

芬兰国家文化介绍 (1)

芬兰国家文化介绍 (1)
Un peu de ses vingt ans 留下二十青春梦,
Pour s'aimer pour s'aimer longtemps. 年年思念爱永恒。
芬兰的国树——栎树 The National tree of Finland——The oak
芬兰的国鸟——大天鹅 The National bird of Finland——The swan
教育事业发达。1921年起实行义务教育。1980 年起在全国实行9年一贯制义务、免费教育。2003 年全国有各类学校 5103所,在校学生超过190.1万 人。
2003年教育预算为57.86亿欧元,占政府预算 的15.7%。著名高等学校有赫尔辛基大学、赫尔辛 基技术大学、坦佩雷大学等。
The name Suomi has uncertain origins but a strong candidate for a cognate is the Baltic word zeme meaning “ground, earth, country”. In another approach, Finnish suo means “fen”, which is one of the characteristic biotypes of Finland. Some etymologists have proposed that Suomi is derived from the word suoma, which means “god-given” or “a gift of mercy”. The exonym Finland has resemblance with e.g. the Scandinavian placenames Finnmark, Finnveden and Finnskogen and all are thought to be derived from finn, a Germanic word for nomadic “hunter-gatherers” (as opposed to sedentary farmers). How, why and when this designation would have started to mean the Finns in particular is largely unknown. Among the first written documents mentioning a “land of the Finns” are two rune stones. There is one in Söderby, Sweden, with the inscription finlont and one in Gotland, a Swedish island in the Baltic Sea, with the inscription finlandi dating from the 11th century.



音乐:20世纪八十年代末的时候,该国的黑暗死亡金属势力已经格外强大,像 Stratovarius,impaled nazarene,Amorphis,children of bodom,Nightwish,Eternal tears of sorrow一个个都登上了当地最大的音乐排行榜当然,芬兰人在做金属音乐的同时并没 有放弃他们的传统民乐,出现了维京三剑客 圣诞老人之家:有人认为圣诞老人的家就在芬兰境内的耳朵山。在1927年,芬兰电台的 一个广播节目宣称,圣诞老人和两万头驯鹿一起就住在芬兰和苏联分界拉普兰省的“耳朵 山”上,正是因为有“耳朵”,圣诞老人才能在北极听到世界上所有孩子的心声。从此,故 事中的“耳朵山”就成了圣诞老人的故乡。在每年的平安夜孩子们在睡觉前将长筒袜挂在 壁炉旁,然后带着热切的期盼进入梦乡,圣诞老人晚上就会乘着驯鹿拉的雪橇,把圣诞 礼物从壁炉烟囱中分发到孩子们的长筒袜里。
芬兰地处北纬60度到70度之间,面积为33.8145万平方公里,是欧洲第七大国。 位于欧洲北部,北面与挪威接壤,西北与瑞典为邻,东面是俄罗斯,西南濒波 罗的海。 地形地貌 芬兰地势北高南低,北部曼塞耳基亚芬兰丘陵海拔200—700米,中部为200— 300米的冰碛丘陵,沿海地区为海拔50米以下的平原。南北最长距离达1157公 里,东西最宽为542公里。芬兰拥有世界上纬度第二高的首都赫尔辛基,仅次 于冰岛首都雷克雅维克。
芬兰1999年加入欧元区,2002年正式流通欧元。自2008年金融危机以来,芬兰经济长期陷 入困境,仍没有走出低迷的迹象。据欧盟委员会预测,2014年芬兰经济增长率为负0.4%。 2012年和2013年芬兰经济已连续两年萎缩。在国内,科技巨头诺基亚衰落,人口老龄化形 势日趋严峻;在国外,乌克兰危机升级,欧美与俄罗斯之间的制裁与反制裁大战愈演愈烈。 这些因素对尚未从金融危机和欧债危机阴影中走出来的芬兰经济无疑是雪上加霜。在20132014年世界经济论坛年度竞争力排名中位居第三。受全球经济形势和欧债危机影响,芬经 济增长滞缓,企业倒闭增加,失业上升。 2012年外贸总额约为1159亿欧元,其中进口591亿欧元,同比下降2%,出口568亿欧元, 同比基本持平,外贸逆差23.8亿欧元。出口商品主要有金属、纸张纸板、化工产品等;进 口商品主要有金属、原油等。主要贸易对象为欧盟国家。



The Characteristics and Characteristics of
Finnish English
The Phonetic Characteristics of Finnish English
Finnish English speakers often have a strong account, which is often described as "Scandinavian sound"
The Formation of Finnish English
Detailed description
The formation of Finnish English can be traced back to the 19th century, when Finland was under Russian rule and English was used as a language of communication and education
Comparison between grammar and syntax
Finnish English grammar is similar to standard English grammar, but there are some differences Finnish English speakers tend to use more passive voice constructions than native English speakers, and they also use more present particles and infinities



芬兰历史发展的简介芬兰共和国(芬兰语:Suomen tasavalta,瑞典语:Republiken Finland),简称芬兰(芬兰语:Suomi,瑞典语:Finland),位于欧洲北部,北欧五国之一,与瑞典、挪威、俄罗斯接壤,南临芬兰湾,西濒波的尼亚湾。

























教育事业发达。1921年起实行义务教育。1980 年起在全国实行9年一贯制义务、免费教育。2003 年全国有各类学校 5103所,在校学生超过190.1万 人。 2003年教育预算为57.86亿欧元,占政府预算 的15.7%。著名高等学校有赫尔辛基大学、赫尔辛 基技术大学、坦佩雷大学等。
The name Suomi has uncertain origins but a strong candidate for a cognate is the Baltic word zeme meaning “ground, earth, country”. In another approach, Finnish suo means “fen”, which is one of the characteristic biotypes of Finland. Some etymologists have proposed that Suomi is derived from the word suoma, which means “god-given” or “a gift of mercy”. The exonym Finland has resemblance with e.g. the Scandinavian placenames Finnmark, Finnveden and Finnskogen and all are thought to be derived from finn, a Germanic word for nomadic “hunter-gatherers” (as opposed to sedentary farmers). How, why and when this designation would have started to mean the Finns in particular is largely unknown. Among the first written documents mentioning a “land of the Finns” are two rune stones. There is one in S öderby, Sweden, with the inscription finlont and one in Gotland, a Swedish island in the Baltic Sea, with the inscription finlandi dating from the 11th century. soumi这个词有个不确定的起源,一个同源词是波罗的海zeme意义”地, 地球,国家”。在另一种方法,芬兰的“分”,这是一个特征生物芬兰。一 些词源学家提出,报是由索马字,意思是“上帝赐予的”或“慈悲的礼物”。 芬兰的外来名称相似,例如斯堪的纳维亚地名芬马克,finnveden和芬斯库 根和所有被认为是来自芬兰,日耳曼词游牧狩猎采集者”(而不是定居的农 民)。如何,为什么,当这个名称会已开始代表芬兰人特别主要是未知的。 其中第一个书面文件提到“土地的芬兰人”是宝石。有一个在ö德比,瑞典, 与碑文finlont和一个哥特兰岛,瑞典在波罗的海,与碑文finlandi约会从 第十一世纪 。

国家介绍 芬兰

国家介绍 芬兰

极光是一种自然现象,根据统计分析:拉普兰最北部见到北极光的机会大约是四分之三; 接近俄国的位置上有大约二分之一的机会;接近北极圈或者以南的芬兰中部,得其芳容的 机会大约有四分之一。 因而12月份的午夜前后是北极光出现机率最大的时候
芬欧汇川集团(UPM-Kymmene)是世界第三大纸和纸制品生产商,具有百年历史, 在芬拥有93万公顷森林,年平均消费林材24万立方米。主要生产纸张纸浆、纸板和包装 薄膜。2003年有雇员3.3万人,净销售额99亿欧元,盈利10.6亿欧元。1999年在江苏投资 6亿美元建立芬欧汇川(常熟)纸厂,年产35万吨优质文化用纸。2003年在华营业额为5 亿美元。2005年9月,芬欧汇川在江苏常熟的投资兴建的第二条造纸生产线正式投产,芬 总理万哈宁出席庆祝活动。 诺基亚集团(Nokia)公司成立于1865年,早期从事造纸、化工、橡胶行业,20世 纪60年代开始进入电信市场。主要生产移动和固定电信网络设备及移动电话,在9个国家 设有17个工厂,在14个国家设有研发中心,现已成为世界最大移动电话生产商,全球领 先的数字移动和固定网络供应商。2003年有雇员5.14万人,销售额294.55亿欧元,盈利 53.45亿欧元。中国已成为诺基亚全球第二大市场,其累计在华投资超过23亿欧元。2001 年在华销售收入34亿欧元,出口25亿欧元。2000年5月,诺基亚星网(国际)工业园在北 京落成。 斯托拉-恩索纸业集团(StoraEnso)由瑞典斯托拉纸业公司和芬兰恩索纸业公司于 1998年合并组建而成。为世界最大的林业生产集团之一,主要生产杂志用纸、新闻纸、 包装用纸和办公用纸等。2004年有雇员4.5万,销售额124亿欧元。1998年在苏州建立年 产12万吨胶版纸的工厂。 富腾工程有限公司(Fortum)欧洲主要能源公司之一,由耐思特(NESTE)工程公 司、IVO有限公司等组成。经营范围包括石油和天然气,电力和热能,工程建造、运营和 维护,业务几乎涉及所有能源领域。2004年公司有雇员1.3万人,销售额117亿欧元,盈 利19亿欧元。富腾在中国市场开展业务已有20年历史,主要在石油、天然气、太阳能、 区域供热、热电混合产品和环保技术等领域提供服务和系统设备。 凯斯科(Kesko)1940年由四家零售商合并组建而成,90年代开始实行连锁经营,并 获得快速发展。公司主要从事食品、家居用品等批发零售,建筑装修及农业产品的流通 和销售。2003年有雇员1.5万人,销售额70.7亿欧元,盈利1.62亿欧元。



商务礼仪 最近10多年来,芬兰同 最近10多年来,芬兰同 中国的经贸关系有了很大的 发关系经贸最近展. 芬兰人 商谈生意通常在办公室进行, 他们一旦作出决办公室一旦 商谈定,握手就像书面全同 一样有效.他们讲究信用, 事前约书面事前有效定的会 晤,一般也都会准时到 达.如果应邀到当地工商界 工商界会晤准时人士家中作 客,可带花束送给他的太太, 但必须是单数.单数送给太 太

2 文化

芬兰严峻的气候条件以及特殊的 地理位置和历史,使芬兰人形成
了极富北欧特色的民族性格和 文化。芬兰人性格内敛,行事 低调,但实际上内心充满民族 自豪感,在全球化的今天并不 随波逐流,而是坚定的维护着 自己的传统文化。
• 芬兰木屋 • 芬兰有很多著名的艺术家:伟大的 芬兰有很多著名的艺术家:伟大的

• •
仪态礼仪 芬兰人与外国人交往时很注意礼仪.他们在交谈时习 外国人注意礼仪惯保持1.2米左右的距离,如果对方企图 外国人注意礼仪惯保持1.2米左右的距离,如果对方企图 靠得太近,会被对方距离企图看作是不礼貌的举动.对于 脱鞋,当众剔牙等行为,他们举动当众对于会投来鄙视的 目光.他们不喜欢见到别人把胳膊搭在一起喜欢见到一 起. 相见礼仪 芬兰人在社交场合与客人见面时,不分男女都热情地 场合社交见面行握手礼.芬兰人与外国友人相会时,尤其 是对到他们家尤其友人外国中做客的朋友,喜欢让对方签 名并留言,以示对于友情的签名喜欢做客珍重.芬兰人愿 意别人称呼他们的职衔.如果不知道他们职衔称呼知道的 职衔,则可笼统地称作经理.
好自由” 好自由”的民广告传统。他们招待客人一般都很热情随便。 客人光临,他们除要请吃饭外,有的还会按当地的乡风民 俗习惯,主动邀请客人一起去洗蒸汽浴。芬兰的赫尔辛基 人热情好客,招待贵宾往往爱摆鱼食宴。宴席开始,主人 满面笑容地将桌上盖着的白布揭开,桌上露出精美的盆中 放着一个很大的、形状似公鸡的、黑褐色烤面包。这个面 包里装的是鱼及猪内等。其味道之美,会令你赞不绝口的。 他们爱喝啤酒,同时也习惯向客人反复敬酒,以示他们的 热情诚恳之心。他们酷爱艺术、喜好读书,也很重视体育 活动。他们时间观念较强。与客人交往量,一般都习惯准 时赴约。他信偏爱白色,并视白色为和平、纯洁、公正和 祖国大地白雪长存的冬天的象征。他们昵爱铃兰花和绣球 菊。因为它给人们带来欢乐和优美的环境。故此,人们还 喻铃兰为国花。







The capital of Finland reflects the influences of its neighbours, Russia and Sweden. Helsinki comes to life in summer when the sunlight bright up until midnight. It offers urban living on a human scale, with only half a million residents in a low rise cityscape.芬兰严峻的气候条件以及特殊的地理位置和历史,使芬兰人形成了极富北欧特色的民族性格和文化。


There's something pure in the Finnish air and spirit that's incredibly vital and exciting.Although socially and economically it is in the vanguard of nations, parts of the country remain gloriously remote; with the trendsetting modern capital of Helsinki counterbalanced by vast forested wildernesses in the north and east, like Lemmenjoki National Park and Oulanka National Park. These wilds are perfect for treks among the pines and lakes in summer. And who'd have thought that so far north you could have such a summer? It's a golden, sunny season when Finland bursts into life with an explosion of festivals, good cheer and optimism. It's a time when the towns are buzzing, but it's also a time to head for the lakelands of Mikkeli & around and Lappeenranta. Sit on the veranda of a waterside wooden cottage and watch the summer sun shining low over the trees, and you'll have experienced one of Finland's ultimate treats; a real Nordic peace that eases the soul.踏上芬兰的土地,你会很容易感觉这篇天空是如此干净,很自然被这里的气场所感染。

芬 兰 概 况

芬  兰  概  况

芬兰概况国名:芬兰共和国(The Republic of Finland,Suomen tasavalta)独立日:12月6日(1917年)国旗:呈长方形,长与宽之比为18∶11。











国歌:《祖国》国家政要:总统塔里娅〃哈洛宁 (Tarja Halonen),2000年3月就职;总理马蒂〃万哈宁 (Matti Vanhanen ),2003年6月任职。

















F inland 英文介绍芬兰If you want toGet off the beaten track of traditional European tourist attractionsYou need to hideYou want to do something that your friends haven ’t doneYou’re bored of crowded placesYou want to see SantaYou want to experience clean nature (while the world still has it)You like to have fun in the snowAbout FinlandFinland is a land of interesting contrasts, such as the four seasons, the Midnight Sun and the winter darkness, urban and rural, East and West.As you look out from the plane, the first impression you may have is that there are a lot of trees ⋯an endless carpet of forest, with many lakes and small towns in between. It ’s kind of a surprise when you land in Helsinki to find that the airport is so modern and efficient. Not a polar bear in sight.It ’s truly amazing how uniquely exotic 异国的each season can be. Four times a year, nature changes its uniform completely –colour, light, temperature, sounds and smells. Everything changes in a way that happens nowhere else.The Finns are also considered to be cool – a bit quiet and reserved. However, they are actually warm, friendly, hospitable and especially honest people once you get to know them and we encourage you to do just that.Finland at a glanceSANTA CLAUSEveryone knows that Santa –the one and only –comes from Finland. Although the exact location of his privateretreat in Korvatunturi, Lapland, is unknown, his official hometown is Rovaniemi, where he greets visitors all yearround.NATIONAL PARKSThere are 37 national parks in Finland, covering a total surface area of 8,150 square kilometres. In Europe ’s most forested country –about 70% of Finland is covered with trees –with tens of thousands of lakes and beautiful archipelago, national parks provide some of the most amazing opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking,camping, canoeing and skiing.SKI RESORTSThere are around 75 ski resorts in Finland, most of them small spots near cities and villages. The big ones, however,lie in the fells of Lapland and offer something very different from the usual European ski resorts. The surrounding landscapes are unspoilt, blanketed with pure snow from December to April. In the early winter the slopes are lit, lateron in the spring the sun shines until very late in the evening.LAKESFinland is often called the Land of a Thousand Lakes – a modest name, considering that there are, in fact, 188 000 lakes in the country. From the metropolitan area around Helsinki all the way up to the great Lake Inari in Lapland,Finland is filled with oases of the clean blue. Where Inari is known for its deep and crystal clear waters, LakeSaimaa’s ringed seal, one of the most endangered species in the world, is the country ’s largest lake ’s most memorable attraction. A lakeside cottage is an essential part of Finnish summer.SAUNASSauna –the word itself is Finnish –forms a great part of our country ’s heritage and culture. It is estimated thatthere are over two million saunas in Finland. For a population of 5.3 million, this equals to an average of one per household. For Finnish people sauna is a place to relax, purifying both body and mind. Whether an electric sauna in a modern business environment or an old-fashioned wood-burning sauna by a lakeside cottage, a sauna is always near you.NORTHERN LIGHTSOne of the most remarkable features of Finland is light. When the endless sunshine of summer gives way to darkwinter, the Northern Lights appear like magic and lighten up the sky. The further north you go, the greater thechances of spotting the Aurora Borealis –in Finnish Lapland they can appear on 200 nights a year. In Helsinki andthe south, the Aurorae can be seen on roughly 20 nights a winter, away from city lights.We can Discover Finland through four unique regionsLaplandRovaniemi is the capital of Finnish Lapland and the hometown of Santa Claus. Located on the Arctic Circle, Rovaniemi provides modern services and lots of activities year round.Kemij ?rvi –Suomu, located in the heart of the wilderness, provides opportunities especially for country and downhill skiers . Traditionally the region is a reindeer husbandry area which makes it a popular place for families and animal lovers.Yll ?s is a true wonderland in any season. Experience peace of mind, skiing cross country or onthe slopes, culinary enjoyment, good company, fun and entertainment. It's all arranged for you.Pyh ?–Luosto visitors can enjoy Finland ’s southernmost fell range in a national park. It's adiverse region that offers unhurried atmosphere, genuine Lapp culture and modern services for anybody ready for an adventure.LakelandKuopio is one of the biggest cities in Lakeland. The rolling hills and crystal clear waters typical ofthe region are best viewed from the Puijo Tower. Locals are open, talkative, and have a peculiarsense of humour.Joensuu is the capital of the North Carelia region, and a major cultural hub . The verdant surroundings have bred many a Finnish artist and are home to a score of cultural events, biggest among them the Ilosaarirock festival.Savonlinna, nestled by Lake Saimaa, is great for both short city breaks and lakeside cottage holidays. The main cultural event is the annual Savonlinna Opera Festival, held in the medieval Olavinlinna Castle.HelsinkiThe capital of Finland is a compact city easily explored on foot. Design, architecture, culture and shopping are all great exploration angles and large park areas, forests, lakes, and the coastlinewith numerous islands sprinkled off it make certain there ’s no shortage of natural presence. Needless to say, there ’s something going on in Helsinki every day of the year.University of Helsinkia comprehensive universityfocus on liberal artsfamous for agriculture and forest ,medical science ,natural scienceranks about 70th in the worldCoastal AreasFormerly a centre for tar trad e, and now a technology hub , Oulu is the biggest city within a 500 kilometre radius and is considered the unofficial capital of Northern Finland. Cultural eventswith a touch of northern madness take place all year round, the best known being the Air GuitarWorld Championships each August.Suomenlinnaused to be military forts of Coast DefenseThe fortress of Suomenlinna is one of Finland ’s most popular sights. It is only a short ferry crossing away from Helsinki.Silence,pleaseIn the rush and crush of modern life, the rarities are what we value most, such as space, quiet and time. The space to breathe, a time to dream ⋯you can find these treasures in Finland, where the lakes are many and the people are few.WILD&FREETo be truly free, all you need is the untouched wilderness and a touch of madness in your blood. In the winter you can feel both as your snowmobile speeds through the silent spruces laden with snow.We have a lot of well-being from finnish forests 。



芬 兰 总 人 口 5 4 0 . 1 万 ( 截 至 2 0 11 年 底 ) , 人 口 大 部 分 居 住 在 气 候 比 较 温 和 的 南 部 。 赫 尔 辛 基 大 区 是 主 要 的 人 口密集区,人口约140万。其他人口密集的城市还包括坦佩雷(22万)、图尔库(18万)、奥鲁(14万)等。据 芬 兰 统 计 中 心 数 据 , 截 至 2 0 11 年 底 , 当 地 华 人 总 数 为 6 1 5 9 人 , 主 要 分 布 在 赫 尔 辛 基 、 坦 佩 雷 、 图 尔 库 等 城 市 。
芬兰国徽芬兰国徽在瑞典国王古斯塔夫一世时被采用。在芬兰作为大公国时代也采用了此徽,一直沿用至今。 为红色盾徽。盾面上为一只头戴王冠的金色狮子,前爪握着一把剑,后爪踩着一把弯刀。九朵白色的玫瑰花点缀 在狮子周围。国徽上的狮子来源于富尔孔家族,它同样也出现在瑞典国徽上。剑和弯刀与卡累利阿国徽相类似。 踩在狮子脚下的俄罗斯弯刀则反映了当时的政治形势。彼时,瑞典与俄罗斯正处于长期战争中。九朵玫瑰据推测 是代表了芬兰历史上的九个省,但玫瑰的数量几经变化。
2006年1月至12月,芬兰第二次担任欧盟轮值主席国。在任职期间,在提升欧盟的国际地位、增强欧盟行动 的连贯性等方面做出了积极的努力。
1919年7月17日颁布生效。宪法规定,国家立法权由议会和共和国总统共同行使;总统是国家元首,拥有任 命政府、掌管外交、统帅三军等实权,每六年选举一次。1999年芬议会通过新宪法,名称由《政府组织法》改为 《宪法》。新宪法加强了议会和政府在国家政治生活中的作用,削减了总统部分权力。



介绍芬兰的文化英语作文Title: Exploring Finnish Culture。

Finland, nestled in the northern reaches of Europe, is a country rich in culture and heritage. From its stunning natural landscapes to its unique traditions and customs, Finland offers a fascinating glimpse into Nordic life.Let's delve into the essence of Finnish culture.1. Nature's Embrace:Finland's breathtaking scenery plays a pivotal role in shaping its culture. With vast forests, thousands of lakes, and the mesmerizing Northern Lights, nature is not just a backdrop but an integral part of Finnish life. The Finnish people have a deep respect for the environment, and this reverence is reflected in their way of life.2. Sauna Culture:Sauna holds a special place in Finnish culture. It'snot just about sweating; it's a ritual, a social activity, and a form of relaxation. Almost every Finnish householdhas a sauna, and it's common for families and friends to gather there for bonding sessions. Sauna etiquette is followed religiously, emphasizing silence and respect for others' privacy.3. Sisu – The Finnish Spirit:"Sisu" is a Finnish term that encapsulates resilience, determination, and perseverance in the face of adversity.It's a characteristic deeply ingrained in the Finnish psyche, forged through centuries of surviving harsh winters and challenging conditions. Sisu is not just about enduring; it's about tackling challenges head-on with courage and tenacity.4. Love for Education:Finland's education system is renowned worldwide forits excellence and innovation. Finnish children startschool at a later age compared to many other countries, but the focus is on holistic development rather than early academic pressure. Education is highly valued in Finnish society, with teachers enjoying immense respect and autonomy in their profession.5. Cultural Festivities:Finnish people love to celebrate their culture through various festivals and events. From the Midsummer Festival (Juhannus) to the Finnish Independence Day(itsenäisyyspäivä), there's always something to commemorate or rejoice. Traditional music, dance, and culinary delights add flavor to these celebrations, showcasing Finland's rich cultural tapestry.6. Design and Innovation:Finnish design is renowned for its simplicity, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. From iconic brandslike Marimekko and Iittala to architectural marvels like the Helsinki Design District, Finnish design permeateseveryday life. Innovation is also deeply ingrained in Finnish culture, with the country being a hotbed for startups and technological advancements.7. Love for the Outdoors:Despite its long, dark winters, Finns embrace outdoor activities with gusto. Whether it's cross-country skiing, ice fishing, or berry picking in the summer, there's always an opportunity to connect with nature. The concept of "Everyman's Right" ensures that everyone has the freedom to roam and enjoy Finland's pristine wilderness responsibly.8. Culinary Traditions:Finnish cuisine may not be as famous as its counterparts in other European countries, but it has its own distinct charm. From hearty soups and stews to delectable pastries and baked goods, Finnish food reflects the country's agricultural heritage and reliance on local ingredients. Traditional dishes like Karelian pasties (karjalanpiirakka) and smoked salmon are beloved staples.In conclusion, Finnish culture is a vibrant tapestry woven from centuries of tradition, innovation, and resilience. From its deep connection to nature to its emphasis on education and design, Finland offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern sophistication. Exploring Finnish culture is not just an adventure; it's a journey into the soul of a nation shaped by its surroundings and its people.。



住在芬兰好处英语作文Finland is a Nordic country located in Northern Europe, known for its stunning natural beauty, progressive social policies, and high quality of life. As someone who has had the privilege of residing in this remarkable country, I can attest to the numerous benefits that come with calling Finland home. In this essay, I will delve into some of the key advantages of living in Finland and why it is an exceptional place to reside.One of the primary benefits of living in Finland is the country's commitment to work-life balance. Finnish culture places a strong emphasis on ensuring that individuals have ample time to enjoy leisure activities, spend time with family, and pursue personal interests. This is reflected in the country's generous policies, such as mandatory paid vacation time, flexible work arrangements, and extensive parental leave. The average Finnish worker enjoys around 25 days of paid vacation per year, providing ample opportunities to recharge and rejuvenate.Moreover, the Finnish education system is renowned for itsexcellence, offering a comprehensive and equitable approach to learning. The country's public education system is free, from primary school through university, ensuring that all children have access to high-quality education regardless of their family's financial status. Finland's schools consistently rank among the best in the world, with a focus on developing well-rounded individuals who are critical thinkers and lifelong learners.Another significant advantage of living in Finland is the country's robust social welfare system. Finland's comprehensive social safety net provides a range of benefits and services to its citizens, including universal healthcare, generous unemployment benefits, and a robust pension system. This system ensures that all Finns have access to essential services and support, regardless of their economic circumstances. The healthcare system in particular is highly regarded, with a focus on preventative care and a commitment to providing quality, affordable treatment to all.Finland's commitment to environmental sustainability is also a major draw for many individuals seeking to reside in the country. Finland is a global leader in renewable energy, with a significant portion of its electricity generated from renewable sources such as hydropower, wind, and biofuels. The country has also made significant strides in reducing its carbon emissions and promoting sustainable practices across various sectors. This commitment to environmentalstewardship not only benefits the planet but also enhances the quality of life for those living in Finland.The natural beauty of Finland is another significant advantage of living in the country. From the rugged, snow-capped landscapes of Lapland to the serene, forested regions of the south, Finland offers a diverse array of natural wonders. The country is home to numerous national parks, pristine lakes, and picturesque coastal areas, providing ample opportunities for outdoor recreation and exploration. Whether you enjoy hiking, skiing, or simply appreciating the tranquility of nature, Finland's natural landscapes offer a respite from the stresses of modern life.Furthermore, Finland is renowned for its low levels of corruption and high levels of trust in government institutions. The country consistently ranks among the least corrupt nations in the world, a testament to the integrity and transparency of its public sector. This, in turn, fosters a sense of stability and security for residents, knowing that their government is working to serve the best interests of the people.In addition to its social and environmental benefits, Finland is also known for its vibrant cultural scene. The country boasts a rich heritage in the arts, with a thriving music, literature, and design community. Helsinki, the capital city, is particularly renowned for itscutting-edge architecture, world-class museums, and lively cultural events. Residents of Finland have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a diverse array of cultural experiences, from attending classical music concerts to exploring the country's unique design aesthetics.Another advantage of living in Finland is the country's strong emphasis on work-life balance and personal well-being. Finns are known for their commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with a focus on physical activity, healthy eating, and mental wellness. The country's comprehensive healthcare system, combined with a culture that values work-life balance, helps to ensure that residents have the resources and support they need to thrive both physically and mentally.Finally, Finland's relatively low population density and peaceful, safe environment contribute to the overall quality of life for its residents. The country is known for its low crime rates, making it an exceptionally safe place to live, particularly for families with children. Additionally, the country's small population and vast open spaces create a sense of tranquility and connection with nature that can be difficult to find in more densely populated regions.In conclusion, the benefits of living in Finland are numerous and compelling. From its commitment to work-life balance andenvironmental sustainability to its robust social welfare system and cultural vibrancy, Finland offers an exceptional quality of life for its residents. Whether you are drawn to the country's natural beauty, its progressive social policies, or its emphasis on personal well-being, Finland is undoubtedly a remarkable place to call home.。



介绍芬兰首都英语作文English:Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a vibrant and dynamic city that perfectly blends modernity with nature. Situated on the southern coast of Finland, Helsinki is known for its unique architecture, beautiful waterfront, and numerous green spaces. The city is also renowned for its design and innovation, with a strong emphasis on creativity and sustainability. Visitors to Helsinki can explore its many cultural attractions, such as the iconic Helsinki Cathedral, the bustling Market Square, and the impressive Suomenlinna Sea Fortress. Additionally, the city offers an array of museums, galleries, and theaters, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Finland. Helsinki is also a culinary delight, with a diverse range of restaurants serving traditional Finnish dishes as well as international cuisine. Furthermore, the city's public transportation system is efficient and convenient, making it easy to navigate and explore all that Helsinki has to offer.Translated content:赫尔辛基,芬兰的首都,是一个充满活力和动力的城市,完美地融合了现代化和自然。



Helsinki: The Vibrant Capital of FinlandNestled in the southwestern coast of Finland, Helsinkiis a vibrant capital city that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich history, and modern urban life. It is the largest city in the Nordic region and serves as a political, cultural, and economic hub for the country. With its charming waterfront, lively markets, and an array of museums and galleries, Helsinki is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an authentic Nordic experience.The city's landscapes are as diverse as they are captivating. The sea meets the city at every turn, with the Baltic Sea providing a backdrop to many of Helsinki's landmarks. The harbor area, with its bustling marina and colorful sailboats, is a popular spot for locals andvisitors alike. The city's green spaces, such as theHelsinki Botanical Garden and the nearby Espoo Forest,offer a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life.Helsinki's history is deeply rooted in its architecture. The Old Town, with its cobblestone streets and charming wooden buildings, is a testament to the city's past. TheCathedral of Helsinki, with its neo-Gothic facade, stands as a symbol of the city's religious and cultural identity. The Design Museum and the Finnish National Museum, located in the heart of the city, house collections that tell the story of Finland's design heritage and cultural evolution. Modern Helsinki is a city of contrasts. The cityscape is dotted with contemporary architecture, such as the Helsinki City Hall, designed by renowned Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. The city's vibrant nightlife, with its diverse restaurants, bars, and clubs, offers a lively entertainment scene. Shopping in Helsinki is an experience in itself, with the city's markets and boutiques offering a range of local and international brands.The people of Helsinki are warm and welcoming, embodying the Finnish spirit of 'hygge' - a cosy and comfortable way of life. The city's annual events, such as the Helsinki Festival and the Midsummer Night's Dream, celebrate Finland's rich cultural heritage and provide an opportunity for visitors to immerse themselves in the local culture.In conclusion, Helsinki is a city that offers the bestof both worlds - the charm and history of a Nordic capital combined with the vitality and modernity of a global city.It is a destination that will captivate the senses andleave lasting memories for travelers from all corners ofthe globe.**赫尔辛基:芬兰充满活力的首都**赫尔辛基位于芬兰的西南部海岸,是一座充满活力的首都城市,它巧妙地将自然之美、丰富的历史和现代都市生活结合在一起。

























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Sauna is such a big part of Finnish culture it can’t be compared to anything else. For Finns, it is a must at regular intervals, and if they go too long without sauna, they’ll start feeling incomplete. For centuries, it has been a place for physical and spiritual cleansing, for getting bare in all senses of the word, and entering the core of humanity. Sauna is a way of life in Finland – toddlers take their first turns in sauna at only a few months old, and from then on, never stop.Sharing a sauna with someone is about bonding, about discussing real issues – no small talk. In Finland, major decisions get made in saunas, not boardrooms. Throughout history, there has been no Finland without sauna. Have a look at the slideshow above to see how sauna is present in modern Finnish life.It is said that there are enough saunas in Finland to easily accommodate all 5.4 million Finns simultaneously. It’s true, since estimates place the number somewhere between two and three million. There are saunas in studio apartments, at summer cottages and public swimming pools, gyms and hotels, on boats and buses, you name it – Finnish embassies abroad have their own saunas built and there’s even one inside the Parl iament in Helsinki.Sauna is the only Finnish word that has been internationally accepted in other languages, and there’s no other word Finns would want more recognition for – it is the perfect nominator for Finland, its people and culture.Having a sauna can mean anything from a quick 10-minute steam session to a social event lasting several hours. Especially at a summer house, you heat up the sauna and pop in and out whenever you feel like it with swimming, barbecuing, lawn games and general socialising inbetween.In the winter, the freezing temperatures provide interesting contrasts and supplementary activities to steaming hot saunas. Dipping in icy lakes and rolling in the snow are said to be good for blood circulation, but most do them simply for the incredible rush.Most saunas are private these days, but there are still public ones left in bigger cities. They used to be popular when workers didn’t have their own and would gather to their neighbourhood sauna for a good sit in the steam. Finns don’t acti vely seek contact with people they don’t know, but saunas have always been exceptions: in there, all are equal and strangers can get into unexpectedly deep conversations with each other.Still only a few decades ago, the sauna used to be a gateway in and out of this world: women would give birth in saunas, and upon a person’s death, the body would be given a final wash there. Saying sauna is an important piece of Finnish culture is an understatement.As you become familiar with sauna, you might want to explore further. There are several types of saunas, the most common being electric, wood-heated and smoke saunas. Healing hasbeen an integral part of sauna for ages, and there are scores of sauna-related wellness treatments available.The expression “post-sau na” (“saunanjälkeinen”) is a perfect excuse for avoiding doing pretty much anything in Finland. The feeling of being physically and mentally clean is something so blissful you want to enjoy it in peace as long as you feel like, and people respect that..The Finnish sauna is an important part of Finnish If you want to understand Finland and its people,getting familiar with sauna is a good starting pointFor Finnish people the sauna is a place to relax with friends and family, and a place for physical and mental relaxation as well. Finns think of saunas not as a luxury, but as a necessity in their lives.Taking a sauna begins by washing oneself up and then going to sit for some time in the hot room, typically warmed to 80–110 °C.Occasionally one uses leafy,to gently beat oneself.This has a relaxing effect on the muscles and also helps in calming the effects of mosquito bites.When the heat begins to feel uncomfortable they go to jump into a lake, sea, or a swimming pool, or to have a shower.In the winter rolling in the snow or even swimming in a hole cut in the ice.Often after the sauna it is a custom to sit down in the dressing room to enjoy a sausage, along with beer or soft drinks. After cooling one goes back to the hot room and begins the cycle again.The World Sauna Championships were an annual endurance contest.This competition at extreme conditions is a severe health risk: all competitors competed at their own risk, and had to sign a form agreeing not to take legal action against the organizers. After the death of one finalist and near-death of another during the 2010 championship, the organizers announced that they would not hold another event.Finnish heavy metal bands are so popular around the world.Heavy metal is a kind of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the United Kingdom and the United States. Finland is famous for its heavy metal music well beyond Europe.long hair is the one of the most important feature of metal fashion.The classic uniform of heavy metal fans consists of light colored, ripped frayed or torn blue jeans, black T-shirts, boots and black leather or jeans jackets.... T-shirts are generally emblazoned with the logos。
