×××科技有限公司 012-2012××××××手提双向甚高频无线电话型式试验大纲2012-04-01发布 2012-05-01实施××××××有限公司发布目录1.型式试验依据2.型式试验项目3.型式试验方法及要求3.1操作检查3.2性能试验3.3环境条件试验3.4电磁兼容性试验1.1IMO 决议 A.809(19): 1995,甚高频无线电话仪器双向救生筏艇的性能标准;1.2IEC 61097-12: 1996 全球海事遇险与安全制度(GMDSS)第十二部分:救生艇筏便携式双向甚高频无线电话仪器操作与性能要求、检验方法和预期检验结果;1.3IEC 60945:2002《船用航行和无线电通讯设备和系统的试验方法和试验标准的通用要求》;1.4中国船级社《电气电子产品型式认可试验指》。
所属设备类型:手持设备3.型式试验方法及要求3.1操作检查硬件与软件维护. 1硬件维护设备应设计成主要的装置容易替换,对于船上的修理不需要精细复杂的重新校准或重新调整。
. 2软件维护设备应设计成软件的维护可以容易地在船上进行。
I DContinuous Drain Current(A)70°Micro3Surface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPartNumberPD Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelLogic LevelIRLML2402*912570.54200.25 1.20.95230H1IRLML2803912580.54300.251.20.93230P-ChannelLogic LevelIRLML6302*912590.54-200.6-0.62-4.8230H1IRLML5103912600.54-300.6-0.61-4.8230* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-PakD -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro82 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)70°Micro6Surface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPartNumberPD Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelLogic LevelIRLMS1902915401.7200.10 3.2 2.675H2IRLMS1503915081.7300.103.22.675P-ChannelLogic LevelIRLMS6702*914141.7-200.20-2.3-1.975H2IRLMS5703914131.7-300.20-2.3-1.975* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-PakD -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro82 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)70°Micro8Surface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart NumberP D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-Channel Logic LevelIRF7601* 912611.820 0.035 5.7 4.6 70 H3IRF7603 912621.830 0.035 5.6 4.5 70Dual N-Channel Logic LevelIRF7501* 912651.220 0.135 2.4 1.9 100 H3IRF7503 912661.2530 0.135 2.4 1.9 100P-Channel Logic LevelIRF7604* 912631.8-20 0.09 -3.6 -2.9 70 H3IRF7606 912641.8-30 0.09 -3.6 -2.9 70Dual P-Channel Logic LevelIRF7504* 912671.25-20 0.27 -1.7 -1.4 100 H3IRF7506 912681.25-30 0.27 -1.7 -1.4 100Dual N- and P-Channel Logic LevelIRF7507* 912691.2520 0.1352.4 1.9 100 H3-20 0.27 -1.7 -1.4IRF7509 912701.2530 0.135 2.4 1.9 100-30 0.27 -1.7 -1.4* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-Pak D -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro8 2 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)70°SO-8Surface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelIRF7413913302.5300.011139.250H4IRF7413A 916132.5300.0135128.450IRF9410915622.5300.0375.850Dual N-ChannelIRF7311914352.0200.029 6.6 5.362.5H4IRF7313914802.0300.029 6.5 5.262.5IRF7333917002.0300.10 3.5 2.862.5917002.0300.050 4.9 3.962.5IRF9956915592.0300.103.52.862.5Dual P-ChannelIRF7314914352.0-200.058-5.3-4.362.5H4IRF7316915052.0-300.058-4.9-3.962.5IRF9953915602.0-300.25-2.3-1.862.5* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-PakD -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro82 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)70°SO-8Surface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)RΘMax.ThermalResistance(°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart NumberP D Max.PowerDissipation (W)Dual N- and P-ChannelIRF7317 915682.020 0.029 6.6 5.3 62.5 H42.0-20 0.058 -5.3 -4.3 62.5IRF9952 915622.030 0.103.5 2.8 62.5915622.0-30 0.25 -2.3 -1.8 62.5IRF7319 916062.030 0.029 6.5 5.2 62.52.0-30 0.058 -4.9 -3.9 62.5* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-Pak D -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro8 2 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)70°SO-8Surface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelLogic LevelIRF7401912442.5200.0228.77.050H4IRF7201911002.5300.0307.0 5.650IRF7403912452.5300.0228.55.450Dual N-ChannelLogic LevelIRF7101908712.0200.10 3.5 2.362.5H4IRF7301912382.0200.050 5.2 4.162.5IRF7303912392.0300.050 4.9 3.962.5IRF7103910952.0500.1303.02.362.5P-ChannelLogic LevelIRF7204911032.5-200.060-5.3-4.250H4IRF7404912462.5-200.040-6.7-5.450IRF7205911042.5-300.070-4.6-3.750IRF7406912472.5-300.045-5.8-3.750IRF7416913562.5-300.02-10-7.150* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-PakD -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro82 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)70°SO-8Surface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)Dual P-ChannelLogic LevelIRF7104910962.0-200.250-2.3-1.862.5H4IRF7304912402.0-200.090-4.3-3.462.5IRF7306912412.0-300.10-3.6-2.962.5Dual N- and P-Channe Logic LevelIRF7307912421.4200.050 4.3 3.490H4-200.090-3.6-2.9IRF7105910972.0250.1093.5 2.862.52-250.25-2.3-1.862IRF7309912432.0300.050 4.9 3.962.5-300.10-3.6-2.9* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-PakD -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro82 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)70°SOT-223Surface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelIRFL4105913812.1550.045 3.7 3.060H6IRFL110908612.01000.54 1.50.9660IRFL4310913682.11000.20 1.6 1.360IRFL21090868 2.02001.50.960.660IRFL214908622.02502.00.790.560P-ChannelIRFL9110908642.0-1001.2-1.1-0.6960H6N-ChannelLogic LevelIRLL3303913792.1300.031 4.6 3.760H6IRLL014N 914992.1550.14 2.0 1.660IRLL2705913802.1550.043.83.060* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-PakD -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro82 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°D-PakSurface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelIRFR33039164257300.0313321 2.2H7IRFR024N9133638550.0751610 3.3IRFR41059130248550.0452516 2.7IRFR12059131869550.0273723 1.8IRFR11090524251000.54 4.3 2.75IRFR120N 91365391000.219.1 5.8 3.2IRFR391091364521000.11159.5 2.4IRFR2109052625200 1.5 2.6 1.75IRFR22090525422000.8 4.833IRFR21490703252502 2.2 1.45IRFR2249060042250 1.1 3.8 2.43IRFR3109059725400 3.6 1.7 1.15IRFR3209059842400 1.8 3.123IRFR42090599425003 2.4 1.53IRFRC2090637426004.421.33* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-PakD -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro82 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°D-PakSurface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)P-ChannelIRFR55059161057-550.11-18-11 2.2H7IRFR53059140289-550.065-28-18 1.4IRFR90149065425-600.5-5.1-3.25IRFR90249065542-600.28-8.8-5.63IRFR91109051925-100 1.2-3.1-25IRFR91209052042-1000.6-5.6-3.63IRFR9120N 9150739-1000.48-6.5-4.1 3.2IRFR92109052125-2003-1.9-1.25IRFR92209052242-200 1.5-3.6-2.33IRFR92149165850-250 3.0-2.7-1.7 2.5IRFR93109166350-4007.0-1.8-1.12.5* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-PakD -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro82 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°D-PakSurface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelLogic LevelIRLR27039133538300.0452214 3.3H7IRLR33039131657300.0313321 2.2IRLR31039133369300.0194629 1.8IRLR024N 9136338550.0651711 3.3IRLR27059131746550.042415 2.7IRLR29059133469550.0273623 1.8IRLR120N 91541391000.18511 6.9 3.2IRLR341091607521000.10159.52.4* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-PakD -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro82 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°D 2PakSurface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart NumberP D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelIRFZ24NS 913554555 0.07 17 12 3.3 H10IRFZ34NS 913116855 0.04 29 20 2.2IRFZ44NS 9131511055 0.022 49 35 1.4IRFZ46NS 9130512055 0.020 53 37 1.3IRFZ48NS 9140814055 0.016 64 45 1.1IRF1010NS 913723.855 0.011 84 60 40IRF3205S 9130420055 0.008 110 80 0.75IRFZ44ES 9171411060 0.023 48 34 1.4IRF1010ES 9172017060 0.012 83 59 0.90IRF2807S 9151815075 0.013 71 50 1.0IRF520NS 9134047100 0.2 9.5 6.7 3.2IRF530NS 9135263100 0.11 15 11 2.4IRF540NS 91342110100 0.052 27 19 1.6IRF1310NS 91514120100 0.036 36 25 1.3IRF3710S 91310150100 0.028 46 33 1.0IRF3315S 9161794150 0.082 21 15 1.6IRF3415S 91509150150 0.042 37 26 1.0IRFBC20S 9.101450600 4.4 2.2 1.4 2.5IRFBC30S 9101574600 2.2 3.6 2.3 1.7IRFBC40S 91016130600 1.2 6.2 3.9 1.0* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-Pak D -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro8 2 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°D 2PakSurface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemandNumberCase Outline KeyPart NumberP D Max.PowerDissipation (W)IRFBF20S 9166554900 8.0 1.7 1.1 2.3 H10P-ChannelIRF5305S 91386110-55 0.06 -31 -22 1.4 H10IRF4905S 914783.8-55 0.02 -74 -52 40IRF9520NS 9152247-100 0.48 -6.7 -4.8 3.2IRF9530NS 9152375-100 0.20 -14 -9.9 2.0IRF9540NS 9148394-100 0.117 -19 -13 1.6IRF5210S 91405150-100 0.06 -35 -25 1.0* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-Pak D -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro8 2 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°D 2PakSurface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart NumberP D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-Channel Logic LevelIRL3302S 916925720 0.020 39 25 2.2 H10IRL3202S916756920 0.016 48 30 1.8IRL3102S 916918920 0.013 61 39 1.4IRL3402S 9169311020 0.01 85 54 1.1IRL3502S 9167614020 0.007 110 67 0.89IRL2703S 913604530 0.04 24 17 3.3IRL3303S 913236830 0.026 38 27 2.2IRL3103S 9133811030 0.014 64 45 1.4IRL2203NS 9136717030 0.007 116 82 0.90IRL3803S 9131920030 0.006 140 98 0.75IRLZ24NS 913584555 0.06 18 13 3.3IRLZ34NS 913086855 0.035 30 21 2.2IRLZ44NS 9134711055 0.022 47 33 1.4IRL3705NS 9150217055 0.01 89 63 0.90IRL2505S 9132620055 0.008 104 74 0.75IRLZ44S 9090615060 0.028 50 36 1.0IRL530NS 9134963100 0.1 15 11 2.4IRL2910S 91376150100 0.026 48 34 1.0* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-Pak D -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro8 2 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°SOT-227Surface Mount PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous DrainCurrent 25°C(A)RΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelFully Isolated Low ChargeFA38SA50LC 916155005000.1338240.25H21FA57SA50LC916506255000.0857360.20* Indicates low VGS(th), which can operate at VGS = 2.7VMeasured at ambient for Micro3, Micro6, Micro8, SO-8, and SOT-223 package styles. All others measured at case.1Micro3SO-8D-PakD -PakSOT-227Micro6SOT-223Micro82 Illustrations not to scaleI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°I-PakThrough-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelIRFU33039164257300.0313321 2.2H8IRFU024N 9133638550.0751610 3.3IRFU41059130248550.0452519 2.7IRFU12059131869550.0273723 1.8IRFU11090524251000.54 4.3 2.7 5.0IRFU120N 91365391000.219.1 5.8 3.2IRFU391091364521000.11159.5 2.4IRFU2109052625200 1.5 2.6 1.7 5.0IRFU22090525422000.80 4.8 3.0 3.0IRFU2149070325250 2.0 2.2 1.4 5.0IRFU2249060042250 1.1 3.8 2.4 3.0IRFU3109059725400 3.6 1.7 1.1 5.0IRFU3209059842400 1.8 3.1 2.0 3.0IRFU4209059942500 3.0 2.4 1.5 3.0IRFUC2090637426004. FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not ratedI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°I-PakThrough-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)P-ChannelIRFU55059161057-550.11-18-11 2.2H8IRFU53059140289-550.065-28-18 1.4IRFU90149065425-600.50-5.1-3.2 5.0IRFU90249065542-600.28-8.8-5.6 3.0IRFU91109051925-100 1.2-3.1-2.0 5.0IRFU91209052042-1000.60-5.6-3.6 3.0IRFU9120N 9150739-1000.48-6.5-4.1 3.2IRFU92109052125-200 3.0-1.9-1.2 5.0IRFU92209052242-200 1.5-3.6-2.3 3.0IRFU92149165850-2503.0-2.7-1.7 2.5IRFU93109166350-4007.0-1.8-1.12.5N-ChannelLogic LevelIRLU27039133538300.0452214 3.3H8IRLU33039131657300.0313321 2.2IRLU31039133369300.0194629 1.8IRLU024N 9136338550.0651711 3.3IRLU27059131746550.04241715IRLU29059133469550.0273623 1.8IRLU120N 91541391000.18511 6.9 3.2IRLU341091607521000.10159.52.4I-PakTO-220 FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not ratedI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°HEXDIPThrough-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelIRFD014907001.3600.2 1.7 1.2120H9IRFD024906991.3600.1 2.5 1.8120IRFD110903281.31000.54 1.00.71120IRFD120903851.31000.27 1.30.94120IRFD210903861.3200 2.00.570.32120IRFD224912721.3250 1.10.760.43120IRFD310912251.3400 3.60.420.23120IRFD320912261.3400 1.80.600.33120IRFD420912271.3500 3.00.460.26120IRFDC20912281.36004.40.320.21120I-PakTO-220 FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not ratedI D Continuous Drain Current (A)100°TO-220Qg TotalGate Charge(nC)Through-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C (A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance(°C/W)1Faxon Demand Number Case OutlineKeyPart Number P D Max.Power Dissipation (W)N-ChannelLow ChargeIRF737LC91314743000.75 6.1** 1.7 3.9H11IRF740LC 910681254000.5510** 1.039IRF840LC 910691255000.858.0** 1.039IRFBC40LC910701256001.26.2**1.039I-PakTO-220 FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not ratedI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°TO-220ABThrough-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelIRFZ24N 9135445550.071712 3.3H12IRFZ34N9127656550.042618 2.7IRFZ44N 9130383550.0244129 1.8IRFZ46N 9127788550.024633 1.7IRFZ48N 9140694550.0165337 1.6IRF1010N 91278130550.0127251 1.2IRF320591279150550.0089869 1.0IRFZ34E 9167268600.0422820 2.2IRFZ44E 91671110600.0234834 1.4IRF1010E 91670170600.01281570.90IRF280791517150750.0137150 1.0IRF520N 91339471000.209.5 6.79.5IRF530N 91351601000.111511 2.4IRF540N 91341941000.0522719 1.6IRF1310N 916111201000.0363625 1.3IRF3710913091501000.0284633 1.0IRF331591623941500.0822115 1.6IRF3415914771501500.0423726 1.0IRFBC209062350600 4.4 2.2 1.4 2.5IRFBC309048274600 2.2 3.6 2.3 1.7IRFBC4090506125600 1.2 6.2 3.9 1.0IRFBE2090610548006. FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not ratedI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°TO-220ABThrough-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)IRFBE3090613125800 3.0 4.1 2.6 2.0H12IRFBF3090616125900 3.7 3.6 2.3 1.0IRFBG209060454100011 1.40.86 2.3IRFBG309062012510005. 9148445-550.175-12-8.53.3H12IRF9Z34N 9148556-550.10-17-12 2.7IRF530591385110-550.06-31-22 1.4IRF490591280150-550.02-64-45 1.0IRF9530N 9148275-1000.20-13-9.2 2.0IRF9540N 9143794-1000.117-19-13 1.6IRF521091434150-1000.06-35-25 1.0IRF62159147983-1500.29-11-7.81.8I-PakTO-220 FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not ratedI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°TO-220ABThrough-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart NumberP D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-Channel Logic LevelIRL3302 916965720 0.020 39 25 2.2 H12IRL3202 916956920 0.016 48 30 1.8IRL3102 916948920 0.013 61 39 1.4IRL3402 9169711020 0.01 85 54 1.1IRL3502 9169814020 0.007 110 67 0.89IRL2703 913594530 0.04 24 17 3.3IRL3303 913225630 0.026 34 24 2.7IRL3103 913378330 0.014 56 40 1.8IRL2203N 9136613030 0.007 100 71 1.230 0.007 61 43 3.2IRL3803 9130115030 0.006 120 83 1.0IRLZ24N 913574555 0.06 18 13 3.3IRLZ34N 913075655 0.035 27 19 2.7IRLZ44N 913468355 0.022 41 29 1.8IRL3705N 9137013055 0.01 77 54 1.2IRL2505 9132520055 0.008 104 74 0.75IRL520N 9149447100 0.18 10 7.1 3.2IRL530N 9134863100 0.10 15 11 2.4IRL540N 9149594100 0.044 30 21 1.6IRL2910 91375150100 0.026 48 34 1.0I-PakTO-220 FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not ratedI D Continuous Drain Current (A)100°TO-220 FullPak (Fully Isolated)Qg TotalGate Charge(nC)Through-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous DrainCurrent 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1Fax on Demand Number Case OutlineKeyPart Number P D Max.Power Dissipation (W)N-ChannelLow ChargeIRFI740GLC91209404000.55 6.0** 3.139H13IRFI840GLC 91208405000.85 4.8** 3.139IRFIBC40GLC91211406001.24.0**3.139I-PakTO-220 FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not ratedI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°TO-220 FullPak (Fully Isolated)Through-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelIRFIZ24N 9150126550.07139.2 5.8H14IRFIZ34N9148931550.041913 4.8IRFIZ44N 9140338550.02428200.024IRFIZ46N 9130640550.023122 3.8IRFIZ48N 9140742550.0163625 3.6IRFI1010N 9137347550.0124431 3.2IRFI32059137448550.0085640 3.1IRFIZ24E 9167329600.071149.6 5.2IRFIZ34E 9167437600.0422115 4.1IRFI510G 90829271000.54 4.5 3.2 5.5IRFI520N 91362271000.207.2 5.1 5.5IRFI530N 91353331000.11117.8 4.5IRFI540N 91361421000.0521813 3.6IRFI1310N 91611451000.0362216 3.3IRFI371091387481000.0252820 3.1IRFI620G 90832302000.8 4.1 2.6 4.1IRFI630G 90652322000.4 5.9 3.7 3.6IRFI640G 90649402000.189.8 6.2 3.1IRFI614G 9083123250 2.0 2.1 1.3 5.5IRFI624G 9083330250 1.1 3.4 2.2 4.1IRFI634G 90738322500.45 5.6 3.5 3.6IRFI644G 90739402500.287.953.1I-PakTO-220 FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not ratedI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°TO-220 FullPak (Fully Isolated)Through-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)IRFI720G 9083430400 1.8 2.6 1.7 4.1H14IRFI730G 9065032400 1.0 3.7 2.3 3.6IRFI740G 90651404000.55 5.4 3.4 3.1IRFI734G 9100135450 1.2 3.4 2.1 3.6IRFI744G 91002404500.63 4.9 3.1 3.1IRFI820G 9064130500 3.0 2.1 1.3 4.1IRFI830G 9064632500 1.5 3.12 3.6IRFI840G 90642405000.85 4.6 2.9 3.1IRFIBC20G 90850306004.41.71.1 4.1IRFIBC30G 90851356002.2 2.5 1.63.6IRFIBC40G 9085240600 1.2 3.5 2.2 3.1IRFIBE20G 9085330800 6.5 1.4.86 4.1IRFIBE30G 9085435800 3.0 2.1 1.4 3.6IRFIBF20G 90855309008.0 1.2.79 4.1IRFIBF30G90856359003. 9152929-550.175-9.5-6.7 5.2H14IRFI9Z34N 9153037-550.10-14-10 4.1IRFI49059152663-550.02-41-29 2.4IRFI9540G 9083742-1000.117-13-9.2 3.6IRFI9540N 9148742-1000.117-13-9.2 3.6IRFI52109140448-1000.06-20-14 3.1IRFI9634G 9148835-2501.0-4.1-2.63.6I-PakTO-220 FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not ratedI DContinuous Drain Current(A)100°TO-220 FullPak (Fully Isolated)Through-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C(A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1FaxonDemand Number Case Outline KeyPart Number P D Max.PowerDissipation (W)N-ChannelLogic LevelIRLI2203N 9137847300.0076143 3.2H14IRLI38039132048300.0066747 3.1IRLIZ24N 9134426550.06149.9 5.8IRLIZ34N 9132931550.0352014 4.8IRLIZ44N 9149838550.0222820 4.0IRLI3705N 9136947550.014733 3.2IRLI25059132763550.00858412.4IRLI520N 91496271000.187.7 5.4 5.5IRLI530N 91350331000.10117.8 4.5IRLI540N 91497421000.04420143.6IRLI291091384481000.02627193.1P-ChannelLogic LevelIRFI9520G 9083537-1000.6-5.2-3.6 4.1H14IRFI9530G 9083638-1000.03-7.7-5.4 3.6IRFI9620G 9087430-200 1.5-3.0-1.9 4.1IRFI9630G 9083840-2000.8-4.3-2.7 3.6IRFI9640G9083940-2000.5-6.1-3.93.1I-PakTO-220 FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not ratedI D Continuous Drain Current (A)100°TO-247Qg TotalGate Charge(nC)Through-Hole PackagesV (BR)DSSDrain-to-Source Breakdown Voltage (V)R DS(on)On-State Resistance ()ΩI D Continuous Drain Current 25°C (A)R ΘMax.Thermal Resistance (°C/W)1Fax on Demand Number Case OutlineKeyPart Number P D Max.Power Dissipation (W)1N-ChannelLow ChargeIRFP350LC912291904000.3018**0.6570H16IRFP360LC 912302804000.2023**0.4598IRFP450LC 912311905000.4016**0.6570IRFP460LC 912322805000.2720**0.4598IRFPC50LC 912331906000.6013**0.6570IRFPC60LC912342806000.4016**0.4598I-PakTO-220 FullPakTO-262TO-247HEXDIPTO-220AB Illustrations not to scale** Not rated。
(改)威步产品目录2011.03(1) ZLMICRO半导体品牌
Low ESR Caps Compatible High Speed LDO Voltage Regulators with ON/OFF Switch High Current, High Speed LDO Regulators 3A 150KHZ PWM Buck DC/DC Converter 2A 150KHZ PWM Buck DC/DC Converter Low-Power DC/DC Boost Converter In SOT-23 And Son Packages Multiple Voltage Regulator
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step-up DC/DC converter is optimized for driving OLEDs or white LEDs inductor-based DC/DC boost converter designed to drive LED Arrays 1.3A Fixed Frequency White LED Driver 1.3A Fixed Frequency white LED Driver 3A, 28V, 385KHz Step-Down Converter 250mW Dual Channel Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown 1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier Dual 2.2w Audio Amplifier Plus Stereo Headphone Function 1.1W Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown Mode 5X5W Amplifier With DC Volume Control 2x6W Stereo Power Amplifier 4X35W Quad Bridge Car Radio Amplifier 4X45W Quad Bridge Car Radio Amplifier 4X41W Quad Bridge Car Radio Amplifier 4-Channel Audio Processor IC 4 channels sound effect processor 4 channels sound effect processor Car radio multimedia signal processor (CMSP) 3 Band Car Audio Processor 3 Band Car Audio Processor Car Audio Processor Sound Processor for car audio SigmaDSP® 28/56-Bit Audio Processor with 2ADC/4DAC SigmaDSP® 28/56-Bit Audio Processor with 2ADC/4DAC 3-Input Video Switch 3-Input Video Switch With 75Ω Driver 8-Input,6-Output Video Switch Matrix With Output Drivers,Input clamp,and Bias Circuitry 12-Input,9-Output Video Switch Matrix With Input clamp,Input Bias Circuitry,and Output Drivers 10-Bit, 4× Oversampling SDTV Video Decoder
HA13164AMultiple Voltage RegulatorADE-207-342 (Z)Rev.0Jun. 2001 General DescriptionThe HA13164A is a compact multiple voltage regulator for car audio system. The outputs of this IC output consist of regulated 5.7 V output for a microcontroller, regulated 8 V output for CD driver, regulated 9.0 V output for audio control, regulated 10 V output for illuminations and regulated 5 V output, VCC-dependent output for external output and VCC-dependent output for remort-ANT.FunctionsGeneral•ACC power monitor circuit is built-in as to detect low voltage.•Low saturation output (PNP output) used for audio output.•Adjustable voltage for illumination output by changing an external resister.Protections•Output current limit circuit to avoid device destruction caused by shorted output, etc.•High surge input protector against VCC and ACC.•Built in a thermal shutdown circuit to prevent against the thermal destruction.HA13164ARev.0, Jun. 2001, page 2 of 18Pin Description and Equivalent CircuitFunctionPin No.Pin Name Specification Equivalent CircuitNormal OperationTSDSurge Input 1EXT OUTVCC-1V/300mA minOutput voltage isVCC-1 V when M or H level applied to CTRL pin.0V 0V2ANT OUT VCC-1V/300mA minOutput voltage is VCC-1 V when M or H level to CTRL pin and H level to ANT-CTRL.0V0V4VDD OUT5.7V/100mA minRegular 5.7V.5.7V 0V5SW5VOUT5.0V/100mA minOutput voltage is 5V when M or H level applied to CTRL pin.0V 0V6COMPOUT 5.0V/100mA minOutput for ACC detector0V 0VHA13164ARev.0, Jun. 2001, page 3 of 18Pin Description and Equivalent Circuit (cont)FunctionPin No.Pin Name Specification Equivalent CircuitNormal Operation TSD Surge Input 8VCC —Connected to VCC——9BATT DET—Low battery detect.DetectNot detect10AUDIOOUT 9.0V/500mA minOutput voltage is 9V when M or H level applied to CTRL pin.0V 0V12CD OUT8.0V/1.3A minOutput voltage is 8V when H level applied to CTRL pin.0V 0V13ILM AJ —Adjustment pin for ILM output voltage.——14ILM OUT9.85V/500mA minOutput voltage is 10V when M or H level applied to CTRL pin0V0V15GND—Connected to GND ——HA13164ARev.0, Jun. 2001, page 4 of 18Timing ChartVCC VDDCTRLANTCTRLAUDIOCDILMEXTSW5VANTACC2.8V2.5VCOMPB.DET current9.25V8.5VHA13164A Block DiagramRev.0, Jun. 2001, page 5 of 18HA13164AAbsolute Maximum Ratings(Ta = 25°C)Item Symbol Value Unit Note Operating power supply voltage Vcc18VDC supply voltage Vcc(DC)26V1 Peak voltage Vcc(PEAK)50V2 Power dissipation Pd36W3 Junction temperature Tj150°COperating temperature Topr–40 to +85°CStorage temperature Tstg–55 to +125°CNotes:Recommended power supply voltage range 10V to 16V.1.Applied time is less than 30 sec.2.Surge pulse as input.3.Ta=25°C. :Permissible power dissipation when using a heat sink of infinite area. Refer to thederating curves below.Rev.0, Jun. 2001, page 6 of 18HA13164ARev.0, Jun. 2001, page 7 of 18Electrical Characteristics(unless otherwise noted, Vcc = 13.2 V, Ta = 25°C)ItemSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition Standby currentIST —460700µA ACC = 0V, CTRL = 0VCTRL L level (STBY mode)VCL 0— 1.0V CTRL M level (CD OFF mode)VCM 2.0— 3.0V CTRL H level (CD ON mode)VCH 4.0——V ANT CTRL L level (ANTOFF mode)VACL 0— 2.0V ANT CTRL H level (ANT ON mode)VACH 3.0——V Output voltage Vo1 5.4 5.7 6.0V Io1 = 80mAVoltage regulation ∆Vo11—1050mV Vcc = 10 to 16V, Io1 = 80mA Load regulation∆Vo12—50100mV Io1 = 0 to 80mA Minimum I/O voltage differential ∆Vo13— 1.0 1.5V Io1 = 80mA Output current capacity Io1100250—mA Vo1 ≥ 5.4VVDD OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR15060—dB f = 100Hz, Io1 = 80mA Output voltage 2Vo27.68.08.4V Io2 = 1.0AVoltage regulation ∆Vo21—40100mV Vcc = 10 to 16V, Io2 = 1.0A Load regulation∆Vo22—70150mV Io2 = 10m to 1.0A Minimum I/O voltage differential ∆Vo23— 1.0 1.5V Io2 = 1.0A Output current capacity Io2 1.3 2.0—A Vo2 ≥ 7.6VCD OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR24045—dB f = 100Hz, Io2 = 1.0A Output voltage 3Vo38.59.09.5V Io3 = 400mAVoltage regulation ∆Vo31—3090mV Vcc = 10 to 16V, Io3 = 400mA Load regulation∆Vo32—100200mV Io3 = 10 to 400mA Minimum I/O voltage differential ∆Vo33—0.40.9V Io3 = 400mA Output current capacity Io3500850—mA Vo3 ≥ 8.5VAUDIO OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR34550—dB f = 100Hz, Io3 = 400mA Output voltage 4Vo49.359.8510.35V Io4 = 400mAVoltage regulation ∆Vo41—40100mV Vcc = 12.5 to 16V, Io4 = 400mA Load regulation∆Vo42—50100mV Io4 = 10 to 400mA Minimum I/O voltage differential ∆Vo43— 1.0 1.5V Io4 = 400mA Output current capacity Io4500900—mA Vo4 ≥ 9.35VILM OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR43540—dB f = 100Hz, Io4 = 400mA Differential I/O voltage ∆Vo51— 1.0 1.5V Io5 = 300mA Load regulation ∆Vo52—350600mV Io5 = 10 to 300mA EXT12OUTOutput current capacityIo5300500—mAVo5 ≥ 11.7VHA13164ARev.0, Jun. 2001, page 8 of 18Electrical Characteristics (cont)(unless otherwise noted, Vcc = 13.2 V, Ta = 25°C)Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition Differential I/O voltage ∆Vo61— 1.0 1.5V Io6 = 300mA Load regulation ∆Vo62—350600mV Io6 = 10 to 300mA ANT OUTOutput current capacityIo6300500—mA Vo6 ≥ 11.7VOutput voltage Vo7 4.6 5.0 5.4V Io7 = 80mA, VDD = no load SW5V OUT Output current capacity Io7100300—mA Vo7 ≥ 4.6VOutput voltage Vo8 4.6 5.0 5.4V Io8 = 40mA, VDD = no load Output current capacity Io8100300—mA Vo8 ≥ 4.6VRise threshold voltage VTHH8 2.6 2.8 3.0V ACC OUTHysteresis range∆VTH80.20.30.4V Threshold voltage VTHH98.18.58.9V Hysteresis range ∆VTH90.550.750.95V BATT.DETOutput current capacityIo9200——µAVo = 0.3VHA13164A Evaluation CircuitRev.0, Jun. 2001, page 9 of 18HA13164AMain CharacteristicRev.0, Jun. 2001, page 10 of 18Package DimensionsDisclaimer1.Hitachi neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Hitachi’s or any third party’s patent,copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document.Hitachi bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party’s rights, including intellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document.2.Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confirm that you have received the latest product standards or specifications before final design, purchase or use.3.Hitachi makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However,contact Hitachi’s sales office before using the product in an application that demands especially high quality and reliability or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of bodily injury, such as aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation,traffic, safety equipment or medical equipment for life support.4.Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges guaranteed by Hitachi particularly for maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installationconditions and other characteristics. Hitachi bears no responsibility for failure or damage when used beyond the guaranteed ranges. Even within the guaranteed ranges, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as fail-safes, so that the equipment incorporating Hitachi product does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to operation of the Hitachi product.5.This product is not designed to be radiation resistant.6.No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the whole or part of this document without written approval from Hitachi.7.Contact Hitachi’s sales office for any questions regarding this document or Hitachi semiconductor products.Sales OfficesHitachi, Ltd.Semiconductor & Integrated Circuits.Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Tel: Tokyo (03) 3270-2111 Fax: (03) 3270-5109Copyright Hitachi, Ltd., 2000. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.Hitachi Asia Ltd. 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电路笔记CN-0382Circuits from the Lab® reference designs are engineered and tested for quick and easy system integration to help solve today’s analog, mixed-signal, and RF design challenges. For more information and/or support, visit /CN0382.连接/参考器件AD7124-4 集成PGA和基准电压源的低功耗24位Σ-Δ型ADCAD5421 16位、环路供电、4 mA至20 mA DAC AD5700 低功耗HART调制解调器SPI隔离器ADuM1441ADP162超低静态电流、150 mA CMOS线性稳压器ADG5433高压防闩锁型三通道SPDT开关Rev. 0Circuits from the Lab® reference designs from Analog Devices have been designed and built by Analog Devices engineers. Standard engineering practices have been employed in the design and construction of each circuit, and their function and performance have been tested and veri ed in a labenvironment at room temperature. However, you are solely responsible for testing the circuit and determining its suitability and applicability for your use and application. Accordingly, in no event shall Analog Devices be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages due to any cause whatsoever connected to the use of any Circ uits from the Lab circuits. (Continued on last page) One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2015 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.采用低功耗、精密、24位Σ-Δ型ADC的隔离式4 mA至20 mA/HART工业温度和压力变送器评估和设计支持电路评估板DEM O-AD7124-DZ评估板设计和集成文件原理图、布局文件、物料清单、代码示例电路功能与优势图1所示电路是一种隔离式智能工业现场仪表,可与许多类型的模拟传感器,如温度传感器(Pt100、Pt1000、热电偶)或桥式压力传感器等接口。
* 产品系列范围请查看参数表
HW N 4 06 P F LSI + 附件
分断能力: N: 65 kA (框架 I, 630A~1600A)
单位 符号
EN60947-2, IEC60947-2, GB14048-2
400/415V~ 50/60Hz
极限分断能力 500/550V~ 50/60Hz
660/690V~ 50/60Hz
• 断路器本体已包含4NO+4NC辅助触点; • 抽出式空气断路器包含以下配置:抽架、安全档板、摇柄、密封门框、失配保护; • 固定式空气断路器包含以下配置:支架、密封门框。
选型实例: Icu = 80kA、4极、2500A、三段保护带液晶显示、电机储能、合闸及分励继电器、适配器端子的抽出式框架式空气断路器: 编号:HWS425PD4C2CA100
“相线 + 中性线”微型断路器选型
53 BJ301103031 WG9700240022
54 BJ301103032 VG1557110058A
55 BJ301103033 VG1246150016
单价 581.7 581.7 25.96
4258.8 398.19 242.87 161.92 339.25
78.28 1008
38.98 26.48 189.73
30.4 165.98
81.73 118.45 229.32
78.99 0
28.08 398.19 161.92
40.02 118.71
85 BJ301103045 AZ9725930610
86 BJ301103046 WG9725310010
万向节十字轴(Φ 62)
87 BJ301103048 VG1500090061
39.77 34.61
数量 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
28 BJ301103019 AZ1095040123
29 BJ301103019 VG1500040065
气相色谱-质谱的离子源有电子电离源(EI) 和化学电离源( EI )。
贴片元件识别 参数查询大全
1 A BA892 Sie I SCD80 35V 100mA pin2 A 1SS355 Roh I USM 100V 50mA sw3 A MRF947 Mot N SOT323 npn RF 8 GHz4A0 HSMS-2800 HP C SOT23 HP2800 schottky5A0 HSMS-280B HP C SOT323 HP2800 schottky6A03 VAM-03 MC AQ modamp MAR 3 Similar7A06 VAM-06 MC AQ modamp MAR 6 Similar8A07 VAM-07 MC AQ modamp MAR 7 Similar9A1 HSMS-2801 HP K HP2800 schottky10A1 BAW56W Phi A SOT323 dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)11A1 BAW56 Phi A SOT23 dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)12A1 BAW56 Phi A SOT23 dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)13A11 MMBD1501A Fch C SOT23 180V 200mA diode14A13 MMBD1503A Fch D SOT23 180V 200mA dual diode series 15A14 MMBD1504A Fch B SOT23 180V 200mA dual diode cc 16A15 MMBD1505A Fch A SOT23 180V 200mA dual diode ca 17A16 ZC934A Zet C SOT23 25-95pF hyperabrupt varicap 18A17 ZC933A Zet C SOT23 12-42pF hyperabrupt varicap 19A1p BAW56 Phi A SOT23 dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)20A1s BAW56W Sie A SOT323 dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)21A1s BAW56 Sie A SOT23 dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)22A1s BAW56U Sie A SC74 dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)23A1t BAW56T Phi A SOT416 dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)24A1t BAW56S Phi SOT363 dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)25A1X MBAW56 Mot A ditto26A2 HSMS-2802 HP D SOT23 dual HP280027A2 HSMS-280C HP D SOT323 dual HP280028A2 BAT18 Phi C SOT23 BA48229A2 MMBD2836 Mot A SOT23 dual ca sw diode 75V30A2 CFY30 Sie CQ SOT143 n-ch GaAsfet 6 GHz31A2 MBT3906DW1 Mot DO SOT363 dual 2N390632A22 BAS21 Phi C SOD27 BAV2133A2s BAT18 Sie C SOT23 BA48234A2X MMBD2836 Mot A SOT23 dual ca sw 75V 100mA 15ns 35A3 BAP64-03 Phi I SOD323 3 GHz pin diode36A3 HSMS-2803 HP D SOT23 HP2800 ser pair37A3 MMBD1005 Mot A SOT23 dual ca Si diode low leakage 38A3 BAS16 Zet C Si sw 75V 100mA39A3 BAT17 Phi C SOT23 BA48140A3 MBT3906DW Mot N SOT363 dual 2N390641A3p BAT17 Phi C SOT23 BA48142A3t BAT17 Phi C SOT23 BA48143A3X MMBD2835 Mot A SOT23 dual ca sw 35V 100mA 15nS 44A4 HSMS-2804 HP B SOT23 dual cc HP2800 schottky45A4 BAV70W Phi B SOT323 dual cc BAW6246A4p BAV70 Phi B SOT23 dual cc BAW6247A4s BAV70W Sie B SOT323 dual cc BAW6248A4s BAV70 Sie B SOT23 dual cc BAW6249A4s BAV70T Sie B SOT416 dual cc BAW6250A4s BAV70U Sie B SC74 dual cc BAW6251A4t BAV70 Phi B SOT23 dual cc BAW6252A4t BAV70 Phi B SOT363 dual cc BAW6253A4X MBAV70 Mot B ditto54A5 BAP51-03 Phi I SOD323 GP RF pin diode55A5 HSMS-2805 HP S SOT143 dual HP2800 schottky56A5 MMBD1010 Mot B SOT23 dual cc Si diodes57A5 MMBD2837 Mot B SOT23 dual cc diodes 30V 150mA 58A51 BRY62 Phi SOT14359A5p BRY61 Phi SOT14360A5t BRY61 Phi SOT14361A6 BAS16W Phi C SOT323 BAW62 (1N4148)62A6 BAS16T Phi C SOT416 BAW62 (1N4148)63A6 BAS216 Phi I SOD110 BAW62 (1N4148)64A6 MMBD2836 Mot B SOT23 dual sw diode cc 75V65A6A MMUN2111 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 10k+10k66A6B MMUN2112 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 22k+22k67A6C MMUN2113 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 47k+47k68A6D MMUN2114 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 100k+100k69A6E MMUN2115 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr R1 10k70A6F MMUN2116 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr R1 4k771A6G MMUN2130 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 1k0+1k072A6H MMUN2131 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 2k2+2k273A6J MMUN2132 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 4k7+4k774A6K MMUN2133 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 4k7+47k75A6L MMUN2134 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 22k+47k76A6p BAS16 Phi C SOT23 BAW62 (1N4148)77A6p BAS316 Phi I SOD323 BAW62 (1N4148)78A6s BAS16W Sie C SOT323 BAW62 (1N4148)79A6s BAS16 Sie C SOT23 BAW62 (1N4148)80A6s BAS16U Sie C SC74 BAW62 (1N4148)81A6t BAS16 Phi C SOT23 BAW62 (1N4148)82A6X MMBD2838 Mot B SOT23 dual sw 50V 100mA83A7 BAV99W Phi D SOT323 dual ser BAW9284A7 BAV99 Phi D SOT23 dual ser BAW9285A7 HSMS-2807 HP RQ SOT143 HP2800 ring quad86A7s BAV99 Sie D SOT23 dual ser BAW9287A7s BAV99W Sie D SOT323 dual ser BAW9288A7s BAV99T Sie D SC75 dual ser BAW9289A7s BAV99U Sie D SC74 dual ser BAW9290A8 HSMS-2808 HP BQ SOT143 HP2800 bridge quad91A8 BAP50-03 Phi I SOD323 GP RF pin diode92A8 BAS19 Phi C SOT23 BAV1993A8 SI2308DS Sil M SOT23 N-ch mosfet, 60V 0.1A94A81 BAS20 Phi C SOT23 BAV2095A82 BAS21 Phi C SOT23 BAV2196A8A MMUN2211 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 10k +10k97A8B MMUN2212 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 22k +22k98A8C MMUN2213 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 47k+47k99A8D MMUN2214 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 100k+100k100A8E MMUN2215 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr R1 10k101A8F MMUN2216 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr R1 4k7102A8G MMUN2230 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 1k0 +1k0103A8H MMUN2231 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 2k2+2k2104A8J MMUN2232 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 4k7+4k7105A8K MMUN2233 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 4k7+47k106A8L MMUN2234 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 22k+47k107A9 SI2309DS Sil M SOT23 P-ch mosfet, 60V 0.1A108A91 BAS17 Phi C SOT23 BA314109AA BCX51 Sie P SOT89 pnp 45V audio comp BCX54110AA BCW60A TT N SOT23 BCY58-vii111AA ZMV829A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 8.2pF@2V 112AAA MMBF4856 Mot F SOT23 2N4856 n-ch chopper jfet113AAG MMBR951AL Mot N SOT23 npn RF 8GHz114AAH MAX6326_R22-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.200V 115AAI MAX6327_R22-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 2.200V 116AAJ MAX6328_R22-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.200V 117AAN MAX809LXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 5.0V118AAO MAX809MXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 5.0V119AAP MAX809TXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.3V120AAQ MAX809SXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.3V121AAR MAX809RXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.0V122AAs BCW60A Sie N SOT23 BCY58-vii123AAS MAX803ZXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.5V124AAT MAX810LXR Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 5.0V125AAU MAX810MXR Max ZB SC70 microproc +-ve reset gen 5.0V126AAV MAX810TXR Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 3.3V127AAW MAX810RXR Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 3.0V128AAX MAX810SXR Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 3.3V129AAY MAX810ZXR Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 2.5V130AAZ MAX803LXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 5.0V131AB BCW60B ITT N SOT23 BCY58-viii132AB ZMV830A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 10pF@2V 133ABA MAX803TXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 5.0V134ABB MAX803MXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.3V135ABC MAX803SXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.3V136ABD MAX803RXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.0V137ABE MAX803ZXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.5V138ABF LM4041AIX3-1.2 Max L SC70 1.225V 0.1% shunt V ref139ABG LM4041BIX3-1.2 Max L SC70 1.225V 0.2% shunt V ref140ABH LM4041DIX3-1.2 Max L SC70 1.225V 0.5% shunt V ref141ABI LM4041DIX3-1.2 Max L SC70 1.225V 1.5% shunt V ref142ABJ LM4040AIX3-2.1 Max L SC70 2.048V 0.1% shunt V ref143ABK LM4040BIX3-2.1 Max L SC70 2.048V 0.2% shunt V ref144ABL LM4040CIX3-2.1 Max L SC70 2.048V 0.5% shunt V ref145ABM LM4040DIX3-2.1 Max L SC70 2.048V 1% shunt V ref146ABN LM4040AIX3-2.5 Max L SC70 2.5001% shunt V ref147ABO LM4040BIX3-2.5 Max L SC70 2.500V 0.2% shunt V ref148ABp BCW60B Phi N SOT23 BCY58-viii149ABP LM4040CIX3-2.5 Max L SC70 2.500V 0.5% shunt V ref150ABQ LM4040DIX3-2.5 Max L SC70 2.500V 1% shunt V ref151ABR LM4040AIX3-3.0 Max L SC70 3.000V 0.1% shunt V ref152ABs BCW60B Sie N SOT23 BCY58-viii153ABS LM4040BIX3-3.0 Max L SC70 3.000V 0.2% shunt V ref154ABt BCW60B Phi N SOT23 BCY58-viii155ABT LM4040CIX3-3.0 Max L SC70 3.000V 0.5% shunt V ref156ABU LM4040DIX3-3.0 Max L SC70 3.000V 1% shunt V ref157ABV LM4040AIX3-4.1 Max L SC70 4.096V 0.1% shunt V ref158ABW LM4040BIX3-4.1 Max L SC70 4.096V 0.2% shunt V ref159ABX LM4040CIX3-4.1 Max L SC70 4.096V 0.5% shunt V ref160ABY LM4040DIX3-4.1 Max L SC70 4.096V 1% shunt V ref161ABZ LM4040AIX3-5.0 Max L SC70 5.000V 0.1% shunt V ref162AC BCX51-100 Sie P SOT89 45V pnp audio hfe 100163AC BCX51-10 Phi P SOT89 45V pnp audio hfe 100164AC BCW60C Phi N SOT23 BCY58-ix165AC ZMV831A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 15pF@2V 166ACA LM4040BIX3-5.0 Max L SC70 5.000V 0.2% shunt V ref167ACB LM4040CIX3-5.0 Max L SC70 5.000V 0.5% shunt V ref168ACC LM4040DIX3-5.0 Max L SC70 5.000V 1% shunt V ref169ACE MAX6326_R31-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.080V 170ACF MAX6347_R46-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 4.630V 171ACH MAX6326_R23-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.320V 172ACI MAX6326_R26-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.630V 173ACJ MAX6328_R26-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.630V 174ACK MAX6346_R44-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 4.380V 175ACL MAX6347_R44-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 4.380V 176ACM MAX6348_R46-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 4.630V 177ACN MAX6348_R44-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 4.380V 178ACO MAX6346_R46-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 4.630V 179ACp BCW60C Phi N SOT23 BCY58-ix180ACP MAX6326_R29-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.930V 181ACQ MAX6327_R23-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 2.320V 182ACR MAX6327_R26-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 2.630V 183ACs BCW60C Sie N SOT23 BCY58-ix184ACS MAX6327_R29-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 2.930V 185ACt BCW60C Phi N SOT23 BCY58-ix186ACT MAX6327_R31-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 3.080V 187ACU MAX6328_R23-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.320V 188ACV MAX6328_R29-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.930V 189ACW MAX6326_R31-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.080V 190AD BCX51-160 Sie P SOT89 45V pnp audio hfe 160191AD BCX51-16 Phi P SOT89 45V pnp audio hfe 160192AD BCW60D Phi N SOT23 BCY58-x193AD ZMV832A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 22pF@2V 194ADN 2SC3838K Roh N npn 11V 3.2GHz TV tuners195ADp BCW60D Phi N SOT23 BCY58-x196ADs BCW60D Sie N SOT23 BCY58-x197ADt BCW60D Ph N SOT23 BCY58-x198AE BCX52 Sie P SOT89 pnp 60V audio comp BCX55199AE ZMV833A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 33pF@2V 200AEN 2SC3839K Roh N npn 20V 2.0GHz TV tuners201AF ZMV834A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 47pF@2V 202AFs BCW60FF Sie N SOT23 BCY58203AG ZMV835A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 68pF@2V 204AG BCX70G Phi N SOT23 BCY59-vii BC107205AG BCX52-10 Sie P SOT89 60V pnp BCX52 hfe 100206AGp BCX70G Phi N SOT23 BCY59-vii BC107207AGs BCX70G Sie N SOT23 BCY59-vii BC107208AGt BCX70G Phi N SOT23 BCY59-vii BC107209AH BCX70H Phi N SOT23 BCY59-viii BC107B210AH BCP53 Mot P SOT223 pnp amp 80V 150mA211AH BCX53 Sie P SOT89 pnp 80V audio comp BCX56212AH ZMV930 Zet I SOD323 2.9-8.3pF hyperabrupt varicap213AHp BCX70H Phi N SOT23 BCY59-viii BC107B214AHs BCX70H Sie N SOT23 BCY59-viii BC107B215AHt BCX70H Phi N SOT23 BCY59-viii BC107B216AJ BCX70J Phi N SOT23 BCY59-ix BC107217AJ ZMV931 Zet I SOD323 4 -13.5pF hyperabrupt varicap 218AJ s BCX70J Sie N SOT23 BCY59-ix BC107219AJp BCX70J Phi N SOT23 BCY59-ix BC107220AJt BCX70J Phi N SOT23 BCY59-ix BC107221AK BCX70K Phi N SOT23 BCY59-x BC107222AK ZMV932 Zet I SOD323 5.5-17pF hyperabrupt varicap 223AK BCX53-10 Sie P SOT89 pnp 80V BCX53 hfe 100224AKp BCX70K Phi N SOT23 BCY59-x BC107225AKp BCX70K Phi N SOT23 BCY59-x BC107226AKs BCX70K Sie N SOT23 BCY59-x BC107227AL BCX53-16 Sie P SOT89 80V pnp BCX53 hfe 100228AL MMBTA55L Mot N SOT23 pnp 25V (MPSA55)229AL ZMV933 Zet I SOD323 12-42pF hyperabrupt varicap 230ALs BFP405 Sie MQ SOT343231AM MMBT3904W Mot N SOT323 2N3904232AM BCX52-16 Sie P SOT89 pnp 60V BCX52 hfe 160233AM BSS64 Mot N SOT23 npn 80V 0.1A fT 60MHz234AM ZMV933A Zet I SOD323 12-42pF hyperabrupt varicap 235AMp BSS64 Phi N SOT23 npn 80V 0.1A fT 60MHz236AMs BFP420 Sie MQ SOT343 npn fT 25GHz 4.5V 35mA237AMs BSS64 Sie N SOT23 npn 80V 0.1A fT 60MHz238AMt BSS64 Phi N SOT23 npn 80V 0.1A fT 60MHz239AN BCW60FN Sie N SOT23 gp npn 35V 0.2A240AN ZMV934 Zet I SOD323 25-95pF hyperabrupt varicap 241ANs BFP450 Sie MQ SOT343 npn fT 25GHz 4.5V 100mA 242AO BCW60AR ITT R SOT23R BCY58-vii243AO ZMV934A Zet I SOD323 25-95pF hyperabrupt varicap 244AP BCW60BR ITT R SOT23R BCY58-viii245APs BFP520 Sie MQ SOT343 npn fT 40GHz 2.5V 40mA246A-Q 2PD1820AQ Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 85-170 247A-Q 2PD1820AR Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 120-240 248AR BCW60CR ITT R SOT23R BCY58-ix249AR MSD709R Mot N pnp gp 25V250AR1 BSR40 Phi P SOT89 npn 70V 1A 1.35W hfe 40-120 251AR2 BSR41 Phi P SOT89 npn 70V 1A 1.35W hfe 100-300 252AR3 BSR42 Phi P SOT89 npn 90V 1A 1.35W hfe 40-120 253AR4 BSR43 Phi P SOT89 npn 90V 1A 1.35W hfe 100-300 254AS BCW60DR ITT R SOT23R BCY58-x255AS MSD709S Mot N pnp gp 25V256A-S 2PD1820AS Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 170-340 257AS1 BST50 Mot P SOT89 npn darlington 0.5A 60V258AS2 BST51 Mot P SOT89 npn darlington 0.5A 80V259AS3 BST52 Mot P SOT89 npn darlington 0.5A 90V260AS3 BSP52 Mot P SOT223 npn darlington 0.5A hfe 2000 261ASs BAT18-05 Sie B SOT23 dual BAT18 RF pin262AtQ 2PD1820AQ Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 85-170 263AtQ 2PD1820AR Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 120-240 264AtS 2PD1820AS Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 170-340 265ATs BAT18-06 Sie A SOT23 dual ca BAT18 RF pin266ATs BFP540 Sie MQ SOT343 npn microwave267AU BCW60GR ITT R SOT23R BCY58268AUs BAT18-04 Sie D SOT23 dual BAT18 RF pin269AV DAN212K Roh C 80V 100mA sw270AW BCW60HR ITT R SOT23R BCY58271AX BCX70JR ITT R SOT23R BCY59-ix272AY BCX70KR ITT R SOT23R BCY59-x273AY MMBD1000 Mot C SOT23 Si sw diode 30V 0.2A274 B MRF957 Mot N SOT323 npn RF fT 9GHz275 B BAS16-03W Sie I SOD323 Varicap 18pF 1V276 B BB555 Sie I SCD80 Varicap 18pF 1V277B0 BZX399C4V3 Phi I SOD323 4.3V 0.3W zener278B0 HSMS-2810 HP C SOT23 HP2810 schottky279B0 HSMS-281B HP C SOT323 HP2810 schottky280B08 SST6908 Sil ZQ 2N6908 prot n-ch jfet281B09 SST6909 Sil ZQ 2N6909 prot n-ch jfet282B1 BZX399C1V8 Phi I SOD323 1.8V 0.3W zener283B1 HSMS-2811 HP K SOT23 HP2811 schottky284B1 BAS40 Mot C SOT23 schottky sw diode285B10 SST6910 Sil ZQ 2N6910 prot n-ch jfet286B2 BZX399C2V0 Phi I SOD323 2.0V 0.3W zener287B2 BSV52 Phi N SOT23 BSX20 12V fT 400MHz sw 288B2 HSMS-2812 HP D SOT23 dual HP2810 schottky289B2 HSMS-281C HP D SOT323 dual HP2810 schottky290B26 BF570 Phi SOT23291B2p BSV52 Phi N SOT23 BSX20 12V fT 400MHz sw 292B2t BSV52 Phi N SOT23 BSX20 12V fT 400MHz sw 293B3 BZX399C2V2 Phi I SOD323 2.2V 0.3W zener294B3 HSMS-2813 HP A SOT23 dual ca HP2810 schottky 295B3 MMBD717L Mot A SOT323 dual ca schottky296B4 BZX399C2V4 Phi I SOD323 2.4V 0.3W zener297B4 BSV52R Phi R SOT23R BSX20298B4 HSMS-2814 HP B SOT23 dual cc HP2810 schottky 299B5 BZX399C2V7 Phi I SOD323 2.7V 0.3W zener300B5 HSMS-2815 HP S SOT143 dual HP2810 schottky301B6 BZX399C3V0 Phi I SOD323 3.0V 0.3W zener302B6 BAT54A Mot A SOT23 dual ca 30V schottky303B7 BZX399C3V3 Phi I SOD323 3.3V 0.3W zener304B7 HSMS-2817 HP RQ SOT143 HP2810 ring quad305B8 BZX399C3V6 Phi I SOD323 3.6V 0.3W zener306B8 HSMS-2818 HP BQ SOT143 HP2810 bridge quad307B9 BZX399C3V9 Phi I SOD323 3.9V 0.3W zener308B9 2SC4617 Mot N SC90 npn gp309BA BCX54 Sie P SOT89 npn AF 45V comp BCX51 310BA BCW61A Phi N SOT23 BCY78-vii311BA DAN217 Roh D 80V 100mA dual312BA BZX399C4V7 Phi I SOD323 4.7V 0.3W zener313BAp BCW61A Phi N SOT23 BCY78-vii314BAt BCW61A Phi N SOT23 BCY78-vii315BB BCW61B Phi N SOT23 BCY78-viii316BB BAR81 Sie NQ SOT143 Dual pin shunt switch317BB BZX399C5V1 Phi I SOD323 5.1V 0.3W zener318BBp BCW61B Phi N SOT23 BCY78-viii319BBs BCW61B Sie N SOT23 BCY78-viii320BBs BAR81W Sie NQ SOT343 Dual pin shunt switch321BBt BCW61B Phi N SOT23 BCY78-viii322BC BCW61C Phi N SOT23 BCY78-ix323BC BCX54-10 Sie Phi P SOT89 npn hfe100324BC BZX399C5V6 Phi I SOD323 5.6V 0.3W zener325BCp BCW61C Phi N SOT23 BCY78-ix326BCs BCW61C Sie N SOT23 BCY78-ix327BCt BCW61C Phi N SOT23 BCY78-ix328BD BCW61D Phi N SOT23 BCY78-x329BD BCX54-16 Sie P SOT89 npn hfe160 comp BCX51-16 330BD BZX399C6V2 Phi I SOD323 6.2V 0.3W zener331BD ZHCS400 Zet E SOT23 40V 0.4A schottky diode 332BDp BCW61D Phi N SOT23 BCY78-x333BDs BCW61D Sie N SOT23 BCY78-x334BDt BCW61D Phi N SOT23 BCY78-x335BE BAS70 Mot C SOT23 schottky sw diode336BE BCX55 Sie P SOT89 npn AF 60V comp BCX52 337BE BZX399C6V8 Phi I SOD323 6.8V 0.3W zener338BF BCW61FF Sie N SOT23 low noise BCW61339BF BZX399C7V5 Phi I SOD323 7.5V 0.3W zener340BG BCX71G Phi N SOT23 BCY79-vii341BG BCX55-10 Sie Phi P SOT89 npn hfe 100342BG BZX399C8V2 Phi I SOD323 8.2V 0.3W zener343BGp BCX71G Phi N SOT23 BCY79-vii344BGs BCX71G Sie N SOT23 BCY79-vii345BGt BCX71G Phi N SOT23 BCY79-vii346BH BCX71H Phi N SOT23 BCY79-viii347BH BCP56 Mot P SOT223 npn amp 80V 150mA348BH BCX56 Sie P SOT89 npn AF 80V349BH BZX399C9V1 Phi I SOD323 9.1V 0.3W zener i350BHp BCX71H Phi N SOT23 BCY79-viii351BHs BCX71H Sie N SOT23 BCY79-viii352BHt BCX71H Phi N SOT23 BCY79-viii353BJ BCX71J Phi N SOT23 BCY79-ix354BJ BZX399C10 Phi I SOD323 10V 0.3W zener355BJp BCX71J Phi N SOT23 BCY79-ix356BJs BCX71J Sie N SOT23 BCY79-ix357BJt BCX71J Phi N SOT23 BCY79-ix358BK BCP56-10 Mot P SOT223 npn amp 80V 150mA359BK BCX71K Phi N SOT23 BCY79360BK BCX56-10 Sie P SOT89 npn hfe 100361BK BZX399C11 Phi I SOD323 11V 0.3W zener362BKp BCX71K Phi N SOT23 BCY79363BKs BCX71K Sie N SOT23 BCY79364BKt BCX71K Phi N SOT23 BCY79365BL MBD54DW Mot DL SOT363 2x schottky detector diodes 366BL BCP56-16 Mot P SOT223 npn amp 80V 150mA367BL BCX56-16 Sie P SOT89 npn hfe 160368BL BZX399C12 Phi I SOD323 12V 0.3W zener369BL BGA310 Sie GQ SOT143 MMIC amp 9dB @1GHz 370BLs BGA420 Sie HQ SOT343 MMIC amp 13 dB @1.8GHz 371BM BSS63L Mot N SOT23 100v pnp comp BSS64372BM BCX55-16 Sie P SOT89 npn hfe 160373BM BGA312 Sie GQ SOT143 MMIC amp 11dB @1GHz374BM BZX399C13 Phi I SOD323 13V 0.3W zener375BMp BSS63 Phi N SOT23 100v pnp comp BSS64376BMs BG427 Sie HQ SOT343 MMIC amp 18 dB @1.8GHz377BMt BSS63 Phi N SOT23 100v pnp comp BSS64378BN BZX399C15 Phi I SOD323 15V 0.3W zener379BN BGA318 Sie GQ SOT143 MMIC amp 16dB @1GHz380BNs BCW61FN Sie N SOT23 low noise BCW61381BO BCW61AR Phi N SOT23 BCX78, BCY78-vii382BP BCW61BR Phi N SOT23 BCY78-viii383BP BZX399C16 Phi I SOD323 16V 0.3W zener384BQ BZX399C18 Phi I SOD323 18V 0.3W zener in SOD323385BQ 2PB709AQ Phi N SC-59 PNP 45V 0.1A hfe 160-260386BR BCW61CR Phi N SOT23 BCY78-ix387BR 2SC2412K Roh N npn 50V 150mA min hfe 180388BR 2SC4081 Roh N UMT 2SC2412K above389BR 2SC4617 Roh N EM3 2SC2412K above390BR MSB1218A Mot N SOT323 gp pnp 45V391BR BZX399C20 Phi I SOD323 20V 0.3W zener392BR 2PB709AR Phi N SC-59 pnp45V 0.1A hfe 210-340393BR1 BSR30 Phi P SOT89 pnp 70V 1A 1.35W hfe 40-120 394BR2 BSR31 Phi P SOT89 pnp 70V 1A 1.35W hfe 100-300 395BR4 BSR33 Phi P SOT89 pnp 90V 1A 1.35W hfe 100-300 396BS BCW61DR Phi R SOT23 BCY78-x397BS BZX399C22 Phi I SOD323 22V 0.3W zener398BS 2PB709AS Phi N SC-59 pnp 45V 0.1A hfe 290-460399BS1 BST60 Mot P SOT89 pnp darlington 0.5A 60V400BS2 BST61 Mot P SOT89 pnp darlington 0.5A 80V401BS3 BST62 Mot P SOT89 pnp darlington 0.5A 90V402BS3 BSP62 Mot P SOT89 pnp darlington 0.5A hfe 2000403BT BZX399C24 Phi I SOD323 24V 0.3W zener404BT2 BSP16 Mot P SOT223 pnp –300V 1A405BT2 BST16 Phi P SOT89 pnp –300V 1A406BU BCX71GR Phi N SOT23 BCX79-vii407BU BZX399C27 Phi I SOD323 27V 0.3W zener408BV BZX399C30 Phi I SOD323 30V 0.3W zener409BW BCW71HR Phi N SOT23R BCX79-viii410BW BZX399C33 Phi I SOD323 33V 0.3W zener411BX BCW71JR Phi N SOT23R BCX79-ix412BX BZX399C36 Phi I SOD323 36V 0.3W zener413BY BCW71KR Phi N SOT23R BCX79-x414BY BZX399C39 Phi I SOD323 39V 0.3W zener415BZ BZX399C43 Phi I SOD323 43V 0.3W zener416 C BB565 Sie I SCD80 uhf varicap 2-20pF417 C BB179B Phi I SOD 523 UHF Varicap 2-11pF418 C KV1832E Tok I URD uhf varicap 4-17pf419 C white BAT165 Sie I 40V 750mA sw Schottky420C0 HSMS-2820 HP C SOT23 HP2835 schottky421C0 HSMS-282B HP C SOT323 HP2835 schottky422C06 DDX123JU Dio DO SOT363 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A 2k2/47k 423C06 DDX123JK Dio DO SOT26 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A 2k2/47k 424C07 DDX143TU Dio DO SOT363 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A R1 4k7425C07 DDX143TK Dio DO SOT26 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A R1 4k7 426C1 HSMS-2821 HP K SOT23 HP2835 schottky427C1 BCW29 Phi N SOT23 BC178A428C1 BFQ51C Phi CX SOT173 pnp BFR90A complement429C11 SST111 Sil F SOT23 J111 n-ch fet430C12 SST112 Sil F SOT23 J112 n-ch fet431C12 DDX114TU Dio DO SOT363 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A R1 10k 432C12 DDX114TK Dio DO SOT26 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A R1 10k 433C13 SST113 Sil F SOT23 J113 n-ch fet434C13 DDX114EU Dio DO SOT363 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A 10k/10k 435C13 DDX114EK Dio DO SOT26 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A 10k/10k 436C14 DDX114YU Dio DO SOT363 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A 10k/47k 437C14 DDX114YK Dio DO SOT26 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A 10k/47k 438C17 DDX124EU Dio DP SOT363 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A 22k/22k 439C17 DDX124EK Dio DP SOT26 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A 22k/22k 440C1p BCW29 Phi N SOT23 BC178A441C1t BCW29 Phi N SOT23 BC178A442C2 BCW30 Phi N SOT23 BC178B443C2 BFQ32C Phi CX SOT173 pnp 4.5GHz 15V 100mA444C2 HSMS-2822 HP D SOT23 dual HP2835 schottky445C2 HSMS-282C HP D SOT323 dual HP2835 schottky446C2 SST112 Tem F SOT23 J112 analog sw n-ch jfet447C20 DDX144EU Dio DO SOT363 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A 47k/47k 448C20 DDX144EK Dio DO SOT26 dual dtr pnp/npn 50V 0.1A 47k/47k 449C2A ZDC833A Zet B SOT23 dual cc 28V varicap 15pF @2V 450C2p BCW30 Phi N SOT23 BC178B451C2t BCW30 Phi N SOT23 BC178B452C3 HSMS-2823 HP A SOT23 dual HP2835 schottky453C3 BFQ23C Phi CX SOT173 pnp complement BFP91A454C3 SMBT4126 Sie N 2N4126455C3 SST113 Tem F SOT23 J113 analog sw jfet456C38 SST5638 Sil F SOT23 2N5638457C39 SST5639 Sil F SOT23 2N5639458C4 BCW29R Phi R SOT23R BC178A459C4 HSMS-2824 HP B SOT23 dual HP2835 schottky460C40 SST5640 Sil F SOT23 2N5640461C41 SST4091 Sil F SOT23 2N4091462C42 SST4092 Sil F SOT23 2N4092463C43 SST4093 Sil F SOT23 2N4093464C5 MMBA811C5 Mot N 2N5086 pnp hfe 135-270465C5 BCW30R Phi R SOT23R BC178B466C5 HSMS-2825 HP S SOT143 dual HP2835 schottky467C56 SST4856 Sil F SOT23 2N4856468C57 SST4857 Sil F SOT23 2N4857469C58 SST4858 Sil F SOT23 2N4858470C59 SST4859 Sil F SOT23 2N4859471C5A ZDC834A Zet B SOT23 dual cc 28V varicap 47pF @2V 472C6 MMBA811C6 Mot N 2N5086 pnp hfe 200-400473C60 SST4860 Sil F SOT23 2N4860474C61 SST4861 Sil F SOT23 2N4861475C7 MMBA811C7 Mot N 2N5086 pnp hfe 300-600476C7 HSMS-2827 HP RQ SOT143 HP2835 ring quad477C8 HSMS-2828 HP BQ SOT143 HP2835 bridge quad478C8 BCF30 SGS N SOT23 BC559B479C8 MMBA811C8 Mot N 2N5086 pnp hfe 450-900480C91 SST4391 Sil F SOT23 2N4391481C92 SST4392 Sil F SOT23 2N4392482C93 SST4393 Sil F SOT23 2N4393483CA BCW61AR Phi R SOT23R BCY78-vii484CA BCP68 Mot P SOT223 20V 1A npn485CA ZMV829B Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperab 28V 8.2pF@2V 486CB BCX68-10 Sie P SOT89 npn AF 20V 2A hfe 100487CB BCW61BR Phi R SOT23R BCY78-viii488CB ZMV830B Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 10pF@2V 489CC BCW61CR Phi R SOT23R BCY78-ix490CC BCX68-16 Sie P SOT89 npn AF 20V 2A hfe 160491CC ZMV831B Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 15pF@2V 492CC ZMDC831B Zet B SOT323 dual cc ZMV831B (above)493CD BCW61DR Phi R SOT23R BCY78-x494CD BCX68-25 Sie P SOT89 npn AF 20V 2A hfe 250495CD ZMV832B Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 22pF@2V 496CD ZMDC832B Zet B SOT323 dual cc ZMV832B (above)497CDs BSS81B Sie N SOT23 npn sw 35V 0.8A498CE BCP69 Mot P SOT223 20V 1A pnp499CE ZMV833B Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 33pF@2V 500CEs BSS79B Sie N SOT23 npn 40V 0.8A hfe 40-120501CF BSS79C Sie N SOT23 npn 40V 0.8A hfe 100 min502CF BCX69-10 Sie P SOT89 pnp AF 20V 2A hfe 100503CF ZMV834B Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 47pF@2V 504CG BCX71GR Phi R SOT23R BCY79-vii505CG BCX69-16 Sie P SOT89 pnp AF 20V 2A hfe 160506CG ZMV835B Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 68pF@2V 507CGs BSS81C Sie N SOT23 npn sw 35V 1A508CH BSS82BL Mot N SOT23 pnp 60V509CH BCX69-25 Sie N SOT89 pnp AF 20V 2A hfe 250510CHs BSS80B Sie N SOT23 pnp 40V 0.8A hfe 40-120511CJs BSS80C Sie N SOT23 pnp 40V 0.8A hfe 100 min512CK BCX71JR Phi R SOT23R BCY79-viii513CLs BSS82B Sie N SOT23 pnp 60V 0.8A hfe 40-120514CMs BSS82C Sie N SOT23 pnp 60V 0.8A hfe 100 min515CQ 2SC2411K Roh N npn darlington516CQ MSD710Q Mot N SOT346 pnp gp 25V 150mA517CR MSD701R Mot N SOT346 pnp gp 25V 150mA518 D BB659 Sie I SCD80 2-38p varicap519 D BAS21-03W Sie I SOD323520 D 1SS376 Roh I USM 300V 50mA sw521 D MRF577 Mot N SOT323 npn RF fT 7GHz522D0 HSMP-3800 HP C SOT23 HP3800 pin atten diode523D1 BCW31 Phi N SOT23 BC108A524D1 HSMP-3801 HP K HP3800 pin atten diode525D1 SST211 Tem XQ n-ch mosfet 30V 1nS526D1 AZ23C2V7 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 2.7V 0.3W527D10 AZ23C6V2 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 6.2V 0.3W528D11 SST211 Sil XQ n-ch mosfet sw529D11 AZZ23C6V8 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 6.8V 0.3W530D12 AZZ23C7V5 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 7.5V 0.3W531D13 SST213 Sil XQ n-ch mosfet sw532D13 AZZ23C8V2 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 8.2V 0.3W533D14 AZZ23C9V1 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 9.1V 0.3W534D15 AZZ23C10 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 10V 0.3W535D15 SST215 Sil XQ n-ch mosfet sw536D16 AZZ23C11 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 11V 0.3W537D17 AZZ23C12 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 12V 0.3W538D18 AZZ23C13 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 13V 0.3W539D19 AZZ23C15 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 15V 0.3W540D1p BCW31 Phi N SOT23 BC108A541D1t BCW31 Phi N SOT23 BC108A542D2 BCW32 Phi N SOT23 BC108B543D2 HSMP-3802 HP D dual HP3800 pin atten diode 544D2 AZ23C3V0 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 3.0V 0.3W545D20 AZZ23C16 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 16V 0.3W546D21 AZZ23C18 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 18V 0.3W547D22 AZZ23C20 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 20V 0.3W548D23 AZZ23C22 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 22V 0.3W549D24 AZZ23C24 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 24V 0.3W550D25 AZZ23C27 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 27V 0.3W551D26 AZZ23C30 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 30V 0.3W552D27 AZZ23C33 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 33V 0.3W553D28 AZZ23C36 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 36V 0.3W554D29 AZZ23C39 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 39V 0.3W555D2p BCW32 Phi N SOT23 BC108B556D2t BCW32 Phi N SOT23 BC108B557D3 BCW33 Phi N SOT23 BC108C558D3 AZ23C3V3 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 3.3V 0.3W559D30 AZZ23C43 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 43V 0.3W560D31 AZZ23C47 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 47V 0.3W561D32 AZZ23C51 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 51V 0.3W562D3B RB420D Roh C 25V 100mA schottky563D3E RB411D Roh C SOT23 20V 500mA schottky564D3J RB420D Roh C 25V 100mA schottky565D3L RB706D-40 Roh B dual 45V 30mA schottky566D3p BCW33 Phi N SOT23 BC108C567D3t BCW33 Phi N SOT23 BC108C568D4 BCW31R Phi R SOT23R BC108A569D4 HSMP-3804 HP B SOT23 dual cc HP3800 pin atten diode 570D4 AZ23C3V6 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 3.6V 0.3W571D5 SST215 Tem XQ n-ch mosfet 20V 1nS572D5 BCW32R Phi R SOT23R BC108B573D5 AZ23C3V9 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 3.9V 0.3W574D58 FLLD261 Zet B SOT23 low leakage dual cc Si diode 575D6 BCW33R Phi R SOT23R BC108C576D6 MMBC1622D6 Mot N MPS3904 hfe 200-400577D6 AZ23C4V3 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 4.3V 0.3W578D63 FLLD263 Zet A SOT23 low leakage dual ca Si diode 579D7 MMBC1622D7 Mot N MPS3904 hfe 300-600580D7 AZ23C4V7 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 4.7V 0.3W581D76 BAR18J SGS I SOD232 schottky 70V 15mA582D76 BAR18 SGS C SOT23 schottky 70V 30mA583D7p BCF32 Phi N SOT23584D7t BCF32 Phi N SOT23585D8 AZ23C5V1 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 5.1V 0.3W586D85 BAT17DS SGS D 2xBA481587D86 BAT54J ST I SOD232 schottky 30V 300mA588D86 BAT54 ST C SOT23 schottky 30V 300mA589D87 BAT54C ST B SOT23 dual cc schottky 30V 300mA590D88 BAT54S ST D SOT23 dual series schottky 30V 300mA591D8p BCF33 Phi N SOT23 BC146/03592D9 AZ23C5V6 Dio A SOT23 dual ca zener 5.6V 0.3W593D94 BAR42 SGS C SOT23 schottky 30V 100mA594D95 BAR43 SGS C SOT23 schottky 30V 100mA595D96 BAS70-04 SGS D SOT23 2xBAR18596D97 BAS70-05 SGS B SOT23 2xBAR18597D98 BAS70-06 SGS A SOT23 2xBAR18598DA BCW67A SGS N SOT23 pnp 32V 0.8A hfe 100 min599DA BF622 Sie P SOT89 npn 250V video o/p600DA5 BAR43S SGS D SOT23 2xBAR43601DB BCW67B SGS N SOT23 pnp 32V 0.8A hfe 160 min602DB BF623 Sie P SOT89 pnp 250V video o/p603DB1 BAR43A SGS A SOT23 2xBAR43604DB2 BAR43C SGS B SOT23 2xBAR43605DC BCW67C SGS N SOT23 pnp 32V 0.8A hfe 250 min606DC BF720 Mot P SOT223 npn 1.5W 300V607DC BFN20 Sie P SOT89 npn video o/p 300V comp BFN21608DD BFN16 Sie P SOT89 npn video o/p 250V comp BFN17609DE BFN18 Sie P SOT89 npn video o/p 300Vcomp BFN19610DF BCW68F SGS N SOT23 pnp 45V 0.8A hfe 100 min611DF BF721 Mot P SOT223 pnp 1.5W 300V612DF BFN21 Sie P SOT89 pnp 300V video o/p comp BFN20613DG BCW68G SGS N SOT23 pnp 45V 0.8A hfe 160 min614DG BFN17 Sie P SOT89 pnp video o/p 250V comp BFN16615DH BCW68H SGS N SOT23 pnp 45V 0.8A hfe 250 min616DH BCW68G Mot N SOT23 pnp 45V 0.8A hfe 160 min617DH MMBD2000 Mot C SOT323 Si sw diode 20V 0.2A SOT323618DH BFN19 Sie P SOT89 pnp video o/p 300V comp BFN18619DK BCX42 Sie N SOT23 gp audio pnp 125V comp BCX41620DP MMBD2010 Mot B SOT323 dual cc MMBD2000621DQ 2P710AQ Phi N SOT346 gp pnp hfe 85-170622DR 2P710AR Phi N SOT346 gp pnp hfe 120-240623DS 2P710AS Phi N SOT346 gp pnp hfe 170-340624DT BCW67AR SGS R SOT23R pnp 32V 0.8A hfe 100 min625DU BCW67BR SGS R SOT23R pnp 32V 0.8A hfe 160 min626DW BCW67CR SGS R SOT23R pnp 32V 0.8A hfe 250 min627DX BCW68FR SGS R SOT23R pnp 45V 0.8A hfe 100 min628DY BCW68GR SGS R SOT23R pnp 45V 0.8A hfe 160 min629DZ BCW68HR SGS R SOT23R pnp 45V 0.8A hfe 250 min630 e BAT64-02W Sie I SCD80631 E 1SS780 Roh I USM 40V 100mA lo leakage632 E BB689 Sie I SCD80 2-55pF varicap633E0 HSMP-3810 HP C SOT23 HP3810 pin atten diode634E0 HSMP-381B HP C SOT323 HP3810 pin atten diode635E01 DTDG14EP Roh P SOT89 npn dtr 60V 1A R2 10k, + c to b zener 636E02 DTDG23YP Roh P SOT89 npn dtr 60V 1A 2k2+ 10k, + c to b zener。
LX 3184 KL 735 KL 755 KL 756 KL 759 LX 2717 LA 282 LA 519 LA 521 LA 522 LA 621 LA 622 LA 623 LA 708 LAK 519 LAK 522 LAK 621 LAK 622 LAK 708
新朗逸空滤芯 朗逸燃滤 POLO带阀燃滤(3Bar) POLO带阀燃滤(4Bar) 明锐带阀燃滤 迈腾空滤芯 捷达灰滤芯 B5单效空调滤芯 宝来单效空调滤芯 波罗单效空调滤芯 速腾单效空调滤芯 高尔夫单效空调滤芯 高尔单效空调滤芯 新宝来单效空调滤芯 B5双效空调滤芯 波罗双效空调滤芯 速腾空调滤芯 高尔夫双效空调滤芯 新宝来双效空调滤芯
LAK 917 LX 1253 LX793 LX 819 LX 3312 LX 1275 OC 485 OX 690D ECO OX 565D ECO
存货编码 2010804WT FOC485WT 201003WT 2010846 2010849 201050WT 2010857 FOC1022T FOC1196T FOX128/1DT FOX254D4T FOX396DT FOX398DT 202003WT 202004WT 202005WT 202014WT 202087WT FKL502T 203163WT 203165WT 203167WT 203169WT 203211WT FLX1897T FLX1898T 203217WT 203218WT FLX1900T 203219WT 203220WT FLX1899T FLX2024/1T 马勒型号 OC 527 OC 485 OC 489 OC 488 OC 497 OC 515 OC 593/4 OC 1022 OC 1196 存货名称 068机滤 奥迪V6机滤 034机滤 056机滤 06A机滤 POLO机滤 03C机滤 06J机滤 新桑塔纳机滤 原件号或参考号 068 115 561B 078 115 561J, W 930/21 034 115 561A 056 115 561G 06A 115 561B, 06A 115 561D 06A 115 561E 030 115 561AB 03C 115 561E, 03C 115 561B, 03C 115 403F 06J 115 403 C, 06J 115 561B, 06H 115 403, W719/45 04E 115 561A 99610702054, 99610702055, 99610722552, 99610722553, 99610722560 94810722200 074 115 562, 038 115 466 03C 115 562, 03C 115 577 A 191 201 511A 6Q0 201 511 1H0 201 511A, 330 298 511A 1H0 201 511A 1J0 201 511A 1GD 127 401 056 129 620 027 129 620.1 330 129 620 058 133 843 036 198 620 03C 129 620F, C 4287/3 377 129 620 191 129 620, 859 129 620 1GD 129 620 1GD 129 620A 1J0 129 620 1J0 129 620A, 180 129 620, A-399 1K0 129 620C, 1TD 129 620, 1KD 129 620D, 1F0 129 620 7P0 129 620A, 95811013010 适用车型/发动机 帕萨特1.8T, 奥迪 A4(V6), A6(V6), Passat(V6) 捷达,桑塔纳(2000、2VQS和3000) 桑塔纳(化油器)和桑塔纳99新秀 帕萨特1.8, 宝来, 捷达王, 奥迪, 途安, 速腾 Polo 1.4 1.4T:速腾,迈腾,新宝来,高尔夫A6; 1.6:速腾,新宝来,高 尔夫; 1.4:Polo,晶锐(Fabia);1.6:Polo,朗逸,晶锐,明 锐; 1.4T:朗逸,明锐,昊锐 迈腾1.8T/2.0T, 途观1.8T/2.0T, 昊锐1.8T/2.0T, 明锐 1.8T, 速腾1.8T, A4L 2.0, Q5 2.0 EA211: 新桑塔纳1.4/1.6, 新捷达1.4/1.6 保时捷911 3.4/3.6/3.6T/3.8, 保时捷卡宴4.5T, 保时 进口件 捷博克斯特(BOXSTER) 2.7/3.2/3.4 保时捷911 3.4/3.6/3.8, 保时捷卡宴4.8, 保时捷帕纳美 进口件 拉(PANAMERA) 3.6/4.8/4.8T 捷达柴油车、宝来柴油车 Polo劲情劲取 桑塔纳(化油器), 捷达(化油器) POLO老款 桑塔纳(2000、2VQS和3000), 帕萨特, 奥迪A4, A6 捷达电喷 宝来, 奥迪 捷达柴油车 桑塔纳(化油器) 桑塔纳2000 桑塔纳2VQS(时代超人) 帕萨特B5, 奥迪A6 1.8, 1.8T, 2.4, 2.8 Polo 1.4 Polo劲情劲取 上海大众高尔 捷达普通型(化油器) 捷达王,捷达电喷(2V/5V) 捷达柴油车 宝来1.8, 高尔夫 宝来1.6, 1.8T, 宝来柴油车, 朗逸 1.4T, 都市高尔夫1.4 途安, 速腾, 开迪, 迈腾 1.4T 途锐3.0/3.6/4.2, 保时捷卡宴(Cayenne) 3.0/3.6/4.8 进口件 备注
AB PLC选型手册
序号型号表价11762-IA81420 21762-IF2OF22920 31762-IF42920 41762-IQ161730 51762-IQ32T2850 61762-IQ81390 71762-IQ8OW62470 81762-IR44070 91762-IT44070 101762-OA81860 111762-OB162110 121762-OB32T3460 131762-OB81480 141762-OF42700 151762-OV32T3460 161762-OW162110 171762-OW81470 181762-OX6I1500 191762-RTC558 201763-BA392 211763-L16AWA5170 221763-L16BBB5170 231763-L16BWA5170 241763-L16DWD5170 251763-MM11500 261763-NC01400 271766-L32AWA5440 281766-L32AWAA6810 291766-L32BWA5440 301766-L32BWAA6810 311766-L32BXB5440 321766-L32BXBA6810 331766-MM11310描述8点 120VAC输入模板2通道输入/2通道输出电压/电流模拟量模块4通道模拟量输入模块16点24V直流输入模块MicroLogix 32 Point Digital Input Module 8点24V直流输入模块8通道直流输入/6通道继电器型输出模块4通道热电阻输入模块4通道热电偶输入模块8点 120/240V交流可控硅输出模板16点24V直流输出模块32点数字量输出8点24V直流输出模块4通道模拟量输出模块MicroLogix 32 Point Module16点AC/DC继电器型输出模块8点AC/DC继电器型输出模块6点隔离型AC/DC继电器型输出模块实时时钟模块MicroLogix 1100 BatteryML1100 16点 AC 控制器ML1100 16点 DC 控制器ML1100 16点 AC 控制器ML1100 16点 DC 控制器MicroLogix 1100存储模块ML1100 RS485 电缆ML1400 32点 AC 控制器ML1400 32点 AC 控制器(带模拟量功能)ML1400 32点 AC 控制器ML1400 32点 AC 控制器(带模拟量功能)ML1400 32点 DC 控制器ML1400 32点 DC 控制器(带模拟量功能)ML1400 存储模块。
HA13164AHMultiple Voltage Regulator for Car AudioREJ03F0139-0200Rev.2.00Jan 16, 2007 DescriptionThe HA13164AH is a compact multiple voltage regulator for car audio system. The outputs of this IC output consist of regulated 5.7 V output for a microcontroller, regulated 8 V output for CD driver, regulated 9.0 V output for audio control, regulated 10 V output for illuminations and regulated 5 V output, VCC-dependent output for external output and VCC-dependent output for remote-ANT.FunctionsGeneral• ACC power monitor circuit is built-in as to detect low voltage.• Low saturation output (PNP output) used for audio output.• Adjustable voltage for illumination output by changing an external resistor.Protections• Output current limit circuit to avoid device destruction caused by shorted output, etc.• High surge input protector against VCC and ACC.• Built in a thermal shutdown circuit to prevent against the thermal destruction.Pin Description and Equivalent CircuitPin Description and Equivalent Circuit (cont.)Timing ChartBlock DiagramAbsolute Maximum Ratings(Ta = 25°C)Item Symbol Rating Unit NoteOperating power supply voltage Vcc 18 V DC supply voltage Vcc(DC) 26 V 1 Peak voltage Vcc(PEAK) 50 V2Power dissipation Pd 36 W 3Junction temperature Tj 150 °C Operating temperature Topr –40 to +85 °C Storage temperatureTstg–55 to +125°CNotes: Recommended power supply voltage range 10 to 16 V. 1. Applied time is less than 30 s. 2. Surge pulse as input. 3. Ta = 25°C. : Permissible power dissipation when using a heat sink of infinite area. Refer to the deratingcurves below.Electrical Characteristics(unless otherwise noted, Vcc = 13.2 V, Ta = 25°C)Item SymbolMin Typ Max Unit Test ConditionStandby current IST — 460 700 µA ACC = 0 V, CTRL = 0 V CTRL L level (STBY mode) VCL 0 — 1.0 V CTRL M level (CD OFF mode) VCM 2.0 — 3.0 V CTRL H level (CD ON mode) VCH 4.0 — – V ANT CTRL L level (ANT OFF mode) VACL 0 — 2.0 V ANT CTRL H level (ANT ON mode) VACH 3.0 — – VOutput voltage Vo1 5.4 5.7 6.0 V Io1 = 80 mAVoltage regulation ∆Vo11 — 10 50 mV Vcc = 10 to 16 V, Io1 = 80 mA Load regulation∆Vo12 — 50 100 mV Io1 = 0 to 80 mA Minimum I/O voltage differential∆Vo13 — 1.0 1.5 V Io1 = 80 mAOutput current capacity Io1 100250 — mA Vo1 ≥ 5.4 VVDD OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR1 50 60 — dB f = 100 Hz, Io1 = 80 mA Output voltage Vo2 7.6 8.0 8.4 V Io2 = 1.0 AVoltage regulation ∆Vo21 — 40 100 mV Vcc = 10 to 16V, Io2 = 1.0 A Load regulation∆Vo22 — 70 150 mV Io2 = 10m to 1.0 A Minimum I/O voltage differential∆Vo23 — 1.0 1.5 V Io2 = 1.0 AOutput current capacity Io2 1.3 2.0 — A Vo2 ≥ 7.6 VCD OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR2 40 45 — dB f = 100 Hz, Io2 = 1.0 A Output voltage Vo3 8.5 9.0 9.5 V Io3 = 400 mAVoltage regulation ∆Vo31 — 30 90 mV Vcc = 10 to 16 V, Io3 = 400 mA Load regulation∆Vo32 — 100 200 mV Io3 = 10 to 400 mA Minimum I/O voltage differential∆Vo33 — 0.4 0.9 V Io3 = 400 mAOutput current capacity Io3 500850 — mA Vo3 ≥ 8.5 VAUDIO OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR3 45 50 — dB f = 100 Hz, Io3 = 400 mA Output voltage Vo4 9.359.85 10.35V Io4 = 400 mAVoltage regulation ∆Vo41 — 40 100 mV Vcc = 12.5 to 16 V, Io4 = 400 mA Load regulation∆Vo42 — 50 100 mV Io4 = 10 to 400 mA Minimum I/O voltage differential∆Vo43 — 1.0 1.5 V Io4 = 400 mAOutput current capacity Io4 500900 — mA Vo4 ≥ 9.35 VILM OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR4 35 40 — dB f = 100 Hz, Io4 = 400 mA Differential I/O voltage ∆Vo51 — 1.0 1.5 V Io5 = 300 mALoad regulation ∆Vo52 — 350 600 mV Io5 = 10 to 300 mA EXT OUT Output current capacity Io5 300500 — mA Vo5 ≥ 11.7 V Differential I/O voltage ∆Vo61 — 1.0 1.5 V Io6 = 300 mA Load regulation∆Vo62 — 350 600 mV Io6 = 10 to 300 mA ANT OUT Output current capacity Io6 300500 — mA Vo6 ≥ 11.7 VOutput voltageVo7 4.6 5.0 5.4 V Io7 = 80 mA, VDD = no load SW5V OUT Output current capacity Io7 100300 — mA Vo7 ≥ 4.6 VOutput voltageVo8 4.6 5.0 5.4 V Io8 = 40 mA, VDD = no load Output current capacity Io8100300—mAVo8 ≥ 4.6 VRise threshold voltage VTHH8 2.6 2.8 3.0 V ACC OUTHysteresis range∆VTH8 0.2 0.3 0.4 V Threshold voltage VTHH9 8.1 8.5 8.9 V Hysteresis range ∆VTH9 0.550.75 0.95V BATT. DET Output current capacityIo9200——µAVo = 0.3 VEvaluation CircuitMain CharacteristicPackage Dimensions RENESAS SALES OFFICESRefer to "/en/network" for the latest and detailed information.Renesas Technology America, Inc.450 Holger Way, San Jose, CA 95134-1368, U.S.ATel: <1> (408) 382-7500, Fax: <1> (408) 382-7501Renesas Technology Europe LimitedDukes Meadow, Millboard Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5FH, U.K.Tel: <44> (1628) 585-100, Fax: <44> (1628) 585-900Renesas Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Unit 204, 205, AZIACenter, No.1233 Lujiazui Ring Rd, Pudong District, Shanghai, China 200120Tel: <86> (21) 5877-1818, Fax: <86> (21) 6887-7898Renesas Technology Hong Kong Ltd.7th Floor, North Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 1 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong KongTel: <852> 2265-6688, Fax: <852> 2730-6071Renesas Technology Taiwan Co., Ltd.10th Floor, No.99, Fushing North Road, Taipei, TaiwanTel: <886> (2) 2715-2888, Fax: <886> (2) 2713-2999Renesas Technology Singapore Pte. Ltd.1 Harbour Front Avenue, #06-10, Keppel Bay Tower, Singapore 098632Tel: <65> 6213-0200, Fax: <65> 6278-8001Renesas Technology Korea Co., Ltd.Kukje Center Bldg. 18th Fl., 191, 2-ka, Hangang-ro, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140-702, KoreaTel: <82> (2) 796-3115, Fax: <82> (2) 796-2145Renesas Technology Malaysia Sdn. BhdUnit 906, Block B, Menara Amcorp, Amcorp Trade Centre, No.18, Jalan Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MalaysiaTel: <603> 7955-9390, Fax: <603> 7955-9510。
LAUREL ELECTRONICS, ureate™ Ohmmeter for Resistancein Ohms or MilliohmsFeatures•Five precalibrated resistance input ranges from 20.000 Ω to 200.00 kΩ•Fixed 2.0000 ohm, 2.0000 MΩ and 20.000 MΩ range as factory specials• 1 mohm resolution on 20 ohm scale•2, 3 or 4-wire connection with lead resistance compensation•Highly accurate and repeatable•Up to 60 conversions per second•Peak or valley display•Universal AC power, 85-264 Vac•1/8 DIN case sealed to NEMA-4X from front panel•Optional serial I/O: Ethernet, USB, RS232, RS485, Ethernet-to-RS485 converter•Optional relay output: dual or quad relays, contact or solid state•Optional isolated analog output: 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, -10 to +10V•Optional low voltage power: 10-48 Vdc or 12-32 VacDescriptionThe Laureate Ohmmeter is ideal for high-speed, high-accuracyresistance measurements in a production environment, such ascontact resistance measurements. It is factory calibrated for fivejumper selectable resistance ranges from 20.000 Ω to 200.00 kΩ.Fixed factory-special ranges of 2.000 Ω, 2.0000 MΩ and 20.000MΩ are also available. Accuracy is an exceptional ±0.01% of fullscale ± 2 counts. Resolution is one part in 20,000. In the 20 Ωrange, resolution is 1 mΩ, making the meter suitable for contactresistance and conductance measurements.Meter connections can be via 2, 3 or 4 wires. With 4-wirehookup, 2 wires are used for excitation and two separate wiresare used to sense the voltage across the resistance to bemeasured, thereby eliminating any lead resistance effects. With3-wire hookup, the meter senses the combined voltage dropacross the resistance to be measured plus two excitation leads.It also senses the voltage drop across one excitation lead, andthen subtracts twice this voltage from the combined total. Thistechnique effectively subtracts lead resistance if the excitationleads are the same.All resistance ranges are digitally calibrated at the factory, withcalibration factors stored in EEPROM on the signal conditionerboard. This allows ranges and signal conditioner boards to bechanged in the field without recalibrating the meter. If desired,the meter can easily be calibrated using external standards plusscale and offset in software.Multiple relay operating modes are selectable in software. Oneof these is band deviation setpoint operation, where a deviationlimit (such as 50 counts) is set up around both sides of the set-point. The relay closes (or opens) when the reading falls withinthe deviation band, and opens (or closes) when the reading fallsoutside of this band. This mode sets up a passband around thesetpoint and is often used for component testing.Designed for system use. Optional plug-in boards includeEthernet and other serial communication boards, dual or quadrelay boards, and an isolated analog output board. Laureatesmay be powered from 85-264 Vac or optionally from 12-32 Vacor 10-48 Vdc. The display is available with red or green LEDs.The 1/8 DIN case meets NEMA 4X (IP65) specifications from thefront when panel mounted. Any setup functions and front panelkeys can be locked out for simplified usage and security. Allpower and signal connections are via UL / VDE / CSA ratedscrew clamp plugs.SpecificationsRange Resolution Accuracy Excitation Current0-2.0000 ohm **0-20.000 ohm *0-200.00 ohm *0-2000.0 ohm *0-20000 ohm*0-200.00 kohm *0-2.0000 Mohm **0-20.000 Mohm **0.1 mohm1 mohm10 mohm100 mohm1 ohm10 ohm100 ohm1 kohm±0.01% of range± 2 counts5 mA5 mA500 µA50 µA5 µA500 nA500 nA75 nA* Jumper-selectable, precalibrated range.** Factory-set fixed rangeDisplayReadout Color Indicators 5 digits, 7-segment, 14.2 mm (.56") Red or green LED2 red LED lampsAccuracyAccuracy at 25°C Span tempco ±0.01% of range ± 2 counts ±0.003% of reading/°CElectricalConnectionMax applied voltage Overvoltage protection Open sensor indication 2, 3 or 4-wire 100 mV125 Vac Flashes full-scaleA-to-D ConversionTechniqueA-to-D Rate Output Update Display Update Concurrent Slope (Pat 5,262,780) 60/s at 60 Hz, 50/s at 50 Hz56/s at 60 Hz, 47/s at 50 Hz3.5/s at 60 Hz, 3/s at 50 HzPowerVoltage, standard Voltage, optional Power frequency Power consumption (typical, base meter) Power isolation 85-264 Vac or 90-300 Vdc12-32 Vac or 10-48 VdcDC or 47-63 Hz1.2W @ 120 Vac, 1.5W @ 240 Vac, 1.3W @ 10 Vdc, 1.4W @ 20 Vdc, 1.55W @ 30 Vdc, 1.8W @ 40 Vdc,2.15W @ 48 Vdc250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min testAnalog Output (optional)Output Levels Current compliance Voltage compliance Scaling Resolution Isolation 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10V, -10 to +10V (jumper selectable) 2 mA at 10V ( > 5 kOhm load)12V at 20 mA ( < 600 Ohm load)Zero and full scale adjustable from -99999 to +9999916 bits (0.0015% of full scale)250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min testRelay Outputs (optional)Relay Types Current Ratings Output common Isolation 2 Form C contact relays or 4 Form A contact relays (NO) 2 or 4 Form A, AC/DC solid state relays (NO)8A at 250 Vac or 24 Vdc for contact relays120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 Vdc for solid state relaysIsolated commons for dual relays or each pair of quad relays250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min testSerial Data I/O (optional)Board Selections ProtocolsData Rates Digital Addresses Isolation Ethernet, Ethernet-to-RS485 server, USB, USB-to-RS485 server, RS485 (dual RJ11), RS485 Modbus (dual RJ45), RS232.Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, Laurel ASCII protocol300 to 19200 baud247 (Modbus), 31 (Laurel ASCII),250V rms working, 2.3 kV rms per 1 min testEnvironmentalOperating Temp. Storage Temp. Relative Humidity Protection 0°C to 55°C-40°C to 85°C95% at 40°C, non-condensingNEMA-4X (IP-65) when panel mountedResistance Measurement with Excitation & Lead CompensationIn 4-wire hookup , different pairs of leads are used to apply the excitation current and sense the voltage drop across the unknown resistance, so that the IR drop across the excitation leads is not afactor.In 3-wire hookup , the meter senses the combined voltage drop across the unknown resistance plus two excitation leads. It also senses the voltage drop across one excitation lead, and then subtracts twice this voltage from the combined total. This techni-que effectively subtracts all lead resistance and compensates for ambient temperature changes if the two excitation leads are identical.In 2-wire hookup , the meter senses the combined voltage drop across the unknown resistance and both lead wires. The voltage drop across the lead wires can be measured by shorting out the resistance during meter setup, and this voltage is then automatic-ally subtracted from the combined total. However, changing resist-ance of the lead wires due to ambient temperature changes will not be compensated.Ohmmeter hookup can be via 2, 3 or 4 wires to the J5 connector. The meter applies a fixed excitation current for each resistance range.MechanicalOrdering GuideCreate a model number in this format: L1110P385C, IPCDPM Type L Laureate Digital Panel MeterMain Board 1 Standard Main Board, Green LEDs2 Standard Main Board, Red LEDsPower (isolated) 0 85-264 Vac1 12-32 Vac or 10-48 VdcRelay Output (isolated) 0 None1 Two 8A Contact Relays2 Two 120 mA Solid State Relays3 Four 8A Contact Relays4 Four120 mA Solid State RelaysAnalog Output (isolated) 0 None1 Isolated 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-10 V, -10 to +10VDigital Interface (isolated) 0 None1 RS2322 RS485 (dual RJ11 connectors)4 RS485 Modbus (dual RJ45 connectors)5 USB6 USB-to-RS485 device server7 Ethernet8 Ethernet-to-RS485 device serverResistance Input (isolated) R0 0-2.0000 ohm (factory special fixed range) R1 0-20.000 ohmR2 0-200.00 ohmR3 0-2.0000 kohmR4 0-20.000 kohmR5 0-200.00 kohmR6 0-2.0000 Mohm (factory special fixed range R7 0-20.000 Mohm (factory special fixed rangeAdd-on Options CBL01RJ11-to-DB9 cable. RJ11 to DB9. Connects RS232 ports of meter and PC.CBL02USB-to-DB9 adapter cable. Combination of CBL02 and CBL01 connectsmeter RS232 port to PC USB port.CBL03-16-wire data cable, RJ11 to RJ11, 1 ft. Used to daisy chain meters via RS485.CBL03-76-wire data cable, RJ11 to RJ11, 7 ft. Used to daisy chain meters via RS485.CBL05USB cable, A-B. Connects USB ports of meter and PC.CBL06USB to RS485 adapter cable, half duplex, RJ11 to USB. Connects meterRS485 port to PC USB port.CASE1Benchtop laboratory case for one 1/8 DIN meterCASE2Benchtop laboratory case for two 1/8 DIN metersIPC Splash-proof coverBOX1NEMA-4 EnclosureBOX2NEMA-4 enclosure plus IPCBL Blank Lens without button padsNL Meter lens without button pads or Laurel logoApplication Example: Deviation Limit for Pass/Fail TestingA deviation limit (50 mohm in this example) is set uparound both sides of a setpoint. The relay closes (oropens) when the reading falls within the deviation band,and opens (or closes) when the reading falls outside ofthis band. This mode sets up a passband around thesetpoint and can be used for contact resistance testing.。
机型代码 座位数 制造商和飞机类型
机型代码座位数制造商和飞机类型ABF 空中客车公司A300 货机AB3 181-317 空中客车公司A300AB4 211-317 空中客车公司A300-B2/B4/C4AB6 207-317 空中客车公司A300-600/600CACD 5--8 双指令机(航空)/涡轮式/螺旋桨式喷气飞机ANF 安东诺夫设计集团安-12 货机AN4 40-50 安东诺夫设计集团安-24AN6 50-N/A 安东诺夫设计集团安-26/30/32AN7 安东诺夫设计集团安-72/74ARJ 50-113 阿夫洛公司RJ70/85/100AR1 100-128 阿夫洛公司RJ100AR7 50-82 阿夫洛公司RJ70AR8 80-100 阿夫洛公司RJ85ATP 64-68 英国宇航公司ATPATR 42-74 法国宇航公司/ALENIA ATR42/72AT3 ATR 42AT4 42-50 法国宇航公司/ALENIA ATR 42-300/320AT5 42-74 法国宇航公司/ALENIA ATR42-500AT7 64-74 法国宇航公司/ALENIA ATR 72A28 安东诺夫设计集团安28/PZL 美里克M-28 空中货车A4F 安东诺夫设计集团安-124A40 安东诺夫设计集团安-140BEC 9--15 比彻克夫特(轻型飞机)BEH 19-N/A 比彻克夫特1900D 客机BES 19-N/A 比彻克夫特1900/1900C 客机BET 9--15 比彻克夫特(轻型-双涡轮螺旋桨式飞机)BE1 15-19 比彻克夫特1900/1900C/1900D 客机BE2 11-N/A 比彻克夫特-轻型-双活塞引擎BE9 13-15 比彻克夫特C99 客机BH2 4--6 贝尔公司(直升飞机)BNI 7--10 布里顿-诺曼公司BN-2A/BN-2B 岛上居民BNT 15-18 布里顿-诺曼公司BN-2A 米克特里斯登陆者B11 73-119 英国宇航公司(BAC) 1-11 (ALL)B12 73-82 英国宇航公司(BAC) 1-11 200B13 77-89 英国宇航公司(BAC) 1-11 300B14 63-110 英国宇航公司(BAC) 1-11 400/475B15 98-119 英国宇航公司(BAC) 1-11 500/ 洛曼派克B72 126-140 波音公司720/720B (707-020/020B)CCJ 康纳戴尔CL-600/601/604 挑战者CD2 12--16 格伏特飞机制造厂N22B/N24A 诺曼德CL4 214-N/A 康纳戴尔CL-44C NA 3--14 赛斯纳(轻型飞机)CNC 赛斯纳轻型飞机(单涡轮螺旋桨飞机)CNJ 6--13 赛斯纳CITATIONCRJ 50-86 康纳戴尔区域喷气机CRV 90-114 法国宇航公司SE.210 CARA VELLECR1 50-N/A 康纳戴尔区域喷气机100CR2 50-N/A 康纳戴尔区域喷气机200CR7 70-N/A 康纳戴尔区域喷气机700CR9 86-N/A 康纳戴尔区域喷气机900CS2 19-28 卡萨C-212/NC-212 航空汽车CS5 38-40 卡萨CN-235CVF 康维尔440/580/600/640 (货机)CVR 40-55 康维尔240/440/580 (客机)CV4 43-52 康维尔440 大都市(客机)CV5 48-55 康维尔580 客机CWC 40-62 克提斯C-46 突击机DC3 18-30 波音公司(道格拉斯)DC-3 客机DC6 52-80 波音公司(道格拉斯)DC-6A/B 客机DC8 125-250 波音公司(道格拉斯)DC-8 客机DC9 60-139 波音公司(道格拉斯)DC-9 客机DFL 10--14 德夫康公司DF2 德夫康公司10/20/100/200/2000DF3 德夫康公司50/900DHB 6--8 德.哈维兰公司DHC-2海狸/涡轮式海狸DHC 20-N/A 德.哈维兰公司DHC-4驯鹿DHH 14-17 英国宇航公司{德.哈维兰公司}苍鹭巢DHL N/A-15 德.哈维兰公司DHC-3涡轮式水猴DHO 10--18 德.哈维兰公司DHC-3水猴/涡轮式水猴DHP 6--10 德.哈维兰公司DHC-2海狸DHS 德.哈维兰公司DHC-3水猴DHT 14-20 德.哈维兰公司DHC-6双水猴DH1 37-39 德.哈维兰公司DHC-8 100冲/BQDH2 37-39 德.哈维兰公司DHC-8 200冲/BQDH3 50-56 德.哈维兰公司DHC-8 300冲/BQDH4 68-78 德.哈维兰公司DHC-8 冲8-400冲8QDH7 37-50 德.哈维兰公司DHC-7 冲7DH8 32-78 德.哈维兰公司DHC-8 冲8D1C 229-357 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-10-30/40(客机)D1F 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-10货机D1M 195-235 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-10混合机D10 229-374 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-10(客机)D11 237-374 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-10-10/15(客机)D28 19-N/A 仙童多尼尔公司228D3F 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-3货机D38 32-N/A 仙童多尼尔公司328D6F 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-6A/B/CD8F 50-73 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-8 50-73货机D8M 118-N/A 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-8 混合机D8X 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-8-61/62/63 FrtrD8Y 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-8-71/72/73 FrtrD9F 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-9货机D9S 84-139 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-30/40/50D91 60-90 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-10/15客机D92 75-90 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-20D93 84-115 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-30客机D94 100-128 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-40客机D96 107-139 波音公司{道格拉斯}DC-9-50客机EMB 15-21 巴西EMBRAER公司110BANDEIRANTE EMJ 70-110 巴西EMBRAER公司170/190EM2 26-35 巴西EMBRAER公司120 BRASILIAEQV 各种机型ERD 44-N/A 巴西EMBRAER公司RJ140ERJ 37-50 巴西EMBRAER公司RJ135/140/145ER3 37-N/A 巴西EMBRAER公司RJ135ER4 50-N/A 巴西EMBRAER公司RJ145E70 70-78 巴西EMBRAER公司170E95 106-116 巴西EMBRAER公司195FA7 70-80 仙童多尼尔公司728JETFK7 40-48 仙童多尼尔公司FH-227FRJ 32-34 仙童多尼尔公司328JETF21 60-70 福克F28-1000法拉斯帕F22 70-79 福克F28-2000法拉斯帕F23 65-70 福克F28-3000法拉斯帕F24 68-85 福克F28-4000法拉斯帕F27 40-60 福克F27法拉斯帕/仙童多尼尔公司F27F28 60-85 福克F28法拉斯帕F50 46-60 福克50F70 75-79 福克70GRG 9--10 格鲁门G-21(水陆两用)GRJ 14-19 格夫斯姆宇航公司格夫斯姆2/3/4/5GRM 10--14 格夫斯姆G-73 MALLARD (水陆两用)GRS 27-44 格夫斯姆宇航公司格夫斯姆1HEC 荷里欧H250快速/H295/395超速HOV 水翼飞机HS7 40-58HS7 7--14 英国宇航公司(HAWKER SIDDELEY) 748H25 316-350 英国宇航公司(HAWKER SIDDELEY) 125 ILW 132-195 伊柳辛设计集团IL-86IL6 伊柳辛设计集团IL-62/62M/62MKIL7 100-122 伊柳辛设计集团IL-76 货机IL8 235-350 伊柳辛设计集团IL-18IL9 64-N/A 伊柳辛设计集团IL-96 客机I14 16-29 伊柳辛设计集团IL-114JST 16-19 英国宇航公司喷气机31/32/41J31 16-29 英国宇航公司喷气机31J32 25-29 英国宇航公司喷气机32J41 86-104 英国宇航公司喷气机41LOE 洛克西德公司L-188 ELECTRA (客机)LOF 洛克西德公司L-188 ELECTRA (货机)LOH 70-84 洛克西德公司L-100 HERCULES 大力士LOM 5--10 洛克西德公司L-188 MIXED CONFIG (混合机)LRJ LEARJET ALL SERIESL1F 214-363 洛克西德公司L-1011 三星货机L10 252-363 洛克西德公司L-1011 三星客机L11 214-280 洛克西德公司L-1011 三星1/50/100/150/200L15 13-19 洛克西德公司L-1011 三星500 客机L4T 湾流公司410L49 5-N/A 洛克西德公司L749/L1049超级星座MBH 欧洲考佩特公司(MBB) BO 105MD9 11-32 麦道MD90 探险者MIH 4--10 MIL MI-8MU2 三菱MU-2M1F 210-323 波音(道格拉斯)MD-11 货机M1M 243-409 波音(道格拉斯)MD-11 混合机M11 112-172 波音(道格拉斯)MD-11 客机M80 125-165 波音(道格拉斯)MD-80 ALL SERIESM81 132-165 波音(道格拉斯)MD-81M82 131-165 波音(道格拉斯)MD-82M83 109-134 波音(道格拉斯)MD-83M87 112-142 波音(道格拉斯)MD-87M88 150-187 波音(道格拉斯)MD-88M90 14-N/A 波音(道格拉斯)MD-90NDC 6-N/A 法国宇航公司SN601 CORVETTENDE 9--14 欧洲考佩特公司AS350/355 ECUREUILNDH 26-28 欧洲考佩特公司SA 365 DAUPHIN 2ND2 5--9 法国宇航公司N 262/MOHAWK 298PAG N/A-7 派帕公司(轻型飞机)PAT 派帕公司(轻型-双涡轮螺旋桨式飞机)PL2 7--10 派拉特斯PC-12PL6 7-N/A 派拉特斯PC-6 TURBO-PORTERPN6 30-36 派特维纳公司P.68 VICTORSF3 萨伯公司340SHB 18-19 肖特公司SC.5 贝尔法斯特SHS 30-N/A 肖特公司SKYV AN (SC-7)SH3 30-36 肖特公司330 (SD3-30)SH6 12--19 肖特公司360 (SD3-60)SWM 50-58 仙童(SWEARINGEN) 美琳/美多S20 7--16 萨伯2000S58 23-30 SIKORSKY S-58TS61 12--13 SIKORSKY S-61S76 64-84 SIKORSKY S-76TU3 143-180 图波列夫设计集团TU-134TU5 164-210 图波列夫设计集团TU-154T20 69-74 图波列夫设计集团TU-204/214VCV 9-N/A 英国宇航公司(维克斯)维斯康特WWP 100-120 以色列飞机制造公司1124 西风YK2 20-40 雅可列夫设计局YAK-42YK4 17-N/A 雅可列夫设计局Y AK-40YN2 48-N/A 哈尔滨飞机制造厂运12YN7 38-64 西安飞机工业公司运Y7/MA60YS1 85-109 纳姆公司YS-11100 福克公司10014F 75-88 英国宇航公司146 货机141 88-94 英国宇航公司146-100 客机142 93-112 英国宇航公司146-200 客机143 75-112 英国宇航公司146-300 客机146 167-246 英国宇航公司146 客机310 169-246 空中客车公司310 客机312 167-222 空中客车公司A310-200 客机313 107-117 空中客车公司A310-300 客机318 112-134 空中客车公司A318319 107-220 空中客车公司A31932S 123-180 空中客车公司A318/A319/A320/A321320 174-220 空中客车公司A320321 256-412 空中客车公司A321330 256-412 空中客车公司A330332 256-412 空中客车公司A330-200333 228-420 空中客车公司A330-300340 228-335 空中客车公司A340342 253-420 空中客车公司A340-200343 313-359 空中客车公司A340-300345 380-419 空中客车公司A340-500346 空中客车公司A340-60038F 480-656 空中客车公司A380-800F 货机380 空中客车公司A380-800 客机70F 波音公司707 (货机)70M 150-160 波音公司707 (混合机)703 130-219 波音公司707-320/320B/320C/330B (客机)707 106-123 波音公司707/720B 客机717 126-164 波音公司717-20072A 波音公司727-200 改良型72F 78-129 波音公司727 (货机)72M 126-189 波音公司727-100 (混合机)72S 92-119 波音公司727-200/200 (客机)721 145-167 波音公司727-100 (客机)722 92-189 波音公司727-200 客机727 109-148 波音公司727-100/200/200 (客机)73A 波音公司737-200 改良型(客机)73F 126-149 波音公司737-200/300 货机73G 162-189 波音公司737-700 客机73H 69-79 波音公司737-800(小翼)客机73M 100-130 波音公司737-200 (混合机)73S 126-149 波音公司737-200/200 改良型各系列73W 波音公司737-700(小翼)客机73X 波音公司737-200 货机73Y 92-114 波音公司737-300 货机731 106-189 波音公司737-100 客机732 102-145 波音公司737-200 客机733 144-171 波音公司737-300 客机734 104-132 波音公司737-400 客机735 110-119 波音公司737-500 客机736 104-189 波音公司737-600 客机737 162-189 波音公司737 客机738 177-189 波音公司737-800 客机739 270-N/A 波音公司737-900 客机74C 250-304 波音公司747-200 (混合机)74D 287-420 波音公司747-300 (混合机)74E 波音公司747-400 (混合机)74F 244-440 波音公司747-100/200/400 货机74L 238-400 波音公司747SP 客机74M 374-563 波音公司747-200/300/400 混合机74R 波音公司747SR 客机74X 波音公司747-100F/200 货机74Y 393-433 波音公司747-400 货机741 351-493 波音公司747-100 客机742 375-428 波音公司747-200 客机743 362-569 波音公司747-300 客机744 244-569 波音公司747-400 客机747 波音公司747 客机75F 148-239 波音公司757 货机752 波音公司757-200 客机753 148-239 波音公司757-300 客机757 波音公司757-200/300 客机76F 161-234 波音公司767 货机762 203-290 波音公司767-200/200ER 客机763 波音公司767-300/300ER 客机764 161-290 波音公司767-400 客机767 281-440 波音公司767-200/300 客机772 波音公司777-200 客机773 281-440 波音公司777-300 客机777 9--60 波音公司777-200/300 客机BUS 公共汽车ICE 市内特快LCH 汽艇/小船LMO 豪华轿车MTL 地铁RFS 支线列车(货车)TGV 豪华列车THS 高速列车THT 旅馆式列车TRN 火车TSL 卧铺式列车。
D103电子原理解说一.主板电路1.电源电路电源电路主要由电源芯片U23 HA13164A、U13 MPF1583组成。
U10 9435、Q24 8050为雷达、镜头供电。
D5 IN4148为CPU供电CPU-5V。
Q30 8050、Q8 2S1188为碟盒、IPOD供电CDC-ACC。
Q28 8050、Q7 2SB1188为外接功放供电AMP-C。
Q22 8050、Q23 8550为DVD9伏供电DVD-A9V。
Q9 8050、Q10 AO3401为收音天线放大器供电。
Q13 8050 Q5 AO3401为收音高频头供电EAC-ST7540AFIA 8V---9V。
Q21 8050、U4 LM317三端稳压器为风扇供电。
Q3 8550、D3 1N4148为蜂鸣器供电。
D11 BAV99倍压整流二极管为音频处理电路TDA7415供电+18V。
Q16 5551、Q6 2SB1188为高压板、倍压整流D11 BA V99、风扇供电U4 LM317供电12V-HG。
Q54 8050为倒车检测BACK。
Q55 5401为刹车检测BRAKE。
Q1 8050为静音控制MUTE。
Q19 8050为小灯控制ILL。
电源芯片HA13164A引脚功能说明:15-----GND 11-----SYS-P 2-----ANT-C8-------AMP-BATT 7 ------RADIO-P 4-----CPU-5V3-------ACC-IN 9 ------BATT-DET 5-----SYS-A5V6-----ACC-5V 10-----SYS-A9V 12-----SYS-8V 1-----TO---U10-RADAR-POWER 13-----ILM-ADJ14-----TO---Q7-AMP-C Q8-CDC-ACC电源芯片MP1583引脚功能说明:4-----GND 2-----BATT-O 7-----SYS-P 5-----FB6-----COMP 8-----SS 1-----BS3-----SW—OUT----GPS-5V、SYS-5V、经倍压输出18V。
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HA13164AMultiple Voltage RegulatorADE-207-342 (Z)Rev.0Jun. 2001 General DescriptionThe HA13164A is a compact multiple voltage regulator for car audio system. The outputs of this IC output consist of regulated 5.7 V output for a microcontroller, regulated 8 V output for CD driver, regulated 9.0 V output for audio control, regulated 10 V output for illuminations and regulated 5 V output, VCC-dependent output for external output and VCC-dependent output for remort-ANT.FunctionsGeneral•ACC power monitor circuit is built-in as to detect low voltage.•Low saturation output (PNP output) used for audio output.•Adjustable voltage for illumination output by changing an external resister.Protections•Output current limit circuit to avoid device destruction caused by shorted output, etc.•High surge input protector against VCC and ACC.•Built in a thermal shutdown circuit to prevent against the thermal destruction.HA13164ARev.0, Jun. 2001, page 2 of 18Pin Description and Equivalent CircuitFunctionPin No.Pin Name Specification Equivalent CircuitNormal OperationTSDSurge Input 1EXT OUTVCC-1V/300mA minOutput voltage isVCC-1 V when M or H level applied to CTRL pin.0V 0V2ANT OUT VCC-1V/300mA minOutput voltage is VCC-1 V when M or H level to CTRL pin and H level to ANT-CTRL.0V0V4VDD OUT5.7V/100mA minRegular 5.7V.5.7V 0V5SW5VOUT5.0V/100mA minOutput voltage is 5V when M or H level applied to CTRL pin.0V 0V6COMPOUT 5.0V/100mA minOutput for ACC detector0V 0VHA13164ARev.0, Jun. 2001, page 3 of 18Pin Description and Equivalent Circuit (cont)FunctionPin No.Pin Name Specification Equivalent CircuitNormal Operation TSD Surge Input 8VCC —Connected to VCC——9BATT DET—Low battery detect.DetectNot detect10AUDIOOUT 9.0V/500mA minOutput voltage is 9V when M or H level applied to CTRL pin.0V 0V12CD OUT8.0V/1.3A minOutput voltage is 8V when H level applied to CTRL pin.0V 0V13ILM AJ —Adjustment pin for ILM output voltage.——14ILM OUT9.85V/500mA minOutput voltage is 10V when M or H level applied to CTRL pin0V0V15GND—Connected to GND ——HA13164ARev.0, Jun. 2001, page 4 of 18Timing ChartVCC VDDCTRLANTCTRLAUDIOCDILMEXTSW5VANTACC2.8V2.5VCOMPB.DET current9.25V8.5VHA13164A Block DiagramRev.0, Jun. 2001, page 5 of 18HA13164AAbsolute Maximum Ratings(Ta = 25°C)Item Symbol Value Unit Note Operating power supply voltage Vcc18VDC supply voltage Vcc(DC)26V1 Peak voltage Vcc(PEAK)50V2 Power dissipation Pd36W3 Junction temperature Tj150°COperating temperature Topr–40 to +85°CStorage temperature Tstg–55 to +125°CNotes:Recommended power supply voltage range 10V to 16V.1.Applied time is less than 30 sec.2.Surge pulse as input.3.Ta=25°C. :Permissible power dissipation when using a heat sink of infinite area. Refer to thederating curves below.Rev.0, Jun. 2001, page 6 of 18HA13164ARev.0, Jun. 2001, page 7 of 18Electrical Characteristics(unless otherwise noted, Vcc = 13.2 V, Ta = 25°C)ItemSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition Standby currentIST —460700µA ACC = 0V, CTRL = 0VCTRL L level (STBY mode)VCL 0— 1.0V CTRL M level (CD OFF mode)VCM 2.0— 3.0V CTRL H level (CD ON mode)VCH 4.0——V ANT CTRL L level (ANTOFF mode)VACL 0— 2.0V ANT CTRL H level (ANT ON mode)VACH 3.0——V Output voltage Vo1 5.4 5.7 6.0V Io1 = 80mAVoltage regulation ∆Vo11—1050mV Vcc = 10 to 16V, Io1 = 80mA Load regulation∆Vo12—50100mV Io1 = 0 to 80mA Minimum I/O voltage differential ∆Vo13— 1.0 1.5V Io1 = 80mA Output current capacity Io1100250—mA Vo1 ≥ 5.4VVDD OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR15060—dB f = 100Hz, Io1 = 80mA Output voltage 2Vo27.68.08.4V Io2 = 1.0AVoltage regulation ∆Vo21—40100mV Vcc = 10 to 16V, Io2 = 1.0A Load regulation∆Vo22—70150mV Io2 = 10m to 1.0A Minimum I/O voltage differential ∆Vo23— 1.0 1.5V Io2 = 1.0A Output current capacity Io2 1.3 2.0—A Vo2 ≥ 7.6VCD OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR24045—dB f = 100Hz, Io2 = 1.0A Output voltage 3Vo38.59.09.5V Io3 = 400mAVoltage regulation ∆Vo31—3090mV Vcc = 10 to 16V, Io3 = 400mA Load regulation∆Vo32—100200mV Io3 = 10 to 400mA Minimum I/O voltage differential ∆Vo33—0.40.9V Io3 = 400mA Output current capacity Io3500850—mA Vo3 ≥ 8.5VAUDIO OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR34550—dB f = 100Hz, Io3 = 400mA Output voltage 4Vo49.359.8510.35V Io4 = 400mAVoltage regulation ∆Vo41—40100mV Vcc = 12.5 to 16V, Io4 = 400mA Load regulation∆Vo42—50100mV Io4 = 10 to 400mA Minimum I/O voltage differential ∆Vo43— 1.0 1.5V Io4 = 400mA Output current capacity Io4500900—mA Vo4 ≥ 9.35VILM OUTRipple rejection ratioSVR43540—dB f = 100Hz, Io4 = 400mA Differential I/O voltage ∆Vo51— 1.0 1.5V Io5 = 300mA Load regulation ∆Vo52—350600mV Io5 = 10 to 300mA EXT12OUTOutput current capacityIo5300500—mAVo5 ≥ 11.7VHA13164ARev.0, Jun. 2001, page 8 of 18Electrical Characteristics (cont)(unless otherwise noted, Vcc = 13.2 V, Ta = 25°C)Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition Differential I/O voltage ∆Vo61— 1.0 1.5V Io6 = 300mA Load regulation ∆Vo62—350600mV Io6 = 10 to 300mA ANT OUTOutput current capacityIo6300500—mA Vo6 ≥ 11.7VOutput voltage Vo7 4.6 5.0 5.4V Io7 = 80mA, VDD = no load SW5V OUT Output current capacity Io7100300—mA Vo7 ≥ 4.6VOutput voltage Vo8 4.6 5.0 5.4V Io8 = 40mA, VDD = no load Output current capacity Io8100300—mA Vo8 ≥ 4.6VRise threshold voltage VTHH8 2.6 2.8 3.0V ACC OUTHysteresis range∆VTH80.20.30.4V Threshold voltage VTHH98.18.58.9V Hysteresis range ∆VTH90.550.750.95V BATT.DETOutput current capacityIo9200——µAVo = 0.3VHA13164A Evaluation CircuitRev.0, Jun. 2001, page 9 of 18HA13164AMain CharacteristicRev.0, Jun. 2001, page 10 of 18Package DimensionsDisclaimer1.Hitachi neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Hitachi’s or any third party’s patent,copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document.Hitachi bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party’s rights, including intellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document.2.Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confirm that you have received the latest product standards or specifications before final design, purchase or use.3.Hitachi makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However,contact Hitachi’s sales office before using the product in an application that demands especially high quality and reliability or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of bodily injury, such as aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation,traffic, safety equipment or medical equipment for life support.4.Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges guaranteed by Hitachi particularly for maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installationconditions and other characteristics. Hitachi bears no responsibility for failure or damage when used beyond the guaranteed ranges. Even within the guaranteed ranges, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as fail-safes, so that the equipment incorporating Hitachi product does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to operation of the Hitachi product.5.This product is not designed to be radiation resistant.6.No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the whole or part of this document without written approval from Hitachi.7.Contact Hitachi’s sales office for any questions regarding this document or Hitachi semiconductor products.Sales OfficesHitachi, Ltd.Semiconductor & Integrated Circuits.Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Tel: Tokyo (03) 3270-2111 Fax: (03) 3270-5109Copyright Hitachi, Ltd., 2000. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.Hitachi Asia Ltd. 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