同济大学课程考核试卷(A 卷) 2006—2007学年第一学期命题教师签名:审核教师签名: 课号:课名:工程力学考试考查:此卷选为:期中考试()、期终考试()、重考()试卷 年级专业学号姓名得分=10m/s 2,成60度mm 计)2_;计的刚当无初B 的12C5均质细杆AB 重P ,长L ,置于水平位置,若在绳BC 突然剪断瞬时有角加速度?,则杆上各点惯性力的合力的大小为_gPL 2α,(铅直向上)_,作用点的位置在离A 端_32L_处,并在图中画出该惯性力。
6铅垂悬挂的质量--弹簧系统,其质量为m ,弹簧刚度系数为k ,若坐标原点分别取在弹簧静伸长处和未伸长处,则质点的运动微分方程可分别写成_0=+kx x m _和_mg kx x m =+ _。
二、计算题(10分)图示系统中,曲柄OA 以匀角速度?绕O 轴转动,通过滑块A 带动半圆形滑道BC 作铅垂平动。
已知:OA?=?r?=?10?cm ,??=?1?rad/s ,R?=?20?cm 。
试求??=?60°时杆BC 的加速度。
解:动点:滑块A ,动系:滑道BC ,牵连平动 由正弦定理得: 34.34=βcm/s 55.566.115sin 2r =︒=AA v v [5分]向ζ方向投影:2cm/s 45.7=[10分]三、计算题(15分)图示半径为R 的绕线轮沿固定水平直线轨道作纯滚动,杆端点D 沿轨道滑动。
已知:轮轴半径为r ,杆CD 长为4R ,线段AB 保持水平。
在图示位置时,线端A 的速度为v ,加速度为a,铰链C 处于最高位置。
试求该瞬时杆端点D 的速度和加速度。
解: 轮C 平面运动,速度瞬心P 点CO [8分](1) 物块下落距离时轮中心的速度与加速度; (2) 绳子AD段的张力。
解:研究系统:T 2-T 1=ΣW i223C v m +21J C ω2+21J B ω2+221A vm =m 1gs [5分] 式中:2321r m J C =,22ρm J B =代入得:v C =23222113222r m ρm R m gsm r++[7分]式两边对t 求导得:a C =23222113222r m ρm R m grRm ++[10分]对物A:m a=ΣF ,即:m 1a A =m 1g -F AD F AD =m 1g -m 1a A =m 1g -ra R m C⋅1[15分][15六、计算题(15分)在图示系统中,已知:匀质圆柱A 的质量为m1,半径为r ,物块B 质量为m 2,光滑斜面的倾角为?,滑车质量忽略不计,并假设斜绳段平行斜面。
1.钢结构更适合于建造大跨结构,这是由于()A.钢材具有良好的耐热性B.钢材具有良好的焊接性C.钢结构自重轻而承载力高D.钢结构的实际受力性能和力学计算结果最符合2.进行疲劳设计时我国钢结构设计规范采用的是()A.近似概率极限状态设计方法B.容许应力设计方法C.全概率极限状态设计方法D.屈服应力设计方法3.钢结构正常使用极限状态是指()A.已达到五十年的使用年限B.结构达到最大承载力产生破坏C.结构和构件产生疲劳裂纹D.结构变形已不能满足使用要求4.钢材的冲击韧性A KV值代表钢材的()A.韧性性能B.强度性能C.塑性性能D.冷加工性能5.钢材的塑性性能受很多因素的影响,在下列结论中正确的是()A.温度降低对钢材塑性性能影响不大B.二(三)向拉应力导致钢材塑性增加C.加荷速度越快,钢材塑性越差D.应力集中对钢材的塑性性能无显著影响6.钢结构发生脆性破坏是由于()A.钢材是塑性较差的材料B.钢材的强度较高C.结构的构造不合理或工作条件差D.材料的使用应力超过屈服点7.钢材的伸长率指标是通过下列哪项试验得到的?()A.冷弯试验B.冲击功试验C.疲劳试验D.单向拉伸试验8.在承受动荷的下列连接构造中,不合理...的是()9.某侧面直角角焊缝h f=4mm,由计算得到该焊缝所需计算长度30mm,考虑起落弧缺陷,设计时该焊缝实际长度取为()A.30mmB.38mmC.40mmD.50mm10.焊接残余应力不影响...构件的()A.刚度B.静力强度C.整体稳定承载力D.疲劳强度11.普通螺栓的受剪承载力设计值与下列哪项无关..?()A.螺栓孔的直径B.螺栓直径C.受剪面数D.螺栓抗剪强度设计值12.图示高强螺栓群受弯后的旋转中心为()A.1点B.2点C.3点D.4点13.在满足强度的条件下,图示①号和②号焊缝合理的h f应分别为()A.4mm,4mmB.6mm,8mmC.8mm,8mmD.6mm,6mm14.为保证工字形梁受压翼缘的局部稳定,要对其宽厚比进行限制:对Q235钢为b 1/t ≤15,对Q345钢为b 1/t ()A.比15小B.比15大C.仍等于15D.有时大于15,有时小于1515.当仅讨论截面形式对轴心受压杆的失稳影响时,一般来说,图示的四种截面中最易发生扭转失稳的截面为()16.对格构式轴压柱绕虚轴的整体稳定进行计算时,用换算长细比λox 代替λx ,这是考虑()A.格构柱剪切变形的影响B.格构柱弯曲变形的影响C.缀件剪切变形的影响D.缀件弯曲变形的影响17.当偏心压杆的荷载偏心作用在实轴上时,保证格构柱的平面外稳定是通过()A.计算柱的平面外稳定B.计算分肢稳定C.柱本身的构造要求D.选足够大的分肢间距18.实腹式偏心受压构件按f W M A N xx x =γ±=σ计算强度,它代表的截面应力分布为()19.对于跨度L ≥15m 的三角形屋架和跨度L ≥24m 的梯形或平行弦屋架,为改善外观和使用条件,可起拱,起拱度为()A.L/300B.L/400C.L/500D.L/60020.为了保证两个角钢组成的T 形截面共同工作,在两个角钢肢间设置垫板,垫板间距应不大于40i 1或80i 1,i 1为单角钢绕1-1轴的回转半径,下图中1-1轴的正确位置是()二、填空题请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。
结构力学 静定结构的受力分析
第1节 静定平面桁架一、桁架的内力计算方法1、结点法取结点为隔离体,建立平衡方程求解的方法,每个结点最多只能含有两个未知力。
根据结点法,可以得出一些结点平衡的特殊情况,能使计算简化:(1)两杆交于一点,若结点无荷载,则两杆的内力都为零(图2-2-1a )。
(3)四杆交于一点,其中两两共线,若结点无荷载,则在同一直线上的两杆内力大小相等,且性质相同(图2-2-1c )。
推论,若将其中一杆换成力F P ,则与F P 在同一直线上的杆的内力大小为F P ,性质与F P 相同(图2-2-1d )。
F N3F N3=0F N1=F N2=0F N3=F N4(a)(b)(c)F N4(d)F N3=F PF PN1F F N2F N1F N2F N1F N2F N1F N2F N3F N3F N1=F N2,F N1=F N2,F N1=F N2,图2-2-1(4)对称结构在正对称荷载作用下,对称轴处的“K ”型结点若无外荷载作用,则斜杆为零杆。
例如图2-2-2所示对称轴处与A 点相连的斜杆1、2都是零杆。
1A2F PF PAF PF PBF PF PBA(b)(a)X =0图2-2-2 图2-2-3(5)对称结构在反对称荷载作用下,对称轴处正对称的未知力为零。
如图2-2-3a 中AB 杆为零杆,因为若将结构从对称轴处截断,则AB 杆的力是一组正对称的未知力,根据上述结论可得。
如图2-2-4a 中AB 杆和B 支座的反力均为零。
其中的道理可以这样理解:将图a 结构取左右两个半结构分析,对中间的杆AB 和支座B 的力,若左半部分为正,则根据反对称,右半部分必定为相同大小的负值,将半结构叠加还原回原结构后正负号叠加,结果即为零。
《线性代数》同济大学版 课后习题答案详解
证明由 得A*|A|A1所以当A可逆时有
又 所以
5设 问
因为 所以ABBA
解取 则A20但A0
解 令
解设 则
解设 则
解设 则
解设 则
第三章 矩阵的初等变换与线性方程组
解 (下一步r2(2)r1r3(3)r1)
~ (下一步r2(1)r3(2))
~ (下一步r3r2)
解 (下一步r12r4r22r4r33r4)
~ (下一步r23r1r32r1)
~ (下一步r216r4r316r2)
矩阵的秩为3 是一个最高阶非零子式
同济大学第一附属中学2006—2007学年度第一学期期末考试高一物理试卷 命题人:孔怀儒班级 姓名 学号 成绩(请同学们将答案答在答案卷上,本卷满分100份,考试时间90分钟、全卷取g=10m/s 2) 一、填空题(本题共24分,每格2分,第6题1+1+2=4)1.伽利略科学思想方法的核心是把 和 和谐地结合起来,从而有力地推进了人类科学认识的发展。
2. 校园歌曲《蜗牛与黄鹂鸟》:“啊门啊前一棵葡萄树,啊嫩啊绿地刚发芽,蜗牛背着重重的壳呀,一步一步往上爬… …”,可以近似认为,与水平倾斜为α角的葡萄枝对重为G 的蜗牛的作用力为 。
若已知蜗牛与葡萄枝间的滑动摩擦系数为μ,蜗牛受的摩擦力大小为 。
3.质点在若干个共点力作用下处于静止状态,若其它力不变而将其中一个力F 先减小至零接着再恢复到原来的大小过程中,则质点的加速度将 ,质点的速度将 。
(填写变化情况) 4.如图所示,水平传送皮带顺时针转动,速度大小为2米/秒,现使质量为2千克的工件A 以4米/秒的水平速度冲上皮带左端,已知A 与皮带间的滑动摩擦系数为μ=0.2,皮带左右长度L=10m,它随皮带运动到右端,则开始时工件A 的加速度大小为 m/s 2,工件A 从左端运动到右端的时间为 s 。
5.如图所示,在一细绳C点系住一重物P,细绳两端A、B分别固定在两边墙上,使得AC保持水平,BC与水平方向成300角,已知细绳最大只能承受200N的拉力,那么C点悬挂物体的重量最多为 ,AC、BC绳中先断的是 。
6.一人站在电梯内体重计上,电梯静止时体重计示数500N 。
若电梯运动过程中,他看到体重计的示数为600N ,则电梯的运动可能为 或 ,电梯的加速度大小为 m/s 2。
二、选择题:(8×3ˊ=24分,)(7、8、9、10为单选;11、12、13、14为多选) 7. 在研究物体的运动时,下列物体可以当作质点处理的是:( ) A .研究地球的自转时,可以把地球看作质点 B .研究乒乓球的自转时,可以把乒乓球当作质点C .研究一艘航空母舰在太平洋上的位置,可以把它当作质点D .确定一列火车通过武汉长江大桥的时间时,此火车可当作质点8. 物体沿直线从A点经B点运动到C,在AB段运动速度为60m/s,在BC段运动速度为30m/s,且AB=3BC.则AC段中平均速度大小为 ()A.37.5m/s.B.45m/s. C.48m/s.D.52.5m/s.9.跳高运动员用力从地面起跳,以下说法中正确的是 ( )A .运动员对地面的压力大于地面对他的弹力.B .地面对运动员向上的弹力大于他对地面的压力.C .运动员对地面的压力小于他所受到的重力.D .地面对运动员的弹力大于他所受到的重力.10.质量为m 的木块以水平初速度V0在水平地面上最多能滑行的距离为S ,现在其上面固定一块同样的木块,使它们一起以2V0的初速度在同一水平地面上滑行,则最多能滑行的距离是( ) A.2SB.S C.2S D.4S11.(多选)如图,为A 、B 两物体在同一地点沿相同方向做直线运动的速度图象。
同济大学试卷统一命题纸(B卷)2005-2006学年第二学期课号:12109701 课名:遥感及地理信息系统此卷选为:期中考试()、期终考试()、补考(√)试卷年级专业学号姓名得分一、基本概念(每题2分,共20分)1. 遥感平台2. 高光谱遥感3.空间分辨率4. 中心投影5. 雷达6. 地理信息系统7. 拓扑结构8. 元数据9. 缓冲区分析10. 数字地形模型(DTM)二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 可见光波段的波长范围是0.38~0.76cm(厘米)。
2. 专题制图仪TM(Thematic Mapper)是NOAA气象卫星上携带的传感器。
3. 进行像对的立体观察时,观察者的眼基线应当与像对上对应像点的连线相垂直。
4. 在军事遥感中,利用可见光波段可识别绿色植物伪装。
5. 山区河流的热红外像片在白天呈现浅白色调,夜晚呈现暗灰色调。
6. 世界上第一个地理信息系统产生于美国。
7. GIS数据输入设备主要包括扫描仪、绘图仪、数字化仪和键盘等。
8. 当地物范围确定时,栅格单元尺寸越大,则它所表达的地物信息越详细。
9. 以线性四叉树表示8×8的栅格矩阵时,第6行第5列位置处的栅格的四进制MORTON码值为321。
10. 只有明确的拓扑关系,GIS才能处理各种空间关系,完成空间分析。
三、简答题(8个小题中任选5个,每小题8分,共40分)1. 遥感技术具有哪些特点?遥感技术可应用在哪些领域?2. 什么是大气窗口?常用于遥感的大气窗口有哪些?3. 遥感影像目视解译的主要解译标志有哪些?4. 比较监督分类和非监督分类方法。
5. 简述地理信息系统的组成,并画出示意图。
6. 在栅格数据结构中的点、线、面状几何图形是如何表示的?7. 空间数据库系统的概念及其组成部分有哪些?8.画图并写出求多边形面积的计算公式,并作简要说明。
同济大学经济与管理学院试卷(B卷);2006—2007学年第1学期;课号:010378课程名:质量管理学考试考查:考;此卷选为:期中考试()、期终考试()、补考(√);专业和年级学号姓名;一单项选择题:10分(每小题1分)得分;1.质量的好坏由谁来评判?();A、产品或服务的提供者B、产品或服务的接受者C、;2.判断商品质量的优劣的主要依据是什么?();A、________________________________________同济大学经济与管理学院试卷(B卷)2006- 2007学年第1 学期课号:010378课程名:质量管理学考试考查:考试此卷选为:期中考试()、期终考试( )、补考(√)试卷专业和年级学号姓名一单项选择题:10分(每小题1分)得分1.质量的好坏由谁来评判? ()A、产品或服务的提供者B、产品或服务的接受者C、质量管理机构D、质量认证机构2.判断商品质量的优劣的主要依据是什么?()A、品牌B、顾客的期望和需求的满足程度C、价格D、性价比3.“Juran质量螺旋曲线”包含( )个环节A.13 B。
10 D. 94.下列关于2000版ISO 9000族标准说法正确的是()A。
增加了程序文件的数量 C. 与环境、安全等管理体系难以兼容D. 是对20世纪90年代的ISO9000族标准进行局部修改而形成5.将企业在废次品上发生的成本比作“矿中黄金”的质量管理专家是( )A.Feigenbaum B. 石川馨 C. Juran D。
Crosby6.为确保质量管理体系所需的过程得到建立、实施和保持,企业应确立一名()A.质量管理专职人员B.质量管理经理 C.内审员 D.管理者代表7.排列图又被称为()A.帕累托图 B. 分类法C。
石川图D. 相关图8。
计算过程能力指数是以过程质量特性值服从()为假设前提的.A.F分布B.指数分布C. 正态分布D。
威布尔分布9.在制作直方图时,如果分组过多,容易出现( )A.偏态型B. 平顶型C.双峰型D. 锯齿型10.可靠性指标和技术性能指标的主要区别在于()A.复杂性B。
2006年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试 上海数学试卷(理工农医类)答案要点及评分标准说明1. 本解答列出试题的一种或几种解法,如果考生的解法与所列解法不同,可参照解答中评分标准的精神进行评分.2. 评阅试卷,应坚持每题评阅到底,不要因为考生的解答中出现错误而中断对该题的评阅,当考生的解答在某一步出现错误,影响了后继部分,但该步以后的解答未改变这一题的内容和难度时,可视影响程度决定后面部分的给分,这时原则上不应超过后面部分应给分数之半,如果有较严重的概念性错误,就不给分.解答 一、(第1题至第12题)1.1 2.23.12 4.165.1i -+ 6.57.221164x y += 8.5 9.13510.36 11.011k b =-<<,12.10a ≤ 二、(第13题至第16题)三、(第17题至第22题)17.解:ππ2cos cos 244y x x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+-+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭cos22x x = ·························································································· 6分 π2sin 26x ⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭. ····························································································· 8分∴函数ππ2cos cos 244y x x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭的值域是[]22-,,最小正周期是π. ·········· 12分 18.解:连接BC ,由余弦定理得222201022010cos120700BC =+-⨯⨯⨯=,于是,BC = ····································································································· 4分s i n 12020ACB ∠=sin ACB ∴∠=, ························································ 8分 90ACB ∠<,41ACB ∴∠≈, ············································································ 10分 所以,乙船应朝北偏东71方向沿直线前往B 处救援. ············································ 12分 19.解:(1)在四棱锥P ABCD -中,由PO ⊥平面ABCD ,得PBO ∠是PB 与平面ABCD 所成角,60PBO ∠=. ··············································· 2分在Rt AOB △中,sin301BO AB ==,又PO BO ⊥,于是,tan 60PO BO ==ABCD S =∴四棱锥P ABCD -的体积123P ABCD V -=⨯=. ··············································· 6分 (2)解法一:以O 为坐标原点,射线OB OC OP ,,分别为x 轴,y 轴,z 轴的正半轴,建立空间直角坐标系. ··········································································································· 7分 在Rt AOB △中,OA =于是,点AB D P ,,,的坐标分别是(0(100)(100)(00A B D P -,,,,,,.E 是PB 的中点,则点E 的坐标是1022⎛ ⎝⎭,,,于是,30(02DE AP ⎛== ⎝⎭,,. ····································································· 11分设DE 与AP的夹角为θ,有3cos 4θ==,arccos 4θ= ∴异面直线DE 与PA所成角的大小是. ························································ 14分A解法二:取AB 的中点F ,连接EF DF ,.由E 是PB 的中点,得EF PA ∥,∴FED ∠是异面直线DE 与PA 所成角(或它的补角). ··································· 8分 在Rt AOB △中,cos30OA AB OP ===,于是,在等腰直角POA △中,PA =2EF =. 而在正ABD △和正PBD △中,DE DF == ························································ 11分12cos EFFED DE ∠===,∴异面直线DE 与PA所成角的大小是arccos4. ························································ 14分 20.证明:(1)设过点(30)T ,的直线l 交抛物线22y x =于点1122()()A x y B x y ,,,. 当直线l 的斜率不存在时,直线l 的方程为3x =,此时,直线l与抛物线相交于点(3(3A B ,,3OA OB ∴=. ···························································· 1分 当直线l 的斜率存在时,设直线l 的方程为(3)y k x =-,其中0k ≠.由22(3)y x y k x ⎧=⎨=-⎩,,得2260ky y k --=,则126y y =-. ····················································· 3分又221221122x y x y == 1,, 2121212121()34OA OB x x y y y y y y ∴=+=+= .综上所述,命题“如果直线l 过点(30)T ,,那么3OA OB =”是真命题. ······················ 6分解:(2)逆命题是:设直线l 交抛物线22y x =于A B ,两点,如果3OAOB =·,那么该直线过点(30)T ,.该命题是一个假命题. ··············································································· 8分CBFAPEDO例如:取抛物线上的点1(22)12A B ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,,,,此时3OAOB = ·, ········································ 11分 直线AB 的方程是2(1)3y x =+,而(30)T ,不在直线AB 上. ········································· 14分 说明:由抛物线22y x =上的点1122()()A x y B x y ,,,满足3OA OB = ·,可得126y y =-或122y y =.如果126y y =-,可证得直线AB 过点(30),;如果122y y =,可证得直线AB 过点(10)-,,而不过点(30),. 21.证明:(1)当1n =时,22a a =,则21a a a =; ··························································· 1分 当221n k -≤≤时,1(1)2n n a a S +=-+,1(1)2n n a a S -=-+,1(1)n n n a a a a +-=-,1n na a a +∴=. ∴数列{}n a 是等比数列. ······································································································ 4分 解:(2)由(1)得12n n a a -=, (1)(1)12(1)21212222n n n n n nn nk n a a a aa--++++--∴===……, ·················································· 8分1(1)11(122)2121n n n n b n n k n k k --⎡⎤=+=+=⎢⎥--⎣⎦ ,,, . ······················································ 10分 (3)设32n b ≤,解得12n k +≤,又n 是正整数,于是当n k ≤时,32n b <; 当1n k +≥时,32n b >. ··································································································· 12分原式12123333322222k k k b b b b b +⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+-++-+-++-⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭……121()()k k k b b b b +=++-++……211(21)(01)22212121k k k k k k k k k k k ⎡⎤⎡⎤+-+-⎢⎥⎢⎥=+-+=⎢⎥⎢⎥---⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦. ··············································· 14分由2421k k -≤,得2840k k -+≤,44k -+≤,又2k ≥,∴当234567k =,,,,,时,原不等式成立. ··········································································· 16分 22.解:(1)函数2(0)by x x x=+>的最小值是6=, 2log 9b ∴=. ························································································································ 3分 (2)设120x x <<,222221212122222112()1c c c y y x x x x x x x x ⎛⎫-=+--=-- ⎪⎝⎭·. ··················· 5分12x x <时,21y y >,函数22c y x x =+在)+∞上是增函数;当120x x <<21y y <,函数22c y x x=+在(0上是减函数.又22c y x x=+是偶函数,于是,该函数在(--,∞上是减函数,在)⎡⎣上是增函数.(3)可以把函数推广为nn ay x x=+(常数0a >),其中n 是正整数. 当n 是奇数时,函数nn a y x x=+在(0上是减函数,在)⎡+⎣∞上是增函数;在(--,∞上是增函数,在)⎡-⎣上是减函数.当n 是偶数时,函数nn a y x x =+在(上是减函数,在)⎡+⎣∞上是增函数;在(--,∞上是减函数,在)⎡-⎣上是增函数. ······················································ 12分2211()nnF x x x x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+++ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭0212323223231111n n r n rn nn n n n n n n r n C x C x C x C x x x x x ----⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=+++++++++ ⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭……, 因此,()F x 在112⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦,上是减函数,在[]12,上是增函数. ················································· 16分 所以,当12x =或2x =时,()F x 取得最大值9924n n⎛⎫⎛⎫+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭;当1x =时,()F x 取得最小值12n +. ······································································ 18分。
同济大学计算机科学与技术系2006届本科生毕业设计(论文)题目汇总(标注▲的题目将优先考虑信息安全专业的学生)计算机基础学科组毕业设计(论文)课题简介YZQ1 .NET环境计算机基础教学网站建设(指导教师:杨志强)同济大学计算机基础教学网站是为全校乃至全国非计算机专业师生服务的网站。
本课题旨培养学生在.NET环境中进行网站建设、Web 编程的能力。
YZQ2 .NET环境计算机基础课程资源库建设(指导教师:杨志强)同济大学计算机基础教学网站拥有两门国家精品课程、一门学校精品课程的教学资源,为了更好地为全校乃至全国非计算机专业师生服务,需要进一步在.NET环境中建设资源库。
YZQ3 协同作业/企业消息中心(指导教师:杨志强、王钢)用.Net框架和C#语言开发实现企业消息中心。
YZQ4 基于WEB的表格控件功能扩展(指导教师:杨志强、銭鏡宇)用.Net框架和C#语言开发实现基于WEB的表格控件。
使学生掌握C#语言,控件编程,熟悉VisualStudio 开发环境,初步理解.Net框架集,并能够结合数据库技术实现基于WEB的表格控件。
应力。忽略套管和钢柱之间的相互作用。 (15 分)
2. 用直角应变花测得钢构件表面某点处的三个应变值分别为 0 320 106 , 已知钢材的弹性模量 E 200GPa , 泊松比 0.3 , 90 180 106 。 45 160 106 , 试求该点处的主应力及其方向。 (18 分)
4.用积分法求图示梁 AB 的挠曲线方程及梁中点 C 处的竖向挠度, 已知 A 162I 。 (20
5. 图示楔形悬臂梁受竖向均布荷载作用,材料弹性模量为 E,试用卡氏第二定 理计算梁自由端的竖向位移,设不计剪切变形的影响。 (10 分)
6.试计算图示结构在弹性阶段的失稳临界荷载 Pcr 。 (8 分)
的长度为 l=100cm,截面的外径 D=18cm,壁厚 t=1.0cm,材料 [ ] 200MPa 。试用
第四强度理论校核强度。 (16 分)
8.写出图示结构的位移法方程,并求方程的系数和自由项。 (15 分)
9.采用图(b)所示静定结构作为基本结构,用力法作图(a)所示超静定结构弯 矩图。所有杆件的 EI 相同。 (18 分)
图 9-2
以下两题为选做题,分别为材料力学的压杆稳定和结构力学的刚度矩阵。 10. (1)求 P 位于中点时的 pcr(2)求 P 位于何处是临界压力 pcr 最大值。
11. 具体题目记不清楚。
2014 年同济大学材料力学与结构力学考研真题
科目代码:808 科目名称:材料力学与结构力学 满分分值:150 答题要求:1、答题一律做在答题纸上,做在试卷上无效。 2、考试时间 180 分钟。 3、本试卷不可带出考场,违反者作零分处理。 1. 图示由铜套管和钢圆柱组成的构件置于刚性平面和刚性垫块之间,已知套管 和钢柱的横截面面积分别为 Ac 6.5cm2 和 As 8.0cm2 ,其材料弹性模量分别为
《高等数学》考研同济大学数学系2021考研真题库第一部分 考研真题精选向量代数与空间解析几何填空题(把答案填在题中横线上)点(2,1,0)到平面3x +4y +5z =0的距离d =______。
[数一2006研]【答案】【解析】由点到平面的距离公式多元函数微分法及其应用一、选择题1设函数f (x ,y )在点(0,0)处可微,f (0,0)=0,,且非零向量d →与n →垂直,则( )。
[数一2020研]A .存在B .存在C .存在D .存在【答案】A 查看答案【解析】∵f (x ,y )在(0,0)处可微,f (0,0)=0,∴;即。
②因,先求f x′(0,y),而当y≠0时,不存在;当y=0时,;综上可知,f x′(0,y)不存在。
3函数f (x ,y ,z )=x 2y +z 2在点(1,2,0)处沿向量u →=(1,2,2)的方向导数为( )。
[数一2017研] A .12 B .6 C .4 D .2【答案】D 查看答案【解析】计算方向余弦得:cos α=1/3,cos β=cos γ=2/3。
偏导数f x ′=2xy ,f y ′=x 2,f z ′=2z 。
得∂f/∂u =f x ′cos α+f y ′cos β+f z ′cos γ=4·(1/3)+1·(2/3)+0·(2/3)=2。
同济大学2006年博士研究生入学考试试题I Vocabulary 10%Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the ONE answer that bestcompletes the sentence. Then put a v in the corresponding place on theAnswer Sheet..1. How can personal income tax be levied to _____ as many as possible while at the same time ensuring State finances do not suf f er too much?A. interestB. benefitC. profitD. concern2. To fund the ____ event and also promote the marketing value of the NationalGames, the organizing committee set up the Marketing Development Department (MDD).A. beneficentB. expensiveC. costlyD. luxurious3. Japanese workers still put in an impressive 42 hours each week, but they are ______ by the South Koreans and Singaporeans who spend an average 46 hours atthe grindstone.A. outdoneB. outweighedC. outrunD. outrivaled4. This is an alarming realization as natural resources and the environment are being degraded and ____ at a record pace.A. wastedB. reconstructedC. destructedD. reversed5. The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign. Napoleon and Hitler both underestimated the _____ of the Russian winter.A. severityB. consequenceC. influenceD. threat6. The company, EDS, is smart enough to _____its 90,000-person workforce into independent microteams that work directly with individual clients on creativebusiness solutions.A. break outB. break offC. break fromD. break down17. Most environmental ____— from climate changes to freshwater and forest habitat loss —have become markedly worse.A. symptomsB. highlightsC. indicatorsD. symbols8. What we call nature is, _____, the sum of the changes made by all the various creatures and natural forces in their intricate actions and influences upon each otherand upon their places.A. in common senseB. from a senseC. by the senseD. in a sense9. Although the "on line" life style has dominated the majority of city youth, mostpeople in the remote countryside still think Internet or something is ____ to theirlife.A. unconcernedB. irrelevantC. inseparableD. inaccessible10. ____ near-perfect English language skills, the students were keen to exploreevery aspect of Australian culture, from Aussie eating customs to family and studentlife, popular culture, the natural landscape and the ever-popular Australian native animals.A. PossessingB. AcquiringC. ApprehendingD. Interpreting11. Telephones save the feet and endless amounts of time. This is due partly to the fact that the telephone service is superb here, ____ the postal service is less efficient.A. whereB. sinceC. thatD. whereas12. The board of directors have already discussed the subject ____ in the previous meetings and they will handle it in all its aspects.A. in placeB. at lengthC. on endD. of f and on13. Reflecting on our exploration , we also discovered that people will exploit the newness, vagueness, and breadth of the information Marketplace to support their wishes and predilections, ____ they may be. A. whatsoever B. whatever C. whichever D. which14. The World Bank is taking steps to ____ its lending to reducing poverty in theThird World Countries.A. orientB. tailorC. adaptD. adjust15. Total investments for this year reached $56 million, and to put this into ____2investments this year will double those made in 1997.A. sightB. visionC. perspectiveD. horizon16. The year of 776 B.C. is considered to be the founding dateof the Olympic Games in ancient Greece. The Games lastedmore than 11 centuries ____ they werebanned in 393 A.D.A. whenB. afterC. asD. until17. As did his ____Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, and Henry Ford, Thomas Edison profoundly transformed the Western World.A. contemporariesB. part-ownersC. companionsD. accomplices18. In a world where information is a flood —____ to everyone, and where nothing is secret or proprietary — the only organizations and managers who will thrive are thosewho can quickly wade into the water, harness what they need, and then add value to it through speedy, innovative business decisions.A. acceptableB. availableC. accessibleD. attainable19. The car pollutes, but advances in fuel quality and ef fi ciency, and inmicroprocessed engine technology, have radically cut ____.A. releasesB. emissionsC. poisonsD. contamination20. If humans use up too much soil - which they have often done and aredoing - then they will starve down to the carrying capacity of their habitat.This is nature's "indifferent" ____.A. flexibilityB. justiceC. plasticityD. sensibilityII. Reading Comprehension 50%Directions: Read the follo w ing passages and choose from the choices marked A, B,C and D that best complete or answer the questions after each passage.Then put a ^in the correspondin g p l ace on the Answer Sheet..Passage OneThroughout the history of life, species of living creatures have made use of chemical energy by the slow combination of certain chemicals with oxygen within their cells. The process is analogous to combustion, but is slower and much more delicately controlled. Sometimes use is made of energy available in the bodies of stronger species as when a remora hitches a ride on a shark or a human being hitchesan ox to a plough.Inanimate sources of energy are sometimes used when species allow themselves to becarried or moved by wind or by water currents. In those cases, though, the inanimate source of energy must be accepted at the place and time that it happens to be and in the amount that happens to exist.The human use of fire involved an inanimate source of energy that was portable and could be used wherever desired. It could be ignited or extinguished at will and could be used when desired. It could be kept small or fed till it was large, and could be used in the quantities desired.The use of fire made it possible for human beings, evolutionarily equipped for mild weather only, to penetrate the temperate zones. It made it possible for them to survive cold nights and long winters, to achieve security against fire-avoiding predators, and to roast meat and grain, thus broadening their diet and limiting the danger of bacterial and parasitic infestation.Human beings multiplied in number and that meant there were more brains to plan future advances. With fire, life was not quite so hand-to-mouth; and there was more time to put those brains to work on something other than immediate emergencies.In short, the use of fire put into motion an accelerating series of technological advances.About 10 000 years ago, in the Middle East, a series of crucial advances were made. These included the development of agriculture, herding, cities, pottery, metallurgy, and writing. The final step, that of writing, took place in the Middle East about 5 000 yea years ago.This complex of changes stretching over a period of 5 000 years introduced what we call civilization, the name we give to a settled life, to a complex society in which human beings are specialized for various tasks.To be sure other animals can build complex societies and can be composed of different types of individuals specialized for different tasks. This is most m arked in such social insects as bees, ants, and termites, where individuals are in some cases physiologically specialized to the point where they cannot eat, but must be fed by others. Some species of ants practice agriculture and grow small mushroom gardens, while others herd aphids; still others war on and enslave smaller species of ants. And, of course, the beehive and the ant or termite colony have many points of analogy with the human city.The most complex nonhuman societies those of the insects, are, however, the result of instinctive behaviour, the guidelines of which are built into the genes and nervous systems of the individuals at birth. Nor does as any nonhuman society make use of fire. With insignificant exceptions, insect societies are run by the energy produced by the insect body.It is fair, then, to consider human societies as basically different from other societies and to attribute what we call civilization to human societies only.21.Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?4A. The process of species' making chemical energy is similar to the process ofcombustion.B. The process of species' making chemical energy is less complicated than theprocess of combustion.C. Fire is a portable, inanimate source of energy.D. Man sometimes makes use of energy available in the bodies of stronger species.22. From the passage we know ___.A. fire made human beings free from bacterial and parasitic infestationB. fire enabled human beings to deal with immediate emergencies more efficientlyC. fire made some animals frightenedD. fire helped human beings change their eating habits completely23. Judging from the context, the phrase "hand-to-mouth" (Para 5) most probablymeans____.A. adventurousB. unhappyC. wanderingD. unstable24. Th e point of similarity between a complex, human society and a complex beesociety is ___.A. the division of laborB. the use of fireC. the development of industryD. the development of a written language25 .According to the passage, insect societies ___.A. are governed by the instincts of insectsB. are not fundamentally different from human societiesC. are composed of individuals of the same typeD. are as not warlike as human beingsPassage TwoModem technology may not have improved the world all that much, but it certainly has made life noisier. Unmuffled motorcycles, blaring car alarms, and roving boom boxes come first, second, and third on my list of most obnoxious noise offenders, but everyone could come up with his own version of aural hell—if he could just find a quiet spot to ponder the matter. Yet what technology has done, other technology is now starting to undo, using computer power, to zap those ear-splitting noises into silence. Previously silence-seekers had little recourse except to stay inside, close the windows, and plug their ears. Remedies like these are quaintly termed " passive" systems, because they place physical barriers against the unwanted sound. Now computer technology is producing a far more effective "active" system, which doesn't just contain, deflect, or mask the noise but annihilates it electronically.The system works by countering the offending noise with -"anti-noise", a somewhat sinister-sounding term that calls to mind antimatter, black holes, and other Popular Science mindbenders but, that actually refers to something quite simple. Just as a wave on a pond is flattened when it merges with a trough that is its exact opposite (or mirror image), so can a sound wave be negated by meeting its opposite.This general theory of sound cancellation has been around since the 1930s. In the fifties and sixties it made for a kind of magic trick among laboratory acousticians5playing around with the first clunky mainframe computers. The advent of low-cost,high-power microprocessors has made active noise-cancellation systems a commercial possibility, and a handful of small electronics firms in the United States and abroad are bringing the first ones onto the silence market.Silence buffs might be hoping that the noise-canceling apparatus will take the shape of the 44 Magnum wielded by Dirty Harry, but in fact active sound control is not quite that active. The system might more properly be described as reactive, in that it responds to sound waves already headed toward human ears. In the configuration that is usual for such systems microphones detect the noise signal and send it to the system's microprocessor, which almostinstantly models it and creates its inverse for loudspeakers to fire at the original. Because the two sounds occupy the same range of frequencies and tones, the inverse sounds exactly like the noise it is meant to eliminate: the anti-noise canceling Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is heard as Beethoven's Fifth. The only difference is that every positive pressure produced on the air by the orchestra is matched by a negative pressure produced by the computer, and every negative pressure is matched by a positive, thereby silencing the sound. The system is most effective as a kind of muffler, in which microphones, microprocessor, and loudspeaker are all in a unit encasing the device that produces the sound, stifling it at its source. But it can work as a headset, too, negating the sound at the last moment before it disturbs one's peace of mind.26.The writer holds that ___.A. modem technology has disturbed the quiet life of the peopleB. modemtechnology has made people indifferent to noise pollution C. modem technologyhas made the present world quieter than before D. modem technology has failed tosolve the problem of noise pollution27. Accor d ing to the passage, an active noise-cancellation system ___. A. contains noiserather than negates it B. eliminates noise rather than muffles it C. deflects noise rather than baffles it D. holds noise back rather than stifles it28. In Paragraph 5 the word " buffs" means A. settlers B. enthusiasts C. buyersD. manufacturers29. Which of the following statements is Not true according to the passage? A. In the past,people sometimes plugged their ears to fight against the offendingnoise. B. An active noise-cancellation system follows the principle of a wave beingflattened by meeting its exact opposite. C. The first active noise-cancellation system was made in the 1930s, D. Active noise-cancellation systems are no w- available onthe market.30. Active noise-cancellation systems require ___. A. microphonesB. microprocessorsC. loudspeakersD. all of the above6Passage ThreeIn the early years of the twentieth century, astrophysicists turned their attention to a special category of stars, known as cepheid(辐射点在仙王(星)座中的流星) variables. A variable star is one whose apparent brightness changes from time to time. Among some variables, the change in brightness occurs so slowly as to be almost imperceptible; among others, it occurs in sudden, brief, violent bursts of energy. Cepheid variables have special characteristics that make them a useful astronomical tool.It was Henrietta Leavitt, an astronomer at the Harvard Observatory, who first examined the cepheid variables in detail. She found that these stars vary regularly in apparent brightness over a relatively short period of time - from one to three days to a month or more. This variation in brightness could be recorded and precisely measured with the help of the camera, then still a new tool in astronomy.Leavitt also noticed that the periodicity of each cepheid variable - that is, the period of time it took for the star to vary from its brightest point to its dimmest, and back to its brightestagain—corresponded to the intrinsic or absolute brightness of the star. That is, the greater the star's absolute brightness, the slower its cycle of variation.Why is this so? The variation in brightness is caused by the interaction between the star's gravity and the outward pressure exerted by the flow of light energy from the star. Gravity pulls the outer portions of the star inward, while light pressure pushes them outward. The result is a pulsating, in-and-out movement that produces increasing and decreasing brightness. The stronger the light pressure, the slower this pulsation. Therefore, the periodicity of the cepheid variable is a good indication of its absolute brightness.Furthermore, it is obvious that the more apparent brightness of any source of light decrease the further we are from the light. Physicists had long known that this relationship could be described by a simple mathematical formula. If we know the absolute brightness of any object - say, a star - as well as our distanc e from that object, it is possible to use the inverse square law to determine exactly how bright that object will appear to be.This laid the background for Leavitt's most crucial insight. As she had discovered, the absolute brightness of a cepheid variable could be determined by measuring its periodicity. And, of course, the apparent brightness of the star when observed from the earth could be determined by simple measurement. Leavitt saw that with these two facts and the help of the inverse square law, it would be possible to determine the distance from earth of any cepheid variable. If we know the absolute brightness of the star and how bright it appears from the earth, we can tell how far it must be.Thus, if a cepheid variable can be found in any galaxy, it is possible to measure the distance of that galaxy from earth. Thanks to Leavitt's discovery, astronomical distances that could not previously be measured became measurable for the first time.31 .The primary purpose of the passage is to explainA. the background and career of the astronomer Henrietta LeavittB. how and why various categories of stars vary in brightness7C. important uses of the camera as an astronomical toolD. how a particular method of measuring astronomical distances was created32. According to the passage, the absolute brightness of a cepheid variable ____.A. depends upon its measurable distance from an observer on earthB. may be determined from the length of its cycle of variationC. changes from time to time according to a regular and predictable patternD. indicates the strength of the gravitation force exerted by the star33. Which of the following did Leavitt's work provide astronomers with the means of determining?A. The absolute brightness of any observable cepheid variable.B. The apparent brightness of any object at a given distance from an observer.C. The distance from earth of any galaxy containing an observable cepheid variable.D. Both A and C.34. Cepheid variable of great absolute brightness would probably exhibit ____.A. a relatively rapid variation in brightnessB. a correspondingly weak gravitational forceC. slow and almost invisible changes in brightnessD. a strong outward flow of light pressure35. The passage implies that Leavitt's work on cepheid variables would not have beenpossible without the availability of____.A. the camera as a scientific toolB. techniques for determining the distances between starsC. a method of measuring a star's gravitational forceD. an understanding of the chemical properties of starsPassage fourThe American economy, whether in government or private industry, has found retirement a convenient practice for managing the labor force. On the positive side, widespread retirement has meant an expansion of leisure and opportunities for self-fulfillment in later life. On the negative side, the practice of retirement entails large costs, both in funding required for pension systems and in the loss of the accumulated skills and talents of older people.Critics of retirement as it exists today have pointed to the rigidity of retirement practices: for example, the fact that retirement is typically an all-or-nothing proposition. Would it not be better to have some form of flexible or phased retirement, in which employees gradually reduce their work hours or take longer vacations? Such an approach might enable older workers to adjust better to retirement, while permitting employers to make gradual changes instead of coping with the abrupt departure of an employee. Retirement could be radically redefined in the future.Earlier criticism of mandatory retirement at a fixed age led to legal abolition of the practice, for the most part, in 1986, The same kind of criticism has been leveled at the practice of age discrimination in employment. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act forbids older workers from being limited or treated in any way that would harm their employment possibilities. Still, most observers admit that age8discrimination in the workplace remains widespread. The negative stereotypes of older workers have caused employers to be reluctant to hire or train older people. Sometimes such discrimination against older workers is based on mistaken ideas, such as the false belief that older workers are less productive. In fact, empirical studies have not shown older workers to be less dependable in their job performance, nor are their absenteeism rate higher.Interest in the potential productivity of older workers has stimulated the growth of industrial gerontology, a field concerned with recruitment, performance appraisal, retraining, and redesign of jobs to permit older workers to be more productive. Managing an older workforce will clearly be a challenge for the future. There is also much support for the idea of work life extension; that is, adaptations of retirement rules or employment practices to enable older people to become more productive. In favor of this idea is the fact that three-quarters of employed people over 65 are in white-collar occupations in service industries, which are less physically demanding than agriculture or manufacturing jobs. As a result, it is sometimes argued, older people can remain in productive jobs now longer than in the past. In addition, some analysts point to declining numbers of young people entering the workforce, thus anticipating a labor shortage later in the 1990s. That development, if it occurred, might stimulate a need for older workers and a reversal of the trend toward early retirement.36. Opponents of the retirement policy say ____.A. it gives more leisure to old people than they know how to useB. it costs too much money in the form of retirement pensionsC. it is too rigid and flexibility should be integrated into itD. retirement should be p racticed only in the public sector37. Wh at happened in 1986?A. Retirement stopped being practiced.B. Age limitation in retirement was abolished.C. Age discrimination was legally abolished.D. Retired people were no longer entitled to pensions.38.Empirical studies indicate that old people ____.A. are less productive than younger peopleB. prefer working to retiringC. are reliable workersD. are less dependable39. I nd u s tri a l gerontology is concerned with ____.A. how to mange older workforceB. finding out how productive older workers can beC. how to meet the challenge of the futureD. finding out what kind of people can stay after the retirement age40. Which of the following might lead to work life extension?A. Retraining of old people in modem skills.B. The trend toward early retirement.9C. The expansion of agriculture and manufacturing industry.D. The declining younger labor force.Passage FiveOur culture has caused most Americans to assume not only that our language is universal but that the gestures we use are understood by everyone. We do not realize that waving good-bye is the way to summon a person from the Philippines to one's side, or that in Italy and some Latin American countries, curling the finger to oneself is a sign of farewell.Those private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after World War II and marked them GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that "Gift" means poison in German. Moreover, we like to think of ourselves as friendly, yet we prefer to be at least 3 feet or an arm's length away from others. Latins and Middle Easterners like to come closer and touch, which makes Americans uncomfortable.Our linguistic (语言上的) and cultural blindness and the casualness with which we take notice of the developed tastes, gestures, customs and languages of other countries, are losing us friends, business and respect in the world.Even here in the United States, we make few concessions to the needs of foreign visitors. There are no information signs in four languages on our public buildings or monuments; we do not have multilingual (多语的)guided tours. Very few restaurant menus have translations, and multilingual waiters, bank clerks and policemen are rare. Our transportation systems have maps in English only and often we ourselves have difficulty understanding them.When we go abroad, we tend to cluster in hotels and restaurants where English is spoken. Theattitudes and information we pick up are conditioned by those natives -usually the richer - who speak English. Our business dealings, as well as the nation's diplomacy, are conducted through interpreters.For many years, America and Americans could get by with cultural blindness and linguistic ignorance. After all, America was the most powerful country of the free world, the distributor of needed funds and goods.But all that is past, American dollars no longer buy all good things, and we are slowly beginning to realize that our proper role in the world is changing. A 1979 Harris poll reported that 55 percent of Americans want this country to play a more significant role in world affairs; we want to have a hand in the important decisions of the next century, even though it may not always be the upper hand.41. It can be inferred that Americans being approached too closely by Middle-Easterners would most probably ____.A. stand stillB. jump asideC. step forwardD. draw back42.The author gives many examples to criticize Americans for their ____.A. cultural self-centerednessB. casual mannersC. indifference towards foreign visitors10D. arrogance toward other cultures43. In countries other than their own most Americans ____.A. are isolated by the local peopleB. are not well informed due to the language barrierC. tend to get along well with the nativesD. need interpreters in hotels and restaurants44. According to the author, Americans' cultural blindness and linguistic ignorancewill____.A. affect their image in the new eraB. cut themselves of f from the outside worldC. limit their role in world af f airsD. weaken the position of the US dollar45. The author's intention in writing this article is to make Americans realize thatA. it is dangerous to ignore their foreign friendsB. it is important to maintain their leading role in world affairsC. it is necessary to use several languages in public placesD. it is time to get acquainted with other culturesIII. Translation 20%Directions:Translate the following passage into ChineseA few years ago, the rich world's worry about economic interaction with developing countries was that the poor could not profit from it. So unbalanced were the terms of exchange between the North's mighty industries and the South's weakling sweatshops that trade between the two could be nothing more than exploitation of the one by the other: far from helping the poor countries, global integration would actually deepen their poverty. This fear has now given way to a pessimism that is equal and opposite - namely, that trade with the developing world will impoverish today's rich countries.This new fear is more dangerous than the old one. The earlier scare tacitly affirmed that the industrial countries would suffer if they cut their links with the third world. Starting from there, campaigning in the North to restrict trade with developing countries was going to be an uphill struggle. Those who oppose deeper economic integration now have a better platform. Vital interests oblige the rich countries to protect their industries from the new competition. Unlike its predecessor, this idea may sell.The new fear, like the old one, expresses the conviction that growth in one part of the world must somehow come at the expense of another. This is a deeply rooted prejudice, and plainly wrong. Very nearly all of the world is more prosperous now than it was 30 years ago. Growth has been a story of mutual advance.Lending useful support to this first error is a second - the idea that there is only so much work to go round. If new technologies make some jobs obsolete, or if an increase in the supply of cheap imports makes other jobs uneconomic, the result must11be a permanent rise in unemployment. Again, on a moment's reflection, this is wrong. At the core of both errors is blindness to the adaptive power of a market economy.IV. Writing 20%Directions:Please read the follo w ing report and then w rite an essay in 250-300 words on the topic : My comment on the plan of future development of Chongming (崇明)island.Your composition should consist of three parts:1. The characteristics of the plan2. My comment on the plan3. Description of the relationship between human and nature (to support our comment) Chongming, the country's third largest and Shanghai's "last piece of pristine land", is working on a decade-long development plan. There are no large -scaleindustrialization plans for the island. Instead future development will focuson tourism, resorts and exhibition centres although there will be room forcertain pollution-free industries. —From "Shanghai Star"。
用地面积(ha) 比重(%) 人均面积(m2/人)居住区用地其中住宅用地公建用地道路用地公共绿地其他用地4、居住区级、居住小区级、居住组团级和宅间道路的宽度别离为多少米?居住区级:路面10-14米;红线20-30米。
同济大学本专科课程期终考试(考查)统一命题纸 A 卷2005—2006学年第一学期课程名称:土力学 课号: 任课教师:楼晓明、梁发云、李镜培周 健、姚笑青、钱建固专业年级:土木工程03级 学号: 姓名:考试(√)考查( ) 考试(查)日期:2006年 元月13日 出考卷教师签名:楼晓明、梁发云 教学管理室主任签名:李镜培一、单项选择题:(20分,每小题2分)( B )1、土的三相比例指标中通过试验测定的指标是:A 、孔隙比、含水量和饱和度;B 、土的密度、含水量和土粒密度;C 、孔隙率、土粒密度和土的密度;D 、土粒密度、饱和度和土的密度。
( C )2、评价粘性土软硬程度的指标常用______________。
A 、塑限W p ; B 、塑性指数I p ; C 、液性指数I L ; D 、液限W L 。
( A )3、动水力(渗透力)的大小主要取决于;A 、水头梯度;B 、水头差;C 、渗透系数;D 、流速。
( C )4、引起建筑物基础沉降的根本原因是;A 、基础自重压力B 、基底总压应力C 、基底附加应力D 、建筑物活荷载( A )5、土的压缩系数越______、压缩模量越______,土的压缩性就越大。
A 、高,低; B 、低,高; C 、高,高; D 、低,低。
( D )6、现场载荷试验得到的地基模量是______。
A 、压缩模量; B 、弹性模量; C 、初始模量; D 、变形模量。
( A )7、新近沉积的粘性土一般为_______土。
A 、欠固结; B 、正常固结; C 、超固结: D 、完全固结。
( A )8、土中某点土处于剪切破坏时,与剪破面的夹角为245ϕ+︒(ϕ为内摩擦角)的是:A 、大主应力作用面;B 、小主应力作用面;C 、大主应力方向;D 、最大剪应力方向。
( B )9、对同一种土,五个重度指标的大小顺序是:A 、γsat > γs > γ > γd > γ';B 、γs > γsat > γ > γd > γ';C 、γs > γsat > γd > γ > γ';D 、γsat > γs > γd > γ > γ'。
同济大学课程考核试卷(A 卷) 2006— 2007学年第一学期命题教师签名: 审核教师签名:课号: 课名:工程力学 考试考查:此卷选为:期中考试( )、期终考试( )、重考( )试卷年级 专业 学号 姓名 得分题号 一二三四五 六 总分题分 3010151515 15 100得分一、 填空题(每题5分,共30分)1刚体绕O Z 轴转动,在垂直于转动轴的某平面上有A ,B 两点,已知O Z A =2O Z B ,某瞬时a A =10m/s 2,方向如图所示。
则此时B 点加速度的大小为__5m/s 2 ;(方向要在图上表示出来)。
与O z B 成60度角。
2刻有直槽OB 的正方形板OABC 在图示平面内绕O 轴转动,点M 以r =OM =50t 2(r 以mm 计)的规律在槽内运动,若t 2=ω(以rad/s 计),则当t =1s 时,点M 的相对加速度的大小为_0.1m/s 2_;牵连加速度的大小为__1.6248m/s 2__。
科氏加速度为_22.0m/s 2_,方向应在图中画出。
方向垂直OB ,指向左上方。
3质量分别为m 1=m ,m 2=2m 的两个小球M 1,M 2用长为L 而重量不计的刚杆相连。
现将M 1置于光滑水平面上,且M 1M 2与水平面成︒60角。
则当无初速释放,M 2球落地时,M 1球移动的水平距离为___(1)___。
(1)3L ; (2)4L; (3)6L; (4)0。
4已知OA =AB =L ,=常数,均质连杆AB 的质量为m ,曲柄OA ,滑块B 的质量不计。
则图示瞬时,相对于杆AB 的质心C 的动量矩的大小为__122ωmL L C =,(顺时针方向)___。
5均质细杆AB 重P ,长L ,置于水平位置,若在绳BC 突然剪断瞬时有角加速度,则杆上各点惯性力的合力的大小为_g PL 2α,(铅直向上)_,作用点的位置在离A 端_32L_处,并在图中画出该惯性力。
6铅垂悬挂的质量--弹簧系统,其质量为m ,弹簧刚度系数为k ,若坐标原点分别取在弹簧静伸长处和未伸长处,则质点的运动微分方程可分别写成_0=+kx xm _和_mg kx x m =+ _。
2006年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海 数学试卷(理工农医类)一.填空题(本大题满分 分).已知集合✌={- , , m - },集合 ={ ,2m }.若 ⊆✌,则实数m = ..已知圆2x - x - +2y = 的圆心是点 ,则点 到直线x -y - = 的距离是 ..若函数)(x f =xa (a > ,且a ≠ )的反函数的图像过点( ,- ),则a = ..计算:1lim 33+∞→n C nn = ..若复数z 同时满足z --z = i ,-z =iz (i 为虚数单位),则z = . .如果αcos =51,且α是第四象限的角,那么)2cos(πα+= ..已知椭圆中心在原点,一个焦点为☞(- 3, ),且长轴长是短轴长的 倍,则该椭圆的标准方程是 . .在极坐标系中, 是极点,设点✌( ,3π), ( ,-65π),则△ ✌的面积是..两部不同的长篇小说各由第一、二、三、四卷组成,每卷 本,共 本.将它们任意地排成一排,左边 本恰好都属于同一部小说的概率是 (结果用分数表示)..如果一条直线与一个平面垂直,那么,称此直线与平面构成一个“正交线面对”.在一个正方体中,由两个顶点确定的直线与含有四个顶点的平面构成的“正交线面对”的个数是 ..若曲线2y = x + 与直线y =kx +b 没有公共点,则k 、b 分别应满足的条件是 ..三个同学对问题“关于x 的不等式2x + + 3x - 2x ≥ax 在☯, 上恒成立,求实数a 的取值范围”提出各自的解题思路. 甲说:“只须不等式左边的最小值不小于右边的最大值”.乙说:“把不等式变形为左边含变量x 的函数,右边仅含常数,求函数的最值”. 丙说:“把不等式两边看成关于x 的函数,作出函数图像”.参考上述解题思路,你认为他们所讨论的问题的正确结论,即a 的取值范围是 .二.选择题(本大题满分 分).如图,在平行四边形✌中,下列结论中错误的是 ☯答( )(✌)→--AB =→--DC ;( )→--AD +→--AB =→--AC ; ( )→--AB -→--AD =→--BD ;( )→--AD +→--CB =→0..若空间中有四个点,则“这四个点中有三点在同一直线上”是“这四个点在同一平面上”的☯答 ( )(✌)充分非必要条件;( )必要非充分条件;( )充要条件;( )非充分非必要条件..若关于x 的不等式x k )1(2+≤4k + 的解集是 ,则对任意实常数k ,总有☯答( )(✌) ∈ , ∈ ; ( ) ∉ , ∉ ; ( ) ∈ , ∉ ; ( ) ∉ , ∈ ..如图,平面中两条直线1l 和2l 相交于点 ,对于平面上任意一点 ,若p 、q 分别是✌到直线1l 和2l 的距离,则称有序非负实数对(p ,q )是点 的“距离坐标”.已知常数p ≥ ,q ≥ ,给出下列命题:①若p =q = ,则“距离坐标”为( , )的点 有且仅有 个;②若pq = ,且p +q ≠ ,则“距离坐标”为 (p ,q )的点有且仅有 个;③若pq ≠ ,则“距离坐标”为(p ,q )的点有且仅有 个. 上述命题中,正确命题的个数是☯答 ( ) (✌) ; ( ) ; ( ) ; ( ) .三.解答题(本大题满分 分)本大题共有 题,解答下列各题必须写出必要的步骤. .(本题满分 分) 求函数y = )4cos()4cos(ππ-+x x +x 2sin 3的值域和最小正周期.☯解.(本题满分 分)如图,当甲船位于✌处时获悉,在其正东方向相距 海里的 处有一艘渔船遇险等待营救.甲船立即前往救援,同时把消息告知在甲船的南偏西 ,相距 海里 处的乙船,试问乙船应朝北偏东多少度的方向沿直线前往 处救援(角度精确到)? ☯解北✌.(本题满分 分)本题共有 个小题,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分)在四棱锥 -✌中,底面是边长为 的菱形,∠ ✌= ,对角线✌与 相交于点 , ⊥平面✌, 与平面✌所成的角为 . ( )求四棱锥 -✌的体积; ( )若☜是 的中点,求异面直线 ☜与 ✌所成角的大小(结果用反 三角函数值表示). ☯解 ( ) ( ).(本题满分 分)本题共有 个小题,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分)在平面直角坐标系x y 中,直线l 与抛物线2y = x 相交于✌、 两点. ( )求证:“如果直线l 过点❆( , ),那么→--OA →--⋅OB = ”是真命题; ( )写出( )中命题的逆命题,判断它是真命题还是假命题,并说明理由. ☯解 ( )✌☜( ).(本题满分 分)本题共有 个小题,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分)已知有穷数列{n a }共有 k 项(整数k ≥ ),首项1a = .设该数列的前n 项和为n S ,且1+n a =n S a )1(-+ (n = , ,┅, k - ),其中常数a > . ( )求证:数列{n a }是等比数列;( )若a =122-k ,数列{n b }满足n b =)(log 1212n a a a n⋅⋅⋅(n = , ,┅, k ),求数列{n b }的通项公式;( )若( )中的数列{n b }满足不等式 1b -23 + 2b -23 +┅+ 12-k b -23+ k b 2-23≤ ,求k 的值. ☯解 ( ) ( )( ).(本题满分 分)本题共有 个小题,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分)已知函数y =x +xa有如下性质:如果常数a > ,那么该函数在( ,a ]上是减函数,在[a ,+∞)上是增函数.( )如果函数y =x +xb2(x > )的值域为[ ,+∞),求b 的值;( )研究函数y =2x +2x c(常数c > )在定义域内的单调性,并说明理由; ( )对函数y =x +x a 和y =2x +2xa (常数a > )作出推广,使它们都是你所推广的函数的特例.研究推广后的函数的单调性(只须写出结论,不必证明),并求函数)(x F =n x x )1(2++n x x)1(2+(n 是正整数)在区间☯21, 上的最大值和最小值(可利用你的研究结论). ☯解 ( ) ( ) ( )上海数学☎理工农医类✆参考答案年高考上海 数学试卷(理)一.填空题. 解:由2211m m m =-⇒=,经检验,1m =为所求;. 解:由已知得圆心为:(2,0)P ,由点到直线距离公式得:d ; . 解:由互为反函数关系知,)(x f 过点(1,2)-,代入得:112a -;. 解:33223333321(1)(2)321lim lim limlim 161(1)3!(1)3!(1)3!n n n n n C n n n n n n n n n n n n→∞→∞→∞→∞-+---+====++++;. 解:已知2211i Z iZ i Z i i⇒-=⇒==--;. 解:已知226cos()sin (1cos )2πααα⇒+=-=---=;.解:已知222222242,23161164(23,0)b a bc y x a a b cF =⎧⎪==⎧⎪⎪⇒⇒=⇒+=⎨⎨-=⎪⎪⎩-⎪⎩为所求; . 解:如图△ ✌中,554,5,2(())366OA OB AOB ππππ==∠=---= 1545sin 526AOB S π∆⇒== ☎平方单位✆;. 解:分为二步完成: ✆ 两套中任取一套,再作全排列,有124C P 种方法; ✆ 剩下的一套全排列,有4P 种方法;所以,所求概率为:12448135C P P P =; .解:正方体中,一个面有四条棱与之垂直,六个面,共构成 个“正交线面对”;而正方体的六个对角截面中,每个对角面又有两条面对角线与之垂直,共构成 个“正交线面对”,所以共有 个“正交线面对”;.解:作出函数2||1=+y x 的图象, 如右图所示:所以,0,(1,1)k b =∈-;.解:由2x + + 3x - 2x ≥225,112|5|ax x a x x x x≤≤⇒≤++-, 而2525210x x x x+≥=,等号当且仅当5[1,12]x =∈时成立;且2|5|0x x -≥,等号当且仅当5[1,12]x =∈时成立;所以,2min 25[|5|]10a x x x x≤++-=,等号当且仅当5[1,12]x =∈时成立;故(,10]a ∈-∞;二.选择题(本大题满分 分). 解:由向量定义易得, ( )选项错误;AB AD DB -=;.解: 充分性成立: “这四个点中有三点在同一直线上”有两种情况: )第四点在共线三点所在的直线上,可推出“这四个点在同一平面上”; )第四点不在共线三点所在的直线上,可推出“这四点在唯一的一个平面内”;必要性不成立:“四个点在同一平面上”可能推出“两点分别在两条相交或平行直线上”;故选(✌) .解:选(✌)方法 :代入判断法,将2,0x x ==分别代入不等式中,判断关于k 的不等式解集是否为R ;方法 :求出不等式的解集; .解:选( )① 正确,此点为点O ② 正确,注意到,p q 为常数,由,p q 中必有一个为零,另一个非零,从而可知有且仅有 个点,这两点在其中一条直线上,且到另一直线的距离为q (或p ); ③ 正确,四个交点为与直线1l 相距为p 的两条平行线和与直线2l 相距为q 的两条平行线的交点;三.解答题(本大题满分 分)本大题共有 题,解答下列各题必须写出必要的步骤..(本题满分 分)求函数2cos()cos()44y x x x ππ=+-的值域和最小正周期.☯解 2cos()cos()44y x x x ππ=+-22112(cos sin )22cos22sin(2)6x x xx x x π=-==+ 函数2cos()cos()44y x x x ππ=+-的值域是[2,2]- 最小正周期是π;✌.(本题满分 分)如图,当甲船位于✌处时获悉,在其正东方向相距 海里的 处有一艘渔船遇险等待 营救.甲船立即前往救援,同时把消息告知在甲船的南偏西 ,相距 海里 处的乙船,试问乙船应朝北偏东多少度的方向沿直线前往 处救援(角度精确到1︒)? ☯解 连接 由余弦定理得 - 于是 7 710120sin 20sin ︒=ACB ♦♓⏹ ✌73 ✌ ✌乙船应朝北偏东 方向沿直线前往 处救援.(本题满分 分)本题共有 个小题,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分)在四棱锥 -✌中,底面是边长为 的菱形,∠ ✌= ,对角线✌与 相交 于点 , ⊥平面✌, 与平面✌所成的角为 . ( )求四棱锥 -✌的体积; ( )若☜是 的中点,求异面直线☜与 ✌所成角的大小(结果用反三角函数值表示).☯解 ( )在四棱锥 ✌中 由 平面✌得是 与平面✌所成的角 在 ♦✌中 ✌♦♓⏹ 由 于是 ♦♑3 而底面菱形的面积为 3 四棱锥 ✌的体积✞313 3 ( )解法一:以 为坐标原点 射线 、 、分别为⌧轴、⍓轴、 轴的正半轴建立 空间直角坐标系在 ♦✌中 ✌3 于是 点✌、 、 、 的坐标分别是✌☎-3 ✆ ☎✆ ☎-✆ ☎ 3✆✌☜☜是 的中点 则☜☎21 23✆ 于是DE ☎23 23✆AP ☎ 3 3✆设AP与DE 的夹角为→有♍☐♦→4233434923=+⋅+ →♋❒♍♍☐♦42 异面直线 ☜与 ✌所成角的大小是♋❒♍♍☐♦42; 解法二:取✌的中点☞连接☜☞、 ☞由☜是 的中点 得☜☞✌, ☞☜是异面直线 ☜与 ✌所成 角☎或它的补角✆,在 ♦✌中✌✌♍☐♦3 , 于是 在等腰 ♦✌中, ✌6,则☜☞26在正 ✌和正 中 ☜☞3,♍☐♦ ☞☜34621=DE EF42异面直线 ☜与 ✌所成角的大小是♋❒♍♍☐♦42.(本题满分 分)本题共有 个小题,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分)在平面直角坐标系x y 中,直线l 与抛物线2y = x 相交于✌、 两点. ( )求证:“如果直线l 过点❆( , ),那么→--OA →--⋅OB = ”是真命题;( )写出( )中命题的逆命题,判断它是真命题还是假命题,并说明理由. ☯解 ( )设过点❆☎✆的直线l 交抛物线⍓ ⌧于点✌☎⌧ ⍓ ✆、 ☎⌧ ⍓ ✆当直线l 的钭率不存在时 直线l 的方程为⌧此时 直线l 与抛物线相交于点✌☎6✆、 ☎-6✆ OB OA ⋅ ;当直线l 的钭率存在时 设直线l 的方程为(3)y k x =-,其中0k ≠,由22(3)y xy k x =⎧⎨=-⎩得 2122606ky y k y y --=⇒=-又 22112211,22x y x y ==,2121212121()34OA OB x x y y y y y y =+=+=,综上所述,命题❽如果直线l 过点❆☎✆,那么⋅ ❾是真命题; ☎✆逆命题是:设直线l 交抛物线⍓ ⌧于✌、 两点 如果⋅ 那么该直线过点❆☎✆该命题是假命题例如:取抛物线上的点✌☎✆, ☎21✆,此时OA OB 直线✌的方程为:2(1)3y x =+,而❆☎✆不在直线✌上;说明:由抛物线⍓ ⌧上的点✌ ☎⌧ ⍓ ✆、 ☎⌧ ⍓ ✆ 满足⋅ ,可得⍓ ⍓ - ,或⍓ ⍓ ,如果⍓ ⍓ - ,可证得直线✌过点☎✆;如果⍓ ⍓ ,可证得直线✌过点☎- ✆而不过点☎✆.(本题满分 分,本题共有 个小题,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分)已知有穷数列{n a }共有 k 项(整数k ≥ ),首项1a = .设该数列的前n 项和为n S ,且1+n a =n S a )1(-+ (n = , ,┅, k - ),其中常数a > . ( )求证:数列{n a }是等比数列; ( )若a =122-k ,数列{n b }满足n b =)(log 1212n a a a n⋅⋅⋅(n = , ,┅, k ), 求数列{n b }的通项公式;( )若( )中的数列{n b }满足不等式 1b -23 + 2b -23 +┅+ 12-k b -23+ k b 2-23≤ ,求k 的值.☎✆ ☯证明 当⏹时 ♋ ♋则12a a ♋; ♎⏹♎- 时 ♋⏹ ☎♋- ✆ ⏹ ♋⏹ ☎♋- ✆ ⏹- ♋⏹-♋⏹ ☎♋-✆ ♋⏹ nn a a 1+ ♋ 数列 ♋⏹❝是等比数列 ☎✆ 解:由☎✆ 得♋⏹ ♋1-n ♋ ♋ ⑤♋⏹ n♋)1(21-+++n n♋2)1(-n n 12)1(--+k n n n♌⏹ 1121]12)1([1+--=--+k n k n n n n ☎⏹⑤✆( )设♌⏹♎23 解得⏹♎21 又⏹是正整数 于是当⏹♎时 ♌⏹ 23; 当⏹♏时 ♌⏹ 23原式 ☎23-♌ ✆☎23-♌ ✆⑤☎23-♌ ✆☎♌ -23✆⑤☎♌ -23✆☎♌ ⑤♌ ✆-☎♌ ⑤♌ ✆]12)10(21[]12)12(21[k k kk k k k k k +--+-+--+122-k k 当122-k k ♎得 - ♎ -3♎♎3 又 ♏当 时 原不等式成立.(本题满分 分,本题共有 个小题,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分,第 小题满分 分) 已知函数y =x +xa有如下性质:如果常数a > ,那么该函数在( ,a ]上是减函数,在[a ,+∞)上是增函数.( )如果函数y =x +xb2(x > )的值域为[ ,+∞),求b 的值;( )研究函数y =2x +2x c(常数c > )在定义域内的单调性,并说明理由; ( )对函数y =x +x a 和y =2x +2xa (常数a > )作出推广,使它们都是你所推广的函数的特例.研究推广后的函数的单调性(只须写出结论,不必证明),并求函数)(x F =n x x )1(2++n x x)1(2+(n 是正整数)在区间☯21, 上的最大值和最小值(可利用你的研究结论).☯解 ( )函数⍓⌧xb2☎⌧✆的最小值是b 2,则b2 ♌●☐♑ ☎✆ 设 ⌧ ⌧ ⍓ -⍓ )1)((2221212221212222x x c x x x c x x c x ⋅--=--+当4c ⌧ ⌧ 时 ⍓ ⍓ 函数⍓22xcx +在☯4c ✆上是增函数;当 ⌧ ⌧ 4c 时⍓ ⍓ 函数⍓22x c x +在☎4c 上是减函数 又⍓22xcx +是偶函数,于是, 该函数在☎- -4c 上是减函数 在☯-4c ✆上是增函数;☎✆ 可以把函数推广为⍓nnx ax +☎常数♋✆其中⏹是正整数 当⏹是奇数时 函数⍓n nxa x +在☎n a 2 上是减函数 在☯n a 2 ✆ 上是增函数在☎- -n a 2 上是增函数 在☯-n a 2 ✆上是减函数; 当⏹是偶数时 函数⍓nnxa x +在☎na 2 上是减函数 在☯n a 2 ✆ 上是增函数在☎- -n a 2 上是减函数 在☯-n a 2 ✆上是增函数; ☞☎⌧✆n x x )1(2+ n x x)1(2+ )1()1()1()1(323232321220n nn n r n r n r n n n n n n n xx C x x C x x C x x C ++++++++---- 因此☞☎⌧✆ 在 ☯21上是减函数 在☯上是增函数所以,当⌧21或⌧时,☞☎⌧✆取得最大值☎29✆⏹ ☎49✆⏹; 当⌧时☞☎⌧✆取得最小值 ⏹;。
第一部分城市规划原理历年真题(1994-2012) (2)1994城市规划原理试题 (2)1995城市规划原理试题 (2)1996城市规划原理试题 (2)1997城市规划原理试题 (3)1998城市规划原理试题 (3)1999城市规划原理试题 (4)2000城市规划原理试题 (4)2001城市规划原理试题 (5)2002城市规划原理试题 (5)2003城市规划原理试题 (5)2004城市规划原理试题 (6)2005城市规划原理试题 (6)2006城市规划原理试题 (6)2007城市规划原理试题 (7)2008城市规划原理试题 (7)2009城市规划原理试题 (8)2010城市规划原理试题 (8)2011年城市规划原理试题 (8)2012年城市规划原理试题 (9)第二部分城市规划原理试题分类 (12)【第一部分:城市总体规划】 (12)【第二部分:居住区规划】 (13)【第三部分:区域规划与城镇体系规划】 (14)【第四部分:中、外城市建设史】 (15)【第五部分:历史文化名城保护规划】 (15)【第六部分:城市规划其他相关内容】 (15)第三部分城市住宅区规划设计原理内容纲要 (16)第一部分城市规划原理历年真题(1994-2012)1994城市规划原理试题一、名词释义(20分)城市规划区邻里单元城市规模土地级差二、试对一个国外城市总体规划进行评述,并绘制总体规划简图。
2006年同济大学考博英语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. English-Chinese Translation 4. WritingStructure and V ocabulary1.How can personal income tax be levied to______ as many as possible while at the same time ensuring State finances do not suffer too much?A.interestB.benefitC.profitD.concern正确答案:B解析:四个选项的意思分别是interest“使感兴趣”;benefit“使受益”;profit “获利”;concern“影响,涉及”。
句意是:征收个人所得税,怎样能够在惠及更多人的同时,还能保证国家财政不受太大的影响呢?所以正确答案是B选项,如The plants benefited from the rain(植物得益于这场雨)。
2.To fund the______ event and also promote the marketing value of the National Games, the organizing committee set up the Marketing Development Department (MDD).A.beneficentB.expensiveC.costlyD.luxurious正确答案:A解析:四个选项的意思分别是beneficent“行善的,慈善的”;expensive“昂贵的”;costly“昂贵的”;luxurious“奢华的”。
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17、“少就是多”英语称为less is more,是设计大师密斯·凡·德罗极力倡导并身体