



一. ‎H iber‎n ate工‎作使用步骤‎?1.‎‎读‎取并解析配‎置文件‎2. ‎‎读取并解‎析映射信息‎,创建Se‎s sion‎F acto‎r y3‎.‎‎打开Ses‎s sion‎4. ‎‎创建‎事务Tra‎n sati‎o n5‎.‎‎持久化操作‎6. ‎‎提交‎事务7‎.‎‎关闭Ses‎s ion ‎8. ‎‎关闭S‎e ssti‎o nFac‎t ory ‎二.Hi‎b erna‎t e的查询‎方式有几种‎?(1)‎导航对象图‎检索方式。



‎根据对象的‎O ID来查‎询对象。

S‎e ssio‎n的get‎()和lo‎a d()方‎法。


H‎Q L是面向‎对象的查询‎语言,se‎s sion‎的find‎()方法用‎于执行HQ‎L查询语句‎。

可以利用‎Q uery‎接口。

‎Q uery‎quer‎y = s‎e ssio‎n.cre‎a teQu‎e ry(“‎f rom ‎C usto‎m er a‎s c w‎h ere ‎c.nam‎e=: ‎c usto‎m erNa‎m e”);‎que‎r y.se‎t Stri‎n g(“c‎u stom‎e rNam‎e”,”张‎三”);‎List‎resu‎l tLis‎t = q‎u ery.‎l ist(‎);(4‎)QBC查‎询方式。


‎Cri‎t eria‎crit‎e ria ‎= ses‎s ion.‎c reat‎e Crit‎e ria(‎U ser.‎c lass‎);C‎r iter‎i on c‎r iter‎i on1 ‎= Exp‎e ssio‎n.lik‎e(“na‎m e”,”‎T%”);‎Crit‎e rion‎crit‎e rion‎2 = E‎x pess‎i on.e‎q(age‎,new ‎I nteg‎e r(30‎));c‎r iter‎i a =‎crit‎e ria.‎a dd(c‎r iter‎i on1)‎;cri‎t eria‎ = c‎r iter‎i a.ad‎d(cri‎t erio‎n2);‎L ist ‎r esul‎t List‎= cr‎i teri‎a.lis‎t();‎这种查询方‎式使用的较‎少,主要是‎在查询中需‎要用户输入‎一系列的查‎询条件,如‎果采用HQ‎L查询代码‎会比较烦。

Autodesk AutoCAD 2018.1.1 Update 说明书

Autodesk AutoCAD 2018.1.1 Update 说明书

Autodesk AutoCAD 2018.1.1 Update ReadmeThank you for downloading the Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2018.1.1 Update.This readme contains important information regarding the installation and contents of the Update.Important: The AutoCAD 2018.1.1 Update contains all of the updates previously released for AutoCAD 2018.ContentsNew Feature and Feature Enhancement SummaryProblems Reported Through the Customer Error Reporting UtilityGeneral Update ContentApplying UpdatesAutoCAD Updates can be applied to AutoCAD installed as a standalone application and AutoCAD-based vertical products. You can install the AutoCAD update in addition to any applicable updates for your vertical products listed below.AutoCAD and Vertical Products:AutoCAD 2018AutoCAD Architecture 2018AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018AutoCAD Electrical 2018AutoCAD Map 3D 2018AutoCAD Mechanical 2018AutoCAD MEP 2018AutoCAD Plant 3D 2018Advance Steel 2018After applying this patch, the Product Version in the About box will be listed as O.154.0.0 AutoCAD 2018.1.1 Update. If you use one of the vertical products, the Built On version will be listed as O.154.0.0 AutoCAD 2018.1.1 Update.Return to Top New Feature and Feature Enhancement Summary (2018.1 Update Section)The following table summarizes the new features and enhancements provided in this Update. For detailed information, consult the AutoCAD 2018.1 Update Preview Guide.Feature New Featureor FeatureEnhancementFeature CommentsXref Layer Property Enhancements New Feature To provide more flexibility for controlling xref overrides, the Layer Settings dialog box, which is accessed from the Layer Properties Manager, includes new controls for managing Xref layerproperties. When the option to retain overrides to xref layer properties is turned on with theVISRETAIN system variable, you can now specify which xref layer properties that you want to reload.The various layer property options are stored in the registry as specified by the new VISRETAINMODEsystem variable. The Layer Properties Manager also includes a new status icon to indicate when alayer associated with an xref includes overrides.Primary commands and system variables: LAYER, VISRETAIN, VISRETAINMODE, XREFOVERRIDEViews and New Feature You can now easily create, retrieve, and place model views together with automatically sized andViewports scaled layout viewports onto the current layout. When selected, layout viewport objects display twoadditional grips, one for moving the viewport, and the other for setting the display scale from a list ofcommonly used scales.Primary commands and system variables: MVIEW, NEWVIEWHigh resolution (4K) monitor support FeatureEnhancementSupport for high resolution monitors continues to be improved in the Update. More than 200 dialogboxes and other User Interface elements have been updated to ensure a quality viewing experienceon high-resolution (4K) displays.For the best results, use the Windows 10 operating system and a compatible video card.3D Graphics Performance FeatureEnhancementThe 3D graphics performance for the Wireframe, Realistic, and Shaded visual styles continues toincrease depending on the content of the DWG files tested. For example, the median value for theframes-per-second performance in the six large benchmark models used increased by 37% in theUpdate as compared to AutoCAD 2018.Primary commands and system variables: 3DORBIT, ZOOM, PAN, VSCURRENTReturn to TopProblems Reported Through the Customer Error Reporting UtilityAs a result of the detailed information that we received from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting Utility, we were able to identify and fix several defects with the following results:2018.0.1 UpdateGeneralOccasional crashes when ending an AutoCAD session using specific API code no longer occur.2018.0.2 UpdateGeneralOccasional crashes when editing an undefined hatch pattern no longer occur.Occasional crashes when opening certain DXF files no longer occur.2018.1 UpdateGeneralOccasional crashes when switching the visual style to 3D after using the PDFCLIP command no longeroccur.Occasional crashes when right-clicking the drawing from the Start tab no longer occur.Occasional crashes when saving to the AutoCAD 2004/LT 2004 Drawing format or an earlier format nolonger occur.2018.1.1 UpdateGeneralOccasional crashes when opening the block editor no longer occur.Occasional crashes when selecting or creating a non-associative hatch no longer occur.Occasional crashes when clicking the Insert View button on the ribbon in some drawings no longeroccur.Occasional crashes when modifying certain dimension styles no longer occur.Occasional crashes when editing the grip of a spotlight in some drawings no longer occur.Occasional crashes when opening DXF files containing Xrefs no longer occur.Return to Top General Update ContentSeveral additional defects have been fixed with the following results:2018.0.1 UpdateAnnotationPublishing annotative multiline attributes no longer results in incorrect annotative scaling.FontPFB fonts can now be compiled successfully as SHX files.PDFThe border of a mask is no longer plotted in PDFs when, from the Plot dialog box, PDF Options, MergeControl, the Lines Merge option is specified.2018.0.2 UpdateBlockRight-clicking in the Block Editor no longer displays an error message in the Command window.PlotCertain text styles are no longer upside down when printed to PDF.Self-Intersecting wipeouts in a block will perform as expected when plotted.GeneralA defect that would otherwise have caused the product subscription to expire on June 1st, 2017 witha pre-release product error message is fixed.The ability to input values for the Material Editor Palette is restored.Digitally signed AutoLISP files can be loaded as expected.2018.1 UpdateLinetypeThe properties of complex linetypes are now supported by standards files (.dws).GeneralAutoCAD no longer hangs on Windows 10 when copying objects between AutoCAD 2018 and AutoCAD2017.Crossing Window and Fence selection can select objects that are not on the current UCS XY plane.The Digital Signature Warning dialog box does not display on every save or autosave operation.Plot preview performance is improved on some drawings that previously were slower than expected.2018.1.1 UpdateBlocksThe attribute position of a block remains the same after editing the block.PDF/PlotPDF files plotted from certain drawings now display correctly in Adobe Reader.Hatch patterns in PDF files are consistent with lineweight.Raster images are plotted correctly when Shadeplot is set to the Rendered option.GeneralThe AEC property-set data in DWG files can be successfully exported to 3D DWF files.Certain Pro/E files can now be successfully imported into AutoCAD.Return to Top Uninstall This UpdateWindows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 101. Click Start and then Control Panel.2. Click Programs.3. Click Programs and Features.4. In the left pane in the Programs and Features window, click View Installed Updates.5. Find the appropriate update in the list of updates. Click Uninstall.Return to Top Thank YouWe want to express our appreciation to all our customers who identified these issues and reported them to us. Your reports gave us the opportunity to improve the quality of the product. We also thank you for your continued business, and for your valuable feedback regarding this release.Respectfully,The Autodesk AutoCAD Product TeamReturn to Top Copyright ©2017 Autodesk, Inc.。



LOW-FREQUENCY ACTIVE TOWED SONAR (LFATS)LFATS is a full-feature, long-range,low-frequency variable depth sonarDeveloped for active sonar operation against modern dieselelectric submarines, LFATS has demonstrated consistent detection performance in shallow and deep water. LFATS also provides a passive mode and includes a full set of passive tools and features.COMPACT SIZELFATS is a small, lightweight, air-transportable, ruggedized system designed specifically for easy installation on small vessels. CONFIGURABLELFATS can operate in a stand-alone configuration or be easily integrated into the ship’s combat system.TACTICAL BISTATIC AND MULTISTATIC CAPABILITYA robust infrastructure permits interoperability with the HELRAS helicopter dipping sonar and all key sonobuoys.HIGHLY MANEUVERABLEOwn-ship noise reduction processing algorithms, coupled with compact twin line receivers, enable short-scope towing for efficient maneuvering, fast deployment and unencumbered operation in shallow water.COMPACT WINCH AND HANDLING SYSTEMAn ultrastable structure assures safe, reliable operation in heavy seas and permits manual or console-controlled deployment, retrieval and depth-keeping. FULL 360° COVERAGEA dual parallel array configuration and advanced signal processing achieve instantaneous, unambiguous left/right target discrimination.SPACE-SAVING TRANSMITTERTOW-BODY CONFIGURATIONInnovative technology achievesomnidirectional, large aperture acousticperformance in a compact, sleek tow-body assembly.REVERBERATION SUPRESSIONThe unique transmitter design enablesforward, aft, port and starboarddirectional transmission. This capabilitydiverts energy concentration away fromshorelines and landmasses, minimizingreverb and optimizing target detection.SONAR PERFORMANCE PREDICTIONA key ingredient to mission planning,LFATS computes and displays systemdetection capability based on modeled ormeasured environmental data.Key Features>Wide-area search>Target detection, localization andclassification>T racking and attack>Embedded trainingSonar Processing>Active processing: State-of-the-art signal processing offers acomprehensive range of single- andmulti-pulse, FM and CW processingfor detection and tracking. Targetdetection, localization andclassification>P assive processing: LFATS featuresfull 100-to-2,000 Hz continuouswideband coverage. Broadband,DEMON and narrowband analyzers,torpedo alert and extendedtracking functions constitute asuite of passive tools to track andanalyze targets.>Playback mode: Playback isseamlessly integrated intopassive and active operation,enabling postanalysis of pre-recorded mission data and is a keycomponent to operator training.>Built-in test: Power-up, continuousbackground and operator-initiatedtest modes combine to boostsystem availability and accelerateoperational readiness.UNIQUE EXTENSION/RETRACTIONMECHANISM TRANSFORMS COMPACTTOW-BODY CONFIGURATION TO ALARGE-APERTURE MULTIDIRECTIONALTRANSMITTERDISPLAYS AND OPERATOR INTERFACES>State-of-the-art workstation-based operator machineinterface: Trackball, point-and-click control, pull-down menu function and parameter selection allows easy access to key information. >Displays: A strategic balance of multifunction displays,built on a modern OpenGL framework, offer flexible search, classification and geographic formats. Ground-stabilized, high-resolution color monitors capture details in the real-time processed sonar data. > B uilt-in operator aids: To simplify operation, LFATS provides recommended mode/parameter settings, automated range-of-day estimation and data history recall. >COTS hardware: LFATS incorporates a modular, expandable open architecture to accommodate future technology.L3Harrissellsht_LFATS© 2022 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. | 09/2022NON-EXPORT CONTROLLED - These item(s)/data have been reviewed in accordance with the InternationalTraffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22 CFR part 120.33, and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 CFR 734(3)(b)(3), and may be released without export restrictions.L3Harris Technologies is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-endsolutions that meet customers’ mission-critical needs. The company provides advanced defense and commercial technologies across air, land, sea, space and cyber domains.t 818 367 0111 | f 818 364 2491 *******************WINCH AND HANDLINGSYSTEMSHIP ELECTRONICSTOWED SUBSYSTEMSONAR OPERATORCONSOLETRANSMIT POWERAMPLIFIER 1025 W. NASA Boulevard Melbourne, FL 32919SPECIFICATIONSOperating Modes Active, passive, test, playback, multi-staticSource Level 219 dB Omnidirectional, 222 dB Sector Steered Projector Elements 16 in 4 stavesTransmission Omnidirectional or by sector Operating Depth 15-to-300 m Survival Speed 30 knotsSize Winch & Handling Subsystem:180 in. x 138 in. x 84 in.(4.5 m x 3.5 m x 2.2 m)Sonar Operator Console:60 in. x 26 in. x 68 in.(1.52 m x 0.66 m x 1.73 m)Transmit Power Amplifier:42 in. x 28 in. x 68 in.(1.07 m x 0.71 m x 1.73 m)Weight Winch & Handling: 3,954 kg (8,717 lb.)Towed Subsystem: 678 kg (1,495 lb.)Ship Electronics: 928 kg (2,045 lb.)Platforms Frigates, corvettes, small patrol boats Receive ArrayConfiguration: Twin-lineNumber of channels: 48 per lineLength: 26.5 m (86.9 ft.)Array directivity: >18 dB @ 1,380 HzLFATS PROCESSINGActiveActive Band 1,200-to-1,00 HzProcessing CW, FM, wavetrain, multi-pulse matched filtering Pulse Lengths Range-dependent, .039 to 10 sec. max.FM Bandwidth 50, 100 and 300 HzTracking 20 auto and operator-initiated Displays PPI, bearing range, Doppler range, FM A-scan, geographic overlayRange Scale5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 kyd PassivePassive Band Continuous 100-to-2,000 HzProcessing Broadband, narrowband, ALI, DEMON and tracking Displays BTR, BFI, NALI, DEMON and LOFAR Tracking 20 auto and operator-initiatedCommonOwn-ship noise reduction, doppler nullification, directional audio。



Influence of works
The Impact on Adventure Novels
Treasure Island has had a profound impact on the development of adventure novels, opening up a new chapter in adventure novels and becoming a classic work of adventure novels.
Artistic characteristics
Narrative style
Complex plot
Pace and tension
Unique voice
The plot of Treasure Island is highly complex, with numerical characters and subplots that interwine to create a captioning storyline
Well developed characters
The characters in Treasure Island are well developed and have distinct personalities that are explored in depth
Source of creative inspiration
Historical Background
Character development
Treasure Island's creative inspiration comes from Stevenson's discussions with friends, who discuss stories about pirates and treasure hunting, and these elements become the main plot of Treasure Island.



java英语笔试试题及答案Java英语笔试试题及答案1. What is the difference between a class and an object in Java?A class is a blueprint or template that defines the properties and methods of an object. An object is an instance of a class, created at runtime.2. What is the purpose of the 'public static voidmain(String[] args)' method in Java?The 'public static void main(String[] args)' method is the entry point of a Java application. It is the first methodthat gets executed when the program starts.3. What is the difference between a method and a function in Java?In Java, a method is a block of code that is used to perform a specific task. A function is a term that is often used interchangeably with method, but technically, a function can return a value whereas a method does not necessarily do so.4. What is the 'this' keyword used for in Java?The 'this' keyword in Java is a reference to the current object. It can be used to access instance variables and methods of the current object.5. What is an interface in Java?An interface in Java is a completely abstract class that can contain only abstract methods and constants. It is used to achieve abstraction and to define a contract for classes to implement.6. What is the difference between a checked exception and an unchecked exception in Java?A checked exception is a type of exception that a method must either handle with a try-catch block or declare it with the 'throws' keyword. An unchecked exception is not required to be handled or declared, and includes RuntimeException and its subclasses.7. What is the 'final' keyword used for in Java?The 'final' keyword in Java can be used in three different contexts: to declare a class as final (cannot be subclassed), to declare a method as final (cannot be overridden), or to declare a variable as final (cannot be reassigned).8. What is a constructor in Java?A constructor in Java is a special method that is used to initialize objects. It has the same name as the class and is called when an object is created.9. What is the purpose of the 'super' keyword in Java?The 'super' keyword in Java is used to refer to the parent class's methods and variables. It is often used in constructors to call a superclass's constructor.10. What is the difference b etween '==’ and 'equals()' inJava?The '==' operator is used to compare primitive data types by value and object references by reference, whereas the'equals()' method is used to compare objects by content, and it can be overridden to provide custom comparison logic.Answers:1. A class is a blueprint, an object is an instance of a class.2. It is the entry point of a Java application.3. A method is a block of code in Java, a function is a more general term and can return a value.4. It refers to the current object.5. An interface is an abstract class with only abstract methods and constants.6. Checked exceptions must be handled or declared, unchecked do not.7. It is used to declare classes, methods, or variables as final.8. It initializes objects.9. It refers to the parent class's methods and variables.10. '==' compares by value or reference, 'equals()' compares by content.。



---Introduction (1 Point)- Clarity of Purpose (0.5 Point): Does the introduction clearly state the purpose of the continuation? Is the reader immediately aware of the context and the direction the story is taking?- Relevance to Original Text (0.5 Point): Does the introduction effectively link back to the original text, ensuring a seamless transition from the original story to the continuation?Plot Development (7 Points)- Consistency (2 Points): Is the plot development consistent with the established setting and characters? Do new events or twists logically follow from the previous narrative?- Originality (2 Points): Does the continuation introduce new ideas or twists that add depth to the story? Is there a sense of originality in the plot progression?- Coherence (2 Points): Are the events in the continuation logically connected? Do they contribute to the overall narrative without introducing unnecessary confusion?- Pacing (1 Point): Does the continuation maintain an appropriate pace? Is there a balance between action, dialogue, and description that keeps the reader engaged?Character Development (6 Points)- Depth (2 Points): Do the characters in the continuation display new layers or complexities? Are their actions and reactions believable and consistent with their established personalities?- Interaction (2 Points): How do the characters interact with each other and with the environment? Do these interactions add to the story's depth and tension?- Dialogue (2 Points): Is the dialogue realistic and character-specific? Does it advance the plot or reveal something significant about the characters?- Arc (2 Points): Does the continuation contribute to the overall character arc, moving the characters towards their ultimate goals or changes?Language and Style (6 Points)- Vocabulary (2 Points): Does the continuation use a varied and appropriate vocabulary? Are there any instances of inappropriate or overly complex words?- Grammar and Syntax (2 Points): Is the grammar and syntax correct throughout the continuation? Are there any errors that distract from the reading experience?- Style (2 Points): Does the continuation have a consistent style? Does the author's voice come through clearly, and is there a sense of rhythm and flow?- Descriptive Language (2 Points): Is the continuation well-descriptive, using language to paint pictures in the reader's mind? Does the description enhance the narrative and setting?Conventions and Mechanics (4 Points)- Formatting (1 Point): Is the continuation properly formatted, with clear paragraphs and appropriate spacing?- Citations (1 Point): If there are any direct quotes or references to external sources, are they properly cited?- Punctuation (1 Point): Is the punctuation used correctly and consistently throughout the continuation?- Capitalization (1 Point): Is the capitalization used correctly, especially for proper nouns and the beginning of sentences?Conclusion (1 Point)- Resolution (0.5 Point): Does the continuation effectively resolve or advance the story's main conflict or questions?- Tension (0.5 Point): Does the continuation leave the reader with a sense of anticipation or curiosity about what will happen next?---Total Points: 25This scoring criteria is designed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the continuation writing. Each category is weighted to reflect its importance in creating a compelling and well-crafted piece of writing. The total score will be determined by the sum of points awarded in each category, with the understanding that a high score indicates a continuation that is both engaging and well-executed.。



•中标麒麟 Linux 使用 BIND (Berkely Internet Name Domain,伯克利互联网域名)
–BIND 是互联网上使用最广泛的 DNS 服务器 –在一个稳定可靠的体系上建构域名和 IP 地址关联 –对 DNS RFC 的参考实现 –在 chroot 环境下运行
•某些名称服务提供将主机名转换成计算机能够用来沟 通的低级地址的机制
–例如:名称 --> MAC 地址 (链接层) –例如:名称 --> IP 地址 (网络层) --> MAC 地址 (链接层)
–文件 (/etc/hosts 和 /etc/sysconfig/network) –DNS –NIS –多重客户端解析程序: –“stub” (占位程序) –dig –host –nslookup
配置 Stub 解析程序
–编辑 /etc/resolv.conf 来指定 nameserver –编辑 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* 来指定 PEERDNS=no –优点:
•确保所有应用程序查询的一致性 •简化访问控制和故障排除
–从不读取 /etc/nsswitch.conf 文件 –默认情况是在 /etc/resolv.conf 文件中只查找 nameserver 行 –输出是 RFC 标准的区块文件格式。该格式被 DNS 服务器使用,从而使 dig对查看 DNS 解析情况特别有 用
使用 dig 来跟踪 DNS 查询
–除了 /etc/resolv.conf 以外,不具特权的用户还可以 在哪里看到 DHhroot 软件包

Autodesk Vault 2011 属性系统简介与概述说明书

Autodesk Vault 2011 属性系统简介与概述说明书

AUTODESK® VAULT 2011PROPERTIES INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEWConcepts and common administrative tasks are described in this paper. This paper is not a comprehensive description - complete details are available through Vault 2011 Help. Most of the features described are in all Vault 2011 products. However, some features are only available in the higher levels of the Vault product line.IntroductionThe property system for Vault 2011 is a single set of properties that are shared across files, items, change orders and reference designators. There are two types of properties: System and User Defined Properties (UDP.) System properties cannot be deleted but do support some configuration options like renaming and a few support mapping. Duplicate property names are not permitted for either type.UDP’s are custom created properties that support assignment to object groups, policy constraints and mapping of values with file and BOM properties. With each new vault there are numerous UDP’s supplied as part of the default configuration.Some of the highlights of the new property system:o Consistent user interface for all property managemento Property constraint overrides by categoryo Streamlined Edit Properties wizardo New vertical properties grid supports multiple files as well as Items & Change Orders o‘Lists’ support text and number data types as well as addition and removal of valueso Standardized mapping for all property sourceso Bi-directional mappingProperty DefinitionA property definition contains a name, data type, policy settings and mappings. The definition also specifies which object groups are associated with and may utilize the property. As an example, we will use the property definition Author. If Author is associated with the File and Item groups it may appear on any file or item but cannot appear with change orders and reference designators. (Reference Designators are a feature of AutoCAD Electrical). Every object (file and item) that is associated with the property definition Author will have a unique value. This may seem obvious when comparing two files as they each may have a unique value. This principle may not be as obvious when comparing objects across groups. If a file is promoted to an item, the file and item are allowed to have unique values for Author.*Change Order Link Properties remain a separate propertysystem.AdministrationCreation and AssociationTo create a property the name and data typemust be specified. The new property is notavailable for use until it has been associated toan object group. The groups are: Change Order,File, Item and Reference Designator. In thesample image below, the File object group isselected. This new property cannot be attachedto an Item, Change Order or ReferenceDesignator unless those object groups are alsoselected.All files in the categories Base or Engineering will have this property automatically attached. If this property needs to be attached to a specific file in another category it may be manually attached. Manual attachment can be done in two ways: using the Edit Properties Wizard or the Add or Remove Property located on the Actions menu.The object groups Change Order and Reference Designator do not support categories. Therefore, any property associated with one of these groups will be automatically attached to all objects in that group.SettingsThe policy values under the Property Valuescolumn (left side of the dialog) are applied toall instances of this property except where thecategory override applies. The CategoryValues allow overrides by category. Consultthe Help for further details about overrides andpolicies. In this paper, we will outline InitialValue, List Values and Enforce List Values.Initial ValueThe Initial Value is applied once when theproperty is initially associated with an object.The initial value is only applied in the absenceof a user supplied or a mapped value.The initial association occurs in three circumstances: 1) object is created (ex: adding a file or creating an item) 2) assignment to a category that automatically attaches the property 3) manual property attachment.There are two types of Initial Value: static and mapped. The static value is a fixed value and may be any value that is valid for the selected data type. An initial mapped value copies the value from a file or BOM property.Initial Values should NOT be used onproperties where all regular mappings read thevalue from a file or BOM. A blank value in themapped file or BOM field takes precedenceover the initial value. This may appear as ifthe initial value is not applied when in fact themapped value of ‘blank’ takes precedence.List ValuesProperties of type Text and Number mayprovide a list of values for user selection andsearching. The administrator may add orremove values from the list at any time.Removal of a value from the list does notremove the value from any property where thatvalue has been applied. When specifying thevalue for this property, the user may chosefrom the list of values. Enter values that arenot on the list is allowed. If this property ismapped to read a value from a file or BOM, the imported value is not required to be on the list. Enforce List ValuesWhen enabled, this option will provide a warning symbol adjacent to this property if the value is not on the list. When a value is in violation of this policy, the default configuration for lifecycle transitions will not allow a file or item to be released.MappingTo create a property mapping, the administrator must first choose which object group is to be mapped. In the image below, this is specified under the first column titled Entity . The available choices are based on the value of the Associations field. Several Content Providers are included but in most cases it is best to leave theselection on All Files (*.*). Vault willautomatically select the most appropriateContent Provider based on the file type.Next, select a file that contains the propertyor BOM field to be mapped. The image onthe left shows the file properties available formapping in the file manifold_block.ipt .The Type column shows the data type of thesource property. Mapping may be doneacross data types. However, there arespecial considerations that are detailed in thenext section. The mapping direction bydefault will chose bi-directional unless the fileor BOM property does not support the inputof values. When this occurs the mappingoption will be limited to Read only. Readonly mappings should be used sparinglybecause any UDP that contains only ‘Readonly’ mappings may not be modified in Vault.Mapping Across Data TypesThere are four property types: Text,Number, Boolean & Date . The following matrix defines valid property mappings. Whenever a mapping is created between two different property types there is the possibility of incompatibility. The onus is on the user to input valid values. If an invalid value is entered in most cases, the equivalence will flag the property as non-equivalent. The exceptions are listed below.1. Mapping Boolean with Text : The supported valid text values are: Yes/No , True/False and1/0. These values are localized. A string like ‘Autodesk’ entered in a Text property cannot be transferred to a Boolean property. This property mapping would be flagged as notequivalent.2. Mapping Text with Number or Text with Date : Works well when all clients and the serverare in the same language-locale. With mixed locales values may convert in a manner that is not intuitive and may produce an undesirable result. Therefore, mapping Text withNumber or Text with Date is only recommended when the server and all clients are working in the same locale.Create OptionThe Create option applies to write mappings; if the file property does not exist when a value is pushed to the file, the administrator may choose whether the file property is created or not. The Create option has another function that is not obvious: when enabled the equivalence calculation will consider the absence of the property definition in the file as a blank value and Supported mapping across data types Source Property (File or BOM) U DP Text Number Boolean Date Text Yes Yes (2) Yes (1) Yes (2) Number Yes (2) Yes Yes NoBoolean Yes (1) Yes Yes No Date Yes (2) No No Yescompare it against the value of the UDP in Vault. When the Create option is disabled, equivalence will be set to ‘Good’ when the mapped property definition does not exist in the file.Example: I have two departments in myorganization that both create .dwg files but theyuse different file properties to represent thesame information. The R&D department usesthe file property DwgNum. The Toolingdepartment uses the file property DrwNo. I wantto manage all drawings from both groups in asingle Vault and with one UDP ‘DrawingNumber’. The correct configuration is to createbidirectional mappings and set the Create optionto Off for both mappings. The result is that amodification of the UDP Drawing Number willwrite its value back to whichever property existsand it will not create an extra property.Mapping AutoCAD Block AttributesAutodesk® AutoCAD® block attribute mapping requires configuration on the ADMS. Select Index Block Attributes… from the Tools menu in Autodesk Data Management Server Console 2011. Enter the AutoCAD block names from which to extract attributes. After this is done, it is possible to map a UDP to an attribute using the mapping processdescribed above. Configured mappings allow thesystem to read and/or write values between the UDPand the attribute.Usage of attribute mapping is intended for singleinstances of a block or when all block instances havethe same attribute values. It is not possible for multipleblock instances to be mapped to separate UDP’s. Manycompanies have one instance of a title block in a given.dwg files. Occasionally, there are companies that use multiple instances of a title block in a single file. In these cases, the attributes often share the same values. An example is a drawing file that contains three borders of different size. Each border uses the same title block with attributes. The attributes for Customer Name, Engineer, Project Number, etc. will share the same value for all instances. Such attributes that share the same value may be mapped to a UDP. Attributes like Border Size will have a unique value for each block instance. Therefore, Border Size should not be mapped to a UDP in Vault.AutoCAD MechanicalAutodesk® AutoCAD® Mechanical software (ACM) supports three distinct sets of properties, all ofwhich may be mapped to Vault UDPs. The three ACM property sets are: file, assembly and component. See the ACM documentation for details about the intended use and differences between these properties.Vault file properties may map to ACM file properties and Vault item properties may map to ACM assembly and component properties.It should also be noted that ACM assembly and file properties having the same name, should not be mapped to the same Vault UDP.AutoCAD ElectricalAutodesk® AutoCAD® Electrical software (ACE) supports both file and BOM properties. ACE BOM properties may be mapped to Item properties. ACE utilizes properties located in .dwg’s,.wdp’s and associated databases. ACE properties are exposed to Vault in four ways:First: Ordinary DWG™ file properties and block attributes may be mapped to Vault File objects. The majority of these mappings support bi-directional mapping. Creation of these mappings is described in the Mapping section of this document.Second: WDP properties support mapping to Item properties. They also support bi-directional mapping. Creating a mapping with WDP properties requires the AutoCAD Electrical Content Source Provider. The provider isspecified in the second columnof the image at the right. Thisprovider is automatically setwhen a file of type .wdp isselected under the File Propertycolumn. If an associated .wdlfile has been created both theline number and the alternateproperty name will automaticallyappear in the list for selection.You may select the line numberor the alternate display name tocreate the mapping. All wdlproperties will appear in the listof selectable properties; it does not matter if a value is present.Third: Component BOM properties may be mapped to Item properties. This includes properties like:Catalog Number, Component Name, Component Type, Electrical Type, Equivalence Value & Manufacturer and more...To create a mapping to a component BOM property, create a new UDP and associate it to Items. Then on the Mapping tab create a new mapping, making sure the first column Entity is set to Item. Under the File Property column, browse and select any file that contains the property to which you will create the mapping. Some properties require that a value exist or the property is not available for selection in the list.Reminder: When creating new properties it is best to associate them to a category which will automatically associate them to the files and/or items where the property should appear. If this is not done, the property will have to be manually associated to the file or item.Fourth: Reference Designator properties, when mapped will appear in Vault as optional data on an Item BOM. There are eighteen Reference Designator properties available:INST, LOC, TAG, DESC1...3, RATING1 (12)These properties may be mapped to an Item BOM using the DWG content source provider.To create a mapping to a Reference Designator, create a new UDP and associate it to Reference Designator. Then on the Mapping tab create a new mapping, ensure the first column Entity is set to Reference Designator. Under the File Property column select the dwg containing the Reference Designator to which the mapping needs to be created. All Reference Designators are available for selection in the list without requiring a value.Properties(Historical)A handful of properties have duplicates having the same display name with ‘(Historical)’ appended to the end: State, Revision Scheme, Property Compliance, Lifecycle Definition, Category Name & Category Glyph. These ‘historical’ properties exist solely to retain a record of the values when a configuration change alters the value of the non-historical properties. In other words, the ‘historical’property will always contain the value as it existed when that version was created. This situation arises because these properties may have a new value due to a configuration change, even though a new version is not created.A policy change is a good example of why these historical’ properties exist. An organization may have released documents that use the property Vendor. Currently the policy on the property Vendor does not require a value. The administrator modifies the policy ‘Requires Value’ to require a value. After the automatic compliance recalculation, any existing documents (including released documents) with the Vendor property and without a value will have a new PropertyCompliance value of non-compliant. PropertyCompliance(Historical) will retain the value of compliant. MigrationThe property features of Vault 2011 are a significant enhancement. A feature overhaul of this scale poses challenges for migration. Most prominent is the calculation of property compliance. In some migration cases, the compliance calculation will require additional information beyond that which was stored in Vault 2010 or earlier versions. Performing a Re-Index will resolve the majority of these cases. It is highly recommended that a Re-Index is performed after migration. A Re-Index using the option for Latest and Released Versions Only is sufficient. In rare cases, a re-index may not restore compliance values to pre-migration values. If this occurs, manual adjustment to the property configuration may be required.File Index PropertiesFIP’s are no longer supported. The values contained by the FIP’s will remain available in UDP’s. There are multiple FIP configurations that require unique migration rules, listed here:FIP with no mapping or grouping: this ordinary FIP exists in Vault 2010 or earlier, without any mapping to a UDP and is not a member in any group. Migration will create a UDP, which will be mapped to the file property from which the FIP was created.FIP mapped to a UDP: upon migration, the UDP is carried forward and the FIP is removed from Vault. The value remains available in Vault through the UDP.Grouped FIP’s: property groups are migrated to a UDP having the same name and are mapped to the sources of all the grouped FIP’s.Bi-directional MappingsNew to Vault 2011 is the ability to create Bi-directional property mapping. In previous releases, a mapping was either Read or Write. Because of this change, a UDP that has only Read mappings may not be modified. An example is a UDP that is mapped to Read its value from the file property Creation Date. It makes no sense to write a value back to Creation Date.After migrating to Vault 2011, property mappings that were previously Read will be changed to Bi-directional. If the mapped source does not support input of a value, like the Creation Date example above, the mapping will not be changed and will remain Read. UDP’s that have multiple mappingsthrough the same Content Provider may, under specific circumstances, become non-compliant. If this occurs, it may be necessary to alter the configuration to restore compliance.An example:Vault 2010 or any previous version has a property configuration where two or more fileproperties are mapped as Read into the same UDP. This can occur when companiesmerge or when file property name standards change. For the Read mappings of theconfiguration below, equivalence is calculated on the highest priority mapping, which isEng; the mappings to the other properties are ignored.Upon migration to Vault 2011, Read mappings are converted to Bi-directional (shown below.). For the Bi-directional mappings of the configuration below, equivalence iscalculated between the UDP and each file property that exists in the file. In most cases, only one of the file properties exists in any given file, which will result in the UDP being flagged as compliant.If two properties exist in a file both will be considered for equivalence. If either file property has a value that does not match the UDP it is flagged as non-compliant.Enabling the Create option on a mapping will force equivalence calculation on that mapping even when the property definition does not exist in the file. When the property definition does not exist in the file, each mapping with the Create option set to Off is ignored for equivalence calculation.Autodesk, AutoCAD, and DWG are either registered trademarks ortrademarks of Autodesk, Inc., in the USA and/or other countries. All otherbrand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respectiveholders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product offerings andspecifications at any time without notice, and is not responsible fortypographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document.© 2010 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.。



湖北省武汉市英语高三上学期期中自测试卷及解答参考一、听力第一节(本大题有5小题,每小题1.5分,共7.5分)1、Question: How many students are in the class of Mr.Smith?A)20B)25C)30D)35Answer: C) 30Explanation: The conversation between two students discusses the class size and mentions that Mr. Smith’s class has 30 students.2、Question: What time does the school library close on weekdays?A)4:00 PMB)5:00 PMC)6:00 PMD)7:00 PMAnswer: B) 5:00 PMExplanation: The third speaker in the conversation states that the library closes at 5:00 PM during weekdays.3、What does the man suggest the woman do?A) Go to the libraryB) Borrow his notesC) Study with a groupD) Review her textbooksCorrect Answer: B) Borrow his notesExplanation: In the conversation, the man suggests that if the woman missed the class, she could borrow his notes to catch up on what was discussed. This indicates that he thinks borrowing notes is the best solution for her situation.4、Why can’t t he woman attend the movie tonight?A) She has homework to finishB) She doesn’t like the movieC) She already saw itD) She is not feeling wellCorrect Answer: A) She has homework to finishExplanation: During the dialogue, the woman mentions that she would love to go to the movie but cannot because she has a lot of homework that needs to be completed by tomorrow. Thus, her reason for not attending is directly related to her pending homework assignments.5、You will hear a short conversation between two students, talking about their plans for the weekend. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the following question.Question: How many days will they go to the beach for their vacation?A. 3 daysB. 4 daysC. 5 daysD. 6 daysAnswer: A. 3 daysExplanation: In the conversation, one of the students mentions, “We’re planning to go to the beach for three days this weekend.” This indicates that they will stay for three days during their vacation.二、听力第二节(本大题有15小题,每小题1.5分,共22.5分)1、What does the student consider most important when choosing a major?A) Job prospects after graduation.B) Personal interest in the subject.C) The reputation of the university.D) Advice from family members.Answer: B) Personal interest in the subject.Explanation: During the conversation, the student mentions that they want to pursue something they’re passionate about, indicating that personal interest is the primary factor influencing their decision on selecting a major.Conversation 2:(Conversation between two friends discussing their future plans.)Question:2、What are the friends discussing regarding their future plans?A) Traveling around the world together.B) Starting a business venture.C) Applying to the same graduate school.D) Moving to different countries for work.Answer: C) Applying to the same graduate school.Explanation: In the dialogue, both friends express their intention to apply for the same master’s program at a nearby university because they want to continue their studies while staying close to home and maintaining their friendship.3.You hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans.Student A: “Hey, are you free this weekend?”Student B: “Yeah, I am. What do you have in mind?”Student A: “I was thinking of going hiking. How about you?”Student B: “That sounds fun! I’ve been wanting to try hiking. Where are you planning to go?”Student A: “There’s a trail near the lake. It’s not too challenging and the views are supposed to be amazing.”Student B: “Alright, let’s do it. I’ll bring some snacks.”Question: What activity are the students planning to do this weekend? A) Go swimmingB) Go hikingC) Go boatingD) Go campingAnswer: B) Go hikingExplanation: The conversation clearly indicates that Student A suggests going hiking, and Student B agrees to the plan.4.You hear a news report about a new discovery made by a team of scientists.News Anchor: “Breaking news: A team of scientists has made a significant discovery in the field of renewable energy. They have developed a new type of solar panel that is more efficient and durable than any previously known technology. The panel is made of a special material that can absorb sunlight even in cloudy conditions. This breakthrough could revolutionize the way we generate electricity and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. According to the lead scientist, the new panels are expected to be commercially available within the next two years.”Question: What is the main topic of the news report?A) A new health treatmentB) A new type of solar panelC) A new discovery in space explorationD) A new communication technologyAnswer: B) A new type of solar panelExplanation: The news report focuses on the development of a new type ofsolar panel and its potential impact on renewable energy. The other options are not mentioned or related to the content of the report.5.You will hear a conversation between two students, Alice and Bob, discussing their weekend plans. Listen to the conversation and answer the question.What is Bob’s plan for this weekend?A. He plans to visit his grandparents.B. He is going to attend a music concert.C. He will spend the weekend studying for his exams.Answer: BExplanation: Bob mentions in the conversation that he has a ticket to a music concert this weekend, which indicates his plan to go to the concert.6.You will hear a short speech by a university professor discussing the importance of teamwork in the workplace. Listen to the speech and answer the question.What does the professor emphasize about teamwork?A. The importance of individual skills in a team.B. The need for clear communication and cooperation.C. The advantages of working alone.Answer: BExplanation: The professor in the speech highlights the importance of clear communication and cooperation as key elements for effective teamwork in theworkplace.7、You will hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans. Listen and choose the best answer to the following question.Question: What activity are the two students planning to do together on Saturday?A)Go to the movies.B)Visit a museum.C)Go hiking.Answer: C) Go hiking.解析:In the conversation, one student mentions that they are planning to go hiking with their friends on Saturday. The other student agrees and suggests it sounds like a good idea. Therefore, the correct answer is C) Go hiking.8、You will hear a short lecture about the importance of sleep for students. Listen and answer the following question.Question: According to the lecture, which of the following is a benefit of getting enough sleep?A)Improved memory.B)Enhanced creativity.C)Increased energy levels.Answer: A) Improved memory.解析:The lecturer discusses several benefits of adequate sleep, and one of them is that it improves memory. The lecture specifically mentions how sleep helps consolidate new information, which is crucial for students studying forexams. Therefore, the correct answer is A) Improved memory.9.You will hear a conversation between two students discussing a book they recently read. Listen to the conversation and answer the question.Question: What is the name of the book that the students are discussing?A. “The Great Gatsby”B. “1984”C. “To Kill a Mockingbird”D. “The Catcher in the Rye”Answer: BExplanation: The students mention “1984” as the book they read, so the correct answer is B. “1984.”10.You will hear a short interview with a famous author who discusses her writing process. Listen to the interview and answer the question.Question: According to the author, what is the most important part of the writing process?A. ResearchB. Planning the plotC. Writing the first draftD. Editing and revisingAnswer: DExplanation: The author explicitly states that the most important part of her writing process is the “editing and revising” stage, indicating that thecorrect answer is D. “Editing and revising.”11.W: I can’t believe it’s already November. The year is flying by.M: Yeah, it seems like just yesterday we were planning for the summer vacation.Q: What do the speakers imply about the passage of time?A: The year is passing very quickly.B: They are excited about the upcoming summer vacation.C: They are surprised by the change in seasons.D: They are worried about not having enough time.Answer: AExplanation: The speakers use expressions like “The year is flying by” and “just yesterday” to in dicate that they feel time is passing quickly.12.M: Have you seen the new movie “Invisible”? It’s supposed to be a big hit this season.W: I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve heard it’s based on a true story. The reviews have been all over the place, though.Q: What does the woman mean when she says “the reviews have been all over the place”?A: The reviews have been very inconsistent.B: The reviews have been very positive.C: The reviews have been very negative.D: The reviews have been very scarce.Answer: AExplanation: The phrase “all over the place” is used to describe something that is not consistent or is scattered, implying that the reviews for the movie have been mixed or inconsistent.13.You will hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans. Listen to the conversation and answer the question.Question: What does the student suggest doing on Saturday morning?A)Going to the beach.B)Visiting a museum.C)Attending a sports game.Answer: B) Visiting a museum.Explanation: The student mentions that they have heard there’s an interesting exhibit at the local museum and suggests they could go check it out on Saturday morning. This indicates that visiting a museum is the suggested activity for Saturday morning.14.You will hear a radio interview with a chef discussing the importance of using fresh ingredients in cooking. Listen to the interview and answer the question.Question: Why does the chef believe fresh ingredients are crucial in cooking?A)They are more visually appealing.B)They retain more flavor and nutrients.C)They are easier to prepare.Answer: B) They retain more flavor and nutrients.Explanation: The chef explicitly states that fresh ingredients are key because they retain more flavor and nutrients, which are essential for creating delicious dishes. The other options are not mentioned as reasons by the chef.15.You will hear a conversation between two students discussing their midterm exam. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the following question.Question: How many subjects do they mention that they have for the midterm exam?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6Answer: B. 4Explanation: In the conversation, the students mention that they have English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry exams for the midterm. Therefore, the correct answer is 4.三、阅读第一节(第1题7.5分,其余每题10分,总37.5分)第一题Reading Passage:The rise of the internet has transformed the way we communicate and accessinformation. One of the most significant impacts of the internet is the shift from traditional media to digital media. This shift has not only changed how we consume news and entertainment but has also affected the way we interact with each other.In the past, people relied heavily on newspapers, magazines, and television for their news and entertainment. These traditional media sources were centralized and controlled by a few large corporations. However, with the advent of the internet, anyone with access to a computer or a smartphone can now create and share content. This democratization of information has led to a proliferation of blogs, social media platforms, and online news websites.The internet has also changed the way we interact with each other. Email, instant messaging, and social media platforms have made it easier than ever to stay in touch with friends and family. However, this ease of communication has also raised concerns about privacy and the spread of misinformation. While the internet has made it easier to connect with others, it has also created new challenges that we must navigate carefully.Questions:1、What is the main topic of the passage?A. The impact of the internet on traditional media.B. The benefits of the internet in communication.C. The challenges of the internet in privacy and misinformation.D. The history of the internet.2、The passage mentions that traditional media was once:A. Relying on the internet for distribution.B. Controlled by a few large corporations.C. Used exclusively by the wealthy.D. Focused on local news and events.3、According to the passage, what has the internet done to the way we interact with others?A. Made it more difficult to stay in touch.B. Increased the need for privacy.C. Allowed for more widespread sharing of information.D. Reduced the importance of face-to-face interactions.4、The author raises concerns about what two issues related to the internet?A. Privacy and the cost of internet access.B. Misinformation and the decline of traditional media.C. The spread of misinformation and the need for privacy.D. The ease of communication and the rise of cyberbullying.Answers:1、C2、B3、C4、C第二题Passage:In the small town of Willow Creek, the local library has always been a hub of community activity. Over the years, it has faced various challenges, but the townspeople have always rallied together to ensure its survival. The library’s most recent challenge came when the town’s only bookstore closed, leaving the library as the sole provider of reading materials for the community.To address this issue, the library board decided to launch a community reading initiative. They named it “Read Together, Willow Creek,” and the goal was to encourage everyone in the town to read and share books with one another. The initiative included several components: a monthly book club, a reading challenge for children and adults, and a donation drive for used books.1、What was the main challenge faced by the Willow Creek library recently?A. Lack of fundingB. Lack of staffC. Closure of the town’s only bookstoreD. Limited space2、What was the name of the library’s community reading initiative?A. Willow Creek ReadsB. Read Together, Willow CreekC. Library of TomorrowD. Willow Creek Book Club3、Which of the following is NOT one of the components of the “Read Together,Willow Creek” initiative?A. Monthly book clubB. Reading challenge for childrenC. Donation drive for new booksD. Reading challenge for adults4、What was the town’s response to the library’s challenge?A. They voted to close the libraryB. They ignored the issueC. They rallied together to support the libraryD. They started a petition to save the bookstoreAnswers:1、C. Closure of the town’s only bookstore2、B. Read Together, Willow Creek3、C. Donation drive for new books4、C. They rallied together to support the library第三题Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.In the small coastal town of Seabrook, the annual Seabrook Festival is a much-anticipated event. Held every October, the festival celebrates the town’s maritime history and its connection to the sea. This year, the festival is particularly special as it marks the 100th anniversary of the town’s founding.The festival begins with a parade through the town’s main street, followed by a variety of activities and performances. Among the highlights are the traditional seafood boil-up, where local fishermen cook fresh catch for the visitors, and the Seafront Carnival, where families can enjoy rides and games. One of the most anticipated events is the Seafront Pageant, where local children dress up as sea creatures and perform in a parade.The festival also includes a series of workshops and lectures, aimed at educating the community about the importance of marine conservation. Experts from local universities and environmental organizations share their knowledge and discuss the challenges facing our oceans. The festival ends with a grand fireworks display over the sea, symbolizing the town’s bright future.The Seabrook Festival is not just a celebration of the past; it’s a reminder of the importance of preserving our natural heritage for future generations.1、What is the main purpose of the Seabrook Festival?A. To promote tourism in the townB. To celebrate the town’s maritime historyC. To raise funds for local charitiesD. To showcase the town’s cultural diversity2、Which event at the festival is considered the most anticipated?A. The traditional seafood boil-upB. The Seafront CarnivalC. The Seafront PageantD. The grand fireworks display3、What is the primary focus of the workshops and lectures at the festival?A. To entertain the visitorsB. To promote local businessesC. To educate the community about marine conservationD. To discus s the town’s economic growth4、What does the grand fireworks display symbolize at the end of the festival?A. The town’s economic successB. The importance of preserving natural heritageC. The festival’s centennial celebrationD. The town’s maritime histo ryAnswers:1、B2、C3、C4、B第四题Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.In the small coastal town of Oceanview, the local community had long relied on its beautiful beaches and thriving tourism industry. However, with the increasing awareness of climate change and its impact on the environment, the town faced a new challenge: sea level rise. The community decided to take actionand launched a project to protect their cherished coastline.The project, named “Coastal Guardian,” involv ed several key steps. First, the town council worked closely with environmental experts to assess the severity of the problem. They conducted surveys and collected data on sea level rise, coastal erosion, and the potential impact on local wildlife. Based on this information, they developed a comprehensive plan to combat sea level rise.One of the main strategies was the construction of a series of seawalls along the coastline. These seawalls were designed to absorb wave energy and reduce the impact of storms. Additionally, the project included the planting of native vegetation, which would act as natural barriers against erosion. The community also launched an educational campaign to raise awareness about the importance of preserving the coastline.Despite the challenges, the project received widespread support from the local residents. Many volunteers contributed their time and resources to the effort, and the community felt a strong sense of unity. The project was a success, and Oceanview’s coastline remain ed relatively protected from the effects of sea level rise.1、What was the main challenge faced by the community in Oceanview?A. Lack of tourismB. Sea level riseC. Coastal erosionD. Economic decline2、What was the first step taken by the town council in the “Coastal Guardian” project?A. Planting native vegetationB. Raising awarenessC. Assessing the severity of the problemD. Constructing seawalls3、Which of the following was NOT one of the main strategies implemented in the “Coastal Guardian” project?A. Construction of seawallsB. Planting native vegetationC. Removing coastal structuresD. Educational campaign4、How did the local residents respond to the “Coastal Guardian” project?A. They were opposed to itB. They were indifferentC. They contributed their time and resourcesD. They believed it was unnecessary答案:1、B2、C3、C4、C四、阅读第二节(12.5分)Reading Section IIPassage:The Renaissance was a period of great cultural change and achievement in Europe during the 14th to the 17th centuries. It was characterized by a renewed interest in the classical learning of Ancient Greece and Rome, as well as an emphasis on humanism, individualism, and the pursuit of knowledge. One of the most significant figures of the Renaissance was Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian polymath whose works spanned a variety of fields, including art, science, and engineering.Da Vinci’s notebooks are a treasure trove of his ideas and sketches, providing insight into his innovative mind. Among his most famous works is the Mona Lisa, a portrait of a woman that has captivated viewers for centuries with its mysterious smile. Another of his notable works is The Last Supper, a mural painting that depicts the final meal of Jesus and his disciples.During the Renaissance, the printing press was invented, revolutionizing the dissemination of knowledge. This led to the spread of new ideas and the democratization of education. The period also saw the development of the Renaissance humanists, who sought to understand and appreciate the world through the lens of human experience and reason.Questions:1.What was the main cultural movement that characterized the period from the 14th tothe 17th centuries in Europe?A) The EnlightenmentB) The RenaissanceC) The Industrial RevolutionD) The Middle Ages2.Which of the following best describes Leonardo da Vinci’s role during the Renaissance?A) A philosopherB) A printerC) A Renaissance humanistD) A mathematician3.What is the primary focus of the Renaissance humanists?A) The study of classical artB) The pursuit of scientific knowledgeC) The understanding and appreciation of human experience and reasonD) The exploration of the natural world4.How did the invention of the printing press impact the Renaissance?A) It decreased the availability of booksB) It increased the cost of booksC) It revolutionized the dissemination of knowledgeD) It limited access to education5.Which of the following is NOT one of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous works?A) The Mona LisaB) The Last SupperC) The BibleD) The Codex LeicesterAnswers:1.B) The Renaissance2.C) A Renaissance humanist3.C) The understanding and appreciation of human experience and reason4.C) It revolutionized the dissemination of knowledge5.C) The Bible五、语言运用第一节 _ 完形填空(15分)Title: English Grade 12 Semester 1 Mid-Term Exam - Part Five: Language Use - Section 1: Cloze TestPassage:In the small town of Greenfield, there was once a bakery owned byMrs. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson was known for her delicious pastries, especially her famous apple pie. Every morning, she would rise early to bake her creations, which were a favorite among the townspeople.One day, a new bakery opened in town, and it seemed that many customers were starting to favor the new place over Mrs. Thompson’s. Mrs.Thompson was worried, but she decided to stay positive and try to improve her baking.She spent the next few days experimenting with different ingredients andrecipes, hoping to find a new recipe that would win back her customers. She even asked her oldest customer, Mr. Baker, for advice.“I think you need to add something special to your apple pie,” Mr.Baker suggested. “Something that will make it stand out from the rest.”Mrs. Thompson thought about it and realized that she could add a secret ingredient that her grandmother had once shared with her. She decided to use it and baked a new batch of apple pies.The next day, Mrs. Thompson placed her pies on the counter of her bakery. To her delight, the new pies were gone within minutes. Word quickly spread, and soon everyone in town was talking about Mrs. Thompson’s new recipe.Cloze Test:The passage above contains 15 blanks. For each blank, choose the best answer from the options given below.1.Mrs. Thompson was known for her_______pastries.A. ordinaryB. deliciousC. expensiveD. uniqueOptions:A. AB. BC. CD. DAnswer: B六、语言运用第二节 _ 语法填空(15分)Grammar CompletionRead the following passage and complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the given verbs or phrases.Last year, the school organized a science fair that attracted over 500 students. The event featured various experiments and presentations, allowing students to learn about different scientific concepts. Among the highlights were a solar-powered car race and a biology exhibit showcasing rare plants. The winners of the competition were announced during the closing ceremony, and everyone was thrilled to see their hard work recognized.1.The school (organize) the science fair last year.a) organizedb) has organizedc) was organizingd) organizes2.The event (feature) various experiments.a) featuresb) had featuredc) featuredd) will feature3.Students (allow) to learn about different scientific concepts.a) were allowingb) are allowingc) was allowingd) allowed4.The solar-powered car race was one of the (highlight).a) highlightsb) highlightingc) high-lightedd) high-light5.The winners (announce) during the closing ceremony.a) were announcedb) was announcedc) announced) had announced6.Everyone (be) thrilled to see their hard work recognized.a) wasb) werec) isd) been7.The school (plan) a similar event for next year.a) plansb) had plannedc) will pland) planning8.The biology exhibit (showcase) rare plants.a) showcasesb) had showcasedc) was showcasingd) showcasing9.The competition (win) by the students from the physics club.a) wonb) had wonc) winningd) won had10.The event (leave) a lasting impression on all the participants.a) leavesb) had leftc) was leavingd) leftAnswers:1.a) organized2.c) featured3.d) allowed4.a) highlights5.a) were announced6.a) was7.a) plans8.a) showcases9.b) had won10.d) left七、写作第一节 _ 应用文写作(15分)Senior High School Grade Three Mid-Term ExamWriting Section Part I: Practical Writing (15 points)Directions: You are required to write a short passage based on the information given below. Your writing should be clear and appropriate to the context and audience. Pay attention to the structure, grammar, and vocabulary.Scenario:You have recently completed a volunteer program at a local animal shelter. Write a thank-you letter to the manager of the shelter expressing your gratitude for the opportunity to volunteer and describing what you learned from the experience. Mention any challenges you faced and how they were overcome, and express your hope to continue volunteering in the future.Requirements:•Write between 100-150 words.•Use formal language and structure suitable for a thank-you letter.•Address the letter to “Dear Mr./Ms.[Manager’s Last Name],”.•Sign off with “Sincerely,” followed by your name.•Proofread your letter for spelling, punctuation, and grammar.Sample Response:Dear Ms. Thompson,I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the opportunity to volunteer at the Happy Paws Animal Shelter. The past month has been both challenging and rewarding, and I have gained invaluable experience that will benefit me in many ways.One of the most significant lessons I learned was the importance of patience and perseverance. Initially, some tasks, such as cleaning cages and socializing with shy animals, seemed daunting. However, with guidance from experienced staff, I quickly adapted and found joy in contributing to the animals’ well-being.The challenges I encountered, like managing my time effectively and communicating with diverse volunteers, taught me resilience and teamwork. These skills will undoubtedly serve me well in my future endeavors.I hope to return to the shelter soon and continue supporting your mission. Thank you once again for this enriching experience.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

construct 3.0 开发插件方法

construct 3.0 开发插件方法

构建一个插件是在Construct 3中增强功能的一种常见方法。


在本文中,我们将介绍使用Construct 3.0开发插件的方法。

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插件是由JavaScript 编写的,因此您需要对JavaScript有一定的了解。

您还需要了解Construct 3的插件架构,包括插件的结构、功能以及如何与Construct 3的运行时交互。

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推荐的编辑器包括Visual Studio Code、Sublime Text等。

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On Island Constraints and Violations

On Island Constraints and Violations

Journal of Literature and Art Studies, January 2018, Vol. 8, No. 1, 146-152doi: 10.17265/2159-5836/2018.01.015On Island Constraints and Violations*LIN Hui, MENG Fan-maoLinyi University, Linyi, ChinaThere are some grammatical rules of pure syntactic restrictions on grammar rules of operation, a complex one ofwhich is the fronting, i.e., extraction from the island. This paper centers on the “island” that is the terminology insyntactic theory,and mainly focuses on the definition, the types and the analyses of the “island”.Keywords: island, topicalization, constraints, violationIntroduction“Island” is the terminology in syntactic theory, which is the most important one of the grammatical rules of pure syntactic restrictions on grammar rules of operation that has been proposed since the 1960s. It is firstproposed by Ross (1967), then developed by Chomsky et al, which was included into the framework of grammarbinding (GB) generated in the 70s and 80s, forming the central part of the boundary theory (ZHANG, 2002). TheIsland condition refers to certain syntactic structures like isolated island, where components can not be extractedas at random as theme. Island constraints include: (1) Complex NP Constraint; (2) Sentential Subject clause All Rights Reserved.Constraint; (3) Coordinate Structure Constraint; (4) WH-Island Constraint; (5) Left Branch Condition; (6)Adjunct Constraints; and (7) Non-bridge-verb Constraints.Definition of An “Island”An island is a term in syntactic theory. It refers to a clause or structure from which a word cannot be moved.Let’s look at the following English sentences first: (quoted from JIN, 1994)Example (1) a. Stuffed eggplant Jill says she can’t stand. (Soames & Perlmutter, 1979)b. Phyllis I don’t believe that Harold likes. (Ibid)c. That picture no one is likely to buy from you. (Baker, 1997)d. That kind of thing I don’t think I’d ever do. (Radford, 1981)e. These points I’m going to ask Bill to make the old geezer take up later. (Ross, 1967)Example (2) a. Nobody likes that man.b. That man, nobody likes ____.c. That man, John said that nobody likes ____.d. That man, Mary believes John said nobody likes ____.*Acknowledgements: This article is sponsored by the program “A Study of the Relationship between Work Stress andDepression”.LIN Hui, Class 6, Grade 2015, School of Foreign Languages, Linyi University.MENG Fan-mao, Master, Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Linyi University.ON ISLAND CONSTRAINTS AND VIOLATIONS147e. That man, the newspaper said Mary believes John said nobody likes ____. (Culicover, 1982)Example (3) a. Those people Sally said she had forgotten to tell Joe to remind Sue to invite ____.b. Those people Sally said she had forgotten to tell Joe to remind ____ to invite Louise.(Soames & Purlmutter, 1979)In each of these sentences, there is an italicized part, which is moved to the left periphery of the sentence in order to be topicalized for the purpose of pragmatic function. Each of the blank in Example (2) and (3) indicatesthe empty trace left by the moved part.But what do you think of it if someone vagariously wants to topicalize “Bob” from “That she knew Bob” in the following sentence?Example (4) a. That she knew Bob bothered John.a'. Bob that she knew bothered John.* a''. Who did that she knew bother John?As is known to all, (4a') and (4a'') are not acceptable, just because “That she knew Bob” is an island, and the sentential subject as in “That she knew Bob bothered John”, does not allow topicalizing or questioning of itsinternal object, that is to say, in such a case, some movement rule must be conformed to.Types of Island Constraints in EnglishIsland constraints are restrictions of movement rules by which some words or constructions or structures can’t be moved out from islands. Ross (1967) develops the notion of syntactic “islands” whose constituentscannot be questioned or extraposed. While traditional accounts posit constraints on movement rules (“island All Rights Reserved.constraints”) for this phenomenon, Goldberg (1995) attempts an explanation in terms of constructional mismatch:The sentential-subject construction and the interrogative construction are each associated with particularinformation structure properties. These properties clash in the starred sentence above and render it unacceptable.Goldberg also argues that “islands” are pragmatically backgrounded constructions that encode presupposedinformation. Hence, it is pragmatically anomalous to make these constructions prominent through questioning.Since the notion of island constraints is raised on the basis of the English language, it is very necessary for us to revisit varieties of island constraints in English. The problem first springs up: how many types of islandconstraints are there in English according to those linguists? According to Ross (1967), English island constraintsfall into the following seven categories:Complex Noun Phrase ConstraintsA complex noun phrase here refers to a construction with the structure of a noun which is followed by arelative clause or by an appositive clause, that is, “an antecedent + a relative clause” (as in (5a)) or “an antecedent+ an appositive clause” (as in (6a)).Example (5) a. Zhang San is the only person [ who knows that man ].* b. That man, Zhang San is the only person [ who knows ____ ].Example (6) a. I don’t believe the claim [ that Harold likes Phyllis ].* b. Phyllis I don’t believe the claim [ that Harold likes ____ ].In (5a) and (6a), the words in bold letters can’t be topicalized as they are in the islands “who knows that man” and “that Harold likes Phyllis” respectively. Extraction can hardly occur out of such a clause that is148ON ISLAND CONSTRAINTS AND VIOLATIONSembedded under a noun. A complex noun phrase can be represented by:Example (7) [NP…[S…]]Sometimes, a relative clause or an appositive clause may involve an interrogative clause. It cannot be interpreted as a question in such a case. Many relative pronouns in English have the same form as thecorresponding interrogative words (which, who, where, etc.), as is demonstrated in Example (5), but they are notreally questions.According to the rules of the topical-transformational theory, no sentence element can be moved out from a complex noun phrase construction because it is restricted to the noun phrase serving as antecedent. In contrast,extraction out of object clauses is easily possible (if those clauses are not embedded under nouns, as is shown inExample (8).Example (8) a. He told me that his mother is a teacher.b. His mother, he told me, is a teacher.Sentential Subject ConstraintsA sentential subject refers to a clause which serves as subject. It can be expressed by (9):Example (9) [S1[NP[S2]…]VP…[S…]]Let’s consider the following sentences first:Example (10) a. [ That Tom will marry Phyllis ] is obvious.* b. Phyllis that Tom will marry ____ is obvious.Example (11) a. It is obvious [ that Tom will marry Phyllis ].b. Phyllis it is obvious that Tom will marry ____.All Rights Reserved.It is obvious that, (10b) is not acceptable, while (11b) is accepted. This is because the nominal clause in Sentence (11a) is not the subject in the structure of tree diagram any longer after (10a) is converted to (11a)through extraposition. Only in such a case can “Phyllis” be moved to the left periphery to be topicalized.Accordingly, sentential subjects are also constrainted structures. Ross (1967) argues that when a noun phraseitself is subject to a clause, it can’t be extrapositioned to the front for topicalization, but (11a) is an exception.And to a somewhat lesser extent, wh-movement is strongly marginal out of subject phrases, as is shown in Example (12).Example (12) a. [ The story about Susan ] was funny.* b. Susan the story about ____ was funny.c. Who was the story about ____ funny?The important insight here is that wh-extraction out of object clauses and phrases is quite possible. There is therefore an asymmetry across subjects and objects with respect to wh-movement.Coordinate Structure ConstraintsA coordinate structure is a construction in which two grammatical structures are at the same level and havethe same syntactic function. Constraints also befall coordinate structures. Let’s look at the following examples: Example (13) a. The teacher likes [ William and Mary ].* b. Mary the teacher likes William and ____.ON ISLAND CONSTRAINTS AND VIOLATIONS149Example (14) a. You may [ drink soda or eat hot dogs ].* b. Soda you may drink ____ or eat hot dogs.* b'. Hot dogs you may drink soda or eat ____.Example (15) a. John likes Susan and Susan likes Bill.* b. Susan John likes ____ and Susan likes Bill.* b'. Bill John likes Susan and Susan likes ____.From these examples, we can clearly see that Sentences (13b), (14b), (14b'), (15b) and (15b') are all unacceptable, that is, no element can be moved out from a coordinate structure (Culicover, 1982). This can beshown as follows:Example (16) [C [C and C]]In coordination, however, extraction out of a conjunct of a coordinate structure is possible only if this extraction affects all the conjuncts of the coordinate structure equally, that is, extraction must extract the samesyntactic expression out of each of the conjuncts simultaneously. For example:Example (17) a. Sam likes to eat [ beans and broccoli ].b. [ Beans and broccoli ] Sam likes to eat.Example (18) a. He is [ waiting for you ] and [ trying to call you ].b. Who is he [ waiting for ____ ] and [trying to call ____ ]?In Example (17), extraction succeeds because it occurs equally out of both conjuncts; and in Example (18), wh-extraction out of a conjunct of a coordinate structure is possible only if it can be interpreted as occurringequally out of all the conjuncts simultaneously.All Rights Reserved.Adjunct ConstraintsAn adjunct is a construction that is part of a sentence but not essential to its meaning and can be omitted without making the sentence ungrammatical. An adjunct island is a type of island formed from an adjunct clause.Wh-movement is not possible out of an adjunct clause. Adjunct clauses include clauses introduced by “because”,“if”, and “when”, as well as relative clauses. Examples are shown as follows:Example (19) a. Margaret went there [ because she wanted to see Harry ]?b. * Harry Margaret went there because she wanted to see ____?Example (20) a. [ When he had finished his homework ], he took a short rest.b. * His homework when he had finished ____, he took a short rest.In Sentences (19b) and (20b), the attempt to extract out of an adjunct clause fails because the gap appears in an adjunct clause.Wh-word ConstraintsA wh-word is a word which begins with a wh- (exclusive of “how”), and is used to introduce a common typeof wh-question in English. These include “who”, “whom”, “whose”, “which”, “what”, “when”, “where”, “why”and “how”. A wh-island is created by an embedded sentence which is introduced by a wh-word. Consider thefollowing examples:Example (21) a. John wonders [ where Eric went to buy a gift ]?b. A gift John wonders where Eric went to buy ____?150ON ISLAND CONSTRAINTS AND VIOLATIONSExample (22) a. Susan asked [ why Sam was waiting for Fred ].* b. Fred Susan asked why Sam was waiting for ____?Sentence (22b) is unacceptable because the attempt to extract an expression out of a wh-island is impossible.Whereas, in (21), extraction out of a wh-island is at best strongly marginal. Wh-islands are weaker than adjunctislands since extraction is often quite awkward, but they are not necessarily considered to be ungrammatical byall speakers (O’ Grady, 2005:118).Left Branch ConstraintsOne of the constraints on extraction formulated by Ross (1967) says that no noun phrase on the left branch of another noun phrase may be extracted from that noun phrase. Modifiers that would appear on a left branch undera noun (i.e. they precede the noun that they modify) cannot be extracted. The left branch constraint captures thefact that possessive determiners and attributive adjectives in English and many related languages necessarilypied-pipe the entire noun phrase when they are fronted. Examples are shown as follows:Example (23) a. I haven’t read [ Mary’s book ] yet.* b. Mary’s I haven’t read book yet.* c. Whose haven’t you read book yet?Example (24) a. He bought [ an expensive car ].* b. How expensive did he buy a __ car?c. How expensive a car did he buy?Example (23b), (23c), and (24b) are not acceptable because extraction is not possible out of left branches, that is to say, the attempt to extract from a left branch under a noun fails because the extracted expression All Rights Reserved.corresponds to a left branch modifier of a noun.In Example (24c), however, extraction succeeds if the entire noun phrase is pied-piped. Pied-piping occurs when a fronted wh-word (or otherwise focused word) pulls an entire encompassing phrase to the front of thesentence with it. Pied-piping is sometimes obligatory. That is, in order for a wh-expression to be fronted, an entireencompassing phrase must be fronted with it. These examples illustrate that pied-piping is often necessary whenthe wh-word is inside a noun phrase or adjective phrase. When the wh-word appears underneath a blockingcategory or in an island, the entire encompassing phrase must be fronted (Ross, 1967).The following extractions (25b) and (25c) are also permitted by many linguists, although they seemingly look very awkward, esp. (25c).Example (25) a. Mary saw [ a friend of John’s brother ].b. A friend of John’s brother Mary saw.c. A friend of whose brother did Mary see?In some other cases, however, pied-piping can be optional. In English, this occurs most notably with prepositional phrases. The wh-word is the object of a preposition. A formal register will pied-pipe the preposition,whereas more colloquial English prefers to leave the preposition in situ. Let’s look at the following examples: Example (26) a. She revealed her secret [ to Tom ].b. To whom did she reveal her secret?c. Who did she reveal her secret to?ON ISLAND CONSTRAINTS AND VIOLATIONS151Example (27) a. He is hiding [ behind the red door ].b. Behind which door is he hiding?c. Which door is he hiding behind?Non-bridge-verb ConstraintsExtraction out of object that-clauses serving as complements to verbs may show island-like behavior if the matrix verb is not a so-called “bridge verb”— a verb that permits movement across it. Non-bridge verbs includemanner-of-speaking verbs, such as “whisper” or “shout”, as are demonstrated in the following examples: Example (28) a. She thinks that he died in his sleep.b. In his sleep she thinks that he died.c. How does she think that he died ____?Example (29) a. She whispered that he had died in his sleep.* b. In his sleep she whispered that he had died.* c. How did she whisper that he had died ____?Extraction out of object clause is easily possible with a matrix bridge verb (as is shown in Example (28)), while extraction across a non-bridge verb is impossible (as is shown in Example (29)).SummaryFrom those previous sections, whether an element can be moved or not, it depends. And a case should also be very necessarily stated, that is, although an element can’t be extracted out of an island, the whole island may beextrapositioned. For example:All Rights Reserved.Example (30) a. A story which made me angry appeared in the papers.b. A story appeared in the papers which made me angry. (Culicover, 1982)It can be illustrated by the following:Example (31) [S1[NP A story [S2 which made me angry]] [VP appeared in the papers]]Island constraints is proposed by generative linguistics for English. As a matter of fact, island constraints, which have been posited by syntacticians (Ross, 1967), are grammatically imposed restrictions preventing anyconstituents from escaping from certain configurationally defined environments. But in recent years, more andmore counterexamples have been found out; and proposals have been made to treat counterexamples in variousways, for example, by introducing ad hoc exception principles, by questioning the status of certain gap-bindingdependencies, or by assigning “marginal” status to the counter exemplifying data. As a result, island effects needto be reassessed.ReferencesBaker, M. C. (1997). Thematic roles and syntactic structure. In L. Haegeman (Ed.), The elements of grammar (73-137). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer.Culicover, P. W. (1982). Syntax. New York: Academic Press, Inc..Goldberg A. E. (1995). Construction: A construction grammar approach to argument structure. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.JIN, H. -G. (1994). Topic-prominence and subject-prominence in L2 acquisition: Evidence of English-to-Chinese typological transfer. Language Learning, 44(1), 101-122.152ON ISLAND CONSTRAINTS AND VIOLATIONSO’Grady, W. D. (2005). Syntactic carpentry: An emergentist approach to syntax. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate, Inc..Quirk, R. et al. (1985). A contemporary grammar of the English language. London & New York: Longman Group Ltd..Radford, A. (1981). Transformational syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Ross, J. R. (1967). Constraints on variables in syntax, in On Noam Chomsky: Critical essays (pp. 165-200). G. Harman (Ed.). New York: Anchor Press.Soames, S., & Perlmutter, D. M. (1979). Syntactic argumentation and the structure of English. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press.ZHANG, M. (2002). The adjacency condition constraint in Chinese topicalization: From the perspective of cognitive processing demonstration read in the second session of Kent International Chinese Linguistics Round table Conference (27-29 November2002, National University of Singapore) (The original title was A cognitive interpretation of topic structure constraints inChinese).All Rights Reserved.。



珊瑚造景的利弊英语作文Title: Pros and Cons of Coral Reef Landscaping。

Coral reef landscaping, the practice of incorporating artificial coral reefs into marine environments for aesthetic purposes, has gained popularity in recent years. While it presents several advantages, it also comes withits own set of drawbacks. In this essay, we will explore the pros and cons of coral reef landscaping.Pros:1. Enhanced Marine Habitat: One of the primary benefits of coral reef landscaping is the creation of additional habitat for marine organisms. Artificial reefs provide shelter, breeding grounds, and feeding areas for various species of fish, invertebrates, and other marine life. This can contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem health in areas where natural reefs are degraded or absent.2. Economic Benefits: Coral reef landscaping can have positive economic impacts on local communities. Byattracting tourists interested in diving and snorkeling, these artificial reefs can stimulate the tourism industry, creating jobs and generating revenue for businesses in the area. Additionally, healthy coral reefs support commercial fisheries, providing livelihoods for fishermen.3. Coastal Protection: Artificial reefs can help dissipate wave energy and reduce coastal erosion. By acting as submerged breakwaters, they protect shorelines from the damaging effects of storms and wave action. This can be particularly beneficial in areas prone to natural disasters, such as hurricanes and tsunamis.4. Research and Education: Coral reef landscaping projects often serve as valuable research sites for scientists studying marine ecosystems. They provide opportunities to monitor ecological processes, assess the effectiveness of conservation measures, and conduct experiments in controlled environments. Furthermore, these artificial reefs can be used as educational tools to raiseawareness about marine conservation and the importance of preserving coral reefs.Cons:1. Ecological Impacts: Despite their potential benefits, artificial reefs can also have negative ecological impacts. They may disrupt natural habitat structures and alter local biodiversity by favoring certain species over others. In some cases, invasive species may colonize artificial reefs, outcompeting native organisms and disrupting ecosystem balance.2. Risk of Pollution: Coral reef landscaping projects involve the deployment of artificial structures, which can introduce pollutants and contaminants into the marine environment. Construction materials, such as concrete and metal, may leach chemicals into the water, posing risks to marine life. Additionally, improper maintenance and management of artificial reefs can lead to the accumulation of marine debris and pollution.3. Legal and Regulatory Issues: The installation of artificial reefs may raise legal and regulatory concerns, particularly regarding property rights, environmental impact assessments, and permits. Conflicts may arise between stakeholders, such as government agencies, conservation organizations, and local communities, over the ownership and management of artificial reef sites.4. Cost and Maintenance: Coral reef landscapingprojects require significant financial investment for construction, deployment, and ongoing maintenance. Maintenance activities, such as cleaning, monitoring, and repairing artificial reefs, can be labor-intensive and expensive. Furthermore, the lifespan of artificial reefs may be limited, requiring periodic replacement or refurbishment to remain effective.In conclusion, coral reef landscaping offers both benefits and challenges for marine ecosystems and human communities. While it can enhance habitat quality, support local economies, and provide opportunities for research and education, it also poses risks to ecological integrity,water quality, and legal compliance. Therefore, careful planning, monitoring, and management are essential to ensure the long-term sustainability and success of coral reef landscaping initiatives.。






关键词国土空间规划;底图底数;工作分类;用地用海分类中图分类号TU98;TP311文献标识码A文章编号1007-5739(2023)18-0208-04DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-5739.2023.18.051开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):Conversion Method of Land Spatial Detailed Planning Present Situation Base Mapand Base QuantityYAN Baoyin SHI Linxi GUAN Jia(Nanjing Guotu Information Industry Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing Jiangsu210037) Abstract Unifying base map and base quantity is the important prerequisite and basis for the preparation of va-rious spatial plannings.The third national land survey data is the most authoritative and current data of land spatial planning,there are many differences in the classification between the work classification used in the third national land survey and the land and sea classification used in land spatial planning.This paper analyzed the connections between the work classification and the land and sea classification,put forward the general technical ideas and key technical methods for the conversion of land spatial detailed planning present situation base map and base quantity based on the data of the third national land survey.Keywords land spatial planning;base map and base quantity;work classification;land and sea classification党的十八大以来,在生态文明建设的新理念、新要求下,党中央和国务院对空间规划提出了一系列改革要求。


























宁波樱花公园作文思维导图Ningbo Sakura Park is a place of beauty and tranquility. 宁波樱花公园是一个美丽而宁静的地方。

It is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, especially during the springtime when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. 这是一个受当地人和游客喜爱的目的地,尤其是在春天樱花盛开的时候。

The park is located in the center of Ningbo City, making it easily accessible for everyone. 这个公园坐落在宁波市中心,非常便于大家到达。

As you enter the park, you are immediately greeted by rows of cherry blossoms, creating a picturesque scene that is truly breathtaking. 当你进入公园,你会立刻看到整齐的樱花树,创造了一个美丽到令人惊叹的场景。

The aroma of the cherry blossoms fills the air, adding to the overall sensory experience. 樱花的香气弥漫在空气中,增添了整体的感官体验。

Walking through the park, one can't help but feel a sense of peace and serenity. 漫步在公园里,不禁感受到一种平静和宁静。

The cherry blossoms provide a natural canopy, casting dappled sunlight on the ground below. 樱花树提供了一个天然的荫蔽,将斑驳的阳光投射在地面上。

海洋生态系统 英语作文

海洋生态系统 英语作文

海洋生态系统英语作文The Ocean EcosystemThe ocean is a vast and complex system that covers approximately 139 million square miles of the Earth's surface, accounting for nearly 71% of the planet's total area. It is home to an incredible diversity of life, from the smallest plankton to the largest whales, and plays a crucial role in the overall health and balance of the global ecosystem.At the heart of the ocean ecosystem is the delicate balance between the various components that make up this intricate web of life. From the primary producers, such as phytoplankton and algae, to the primary consumers, such as zooplankton and small fish, each element plays a vital role in the overall functioning of the system.Phytoplankton, for example, are microscopic plants that drift freely in the ocean's surface waters. These tiny organisms are responsible for the majority of the ocean's primary production, converting sunlight and carbon dioxide into organic matter through the process of photosynthesis. This organic matter then serves as the foundation for the entire marine food chain, providing sustenance for a wide range of aquatic organisms.Zooplankton, on the other hand, are small animals that also drift freely in the ocean. These creatures, which include tiny crustaceans, larvae, and other small invertebrates, feed on the phytoplankton and serve as a crucial link between the primary producers and the higher trophic levels of the food chain.As the zooplankton are consumed by larger predators, such as small fish and filter-feeding whales, the energy and nutrients that were initially captured by the phytoplankton are transferred up the food chain. This process, known as the biological pump, is essential for the overall health and productivity of the ocean ecosystem.In addition to the primary producers and consumers, the ocean ecosystem is also home to a diverse array of other organisms, including coral reefs, kelp forests, and deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Each of these unique ecosystems plays a crucial role in the overall functioning of the ocean, providing habitat, food, and other essential resources for a wide range of marine life.Coral reefs, for example, are often referred to as the "rainforests of the sea" due to their incredible biodiversity. These underwater structures are built by colonies of tiny marine invertebrates, known as coral polyps, and provide a home for thousands of species of fish, invertebrates, and other marine life.Kelp forests, on the other hand, are large underwater forests of brown algae that can grow to heights of over 100 feet. These ecosystems provide critical habitat and food resources for a wide range of marine organisms, including sea otters, sea lions, and a variety of fish species.Deep-sea hydrothermal vents, meanwhile, are unique ecosystems that are found at the bottom of the ocean, often in areas where tectonic plates are spreading apart. These vents release superheated, mineral-rich water that supports a diverse community of specialized organisms, including tubeworms, shrimp, and a variety of other unique and often previously undiscovered species.Despite the incredible diversity and importance of the ocean ecosystem, it is facing a number of significant threats, including overfishing, pollution, climate change, and habitat destruction. Overfishing, for example, has led to the depletion of many commercially important fish species, disrupting the delicate balance of the food chain and threatening the overall health of the ecosystem.Pollution, including plastic waste, oil spills, and the release of harmful chemicals and nutrients, can also have devastating effects on the ocean ecosystem, harming or even killing a wide range of marineorganisms and disrupting the overall functioning of the system.Climate change, meanwhile, is having a profound impact on the ocean, with rising temperatures, ocean acidification, and changes in ocean currents and upwelling patterns all contributing to significant changes in the marine environment. These changes can have far-reaching consequences for the entire ocean ecosystem, affecting everything from the distribution and abundance of marine species to the overall productivity and resilience of the system.In order to address these threats and ensure the long-term health and sustainability of the ocean ecosystem, it is essential that we take action to protect and conserve this vital resource. This can involve a range of strategies, including sustainable fishing practices, the establishment of marine protected areas, the reduction of pollution and waste, and the implementation of policies and regulations that promote the conservation and restoration of marine habitats.By working together to protect and preserve the ocean ecosystem, we can not only ensure the continued health and well-being of the marine environment, but also safeguard the countless benefits that the ocean provides to human societies around the world. From the provision of food and resources to the regulation of global climate and the support of diverse and vibrant coastal communities, theocean is a truly invaluable and irreplaceable component of our planet's overall ecosystem.。



构造函数`construct` 的核心代码主要是用来进行对象成员的初始化。

例如,下面是一个简单的类的构造函数 `construct` 的核心代码示例:
class Person
// 构造函数
Person(const std::string& name, int age)
m_name = name; // 对象成员变量初始化,赋值为传入参数值
m_age = age; // 对象成员变量初始化,赋值为传入参数值
std::string m_name; // 对象成员变量,用来存储人名
int m_age; // 对象成员变量,用来存储年龄
以上简单的类构造函数`construct` 的核心代码主要是利用传入的参数值对对象成员变量进行初始化赋值操作。

这里对 `Person` 类的对象成员变量 `m_name` 和 `m_age` 进行了初始化操作。










例如,在以下地图中,有三个岛屿:1 1 0 0 01 1 0 0 00 0 1 0 00 0 0 1 1三、解决方案我们可以通过许多算法来解决Island函数问题。






四、具体实现以下是深度优先搜索的实现方式:```pythondef dfs(map, row, col):len_row, len_col = len(map), len(map[0])if row < 0 or col < 0 or row >= len_row or col >= len_col or map[row][col] == 0:returnmap[row][col] = 0dfs(map, row + 1, col)dfs(map, row - 1, col)dfs(map, row, col + 1)dfs(map, row, col - 1)def island_dfs(map):if not map:return 0count = 0len_row, len_col = len(map), len(map[0])for i in range(len_row):for j in range(len_col):if map[i][j] == 1:dfs(map, i, j)count += 1return count```以下是广度优先搜索的实现方式:```pythondef island_bfs(map):if not map:return 0count = 0len_row, len_col = len(map), len(map[0])direction = [[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]]for i in range(len_row):for j in range(len_col):if map[i][j] == 1:count += 1map[i][j] = 0queue = [(i, j)]while queue:curr_x, curr_y = queue.pop(0)for dire in direction:new_x, new_y = curr_x + dire[0],curr_y + dire[1]if new_x >= 0 and new_y >=0 and new_x < len_row and new_y < len_col and \map[new_x][new_y] == 1:map[new_x][new_y] = 0queue.append((new_x, new_y))return count```五、总结Island函数是一种经典的计算机科学问题,它是在一个二维地图中找到一个或多个岛屿的数量问题。

JavaD Triumph-LS 背景地图加载指南说明书

JavaD Triumph-LS 背景地图加载指南说明书

G E T T I N G B A C K G R O U N D M A P SO N T O T H E T R I U M P H-L SEVersion 20150310Table of ContentsTable of Contents (2)Getting Background Maps onto the Triumph-LS (2)Introduction (3)Free Third Party Software (3)JustinLink (3)Mobile Atlas Creator (4)Map Sources in MOBAC (7)Enabling the Background Map (8)Global Mapper (10)Exporting RMaps (10)Creating Custom Maps (12)Manual Rectification (15)onto the Triumph-LS23Background Maps on the Triumph-LSIntroductionA background map is an image made up of pixels, generally referred to as a raster image and differs from a vector image; that is, an image made from points, lines and polygons (ar-eas), like your CAD drawings.The raster images intended to be used as background maps must have already been georeferenced. Most GIS data sources already provide the user with georeferenced imagery such as georeferenced ortho photos. Other raster images, such as a scan of an ancient map and that has not been previously georeferenced, can be rectified and spatial-ly defined using third-party software.Caution should be used when selecting map sources as not all georeferenced imagery is created equal. Knowing the source of the imagery will help you know its limitations. Or-tho rectified imagery that has gone through the necessary photogrammetric procedures will have produced imagery with a stated precision and suitability for mapping at a giv-en scale and projection. Other aerial imagery, often of un-known date and projection, without the benefit of surveyed photogrammetric control, corrections made for the pitch, roll and yaw of the aircraft may be off from reality by meters.Free Third Party SoftwareBefore placing the georeferenced raster image onto your TRIUMPH-LS , it will need to be converted into tiles to allow the TRIUMPH-LS to optimally handle different zoom levels. Also, these tiles must be saved in a format that will behave quickly and efficiently with the underlying architecture of J-Field ; SQLite. This necessary step can be completed using various third party options including JustinLink and Mo-bile Atlas Creator , to name just a couple. Some are free, like JustinLink , and Mobile Atlas Creator , while others aren’t. The SQLite database architecture enhances performance on mobile devices, but size does matter. For optimal per-formance, curtail the size of the area covered by your back-ground maps on a project by project basis. Likewise, choose the number of zoom levels that will satisfy detailed viewsand the viewable extents.JustinLinkJustinLink 1 is a free Win-dows application designed for data exchange with the TRIUMPH-VS and the TRIUMPH-LS receivers con-nected to your PC via a USB cable. J ustinLink has an interface similar to Justin post processing software.The procedure for rectifying raster images that have not previously been georeferenced is outlined in the JustinLink Software Manual in Section 14.The procedure for exporting raster images from JustinLink and uploading onto the TRIUMPH-LS is already outlined in the JustinLink Software Manual in Section 15.1 /jgnss/products/software/justinlink.html4Background Maps on the Triumph-LSWhen MOBAC runs for the first time, you’ll see the graphicuser interface maximized with the world map centered onEurope. As you familiarize your-self with the GUI, there are a few things worth noting early on.How to use preview map . And additional information including how to work with Cus-tom Maps are discussed in the (local) interactive Readme document.For additional information on the operation of JustinLink, please refer to the JustinLink Software Manual available at our website: /downloads/javadgnss/manuals/JustinLink/Justin_Link_Software_Manual.pdfMobile Atlas CreatorMobile Atlas Creator 2 (MO-BAC) is a free, open source program for creating offline atlases for GPS handhelds, cell phone applications and other Android and Win-dowsCE based applications including J-Field . MOBAC runs on various platforms and accordingly, only needs to be installed in its own discrete directory (folder). Download the archive and place it in a new folder; e.g. c:\MOBAC. Extract the contents to this folder. Launch the application with a double click on Mobile Atlas Creator.exe . Name the new atlas that you’ll be creating. In this example, it’s been named Deer Isle Village .Next, select a format for the atlas. Some of these choices work better than others. In this example, RMaps SQLite has been chosen because it will allow the user to define jpeg compression settings2 /5Background Maps on the Triumph-LSThe Zoom levels nomenclature used range with zero having the leastrelates to file sizes and ultimately per-formance on the TRIUMPH-LS .The procedure of creating a back-ground map begins with your selec-tion of the Map Source using freely available data sources that are direct-Settings , and then the Map .right arrow button. Note that the order of selected map sources can similarly be moved up or down in the list.area.J-Field will only dis-play the layer visible at the time oftile creation.Add section.Create AtlasOpen Atlas. 6Background Maps on the Triumph-LS7Background Maps on the Triumph-LSConnect the TRIUMPH-LS to your PC using a USB cable and if necessary refer to the Users Guide t o t he Tri-umph-LS 3 for details when working with Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC).Using Windows Explorer , on the TRI-UMPH-LS , navigate to the microSD storage card. Under the parent di-rectory VS Data , create a new folder called BackgroundMaps .Then simply drag and drop the newly created atlas onto the TRIUMPH-LS in the new folder called BackgroundMaps .Once the atlas (background map) has been put into use, J-Field will create its associated .xml file automatically.3 /downloads/javadgnss/manuals/hardware/Triumph-LS-Users-Guide.pdfMap Sources in MOBACMOBAC allows users to create custom maps through the use of an xml file. An xml file is typically not intended for reading by humans. It contains extended markup language ; terse in-formation in plain ASCII which follows certain formatting rules and that gives an application additional details to act upon. Editing is accom-plished using a plain text editor like Notepad or TextPad.Example Web Mapping Service in custom map source xml file8Background Maps on the Triumph-LSEnabling the Background MapFrom Home screen1, tap on Collect , to create a new project or to open an existing project. Under Project Settings, tap on Background Map .Note that the background map associated with a given proj-ect, stays with that project. Likewise, the selection of None in the Background Map setting will follow that project.While this discussion is not going to get into the nitty gritty of writing xml, you will want to be aware that this is available. Ad-ditional information and details concern-ing adding your own custom map sources can be found in the ReadMe file that comes with MOBAC as well as the wiki 1.1 /wiki/index.php/Custom_XML_Map_Sources9Background Maps on the Triumph-LSTap to highlight the desired background map (or None) to Select it and then tap on Select (orOK )To inspect your new background map, tap onReviewAssuming that you already have something to review; i.e., either Design points, lines or polygons; or, Survey data gath-ered in the field, you should now see it displayed on top of your new background map.10Background Maps on the Triumph-LSGlobal MapperGlobal Mapper 1, a product of Blue Marble Geograph-ics, is an affordable and powerful GIS application that offers professional land surveyors access to a variety of spatial datasets.If you are already a Global Mapper user and have your ras-ter image ready, you can quickly create custom background maps for the TRIUMPH-LS .A couple of notes • You should also keep in mind the area size; rarely willyou want to export All Loaded Data . Huge background maps will slow J-Field ’s performance • Export your vector data separately.Exporting RMapsRaster/Image Format...1 Ortho imagery courtesy of Maine Office of GIS and the Maine GeoLibrary BoardRMSE P values meets or exceeds ASPRS Class 1 & Class II Accuracy Standards for DOI mapping at 1”=400’ scale Date of Photograph: May 13, 2014Resolution: 0.60 meter (2 ft.)Format used: GeoTIFFDatum: NAD83(CORS96) epoch 2002Projection: UTM Zone 19 N 11Background Maps on the Triumph-LSPG Bounds tab, define the area of your back-ground map by either drawing a box, All Data Visible On Screen, explicitly defining the corners of the box, cropping to a pre-viously selected area feature or by using the previously defined export bounds.12Background Maps on the Triumph-LSWhen finished, transfer the newly cre-ated RMaps SQLite background map onto your TRIUMPH-LS as previously de-scribed above.Creating Custom MapsIf you’re already a Global Mapper user but haven’t yet creat-ed your custom raster image, you can quickly create back-ground maps for the TRIUMPH-LS from a wide ranging num-ber of freely available data sources including your local andstate offices of GIS, national and federal data warehouses 2.Many of these online sources are already linked from GlobalMapper. Explore them.2 /5_sdata.html 13Background Maps on the Triumph-LS For this exercise, geotiff images from the Maine Office of GIS have already been stored locally and will be used. If only a few images were needed, they could be loaded individual-ly, but for this example, (9) 3-kilometer square tiles will be loaded in the project. To improve performance, a Map Cata-log will be created from the main menu:Create New Map Catalog...A few items worth noting before loading14Background Maps on the Triumph-LS Finding out ahead of time which tiles to load is easily han-dled by Global Mapper if you’ve gotten the shapefile of the tile index layout loaded into your project.With the tile layout layer visible, get a general sense of lo-cation by opening MapQuest OpenStreetMap using the free online downloads source.icon.clicking on the column headingTILE_NAMETo Add Files... to the Map Catalog, select the needed tiles 15Background Maps on the Triumph-LS There’s sometimes more than just red, green and blue (RGB) colored pixels in a raster file. When Global Mapper loads files containing this extra information, it will prompt the user for their instruction. In this case, we’re not deal-ing transparency, but infrared and the fact we just have loaded (9) tiles, No to All is the thing to click.Confirm all tiles have been loaded and click OKThat’s it for creating a custom raster image and now it’s ready to be exported as outlined ear-lier in the section “Exporting RMaps” on page10Manual RectificationRectification is the process by which a pixel in a given raster image is assigned a particular spatial location; a control point. With a suffi-cient number of such assignments and having these points judicially placed, the image can be referred to as being georeferenced, or rectified.This process can be done crudely with just eye-balling or very precisely with great care using real on-the-ground survey data. For this quick introduction, we’ll focus on the former and leave discussion of the latter to a good text on photogrammetry. In both cases; however, errors contained within the defining polygon formed by these control points will be relatively small when compared to errors outside of that polygon as will be seen when you’re finished.16Background Maps on the Triumph-LS For this mini tutorial on rectification, a section of a 240-year old map has been chosen in the same vicinity of the ortho photos. Let’s open that scanned ancient map and add it to the project.From the main menu, click on File, Open Data Files... (Ctrl+ O), select the image and then clickOpenGlobal Mapper recognizing no spatial data associated with the image will prompt the user.Select Manually Rectify Image and clickOK The Image Rectifier will open with three maps displayed in the upper portion of the window for ground control entry with its textual counterpart in the lower part.Begin by selecting; i.e., a single left click of the mouse, a point in either the mid-dle map; the image being rectified, or the reference image on the right. The or-der in which you do this doesn’t matter, just that you end up with a control point on both images representing the same point in space.Then select a corresponding point on the other map.Background Maps on the Triumph-LS As you visually evaluate, or eye-ball if you like, navigate, zoom and pan as necessary and once satisfied that the two points spatially coincide, click on Add Point to ListYou’ll notice then, the table of control points will be populated. If you are a land surveyor unfamiliar with Cartesian coordinates in the context of comput-er graphics, please note that the origin (0,0) is typically the upper left corner of an image, x values increase positively towards the right and y values increase positively downward. Such is the case here in Global Mapper.Proceed adding points rimming around the project area sufficient in providing a good fit inside that project area.Depending upon how poorly the image being rectified conforms with reality and how close you wish to distort that image into conformity, many control points may be required. In general; however, the fewer control points, thebetter; least constrained.17 18Background Maps on the Triumph-LSBy default, Global Mapper will auto-matically choose the best mathemati-cal method when applying the control points to the image. However, the user is free to choose any avilable method they like from the list accessed under the menu item Options, Rectification Method .Having previously added the requisite minimum number of control points and chosen a method other than Automatic, the Error column will be populated with the post-adjustment residuals in units of pixels.This then becomes a metric of sorts in analyzing the suitability of the image chosen for georeferencing.In this instance, constrained within the bounds of these 5 points, the results are impressive when weighed into consider-ation the fact that the scanned plan was from the survey by J ames Grant under the direction of Samuel Holland in the summer of 17723 .When finished adding control points, click on OK3 Hornsby, S., & Stege, H. (2011). Surveyors of empire Samuel Holland, J.W.F. Des Barres, and the making of the Atlantic Neptune . Montréal[Que.: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 19Background Maps on the Triumph-LS A quick way to check and see how your newly rectified image compares with the reference image is to change its opacity (translulence).Begin by highlighting the layer that the image is on in the Overlay Control Center . If it isn’t displayed, Alt+C will quickly open it up. Then click on Op-tions and in the Raster Options win-dow, the Display tab.Use the slider to allow the reference image below to be seen, evaluate your success, and if necessary repeat the process of control point entry un-til satisfied with the results.The other thing to evaluate is how did the area outside of the control points get distorted; zoom extents, Home icon or Home key on the key-board.Even though the area falling outside of the control points shouldn’t be used, it is sometimes helpful to illus-trate trouble spots.Once satisfied with the result, reset the opacity to 100% and export your custom map as outlined earlier in the section “Exporting RMaps” on page10.900 Rock Avenue, San Jose, CA 95131 USAPhone: +1(408)770-1770Fax: +1(408)770-1799Copyright © JAVAD GNSS, Inc., 2015All rights reserved. No unauthorized duplication.。



图形化编程项目 海下潜水
周末,小明全家来到海边游玩。 小明在专业潜水人员的帮助下,进 行了海下潜水。
他发现海下好美啊!有游来游去 的小鱼,有会变色的水母,还有举 着大钳子的小螃蟹,还有......
请编程模拟小明海下潜水的过 程。
01 背景
02Байду номын сангаас角背色景
小鱼 水母 小螃蟹 小明
在海水中游来游去 会变色飘来飘去 举着大钳子爬来爬去
01 设置海底背景 02 添加编辑小鱼、水母、螃蟹、小明角色 03 编写小鱼游来游去代码 04 编写水母变色飘来飘去代码 05 编写螃蟹爬来爬去代码 06 编写小明潜水代码
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这种形式的Platform as a Service (PaaS)云计算把开发、部署环境作为服务来提供,可以创建自 己的应用软件并部署在供应商的基础架构上运行,然后 通过网络从供应商的服务器上传递给用户Computer交付的模式:也称为硬件即服务,或效用计算 (Utility Computing),指的是最基本的计算资源、存贮资源、Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)网络资源,用虚拟化的方法以租用方式提供给客户互联网上的SaaS, PaaS and IaaS 互联网上的• Ready-to-use, “single-purpose” application available upon registration and configuration • Abstracts any notion of underlying software or hardware resourcesSoftware as a ServicePlatform as a Service• Scalable application environment • Flexibility to develop any type of application… but limited to available framework • Abstracts any notion of underlying hardware resources • Direct access to any number of raw virtualized resources • Computing, Network, Storage • Flexibility to install any software product within VM containersInfrastructure as a ServiceNIST定义:4种部署模式私有云 • 企业独立拥有或独立承租的云系统社区云• 在特定社区内共享的云系统,如:由 某公司及其合作伙伴共同承建并分享 使用的云系统 • 面向公众开放租售的大规模云系统 • 由以上三种云系统中的两种以上的云 系统共同配合而提供IT能力的混合型 云系统公有云混合云云计算发展的推动力•挑战旧体系的创新动力 •互联网经济的形成 •IT成本控制的要求 •IT服务质量与服务交付速度的要求 •专业化分工的趋势 •带宽不再是障碍 •分布式计算、集群技术、虚拟化技术等关键技 术的逐渐成熟云计算云计算的优势与挑战云计算的优势 云计算面临的挑战/问题 云计算面临的挑战 问题Speed Cost FitSecurity QoSOracle 云计算策略我们的目标: 我们的目标: • 确保云计算完全满足企业级的要求 • 同时支持公有云和私有云——用户可自主选择提供可部署在私有云中的 套装应用 同时提供公有云软件服务 提供构建私有云的技术 同样的技术亦可运行在 公有云中公有云SaaS PaaS IaaS I N T E R N E T I N T R A N E T私有云SaaS PaaS IaaSUsersOracle 云计算平台Third Party Applications Oracle 套装应用 ISV ApplicationsPlatform as a Service共享服务集成: 集成 SOA Suite 流程管理: 流程管理 BPM Suite 安全: 安全 Identity Mgmt用户交互: 用户交互云管理Oracle Enterprise ManagerWebCenter配置管理 生命周期管理 应用性能管理 应用质量管理 Ops Center 硬件和虚拟化设备管理应用网格: WebLogic Server, Coherence, Tuxedo, JRockit 应用网格 数据库网格: Oracle Database, RAC, ASM, Partitioning, 数据库网格 IMDB Cache, Active Data Guard, Database SecurityInfrastructure as a ServiceOracle Solaris Operating Systems: Oracle Enterprise Linux Linux Oracle EnterpriseOracle VM for SPARC (LDom) Solaris ContainersOracle VM for x86 Servers Storage私有PaaS云 云 私有 企业云计算的选择企业:从私有云切入私有云: 效率和可扩展性+灵活性和可控 私有云 效率和可扩展性 灵活性和可控SaaS PaaS IaaS 互联网公有云: 公有云 • 不用对基础设施进行设置 • 更少的管理开销 • 更少的初期费用 • 只有运营费用 同样提供: 同样提供 • 高效 • 高可用性 • 弹性能力SaaS PaaS IaaS 内网私有云: 私有云 • 高可控 • 易整合 • 减低总开销 • 固定和运营费用私有云基本理念– 集中化提供服务,每个部门部署、设置自有应用每个部门都 建设客户部门1客户部门2客户部门3中心系统 提供“XXX as a Service”私有云 – 解决的问题传统模式• 烟囱式的系统建设,IT成本居高不 下(硬件/能耗/管理) • 按峰值规模建设,资源平均利用率 低 • 缺乏弹性的系统设计,应对业务突 发情况差 • 建设周期漫长,无法快速提供与部 署 • 业务需求的快速增长,设备更替 快,不利投资保护 • 开发测试环境的问题低成本、标准化硬件 自动化、自服务 动态调配、弹性伸缩云计算集中资源池的共享虚拟化、分时/区共享• • • • • •下一代IT数据中心 技术标准化 资源弹性化 能力服务化 服务网络化 管理自动化 管控集中化云计算服务模式实现的系统架构SaaS PaaS Database Management OS Virtualization IaaS H/W NetworkApplicationMiddleware怎样决定私有云提供的服务层次基本的判断 云提供的服务层次 需求诉求统一服务、流程、模型、体验是否需要统一的应用 (不同的部门)? 是否需要共享运行平 台(数据库、中间件、 API等)? 是否需要共享硬件资 源?SAAS PAAS IAAS动态弹性伸缩,更好的扩展 统一开发、测试、运行平台 资源集中自动化管理 快速供应基础设施 提高资源利用、降低能耗 硬件资源整合在灵活性和简化性中权衡– 中心系统提供的越多,部门的工作越简化,同时灵活性也越低由每个部门 独立建设Application (SaaS) Platform (PaaS) Infrastructure (IaaS)由中心系统 统一提供PaaS是企业的“甜区” 是企业 是企PaaS IaaS• 更高的自由度App App• 更加安全 • 更利于管理App App• 更加敏捷 • 更加高效较少的 建设工 作统一的基础异构的组件通用的组件更多的 建设工 作不一致的基础构建私有PaaS : 最大效率所在– 高效和灵活性的平衡获得的总 价值SaaS运营效率PaaSIaaS用户灵活度构建私有 PaaS 是企业自然而然的云战略• 云化 • 敏捷 • 服务质量 • 效率 • 私有化 • 成本结构 • 服务质量控制 • 对安全的控制 • 现存经验和实践的最简化的演进 • PaaS • 让用户在最小成本构建及最大化其 灵活性可控性的之间达到最佳平衡PaaSPrivate Cloud企业云能力构建策略• 从私有云入手,尝试云计算技术,积累经验 • 以IaaS能力构建作为基础,解决基础资源云化问题 • 以构建PaaS能力作为私有云建设的核心• 平台是企业应用的基础 • 企业内部的计算平台不会一夜之间革命性的剧变,需要连续性和逐步 演进 • 以目前的中间件层为基础,补充缺失的云能力,实现满足要求的云计 算平台层 • 重点是实现自动化按需开通能力和可管理性,实现云的弹性Oracle 云计算 解决方案Oracle 作为云计算的使能者SaaS PaaS IaaS•Enterprise Manager •Identity Management Identity ManagementApplication•CRM On Demand (Service) •Fusion Middleware for Apps •Application Grid(JVM, Coherence) •WebLogic Suite, SOA Suite •ExaData / Real Application Clusters •DB Options(Active Data Guard Advanced Security, Database Vault) •Linux(UBL) •Solaris •Oracle VMMiddlewareDatabase Management ManagementOSVirtualization•Data Compression •ASMH/WNetworkOracle 云计算平台Third Party Applications Oracle 套装应用 ISV ApplicationsPlatform as a Service共享服务集成: 集成 SOA Suite 流程管理: 流程管理 BPM Suite 安全: 安全 Identity Mgmt用户交互: 用户交互云管理Oracle Enterprise ManagerWebCenter配置管理 生命周期管理 应用性能管理 应用质量管理 Ops Center 硬件和虚拟化设备管理应用网格: WebLogic Server, Coherence, Tuxedo, JRockit 应用网格 数据库网格: Oracle Database, RAC, ASM, Partitioning, 数据库网格 IMDB Cache, Active Data Guard, Database SecurityInfrastructure as a ServiceOracle Solaris Operating Systems: Oracle Enterprise Linux Linux Oracle EnterpriseOracle VM for SPARC (LDom) Solaris ContainersOracle VM for x86 Servers StorageOracle云计算解决方案一览 云计算解决方案一览先进的服务器虚拟化解决方案——Oracle VM 快速部署复杂多层应用——Oracle Assembly Builder 独一无二的高性能中间件虚拟化方案——WebLogic Server Virtual Edition 无限伸缩的应用网格——Application Grid 云管理:按需伸缩、按用付费——Oracle Enterprise Management29Oracle云计算解决方案 云计算解决方案先进的服务器虚拟化解决方案——Oracle VM 快速部署复杂多层应用——Oracle Assembly Builder 独一无二的高性能中间件虚拟化方案——WebLogic Server Virtual Edition 无限伸缩的应用网格——Application Grid 云管理:按需伸缩、按用付费——Oracle Enterprise Management30的基础 虚拟化是IaaS的基础 化是 的基云特征共享资源能力• 使得软件可能运行在共享的硬件环境上快速伸缩• 通过克隆和在线迁移技术,能够增大、减少 和移动应用资源 • 增减硬件设备,无需停止服务迅速部署• 打包整个应用的资源,简化部署程序 • 通过克隆测试、生产环境大大简化了开发/ 测试工作Oracle VM 服务器虚拟化平台的选择与灵活性Solaris Oracle VM Server for SPARC SPARC (CMT) Hardware• Evolution of Solaris Logical Domains; Integration with Oracle VM family • Highly efficient hypervisor for Sun Chip Multithreading (CMT) servers • Multiple, independent Solaris OS instancesSolarisLinuxWindowsOracle VM Server for x86 x86/x64 Hardware• High performance hypervisor for x86/x64 architecture • Supported guests: Linux, Windows, Solaris (new)• 通过Oracle VM Manager 提供涵盖SPARC CMT和x86/x64芯片 的统一的、集成的虚拟化管理Oracle VM服务器虚拟化和管理 • 支持Oracle和非Oracle的应用• • • • Oracle VM Server for x86/x64 Oracle VM for SPARC Oracle VM Manager Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control• 目前唯一的经过Oracle产品认证支持的虚拟化软件• 免费,无需版权费用 • 高性能 • 企业级支持 • 快速应用部署 • 预集成全面管理方案Oracle 虚拟机 概念预览 虚拟机:服务器池: 服务器池 •池资源 池资源 •负载均衡 负载均衡 •迁移 迁移 •自动失效切换 自动失效切换 Oracle 虚拟机管理工具 虚拟机管理工具: •基于浏览器 基于浏览器 •Java实现 实现 •扩展性及可用性 扩展性及可用性VMVMVMVMVMVMVMVM服务器池浏览器服务器池Oracle 虚拟机管理工具Oracle 虚拟机服务器 Oracle 虚拟机服务器NAS, SAN, iSCSIXE, SE, EE or RAC 数据库NAS, SAN, iSCSIOracle虚拟机服务 虚拟机服务 器: •宿主系统 宿主系统 •Enterprise Linux •Windows共享的存储池: 共享的存储池 •NAS/NFS •SAN •iSCSIOracle VM 模板快速部署E-Delivery节省数天到数周的安装配置时间Download from Oracle• Pre-built, pre-configured VM • Complete app, middleware, DB installation • Complete Siebel CRM, Database 11g, Enterprise Siebel Manager…CRMFileSiebel CRMVM 1Siebel CRMVM 2 VM VM VMCustomize & Save as Golden ImagesOracle VM Server PoolOracle VM ServersStart-Up in Oracle VM Pool Import via Oracle VM ManagerNAS, SAN, iSCSIVM完整的虚拟机高 完整的虚拟机高可用解决方案安全在线迁移服务无需中断VMVMVMVMVMVMXVMVM集群安全在线迁移m浏览器集群HA 自动重启集群化管理工具XmOracle 虚拟机服务器Oracle 虚拟机服务器NFS, SAN, iSCSIXE, SE, EE, or RAC 数据库NFS, SAN, iSCSI计划事件: 计划事件 •如维护,升级 如维护, 如维护 •安全在线迁移 安全在线迁移 •零中断 零中断服务器主池确保 在管理工具失效时 安全迁移及 高可用重启完成计划外事件: 计划外事件: •如服务器或虚拟机失效 如服务器或虚拟机失效 •池中高可用重启 池中高可用重启 •无手动干预 无手动干预集中化存储 集中化存储管理• Create new Storage Repositories for virtual machine disks • DAS, iSCSI or FC OCFS2 • NFS • Map raw LUNs directly to VMs • Multipath settings • Storage functionality available through UI: Extend disks, snapshot, etc. • More efficient storage: thin provisioned storage, global repositories for ISOs & Templates© 2010 Oracle – Proprietary and Confidential37集中化网络 集中化网络管理• All Server Pool configuration• Configure all network types: • Server Management • Live migrate • Cluster heartbeat • Virtual machine • Storage • Network configuration options: • Bond NICs • VLANs • Jumbo frames© 2010 Oracle – Proprietary and Confidential38基于策略的资 基于策略的资源管理• 分布式的资源调度管理• 实时监控服务器的利用情况 • 基于策略、自动地进行服务池调整 • 从压力大的服务器上将负载移到 其他服务器 • 根据需要,自动启动服务器• 好处:• 降低每服务器的操作成本 • 通过对虚拟实例的故障探测和纠正, 提供SLA • 更高的资源利用率Resources VM ServerResources VM Server动态资源管理服务池 存储池© 2010 Oracle – Proprietary and Confidential39的虚拟 客户为什么选择Oracle的虚拟化方案 户为什么选择 什么选择 的虚Oracle VM 高性能 成本效益 经过认证 企业级的支持 与应用预集成 客户成功 更有信心对数据库和应用进行 虚拟化 版权费用为零,只需为服务付费 经过Oracle产品的充分认证和 支持 全球化, 24x7, 大规模的支持 互操作性,安全性,高可用性© 2010 Oracle – Proprietary and Confidential40Oracle云计算解决方案 云计算解决方案先进的服务器虚拟化解决方案——Oracle VM 快速部署复杂多层应用——Oracle Assembly Builder 独一无二的高性能中间件虚拟化方案——WebLogic Server Virtual Edition 无限伸缩的应用网格——Application Grid 云管理:按需伸缩、按用付费——Oracle Enterprise Management41将复杂的多层应用转换成模板化的构建模块Reference SystemWeb WebWeb TierVirtualized Software AppliancesWeb Appliance Application Server ApplianceAssemblySOA SvcWLSWLSApplication TierMetadataRAC RACDatabase TierDatabase ApplianceAssembly StructureAssemblyAppliance• 包含相关软件的可启动虚拟机 磁盘映像 • 为Oracle软件进行优化 • 为重复部署已进行模板化处理Metadata……. …….ApplianceMetadata …….Assembly Metadata• 可用于多层应用的部署计划 • 不同组件之间的关联关系 • 启动次序等Software Component OS JRockit VEAppliance Metadata• 组件相关的配置参数 • 用户指定的的参数设置 • 入口、出口连接 • 伸缩性需求 • 虚拟机资源要求Oracle Virtual Assembly Builder StudioAssemblies, Appliances Catalog Properties InspectorDeployment Resource Pools Command line interface for scripted actionsAssembly Editor快速部署复杂应用Assembly BuilderAppliance 设备Appliance Builder部门应用定制代码 和环境配置 部门应用部门应用部门应用Enterprise Manager开发环境生产环境基于 WebLogic 套件的应用网格 运行于虚拟化的基础设施之上Oracle云计算解决方案 云计算解决方案先进的服务器虚拟化解决方案——Oracle VM 快速部署复杂多层应用——Oracle Assembly Builder 独一无二的高性能中间件虚拟化方案——WebLogic Server Virtual Edition 无限伸缩的应用网格——Application Grid 云管理:按需伸缩、按用付费——Oracle Enterprise Management46WebLogic with Oracle JRockit Virtual Edition• 无需操作系统,直接运行在虚 无需操作系统 拟主机上• 更高的密集度 • 更好的性能• 降低运维成本 降低运维• 轻松进行补丁升级 丁升级 • 增强安全性• 相同的管理基础架构 相同的管理基础• WebLogic console + scripting • Enterprise Manager JRockit Mission Control• 支持自定义Java应用 支持自定义 应• 可作为部署单元 可作为部署单 • 简化部署JRockit Virtual Edition提供必须 由JRockit-VE提供必须的操作系统功能 提供必 的操作系统JRockit –VE OS LayerTCP/IP File SystemSchedulerH/WWebLogic Server on JRockit Virtual EditionWebLogic ServerJRockit –VEfOracle VMBare Metal Hardware• TCP/IP: Network communication • Scheduler: Runs Java threads. Single process • File System: Local [virtual] disk • HW: Hardware device interaction. Network card, virtual screen, etc.WebLogic Server on Jrockit Virtual Edition大幅简化配置工作和减低运维 大幅简化配置工作和减低运维成本(Approximate Numbers) Config. Files Commands Command Params. Admin Tools Boot Time (s) Size (MB)Linux 1000 3000 50,000 500 50 1000WebLogic on JRockit VE 1 10 100 1 1 2简化 安全 高效JRockit Virtual Edition and WebLogicVirtualized Performance Approaching Physical DeploymentsConfigurationWebLogic Server on Physical OS 10.3.2 GA 2.8 GHz 24GB 1066 OEL5.4 R27.6.2-20 3.6WebLogic Server on WebLogic Server JRockit Virtual on Guest OS Edition 10.3.2 GA 4GB 1066 10.3.2 GA 6GB 2.8 GHz 2.8 GHz 相对于普通虚WebLogic Server Clock Speed Memory Memory Speed (MHz) Operating System JRockit Heap (GB)拟化产品提高 1066R27.6.2-20 3.6OVM/JRVE33% 的性能 PV OVM/OEL5.4 R27.6.3-40 3.3Operations / Sec348300225。
