Suzaku Observation of AXP 1E 1841-045 in SNR Kes 73
新疆农业大学学报2020,43(4):241-251Journal of Xinjiang Agricultural University文章编号:1007-8614(2020)04-0241-11基于无人机影像的沙棘树高提取及叶面积指数反演方法比较焦亚辉匕颜安卩,赵英2,聂松伟#,杨利#,郭涛1(1.新疆农业大学,乌鲁木齐830052;2新疆林业科学院,乌鲁木齐830046)摘要:为利用无人机可见光影像获取高精度沙棘树高与叶面积指数!Leaf area index,LAI),实现实时无损动态监测&以新疆乌什县野生沙棘林为研究对象,通过构建冠层高度模型(Canopy Height Model,CHM)利用局部最大值法提取沙棘树高,依据拼接的高清数字正射影像,提取出11种植被指数,采用多元线性回归(Multiple linear regression, MLR)、BP神经网络(Back propagation neural network,BPNN)、支持向量机(Support vector machine,SVM)、随机森林(Random forest,RF)算法与实测叶面积指数构建沙棘LAI反演模型,通过决定系数(R2"和均方根误差(RMSE)评价模型精度,确定最优的反演模型,并探讨主成分分析预处理对各算法构建的模型反演精度的影响。
结果表明:(1)局部最大值法提取沙棘树高,估测值与实测值之间决定系数R2为0.9,均方根误差RMSE为0.24m,这说明局部最大值法预测沙棘株高是可行的;(2)以树高和11种植被指数为数据源,各算法构建的沙棘LAI反演模型精度RF>BPNN>SVM> MLR&以树高和11种植被指数主成分分析结果为数据源,各算法构建的模型精度SVM>BPNN>RF>MLR,其中核函数为RBF和Learn的SVM模型主成分分析预处理对模型稳定性和精度提高有明显的促进作用。
基于Shuttleworth-Wallace模型的水稻蒸散组分模拟及其特征分析王宇;周莉;贾庆宇;王磊;徐军亮【摘要】The simulation of evapotranspiration (ET) and its components in croplands is critical for the precise irrigation and accurate estimation of ecosystem productivity. Based on the eddy-covariance flux measurement and ancillary data during 2013-2015, evapotranspiration and its components were simulated using the Shuttleworth-Wallace model (S-W model) in a rice paddy field in Panjin. The controlling mechanism of the ratio of soil evaporation to evapotranspiration (ES/ET) was analyzed with the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. The results showed that: (1) the simulated ET was close to the observed ET in the late growing season, however, it was lower than the observed ET in the early growing season and higher in the peak growing season. (2) As for the seasonal variation, the simulated ET showed a drastic day-to-day fluctuation (0.5-10.4mm·d-1) but no clear seasonal pattern; the plant transpiration (TR) was higher in the peak growing season and lower at the start and the end of the growing season, with the range of 0.1-8.4mm·d-1; ES showed a U-type curve, with the range of 0.1-4.7mm·d-1. (3) The simulated mean annual ET was 892mm during 2013-2015. TR was equal to ES at the annual scale. As for the growing season scale, TR was the main consumer of the ET: TR was close to ES in the transplanting-tillering stage, while in the other growth stages and the whole growing season, TR was more than twice as ES. (4)The SEM results indicated that air temperature (Ta) was the primary controlling factor of the ES/ET (total effect=-0.82). Ta was shown to influence ES/ET both directly (direct effect=-0.50) and indirectly through its regulation on leaf area index (LAI, indirect effect=-0.32). In addition, the LAI and wind speed (WS) were also shown to have significant effects on ES/ET. ES/ET decreased with LAI (total effect=-0.39) and increased with WS (total effect=0.38).%农田蒸散(ET)及其组分的模拟是精准灌溉及准确估算生产力的基础.基于2013-2015年的涡度相关通量观测及辅助观测资料,利用Shuttleworth-Wallace模型(S-W模型)对盘锦水稻的蒸散及其组分进行模拟,并利用结构方程模型分析土壤蒸发占蒸散比例(ES/ET)的控制机制.结果表明:(1)S-W模型模拟蒸散值在生长季前期偏低,在生长旺季总体偏高;而在生长季后期与观测蒸散基本吻合.(2)就季节变化过程而言,水稻蒸散模拟值呈现明显的日间波动(0.5~10.4mm·d-1),但季节总体变化趋势不明显;蒸腾(TR)则先增大后降低,变化范围为0.1~8.4mm·d-1;土壤蒸发(ES)呈U型曲线,变化范围为0.1~4.7mm·d-1.(3)模拟水稻蒸散3a均值为892mm.在年尺度上,TR与ES各占ET的50%;但在生长季,TR是ET的主要消耗方式:在移栽分蘖期,水稻的植物蒸腾与土壤蒸发较接近,而在其它各生育期及全生育期,水稻的植物蒸腾均达土壤蒸发的2倍以上.(4)结构方程模型分析结果表明,气温是ES/ET最重要的影响因子,ES/ET随气温上升而下降(总影响系数为-0.82).气温不仅对ES/ET有显著的直接影响(直接影响系数为-0.50),还通过叶面积指数(LAI)对ES/ET产生显著的间接影响(间接影响系数为-0.32).除气温外,LAI和风速也是ES/ET的重要影响因子,ES/ET随LAI增大而下降(总影响系数为-0.39),随风速增大而增大(总影响系数为0.38).【期刊名称】《中国农业气象》【年(卷),期】2017(038)011【总页数】11页(P709-719)【关键词】结构方程模型;涡度相关;土壤蒸发;植物蒸腾【作者】王宇;周莉;贾庆宇;王磊;徐军亮【作者单位】河南科技大学林学院,洛阳 471023;中国气象科学研究院,北京100081;中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,沈阳 110016;河南科技大学林学院,洛阳471023;河南科技大学林学院,洛阳 471023【正文语种】中文蒸散(ET)是水分及能量平衡的重要组成部分,是连接生态与水文过程的重要纽带[1]。
麦类作物学报 2006,26(4):32~34Journal o f T riticeae Crops蓝标型小麦核不育、保持系的遗传改良*王鹏科1,亢福仁2,杨智全1(1.西北农林科技大学农学院,陕西杨凌712100;2.榆林学院生命科学院,陕西榆林719000)摘 要:为改善蓝标型小麦核不育、保持系的农艺性状,使其能够应用于杂种小麦生产,利用轮回选择、标记及育性分离鉴定方法对原蓝标型小麦核不育、保持系进行了遗传改良,初步转育出了新型蓝标型不育、保持系。
关键词:小麦;蓝标型核不育、保持系中图分类号:S512.1;S334.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-1389(2006)04-0032-03 Improvement of Blue Marked Male Sterile Line and Its Maintainer of WheatWANG Peng-ke1,KANG Fu-ren2,YANG Zh-i quan1(1.College of Agron om y,Nothw es t A&F U nivers ity,Yan gling,Shaan xi712100,China; 2.College of LifeS ciences,Yulin C ollege,Yulin,S haanxi719000,China)Abstract:M ale nucleus sterile is one of the impo rtant g enetic resour ces for the heter osis utilization of w heat.Although the orig inal blue m ar ked m ale sterile line and its maintainer(BMS)had resolved the pro blem of maintaining,but it show s bad agro nom ic traits.Fo r hybrid pro duction,the BM S w as im-prov ed by the means of recurrent selection,m arked and appr aisal.In this study,the new male sterile line and m aintainer w as dev elo ped fertility w ith som e features of better agr ono my character,stable fertility and no rmal gr ow th.At the same tim e,r ecur rent selection,blue marked and fertility appraisal is o ne o f the effective m eans fo r this male sterile line and its maintainer.Key words:Wheat;Blue m ar ked nucleus male sterile line;M aintainer小麦核不育是杂种优势利用的重要遗传资源。
热带作物学报2021, 42(9): 2542 2548 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops收稿日期 2021-02-23;修回日期 2021-03-20基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(No. 31770657,No. 31570544,No. 31900016)。
作者简介 陈 彬(1990—),男,博士研究生,研究方向:森林微生物资源遗传多样性。
*通信作者(Corresponding author ):梁俊峰(Liang Junfeng ),E-mail :*******************。
Russula indocatillus , a New Record Species in ChinaCHEN Bin 1, 2, SONG Jie 1, WANG Qian 1, LIANG Junfeng 1*1. Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510520, China;2. Nanjing For-estry University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210037, ChinaAbstract: Russula indocatillus was reported as new species to China. A detailed morphological description, illustrations and phylogeny are provided, and comparisons with related species are made. It is morphologically characterized by a brownish orange to yellow ochre pileus center with butter yellow to pale yellow margin, white to cream spore print, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid basidiospores with bluntly conical to subcylindrical isolated warts, always one-celled pileocystidia, and short, slender, furcated and septated terminal elements of pileipellis. The combination of detailed morphological features and phylogenetic analysis based on ITS-nrLSU-RPB2 sequences dataset indicated that the species belonged to Russula subg. Heterphyllidia sect. Ingratae . Keywords: Russulaceae; new record species; phylogeny; taxonomy DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2021.09.014印度碗状红菇——一个中国新纪录种陈 彬1,2,宋 杰1,王 倩1,梁俊峰1*1. 中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所,广东广州 510520;2. 南京林业大学,江苏南京 210037摘 要:本研究报道一个中国红菇属新记录种——印度碗状红菇(Russula indocatillus )。
第33卷 第10期西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)V o l.33N o.10 2005年10月Jour.o f No rt hw est Sci-T ech U niv.of A g ri.and F or.(N at.Sci.Ed.)Oct.2005红豆杉属植物组织与细胞培养影响因素研究进展X李 健,宋晓平,陈树林(西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,陕西杨凌712100) [摘 要] 红豆杉中的紫杉醇具有抗肿瘤活性,直接从植物中提取紫杉醇的传统生产方法,不仅产量低,而且会对红豆杉野生资源造成严重破坏,而组织与细胞培养是一种极具潜力的紫杉醇生产技术。
[关键词] 红豆杉;培养基;培养条件;外植体;诱导子;褐变现象[中图分类号] S791.490.4 [文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1671-9387(2005)10-0042-05 紫杉醇(taxo l)是20世纪70年代由Wani从短叶红豆杉(T ax us brev if olia)树皮中提取出来的具有独特抗癌作用的天然产物。
1 培养基的种类与组成成分1.1 培养基的种类 刘佳佳等[1]从红豆杉愈伤组织的诱导、继代保存、生长和紫杉醇的生产等4个不同方面对培养基进行了筛选,结果表明,在红豆杉愈伤组织的诱导方面,M S培养基优于B5,N6,SHN(Schenk&Hilde-br andt New)等培养基,以当年生嫩茎为外植体,愈伤组织诱导率可达100%;继代培养时以B5培养基为好;愈伤组织的生长以B5和SHN培养基为好;而紫杉醇的生产以M S培养基为好。
第35卷第5期2023年9月岩性油气藏LITHOLOGIC RESERVOIRSV ol.35No.5Sept.2023收稿日期:2022-06-15;修回日期:2022-09-04;网络发表日期:2023-02-16基金项目:中国科学院先导A 项目“深层油气富集规律与战略选区”(编号:XDA14010406)资助。
Email :*********************。
文章编号:1673-8926(2023)05-0108-12DOI :10.12108/yxyqc.20230511引用:齐育楷,郭景祥,罗亮,等.库车坳陷南部斜坡带隐蔽圈闭发育模式及勘探方向[J ].岩性油气藏,2023,35(5):108-119.Cite :QI Yukai ,GUO Jingxiang ,LUO Liang ,et al.Development model and exploration direction of subtle traps in the southernslope of Kuqa Depression [J ].Lithologic Reservoirs ,2023,35(5):108-119.库车坳陷南部斜坡带隐蔽圈闭发育模式及勘探方向齐育楷1,郭景祥1,罗亮2,骆福嵩3,周学文1,姚威4,张坦4,林会喜1(1.中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京100083;2.新疆大学地质与矿业工程学院,乌鲁木齐830017;3.中国石化西北油田分公司,乌鲁木齐830011;4.中国石化石油勘探开发研究院无锡石油地质研究所,江苏无锡214126)摘要:通过对库车坳陷南部斜坡带典型隐蔽油气藏的解剖,梳理了其圈闭发育的构造、沉积学条件、圈闭发育类型和模式并指出有力勘探方向。
本研究由国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973 计划 )项目 (2009CB118305)资助。
通讯作者 (Corresponding author): 夏兰琴 , E-mail: xialq@, Tel: 010-82105804
第一作者联系方式 : E-mail: suenyw@, Tel: 010-82105921 Received(收稿日期 ): 2011-05-09; Accepted(接受日期 ): 2011-06-25; Published online(网络出版日期 ): 2011-07-28. URL: /kcms/detail/11.1809.S.20110728.1000.004.html
作 物 学 报
第 37 卷
分析 Vp1 的转录本结构 , 发现每个同源基因都会产 生一套大小不同的转录本, 原因是转录后前体 mRNA 发 生 了 选 择 性 的 剪 接 , 导 致 无 法 编 码 全 长 根据 Vp1 基因 Vp1 蛋白 , 从而表现对穗发芽敏感 [4]。 序列中跨越 5 个内含子的 B3 区段设计特异性引物 , 对 2 个 CIMMYT 人工合成六倍体小麦进行 RT-PCR, 发现这 2 个合成小麦之间存在不同的剪切模式, 进一 步证明 Vp1 在转录时不同的剪切方式是导致品种间 穗发芽抗性差异的重要因素之一 [5]。然而 , Nakamura 等 [4] 研 究 了 强 休 眠 品 种 Minamino 和 非 休 眠 品 种 Tozan 成熟胚中 Vp1 基因的表达 , 发现在 Minamino 中 Vp1 的表达量大于在 Tozan 中。燕麦 Vp1 只形成 一种转录本 , 把燕麦 Vp1 cDNA 转入小麦时 , 转基 因小麦穗发芽程度明显降低 [6]。小麦的 3 个 Vp1 同 源基因中 , 位于 3B 染色体上的 Vp1B 对穗发芽抗性 起关键作用, 并且存在广泛的多态性[7-11]。Yang 等[7-8] 在小麦 3B 染色体上发现了 2 个与穗发芽抗性相关的 Vp1B 的新型等位变异 Vp1Bb 和 Vp1Bc, 由 Vp1B 编 码区第 3 内含子中反转座子的插入和转座子的缺失 引起 , 尽管存在错误剪切现象 , 但 Vp1B 各等位基 因 正 常 转 录 本 的 表 达 量 与 种 子 的 ABA 敏 感 性 和 穗发芽抗性呈正相关。对中国和欧洲小麦品种 Vp1 变异类型检测 , 共发现 5 种基因型 , 分别是 Vp1Ba、 Vp1Bb、 Vp1Bc、 Vp1Bd 和 Vp1Be[9-10]。 Utsugi 等 [11] 同样发现具有较高休眠性的品种对 ABA 敏感性要 高于非休眠性品种 , 3B 染色体上 Vp1B 表达起主导 作用 , 并与种子休眠性呈正相关 ; ABA 处理后胚中 TaVp1B mRNA 含量明显提高 , 其编码蛋白 Vp1B 可 以激活 Em 基因表达和抑制 α-淀粉酶的活性 , 从而 影响种子休眠性。但小麦 Vp1 启动子在穗发芽抗性 中的作用和其所介导的 ABA 应答机制目前尚未见 报道 。 玉米 Vp1 启动子和拟南芥的同源基因 ABI3 启动 子均为组织特异性启动子 , 主要在胚中表达。但当 受到 ABA 和干旱、高盐等逆境诱导时 , 其表达程度 均有提高 , 并在茎等组 织中表现出 不同量的表 达 , 呈现出非组织特异性特征 [12-13]。深入研究小麦 Vp1 启动子 , 对了解不同逆境条件下 Vp1 的表达调控及 其在小麦穗发芽抗性中的作用具有重要的意义 , 同 时也可为进一步利用此启动子进行抗逆基因工程操 作提供依据。本研究克隆了小麦 B 基因组 Vp1 启动 子 , 并构建了系列缺失载体。通过瞬时表达和在转 基因小麦中的稳定表达 , 明确了启动子及所含元件
Vol.34,No.3Mar.,2021第34卷第3期2021年3月环境科学研究Research of Environmental Sciences荒漠河岸多枝桂柳灌丛碳氮磷化学计量特征及其影响因素张晓龙,周继华2,来利明2,姜联合2,郑元润2”1. 山西财经大学资源环境学院,山西太原0300062. 中国科学院植物研究所,北京100093摘要:为了解群落水平下荒漠河岸多枝柽柳(Tamarw ramosissima Ledeb.)灌丛的碳氮磷化学计量特征及其影响因素,在黑河下游荒漠河岸3 800 m 范围内,沿垂直河道方向上设置9个采样点,采用相关性分析、冗余分析(RDA)和偏冗余分析(pRDA)方法,对多枝柽柳群落的碳氮磷化学计量格局及其与环境因子的关系进行研究.结果表明:黑河下游荒漠河岸多枝柽柳群落TC 、TN 、TP 含量平均值分别为380. 27,30. 42和1. 54 mg/g,C :N 、C :P 和N :P 平均值分别为12. 98,257. 09和20. 04.与全球和区域尺度物种水平研究相比,黑河下游荒漠河岸多枝柽柳灌丛群落具有较低的TC 含量、较高的TN 含量和N :P 以及相对稳定的TP 含量.多枝柽柳灌丛群落碳氮磷化学计量特征变异系数相对较小,内稳性较强,相对较高的N :P(14. 55〜27. 20)表明群落水平下多枝 柽柳灌丛更倾向于受磷元素的限制.在沿河梯度上,多枝柽柳群落TC 含量和TN 含量均随沿河距离的增加呈显著下降的变化趋 势,而C :N 随沿河距离的增加呈波动上升的变化趋势;TP 含量呈先降后升的变化趋势,而C :P 和N :P 大致呈先上升后下降的变化趋势.多枝柽柳灌丛群落的碳氮磷化学计量特征与土壤理化属性存在一定相关性,土壤含水量、土壤容重和土壤pH 是影响多 枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征变化的关键因子,三者共同解释了总变异的57. 7%,其中土壤含水量解释了总变异的32.8%.研究显示,土壤水盐与多枝柽柳灌丛的碳氮磷化学计量特征关系密切,土壤含水量在解释多枝柽柳灌丛碳氮磷化学计量特征变化方面比土壤pH 更为重要.关键词:荒漠河岸;黑河;多枝柽柳群落;碳氮磷;化学计量特征中图分类号:X171. 1文章编号:1001-6929(2021)03-0698-09文献标志码:A DOI : 10. 13198/j. issn. 1001-6929. 2020. 08. 04Carbon , Nitrogen and Phosphorus Stoichiometric Characteristics of Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. Shrubland and Their Influencing Factors in a Desert Riparian Area of ChinaZHANG Xiaolong 1,2, ZHOL Jihua 2, LAI Liming 2, JIANG Lianhe 2, ZHENG Yuanrun 2*收稿日期:2020-03-31 修订日期:2020-08-20作者简介:张晓龙( 1988-),男,山西浑源人,讲师,博士,主要从事化学计量生态和生物化学地理研究,***********************.cn .*责任作者,郑元润( 1968-),男,山西大同人,研究员,博士,博导,主要从事植被生态学研究,****************.cn基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.91425301)Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.91425301)1. School of Resources and Environment , Shanxi Lniversity of Finance and Economics , Taiyuan 030006, China2.Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, ChinaAbstract : In order to explore the community level stoichiometric characteristics of Tamarin ramosissima Ledeb. shrubland and their influencing factors in an arid desert riparian area, 9 sites were vertically sampled within 3800 m from the downstream of Heihe River. Thestoichiometric patterns of carbon , nitrogen and phosphorus in a T. ramosissi m a community and their relationship with environmental factorswere studied by correlation analysis , redundancy analysis ( RDA ) and partial redundancy analysis (pRDA). The results show the mean TC , TN and TP contents for the T. ramosissi m a community were 380. 27, 30. 42 and 1. 54 mg/g, respectively. The mean C :N, C :P and N :P ratios for the T. ramosissi m a community were 12. 98, 257. 09 and 20. 04, respectively. Compared to the results of species level at the global and regional scales , the T. ramosi s sima community was characterized by lower TC , higher TN and N :P, and relatively stable TP contents. The variation coefficients of the community level stoichiometric characteristics were much lower and their stoichiometrichomeostasis was relatively strong. The relatively high N : P levels ( 14.55-27.20) indicate that the T. ramosissi m a community might be more heavily limited by P at the community level. Along the river gradient, the TC and TN contents in the T. ramos ss ma communitydecreased significantly with distance from the river, but the C : N ratio increased and fluctuated with distance. The TP content of the community decreased and then increased, while the C : P and N : P ratios increased and then decreased with distance. The stoichiometric第3期张晓龙等:荒漠河岸多枝柽柳灌丛碳氮磷化学计量特征及其影响因素699characteristics and soil physicochemical properties were correlated,and RDA analysis demonstrates that the soil water content,soil bulk density and soil pH had significant impacts on the stoichiometric characteristics of the71.ramosissima community and jointly accounted for 57.7%of the total variation,of which soil moisture accounted for32.8%.Our observations indicate that soil water and saline-alkali properties were closely related to the stoichiometric characteristics of the71.ramosissima shrubland and that soil water content had a stronger impact on the community stoichiometry variations than soil pH.Keywords:desert riparian;Heihe River;Tamarix ramosissima community;carbon,nitrogen and phosphorus;stoichiometric characteristics生态化学计量学作为一门探索生态过程中能量和多重化学元素平衡的新兴学科,为探究植物生长和养分供应关系以及植物与环境之间化学元素的相互耦合性提供了一种综合方法[1-2].碳、氮、磷是植物生长发育和生理生态活动所需的重要元素,植物吸收氮元素、磷元素,同化碳元素,进而影响群落、生态系统的碳过程以及矿质元素的生物地球化学循环[3-4]•相比于其他元素而言,碳、氮和磷元素的耦合作用更强, C:N:P计量比不仅能够反映植物的养分限制状况和适应策略,同时能反映出植物吸收氮和磷过程中的光合固碳能力[5-6].有研究表明,低C:N和C:P的植物倾向于采取高光合速率的竞争策略,而高C:N和C:P的植物更倾向于采用低光合速率的强大防御生态策略[7-8].因此,基于生态化学计量特征的植物-环境关系研究,能更好地揭示不同环境植物群落养分获取及其对环境的适应机制[9].值得提出的是,尽管目前对森林、草原、荒漠和水生生态系统的植物化学计量特征进行了一些有意义的探讨[3,10-11],但对灌丛群落化学计量特征及其对环境梯度变化响应规律的研究仍较少,尤其缺乏对干旱区固沙灌丛的生态化学计量研究[12-13].多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.)具有很强的耐旱性和适应能力,在长期的植被-环境相互作用下发展成不同的群落类型,在维持当地生态系统稳定和提供关键生态系统服务方面发挥着独特的作用[14].有研究表明,在相对潮湿的河岸地带,多枝柽柳具有强烈的水分竞争和向土壤中分泌盐的能力,尤其会限制草本植物的生长,形成单优势种植物群落,从而降低当地生物多样性[15].然而,在相对干旱的荒漠地区,多枝柽柳通过根系的“提水作用”将水分从深层土壤和地下水输送到浅层土壤,水分和养分富集形成“沃岛效应”,通过“沃岛效应”为干旱荒漠地区动植物提供良好的栖息地,从而提高生物多样性[16].以往关于柽柳的研究多集中于植物群落生态学特性及其与环境因子关系方面,例如,地下水变化对柽柳群落多样性的影响[",17]、土壤水分变化对柽柳群落特征的影响[18-19],人工生态输水工程对荒漠河岸柽柳植被恢复的影响[20-21]以及柽柳沙包与环境因子之间的关系[22]等,而对柽柳群落的生态化学计量学研究比较缺乏[8,23].在当前环境条件下,尤其是在极端干旱的荒漠河岸地区,群落水平上柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量及其相互作用有哪些特点土壤水盐和养分等环境因子如何对柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征产生影响定量地揭示它们之间的相互作用关系将有助于深入认识荒漠河岸地区柽柳群落的养分限制状况和适应策略.鉴于此,该文通过对黑河下游荒漠河岸地带多枝柽柳群落进行调查,分析群落水平下碳氮磷化学计量特征,探讨多枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量格局与环境因子的关系,从而阐明多枝柽柳群落对极端干旱环境的适应性,以期为荒漠河岸柽柳植被恢复和柽柳群落多样性保护提供参考.1材料与方法1.1研究区概况研究区域位于黑河下游荒漠河岸地带(42°06'N〜42°07'N、101°00'E~101°03'E),地处中纬度温带大陆性干旱气候区,气候极端干旱[8].年均温8弋左右,多年平均降水量低于40mm,75%以上的年降水量集中在7—8月,年蒸发量为2300~3700mm[14].下游荒漠河岸地带性土壤为灰棕漠土,两岸发育有林灌草甸土,由于成土过程受地下水影响较大,呈现一定的盐碱化[24].受河流补给地下水的影响,荒漠河岸林主要分布在河岸两边,以胡杨(PopuZus eupAratica)和柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima以旱生和沙生类型的灌木为主,代表性植物有泡泡刺(Nitraria spAaerocarpa)、琵琶柴(Keaumuria soongarica)、细枝盐爪爪(KaZidium graci'Ze)、膜果麻黄(£pAedra przewaZsiii)等[25]•1.2采样点设置与取样2019年8月9—18日植物生长旺季,多枝柽柳处于夏花期(6—9月),在黑河下游乌兰图格沿河监测断面,沿垂直于河岸大致以500m为间隔设置调查样地,共布设群落调查样地9个(见图1).每个样地随机设置3个10mX10m的灌木样方,调查样方内700环境科学研究第34卷所有物种,在灌木、草本层主要记录种类名称、株(丛)数、高度、冠幅、基径和盖度等群落特征;同时记录样地基本状况,包括样地经纬度、坡度、生境、地貌和土地利用等属性.对于每个样方,每个物种地上生物量的测定采用样株收获法,每个物种取2~3株具有代表性的植株带回实验室,用毛刷刷净植株表面的尘土等杂质,于80t恒温烘干至恒质量并称量,进而估算调查样方地上生物量.获取生物量后,将植株粉碎后过0.149mm筛,用于化学性质分析,植物化学性质采用质量百分比表示,植物TC、TN、TP含量测定参照ZHANG等[8]所述方法测定.在与植物群落相对应的样地内,对其土壤理化性质(土壤含水量、容重、TC含量、TN含量、C:N、速效磷含量、pH和电导率)进行测定,取样深度为50cm,每个样地设3个重复,土壤理化属性测定参照ZHANG等[8]所述方法测定.图1研究区样地位置示意Fig.1Locations of the sample plots1.3数据统计分析植物群落TC、TN和TP含量是群落内物种TC、TN和TP含量的加权平均值[11-12].群落TC含量(T c):sT c二工(5G)(1)/二1群落TN含量(T n):sT N二工(5M)(2)/二1群落TP含量(T p):ST p二工(B i P i)(3)/二1式中:S为物种数;B i为物种i的相对地上生物量;C i 为物种i的TC含量,mg/g;N,为种物i的TN含量,mg/g;P i为物种i的TP含量,mg/g.采用SPSS18.0软件进行数据统计分析,用单因素分析和LSD检验法对沿河不同样地多枝柽柳群落的盖度、生物量、TC、TN、TP含量及C:N:P计量比进行差异显著性检验(P<0.05),通过Pearson相关系数分析多枝柽柳群落TC、TN、TP含量及C:N:P计量比与土壤理化属性的关系(P<0.05).为定量分析土壤因子对多枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征的影响,采用排序法确定主要影响因子,DCA结果显示,所有排序轴梯度长度均小于3,因此采用冗余分析法(RDA)确定主要影响因子.为避免冗余变量的影响,采用Monte Carlo检验(9999次置换)检测多枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征和土壤因子是否存在显著相关关系,排除影响不显著的变量(P>0.05).采用偏冗余分析(“RDA)用于揭示土壤因子对多枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征的单独影响与交互作用.上述统计分析在CANOCO5.0软件中完成[26].2结果与分析2.1荒漠河岸多枝柽柳群落基本特征在沿河梯度上,多枝柽柳群落盖度(F=83.18, P<0.001)、地上生物量(F=63.52,P<0.001)在不同样地间均具有显著差异,群落盖度为16.19%~ 85.33%,地上生物量为161.49-2812.81g/m2(见表1).群落盖度和地上生物量随沿河距离的增加呈下降的变化趋势,地上生物量最大值出现在距河100m 处,而群落盖度最大值出现距河1300m处(见表1).2.2荒漠河岸多枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征在沿河梯度上,多枝柽柳群落TC含量(F= 10.05,P<0.001)、TN含量(F=12.24,P<0.001)、TP 含量(F=44.73,P<0.001),C:N(F=12.90,P< 0.001)、C:P(F=9.65,P<0.001)和N:P(F=5.11, P=0.002)在不同样地间均具有显著差异(见表2).多枝柽柳群落TC含量为317.39〜439.73mg/g,TN 含量为21.27-43.61mg/g,TP含量为0.97〜2.15 mg/g,C:N、C:P和N:P分别为9.08〜16.52,182.07~ 410.06和14.55〜27.20(见表2).在沿河梯度上,多枝柽柳群落TC和TN含量均随沿河距离的增加呈显著下降的变化趋势,最大值出现在距河100m处,分别为423.67和40.89mg/g;群落TP含量呈先下降后上升的变化趋势(见图2),最大值出现在距河300m处,为2.09mg/g.C:N随沿河距离的增加呈波动上升的变化趋势,最大值出现在距河3800m处,为16.18;而C:P和N:P均大致呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,分别出现在距河1800和2300m处,分别为336.36和24.10(见图2).2.3多枝柽柳群落计量学特征与土壤因子的关系在沿河梯度上,多枝柽柳群落TC含量、TN含量与土壤含水量、土壤TC含量、土壤TN含量和土壤速效磷含量均呈显著正相关,群落TP含量与土壤含水量、土壤TC含量、土壤TN含量和土壤pH均呈显著第3期张晓龙等:荒漠河岸多枝柽柳灌丛碳氮磷化学计量特征及其影响因素701表1黑河下游沿河多枝桂柳样地基本情况注:不同字母表示差异显著(P <0. 05).下同.Table 1 Characteristics of T. ramosissima sites along the downstream of the Heihe River样地编号沿河距离/m海拔/m群落结构盖度地上生物量/( g/m 2 )T1100926灌木-草本结构56. 73%±5. 66%b 2 812. 81±199. 00a T2300926灌木-草本结构67. 57%±3. 38%b2 627. 35±185. 88aT3800925灌木-草本结构75. 04%±1.99%ab 1 969. 46±189. 93b T41 300924灌木-草本结构85. 33%±1.92%a745. 60±39. 06cT51 800924灌木-草本结构45. 14%±2. 80%c 277. 84±8. 39dT62 300923灌木-草本结构32. 59%±4. 79%d389. 63±96. 17d T72 800925单-灌木结构20. 78%±1.05%de 454. 36±38. 92cdT83 300923单-灌木结构21. 65%±3. 15%de316. 15±44. 23d T93 800923灌木-草本结构16. 19%±0. 49%e161.49±20. 28d表2荒漠河岸多枝桂柳样地间群落化学计量特征的方差分析Table 2 The variance analysis community stoichiometric traits at different T. ramosissima sites参数平均值标准差变异系数最小值最大值自由度F P 群落TC 含量/(mg/g)380. 2731.170. 08317. 39439. 73810. 050. 001群落TN 含量/(mg/g)30. 427. 210. 2421.2743. 61812. 240. 001群落 TP 含量/( mg/g)1.540. 360. 230. 97 2. 15844. 730. 001群落C :N 12. 98 2. 290. 189. 0816. 52812. 900. 001群落C :P 257. 0954. 610. 21182. 07410. 0689. 650. 001群落N :P20. 043. 780. 1914. 5527. 2085. 110. 002沿河距离/m 沿河距离/m 沿河距离/m图2多枝桂柳群落全碳、全氮、全磷及碳氮磷计量比随沿河梯度的变化Fig.2 Changes in the T. ramosissima community TC , TN , TP and C :N :P stoichiometricratios along the rivergradient702环 境 科 学 研 究第 34 卷正相关,而群落TP 含量与土壤电导率呈显著负相关(见表3).群落C :N 与土壤容重、土壤C :N 均呈显著正相关,而与土壤含水量、土壤TC 含量、土壤TN 含量和土壤速效磷含量均呈显著负相关;群落C :P 与 土壤电导率呈显著正相关,而与土壤含水量、土壤TC含量、土壤TN 含量和土壤pH 均呈显著负相关;群落N :P 与土壤容重、土壤C :N 均呈显著负相关(见表3).2.4 土壤因子对多枝柽柳群落计量学特征的影响表3多枝桂柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征与土壤因子之间的相关关系Table 3 Pearson correlation between the T. ramos i ssi m a community stoichiometric traits and soil properties注:* 表示 P <0. 05 ; ** 表示 P <0. 01.项目土壤含水量土壤容重土壤 TC 含量土壤 TN 含量土壤 C :N土壤速效磷含量土壤 pH土壤电导率群落 TC 含量0. 738 **-0. 3540. 813**0. 543 **-0. 0200. 623 **0. 275-0. 262群落 TN 含量0. 828 **-0. 3700. 838 **0. 757 **-0. 3800. 541 **0. 291-0. 287群落 TP 含量0.814**0. 0530. 699 **0. 621 **-0. 0610. 3530. 540 **-0. 550**群落 C :N—0.699 **0. 289 *-0. 681 **-0. 726 **0. 542 **-0. 440 **-0. 1890. 185群落C :P -0.582**-0. 246-0. 382*-0.416*0. 016-0. 134-0.514**0. 523 **群落N :P -0.018-0. 555 *0. 1670. 170-0. 422*0. 239-0. 3420. 342从RDA 排序结果来看,前2个排序轴分别解释 了多枝柽柳群落计量学特征变化的50. 83%和 26. 00%(见图3).排序轴1主要解释了土壤含水量 (F 二20. 3,P <0. 001)和土壤 pH (F 二3. 7,P <0. 05)对柽柳群落计量学特征变化的影响,排序轴2主要解释了土壤容重(F 二9. 0,P <0. 001)对多枝柽柳群落计量学特征变化的影响(见图3).该结果表明,对多枝柽 柳群落计量学特征变化具有显著影响的土壤因子为SBD1.0N :P-l.ol --------------------------------------------------------------------------1.0-0.50.5 1.0轴 1(50.83%)注:TC —群落TC 含量;TN —群落TN 含量;TP —群落TP 含量;C :N —群落 C :N ;C :P —群落 C :P ;N :P —群落 N :P ;SCN —土壤 C :N ; SBD —土壤容重;pH —土壤 pH ; SM —土壤含水量;STN —土壤TN 含量;STC —土壤TC 含量;SAP —土壤速效磷含量;SEC —土壤电导率.图3多枝桂柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征与土壤因子RDA 排序结果Fig.3 RDA ordination plot of the T. ramos ss macommunity stoichiometric traits and soil properties土壤含水量、土壤容重和土壤pH.偏冗余分析表明, 土壤含水量、土壤容重和土壤pH 共同解释了多枝柽柳群落计量学特征变化的57. 7%, 土壤含水量的单 独解释率在总解释率中的占比(32. 8%)最大,其次是土壤含水量和土壤pH 的交互作用(12. 1%)以及土壤容重的单独解释率(10. 5%),而土壤pH 的单独解 释率相对较低( 见图 4) .特征与土壤因子偏冗余分析结果Fig.4 Partial redundancy analysis of the T. ramos ss ma community stoichiometrictraits and soil properties3讨论3.1群落水平上荒漠河岸多枝柽柳灌丛TC 、TN 、TP含量及其计量比该研究聚焦于黑河下游极端干旱荒漠河岸地带(年降水量30〜40 mm )沿河梯度上多枝柽柳群落的碳 氮磷化学计量特征及其影响因素.在群落水平上,该研究中多枝柽柳群落TC 含量平均值为380. 27 mg/g,第3期张晓龙等:荒漠河岸多枝柽柳灌丛碳氮磷化学计量特征及其影响因素703略高于黑河下游荒漠河岸地带和中下游戈壁荒漠地区物种水平的TC含量平均值(见表4),而多枝柽柳群落TC含量平均值显著低于黄土高原地区、全球尺度下物种水平的TC含量平均值[27-29].多枝柽柳群落TN含量平均值为30.42mg/g,高于黑河下游荒漠河岸地带和中下游戈壁荒漠地区物种水平的TN含量平均值(见表4),同时也高于黄土高原地区、全球尺度下物种水平的TN含量平均值[27-29].多枝柽柳群落TP含量平均值为1.54mg/g,高于黑河下游荒漠河岸地带物种水平的TP含量平均值(见表4),而略低于中下游戈壁荒漠地区、黄土高原地区、全球尺度下物种水平的TP含量平均值[27-29],这可能是导致该研究中N:P较高的原因.与全球尺度、区域尺度相比较,该研究中多枝柽柳群落具有TC含量低、TN含量高、N:P高、TP含量相对稳定的特点.此外,与黑河下游荒漠河岸地带和黑河中下游荒漠地区物种水平下的研究结果相比,黑河下游荒漠河岸地带群落水平碳氮磷化学计量参数变异系数相对较小(见表4),反映出 多枝柽柳群落水平碳氮磷化学计量特征相对较高的内稳性.表4黑河中下游荒漠地区植物在物种和群落水平下碳氮磷化学计量特征Table4Stoichiometric traits of desert plants in the middle and lower reaches of Heihe at species and community levels,respectively项目黑河下游荒漠河岸地带(群落水平)黑河下游荒漠河岸地带(物种水平)[8]黑河中下游戈壁荒漠地区(物种水平)〔何数值变异系数数值变异系数数值变异系数TC含量/(mg/g)380.27±31.170.08327.29±75.580.23301.22±99.050.33 TN含量/(mg/g)30.42±7.210.2413.88±2.720.2018.81±4.860.26 TP含量/(mg/g) 1.54±0.360.230.58±0.200.34 1.74±0.700.40 C:N12.98±2.290.1824.41±6.820.2815.88±2.680.14 C:P257.09±54.610.21614.94±214.480.35199.68±108.610.54 N:P20.04±3.780.1926.12±6.850.2612.27±5.340.433.2荒漠河岸沿河多枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量变化特征在沿河梯度上,多枝柽柳群落TC含量平均值相对较低,主要与该区域极端干旱和盐碱的环境有关,植物为应对干旱和盐碱胁迫,其自身代谢成本增加,光合速率受到抑制,从而使得多枝柽柳群落的固碳能力降低[31-32],这也可能是多枝柽柳群落TC含量随沿河距离的增加呈显著下降变化趋势的主要原因.由于该地区河流水补给的地下水是植物和土壤的主要水分来源[24],随着沿河距离的增加,地下水埋深逐渐增加,土壤含水量逐渐降低,水分条件变差使得植物生产力下降,多枝柽柳群落TC含量降低[8,17].这和多枝柽柳群落TC含量与土壤含水量呈显著正相关的分析结果相符合,尤其是在土壤水分条件最好的样地T1,群落TC含量平均值为423.67mg/g,而在土壤水分条件最差的样地T9,群落TC含量平均值仅为348.96mg/g,这在一定程度上说明水分条件变化影响着荒漠植物群落碳含量的变化,较低的碳含量可能与极端干旱的环境有关[32].有研究表明,在自然条件下,植物叶片氮含量与土壤氮含量呈线性正相关[33],即使在半干旱-干旱地区的氮添加控制试验中,土壤无机氮含量的增加也会导致植物叶片氮含量的显著增加[34],这与该研究中多枝柽柳群落TN含量与土壤TN含量呈显著正相关的分析结果相符合.该研究中群落相对较高的氮含量主要与优势种多枝柽柳和干旱盐碱生境相关.在沿河梯度上,多枝柽柳是一种典型的内生固氮菌属灌木[35],此外,在盐碱环境下,荒漠植物可积累大量含氮物质,导致多枝柽柳群落具有相对较高的氮含量,相对较高的氮含量可能是荒漠植物对极端干旱和盐碱环境的适应结果[32,36].磷元素被认为是中国陆地植物生长的主要限制性养分,植物磷含量低主要是由土壤磷含量较低引起的[37].该研究中多枝柽柳群落TP含量平均值(1.54 mg/g)略高于全国陆地植物物种平均水平(1.46 mg/g),且与植物吸收关系密切的土壤速效磷含量(4.48mg/kg)也高于全国平均水平(3.83mg/kg)[38],该研究中黑河下游荒漠河岸地带多枝柽柳群落TP 含量可能是由于相对较高的土壤磷含量所致.然而,该研究中多枝柽柳群落TP含量与土壤速效磷含量呈正相关(R=0.353),但不显著,这与该区域盐分胁迫有关.有研究表明,在受盐胁迫土壤中,存在大量的Cl-,SO42-等阴离子,它们会与磷元素产生竞争效应,抑制植物对磷元素的吸收[39],这与该研究中多枝柽柳群落TP含量与土壤电导率呈显著负相关的分析结果相符合.在沿河梯度上,在距河1800~2800m之间,土壤电导率为13.32-15.05mS/cm,极端盐胁迫704环境科学研究第34卷可能抑制植物对磷元素的吸收,这也可能是多枝柽柳群落TP含量呈先下降后上升的变化趋势的主要原因.有研究表明,磷元素主要来源于土壤母质,干旱区降水过程对土壤的淋溶程度较低,相对于氮元素,土壤母质中磷含量相对丰富,使得氮元素更易成为限制性元素[40-41].Gusewell等认为,在群落水平上N:P 更能准确判断植物生长的养分限制[42],而笔者得到的柽柳群落N:P平均值为20.04,相对较高的N:P可能意味着该区域多枝柽柳群落在生长旺季氮过量而磷含量相对不足.3.3荒漠河岸沿河多枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量格局形成的影响因素分析在干旱区,尤其是极端干旱地区,水分条件是影响植物生长和分布的主要影响因子[17].该研究中多枝柽柳群落TC、TN、TP含量均与土壤含水量呈显著正相关,在黑河下游荒漠河岸地带,水分条件较好的近河地带,土壤水分和土壤养分含量相对较高,植物群落生长条件较好,植物群落通过水分-养分的耦合效应获取更多的养分[8,43];随着沿河垂直距离的增加,养分和水分条件变差,导致植物能获取的养分减少,使得植物TC、TN、TP含量显著降低[8].偏冗余分析结果表明,土壤含水量、土壤容重和土壤pH会对多枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征产生显著影响,进一步说明多枝柽柳群落TC、TN、TP含量与水分条件有关.水分条件较土壤pH的影响作用更为明显,可能是因为黑河下游极端干旱的环境导致水分条件更易成为荒漠植物生长的限制因素.此外,土壤含水量和土壤pH的交互作用解释了多枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征变化的12.1%,表明该区域土壤盐碱共同影响着多枝柽柳群落的生长.考虑到植被与环境之间的复杂关系,在黑河下游荒漠河岸地带进行长期多尺度野外调查,或者控制试验可能更有利于进一步阐明多枝柽柳群落对土壤水盐和养分的响应.4结论a)黑河下游荒漠河岸地带多枝柽柳群落具有TC含量低、TN含量高、N:P高、TP含量相对稳定的特点.与黑河中下游地区荒漠植物物种水平相比,在群落水平上,荒漠河岸多枝柽柳灌丛碳氮磷化学计量特征的变异系数相对较小,内稳性较强.群落水平N:P的分析表明,黑河下游荒漠河岸多枝柽柳群落在生长旺季受磷元素的限制程度较大.b)在沿河梯度上,多枝柽柳群落TC、TN、TP的含量以及C:N、C:P和N:P在不同沿河距离样地内均具有显著差异(P<0.05).随着沿河距离的增加,多枝柽柳群落TC、TN、TP含量和C:N:P均呈现出显著的变化趋势.土壤含水量、土壤容重和土壤pH较好地解释了多枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征的变化,共同解释了总变异的57.7%.c)在解释多枝柽柳群落碳氮磷化学计量特征的变化方面,土壤含水量以及土壤含水量和土壤pH交互作用的贡献率大于土壤pH,表明水分是该区域植物生长的主要限制因子,植物可能通过调节自身营养元素的比例来适应极端干旱盐碱的环境.参考文献(References):[1]ELSER 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西澳菲斯特农场赤桉蜂蜜对大肠埃希菌腹泻小鼠模型的影响张雷雷1,林韦康2(1.王叔和(郑州)生物制药工程有限公司,河南郑州 450000;2.王叔和生物医药(武汉)有限公司,湖北武汉 430040)摘 要:目的:为了探讨西澳菲斯特农场赤桉蜂蜜(Fewster’s Farm Jarrah Honey,FFJH)改善大肠埃希菌腹泻小鼠肠道的作用效果。
关键词:西澳菲斯特农场赤桉蜂蜜;大肠埃希菌;小鼠腹泻模型Effect of Fewster’s Farm Jarrah Honey on HydropiperisHerba Diarrhea Mouse ModelZHANG Leilei1, LIN Weikang2(1.Wang Shuhe (Zhengzhou) Biopharmaceutical Engineering Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450000, China; 2.Wang ShuheBiomedical (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430040, China)Abstract: Objective: In order to explore the effect of Fewster’s Farm jarrah honey on improving the intestinal tract of mouse with Escherichia coli diarrhea. Method: The model of diarrhea related mouse was established by injection of Escherichia coli, which was divided into normal group, model group, norfloxacin capsule group, commercially available honey group, and FFJH group. After successful modeling, the diarrhea mouse, diarrhea index, body mass, small intestine propulsion mouse and serum gastrointestinal hormone content of mouse in each group were determined. Result: Compared with the normal group, the diarrhea index of the model group was significantly increased (P < 0.01) , while compared with the model group, the diarrhea index of the Norfloxacin group, the high dose honey group and the low, middle and high dose FFJH group were decreased, compared with the model group, the body weight of FFJH low, middle and high dose group had significant difference (P < 0.01) . The content of MTL in high dose FFJH group was significantly increased (P < 0.01) , and the content of VIP in serum was significantly decreased in high dose FFJH group (P < 0.01) . Conclusion: FFJH has significant effect on diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli. It may improve the clinical symptoms of diarrhea in mouse by regulating the intestinal environment and repairing intestinal microecology.Keywords: Fewster’s Farm jarrah honey; Escherichia coli; mouse diarrhea model腹泻是全球范围内的公共卫生问题,人群患病范围广,发病率较高,同时在我国卫生疾控方面被列为重点防治的疾病之一[1]。
山东农业大学学报(自然科学版),2023,54(4):544-552VOL.54NO.42023 Journal of Shandong Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-2324.2023.04.010白榆接种外生菌根真菌生长响应的初步研究韩凤旗,闫伟*内蒙古农业大学林学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010018摘要:为探索白榆(Ulmus pumila)对外生菌根真菌的侵染响应,本文以白榆为宿主树种,选取3种外生菌根真菌褐环乳牛肝菌(Suillus luteus)、点柄乳牛肝菌(S.granulatus)与粘盖乳牛肝菌(S.bovinus)进行了人工菌根合成、光合及生长效应等内容的初步研究,试验用幼苗由种子萌发,分别采用固体和液体二种菌剂进行接种处理,接种后在高智能光照室持续培育90d。
关键词:白榆;共生菌;侵染响应中图法分类号:S714文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-2324(2023)04-0544-09 Preliminary Study on the Growth Response of Ulmus pumilaInoculated with Ectotrophic Mycorrhizal FungiHAN Feng-qi,YAN Wei*Forestry College of Innet Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot010018,ChinaAbstract:To explore the response of Ulmus pumila to exogenous mycorrhizal fungi,taking U.pumila as host species,three ectomycorrhizal fungi,Suillus luteus,S.granulatus and S.bovinus,were selected for a preliminary study of artificial mycorrhizal synthesis,photosynthesis and growth effects.The experimental seedlings were germinated from seeds and inoculated with solid and liquid inoculants respectively.After inoculation,the seedlings were incubated in a high-intelligent light room for90days.Results showed that high growth,total chlorophyll content and high growth effect of inoculated seedlings under drought stress were significantly different from those of uninoculated seedlings(P<0.05).Net photosynthetic rate(Pn),photochemical quenching coefficient(qP)and maximum photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm)of inoculated white ulmus were significantly lower than those of inoculated control CK.The non-photochemical quenching coefficient(NPQ)of CK was always significantly higher than that of the three inoculated treatments.It was proved that inoculation could improve the adaptability and stress resistance of seedlings on the basis of photosynthesis.Keywords:Ulmus pumila;symbiotic bacteria;infection response白榆(Ulmus pumila)是榆科(Ulmaceae)榆属(Ulmus)乔木树种,喜光,耐旱,耐寒,耐瘠薄,抗逆性、适应性超强。
接收日期:2023-12-14 接受日期:2024-01-08基金项目:海南省自然科学基金项目(322MS019) *通信作者。
E-mail:*****************.cn血叶兰幼苗对干旱胁迫的生理响应及其抗旱性指标筛选许丽丽,孟新亚,尤燕平,宋希强,陈耀丽,钟云芳*(海南大学热带农林学院,海南 海口 57022)摘 要:为探究血叶兰Ludisia discolor 对干旱胁迫的耐受性,以炼苗后自然生长约6个月龄的血叶兰组培苗为试材,盆栽控水模拟干旱条件下,分析幼苗生长、生理生化指标及生物活性成分的变化,并通过相关性及主成分分析评价其抗旱性主要响应因子,为血叶兰保育栽培的水分管理提供参考。
相关性分析和主成分分析表明,MDA 、可溶性糖、多糖和相对含水量可作为血叶兰耐旱性的首先评价指标,茎粗、SOD 活性可为辅助指标。
综上,适度干旱胁迫(土壤含水量50%~55%) 可促进血叶兰渗透调节物质、生物活性成分的合成积累,若基于提升血叶兰品质,建议在采收前进行短期的重度干旱(土壤含水量15%~20%)以提升植株生物活性含量,该研究结果对血叶兰栽培管理具有指导意义。
关键词:血叶兰;干旱胁迫;生理特性;生物活性成分Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-7791.2024.01.002中图分类号:Q945.78 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-7791(2024)01-0012-10Physiological Response of Ludisia discolor Seedlings to Drought Stress andScreening of Drought Resistance IndicatorsXU Li-li, MENG Xin-ya, YOU Yan-ping, SONG Xi-qiang, CHEN Yao-li, ZHONG Yun-fang *(College of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, Hainan China)Abstract: In order to investigate the tolerance of Ludisia discolor to drought stress, the experiments potted water control to simulate drought were used to study the changes of growth, physiological and biochemical indicators, and bioactive components in L. discolor seedlings with around 6 months of age under different water treatments. The main response factors to drought resistance were evaluated through correlation analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PA), which would provide some references for the water management under conservation and cultivation of L. discolor . The results showed that with the increase of drought severity, the height of L. discolor seedlings showed a downward trend compared to the control group, but there was no significant effect on stem thickness. The relative water content of leaves decreased, and the content of chloroplast pigment (Chl) first increased and then decreased, while the content of anthocyanin (ACN) showed an upward trend. Under drought stress, the activities of peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. The contents of malondialdehyde (MDA), soluble sugar (SS), and the bioactive substances such as2024, 53(1): 12~21.Subtropical Plant Science第1期许丽丽等:血叶兰幼苗对干旱胁迫的生理响应及其抗旱性指标筛选﹒13﹒total flavonoids (TF), total phenols (TP), and polysaccharides (PS) all increased. Through correlation analysis and principal component analysis, it was found that MDA, SS, PS, and relative water content could be used as the preferred evaluation indicators, and in addition, stem thickness and SOD activity could be used as auxiliary indicators for drought resistance evaluation in L. discolor. In summary, the results indicated that moderate drought stress (soil moisture content 50%–55%) could promote the synthesis and accumulation of osmotic regulating substances and bioactive components of L. discolor, At the same time, to improve the quality of L. discolor, it was recommended to carry out short-term severe drought (soil moisture content 15%–20%) before harvest so that the biological activities of L. discolor could be enhanced. These findings had practical guiding significance for cultivation management.Key words: Ludisia discolor; drought stress; physiological characteristics; biologically active ingredients干旱胁迫是影响植物生长发育和生理生化进程的关键性环境因素。
编辑 齐俊贤1 范围本标准规定了滨海盐碱地芦笋栽培的盐碱地改良、育苗、定植、田间管理及病虫害防治等主要栽培技术规范。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。
滨海盐碱地芦笋栽培技术规程代 鹏1,张雪松2,戴素英1,曹岩坡1*(1.河北省农林科学院经济作物研究所,河北 石家庄 050051;2.沧州职业技术学院,河北 沧州 061001)摘要:为规范河北省滨海盐碱地区芦笋栽培生产,依据国家和行业标准,结合生产实际情况,对盐碱地改良以及芦笋的育苗、定植、田间管理和主要栽培技术等进行了规范。
关键词:河北省;芦笋;盐碱地;栽培技术规程中图分类号:S644 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1008-1631(2015)04-0025-04Cultivation Technique Regulations of Asparagus on Coastal Saline -alkali SoilDAI Peng 1,ZHANG Xue -song 2,DAI Su -ying 1,CAO Yan -po 1*(1.Institute of Cash Crops,Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050051,China;2.Cangzhou Technical College,Cangzhou 061001,China)Abstract:To standardize asparagus seedling production on coastal saline -alkali soil,the cultivation technique regulations were put forward according to the national and industry standards and combining with the production current situation,including saline land improvement,seedling -raising technique,field management and pest control,which had great practical guiding significances for the production of asparagus on coastal saline -alkali soil in Hebei Province .Key words:Hebei Province;Asparagus;Saline -alkali soil;Cultivation technique regulations收稿日期:2014-12-09基金项目:公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201003074);河北省科 技支撑计划项目(13226904D);河北省地方标准制修订 项目计划项 目(NY201435)作者简介:代 鹏(1987-),男,河北石家庄人,实习研究员,主通讯作者:曹岩坡(1981-),男,河北石家庄人,助理研究员,硕 E -mail:****************。
第 33 卷第 5 期Vol.33,No.5143-1542024 年 5 月草业学报ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA孔海明,宋家兴,杨静,等. 紫花苜蓿CAMTA基因家族鉴定及其在非生物胁迫下的表达模式分析. 草业学报, 2024, 33(5): 143−154.KONG Hai-ming, SONG Jia-xing, YANG Jing,et al. Identification and transcript profiling of the CAMTA gene family under abiotic stress in alfalfa. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2024, 33(5): 143−154.紫花苜蓿CAMTA基因家族鉴定及其在非生物胁迫下的表达模式分析孔海明1,宋家兴1,杨静1,李倩2,杨培志1,曹玉曼1*(1.西北农林科技大学草业与草原学院,陕西杨凌 712100;2.新疆农业大学草业学院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830052)摘要:钙调蛋白结合转录激活因子(CAMTA)是一类重要的钙调素结合蛋白,在激素信号转导、发育调控和环境胁迫耐受中发挥着重要作用。
此外,采用RT-qPCR对盐(300 mmol·L-1 NaCl)、模拟干旱(400 mmol·L-1甘露醇)、低温(10 ℃)和脱落酸(100 μmol·L-1)处理下紫花苜蓿叶片中MsCAMTA1、MsCAMTA3、MsCAMTA11和MsCAMTA12的表达模式进行了初步研究。
Vol.39 No.1Jan. 2021第 39 卷第 1 期2021 年 01 月干旱地区农业研究Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas 文章编号:1000-7601(2021)01-0148-10 doi :10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2021.01.20基于核熵成分分析的综合干旱指数的构建与应用—以黑河流域中上游为例郭盛明S 粟晓玲1,2,吴海江打姜田亮打梁筝',冯凯1(1.西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院,陕西杨凌712100;2.西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室,陕西杨凌712100)摘要:针对传统单变量干旱指数难以全面表征干旱及部分综合干旱指数难以反映多变量之间的非线性关系等问题,采用标准化降水蒸散发指数(SPE7)、标准化径流指数(SR/)及标准化土壤湿度指数(SSM7) 3个单变量指数分别表征气象干旱、水文干旱和农业干旱,利用核熵成分分析法(KECA )构造综合干旱指数(SMQ/),采用M-K 趋势 检验、小波分析及典型历史旱情验证等方法分析干旱的时空变化特征以及干旱指数的适用性。
以黑河流域中上游 为例,结果表明:研究区全年77.6%的区域表现为干旱不显著加重的趋势;在流域尺度上,干旱存在43 a 的长周期,15~23 a 的中周期,3~8 a 的短周期;20世纪90年代夏、秋两季及21世纪以来春、冬两季干旱发生频率较高,且整体 夏旱发生频率最高;1969年春、1997年秋和2009年冬的典型历史旱情验证表明SMD/优于其他3种单变量干旱指数。
说明基于KECA 构建的SMQ/是一种有效的干旱监测指数,在黑河流域中上游干旱监测中有好的适用性。
关键词:核熵成分分析(KECA );综合干旱指数;干旱指数构建;应用;黑河流域中图分类号:S161.3文献标志码:AConstruction and application of comprehensive drought index based on kernel entropy component analysis—A case study of the upper and middle Heihe River BasinGUO Shengming 1 , SU Xiaoling 1,2, WU Haijiang 1 , JIANG Tianliang 1 , LIANG Zheng 1 , FENG Kai 1(1. College of IFater Resources and Architecture Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Wangling, Shaanxi 712100, China ;2. Aey Laboratory of Arid Area Agricultural 即ater and Soil Engineering , Ministry of Education ,Northwest A&F University, Wangling, Shaanxi 712100)Abstract : In view of the cavity that the traditional single variable drought indices are difficult to characterize the comprehensive drought situation , and some existed composite drought indices reflect poorly on the nonlinear re lationship among multiple variables. We adopted kernel entropy component analysis ( KECA ) to construct a com prehensive drought index ( SMD/) by considering three various single drought indices : the standardizedprecipitation evaporation index ( SPE/) to represent meteorological drought , standardized runoff index ( SR/) to characterize hydrological drought , and standardized soil moisture index ( SSM/) to show agricultural drought.Taking the upper and middle reaches of Heihe River Basin as an example to analyze the drought spatiotemporal var iation and the applicability of SMD/, the M-K trend test , wavelet analysis and typical historical drought events val idation were utilized. The results showed that 77.6% of the grids of the study area presented an insignificant worse ning trend of drought in the whole year. Drought had a long period of 43 a, a medium period of 15 〜 23 a and ashort period of 3 〜 8 a on the watershed scale. In the season of summer and autumn of 1990s as well as in spring and winter since the 21st century, the drought frequency was higher. Moreover, the overall frequency of summer drought收稿日期:2020-08-14修回日期:2020-09-15基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51879222)作者简介:郭盛明(1996-),男,河南驻马店人,硕士研究生,研究方向为水文干旱分析。
69--植物保护•园艺园林 DOI:10.16498/ki.hnnykx.2017.005.019水稻生产过程中,二化螟Chilo suppressalis (Walker )、稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée )及稻飞虱[褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens (Stål )、白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera (Horváth )、灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus(Fallén )]等虫害经常混合发生,难以进行有效的化学防控。
笔者前期研究发现,40%氯虫·噻虫嗪(chlorantraniliprole ·thiamethoxam )WG 茎叶喷雾处理(48.0 g/hm 2)可兼治二化螟和稻纵卷叶螟[1-2];0.6%氯虫酰胺·噻虫嗪GR 撒施处理(60.0 g/hm 2)对二化螟的控制效果较好,但对稻纵卷叶螟的防效较差[1];三氟苯嘧啶与氯虫苯甲酰胺或溴氰虫酰胺混配后茎叶喷雾处理,可有效控制二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟及稻飞虱的危害[3]。
因此,研究以“K 优177”和“Y 两优1928”2个水稻组合为供试材料,对比分析了氯虫·噻虫嗪、氯虫苯甲酰胺和噻虫嗪3种药剂于水稻分蘖期撒施对二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟和稻飞虱的田间防治效果,旨在为筛选有效控制二化螟等害虫的新药剂以及探索其使用方法提供依据。
1 材料与方法1.1 试验材料供试水稻组合为“K 优177”(浙江省温州市农氯虫·噻虫嗪撒施对水稻害虫的田间防治效果 莫昌乐1,刘祖斌1,刘雪源2,赵明平1,唐 涛2 (1.江华瑶族自治县农业技术推广中心,湖南 江华 425505;2.湖南省植物保护研究所,湖南 长沙 410125)摘 要:2013~2014年,采用田间小区试验评价了1.5%氯虫·噻虫嗪GR 、0.4%氯虫苯甲酰胺GR 和25%噻虫嗪WG 撒施处理对水稻二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟和稻飞虱的防治效果。
运用聚集型指标、Taylor幂法则和 Iwaor的m*-x直线回归分析法,得出朱砂叶螨在7~11月份的空间分布型为聚集分布。
%The peaks of population dynamic of Tetranychuscinnabarinus were discovered to happen twice on Manihot esculenta Crantz in Dongxiang county of Jiangxi province,one in August,another in November. Meanwhile,it was the largest outbreak period of the red spider mite.Several aggregation indices、Taylor power law and-liner regression equation of Iwao were used to determine the spatial distribution type of T. cinnabarinus.The assembly distribution from January to November was revealed.Based on these analyses, the optimum sampling number was established to be N=29.8+37.15/x.【期刊名称】《南昌大学学报(理科版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)005【总页数】4页(P488-491)【关键词】朱砂叶螨;种群消长;空间分布型;木薯【作者】彭昭荣;宋树贤;钟玲;宋建辉;王静;夏斌【作者单位】南昌大学生命科学学院,江西南昌330031;南昌大学生命科学学院,江西南昌 330031;江西省植保植检局,江西南昌 330096;江西省植保植检局,江西南昌 330096;南昌大学生命科学学院,江西南昌 330031;南昌大学生命科学学院,江西南昌 330031【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q959.229.9朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) 属蜱螨亚纲Acari叶螨科Tetranychidae叶螨属Tetranychus[1],为世界性害螨,分布我国各地,寄主有100多种[2],其中就包括木薯Manihot esculenta Crantz。
菌物系统21(2):192~195, 2002MycosystemaSURVEY OF ACREMONIUM SPECIES FROM CHINA WITHTHREE NEW RECORDS∗WANG You-Zhi GUO Fang ZHOU Yu-Guang(Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)ABSTRACT: Thirteen species of Acremonium from China are investigated, including three new records,A. alternatum, A. egyptiacum and A. potronii. A key is also provided in the paper.KEY WORDS: Hyphomycetes, Acremonium,new record speciesCephalosporium-like species are valuable antibiotic-producing fungi. Cepahlosporin has earned a good reputation in biosynthetic antibiotics. Recently, a novel antibiotic produced by an Acremonium species was reported (Nakai, 2000).In the monograph of Cephalosporium-like Hyphomycetes (Gams, 1971), the older generic name Acremonium Link replaced Cephalosporium Corda and A. alternatum Link per S.F. Gray was selected as the lectotype of the genus. Under the generic level, Section Acremonium (= Sect. Simplex), Section Gliomastix, Section Nectrioidea, Section Albo-lanosa, Section Chaetomioides and Section Lichenoidea were erected (Gams, 1971, 1975; Morgan-Jones & Gams, 1982; Lowen, 1995). The diagnostic feature of Acremonium is 1-celled (rarely 2-celled) phialospores in chains or heads producing on thin-walled orthophialides or on basitonously branched conidiophores (Gams, 1971). There are about 130 worldwide species accepted in Acremonium. Fourty of them were described after 1971 when the monograph of Acremonium has been carried out (Gams, 1971). Molecular phylogenetic study shows that Acremonium is a polyphyletic taxon with affiliations to at least three ascomycetous families: Hypocreaceae, Claviciptaceae and Chaetomiaceae (Glenn et al., 1996). Acremonium species have a worldwide distribution and occur as saprobic, plant parasitic or lichenized.Surveying on the Chinese species of Acremonium, seven species of Cephalosporium were recorded in Sylloge Fungurum Sinicum (Tai, 1979). However, according to Gams (1971), four of them were transferred to Acremonium and accepted as A. persicinum (Nicot) W. Gams, A. roseo-griseum (S.B. Saksena) W. Gams, A. rutilum W. Gams and A. strictum W. Gams. Species of A. kiliense Grütz and A. strictum were found in Hong Kong (Lu et al., 2000). In Taiwan three correct species of Acremonium were reported. They are A. charticola (J. Lindau) W. Gams, A. fusigerum (Berk. & Broome) W. Gams and A. zonatum (Sawada) W. Gams (Wang et al., 1999). Most recently, A. terricola (Miller et al.) W. Gams and A. tubakii W. Gams were reported in Anhui and Guangdong (Lu & Lu, 1999; Fan et al., 1999).∗ Supported by The Research Fund for Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars of CAS (no.20010712112454) and The Director Fellowship of IMCAS(2001)Received:2001-07-25, accepted: 2001-11-082期 王有智等: 中国的枝顶孢属 193When rechecking the mitosporic fungi cultures in CGMCC (China General Microbiological Culture Collection Centre), we found three species new to China,Acremonium alternatum Link, Mag. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 3: 15, 1809; Gams,Cephalosporium-artige Schimmelpilze (Hyphomycetes) 62, 1971, Fig. 1.Colonies reaching 14 mm diam after 10 days at 26ºC on 2% malt agar, whitish, powdery, reverse brownish. Sporulation phalacrogenous to plectonematogenous. Vegetative hyphae thin-walled, 0.5~1.5 µm wide. Phialides simple, arising from aerial hyphae, awl-shaped, 15~25 µm long, tapering imperceptible from1.5~3.0 µm to 0.5~1 µm wide. Conidia in short chains at the beginning and later in heads, ellipsoidal, long obovate, with faintly apiculate base and round upper end, hyaline, smooth-walled, 4.2~5.0 × 1.5~2.0 µm. Chlamydospores absent.Material examined: China, CGMCC, 1 November 1969, Chen Qin-Tao (AS 3.3759, as Spicaria presina ).Acremonium egyptiacum (van Beyma) W. Gams, Cephalosporium -artige Schimmelpilze(Hyphomycetes), 64, 1971. Fig. 2.≡ Oospora egyptiaca van Beyma, Zentbl.Bakt. ParasitKde(Abt. II) 89: 242,1933.Colonies reaching 18 mm diam. after10 days at 26ºC on 2% malt agar. Aerialmycelium white, later cream, powdery,reverse luteous. Sporulation phalacro-genous to plectonematogenous. Vegetativehyphae thin-walled, 1.0~1.8 µm wide.Phialides simple, 25~40 µm long,gradually tapering from 1.5~2.0 µm to0.5~1 µm wide. Conidia cohering in longchains or forming loose heads, ellipsoidal,hyaline, smooth-walled, 4.4~5.2 × 1.4~2.0µm. Chlamydospores absent.Material examined: China, CGMCC,1 November 1969, Chen Qin-Tao (AS3.3796, as Cephalosporium sp.).Acremonium potronii Vuill., Soc. Sci. Nancy, 19., 1910 and Encyclop. Mycol. 2: 66, 1931; Gams,Cephalosporium- artige Schimmelpilze (Hyphomycetes), 59, 1971. Fig.3.≡ Cephalosporium potronii(Vuill.) Oomen in CBS list of Cultures, 1957 (invalid publication).194 菌物系统21卷Colonies reaching 6 mm diam. after 10 days 26ºC on 2% malt agar, powdery, white to pinkish, reverse yellow. Sporulation phalacrogenous. Vegetative hyphae 1.0~2.0 µm wide. Phialides simple, 10~25 µm long, tapering from 1.0~2.0 µm to 0.5~1.0 µm. Conidia in slimy heads, obovate, with an apiculate base, hyaline, smooth-walled, 2.5~4.0 × 1.4~2.5 µm. Chlamydospores absent.Material examined: China, CGMCC, 1 November 1969, Chen Qin-Tao (AS 4.4008, as Cephalosporium acremonium).KEY TO THE THIRTEEN SPECIES OF ACREMONIUM FROM CHINA1. Vegetative hyphae with refrative wall thickening, conidia incrusted dark or hyaline (2)1. V egetative hyphae lackinging pronounced wall thicking, conidia always hyaline (4)2. Conidia spindle-shaped with truncate ends, very dark, 17.5~19.0×7.0~8.5µm………………………………………………………………………...A.f u s i g e r u m2. Conidia subglobose, obovate, hyaline or pigmented (3)3. Conidia hyaline, 3.2~4.8 ×1.2~3.0 µm .………………………………A.persicinum3. Conidia pigmented,4.8~6.4 ×2.6~4.0 µm .………………………..A. roseo-griseum4. Conidiophores often repeatedly branched (5)4. Conidiophores usually consist of slender, unbranched phialides (6)5. Colonies intensely pink, conidiophores slightly branched, Conidia 3.0~6.0× 2.0~3.4µm…………………………………………………………………………….A.r u t i l u m5. Colonies whitish to pale pink, conidiophores several times branched, Conidia 5.0~6.8× 2.0~2.8µm ……………………………………………………….A.z o n a t u m6. Conidia at least partly in dry chains (7)6.Conidia always in heads (9)7. Conidia with sharply pointed ends, 3.8~5.4×1~1.5 µm ………………...A. terricola7. Conidia with rounded upper ends (8)8. Conidia sometimes in heads, 4.2~5.0 × 1.5~2.0µm …………………..A. alternatum8. Conidia always in chians, 4.4~5.2 × 1.4~2.0 µm ……………………..A. egyptiacum9. Conidia obovate, 2.5~4.0 × 1.4~2.5µm ………………………………….A. potronii9. Conidia ellipsoidal or cylindrical, length : width>2 (10)10. Conidia ellipsoidal, 3.2~4.4 ×1.4~2.0 µm ……………………………A. charticola10. Conidia typically cylindrical (11)11. Chlamydospores absent, conidia 3.2~5.4 ×1.0~1.8µm ………………...A. strictum11. Chlamydospores present (12)12. Chlamydospores usually more numerous than phialospores, conidia 3.5~5.7 × 1.5~2.3 µm……………………………………………………………………………..A.t u b a k i i12. Chlamydospores less numerous than phialospores, conidia 3.1~5.8 ×1.0~1.6µm…………………………………………………………………………...A.k i l i e n s e Notes: Acremonium chrysogenum (Thirum. & Sukap.) W. Gams has been used for producing2期王有智等: 中国的枝顶孢属195 Cephalosporin C, N in China for years, but the isolates are from abroad. No report on isolation of A. chrysogenum in China was traced. Therefore, this species is not included here.[REFERENCES]Fan M-Z, Huang B, Li C-R, Li Z-Z, 1999. A new record species of the genus A cremonium. Mycosystema18 (4): 449 (in Chinese). Gams W, 1971. Cephalosporium-artige Schimmelpilze (Hyphomycetes). Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag. 1~262.Gams W, 1975. Cephalosporium-like Hyphomycetes: some tropical species. Transactions of the British Mycological Society64 (3): 389~404.Glenn A E, Bacon C W, Price R, Hanlin R T, 1996. Molecular phylogeny of Acremonium and its taxonomic implications.Mycologia 88 (3): 369~383.Lowen R, 1995. Acremonium Section Lichenoidea Section nov. and Pronectria oligospora species nov. Mycotaxon 53: 81~95. Lu B-S, Hyde K D, Ho W-H et al., 2000. Checklist of Hong Kong Fungi. Hong Kong: Fungal Diversity Press, 1~207.Lu Y-J, Lu D-J, 1999. Rhizospheric fungal diversity of vegetables in suburbs of Guangzhou. Ecological Science18 (1): 23~25 (in Chinese).Morgan-Jones G, Gams W, 1982. Notes on Hyphomycetes. XLI. An endophyte of Festuca arundinacea and the anamorph of Epichloë typhina, new taxa in one of two sections of Acremonium. Mycotaxon15: 311~318.Nakai R, Ogawa H, Asai A, et al., 2000. UCS1025A, a novel antibiotic produced by A cremonium sp. The Journal of Antibiotic53 (1): 294.Tai F-L, 1979. Sylloge Fungurum Sinicum. Beijing: Science Press. 1~1572 (in Chinese).Wang Y-C, Wu S-H, Chou W-N et al., 1999. List of the fungi in Taiwan. Taiwan, 1~289.中国的枝顶孢属王有智郭芳周宇光(中国科学院微生物研究所)摘要:本文对中国的枝顶孢属丝孢菌进行了调查,其中包括3个新记录种,并给出了全部13个种的检索表。
【期刊名称】草原与草坪【年(卷),期】2016(036)001【总页数】8【关键词】紫花苜蓿;苗期;抗寒敏感性;生理生化指标紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)为多年生豆科植物,是世界上栽培最早、面积最大、经济价值最高的牧草,有“牧草之王”的美誉[1]。
俄罗斯杂花苜蓿(Medicago varia)因其适应性强、抗寒、耐旱、越冬率高等优势被广泛种植与研究。
1 材料和方法1.1 试验材料试验以俄罗斯杂花苜蓿(Medicago varia)中的西伯利亚杂花苜蓿(Medicago varia Martin cv.Siberia)和3个紫花苜蓿抗寒品系(Medicago sativa),抗寒1号(M. Ⅰ)、抗寒2号( Ⅱ)、抗寒3号(M. Ⅲ)为供试材料。
PEG胁迫下不同品系扁蓿豆种子的萌发特性胡卉芳1,王照兰1,杜建材1,米 超1,赵丽丽2(1.中国农业科学院草原研究所,农业部草原资源与生态重点实验室,内蒙古呼和浩特 010010;2.贵州大学,贵州贵阳 550025) 摘要:采用-0.2、-0.4、-0.6、-0.8、-1.2M Pa共5个PEG渗透势梯度模拟干旱胁迫,以黄花苜蓿作对照,探讨了扁蓿豆4个品系种子萌发期的抗旱性。
结果表明:供试种子的相对发芽率、相对发芽势、相对发芽指数、相对活力指数与渗透胁迫强度呈显著至极显著负相关;综合分析扁蓿豆4个品系的耐旱性均高于黄花苜蓿,干旱对其各品系种子萌发的影响顺序为品系90236<品系93221<品系00261 <品系00281。
关键词:扁蓿豆;品系;种子萌发期;PEG渗透胁迫;抗旱性 中图分类号:Q945.78 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100925500(2010)0320074204 扁蓿豆(M elilotoi des rut henica)为豆科扁蓿豆属多年生草本植物[1],分枝多,叶量大,营养价值高,适口性好,各种家畜均喜食。
收稿日期:2010202211;修回日期:2010205207 基金项目:中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(中国农业科学院草原研究所)国家科技支撑计划牧草育种技术研究及产业开发(2008BADB3B02,2008BADB3B06);国家重点基础研究发展计划(2007CB106800);中国农科院院科研基金(2008)资助 作者简介:胡卉芳(19722),女,内蒙古土左旗人,硕士,副研究员,从事牧草资源与育种研究工作。
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a r X i v :0801.0039v 1 [a s t r o -p h ] 29 D e c 2007Suzaku Observation of AXP 1E 1841-045in SNR Kes 73M.Morii ∗,S.Kitamoto ∗,N.Shibazaki ∗,D.Takei ∗,N.Kawai †,M.Arimoto †,M.Ueno †,Y .Terada ∗∗,T.Kohmura ‡and S.Yamauchi §∗Rikkyo University,Nishi-ikebukuro 3-34-1,Toshima-ku,Tokyo 171-8501,Japan†Department of Physics,Tokyo Institute of Technology,Ookayama 2-12-1,Meguro-ku,Tokyo 152-8551,Japan ∗∗Cosmic Radiation Laboratory,Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN),Wako,Saitama351-0198,Japan‡Physics Department,Kogakuin University 2665-1Nakano-cho,Hachioji,Tokyo 192-0015,Japan §Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,Iwate University,3-18-34Ueda,Morioka,Iwate 020-8550,JapanAbstract.Anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs)are thought to be magnetars,which are neutron stars with ultra strong magnetic field of 1014–1015G.Their energy spectra below ∼10keV are modeled well by two components consisting of a blackbody (BB)(∼0.4keV)and rather steep power-law (POW)function (photon index ∼2-4).Kuiper et al.(2004)discovered hard X-ray component above ∼10keV from some AXPs.Here,we present the Suzaku observation of the AXP 1E 1841-045at the center of supernova remnant Kes 73.By this observation,we could analyze the spectrum from 0.4to 50keV at the same time.Then,we could test whether the spectral model above was valid or not in this wide energy range.We found that there were residual in the spectral fits when fit by the model of BB +POW.Fits were improved by adding another BB or POW component.But the meaning of each component became ambiguous in the phase-resolved spectroscopy.Alternatively we found that NPEX model fit well for both phase-averaged spectrum and phase-resolved spectra.In this case,the photon indices were constant during all phase,and spectral variation seemed to be very clear.This fact suggests somewhat fundamental meaning for the emission from magnetars.Keywords:stars:pulsars:individual (1E 1841-045),X-rays:individual (1E 1841-045)PACS:97.60.GbINTRODUCTIONAnomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs)are thought to be mag-netars,which are strongly magnetized (∼1014–1015G)neutron stars with emissions powered by the dissipation of the magnetic energy (see [1]for a review).The spec-tra of the AXP had been modelled well by the compound of a blackbody and a power-law function below ∼10keV region.Besides,two temperature blackbody spec-trum was also fit well for some AXPs [2,3].On the other hand,separate hard X-ray emission was discovered for some AXPs above ∼10keV [5,6].AXP 1E 1841-045is located on the center of the supernova remnant (SNR)Kes 73(G 27.4+0.0)with diameter of about 4′.The kinematic distance toward the SNR was estimated to be between 6and 7.5kpc [7].The pulse period of 1E 1841-045was 11.8s [8].Morii et al.(2003)[2]reported that the spectrum was fitted well with the model consisting of the blackbody (kT =0.44±0.002keV)and the power-law function with the hardest photon index among AXP (Γ=2.0±0.3),using Chandra data (0.6–7.0keV).In this analysis,they also showed two blackbody model fits well.Kuiper,Hermsen,&Mendez (2004)[5]discovered hard X-ray emission up to ∼150keV by using RXTE.OBSERV ATION1E 1841−045and Kes 73were observed by Suzaku on 2006April 19–22,as a target of AO-1(PI and Co-PI were I.Harrus and M.Morii).Suzaku [9]has two types of X-ray detectors in operation:the X-ray Imaging Spec-trometer (XIS;[10])and the Hard X-ray Detector (HXD;[11,12]).We chose the “1/8window mode”for XIS to obtain the timing resolution of 1s,which corresponds to 0.08period interval of this AXP’s pulsation.HXD is composed of the PIN photodiode and GSO scintillators mounted in the well of the collimator shield,whose parts cover 10−70keV and 40−600keV ,respectively.This observation was pointed at (R.A.,Dec.)=(18h 41m 15.5s ,−4◦51′24.5′′)in the HXD nominal point-ing mode.Total exposure time requested was 100ks.ANALYSISWe used cleaned events made by the standard pipeline processing of rev-1.2.We selected the source and back-ground regions as the concentric circle and annulus whose central positions were at the peak position of the AXP.The source circular radius was set to be 4.33′,and the radii of the inner and outer boundaries of the back-1.61.822.20.6−3.0k e Vpulse profileSuzaku, 1E 1841−045, sum of all XISs & PIN (barycen−corrected, bg−subtracted)−10.0k e V−30k e V 0.511.5H R (2)/(1)00.51 1.520.20.40.6H R (3)/(2)PhasePulse Period: 11.7830 s Epoch: 13845 (TJD) + 68710.02 (sec)χ2r (dof)=37.0(15)PF: 9.9+−0.7%χ2r (dof)=59.5(15)PF: 18.7+−1.1%χ2r (dof)=4.9(7)PF: 26.7+−6.0%χ2r(dof)=4.4(6)χ2r (dof)=2.6(6)FIGURE 1.Pulse profiles in the energy ranges of 0.6−3.0keV ,3.0−10.0keV ,and 12.0−30.0keV were shown in the 1st,2nd and 3rd panels.Pulse profiles of the 1st and 2nd band were double peaked,while the 3rd was single peaked.The 4th and 5th panels show the hardness ratios of 2nd/1st and 3rd/2nd,respectively.ground annulus were set to be 4.33′and 6.00′.For the PIN analysis,we used background file made by LCFIT (bgd_d)method of version 1.2ver0611.We also applied the additional GTI (good time interval)selection as well as ordinary GTI made by event and background files.The net exposures for XISs and PIN were 95.3ks and 57.8ks.We checked light curves of all XISs and PIN binned by 300,10and 1s.We found no special characteristics due to background variation,instrumental troubles and activities in the AXP.TIMING ANALYSISWe corrected the photon arrival times into those at the solar barycenter by using aebarycen (ver.2006-08-02).We searched periodicity for this light curve by using the xronos/powspec ,and we determined the pulse period precisely by using the xronos/efsearch .The obtained pulse period was 11.7830(2)s at the epoch of 13845(TJD)plus 68704.31s.We made the pulse profiles for some energy ranges (0.6–3.0keV ,3.0–10.0keV ,and 12.0–30.0keV)(Figure 1).ENERGY SPECTRUM Phase-averaged SpectroscopyDue to point spread function (PSF)of XRTs (HPD =2′)[13],AXP’s spectrum could not be spatially separated from SNR Kes 73.Then at first we determined the SNR spectral model by using Chandra archival data.It was 10−410−30.010.11n o r m a l i z e d c o u n t s /s e c /k e Vxis0_cl_newgti+7s_bary_src_r0−4.33_grp.pi xis1_cl_newgti+7s_bary_src_r0−4.33_grpxis+pin_sky_r0−4.33_wabs+snr+cutoffpgpl+cutoffpgpl_allphase_07080605Suzaku, 1E 1841−045 (all XIS + PIN), all phase1102520−5χchannel energy (keV)9−Aug−2007 23:07FIGURE 2.Phase-averaged spectrum fit by NPEX model as AXP component.modeled well by a VSEDOV model.We used this model as the SNR model in the followings.We then fit the spec-trum by c det ×(c SNR ×SNR +AXP +CXB +GRXE ).where c det was normalization of detectors.c SNR was normalization of SNR.CXB and GRXE mean compo-nents from the cosmic X-ray background and galactic ridge X-ray emission.CXB +GRXE was taken into con-sideration only for HXD/PIN.CXB +GRXE was esti-mated by using another Suzaku data of GRXE observa-tion near this field (l =28.5◦,b =−0.2◦).For AXP com-ponent,we tried to fit by a power-law function (POW),a blackbody (BB),and BB +BB.These models were denied.BB +POW model fit better,but wavy residuals remained.Of cause,addition of another component like POW or BB could improve the fit.But for BB +POW +BB model,parameters were physically unacceptable.BB +POW +POW showed possible solution(Table 1).Alternatively,we noticed that the NPEX model could give good solution (Table 1).NPEX is following func-tion:(A n E −α+A p E +β)exp (−ETABLE1.Results of phase-averaged spectralfitsBB+POW2.70±0.010.370±0.0068.4±0.32.24±0.041616.7/902=1.79 BB+BB+POW2.84±0.010.1589±43.30±0.031354.6/900=1.514.9±0.20.041±0.002BB+POW+POW2.87±0.020.54±0.022.5±0.35.0±0.31312.7/900=1.461.6±0.1NPEX2.82±0.0158±13.54±0.040.92±0.061352.2/901=1.50。