Towards fast femtosecond laser micromachining of fused silica the effect of deposited energy
清华大学汤姆逊散射超短脉冲X射线源研究杜应超;黄文会;颜立新;何小中;向导;唐传祥;林郁正【期刊名称】《强激光与粒子束》【年(卷),期】2009(21)2【摘要】介绍了清华大学加速器实验室近年来关于汤姆逊散射超短X射线源的研究工作;研究了在任意散射角度下电子束参数和激光束参数对散射光子参数的影响,给出了散射光子的参数如光子产额、脉冲长度、时间抖动等与电子束参数、激光束参数和散射角度的关系;利用实验室已有的16 MeV反波行波加速器与中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心提供的ns调Q激光搭建了汤姆逊散射初步实验平台并开展了实验研究;加工了1.6-cell光阴极微波电子枪,搭建了高功率实验平台,对产生的电子束参数进行了初步测量;对汤姆逊散射超短X射线源进行了设计并开展了相关的平台建设工作,对产生的X射线脉冲参数进行了模拟.【总页数】6页(P265-270)【作者】杜应超;黄文会;颜立新;何小中;向导;唐传祥;林郁正【作者单位】清华大学,工程物理系,加速器实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,粒子技术与辐射成像教育部重点实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,高能辐射成像国防重点学科实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,工程物理系,加速器实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,粒子技术与辐射成像教育部重点实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,高能辐射成像国防重点学科实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,工程物理系,加速器实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,粒子技术与辐射成像教育部重点实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,高能辐射成像国防重点学科实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,工程物理系,加速器实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,粒子技术与辐射成像教育部重点实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,高能辐射成像国防重点学科实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,工程物理系,加速器实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,粒子技术与辐射成像教育部重点实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,高能辐射成像国防重点学科实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,工程物理系,加速器实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,粒子技术与辐射成像教育部重点实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,高能辐射成像国防重点学科实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,工程物理系,加速器实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,粒子技术与辐射成像教育部重点实验室,北京,100084;清华大学,高能辐射成像国防重点学科实验室,北京,100084【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN248【相关文献】1.激光汤姆逊散射及HL-1M装置多道倍频激光散射系统 [J], 冯洁;郑永真2.汤姆逊X射线源激光系统的定时与同步诊断 [J], 杜强;李荐民;黄文会;邵贝贝3.汤姆逊硬X射线源中锁模脉冲激光稳频方法 [J], 杜强;黄文会;孙大睿;戴建枰;唐传祥4.散射参数对汤姆逊散射诊断的影响简析 [J], 朱巍;叶雁;李军;罗振雄;刘振清;朱鹏飞5.汤姆逊散射之跃迁几率和散射截面的量子场论方法处理 [J], 管立;郁可;孙一因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
壁、多壁碳纳米管混合特性的双壁碳纳米管更具有吸引力。 西 北大 学 的研 究人 员发 现 ,D WNT的长 度 比 S T长 4%。由于 双壁碳 纳米 管长度 更 WN 4 长,因而透明导电的 D T在用 于太阳能电池板时,其电导率提高了 2 WN . 4倍。 ( 英惠 杨
内的发育 。该项发现的关键之处在于,这种表面可直接激励细胞,因而无需借助药物,从而 排 除药物 不 良影 响。 科学家 们 利用化 学试剂 改变 通常 的医 用金属 ( 如钛 )的表 面 。将 这些金 属 置于选 定 的酸 和氧 化物 混合 液 中,使金 属表 面形成 海 绵状 、由纳 米尺 寸小坑 组成 的图案 。研 究表 明,经 过 处理 的表 面使 骨细 胞生长 加速 、抑制 了无 用细 胞 的生长 ,并激 发 了支 撑细 胞 。此外 ,由于与
纳米 多孔表面 的接 触 ,有利 于细胞 附着 ,且 生长 的基因表 达 能力也提 高 了。 . ( 英惠 摘译 ) 杨
聚焦离子束技术雕刻 出的纳米级 图案
美国国家标准与工艺研究所 ( IT N S )报道,将离子流聚焦成一个 lm大小的光点技术 n 在 纳 米工 艺 中有 广泛 用途 ,利用 这 项技 术可 在 半 导体上 刻 出 比 目前所有 方 法 都更 精小 的 图 形 ,它还能进行 以比目前 电子显微镜所达到的分辨率更为细小的非破坏成像 。 研 究人 员制 成 了一个 小的原 子 “ ” 云 ,而后 联合 使用磁 场及激 光捉 住这 些 原子并 将其 冷 冻至极低温度。利用另一个激光器将原子离化,并使荷 电粒子加速通过一个小孔,从而制成 了带 能离 子束 。这一装 置 被命名 为 MO I,用作 磁光 离子源 陷 阱。MO I TS TS首先 以铬 原子进 行了演示,并确定除镓外其他元素均可达到相应亮度与强度,宛如聚集离子束。 该项技术还 可用 于许 多其 他原 子 。这些 离子 束可用 于切 削纳 米级 图案 ,而不产 生污 染 ,还 可用 于提 高离 子 束显微 镜 的对 比度 。 ( 英惠 摘译) 杨
这 种 量 子 点红 外 光 电探 测 器 的金表 面 的这 些有趣特 性有 助 于将入 射光直接 聚焦到微 型 圆孔 内并将这些 光有效地会 聚 在 盛 放 量 子 点 的池 内。这 种 会 聚 可加 强俘 获 光 与 量 子 点之 间 的相 互作用,继而增 强量子 点 将 那 些 光 子 转 换 成 电 子 的 能 力。 最终 的结果是 ,Ln的器件 i 产 生 了 比进 入 该 量 子 点 红 外 光 电探 测器 的原 始 能 量 强 40 0% 的 电场 。 这 种 效应 与 用 一个 透 镜 覆 盖 该 量 子 点红 外 光 电探 测 器 上 每 一个 微 小 圆 孔所 产 生 的 结果 是 相 似 的,但 它 没 有 超 额 的 重 量 ,而且 省 去 了安 装 和 校 准 数 百 万 个 透 镜 的麻 烦 和 成 本 Ln 的 团 队 在 一 篇 已经 发 i
表 的论 文 中曾经表 明,覆 盖在 量 子 点 红 外 光 电探 测 器 上 的纳 米级金层不 会增加 噪声 或者 给 器 件 的 响 应 时 间 产 生 负 面 影 响。 i 打 算通过增加表面 圆孔 Ln 的 直径 和 使 用 更 有 效 的量 子 点 替代 物两种方 式继续对该技 术 进 行 磨 练 , 并 用 金 来 提 高 量 子 点 红 外 光 电探 测 器 的 探 测 率 。 Ln认 为 ,再 过 几 年 ,他 们 i 将 产 生 出一 种 信 号 比 现 在 这 个 探 测器 高 2 0倍 的 金 基 量 子 点 红 外 光 电探 测 器 。这 是 一 个 非 常 合 理 的 目标 ,它 将 会 开辟 出 个 全 新 的应 用 范 围 ,从 更 好 的士兵用夜视镜 到更精确 的医 用 成像装 置不等。
基 于 纳 米 技 术 的微 透 镜 可 能 使 卫 星 红 外 成 像 技 术 取 得 突 破
扫描隧道显微镜在纳米材料表征中的应用扫描隧道显微镜(Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, STM)是一种非常有用的技术,可以用来观察和表征纳米材料和表面结构。
STM 基于电子隧穿效应,通过在距离样品表面几个埃之内移动尖端来感测表面的电子结构和拓扑结构。
由于STM 能够在原子尺度下精确地检测表面的形貌和晶体结构,它已经被广泛用于材料科学和物理学中的表面物理研究领域,这让科学家们对纳米材料的结构和特性有了更深入的理解。
在 STM 技术的帮助下,科学家们可以直接观察和表征纳米材料的表面形貌和纳米结构。
STM 还可以用来研究和开发新型纳米器件和材料,例如纳米电路、量子点等。
由于 STM 技术的高度敏感性,它能够探测细微的表面变化和结晶缺陷,这对科学家们设计和制造高效的新型材料来说至关重要。
使用 STM 就可以通过找到表明晶体生长的周期性表面几何形状来精确定位纳米结晶,还可以通过变化的电子能带结构和谱信号了解材料的化学反应和行为。
除此之外,STM 技术也被用于开发和制造新型的纳米设备。
例如,STM 可以用来制作和准确测量铁磁分子、单层石墨烯、量子点、超导体等纳米器件,这些器件可以用于 photonics、能源产业、半导体工业等领域。
总的来说,STM 技术在纳米材料表征上的应用是无与伦比的。
尽管 STM 技术还存在一些局限性和挑战,但作为现代科学家的有力武器,STM 技术已经成为了纳米技术领域中一个不可或缺的工具。
Femtosecond laser excitation of multiple spin waves
Femtosecond laser excitation of multiple spin waves and composition dependence of Gilbert damping in full-Heusler Co2Fe1−xMnxAl filmsChuyuan Cheng, Kangkang Meng, Shufa Li, Jianhua Zhao, and Tianshu LaiCitation: Applied Physics Letters 103, 232406 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4838256View online: /10.1063/1.4838256View Table of Contents: /content/aip/journal/apl/103/23?ver=pdfcovPublished by the AIP PublishingArticles you may be interested inDifferent temperature scaling of strain-induced magneto-crystalline anisotropy and Gilbert damping in Co2FeAl film epitaxied on GaAsAppl. Phys. Lett. 105, 072413 (2014); 10.1063/1.4893949Magnetic and Gilbert damping properties of L 21-Co2FeAl film grown by molecular beam epitaxyAppl. Phys. Lett. 103, 152402 (2013); 10.1063/1.4824654Low spin-wave damping in amorphous Co40Fe40B20 thin filmsJ. Appl. Phys. 113, 213909 (2013); 10.1063/1.4808462Spin-transfer switching in full-Heusler Co2FeAl-based magnetic tunnel junctionsAppl. Phys. Lett. 100, 182403 (2012); 10.1063/1.4710521Exchange anisotropy and spin-wave damping in CoFe/IrMn bilayersJ. Appl. Phys. 93, 7717 (2003); 10.1063/1.1543126Femtosecond laser excitation of multiple spin waves and composition dependence of Gilbert damping in full-Heusler Co 2Fe 12x Mn x Al filmsChuyuan Cheng,1Kangkang Meng,2Shufa Li,1Jianhua Zhao,2,a)and Tianshu Lai 1,a)1State-Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies,School of Physics and Engineering,Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou 510275,People’s Republic of China 2State-Key Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures,Institute of Semiconductors,Chinese Academy of Sciences,P.O.Box 912,Beijing 100083,People’s Republic of China(Received 2September 2013;accepted 17November 2013;published online 3December 2013)Spin-wave dynamics in 30nm thick Co 2Fe 1Àx Mn x Al full-Heusler films is investigated using time-resolved magneto-optical polar Kerr spectroscopy under an external field perpendicular to films.Damon-Eshbach (DE)and the first-order perpendicular standing spin-wave (PSSW)modes are observed simultaneously in four samples with x ¼0,0.3,0.7,and 1.The frequency of DE and PSSW modes does not apparently depend on composition x ,but damping of DE mode significantly on x and reaches the minimum as x ¼0.7.The efficient coherent excitation of DE spinwave exhibits the promising application of Co 2Fe 0.3Mn 0.7Al films in magnonic devices.VC 2013AIP Publishing LLC .[/10.1063/1.4838256]Cobalt-based full-Heusler ferromagnetic alloy films have a high Curie temperature and spin polarization,which are cru-cial for spintronic devices.It was already reported that mag-netic tunnel junction using cobalt-based full-Heusler films as electrodes showed a high tunnel magnetoresistance ratio and low switching current.1In addition,cobalt-based full-Heusler ferromagnetic alloy films also showed low damping.2–4Such properties make cobalt-based full-Heusler ferromagnetic alloy films become a promising material in magnonics,5,6where spin waves are utilized to transport,store,and process informa-tion.Consequently,the generation and manipulation of spin waves becomes vital in magnonics.Spin wave logic gates have been demonstared.7It has shown experimentally by Brillouin light scattering (BLS)that rich thermal spin wave modes existed in cobalt-based full-Heusler ferromagnetic alloy films,8,9such as Damon-Eshbach (DE)spin-wave and perpen-dicular standing spin-wave (PSSW)modes.However,the coherent excitation of such spin wave modes has been an open issue,and has not been reported yet.Liu et al.studied spin-wave dynamics in Co 2MnAl (Ref.3)and Co 2MnSi (Ref.4)films using all-optical time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr (TR-MOKE)spectroscopy with an external field applied in plane,and observed only uniform precession or Kittel mode,but did not DE and PSSW modes excited.In this Letter,we investigate the dynamics of spin waves in Co 2Fe 1Àx Mn x Al full-Heusler films using all-optical TR-MOKE spectroscopy.In contrast to previous in-plane field applied,here an external field is applied nearly normal to films.Multiple spin-wave modes,including DE and PSSW modes as well as an external field-independent spin wave mode,are observed simultaneously.The three spin-wave modes all can be excited in four samples with x ¼0,0.3,0.7,and 1,but DE spin wave is excited most effi-ciently.The frequency of spin wave modes is not apparently dependent on the composition x ,but damping significantly depends on x .The origin of external field-independent spinwave mode is deeply studied and ascertained.Efficient exci-tation of DE spin waves supports full-Heusler alloy films as a promising material in magnonic devices because DE spin wave is a propagating wave which enables information transmission.Four samples under study are 30nm thick Co 2Fe 1Àx Mn x Al films grown on GaAs (001)substrate by molecular-beam epi-taxy at the temperature of 160 C with x ¼0,0.3,0.7,and 1.All samples were capped with an aluminum layer of 2nm thickness to avoid oxidation.More details on the preparation and the magnetic properties of the samples can be found else-where.10The experimental setup for time-resolved polar Kerr measurement of spin wave dynamics was described in details elsewhere.11Laser pulses of 150fs from a Ti:sapphire regener-ative amplifier with a repetition rate of 1kHz at the central wavelength of 800nm are split into stronger pump and weaker probe whose the fluence ratio of pump to probe is larger than 30.The pump pulse is focused to a spot of 150l m in diameter on sample surface,while the focused spot of the probe is nearly half smaller than and is located at the centre of the pump spot.The polar Kerr rotation of the probe reflected from sample sur-face is detected by a balanced optical bridge and measured with the help of a lock-in amplifier,which is synchronized to an optical chopper that modulates the pump beam.The external magnetic field is generated by an electromagnet and applied nearly normal to films.Fig.1(a)shows the pump-induced magnetization dynamics of the sample,Co 2Fe 0.3Mn 0.7Al film,under differ-ent stationary external field (H ).One can see that obvious oscillations occur,that is spin waves,but the oscillations are not simply harmonic damping,which implies multiple spin-wave modes are excited simultaneously.One can also discern oscillatory period decreases with increasing external field,which shows the dispersion of spin waves that can be used to identify the type of spin waves.To obtain the disper-sion,it is necessary to achieve the spectrum of spin waves for different external field.The oscillatory component is first obtained by subtracting non-oscillatory component from the magnetization dynamics in Fig.1(a)and then is fast Fouriera)Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.Electronic addresses:stslts@ and jhzhao@.0003-6951/2013/103(23)/232406/5/$30.00VC 2013AIP Publishing LLC 103,232406-1APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 103,232406(2013)transformed(FFT),while the non-oscillatory component is an exponential decay function which bestfits the magnet-ization dynamics and describes the recovery process of pump-induced demagnetization.In this way,FFT spectra corresponding to the spin waves in Fig.1(a)are obtained and plotted in Fig.1(b).It is obvious that three peaks occur in every FFT spectrum and shifted upward with external field except for the peak at$43.9GHz.The strength of peak weakens rapidly with the rise of frequency.The posi-tion of peak or the frequency of spin wave mode is read out and plotted in Figs.1(c)and1(d)by scattered points as a function of externalfield,which is just so-called the dis-persion of spin waves and will be exploited to identify these spin-wave modes.For the simplicity in description below,the three spin-wave modes are referred to as low-, middle-,and high-frequency modes in order of their fre-quency values.The theoretical dispersion relations of dipolar and exchange spin-wave modes in continuousfilms were estab-lished under arbitrary orientation of the internal magnetic field.12According to this theory,as H is applied nearly nor-mal to thefilm plane as here,the dispersion equation of dipole-interaction-dominated DE spin-wave mode reads(in CGS units)x2 DE ¼x2Hsin2hþx H x Msin h1Àcos2hkdð1ÀeÀkdÞþx2Msin2hkdð1ÀeÀkdÞÂ1À1kdð1ÀeÀkdÞ;(1)where d is the thickness offilms,k is the wavevector of DE mode,and M s is the saturation magnetization.x H¼c H sin/ and x M¼c4p M s.c is the gyromagnetic ratio.h and/are the angles of the direction of magnetization and external mag-neticfield with respect to the normal offilms,respectively.For exchange-dominated PSSW mode,its dispersion equation readsx2PSSW¼x Hsin hþx A n2xHsin hþx M sin2hþx A n2;(2)where x A¼c2A ex/M s(p/d)2,A ex is the exchange constant, and n is the index of PSSW mode.As n¼0,Eq.(2)reduces to the dispersion equation of the Kittel mode.In our experimental geometry,/is constant but h is changed with externalfield,and is determined by the follow-ing magnetization equilibrium condition:2H sinðhÀ/ÞÀ4p M s sin2h¼0:(3)Obviously,none of the three spin-wave modes is Kittel mode because the frequency of Kittel mode should approach to zero as externalfield reduces to zero.Wefirst try to best fit the dispersion(filled circles in Fig.1(c))of the low-frequency mode with Eqs.(2)and(3).The bestfitting is also plotted in Fig.1(c)by solid line.It looks tofit well. However,the parameters given by thefitting,such as A ex and M s,are much different from the experimental values reported.Furthermore,the dispersion curves of the second-(dotted line),third-(dashed line),and fourth-(solid line) order PSSW modes deduced by the bestfitting are also plot-ted in Fig.1(c).One can discern the fourth-order PSSW mode seems tofit the middle-frequency mode(open circles) well.However,it is not reasonable physically because the fourth-order PSSW mode is excited less efficiently than the second-and third-order PSSW modes.It is impossible that the fourth-order PSSW mode is observed but the second-and third-order modes can not.Therefore,the low-frequency mode is excluded as thefirst-order PSSW mode,while the middle-frequency mode as higher-order PSSW mode. Next,we try to bestfit the low-frequency mode with Eqs.(1) and(3).Thefitting is plotted in Fig.1(d)by green solid line. One can see thefitting is very well.More importantly,the fitting gives out reasonable parameters k¼2.58l mÀ1and M s¼900emu/cm3.The latter agrees well with the reportedFIG. 1.(a)Spin-wave dynamics ofCo2Fe0.3Mn0.7Al Heuslerfilm meas-ured by polar TR-MOKE spectroscopyunder a pumpfluence of$27mJ/cm2for different externalfields appliednearly perpendicular tofilm.(b)FFTpower spectra corresponding to the os-cillatory components in(a).The dataare amplified by20times in the rightside of the vertical line.(c)Scatteredpoints denote the externalfield de-pendence of three peaks in(b).Linesstand for bestfitting based on the dis-persion of PSSW mode.(d)The scat-tered points denote the externalfielddependence of three peaks in(b).Solidline is bestfitting with the dispersionof DE mode,and dashed line with theone offirst-order PSSW mode.Thesolid and dotted lines at43.9GHz arethe guide to eyes.value(1027emu/cm3)of Co2FeAlfilms,8while k¼2.58l mÀ1 is in the regime of dipolar-interaction-dominated spin waves.6 Therefore,we ascertain the low-frequency mode as DE spin-wave mode.We try to bestfit the middle-frequency mode with Eqs.(2)and(3),andfind the bestfitting can be obtained as n¼1.The bestfitting is plotted in Fig.1(d)by dashed line,and gives out parameters A ex¼2.13l erg/cm and M s¼890emu/cm3.The M s¼890emu/cm3agrees well with M s¼900emu/cm3given by thefitting of low-frequency mode,while A ex¼2.13l erg/cm is comparable to the reported A ex¼1.55l erg/cm of Co2FeAlfilms.8Therefore,we believe the middle-frequency being thefirst-order PSSW mode. Thefitting of two modes gives almost identical saturation magnetization M s that agrees well with the reported value, which further enhance the reliability to assign the low-and middle-frequency modes to DE and PSSW modes, respectively.To reveal the influence of composition(x)on the spin-wave modes,another three samples with x¼0,0.3,and1are also studied on their magnetization dynamics under different externalfields as described before.The oscillatory compo-nents are extracted as described before and then fast Fourier transformed.There are also similar low-,middle-,and high-frequency three peaks or spin-wave modes in every FFT spectrum for the three samples,and the low-and middle-frequency peaks are shifted upward with increasing external field,but the high-frequency peak at43.9GHz not shifted. The externalfield dependence of the frequency of the three modes is plotted in Figs.2(a),2(b),and2(d).Fig.1(d)is re-plotted as Fig.2(c).One can see they look very similar, showing that composition x does not apparently influence the frequency of spin-wave modes.The green solid lines show bestfitting to greenfilled circles with Eqs.(1)and(3),while blue dashed lines exhibit bestfitting to blue open circles with Eqs.(2)and(3)as n¼1.Thosefittings give out parameters M s¼1000,980,900,and740emu/cm3,and A ex¼2.2,2.39, 2.13,and1.69l erg/cm,respectively,for x¼0,0.3,0.7,and 1.M s decreases monotonously with increasing x,which is in good agreement with the prediction of Slater-Pauling rule of Co2-based Heusler compounds.13,14Slater-Pauling rule predicted that the magnetic moment M per formula unit is 5l B for Co2FeAl,while it declines to4l B for Co2MnAl. Based on the reported lattice constants,10the calculated val-ues of M s are1012,945,856,and789emu/cm3,respectively, for x¼0,0.3,0.7,and1,which agree very well with M s¼1000,980,900,and740emu/cm3given by bestfittings. This further supports our assignment on DE and PSSW modes.In our out-of-plane experimental geometry,DE and PSSW can be efficiently excited,but they could not be excited in in-plane geometry.3,4Main reason may be large precession angle allowed in our geometry under enough pump excitation.For large precession angle,the Landau-Lifshitz equation of motion is intrinsically nonlinear, which is helpful to pump energy into certain spin-wave modes by nonlinear interaction.15Furthermore,in the out-of-plane geometry,externalfield is applied perpendicularly tofilm plane,which is preferential for magnonic device applications because a strongfield is easily generated in a small gap which corresponds to the thickness of magnonic devices.Gilbert damping is a vital parameter for magnonic applications.It is necessary to reveal the composition(x)de-pendence of the damping of Co2Fe1Àx Mn x Alfilms.An exponential sum function,including a single exponential decay and three harmonic damping functions,yðtÞ¼P3k¼1A k expðÀt=T kÞsinð2p f k tþ/kÞþB expðÀt=T demÞ,is used to best fit all magnetization dynamics as plotted in Fig.1(a),where A k,T k,f k,and/k are the amplitude,lifetime,frequency,and initial phase of the k th spin-wave mode,respectively.B and T dem depict the amplitude and recovery time constant of pump-induced demagnetization,respectively.Partial signals (scattered points)in Fig.1(a)and their bestfittings (color solid lines)are plotted in Fig.3(a).One can see that the solid linesfit experimental points very well.Thefitting gives out the frequencies(f k)and lifetimes(T k)of three spin-wave modes.The frequencies are almost identical to ones depicted by FFT spectra.The lifetimes of low-frequency(DE)mode are plotted in Fig.3(b)by scat-tered symbols because DE spin wave is especially focused on in magnonic devices due to its propagating character, whereas the lifetimes of other modes are not shown here. One can see that the lifetime of DE mode is strongly depend-ent on composition x though the frequency of DE mode does not apparently depend on x.Gilbert damping a is calculated by the following formula:161a¼scH sin/sin hþ2p M s sin2h;(4)where s is the lifetime of spin waves,as shown in Fig.3(b).Based on Eqs.(3)and(4),the damping(a)of four sam-ples is calculated and plotted in Fig.3(c).One can see that a is significantly dependent on x but not on the externalfield, implying that the damping is mainly intrinsic because mainly extrinsic damping should apparently decrease with increas-ing externalfield.16One can also discern that a is changed non-monotonously with x and reaches the minimum ($0.006)as x¼0.7,which seems to be comparable to the case of Co2Fe1Àx Mn x Sifilms where a approaches to the min-imum($0.003)as x¼0.6.2FIG.2.Scattered points denote the externalfield dependence of three spin-wave modes in four Co2Fe1Àx Mn x Al samples with x¼0(a),0.3(b),0.7 (c),and1(d).Solid lines denote the bestfitting with the dispersion formula of DE mode,while dashed lines represent the bestfitting with the dispersion equation of PSSW mode.Dotted lines are the guides to eyes.Finally,the origin of the high-frequency mode at43.9GHz is discussed.One can see it appears in all four samples and is independent of externalfield,as Fig.2shows.Externalfield-independent spin-wave modes were reported in some patterned ferromagnetic microstructures,such as CoFeB antidote latti-ces,17where such a spin-wave mode was explained as localized spin-wave mode which is confined near the border of antidots. However,our samples have no patterned microstructure,but are continuousfilms.Consequently,the localized spin-wave or-igin of the mode at43.9GHz may be excluded.Another possi-ble origin is coherent acoustic phonon(CAP)in GaAs substrate.18It has been reported that femtosecond laser excita-tion to GaSb/GaAs heterostructure could generate CAP in GaAs substrate,where GaSb layer absorbed photon energy so that its lattice expansion led to strain acoustic wave traveling into GaAs substrate.In our experiment,Co2Fe1Àx Mn x Al layer absorbs photon energy,which may lead to CAP in GaAs sub-strates.The frequency of CAP can be calculated by the for-mula,f¼(2nV s cos b)/k,18where n is the refractive index of GaAs,V s is the propagating speed of CAP in GaAs at room temperature,b and k are the refraction angle in GaAs and wavelength of probe light,respectively.The calculated fre-quency of CAP is f¼43.75GHz for the parameters n¼3.7,19 V s¼4730m/s,20b¼0,and k¼800nm,and agrees excellently with43.9GHz,the frequency of high-frequency mode. Therefore,CAP is possible as the origin of the high-frequency mode at43.9GHz.To experimentally confirm the CAP origin of the high-frequency mode,we perform a transient photoreflectivity measurement because the transient photoreflectivity is sensi-tive to CAP.18We measure the transient differential photore-flectivity on the four samples under the same experimental geometry as Kerr measurement but the balanced optical bridge detectors are replaced by a single photodetector and polarization beamsplitter is removed.The oscillatory tran-sient differential reflectivity(D R/R)is indeed observed and similar in all samples.A set of typical D R/R measured on Co2MnAlfilm are plotted in Fig.4(a)for different external fields and pumpfluence.One can see that D R/R is sensitive to pumpfluence but insensitive to externalfields.The FFT spec-tra of D R/R are obtained as described before,and plotted in Fig.4(b).One can discern that a peak indeed occurs atFIG. 4.(a)Transient differentialreflectivity D R/R of Co2MnAlfilmunder different externalfields andpumpfluence.(b)FFT power spectracorresponding to(a).The verticaldashed line indicates the position of43.9GHz.FIG.3.(a)Partial spin-wave dynamicsin Fig.1(a)and their bestfittings withan exponential sum function.Thescattered points shows externalfielddependence of the lifetime(b)anddamping(c)of DE mode in four sam-ples with x¼0,0.3,0.7,and1.Solidlines are the guides to eyes.43.9GHz in FFT spectra,and is not shifted with pumpflu-ence and externalfield,but its strength is increased with pumpfluence.In contrast,DE and PSSW modes do not occur in Fig.4(b).Those phenomena reveal non-magnetic origin of the peak at43.9GHz or origin of CAP.In other words,we have confirmed experimentally that the high-frequency mode originates from CAP in GaAs substrate.In summary,all-optical pump-probe polar magneto-optical Kerr spectroscopy has been employed to investigate the spin-wave dynamics in Co2Fe1Àx Mn x Al Heuslerfilms excited by femtosecond laser pulses under the experimental geometry where an externalfield is applied nearly normal to films.DE and PSSW modes are observed simultaneously in all samples.It is found that the frequency of DE and PSSW modes is not apparently dependent on the composition x of the samples,but the damping of DE mode significantly on x. Minimum damping is observed as x¼0.7.An external field-independent mode at43.9GHz is also observed,and is confirmed experimentally to originate from coherent acous-tic phonon in GaAs substrate.Saturation magnetization and exchange constants of the four samples are obtained by best fitting.The former agrees well with theoretical prediction based on Slater-Pauling rule.This work was partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.11274399, 11127406,and61078027,National Basic Research Program of China under Grant Nos.2013CB922403,2013CB922303, and2010CB923200,and doctoral specialized fund of MOE of China under Grant No.20090171110005as well as NSF of Guangdong Province under Grant No.9151027501000077.1H.Sukegawa,Z.C.Wen,K.Kondou,S.Kasai,S.Mitani,and K.Inomata, Appl.Phys.Lett.100,182403(2012).2T.Kubota,S.Tsunegi,M.Oogane,S.Mizukami,T.Miyazaki,H. Naganuma,and Y.Ando,Appl.Phys.Lett.94,122504(2009).3Y.Liu,L.R.Shelford,V.V.Kruglyak,R.J.Hicken,Y.Sakuraba,M. 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飞秒激光微加工的研究进展顾理;孙会来;于楷;赵方方【摘要】The article reviews the progress of micro-fabrication by femtosecond laser at home and abroad in recent years. Femtosecond laser pulses have undergone through the laboratory process to become a useful tool for material mi-cro-nano-processing in industrial field. In this paper, we introduce the process of femto-second laser precise micro-nanofabrication. Two different fabrication mechanisms are described which are laser ablation and two photo polymerization. Finally,the existing problems and future development of micro-manufacture by femtosecond laser are discussed.%综述了近年来国内外利用飞秒激光微加工的研究进展.飞秒激光脉冲作为材料微纳加工的一项工具,已经从实验室进入到工业化阶段.介绍了飞秒激光在微纳加工领域的一些研究情况,分别就飞秒激光烧蚀微加工以及双光子聚合加工进行了阐述.最后分析了飞秒激光微加工目前存在的问题及未来发展的主要方向.【期刊名称】《激光与红外》【年(卷),期】2013(043)001【总页数】5页(P14-18)【关键词】飞秒激光;微加工;烧蚀;双光子聚合【作者】顾理;孙会来;于楷;赵方方【作者单位】天津市现代机电装备重点实验室天津工业大学机械工程学院,天津300387;四川省制造与自动化重点实验室西华大学,四川成都610039;天津市现代机电装备重点实验室天津工业大学机械工程学院,天津300387;四川省制造与自动化重点实验室西华大学,四川成都610039;辽宁省铁岭港华燃气有限公司技术设备部,辽宁铁岭112000;天津市现代机电装备重点实验室天津工业大学机械工程学院,天津300387;四川省制造与自动化重点实验室西华大学,四川成都610039【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN2491 引言激光作为20世纪最伟大的发明之一,自1960年Maiman利用红宝石实现的第一台激光器,已经经历了五十余年。
关键词:超快激光;空芯光子晶体光纤;光纤耦合系统中图分类号:TG665文献标志码:A文章编号:1009-279X(2021)02-0056-05Application of Fiber-optic Transmission System in Ultra-fast Laser ProcessingZOU Zhaoan1,CUI Pangbo1,ZHU Wenyu2,MA Dinglong3(1.China Hangfa Xi'an Aero Engine Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an710100,China;2.Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Machinery,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xi'an710119,China;3.Xi'an Micromach Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an710119,China)Abstract:With the increasing demand for the safety,efficiency and flexibility of ultra-fast laser applications,it's a new choice to replace the traditional lens structure with kagome hollow photonic crystal fiber conduction.In this research,a tunable coupling system based on ultra-fast laser fiber transmission was developed,and the processing quality of the system was compared with that of free space transmission.The results showed that the transmission efficiency of ultra-fast laser fiber coupling transmission system is stable,the energy distribution of focal spot is uniform,and the astigmatism degree is small,which can effectively solve the problem of optical path loss and astigmatism under the traditional lens combination.Key words:ultra-fast laser;hollow core photonic crystal fiber;laser fiber coupling system超快激光以脉冲宽度低、瞬时功率高的特点应用于材料加工,扮演着创新尖兵的角色,引领制造技术进入激光制造的新时代,极大地提升了传统制造业的水平,也带来产品设计、制造工艺和生产观念的巨大变革[1-4]。
达 旋 转 的速度 和方 向 ,进 而创 造 出更 快 的旋转 速 度
或 更 大 的动力 。 张翔 表 示 , 项技 术 的先进 之 处在 于 这 大 大 缩小 了 马达 的尺 寸 , 可实 际应 用范 围很 广 泛 , 包
构 , 海 胆一 样 , 像 使得 结构 的表面 积 大大增 加 。 这 种 纳米 结 构 的表 面 注定 会 被 用 于 光 伏 应 用 ,
成 了一 种 毛 细 芯(a iayWik g。碳 纳 米 管本 来 C pl r c i ) l n 不具 备 亲水 性 ,为此 研 究人 员们 使用 一种 叫作 电子
纳 米结 构 。 海胆 刺 状结 构 南氧 化锌 纳 米线组 成 。 这种 结 构 化 的表 面 可 以 被 用 来 提 高 光 伏 产 品 的 转 化 效 率。 赋予 材料 新 特性 的工 艺往 往 复杂 且重 复性 差 , 但 令 人感 到惊 讶 的是 .科 学 家报 告 的新 工艺 不 仅使 用 了廉价 的原 材 料 , 而且 不需 要 昂贵 的设 备 。 们使 用 他 聚苯 乙烯小 球 实现 似脚 手 架 的功能 ,在 多种 衬底 材 料 上 生长 出半 导体 氧化 锌 维 纳米 结 构 。研 究者 相 信 ,这 种有 序 结构 化表 面 可 以被广 泛用 于 电子 和光 电子 器 件 , 比如太 阳能 电池 、 波 激 光 器 、E 和场 短 LD 致 发 射 显 示器 ( ede i indsly 。科 学 界 对 此 i f l m s o i a ) s p
于生 物细 胞 和 D A分 子 的检验 研 究 。 N
来 源 : 国 《 界 日报 》 美 世 十倍 于传 统 热管 : 米 毛 细芯 散热 新方 向 纳
第52卷第12期表面技术2023年12月SURFACE TECHNOLOGY·315·医用镁合金微弧氧化/有机复合涂层的研究现状及演进方向冀盛亚a,常成b,常帅兵c,倪艳荣a,李承斌a(河南工学院 a.电缆工程学院 b.车辆与交通工程学院c.电气工程与自动化学院,河南 新乡 453003)摘要:医用镁及镁合金过快的降解速率严重缩短了其有效服役时间,过高的析氢速率引发局部炎症,束缚了其临床应用前景。
在此基础上,明确指出以MAO/PCL (MAO/CS)复合涂层为基底涂层,通过PCL(CS)涂层与其他涂层的交叉组合,是实现医用镁合金植入材料的生物活性及多功能性的最佳路径。
关键词:镁合金;微弧氧化;有机材料;复合涂层;演进方向中图分类号:TG174.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)12-0315-20DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.12.026Research Status and Evolution Direction of Micro-arc Oxidation/Organic Composite Coating on Medical Magnesium Alloy SurfaceJI Sheng-ya a, CHANG Cheng b, CHANG Shuai-bing c, NI Yan-rong a, LI Cheng-bin a(a. School of Cable Engineering, b. School of Vehicle and Traffic Engineering, c. School of Electrical Engineering andAutomation, Henan Institute of Technology, Henan Xinxiang 453003, China)ABSTRACT: Good biosafety, biocompatibility and valuable self-degradation properties endow medical magnesium and magnesium alloys with great potential to replace inert implant materials in the field of traditional clinical applications.The excessive degradation rate of magnesium alloy, however, leads to its premature loss of structural integrity and mechanical support, being unable to complete the effective service time necessary for tissue healing of the implant site. At the same time, it is also its excessive degradation rate that leads to the intensification of hydrogen evolution reaction of收稿日期:2023-02-01;修订日期:2023-05-14Received:2023-02-01;Revised:2023-05-14基金项目:河南省科技攻关项目(222102310337,222102240104,232102241029);博士科研资金(9001/KQ1846)Fund:Henan Province Science and Technology Research Project (222102310337, 222102240104, 232102241029); Doctoral Research Funding (9001/KQ1846)引文格式:冀盛亚, 常成, 常帅兵, 等. 医用镁合金微弧氧化/有机复合涂层的研究现状及演进方向[J]. 表面技术, 2023, 52(12): 315-334.JI Sheng-ya, CHANG Cheng, CHANG Shuai-bing, et al. Research Status and Evolution Direction of Micro-arc Oxidation/Organic Composite·316·表面技术 2023年12月magnesium alloy. Because it cannot be absorbed by the human body in a short time, the excessive H2 will easily gather around the implant or form a subcutaneous airbag, which will not only cause the inflammation of the implant site, but also hinder the adhesion and growth of cells in the implant, limiting its clinical application prospects. Surface modification technology can effectively delay the degradation rate of medical magnesium and magnesium alloys, and reduce the rate of hydrogen evolution.Firstly, starting from the structure and performance characteristics of organic materials (phytic acid (PA), chitosan (CS), stearic acid (SA), dopamine (DA), polylactic acid glycolic acid copolymer (PLGA), polylactic acid (PLA), and polycaprolactone (PCL)), the mechanism of improving the corrosion resistance of magnesium and magnesium alloys by a single organic coating was analyzed, and the performance weaknesses of a single coating were also pointed out: ①Micro arc oxidation (MAO) is an anodic oxidation process that generates a highly adhesive ceramic oxide coating on the surface of an alloy immersed in an electrolyte through high voltage (up to 300 V) spark discharge. The continuous high voltage discharge and the bubbles generated by the reaction bring about the inevitable occurrence of a large number of volcanic micropores and cracks in the coating. The diversity of discharge modes also gives rise to the unpredictable morphology of micropores and cracks. Therefore, the preparation of a single MAO coating on different alloy surfaces does not only require proper adjustment of MAO electrical parameters (current density, voltage, duty cycle, frequency, oxidation time) and the coupling effect of its electrolyte system to decrease (small) the pores and cracks on the MAO coating surface, but also increases the sealing process at the later stage. ② A single organic coating has a low bonding strength with magnesium alloy, being easy to flake off. These performance weaknesses limit the protection effect of a single coating on magnesium alloy degradation.Secondly, from the perspectives of bonding strength, corrosion resistance, and versatility (biosafety, biocompatibility, induced regeneration, antibacterial and antibacterial properties, drug loading and sustained-release properties, and so on), the structural characteristics and advantages of each MAO/organic composite coating were elaborated in detail. It has revealed that MAO/organic composite coating has an enormous application potentiality in the field of surface modification of medical magnesium and magnesium alloys, thanks to its good corrosion inhibition and degradation performance. On this basis, it is clearly pointed out that, in order to achieve the biological activity and versatility of medical magnesium alloy implant materials, the best way is to adopt the MAO/PCL (MAO/CS) composite coating as the base coating and make the cross combination of PCL (CS) coating and other coatings. Finally, the evolution direction of magnesium alloy MAO/organic composite coating is scientifically predicted.KEY WORDS: magnesium alloy; micro-arc oxidation; organic materials; composite coating; evolution direction作为人体所必须的营养元素,镁不但辅助600多种酶的合成(包括参与、维护DNA和RNA聚合酶的正确结构和活性),而且改善胰岛素稳定和糖类正常代谢、舒张血管、降低冠心病、高血压及糖尿病的患病风险[1]。
第28卷第12期2020年12月光学精密工程Optics and Precision EngineeringVol.28No.12Dec.2020文章编号1004-924X(2020)12-2629-07飞秒激光双光子聚合方法加工图案化微透镜及其成像测试苏亚辉1>2'3*,秦天天】,许兵4,吴东4(1.安徽大学电气工程与自动化学院,安徽合肥230601;2.安徽大学电子信息工程学院,安徽合肥230601;3.信息材料与智能感知安徽省实验室,安徽合肥230601;4.中国科学技术大学精密机械与精密仪器系,安徽合肥230022)摘要:为改善以往图案化透镜加工工艺复杂、制造技术昂贵、图案设计方面有限制等缺点,本文将飞秒激光双光子聚合加工技术应用于图案化微透镜的快速、高精度加工。
关键词:激光加工;飞秒激光;双光子聚合;微透镜;光刻胶中图分类号:TN249文献标识码:A doi:10.37188/OPE.20202812.2629Patterned microlens processed using two-photon polymerization of femtosecond laser and its imaging testSU Ya-hui1,2,3*,QIN Tian-tian1,XU Bing4,WU Dong4(1.School of E lectrical Engineering a^id Automation,Anhui Uni r v ersity,Hefei230601,China;2.School of E lectronic Information Engineering,Anhui University,Hefei230601,China;3.AnhuiProvincialLaboratory of InformationMaterialsandlntelligentPerception,Hefei230601,China;4.Department of P recision Machinery and Precision Instrumientation,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei230022,China)*Corresponding author,E-mail:u stcsyh@Abstract:Two-photon polymerization technology for use in a femtosecond laser was used in the rapid and high-precision processing of a patterned microlens to improve the previous shortcomings,including a com-收稿日期:2020-09-01;修订日期:2020-09-28.基金项目:安徽省高等教育学校自然科学基金重点项目(No.KJ2018A014);中国博士后科学基金会资助项目(No.2019M662190);中央高校基础研究经费资助项目(No.WK2090000016)2630光学精密工程第28卷plex processing technology,expensive manufacturing technology,and limited pattern design.First,threedimensional software was used to design the microlens pattern through the deformation of the spherical wave factor,and the two-photon polymerization processing technology for a femtosecond laser was used to process the patterned microlens in the photoresist sample.The sample was then placed in a developer to remove the unprocessed area and obtain the corresponding patterned microlens.Finally,an imaging test and a light intensity homogenization analysis of the patterned microlens were carried out.An LED light source was placed below the patterned microlens,and the light was successfully focused through the patterned microlens to obtain the corresponding patterns with the same light intensity.The experiment shows that the two-photon polymerization of a femtosecond laser can realize the flexible and controllable processing of a 3D microlens structure,a processing power of7mW,an exposure time of2ms,a scanning xy-step of0.5 pm,and a z-step of 0.8-1.5pm,ensuring the smooth surface of the microlens structure and realizing a rapid microlens processing.The two-photon polymerization technology for a femtosecond laser will play an important role in the processing field such as optical metamaterials,optical microdevices,and integrated optical devices.Key words:laser fabrication;femtosecond laser;two-photon polymerization;microlens;photoresist1引言光学器件的小型化、集成化是现代光学系统发展的重要趋势[11o近几十年来,作为一种重要的微光学器件,微透镜由于其体积小、质量轻、光学性能优异等优点在微成像[21、光束整形[31、人工复眼[41等方面的应用十分广泛。
低 , 宜大 规模 生产 。但是 F 的电荷 扩散长 度很 短 , 有几 n 到几 十 a 这对 光致 载流 子 的收 集来 说 适 ] eO。 仅 m m, 很 困难 , 大量研 究都致 力 于改善其 电荷 扩散距 离 , 中对 表面形 貌 的改善 就是一 种有 效 的提高 电荷 收集能力 的 其
氧气 , 此催 化剂 不需 要放在 特定 的体 系 中。在 光催 化过程 中 F 纳 米 晶被 氧 化成 F 。 纳 米 晶 , e eo。 氧化 过程 中吸
收 了水分 解生 成 的氧气 。表面 纳米微 结构改 善 了其 电荷扩散距 离 , 使其 具有光 催化 特性生 成 了氢气 。
参 考文献 :
手段 。飞秒激 光脉 冲作用产 生 的纳米 微 结 构 , 光 致 载流 子 提 供 了有 效 传 输 途径 , 为 增加 了 z 纳 米 晶表 面产 生光 致载流 子 , 分子 捕获 F 纳米 晶表 面产 生 的电子 , eO。 水 eO。 被
光催 化水 分解 的实现 。 .
金属 颗粒纳 米微 结构光 催化 仅见 C o金属颗 粒光催 化 的报导 , 见关 于 F 金 属 颗粒 纳米 微 结构 光催 化 鲜 e 报 导 。F 纳米 晶经 光催化 后 出现 棕 红 色物 质 和 六 面体 结 晶物 , e 这说 明 F e纳 米 晶被 氧 化 成 了 F 。 纳 米 晶 。 eO。 F 。 带 隙在 2 0 . V 之 间 , e O。 . ~2 2e 这对 可见 光 光催 化 是很 有 利 的 , 时 自然界 中储量 很 丰 富 , 且 加 工成 本 很 同 并
1 3 8 2 9 — 4 1 3 ( ): 3 8 2 0 .
[ ] OselhF E,akn o 2 tro P risoB A.Reetdvlp nsi oa ae-pi igp 0oaayi[] cn ee met slrw trslt h tct1s J .MRSBul i ,0 1 6 1 :72 . o n tn s l tn 2 1 ,3 ( ) 1-2 e
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1.美国科学家首次合成石墨烯纳米带 [J], ;
2.我国首次发现保偏等离激元纳米波导和纳米光子路由器 [J],
3.美首次演示纳米尺度波导可用于新一代光子集成电路及光子计算机 [J],
4.美国科学家首次利用纳米通道技术来精确检测DNA [J], 贾红春
5.美首次演示纳米尺度波导 [J],
1.IBM纳米新技术为未来超微计算机芯片提供基础 [J], 方明
2.聚焦3GSM大会,描绘产业未来 [J],
3.用聚焦飞秒激光描绘未来计算机用芯片 [J], 邱建荣
4.聚焦开放合作创新,描绘未来发展蓝图——京津沪渝综合性工程咨询单位第六届年会在渝成功召开 [J], 重咨集团
5.英特尔未来芯片:重构计算机,改写人机交互 [J],
实验结果表明,所制备的光学电场传感器在工频电场下拥有较好的线性度且灵敏度高达0.945 mV·(kV·m^(-1))^(-1),传感器在0~75℃温度范围内输出幅值及相位稳定,其幅值比最大波动为0.481 dB,相位差最大为3.82°。
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#133139 - $15.00 USD
Received 10 Aug 2010; revised 5 Sep 2010; accepted 8 Sep 2010; publisOSA
27 September 2010 / Vol. 18, No. 20 / OPTICS EXPRESS 21490
Abstract: Femtosecond laser micromachining of glass material using lowenergy, sub-ablation threshold pulses find numerous applications in the fields of integrated optics, lab-on-a-chips and microsystems in general. In this paper, we study the influence of the laser-deposited energy on the performance of the micromachining process. In particular, we show that the energy deposited in the substrate affects its etching rate. Furthermore, we demonstrate the existence of an optimal energy deposition value. These results are not only important from an industrial point-of-view but also provide new evidences supporting the essential role of densification and consequently stress-generation as the main driving factor promoting enhanced etching rate following laser exposure.
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