介绍美国的英语作文带翻译America is a country located in North America. It is the third largest country in the world by total area and the third most populous country. The capital city of America is Washington D.C. and the largest city is New York City.America has a diverse culture, with a rich history and a wide range of traditions. It is known for its contributions to the arts, literature, music, and cuisine. The country is also home to a variety of landscapes, including mountains, plains, and coastlines.The official language of America is English, which is spoken by the majority of the population. However, due to its diverse population, many other languages are also spoken in the country, including Spanish, Chinese, and French.America is a democratic country with a federal systemof government. It is a founding member of the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Organization of American States, NATO, and otherinternational organizations.The economy of America is one of the largest and most technologically advanced in the world. It is a mixed economy, with a combination of private and public enterprises. The country is known for its innovation and entrepreneurship, and is home to many of the world'sleading companies in technology, finance, and entertainment.America is also known for its diverse and vibrantcities, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Francisco. These cities are known for their iconic landmarks, cultural attractions, and vibrant nightlife.In conclusion, America is a diverse and dynamic country with a rich history and a wide range of traditions. It is known for its contributions to the arts, literature, music, and cuisine, and is home to a variety of landscapes. Withits diverse population and vibrant cities, America is atruly unique and exciting place to visit.美国是位于北美的一个国家。
American History
美国全称美利坚合众国(英语:United States of America),原为英国殖民地,后因种种因素逐渐兴起而成为一个强大的国家。
下文将分为以下几个部分进行展开:一、America的用法1. America作为国名America常常用来指代美利坚合众国,是一个国家的名称。
We are going to travel to America next summer. (我们将在下个夏天去美国旅行)2. America作为大陆另外,America还有另外一种用法,即指代整个北美和南美洲的大陆。
Many people believe that America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. (许多人相信美洲是由克里斯托弗·哥伦布发现的)二、American的用法1. American作为国籍American是一个形容词,用来形容美利坚合众国的人和事物。
She is an American girl. (她是一个美国女孩)2. American作为人种或民族American也可以用来指代美国的人种或民族。
3. American作为风格或特征American还可以用来形容某种风格或特征。
American literature (美国文学)、American culture(美国文化)等。
美国 America
• 美国佛教正信会 会长印海长老于 南京毗卢寺为众 开示
200万或1000万),约占全国总人口的 3.5%。清真寺约有1000余座。美国穆 斯林分别来自80个国家。阿拉伯裔穆斯林、南亚次大陆的印度和巴基斯坦等国 移民和非洲裔穆斯林(即美国黑人穆斯林)各占三之一。白人穆斯林相对较少, 约7.5万人。19世纪70年代至20世纪60年代中东穆斯林移民4次大规模进人美国。 1979年伊朗发生伊斯兰革命后,大约有100万伊朗人移居美国。20世纪90年代 以来,沙特阿拉伯、科威特、叙利亚、埃及、巴基斯坦、阿尔巴尼亚和其他数 十个穆斯林国家的大批穆斯林移居美国,美国穆斯林总人口迅速地增加,每年都 要新建一批清真寺。
道教创立于中国。自唐代起逐步传入朝鲜、日本、越南和东南亚一带,后又传入欧洲、北 美、澳大利亚等国家。除华裔教徒外,本土居民也有信奉道教者。
在美国纽约、亚利桑那州、加利福尼亚州、夏威夷、休斯顿均有道观。纽约有天皇宫、应 道宫,亚利桑那州有中孚道院,加利福尼亚州三藩市有紫银阁,夏威夷有太玄道观。休斯 顿有一座规模较大的关帝庙,为中国古典式建筑,飞檐翘角,古香古色。香港青松观主持 侯宝垣在美国建立了“道教美洲青松观”和“道教美洲总会”,扩大了中国道教在海外的 影响。 美国的道教研究的兴起,是推进道教在美国传播的一个因素。美国的道教研究始于19世纪, 最早是由基督教传教士以社会调查报告的形式向美国公众介绍。其后又有一些美国学者研 究中国道教的专著(如《中国炼丹术考》),道教经典译著(如《抱朴子内篇》)等在美 国出版。不少华裔学者亦以专著、论文及译著等方式,向美国民众宣扬道家思想和道教知 识。 除以 上这些主要宗教外,世界上所有的重要宗教几乎在美国都有信徒。
American 美国
• 特大啃 • Turducken是最具创意的美国本土食物。 先是拿一只火鸡,然后塞只鸭子在它肚子里 ,再往鸭子肚子里塞只鸡,最后往鸡里塞些 香肠和熏肉,经过2-3小时的油炸,这道非 常美国化的美食,就这样完成了。有些美国 人根据自己的口味还会加入一些溶化的奶酪 制品。这道菜通常是在美国的一些盛大节日 里才吃得到,像美国的国庆日(每年7月4 日)、感恩节、圣诞节。
• 北美原为印第安人的聚居地,15世纪末,西班牙 、荷兰等国开始向这里移民,英国则后来居上。 1773年,英国已建立13个殖民地。1775年,爆发 了北美人民反抗英国殖民者的独立战争。1776年7 月4日,在费城召开了第二次大陆会议,由乔治· 华盛顿任总司令,通过《独立宣言》,美利坚合 众国正式成立。独立战争结束后的1788年,乔治· 华盛顿当选为美国第一任总统。南北战争之后, 美国的资本主义经济得以迅速崛起。19世纪初, 美国开始对外扩张,历经一战、二战、冷战后, 国力大增,是当今世界上唯一的超级大国。
• 主体为一只胸前带有盾形图案的白头海雕(秃鹰 )。白头海雕是美国的国鸟,它是力量、勇气、 自由和不朽的象征。盾面上半部为蓝色横长方形 ,下半部为红、白相间的竖条,其寓意同国旗。 鹰之上的顶冠象征在世界的主权国家中又诞生一 个新的独立国家——美利坚合众国;顶冠内有13 颗白色五角星,代表美国最初的13个州。鹰的两 爪分别抓着橄榄枝和箭,象征和平和武力。鹰嘴 叼着的黄色绶带上用拉丁文写着“合众为一”, 意为美利坚合众国由很多州组成,是一个完整的 国家
• 美国总统官邸—白宫 • 北接拉斐特广场,南邻爱丽普斯公园,与高耸的华盛顿纪 念碑相望,是一座白色的二层楼房。白宫从前并不是白色 的,也不称白宫,而被称作“总统大厦”、“总统之宫” 。1792年始建时是一栋灰色的沙石建筑。 • 从1800年起,它是美国总统在任期内办公并和家人居住的 地方。但是在1812年发生的第二次美英战争中,英国军队 入侵华盛顿。1814年8月24日英军焚毁了这座建筑物,只 留下了一付空架子。1817年重新修复时为了掩饰火烧过的 痕迹,詹姆斯· 门罗总统下令在灰色沙石上漆上了一层白色 的油漆。此后这栋总统官邸一直被称为“白宫”。1901年 美国总统西奥多· 罗斯福正式把它命名为“白宫”,后成为 美国政府的代名词
美国历史英文American History
Introduction:The United States is a country of the western hemisphere, comprising fifty states and several territories.It is a “super”country in the world and has more than 200 years history, a quite short history than other ancient countries. Within the paper, we are going to talk about the history of America in ten parts. It is the Pre-colonial Era, the Colonial Era, the war for independence, Westward Expansion, the Industrial Revolution, the Civil War, Industrial Expansion, the World War I and II, and the modern times.Body:Pre-colonial Era: In 1492, Columbus landed at one of the Caribbean islands and he called the local people Indians.More than 20,000 years ago, a group of so called Indians wandered into North America from Asia.Amerigo Vespucci first confirmed the fact that a new continent had been discovered.The New World was named America to honor Amerigo Vespucci.The Colonial Era:In 1607, three ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean and landed by the side of a river--the James River. Then the first English colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia.In 1620, a tiny ship called the “May flower” sailed from England for the New world, with 102 passengers. 50% were Pilgrims. Landed in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.During the first 150 years, the British colonies in North America became a “melting pot”.By the early 1760s, English settlers had established 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast.The War for Independence:there are several reasons that lead to the war.Economy: The economy in the 13 colonies developed very fast. However, the British government was to make every effort to press the development. Politics: The British government passed many laws, such as the Quartering Act and the Stamp Act, to impose new taxes from the colonies on sugar coffee and textiles. On the contrary, the colonies kept the belief “No taxation without representation”. Culture: In the long term of communication, they formed the common culture. The national consciousness of thecolonies woke up. In1775, the Continental Congress established a Continental Army under the command of George Washington.On July 4th,1776, the Congress adopted the declaration of independence. That date is now celebrated annually as America’s Independence Day.In 1787, a constitutional convention was organized.The United States Constitution was ratified in1788.Westward Expansion:Beginning in nineteenth Century, thousands of people, over the Appalachian Mountains, move to the west. Some pioneer emigrated to the United States border, even deepened in Mexico territory as well as Alaska,California and Oregon. By 1796, a few more states have been created.In 1803, America buys Louisiana from France.The Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution began in Britain during the 18th century. This movement rapidly spread to America, and by the first half of the 19th century, American inventors were designing a variety of practical machines.The period also witnessed a rapid development in transportation. Such as the National Road, the Oregon, etc. Meanwhile, Americans built many canals. Such as the ErieCanal, this important canal made it possible for boats to carry goods to the West.The Civil War: In the early 1860, 11 Southern states seceded from the union. The other group of government, the North, said that they would pay any price to unity. In 1861, the Fort Sumter made the civil war break out. Americans were face to face with each other in this bloody war. The South has been severely damaged,and left deep scars. The four years of bloody fighting between the North and South had staggering effects on the nation. About 360,000 Union troops and perhaps 260,000 Confederate troops died; no other war in American history has taken so many American lives. It caused enormous property damage, especially in the South where many Southern cities, towns plantations, factories and railroads lay in ruins.Industrial Expansion:America’s industrial expansion was the most important post-war development. Prior to the Civil War, typical American industry was small. Hand labor was widespread, which limited the production capacity of industry. During the postwar period, American industry changed dramatically. Hand labor was replaced by machines, and the productive capacity of industry increased tremendously. Many interrelated developments contributed to the industrial growth of the United States.The USA in World War I: US claimed its neutrality.they stayed out of the war unless their rights and interests were violated.German acts of aggression brought the USA closer to joining the Allies, and the US declared war on Germany on April, 1917. The American Expeditionary force of nearly 2,000,000 soldiers played an important part in the war. The German Army retreated to its homeland, and the war ended inNovember 1918.The World WarⅡ:At first, the US kept the attitude of isolation and neutrality.After the Pearl Harbor, the America entered into the war. Once the war was declared, it quickly mobilized its manpower and industries. It controlled prices and allocated war supplies to the nation's armed forces and allies.Dropped the deadly atomic bomb on two Japanese cities, the US won and World War Ⅱ ended.Modern Times: there are three famous presidents:Bill Clinton(1992-2000),George W. Bush(2001-2009), Barack Hussein Obama(2009-now)Conclusion:Since the founding of more than 200 years, the United States have experienced crucibles, but still stick to liberal democracy political system and become a typical country of constitutional democracy and civil liberties. America's huge economic, culture, science and technology, and military influence throughout the whole of the 20th century. In the first World War and the second World War, the United States and its Allies won together. After decades of the Cold War, Americafinally brought down the Soviet Union and then become the only superpower in the world. We believe that it will continue to play a leading role in the world's economy, politics, technology and popular culture.That’sa conclusion of what we just talked about.Thank you!Reference:“The Society and Culture of Britain and America” (Chapter 1-Origin and History)。
美国的起源 英文ppt
这是美国历史上最重要的时刻,是谁开启了这些时 刻。
波士顿茶叶党(1773年)是为了抵制英国对中国茶叶 的征税而成立的。英国人想从美国人的辛勤劳动中 获得金钱收益。这个党是由人民组成的。这些人把 成千上万吨的英国茶叶扔进波士顿港。英国国王乔 治三世被激怒了。
Boston tea party 波士顿倾茶事件
2. What did China do in 1949? 15 years before America. • A. Begin a industrial revolution. • B. give all indigenous peoples equal rights. • C. Liberate women to join the work force.
American Origins 美国的起源
America is the youngest nation but one of the most respected and difficult nations to deal with.
美国是最年轻的国家,但也是最受尊敬、最难打交 道的国家之一。
• 1860-1890年间,美国开始迅速对分赃制度进行新的改革,因为 它给予了总统和他的说客太多的权力。公务员考试,一个从中 国借鉴的想法被通过来规范权力。领导人限制了他们的政党。 我们开始建造摩天大楼。
• 1900-1965 was a drastic period for America because we began experimenting with new structures of government and equality laws that liberated huge sections of the population. Africans quickly were freed from enslavement, and women were allowed to work. However China did beat America to women's rights.
Introduction to Americans 美国的介绍
Who are they? What influences them?
• The American population is very diverse. • Different races • Different ethnicities • Different cultures • Different religions • One country
• Our diversity has defined us and challenged us.
What is diversity? Why is the US diverse?
• Many people of different races, ethnicities, cultures and religions live together in one country.
Special Olympics
• Freedom of the Press
• The Media is often called the fourth branch of government in the US.
The Media
• Pros
• We get information very quickly if not almost immediately • We have a choice of many different news sources including TV news, blogs, newspapers and radio
• However, the US is a very difficult place to live for immigrants and people without money.
Britain's Policies toward North American Colonies 1. Britain issued Trade and Navigation Acts to
restrict North America's trade. 2.Britain sent armies in North America in 1763, which made the tention between the North America and Britain rose.
3. Since North America is a new land, there were not many restrictions in its political field. Compared with other parts of the world, the North American colonies were more advanced, liberal and democratic.
May Flower
The Maturity of Colonial Society
2. North America's economy had developed greatly and the unified market had been formed.
The Maturity of Colonial Society
4. Because the Americans were strongly against the Stamp Laws, finally, Britain made a concession, but still remained the tax on tea.
机智无比 而且有极强的正义感
鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼 [前纽约市市长]
正在横渡大西洋 以期建立一个新世界
船上是 24岁的英国农民约翰·罗尔夫
他有野心 有自信 有远见
我们吃掉了靴子 鞋子
饲养着山羊 鸡 猪 狗
他们还有手纺车 椅子 书籍和枪支
迈克尔·道格拉斯 [著名演员]
愿意冒险 愿意赌一回的人
America 1
乔治· 沃克· 布什 贝拉克· 奥巴马
米歇尔· 罗宾森 比尔· 克林顿
American Dream— Values and Beliefs
freedom self-reliance equality of opportunity competition material wealth hard work
美国的国徽是由威廉· 巴顿William Barton和 查尔斯· 汤姆逊Charles Thomson设计的,美国 政府于1782年6月20日开始用这个国玺来鉴定 重 要文件。
国徽的图案,正中是一只象征独立、自由 精神的白头鹰,前面盾牌状的国旗,代表了 1777年加入美国联邦的十三个州。白头鹰的右 爪持着希望和平的橄榄枝,左爪握着决心自卫 的利箭。白头鹰衔着一条用拉丁文写着“合众 国” 字样的彩带,国徽顶端则是透过云雾,闪 闪发光的十三颗金星。
How come the Americans cheirsh these values?
The Pacific Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean Mexico
Global Location
North America Europe Asia
Africa South America Australia
The Great Seal
USA’s Emblem
The Great Seal shows a wide-spread eagle, faced front, having on his breast a shield with thirteen perpendicular red and white stripes, surmounted by a blue field with the same number of stars. In his right talon the eagle holds an olive branch, in his left a bundle of thirteen arrows, and in his beak he carries a scroll inscribed with the motto: "E Pluribus Unum“, meaning "out of many, one" The Eagle appears in the Seals of many of our States, on most of our gold and silver coinage, and is used a great deal for decorative patriotic purposes. The eagle represents freedom.
【美国简介】(IntroductiontotheUnitedStates)[压缩包]教育简介:非常好的学习资料,由洛杉矶著名的 Jeff McQuillan 和 Lucy Tse 教授发布,跟ESLpodcast 是同一制作者。
Do you want to know more about the United States?Do you want to be able to talk with Americans knowledgeably about the U.S.?Do you want to know how the U.S. government works?Do you want to know more about the different parts of the U.S., its history, and its people?“Introduction to the United States” is a course that answers your questions about the United States in a new and exciting way. This course uses some of the 100 questions from U.S. naturalization test, the test that people take to become a citizen of the United States. It focuses on how the U.S. was formed and how it works, who the important people are in its history and in the current government, and the different parts of this very big and diverse country.Each question is followed bya) A simple answerA longer explanationThe explanation goes far beyond the simple answer to give in-depth background information, allow you to really understand the topic. Each explanation brings the facts and the history and stories behind them alive, making learning about the U.S. exciting and fun.Learning about the U.S. has never been easier. After listening to this course, you’ll know what most Americans do about the United States!What You Get1. MP3 Audio Files for 25 Questions2. Learning Guide: This is a written guide with· A full transc ript of every word from every question, answer, and explanation· Glossaries with definitions· Sample sentencesHow it WorksEach question is divided into three parts. You will first hear the question read, then the short answer, and then a longer explanation of the topic. The longer explanation has built-in definitions of new terms and phrases, so you will understand it just by listening.You will listen to the question-answer-explanation first at a slow speed, and then again at a normal rate of speech (fast). In this course, you encounter the important key vocabulary severaltimes throughout the course, helping you really understand the meaning of the terms and expressions, and how to use them correctly.Don’t Just Listen – Read it, too!Get the most ou t of “Introduction to the United States” by following along with the Learning Guide, which has a complete written transcript of every word spoken in the lessons. All of the vocabulary and expressions used in the lesson are also listed and defined in the “Glossary” of the Learning Guide, giving you the opportunity to read and review whenever you’d like. Plus, you are provided with an extra sample sentence using the word correctly in context. By listening to and reading each lesson, you’ll have a truly powerf ul way to increase your skills in English.目录:These are the 25 questions answered and explained in Part 1 of this course:AMERICAN GOVERNMENTA: Principles of American Democracy1. What is the supreme law of the land?2. What does the Constitution do?3. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?4. What is an amendment?5. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?6. What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?7. How many amendments does the Constitution have?8. What did the Declaration of Independence do?9. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?10. What is freedom of religion?11. What is the economic system in the United States?12. What is t he “rule of law”?B: System of Government13. Name one branch or part of the government.14. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?15. Who is in charge of the executive branch?16. Who makes federal laws?17. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?18. How many U.S. Senators are there?19. We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?20. Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators now?21. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?22. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?23. Name your U.S. Representative.24. Who does a U.S. Senator represent?25. Why do some states have more Representatives than other states?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These are the 25 questions answered and explained in Part 2of this course:AMERICAN GOVERNMENTB: System of Government25. Why do some states have more Representatives than other states?26. We elect a President for how many years?27. In what month do we vote for President?*28. What is the name of the President of the United States now?29. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?30. If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President?31. If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President?32. Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?33. Who signs bills to become laws?34. Who vetoes bills?35. What does the President’s Cabinet do?36. What are two Cabinet-level positions?37. What does the judicial branch do?38. What is the highest court in the United States?39. How many justices are on the Supreme Court?40. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now?41. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government?42. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to thestates. What is one power of the states?43. Who is the Governor of your state now?44. What is the capital of your state?45. What are the two major political parties in the United States?46. What is the political party of the President now?47. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?C: Rights and Responsibilities48. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.49. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?50. Name one right only for United States citizens.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These are the 25 questions answered and explained in Part 3 course:AMERICAN GOVERNMENTC: Rights and Responsibilities51. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?52. What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?53. What is one promise you make when you become aUnited States citizen?54. How old do citizens have to be to vote for President?55. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?56. When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?57. When must all men register for the Selective Service?AMERICAN HISTORYA: Colonial Period and Independence58. What is one reason colonists came to America?59. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?60. What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?61. Why did the colonists fight the British?62. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?63. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?64. There were 13 original states. Name three.65. What happened at the Constitutional Convention?66. When was the Constitution written?67. The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers.68. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?69. Who is the “Father of Our Country”?70. Who was the first President?B: 1800s71. What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?72. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s.73. Name the U.S. war between the North and the South.74. Name one problem that led to the Civil War.75. What was one important thing that Abraham Lincoln did?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These are the 25 questions answered and explained in Part 4 of this course:AMERICAN HISTORYB: 1800s76. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?77. What did Susan B. Anthony do?C: Recent American History and Other Important Historical Information78. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s.79. Who was President during World War I?80. Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II?81. Who did the United States fight in World War II?82. Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?83. During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States?84. What movement tried to end racial discrimination?85. What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do?86. What major event happened on September 11, 2001, inthe United States?87. Name one American Indian tribe in the United States.INTEGRATED CIVICSA: Geography88. Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States.89. What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?90. What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?91. Name one U.S. territory.92. Name one state that borders Canada.93. Name one state that borders Mexico.94. What is the capital of the United States?95. Where is the Statue of Liberty?B: Symbols96. Why does the flag have 13 stripes?97. Why does the flag have 50 stars?98. What is the name of the national anthem?C: Holidays99. When do we celebrate Independence Day?100. Name two national U.S. holidays.。
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identity? What is the social status of the Oriental
Americans ? Can you find out any components of the
What does “a melting pot” mean?
Traditionally the United States has been described as a melting pot, a metaphoric image of the United States as a foundry that combines the different component metalsrepresented by immigrants from various countries -into the new metal, Americans.
Look at the photos and describe them in
terms of race and ancestry
Native Americans
General Eisenhower
Yang ,Chen Lin ----physicist and Nobel laureate
Influence of ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้erman –Americans on American Culture
The celebration of Christmas in the United States, for example, reflects German Christmas customs. German Americans introduced Christmas trees and gift-giving. A German American artist, Thomas Nast, created the traditional image of Santa Claus. German Americans also introduced the Easter Bunny.
• White signifies Purity and Innocence; Red, Hardiness and Valor; and Blue, Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice.
The Statue of Liberty
• The Statue of Liberty, once one of the first sights to welcome immigrants arriving in the United States, continues to be a symbol of freedom and a favorite New York City tourist attraction. Liberty stands more than 93 m tall on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. The statue, designed by French sculptor Frédéric Bartholdi, was presented to the United States as a gift from France for the first centennial of the U.S. independence from Britain.
居民向西部地区迁移和进 行开发的群众性运动。客 观上缓和了资产阶级内部 矛盾,扩大了国内市场, 破坏了自由州与蓄奴州的 平衡,为南北战争的胜利 打下基础。但是,随着运 动的进行,大批印第安人 遭到屠杀,幸存者被强行 赶到更为荒凉的“保留地”。 印第安人被迫迁徙之路也 被称为印第安人的“血泪之 路”。
工业革命的发展、移民潮、西部边疆的开拓等极 大的促进了经济的发展,美国开始成为一个充满 民族自信、繁荣兴旺的国家;
西进运动,开拓西部疆域,为美国作家提供了丰 富的创作主题和素材; 大规模的移民带来了种族上的混合,使美国文学 呈现出主题多姿多彩的局面。
欧洲浪漫主义的影响。在其影响下,作家们试验 各种创作形式与表现手法,开始注重对人物心理 的分析,主义运用象征手段,各类文学性都取得 了较大的发展; 不断增长的各类杂志对文学扩张发挥了重要作用; 美国社会提出鼓励“一个伟大民族的文学”的口 号。
女权问题。美国的完全独立为女权运动提供了政 治条件,工业革命的迅速发展为女权运动提供了 经济条件,一些先进女性开始冲破束缚,要求投 票权和财产所有权。1837年,美国第一所女子大 学在马萨诸塞州建立。 奴隶制度问题:奴隶制度与废奴主义并存,成千 上万的奴隶推动了美国经济扩张的步伐
BackgrouLeabharlann d政治背景:1、2、3、4
美国完全摆脱了对英国的依赖,以独立国家的身 份进入世界政治舞台,民主和政治平等成为这个 新兴国家的理想。政党之间开始争权夺势,新的 政治体系正在形成;
三年级介绍美国的英语作文The United States,the full name of the United States of America,is located in the central part of North America,bordering the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west,Canada to the north, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to the south.As a federal republic,the United States is made up of50states, including48mainland states and two overseas states -Alaska and Hawaii-with Washington,DC as its capital.With a total area of about9.83million square kilometers,the United States is the third or fourth largest country in the world,after Russia,Canada,and sometimes China(depending on data sources and calculation methods may vary).The topography of the United States is diverse,with the Appalachian Mountains in the east,the vast plains in the center, and the Rocky Mountains and the Cordillera Mountains in the west.Due to the diversity of its geographic location and topography,the United States has a diverse range of climate types,from the boreal climate in the north to the tropical climate in the south.The United States is a multicultural country with many Native American tribes.Since the arrival of European explorers at the end of the16th century,the United States has gone through colonial periods,wars of independence,territorial expansion,civil wars, industrialization,and modernization.On July4,1776, the13British North American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain,forming the United States of America.Since then,the United States has expanded its territory through purchase,war,and diplomacy,becoming a transcontinental power.The United States is one of the largest economies in the world,and its economic strength has significant international influence.The industrial structure of the United States is diversified,including high-tech, finance,manufacturing,service and other fields.As a global center of high-tech innovation,Silicon Valley is home to the headquarters of many technology companies.In addition,the United States is also very developed agriculture,especially in the Midwest, known as the"granary of the world."The political system of the United States is afederal republic based on the Constitution.The President of the United States,who is both head of state and head of government,is elected by popular vote for a four-year term and can be re-elected once.The legislative power is exercised by the Congress,which is divided into two houses,the Senate and the House of Representatives,whose members are elected by election.The judiciary is independent of the legislature and the executive,and the Supreme Court is the highest judicial organ.The United States is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and an important member of NATO,G7,G20,OECD and other international organizations.It plays an important role in international affairs,and its foreign policy and military actions are often the focus of global attention.The United States leads the world in science, technology,education,sports and many other fields. It has many world-class universities and research institutions,such as Harvard University,Stanford University and so on.American popular culture,including film,music,literature,and art,has had a profound impact on global culture.翻译:美国,全称美利坚合众国(United States of America),位于北美洲中部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接加拿大,南邻墨西哥及墨西哥湾。
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Vermont and Kentucky.
In 1818 the U.S. Congress reduced the number of stripes to 13 and established the policy of adding an additional star for every new state.
Land of promise and opportunity Land of miracles and achievements
The Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty, once one of the first sights to welcome immigrants arriving in the United States, continues to be a symbol of freedom and a favorite New York City tourist attraction. Liberty stands more than 93 m tall on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. The statue, designed by French sculptor Frédéric Bartholdi, was presented to the United States as a gift from France for the first centennial of the U.S. independence from Britain.
The Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge links the city of San Francisco with Marin County to the north. Since the suspension bridge opened in 1937, it has been one of the principal landmarks of both San Francisco and California.
Hoover Dam
The Hoover Dam is an arch-gravity dam on the Colorado River. As an arch-gravity dam, it depends on its shape and its own weight for stability. Hoover Dam, a 221-meter-high archgravity dam, blocks the flow of the Colorado River in Black Canyon. The dam created Lake Mead, one of the world's largest human-made lakes, which stretches 180 km upstream. Hoover Dam controls flooding, produces electric power, and provides water for use by agriculture, private homes, and industry.
Manned Space –Craft Center
The Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center near Houston, Texas operates the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s manned space flight program. Scientists and aerospace engineers at the center’s mission control supervised the first astronaut landing on the moon in 1969. Since then, they have controlled dozens of space missions from the 656-hectare (1620-acre) complex.
The essential design of the American flag can be traced to a resolution passed by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. This resolution stated that the flag should represent the 13 original states with 13 alternating red and white stripes and 13 stars on a blue field.
Please Listen to ---
Another Day in Paradise
Flag of the United States
Flag of the United States consists of 13 horizontal stripes, 7 red alternating with 6 white, and in the upper corner near the staff, a rectangular blue field, containing 50 five-pointed white stars.
Barbie DBiblioteka llThe large wardrobe of the Barbie doll is reminiscent of the extensive wardrobes of fashion dolls popular in Europe in the late 19th century. However, while clothes designers in the past used fashion dolls to showcase their new creations, Barbie dolls, created in 1959, function mainly as toys. Manufacturers now more commonly produce ethnically diverse dolls, like this black Barbie.
Unit 2 Background to America
"England and America are two countries separated by the same
-George Bernard Shaw, "Reader's Digest", November 1942
The stripes symbolize the 13 colonies that originally constituted the United States of America. The stars represent the 50 states of the Union.
White signifies Purity and Innocence; Red, Hardiness and Valor; and Blue, Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice.
Bald Eagle
The bald eagle was designated as the national bird of the United States in 1782.
Its name does not imply a lack of feathers, but instead is derived from the word piebald, meaning “marked with white.”
Warm –up the United States
Expressing your opinion
If you ask me , I think… The way I see it , … To my mind , … What I reckon is … You know what I think? I think … I should think … I suppose it could be… I think it … or something like that … Hard to tell, it could be …
The Gate Way of St. Louise
The skyline of the city of St. Louis, Missouri, is dominated by the stainless steel Gateway Arch, rising 192 m high. It was designed by Eero Saarinen and completed in 1965, after the famed architect’s death. St. Louis lies on the banks of the Mississippi River.
Land of oddities and absurdities Land of inequality and injustice
Las Vegas
Bright neon lights shine through the night in Las Vegas, Nevada, advertising casinos, hotels, clubs, bars, and other businesses. Las Vegas was a small town until gangster Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel changed the city’s character forever by constructing its first lavish hotel-casino in 1945. Now known as the “Entertainment Capital of the World,” Las Vegas attracts tourists from all over the world.