


AIX 系统备份方式总结
关于 AIX 系统备份,这里主要讨论不同介质下的系统备份方式,总结有以 下几种,并对这几种介质的属性进行比较,详见下文。 1、系统备份到磁带 2、系统备份到磁盘 3、 系统备份到光盘
系统备份到磁带 这是常规系统备份方式,键入命令#smit mksysb,然后选择相应磁带机即可, 如下图所示:
系统备份到磁盘 如果没有磁带机,或者想保留系统备份文件到其他介质。则可以考虑将
系统备份到磁盘上。 将磁盘上的系统备份文件用 DVD-RAM 格式刻录盘制作成可引导光盘,回
பைடு நூலகம்
头便可以光盘备份恢复系统了。 系统备份到磁盘,具体操作方式有如下两种方式: a) 可以直接键入命令#mksysb -i /dirname/filename 将系统备份到指 定的磁盘目录上。注意用来存放文件的目录文件系统和/tmp 空间 要足够大。 b) 键入命令#smit mksysb 并指定备份目录(backupdir/sys_bk_data_1), 如下图所示:
DDS5:Up to 3.0 MBps native back-up rate, and up
to 6.0 MBps in compressed mode SCSI:< 320MB/s SATA: 150MB/s SATAⅡ: 300MB/s SAS: 3.0Gbit/s
DVD 光盘
DVD-RAM 4.3GB / 8.7GB DVD-RW 4.3GB
36GB / 73GB / 146GB / 300GB
LTO4:120 MBps native back-up rate and up to 240
MBps in compressed mode




1. 操作系统和系统程序的备份将一盘新磁带或无用磁带插入磁带机#tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind#smit mksysb在"备份设备或文件"中添入"/dev/rmt0"后回车.系统会运行很长时间, 等到屏幕显示OK后拿出磁带. 这时候, 系统备份完成. 注意: mksysb仅备份rootvg中已安装的文件系统.2. 用户数据备份·常用磁带机选项/dev/rmt0: 若选择/dev/rmt0, 在插入磁带和写完一次磁带时, 磁带机都将磁带反绕到头. 因此, 下一次备份文件将覆盖本次备份./dev/rmt0.1: 若选择/dev/rmt0.1, 则插入磁带和写完一次磁带时, 磁带机均不反绕磁带. 因此, 一盘磁带可以连续备份几个文件或文件系统.·#smit fs选择"备份文件系统"添入要备份的"文件系统名称"添入"/dev/rmt0.1"重复上述操作即可在同一盘磁带上备份多个文件系统.3. rootvg的恢复·启动机器进入维护模式参见安装手册, 当出现"Welcome to Base Operating System Installation and Maint anence"时, 选3 "Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery"·恢复系统继续选4 "Install from a System Backup"出现"Choose mksysb Device"画面, 选"/dev/rmt0"并插入磁带后回车.这时候, 系统自动恢复操作系统.停在0c54上4. 用户数据恢复#tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind#smit fs选择"恢复文件系统"添入"设备名称"和"目标目录"。



AIX5.3下利用光盘制作系统备份用光盘制作系统备份,除了提高恢复速度外,还可以保存任意时刻的备份,可以将映像文件保存到PC 机上,即使刻录好的光盘在紧要关头不可用了,也可以随时找出需要的系统备份,再刻录一张。

制作步骤:1、建立mksysb image文件2、用mkcd制作光盘引导映像文件3、刻录映像文件1、建立mksysb image文件# smit mksysbBack Up the SystemType or select values in entry fields.Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.[TOP] [Entry Fields]WARNING: Execution of the mksysb command willresult in the loss of all materialpreviously stored on the selectedoutput medium. This command backsup only rootvg volume group.* Backup DEVICE or FILE [/home/bobo/170-20081114] +Create MAP files? yes +EXCLUDE files? no +List files as they are backed up? no +Verify readability if tape device? no +Generate new / file? yes +EXPAND /tmp if needed? no +Disable software packing of backup? no +Number of BLOCKS to write in a single output [] #(Leave blank to use a system default)2、用mkcd制作光盘引导映像文件# smit mkcdUse an existing mksysb image?Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.1 yes ---选择yes2 no进入操作菜单:因为我想做个镜像文件,我的170上没有刻录机,所以CD-R Device不用添写。


#Back directory
#Date Format
DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
WEEKDAY=`date +%w`
if [ "${WEEKDAY}" = "0" ] ; then
#Database User Information
#FTP Server Information
NLS_DATE_FORMAT=yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss



AIX的备份和恢复1.mksysb命令1.1概述mksysb命令针对rootvg上已经mount的file system建立一个bootable image,该文件是backup-file格式,用户定义的paging space、未mount的file system、raw device不包含在备份集中。

1.2备份文件的格式BOS boot image + mkinsttape image + dummy.toc + rootvg data...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BOS boot image :包含从mksysb 磁带引导所需的系统内核和设备驱动的副本。

由bosboot 命令创建。

mkinsttape image :有三个重要的文件./tapeblksz 文件包含mksysb 命令运行时设定磁带驱动器的块大小。

./ 文件包含自定义的BOS 安装过程和指示BOS 安装程序如何运行。

执行mksysb 命令前可自定义该文件,或映像备份完成后使用程序自定义该文件。

./ 文件包含描述BOS 安装过程中安装的映像的信息。

这些信息包括逻辑卷的大小、名称、映射以及在rootvg 的安装点。

可在使用mksysb 命令之前自定义该文件,或在备份期间运行mksysb -i 命令在磁带上生成一个新的 ./ 文件。

mkszfile 命令生成 ./ 文件。

./ 文件以stanza 格式安排。

table of contents:使mksysb 磁带包含和BOS安装磁带同样数目的映像。

rootvg data :包含mksysb 命令备份的rootvg 卷组上的所有数据。

mksysb 命令使用backup 命令保存rootvg 上安装JFS 数据内容,除了raw 数据。


pax命令应该是用于系统转储和2 GB以上的映像的首选存档方法。
-s SeekBackup
Байду номын сангаас-u

AIX 三种备份方式

AIX 三种备份方式

网络备份网络Sysback是基于TSM API 来备份AIX 操作系统的,在备份之前要对TSM Server 和TSM Client 之间进行配置。


磁带备份AIX mksysb命令将操作系统在线备份到磁带中(即root 卷组)。



2.mksysb -i /dev/rmt0恢复步骤:1.将磁带放入磁带机中。



光盘备份使用AIX 提供的mkcd可在线备份操作系统(rootvg)成image映像文件,再将image映像文件刻录成DVD光盘用于恢复操作系统。


/mkcd/cd_images ; /mkcd/cd_fs和/mkcd/cd_images2.运行命令mkcd–R -S3.将备份后的image映像文件用bin模式传到windowns PC上。





/usr/sbin/mkcd -M '/test/image' -C '/test/cd/str' -I '/test/cd' –V 'rootvg' '-R' '-S'I l1 ISO9660 (CD format)/usr/sbin/mkcd -L -M '/test/image' -C '/test/str' -I '/test/dvd' -V'rootvg' '-R' '-S'不要用2 UDF (Universal Disk Format)/usr/sbin/mkcd -U -M '/test/image' -V 'rootvg'排除文件–emkcd -M /mkcd/image -C /mkcd/cd/str -I /mkcd/cd -V rootvg -R -S -e &mkcd-L -M /mkcd/image -C /mkcd/cd/str -I /mkcd/cd -V rootvg -R -S -e &tail -f /var/adm/ras/mkcd.logmkcd 命令用途从mksysb或savevg备份映像创建一个(或多个)多卷的 CD。



经典之AIX安装教程一、安装基本操作系统(BOS)打开计算机或在开机状态下重新启动(#reboot)将AIX安装盘放入光驱当系统自检keyboard 通过后,按"5"(从光驱引导)系统提示:Please define the system Console后,按"1"(确认终端)系统提示:Type a "1" and press Enter to use this terminal as the system console后按1(选择英语为安装语言)进入安装程序,按系统提示操作:选择" 2 Chang/show Installation Settings and Install" 其它选项不需改变,只需改以下两项:将安装方式改为"New and Complete Installation"选择所要安装系统的disk开始install。

二、设置终端类型(TTY)结束安装后,第一次启动时,系统提示选择终端类型,应选择ibm3151用"root"登录,接着出现系统设置(时间,密码等),直接退出即可#export TERM=ibm3151(设置终端类型,否则无法进入smit)#smit tty (设置终端类型,否则以后启动还会要求选择终端类型)选择chang/show characeristics of a TTY (修改)修改ENABLE LOGIN 为"enable"修改TERMINAL type 为ibm3151三、安装Bundle#smit easy_install选择INPUT device / directory for software 为[/dev/cd0](按F4选择)选择Select a FileSet Bundle 为Server 及App-Dev(有图形设备需选Graphics-Startup)四、选择安装软件#smit进入Software Installation and Maintenance-〉Install and Update-〉SoftwareInstall and Updata from LATEST Available Software选择INPUT device / directory for software 为[/dev/cd0](按F4选择)进入SOFTWARE to install选择所需安装的软件开头有"@"符即已安装过开头有"+"符即未安装过如不装图形终端,则以"X11"开头的不装以下必须装:pat (兼容AIX 3)bos.databos.dosutil (dos utility)有关info,msg的必须装五、设置TCP/IP#lsdev -Cc adapter查看网卡设置(选择IBM 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter)#smit tcpip选择"Minimum Configuration & Startup"在"Available Network Interfaces"对话框中选择"en0 Standard Ethernet Network Interface"注意:如有多块网卡,根据前面查看的设置,选择正确的网卡,一般不选"et0 IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Network Interface"在HOSTNAME中填入所起的主机名(F50-CMIS).在Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal)设IP地址(在Network MASK (dotted decimal)设掩码(在Default GATEW AY Address设网关在Your CABLE Type选择"TP"全部选定后按回车(Enter)运行六、设置VG(卷组)#smit vg选择Add a Volume Group设置V olume Grorp Name设置Physical partition Size in megabytes(PP值,一般2.2G可设4,4.5G可设8,9.1G可设16)设置Physical Volume Names(选择所需disk)全部选定后按回车(Enter)运行七、设置LV(逻辑卷)#smit lv选择Add a Logical V olumeVOLUME GROUP name中选择VG nameLogical volume NAME中填入所起的LV 的名字Number of LOGICAL PARTITIONS中填入LV大小(这里的数量为Logical Partition数量,一块LP缺省值等于一块PP)全部选定后按回车(Enter)运行八、设置File Systems#smit进入System Storage Management (Physical & Logical Storage)-&gt;File Systems-&gt;Add/Chang/Show/Delete File Systems-&gt;Journaled File System-&gt;Add Journaled File System修改本文件系统块数(Size of File System),一块为512 Bytes修改Mount Point(为文件系统指定PA THS,如[/oracle])决定是否在系统启动时自动Mount该文件系统全部选定后按回车(Enter)运行九、安装C及C++语言查看C安装手册中安装C语言所必须先安装的软件(Software Must be Installed)#lslpp -l|grep bos.adt.include#lslpp -l|grep bos.adt.lib用上述两条命令查看这些文件是否Comitted#smit install_latest将C/C++语言安装盘放入光驱进入INPUT device / directory for software 选择"/dev/cd0 (SCSI Multimedia CD-ROM Drive)",SOFTWARE to install按"F4",系统显示选择安装文件选择以xlc开头的所有文件全部选定后按回车(Enter)运行十、连接7133磁盘阵列中的磁盘将7133中磁盘连上(具体连接方法可查看7133/Model600随机资料)注意:7133 SSA接口的磁盘为回路连接,从主机后SSA ADAPTER连出后从另一根线连进,此回路中所串联的硬盘即该主机所使用硬盘#cfgmgr (激活系统,配置磁盘)注意:在关机状态下连接后再开系统自动调用cfgmgr十一、系统磁盘热插拔必须将所需拔出的磁盘中所在VG中的LV(Logical Volume)与File System进行umount#lsvg -l datavg (查看datavg中的详细信息).#df -k (查看文件系统的信息)#umount /cmis (umount 文件系统cmis)#varyoffvg datavg (切断datavg)#lsvg -o (查看当前激活的VG)#exportvg datavg.(输出datavg)此时可以拿出该磁盘(该磁盘可以为内置式).将该磁盘放入另外一台主机#importvg -y datavg hdisk1(在另外一台主机上键入该命令).十二、备份策略rootvg可采用#smit mksysb 来备份datavg 中的文件系统可进入smit-&gt;System Storage Management (Physical & Logical Storage)-&gt;File Systems-&gt;Backup a File System,选定预备份的文件系统,回车确认即可datavg可采用smit命令smit vg-&gt;Back Up a V olume Group,选定预备份的vg,回车确认即可AIX安装后的基本系统设置,补丁,优化等等的东西,确实有用哈----许多用户在*作系统安装完后,不对系统进行一些基本设置,而使用系统的缺省参数。



AIX系统备份(rootvg备份)一、系统备份命令alt_disk_copy简介alt_disk_copy 是一个内置的 AIX 实用程序,可以用它克隆正在运行的 rootvg。

alt_disk 实用程序由以下命令组成:● alt_disk_copy 执行磁盘克隆。

● alt_rootvg_op 在克隆的 rootvg 上执行维护操作。

● alt_disk_mysysb 执行 mksysb 复制。

注意:alt_disk_copy 只复制 rootvg 中当前挂载的文件系统。

因为 alt_disk_copy 命令把当前正在运行的 rootvg 复制到另一个磁盘,所以一定要挂载希望克隆的所有文件系统。

复制完成之后,就有了两个 rootvg 卷组:•rootvg•altinst_rootvg其中的 altinst_rootvg 是克隆的非活跃/不变的 rootvg。

在克隆的 rootvg 中,所有逻辑卷名前面有‘alt’前缀。

引导列表也改为从 altinst_rootvg 引导。

如果现在重新引导系统,当系统运行起来之后,•原来的 rootvg 将变成:old_rootvg•altinst_rootvg 变成:rootvg二、克隆前检查•确认rootvg所在磁盘状态为 active•确认镜像状态,对于每个数据输出行,检查 PPs 列的输出是否是 LPs 列的两倍。

•执行 bosboot 命令检查•检查确认克隆目标盘hdisk2状态三、开始克隆1、制作image文件2、修改image文件3、开始克隆4、克隆盘唤醒及睡眠附录:故障修复常用命令。

备份和恢复 AIX 系统,备份的时间、原因和方法

备份和恢复 AIX 系统,备份的时间、原因和方法

備份和恢復AIX 系統,第 1 部分: 備份的時間、原因和方法本文將分析備份AIX 系統的一些原因、方法和工具。




開始之前本教程面向希望瞭解對AIX 系統進行備份的時間、原因和方式的系統管理員。

本教程所涉及的主題包括:∙進行系統備份的重要性∙通過命令列和系統管理介面工具(SMIT) 執行備份的可用方法∙系統資料和使用者資料之間的區別關於本教程當業務迅速擴張時,需要處理的資料量將大幅攀升,進而會增大業務所面臨的資料丟失的風險。


本系列教程分為兩個部分,第 1 部分詳細介紹了系統備份的重要性,以及如何為公司制定適當的備份策略。

在本教程中,您將學習如何在AIX 系統上使用命令列、系統管理介面工具(SMIT) 和網路安裝管理員(NIM) 執行備份。

先決條件為使用本教程,您需要具有下列工具:∙您需要對UNIX 和AIX 作業系統有基本的瞭解。

∙AIX——您需要訪問運行AIX 5.3 的基於UNIX 的電腦。

∙SMIT (smitty)——確保所有備份工具都可用。

備份在本部分中,我們將分析備份和恢復AIX 系統的術語和最佳實踐。

我將討論系統資料和使用者資料之間的區別,並介紹可用於對AIX 系統執行備份和恢復的命令和介面。


為說明定期備份的重要性,下面列出了三個原因:1.在系統損壞後恢復系統2.保留用戶的工作3.將映射推送到新電腦上作為系統管理員,您還需要確定應在何時對AIX 系統執行備份。




您将学习如何使用 SMIT 中的 mksysb 选项执行备份,如何使用NIM 创建 mksysb 以创建要推向网络的可启动映像以及如何使用命令行。


使用 mksysb 备份系统假设您是一位中型企业的系统管理员,您刚刚了解到公司已赢得一个重大项目,需要新增 40 个 CAD 设计师和工作站,并且新客户要求您将 CAD 软件升级到下一个版本级别。

在升级现有的 CAD 软件之前,您的第一项工作是对现有系统执行备份,而第一步便是登录到要备份的计算机,打开一个终端窗口,键入 smitty mksysb,然后按 Enter 键。

SMIT 的 TUI 界面将打开 Back Up the System 屏幕(图 2)。


图 2. SMIT 的 TUI 界面1.Backup device or file——根据您在紧急会议中收到的新信息,您需要先将AIX 系统备份至磁带,然后再升级CAD 软件。


请按 F4 或 Esc+4 键获取设备的列表,选择 /dev/rmt0 选项,然后按 Enter键。


2.Create map files——此计算机是从中克隆40 个新工作站的工作站。

选择 Yes 创建映射文件。

3.Exclude files——由于您要对整个系统(位于 rootvg 上)执行备份,因此不需要排除任何文件,请将缺省设置保留为 No。

4.List files as they are backed up——此选项允许您查看要备份的所有文件。

请将此选项设置为 No,因为它会降低备份过程的速度。


Command Flags Description
tar -x 恢复文件
-c 创建新的备份文件
-t 显示备份文件名
-f 指定用于读写的设备名
-p 保持文件原有的权限设置
-v 在处理过程中显示文件名
cpio -i 从标准输入读取由cpio –o 命令创建的文件
格式转换: dd if = File.ascii of = File.ebcdic conv = ebcdic
ls –l |dd conv=ucase
15.1.4 backup命令
备份说明 举例 关键词
文件系统 backup –f /dev/rmt0 /home/jerry /fs_name
恢复: cpio –iv < device
显示备份介质中的内容: cpio –itv < device
15.1.3 dd
备份: dd if=InputFileName of = OutputFileName
恢复: tar –xvf device [files]
显示备份介质中的内容: tar –tvf device
15.1.2 cpio命令
备份: cpio –ov < ListFile >device (device : diskette or tape )
文件(绝对路径) find /home/jerry –print|backup –ivf /dev/rmt0 -i<ListFiles
文件(相对路径) cd /home/jerryfind . –print|backup –ivf /dev/rmt0 cd /home/jerry



OBackup 3.0 AIX版系统管理手册-适用AIX2011年7月免责声明此出版物所有含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知, Inc不对本手册提供任何担保。

对于本手册所含错误以及由于本手册的提供,执行或使用而导致的任何偶然或必然损害赔偿, Inc均不承担任何法律责任。

目录一、概述 (4)1、原理说明 (4)2、版本说明及获取方式 (5)二、OBackup安装 (6)1、安装步骤 (6)2、安装组件 (6)2.1、MasterServer组件安装 (6)2.2、MasterServer 配置 (9)2.3、登录OBackup管理中心 (10)2.4、MediaServer组件安装 (11)2.5、MediaServer配置 (11)2.6、创建存储单元 (13)2.7、BackupAgent组件安装 (17)2.8、BackupAgent配置 (17)三、OBackup配置 (19)3.1、客户端管理 (19)3.1.1、添加主机 (19)3.1.2、管理主机 (19)3.1.3、添加Oracle实例 (20)3.1.4、管理Oracle实例 (20)3.2、作业管理 (20)3.2.1、新建备份作业 (20)3.2.2、管理备份作业 (23)3.2.3、新建恢复作业 (24)3.2.4、作业状态 (25)3.3、介质服务器管理 (25)3.3.1、备份集信息 (25)3.3.2、存储单元 (26)3.3.3、状态 (26)3.4、许可信息 (26)四、联系我们 (26)一、概述OBackup是一个采用异地备份及恢复备份软件, OBackup通过网络将Oracle 生产数据进行在线异地备份及恢复,不占用本地存储空间。


1、原理说明OBackup 原理说明:BackupAgent:备份客户端,安装到Oracle数据库主机上,实现备份恢复作业。

AIX 备份性能最佳实践和指南说明书

AIX 备份性能最佳实践和指南说明书

AIX Backup Performance Best Practices and Guidelines on IBM Power Systems Virtual ServerIBM Power Systems Performance TeamAuthorsSaritha VinodGayathri M04 March 2022Table of Contents1.Introduction (2)1.1File level Backup for AIX VMs in PowerVS Using Spectrum Protect (2)2.IBM Spectrum Protect Configuration and Tunings for Backup (3)2.1Spectrum Protect Configuration (3)2.2Spectrum Protect Server Tunings (3)3.Backup Performance Guidelines (4)3.1Backup Performance Measurements with 1Gbps DL 2.0 Link (4)3.1.1Performance Guidelines for Spectrum Protect Server-side Deduplication andCompression with 1Gbs DL 2.0 Link (4)3.1.2Performance Guidelines for Spectrum Protect Client-side Deduplication andCompression with 1Gbs DL 2.0 Link (5)3.1.3Settings and Best Practices for Spectrum Protect Client-side Deduplication andCompression (5)3.2Backup Performance Measurements with 10Gbps DL 2.0 Link (6)3.2.1Performance Guidelines for Spectrum Protect Server-side Deduplication andCompression with 10Gbs DL 2.0 Link (7)3.2.2Performance Guidelines for Spectrum Protect Client-side Deduplication andCompression with 10Gbs DL 2.0 Link (7)4.Acknowledgements (8)1.IntroductionThis document specifies the best practices, guidelines, and tunings for optimum performance of file level backup for AIX virtual machines on Power Systems Virtual Server (PowerVS) using IBM Spectrum Protect. Based on benchmarking results with the best practices and tunings discussed in this document, below table provides a summarized view of the guidelines for backup rates that are achievable on different network link bandwidths. The sections below detail each of these different configs and some of the trade-offs to be considered while using these backup settings.1.1File level Backup for AIX VMs in PowerVS Using Spectrum ProtectFor file level backup, IBM Spectrum Protect Server is installed and configured on an x86 Linux VSI located in the IBM Cloud Classic Infrastructure area of IBM Cloud. PowerVS AIX Virtual Server Instance connects to the Spectrum protect Server using the Direct Link 2.0 (DL 2.0) for backup-restore operations and can access Cloud Object Storage using an internal endpoint for data storage/retrieval as depicted in Figure 1 below. The installation details of Spectrum protect is outside the scope of this document. Refer to this link for a tutorial on the details of installation of Spectrum Protect for PowerVS AIX backup.https:///media/docs/downloads/power-iaas-tutorials/PowerVS_AIX_Backups_Tutorial_v1.pdfFigure 1: Backup environment using Spectrum Protect for AIX Virtual Machines on PowerVS2.IBM Spectrum Protect Configuration and Tunings for BackupThis section provides the configurations and tunings applied for IBM Spectrum Protect Server and Client.2.1Spectrum Protect ConfigurationAll guidelines and tunings mentioned in this document is using the Spectrum Protect Direct-to-Cloud Configuration, where backup data is stored directly to cost-effective IBM Cloud Object Storage (hosted within IBM Cloud).For the direct-to-cloud architectures, backup data is ingested directly into a cloud-container storage pool with a performant cloud ac celerator cache disk location tuned for a system’s ingestion workload as the initial “landing spot”. Data is then immediately, asynchronously transferred to cloud object storage while further data is also ingested into the disk staging area.Below provided configuration is used to deploy an extra-small system for IBM Spectrum Protect Server as defined in the IBM Spectrum Protect Cloud Blueprints for IBM Cloud.•Spectrum Protect Server Version 8.1.12• 4 cores Intel Xeon CPU (M1.4x32 Virtual Server Instance in IBM Cloud Classic Infrastructure) •32 GB RAM•Operating System – RHEL 8.3•Block Storage (SAN Storage Volumes)o100GB Volume (boot volume)o300GB Volume (database and active log disk)o500GB Volume (database backup and archive log disk)o1TB Volume (Cloud accelerator cache disk)•Networko1Gbps public and private network•Private IBM Cloud Object Storage endpoint (Regional)Spectrum Protect Client (Version 8.1.11) is installed on an AIX 7.2 virtual machine in PowerVS in the same Cloud region as the virtual server instance for Spectrum Protect Server. PowerVS AIX VM used for performance measurements is allocated 4 cores and 64GB memory and the CPU, memory, disk and network resources on AIX VM was mainly consumed by Spectrum protect during the backup operation. The required CPU/memory allocations on AIX VM can vary based on the workload running on VM. Backup measurements used Oracle Database type data from a workload generator on the AIX VM.PowerVS AIX VM can use either 1Gbps or 10Gbps Direct Link Connect 2.0 (DL 2.0). The Direct Link Connect 2.0 service creates a seamless connection that allows access to Spectrum Protect Server virtual instance on IBM Cloud from Power Systems Virtual Server instance.2.2Spectrum Protect Server TuningsBelow provided are the recommended tunings in general on the Spectrum Protect Server. It is recommended that below settings should be applied as soon as possible after a node is defined and before initial backups take place.•Kernel tuningso kernel.randomize_va_space = 0o vm.swappiness = 5•OS ulimit tuningso nofile = 65536•Network Settingso TCPWINDOWSIZE of 0 which is the default.•Spectrum Protect server tuningso Tune MINIMUMExtentsize parameter value from 50KB (default) to 250KB (recommended for Oracle database type workloads)o Note that, when there is a change to the extent size parameter, the subsequent first backup (irrespective of incremental or not) can take slightly longer, as further backupswould not dedup well against older backups.3.Backup Performance GuidelinesThe following sections outline the guidelines, tunings and best practices based on the backup throughput results that were measured in the IBM Cloud and PowerVS environments with the configurations described above.In some of the scenarios, multiple instances of IBM Spectrum Protect client backup sessions were initiated in parallel as mentioned in respective sections. In such case, the results presented here for backup represent the aggregate throughput experienced with the largest number of sessions tested against the system. Data sizes used for measurements varied between 250GB to 750GB.All throughput values are obtained for the actual data size specified for backup. These are the data rates reported by Spectrum Protect Client as the average aggregate throughput when backing up data to the IBM Spectrum Protect server. On ingestion, the actual quantity of data that makes it to accelerator cache disk and onwards to cloud object storage will be less, depending on the data deduplication and compression rates.3.1Backup Performance Measurements with 1Gbps DL 2.0 LinkThis section in particular talks about backup performance guidelines when using the 1Gbps DL 2.0 link between Spectrum Protect Client in PowerVS and Spectrum Protect Server in IBM Cloud. This includes two configurations – (1) with default Spectrum Protect Server-side Deduplication and Compression,(2) enabling Spectrum Protect Client-side Deduplication and Compression3.1.1Performance Guidelines for Spectrum Protect Server-side Deduplication andCompression with 1Gbs DL 2.0 LinkBy default, inline data deduplication, compression and encryption are enabled on the Spectrum Protect server. This occurs during client backup operations, data is automatically deduplicated and compressed as it is ingested into the cloud-container storage pool at the server. However, the actualbackup data size gets transferred over the network (through DL 2.0 link) from the AIX virtual machine to Spectrum Protect server on IBM Cloud.With the settings discussed above, for a full backup operation peak network utilization of ~80% and aggregate network utilization of ~72% was measured on a 1Gbps DL 2.0 link. With these settings, full backup data transfer rate of up to ~300-310 GB/hour can be attained considering 50% deduplication rates for the data being backed up using a 1Gbps DL 2.0 link. If the data deduplication rates for backed up data is higher, the backup data transfer rate per hour also can increase. The above rate is achieved with “MINIMUMExtentsize” parameter value of 250KB (mentioned as tunings in Section 2.3).3.1.2Performance Guidelines for Spectrum Protect Client-side Deduplication andCompression with 1Gbs DL 2.0 LinkClient-side data deduplication and compression can be enabled to work together with server-side de-duplication. In this case deduplication and compression of data happens at the client before the data gets transferred to the server over the network (via the DL 2.0 link). This can reduce the size of actual data transferred over network, depending on the deduplication and compression rates achieved. The steps to enable client-side deduplication and compression and best practices to be followed while doing so are discussed in Section 3.1.3 below. Following those best practices, for a full backup operation peak network utilization up to ~76% was measured on a 1Gbps DL 2.0 link with multiple parallel instances (up to 4 instances), with 50% data deduplication rate and dedup cache turned off. With these settings, full backup data transfer rate of up to ~330-530 GB/hour can be attained considering 50% deduplication rates for the data being backed up using a 1Gbps DL 2.0 link. The above rate is achieved with “MINIMUMExtentsize” parameter value of 250KB (mentioned as tunings in Section 2.3).3.1.3Settings and Best Practices for Spectrum Protect Client-side Deduplication andCompressionEnable client-side de-duplication to work together with server-side de-duplication as below:– On the Server: use below commands (replace nodename with name of the client node) update node <nodename> compression=yesupdate node <nodename> deduplication=clientorserver– On the Client: update the dsm.sys file to add these linescompression yesdeduplication yesFor a detailed description of these commands refer to Spectrum Protect documentation links below.https:///docs/en/spectrum-protect/8.1.12?topic=commands-update-node-update-node-attributeshttps:///docs/en/spectrum-protect/8.1.12?topic=reference-compressionhttps:///docs/en/spectrum-protect/8.1.12?topic=reference-deduplicationBelow provided are some best practices to use client-side data deduplication•Use compression along with deduplication at client side.•On the Client: update the dsm.sys file to add these lines•compression yes•deduplication yes•Use multiple parallel sessions to improve backup time and network utilization. This can be done by initiating multiple dsmc incr command and splitting the subdirectories between these commands. Eg :•dsmc incr /dir/subdir1/ -subdir=yes•dsmc incr /dir/subdir2/ -subdir=yes•Use the default resource utilization (RU = 2)•Use de-dup cache turned off with lower data deduplication rates.To turn off the deduplication cache from the client, edit the dsm.sys file to add this line enablededupcache no•Turn on de-dup cache when the data deduplication is higher (de-dup close to 100%) To turn on the dedupe cache from the client, edit the dsm.sys file to add this lineenablededupcache yesNOTE on client-side deduplication cache:•For applications that use the IBM Spectrum Protect API, do not use the client data deduplication cache (enablededupcache option). The dedup cache can be used with backup-archive clients. This is a restriction in IBM spectrum Protect. Please refer to this Spectrum Protect documentation link for more details on this:https:///docs/en/spectrum-protect/8.1.12?topic=throughput-tuning-client-side-data-deduplication3.2Backup Performance Measurements with 10Gbps DL 2.0 LinkThis section in particular talks about backup performance guidelines when using the 10Gbps DL 2.0 link between Spectrum Protect Client in PowerVS and Spectrum Protect Server in IBM Cloud. This includes two configurations –(1) with default Spectrum Protect Server-side Deduplication and Compression, (2) enabling Spectrum Protect Client-side Deduplication and CompressionAlso note that the extra-small configuration used for Spectrum Protect Server (described in Section 2.2) uses a x86 Virtual Server Instance in IBM Cloud Classic Infrastructure that has a 1Gbps non-rate limited link for public and private network. Hence the 10Gbps DL 2.0 link connectivity from PowerVS AIX VM to Spectrum Protect server cannot be fully utilized.With that limitation, the best practices used for backup with 10Gbps DL 2.0 link are as follows:•For server-side as well as client-side deduplication, use multiple parallel instances (below guidelines are with 4 instances) to maximize utilization of the 10Gbps link with jumbo frames enabled at client and server•To enable jumbo frames at Spectrum Protect Server (RHEL OS):•Check the current setting by running the command: “ip link show dev eth0”•Change the current setting to support 9000 MTU by running the command: “ip link set mtu 9000 dev eth0”•Change the setting so that it persists after the system is restarted. Edit the file “/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0”, and add “MTU=9000”•To enable jumbo frames at Spectrum Protect Client (AIX OS): (Note: change interface name below based on the actual interface used)•chdev -Pl ent2 -a jumbo_frames=yes•chdev -Pl en2 -a mtu=9000•Client-side deduplication and compression:•Use client-side deduplication and compression for data that has higher deduplication rates (50% and above).3.2.1Performance Guidelines for Spectrum Protect Server-side Deduplication andCompression with 10Gbs DL 2.0 LinkWith server-side deduplication and compression and the above settings, full back up data transfer rate of up to ~560-615 GB/hour can be attained considering 50% deduplication rates for the data being backed up using a 10Gbps DL 2.0 link. The above rate is achieved with “MINIMUMExtentsize” parameter value of 250KB (mentioned as tunings in Section 2.3).If the “MINIMUMExtentsize” parameter value is increased to 750KB, full back up data transfer rate can increase up to ~680-725 GB/hour considering 50% deduplication rates for the data being backed up using a 10Gbps DL 2.0 link.Note that using 750KB extent size could increase the network bandwidth utilization, thereby reducing the backup time taken. However, it may have other trade-offs and may not suite all types of workloads (one implication could be that de-dup rates achieved might decrease). Hence setting 250KB extent size is recommended for workloads like Oracle databases, where higher de-duplication is expected.3.2.2Performance Guidelines for Spectrum Protect Client-side Deduplication andCompression with 10Gbs DL 2.0 LinkWith client-side deduplication and compression, with de-dup cache turned off, and with “MINIMUMExtentsize” parameter value of 750KB, full back up data transfer rate of up to ~780-880 GB/hour can be attained considering 50% deduplication rates for the data being backed up using a 10Gbps DL 2.0 link.4.AcknowledgementsWe hereby acknowledge the following people for their review feedback, suggestions and support while creating these best practices guide.•Rakesh Sharma, Power Systems Virtual Server Networking•James Damgar, Spectrum Protect Systems•Jeff Tenner, Power Systems Performance•Kokil Deuri, Power Systems Performance。



AIX系统备份一:系统备份1、备份方法# smitty mksysbBackup DEVICE or FILE [ ]Create MAP files? noEXCLUDE files? noList files as they are backed up? noGenerate new / file? yesEXPAND /tmp if needed? noDisable software packing of backup? noNumber of BLOCKS to write in a single output []# (Leave blank to use a system default)Esc+4 选择Backup DEVICE or FILE项,使用系统给出的即可,其余参数默认。




3、当出现welcome屏幕时选择3 Start Maintenance Mode for SystemRecovery按回车4、选择4 Install from a System Backup按回车5、选择磁带所在的驱动器按回车。


二:资源卷组备份1、备份方法# smitty savevg操作同系统备份2、恢复方法# smitty restvg三:查看备份磁带命令:smitty listtoc。



建立不保留镜像信息系统备份(mksysb)的方法AIX V4 和V5在对根卷组(rootvg)进行了卷组镜像后,如何建立系统备份(mksysb)而不保留镜像信息?按照下面的步骤操作能够建立系统备份(mksysb)而不保留镜像信息:1.运行如下命令建立一个新的image.data文件:mkszfile2.进入到根(/)目录下编辑image.data文件3. cd /4. vi image.data5.下面的例子显示出一个image.data文件的逻辑卷数据(lv_data)的一部分,第一个例子是带有镜像信息,而第二例子是不带镜像信息的编辑过的版本。

改变了的行被用-->符号标示出并用了粗体显示,想要查看和编辑这个文件,输入如下命令: vi image.dataExample 1lv_data:VOLUME_GROUP= rootvgLV_SOURCE_DISK_LIST= hdisk0LV_IDENTIFIER= 00000001113f3c62.5LOGICAL_VOLUME= hd2VG_STAT= active/completeTYPE= jfsMAX_LPS= 512--> COPIES = 2LPs = 70STALE_PPs= 0INTER_POLICY= minimumINTRA_POLICY= centerMOUNT_POINT= /usrMIRROR_WRITE_CONSISTENCY= onLV_SEPARATE_PV= yesPERMISSION= read/writeLV_STATE= opened/syncdWRITE_VERIFY= offPP_SIZE= 4SCHED_POLICY= parallel--> PP = 140BB_POLICY= relocatableRELOCATABLE= yesUPPER_BOUND= 32LABEL= /usrMAPFILE=LV_MIN_LPS= 68Example 2lv_data:VOLUME_GROUP= rootvgLV_SOURCE_DISK_LIST= hdisk0LV_IDENTIFIER= 00000001113f3c62.5LOGICAL_VOLUME= hd2VG_STAT= active/completeTYPE= jfsMAX_LPS= 512--> COPIES = 1LPs = 70STALE_PPs= 0INTER_POLICY= minimumINTRA_POLICY= centerMOUNT_POINT= /usrMIRROR_WRITE_CONSISTENCY= onLV_SEPARATE_PV= yesPERMISSION= read/writeLV_STATE= opened/syncdWRITE_VERIFY= offPP_SIZE= 4SCHED_POLICY= parallel--> PP = 70BB_POLICY= relocatableRELOCATABLE= yesUPPER_BOUND= 32LABEL= /usrMAPFILE=LV_MIN_LPS= 68在例子2(Example 2)里COPIES值被改成了1并且PP值被调整等于LPs值,对image.data文件里任何逻辑卷数据(lv_data)相应部分都要做如此改变。



AIX备份AIX备份使用 #smit mksysb 备份AIX系统1. 一次完整的备份日志#tail /smit.log[Jul 07 2009, 18:27:59]Command_to_Execute follows below:>> /usr/bin/mksysb '-i' /dev/rmt0Output from Command_to_Execute follows below:---- start ----Creating information file (/ for rootvg. Creating tape boot image......bosboot: Boot image is 37774 512 byte blocks..Creating list of files to back up..Backing up 253800 files..............................24 of 253800 files (0%)..............................34 of 253800 files (0%)..............................954 of 253800 files (0%)..............................1783 of 253800 files (0%)..............................4164 of 253800 files (1%).............................. ...................17451 of 253800 files (6%)..............................19630 of 253800 files (7%)..............................20501 of 253800 files (8%)..............................21455 of 253800 files (8%)..............................41969 of 253800 files (16%)......................cannotaccess ./usr/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/log/SystemOut_09.07 .07_16.52.51.log: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.179375 of 253800 files (70%)..............................197964 of 253800 files (78%)..............................239358 of 253800 files (94%)....cannot access ./usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/logs /exoa1/SystemOut_09.07.07_17.52.50.log: A file or directory in the path name does not exist...........................243252 of 253800 files (95%)..............................245365 of 253800 files (96%)..............................245365 of 253800 files (96%)..............................252065 of 253800 files (99%).....................0512-003 mksysb may not have been able to archive some files.The messages displayed on the Standard Error contained additionalinformation.bosboot: Boot image is 37774 512 byte blocks.---- end ----[Jul 07 2009, 21:50:29]2. 备份的命令# smit mksysb# /usr/bin/mksysb -i /dev/rmt0不想备份的目录写在 /etc/exclude.rootvgbash-3.2# more /etc/exclude.rootvg (内容如下)/IMIS_SOFT/3. 显示备份内容A. 要列出位于缺省设备 /dev/rmt0 下的系统备份内容,请输入:# lsmksysbB. 显示备份的内容# lsmksysb -f /dev/rmt0.1C. 显示指定目录的内容# lsmksysb -l -f /tmp/mybackupD. 要验证 /dev/rmt0 中的卷组备份磁带的每个头的可读性,请输入:# lsmksysb -V -f /dev/rmt01. 磁带能否重复利用?答:不能,重新备份会覆盖以前的内容。

AIX 在硬盘rootvg上做操作系统备份mksysback方法

AIX 在硬盘rootvg上做操作系统备份mksysback方法

AIX 在硬盘上做操作系统备份mksysback,备份rootvg
说明:操作系统V6R1 ,系统中只有一个VG rootvg
●步骤二:检查系统文件系统那些还有足够空间存放备份文件df –g如下,若有必要扩空
如下;/home 空间较多
若/home 空间不足参考如下如增加/home目录空间,先lsvg rootvg 确认vg中有足够可用FREE PP
运行命令smit chfs
选择Change / Show Characteristics of an Enhanced Journaled File System
先定位光标在Unit Size 中按F4选择Gigabytes 修改以G为单位
在Number of units输入要把/home扩到多大比如11G 就输入11
按执行键执行,等运行完成确认执行结果正常Command: OK
cd /home 修改当前目录
touch sysbackup
在Backup DEVICE or FILE选项输入备份文件和路径例如/home/sysbackup20100708
备份完成之后会有报表提示OK表示备份成功,如下,会有/var/tmp 目录临时文件系统提示无法备份属于正常,备份之后smit的log在根目录下smit.log可以查看该文件便于查询故障,硬

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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为什么使用savevg 命令?

使用系统中的savevg 命令就可为用户卷组创建一卷组备份,使用restvg 命令恢复savevg 所做的备份映像,包括重新创建用户卷组、逻辑卷和文件系统等操作。

需要注意的是,所有用户卷组上的逻辑卷的定义会写到备份设备上并在重建卷组时创建,但只有已mount 的文件系统中的内容才会在执行savevg命令时备份到备份介质上。


Savevg 的磁带介质映像
与mksysb 不同的是,用savevg命令创建的备份磁带不能用于引导系统。


用savevg 创建备份
使用smit 菜单,选择合适的备份设备或文件名,以及用户卷组名。


#smit savevg
Backup DEVICE or FILE [ ]
VOLUME GROUP to back up [ ]
List files as they are backed up? no
Generate new file? yes
Create MAP files? no
EXCLUDE files? no
EXPAND /tmp if needed? no
Disable software packing of backup? no
Number of BLOCKS to write in a single output [ ]
(Leave blank to use a system default)
# savevg -if /dev/rmt# vgname 2 > /tmp/savevg.err
a. 进行备份的用户卷组必须是varyon,其上的文件系统是mount。

b. 当将savgvg 结果写到磁带上时,该磁带是不可用于引导系统的;
c. 不要追加(append)写到一盘已用的磁带上,因为在使用restvg 恢复savevg 的映像时要求必须是磁带上的第一个映像区。


#smit lsbackvg
DEVICE or FILE [/dev/rmt#]
Number of BLOCKS to read in a single input [ ]
(Leave blank to use a system default)

#restore -Tvqf /dev/rmt#.1 > /tmp/savevg.log
恢复savevg 的映像
恢复savevg的映像,使用restvg 命令。

该命令用于从savevg 命令创建的用户卷组映像中恢复一用户卷组,逻辑卷和文件系统中的内容。

在恢复前要确定有哪些hdisk 是空闲、可用的,这些hdisk 不能被当前系统中任何已定义的卷组所使用,要列出所有用于恢复用户卷组的hdisk。

#smit restvg
Restore DEVICE or FILE [/dev/rmt0]
SHRINK the filesystems? no
(Leave blank to use the PHYSICAL VOLUMES listed
in the file in the backup image)
Number of BLOCKS to read in a single input [ ]
(Leave blank to use a system default)
命令完成后,在所指定的hdisk上就创建了一个savevg 所备份的用户卷组。

#restvg -f /dev/rmt# hdisk# {hdisk# ...}

在savevg 映像中所有文件都是按相对路径进行备份的。

#restore -xvqf /dev/rmt# ./path/file_to_restore
将/path 目录下的文件file 恢复到当前目录。
