2017考研英语二精讲班作文部分讲义(英语二)编讲商志主讲介绍:★直取本质,彻底破解,主讲的考研英语传奇系列课程成为了考研界无人能够企及的巅峰之作;★考研英语辅导史上划时代的传奇名师,其课堂批量制造高分,被称为“高分梦工厂”、“牛人集中营”;★教育部考试中心首席专家,高等教育出版社考研英语高分系列图书主编,“考研路上最不可错过的一位英语老师”★考研英语应试教学法第一人,传奇考研英语写作创始人,考研英语辅导神话的缔造者,全国一线城市考研英语首席主讲拨开考研迷雾打破英语瓶颈揭示致命误区铺就高分坦途Section One 总论I.《全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语考试大纲》规定:考生应能写不同类型的应用文,包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、摘要、报告等,还应能写一般描写性、叙述性和说明或议论性的文章。
例:某公司有 F、G、H、I、M 和 P 六位总经理助理,三个部门,每一部门恰由三个总经理助理分管。 每 个总经理助理至少分管一个部门。以下条件必须满足: ( 1) ( 2) ( 3) 有且只有一位总经理助理同时分管三个部门。 F 和 G 不分管同一部门。 H 和 I 不分管同一部门。
200 分的构成分析 传统科目 80 分:数学第一部分 45 分(3 分*15) ,写作第二部分:大作文——论说文 35 分 传统科目&全新形式 30 分:数学第二部分——条件充分性判断 30 分(3 分*10) 全新科目 90 分:逻辑 60 分(2 分*30) ,写作第一部分:小作文——论证有效性分析(逻辑写作)30 分
—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 海文考研专业课频道
在直言命题中,范围限定词“所有、全部”、“某个”,判断词“是”、“不是”的含义与日常生活无异, 而 主项、谓项更是与推理形式无关的具体概念,如某种物品、某种生物等等。容易让考生出错的主要是特称 范围限定词——“有的”: 在日常生活中,“有的、有些”这样的范围限定词,在大多数场合下是表示“部分性”的,但在直言命题 中,“有的、有些”这样的特称范围限定词,只能代表“存在性”,而不能代表“部分性”:“我们班级有的同 学是男同学”这句话,只能说明男同学是存在的,不能说明女同学的存在性。
例:陈先生要举办一个亲朋好友的聚会。他出面邀请了他父亲的姐夫,他姐夫的父亲,他哥哥的岳母, 他 岳母的哥哥。 陈先生最少出面邀请了几个客人? A.未邀请客人 B.1 个客人 C.2 个客人 D.3 个客人 E.4 个客人
目录第一篇1.1应对对策1.考研写作应对对策Ⅰ:语言(1)词汇常用词:think→argue/maintain/hold/believe/assume,或介词短语for my part/as for me/to the best of my knowledge/understanding,the way I see It ;Important→crucial/vital/essential/imperative/critical/necessary;show→indicate/demlmstrate-reveal-unfold;many→a great number of (可数)/a tremendous amount of(不可数)。
连接词:例举多项:for one thing,…for another,…still another,…at last;to begin with…moreover/what is more…last but not least,举例一项时:sth.provides us with a good illustration.a case in point,as a proof,as an example,for example,for instance,in particular,such as(不可用在句首)(2)句型(2008团队精神19分)it is teanwork that makes it possible for them to go anywhere they want To.(强调句、形式宾语)(同上)It has been universally acknowledged that the ability of teamwork is the most essential Qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess. (形式主语、定语从句) (2006偶像崇拜19分)some,like the young man in the photo,express their enthusiasm by writing his name on their faces,while others,like the one in the hair studio.spend as much as 300 yuan for a hair style modeling on that of beckham.(连接词,对仗结构)(2005敬老养老18分)those who tried every means to avoid their duty of looking after their . Elders should bear in mind that they are much indebted to their parents for their birth and growth.(定语从句,宾语从句)(同上)this picture reveals a not-uncommon phenomenon of how elders are treated by their grow-up children in some of the families in china .(双重否定表肯定、被动表达)(2003温室花朵17分)the real implication of the anthor is that everyone has to meet difficulties in their life experience,so we have to make adequate preparations for them.(名词替代动词,系表结构)(题目同上12分)this time,the flower can not stand in the heave rain.(不用缩写表示正式)(题目同上12分)we can not imagine a society full of adults having the ahility like seven –year-old children.(it is beyond imagination that…)(名词代替动词,缩写问题)(题目同上10分)looking at it carefully ,the flower is protected from the rain outside the warm house.(垂悬结构,主被动分清)(题目同上6分)there are two picture ,one is said that a flower can not be hurt by rain and wind, She grows wonderful.(多一个谓语存在混乱—并列或降级)(2004终点又是新起点16分)the market economy and competitive society drives many people to study hard for higher academic degrees.(主谓一致)(2002文化交流4分)a beautiful american girl is wearing chinese clothes is smiling to us.(汉语思维的影响,主语从句)2、考研写作应对对策Ⅱ:结构(1)审题阶段(2)各段充实3、考研写作应对对策Ⅲ(1)有话可说(2)不离正题第二篇结构科学内容充实2.1 考研写作应对对策Ⅱ:结构——注意逻辑2.2 三段分别覆盖情况:首段三种:图画描述、现象描述、寓意象征(可以在第二段)中心段三种:原因分析、利弊分析、举例说明尾段三种:判断评论&问题建议、个人选择、现实运用2.3 详细解析2.3.1 图画描述四句:第一句对画面的简单概括,第二三句描写画面内容,最后一句点明中心,即象征或寓意(这句也可以放在第二段第一句:承上启下)图画描述段的首尾句常用有:(1)A:一幅图首句:※This is an interesting and thought-provoking picture.(extraordinary /meaningful)※ As is shown in the picture, (depicted/conveyed/drawn/illustrated)※ The picture shocks us beyond description.(reveals only the tip of an ugly iceberg.用于反面意义图画)B:一幅图尾句※ The meaning conveyed by the picture is clear but profound:揭示中心(drawing/photo)※ It is obvious that…揭示中心※ Obviously…揭示中心(2)A:两幅图首句※ The two pictures are interesting and thought-provoking.(extraordinary/meaningful)※ As is shown in the first picture. 第一幅图描述 whereas the second picture depicts…第二幅图描述(depicted/conveyed/drawn)※ As depicted in the pictures…第一幅图描述 and 第二幅图描述※ As we can see from the first picture…第一幅描述,in the second picture,however…第二幅图描述※ The two pictures reveal a not uncommon phenomenon that…总结画面图像B:两幅图尾句※ Comparing the two pictures,we can conclude that…揭示中心※ The meaning conveyed by the pictures is clear but profound:揭示中心(drawing/photo)※ It is obvious that…揭示中心※ Obviously…揭示中心※ It is not difficult to conclude the symbolic meaning of the pictures…揭示中心2.3.2 现象简介四句:第一句是对相关现状的概括介绍,第二三句进一步细节介绍,最后一句点明主题,可能带来的后果。
done作表语 The glass is broken.
表语从句作表语 The question is who can really repair the machines.
She is a beautiful girl./I have something important to tell you. 介词短语作定语
仿写真题:文化交流,独立思维,盲目崇拜,自信,合作,就业,兼 职等.
With optimism,our life will continue to be enriched in a multitude of tangible and intangible ways.With optimism,our values deepen, the depth of our experience grows and will attain a sense of balance and inner peace .
仿写真题:独立,取得进步,盲目崇拜,自信,团队合作,保 护环境,乐观主义,就业,兼职工作.
Students in some universities are entitled to do part-time jobs,which offers the young people a more flexible and efficient way of learning, broadens their horizons,makes their future life easier and more meaningful and may easily give the students much knowledge in some specific fields.
考研冲刺班讲义社会现象类文章的第二段:第一句:说明这个图表达的一个什么样的社会现象/问题 (八选一)1)In fact, this kind of 文化全球化/偶像崇拜/不尊重老人 is not uncommon nowadays in our society.2) In fact, what this picture illustrates is a phenomenon that has long existed in today’s China. That is, 文化全球化/偶像崇拜/不尊重老人3)In fact, this seemingly simple cartoon subtly discloses a prevailing phenomenon that has long existed in nowadays society. That is, 文化全球化/偶像崇拜/不尊重老人4) The artist of the cartoon apparently intends to draw our attention to the prevailing socialphenomenon that偶像崇拜;不赡养老人etc5)In effect, this cartoon is a miniature of a prevalent phenomenon that ... 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人etc6) Conspicuously, this cartoon symbolically characterizes a status quo that偶像崇拜;不赡养老人etc7) With the advent of 21st century, people’s living standard has been much improved. Y et, a discordant situation has emerged nowadays: 偶像崇拜;不赡养老人etc8) What does the cartoonist want to tell us? Actually, this drawing shows us a social phenomenon that偶像崇拜;不赡养老人etc第二句:对于社会现象进一步展开描述(三选一)1)U nfortunately, in contemporary China, especiallyin some metropolis, this sort of phenomenon is becoming increasingly common and eye-catching.2),numerous citizens, particularly youngsters, incline to ... rather than ...3)A case in point is ... (这种用举例的方法来展开描述适合牛人)第三句:现象产生的原因;或者现象的好处;或者现象的坏处。
T r u e , T V t l a e n t s h o w s ’ p r o m i s e o f q u i c k r i s e t o s t a r d o m a t t r a c t e d t h o u s a n d s o f y o u n g p e o p l e
/ / 1
d r e a m i n g 0 f o v e r n i g h t f a m e ・ B u t w h a t r e l a l y m a d e a g r e a t s u c c e s s 0 f t h e s e s h o w s i s t h e e n t e 卜
m i l l i o n p e o p l e , o r o n e — t h i r d o f C h i n a ’ s p o p u l a t i o n , w a t c h e d i t s i f n a l s , m a k i n g i t o n e o f t h e m o s t l f 0 l I
放声高歌 , 但在其 背后却站着一个 商家 , 正 在 大 把 大
把 地 收钱 。 再 联 系 一 下 中 国近几 年 的社 会 现 实我 们 就 会 明白: 这 幅漫 画 说 的是 近 年 来 中国 大 地上 选 秀 节 目 如 火 如荼 , 正是 因为 有商 家 这 个幕 后 推 手 。
5 7 L
+考 试 专栏
p o p u l a r s h o ws i n Ch i n a ’ S t e l e v i s i o n h i s t o r y . Th e s i n g i n g c o mp e t i t i o n o we d i t s p o p u l a i r t y t o
清华大学考研辅导强化班英语写作讲义清华大学考研辅导强化班课程《英语写作》清华大学外语系杨朝春主讲并提供文档资料第一讲General Introduction(总记)I. General Introduction (总论)1. The Role of Writing (写作的地位)2. Requirements for Writing in the Exam (考试对写作的要求)II. Use of Language (语言的使用)1. The use of words(选取最恰当的词使表达生动鲜明、充实而有效)1) 简易常用词和拼读复杂词由于历史的缘故,英语和北欧语、希腊语、意大利语和法语有着密切的联系,由此出现许多外来词。
Examples:ask (本语) question(法语) interrogate (拉丁语)2) 一般词和具体词一般词具有概括和抽象的特点,适于在段落之首提出主题思想和末尾总结概括。
Examples:Plant: tree, bush, vegetable, flower, fruitVegetable: cabbage, turnip, carrots, onions, garlic, potatoes, cucumber, lettuce, cauliflower, pepper broccoli, eggplant, mushrooms, tomatoesFruit: apple, peach, pear, strawberry, grapes, orange, watermelon, pineapple, mango, bananas, kiwifruit, cherry, apricot Walk: edge, limp, shuffle, trudge, trot, pace, stagger, toddle, strollLook: see, watch, observe, perceive, sight, spot scan, glance peer, stare, gaze, beholdLaugh: giggle, titter, chuckle, grin, guffawCry: weep, sob, groan, wail, lament, whimper第二讲写作考试中一些常用词3)写作考试中一些常用词*Although she is one of my friends, she strongly against my opinion.*She is getting married in next month.*His body is healthy.*Children are dangerous when they play with matches.*In one hand we should study hard, in other hand we should be independent by doing part-time jobs.1) Such things do not happen every day. This is everyday occurrence.2) The birds are flying high in the sky. The leader was highly respected by people.3) The contemptible man is selfish and vain. There’s a contemptuous look on his face.4) He is a respectable old man. He is respectful toward his teachers.After the meeting they went back to their respective provinces.5) She is desirous of seeing him again. He is the desirable man for the position.6) Helping him is worthwhile. It is worthwhile helping him.The novel is worth studying. The novel is worthy of careful study.She has led a worthy life.7) alive afraid alone alike ashamed asleep awake aware8) economic economical healthy healthful imaginative imaginary beneficial beneficent9) senior junior superior inferior prior posterior10) The majority of, a great number of, a great many ofA great deal of, a great amount of, a bit ofA lot of, a quantity of, plenty of11) See, look at, watch, observe, notice, perceive, hear, listen to, feel, make, let, bid, have12) It’s surprising that neither the mother nor the children have prepared something for the Christmas party.Mary as well as her sisters was very happy to visit their grandparents in the country.2. Sentence (怎样写出地道流畅的句子)1) 句子成分的一致性*Swimming at the lake, Jim’s foot was cut by a rock.*While smoking a pipe, my dog sat with me by the crackling fire.*By planting different varieties of crops, the pests were unable to adapt.*Seeing from the top of the hill, the city looks beautiful.但,Generally speaking, a native English speaker will find German easier than French. To tell the truth, what she has done let usdown.Considering the circumstances, he has done a good job.2) 分句间的逻辑关系及连贯性*John had a drinking problem and he dropped out of school. (because)*The employee is often late for work, and he writes illogical reports, and he is a poor manager, and he should be fired. (The employee should be fired because he is …)*The test was hard, and the students were resentful, and their teacher was irritated. (Because the students resented the hard test, their teacher was irritated.)*He was knocked down by a bicycle, but it did not seriously hurt him. (but was not seriously hurt.)*Take your time, and you should be careful. (Take your time and be careful)*I read the passage carefully, and several mistakes were found.3)写作考试中一些常用词*Although she is one of my friends, she strongly against my opinion.*She is getting married in next month.*His body is healthy.*Children are dangerous when they play with matches.*In one hand we should study hard, in other hand we should be independent by doing part-time jobs.1) Such things do not happen every day. This is everyday occurrence.2) The birds are flying high in the sky. The leader was highly respected by people.3) The contemptible man is selfish and vain. There’s acontemptuous look on his face.4) He is a respectable old man. He is respectful toward his teachers.After the meeting they went back to their respective provinces.5) She is desirous of seeing him again. He is the desirable man for the position.6) Helping him is worthwhile. It is worthwhile helping him.The novel is worth studying. The novel is worthy of careful study.She has led a worthy life.7) alive afraid alone alike ashamed asleep awake aware8) economic economical healthy healthful imaginative imaginary beneficial beneficent9) senior junior superior inferior prior posterior10) The majority of, a great number of, a great many ofA great deal of, a great amount of, a bit ofA lot of, a quantity of, plenty of11) See, look at, watch, observe, notice, perceive, hear, listen to, feel, make, let, bid, have12) It’s surprising that neither the mother nor the children have prepared something for the Christmas party.Mary as well as her sisters was very happy to visit their grandparents in the country.2. Sentence (怎样写出地道流畅的句子)1) 句子成分的一致性*Swimming at the lake, Jim’s foot was cut by a rock.*While smoking a pipe, my dog sat with me by the crackling fire.*By planting different varieties of crops, the pests wereunable to adapt.*Seeing from the top of the hill, the city looks beautiful.但,Generally speaking, a native English speaker will find German easier than French. To tell the truth, what she has done let us down.Considering the circumstances, he has done a good job.2) 分句间的逻辑关系及连贯性*John had a drinking problem and he dropped out of school. (because)*The employee is often late for work, and he writes illogical reports, and he is a poor manager, and he should be fired. (The employee should be fired because he is …)*The test was hard, and the students were resentful, and their teacher was irritated. (Because the students resented the hard test, their teacher was irritated.)*He was knocked down by a bicycle, but it did not seriously hurt him. (but was not seriously hurt.)*Take your time, and you should be careful. (Take your time and be careful)*I read the passage carefully, and several mistakes were found.第三讲句子的完整性3) 句子的完整性*My father who is very kind, learned and helped me a lot in my life.*They enjoy reading classic Chinese literature. Such as the poetry by Li Bai and Du Fu.4) 分句的连接*Reading books is one of the greatest pleasures of our lives,through reading books we can add to our knowledge and broaden our view.但,To err is human, to forgive is divine.Out of sight, out of mind.练习 1:选用恰当的词完成句子。
在使用苍盾考研小作文模板时,我们需要注意以下几点:1. 不要生搬硬套。
2. 注意语言表达。
3. 注重逻辑结构。
中业考研管理类联考综合中文写作——基础阶段主编:中业考研教研中心(内部资料,翻印必究)目录第一章论证有效性分析 (1)第一节常识 (1)第二节写作 (3)第三节写作训练 (9)第二章论说文 (11)第一节常识 (11)第二节写作方法 (17)第三节写作训练 (24)第四节写作素材 (25)第一章论证有效性分析第一节常识一、什么是论证二、什么是论证有效性分析三、为什么要考论证有效性分析真题赏析如果我们把古代荀子、商鞅、韩非等人的主张归纳起来,可以得出如下一套理论:人的本性是“好荣恶辱,好利恶害”的,所以人们都会追求奖赏,逃避刑罚。
2.必背模版句型... is becoming a serious problem. This is because...已经变得越来越严峻,是由于If possible, one may.... There are many examples of ...假如可能,一个人可以。
I never think... is a waste of time and money because, it issomething that I truly wanted in mylife.我不认为只是铺张时间和金钱,由于这是我生活中真正需要的。
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一、考试要求1.时间分配:14:00-14:15小作文14:15-14:50大作文审题、写作、检查2.字数要求:小作文100字/大作文160-200字3.分值比例:满分10分/20分平均分5.5分/平均分11分4.写作话题:次热点永恒社会话题5.写作题型:提纲式议论文(1991-1996)、图表作文(1997/1999)、图画作文(1998/2000至今)、小作文【辞职信2005、道歉信2005/ 2008、询问信2006、投诉信2007、建议信2009、邀请信、申请信、推荐信、求职信、备忘录、摘要、报告、通知(告示)2010】6.评分重点:结构三段式内容不跑题语言最重要成功要诀:写背过的词汇和句子用有限的句子结构和需要的词汇表达无限的思想二、高分词more and more: a growing number of people/ an increasing number of people/ people in growing numbers/ people in increasing numbers/ It is growingly good/ It is increasingly good.many: a sea of, an ocean of, an army of, a great manyall kinds of/ different: a variety of, a diversity of, various, diverse.big: major, tremendous, immense, enormous, considerablesmall: minor, mini, tinygood: beneficial, positive, rosy, excellent, fabulous, awesome, fascinating, amazing, terrific, fantastic, unbelievable, incrediblebad: poor, terrible, horrible, negative, dreadful, adverse, unfavorable, severe, grave, serious important: significant, essential, basic, fundamental, indispensable, vital, crucial, criticalvery: rather, remarkably, extremely, overwhelmingly, exceedingly, impressivelysay, believe, think: hold, argue, claim, maintain, suppose, presume, assume, agree, emphasize, I am fully convinced that…, harbor the idea that…, hold the opinion that… take the attitude that… people: individuals, characters, folks, human beings.十大万能理由:科技、经济、教育、环境、健康、安全、交流、情感、时尚、生活(内容趋同最保险;相关即可、自圆其说)科技:exert positive influence on/ promote/ enhance/ improve the advancement of science and technologyexert negative influence on/ set barriers on/ hamper/ stop/ affect…经济:promote/ enhance/ improve the development of economy and societycreate more job opportunitiesacquire great wealthmake/ earn more moneyhamper/ stop/ affect/ spoil/ damage/ r uin…suffer from the loss of wealthlose more moneyface a growing number of fierce competitions and enormous pressures both in career and in life.教育:be helpful for children’s education and growthbroaden people’s horizonsenrich people’s lifeacquire a diversity of knowledge and skillsdevelop the spirit of…be harmful for children’s education and growthlimit children’s horizonsmake children lack the knowledge/ skills/ spirit of…be addicted to…overindulge inwaste one’s time, energy and moneyaffect their study and academic results环境:environmental pollutionconserve/protect the environmentmaintain the ecological balancepreserve /protect the cultural heritagedamage/ destroy…健康:bring great benefit to/ be exceedingly beneficial to people’s physica l and psychological health have great harm to…安全:ensure the community’s safety/ securityenjoy the life without diverse crimesmake people confront the danger of various potential crimesbe cheated/ robbed/ murdered/ visited by thieves and burglars交流:promote/ enhance/ improve the material and cultural communications/ mix/ spread of different countriesmake people know more about other countries and the world outside.hamper/ stop/ affect…make people lack of the knowledge of foreign cultures and the world outside情感:promote/ enhance/ improve the relationship and emotions of familiesbuild up/ foster/ develop the friendship/connections and harmonies among friends hamper/ stop/ affect…drive people selfish, cold and lonely时尚:become fashionable and coolbecome out of date and old-fashioned生活:enjoy a happy and convenient lifeenjoy a happy life and harmonious societyenjoy a bright future and sustainable development三、高分句(独孤九剑)拉长句子的方法:独孤九剑1.形容词+名词2.副词+动词3.主句+从句4.主句+分词引导句子(定语从句/状语从句/并列主句)5.主句+with引导句子6.部分倒装主句(状语+主语+同位语/插入语+谓语+宾语)+分词引导并列主句7.状语从句+完全倒装主句(状语+谓语+主语)+同位语/插入语+分词引导并列主句8.五个编造编造背景/编造共识/编造权威/编造例子/编造报告9. 虚拟、比较、强调、被动四、模板大作文:第一段:图画描述2句1.人物/动物/事物+环境/服装/表情/动作/文字说明1句2.象征寓意(提出问题):1句第二段:意义阐释(提出和分析问题)6句五大角度:1.背景1句(提出问题)2.现状1句(提出问题)3.原因2句(分析问题)4.后果2句(分析问题)5.反方观点(可选)九种手段:编造背景、编造共识、编造权威、编造例子、编造报告、虚拟结果、正反论证、分类比较、解释说明第三段:建议措施(解决问题)4句1.结论句:1句2.针对双方提建议:2句3.包装结尾、展望未来:1句第一段2000年As is vividly depicted in the upper/ left/ first picture, in the sea of 1900 sails a boat, a remarkably/ an exceedingly/ an impressively leisuredone, hunting an ocean of fish, in contrast to the shocking scene of the lower/ right/ second cartoon that in the sea of 1995 crowd a great many boats, rather horrible ones, hunting only a single fish. This phenomenon has brought about widespread discussions about the issue of excessive commercial fishing among people. (who are concerned about it./ , especially the concern of experts.)或There has been a heated discussion about a picture these days. As is vividly shown in the picture, in the sea of 1900 sails a boat, huntingan ocean of fishes, while in the sea of 1995 crowd a great many boats,hunting only a single fish. Sad and shocking as the picture is, the symbolic meaning behind the picture is as deep as the ocean. Just as an old proverb says, where there are human beings, there is excessive commercial fishing./ excessive commercial fishing never fails to shock people and exert a negative/ positive/ tremendous influence on animals. /human beings are the most dangerous enemies of animals.2001年As is vividly depicted in the picture, in the darkness stands a lamp, a remarkably bright one, glowing in peace, in accordance with the touching scene that above the lamp lies a slogan, a rather touching one, saying that love is a lamp that becomes brighter especially in darker places. This phenomenon has brought about widespread discussions about the issue of love among people.2002年As is vividly depicted in the picture, in the photo stands an American girl, a remarkably charming one, smiling with joy, in correspondence to the interesting scene that with her appears a Chinese costume, a rather traditional one, showing her love of Chinese cultures. This phenomenon has brought about widespread discussions about the issue of cultural communications among people.第二段2000With the tremendous development of modern society and economy changing people’s lives almost overnight, perhaps no other things have arrested more attentions and concerns than excessive commercial fishing during the past decade.It is universally acknowledged that that in our current society there really exists a variety of excessive commercial fishing which exerts tremendously negative influence on us. “Individuals of current age, f acing a growing number of fierce competitions and enormous pressures both in career and in life, never fail to earn more money bygo fishing a lot than/ compared with those who do not,” as Meng, an outstanding expert in sociology, says.Among all the shocking/touching facts relating to excessive commercial fishing that I have heard, noticed and experienced, the most impressive one is Funan people, fishermen inChengdu, making money by fishing excessively, with no fish to hunt now. According to the latest survey conducted by Sichuan University, one of the most famous universities in China, nearly 70% of the rivers of oceans are overfished. Were this situation to continue, our environment would be destroyed and our natural resources would be run out.或It is self-evident that the above-mentioned phenomenon has brought about tremendously positive/ negative influences both on modern people and our current society. For one thing,主题not only does benefit/ harm to individuals’ success in career and life, but also resu lts in a hopeful and wonderful/ terrible and desperate future, which is a fabulous/ adverse situation we are willing/ unwilling to see. For another, nothing is more beneficial/ harmful than主题to contribute to/ break up our harmonious society and enhance/ hamper its development and advancement. According to a survey made by Sichuan University, 70% of young people who have ever experienced主题live a happy/ sad life, feeling the gain/ the loss of hope about the future. If we keep going like this, some desirable/ undesirable results may come out expectedly.2001Apparently, what the drawer intends to convey is that our Chinese culture is gradually accepted by western culture. The American girlstands for western culture; the traditional Chinese costume symbolizes Chinese culture. Obviously, our human society has witnessed many examples. One case in point is that an increasing number of foreign people study traditional Chinese medicine. Based on a recent survey, over 234,521,870 foreigners have come to China to learn Chinese. Were there no cultural exchange, there were no advances of society.2003With the remarkable social reform bringing new ideas into people’s life, perhaps no change has characterized the past decades more significantly than that of chi ldren’s education. It isgenerally agreed upon that today’s children are so much protected by their parents. Their parents, as is suggested by sociologists who are concerned with this issue, want to give their children all their love. With more and more children stepping into the complex reality, the children who are over-protected by their parents need more help than those who have grown up on their own. There are many cases that children failed to adapt themselves to the society. Once leaving home, they leave the protection that offers comfortable conditions, which makes it difficult for them to earn their living. As is common in today’s society, a great many children get lost in reality and become confused about life.第三段2001Then how to show love to others? It goes without saying that we are living in a world of love and help. Whenever we lend others a helping hand, we will receive help somewhere else. All the members in the society should join their hands in creating a favorable environment for others. Only in a society full of love can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their lives to the uttermost.或From what have been discussed above, it is imperative/ necessary that effective and efficient measures should be taken/adopted to promote/ prevent主题. On the one hand/ For one thing, laws and regulations should be worked out / established by the government to encourage the public to主题./ to prohibit/ ban people from making such misdeeds. On the other hand/ For another, the public should be educated and encouraged to support/ reject主题. Only in this way can we effectively promote/ protect our主题, and only by doing so can we enjoy a bright future and happy life/ harmonious society/ sustainable development.2002Hence, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. For one thing, we should appeal to our authorities to encourage teenagers to improve themselves. For another, we should enhance the awareness of people that traditional Chinese culture is very vital to us. Only in this way can weprotect our youngsters. Also I believe that we human beings can improve the present situation, and we will have a brighter future.2005The problem being so serious, it is high time that we took effective and efficient measures to counter the maltreatment towards old people. For one thing, laws and regulations should be worked out to punish those who would not support their parents’ living; for another, we young people should be educated to respect and esteem the old. Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy society can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which old people can enjoy their twilight to the uttermost.2002年20分作文:-Currently, no other things have arrested more attention and concern than cultural exchange. In the middle of the picture stands an American girl, smiling sweetly with hertraditional Chinese costumes on. It is distinct that the significant meaning of the picture can not be overemphasized.Apparently, what the drawer intends to convey is that our Chinese culture is gradually accepted by western culture. The American girl stands for western culture; the traditional Chinese costume symbolizes Chinese culture. Obviously, our human society has witnessed many examples. One case in point is that an increasing number of foreign people study traditional Chinese medicine. Based on a recent survey, over 234,521,870 foreigners have come to China to learn Chinese and TCM. Were there no cultural exchange, there were no advance of society. -For my part, I am greatly convinced that cultural exchange plays an extremely vital role in the age of information and communication. Every nation relies on one another excessively closely. Accordingly, only in this way can our county catch up with others. -2003年20分作文:-The set of drawings above vividly depicts the destiny of a flower in different circumstances. As is shown in the first cartoon, the flower is placed in a comfortable greenhouse which shelters it from the threatening lightening and storm. With proper temperature, moisture and fertilizer, the flower is growing in full bloom. On the contrary, when removed from the greenhouse and exposed to the driving rain, the flower soon fades and withers, with the petals cast about on the grounds. -To begin with, the purpose of the drawings is to show us that the flower growing in the green house cannot withstand the test of the storm, yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously. The delicate flower is naturally associated with young people, to be specific, the only children in our current society; the greenhouse epitomizes parents’ doting care and abundant material supplies that can shield the children from the storms, or the harsh reality. Once the young people begin to seek independence and accept challenges from the real world, they are found too spoiled to be strong enough in the face of difficulties. -Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these thought-provoking drawings. On the one hand, we can frequently use them to enlighten the youth to be more independent in life. On the other hand, parents should be sensible enough to give their children more freedom to deal with troubles and problems. Only by undergoing more challenges and toils in adversity can young people cultivate strong personality and ability, and only in this way can they become winners in this competitive world. -2004年18分作文:-As is shown in the picture, on arriving at the finishing line of a race on the playground, the lovely young man has to continue his new journey in no time instead of stopping to take a rest. He has successfully settled the puzzle of “stopping or going on” which might have confused many others. -With the increasing pace of modern life, perhaps no change has characterized the pastdecase more dramatically than that of people’s view on their own life. It is generally agreed upon that people have to adjust themselves to this new change. On the one hand, no doubt, people will gain a lot by setting new goals in their daily life. take the famous scientist Thomas Edison for example. He had done very well in his early life, but continued to pursue something more difficult all through his life. On the other hand, if one is obsessed with the success he has achieved, he would lose the chance to pursue new success. What is more, he may become the slave of his success. There are many cases showing that people lose their courage to better themselves after becoming successful. -To sum up, one’s view o n his success determines his future. In my opinion, it is necessary to carry out a nation-wide campaign publicizing people who have a burning desire for more and ever greater achievement when they are already well-known. So that people in the society will develop a forward-looking attitude and make their life worth living and the world more beautiful as well. -小作文-2005年Dear Mr. Wang,I am writing to express my apology for my decision to leave the company. I am sorry for my decision to leave the company and any trouble that my resignation may cause.I am an editor who got this job and entered the company two months ago. I find that I might not be suitable for this position and I feel rather tired at work, which leads me to the choice of quitting the company and seeking other opportunities. Still I am grateful for your kindness and patience during the period when I worked here.Again I have to express my sincere apology and I am looking forward to the day when the company is advancing rapidly.Yours sincerely,Li Ming2006年I am writing to inquire about information concerning the Hope Project. I would be much grateful if you could do me the favor to offer me the details.I am a teacher who works for an English school with a handsome salary. I find that many kids in poverty might not have enough money to continue their studies and I feel rather sad about this, which leads me to the decision of financing a child about ten years old, paying for his or her tuition fee by year.I hope you could deliver the information about the child available to me as soon as possible and I am looking forward to the day when he or she returns to school.2007年I am writing to express my complaints concerning the service of the library. I hope such problems could be solved and new measures taken.I am a junior student who spends most of the time reading books and preparingdocuments in the library. I find that the staff of the library might not be professional and I feel rather disappointed at their working manners, which leads me to the decision of criticizing them. I suggest that they be trained and supervised for better service to the students.I would appreciate it if my suggestions could be taken into account and I am looking forward to the day when our library becomes a nice place for reading.。