Smart Grid Technologies
Smart Grid TechnologiesThe vision of the Smart Grid empowers today's existing grid infrastructure with numerous technologies to facilitate the integration of communications, renewable energy sources, energy storage, and two-way power flow to meet our nation’s growing electricity demand.The Department of Energy describes five fundamental technology areas that will drive the smart grid:∙Integrated communications∙Sensing and measurement∙Advanced components∙Advanced control methods∙Improved interfaces and decision support.Within each area are dozens to hundreds of individual technologies. Some of these technologies are commercially available, and others are still under development. As a result, the transformation of the current electric power system into a more intelligent, "smart" system will present tremendous challenges and opportunities for many industries. From technology innovation to electric infrastructure deployment to business and policy, a smarter grid will produce change in areas as diverse as: ∙Grid optimizationDeveloping the perfect balance among reliability, availability,efficiency, and cost.∙Demand response and demand-side managementIncorporating automated mechanisms that enable utility customers to reduce electricity use during periods of peak demand and help utilities manage their power loads.∙Advanced utility controlEmploying systems to monitor essential components, enabling rapid diagnosis and precise solutions appropriate to any event.∙Energy storageAdding technology to store electrical energy to meet demand when the need is greatest.∙Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle smart charging and vehicle-to-grid technologiesIncorporating systems through which electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles communicate with the power grid and store or feed electricity back to the grid during periods of high demand.Advanced meteringCollecting usage data and providing energy providers and customers with this information via two-way communications.∙Home area networksEnabling home networks that allow communication between digital devices and major appliances so customers can respond to pricesignals sent from the utility.Renewable energy and distributed generation sources Implementing infrastructure upgrades to support the integration of a higher penetration of clean, renewable energy generation onto the grid to reduce greenhouses gas emissions, provide energy independence, and lower electricity costs.。
October 2010Emerging and maturing technologies will maximize the use of the transmission system, strengthen the safe and reliable operation of the grid, improve overall market efficiency and advance environmental policy objectives. This is the vision for the California ISO Smart Grid.The Smart Grid Roadmap and Architecture helps implement this vision by projecting a forward-looking strategy through 2020 from a technology perspective that includes advanced transmission efficiencies as well as the anticipated progress of measurement devices and automation. It offers a technical architecture based on business requirements driven from an understanding of federal and state policies and assumptions concerning the evolution of key technologies and standards. Substantial changes in federal or state policy or unexpected developments in technology, standards and other issues could alter this roadmap significantly. Because of this, the ISO considers the Roadmap a living document that will undergo frequent reviews and modifications.The ISO thanks the Electric Power Research Institute and EnerNex Corporation for their contributions in developing this roadmap.The Smart Grid Roadmap and Architecture may be downloaded from the ISO website at/green/greensmartgrid.html.The e-mail address for smart grid related comments and questions is smartgrid@.Table of ContentsIntroduction (4)Smart Grid Objectives (5)Building a Better Grid (5)Advanced Forecasting (6)Synchrophasors (8)Advanced Grid Applications (9)Enabling Demand Response, Storage and Distributed Energy Resources (11)Cyber Security (14)Architecture (15)Systems Interface Architecture (16)Summary (17)IntroductionThe California ISO envisions the 2020 grid of the future to be one brimming with cost-efficient, clean wind and solar energy that responds to grid operator instructions and dependably contributes to system reliability. The ISO, the power industry and manufacturers are rapidly developing the smart devices and software systems needed for grid evolution. This surge of innovation is driven by California’s energy and environmental policy goals, as highlighted in Figure 1, which include procuring 33 percent of the state’s retail energy needs from renewable sources by 2020, promoting energy efficiency, increasing levels of distributed generation and reducing greenhouse gas emission levels to 1990 levels.The 2020 grid has the potential to use storage technologies to store or discharge energy that firms up the variability of renewable resources. Storage could, if developed as hoped, supply ancillary services products as well, such as regulation, which is critical in maintaining system frequency within very narrow limits. Another feature of the smart grid is the everyday use of demand response. Smart technologies are expected to make available the information residential and commercial consumers require to curtail or shift their power use to a time when prices and supply are most favorable. The absence of these technologies developing as expected could result in further reliance on conventional generation to balance renewable variable generation, which maybe contrary to the goal of diversifying our generation fuels. California’s modern grid will leverage existing technologies, such as synchrophasors, to perform at its peakcapabilities. Up until now, synchrophasor data had been used for offline analysis, but in the smart grid rollout, it will be used for near real-time on-line monitoring and possibly control. New technologies including smartmeters and smart substations will help the local distribution system, owned and operated by utilities, to match the sophistication of the high-voltage transmission system. These specialized functions, if developed, could communicate demand levels, output from distributed generation and system conditions that aid the ISO in managing a grid that is more complex than any time in history. The result would be a thriving electricity sectorFigure 1: Key Smart Grid Driversthat is competitive and cost efficient — all to the benefit of our wholesale customers and ultimately retail consumers.The ISO is actively pursuing initiatives that will determine system impacts and needs under different levels of renewable resources, which potentially includes hybrid and all-electric vehicles. A recently published ISO report on integrating renewable resources provides operational requirements and generation fleet capability under a 20 percent renewables portfolio mix,1Given the current and anticipated challenges, it is imperative for the ISO to continue to develop the market and operations applications and devices that better monitor the real-time grid, which includes our own balancing area, our neighbors and the entire West. If successful, these new technologies and applications must have an effective, robust smart grid infrastructure to function properly.while forthcoming studies will help characterize system conditions under a 33 percent renewables energy standard.Smart Grid ObjectivesThe “smart grid” is the application of technologies to all aspects of the energy transmission and delivery system that provide better monitoring, control and efficient use of the system. The ISO’s goal is to enable and integrate all applicable smart technologies while operating the grid reliably, securely and efficiently, and facilitateeffective, open markets that engage and empower consumers while meeting state environmental and energy policies.To this end, the ISO will research, pilot, implement and integrate smart grid technologies that:• Increase grid visibility, efficiency, and reliability• Enable diverse generation including utility-scale renewable resources, demand response, storage andsmaller-scale solar PV technologies to fully participate in the wholesale market• Provide enhanced physical and cyber security.The expected benefits from smart grid technology deployments include:•Ability to recognize grid problems sooner and resolve them •Efficiently use the transmission system to defer or displace costly transmission investments •Enable consumers to react to grid conditions making them active participants in their energy use • Leverage conventional generation and emerging technologies when possible including distributedenergy resources, demand response and energy storage, to address the challenges introduced byvariable renewable resources.Building a Better GridThe research, pilots and implementation efforts to modernize the grid provide the basis for evaluating and understanding new technologies as well as verifying the economics and work force requirements for deploying them. These efforts will require working closely with ISO stakeholders. The research and pilot efforts should accomplish a number of important objectives that contribute to smart infrastructure development:• Provide real world experience with a new technology1Integration of Renewable Resources – Operational Requirements and Generation Fleet Capability at 20% RPS published August 31, 2010 and available on the ISO website at /2804/2804d036401f0.pdf .• Help characterize the technology’s benefits• Identify what is needed to integrate the technology• Provide the basis for conducting a cost assessment of the technology.If the industry is to benefit from emerging technologies and capabilities they support, the efforts must extend beyond the research and pilot stage. It will be important for stakeholders to take information from the research and pilot work to develop business models and policies that bring the technology forward to implementation. The Smart Grid Roadmap uses themes to organize and communicate the ISO technology-related efforts, which include the following:•Advanced Forecasting •Synchrophasors •Advanced Applications •Enabling Demand Response, Storage and Distributed Energy Resources • Cyber Security.Advanced ForecastingThe ISO determines the resources needed to serve demand based on load forecasts and ancillary service requirements forecast, in which intermittencies introduced by renewable generation pose significant challenges. Incentive-based demand response programs, significant distributedgeneration, the proliferation of plug-in electric vehicles and rooftop solar will also affect forecasted load. It is important for the ISO to use advanced forecasting techniques to produce the most accurate prediction of resource, load and grid conditions and status. In this way, the ISO can produce the most reliable and cost-effective scheduling and unit commitment plans.Improving forecasts for variable generation is essential. Variable generation is creating new requirements for faster ramping up and down energy. Also needed is increased procurement of regulation (energy to keep the power system in balance) and other reserves, and increased on and off, and up and down cycling of the gas generation fleet, which produces its own concerns by increasing costly maintenance needs. Improving weather data availability and accuracy, as well as renewable resources and demand response performance measures, forecasting algorithms and understanding demand response behaviors, will provide better forecasts, but they still will have some degree of worrisome error margins. This in turn should lead to more optimal unit commitment that will help account for forecast uncertainties and better use of renewable resources.Even so, weather-measuring equipment is limited in both scale and capability. Forecasting algorithms must be enhanced to include measurements from additional devices, intra-hour ramping forecasts and upgraded models for solar thermal and photovoltaic units. ISO forecasting must take into account all types of generation on the distribution system as it becomes more prevalent. Meanwhile, how consumers interact with demand response programs and emerging new technologies and incentives is uncertain, but needs to be thoroughly understood tomaintain efficient and reliable grid operations.The ISO uses system-wide load forecasting in addition to wind and solar generation forecasts for both day-ahead and hour-ahead periods. Meteorological and meter data standards and collection are available for those participating in the ISO market.Research, pilots and technology deployment are important components of the ISO advanced forecasting roadmap that lead to implementation of new forecasting models and techniques.SynchrophasorsHaving the ability to monitor gridconditions and receive automatedalerts in real time is essential forensuring reliability. System-wide andsynchronized phasor measurementunits take sub-second readings that provide an accuratepicture of grid conditions. The ISO work in this area focuseson obtaining, displaying and storing synchrophasor data. Deployment of synchrophasor technology is accelerating under recent U.S. Department of Energy initiatives. Most relevant to the ISO, the Western Electricity Coordinating Council’s Western Interconnection Synchrophasor Project (WISP) will almost triple the now deployed phasor measurement units to over 300. The project will also develop common software suites that improve situation awareness, system-wide modeling, performance analysis and wide-area monitoring and controls.Among the challenges related to using synchrophasor technology is the communications infrastructure, which lacks the bandwidth to handle the data traffic produced by the smart devices, needs enhanced security andmust maintain a high degree of reliability if the data is used for control decisions. Another major challenge is the lack of available applications that assimilate and provide meaningful, understandable visual displays of the extensive data produced by the smart devices to the operators.Phasor units measure voltage and electric current physical characteristics. This data can be used to assess and maintain system stability following a destabilizing event within and outside the ISO footprint, which includes alerting system operators to take action within seconds of a system event. This capability reduces the likelihood of an event causing widespread grid instability.Phasor data is also useful in calibrating the models of generation resources, energy storage resources and system loads for use in transmission planning programs and operations analysis, such as dynamic stability and voltage stability assessment. The technology may have a role in determining dynamic system ratings and allow for more reliable deliveries of energy, especially from remote renewable generation locations to load centers. The ISO currently uses phasor data on a real-time basis for basic monitoring and on a post-mortem basis to understand the cause and impact of system disturbances.Data from 57 phasor devices stream at a rate of 30 scans per second collecting more than three gigabytes of data per day. The ISO will begin to receive data from other phasor locations in the Western ElectricityCoordinating Council area in the next six months that will further enhance visibility to grid conditions. Critical to the synchrophasor roadmap is implementing a robust, standards-based communication infrastructure and monitoring and alert capabilities, as outlined below.Advanced Grid ApplicationsThe ISO relies on advanced grid applications to monitor grid conditions, recognize possible sources of instability and provide prices and control signals to system resources. This information isused in tandem with economic models to solve reliabilityproblems in the most cost-effective way. These applications need to evolve into more forward-looking and pro-active systems, rather than only reacting to real-time conditions in order to truly enhance grid operations. Integrating phasor data as well as other measurements made possible by smart grid technology can enhance a number of applications used today for managing the grid. Advanced applications for monitoring, dynamic (on the fly) assessments of grid conditions and automated controls are slowly emerging. Because the technology and communication infrastructure for synchrophasors is only now being implemented, developing applications to use this data is lagging. Also, inserting more inputs into modeling algorithms adds significant complexity on top of an already complicated system.Increased variable generation on the grid is expected to bring challenges in terms of decreased system inertia,2The ISO has a suite of market and power flow systems and tools that determines the best use of available resources based on economics and reliability. The tools include an energy management system, a modeling system that estimates the status of the statewide grid, system event analysis, voltage assessment, automatic economic unit commitment and dispatch for the real time and day ahead markets, a load-forecasting tool, and plant outage scheduler. Under development is a voltage stability analysis application that calculates voltages at which reduces the margins to maintain stability. Phasor data availability may lead to algorithms to measure this effect in real time and provide needed feedback that can be used to take preventive measures, such asscheduling additional conventional generation or sending signals to fly wheels or demand response applications. 2System inertia is the ability of a power system to oppose changes in frequency.different locations on the system to determine those near limits and sends alerts to grid operators. Integrating this functionality into the market systems will enable the ISO to commit units based on the voltage information. The applications roadmap includes activities to advance as much as possible, monitoring capabilities, the systems and algorithms to determine the best use of the grid, including dynamic thermal line ratings, and automated adaptive generation control that uses demand, storage and other system resources response forecasts. The roadmap also calls for investigating and implementing automated decision-making and control systems. However, unforeseen problems may prevent some technologies from coming to market, which contributes to the complexity in upgrading the grid and, at least, maintaining current levels of reliability.Enabling Demand Response, Storage and Distributed Energy ResourcesAmong the highest priorities for the ISO is to identify the viable smart grid technologies that will aid in understanding what is happening on the grid and support active participation in California’s wholesale energy market. Demand response needs are driving infrastructure needs, which includes smart devices and control systems that can collect data, present it to the power user and then relaytheir decisions back to the utilities or third party aggregators (also called curtailment service providers). The enabling technologies include but are not limited to:• Building Automation Systems — the software and hardware needed to monitor and control themechanical, heat and cooling, and lighting systems in buildings that can also interface with smart grid technologies.• Home Area Networks — similar to smart building technologies, except for the home where devicescommunicate with the smart grid to receive and present energy use and costs, as well as enable energy users to reduce or shift their use and communicate those decisions to the load-serving entities.If the technologies develop as hoped, power users will also be able to receive real-time prices or indicators of grid conditions that aids their decision-making processes. For instance, if the grid is under stress, consumers could elect to configure devices that automatically respond to these indicators to shift or curtail use even before wholesale prices rise or system events occur. This is one reason, along with price-responsiveness, why the ISO needs to better understand how consumers use demand response capabilities so that we can predict responsive behaviors that will affect forecasts and energy resource unit commitments.Among the challenges to overcome:• Enhancing current market models, which are based on operational characteristics of conventionalgeneration (natural gas, nuclear, hydro) that do not accommodate the full participation of demand-side resources• Determining minimum monitoring and telemetry requirements to enable more cost-effectiveparticipation for many small aggregated demand resources• Maturing standards such as OpenADR 3Besides conducting the research and analysis to form the market theories that aids industry understanding of how demand response should work under real conditions, the ISO will pursue pilots and demonstration projects that help prove or disprove enable demand response.Smart grid technologies focused on consumers holds the promise of providing visibility of their real-time use, the current condition of the grid and their energy costs. With this information, consumers can make choices about how to adjust their energy usage manually by turning down or off the air conditioner, etc., orautomatically by setting thresholds managed by smart grid technologies. Direct consumer grid interaction and impact is possible, but only if a host of other challenges are overcome, including closing the gap between the wholesale market and retail prices, communication standards, data confidentiality and network security. 3 OpenADR, developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is a set of rules that specify how building and facilitymanagers can implement automated demand response in the energy management systems.The ISO is also stepping up its activities to understand and prove how storage technologies will play a role within the advancement of the smart grid. Among those activities are:•Better understanding how different types of storage behave (flywheels, batteries, etc.)•How they fit into grid operations•Understanding how storage technologies can efficiently and effectively provide regulation energy and operating reserves•Understanding how storage technologies can efficiently and effectively shift energy deliveries from off-peak periods to peak loads•Understanding how storage facilities can co-locate with renewable resources to assist in more efficient use of transmission capacity.Identifying and creating standards that technologies must meet becomes increasingly important and difficult as expanding ramping capabilities, ensuring the type of plants that follow demand up and down are available and other requirements for reliably managing the grid increase. Should the ability be realized to use different types of demand-side resources during high-renewable production and favorable grid conditions, and reduce during unfavorable conditions; could reduce the need — and cost — for building new generation and in some cases, new transmission lines. Currently, the ISO has market mechanisms and products (such as proxy demand resource that allows aggregators access to the wholesale market) supporting the increased participation of storage, demand response and distributed energy resources and enjoy comparable treatment as generating resources; however, no model exists that allows these resources to participate fully. Meanwhile, Western Electricity Coordinating Council rules are evolving, albeit slowly, to allow participation in spinning reserve and regulation markets. 4The ISO is actively participating in wholesale smart grid standards development efforts led by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) through the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) and theISO/RTO Council (IRC). The ISO is also closely involved with demand response policies being considered at the California Energy Commission and smart grid proceedings at the California Public Utilities Commission.The enabling demand response, storage and distributed energy resources roadmap includes pilots to better understand technology capabilities, expectations for continued participation in national standards development efforts, and developing and piloting approaches for reflecting grid conditions that can be directly sent to smart grid devices.4 Spinning reserves is standby generation capacity that is capable of responding and producing energy within 10 minutes and able to run for at least 2 hours. Regulation is energy needed to maintain transmission system frequency.Cyber SecurityCyber security becomes a priority concern as additional technologies connect to grid systems and provide more real-time data as well as two-way communications. The need exists to assess risks and vulnerabilities all along thecommunications chain from data sources to consumers, much of which is outside ISO control. There is little doubt that situations will emerge that require new security controls and monitoring to ensure that grid monitoring, operations and control systems are not compromised.A number of national forums are addressing security concerns. One is the National Institute of Standards and Technology that recently released NISTIR 7628, Guidelines for Smart Grid Cyber Security . This is a three-part document covering smart grid from a high-level functional requirements standpoint.Among the challenges associated with cyber security is tailoring policies for power system monitoring and control applications, which are complex and industry and application specific. Implementing, maintaining, monitoring and improving information security so it is consistent with the organizational requirements and process are also issues to address.The roadmap for cyber security addresses the evaluation and implementation of secure and standard protocols where applicable. It also calls for creating centralized security management and auditing as well as a situationalawareness dashboard.ArchitectureThe ISO architecture vision is to allow each network service (software designed to do a specific job) to operate individually but share information with other services all through a base system called service oriented architecture (a collection of services that make up a network system). To address issues identified during this roadmap effort requires building on the ISO’s recent Market Redesign and Technology Upgrade implementation and its foundation to accommodate robust and flexible system architecture.As shown in Figure 2, the ISO will develop new systems while existing systems will undergo significant change in the next 10 years to support smart grid implementation efforts. Even systems not directly involved with smart grid support will likely be impacted by the changes, adding to concern about avoiding unintended consequences.Figure 2: Draft ISO architecture as impacted by smart grid changesOne key architectural component is a centrally managed network model. The Enterprise Model Management System (EMMS) the ISO plans to implement will centralize the functions of several current ISO services and significantly reduce the time between network model builds. This model and data management system will reduce the time it takes for new resources to register in the ISO markets, which is a significant improvement over the current process given the larger numbers of resources expected to seek participation under demand response and storage integration programs. The model and data management system will also enable the ISO to carry out grid, transmission and system event analysis using time-based models that reflect point-in-time grid conditions. This essential feature contributes to the security of a more complex and rapidly changing grid.To support a “price to device concept” that reflects grid conditions, the ISO will explore creating a grid condition indicator that will require a new system capability via the grid condition calculator. The indicator will act as a signal once published for public consumption through a public website and, possibly, a new Internet subscription service that could be directly consumed by end user devices.As mentioned in the advanced application section, the expected increases in wind and solar generation will significantly change the behavioral characteristics of the grid, which in many cases are still unknown. It willbecome increasingly important to analyze the dynamic and voltage stability of the grid and prepare responses to potential problems. To provide this new level of analysis, the ISO will incorporate dynamic and voltage stability analysis applications.Systems Interface ArchitectureThe interface diagram shown in Figure 3 shows the data and information communication infrastructure, of which some exists today and the rest to be implemented by 2020. The ISO will use well-defined, self-contained and secure interfaces and web services, to communicate data and orchestrate business processes, which will continue to evolve as services expand. In some cases where the amount of data is too big to relay across the system, we will continue to use a secure file transfer protocol (FTP) server. Secure FTP will also be used for exchanging the network models with other entities. Such Secure FTP activities will likely be managed with web services. The flexible service oriented architecture will allow entities to subscribe to new ISO services that send them prices, system conditions and other messages as appropriate.The ISO, along with the rest of the entities in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council region, will move toward standard national and international web services for phasor data, telemetry and other interactions.5Figure 3: California ISO system interface diagram guided by standardsThe common information model (CIM) is an international standard that provides a common vocabulary and definitions for the electric power industry. At every opportunity, the ISO seeks to use the CIM as a basis for standards development — and encourages others to do the same.5 For phasor data, the ISO currently uses a proprietary protocol and will implement the emerging standard IEC 61850. Note that IEEE C37.118 is the current standard and will likely be an interim step. The ISO currently uses DNP3 for telemetryexchange and will likely implement secure DNP3 with the end-state being the emerging IEC 61850 standard for telemetry.。
The future of energy Smart grids
The future of energy Smart grids The future of energy is a topic that is constantly evolving, and one of the most exciting developments in this field is the concept of smart grids. Smartgrids are revolutionizing the way we generate, distribute, and consume energy, and they hold the potential to significantly reduce our carbon footprint and make our energy systems more efficient and reliable. However, there are also challenges and concerns associated with the widespread adoption of smart grids, and it is important to consider these as we look towards the future of energy. One of the key benefits of smart grids is their ability to integrate renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, into the energy system. This is crucial for reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Byusing advanced technologies, smart grids can efficiently manage the variability of renewable energy sources and ensure a stable supply of electricity to consumers. This not only helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also promotes energy independence and security. In addition to integrating renewable energy, smart grids also enable more efficient energy distribution and consumption. Through the use of sensors, advanced metering, and real-time data analytics, smart grids can optimize the flow of electricity, reduce transmission losses, and enable demand response programs. This means that energy can be delivered to where it is needed most, and consumers can better manage their energy usage, leading to cost savings and a more sustainable energy system. However, the transition to smart grids is not without its challenges. One of the main concerns is the cybersecurity risks associated with the increased connectivity and digitalization of the energy system. As smart grids rely on communication technologies and data exchange, they become more vulnerable to cyber attacks. Ensuring the security and resilience of smart grids is therefore critical to their successful implementation, and this requires significant investment in cybersecurity measures and protocols. Another challenge is the need for significant infrastructure upgrades to support the deployment of smart grids. This includes investments in advanced metering infrastructure, grid automation, and communication networks. While these upgrades have the potential to modernize our energy infrastructure and create jobs, they also require substantial capital and may pose logistical challenges in terms of deployment and integration.Furthermore, the widespread adoption of smart grids raises questions about data privacy and consumer protection. With the collection of real-time energy usage data and the potential for remote control of devices, there are concerns about how this information is used and who has access to it. It is essential to establish clear regulations and standards to safeguard consumer privacy and ensure transparency in the collection and use of energy data. Despite these challenges, the future of smart grids is promising, and the potential benefits far outweigh the risks. By enabling the integration of renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and enhancing grid reliability, smart grids have the power to transform our energy systems and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future. It is crucial for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and consumers to work together to address the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by smart grids, as they hold the key to a cleaner, more efficient, and more reliable energy future.。
智能电网Smart Grid
智能电网Smart Grid美国2001年EPRI最早提出“Intelligrid”(智能电网),并开始研究,欧洲2005年成立“智能电网(SmartGrids)欧洲技术论坛”,也将“SmartGrids”上升到战略地位展开研究。
目前,“智能电网”被大家普遍接受的术语和称谓为:“The Smart Grid”(DOE, USA,2008)。
2008年11月11日-13日,在中美清洁能源合作组织特别会议上(Joint US-China Cooperation on Clean Energy -JUCCCE-)和18日-中美绿色能源论坛上的提法为:“Smart Grid”。
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configuringredundancy protocols,VLAN settings,or firmware upgrades for anetwork in a daisy-chain topology (line topology).•Link Sequence IP setting (LSIP)prioritizes devices and configuresIP addresses by link sequence to enhance deployment efficiency,especially in a daisy-chain topology (linetopology).Unlock Devices and User Privileges•Mass device unlocking and password file export for quick unlocks.•Three user privilege levels to enhance management flexibility and security:Admin,Supervisor,and Operator.2Configuration Overview and Documentation•Useful mass status overview and configuration check for eachmanaged function.•Generate reports on each managed function for multiple devices inthe network.2•Export multiple configuration files with flexible filenames and import multiple configuration files to multiple devices.•Export device list for easy backup,and import device list for quick searching2SpecificationsHardware RequirementsRAM2GB Hardware Disk Space10GB OSWindows 7(32/64-bit),Windows 10(32-64-bit),Windows Server 2012(32/64-bit)CPU 2GHz or faster dual-core CPUSupported DevicesAWK Products MXconfig Java Version:AWK-1121Series(v1.4or higher)AWK-1127Series(v1.4or higher)AWK-1131A Series(v1.11or higher)AWK-1137C Series(v1.3or higher)AWK-3121Series(v1.10or higher)AWK-3121-SSC-RTG Series(v1.4or higher)AWK-3121-M12-RTG Series(v1.4or higher)AWK-3131Series(v1.2or higher)AWK-3131-M12-RCC Series(v1.0or higher)AWK-3131A Series(v1.3or higher)AWK-3131A-RTG Series(v1.8or higher)AWK-4121Series(v1.10or higher)AWK-4131Series(v1.2or higher)AWK-4131A Series(v1.3or higher)AWK-5222Series(v1.7or higher)AWK-5232Series(v1.3or higher)AWK-6222Series(v1.7or higher)AWK-6232Series(v1.3or higher)EDR Products MXconfig Java Version:EDR-810Series(v3.2or higher)EDR-G902Series(v4.2or higher)EDR-G903Series(v4.2or higher)MXconfig Non-Java Version:EDR-810Series(v3.2or higher)EDR-G902Series(v4.2or higher)EDR-G903Series(v4.2or higher)EDR-G9010Series(v1.0or higher)EDS Products MXconfig Java Version:EDS-405A/408A Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-405A/408A-EIP Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-405A/408A-PN Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-405A-PTP Series(v3.3or higher)EDS-505A/508A/516A Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-510A Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-518A Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-510E/518E Series(v4.0or higher)EDS-528E Series(v5.0or higher)EDS-G508E/G512E/G516E Series(v4.0or higher)EDS-G512E-8PoE Series(v4.0or higher)EDS-608/611/616/619Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-728Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-828Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-G509Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-P510Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-P510A-8PoE Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-P506A-4PoE Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-P506E-4PoE Series(v5.5or higher)MXconfig Non-Java Version:EDS-405A/408A Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-405A/408A-EIP Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-405A/408A-PN Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-405A-PTP Series(v3.3or higher)EDS-505A/508A/516A Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-510A Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-518A Series(v3.1or higher)EDS-510E/518E Series(v4.0or higher)EDS-528E Series(v5.0or 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UNITED STATES OF AMERICABEFORE THEU.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCENATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY COMMENTS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC RELIABILITY CORPORATION ON NIST FRAMEWORK AND ROADMAP FOR SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY STANDARDS, RELEASE 1.0 (DRAFT)Rick SergelPresident and Chief Executive Officer David N. CookVice President and General Counsel Michael J. AssanteVice President and Chief Security Officer North American Electric Reliability Corporation116-390 Village Boulevard Princeton, NJ 08540-5721(609) 452-8060(609) 452-9550 – facsimile*******************Rebecca J. MichaelAssistant General CounselHolly A. HawkinsAttorneyNorth American Electric Reliability Corporation1120 G Street, N.W.Suite 990Washington, D.C. 20005-3801 (202) 393-3998(202) 393-3955 – facsimile**********************************************November 9, 2009TABLE OF CONTENTSI. INTRODUCTION 1II. NOTICES AND COMMUNICATIONS 2III. BACKGROUND 2IV.DISCUSSION 7 V. CONCLUSION 13I. INTRODUCTIONThe North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”) is pleased to provide these comments in response to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Release 1.0 (“Smart Grid Framework Document”).1NERC has been certified by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC” or the “Commission”) as the “electric reliability organization” under Section 215 of the Federal Power Act2 and is similarly recognized by governmental authoritiesr in Canada. Because NERC’s mission is to ensure the reliability and security of the bulk powe system in North America by, in part, developing and enforcing mandatory Reliability Standards subject to FERC approval, NERC’s comments on the Smart Grid Framework Document focus on the development by NIST of voluntary Interoperability Standards as they may relate to NERC’s mandatory Reliability Standards, and in particular, to NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (“CIP”) Reliability Standards.1 NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Release 1.0 (Draft), Office of the National Coordinator for Smart Grid Interoperability, U.S. Department of Commerce, September 2009 (“Smart Grid Framework Document”).2 See North American Electric Reliability Corporation, “Order Certifying North American Electric Reliability Corporation as the Electric Reliability Organization and Ordering Compliance Filing.” 116 FERC ¶ 61,062 (July 20, 2006).II. NOTICES AND COMMUNICATIONSNotices and communications with respect to these comments may be addressed to the following:Rick SergelPresident and Chief Executive Officer David N. CookVice President and General Counsel North American Electric Reliability Corporation116-390 Village Boulevard Princeton, NJ 08540-5721(609) 452-8060(609) 452-9550 – facsimile*******************Rebecca J. MichaelAssistant General CounselHolly A HawkinsAttorneyNorth American Electric ReliabilityCorporation1120 G Street, N.W.Suite 990Washington, D.C. 20005-3801(202) 393-3998(202) 393-3955 – facsimile**********************************************III. BACKGROUNDThe NIST Smart Grid Framework Document outlines the first phase of a three-phase plan for NIST to accelerate the identification of interoperability standards and develop a robust framework for the long-term evolution of standards related to Smart Grid. While most of the interoperability standards identified pertained to the technical requirements for the interoperability of equipment, the report also acknowledges NERC’s Critical Infrastructure Protection (“CIP”) CIP-002 through CIP-009 Reliability Standards as the only mandatory NERC Standards “directly relevant to Smart Grid.”3 It is on this basis that NERC hereby provides these comments to respond to the Smart Grid Framework Document.3 Smart Grid Framework Document at p. 78.NIST also released a draft of a document entitled Smart Grid Cyber Security Strategy and Requirements (“Smart Grid Cyber Security Document”) on September 25, 2009 containing an overall cyber security risk management framework and strategy for the Smart Grid. That document maps NERC’s mandatory CIP Standards to similar cyber security documents from the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”), the International Electrotechnical Commission (“IEC”), the American National Standards Institute (“ANSI”) and others. NERC plans to provide comments to NIST on the Smart Grid Cyber Security Document by December 1, 2009.On March 19, 2009, FERC issued a document entitled Smart Grid Policy, Proposed Policy Statement and Action Plan Order (“Proposed Policy Statement”)4 on which NERC provided comments. The Commission issued a Final Policy Statement on July 16, 2009,5 which provided guidance regarding the development of a Smart Grid for the nation’s electric transmission system, focusing on the development of key standards to achieve interoperability and functionality of Smart Grid systems and devices. While the Commission will ultimately be responsible for adopting “interoperability standards and protocols necessary to ensure smart-grid functionality and interoperability in the interstate transmission of electric power and in regional and wholesale electricity markets,”6 NIST, in accordance with the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (“EISA”), Section 1305(a), was directed “… to coordinate the advancement of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of Smart Grid devices and systems.”7 NIST’s Smart Grid Framework Document presents the results of the first of three phases of that project.4 Smart Grid Proposed Policy Statement and Action Plan, 126 FERC ¶ 61,253 (March 19, 2009), Docket No. PL09-4-000 (“FERC Proposed Policy Statement”).5 Smart Grid Policy Statement, 128 FERC ¶ 61,060 (July 16, 2009), Docket No. PL09-4-000 (“FERC Policy Statement”).6 FERC Proposed Policy Statement at P 1 n.3, citing to the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 110-140, 121 Stat. 1492 (2007) (“EISA”), to be codified at 15 U.S.C. §17381(a).7 FERC Proposed Policy Statement at P 7 n.7, citing to EISA §1305(a).Based on NERC’s review of the Smart Grid Framework Document, there are three types of standards (either currently existing or to be developed) that NERC believes will be important to ensuring the successful operation, reliability and security of Smart Grid technologies. These standards are – Interoperability Standards, System Security Standards and Reliability Standards. Each is described below.Interoperability StandardsThe NIST Framework Document defines “Interoperability” as “[t]he capability of two or more networks, systems, devices, applications, or components to exchange and readily use information—securely, effectively, and with little or no inconvenience to the user. ... [t]hat is, different systems will be able to exchange meaningful, actionable information. The systems will share a common meaning of the exchanged information, and this information will elicit agreed-upon types of response. The reliability, fidelity, and security of information exchanges between and among Smart Grid systems must achieve requisite performance levels.”8“Standards” are defined in the Smart Grid Framework Document as: “Specifications that establish the fitness of a product for a particular use or that define the function and performance of a device or system. Standards are key facilitators of compatibility. They define specifications for languages, communications protocols, data formats, linkages within and across systems, interfaces between software applications and between hardware devices, and much more. Standards must be robust enough so that they can be extended to accommodate future applications and technologies.”9 For purposes of this document, NERC has referred to NIST’s discussion of standards for the Smart Grid as “Interoperability Standards.” NERC notes that the Interoperability Standards8 Smart Grid Framework Document at p. 11-12.9Id. at p. 12.proposed in the Smart Grid Framework Document appear to focus on components and applications, and in many cases do not directly address interoperability of networks and systems. That is, the Smart Grid Framework Document proposes Interoperability Standards that today are useful for component designers and manufacturers, but may not be adequate for system integrators and utilities to guide architectures and system properties. Standards developed for interoperability of networks and systems will also need to be carefully evaluated to ensure that no incompatibilities or conflicts are inadvertently created that could potentially adversely affect the reliability of the bulk power system.System Security StandardsSystem security standards (“System Security Standards”) refer to those standards thatwill apply to the technology and architecture of the system network and components that will collectively enable the functionality of Smart Grid technologies. According to FERC’s Proposed Policy Statement, System Security Standards should address the following considerations: (1) the integrity of data communicated (whether the data is correct); (2) the authentication of the communications (whether the communication is between the intended Smart Grid device and an authorized device, network, or person); (3) the prevention of unauthorized modifications to Smart Grid networks and devices and the logging of all modifications made; (4) the physical protection of Smart Grid networks and devices; and (5) the potential impact of unauthorized use of these Smart Grid networks and devices on the bulk-power system.10 Although there is no cited authority in the Smart Grid Framework Document, NERC believes it will be essential to address system security considerations to ensure that the standards for the design and integration of Smart Grid systems, networks and technologies do not conflict with or create unintended10Id. at P 30.reliability and security risks for the bulk power system. NERC will address this issue in more detail in its comments in response to NIST’s Smart Grid Cyber Security Document, which will be sent to NIST by December 1, 2009.NERC Reliability StandardsNERC Reliability Standards (“Reliability Standards”) are the international standards that ensure reliability of the bulk power system. Through the Energy Policy Act of 2005,11 Congress provided for the creation of an ERO, charged with developing and enforcing mandatory Reliability Standards in the United States, subject to Commission approval. NERC was certified by the Commission as the designated ERO on July 20, 2006.12 NERC’s role as the ERO is to develop, implement, and enforce mandatory Reliability Standards for the bulk power system, subject to Commission approval, in accordance with Section 215 of the Federal Power Act (the “Act” or the “FPA”).13 Section 215 requires that all users, owners and operators of the bulk power system in the United States be subject to the Commission-approved Reliability Standards. NERC-enforced, and Commission-approved Reliability Standards are designed to ensure the reliability of the bulk power system and typically apply to those entities that perform the planning, design, maintenance, and operation of facilities at the transmission and generation level.While NERC understands that NIST’s development of Interoperability Standards will help to implement devices and programs to enable the functionality of a Smart Grid, NERC’s role with respect to this process is to specifically address whether new Reliability Standards, or11 Energy Policy Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. 109-58, Title XII, Subtitle A, 119 Stat. 594, 941 (2005) (codified at 16 U.S.C. §824o (2007)).12See North American Electric Reliability Corporation, 116 FERC ¶61,062 (July 20, 2006)13See Id.; citing to, FPA §§ 824, 824o.modifications to existing mandatory Reliability Standards, will be necessary, to ensure the continued reliability of the bulk power system as new Smart Grid technologies and systems are developed and integrated with existing systems and networks.IV.DISCUSSIONThe title of the Smart Grid Framework Document suggests that this document is a roadmap for the development of Interoperability Standards to apply to the Smart Grid. However, the contents appear to be a “plan” for the development of Interoperability Standards rather than a roadmap as they do not provide a full complement of interoperability requirements now and into the future (i.e., off-ramps, expected evolution). Rather, the Smart Grid Framework Document appears to be a compendium of high priority elements, each with its own plan and milestones. Although there are references to “reliability” throughout the document, these references are generally attributed to the reliability of Smart Grid devices and systems rather than the reliability of the bulk power system or electric distribution systems.Accordingly, NERC’s comments herein focus on suggested areas for NIST’s further consideration in the development of Interoperabilty Standards for the Smart Grid. As discussed below, it will be vitally important for NIST Interoperability Standards to be developed in close coordination with NERC Reliability Standards to ensure the continued reliability of the bulk power system.1.NIST’s Proposed Interoperability Standards Must be Compatible with NERCReliability StandardsAlthough the voluntary Interoperabilty Standards proposed by NIST are designed to achieve a different purpose from the NERC mandatory Reliability Standards, it is critical to thecontinued reliability of the bulk power system that the two bodies of standards be compatible and complementary. The EISA has tasked NIST with the “responsibility to coordinate development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of smart grid devices and systems.”14 The Smart Grid Framework Document states that “[t]he Smart Grid is a very complex system of systems,” and “[t]here needs to be a shared understanding of its major building blocks and how they inter-relate (an architectural reference model) in order to analyze use cases, identify interfaces for which interoperability standards are needed, and to develop a cyber security strategy.”15 In order to achieve this, Interoperabilty Standards will be required to address “how to” achieve interoperability of the Smart Grid (e.g. what type of equipment an entity must use to interoperate with other Smart Grid entities, and how that equipment will communicate with each other).NERC Reliability Standards, on the other hand, deal with “what” should be done to ensure the reliability of the bulk power system. The definition of “Reliability Standard” as it appears in Section 39.1 of the Code of Federal Regulations is:“... a requirement to provide for reliable operation of the bulk power system, includingwithout limiting the foregoing, requirements for the operation of existing bulk powersystem facilities, including cyber security protection, and including the design of planned additions or modifications to such facilities to the extent necessary for reliable operation of the bulk power system; but shall not include any requirement to enlarge bulk powersystem facilities or to construct new transmission capacity or generation capacity.”NERC, as an ANSI-accredited standards-setting body, is responsible for developing mandatory Reliability Standards for the reliability of the bulk power system. NERC’s role as the ERO is to develop, implement, and enforce mandatory Reliability Standards for the bulk power system, subject to Commission approval, in accordance with Section 215 of the FPA.16 Section14 EISA Title XIII, Section 1305.15 Smart Grid Framework Document at p. 5.16 16 U.S.C. Section 824o.215 requires that all users, owners and operators of the bulk power system in the United States comply with Commission-approved Reliability Standards, which are designed to ensure the reliability of the bulk power system and typically apply to entities that own, operate, and use facilities at the transmission and generation level. Additionally, Section 401.2 of the NERC Rules of Procedure provides that “[w]here required by applicable legislation, regulation, rule or agreement, all bulk power system owners, operators, and users, regional entities, and NERC, are required to comply with all approved NERC reliability standards at all times.”17Although NIST’s voluntary Interoperability Standards and NERC’s mandatory Reliability Standards are designed to serve fundamentally different purposes, it is essential that they be compatible and that no inadvertent conflicts arise that make it impossible for entities to be able to comply with both. An entity should be able to comply with both NERC Reliability Standards listed on Table 2 and NIST Interoperability Standards. Because Interoperability Standards will likely apply to equipment and systems that interface with the equipment and systems of bulk power system users, owners, or operators’ equipment, and because these Interoperability Standards could become de facto mandatory standards that all Smart Grid technologies and systems will adopt, it will be important for NERC and NIST to coordinate on the development of the interoperability standards that affect the reliability and the security of the bulk power system.NERC looks forward to working collaboratively with NIST in the development of Interoperabilty Standards that are compatible with NERC Reliability Standards.17 NERC’s Rules of Procedure are available at: /page.php?cid=1|8|169.2.Cyber Security of the Smart Grid is a Top Priority; However Inclusion of the NERCCIP Standards Into the Interoperability Standards Will Not Ensure CompleteCyber Security Protection of Smart Grid Devices and May Have UnintendedConsequencesIn the Smart Grid Framework Document, NIST states that cyber security is a “critical priority,” covering all aspects of reliable Smart Grid integration and deployment and should be a top priority.18 While NERC agrees that cyber security is a top priority, NERC CIP Reliability Standards are not intended to reach beyond the reliability of the bulk power system. NERC therefore encourages NIST to use caution in applying NERC CIP Reliability Standards to the body of Interoperability Standards to ensure cyber security protection of Smart Grid devices.The applicability of NERC-developed, FERC-approved, CIP Reliability Standards is limited to users, owners, and operators of the bulk power system in accordance with Section 215 of the FPA. Smart Grid technologies and applications will generally be applied at the customer and distribution system levels, which are not typically considered to be part of the bulk power system. However, the aggregated impacts of these Smart Grid devices on the bulk power system could be substantial.While the purpose of developing Interoperability Standards is to ensure that Smart Grid systems can freely exchange information without logical barriers, the NERC CIP Reliability Standards purposefully put barriers in place to protect the various elements that comprise the critical infrastructure assets of the bulk power system, including critical cyber assets, from malicious intrusion or attack. As such, NIST must recognize that its application of the NERC CIP Reliability Standards to the body of Interoperability Standards will not adequately protect cyber security of all components of the Smart Grid, such as Smart Grid distribution devices.18 See Smart Grid Framework Document at p. 7.For example, NERC’s CIP Reliability Standards do not specifically protect telecommunications systems or communication paths, which are important components of the Smart Grid. Additionally, NERC CIP Reliability Standards do not provide requirements for actual components, such as the requirement for device-to-device authentication. While the CIP Reliability Standards are designed to shape the behavior of asset owners and operators, they are not designed to shape the behavior of equipment and system designers, manufacturers, and integrators. The NERC Reliability Standards apply to installed equipment and require security controls be applied to manage risk in the operation and maintenance of cyber assets. The protection goals of the Smart Grid, on the other hand, are broader, and address component security, integrity of communications, privacy, and other cyber security considerations.Accordingly, NERC encourages NIST to integrate adequate cyber security protection, at all levels (device, application, network and system) for the Smart Grid in the development of a body of Interoperabilty Standards. While NERC CIP Reliability Standards provide for the reliable and safe operation of the bulk power system by preventing the unauthorized cyber and physical access to critical assets and critical cyber assets, there is a need to develop additional cyber security protection for distribution facilities in the development of Smart Grid Interoperability Standards to address, for example, security aspects of interoperability at the distribution level. Therefore, new Smart Grid system designs that can help manage cyber security risks must be explored to ensure that suitable reliability and security considerations are included in NIST’s Interoperability Standards.NERC intends to work closely with NIST through the Smart Grid Interoperabilty Panel and in other forums on the development of cyber security Interoperability Standards for Smart Grid technologies and their associated network and system architectures, with an eye towardpass-through attacks (i.e. an attacker moving from a point in the system to other criticalinfrastructure systems) and aggregated impacts to the bulk power system. Additionally, NERC will provide more substantive comments in response to NIST’s Smart Grid Cyber Security Document by December 1, 2009.3. All Interoperability Standards Need to be HarmonizedIn its textbox labeled “Guidance for Identifying Standards for Implementation,” NIST presents a list of criteria for evaluating Interoperability Standards and emerging specifications.19 In this list, NIST proposes that a standard or emerging specification be evaluated on “whether it is integrated and harmonized with complementing standards across the utility enterprise through the use of an industry architecture that documents key points of interoperability andinterfaces.”20 NERC concurs that evaluating proposed Interoperability Standards against this criterion is a good practice and critical to the success of the NIST Interoperability Standards identification process. Although NIST states that this criterion “does not apply to every or specification listed in Tables 2 and 3,” NERC asserts that this specific criterion be full applicable to all of the proposed interoperability standards in those tables as it represents a fundamental attribute for system-wide interoperability and will ensure that all standards proposed to be included in the body of Interoperability Standards are compatible and complementary with each other.standard y19 Smart Grid Framework Document at p. 46.20Smart Grid Framework Document at p. 46.V. CONCLUSIONFor the reasons stated above, NERC looks forward to working with NIST in developing Interoperability Standards that work collaboratively and in conjunction with NERC Reliability Standards, recognizing that new or modified NERC Reliability Standards may also be necessary to integrate Smart Grid technologies based on their impact on bulk power system reliability. Additionally, because cyber security and reliability will be of paramount importance in the development of a smarter grid, NERC encourages NIST to develop cyber security Interoperability Standards that relate to Smart Grid technologies and systems.Respectfullysubmitted,Rick SergelPresident and Chief Executive OfficerDavid N. CookVice President and General CounselNorth American Electric Reliability Corporation 116-390 Village BoulevardPrinceton, NJ 08540-5721(609) 452-8060(609) 452-9550 – facsimile*******************/s/ Holly A. HawkinsRebecca J. MichaelAssistant General CounselHolly A. HawkinsAttorneyNorth American Electric Reliability Corporation1120 G Street, N.W.Suite 990Washington, D.C. 20005-3801 (202) 393-3998(202) 393-3955 – facsimile**********************************************。
SIMIT V9.1 安装和使用说明说明书
SIMITNotes on Installation and UsageThese notes should be considered more up-to-date than the information in other documents.Read the notes carefully, because they contain information on installing and using SIMIT V9.1. The installation notes in chapter 4 contain important information that you will require in order to install SIMIT. Read these notes before installing the software.Software disclaimer for simulation productsSiemens offers simulation software to plan, simulate and optimize plants and machines. The simulation- and optimization-results are only non-binding suggestions for the user. Thequality of the simulation and optimizing results depend on the correctness and thecompleteness of the input data. Therefore, the input data and the results have to bevalidated by the user.Security informationSiemens provides automation and drive products with industrial security functions thatsupport the secure operation of plants or machines. They are an important component in a holistic industrial security concept. With this in mind, our products undergo continuousdevelopment. We therefore recommend that you keep yourself informed with respect to our product updates. Please find further information and newsletters on this subject at:.To ensure the secure operation of a plant or machine it is also necessary to take suitable preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and to integrate the automation and drive components into a state-of-the-art holistic industrial security concept for the entire plant or machine. Any third-party products that may be in use must also be taken into account.Please find further information at: /industrialsecuritySIMIT allows you to identify simulation models using a unique version number and also to restrict visibility of certain information by providing password protection for macros andcomponents. Please note that these procedures do not provide unimpeachable protection against skilled high effort attacks.ContentsNotes on Installation1Contents of the Consignment2Hardware Requirements3Software Requirements3.1Operating Environment3.2Memory Requirements3.3Compatibility with Other Software Products3.4Anti virus software3.5Online Documentation4Installation4.1Installation of SIMIT4.2Copy protection dongle4.3Upgrade from SIMIT4.4Uninstalling SIMIT5Specific features of the SIMIT Unit (“SIMBA”)6Specific features of the Virtual Controller (“SIMIT VC”)7Remote Control Interface8UnlockHWConfig.exe9Terms of License and Disclaimer of Liability for Open Source Software1Contents of the ConsignmentYou received one of the following products with this consignment:SIMIT V9.1The following items are included in this package:1 CD SIMIT V9.11 Dongle with an individual license number (Type: Standard, Professional or Ultimate)1 Product InformationSIMIT Upgrade V9.1The following items are included in this package:1 CD SIMIT V9.11 Product information including license informationContent of the SIMIT CDFile Start.exe:-SIMIT Installer (Frame Setup)Folder _Beispiele:-SIMIT-Sample Projects (german)-Sample implementation for the Shared Memory (SHM) coupling-Sample data for bulk data import (SMD)-Sample data for 3D-Models-Sample data and Document Type Definition for XML-ImportFolder _D ocs:-Manuals in pdf format in German and English. You can view the manuals at any time on the SIMIT-CD.Ordner _LegacyComponents:-Prior versions of standard component types. They can be helpful if they are used in existing SIMIT projects but are not embedded in the archive file.Ordner _LegacyTemplates:-Prior versions of standard templates. These templates still contain the variable “GATEWAY” that has been changed to “COUPLING” in SIMIT V8.0.Folder _Samples:-SIMIT Sample Projects (english)-Sample implementation for the Shared Memory (SHM) coupling-Sample data for bulk data import (SMD)-Sample data for 3D-Models-Sample data and Document Type Definition for XML-ImportFolder Support/Tools:-Tool to make HWConfig data available.Folder XMLTRANSFER_09.00.00.00_01.89.00.03::-Setup for installation of the XML transfer as an add-on for PCS 7.In order to work with SIMIT, you need a PC with the following minimum requirements for processor speed/performance (recommendations from Microsoft), RAM and graphics capability:GraphicsProcessor Expandedmemoryconfiguration2 GHz2GB *)DirectX 9-raphics device withWDDM 1.0- or later driver*) At least 4 GB expanded memory configuration is recommendedIn addition, you will need a CD drive and a free USB port.The performance of your graphics architecture as well as memory configuration may have considerable influence on the performance of SIMIT. In case you work with large SIMIT projects with e.g. several hundred diagrams you should use a PC with up-to-date performance.3.1Operating EnvironmentOperating SystemSIMIT is a 32-bit application that is released for the following operating systems:-MS Windows 7 SP1 (Professional, Ultimate, Enterprise, 32 and 64 bit versions)-MS Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise (32 and 64 bit versions)-MS Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 Bit)-MS Windows Server 2012 R2 (64 Bit)-MS Windows Server 2016You may use one of these operating systems as a virtual machine under the control of aVMware host (ESXi V5.5 or V6.0).SIMIT has not been tested for use in other environments; use at your own risk.Display of PDF filesTo read the supplied PDF files, you need a PDF reader that is compatible with PDF 1.7(ISO32000-1:2008 PDF).Security SettingsIn project directories as well as in the SIMIT workspace, all users need to receive writepermission in case of non-exclusive use by one user only. These rights have to be set up byan administrator.Note: The standard rights available in the operating system depend on the operating systemin use. Tools used for the creation of partitions will implement their own security guidelines.Hibernation modeShifting to hibernation mode is generally prevented by SIMIT.Modifying date and timePlease do not modify the date or time of your computer while SIMIT is running since thiscould cause unpredictable errors.3.2Memory RequirementsSIMIT requires approx. 350 Mbytes of memory on your hard disk. The exact value dependson your operating system and on the file system used on your personal computer.Additionally, on the drive your project data is located you need to make sure enough harddisk space is available. If during an operation (e.g. saving a SIMIT diagram or starting thesimulation) disk space is insufficient, this may lead to corruption of project data.We also recommend that you do not store the project data on the same drive as the Windowsswap file.3.3Compatibility with Other Software ProductsSIMIT V9.1 cannot be installed as long as SIMIT V8.x is installed on your computer. Asapplicable please uninstall SIMIT V8.x first.There are no further incompatibilities known to other software products. Simultaneous use ofSIMIT V5.x or SIMIT V7.x and SIMIT V9.x may fail, however.Since the Virtual Controller is integrated into SIMIT an existing installation of SIMIT VC V3.0must be uninstalled manually if applicable.SIMIT VC supports PCS 7 versions 7.0 to 9.0 according to the emulation of driver blocks. 3.4Anti virus softwareThe following antivirus software has been tested for compatibility with SIMIT V9.1-Trend Micro OfficeScan Client V11.0.6054Other versions or other anti virus software cannot be guaranteed by Siemens. Please do thetest for compatibility yourself if using them.3.5Online DocumentationAll SIMIT components contained in this delivery provide an online help which may be openedfrom the component taskcard as well as from the diagram.4Installation4.1Installation of SIMITSIMIT requires administrator rights for installation. Insert the SIMIT CD in the drive. In caseyour PC is configured appropriately, installation will start automatically. Otherwise, pleasestart installation of SIMIT manually by double clicking the program Start.exe in the root folderof the SIMIT-CD using Microsoft Windows Explorer.Some notes on required user input during setup:SIMIT can be installed in any folder. Do not specify a folder that already contains data! Forusing SIMIT, only read-access to this installation folder is required.In addition, SIMIT requires a workspace for placing data. For using SIMIT, you need read andwrite access to this workspace. The workspace is usually located at the (hidden) folderC:\ProgramData\Siemens\Automation\SIMIT.SIMIT projects may be placed at any location on the file system, independent from these twoinstallation folders.NoteSIMIT registers itself in Microsoft Windows system files. You must not delete, moveor rename SIMIT files and folders using Microsoft Windows utilities such as theExplorer or modify SIMIT data in the Microsoft Windows registry. The program mayno longer run properly after such modifications.4.2Copy protection dongleBefore using SIMIT, you need to plug the dongle that was delivered into an available usb portof your PC. Please do not use extensions or USB-hubs.Using the DEMO modeIf there is no valid SIMIT dongle plugged, you can launch SIMIT in DEMO mode. Thefunctionality is restricted in DEMO mode. The purpose of the DEMO mode is to make youfamiliar working with SIMIT. Productive work is not possible in DEMO mode.For details please see the SIMIT manual.4.3Upgrade from SIMITCoexistent installation with SIMIT V7.xThe installation of SIMIT V9.1 does not affect an existing SIMIT V7.0 or SIMIT V7.1. You canuninstall the older SIMIT version manually.Coexistent installation with SIMIT V8.xA coexistent installation of SIMIT V8.x and V9.x is not possible. You have to uninstall anexisting installation of SIMIT V8.x first.Transfer of existing SIMIT componentsComponents, macros and templates, that you created with SIMIT V7 have to be transferredmanually into the workspace of SIMIT V9.1 (C:\ProgramData\Siemens\Automation\SIMIT\8.0\FULL).Projects that were created with SIMIT V7.x, V8.x or V9.0 can be opened with SIMIT V9.1.When doing this the first time it may last a while to automatically convert the project to thenew version. Afterwards this project can no longer be opened with a previous SIMIT version!CompatibilityComponents, macros, templates and projects that were created with SIMIT V8.x can still beused with SIMIT V9.x. Please be aware of the following incompatibilities:- A coupling to the Virtual Controller V3.0 that has been created with SIMIT V8.1 will not be carried to SIMIT V9.x. You have to create this coupling once again in SIMITV9.x, if applicable.-The syntax of the module addresses used by the “unit connector” has been changed with version 9.0. Instead of using keywords like “Slv” and “Slt” the subsystem, slaveand slot is now indicated by numbers in square bracket. If applicable, you have tocorrect these specifications in the “unit connectors”. Alternatively, you may drag anew “unit connector” from the coupling editor, which provides a connector with theproper setting.-When processing the XML file used for the CMT import and provided by theautomation interface, SIMIT will still use a “\” to separate the CMT hierarchy levels.However, the signal or parameter name is separated by a “.” from SIMIT V9.0onwards as used by PCS 7. You have to adopt your templates if applicable.-In order to optimize the model calculation in SIMIT V9.1 differential equations are assembled and solved no longer regarding the complete SIMIT project but onlyregarding single components. This may cause a slightly changed behavior of thesimulation results if components containing differential equations are used. Thesolvers used for the library FLOWNET and CHEM-BASIC are not affected.License keys for upgradesIf you purchased an upgrade license you have to provide the according license key when starting SIMIT V9.1 the first time. Please note that all license keys that you received for your dongle number are required!Software for Simulation Unit (formerly “Simulation Unit” resp. “SIMBA”) The software necessary for using the Profinet or Profibus coupling in SIMIT V9.x is delivered in conjunction with the hardware (Simulation Unit) and is no longer part of the SIMIT installer. If you already possess this hardware you may get the necessary software (SIMULATIONUnit, abbreviated SU-Software) free of charge:https:///cs/ww/en/view/1097461924.4Uninstalling SIMITNoteSoftware products must be removed according to Microsoft Windows.To do this, use Microsoft Windows application "Software" (Settings > Control Panel >Software) to remove your software package (for example "SIMIT").During uninstall the entire SIMIT installation folder will be deleted, too. Furthermore, allentries in the registry, the startup menu and the desktop will be removed.The SIMIT workspace will not be deleted.Projects that were created with SIMIT will not be deleted.During installation of SIMIT the following software packages were installed, in case they werenot installed yet:-Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable-Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable-Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable-Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable-OPC Core Components Redistributable-Microsoft .NET-Framework 4.6Since these software packages may be used by other applications, they will not beautomatically removed during SIMIT uninstall. If you are sure that you do not need thesesoftware packages any more, you may uninstall them using the control panel.5Specific features of the SIMIT Unit (“SIMBA”) The new SU coupling replaces the previous Profibus DP and Profinet IO couplings.In a SU coupling all Profibus and Profinet lines of a S7 station are now concentrated. Thisallows to switch from a …Hardware-in-the-Loop“ configuration to a …Software-in-the-Loop“configuration more easily because the I/O signals in the process model do no longer dependon the corresponding line and need not be modified.However, if you open a SIMIT project of a previous version that contains Profibus or Profinetcouplings, each line will be converted into an individual SU coupling. This allows you to usethe SIMIT project without any modifications. If you want to organize the SU couplingaccording to S7 stations as intended in SIMIT V9.1, please delete the SU Coupling andrecreate it.When using the SIMIT Unit as Profibus DB- or Profinet IO-coupling please note that pausingthe simulation for more than about 30 seconds will abort the connection between theSimulation Unit and SIMIT.Shared Devices attached to the Profinet are currently not supported completely. Only thedevices that are located in the same station as the interface module can be accessed bySIMIT.You can import GSD resp. GSDML files via the “SU administration” to publish deviceinformation to SIMIT. They are marked as “User” in the table. If there is device informationalready delivered by the SIMIT installation it is marked as “System”. The “User” informationalways overrides the “System” information!6Specific features of the Virtual Controller(“SIMIT VC”)The Virtual Controller is able to handle IP-based S7-connections. However, this does notinclude the redundant S7H-protocol for redundant connections unrestrictedly. The S7H-protocol can only be used for connections between Virtual Controllers belonging to the sameSIMIT project.Each delta download is registered in the controller by a time stamp. This time stamp is usedto decide if the program in the controller (“online”) is identical to the program in theengineering tool (“offline”). The Virtual Controller does not provide such a time stamp if thesimulation is restarted, even though the program is loaded correctly. The engineering tool willtherefor report an inconsistent state of the program after delta download and simulationrestart which is not appropriate. You can avoid this message by executing a full download.The Virtual Controller is able to emulate S7-300 controllers. However, technology functionsare not supported. I/Q-addresses must be unique on technology CPUs as well.Please make sure that the subnet masks of all computers that are involved in the simulationare configured in a way that each configured IP address can be assigned to an unambiguoussubnet. Otherwise the licensing of the Virtual Computer might not work properly.Make sure, that IP addresses are not added automatically (e.g. by SIMATIC NETCommunication Settings) to prevent such error-prone configurations.The Virtual Controller supports the Library …S7 F Systems Lib V1_3” under regular conditions(no failure conditions).“Distributed Safety” is currently not supported.7Remote Control InterfaceOther than described in the documentation of the RCI interface the library“Siemens.Simit.API.Coupling.dll“ is no longer located in the installation folder of SIMIT but inthe Global Assembly Cache (GAC) of your computer:"%Windir%\\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Siemens.Simit.API.Coupling\v4.0_1.0.0.0__fd3415afd42094c5\Siemens.Simit.API.Coupling.dll"Please refer to this library at this location and do not copy it to your project and do not deliverthis file as part of your software!8UnlockHWConfig.exeIn STEP 7, the sdb files are by default deleted following compilation of the hardware configuration.To prevent this permanently, launch the program "UnlockHWConfig.exe" once on the STEP 7 PC.Please note that this program must be executed with administration rights!9Terms of License and Disclaimer of Liability for Open Source SoftwareBefore installation, please read the Readme_OSS.rtf file in the root directory of the SIMITCD.。
过程配置fr amework sm运作流程1.0 > > > 发展愿景和战略2.0开发和管理产品和服务> > > 3.0市场和销售产品与服务> > > 4.0提供产品和服务> > > 5.0管理客户服务管理和支持服务7.0管理信息技术8.0管理财务资源12.0管理知识,改进和变革11.0管理外部关系10.0管理环境健康与安全(EHS)9.0获取,构建和管理财产6.0开发和管理人力资本期待APQC流程分类框架是一个不断发展的模型,APQC将继续不断加强和改进。
Advances in Social Sciences 社会科学前沿, 2023, 12(4), 1553-1557 Published Online April 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/ass https:///10.12677/ass.2023.124210电网企业智慧化社会保险管理体系建设的对策分析——以国网安徽省电力有限公司为例周 田1,王景兵1,彭 琪1,黄志远2,吴慈生21国网安徽省电力有限公司,安徽 合肥 2合肥工业大学管理学院,安徽 合肥收稿日期:2023年2月25日;录用日期:2023年3月31日;发布日期:2023年4月11日摘 要社会保险管理的集约化、精细化与优质化服务是目前企业面临的重要课题之一。
关键词电网企业,智慧化,社会保险管理体系,对策Countermeasure Analysis of Smart Grid Enterprise’s Social Insurance Management System Construction—Taking State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company Limited as an ExampleTian Zhou 1, Jingbing Wang 1, Qi Peng 1, Zhiyuan Huang 2, Cisheng Wu 21State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company, Hefei Anhui 2School of Management, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei AnhuiReceived: Feb. 25th , 2023; accepted: Mar. 31st , 2023; published: Apr. 11th , 2023周田 等AbstractThe intensive, refined, and high-quality service of social insurance management is one of the im-portant issues that enterprises are facing. This article takes State Grid Anhui Electric Power Com-pany Limited as an example to analyze the problems faced by its construction of a smart social in-surance management system, proposes countermeasure suggestions for the construction of a smart social insurance management system, and predicts the potential management, economic, and social benefits that may be generated. KeywordsPower Grid Enterprise, Smart, Social Insurance Management System, CountermeasureCopyright © 2023 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0). /licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言近年来,国网安徽电力有限公司在社会保险管理的集约化、精细化与优质化服务等方面取得了较大的进步,社会保险管理信息化建设水平不断提高,综合服务中心的业务支撑能力、社会保障管理能力、服务能力不断提升。
Maquette - 04/05/2020 - P 6
Key Enablers For Smart Grids
New technology
(Phasor Measuring Units) PMU Wide Area Monitoring Protection And Control Systems (WAMPACS) GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) High Speed Broad Band communications Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) Protection and Control
Environmental concerns: resulting in a race for a low carbon energy mix including the large scale deployment & integration of renewable energy generation
Innovative Smart Grid Automation Projects – Collaboration with Customers
Tony Yip (formally Areva T&D, UK)
What is a Smart Grid? The need for Renewable Energies Alstom Grid Innovative Projects
Smart Grid and Energy Systems
Smart Grid and Energy Systems The integration of smart grid technology into energy systems represents a significant advancement in the way we generate, distribute, and consumeelectricity. This innovation holds the potential to revolutionize the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of power delivery, offering a range of benefitsfor both consumers and utility providers. As we delve into the complexities and opportunities presented by smart grid and energy systems, it is essential to consider various perspectives, including the technological, economic, and environmental implications of this transformative development. From a technological standpoint, the smart grid represents a paradigm shift in the way we manage and optimize energy resources. By leveraging advanced sensors, communication networks, and data analytics, smart grid technologies enable real-time monitoring and control of electricity flow, allowing for more precise load balancing and fault detection. This enhanced visibility and control not only improve the overall reliability of the grid but also pave the way for the integration of renewable energy sources and the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. As a result, the smart grid has the potential to facilitate thetransition towards a more sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure. In addition to its technological implications, the smart grid also carriessignificant economic ramifications. The deployment of smart grid technologies requires substantial upfront investment, encompassing the installation of advanced metering infrastructure, grid automation systems, and communication networks. However, proponents argue that these initial costs are offset by the long-term benefits, including reduced operational expenses, lower maintenance costs, and enhanced energy efficiency. Furthermore, the smart grid opens up new opportunities for innovative pricing models, demand response programs, and energy trading, empowering consumers to make more informed choices about their electricity usage and potentially lowering their overall energy bills. Beyond its technological and economic dimensions, the smart grid also holds profound environmental implications. By enabling the seamless integration of renewable energy sources, such as solarand wind power, the smart grid contributes to the decarbonization of theelectricity sector, thereby mitigating the environmental impact of traditionalfossil fuel-based generation. Moreover, the improved efficiency and flexibility of the smart grid can help reduce energy wastage and minimize greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainability. However, it is essential to acknowledge that the manufacturing and deployment of smart grid infrastructure also entail environmental costs, including the consumption of resources and the generation of electronic waste, underscoring the need for a comprehensive lifecycle assessment of these technologies. Despite its numerous potential benefits, the implementation of smart grid and energy systems is not without challenges and considerations. One of the primary concerns revolves around cybersecurity, as the interconnected nature of smart grid technologies introduces new vulnerabilities and risks that could compromise the integrity of the grid and the privacy of consumer data. Addressing these security threats requires robust encryption, authentication mechanisms, and proactive monitoring to thwart cyber attacks and safeguard critical infrastructure. Additionally, the deployment of smart grid technologies raises questions about data privacy and consumer consent, underscoring the need for transparent policies and regulations to govern the collection, storage, and utilization of energy consumption data. In conclusion, the integration of smart grid and energy systems represents a transformative development with far-reaching implications for the way we generate, distribute, and consume electricity. While the technological, economic, and environmental benefits of the smart grid are compelling, it is crucial to approach its implementation with a comprehensive understanding of the associated challenges and considerations. By fostering collaboration between stakeholders, investing in robust cybersecurity measures, and prioritizing environmental sustainability, we can harness the full potential of smart grid technologies to create a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable energy infrastructure for the future.。
Smart Grid Technologies for Energy Efficiency
Smart Grid Technologies for Energy Efficiency Smart grid technologies have been developed to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. The smart grid is an advanced power infrastructure that allows for two-way communication between the utility and the consumer. It enables the integration of renewable energy sources, energy storage, and demand response programs. Smart grid technologies have the potential to transform the energy sector by providing a more reliable, secure, and sustainable power system. In this essay, we will discuss the benefits of smart grid technologies for energy efficiency from multiple perspectives.From the perspective of consumers, smart grid technologies offer numerous benefits. Firstly, they can help consumers reduce their energy bills by providing real-time information on energy usage and pricing. This information can be used to adjust energy consumption patterns to avoid peak demand periods when prices are high. Secondly, smart grid technologies can improve the reliability of the power supply by reducing the frequency and duration of power outages. This is achieved through the use of advanced sensors and monitoring systems that detect faults and allow for quicker response times. Thirdly, smart grid technologies can enable consumers to participate in demand response programs that incentivize them to reduce energy usage during periods of high demand. This can help to balance the grid and avoid blackouts.From the perspective of utilities, smart grid technologies can help to reduce operational costs and improve the efficiency of the power system. Firstly, they can reduce the need for manual meter reading and maintenance by providing real-time data on energy usage and system performance. Secondly, they can enable utilities to better manage the supply and demand of energy by integrating renewable energy sources and energy storage systems. This can help to reduce the need for expensive peak power plants and improve the overall efficiency of the power system. Thirdly, smart grid technologies can improve grid resiliency by providing early warning of potential system failures and enabling quicker response times.From the perspective of policymakers, smart grid technologies can help to achieve energy security and reduce carbon emissions. Firstly, they can help to reduce thedependence on fossil fuels by enabling the integration of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. This can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Secondly, smart grid technologies can enable the development of a more decentralized and resilient power system that is less vulnerable to cyber-attacks and natural disasters. This can help to improve energy security and reduce the risk of power outages. Thirdly, smart grid technologies can help to create new jobs and stimulate economic growth by promoting the development of new technologies and industries.In conclusion, smart grid technologies have the potential to transform the energy sector by providing a more reliable, secure, and sustainable power system. They offer numerous benefits to consumers, utilities, and policymakers, including reduced energy bills, improved grid reliability, reduced operational costs, and reduced carbon emissions. However, the implementation of smart grid technologies faces several challenges, including the need for significant investment, the development of new regulatory frameworks, and the need for public acceptance. Despite these challenges, the benefits of smart grid technologies make them an essential component of the transition to a low-carbon and sustainable energy future.。
Smart Grid and Energy Storage
Smart Grid and Energy Storage The smart grid and energy storage have become increasingly important in the modern world as we strive to find more sustainable and efficient ways to power our lives. The smart grid refers to the modernization of the electricityinfrastructure to improve reliability, security, and efficiency through the integration of advanced technology, while energy storage involves the capture and storage of energy for later use. Both of these concepts play a crucial role in the transition to a more sustainable and renewable energy future. One of the key benefits of a smart grid is its ability to integrate renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, into the existing electrical grid. These energy sources are intermittent by nature, meaning they are not always available when needed. However, with the help of a smart grid, energy storage systems can be used to store excess energy produced during times of high generation and release it during times of high demand. This not only helps to balance the supply and demand of electricity but also reduces the need for traditional fossil fuel-based power plants, leading to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and overall environmental impact. Another important aspect of the smart grid is its ability to improve the overall reliability and resilience of the electrical grid. By incorporating advanced monitoring and control systems, the smart grid can detect and isolate outages more quickly, minimizing the impact on customers and reducing the time it takes to restore power. Additionally, the smart grid can better accommodate the growing number of electric vehicles and other distributed energy resources, further enhancing the flexibility and stability of the grid. From a consumer perspective, the smart grid and energy storage offer numerous benefits as well. For instance, energy storage systems can be installed at the residential level, allowing homeowners to store excess energy generated from their solar panels for use during peak times or in the event of a power outage. This not only provides greater energy independence but also helps to reduce electricity bills and reliance on the traditional grid. Furthermore, the smart grid enables the implementation of time-of-use pricing, which incentivizes consumers to shift their energy usage to off-peak hours, ultimately reducing strain on the grid and lowering overall energy costs. However, despite the many advantages of the smartgrid and energy storage, there are also challenges that need to be addressed. One of the main obstacles is the high upfront cost of implementing these technologies. While the long-term benefits are clear, the initial investment can be a barrierfor many utilities and consumers. Additionally, there are technical and regulatory hurdles that need to be overcome to ensure the seamless integration of energy storage and smart grid technologies into the existing infrastructure. Furthermore, cybersecurity is a significant concern when it comes to the smart grid. As thegrid becomes more interconnected and reliant on digital communication and control systems, it becomes more vulnerable to cyber attacks. Ensuring the security of the smart grid is essential to maintaining the reliability and safety of theelectrical system as a whole. In conclusion, the smart grid and energy storage hold great potential for revolutionizing the way we generate, distribute, and consume electricity. By enabling the integration of renewable energy sources, improving grid reliability, and offering benefits to consumers, these technologies are essential for a more sustainable and resilient energy future. However, it is crucial to address the challenges and concerns associated with their implementation to fully realize their potential. With continued innovation and investment, the smart grid and energy storage can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of energy.。
Smart Grid and Renewable Energy
Smart Grid and Renewable Energy The integration of smart grid technology with renewable energy sources has the potential to revolutionize the way we produce and consume electricity. Smart grids are advanced energy systems that use digital technology to monitor and manage the flow of electricity in real-time, allowing for more efficient distribution and utilization of power. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, are becoming increasingly popular due to their environmental benefits and decreasing costs. By combining smart grid technology with renewable energy sources, we can create a more sustainable and reliable energy system for the future. One of the key advantages of smart grids is their ability to accommodate the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. Solar and wind power generation can fluctuate based on weather conditions, making it challenging to integrate these sources into the traditional grid infrastructure. Smart grids can help address this issue by dynamically adjusting power flow and storage to match supply and demand in real-time. This flexibility allows for a smoother integration of renewable energy sources into the grid, reducing the need for backup power plants and improving overall system efficiency. In addition to improving grid reliability, smart grid technology can also empower consumers to take control of their energy usage. Smart meters and home energy management systems provide real-time data on energy consumption, allowing consumers to make informed decisions about when and how they use electricity. This level of transparency can help individuals reduce their energy bills, lower their carbon footprint, andcontribute to overall grid stability. By enabling two-way communication between consumers and utilities, smart grids promote a more interactive and responsive energy system. Furthermore, the combination of smart grids and renewable energy sources can lead to significant environmental benefits. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change and improve air quality. Renewable energy sources are also abundant and inexhaustible, making them a sustainable long-term solution to our energy needs. By investing in smart grid infrastructure and renewable energy technologies, we can create a cleaner and greener energy system for future generations. Despite the numerous advantages of smart grids and renewable energy,there are still challenges that need to be addressed. The upfront costs of implementing smart grid technology can be significant, requiring substantial investments in infrastructure and equipment. Additionally, regulatory barriers and market structures may hinder the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources and smart grid solutions. Policy support and incentives are needed to encourage utilities and consumers to transition towards a more sustainable energy system. In conclusion, the integration of smart grid technology with renewable energy sources presents a promising opportunity to transform our energy landscape. By harnessing the power of digital technology and clean energy sources, we can create a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable energy system for the future. It is essential for policymakers, utilities, and consumers to work together to overcome barriers and accelerate the transition towards a smarter and greener grid. With continued innovation and collaboration, we can build a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.。
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Electric Power Systems Research 130(2016)22–33Contents lists available at ScienceDirectElectric Power SystemsResearchj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /e p srSmart grid framework co-simulation using HLA architectureAndréN.Albagli ∗,1,Djalma M.Falcão 1,José Rezende 2COPPE/UFRJ –Programa de Engenharia Elétrica,Caixa Postal 68504,CEP 21941-972Rio de Janeiro,RJ,Brazila r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 16April 2015Received in revised form 20August 2015Accepted 21August 2015Available online 15September 2015Keywords:Smart grid HLACo-simulationa b s t r a c tHLA is an architecture that was developed in 90s for military co-simulation.From year 2000it became a standard and much attention has been given to it because of its ability to integrate different applications,providing synchronization among them.Smart grid is one of the applications that may take advantages of this approach because it connects different information and communication technology (ICT)archi-tectures and power systems.The goal of this paper is to describe several aspects of co-simulation,that are required to develop a framework,and discuss the simulation architecture design.We propose an integration of simulators Simulink,Omnet++and JADE,a multiagent framework,to develop smart grid applications.In addition,we illustrate this integration using one case study of a 33modified radial-distribution network when power failure happens.We demonstrate the ICT and electric models and simulation results.©2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionModeling and simulation is an area of great importance that can help to troubleshoot problems related to performance and improve user experience.Nevertheless,the development of a sim-ulator that approaches all aspects of an environment is time consuming,expensive and requires a large amount of experience in different subjects.One way to avoid these problems is to divide-and-conquer,i.e.,to use different simulators integrated in such a way that they behave as one.One of the recent application areas of modeling &simulation is smart grid.Smart grid is a concept that applies ICT technology and infrastructure to the electric network environment.Smart grid deals with different applications like Demand Response (DR),Tran-sient Analysis (TA)or network power failure,which requires an intelligent system to control the network behavior.The biggest challenge in modeling and simulating smart grids is the creation of a scalable architecture that could easily describe the interac-tions among different simulators and provide a global view of the communication infrastructure,energy network and software appli-cation layer.Each simulator has its own development language,interfaces and mathematical methods to describe environment behavior which turns integration more complicated.Depending on∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+5521985779990.E-mail (A.N.Albagli), (D.M.Falcão), ( Rezende).1Electric Engineering Program. .2System Engineering and Computer Science Program. .the size of the network that is being studied and the details to be observed,it may require different large scale machines [1].There are two approaches to develop co-simulations:first,design an “engine”which deals with data transfer between sim-ulators and synchronization [2–4];second,use a framework as a “glue”that can control the flow of information among them.In this way,HLA framework architecture becomes a good approach because of loose coupling among simulators.The first integration step is the design of a meta-model that describes all objects that exchange data types among simulators in a high-level view.Modeling and simulation using HLA architecture require some steps.The IEEE standard 1516.3describes the best practices and procedures to create distributed simulation and execution (DSEEP)[5].It identifies seven important high-level steps from the defini-tion of the goals to the simulation execution and data analysis.This article will provide the most of these seven steps to develop an inte-gration famework for three different softwares:Matlab/Simulink,Omnet++and Java Agent Develop Environment (JADE)[6],includ-ing ontology definitions and meta-model for data exchange among simulators.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.In Sec-tion 2,the reasons for studying co-simulations are presented.In Section 3,a literature review is introduced.In Section 4,some concepts review about model development,multiagent systems,high-level architecture (HLA),ontologies and meta-models are pro-vided.Section 5describes the proposed simulation architecture.In Section 6,proposed ontology models are developed as the basis for a meta-model creation.In Section 7,a complete meta-model for object model template is presented.In Section 8,it is presented/10.1016/j.epsr.2015.08.0190378-7796/©2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.A.N.Albagli et al./Electric Power Systems Research130(2016)22–3323a case study of radial-distribution network reconfiguration using co-simulation.Finally,in Section9,this paper is concluded and propositions for future works are presented.2.MotivationSmart grid has been considered the next frontier of automation because new communication and information systems technolo-gies can improve reliability and availability of an energy network. This brings higher customer satisfaction and better economical results.Moreover,it can provide a higher network control and mon-itor levels and improve performance analysis of power systems. Questions like“Do wireless mesh network fulfill the requirements to be used in substation protection system?”,or“what are the risks imposed in distributed control system in case of a cyber-attack?”, or even ask“what happens if a utility uses a third party carrier to connect thousands of devices and a network congestion happens?”may be answered by a well-designed integrated environment.As co-simulation approaches different scenarios,it is very important that a solution be evaluated in detail before its deploy-ment.It has strong potential to help electric network behavior analysis with different environments and architectures and to select the right infrastructure for application under study.3.Related workIntegration of different environments imposes a strong chal-lenge as it requires different skills in computing,communication, math science,control theory and engineering in order to build and design highly complex systems.Moreover,different applications may require strong synchronization and modeling interaction.Because of these aspects there are two implementation approaches:first,develop specific integration code,which increases the abstraction level of some relevant network aspects like the suppression of communication layer protocols or not use the application domain specific language.Increasing abstraction level may lead to wrong results like not considering different types of traffic,queues or modeling a new protocol.Synchronization among these environment shall be supplied as well.Second,use a framework which acts as a communication bus which provides all methods to synchronize and exchange data.The design part refers to develop a code that calls these implemented methods and let the bus do all the job.But even this approach shows that it requires a strong understanding on how the data is exchanged and code development is time consuming.The biggest advantage is the exist-ence of a looser coupling environment among simulators,i.e,no core engine modifications are required.In[7],authors study the impact of telecommunication network failures over a power grid, using co-simulation of a network discrete event simulator(NS-2) and power distribution simulator(OpenDSS),which designs the power architecture and control scheme via scripting.Both were integrated sending control messages to NS-2without middleware or synchronization.In[8],authors create an architecture using HLA in order to inte-grate commercial off-the-shelf systems(COTS)applied to power electric control.In the paper,three different simulators are used: NS-2,PSCAD and a discrete-event system which acts much like to multiagent systems.Some scenarios were demonstrated to show the capability of transient analysis considering the effects of delay and packet loss.Although showing interesting results it does not provide details neither about integration level nor about modeling.In[9],a framework called Mosaik based on the approach of simulation environment divided into four layers:control,scenario, semantic and syntactic.In each layer,the high-level abstraction is used to represent entities and attributes.However,thepaperFig.1.Node model architecture.describes some drawbacks such as the lack of model details and the impracticability of using hierarchically structured scenarios.In[10],an architecture is proposed based on JADE framework (multiagent environment)and network simulator OPNET Mod-eler.Both were integrated using HLA framework.Although the interface between simulators and run-time infrastructure(RTI)are described,there is no detail on data exchange structure.Results are demonstrated on how background traffic affects agent response time.Moreover,the power network integration is not detailed in this work so that an end-to-end analysis is still missing.4.ConceptsNodes are considered as being constituted of three layers and are an abstract representation of an Intelligent Electronic Device(IED), illustrated in Fig.1.Thefirst layer is the electric layer,which is represented by a model developed in Simulink.All the information from electric attributes like power,voltages,currents,frequency and status are collected by the cognitive layer.This layer uses multiagents framework in order to simulate dis-tributed intelligence along the network.The intelligent or cognitive layer is implemented by multiagents using JADE middleware.This layer monitor the electric attributes by interacting with Simulink and makes decisions based on what it perceives.Its decision is represented by a command request to the actuator like“open the breaker”or“shutdown a system”.Agents are composed of different group behaviors that makes them a reasonable approach to apply in complex systems where,depending on physical aspects modeled, may have different actions.The third layer represents the communication level in which JADE messages are encapsulated and transported via communi-cation network.It interacts with other nodes via communication simulator as if it were a part of large distributed environment. The communication network will be able to simulate all physical aspects like signal propagation delay,power noise level,interfer-ence and pass the message to upper communication protocol levels.4.1.MultiagentMultiagent system(MAS)has been classified in many different ways.Some authors describe MAS as an intelligent system or hav-ing a certain level of intelligence.In a general way,the concept converges to a common definition that MAS is an entity,hardware or software,that executes tasks autonomously or in an indepen-dently way.In order to do this,the system must interact with the environment and execute tasks to achieve a specific goal.In[11],a wider concept of intelligent agent is described.24 A.N.Albagli et al./Electric Power Systems Research130(2016)22–33Agents are designed to solve a problem and are based on behav-iors implemented in each one.As they work together,they need to exchange information in order to reach a solution.Moreover,using this ability,it is possible to create an autonomous system that has properties such as resilience,fault tolerance and robustness.The ability to recover when its elements fail,or even in situations when a network reconfiguration is required,is a very important char-acteristic that can be used in power systems.This kind of robust system,which is able to adapt,treat errors and takes decisions based on incomplete information,makes its application to power systems automation very attractive.Based on these skills,an agent must know how to cooperate and communicate.Global behavior with these skills will reach,at least,a local optimal solution.The most important part in an agent is its communication.In order to keep interoperability among different agents,a standard was created.This communication model was developed by the Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents(FIPA)and is being widely adopted in industry and academy.FIPA is an IEEE standard and specifies a set of messages exchange between agents.This interaction uses an agent communication language(ACL)which is composed of severalfields and one of them is named performa-tive.Thisfield defines the type of communicative act or speech act [12]which states that messages represent action or communicative acts.In a real distributed environment,agents send messages using HTTP or HTTPS protocols.As HTTP uses transport control proto-col(TCP),it assures packet delivery by congestion avoidance.HTTP messages do not need to be fully transmitted via RTI.Each node synthesizes it and the payload length is calculated.This value is used to compose another simple message,in XML format,that is transmitted through RTI.4.2.OntologyIn order to provide a consistent data exchange and the right level of interoperability between simulators,it is necessary to use the same semantics among them byfirst creating an ontology.For-mally,ontology represents the knowledge of a specific domain which captures high-level concepts that are used to create mod-els based on a common vocabulary.Besides representing a list of objects,it defines properties and relationships between objects according to a specific domain of knowledge.It is demonstrated that developing an ontology for modeling&simulation[13]can bring the following benefits:1.It is demonstrated that building an ontology is important for cre-ating a robust intelligent system and modeling and simulation applications.2.Ontology became standard and can be reusable.No need to“rein-vent the wheel”.3.Ontology helps to share a common knowledge among applica-tions.Although it is not a requirement when using HLA,it helps to build semantic interoperability among the simulators byfirst cre-ating a common sense of elements to be used.4.2.1.Standard IEC61970/61968The International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)are stan-dards61970[14]and61968[15]applied to electric network and distribution network respectively and are widely accepted by util-ities and industry.This suite defines a CIM(Common Information Model)that is an extensible model that will serve as a guideline for future smart grids interoperability[16].CIM can be viewed as an ontology as it defines the classes,properties and relationships among electric elements.As it is an information model,it is language agnostic and can be implemented in a structure that can be derived in different ways like a database schema,C++or Java code.Both standards define an ontology of electric models which will be used as a base model in this paper and expanded to support new object classes for smart grid environment.4.2.2.Tools for ontology developmentThere are several tools for ontology development like Ontolin-gua[17],WebOnto[18],OntoEdit[19]and Protégé[20].Protégéis the selected tool to design our common ontology.It is an open source software developed in Java language by Stanford University to model ontologies and knowledge acquisition.It is a veryflexible software,widespread adopted,and has a GUI to edit ontology.It creates classes and an hierarchical relationship among them and their attributes known as slots).Slots are represented by a name and a value and can be of types like string,integer,float or Boolean. In order to illustrate this concept let’s suppose a subclass Breaker. Breaker has a relation of type“is-part-of”to one level above,Pro-tectedSwitch and so on until the top hierarchic level.This subclass has an attribute named AmpRating with an integer value.This struc-tured class and attributes will subside the creation of a meta-model to be used in HLA framework.This tool can also generate Java code including for JADE using a plug-in called beangenerator[21].4.3.High-level architectureHigh-Level Architecture is a framework designed by US Depart-ment of Defense and Simulation Office in order to guarantee the interoperability of warfare tools simulation.It became the IEEE-1516standard in year2000and is composed of a suite[22–24]of documents that describe the interface specification and simulation. The whole structure is known as federation and each simulator is a federate.Each federate is connected to a bus known as Run-Time Infrastructure(RTI),as illustrated in Fig.2,which in turn provides several services so that it is able to connect each simulator and control the dataflow between them.This is not only the capability of the bus but also synchronization points that assures the correct time advance.Simulink federate is in charge of simulating the electric models and send the electric attributes to the RTI bus while Omnet federate is in charge of receiving messages sent from the agents(JADE feder-ate)and route them to other agents.Finally,the Manager federate is in charge of keeping everything synchronized and start/stopping simulation as well.Each simulator exchange messages via RTI bus. However,some application program interfaces(API)development are required to interface with RTI.4.3.1.Object model templateIn order to exchange information among simulators,HLA pro-vides a data structure.This structure is part of HLA specification and is known as Object Model Template(OMT).Thisfile iscomposedFig.2.Framework architecture.A.N.Albagli et al./Electric Power Systems Research130(2016)22–3325of tables which contains object classes,attributes with their inter-nal types,interaction classes,parameters and some other valuable data.It is used to describe a single simulation object model(SOM) or a whole federation object model(FOM).The goal of these tem-plates is to provide a common information model shared across simulators.Object classes and attributes can be inherited by other classes in such a way that it makes their use very similar to oriented object approach.4.4.Models&metamodelsThere are few concepts about model definition.A model of a system is defined as a“description of an abstraction of a reality according to a certain conceptualization”[25].The Object Manage-ment Group(OMG)Model Driven Architecture(MDA)defines“a model of a system is a description or specification of that system and its environment for some certain purpose”[26].Moreover,mod-els can describe structures,behaviors and interrelations between models.Depending on the details that are required to be repre-sented,some may be suppressed if they do not add any additional significance to model behavior.The FOMfile describes the infor-mation that is exchanged in run-time among federates.A typical file contains data types,object classes,interaction classes and class attributes.In order to build the object model template,an ontology model is used as the basis for implementing it.4.4.1.Relation between ontology and HLA modelsThe process of creating a federation is not an simple task.As ontology definition was thefirst step,now it is necessary to trans-form ontology models into HLA object models.In[27],the author develops a study about ontologies,models and metamodels and their different interpretations from other authors and relationships. It is stated that there are two different types of ontologies used in software engineering:(a)Domain ontologies,which are used to create a specific domainof knowledge,like power resources model and communication model;(b)Meta-ontologies or foundational ontologies,which are equiv-alent in nature to a metamodel of a modeling language and describe the concepts of domain-specific ontologies.Both can be modeled by a language like Unified Modeling Lan-guage(UML)but it does not provide all the resources to support a complete language description.Several authors[28,29]have been using the OMG approach to develop the link between ontologies and metamodels.In order to transform ontologies into models to be used by HLA,it is necessary to understand what IEEE1516Object Model Template (OMT)Standard recommends.OMT is applied either both SOM and FOMfiles.OMT consists of several components(15)described as tables.Not all of them are required but at least the following ones are necessary:object classes,attribute,interaction and parame-ter.Attributes represent the qualities or characteristics of an object class and parameters represent the variables that are used to trans-port interaction.The most adopted approach to develop this transformation is model driven engineering(MDE)which is briefly described here. MDE was developed tofill a gap of software development complex-ities and architecture design and it is an approach that combines models,transformation rules and modeling languages in order to raise the level of abstraction of a physical system[30].It has two focuses:develop a domain-specific modeling language and an automated transformation of models into code generated.Domain specific modeling language(DSML)is used for particular domain knowledge and uses graphical models to describe a software system.Code generation translates these models into source code of specific domain and in the case of integrated simulations,input files for simulators like FOM and SOMfiles.Model driven architecture(MDA)is another strategy adopted for model driven development(MDD)in software engineering.It was proposed by OMG in2003[31]in order to improve software development.Its approach focuses on a high-level modeling sys-tem creation for a specific architecture.This high-level model uses boxes and texts to describe or specify the system which,in our case, can be represented by a federation or a group of software.MDA divides the development in three tier called views:thefirst,known as Computational Independent Model(CIM),represents a domain-model of the system without details.The second,known as Platform Independent Model(PIM),which still describes the system in a high-level model developed in general purpose language like UML. The third,known as Platform Specific Model(PSM),uses the infor-mation modeled in PIM and translates to a specific platform which, in the case of simulation,is represented by RTI,a framework of services.Another approach was developed by Vanderbilt University[32] called Model Integrated Computing(MIC)which is a technology to specify modeling languages based on its tool Generic Model Envi-ronment(GME).It is a software which uses graphical interface to create models and metamodels using the concept of paradigm(a language that describes the model).The paradigm is a concept that creates other models using an UML class diagram notation and Object Constrained Language(OCL).Moreover,its architecture can be extended to create model translators into source code in several languages like Java,C#or any other language.5.Proposed architectureFig.3shows the proposed integrated architecture of simula-tors cited before.RTI middleware is implemented by an opensource software called Portico[33].Portico is adherent to the standard IEEE 1516-2010.It is supported in Java and C++and has several methods that allow data exchange and synchronization between federates. Objects used by the three federates are described in FOMfile.Each electric node model like buses,loads,switches,has an agent representing the application layer or cognitive layer.Each node assembles an HTTP message reproducing the exact commu-nication message exchanged among agents.Omnet++deals with messages in two ways:either sending the complete payload or sim-ply sending a packet with a specific length.The second option was chosen to simplify implementation.Instead of sending HTTP mes-sages to RTI,a simple XML message is created.This type of message contains essential information to Omnet++simulator,like source and destination nodes and payload length which is based on the HTTP message.Omnet++integration is designed by three classes.First,Omnet++ gateway is a C++module which is in charge of loading RTI in mem-ory,receiving messages(interactions),queuing and sending them to another class module called Txcc.The Txcc is a C++class that simulates HTTP1.1protocol.The C++Srv class is another module that is in charge of receiving sockets and sending HTTP messages back to gateway.Every time a message arrives at the gateway,in XML format,it decodes it and send to the source node in order to reproduce the network packet.As soon as the source node sends the message,routing protocol takes care of forwarding it until its destination.When packet arrives,the node sends back to gateway the same message originally sent.In this way,it is possible to sim-ulate the network characteristics like latency,packet loss,jitter.In summary,the federate agent publishes the XML message and fed-erate Omnet++subscribe it.Theflow of information is illustrated in Fig.426A.N.Albagli et al./Electric Power Systems Research 130(2016)22–33Fig.3.Integrated architecture.The module cRTIScheduler is a C++subclass that extends cSched-uler class that implements Omnet++scheduler events.A code is designed to override the default method that gets the next event schedule.It compares the Omnet++simulation time and RTI advance step time and decides to get the next event in the queue.Finally,Simulink has three modules,developed in Java,which enables integration.The module RTI starts up the RTI framework.The modules SendAttributesToRTI and ReceiveInteraction are devel-oped as matlab S-function and call Java code to interface with RTI.The first module sends model attributes such as voltage,current,reactive power to RTI while the second one receives interactions from RTI such as open/close switches.6.Proposed ontology modelsOntology development has a strong importance for modeling and simulation because it is a path to build a structured knowledge base necessary to provide a standard way to access environmentalvariables.Ontologies can build relationships among objects such that it is possible to retrieve some information in an easy way and mostly they can be reused and expanded.Moreover,ontologies have a strong importance in software development,metamodel creation and in distributed intelligence [34,35].The ontologies are separated in three layers:electric model,node model and applica-tion model.6.1.Electric model ontologyIn electric model,the standard IEC 61970and 61968are used as a starting point to develop the ontology adapted to the Simulink/Matlab environment.The core model is defined in IEC 61970-301and 61968-11.As the goal of the model is to provide a broad range of elements that can be used in a smart grid,the ontology model was extended in some specific parts as show in Fig.5.Some parts of IEC are still under development like distributedgeneration.Fig.4.Message flow between Omnet++and JADE.A.N.Albagli et al./Electric Power Systems Research130(2016)22–3327Fig.5.Electric model ontology.Just to clarify the subsequent models,the World Wide Web Con-sortium(W3C)established that in Ontology Web Language(OWL) specification,the class Thing has predefined semantics and repre-sents a set of individual or classes.It is known as the top concept of all classes.Note that some new classes were included:•SmartAppliance–Contains several intelligent appliances(air con-ditioner,washing machines,refrigerator);•PoleMountedCapacitorSystem–Represents a controlled capacitor bank to be used in a distribution network;•FACTS and PMU used in transmission system;•DistributedGeneration–Represents the models of new sources of alternative energy and Storage,which represents different sources of energy storage like fuelCells;•Battery–Divided into two new categories:CarBattery and Indus-trialBattery.•EnergyConsumer–The same class from IEC61970contains four subclasses,three of which already exist in Simulink.There is no single solution thatfits all environments.A model creation is a continuous process of evolution,validation and verifi-cation.Determining how accurate a model is and classes designed will depend on how much detail is desired and what goals were necessary to reach.Because of this,it is not possible to cover all scenarios applied to a smart grid but the intention is to provide a starting point from where the models can beexpanded.Fig.6.Node model ontology.6.2.Node model ontologyNode model represents an element from a communication net-work model that could be mapped onto agent model.We propose an hierarchy that a node is composed by two attributes:Application and NodeIdentification in the network.The Application can be divided into three subclasses:Mes-sageType,which is represented by FIPA message,the Protocol type, which is one of the transport protocol provided by JADE framework, and Name,which represents the several smart grid applications like advanced meter reading(AMR)or demand response(DR).The class NodeIdentification defines the node required to identify it in the communication network.This class has two other sub-classes:NodeID,which is an integerfield and NodeName,which is a string that represents the object name.In case of smart grids,this pair can identify the element in a network like ThreePhaseDynami-cLoad001(Fig.6).6.3.Application model ontologyIn order for JADE to correctly interpret messages sent by agents, it created a classification of all possible elements of a domain dis-course and it is known as content reference model(CRM).This classification is based on ACL which requires that the message con-tent shall have the proper semantic according to the performative parameter message.The CRM describes three types of elements:•Predicates–expressions that can be evaluated true or false.For example:(CircuitBreaker0001(IsON))•Action–represents an action that an agent can per-form.For example:(PowerSystemResource.Equipment.Distributed Generation.SolarCell(ReadAtrributes(Voltage)))•Concept–expressions that represent which elements indicate a domain of discourse.For example:(Failure(Short-Circuit))Using semantic language can improve logic complexity and make system behavior more intelligent.Now a whole logical sen-tence can be constructed like the ones shown in Fig.7.Fig.8illustrates a sample of an ontology structure that uses CRM approach and some aspects that may be used to control smart grid environment.As ontologies describe the concept of a domain of knowledge and there is no standard for this subject until now,it can be expanded to increase the number of options of actions,concepts and predicates.In order to illustrate content message exchange,two short examples of message content are illustrated Fig.9.It is possible to see the performative or speech act command‘QUERY-IF’and ‘INFORM’,the source and destination nodes and the command sent. Thefirst agent Bus0checks if the breaker ThreePhaseBreaker001has a status ON.The second one Load0informs to bus Bus0that its load。