2.3 船舶制冷和空调装置
空调系统是船舶耗电大户,据统计,万吨级以上的民用船舶空调系统及伙食冷库能耗占总能耗的18%,客轮和邮轮则超过总能耗28% 。
研究者通过实验研究,发现系统工作过程中存在临界冷凝压力,并且喷射器对系统性能的影响较大;另外有人提出了一种以闪蒸罐为蒸发器的蒸气喷射制冷冷水机样机的设计方案,发现在蒸气压力为401325 Pa,冷水温度为14.4 ℃时,样机最高性能系数为0.4。
答:1.伙食冷藏:主要作用: ①抑制微生物在动物性食品中的繁殖。
答:单级压缩式制冷的理论循环如下图所示:等熵压缩单位理论功: w 0 = h2`-h 1 kJ/kg单位容积制冷量:q v = q 0/ ν1 kJ/m3理论制冷系数:ε = q 0 / w0 = (h 1-h 4)/ (h2`-h 1 )5.试分析其他条件不变,蒸发温度变化时,对单级压缩制冷循环性能的影响。
答:当其他条件不变时,蒸发温度t 0变化的影响:设:蒸发温度t 0降低:①装置的制冷系数降低。
因为:ε = q 0 / w0q 0` <q 0 w0`>w0 →ε↓②制冷量Q 0稍有降低。
因为:Q0 = G .q 0 =λV T q 0 /υ1υ1↑;λ下降不大;q 0 ↓③轴功率降低。
因为:P = G · w 0/ η =λV T w0/υ1η υ1↑;λ下降不大;q 0 ↓ w0 ↑不能直接判断。
轴功率的变化情况视压力比p k / p o而定。
第八章 船舶制冷与空气调节装置
2 应用蒸发式过冷循环
为了避免膨胀阀前产生“闪气”,当制冷装置液管的压降较大,特 别是有上行管时,必须提高膨胀阀前制冷剂的过冷度。过去 R22 装置, 大多采用回热循环,用从蒸发器出来的温度较低的冷剂过热蒸气来冷 却从冷凝器出来的冷剂液体。 但是,R22 制冷装置使用回热循环并不 能提高装置制冷量和制冷系数, 倒可能使排气温度和滑油温度过高, 增加吸气预热损失,降低滑油的密封、润滑性能和使用寿命。 为比,有 些需提高液管中冷剂过冷度的 R22 装置开始采用蒸发式过冷循环,即 让少部分从贮液器出来的液态冷剂经小型膨胀阀节流降压成湿蒸气, 供入过冷器去蒸发吸热,冷却液管的冷剂液体。
热焓交换器在新船的空调装置中开始使用。 热焓交换器是在一个 钢制的矩形壳体中设一个由电动转轮,转轮由许多浸透吸湿盐的铝合 金薄波纹板构成,形成大量狭窄的气流通道。 转轮轮流转过紧靠着的 舱室排风通道和空调新风通道,交替地向排风和新风吸、放热量和湿 量。 这样使新风的温度和含湿量接近排风,可节省冬季对新风加热、加 湿和夏季为新风冷却和除湿的量,从而降低空调装置的负荷。
当制冷系统中循环量充足时,在玻璃视镜中看不到气泡,若循环 量不足,可以看见气泡流过,这时系统就要补充制冷剂,以充分发挥制 冷装置的制冷效果。 在视镜的中心部分装有一个能指示制冷剂中含水 量的纸质圆芯,在圆芯纸上涂有金属盐指示剂,遇不同含水量的制冷 剂时,它的水化物能显示不同的颜色,根据纸芯的颜色来判断含水的 程 度 。 例 如 涂 有 CoBr2 的 纸 芯 ,当 不 含 水 时 为 绿 色 ,含 水 量 超 45PPm 时为粉红色(20~40℃)。 不同的指示剂的纸芯其变色情况不一样,一般 在指示器上用颜色标明。
点是制 冷效率相对较低, 需要定期维护
工作原理:利用热电效应产生制冷效果 特点:结构简单,体积小,重量轻,易于安装和维护 应用范围:适用于小型船舶、游艇等 优点:无噪音,无振动,无污染,节能环保
工作原理:利用蒸汽喷射原理,将 低压蒸汽转化为高压蒸汽,实现制 冷效果
环保性:减少 制冷装置对环 境的影响,符 合环保法规要
舒适性:保证 船舶内部环境 的舒适度,满 足船员和乘客
可维护性:便 于制冷装置的 维护和维修, 降低维护成本
适应性:适应 不同船舶类型 和航行环境的 需求,提高制 冷装置的通用
优化制冷剂选择:选择高效、环保的制冷剂,提高制冷效率 优化制冷系统设计:合理设计制冷系统,提高制冷效率和稳定性 优化制冷设备选型:选择高效、节能的制冷设备,降低能耗
特点:结构紧凑、 体积小、重量轻、 安装方便、运行 稳定、效率高、 噪音低、使用寿 命长。
应用范围:广泛 应用于船舶、汽 车、空调等领域。
发展趋势:随着 科技的发展,压 缩式制冷装置的 性能和效率不断 提高,应用范围 也越来越广泛。
工作原理:利用吸 收剂和制冷剂的相 互作用,实现制冷 效果
特点:结构简单, 运行稳定,噪音 低,节能环保
船舶冷冻系统:提供冷冻食品的储存和 运输
节能环保:采用高效节能的制冷技术和设 备,降低能耗和污染排放
智能化:实现制冷系统的智能化控制,提 高运行效率和可靠性
模块化:采用模块化设计,便于安装、维 护和升级
绿色制冷剂:采用环保型制冷剂,减少对 环境的影响
冷凝器:将高温高压的制冷 剂冷却成低温高压的液体
再见,see you again
•太阳能制冷演示1 •太阳能制冷演示2
• 图示出一个利用太阳能驱动的沸石-水吸附制冷系统原理。它包括吸附床、冷 凝器和蒸发器,用管道连接成一个封闭的系统。吸附床是充装了吸附剂(沸石) 的金属盒;制冷剂液体(水)贮集在蒸发器中。 • 白天,吸附床受到日照加热,沸石温度升高,产生解吸作用。从沸石中脱附 出水蒸气,系统内的水蒸气压力上升,达到与环境温度对应的饱和压力时,水 蒸气在冷凝器中凝结,同时放出潜热,凝水贮存在蒸发器中。 • 夜间,吸附床冷下来,沸石温度逐渐降低,它吸附水蒸气的能力逐步提高, 造成系统内气体压力降低,同时,蒸发器中的水不断蒸发出来,用以补充沸石 对水蒸气的吸附。蒸发过程吸热,达到制冷的目的。
•蒸气喷射式制冷是靠液 体汽化来制冷的。这一 点与蒸气压缩式及吸收 式制冷完全相同,不同 的是怎样从蒸发器中抽 取蒸气,并将压力提高。
•制冷就是从物体或流体中取出热量,并将热量排放到环 境介质中去,以产生低于环境温度的过程。
• 制冷技术
• 机械制冷中所需机器和设备的总合称为制冷机。
5 空 调 装 置
轴 功 率 增 加 不 超 过 5 7 。 率 1~ 0 k 的 螺 杆 式 压 缩 机 , 采 用 交 换 器 在 新 船 的 空 调 装 置 中开 始 使 用 。 焓 交 换 器 是 在 一 个 热 转 将 电机 和 压 缩 机 、 油 分 离 器 置 于 同 一 壳 体 内 的半 封 闭 式 , 消 了油 钢 制 的 矩 形 壳 体 中 设 一 个 由电 动 转 轮 , 轮 由许 多 浸 透 吸 湿 盐 的 铝 合 滑 取 冷 却 器 , 用 排 气 压 力 使 滑 油 循 环 , 统 显 著 简 化 , 护 工 作 却 少 得 金 薄 波 纹 板 构 成 , 成 大 量 狭 窄 的 气 流 通 道 。转 轮 轮 流 转 过 紧 靠 着 的 利 系 维 形
科技信 息
O科教前沿 O
21 0 0年
第3 1期
吴剑辉 ( 江 交通 职 业技 术 学院 浙 江 浙 杭州 3 11 ) 1 1 2
在 氟 里 昂 制 冷 系 统 中 , 设 回热 器 的 装 置 , 别 是 蒸 发 器 的 垂 直 不 特 随 着 陆 用 制 冷 与 空 调 技 术 的 发 展 , 舶 制 冷 与 空 调 装 置 也 变 化 很 船 大 . 据 对 国 内 较 大 的 船 舶 运 输 公 司 近 五 年 新 造 船 舶 进 行 调 查 , 现 位 置 高 于压 缩 机 时 .为 了 防止 活 塞 式压 缩 机 吸 人 液 态 制 冷 剂 的危 险 , 根 发 在 压 缩 机 的 吸气 管 道 上装 设气 液 分 离 器 。 封 闭 式 活 塞 式 压 缩 机 排 气 半 船 舶 制 冷 与 空 调 装 置 比过 去 有 了 许 多 的变 化 更 新 。 侧 的 滑 油 分 离 器 的 回油 不 便 于 回 曲轴 箱 ,可 回 到 气 液 分 离 器 的 进 口 管。 在小 型 制冷 装 置 中 采 用 U 型 管 式 分 离 器 , 是 利 用 气 液 方 向的 改 它 螺 杆 式 制 冷 压 缩 机 是 高 速 回转 式 压 缩 机 , 冷 量 既 定 时 比 活 塞 式 制 管 筒 制 冷 压 缩 机 尺 寸 小 、 量 轻 , 热 效 率 在 低 压 缩 比 时 高 于 活 塞 式 ; 其 变 而 使 气 液 分 离 的 , 子 的截 面 一 般 与 回 气 管 相 同 , 中 的流 速 小 于 重 绝 尤 . m/ , 为 使 可 贵 的 是 其 工 作 可 靠 , 护 容 易 , 修 周 期 可长 达 4 5万 工 作 小 时 。 维 检 ~ 过 05 s在 U 型 管上 开有 一 小 孔 , 限 流 孔 , 适 量 的液 滴 和 油 随 同 回 气 返 回压 缩 机 ,小 孔 的孔 径 决 定 于 回 气 管 的 长 度 和 压 缩 机 的 制冷 量 , 去 螺 杆 式 压 缩 机 在 船 上 仅 用 于 冷 藏 舱 制 冷 装 置 , 着 小 型 化 的机 型 推 随 lt , 可 出 , 冷 量 已可 低 至 5 k 以下 , 一 些 大 型 油 轮 上 已取 代 了活 塞 式 使 进 入s  ̄ 的 液 体 能 在 回 气 管 中 全 部 气 化 。 这 样 , 避 免 压缩 机 产 生 制 0W 在 液击 , 能将油带回压缩机。 并 制冷压缩机 。
定期检查压缩机的密封件和轴 承等关键部件是否正常工作, 如有问题应及时更换或修复。
在启动或关闭压缩机时,应遵 循操作规程,避免对压缩机造
在维护和保养压缩机时,应注 意安全,避免发生意外事故。
检查冷凝器和蒸发器的散 热片是否清洁,如需清洁 应使用适当的清洗剂。
检查制冷系统的管道和接 头是否紧固和密封良好, 如有问题应及时处理。
船舶制冷装置liby分 析课件
• 船舶制冷装置概述 • 船舶制冷装置的原理与技术 • 船舶制冷装置的故障分析与排除 • 船舶制冷装置的维护与保养 • 船舶制冷装置的未来发展与趋势
船舶制冷装置采用先进的 制冷技术和高效的传热材 料,具有较高的制冷效率。
除了以上常见的故障外,船舶制冷装置还可能存在其他问题,如电气控制系统故 障、制冷剂管道堵塞等。
电气控制系统故障可能是由于传感器、控制器或执行器等部件损坏引起的,需要 检查电气控制系统的各个部件的工作状态;制冷剂管道堵塞可能是由于管道内部 杂质或冰堵引起的,需要定期清洗管道,保持清洁并注意防止冰堵。
检查电气线路和控制系统 的连接是否牢固,如有问 题应及时修复或更换。
随着环保要求的提高,新型制冷 剂的研究和应用成为趋势,如二 氧化碳、氨等天然制冷剂。
采用新型的高效传热材料,如纳 米流体、微纳复合材料等,提高 制冷装置的传热效率。
每日检查制冷剂的压力和温度, 确保在正常范围内。
1船舶主推进装置(19-20’)1.1船舶动力装置概述1.1.1船舶动力装置的组成和类型及对船舶动力装置的要求1. Each type of engine has its application on board ship. The ____ main propulsion diesel engine operates on the two-stroke cycle.A. low speedB. medium speedC. high speedD. steam speed1.2 船舶柴油机1.2.1 船舶柴油机的基本特性2. The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its ____.A. viscosityB. acid contentC. heating valueD. ignition quality3. The operation between two fuel injections is called a ____.A. turning cycleB. working cycleC. working hourD. working stroke1.2.2 船舶柴油机的工作原理和基本结构4. The greatest turbulence in a diesel engine cylinder is created by the ____.A. shape of the combustion chamberB. fuel injection spray patternC. cylinder swept volumeD. degree of penetration of the fuel oil droplets5. Because the tie bolts are so close to the crankshaft, some engines employ____ to hold the crankshaft main bearing cap in position instead of conventional studs and nuts.A. through boltsB. jack boltsC. tap boltsD. fitted bolts6. ____for attachment to the propeller shaft also accommodates the turning gear and is integrally forged the crankshaft.A. The coupling flangeB. The camshaftC. The crosshead pinD. The cylinder jackets7. Which of the two events listed occurs simultaneously in a two-stroke \cycle diesel engine?A. Exhaust and scavengingB. Scavenging and compressionC. Ignition and expansionD. Exhaust and compression8. The rotary motion of a diesel engine piston crankshaft is obtained from the up and down motion of the piston via the _____.A. camshaftB. reduction gearsC. rocker armD. connecting or piston rod9. Combustion gases formed in the cylinder of a diesel engine are prevented from blowing past the piston by___.A. cylinder valveB. compression ringsC. piston skirtsD. oil rings10. On a large diesel engine installation, crankshaft axial alignment is maintained by the____.A. piston rod guidesB. engine thrust bearingC. crosshead bearingD. main shaft flexible coupling11. In a two-stroke cycle diesel engine, the process of scavenging begins as the ____.A. piston nears and passes TDCB. latter part of down strokeC. piston passes BDCD. early part of the down stroke1.2.3 船舶柴油机的工作系统、操纵系统和控制系统12._____controls the fuel oil temperature in order to provide oil at the correct viscosity for combustion.A. The pressure switchB. The temperature controllerC. The flow meterD. The viscosity regulator13. A___ ensures a constant pressure at the fuel line.A. transfer pumpB. control air bottleC. pressure regulating valveD. non returning valve14. Oil control rings used in two-stroke cycle diesel engines are located near the bottom of the pistonskirt in order to____.A. increase the liner area covered by the oil filmB. maintain an oil film on the lower liner where scuffing is prevalentC. keep excess oil away from intake and export portsD. help cushion piston skirt side thrust by providing a hydrodynamic oil wedge15. Under normal conditions, the main source of crankcase oil contamination is attributed to____. A. metal particles loosened by wear B. air when air cleaners are not usedC. condensation of water vaporsD. breakdown of the lubricating oil by dilution16. The most common cause of lowering the crankcase lube oil flash point is____.A. with a higher pressureB. at a lower pressureC. no more pressureD. in a greater pressure17. In a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system, the amount of coolant flowing through the heat exchanger is controlled by the____.A. suction pressure regulatorB. thermostatic bypass valveC. sea water temperatureD. water level in the expansion valve18. V ents are led from the engine to ___ for the release of air from the cooling water.A. the cooling jacketsB. the head tankC. the cooling water pumpD. the scavenging box19. On opposite ends of a single shaft of a turbocharger are a gas driven____ and a air compressor, which are sealed each other.A. charge air receiverB. scavenging air beltC. turbineD. air cooler20. The supercharger takes air out of the surrounding atmosphere and then feeds it to the engine’s____.A. inlet valvesB. exhaust valvesC. emergency valvesD. non-return valves21. Each cylinder has one starting valve which is usually opened by air pressure and closed by___.A. nuts and boltsB. new jointsC. spring forceD. sealing rings22. When ____ is operated, a supply of pilot air enables the remote valve to open.A. the distributorB. the air start leverC. the turning gearD. the cylinder air start valve23. A device which functions to bring a diesel engine to a full stop to protect it from damage is known is ____.A. torque limiterB. over-speed tripC. over-speed governorD. load limit governor24. When the rev/min increases, the governor weights move___, causing subsequent motions.A. inwardsB. out wardsC. upwardsD. downwards25. The purpose of an after-cooler is to___.A. reduce the turbocharger operating temperatureB. increase the pressure of the inlet airC. increase the density of the inlet airD. reduce the blower operating temperature1.2.3船舶运行中柴油机的管理26. Thermocouple pyrometers are used on large, main propulsion diesel engines to indicate the temperature of the_____.A. cooling water leaving each cylinderB. fuel oil entering the injectorC. exhaust gases at various locationsD. lube oil at the bearing supplies27. A diesel engine crankcase ventilation system____.A. prevent spark generationB. removes combustible gasesC. determines the level of combustible gasesD. provides inert gas generation in crankcase1.3船舶推进装置1.3.1 船舶推进装置的传动方式28.____ is used to prevent the entry of sea water to the machinery space.A. A special sealing glandB. PropellerC. TailshaftD. Sterntube bearing2船舶辅助机械(30’)2.1 船用锅炉2.1.1 船用锅炉的类型29. In a ___ boiler the water flows through the inside of the tubes while the hot gases pass around the outside.A. water-tubeB. fire-tubeC. exhaust gasD. none of the above2.1.2 船用锅炉的结构特点30. Soot blowers should be used in proper sequence so that____.A. excess stresses will not be set up in the boilerB. the decks will not be covered with sootC. the soot will be swept toward the uptakesD. there will not be a loss of steam pressure2.1.3 船用锅炉的运行管理31. The boiler feed pump discharge pressure is higher than the steam drum pressure to___.A. ensure feed water flow into the boilerB. keep the steam drum pressure highC. prevent the water hammer in the feed lineD. help the feed water flash to steam2.1.4 船用锅炉的故障分析和排除32. A feed pump for an auxiliary boiler might lose suction if the ____.A. boiler water level is lowB. feedwater is too hotC. boiler steam demand is lowD. feedwater is too cold33. Flame failure in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler can from a(an)___.A. incorrect electrode settingB. incorrect nozzle positionC. clogged fuel nozzleD. broken high tension lead2.2 船用泵2.1.1 船用泵的类型34. A vane pump belongs to ____ according to its working principle.A. reciprocating pumpB. positive displacement pumpC. centrifugal pumpD. centripetal pump2.1.2 常见船用泵的工作原理和结构特点35. The amount of fluid delivered by a gear pump can be regulated by_____.A. throttling the pressure lineB. changing the speed of the rotorC. Either A or BD. None of the above is true2.2.3 船舶通用泵系的布置原则和特点36. Which of the valve \s listed will be cycled from the fully open to fully close when the handle is turned 90 degree?A. A rising stem gate valveB. A globe stop valveC. A check valveD. A butterfly valve2.2.4 常见船用泵的运行管理和故障排除37. A spur gear pump should be operated with the discharge valve____.A. slightly openedB. throttledC. fully openedD. halfway opened38. Pitting in the suction areas of a centrifugal pump bronze impeller is usually caused by___.A. cavitationB. electrolysisC. abrasionD. corrosion2.3 船舶制冷和空调装置2.3.1 制冷原理和制冷循环39. Refrigerant entering the compressor of a refrigeration system should be in which of the following conditions?A. Sub-cooled liquidB. Sub-cooled vaporC. Superheated vaporD. Liquid2.3.2 船用空调系统的组成及主要设备40. The process of removing moisture from air is known as___.A. humidificationB. dehumidificationC. vaporizationD. evaporation2.3.3 船舶空调装置运行管理41. As the amount of moisture in the air increases, the difference between the dry bulb and the wet bulb temperature will ____.A. increaseB. decreaseC. remain unchangedD. be greatest at dew point2.4 船舶防污染设备2.4.1 油水分离器的工作原理及运行管理42. Oily water separators are used to ensure that ships don’t discharge oil when pumping out____.A. ballast waterB. boiler waterC. bilge waterD. sewage water43. Where an excessive level of contamination is detected an alarm is sounded and diverting valves are operated. The discharging liquid is then passed to____.A. overboardB. a bilge wellC. a slop tankD. a hot well2.4.2 焚烧炉的工作原理及运行管理44. Which of the following would not be burnt in an incinerator on board?A. waste oilB. waste clothesC. oil ragsD. waste food45. The solid waste was charged into the incinerator through_____.A. the solid waste dump chuteB. an access doorC. the same way for waste oil burnersD. a charging opening2.4.3 生活污水处理装置的工作原理及运行管理46. When anaerobic bacteria convert the sewage to an inert sludge, ____.A. no oxygen is neededB. oxygen is necessaryC. oxygen is given offD. no gas is produced2.5 分油机、空压机和海水淡化装置2.5.1 分油机的工作原理及运行管理47. For a purifier, changing to a gravity disc with larger hole diameter will move the interface towards the _____.A. bowel peripheryB. bowel centerC. upper surfaceD. lower surface48. When finish working on the separator you should ____ firstly.A. cut off the powerB. cut off the oil inletC. open guide water valveD. close oil outlet valve49. Sediment collects in a tubular purifier____.A. on the top coverB. on the discsC. in drain line on the discD. on sides of bowl2.5.2 空压机的原理及运行管理50. Compressed air is supplied by air compressors to____.A. the air receiversB. the starting valvesC. the cylinder coversD. the distributors2.5.3 海水淡化原理51. The advantages of flash type evaporators, as compared to submerged tube type evaporators, include_____.A. less internal corrosion because of lower brine densityB. higher temperature evaporation for lower salinity of the distillate producedC. less scale formation in a flash evaporatorD. less feed-water required for a flash evaporator52. A salinity indictor is used to determine the ____.A. cause of salt contaminationB. location of salt water contaminationC. chemical makeup of feed-waterD. level of alkalinity in condensate2.6 船舶甲板机械2.6.1 液压泵、控制阀件和油马达的机构特点53. _____ can be used to prevent hydraulic system overload or keep the pressure of oil outlet from pump constant.A. Overflow valveB. Reducing valveC. Balancing valveD. Reducing valve or balancing valve54. Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following is used to convert hydraulic energy into continuous rotary motion?A. Hydraulic pumpB. V alveC. Hydraulic cylinderD. Hydraulic motor2.6.2 起货机的机构特点及其故障分析和排除55. The oil in a cargo winch gear box should be sampled periodically to____.A. prevent the gear box from leakingB. prevent the oil from becoming inflammableC. make sure it has not become contaminatedD. make sure the motor bearings are lubricated2.6.3 锚机的结构特点及其故障分析和排除56.____are used to handle anchors and chains.A. Cargo winchesB. Mooring winchesC. WindlassD. Cargo hatches2.6.4 绞缆机的结构特点及其故障分析和排除57. Winch gears must be maintained in proper alignment to prevent____.A. overheating of the lube oilB. over speeding of the motorC. wear on the braking systemD. damage to the teeth2.6.5 液压系统的管理58. Before doing any work on the hydraulic system equipped with accumulators, you should____.A. drain any accumulators and purge with oxygenB. bleed off all stored energy from the accumulators completelyC. charge the accumulators to prevent the system energy lossD. pump the hydraulic fluid into the accumulators to prevent fluid loss.59. Hydraulic machinery failures are commonly caused by contamination of the hydraulic fluid and___.A. fluid frictionB. fluid turbulenceC. component misalignmentD. pressure surges3 船舶电气(12’)3.1 船用发电机3.1.1 船用发电机结构特点60. In an alternating current electrical system, a low system power factor is a direct sign of ____.A. wasted energyB. efficiency operationC. a short in the exciter field windingsD. an excessive number of minor system grounds61. With a purely ____ load the voltage and current are in phase, giving a power factor of one.A. inductiveB. resistanceC. combinedD. capacitate3.1.2 船用发电机的并车和解列62. If two A.C. generators are to be operated in parallel, the load is distributed evenly by ____.A. means of rheostatB. a balance coilC. adjusting the governor settingsD. changing excitation63. The operation of ___ two alternators requires the voltages to be equal and also in phase.A. parallelingB. series-mountingC. runningD. control3.1.3 船用发电机的故障分析和排除64. Accidental grounds in a shipboard electrical system must be repaired as soon as possible as they will___.A. result in immediate power outagesB. damage circuit breakerC. appear on the ground detection systemD. damage insulation and may cause outages3.2 船用配电板的分类及组成、应急配电板、配电箱65. ____ is not a part of the main switchboard on board.A. BusbarB. Load panel of main generatorC. Paralleling panelD. Shore connecting box66. Usually, emergency electricity supplies to____ on board.A. cargo winchesB. windlassC. steering gearD. main air compressor67. Shore power must be ___ during dock repair.A. disconnectedB. switched offC. cut offD. connected3.3 船舶电气设备3.1.1 船舶电气设备概况68. An ohmmeter can be used to measure____.A. current flow in a circuitB. voltage between two points in a circuitC. circuit continuityD. power3.2.2 电气控制设备69.Electrical circuits are protected against overheating by means of a(an)____.A. circuit breakerB. amplifierC. diodeD. capacitor3.2.3 电气设备的运行管理70.Sparking at the brushes of a running motor could be an indication of ___.A. normal operationB. dirty commutatorC. increased brush capacityD. water vapor absorption71. All of the following operating characteristics are listed on the name plates of the motors used on board ship except the ___.A. temperature riseB. horsepowerC. input kilowattsD. operating voltage4 船舶轮机管理4.1操作规程4.1.1 备车72. One hour before sailing, the duty engineer and officer should check____.A. tachometer and engine telegraphB. oil and water reservesC. clock and engine telegraph and test the rudderD. crews4.1.2 巡回检查73. Which of the following item is the cause to the damage of parts and excess wearing?A. overloadB. the odds of the loadC. the default of loadD. overload and the odds of the load4.1.3 完车74. After “finished with engine”, which of the following cannot be shut off by the duty engineer?A. Fuel oil booster pumpB. The main starting valveC. The sea chestD. The main cooling sea water pump4.2 安全管理知识4.2.1 轮机部操作安全注意事项75. To avoid excessive surge pressure when bunkering, you should ____.A. bunker at normal rateB. check for kicks in hoseC. close valves slowlyD. shut valves before topping off4.2.2. 船舶防火防爆的措施及守则76. The most likely place for a fire to start trough the process of spontaneous combustion is in __.A. an electrical switchboardB. the pressure tanksC. the fuel oil tanksD. the oily rag bin4.2.3 机舱应急设备的使用及管理77. If the overflow tank high-level alarm sounds while the fuel oil tanks are being topped off, the engineer should____.A. close the static leg filling valveB. close the overflow tank filling valveC. reduce the fuel oil pumping rateD. stop the fuel oil pumping operation78. As a duty engineer, as soon as you hear the fire and emergency signal, you should ensure that___.A. ring buoys are thrown overboardB. engines are stoppedC. fire pump are startedD. life preserver have been issued to everyone79. Following agrounding, you can best determine that a SLACK fuel oil tank has been holed by ____.A. sounding the tankB. waiting for the vessel to listC. examining tank boundariesD. checking fuel oil strainers4.2.4 船员个人安全知识80. Which one might be used most likely in case of a fire?A. Life jacketB. SCBAC. LifeboatD. Torch4.3 油、物料和备件的管理81. The flash point of a petroleum product is an indication of its____.A. viscosityB. pour pointC. volatilityD. lower explosive limit4.4 船舶修理和检验4.4.1 修理的类别82. ______, where minor repairs are carried out with a ship in service, often during a stay in port. This may be remote from a ship repair site.A. V oyage repairB. Routine dockingC. Damage repairD. Concersion4.4.2. 轮机坞修工程83. When a ship in the dock repairing, engine department should emphasize on the inspection of ____.A. sea valve chest, sea valve, thrusterB. steering and shafting systemC. sea water systemD. fresh water system4.4.3 船舶检验的类别与作用84. The additional mark____ in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigation bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is unmanned periodically.A. BRCB. MCCC. AUT-0D. AUT-14.5 防污染管理及PSC检查4.5.1 油类记录薄与IOPP证书85. If an incorrect entry were made in the Oil Record Book, you should_____.A. erase the entry and rewrite itB. notify the ship’s officer- in-chargeC. completely black it out and make the correct entry alongsideD. draw a single line through the wrong entry and initial it.86. The valid period of the IOPP on board isn’t more than ____.A. one yearB. two yearsC. four yearsD. five years4.5.2 PSC检查中的明显理由与更详细检查87.If____, the PSCO should proceed to a more detailed inspection.A. the PSCO’s general impression confirm a good standard of maintenanceB. the certificates are validC. the SCO believes the ship doesn’t meet the requirementsD. the PSCO can’t find deficiencies at first glance5 国际公约与规则(13’)5.1 STCW公约5.1.1 STCW78/95公约中有关轮机值班的基本原则88. STCW78/95 states that the officer in charge of the engineering watch is the _____ representative.A. ship-owner’sB. master’sC. chief engineer’sD. manager’s89. At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with the master whether or not to _____.A. do engine repair workB. clean sear water filterC. maintain an underway watchD. take bunkering5.1.2 轮机员的基本职责和道德90. Who is in the charge of the auxiliary boiler?A. The chief engineerB. The second engineerC. The third engineerD. The fourth5.1.3 驾机联系制度91. The bridge should the engine room ___ before passing through congested o shallow waterway.A. 24 hoursB. 2 hoursC. 1 hourD. 15 minutes5.2 MARPOL73/78公约5.2.1 MARPOL73/78公约中有关含油污水的排放规则92. While loading bunkers, you notice oil on the water near the vessel,. What should you do first?A. Stop loadingB. Notify the harbor administrationC. Determine if the vessel is the source of the pollutionD. Start the main engine and put them in gear to disperse the spill93. If an oil spill occurs on deck, you should_____.A. cover the area with foamB. cover the area with absorbent materialC. wash down immediately with a fire hoseD. wash down immediately with an oil dispersing solvent.94. To receive oil residues from the purification of fuel and lubricating oils in the machinery spaces, what kind of tanks should be provided on board?A. Bilge tankB. Sludge tankC. Overflow tankD. Oil collecting tank5.2.2 有关国家、港口的防污染规则95. Disposal of all kinds of garbage but_____ is prohibited within Special Area.A. plasticsB. comminuted or ground papers, rag , glass, metal etc.C. food waste comminuted or groundD. incinerator ash96. When the garbage is mixing with some discharges having different disposal or dischargerequirements, ____ shall apply.A. any requirement appointed by the PSC officerB. the most suitable requirementC. the most stringent requirementD. no requirement5.3 SOLAS 公约5.3.1 SOLAS 公约的基本精神和基本原则97. The SOLAS Convention is the main international convention____.A. about marine pollution preventionB. covering safety of lifeC. about marineD. about ship and port security5.4 ISM、ISPS等规则和公约5.4.1 ISM 规则简介98. In the ISM Code, “company” doesn’t mean___.A. the ship ownerB. the manager or bareboat chartererC. a person assuming the responsibility for ship operationD. a business enterprise dealing with freight5.4.2 ISPS 规则简介99. _____ shall set security levels and provide guidance for protection from security incidents.A. The Contracting GovernmentsB. The Port AuthoritiesC. The masterD. The Company Security Officer5.4.3 其他最新公约和规则100. According to Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, the maximum hours of work shall not exceed__.A. 14 hours in any 24-hour periodB. 72 hours in any seven-day periodC. 10 hours in any 24-hour periodD. 88 hours in any seven-day period。
天 津航海
20 06年第 4期
轮机管理与故 障排 除 ・
船舶空调装置制冷不 良实例分析与处理
王 龙
( 天津海事局巡查执法支队
天津 305 ) 04 2
要 : 船 舶 空调是 船上 的 主要 辅 助设备 , 该设备 的状 况直接 关 系到船 舶人 员的工作 和
分而产生的冰塞。打开 回液管存水弯管放残水时 ,
发现油水及冷剂混合物竟达数百克 , 拆下干燥器/ 滤 器, 发现壳内有积水。因此, 确定问题并非冷剂带来
水分如 此简单 。
4 故 障原 因分 析及机 理 简介
R 2溶解度. 2 , 膨胀阀及其后 的一段内温度降于零度 以下 , 此时就会有一部分游离态水结成小的冰晶, 随
2 系统介绍
却器管 , 又可在冷剂循环增大或系统稍有泄露时保
持足够的制冷液体 。
() 4 膨胀阀 平衡式热力膨胀阀。 () 5 蒸发器
将制冷剂在管 内蒸发 , 使靠近蒸发器的空气受 到冷却 , 形成强迫对流 , 使空气 的温度逐渐下降。
() 6 制冷方式
某轮具有两套独立的空调装置 , 较小的为机舱 工作间送冷空气 , 较大的为生活区及厨房等处送风 、
生活环境。通过对空调故障的分析 , 出解决问题的方法, 找 总结出良好的管理 注意事项。空调 装置对温度、 湿度等空气条件的要求并不十分严格, 允许在稍大的范围 内变动, 于舒适性设 属
备, 因此, 我们要认真总结管理 空调的经验 , 延长使用寿命 , 保证该设备 良好的运行。 关键词 : 船舶 空调装置 故障处理
更严重 的后果 。因大量的水蒸气及滑油等与制冷剂 混合 , 是压缩机负荷增加 , 以致后来吸气 阀损坏 , 使
故障维修船舶制冷与空调装置常见故障诊断与对策探讨胡学志(中海油能源发展装备技术有限公司机电中心,天津 300452)摘 要:我国海运事业不断发展,船舶中除了必备的动力要求外,还对其他装置设备有了更多的要求,其中制冷与空调装置作为船舶中越来越重要的装置之一,需要不断探索,避免故障发生。
1 船舶制冷装置常见故障分析船舶制冷装置是船舶系统运行的重要组成,在其工作过程中,由于制冷装置自身特征,会在长期使用过程中出现各种故障,接下来将重点对制冷装置中的容易出现的冷凝器故障、冰塞、压缩机启动频繁等故障现象进行分析,并对制冷系统中的其他关键部件容易出现的故障进行介绍了解。
1.1 冷凝器故障冷凝器顾名思义即为负责冷却凝固的设备,在船舶制冷装置中主要起一个冷却的效果,高温、高压的蒸汽通过冷凝器的冷却作用,逐渐转变为低温而高压的液体,而冷凝器容易出现的故障现象主要是冷凝压力过高、冷凝温度过高等故障[1]。
1.2 冰塞冰塞现象是船舶制冷装置最常见的故障现象之一,简单来讲,主要是由于水分在低温状态下凝结成冰而形成的,而水分的来源是制冷剂中少量伴随的,由于制冷剂存在一定的水溶性,其在制作完成或者注入过程中就会与空气中的水分接触,出现融水现象,当制冷剂在制冷装置中进行降压后,水分会由于低压而凝结成冰,进而堵塞制冷管的狭窄部位,直接影响整体的制冷效果。
1.3 压缩机启动频繁在多数的船舶制冷装置中,压缩机启动频繁现象往往是多发故障。
船舶辅机:船舶制冷装置_第十二章 船舶制冷装置 第一节 概述
• 制冷装置是船舶营运不可缺少的重要设备之一。
12-1-2 食品的冷藏条件
低温是食品冷藏的重要条件 食品中水分完全冻结,微生物活动才完全停止,须60°C; -20°C时食品中水分仅剩10%,大部分微生物已停止 繁殖。
让水在高真空度下气化吸热,可获得0℃以上低温。 多用蒸汽喷射器来作为抽真空设备—故称蒸汽喷射式
制冷。 主要优点:
✓ 设备结构简单、占地面积较少、制造及管理容易 ✓ 水作制冷剂,对人体无害 ✓ 气化潜热大
✓ 在高真空下工作,只能取得0℃以上的低温 ✓ 工作时蒸汽消耗量很大,经济性较差
选择沸点很低的液体作为制冷 剂。
液体制冷剂经膨胀阀5节流进 入冷库内蒸发盘管中。
制冷剂在较低的压力下吸热气 化,从冷库中吸取热量,库 温降低。
用压缩机3将制冷剂从蒸发器 里抽出,以维持蒸发器中稳 定低压,同时将气态制冷剂 压缩到高温高压送人冷凝器, 使气态制冷剂放热凝结成为 液体的条件。
12-1-3 机械制冷方法
食品干缩除了取决于库内湿度外,还取决于库内空 气流速、食品性质、包装方式和进入库内的热量。当库
12-1-2 食品的冷藏条件
蔬菜和水果在储存期间的呼吸作用将不断消耗氧气,增 加二氧化碳。适当减少O2 和增加CO2的浓度可以抑制水果蔬 菜呼吸和微生物的活动,减少水分散失,储藏期延长0.5~1 倍,但CO2浓度过高果蔬呼吸过弱易腐。一般CO2浓度控制 在5%~8%之间;O2浓度控制2%~5%之间为宜。
• 船舶制冷装置概述 • 船舶制冷装置的工作原理 • 船舶制冷装置的组成与维护 • 船舶制冷装置的应用与案例分析
船舶制冷装置是用于制造和维持 低温环境,以保持货物新鲜和船 员生活舒适的设备。
船舶制冷装置的主要作用是冷却 、冻结、冷藏和保鲜,确保货物 在海上运输过程中保持新鲜,同 时为船员提供舒适的生活环境。
压缩机是制冷系统的核心部件,需要 定期检查其运行状况,确保无异常声 音和振动。
润滑油在制冷系统中起到润滑和冷却 的作用,需要定期更换以保证系统的 正常运行。
可能是由于制冷剂不足、冷凝器 散热不良、蒸发器结霜等原因, 需要根据具体情况进行排查和维
未来船舶制冷装置将更加注重智 能化控制技术的应用,实现远程 监控、故障预警和自动调节等功 能。
压缩机是制冷系统的核心部件,常 见的故障包括无法启动、运行中停 机等,需要检查电路、控制元件以 及润滑油等是否正常。
膨胀阀是控制制冷剂流量的部件, 常见的故障包括膨胀阀堵塞、感温 包失效等,需要定期检查和更换。
2.3.3 船舶空调装置的运行管理
2.3.3 船舶空调装置的运行管理1.To add refrigerant to the high side of an air conditioning system, you should introduce the refrigerant through the ____.A.discharge service valve as a vaporB.suction service valve as a liquidC.charging valve as a liquidD.condenser purge valve as a vapor注对空调装置的高压侧加注制冷剂时,应通过充液阀导入。
C2.Which of the following is not the maintenance items of the air conditioning system?A.Cleaning or renewal of filters periodically.B.Adjust the ratio of recirculated to fresh air.C.Check the mechanical parts periodicallyD.Grease the linkages of automatic control.解析不是空调维护的是?A.定期清洗或换新滤器/B.调整循环新风比(这是空调的工作)/定期检查机械部件/D。
润滑自动控制的连接B3.What pressure is present in the crankcase of a Freon compressor?A.The same as atmospheric pressure.B.The same as discharge pressure.C.The same as suction pressure.D.None of the other alternatives.解析氟利昂压缩机的曲柄箱的压力和吸入压力相等。
利用空调系统的余热进行再利用,如用于船舶供暖或生活热水等 ,提高能源利用效率。
采用先进的控制策略和智能传感器,实时监测和控制空调系统的 运行状态,实现节能运行。
遵守国际海事组织的排放标准和各国的环保法规,限制船舶空调装置的温室气 体和污染物排放。
纳米材料具有优异的导热性能和抗菌性能,可用于船舶空调 装置的散热器和过滤器,提高散热效果和空气净化能力。
利用物联网技术实现船舶空调装置的远程监控和控制,实时监测设备的运行状态 和环境参数,根据需要进行智能调节,提高装置的自动化和智能化水平。
应用人工智能算法对船舶空调装置的运行数据进行处理和分析,预测设备未来的 运行状态和能耗情况,为节能减排提供科学根据。
控制器的功能是根据设定的温度和湿 度要求,以及传感器的反馈信号,对 制冷系统、通风系统和冷却水系统等 进行调节和控制,以实现恒温恒湿的 控制效果。
冷却水系统负责为制冷系统提供冷却水,将制冷系统产生 的热量带走并排放到舷外。
冷却水系统主要包括冷却水泵、冷却器、阀门和管路等部 件,冷却水泵的作用是驱动冷却水循环流动,冷却器的作 用是将制冷系统的热量传递给冷却水。
根据室内人员数量和活动需求,适当调节 风量和风向,确保空气流通。
定期清洁船舶空调装置的滤网和外壳,避免 灰尘和杂物堆积。
定期检查冷凝水排放是否畅通,避免积水对 设备造成腐蚀。
定期检查制冷剂的充注量,确保制冷剂充足 且无泄漏。
船舶辅机第11章 船舶制冷装置 [Marine Refrigeration Plant]
其他条件p 不变,蒸发温度t0变化(降低)的影响
2 2´
6 6
1 1´
单位压缩功w0 制冷剂质量流量G
3时,P最大 下页解释
制冷系数 q 0 w0
船舶辅机第11章 船舶制冷装置 [Marine Refrigeration Plant]
过冷度 Pe不变
船舶辅机第11章 船舶制冷装置 [Marine Refrigeration Plant]
4´ 4
2 2´
5´ 5 p0 1 1´
无过冷过热时:1-2-3-4-5-1 吸气有过热时:1´-2´-3-4-5-1´
船舶辅机第11章 船舶制冷装置 [Marine Refrigeration Plant]
船舶辅机第11章 船舶制冷装置 [Marine Refrigeration Plant]
考点6:回热循环 利用气液换热器(回热器)使膨胀阀节流[Throttle] 前的冷剂液体与压缩机吸入前的冷剂蒸气进行热量 交换,是液体过冷、气体过热的工作循环。
冷剂气体吸热,冷 剂液体液体放热 冷剂气体的过热度
对臭氧层破坏性的强弱用臭氧消耗潜能值 ODP[Ozone Depletion Potential]表示
二.课程内容及基本要求第一篇船用泵和空气压缩机1.1 船用泵1.1.1 船用泵的性能参数1.1.2 电动往复泵、齿轮泵、叶片泵、螺杆泵、水环泵、离心泵、旋涡泵、喷射泵的工作原理、典型结构、性能特点和管理、维修要点1.1.3 泵的正常工作条件和常见故障的分析与处理重点:1、性能参数的定义;2、各种船用泵的工作原理及结构;难点:1、典型结构;2、气蚀;3、故障分析。
1. 2 空气压缩机1.2.1 空气压缩机的工作原理和典型结构1.2.2 空气压缩机的操作管理和常见故障分析重点:两级压缩中间冷却;难点:典型结构第二篇甲板机械2.1 液压元件和液压油2.1.1 液压传动的基本原理:常见液压元件的名称、作用和图形符号2.1.2 液压控制阀的工作原理、典型结构和常见故障及排除2.1.3 柱塞式液压泵的基本工作原理:斜盘式轴向柱塞泵的典型结构和管理2.1.4 船用液压马达的基本工作原理、典型结构和管理,影响液压马达的转速、转矩和功率的主要因素2.1.5 液压系统辅助元件的作用、结构特点和管理2.1.6 液压油的选择和管理本节重点:1、液压四大元件的工作原理及结构特点;2、各元件的管理和故障分析本节难点:1、控制阀的原理及结构;2、液压泵及液压马达的典型结构2.2 船舶舵机2.2.1 舵设备的工作原理和对舵机的技术要求2.2.2 典型液压舵机的组成、工作原理和应急使用2.2.3 常用转舵机构的结构和特点2.2.4 典型液压舵机遥控系统的组成和工作原理2.2.5 液压舵机的调试、管理和常见故障分析本节重点:1、对舵机的要求及液压舵机的组成;2、对舵机的管理。
本节难点:转舵机构的结构及特点2.3 起货机、锚机和绞缆机2.3.1 起货机、锚机和绞缆机的主要类型、基本组成及对它们的技术要求2.3.2 起货机和锚缆机械的基本液压系统及工况分析2. 4 液压甲板机械的维护管理本章重点:开式和闭式液压系统的工作特点。
——由前后两部分组成,一部分空气经空调器前部预处 理后直接送至舱室布风器,称一级空气 ;而其余部分则 经空调器后部再处理[属变质调节]后也送至舱室布风器 ,称为二级空气,改变部风器两个风门的开度,即可改 变两种风的混合比,从而达到调节温度的目的。 1)变质调节(冬夏季均可) 2)不设末端处理器,噪声 小 3)但管路多,质量重
定义 1、湿空气:含水蒸汽的空气; 2、干空气:不含水蒸汽的空气; 3、含湿量d:每千克干空气所含水蒸汽的克数,g/Kg, 又称绝对湿度;如:含湿量d=30,表示—— 4、最大含湿量dmax:某一温度下,饱和空气中,每千 克干空气所对应的水蒸汽的克数, g/Kg,又称饱和绝对 湿度;含湿量再大,大于含湿量dmax就会凝结水露—— 雾,此时的温度称为——露点。 5、相对湿度: 某一温度下,实际水蒸汽分压力与饱和 水蒸汽分压力之比;即称绝对湿度与饱和绝对湿度之比 [问]最大含湿量dmax对应的相对湿度是[ ] 100%;
三、湿空气的 焓湿图[书最后]
1、等湿加热A—1 2、等湿冷却A—2 3、减湿冷却A—B—B` 4、喷水加湿A—4,近 似是等焓过程 5、蒸汽加湿A—5 近似等温过程 6、混合过程A点D点的 空气混合得到E状态点 的空气
1、温度t( ℃ )、水蒸气饱和分压力p饱(Pa) 2、含湿量d(g/kg)、水蒸气分压力p汽(Pa) 、露点t露 3、相对湿度 4、湿空气的焓h(kJ/kg)、湿球温度t湿( ℃ )
取暖工况:温度低于15℃应 运行 由空气加热器和加湿器完成 加热(t上升,相对湿度下 降):电加热、蒸汽加热、 加湿(宜用干式蒸汽加湿器) 加湿器应放在加热器后面; 吸湿效果好,不易结冰,但 防止加湿过重 [问]增加回风量,进风温度 和含湿量提高,加热器和加 湿器负荷都降低;[ ]
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2.3.1 制冷原理和制冷循环1734.The thermal expansion valve responds to the ______.amount of superheat in the vapor leaving the coilamount of superheat in the liquidtemperature in the evaporator coilspressure in the evaporator coils1742.A refrigerant boils and vaporizes in the _______ in a compression refrigeration system.A. liquid receiverB. compressorC. condenserD. cooling coil1745.Since heat will not flow freely from a body at a _______ temperature to another at a _______ temperature, it is necessary to expend mechanical work, heat, or electrical energy from an external source to achieve refrigeration.lower; highershallower; deeperlarger; smallerhigher; lower1746.In a compression refrigeration plant the refrigerant flows from the expansion valve and through the ______ where it absorbs heat from the space being cooled and becomes a gas or vapor.compressorcondenserthrottle valveevaporator1749.Latent heat changes the _______ of water.physical statetemperatureatmospheric pressuresensible pressure1750._______ is a process in which the temperature of a space or its contents is reduced to below that of their surroundings.VentilationRefrigerationAir conditioningHeating1751.The thermal expansion valve reacts directly to the ______.temperature in the space being cooledliquid refrigerant pressure at the solenoid valvepressure drop across the evaporator coilsrefrigerant gas superheat at the coil outlet1752.The heat removed from the refrigerant in the condenser of a refrigeration plant is the ______. latent heat of expansionsensible heat of condensationheat of compressionAll of the above1753.A fluid coil will _______ large quantities of heat when it changes state from a liquid to a vapor.A. releaseB. absorbC. developD. regenerate1754.Thermostatic expansion valves can be adjusted for _______.suction pressure onlyhead pressure onlysuperheat onlysuction pressure pressure and box temperature1755.Constant superheat it is maintained at the evaporator outlet of a refrigeration coil by a _______.solenoid valvelow pressure cutout switchking valvethermal expansion valve1756.One function of the thermal expansion valve is to ________.act as a pilot the solenoid valveregulate the amount of refrigerant flow to the coilregulate the water flowturn the compressor the off and on1757.The latent heat of water vapor in air is dependent upon the ______.dry bulb temperaturewet bulb temperaturedew pointdry point1758.When air is at its dew point it is at its _______.lowest absolute humiditylowest relative humidityhighest absolute humidityhighest relative humidity1759.When the temperature of the refrigerant flowing out from the condenser is below the condensing temperature, it is said to be _______.drywetsuper-cooledsuperheated1760.After passing through the expansion valve the refrigerant should be in the sate of ______. vaporliquidsolidNone of the above is true.1761.Which of the following will be desirable properties of refrigerant?non-explosive; (2)non-corrosive; (3)that it does not react with lubricants.(1), (2) and(3).(1) and (2)(1) and (3).(2) and (3)1762.The boiling and condensation points of a refrigerant depend on the ______ exerted up on it. TemperaturePressureVelocityHeat1763.In the condenser, the hot, high pressure refrigerant gas is cooled by the sea water and becomes _______.fresh watervapormixtureliquid1764.In the process of ______, liquid changes into gas.evaporationfrostingcondensingcompressing1765.The refrigerating agent can ______ at low temperature in the evaporator.expandevaporatecondensedistil1766.As the refrigerant passes through the valve orifice, its pressure is reduced and part of the refrigerant turns into _______.liquidoily mixtureemulsionvapor1767.Freon 12 which is used to produce intense cold is normally a _______ when at atmospheric pressure and temperature.liquidgassolidwater only1768.The cooler as the liquid becomes, ______.the faster it will evaporatethe slower it will condensethe slower it will evaporatethe faster it will flow1769.The compressor suction line conveys the refrigerant vapor from _______.condenser to evaporatorevaporator to compressorcompressor to condenserNone of the above.1770.The heat gained per pound of refrigerant in the evaporator is known as the _______.latent heat of vaporizationsensible heatrefrigerating effectspecific heat of vaporization1771.The sum of the sensible heat and the latent heat of any substance is known as _______.total heatresidual heatspecific heatsuperheat1772.The heat identified by only a change in temperature is known as _______.sensible heatlatent heattotal heatresidual heat1773.Which of the following terms represents the form of heat removed from the refrigerant in the condenser of a refrigeration system?Latent heat of vaporization.Heat of compression.Superheat.All of the above.1774.The only means of removing the latent heat of condensation from a refrigerant in the normal Refrigeration cycle is by _______.passing it through the expansion valvecondensing refrigerant in the system condenserPassing the gaseous refrigerant through the heat interchanger on the suction side of thecompressormaintaining a high pressure on the system’s receiver1775.The heat required to change a substance from a solid to a liquid while at its freezing temperature, is known as the latent heat of ______.fusionvaporizationcondensationsublimation1776.Ammonia when used as a refrigerant is valuable because of its high efficiency, it is however ______.toxicflammableexplosiveAll of the above.1777.When subjected to high heat from a open flame, or an electric heating element, which of the listed refrigerants will break down and produce phosgene gas?CO2.Methyl chloride.R-22.Sulphur dioxide.1778.R-12 is generally considered to be a safe, nontoxic, nonflammable, and non-explosive refrigerant. It can, however, become highly toxic when _______.A. superheated outside the systemB. in contact with an open flameC. heated to the boiling pointD. All of the above.1779.Some chlorinated fluorocarbon refrigerants may decompose into a toxic irritating gas if it is _______.stored at temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheitcharged into a system having copper fittingallowed to mix with compressor oilexposed to an open flame or hot surface1780.The heat required to change a substance from a liquid to a gas without experiencing a temperature change, is defined as the latent heat of ______.fusionvaporizationsublimationcondensation1781.Saltwater is typically provided to a refrigeration system to _______.cool the expansion valveprevent refrigerant superheatingcondense the refrigerant gasprevent motor overheating1782.The tendency of a flammable liquid to vaporize is indicated by its ______.ignition temperatureflash pointflammable rangeconvection index1783.Which of the listed characteristics can be applied to R-12 vapor?It is corrosive.It is odorless.It is visible as a blue fog.It has a distinctive taste.1784.The principal purpose of sub-cooling liquid refrigerant prior to its entering the expansion valve is to _______.increase the refrigerating effect, by decreasing the amount of flash gasallow the refrigerant to enter the throttling device in a saturated conditionincrease the refrigerating effect by increasing the amount of flash gasminimize the temperature drop of the liquid as it passes through the solenoid valve to the outlet side1785.Sub-colling is a method of reducing the temperature of the liquid refrigerant below its _______.freezing pointfloc pointcondensing temperaturecompression temperature1786.Under normal conditions, the refrigerant enters the compressor in an operating refrigeration system as a ______.liquiddry saturated gaswet saturated gassuperheated vapor1787.Refrigerant enters the condenser as a ______.high pressure liquidlow pressure vaporhigh pressure vaporlow pressure liquid1788.The refrigerant gas returning to the compressor should be ______.superheatedsaturateddenseflooded1789.The low pressure side of a refrigeration system is considered to exist from the ______. expansion valve to the compressorreceiver to the expansion coilexpansion valve to the evaporatorcondenser to the expansion valve1790.The component of a refrigerating system in which the refrigerant vaporizes and absorbs heat is known as the ______.condenservapor generatoraccumulatorevaporator1791.Which of the following best describes the thermodynamic effect on the pressure and volume relationship with regards to saturated gases?As pressure decreases, volume increases.As volume increases, pressure increases.As volume decreases, pressure decreases.As pressure increases, volume increases.1792.The refrigerant leaves the evaporator of a refrigeration system as a low pressure _______. Sub-cooled liquid.High temperature liquid.Oil saturated liquid.Superheated vapor.1793.The temperature of a refrigerant gas is the highest ______.at the compressor dischargeat the compressor suctionin the expansion valvein the receiver1794.Which of the listed components is considered to separate the high pressure side of a refrigeration cycle from the low pressure side of the cycle?The condenser and the low pressure side of the cycle?The king valve and the solenoid valve.The compressor and the expansion valve.The condenser and the solenoid valve.1795.Which of the listed refrigeration system components keeps the refrigerant circulating through the system?Expansion valve.Condenser.Evaporator.Compressor.1796.When refrigerant leaves the receiver, it flows next on to the ______.evaporator coilsliquid strainercompressorcondenser1797.Refrigerant is circulated through a refrigeration system by the ______.compressorcondenserexpansion valveevaporator1798.The temperature of the refrigerant in the evaporator coil depends mostly upon the ______. refrigerant pressure in the evaporatorcooling water temperature to the condenserheat load in the refrigerator compartmentsolenoid valve in the liquid line1799.Which of the following terms would best describe the temperature at which a liquid boils at a given pressure?Degree of saturationSaturation temperatureSuperheated temperature.Degree of superheat.1800.A refrigerant with oil in solution has a _______.A. higher boiling temperature for a given pressure than does a pure refrigerantB. lower boiling temperature for a given pressure than does a pure refrigerantC. boiling pressure equal to that of a pure refrigerant at a given pressureD. boiling point will not be affected by entrained oil1801.Machinery operating features are designed to help conserve energy. Which of the following results will not contribute to energy conservation?Reduction of friction.Insulation of hot surfaces.Lubrication of moving parts.Elevation of cooler outlet temperatures.1802.In a compression refrigeration cycle, the temperature of the liquid refrigerant experiences its greatest decrease in the _______.evaporatorcompressorexpansion valvecondenser1803.Which of the listed statements is correct concerning refrigeration systems?Dehydrators must be used continuously in a refrigeration system.A 25 ton refrigeration system has the same cooling effect as melting 25 tons of ice in 24hours.A thermostatic expansion valve is used to control refrigerated space temperature.The liquid receiver functions to collect and remove non-condensable gases.1804.Which of the following modes of heat transfer does NOT require any _______ physical contact between a warmer and a cooler substance?Radiation.Conduction.Natural convection.All of the above.1805.The movement of heat within a fluid, caused by the application of thermal energy, is called ______.radiationconductionconvectioncondo-radiation1806.Which of the listed methods of heat transfer takes place when two substances of different temperatures are in physical contact with each other?Radiation.Conduction.Convection.Each of the above.1807.Which of the following conditions must exist for heat to flow from one object to another? The two objects must be in physical contact.The two objects must be the same size.There must be an existing temperature differential.There must be an existing weight differential.1808.Thermal energy in transition is also referred to as ______.heatpowerhorsepowerfoot-pound1809.The energy associated with molecules is known as ______.kinetic energypotential energymechanical energythermal energy1810.Which of the following forms of energy is demonstrated through the process of combustion? Chemical energy.Mechanical energy.Thermal energy.Electrical energy.1811.The rate of heat transfer from a hot region to a cold region is affected most by the _______. size of the heat sinktemperature difference between the regionssize of the heat sourcetotal heat of the system1812.Which of the following statements is correct concerning heat transfer?Heat is given off from a high temperature region known as a heat sinkHeat transfer rate is affected most by the size of the heat sink involved.Heat transfer rate is affected most by the temperature difference between the heat source and the heat sink.Heat transfer by radiation will occur only by mass motion of a fluid substance.1813.The rate of heat transfer between the hot and cold fluids passing through a shell-and-tube type heat exchanger will _______.remain constant along the tube’s lengthbe greatest in a single pass counter flow the exchangerremain constant throughout the heat exchangervary from section to section through out the heat exchanger1814.The temperature differential occurring between the inlet temperature of the fluid to be cooled and the outlet temperature of the cooling medium in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger is msallest in which of the flow designs listed?Cross.Parallel.Counter.Circular.1815.The general purpose of a heat exchanger is to ______.eliminate hot air from the condensermaintain steady pressure in a systemheat, or cool one fluid by means of another fluidreduce the engine room temperature in the tropical climates1816.Thermostatic expansion valves can be adjusted for ______.suction pressure onlyhead pressure onlysuperheat onlysuction pressure and box temperature1817.Every liquid has a pressure at which it will vaporize and this pressure varies with temperature. The word “which” means ______.a liquida pressurea temperatureNone of the above.1818.A condenser is a vessel in which ______ is deprive of its latent heat of vaporization and so changed to its liquid state.A. sea waterB. fresh waterC. vapourD. gas1819.Which of the statements listed concerning heat transfer is correct?Heat is always transferred at a constant rate.Heat transfer rate increases as temperature difference increases.The rate of heat transfer is not affected by temperature of difference.The high temperature region is known as a heat sink.1820.CFC refrigerants exposed to high temperature or direct flame, will decompose and may produce _______.methyl chlorideammoniahydrofluoric acidozone1821.The compressor suction line conveys the refrigerant vapor from _______ to _______. condenser; evaporatorevaporator; compressorcompressor; condenserNone of the above.1822.What is the function of thermostatic expansion valve in a compression refrigeration system? Nonexistent.For controlling pressure.For controlling superheat.For controlling the solenoid valve.1823.In a vapor compression refrigeration the evaporating pressure is maintained constant by the action of the ______, which removes vapor from the evaporator at the same rate at which it is formed.evaporatorcompressorcondenserNone of the above.1824.What separate the high pressure side from the low pressure side in a refrigeration system? Condenser and thermal expansion valve.King and solenoid valves.Compressor and thermal expansion valve.Condenser and solenoid valve.1825.The thermal expansion valve controls the amount of refrigerant that is allowed to flow to the ______.compressorcooling coilscondenserreceiver1826.The expansion valve on a Freon system controls the ______.superheat of the gas leaving the compressorback pressure in the evaporatortemperature of the iceboxsuperheat of the gas leaving the evaporator1827.In a compression refrigeration plant the refrigerant is under low pressure in the and under high pressure in the _______.compressor/condensercondenser/evaporatorthrottle valve/evaporatorevaporator/condenser1828.The boiling and condensation points of refrigerant mainly depend on the _______ exerted uponi it.temperaturedensityvolumepressure1829.In a refrigeration system, the refrigerant absorbs the latent heat of vaporization in the ______. compressorcondenserreceiverevaporator2.3.3 船舶空调系统的组成及主要设备1830.______ is the circulation and refreshing of the air in a space without necessarily a change of temperature.RefrigerationAir conditioningVentilationHeating1831.The device used for low-pressure control and high-pressure cutout on a compressor is called ______.cutoutcontroller switchpressure controllercutout switch1832.A purge recovery system is used in a central air conditioning or refrigeration system to_______.A. purge lube oil from the liquid refrigerantB. recover water purged from the systemC. separate for gases from the receiverD. purge non-condensable gases without losing refrigerant1833.The ______ only allows for adjustment of temperature in each room by the occupant manually controlling the air volume admitted.central air conditioning systemhigh velocity systemlow velocity systemsingle duct system1834.The man distribution duct in an air conditioning system which contains the cooling coils and filters is called the _______.manifoldcondenserchamberplenum1835.________ is the control of temperature and humidity in a space together with the circulation, filtering and refreshing of the air.RefrigerationAir conditioningVentilationHeating1836.______ is used for sensing the temperature of the room in the air condition system.An expansion valveAn evaporatorA thermostatA condenser1837.The process of removing moisture from air is known as ______.humidificationdehumidificationvaporizationevaporation1838.Increasing the moisture content of conditioned air is known as _______.moisturizingdehumidificationdampeninghumidification1839.Due to the large amount of heat picked up by the air in boiler and engine rooms, it would be ______ to maintain ambient conditions within the comfort zone by air conditioning. possiblenecessarypracticableimpracticable1840.A re-heater in an air conditioning system functions to _______.A. control inlet air temperatureB. control inlet air volumeC. maintain relative humidity at 15%D. restore conditioned air temperature to a comfortable level1841.The effective temperature of air is dependent upon _______.(I)relative humidity(II) air velocity.(I) only.(II) only.Both (I) and (II).Neither (I) nor (II).1842.Which of the fluids listed is normally used to condense the primary refrigerant in a shipboard central air conditioning system?Air on nitrogen.Seawater or fresh water.Sodium nitrate brine.Calcium sulfate brine1843.A re-heater, as used in an air conditioning system, is designed to control the ______.A. chilled water temperatureB. dew point temperatureC. primary air temperatureD. dry bulb temperature1844.With ducted air conditioning systems, the modern tendency is to the ______.central air conditioning systemhigh velocity systemlow velocity systemsingle duct system1845._______ is defined as the process of treating air to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity, cleanliness, and distribution to meet the comfort requirements of the occupants of the conditioned space.Air conditioningRefrigerationHeatingVentilation1846.Which one is not the component of a typical marine pattern self-contained unit?A centrifugal fan.A direct expansion cooler.A hermetic compressorA centrifugal pump1847._______ is used in typical marine pattern self-contained unit.A water cooled condenserMaking person upsetAdjusting the air humidity.Adjusting the air temperature.2.3.5 船舶空调装置的运行管理1849.In a chilled water air conditioning unit using a reciprocating compressor, the refrigerating effect of the primary refrigerant can be increased by _______.increasing refrigerant pressure in the coilincreasing chilled water flow through the coolersub-cooling the refrigerant in the condensersuperheating the refrigerant in the compressor1850.The opening of the humidifier’s valve of air-conditioner should be ______. When the temperature is lower than 0℃.decreasedincreasedfixedclosed1851.The process of adding moisture to air to increase the relative humidity is known as _______. sublimationdesiccationhumidificationmoisturization1852.The humidity of the atmosphere can be determined by the use of the ______.anemometermanometerpotentiometerpsychrometer1853.To add refrigerant to the high side of an air conditioning system, you should introduce the refrigerant through the _______.discharge service valve as a vaporsuction service valve as a liquidcharging valve as a liquidcondenser purge valve as a vapor1854.The humidifier’s valve of air-conditioner should be ______. When the temperature is 5-8℃in the winter.decreasedincreasefixedclosed1855.The air-conditioner is running in the winter and to be stopped. We should ______.close Fan and Humidifier at the same timefirst close Fan and then close humidifier immediatelyfirstly close humidifier and then close Fan immediatelyfirstly close humidifier and then close Fan after 30 seconds1856.When starting air-conditioner in the winter. We should open ______ in sequence.valve of warming;valve of humidifier;fan.(III), (II), (I).(III), (I), (II).(I),(III),(II)(II), (III), (I).1857.One of the functions ventilation is to _______ the humidity of spaces containing sources of moisture, or to _______ the temperature of spaces not mechanically cooled such as the engine room.increase; reducereduce; increaseincrease; increasereduce; reduce1858.The inner part of the condenser should be cleaned with ______.gas oildiesel oilchemical compoundFreon-121859.The quantity of cooled air delivered by an air conditioning unit should ______ the sun of the quantity of air re-circulated to the unit and the quantity mechanically exhausted.balancenot balancebe more thanbe less than1860.In extreme weather conditions, either hot or cold, control of the air conditioning plant presents ______ difficulties.fewlittlea littleless1861.To prevent the unnecessary loading of an air conditioning system while maintaining the designed dry bulb temperature and relative humidity in an air conditioning system, you should ______.admit only enough fresh outside air to provide proper ventilationreduce the air reheating system loadlower the compressor head pressureoperate the purge recovery unit continuously1862.To add refrigerant to the low side of an air conditioning system, the refrigerant should be introduced through the _______.suction service valve as a vaporsuction service valve as a liquiddischarge service valve as a vaporcharging valve as a liquid1863.A lower thermostatic temperature setting will provide a desired degree of comfort in a room where ______.A. low relative humidity is maintainedB. triple banded squirrel cage fans are usedC. air circulation is a maximumD. high relative humidity is maintained1864.In an air conditioning system, moisture is removed from the air by ______.filersseparatorsducted trapsdehumidifiers1865.Routine maintenance on a Central Control Room hermetically sealed air conditioning unit should include ______.changing the air filterrecharging the systemchanging compressor lubricantrenewing container vacuum1866.As the amount of moisture in the air increases, the difference between the dry bulb and wet bulb temperature will _______.increasedecreaseremain unchangedbe greatest at dew point1867.A cargo hold has been determined to have a relative humidity of 80% and a dry bulb temperature of 80℃. When the hold is sealed and the dry bulb temperature decreases, the relative humidity in the space will ______.A. decreaseB. increaseC. decrease to zeroD. remain unchanged1868.In order to achieve greater dehumidification with an air conditioning system, you should _______.(i) reduce the cooling;(ii). Temperature increase the re-heater temperature.(i) only(ii) onlyBoth (i) and (ii).Neither (i) nor (ii).1869.Which of the processes listed would be the most satisfactory method to use to lower the humidity of the air being circulated by an air conditioning system?Cooling the air to a temperature just above dew point.Heating the air to a point at which moisture will boil off, then re-cooling it.Cooling the air to a point below dew point, then reheating it.Heating the air and then cooling it to a point below dew point.1870.Which of the following methods is normally used to control the temperature of air distributed from individual cooling coils in an air conditioning system using a chilled water circulation system?A. A room thermostat activates an electric heater at each individual chilled air outlet whennecessary.B.Varying the number of passes the air makes across the coils.C.Varying the temperature of the water through the coils.D.Varying the quantity of water flowing through the coils.1871.Most air conditioning units have ______ for adjusting the ratio of recirculated fresh air. Care must be taken not to reduce the fresh air so that stuffiness or smells arise.A.catch platesB.dampersC.regulatingD.fans。