Strategic Alliances Guidelines for




和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢丝路精神英语Peace, Cooperation, Openness, Inclusiveness, Mutual Learning, and Mutual Benefit":The Silk Road, an ancient network of trade routes that connected the East and the West, has long been a symbol of cultural exchange, economic prosperity, and peaceful coexistence. The spirit embodied by this remarkable historical phenomenon continues to inspire and guide the global community in the modern era. At the heart of this spirit lie the principles of peace, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning, and mutual benefit – values that are essential for building a more harmonious and prosperous world.Peace is the foundation upon which all other aspects of the Silk Road spirit rest. Throughout history, the Silk Road facilitated the exchange of not only goods but also ideas, beliefs, and technologies, fostering a climate of mutual understanding and respect among diverse civilizations. This spirit of peaceful coexistence is particularly relevant in today's world, where conflicts and tensions often threaten to undermine global stability. By embracing the Silk Road's legacy ofpeaceful cooperation, nations can work together to resolve disputes, promote dialogue, and create an environment conducive to sustainable development.Cooperation is another key tenet of the Silk Road spirit. The success of the ancient trade routes was largely due to the willingness of different cultures and powers to collaborate, share resources, and engage in mutually beneficial exchanges. This collaborative approach is equally crucial in the modern context, where global challenges such as climate change, economic inequality, and public health crises require coordinated international efforts. By fostering cooperation, countries can leverage their respective strengths, pool their resources, and work towards common goals, thereby enhancing the well-being of their citizens and the global community as a whole.Openness and inclusiveness are also central to the Silk Road spirit. The ancient trade routes were open to all, welcoming merchants, scholars, and travelers from diverse backgrounds and encouraging the free flow of goods, ideas, and people. This spirit of openness and inclusiveness is essential in today's interconnected world, where the free exchange of information, technology, and cultural practices can drive innovation, foster mutual understanding, and promote sustainable development. By embracing openness and inclusiveness, nations can create an environment that is conducive to the free exchange of ideas, the free movement of people, and the free tradeof goods and services, ultimately contributing to a more prosperous and equitable global order.The Silk Road spirit also emphasizes the importance of mutual learning and exchange. As merchants, scholars, and travelers traversed the ancient trade routes, they encountered new cultures, technologies, and ways of life, which they then shared with their own societies. This process of mutual learning and exchange enriched the intellectual and cultural landscape of the Eurasian continent, fostering a climate of innovation and cross-pollination of ideas. In the modern era, this spirit of mutual learning is essential for addressing the complex challenges facing the global community. By embracing a mindset of openness and curiosity, nations can learn from each other's successes and failures, adopt best practices, and develop innovative solutions to shared problems.Finally, the Silk Road spirit embodies the principle of mutual benefit. The ancient trade routes thrived because they enabled all participants to derive tangible advantages from their engagement –whether it was the exchange of valuable goods, the acquisition of new knowledge, or the forging of strategic alliances. This win-win approach is equally crucial in today's global landscape, where the interconnectedness of nations and economies requires a collaborative and mutually beneficial approach to policymaking and international relations. By prioritizing mutual benefit, countries canensure that their interactions and partnerships lead to sustainable and equitable outcomes, ultimately contributing to a more prosperous and stable global order.The spirit of the Silk Road, with its emphasis on peace, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning, and mutual benefit, offers a powerful blueprint for navigating the challenges of the 21st century. As the world grapples with complex issues such as climate change, economic inequality, and geopolitical tensions, the values embodied by the Silk Road can serve as a guiding light, inspiring nations to work together, embrace diversity, and strive for a more harmonious and prosperous future. By embracing this timeless spirit, the global community can unlock new opportunities for growth, innovation, and shared prosperity, ultimately paving the way for a more sustainable and equitable world.。



国家安全战略的英文通常表达为"National Security Strategy"。

1.The National Security Strategy (NSS) outlines the core principlesand objectives guiding a nation's foreign and defense policies.翻译:国家安全战略(NSS)概述了一国指导其外交和国防政策的核心原则和目标。

2.President unveiled the latest National Security Strategy,emphasizing economic strength as a foundation of nationalpower.翻译:总统发布了最新的国家安全战略,强调经济实力作为国家力量的基础。

3.The NSS prioritizes cybersecurity threats as a critical componentin maintaining national security.翻译:国家安全战略将网络安全威胁作为维护国家安全的关键组成部分予以优先考虑。

4.In accordance with the NSS, the country will bolster its allianceswhile promoting regional stability.翻译:按照国家安全战略,该国将在促进地区稳定的同时加强其同盟关系。

5.The NSS identifies climate change as a significant risk to long-term global security and calls for international cooperation.翻译:国家安全战略将气候变化视为对全球长期安全的重大风险,并呼吁国际协作。


第三节 国际战略联盟
建 和 管 理 、 国 际 战 略 联 盟 的 构 四 势 、 国 际 战 略 联 盟 的 优 三 式 及 特 点 、 国 际 战 略 联 盟 的 形 二 义 及 产 生 、 国 际 战 略 联 盟 的 含 一
1.1 含义
国际战略联盟(International Strategic Alliances)指两个或者两个以 指两个或者两个以 上的企业为了实现优势互补、 上的企业为了实现优势互补、提高竞争力及扩大国际市场的共同目 标而制定的双边或多边的长期或短期的合作协议。 标而制定的双边或多边的长期或短期的合作协议。
• 将不同企业的相同价值链活动进行连接通常是为了取得有效的经营规 模、共享合格的人才和共担风险。当任何一家公司都不具备足够大的 规模、缺乏必要的人才或不情愿从事冒险事业时,这种价值链活动的 连接就显得特别有意义。(在企业相同价值链环节进行连接)
• 随着市场全球一体化的发展,企业间的竞争日趋激烈。任何单个企业 也不可能单枪匹马地独行于天下,全能型企业已经不复存在。一些企 业在竞争过程中会逐步显现出其固有的劣势,比如高昂的生产制造成 本,而另一些企业恰恰在这方面突显优势。这时候企业往往会选择不 同价值链活动的连接,以求把彼此的竞争优势为我所用。(在企业不 同价值链环节进行连接)
管理国际战略联盟的艺术在于知道 什么时候退出和什么时候投入更多 的时间和资源去强化这种关系。 的时间和资源去强化这种关系。
结束联盟 确定如果继续,应该做哪些调整 国际战略联盟的终结并不就等于是 一个失败的联盟关系
总 结

战略联盟培训课程(PPT 41张)

战略联盟培训课程(PPT 41张)
– 如凯玛特
Strategic Partnering: Types of SP

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI):JITD
– VMI Projects at Dillard Department Stores, J.C. Penney, and Wal-Mart have shown sales increases of 20 to 25 percent, and 30 percent inventory turnover improvements.

– 考虑制造OTC(非处方用药)药物(如Advil)的 W-R公司与凯玛特的关系。W-R公司不同意凯玛 特的预测,在这种情况下,事实证明W-R公司的 预测更准确,因为它们对自己的产品更了解
Advantages of SP
required inventory levels Improve service levels Decrease work duplication Improve forecasts

– 信息共享 – 相互共同参与对整个供应链的管理 – 可能会导致最初的收入降低,但长期上
Important SP Issues

Inventory ownership:
– Retailer owns inventory – Supplier owns the goods until they are sold (consignment)

销售商管理的库存 (VMI):JITD
– Dillard百货公司、 J.C. Penney公司和沃尔玛在 VMI项目实施后,销售增长了20%至25%,库存 周转率提高了30%



3.战略动因分析 青岛港的这一壮举,把世界级的航运巨头集于一方,实 现了引资金、引技术、引货源的多重效果。在供应链链 条中寻到一个很好的战略联盟机会。从航线发展来看, 在这合作项目之后,马士基公司中国北方总部于2004 年8月2日正式落户青岛,并将它的欧洲航线直挂青岛。 三国四方合作当年青岛港就有新增航线25条,箱量同 比增长 28%。既为投资方又为客户的三方还将为青岛 28% 港带来更多航线和箱源。随合作而来的资金、技术、经 验、航线和连续不断的箱源都将促使青岛港在不久的将 来成为世界上最大、最具实力的集装箱码头企业之一。 青岛也因此增强了对全省和沿黄区域经济的辐射带动。 青岛港的壮大和发展同样意味着投资方业务随之而来的 扩展,有助于联盟整体以较低的竞争成本获得更为广阔 的市场份额,联盟战略上显然是具有一致性的。
• 战略联盟的形式
股权式联盟 契约式联盟
贴牌生产 两家以上的企业共同出 资、共担风险、共享收益而形成企业; 是目前发展中国家尤其是亚非等地普遍 的形式。合作各方将各自的优势资源投 入到合资企业,从而其发挥单独一家企 业所不能发挥的效益。
1合资:由两家或者是两家以上的企业共同出资、共担风险、共享收益 而形成企业。
战 略 联 盟 的 形 式
3研发协议:为了某种新产品或者新技术,合作各方鉴定一个研发协议,汇集各 方的优势 ,大大提高了成功的可能性,加快了开发速度,各方共担开发费用,降 低了各方的开发费用和风险。 4 贴牌生产;如果一方有知名品牌但是生产力不足,另一方则有剩余的生产能 力,另一方就可以为另一方进行贴牌生产。 5特许经营; 通过特许的方式组成战略联盟,其中的一方有重要的无形资产,可 以和其他方签署特许协议,允许其使用自身品牌专利或专有技术,从而形成战略 联盟。 2相互持股;合作各方为了加强相互联系而持有对方一定数量的股份; 而双方的人员和资产无须合并。

Strategic Alliances

Strategic Alliances

Internal Analysis
Which Businesses to Enter?
Corporate Level Strategy
• Vertical Integration • Diversification
• Strategic Alliances • mode of entry
Strategic Management & Competitive Advantage – Barney & Hesterly
Strategic Alliances
Strategic Alliances
The Strategic Management Process
External Analysis
Strategic Choice
Strategy Implementation
Competitive Advantage
Strategic Management & Competitive Advantage – Barney & Hesterly
9-3 3
Strategic Alliances
Motivation for Alliances
Create economic value by:
• accessing complementary resources and capabilities • leveraging existing resources and capabilities
Mexico 1 5
Exchange Rate: 1 bu. = 1 lb.
6 4
Banan = 6 bu. Wheat and 4 lbs. Banana, or 2 hrs. = 12 bu. Wheat By trading, Canada can get: 6 bu. Wheat and 6 lbs. Bananas A ½ hour gain from trade!



公司产品介绍必备英文术语1. Product Features(产品特点)Innovation(创新)Quality(质量)Performance(性能)Durability(耐用性)UserFriendly(易用性)2. Target Market(目标市场)Demographics(人口统计)Geographics(地理分布)Psychographics(心理特征)3. Competitive Advantage(竞争优势)Price(价格)Brand Reputation(品牌声誉)Customization(定制化)AfterSales Service(售后服务)4. Product Lifecycle(产品生命周期)Introduction Stage(引入期)Growth Stage(成长期)Maturity Stage(成熟期)Decline Stage(衰退期)5. Marketing Strategies(营销策略)Online Marketing(线上营销)Offline Marketing(线下营销)Content Marketing(内容营销)Social Media Marketing(社交媒体营销)6. Distribution Channels(分销渠道)Direct Sales(直销)Indirect Sales(间接销售)Retailers(零售商)7. Pricing Strategy(定价策略)CostBased Pricing(成本导向定价)ValueBased Pricing(价值导向定价)Penetration Pricing(渗透定价)Skimming Pricing(撇脂定价)当然,让我们继续深入探讨这些术语在实际应用中的更多细节。

8. Customer Engagement(客户参与)Feedback Loop(反馈循环)Customer Surveys(客户调查)User Reviews(用户评价)Community Building(社区建设)9. Technical Specifications(技术规格)Dimensions(尺寸)Materials(材料)Power Requirements(电源需求)Compatibility(兼容性)Certifications(认证)10. Sales Forecasting(销售预测)Market Analysis(市场分析)Trend Analysis(趋势分析)Historical Data(历史数据)Sales Funnel(销售漏斗)11. Product Development(产品开发)Research and Development(研发)Prototyping(原型制作)Beta Testing(beta测试)Iteration(迭代)12. Intellectual Property(知识产权)Patents(专利)Trademarks(商标)Copyrights(版权)Trade Secrets(商业秘密)13. Supply Chain Management(供应链管理) Procurement(采购)Inventory Management(库存管理)Logistics(物流)Vendor Management(供应商管理)14. International Trade(国际贸易)Import and Export(进出口)Tariffs and Duties(关税和税费)International Shipping(国际运输)Currency Exchange(货币兑换)15. Customer Support(客户支持)Help Desk(帮助台)Warranty Services(保修服务)Training and Support(培训与支持)Multilingual Support(多语言支持)在使用这些术语时,记得要将它们融入到生动的案例和故事中,这样不仅能更好地吸引听众的注意力,还能帮助他们更深刻地理解您的产品。

商务英语综合教程Unit 1 Changes in the Motives and Developments

商务英语综合教程Unit 1 Changes in the Motives and Developments

Unit 1 Changes in the Motives and Developments
3 The main motives for foreign direct investment up to the 1980s
1) in industrialized and developed countries to gain access to markets which were virtually impenetrable via exports due to severe protectionism;
Text Exercises
Unit 1 Changes in the Motives and Developments
Related Technical Terms Grammar
Unit 1 Changes in the Motives and Developments
1 A number of important, traditionally closed service sectors, such as financial services and transport, were exposed during the 1980s to foreign competition in increasing numbers of countries and opened up to foreign direct investment. This trend is likely to continue in the 1990s as a result of privatization in transport,

Repetition Chapter 7 Global Alliances and Strategy 重复第7章全球联盟与战略 共18页

Repetition Chapter 7 Global Alliances and Strategy 重复第7章全球联盟与战略 共18页
companies To reduce political risk To gain rapid entry into a new or consolidating
Challenges in Implementing Global Alliances
Many alliances fail or end up in takeover
Deresky Chapter 6: Formulating Strategy
Repetition Figures only
Strategic Formulation Process
Strategic Decision-Making Models
Strategic Choice
Strategic Choice
Also referred to as cooperativபைடு நூலகம் strategies
Categories of Alliances
Joint Ventures
PSA Peugeot-Citroen Group and Toyota
Equity strategic alliances
Jay Galbraith (1974), Organization Design – An Information Processing View
Choice of Organizational Form
Exhibit 8-7
Transnational Strategy
Multidomestic Strategy
Dividing the main task into sub tasks



技术创新性质及最大限度地获取创新利润的战略行动是 跨国公司间战略联盟的催化剂。
蒂斯、安托乃利的观点,战略联盟是公司直接接触共同 专有的知识资产的一种方式,这些资产对技术创新的 有效市场化至关重要。
第三节国际战略联盟的目标与动机 一、目标 1、开拓市场 2、优化生产要素组合 3、节约资源投入,分摊研究与开发成本 4、消除不必要竞争,共同应对竞争
2、按联盟企业的产业合作方向划分 (1)横向战略联盟 生产、销售同类产品企业间的联盟
两个不同行业,但生产之间有直接投入产出关系的企业 间的联盟
两个或以上不同行业、生产之间没有直接投入产出关系 的企业间的联盟
3、按联盟企业之间的相互依赖、结合程度划分 (1)股权式联盟 对等占有型联盟;双方母公司各拥有50%或接近比例的股权,保
相互持股型联盟:良好的合作关系,长期相互持有对方少量的股 份
(2)契约式联盟 联合研究与开发
产业协调协议:建立全面协作与分工的产业联盟体系,高科技产 业
4、按联盟所在价值链位置不同划分 (1)资源补缺型国际战略联盟 (2)市场营销型国际战略联盟 (3)联合研制型国际战略联盟 知识联盟:学习和知识创造,提高
市场合作缺乏效率 国际战略联盟有助于企业间协调的一种在市场和企
联盟的驱动因素:大企业寻找操纵市场的权利, 限制竞争并形成市场位置的有序结构。
内部化资源配置、外部化市场交易和企业间战略联盟之 间进行权衡和选择。
威廉森的答案:最佳管理机制是以最低的成本管理交易 的效率来决定,战略联盟可视为一系列技术、组织机 构及区位特定因素决定的有效交易方式选择之一。

第六章策略联盟Strategic Alliances

第六章策略联盟Strategic Alliances

第六章 策略聯盟
6.2 策略聯盟的基本架構
策略聯盟的可能缺點: 核心優勢之削減 與競爭者之差異減弱
第六章 策略聯盟
6.3 第三方物流
ThirdThird-Parity Logistics
將公司部分或全部物流職責外包給第三 方物流(Third-party-Logistics, 簡稱 3PL)已變得越來越普遍。 3PL產業最初開始於1980年代,在1999 年已經是一個具有454.8億美元產值的 產業,在2000年以24%的成長率成長至 564億美元,2001年並成長7.4%至606 億美元
第六章 策略聯盟
6.4.2 RSP的要求條件 的要求條件
最重要的條件是先進的資訊系統:EDI或網際網 先進的資訊系統: 先進的資訊系統 或網際網 路 POS 、條碼及掃瞄技術 、存貨、生產控制及規 劃系統 高階主管的承諾對於專案的成功是必要的:資訊 共享 、權力轉移 、激勵或薪酬調整 夥伴之間能建立一種就算最後失敗也都能互賴的 信任感:供應商必須證明他們可以管理整個供應 鏈 、機密的資訊 、零售商額外的剩餘空間沒有 用來圖利供應商的競爭者
6.4.1 RSP的類型 RSP的類型
RSP的類型可視為一個連續帶的觀念來解說。一端 是資訊分享,它能幫助供應商的計劃更有效能;而 在另一端則是寄售的方式,代表著供應商在零售商 賣掉商品之前完全地管理及擁有存貨。 基本的快速回應 快速回應(Quick Response,簡稱QR) 快速回應 策略 持續補貨(Continuous Replenishment,簡稱 持續補貨 CR)策略 供應商管理存貨(Vendor-managed Inventory, 供應商管理存貨 簡稱VMI)策略
第六章 策略聯盟



1.全球化的商务活动国际商务:(international business)跨国企业:(multinational enterprise)对外直接投资:(foreign direct investment)全球商务:(global business)新兴经济体:(emerging economies)新兴市场:(emerging markets)国内生产总值:(gross domestic product)购买力评价法:(purchasing power parity)三大经济体:(triad)金字塔底层: (base of the pyramid)反向创新: (reverse innovation)外派经理: (expatriate manager)跨国补贴: (international premium)外商劣势: (liability of foreignness)全球化: (globalization)风险管理: (risk management)情景规划:(scenario planning)半全球化: (semiglobalization)非政府组织: (nongovernment qrganization) 2.理解政治、法律和经济制度:(institutions)制度转型: (institutional transitions)制度基础观:(institution-based view)制度框架:(institutional framework)正式的制度:(formal institutions)规章支柱:(regulatory pillar)非正式制度:(informal institutions)规范支柱:(normative pillar)认知支柱:(cognitive pillar)交易成本:(transaction costs)机会主义:(opportunism)有限理性:(bounded rationality)政治体制:(political system)民主制:(democracy)集权制:(totalitarianism)政治风险:(political risk)法律体系:(legal system)大陆法:(civil law)普通法:(common law)神权法:(theocratic law)智力资产:(intellectual property)知识产权:(intellectual property rights)国有企业:(state-owned enterprise)道德风险:(moral hazard)专利:(patent)版权:(copyright)商标:(trademark)盗版:(priracy)经济体制:(economic system)市场经济体制:(market economy)计划经济体制:(command economy)混合经济体制:(mixed economy)主权财富基金:(sovereign wealth fund)3.重视文化、道德和规范民族中心主义:(ethnocentrism)社会结构:(social structure)社会分层:(social stratification)社会流动性:(social mobility)低语境文化:(low-context culture)权利距离:(power distance)个人主义:(individualism)集体主义:(collectivism)文明:(civilization)族群:(cluster)男性特征:(masculinity)女性特征:(femininity)不确定性规避:(uncertainty avoidance)长期导向:(long-term orientation)道德:(ethics)行为准则:(code of conduct)道德相对主义:(ethical relativism)道德帝国主义:(ethical imperialism)腐败:(corruption)文化智慧:(cultural intelligence)《反海外腐败法》:(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) 4.在全球利用能力资源基础观:(resource-based view)SWOT分析:(SWOT analysis)资源:(resources)能力:(capability)价值链:(value chain)基准分析法:(benchmarking)商品化:(commoditization)外包:(outsourcing)离岸经营:(offshoring)近岸经营:(onshoring)圈养资源:(captive sourcing)因果模糊:(causal ambiguity)辅助资产:(complementary assets)社会复杂性:(social complementary)VRIO框架:(VRIO framework)有形的资源与能力:(tangible resources and capabilities)无形的资源与能力:(intangible resources and capabilities)原始设备制造商:(original equipment manufacturer)原始设计制造商:(original design manufacturer)原始品牌制造商:(original brand manufacturer)5.国际贸易贸易逆差:(trade deficit)贸易顺差:(trade surplus)贸易平衡:(balance of trade)古典贸易理论:(classical trade theories)现代贸易理论:(modern trade theories)重商贸易理论:(theory of mercantilism)保护主义:(protectionism)自由贸易:(free trade)绝对优势理论:(theory of absolute advantage)比较优势:(comparative advantage)绝对优势:(absolute advantage)机会成本:(opportunity cost)要素禀赋:(factor endowments)要素禀赋理论:(factor endowments theory)先动者优势:(first-mover advantage)钻石理论:(diamond theory)资源可流动性:(resource mobility)关税壁垒:(tariff barrier)进口关税:(import tariff)净损失成本:(dead-weight costs)非关税壁垒:(nontariff barrier)补贴:(subsidies)进口配额:(import quota)自愿出口限制:(voluntary export restraint)当地含量要求:(local content requirement)行政管理政策:(administrative policy)反倾销税:(antidumping duty)幼稚产业观点:(infant industry argument)贸易禁令:(trade embargo)国家产业竞争优势理论:(theory of national competitive advantage of industries)战略性贸易理论:(strategic trade theory)产品生命周期理论:(product life cycle theory)战略性贸易政策:(strategic trade policy)6.对外直接投资对外证券投资:(foreign portfolio investment)管理控制权:(management control rights)欧力优势:(OLI advantages)所有权:(ownership)区位:(location)内部化:(internalization)扩散风险:(dissemination risks)积聚效应:(agglomeration)知识溢出:(knowledge spillover)市场失败:(market failure)激进观点:(radical view on FDI)市场的不完善:(market imperfection)自由市场观点:(free market view on FDI)实用民族主义:(pragmatic nationalism)技术溢出:(technology spillover)示范效用:(demonstration effect)议价能力:(bargaining power)沉没成本:(sunk cost)议价能力衰减:(obsolescing bargain)感染和模仿效应:(contagion or imitation effect)水平对外直接投资:(horizontal FDI)垂直对外直接投资:(vertical FDI)上游垂直对外直接投资:(upstream vertical FDI)下游垂直对外直接投资:(downstream vertical FDI)对外直接投资流量:(FDI flow)对外直接投资存量:(FDI stock)7.外汇交易外汇汇率:(foreign exchange rate)升值:(appreciation)贬值:(depreciation)国际收支平衡:(balance of payments)浮动汇率制:(floating exchange rate policy)自由浮动:(clean float)有管理的浮动:(dirty float)目标汇率:(target exchange rates)爬行带:(crawling bands)固定汇率制:(fixed exchange rate policy)盯住:(peg)顺风车效应:(bandwagon effect)资本外逃:(capital flight)金本位制:(gold standard)兑换中介:(common denominator)配额:(quota)外汇市场:(foreign exchange market)即期交易:(spot transaction)远期交易:(foreign transaction)货币套期保值:(currency hedging)远期贴水:(forward discount)远期升水:(forward premium)货币互换:(currency swap)最低报价:(offer rate)买入价:(bid rate)价差:(spread)外汇风险:(currency risk)战略性对冲:(strategic headging)货币局制度:(currency board)布雷顿森林体系:(Bretton Woods System)国际货币基金组织:(International Monetary Fund)8.全球与区域一体化多边贸易体制:(multilateral trading system)非歧视性:(non-discrimination)自由贸易区:(free trade area)关税同盟:(customs union)共同市场:(common market)经济联盟:(economic union)货币联盟:(monetary union)政治联盟:(political union)区域经济一体化:(regional economic integration)全球经济一体化:(global economic integration) 9.进入外国市场区位优势:(location-specific advantages)文化距离:(cultural distance)制度差异:(institutional distance)先动者优势:(first-mover advantages)后动者优势:(late-mover advantages)进入规模:(scale of entry)进入模式:(mode of entry)非股权模式:(non-equity mode)股权模式:(equity mode)交钥匙工程:(turn key project)研发合同:(R&D contract)联合营销:(co-marketing)合资企业:(joint venture)全资子公司:(wholly owned subsidiary)绿地运营:(greenfield operation)10.创业型企业中小型企业:(small and medium-sized)创业:(entrepreneurship)创业者:(entrepreneurs)国际创业:(international entrepreneurship)风险投资者:(venture capitalist)小额信贷:(microfinance)天生国际企业:(born global)直接出口:(direct export)信用证:(letter of credit)许可证:(licensing)特许经营:(franchising)间接出口:(indirect export)出口中介:(export intermediary)连续创业者:(serial entrepreneur)阶段模型:(stage model)11.联盟与收购战略联盟:(strategic alliances)契约性联盟:(contractual alliances)基于股权联盟:(equity-based alliances)战略性投资:(stragic investment)交叉持股:(cross-shareholding)收购:(acquisition)合并:(merger)尽职调查:(due diligence)实物期权:(real option)学习竞赛:(learning race)关系能力:(relational capability)收购溢价:(acquisition premium)战略匹配:(strategic fit)组织匹配:(organizational fit)干中学:(learning by doing)过度自信:(hubris)管理动机:(managerial motives) 12.管理动态竞争动态竞争:(competitive dynamics)竞争者分析:(competitor analysis)合谋:(collusion)隐性合谋:(tacit collusion)显性合谋:(explicit collusion)反托拉斯法:(anti-trust law)囚徒困境:(prisoners’ dilemma)博弈论:(game theory)集中度:(concentration ratio)价格领袖:(price leader)惩罚能力:(capacity to punish)市场共通性:(market commonality)多市场竞争:(multimarket competition)相互容忍:(mutual for bearance)跨市场报复:(cross-market retaliation)竞争政策:(competition policy)串通定价:(collusive prise setting)掠夺性定价:(predatory pricing)倾销:(dumping)反倾销法:(antidumping law)资源相似性:(resource similarity)攻击:(attack)反击:(counterattack)蓝海战略:(blue ocean strategy)防御者:(defender)扩展者:(extender)躲避者:(dodger)竞争者:(contender)13.战略与结构地区调适:(local responsiveness)母国复制战略:(home replication strategy)当地化战略:(localization strategy)卓越中心:(centres of excellence)全球托管:(world wide mandate)跨国战略:(transnational division strategy)国际部结构:(international division)地理区域结构:(geographic area structure)全球矩阵结构:(global matrix)组织文化:(organizational culture)知识管理:(knowledge management)显性知识:(explicit knowledge)隐性知识:(tacit knowledge)开放式创新:(open innovation)全球虚拟团队:(global virtual team)吸收能力:(absorptive capacity)社会资本:(social capital)子公司主导:(subsidiary initiative)全球客户结构:(global account structure)整合-响应模型:(integration-responsiveness framework)全球标准化战略:(global standar dization strategy)国家或区域经理:(country manager)全球产品部结构:(global product division structure)微观-宏观联系:(mocro-macro link)基于解决方案的结构:(solutions-based structure)14.公司治理融资:(financing)公司治理:(corporate governance)股权:(equity)股东:(shareholder)债务:(debt)债券:(bond)债券持有人:(bond-holder)违约:(default)资本成本:(cost of capital)跨境上市:(cross-listing)集中的所有权及控制权:(concentrated ownership and control)所有权分散:(diffused ownership)所有权和控制权相分离:(separation of ownership and control)首席执行官:(chief executive officer)高管团队:(top management team)代理关系:(agency relationship)委托人:(principal)代理人:(agent)代理理论:(agency theory)委托-代理冲突:(principal-agent conflicts)代理成本:(agency costs)信息不对称:(information asymmetries)委托-委托冲突:(principal-principal conflicts)剥削:(expropriation)挖墙脚:(tunneling)关联交易:(related transaction)内部董事:(inside director)外部董事:(outside director)CEO兼任:(CEOduality)基于话语的机制:(voice-based mechanisms)基于退出的机制:(exit-based mechanisms)私募股权:(private equity)杠杆收购:(leveraged buyout)股东型资本主义:(shareholder capitalism)管理人力资本:(managerial human capital)管家理论:(steward ship theory)15.公司社会责任公司社会责任:(corporate social responsibility)利益相关者:(stakeholder)三重底线:(triple bottom line)反应性战略:(reactive strategy)防御性战略:(defensive strategy)适应性战略:(accommodative strategy)行为准则:(codes of conduct)前瞻性战略:(proactive strategy)全球可持续发展:(global sustainability)首要利益相关者群体:(primary stakeholder groups)次要利益相关者群体:(secondary stakeholder groups)。

Strategic Management(战略管理-中英文)

Strategic Management(战略管理-中英文)

Environments: 环境 •Internal内部 •External 外部
Competing via 竞争方 式…
Rivalry: 竞争 •Business level strategies 经营层次战略 •Multiproduct strategies 产品多元化战略 •Mergers & acquisitions 并购
Competing via 竞争方 式…
Rivalry: 竞争 •Business level strategies 经营层次战略 •Multiproduct strategies 产品多元化战略 •Mergers & acquisitions 并购
Market entry: 市场进入 •Across borders 跨国 •Alliances 联盟 •Entrepreneurship 创业
Market entry: 市场进入 •Across borders 跨国 •联盟 •Entrepreneurship 创业
External Environment Analysis 外部环境分 析
Potential Entrants 潜在竞争 对手 General Environment 总体环境
机动性增加,风险降低,资本需求降低 Allows the firm to focus on its core competencies. 发展核心竞争 力
Potential problems with outsourcing: 外包可能产生的问题 Job losses for the firm’s communities. 企业岗位减少 Hard to reverse outsourcing decisions. 外包决策难以收回



制定战略计划中的注意事项英文回答:Strategic planning is a crucial process for organizations of all sizes and industries. By taking the time to develop a comprehensive strategic plan, you can set clear goals, identify opportunities, and develop a roadmap for success.When developing a strategic plan, there are a number of key considerations to keep in mind. These include:Purpose and Vision:Clearly define the organization's purpose and vision statement.Ensure that the purpose and vision are aligned with the organization's values and mission.Environmental Scan:Conduct a thorough environmental scan to identify external factors that may impact the organization.This includes analyzing the market, competition, and regulatory landscape.Internal Analysis:Assess the organization's internal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).This will help you understand the organization's current capabilities and challenges.Goals and Objectives:Establish clear and measurable goals and objectives.These should be aligned with the organization's purpose and vision statement.Strategies:Develop specific strategies to achieve the goals and objectives.These strategies should be based on theorganization's internal and external analysis.Implementation:Create a detailed implementation plan that outlines the steps necessary to execute the strategies.Assign responsibilities and timelines for each task.Monitoring and Evaluation:Establish a system to monitor and evaluate the progress of the strategic plan.This will help you make necessary adjustments alongthe way.中文回答:制定战略计划时的注意事项:目标和愿景:明确定义组织的目标和愿景陈述。



英语作文-金融资产管理公司积极参与国际竞争,提升全球化能力In the dynamic world of finance, asset management companies (AMCs) play a pivotal role in shaping economic landscapes. As globalization accelerates, these entities are increasingly compelled to engage in international competition, striving to enhance their global capabilities. This pursuit is not merely a business strategy but a necessity to thrive in the ever-evolving financial markets.Globalization and Asset Management。

Globalization has transformed the way AMCs operate. The integration of world economies has opened up new markets, presenting both opportunities and challenges. To capitalize on these opportunities, AMCs must understand diverse market dynamics, regulatory environments, and cultural nuances. This understanding enables them to offer tailored financial products that cater to the needs of a global clientele.Strategic International Alliances。



策略培训英文版范文Strategic TrainingIntroduction:The Importance of Strategic Training:1. Enhancing Strategic Thinking: Strategic training helps employees develop a strategic mindset that enables them to identify and analyze business opportunities and challenges. It promotes a proactive approach to problem-solving and decision-making, leading to more effective strategic planning.2. Improving Decision-Making Skills: Effective decision-making is vital for strategic success. Strategic training equips employees with tools and techniques to make informed decisions based on analysis of internal and external factors, risk assessment, and consideration of long-term implications.Guidelines for Designing an Effective Strategic Training Program:1. Assess Training Needs: Conduct a thorough analysis of the organization's current strategic capabilities and identify skill gaps. This can be done through surveys, interviews, and performance evaluations. The findings will inform the content and format of the training program.3. Incorporate Case Studies and Practical Exercises: Use real-life case studies to illustrate strategic concepts andtheir application in different contexts. Practical exercises, such as group discussions and simulations, allow participants to practice strategic thinking and decision-making in a controlled environment.4. Provide Tools and Templates: Equip participants with ready-to-use tools and templates that facilitate strategic analysis, planning, and implementation. This ensures that they can immediately apply what they have learned in their work.5. Foster Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Engage participants in group activities that promote collaboration and knowledge sharing. This not only enhances learning but also helps build a network of strategic thinkers within the organization.Conclusion:。


I. Executive summary II. Environmental and internal assessment
A. Industry dynamics and its implications B. Competitive assessment C. Internal assessment III. Strategic definition and implications A. Strategy articulation B. Strategic initiatives C. Financial projection D. Risks/contingencies and strategic
Instructions: Exhibit 2,3 or 4 could provide
a useful framework for answering this question
A.4 What are the present and future external factors that could present new opportunities and risks?
– Definition
– Sizing
Industry definition:
Instructions: Exhibit 1 could provide a useful framework for answering this question
Industry segmentation:

'Strategic Planning' Guidelines for IEEE Entities对IEEE实体的战略规划的指导方针

'Strategic Planning' Guidelines for IEEE Entities对IEEE实体的战略规划的指导方针

"Strategic Planning" Guidelines for IEEE EntitiesDraft by A. J. SchwabVersion 0 – 06/14/96(Initiated by the discussion during the San Diego SPC-Meeting in Feb. 1996)IntroductionStrategic Planning is a most valuable tool helping organizations improve their per-formance and total quality. Strategic planning simply means creating a strategy giving guidance in realizing a vision. A strategy tells how to get from where an organization is to where it wants to be or is supposed to be. Moving from the status quo to the envisioned state is a process, that is a combination of sequential and concurrent activities. A strategy can be considered a plan or map of this process.It is appropriate to distinguish between long-term and medium-term strategic planning.–Long-term strategic planning is done at the corporate level of an organization, looks many years ahead and results in a grand strategy(altern.: corporate strategy, master strategy). The grand strategy consists of a corporate mission,a corporate policy,and strategic,far-reaching goals.The grand strategy iswritten in very general terms and is widely published to customers, members etc. (Not necessesarly true in industrial organizations.)–Medium-term strategic planning can be done at the corporate level but also at lower levels. It builds on the grand strategy, looks 1 to 3 years ahead, specifies objectives to be sought to move the organisation toward achieving its strategic goals, and results in a medium-term strategy. The medium-term strategy consists of an imperative mission, objectives and object strategies suggesting specific projects. The medium-term strategy is the database from which an operational plan is derived, specifying individual projects. It is written in very specific terms and is, basically, an internal document accessible only to the corporation's managers, in the case of the IEEE, its staff and volunteers.Usually, a long-term strategy document is accompanied by a medium-term strategy document. Alternatively, a medium-term strategy document could include a Prologue "Long-term strategy". Obviously, long-term strategy and medium-term strategy address different audiences and differ by broad, far-reaching goals on the one hand and specific, short-term objectives on the other hand.The basic structure of the overall strategic planning process and its components are shown in Figure 1.Figure 1: Basic structure and components of Long- and Short-Term Strategic Planning.The components and their relationships are explained in more detail in the following paragraphs.Long-term Strategic PlanningCreation of a grand strategy begins with a long-term vision existing in the mind of the top corporate management. In order to realize its vision and to communicate it to others, the top corporate management writes down a corporate mission and cracks the mission into strategic goals, e.g. IEEE's mission and goals:"The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers promotes thedevelopment of electrotechnology and allied sciences, the applicationof those technologies for the benefit of humanity, the advancement ofthe profession, and the well-being of its members."–Goal 1: Globalization–Goal 5: Education–Goal 2: Information Exchange–Goal 6: Public Support–Goal 3: Products and Services–Goal 7: Organization–Goal 4: Standards–Goal 8: FinanceFurther, the top corporate management outlines operating and decision guidelines for dealing with members, employees, nonmembers, colleagues and the general environ-ment of the organization, so-called corporate policy or corporate culture.In more detail, creating a long-term strategy is accomplished by–analyzing all business opportunities,–evaluating advantages and disadvantages of the various options consideringenvironmental influences and financial resources,–establishing a corporate policy,–specifying desired goals.By having coined the corporate mission, chosen a certain set of strategic goals and by having defined the corporate policy, the top management has created a grand strategy. The grand strategy is the smallest common denominator to which all members of an organization must become committed. It is followed by a medium-term strategic planning process run by a strategic planners committee, including participants from all management levels.Medium-Term Strategic PlanningMedium Term Strategic Planning presumes that the corporate mission, corporate policy and strategic goals exist already. The strategic planners of the medium-term strategy build on the long-term strategy and are generally concerned with the identi-fication of objectives and specific activities being means of reaching the goals of the grand strategy. Further, medium-term strategic planning deals with evolutionary changes, e.g. the updating of existing goals, adding of new goals, improvement of weak points in various areas of the organization, etc.Creating the medium-term strategy begins with a comprehensive analysis of the present state of the organization. SWOT-Analysis has proven, to be a highly valuable tool for this purpose. This method identifies systematically the Strengths and Weaknesses of the organization as well as the Opportunities and Threats of its environment. In addition to this analysis, the present policy and present strategies must be discussed and challenged. In order that all IEEE volunteers identify themselves with the goals and the objectives of the strategic planning process, the strategic planners must fre-quently step in the volunteer's and regular member's shoes wich enables them to better consider member's expectations.Based on the results of this analysis existing goals must be updated or upgraded, new goals must be identified. Possible chances and options must be evaluated, possibly supported by the development of scenarios. Eventually, all options are prioritized and a set of objectives for each goal is identified. As a result of these activities the strategic planners carry in their head a common medium-term vision. This vision describes in present tense a virtual state of the organization which, of course, does not yet exist, e.g.:"IEEE is the best practice professional organization exceedingmembers expectations by its superb member services. It isperceived as a role model by all other professional organizations,even in humanities or politics. Because of IEEE's invaluablesupport of their daily work and professional life, all electrical,electronic and computer science engineers consider IEEEmembership a must."Usually, all identified objectives and options, one way or another, are capable of im-proving an organization's performance. Hence, one could be naive and try to imple-ment all of them simultaneously. However, most activities cause cost and, because the resources are limited, one must make a selection and prioritize all options with respect to their potential of achieving the selected goals and objectives. By selecting specific activities (projects) with respect to their cost and efficiency in reaching the objectives and goals and by allocating commensurate resources to these options, one has de-signed a medium-term strategy, including as many objective strategies as objectives exist. In other words "A medium-term strategy is a combination of carefully selected objectives and activities for which the spiritual fathers of the strategy allocate commensurate resources."In order to realize their vision and to communicate it to all volunteers downstream the organization, the strategic planners write down their thoughts in form of an imperative mission and a set of objectives for each goal to be achieved.Imperative MissionAn imperative mission defines a task, for instance"Make IEEE the best practice professional organization per-ceived as the standard against which other professionalorganizations benchmark themselves. Enhance IEEE's memberservices such that electrical,electronics, and computer scienceengineers would consider lacking IEEE membership a missedopportunity".The imperative mission is cracked into smaller pieces, so-called objectives. Each ob-jective has its own objective-strategy, specifying the projects achieving that objective. The granularity of the objectives and projects depends on the complexity of the mission.Objective G1.1 Objective G1.2, Objective G1.3...Objective G2.1 Objective G2.2, Objective G2.3...Objective G3.1 Objective G3.2, Objective G3.3...Objective G4.1 Objective G4.2, Objective G4.3...Objective G5.1 Objective G5.2, Objective G5.3...Objective G6.1 Objective G6.2, Objective G6.3...Objective G7.1 Objective G7.2, Objective G7.3...Objective G8.1 Objective G8.2, Objective G8.3...Upon documentation of the imperative mission, the objectives, and the individual objective-strategies in written form an operational plan is generated listing in detail all projects required to achieve individual objectives.Generating the Operational PlanVisions and missions by themselves do not guarantee success. Visions must be realized, missions executed, and planned goals and objectives be reached. Therefore, the most substantial and concrete component of strategic planning is the operational plan (implementation matrix) which precisely defines who does what,when, how and where, when certain results (milestones) must exist and which financial resources (budget) are associated with specific activities.The operational plan accompanies the strategic document and, as a rule, must be designed with strong involvement, at least close supervision, of the strategy's planners. The operational plan specifies numerous projects for which project managers must be appointed and financial resources be allocated. Both are management decisions.Design of the action plan must by no means be completely delegated to the imple-menters. If so, strategic planning will remain without impact and will be commented as Fu-Fu dust etc. Only poor managers create missions and visions and expect their reali-zation exclusively from the implementers. Highly qualified top managers do not only create visions but carry also substantial thoughts in their mind about how they want to realize their vision and communicate these thoughts to their subordinates. Frequently, strategic planning and operative planning(operational plan design) are regarded isolated actions. False, optimum results are obtained only if the strategicplanners are sufficiently knowledgeable and competent, in order to identify the right operative activities and the right strategies themselves. Although the design of the action plan may be delegated to their subordinates, the spiritual fathers must contribute to the formulation of detailed objectives and objective-strategies. Thereby, operative planning becomes part of strategic planning.An example of an operational plan is shown in Figure 2.Figure 2: Typical operational plan (implementation matrix).The individual projects of the operational plan are described in detail using separate project sheets, Figure 3.Figure 3: Typical project sheet.ControllingUpon execution of the operational plan, the spiritual fathers of the strategy must compare the goals and objectives reached with the goals and objectives planned and must decide whether the implementation was successful or not. Without this feedback the whole process is very inefficient, if not useless.EpilogueIn view of the present permanent changes of a business' environment it is occasionally argued that development of a strategy is no longer meaningful, instead, professional improvisation would be required. Of course, fast reaction to environmental changes and constraints is positively needed, however, it does not make planning obsolete. Today's planners, simply, must be prepared more than ever to run their plans and strategies flexibly and to match them permanently with instantaneous boundary condi-tions.。



战略合作英语Strategic partnerships are the cornerstone of business growth and innovation. They allow companies to extend their reach, share resources, and achieve mutual goals.In the global marketplace, strategic alliances can be the key to unlocking new opportunities. By combining strengths and expertise, partners can create synergies that propel them to new heights.Such collaborations are not without challenges, however. Trust and transparency are essential for a successful partnership. Communication must be clear and consistent to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that both parties are aligned.In the realm of education, strategic partnerships can bridge gaps in knowledge and resources. Schools and institutions can collaborate to offer enriched curricula and learning experiences that benefit students and faculty alike.Moreover, strategic partnerships in technology can lead to breakthroughs that change the world. By pooling research and development efforts, tech companies can accelerate innovation and bring new products to market faster.Cultural exchanges through strategic partnerships can also foster greater understanding and respect among nations.These alliances can promote peace and cooperation on a global scale.In conclusion, strategic partnerships are a powerful tool for achieving success in various fields. They require careful planning, open communication, and a commitment to shared objectives. When executed well, they can lead to remarkable outcomes and lasting benefits.。

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es for
and Mark
The authors are concerned that a growing number of firms are forming too many ‘bandwagon’ alliances in a vacuum of strategic consideration and, as a consequence, are placing their organizations at a competitive disadvantage. Because of implementation problems associated with differing management styles, cultures, operational practices and degrees of control, not too many firms can point to having positively capitalized on the potential advantages. In fact some researchers believe the failure rate of alliances to be as high as 50per cent or more. The authors believe it is timely to put alliances into a strategic context and provide senior management considering this business route with guidelines for success.
The Driving
Probably the greatest stimulus to alliance formation has been the emergence of global competitors and those corporations wishing to become global. This is particularly relevant in growth industries like telecommunications where corporations are making alliances in part to overcome the national protection afforded to indigenous suppliers or to share resources to further develop markets and products. Ericsson’s strategic alliance with Telefonica (Spain) reaffirms this trend. The deal between Compagnie G&&ale d’ElectricitP (CGE), the French electrical group, and ITT produced a new manufacturing alliance capable of serving global markets and challenging its existing global competitors.
The rapid pace of technological development and innovation and the increasingly high costs of the associated research and development are also factors. Shorter
The concept of forming alliances, strategic or otherwise. is not new. Toshiba started doing this in 1906. The topic is in vogue and the number and scale of agreements being signed is growing rapidly. If you try to draw a map, you can easily see what a spider’s web it has become. Figure 1 provides an illustrative network of alliances in the telccommunications industry.’ Deals of cvcry conccivablc sort arc being made. They do not appear to bc specific to any particular country, industry or type of organization. They arc occurring at all levels in corporations. Some authors have attcmptcd to put the subject into some form of strategic context.’ For future success, senior management must ensure that this business route is viewed in a true strategic pcrspcctive rather than as an opportunistic ‘quick fix’. Failure to do so may result in putting their organizations’ growth, or even survival, at risk. Renault-AMC is a case in point. Prior to dissolving its arrangcmcnt with AMC, Renault invested S645m in AMC which nevertheless managed to incur losses of 5750m over the period of the agreement. Such investment severely weakened Renault at a time when it was also facing problems in domestic markets.
for Success
Ford Aerospace
GEC Source:
Nitsuko SRI International
1. Alliances
in the telecommunications
Godfrey Devlin IS a Senior Consultant for SRI Northern Europe wrth considerable experience in assisting companies in mergers and acquisitrons, alliance formation and business strategy. Mark Bleackley is a Consultant for SRI Northern Europe. He has a background in banking and specializes in business strategies of the multinational corporation.
Strategic alliances take place in the context sfa company’s lorry-term strategic plan and seek to improve or dramatically charJCqe a company’s competitive position.
What is a Strategic
Co-operative agreements have been common practice in the business community for a long time. Technology swaps; R & D exchanges; distribution, rclationmarketing and manufacturer-supplier ships; and cross licences, to mention a few, arc widely practiscd in most sectors of the economy. Fundamentally many of these relationships are essentially casual in nature and arc unlikely to dramatically change a company’s competitive position. More recently a growing number do not conform to this pattern. These strategic alliances arc specifically concerned with securing, maintaining or enhancing a company’s competitive advantage. Unlike their predecessors they are a central aspect of a company’s future direction and are a key strategic option. Without a doubt they have enabled Glaxo to become one of the world’s most successful companies and a leader in the pharmaceutical industry.