Support Vector Regression Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationships (QSAR) for Benzodi
关键词:机器学习;支持向量机;长短期记忆网络;随机森林;极端梯度提升树中图分类号:TP312 文献标识码:AResearch on Stock Index Futures Price Prediction Modelbased on Machine Learning AlgorithmsYANG Xuewei(School of Economics and Management, Qinghai University for Nationalities, Xining 810007, China)*****************Abstract: With the combination of artificial intelligence technology and quantitative investment, various price prediction models based on machine learning algorithms have emerged. In order to study the effect of different machine learning algorithms on stock index futures price prediction, this paper proposes to use four commonly used machine learning algorithms, namely SVR (Support Vector Regression), LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), RF (Random Forest) and XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting), to construct a price prediction model, so as to predict the stock index futures price of Shanghai and Shenzhen 300. Bayesian algorithm is used to optimize the hyperparameters of the model, and the improvement effect of Bayesian optimization on the prediction accuracy of the four machine learning algorithms is compared. The research results show that RF and XGBoost can achieve accurate prediction of financial time series data due to their own advantages, while Bayesian optimization can significantly improve the prediction effect of support vector machines by using Gaussian process and constantly updating the prior. MSE, MAE,SMAPE and LOSS are reduced by 78.6%, 94.7%, 95.1% and 97.0% respectively.Keywords: machine learning; SVR; LSTM; RF; XGBoost1 引言(Introduction)宏觀经济背景、金融市场发展水平和投资者心理预期等多种复杂因素共同驱动金融工具价格变化,使得金融时序价格具有非平稳性、非线性和高噪声的复杂特性[1]。
支持向量回归用于氨基酸描述符在肽QSAR建模中的性能评价(黑体三号、居中)应用化学2008级学号2008123 张明康(宋体小四号、居中)任课教师印家健副教授(宋体小四号、居中)摘要:(宋体小四号、加粗、顶格)采用支持向量回归方法用3个数据集来评价z-scales、c-scales、ISA-ECI、MS-WHIM、PRIN等5个氨基酸描述符在肽QSAR支持向量回归模型构建中的性能并对核函数进行选择,采用留一法交叉检验的结果显示径向基核函数要好于多项式核函数和线性核函数;在以径向基核函数的支持向量回归模型中表明z-scales的预测准确度要略优于其它描述符,且在同一描述符的情况下SVR的预测效果要好于其它线性方法,说明SVR在肽QSAR模型构建中是一个可行的方法。
(中文用楷体小四号、英文用Times New Roman小四号、两端对齐)关键词:(宋体小四号、加粗、顶格)肽,定量构效关系,核函数,支持向量回归,性能评价(楷体小四号、两端对齐)(关键词间,用逗号隔开)多肽具有高活性、高选择性及副作用小的特点,是维持生命过程中必不可少的物质,目前已成为药物研究的热点之一。
在多肽类似物的研究和开发中,定量构效关系(Quantitative structure-activity relationships,QSAR)是一个重要的理论计算方法和常用手段。
目前在肽QSAR模型中常用的氨基酸描述符主要有:基于实验的z-scales[1]、基于理论计算的t-scales[3]、ISA(isotropic surface area)-ECI(electronic charge index)[4]、MS-WHIM scores[5]、PRIN[6]、c-scales[7]以及基于分子拓扑学的MHDV(molecular holographic distance vector)及其衍变的拓扑描述符[8-10]。
支持向量回归模型,径向基函数1.引言1.1 概述概述支持向量回归模型是一种机器学习算法,用于解决回归问题。
它基于支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,简称SVM)算法发展而来,相比于传统的回归模型,支持向量回归模型具有更强的鲁棒性和泛化能力。
在本篇文章中,主要分为以下几个章节:1. 引言:- 1.1 概述:简要介绍支持向量回归模型和径向基函数的背景和概念。
- 1.2 文章结构:对整篇文章的章节和内容进行概述,让读者知道接下来会涉及到哪些内容。
- 1.3 目的:明确本文的研究目的和动机。
1 滚动轴承故障检测
2 支持向量机方法
支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)是一种基于机器学习的分类方法,用于检测和识别设备和系统中存在的故障模式。
在给出几何间隔的定义之前,咱们首先来看下,如上图所示,对于一个 点 x , 令其垂直投影到超平面上的对应的为 x0 ,由于 w 是垂直于超平 面的一个向量, 为样本 x 到分类间隔的距离,我们有
是这样的么?当然不是,详情请见本文评论下第 43 楼)
当然,有些时候,或者说大部分时候数据并不是线性可分的,这个时候满足 这样条件的超平面就根本不存在(不过关于如何处理这样的问题我们后面会讲), 这里先从最简单的情形开始推导,就假设数据都是线性可分的,亦即这样的超平 面是存在的。 更进一步,我们在进行分类的时候,将数据点 x 代入 f(x) 中,如果得 到的结果小于 0 ,则赋予其类别 -1 ,如果大于 0 则赋予类别 1 。如 果 f(x)=0,则很难办了,分到哪一类都不是。
支持向量机通俗导论(理解 SVM 的三层境界)
作者:July、pluskid 致谢:白石、JerryLead 本 PDF 制作者:吴新隆
联系作者:/julyweibo 出处:/v_july_v
动笔写这个支持向量机(support vector machine)是费了不少劲和困难的, 原因很简单, 一者这个东西本身就并不好懂,要深入学习和研究下去需花费不少 时间和精力,二者这个东西也不好讲清楚,尽管网上已经有朋友写得不错了(见 文末参考链接),但在描述数学公式的时候还是显得不够。得益于同学白石的数 学证明,我还是想尝试写一下,希望本文在兼顾通俗易懂的基础上,真真正正能 足以成为一篇完整概括和介绍支持向量机的导论性的文章。 本文在写的过程中,参考了不少资料,包括《支持向量机导论》、《统计学 习方法》及网友 pluskid 的支持向量机系列等等,于此,还是一篇学习笔记,只 是加入了自己的理解和总结,有任何不妥之处,还望海涵。全文宏观上整体认识 支持向量机的概念和用处,微观上深究部分定理的来龙去脉,证明及原理细节, 力求逻辑清晰 & 通俗易懂。 同时,阅读本文时建议大家尽量使用 chrome 等浏览器,如此公式才能更好 的显示,再者,阅读时可拿张纸和笔出来,把本文所有定理.公式都亲自推导一 遍或者直接打印下来(可直接打印网页版或本 PDF,享受随时随地思考、演算的 极致快感),在文稿上演算。 Ok,还是那句原话,有任何问题,欢迎任何人随时不吝指正 & 赐教,感谢。
支持向量机回归模型英文专业名词Support Vector Regression (SVR) is a powerful machine learning technique that extends the principles of Support Vector Machines (SVM) to tackle regression problems. Unlike SVMs which are primarily used for classification, SVR models are adept at predicting continuous values.SVR operates by finding the optimal hyperplane that best fits the data within a margin of error, known as the epsilon-tube. This tube encapsulates the data points, allowing for some degree of error, which is crucial for handling real-world data that may contain noise.One of the key features of SVR is its ability to handle non-linear relationships through the use of kernel functions. These functions transform the input data into a higher-dimensional space where a linear regression can be applied, thus making SVR versatile for complex datasets.Regularization is another important aspect of SVR, which helps in preventing overfitting by controlling the model's complexity. The regularization parameter, often denoted as C, plays a pivotal role in balancing the trade-off between achieving a low error and maintaining model simplicity.In practice, SVR models require careful tuning of parameters such as C, the kernel type, and kernel parameters to achieve optimal performance. Cross-validation techniquesare commonly used to find the best combination of these parameters for a given dataset.SVR has been successfully applied in various fields, including finance for predicting stock prices, in medicine for forecasting patient outcomes, and in engineering for modeling complex systems. Its robustness and adaptability make it a valuable tool in the machine learning toolkit.Despite its advantages, SVR can be computationally intensive, especially with large datasets, due to the quadratic programming problem it needs to solve. However, with the advancement of computational resources and optimization algorithms, SVR remains a viable option for regression tasks.。
简述svm中的kkt条件(一)SVM中的KKT条件1. 简介SVM(Support Vector Machine)是一种常用的机器学习算法,广泛应用于分类问题。
2. KKT条件的定义KKT条件是一组线性不等式和等式的约束条件,对于SVM而言,包括下列三个条件:1.Primal Feasibility(原始可行性):对于所有的样本i,满足以下条件:equation1equation12.Dual Feasibility(对偶可行性):对于所有的样本i,满足以下条件:equation2equation2plementary Slackness(互补松弛):对于所有的样本i,满足以下条件:equation3equation33. 解释和解读KKT条件原始可行性•原始可行性条件要求所有样本的约束条件都满足,即所有样本的输出y和预测值f(x)之间的差异不超过容忍范围,其中xi为输入样本,yi为标签。
4. KKT条件的意义KKT条件为SVM提供了一个判断最优解的标准。
5. 总结KKT条件对于理解和应用SVM算法具有重要意义。
就构造径向基核函数的回归LS-SVM而言,有r和σ2两个参数需要确 定。r是正则化参数,也就是惩罚系数,用来控制回归函数的拟合误 差,r值越大,拟合误差越小,相应的训练时间也就越长,但是r过大 会导致过拟合; σ2是核函数参数,表示径向基核函数的宽度, σ2越 小,拟合误差变小,相应的训练时间也就变长了,但是σ2过小,会 导致过拟合。所以参数必须进行精心地选择。对整个样本数据集,任 选约占其总数2/3的数据组成训练集以建立 LS-SVM模型;其余约1/3的 数据组成测试数据集以测试模型性能。
• 最后写成矩阵的形式
其中,z=[Φ (X1)…Φ (XN)]T,y=[y1…..yN],1N=[1…..1]T,ξ=[ξ 1... ξ N]T, α=[α 1…α N]T非线性函数分类的ZZT内积运算可用满足 Mercer条件的核函数K(xi,xj)替代,令 =ZZT,则
对于LS-SVM而言,确定核函数和相关参数(核参数和正则化参数r)是关 LS-SVM ( r) 键步骤。建立最优模型就是确定最优的核函数及其相关参数,从而使 得模型测试误差最小,这个过程通常称作模型选择。不同的核函数和 相关参数使得回归LS-SVM具有不同的泛化性能。模型选择是SVM算 法的一个难点,也是个重点。
统计学习因此而引入了泛化误差界的概念,就是指真实风险应该 由两部分内容刻画,一是经验风险,代表了分类器在给定样本上的误 差;二是置信风险,代表了我们在多大程度上可以信任分类器在未知 文本上分类的结果。很显然,第二部分是没有办法精确计算的,因此 只能给出一个估计的区间,也使得整个误差只能计算上界,而无法计 算准确的值(所以叫做泛化误差界,而不叫泛化误差)。 置信风险与两个量有关,一是样本数量,显然给定的样本数量越大, 我们的学习结果越有可能正确,此时置信风险越小;二是分类函数的 VC维,显然VC维越大,推广能力越差,置信风险会变大。统计学习 的目标从经验风险最小化变为了寻求经验风险与置信风险的和最小, 即结构风险最小。
热带作物学报2022, 43(6): 1191 1199Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops利用多种回归模型对比估算琯溪蜜柚叶片钾素含量栗方亮,孔庆波*,张青福建省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所,福建福州 350013摘要:钾素是蜜柚营养三要素之一,是准确诊断和定量评价生长状况的重要指标,建立合适的蜜柚叶片钾素含量高光谱估算模型,为实现快速、无损、精确的钾素含量估测提供依据。
在513~598 nm和699~735 nm 处,蜜柚叶片钾素含量与原始光谱反射率呈显著负相关,最大负相关系数分别为‒0.47(554 nm)和‒0.45(715 nm)。
在507~552 nm和691~711 nm处,蜜柚叶片钾素含量与一阶微分光谱反射率呈显著负相关,最大负相关系数分别为‒0.54(528 nm)和‒0.53(702 nm);在557~655 nm处,二者呈显著正相关,最大正相关系数为0.58(579 nm)。
选择554、715、528、579、702 nm构建光谱参数,建立差值植被指数(DVIλ1, λ2)、比值植被指数(RVIλ1, λ2)和归一化植被指数(NDVIλ1, λ2)等,其中与蜜柚叶片钾素含量相关性较好的光谱参量为NDVI′579,702、RVI554,715、RVI′528,579、R′579。
解释支持向量回归模型中的预测结果支持向量回归(Support Vector Regression, SVR)是一种机器学习算法,用于解决回归问题。
在这种情况下,SVR 会根据训练数据范围内与超平面最近的支持向量来进行预测。
环 氧 酶(cyclo.oxygen—ase,COX)全称 为环 氧 化物 水解 酶 ,是 前 列腺素 (prostaglandin,PG)合 成所 必 需的酶 ,也是 PG 合成 初始 过
[摘 要 1选 择性 抑制 环 截 酶 2 珂 以达 到 消 炎镇痛 的 秘豹 本 文应 用 支 持 向璧 回归 机 、k 最近 邻 以及 C4.5 决策 树三 种 机器 学 习方法 建 立 了
COX 2抑 制剂 的 回归模 型 ,分 析其 定 量构 效关 系 。本 文又 对三 个模 型 的预测 效 果进 行 了评价 ,误差 均能 满足 精度 要求 。最 后 本 文 比较 了它 们
广 东 化 工
ww w .gdchem .cor n
2018年 第 1 5期 第 45卷 总 第 377期
COX.2抑制剂 的定量 构效关 系研 究
李 秉 轲 ,刘 杰 ,刘 军 ,赵 庆 吴 ,马 艺 飞
(成都 帅 范学 院 化 学 与生 命科 学学 院/功能 分 予研 宄所 , 旧JIl成都 6l1 l30)
的 优缺 点和 适用 范 围 。 [关键 词】支 持 向量 回归机 ;k最 近邻 :C4 5决 策树 ;cox-2抑 制剂 ; 定量 构效 关 系
(中 图分类 号】TQ
【文 献标 识码 】A
【文 章编 号]i007-1865(2018)15—0062—02
支持向量回归模型参数支持向量回归(Support Vector Regression,SVR)是一种用于回归问题的机器学习方法。
以下是一些关键参数:1. 核函数:选择合适的核函数是支持向量回归中的重要步骤。
常用的核函数有线性核、多项式核、径向基函数(Radial basis function,RBF)等。
2. 惩罚参数C:惩罚参数C用于平衡模型的复杂度和训练误差。
较大的C 值会导致模型复杂度增加,而较小的C值可能导致欠拟合。
3. ε不敏感损失函数:ε-不敏感损失函数用于测量预测值与实际值之间的误差。
4. 核函数的参数:对于使用核函数的支持向量回归,还需要调整核函数的参数。
5. 特征缩放:在某些情况下,特征的尺度可能会影响支持向量回归的性能。
6. 正则化:正则化是一种防止过拟合的技术,通过在损失函数中添加一项来惩罚模型的复杂性。
7. 初始化参数:在某些实现中,初始化参数也可能是一个重要的考虑因素。
解释支持向量回归模型中的预测结果支持向量回归(Support Vector Regression,SVR)是一种常用的回归分析方法,它基于支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)算法,并在此基础上进行了改进。
在SVR中,常用的核函数有线性核函数、多项式核函数和径向基函数(Radial Basis Function, RBF)等。
SVR的预测结果具有以下特点:1. 鲁棒性:SVR能够处理具有噪声和异常值的数据。
2. 非线性拟合能力:通过使用核函数,SVR能够处理非线性回归问题。
3. 稀疏解:由于支持向量是决定最优超平面的关键点,它们是训练样本中最接近超平面的点。
4. 参数调节:在支持向量回归模型中,有一些参数需要调节以获得更好地拟合效果。
支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,简称SVM)是一种常用的机器学习算法,可以用于异常检测。
二、支持向量机的工作原理支持向量机的工作原理可以简单概括为以下几个步骤:1. 数据预处理:异常检测通常需要对原始数据进行预处理,包括数据清洗、特征选择和特征缩放等。
2. 特征提取:支持向量机需要将数据转换为向量形式进行处理。
3. 模型训练:使用标记好的训练数据,通过支持向量机算法进行模型训练。
4. 异常检测:使用训练好的模型对新的数据进行异常检测。
三、支持向量机在异常检测中的应用支持向量机在异常检测中有广泛的应用,以下列举几个常见的领域:1. 金融欺诈检测:支持向量机可以通过分析用户的交易行为,识别出潜在的欺诈行为,帮助金融机构提高风险控制能力。
2. 网络入侵检测:支持向量机可以分析网络流量数据,识别出异常的网络行为,帮助网络管理员及时发现并应对潜在的入侵威胁。
3. 工业生产异常检测:支持向量机可以分析生产过程中的传感器数据,识别出异常的工艺参数,帮助企业提高生产效率和产品质量。
支持向量机(support vector machine)是一种分类算法,通过寻求结构化风险最小来提高学习机泛化能力,实现经验风险和置信范围的最小化,从而达到在统计样本量较少的情况下,亦能获得良好统计规律的目的。
matlab 向量回归svr非参数方法进行拟合 -回复
matlab 向量回归svr非参数方法进行拟合-回复MATLAB是一种强大的数学计算工具,它支持多种回归方法。
本文将介绍一种非参数方法,即支持向量回归(Support Vector Regression,简称SVR),并使用MATLAB进行向量回归拟合。
文章主要包括以下内容:SVR 的基本原理、MATLAB中的相关工具和函数、数据准备、SVR模型训练和测试、结果分析和总结。
1. SVR的基本原理SVR是一种非参数回归方法,它基于支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,简称SVM)的思想,通过在特征空间上学习一个最优超平面,来进行回归分析。
2. MATLAB中的相关工具和函数MATLAB提供了一些用于支持向量回归的工具箱和函数,包括Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox和Support Vector Machines Toolbox。
其中,Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox 提供了一些基本的SVR函数,如fitrsvm用于训练SVR模型,predict用于预测;Support Vector Machines Toolbox则提供了更多高级的SVR 算法和函数。
3. 数据准备在使用SVR进行回归分析前,我们需要准备好训练数据和测试数据。
调强放射治疗自动计划技术的研究进展范嘉伟【摘要】逆向调强放疗(intensity-modulated radiation therapy,IMRT)技术在保证靶区接收足够照射剂量的同时极大地降低了正常组织的受照剂量.在IMRT治疗计划的设计过程中,需要进行多次尝试与优化才能在提高靶区覆盖率与减少正常组织受照剂量的矛盾中找到平衡点.这种常规的计划设计过程十分繁杂,而且很大程度上依赖于设计者自身的经验,缺乏统一的规范和评判标准.因此,如果可以在复杂的优化过程之前就利用某些方法(例如自动计划算法)预测出最终的计划结果,将会提高计划的设计效率和质量.该研究将对放射治疗中自动计划技术的研究进展做一综述.【期刊名称】《中国癌症杂志》【年(卷),期】2018(028)006【总页数】4页(P435-438)【关键词】逆向调强放疗;计划预测;自动计划【作者】范嘉伟【作者单位】复旦大学附属肿瘤医院放射治疗科,复旦大学上海医学院肿瘤学系,上海 200032【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R73-37近年来,随着计算机及加速器技术的迅猛发展,逆向调强放疗(intensity-modulated radiation therapy,IMRT)技术在保证靶区接收足够照射剂量的同时极大地降低了正常组织的受照剂量。
1 放射治疗自动计划研究的临床意义优质的IMRT计划需要专用的治疗计划系统(treatment planning system,TPS),也需要熟悉该系统的计划设计者不断尝试和反复修改(trial and error)。
与传统统计学相比, 统计学习理论(Statistical LearningTheory 或SLT ) 是一种专门研究小样本情况下机器学习规律的理论Vladimir N. Vapnik 等人从六、七十年代开始致力于此方面研究,到九十年代中期,随着其理论的不断发展和成熟[17] ,也由于神经网络等学习方法在理论上缺乏实质性进展, 统计学习理论开始受到越来越广泛的重视。
它能将很多现有方法纳入其中,有望帮助解决许多原来难以解决的问题(比如神经网络结构选择问题、局部极小点问题)等;同时, 在这一理论基础上发展了一种新的通用学习方法—支持向量机(Support Vector Machine 或SVM ) ,它已初步表现出很多优于已有方法的性能。
支持向量机中的模型评估指标解析支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)是一种常用的机器学习算法,广泛应用于分类和回归问题。
四、ROC曲线和AUC值ROC曲线(Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve)是一种用于评估二分类模型性能的可视化工具。
ROC曲线的横轴表示假阳性率(False Positive Rate,FPR),纵轴表示真阳性率(True Positive Rate,TPR),即召回率。
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CODEN IEJMAT Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design 2005,4, 181–193ISSN 1538–6414B ioC hem Press Copyright © 2005io hem PressInter netFebruary 2005, Volume 4, Number 2, Pages 181–193Editor: Ovidiu IvanciucSupport Vector Regression Quantitative Structure–ActivityRelationships (QSAR) for Benzodiazepine Receptor LigandsOvidiu IvanciucSealy Center for Structural Biology, Department of Human Biological Chemistry & Genetics,University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77555–0857Received: August 29, 2004; Revised: November 26, 2004; Accepted: December 4, 2004; Published: February 28, 2005 Citation of the article:O. Ivanciuc, Support Vector Regression Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationships (QSAR) for Benzodiazepine Receptor Ligands, Internet Electron. J. Mol. Des.2005,4, 181–193, .O. IvanciucInternet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design 2005,4, 181–193 B io C hem Press Inter net Journalof Molecular Design io hem Press Support Vector Regression Quantitative Structure–ActivityRelationships (QSAR) for Benzodiazepine Receptor LigandsOvidiu Ivanciuc *Sealy Center for Structural Biology, Department of Human Biological Chemistry & Genetics,University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77555–0857Received: August 29, 2004; Revised: November 26, 2004; Accepted: December 4, 2004; Published: February 28, 2005Internet Electron. J. Mol. Des .2005,4 (2), 181–193AbstractSupport vector machines were developed by Vapnik as an effective algorithm for determining an optimalhyperplane to separate two classes of patterns. Comparative studies showed that support vector classification(SVC) usually gives better predictions than other classification methods. In a short period of time SVC foundsignificant applications in bioinformatics and computational biology, such as cancer diagnosis, prediction ofprotein fold, secondary structure, protein–protein interactions, and subcellular localization. Using various lossfunctions, the support vector method was extended for regression (support vector regression, SVR). SVR canhave significant applications in QSAR (quantitative structure–activity relationships) if it is able to predict betterthan other well–established QSAR models. In this study we compare QSAR models obtained with multiplelinear regression (MLR) and SVR for the benzodiazepine receptor affinity using a set of 52 pyrazolo[4,3–c ]quinolin–3–ones. Both models were developed with five structural descriptors, namely the Hammett electronicparameter V R', the molar refractivity MR R8, the Sterimol parameter L R'4', an indicator variable I (1/0) for 7–substituted compounds, and the Sterimol parameter B 5R . Extensive simulations using the dot, polynomial, radialbasis function, neural, and anova kernels show that the best predictions are obtained with the neural kernel. Theprediction power of the QSAR models was tested with complete cross–validation: leave–one–out, leave–5%–out, leave–10%–out, leave–20%–out, and leave–25%–out. While for the leave–one–out test SVR is better thanMLR (q 2LOO,MLR = 0.481, RMSE LOO,MLR = 0.82; q 2LOO,SVR = 0.511, RMSE LOO,SVR = 0.80), in the more difficulttest of leave–25%–out, MLR is better than SVR (q 2L25%O,MLR = 0.470, RMSE L25%O,MLR = 0.83; q 2L25%O,SVR =0.432, RMSE L25%O,SVR = 0.86). The results obtained in the present study indicate that SVR applications in QSARmust be compared with other models, in order to determine if their use brings any prediction improvement.Despite many over–optimistic expectations, support vector regression can overfit the data, and SVR predictionsmay be worse than those obtained with linear models.Keywords. Support vector machines; support vector regression; benzodiazepine receptor; quantitative structure–activity relationships; QSAR.1 INTRODUCTIONBenzodiazepine receptor (BzR) ligands (either benzodiazepines or structurally unrelated chemical compounds) act as modulators of the J –aminobutyric acid (GABA) binding to its receptor, by altering the transmembrane chloride ion conductance [1–4]. The interest for developing new* Correspondence author; E–mail: ovidiu_ivanciuc@.Support Vector Regression QSAR for Benzodiazepine Receptor LigandsInternet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design 2005,4, 181–193 182B ioC hem Press BzR ligands is stimulated by their ability to induce a wide spectrum of central effects, from full agonism through antagonism to inverse agonism. Full agonists have anticonvulsant, sedative, anxiolytic, amnesic effects. Full inverse agonists have proconvulsant, anxiogenic, cognition enhancement, reversal of alcohol effects. Antagonists have a selective blockade of the effects of both agonists and inverse agonists. NN NO H 67892'3'4'R R'Figure 1. General formula for the pyrazolo[4,3–c ]quinolin–3–ones 1–52.The search for BzR specific ligands resulted in the synthesis of a wide diversity of compounds, many of them structurally not related to benzodiazepine. A recent review presents quantitative structure–activity relationships (QSAR) derived from 66 sets of non–benzodiazepine BzR ligands[1]. From these data sets, we have selected a group of 52 pyrazolo[4,3–c ]quinolin–3–ones [2] (Figure 1, Table 1) to compare multiple linear regression (MLR) with a new multivariate procedure, support vector regression (SVR).Support vector machines were introduced by Vapnik [5–7] as a powerful tool for pattern classification in two classes by determining an optimal hyperplane that separates the classes [8–15]. The SVM algorithm generates a separating hypersurface in the input space that optimally separates two classes of patterns. In the first step, using various kernels that perform a nonlinear mapping, the input space is transformed into a higher dimensional feature space. Then, a maximal margin hyperplane (MMH) is computed in the feature space. MMH maximizes the distance to the hyperplane of the closest patterns from the two classes. While initially support vector machines were developed for data classification, the algorithm was extended to regression by defining alternative loss functions (quadratic, Laplace, Huber, or H –insensitive) [16–21]. SVM found interesting applications in bioinformatics and computational biology, such as for the classification of protein domain–architecture [22], brain tumor [23], cancer [24], protein class [25], cysteines[26], viral proteins [27], enzyme class [28], protein–protein interaction [29], subcellular localization[30], subcellular localization [31], membrane protein [32], and transmembrane segments [33]. The SVM applications is cheminformatics and computational chemistry are also mainly related to classification of various chemical species: odor of pyrazines [34], urine samples [35], toxicants[36], carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [37], cancer biomarkers [38], mutagenic compounds [39], drug–like substances [40], tea [41], fragrance [42], organophosphate nerve agentsO. IvanciucInternet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design 2005,4, 181–193[43], mechanism of toxic action [44–46].The quantitative modeling and prediction of physical, chemical and biological properties of chemical compounds is usually made with regression methods, and several support vector regression applications in cheminformatics are reported [47–49]. While SVR seems attractive for QSAR applications, the method is relatively new and few comparative studies provide support for support vector regression, in comparison with other well–established QSAR models. In this study we compare QSAR models obtained with MLR and SVR for the benzodiazepine receptor affinity using a set of 52 pyrazolo[4,3–c]quinolin–3–ones [1,2].2 MATERIALS AND METHODS2.1 Chemical DataIn a recent study, a series of 2–aryl(heteroaryl)–2,5–dihydropyrazolo[4,3–c]quinolin–3–(3H)–ones were tested as benzodiazepine receptor ligands [2]. A Hansch–type QSAR was developed for 52 compounds from this series [1], using as descriptors the following substituent indices: the Hammett electronic parameter for the substituent R', V R'; the molar refractivity for the R8 substituent, MR R8; the Sterimol parameter L for the R'4' substituent, L R'4'; an indicator variable I (1/0) for 7–substituted compounds; the Sterimol B5 parameter for the R substituent, B5R. From the large number of QSAR models for BzR ligands reported in [1] we selected this data set because it has a fairly large number of compounds, and the MLR correlation coefficient (r c al = 0.798) is not too high and might be improved by non–linear regressions if the relationship between structural descriptors and the biological activity is non–linear. The compounds from Table 1 were tested for their ability to displace [3H]–flunitrazepam binding from rate brain membranes. The structure of the chemical compounds, values for the five theoretical descriptors, and the biological activity (log 1/IC50) are presented in Table 1.2.2 Support Vector RegressionAll SVR models from the present paper were obtained with mySVM [50], which is freely available for download. Before computing the SVM model, the input vectors were scaled to zero mean and unit variance. The prediction power of the QSAR models (MLR and SVR) was tested with complete cross–validation: leave–one–out (LOO), leave–5%–out (L5%O), leave–10%–out (L10%O), leave–20%–out (L20%O), and leave–25%–out (L25%O). The capacity parameter C was optimized for each SVM model. The influence of the kernel type on the SVM performances was extensively explored using various kernels, namely the dot, polynomial, radial basis function, neural, and anova kernels. We present below the kernels and their parameters used in this study. The SVR performance is greatly influenced by the kernel type and parameters.B ioC hem Press Support Vector Regression QSAR for Benzodiazepine Receptor LigandsInternet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design 2005,4, 181–193 184B ioC hem Press Table 1. Structure of the chemical compounds (see Figure 1), theoretical descriptors (the Hammett electronic parameter V R', the molar refractivity MR R8; the Sterimol parameter L R'4'; an indicator variable I (1/0) for 7–substituted compounds; the Sterimol parameter B 5R ), and binding data for the displacement of [3H]–flunitrazepam, log 1/IC 50 [1].V R'R8R'4'5R 502H 4–Cl 0.23 0.103 3.52 0 1 9.00 3H 4–OCH 3–0.27 0.103 3.98 0 1 9.17 46–F H 0 0.103 2.06 0 1.35 8.16 56–CF 3 H 0 0.103 2.06 0 3.07 5.73 66–OCH 3 H 0 0.103 2.06 0 1 5.66 78–F H 0 0.092 2.06 0 1 9.54 88–F 3–NH 2–0.16 0.092 2.06 0 1 9.26 98–F 4–OCH 3–0.27 0.092 3.98 0 1 9.48 108–F 4–OH –0.37 0.092 2.74 0 1 9.34 118–Cl H 0 0.600 2.06 0 1 9.37 128–OCH 3 H 0 0.787 2.06 0 1 9.17 138–OC 2H 5 H 0 1.247 2.06 0 1 8.85 148–C 4H 9 H 0 1.959 2.06 0 1 9.00 158–C 4H 9 4–COOH 0.45 1.959 3.91 0 1 5.93 168–cyC 6H 11 H 0 2.669 3.91 0 1 8.35 178–cyC 6H 11 4–COOH 0.45 2.669 3.91 0 1 5.55 188–OCH 2C 6H 5 H 0 3.219 2.06 0 1 7.75 198–OCF 3 H 0 0.786 2.06 0 1 9.15 208–OCF 3 2–F 0.06 0.786 2.06 0 1 9.40 218–OCF 3 2–Cl 0.23 0.786 2.06 0 1 8.60 228–OCF 3 2–CH 3–0.17 0.786 2.06 0 1 8.47 238–OCF 3 3–Br 0.39 0.786 3.82 0 1 7.46 248–OCF 3 3–CH 3–0.07 0.786 2.87 0 1 8.20 258–OCF 3 3–Cl 0.37 0.786 3.52 0 1 7.62 268–OCF 3 3–NO 2 0.71 0.786 3.44 0 1 7.20 278–OCF 3 3–NH 2–0.16 0.786 2.78 0 1 9.62 288–OCF 3 4–Br 0.23 0.786 3.82 0 1 7.82 298–OCF 3 4–CH 3–0.17 0.786 2.87 0 1 8.79 308–OCF 3 4–Cl 0.23 0.786 3.52 0 1 7.90 318–OCF 3 4–F 0.06 0.786 2.65 0 1 9.00 328–OCF 3 4–NO 2 0.78 0.786 3.44 0 1 7.40 338–OCF 3 4–OCH 3–0.27 0.786 3.98 0 1 9.22 348–OCF 3 4–OH –0.37 0.786 2.74 0 1 9.63 359–OH H 0 0.103 2.06 0 1 9.62 369–OCH 3 H 0 0.103 2.06 0 1 8.84 376,8–F H 0 0.092 2.06 0 1.35 7.87 386,8–F 3–F 0.34 0.092 2.06 0 1.35 8.02 396,8–F 4–Br 0.23 0.092 3.82 0 1.35 6.79 406,8–F 4–OCH 3–0.27 0.092 3.98 0 1.35 8.12 416,8–F 2–pyridyl–2c –yl0.17 0.092 2.06 0 1.35 7.82 426,8–F 2–pyrimidyl–2c –yl0.53 0.092 2.06 0 1.35 6.47 437,9–Cl H 0 0.103 2.06 1 1 8.43 446,7,8–F H 0 0.092 2.06 1 1.35 7.70 456,7,8–F 4–CH 3–0.17 0.092 2.87 1 1.35 7.15 466,7,8–F 4–Cl 0.23 0.092 3.52 1 1.35 7.13 476,7,8–F 4–F 0.06 0.092 2.65 1 1.35 7.68 486,7,8–F 4–OCH 3–0.27 0.092 3.98 1 1.35 8.14 497,8,9–OCH 3 H 0 0.787 2.06 1 1 8.90 507,8,9–OCH 3 4–COOH 0.45 0.787 3.91 1 1 5.52 517,8,9–OCH 32–pyridyl–2c –yl0.17 0.787 2.06 1 1 8.50 527,8,9–OCH 3 2–pyrimidyl–2–yl 0.53 0.787 2.06 1 1 7.24O. IvanciucInternet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design 2005,4, 181–193 B io C hem Press The dot kernel. The inner product of x and y defines the dot kernel:y x y x K ),((1)The polynomial kernel. The polynomial of degree d (values 2, 3, 4, and 5) in the variables x and y defines the polynomial kernel:d y x y x K )1(),( (2)The radial kernel. The following exponential function in the variables x and y defines the radial basis function kernel, with the shape controlled by the parameter J (values 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0):)||||exp(),(2y x y x K J (3)The neural kernel. The hyperbolic tangent function in the variables x and y defines the neural kernel, with the shape controlled by the parameters a (values 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0) and b (values 0, 1, and 2):)tanh(),(b y ax y x K (4)The anova kernel. The sum of exponential functions in x and y defines the anova kernel, with the shape controlled by the parameters J (values 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0) and d (values 1, 2, and3):d i i i y x y x K ¸¹·¨©§ J ¦))(exp(),((5)3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION3.1 Multiple Linear Regression QSARThe calibration and cross–validation results for the MLR QSAR model are presented in Eq. (6). The values in parenthesis represent the confidence interval for the MLR parameters at the 95% level. For each cross–validation experiment we present the correlation coefficient r ,q 2, and root mean square error RMSE.log 1/IC 50 = 11.538(±2.869) –2.320(±0.577) V R' –0.294(±0.073) MR R8 –0.326(±0.081) L R'4'–0.560(±0.139)I –1.795(±0.446) B 5R n = 52r cal = 0.798 RMSE cal = 0.69s cal = 0.73 F cal = 16.18r LOO = 0.721q 2LOO = 0.481 RMSE LOO = 0.82r L5%O = 0.716q 2L5%O = 0.458 RMSE L5%O = 0.84r L10%O = 0.711q 2L10%O = 0.448 RMSE L10%O = 0.85r L20%O = 0.733q 2L20%O = 0.502 RMSE L20%O = 0.81r L25%O = 0.712q 2L25%O = 0.470 RMSE L25%O = 0.83 (6)The partial correlation coefficients are: r (V R') = –0.587, r (MR R8) = –0.146, r (L R'4') = –0.262, r (I )= –0.221, r (B 5R ) = –0.403. These values show that the Hammett electronic substituent is the mostSupport Vector Regression QSAR for Benzodiazepine Receptor LigandsInternet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design 2005,4, 181–193 186B ioC hem Press important descriptor, followed by B 5 for R . All five descriptors have significant inverse correlation with log 1/IC 50, and the intercorrellation between descriptors is small, as one can see from the following matrix of intercorrellation coefficients: V R'MR R8L R'4'I B 5R V R' 1 0.20 0.13 0.05 –0.04 MR R8 0.20 1 0.16 –0.18 –0.30L R'4' 0.13 0.16 1 –0.02 –0.11I 0.05 –0.18 –0.02 1 0.09B 5R –0.04 –0.30 –0.11 0.09 1The prediction statistics will be compared with those obtained from SVR. RMSE increases from 0.69 in calibration to 0.82 for LOO, to 0.84 in L5%O, and to 0.85 in L10%O. For L20%O RMSE decreases to 0.81 and then increases to 0.83 for L25%O.Theoretically, we expect RMSE to increase and q 2 to decrease for the sequence of cross–validation experiments: LOO, L5%O, L10%O, L20%O, and L25%O. The unexpected RMSE decrease for the cross–validation experiments that have the largest perturbation of the MLR model (L20%O and L25%O) can be a result of a random improvement in the prediction for a particular set of calibration data.3.2 Support Vector Regression QSARSupport vector regression gives calibration results that greatly improve those obtained with MLR (Table 2). The highest SVR calibration correlation coefficient (0.896 vs . 0.798 for MLR) is obtained with the anova kernel in experiments 29 and 31–34. Overall, high calibration r is obtained with the anova, radial basis and polynomial (degrees 4 and 5) kernels. As expected, the dot kernel has statistics close to those of the MLR model. The neural kernel has low calibration statistics, with r between 0.699 and 0.055.As Eq. (6) indicates, the MLR model is stable in the LOO cross–validation test (r cal = 0.798 and r LOO = 0.721), with a small decrease for r , as expected. The comparison between calibration and LOO statistics for SVR shows dramatic changes for the polynomial, radial, and anova kernels (Table 2). The LOO statistics for these kernels indicate that the corresponding SVR models are not able to make reliable predictions. To have a perception of the inability of these SVR models in prediction, we consider, for each of these kernels, the experiment with maximum r cal : polynomial kernel, experiment 5, r cal = 0.895 and r LOO = – 0.294; radial kernel, experiment 10, r cal = 0.894 and r LOO = 0.452; anova kernel, experiment 31, r cal = 0.896 and r LOO = 0.176. Compared with MLR LOO results, all these three kernels have very bad prediction statistics (r LOO ,q 2LOO , and RMSE LOO ).These results are important, because they indicate that the SVR models can easily overfit the data, and a significant effort should be invested in evaluating the prediction ability of different kernels. The LOO results for the dot kernel (r LOO = 0.668) are slightly worse than those obtained with MLR,O. IvanciucInternet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design 2005,4, 181–193but they significantly outperform the polynomial, radial, and anova kernels. The LOO prediction results for the neural kernel are also worse than the MLR predictions, with the exception of those obtained in the experiment 11 (r LOO = 0.740, q2LOO = 0.511, and RMSE LOO = 0.80). These results are slightly better than those from MLR LOO (r LOO = 0.721, q2LOO = 0.481, and RMSE LOO = 0.82), but we have to consider that this SVR model is the only one, from the set of 34 experiments, that outperforms the MLR QSAR.Table 2. Kernel type and corresponding parameters for each experiment (Exp), calibration statistics (r cal and RMSE cal) and leave–one–out statistics (r LOO,q2LOO, and RMSE LOO). Five kernels were tested: dot D; polynomial P (parameter: degree d); radial basis function R (parameter: J); neural N (parameters: a and b); anova A (parameters: J and d).Exp Kernel r cal RMSE cal r LOO q2LOO RMSE LOO1 D 0.793 0.72 0.668 0.275 0.972 P 2 0.837 0.64 –0.267 <–100 >103 P 3 0.876 0.58 –0.287 <–100 >104 P 4 0.894 0.52 –0.295 <–100 >105 P 5 0.895 0.52 –0.294 <–100 >106 R 0.25 0.885 0.54 0.651 0.348 0.927 R 0.5 0.889 0.53 0.609 0.302 0.958 R 1.0 0.893 0.52 0.527 0.221 1.019 R 1.5 0.894 0.52 0.497 0.214 1.0110 R 2.0 0.894 0.52 0.452 0.174 1.0411 N 0.5 0.0 0.690 0.85 0.740 0.511 0.8012 N 1.0 0.0 0.596 0.94 0.618 0.355 0.9213 N 2.0 0.0 0.654 0.90 0.636 0.379 0.9014 N 0.5 1.0 0.612 0.93 0.581 0.333 0.9315 N 1.0 1.0 0.676 0.86 0.678 0.413 0.8716 N 2.0 1.0 0.684 0.88 0.498 0.197 1.0217 N 0.5 2.0 0.236 1.11 0.453 0.197 1.0218 N 1.0 2.0 0.055 1.76 0.292 –0.062 1.1719 N 2.0 2.0 0.699 0.91 0.645 0.358 0.9120 A 0.25 1 0.822 0.66 0.656 0.389 0.8921 A 0.5 1 0.841 0.63 0.639 0.332 0.9322 A 1.0 1 0.861 0.59 0.699 0.428 0.8623 A 1.5 1 0.863 0.59 0.652 0.326 0.9424 A 2.0 1 0.868 0.58 0.635 0.286 0.9625 A 0.25 2 0.886 0.54 0.258 –2.017 1.9826 A 0.5 2 0.894 0.52 0.238 –1.728 1.8827 A 1.0 2 0.895 0.52 0.298 –0.672 1.4728 A 1.5 2 0.895 0.52 0.385 –0.285 1.2929 A 2.0 2 0.896 0.52 0.444 –0.098 1.1930 A 0.25 3 0.895 0.52 0.168 –3.567 2.4431 A 0.5 3 0.896 0.52 0.176 –1.466 1.7932 A 1.0 3 0.896 0.52 0.371 –0.127 1.2133 A 1.5 3 0.896 0.52 0.422 –0.010 1.1534 A 2.0 3 0.896 0.52 0.449 0.024 1.13In Tables 3 and 4 we present the SVR cross–validation results obtained for the L5%O, L10%O, L20%O, and L25%O tests. The cross–validation sets of compounds are identical for MLR and SVR, which is convenient for the comparison of the statistical indices. For the L5%O test, the evaluation is made with the MLR results: r L5%O = 0.716, q2L5%O = 0.458, and RMSE L5%O = 0.84. The results from Table 3 indicate that, by far, the predictions of the polynomial kernel are the worst. An uneven performance is identified for the anova kernel, with reasonable predictions forB ioC hem Press Support Vector Regression QSAR for Benzodiazepine Receptor LigandsInternet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design 2005,4, 181–193experiments 20–24, and then with large errors for experiments 25–34. The best prediction with an anova kernel is obtained in experiment 22, with r L5%O = 0.689, q2L5%O = 0.398, and RMSE L5%O = 0.88. The results of the radial kernel show a decrease quality in going from experiment 6 to experiment 10, with the best prediction for experiment 6:r L5%O = 0.665, q2L5%O = 0.368, and RMSE L5%O = 0.91. These results are slightly lower than those of the best anova kernel, but also slightly better than those of the dot kernel: r L5%O = 0.667, q2L5%O = 0.261, and RMSE L5%O = 0.98. The predictions of the neural kernel span also a large range, with the best results obtained in experiment 11: r L5%O = 0.696, q2L5%O = 0.453, and RMSE L5%O = 0.84. This is the best SVR prediction, and it is very close to the MLR results for the L5%O test. Despite the complexity of the SVR algorithm, its predictive power in the L5%O test is not even equal to the predictions obtained with the classical MLR model. The prediction quality varies widely with the kernel type and parameters, which makes very difficult and time consuming the identification of a best SVR model.Table 3. Support vector regression statistics for leave–5%–out (r L5%O,q2L5%O, and RMSE L5%O) and leave–10%–out (r L10%O,q2L10%O, and RMSE L10%O) cross–validation testsExp Kernel r L5%O q2L5%O RMSE L5%O r L10%O q2L10%O RMSE L10%O1 D 0.667 0.261 0.98 0.672 0.273 0.972 P –0.270 <–100 >10 –0.265 <–100 >103 P –0.290 <–100 >10 –0.291 <–100 >104 P –0.297 <–100 >10 –0.300 <–100 >105 P –0.301 <–100 >10 –0.300 <–100 >106 R 0.665 0.368 0.91 0.676 0.370 0.917 R 0.591 0.226 1.00 0.636 0.324 0.948 R 0.538 0.221 1.01 0.590 0.310 0.959 R 0.519 0.236 1.00 0.535 0.258 0.9810 R 0.483 0.208 1.01 0.481 0.205 1.0211 N 0.696 0.453 0.84 0.729 0.498 0.8112 N 0.665 0.416 0.87 0.659 0.411 0.8713 N 0.651 0.396 0.89 0.653 0.394 0.8914 N 0.391 0.070 1.10 0.446 0.120 1.0715 N 0.641 0.389 0.89 0.145 –21.114 5.3616 N 0.562 0.297 0.96 0.596 0.348 0.9217 N 0.236 –0.365 1.33 0.187 –0.405 1.3518 N 0.358 0.106 1.08 0.505 0.243 0.9919 N 0.634 0.345 0.92 0.649 0.376 0.9020 A 0.660 0.397 0.89 0.652 0.377 0.9021 A 0.635 0.324 0.94 0.644 0.331 0.9322 A 0.689 0.398 0.88 0.690 0.412 0.8723 A 0.645 0.299 0.95 0.670 0.374 0.9024 A 0.641 0.293 0.96 0.653 0.339 0.9325 A 0.305 –1.289 1.73 0.446 –0.921 1.5826 A 0.238 –1.375 1.76 0.367 –0.873 1.5627 A 0.304 –0.606 1.44 0.306 –0.465 1.3828 A 0.401 –0.241 1.27 0.385 –0.195 1.2529 A 0.455 –0.071 1.18 0.438 –0.060 1.1730 A 0.125 –2.998 2.28 0.238 –1.934 1.9531 A 0.181 –1.282 1.72 0.221 –0.983 1.6132 A 0.406 –0.060 1.17 0.375 –0.094 1.1933 A 0.447 0.060 1.11 0.356 –0.097 1.1934 A 0.434 –0.062 1.18 0.394 –0.073 1.18188B ioC hem Press O. IvanciucInternet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design 2005,4, 181–193Table 4. Support vector regression statistics for leave–20%–out (r L20%O,q2L20%O, and RMSE L20%O) and leave–25%–out (r L25%O,q2L25%O, and RMSE L25%O) cross–validation testsExp Kernel r L20%O q2L20%O RMSE L20%O r L25%O q2L25%O RMSE L25%O2 P –0.277 <–100 >10 0.332 <–100 >103 P –0.288 <–100 >10 –0.297 <–100 >104 P –0.313 <–100 >10 0.289 <–100 >105 P –0.302 <–100 >10 0.298 <–100 >106 R 0.633 0.317 0.94 0.680 0.344 0.927 R 0.568 0.188 1.03 0.638 0.282 0.978 R 0.558 0.261 0.98 0.604 0.352 0.929 R 0.529 0.249 0.99 0.516 0.259 0.9810 R 0.487 0.211 1.01 0.443 0.189 1.0311 N 0.695 0.450 0.85 0.666 0.431 0.8612 N 0.670 0.418 0.87 0.691 0.432 0.8613 N 0.644 0.386 0.89 0.644 0.396 0.8914 N 0.340 –0.019 1.15 0.548 0.292 0.9615 N 0.686 0.439 0.85 0.640 0.392 0.8916 N 0.598 0.355 0.92 0.497 0.210 1.0117 N –0.243 –123.006 12.70 0.408 0.107 1.0818 N 0.429 0.166 1.04 0.335 0.050 1.1119 N 0.634 0.363 0.91 0.636 0.368 0.9120 A 0.678 0.413 0.87 0.660 0.277 0.9721 A 0.678 0.390 0.89 0.641 0.116 1.0722 A 0.698 0.386 0.89 0.653 0.220 1.0123 A 0.646 0.195 1.02 0.656 0.340 0.9324 A 0.632 0.155 1.05 0.675 0.376 0.9025 A 0.415 –0.543 1.42 0.291 –2.497 2.1326 A 0.401 –0.509 1.40 0.321 –1.072 1.6427 A 0.444 –0.068 1.18 0.421 –0.311 1.3128 A 0.466 0.023 1.13 0.477 –0.032 1.1629 A 0.484 0.076 1.10 0.505 0.067 1.1030 A 0.415 –0.619 1.45 0.176 –3.121 2.3131 A 0.440 –0.149 1.22 0.297 –0.983 1.6132 A 0.302 –0.418 1.36 0.365 –0.555 1.4233 A 0.305 –0.368 1.33 0.419 –0.163 1.2334 A 0.315 –0.303 1.30 0.501 0.148 1.05The trend identified in the L5%O test is also apparent from the prediction results for the L10%O, L20%O, and L25%O tests (Tables 3 and 4). Consistently, the worst predictions are obtained with the polynomial kernel, while the dot kernel is more robust, with RMSE between 0.97 and 1.03. The anova kernel gives predictions with a large range of variation. Typically, experiments 20–24 have acceptable statistics, while the predictions from experiments 25–34 are bad. The SVR models with radial kernel show a constant decrease of prediction quality from experiment 6 to experiment 10. Similarly with the LOO and L5%O, experiment 11 (representing an SVR with neural kernel) has the best prediction statistics among all 34 SVR models for L10%O and L20%O, while for L25%O the best results are obtained in the experiment 12, also with a neural kernel. Overall, the predictions obtained with the neural kernel fluctuate, and some unexpected bad predictions are obtained (L10%O, experiment 15; L20%O, experiment 17).It is interesting to compare the best SVR model with the corresponding MLR prediction. For L10%O, SVR has slightly better prediction statistics: MLR, r L10%O = 0.711, q2L10%O = 0.448, andB ioC hem Press RMSE L10%O = 0.85; SVR, neural kernel, experiment 11, r L10%O = 0.729, q2L10%O = 0.498, and RMSE L10%O = 0.81. For L20%O, MLR has better prediction statistics: MLR, r L20%O = 0.733, q2L20%O = 0.502, and RMSE L20%O = 0.81; SVR, neural kernel, experiment 11, r L20%O = 0.695, q2L20%O = 0.450, and RMSE L20%O = 0.85. The same situation is found for the L25%O test: MLR, r L25%O = 0.712, q2L25%O = 0.470, and RMSE L25%O = 0.83; SVR, neural kernel, experiment 12, r L25%O = 0.691, q2L25%O = 0.432, and RMSE L25%O = 0.86.The five prediction tests show that the SVR QSAR is not able to outperform the simple MLR model for the QSAR example considered in this study. SVR models with the neural kernel have slightly better predictions than MLR for LOO and L10%O, while MLR is better for L5%O, L20%O, and L25%O. Our results indicate that for more difficult prediction tests MLR is more reliable than SVR.4 CONCLUSIONSConsidering the good performances of the support vector machines in classification, it is expected that support vector regression would be a reliable model for QSAR applications. While support vector classification was tested for a large number of bioinformatics and cheminformatics problems, SVR is relatively new and extensive comparative studies are necessary in order to evaluate this new QSAR model. In this study we compared MLR and SVR QSAR models for the benzodiazepine receptor affinity of 52 2–aryl(heteroaryl)–2,5–dihydropyrazolo[4,3–c]quinolin–3–(3H)–ones [1,2]. Both models were developed with five structural descriptors, namely the Hammett electronic parameter V R', the molar refractivity MR R8, the Sterimol parameter L R'4', an indicator variable I (1/0) for 7–substituted compounds, and the Sterimol parameter B5R.The SVR prediction power depends on the kernel type and the parameters that control the kernel shape. For the moment there are no clear rules on selecting the most predictive kernel, and as a result we explored a group of 34 SVR experiments obtained with five kernels, namely the dot, polynomial, radial basis function, neural, and anova kernels. The QSAR models were tested with complete cross–validation: leave–one–out, leave–5%–out, leave–10%–out, leave–20%–out, and leave–25%–out.The results obtained for the set of 52 benzodiazepine receptor ligands show that SVR QSAR models have lower prediction statistics than the MLR model, as measured in k–fold cross–validation tests, especially for 5–fold (L20%O) and 4–fold (L25%O) cross–validation. While the calibration SVR models obtained with the polynomial, radial, and anova kernels are better than the MLR QSAR, the cross–validation statistics for these kernels are much lower than the corresponding MLR cross–validation statistics. As expected, the dot kernel gives prediction statistics slightly lower than the MLR results. The neural kernel has low calibration statistics (r cal= 0.690 and。