biological control agent and representative opiine,to the two flowering plants and to a compound uniquely identified from L.maritima volatiles were determined.These plants and the model insect are described below.Spermacoce verticillata,“shrubby false buttonweed”(Rubiaceae)is native to the West Indies,but can be found in Florida and Texas as well as west Africa,the tropical Americas,and the south Pacific.Habitats consist of open or disturbed sandy zones and pinelands where it grows as a shrub.Spermacoce verticillata is a perennial dicot whose small white flowers form dense clusters at the upper stem nodes.Flowers have a mean corolla depth of1.5mm,a width of1.0mm,and possess a honey guard at the interior base of the corolla(Sivinski et al.2006).The nectar is a major food source for the mole cricket ectoparasitoids Larra bicolor F.and Larra analis F.(Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)in Florida(Frank and Parkman1999).Lobularia maritima,“alyssum”(Brassicaceae),was introduced from the Mediterranean region and now ranges throughout most of the United States including Hawaii. This plant is a hardy,non-weedy,annual dicot herb that flowers consistently from fall through spring in subtropical areas.Small cruciform-stalked white flowers grow in clusters randomly throughout the plant that attract large numbers of parasitic Hymenoptera(Chaney1998).On average,corollas are0.67mm wide by 1.4mm deep (Sivinski et al.2006).Lobularia maritima nectar increases the longevity of several ichneumonoid parasitoids,both in the laboratory and in the field(Johanowicz and Mitchell2000;Berndt and Wratten2005).While L.maritima flowers increase the longevity and realized fecundity of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma carverae Oatman and Pinto(Begum2004), this is only true of the white flower variety(Begum et al. 2004).This was the variety used in the present experiments.Due to availability and its wide use as a biological control agent,D.longicaudata was chosen to examine the response of a representative opiine to the floral volatile. While a variety of chalcidoids,diapriids,figitids,and ichneumonoids parasitize Tephritidae(e.g.,Sivinski et al. 2000),braconids of the subfamily Opiinae are typically the most numerous and diverse members of the guilds that attack frugivorous species(Purcell1998).Opiinae are solitary,koinobiont,larval/egg-prepupal endoparasitoids of Cyclorrhapha Diptera(Bess et al.1961;Lopez et al.1999; Wharton1999).Several species are considered important regulators of fruit fly populations(Wharton1989)and have been introduced,and frequently established,throughout the world(Ovruski et al.2000).Diachasmimorpha longicaudata is one of the most widely used of these opiine tephritid biological control agents(Ovruski et al.2000).Adult females use their relatively long ovipositor to parasitize a number of second-and third-instar fruit fly species’larvae in a wide variety of host fruits(Wharton1989;Sivinski et al.2000).The species was originally discovered in the Indo-Philippine region where it attacked Bactrocera spp.(Wharton and Marsh1978),and in1947was introduced into Hawaii for the control of oriental fruit fly,Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)(Clancy and Dressner1952).In1972,D.long-icaudata was established in Florida to control the Caribbe-an fruit fly,Anastrepha suspensa(Loew),and it subsequently reduced populations by~40%(Baranowski et al.1993).In addition to wide-spread introductions,D.longicau-data has been mass-reared and inundatively released,either alone or in combination with sterile male flies,for the control of Ceratitis capitata(Wong et al.1991),and various Anastrepha spp.(Sivinski et al.1996;Montoya et al.2000).In Florida,such releases suppressed A.suspensaJ Chem Ecolpopulations by as much as96%and have been considered as a means of supporting“fly-free”zones to facilitate citrus exports.Methods and MaterialsDiachasmimorpha longicaudata were obtained from a>5-yr-old colony at the USDA-CMAVE and reared as described by Sivinski et al.(1996).Parasitoids were maintained in a climate-controlled room with a temperature range of21–24°C and a relative humidity of65–80%. Chemical Analysis Preliminary chromatographic examina-tions of volatile chemicals collected from cut and attached flower were similar.Therefore,due to the handling ease, flowers used for compound identification were cut from the plant stem as close to floral tissue as possible,and the cut end was surrounded with cotton wool soaked in water. Flower heads were placed in a glass volatile collection chamber(Heath and Manukian1992).This system consists of a chamber(30cm long and4cm outside diameter[OD]) that has a sintered glass frit at the upwind end and a joint outlet with a single-port collector base.Humidified charcoal filtered air was pushed into one end of the chambers and over the flower heads.Air was pulled out the other end via a vacuum system.Air exiting the chamber passed through a volatile collection filter that contained50mg of Super-Q®(Refined Technologies,Woodland,TX,USA)to collect and hold any volatiles.Afterwards,collection filters were eluted with three aliquots of100µl methylene dichloride to remove volatile compounds.Extracts of samples were analyzed by capillary gas liquid chromatography(GC)using a Hewlett Packard5890 (Palo Alto,CA,USA)equipped with a cool on-column injector and flame ionization detector.The column,a 30m×0.25mm(i.d.)SE-30capillary column(Alltech Assoc.,New Gloucester,ME,USA),was attached to a 10-m length of0.25-mm(id)deactivated fused silica as a retention gap,which was in turn attached to a10-cm length of0.5mm id deactivated fused silica in the injector. Helium(linear flow velocity18cm/sec)was used as a carrier gas.The oven temperature and injector temperatures were programmed to go from60°C(held for5min)to 200°C at a rate of10°C/min.Mass spectral analysis was accomplished with an HP6890GC equipped with a DB-5 MS®column(30m×0.25mm ID×0.25µm,)linked to an HP5973mass spectrometer.Both electron impact(70eV) and chemical ionization(isobutene reagent gas)spectra were obtained.Helium was the carrier gas,and a splitless injector(injector temperature of240°C,split valve delay of 0.5min)was used.The oven temperature was held at35°C for1min,then programmed to increase at a rate of10°C/min to230°C,which was held for10min.The ion source temperature was230°C.Tentative identifications were made by comparison of fragmentation patterns with patterns available in the NIST-MS library and libraries developed at USDA-CMAVE(Gainesville,FL,USA). Identifications were confirmed by comparison of chromato-graphic retention times and mass spectra of natural compounds with those of commercially available standards analyzed on the same instrument. Electroantennagrams To determine if male and female D. longicaudata had a sensory response to L.maritima volatiles(see results),extracts were analyzed with a GC interfaced to both flame ionization(FID)and electro-antennograph detectors.In this manner,antennal responses were matched with FID signals for compounds eluting from the GC.V olatile extracts were prepared in the manner described above,and1-µl aliquots were analyzed on a Hewlett-Packard(HP)5890Series II gas chromatograph equipped with an HP-5column(30m×0.32mm ID×0.25mm)(Agilent,Palo Alto,CA,USA).The oven temperature was held at40°C for5min,then programmed to increase to10°C/min to220°C and held at this temperature for5min.Helium was used as a carrier gas at a flow rate of2.0ml/min.A humidified air stream was delivered over the antenna is at1ml/min.The antennae were excised by grasping the scape with jeweler’s forceps(No.5,Miltex Instrument Company Inc, Switzerland)at the base,and the antennae were removed from the head of either male or female wasps.The extreme distal and proximal ends of the antennae were held between gold electrodes in conductivity gel(Syntech,Hilversum, The Netherlands).The electroantennal detector(EAD)and FID signals were concurrently recorded with a GC-EAD program(Syntech GC-EAD2000,Hilversum,The Nether-lands),which analyzed the amplified signals on a PC. Flight Tunnel Bioassays To determine the response of D. longicaudata to various odor sources,parasitoids were observed in three identical flight tunnels.These flight tunnels were constructed of clear Plexiglas and measured 128cm long×32×32cm,and were located inside two climate-controlled greenhouses.Natural sunlight illuminat-ed the chambers.Although the greenhouses were climate controlled,extremes of outside temperatures caused the internal temperature to fluctuate between21°and27°C and relative humidity between60%and85%.Airflow and air speed were maintained at0.3to0.4m/s by using a variable speed fan at the downwind end.This was the speed that stimulated the most flight in D.longicaudata in previous investigations(Messing et al.1997).Odors were released into the anterior end of the tunnel.Two separate chambers that contained either an odor source or a blank-air controlJ Chem Ecolwere housed outside of the flight tunnel.Chambers were constructed from114-l all-glass aquaria(31×61×61cm). Lids were constructed of clear Plexiglas and fit tightly to prevent outside air from entering the chambers.Purified air was passed through the sample chambers at0.3m/s regulated with adjustable flow meters(Aalborg Instru-ments,Monsey,NY,USA)and into the flight tunnel.Each chamber was connected to a trap inside the front end of the tunnel.The traps were located midway between the top and bottom of the tunnel,and were constructed from clear cylindrical plastic vials(9×5cm)placed horizontally.Both cylinders had orange colored snap tight lids and had a1.3-cm hole in the center to allow air to exit.This provided an opening for the parasitoids to enter in search of the odor source.Traps,washed initially with a mild detergent,were changed with each new odor source,and the tubing connecting the traps to volatile-source container was washed with detergent after each replication.In all flight tunnel experiments,25presumably mated (sexes held together for3–7d)parasitoids were used per day.All parasitoids had access to water,but food was withheld for24hr before use in experiments to enhance response to potential food sources.Flight tunnels were checked hourly from0900to1700hours.A parasitoid inside a trap was recorded as a positive response,and was removed and returned to the tunnel after counting.Each day,the tubes connecting the odor chambers to the traps were switched to prevent positional effects.Ripe mango fruit,Mangifera indica L.,and the flower-ing plants were tested as odor sources.Mangos are attractive to D.longicaudata in flight tunnel tests(Eben et al.2000)and were used as a positive control.Flowering plants were in full bloom and contained in2-l plastic pots. Each of the three odor sources was tested individually against a blank control of clean odorless air.There were 10replicates for males alone and10for females alone, each replicate lasting a day.In addition,there were10-d-long replicates of25females and25males together with L.maritima as the odor source.This was done to ensure that any sexual dimorphism in response was not due to undetermined environmental factors present during sepa-rate-sex replications.Acetophenone was loaded on11-mm sleeve stopper natural red rubber septa by dissolving the synthetic material at various doses in methylene chloride and filling the large well of the septa with100µl of solution.Septa were air-dried for24hr and stored in a freezer,except during use in the wind tunnels.During flight tunnel tests,septa were placed in glass airtight containers(2l)that served as the odor chambers.All volatile loaded septa were run against blank septa loaded with100µl of methylene chloride and air-dried as a control.To find the dose that elicited the greatest response, various concentrations were exposed to parasitoids.An initial dose of1mg did not produce a response,and increasingly lower doses were tested until there was no significant response.Each dose was initially run for3d in sequential decreasing order from highest to lowest.Only females were in the wind tunnel.Acetophenone doses used were as follows:1mg,100µg,50µg,10µg,1µg,100ng, 50ng,25ng,10ng,1ng.If any response was seen,then that volatile dose was run for10d with females and10d with males.Statistical Analyses Statistical analyses were conducted by using SAS programming(SAS Institute Inc.2001).Poly-nomial regression analysis(PROC GLM)was used to examine flight responses over time and the interactions of “time of day×volatile source”on response.Analysis of variance(PROC ANOV A)followed by means separation through the Waller test was employed to compare the mean responses to various doses.Note that the protocol for all wind tunnel experiments included the return of captured females to the population inside the tunnel.While this was a simple means of controlling for insect density and environmental history,the summed captures could include multiple responses by a particular insect.This led us,when comparing a particular volatile to its control,to employ the most conservative method available,the nonparametric “paired sign test”(Zar1974)where a consistently greater response over10replicates to a particular source yields a P value of0.01.Mean and variance data should be interpreted in terms of“responses”and not“insects responding”. ResultsVolatile Identification Gas chromatographic analysis of volatiles from the flowers of each plant revealed the presence of surprisingly few compounds(Fig.1a).After subtraction of compounds present in volatiles from both species,only three were unique to volatiles collected from L.maritima,and only a single compound was common to those collected from intact flowers and from excised flowers.Mass spectral analysis(both electron impact(EI) spectra and chemical ionization(CI)spectra)of the unique compound indicated a mass of120amu with significant losses of15(CH3),28(CH2O).Tentative identifications were made by comparison of fragmentation patterns with patterns available in the NIST-MS library and libraries developed at USDA-CMA VE(Fig.1a).Acetophenone(Fig. 1b)(8.96min;C8H8O,molecular weight120.15g/mol [US EPA,1987])showed a large peak in L.maritima volatiles and was not present in those of S.verticillata.J Chem EcolIdentification was confirmed by comparison of GC reten-tion times and MS of natural compounds with those of commercially available standards analyzed on the same instruments (Fig.1c).Electroantennagrams Both male and female D.longicau-data registered a neuronal response that correlated to the putative acetophenone peak present in L.maritima volatile extracts (Fig.2).Of the three females tested,their averageresponses over three exposures to volatiles were areas (mV/time)of 1.2,0.7,and 1.5.Of the three males tested,their average responses over three exposures were 0.4,0.6,and 1.1.Flight Tunnel Bioassays Males showed no significant response to any odor source.In several instances,they were caught in isolation traps,but in general,they exhibited occasional walking and flying behaviors at the rear of the flight tunnel away from the odor source.Females had different responses to various volatiles (F =240.5,df =9,1430,P =0.001),and were more likely to be trapped by some volatiles than by their corresponding controls (F =35.8,df =1,1430,P =0.001).Responses differed over time in a non-linear fashion (F =67.3,df =1,1430,P =0.001)(Fig.3).However,the responses over time were similar among treatments,i.e.,there was no significant interaction between type of volatile and the temporal pattern of response (F =0.68,df =1,1430,P =0.41).Because it was impractical to control the amount of volatiles emitted by fruit and flowers,there was no direct comparison of these non-formulated volatile sources.Both mango and L.maritima significantly elicited female responses,but S.verticillata did not (Fig.4).ThesetestsFig.2Neuronal responses of (a )female and (b )male Diachasmi-morpha longicaudata to the acetophenone present in volatile extracts of Lobularia maritima flowers.The darker line represents the presence of acetophenone as revealed by gas chromatography and the lighter line the response of neurons to the same volatilesampleFig.1(a )GC analysis of chemical constituents of two flowering plant,Lobularia maritima and Spermacoce verticillata ,volatiles as revealed by mass spectra.The arrow indicates the unique presence of acetophenone in L.maritima.(b )Acetophenone molecule.(c )A mass spectroscopy comparison between the putative acetophenone collected from L.maritima and a known synthetic standardJ Chem Ecolwere followed by exposures of parasitoids to formulated doses of acetophenone,the compound present in L.maritima ,but absent in S.verticillata .Of the 10doses tested,four elicited a response from parasitoids (Fig.4).Acetophenone concentrations of 100,50,25,and 10ng all showed significant attraction,with 25-and 50-ng doses being the most attractive (F =3889,df =3,P =0.003;Fig.5).Acetophenone doses of 1mg,100,50,10,and 1µg,and 1ng elicited no response in female parasitoids in the wind tunnel.When both males and females were simultaneously exposed in the wind tunnel to L.maritima flower volatiles,no males entered the isolation chambers,but female response was similar to the single-sex experiment with L.maritima (mean of 0.9[SE 0.07]responses/hourly obser-vation period;paired sign test,greater response to volatile source equal to 10of 10;P =0.01).DiscussionThese experiments provide additional evidence that not all flowers are equally attractive to any one particular species of parasitoid (Jervis et al.1993).In the field,L.maritima caught more Braconidae,specifically unidentified Opiinae,than did S.verticillata (Rohrig 2006).This difference was substantiated in flight tunnel tests that found a significant flight response by the opiine D.longicaudata to L.maritima but not to S.verticillata .In addition to this corroborative evidence in support of the generality that there is variance in the diversity of parasitoids attracted to flowers,there were several novel/unusual findings.These included:(1)the suggestion that there may be broad phylogenetic preferences for certain flowers,i.e.,the common response of at least two allopatric opiines to the pair of flower species (Rohrig 2006);(2)the identification of a compound from a flower volatile that is attractive to a hymenopteran parasitoid;and (3)the sexual dimorphic response to L.maritima ,with only females attracted to either the complete flower volatiles or the isolated compound unique to L.maritima .Direct comparisons of parasitoid olfactory response to different live flowers can lead to ambiguous results.Although the sizes of the plants used and the overall area of flowers present were similar (Rohrig 2006),the amounts of volatiles released may have been different.Even within a species,odor concentration can vary among flower parts and change diurnally as well as seasonally (Bergstrom et al.1995).The identification of the attractive compounds present in floral odors can help overcome this obstacle.Once isolated,compounds can be presented in fixed amounts,thereby reducing variation in the odors encoun-tered by the test insects.Thus,the identification ofFemale response to odor source-40-20020406080100120o d o r s o u r c ett t mangomean parasitoids capturedFig.4Mean (SE)of summed captures/replicate of females Diachasmimorpha longicaudata exposed to various volatiles and their corresponding blank air controlsFig.3Mean (SE)windtunnel captures of female Diachasmimorpha longicaudata over time in response to flowering Lobularia maritimaJ Chem Ecolacetophenone as a compound both unique to L.maritima and attractive to D.longicaudata supports the difference in attractiveness observed between the two whole plants.The isolation of acetophenone also allowed estimation of optimal release rates.Diachasmimorpha longicaudata had a sexually dimor-phic response to all volatiles that elicited flight;male parasitoids were not attracted to any.This was true when the sexes were tested both separately and together,so that unnoticed environmental cues present during single-sex experiments cannot be responsible for the sexual difference.Males did exhibit oriented flight and entered the isolation traps in response to virgin females +fruit +honey solutions in experiments conducted in the same wind tunnels (C.S.,unpublished data).Thus,the lack of response in the present experiments was due to the volatiles used and not because of male inability to perform in the flight tunnel environment.Messing and Jang (1992)had previously found that female D.longicaudata responded to various host fruit stimuli to a greater extent than did males.Similar sexually dimorphic responses to plant materials are not restricted to hymenopteran parasitoids.For instance,females of the tachinid Eucelatoria bryani Sabrosky are attracted to many more plant volatiles,including those of flowers,than are males (Martin et al.1990).There are several possible explanations of why female,and not male D.longicaudata ,are attracted to acetophe-none.For instance,females may have unique nutritional needs that flower nectar provides.Acetophenone possess a flowery smell and is used in the perfume industry in fragrances such as vanilla,honeysuckle,and jasmine (USEPA 1987).It is emitted as a volatile by several flowers including Centaurea scabiosa L.,a species frequently visited by butterflies (Andersson et al.2002),Elsholtziaargyi Dong (Peng and Yang 2005),and Calanthe sieboldi Decne (Awano et al.1997).In the laboratory,D.long-icaudata feeds avidly on juices of fruits that would be commonly encountered while searching fallen fruit for hosts (Sivinski et al.2006).Ground-foraging female para-sitoids,however,would also be in the general vicinity of flowers and could visit them to obtain additional other nutrients (Koptur 2005).The relatively ambiguous labora-tory evidence that flowers are an important adult food sources for D.longicaudata does not offer strong support for this conclusion (Sivinski et al.2006).Maximum longevities were significantly extended in the presence of flowers (including the presently examined species),but there was no difference between the mean longevities of parasitoids provided with flowers and those given only water.Females might also mistake acetophenone for a host-fruit volatile or a male-produced pheromone.It has been isolated from Rambutan fruit (Nephelium lappaceum L.;Ong et al.1998)and guava pulp (Psidium guajava L.)(Idstein and Scherier 1985),and is also produced by a number of diverse insects as a semiochemical (Kohnle et al.1987;Schulz et al.1993;Aldrich et al.1995;Birkett et al.2004).The latter hypothesis likely can be discarded since neither acetophenone nor closely related compounds are present in the male-produced sex pheromone (Nancy Epsky,unpublished data).However,female D.longicaudata might mistake the flower volatile for a fruit cue.Tephritids use odor to locate fruit,and the same ability would be useful to fruit fly parasitoids (Eben et al.2000).Males of both fruit flies and their natural enemies may not have been subject to the same selection pressures as females to develop sensitivity to fruit odor stimuli.For example,when 4-ethyl-acetophenone in the peel of navel oranges (Citrus sinensis Osbeck)was used as an odor source in electroantennogram studies of Ceratitis capitata (Weid.),the Mediterranean fruit fly,it elicited a significant voltage spike in females,but not in males (Hernandez et al.1996).Levinson et al.(2003)found that female C.capitata sensilla were significantly more respon-sive to orange odor than male sensilla.Electroantennagrams showed that male D.longicaudata sensed acetophenone,but it did not elicit a behavioral response.Regardless of the significance of the acetophenone response,it may lend itself to improved traps and ultimately better control procedures.There are no efficient synthetic lures and traps available to monitor opiine parasitoid populations in the field (Messing 1992).At present,most monitoring and delineation of fruit fly parasitoids is accomplished through laborious and time-consuming fruit sampling (Montoya et al.2000;Sivinski et al.2000).An improved trapping system would prove valuable in several ways.It could be used to determine the presenceofFig.5Mean (SE)captures of female Diachasmimorpha longicaudata exposed to various doses of acetophenone.The regression line fits only those doses that elicited a significant response.Means that share a letter are not significantly differentJ Chem Ecol。
