Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Land Cover Change




GIS在城市规划编制中的两个应用——原理、方法和实例侯全,香港浸会大学地理系Phone:(852)34117886,E-mail: quanhou@摘要:地理信息系统(GIS, Geographical Information Systems)的应用领域日趋广泛和深入。



关键词:GIS 城市规划 应用1. 研究背景城市规划涉及的基本问题是城市设施和城市资源在空间上的合理分布,地理信息系统(GIS, Geographical Information Systems)作为存储、分析和管理空间数据的技术,为日益复杂的城市规划工作提供了强有力的辅助工具,可以协助城市规划工作者解决许多实际问题(朱阿兴、Carl G. Amrhein、Anthony C. Lea,1996)。

相应的,GIS在城市规划和城市管理中应用的研究也日益广泛和深入,研究的角度也呈现出多样化的特点,按照研究涵盖的地域空间范围来看,其中就包括了城市空间扩展与建设用地格局分析研究(Anthony Gar-On Yeh and Xia Li,1997;陈晓军、张洪业、刘庆生,2004;李江、段杰2004)、土地评价研究(黄瑞红,1997;梁留科,1998;马安青、王建华、陈东景、巴雅尔、周月敏,2002;朱子豪,1996)、公共设施的选址应用研究(Mark W. Horner and Tony H. Grubesic,2001;周启鸣、K. Charnpratheep,1996)、GIS在小尺度的社区景观规划和设计中的应用(Kheir Al-Kodmany,2000)等方面。


第 26 卷 第 5 期 2019 年 10 月
水土保持研究 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
Vol.26,No.5 Oct.,2019
韩雪莹1,杨 光1,秦富仓1,贾光普1,凌 侠1,高 岗2
(1.内蒙古农业大学 沙漠治理学院,呼和浩特 010018;2.呼和浩特市林业局,呼和浩特 010020)
摘 要:应用1990—2017年7期遥感影像作为数据源,通过计算沙漠化指数和沙漠化重心迁移等指标,对毛乌素沙 地 近30年沙漠化时空动态演变格局进行了研究。结果表明:(1)1990—2017 年 沙 漠 化 程 度 处 于 逆 转 趋 势,沙 漠 化 土 地 面 积共减少1 684.09km2,平均62.37km2/a的沙漠化土地得到有效的治理。(2)阶段性平均沙漠化指数1990—2000 年(快速发展)为2.45,2000—2010年 (快 速 逆 转)为 2.30;2010—2017 年 (稳 定 逆 转 )为 2.01,沙 漠 化 程 度 明 显 减 轻。 (3)1990—2017年,极重度沙漠化土地重心向西迁移3.42km;重度沙漠化土地重心向西北方向迁移8.80km;中度 沙 漠化土地重心向西北偏移 5.42km;轻度沙漠化土地重心向东南方向延伸9.90km。沙漠化土地重心由西向东依 次 为 极重度沙漠化 、重度沙漠化、中度沙漠化、轻度沙漠化,在沙漠化治 理 与 防 治 过 程 中,应 根 据 不 同 沙 漠 化 土 地 类 型 而 采 取不同的治理对策 ,做到因地制宜,合理有效地改善沙区环境。 关 键 词 :毛 乌 素 沙 地 ;沙 漠 化 ;动 态 变 化 ;重 心 迁 移 中 图 分 类 号 :P941.73 文 献 标 识 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :1005-3409(2019)05-0144-07 DOI:10.13869/ki.rswc.2019.05.022



地理学博士论文英语作文This dissertation focuses on the in-depth study of geographical phenomena and their underlying mechanisms. Through extensive literature review and fieldwork, I have attempted to uncover the multi-faceted aspects of our planet's physical and human geographies.The first part of this thesis examines the spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of natural processes such as climate change, landform evolution, and ecosystem functioning. By employing advanced mapping and modeling techniques, I aim to provide a better understanding of these processes and their implications for sustainable development.The second section delves into the complex interplay between human activities and the environment. This includes analyzing the impact of urbanization, economic development, and population growth on land use, resource availability, and environmental quality.Furthermore, this work also explores the role of geography in shaping social and cultural dynamics. It considers how geographical factors influence migration patterns, cultural diversity, and political boundaries.To conclude, this dissertation provides a comprehensive analysis of the diverse and interrelated aspects of geography. It offers insights that can contribute to informed decision-making in various fields, ranging from environmental management to urban planning and beyond.。




2005-2009年8月SCI共收录至少有一位中国作者(不包括台湾)的遥感学科论文801篇,其中2009年144篇(17.9775 %),2008年236篇(29.4632 %),2007年189篇(23.5955 %),2006年118篇(14.7316 %),2005年97篇(12.1099 %),2004年17篇(2.1223 %)。





中国生态农业学报(中英文) 2024年3月 第 32 卷 第 3 期Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, Mar. 2024, 32(3): 391−404DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20230412王舒, 刘凤莲, 陈威廷, 刘艳, 蔡巍. 滇中高原湖泊流域景观生态风险评价及驱动因素识别[J]. 中国生态农业学报 (中英文), 2024, 32(3): 391−404WANG S, LIU F L, CHEN W T, LIU Y, CAI W. Landscape ecological risk evaluation and driving factors in the lake basin of Central Yunnan Plateau[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2024, 32(3): 391−404滇中高原湖泊流域景观生态风险评价及驱动因素识别*王 舒1, 刘凤莲1**, 陈威廷1, 刘 艳1, 蔡 巍2(1. 云南财经大学国土资源与持续发展研究所 昆明 650221; 2. 云南财经大学经济研究院 昆明 650221)摘 要: 滇中高原湖泊流域位于我国西南生态安全屏障内, 担负着擘画生态文明新蓝图的重任。


本文基于2000年、2005年、2010年、2015年、2020年的土地利用数据, 借助ArcGIS 10.8和Fragstatas 4.2构建景观生态风险评价模型, 运用空间分析工具探究流域景观生态风险的时空分异特征和变化趋势, 采用地理探测器识别全流域及局部区域自然因素和社会经济因素对景观生态风险的影响。

研究结果显示: 1) 2000—2020年, 林地和耕地是滇中高原湖泊流域内面积最大的景观, 未利用地的面积最小。



第37卷第1期农业工程学报V ol.37 No.12021年1月Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering Jan. 2021 267 近10年中国耕地变化的区域特征及演变态势袁承程1,张定祥2,刘黎明1※,叶津炜1(1. 中国农业大学土地科学与技术学院,北京100193;2. 中国国土勘测规划院,北京100035)摘要:随着工业化、城市化进程推进,中国耕地在数量和质量方面均发生了显著变化。







4)耕地减少主要分布在距离主要城市中心30 km以内的区域,而耕地增加主要发生在离城市中心40 km以外区域,这进一步说明城市化发展仍然是当前耕地减少的主导因子。
















据已有研究,河岸植被缓冲带对地表径流的净化效益 主要可以分为 4 类,包括对营养盐的去除效益、对颗粒 物的去除效益、对有毒有害物质的去除效益和对病原 菌的去除效益。因此,将所收集到的 124 条有效信息, 按照净化的污染物类型,分别归入以上 4 种类型。采用 t 检验比较不同植被类型河岸植被缓冲带对各类污染 物去除率的差异,进而分析河岸植被缓冲带宽度与污 染物去除率的关系。 2 研究结果 2.1 河岸植被缓冲带净化作用数据及概况
13%(图 2)。
2021 年第 13 期
2.2 不同河岸植被缓冲带净化作用的差异
一定差异(表 1)。林地对营养盐、颗粒物和有毒有害物
种的去除率均值均超过 80%,分别为 85.0%、82.0%和
93.5%;草地仅对颗粒物的去除率均值超过 80%,对营
2021 年第 13 期
上述研究结果可为河岸缓冲带植被规划与设计提 供借鉴。在植被配置方面,可采用以林地为主的缓冲带 设计模式;对地表径流中氮含量低、磷含量高的区域, 可以适当增加竹林的配置量,也可以采用草地和竹林 平行于河岸、条状混交配置的模式,应对氮磷含量均较 高的地表径流。在缓冲带宽度设计方面,可结合区域地 表径流污染水平和达标要求,确定缓冲带宽度。例如王 敏等[22]模拟上海降雨及农田面源污染特征开展的植被
河岸植被缓冲带(riparian vegetation buffer),是河 岸带的重要组成部分,位于陆生生态系统与水生生态 系统之间的交错带,在维护河流完整性和生物多样性、 地表径流水质净化、增强河岸稳定性和景观美学等方 面具有重要作用。这其中尤为突出的是河岸植被缓冲 带对地表径流中的多种污染物可以起到拦截和降解的 净化作用[1-3],它主要通过吸收、沉积、过滤等作用阻止 或者去除坡面径流中的沉积物、有机质、营养物质以及 农业杀虫剂等污染物质进入水体的植被带[4-6]。



本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译翻译二Spatial-Temporal Pattern and Driving Forces of Land UseChanges in Xia menQUAN Bin, CHEN Jian-Fei, QIU Hong-Lie, M. J. M. ROMKENS, YANG Xiao-Qi, JIANG Shi-Feng and LI Bi-Cheng''ABSTRACTUsing Landsat TM data of 1988, 1998 and 2001, the dynamic process of thespatial-temporal characteristics of land use changes during 13 years from 1988 to 2001 in the special economic zone of Xiamen, China was analyzed to improve understanding and to find the driving forces of land use change so that sustainable land utilization could be practiced. During the 13 years cropland decreased remarkably by nearly 11 304.95 ha. The areas of rural-urban construction and water body increased by 10152.24 ha and 848.94 ha, respectively. From 1988 to 2001,52.5% of the lost cropland was converted into rural-urban industrial land. Rapid urbanization contributed to a great change in the rate of cropland land use during these years. Land-reclamation also contributed to a decrease in water body area as well as marine ecological and environmental destruction. In the study area 1) urbanization and industrialization, 2) infrastructure and agricultural intensification, 3) increased affluence of the farming community, and 4) policy factors have driven the land use changes. Possible sustainable land use measures included construction of a land management system, land planning, development of potential land resources, new technology applications, and marine ecological and environmental protection. Key Words: driving force, GIs, land use change, remote sensing, XiamenINTRODUCTIONLand use and land cover are prominent ecological symbols within the surface system of the earth.Land use refers to human manipulation of the land to fulfill a need or want. Meanwhile, land use change may involve either a shift to a different use, such as from rice paddy to aquaculture, or an expansion and intensification of an existing form, such as from subsistence to commercial farming (Matson et al., 1997). Land cover, defined as the physical surface condition of the land, is likely to change as a result of land use change (Turner and Meyer, 1991). Furthermore, land use influences the environment mainly by land cover, and thus land use and land cover are inter-related.Land use/cover change (LUCC) is a core project of the International Global and Biology Plan (IGBP). It aims to improve understanding of the global dynamics of LUCC with a focus to improve the ability to project such change (Turner et al.; 1997). More and more people believe that it is a timely project to comprehensively assess the global environmental changes (Liu and Buhe, 2000a). LUCC studies the changes of natural land, socio-economic conditions, and human activities. Therefore, it requires the cooperation of natural and social sciences to link LUCC to global change (Turner, 1994). LUCC revolves around core problems of regional population, resources, environment, and development. Since the 199Os, the study of LUCC has been a subject of intense interest in academic circles. In recent years, some researchers have made great progress in LUCC studies (Meyer and Turner, 1996; Luo and Ni, 2000; Shi et al., 2002). However, few studies have been done to date in the southeastcrn part of Fujian Province, which experienced major economic development during the past 20 years. Currently, the rate of conversion of agricultural land in the southeastern coastal area of China to non-agricultural uses is increasing (Liu et al., 2003). Consequently, there is a need for more research in the southeastern Fujian Province, where rapid development has led to swift changes in land use patterns. In this work, land use spatial changes during 1988, 1998, and 2001 in Xiamen were studied using remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS) tools. The characteristics and rules of land use changes and their driving forces were analyzed quantitatively through models, which provided a scientific basis for decisions in regional resource and coordinated environmental development, whilst offered a typical case in land use change in one of China’s “hot spots” of economic development.MATERIALS AND METHODSSurvey of regionXiamen, with an area of 1638 km2, is located in the southeastern part of Fujian Province, facing the Taiwan Straits. It has a southern subtropical monsoon climate, an annual mean temperature of 20.8 “C, and an annual precipitation of 1143.5 mm. The natural vegetation is a southern-subtropical monsoon rainforest, but human activities have destroyed most of this. Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) and Taiwan Acacia (Acacia confusa Merr.) have been planted in the upland and bottom flat land, under which a lateritic red soil has developed over time (Quan et al., 2004b and2005a). In 2001, Xiamen consisted of seven administrative districts including Siming, Kaiyuan, Gulangyu, Huli, Jimei, Xinglin, and Tong’an Districts with a total population of 1.31 million. When China began a policy of opening up to the world, Xiamen became one of the first four special economic zones because of its advantageous location. Since then the economy developed rapidly.Data and classificationLand use data were obtained from Landsat satellite images from 1988 to 1998 and 2001 with a spatial resolution of 30 m x 30 m. In addition, maps of Xiamen’svegetation distribution, Xiamen City remote sensing images, Xiamen administrative district (2004), and land use etc. were collected for image-interpretation. Land resource investigation data (1988-2001) were also gathered for consultation. Two grades were established for the land use classification system. The first grade was divided into six classes: cropland (l), orchard (2), forestland ( 3 ) , rural-urban industrial land (4), water body (5) and unused land (6). The second grade was divided into 12 classes with the following names and codes: paddy field (ll), dry land (12), orchard (21), forest (31), urban, town and separated industrial land (41), rural land (42), salt field (43), reservoir (51), other water bodies (52), coastal beach (53), barren land (61), and other unused land (62).ProceduresFor land use data and conversions from 1988 to 2001, first Landsat TM images of three different periods were acquired, and then the GCP (ground control points) works module of Canadian PCI software was applied for making geometric corrections. More than forty ground control points were selected as references on a topography map of scale 1:50000. The Gauss-Kruger projection, which belonged to a kind of transverse equal-angle cylindrical projection, was used to correct images with itsp rojection parameter as follows: central longitude 117”, Krassovsky ellipsoid, and false easting 500 km (Chang, 2002; Chen et al., 1998). Color composites were generated displaying bands 5, 4 and 3 as red, green and blue, respectively. An image enhancement was performed to increase the visual distinction between features in order to increase the amount of information that can be visually interpreted from the data. After image enhancement, based on field investigations, image interpretation symbols of different image elements were added. A global positioning system (GPS) receiver was used to collect the coordinates of sample sites. Additionally, the land use map of 1996 was digitized in GIS ArcView software before image-interpretation. This could be consulted in the process of personmachine alternating visual operations. The land use types were interpreted visually in the screen based on the TM images. Also, some additional errors were corrected based on auxiliary reference data and fieldwork. In the end, the smallest plot on the interpreted map corresponded to a scale of 1:100000, and field checking verified the accuracy of image interpretation of up to 90%.To determine the rate of land use change, the study period 1988-2001 was divided into two subperiods and the land use changes of the two sub-periods were compared. The first sub-period was from 1988 to 1998, called the earlier stage, and the second sub-period was from 1998 to 2001, called the later stage. The comparative analysis on land use change focused on the two sub-periods.Regional difference in land use characteristics were determined using the land use dynamic degree model that could be mathematically expressed by the following relationship (Liu and Buhe, 2OOOb): where S is the land use change rate over time t, Si is the ith type land use area at the beginning of the monitoring period, n is the number of the land use type, and ASi-j is the total area of the ith type land use that is converted into the other types of land use. The land use dynamic degree was thusdefined as the time rate change of land use that was converted into the other types of land uses and that at the beginning of the monitoring period was part of the land use area subject to change. The dynamic degree represented, in a comprehensive manner, the change of land use in a given region.In order to understand the rate of regional land use changes and their characteristic differences, the land use dynamic degree was calculated for the administrative districts in Xiamen. The seven administrative districts were divided into three groups on the basis of the value of the land use dynamic degree. The first group belonged to the fast mode of land use change, in which the land use dynamic degree was from 25% to 40%. The second group belonged to the moderate mode of land use change where the dynamic degree was from 12% to 25% (including 25%), and the third group belonged to the slow mode with the dynamic degree from 8% to 12% (including 12%). After each group was encoded, the regional distribution map for the land use dynamic degree was made using GIS ArcView software. Regional differences in the rate of land use change were determined with the rate of land use change model as follows (Liu and He, 2002):where S is the rate of the ith type land use change during the monitoring period TI to Tz; Ai is the area of the ith type land use at the beginning of the monitoring period; and UAi is the area of the ith type land use that remains unchanged during this monitoring period. (Ai - UAi) is the changed land area during the monitoring period, i e . the total area of the ith type land use converted into the other types of land use; Thus, this model represented the time rate of change for one type of land use that was converted into another type of land use relative to the land use situation at the beginning of the monitoring period.Regional differences in the land use intensity comprehensive index were calculated using the mathematical expression given by the following relationship (Lai et al., 2002; He et al., 2002):where I is the land use intensity comprehensive index; G; is the gradation value of the ith ranking land use type; Ci is the area percentage of the ith ranking land use intensity; and n is the number of land index of land use was given by:where Ib and I, are land use intensity comprehensive indexes at time point b and a, respectively. These relationships were comprehensive representations of land use intensity. If the parameter AIb-, > 0, the land use is continuely developing in the region; on the contrary, the land use is regressing.Land use can be divided into several rankings according to their change intensity to natural “equilibrium status” (Wang and Bao, 1999). In the gradation index system, unused land was assigned the factor 1; forest and water body were factor 2; agricultural land, including cropland and orchard, was factor 3; and rural-urban industrial land was factor 4. So, the calculation represented the range andintensity of land utilization (Wang et al., 2002).To determine the driving forces of cropland change a comparison of the Landsat acquired data was made with the statistical data obtained from the Land Resource Survey Office. The statistical data of the Xiamen cropland area for each year and the corresponding social-economic data were also collected and analyzed. Thesocial-economic data included general population, total agricultural output value, GDP, etc. There were 23 indexes and the data sets covered each year for the 1988 to 2001 study period.The information was calculated on the basis of no change in the prices from 1990. Then a correlation analysis was conducted between cropland and the other factors to assess cropland change. Driving forces of other land use types were also analyzed to help develop strategies for sustainable development.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONLand use data and conversions from 1988 to 2001The spatial-temporal land use changes in Xiamen are shown in Table I and Fig. 1. The data indicated that three land use types increased while three decreased from 1988 to 2001. Rural-urban industrial land had the largest increase with 10 152.24 ha followed by orchard with 1635.84 ha (Table I). Due to hydro-technical construction projects, water body increased by 848.94 ha on the whole while coastal beach land decreased by 2 139.07 ha (Fig. 1). Among the land types, cropland decreased by 11 304.95 ha, while forest and unused land decreased by 727.90 and 604.15 ha, respectively (Table I).Land use conversion was common among the various types. About 52.5% of the cropland area lost was converted into rural-urban industrial land, and 27.9% and 16.6% were converted into orchard and water bodies, respectively (Table 11). During the study period, many paddy fields were converted to rural-urban industrial use, orchard, reservoir, and hydro-technical construction sites. In addition, part Fig. 1 Net changes of land use in Xiamen from 1988 to 2001 with paddy field ( l l ) , dry land (12), orchard (21), forest (31), urban, town and separated industrial land (41), rural land (42), salt field (43), reservoir (51), other water body (52), coastal beach (53), barren land (61), and other unused land (62). The number in the parenthesis respresents the ranking code of land use type of the second grade according to the land use classification system.of the orchard area was converted into cropland and rural-urban industrial land. However, the total orchard area increased because of conversions from cropland (62.9%) and forest (20.8%), respectively.About 50.8% of the forest land lost was converted into orchard. Rural-urban industrial land and cropland made up the rest of the converted forest. About 53.6% of the water body lost was converted into ruralurban industrial land (Table 11). In the meantime, the conversion of some cropland into reservoir and hydro-technical construction land led to the increase in the total water body area. The increase in ruralurban industrial land was most noticeable (Fig. l), which came from other land use types, especially cropland. 62.1% of the lost area of the unused land was converted into forest, and the rest was converted mainly into orchard (Table 11). Comparison of land use changes between 1988 to 1998 and 1998 to 2001The rate of land use change for the study period 1988-2001 is shown in Fig. 2 with a larger decrease of cropland ( i e . paddy fields, 10575 ha) during the earlier stage thanthe later stage (730 ha). The decrease in the earlier stage was about 14 times that of the later stage while the period of observation in the later stage was about one third of the earlier stage. Thus, the data suggested that the disappearance rate of cropland had slowed. During the two sub-periods both of the rural-urban industrial land use changes increased (Table I) and the ratio of the increase between the two stages was about 12.4:l. Land areas for orchard and water bodies increased during the earlier stage while no major change took place during the later stage. Forest showed over twice as great a change in the first period than the second. In short, the basic rule of land use change in Xiamen during the period 1988 to 2001 was that changes in the early stage were greater than those in the later stage. This meant that changes in land use gradually decreased with time suggesting a more rational utilization of land resources.Fig. 2 Net changes in land use areas of Xiamen for the earlier stage (1988-1998) and the later stage (1998-2001) with paddy field (ll), dry land (12), orchard (21), forest (31), urban, town and separated industrial land (41), rural land (42), salt field (43), reservoir (51), other water body (52), coastal beach (53), barren land (61), and other unused land (62).The number in the parenthesis represents the ranking code of land use type of the second grade according to the land useclassification system.The land use dynamic degree for the seven administrative districts in Xiamen is shown in Fig.3.The overall comprehensive land use dynamic degree of Xiamen for the period from 1988 to 2001 was 21.1%. Fig. 3 indicated that the Huli and Xinglin Districts were in the first group. Their high ranking was attributed to their favorable geographical location due to the presence of shipping, transportation, and industrial facilities. These districts became a base of “exchanges of mail, trade, air and shipping services” on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. Therefore, these two districts played an important role in capital investments from Taiwan. In 1989, Haicang of Xiamen also became an area of investment interest for Taiwanese businessmen, who progressively promoted local economic development .Fig. 3 Dynamic degree of land use for the seven administrative districts in Xiamen during the period 1988 to 2001 with fast change being from 25% to 40%, moderate change from 12% to 25% (including 25%), and slow change from 8% to 12% (including 12%).The Jimei, Tong’an, and Kaiyuan Administrative Districts belonged to the second group. They experienced a moderate land use change (Fig. 3). Siming and Gulangyu districts belonged to the third group, which showed a slow land use change. Siming was an old urban district in which the urbanization level was high to start with and therefore a further increase would have been difficult to achieve. The slow change on Gulangyu Island could be related to regulations that were designed to preserve the characteristic architectural style and the greenery.The rates of land use change for Xiamen and its administrative districts were calculated for the period 1988 to 2001 (Table 111). Among the various land use types,the cropland annual conversion rate was the highest. This was indicative of the rapid land use change in this region. A comparison of cropland land use change rates among the various administrative districts showed that Siming District had the highest rate of cropland land use change. This change was related to the rapid urbanization during the period 1988 to 2001. The orchard land use change rate in Huli District was the largest and orchards were mainly converted into rural-urban industrial land (Table 11). Most of the water body changes involved converting coastal beach intorural-urban industrial land. In the Xiamen Region, the forest change rate of the Huli District was the highest (Table 111). Losses of forest in Table I1 were mainly converted into orchard and rural-urban industrial land. Changes with unused land occurred only in Xinglin and Tong’an Districts (Table 111), where the losses were mainly converted into forest and orchard (Table 11). This trend may be related to the influence of the “Making Green with Trees” Policy.Regional differences in the land use degree changeUsing the model of Wang and Bao (1999), the land use degree change parameter AI that expressed the change in the land use intensity index was 6.91 (Table IV). Since this was greater than 0, it indicated that the rural-urban industrial land areas could be increasing, and land in the region was becoming more intensively used. Table IV also showed that land use intensity was gradually increasing over time in Xiamen. Comparison of the AI parameter for the various administrative districts in 2001 revealed that land use intensity index was largest for Huli District followed by Kaiyuan District, while the Tong’an.District was the smallest. The land use intensity change of the Jimei District decreased slightly due to it being a cultural and educational district, whereas the other districts experienced an increase. The Huli and Xinglin Districts were both industrial districts, which had a prosperous economy and were experiencing rapid urbanization. Cropland change. A comparison of the Landsat acquired data with the statistical data obtained from the Land Resource Survey Office (LRSO) showed that the difference in cropland area was less than 5%. This difference was in part attributed to the image resolution and the interpretation method involving person-machine alternating operations on existing images. Therefore, for each year during the 13 years of this study period the image cropland area obtained by Landsat data corresponded very well with the statistically acquired cropland area data obtained from the LRSO. Correlation coefficients (r) between cropland area change and the social-economic factors are given in Table V. According to the test of significant differences at P < 0.01, the critical correlation coefficient was 0.661. The results indicated that general population, nonagricultural population, and natural growth rate of the population had highly significant correlations with the dependent variable (Table V).Most population and economic factors were closely correlated to cropland area change. Electricity used in villages and total power consumption of agricultural operations also had highly significant correlation coefficients. This suggested that economic development and the status of agricultural modernization were closelycorrelated to cropland area change. In short, cropland reduction was mainly driven by population growth, present agricultural conditions, level of affluence of the farming populations, and production technology (Li et al., 2003; Quan et al., 2005b).Rural-urban industrial land use change. Table I indicated that during the period 1988 to 2001 the rural-urban industrial land area increased by 10 152.24 ha. This represented an annual increase of 781 ha. Two reasons can be given for this increase. First there were comparative economic benefits that the farming population received%hrough enhanced opportunities during industrialization, and the second was attributed to the effect of the industrial policy itself on villages and small towns. On one hand, industry was earning more than agriculture during those years. On the other hand, many village and small town industries suddenly developed along the roads at the juncture of the city and countryside where land prices were lower. At present, most revenue from those villages and small towns comes from these industrial plants, which will lead to the transition from a village economy to an industrial economy. In addition, some villages located in the city region could practice two types of economic management systems, namely that of a city and a village. In short, these factors promoted the expansion of the rural-urban industrial area.Water body changes. The increase in reservoir, fish pond and aqua farm areas was in part at the expense of cropland areas and was in part obtained from construction of water bodies on sea reclaimed areas. For the farming population, aqua farming was more profitable than traditional agricultural crop production. The reclaimed land areas, from marshes of Xinglin Bay and Maluan Bay, not only increased the potential of flooding during tides, but also raised the possibility of salt-water intrusion from the sea. As a matter of fact, the sea-lanes became shallower and flooding hazards increased. The practice of reclaiming land from the sea has therefore posed a strong threat to the marine environment and has disturbed the balance of the marine ecosystems. In short, comparative economic benefits for the farming population and public policies were the main driving forces for water body changes.Tree cutting and the expansion of orchards were the main reasons for the decrease in forests in Xiamen. Xiamen climatic conditions are often referred to as the ‘‘the four evergreen seasons”, which means that they are favorable for gro wth of various commercial crops. These commercial crops have had a long history as well as large market potential and economic benefits for its population. Since the 1 9 8 0 ~due to the favorable climatic resources and population growth orchard development has taken place rapidly (Figs. 1 and 2).Another reason for the decrease in forest area was serious deforestation. In July 1998, the Xiamen Municipal Government issued measures for forest preservation. These measures stipulated that activities destroying the forest, which at the time consisted of random and unauthorized reclamation; excavating stone, sand, and soil; mining; and tomb and house building, were prohibited. After the corrective measures were put into practice, the cutting of forest by farmers gradually decreased. However, during the period of 1998-2001, the expansion of orchards and rural-urban industrial land contributed more to forest decrease than cutting forests. That is the reason why theaverage annual loss for the forests in 1988-1998 was 53.1 ha while in 1998-2001 it was about 65.4 ha (Table I). Therefore, forest preservation is still an important issue in Xiamen and should be paid more attention.Orchard and forest change.Strategies for sustainable land utilizationA balance between economic growth and cropland utilization was necessary. In Xiamen, urbanization has been the result of economic development with the expansion of urban areas leading to elimination of large areas of cropland. Thus, a reasonable plan for converting cropland, especially for building sites, was necessary. Some measures, such as keeping the total amount of cropland unchanged and changing other land use types, were considered. Meanwhile, because many farmers constructed their private homes on high quality agricultural production land, law enforcement needed to be strengthened.Moreover, a decision support system and dynamic monitoring system of land utilization should be established and the total amount of land supply should be strictly controlled (Dung and Sugumaran, 2005). From the perspective of harmonizing economic development and land use, it was necessary to innovate a policy for cropland conservation. For example, a “cropland replacement policy” could be adopted, which should permit a proportion of additional cropland to be developed for urbanization and industrialization purposes, but this would require the conversion of other land use types to cropland elsewhere and/or making expenditures for additional cropland development. It has also been suggested that a more responsible system identifying basic farmland, and permit policies for basic farmland should be developed. The ultimate aim was to keep the economy growing all the time. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of replacing fertile cropland with inferior land should be forbidden (Zhao, 2004).The potential of the land resources needed to be fully tapped. Xiamen belonged to a region in China, where water, heat and light resources were most abundant. This potential could be fully tapped. Because of light energy conditions, a more rational arrangement of the different plant varieties would allow an increase in agricultural net primary productivity (Bao et al., 2005). There have been many instances of intercropping or mixed cultures, which could raise land productivity. Besides, it was important to build up a rational food chain network so that the byproducts of one organism could be used as the food source for another (Zhu, 1997 and 2002).Heat energy was also favorable. Subtropical fruits made better use of the heat and grew well The establishment of a fruit-farming-grass-stock breeding complex system was another useful ecological pattern of agriculture that has been designed and popularized. The result of this ecological experiment showed that the total energy output per unit area was 5.1 times that of the traditional system. This ecological friendly system showed a benign circulation in the production process that had favorable ecological and economic benefits, and offered wonderful prospects (Zhu and Cheng, 2002; Quan et al., 2003).Though Xiamen has two or three harvests per year, presently the multiple crop index is only about 210%. As a result, the develop potential to further raise the multiple。



/.L d e(湖泊科学),2016,28(6):1371-1380D O I10. 18307/2016.0623©2016b y Jo u rn al o f Lake Sciences太湖流域河流鱼类群落的时空分布$李其芳丨,严云志…,储玲丨,朱仁丨,高俊峰2,高永年2(1:安徽师范大学生命科学学院,安徽省高校生物环境与生态安全省级重点实验室,芜湖241000)(2:中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,南京210008)摘要:确定河流鱼类群落的时空分布格局及其形成机制是开展鱼类物种多样性保护与管理的科学基础.基于2013年 10月和2014年5月共2次对太湖流域57个河道样点的调查数据,初步研究太湖流域河流鱼类群落结构及其多样性的季节动态和空间分布特点.共采集鱼类5051尾,计46种,其中鲤科鱼类26种,占全部物种数的57%. 10月份的鱼类多样性显著高于5月份,且2个季度的鱼类群落结构存在显著性差异.5个主要水系间的鱼类多样性差异显著,总体上,沿江水系和洮滿水系鱼类多样性较低,黄浦江水系居中,而南河水系和苕溪水系较高;鱼类群落结构也随水系而显著变化,主要 表现为黄浦江水系与洮滿、苕溪和沿江水系呈显著差异.在2个一级生态分区之间,鱼类多样性无显著差异但群落结构显著不同,主要因、鲫、似鳊等优势种及宽鳍鱲、尖头鱥、中华青锵、食蚊鱼等偶见种的空间分布差异所引起;在4个二级生态分区之间,鱼类多样性和群落结构均存在显著的空间变化.关键词:太湖流域;河流鱼类;群落结构;物种多样性;时空分布Spatial and temporal patterns of stream fish assemblages within Taihu BasinL I Q if a n g1, Y A N Y u n z h i1"" , C H U L i n g1, Z H U R e n1, G A O J u n f e n g2&G A O Y o n g n ia n2(1:Provincial Key Laboratory o f Biotic Environmental and Ecological Safely, College o f Life Sciences, Anhui Normal Univer­sity, Wuhu 241000,P.R.China)(2:Nanjing Institute o f Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy o f Sciences, Nanjing 210008, P.R.China)A b s t r a c t: Id e n tify in g the d is trib u tio n o f species co m position and th e ir abundance o f fishes is basic fo r the conservation and m anage­m ent o f fis h d iversity7. Based on the data co lle cte d fro m57 stream segm ents w ith in the T a ih u L a keB a sin d u rin g O cto b e r 2013and M ay 2014, w e exam in ed how the stream fis h assem blages v a iy s p a tia lly and seasonally in th is stu d y area. A to ta l o f 5051 in d iv id u­als re p re se n tin g46species w ere c o lle c te d, am ong w h ic hC y p rin id a e fishes are am ounted to 26species. F ish d iv e rs ity in O ctobe r was s ig n ific a n tly h ig h e r than th a t in M a y, and fis h assem blage structures also s ig n ific a n tly d iffe re d seasonally. S ig n ific a n t va ria tio n s am ong d iffe re n t subbasins w ere observed fo r both fis h species diversity7and assem blage structures. T h e Y a n jia n g and Zhaoge subba­sins had re la tiv e ly lo w e r species d iversity7, w h ile those in the N anhe and T ia o x i subbasins w ere re la tiv e ly h ig h e r. Assem blage s tru c­tures in th e H u a n g p u jia n g subb asin show ed s ig n ific a n tly d iffe re n ce fro m those in the Z haoge, T ia o x i and Y a n jia n g subbasins. W hen the sp a tia l va ria tio n s in fis h assem blages am ong ecoregions w ere c o n s id e re d, fis h assem blage s tru c tu re s, not species d iv e rs ity, show ed s ig n ific a n tly v a ria tio n betw een tw o ecoregions at le v e l -1;w h ile both assem blage structures and species d iv e rs ity d iffe re d sig­n ific a n tly am ong fo u r ecoregions at le v e l-2. T h is am ong-ecoregion va ria tio n s in assem blage stru ctu re s re su lte d fro m the s p a tia l d is tr i­b u tio n o f some d o m in a n t fis h e s, such as Hemiculter leucisculus, Carassius auratus and Pseudobrama simoni, and some rare fis h e s, such as Zacco platypus, Phoxinus oxycephalus, Oryzias latipes sinensis and Gambusia affinis.K e y w o r d s:T a ih u B a s in; stream fis h; assem blage s tru c tu re; species d iv e rs ity; s p a tio-te m p o ra l patte rn太湖流域(30°29'~32°08'N,119°19'~121°80'E)地处长江下游尾闾与杭州湾之间,北抵长江、东临东海、南滨钱塘江、西以天目山和茅山等山丘为界,流域面积达36500k m2,占我国国土面积的0.38%.流域内国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012Z X07501-001-03)和国家自然科学基金项目(31172120)联合资助.2015 09 05收稿;201602 29 收修改稿.李其芳(1989〜),女,硕士研究生;E-m a il: q ifa n g335@163.c o m.通信作者;E-m a il: ya n yu n zh i7677@.1372/.Lde(湖泊科学),2016,28(6)的地势呈西部高东部低、四周高中间低,地貌分为山地丘陵和平原两大类,其中山地丘陵主要分布在流域西部地区,而北部、东部和南部则主要为平原高永年等x根据海拔和河网密度等变量将该流域分为2个一级生态分区,即西部丘陵河流水生态区和东部平原河流湖泊水生态区.太湖流域气候属我国亚热带气候,四季分明、雨水丰沛、热量充裕,年平均降雨量约1200m m,其中60%~70%集中在59月份.流域内河网密布,河道总长1.2X106k m,河道面积2392k m2:5:,水系主要分为西部的南河、西南部的苕溪、东南部的黄浦江、西北部的洮滿及东北部的沿长江水系:3,6:.太湖流域的鱼类物种繁多且习性多样;据不完全统计,该流域的鱼类共计107种,隶属于14目25科;根据其生态习性,可分为多种类型,如:纯淡水鱼类(可进一步分为喜静水或缓流、喜急流的定居型物种以及半洄游型物种)、溯河和降河洄游型鱼类、咸淡水鱼类等:7_8:.在近50年时间里,太湖鱼类物种逐渐减少:1960s1970s,太湖鱼类计101种:7:;至21世纪初(2003年),仅被报道60种:9:;至2010年,物种进一步减少为47种:10:.同历史资料相比,太湖鱼类物种组成的主要变化趋势表现为:1)原常见鱼类的种类数量明显下降,2)大多数洄游性鱼类已基本绝迹,定居性鱼类成为区域内的主要鱼类,3)半洄游性鱼类也逐渐减少(尽管鲢、鳙等依靠人工放流维持在一定种群数量),4)目前的鱼类物种组成中,除人工放养的“四大家鱼”以外,绝大多数现存种均为小型鱼类:IH:.究其原因,主要是因为人类破坏了鱼类的栖息地、产卵场和育肥场及人类对渔业资源的过度捕捞:11:,此外太湖城镇化发展、土地利用方式变化等对流域内水环境造成极大的干扰,造成流域内水质恶化直接影响水生生物的生存:m3:.截至目前,有关太湖流域的鱼类调查研究多局限于太湖湖区:9—1H,14:或者太湖支流或局部河段:15—16:,有关全流域河流鱼类物种组成及其数量的时空分布格局尚未见报道.基于2013年10月、2014年5月对全流域57个河道样点的调查数据,本文研究太湖流域鱼类群落的时空分布规律,着重解析生态分区、水系间鱼类群落的空间变化及其季节动态,为太湖流域的水生态学研究积累基础资料,也为其鱼类多样性的保护及其资源的合理利用提供科学依据.1材料与方法1.1调查样点设置本研究共设置57个调查河段,覆盖在研究区域内各一级和二级生态分区(太湖湖区除外):4,17:及不同水系:3,6:之间(图1).在野外调查过程中,根据可抵达性、可操作性及避开明显人为干扰等原则,选取各调查河段的具体采集样点.57个调查样点,2个一级生态分区的样点数分别为21个(西部丘陵河流水生态区,11 区)和36个(东部平原河流湖泊水生态区,12区),4个二级生态分区的样点数分别为10个(湖西丘陵森林农田交错河源生境水生态亚区,111亚区)、11个(浙西山区森林河源生境水生态亚区,112亚区)、23个(沪苏嘉农田河网生境水生态亚区,113亚区)和13个(武锡虞农田河网生境水生态亚区,114亚区);此外,流域内5 个水系间的样点分布情况为:洮滿水系7个样点、南河水系6个样点、苕溪水系15个样点、黄浦江水系20个样点、沿江水系9个样点(图1).1.2鱼类标本采集2013年10月、2014年5月对样点进行采样.调查渔具视样点水深来选择,可涉水水域(水深不足1 m),采用背式电鱼器(电瓶:20A,12V;电鱼器:3000W)直接涉水取样;不可涉水区域(水深超过 1 m),采用船运电捕器(电瓶:100A,12V;电鱼器:32000W)并借助皮筏艇进行取样.每个样点取样时间约30m i n,采样河长100m,以尽可能确保不同样点间数据的可比性.在新鲜状态下对鱼类的分类地位进行现场鉴定,统计并记录渔获物的物种组成、物种数和个体数,疑难种以8%福尔马林溶液固定后带回实验室进一步鉴定.1.3统计分析根据特定物种的出现频率(^)和相对多度(P)来确定该物种的常见性和优势度,^和P的计算公式分别为:F. = S, /5x100%(1)P^N/N x m m(2)式中,S;为;物种的出现样点数,S为所有样点总数,M为;物种的个体数,#为所有渔获物个体总数.F多李其芳等:太湖流域河流鱼类群落的时空分布137340%的鱼类物种为常见种,F<10%的鱼类物种为稀有种,介于两者之间的鱼类物种为偶见种;P >10%属优势种,P<10%属非优势种[18].进一步,根据^和P计算每个物种的相对重要性(仪/),公式为:取=尽•八(3)除了以样点的物种数和个体数反映样点的物种多样性以外,还计算出样点鱼类的香农威纳指数(汉'):•l o g,P,(4)图1太湖流域鱼类调查样点示意(I和I I分别代表一级和二级生态分区,1〜4分别代表各分区编号)F ig.1F is h s a m p lin g s ite s w i t h in T a ih u B a s in(I a n d I I r e p r e s e n te d th e e c o r e g io n s d e f in e d a t le v e l I a n d le v e l I I,r e s p e c t iv e ly;1 〜4r e p r e s e n te d th e c o d e s o f e a c h e c o r e g io n a t le v e l I o r I I)运用多因素方差分析(M u lt i-w a y A N O V A),检验生态分区、水系与季节对鱼类多样性的影响,包括物种数、个体数和H'.为满足正态性和方差齐性,对全部变量数据进行了l g U+1)转换.因鱼类多样性存在不同水系间及不同二级生态分区间的显著差异,进一步分别使用S N K(S t u d e n t-N e w m a n-K e u ls)多重比较解析水系间及二级生态分区间的鱼类多样性变化.数据分析在S P S S19.0软件下完成,视P<0.05为显著性水平.基于B r a y-C u r t is相似性系数构建关于鱼类数量的群落结构的相似性矩阵,运用双因素交叉相似性分析(T w o-w a y A N O S I M)检验水系和时间对鱼类群落结构的影响,运用单因素相似性分析(O n e-w a y A N O S I M)分别解析一级生态分区间与二级生态分区间鱼类群落结构的差异,视P值(<0.05)确定群落结构差异显著性,视尺值确定鱼类群落的分离程度^>0.75,群落完全分离;0.5<E<0.75,群落少量重叠但仍明显分离;0.25<尺<0.5,群落存在明显重叠但仍部分分离;E<0.25,群落重叠明显几乎不可分.运用相似性百分比分析(s im­il a r i t y p e r c e n ta g e s,S I M P E R ) 分别检验维持群内相似性的关键贡献物种与维持群间不相似性的关键物种.为 减低极端数据的负面影响,全部数据经l g("1)转换后用于分析.数据分析在P R I M E R5.0软件下完成.2结果2.1渔获物概况共采集鱼类标本5051尾,计46种,隶属于8目、14科,其中鲤科鱼类26种,占全部物种数的57%,鲤科鱼类共4142尾,占总数量的82%.总体上,鲫、、似鳊和麦穗鱼的出现频率大于40%,属研究区域内的常见种;斑条鰌、彩石鳑鮍、子陵吻虾虎鱼、棒花鱼、红鳍原舶、中华沙塘鳢、鲤、食蚊鱼和寡鳞飘鱼出现频率介于1374/.Lde(湖泊科学),2016,28(6)10%~40%之间,属于偶见种;另外32种鱼类的出现频率均低于10%.相对多度除宽鳍鱲、中华青锵、泥鳅外均较低(不足1%),属稀有种.根据相对重要性指数,鲫和餐的重要值指数超过1000,似鳊超过500,均为研究区域内的优势种;而斑条鰭、麦穗鱼、彩石鳑鮍、子陵吻虾虎鱼的重要值指数也都大于100,为研究区域内的相对优势种(表1).此外,嵊县小鳔鮑、马口鱼、圆尾斗鱼、司氏触、大银鱼、间下鱲仅在10月份采集到,北鳅、达氏鉑、切尾拟鲿、白边拟鲿仅在5月份采到.5月和10月各采集鱼类37种和43种,其中34种在2个季节均采集到.2.2鱼类多样性运用多因素方差分析解析季节、水系、一级和二级生态分区对鱼类多样性的影响,结果显示,鱼类的物种数、个体数和好'值的季节变化显著(P<0.05)(表2),其中10月份的鱼类多样性(物种数为6.82±2.40种;个体数为56.37±46.23尾;丑'值为1.96±0.55)均显著高于5月份(物种数为5.22±4.03种;个体数为32.30土27.59尾;^值为1.46±0.73)(P<0.05).就鱼类多样性的空间变化而言,物种数、个体数和^值在不同水系间均存在显著差异(P<0.05);二级生态分区间的物种数和个体数均呈显著差异(P<0.05),好'值无显著差异(P>0.05);但一级生态分区对鱼类多样性无显著影响(P>0.05)(表2).此外,季节、水系、一级和二级生态分区对鱼类物种数、个体数和好'值均无显著性交互影响(P>0.05).进一步,运用S N K(S t m ie n t-N e w m a n-K e u ls)检验进行多重比较检验不同水系及不同二级生态分区间的鱼类多样性的差异,结果显示,沿江和洮滿水系的鱼类物种数显著低于南河和苕溪水系(P<0.05),黄浦江水系则居中;洮滿水系的鱼类个体数显著低于黄浦江、南河和苕溪水系(P<0.05);^值的显著性变化仅出现于沿江水系与南河水系间,后者显著大于前者(P<0.05)(表3).就4个二级生态分区的鱼类物种数和个体数而言,其显著性变化主要表现为:物种数在112和113亚区显著高于114亚区(P<0.05),而个体数在113亚区显著高于114亚区(尸<0.05);而西部丘陵河流水生态区(一级分区)的2个二级生态亚区111和112间的鱼类多样性无显著差异(P>0.05).2.3鱼类群落结构运用相似性分析(A N O S I M)解析季节、水系、一级和二级生态分区对鱼类群落结构的影响,结果显示,不同季节、水系、一级和二级生态分区间的鱼类群落结构均存在显著差异(P<0.05);不同季节间群落结构的分离程度较低(G l o b a l尺=0.04),不同一级(G l o b a l尺=0.24)和二级生态分区(G l o b a l尺=0.20)间的分离程度相对较高,而不同河流间的分离程度居中(G l o b a l尺=0.16).5个水系间群落结构的两两比较结果显示,黄浦江水系的鱼类群落与洮滿、苕溪和沿江3个水系均存在显著差异(P<0.05),而苕溪与沿江水系间的群落结构也呈显著差异(P<0.05);由尺值可见,黄埔江水系鱼类与洮滿和苕溪水系的分离程度相对较高(K>0.25),而其他两两水系间的群落结构分离程度较低(尺< 0.25)(表4).就4个二级生态分区而言,其鱼类群落结构差异仅见于隶属不同一级生态分区的二级生态分区之间,即:I I1亚区与I I3、I I4亚区之间,以及I I2亚区与I I3、I I4亚区之间(尸<0.05),但相同一级生态分区的二级生态亚区间(111与112亚区、113与114亚区)的鱼类群落无显著差异(尸>0.05)(表5).考虑到生态分区层次上鱼类群落结构的差异主要发生在不同一级生态分区之间,运用相似性百分比分析仅解析了I级生态分区和I I级生态分区间群落结构差异的贡献物种(累计贡献率达90%的关键物种),结果显示,餐、鲫和似鳊3种鱼类的多度变化(在I级生态区中具有更高多度)的贡献率分别达到10%以上,是造成2个一级生态分区间结构差异的主要贡献物种,此外,宽鳍鱲和尖头鱲仅出现于生态分区I,青锵的多度在生态分区I是生态分区I I的100倍以上,中华沙塘鳢和子陵吻虾虎鱼在I区的多度也高于I I区的10倍左右,但是,寡鳞飘鱼、食蚊鱼和短颌鲚在I I区的多度更大,超出I区的数十倍(表6).3讨论与湖泊、水库等静水系统不同,河流系统的水文、水位等条件受季节性干旱和洪涝的影响,因而具有更高的季节动态:19、这必然会对局域鱼类群落的物种组成及其数量产生重要影响n.此外,鱼类自身的周期性生活史事件(繁殖、洄游、死亡等)也影响着局域鱼类群落结构及其多样性,如:繁殖活动可引起大量补充群体的增加、洄游鱼类的周期性栖息地转化可引起局域鱼类群落组成的变化等:m.本研究结果显示,10李其芳等:太湖流域河流鱼类群落的时空分布1375表1太湖流域鱼类的物种组成、P、F和所/T a b.1S p e c ie s c o m p o s itio n,fr e q u e n c y o f o c c u r r e n c e,r e la t iv e a b u n d a n c e a n d in d e x o fr e la t iv e im p o r ta n c e o f f is h c o lle c t e d f r o m th e T a ih u B a s in巨科种P/%F/%/R/鲤开多目C y p r in ifo r m e s鲤科C y p r in id a e翘嘴舶Cw/ter 此0.307.89 2.37达氏舶C. da&zyf0.10 3.510.35短须鱊 Acheilognathus barbatulus0.57 5.26 2.99斑条麟A. ta e n ia n a心 6.2838.60242.41鐘C yprinus carpio0.7716.6712.84鲫Carassius auratus17.5876.321341.71餐 Hemiculter leucisculus16.8765.791109.88红鑛原舶C u ltrich th ys e rjthropteru s 1.7423.6841.20福建小鳔鲍M icrophysogobio /ufciensis0.12 3.510.42山乘县小鳔鲍M. chengsiensis0.020.880.02黑鳍鳈Sarcocheilichthys nigripinnis0.308.77 2.63华線S. sinensis0.020.880.02彩副鱊 Paracheilognathus imberbis0.61 4.39 2.68麦穗鱼Pseudorasbora parva 3.0342.11127.59似鳊Pseudobram a sim o n i14.3153.51765.73棒花鱼Abbottina rivularis 3.3128.9595.82宽鑛織Z acco platyp us 3.25 4.3914.27马口鱼Opsariichthys bidens0.08 1.750.14彩石鶴敏 Rhodeus lighti8.9933.33299.64尖头魚歲Phoxinus oxycephalus0.51 5.26 2.68银鲍Squalidus argentatus0.06 2.630.16寡鱗飘鱼Pseudolaubuca engraulis 2.8510.5330.01细鱗銅le n o c y p ris m icrolepis0.04 1.750.07赤眼蹲Spualiobarbus C u rricu lu s0.10 1.750.18鳊Parabramis pekinensis0.18 5.260.95鳅科C o b itid a e北嫩i^f u a costata0.06 2.630.16泥鳅 Misgurnus anguillicaudatus 1.477.9011.61中华花鳅Cobitis sinensis0.180.880.16大斑花嫩 C. m acrostigm a0.360.880.32鲈开多目P e rc ifo rm e s塘鐘科E le o trid a e黄魚幼鱼Hypseleotris swinhonis0.327.02 2.25中华沙塘體O dontobutis sinensis 1.7620.1835.52鳢科C h a n n id a e乌隹豊Channa argus0.18 6.14 1.11斗鱼科B e lo n tiid a e圆尾斗鱼Macropodus chinensis0.06 1.750.11虫下虎鱼科G o b iid a e子陵吻虾虎鱼Rhinogobius giurinus7.7231.58243.80刺鳅科M a s ta c e m b e lid a e朿lj嫩M astacem belus aculeatus0.08 3.510.28鲇形目S ilu r ifo r m e s鳢科S ilu r ifo r m e s切尾拟鲿 Pesudobagrus truncatus0.040.880.04白边拟鲿 P. a lb o m a rg in a tu s0.020.880.02黄颡鱼Pelteobagrus fulvidraco0.12 5.260.63纯头鮑科 A m b ly c ip itid a e司氏魚央Liobagrus s tya n i0.020.880.18鏘开多目C y p r in o d o n tifo r m e s鳉科C y p r in o d o n tid a e中华青鱗O ry^ias latipes sinensis 1.70 6.1410.44胎鏘科P o e c iliid a e食蚊鱼Gambusia affinis 3.3513.1644.09鞋开多目S a lm o n ifo r m e s银鱼科S a la n g id a e大银鱼Protosalanx hyalocranius0.08 2.630.21合鳃鱼目S y n b ra n c h ifo r m e s合鳃鱼科S y n b ra n c h id a e黄鳝Monoperus albus0.08 3.510.28额针鱼目B e lo n ifo rm e s臟科H e m ir a m p h id a e间下鱵 Hemirhamphus intermedius0.040.880.35誹行目C lu p e ifo rm e s鳀科E n g ra u lid a e短颌鲚Coilia brachygnathus0.407.02 2.811376/. Lde (湖泊科学),2016,28(6)表2基于多因素方差分析检验季节、水系、一级和二级生态分区间鱼类多样性的变化T a b .2 V a r ia tio n s i n f is h s p e c ie s d iv e r s it y a c ro s s s e a s o n s ,s u b -b a s in s a n d e c o r e g io n s a t le v e l I , I I b a s e d o n M u lt i-w a y A N O V A物种数个体数H'值季节7.94** 6.60*17.19**水系4.04 ** 2.98* 3.61 **一级生态分区0.35 2.00 2.09二级生态分区3.88*2.72*1.41*表中的数值代表F 值;*和#分别代表P <0.05和P <0.01.表3太湖流域5个水系间鱼类物种数、个体数和^值的变化T a b .3 V a r ia t io n i n f is h s p e c ie s r ic h n e s s , a b u n d a n c e a n d H ' a m o n g f iv e s u b b a s in s o f T a ih u B a s in水系物种数(种)个体数/尾H'值洮滿水系 4.20±2.20a 21.10±16.7r 1.51±0.78a b 南河水系 6.67±1.56b '42.67±27.16b 2.02±0.39a 苕溪水系7.20±6.44b 46.13±35.68b 1.79±0.67a b 黄埔江水系 6.23±2.61心50.50±41.98b 1.78±0.67a b 沿江水系4.17±2.46a40.28±53.12a b1.31±0.75b*同一列中的不同小写字母代表差异显著(P <0.05).表4基于相似性分析检验5个水系间鱼类群落结构的空间变化T a b .4 V a r ia tio n s i n f is h a s s e m b la g e s tr u c tu r e s a c ro s s f iv e s u b b a s in s b a s e d o n A N O S IM水系洮滿水系南河水系苕溪水系黄埔江水系沿江水系洮滿水系0.08-0.010.310.05南河水系ns -0.12-0.050.06苕溪水系ns ns 0.260.12黄埔江水系**ns **0.21沿江水系ns ns****右上侧为尺值,左下角为P 值;n s 、*和**分别代表P >0.05、P <0.05和P <0.01.表5基于相似性分析检验4个二级生态分区间鱼类群落结构的空间变化T a b.5 V a r ia tio n s i n f is h a s s e m b la g e s tr u c tu r e s a c ro s sf o u r e c o r eg io n s a t le v e l I I b a s e d o n A N O S IM月份的太湖流域河流鱼类物种数、个体数及H '值都显著高于5月份.因研究区域内绝大多数鱼类的繁殖活动集中在春、夏季,因此 5月和10月分别代表研究区域内绝大多数鱼类的繁殖期和非繁殖期,那么相对于5月而言,10月有大量的当年生补充群体加人,这 导致10月鱼类多样性的显著性上升.朱仁等^基于全年对黄山殷溪河(与太湖流域一致,同属我国亚热带季风气候区)的鱼类调查 数据,观察到鱼类多样性的显著下降现象发 生在11月,并认为其主要与冬季低温(水温接近4尤)、资源贫乏有关.因此,鱼类自身潜在的繁殖期群体补充及越冬死亡现象,可解释本研究结果中鱼类多样性的显著性季节变化;进一步,鱼类多 样性的季节变化导致了鱼类群落结构的季节动态.二级生态分区II1亚区II2 亚区I I4 亚区II3 亚区I I 1亚区0.050.170.15I I 2亚区ns 0.350.23II4 亚区II3 亚区*******ns0.09*右上侧为尺值,左下角为P 值;n s 、 0.05 和 P <0.01.:和**分别代表P >0.05、_P<李其芳等:太湖流域河流鱼类群落的时空分布1377表6基于相似性百分比分析解析I I与12生态区鱼类群落结构差异的关键物种T a b.6T h e s p e c ie s c o n t r ib u t in g th e d i s s im il a r i t y i n f is h a s s e m b la g e s tr u c tu r e s b e tw e e n tw o I-e c o r e g io n s关键物种平均多度贡献率/%累积贡献率/% I1生态区I2生态区餐 5.159.507.8910.8810.88似鳊 6.03 6.977.8610.8421.72鲫 6.139.387.5110.3632.08子陵吻虾虎鱼#8.53 1.06 6.418.8540.93彩石鳑鮍 3.25 4.76 4.91 6.7747.70斑条鱊0.98 4.09 4.76 6.5654.26麦穗鱼 1.13 1.59 3.75 5.1859.43棒花鱼# 1.63 1.50 3.51 4.8464.28中华沙塘鳢# 2.100.16 3.43 4.7369.00宽鳍鱲# 4.330 2.45 3.3972.39红鳍原舶0.43 1.04 2.34 3.2375.62食蚊鱼0.04 2.44 2.30 3.1778.79泥鳅# 1.830.51 1.86 2.5781.36寡鳞飘鱼0.02 2.10 1.67 2.3083.66中华青鳉# 2.130.01 1.62 2.2385.89鲤0.030.56 1.47 2.0387.92尖头鱥#0.500 1.07 1.4789.40短颌鲚0.050.260.76 1.0590.44#所示物种在I1生态区具有更高多度.因人类居住密度、土地利用强度等对水体理化环境及水质的影响,目前太湖流域五大水系间的水质条件不同:李娟英等^经研究发现,太湖流域西部丘陵地带的苕溪和南河水质较好,处于中度富营养化水平,而其他水系则处于重度富营养化水平;吴召仕等:3:的研究结果进一步表明,沿江水系的营养水平最高且污染最严重,而苕溪水系的营养水平最低且水质最好.考虑到水体污染对河流鱼类物种组成及其数量的潜在影响:25:,这可能是本研究观察到的太湖流域不同水系间鱼类物种多样性的差异—沿江水系和洮滿水系的鱼类多样性偏低,黄浦江水系居中,而南河水系和苕溪水系偏高的原因;此外,就鱼类群落结构而言,沿江和苕溪水系间鱼类群落也存在显著性差异.黄浦江水系的鱼类群落同其他四大水系的差异较大,显著差异于苕溪、洮滿和沿江水系的鱼类群落结构.太湖流域的五大水系中,以苕溪、南河和洮滿水系为太湖上游的人湖水系,而黄浦江和沿江水系为其下游的出湖水系;同沿江水系的人江口全部被建闸控制不同,黄浦江是太湖流域目前唯一的敞口人江水系:26-3H:.已有研究表明,在流域生态系统中,不同河段或不同支流由于所处流域内空间位置上的差异,即使其非生物环境条件较为一致,但其生物环境因子及其生态过程往往存在差异,这将导致这些河段或支流具有不同的鱼类群落结构:31-32:.因黄浦江下游与长江干流直接相通,潜在的下游生态过程可能对黄浦江鱼类群落施加重要影响,因而导致黄浦江水系与其他水系鱼类群落结构的差异.河流鱼类的物种组成及其数量的空间分布,不仅取决于河道内的水文条件、理化环境及栖息地特征等,还受整个集水区的地形地貌、景观特征等影响:32-35:,究其原因,是因为集水区的景观特征可影响溪流水源的补给,营养、矿物质和沉积物等的输人,进而影响溪流生态系统的水流流态、营养水平、水热状况、沉积和冲刷作用过程:34,36:.流域的水生态分区往往是根据陆地的地形地貌、土地利用/覆盖等景观特征构建而成:36-37:,因而已有很多研究发现河流鱼类群落的空间分布同水生态分区间存在密切关联,这反映了流域集水区陆地景观特征对鱼类群落的影响:38-4H:.在本研究区域内,根据海拔和河网密度等数据可将太湖流域分为2个一级水生态分区,即西部的丘陵河流生态区与动物的平原河流湖泊生态区:4:;进一步,G a o等:17:还根据太湖流域的土地利用/覆盖类型及其强度,将太湖流域分为5个二级生态亚区(含太湖湖区这一生态亚区).在一级生态分区空间尺度上,尽管河流鱼类的物种多样性无显著的空间变化,但其鱼类群落结构差异1378/.Lde(湖泊科学),2016,28(6)显著,该差异主要由区域内部分物种的分布和数量变化所引起,如餐、鲫和似鳊等优势物种在东部平原河流湖泊生态区有着更广泛的分布且数量更高,而宽鳍鱲和尖头鱲仅出现于西部丘陵河流生态区.西部丘陵生态区的海拔较高,其河流具有落差较大、水流较清急等特点:4:,因而适于宽鳍鱲等典型的急流性物种等分布;尖头鱲作为受最近一次冰川的影响而在长江流域仍零星分布的一种孑遗种,常栖息于海拔较高、水温较低的山涧溪流:_1:.相反,东部平原生态区的河流落差较小,水流较为缓和:4:,因而更适于餐、鲫等缓流性或静水性物种所分布.本研究还发现,在二级生态分区空间尺度上,尽管鱼类群落结构及其多样性均存在显著性空间变化,但其群落结构的显著差异仅出现于隶属不同一级生态分区的二级生态亚区间(即:相同一级生态分区的二级生态亚区间的群落结构均无显著差异),而鱼类多样性的空间变化可发生于同属东部平原河流湖泊生态区的113亚区和114亚区之间.为何太湖流域鱼类物种组成(群落结构)与数量(多样性)对一级和二级生态分区的响应不同呢?这可能是因为,不同类型的环境因素在影响河流鱼类群落中的相对重要性,既取决于特定研究所选取的空间尺度大小:41:,又受特定区域的环境要素特点所影响:33:,甚至还视群落特征变量(如物种组成、物种数等)而异:18:.综上表明,受河流周期性水文变化(丰水、枯水)及鱼类自身生活史事件(群体补充、越冬死亡)的影响,太湖流域河流鱼类群落结构及其多样性具有显著性的季节动态.不同水系的水体环境及水质条件存在差异,且不同水系在流域网络中所处的空间位置及其同长江干流的连通性不同,这造成了五大水系间的河流鱼类群落的空间变化.不同水生态分区的地形地貌、海拔、土地利用/覆盖类型及其强度存在差异,因而河流鱼类群落的空间分布与水生态分区存在密切关联.进一步表明,太湖流域河流鱼类物种多样性的空间分布,主要取决于水体环境和集水区土地利用/盖度(太湖流域二级生态分区的依据)的作用,而鱼类群落结构的空间分布则主要受流域网络的空间过程(如黄浦江作为唯一连通长江干流的水系,其鱼类群落结构与其他水系的不同)以及地形地貌和海拔(一级生态分区的依据)的联合影响.4参考文献:1: X ie U o n g b in,Y u X ia o g a n,Z ha ng Y u n lin. 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基于场景分类的中外游客地方性感知分析——以《又见平遥》情境体验剧为例[J]. 地方性是指地点的身份特色,表现着地方文化的本质。









1 相关文献研究综述1.1 地方性的层次分类 地方性的研究确定是地方性建构的基础。






1.2 情境体验剧中的地方性 情境体验剧是为观众带来真实戏剧及地方文化体验的旅游演艺项目。




爱考机构 中国高端考研第一品牌(保过 保录 限额)
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时空依赖 英语表述

时空依赖 英语表述

时空依赖英语表述Temporal and Spatial Dependencies.Temporal and spatial dependencies are two fundamental concepts that underlie our understanding of the interconnectedness and evolving nature of phenomena in various domains, ranging from physics to social sciences. These dependencies refer to the relationships between events or objects that are influenced by time and space, respectively.Temporal dependency is the relationship between events or observations that occur at different points in time. It encapsulates the idea that what happens at one time can influence what happens at another time. This is a crucial consideration in areas like meteorology, where the weather patterns of today can inform predictions for tomorrow. In the realm of finance, temporal dependencies are essential for understanding how market trends evolve over time, influencing investment decisions. Similarly, inneuroscience, temporal dependencies underlie our understanding of how neural activity patterns change over time, leading to the perception of motion or the processing of information.Spatial dependency, on the other hand, refers to the relationships between events or objects that are influenced by their physical proximity or location. This concept is central to fields like geography, where spatial patterns of population distribution, resource availability, and environmental factors influence regional development. In ecology, spatial dependencies are key to understanding how species interactions and habitats are distributed across landscapes. Urban planning also relies heavily on spatial dependencies, as they determine how cities grow, the flow of traffic, and the distribution of services.Temporal and spatial dependencies often coexist and intersect in complex systems. For instance, in climate science, changes in temperature and precipitation patterns over time are influenced by spatial factors like the distribution of land masses, ocean currents, and elevation.In social networks, the spread of information or trends can be influenced by both temporal factors like the time of day or week and spatial factors like the geographic location of users.The analysis of temporal and spatial dependencies requires sophisticated statistical techniques and models. Time series analysis, for instance, is a widely used method for studying temporal dependencies by examining how variables change over time. Spatial analysis techniques, such as geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial statistics, allow researchers to identify patterns and relationships between events or objects based on their spatial arrangement.In conclusion, temporal and spatial dependencies are fundamental to our understanding of the world. They underlie the interconnectedness of events and objects, shaping the evolution of systems and influencing our decisions and actions. As we continue to explore and model these dependencies, we gain deeper insights into thecomplexity of the world and the ability to make more informed predictions and decisions.。



基于遥感影像和地理信息技术,利用1980年上海土地利用分类数据为底图,选取1987年、1993年、1999年、2010年4个时相的上海市遥感影像,采用监督分类及目视解译法,探讨1980 — 2010年上海土地开发利用的时空变化。




土地开发利用,时空演变,上海Based on the categorical data of Shanghai land use in 1980, this study analyses a selection of four remote sensing images of Shanghai city in four different time phases, i.e., 1987, 1993, 1999 and 2010, by means of supervised classification and visual interpretation. In doing so, it aims to explore the temporal and spatial changes of Shanghai land use from 1980 to 2010 using remote sensing image and Geographic Information System technology. The research indicates a strong relevance of the changes in Shanghai land use to the cycles of urban economic development. In different time phases, changes of land use in Shanghai city is found to be regionally and spatially uneven, with the east of the city more drastic than its west, and the south more intense than the north. As a temporal analysis shows, in 1980s changes of land use take place predominantly in the city’s central area, which gradually expands to its outskirts■ 中图分类号:TU984 ■ 文献标识码:A■ DOI:10.12049/j.urp.202002012■ 文章编号:2096-3025(2020) 02-0095-07作者信息汤庆园王宝平李陈西南交通大学公共管理与政法学院讲师上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司 高级工程师上海工程技术大学公共管理系讲师摘要关键词Abstract 汤庆园 王宝平 李陈TANG Qingyuan ;WANG Baoping ;LI ChenSpatial and Temporal Variation of Land Use in Shanghai from 1980 to 20101980—2010年上海土地开发利用时空演变研究*中央高校基本科研业务经费项目“土地开发与产业升级关系的研究—以上海为例”(项目编号:A1420502051608-15);四川省社会科学重点研究基地四川县域经济发展研究中心课题(项目编号:XY2019046)*Keywords1 引言土地利用变化作为全球变化的重要内容日益受到广泛关注,它直接反映了人类活动对全球变化的影响[1]。

land use pattern的概念

land use pattern的概念

land use pattern的概念Land use pattern refers to the arrangement and distribution of different types of land uses within a given area. It is essential in understanding how land is utilized and allocated for various purposes, such as residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, and conservation.Land use pattern analysis involves examining the spatial distribution and characteristics of land uses, including their size, shape, density, and proximity to other land uses. It provides valuable insights into the dynamics and interactions between different land uses, as well as their impacts on the environment, economy, and society.To better understand the concept of land use patterns, let us delve into the key factors and processes that shape them:1. Natural Factors: Land use patterns are heavily influenced by natural factors such as topography, soil fertility, water resources, and climate. For example, flat and fertile land is more suitable for agriculture, while mountainous areas may be used for forestry or conservation purposes.2. Economic Factors: Economic activities, such as agriculture, industry,and commerce, play a significant role in shaping land use patterns. The availability of resources, transportation networks, market demand, and labor force all influence the spatial distribution of different land uses. For instance, industrial activities tend to concentrate near transportation hubs and natural resources, whereas residential areas are often located close to amenities and services.3. Planning and Policy: Land use planning and policies implemented by governments and local authorities also play a crucial role in shaping land use patterns. Zoning regulations, urban growth boundaries, land preservation policies, and infrastructure development plans all influence the allocation and organization of land uses within a region. These measures aim to achieve sustainable development, protect natural resources, and create livable communities.4. Social and Cultural Factors: Social and cultural factors, including population growth, demographic changes, lifestyle preferences, and cultural traditions, shape land use patterns. For example, the demand for housing, recreational spaces, and amenities differs based onsocio-economic status, age groups, and cultural practices. These factors influence the distribution and design of residential areas, parks, and public infrastructure.5. Environmental Considerations: Understanding and mitigating the environmental impacts of land use patterns is essential for sustainable development. Preservation of ecologically sensitive areas, forest conservation, protection of water bodies, and control of pollution are vital considerations in land use planning. A balanced land use pattern considers the carrying capacity of the environment and reduces the negative impacts of human activities.6. Interactions and Feedback: Land use patterns are not static but constantly evolving in response to changes in the above factors. Interactions and feedback between different land uses can result in land use changes over time. For instance, commercial development near residential areas may result in increased traffic congestion, leading to the need for transportation improvements or changes in land use regulations to address the issue.By analyzing land use patterns, we can gain insights into the spatial organization of human activities, identify trends, assess the efficiency of land use, and make informed decisions for sustainable development. It allows us to create functional and well-designed communities that meetthe needs of residents, balance economic growth with environmental conservation, and promote social well-being.。



美丽的地方的空间顺序和季节顺序的英语作文儿全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Tapestry of Beauty: Exploring Spatial and Seasonal SequencesAs a student with an insatiable wanderlust, I have been fortunate to witness the ebb and flow of nature's grandeur across diverse landscapes. From the snow-capped peaks that pierce the sky to the sun-drenched beaches that caress the shoreline, each breathtaking vista weaves a unique tapestry of beauty, unveiling its secrets through a harmonious interplay of space and time.The spatial sequence of beauty often unfolds like a symphony, with each location serving as a movement, flowing seamlessly into the next. Consider the majestic peaks of the Rocky Mountains, where jagged ridgelines and towering spires stand as sentinels against the azure sky. As you venture deeper into this rugged terrain, the landscape transforms, revealing verdant meadows adorned with wildflowers that sway in the gentle mountain breeze.Descending from these lofty heights, one encounters the rolling hills of the Great Plains, where vast expanses of golden wheat fields undulate like waves upon an endless sea. Here, the beauty lies in the simplicity of the landscape, a tapestry woven from the earth's rich hues and the ever-changing patterns cast by the drifting clouds above.Continuing our journey, we arrive at the sun-drenched shores of the Pacific Coast, where the relentless rhythm of crashing waves sculpts intricate patterns in the sand. Rocky outcroppings, adorned with tufts of vibrant vegetation, stand as silent witnesses to the ebb and flow of the tides, their shadows stretching across the beach like fingers reaching for the water's embrace.But beauty is not merely a spatial odyssey; it is also a temporal symphony, unfolding with the changing seasons. In the heart of New England, autumn paints the landscape with a vibrant palette of crimson, golden, and amber hues. The crisp air whispers of change, as the leaves dance upon the gentle breeze, carpeting the ground with a tapestry of fall's finest offerings.Winter's arrival ushers in a different kind of beauty, one that is both stark and serene. The snow-covered landscapes of the Arctic tundra stretch out like a pristine canvas, broken only bythe footprints of wandering polar bears and the ghostly silhouettes of frozen trees. Here, the beauty lies in the harsh yet enchanting stillness, a world where silence reigns supreme.As spring awakens, the world bursts forth with renewed vitality. The cherry blossoms of Japan unfurl their delicate petals, painting the landscapes in soft shades of pink and white. Streets and parks become festive canvases, adorned with these ephemeral blooms that seem to celebrate the fleeting nature of beauty itself.In the heart of the tropics, the vibrant hues of summer hold sway. Lush rainforests teem with life, their verdant canopies dappled with sunlight that filters through the dense foliage. Exotic flowers burst forth in a riot of colors, their fragrant petals beckoning to the kaleidoscope of butterflies that dance among them.Yet, beauty is not confined solely to the natural world; it also resides within the creations of human ingenuity. The ancient ruins of Greece and Rome stand as testament to the enduring allure of architecture, their weathered columns and crumbling facades whispering of civilizations long past. In contrast, the towering skyscrapers of modern metropolises reach towards theheavens, their sleek lines and gleaming facades reflecting the ever-changing hues of the sky.As I reflect upon these diverse landscapes and the seasons that transform them, I am reminded of the interconnectedness that binds all beauty together. Each location, each season, is but a brushstroke upon the grand canvas of life, contributing to the masterpiece that unfolds before our eyes.To fully appreciate the tapestry of beauty, one must embrace the spatial and temporal sequences that shape our world. For it is in the journey itself, the act of traversing landscapes and witnessing the ebb and flow of the seasons, that we truly come to understand the depth and richness of nature's offerings.In the end, beauty is not a static concept, frozen in time and space. It is a living, breathing entity that evolves and transforms, inviting us to bear witness to its ever-changing splendor. Whether basking in the warm glow of a tropical sunset or marveling at the crystalline beauty of a frozen waterfall, we are reminded that beauty is a language spoken by the universe itself, and it is our privilege to be fluent in its infinite dialects.篇2The Beauty of Place: Unraveling the Tapestry of Space and SeasonAs students, we often find ourselves tethered to the confines of classrooms and lecture halls, our minds consumed by the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Yet, there exists a world beyond these walls, a world that beckons us to explore its boundless beauty, woven through the intricate tapestry of space and season. It is a world that awakens our senses, ignites our curiosity, and reminds us of the profound connection we share with the natural world around us.I have been fortunate enough to witness the splendor of diverse landscapes, each one a masterpiece in its own right, offering a unique perspective on the interplay between space and season. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the sun-drenched beaches of the Caribbean, each destination unveils a distinct narrative, a story that unfolds through the harmonious dance of space and time.In the heart of the Himalayas, winter cloaks the towering peaks in a pristine mantle of white, creating a breathtaking spectacle that defies the boundaries of imagination. The air is crisp and invigorating, each breath a reminder of the majesty that surrounds us. As we navigate the winding trails, the spatialarrangement of these colossal mountains instills a profound sense of humility, their grandeur dwarfing our earthly existence. The snow-laden slopes, punctuated by the occasional burst of evergreen, paint a picture of tranquility and serenity, inviting us to bask in the stillness of the moment.Yet, as the seasons shift, the Himalayas undergo a remarkable transformation. Spring ushers in a symphony of color, with wildflowers carpeting the meadows and the melting snow giving way to cascading streams and waterfalls. The spatial canvas is now adorned with a vibrant palette, each hue a testament to the resilience of nature's rebirth. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming rhododendrons, and the melodic chorus of birds heralds the arrival of a new season, one brimming with hope and renewal.Traversing the globe, we find ourselves in the sun-drenched tropics of the Caribbean, where the spatial arrangement of islands dotting the azure waters creates a mesmerizing tapestry of paradise. Here, the seasons are marked not by the changing hues of foliage but by the ebb and flow of the ocean's tides. In the summer months, the warm embrace of the Caribbean sun bathes the white sandy beaches, inviting us to bask in its radiant glow. The spatial harmony of palm trees swaying in the gentlebreeze, the crystal-clear waters lapping at the shore, and the vibrant hues of tropical flora create a symphony of relaxation and serenity.As the seasons transition, the Caribbean islands unveil a different facet of their beauty. The onset of the rainy season brings with it a lush, verdant landscape, with the spatial arrangement of lush rainforests and cascading waterfalls taking center stage. The air is thick with the scent of damp earth and the melodic patter of raindrops on broad leaves, creating a soothing rhythm that lulls us into a state of tranquility. It is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, where the spatial interplay between land and sea becomes a canvas for nature's artistry.Yet, the true magnificence of these destinations lies not merely in their individual splendor but in the intricate tapestry woven by the interplay of space and season. Each location offers a unique perspective, a distinct narrative that unfolds through the harmonious dance of these two elements.In the Himalayas, the spatial grandeur of the mountains is amplified by the shifting seasons, each transition unveiling a new chapter in the story of these ancient peaks. The stark beauty of winter gives way to the vibrant hues of spring, and the lush greenery of summer eventually surrenders to the goldenembrace of autumn. It is a continuous cycle of transformation, a symphony of change that invites us to appreciate the ephemeral nature of beauty and the fleeting moments that compose the grand tapestry of life.In the Caribbean, the spatial arrangement of islands and the ever-changing tides create a dynamic canvas, a living masterpiece that evolves with the ebb and flow of the seasons. The sultry heat of summer gives way to the rejuvenating rains of the wet season, each transition painting a new picture, a new narrative that celebrates the resilience and adaptability of this tropical paradise.As students, our journey through these remarkable landscapes is not merely a physical one but a profound exploration of the interconnectedness that binds us to the natural world. We are reminded that beauty is not a static concept but a dynamic tapestry woven by the intricate interplay of space and season, each thread contributing to the magnificent whole.It is through this understanding that we can truly appreciate the richness and diversity of our planet, and it is through this appreciation that we can cultivate a deeper respect and reverence for the natural world that sustains us. For in the end,the beauty of place is not merely a spectacle to behold but a sacred symphony that resonates within our souls, connecting us to the rhythms of the earth and reminding us of our inherent role as stewards of this incredible tapestry we call home.篇3The Breathtaking Tapestry of Beauty: Exploring Nature's Wonders Through Space and TimeAs a student with an insatiable curiosity about the world around me, I have always been captivated by the sheer beauty and diversity of nature's landscapes. From the majestic peaks of towering mountains to the serene tranquility of pristine lakes, the natural world offers a mesmerizing tapestry of sights and experiences that never cease to amaze me. In this essay, I will take you on a journey through the spatial and seasonal wonders of some of the most breathtaking places on Earth, unveiling the intricate dance between geography and time that creates these awe-inspiring vistas.Let us begin our odyssey in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, where the spatial grandeur of these ancient mountain ranges is truly awe-inspiring. As you ascend the winding trails, the scenic vistas unfold like a grand panorama, revealing jaggedpeaks piercing the azure skies, and glaciers glistening in the sun's radiant embrace. The spatial arrangement of these geological marvels is a testament to the sheer power of tectonic forces that have sculpted the Earth over eons. Towering summits stand guard like silent sentinels, their rocky spires etched against the boundless horizon, inviting adventurers to conquer their lofty heights.Yet, the true magic of the Canadian Rockies lies in the seasonal transformations that paint these landscapes withever-changing hues. In the vibrant summer months, wildflowers carpet the alpine meadows, their vibrant petals dancing in the gentle mountain breeze. Turquoise lakes, fed by glacial meltwater, glisten like gemstones set amidst the rugged terrain. As autumn's embrace descends, the forests burst into a kaleidoscope of fiery reds, blazing oranges, and golden yellows, creating a breathtaking tapestry that rivals the finest works of art. Winter blankets the peaks in pristine snow, turning the Rockies into a winter wonderland where skiers and snowboarders revel in the powdery paradise.Traversing the globe, we arrive in the enchanting realm of the Tuscan countryside in Italy, where rolling hills and vineyards paint a pastoral scene that has inspired artists and poets forcenturies. The spatial arrangement of this region is a harmonious blend of nature's bounty and human ingenuity, with orderly rows of grapevines stretching as far as the eye can see, punctuated by quaint villages and ancient farmhouses. The gentle undulations of the landscape create a mesmerizing play of light and shadow, as the sun's rays cast a warm glow over the verdant fields and cypress-lined roads.However, it is the seasonal dance that truly breathes life into the Tuscan countryside. In spring, the air is perfumed with the delicate fragrance of blossoming fruit trees, their petals showering the earth in a delicate embrace. Summer brings forth a vibrant tapestry of sunflowers, their golden faces turned towards the radiant sun, while the vineyards burst with lush, emerald-hued foliage. Autumn unveils a palette of rich, earthy tones, as the vines heavy with ripe grapes await the annual harvest. Even in winter, the rolling hills exude a tranquil beauty, their contours blanketed in a pristine layer of snow, inviting visitors to cozy up by the fireplace and savor the region's renowned wines.Our journey then leads us to the tropical paradise of the Hawaiian Islands, where the spatial splendor is a harmonious blend of volcanic majesty and azure ocean vistas. The islandsthemselves are a testament to the raw power of nature, their rugged peaks and lush valleys carved by the very forces that birthed them from the depths of the Pacific. The spatial arrangement of these islands creates a stunning contrast, with towering cliffs plunging into crystalline waters, while lush rainforests cloak the fertile slopes, dappled with cascading waterfalls and hidden pools.Yet, it is the interplay of seasons that truly unveils the diverse beauty of the Hawaiian Islands. In the summertime, the islands bask in the warm embrace of the tropical sun, their sandy beaches offering a perfect respite for sun-seekers and ocean enthusiasts alike. As winter approaches, the islands are graced with the awe-inspiring sight of humpback whales breaching the surface, their mighty frames silhouetted against the golden sunset. The changing seasons also bring forth a kaleidoscope of colors in the island's flora, with vibrant hibiscus blooms and fragrant plumeria adorning the landscapes.Finally, our journey culminates in the frozen wonderland of Antarctica, where the spatial grandeur is a breathtaking tapestry of ice and snow. This vast, pristine continent is a realm of stark beauty, where towering glaciers and ice shelves stretch as far as the eye can see. The spatial arrangement of this icy expanse is atestament to the sheer power of nature, with massive ice formations carved by the relentless winds and frigid temperatures that define this region.Yet, even in this unforgiving landscape, the seasons weave their magic. During the summer months, the Antarctic Peninsula bursts into life, with colonies of penguins and seals populating the icy shores, and researchers flocking to study the unique ecosystems that thrive in this harsh environment. The midnight sun bathes the landscape in a ethereal glow, creating a surreal spectacle that defies imagination. As winter descends, the continent is plunged into darkness, with only the shimmering aurora australis and the twinkling of stars to illuminate the vast, icy expanse.Through this journey, we have explored the breathtaking tapestry of beauty that graces our planet, from the soaring peaks of the Canadian Rockies to the icy wonders of Antarctica. Each of these destinations offers a unique synthesis of spatial grandeur and seasonal transformation, unveiling the intricate dance between geography and time that creates these awe-inspiring vistas. As a student of the natural world, I am perpetually humbled and inspired by the sheer majesty of these landscapes,and I hope that this essay has ignited a spark of wonder and appreciation for the incredible beauty that surrounds us.。



人 民 黄 河YELLOW RIVER第43卷第6期2021年6月Vol.43 ,No.6Jun. , 2021【水土保持】基于高程和坡度分级的延安市土地利用格局研究火 红1,韩 磊22,奥 勇2,刘 钊2,3,赵永华厶3,朱会利5,陈 芮1(1.长安大学地球科学与资源学院,陕西西安710054; 2•长安大学土地工程学院,陕西西安710054;3•陕西省土地整治重点实验室,陕西西安710064; 4•中国科学院地球环境研究所黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室,陕西西安710061; 5•长安大学地质工程与测绘学院,陕西西安710054)摘 要:地形因子影响地表水热再分配、风沙作用方式和水力侵蚀强度,不同地形上土地利用类型的改变会产生不同的生态修复效 果。

为了给科学合理地评估退耕还林(草)效果和相关研究提供参考,基于1988年、1998年、2008年、2018年Landsat4-5 TM 、 Landsat8 OLI 卫星遥感影像数据与DEM 数据,在RS 与GIS 技术支持下获取土地利用与地形因子数据,将土地利用类型与地形因子耦合,分析了延安市大规模实施退耕还林(草)前后各土地利用类型在不同地形因子上的分异及转移特征。

结果表明:退耕还林(草)工程的实施,使延安市土地利用结构发生明显变化,耕地面积占比由29.01%降低到11.51%,草地面积占比由32.88%降低到25.31%,而林地面积占比由36.01%大幅提高到60.60%;各土地利用类型在各级高程与坡度上的分布差异随时间推移愈加明显,坡 度小于15°的耕地面积占耕地总面积的比例大幅提高,即随着时间推移耕地分布逐渐向缓坡区域转移;草地与林地在各级坡度上的分布具有一致性,二者的分布优势均随着坡度增大而增大,其中林地分布优势在高程919-1 445 m 尤其在919-1 115 m 较大且随着时间推移进一步增大,草地分布优势随海拔的提高逐渐减小,但随着时间的推移其在高海拔区域的分布优势逐渐变大。






种内关系:Intraspecific relationship种间关系:Intrespecific relationship种群不是个体的简单相加,而是有组织、有结构的群体,不仅具有个体特征,还具有种群特征。

二、种群的特征1.占有一定空间(空间特征);2.有一定数量(数量特征);3.有一定基因组成(遗传特征);4.有一定的大小(size)和密度(density);影响种群大小的四个基本参数就是:出生率(natality)、死亡率(mortality)、迁入(immigration)和迁出(emigration) ------ 初级种群参数(primary population parameters)。

5. 有一定的年龄分布(age distribution);6.有一定的性比(sexual ratio);年龄分布、性比、种群增长率(population growth rate)和分布型(pattern of distribution ) ----------- 次级种群特征(secondary population characteristics )。


三、种群的生态学意义1.有利于改善小气候2.有利于捕食3.有利于防御害兽4.有利于繁衍后代5.有利于行为的形成第二节种群增长和种内调节及种群间的关系在自然条件下,种群的形成和发展一般要经历五个阶段,即迁入(immigration )、增长(increase )、平衡(equilibrium )、衰落(decline) 和灭亡(extinction)。

一、种群增长模型(一)种群的离散增长模型(差分方程)1.增长率不变的离散增长模型%产入Nt或N尸N0X tN为种群大小,T为时间,入(入=N t+/N )为种群的周限增长率(finite rate of increase)□当入〉1,种群上升;入=1,种群稳定;0〈人<1,种群下降;入=0,雌体没有繁殖,种群在一代中灭亡。



国外近年夏季林火概述及启示周俊亮;贾伟江;高立旦;于泽蛟;陈春广【摘要】介绍法国、葡萄牙、西班牙和美国夏季发生的森林火灾概况,包括火灾原因、火势发展和扑救状况,总结国外发生森林火灾的经验和教训,分析其对我国森林消防工作起到的警示作用.【期刊名称】《森林防火》【年(卷),期】2018(000)001【总页数】3页(P52-54)【关键词】法国;葡萄牙;西班牙;美国;夏季火;林火扑救【作者】周俊亮;贾伟江;高立旦;于泽蛟;陈春广【作者单位】北方航空护林总站,黑龙江哈尔滨 150020;浙江省航空护林管理站,浙江杭州 300012;浙江省航空护林管理站,浙江杭州 300012;浙江省航空护林管理站,浙江杭州 300012;浙江省航空护林管理站,浙江杭州 300012【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S762.3森林火灾突发性强、破坏性大,一旦失去控制,扑救十分困难,被称为全球性技术难题。




1 夏季火灾概括1.1 法国森林火灾2016年8月10日,法国南部地中海海岸发生森林火灾(图1),第二大城市马赛周边遭遇20年来最为严重火情。

受地中海沿岸地带强劲北风影响,大火肆虐,火势席卷马赛以北超过2 000 hm2种植松树的干燥丘陵地区,导致1 000多人被迫逃离家园。

8月10日下午突然刮起大风,火势持续肆掠2 260 hm2林草繁茂的林地,曾一度逼近Fossur-Mer石化园区,严重威胁园区内数座炼油厂及油库安全。


法国当局组织2 500名消防员和大量消防飞机投入救灾,因消防飞机数量有限,还申请邻国意大利消防飞机支援灭火。



超声诊断胎儿骶骨发育不全的研究进展董岚;蔡爱露【摘要】骶骨发育不全是一种罕见的先天性畸形,指2个或2个以上骶骨椎体部分或全部缺失,常合并神经、骨骼、消化道及泌尿生殖等多个系统畸形.产前准确诊断胎儿骶骨发育不全对及时治疗及判断胎儿预后至关重要.本文对骶骨发育不全的胚胎学基础、分型、产前超声诊断的研究现状及进展做一综述.【期刊名称】《中国介入影像与治疗学》【年(卷),期】2018(015)009【总页数】3页(P570-572)【关键词】胎儿;超声检查,产前;骶骨;发育不全【作者】董岚;蔡爱露【作者单位】中国医科大学附属盛京医院超声科,辽宁沈阳110004;中国医科大学附属盛京医院超声科,辽宁沈阳110004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R714.53;R445.1骶骨发育不全(sacral agenesis,SA)是一种罕见的先天性疾病,指2个或2个以上骶骨椎体部分或全部缺失,其发生率约为0.01‰~0.05‰[1] ,且与母体糖尿病密切相关[2]。

SA可伴有如神经、骨骼、消化道及泌尿生殖系统的畸形[3-4],Duhamel于1964年将其描述为尾部退化综合征(caudal regression syndrome,CRS)的一部分。



1 SA的胚胎学基础脊柱起源于中胚层及其所产生的体节。





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Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Land Cover Change In Chengdu, China, 1978-2002Annemarie Schneider a, Karen C. Seto b, and Curtis E. Woodcock aa Department of Geography and Center for Remote Sensing, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USAb Center for Environmental Science and Policy, Stanford University, Stanford, CaliforniaCorresponding author: anmarie@, /urbanAbstract –The goal of this work is to monitor urban growth and the drivers of urban expansion in Chengdu, China. Between 1978 and 2002, the municipal population increased from 8 to 10.2 million and GDP grew seven-fold, changes which have had profound impacts on land cover. To address these issues, this research involves two tasks. First, we monitor land cover change using a supervised, multi-date decision tree method that exploits spectral as well as seasonal differences in Landsat imagery. Results indicate that urban areas have increased by more than 350% between 1978 and 2002. Second, we estimate changing urban density by applying spatial landscape metrics and gradient analysis to the map of land cover change. Using a moving window technique, changes in urban pattern are estimated for seven urban-rural corridors. Results show that western corridors exhibit more disaggregate growth, possibly as the result of policies attracting foreign investment. These results have important implications for urban sustainability, resource use, and potential degradation of the environment.I. I NTRODUCTION AND B ACKGROUNDLand use/cover change in China is becoming extremely important due to the close correlation between land use change and global biogeochemical cycles, which impact climate [1]. Rapid change in China’s cities has attracted attention because of accelerated conversion of agriculture to urban uses during the last two decades [2]. This transition, unprecedented in size and scale, has resulted in part from a series of economic reforms initiated in 1978, when China established 18 economic regions and development zones in major coastal cities. Combined with land tenure reforms, these changes have fostered a massive shift of the population from rural to urban areas. Inland cities such as Chengdu, Chongqing, and Wuhan have been targeted for similar development during the 1990s.As a result, China’s cities have redefined functions, including reorganization of production activities to outside the city, restructuring of residential settlements, and substantial expansion of smaller cities and towns near large cities [3]. In turn, it is becoming increasingly clear that the physical form of urban development affects economic potential, social and political stability, and ecological outcomes [4].Quantifying the spatial and temporal patterns of urban growth dynamics is key to understanding urban change. Satellite remote sensing has revolutionized the process of measuring urban land use during the last three decades [5]. Many studies have used remote sensing to provide accurate measurement of the urban form [6], [7], [8]. Only recently have investigators begun to use satellite information on spatial pattern to assess, manage, and predict growth in cities [9].The objective of this paper is to develop a better understanding of urban growth and the factors driving land conversion in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province in Central China. Three tasks were involved in this study. First, a supervised decision tree method was used to map land use change in greater Chengdu using a multi-date series of Landsat data. In the second task, density and pattern of land use was quantified for the study area over time and across space, using a combination of landscape metrics [10] and gradient analysis [11]. A third task linking spatial information to socioeconomic data is currently in progress.II. M ETHODOLOGYA. Change DetectionThe method involved three main steps: (1) image preprocessing, (2) change detection using supervised methods, and (3) accuracy assessment. Eight images (WRS path/row 129/39) of the study area were acquired between 1978 and 2002 (Table 1). Preprocessing included registra-tion of all images to a master using a second order transformation with <0.5 RMS error and nearest neighbor resampling to 30 by 30 m pixels.In the second step, the quantity and type of land use/land cover changes was estimated. One common problem when mapping urban change is the confusion between bare agricultural plots and new urban areas. This problem is further compounded by the multi-cropping practices of the Chengdu region. A reliable means to distinguish agriculture from urban change is use of seasonal images: spring green up (April), peak greenness of primary crop (August), and peak greenness of secondary crop (December) [12]. A supervised decision tree classification algorithm (C4.5) was chosen, since this algorithm has been used and tested rigorously in the machine learning community [13]. Decision trees are especially effective for remote sensing problems because they require no a priori assumptions regarding the distribution of the input data, and they can handle complex, nonlinear relations between features and classes. A total of 1052 training sites (15,720 pixels) were selected during field work in Chengdu, ranging in size from one to ten pixels and classified as stable urban,stable vegetation, stable agriculture, stable water, change to urban 1988, change tourban 1991, change to urban 1995, change to urban 2000,TABLE 1I MAGERY U SED IN THE A NALYSISSatellite Acquisition dateLandsat MSS 3 21 August 1978Landsat TM 4 1 May 1988Landsat TM 4 24 April 1991Landsat TM 5 16 August 1992Landsat TM 5 5 May 1995Landsat ETM 7 2 November 2000Landsat ETM 7 23 December 2001Landsat ETM 7 7 October 2002and change to urban 2002. Following convention to train the classifier with the majority of the sample and test classifier accuracy with the remaining sites unseen by the algorithm, 152 sites (~15%) were set aside for validation.A relatively new technique known as “boosting” has been widely shown to increase classification accuracies [14. Boosting improves accuracy by estimating multiple classifiers while systematically varying the training sample. Once the classifier iterations are complete, the boosting algorithm computes a weighted vote for each pixel, assigning probabilities of class membership for each class at every pixel [15. C4.5 with boosting thus produces two outputs: (1) probabilities of each class (0 - 100%), and (2) a predicted class label based on the class with the highest probability.Initial results from the predicted class map (output 2) revealed class confusion, and overall map accuracy was below 50%. Change areas were instead labeled stable urban or stable agriculture. Inspection of the class probabilities (output 1) revealed that the incorrectly labeled pixels consistently had a second most probable class that was the correct class. With this in mind, a density slicing technique was used to compare the probability maps for the five change classes directly to the Landsat images. Once the values corresponding to change pixels were determined, a binary mask of change was created and overlaid on the map of stable areas. By combining the two, a final map was created for each date. Finally, these maps were validated using 152 ground truth sites held out from the classification process. B. Spatial AnalysisUsing the change maps, the density and pattern of land use was quantified for the study area over time and across space by merging landscape metrics [11] and gradient analysis [12]. The study area was partitioned into seven transects or corridors based on major transportation networks (Fig. 1). The roads were buffered by 2 km, and a series of analyses was conducted along each corridor using spatial pattern metrics in a 4 x 4 km moving window. Two simple metrics were chosen: mean patch size (MPS) and landscape shape index (LSI). MPS conveys the size of contiguous area of a given land cover type within each corridor. If urban patches are small and scattered, for instance, MPS will be low, while increasing MPS will result as “densification” occurs. LSI is a standardized measure of perimeter length of all patches of a given type. Increasing LSI indicates that urban areas are becoming more fragmented, while decreasing LSI results as the urban fabric becomes more continuous.III. R ESULTSFig. 2 presents the results of the change detection algorithm, revealing explicit patterns of growth in the southeast, east and northeast regions of the city. The extent of urban, built up land increased more than 350% from 1978 to 2002. Field assessments confirm a high overall accuracy of the land-use change map (88.0%).The transect analysis provided information additional to trends seen in the land use maps. Results of MPS from 1988 to 2002 (Fig. 3) for the seven corridors show an initial peak indicating the edge of the city proper and secondary peaks corresponding directly to satellite cities and clusters of growth along the corridors. Six of the seven corridors (Fig. 3a, 3c-3g) exhibit dramatic growth outside the city, suggesting urban clusters as far as 40 km from the city. Construction of a new airport and nearby land development is apparent in Fig. 3e, where MPS increases at a much greater rate within 10 km of the city. Despite increasing amounts of urban land in the north, northwest and west (Fig. 3a, 3f, 3g), these areas remain patchy in comparison to the southwest corridor (Fig. 3e). Results of LSI (not shown) provided additional evidence corroborating these findings.IV. C ONCLUSIONSThe main objective of this research was to improve understanding of the growth and pattern of urban areas in Chengdu, China. Change and stable land use was mapped using a decision tree algorithm, and overall map accuracy was greater than 87%. Patchiness and contiguity of urban land were quantified using spatial pattern metrics over time (1988 to 2002) and space using urban to rural transects.These metrics indicated increasing dispersion of the city in northern and western corridors, while patterns of densification were perceptible in the southwest.A CKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was funded by NASA grants NGT5-30401abd cgfeFigure 1: Seven corridors analyzed for Chengdu, China, using a moving window of spatial pattern metrics. Stable urban areas are shown in purple, while urban change 1978 to 2002 is shown in red.and NAG5-10534, with additional support from the WorldBank. The authors would like to thank Douglas Webster, CaiJianming and Binyi Luo for their assistance.R EFERENCES[1] Sellers, P.J., et al. “Modeling the exchanges of energy, water andcarbon between continents and the atmosphere, Science, 275, 502-509, 1997.[2] Xia, L., “Measurement of rapid agricultural land loss in the Pearl RiverDelta with integration of remote sensing and GIS,” Environment and Planning B, 25, 447-461, 1998[3] National Bureau of Statistics, China, 2000.[4] Guldin, G.E., Farewell to Peasant China , M E Sharpe, Armonk, NewYork, 1997.[5] Longley, P.A. and V. Mesev, On the measurement and generalization ofurban form, Environment and Planning A, 32, 473-488, 2000.[6] Jensen, J.R. and D.C. Cowen, “Remote sensing of urban/suburbaninfrastructure and socioeconomic attributes,” Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 65, 611-622, 1999.[7] Howarth, P.J. and E. 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