Antiferromagnetic Correlations and the Pseudogap in HTS Cuprates



2~h. r)dh G(h) exp( —
mh exp( — /0. )
G(h)Βιβλιοθήκη ma'r') exp( — — — ]/n-r' exp( ver') 1— m(r}
{2/h) y(~&h/p}
— a(h)
II. Ferromagnetic
of Manganese with Perovskite Structure
CI.ARzwcz ZzNzR Institute for the Study of Metals, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (Received January 5, 1951)
(7) (8)
F(r} exp{2~i h r}dr
x d( ) 2w=&f
Il Y S I (.'. A L R l:. V
1, 1951
Interaction between the d-Shells in the Transition Metals.
versations and Professors H. A. Bethe and Kirkwood for several helpful discussions.

兰州大学生物学专业英语考试--- 词汇强化版之汉译英

兰州大学生物学专业英语考试--- 词汇强化版之汉译英

(包围植物细胞液泡的)液泡膜tonoplast n.(跛子用的) 拐杖, 支撑, 帮助 crutch n.(产于非洲刚果河以南的)倭黑猩猩[源自非洲当地语]bonobo n.(法语中的) 英语外来语Franglais n.(俚语)脑袋 block n.(生) 进化枝,分化枝clade n.(生物)群体colony n.(时间) 短暂, (讲话, 文章等) 简短brevity n.(使)异化, (使)发生分解代谢catabolize v.(谈话, 写作等的) 题目, 主题 theme n.(学位)论文, 专题, 论述, 学术演讲dissertation n.(一种使用广泛的药物设计方法) 定量构效方法(quantitative structure-activity relationship ) QSAR n. (遗传)倒位 inversion n.(遗传)多倍体化 polyploidization n.[用作单或复](尤指生物体的) 形态测定,形态特征 morphometrics n.n. 启动子分析 promoter analysissmooth endoplasmic reticulum光滑内质网x-射线晶体学 x-ray crystallography n.X-射线衍射 X-ray diffraction阿尔茨海默病(即老年痴呆)Alzheimer's disease n.艾德曼降解法 Edman degradation n.把...作成公式, 用公式表示formulate vt.百科全书encyclopedia n.半科普的 semi-popular adj.胞嘧啶 cytosine n.比较的, 相当的 n.比较级comparative adj.编制目录 catalogue vt.扁囊,池,封闭的膜系统及其围成的腔构成网状膜结构cistena n.表达cDNA序列标签expressed cDNA sequence tag (EST) n.表面等离谐振。

The Detection and Characterization of cm Radio Continuum Emission from the Low-mass Protost

The Detection and Characterization of cm Radio Continuum Emission from the Low-mass Protost

a r X i v :0705.1747v 1 [a s t r o -p h ] 12 M a y 2007Draft version February 1,2008Preprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v.03/07/07THE DETECTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF CM RADIO CONTINUUM EMISSION FROM THELOW-MASS PROTOSTAR L1014-IRSYancy L.Shirley 1,Mark J.Claussen 2,Tyler M.Bourke 3,Chadwick H.Young 4,Geoffrey A.Blake 5Draft version February 1,2008ABSTRACTObservations by the Cores to Disk Legacy Team with the Spitzer Space Telescope have identified a low luminosity,mid-infrared source within the dense core,Lynds 1014,which was previously thought to harbor no internal source.Followup near-infrared and submillimeter interferometric observations have confirmed the protostellar nature of this source by detecting scattered light from an outflow cavity and a weak molecular outflow.In this paper,we report the detection of cm continuum emission with the VLA.The emission is characterized by a quiescent,unresolved 90µJy 6cm source within 0.′′2of the Spitzer source.The spectral index of the quiescent component is α=0.37±0.34between 6cm and 3.6cm.A factor of two increase in 6cm emission was detected during one epoch and circular polarization was marginally detected at the 5σlevel with Stokes V/I =48±16%.We have searched for 22GHz H 2O maser emission toward L1014-IRS,but no masers were detected during 7epochs of observations between June 2004and December 2006.L1014-IRS appears to be a low-mass,accreting protostar which exhibits cm emission from a thermal jet or a wind,with a variable non-thermal emission component.The quiescent cm radio emission is noticeably above the correlation of 3.6cm and 6cm luminosity versus bolometric luminosity,indicating more radio emission than expected.In this paper,we characterize the cm continuum emission in terms of observations of other low-mass protostars,including updated correlations of centimeter continuum emission with bolometric luminosity and outflow force,and discuss the implications of recent larger distance estimates on the physical attributes of the protostar and dense molecular core.Subject headings:radiation mechanisms:thermal,non-thermal —radio continuum:stars —stars:for-mation1.INTRODUCTIONIt is extremely difficult to identify the incipient stages of low-mass (≈1M sun )star formation be-cause dense molecular cloud cores obscure nascent pro-tostars.Submillimeter dust continuum surveys (e.g.,Ward-Thompson et al.1994,Shirley et al.2000,Visser et al.2002,Kirk et al.2005)have identified several dense cores with no apparent internal sources,based on the lack of an IRAS point source and the diffuse na-ture of submillimeter dust emission.Observations by the Cores to Disk Legacy Team (c2d)with the Spitzer Space Telescope have identified a few mid-infrared sources that are embedded near the submillimeter continuum peaks of previously classified starless cores (e.g.Young et al.2004,Bourke et al.2006).These new objects are of low-luminosity (L int ≤0.1L ⊙)and presumably low-mass since they were not previously detected by IRAS.Some of these objects may be in the earliest stages of accre-tion.These newly identified low-mass,low-luminosity protostars warrant detailed follow-up studies to deter-mine their evolutionary status.The first newly identified object detected in the c2d survey,L1014-IRS (Young,et al.2004),was mod-eled as a very low-luminosity (L int <0.1L ⊙),low-mass1Bart J.Bok Fellow,Steward Observatory,University of Ari-zona,933Cherry Ave.,Tucson,AZ 857212NRAO,P.O.Box 0,1003Lopezville Road,Socorro,NM 878013Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,60Garden St.MS42,Cambridge,MA 021384Nicholls State University,Thibodaux,LA 703105Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences 150-21,Califor-nia Institute of Technology,Pasadena,CA 91125(M <0.1M ⊙)object embedded within the Lynds 1014dark cloud (Lynds 1962)at a distance of approximately 200pc.This object has been classified as a VeLLO (Very Low-Luminosity Object)by the c2d team:an object with an internal protostellar luminosity ≤0.1L ⊙that is di-rectly associated with a dense molecular core.The recent study of Morita et al.(2006)has suggested a revised dis-tance estimate of 400to 900pc based on the possible age ranges of nearby T-Tauri stars that are spatially within 2◦of the L1014dense core.However,it is not clear that these T-Tauri stars are directly associated with L1014.Determining the evolutionary state of L1014-IRS has been the subject of several follow-up studies.The large scale molecular distribution in the dense core was deter-mined by the single-dish mapping survey of Crapsi et al.(2005).No evidence for a large scale CO outflow was detected;however,a molecular outflow was detected on small scales with the SMA (Bourke et al.2005).Near-infrared observations detect scattered light,presumably from the outflow cone,at 1.6µm and 2.2µm (Huard et al.2006).The SMA-detected CO outflow is aligned with the direction of the near-infrared scattered light cavity.High resolution molecular observations with BIMA indi-cate that the protostar is not at the peak of the molec-ular and dust column density in the core,but offset by about 8′′in the plane of the sky (Lai et al.,in prepa-ration).This offset is also seen in (sub)millimeter con-tinuum maps (Young et al.2004)and the near-infrared extinction map (Huard et al.2006).Despite these significant observational efforts,a single,consistent picture of the evolutionary state of L1014-IRS has not emerged.In order to better characterize the2physical nature of L1014-IRS,we have conducted cen-timeter radio continuum observations using five array configurations of the Very Large Array 6(VLA).Cen-timeter radio continuum emission is well correlated with the luminosity of protostellar sources (Anglada 1995)and is thought to arise from shock ionization from protostel-lar winds (Ghavamian &Hartigan 1998),from interac-tion of the protostellar jets with dense gas in the interface of the outflow cavity (Curiel et al.1987,1989,Shang et al.2004),or from accretion shock-driven photoionization (Neufeld &Hollenbach 1996).In this paper we report the detection and characteriza-tion of the cm radio continuum emission toward L1014-IRS (§3.1).We compare the detected cm emission with observations of other low-mass protostars (§4.1).We dis-cuss the non-detections of 22GHz H 2O masers and com-pare our upper limits to the recent maser monitoring surveys of low-mass protostars (§4.2).We also compare the derived source properties from the diverse studies of the protostar and dense core in terms of the range of distance estimates to L1014(§4.3).2.VLA OBSERVATIONSL1014-IRS was observed during 10epochs in 5ar-ray configurations (D,A,BnA,B,and C)with the Very Large Array (Table 1).All observations were centered on the published Spitzer mid-infrared source (α=21h 24m 07s .51,δ=+49◦59′09.′′0,J2000.0).Con-tinuum observations were made at 3.6cm,and 6.0cm,with two polarization pairs at adjacent frequencies,pro-viding a total equivalent bandwidth of 172MHz.We also attempted to detect H 2O masers by observing the J K a K c =616→523transition at 22.23508GHz with,typically,24.4kHz spectral resolution (0.3km/s)span-ning ±20km/s velocity coverage.For the 3.6and 6.0cm data,the data were reduced independently using the standard routines in AIPS++and AIPS .Complex gain calibration was performed by switching to the nearby quasar 2137+510,2.4◦from L1014-IRS,on time-scales of 15to 30minutes (Hamaker,Bregman,&Sault 1996a,b).The absolute flux density and bandpass calibration were determined from observa-tions of the quasars 3C48and 3C283.The Stokes I and V images were deconvolved using the Cotton-Schwab algorithm (e.g.,Schwab 1984)and Clark-H¨o gbom algorithm (H¨o gbom 1974,Clark 1980)with a few thousand iterations and interactive CLEAN regions.Imaging the L1014-IRS field was difficult due to the presence of several bright sources within the VLA pri-mary beam (Figure 1a).Special care had to be taken in the CLEANing process (e.g.,Cornwell,Braun,&Briggs 1999)and multiple reductions with variations in the CLEAN parameters were performed.We have checked the consistency of our images by also reducing the data with the standard AIPS routines,and the fluxes agree within the statistical errorbars.Generally,the images are made with natural weighting of the visibilities (Briggs 1995);however,uniform weighting was used to obtain better angular resolution for the full track (9hour)ob-servations on the days of July 1,2004and August 21,6The VLA is operated by NRAO.The National Radio Astron-omy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under a cooperative agreement by Associated Universi-ties,Inc.2004.3.RESULTS3.1.Radio Continuum DetectionsWe detected cm radio continuum emission from a source within 0.′′2of the Spitzer mid-IR source using the VLA at 3.6cm and 6cm (Figure 1).The initial detec-tions were made during 9hour tracks at 3.6cm and 6cm with the VLA in the D configuration.Subsequent observations detected the source at 6cm in the other three VLA configurations,and again at 3.6cm in D con-figuration.All of the 6cm observations,except for the initial 6cm detection on August 21,2004,indicate a constant flux density source with an average 6cm flux of 88±11µJy (8σ).The source is unresolved in all array configurations.The two detections at 3.6cm are also in agreement with each other despite being separated by 17months.The average 3.6cm flux is 111±8µJy (14σ).The spectral index between two wavelengths (λ2>λ1)is defined asα=ln(S λ1/S λ2)3to detect that variation due to the higher noise level in progressively shorter time blocks.A Stokes V source (circularly polarized)was marginally detected at the 5σlevel at 6cm on August 21,2004with a flux of 84±17µJy at the position of the 6cm Stokes I source (Figure 1d).The fraction of circular polarization,f c =Stokes V/I =48±16%,is quite high if the detection is significant.Since the Stokes V result was obtained during a full single track of VLA observa-tions,it will be difficult to confirm until L1014-IRS is observed with wider bandwidth (e.g.,with the eVLA).If the circular polarization signal is real,then this observa-tion indicates that the radio emission observed on August 21,2004must originate from a non-thermal mechanism (§4.1.2).3.2.Water Maser SearchWe searched for H 2O masers during seven epochs span-ning 22months by observing the J K a K c =616→523transition at 22.23508GHz.No H 2O masers were de-tected at any epoch.The combined 1σrms of the non-detection is 3.1mJy/beam with a channel spacing of 24.4kHz and a total bandwidth of 3.125MHz (∼40km/s).The individual observations are summarized in Table 1.4.DISCUSSION4.1.Centimeter Radio Continuum Emission4.1.1.Steady ComponentCentimeter continuum emission has been detected to-ward many but not all high-mass and low-mass proto-stars.The emission is most commonly thought to origi-nate from bremsstrahlung (free-free)emission from ion-ized gas,although some protostellar objects also display non-thermal emission.For high-mass protostars,the ion-ization mechanism is photoionization usually in the form of an embedded HII region (Churchwell 1990).For pro-tostars that are later in spectral type than B,the ioniz-ing radiation from the star is not enough to significantly photoionize the surrounding envelope and an alternative mechanism is needed to explain the observed emission (Rodr´ıguez et al.1989,Anglada 1995).Since nearly all low-mass,embedded protostars are known to have molecular outflows (e.g.Wu et al.2004),the ioniza-tion is postulated to arise from shocks generated from a jet (e.g.,Cohen,Bieging,&Schwartz 1982,Bieging &Cohen 1989,Curiel et al.1987,1989,Rodr´ıguez &Reipurth 1996,Shang et al.2004).Direct evidence for this hypothesis comes from observations using interfer-ometers at high angular resolution.Elongated centime-ter continuum emission regions are observed with the same orientation as the large-scale molecular outflow to-ward a few protostars (e.g.,Anglada 1995;Bontemps,Ward-Thompson,&Andr´e 1996).In addition,the ob-served outflow force (M ⊙km/s/yr)theoretically provides enough energy in the shock to explain the observed cen-timeter fluxes toward most low-mass protostars (Cabrit &Bertout 1992,Skinner et al.1993,Anglada 1995).Finally,the radio spectral index of many protostellar sources is consistent with optically thin (α≈−0.1)to partially optically thick free-free emission between 3.6cm and 6.0cm (2.0>α>−0.1,e.g.,Anglada et al.1998,Beltr´a n et al.2001).The centimeter continuum luminosity (e.g.,L 3.6=S 3.6D 2mJy kpc 2)of low-mass and intermediate-mass protostellar sources was first cataloged from the litera-ture in the review by Anglada (1995).Anglada plotted the 3.6cm luminosity against the bolometric luminosity of protostars with L bol <103L ⊙and found a well corre-lated relationship (r =0.79),L 3.6=10−2.1(L bol /1L ⊙)0.7mJy kpc 2.This relationship has formed the basis for predictions of the amount of centimeter emission that is expected in searches for new low-mass protostars (e.g.,Harvey et al.2002,Stamatellos et al.2007).The 3.6cm luminosity correlation is directly related to the well established correlation of outflow force vs.bolometric lu-minosity (Bontemps et al.1996,Wu et al.2004);higher luminosity sources drive more powerful outflows that re-sult in a larger degree of shock ionization and therefore a larger 3.6cm luminosity (Anglada 1995).Since 1995,many more centimeter observations have been made and the spectral coverage of the photometry of protostars has increased.We have used the detailed summary tables of Furuya et al.(2003;Table 4)and Anglada (1995)supplemented by the surveys of Eiroa et al.(2005)and Anglada et al.(1998)to catalog the 3.6cm,6.0cm,and bolometric luminosities of detected protostellar sources.We updated the bolometric lumi-nosity of sources observed in the submillimeter surveys of Shirley et al.(2000),Mueller et al.(2003),and Young et al (2003).The resulting sample of 58sources at 3.6cm and 40sources at 6.0cm are plotted in Figure 2.We find updated correlations oflog(L 3.6/1mJy kpc 2)=−(2.24±0.03)+(0.71±0.01)log(L bol /1L ⊙)(2)log(L 6.0/1mJy kpc 2)=−(2.51±0.03)+(0.87±0.02)log(L bol /1L ⊙),(3)with correlation coefficients of r =0.66and r =0.74respectively.This sample is not complete as there are many more protostellar centimeter detections for which no L bol has been published.Nevertheless,we have up-dated the correlation of Anglada (1995)with twice as many points at 3.6cm and plotted the correlation at 6.0cm for the first time.For comparison,we have plotted the 3.6cm and 6.0cm luminosities of L1014-IRS in Figure 2at the distances of 200,400,and 900pc.L1014-IRS is above the correlation at all distances indicating that we have detected more centimeter continuum flux than expected.The spectral index of sources between 3.6cm and 6.0cm is used to argue for the interpretation that the emission mechanism is consistent with partially optically thick free-free emission.Optically thin free-free emission is expected to have a spectral index α=−0.1at cen-timeter wavelengths.In the optically thick limit,αap-proaches 2.0with intermediate values indicative of par-tially optically thick plasmas.We have also plotted the spectral index of sources from the literature that have been detected at both wavelengths and have a published L bol determination in Figure 2.No correlation of αis observed with bolometric luminosity,probably indicat-ing that the optical depth associated with the jet’s shock ionization is not dependent on the total protostellar lu-minosity or the strength of the molecular outflow.The median spectral index is α=0.5,with most protostellar sources having flat or positive spectral indices.This me-dian value is close to the result expected for an ionized wind or jet with a 1/r 2density gradient (e.g.,Panagia &Felli 1975,Wright &Barlow 1975,Reynolds 1986).Unfortunately,most of the sources in Figure 2were not4observed at both wavelengths on the same day and vari-ability may result in significant scatter in the plot.The spectral index of the quiescent emission of L1014-IRS(0.37±0.34)is consistent with ionized free-free emis-sion with a density gradient.The spectral index agrees well with the median of the ensemble of protostellar sources measured.We have also updated the correlation between outflow force,F out(M⊙km/s/yr),and centrimetric luminosity of Anglada(1995)using the molecular outflow compilations of Bontempts et al.(1996),Furuya et al.(2003),and Wu et al.(2004).The updated correlation of44sources is weak(r=0.55),log(F out/1M⊙km/s/yr)=−(3.15±0.07)+(0.67±0.03)log(L3.6/1mJy kpc2).(4) This correlation is interpreted as evidence that jets from the molecular outflow provide enough shock ionization to account to the observed centimeter continuum emission (e.g.,Anglada1995).Assuming maximum ionization ef-ficiency,the minimum outflow force needed to create the observed level of3.6cmflux was estimated by Curiel et al.(1987,1989)to be F out=10−3.5(L3.6/1mJy kpc2). This level is shown as a dashed line in Figure2d.The observed outflow force toward L1014-IRS ranges from 0.04−2.9×10−6M⊙km/s/yr for distances of200to 900pc(see Bourke et al.2005).At a distance of200pc, the upper limit on the outflow force is a factor of2lower than the Curiel theoretical minimum outflow force.The upper limit in the observed outflow force includes esti-mates of the missingflux due to interferometric spatial filtering as well as the average opacity corrections for low-mass protostellar outflows(see Bourke et al.2005). Given the range of uncertainty in these estimates,the observed outflow force is below,but not necessarily in-consistent with the theoretical minimum outflow force needed to produce the observed3.6cm luminosity.The disagreement between the observed outflow force is more pronounced at larger distances,increasing to an order of magnitude below the theoretical curve for a distance of 900pc.The small observed molecular outflow force and the large observed centimeter continuum luminosities may indicate that another ionization mechanism is operating in L1014-IRS.There are a few other possibilities that have been discussed in the literature.We shall analyze the viability of two popular possibilities.Radiative transfer modeling of emission at24and70µm indicate aflux excess from a disk around L1014-IRS (Young et al.2004).Neufeld&Hollenbach(1996)pos-tulated that the supersonic infall of material onto a pro-tostellar disk will create an accretion shock with enough ionization to generate∼1mJy of continuum emission at centimeter wavelengths at distances of≈200pc.How-ever,this mechanism does not appear to be able to pro-vide enough ionization to explain the emission observed toward L1014-IRS.In order to produce90µJy emission at6cm at a distance of200pc,the protostellar mass has to be>2M⊙and the accretion rate onto the disk must be>10−4M⊙/yr(see Figure2of Neufeld&Hollenbach 1996).Estimates of the protostellar mass are very un-certain and highly distance dependent,however,2M⊙is likely larger than the L1014-IRS protostar and disk mass, even for the far distance estimate of900pc(see Young et al.2004).Furthermore,this accretion rate is an order of magnitude larger than the range of inferred accretion rates from the observed outflow momentumflux and the modeled internal luminosity of the source(≤3×10−5 M⊙/yr;Bourke et al.2006,Young et al.2004).Ion-ization from an accretion shock does not appear to be a likely explanation.A more plausible possibility is that there is a spheri-cal wind component.The expected continuum emission from self-shocked spherical winds have been modeled by numerous authors(e.g.,Panagia&Felli1975,Wright& Barlow1975,Reynolds1986,Gonz´a lez&Cant´o2002). The recent study of Gonz´a lez&Cant´o model a time variable wind that generates internal shocks(Raga et al. 1990)which produce ionization and centimeter contin-uum emission(see Ghavamian&Hartigan1998).Their models produce centimeter continuum emission of sev-eral hundreds ofµ-Janskys and spectral indices that are positive for mass loss rates of10−6M⊙/yr at a distance of150pc.Accounting for the larger distance estimates of200to900pc and potentially lower mass loss rates for L1014-IRS,then this type of emission may still account for theflux observed at3.6cm and6cm(∼100µJy). However,the spherical wind models is usually applied to evolved protostellar sources that are Class II(classi-cal T-Tauri stars)or later(e.g.,Evans et al.1987).If L1014-IRS is an older,more evolved protostar,then this may not be a problem(§4.3).4.1.2.Variable ComponentWhile the quiescent component of L1014-IRS is constant over5epochs with a positive spectral in-dex,the emission properties of L1014-IRS were signif-icantly different during the single epoch of August21, 2004.The6cmflux was larger by a factor of two, S6.0(21AUG2004)=173±16µJy.Unfortunately,the spectral index of elevated emission was not determined since L1014-IRS was observed at a single wavelength. Circular polarization was detected at the5σlevel indi-cating non-thermal emission.Thus,L1014-IRS has vari-able centimeter emission,although the timescale of the variability is not constrained since it was seen to vary during only a single epoch.In general variability of centimeter continuum sources has not been properly addressed since observations of sources are limited to a few epochs.There has not been a systematic,monthly monitoring campaign of deeply embedded sources to characterize their centimeter vari-ability;however,there is observational evidence for vari-ability among deeply embedded protostellar sources.For instance,the Class0source,B335,is known to vary be-tween an upper limit of<80µJy(1994December)and 390µJy(2001January)at3.6cm(Avila et al.2001, Reipurth et al.2002).Another example is the variability and purported evidence for jet precession of the centime-ter continuum sources toward IRAS16293(Chandler et al.2005).Variability contributes scatter(de-correlation) of the luminosity correlations shown in Figure2.In ad-ditional to the known variable thermal sources,several non-thermal protostellar sources are known to be highly variable(e.g.T Tauri stellarflares,see White1996); but,most of those objects are more evolved than deeply embedded protostars.The observed increase in emission on August21,2004 and5σStokes V detection is indicative of variable non-5thermal emission toward L1014-IRS.While there have been a few high-mass protostars with observed nega-tive spectral indices(e.g.,Reid et al.1995;Garay et al.1996),most embedded(≤Class I)low-mass proto-stars with cm radio emission have positive spectral in-dices(see Figure2).There are only a few embedded low-mass protostars toward which negative spectral in-dex,non-thermal emission is detected(e.g.,Shepherd &Kurtz1999,Girart et al.2002).One case,R CrA IRS5,was detected with significant circular polarization (Feigelson et al.1998).The authors postulate that the emission is due to gyrosynchrotron emission and may originate from magnetic reconnection events associated withflares(Feigelson et al.1998).The physical mecha-nism for generating the radioflare is still not well under-stood(e.g.,Basri2004)and it is questionable whether it applies to the embedded phase of low-mass protostars (see below).A second case,IRAS19243+2350,is a steep spectrum non-thermal source(α=−0.82±0.04)that is elongated in the direction of its CO outflow(Girart et al.2002).Girart et al.postulate that the emission may originate from a bi-conical synchrotron source tracing the protostellar jet,similar to observations of the high-mass source W3(OH)(Reid et al.1995,Wilner,Reid,& Menten1999).Non-thermal emission may be present in low-mass protostellar jets,but the level of emission may be dominated by the thermal,shock-ionized component of the jet.In the case of L1014-IRS,this non-thermal jet component would have to be variable.We shall dis-cuss several possibilities for the origin of the observed non-thermal emission toward L1014-IRS.In order to better understand the non-thermal emis-sion mechanism,we estimate the brightness tempera-ture of the emission to be T b=Sνλ2d2/2kR2emit= 0.14−2.8×106K for distances of200to900pc and an emitting region that is R emit=1AU in size.The brightness temperature is very sensitive to the assumed size of the emitting region.A R emit of1AU is appro-priate for a smallflare;but,smaller when compared to the solar coronal emitting region which is typically less than≈5AU(e.g.Leto et al.2000).Since the emission observed toward L1014-IRS was unresolved,even in the A-array configuration,then we can only limit the size of the emission region to<90(D/200pc)AU.For instance, if we assumed that the emitting region was45AU(half of our A-array resolution),then the brightness temper-ature drops to<100K.This is too low even for the steady,thermal free-free component(T∼104K),unless the emission was very optically thick.This cannot be the case sinceτ>>1would implyαapproaching2.0 which is not observed.While the size of the emitting re-gion is severely unconstrained,the detection of circular polarization indicates non-thermal emission probably on small(<few AU)size scales,most likely due to gyrosyn-chrotron emission(e.g.,Ramaty1969;Dulk&Marsh 1982).Radioflares are observed toward very low-mass ob-jects including brown dwarfs(Berger et al.2002,Os-ten et al.2006),late M dwarfs(Berger2006),and T-Tauri stars(Bieging&Cohen1989;White,Pallavicini, &Kundu1992).The typical level of quiescent emis-sion toward low-mass stars and brown dwarfs is100µJy and theflares are1mJy(for nearby distances of≈30pc)with significant circular polarization(f c≈50%) detected during theflaring events.The spectral lumi-nosity at6cm of L1014-IRS during the event is Lν= 4πD2Sν=4.7×1015(D/200pc)2erg s−1Hz−1.This is about2400times larger than the most luminous ob-served solarflares(Bastian2004)and about200times larger than theflares observed by Berger(2006)toward late M dwarfs.If the radio emission is due to aflare,it must be a powerfulflare since L1014-IRS is at least20 times farther away than the average distance of sources detected by Berger( d =10.6±5.1pc).However,it is not larger than the typical non-thermalflaring emission observed toward young T Tauri stars of Lν=1015−1018 erg s−1Hz−1(G¨u del2002).The ratio of spectralflare luminosity to bolometric luminosity,Lν/L bol=4×10−18 Hz−1,is also similar to the ratio observed toward classi-cal T-Tauri stars(see G¨u del2002).The timescale over which radioflares toward low-mass stars are observed tends to occur over minutes to hours. For instance,the low-mass brown dwarf,LP944-2,dis-covered by the2001NRAO summer students(Berger et al.2002),displaysflaring activity with an average timescale of10to15minutes.This is very different from the activity observed toward L1014-IRS on August21, 2004.We detected no evidence for short-term variabil-ity within our detected emission.The source appears to have a nearly constantflux that is twice as high as the steady component for at least an8hour period.This elevated emission then appears to be longer in duration than that observed duringflaring events toward low-mass (proto)stars(G¨u del2002).An alternative possibility is that the elevated emission is not due to aflare,but due to rotational modulation of a non-thermal component associated with the magnetic connection between disk and accretion onto the star(i.e., Bieging&Cohen1989).Such a mechanism has been postulated for the T-Tauri star,V410Tauri,with a rota-tional period of1.9days.The observed emission toward V410is1mJy with a negative spectral index.If the accretion spot is blocked from view for a fraction of the stellar rotation period,then it is possibly that we could have observed the source with the accretion spot is in view on August21,2004and with the accretion spot blocked from view during the other epochs.The rota-tional period of L1014-IRS must be longer than8hours since elevated emission was observed during the entire8 hour track.A negative spectral index was observed to-ward V410Tauri,while a negative spectral has not been observed toward L1014-IRS.This hypothesis is highly speculative and would require a regular monitoring cam-paign to test.Unfortunately,it is currently not possible to strongly constrain the origin of the non-thermal component to-ward L1014-IRS.The expanded bandwidth of the eVLA is needed to permit a systematic monitoring campaign with high enough signal-to-noise in only a few hour ob-servations to routinely check for a Stokes V detection and to determine an instantaneous spectral index.4.2.Water Maser Non-detectionsA compact,weak molecular outflow has been detected toward L1014-IRS(Bourke et al.2005);therefore it may be possible to detect water masers if the jet is impinging on dense knots of material near the protostar.Previous。

Green Chemistry_四川大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年

Green Chemistry_四川大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年

Green Chemistry_四川大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.One of the obvious effect of catalysis to facilitate the reaction is to minimizethe activation energy (energy costs), and thus reduce the reactiontemperature.参考答案:正确2.Principles for designing safer dye chemicals to aquatic species include:参考答案:Sulfonic group (磺酸基) is better than carboxylic group (羧酸基)_Molecular weight should be larger than 1000 Daltons3.If we compare the molecule A (【图片】) with another molecule B (【图片】), the molecule A shows higher toxicity than the molecule B.参考答案:错误4.In some cases, the application of atomic economical reaction in chemicalsynthesis is not enough for eliminating the formation of wastes. These cases include:参考答案:Low product stereoselectivity_The presence of parallel reaction_Lowequilibrium conversion5.Muscarinic antagonistis (蝇覃碱拮抗剂)【图片】is a silane analog ofneopentyl carbamate (新戊基氨基甲酸酯)【图片】, the former is morebiodegradable than the latter.正确6.The use of catalysts is preferred in green chemistry because of the followingreasons:参考答案:Reduce environmental pollutions_Activate new startingmaterials_Increase the selectivity of a special product_Promote thechemical processes7.For delocalized cationic dyes containing N, the toxicity comparison should be:参考答案:The more substituents on N atom there are, the more acute the toxicity is_Primary N < Secondary N < Tertiary N8.Biodegradability of chemicals is usually enhanced by the following molecularfeatures:参考答案:Oxygen in the form of hydroxyl or carboxylic groups_Un-substitutedlinear alkyl and phenyl rings9.The eventual mineralization of organic compounds can be attributedpredominantly to the biodegradation by higher organisms.参考答案:错误10.Considering the food requirement, the following biomass resources could beused as the chemical feedstocks for producing fine chemicals and liquid fuels:Microalgae_Woody wastes11.These renewable feed-stocks are most often associated with biological andplant based starting materials, including:参考答案:Saw dust_Agricultural wastes12.Catalytic distillation is a kind of technique of process intensification, whichcombines the catalytic reaction and product separation in a single distillation column. Which equipment or techniques in the following are included inprocess intensification?参考答案:Microreactors_Static Mixers_Membrane reactor13.Oxidation reactions are frequently used in petrol-refinery (石油炼制). Tominimize the pollutions induced by inorganic oxidants, some green oxidants could be used in chemical synthesis. These green oxidants include:参考答案:O3_lattice oxygen_N2O14.Which typical environmental problems in the following are related tochemical industry?参考答案:Global warming_Acid rain_Depletion of ozone layer_Photochemicalsmog and haze15.Chemical reaction with 100% atom utilization has two characteristics. Thereactants could be fully utilized, and the resource could be most possiblyused economically. The waste could be minimized.参考答案:正确16.We can use the following substances to replace the traditional inorganicoxidants such as CrO3, KMnO4, and HNO3 in cleaner oxidation reactions:参考答案:H2O2_O2_N2O_Lattice oxygen17.We can control the reaction process even we cannot measure the parametersof chemical reaction.参考答案:错误18.The atomic economical reaction is not a requisite condition (必要条件) foreliminating the formation of wastes because the low equilibrium conversion and low product selectivity in a chemical reaction will also bring aboutpollutions.参考答案:错误19.The goal of green chemistry is to treat the environmental pollutions alreadygenerated in chemical reactions.参考答案:错误20.Renewable feedstocks are the substances that are easily regenerated withintime frames that are accessible to the human lifetime, including carbondioxide and methane.参考答案:正确21.The goal of green chemistry is to eliminate the potential of pollution before itoccurs.参考答案:正确22.Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are frequently used as solvents inchemical reactions, which will lead to potential harmfulness to handlers and environments. From the viewpoints of green chemistry, which in thefollowing could be used as new solvents instead of VOCs for chemicalsynthesis?参考答案:Supercritical CO2_Deep eutectics (低共熔溶剂)_Water23.The following molecular features of chemicals generally do increase theresistance to aerobic(需氧) biodegradation, except:参考答案:Potential sites of enzymatic hydrolysis_Un-substituted linear alkylchains24.The possible effects of the solubility of chemicals on biodegradability are asfollows:参考答案:Microbial bioavailability_Rate of solubilization25.Which group of metals in the following should we avoid using when we aredesigning metalized acid dyes (金属化酸性染料).参考答案:Al, Cr, or Zn_Al, Cr, or Co_Cr, Co, or Zn26.If O has been inserted into the structure during molecular design, thebiodegradability of a chemical will be enhanced.参考答案:正确27.DDD【图片】is a silane analog of DDT 【图片】(organochlorine pesticide 有机氯杀虫剂), the former is more biodegradable than the latter.参考答案:正确28.The reaction types involved in biomass conversion to fine chemicals andliquid fuels include:参考答案:Hydrolysis_Deoxygenation_Hydrogenation29.One of the research area in Green Chemistry is to use renewable feedstocksfor chemical production. Which could be used as feedstocks for chemicalproduction in the following resources?参考答案:Microalgae_Agricultural wastes_Kitchen garbage_Waste cooking oil30.Traditional pollution treatment can provide a permanent cure.参考答案:错误31.Classification of surfactants includes:参考答案:Anionic surfactants_Cationic surfactants_Amphotericsurfactants_Neutral surfactants32.The majority of chemicals that are toxic to aquatic species are toxic byspecific toxicity.参考答案:错误33.For very insoluble chemicals, the replacement of a given functional groupthat increases solubility may reduce the biodegradability.参考答案:错误34.The introduction of O is particularly important for biodegradation, becausethe 1st step of biodegradation is some kind of oxidation reaction which is almost always the rate limiting step.参考答案:正确35.Several unconventional processing techniques that rely on alternative formsand sources of energy are of importance for process intensification. These alternative forms and sources of energy include:参考答案:Solar energy_Photo and other radiation_Sonic_Microwaves36.The energy is widely used in chemistry and chemical industry in thefollowing aspects:参考答案:Separation energy requirement_Accelerates the reaction rate withheat_The need to control reactivity through cooling_Pre-heating of the reaction mixture。



《分析化学》阅读材料06 摘自Analytical Chemistry (FECS) ● Molecular systems can be identifies by their characteristic energy term schemes consisting of discrete electronic, vibrational and rotational states. At room temperature the substances are mainly in their electronic and vibrational ground states (电子和振动基态). Upon interaction with the appropriate type of electromagnetic radiation, characteristic electronic, vibrational and rotational transitions can be induced in the sample. Thses excited states (激发态)usually decay to their original ground states within 10-8s, either by emitting the previously absorbed radiation in all directions with the same or a lower frequency, or by “radiationless” relaxation (无辐射松弛).● Molecular spectra (分子光谱)can be obtained in the absorption or emission mode from samples in the gaseous, liquid or solid state. They are images of the interactions mentioned above and contain analytical information about the sample.● Most UV-VIS spectra are obtained by measuring the intensity of the absorption of monochromatic radiation across a range of wavelengths passing through a solution in a cuvette (液池). The practical wavelength region extends from 190-400 nm (UV range) and from 400-780 nm (VIS range).● In a typical experiment, a light beam of intensity I 0 strikes a sample consisting of a quartz or glass cell containing a solution. After passing through the cell, the light beam has a reduced intensity I due to reflection losses at the cell windows, absorption in the sample and, eventually, by scattering at dispersed particles. Only the absorption losses are caused by the dissolved sample. The run is repeated using an identical cell containing only solvent to compensate for reflection and scattering losses, and the transmittance (透射率)T is calculated using the following equation, T =I / I 0 ≈I solution / I solvent . The presentation of transmittance T, as a function of wavelength λ, is the required spectrum of the sample.● The intensity of an absorption band, i.e., the absorbance, is proportional to the number of absorbing species in the illuminated part of the cell. Absorbance, A, is defined by the equation, A = –logT =log(I 0/I) and is proportional to the cell thickness, b [cm], the concentration of the solution c [mol/L]; and a substance-specific proportionality constant ε called the molar absorptivity, [L.mol -1 cm -1]. A = ε b c , the Beer’s Law.● For a given system, a linear relationship exists between A and the sample concentration, but usually only for dilute solution (c ≤ 0.1 mol/L).● The distribution of a solute S, equilibrated between an aqueous phase and an organic solvent may be described by an equilibrium equation: S aq S org .There is no need to choose an aqueous phase as one of the two phase, and we can describe distributions between any pair of immiscible solvents, liquid 1 and liquid 2, with the appropriate solutes, S 1 and S 2, respectively: S 1 S 2. Such systems are described by an equilbrium constant: K D = [S]org / [S]aq or [S]2 / [S]1. Where K D is called the partition coefficient (分配系数).● In the context of practical chemical procedures, we have to go a step further beyond ideal thermodynamic behavior. For example, in the extraction of an acid HA from an aqueous into an organic phase, we dealing with more than one chemical entity, namely, the dissociated and undissociated acid forms. We can define a partition coefficient only to the ratio of the undissociated acid K D = [HA]org / [HA]aq , which dose not tell the whole story, because, in the aqueous phase the acid may coexist in the dissociated form, and in the organic phase, higher ion pair products may be formed. In general total solute concentrations are determined by analytical investigations, and the information gained is used to explain the distribution of the species between the two phases, including speciation. The ratio of the total concentrations of the solute is a practical means of dealing with distribution equilibrium situations, and is called the distribution ratio (分配比)Dc:Problem1. A solution contains 3.0 mg of iron per liter. The iron is converted into a complex with 1.10-phenanthroline (邻二氮菲); and the absorbance of the solution in a 2.0 cm cell is 1.20. The molecular weight of the complex is 596. Calculate (a) the absorptivity (吸收系数)and (b)the molar absorptivity (摩尔吸收系数)of the ferrous complex.2. 100 mL of a solution which is 0.100 mol/L in the weak acid HA is extracted with 25.0 mL of ether. After theextraction a 25.0 aliquot of the aqueous phase required 20.0 mL of 0.0500 mol/L NaOH for titration. Calculate the distribution ratio of HA organic to aqueous.3. A sample solution contains Cd 2+ and Zn 2+.A 25.00 mL aliquot is titration with 0.01000 mol/L EDTA at pH5.0, requiring 32.50 mL; another 25.00 mL portion adds potassium iodide in excess, then it is passed through a anion-exchange column (阴离子交换柱)in the basic form. If 20.20 mL of 0.0100 mol/L EDTA is required to titrate the effluent (流出液)at pH 5.0. Calculate the concentrations of Cd 2+ and Zn 2+ in the sample solution. aq org HA of forms all of ion concentrat tatal HA of forms all of ion concentrat tatal Dc ][][=。

Two gaps make a high-temperature superconductor

Two gaps make a high-temperature superconductor

IOP P UBLISHING R EPORTS ON P ROGRESS IN P HYSICS Rep.Prog.Phys.71(2008)062501(9pp)doi:10.1088/0034-4885/71/6/062501Two gaps make a high-temperature superconductor?S H¨ufner1,2,M A Hossain1,2,A Damascelli1,2and G A Sawatzky1,21AMPEL,University of British Columbia,Vancouver,British Columbia,V6T1Z4,Canada2Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of British Columbia,Vancouver,British Columbia,V6T1Z1,CanadaReceived27February2008,infinal form2April2008Published2May2008Online at /RoPP/71/062501AbstractOne of the keys to the high-temperature superconductivity puzzle is the identification of theenergy scales associated with the emergence of a coherent condensate of superconductingelectron pairs.These might provide a measure of the pairing strength and of the coherence ofthe superfluid,and ultimately reveal the nature of the elusive pairing mechanism in thesuperconducting cuprates.To this end,a great deal of effort has been devoted to investigatingthe connection between the superconducting transition temperature T c and the normal-statepseudogap crossover temperature T∗.Here we present a review of a large body ofexperimental data which suggests a coexisting two-gap scenario,i.e.superconducting gap andpseudogap,over the whole superconducting dome.We focus on spectroscopic data fromcuprate systems characterized by T maxc ∼95K,such as Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ,YBa2Cu3O7−δ,Tl2Ba2CuO6+δand HgBa2CuO4+δ,with particular emphasis on the Bi-compound which has been the most extensively studied with single-particle spectroscopies.(Somefigures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)This article was invited by Professor L Greene.Contents1.Introduction12.Emerging phenomenology32.1.Angle-resolved photoemission42.2.Tunneling52.3.Raman scattering52.4.Inelastic neutron scattering52.5.Heat conductivity63.Outlook and conclusion6 Acknowledgments6 References71.IntroductionSince their discovery[1],the copper-oxide high-T c superconductors(HTSCs)have become one of the most investigated class of solids[2–24].However,despite the intense theoretical and experimental scrutiny,an understanding of the mechanism that leads to superconductivity is still lacking.At the very basic level,what distinguishes the cuprates from the conventional superconductors is the fact that they are doped materials,the highly atomic-like Cu 3d orbitals give rise to strong electron correlations(e.g. the undoped parent compounds are antiferromagnetic Mott–Hubbard-like insulators),and the superconducting elements are weakly-coupled two-dimensional layers(i.e.the celebrated square CuO2planes).Among the properties that are unique to this class of superconducting materials,in addition to the unprecedented high superconducting T c,the normal-state gap or pseudogap is perhaps the most noteworthy.The pseudogap wasfirst detected in the temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation and Knight shift in nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic susceptibility studies[25].The Knight shift is proportional to the density of states at the Fermi energy;a gradual depletion was observed below a crossover temperature T∗,revealing the opening of the pseudogap well above T c on the underdoped side of the HTSC phase diagram(figure1).As the estimates based on thermodynamicx (c)Tx (a)x(b)T* T cT*T cT*T cFigure1.Various scenarios for the interplay of pseudogap(blue dashed line)and superconductivity(red solid line)in thetemperature-doping phase diagram of the HTSCs.While in(a)the pseudogap merges gradually with the superconducting gap in the strongly overdoped region,in(b)and(c)the pseudogap lines intersect the superconducting dome at about optimal doping(i.e.maximum T c).In most descriptions,the pseudogap line is identified with a crossover with a characteristic temperature T∗rather than a phase transition;while at all dopings T∗>T c in(a),beyond optimal doping T∗<T c in(b)and T∗does not even exist in(c).Adapted from[12].quantities are less direct than in spectroscopy we,in the course of this review,concentrate mainly on spectroscopic results; more information on other techniques can be found in the literature[5].As established by a number of spectroscopic probes, primarily angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy,[26,27] the pseudogap manifests itself as a suppression of the normal-state electronic density of states at E F exhibiting a momentum dependence reminiscent of a d x2−y2functional form.For hole-doped cuprates,it is largest at Fermi momenta close to the antinodal region in the Brillouin zone—i.e.around (π,0)—and vanishes along the nodal direction—i.e.the(0,0) to the(π,π)line.Note however that,strictly speaking, photoemission and tunneling probe a suppression of spectral weight in the single-particle spectral function,rather than directly of density of states;to address this distinction,which is fundamental in many-body systems and will not be further discussed here,it would be very interesting to investigate the quantitative correspondence between nuclear magnetic resonance and single-particle spectroscopy results.Also,no phase information is available for the pseudogap since,unlike the case of optimally and overdoped HTSCs[28],no phase-sensitive experiments have been reported for the underdoped regime where T∗ T c.As for the doping dependence,the pseudogap T∗is much larger than the superconducting T c in underdoped samples,it smoothly decreases upon increasing the doping,and seems to merge with T c in the overdoped regime,eventually disappearing together with superconductivity at doping levels larger than x∼0.27[5–24].In order to elaborate on the connection between pseudogap and high-T c superconductivity,or in other words between the two energy scales E pg and E sc identified by T∗and T c,respectively,let us start by recalling that in conventional superconductors the onset of superconductivity is accompanied by the opening of a gap at the chemical potential in the one-electron density of states. According to the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer(BCS)theory of superconductivity[29],the gap energy provides a direct measure of the binding energy of the two electrons forming a Cooper pair(the two-particle bosonic entity that characterizes the superconducting state).It therefore came as a great surprise that a gap,i.e.the pseudogap,was observed in the HTSCs not only in the superconducting state as expected from BCS, but also well above T c.Because of these properties and the hope it might reveal the mechanism for high-temperature superconductivity,the pseudogap phenomenon has been very intensely investigated.However,no general consensus has been reached yet on its origin,its role in the onset of superconductivity itself,and not even on its evolution across the HTSC phase diagram.As discussed in three recent papers on the subject [12,15,17],and here summarized infigure1,three different phase diagrams are usually considered with respect to the pseudogap line.While Millis[15]opts for a diagram like the one infigure1(a),Cho[17]prefers a situation where the pseudogap line meets the superconducting dome at x 0.16(figures1(b)and(c));Norman et al[12]provide a comprehensive discussion of the three different possibilities. One can summarize some of the key questions surrounding the pseudogap phenomenon and its relevance to high-temperature superconductivity as follows[12,15,17]:1.Which is the correct phase diagram with respect to thepseudogap line?2.Does the pseudogap connect to the insulator quasiparticlespectrum?3.Is the pseudogap the result of some one-particle bandstructure effect?4.Or,alternatively,is it a signature of a two-particle pairinginteraction?5.Is there a true order parameter defining the existence of apseudogap phase?6.Do the pseudogap and a separate superconducting gapcoexist below T c?7.Is the pseudogap a necessary ingredient for high-T csuperconductivity?In this review we revisit some of these questions,with specific emphasis on the one-versus two-gap debate.Recently,this latter aspect of the HTSCs has been discussed in great detail by Goss Levi[30],in particular based on scanning-tunneling microscopy data from various groups[31–33].Here we expand this discussion to include the plethora of experimental results available from a wide variety of techniques.We0. n e r g y (m e V )Hole doping (x)T c (K )Figure 2.Pseudogap (E pg =2 pg )and superconducting (E sc ∼5k B T c )energy scales for a number of HTSCs with T max c ∼95K(Bi2212,Y123,Tl2201and Hg1201).The datapoints were obtained,as a function of hole doping x ,by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES),tunneling (STM,SIN,SIS),Andreev reflection (AR),Raman scattering (RS)and heat conductivity (HC).On the same plot we are also including the energy r of the magnetic resonance mode measured by inelastic neutron scattering (INS),which we identify with E sc because of the striking quantitative correspondence as a function of T c .The data fall on two universal curvesgiven by E pg =E max pg (0.27−x)/0.22and E sc =E max sc [1−82.6(0.16−x)2],with E maxpg =E pg (x =0.05)=152±8meV and E maxsc =E sc (x =0.16)=42±2meV (the statistical errors refer to the fit of the selected datapoints;however,the spread of all available data would be more appropriately described by ±20and ±10meV ,respectively).show that one fundamental and robust conclusion can be drawn:the HTSC phase diagram is dominated by two energy scales,the superconducting transition temperature T c and the pseudogap crossover temperature T ∗,which converge to the very same critical point at the end of the superconducting dome.Establishing whether this phenomenology can be conclusively described in terms of a coexisting two-gap scenario,and what the precise nature of the gaps would be,will require a more definite understanding of the quantities measured by the various probes.2.Emerging phenomenologyThe literature on the HTSC superconducting gap and/or pseudogap is very extensive and still growing.In this situation it seems interesting to go over the largest number of data obtained from as many experimental techniques as possible,and look for any possible systematic behavior that could be identified.This is the primary goal of this focused review.We want to emphasize right from the start that we are not aiming at providing exact quantitative estimates of superconducting and pseudogap energy scales for any specific compound or any given doping.Rather,we want to identify the general phenomenological picture emerging from the whole body of available experimental data [5,9,13,16,18,34–72].We consider some of the most direct probes of low-energy,electronic excitations and spectral gaps,such as angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES),scanning-tunneling microscopy (STM),superconductor/insulator/normal-metal(SIN)and superconductor/insulator/superconductor (SIS)tunneling,Andreev reflection tunneling (AR)and Raman scattering (RS),as well as less conventional probes such as heat conductivity (HC)and inelastic neutron scattering (INS).The emphasis in this review is on spectroscopic data because of their more direct interpretative significance;however,these will be checked against thermodynamic/transport data whenever possible.With respect to the spectroscopic data,it is important to differentiate between single-particle probes such as ARPES and STM,which directly measure the one-electron excitation energy with respect to the chemical potential (on both side of E F in STM),and two-particle probes such as Raman and inelastic neutron scattering,which instead provide information on the particle-hole excitation energy 2 .Note that the values reported here are those for the ‘full gap’2 (associated with either E sc or E pg ),while frequently only half the gap is given for instance in the ARPES literature.In doing so one implicitly assumes that the chemical potential lies half-way between the lowest-energy single-electron removal and addition states;this might not necessarily be correct but appears to be supported by the direct comparison between ARPES and STM/Raman results.A more detailed discussion of the quantities measured by the different experiments and their interpretation is provided in the following subsections.Here we would like to point out that studies of B 2g and B 1g Raman intensity [19,40,52],heat conductivity of nodal quasiparticles [70,71]and neutron magnetic resonance energy r [42]do show remarkable agreement with superconducting or pseudogap energy scales as inferred by single-particleTable1.Pseudogap E pg and superconducting E sc energy scales (2 )as inferred,for optimally doped Bi2212(T c∼90–95K),from different techniques and experiments.Abbreviations are given in the main text,while the original references are listed.Experiment Energy meV ReferencesARPES—(π,0)peak E pg80[34,35]Tunneling—STM…70[18,36]Tunneling—SIN…85[37]Tunneling—SIS…75[38,39]Raman—B1g…65[40]Electrodynamics…80[5,41]Neutron—(π,π) r E sc40[42]Raman—B2g…45[40]Andreev…45[43]SIS—dip…40[39]probes,or with the doping dependence of T c itself.Thus they provide,in our opinion,an additional estimate of E sc and E pg energy scales.As for the choice of the specific compounds to include in our analysis,we decided to focus on those HTSCs exhibiting a similar value of the maximum superconductingtransition temperature T maxc ,as achieved at optimal doping,so that the data could be quantitatively compared without any rescaling.We have therefore selected Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ(Bi2212),YBa2Cu3O7−δ(Y123),Tl2Ba2CuO6+δ(Tl2201) and HgBa2CuO4+δ(Hg1201),which have been extensivelyinvestigated and are all characterized by T maxc ∼95K[73](with particular emphasis on Bi2212,for which the most extensive set of single-particle spectroscopy data is available). It should also be noted that while Bi2212and Y123are ‘bilayer’systems,i.e.their crystal structure contains as a key structural element sets of two adjacent CuO2layers, Tl2201and Hg1201are structurally simpler single CuO2-layer materials.Therefore,this choice of compounds ensures that our conclusions are generic to all HTSCs with a similar T c, independent of the number of CuO2layers.A compilation of experimental results for the magnitude of pseudogap(E pg=2 pg)and superconducting(E sc∼5kB T c) energy scales,as a function of carrier doping x,is presented infigure2(only some representative datapoints are shown,so as not to overload thefigure;similar compilations were also obtained by a number of other authors)[5,9,13,16,42,43,52, 57,60,70,74,75].The data for these HTSCs with comparableT max c ∼95K fall on two universal curves:a straight linefor the pseudogap energy E pg=2 pg and a parabola for the superconducting energy scale E sc∼5k B T c.The two curves converge to the same x∼0.27critical point at the end of the superconducting dome,similarly to the cartoon of figure1(a).In order to summarize the situation with respect to quantitative estimates of E pg and E sc,we have listed in table1the values as determined by the different experimental techniques on optimally doped Bi2212(with T c ranging from 90to95K).While one obtains from this compilation the average values of E pg 76meV and E sc 41meV at optimal doping,the numbers do scatter considerably.Note also that these numbers differ slightly from those given in relation to the parabolic and straight lines infigure2(e.g.E maxsc= 42meV)because the latter were inferred from afitting of superconducting and pseudogap data over the whole doping range,while those in table1were deduced from results for optimally doped Bi2212only.It is also possible to plot the pseudogap E pg and superconducting E sc energy scales as estimated simultaneously in one single experiment on the very same sample.This is done infigure3for Raman,tunneling and ARPES results from Bi2212and Hg1201,which provide evidence for the presence of two energy scales,or possibly two spectral gaps as we discuss in greater detail below,coexisting over the whole superconducting dome.2.1.Angle-resolved photoemissionThe most extensive investigation of excitation gaps in HTSCs has arguably been done by ARPES[9,10,26,27,34,35,54–66,76–80].This technique provides direct access to the one-electron removal spectrum of the many-body system;it allows,for instance in the case of a BCS superconductor[29], to measure the momentum dependence of the absolute value of the pairing amplitude2 via the excitation gap observed for single-electron removal energies,again assuming E F to be located half-way in the gap[9,10].This is the same in some tunneling experiments such as STM,which however do not provide direct momentum resolution but measure on both sides of E F[18].The gap magnitude is usually inferred from the ARPES spectra from along the normal-state Fermi surface in the antinodal region,where the d-wave gap is largest;it is estimated from the shift to high-binding energy of the quasiparticle spectral weight relative to the Fermi energy.With this approach only one gap is observed below a temperature scale that smoothly evolves from the so-called pseudogap temperature T∗in the underdoped regime,to the superconducting T c on the overdoped side.We identify this gap0. doping (x)T c(K)Figure3.Pseudogap E pg and superconducting E sc energy scales (2 )as estimated,by a number of probes and for different compounds,in one single experiment on the very same sample. These data provide direct evidence for the simultaneous presenceof two energy scales,possibly two spectral gaps,coexisting in the superconducting state.The superconducting and pseudogap lines are defined as infigure2.with the pseudogap energy scale E pg=2 pg.This is also in agreement with recent investigations of the near-nodal ARPES spectra from single and double layer Bi-cuprates[57,76,77], which further previous studies of the underdoped cuprates’Fermi arc phenomenology[78–80].From the detailed momentum dependence of the excitation gap along the Fermi surface contour,and the different temperature trends observed in the nodal and antinodal regions,these studies suggest the coexistence of two distinct spectral gap components over the whole superconducting dome:superconducting gap and pseudogap,dominating the response in the nodal and antinodal regions,respectively,which would eventually collapse to one single energy scale in the very overdoped regime.2.2.TunnelingThe HTSCs have been investigated by a wide variety of tunneling techniques[13,18,36–39,44–51],such as SIN[38,51],SIS[37–39],STM[18,36,46],intrinsic tunneling[47–50]and Andreev reflection,which is also a tunneling experiment but involves two-particle rather than single-particle tunneling(in principle,very much like SIS) [13,43,72].All these techniques,with the exception of intrinsic tunneling3,are represented here either in thefigures or table.Similarly to what was discussed for ARPES at the antinodes,there are many STM studies that report a pseudogap E pg smoothly evolving into E sc upon overdoping[18,31]. In addition,a very recent temperature-dependent study of overdoped single-layer Bi-cuprate detected two coexisting,yet clearly distinct,energy scales in a single STM experiment[32]. In particular,while the pseudogap was clearly discernible in the differential conductance exhibiting the usual large spatial modulation,the evidence for a spatially uniform superconducting gap was obtained by normalizing the low-temperature spectra by those just above T c 15K.These values have not been included infigures2and3because T c 95K;however,this study arguably provides the most direct evidence for the coexistence of two distinct excitation gaps in the HTSCs.One can regard Andreev reflection(pair creation in addition to a hole)as the inverse of a two-particle scattering experiment such as Raman or INS.A different view is also possible:SIN tunneling goes over to AR if the insulator layer gets thinner and thinner[13];thus a SIN tunneling,as also STM,should give the same result as AR.However while SIN and STM measure the pseudogap,AR appears to be sensitive to the superconducting energy scale E sc(figure2).We can only conjecture that this has to do with the tunneling mechanisms actually being different.3The most convincing tunneling results showing two coexisting gaps were actually obtained by intrinsic tunneling[47–50],in particular from Bi2Sr2CuO6+δ(Bi2201)[48].However,because this technique suffers from systematic problems[50],and one would anyway have to scale the Bi2201data because of the lower value of T c and in turn gap energy scales,these results were not included infigures2or3.Since intrinsic tunneling is in principle a clean SIS experiment which measures pair energies through Josephson tunneling, a refinement of the technique might provide an accurate estimate of both superconducting and pseudogap simultaneously,and is thus highly desirable.SIS tunneling experiments[39]find E pg/E sc 1for Bi2212at all doping levels.There are,however,some open questions concerning the interpretation of the SIS experiments. This technique,which exploits Josephson tunneling,measures pair spectra;the magnitude of E pg can readily be obtained from the most pronounced features in the spectra[39].The signal related to E sc is seen as a‘sideband’on the E pg features;it does not seem obvious why,if the E sc signal did originate from a state of paired electrons,it would not show up more explicitly.2.3.Raman scatteringLight scattering measures a two-particle excitation spectrum providing direct insight into the total energy needed to break up a two-particle bound state or remove a pair from a condensate. Raman experiments can probe both superconducting and pseudogap energy scales,if one interprets the polarization dependent scattering intensity in terms of different momentum averages of the d-wave-like gap functions:one peaked at(π,0) in B1g geometry,and thus more sensitive to the larger E pg which dominates this region of momentum space;the other at(π/2,π/2)in B2g geometry,and provides an estimate of the slope of the gap function about the nodes,(1/¯h)(d /d k)|n, which is more sensitive to the arguably steeper functional dependence of E sc out of the nodes[19,40,52,53].One should note,however,that the signal is often riding on a high background,which might result in a considerable error and data scattering.At a more fundamental level,while the experiments in the antinodal geometry allow a straightforward determination of the gap magnitude E pg,the nodal results need a numerical analysis involving a normalization of the Raman response function over the whole Brillouin zone,a procedure based on a low-energy B2g sum rule(although also the B2g peak position leads to similar conclusions)[52].This is because a B2g Raman experiment is somewhat sensitive also to the gap in the antinodal direction,where it picks up,in particular,the contribution from the larger pseudogap.2.4.Inelastic neutron scatteringInelastic neutron scattering experiments have detected the so-called q=(π,π)resonant magnetic mode in all of the T c 95K HTSCs considered here[16].This resonance is proposed by some to be a truly collective magnetic mode that, much in the same way as phonons mediate superconductivity in the conventional BCS superconductors,might constitute the bosonic excitation mediating superconductivity in the HTSCs. The total measured intensity,however,amounts to only a small portion of what is expected based on the sum rule for the magnetic scattering from a spin1/2system[8,16,24, 42,68,69];this weakness of the magnetic response should be part of the considerations in the modeling of magnetic resonance mediated high-T c superconductivity.Alternatively, its detection below T c might be a mere consequence of the onset of superconductivity and of the corresponding suppression of quasiparticle scattering.Independently of the precise interpretation,the INS data reproduced infigure2show that the magnetic resonance energy r tracks very closely, over the whole superconducting dome,the superconductingenergy scale E sc∼5k B T c(similar behavior is observed, in the underdoped regime,also for the spin-gap at the incommensurate momentum transfer(π,π±δ)[81]).Also remarkable is the correspondence between the energy of the magnetic resonance and that of the B2g Raman peak.Note that while the q=(π,π)momentum transfer observed for the magnetic resonance in INS is a key ingredient of most proposed HTSC descriptions,Raman scattering is a q=0probe.It seems that understanding the connection between Raman and INS might reveal very important clues.2.5.Heat conductivityHeat conductivity data from Y123and Tl2201fall onto the pseudogap line.This is a somewhat puzzling result because they have been measured at very low temperatures,well into the superconducting state,and should in principle provide a measure of both gaps together if these were indeed coexisting below T c.However,similarly to the B2g Raman scattering, these experiments are only sensitive to the slope of the gap function along the Fermi surface at the nodes,(1/¯h)(d /d k)|n; the gap itself is determined through an extrapolation procedure in which only one gap was assumed.The fact that the gap values,especially for Y123,come out on the high side of the pseudogap line may be an indication that an analysis with two coexisting gaps might be more appropriate.3.Outlook and conclusionThe data infigures2and3demonstrate that there are two coexisting energy scales in the HTSCs:one associated with the superconducting T c and the other,as inferred primarily from the antinodal region properties,with the pseudogap T∗. The next most critical step is that of addressing the subtle questions concerning the nature of these energy scales and the significance of the emerging two-gap phenomenology towards the development of a microscopic description of high-T c superconductivity.As for the pseudogap,which grows upon underdoping, it seems natural to seek a connection to the physics of the insulating parent compound.Indeed,it has been pointed out that this higher energy scale might smoothly evolve,upon underdoping,into the quasiparticle dispersion observed by ARPES in the undoped antiferromagnetic insulator[82,83]. At zero doping the dispersion and quasiparticle weight in the single-hole spectral function as seen by ARPES can be very well explained in terms of a self-consistent Born approximation[84],as well as in the diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo[85]solution to the so-called t–t –t –J model.In this model,as in the experiment[82,83],the energy difference between the top of the valence band at(π/2,π/2)and the antinodal region at(π,0)is a gap due to the quasiparticle dispersion of about250±30meV.Note that this would be a single-particle gap .For the direct comparison with the pseudogap data infigure2,we would have to consider 2 ∼500meV;this,however,is much larger than the x=0 extrapolated pseudogap value of186meV found from our analysis across the phase diagram.Thus there seems to be an important disconnection between thefinite doping pseudogapand the zero-doping quasiparticle dispersion.The fact that the pseudogap measured in ARPES and SINexperiments is only half the size of the gap in SIS,STM,B1gRaman and heat conductivity measurements,points to a pairinggap.So although the origin of the pseudogap atfinite dopingremains uncertain,we are of the opinion that it most likelyreflects a pairing energy of some sort.To this end,the trend infigure2brings additional support to the picture discussed bymany authors that the reduction in the density of states at T∗isassociated with the formation of electron pairs,well above theonset of phase coherence taking place at T c(see,e.g.[86,87]).The pseudogap energy E pg=2 pg would then be the energy needed to break up a preformed pair.To conclusively addressthis point,it would be important to study very carefully thetemperature dependence of the(π,0)response below T c;anyfurther change with the onset of superconductivity,i.e.anincrease in E pg,would confirm the two-particle pairing picture,while a lack thereof would suggest a one-particle band structureeffect as a more likely interpretation of the pseudogap.The lower energy scale connected to the superconductingT c(parabolic curve infigure2and3)has already been proposedby many authors to be associated with the condensationenergy[86–89],as well as with the magnetic resonance inINS[90].One might think of it as the energy needed totake a pair of electrons out of the condensate;however,fora condensate of charged bosons,a description in terms of acollective excitation,such as a plasmon or roton,would bemore appropriate[24].The collective excitation energy wouldthen be related to the superfluid density and in turn to T c.In thissense,this excitation would truly be a two-particle process andshould not be measurable by single-particle spectroscopies.Also,if the present interpretation is correct,this excitationwould probe predominantly the charge-response of the system;however,there must be a coupling to the spin channel,so as tomake this process neutron active(yet not as intense as predictedby the sum rule for pure spin-1/2magnetic excitations,whichis consistent with the small spectral weight observed by INS).As discussed,one aspect that needs to be addressed to validatethese conjectures is the surprising correspondence betweenq=0and q=(π,π)excitations,as probed by Raman andINS,respectively.We are led to the conclusion that the coexistence of twoenergy scales is essential for high-T c superconductivity,withthe pseudogap reflecting the pairing strength and the other,always smaller than the pseudogap,the superconductingcondensation energy.This supports the proposals thatthe HTSCs cannot be considered as classical BCSsuperconductors,but rather are smoothly evolving from theBEC into the BCS regime[91–93],as carrier doping isincreased from the underdoped to the overdoped side of thephase diagram.AcknowledgmentsSH would like to thank the University of British Columbiafor its hospitality.Helpful discussions with W N Hardy,。

Critical point and the nature of the pseudogap of single-layered copper-oxide Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{

Critical point and the nature of the pseudogap of single-layered copper-oxide Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{

a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0502117v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s u p r -c o n ] 4 F eb 2005Critical point and the nature of the pseudogap of single-layered copper oxideBi 2Sr 2−x La x CuO 6+δsuperconductorsGuo-qing Zheng 1,P.L.Kuhns 2,A.P.Reyes 2,B.Liang 3and C.T.Lin 31Department of Physics,Okayama University,Okayama 700-8530,Japan 2National High Magnetic Field Laboratory,Tallahassee,FL,USA and3Max-Planck-Institut fur Festkorperforschung,Heisenbergstr.1,D-70569Stuttgart,Germany(Dated:Phys.Rev.Lett.94,047006(2005))We apply strong magnetic fields of H =28.5∼43T to suppress superconductivity (SC)in the cuprates Bi 2Sr 2−x La x CuO 6+δ(x =0.65,0.40,0.25,0.15and 0),and investigate the low temperature (T )normal state by 63Cu nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/T 1)measurements.We find that the pseudogap (PG)phase persists deep inside the overdoped region but terminates at x ∼0.05that corresponds to the hole doping concentration of approximately 0.21.Beyond this critical point,the normal state is a Fermi liquid characterized by the T 1T =const relation.A comparison of the superconducting state with the H -induced normal state in the x =0.40(T c =32K)sample indicates that there remains substantial part of the Fermi surface even in the fully-developed PG state,which suggests that the PG and SC are coexisting matters.PACS numbers:74.25.Ha,74.25.Jb,74.25.Nf,74.72.HsIn many cases,the normal state of the high transition-temperature (T c )copper oxide (cuprate)superconduc-tors above T c deviates strongly from that described by Landau’s Fermi liquid theory [1].One of the exper-imental facts taken as evidence for such deviations is the opening of a pseudogap (PG)above T c ,a phe-nomenon of loss of density of states (DOS)[2].The pseudogap is pronounced at low doping level,in the so-called underdoped regime.The pseudogap temper-ature,T ∗,generally decreases as the carrier doping rate increases.However,it is unclear whether T ∗finally merges into the T c curve in the overdoped regime [3],or it terminates before superconductivity disappears [4,5].Different classes of theories have been put forward to explain the pseudogap phenomenon (for examples,see Ref.[6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]).It is interesting that these theories generally also propose different mechanisms for the occurrence of superconductivity.Since the topology of the phase diagram has great impact on the mechanism of the high-T c superconductivity,it is important to clarify the doping dependence of the pseudogap.Unfortunately,the onset of superconductivity,typically at ∼100K,and the large upper critical field H c 2(∼100T)prevents in-vestigation of how the pseudogap evolves with doping.The highest static field available to date (∼30T)was only able to reduce T c to half its value at most [14,15].Even the pulsed magnetic field is not enough to suppress superconductivity completely [16].Meanwhile,from angle resolved photoemission spec-troscopy (ARPES),it was found that below T ∗the Fermi surface is progressively destroyed with lowering the tem-perature and there remains only four arcs at the Fermi surface at T =T c [17].It would be helpful to see how these arcs would evolve if the superconductivity is re-moved.But again the robust superconducting phase makes it difficult to reveal the properties of the low tem-perature pseudogap state.Here we address these two issues by using single lay-ered cuprates,Bi 2Sr 2−x La x CuO 6+δ,which have substan-tially lower T c and H c 2.We study the property of the ground state induced by the application of mag-netic fields of 28.5∼43T,by using nuclear magnetic reso-nance (NMR)technique.This system is suitable for such study for it can be tuned from the overdoped regime to the underdoped regime by replacing La for Sr,and very highly overdoped by replacing Pb for Bi [18,19].More-over,it has been long suspected that interlayer coupling could complicate the superconducting-state properties as well as the normal-state properties.The present sys-tem helps since it has only one CuO 2plane in the unit cell.This material has additional advantage in its nearly ideal two dimensional structure with the largest trans-port anisotropy (104-105)among known cuprates [20].We were able to suppress superconductivity completely in the samples of x =0.40,0.25,0.15and 0,which are in the optimally doped to overdoped regimes,by apply-ing magnetic fields of 28.5∼43T generated by the Bitter and Hybrid magnets in the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory,Tallahassee,Florida.Single crystals of Bi 2Sr 2−x La x CuO 6+δwere grown by the traveling solvent floating zone (TSFZ)method with starting materials of Bi 2O 3,SrCO 3,La 2O 3and CuO (Ref.[21]).Compositional measurement was performed by Auger electron spectroscopy with an error of ±2wt.%.The excess oxygen δresides on the Bi 2O 2block and is believed to be responsible for the carrier doping in the CuO 2plane.The amount of δof the present samples was estimated to be 0.36as described in detail in Ref.[21].24812160501001502002503001/T 1T (S e c -1K -1)T (K)FIG.1:(Color on-line)The quantity 1/T 1T plotted against T for Bi 2Sr 2−x La x CuO 6+δmeasured at a field of 28.5T applied along the c-axis.Replacing La for Sr removes holes from the CuO 2plane and increases T c .The T c of Bi 2Sr 2CuO 6.36without La-doping is found to be 8K.The maximal T c =32K was obtained for La concentration of x =0.4,which is in good agreement with that reported in Ref.[22].For NMR measurements,two or three single crys-tal platelets with the dimensions of 15×5×1mm 3were aligned along the c -axis.For all measurements,the ex-ternal field is applied along the c -axis.A standard phase-coherent pulsed NMR spectrometer was used to collect data.The NMR spectra were obtained by sweeping the magnetic field at a fixed frequency (325∼492MHz)and recording the size of the spin echo area.The full width at the half maximum (FWHM)of the 63Cu NMR line for the central transition (m =1/2←→m =−1/2transition)at T =4.2K is 1.8kOe for x =0but decreases with increasing x ,reducing to 1.0kOe for x =0.4.This is probably due to removal of modu-lation in the Bi 2O 2block that is commonly seen in Bi-based cuprates [23].The 63Cu nuclear spin-lattice re-laxation rate,1/T 1,was measured at the spectrum peak by using a single saturation pulse and fitting the recov-ery of the nuclear magnetization (M (t ))after the satura-tion pulse to the theoretical curve given by Narath [24]:M (∞)−M (t )41ω(1)where A q is the q -dependent hyperfine coupling constant [25].In conventional metals,both A q and χ(q )are basi-cally q -independent so that eq.(1)yields to a T 1T =const relation.In most high-T c cuprates,the dynamical suscep-tibility has a peak at the antiferromagnetic wave vector Q =(π,π).1/T 1T is then shown to be proportional to χQ .The increase of 1/T 1T upon decreasing temperature is generally attributed to the increase of χQ ,namely,to the development of antiferromagnetic correlations.For antiferromagnetically correlated metals,this quantity fol-lows a Curie-Weiss relation [26,27],χQ ∝1/(T +θ),so that 1/T 1T ∼1/(T +θ)before superconductivity sets in.In the x =0.65sample,this is true above T =200K,while below this temperature 1/T 1T starts to decrease,leaving a broad peak at around T ∗=200K.This is a typical pseudogap behavior seen in this NMR quantity [28].Our observation of the pseudogap in this single-layered cuprate system is consistent with that made by the ARPES measurement for a x =0.35sample [29].In-terestingly,the pseudogap persists even in the x =0.15sample which is in the overdoped regime,although with a reduced T ∗=60K.Such a low T ∗has not so far been possible to access ,since it is below T c in most materials.As noted already,in the x =0sample,however,the pseu-dogap is no more present.Instead,a T 1T =const relation holds below T =100K,which indicates that the normal state is a Fermi liquid.The result that the magnitude of 1/T 1T for x ≤0.15is enhanced over that for x ≥0.25is probably due to the increase of the transferred hyperfine coupling constant which has previously been reported in the heavily overdoped regime [30].Figure 2shows the magnetic field dependence of 1/T 1T for x =0.40under H =0,28.5T and 43T.The data for H =0were obtained by NQR (nuclear quadrupole reso-nance)measurements at the frequency of νQ ∼30.2MHz.The data for H =43T were obtained at the hybrid mag-net (outsert field of 11T and insert field of 32T)at the High Magnetic Field Laboratory.Note that below T c =32K,1/T 1T is H -dependent between 0and 28.5T,but no magnetic field dependence is observed beyond 28.5T.This indicates that the superconductivity for the x =0.40sample is suppressed by a field greater than 28.5T,which is also supported by the ac susceptibility measurement using the NMR coil.Therefore,our results for x ≤0.40characterize microscopically the low-T normal (ground)state when superconductivity is removed.In Fig.3we compare the high field (H =28.5T)data30510151/T 1T (S e c -1K -1)T (K)FIG.2:(Color on-line)Magnetic field dependence of 1/T 1T for Bi 2Sr 1.6La 0.4CuO 6+δ.The arrow indicates T c at zero mag-neticfield.5101520251/T 1T (s e c -1K -1)T (K)FIG.3:(Color on-line)Magnetic field dependence of 1/T 1T for the as-grown,overdoped sample,Bi 2Sr 2CuO 6+δ.The ar-row indicates T c at zero magnetic field.and the zero-field data for the x =0sample.In the normal state above T c (H =0)=8K,both sets of data agree well.This indicates that the Fermi liquid state in this over-doped sample is an intrinsic property;it is not an effect of high magnetic field.Note that the Fermi liquid state persists when the superconducting state is suppressed.The doping dependence of T ∗is shown in Fig.4,along with the x -dependence of T c that was determined as the zero resistance temperature and agrees well with the on-501001502002500. e m p e r a t u r e (K )1-xhole concentration (p )FIG.4:(Color on-line)Phase diagram obtained from NMR measurements for Bi 2Sr 2−x La x CuO 6+δ.T ∗is the tempera-ture below which the pseudogap develops,and T c is the su-perconducting transition temperature.The upper scale of the transverse axis is adopted from Ref.[22].PG and SC denote the pseudogap phase and superconducting phase,respectively.set temperature of the Meissner signal in the ac suscepti-bility measured using the NMR coil.The maximal T c is achieved at T c =32K for x opt =0.40.The results indicate that there exists a critical doping concentration p cr at which the pseudogap terminates and beyond which the ground state when the superconductivity is suppressed is a Fermi liquid.The critical point is around x =0.05which corresponds to p cr ∼0.21,according to Ando’s characterization [22](see the upper scale of the trans-verse axis of Fig.3).We mention a caveat that T ∗at zero magnetic field for the overdoped regime could be slightly higher than that we found here at high magnetic field [15],therefore p cr could be slightly higher.However,the limit for largest possible p cr is set by the x =0sample (p ∼0.22)which shows no pseudogap.Note that the p cr we found is much larger than the op-timal doping concentration (p opt ∼0.15).Therefore,our results indicate that there is no quantum phase transition taking place at the optimal doping,as opposed to the hy-pothesis that is frequently conjectured [4,31].However,if the pseudogap is associated with some sort of phase transition [11],then p cr ∼0.21may be viewed as a quan-tum critical point.But again,note that p cr is far greater than the optimum doping concentration p opt =0.15.It is interesting that many physical quantities,such as the su-perfluid density [32],show distinct change upon crossing a doping concentration that is close to the present p cr .4 Finally,thefield dependence of1/T1T below T c(H=0),as seen in Fig.2,indicates that the pseudogap is anincomplete gap;even in the fully-developed pseudogapstate, T∼1K,there remains substantial DOS atthe Fermi level,which is lost only after superconductivitysets in.This suggests that superconductivity and pseudo-gap are coexisting matters.Below T∗,some parts of theFermi surface are lost due to the onset of the pseudogap,but other parts of the Fermi surface remain ungapped.Ifone roughly estimates the DOS from5[29]J.M.Harris et al,Phys.Rev.Lett.79,143(1997).[30]Y.Kitaoka et al,Physica(Amsterdam)C179,107(1991).[31]S.Sachdev,Science288,475(2000).[32]C.Panagopoulos et al,Phys.Rev.B67,220502(2003).[33]G.-q.Zheng et al,Phys.Rev.B70,014511(2004).[34]ughlin,G.G.Lonzarich,P.Monthoux and D.Pines,Adv.Phys.50,361(2001).。

Anti-correlation between energy-gap and phonon energy for cuprate Bi2212 superconductor

Anti-correlation between energy-gap and phonon energy for cuprate Bi2212 superconductor
(Dated: February 1, 2008)
Using electron-phonon mechanism, we explains very well the spatial anti-correlation between the energy-gap and the energy of phonon mode for cuprate superconductor found in d2I/dV 2 spectrum by STM measurements [Jinho Lee, Nature 442,546 (2006)], which is is the direct effect of a relationship M ω2 λ = const. We calculate TC maps on λ − ΩP plane which helps us understanding the relation M ω2 λ = const and the superconductivity of superconductors.
In this paper, we preform the standard calculations of Nambu-Eliashberg strong coupling theory and focus on an important relation M ω2 λ = η = const. The superconductor parameter η = ρ(0) J2 , the product of the electronic properties ρ(0) the density of state at Fermi energy and the electron-phonon matrix elements J, characterizes the chemical environments of atoms and almost keeps as a constant against the simple structural changes such as the isotope substitution. We assume the electron-phonon mechanism is pairing mechanism for superconductor Bi2212 in this paper because of the isotope effects and identification of phonon mode in ARPES spectrum [6], STM/S experiments [3]. In terms of the

Probing Ion-Ion and Electron-Ion Correlations in Liquid Metals within the Quantum Hypernett

Probing Ion-Ion and Electron-Ion Correlations in Liquid Metals within the Quantum Hypernett

a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /9909116v 1 [c o n d -m a t .m t r l -s c i ] 7 S e p 1999Probing Ion-Ion and Electron-Ion Correlations in Liquid Metals within the QuantumHypernetted Chain ApproximationJ.A.Anta ∗Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory,Oxford University,South Parks Road,Oxford OX13QZ,UKA.A.Louis Department of Chemistry,Cambridge University,Lensfield Rd,Cambridge CB21EW,UK (February 1,2008)We use the Quantum Hypernetted Chain Approximation (QHNC)to calculate the ion-ion and electron-ion correlations for liquid metallic Li,Be,Na,Mg,Al,K,Ca,and Ga.We discuss trends in electron-ion structure factors and radial distribution functions,and also calculate the free-atom and metallic-atom form-factors,focusing on how bonding effects affect the interpretation of X-ray scattering experiments,especially experimental measurements of the ion-ion structure factor in the liquid metallic phase.PACS numbers:71.22.+i,61.10.-i,61.20.Gy,61.12.Bt I.INTRODUCTION Liquid metals are complex binary fluids consisting of ions in a sea of conduction electrons.While the ions can usually be treated classically,the electrons are typically degenerate and must be treated quantum-mechanically.Liquids are differentiated from gases by non-trivial structure at the level of two-body correlation functions;they are generally close in density to solid phases.For two-component systems these correlation functions are defined in k -space as:S αβ(k )=<ˆρα(k )ˆρβ(−k )>2 V d r e i k ·r [g αβ(r )−1],(1.3)where the ρi are the homogeneous average densities.The determination of the ion-ion structure factor S II (k )and the electron-electron structure factor S ee (k )are interesting problems in their own right (one largely quantum mechanical,the other largely classical),and have been the focus of much research:the S II (k )because of their experimental accessibility;the S ee (k )(with the ions usually smeared into a rigid neutralising background)because of the importance of the electron fluid 1.In contrast,the electron-ion structure factor S eI (k )has received considerably less attention,partially because it is hard to measure,partially because its exact physical relevance remains largely unexplored and unknown,and partially because it includes both the physics of the ions and the physics of the electrons,each of which is traditionally treated with its own set of theoretical techniques.One of the simplest ways to treat the valence electrons in a liquid metal is in a linear response formalism using a local pseudo-potential 2.In fact,linear response has been shown to be much more accurate than one would na¨ıvely expect,a result which stems in part from a recently discovered interference effect between an atomic lengthscale,the inverse ionic length,and an electronic lengthscale,twice the Fermi wave vector 2k F 3.This interference effect significantly reduces the magnitude of the non-linear response terms at the normal densities of most liquid metals.The electron-ion correlations emerge when the induced linear response electron density is combined with standardliquid state techniques to treat the ions4–7.This approach is easy to implement,can in some cases be remarkably accurate,and can explain the qualitative trends in the shape of the electron-ion structure factor S eI(k)for metallic liquids across the periodic table3.The main obstacles to higher accuracy lie in the uncertainty over the exact(local) pseudo-potential,especially when non-local effects are important8,and also in the neglect of non-linear electron response and of ion-ion correlation effects on the induced electron densities9,10.The development of ab initio simulation techniques based on Density Functional Theory(DFT)for the electrons11, and molecular-dynamics on the adiabatic electronic potential energy surface for the ions12,provide probably the most accurate and well-tested approach to electron-ion structure.However,the drawback of these methods is their computational cost;in practice only relatively small system sizes can be investigated and so far only results for Mg and Bi electron-ion correlations have been published13.The related Orbital-Free ab initio molecular dynamics method (OF-AIMD)14allows larger system sizes and significantly longer simulation times,and has been successfully applied to the electron-ion correlations of Li,Na,Mg,and Al10,15,but the computational cost is still rather large.An alternative approach is the Quantum Hypernetted Chain(QHNC)method of Chihara16,which self-consistently combines integral equation techniques from the theory of simple liquids with a Kohn-Sham type treatment for the electrons.The QHNC treats the electrons and ions on essentially equal footing,does not require a pseudo-potential approximation,and is computationally relatively cheap.Ion-ion and electron-ion correlations emerge in the thermo-dynamic limit–there are nofinite size effects.In section II,we derive the basic form of the QHNC approximation by focusingfirst on the exact Quantum Ornstein Zernike(QOZ)equations in section II.A,and then outlining the approximations needed to derive the QHNC approximation in section II.B.The numerical implementation of the QHNC is detailed in the appendix.In section III,we describe the ion-ion and electron-ion correlations that emerge from the QHNC for our set of metals:Li,Be,Na,Mg,Al,K,Ca,and Ga.Even though the valence electron distributions are changed in a bonded environment,X-ray scattering offliquid metals has traditionally been interpreted with a free-atom form factor.In section IV,we describe the difference between extracting ion-ion structure in X-ray scattering with a free-atom form factor and extracting ion-ion structure with a metallic-atom form factor.The effects of bonding on the coherent X-ray scattering intensity may be measured by comparing X-ray and neutron scattering determinations of the ion-ion structure factor S II(k).However,experiments and theory have yet to converge on this issue.Finally,we present some concluding remarks in section V,and describe some details related to the numerical implementation of the QHNC in the Appendix.II.QUANTUM HYPERNETTED CHAIN APPROXIMATION(QHNC)A.Quantum Ornstein Zernike RelationsThe Quantum Ornstein Zernike Relations(QOZ)for a two-component system are most naturally derived in the context of density functional theory(DFT)9,17.First we define the Helmholtz free-energy for a two-component system, which is a unique functional of the two one-body density profiles18:F[ρ1,ρ2]=F id1[ρ1]+F id2[ρ2]+F ex[ρ1,ρ2].(2.1) The functional is split in the usual way between ideal(non-interacting)and excess(interacting)parts.We then introduce the external potentialfield:Ψα(r)=µα−φα(r),(2.2) which is defined in terms of the chemical potentialµαof speciesαand the external potential,φα(r)which acts on speciesαonly.A Legendre transform with respect to these externalfields obtains the grand potential:Ω[Ψ1,Ψ2]=F[ρ1,ρ2]+ d rρ1(r)Ψ1(r)+ d rρ2(r)Ψ2(r),(2.3)which is in turn a unique functional of the two external potentialfieldsΨ1andΨ2.Thefirst two functional derivatives of the Helmholtz free-energy functional w.r.t.the one-particle densities are:δFandδ2Fδρβ(r′)=χ−1αβ(r,r′)(2.5)Thefirst two derivatives of the grand potential functional w.r.t.the external potentialfield are:δΩδΨα(r)δΨβ(r′)=δρα(r)βCαβ(r,r′)=δ2F exβCαβ=(χαβ)−1−(χ0αβ)−1,(2.9)the Quantum Ornstein Zernike Relations(QOZ).They follow from simple properties of the two free-energy functionals and in this form they are valid for any two-component inhomogeneous quantum system(the generalisation to more than two components is straightforward).In the homogeneous limit the direct correlation functions of Eq.(2.8) reduce to the usual direct correlation functionsfirst introduced by Ornstein and Zernike21,22,and it is in this sense that we will be using them throughout the rest of this paper.For classical species,thefluctuation-dissipation theorem relates the response functions to density-density correlation functions23:lim¯h→0χαβ(k,0)=−β(ραρβ)1/2Sαβ(k),(2.10) written here for a homogeneous system and in terms of the structure factors defined in Eq.(1.1).For a liquid metal, where the ions are viewed as classical but the electrons quantum-mechanical,inverting the matrix in the QOZ relations of Eq.(2.9),and applying thefluctuation-dissipation theorem of Eq.(2.10)forχII(k)andχeI(k)results in: S II(k)=[1+χ(0)ee(k)C ee(k)/β]/D(k)S eI(k)=− ρeχ(0)ee(k)(C eI(k)/β)/D(k)χee(k)=χ(0)ee(k)(1−ρI C II(k))/D(k)D(k)=[1−ρI C II(k)] 1+χ(0)ee(k)C ee(k)/β +ρIχ(0)ee(k)|C eI(k)|2/β,(2.11)whereχ(0)ee(k)is the well known Lindhard function24,the response function of the non-interacting electron gas.In the limit that both species are classical,the QOZ relations reduce to the usual classical two-component Ornstein-Zernike relations22.The QOZ relations for a liquid metal appear to have beenfirst derived by ter Ichimaru derived similar equations from a two-component linear response formulation.The two formulations are equivalent if the definitions of the direct correlation functions of Eq.(2.8)are linked in the usual way to the localfield factors Gαβ(k):Cαβ(k)B.Quantum Hypernetted Chain ApproximationTo solve the QOZ relations for a liquid metal we recast them into a slightly different form using two steps9:The first step is to use the Percus trick27to relate the homogeneous two-body pair-correlation functions to the one-body inhomogeneous density around one particlefixed at the origin.For the electron-ion pair-correlation function wefix an ion at the origin tofind:g eI(0,r)=ρe(r|I)δρα(r)−µexα,(2.14) where vαβ(r)is the direct interaction between species andµexαis the excess chemical potential.Thus the electron-ion radial distribution function follows from the indirect Kohn-Sham solution of the Euler-equation combined with the Percus identity:g eI(r)=ρ0e(r v effeI)ρI =ρ0I(r v effII)β γργCαγ(|r−r′|)hγI(r)d r′+13.The electron-ion bridge function B eI(r)is set to0.This is commonly called the hypernetted chain(HNC)approximation,and is generally also quite accurate,especially as the electron-ion correlations are expected to be weaker than the ion-ion correlations.4.The local density approximation(LDA)is used for the one-center electron-ion problem.The calculation ofthe electron-ion correlation function reduces to calculating the Schr¨o dinger equation in the external potential given by Eq.(2.17).This is similar to a self-consistentfield all-electron calculation for a single atom,except that the potential includes not only the nuclear Coulomb contribution,but also terms reflecting the effect of the surrounding ions.We solve this effective atomic problem in the LDA,which is widely used in electronic structure calculations.The core electrons are treated explicitly,i.e.this is an all-electron calculation.However, the core and valence screening effects are separated in a manner similar to the linear unscreening procedure used to derive pseudo-potentials29.5.The valence electron correlations are treated in the jellium approximation.To calculate the full effective po-tentials,we need the electron-electron direct correlation function C ee(k),which can be re-written in terms of the so-called localfield factors as was done in Eq.(2.12)where the non-Coulombic correlation part has been subsumed into the localfield factor G(k).In the QHNC approach,the localfield factor is approximated to be that of jellium at the average electron density, is independent of ionic correlations:(k;ρe)].(2.18)C ee(k)=−βv ee(k)[1−G jelleeThus the electron-electron direct-correlation function uncouples from the other correlation functions in Eq.(2.11).This approximation is similar in spirit to the LDA approximation and greatly simplifies part of the electronic problem,but it is probably the most serious and uncontrolled part of the QHNC closure.The approximations for the bridge-functions together with Eqns.(2.15),(2.16),(2.17),and the closure for C ee(k) in Eq.(2.18)reduce the QOZ relations of Eq.(2.11)to a closed pair of coupled equations for the radial distribution functions:ρe g eI(r)=ρe r v eI(r)−1βρe C ee(|r−r′|)h eI(r)d r′ (2.19)g II(r)=exp −βv II(r)−ρI C II(|r−r′|)h II(r)d r′−ρe C Ie(|r−r′|)h eI(r)d r′+1to being unbound,which made the QHNC algorithm difficult to converge.This instability may be attributed to the implicit separation of the exchange-correlation potential into bound and valence contributions in approximation(4), i.e.the neglect of non-linear–core-corrections.The fact that the Ortiz-Ballone G(q)seems to work better for Ga is most likely due to an accidental cancellation of errors.It performs considerably worse than the LDA or Ichimaru-Utsumi G(q)32for the other metals in our set.B.Pseudo-atoms and Electron-Ion correlationsThe electron-ion structure factor,defined by Eq.(1.1),can always be re-written in the following fashion:S eI(k)=n(k)ZS II(k),(3.1)which defines a new object,n(k).By taking the Fourier transform wefind,using Eq.(1.3),the electron-ion radial-distribution function:ρe g eI(r)=n(r)+ρ0i V n(r−r′)g II(r′)d r′,(3.2)which is proportional to the probability offinding an electron a distance r away from an ion located at the origin.Thus a natural interpretation of n(r)is the density of a“pseudo-atom”,which,when superimposed according the ion-ion radial-distribution function g II(r)gives the correct value of the valence electron distribution.The pseudo-atom is independent of ionic correlations only tofirst order in the electron-ion potential,at higher orders it implicitly includes 3-body and higher order ionic averages3,8,9.In the QHNC approximation,the electron-ion radial-distribution function follows directly from the solution of the one-body Schr¨o dinger equation(Eq.(2.15)).In Fig.2we show these electron-ion radial-distribution functions g eI(r) for our set of simple metals.Where possible,they have been compared to ab initio Kohn-Sham12and OF-AIMD14 results.As is the case for the ion-ion radial distribution functions,the QHNC approximation gives similar results to other methods for all the elements except Ga,where once again an improved agreement is obtained when the Ortiz-Ballone G(q)is used.It is instructive to compare the pseudo-atom density,included in Fig.2as n(r)/ρe,with the electron-ion radial distribution function g eI(r).The pseudo-atom density goes to zero for larger r,as it is essentially localised around a given ion,while g eI(r)goes to1for large r,reflecting the fact that outside the range of the ion’s own pseudo-atom, g eI(r)simply probes the average density of the pseudo-atoms around the other ions so that the probability offinding a valence electron a distance r away is simply related to the probability offinding an ion there.g eI(r)and n(r)/ρe are essentially identical for small r,as one might expect,while at larger r the effect of the ion-ion weighted superposition of the surrounding pseudo-atoms on g eI(r)is evident.Because g eI(r)implicitly includes a spherical average,all angular bonding effects are effectively washed out,although an indication of the effect of bonding can still be found by comparing g eI(r)and a superposition of the free-atom electron densities13.The relationships between the pseudo-atom,the ionic correlations,and the electron-ion correlations become clearer in k-space where the electron-ion structure factor is simply the product of the pseudo-atom density and the ion-ion structure factor,as shown in Eq.(3.1).The ion-ion structure factor is sharply peaked at itsfirst maximum k p while the pseudo-atom density goes through zero at¯k0.If¯k0<k p,the product form implies that thefirst peak of S eI(k) is negative,and the electron-ion structure is in the so-called low valence class,while if¯k0>k p,then thefirst peak of S eI(k)is positive,and the electron-ion structure is in the so-called high valence class3,9.In Fig.3we plot both the electron-ion structure factors S eI(k)and the pseudo-atom densities n(k)for our set of metals.Li,Be,Na,Mg and K are in the low-valence class,while Al and Ga straddle the two classes.Only Ca seems to fall outside this taxonomy.ING FREE-ATOM FORM F ACTORS V.S.METALLIC-ATOM FORM F ACTORSNeutron scattering probes thefluctuations of the nuclei,while X-ray scattering probes thefluctuations of all the electrons.In1974, suggested exploiting this difference to extract electron-ion correlations for liquid metals.In1987,Chihara34re-examined the X-ray scattering problem,demonstrating that a careful analysis of elastic and inelastic contributions leads to the following coherent scattering intensity10:I X(k)= f I(k)+n(k) 2S N(k),(4.1)where S N(k)is the nucleus-nucleus structure factor which emerges,for example,from neutron scattering,f I(k)is the ionic form factor,i.e.the ionic electron density,and n(k)is the pseudo-atom density.We shall call the object f M(k)=f I(k)+n(k)the metallic-atom form factor.Traditionally the structure factor from X-ray scattering S X(k) has been extracted from scattering intensity as follows:I X(k)= f A(k) 2S X(k),(4.2) where f A(k)is the free-atom form factor,or the free-atom electron-density.The difference between the two structure-factors,S N(k)and S X(k),stems from the difference between the two form factors,f A(k)and f M(k)=f I(k)+n(k),and provides a measure of the change in electron density upon bonding.In Fig.4we plot the full free-atom(solid lines),metallic(dashed lines)and ionic(dotted lines)form factors for our set of metals.Also included are the pseudo-atom densities(chain lines).The ionic form factor is essentially the same in the metallic and the free-atom environments,so the difference between the metallic and free-atom form factors stems from the difference between the pseudo-atom density and the valence-electron density of the free atom.Because X-rays scatter offall the electrons,not just the valence electrons,the effects of bonding are most pronounced when the ratio of the number of valence electrons Z to the total number of electrons Z A is high.Thus,as can be seen in Fig.4,the effects are largest in Li and Be,where the ratios(Z:Z A)are(1:3)and(1:2)respectively,and the effect becomes smaller for the other elements,where the ratios are Na:(1:11),Mg:(1:6),Al:(1:4.¯3),K:(1:19), Ca:(1:10),and Ga:(1:10.¯3).In crystalline systems,X-ray studies of charge-densities only provide information on the bonding density for certain fixed scattering peaks.Similarly,in liquids the scattering is strongest at thefirst peak of the structure factor(at wave-number k p),so to observe a difference between S X(k)and S N(k)it is important that the free-atom and the metallic-atom form factors differ near k p.This is demonstrated for Li in Fig.5and for Be in Fig.6.Even though the difference between the free-atom and metallic-atom form factors is largest at k’s less than k p,the experimentally accessible difference,S X(k)−S N(k),is largest at k p.In Fig.7the difference,S X(k)−S N(k),is shown for our whole set of metals.Generally the peak-height for S X(k) is slightly lower than the peak-height for S N(k)and the two structure factors are virtually identical away from k p. As was anticipated in Ref.3,the largest difference is for Be,where S X(k p)is about5%lower than S N(k p).However, Be is extremely toxic,and for that reason its static structure has not yet been measured.Perhaps the best chance of observing a difference between S X(k)and S N(k)is for Li,Mg,or Al,where the difference at k p is about2%.Another possibility includes liquid metallic Si,where the ratio is(1:3.5),and¯k0is expected to be greater than k p(i.e.Si’s electron-ion structure is expected to be in the high valence class),so that S X(k p)is expected to be larger than S N(k p) and the structure factor may peak in a region where the two form factors differ by a larger amount than is the case for the low-valence class metals.Measuring these differences will be extremely challenging,since they require two completely different scattering techniques,which implies subtracting two different sets of systematic corrections.In particular,the removal of incoherent scattering effects from the total scattering remains under discussion35,34,36.We note that a series of experiments measuring the differences between X-ray and neutron-scattering determinations of S II(k)have been reported for Li35,Na,Mg,Al,Zn,Ga,Sn,Te,Tl,Pb,and Bi37.These measurements typically show differences that are at best5to10times larger than expected from theoretical treatments of the bonding effects,such as those shown for the QHNC in Fig.710.In fact for some of the heavier elements,where the S X(k)−S N(k)is expected to be very small due to the large number of core electrons,the differences are several orders of magnitude larger. In Fig.7,we include explicitly the combined X-ray and neutron data of Olbrich Li.Even though their differences are smaller than any of the differences measured in the other references cited in[37](in fact they are the only measurements whichfit within the scale of our graphs10),Olbrich that experimental errors are too large to see bonding effects in S II(k).For these reasons,the interpretation of these measurements has been called into question by a number of authors43,38,5,10,3,15.The theoretical results are very robust,with simple linear response theories in some cases agreeing quantitatively with the much more sophisticated ab-initio Kohn-Sham calculations3.In a crystalline environment,the Kohn-Sham approach has been shown to agree quantitatively to several significantfigures with highly accurate experimental measurements of the bonding densities39,suggesting that the electron densities calculated within the Kohn-Sham approach for the liquid state analogon of these solid state measurements should be highly accurate as well.In fact,for the Kohn-Sham type simulations,finite size and statisticalfinite simulation time effects on the ion-ion structure probably cause larger errors than errors arising from the determination of the electron densities.However,these simulation errors are well understood,and will at most contribute a few relative%to the difference S X(k)−S N(k).The considerations above,coupled with the difficulties in dealing with the subtraction of two very different sets of systematic corrections to the data40,lead us to conclude that the experiments cited have not yet attained an accuracy sufficient to measure the effects of bonding in liquid metals.However,the advent of new high-accuracy X-ray and neutron beam sources coming on line,together with the improvement of other techniques such as anomalous X-ray scattering41,may bring the measurement of these differences within experimental reach,at least for a few of the metals in our set.It seems increasingly unlikely that this could be measured for many other elements where the ratio Z/Z A is smaller and the core-electrons wash out any bonding effects.V.CONCLUDING REMARKSWe have carried out QHNC calculations for Li,Be,Na,Mg,Al,K,Ca,and Ga.The QHNC formalism,first introduced and mainly developed by J.Chihara25,16,42,43is a closure to the QOZ relations.Ion-ion and electron-ion correlations naturally emerge in a unified fashion,and the interpretation of liquid metals in terms of a“pseudo-atom”helps clarify the meaning of the electron-ion radial distribution functions and structure factors.The most serious approximation in the QHNC is probably approximation(5)from section II.B,where the electron-electron direct-correlation function C ee(k)is approximated by the form for jellium,making it independent of the ion-ion and electron-ion correlations.The sensitivity to the localfield factor G ee(k)found for Ga may stem from a breakdown of approximation(5),but also from the neglect of non-linear–core-corrections implicit in approximation (4).Future work will address both these issues.The QHNC reduces to a linear-response formalism if the direct-correlation function C eI(r)/βis approximated by its low-density or long-range form−v eI(r),suggesting that the accuracy of the QHNC probably benefits from an interference effect which reduces the non-linear response terms9,3.For metallic hydrogen,where the lack of core-electrons implies no interference effect,C eI(r)/βwill differ significantly from its low-density limit.The relative importance of non-linear response terms also suggests that approximation(5)may be poor for H.In addition,Xu et. al.44showed that small changes in C eI(r)/βcan have a large effect when input into DFT theories of the freezing of monatomic H.We expect the DFT theories to be relatively less sensitive to changes in C eI(r)/βwhen applied to the simple metals in our set.The differences between X-ray measurements of the ion-ion structure factor S II(k)interpreted with a free-atom or with a metallic-atom form factor are the main experimentally relevant quantities we calculate.This difference,which reflects the effects of metallic bonding of the valence electrons,is largest for elements with a large ratio of valence to core electrons,such as Li,Be,Mg,Al and maybe Si.To date these bonding effects have not been convincingly observed,but with new higher precision instruments coming on line,they may soon be experimentally accessible.VI.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe thank P.A.Madden,L.E.Gonz´a lez,P.Salmon,D.L.Price and M.L.Saboungi for helpful discussions,D.Rowan for a critical reading of the manuscript,and J.Chihara for help with some details of the implementation.AAL thanks N.W.Ashcroft for his insight in early stages of this work,and P.A.Madden for hospitality at Oxford,where some of this work was completed.AAL also thanks the EC for support through the fellowship grant EBRFMBICT972464, and Hughes Hall,Cambridge,for a research fellowship.JAA thanks Ministerio de Educaci´o n y Cultura of Spain for the award of a postdoctoral fellowship in Oxford.VII.APPENDIX:PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE QHNC APPROXIMATIONA.Overview of the implementationIn the practical implementation,we follow2steps to self-consistency.Step1:the ion-ion loop.For a given g eI(r)and C eI(r),an effective one-component ion-ion effective potential is calculated and the1-component RHNC integral equation is solved self-consistency for g II(r).Step2:the electron-ion loop.For a given g II(r)and the old g eI(r)and C eI(r),an effective electron-ion potential v effeI(r)is calculated from Eq.(2.17).The self-consistent Schr¨o dinger equation is then solved to give a new g eI(r)via Eq.(2.15),and the procedure is repeated to obtain self-consistency in g eI(r).These two steps are then repeated until full self-consistency is obtained between the two loops.B.Details of the the ion-ion loopWefirst rewrite the ion-ion problem as an effective one-component system with the same radial distribution function:g II(r)=exp[v effII(r)]=g(r)=exp[v eff1(r)](7.1)where v effII(r)is the effective potential of mean force for the ions,given by Eq.(2.17),and v eff1(r)is the effective potential of mean force for the one-component system.The equality of the two radial-distribution functions then implies that:−βv II(r)+h II(r)−C II(r)+B II(r)=−βv1(r)+h(r)−C(r)+B(r),(7.2) where v1(r)is the bare potential of the effective one-component system,C(r)is its direct correlation function,and B II(r)and B(r)are the bridge functions of the two-component and effective one-component systems respectively. We follow Chihara and make the approximation45:B II(r)≈B(r),(7.3)which,together with the QOZ relations of Eq.(2.11),implies that:χ(0)ee(k)|C eI(k)/β|2v1(r)=v II(r)−h eI(r)d r′−ρI C eI(|r−r′|)β+ v ee(|r−r′|)ρb e(r)d r′+µXC[ρb e(r)+ρe]−µXC[ρe],(7.6)rwhere Z A is the nuclear charge,µXC[ρ(r)]is the exchange-correlation part of the free energy functional(we take the usual LDA parameterisation of Perdew and Zunger49of the Ceperley-Alder quantum monte-carlo simulations50), andρb(r)is the bound electron density obtained from the solution of the Schr¨o dinger equation.This form is not exact within the LDA,as its derivation implies a linear unscreening process,neglecting the so-called non-linear–core-corrections29.In fact,this linear unscreening process is not necessary,and the full screening from the combined valence and core electron densities can be taken into account,but this will be addressed in a later publication.。



双语教学中的生物化学词汇第一篇:双语教学中的生物化学词汇双语生物化学词汇Glossary of Biochemistry BilinguallyA Absolute configuration(绝对构型)The configuration of four different substituent groups around an asymmetric carbon atom, in relation to u-and i.-glyceraldehyde.Absorption(吸收): transport of the products of digestion from the intestinal tract into the blood.Acceptor control(受体控制): The regulation of the rate of respiration by the availability of ADP as phosphate group acceptor.Accessory pigments(辅助色素): Visible light-absorbing pigments(carotenoids, xanthophyll, and phycobilins藻胆素)in plants and photosynthetic bacteria that complement chlorophylls in trapping energy from sunlight.Acidosis(酸中毒): A metabolic condition in which the capacity of the body to buffer is diminished;usually accompanied by decreased blood pH.Actin (肌动蛋白): A protein making up the thin filaments(细丝)of muscle;also an important component of the cytoskeleton of many eukaryotic cells.Activation energy(ΔG*)(活化能): The amount of energy(in joules)required to convert all the molecules in 1 mole of a reacting substance from the ground state to the transition state.Activator:(活化物、激活剂)(1)A DNA-binding protein that positively regulates the expression of one or more genes;that is, transcription rates increase when an activator is bound to the DNA.(2)A positive modulator of an allosteric enzyme.Active site:(活性部位)The region of an enzyme surface that binds the substrate molecule and catalytically transforms it;also known as the catalytic site.Active transport:(主动运输)Energy-requiring transport of a solute across a membrane in thedirection of increasing concentration.Activity:(活度)The true thermodynamic activity or potential of a substance, as distinct from its molar concentration.Activity coefficient:(活度系数)The factor by which the numerical value of the concentration of a solute must be multiplied to give its true thermodynamic activity.Adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate: See cyclic AMP.Adenosine diphosphate: See ADP.Adenosine triphosphate: See ATP.Adipocyte:(脂肪细胞)An animal cell specialized for the storage of fats(triacylglycerols).Adipose tissue:(脂肪组织)Connective tissue specialized for the storage of large amounts of triacylglycerols.ADP(adenosine diphosphate): A ribonucleoside diphosphate serving as phosphate group acceptor in the cell energy cycle.Aerobe:(需氧生物)An organism that lives in air and uses oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor in respiration.Aerobic: Requiring or occurring in the presence of oxygen.Alcohol fermentation:(乙醇发酵)The anaerobic conversion of glucose to ethanol via glycolysis.See also fermentation.Aldose:(醛糖)A simple sugar in which the carbonyl carbon atom is an aldehyde;that is, the carbonyl carbon is at one end of the carbon chain.Alkalosis:(碱中毒)A metabolic condition in which the capacity of the body to buffer is diminished;usually accompanied by an increase in blood pH.Allosteric enzyme:(变/别构效应)A regulatory enzyme, with catalytic activity modulated by the noncovalent binding of a specific metabolite at a site other than the active site.Allosteric protein:(变/别构蛋白)A protein(generally with multiple subunits)with multiple ligand-binding sites, such that ligand binding at one site affects ligand binding at another.Allosteric site:(变/别构部位)The specific site on the surface of an allosteric enzyme molecule to which the modulator or effector molecule isbound.α helix:(α-螺旋)A helical conformation of a polypeptide chain, usually right-handed, with maximal intrachain hydrogen bonding;one of the most common secondary structures in proteins.Ames test: A simple bacterial test for carcinogens, based on the assumption that carcinogens are mutagens.Amino acid activation:(氨基酸活化)ATP-dependent enzymatic esterification of the carboxyl group of an amino acid to the 3'-hydroxyl group of its corresponding tRNA.Amino acids:(氨基酸)an Amino-substituted carboxylic acids, the building blocks of proteins.Amino-terminal residue:(氨基末端残基)The only amino acid residue in a polypeptide chain with a free a-amino group;defines the amino terminus of the polypeptide.Aminoacyl-tRNA:(氨酰tRNA)An aminoacyl ester of a tRNA.Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases:(氨酰tRNA合成酶)Enzymes that catalyze synthesis of an aminoacyl-tRNA at the expense of ATP energy.Aminotransferases:(氨基转移酶)Enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a mino groups fromα-amino to α-keto acids;also called transaminases.Ammonotelic:(排氨的)Excreting excess nitrogen in the form of ammonia.Amphibolic pathway:(双向代谢途径)A metabolic pathway used in both catabolism and anabolism.Amphipathic:(双亲的)Containing both polar and nonpolar domains.Ampholyte:(两性电解质)A substance that can act as either a base or an acid.Amphoteric:(两性的)Capable of donating and accepting protons, thus able to serve as an acid or a base.Anabolisim:(合成代谢)The phase of intermediary metabolism concerned with the energy-requiring biosynthesis of cell components from smaller precursors.Anaerobe:(厌氧生物)An organism that lives without oxygen.Obligate anaerobes(专性厌氧生物)die when exposed to oxygen.Anaerobic:(厌氧的)Occurring in the absence of air or oxygen.Anaplerotic reaction:(回补反应)An enzyme-catalyzed reaction that can replenish the supply of intermediates in the citric acid cycle.Angstrom(Ǻ):(唉)A unit of length(10-8cm)used to indicate molecular dimensions.Anhydride:(酸酐)The product, of the condensation of two carboxyl or phosphate groups in which the elements of water are eliminated to form a compound with the general structure R—X—0—X—R, where X is either carbon or phosphorus.Anion-exchange resin:(阴离子交换树脂)A polymeric resin with fixed cationic groups;used in the chromatographic separation of anions.Anomers:(异头物、端基异构体)Two stereoisomers of a given sugar that differ only in the configuration about the carbonyl(anomeric)carbon atom.Antibiotic:(抗生素)One of many different organic compounds that are formed and secreted by various species of microorganisms and plants, are toxic to other species, and presumably have a defensive function.Antibody:(抗体)A defense protein synthesized by the immune system of vertebrates.See also immunoglobulin.Anticodon:(反密码子)A specific sequence of three nucleotides in a tRNA, complementary to a codon for an amino acid in an mRNA.Antigen:(抗原)A molecule capable of eliciting the synthesis of a specific antibody in vertebrates.Antiparallel:(反平行)Describing two linear polymers that are opposite in polarity or orientation.Antiport:(反向转运)Cotransport of two solutes across a membrane in opposite directions.Apoenzyme:(酶蛋白)The protein portion of an enzyme, exclusive of any organic or inorganic cofactors or prosthetic groups that might be required for catalytic activity.Apolipoprotein:(脱辅基脂蛋白)The protein component of a lipoprotein.Apoprotein:(脱辅基蛋白)The protein portion of a protein, exclusive of any organic or inorganic cofactors orprosthetic groups that might be required for activity.Apoptosis:(细胞凋亡)(app'-a-toe'-sis)Programmed cell death, in which a cell brings about its own death and lysis, signaled from outside or programmed in its genes, by systematically degrading its own macromolecules.Arrestin:(抑制蛋白)A family of proteins that bind to the phosphorylated carboxyl-terminal region of serpentine receptors, preventing their interactions with G proteins and thereby terminating the signal through those receptors.Asymmetric carbon atom:(不对称碳原子)A carbon atom that is covalently bonded to four different groups and thus may exist in two different tetrahedral configurations.ATP(adenosine triphosphate): A ribonucleoside 5'-triphosphate functioning as a phosphate group donor in the cell energy cycle;carries chemical energy between metabolic pathways by serving as a shared intermediate coupling endergonic and exergonic reactions.ATP synthase:(ATP合酶)An enzyme complex that forms ATP from ADP and phosphate during oxidative phosphorylation in the inner mitochondrial membrane or the bacterial plasma membrane, and during photophosphorylation in chloroplasts.ATPase:(ATP酶)An enzyme that hydrolyzes ATP to yield ADP and phosphate;usually coupled to some process requiring energy.Attenuator:(弱化子)An RNA sequence involved in regulating the expression of certain genes;functions as a transcription terminator.Autotroph:(自养生物)An organism that can synthesize its own complex molecules from very simple carbon and nitrogen sources, such as carbon dioxide and ammonia.Auxin:(植物生长素)A plant growth hormone.Auxotrophic mutant(auxotroph):(营养缺陷突变体)A mutant organism defective in the synthesis of a given biomolecule, which must therefore be supplied for theorganism's growth.Avogadro's number: The number of molecules in a gram molecular weight(a mole)of any compound(6.02 × 1023).B Back-mutation:(回复突变)A mutation that causes a mutant gene to regain its wild-type base sequence.Bacteriophage(phage):(噬菌体)A virus capable of replicating in a bacterial cell.Basal metabolic rate:(基础代谢率)The rate of oxygen consumption by an animal's body at complete rest, long after a meal.Base pair:(碱基对)Two nucleotides in nucleic acid chains that are paired by hydrogen bonding of their bases;for example, A with T or U, and G with C.β conformation:(β构象)、An extended, zigzag arrangement of a polypeptide chain;a common secondary structure in proteins.β oxidation:(β氧化)Oxidative degradation of fatty acids into acetyl-CoA by successive oxidations at the β-carbon atom.β-turn:(β转角)A type of secondary structure in polypeptides consisting of four amino acid residues arranged in a tight turn so that the polypeptide turns back on itself.Bilayer:(双分子层)A double layer of oriented amphipathic lipid molecules, forming the basic structure of biological membranes.The hydrocarbon tails face inward to form a continuous nonpolar phase.Bile salts:(胆酸盐)Amphipathic steroid derivatives with detergent properties, participating in digestion and absorption of lipids.Binding energy:(吸附能)The energy derived from noncovalent interactions between enzyme and substrate or receptor and ligand.Binding site:(结合部位)The crevice or pocket on a protein in which a ligand binds.Biocytin:(生物胞素)The conjugate amino acid residue arising from covalent attachment of biotin, through an amide linkage, to a Lys residue.Biomolecule:(生物分子)An organic compound normally present as an essential component of living organisms.Biopterin:(生物喋呤)An enzymatic cofactorderived from pterin and involved in certain oxidation-reduction reactions.Biosphere:(生物圈)All the living matter on or in the earth, the seas, and the atmosphere.Biotin:(生物素)A vitamin;an enzymatic cofactor involved in carboxylation reactions.Bond energy:(键能)The energy required to break a bond.Branch migration:(分支迁移)Movement of the branch point in branched DNA formed from two DNA molecules with identical sequences.See also Holliday intermediate.Buffer:(缓冲液)A system capable of resisting changes in pH, consisting of a conjugate acid-base pair in which the ratio of proton acceptor to proton donor is near unity.C Calorie:(卡)The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1.0 g of water from 14.5 to 15.5 °C.One calorie(cal)equals 4.18 joules(J).Calvin cycle:(Calvin 循环)The cyclic pathway used by plants to fix carbon dioxide and produce triose phosphates.cAMP: See cyclic AMP.cAMP receptor protein(CRP):(cAMP受体蛋白)A specific regulatory protein that controls initiation of transcription of the genes producing the enzymes required for a bacterial cell to use some other nutrient when glucose is lacking.Also called catabolite gene activator protein(CAP),降解物基因活化蛋白.CAP: See catabolite gene activator protein.Capsid:(衣壳)The protein coat of a virion or virus particle.Carbanion:(碳负离子)A negatively charged carbon atom.Carbocation:(碳正离子)A positively charged carbon atom;also called a carbonium ion.Carbon-assimilation reactions:(碳同化反应)Reaction sequences in which atmospheric CO2 is converted into organic compounds.Carbon-fixation reaction:(固碳反应)The reaction catalyzed by rubisco during photosynthesis, or by other carboxylases, in which atmospheric CO2 is initially incorporated into an organic compound.Carboxyl-terminal residue:(羧基末端残基)The onlyamino acid residue in a polypeptide chain with a free a-carboxyl group;defines the carboxyl terminus of the polypeptide.Carotenoids:(类葫罗卜素)Lipid-soluble photosynthetic pigments made up of isoprene units.Catabolism:(分解代谢)The phase of intermediary metabolism concerned with the energy-yielding degradation of nutrient molecules.Catabolite gene activator protein(CAP): See cAMP receptor protein.Catalytic site:(催化部位)See active site.Catecholamines:(儿茶酚胺类)Hormones, such as epinephrine, that are amino derivatives of catechol.Catenane:(连环体)Circular polymeric molecules with a noncovalent topological link resembling the links of a chain.Cation-exchange resin:(阳离子交换树脂)An insoluble polymer with fixed negative charges;used in the chromatographic separation of cationic substances.cDNA: See complementary DNA.Central dogma:(中心法则)The organizing principle of molecular biology: genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein.Centromere:(着丝粒)A specialized site within a chromosome, serving as the attachment point for the mitotic or meiotic spindle.Cerebroside(脑苷酯)Sphingolipid containing one sugar residue as a head group.Channeling:(生物合成途径限制作用)The direct transfer of a reaction product(common intermediate)from the active site of one enzyme to the active site of a different enzyme catalyzing the next step in a sequential pathway.Chemiosmotic coupling:(化学渗透偶联)Coupling of ATP synthesis to electron transfer via an electrochemical H+ gradient across a membrane.Chemotaxis(向化性): A cell's sensing of and movement toward, or away from, a specific chemical agent.Chemotroph:(化能生物)An organism that obtains energy by metabolizing organic compounds derivedfrom other organisms.Chiral center:(手性中心)An atom with substituents arranged so that the molecule is not superimposable on its mirror image.Chiral compound:(手性化合物)A compound that contains an asymmetric center(chiral atom or chiral center)and thus can occur in two nonsuperimposable mirror-image forms(enantiomers).Chlorophylls:(叶绿素)A family of green pigments functioning as receptors of light energy in photosynthesis;magnesium-porphyrin complexes.Chloroplasts:(叶绿体)Chlorophyll-containing photosynthetic organelles in some eukaryotic cells.Chromatin:(染色质)A filamentous complex of DNA, histones, and other proteins, constituting the eukaryotic chromosome.Chromatography:(层析)A process in which complex mixtures of molecules are separated by many repeated partitionings between a flowing(mobile)phase and a stationary phase.Chromosome:(染色体)A single large DNA molecule and its associated proteins, containing many genes;stores and transmits genetic information.Chylomicron:(乳糜微粒)A plasma lipoprotein consisting of a large droplet of triacylglycerols stabilized by a coat of protein and phospholipid;carries lipids from the intestine to the tissues.cis and trans isomers:(顺反异构体)See geometric isomers.Cistron:(顺反子)A unit of DNA or RNA corresponding to one gene.Citric acid cycle:(柠檬酸循环)A cyclic system of enzymatic.reactions for the oxidation of acetyl residues to carbon dioxide, in which formation of citrate is the first step;also known as the Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle.Clones:(克隆)The descendants of a single cell.Cloning: The production of large numbers of identical DNA molecules, cells, or organisms, from a single ancestral DNA molecule, cell, or organism.Closed system:(封闭系统)A system that exchangesneither matter nor energy with the surroundings.See also system.Cobalamin:(钴胺素)See cocnzyme B12.Codon:(密码子)A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides in a nucleic acid that codes for a specific amino acid.Coenzyme:(辅酶)An organic cofactor required for the action of certain enzymes;often contains a vitamin as a component.Coenzyme A:(辅酶A)A pantothenic acid-containing coenzyme serving as an acyl group carrier in certain enzymatic reactions.Coenzyme B12: An enzymatic cofactor derived from the vitamin cobalamin, involved in certain types of carbon skeletal rearrangements.Cofactor(辅助因子)An inorganic ion or a coenzyme required for enzyme activity.Cognate:(相关的)Describing two biomolecules that normally interact;for example, an enzyme and its normal substrate, or a receptor and its normal ligand.Cohesive ends:(粘性末端)See sticky ends.Cointegrate:(共整合)An intermediate in the migration of certain DNA transposons in which the donor DNA and target DNA are covalently attached.Colligative properties:(依数性)Properties of solutions that depend on the number of solute particles per unit volume;for example, freezing-point mon intermediate:(共同中间产物)A chemical compound common to two chemical reactions, as a product of one and a reactant in the petitive inhibition:(竞争性抑制作用)A type of enzyme inhibition reversed by increasing the substrate concentration;a competitive inhibitor generally competes with the normal substrate or ligand for a protein's binding plementary:(互补)Having a molecular surface with chemical groups arranged to interact specifically with chemical groups on another plementary DNA(cDNA): A DNA used in DNA cloning, usually made by reverse transcriptase;complementary toa given mRNA.Configuration:(构型)The spatial arrangement of an organic molecule that is conferred by the presence of either(1)double bonds, about which there is no freedom of rotation, or(2)chiral centers, around which substituent groups are arranged in a specific sequence.Configurational isomers cannot be interconverted without breaking one or more covalent bonds.Conformation:(构象)The spatial arrangement, of substituent groups that are free to assume different positions in space, without breaking any bonds, because of the freedom of bond rotation.Conjugate acid-base pair:(共扼酸碱对)A proton donor and its corresponding deprotonated species;for example, acetic acid(donor)and acetate(acceptor).Conjugate redox pair:(共扼氧还对)An electron donor and its corresponding electron acceptor form;for example, Cu+(donor)and Cu2+(acceptor), or NADH(donor)and NAD+(acceptor).Conjugated protein:(结合蛋白质)A protein containing one or more prosthetic groups.Consensus sequence:(一致序列)A DNA or amino acid sequence consisting of the residues that occur most commonly at each position within a set of similar sequences.Conservative substitution:(保守性置换)Replacement of an amino acid residue in a polypeptide by another residue with similar properties;for example, substitution of Glu by Asp.Constitutive enzymes:(组成酶)Enzymes required at all times by a cell and present at some constant level;for example, many enzymes of the central metabolic pathways.Sometimes called house-keeping enzymes.Contour length(外形长度): The length of a helical polymeric molecule as measured along the molecule's helical axis.Corticosteroids(皮质类固醇激素)Steroid hormones formed by the adrenal cortex.Cotransport:(共转运)The simultaneous transport, by a single transporter, of two solutes across amembrane.See antiport, symport.Coupled reactions:(偶联反应)Two chemical reactions that have a common intermediate and thus a means of energy transfer from one to the other.Covalent bond:(共价键)A chemical bond that involves sharing of electron pairs.Cristae:(嵴)Infoldings of the inner mitochondrial membrane.CRP(cAMP受体蛋白)See cAMP receptor protein.Cyclic AMP(cAMP): A second messenger within cells;its formation by adenylyl cyclase is stimulated by certain hormones or other molecular signals.Cyclic electron flow:(循环电子流)In chloroplasts, the light-induced flow of electrons originating from and returning to photosystem I.Cyclic photophosphorylation:(循环光合磷酸化)ATP synthesis driven by cyclic electron flow through photosystem I.Cyclin:(细胞周期蛋白)One of a family of proteins that activate cyclin-dependent protein kinases and thereby regulate the cell cycle.Cytochromes:(细胞色素)Heme proteins serving as electron carriers in respiration, photosynthesis, and other oxidation-reduction reactions.Cytokine:(细胞因子)One of a family of small secreted proteins(such as interleukins or interferons)that activate cell division or differentiation by binding to plasma membrane receptors in sensitive cells.Cytokinesis:(胞质分裂)The final separation of daughter cells following mitosis.Cytoplasm:(细胞质)The portion of a cell's contents outside the nucleus but within the plasma membrane;includes organelles such as mitochondria.Cytoskeleton:(细胞骨架)The filamentous network providing structure and organization to the cytoplasm;includes actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments.Cytosol:(细胞浆)The continuous aqueous phase of the cytoplasm, with its dissolved solutes;excludes the organelles such as mitochondria.D Dalton:(道尔顿)The weight of a single hydrogen atom(1.66 x I0-24 g).Dark reactions:(暗反应)See carbon-assimilation reactions.De novo pathway:(从头合成)Pathway for synthesis of a biomolecule, such as a nucleotide, from simple precursors;as distinct from a salvage pathway.Deamination:(脱氨基作用)The enzymatic removal of amino groups from biomolecules such as amino acids or nucleotides.Degenerate code:(兼并密码)A code in which a single element in one language is specified by more than one element in a second language.Dehydrogenases:(脱氢酶类)Enzymes catalyzing the removal of pairs of hydrogen atoms from their substrates.Deletion mutation:(删除突变)A mutation resulting from the deletion of one or more nucleotides from a gene or chromosome.Denaturation:(变性)Partial or complete unfolding of the specific native conformation of a polypeptide chain, protein, or nucleic acid.Denatured protein:(变性蛋白)A protein that has lost its native conformation by exposure to a destabilizing agent such as heat or detergent.Deoxyribonucleic acid;See DNA.Deoxyribonucleotides:(脱氧核糖核苷酸)Nucleotides containing 2-deoxyribose as the pentose component.Desaturases:(去饱和酶)Enzymes that catalyze the introduction of double bonds into the hydrocarbon portion of fatty acids.Desolvation:(脱水)In aqueous solution, the release of bound water surrounding a solute.Dextrorotatory isomer:9右旋异构体)A stercoisomer that rotates the plane of plane-polarized light clockwise.Diabetes mellitus:(糖尿病)A metabolic disease resulting from insulin deficiency;characterized by a failure in glucose transport from the blood into cells at normal glucose concentrations.Dialysis:(透析)Removal of small molecules from a solution of a macromolecule, by allowing them to diffuse through a semipermeable membrane intowater.Differential centrifugation:(差速离心)Separation of cell organelles or other particles of different size by their different rates of sedimentation in a centrifugal field.Differentiation:(分化)Specialization of cell structure and function during embryonic growth and development.Diffusion:(扩散)The net movement, of molecules in the direction of lower concentration.Digestion:(消化)Enzymatic hydrolysis of major nutrients in the gastrointestinal system to yield their simpler components.Diploid:(二倍体)Having two sets of genetic information;describing a cell with two chromosomes of each type.Dipole;(双极分子)A molecule having both positive and negative charges.Diprotic acid: An acid having two dissociable protons.Disaccharide:(二糖)A carbohydrate consisting of two covalently joined monosaccharide units.Dissociation constant:(解离常数)(1)An equilibrium constant(Kd)for the dissociation of a complex of two or more biomolecules into its components;for example, dissociation of a substrate from an enzyme.(2)The dissociation constant(Ka)of an acid, describing its dissociation into its conjugate base and a proton.Disulfide bridge:(二硫桥)A covalent cross link between two polypeptide chains formed by a cystine residue(two Cys residues).0 DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid): A polynucleotide having a specific sequence of deoxyribonucleotide units covalently joined through 3', 5'-phosphodiester bonds;serves as the carrier of genetic information.DNA chimera:(DNA嵌合)A DNA containing genetic information derived from two different species.DNA cloning: Sec cloning.DNA library:(DNA文库)A collection of cloned DNA fragments.DNA ligase:(DNA连接酶)An enzyme that creates a phosphodiester bond between the 3' end of one DNA segment, and the 5' end of another.DNA looping:(DNA出环)The interaction of proteins bound at distant sites on a DNA molecule so that the intervening DNA forms a loop.DNA microarray:(DNA微阵列)A collection of DNA sequences immobilized on a solid surface, with individual sequences laid out in patterned arrays that can be probed by hybridization.DNA polymerase:(DNA聚合酶)An enzyme that catalyzes template-dependent synthesis of DNA from its deoxyribonucleoside 5'-triphosphate precursors.DNA replicase system:(DNA复制酶系统)The entire complex of enzymeH and specialized proteins required in biological DNA replication.DNA supercoiling:(DNA 超螺旋化)The coiling of DNA upon itself, generally as a result of bending, underwinding, or overwinding of the DNA helix.DNA transposition:(DNA转座)See transposition.domain:(结构域)A distinct structural unit of a polypeptide;domains may have separate functions and may fold as independent, compact units.Double helix:(双螺旋)The natural coiled conformation of two complementary, antiparallel DNA chains.Double-reciprocal plot:(双倒数作图)A plot, of 1/Vo versus 1/[S], which allows a more accurate determination of Vmax and Km than a plot of V versus [S];also called the Lineweaver-Burk plot, E E'°: 标准还原电位 See standard reduction potential.E.coli(Escherichia coli):(大肠杆菌)A common bacterium found in the small intestine of vertebrates;the most well-studied organism.Electrochemical gradient:(电化学梯度)The sum of the gradients of concentration and of electric charge of an ion across a membrane;the driving force for oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation.Electrochemical potential:(电化学势)The energy required to maintain a separation of charge and of concentration across a membrane.Electrogenic:(生电的)Contributing to an electrical potential across a membrane.1 1Electron acceptor:(电子受体)A substance that receives electrons in an oxidation-reduction reaction.Electron carrier:(电子载体)A protein, such as a flavoprotein or a cytochrome, that can reversibly gain and lose electrons;functions in the transfer of electrons from organic nutrients to oxygen or some other terminal acceptor.Electron donor:(电子供体)A substance that donates electrons in an oxidation-reduction reaction.Electron transfer:(电子转移)Movement of electrons from substrates to oxygen via the carriers of the respiratory(electron transfer)chain.Electrophile:(亲电剂)An electron-deficient group with a strong tendency to accept electrons from an electron-rich group(nucleophile).Electrophoresis(电泳): Movement of charged solutes in response to an electrical field;often used to separate mixtures of ions, proteins, or nucleic acids.Electroporation:(电穿孔法)Introduction of macromolecules into cells after rendering the cells transiently permeable by the application of a high-voltage pulse.Elongation factors:(延长因子)Specific proteins required in the elongation of polypeptide chains by ribosomes.Eluate:(流出液)The effluent from a chromatographic column.Enantiomers:(对映异构体)Stereoisomers that are nonsuperimposable mirror images of each other.End-product inhibition: See feedback inhibition.Endergonic reaction(耗能反应): A chemical reaction that consumes energy(that is, for which ΔG is positive).Endoc rine glands:(内分泌腺)Groups of cells specialized to synthesize hormones and secrete them into the blood to regulate other types of cells.Endocytosis:(内吞体)The uptake of extracellular material by its inclusion within a vesicle formed by an invagination of the plasma membrane.Endonuclease:(内切核酸酶)An enzyme that hydrolyzes the interior phosphodiesterbonds of a nucleic acid;that is, it acts at points other than the terminal bonds.Endoplasmic reticulum:(内质网)An extensive system of double membranes in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells;it encloses secretory channels and is often studded with ribosomes(rough endoplasmic reticulum).Endothermic reaction:(吸热反应)A chemical reaction that takes up heat(that is, for which ΔH is positive).Energy charge:(能荷)The fractional degree to which the ATP/ADP/AMP system is filled with high-energy phosphate groups.Energy coupling:(能量偶联)The transfer of energy from one process to anotlier.Enhancers:(增强子)DNA sequences that facilitate the expression of a given gene;2 1may be located a few hundred, or even thousand, base pairs away from the gene.Enthalpy(H):(焓)The heat.content of a system.Enthalpy change(ΔH):(焓变)For a reaction, is approximately equal to the difference between the energy used to break bonds and the energy gained by the formation of new ones.Entropy(S):(熵)The extent of randomness or disorder in a system.Enzyme:(酶)A biomolecule, either protein or RNA, that catalyzes a specific chemical reaction.It does not affect the equilibrium of the catalyzed reaction;it enhances the rate of a reaction by providing a reaction path with a lower activation energy.Enzyme cascade:(酶级联)A series of reactions, often involved in regulatory events, in which one enzyme activates another(often by phosphorylation), which activates a third, and so on.The effect, of a catalyst activating a catalyst is a large amplification of the signal that initiated the cascade.Epimerases:(表异构酶)Enzymes that catalyze the reversible interconveraion of two epimers.Epimers:(表异构体)Two stereoisomers differing in configuration at one asymmetric center, in a compound having。



抗蛋白酶失机制英文Protease inhibitors play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of proteolytic activities in our bodies. But when the anti-protease mechanisms fail, it can lead to a whole range of issues. Imagine your body's natural defense system against unwanted protein breakdown going haywire. That's when things start to get complicated.Sometimes, it's a simple matter of genetics. Some people are born with a weaker version of these anti-protease enzymes, and they have to be extra careful with their health. It's like playing with a deck of cards that's stacked against you from the start.On the other hand, environmental factors can also mess with these mechanisms. Exposure to certain chemicals or prolonged stress can throw your body's protease-antiprotease balance out of whack. It's like your body's trying to keep up with a never-ending to-do list, and it's just not enough.And let's not forget about those sneaky diseases that target these enzymes specifically. When your body's anti-protease forces are weakened by illness, it's like opening the floodgates for all sorts of damage. It's a real.。


scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death was inconclusive 不充分! 否定词: in No 对象! [A] there was no scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death 不存在! 偷换否定对象!
第二题: Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and Join the Club is not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peer pressure so powerful.
因果考点: 1.因果词的总结。(识别因果) 2.区分原因和结果。
例题一: The accumulation of knowledge gives rise to the professionalism. The professionalism is the response to the accumulation of knowledge.
第二类:源自…; 归因于…; 前果后因 Derive from, come from, originate from, initiate from, stem from, spring from, grow out of, be attributable to; attribute 结果 to 原因;demand
原文:Some attributed every important cultural achievement(果) to the inventions of a few gifted peoples.(因) 选项:According to some people, every important cultural achievement is attributable to the inventions of a few gifted peoples. (对的!)



Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actinomycetes in the marine environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Role of actinomycetes in marine environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rare actinomycetes and selective isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molecular approaches to search for indigenous marine actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Different genera of marine actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marine streptomycetes – a boundary microorganism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fermentation process for metabolites production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secondary metabolites from actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Novel/new metabolites from marine actinomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00



Unit 1Helium---------------------氦uranium------------铀Gaseous state-----------气态的artificially------------人工的The perfect gas law------理想气体定律Boltzmann constant--- 玻尔兹曼常数neutrons --------------中子electrostatic -------静电的,静电学的Specific heat capacity--- 比热容Plank constant---------普朗克常量Fission----------------裂变fusion-----------------聚变Maxwellian distribution--麦克斯韦分布microscopic------------微观的Macroscopic-----------宏观的quantum number-------量子数Laser-----------------激光deuterium--------------氘Tritium----------------氚deuteron---------------氘核Trition----------------氚核atomic mass unit------原子质量单位Avogadro’s number----阿伏伽德罗常数binding energy----------结合能Substance-------------物质internal-----------------内部的Spontaneously --------自发地circular-----------------循环的Electronic ------------电子的neutral-----------------中性的Qualitative -----------定性的dissociation-------------分解分离Disrupt--------------使分裂A complete understanding of the microscopic structure of matter and the exact nature of the forces acting (作用力的准确性质) is yet to be realized. However, excellent models have been developed to predict behavior to an adequate degree of accuracy for most practical purposes. These models are descriptive or mathematical often based on analogy with large-scale process, on experimental data, or on advanced theory.一个完整的理解物质的微观结构和力的确切性质(作用力的准确性质)尚未实现。



tpo40三篇托福阅读TOEFL原文译文题目答案译文背景知识阅读-1 (2)原文 (2)译文 (5)题目 (8)答案 (17)背景知识 (17)阅读-2 (20)原文 (20)译文 (23)题目 (25)答案 (35)背景知识 (35)阅读-3 (38)原文 (38)译文 (41)题目 (44)答案 (53)背景知识 (54)阅读-1原文Ancient Athens①One of the most important changes in Greece during the period from 800 B.C. to 500 B.C. was the rise of the polis, or city-state, and each polis developed a system of government that was appropriate to its circumstances. The problems that were faced and solved in Athens were the sharing of political power between the established aristocracy and the emerging other classes, and the adjustment of aristocratic ways of life to the ways of life of the new polis. It was the harmonious blending of all of these elements that was to produce the classical culture of Athens.②Entering the polis age, Athens had the traditional institutions of other Greek protodemocratic states: an assembly of adult males, an aristocratic council, and annually elected officials. Within this traditional framework the Athenians, between 600 B.C. and 450 B.C., evolved what Greeks regarded as a fully fledged democratic constitution, though the right to vote was given to fewer groups of people than is seen in modern times.③The first steps toward change were taken by Solon in 594 B.C., when he broke the aristocracy's stranglehold on elected offices by establishing wealth rather than birth as the basis of office holding, abolishing the economic obligations of ordinary Athenians to the aristocracy, and allowing the assembly (of which all citizens were equal members) to overrule the decisions of local courts in certain cases. The strength of the Athenian aristocracy was further weakened during the rest of the century by the rise of a type of government known as a tyranny, which is a form of interim rule by a popular strongman (not rule by a ruthless dictator as the modern use of the term suggests to us). The Peisistratids, as the succession of tyrants were called (after the founder of the dynasty, Peisistratos), strengthened Athenian central administration at the expense of the aristocracy by appointing judges throughout the region, producing Athens’ first national coinage, and adding and embellishing festivals that tended to focus attention on Athens rather than on local villages of the surrounding region. By the end of the century, the time was ripe for more change: the tyrants were driven out, and in 508 B.C. a new reformer, Cleisthenes, gave final form to the developments reducing aristocratic control already under way.④Cleisthenes' principal contribution to the creation of democracy at Athens was to complete the long process of weakening family and clanstructures, especially among the aristocrats, and to set in their place locality-based corporations called demes, which became the point of entry for all civic and most religious life in Athens. Out of the demes were created 10 artificial tribes of roughly equal population. From the demes, by either election or selection, came 500 members of a new council, 6,000 jurors for the courts, 10 generals, and hundreds of commissioners. The assembly was sovereign in all matters but in practice delegated its power to subordinate bodies such as the council, which prepared the agenda for the meetings of the assembly, and courts, which took care of most judicial matters. Various committees acted as an executive branch, implementing policies of the assembly and supervising, for instance, the food and water supplies and public buildings. This wide-scale participation by the citizenry in the government distinguished the democratic form of the Athenian polis from other less liberal forms.⑤The effect of Cleisthenes’ reforms was to establish the superiority of the Athenian community as a whole over local institutions without destroying them. National politics rather than local or deme politics became the focal point. At the same time, entry into national politics began at the deme level and gave local loyalty a new focus: Athens itself. Over the next two centuries the implications of Cleisthenes’ reforms were fully exploited.⑥During the fifth century B.C. the council of 500 was extremely influential in shaping policy. In the next century, however, it was the mature assembly that took on decision-making responsibility. By any measure other than that of the aristocrats, who had been upstaged by the supposedly inferior "people", the Athenian democracy was a stunning success. Never before, or since, have so many people been involved in the serious business of self-governance. It was precisely this opportunity to participate in public life that provided a stimulus for the brilliant unfolding of classical Greek culture.译文古雅典①在公元前800年到公元前500年期间,希腊最重要的变化之一是城邦的崛起,并且每个城邦都发展了适合其情况的政府体系。



TOEFL普林斯顿样题3语法笔记TOEFL普林斯顿样题3语法笔记编委:Diaboss1. Cobalt resembles iron and nickel in tensile strength, appearance, ---.(A) is hard(B) although hard(C) has hardness(D) and hardnessKey:D分析:考点是并列平行结构。




2. --- who was the first Black woman to run for the office of President of the United Statesin1972.(A) Shirley S. Chisholm(B) It was Shirley S. Chisholm(C) Shirley S. Chisholm was(D) When Shirley S. ChisholmKey:B分析:考点是it引导的强调句型。



参考译文:1972年Shirley S. Chisholm成为第一位竞选美国总统的黑人妇女。

3. --- versatile performer, soprano Kathleen Battle has oftenconcluded a program of artsongs and arias with selections from ragtime or popular music.(A) A(B) Which(C) So(D) BecauseKey:A分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构)。


c14-test 2-section 4单词整理

c14-test 2-section 4单词整理

C14 Test 2 - Section 4 单词整理1. 介绍本文将针对C14 Test 2 - Section 4中出现的一些重要单词进行整理和解释,以便帮助大家更好地理解和掌握这些单词的用法和意义。

2. analyzeanalyze是一个动词,意思是“分析”,通常用于描述对某个问题或情况进行系统细致的研究和分析。

例如:We need to analyze the data before reaching any conclusions.(在得出任何结论之前,我们需要分析这些数据。

)3. crucialcrucial是一个形容词,意思是“至关重要的”,用于强调某个事情或因素的重要性。

例如:Effectivemunication is crucial in any relationship.4. depictdepict是一个动词,意思是“描述”或“描绘”,通常用于描述艺术作品或文字对事物的详细描绘。

例如:The p本人nting depicts a beautiful countryside scene.(这幅画描绘了美丽的乡村风景。

)5. emphasizeemphasize是一个动词,意思是“强调”或“着重”。


例如:The speaker emphasized the need for urgent action.6. efficientefficient是一个形容词,意思是“高效的”或“有效率的”,用于描述某个系统或过程能够在少量资源下达到最大产出。

例如:The new system is more efficient than the old one.7. factofacto是拉丁语中“事实”的意思,通常用于表示某个观点或说法是根据实际情况而非猜测得出的。

例如:The decision was made based on the fact that the project was behind schedule.8. simulatesimulate是一个动词,意思是“模拟”或“模仿”,用于描述通过模拟实验或情况来研究某个问题或情况。



Appendix C:Glossary 附录C:名词解释α helixα螺旋A helical secondary structure in proteins. Pl.α helices. 蛋白质中一种螺旋形的二级结构。

复数:α helices。

α-amanitinα鹅膏蕈碱A toxin that inhibits the three eukaryotic RNA polymerases to different extents. Name derives from mushroom of genus Amanita in which toxin is found. 一种能不同程度地抑制三种真核生物RNA聚合酶的毒素。


β-galactosidaseβ-半乳糖苷酶Enzyme that cleaves lactose into galactose and glucose. Name origin: the bond cut by this enzyme is called a β-galactosidic bond. 将乳糖分解为半乳糖和葡萄糖的酶。


β sheetβ折叠A secondary structure in proteins, relatively flat and formed hydrogen bonding between two parallel or anti-parallel stretches of polypeptide. 蛋白质的一种二级结构,相对平坦,在两条平行的或反向平行的肽段之间形成氢键。

σsubunitσ亚基Component of prokaryotic RNA polymerase holoenzyme. Required for recognition of promoters. 原核生物RNA聚合酶全酶的组成成分。

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Antiferromagnetic Correlations and the Pseudogap in HTS Cuprates Jeffery L. TallonIndustrial Research Ltd., P.O. Box 31310, Lower Hutt, New Zealand. E-mail: J.Tallon@ Abstract: Evidence is presented from 1/T1T NMR and ARPES data for the sudden disappearance of 2D antiferromagnetic (AF) correlations in the lightly overdoped region (p≈0.19) at the T=0 metal-insulator transition where the pseudogap energy falls to zero. AF fluctuations thus appear to be intimately associated with the pseudogap and serve primarily to weaken superconductivity, strongly reducing the condensation energy and superfluid density.Keywords: antiferromagnetism, pseudogap, superconductivity, dopingINTRODUCTIONThe high-T c superconducting (HTS) cuprates exhibit a generic phase behaviour as a function of hole concentration, p, ranging from an antiferromagnetic (AF) insulator at zero doping to a metallic Fermi liquid at high doping with the appearance of superconductivity (SC) at intermediate doping levels. In spite of the disappearance of the 3D Neél state prior to the onset of SC 2D AF correlations are observed to persist well out into SC compositions [1]. In addition, underdoped cuprates exhibit normal state (NS) correlations above T c which result in a depletion of the density of states (DOS) referred to as the pseudogap [2]. While many models have been proposed for understanding the pseudogap a widely favoured scenario is that it arises from incoherent pairing fluctuations above T c [3], an outlook not shared by the present author. In view of the lack of consensus as to the nature of the pseudogap and the origin of the pairing interaction a number of key questions may be asked: (i) is the progression from a strongly AF-correlated underdoped phase to a Fermi liquid smooth or discontinuous? (ii) should the HTS cuprates in the SC region be regarded as doped antiferromagnets or AF Fermi liquids? (iii) is the disappearance of the pseudogap gradual (as might occur in a phase fluctuation model) or sudden (as for a competing correlation)? (iv) what is the relation, if any, between the pseudogap and AF correlations? The lack of such basic comprehension of the experimental situation goes a long way to understanding why so many mutually exclusive theoretical models of cuprate superconductivity are still extant [4]. We address these questions here.AF CORRELATIONS AND THE PSEUDOGAPIt is widely believed that 1/63T1T provides a clear measure of AF correlations, where 1/63T1 is the copper spin-lattice relaxation rate given by1/T1T ∼Σ |A q|2χ''(q,ωo) / ωo.(1) qA q are the hyperfine coupling form factors, ωo is the NMR frequency and χ''(q,ωo) is the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility. Typical data for underdoped cuprates show that 1/63T1T has a Curie-like 1/T dependence at high T associated with AF correlations but then falls at lower T due to the opening of the pseudogap [5]. The maximum occurs at T* which is widely viewed as the temperature at which the spin gap opens. Millis, Monien and Pines [6] introduced a phenomeno-logical expression for χ(q,ωo) which is enhanced at the AF wave vector q = Q AF ≡ (π,π). Inserting this in the expression for 1/T1T and assuming that the AF correlation length ξ2 » 1 one finds 1/63T1T ≈a1χsτSF where χs is the static spin susceptibility and τSF is the AF spin fluctuation lifetime. The Curie-like T-dependence of 1/63T1T at high T thus implies that τSF ~ 1/T and that 1/63T1≈ a2χs. This appears to be precisely satisfied in the case of Y-124 [7]. At the same time one finds 1/17T1T ≈ a3χs and finally the Knight shift, K s≈ a3χs + σ where σ is the chemical shift. Thus1/63T1 ~ 1/17T1T ~ (K s - σ) ~ χs.(2) Again, these relationships are well satisfied for Y-124 [7]. The characteristic T-dependence of 1/63T1T can thus be seen to derive from the 1/T dependence of τSF and the T-dependence of χs which, like S el/T (with S el = electronic entropy), is progressively and smoothly depressed with decreasing T due to the pseudogap. T* thus loses its meaning as a well-defined point at which a spin gap opens. Experimentally, 1/63T1T maintains its high-T Curie-like T-dependence across the entire overdoped region in La-214 [5] thus suggesting that AF correlations also persist across the overdoped region. However, we argue that this inference is not justified. In La-214 (and less markedly in other cuprates)χs itself is found to develop an increasing 1/T dependence in the overdoped region [8] possibly due to the proximity of the van Hove singularity. By reference to equ. (2) this could account for the persisting 1/T dependence of 1/63T1T, i.e this dependence in the overdoped region could derive from χs rather than τSF. A more robust measure of AF correlations is the ratio 17T1/63T1 in which the effect of χs is divided out. From the above considerations 17T1/63T1 ~ τSF but more generally, 17T/ 63T1 ~ <1 + f q2>≈ 1 + a3ξ2 = 1 + C AF T-1(3)1where the average is over q. Here f q is the ratio of the enhanced AF susceptibility to the bare FL susceptibility and C AF is a measure of the AF correlations. The ratio 17T1/63T1 has been determined [9] by Takigawa et al. for Y-123 at two doping levels and by Tomeno et al. for Y-124 and the T-dependence of eqn. (3) is found. We have fitted the data to obtain the p-dependent parameter C AF(p) and this is plotted in Fig. 1. This is seen to fall sharply to zero at the critical doping point of p=0.19 precisely where the pseudogap energy, E g, determined from NMR and heat capacity falls to zero, as shown by the inset. Values of p are determined from δ values in YBa2Cu3O7-δ or from the roughly parabolic variation of T c with p which may be approximated by T c = T c,max× [1 – 82.6(p-0.16)2] [10]. One major effect of AF correlations is to heavily reduce quasiparticle (QP) lifetimes near the zone boundary at k=(π,0) due to scattering from spin fluctuations. This may be seen in the suppression of the NS QP peaks in ARPES spectra at the FS crossing near (π,0) but not at the FS crossing on the zone diagonal near (0,0) [11]. If one focuses on the spectra near (π,0) at about 100K, i.e. above T c, then underdoped samples show the suppression of the QP peak as well as the pushing back of the leading edge due to the NS pseudogap. In contrast, overdoped samples exhibit a closure of the pseudogap (the mid-point of the leading edge coincides with the Fermi energy) and the recovery of the QP peak. We have examined the ARPES spectra at 100K of 11 Bi-2212 samples with different doping states from the Stanford and Chicago groups and summarise the data in Fig. 2. This, again, shows the pseudogap energy falling to zero [12] near p=0.19 and the abrupt recovery of the QP peak at the same point. The T c values are plotted as open squares for all spectra with suppressed QP peaks and as solid squares where the QP is fully recovered. There is a sudden recovery at p=0.19 as indicated by the spectra shown in the figure either side of this point [11,12]. Also shown in Fig. 1 (open circles) are the values of T min where the resistivity of La2-x Sr x CuO4 crosses over from metallic to semiconducting. The point where T min→ 0 is the metal/insulator transition and it clearly coincides with the disappearance of both the pseudogap and AF correlations.Fig. 1. The p-dependence of the AF parameter C AF Fig. 2. The p-dependence of E g and T c from (N ) and crossover temperature T min (O) . Inset: theARPES. Open squares: no quasi-particle p-dependence of T c and the pseudogap energy E g(QP) peak. Filled squares: full QP peak as for Y 0.8Ca 0.2Ba 2Cu 3O 7-δ.shown in the two insets.The above results reveal the sudden disappearance of AF correlations at the critical doping state p=0.19, just where the pseudogap disappears and at the location of the metal-insulator transition at T=0. At this point the T=0 condensation energy, superfluid density and critical currents all pass through a sharp maximum and this has been interpreted within a quantum critical point scenario[13].The sudden loss of AF correlation is further borne out by inelastic neutron scattering which, for fully oxygenated Y-123, shows only a weak enhancement in susceptibility at q =Q AF that barely rises above background [1]. Moreover, Rübhausen et al [14] have observed a sudden loss of the 2000 cm -1two-magnon Raman scattering peak in the lightly overdoped region (at p ≈0.20). This peak, observed in underdoped and optimally-doped samples, is attributed to a photon-induced two-magnon excitation in an AF background. Its demise indicates the destruction of the AF background. These results indicate that AF correlations are intimately associated with the pseudogap which however is more than just spin correlations. It is known from heat capacity that both spin and charge degrees of freedom freeze out equally with the establishment of the pseudogap state [2]. Spin- and charge-ordered stripes are then a possible scenario. Antiferromagnetism would appear only to weaken and suppress SC with progressive underdoping and the question has to asked whether spin fluctuations can be responsible for pairing if they are substantially suppressed over much of the overdoped side._________________________________1. P. Bourges, in Gap Symmetry and Fluctuations in High Temperature Superconductors ed. by J. Bok, G. Deutscher, D. Pavuna and S.A. Wolf (Plenum, 1998).2. J.W. Loram et al., Physica C 235-240, 134 (1994).3. V.J. Emery and S.A. Kivelsen, Nature 374, 434 (1995).4. T. Timusk and B. Statt, Rep. Prog. Phys., 62, 61 (1999).5. C. Berthier, M.H. Julien, M. Horvatic and Y. Berthier, J. Phys. I France 6, 2205 (1996).6. A.J. Millis, H. Monien and D. Pines, Phys. Rev. B 42, 167 (1990).7. G.V.M. Williams, J.L. Tallon and J.W. Loram, Phys. Rev. B 58, 15053 (1998).8. J.W. Loram et al., 10th Anniversary HTS Workshop (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), p. 341.9. M. Takigawa et al., Phys. Rev. B 43, 247 (1991); I. Tomeno et al., Phys. Rev. B 49, 15327 (1994).10. J.L. Tallon et al., Phys. Rev. B 51, 12911 (1995).11. C. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, 4245 (1998).12. H. Ding et al., Nature 382, 51 (1996); M.R Norman et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 79, 3506 (1997).13. J.L. Tallon et al., phys. stat. sol. 215, 531 (1999).14. M. Rübhausen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 82, 5349 (1999).0T c [K ]hole concentration, pT c o r 2T m i n [K ]0C A F [K -1]hole concentration, p。
