Latvia_Univ_Agriculture_REEE_conference 生物质利用研究
IESEG坐落于巴黎拉德芳斯CBD和里尔,与众多世界500强企业总部比邻,与2500多家企业有合作关系,在校 企关系方面集聚地缘优势,IESEG的毕业生广泛就业于摩根大通、IBM等著名投行、咨询公司及各类大型跨国公司 及组织。同时IESEG亦为全法第一所开设英文授课硕士项目的商校,国际化程度极高。
本科阶段:雅思6.0,托福iBT 75,托业720 硕士阶段:雅思6.5,托福iBT 85,托业800 (若综合能力优秀,雅思6.0,托福iBT 75,托业720也可申请并录取)
北京大学、上海交通大学、香港大学、香港中文大学、香港科技大学、香港理工大学、香港浸会大学、澳门 大学、中国人民大学、南开大学、天津大学、同济大学、中国科学技术大学、南京大学、南京航空航天大学、北 京交通大学、上海外国语大学、武汉大学、早稻田大学、名古屋大学、上智大学、立教大学、高丽大学、延世大 学、成均馆大学、汉阳大学、梨花女子大学、庆熙大学、印度管理学院、朱拉隆功大学、玛希隆大学、阿联酋大 学等。
据2015年法国高商管理研究领域排名,IESEG管理学院名列全法第2名。学校的管理学硕士项目在2015年英国 《金融时报》的全球管理学硕士排名中列21位,其高标准的筛选条件和高质量的教学模式使毕业生足以在跨国企 业中胜任各类高级管理职务。此外,IESEG亦为同时拥有AACSB、EQUIS、AMBA三大认证的全球顶尖1%商学院。
里尔天主教大学拥有22600名学生。出色的硬件条件,是IESEG管理学院的学生和学者们可以使用到里尔天 主教大学大量的基础设施和服务,例如图书馆、运动器材、医疗服务、学生公寓以及餐厅。
SSCI收录期刊——农业经济学科万跃华2009年9月6日本文引用地址:/m/user_content.aspx?id=253754 SCI、SSCI均收录农业经济期刊,截至到2009年8月SSCI收录农业经济学科期刊13种,其中SCI、SSCI共同收录农业经济期刊12种,出版地为的美国农业经济期刊8种,英国2种,捷克、德国、荷兰各1种。
WILEY-BLACKWELL 出版社有6种有关农业经济期刊被SCI、SSCI共同收录。
课程名称课程英文名称发展社会学专题Development Sociology中国概况 A Brief Introduction of “The General Situation of China”英美经典短篇小说赏析 A Guide to Classic Short Stories in British and AmericanLiterature对策论 A Primer in Game Throry对策论 A Primer in Game Throry植物蛋白研究进展Aadvance of Vegetable Protein Research植物蛋白研究进展Aadvance of Vegetable Protein Research作物遗传育种专业英语Academic English作物遗传育种专业英语(必修)Academic English会计学Accounting高等农业机械化管理与模拟Adanvced Agricultural Mechanization Management and System Simulation高等农业机械化管理与系统模拟Adanvced Agricultural Mechanization Management and System Simulation调整型抽样Adjusting Sampling行政法Administrative Law高等动力学Advaced Dynamics动物传染病学专题Advance in Animal Infectious Diseases动物传染病学Advance in Animal Infectious Diseases动物传染病专题Advance in Animal Infectious Diseases动物病理学进展Advance in Animal Pathology动物病理学进展Advance in Animal Pathology植物病害生物防治进展Advance in Biological Control of Plant Diseases植物病害生物防治Advance in Biological Control of Plant Diseases植物逆境信号传递研究Advance in Plant Stress Signaling植物逆境信号传递研究Advance in Plant Stress Signaling先进制造技术Advance Manufacture Technology蛋白质互作的研究方法进展Advance of Methods for Analysis of Protein-protein Interaction 国际农药残留分析进展Advance of Pesticide Residue Analysis in Foreign Countries国际农药残留分析进展Advance of Pesticide Residue Analysis in Foreign Countries果蔬采后生理研究进展Advance of Postharvest Physiology of Fruit and Vegetable果蔬采后生理研究进展Advance of Postharvest Physiology of Fruit and Vegetable资源环境科学进展Advance of Recources and Enviromental Science高级建筑设计Advanced Garden Building Design高级园林建筑设计Advanced Garden Building Design高级生物气象学Advanced Biometeorology高级生物气象学Advanced Biometeorology高级会计理论与实务Advanced Accounting Theory and Practice高等农业机械学Advanced Agricultural Machinery高等农业机械学Advanced Agricultural Machinery高等农业机械学Advanced Agricultural Machinery高等农业机械学Advanced Agricultural Machinery高等农业机械化管理Advanced Agricultural Mechanization Management高等农业机械化管理Advanced Agricultural Mechanization Management农业机械化工程新技术讲座Advanced Agricultural Mechanization New TechnologyLectures农业机械化工程新技术讲座Advanced Agricultural Mechanization New TechnologyLectures人工智能Advanced Artificial Intelligence高级人工智能Advanced Artificial Intelligence高级审计理论与实务Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice高级生物化学Advanced Biochemistry高级生物化学Advanced Biochemistry高级生物信息SEMI.Advanced Bioinformatics Seminar高级生物信息学Seminar Advanced Bioinformatics Seminar高级害虫生物防治Advanced Biological Control of Insect Pests高级害虫生物防治Advanced Biological Control of Insect Pests高级蔬菜育种学Advanced Breeding of Vegetable Crops高级蔬菜育种学Advanced Breeding of Vegetable Crops高级财务管理Advanced Corporate Finance高级财务管理Advanced Corporate Finance高级园林植物遗传育种学Advanced Course of Ornamental Plant Breeding高级园林植物遗传育种学Advanced Course of Ornamental Plant Breeding高级作物育种学I Advanced Crop Breeding I高级作物育种学ⅠAdvanced Crop Breeding I高级作物育种学II Advanced Crop Breeding II高级作物育种学ⅡAdvanced Crop Breeding II作物生态学Advanced Crop Ecology高级作物生态学Advanced Crop Ecology高级作物生理学Advanced Crop Physiology高级细胞遗传学Advanced Cytogenetics高级发展学Advanced Development Studies高级发展学Advanced Development Studies高等结构动力学Advanced Dynamics of Structures高级计量经济学Advanced Econometrics高级计量经济学Advanced Econometrics高级园林植物生理生态学Advanced Eco-physiology of Ornamental Plants高级园林植物生理生态Advanced Eco-physiology of Ornamental Plants高等工程热力学Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics高等工程热力学Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics高级试验设计与数据分析Advanced Experimental Design and Data Analysis 高级试验设计与数据分析Advanced Experimental Design and Data Analysis 兽医免疫高级实验Advanced Experiments of Veterinary Immunology 兽医免疫高级实验Advanced Experiments of Veterinary Immunology 高级饲料分析技术Advanced Feed Analysis Technology高级饲料分析技术Advanced Feed Analysis Technology高级财务管理理论与实务Advanced Financial Management食品微生物学专题Advanced Food Microbiology动物遗传工程Advanced Gene Engineering高级基因工程Advanced Gene Engineering高级葡萄生理与分子生物专题Advanced Grape Physiology and Molecular Biology 高级葡萄生理与分子生物学专题Advanced Grape Physiology and Molecular Biology 高级昆虫生理生化Advanced Insect Physiology and Biochemistry高级昆虫生理生化Advanced Insect Physiology and Biochemistry高级昆虫毒理学Advanced Insect Toxicology高级昆虫毒理学Advanced Insect Toxicology高等内燃机学Advanced Internal-combustion Engine高等内燃机学Advanced Internal-combustion Engine高级实验动物学Advanced Laboratory Animal Science高级实验动物学Advanced Laboratory Animal Science高级园林设计Advanced Landscape Design高级园林设计Advanced Landscape Design高级园林工程Advanced Landscape Engineering高级环境绿地规划Advanced Landscape Planning高级宏观经济学Advanced Macroeconomics高级宏观经济学Advanced Macroeconomics高级管理会计理论与实务Advanced Management Accounting管理科学与工程专业Seminar Advanced Management Science and Engineering (Ph.D)管理科学与工程专业Seminar Advanced Management Science and Engineering (Ph.D)高级市场营销学Advanced Marketing高级市场营销Advanced Marketing高等金属学Advanced Metal高等金属学Advanced Metal高级微生物遗传学Advanced Microbial Genetics高级微生物遗传学Advanced Microbial Genetics高级微生物学进展Advanced Microbiological Seminar高级微生物学进展(全年)Advanced Microbiological Seminar高级微观经济学Advanced Microeconomics高级微观经济学Advanced Microeconomics高级运筹学Advanced Operations Research高级运筹学Advanced Operations Research高级果树生理学Advanced Physiology of Fruit Trees高级果树生理学Advanced Physiology of Fruit Trees高级植物与细胞生物学Seminar Advanced Plant and Cell Biology Seminars高级植物与细胞生物学Seminar Advanced Plant and Cell Biology Seminars高级植物营养学Advanced Plant Nutrition高级植物营养学Advanced Plant Nutrition高级植物生理生态Advanced Plant Physiological Ecology高级植物生理生态Advanced Plant Physiological Ecology高级植物生理学专题Advanced Plant Physiology高级植物生理学Advanced Plant Physiology高级植物生理学Advanced Plant Physiology高级植物生理学专题Advanced Plant Physiology高级观赏植物采后生理Advanced Postharvest Physiology of Ornamental Plants 高级观赏植物采后生理Advanced Postharvest Physiology of Ornamental Plants 高级植物营养进展Advanced Progress in Plant Nutrition高级设施园艺学Advanced Protected Horticulture高级设施园艺学Advanced Protected Horticulture高级可再生资源工程专题Advanced Renewable Resource Engineering现代可再生资源工程学Advanced Renewable Resource Engineering国际食品研究进展Advanced Research of Food Science植物细胞信号转导研究中的反向遗传学与细胞生物学研究技术与方法Advanced Reverse Genetic and Cell Biological Approaches to Study Signal Transduction in Plant高级生物化学与分子生物学Seminar Advanced Seminar for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology高级生物化学与分子生物学SeminarAdvanced Seminar for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology高级遗传学Seminar Advanced Seminar for Genetics高级遗传学Seminar Advanced Seminar for Genetics高级生物质工程Seminar Advanced Seminar on Biomass Engineering高级社会统计Advanced Social Statistics高级社会统计Advanced Social Statistics高级生化专题Ⅲ(生物膜)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Biomembrane 高级生化专题Ⅲ(生物膜)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Biomembrane高级生化专题IV(酶学及代谢调控)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Enzymology and Metabolism Control高级生化专题Ⅳ(酶学与代谢调控)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Enzymology and Metabolism Control高级生化专题II(核酸化学)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Nucleic Acid高级生化专题Ⅱ(核酸化学)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Nucleic Acid高级生化专题Ⅰ(蛋白质化学)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Protein高级生化专题Ⅰ(蛋白质化学)Advanced Topics in Biochemistry:Protein农产品物料干燥技术特论Advanced Topics in Drying Technology:Drying of PorousMedia高级分子生物学专题Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology高级分子生物学专题Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology高级城市规划Advanced Urban Planning高级蔬菜生理学Advanced Vegetable Physiology高级蔬菜生理学Advanced Vegetable Physiology高级杂草学Advanced Weeds高级杂草学Advanced Weeds高级兽医寄生虫学Advanceds Veterinary Parasitology高级兽医寄生虫学Advanceds Veterinary Parasitology高级兽医微生物学Advances in Veterinary Microbiology高级兽医微生物学Advances in Veterinary Microbiology作物栽培新技术专题Advances in 4H Crop Cultivation作物分子生理与生物技术Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology农业水土工程研究进展Advances in Agricultural Water-soil Research农业水土工程研究进展Advances in Agricultural Water-soil Research动物育种专题Advances in Animal Breeding动物育种专题Advances in Animal Breeding动物病理生理学专题Advances in Animal Pathophysiology动物病理生理学专题Advances in Animal Pathophysiology动物科学研究进展Advances in Animal Science动物科学研究进展Advances in Animal Science害虫生物防治理论与实践新进展Advances in Biological Control of Insect Pests害虫生物防治理论与实践新进展Advances in Biological Control of Insect Pests细胞生物学进展Advances in Cell Biology细胞生物学进展Advances in Cell Biology农副产品化学进展Advances in Chemistry of Agricultural Byproducts农副产品化学进展Advances in Chemistry of Agricultural Byproducts作物营养与水分生理专题Advances in Crop Nutrition and Water Physiology作物光合、产量与品质生理专题Advances in Crop Photosynthesis,Yield and Quality能源作物与生物质工程专题Advances in Crop Physiology and Ecology作物科学研究进展Advances in Crop Science作物科学研究进展Advances in Crop Science作物逆境生理专题Advances in Crop Stress Physiology发育生物学进展Advances in Developmental Biology数字农业研究进展Advances in Digital Agriculture Research 农作制度理论与技术专题Advances in Farming System Science果树学进展讨论Advances in Fruit Sciences果树学进展讨论Advances in Fruit Sciences现代果树遗传学研究进展Advances in Genetics of Fruit Crops分子遗传学进展Advances in Molecular Genetics病毒学进展Advances in Molecular Virology营养科学研究进展Advances in Nutritional Sciences营养科学技术研究进展Advances in Nutritional Sciences杀菌剂药理学及抗药性研究进展Advances in Pharmacology and Fungicide Resistance in Phytopathogen药理学与毒理学专题Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology药理学与毒理学专题Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology植物同化物运输高级讲座Advances in Photoassimilate Transport Mechanisms 植物同化物运输高级讲座Advances in Photoassimilate Transport Mechanisms 植物生物学进展Advances in Plant Biology植物激素与化学控制专题Advances in Plant Hormones and Chemical Regulation 植物病毒学进展Advances in Plant Virus Research植物病毒学进展Advances in Plant Virus Research家禽营养与饲养技术(案例)Advances in Poultry Nutrition and feeding Technology 种子病理学进展Advances in Seed Pathology种子病理学进展Advances in Seed Pathology兽医免疫学进展Advances in Veterinary Immunology兽医免疫学进展Advances in Veterinary Immunology兽医科学进展Advances in Veterinary Medicine兽医科学进展Advances in Veterinary Medicine水资源研究进展专题Advances in Water Resource Science水资源研究进展专题Advances in Water Resource Science分子植物病理学研究进展Advances of Molecular Plant Pathology分子植物病理学研究进展Advances of Molecular Plant Pathology生物环境与能源工程综合专题Seminar Advances on Agricultural and Bioenvironmental Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程研究进展Advances on Agricultural and Bioenvironmental Engineering 食品保藏技术研究进展Advances on Food Preservation Technology食品保藏技术研究进展Advances on Food Preservation Technology水土保持与荒漠化防治新技术研究进展Advances on Soil and Water Conservation and Deforestation Control水土保持与荒漠化防治研究进展Advances on Soil and Water Conservation and DeforestationControl结构工程研究新进展Advances on Structure Engineering城镇与区域规划Advances on Urban and Regional Planning城镇与区域规划研究进展Advances on Urban and Regional Planning近代水文学及水资源研究进展Advances on Water Concervancy Project水利工程研究进展Advances on Water Concervancy Project农业商务管理Agri-business Management农业产业组织Agribusiness Organization核技术农业应用基础Agricultural Application Foundation of Nuclear Technology 核技术农业应用基础Agricultural Application Foundation of Nuclear Technology 核技术农业应用基础Agricultural Application Foundation of Nuclear Technology农业可控管理技术Agricultural Controllable Management Technology农业可控管理技术Agricultural Controllable Management Technology农业发展经济学Agricultural Development Economics农业经济理论与政策Agricultural Economics: Theory and Policy农业经济理论与政策Agricultural Economics: Theory and Policy农业装备开发与设计Agricultural Equipment Development and Design农产品期货市场Agricultural Futures Markets农产品期货市场Agricultural Futures Markets农业历史文献选读Agricultural History Literature农业历史文献选读(必修)Agricultural History Literature农业信息系统工程Agricultural Information and System Engineering农业信息系统工程Agricultural Information and System Engineering农业保险Agricultural Insurance农产品市场分析Agricultural Market Analysis农产品市场分析Agricultural Market and Analysis农产品市场分析Agricultural Market and Analysis有害生物治理的原理与方法Agricultural Pests Prevention and Control农业有害生物的预防与控制Agricultural Pests Prevention and Control农业资源与利用Agricultural Resources and Utilization核技术农业应用专论Agricultural Specialized Application of Nuclear Technology 核技术农业应用专论Agricultural Specialized Application of Nuclear Technology 农业系统工程Agricultural Systems Engineering农村技术创新与知识系统Agricultural Technology Innovation and Knowledge System 农村技术创新与知识系统Agricultural Technology Innovation and Knowledge System 农业与食品企业管理Agriculture and Food Corporate Managemnt农业信息学Agriculture Informatics农业科技与“三农政策”Agriculture Technology and Rural Development农业装备机电一体化技术Agricutural Equipment Mechantronics农业项目的计划与管理Agricutural Project Plan and Management农业工程项目规划Agricutural Project Plan and Management农产品国际贸易实务Agri-goods International Trade Practice农业生态系统分析Analysis and Simulation of Ecosystem生态系统分析与模拟Analysis and Simulation of Ecosystem农业关联产业分析Analysis of Agribusiness国情分析和发展战略Analysis of Country Situation and Development Stratagem 兽医临床病例分析Analysis of Veterinary Clinical Cases兽医临床病例分析Analysis of Veterinary Clinical Cases现代食品分析技术Analytic Technology of Modern Food Science现代食品分析技术Analytic Technology of Modern Food Science古汉语Ancient Chinese古汉语Ancient Chinese动物病理剖检诊断技术Animal Autopsy Technique for Pathological Diagnosis克隆动物与转基因动物Animal Cloning and Transgensis克隆动物与转基因动物Animal Cloning and Transgensis动物源食品卫生检验技术Animal Derived Food Inspection Technique动物实验方法Animal Experiment Technology动物消化道微生物Animal Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiology动物消化道微生物Animal Gastrointestinal Tract Microbiology动物遗传资源Animal Genetic Resource 动物卫生行政法学Animal Health Management 动物卫生行政法学Animal Health Management 畜牧工程Animal Husbandry Engineering 动物营养代谢病Animal Metabolic Diseases 动物营养代谢病专题Animal Metabolic Diseases 人类疾病模型的构建与应用Animal Models for Human Diseases 动物分子病毒学Animal Molecular Virology 动物分子病毒学Animal Molecular Virology 动物神经生物学Animal Neurobiology 动物神经生物学Animal Neurobiology 动物营养与免疫专题Animal Nutrion and Immunology 动物营养与免疫专题Animal Nutrion and Immunology 动物保护与福利Animal Protection and Welfare 动物生殖内分泌学Animal Reproduction and Endocrinology 动物生殖内分泌学Animal Reproduction and Endocrinology 动物繁殖学SeminarAnimal Reproduction Seminar 动物繁殖学SeminarAnimal Reproduction Seminar动物繁殖理论与现代生物技术(案例)Animal Reproduction Theory and Modern Biotechnology 动物生殖生理学实验Animal Reproductive Physiology 动物生殖生理学Animal Reproductive Physiology动物生殖生理学实验Animal Reproductive Physiology Experiment 动物生殖生理学实验Animal Reproductive Physiology Experiment 动物功能基因组学Animl Functional Genomics 动物功能基因组学Animl Functional Genomics 人类学与中国社会研究Anthropology and Chinese Society 人类学与中国社会研究Anthropology and Chinese Society 植物抗菌化合物专题Antimicrobial Compounds from Plants 植物抗菌化合物专题Antimicrobial Compounds from Plants 3S 技术农业应用Application of 3S in Agriculture 3S 技术在水利工程中的应用Application of 3S Techniques on Soil and Water Conservation生物多样性与应用Application of Biodiversity 生物多样性与利用Application of Biodiversity 生物多样性与利用Application of Biodiversity 3S 技术应用Application of GIS, GPS and RS 3S 技术应用Application of GIS, GPS and RS应用数理统计Application of Mathematical Statistics 应用数理统计Application of Mathematical Statistics 分子生物学在昆虫学中的应用Application of Molecular Biology to Entomology 分子生物学在昆虫学中的应用Application of Molecular Biology to Entomology 植物生理生态仪器Application of Plant Physiology and Ecology 植物生理生态仪器Application of Plant Physiology and Ecology 3S 在水文模拟中的应用Applications of "3S" to Hydrology Simulation电力系统最优化技术Applications of Optimization Method in Electrical Power System 电力系统最优化技术Applications of Optimization Method in Electrical Power System 稳定同位素在生态环境研究中的应用Applications of Stable Isotopes in Studies of Environment and Ecology 稳定同位素在生态环境研究中的应用Applications of Stable Isotopes in Studies of Environment and Ecology 应用数理统计Applied Mathematical Statistics应用经济学Seminar Applied Economics Seminar应用地质地貌与土地资源Applied Geology Geomorphology and Land Resource应用地质地貌与土地资源Applied Geology Geomorphology and Land Resource应用植物生物技术Applied Plant Biotechnology农业应用随机过程Applied Stochastic in Agriculture应用随机过程Apply Stochastic Processes园林设计研究进展Approach of Landscape Architecture风景园林研究进展Approach of Landscape Architecture观赏植物生理生态研究进展Approach of Ornamental Horticulture观赏园艺研究进展Approach of Ornamental Horticulture英语教学法Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching英语教学法Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching水生昆虫学Aquatic Entomology水生昆虫学Aquatic Entomology艺术设计Art Design人工智能原理Artificial Intelligence人工智能技术Artificial Intelligence结构抗震减震分析原理Aseismic Analysis Principle of Structure兽药安全评价技术Assessment Technique of Veterinary Drug Safety不对称合成Asymmetric Synthesis不对称合成Asymmetric SynthesisAutoCAD 二次开发技术Auto CAD Customization自动控制技术Automatic Control Technology自动控制理论Automatical Control Theory自动控制理论Automatical Control Theory自动机械设计Automatical Machine Design禽类生理学Avian Physiology禽类生理学Avian Physiology遗传分析原理Basic Concepts of Genetic Analysisi基础分子生物学实验Basic Experiment of Molecar Biology基础分子生物学实验Basic Experiment of Molecar Biology新能源发电技术基础Basic of Renewable Energy Generation Technology交通规划理论与方法Basic Theory and Method of Traffic-layou放射卫生防护知识Basical Knowledge of Radiation Protection放射卫生防护知识Basical Knowledge of Radiation Protection放射卫生防护知识Basical Knowledge of Radiation Protection土壤物理与作物学基础Basics of Soil Physics and Crop土壤物理与作物学基础Basics of Soil Physics and Crop篮球Basketball生化分析Biochemical Analysis生化分析Biochemical Analysis生物气候模型与信息系统Bioclimatological Model and Information System生物气候模型与信息系统Bioclimatological Model and Information System畜牧生物工程专业硕士生Seminar Bio-engineering Seminar in Animal配子与胚胎生物工程Bio-engineering Technology in Animal Gamete and Embryo 配子与胚胎生物工程Bio-engineering Technology in Animal Gamete and Embryo 植物小RNA的生物合成和功能Biogenesis and Function of Small RNAs in Plant生物地球化学Biogeochemistry生物地球化学Bio-geochemistry生物信息学Bioinformatics生物信息学Bioinformatics生物信息学Bioinformatics生物信息学算法Bioinformatics Algorithm生物信息学算法Bioinformatics Algorithm生物信息检测与处理专题Bioinformatics Detection and Processing Topic生物信息学SEMI.Bioinformatics Seminar生物信息学Seminar Bioinformatics Seminar植物病害生物防治Biological Control of Plant Diseases植物病害生物防治Biological Control of Plant Diseases生物饲料加工与利用Biological Feed Processing and Application植物病原细菌生物学Biology of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria植物病原细菌生物学Biology of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria生物质工程Bio-mass Engineering Theory生物质工程原理Bio-mass Engineering Theory生物膜与信号转导Biomembrane and Signal Transduction生物膜与信号传导Biomembrane and Signal Transduction生物物理学BiophysicsBioprocessing and Food Quality Bioprocessing and Food QualityBioprocessing Engineering Bioprocessing Engineering生物生产自动化与机器人Bio-production and Robot生物生产自动化与机器人Bio-production and Robot生化反应动力学与反应器Bioreaction Engineering生化反应动力学与反应器Bioreaction Engineering生物修复Bioremediation生物修复Bioremediation农业生物安全Biosafty for Agriculture生物系统动力学(Biosystem)Biosystem Dynamics生物系统动力学Biosystem Dynamics观赏植物生物技术Biotechnology of Ornamental Plants蔬菜生物技术Biotechnology to Vegetable Science植物源杀虫剂及作用机理Botanic Pesticide植物源杀虫剂及其作用机理Botanic Pesticide边界元法Boundary Element Method材料成型中的计算机应用Brief Introduction of Computer Application in Plastic Working 经济学流派Brief Introduction of Economics Schools经济学流派Brief Introduction of Economics Schools商务英语Business EnglishC语言程序设计 C LanguageC语言程序设计 C Language基于PRO-E的CAD/CAM集成制造技术CAD/CAM Based on Creo资本运营Capital Operation汽车网络通讯技术Car Network Communication Technology汽车网络通讯技术Car Network Communication Technology碳水化合物化学Carbohydrate Chemistry碳水化合物化学Carbohydrate Chemistry农业水土工程设计案例Case Analysis for Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering国内外食品安全案例辨析Case Studies on Food Safety Incidents企业管理案例分析Case Study for Corporation Management企业管理案例分析Case Study for Corporation Management电子商务案例Case Study for E-Commerce细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞生物学Cell Biology细胞培养基础和实验Cell Culture Basics and Experiments细胞培养基础和实验Cell Culture Basics and Experiments动物细胞工程Cellular Engineering Technology in Animal动物细胞工程原理与方法(原细胞Cellular Engineering Technology in Animal工程 )英语六级CET-6化学生态学Chemical Ecology临床化验及病理诊断技术Chemical Examination and Pathological Diagnostic Technique 化学计量学Chemistry Metrology化学计量学Chemistry Metrology中国概况China Panorama粮食经济Grain Economy粮食经济Grain Economy中国化的马克思主义研究Chinalized Marxism Studies中国化的马克思主义研究Chinalized Marxism Studies土木工程抗灾原理Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention Theory土木工程材料专论Civil Engineering Material Monogragh土木工程材料专论Civil Engineering Material Monogragh传统文化与现代企业管理系列专题Classical Cutlure and Modern Enterprise Management期货品种专题Classification of Futures Commodities气候与农业减灾研究专题Climate Resource and Agriculture Disaster Reduction Seminar 气候与农业减灾研究专题Climate Resource and Agriculture Disaster Reduction Seminar 临床病理诊断技术Clinical Pathological Diagnostic Technique临床兽医学专业Seminar Clinical Veterinary Medicine Seminar公共经济学理论专题Colloquium of Public Economics公共经济学理论专题Colloquium of Public Economics组合优化Combination Optimization组合优化Combination Optimization组合数学Combinatorial Mathematics组合数学Combinatorial Mathematics农业传播技术与应用Communication for Rural Development社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management社区基础的自然资源管理Community-based Natural Resource Management动物生殖生理学Comparative Animal Breeding动物比较育种学Comparative Animal Breeding比较基因组学与分子进化Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution比较政府与政治Comparative Government and Politics比较病理学Comparative Pathology比较病理学Comparative Pathology中外教育比较评价Comparative Studies of Sino-foreign Eduction 中外教育比较研究Comparative Studies of Sino-foreign Eduction 竞争情报研究Competitive Intelligence Research 竟争情报研究Competitive Intelligence Research 竞争情报研究Competitive Intelligence Research 综合测评Comprehensive Assessment 农产品加工与贮藏综合实验Comprehensive Experiments of Agricultural Products Processing and Storage 营养与食品卫生综合大实验Comprehensive Experiments of Nutrition and Food Hygiene 营养与食品安全综合大实验Comprehensive Experiments of Nutrition and Food Hygiene 营养与食品安全综合实验Comprehensive Experiments of Nutrition and Food Hygiene 生物质综合利用与转化Comprehensive Utilization and Conversion of Biomass Resources 计算流体力学Computation Fluid Dynamics 计算流体力学Computation Fluid Dynamics 两相流与多相流计算Computation of Two-phase and Multi-phase Flow 统计计算方法Computational Method for Statistic 统计计算方法Computational Method for Statistic 农业生物信息计算机采集与处理Computer Acquisition Agricultural Biological Information and Processing 计算机算法设计Computer Algorithm Design 英语多媒体网络教育Computer Assisted Language Learning 英语多媒体网络教学Computer Assisted Language Learning 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机网络体系结构Computer Network Architecture 计算机网络体系结构Computer Network Architecture 现代干燥技术Computer Simulation for Farm Product Drying 现代干燥技术Computer Simulation for Farm Product Drying 土壤水土过程模拟Computer Simulation of Soil Physical ProcessesComputer simulation of soil-water processesComputer Simulation of Soil Physical Processes 计算机支持的协同工作与网络计算Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Grid Computing 计算机支持的协同工作与网格计算Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Grid Computing 机械系统计算机虚拟样机技术Computer Virtual Prototyping Technology for Mechanical System 基于PRO_E 的CAD/CAM 集成制造技术Computer Virtual Prototyping Technology for MechanicalSystem 机械系统计算机虚拟样机技术Computer Virtual Prototyping Technology for Mechanical System 计算机视觉Computer Vision 计算机视觉技术Computer Vision 家畜育种中的计算方法Computing Algorithms in Animal Breeding 家畜育种中的计算方法Computing Algorithms in Animal Breeding 混凝土结构原理Concrete Structure Theory 混凝土结构理论Concrete Structure Theory 共轭曲面理论Conjugate Surface Theory 生物质工程导论Conspectus of Biomass Engineering 工程材料本构关系Constitutive Relation of Engineering Materials 工程材料本构关系Constitutive Relation of Engineering Materials 信息资源建设与评价Construction and Evaluation of Information Resources 土木工程质量事故处理与分析Construction Quality Accident Analysis and Treatment中外城市建设史Constructual History on China and Foreign cities农产品需求分析Consumer Demand Analysis for Food and AgriculturalProducts现代区域发展规划与管理Contemporary Regional Development Planning andManagement现代区域发展规划与管理Contemporary Regional Development Planning andManagement可持续机械化生产系统Continuable Mechanization Production System可持续机械化生产系统Continuable Mechanization Production System连续介质力学Continuity Mechanics连续介质力学Continuity Mechanics连续型抽样Continuous Sampling畜禽寄生虫病防治Control of Parasite infection in Poultry and Animals 公司金融理论Corporate Finance Theory公司法与现代企业制度Corporation Law and Modern Enterprise System公司法与现代企业制度Corporation Law and Modern Enterprise System机电产品创新设计Creative Design of Mechantronic Product机电产品创新设计Creative Design of Mechantronic Product英美文学专题Critical Approaches to Literature发展研究前沿Critical Development Studies区域经济学前沿Critical Regional Economics作物生理与分析研究技术Crop Analysis Technology作物育种理论与案例分析Crop Breeding and Cases Analysis作物抗逆机理与育种Crop Breeding for Tolerance作物抗逆机理与育种Crop Breeding for Tolerance作物生理学SEMI.Crop Physiology Seminar作物生理学Seminar Crop Physiology Seminar作物生产系统分析与模拟Crop System Analysis and Simulation作物生产系统分析与模拟Crop System Analysis and Simulation当代国际贸易体制Current International Trading System当代国际贸易体制Current International Trading System现代生物学技术Current Techniques in Biological Sciences数据拟合Data Fitting数据拟合Data Fitting数据挖掘Data Mining数据挖掘Data Mining数据挖掘Data Mining数据挖掘Data Mining数据结构Data Structure数据结构Data Structure数据结构Data Structure数据、模型与决策Data, Model and Decision-making数据库与空间数据管理Database and Spatial Data Management数据库与空间数据管理Database and Spatial Data Management数据库原理与技术Database Principle and Technology数据库原理与技术Database Principle and Technology决策分析Decision Making and Analysis决策分析Decision Making and Analysis生态工程设计与应用Design and Application of Ecological Engineering绿地工程设计与建设Design and Construction of Landscape Project绿地工程设计与建设Design and Construction of Landscape Project试验设计与多元分析Design of Experiment and Mult Variate Statistical Anlylisis 试验设计与多元分析Design of Experiment and Mult Variate Statistical Anlylisis 有机合成设计Design of Organic Synthesis设计模式Design Patterns农业建筑结构设计原理Design Principle on Agricultural Structure车辆工程专业进展Development of Vehicle Engineering车辆工程专业进展Development of Vehicle Engineering信息资源开发利用技术Development and Utilization of Information ResourcesTechnology信息资源开发利用技术Development and Utilization of Information ResourcesTechnology发展经济学专题Development Economics发展经济学Development Economics发展研究方法Development Methods发展研究方法Development Methods发展研究方法Development Methods发展研究方法Development Methods中国发展模式Development Models of China食品科学技术研究进展Development of Food Science Technology Research食品科学技术研究进展Development of Food Science Technology Research葡萄酒化学进展Development of Wine Chemistry葡萄酒化学进展Development of Wine Chemistry农业工程专业Seminar Development of Agricultural Engineering农业工程专业Seminar Development of Agricultural Engineering农业装备工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Equipment Engineering农业装备工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Equipment Engineering农业机械化工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业机械化工程专业进展Development of Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农产品加工工程进展Development of Farm Product Processing Engineering农产品加工工程专业进展Development of Farm Product Processing Engineering食品质量管理进展Development of Food Quality Management食品质量管理进展Development of Food Quality Management食品安全研究进展Development of Food Security Research食品安全研究进展Development of Food Security Research物流工程技术进展Development of Logistics Engineering机械设计及理论专业进展Development of Mechanical Design and Theory机械设计及理论专业进展Development of Mechanical Design and Theory机械工程技术进展Development of Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化专业进展Development of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation 现代制造前沿技术与进展Development of Modern Manufacturing Technology现代制造前沿技术与进展Development of Modern Manufacturing Technology发展规划Development Planning发展项目管理Development Project Management发展社会学Development Sociology发展社会学Development Sociology发展社会学Development Sociology发展理论与实践Development Theories and Practices自然辩证法Dialectics of Nature微分几何Differential Coefficient Geometry微分几何Differential Coefficient Geometry。
Lattices are everywhere
r~ack = sup{r: A + rB is a packing}.
Note that r~ack is the radius of the largest n-dimensional ball contained in the Voronoi cell Va. Denote by ri...ffec the "effective radius" of the Voronoi region, meaning the radius of a sphere having the same volume, so that ri...ffec is defined by
Fig. 1: Geometric picture
Ppack of a lattice A by
pack rA ppack(A ) = -~- .
We note that the packing efficiency Ppack (A) is by definition no greater than one. We wish Ppack (A) to be as large as possible. For a sequence of lattices An, the best known asymptotic lower bound for ppack(A) is equal to ~ , a result known as the Minkowski-Hlawka theorem [53].
# y)
we have
(x + rB) n (y + rB) = 0
where B denotes the unit ball. That is, the spheres do not intersect. Define the packing radius r~ack of the lattice by
【关键字】科研以色列农业科研机构介绍以色列从事农业科学研究的机构主要有农业研究组织(Agricultural ResearchOrganization,简称ARO)和希伯莱大学农学院(The Hebrew University of Je-rusalem,Facuty of Agriculture,简称FOA),这两个单位开展的农业科研活动分别占全国的65%和25%。
直属农业部领导的ARO,位于以色列第二大城市Tel Viv东南约30km的Bet Degan的Volcani中心,下设大田和经济作物、动物科学、土壤和水、植物保护、农产品储存加工、农业工程和园艺等7个研究所,一个直属ARO的观赏植物系,还有7处试验场(站)。
The countryside in the United States,often referred to as the American heartland,is a diverse and expansive region that holds a significant place in the nations culture and history.It is characterized by vast fields,small towns,and a strong sense of community. Here is an essay that delves into the various aspects of American rural life.The American Countryside:A Glimpse into Rural LifeIntroductionThe American countryside is a tapestry of landscapes,ranging from the rolling hills of the Midwest to the vast plains of the Great Plains,and the picturesque farmlands of the East Coast.It is a place where the pace of life is slower,and the values of hard work, family,and community are deeply ingrained.Geography and AgricultureThe geography of the American countryside is as varied as the people who call it home. From the fertile soils of the Midwest,known as the Breadbasket of America,to the orchards and vineyards of California,agriculture is the backbone of rural economies. Farmers cultivate a variety of crops,including corn,wheat,soybeans,and a multitude of fruits and vegetables,which are integral to the nations food supply.Small Towns and CommunitiesSmall towns dot the countryside,each with its own unique charm and character.These towns are often the hubs of social activity,with local festivals,fairs,and community gatherings being common occurrences.The sense of community in these towns is strong, with residents often knowing their neighbors and supporting local businesses. Economy and EmploymentWhile agriculture is a primary economic driver,the rural economy is also supported by other industries such as manufacturing,mining,and tourism.Many small businesses thrive in these towns,providing essential services and contributing to the local economy. However,the rural areas also face challenges such as a lack of highspeed internet access and limited job opportunities,which can lead to a younger generation seeking employment in urban areas.Education and CultureEducation is highly valued in the American countryside,with many small towns boasting strong school systems.Schools often serve as community centers,hosting events and fostering a love for learning.The culture of the countryside is rich and varied,with a strong influence from the early settlers,Native American traditions,and immigrant communities that have contributed to the tapestry of American life.Challenges and OpportunitiesThe American countryside faces several challenges,including an aging population, economic stagnation in some areas,and environmental concerns related to farming practices.However,there are also opportunities for growth and development,such as the potential for renewable energy projects,the rise of agritourism,and the preservation of natural resources.ConclusionThe American countryside is a vital part of the nations identity,offering a different perspective on life compared to the hustle and bustle of urban centers.It is a place where the spirit of Americas founding values can still be felt,and where the beauty of nature and the strength of community are celebrated.As the country continues to evolve,the American countryside remains a cornerstone of the nations heritage and a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its people.。
作 中寻 求恢 复 和 重 建 人 与 自 然 力 量 之 间 的联 系 他 认 为 这 是
的 主 要 问题 是 如 何 使 有 数 个 世 纪 之 久
豪尔 莫 哥 里 奇 ( Ha
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尼 阿 波 利 斯 召 开 的 I F LA 世 界 理 事 会
席 索 尼 亚 伯 兹 曼 博 士 :美 国 风 景 园 林
IF 师协 会 资深 会 员 lC O M O S / LA C L C
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资深 美 国 风 景 园 林 师协 会 会
成立 和培养 了
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史 园 林 委 员 会 后 来 变 为 lF LA
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专 门从 事 雨 水 收 在
年 代 到 2 0 0 6 年担任 委 员
人 类学 和 历 史 学学 会 的建筑 师 索尔 安
来 自新 德 里 的 风 景 园 林 师 阿 克 夏
l 他 同 时 也 是 IC O M O S /F L A
B s 博 士 (F R ) au IP L 的报告 《 小农户如 何走 向 市场 》 强调 , 困和 营养不 良仍然是发展 中国家难 贫
挑战 ;最后 Pah i a 博士对农业 在经济发展 r u P gl b n i 中的重要作用进一步加 以肯定并得 出结论 。 张 晓波博士 (F R 的报告 《 IP L) 农业组织化与小 农发展 》 共分 3 个部分 。第一部分是对区域发展战
部分是 对非 洲 发展 的一些 思考 。如何 将 正在迅 速 发 展 的经 济体 联 系起 来 ?充 分利 用特 色鲜 明 的旅 游 资 源 ?如何开 放经 济价 值极 高 的农产 品 ?这些是 摆在
向往 和平 、 富于 企业 家精 神 的非洲人 民面前 的问题 。
毛迎春: 师。 讲
Hale Waihona Puke 备不同资源禀赋下的比较优势和具备相似资源禀赋 下 的竞争优势 ( 生产空 间 ) 此外 , , 激励 因素也发挥 着重要作用。第二部分回顾 了中国区域发展战略的 历 程 。从 全 国奉 行重 工业 主导 的发 展 战略 到 以设立
经济特区为标志 的改革开放政策 、上海浦东新区的
E mal c o ue uc — i :yma@ ̄ . . d
5 5
、 - i 会 &报 告
— 一
场以及转移支付和公共投资 4 个方面加强东西部之 间爵宅间联系。 。 而且 , 各地近年来也 内生 出了一些小 型鲶、 非常规的制度创新 , 诸如警察交换项 目。第三
承 办 的全 球 化 、地 区 协 调 与 小 农 发 展 国际 会 议 于
的可行做法包括订单农业 ( ot c f m n )IC C nr t a ig 、 a r T 的 C op rs dl (T hu M Feh Mo e IC提 供农 业 推 广 服 务 ,
四级乡村振兴的英语作文素材The Revitalization of Rural Communities: A Crucial Step Towards Sustainable DevelopmentThe rural communities of our world play a vital role in the overall well-being and prosperity of our societies. These areas, often overlooked and undervalued, hold the key to a more balanced and equitable future. The concept of "four-level rural revitalization" has emerged as a comprehensive approach to address the unique challenges faced by these communities and unlock their immense potential.At the heart of this approach lies the recognition that sustainable development cannot be achieved without a concerted effort to uplift and empower rural areas. The four levels of this revitalization process encompass the political, economic, social, and ecological dimensions, each working in harmony to create a more inclusive and resilient rural landscape.Political RevitalizationThe political dimension of rural revitalization involves the establishment of robust governance structures that prioritize theneeds and aspirations of rural communities. This includes the formulation of policies and regulations that promote decentralization, empowering local authorities to make decisions that directly impact their constituents. By giving rural communities a greater voice in the political process, we can ensure that their unique challenges and opportunities are adequately addressed.Moreover, the political revitalization of rural areas should focus on improving infrastructure, such as transportation networks, communication systems, and public services. These investments not only enhance the quality of life for rural residents but also facilitate the integration of rural economies with the broader national and global markets.Economic RevitalizationThe economic revitalization of rural communities is crucial for fostering sustainable development and reducing the urban-rural divide. This process involves the diversification of rural economies, moving beyond traditional agricultural activities to include a wider range of industries and entrepreneurial ventures.The promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in rural areas is a key component of economic revitalization. These businesses can leverage local resources, skills, and knowledge to create new products and services, generating employmentopportunities and increasing household incomes. Governments can support this effort by providing access to financing, technical assistance, and favorable regulatory environments for rural entrepreneurs.Furthermore, the development of value-added agricultural practices, such as agro-processing and niche market production, can significantly enhance the economic resilience of rural communities. By empowering farmers to move up the value chain, we can ensure that a greater share of the profits from agricultural activities remains within the rural economy.Social RevitalizationThe social revitalization of rural communities is essential for addressing the persistent challenges of poverty, inequality, and social exclusion. This process involves the improvement of access to quality education, healthcare, and social services, ensuring that rural residents have the necessary tools and resources to thrive.Investments in rural education, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, can equip the next generation of rural leaders with the skills and knowledge required to drive innovation and development in their communities. Similarly, the provision of accessible and affordable healthcare services can significantly enhance the well-being of rural populations, reducingthe burden of disease and improving overall quality of life.Furthermore, the social revitalization of rural areas should prioritize the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, and community-based social structures. By recognizing and celebrating the unique identities and traditions of rural communities, we can foster a sense of pride and belonging, strengthening social cohesion and resilience.Ecological RevitalizationThe ecological revitalization of rural communities is a crucial component of the four-level approach, as it addresses the pressing environmental challenges facing these areas. This process involves the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, and the promotion of renewable energy solutions.Sustainable agriculture, such as organic farming, agroforestry, and precision farming, can not only improve the productivity and profitability of rural economies but also reduce the environmental impact of agricultural activities. By preserving and enhancing the natural capital of rural areas, we can ensure the long-term viability of these communities and their ability to adapt to the effects of climate change.The ecological revitalization of rural areas also encompasses the protection and restoration of forests, wetlands, and other critical habitats. This not only safeguards biodiversity and ecosystem services but also provides rural communities with valuable resources, such as timber, non-timber forest products, and ecotourism opportunities.Moreover, the promotion of renewable energy solutions, such as solar, wind, and biomass, can transform rural communities into self-sustaining, energy-efficient hubs, reducing their reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to the global transition towards a low-carbon economy.ConclusionThe four-level approach to rural revitalization offers a comprehensive and integrated framework for addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by rural communities. By addressing the political, economic, social, and ecological dimensions of rural development, we can create a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous future for all.As we strive to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and build a more inclusive and resilient world, the revitalization of rural communities must be a top priority. Through collaborative efforts between governments, civil society, and the private sector, we canunlock the immense potential of these vital regions and ensure that no one is left behind in the pursuit of a better tomorrow.。
成都2024年05版小学四年级英语第3单元期末试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:120)A卷一、综合题(共计100题)1、What is the capital of Slovakia?A. PragueB. BratislavaC. BudapestD. Ljubljana答案:B. Bratislava2、What type of animal is a dolphin?A. FishB. MammalC. ReptileD. Amphibian答案: B3、听力题:The symbol for barium is _____.4、How do you say "good morning" in Italian?A. BuongiornoB. BuonaseraC. BuonanotteD. Ciao5、填空题:The ________ is a tiny creature that flies.6、What is the term for the distance around a circle?A. DiameterB. RadiusC. CircumferenceD. Area答案:C7、听力题:The _____ (市场) has fresh produce.8、What kind of animal is an octopus?A. MammalB. FishC. ReptileD. Mollusk答案: D9、填空题:My uncle is a skilled __________ (修理工).10、What do you use to write on paper?A. PaintB. PencilC. GlueD. Scissors答案:B11、听力题:I have a _____ of jellybeans. (bag)12、听力题:My ______ tells me about different cultures.13、听力题:The first permanent English settlement in America was _______.14、What is the name of the famous American author known for his works on adventure?A. Mark TwainB. Ernest HemingwayC. F. Scott FitzgeraldD. John Steinbeck答案:A15、听力题:The ______ is a great motivator.16、听力题:The sun is ________ in the sky.17、What do we call the process of breaking down food in the body?A. DigestionB. AbsorptionC. AssimilationD. Ingestion答案: A18、填空题:The ______ (香味) of fresh herbs can enhance cooking.19、Which animal can fly?A. FishB. BirdC. DogD. Cat20、What do we celebrate on July 4th in the USA?A. ThanksgivingB. Independence DayC. ChristmasD. New Year答案:B21、填空题:The __________ (森林) helps clean the air.22、What is the opposite of ‘big’?A. LargeB. SmallC. HugeD. Tall23、填空题:I love to play ________ (桌游) with my family.24、Which animal is known for its ability to fly south for the winter?A. PenguinB. EagleC. SparrowD. Dolphin答案:C25、填空题:He is _______ at playing soccer.We should always be ________ (尊重) to others.27、听力题:The bumblebee collects pollen from _______.28、听力题:The Earth is the _____ planet from the sun.29、听力题:I like to _____ (ride/drive) my bike.30、What do we call the light given off by the sun?A. MoonlightB. StarlightC. SunlightD. Firelight答案:C31、填空题:The turtle is slow but very _______ (智慧).32、Which of these is a frozen dessert?A. CakeB. Ice creamC. CookieD. Pie答案:B33、填空题:My mother is a _____ (作家) and publishes books.34、选择题:What is the name of the famous painter known for his artwork of the Mona Lisa?A. Vincent van GoghB. Pablo PicassoC. Leonardo da VinciD. Claude Monet35、What is the name of the famous television show featuring a group of friends living in New York City?A. FriendsB. SeinfeldC. How I Met Your MotherD. The Office答案: AWe share our ___ (toys).37、Sea is a ________ (盐水湖). 填空题:The Dead38、What do you call a person who repairs computers?A. TechnicianB. EngineerC. ProgrammerD. Developer答案:A39、填空题:My __________ (玩具名) is great for __________ (活动).40、What is the color of a typical eggplant?A. GreenB. YellowC. PurpleD. Red答案:C41、填空题:The kangaroo keeps its baby in its _________ (育儿袋).42、听力题:A __________ is a geological feature that can shape human activities.43、选择题:Which creature is known for spinning webs?A. AntB. SpiderC. BeeD. Fly44、How many colors are in the flag of Canada?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four45、填空题:I love going to the ______ (艺术展) to see incredible works. It inspires my creativity.古代的________ (cultures) 通过艺术和宗教信仰表达自我。
由意大利农业机械制造商协会(FederUnacoma )主办的EIMA2022农业机械展览会将于11月9日至13日在博洛尼亚举办,这是今年国际上农业公司、商业运营商和农业机械技术人员的重大盛事,也是世界园艺、园林绿化、城市装饰和体育设施的重要展示阵地。
在卫生紧急情况下,EIMA 展的时间有所调整,今年它回归了正常,于偶数年的11月举办。
据悉,作为农业机械展的一部分,EIMA 绿色主题展提供一系列绿色维护技术,今年将新增园艺技术的现场演示活动,绿色主题展主要面向多功能农场、市政管理部门、绿色设计师以及照料花园和小型农场的广大业余爱好者。
论坛还将特别关注地中海地区的农业经济问题,包括特种作物技术、水资源优化管理系统和岛屿农业的具体机械化手段,这是为了强调EIMA 的国际化不仅是大型的展览活动,也符合专业的、具有更大附加值的,更符合近年来越来越重要的公认的市场定位。
——————世界着名科研机构——————欧洲法国生物化学和分子生物中心Centre de Biochimie et de Biologie Moleculaire—CBM法国农业研究与发展国际合作中心Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement-- CIRAD 法国资格研究和调查中心Centre d′Etudes et de Recherches Sur les Qualifications—CERSQ法国地理动力学与天文学研究中心Centre d′Etudes et de Recherches Geodynamiques et Astronomiques—CERGA法国建筑科学技术中心Centre Scientifique et Technique de Batiment—CSTB法国电子及信息处理技术实验室Laboratoire d′Electronique et de Technologie de I′Informatique—LETI法国海洋开发研究院Institut Francais de Recherche pour I′Exploitation de la Mer—IFREMER法国科研与合作发展研究所Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation—ORSTOM 法国理论与应用光学研究所Institut d′Optique Theorique et Appliquee—IOTA法国国家核物理与粒子物理研究所Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules意大利系统分析和信息科学研究所Systems Analysis and Information Science Institute意大利地球外辐射研究所Extraterrestrial Radiation Research and Technology Institute意大利国家光学研究所National Institute of Optics意大利农业机械化研究所Agricultural Mechanization Institute意大利数学和信息科学应用研究所Institute for the Applications of Mathematics and Information Science意大利系统动力学和生物工程研究所Systems Dynamics and Bioengineering Research Institute意大利控制论研究所Cybernetics Institute意大利电极加工研究中心Electrode Processes Research Centre德国联邦地球科学和自然资源研究所Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Researcg德国联邦材料研究与测试研究所Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing德国生物技术研究所Biotechnology Research Institute德国电子同步加速器研究中心German Electron—Synchrotron德国航空航天研究所German Aerospace Research Establishment德国柏林哈恩—迈特纳核研究所Hahn—Meitner Institute for Nuclear Research in Berlin马克斯·普朗克科学促进会Max Planck Sociery for the Academy of Science瑞典空间研究中心Swedish Space Corporation瑞典表面化学研究所Institute for Surface Chemistry瑞典国家检测研究所National Swedish Testing Institute瑞典生产工程研究所Swedish Institute of Production Enginering Research荷兰国家公共卫星与环境研究所National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Hygiene荷兰核物理和高能物理研究所National Institute for Energy Physics荷兰国家航空航天实验室National Aerospace Laboratory荷兰金属研究所Metal Research Institute TNO荷兰军事电子学开发实验室Laboratory for Electronic Development of the Armed Forces TNO挪威能源技术研究所Institute for Energy Technology挪威农业工程研究所Norwegian Institute of Agricultural Engineering挪威森林研究所Norwegian Forest Research Institute比利时国家科学研究基金会Fonds Nationaux de la Recherche Scientifique比利时金属制造业科技研究中心Centre de Recherches Scientifiques et Techniques de I′Industrie des Fabrications Metalliques比利时皇家自然科学研究所Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique/Konindlijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen奥地利水压机和流体工程研究所Hydraulic Machine and Fluid Engineeing Institute波兰大地测量学和制图学研究所Geodesy and Cartography Institute波兰辐射保护中央实验室Central Laboratory for Radiological Proteetion波兰生物控制和生物医学工程研究所Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Institute匈亚利自动化行业研究所Autoipari Kutato Intezet—Auiokut匈亚利核研究所Atommag Kutato Intezete—ATOMKI匈亚利基础与应用生物物理学国际联合会International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics—IUPAB匈亚利纺织品创新工程公司Innovatext Kutato es Fejleszto Vallalat匈亚利国家血液学及输液研究所Orszagos Haematologiai es Vertranszfuzios Intezet独联体莫斯科生物化学研究所Biochemistry Institute, Moscow独联体杜尚别天体物理研究所Astroyhysical Institute, Dushanbe独联体基辅控制论研究所Cybernetics Institute, Kiev独联体细胞学和遗传学研究所Cytology and Cenetics Institute独联体实验病理学和治疗研究所Experimental Pathology and Therapy Institute独联体热传递和质量转移研究所Heat and Mass Transfer Institute独联体圣彼得堡信息科学和自动化研究所Institute of Information Science and Automation, St Petersburg 独联体声学研究所Acoustics Institute独联体应用数学和力学研究所Applied Mathematies and Mechanics Institute独联体新西伯利亚核物理研究所Nuclear Physics Institute, Novosibirsk独联体圣彼得堡物理技术研究所Physical Technical Institute, St Petersburg独联体无线电工程和电子学研究所Radio Engineering and Electronics Institute英国牧场和动物生产研究所AFRC Institute of Grassland and Animal Praduction英国动物生理和遗传研究所AFRC Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research英国国家工程实验室National Fngineering Laborotory英国国家物理实验室National Physical Laboratory英国原子能研究所Atomicc Energy Estabelishmennt英国哈维尔实验室Harwell Laboratory英国沃林·斯普林实验室Warren Spring Laboratory英国海军波特兰研究院Admiralty Research Establichment,Porland英国皇家航空航天研究院Royal Aerospace Establishment英国运输与道路研究实验室Transport and Road Reaearch Laboratory亚洲日本工业技术院Agency for Industrial Seience and Teehnology日本建筑研究所Building Research Institute日本通信研究所Communications Research Laboratory日本电子导航研究所Eleetronic Navigation Research Institute日本电子技术综合研究所Eleetrotechnical Laboratory日本生物科学研究所Nippon Institute for Biological Seience日本微生物工业技术研究所Fermentation Research Insrtiute日本森林综合研究所Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute日本地质调查所Geological Survey of Japan日本海洋科学技术中心Japan Marine Science and Technology Center日本未来工学研究所Institute for Future Technology日本新一代计算机技术研究所Institute for New Generation Computer Technology日本农业机械化研究所Institute of Agricultural Machinery日本宇宙科学研究所Institute of Space and Astronau-tieal Science日本原子能研究所Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute日本建筑方法与机械研究所Japan Construction Method and Machinery Research Institute 日本国家高能物理学研究所National Laboratory for High Energy Physics日本农业工程研究所National Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering印度国家科学院National Academy of Sciences印度巴巴原子研究中心Bhabha Atomic Research Centre印度伯拉科学研究所经济研究分部Birla Institute of Scientific Research, Economic Research Division 印度中央机械工程研究所Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute印度中央电子工程研究所Central Electronics Engin印度化学生物学研究所Indian Institute of Chemical Biology0eering Research Institute印度国家航空实验室National Aeronautical Laboratory印度国家植物研究所National Botanical Research Institute印度国立科技与发展研究所National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies 印度统计研究所Indian Statistical Institute韩国先进科技研究院Korca Advanced Institute of Seience and Technology韩国工业经济与技术研究所Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Technology韩国能源研究院Korea Institute of Energy and Resourees国家科学院National Academy of Sciences农业资源利用研究所Institute of Agricultural Resourees Utilization新加坡标准及工业研究所Singapore Institute of Standards &Industrial Research新加坡系统科学研究所Institute of System Science新加坡分子与细胞生物学研究所Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology新加坡信息技术研究所Information Technology Institute印尼国家原子能署National Atomic Energy Agency印尼国家物理研究所National Institute for Physics印尼农用工业研究开发所Institute for Research and Development of Agrobased Industry印尼纺织工业研究开发所Institute for Research and Development or Textile Industry印尼科学研究院Indonesian Institute of Sciences印尼海洋研究开发中心Centre for Oceanlogical Research and DevelopmentThailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research国立遗传工程和生物技术中心National Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology国立生物控制研究中心National Biological Control Research Centre马来亚农业研究开发所Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute马来西亚橡胶研究所Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia马来西亚微电子系统研究所Malaysia Institute of Microelect-ronic Systeme美洲加拿大原子能研究公司Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Research Company加拿大大西洋地球科学中心Atlantic Geoscience Centre不列颠哥伦比亚先进系统研究所BC Advanced Systems Institute加拿大贝德福德海洋学研究所Bedford Institute of Oceanography加拿大高级研究所Canadian Institute for Advanced Research加拿大大西洋国防研究院Defense Research Establishment Atlantic加拿大国际发展研究中心Insternational Development Research Centre加拿大国家研究理事会生物技术研究所NRC Biotechnology Research Institute加拿大国家研究理事会生物技术研究所NRC Biotechnology Research Institute黑西哥国家科学院Academia Nacional de Cieneias黑西哥国家工学院高级学术研究中心Centro de Investigacion YDE Estukios Avanzados del Instituto Politecnico Nacional 黑西哥国家鱼类研究所Instituto Nacional de Pesea黑西哥国家医学院Academia Nacionl de Medicina de Mexico古巴科学院Academia de Ciencias de CUBA古巴文献情报科技研究所Instituto de Documentacion e Informacion Cientifica y Tecnica古巴智能基础研究所Instituto de Investigaciones Fundementales del Cerebro古巴基础技术研究所Instituto de Investigacion Tecnica FundementalCentre Nacional de Investigciones Cientificas古巴热带农业基础研究所Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical `Alejandro de Humboldt′阿根廷南极科学研究中心Centro Austral de Investigaciones Cientificas阿根廷标准研究院Instituto Argentino de Racionalizacion de Materiales—IRAM阿根廷达尔文尼恩植物所Instituto de Botanica `Darwinion`阿根廷国家渔业研究发展所Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pesquero阿根廷国立农业技术研究院Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria—INTA阿根廷国家工业技术院Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Industrial—INTI非洲埃及科学技术研究院Academy of Scientific Research and Technology埃及中央冶金研究开发所Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute埃及国家研究中心National Research Centre埃及国家标准化研究所National Institute for Standards埃及天文与地球物理研究所Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics埃及石油研究所Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute阿尔及利亚国家历史研究中心Centre National d′ etudes Historiques阿尔及利亚国家地图绘制研究所Institut Nationla de Cartographie阿尔及利亚国家科学研究组织Organisme National de Recherche Scientifique阿尔及利亚巴斯德医学研究所Institut Pasteur d`Algerie澳洲澳大利亚海洋科学研究所Australian Institute of Marine Science生物化学研究所Biological and Chemical Rcsearch Institute—BCRI联邦科工研究组织动物繁殖与加工研究院CSIRO Institute of Animal Produetion and Processing联邦科工研究组织工业技术研究院CSIRO Institute of Industrial Technologies联邦科工研究组织信息通信技术研究院CSIRO Institute of Information and Communications Technologies 联邦科工研究组织矿产能源建筑研究院DSIRO Institute of Minerals, Energy and Construction联邦科工研究组织自然资源与环境研究院CSIRO Institute of National Resources and Environment新西兰科工研究部应用数学所DSIR Applied Mathematics Division新西兰科工研究部生物技术所DSIR Biotechnology Division新西兰科工研究部土地及土壤科学所DSIR Land and Soia Seience Division新西兰医学研究委员分毒理研究所MRC Toxicology Research Unit新西兰科工研究部水资源科学所DSIR Water Science Division。
本次会议除了邀请澳大利亚国内大学教授和相关研究所的专家作相关专业报告,还邀请来自美国农业部的Jay Evans教授作了《蜜蜂基因与健康》《蜜蜂病毒》两场专题报告。
01 波尔多二大葡萄酒学院Université Bordeaux-II Segalen02 勃艮第大学葡萄酒学院 IUVV: Institut de la vigne et du vin Jules Guyot03 兰斯大学Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne04 蒙彼利埃一大Université Montpellier I05 蒙彼利埃高等农学院 SupAgro Montpellier06 图卢兹高等农学院ENSAT: Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse07 图卢兹三大 Toulouose III-Paul Sabatier农学工程师种植酿造方向录取要求:来自Supagro的工程师二年级学生授课语言:法语08 西部农校联盟(雷恩,波尔多,蒙彼利埃,巴黎高科农学院,图卢兹)Agrocampus Ouest (Centre de Rennes; Bordeaux; Montpellier; Agroparistech; Toulouse)农业工程师种植酿造方向授课语言:法语09 昂热高等学院Ecole supérieure d ‘Angers10 里尔高等农学院ISA Institut supérieur d ’Agriculture de Lille11 罗纳-阿尔卑斯农业与食品高等研院ISARA: Institut supérieur d’Agriculture et d’agro-alimentaire de Rh?ne-Alpes 葡萄种植和酿造工程师12 罗纳-阿尔卑斯农业与食品高等研究院ISARA: Institut supérieur d’Agriculture et d’agro-alimentaire de Rh?ne-Alpes13 叙兹拉鲁斯葡萄酒大学Université du vin de Suze La Rousse非技术性葡萄酒类专业非技术性专业的重点非常不一样,一方面除了葡萄酒的种植酿造的基础知识外,还需要学习包括所有葡萄酒新世界旧世界国家的产区,地理环境、品种以及特性,不同酒的风格、品酒、市场发展趋势等等,一般学校都会安排学生去不同的产区参观学习一段时间。
1.创新农产品加工技术发展农产品加工产业第三届全国农产品加工科研院所联谊会暨中国农产品加工技术与产业发展论坛在长沙召开 [J],
2.APEC燃料电池国际论坛在京召开 [J],
3.首届APEC城镇化高层论坛召开——修补更新,为城市治病 [J], 颜彭莉
4.第二届APEC/APLMF食品、农产品计量和产品安全国际研讨会召开 [J], 郑华欣
5.APEC中小企业信息化促进中心成立大会暨APEC中小企业云+创新创业论坛在海口召开 [J],
1.主持CCFA国际会议体现中国食品法规标准走向成熟第39届国际食品添加剂法典委员会(CCFA)会议在北京召开中国首次以国际食品添加剂法典委员会(CCFA)主持国身份组织会议 [J],
2.秘鲁芒果种植者证实上个芒果收获季损失惨重 [J], 陈月仙
3.秘鲁2000hm^2肯特芒果将嫁接阿尔道夫芒果 [J], 郑淑娟
4.国际法制计量委员会(CIML)第30届会议十月在北京召开国际法制计量组织发展理事会会议、发展中国家计量工作研讨会、亚太地区法制计量论坛(APLMF)会议同期召开 [J], 郑永光
5.拉美六国卫生部长就禽流感在秘鲁召开会议 [J],
哥伦比亚UFI拉丁美洲会议重新连接了拉丁美洲的活动产业NEWS新闻·海外责任编辑:付晓 fuxiao@本刊讯(记者 李亚)澳大利亚展览与活动协会(EEAA)宣布支持澳大利亚商业活动委员会(BECA)呼吁个人接种疫苗。
EEAA董事会成员马特·皮尔斯(Matt Pearce)参加了上周由BECA组织的与联邦贸易部长、议员丹·特汉(Dan Tehan)的会议。
在州的基础上,EEAA表示,他们的目标是通过不同的团体来帮助制定政策,EEAA的首席执行官克劳迪娅·萨格里潘提(Claudia Sagripanti)参与了各种会议,包括与众议员斯图尔特·艾尔斯(Stuart Ayres)的会议。
EEAA董事会还宣布长期成员鲍勃·奥基夫(Bob O 'Keefe)和克里斯·缪尔(Chris Muir)辞去董事职务。
澳大利亚澳大利亚展览与活动协会(EEAA)呼吁接种疫苗本刊讯(记者 马赫)巴塞罗那最大的贸易展览会机构巴塞罗那国际贸易展览会将于今年9月在所有安全措施就绪的情况下恢复其现场活动,其目的是促进经济和社会的恢复。
Montjuic和Gran Via场馆总共计划举办40多场演出、大会和各种活动,以适应当前的环境。
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CUTTING PROPERTIES OF ARRANGED STALK BIOMASSAndris Kronbergs, Eriks Kronbergs, Elgars Siraks, Janis DalbinsInstitute of Mechanics, Latvia University of;;; janis.dalbins@inbox.lvAbstractIn Latvia, approximately 14.6% of unfarmed agricultural land can be used for herbaceous energy crop growing. Herbaceous energy crops would be the main basis for solid biofuel production in agricultural ecosystem in future. There is possibility to utilize for bioenergy production natural biomass of common reeds (Phragmites Australis) overgrowing shorelines of Latvian more than 2000 lakes. Common reed stalk material ultimate tensile strength average value was stated 330 ± 29 N mm-2. This value testifies that common reeds are the strongest material between other energy crop stalk materials. The main conditioning operation before preparation of herbaceous biomass compositions for solid biofuel production is shredding. Therefore common reed stalks were used for cutting experiments. The main hypothesis for cutter design is that cutting method has to be used with minimum of energy consumption by reducing frictional forces to a minimum.In experiments was used common reed bundles harvested with Seiga harvester in Pape lake. The experimental bundle cutting mechanism was equipped with a round-shaped counter knife, but the single stalk cutting mechanism was equipped with six different shaped cutting knives. The energy consumption was obtained by integrating force - displacement diagrams. Cutting energy per mass unit dependence on the length of fraction size was calculated. Specific shear cutting energy for a single common reed stalk was determined within (0.011 ÷0.015)·10-6 J m-2. Common reed bundle specific cutting energy was determined within (0.02 ÷0.09)·10-6 J m-2. The weighted average value was 0.06·10-6 J m-2. Specific cutting energy for reed bundle cutting significantly exceeded the single stalk specific cutting energy, therefore cutting in thin layers is recommended.Key words: herbaceous energy crops, common reed bundle cutting.IntroductionLatvia has target (Directive 2009/28/EC, 2009) in 2020 for renewable energy resources to be 40% in gross final consumption of energy. Common reeds (Phragmites Australis), as a natural energy crop material, in Latvia can be found in wetlands and on the shores of rivers, lakes and the Baltic Sea. Mainly they grow on shorelines of Latvian lakes. Therefore herbaceous energy crop growing on these lands can provide sustainable farming practice. There is possibility to utilize for bioenergy production natural biomass of common reeds, overgrowing shorelines of Latvian more than 2000 lakes. The main conditioning operation before preparation of herbaceous biomass compositions for solid biofuel production is shredding. Naturally herbaceous biomass is a material of low density (≈ 60 kg m-3) and not favorable for transportation on long distances. Shredding can increase bulk density to 100 ÷ 200 kg m-3.The purpose of research was to determine cutting properties of common reeds, arranged in bundles. Shredding is the main conditioning operation before preparation of herbaceous biomass compositions for solid biofuel production. According it cutting properties of common reed bundles has to be investigated in order to find the minimum energy consumption for shredding. The main hypothesis for cutter design is that cutting method has to be used with minimum of energy consumption by reducing frictional forces to a minimum. Different mechanisms of cutting knives have to be investigated for energy consumption evaluation. The objective of this study is to determine common reed stalk and bundles cutting properties and energy efficiency of different cutting methods. Different cutting methods have to be investigated for energy consumption evaluation and shredder cutter mechanism design.Materials and MethodsIn cutting experiments were used common reed stalks with moisture of 10% and stalk material density of 615 kg m-3. In single stalk cutting experiments were used stalks with diameter 7 mm, thickness of wall – 0.5 mm. In common reed bundle cutting experiments were used bundles with height within 1.2 – 1.5 m, upper diameter – 0.08 m, lower diameter – 0.18 m. Bundles were harvested with Seiga harvester in the Pape lake.In single stalk cutting experiments, energy consumption for stalk cutting was investigated using the Zwick materials testing machine TC-FR2.5TN. D09 with 0.4% force resolution, 0,1 µm displacement resolution and the maximal force for testing - 2,5 kN. For shear cutting parameter determination, an original cutting device was designed. The cutting device was equipped with six different cutting knives (Fig. 1) where bevel angle for all cutting knives was 45⁰, but the blade angle was within 0⁰ - 25⁰. The blade angle more than 25⁰ was not used because it isa nip angle for polished steel and common reed stalk materials.Displacement and stress data for single stalk cutting experiments were collected and processed by using Zwick software program TestXpert V9.01. The energy consumption was obtained by integrating force – displacement diagram. Specific cutting energyconsumption was investigated for all types of cutting knives.In reed bundle cutting mechanism (Fig. 2) one cutting knife with blade angle of 0⁰ and bevel angleof 45⁰ was used. Common reed bundle was cut first from the upper end, the length of cut stalk particles was0.1 m. The weight of cut stalk material was calculatedas difference of bundle weight before and after cutting. The displacement and cutting force sensordata was used for cutting energy determination. The displacement and cutting force sensor data from Pico data logger were processed by Microsoft Excel program. MathCAD programwas used for cutting energy per mass unitcalculation.In all experiments the common reed stalks or reedbundles were orientated perpendicularly to the cuttingknife. The displacement speed of cutting knives was 0.15 m min -1. Single stalks cut area was calculated from data obtained from direct measurement with slidingcalliper (accuracy ± 0.01 mm). Specific cutting energy was calculated:AE ECS C =(1)whereE SC –specific cutting energy, J m -2;E C –cutting energy, J;A –stalks cut area, m -2.Cutting energy per mass unit was calculated(Srivastava,, 1993):=E C MwhereE CM –specific cutting energy per mass unit, J kg -1;L –length of stalk cut, m;ρ–stalk material density, kg m -3.SCCM Figure 1. Cutting knives with different blade angleFigure 2. Bundle cutting mechanismFSpecific cutting energy was calculated:ρρ⋅⋅=⋅⋅=L mEL E E C C MS C (3)wherem –cut stalk mass, kg.Cutting area was calculated:ρ⋅=L mA(4)The average specific cutting energy for commonreed bundle cutting was calculated:ρ⋅⋅ΣΣ=L mE E CA S C (5)where:A S CE –average specific cutting energy forcommon reed bundle, J m -2;CE Σ–total cutting energy consumption for allexperiments, J;Figure 3. Reed stalks material specific cutting energy dependence on knife bevel angleSCSC Figure 4. Specific cutting energy dependence on cutting areaSCCMmΣ–total cut stalk mass in all experiments,kg.Results and DiscussionCommon reed single stalk material specificcutting energy values are shown in Figure 3. Averagespecific cutting energy for single common reeds waswithin (0.013 ÷ 0.015)·10-6 J m -2 when cutting kniveswith different bevel angles were used. There was nosignificant difference between the specific cutting energy values for different blade angles, therefore maximal value 0.015·10-6 J m -2 can be used formon reed bundle specific cutting energy values are shown in Figure 4. Common reed bundle specific cutting energy was within (0.02 ÷ 0.09)·10-6 J m -2, andthe weighted average value was 0.06·10-6 J m -2, if the cutting knife with the bevel angle of 45⁰ and blade angle of 0⁰ was used.Specific cutting energy for reed bundle cutting significantly exceeded single stalk cuttingspecific energy, therefore cutting in thin layers is recommended. The point of intersection of trend line extension with ordinate axis (Fig. 4)was near the value of single common reed stalk specific cutting energy (0.015·10-6 J m -2). These results prove that common reed bundles specific cutting energy linearly depends on the cross section of the bundle.Specific cutting energy per mass unit (Fig. 5) wasdetermined on the basis of stalk material density of 615 kg m -3, specific cutting energy value for single stalk - 0.015·10-6 J m -2, and average for bundle -0.06·10-6 J m -2.Specific cutting energy per mass unit for reed bundles significantly exceeded the single stalk specific cutting energy per mass unit; therefore it is more preferable to harvest common reed bundles withsmaller dimensions if common reeds are used for solidfuel production.ConclusionsSpecific cutting energy for single common reedstalk cutting is within (0.011 ÷ 0,015)·10-6 J·m -2, ifcutting blades with bevel angle 45⁰ and blade angles within 0⁰ - 25⁰ are used.There is no significant difference between specific cutting energy values for different blade angles, therefore maximal value 0.015·10-6 J m -2can be used for calculations.Common reed bundle specific cutting energy is within (0.02 ÷ 0.09)·10-6 J m -2, the weightedaverage value is 0.06·10-6 J m -2, if the cuttingknife with bevel angle 45⁰ and blade angle 0⁰ is used.The experiment results prove that common reed bundles specific cutting energy linearly depends on the cross section of the bundle.Specific cutting energy per mass unit for reed bundles significantly exceeds the single stalk specific cutting energy per mass unit; therefore it is more preferable to harvest common reed bundles with smaller dimensions if common reeds are usedfor solid fuel production.References1. Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliamentand of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewableParticle length, mmC u t t i n g e n e r g y , J k gFigure 5. Cutting energy per mass unit dependence on particle lengthsources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/ EC (Text with EEA relevance) (2009). http:// o?u r i=C E L E X:32009L0028:E N:N O T, (Accessed on 13.01.2012).2. Srivastava AK, Goering CE,Rohrbach RP. (1993) Engineeringprinciples of agricultural machines.ASAE Textbook Number 6. Pamela DeV ore-Hansen, Editor, Books&Journals.p. 601.AcknowledgmentThe authors are grateful for the financial support of this research from the European Structural Fund – “Mobilization of human resources to renewable energy research” – Project of Latvia University of Agriculture (project No. 2009/0225/1DP/。