Thermal conductivity and acid dissolution behavior of



TiO6 octahedra are perfectly piled up in three dimensions, with 90° angles and six equal Ti−O bonds at a length of 1.952 Å, as shown in Fig. 1b. For the non-ideal cases, the atom arrangement has diverse possible distortions, including: 1) deformation of the oxygen octahedra arising from Jahn-Teller effect, which changes the cubic symmetry and results in metal-insulator transitions in some oxides, or the arrangement of the spin in B-site atoms and then the change of magnetic properties [4]; 2) displacement of the center cation inside the oxygen octahedra giving rise to ferroelectricity, which is the situation of BaTiO3 [5,6] and Pb(Zr1−xTix)O3 [7]; 3) in a wide range, oxygen octahedral tilting or rotation which can define the symmetry of the material [8]. One of the structural distortions or the combination among them (Fig. 1c) can form a unique perovskite structure [9]. The structural distortions are related to diverse functionalities such as ferroelectricity [10–12], dielectricity [13,14], electroconductivity [15], thermal conductivity [16], superconductivity [17], catalysis oxidation [18], photoelectricity [19], magnetism [20,21], and multiferroicity [22,23]. As early as 1972, Glazer [8,24] defined the classification of the oxygen octahedral tilting in perovskites, which was called the Glazer notation: albmcn, where a, b and c reprec



1 , 2 *
, 刘天贵 , 陈小华 , 姚凌江
( 1. 中南大学 粉末冶金国家重点实验室 , 湖南 长沙 410083 ; 2. 长沙理工大学 材料科学与工程学院, 湖南 长沙 410076 ; 3 . 湖南大学 物理与微电子科学学院 , 湖南 长沙 410082)
1, 2 3 2 3
Abstract : T he mu lt i w alled carbon nanotubes ( MWNT s) were purified by i mm ersing in a 3 1 m ix ture of concen trated H 2 SO 4 and HNO3, and then w ere treated w ith amm onia and citr ic acid ( CA ) , respect iv ely. T he structure and i m age of MWNT s w ere m easured by Infrareed spectrum and electron m icroscopes . Further m ore, the ir disper sio n propert ies in aqueous solution w ere studied. T he spectrum results show ed that there are m any oxygenated func t io na l groups on the surface o f the MWNT s , and the a m idocyanogen and CA m o lecu les w ere in troduced onto the surface o fMWNT s. The resu lts of dispersion experi m ent illum in ated that the d ispersio n ability of MWNT s in aque ous so lu tion w as sign ificantly i m proved by m odificat io n of CA. K ey w ord s : carbon nano tu bes ; m od ification ; citric ac id ; d ispersion property














关键词:能源基金会,探针,热电池,导热系数1 介绍地源热泵系统(GSHP)提供了一个可行的替代传统的加热和冷却系统迈向可持续建筑的解决方案[6]。













表面技术第52卷第11期MWCNTs光热相变超滑表面的制备及防/除冰性能研究刘超a,钟涛a,张艳梅a*,杨晚生b(广东工业大学 a.材料与能源学院 b.土木与交通工程学院,广州 510006)摘要:目的制备光热相变超滑表面,并研究不同含量的多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)和固体石蜡对防冰/除冰性能的影响。



当用波长为808 nm、功率密度为0.5 W/cm2的近红外光(NIR)照射涂层,表层的固体石蜡融化成液体后水滴滑动角可由40°下降到5°,表现出极佳的滑动性能。

在–20 ℃时,与纯Al基底相比,相变超滑表面可将水滴的结冰时长从27 s延长至239 s,其冰黏附强度降也只有34.9 kPa。

得益于MWCNTs优异的光热性能,在NIR照射下,表面温度迅速升高,可在92 s内实现快速除冰。




关键词:多壁碳纳米管;固体石蜡;相变超滑表面;光热效应;防冰/除冰;自修复中图分类号:TG178 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3660(2023)11-0084-11DOI:10.16490/ki.issn.1001-3660.2023.11.007Preparation and Anti-icing/De-icing Performance of MWCNTsPhotothermal Phase-change Slippery SurfacesLIU Chao a, ZHONG Tao a, ZHANG Yan-mei a*, YANG Wan-sheng b(a. School of Materials and Energy, b. School of Civil and Transportation Engineering,Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China)ABSTRACT: Icing on material surfaces often poses a great challenge to the production and daily life of people, so it is important to study passive anti-/de-icing coatings. In this paper, a Phase-Change Slippery Surface with photothermal conversion capability was developed and its anti-/de-icing properties were investigated with different contents of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (abbreviated as MWCNTs) as well as solid paraffin. Firstly, microstructures were etched on a pure aluminum (Al)收稿日期:2023-08-29;修订日期:2023-11-07Received:2023-08-29;Revised:2023-11-07基金项目:国家重点研发项目(2016YFE0133300);广东省科技计划项目(2015A010105027)Fund:Supported by National Key Research and Development Project (2016YFE0133300); Guangdong Province Science and Technology Plan Program (2015A010105027)引文格式:刘超, 钟涛, 张艳梅, 等. MWCNTs光热相变超滑表面的制备及防/除冰性能研究[J]. 表面技术, 2023, 52(11): 84-94.LIU Chao, ZHONG Tao, ZHANG Yan-mei, et al. Preparation and Anti-icing/De-icing Performance of MWCNTs Photothermal Phase-change Slippery Surfaces[J]. Surface Technology, 2023, 52(11): 84-94.*通信作者(Corresponding author)第52卷第11期刘超,等:MWCNTs光热相变超滑表面的制备及防/除冰性能研究·85·surface using NaOH solution, and the etched aluminum was used as the substrate. MWCNTs, epoxy resin, and solid paraffin were mixed in varying mass ratios in a beaker. The MWCNTs were evenly dispersed in the mixed solution by stirring in a constant temperature water bath. Subsequently, the mixture was uniformly coated onto the substrate using a scraper and cured at high temperature to obtain the photothermal phase-change slippery surface. The wetting performance, ice formation/de-icing characteristics, ice adhesion strength, and mechanical stability were characterized. Characterization of the coating cross-section by scanning electron microscopy revealed that the MWCNTs have been completely and evenly distributed inside the coating.The contact angle of the solid-state slippery surface measured using a contact angle measurement device was found to be 111.6°.When illuminated with near-infrared light (NIR) with a wavelength of 808 nm and power density of 0.5 W/cm2, the MWCNTs absorbed the light energy and converted it into heat, melting the surface solid paraffin into a liquid state, thereby reducing the sliding angle of water droplets from 40° to 5°, showcasing exceptional sliding performance. To test the anti-icing performance on different surfaces, experiments were conducted in a constant temperature and humidity chamber set at –20 ℃. Compared to the pure aluminum substrate, the phase-change slippery surface extended the freezing time of water droplets from 27 s to 239 s, demonstrating excellent anti-icing performance. This can be attributed to two main factors: the reduced contact area between water droplets and the phase-change slippery surface, and the significantly lower thermal conductivity of the phase-change slippery surface compared to pure aluminum. Benefitting from the outstanding photothermal properties of MWCNTs, the surface temperature rapidly increased under NIR irradiation, enabling fast de-icing within 92 s. In contrast, pure aluminum exhibits very low photothermal conversion efficiency, and even under long-term NIR irradiation, its surface temperature does not increase significantly. The ice adhesion strength on the surface was measured using a digital force gauge and found to decrease to only 34.9 kPa. Additionally, after subjecting the surface to 100 cycles of friction on 400-grit sandpaper, minimal wear was observed. This can be attributed to the excellent abrasion resistance of epoxy resin and the lubricating properties of solid paraffin, effectively reducing frictional wear. Scratch marks on the surface were rapidly repaired under NIR irradiation, anda comparison of the contact angle and ice adhesion strength before and after the test revealed that the surface had restored itsperformance to pre-friction levels. In conclusion, the photothermal phase-change slippery surface has better anti-icing performance than pure aluminum, while the addition of carbon nanotubes enables rapid de-icing. The addition of epoxy resin and solid paraffin greatly improved the durability and self-repairing ability of the surface, thus providing long-lasting anti-icing/de-icing capabilities.KEY WORDS: MWCNTs; solid paraffin; phase-change slippery surfaces; photothermal effect; anti-icing/de-icing; self-repairing自然界以及工业生产中的积冰往往会给我们的生活带来不便,尤其在一些低温高湿的高海拔地区[1-3]。



A rticle ID :0253-9837(2004)12-0925-03C ommu nication :925~927Received date :2004-08-23. First author :TANG Peisong,male,born in 1975,PhD student.Correspondin g author :HONG Zhanglian.Tel/Fax:(0571)87951234;E -mail:hong zhanglian@.Fou ndation item :Supported by the Education Department of Zhejiang Province (20030625),SRF for ROCS,SEM (2003-14)and the Na -tional Natural Science Foundation of China (50272059).Preparation of Nanosized TiO 2Catalyst with High Photocatalytic Activity under Visible Light Irradiation by Hydrothermal MethodTANG Peisong,HONG Zhanglian,ZHOU Shifeng,FAN Xianping,WANG Minquan(Dep ar tment of Mater ials Science and Engineer ing ,Zhej iang U niver sity ,H angz hou 310027,China)Key words:nanosize,titania,photocatalysis,hydro thermal method,visible light C LC number:O643 Document code :AT he semiconductor T iO 2is the most important photocatalyst for the degradation of pollutants.Anatase T iO 2has a large band gap of 3 2eV that re -quires powerful UV light to initiate the photocataly tic reactions.Many modification methods such as metal ion doping,composite semiconductors and metal layer modification have been used to extend the light ab -sorption of the catalyst to the v isible lig ht region buthave little effect [1~4].Surface sensitization withdyes [5]is not practical in application as most dyes sel-fdegrade easily.Therefore,the preparation of TiO 2w ith good w avelength response in the visible light re -g ion and high photocatalytic activity for pollutant degradation using natural sunlight is an important g oal in TiO 2photocatalysis.In this paper,the nanosized T iO 2catalyst with high photocatalytic activity under visible light irradia -tion was prepared by the hy drothermal method [6]w ith acetone as the solvent.A high pressure reactor (WH F -0 25L,Weihai Reactor Ltd.,China )and analytical reagent grade tetrabutyl titanate,acetone and alcohol were used.The hydrothermal reaction w as carried out at 240 for 6h at a heating rate of about 2 /min.The T iO 2pow ders were taken out from the cooled reactor and w ashed 4times w ith alco -hol,and dried at 50 for 24h in a vacuum dryer.T he dried powders were calcined at 180,250and 365 for 2h,respectively,and samples TiO 2-1,T iO 2-2and T iO 2-3were obtained.T he TiO 2samples were characterized by XRD,T EM and UV -Vis spectroscopy on an XD -98X -ray diffractometer,a JEM -200CX electron microscopeand a Lambda 20U V -Vis spectrometer,respectively.Diffuse reflectance spectra (DRS)were measured by PELA -1020w ith an integrating sphere accessory in a Lambda 900U V -Vis spectrometer.The photo -catalytic experiments w ere carried out in a sel-f assem -bled instrument w ith a metal halog en lamp (HQI -BT ,400W/D,OSRAM ,German)as the irradiation source.In a 50ml g lass cup,20mg TiO 2and 10ml methyl orange solution (20mg/L)w ere mixed and dispersed by ultrasonic treatm ent for 5m in follow ed by 30m in irradiation w ith a JB450filter (Shanghai Optical Glass Corp.,China)that transmits visible lig ht of w avelength above 450nm.UV -Vis spectra of the upper transparent solution w ere measured after centrifugation.The photocatalytic efficiency w as ca-lculated using the absorption intensity of the standard methyl orange solution at 464nm.Our test revealed that the adsorption amount of methyl orange on the surface of TiO 2-3in darkness w as about 2%,w hich is within the measurement error of the degradation ef -ficiency and would not affect the result of the pho -catalytic efficiency.The removal rate of COD Cr was determined w ith potassium dichromate. The physico -chemical properties and photo -catalytic efficiencies of different T iO 2samples are list -ed in Table 1.It can be seen that TiO 2-1and TiO 2-2show ed high photocatalytic efficiencies of about 99%and 90%,respectively,under visible light illumina -tion ( 450nm),w hile T iO 2-3and P25gave very low degradation rate.The reduction of the COD Cr value for TiO 2-1was above 90%,w hich was m uch higher than that for commercial P25.All the pre -第25卷第12期催 化 学 报2004年12月Vol.25No.12Chinese Jour nal of CatalysisDecember 2004pared TiO 2sam ples could deg rade methyl orange com -pletely under direct visible light irradiation w ithin 10min.Even T iO 2-3w ith a low deg radation rate undervisible light could fully deg rade methyl orange,andits photocatalytic efficiency w as hig her than that of P25.T able 1 Physico -chemical properties and photocatalytic efficiencies for methyl orange degradation of different TiO 2s amplesCatalyst T reatment condition Crystal type Average grain size (nm)M ass loss at 120~500 (%)Reflection ratio at 500nm (%)Degradati on rate(%)T i O 2-1180 ,2h pure anatase 10 3.6521.399 1T i O 2-2250 ,2h pure anatase 10 2.3739.690 3T i O 2-3365 ,2hpure anatase 110.3290.416 2P25*80%anatase+20%rutile300.6094.38 3*Commerical pow der,Degussa Ltd.Fig 1 DRS spectra of d ifferent TiO 2samples (1)T iO 2-1,(2)TiO 2-2,(3)T iO 2-3,(4)P25As show n in Table 1,all the prepared TiO 2sam -ples had sim ilar crystal phase and average grain size,but their mass loss at 120~500 w as different.T here ex isted difference in DRS behaviors of different T iO 2samples.The reflection ratios of TiO 2-1,T iO 2-2,T iO 2-3and P25at 500nm w ere 21 3%,39 6%,90 4%and 94 3%,respectively.Fig 1show s the DRS spectra of different T iO 2samples.In the v isible light reg ion,T iO 2-1and TiO 2-2had similar DRS spectra w ith a low reflection ratio.How ever,both T iO 2-3and P25showed a high reflection ratio.In g eneral,the sum of transmittance,reflectance and absorbance is about 100%[7]when light irradiates a solid surface.The transmittance could be neglected in the T iO 2samples,which had a thickness of about 4mm for the DRS measurements.Therefore,a hig h reflectance in the DRS spectra meant a low ab -sorbance for the TiO 2catalyst.The results imply that the v isible light absorption of TiO 2-1and TiO 2-2w as higher than that of either TiO 2-3or P25.It is inter -esting that w ith the decrease in mass loss at 120~500,the absorbility and the photocatalytic degradationefficiency of T iO 2decreased.Fig 2 TG -DT A cu rves of TiO 2-1Generally,the crystal structure and grain size are the tw o key factors affecting TiO 2photocatalytic activity.Nevertheless,the difference in photocatalyt -ic efficiency of TiO 2-1,TiO 2-2and T iO 2-3under vis -ible light cannot be explained by either the crystal type or grain size.Fig 2show s TG -DTA curves of TiO 2-1.The mass loss at 120~500 on the TG curve corresponded to the exotherm ic peaks at 185,276and 377 on the DTA curve.The mass loss and ex othermic peaks were likely the result of the desorp -tion and oxidation of adsorbed organic materials on the TiO 2surface [8].Thus,we suggest that the high degradation efficiency should orig inate from the ad -sorbed organic materials.The function,kind and amount of these organic materials are still not clear at present,but they are very im portant and need to be clarified.One possibility is that they have a similar role to surface sensitization dyes w hich have high ab -926催 化 学 报第25卷sorption for visible lig ht.The high absorption under v isible lig ht irradiation,which is in good agreement w ith the high visible lig ht degradation efficiency,may be due to an appropriate amount of adsorbed or -g anic materials for both T iO 2-1and T iO 2-2.As for T iO 2-3,most of the surface organic residues desorbed after treatment at high tem perature,thus the ab -sorbance for visible light absorption and the degrada -tion efficiency under visible light dropped to a low v alue comparable to that of P25.T he adsorbed organ -ic materials are thermally stable under 250 heat treatm ent (TiO 2-2)w hile most of the dyes are easilydecomposed and have no surface sensitization effect after such a hig h temperature treatment process. In summary,nanosized TiO 2catalyst with ad -sorbed organic material residues on its surface synthe -sized by the acetone hydrothermal method showed high photocatalytic efficiency and good thermal stabi-lity under visible light irradiation.This nanosized T iO 2pow der is a prom ising photocatalyst for use un -der sunlight irradiation.References1 L insebig ler A L,Lu G Q ,Y ates T Jr.Chem Rev ,1995,95(3):7352 Asahi R,M orikawa T ,Ohw aki T ,Aoki K,T aga Y.Sci -ence ,2001,293(5528):2693 K han S U M ,A-l Shahr y M ,Ingler W B Jr.Science ,2002,297(27):22434 Z hao W,M a W H,Chen Ch Ch,Zhao J C.J A m Chem Soc ,2004,126(15):47825 R amakrishna G ,Ghosh H N.J Phy Chem B ,2001,105(29):70006 Wu M M ,L ong J B,Huang A H ,Luo Y J,Feng S H,Xu R R.L angmuir ,1999,15(26):88227 F ang R Ch.Spectrosco py of Solids (In Chinese).Hefei:Press U niv Sci T echnol China,2001.1-58 Deng X Y ,Cui Z L,Du F L ,Peng Ch.Wuj i Cailiao X ue -bao (Chin J I norg M ater ),2001,16(6):1089水热法合成在可见光照射下具有高催化活性的纳米TiO 2催化剂唐培松, 洪樟连*, 周时凤, 樊先平, 王民权(浙江大学材料与科学工程系,浙江杭州310027)摘要:以丙酮为溶剂,采用水热法在240 合成了表面吸附有机物的纳米T iO 2粉体光催化剂,并采用XR D,T EM ,U V -V is 和DRS 等技术对催化剂进行了表征.结果表明,合成的纳米T iO 2催化剂在可见光激发下具有良好的光催化降解甲基橙的性能和较好的热稳定性.经180,250和365 热处理后,催化剂的晶型和尺寸没有变化,但催化剂表面吸附的有机物发生了明显变化.催化剂表面吸附的有机物、可见光波段的光响应性能和可见光下催化降解甲基橙的效率之间存在良好的关联性,催化剂表面吸附适量的有机物可提高纳米T iO 2催化剂在可见光波段的光响应性能,从而提高其在可见光照射下催化降解甲基橙的性能.关键词:纳米,二氧化钛,光催化,水热法,可见光(Ed YHM)927第12期唐培松等:水热法合成在可见光照射下具有高催化活性的纳米T iO 2催化剂。

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. 二硫化钴替代目前常用二
硫化铁作为热电池阴极材料 , 制得的热电池不仅保 持了原有的优点 , 而且能耐更高的温度, 放电时间至 少在 1 h 以上, 提高了热电池工作温度窗口
[ 2]
. 二
硫化钴作为热电池阴极材料 , 含量直接影响电池性 能 . 如果样品纯度不高 , 就会给热电池带入其它杂 质 , 使电池放电容量降低. 为进一步提高热电池合 格率、 研究并建立二硫化钴含量分析方法非常必要 . 资料表明目前已有的二硫化钴的 2 种制备方法 ( 晶 体诱导水热法

芳 : 热电池正 极材料二硫化钴含量测定
CHANG F ang1, 2
(1 . Inst itu te of E lectron ic Eng ineering, CA EP, P O Box 919- 516, M ianyang, S ichuan 621900 , Ch in a ; 2 . C ollege of Chem istry, S ichuan U n ivers ity, Chengdu 610064, C hina)
Abstract : Coba lt and sulfu r content o f cathode m aterial o f the ther m a l battery w as deter m ined respectively by using potentiom etr ie t itration and su lful transform m eth ods , wh ich determ in e the cobalt b isu lfide conten t o f sam ple atom ic distrib ution of cobalt and sulfu r in samp le by ca lculating the experi m ental data o f Cobalt and sulfu atom ic distribu t io n . T he experi m ent results in dicated that its operation is si m p le and equivalent po in t is easily judged for thism eth od . Its re lative standard dev ia t io n is less than 0 25 %. K ey w ord s : th er m a l battery ; cobalt b isulfide ; deter m in ate ; atom ic distrib ute ∃责任编辑 庄晓琼 %



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OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANT Y does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND W HATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY / DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT (S) T O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUT HORIZED RET URN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUST OMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). T he assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2017 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.。



Vol.53 No.4Apr.,2021第 53 卷 第 4 期2021 年 4 月无机盐工业INORGANIC CHEMICALS INDUSTRY湿法磷酸选择性除杂制工业级磷酸二氢铵王智娟(曲靖师范学院化学与环境科学学院,云南曲靖655000)摘 要:以湿法磷酸为原料,通过氟化钠选择性沉淀金属离子,使其以NaMgAl (F,OH )6-H 2O 和XMgAlF e (X 二Na +、K +、NH 4+)非含磷沉淀析岀,再通氨中和制得工业级磷酸二氢铵。

分析了氟化钠加入量对杂质脱除(Na 、K 、Al 、Mg 、 Fe 和Ca 等金属阳离子)及液相氟残留的影响,结果表明氟化钠与磷酸质量比(m NaF /叫陀)为2.5%时,效果较好,此条件下制得的磷酸二氢铵纯度和五氧化二磷收率分别达到98.53%和86.2%o关键词:湿法磷酸;磷酸二氢铵;除杂中图分类号:TQ126.35 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4990(2021)04-0048-04Fabrication of industrial grade ammonium dihydrogen phosphate via selective removal ofimpurities from wet-process phosphoric acidWang Zhijuan(Faculty of Chemistry and Environment Science , Qujing Normal University ,Qujing 655000, China)Abstract : Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate with high purity can be used as water-soluble fertilizer ,flame retardant ,feed andfood additives and recently it has been studied for preparation of phosphate optical glass , cathode materials for lithium batter ­ies and nonlinear optical materials.Due to its broad application prospect in the fields of agriculture , fire protection , food and materials , the demand for high purity ammonium dihydrogen phosphate is increasing.High purity ammonium dihydrogen phosphate can be fabricated via thermal phosphoric acid and extraction-purified wet-process phosphoric acid route.The former route is simple and can get high quality of product , but it is restricted to the influence of resources , energy and environment.While the latter route is complex and needs large investment.Hence , more researchers focus on the direct preparing high puri ­ty ammonium dihydrogen phosphate with raw wet-process phosphoric acid.But the lower P 2O 5 yield of product (25%~40%) inhibited its development due to the formation of a large amount of phosphorus-containing precipitates (e.g., metallic phospha ­te ) during ammoniation.Therefore , herein modified-process with sodium fluoride was used to selectively precipitate metalcations to compounds containing no phosphorus (e.g., (NH 4)x (Mg )y (Al )z F 6(OH )6・2H 2O ,NaMgAlF 6送出。



题 , 所以加入适量的草酸钾可以提高硝基苯的去 除率。但草酸钾浓度大于3 mmol / L 后, 硝基苯的去 · OH 的捕捉 除率变化不明显, 这是因为草酸钾也是 剂, 加入过量的草酸钾不利于硝基苯的降解 。因此, 本实验中草酸钾最佳浓度为3 mmol / L。 2. 3 电流强度对硝基苯去除率的影响 FeSO4 在草酸钾浓度为3 mmol / L、 初始 pH 为 3 、
2 为1 300 ~ 1 400 m / g, 将其裁成与阳极相同尺寸, 缠 并在阴极用曝气机曝气。 电极 绕在惰性 Ti 电极上,
Fe2 + 的增多会 是因为随着 FeSO4 浓度逐渐升高时,
2+ 但当 Fe 浓 促进芬顿反应的进行 ( 见反应式 ( 1 ) ) , 2+ 度高于电化学还原产生的 H2 O2 时, 过多的 Fe 会 3+ 捕获芬顿反应生成的 HO·并生成 Fe ( 见反应式 3+ ( 2) ) , 并且生成的 Fe 也会与 H2 O2 反应生成低氧
第 33 卷第 4 期 2011 年 7 月
南 京 工 业 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版) JOURNAL OF NANJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ( Natural Science Edition)
Vol. 33 No. 4 July 2011
doi: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1671 - 7627. 2011. 04. 021
[1 ] Malmstead M J, Brockman F J, Valocchi A J, et al. Modeling biofilm biodegradation requiring cosubst rates: the quinoline example [J]. Water Sci Technol, 1995 , 31 ( 1 ) : 71 - 84. [2 ] 赵汪, 傅大放, 曾苏. 硝基芳香烃废水处理技术研究进展[J]. 2002 , 3 ( 5 ) : 31 - 35. 环境污染治理技术与设备, [3 ] Oturan M A, Jose P, Pascal C, et al. Complete destruction of pnitrophenol in aqueous medium by electroFenton method [ J] . En2000 , 34 ( 16 ) : 3474 - 3479. viron Sci Technol, [4 ] Shen Z, Yang J, Hu X, et al. Duel electrodes oxidation of dye wastewater with gas diffusion cathode[J]. Environ Sci Technol, 2005 , 39 ( 6 ) : 1819 - 1826. [5 ] Yuan S H, Lu X H. Comparison treatment of various chlorophenols by electroFenton method: relationship between chlorine content and degradation[ J] . J Hazard Mater, 2005 , 118 ( 1 /2 /3 ) : 85 - 92. [6 ] Yuan S H, Tian M, Cui Y P, et al. Treatment of nitrophenols by cathode reduction and electroFenton methods[J] . J Hazard Mater, 2006 , 137 ( 1 ) : 573 - 580. [7 ] 谢清杰, 马涛, 王琳玲, 等. 六氯苯污染沉积物的电 Fenton 法处理



示差扫描量热法英文Differential Scanning CalorimetryDifferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a widely used thermal analysis technique that provides valuable information about the physical and chemical properties of materials. It is a powerful tool for studying a variety of materials, including polymers, metals, ceramics, and biological samples. The fundamental principle of DSC is to measure the difference in the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of a sample and a reference material as a function of temperature or time. This information can be used to characterize phase transitions, chemical reactions, and other thermal events that occur in the sample.The basic setup of a DSC instrument consists of two identical sample holders, one for the sample and one for a reference material. These holders are placed in a temperature-controlled environment, such as a furnace or a cryogenic chamber, and are connected to a sensitive heat-measuring device. As the temperature of the system is increased or decreased at a controlled rate, the difference in the amount of heat required to maintain the same temperature between the sample and the reference is measured and recorded.The resulting DSC curve, which is a plot of the heat flow (or heat capacity) as a function of temperature or time, provides a wealth of information about the sample. Endothermic events, such as melting or glass transitions, appear as peaks in the DSC curve, while exothermic events, such as crystallization or chemical reactions, appear as downward peaks. The position, shape, and area of these peaks can be used to determine various thermal properties of the sample, including the transition temperatures, the enthalpy (heat) of the transition, and the specific heat capacity.One of the key advantages of DSC is its ability to provide quantitative information about the thermal events in a sample. By comparing the DSC curve of the sample to that of a known reference material, it is possible to determine the absolute values of the thermal properties, such as the melting point or the heat of fusion. This information is particularly valuable in materials science, where the thermal behavior of a material is often a critical factor in its performance and application.Another important aspect of DSC is its versatility. The technique can be used to study a wide range of materials, from simple organic compounds to complex polymeric systems and biological samples. Additionally, DSC can be combined with other analytical techniques, such as X-ray diffraction or infrared spectroscopy, to provide a morecomprehensive understanding of the sample's structure and properties.One of the most common applications of DSC is in the study of polymers. Polymers are complex materials that can undergo a variety of thermal transitions, including melting, glass transitions, and crystallization. DSC is widely used to characterize these transitions, which are crucial in determining the mechanical, thermal, and processing properties of polymers. For example, the glass transition temperature (Tg) of a polymer is an important parameter that determines its flexibility and toughness at different temperatures, and DSC is the primary technique used to measure this property.In addition to polymers, DSC is also widely used in the study of other materials, such as metals, ceramics, and pharmaceuticals. In the case of metals, DSC can be used to detect phase transformations, such as the melting and solidification of alloys, which are important in the processing and heat treatment of these materials. In the field of ceramics, DSC is used to study the thermal stability and phase changes of ceramic materials, which are crucial in the development of advanced ceramic products. In the pharmaceutical industry, DSC is a crucial tool for the characterization of drug substances and formulations, as it can provide information about the purity, stability, and compatibility of these materials.Overall, differential scanning calorimetry is a powerful and versatile analytical technique that has a wide range of applications in materials science, chemistry, and other fields. Its ability to provide quantitative information about the thermal properties of a wide variety of materials makes it an indispensable tool for researchers and engineers working in these areas.。



崔春,梁佳欣,袁梦,等. 不同干燥方式对甘薯固体香料挥发性/半挥发性成分和表面结构的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(10):27−35. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070033CUI Chun, LIANG jiaxin, YUAN Meng, et al. Effects of Different Drying Methods on Volatile/Semi-volatile Components and Surface Structure of Sweet Potato Solid Spice[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(10): 27−35. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070033· 研究与探讨 ·不同干燥方式对甘薯固体香料挥发性/半挥发性成分和表面结构的影响崔 春1,梁佳欣2,袁 梦2,高明奇1,陈芝飞1,张 弛2,杨雯静2,邢雨晴2,黄家乐2,许春平2,*(1.河南中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,河南郑州 450016;2.郑州轻工业大学食品与生物工程学院,河南郑州 450000)摘 要:为了比较不同干燥方式对甘薯固体香料的影响,本研究以新鲜的甘薯为研究对象,烘烤后进行红外干燥、冷冻干燥、微波真空干燥和真空干燥,用气相色谱-质谱法(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry ,GC-MS )分析检测甘薯固体香料的挥发性/半挥发性成分,并进行主成分分析探究不同干燥方法对挥发性/半挥发性成分的影响,用扫描电子显微镜探究不同的干燥方式对其表面结构的影响。

结果表明:干燥后甘薯固体香料挥发性/半挥发性物质含量从高到低依次为真空干燥、微波真空干燥、红外干燥、冷冻干燥,含量最高为128.87 μg/g ,主要香味物质有对甲氧基肉桂酸辛酯、棕榈油酸、香叶基芳樟醇、5-羟甲基糠醛、(9Z )-十八碳-9,17-二烯醛。








二、实验部分1. 材料与试剂实验中使用的材料和试剂包括:钒盐、水等。


2. 微波水热制备VO2微波水热法是一种新型的液相合成技术,具有快速加热、均匀加热等优点。



3. 结构与形貌表征利用X射线衍射(XRD)对所制备的VO2进行物相分析,利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察其形貌。


三、结果与讨论1. 结构分析通过XRD分析,我们可以观察到所制备的VO2具有典型的金红石结构,与标准卡片中的VO2相匹配。



2. 形貌调控通过SEM和TEM观察发现,在微波水热过程中,通过调整微波功率、反应时间、溶液浓度等参数,可以实现对VO2形貌的有效控制。



3. 性能研究利用AFM和拉曼光谱仪对所制备的VO2进行性能研究。

有机硅热界面材料 – 常见问题

有机硅热界面材料 – 常见问题

有机硅热界面材料–常见问题1.有机硅热界面材料是什么?What is organic silicone thermal interface material?2.有机硅热界面材料的主要特点是什么?What are the main characteristics of organic silicone thermal interface materials?3.有机硅热界面材料有哪些应用领域?What are the application areas of organic silicone thermal interface materials?4.有机硅热界面材料与传统材料相比有何优势?What are the advantages of organic silicone thermal interface materials compared to traditional materials?5.有机硅热界面材料的导热性能如何?What is the thermal conductivity of organic silicone thermal interface materials?6.有机硅热界面材料的耐高温性能如何?What is the high temperature resistance of organic silicone thermal interface materials?7.有机硅热界面材料的导热性能是否稳定?Is the thermal conductivity of organic silicone thermal interface materials stable?8.有机硅热界面材料可以承受多高的压力?What is the maximum pressure that organic silicone thermal interface materials can withstand?9.有机硅热界面材料的硬度如何?What is the hardness of organic silicone thermal interface materials?10.有机硅热界面材料是否具有抗老化性能?anti-aging properties?11.有机硅热界面材料是否易于加工和安装?Are organic silicone thermal interface materials easy to process and install?12.有机硅热界面材料是否具有防腐蚀性能?Do organic silicone thermal interface materials have corrosion resistance?13.有机硅热界面材料的价格相对传统材料如何?How does the price of organic silicone thermal interface materials compare to traditional materials?14.有机硅热界面材料的环保性能如何?What is the environmental performance of organic silicone thermal interface materials?15.有机硅热界面材料是否可以定制尺寸和形状?customized in size and shape?16.有机硅热界面材料是否可以抗震动?Can organic silicone thermal interface materials withstand vibration?17.有机硅热界面材料是否具有良好的粘附性能?Do organic silicone thermal interface materials have good adhesion properties?18.有机硅热界面材料在电子设备中的应用情况如何?How are organic silicone thermal interface materials used in electronic devices?19.有机硅热界面材料的耐磨性能如何?What is the wear resistance of organic silicone thermal interface materials?20.有机硅热界面材料是否具有防水性能?waterproof properties?21.有机硅热界面材料的存放条件有何要求?What are the storage conditions for organic silicone thermal interface materials?22.有机硅热界面材料的导热路径是怎样的?What is the thermal conduction path of organic silicone thermal interface materials?23.有机硅热界面材料的厚度对散热性能有何影响?How does the thickness of organic silicone thermal interface materials affect heat dissipation performance?24.有机硅热界面材料在汽车行业中的应用如何?How are organic silicone thermal interface materials used in the automotive industry?25.有机硅热界面材料可以单独使用还是需要搭配其他材料使用?Can organic silicone thermal interface materials be used alone or do they need to be used in conjunction with other materials?26.有机硅热界面材料是否具有隔热性能?Do organic silicone thermal interface materials have thermal insulation properties?27.有机硅热界面材料的导电性如何?What is the electrical conductivity of organic silicone thermal interface materials?28.有机硅热界面材料是否具有防火性能?Do organic silicone thermal interface materials have fire resistance?29.有机硅热界面材料的耐化学腐蚀性如何?What is the chemical corrosion resistance of organic silicone thermal interface materials?30.有机硅热界面材料的安全性能如何?What is the safety performance of organic silicone thermal interface materials?31.有机硅热界面材料如何进行清洁和维护?How are organic silicone thermal interface materials cleaned and maintained?32.有机硅热界面材料是否具有抗静电性能?Do organic silicone thermal interface materials have anti-static properties?33.有机硅热界面材料的使用寿命是多久?What is the service life of organic silicone thermal interface materials?34.有机硅热界面材料的密封性能如何?What is the sealing performance of organic silicone thermal interface materials?Do organic silicone thermal interface materials have compression resistance?36.有机硅热界面材料的导热性能可以进行测试吗?Can the thermal conductivity of organic silicone thermal interface materials be tested?37.有机硅热界面材料的热膨胀系数是多少?What is the coefficient of thermal expansion of organic silicone thermal interface materials?38.有机硅热界面材料是否可以重复使用?Can organic silicone thermal interface materials be reused?39.有机硅热界面材料的颜色有哪些选择?What are the color options for organic silicone thermal interface materials?Do organic silicone thermal interface materials have UV resistance?41.有机硅热界面材料在电子散热中的应用如何?How are organic silicone thermal interface materials used in electronic heat dissipation?42.有机硅热界面材料的热导率如何?What is the thermal conductivity of organic silicone thermal interface materials?43.有机硅热界面材料的制备工艺是怎样的?What is the preparation process of organic silicone thermal interface materials?44.有机硅热界面材料是否具有抗振动性能?Do organic silicone thermal interface materials have vibration resistance?45.有机硅热界面材料的热阻如何?What is the thermal resistance of organic silicone thermal interface materials?46.有机硅热界面材料的抗老化性能如何?What is the aging resistance of organic silicone thermal interface materials?47.有机硅热界面材料是否可以耐受化学侵蚀?Can organic silicone thermal interface materials withstand chemical erosion?48.有机硅热界面材料的导热性能是否受到湿度影响?Is the thermal conductivity of organic silicone thermal interface materials affected by humidity?49.有机硅热界面材料的最佳使用温度范围是多少?What is the optimal temperature range for using organic silicone thermal interface materials?50.有机硅热界面材料的电绝缘性能如何?What is the electrical insulation performance of organic silicone thermal interface materials?51.有机硅热界面材料的结构特点是什么?What are the structural characteristics of organic silicone thermal interface materials?52.有机硅热界面材料如何进行贮存和运输?How are organic silicone thermal interface materials stored and transported?。



南京理工大学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。





通过基辛格法所得活化能值范围在52.5-60.4KJmol-1之间, 小泽法所得活化能在52.2–63.6 KJ mol-1之间,阿伦纽斯方程计算的活化能在47.2–50.3 KJ mol-1之间。









2. 实验部分本研究中所用材料是从西格玛化工有限公司购买的水杨酸甲酯(生产批号 106H08521)。


Abstract: There is a lack of thermophysical data of heat transfer oil and nano-oil in the high temperature range of 50−300 °C for designing and developing heat transfer oil furnace and its heating systems. In the present study, the thermal conductivity values of heat transfer oil and TiO2 nano-oil in the above high temperature range were measured by a newly developed high-temperature thermal conductivity meter. Based on the principle of least square method, the thermal conductivity values obtained from experiments were fitted separately, and the correlation between thermal conductivity and temperature of heat transfer oil and TiO2 nano-oil was obtained. The results show that the thermal conductivity and the increased percentage of thermal conductivity of TiO2 nano-oil are proportional to the increase of particle size and mass fraction of nanoparticles, but thermal conductivity is in reverse proportion to the increase of temperature and the increased percentage of thermal conductivity is less affected by temperature.

Thermal conductivity

Thermal conductivity

Thermal conductivityFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn physics, thermal conductivity, k, is the property of a material's ability to conduct heat. It appears primarily in Fourier's Law for heat conduction.Heat transfer across materials of high thermal conductivity occurs at a faster rate than across materials of low thermal conductivity. Correspondingly materials of high thermal conductivity are widely used in heat sink applications and materials of low thermal conductivity are used as thermal insulation.Thermal conductivity of materials is temperature dependent. In general, materials become more conductive to heat as the average temperature increases.[1]The reciprocal of thermal conductivity is thermal resistivity.Contents■1Units of thermal conductivity■2Measurement■3Definitions■3.1Conductance■3.2Resistance■3.3Transmittance■4Influencing factors■4.1Temperature■4.2Material phase■4.3Material structure■4.4Electrical conductivity■4.5Convection■5Experimental values■6Physical origins■6.1Lattice waves■7Equations■8See also■9References■10Further reading■11External linksUnits of thermal conductivityIn the International System of Units(SI), thermal conductivity is measured in watts per meter kelvin (W/(m·K)).In the imperial system of measurement thermal conductivity is measured in Btu/(hr·ft⋅F) where 1 Btu/(hr·ft⋅F) = 1.730735 W/(m·K). [Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 7th Edition, Table 1-4]Other units which are closely related to the thermal conductivity are in common use in the construction and textile industries. The construction industry makes use of units such as the R-Value (resistance value) and the U-Value (thermal transmittance). Although related to the thermal conductivity of a product R and U-values are dependent on the thickness of a product.Likewise the textile industry has several units including the Tog and the Clo which express thermal resistance of a material in a way analogous to the R-values used in the construction industry. Note: R-Values and U-Values quoted in the US (based on the imperial units of measurement) do not correspond with and are not compatible with those used in Europe (based on the SI units of measurement).MeasurementMain article: Thermal conductivity measurementThere are a number of ways to measure thermal conductivity. Each of these is suitable for a limited range of materials, depending on the thermal properties and the medium temperature. There is a distinction between steady-state and transient techniques.In general, steady-state techniques are useful when the temperature of the material does not change with time. This makes the signal analysis straightforward (steady state implies constant signals). The disadvantage is that a well-engineered experimental setup is usually needed. The Divided Bar (various types) is the most common device used for consolidated rock samples.The transient techniques perform a measurement during the process of heating up. Their advantage is quicker measurements. Transient methods are usually carried out by needle probes. A method described by Angstrom involves rapidly cycling the temperature from hot to cold and back and measuring the temperature change as the heat propagates along a thin strip of material in a vacuum. DefinitionsThe reciprocal of thermal conductivity is thermal resistivity, usually measured in kelvin-meters per watt (K·m·W−1). When dealing with a known amount of material, its thermal conductance and the reciprocal property, thermal resistance, can be described. Unfortunately, there are differing definitions for these terms.ConductanceFor general scientific use, thermal conductance is the quantity of heat that passes in unit time through a plate of particular area and thickness when its opposite faces differ in temperature by one kelvin. For a plate of thermal conductivity k, area A and thickness L this is kA/L, measured in W·K−1 (equivalent to: W/°C). Thermal conductivity and conductance are analogous to electrical conductivity(A·m−1·V−1) and electrical conductance(A·V−1).There is also a measure known as heat transfer coefficient: the quantity of heat that passes in unit time through unit area of a plate of particular thickness when its opposite faces differ in temperature by one kelvin. The reciprocal is thermal insulance. In summary:■thermal conductance= kA/L, measured in W·K−1■thermal resistance= L/(kA), measured in K·W−1(equivalent to: °C/W)■heat transfer coefficient = k /L , measured in W·K −1·m −2■thermal insulance = L /k , measured in K·m²·W −1.The heat transfer coefficient is also known as thermal admittanceResistanceMain article: Thermal resistanceWhen thermal resistances occur in series, they are additive. So when heat flows through two components each with a resistance of 1 °C/W, the total resistance is 2 °C/W.A common engineering design problem involves the selection of an appropriate sized heat sink for a given heat source. Working in units of thermal resistance greatly simplifies the design calculation. The following formula can be used to estimate the performance:where:■R hs is the maximum thermal resistance of the heat sink to ambient, in °C/W (equivalent to K/W)■T Δis the temperature difference (temperature drop), in °C■P th is the thermal power (heat flow), in watts■R s is the thermal resistance of the heat source, in °C/WFor example, if a component produces 100 W of heat, and has a thermal resistance of 0.5 °C/W, what is the maximum thermal resistance of the heat sink? Suppose the maximum temperature is 125 °C, and the ambient temperature is 25 °C; then the T Δis 100 °C. The heat sink's thermal resistance to ambient must then be 0.5 °C/W or less.TransmittanceA third term, thermal transmittance , incorporates the thermal conductance of a structure along with heat transfer due to convection and radiation. It is measured in the same units as thermalconductance and is sometimes known as the composite thermal conductance . The term U-value is another synonym.Influencing factorsTemperatureThe effect of temperature on thermal conductivity is different for metals and nonmetals. In metals conductivity is primarily due to lattice vibrations and free electron, however, free electrons play a dominant role. Therefore any increase in temperature increases the lattice vibrations but affects the movement of free electrons adversly thereby decreasing the conductivity. On the other hand conductivity in nonmetals is only due to lattice vibrations which increases with increasing temperature, and so the conductivity of nonmetals increases with increasing temperature.Ceramic coatings with low thermal conductivities are used on exhaust systems to prevent heat from reachingsensitive componentsMaterial phaseWhen a material undergoes a phase change from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas the thermal conductivity may change. An example of this would be the change in thermal conductivity that occurs when ice (thermal conductivity of 2.18 W/(m·K) at 0 °C) melts into liquid water (thermal conductivity of 0.58 W/(m·K) at 0 °C).Material structurePure crystalline substances exhibit very different thermal conductivities along different crystal axes, due to differences in phonon coupling along a given crystal axis. Sapphire is a notable example of variable thermal conductivity based on orientation and temperature, with 35 W/(m·K) along the c-axis and 32 W/(m·K) along the a-axis.[2]Electrical conductivityIn metals, thermal conductivity approximately tracks electrical conductivity according to theWiedemann-Franz law, as freely moving valence electrons transfer not only electric current but also heat energy. However, the general correlation between electrical and thermal conductance does not hold for other materials, due to the increased importance of phonon carriers for heat in non-metals. As shown in the table below, highly electrically conductive silver is less thermally conductive than diamond, which is an electrical insulator.ConvectionAir and other gases are generally good insulators, in the absence of convection. Therefore, many insulating materials function simply by having a large number of gas-filled pockets which prevent large-scale convection. Examples of these include expanded and extruded polystyrene (popularly referred to as "styrofoam") and silica aerogel. Natural, biological insulators such as fur and feathers achieve similar effects by dramatically inhibiting convection of air or water near an animal's skin.Light gases, such as hydrogen and helium typically have highthermal conductivity. Dense gases such as xenon anddichlorodifluoromethane have low thermal conductivity. Anexception, sulfur hexafluoride, a dense gas, has a relativelyhigh thermal conductivity due to its high heat capacity.Argon, a gas denser than air, is often used in insulatedglazing (double paned windows) to improve their insulationcharacteristics.Experimental valuesMain article: List of thermal conductivitiesThermalconductivity is important in building insulation and related fields. However, materials used in such trades are rarely subjected to chemical purity standards. Several construction materials' k values are listed below. These should be considered approximate due to the uncertainties related to material definitions. In the opposite end of the spectrum, solutions for computer cooling usually use high thermal capacity materials such as silver, copper and aluminium, to cool down specific components. The following table is meant as a small sample of data to illustrate the thermal conductivity of various types of substances. For more complete listings of measured k-values, see the references. This is a list of approximate values of thermal conductivity, k, for some common materials. Please consult the list of thermal conductivities for more accurate values, references and detailed information.Material Thermal conductivity[W/(m·K)]Silica Aerogel0.004 -0.04Air0.025Wood0.04 -0.4 Hollow Fill Fibre Insulation0.042 Alcohols and oils0.1 -0.21 Polypropylene0.25 [3] Mineral oil0.138Rubber0.16LPG0.23 -0.26 Cement, Portland0.29Epoxy(silica-filled)0.30Epoxy (unfilled)0.12 -0.177 [4][5] Water(liquid)0.6Thermal grease0.7 -3 Thermal epoxy 1 -7Glass 1.1Soil 1.5 Concrete, stone 1.7Ice2Sandstone 2.4Mercury8.3Stainless steel12.11 ~ 45.0 Lead35.3Aluminium 237 (pure) 120—180 (alloys)Gold318Copper401Silver429Diamond900 -2320Graphene(4840±440) -(5300±480)Physical originsHeat flux is exceedingly difficult to control and isolate in a laboratory setting. Thus at the atomic level, there are no simple, correct expressions for thermal conductivity. Atomically, the thermal conductivity of a system is determined by how atoms composing the system interact. There are two different approaches for calculating the thermal conductivity of a system.■The first approach employs the Green-Kubo relations. Although this employs analyticexpressions which in principle can be solved, calculating the thermal conductivity of adense fluid or solid using this relation requires the use of molecular dynamics computersimulation(.au/~evans/evansmorrissbook.htm) .■The second approach is based upon the relaxation time approach. Due to theanharmonicity within the crystal potential, the phonons in the system are known to scatter.There are three main mechanisms for scattering:■Boundary scattering, a phonon hitting the boundary of a system;■Mass defect scattering, a phonon hitting an impurity within the system andscattering;■Phonon-phonon scattering, a phonon breaking into two lower energy phonons ora phonon colliding with another phonon and merging into one higher energyphonon.Lattice wavesHeat transport in both glassy and crystalline dielectric solids occurs through elastic vibrations of the lattice (phonons). This transport is limited by elastic scattering of acoustic phonons by lattice defects. These predictions were confirmed by the experiments of Chang and Jones on commercial glasses and glass ceramics, where mean free paths were limited by "internal boundary scattering" to length scales of 10−2 cm to 10−3 cm. [6][7]The phonon mean free path has been associated directly with the effective relaxation length for processes without directional correlation. Thus, if V g is the group velocity of a phonon wave packet, then the relaxation length is defined as:where t is the characteristic relaxation time. Since longitudinal waves have a much greater phase velocity than transverse waves, V long is much greater than V trans, and the relaxation length or mean free path of longitudinal phonons will be much greater. Thus, thermal conductivity will be largely determined by the speed of longitudinal phonons. [6][8]Regarding the dependence of wave velocity on wavelength or frequency (dispersion), low-frequency phonons of long wavelength will be limited in relaxation length by elastic Rayleigh scattering. This type of light scattering form small particles is proportional to the fourth power of the frequency. For higher frequencies, the power of the frequency will decrease until at highest frequencies scattering is almost frequency independent. Similar arguments were subsequently generalized to many glass forming substances using Brillouin scattering. [9][10][11][12]EquationsFirst, we define heat conduction, H:where is the rate of heat flow, k is the thermal conductivity, A is the total cross sectional area of conducting surface, ΔT is temperature difference, and x is the thickness of conducting surface separating the two temperatures. Dimension of thermal conductivity = M 1L 1T −3K −1Rearranging the equation gives thermal conductivity:(Note: x / T Δis the temperature gradient)I.E. It is defined as the quantity of heat, ΔQ , transmitted during time Δt through a thickness x , in a direction normal to a surface of area A , per unit area of A, due to a temperature difference ΔT , under steady state conditions and when the heat transfer is dependent only on the temperature gradient.Alternatively, it can be thought of as a flux of heat (energy per unit area per unit time) divided by a temperature gradient (temperature difference per unit length)See also■Heat transfer ■Heat transfer mechanisms ■Insulated pipes ■Specific heat ■Thermal bridge ■Thermal contact conductance ■Thermal diffusivity ■Thermal resistance in electronics ■Thermal rectifier ■Thermistor ■Thermocouple ■Interfacial thermal resistanceReferences1.^"Thermal conductivity"(/hbase/thermo/thercond.html) ./hbase/thermo/thercond.html. Retrieved 15 April 2011.2.^/sapphire.htm3.^Walter Michaeli, Extrusion Dies for Plastics and Rubber,2nd Ed., Hanser Publishers, New York, 1992.4.^"3M Scotch-Weld DP125 datasheet"(/mws/mediawebserver?mwsId=SSSSSu7zK1fslxtUO8_Zm8fSev7qe17zHvTSevTSeSSSSSS--&fn=78690098666.pdf) . 3M. /mws/mediawebserver?mwsId=SSSSSu7zK1fslxtUO8_Zm8fSev7qe17zHvTSevTSeSSSSSS--&fn=78690098666.pdf. Retrieved 21 April 2011.5.^"3M Scotch-Weld 270"(/mws/mediawebserver?mwsId=66666UuZjcFSLXTtnxfcOX46EVuQEcuZgVs6EVs6E666666--&fn=78690096777.PDF) . 3M./mws/mediawebserver?mwsId=66666UuZjcFSLXTtnxfcOX46EVuQEcuZgVs6EVs6E666666--&fn=78690096777.PDF.Retrieved 21 April 2011.6.^ ab P.G. Klemens (1951). "The Thermal Conductivity of Dielectric Solids at Low Temperatures". Proc.Roy. Soc. Lond. A208: 108. Bibcode1951RSPSA.208..108K(/abs/1951RSPSA.208..108K) . doi:10.1098/rspa.1951.0147(/10.1098%2Frspa.1951.0147) .7.^G.K. Chan, R.E Jones (1962). "Low-Temperature Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous Solids". Phys.Rev.126: 2055. Bibcode1962PhRv..126.2055C(/abs/1962PhRv..126.2055C) .doi:10.1103/PhysRev.126.2055(/10.1103%2FPhysRev.126.2055) .8.^I. Pomeranchuk (1941). "Thermal conductivity of the paramagnetic dielectrics at low temperatures". J.Phys.(USSR)4: 357. ISSN0368-3400(/issn/0368-3400) .9.^R.C. Zeller, R.O. Pohl (1971). "Thermal Conductivity and Specific Heat of Non-crystalline Solids".Phys. Rev. B4: 2029. Bibcode1971PhRvB...4.2029Z(/abs/1971PhRvB...4.2029Z) . doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.4.2029(/10.1103%2FPhysRevB.4.2029) .10.^W.F. Love (1973). "Low-Temperature Thermal Brillouin Scattering in Fused Silica and BorosilicateGlass". Phys. Rev. Lett.31: 822. Bibcode1973PhRvL..31..822L(/abs/1973PhRvL..31..822L) . doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.31.822(/10.1103%2FPhysRevLett.31.822) .11.^M.P. Zaitlin, M.C. Anderson (1975). "Phonon thermal transport in noncrystalline materials". Phys. Rev.B12: 4475. Bibcode1975PhRvB..12.4475Z(/abs/1975PhRvB..12.4475Z) .doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.12.4475(/10.1103%2FPhysRevB.12.4475) .12.^M.P. Zaitlin, L.M. Scherr, M.C. Anderson (1975). "Boundary scattering of phonons in noncrystallinematerials". Phys. Rev. B12: 4487. Bibcode1975PhRvB..12.4487Z(/abs/1975PhRvB..12.4487Z) . doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.12.4487(/10.1103%2FPhysRevB.12.4487) .Further reading■Callister, William (2003). "Appendix B". Materials Science and Engineering -An Introduction. John Wiley & Sons, INC. pp. 757. ISBN0-471-22471-5.■Halliday, David; Resnick, Robert; & Walker, Jearl(1997). Fundamentals of Physics(5thed.). John Wiley and Sons, INC., NY ISBN 0-471-10558-9.■Srivastava G. P (1990), "The Physics of Phonons." Adam Hilger, IOP Publishing Ltd,Bristol.■TM 5-852-6 AFR 88-19, Volume 6 (Army Corp of Engineers publication) External links■Table with the Thermal Conductivity of the Elements(/yogi/periodic/thermal.html)■Calculation of the Thermal Conductivity of Glass(/thermal-conductivity/) Calculation of the Thermal Conductivity of Glass at Room Temperaturefrom the Chemical Composition■Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity Equations for Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, and Air(/div838/theory/refprop/NAO.PDF)■Conversion of thermal conductivity values for many unit systems(/units/convert_units.cfm?From=245)Retrieved from "/w/index.php?title=Thermal_conductivity&oldid=454415603"Categories: Chemical properties Physical quantities Heat conduction Heat transfer ■This page was last modified on 7 October 2011 at 17:02.■Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. See Terms of use for details.Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.。



微波辅助酸功能化离子液体催化降解纤维素陈沁;肖文军;吴瑛;吴廷华【摘要】Hydrolysis of cellulose in room temperature ionic liquids was carried out under microwave irradiation (MW) with sulfonic acid-functionalized ionic liquids (SFILs) as catalysts. The effect of dimethyl sulfoxide loading, water loading and catalyst amount were investigated. The result showed that hydrolysis of cellulose in 1-ally-3-methylimidazolium chloride was better than in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride. Dimethyl sul-foxide was able to sharply reduce the viscosity and increase the total reducing sugar yield. The catalytic activity of the SFILs was showed to be relevant to their acidity. And the optimal reaction conditions were as follows: amount of SFILs 0.05 g; water 0.04 g; DMSO 0.6 g; microwave power 640 W and irradiation time 60 s. MW seemed greatly enhanced the cellulose hydrolysis.%在室温离子液体中,以酸功能化离子液体为催化剂进行纤维素的微波辅助降解,分别考察了二甲基亚砜、催化剂和水对纤维素降解的影响.结果表明:纤维素在1-烯丙基-3-甲基咪唑氯盐中的降解效果优于在1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑氯盐中的降解效果;二甲基亚砜能有效地降低体系的黏度,提高降解的效果;酸功能化离子液体的催化效果与其酸性大小相关;微波640 W 下添加0.05g催化剂,0.04g水,0.6g二甲基亚砜,反应60 s,纤维素降解效果最佳.【期刊名称】《浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(034)003【总页数】6页(P311-316)【关键词】纤维素;降解;酸功能化离子液体;微波【作者】陈沁;肖文军;吴瑛;吴廷华【作者单位】浙江师范大学物理化学研究所,浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室,浙江金华 321004;厦门大学材料学院,福建省防火阻燃材料重点实验室,福建厦门361005;浙江师范大学物理化学研究所,浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室,浙江金华 321004;浙江师范大学物理化学研究所,浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室,浙江金华 321004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O636.1近年来,由于对石油、煤炭等不可再生石化资源的过度开采,使其总量日益减少,因而人们将注意力逐渐转向对可再生资源的开发和利用.纤维素是自然界中年产量最丰富的生物大分子,将其降解得到的还原糖可直接利用或进一步转化为生物乙醇等燃料[1],是一种理想的可再生资源,许多国家,尤其是发达国家已将纤维素等可再生资源的转化利用列为经济和社会发展的重大战略.纤维素的利用必须首先降解其为小分子,而其降解则需先溶解为均一溶液.然而,由于天然的纤维素中存在着大量的分子内和分子间氢键,加之纤维素的结晶度很高[2],使其具有难溶解、难融化和不可塑等特性,成为纤维素转化的最大障碍.寻找一种能溶解纤维素并且对环境友好的溶剂,成为纤维素降解的重要因素.2002年,Swatloski等[3]首次发现室温离子液体可以溶解纤维素,研究表明在100℃下1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑氯盐(BmimCl)最多可溶解10%的纤维素,为纤维素资源的“绿色”应用提供了一个崭新的平台.随后发现了一系列用于溶解纤维素的离子液体,而且溶解性能越来越好[4].之后,以离子液体为溶剂降解纤维素取得了不错的效果.文献[5]用BmimCl为溶剂对纤维素进行了降解,结果表明在纤维素离子液体体系中添加催化量的无机酸,油浴100℃下降解纤维素可以得到高产量的还原糖.但该体系采用无机酸作为催化剂,不可避免地会对环境造成污染,并且用传统的油浴加热所需的反应时间比较长.而将酸性基团引入离子液体后可以克服无机酸污染大的缺点.Cole等[6]首次报道了三苯基磷和咪唑阳离子上引入-SO3H后成为有较强Brosted酸性的功能化离子液体.这种功能化的酸性离子液体具有固体酸及液体酸的双重优点,近年来深受研究者的关注[7-9].因此,如何在绿色的反应介质中用绿色的催化剂降解纤维素是本文考虑的一个重点.另外,微波加热法可以极大地促进有机反应,这种对环境友好的技术受到人们的广泛关注[10-11].并且,离子液体是一种良好的微波吸收介质.研究表明离子液体作为一种极性溶剂在微波中的加热速度会达到10℃/s,可极大地提高反应的效率[12],且对反应体系的压力影响不大.综合上述两方面的因素,为了降低污染和提高效率,本实验以室温离子液体为溶剂,采用酸功能化离子液体为催化剂,辅以微波加热,实现对纤维素的高效降解.1 实验部分1.1 室温离子液体的制备1.1.1 1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑氯盐(BmimCl)的制备将82.1 g 1 mol甲基咪唑和97.2 g 1.05 mol氯代正丁烷加入500 mL三口瓶中,再加入200 mL乙腈,在氮气保护下回流反应48 h,冷却到室温,旋转蒸发掉溶剂后,残留物以乙腈/乙酸乙酯重结晶,得到纯白色晶体.1H NMR(400 MHz,CDCl3)δ:0.95 ~1.00(3H,t),1.34 ~1.46(2H,m),1.87 ~1.97(2H,m),4.15(3H,s),7.51(1H,s),7.61(1H,s),10.83(1H,s).1.1.2 1-烯丙基-3-甲基咪唑氯盐(AmimCl)的制备方法同上,用氯丙烯代替氯代正丁烷,产物室温下为棕色液体.1H NMR(400 MHz,CDCl3)δ:4.06(3H,s),4.94(2H,d),5.4(1H,d),5.91 ~5.97(1H,m),7.42(1H,s),7.65(1H,s),10.44(1H,s).1.1.3 1-氢-3-甲基咪唑氯盐(HmimCl)的制备冰水浴中往20 g甲基咪唑中慢慢滴加36%的盐酸30 g,室温下反应2 h,减压除水,真空干燥.1H NMR(400 MHz,CDCl3)δ:4.12(1H,s),7.17(1H,s),7.40(1H,s),9.75(1H,s),15.80(1H,s).1.2 酸功能化离子液体的制备1.2.1 1-甲基-3-(3-磺酸基丙基)咪唑硫酸氢盐(SFIL1)的制备称取20 g 1,3-丙磺酸内酯溶解在150 mL甲苯中,磁力搅拌下缓慢滴加20 g甲基咪唑,之后升温至80℃反应2 h,得到白色的中间体.往白色中间体的水溶液中滴加9 g浓硫酸,80℃反应6 h,真空除水,用乙醚洗3次,真空干燥,所得浅黄色粘稠液体即为 SFIL1.1H NMR(400 MHz,D2O)δ:1.878(m,2H),2.490 ~2.493(t,2H),3.470(s,3H),3.928(t,2H),7.027(s,1H),7.091(s,1H),8.031(s,1H).1.2.2 1-甲基-3-(3-磺酸基丙基)咪唑对甲基苯磺酸(SFIL2)和1-甲基-3-(3-磺酸基丙基)咪唑甲基磺酸(SFIL3)的制备方法同上,分别用对甲基苯磺酸和甲基磺酸代替硫酸与中间体反应.产物SFIL2:1H NMR(400 MHz,D2O)δ:1.953(m,2H),2.011(s,3H),2.582(t,2H),3.5(s,3H),3.952(t,2H),6.975(d,1H),7.035(s,1H),7.110(s,1H),7.326(d,1H),8.316(s,1H).产物 SFIL3:1HNMR(400 MHz,D2O)δ:1.917(m,2H),2.397 ~2.527(t,2H),3.510(s,3H),3.968(t,2H),7.074(s,1H),7.138(s,1H),8.353(s,1H).1.3 酸功能化离子液体的酸性比较酸功能化离子液体和指示剂4-硝基苯胺一起溶解在水中,浓度分别为3×10-2和1.1×10-4mol/L.溶液混合均匀后用TU-1810紫外可见分光光度计进行波谱扫描,比较不同的酸功能化离子液体在最大吸收波长处的吸收值.1.4 纤维素的微波降解往2 g离子液体中加入0.1 g纤维素,100℃油浴,搅拌,完全溶解后加一定量的二甲基亚砜(DMSO),搅匀,再加少量水及一定量的酸功能化离子液体,混匀后置于微波炉中640 W加热.反应一段时间后,加水稀释,用NaOH中和,离心,取上清液进行总还原糖分析.1.5 总还原糖的分析按文献[5]配制3,5-二硝基水杨酸(DNS)试剂:将182 g酒石酸钾钠,6.3 g DNS及262 mL 2 mol/L NaOH溶液加入500 mL去离子水中,加热溶解后加5 g苯酚和5 g亚硫酸钠,溶解后冷却至室温,定容至1 000 mL,保存在棕色瓶中.采用分光光度法测量总还原糖浓度时,取待测液1 mL与1 mL DNS试剂混合,在100℃水浴中加热5 min后,冷却至室温,稀释至10 mL,在紫外可见光谱仪上进行比色分析,固定波长540 nm进行测量.总还原糖的收率按Y=0.9×MTRS/MCe计算,其中:MCe是纤维素的质量;MTRS 是总还原糖的质量,MTRS=φ×V×ρ,φ为溶液稀释倍数,V为稀释后溶液的体积,ρ为测得的还原糖的质量浓度.2 结果与讨论2.1 离子液体及共溶剂的选择在相同条件下,纤维素分别在AmimCl和BmimCl中降解,得到的总还原糖产率分别是63.1%和32.0%.可见,作为溶剂的离子液体对纤维素降解产率有一定的影响.比较2种室温离子液体,可知AmimCl的黏度比BmimCl的黏度低很多,这是由于前者的结构中含有一个双键所致.因此,用黏度较低的AmimCl溶解纤维素所得体系的黏度较低,在黏度较低的体系中纤维素大分子运动性更好、传质传热的效果更佳,催化剂有更多的机会进攻糖苷键,使得降解更彻底,从而提高了总还原糖的产率.为了进一步降低体系的黏度以提高总还原糖的产率,本实验考察了不同的共溶剂对总还原糖产率的影响.据Seddon等[13]报道,只需加入20%的共溶剂就可以使离子液体的绝对黏度降低50%.本实验用AmimCl作为纤维素的溶剂,对几种常见的有机溶剂(如正己烷、四氯化碳、乙醇、二甲基亚砜、乙腈)进行了筛选,从而找出了最适合的共溶剂.由于离子液体是极性溶剂,根据相似相溶原理,共溶剂也应该是极性的.对于那些带有活泼氢的极性溶剂,会与离子液体之间形成氢键,它们形成的氢键强于纤维素与离子液体间的氢键,从而阻止了纤维素在离子液体中的溶解.因此,往溶解了纤维素的离子液体中添加醇类,将使原已溶解的纤维素析出.经筛选,只有二甲基亚砜和乙腈符合以上要求,但考虑到降解反应在微波炉中进行,其反应温度将会超过100℃,乙腈的沸点只有82℃,而二甲基亚砜的沸点为189℃,适合于高温反应,所以本实验选用二甲基亚砜作为共溶剂.图1 二甲基亚砜添加量对降解反应的影响图1 表明了二甲基亚砜的添加量对总还原糖产率的影响.当反应体系中没有添加二甲基亚砜时,总还原糖产率只有43.5%.随着二甲基亚砜添加量的增大,总还原糖产率明显提高.当二甲基亚砜的添加量为0.6 g时,总还原糖产率达到59.2%;继续添加二甲基亚砜,总还原糖产率上升的趋势减小.因此,可以确定二甲基亚砜的最佳添加量为 0.6 g.2.2 不同催化剂对纤维素降解的影响本实验在相同条件下考察了不同的催化剂对降解反应的影响,比较了浓硫酸和各种酸功能化离子液体对纤维素的降解效果,结果见图2.图2 不同催化剂对降解反应的影响反应条件:AmimCl 2 g,纤维素0.1 g,SFIL 0.05 g水 0.04 g,DMSO 0.6 g,微波 640 W,60 s从图2可以看出:用HmimCl催化降解纤维素得到的总还原糖产率最低,只有49.5%;酸功能化离子液体的降解效果较好,其中SFIL1的降解效果甚至高于浓硫酸.推测它们的催化降解效果应该与酸性大小是相关的.离子液体的酸性可以有效地通过Hammett指示剂法[9,14-15]计算,其计算公式如下:其中:I代表碱性指示剂,pKaq(I)是指示剂在水溶液的 pKa值;[I]和[IH+]分别代表未质子化和质子化指示剂的物质的量浓度.本实验用4-硝基苯胺为指示剂(pKaq(I)=0.99)比较了酸功能化离子液体的酸性.未质子化的4-硝基苯胺水溶液在380 nm处有最大吸收峰,根据380 nm处的最大吸收峰值可以测定添加不同酸功能化离子液体后[I]/[IH+]的值,以此计算出H0的值,计算结果见表1.从表1可以看出酸功能化离子液体在水中有很强的酸性.根据表1中的H0值可知:非功能化的离子液体(如HmimCl)的酸性比磺酸化的离子液体的酸性低;酸功能化离子液体中SFIL1的酸性(H0=1.28)最高,接近浓硫酸的酸性(H0=1.24).酸功能化离子液体的酸性主要是由其阴离子决定的,其酸性大小的顺序为:SFIL1>SFIL3>SFIL2>HmimCl,这个顺序与它们催化降解纤维素的效果顺序一致.由于SFIL1的催化效果最好,因此,后续实验都采用这种催化剂.表1 Hammett法计算比较不同酸功能化离子液体的酸性注:紫外可见光谱检测条件:溶剂为水;指示剂为4-硝基苯胺(pKaq(I)=0.99),1.1×10-4mol/L;酸功能化离子液体浓度为3×10-2mol/L.指示剂水溶液在380 nm处有最大吸收.images/BZ_13_225_368_2046_435.png10.560 100.00 0.00 2空白0.360 64.29 35.71 1.24 HmimCl 0.517 92.32 7.68 2.07 3 SFIL2 0.422 75.36 24.64 1.48 4 SFIL3 0.391 69.82 30.18 1.35 5 SFIL1 0.371 66.25 35.75 1.28 6 H2SO42.3 催化剂用量对纤维素降解的影响图3表明了催化剂用量对纤维素降解反应的影响,可以看出:当催化剂用量为0.02 g时,纤维素降解的速度较慢,直到70 s时总还原糖产率才达到峰值59%;当加入0.05 g催化剂时,降解速度加快,反应60 s时即可达到峰值,还原糖产率也增加到69%;进一步增加催化剂的用量至0.08 g,降解速度进一步加快,只需50 s总还原糖产率即可达最大值,但随着反应时间的延长,其总还原糖产率反而下降.考虑到酸功能化离子液体催化剂的价格及降解的效果,催化剂 SFIL1的适宜用量定为0.05 g.因此,在以下实验中催化剂的用量均为0.05 g.图3 催化剂用量对降解反应的影响反应条件:AmimCl 2 g,纤维素 0.1 g,水0.04 g,DMSO 0.6 g,微波 640 W2.4 水含量对纤维素降解的影响图4显示了不同水含量时的还原糖产率.从图4可知,水含量对纤维素降解反应有一定的影响.当体系中没有添加水时,降解速率比较缓慢,即使反应了60 s,其还原糖产率也只有49.7%.这是由于降解反应必须在有水的情况下才能顺利进行,水含量太低会严重限制降解反应的进行,并且在这种缺水情况下生产的少量葡萄糖容易发生脱水反应生成 5-羟甲基糠醛[1].当添加0.02 g水时,体系初期的反应速率略有提高,50 s之后总还原糖产率明显高于无水条件下的总还原糖产率,反应70 s时总还原糖产率达到最大值59.9%.当水的添加量为0.04 g时,起始的反应速率显著提高,在20 s时总还原糖收率即可达35.4%,当反应40 s后总还原糖产率已达到65.5%,之后随着反应的继续进行总还原糖产率并没有明显下降.但是,当水含量增加至0.10 g时,总还原糖产率反而低于水含量为0.04 g时的总还原糖产率,这可能是因为过量水的稀释作用导致体系的酸性降低所致.由此可见,当水的添加量为0.04 g时纤维素的降解效果较好.图4 水含量对降解反应的影响反应条件:AmimCl 2 g,纤维素 0.1 g,DMSO 0.6 g,SFIL1 0.05 g,微波 640 W3 结论以室温离子液体AmimCl为溶剂,溶解5%的纤维素,二甲基亚砜为共溶剂以降低体系黏度,用1-甲基-3-(3-磺酸基丙基)咪唑硫酸氢盐为催化剂,用微波加热,可以实现纤维素的均相高效降解.在微波640 W 下,催化剂用量 0.05 g,水0.04 g,DMSO 0.6 g,反应 60 s,纤维素的降解效果最佳.参考文献:[1]姜锋,马丁,包信和.酸性离子液中纤维素的水解[J].催化学报,2009(4):279-283.[2]Nishiyama Y,Sugiyama J,Chanzy H,et al.Crystal structure and hydrogen bonding system in cellulose Iα from synchrotron X-ray and neutron fiber diffraction[J].J Am Chem Soc,2003,125(47):14300-14306.[3]Swatloski R P,Spear S K,Holbrey J D,et al.Dissolution of cellose with ionic liquids[J].J Am Chem Soc,2002,124(18):4974-4975.[4]Wu Jin,Zhang Jun,Zhang Hao,et al.Homogeneous acetylation of cellulose in a new ionic liquid[J].Biomacromolecules,2004,5(2):266-268.[5]Li Changzhi,Zhao Zongbao.Efficient acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of cellulose in ionic liquid[J].Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis,2007,349(11/12):1847-1850.[6]Cole A C,Jensen J L,Ntai I,et al.Novel bronsted acidic ionic liquids and their use as dual solvent-catalysts[J].J Am Chem Soc,2002,124(21):5962-5963.[7]Liu Xiumei,Liu Min,Guo Xinwen,et al.SO3H-functionalized ionic liquids for selective alkylation of m-cresol with tert-butanol[J].Catalysis 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• HDT的测试仪器:
• 负荷热变形温度测定仪由试样支架、负荷压头、砝码、中点形变 测定仪、温度计及能恒速升温的加热浴箱组成。 • 保温浴槽内盛有对试样无影响的液体传热介质,如硅油、变压器 油、液体石蜡或乙二醇等,浴槽并设有搅拌器。 • 支架用于放置试样,两个支座中心间的距离为100mm。
• 试样信息: 试样信息:
• 测试的要求
• 等速升温速度:12℃±1℃/6min。 • 最大弯曲正应力:1.81N/mm2或0.45N/mm2。 2 • 施加砝码重: 2σ ⋅ b ⋅ h T
3⋅ L ⋅ g
• 式中:W—砝码质量,kg; σ —试样最大弯曲正应力,N/mm2; W— kg — N/ m b—试样的宽度,m;L —两支座中心间距离,m;R ——负 载杆,压头的质量,kg;T —变形测量装置的附加力,N; (附加力向下取正值,向上取负值);g —重力加速度, 9.8m/s2 。
• 4)将试样对称地放在试样支座上,高度为15mm的一面垂直 , 放置,插入温度计,温度计水银球在试样两支座的中点附近, 与试样相距在3mm以内,不要触及试样。 • 把装好试样的支架小心放入保温浴槽内,试样应位于液面 35mm以下,加上砝码,开动搅拌器,5min后调节变形测量装 置,使之为零。 • 按升温按钮加热升温。当试样中点弯曲变形量达到规定值 (0.21)mm时,迅速记录此时温度。 • 此温度为试样在相应最大弯曲正应力条件下的热变形温度。 • 不同尺寸的试样,其变形量按规定值。
常用塑料原料的HDT 常用塑料原料的HDT
未改性材料 HDPE LDPE EVA PP PS PMAA PTFE ABS PSF POM PC PA6 PA66 PA1010 PBT PI 维卡软化点 120 95 64 150 105 120 110 160 180 141 153 180 217 159 177 300
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Thermal conductivity and acid dissolution behavior of MgO–ZrO 2ceramics for use in LWR inert matrix fuel qP.G.Medvedev *,mbregts,M.K.MeyerIdaho National Laboratory,Nuclear Fuels and Materials Department,Materials and Fuels Complex,P.O.Box 1625,MS 6000,Idaho Falls,ID 83403,USAReceived 25April 2005;accepted 21October 2005AbstractDual-phase MgO–ZrO 2ceramics are proposed for use in inert matrix fuel for disposition of plutonium and minor actin-ides in existing light water reactors.The concept for use of this composite material was developed with the intent to cap-italize on the known advantages of the composite’s constituents:high thermal conductivity of MgO,and stability of ZrO 2in LWR coolant.The study presented in this paper addressed the thermal conductivity and nitric acid solubility of MgO–ZrO 2ceramics.Thermal analysis,based on experimental and analytical techniques,established that the product of all investigated compositions has the thermal conductivity superior to that of UO 2.Nitric acid dissolution experiments showed that only the free MgO phase dissolves in the nitric acid,leaving behind a porous pellet consisting of a ZrO 2-based solid solution.Published by Elsevier B.V.PACS:28.41.Bm;81.05.Je;81.05.Mh;28.41.Kw1.IntroductionDual-phase MgO–ZrO 2ceramics are proposed for use in inert matrix fuel (IMF)for disposition of plutonium and minor actinides in existing light water reactors (LWR).The concept for use of this composite material was developed with the intent to capitalize on the known advantages of the com-posite’s constituents:the high thermal conductivityof MgO,and the stability of ZrO 2in LWR coolant.Prior experiments [1,2]performed at Argonne National Laboratory West were dedicated to fabri-cation,characterization and hydration resistance assessment of MgO–ZrO 2compositions containing 30–60wt%of MgO and up to 7wt%of Er 2O 3(a potential neutron poison).The ceramics were found to consist of two phases:a cubic ZrO 2-based solid solution and a pure cubic MgO (free MgO phase).The amount of MgO dissolved in the ZrO 2-based cubic solution phase was 13–17mol.%.The Er 2O 3dopant preferentially dissolved in the ZrO 2phase.Limited degradation of the ceramics in static deion-ized water at 300°C and 8.59MPa occurred due to the hydration of the free MgO phase.Normalized0022-3115/$-see front matter Published by Elsevier B.V.doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2005.10.009qWork supported by the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative of the US Department of Energy under contract no.W-31-109-ENG-38.*Corresponding author.Tel.:+12085337199;fax:+12085337863.E-mail address:pavel.medvedev@ (P.G.Medvedev).mass loss rate(NMLR),used as a quantitative indi-cator of degradation,was found to decrease expo-nentially with ZrO2content in the ceramics.The normalized mass loss rates for the MgO–ZrO2 ceramics containing30,40,50,and60wt%of MgO were0.000131,0.000595,0.00256,and 0.00688g/cm2/h,respectively.This paper describes results of further testing of MgO–ZrO2ceramics.Recognizing that thermal conductivity is one of the most important properties of nuclear fuels,a study aimed at assessing the thermal conductivity of MgO–ZrO2ceramics was carried out.Thermal conductivity was derived from thermal diffusivity measured by a laserflash method in the200–1200°C temperature range,measured density,and heat capacity calculated using the rule of mixtures.Furthermore,acid dissolution behavior of MgO–ZrO2ceramics was investigated experimen-tally to assess the possibility of reprocessing the IMF based on an MgO–ZrO2matrices.2.Thermal analysis2.1.Thermal diffusivity measurement2.1.1.Experimental procedureAn experimental procedure described elsewhere [3]was followed.The procedure is based on deliver-ing a pulse of thermal energy to one face of the ana-lyzed sample and monitoring the temperature rise of the opposite face.The thermal diffusivity,a(cm2/s) is determined from sample thickness L(cm),and the time elapsed from the moment when the pulse of thermal energy is delivered to the moment when the temperature of the opposite face of the sample reaches half of its maximum t1/2(s):a¼0:13879L2t1=2.ð1ÞA Flashline5000Thermal Properties Analyzer(Anter Corporation,Pittsburg,PA)was utilized inthis work.The apparatus employs a neodymium/glass laser as a source of thermal energy.The tem-perature rise of the sample is monitored by asolid-state infrared detector.Measurement and datacollection are fully automated,and up to six sam-ples can be analyzed in a batch.The composition of ceramics tested in this workis given in Table1.A detailed description of theceramic pellet fabrication and characterization wasreported earlier[1].In addition,Table1includesthe volume percent of free MgO present in the sam-ple.This number was determined by subtracting theamount of MgO dissolved in the ZrO2phase fromthe total amount of MgO present in the powdermixture used in ceramic fabrication.The amountof MgO dissolved in the ZrO2phase was determinedby energy dispersive spectroscopy and reported ear-lier[1].Side-by-side comparison of the microstruc-tures of ceramics with different compositions isshown in Fig.1.As evident from Fig.1and Table1,the amount of free MgO phase increases withthe increase of MgO content in the ceramic,leadingto an expectation of higher thermal conductivity inthe MgO-rich compositions.The measurements were performed on two sets ofdisk-shaped test specimens.The specimens includedin thefirst set were2mm thick,while the specimensincluded in the second set were3mm thick.Thediameter of specimens in both sets was 6.25–6.28mm.They were machined from as-sinteredceramic pellets by an external contractor(Interna-tional Ceramics Engineering,Worcester,MA).Machined discs were coated on both faces with avery thin layer of palladium using a Hummer sput-ter coater(Anatech LTD,Denver,NC).A secondcoat of colloidal graphite was then sprayed-on toprevent possible reflection of the laser beam by theTable1Composition and density of ceramic samplesSample designation Composition,wt%Density,g/cm3Phases present in the productMgO ZrO2Er2O3Porosity,vol.%MgO,vol.%ZrO2-basedsolid solution,vol.%40/6040600 4.610.4346.8052.77 50/5050500 4.390.4557.9441.61 60/4060400 4.190.2367.9431.83 40/60-Er37.255.87 4.760.6344.9254.45 50/50-Er46.546.57 4.540.8755.8143.32 60/40-Er55.837.27 4.33 1.1465.5433.32 168P.G.Medvedev et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials349(2006)167–177palladium coating.The measurements were per-formed in a flowing argon atmosphere.For each analyzed sample multiple attempts to measure the thermal diffusivity were performed at each given temperature.Spurious measurements caused by either excessive or insignificant laser power were identified by examining the raw data and the temperature rise curves.Results of such measurements were excluded from further consideration.2.1.2.Results of thermal diffusivity measurements To account for the conduction heat losses to the sample holders and for the radiation heat losses from the sample surfaces,the Cowan cooling curve correction [3]was used.The correction was per-formed utilizing the software provided by the manufacturer of the Flashline 5000Thermal Pro-perties Analyzer (Anter Corporation,Pittsburg,PA).Due to this correction,the reported values were 5–25%lower then the raw values determined from the temperature rise data using Eq.(1).The difference due to the correction increased with an increase of temperature,which indicated that more heat is lost by conduction and radiation at highermeasurement temperatures.An illustration of how the Cowan correction has affected the data is shown in Fig.2.Third order polynomial fits of the corrected ther-mal diffusivity data are shown in Figs.3and 4.The polynomial fits were generated by conducting a least squares linear regression analysis.The resulting equation is as follows:a ¼aT 3þbT 2þcT þd ;ð2Þwhere a is thermal diffusivity in s/cm 2;T is temper-ature in degrees °C;and a ,b ,c ,and d are coeffi-cients.The coefficients for specific compositions are listed in Table 2.The thermal diffusivity of the binary and ternary systems investigated in this work appears to be driven by the temperature and composition.The decrease of thermal diffusivity with temperature is obvious.However,the degradation of thermal dif-fusivity with temperature is less pronounced at temperatures above 600°C.To account for this behavior,the preference was given to the third degree polynomial fits of thermal diffusivity versus temperature,rather than the commonly used inverse temperaturefits.Fig.1.Side-by-side comparison of the microstructures of ceramics with different compositions.Dark area:MgO;light area:ZrO 2-based solid solution.P.G.Medvedev et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials 349(2006)167–177169Ronchi et al.[4]explained the increase of thermal conductivity in heterogeneous ZrO2-actinide ceram-ics composites by the increase in the interface con-ductance between two phases at high temperature. According to Ronchi et al.[4],the latter is due to the difference in the thermal expansion between two phases.This explanation may be valid for the systems examined in this work,since MgO is known to have significantly higher thermal expansion than ZrO2.To further illustrate the discontinuity in thermal diffusivity behavior,the inverse thermal diffusivity versus temperature is plotted in Fig.5.The depen-dence is clearly linear below600°C,but the linearity no longer exists above600°C.With respect to the compositional dependence of thermal diffusivity,it was found that thermal diffu-sivity increases with the increase of MgO content in the ceramics.This trend was observed for both170P.G.Medvedev et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials349(2006)167–177binary and ternary compositions.The superposition of thermal diffusivity plots obtained for different concentrations of MgO illustrates this trend (Figs.3and 4).For clarity,only polynomial fits,and not the entire data sets are shown.Er 2O 3doping in the amount of 7wt%had a minor effect on the thermal diffusivity of ceramic composites,which is illustrated in Fig.6.Accord-ing to Table 1,7wt%Er 2O 3doping resulted in a less than 2%decrease of the volume percent of free MgO phase,thus having a minor impact on ther-mal diffusivity.It has been noted by Degueldre et al.[5]that doping of ZrO 2with rare earth and actinide oxides including plutonia results in a large decrease of thermal conductivity of ZrO 2-based inert matrix fuel.Therefore,the minor effect of Er 2O 3doping on the thermal diffusivity of MgO–ZrO 2composites is a notable advantage over ZrO 2-based inert matrix fuels.This phenomenon is explained by a favorable phase distribution thattakes place when MgO–ZrO 2composite is doped with Er 2O 3.As it was established [1]by SEM and XRD,Er 2O 3dissolves completely in the ZrO 2phase,leaving the MgO phase uncontaminated.The latter implies that the thermal transport pro-perties of MgO are unaffected by Er 2O 3doping.It is understood that Er 2O 3doping is likely to reduce the thermal diffusivity of the ZrO 2phase;however,as evident from Fig.6,the net effect of doping on the thermal diffusivity of the composite is not significant.2.2.Heat capacity determinationHeat capacity was determined using the rule of mixtures (Neumann–Kopp law)from the published heat capacity data of MgO,ZrO 2,and Er 2O 3.Based on this rule,the heat capacity of a ceramic compo-site can be determined as a weighted sum of heat capacities of allcomponents:Table 2Coefficients of the polynomial fits of the thermal diffusivity data Composition abcd40/60À2.862515·10À117.754661·10À8À7.348286·10À50.0361092350/50À6.128045·10À11 1.559863·10À7À1.322989·10À40.0509979360/40À7.883493·10À11 2.057700·10À7À1.824712·10À40.0723826040/60-Er À5.089583·10À11 1.228926·10À7À9.856508·10À50.0387732650/50-Er À4.426592·10À11 1.170406·10À7À1.069412·10À40.0466468660/40-ErÀ5.055004·10À111.423967·10À7À1.409894·10À40.06312453P.G.Medvedev et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials 349(2006)167–177171C composite ¼aC MgO þbC ZrO 2þcC Er 2O 3;ð3Þwhere a ,b ,and c are the weight fractions of the components in the ceramic,and C ,J/(kg K)is the heat capacity of the individual components.The following equations defining the temperature dependence of the heat capacity of individual com-ponents were used.For MgO:C MgO ¼47:25995þ5:681621Â10À3TÀ8:72665Â10À7T 2þþ1:043Â10À10T 3À1:053955Â106T À2;ð4Þwhere T is temperature in Kelvin,and C is heat capacity in J/K mole.172P.G.Medvedev et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials 349(2006)167–177For ZrO 2:C ZrO 2¼69:20001þ8:54829Â10À3TÀ8:62921Â10À7T 2þþ2:46374Â10À10T 3À1:382767Â106T À2;ð5Þwhere T is temperature in Kelvin,and C is heat capacity in J/K mole.For Er 2O 3:C Er2O3¼30:93þ7:8Â10À4T À4:65Â105T À2;ð6Þwhere T is temperature in Kelvin,and C is heat capacity in calorie/K-mole.The equations for MgO and ZrO 2were recom-mended by Ottaviani [6]based on the published data from NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables [7].The equation for Er 2O 3was developed by Tsag-areishvili and Gvelesiani [8]based on the experimen-tal measurements.Based on these equations,the temperature dependence of the heat capacity for the ceramic compositions under investigation was calculated using the rule of mixtures.Necessary unit conver-sions were made to insure consistency of the units between Eq.(3)and Eqs.(4)–(6).The values of heat capacity were used later for thermal conductivity determination.2.3.Thermal conductivity determinationThermal conductivity was determined from ther-mal diffusivity,heat capacity,and density of the ceramics according to the following equation:k ¼aq C ;ð7Þwhere a is thermal diffusivity in s/m 2,q is density in kg/m 3,and C is specific heat in J/kg K.The values of the thermal conductivity calculated from the measured thermal diffusivity,corrected for the heat losses using Cowan correction,measured density and estimated heat capacity are plotted in Figs.7and 8.The literature values [9]for fully dense UO 2are included for comparison.The plots in Figs.7and 8represent the third order polynomial fits of the calculated data.The polynomial fits were generated by conducting a least squares linear regression analysis.The resulting equation is as follows:k ¼aT 3þbT 2þcT þd ;ð8Þwhere k is thermal conductivity in W/m K;T is tem-perature in °C;and a ,b ,c ,and d are coefficients.The coefficients for specific compositions are listed in Table 3.Thermal conductivity results shown in Figs.7and 8,particularly the comparison with UO 2,speak strongly in support of use of MgO–ZrO 2ceramics as a matrix inIMF.P.G.Medvedev et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials 349(2006)167–1771733.Experiments to assess the feasibility of reprocessing of MgO–ZrO 2-based IMFExperiments to assess the feasibility of reprocess-ing of MgO–ZrO 2-based IMF were carried out.Dissolution of ceramic samples in nitric acid was attempted.Three ceramic samples (compositions 40/60,50/50and 60/40)in the form of discs 1–2mm thick and 10–11mm in diameter were exposed to the concentrated nitric acid.A hot plate equipped with a magnetic stirrer was utilized to keep the tem-perature of the acid at $55°C and provide continu-ous stirring.The dissolution was conducted in a glass flask fitted with a reflux condenser.Periodically samples were removed from the acid rinsed with water,dried at 80°C and weighed.The mass of the samples and the time elapsed since the start of the dissolution were logged.The resulting trend showing the evolution of sample weight loss with time is presented in Fig.9.No appearance changes were registered during a visual inspection of the samples exposed to the nitric acid.Despite significant mass loss the samples’geo-metrical dimensions remained unchanged as well.The sample weight loss at the end of the dissolution was equal 35.8%,46.5%,57.4%for 40/60,50/50and 60/40compositions,respectively.Because the weight percent lost during dissolution was very close to the weight percent of crystalline MgO present in the samples (Table 1),and recognizing MgO’s high solubility in the nitric acid,it was concluded that the attempt to dissolve the said ceramic compositions resulted in a selective leaching of the crystalline MgO phase.The second phase,MgO–ZrO 2solid solution,failed to dissolve in any appreciable amount.SEM examination of an acid-digested ceramic pellet (50/50composition)yielded images shown in Fig.10.Energy dispersive spectroscopy established that the light phase shown in Fig.10is MgO–ZrO 2solid solution.The dark phase isporosityTable 3Coefficients of the polynomial fits of the thermal conductivity versus temperature Composition abcd 40/60À0.8575·10À8 2.3248·10À5À2.2157·10À212.2617550/50À2.1058·10À8 5.3122·10À5À4.4452·10À218.0525860/40À2.6855·10À8 6.9733·10À5À6.1654·10À226.0231340/60-Er À1.7461·10À8 4.1348·10À5À3.2196·10À213.2974650/50-Er À1.4169·10À8 3.7292·10À5À3.4078·10À216.1613560/40-ErÀ1.5390·10À84.4094·10À5À4.4982·10À222.21508174P.G.Medvedev et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials 349(2006)167–177caused by dissolution of the free MgO ck of the free MgO phase is evident on the outer surface and on the as-fractured surface of the pellet.A very thorough examination of the as-fractured surface detected two micron-sized MgO particles. These particles did not dissolve in the acid because they were completely encapsulated by the MgO–ZrO2solid solution phase.The particles became exposed only after the pellet was fractured for SEM examination.X-ray diffraction(XRD)analysis was performed on the samples exposed to the nitric acid after the completion of the acid-digestion experiment.For this analysis the samples were ground into powder.Raw XRD patterns for nitric digested ceramic compositions are shown in Fig.11.The patterns for as-fabricated ground ceramics are also included to emphasize the effect of acid digestion on the crystal structure.As evident from Fig.11the acid-digested ceramics lack the MgO phase.Therefore,the XRDFig.10.Microstructure of MgO–ZrO2ceramic(50/50)at the completion of the acid-digestion experiment.Pellet outer surface(a)and as-fractured pellet surface(b)are shown.The porosity is due to dissolution of the free MgO phase.P.G.Medvedev et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials349(2006)167–177175confirms that an attempt to reprocess MgO–ZrO2 based IMF using nitric acid will result in selective dis-solution of the MgO phase leaving behind a ZrO2 skeleton.(MgO present in the ZrO2phase as a solute remains intact).Thus,reprocessing of this fuel may be difficult using the nitric acid alone.Dissolution experiments with actual irradiated fuels will be needed to fully assess feasibility of reprocessing.4.ConclusionsThe study presented in this paper addressed two key issues associated with the feasibility of IMF based on MgO–ZrO2ceramics.Thefirst issue is thermal transport properties.Thermal analysis, based on experimental and analytical techniques, established,that all investigated compositions of the product have thermal conductivities superior to that of UO2fuel.The second issue is solubility of MgO–ZrO2ceramics in nitric acid.Good solubi-lity is key to successful fuel reprocessing.Ceramic dissolution experiments showed that only free MgO phase dissolves in the nitric acid,leaving behind a porous pellet consisting of MgO–ZrO2 solid solution.Further development of this novel fuel concept continues at the Idaho National Laboratory.It is being pursued as a part of the DOE Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative’s effort to evaluate transmutation in LWRs.Present activities at Idaho National Labora-tory include fabrication and characterization of MgO–ZrO2–Er2O3–PuO2fuel forms.Experiments to fabricate ceramics containing PuO2powder are underway.The dispersion fuel option utilizing PuO2microspheres is being explored as well.AcknowledgementDr S.M.Frank,Dr J. F.Jue and Dr T.P. O’Holleran of Idaho National Laboratory are gratefully acknowledged for performing XRD and SEM analyses.Sincere thanks to Mr A.P.Maddison for operating the laserflash diffusivity apparatus.References[1]P.G.Medvedev,Development of dual-phase magnesia–zirconia ceramics for light water reactor inert matrix fuel, Dissertation,Texas A&M University,2004.[2]P.G.Medvedev,S.M.Frank,T.P.O’Holleran,M.K.Meyer,J.Nucl.Mater.342(2005)48.[3]Standard Test Method for Thermal Diffusivity of Solids bythe Flash Method,ASTM,E1461-01,West Conshohocken, PA,2003.[4]C.Ronchi,J.P.Ottaviani, C.Degueldre,R.Calabrese,J.Nucl.Mater.320(2003)54.[5]C.Degueldre,T.Arima,Y.W.Lee,J.Nucl.Mater.319(2003)6.[6]J.P.Ottaviani,Plutonium and Minor Actinides-Based OxideFuels Handbook,Note Technique LMPC n2004-047,CEA, Cadarache,France,2004.176P.G.Medvedev et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials349(2006)167–177[7]M.W.Chase Jr.,J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,Monograph No.9,1998.[8]D.Sh.Tsagareishvili,G.G.Gvelesiani,High Temp.9(1971)588.[9]C.E.Beyer, nning, C.L.Painter,FRAPCON-3:Modifications to Fuel Rod Material Properties and Perfor-mance Models for High-Burnup Application,Nuclear Regu-latory Commission,Washington,DC,1997,p.3.8.P.G.Medvedev et al./Journal of Nuclear Materials349(2006)167–177177。
