Travel in Europe 2007




1. trip指具体一次的短期外出.在口语中,trip 可与journey互换。

I am going on a trip to the seaside during the summer holidays.暑假期间我将去海边旅行。

He went on a trip/ journey to Paris.他到巴黎旅行去了。

He made a trip to the Great Wall yesterday. 2. journey指陆地上的远程旅行,表示“去旅行”时,英语该说go on a journey.Mr. Smith made a journey from Paris to New York.史密斯先生作了一次从巴黎到纽约的旅行。

Wish you have a good journey.另外journey还能够强调抽象的“旅程”。

Life is a journey.3.travel旅行的总称,泛指旅行各地,长途旅行。



)The travels of Marco Polo is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read.4. tour 周游,指游览,视察,购物为目的,途中在许多地方作短暂停留的观光游览。

(一般团队游都是tour,带有导游的是Guide Tour。

)法国5日游:5-day Tour to FranceHe is making a tour of the world.他周游世界去了。

They spent two months on a tour through most of the countries of Europe.他们用了两个月的时间去旅行,游历了欧洲的大部分国家。

5. voyage: 尤指海上之旅Many are finding that the most pleasant way to travel is a voyage on a ship.。



关于法国旅游英文作文法兰西共和国(法语:République française,英语:the French Republic),简称法国,是一个本土位于西欧的总统共和制国家。

小编精心收集了关于法国旅游英文作文,供大家欣赏学习!关于法国旅游英文作文篇1Paris is the capital of France, and it is one of the liveliest cities in Europe. Eiffel Tower is famous all over the world. In Paris, there are many fashion shows.You can watch the famous models walking on the stage. If you have enough money, you can buy some fashion clothes.We all know Paris is also famous for the wine. If you go there, you can taste it.【参考译文】巴黎是法国的首都,它是欧洲最有活力的城市之一关于法国的英语作文(3篇)作文。






关于法国旅游英文作文篇2俯瞰浪漫之都巴黎Ah, beautiful Paris. For centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the world. The allureand charm of Paris captivate all who visit there.啊,美丽的巴黎!几世纪来,这个城市吸引了整个世界的崇拜。



法意瑞•3晚瑞士+世遗景观列车+少女峰+THE MALL10晚12日(配套签证:意签)出发日期:4/24、5/7、5/14、5/17航空公司:精选荷兰皇家和法国国际航空公司(体验A380),罗马进,巴黎出酒店星级:酒店升级!欧洲市区4-5星级酒店双人标准间+1晚意大利庄园酒店用餐标准:餐标升级!中式6菜1汤 + 1顿法国特色餐产品经理推荐:(25人精品小团)跨国新玩法瑞士→法国:日内瓦至巴黎段特别选择【T G V高速列车】,将原本一天的拉车时间缩短至约3小时,免去长途拉车带来的疲劳,省下更多宝贵的时间,发现旅行的意义~!意大利→瑞士:特别安排乘坐1910年建成通车的【伯尔尼纳景观列车】,带您体验被联合国科教文组织评定为世界文化遗产的景观列车线路,区别于同类景观列车,该路线垂直海拔落差达1824米,沿途可欣赏伯尔尼纳阿尔卑斯诸峰、莫尔特拉奇冰河,更经过世界闻名的BRUSIO回旋桥,带给您更澎拜的视觉感官!瑞士全景游瑞士停留三晚,涵盖瑞士东、中、西部精华景点,市面上少有的瑞士深度!同类产品最多两晚,瑞士段通常只涉及中西部个别城市,对于风景秀美的瑞士东南部极少涉猎!西部精选:坐落在烟波浩淼的日内瓦湖畔的田园小城【蒙特勒】和瑞士第二大城市、钟表之都【日内瓦】中部揽胜:瑞士文化名城【琉森】、入选世界文化遗产的瑞士首都【伯尔尼】、两湖之间的小镇【因特拉肯】东部探访:每年在此举办的世界经济论坛而闻名于世,【达沃斯】小镇受各国领导人青睐一览众山小特别安排登上欧洲屋脊【少女峰】山顶终年不化的白雪仿佛她纯白的面纱,在此可尽览阿尔卑斯群山的巍峨与壮丽!世遗连连看►法国FRANCE—路易十四太阳王的宫殿【凡尔赛宫】、文艺、格调和浪漫的代名词【塞纳河畔】►瑞士SWISS—瑞士首都【伯尔尼】、冰雪皇后【少女峰】、最美火车线路【伯尔尼纳景观快车】►意大利ITALY—永恒之都【罗马】、文艺复兴发源地【佛罗伦萨】、亚得里亚海的女王【威尼斯】美景成双对►双宫◄世界三大博物馆之一的【卢浮宫】+ 世界五大宫殿之一的【凡尔赛宫】►双湖◄【瑞士日内瓦湖】—西欧最大的天然湖泊,绵延的阿尔卑斯雪山与深蓝色平静的湖面相映衬,漫步湖边,一步一景,点滴美好,尽留心底!【意大利加尔达湖】—境内最大的内陆湖,棕榈树和夹竹桃,橄榄树和葡萄树,融合了地中海的迷人,仿佛就是镶嵌在波河平原和阿尔卑斯山之间的大海!►双游船◄威尼斯【贡多拉】—穿梭于这座闻名于世的水城,沉浸于华丽而迷离的情调中!巴黎【塞纳河游船】—浪漫之都的母亲河,沿途可欣赏两岸的美丽风光及精巧别致的桥梁!每一座桥都诉说着一段故事,宛如人生每一階段的航行旅途慢悠游琉森2小时、巴黎4小时,更多自由活动时间,让您放慢旅途步伐,畅享自在假期!血拼大狂欢安排前往欧洲第二大名品奥特莱斯T h e M a l l,这里大牌云集GUCCI, PRADA, BURBERRY,FENDI, ARMANI等20多个国际品牌汇聚在一起,让您一次买到爽!服务再升级►区别于市场同类产品,我们精心安排【卢浮宫】中文导览器、【凡尔赛宫】中文导览器不仅让您玩得周全,更玩得明白!►全程入住精选四星酒店,升级一晚五星酒店 + 一晚别墅或庄园酒店►全程早餐升级美式热早,中餐六菜一汤,另安排1顿法式蜗牛餐,丰富您的餐食体验!►特别包含行李箱绑带,为您的行李保驾护航;万用转换插头,让您走遍天下都不愁!►全程配备W I F I(2人/台),随时与世界连线,让您刷爆朋友圈,即时分享旅途见闻和轶事!途径游览城市:罗马、佛罗伦萨、威尼斯、加尔达湖、达沃斯、列支登士敦、琉森、因特拉肯、伯尔尼、蒙特勒、日内瓦、巴黎贡多拉游船、少女峰、卢浮宫(含导览器)、凡尔赛宫(含导览器)、塞纳河游船、蒙帕纳斯大厦上海巴黎罗马参考航班:AF117 1010/1630,AF1004 2045/22504/24出发团上海阿姆斯特丹罗马参考航班:KL896 1215/1800,KL1609 2035/2245各位游客按照规定时间,于上海浦东国际机场集合,搭乘班机经转机前往意大利首都罗马。

Caterpillar 307E2 迷你挖掘机特性

Caterpillar 307E2 迷你挖掘机特性
128 L/min
33 L/min 37.1 kN 50.6 kN
40.9 gal/min 4,061 psi 4,061 psi 4,061 psi
33.8 gal/min
8.7 gal/min 8,340 lbf 11,375 lbf
• Load sensing hydraulics with variable displacement piston pump.
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307E2 Mini Hydraulic Excavator
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10.2 rpm
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一篇去法国旅游的作文中英A Trip to FranceLast summer, I embarked on a dream journey to the land of romance and artistry – France. This trip was not just a vacation; it was a journey through time, culture, and gastronomic delights that left an indelible mark on my heart.As soon as I stepped off the plane in Paris, the city's charm immediately enveloped me. The Eiffel Tower, standing tall and proud against the blue sky, welcomed me with open arms. Walking along the Champs-Élysées, I felt like I was strolling through a picture postcard, with its grand buildings, luxury boutiques, and the iconic Arc de Triomphe at one end.One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the Louvre Museum. Standing in front of the Mona Lisa, I couldn't help but marvel at Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece. Its enigmatic smile seemed to hold secrets of centuries past, inviting me into a world of art and history. The Louvre is a treasure trove of art, and every corner revealed a new wonder, from ancient Egyptian artifacts to Renaissance paintings.But France is not just about cities and museums. I ventured out to the countryside, where the rolling hills of Provence painted a picture of pure tranquility. The lavender fields in bloom werea sight to behold, their purple hues stretching as far as the eye could see. Walking through these fields, I felt a sense of peace and contentment that I had never experienced before. Of course, no trip to France would be complete without indulging in its culinary delights. From creamy cheeses to succulent meats, from flaky pastries to rich chocolate, France is a foodie's paradise. I savored every bite of a freshly baked baguette, paired perfectly with a glass of crisp white wine. Dinner at a local bistro was an unforgettable experience, with the flavors of French cuisine dancing on my palate. Moreover, the French people's love for life and their art of living was palpable everywhere. Cafés filled with locals chatting over coffee and pastries, street performers entertaining passersby, and the overall ambiance of joie de vivre made me feel like I was part of something special.In conclusion, my trip to France was an extraordinary experience that surpassed all my expectations. It was a journey that touched my heart, fed my soul, and broadened my horizons. France, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and exquisite cuisine, has become a place I will always cherish in my memories.中文翻译:法国之旅去年夏天,我踏上了一场前往浪漫与艺术之国的梦想之旅——法国。

签证用欧洲旅行行程单模板中英文 (1)

签证用欧洲旅行行程单模板中英文 (1)

3、Marseille 马赛老港
13 14/Aug/12 Avignon--Lac ST CROIX 圣十字大湖
Confortel Avignon 464 Rue Du Grand Gigognan Avignon, 84000 France
Transport on foot bus/train bus/train bus/train bus/train bus/train
Transtel Beldes Via Degli Scipioni 239, Vaticano Prati Roma, 00192 Italy
1、Piazza Venezia 威尼斯广场
2、Mausoleo di Augusto 奥古斯都陵墓 3、Museo e Galleria Borghese 波格赛美
Au Royal Mad
68 rue Sedaine, 11. Bastille - Ré publique,Paris, 75011
metro , ERE
Confortel Avignon 464 Rue Du Grand Gigognan Avignon, 84000 France
iDTGV 2915 11:07 Paris Gare de Lyon 13:49 Avignon TGV
Trocadero 7, Rue de Belgique Nice, 06000 France
Nice 1、ST Paul de Vence 小镇 18 19/Aug/12 2、Port Grimaud 3、Saint Tropez



1630-1746, 1717-1847, 1800-1934, 2100-2230
交通:从罗凡涅米市集乘坐 8 号(08:15-08: Kemi –Tornio by bus
40)公共汽车,达圣诞老人村。 票价:欧
1800-1835, 1805-1830, 1805-1838, 1900-1935
21/12/2009 (周一)
Stockhol m(瑞典)
白天游览 9 点到 16 点游览 Stockholm 景点: 1 斯德哥尔摩老城区(Gamla Stan)
瑞典王宫(Kungliga Slottet)开放时间: 9:00~16:00 票价:45 克朗
景点: Kiruna
交通(InteRail day 2 and day 3, 26/12 and 27/12 夜车算两天)
冰旅馆,17 km from Kiruna train station.
方案 1:冰旅馆
1. Abisko Östra –Kiruna C 12:15 - 13:27
第1天 20/12/2009 (周日)
Sweden 斯德哥 尔摩出行计划交通:飞机 行程:Paris (Beauvais) (BVA) →瑞典 Sweden 斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm (Skavsta) (NYO)机场 机次:Flight FR9506 出发时间:Depart BVA at 20:40 到达时间:arrive NYO at 22:50
Hostel:Haparanda Vandrarhem 地址:
Strandgatan 18 95331 Haparanda Sweden 电话: +46 922 61171

travel in Europe课文主旨

travel in Europe课文主旨

travel in Europe课文主旨Travel in EuropeFranceFrance is a great place for all the people in the world to travel.The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔),which is 320 meters high,is the symbol of Paris.It was built in 1889.The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门)was finished in 1836.It’s a world famous building,too.Besides,you can also enjoy the colorful streets,the beautiful river Seine,the glorious palaces,the romantic people,and the old history.Spain(西班牙)When traveling in Spain,you shouldn’t miss Madrid(马德里),the capital of Spain.It has many fantastic travel sights including Royal Palace of Madrid.(马德里皇宫)Royal Palace of Madrid is the third largest palace in Europe.You can’t imagine how beautiful it is until you take a trip there.If you happen to be in Madrid in the bullfighting(斗牛)season,you can try watching it,because bullfighting(斗牛)plays a crucial role in Spanish culture!Switzerland(瑞士)As we all know Switzerland is the land of watches.Whatever you do,don’t miss watching its clock and watch museum.And youcan find it in Geneva,the capital of Switzerland.If you like skiing(滑雪),Switzerland has the world's best Ski resorts,Mount Titlis(铁力士雪山).It’s known as the Ski paradise(天堂)all over the world.小题1:Where can you enjoy the beautiful river Seine?A.In France B.In Spain C.In Britain D.In Switzerland小题2:If you are crazy about skiing,which travel spotlight might you go to?A.The Eiffel Tower. B.Royal Palace of MadridC.The Triumphal Arch D.Mount Titlis小题3:The three passages above may be from____________.A.story books books D.newspapers答案小题1:A小题2:D小题3:B试题分析:本文叙述了在欧洲旅行的经历,介绍了法国的埃菲尔铁塔,凯旋门。



去欧洲旅行英文作文英文:I have always dreamed of traveling to Europe. The history, culture, and architecture are so fascinating to me. Last summer, I finally had the opportunity to make that dream a reality. I spent two weeks traveling through France, Italy, and Spain.In France, I visited Paris and fell in love with the city. The Eiffel Tower was even more impressive in person and the Louvre Museum was incredible. I also got to try some amazing French cuisine, like escargot and croissants.In Italy, I visited Rome and Venice. Rome was full of history and I was in awe of the Colosseum and the Vatican City. Venice was so unique with its canals and gondolas. I also tried some delicious Italian food, like pizza and gelato.In Spain, I visited Barcelona and Madrid. Barcelona was so vibrant and colorful with its architecture and street performers. I also got to see the famous Sagrada Familia. Madrid was more laid-back but still had its own charm. I tried some amazing tapas and drank some delicious sangria.Overall, my trip to Europe was unforgettable. I learned so much about different cultures and saw some amazing sights. I can't wait to go back and explore more of what Europe has to offer.中文:我一直梦想着去欧洲旅行。



1989年 小野丽莎在日本发表了首张葡语专辑, 1989年,小野丽莎在日本发表了首张葡语专辑,将融合巴 丽莎在日本发表了首张葡语专辑 西森巴与爵士乐的Bossa Nova曲风介绍给日本 曲风介绍给日本, 西森巴与爵士乐的Bossa Nova曲风介绍给日本,其无拘无 束的音乐,搭配上她时而慵懒柔软、时而活泼俏皮的唱腔, 束的音乐,搭配上她时而慵懒柔软、时而活泼俏皮的唱腔, 迅速地在日本形成一股流行风潮,不仅是爵士领域, 迅速地在日本形成一股流行风潮,不仅是爵士领域,还延 伸至流行市场, 伸至流行市场,成为日本少数能够跨出爵士乐界征服流行 市场的爵士歌手。 市场的爵士歌手。
1962年 小野丽莎出生于巴西圣保罗, 1962年,小野丽莎出生于巴西圣保罗,父亲在当地 经营音乐酒馆,后成为当地知名吉他手的经纪人, 经营音乐酒馆,后成为当地知名吉他手的经纪人, 因此她从小便接受许多巴西一流音乐家的薰陶,展 因此她从小便接受许多巴西一流音乐家的薰陶, 现了对音乐高度的喜爱与天分。 现了对音乐高度的喜爱与天分。十岁时举家迁回日 本,十五岁时便开始拿起吉他公开演出。 十五岁时便开始拿起吉他公开演出。
小野丽莎: “Bossa Nova是种 简单的音乐,能让 人觉得幸福,令人 享受。不管是人、 景或是听到的故事, 都能够启发我的灵 感。在我看来, Bossa Nova的音乐 可以为人们心中带 来平和,让人心旷 神怡。”
“BossaNova是一边听 一边演奏的,必须将 整个身心投入进去, 因此必须一直去学习。 Bossa Nova源自里约 热内卢和伊帕尼玛的 宁静之地,要不是轻 柔地唱这种音乐,会 打扰到邻居。” 国内 很多人开始接受爵士 乐也是从听她的Bossa Nova开始的。”
1991年 小野丽莎凭第二张专辑Nana, 1991年,小野丽莎凭第二张专辑Nana,获日本金唱片 Nana 1992年 在凭第三张专辑Menina Menina, 奖。1992年,在凭第三张专辑Menina,再获日本金唱 片奖,并促成小野丽莎创立自己的品牌Nana。1993年 片奖,并促成小野丽莎创立自己的品牌Nana。1993年, Nana 小野丽莎在东京、大阪、 小野丽莎在东京、大阪、福冈的蓝调爵士俱乐部演唱 36场 并首次在纽约演出。 了36场,并首次在纽约演出。

Travel in Europe

Travel in Europe

I TrQk7Ql•行走疋F本期小导游:王浚航、学校:江苏省常州市武进区清英外国语学校假期,我和家人一起来到欧洲,第一站,我们来到T比利时o Belgium is oneof the countries with the most advancededucation in the world・Brussels is the capital and alsothe largest city of Belgium.The bronzestatue of the Vrinating Child(撒尿小孩铜像)is a landmark building in Brussels.There are many tourist attractions in Brussels.这里有原子塔、 布鲁塞尔大广场、根特皇家城堡、《丁丁历险记》博物馆等。

Is it cool?第二站,我们来到了法国。

France is the centre ofEuropean romance. Thisis I and the EiffelTower.Versailles Palace(凡尔赛宫),one of the five famous palacesi in the world.凡尔赛宫宏伟、壮观,充满艺术魅力。


实在是美妙绝伦!4French farms are also quitefamous.There are many animalson the farms.I like this cow best.第三站,我来到了瑞士。

LakeGeneva(日内瓦湖)in Switzerlandis my favorite place.There aremany ducks flying over thelake.Snowy swans swim in thewater,peacefully and quietly.describe it in any words.我还来到了欧秒I山脉----阿尔卑斯山。

北师大版高中英语选择性必修1 教学设计UNIT 3

北师大版高中英语选择性必修1 教学设计UNIT 3

UNIT 3 CONSERVATION第一部分阅读(50分)第一节(共15小题,每题2.5分,37.5分)AGiven Europe’s high concentration of gorgeous big cities and world­class art museums, it is easy to completely overlook the continent’s abundance of small, quiet villages and towns. However, if you are after relaxation, peaceful country walks, beautiful architecture and opportunities for cultural appreciation on your next trip across the pond, consider cutting down some of your city time and head out to a village instead. Here are four of the most charming villages in Europe, along with our top picks for places to stay in each.Eze in Cota D’Azur, FranceSet on a hilltop overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, the Provencal township of Eze is easily one of the most picturesque spots in the region. It is largely a tourist destination, and many of its buildings dates back to the Middle Age. In fact, Eze is particularly popular with couples seeking romantic solitude.Hotel pick: Chateau de la ChevreBaden­Baden in Wurttemberg, GermanyGermany’s best­known spa town, Baden­Baden, in the Black Forest of Baden­Wurttemberg, has been a popular spot for soaking in mineral­rich waters off and on since the Roman era. And whilespa treatments and hot springs are still among the most popular draws for tourists, there are also plenty of museums, gardens, performing arts venues and charming old buildings and churches.Hotel pick: Hotel Belle EpoqueMontepulciano in Tuscany, ItalySpread over a hilltop nearly 2,000 metres above sea level, the Tuscan village of Montepulciano offers gorgeous Renaissance architecture as well as opportunities to visit wine companies. Surrounded by strong walls dating back to the 14th century, the village features a handful of churches and public squares.Hotel pick: Etruria ResortOia in Santorini, GreeceOia is undoubtedly the most charming village on the beautiful Greek island of Santorini. This oft­photographed cliffside town is best known as a sunset­viewing spot, but it is fantastic any time of day thanks to its abundance of typical whitewashed structures topped with blue domes plus its fabulous views out onto the Aegean Sea.Hotel pick: Hotel Aspaki1.Which village will newly­married couples most possibly choose to spend their honeymoon?A.Oia. B.Baden­Baden.C.Montepulciano. D.Eze.2.The visit to Montepulciano will be different from to otherthree because can appreciate Renaissance can enjoy a beautiful sunset can have a spa can overlook Mediterranean Sea3.You probably find this passage in ________.A.Times B.National GeographicC.Readers’ Digest D.Economist【语篇解读】本文为说明文。

英语作文模板范例:My Travel Plan

英语作文模板范例:My Travel Plan

My Travel PlanMy travel plan is to go to Europe in the summer. I’d like to visit the museums and historic sites, as well as some of the world-renowned attractions, like the Eiffel Tower and the Colosseum.I am also planning to take a few days and explore some of the local culture. I plan to travel around and meet some locals. I’ll try to sample some of the local foods to get an authentic experience of the culture. I’ll also take some time to relax and enjoy the scenery and spend some time in nature.After my stay in Europe, I plan to make a few stops in some random countries in Europe. I’ve heard great things about the beauty of Croatia and Serbia so I would love to visit those places. It would also be great to experience some of the smaller countries and towns of Europe.I’m sure my trip to Europe this summer is going to be amazing! Although I’m a bit nervous, I’m very excited to experience a different part of the world. I’m looking forward to all the wonderful things that I’ll get to see and do.。



欧洲铁路旅行英语作文Europe Railway Travel。

Railway travel is a popular and convenient mode of transportation in Europe. With an extensive network of railways connecting various cities and countries, it offers a unique and enjoyable way to explore the continent. Inthis essay, we will explore the benefits and attractions of European railway travel.One of the major advantages of traveling by train in Europe is the ease and convenience it offers. Unlike air travel, there is no need to go through long security checks or wait in line for boarding. Trains are also more flexible in terms of frequency and accessibility, with numerousdaily departures and stations located in the heart of cities. This makes it much easier for travelers to reach their desired destinations without the hassle of transfers or additional transportation.Another benefit of European railway travel is the scenic beauty that can be enjoyed along the way. The train routes often pass through picturesque landscapes, offering breathtaking views of mountains, rivers, and countryside. Traveling by train allows passengers to relax and take in the beauty of their surroundings, making the journey itself an unforgettable experience.Moreover, European trains are known for their comfort and amenities. Many trains offer spacious seating, ample legroom, and even onboard entertainment options. Some high-speed trains, such as the Eurostar and the TGV, provide Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing passengers to stay connected during their journey. Additionally, dining cars and snack services are available on most long-distance trains, ensuring that travelers can enjoy a meal or refreshments during their trip.Apart from the convenience and comfort, European railway travel also provides an opportunity to explore multiple destinations in a single trip. With the well-connected rail network, travelers can easily visit multiplecities and countries without the need for separate bookings or transfers. This flexibility allows for a more diverse and enriching travel experience, as one can immerse themselves in different cultures, languages, and landscapes within a short period.Furthermore, traveling by train in Europe is often more environmentally friendly compared to other modes of transportation. Trains produce fewer emissions per passenger mile than cars or planes, making them a sustainable choice for eco-conscious travelers. Many European countries have also invested in high-speed rail networks, which further reduce travel times and contribute to a greener transportation system.In conclusion, European railway travel offers numerous benefits and attractions for travelers. From the ease and convenience of travel to the scenic beauty along the way, from the comfort and amenities on board to the opportunity to explore multiple destinations, there is something for everyone to enjoy. With its extensive rail network and sustainable approach, European railway travel is indeed aremarkable way to experience the beauty and diversity of the continent.。



欧洲旅行计划英语作文1Europe has always been a dream destination for many travellers, and I have meticulously crafted an exciting travel plan.Our journey begins in Paris, the city of love and art. We will spend the first few days exploring its iconic attractions. We will visit the Eiffel Tower, standing tall and majestic, offering a breathtaking view of the city. The Louvre Museum is also on our list, where we can immerse ourselves in the world of art and history. To get around, we will rely on the convenient metro system and stay at a nearby hotel to make the most of our time.Next, we head to Rome, the eternal city. The ancient Colosseum awaits our exploration, a symbol of the glorious past. We will take a comfortable bus to reach there and choose to stay in a cozy民宿. Wandering through the narrow streets, we will soak in the unique charm of this ancient city.After that, we will make our way to Vienna, known for its music and elegance. We will attend a classical music concert and visit the magnificent palaces. Our accommodation will be a charming bed and breakfast.This travel plan combines the best of Europe's culture, history, and beauty. I am looking forward to this unforgettable adventure with great anticipation.2Europe has always been a dream destination for travelers, and now it's time to plan an unforgettable journey. Let's start from Barcelona, a city full of passion and vitality. There, we'll savor the delicious paella, a traditional Spanish dish that will surely tantalize our taste buds. We'll also immerse ourselves in the local music festivals, dancing to the rhythm of the beats and feeling the enthusiasm of the crowd.Then, we'll hop on a train and head to Vienna. The moment we arrive, we'll be greeted by the enchanting melodies of classical music. Attending a concert in Vienna will be an experience like no other, allowing us to soak in the rich cultural heritage. And of course, we can't miss out on trying the famous Viennese cakes. Their delicate flavors and exquisite craftsmanship are bound to leave us craving for more.During our stay, we'll choose to lodge in characteristic inns, which will not only provide us with a comfortable place to rest but also give us a taste of the local lifestyle. This entire trip will be a feast for both our senses and souls, allowing us to truly embrace the essence of Europe's diverse cultures and culinary delights.3Europe is a continent that boasts a plethora of breathtaking natural landscapes. Here is my meticulously planned travel itinerary centeredaround nature.Switzerland is an absolute must-visit destination. The snow-capped mountains there are a sight to behold. The best time to visit is during the winter months when the mountains are blanketed in pure white snow. One can take a cable car ride to enjoy the panoramic views of the majestic peaks. The serene and peaceful atmosphere is truly enchanting.Norway's fjords are another wonder not to be missed. The ideal time to explore them depends on the weather. During sunny days, the clear blue waters and the surrounding lush greenery create a picture-perfect scene. Consider staying in a wooden cabin by the lake to soak in the tranquility and beauty of the place.In addition, the Lake District in the United Kingdom offers a charming escape into nature. Spring and summer are the perfect seasons to visit, when the flowers are in full bloom and the lakes are surrounded by vibrant colors. One can go for leisurely walks along the lakeshores and enjoy the gentle breeze.Overall, this European trip focused on natural beauty promises to be a memorable and rejuvenating experience. It allows us to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse ourselves in the splendor of nature.4Europe is a continent full of charm and diversity, and I have long dreamed of embarking on a wonderful journey across it. My travel planaims to cover several countries and focus on shopping and entertainment activities.First of all, I would choose to start my journey in London, the capital of the United Kingdom. There, I would spend hours exploring the famous shopping streets such as Oxford Street and Bond Street, where I could find the latest fashion trends and unique souvenirs. After a day of shopping, I would head to a theme park to enjoy the thrilling rides and have fun. To make my journey more convenient, I would rent a car to freely navigate the city.Then, I would make my way to Berlin, the vibrant capital of Germany. The shopping districts in Berlin would offer me a chance to discover local designer brands and traditional handicrafts. At night, I would immerse myself in the local nightlife, experiencing the unique energy of the city. To fully enjoy the convenience and excitement of the city, I would stay at a hotel in the city center.This travel plan is not only about visiting different places but also about experiencing different cultures and having unforgettable memories through shopping and entertainment. I am filled with excitement and anticipation as I look forward to this amazing journey across Europe.5Europe has always been a dream destination for travelers of all ages. Here is an elaborate and well-thought-out travel plan that caters to thediverse needs of different age groups, ensuring both comfort and safety.For families, a visit to Disneyland Paris would be an absolute delight. It offers a plethora of fun-filled and interactive activities for parents and children alike. The choice of transportation would be a private coach, providing ample space and convenience. Accommodation would be in family-friendly hotels with amenities like children's play areas and babysitting services.When it comes to elderly travelers, a slower pace is essential. A cruise along the Rhine River would be perfect, allowing them to soak in the scenic beauty at a relaxed pace. The accommodation would be in hotels with easy access and assistance available at all times.For young adults seeking adventure, a backpacking trip through the cities of Amsterdam, Berlin, and Prague could be an unforgettable experience. They can explore the vibrant nightlife and cultural scenes. Trains would be the preferred mode of transportation for flexibility and convenience.In conclusion, this European travel plan is designed to ensure that everyone, regardless of their age, has a memorable and enjoyable journey, filled with comfort, safety, and wonderful experiences.。



《欧洲十一国游记二种》的英文English:"European Eleven-Country Travelogue" is a travel book that details the author's experiences traveling through eleven countries in Europe. The author describes the rich history, diverse cultures, and stunning landscapes of each country, from the bustling streets of London to the charming canals of Amsterdam, the romantic atmosphere of Paris, and the ancient ruins of Rome. The book not only provides practical travel tips and advice but also offers insightful reflections on the similarities and differences between the nations, the beauty of European architecture, and the warmth of the people. It captures the essence of each destination, highlighting must-see sights, local cuisine, and unique traditions, making it a valuable guide for anyone planning to explore Europe.中文翻译:《欧洲十一国游记二种》是一本描述作者在欧洲十一个国家旅行经历的旅行书。



europe造句简单1、Where America has a single provider of air-traffic control services, Europe has a mind-boggling 34.美国仅有一个空中交通管制服务提供商,然而,欧洲有令人难以想象的34个。

2、The climate of Europe does not agree with him.欧洲的气候对他不适宜。

3、Europe can never die: Euroscepticism is too essential an element of too many Tories' Conservatism.欧洲不会消亡:对党内太多太多人来说,欧盟怀疑论是其保守观点里尤其重要的因素。

4、High quality rail transit, exquisite and humanistic care, days travel in Europe is very enjoyable. 高质量的轨道交通,细腻的人文关心,日子在欧洲出行很适意。

5、Their plan for a trip to Europe proved to be just a house of cards他们到欧洲旅行的计划证明是不可靠的。

6、Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older, pagan religions.欧洲早期的基督教徒承袭了更古老的一些异教的许多习俗。

7、The effects of social development of Europe in middle ages on golf sport中世纪欧洲社会的发展对高尔夫运动的影响8、Map of Europe in Polish.波兰文的欧洲地图。



介绍欧洲的英文作文英文:Europe is a fascinating continent with a rich history and diverse cultures. As someone who has had the opportunity to travel and explore various countries in Europe, I can say that each country has its own unique charm and character.For example, when I visited Italy, I was captivated by the stunning architecture and delicious food. The ancient ruins of Rome and the canals of Venice were simply breathtaking. On the other hand, when I visited France, I fell in love with the art and fashion scene in Paris. The Louvre Museum and the Eiffel Tower were must-see attractions.In addition to the famous tourist destinations, there are also many hidden gems in Europe. For instance, when I visited the Czech Republic, I discovered the charming townof Cesky Krumlov, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.The town's narrow streets and colorful buildings were like something out of a fairy tale.Another thing I love about Europe is the diversity of languages. While English is widely spoken in many countries, it's always fun to try to communicate in the local language.I remember trying to order food in Spanish in Barcelona and feeling proud when the waiter understood me.Overall, Europe is a wonderful continent with so muchto offer. Whether you're interested in history, art, food,or just exploring new places, there's something for everyone.中文:欧洲是一个迷人的大陆,拥有丰富的历史和多样化的文化。

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Travel to France (Jul. 20-Aug. 3, 2007)
Jul. 16, Mon. Jul. 17,
Jul. 18,
Jul. 19,
Jul. 20,
Jul. 21
Jul. 22
DEP 2335
LH727, ARR 0530
LH4382, 0950-1140
Toulouse to Nimes
1) City
技场, Maison
2) Pont du Gard加尔

Stay in Nimes
Jul. 23 Jul. 24 Jul. 25 Jul. 26 Jul. 27 Jul. 28 Jul. 29
1) Avignon(Palais
des Papes教皇
宫, Pont St-
2) Orange(Theatre
Antique古代剧场) 3) Luberon
4) To
Stay in Aix-en-provence City tour
1) Cathedrale St-
2) Route Cezanne
Alx-en-provence to
Marseille, 30M
Stay in Marseille
1) City
2) Chateau
城堡 (lle d’if伊夫
Stay in Marseille
193km, 2hr30min
1) Cassis(金色海滩)
2) Bandol(葡萄酒)
Stay in St-Tropez
St-Tropez to Nice,
108km, 1hr28min
1) Vence
2) Antibes
3) Cagnes-sur-Mer(雷
Stay in Nice
Nice, 74km
1) Parfumerie
rie Molinard in
2) Bd. De la Croisette
3) Lles des Lerins
Stay in Nice
Nice-Monte Carlo-
Menton, 64km
1) Eze(香皂)
2) Cap
3) Monte
4) Menton
Stay in Nice
Jul. 30 Jul. 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 Aug. 5
City tour
La Promenade des Anglais
Stay in Nice Nice-Arles, 256km
1) Fontviille
2) Camargue
3) Stes-Maries-de-
Stay in Arles
City Tour
1) Theatre
2) Amphitheatre(圆
3) Eglise
4) Espace Van Gogh
Arles-Toulouse 299km,
LH4387 1845-2025
LH726 2115
ARR 1400。
