Using knowledge to improve N-Gram Language Modeling through the MGGI methodology
Sentence completion exercises
Provide intentions with missing verbs and ask learners to choose the correct tense or voice
Paragraph writing
Ask learners to write paragraphs using different tensions and voices to practice their grammar skills
Learning Outcomes
Structure and Grammar: This section covers the basic structure and grammar rules of the English language, including sentence formation, parts of speech, and common grammatical errors to avoid
Chapter Understanding and Writing
Topic overview
Summarize the overall content of the chapter, including the main idea and structure
Topic background
Introduce the background and significance of the topic, helping students understand its context and importance
Sentence expansion is a technique that helps learners develop their language skills further By expanding simple senses into more complex senses, learners can enhance their language ability and express ideas more clearly and precisely
n-gram计算例子English Answer:N-grams.N-grams are sequences of n words from a text or speech. They are used in natural language processing (NLP) for various tasks such as language modeling, machine translation, and text classification.Examples of N-grams.1-grams (unigrams): Single words, such as "the", "dog", and "runs".2-grams (bigrams): Pairs of words, such as "the dog", "dog runs", and "runs fast".3-grams (trigrams): Triples of words, such as "the dog runs", "runs fast", and "fast and".N-gram Calculation Example.Given the sentence "The dog runs fast and barks loudly", we can calculate the n-grams as follows:1-grams: the, dog, runs, fast, and, barks, loudly.2-grams: the dog, dog runs, runs fast, fast and, and barks, barks loudly.3-grams: the dog runs, dog runs fast, runs fast and, fast and barks, and barks loudly.Applications of N-grams.N-grams are widely used in NLP tasks:Language modeling: N-grams can be used to predict the next word in a sequence, which is essential for text generation and machine translation.Machine translation: N-grams can capture word and phrase-level dependencies, improving translation accuracy.Text classification: N-grams can be used to identify patterns and extract features for text classification tasks.Additional Notes.The order of words in n-grams is important.N-grams with higher values of n (e.g., 4-grams, 5-grams) can capture longer-range dependencies but may also suffer from data sparsity.N-grams are typically smoothed using techniques suchas Witten-Bell smoothing or Good-Turing smoothing to handle unseen n-grams.中文回答:N-Gram.N-Gram 是从文本或语音中提取的 n 个单词序列。
算法:N-gram语法⼀、N-gram介绍 n元语法(英语:N-gram)指⽂本中连续出现的n个语词。
n元语法模型是基于(n - 1)阶马尔可夫链的⼀种概率语⾔模型,通过n个语词出现的概率来推断语句的结构。
例如,对于句⼦"The cow jumps over the moon" ,N = 2(称为⼆元组),则 ngram 为:the cowcow jumpsjumps overover thethe moon 因此,在这种情况下,有 5 个 n-gram。
再来看看 N = 3,ngram 将为:the cow jumpscow jumps overjumps over theover the moon 因此,在这种情况下,有 4 个 n-gram。
所以,在⼀个句⼦中 N-grams 的数量有: Ngrams(K) = X - (N - 1) 其中,X 为给定句⼦K中的单词数,N 为 N-gram 的N,指的是连续出现的 N 个单词。
⾕歌和微软已经开发了⽹络规模的 n-gram模型,可⽤于多种任务,例如拼写校正、分词和⽂本摘要。
下⾯简单介绍⼀下如何⽤ Java ⽣成 n-gram。
大规模汉语语料库中任意n 的n -gram 统计算法及知识获取方法1)张 民 李 生 赵铁军(哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与工程系,哈尔滨150001) 收稿日期:1996年1月21日 作者简介:张民,男,1970年生,博士生,已发表多篇论文,研究方向为计算语言学和机器翻译。
摘要 本文提出并实现了一种大规模汉语语料库中字、词级任意n 的n 2gram 统计算法,本算法可以一次性统计出所有不大于任意n (本文n 取为256)的字、词级n 2gram ,可将传统n 2gram 统计时的指数空间开销变为线性的,且与所统计的元数无关。
基于这种n 2gram 的统计,本文还进行了汉语信息熵的计算及字、词级知识获取的研究。
关键词 n 元语法 统计 信息熵 知识获取A lgor ith m of n -gram Sta tistics for Arb itrary n andKnowledge Acqu isition Ba sed on Sta tisticsZhang M in ,L i Sheng and Zhao T iejun(D ep art m ent of Co mp u ter S cience and E ng ineering ,H arbin Institu te of T echnology ,H arbin 150001)Abstract A new algo rithm of n 2gram statistics fo r arb itrary n at w o rd o r ph rase level is p ro 2po sed and realized in th is paper ,w ith w h ich the n 2gram fo r all n at w o rd o r ph rase level can be cal 2cu lated at the sam e ti m e .Based on the n 2gram ,the Ch inese info rm ati on en tropy and know ledge ac 2qu isiti on at w o rd o r ph rase level have also been studied .T he algo rithm and its resu lt have been in 2tegrated w ith a M T system .Keyword n 2gram ,statistics ,info rm ati on en tropy ,know ledge acqu isiti on1 引 言随着经验主义方法的重新崛起,基于统计的NL P 技术越来越被众多的各国学者所接受。
提升汉语水平的方法英语作文Improving Chinese Language Skills。
Chinese language, with its unique characters and rich cultural background, has become increasingly popular around the world. Whether you are learning Chinese for academic, professional, or personal reasons, there are several effective methods to enhance your Chinese language skills. In this article, we will explore some practical strategies that can help you improve your proficiency in Chinese.Firstly, it is crucial to establish a solid foundation in Chinese pronunciation. Paying attention to the four tones and mastering the correct pronunciation of individual sounds will greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in Chinese. Regular practice with native speakers or using language learning apps can be beneficial in refining your pronunciation skills.Secondly, immersing yourself in the Chinese language and culture is an excellent way to improve your language skills. Watching Chinese movies, listening to Chinese music, and reading Chinese literature can expose you to authentic language usage and help you develop a better understanding of Chinese idioms and expressions. Additionally, participating in language exchange programs or finding a language partner can provide valuable opportunities for practicing conversational Chinese.Thirdly, building a strong vocabulary is essential for language proficiency. Learning new words and phrases on a regular basis can expand your language repertoire and enable you to express yourself more accurately. Utilizing flashcards, language learning apps, or even creating your own vocabulary lists can be effective methods for vocabulary acquisition. Furthermore, incorporating these newly learned words into your daily conversations or writing exercises will reinforce your memory and improve your overall language skills.Fourthly, developing good reading habits in Chinese can significantly enhance your language proficiency. Reading Chinese newspapers, magazines, or online articles canexpose you to a wide range of vocabulary, sentence structures, and cultural knowledge. Start with materials that are slightly challenging but still within your grasp, and gradually progress to more complex texts. Taking notes while reading and summarizing the main points can further consolidate your understanding and improve your reading comprehension skills.Fifthly, practicing writing is another crucial aspect of improving Chinese language skills. Regularly writing essays, journal entries, or even short stories in Chinese can help you develop better grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structures. Seeking feedback from native Chinese speakers or language instructors can provide valuable insights for improvement. Additionally, using online writing platforms or joining writing communities can offer opportunities for receiving constructive criticism and engaging in discussions with fellow language learners.Lastly, maintaining a consistent learning routine is vital for long-term progress. Setting specific goals, whether it is to learn a certain number of new words each week or to complete a chapter in a textbook, can help you stay motivated and focused. Creating a study schedule and allocating dedicated time each day for language learning activities will ensure steady progress and prevent procrastination.In conclusion, improving Chinese language skills requires dedication, practice, and exposure to the language and culture. By focusing on pronunciation, immersion, vocabulary building, reading, writing, and maintaining a consistent learning routine, you can enhance your Chinese proficiency and unlock a world of opportunities for personal and professional growth. So, embrace the challenge, persevere, and enjoy the journey of mastering the Chinese language!。
人工智能自然语言技术练习(试卷编号181)1.[单选题]以下是softmax函数的是()A)概率B)归一化C)损失函数D)空间答案:B解析:2.[单选题]关于距离空间其主要目的是A)求相关性B)构成线性空间C)度量后比较D)求信息熵答案:C解析:3.[单选题]语料库的加工方式不包括A)人工方式B)半自动方式C)自动方式D)干预方式答案:D解析:4.[单选题]如果对数据的特征做了归一化,会有什么优点A)提高复杂关系的拟合能力B)不确定C)训练数据归一化后,容易更快地通过梯度下降找 到最优解。
The Longman Defining VocabularyWords used in the definitions in this dictionaryAll the definitions in this dictionary have been written using the words in this list. If a definition includes a word that is not in the list, that word is shown in small capital letters.The Defining Vocabulary has been carefully chosen after a thorough study of all the well-known frequency lists of English words. Furthermore, only the most common and ‘entral’ meanings of the words in the list have actually been used in definitions. We have also used a special computer program that checks every entry to ensure that words from outside the Defining Vocabulary do not appear in definitions.Word class restrictionsFor some words in the list, a word class label such as n or adj is shown. This means that this particular word is used in definitions only in the word class shown. So anger, for example, is used only as a noun and not as a verb. But if no word class is shown for a word, it can be used in any of its usual word classes: answer, for example, is used in definitions both as a noun and as a verb.Compound wordsDefinitions occasionally include compound words formed from words in the Defining Vocabulary, but this is only done if the meaning is completely clear. For example, the word businessman (formed from business and man) is used in some definitions.Prefixes and suffixesThe main list is followed by a list of common prefixes and suffixes. These can be added to words in the main list to form derived words, provided the meaning is completely clear. For example, the word nervousness (formed by adding -ness to nervous) is used in some definitions.Phrasal verbsPhrasal verbs formed by combining words in the Defining Vocabulary (for example, put up with) are not used in definitions in the dictionary, except in a very small number of cases where the phrasal verb is extremely common and there is no common equivalent. So, for example, give up (as in give up smoking) and take off (as in the plane took off) are occasionally used.Proper namesThe Defining Vocabulary does not include the names of actual places, nationalities, religions, and so on, which are occasionally mentioned in definitions.Pearson Education Limited 1999a abbreviation abilityableaboutabove adv, prep abroad absence absent adj accept acceptable accident accidental according to account n achieve achievement acidacrossactactionactiveactivityactor, actress actualactuallyaddaddition additional address adjective admiration admireadmitadult advanced advantage adventure n adverb advertise advertisement adviceadviseaffair affectaffordafraidafter adv, conj, prepafternoonafterwardsagainagainstage nagoagreeagreementaheadaimair naircraftairportalcoholaliveall adv, pron, determiner, pre-determiner allowalmostalonealongalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughalwaysamongamount namuseamusementamusinganancient adjandanger nangle nangryanimalannounceannoyannoyinganother answer anxiety anxiousanyanyone anything anywhere apart apartment appear appearance apple approval approve areaargue argument arm narmy around arrange arrangement arrival arriveart article artificialasas opposed to ashamedaskasleep associationatatomattack attempt attend attention attitude attract attractive authority autumn available average adj, n avoidawake adj away adv awkwardbabyback adj, adv, n background backward(s) adv badbag nbake vbalanceball nband nbank nbar nbase n, vbasicbasketbath nbattle nbe beach nbeakbeam nbeanbearbeatbeautiful beauty because becomebedbeerbeforebegin beginning behave behaviour behind adv, prep beliefbelievebellbelongbelowbelt nbendbeneath beside(s)bestbetter adj, adv between beyond adj, adv bicycle nbig adjbillbirdbirthbitbitebitter adjblack adj, n bladeblameblind adjblockbloodblowblueboard nboatbodyboilbombbone nbook nboot nborder nboredboringbornborrowboth bottle n bottom n bowl nbox nboybrain n branch n brave adj bread break v breakfast n breast breath breathe breedbrick bridge n brightbringbroad adj broadcast v brother brown adj, n brushbuild v building bulletburnburst vburybusbush business busybut conj butter n button nbuy vby prepcake n calculate call v calm adj camera camp n, vcancapcapital ncarcardcarecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycase ncastlecatcatch vcattlecauseceilingcelebratecellcentralcentre ncenturyceremonycertain adj, determiner chain nchair nchance nchangecharacterchargechase vcheapcheat vcheckcheek ncheerfulcheesechemicalchemistrychequechestchickenchiefchildchildrenchin chocolate choice n choosechurch n cigarette cinemacircle ncircular ad j citizencityclaim vclass nclayclean adj, v clear adj, v clevercliffclimb vclock nclose adj, adv, v clothclothes clothingcloud nclub ncoalcoast ncoat ncoffeecoin ncold adj, n collar ncollect v collegecolourcomb combination combine v comecomfort comfortable command committee common adj communicate communicationcompany compare v comparison compete competition competitor complain complaint complete completely complicated compound n computer concern v concerning concert condition n confidence confident confuse confusing connect connection conscious consider consist contain container continue continuous contract n control conversation cook n, v copycorncorner n correct adj, v cost cotton cough could council n count v country n countryside courage course n court n covercow n crack n, v crash n, v crazy cream n creature crime criminal criticism criticize crop n cross n, v crowd cruel crush vcrycup n cupboard curecurl current n curtain n curve custom n customer cutcycle vdaily adj, adv damage dance danger dangerous dark date n daughter day dead adjdeal ndeal with deathdebtdecay deceive decide decision decorate decoration decrease deep adj defeat defence defend definite definitely degree delay deliberate adj deliberately delicate deliver demand department depend dependent depth describe description desert n deserve design desirable desiredesk destroy destruction detail n determination determined develop dictionarydie v difference different difficultdifficultydig vdinnerdirectdirectiondirtdirty adjdisappointdisappointingdiscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondisease ndish ndismissdistancedistantdividedo vdoctor ndocument ndog ndollardoordouble adj, v, pre-determiner doubtdown adv, prepdraw vdrawerdreamdress n, vdrinkdrive n, vdropdrug ndrum ndrunk pastpart, adjdryduck ndull adjduringdust ndutyeacheagerearearlyearnearth neasteasterneasy adjeat economic edge n educate educated education effect n effective efforteggeighteitherelbowelect v election electric electricity electronic else embarrass embarrassing emotion emphasize employ v employer employment empty adj, v enclose encourage endenemy energy engine engineer n enjoy enjoyable enjoyment enoughenterentertain entertainment entrance n envelope environment equal adj, n equipment escape especially establisheven adj, adv eveningeventevereveryeveryone everything everywhereevilexact adjexactly examination examine example excellentexcept conj, prep exchangeexciteexcitingexcuse exerciseexistexistence expect expensive experience explain explanation explode explosionexplosive express v expression extreme adj extremely eyefacefactfactoryfail vfailurefair adjfairlyfaith faithful adj fallfalse familiar family famousfarfarm farmer fashion n fashionable fast adj, adv fastenfatfather n fault n favourable favourite adj fear n feather n feature n feed vfeel v feeling(s) female fence n feverfewfield nfifthfightfigure n fill vfilmfinal adjfinallyfinancialfind vfind outfine adjfinger nfinish vfirefirm adjfirst adj, determiner fishfit adj, vfivefix vflag nflame nflash n, vflat adjfleshflightfloat vfloodfloor nflour nflowflower nfly n, vfoldfollowfondfoodfoot nfootballfor prepforceforeignforeignerforest n forget forgivefork nformformal former fortunate forward(s) adv four(th) frame nfree freedom freeze v frequent adj fresh friend friendly frighten frightening fromfront adj, n fruit nfull adjfunfuneralfunnyfur nfurniture further adj, adv futuregain v game n garage n gardengas ngate gather v general adj generally generous gentle gentleman getgiftgirlgive vgladglass adj, n gluego vgoatgodgoldgood goodbye goods govern government graceful gradual graingram grammar grand adj grandfather grandmother grandparent grass n grateful grave n great adj greengreet greeting grey adj, n ground n group n grow growth guard v guess v guest n guideguiltygun nhabit hairhalfhall hammer n hand n handle hang v happen v happy hard hardly harm harmful hathate v hatred havehehead n health healthy hear heart heat heaven heavy adj heel n height hello help helpful her(s) here herself hide v high adj, adv hillhimhimselfhis historical historyhithold vhole holiday n hollow adj holyhome adv, n honest honour n hook nhope hopeful hornhorse n hospitalhot adjhotelhourhouse nhow adv human humorous humour hundred(th) hungryhunt vhurryhurt v husband nice n idea if ignore ill adj illegal illness image imaginary imagination imagine immediatelyimportance important impressive improve improvement in adv, prep include including income increase independent indoor(s) industrial industry infect infection infectious influence v inform information injureinjuryink ninnerinsect inside instead institution instruction instrument insult v insulting insurance insure intelligence intelligent intend intention interest interesting international adj interruptintointroduce introduction invent invitationinvite vinvolve inwardsiron adj, n islandit pronitsitselfjaw jewel jewellery jobjoinjoint joke journey n judge judgement juice jumpjust advjusticekeen keep v key n kickkill vkilo kilogram kilometre kind kingkiss kitchen knee n kneelknife n knock v knot know v knowledgelackladylakelamblamplandlanguagelargelast adv, determinerlatelatelylaughlaughterlawlawyerlay vlayer nlazylead vleaf nlean vlearnleastleatherleave vleftleg nlegallendlength adv, pron, determiner lesslessonlet vlet go ofletterlevel adv, adj, nlibrarylidlielie down lifeliftlightlike prep, v likelylimitline nlionlipliquidlist nlisten v literature litrelittlelive vloadlocal adj locklonelylong adj, adv look n, v look after look for look sth up loose adj lord nloselosslotloudlovelow adj lowerloyal loyaltyluck nluckylungmachine n machinery magazine magicmailmain adj make vmake into make up v maleman n manage manager manner manymap nmarch vmarkmarket n marriage married marrymass n match material n mathematics mattermay vmemealmean v meaning n means measure measurement meat medical adj medicine meet v meetingmelt member memory mental mention v message metal n method metre middle might vmile military adj milk n million(th) mindmine n, pron mineral minister n minute n mirror n miss vmist n mistake n mix v mixture model n modern adj moment money monkey n month moon n moral adj more morning most mother n motor adj, n mountain mouse mouth n move v movement muchmud multiply murdermuscle n music musician must v my mysterious mysterynailnamenarrow adjnastynationnational adj natural adjnaturenavynear adj, adv, prep nearlyneatnecessaryneckneedneedle nnegative adj neithernerve nnervousnet nnetwork nnevernewnewsnewspaper next adj, advnicenightnineninthno adv, determiner noise nnone pron nonsenseno onenornormalnorthnorthernnose nnotnote nnothingnoticenoticeablenounnownowherenumber nnursenutobeyobject n obtain occasion n oceano’clockofoff adv, prep offence offend offensive adj offer officeofficer officialoftenoil noldold-fashioned on adv, prep once adv oneoniononlyonly justontoopen adj, v operate operation opinion opponent opportunity opposeas opposed to opposite oppositionororangeorder ordinary organ organize organization originoriginalotheroughtour(s)out adj, adv outdoor(s) outeroutsideover adv, prep oweownowner oxygenpack v package page npain n painfulpaint paintingpair npale adjpan npaper n parallel adj, n parentpark parliament part n participle particular adj partly partner n party npass v passage passenger pastpathpatient adj pattern n pausepay payment peace peaceful pen npence pencil n people n pepper nper cent perfect adj perform performance perhaps period n permanent permission person personal persuade pet npetrol photograph phrase n physical adjpiano n pick vpick up picture n piece npig npile npilot npinpink adj, n pipe npityplace plain adj, n plan plane n plant plastic plate n play pleasant please pleased pleasure n plenty pron plural pocket n poem poet poetry point pointed poison poisonous pole n police n polish v polite political politician politics pool n poor popular population port n position n positive possess possession possible adj possibly possibility postpot npotato pound npourpowder n power n powerful practical practice practise praiseprayprayerprefer preparation prepare present adj, n preserve v president press v pressure n pretend pretty adj prevent previous price npriestprince principle printprison prisoner private adj prize n probably adj problem process n produce vproduct production profession profit n programme progress n promise pronounce pronunciation proof n proper property proposal protect protection protective protest proud prove provide publicpullpump punish punishment pupilpure purple purpose n pushputquality quantity quarrel quarter n queen n question quick adj quiet adj, n quiterabbit n race radio n railway rain raise v range n rank n rapid adj rarerat n rate n rather raw reach v react reaction read v ready adj real realize really reason reasonable receive recent recently recognize record n, v red reduce reduction refusal refuse v regard v regular adj related relative relation relationship relax relaxingreligion religious remainremark n remember remind remove vrentrepairrepeat v replacereplyreport represent representative n request n respect responsible rest restaurant restrictresultreturn n, v rewardricerichridride right adj, adv, n ring nriseriskriverroadrobrock nroll vromantic adjroof nroom nroot nrope nroserough adjround adj, adv, prep rowroyal adjrub vrubberruderuin vrulerulerrunrush vsadsafe adj safetysailsalesalt n same sand n satisfaction satisfactory satisfy save vsay v scale n scatter v scene school nsciencescientificscientistscissorsscreen nscrewseasearchseason nseatsecond adv, n, determiner secretsecretarysee vseed nseemsell vsendsense n sensible sensitive sentence n separate adv, v seriesserious servantserveservice nset n, vsettle vseven(th) several severesex nsexualshade shadow n shakeshallshame n shapesharesharp adjshesheepsheetshelfshell nsheltershine vshinyship nshirtshock n, v shockingshoe nshoot vshopshore nshort adjshot n should shoulder n shout show n, v shutshysick adj side n sideways sight n sign signal silence n silentsilksillysilver similar simple since sincere n sing single adj singular sink v sistersit situation six(th) size n skilfulskillskin n skirt nsky n sleep slide v slight adj slippery slopeslowsmall smell smile smoke smooth adjsnake nsnowsosoap nsocial adjsocietysock nsoftsoil nsoldier nsolidsolutionsolvesome pron, determiner somehowsomeonesomething sometimes somewheresonsongsoonsore adjsorrysort nsoulsound n, vsoupsour adjsouthsouthernspace nspeakspecial adjspecificspeechspeed nspell vspendspin vspirit nin spite ofsplit vspoil vspoon nsport n spot nspread vspringsquare adj, n stage nstairstampstand v standardstar nstartstate statement station nstaysteady adj steal vsteam nsteel nsteep adjstem nstepstickstickystiff adjstill adj, adv stingstitchstomach n stone nstopstorestorm nstorystraight adj, adv strange stream nstreetstrength stretch vstrictstrike vstring nstrong structure n strugglestudent study stupid style n subject n substance succeed success successful suchsuck v sudden suffer sugar n suggest suit suitable sum n summer sun n supply n, v support n, v suppose sure adj surface n surprise surprising surround v swallow v swear sweep v sweet swell v swim swing sword sympathetic sympathy systemtable ntail ntake vtalktalltastetaxtaxi nteateachteam ntear technical telephone television telltemper n temperature temporary tentend tendency tennis tense n tentterribletestthanthankthat conj, pron, determiner thetheatretheir(s)themthen advtherethereforethesetheythick adjthiefthin adjthingthink vthirdthis pron, determiner thoroughthosethoughthought thousand(th) thread nthreatthreaten threateningthreethroatthrough adv, prep throwthumb nticket ntidy adj, vtietight adjtime ntiredtiringtitletotobaccotodaytoe ntogethertoilettomorrow tonguetonighttootool ntoothtop adj, ntotal adj, ntouchtourist towards tower n towntoy ntrack n trade n traditional traffic n train training translate transparent traptraveltreat v treatment treetribetrick n, v trip n tropical trouble trousers true adj trusttruthtry vtubetune nturntwicetwisttwotype n typicaltyreuglyunder prep understand underwear undo unexpected uniform n union unituniteuniverse university unlessuntilunusualup adj, adv, prepupperupright adj, adv upset v, adj upside down upstairs adj, adv urgent ususe useful useless usualvalley valuable adj value n variety various vegetable vehicle verbvery adv victory view n village violence violent visit voice n votevowelwageswaistwait vwake vwalkwall nwar nwarm adj, v warmthwarnwarningwashwastewatchwaterwavewayweweakwealth weaponwear v weather n weave v weddingweekweekly adj, adv weighweight nwelcomewell adj, adv, nwestwestern adjwet adjwhat pre-determiner, determiner, pron whateverwheatwheel nwhen adv, conjwheneverwherewhetherwhichwhile conjwhipwhistlewhitewhowholewhosewhy adv, conjwide adj, advwidthwifewild adj, adv willwillingwin vwind window wine n wing n winterwire nwise adj wishwithwithin without woman woodwoodenwoolword nworkworldworryworseworstworthwouldwoundwrap vwristwritewrong adj, adv, nyear yellow yes yet you young adj your(s)zero。
三年级上册英语第二单元试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. The word "cat" is a(n) ______.A. nounB. adjectiveC. verbD. adverb2. Which of the following sentences is in the past tense?A. She runs every morning.B. He is eating breakfast.C. They went to the park yesterday.D. I will finish my homework tonight.3. Choose the correct form of "be" in the blank: "He ______ a teacher."A. amB. isC. areD. be4. What is the plural form of "child"?A. childsB. childesC. childrenD. childs'5. Which word is a possessive pronoun?A. hisB. heC. himD. himself二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. "Run" is the past tense of "running." ( )2. "She" is a subject pronoun. ( )3. "Fast" is an adjective. ( )4. "Swim" is a regular verb. ( )5. "They are playing" is in the present continuous tense. ( )三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. I ______ to the library yesterday.2. He ______ a book about space.3. She ______ her homework in the evening.4. We ______ to the zoo last weekend.5. They ______ soccer after school.四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. What is the past tense of "write"?2. What is the opposite of "big"?3. Write the singular form of "feet".4. Give an example of a verb.5. What is the plural form of "mouse"?五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. Fill in the blank with the correct form of "be": "I ______ a student."2. Change the sentence to past tense: "They play basketball every day."3. Write a sentence using "can".4. Make the word "happy" parative.5. Give an example of a sentence with an object.六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. Analyze the following sentence: "The cat sat on the mat." Identify the subject, verb, and object.2. Expln the difference between "its" and "it's".七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. Write a short paragraph (3-5 sentences) about your favorite animal using at least three different tenses.2. Create a dialogue between two people talking about their hobbies. Use questions and answers.八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)1. Design a classroom activity to teach the present perfect tense.2. Create a worksheet for practicing irregular verbs.3. Plan a role-play activity to practice asking for directions.4. Develop a reading prehension exercise based on a short story.5. Invent a game to reinforce the use of prepositions of place.九、概念解释题(每题2分,共10分)1. Expln the difference between "affect" and "effect".2. Define the term "adjective".3. What is a "subject" in a sentence?4. Expln what "plural" means.5. Define the term "verb".十、思考题(每题2分,共10分)1. How can you use technology to enhance English language learning?2. What are some strategies for improving listening skills in English?3. How can reading widely benefit English language learners?4. What are some effective ways to practice speaking English?5. How can vocabulary be effectively taught and learned?十一、社会扩展题(每题3分,共15分)1. Discuss the importance of learning English in a globalized world.2. How can cultural awareness be integrated into English language teaching?3. What role does English play in international business munication?4. Discuss the impact of social media on English language learning.5. How can English language learners be encouraged to explore literature in English?本专业课原理概述部分试卷答案及知识点总结如下:一、选择题答案1. A2. C3. B4. C5. A二、判断题答案1. ×2. √3. √4. ×5. √三、填空题答案1. went2. has3. does4. went5. play四、简答题答案1. The past tense of "write" is "wrote."2. The opposite of "big" is "small."3. The singular form of "feet" is "foot."4. An example of a verb is "run."5. The plural form of "mouse" is "mice."五、应用题答案1. am2. They played basketball every day.3. I can speak English.4. happier5. She reads a book. (The object is "a book.")六、分析题答案1. Subject: The cat, Verb: sat, Object: the mat.2. "Its" is a possessive pronoun, while "it's" is a contraction for "it is" or "it has."七、实践操作题答案1. Paragraphs will vary.2. Dialogues will vary.知识点总结及各题型考察学生知识点详解:一、选择题:此题型主要考察学生对英语基础词汇及语法的掌握,包括名词、动词、形容词、副词等词性的识别,以及时态的应用。
高三英语学术研究方法创新不断探索单选题30题1.In an academic research discussion, what is the most important aspect of a research method?A.AccuracyB.SpeedC.CreativityD.Popularity答案:A。
2.What does a good research method ensure?A.Lots of dataB.Accurate resultsC.Fast completionD.High popularity答案:B。
3.In academic research, the definition of a research method mainly includes?A.Question asking and data collectionB.Guessing and intuitionC.Opinion sharing and discussionD.Random selection and chance答案:A。
4.Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective research method?A.Biased data collectionB.Systematic approachC.ReliabilityD.Validity答案:A。
提高汉语水平的方法英语作文Improving Chinese Language ProficiencyLearning a new language can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. As a non-native speaker of Chinese, I have encountered various obstacles and difficulties in my journey to improve my Chinese language skills. However, with persistence, dedication, and the implementation of effective strategies, I have been able to make significant progress. In this essay, I will discuss several methods that have proven to be effective in enhancing my Chinese language proficiency.One of the most crucial aspects of language learning is consistent practice. It is essential to engage in regular practice of the language, whether it is through speaking, listening, reading, or writing. For me, I have found that setting aside a specific time each day to practice Chinese has been highly beneficial. This could involve conversing with native speakers, watching Chinese television shows or movies, reading Chinese news articles or books, or even writing short stories or journal entries in Chinese. By making language practice a consistent part of my daily routine, I have been able to steadily improve my fluency and comprehension.Another effective method for enhancing Chinese language skills is immersion. Immersing oneself in the language and culture can greatly accelerate the learning process. I have found that traveling to China or attending cultural events and activities has been incredibly helpful in improving my Chinese. Being surrounded by the language and interacting with native speakers on a daily basis has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the nuances and complexities of the language. Additionally, experiencing Chinese culture first-hand has provided me with valuable insights that have enriched my language learning journey.Utilizing language learning resources and tools is also crucial in improving Chinese proficiency. There are numerous online and offline resources available, such as language learning apps, textbooks, podcasts, and tutoring services. I have found that incorporating a variety of these resources into my learning routine has been highly effective. For instance, using language learning apps like Duolingo or Babbel has helped me to build a strong foundation in vocabulary and grammar. Supplementing this with textbooks or online courses has allowed me to delve deeper into the language and develop more advanced skills.Furthermore, engaging in regular conversations with native speakers or language partners has been invaluable in improving my Chinese.Practicing conversational skills with someone who can provide feedback and guidance has helped me to identify and address areas of weakness, as well as gain confidence in my ability to communicate effectively. I have found that language exchange programs or language meetup groups have been excellent resources for finding conversation partners and practicing my Chinese in a supportive and collaborative environment.Another strategy that has been beneficial in enhancing my Chinese language proficiency is setting specific goals and tracking my progress. By establishing clear and measurable objectives, such as learning a certain number of new vocabulary words per week or achieving a specific level of fluency within a certain timeframe, I have been able to stay motivated and focused on my language learning journey. Additionally, regularly reflecting on my progress and adjusting my strategies as needed has helped me to continuously improve and refine my approach.Finally, one of the most important aspects of improving Chinese language skills is maintaining a positive and persistent attitude. Learning a new language can be challenging, and it is easy to become discouraged or frustrated at times. However, it is crucial to approach the learning process with a growth mindset, recognizing that progress takes time and effort. By celebrating small victories and acknowledging the progress I have made, I have been able to staymotivated and committed to my language learning goals.In conclusion, there are several effective methods for improving Chinese language proficiency. Consistent practice, immersion in the language and culture, utilizing language learning resources and tools, engaging in regular conversations with native speakers, setting specific goals and tracking progress, and maintaining a positive and persistent attitude are all key strategies that have contributed to my success in enhancing my Chinese language skills. By implementing these approaches, I have been able to make significant strides in my language learning journey and become more proficient in the Chinese language.。
英语必刷题 -回复
英语必刷题 -回复As an English learner, it is essential to practice and review English questions regularly to improve language skills. "必刷题" in Chinese means "must-do questions" or "essential practice questions," indicating the importanceof consistent practice and review. This is a common sentiment among language learners, as regular practice and review are crucial for language acquisition and proficiency.One perspective on the importance of "必刷题" is the need for repetition and reinforcement of language concepts. By consistently practicing and reviewing essential English questions, learners can reinforce their understanding of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. Thisrepetition is particularly important for language learners, as it helps solidify their knowledge and internalize language patterns.Moreover, "必刷题" provides an opportunity for learners to apply their knowledge in context. By practicingessential English questions, learners can test their understanding of the language in various scenarios, such as conversations, written exercises, and comprehension tasks. This practical application of language skills is crucialfor language acquisition, as it helps learners develop fluency and confidence in using English.Another perspective is that "必刷题" serves as a form of assessment and self-evaluation. By regularly practicing essential English questions, learners can gauge their progress and identify areas for improvement. This self-assessment is valuable for tracking language development and setting goals for improvement. Additionally, "必刷题" allows learners to measure their proficiency in English and identify any gaps in their knowledge.Furthermore, "必刷题" can help learners prepare for English language exams and assessments. Many standardized tests, such as the TOEFL, IELTS, and Cambridge English exams, require proficiency in various language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. By practicing essential English questions, learners canfamiliarize themselves with the format and types of questions commonly found in these exams, thus improving their test-taking skills and performance.In addition, "必刷题" can enhance learners' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Many English questions require analytical thinking and the application of language rules in different contexts. By engaging with essential English questions, learners can develop their critical thinking skills and learn to approach language challenges with creativity and flexibility.Lastly, "必刷题" can be a source of motivation and encouragement for English learners. Regular practice and review of essential English questions can lead to a sense of accomplishment and progress, which can boost learners' confidence and motivation to continue learning. This positive reinforcement is crucial for maintaining enthusiasm and dedication to language learning.In conclusion, "必刷题" is an essential practice for English learners, as it provides opportunities forrepetition, practical application, self-assessment, exam preparation, critical thinking, and motivation. By consistently practicing and reviewing essential English questions, learners can strengthen their language skills and progress towards fluency and proficiency. Therefore, "必刷题" should be an integral part of an English learner's study routine.。
Words and Phrases in the Five Compulsory Coursewar
02 Phrase learning
Introduction to New Phrases
New phrases are introduced in each unit of the courseware, covering a wide range of topics and scenarios
Word formation
Understanding word formation can help students expand their vocabulary For example, knowing the prefixes and suffixes of words can help them guess the meanings of unknown words
One effective method is to create flashcards with the phrase written on one side and its meaning on the other
Another method is to practice using new phrases in senses and speaking exercises to reinforce memory
Objective phrases
Objective phrases are groups of words that describe nouns or pronouns Students should learn to identify and understand objective phrases in texts
grammatical errors. 3.People with high IQs are good language learners. 4.The most important factor in second language acquisition
4.The active role which learners perform in developing their language has also been emphasized by studies of first language acquisition.These have led to similar work in foreign and second language learning which, again, has shown the learner to be an active participant in the developmental process.
2. How does the learner acquire this knowledge?
3. Why are some learners more successful than others?
SLA as a field of study primarily from within linguistics and psychology (and their subfields of applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and social psychology), as a result of efforts to answer the what, how, why questions posed above.
英语如何利用学习材料提高语感In order to improve your language proficiency and develop a sense of fluency in English, it is crucial to make effective use of various learning materials. This article will discuss how you can utilize different learning resources to enhance your language skills.1. Reading MaterialsReading plays a significant role in improving language proficiency and cultivating a sense of language. There are numerous options for reading materials, including books, newspapers, magazines, and online articles. When selecting reading materials, consider your interests, as it will motivate you to continue reading.To improve your language fluency, focus on the following aspects while reading:a. Vocabulary Expansion: Note down unfamiliar words, consult a dictionary, and learn their meanings. Try to use these words in your daily conversations or writing.b. Grammar Awareness: Observe how sentences are structured and pay attention to various grammatical constructs. This will help you reinforce your understanding of grammar rules.c. Idiomatic Expressions: Notice and analyze idioms or phrases used in the text. Incorporate these expressions into your own language usage to sound more natural.2. Listening MaterialsListening to authentic English materials, such as podcasts, radio shows, TV programs, and movies, is an effective way to enhance your listening skills and develop a sense of language rhythm and intonation. Make sure to choose topics that interest you to maintain motivation.To make the most of listening materials:a. Active Listening: Pay attention to the details, such as pronunciation, stress, and intonation patterns. Mimic native speakers' speech to improve your own pronunciation.b. Note-taking: Jot down key points or new vocabulary while listening. This will help you remember and review later.c. Extensive Listening: Listen to a variety of accents and genres in order to expose yourself to different styles of speaking. This will enhance your listening comprehension skills.3. Speaking MaterialsPracticing speaking can significantly improve your language skills and develop your language intuition. Engaging in conversations, participating in language exchanges, or joining speaking clubs can provide valuable opportunities to use the language actively. In addition, you can make use of the following materials:a. Dialogues: Find dialogues in textbooks, language learning websites, or apps, and practice speaking both sides of the conversation. This exercise will improve your fluency and conversational abilities.b. Role-plays: Imagine different scenarios and interact with yourself or a language partner. Try to use new words and expressions you have learned.c. Pronunciation Exercises: Use pronunciation materials, such as audio or video recordings, to practice accurate pronunciation and intonation. Repeat after the speaker and record yourself to compare.4. Writing MaterialsWriting helps you consolidate your language knowledge and develop a sense of language structure. Utilize the following materials for writing practice:a. Journaling: Write about your day, thoughts, or experiences in English regularly. This will improve your writing skills and help you reflect on your language journey.b. Online Forums or Blogs: Participate in online discussions or create your own blog to practice expressing your thoughts in English. Engage with others and seek feedback to improve your writingc. Writing Prompts: Use writing prompts or topics provided by language learning platforms to practice various writing styles, such as essays, reports, or stories.In conclusion, utilizing learning materials effectively is crucial in developing language proficiency and language intuition. By incorporating diverse reading materials, listening resources, speaking practice, and writing activities, you can enhance your overall language skills and develop a natural sense of fluency. Keep exploring and enjoy your language learning journey!。
2025届四川省成都新都区七校联考九年级英语第一学期期末复习检测试题注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.Ⅰ. 单项选择1、Tony arrived ________ Tianjin ________ the evening of June, in; on; in; on2、I am tried.This is not the right __________ to ask me to go for a walk.A.moment B.chance D.season3、— Can we play soccer here?—No, you ________ play it near the road. That’s too dangerous!A.can B.may C.won’t D.mustn’t4、一I went someone to write the report for me.一No! As a student, you depend on yourself.A.will B.can C.shall D.may5、Every year, more than 70 million sharks _____ for their fins(鱼翅).A.were killed B.have killed C.are killed D.will kill6、Yu Min, who made great contributions to our country’s science, _______ on January 16 this year, and it is a great loss of our country.A.ran away B.took away C.went away D.passed away7、Hundreds of people come to the Lost and Found Office to __________ their lost thingsA.look up B.look out C.look after D.look for8、Mary with her parents to Hong Kong. They’ll stay there for two weeks.A.have been B.have gone C.has been D.has gone9、- My bike is broken. Can you help me _____ it?- B.recycle D.invent10、Everyone may make mistakes in his life, but not everyone knows _____. Finding the way to the mistakes is more important than escaping from them.A.what should he do with he should do with he should deal with themⅡ. 完形填空11、Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to Huaxing Store. It is a 1 store, but there are many things in it. Come and have a look. All the school 2 are at a very good price. You can buy 3 at our great sale. Look at those bags for students. 4 bags are¥18 each. Do you like pens? You can buy red pens for only¥5 each and 5 pens for only ¥6. Oh, come with me. Here are the 6 . Do you have a soccer ball or a basketball? They are all only¥50 each. And the sports shoes in all colors are¥40 a pair! They're so cheap! Do you 7 them? Please come8 Huaxing Store.1.A.small B.nice C.big2.A.pens B.things C.bread3.A.its B.them C.they4.A.Big B.Interesting C.Short5.A.color C.blue6.A.vegetables C.balls7.A.find B.on C.asⅢ. 语法填空12、Have you ever been cycling(骑自行车运动)? This spring my elder brother and I 1.(spend) a long weekend cycling in the countryside. We rode2.(slow) along because we hadn't come to break any speed records, or to do sports. We just wanted3.(get) some fresh air and a break from schoolwork. We really had a great time4.(ride) along country roads. And there was one of the best things about our trip that made us happy: every few5.(kilometer) there was a village where we could find everything we needed.All the local people were really friendly. However, on the 6.(two) day, something happened. We were going down the hill when my brakes(剎车)started making a 7.(noisy), but I didn't mind at all. At midnight we were woken by the noise in the hotel. We were tired when we set off the next morning, but soon felt 8.(cheer) when the sun came out.What we enjoyed9.(our) most about cycling is—it's simple and fun. I think nothing is10.(good) than cycling if you're looking for a break that is active and cheap. Why not have a try?Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Once a traveller came into a village which was suffering from hunger. The villagers asked him to leave, for they feared he wanted them to give him food. They told him that there was no food. The traveller explained that he didn’t need any food and that, in fact, he was planning to make a soup to share with them instead. The villagers watched suspiciously as he built a fire and filled a pot with water With great ceremony(仪式), he pulled a stone from a bag, anddropped the stone into the pot of water. After a moment, he smelt the soup and shouted with excitement, “How delicious the soup is!” As the villagers began to show interest, he mentioned how good the soup would be with just a little cabbage in it. A villager brought out a cabbage to share. This episode(情节) repeated itself until the soup had cabbage, carrots, onions, and beets—indeed, a full pot of soup that could feed everyone in the village was ready. This story describes when there are not enough resources(资源), humans will store things. We do not want to share. The story of stone soup helps us realize that, in doing so, we often prevent ourselves and everyone else from having a feast(盛宴).The meaning of this story goes far beyond food. We keep to ourselves ideas, love, and energy, thinking we will be richer, but in fact we make the world, and ourselves, poorer. The traveller was able to see that the villagers were holding back, and he had the ability to inspire(激发) them to give. In this way, they created a large meal that none of them could have created alone. Are you like one of the villagers? If you come forward and share your gifts, you will inspire others to do the same. The reward is a feast that can feed many.1.(小题1)What does the underlined word “suspiciously” most probably mean?A.doubtfully B.excitedlyC.curiously D.fearfully2.(小题2)The traveller put a stone into the pot in order to .A.teach the villagers to cook a soup with stoneB.inspire the villagers to bring out their own foodC.prove to the villagers that he didn’t want their villagers to survive by giving them some food3.(小题3)The writer mainly wants to tell us that .A.storing things in hard times is human natureB.a good leader is very necessary in hard timesC.skills are needed to inspire people to share with othersD.sharing is more important than keeping things to oneselfB14、The French government will ban (禁止) students from using mobile phones. Students in the country’s primary schools and middle schools will be allowed to bring their phones to school, but not allowed to get them out at any time until they leave school.Jean-Michel Blanquer, The French Education Minister, said the ban would come into effect (生效) in October 2018.“Some education organizations have already stopped pupils from using their mobiles,” Blanquer told RLT Radio, “Sometimes you need mobiles for teaching reasons or special situations, but their use has to be controlled in some way.”However, there are some different voices about the ban, someone wasn’t sure if it could be followed. “This new ban makes us puzzled because we can’t find anything helpful about this ban.”Some students from a middle school seemed not to be serious about this ban. “I don’t understand how it will work. Where will we put our phones? And how will we get them back?” said a boy. At another school, Mathilde, 12, said, “It’s unbelievable. At m y school, we don’t use them in class, so what’s the problem? If anyone is caught using one in the toilet or at lunchtime, the phone will be confiscated (没收).”Some of the parents are not sure, either. “It’s probably a good idea when the kids are in school,” said Sabine. “But my daughter goes to school and comes home alone. He needs a phone to keep in touch with me. That I won’t worry about her.”Anyway, the government is now studying how the mobile ban can be put into effect (执行).1.According to the ban, the students in primary schools ________.A.aren’t supposed to bring their phones to school.B.can play with their mobile phones at lunchtime.C.aren’t allowed to use mobiles in school.D.can’t use mobile phones at any time in France.2.What does the underli ned word “ puzzled” mean in Chinese?A.兴奋的B.自豪的C.尴尬的D.困惑的3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The French government passed the ban for some teaching reasons.B.The ban tries to make all children stay away from any screen.C.The ban has made some people feel puzzled and uncertain.D.Any student in France has to follow the ban on mobile phones.4.What can we learn from the passage?A.The ban on mobile phones has been put into effect.B.The ban on mobile phones will meet problems when it starts in 2018.C.All parents and students in France are against the ban on mobile phones.D.The problems of mobile phones have been solved in French schools.5.Why did the writer write the passage?A.To show people’s ideas about the ban on mobile ph ones.B.To tell us the reasons why students aren’t allowed to use mobile.C.To describe the dangers of using mobile phones in schools.D.To tell us the growing problems of using mobile phones in schools.C15、Do you remember your dreams? Do people have the same dreams? Why do I dream?There are many questions about dreams. We dream during the REM(快速眼动) stage of sleep. We have about five periods of REM sleep during the night. The first REM cycle(周期) lasts about 10 minutes. As the night goes on, the REM cycle gets longer. By early morning, the REM cycle can last up to 90 minutes. Usually, it is in this last REM cycle that we remember our dreams.Dreams change as people age. People may have several dreams each night. Some are like films and usually in color. They come to us over and over again. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something and trying to find the answer. Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can't remember the dreams clearly.It is reported that too much dreaming is bad for our health. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at work. That is why we may have a long sleep and still feel tired when we wake up.Do you feel a little sleepy after lunch? Well, that's normal. Your body naturally slows down then. What should you do about it? Don't drink coffee, take a nap,_instead. There are many advantages of a daily nap. First of all, you can remember things better and make fewer mistakes. Also, you can learn things more easily after taking a nap. A 20-minute nap can reduce your pressure. Finally, a nap can make you cheerful.But there are some simple rules you should follow about taking a nap. First, take a nap at noon, about eight hours after you wake up. In general, a 20-minute nap is the best. If you sleep longer, you may fall into a deep sleep. After waking up, you will feel worse. Also, you should set an alarm clock. That way, you can fully relax during the nap. You don't have to keep looking at the clock so that you don't oversleep. Now, next time you feel sleepy after lunch, don't get stressed. Put your head down, close your eyes and take a nap.1.According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?A.People always ask questions in their dreams.B.People never dream in their last REM cycle.C.The first REM cycle is the shortest of the five.D.It's impossible for people to remember their dreams.2.According to the article, why do people sometimes have the same dream again and again?A.Because they are worried about something.B.Because they often watch interesting color films.C.Because they want to remember the dream clearly.D.Because other people ask them too many questions.3.The underlined word “nap” in Paragraph 5 most probably means “________”.A.A long walk B.a kind of drinkC.a short sleep D.a deep sleep4.According to the article, which of the following is NOT an advantage of a daily nap?A.We can run much faster. B.We can learn things more easily.C.We can become happier. D.We can remember things better.5.According to the article, which of the following is TURE?A.Dreaming is harmful to our health.B.The longer we dream, the better we sleep.C.We should fall into a deep sleep after lunch.D.We'll feel better after a 20-minute nap at noon.D16、完形填空Meng Meihui,14,from Dongying, Shandong, loved reading certain pieces of work. But she paid particular attention to her classmate’s every composition, just to find her faults.“Everyone said she was better at writing than me. I didn’t believe it. I wanted to beat her,”Meng said. Men g was caught by the green-eyed monster-jealousy(嫉妒)Jealousy is _____among students. Most people may feel a little bit unhappy when others are better than them. It’s natural. However, if students don’t change theirs mindset(思维方式)and deal with it well, jealousy can bring out many problems.Su Lulu, 14, from Xiamen, Fujian,said those who are too jealous of others might lose _____easily.“Few people like those who always try to find faults in others,” Su said. “A popular student should be open-minded.”Besides affecting students’ interpersonal(人际间的)relationships, jealousy may also limit students’ development.Meng said that during that time, she paid too much attention to her competitor(竞争者)and_______to improve herself. “It was tiring and useless,” she said.Luckily, Meng_____ realized the problem. She stopped her silly behavior and focused on her own progress.Wang Xiao, a psychology(心理学)teacher at Huangshi Foreign Language School, Hubei, agreed with Meng’s practice. Wang said the best way to deal with jealousy is to turn it into motivation(动力)“___those who are better than you and focus on yourself, ” Wang said. “It’s more important to improve yourself than to be better than others.”Wang also suggested that students be confident about themselves. “Everyone has their advantages and disadvantages.Don’t _______your disadvantages with others’ advantages,” he said.1.A.unusal B.perfect C.common D.useful2.A.friends C.weight D.lives3.A.happened B.forgot C.promised D.started4.A.soon B.almost C.never D.still5.A.Compete with B.Dream of C.Learn from D.Depend B.share D.comparE17、As you research music, you will find music that is familiar to you. You will find music which tells of interesting places and exciting things to do. You will find music which expresses feelings that are often your own.Music is an expression of the people. As you research, you will find music of people at work and play. You will find music expressing love of the country, love of nature, and love of home.Music is also an expression of the composer(作曲家). The composer expresses his own musical ideas. He studies the materials of music and discovers ways of using them. He looks for new kinds of musical expression.Music can suggest actions and feelings which we all share. We can enjoy playing and singing music, dancing and listening to the music of the people and the composers of different times and places.1.(小题1)In the first paragraph, the author tells us to_______.A.find entertainment(娱乐) in friendly to your feelings in the things and places in music2.(小题2).From the second paragraph, we know that ________.A.if we love music, we will love the country, nature and sings of the country, nature and may listen to music at work or at can express how people live, work and think3.(小题3)By means of music, the composer wishes that would study with would share his feelings and would express your own help discover ways of using music and new kinds of musical expression4.(小题4)The last paragraph shows that music makes it possible ________.A.the music can express actions and feelings at the same timeB.bring understanding between people of different times and placesC.that people can enjoy playing and singing music, dancing and listening to the music at the same time D.that people of different time and places can get together5.(小题5)Which of the following statements is NOT true. Music expresses ________.A.the feelings of our ownB.people’s love of the countryC.the composer’s feelingsD.people’s musical ideasF1.With Webshop,you .A.often forget to buy what you needB.have to stand to pay for the thingsC.can buy everything you need easilyD.can call for everything you want2.If you don’t like to eat anything spicy or drink anythin g fizzy ,you may try to see how different it is . A.Polygot B.Gasgo C.CompuWiz D.Mosso3.Try to and you will learn any language in a very short on the Webshop at 2839-0818C.send e-mails to friends D.follow Polygot’s sy stem4.You can save 50%of your money if you before July 1st.A.learn surfing the Internet at CompuWizB.hold a chance to try GasgoC.start early with Polygot’s something from the Webshop5.According to the passage ,we can infer(推断) it’s.A.a piece of news ad C.a story D.a surveyⅤ.书面表达19、学校“推荐一本好书”读书活动月中,你想与同学们一起分享你最喜爱的一本书《汤姆索亚历险记》。
高二英语创新学习习惯养成关键练习题40题1.He is very ______ about his future plans.A.positiveB.optimisticC.pessimisticD.negative答案:B。
2.She has a ______ attitude towards life.A.cheerfulB.happyC.joyfulD.glad答案:A。
3.The news made him feel ______.A.depressedB.sadC.upsetD.miserable答案:A。
4.His speech was full of ______ remarks.A.pessimisticB.negativeC.criticalD.ironic答案:C。
5.She is always ______ and ready to help others.A.kindB.generousC.helpfulD.warm-hearted答案:D。
如何提高中文水平提出建议英语作文How to Improve Chinese Language Skills: Suggestions for Enhancing Your Chinese ProficiencyIntroductionChinese language, being one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, holds significant importance for individuals seeking to enhance their global communication skills. Whether for academic, professional, or personal reasons, learning Chinese can open up a world of opportunities. However, mastering Chinese can be a challenging task for many learners. In this article, we will discuss effective strategies for improving your Chinese language skills and making your learning journey more efficient and enjoyable.1. Set Clear GoalsBefore embarking on your Chinese language learning journey, it is essential to set clear and achievable goals. Determine why you want to learn Chinese, whether it is for business purposes, travel, academic studies, or personal interest. Setting specific goals will help you stay motivated and focused throughout the learning process.2. Develop a Study RoutineConsistency is key when it comes to improving your Chinese language skills. Establish a study routine that fits your schedule and commit to practicing Chinese regularly. Whether it is studying for a set amount of time each day or practicing specific language skills, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, consistency will help you make steady progress.3. Immerse Yourself in the LanguageImmersing yourself in the Chinese language and culture is an effective way to enhance your language skills. Surround yourself with Chinese media, such as movies, TV shows, music, and books. Practice speaking with native speakers or language exchange partners to improve your conversational skills. By immersing yourself in the language, you will improve your fluency and develop a better understanding of Chinese culture.4. Use Language Learning Apps and ResourcesThere are a plethora of language learning apps and online resources available to help you improve your Chinese language skills. Platforms such as Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone offer interactive lessons and exercises to enhance your vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Additionally, websites like FluentU and Yoyo Chinese provide engaging content for learners at different proficiency levels.5. Join Language Classes or WorkshopsEnrolling in Chinese language classes or workshops can provide structured learning opportunities and personalized guidance from experienced instructors. Whether it is a traditional classroom setting or virtual lessons, attending language classes can help you improve your grammar, pronunciation, and overall language proficiency. Moreover, interacting with classmates and participating in group activities can enhance your speaking and listening skills.6. Practice RegularlyPractice is essential for mastering any language, including Chinese. Set aside time each day to practice your language skills, whether it is reading Chinese texts, writing essays, listening to podcasts, or engaging in conversations. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in using the Chinese language.7. Seek Feedback and CorrectionsReceiving feedback and corrections on your language skills is crucial for improving your Chinese proficiency. Ask your language teachers, classmates, or language exchange partners to provide constructive criticism on your writing, speaking, andpronunciation. Additionally, using language learning apps with built-in feedback features can help you identify and correct errors in your language usage.8. Set Realistic ExpectationsLearning a new language takes time and effort, so it is important to set realistic expectations for your progress. Understand that language learning is a gradual process, and it is normal to make mistakes along the way. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and remain patient and persistent in your language learning journey.ConclusionImproving your Chinese language skills requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. By setting clear goals, developing a study routine, immersing yourself in the language, using language learning apps and resources, joining language classes, practicing regularly, seeking feedback, and setting realistic expectations, you can enhance your Chinese proficiency and become a more confident and skilled language learner. Remember that language learning is a rewarding and fulfilling experience, so enjoy the journey and embrace the challenges along the way. Good luck on your Chinese language learning adventure!。
Google N-Gram数据检索与绘图插件说明说明书
Package‘ngramr’January16,2023Type PackageTitle Retrieve and Plot Google n-Gram DataVersion1.9.3Date2023-01-16Maintainer Sean Carmody<*********************>Description Retrieve and plot word frequencies through time from the``GoogleNgram Viewer''<https:///ngrams>.Depends R(>=4.0.0)Imports httr,rlang,curl,dplyr(>=1.0.3),cli,tibble,tidyr,rjson,stringr,ggplot2,scales,xml2,textutilsURL https:///seancarmody/ngramrBugReports https:///seancarmody/ngramr/issuesLicense MIT+file LICENSERoxygenNote7.2.2Encoding UTF-8Suggests testthatLanguage en-AUNeedsCompilation noAuthor Sean Carmody[aut,cre,cph]Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-01-1611:30:02UTCR topics documented:chunk (2)corpuses (3)ggram (3)hacker (5)ngram (5)12chunkngrami (7)ngramw (8)print.ngram (8)theme_google (9)Index10 chunk Chunk a vector or listDescriptionchunk takes a vector(or list)and returns a list of chunks which all have lengths(approximately) equal to a specified value.Usagechunk(x,len=NULL,n=NULL)Argumentsx vector of listlen target length of chunksn number of chunksDetailsIf n is specified,len is ignored and chunk returns a list of length n of"chunks"of x.Otherwise n is calculated to break the vector into chunks which are each approximately of length len.If both len and n are unspecified,chunk simply returns x.Exampleschunk(letters,10)chunk(LETTERS,n=3)corpuses3 corpuses Google n-gram corpus informationDescriptionDetails of the various corpuses available through the Google n-gram toolUsagecorpusesFormata33x6ngram data frameggram Plot n-gram frequenciesDescriptionggram downloads data from the Google Ngram Viewer website and plots it in ggplot2style.Usageggram(phrases,ignore_case=FALSE,code_corpus=FALSE,geom="line",geom_options=list(),lab=NA,google_theme=FALSE,...)Argumentsphrases vector of phrases.Alternatively,phrases can be an ngram object returned by ngram or ngrami.ignore_case logical,indicating whether the frequencies are case insensitive.Default is FALSE.code_corpus logical,indicating whether to use abbreviated corpus‘codes or longer form de-scriptions.Default is FALSE.geom the ggplot2geom used to plot the data;defaults to"line"geom_options list of additional parameters passed to the ggplot2geom.4ggramlab y-axis label.Defaults to"Frequency".google_theme use a Google Ngram-style plot theme....additional parameters passed to ngramDetailsGoogle generated two datasets drawn from digitised books in the Google books collection.One was generated in July2009,the second in July2012.Google will update these datasets as book scanning continues.Exampleslibrary(ggplot2)ggram(c("hacker","programmer"),year_start=1950)#Changing the geom.ggram(c("cancer","fumer","cigarette"),year_start=1900,corpus="fr-2012",smoothing=0,geom="step")#Passing more options.ggram(c("cancer","smoking","tobacco"),year_start=1900,corpus="en-fiction-2012",geom="point",smoothing=0,geom_options=list(alpha=.5))+stat_smooth(method="loess",se=FALSE,formula=y~x)#Setting the layers manually.ggram(c("cancer","smoking","tobacco"),year_start=1900,corpus="en-fiction-2012",smoothing=0,geom=NULL)+stat_smooth(method="loess",se=FALSE,span=0.3,formula=y~x)#Setting the legend placement on a long query and using the Google theme.#Example taken from a post by Ben Zimmer at Language Log.p<-c("((The United States is+The United States has)/The United States)", "((The United States are+The United States have)/The United States)") ggram(p,year_start=1800,google_theme=TRUE)+theme(legend.direction="vertical")#Pass ngram data rather than phrasesggram(hacker)+facet_wrap(~Corpus)hacker5 hacker Sample n-gram dataDescriptionFrequency data for the phrases"hacker","programmer",from1950to2008.UsagehackerFormata236x4ngram data framengram Get n-gram frequenciesDescriptionngram downloads data from the Google Ngram Viewer website and returns it in a tibble.Usagengram(phrases,corpus="en-2019",year_start=1800,year_end=2020,smoothing=3,case_ins=FALSE,aggregate=FALSE,count=FALSE,drop_corpus=FALSE,drop_parent=FALSE,drop_all=FALSE,type=FALSE)Argumentsphrases vector of phrases,with a maximum of12itemscorpus Google corpus to search(see Details for possible values)year_start start year,default is1800.Data available back to1500.year_end end year,default is20086ngramsmoothing smoothing parameter,default is3case_ins Logical indicating whether to force a case insensitive search.Default is FALSE.aggregate Sum up the frequencies for ngrams associated with wildcard or case insensitive searches.Default is FALSE.count Default is FALSE.drop_corpus When a corpus is specified directly with the ngram(e.g dog:eng_fiction_2012) specifies whether the corpus be used retained in the phrase column of the results.Note that that this method requires that the old corpus codes(eng_fiction_2012not en-fiction-2012)are used.Default is FALSE.drop_parent Drop the parent phrase associated with a wildcard or case-insensitive search.Default is FALSE.drop_all Delete the suffix"(All)"from aggregated case-insensitive searches.Default is FALSE.type Include the Google return type(e.g.NGRAM,NGRAM_COLLECTION,EX-PANSION)from result set.Default is FALSE.DetailsGoogle generated two datasets drawn from digitised books in the Google Books collection.One was generated in July2009,the second in July2012and the third in2019.Google is expected to update these datasets as book scanning continues.This function provides the annual frequency of words or phrases,known as n-grams,in a sub-collection or"corpus"taken from the Google Books collection.The search across the corpus is case-sensitive.If the function is unable to retrieve data from the Google Ngram Viewer site(either because of access issues or if the format of Google’s site has changed)a NULL result is returned and messages are printed to the console but no errors or warnings are raised(this is to align with CRAN package policies).Below is a list of available corpora.Note that the data for the2012corpuses only extends to2009.Corpus Corpus Nameen-US-2019American English2019en-US-2012American English2012en-US-2009American English2009en-GB-2019British English2019en-GB-2012British English2012en-GB-2009British English2009zh-Hans-2019Chinese2019zh-Hans-2012Chinese2012zh-Hans-2009Chinese2009en-2019English2019en-2012English2012en-2009English2009en-fiction-2019English Fiction2019en-fiction-2012English Fiction2012en-fiction-2009English Fiction2009ngrami7en-1M-2009English One Millionfr-2019French2019fr-2012French2012fr-2009French2009de-2019German2019de-2012German2012de-2009German2009iw-2019Hebrew2019iw-2012Hebrew2012iw-2009Hebrew2009es-2019Spanish2019es-2012Spanish2012es-2009Spanish2009ru-2019Russian2019ru-2012Russian2012ru-2009Russian2009it-2019Italian2019it-2012Italian2012The Google Million is a sub-collection of Google Books.All are in English with dates ranging from1500to2008.No more than about6,000books were chosen from any one year,which means that all of the scanned books from early years are present,and books from later years are randomly sampled.The random samplings reflect the subject distributions for the year(so there are more computer books in2000than1980).See /ngrams/info for the full Ngram syntax.Valuengram returns an object of class"ngram",which is a tidyverse tibble enriched with attributes reflecting some of the parameters used in the Ngram Viewer query.Examplesngram(c("mouse","rat"),year_start=1950)ngram(c("blue_ADJ","red_ADJ"))ngram(c("_START_President Roosevelt","_START_President Truman"),year_start=1920) ngrami Get n-gram frequencies(case insensitive version)DescriptionThis function is a simple wrapper of ngram for case insensitive searches.8print.ngramUsagengrami(phrases,aggregate=TRUE,...)Argumentsphrases vector of phrasesaggregate sum up each of the terms...remaining parameters passed to ngramngramw Get n-gram frequencies("wide"format)DescriptionGet n-gram frequencies("wide"format)Usagengramw(phrases,ignore_case=FALSE,...)Argumentsphrases vector of phrasesignore_case ignore case of phrases( ngrami rather than ngram).Default value is FALSE....remaining parameters passed to ngramprint.ngram Print n-gram contentsDescriptionPrint n-gram contentsUsage##S3method for class ngramprint(x,rows=6,...)Argumentsx ngram object as returned by link{ngram}rows number of rows to print.Default is6....additional parameters passed to default print method.theme_google9Examplesx<-ngram(c("hacker","programmer"),year_start=1950)print(x)theme_google Google Ngram theme for ggplot2DescriptionGoogle Ngram theme for ggplot2Usagetheme_google(...)Arguments...additional parameters to pass to themeDetailsUse a Google Ngram-style plot theme.Index∗datasetscorpuses,3hacker,5chunk,2corpuses,3ggram,3hacker,5ngram,3,5ngrami,3,7ngramw,8print.ngram,8theme_google,910。
第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。
Ⅰ. 单项选择1、----I’d like to visit Kate tomorrow. Do you know______ ?---- Sorry, I don’t know her address, ei ther.A.why she lives there B.who she lives withC.where she lives she lives2、—________I return the book today, Mr. Lin?—No, you ________. You can keep it for two days.A.May; mustn’t B.Must; mustn’t C.Must; needn’t D.Can; shouldn’t3、Jack is dishonest. He always________some excuses for doing something wrong.A.makes up B.sets upC.takes up D.picks up4、—It's his new book, but I think it is more interesting than his other books.—I agree with you. His latest book is up to his highest________.A.choice B.level C.wealth5、—What do you think of the documentary Amazing China?—It is ________! I would like to watch it again.A.terrible B.excited C.boring D.fantastic6、Grandma is rather deaf, so you must speak clearly and to her.A.quietly B.quickly C.cheaply D.loudly7、Keep quiet, please. All the students _____ lessons at school.A.are having B.had C.will have D.have8、—I’m afraid i can’t go to your party.—________________! The party won’t be perfect without you.A.Y ou’re welcome B.That’s nothing C.What a pity D.It doesn’t matter9、For an artist who has no lack of passion and great courage to overcome any difficulties, his inspirations of art will never______A.calm down B.pass on C.wake up out10、—We've prepared all kinds of foods for the picnic.—Do you mean I___ bring anything?A.can't B.needn't C.mustn't D.won'tⅡ. 完形填空11、完形填空.When I was a junior high school student in 1980,God gave me a gift, it was happiness.One weekend, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. On my way home a car ran over me and cut off my1 because of its high speed. Several days later when I woke up at the hospital, I realized I had to spend the rest of my life2 arms. How sad I felt at that time! Even I was full of fears.3 slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it. I couldn’t get my arms back even though I4 every day.However, it’s easier 5 than done. It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness 6 I got so much from my past story.From then on, I could treat my life with a 7 mind. But in our daily life, I often see my classmates 8 about little things: They get a bad grade on a test; their bus comes 9 ; they don’t have a mobile phone, but10 have, and so on. But I only 11 life. I was lucky to realize from an accident.It is a waste of our life to focus on what you have 12 We should always think of what we have. So why are so many people unhappy? Someone may say, “My whole life would improve13 I have a new car.” But when you get the car and what 14 ? For a whole week you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy.Happiness depends on what we have! It’s in our heart. It’s a state of mind, even though you own the whole world, y ou may still feel 15 Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating(感激) and taking pleasure in what you really have.1.A.feet B.legs C.arms D.ears2.A.with B.without C.for D.on3.A.Or B.But C.So D.Once4.A.cried B.laughed C.sat D.stood5.A.dreamed B.acted C.called D.said6.A.strongly B.especially C.completely D.similarly7.A.crazy B.normal C.full D.special8.A.get excited B.get nervous C.get serious D.get worried9.A.early B.first D.late10.A.the other another C.other D.others11.A.hate B.dislike C.enjoy D.save12.A.lost B.had C.found D.spent13.A.because C.if D.whether14.A.happens B.takes place C.used D.uses15.A.funny B.happy C.excited D.unhappyⅢ. 语法填空12、A:Li Ping, have you seen the science fiction film “The Wandering Earth”(流浪地球)recently?B:Yes, I have. I saw it during the Spring Festival.A:It was reported that the film was great. What does it tell about?B:It tells a story about 1.humans, threatened(威胁)by a dying and swelling sun, build very large engines to push the planet out of the solar system, starting a centuries-long journey in search of a new sun.A:Y ou mean our earth is in great danger and we should try to save it, right?B:Yes, quite right. As we all know, with the 2.of modern agriculture and industry, more and more pollution is produced. We all should have a strong sense of Or we humans won’t find places to live in.A:Sure. But in your opinion, what 4.of pollution are there?B:There are many. The most important ones are water, air and land pollution.A:Can you tell me what caused water pollution and how we should solve these problems?B:As we can see, people are 5.litter into the river and factories are putting waste into the river, so water is polluted.I think we should require our government to close down those factories and call on people to clean up the river and 6.every kind of pollution.A:Do you have any ideas for solving the air pollution?B:Well, to cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. Of course, riding a bike is also a good choice. It’s good for health and it 7.costs anything!A:What else can we do to help save the earth?B:Nothing is waste if we have a 8.mind. We can put those things we don’t need to good use. We can rethink, reuse and recycle them!A:Any good examples to share with me?B:We can learn from Amy Hays, a most unusual woman in the UK. She lives in a house that she built 9.out of rubbish. Jessica Wong from Hong Kong made handbags by using old clothes, especially old jeans. Both of them are good at recycling and they are a(n) us all.A:They’re great! If only we join together to fight against pollution and learn to recycle, we will make a difference and lead to a better earthⅣ. 阅读理解A13、This afternoon, when I was looking for a self-improvement(自我修养) book, I found an aged folder(文件夹).In thisfolder, there were some of the examination papers I’d taken during my pre-university days. They were on economics(经济学), a subject that I didn’t really like much then.I laughed at the silly mistakes I made as I looked through the papers. And memories of the past came to my mind. I saw myself sitting at one of the study tables, working hard for some of my life goals. Back then, it was popular for most students to set life goals, because they thought it was most important.It was during those times that I first started to set goals for myself. I didn’t know much about goal setting then. I didn’t use any goal tracking(跟踪) tools, either. All I knew was that I had to go to university. There was no other way that I could give myself. To go through my lecture(演讲) notes, I didn’t take breaks. For more revision with my classmates, I stayed back late. One time, I missed the school lock-out hours and I had to climb school gates in order to leave. It was perhaps this attitude(态度) that ignited my decision to go through what I had to do to get this far.Yes, it may have been hard. But the sweet taste of victory experienced at the point of receiving my final results was so wonderful that I would never forget it for the rest of my life.I closed the folder and dropped it into the dustbin(垃圾箱) in the room. It’s time to get kicking with my next goal. And by writing this, I know I’m getting closer.1.When the author(作者)looked through the papers in the folder, he ________.A.looked for a self-improvement book B.laughed at the silly mistakes he madeC.dropped it into the dustbin right away D.sat at the table and set life goals again2.When the author first started to get goals for himself, he ________.A.didn’t need to enter university B.didn’t use any goal tracking toolsC.was sure that he would win the victory D.learned a lot from a self-improvement book3.Why did the author stay back late after school?A.To be prepared to enter university. B.To learn more about goal setting.C.To make his teacher pay attention to him. D.To get the chance of climbing school gates.4.The underlined word “ignited” means ________ in the passage.A.reduced(减少) B.balanced(平衡) C.questioned D.raised5.What can we learn about the author from the last paragraph?A.He regularly(规律地) tidies his room. B.He’s not quite good at goal settingC.He is ready for the next goal. D.He hated those papers in the folder.B14、Passage A1.When was Asian Hockey Federation set up?A.In 1953 B.In 1963C.In 1946 D.In 19572.Which organization has the most members?A.B.C.D.3.In how many organizations can English be spoken as an official language? A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four4.If you are from China, which sport can you probably take part in? A.Baseball. B.HockeyC.Volleyball D.Football5.. If you want to know something about volleyball, you can go to . A. B.C. D.C15、1.With Webshop,you .A.often forget to buy what you needB.have to stand to pay for the thingsC.can buy everything you need easilyD.can call for everything you want2.If you don’t like to eat anything spicy or drink anything fizzy ,you may try to see how different it is . A.Polygot B.Gasgo C.CompuWiz D.Mosso3.Try to and you will learn any language in a very short on the Webshop at 2839-0818C.send e-mails to friends D.follow Polygot’s system4.You can save 50%of your money if you before July 1st.A.learn surfing the Internet at CompuWizB.hold a chance to try GasgoC.start early with Polygot’s something from the Webshop5.According to the passage ,we can infer(推断) it’s.A.a piece of news ad C.a story D.a surveyD16、阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项Your brain controls everything you do. It makes it possible for you to think, Learn, create and feel; to blink(眨眼) and breathe and for your heart to heat –this fantastic control center is your brain. It is so amazing that a famous scientist once called it " the most complex(复杂) thing we have yet discovered in our universe".Can this small grey organ(器官) , which weighs less than one and a half kilos,really do so much? Amazingly , your brain contains about 100 billion neurons(神经元) -it would take you over 3 ,000 years to count them all. Believe it or not, the activity in your brain never stops. Your neurons create and send more messages than all the phones in the world. And although one neumn creates only a little electricity, all your neurons together can produce enough electricity to power a light bulb (灯泡).So exactly how fast does your brain work? Well, imagine this: a bee lands on your foot. Neurons in your skin send this information to your brain at a speed of more than 240 kilometers per hour. Your brain then uses other neurons to send the message back to your foot to shake the bee off quickly. These neurons can send this information at more than 320 kilometers per hour. No computer has your hrain's unbelievable ability to deal with the amount of information coming from your eyes, ears and other sensory organs.But how does your brain allow you to leam things Lhat you will use in the future? The structure (结构) of your brain changes every time you have a new thought, remember or leam something. For example, riding a bike seems impossible at first, but soon you are able to do it. How? As you practice, your brain sends "bike riding" messages again and again Soon, the actions are learnt and you are able to ride a bike easily from then on.1.From the passage we know that neurons______________ .A.receive messages very slowlyB.are only found in your skinC.send messages to your brainD.need electricity to work2.In Paragraph 3, the writer mentions computers to ______________ them wich the human how fast they have becomeC.say that computers have no abilitiesD.ask people to use computers more3.When you have a new thought, ______________ .A.your brain will power a light bulbB.your heart beats remember somethingD.the structure of your brain changes4.The article is mainly ahout ________________ .A all the steps when your brain leams thingsA.what an unbelievable organ the human brain the brain makes people smarter than computersC.the things you can do to make your brain work fasterE17、1.There are subway lines in the picture.A.2 B.3 C.42.Gina is at Belmont. She wants to go to Baseball Field. She should changes lines at . A.Grand B.Cliton C.Reno3.Louis is going to Medical Centre from Damen. He should get off at the stop. A.third B.fourth C.fifth4.According to the picture, Stop is the nearest to Airport.A.Damen B.Argyle C.Racine5.To go to Airport from Youth Center, you should take subway lines in this order: .A.Blue Line →Green Line → Red LineB.Red Line → Green Line → Blue LineC.Green Line → Blue Line → Red LineF18、Tonya Andrews is a math teacher in Texas. For 16 years, she loved her dear pet cat Blondie very much and wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. It is totally understandable that she had a special feeling for Blondic because she’d saved her from a building in Forth Worth. But recently, shortly after she and her husband had realized that Blondie seemed to be getting sick, the elderly cat died in her arms on her way to the pet hospital. Naturally, Mrs. Andrews was heartbroken.After Blondie’s death, Mrs. Andrews went to work every day, feeling upset. She couldn’t help but share the sad news with some of her students at Joshua High School in Joshua, TX, and shortly after, a few of the girls in her class came up with a few surprises to cheer her up.As one student filmed the moment, the girls first gave her some white roses, followed by cupcakes and balloons to express their care. Mrs. Andrews seemed touched, but it was their next surprise that deeply moved her and that everyone was talking about.All that the shocked teacher could seem to say was,“Are they for me?”as she held the baby cats named Missy and Girlie.“I knew something was going on when only half of my class was in my room, second period the next day when the bell rang,”Andrews told the Huffington Post, feeling thankful. “Then she held them out to me and said they were mine. My heart can now experience happiness again.”What the high school students did is really meaningful, especially for people who have gone through loss, like Tonya Andrews. The good news is that it certainly looks like it was worth all the efforts. Tonya Andrews finally was happy when her students did kind things for her.1.Why did Mrs.Andrews have a special feeling for Blondie?A.Because Blondie got sick.B.Because she was always lonely.C.Because Blondie was her first pet.D.Because she saved Blondic from a building.2.What did Mrs.Andrews do after Blondie died?A.She shared the sad news with her students.B.She bought two baby cats, Missy and Girlie.C.She got into an argument with her husband.D.She gave up her job at Joshua High School.3.According to the passage, what are Mrs.Andr ews’ students like?A.Confident and honest. B.Understanding and caring.C.Humorous and active. D.Brave and strong-willed.Ⅴ.书面表达19、书面表达毕业前的班会上,老师想让大家畅所欲言,谈谈三年来的收获以及感想。
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1 Introduction
A well known result in Grammatical Inference (GI) states that learning Regular Languages (RL) using only positive data is undecidable 10]. As a consequence, in order to learn RLs, additional information, not contained in the training (positive) examples themselves, is required. This information may take the form of negative data 11] 16] 13], equivalence queries 2] or probabilistic information 5] 19] 3]. Alternatively, this information can consist of the knowledge that the target languages of interest belong to a certain subclass of RLs that can be shown to be learnable from only positive data (characterisable methods 1]). Yet another alternative is to make more direct use of a-priori knowledge about the kind of syntactic constraints that are desired to be captured in the learned models. This generally leads to so called heuristic methods. A step towards formalising this heuristic use of knowledge was introduced by Garcia et al. with the name \Morphic Generator Grammatical Inference Methodology" (MGGI) 8]. In this work we apply the MGGI approach to the problem of Language Modelling (LM). This problem has become central in the eld of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Current state-of-the-art ASR systems model the language of each ASR application through the use of N-Grams. However, it is argued that
Fig. 2. Left: a model for the language (a++ d)b+ (c++ e) which is 2-TS, 2-T and 1-Revers-
Real situations in LM in which syntactic restrictions of the kind just illustrated apply are rather common. For instance, in modelling the language for a telephone exchange, sentences like \please, I wanted to talk to Mr. X", or \may I speak with Mr. Y, please" can be expected, but a sentence like \please, I would like to talk to Mr. Z, please", would be very unlikely. Any attempt to (deterministically or probabilistically) model this language constraint would require
Work partially supported by the Spanish CICYT under grant TIC95{0984{C02{01
Other Classes of Languages Context-Free Regular TDR k-T
b 5 b 2 b 4 a 1 d 2 b b 3 c e 4 1 d a 3 b e c 6
Fig.1. Some families of Languages.
ible. Right: a model for the language (ab c)+(db e) which is also 2-T and 1-Reversible but can not be modelled by a k-TS model (k-Gram), for any possible k.
Enrique Vidal and David Llorens e-mail:
Departamento de Sistemas Informaticos y Computacion Universidad Politecnica de Valencia SPAIN
Proc. of 3rd ICGI, Lect. Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.1147, 1996. Copyright protected: only personal use is permitted
Using knowledge to improve N-Gram Language Modelling through the MGGI methodology
signi cant modelling improvements are required to overcome the most important limitations of current systems 12]. As we will see later on, languages described by N-Grams are equivalent to the so called stochastic k-Testable Languages in the Strict Sense (k-TS languages). This well known class of languages happens to be a very restricted subclass of (stochastic) Regular Languages that can only model local or short-term language constraints (Figure 1). Even if we restrict ourselves to the class of Regular Languages (RL), many families or subclasses of languages exist that are signi cantly more powerful than k-TS/N-Grams, in the sense that they can help modelling more global or long-term constraints. Moreover, in many cases, adequate techniques do exist to learn the structures of the corresponding models from training sentences of the unknown target language 20]. However, learning structures that are signi cantly more complex than those underlying k-TSs may require large amounts of training data since all the relevant, perhaps long-term relations among the data that entail the corresponding syntactic restrictions have to be \shown" to the learning algorithm. Clearly, this may result prohibitive in many practical situations. The following example illustrates this fact along with the limited nature of k-TS/N-Gram models to capture certain syntactic constraints of interest. Example 1 The regular language (a + d)b+ (c + e) (Figure 2 left), is 2-TS (2Gram), 2-T and 1-Reversible. Conversely, a language such as (ab+ c) + (db+ e) (Figure 2 right), which is also regular, 1-Reversible and 2-T, can by no means be adequately modelled by a k-TS model (k-Gram), for any possible k. t u