An observational test of common-envelope evolution




Frequently asked questions on chapter 2.6.12 Microbiological examination of non-sterile product: total viable aerobic countB. Harmonised methodPARAGRAPHCONCERNEDQUESTIONS ANSWERSCan I use other strains those that are cited in the Ph.Eur.? You must use the micro-organisms that are cited in this chapter or equivalent strains from other culture collections.4.2 Preparation of teststrainIs there a method that allows to verify that there is 100 CFU in the inoculum? You may establish a turbidimetric calibration curve or use another suitable method and then you will be able to determine rapidly the concentration of your inoculum.You can also use already-prepared certified strains.4.3 Negative control When are you actuallysupposed to do thenegative control: whentesting the suitability of themethod, or when testingthe product, or in bothsituations? You are supposed to do the negative control at the same time as when you are testing the product.What is the purpose of the negative control? The purpose of this negative control is to show that there is no contamination during the testing of the product.If a positive result is obtained with a negative control, the test can be regarded as invalid and may be repeated.4.3 Negative controlDoes it have to be done every time the product is tested or during the method validation or is it possible to do it periodically? It is preferable to do a negative control every time that the product is tested.Is it necessary to test the growth promotion on all received batches or does it serve just for microbiological validation? Do we have to test the growth promotion of diluted broth? Growth promotion must be tested for each new batch of medium, either by the supplier or the analyst. Growth promotion must be tested on agar media and nutritive broth but not on diluted broth.4.4 Growth promotion ofthe mediaDo we have to test systematically in parallel a previous and approved batch in order to compare with the new batch? You do not have to test a previous batch in parallel. You can do the comparison ‘on paper’ if growth was clearly described.Why have growth promotion tests to be performed on sabouraud-dextrose agar (SDA) and casein soya bean digest agar (CSA) for C. albicans and A. niger? Is it, because colonies of fungi detected on CSA are counted as part of TAMC? As bacteria growing on SDA are also counted as part of TYMC, why have the growth promotion tests not to be performed on SDA with the bacterial strains? This is a matter of definition. TAMC by definition includes yeast and moulds. Therefore the media have to be checked with these micro-organisms. TYMC is by definition yeasts and moulds count so growth promotion with bacteria is not essential.SDA with antibiotics may be used as an alternative.4.4 Growth promotion ofthe mediaWhat does the factor of 2 mean?How is this factor calculated? It means that the result can be twice that of the inoculum. For example with an inoculum of 100 CFU, acceptable counts are : 100/2 = 50 CFU to 100 x 2 = 200 CFU.The factor is introduced to take account of the variability of the method.4.5.2 Inoculation anddilution What is the sufficientvolume of the microbialsuspension of not morethan 100 CFU? What does100 CFU refer to?The micro-organisms are tobe added to thediluted/suspended product atthe end of the preparation orafter the neutralisation (in thelast fraction of the rinsingfluid in the case of filtration orsimultaneously with thepreparation in/on the Petridish in the case of the platecount method).The 100 CFU refers to theinoculum (eg what will be onthe filter or on the plate).4.5.2 Inoculation anddilution Problem of comprehensionof table 2.6.12-2.If I am going to validate aTAMC: should I use bothC. albicans and A. nigerfor my qualification?And if I am validating foryeast and mould countshould both C. albicansand A. niger be used forthe qualification?Yeast and moulds must berecovered on both CSA andSDA.Yes, you must validate withC. albicans and A. niger (seealso 4.4).4.5.3 Neutralisation/removal of antimicrobial activity Why is it necessary todemonstrate the efficacyof neutralising agents?Has this to be performedby comparison of buffersolutions with and withoutneutralising agents? Fromour point of view it is notnecessary, if recovery ofmicro-organisms in thepresence of product isgiven. It is very timeconsuming to test differentcombinations ofneutralising agents prior tothe validation test.It is good practice to test theefficacy and the absence oftoxicity of the neutralisingagent. Effectiveness ischecked by performingincubation of the product withand without neutralisingagent, absence of toxicity isperformed on a blank withneutraliser and withoutproduct. This can be done inparallel.4.5.4-1 Membranefiltration Why is the use of 0.45 µmfilter deemed appropriate,in view of the fact that a0.22 µm filter is regardedrequired for sterilisationupon filtration? The use ofa 0.45 µm filter would notbe sufficient to retain themicrobiological micro-organisms that could bepresent; instead a 0.22 µmfilter would be sufficient.In the sterility testmembranes with a pore sizenot greater than 0.45 µm areused as well. The reasonswhy filters with a larger poresize have been chosen are:1. Filtration is easier (faster)particularly in case of viscousproducts.2. If the filters are placed on anutrient medium, thenutrients must diffuse throughthe filter. This diffusion isfaster as the pore size islarger. Thus, growth can bedetected earlier on a 0.45 µmfilter as compared to a0.22 µm filter.If colonies of bacteria aredetected on SDA they arecounted as part of theTYMC. Then bacteria arecounted twice (TAMC andTYMC). Could you tell methe reason?If a product hasacceptance criteria forTYMC, why the bacteriadetected on SDA must beincluded in the fungiresults (TYMC)?TAMC is Total AerobicMicrobial Count, whichinclude both bacteria andfungi (yeast and moulds). Forthe TYMC, bacteria mightoccasionally grow on SDAplates, especially if they arepresent in the product inreasonably high numbers.Antibiotics can be included toresult in a product failing tomeet TYMC acceptancecriteria.5.3 Interpretation of theresultsWhat is the signification of “102CFU: maximum acceptable count: 200”. It means that if the specification in a product monograph is 102micro-organisms, the product could be release if up to 200 micro-organisms are counted.。



Blood Glucose Level Measurement as an Early Detection to Prevent the Incidence of Feline Diabetes Mellitus in Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Brawijaya University.Agri Kaltaria Anisa *, Aulanni’am, Dhita Evi Aryani, Wawi t Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Brawijaya University *email: ********************.idABSTRACT Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic condition of carbohydrate metabolism disorders caused by relative or absolute insulin deficiency. DM is a common disease not only in humans, but also pet animals such as cats. The most common type of diabetes in cats, also known as Feline Diabetes Mellitus (FDM), is type 2 diabetes mellitus with a prevalence of 1:100-1:500. The incidence of FDM can be prevented by an effort of early detection through blood glucose measurement. A cat is diagnosed with FDM if there is a persistent conditions of hyperglycemia with blood glucose levels >220 mg/dL. This study was aimed to determine the blood glucose level profile of cat patients at the Educational Animal Clinic of Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Brawijaya University as an early detection to prevention FDM in cat patients. The samples used are inpatient and outpatient cats that meet the criteria of "time limit", which is between the periods of 1 to 31 July 2016. This study used a prospective descriptive analysis. The results showed that out of 47 cat patients that were measured its blood glucose level, 39 cats (82.98%) had blood glucose levels below normal (<90mg/dL), 6 cats (12.78%) had normal blood glucose levels (90-120 mg/dL) and 2 cats (4.25%) had blood glucose levels above normal (>120 mg/dL) but still below 220mg/dL. By comparing the data of blood glucose levels it can be concluded that two of the cat patient that received health care at the Educational Animal Clinic of Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Brawijaya University, during this study, had the potential to suffer from Feline Diabetes Mellitus.Keywords: Feline diabetes mellitus, Blood glucose, Hyperglycemia1. Introduction Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common disease in cats with a prevalence of 1:100-1: 500. The most common type of diabetes in cats is type 2 diabetes. Blood glucose measurement is commonly performed as a laboratory analysis to confirm the presence of the Diabetes Mellitus in cats. A cat can be diagnosed with diabetes mellitus if there are persistent conditions of hyperglycemia with blood glucose levels> 220 mg / dL. One of the major risk factors for diabetes mellitus in cats is obesity. Obesity can be caused by feeding (diet) that contains too many carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are not good for cats because it can damage the pancreas. Pancreas damage may lead to the development of insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus [1,2,3]. Lack of public knowledge (cat owners) about Feline Diabetes Mellitus (FDM) in cats becomes its own problems, along with the increasing frequency of occurrence of the disease. The high cost of treatment of diabetes with insulin is also an obstacle for pet owners. Therefore it is necessary to do an early detection of FDM, one way is to perform blood glucose levels measurement, as early prevention of FDM in cat.2. Objective1st International Conference in One Health (ICOH 2017)The objective of this study was to determine the blood glucose profile from the results of blood glucose levels measurement in cat patients (in patients and out patients care) at Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Brawijaya University’s Education Animal Clinic. This was done as one of the early steps to prevent the incidence of Feline Diabetes Mellitus (FDM), especially in patients and out patients care at Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Brawijaya University’s Education Animal Clinic.3. MethodThis study was conducted as an observational study, where the researchers remotely measured the blood sugar levels of cat patients (in patients and out patients) at the Educational Animal Clinic of Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Brawijaya University. The populations used in this study were all patients’cats’ inpatient and outpatient care at the Educational Animal Clinic of Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Brawijaya University. The sample used were cat patients(inpatient and outpatient care) that meets the criteria of a time limit ("time limit"), which is between the period 1 to 31 July 2016. This study used a prospective descriptive analysis.4. Result and DiscussionThe results of the study, that was done during the period 1 to 31 July 2016 at the Educational Animal Clinic of Veterinary Medicine Faculty, Brawijaya University, prospectively obtained a sample of 47 cat patients (inpatients and outpatients care), which consisted of 20 male cats and 27 female cats. The age range of the sample taken was between 3 months to 5 years old, with the majority of the cats are from domestic breed. Blood glucose level were categorized into four groups, namely hypoglycemia (blood glucose <90 mg / dL), normal (90 mg / dL - 120 mg / dL, hyperglycemia (121 mg / dL - 219 mg / dL) and diabetes mellitus ( ≥ 220 mg / dL).The measurement of the blood sugar levels of 47 cat patients, obtained a total of 39 cats (82.98%) had blood glucose levels below normal (hypoglycemia) i.e. <90mg/dL, 6 cats (12.78%) had normal blood glucose levels between 90-120 mg/dL and 2 cats (4.25%) had blood glucose levels above normal (hyperglycemia) i.e. 121-219 mg/dL, but none of the measured cats had a blood glucose ≥ 220 such/dLasshown in table 1and figure 1. Blood glucose level has long been considered as a diagnostic tool for diabetes mellitus. It is commonly performed as a laboratory analysis to confirm the presence of the diabetes mellitus in cats. A cat can be diagnosed with diabetes mellitus if there are persistent conditions of hyperglycemia with blood glucose levels> 220 mg / dL. In this study none of the cat patients has blood glucose ≥ 220 mg/dL, so none of the cat patients are diagnosed with FDM. Although none of the cats are diagnosed to have FDM, the two cats with hyperglycemia are considered to be in risk if their blood glucose levels and living habits (diet, exercise etc.) are not monitored and controlled properly.Table 1 Distribution of Blood Glucose Level of Cat PatientsThe absence of cat patients that have blood glucose level in the range that is considered as diabetes was supported by supporting data, such as gender, age, body weight and breed of the cat patient samples.≥ 220121 mg/dL - 219 …90-120 mg/dL Blood Glucose Level≤ 900204060FIGURE 1. Distribution of Blood Glucose Level of the cat patientsGender, age, obesity and breed are risk factors of diabetes mellitus (DM). Male cats have higher risk to suffer diabetes mellitus compared to female cats. One of the reasons may be that male cats have lower sensitivity to insulin [2]. Meanwhile, the cat patient samples in this study consist of more female cats than male. Related to age, DM/FDM can happen to cats of all ages, but most of the cats that are diagnosed to suffer FDM are those with an age above 6 years old. Meanwhile in this study all of the cat patient samples aged less than 5 years old. Another risk factor of feline diabetes mellitus is obesity. Cats that are obese have a chance of about 4 times more likely to suffer from diabetes compared to cats with optimal weight. That is because obese cats have decreased insulin sensitivity [4].However, the results of this study note that all cat patient samples weight less than5 kg. In addition to gender, age, and obesity,a cat’s breed is also one of the risk factor was performed in Australia, New Zealand, and England showed that Burmese cats are fourtimes more at risk to suffer feline diabetes mellitus compared to domestic cat breed [2]. In this study, none of the cats are Burmese breed. Although none of the cat patients in this study are diagnosed to suffer FDM, a routine blood glucose level measurement is recommended to monitor the blood glucose level of the cats to prevent the cats from actually suffering feline diabetes mellitus.5. ConclusionsThe conclusion of this study is none of cat patients sampled at Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Brawijaya University’s Education Animal Clinic suffers from diabetes mellitus / Feline Diabetes Mellitus, but two cats are considered at risk because they have blood glucose level 121 mg/dL –219 mg/dL (hyperglycemia).AcknowledgmentThis project supported and fascilitated by Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Brawijaya University, and Biochemistry Department Team.ReferenceBirchard, S.J. and R.G. Sherding, 2006. Saunder Manual of Small Animal Practice. 3rd Edition. Saunder Elsevier. P.376-389.。

USP40 1226 药典的确认中英文对照

USP40 1226  药典的确认中英文对照

1226 VERIFICATION OF COMPENDIAL PROCEDURES药典方法的确认The intent of this general information chapter is to provide general information on the verification of compendial procedures that are being performed for the first time to yield acceptable results utilizing the personnel, equipment, and reagents available.此章节的意图是对药典方法的确认提供基本资料,使用人员,设备和试剂使第一次进行运用药典方法以产生可接受的结果。

This chapter is not intended for retroactive application to already successfully established laboratory procedures. The chapter Validation of Compendial Procedures <1225>provides general information on characteristics that should be considered for various test categories and on the documentation that should accompany analytical procedures submitted for inclusion in USP–NF.Verification consists of assessing selected analytical performance characteristics, such as those that are described in chapter <1225>to generate appropriate, relevant data rather than repeating the validation process.此章节并不旨在对已经成功建立的实验室方法进行回顾性运用。



高二年级英语心理学初探单选题50题1. The state of being extremely sad and losing interest in life is often related to ______.A. AnxietyB. DepressionC. ObsessionD. Hallucination答案:B。


2. A person who has an unreasonable fear of a particular thing is said to have ______.A. PhobiaB. ParanoiaC. AmnesiaD. Dementia答案:A。


3. Which term refers to the ability to understand and share the feelings of others?A. EmpathyB. SympathyC. ApathyD. Antipathy答案:A。




妇科英语试题库及答案一、选择题1. Which of the following is a common symptom of endometriosis?A. Heavy menstrual bleedingB. Irregular periodsC. InfertilityD. All of the above答案:D2. What is the medical term for the removal of the uterus?A. HysterectomyB. OophorectomyC. SalpingectomyD. Cystectomy答案:A3. The hormone responsible for the development of female secondary sexual characteristics is:A. EstrogenB. ProgesteroneC. TestosteroneD. Insulin答案:A二、填空题4. The process of a fertilized egg implanting into the________ is known as implantation.答案:endometrium5. The medical condition characterized by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus is called ________. 答案:endometriosis6. A ________ is a surgical procedure to remove the ovaries.答案:oophorectomy三、判断题7. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition thataffects only the ovaries.答案:错误8. Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation,which occurs naturally in women around the age of 50.答案:正确9. The use of oral contraceptives can help prevent the development of ovarian cysts.答案:错误四、简答题10. Describe the function of the cervix in the female reproductive system.答案:The cervix serves as a passageway for sperm to enterthe uterus and for the baby to be delivered during childbirth.It also produces mucus that helps to facilitate the movement of sperm towards the egg.11. What are the typical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?答案:Typical symptoms of PMS include mood swings,irritability, bloating, breast tenderness, fatigue, and headaches, among others.五、案例分析题12. A 35-year-old woman presents with a history of severe pelvic pain, painful intercourse, and infertility. She has been trying to conceive for the past two years without success. What condition might she be suffering from, and what diagnostic tests could be performed to confirm the diagnosis?答案:The woman may be suffering from endometriosis. Diagnostic tests that could be performed include a pelvic examination, transvaginal ultrasound, and possibly a laparoscopy to visualize the endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus.六、翻译题13. 翻译以下医学术语:- 子宫肌瘤 (Uterine fibroids)- 子宫颈涂片 (Pap smear)- 卵巢囊肿 (Ovarian cyst)答案:- 子宫肌瘤 (Uterine fibroids)- 子宫颈涂片 (Pap smear)- 卵巢囊肿 (Ovarian cyst)七、论述题14. Discuss the importance of regular gynecological check-ups and the common procedures involved.答案:Regular gynecological check-ups are crucial for early detection and prevention of various gynecological disorders such as cervical cancer, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis. Common procedures involved include a pelvic examination, Pap smear for cervical cancer screening, breast examination, and discussions regarding sexual health and contraception.请注意,以上内容仅为示例,实际的试题库和答案应根据具体教学大纲和课程内容进行编制。



医护英语二级考试答案1. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of a common cold?A. CoughB. Sore throatC. FeverD. HeadacheAnswer: C. Fever2. What is the medical term for a severe headache that is often associated with a migraine?A. Tension headacheB. Cluster headacheC. Migratory headacheD. Sinus headacheAnswer: B. Cluster headache3. In medical terms, what does the abbreviation "IV" stand for?A. IntravenousB. In vivoC. In vitroD. IntervertebralAnswer: A. Intravenous4. Which of the following is a type of medication used totreat high blood pressure?A. AntibioticB. AntihypertensiveC. AntisepticD. AntihistamineAnswer: B. Antihypertensive5. What is the correct term for a medical professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the heart and blood vessels?A. CardiologistB. HematologistC. OncologistD. PulmonologistAnswer: A. Cardiologist6. Which of the following is a common diagnostic tool used to examine the internal structures of the body?A. StethoscopeB. EndoscopeC. ThermometerD. Blood pressure monitorAnswer: B. Endoscope7. What is the term used to describe a condition where the body is unable to regulate its temperature properly?A. HyperthermiaB. HypothermiaC. DysthermiaD. Thermoregulation disorderAnswer: D. Thermoregulation disorder8. Which of the following is a type of imaging technique used to visualize the structure and function of the brain?A. X-rayB. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)C. UltrasoundD. CT (Computed Tomography)Answer: B. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)9. What is the medical term for a condition characterized by an excessive amount of glucose in the blood?A. HypoglycemiaB. HyperglycemiaC. Diabetes insipidusD. GlycosuriaAnswer: B. Hyperglycemia10. Which of the following is a method used to prevent the spread of infections in a healthcare setting?A. Hand hygieneB. SmokingC. OvercrowdingD. Lack of ventilationAnswer: A. Hand hygiene结束语:希望这些答案能帮助你更好地准备医护英语二级考试。



检验专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a routine test in clinical laboratory?A. Blood countB. Urine analysisC. Liver function testD. DNA sequencing2. The term "hemoglobin" refers to:A. A type of proteinB. A type of enzymeC. A type of hormoneD. A type of lipid3. What is the primary function of the enzyme amylase?A. To break down proteinsB. To break down carbohydratesC. To break down fatsD. To break down nucleic acids4. The process of identifying the presence of a specific microorganism in a sample is known as:A. CulturingB. IsolationC. IdentificationD. Quantification5. Which of the following is a common method for measuring the concentration of glucose in blood?A. SpectrophotometryB. ChromatographyC. ElectrophoresisD. Enzymatic assay6. The term "ELISA" stands for:A. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent AssayB. Electrophoresis-Linked Immunosorbent AssayC. Enzyme-Linked Immunofluorescence AssayD. Electrophoresis-Linked Immunofluorescence Assay7. In medical diagnostics, what does "PCR" refer to?A. Polymerase Chain ReactionB. Protein Chain ReactionC. Particle Count ReactionD. Pathogen Characterization Reaction8. The process of measuring the amount of a specific substance in a sample is known as:A. TitrationB. CalibrationC. QuantificationD. Qualification9. Which of the following is a common type of clinical specimen?A. BloodB. SoilC. HairD. Water10. The term "antibodies" refers to:A. Proteins that recognize and bind to specific antigensB. Substances that neutralize toxinsC. Hormones that regulate immune responseD. Cells that produce immune responses二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The process of separating molecules based on their size is known as __________.2. In clinical chemistry, the term "assay" refers to a__________ method.3. The unit of measurement for pH is __________.4. A common method for detecting the presence of antibodies in a sample is the __________ test.5. The process of identifying the type of bacteria in a sample is known as __________.6. The process of separating DNA fragments based on their size is known as __________.7. The term "ELISA" is used in __________ to detect the presence of specific antibodies or antigens.8. The process of identifying the genetic makeup of an organism is known as __________.9. The process of measuring the amount of a substance in a sample using a specific wavelength of light is called__________.10. The process of identifying the presence of specific microorganisms in a sample is known as __________.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. Describe the principle of the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).2. Explain the importance of maintaining aseptic technique ina clinical laboratory.3. What are the steps involved in performing a blood count?4. Discuss the role of antibodies in the immune response.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. Compare and contrast the methods of Chromatography and Electrophoresis in terms of their applications in clinical diagnostics.2. Discuss the ethical considerations in the use of genetic testing for medical purposes.五、翻译题(每题5分,共10分)1. 将以下句子从中文翻译成英文:在临床实验室中,酶联免疫吸附测定法是一种常用的检测特定抗体或抗原的方法。



肉毒杆菌病的诊断金标准英文回答:The gold standard for the diagnosis of botulism is the demonstration of botulinum toxin in clinical specimens orthe isolation of Clostridium botulinum from these specimens.The most common method used to detect botulinum toxinis the mouse bioassay. In this test, a sample from the patient is injected into mice and observed for signs of botulism. If the mice show symptoms of botulism, such as paralysis, then the sample is considered positive for botulinum toxin. This method is highly sensitive and specific, but it is time-consuming and requires the use of live animals.Another method for detecting botulinum toxin is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This test uses antibodies that specifically bind to botulinum toxin to detect its presence in a sample. ELISA is faster than themouse bioassay and does not require the use of live animals, but it may have lower sensitivity and specificity comparedto the mouse bioassay.In addition to detecting botulinum toxin, the diagnosis of botulism also involves the clinical evaluation of the patient. The symptoms of botulism include muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision, and dry mouth. The presence of these symptoms, along with a history of exposure to botulinum toxin, can support the diagnosis of botulism.Furthermore, electromyography (EMG) can be used to confirm the diagnosis of botulism. EMG measures theelectrical activity of muscles and can show acharacteristic pattern of muscle weakness and decreased nerve conduction in patients with botulism.In summary, the gold standard for the diagnosis of botulism is the demonstration of botulinum toxin inclinical specimens or the isolation of Clostridiumbotulinum from these specimens. This can be achievedthrough methods such as the mouse bioassay and ELISA. Clinical evaluation of the patient's symptoms and electromyography can also be used to support the diagnosis.中文回答:肉毒杆菌病的诊断金标准是在临床样本中检测到肉毒杆菌毒素或从这些样本中分离出肉毒杆菌。



检体诊断英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is a common symptom of respiratory diseases?A. CoughB. DiarrheaC. HeadacheD. Fatigue2. The term "auscultation" refers to:A. Listening to the heart and lungsB. Feeling the pulseC. Observing the skinD. Checking the blood pressure3. What is the purpose of percussion in physical examination?A. To assess the size of organsB. To determine the presence of fluidC. To evaluate the function of jointsD. To examine the nervous system4. Which of the following is not a vital sign?A. TemperatureB. PulseC. RespirationD. Blood type5. In the context of physical examination, what does BP standfor?A. Blood PressureB. Blood PlateletsC. Blood ProteinD. Blood Purification6. What is the normal range for adult respiratory rate?A. 12-20 breaths per minuteB. 60-100 beats per minuteC. 15-25 breaths per minuteD. 80-120 beats per minute7. The abdomen is examined for:A. Heart soundsB. Liver sizeC. Lung capacityD. Kidney function8. Which of the following is a method to assess the integrity of the nervous system?A. PalpationB. PercussionC. AuscultationD. Neurological examination9. What does the acronym ROM stand for?A. Range of MotionB. Rate of MetabolismC. Resting Oxygen MeasureD. Rapid Oxygen Monitoring10. Which of the following is not a method of physical examination?A. InspectionB. PalpationC. PercussionD. Electrocardiogram二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The normal body temperature is approximately ______ degrees Celsius.12. The ______ is a procedure used to assess the function of the heart and lungs.13. The ______ is the examination of the abdomen to detect abnormalities.14. A ______ is a common method to check the size and consistency of the liver.15. The ______ is the measurement of the blood pressure.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. Explain the difference between inspection and palpation in physical examination.17. Describe the significance of a normal blood pressure reading.18. What are the common findings during a neurological examination?19. Discuss the importance of a thorough physical examination in diagnosing diseases.四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)20. A patient presents with a persistent cough, shortness of breath, and a fever. What steps would you take in thephysical examination to determine the cause?21. A patient complains of abdominal pain. How would you approach the abdominal examination to identify the source of the pain?五、论述题(共20分)22. Discuss the role of a physical examination in the overall assessment of a patient's health. Include the limitations and benefits of this method.答案:一、选择题1-5: A A B D A6-10: C B B A D二、填空题11. 36.512. Auscultation13. Abdominal palpation14. Percussion15. Sphygmomanometer三、简答题16. Inspection involves visually examining the patient, while palpation involves physically feeling the body for abnormalities.17. A normal blood pressure reading indicates that the heart is functioning properly and that the arteries are not under excessive pressure.18. Common findings during a neurological examination include assessing reflexes, muscle strength, and sensory responses.19. A thorough physical examination is crucial foridentifying signs and symptoms of diseases, guiding further diagnostic tests, and monitoring the progression of a disease.四、案例分析题20. The steps would include auscultation to listen for abnormal lung sounds, percussion to assess lung expansion,and palpation to feel for any tenderness or consolidation. 21. The approach would involve inspecting for any visiblesigns of distress, palpation to assess for tenderness or organomegaly, and auscultation to listen for bowel sounds.五、论述题22. [Answer will vary based on the examinee's understanding and ability to discuss the topic comprehensively.]。



重症感染的诊疗进展南方重症医学网 2012-03-16 08:59:10 作者:SystemMaster 来源: 文字大小:[大][中][小]重症感染一直是导致患者死亡的主要疾病,而且近年来发病率仍在上升,为了降低危重感染患者的死亡率,许多学者致力于这方面的研究工作,本文就近年来在重症感染的诊疗方面的研究进展做一总结。

1 脓毒症脓毒症是极其凶险的感染性疾病,死亡率高。









1.1 脓毒症的诊断脓毒症的诊断现在多依赖于传统的培养方法,一般需要2天时间,能检测出感染原形态、具体种属、药物敏感性等结果。




Bloos等的研究显示即便血培养结果阴性,以聚合酶链反应(PCR)为基础的病原体检测结果仍与疾病严重程度相关,提示血流中存在微生物DNA具有重要意义 [8]。




非无菌产品微生物学检查:微生物计数检查法USP61中英对照版<61> MICROBIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF NONSTERILE PRODUCTS: MICROBIAL ENUMENRATION TESTS非无菌产品微生物学检查:微生物计数检查法INTRODUCTION 导言The tests described hereafter will allow quantitative enumeration of mesophilic bacteria and fungi that may grow under aerobic conditions.以下所描述的这些检测将使得对在有氧的条件下生长的嗜温性细菌和真菌进行定量计数成为可能。

The tests are designed primarily to determine whether a substance or preparation complies with an established specification for microbiological quality. When used for such purposes, follow the instructions given below, including the number of samples to be taken, and interpret the results as stated below.这些检测主要设计用于测定一种物质或制备品是否符合已确立的微生物质量标准。


The methods are not applicable to products containing viable microorganisms as active ingredients.这些方法不适用于以活菌作为活性成分的产品。



- 160 -blood urea nitrogen (BUN) can predict mortality in acute pancreatitis: comparative study between BISAP Score, APACHE-Ⅱ, and other laboratory markers-a prospective observational study[J].Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol,2021,22:6643595.[37] DAI M,FAN Y,PAN P,et al.Blood urea nitrogen as aprognostic marker in severe acute pancreatitis[J].Dis Markers,2022,29:7785497.[38] WU B U,BAKKER O J,PAPACHRISTOU G I,et al.Bloodurea nitrogen in the early assessment of acute pancreatitis: an international validation study[J].Arch Intern Med,2011,171(7):669-676.[39]罗博文,邓德海,韦慧芬,等.早期液体复苏终点指标对急性胰腺炎容量评估的价值[J].临床肝胆病杂志,2020,36(12):2777-2781.[40] MUDDANA V,WHITCOMB D C,KHALID A,et al.Elevatedserum creatinine as a marker of pancreatic necrosis in acute pancreatitis[J].Am J Gastroenterol,2009,104(1):164-170.[41]耿金婷,王瑞峰,杨宁,等.血尿素氮、血肌酐、C-反应蛋白质对急性胰腺炎严重程度及预后的预测价值[J].中国临床医生杂志,2021,49(8):956-958.[42] WIESE M L,URBAN S,VON RHEINBABEN S,et al.Identification of early predictors for infected necrosis in acute pancreatitis[J].BMC Gastroenterol,2022,22(1):405.(收稿日期:2023-10-30) (本文编辑:陈韵)*基金项目:滨州医学院附属医院科研项目(滨附行发[2020]31号)①滨州医学院附属医院麻醉科 山东 滨州 256603通信作者:张全意布托啡诺在无痛胃镜中的应用及研究进展*孙瑶芮① 张全意① 【摘要】 近年来,我国胃肠道疾病的发病率逐渐增加,无痛胃镜检查则是最可靠、最常用的诊断方法。



卫生检验专业英语In the field of public health, the role of sanitary inspectors is paramount. They are the frontline guardians ensuring that the standards of hygiene and safety are met across various sectors, from food service to environmental health. The language used in this profession is as critical as the work itself, often requiring a specialized vocabulary to accurately convey the intricacies of inspection, compliance, and regulation."Sanitary inspection" is a term that encompasses a wide range of activities, from visual assessments to laboratory analysis. Inspectors must be adept in using technical terms such as "pathogens," "vector control," and "epidemiology" when discussing the potential health risks associated with unsanitary conditions.The language of sanitary inspection is not just about conveying information; it's also about persuasion and instruction. Inspectors often need to use clear, directive language to ensure that those they are inspecting understand the necessary corrective actions. Phrases like "It is imperative that you..." or "Failure to comply with... will result in..." are common in this context.Emotional intelligence is also crucial when dealing with individuals or businesses that may be resistant to change. Inspectors must balance the use of authoritative languagewith empathy and understanding. They might say, "We understand that making these changes can be challenging, but they are crucial for the safety of your customers and the community."In the realm of environmental health, the language can become even more specialized. Inspectors might discuss "air quality indices," "waterborne contaminants," or "hazardous waste disposal." Each of these terms carries a specific meaning and is used to communicate the findings of complex tests and analyses.The emotional weight of this profession is often overlooked. Inspectors bear the responsibility of protecting the public from harm, which can be a heavy burden. Their language must reflect the seriousness of their role without causing undue panic. For instance, when reporting a finding, an inspector might say, "Our tests have detected elevated levels of lead in the water supply. We are taking immediate steps to remediate this situation and ensure the safety of the water supply."In conclusion, the English used in the field of sanitary inspection is a blend of technical precision, authoritative instruction, and empathetic communication. It's a language that not only describes the world of public health but also shapes it, guiding individuals and organizations towards a safer, healthier future.。



体外诊断试剂IVD欧盟EN13612性能评估部分中英3 General requirements for the performance evaluation3.1 Responsibilities and resourcesThe manufacturer takes the responsibility for the initiation and/or the conduct of a performance evaluation study. He shall define the responsibility and the interrelation of all personnel who manageand conduct the performance evaluation of IVD MDs,particularly for personnel who need theorganisational freedom and authority toa) assess the validity of test results and data already available;b) specify performance claims which shall be further examined or confirmed;c) specify and document the evaluation plan and the test procedures;d) prepare the evaluation report.The manufacturer shall appoint a co-ordinator with overall responsibility of the performance evaluationstudy. The co-ordinator shall himself assure that adequate resources are available. The investigatorshall ensure that the evaluation plan is followed at his location and that the study is appropriatelyreviewed from an ethical point of view.3.2 DocumentationThe documentation of the performance evaluation study shall contain the files relating to clauses 3 to7 of this standard and shall be part of the technical documentation of the IVD MD.3.3 Final assessment and reviewThe co-ordinator shall assess and document which performance claims are met, state whether claimsare not met and give recommendations for corrective actions, where necessary.The responsible management of the manufacturer shall make sure that the results of the performanceevaluation study and the recommendations for corrective actions are carefully considered and properlydocumented before issuing a declaration of conformity.4 Organisation of a performance evaluation study4.1 PreconditionsBefore starting a performance evaluation study it shall be ensured by the co-ordinator thata) the performance claims of the IVD MD which are the subject of the study are specified;b) the IVD MD has been manufactured under controlled production processes and conditions;c) the IVD MD to be evaluated meets the quality control release specifications;d) a sufficient number of samples of the IVD MD can be provided during the entire period of theperformance evaluation study;e) all legal requirements for performance evaluation studies are met;f) the investigator(s) is (are) adequately skilled andtrained to conduct the study and the necessaryresources are available.4.2 Evaluation planThe evaluation plan shall state the purpose on scientific, technical or medical grounds, the scope ofthe evaluation, the structure and organization of the study and the number of devices concerned.Defining the objective of the study, the co-ordinator shall have assessed which performance claimsare already verified by data or scientific literature.The evaluation plan shall be designed to minimise the requirements for invasive sampling. In the caseof IVD MDs for self-testing it shall be ensured that the evaluation plan is appropriate and acceptable tousers and the information provided shall be clear and easily understood.The evaluation plan shall specifya) that the investigator(s) is (are) adequately skilled and trained to use the IVD MD;b) the list of laboratories or other institutions taking part in the performance evaluation study; for selftesting,the location and number of lay persons involved;c) the time-table;d) the necessary minimum number of probands from whom specimens are collected by invasiveprocedures in order to adequately assess the performance of the IVD MD;e) instructions for use including a description of the conditions of use;f) the performance claims (e.g. analytical sensitivity, diagnostic sensitivity, analytical specificity,diagnostic specificity, accuracy, repeatability, reproducibility) to be validated;g) the format of performance study records.4.3 Sites and resourcesIn general, the performance study procedure(s) shall be carried out under conditions reflecting therelevant intended conditions of use.The co-ordinator shall take the responsibility for the proper conduct of the performance evaluationstudy at all sites. All investigators shall be named.The co-ordinator shall ensure adequate competence and skill at all sites involved and that thenecessary resources are available.Where lay persons are involved in a performance evaluation study of an IVD MD for self-testing, thelocation of the study and the number of persons shall be given. The co-ordinator shall specify thecriteria for the selection of a representative panel. Especially for studies involving lay persons it shall be ensured that these persons do not receiveadditional information on the use of the IVD MD apart from that which is provided with the IVD MDwhen it is placed on the market because the comprehension of the manufacturer's instructions for useis one of the important aspects of the study. lt shall also be ensured that the untrained person(s) donot receive any additional information or help, e. g. from a tutor, other than the training specified andprovided by the manufacturer in the instructions for use.4.4 Basic design informationThe co-ordinator shall provide the investigator(s) with sufficient information in order to understand thefunction and application of the IVD MD and, where necessary, the investigator shall make himselffamiliar with the IVD MD and its application. The information provided shall include a statement thatthe device in question conforms with the requirements of the Directive 98/79/EC apart from those to beevaluated.4.5 Experimental designThe experimental procedures to validate each performance claim subject to the performanceevaluation study shall be documented in the evaluation plan. Special consideration in performance evaluation studies of reagents/kits shall be given, whereapplicable, to the following:–specification of type (e.g. serum, plasma, urine) and properties (e.g. concentration range, ageand sex of the proband population) of specimens appropriate to the intended use;– probands to be enrolled;– suitability, stability and volume of specimens and specimen exclusion criteria;–blind procedures, where necessary;– reagent stability;–inclusion of common interfering factors, caused by specimen condition or thepathological/physiological status of the specimen donor or treatment;–conditions for use which can be reasonably anticipated; special attention shall be paid to theconditions of use by lay persons;–selection of an appropriate reference measurement procedure and reference material ofhigher order, where available;–determination of the status of specimens (for qualitative tests with a nominal or ordinal scale);–calibration procedures, including traceability, where appropriate;– appropriate means of control;– limitations of the test;– criteria for re-examination and data exclusion;–availability of additional information concerning the specimen or donor if follow-up ofunexpected results is required;– appropriate measures to reduce risk of infection to the user.Where the study is intended to validate the performance claims of an instrument special considerationshall be given additionally to the following:– maintenance and cleaning;– carry-over effects;– software validation.NOTE For the investigation of the technical aspects of instruments,other standards can be relevant.4.6 Performance study recordsThe performance study records shall– refer to the experimental procedures in the evaluation plan;– be unequivocally identifiable;– contain or refer to all results and related relevant data;– be part of the technical documentation of the IVD MD.The protection of all confidential data shall be ensured.4.7 Observations and unexpected outcomesSpecial attention shall be paid to observations andunexpected outcomes, e. g. drop outs, outliers,instability of sample or reagent signal etc., non-reproducibility, non-correlation of results to thereference or to the diagnostic pattern, defects or breakdowns, software errors, or error signals.Any deviation from the defined procedures shall be recorded.In the case of IVD MDs for self-testing,the investigator or tutor shall duly note any difficulty or question a user may have and any deviationfrom the mode of application of the IVD MD as described by the manufacturer.Any such observation shall be properly recorded. The co-ordinator shall, together with the investigator,trace the cause whenever possible. The result shall be recorded and shall be part of the evaluationreport.Where the validity of the examinations already performed may be questionable because of anidentified source of error the tests shall be repeated after exclusion of that cause.Where a misuse or misinterpretation of the instructions for use has been the cause and where anunexpected risk inherent to the product design or the mode of application has been identified this shallbe clearly stated.The proposals of the investigator(s) and the co-ordinator for any improvement of the IVD MD and/or itsapplication shall be recorded.4.8 Evaluation reportThe co-ordinator shall establish an evaluation report. It shallcontain a description of the study, ananalysis of the results together with a conclusion on the performance claims investigated.The report shall also discuss any unexpected outcomes which have occurred. It shall identify thecause whenever possible and give recommendations for corrective actions to be taken, wherenecessary.If several studies have been conducted for one IVD MD, a single summarizing report may beestablished.5 Modifications during the performance evaluation studyWhere the manufacturing process has been changed it shall be checked whether the performanceclaims of the IVD MD still conform to those which had been set initially. Otherwise the validity of theexaminations already performed shall be questioned and the evaluation plan shall be revisedaccordingly.Where design changes are introduced, the evaluation plan shall be revised.6 Re-evaluationIn case of changes to the design or manufacturing process of the IVD MD, the performance evaluationstudy shall be repeated as far as necessary, to ensure that the intended use and the performanceclaims of the IVD MD placed on the market are adequately evaluated.This re-evaluation may refer to documented results of a preceding evaluation insofar as these are considered valid andtransferable after critical review.7 Protection and safety of probandsThe removal, collection and use of tissues, cells and substances of human origin is governed, inrelation to ethics, by the principles laid down in the Convention of the Council of Europe for theprotection of human rights and dignity of the human being with regard to the application of biology andmedicine and by any national regulations on this matter.In any case, the results obtained from a specimen by means of the IVD MD under evaluation shall notbe used for other purposes than for performance evaluation, unless ethical reasons, fully supported bya responsible medical professional, suggest the contrary. In such a case the medical professionalassumes complete responsibility.3 性能评估的一般要求3.1 责任和谋略生产商负责性能评估研究的开始和/或引导。

observation of analysis test

observation of analysis test

observation of analysis testObservation of Analysis Test: A Crucial Step in Scientific InquiryThe observation of analysis test is a crucial step in the scientific inquiry process. It involves carefully observing and recording data from experiments or studies to gain insights into natural phenomena or the behavior of systems. This process is essential for making informed decisions, developing theories, and advancing scientific knowledge.During an analysis test, scientists meticulously document every detail of the experiment, including the setup, materials used, conditions, and any changes that occur. They use precision tools and instruments to measure and record data, ensuring accuracy and repeatability. This meticulous attention to detail is crucial for ensuring the validity and reliability of the results.Observation of analysis test also requires patience and perseverance. Scientists may need to wait for extended periods of time to observe changes or record data. They must also be prepared to repeat experiments or modify their methods if initial results are inconclusive or unexpected. This iterative process is essential for refining theories and improving understanding.The importance of observation of analysis test cannot be overstated. It is the foundation of all scientific research, providing the raw data that scientists analyze and interpret to gain insights into the natural world. By carefully observing and recording data, scientists can develop theories, make predictions, and design new experiments to further their understanding.In conclusion, the observation of analysis test is a crucial step in the scientific inquiry process. It requires meticulous attention to detail, patience, and perseverance. By carefully observing and recording data, scientists can gain insights into natural phenomena, develop theories, and advance scientific knowledge.。



Summarize and reviews | 综述与专论180 ·2021.030 引言在进行牛疾病生化检验中,要严格地遵循我国的规章制度及行业的规范要求,提升实际工作的规范性和科学性,并且加强和技术人员之间的沟通以及交流,及时发现在牛疾病生化检验中存在的难题,融入我国目前新的技术和新的设备保证实际工作效率的科学性实施,从牛疾病生化检验的各个环节入手开展日常工作,进而提高牛疾病生化检验的精准性和有效性。

1 牛疾病生化检验背景随着我国目前养殖行业的不断发展,牛疾病的类型和感染范围逐渐朝着多样化的方向而发展,为保证牛疾病的问题能得到有效的解决,维护养殖人员的经济效益,在实际工作中要对牛疾病进行生化检验,更加符合实际工作需求工作要求。







阳性球菌的鉴定流程英文回答:Identification of Gram-positive cocci involves a series of steps that help in determining the specific species or genus of the bacteria. This process is crucial in clinical microbiology as it helps in diagnosing and treating infections caused by these bacteria. Here is a general flowchart for the identification of Gram-positive cocci:1. Gram stain: The first step is to perform a Gramstain on the bacterial sample. Gram-positive cocci will retain the crystal violet stain and appear purple under the microscope.2. Morphological examination: The next step is to examine the morphology of the bacteria. This includes observing the shape, size, and arrangement of the cocci. Common arrangements include clusters (e.g., Staphylococcus) or chains (e.g., Streptococcus).3. Catalase test: To differentiate between Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, a catalase test is performed. Staphylococcus species produce the enzyme catalase, which converts hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, resulting in the production of bubbles. Streptococcus species do not produce catalase and therefore do not produce bubbles.4. Coagulase test: If the Gram-positive cocci are identified as Staphylococcus, a coagulase test is performed. This test helps in differentiating between Staphylococcus aureus (coagulase-positive) and other Staphylococcusspecies (coagulase-negative). Coagulase-positive strainswill cause the plasma to clot.5. Hemolysis test: Another important test is the hemolysis test, which determines the ability of thebacteria to lyse red blood cells. This helps in differentiating between Streptococcus species. There are three types of hemolysis patterns: alpha-hemolysis (partial hemolysis), beta-hemolysis (complete hemolysis), and gamma-hemolysis (no hemolysis).6. Biochemical tests: Various biochemical tests can be performed to further identify the Gram-positive cocci. These tests include the ability to ferment sugars, produce certain enzymes, and utilize specific substrates. Thesetests can help in differentiating between closely related species.7. Antibiotic susceptibility testing: Finally,antibiotic susceptibility testing can be performed to determine the sensitivity of the bacteria to different antibiotics. This information is crucial in guiding the appropriate treatment for infections caused by these bacteria.中文回答:阳性球菌的鉴定流程包括一系列步骤,有助于确定细菌的特定物种或属。



ELTU 1001 Foundation English for University StudiesCommon English Foundation (CEF) Diagnostic TestCommon English Foundation (CEF) is one of the open resources for ELTU 1001 students to conduct self-directed language learning in the following areas:1.aspects of grammar; and2.academic vocabulary.In order for you to conduct more needful and focused learning, this “diagnostic test” was compiled for you to try some language items out. Please complete this test at home without the help of any learning aids. Your class teacher will check the answers with you in class so you can identify your relative strengths and weaknesses in different aspects of English grammar. Then, you can set you SMART goals for personal learning.This is NOT an assessed test, but rather, a “self-discovery instrument” for you to plan for your personal learning. Enjoy!Acknowledgements:This “diagnostic test” was compiled largely based on the on-line CEF practice exercises/practice test prepared by the CEF Team and many ELTU teachers.Section A was jointly prepared by Dr. Beatrice Ma, Nicola Gram, Allen Ho, Florence Lai and Olive Cheung.A) Word FormsChange the form of the given words.1) Academic Purposes Verb AdjectiveAdverbNoun/ Subject Person 1 analysis2 / / assessment 3/ category/categorization/4/ challenge5 // clarification / 6 / / complexity/complex / 7 /concept/conceptualization/ 8 criticism 9difference / 10 / discrimination / 11 / / elimination / 12 / evaluation13 / illustration 14 / legislation 15 / / pursuit16 / simulation/simulator/17 / specification18 / utilization/utility 19 / ultimatum / 20 / astronomy 21 / chemistry22 / genetics23 / history 24 / pharmacy 25 / psychology26 / /radiology27/zoologyanalyse assessassessorchallengerchallengingchallengeclarifycomplexcriticizecritical critically differentdifferentlydiscriminateeliminateevaluate illustrateillustratorlegislatepursuresimulatespecifiy specificatorutilizatechemical chemically genetically geneticsist historianhistirical historicallypsychological psychologically psychologist tadioligical radiologistzoologicalzoologicallyB)Articles(source: /exercises/2/1/13 retrieved on 5 September 2011)Put “a”, “an” “the” or “X” (no article is needed) as appropriate.______ H/horse knows when he is going to race. How does he know? His breakfast was scanty.(He is angry about that.) He does not have ______ saddle on his back. He is being led, not ridden, to ______ grandstand. He is led under ______ grandstand into ______ unusual, special stall.______ H/horse is nervous. Sometimes he does not know what to do when ______ starting gate flies open and ______ track is before him. If he does not begin to run instantly, other ______ horses are already ahead of him. During ______ race, when he sees another horse just ahead of him, he will try to pass him. Sometimes ______ jockey holds him back to save his energy for ______ last stretch. Eventually ______ horse gets to run as fast as he can. ______ E/exercise boy, watching ______ owner's favorite jockey riding ______ horse he has exercised ______ day after day, says nothing. Secretly, he is planning for ______ day when he will be ______ jockey himself, and his horse will be ______ first to cross ______ finish line.C)Nouns (source: .hk/cill/eap/2004/u1/nouncorrection.htm retrieved on 5 September,2011)Check the nouns of the following sentences critically. Spot the errors and correct them.1.We need to do more researches to find out the causes of the problem.2.The forthcoming book by Professor Coleman contains many useful ideas for law students andpractising lawyers alike.3.We can only resolve the conflict by mean of negotiating with patience and sincerity.4.My flatmate, who is an overseas student from Malaysia, speaks four language.5.If you need helps, please do not hesitate to contact me or my colleagues.6.The public are increasingly concerned about the behaviours of some university students.7.The news of the proposed restructuring have travelled quickly within the company in the pastweek.8.The department has purchased three new machineries for the main laboratory.D)Subject-verb Agreement (adapted from /exercises/5/13/34 retrieved on 5 Sept. 2001)Circle the best option for each of the following sentence.1.Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.2.Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.3.The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.4.Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.5.George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.6.Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.7.One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.8.The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.9. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.10.The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.11.Either answer (is, are) acceptable.12.Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.13.Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.14.(Is, Are) the news on at five or six?15.Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite subject.16.Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.17.(Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?18.Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.19.There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!20.The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.E)Gerunds and InfinitivesUnderline the best options for each of the following sentences below.1.The class agreed (to submit/ submitting) the assignment on 1 Nov, 2011.2.All students are busy (to work/working) on the projects.3.Can you show me how (to do/doing) the statistics questions?4.I enjoy (to sing/singing) but would not like (to dance/dancing) in the party.5.It is difficult (to estimate/estimating) the cost before we can (project/ to project/projecting) theprice.6.Our team is responsible (to receive/ for receiving) the guests in the conference.7.This matter requires immediate attention. I urge you (to go/going) to boss without delay.8.Most students are tired (to study/of studying) during the mid-term season but they will start (toenjoy/enjoying) their studies again when the examinations are over.9.Your project ideas are so creative. I can’t wait (to see/seeing) the launch.10.I look forward to (receive/receiving) your favourable reply.F) PrepositionsChoose from the list of propositions and fill in the gaps as appropriate.about after back by down forinto of off on out roundto through up with without1. When I phoned the hospital to enquire ________ Ricky, I was told that he'd gone home.2. I only advertised the car for sale on Wednesday but by the end of the week, people hadphoned to ask _______ it.3. We can learn a great deal ________ the oceans by studying even a small piece of coral.4. Professor Owen is giving a talk _______ the Romans in Lecture Hall 1.5. I didn't agree _____ a word of what she said.6. I had to care ________ my elderly parents when they both became ill.7. For many years we have been arguing __________ changes in the way the college is managed.8. She didn't know ________ her stepbrother's existence until her mother died.9. If you want to enquire __________ a motor insurance quotation, please press 1.10. I hope your brother's feeling better soon. When you see him, tell him I asked ________ him.11. I first learned ________ his decision to resign when it was announced on the radio last night.12. We are going to talk ________ the council about the possibility of planting some new trees in the park.13. I don't care ________ pop music at all. I much prefer classical music.14. The teacher says we've got to do the test, so there is no point in arguing _______ it.15. The government has agreed ________ a public inquiry into the helicopter crash.16. If you know ________ any reasons why you should not be given medical insurance, you must declare them here.17. 'Josh can be really stupid sometimes.''You shouldn't talk ______ your brother like that.'18. She's always arguing _____ her parents about what to watch on T.V.19. I know it's a lot to ask _____ you, but would you look after my puppies while I’m in Japan onbusiness?20. The course was brilliant. We learnt _______ using the Internet _____ language learning.21. 'Dan said he'll try to fix my car.' ‘What does he know _______ cars?'22. I don't think the government cares enough _____ nursery education to fund it properly.23. After hours of discussion, the committee finally agreed _____ the amount of money to donate.24. The new school reforms which plan to bring ______ regular exams for young children aregenerally unpopular.25. Although they had only told their parents about their engagement, the news soon got ________ the village.26. I look ________ ________ that summer with some regret.27. The long journey brought _________ labour and the baby was born on the bus.28. She must have made a good impression last week because she has got _______ to the secondround of interviews for the post.29. He has a great respect for his colleagues but he doesn't really look ________ ________hisboss.30. I think the strikes will bring ________ some changes in the management.31. I love watching TV cookery programmes but when they describe a recipe, it can be hard to get _______ all the details in time.32. You're going to London? Do look _______ my sister when you're there.33. If anyone can bring it _______, he can.34. We get ________ only because we live very economically.35. A government inquiry is looking ________ the cause of the accident.36. He won't agree to it for me but she can always bring him ________.37. What have you been getting _________ since we last met?38. We are looking _____ you to bring the company successfully out of the recession.39. She brought _______ six children all on her own.40. Surely you haven't got __________ all the biscuits already?41. I'm sorry to hear you lost your job. I do hope that things will look ______ for you soon.42. Six nurses look ________ the patients in this ward.43. Last weekend we decided to start doing ______ our bedroom. We agreed that we could do______ the old fireplace in the corner. As we began to remove it from the wall we found some old pictures done _______ in a bundle behind a loose brick. At first we could not make _______ what was in the pictures but we wiped them clean and realised they all depicted the same youngman. We spent an enjoyable evening making ________ stories to explain why the pictures hadbeen hidden.G) Relative Clauses (adapted from .hk/cill/eap/relativeclauses.htm retrieved on 5 Sept., 2011)The needed relative pronouns are missing in the following sentences. Check carefully and write them in places appropriate.1.Students enter tertiary institutions may face a number of problems.2.May Wong was angry that she had been given a book it was badly damaged.3. A fellow student saw this felt sorry for Ms Wong and offered her his own book.4.Professor Chan gave the student a book, the book was written twenty years ago.5.The restaurant it was spacious and clean was in the centre of the city.6.There were three teachers at my school were dismissed for unprofessional conduct.7.Kwok Mei Ling works for a large company it repairs computers.8.That girl you were talking to her at the meeting of the youth committee is called Linda.H) Conditional clauses(adapted from .hk/cill/eap/2004/U4/pg80ex1conditionalclauses.htm retrieved on 5 Sept.,2011) Circle the best answers.1.Mr Wong says that he (would continue/continues/ will continue) to work in the factory even ifhe won the Mark 6 lottery.2.You are not allowed to use the club’s facilities (provided that/unless/as long as) you are amember.3.I (would let/ let/ will let) you use my data on condition that you acknowledge my project in yourbibliography.4. I am sure that I (would pass/ pass/ will pass) the examination if I prepare well in the next fewweeks5.If David (would revise/ revises/ had revised) his final-year project more carefully, he wouldhave obtained a higher grade.6.Carrie said she will join the company (in case/ even if/ if) the starting salary meets herexpectations.7.Even (though/ unless/ if) Maggie has received consistently excellent performance ratings, she isalways overlooked in the annual promotion exercise.8.(Unless/ If/ When)Tom improves his attitude, his company will almost certainly fire him.9.If Dr Lee had interviewed a larger and more representative group of people, her study (wouldhave been/ will be/ would be) more reliable.10.I am prepared to extend the deadline for the assignment (unless/ in case/ if) you have a validreason.。



非无菌产品微生物学检查:微生物计数检查法USP61中英对照版<61> MICROBIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF NONSTERILE PRODUCTS: MICROBIAL ENUMENRATION TESTS非无菌产品微生物学检查:微生物计数检查法INTRODUCTION 导言The tests described hereafter will allow quantitative enumeration of mesophilic bacteria and fungi that may grow under aerobic conditions.以下所描述的这些检测将使得对在有氧的条件下生长的嗜温性细菌和真菌进行定量计数成为可能。

The tests are designed primarily to determine whether a substance or preparation complies with an established specification for microbiological quality. When used for such purposes, follow the instructions given below, including the number of samples to be taken, and interpret the results as stated below.这些检测主要设计用于测定一种物质或制备品是否符合已确立的微生物质量标准。


The methods are not applicable to products containing viable microorganisms as active ingredients.这些方法不适用于以活菌作为活性成分的产品。



均<70%.故此类患者虽属多支病变,但其病变程度较轻,使假阴性率达21%.我们还观察到不同的血管分支中,运动试验对前降支的敏感性高而对回旋支的敏感性低(P<0.05).在回旋支病变中有5例伴典型心绞痛患者,其病变>75%,运动试验为阴性,除1例有侧支循环外,其余4例均无侧支循环形成.由于目前对运动试验与不同的冠状动脉病变程度和不同的血管分支的关系研究甚少,作者考虑其原因可能为部分心肌是由回旋支和右冠脉共同供血,而体表心电图心肌缺血改变不显著有关.因本研究中女性患者较少,故未发现运动试验的敏感性在性别间的不同.总之,运动试验诊断CHD的敏感性与多巴酚丁胺超声心动图及M I B I2单光子发射计算机断层基本相同[3,4],且价格明显低于其他检查方法,操作简单,故运用广泛,本研究提示对多支冠脉病变,严重的冠脉狭窄及前降支病变运动试验的敏感性较高.但运动试验阴性要注意有否 级以下的血管病变、回旋支病变或已有侧支循环形成.对典型心绞痛患者,虽然运动试验阴性还应行冠脉造影检查.参考文献:[1]黄 宛.临床心电图学[M].第4版.北京:人民卫生出版社,1991:140.[2]董承琅,陶寿淇,陈灏珠.实用心脏病学[M].第3版.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1994:897.[3]Batale E,V ilaco sta L,San2Rom an JA et al.E letive noninvasivetest in the diagno sis of cononary disease in the aged[J].R evE sp Card iol,1998;51(1):35-42.[4]Perl2D isier V,V ilaco sta I,San2Rom an JA et al.A non2invasivetest cho ice fo r the diagno sis of co ronary disease in wom en[J].R ev E sp Card iol,1997;50(6):421-427.[5]H ajduczk i I,Berenyi I,Enghoff E et al.Q uatitaive and quantita2tive evaluati on of the exercise electrocardi ogram in assessing the degree of co ronary heart disease[J].J E lectrocard iol,1985;18(1):55-62.[6]Kubasar SD,Pam ir G,Caglar N et al.Effect of co ronary co llat2erall circulati on exercise stress test[J].A ng iology,1998;49(8):619-624.编辑 潘伯荣・经验交流・ 文章编号:100022790(2002)0120093202SPSS在心理数据检查与筛选中的应用肖 玮,苗丹民 (第四军医大学航空航天医学系心理学教研室,陕西西安710033)关键词:数据处理;心理统计;SPSS中图号:B841.2 文献标识码:B0 引言 SPSS作为目前最流行的统计软件包,以其功能强大、界面友好而被广泛使用.但很多用户在数据录入完毕后就开始了统计分析,这常常会导致结果的错误.其实在这之前还有一项重要的工作要做就是数据的检查与筛选(screen2 ing data).SPSS在这方面为我们提供了很多有用的功能.但很多用户常常忽略这些功能,而目前的统计教材、SPSS的教材中几乎没有这方面的专门论著,我们以SPSS最新的10.0版本为例,就在其中如何利用各种功能进行数据的检查与筛选进行探讨.SPSS的其他版本及SA S,SPLM等统计软件与此类似.1 数据的采集、录入阶段数据产生差错的原因1.1 被试差错 多见于自陈式问卷调查中.如:由于社会赞许等原因导致被试对某问题不能真实回答从而造成数据偏态;由于敏感的问题导致被试拒绝回答从而造成数据不全. 1.2 仪器差错 多见于使用心理测评仪进行测量的时候.收稿日期:2001204220; 修回日期:2001208208作者简介:肖 玮(19732),男(汉族),安徽省巢湖市人.硕士生,助教.T el.(029)3374814 Em ail.xiaow eifmm u@ 1.3 主试差错 由于心理学数据常常非常庞大,因此在数据录入时难免出错;另外数据在文本文件、EXCEL、A CCESS、SPSS等不同格式、不同版本之间转换时,在心理测评仪向计算机传输数据时也常会发生错行、乱码等错误[1].2 数据的检查与筛选 保证数据准确的最好方法是将原始数据与计算机所呈现的数据清单进行核对.但对庞大的数据这几乎是不可能的.这时就需要应用描述性统计量和统计图来进行筛选和检测.最重要的是解决三个问题:所有的数据都在允许的范围内吗?平均数和标准差都比较合理吗?有无超出取值范围的数据?2.1 缺失值(m issing values) 缺失值是数据分析中一个非常常见的现象,出现的主要原因有:设备故障、拒绝回答、测验时走神等,对此应:2.1.1 缺失值的检测 SPSS默认缺失值以黑点表示,可以通过快速浏览数据列表(data view)发现,记录下缺失值所在的变量即数据的列.2.1.2 对缺失值的处理 (1)剔除有缺失值的观测单位,即删除SPSS数据列表中缺失值所在的数据行;在SPSS的统计分析程序中,打开op ti on s按钮,便会出现缺失值的处理栏(m issing values),可分别选择下列选项:exclude cases analy2 sis by analysis(剔除正在分析的变量中带缺失值的观察单位);exclude case list w ise(剔除所有分析变量中带缺失值的观察单位);(2)对缺失值进行估计后补上.主要有两种方法:一是根据文献报道等知识经验进行估计;二是用SPSS提供的工具进行估计.在“tran sfo rm”菜单下的“rep lace m issing values”列出了5种替代的方法:(a)series m ean:以列的算术平均值进行替代;(b)m ean of nearly po in t:以缺失值邻近点的算术平均值进行替代;(c)M edian of nearly po in t:以缺失值临近点的中位数替代;(d)linear in terpo lati on:根据缺失值前后的2个观察值进行线性内查法估计和替代;(e)linear trend at po in t:用线形回归法进行估计和替代;(3)将缺失值作为常数值,如:作为“0”.2.2 奇异值(ou tliers)和极端值(ex trem e values) 奇异值和极端值是指各变量中与整体数据相距太远的极值,由于它的夸大作用,常常会歪曲统计结果,导致犯一类和二类错误.通常有四种原因可导致奇异值的出现:(1)数据输入时出错;(2)在不同数据格式之间进行转换时,缺失值处的数码代号被当成了实际观测值;(3)出现奇异值的样本并非属于所要考察的总体;(4)考察的样本相对于正态分布有比较多的极值.2.2.1 奇异值和极端值的检测 用柱状图、箱丝图、茎叶图、正态检验的Q2Q图等检测有无极端值和奇异值.以箱丝图为例,箱丝图中都标有奇异值的行号,看不清时可拖动边框将箱丝图放大查看.2.2.2 减少奇异值和极端值影响的方法 (1)将奇异值和极端值作为缺失值处理:在“variab le view”视图中点击“m issing”栏下含有奇异值和极端值的变量,弹出“m issing values”对话框,有3个选项可以使用:(a)“discrete m issing values”最多可以指定3个数值为缺失值,(b)“range of m iss2 ing values”指定某一取值范围内的数值为缺失值;(c)“range p lu s one op ti onal discrete m issing”指定某一取值范围和某一特定数值为缺失值;(2)根据检测的奇异值和极端值,用“data select cases”工具中的“if……”对数据的取值范围进行限定,然后再进行统计分析;(3)对奇异值进行估计.方法同缺失值的估计;(4)将原始数据转换成标准Z分数(statistics sum2 m arize descri p tives save standardized value as)或进行其他的转换后再进行统计分析;(5)删除奇异值所在的观察单位. 2.3 统计分析前的假设检验 许多统计检验都需要样本数据服从正态分布,并且相关联的变量之间应方差齐同.若不符合上述条件便应进行数据转换,否则便会导致错误[2].但对于大样本数据,我们可以近似地认为其为正态分布,而不用去进行正态性检验.“analyze”下的“descri p tives”,“frequen2 cies”和“exp lo re”可以完成这些工作.2.3.1 方差齐性检验(sp read vs.level w ith levene test) “descri p tives”和“frequencies”的功能基本相同,都可进行正态性检验和方差齐性检验.若满足方差齐性,则可进行下一步工作;若不满足,选“pow er esti m eti on”进行数据变换来满足方差齐性.有6种方法可供选择:(1)natu ral log:取自然对数;(2)1 sfquare roo t:取平方根的倒数;(3)reci p rocal:取倒数;(4)square roo t:取平方根;(5)square:取平方;(6)cube:取立方.若SPSS提供的6种变换均不能满足要求,应考虑采用非参数统计的方法.2.3.2 正态检验(no rm ality p lo ts w ith tests) 在“analyze descri p tives statistics exp lo re”中可进行正态检验,及做出Q2Q图.若不支持正态分布,则应进行数据变换,方法同方差齐性检验,或选用非参数统计的方法.2.4 相关分析前的数据检查 相关分析之前应用“descri p2 tives statistics”对数据进行观察.当一个变量取值范围很窄时,应做数据变换后再进行相关分析,否则会使相关的资料得出不相关的结论;在做连续变量和等级资料的相关或两个等级资料的相关时,若90%的被试都选择等级资料中的一种情况(如:90%的被试都选择“严重”),则相关性通常会很低,对这类数据应用其他方法进行分析;当均值是一个很大的数,而同时标准差很小时,相关系数值通常也会很小,对这样的资料不宜做相关分析.参考文献:[1]阮桂海,蔡建瓴,佟福玲.SPSS fo r w indow s高级应用教程[M].北京:电子工业出版社,1998:177-194.[2]郭祖超.医学统计学[M].北京:人民军医出版社,1999:46-47.编辑 何扬举・经验交流・ 文章编号:100022790(2002)0120094201移植肾早期切除10例雷军荣,李 辉,罗永康,谢 飞,黄 蕾,闫 鲲,李小顺,陈 瑞,陈飞鸿,陈 勇,黄启攵福 (武警陕西省总队医院肾移植中心,陕西西安710054)关键词:移植肾;超排;感染中图号:R617 文献标识码:B1 临床资料 我院1995207 2000210共施行尸肾移植187例,术后早期(3mo)移植肾切除10例.移植肾早期切除率5.3%.其中男7例,女3例.年龄19~58(平均38.5)岁,术前原发病慢性肾炎7例,肾移植术后慢排3例,术前血液透析1~160(平均80)次,淋巴毒试验均<10%,供受者血型均相同.术后前4d应用甲基强的松龙及环磷酰胺抑制免疫,肾功能恢复后即用环孢素A+强的松+百令胶囊或骁悉+环孢素A+强的松抑制免疫.发生急排后用甲基强的松龙及环磷酰胺冲击治疗.本组患者均系首次移植肾切除者,其中植肾术收稿日期:2001208228; 修回日期:2001210224作者简介:雷军荣(19752),男(汉族),陕西省澄城县人.医师.T el.(029)2245120 Em ail.L jr2245007@ 中切除者4例,其余5例于术后1~28d切除.移植肾切除术后2~7d即行血液透析治疗.切肾方式均采用包膜外切除.切肾原因中超排4例,急排后冲击无效3例,伤口出血1例,肾动脉栓塞1例,漏尿后伤口感染1例.术后并发症中感染2例;脑出血并死亡1例;伤口出血1例;恶性高血压并精神障碍1例.2 讨论 移植肾术后失功多由于急慢性排异引起,失功的移植肾对机体有一定危害性,尤其在近期内危害性更为严重[1,2].因此早期无功能移植肾应及早予以切除.无功能移植肾切除率国外0.5%~43.5%[1],国内为38.3%~47.5%.本组资料中移植肾切除10例,占5.3%.早期切除无功能移植肾的指征为:超急排斥反应;反复发生排斥,高热,肾肿大、破裂;移植肾局部症状严重,有梗死可能;难治性高血压;严重血管并发症.本组移植肾切除原因中,超急排斥反应占40.0%,是移植肾切除的主要原因.参考文献:[1]郝俊文,李慎勤,李香铁.移植肾切除67例次分析[J].中华泌尿外科杂志,1999;18(5):305-306.[2]夏汝山,刘玉峰,李承新.同种异体抗角蛋白自身抗体对家兔接触性皮炎模型I L26,I L28的影响[J].第四军医大学学报,2001;22(15):1355-1357.编辑 潘伯荣。

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M. J. Sarna et al.
hanced by accretion from the envelope of the giant until it becomes a low mass stellar companion to the red giant's core. If this scenario is correct, the small initial mass of the secondary implies that approximately 90 per cent of its nal mass is accreted. Therefore, the isotopic ratios of carbon and oxygen would be expected to have values typical of red giant or supergiant stars, not red dwarfs. The second scenario di ers from the rst since the secondary star is assumed to be a main-sequence star with a fully-convective (or thickly-convective) envelope. During the CE phase, we assume that the original surface of the red dwarf is heated by the overlying layers of accreted material. In this case, it has been shown that the star develops a highly inhomogeneous structure consisting of an interior formed by an almost unperturbed original star and a convective envelope composed of accreted matter (Prialnik & Livio 1985; Sarna & Ziolkowski 1988). These two regions are separated by a very stable (radiative) temperature inversion layer. Immediately after the CE phase, the secondary is out of thermal equilibrium due to the fact that the disturbance factors (accretion during the CE phase and/or heating by the subdwarf in planetary nebulae) still work and their timescale is very short (103 {104 years) in comparison to the main-sequence thermal timescale (tK H 3 107 years for 1 M { for lower mass main-sequence stars it is much longer). After a thermal timescale of the accreted envelope, the stable temperature inversion layer disappears and the secondary relaxes to its equilibrium radius. The material accreted during the CE phase will be mixed on a convectivemixing timescale (dynamical timescale). The region which is mixed consists of the convective region of the original star and the accreted matter. The second scenario thus gives rise to two distinct observational cases, corresponding to the di erent evolutionary stages after CE phase. In the rst case, when the secondary is out of thermal equilibrium, one would expect such systems to exhibit abundance ratios typical of red giants, not red dwarfs. These systems will appear as planetary nebulae with the secondary out of thermal equilibrium { the radius of the secondary star will be much greater than the radius expected for a main-sequence star in thermal equilibrium. The primary will be a hot subdwarf. In the second case, when the secondary has relaxed to thermal equilibrium, one would expect to observe abundance ratios intermediate between red dwarfs and red giants. These systems will appear as detached white-dwarf/red-dwarf binaries without planetary nebulae. The exact ratios will depend on the amount of mass accreted during the CE phase and the thickness of the convective zone in the pre-CE red dwarf. For the modelling of this second scenario, we assume that the pre-CE red-dwarf has a mass (Minitial ) in the range 0.08 to 0.7 M and we assume initial red-dwarf carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios as for typical main-sequence stars. We further assume that the matter accreted by the red-dwarf comes from the red-giant's envelope, and therefore the accreted matter has isotopic ratios typical of a red-giant's envelope. The thickness of the convective zone is calculated using zero-age main-sequence models. In our models, a star with a mass of 0.3 M is fully convective. The red dwarf models were computed using a standard stellar evolution code based on the Henyey-type code of Paczynski (1970), which has been adapted to low mass main-sequence stars.
and P. B. Marks
Accepted for publication in the Pink Pages of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
astro-ph/9503008 1 Mar 1995
17 January 1995
It is a well known fact that the ratios of various isotopes change during di erent phases of stellar evolution. The most commonly studied ratios are probably those of 12 C/13 C and 16 O/17 O. In a typical main-sequence star, such as the Sun, these ratios take the values 90 and 2724, respectively (Trimble 1993). During main-sequence evolution the distribution of the CNO elements in the hydrogen-burning core changes. These changes occur rapidly when the CNO tri-cycle is dom-
or gravitational radiation extract su cient orbital angular momentum for the red dwarf to ll its Roche lobe (see King 1988 and references therein). Although there is general agreement that the above model applies to CV evolution, there is little direct evidence to support it other than the fact that we observe stars at the various stages of evolution outlined above (see Trimble 1993 and references therein). It is the purpose of this paper to present a direct test of the theory which can be easily con rmed by observations.