Fouling prevention with fluidized particles in evaporation of traditional Chinese medicine extract




第 29 卷第 1 期分析测试技术与仪器Volume 29 Number 1 2023年3月ANALYSIS AND TESTING TECHNOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTS Mar. 2023大型仪器功能开发(30 ~ 36)正负压一体式无空气X射线光电子能谱原位转移仓的开发及研制章小余,赵志娟,袁 震,刘 芬(中国科学院化学研究所,北京 100190)摘要:针对空气敏感材料的表面分析,为了获得更加真实的表面组成与结构信息,需要提供一个可以保护样品从制备完成到分析表征过程中不接触大气环境的装置. 通过使用O圈密封和单向密封柱,提出一种简便且有效的设计概念,自主研制了正负压一体式无空气X射线光电子能谱(XPS)原位转移仓,用于空气敏感材料的XPS测试,利用单向密封柱实现不同工作需求下正负压两种模式的任意切换. 通过对空气敏感的金属Li片和CuCl粉末进行XPS分析表明,采用XPS原位转移仓正压和负压模式均可有效避免样品表面接触空气,保证测试结果准确可靠,而且采用正压密封方式转移样品可以提供更长的密封时效性. 研制的原位转移仓具有设计小巧、操作简便、成本低、密封效果好的特点,适合给有需求的用户开放使用.关键词:空气敏感;X射线光电子能谱;原位转移;正负压一体式中图分类号:O657; O641; TH842 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1006-3757(2023)01-0030-07 DOI:10.16495/j.1006-3757.2023.01.005Development and Research of Inert-Gas/Vacuum Sealing Air-Free In-Situ Transfer Module of X-Ray Photoelectron SpectroscopyZHANG Xiaoyu, ZHAO Zhijuan, YUAN Zhen, LIU Fen(Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)Abstract:For the surface analysis of air sensitive materials, and from the sample preparation to characterization, it is necessary to provide a device that can protect samples from exposing to the atmosphere environment so as to obtain accurate and impactful data of the surface chemistry. Through the use of O-ring and one-way sealing, a simple and effective design concept has been demonstrated, and an inert-gas/vacuum sealing air-free X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) in-situ transfer module has been developed to realize the XPS analysis of air sensitive materials. The design of one-way sealing was achieved conveniently by switching between inert-gas and vacuum sealing modes in face of different working requirements. The XPS analysis of air-sensitive metal Li sheets and CuCl powders showed that both the sealing modes (an inert-gas/vacuum sealing) of the XPS in-situ transfer module can effectively avoid air contact on the sample surface, and consequently, can ensure the accuracy and reliability of XPS data. Furthmore, the inert gas sealing mode can keep the sample air-free for a longer time. The homemade XPS in-situ transfer module in this work is characterized by a compact design, convenient operation, low cost and effective sealing, which is suitable for the open access to the users who need it.收稿日期:2022−12−07; 修订日期:2023−01−17.基金项目:中国科学院化学研究所仪器孵化项目[Instrument and Device Functional Developing Project of Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences]作者简介:章小余(1986−),女,硕士,工程师,主要研究方向为电子能谱技术及材料表面分析,E-mail:xyiuzhang@ .Key words:air-sensitive;X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy;in-situ transfer;inert-gas/vacuum sealingX射线光电子能谱(XPS)是一种表面灵敏的分析技术,通常用于固体材料表面元素组成和化学态分析[1]. 作为表面分析领域中最有效的方法之一,XPS广泛应用于纳米科学、微电子学、吸附与催化、环境科学、半导体、冶金和材料科学、能源电池及生物医学等诸多领域[2-3]. 其中在催化和能源电池材料分析中,有一些样品比较特殊,比如碱金属电池[4-6]、负载型纳米金属催化剂[7-8]和钙钛矿材料[9]对空气非常敏感,其表面形态和化学组成接触空气后会迅速发生改变,直接影响采集数据的准确性和有效性,因此这类样品的表面分析测试具有一定难度. 目前,常规的光电子能谱仪制样转移过程通常是在大气环境中,将样品固定在标准样品台上,随后放入仪器进样室内抽真空至1×10−6 Pa,再转入分析室内进行测试. 这种制备和进样方式无法避免样品接触大气环境,对于空气敏感材料,其表面很容易与水、氧发生化学反应,导致无法获得材料表面真实的结构信息.为了保证样品表面状态在转移至能谱仪内的过程中不受大气环境影响,研究人员采用了各种技术来保持样品转移过程中隔绝空气. 比如前处理及反应装置与电子能谱仪腔室间真空传输[10-12]、外接手套箱 [13-14]、商用转移仓[15-16]、真空蒸镀惰性金属比如Al层(1.5~6 nm)[17]等. 尽管上述技术手段有效,但也存在一些缺点,例如配套装置体积巨大、试验过程不易操作、投入成本高等,这都不利于在普通实验室内广泛应用. 而一些电子能谱仪器制造商根据自身仪器的特点也研发出了相应配套的商用真空传递仓,例如Thermofisher公司研发的一种XPS 真空转移仓,转移过程中样品处于微正压密封状态,但其价格昂贵,体积较大,转移过程必须通过手套箱大过渡舱辅助,导致传递效率低,单次需消耗至少10 L高纯氩气,因此购置使用者较少,利用率低.另外有一些国内公司也研发了类似的商品化气体保护原位传递仓,采用微正压方式密封转移样品,但需要在能谱仪器进样室舱门的法兰上外接磁耦合机械旋转推拉杆,其操作复杂且放置样品的有效区域小,单次仅可放置尺寸为3 mm×3 mm的样品3~4个,进样和测试效率较低. 因此,从2016年起本实验团队开始自主研制XPS原位样品转移装置[18],经过结构与性能的迭代优化[19],最终研制出一种正负压一体式无空气XPS原位转移仓[20](本文简称XPS原位转移仓),具有结构小巧、操作便捷、成本低、密封效果好、正压和负压密封两种模式转移样品的特点. 为验证装置的密封时效性能,本工作选取两种典型的空气敏感材料进行测试,一种是金属Li材料,其化学性质非常活泼,遇空气后表面迅速与空气中的O2、N2、S等反应导致表面化学状态改变. 另一种是无水CuCl粉末,其在空气中放置短时间内易发生水解和氧化. 试验结果表明,该XPS 原位转移仓对不同类型的空气敏感样品的无空气转移均可以提供更便捷有效的密封保护. 目前,XPS原位转移仓已在多个科研单位的实验室推广使用,支撑应用涉及吸附与催化、能源环境等研究领域.1 试验部分1.1 XPS原位转移仓的研制基于本实验室ESCALAB 250Xi型多功能光电子能谱仪器(Thermofisher 公司)的特点,研究人员设计了XPS原位转移仓. 为兼顾各个部件强度、精度与轻量化的要求,所有部件均采用钛合金材料.该装置从整体结构上分为样品台、密封罩和紧固挡板三个部件,如图1(a)~(c)所示. 在密封罩内部通过单向密封设计[图1(e)]使得XPS原位转移仓实现正负压一体,实际操作中可通过调节密封罩上的螺帽完成两种模式任意切换. 同时,从图1(e)中可以直观看到,密封罩与样品台之间通过O圈密封,利用带有螺钉的紧固挡板将二者紧密固定. 此外,为确保样品台与密封罩对接方位正确,本设计使用定向槽定位样品台与密封罩位置,保证XPS原位转移仓顺利传接到仪器进样室.XPS原位转移仓使用的具体流程:在手套箱中将空气敏感样品粘贴至样品台上,利用紧固挡板使样品台和密封罩固定在一起,通过调节密封罩上的螺帽将样品所在区域密封为正压惰性气氛(压强为300 Pa、环境气氛与手套箱内相同)或者负压真空状态,其整体装配实物图如图1(d)所示. 该转移仓结构小巧,整体尺寸仅52 mm×58 mm×60 mm,可直接放入手套箱小过渡舱传递. 由于转移仓尺寸小,其第 1 期章小余,等:正负压一体式无空气X射线光电子能谱原位转移仓的开发及研制31原料成本大大缩减,整体造价不高. 转移仓送至能谱仪进样室后,配合样品停放台与进样杆的同时双向对接,将转移仓整体固定在进样室内,如图1(f )所示. 此时关闭进样室舱门开始抽真空,当样品台与密封罩内外压强平衡后密封罩自动解除真空密封,但仍然处于O 圈密闭状态. 等待进样室真空抽至1×10−4Pa 后,使用能谱仪进样室的样品停放台摘除脱离的密封罩[如图1(g )所示],待真空抽至1×10−6Pa ,即可将样品送入分析室进行XPS 测试.整个试验过程操作便捷,实现了样品从手套箱转移至能谱仪内不接触大气环境.1.2 试验过程1.2.1 样品准备及转移试验所用手套箱是布劳恩惰性气体系统(上海)有限公司生产,型号为MB200MOD (1500/780)NAC ;金属Li 片购自中能锂业,纯度99.9%;CuCl 购自ALFA 公司,纯度99.999%.金属Li 片的制备及转移:将XPS 原位转移仓整体通过手套箱过渡舱送入手套箱中,剪取金属Li 片用双面胶带固定于样品台上,分别采用正压、负压两种密封模式将XPS 原位转移仓整体从手套箱中取出,分别在空气中放置0、2、4、8、18、24、48、72 h 后送入能谱仪内,进行XPS 测试.CuCl 粉末的制备及转移:在手套箱中将CuCl 粉末压片[21],使用上述同样的制备方法,将XPS 原位转移仓整体在空气中分别放置0、7、24、72 h 后送入能谱仪内,进行XPS 测试.1.2.2 样品转移方式介绍样品在手套箱中粘贴完成后,分别采用三种方式将其送入能谱仪. 第一种方式是在手套箱内使用标准样品台粘贴样品,将其装入自封袋密封,待能谱仪进样室舱门打开后,即刻打开封口袋送入仪器中开始抽真空等待测试,整个转移过程中样品暴露空气约15 s. 第二种方式是使用XPS 原位转移仓负压密封模式转移样品,具体操作步骤:利用紧固挡板将样品台和密封罩固定在一起,逆时针(OPEN )旋动螺帽至顶部,放入手套箱过渡舱并将其抽为真空,此过程中样品所在区域也抽至负压. 取出整体装置后再顺时针(CLOSE )旋动螺帽至底部,将样品所在区域进一步锁死密封. 样品在负压环境中转移至XPS 实验室,拆卸掉紧固挡板,随即送入能谱仪进样室内. 第三种方式是使用XPS 原位转移仓正压密封模式转移样品,具体操作步骤:利用紧固挡板将样品台和密封罩固定在一起,顺时针(CLOSE )旋螺帽抽气管限位板单向密封柱密封罩主体O 圈样品台紧固挡板(e) 密封罩对接停放台机械手样品台对接进样杆(a)(b)(c)(d)(g)图1 正负压一体式无空气XPS 原位转移仓系统装置(a )样品台,(b )密封罩,(c )紧固挡板,(d )整体装配实物图,(e )整体装置分解示意图,(f )样品台与密封罩在进样室内对接完成,(g )样品台与密封罩在进样室内分离Fig. 1 System device of inert-gas/vacuum sealing air-free XPS in-situ transfer module32分析测试技术与仪器第 29 卷动螺帽至底部,此时样品所在区域密封为正压惰性气氛. 直至样品转移至XPS 实验室,再使用配套真空抽气系统(如图2所示),通过抽气管将样品所在区域迅速抽为负压,拆卸掉紧固挡板,随即送入能谱仪进样室内.图2 能谱仪实验室内配套真空抽气系统Fig. 2 Vacuum pumping system in XPSlaboratory1.2.3 XPS 分析测试试验所用仪器为Thermo Fisher Scientific 公司的ESCALAB 250Xi 型多功能X 射线光电子能谱仪,仪器分析室基础真空为1×10−7Pa ,X 射线激发源为单色化Al 靶(Alk α,1 486.6 eV ),功率150 W ,高分辨谱图在30 eV 的通能及0.05 eV 的步长等测试条件下获得,并以烃类碳C 1s 为284.8 eV 的结合能为能量标准进行荷电校正.2 结果与讨论2.1 测试结果分析为了验证XPS 原位转移仓的密封性能,本文做了一系列的对照试验,选取空气敏感的金属Li 片和CuCl 粉末样品进行XPS 测试,分别采用上述三种方式转移样品,并考察了XPS 原位转移仓密封状态下在空气中放置不同时间后对样品测试结果的影响.2.1.1 负压密封模式下XPS 原位转移仓对金属Li片的密封时效性验证将金属Li 片通过两种(标准和负压密封)方式转移并在空气中放置不同时间,对这一系列样品进行XPS 测试,Li 1s 和C 1s 高分辨谱图结果如图3(a )(b )所示,试验所测得的Li 1s 半峰宽值如表1所列. 根据XPS 结果分析,金属Li 片采用标准样品台进样(封口袋密封),短暂暴露空气约15 s ,此时Li 1s 的半峰宽为1.62 eV. 而采用XPS 原位转移仓负压密封模式转移样品时,装置整体放置空气18 h 内,Li 1s 的半峰宽基本保持为(1.35±0.03) eV. 放置空气24 h 后,Li 1s 的半峰宽增加到与暴露空气15 s 的金属Li 片一样,说明此时原位转移仓的密封性能衰减,金属Li 片与渗入内部的空气发生反应生成新物质导致Li 1s 半峰宽变宽. 由图3(b )中C 1s 高分辨谱图分析,结合能位于284.82 eV 的峰归属为C-C/污染C ,位于286.23 eV 的峰归属为C-OH/C-O-CBinding energy/eVI n t e n s i t y /a .u .Li 1s半峰宽增大暴露 15 s密封放置 24 h 密封放置 18 h 密封放置 8 h 密封放置 4 h 密封放置 0 h6058565452Binding energy/eVI n t e n s i t y /a .u .C 1s(a)(b)暴露 1 min 暴露 15 s 密封放置 24 h 密封放置 18 h 密封放置 0 h292290288284282286280图3 金属Li 片通过两种(标准和负压密封)方式转移并在空气中放置不同时间的(a )Li 1s 和(b )C 1s 高分辨谱图Fig. 3 High-resolution spectra of (a) Li 1s and (b) C 1s of Li sheet samples transferred by two methods (standard andvacuum sealings) and placed in air for different times第 1 期章小余,等:正负压一体式无空气X 射线光电子能谱原位转移仓的开发及研制33键,位于288.61~289.72 eV的峰归属为HCO3−/CO32−中的C[22]. 我们从C 1s的XPS谱图可以直观的看到,与空气短暂接触后,样品表面瞬间生成新的结构,随着暴露时间增加到1 min,副反应产物大量增加(HCO3−/CO32−). 而XPS原位转移仓负压密封模式下在空气中放置18 h内,C结构基本不变,在空气中放置24 h后,C结构只有微小变化. 因此根据试验结果分析,对于空气极其敏感的材料,在负压密封模式下,建议XPS原位转移仓在空气中放置时间不要超过18 h. 这种模式适合对空气极其敏感样品的短距离转移.表 1 通过两种(标准和负压密封)方式转移并在空气中放置不同时间的Li 1s的半峰宽Table 1 Full width at half maxima (FWHM) of Li 1stransferred by two methods (standard and vacuum sealings) and placed in air for different times样品说明进样方式半峰宽/eV密封放置0 h XPS原位转移仓负压密封模式转移1.38密封放置2 h同上 1.39密封放置4 h同上 1.36密封放置8 h同上 1.32密封放置18 h同上 1.32密封放置24 h同上 1.62暴露15 s标准样品台进样(封口袋密封)1.622.1.2 正压密封模式下原位转移仓对金属Li片的密封时效性验证将金属Li片通过两种(标准和正压密封)方式转移并在空气中放置不同时间,对这一系列样品进行XPS测试,Li 1s高分辨谱图结果如图4所示,所测得的Li 1s半峰宽值如表2所列. 根据XPS结果分析,XPS原位转移仓正压密封后,在空气中放置72 h内,Li 1s半峰宽基本保持为(1.38±0.04) eV,说明有明显的密封效果,金属Li片仍然保持原有化学状态. 所以对于空气极其敏感的材料,在正压密封模式下,可至少在72 h内保持样品表面不发生化学态变化. 这种模式适合长时间远距离(可全国范围内)转移空气敏感样品.2.1.3 负压密封模式下XPS原位转移仓对空气敏感样品CuCl的密封时效性验证除了金属Li片样品,本文还继续考察XPS原位转移仓对空气敏感样品CuCl的密封时效性. 图5为CuCl粉末通过两种(标准和负压密封)方式转移并在空气中放置不同时间的Cu 2p高分辨谱图. XPS谱图中结合能[22]位于932.32 eV的峰归属为Cu+的Cu 2p3/2,位于935.25 eV的峰归属为Cu2+的Cu 2p3/2,此外,XPS谱图中位于940.00~947.50 eV 处的峰为Cu2+的震激伴峰,这些震激伴峰被认为是表 2 通过两种(标准和正压密封)方式转移并在空气中放置不同时间的Li 1s的半峰宽Table 2 FWHM of Li 1s transferred by two methods(standard and inert gas sealings) and placed in air fordifferent times样品说明进样方式半峰宽/eV 密封放置0 h XPS原位转移仓正压密封模式转移1.42密封放置2 h同上 1.35密封放置4 h同上 1.35密封放置8 h同上 1.34密封放置18 h同上 1.38密封放置24 h同上 1.39密封放置48 h同上 1.42密封放置72 h同上 1.38暴露15 s标准样品台进样(封口袋密封)1.62Binding energy/eVIntensity/a.u.Li 1s半峰宽比正压密封的宽半峰宽=1.62 eV半峰宽=1.38 eV暴露 15 s密封放置 72 h密封放置 48 h密封放置 24 h密封放置 18 h密封放置 0 h605856545250图4 金属Li片通过两种(标准和正压密封)方式转移并在空气中放置不同时间的Li 1s高分辨谱图Fig. 4 High-resolution spectra of Li 1s on Li sheet samples transferred by two methods (standard and inert gas sealings) and placed in air for different times34分析测试技术与仪器第 29 卷价壳层电子向激发态跃迁的终态效应所产生[23],而在Cu +和Cu 0中则观察不到.根据XPS 结果分析,CuCl 在XPS 原位转移仓保护(负压密封)下,即使放置空气中72 h ,测得的Cu 2p 高分辨能谱图显示只有Cu +存在,说明CuCl 并未被氧化. 若无XPS 原位转移仓保护,CuCl 粉末放置空气中3 min 就发生了比较明显的氧化,从测得的Cu 2p 高分辨能谱图能够直观的看到Cu 2+及其震激伴峰的存在,并且随着放置时间增加到40 min ,其氧化程度也大大增加. 因此,对于空气敏感的无机材料、纳米催化剂和钙钛矿材料等,采用负压密封模式转移就可至少在72 h 内保持样品表面不发生化学态变化.3 结论本工作中自主研制的正负压一体式无空气XPS原位转移仓在空气敏感样品转移过程中可以有效隔绝空气,从而获得样品最真实的表面化学结构.试验者可根据样品情况和实验室条件选择转移模式,并在密封有效时间内将样品从实验室转移至能谱仪中完成测试. 综上所述,该XPS 原位转移仓是一种设计小巧、操作简便、密封性能优异、成本较低的样品无水无氧转移装置,因此非常适合广泛开放给有需求的试验者使用. 在原位和准原位表征技术被广泛用于助力新材料发展的现阶段,希望该设计理念能对仪器功能的开发和更多准原位表征测试的扩展提供一些启示.参考文献:黄惠忠. 论表面分析及其在材料研究中的应用[M ].北京: 科学技术文献出版社, 2002: 16-18.[ 1 ]杨文超, 刘殿方, 高欣, 等. 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专业名称•动力工程及工程热物理:Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics工程热物理:Thermal Physics of Engineering •动力工程:Power Engineering;Dynamic Engineering•热能工程:Thermal Engineering(Thermal Energy Engineering•制冷与低温工程:Refrigeration and Cryogenic[ˌkraɪəˈdʒɛnɪk]Engineering •流体机械及工程:Fluid Mechanics and Engineering•热能动力工程:Thermal Energy and Dynamic Engineering•能源与动力工程学院:School of Energy and Power Engineering热力学thermodynamics1.adiabatic process[ˌædiəˈbætɪk]绝热过程2.aerodynamics[ˌeroʊdaɪˈnæmɪks]空气动力学,空气动力学专家,n,adj空气动力学的3.buoyancy[ˈbɔɪənsi,ˈbujən-]浮升力pressibility压缩性5.gasdynamics气体动力学6.hydraulics[haɪˈdrɔlɪks]水力学7.hydrodynamics流体水力学8.hydrostatics[ˌhaɪdrə'stætɪks]流体静力学 system开口系统10.reversible process[rɪˈvɚsəbəl]可逆过程11.thermodynamics equilibrium[ˌikwəˈlɪbriəm]热力平衡12.viscous[ˈvɪskəs]粘性的13.inviscid[ɪn'vɪsɪd]无粘性的14.thermodynamics、thermodynamic property热力学、热力性质15.entropy[ˈɛntrəpi]熵16.enthalpy[en'θælpɪ]焓17.internal energy内能18.potential energy势能19.kinetic energy动能20.work功21.mechanical/shaft work机械功/轴功22.flow work流动功23.specific volume比容24.cycle循环25.Saturated temperature/pressure/liquid/ vapor[ˈsætʃəreɪtɪd]饱和温度/压力/液体/蒸汽26.subcooled liquid过冷液体27.quality(蒸汽干度28.dry saturated vapor干饱和蒸汽29.superheated vapor过热蒸汽30.the first/second law of thermodynamics热力学第一/二定律31.the law of the conservation of energy能量守恒定律32.reversible/irreversible process可逆/不可逆过程33.pressure drop压降34.heat exchanger热交换器35.entropy production熵产[ˈɛntrəpi]36.coefficient of performance性能系数37.refrigerating capacity/effect制冷量38.Carnot cycle卡诺循环/nit/39.refrigerating efficiency制冷效率40.equation of state状态方程41.ideal gas constant理想气体常数42.isotherm等温线43.triple point三相点44.hydrocarbons碳氢化合物/烃45.cryogenic低温学[ˌkraɪəˈdʒenɪk]46.least-square fitting最小二乘法47.specific heat/specific heat capacity比热/比热容48.azeotropic mixture共沸混合物[əˌzi:ə'trɒpɪk]49.zeotropic mixture非共沸混合物50.dew point(temperature露点(温度[dju: pɔint][du pɔɪnt]51.isentropic compression/process等熵压缩/过程[aɪsen'trɒpɪk]52.condenser冷凝器53.evaporator蒸发器54.expansion valve膨胀阀55.throttling valve节流阀pressor压缩机pressor displacement压缩机排气量58.volumetric efficiency容积效率59.single-stage/two-stage/double-stage/compound compression单/双级压缩60.intercool/intercooler中间冷却(器61.intermediate pressure中间压力62.pressure ratio压力比63.insulating material保温材料流体力学1.流体力学fluid mechanics2. 动力粘度 absolute/dynamicviscosity3. 速度梯度 velocity gradient英[ˈgreɪdiənt]美[ˈɡrediənt]4. 运动粘度 kinematic viscosity英[ˌkɪnɪ'mætɪk]美[ˌkɪnə'mætɪk]英 [vɪ'skɒsətɪ]美 [vɪˈskɑsɪti] 5. 伯努力方程Bernoulli Equation英 [bə:ˈnu:liiˈkweiʃən]6. 体积流量 volumetric flow rate7. 质量流量 mass flow rate8. 层流 laminar flow9. 紊流 turbulence/turbulentflow10. 雷诺数 Reynolds number11. 摩擦力 friction/frictionalforce12. 摩擦系数 coefficient of friction13. 微分方程 differential equation14. 阻力 drag force 或 resistance15. 阻力系数 drag coefficient传热学1. 热传递 heat transfer2. 热传导 thermal conduction3. 热对流 thermal convection4. 热辐射 thermal radiation5. 层流底层 laminar sublayer6. 过渡层 buffer layer, 缓冲区或人, buffer dinner 自助餐 buffet 英[ˈbʌfit]7. 强迫对流 forced convection8. 自然 /自由对流 natural/freeconvection9. 稳态导热 steady-state conduction10. 导热系数 thermal conductivity11. 热阻 thermal resistance12. (总传热系数 (overallheat transfer coefficient13. 表面积 surface area14. 串联 series 系列15. 并联 parallel 英[ˈpærəlel]并行, Parallel computing 并行计算16. 接触热阻 contact thermal resistance17. (对数平均温差(logarithmicmean temperature difference [ˌlɒɡə'rɪðmɪk]18. 顺流 parallel flow19. 逆流 counter flow20. 相变 phase change21. 冷库 cold storage 热库 thermal reservoir/heat bath22. 边界条件 boundary condition23. 黑体辐射 blackbody radiation24. 辐射力 emissive power25. 维恩位移定律Wien’s displacement Law 26. 半球发射率 hemispherical emittance [ˌhemɪˈsferɪkl]27. 吸收率 absorptance 英 [əb'sɔ:ptəns] 28. 透射率 transmittance英 [træns'mɪtns]n. 播送 ; 发射 ; 传动 ; 透明度 ; 29. 反射率 reflectance30. 漫射辐射 diffuse radiation31.(充分发展的层流 /紊流 fully developed laminar/turbulentflow湿空气1. 湿空气学 psychrometrics2. 干空气 dry air3. 湿空气 moistair4. 大气压 barometricpressure5. 热力学温标 thermodynamic temperature scale6. 含湿量 humidity ratio7. 比焓 specific enthalpy 英[en'θælpɪ]8. 比熵 specific entropy 英[ˈentrəpi]9. 绝对湿度 absolute humidity10. 饱和含湿量 saturation humidity ratio 英[ˌsætʃəˈreɪʃn]英[ˈreɪʃiəʊ]11. 相对湿度 relative humidity12. 热力学湿球温度 thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature13. 分压力 partial pressure14. 总压 total pressure15. 通用气体常数 universal gas constant 16. 湿球 /干球温度 dry-bulb/wet-bulbtemperature 17. 焓湿图 psychrometric chart制冷空调1. 集中 /分散供冷 central/decentralizedcooling 英[ˌdi:'sentrəlaɪzd]2. 锅炉 boiler3. 往复 /螺杆 /离心 /涡旋式压缩机 /冷水机组 reciprocating/helicalrotary(或screw/centrifugal/scrollcompressor/waterchiller unit4. 吸收式制冷 /冷水机组 absorption refrigeration/waterchiller unit5. 热回收 heat reclaim/recovery6. 冷却塔 cooling tower7. 空气 /水冷却冷凝器 air-cooled/water-cooled condenser8. 蒸发式冷凝器 evaporative condenser9. 净正吸入压力 /压头 netpositive suction pressure/head10. 供 /回干管 main supply/returnline11. 二 /三通阀 two/three-wayvalve12. 平衡阀 balancing valve13.一次/二次冷冻水系统primary/secondary chilled water system14.备用泵spare pump15.疏水器、存水弯、水封trap16.水/冰蓄冷water/ice thermal storage17.空气/水/地源热泵air/water/ground source heat pump18.定/变风量constant/variable air volume19.经济器economizer20.静/动压static/dynamic pressure21.毛细管capillary tube英[kəˈpɪləri]22.全封闭压缩机hermetically sealed/hermetic compressor英[hɜ:ˈmetɪk]23.半封闭式压缩机semi-hermetic/semi-hermetically sealed compressor24.直接膨胀direct expansion26.离心/轴流式风机centrifugal/axial fan英[ˈæksiəl]27.立管riser英['raɪzə]28.内/外平衡式热力膨胀阀internally/externally equalized thermostatic expansion valve29.吸/排气管suction/discharge line30.电磁阀solenoid valve美['solə,nɔɪd]31.恒压阀constant pressure valve32.迎风面积/速度face area/velocity33.(一拖多分体式空调器(multi-split air conditioner34.水环热泵water loop heat pump35.能效比energy efficiency ratio36.变容压缩/压缩机positive displacement compression/compressor37.速度/动压式压缩/压缩机velocity/dynamic compression/compressor38.流量系数flow coefficient39.水锤water hammer40.闸阀gate valve41.球阀ball valve42.蝶阀butterfly valve43.平衡阀balancing valve44.安全阀safety/relief valve n.救济;减轻,解除;安慰;浮雕45.止回阀check/backflow prevention valve boiler锅炉1.air heater空气预热器2.auxiliary辅助的,辅机[ɔ:gˈzɪliəri]3.bare tube光管4.blast[英][blɑ:st]鼓风5.blowdown排污6.capacity[英][kəˈpæsəti]出力7.cogenerator热电联产机组pressor压缩机bustion燃烧10.condenser凝汽器11.counterflow逆流12.critical pressure临界压力13.diesel oil柴油gasoline,gaslene, gas,petro(英,汽油14.drainage疏水、排水设备,排水系统15.drum汽包16.economizer[英][i:'kɒnəmaɪzə]省煤器17.excess air[英][ɪkˈses]过量空气18.extended surface扩展受热面19.fin鳍片、肋片、散热片、翅片20.flue gas烟气21.fluid(-bed流化床(fluidizedbed[英]['flu:ɪdaɪzd22.furnace炉膛23.fouling污垢,击球出界(羽毛球 [英]['faʊlɪŋ]24.generator发电机25.header联箱、集箱,集管26.hopper[英][ˈhɒpə(r]斗、料斗l磨煤机(pulverizer[英]['pʌlvəraɪzə]28.motor汽车、马达、电动机29.platen屏、管屏[美]['plætən]30.Prandtl numbers普朗特数31.pressure loss压力损失32.regenerator回热器,蓄热器,再生器[英][rɪ'dʒenəˌreɪtə]33.Reynolds numbers雷诺数34.slag结渣美[slæɡ]35.sootblower吹灰器美[su:tb'ləʊər]36.steam line blowing蒸汽管路吹洗37.superheater过热器38.turbine汽轮机39.suction真空,负压steam turbine蒸汽轮机40.gas turbine燃气轮机41.back pressure背压42.blower送风机、吹灰器43.boundary layer边界层44.chimney英[ˈtʃɪmni]烟囱、烟道、烟筒45.cooling tower冷却水塔46.coupling连接,连接法兰,耦合47.critical speed临界转速48.cylinder圆筒、汽缸49.head汽包封头、扬程、水头50.impeller叶轮、推进器、压缩器rge turbine-generator unit大型汽轮发电机组52.non-destructive testing(NDT无损检验 machine数控机床54.fixed blade固定叶片,导向叶片55.operational speed运行转速56.outing casing外缸57.inner casing内缸58.rigid coupling刚性连轴器solid coupling59.rotor转子60.stress concentration应力集中61.two-shift operation两班制运行62.wake尾流Thermal Power Plant:热电厂1.automatic control system:自动控制系统2.boiler feed pump:锅炉给水泵feed pump:给水泵3.chamber:燃烧室/ei/4.circulating water:循环水5.check valve:止回阀,逆止阀6.non-return valve:逆止阀,止回阀7.controlling valve:控制阀,调节阀8.cooling water(CW:冷却水9.cycle efficiency:循环效率 processing system:数据处理系统[英]['eɪəreɪtə]除氧器 tank:除氧水箱13.desuperheater:减温器14.desuperheater spraywater:喷水减温15.drain pump:疏水泵16.full-load:满负荷erning system:调速系统(governing:调节,调整18.heat-transfer coefficient:换热系数19.isolating valve:隔离阀20.load rejection:甩(抛负荷21.main steam:主汽22.motorized isolating valve:电动隔离阀23.lubricating oil:润滑油24.nuclear plant:核电厂25.orifice:[orifis]孔,口,孔板26.pipework:管路27.power station:电厂28.pressure reducing valve:减压装置29.reliability:安全性,可靠性30.relief valve:安全阀31.running speed:运行转速32.sealing:密封,封闭,焊封33.self-sealing:自密封的34.stainless steel:不锈钢35.stop valve:断流阀,截止阀36.strainer:滤盆,滤器,滤网,拉紧装置37.supercritical plant:超临界机组38.synchronizer:英]['sɪŋkrənaɪzə]同步器,同步机,同步装置39.throttle:节流阀[美]/ˈθrɑ:tl/喉咙,气管,vt.&vi.扼杀,压制;勒死,使窒息;使节流40.turbine-generator unit:汽轮发电机组41.ultra-supercritical:超超临界英][ˈʌltrə] [美]['ʌltrə]42.vacuum:真空43.vent:通道,通风口44.actuator:/aiktjueite/执行机构45.brake:闸,制动器46.damper:[美]['dæmpər]挡板,调节风门47.distributed control system(DCS分散控制系统48.disturbance:干扰,扰动 control:反馈控制50.forced draught(FDfan:送风机[英][fɔ:st drɑ:ft/51.furnace purge:炉膛吹扫ernor valve:调节阀53.induced draught(IDfan:引风机54.make-up pump:补水泵55.overheating:过热,超温56.preamp:前置放大器/ˈpriæmp/57.primary air fan:一次风机58.sensor:传感器59.shutdown:停机,停炉,停运,关机,关闭;倒闭,停工,停业,停播。

3M Novec Engineered Fluids 产品介绍.pdf_1701735150.111

3M Novec Engineered Fluids 产品介绍.pdf_1701735150.111

Aerosol formulations using3M™ Novec™ Engineered FluidsAerosol formulation is a challenging science, especially when you factor in the need for non-flammability, low toxicity, high solubility, environmental sustainability and much more. At 3M, we've made challenging sciences our business and developed a comprehensive line of low environmental impact carrier solvents for aerosols –3M™Novec™ Engineered Fluids. With the use of high global warming potential (GWP) solvents becoming increasingly regulated and restricted, it’s time to make the switch to Novec fluids, with all the performance, safety and sustainability benefits you need.Properties Unit3M™ Novec™ Engineered Fluids7100 /7100DL a7200 /7200DL a7500 7700 71D90bBoiling Point °C (F) 61 (142) 76 (169) 128 (262) 167 (332) 43 (109) Pour Point °C (F) -135 (-211) -138 (-216) -100 (-148) -50 (-58) -45 (-49) Molecular Weight g/mol 250 264 414 528 97 / 250c Maximum Use Temperature °C (F) <150 (302) <150 (302) <200 (392) <200 (392) <150 (302) Flash Point d°C (F) None None None None None Vapor Pressure kPa 27 16 2.1 <0.1 54 Heat of Vaporization kJ/kg 112 119 89 83 268 Liquid Density g/cm3 1.51 1.42 1.61 1.80 1.26 Coefficient of Expansion K-10.0018 0.0016 0.0013 0.0011 - Absolute Viscosity cP 0.58 0.58 1.24 4.54 0.40 Specific Heat J/kg-K 1183 1220 1128 1040 - Surface Tension mN/m 13.6 13.6 16.2 18 21.1Solubility of Water in Fluid ppm byweight95 92 45 14 -Solubility of Fluid in Waterbyweight12ppm<5ppm<4ppb<1ppb<6300ppm eDielectric Strength Range, 0.1"gapkV > 25 > 25 > 25 > 25 - Worker Exposure Guideline f ppm 750 200 100 TBD g200 / 750hOzone Depletion Potential ODP 0 0 0 0 0Global Warming Potential i GWP 297 57 100 436 32Not for specification purposes. All values @ 25°C unless otherwise specified.a Novec Engineered Fluids with a DL designation are higher purity versions of that product number for deposition applications when high purity materials are needed.b 90% by weight trans-1,2-dichloroethylene; 10% by weight of Novec 7100 fluidc 97 g/mol= trans-1,2-dichloroethylene molecular weight; 250 g/mol = Novec 7100 fluid molecular weightd Per closed cup flash point, tested in accordance with ASTM D3278 test method.e <6300 ppm, reference tDCE solubilty in water from "Industrial Solvents Handbook", Flick, E.W. (ed.) 1985f Recommended parts per million (ppm) for eight-hour average worker exposure per day as established by 90-day inhalation study. Study methodology based on American Industrial Hygiene Association exposure guidelines.g Novec 7700 fluid is low in acute toxicity and most applications have very low inhalation exposure. It is for these reasons that occupational exposure limits (OELs) have not yet been determined for this product.h trans-1,2-dichloroethylene has an 8-hour. time-weighted average (TWA) exposure guideline (EG) of 200 / EG for Novec 7100 fluid is 750.i GWP-100 year ITH, CO2 = 1.0, per IPCC 2013, with the exception of Novec 7100 and 7100DL fluids and blends containing Novec 7100 fluid, which note IPCC 2007.Aerosol formulations using3M™ Novec™ Engineered FluidsBelow are some recommendations to help with your formulations. 3M technical representatives are also available to help determine which 3M™ Novec™ Engineered Fluid is best for your specific needs and to help you with customizing your aerosol solution.Properties3M™ Novec™ Engineered Fluids7100 /7100DL7200 /7200DL 7500 7700 71D90Fluorocarbon solubility High High High High LowHydrocarbon solubility Medium Medium Low Low Very HighPlastic/elastomer compatibility High High Very High Very High LowApplicationsAerosol cleaners ●●●Aerosol coatings ●●●Dry lubricant aerosols /polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)●●●●Dissolving fluorochemicals ●●●●Dissolving hydrocarbons ●●●Reducing aerosol formulationflammability●Improving aerosol CARB VOCcompliance1●Extending dry time ●●Replacement forChlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) ●●●Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) ●●●Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) ●●Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) ●●●●Perfluoropolyethers (PFPEs) ●●n-propyl bromide (nPB)●1 Does not exceed the volatile organic compound (VOC) limits set by the California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board for aerosol formulations. It is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and that the end formulation meets the environmental and regulatory requirements of your area.Have questions? Need technical assistance? Contact your 3M technical service representative.We’re here to help.IMPORTANT NOTICE: The technical information, recommendations and other statements contained in this document are based upon tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable, but the accuracy or completeness of such information is not guaranteed. Contact your local 3M representative or visit /Novec for more information. Warranty and Limitation of Liability: if there is a defect in this product, your exclusive remedy shall be product replacement or refund of the purchase price. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 3M will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damage related to the use of this product.Electronics Materials Solutions Division 3M Center, Building 224-3N-11St. Paul, MN 55144-10001-800-810-8513/novec©2016 3M. All rights reserved.3M and Novec are trademarks of 3M Company.60-5002-0824-89/2018 ●●。



中空玻璃应用英语专业术语12008-02-24 14:1113X 13X分子筛3A 3A分子筛4A 4A分子筛abbeive阻黏剂,防黏剂,分离剂ablation脱离,切除,消融abrasion磨耗,磨损,磨蚀abasion hardness磨蚀硬度abrasion index磨损指数abrasion tester磨损实验机accelerateagingtest加速老化实验acetate乙酸盐,乙酸酯,乙酸根,乙酸基acetone丙酮acid resistance耐酸性acoustic声学的acrylic resin丙烯酸类树脂acrylic丙烯酸,亚克利acrylics丙烯酸acrylonitrile丙烯腈activation激活activator活化剂adduct加(成化)合物adhere黏合,黏附adhesion老化实验,老化检验adhesion黏合adhesion failure黏合破坏adhesion of rubber to metal橡胶和金属粘结adhesion promoter黏合增进剂,助黏剂adhesive黏合剂adsorbent吸附剂adsorption吸附affinity亲和性aluminum oxide氧化铝aluminum profile铝型材aluminum section铝型材aluminum shim/butyl spacer铝带丁基胶条,实唯高胶条aluminum spacer铝间隔条,槽铝式ambient noise环境噪音ambient temperature环境温度amorphous无定性的,非晶质的angstroms埃anhydrite无水石膏an nealed glass原片,普通玻璃an nealing退火,退火的an nealing lehr(隧道氏)退火窑(炉)an nealing point退火温度(相当黏度为1018泊)Aging 陈化,老化aging reaistance 耐老化性,老化性能aging test老化实验agon filled充氩气air adsorption气体吸附air barrier防漏气隔离层,隔离屏障,气挡air curing空气硫化,空气熟化air drying风干air filled充空气air infiltration空气渗透air infliltration空气渗透air side浮法玻璃生产中朝上的玻璃面air space空气层airflow气流aldehydes醛alkali碱alkali metal salt碱金属盐alkali resistance耐碱性alkalinity碱性,碱度alligatoring鳄纹alumina氧化铝aluminoborosilicate glass铝硼硅酸盐玻璃aluminosilicate glass铝硅酸盐玻璃aluminum铝anticracking agent防裂剂(橡胶)antimony oxide氧化镝antioxidant抗氧化剂application table操作台aqueous水的,含水的,水成的argon氩气arsenic砷arsenic trisulfide三氧化砷arsenious oxide五氧化二砷art glass艺术玻璃,镶嵌玻璃asphalt沥青柏油ASTM美国中空玻璃检测标Atmospheric or ozone cracking 大气或臭氧(作用)龟裂,自然龟裂Atmospheric pressure大气压(力)Attenuation衰减物Autoclave高压釜Bback-bone 主链,主要成分,骨干,骨架back-fill 反填充,回填充barium oxide氧化钡barometirc pressure气压base基胶batch house料房,配料车间bath瑶池,池炉bending strength弯曲强度bent glass弯玻璃,弯玻bent spacer连续弯管金属隔条bentonite膨润土,皂土,浆土benzene苯benzene ring苯环beryllium铍Bicherous smiotios pocess比切罗克斯法,间歇压延法(平板玻璃)bitumen沥青,柏油bleeding增塑剂等渗出表面形成薄膜baistering起泡,气泡blocks玻璃支撑快bromine溴brookfield synchro-lectric visosimetre布鲁克菲尔德单圆筒黏度计brookfiled test布鲁克菲尔德检测Btu英国热量单位(=256Cal)Bubbing起泡Bloom起霜白化blown ware吹制的玻璃制品blue-line drawing蓝图blush起霜白化boiler gages锅炉表bond breakage键断裂bond strength键强度bonding agent键合剂,黏合剂borate硼酸盐borax硼砂boric acid硼酸boric oxide氧化硼boron硼borosilicate cwn硼硅酸盐冕玻璃brosiliceglass硼硅酸盐bow弯曲弓形box spacer槽铝式隔条brglass防弹玻璃breakage炸裂breaking stress极限应力,破裂应力breather tube呼吸管brewsters布鲁斯特,(光弹性单位)bullet resistant glass防弹玻璃bull’s eye后圆玻璃,圆快玻璃butadiene丁二烯butyl丁基胶butylene丁烯CCadmium镉Calcareous钙质,含钙的石灰的Calcium peroxide过氧化钙Calcium carbonate碳酸钙CAN/CGSB-12.8-97加拿检测标准大中空玻璃Canal arch通道拱Capillary毛细管Capillary tube unit安装毛细管的中空玻璃Carbon black碳黑carbon dioxide二氧化碳Cardinal IG 美国卡迪诺中空玻璃公司catalyst 催化剂,触媒,固化剂cathode 阴极caulk 堵缝,填隙cavity thickness 空腔厚度cement 水泥,胶结剂,胶结,封接CEN 欧洲中空坡璃标准centipoise 厘泊(黏度单位)centre in tension 中央张力centre of the glass 玻璃中央chain stopper 链终止剂,止链剂chalcogenide glass 硫属玻璃chalking 粉化,起垩checking 龟裂checking sunlight 日晒引起的龟裂chemical fogging 化学雾chemical resistance 耐化学性chemical strengthened glass 化学钢化玻璃chlorine 氯chord 弦chords弦circumference 圆周,周围clay 粘土,粘土质的clear glass 白玻,透明玻璃coadsorption 共吸附coating technology 镀膜技术cobalt 钴coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数cohesion 内聚cohesive failure 内聚失败cold edge 冷边cold flexibility 冷挠曲性cold flow 冷流cold resistant 抗冷性,耐冷度compatibility 相容性compatible spacer 相容间隔条compound curve 复合曲线(玻璃)compression modulus 压缩模量compression set 永入性破坏compressive strength 压强度compressive stress 压应力concave 凹的cndensation 冷凝condesation gutter 冷凝水收集槽,沟conduction 传导conductivity 传导container stability (=shelf life ) 货架寿命contamination 污染continuos film 平整的薄膜,无断裂或针眼convection 对流conventional hot melt 普通热融胶,常规热融胶convex 凸ccool light 冷光cooling 冷却ccomer key 插角corrosion resistance 抗腐蚀能力cracking 裂化,裂解,断裂,裂纹creep 蠕变criticcal temperature 临界温度crosslink 化学交联cross-linking agent 交联剂crown glass 冕法玻璃,人工吹制成的玻璃片crystal glass 晶质玻璃crystal structure 晶体结构crystallization 结晶,结晶作用,晶化cullet 碎玻璃,废玻璃(料)cumene hydroperoxide 氢过氧化枯烯curative 固化剂,硬化剂cure time 固化时间curing agent 触媒,固化剂curing mechanism 固化机制curtain wall 幕墙curved glass 异型玻璃cyclic wind loading 周期性风荷载cycling 循环cylinder glass 筒形玻璃,(吹制或拉制),圆筒法平板玻璃DDamping 缓冲,减震,阻尼Daylight 日光Dead air 静止空气Dead load 自重Decibel (dB)分贝Decorative glass 装饰玻璃,镶嵌玻璃Deflection 挠度,挠曲Delaminate 分层,脱层Delinerate 描绘,叙述,描外形Density 密度Desiccant 分子筛Design load 设计荷载Desorption 解吸附Dew point 露点Deameter 直径Diamond pyramid 金刚石锥硬度标Diaphram 横膈膜,隔膜,膜片Dichromate 重铬酸盐Dicing 骰子Dielectric 电介体,电介质;介电的Diffusion 扩散Diisocyanates 二异氰酸盐Diluent 稀释剂,冲淡剂Dilute 稀释Dilution 稀释Dimethyl ketone 二甲丙酮DIN 1286 德国中空玻璃标准1286Dip coat 浸涂Disentangle 解开,清理Dispersion 色散,弥散]distribution 分布distrotion 扭曲,畸变disulfide 二硫化物divider 除数,间隔物,隔板,划分者dolomite 白云石door-light 镶嵌玻璃drain line 流浆线道drawn glass 拉制玻璃drawn sheet glass 拉制平板玻璃drum 55加仑铁桶dry time 缺胶接头DSE 等同双道密封Dispersion 分散(作用),分散体,色散,离差Dual panes unit 双玻中空玻璃Dual panes 双玻中空玻璃Dual seal 双道密封Dual-sealed units 双道密封中空玻璃Dlurability 耐久性Durometer 硬度詈,硬度测验器Dynamic fatigue 动态疲劳EEdge clearance 边部间隙Edge cover 边部遮盖Edge of glass 玻璃边部Edge seal 边部密封Edge seal height 边部密封高度Edgetech IC 美国艾杰中空玻璃技术有限公司Elastic solid 弹性固体Elasticity 弹性Elastomer 高弹性Electromagetic 电磁的Elements 元素,自然界的风,雨,雪和雷电等Elongation 延伸Emery 刚玉粉,刚砂Emulsion 乳状液Enamel glass 釉彩玻璃Encyclopedia 百科全书Endothermic 吸热的Energy efficiency 能源效率Energy star 美国能源明星计划ENR 室外噪音评定ER (energy rating )能源等级评定Erolsion 腐蚀Ethylene 乙烯EWNR(exterior wall noise rating ) 外墙噪音评定Exhaling air 呼出空气Exterior glazing 室外安装玻璃FFactory glazed 工厂安装玻璃Fahrenheit 华氏Failure analysis (water immersion technique) 失败分析Far ir 远红外Fatigue strength (疲劳强度)Faying surfaces 接触面Feeder 进料器,加料器Feldspar 长石Feldspathic 长石质的Fenestration 门窗Fiberglass 玻璃钢Filler 填料Filter cake 滤饼Fin 毛刺Fire-retardant material 阻燃材料Flame resistant 耐燃性(的)Flame retardant 阻燃剂Flash point 闪点,闪燃点Flat glass 平板玻璃Flaw 缺陷Flexible 弹性的Flexible silicone foam 弹性硅酮微孔间隔条,超级间隔条Flint glass 火石玻璃,无色玻璃Float glass 浮法玻璃Float process 浮法工艺Flow out 流出Flow point 玻璃的流动温度Fluorine 氟Fluxe 溶剂Fluxing agent 助熔剂Fog 雾Fogging unit 内侧雾化的中空玻璃Foot 英尺Forming roll 压延辊Four sides curtain wall 全隐式幕墙Fractography 断口组织试验,断口组织的显微镜观察Fracture 破碎,断面,断裂,破坏FRAME 计算机模拟热流的软件Frequency 频率Front end 窑前端Front gable – wall 前脸墙,端墙Frost poin 霜点Fulcrum支点Fumed silica 热解法二氧化硅,火成二氧化硅Fungi 霉菌Furnace 炉,窑Furnace floor 炉底,窑床Fusion 熔融,熔化GGallon 加仑Gas –filled unit 充惰性气体的中空玻璃Gasket 玻璃密封胶条Girth 曲线周长Glass blowetr 玻璃灯工,玻璃吹制工Glass breakage 玻璃炸裂Glass crtain wall 玻璃幕墙Glass edge seal 玻璃边缘密封Glass modulus 玻璃态模量Glass phase 玻璃相Glass point 玻璃点Glass ribbon 玻璃带,玻璃条Glass transit temperature 玻璃化温度Glass washer 玻璃清洗机Glassblowing 玻璃吹制Glass-making 玻璃制造Glassware 玻璃器皿Glazing bead 玻璃压条Glazing material 玻璃,玻璃密封材料Glazing rabbet 玻璃镶嵌槽Glazing system 玻璃装配系统Goblet 小料块(玻璃)料滴Gouges 表GPR (gas permeance rate )气体渗透率Greenhouse 温室Grinding hardness 研磨硬度Grit 压痕硬度Grout 薄浆(水泥)GS(galvanized steel ) 镀锌钢Gun consistency 适用从胶枪嘴向外打胶的松软度Gypum 石膏H.H(high temperature high humidity) 高温高温Hard coat 硬度膜Hardness 硬度Heat flow 热流Heat mirror 热境Heat press roller 热(辊)压机Heat resistance 抗热Heat treated 热处理Heating 供热Heat-seal 熔焊,熔接,热封Heat-strengthened glass 热增强玻璃,半钢化玻璃Heat-treated glass热处理玻璃Hertz(HZ) 赫兹Heterogeneous 不均匀的,多相的High humidity testing 高湿试验HI-TR 耐高热HMB 热融丁基胶Holiday 空胶,露布,露白,露胶Hot melt 热融胶Hot melt butyl 热融丁基胶Hot melt sealant 热融密封胶Hydrolytic 水解Hydrolytic resistance 抗水解Hydrolyzability 水解Hydrophilic action 亲水性Impact 冲击Impact resistance抗冲击Impact strength 抗冲击强度Impeller叶轮Incandescent lamp白炽灯Indentation hardness压痕硬度Inert gas惰性气体Infrared红外线Ingredient组分,成分Inhaling air吸入空气Inorganic无机的Insulating block 保温材料块Insulating glass中空玻璃Insulating value保温值Insulation material保温材料Intensity强度;密(集)度LnterceptTM U 型间隔条 TM Interior glazing室内安装玻璃Intelayer夹胶,夹层LR红外线Jamp 边框Kaolin高岭土Kiln bottom窑底Knurl roll压花辊Lading (用勺子)舀(玻璃液)Laminated glass夹层玻璃Lap point搭接点,搭接面Lap shear搭接剪切实验Lead crystal铅晶质玻璃Lead oxide氧化铅Lead peroxide过氧化铅Lead –alkali –silicate glass铅碱硅盐酸玻璃Leaded glass含铅玻璃Lehr退火窑(炉)Life exqectancy寿命期望值,期望寿命Lifting提升,举起,升起Limestone石灰石Lindemann glass林德曼玻璃(含X射线含锂铍硼玻璃)Linear thermal coefficient of expansion先性膨胀系数Long-wave长波Low-Eglass低辐射玻璃Low-emissivty coatings低辐射镀膜Low-emissvity glass低辐射玻璃LOW-TR耐低热Lump起疙瘩,胶团,块。



英汉对照给水排水专业名词来源:广州大学水质工程学发表时间:2007-5-24 最近更新时间:2008-7-22给水工程 water supply engineering排水工程 sewerage,wastewater engineering给水系统 water supply system排水系统 sewerage system给水水源 water source原水 raw water地表水 surface water地下水 ground water苦咸水(碱性水)brackish water;alkaline water淡水 fresh water冷却水 cooling water废水 wastewater污水 sewage;wastewater用水量 water consumption供水量 output污水量 wastewater flow;sewage flow用水定额 water consumption norm排水定额 wastewater flow norm水质 water quality渠道 channel;conduit干管 main泵站 pumping house泵站 pumping station给水处理 water treatment污水处理 sewage treatment;wastewater treatment废水处置 wastewater disposal格栅 bar screen曝气 aeration沉淀 sedimentation澄清 clarification过滤 filtration离子交换法 ion exchange消毒 disinfection氯化 chlorination余氯 residual chlorine游离性余氯 free residual chlorine结合性余氯 combinative residual chlorine污泥 sludge污泥处理 sludge treatment污泥处置 sludge disposal水头损失 head loss贮水池 storage reservoir;storage tank过河管 river crossing倒虹管 inverted siphon稳定 stabilization异重流density current直流水系统 once through system复用水系统 water reuse system循环水系统 water reuse system生活用水 domestic water生产用水 process water消防用水fire demand浇洒道路用水 street flushing demand, road watering绿化用水 green belt sprinkling, green plot sprinkling 未预见用水量 unforeseen demand自用水量 water consumption in water-works管网漏失水量 leakage平均日供水量 average daily coefficient最高日供水量 maximum service coefficient日变化系数 daily variation coefficient时变化系数 hourly variation coefficient最小服务水头 minimum service head管井 deep well ,drilled well管井滤水管 deep well screen管井沉淀管 grit compartment大口井 dug well;open well井群 battery of wells渗渠 infiltration gallery地下水取水构筑物及滤层 inverted layer泉室 spring chamber取水构筑物 intake structure取水口(取水头部)intake进水间 intake structure格网 screen吸水井 suction well净水构筑物 purification structure投药 chemical dosing混合 mixing凝聚 coagulation絮凝 flocculation自然沉淀 plain sedimentation凝聚沉淀 coagulation sedimentation凝聚剂 coagulant助凝剂 coagulant aid药剂固定储备量 standby reserve药剂周转储备量 current reserve沉沙池(沉砂池) desilting basin;grit chamber预沉池 pre-sedimentation tank平流沉淀池 horizontal flow sedimentation tank异向流斜管(或斜板)沉淀池 tube (plate)settler同向流斜板沉淀池 lamella机械搅拌澄清池 accelerator水力循环澄清池 circulation clarifier脉冲澄清池 plusator悬浮澄清池 sludge blanket clarifier液面负荷 surface load气浮池 floataion tank气浮溶气罐 dissloved air vessel气浮接触室 contact chamber快滤池 rapid filter虹吸滤池 siphon filter无阀滤池 pressure filter压力滤池 pressure filter移动罩滤池 movable hood backwashing filter滤料 filtering media承托层 graded gracel layer滤速 rate of filtration滤池配水系统 filter underdrain system表面冲洗 surface washing反冲洗 backwash气水反冲洗 air-water washing滤池冲洗水量 filter wash water consumption冲洗强度 intensity of back washing膨胀率 percentage of bed-expansion除铁接触氧化法 contact-axidation清水池 clean-water reservoir配水管网distribution system;pipe system环状管网 pipe network枝状管网 branch system水管支墩 buttress;anchorage软化水 softened water除盐水 demineralized water高纯水 high-purity water;ultra-high purity water 除硅 desilication;silica removal脱碱 dialkalization酸洗 acid cleaning石灰浆 lime slurry石灰乳 milk of lime树脂污染 resin fouling树脂降解 resin degradation离子交换剂 ion exchanger离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin弱碱性阴离子交换树脂 weak-base exchange resin强碱性阴离子交换树脂 strong-base anion exchange resin弱酸性慢离子交换树脂 weak-acid exchange resin强酸性阳离子交换树脂 storng-acid cation exchange resin凝胶型离子交换树脂 gel –type ion exange resin大孔型离子交换树脂 macro-reticular typeion exchange resin 磺化煤 sulfonated coal后处理 post-treatment再生 regemeration再生液置换 rinse displacement二级钠离子交换twostage sodium iopn exchange顺流再生 co-current regeneration对流再生counter-current regeneration逆流再生 up-flow regeneration浮动床 fluidized bed混合离子交换器 mixed bed空气顶压逆流再生 air hold down C.C.C,air blanket C.C.R水顶压逆流再生 water hold down C.C.R,water blanket C.C.R 无顶压逆流再生 atmospheric press bed C.C.R离子交换剂床层膨胀率 ion exchange bed expansion移动床 moving bed再生剂耗量 chemical consumption ,regenerant consumption 再生剂量 regeneration lever再生剂计量 chemical measurement超滤器 ultrafilter微孔过滤器 microporus filter双层床 stratabed,multibed双室床 double bed分步再生 stepwise regeration工作交换容量 operating capacity树脂捕捉器 resintrapper电渗析器 dlectordialyzer反渗透器 reverse osmosis unit一级除盐系统 primary demineralixation system单塔单周期移动床 monobed and single cycle moving bed双塔连续再生移动床 duad bed contactor单床离子交换器 mono-bed ion exchange冷却塔 cooling tower温式冷却塔 dry cooling tower干式冷却塔 dry cooling tower干一湿式冷却塔 dry-wet cooling tower自然通风冷却塔 natural draft cooling tower机械通风冷却塔 mechamical draft cooling tower风筒式冷却塔 chimney cooling tower开放式冷却塔 atmospheric cooling tower抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower 鼓风式机械通风冷却塔 forced draft mechnical cooling tower 横流式冷却塔 crossfolw cooling tower逆流式冷却塔 counter flow cooling tower淋水填料 packing点滴式淋水材料splash packing薄膜式淋水材料 film packing点滴薄膜式淋水填料 splash-film packing冷却塔配水系统 cooling tower distribution system槽式配水系统 troughing distribution system管式配水系统 piping distribution system管――槽结合式配水系统 pipe-troughing distrbution system池式配水系统 hot water distribution basin旋转布水器 rotating distributor溅水喷嘴 spray nozzle冷却塔配水竖件 vertical well of water distribution淋水面积 area of water drenching淋水密度 water drenching density逼近度approach冷却水温差 cooling range除水器 drift eliminator飘滴 drift湿空气回流 recirculation of wet air喷水池 qpray pond冷却池 cooling pond深水型冷却池 shallow cooling pond浅水型冷却池 deep cooling pond挡热墙 skimmer wall潜水堰 submerged weir蒸发损失 evaporation loss风吹损失 windage loss渗漏损失 seepage loss温差异重流 thermal density flow水面综合散热系数 heat transfer coefficient循环冷却水 recirculating cooling water直流冷却水 once-through cooling water直接冷却水 dircet cooling water间接冷却水 indirect coolint water补充水 make-up water旁流 side stream排污 blowdown循环冷却水系统 recirculating cooling water system直流冷却水系统 once-through cooling water system敞开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculation cooling water system 密闭式循环冷却水系统 closed recirculation cooling water system 结垢scale污垢 fouling生物粘泥 slime,biological fouling污垢热阻 fouling resistance生物粘泥量 slime content腐蚀 corrosion全面腐蚀(均匀腐蚀) general corrosion局部腐蚀 localozed corrosion垢下腐蚀 under-deposit corrosion点蚀 pitting腐蚀率 corrosion rate点蚀系数 pitting factor阻垢 scale inhibition缓蚀 corrosion inhibition防腐蚀 corrosion prevention浓缩倍数 cyclw of concentratin系统容积 volumetric content of system饱和指数 saturation index,Langelier index稳定指数 saturation inde,Langelier index冷却水处理 coolimg water treatment旁流水处理 side-stream treatment补充水处理 make-up water treatment加酸处理scidification菌藻处理 microbiogiacl control旁流过滤 side-dtream filtration预膜 perfillmimg降解 degradation监测试片 monitoring coupon腐蚀试片 corrosion coupon阻垢剂 scale inhibitor分散剂 dispersant缓蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor杀生物剂 biocide预膜剂 prefilming abent剥离剂 stripping agent表面活性剂 surfactant消泡剂 defoaming agent排水制度 sewwer system合流制combined system分流制separate system检查井manhole跃水井drop manhole事故排出口emergencg outlet暴雨溢流井(截留井)storm overflow well, intercepting well 防潮门tide gate生活污水domestic sewage,domestic wastewater工业废水industrial wastewater生产污水polluted industrial wastewater生产废水non-polluted industrial wastewater城市污水municipal sewage;municipal wastewater旱流污水dry weather flow水体自净self-purification of water bodies一级处理primary treatment二级处理 secondary treatment生物处理biological treatment活性污泥法activated sludge process生物膜法biomembrance process双层沉淀池(隐化池)Imhoff tank初次沉淀池primary sedimentation tank二次沉淀池secondary sedimentation tank生物滤池biological filter, trickling filter塔式生物滤池 biotower生物转盘rotating biological disk生物接触氧化bio-contact oxidation曝气池aeration tank推流曝气plug flow aeration完全混合曝气complete-mixing aeration普通曝气conventional aeration阶段曝气step aeration吸附再生曝气 biosorption process,contact stabilization高负荷曝气 high-rate aeration延时曝气 extended aeration氧化沟 oxidation aitch稳定塘(氧化塘)stabilization pond,oxidation pond灌溉田 sewage farming隔油池 oil separtor固定布水器 fixed distributor活动布水器 movable distributor空气扩散曝气 diffused air aeration浅层曝气 inka aeration机械表面曝气 mechamical xurface aeration 混合液 mixed liquor堰门 weir gate原污泥raw sludge初沉污泥 primary sludge二沉污泥secondary sludge活性污泥 activated sludge消化污泥 activated sludge回流污泥 returned sludge剩余污泥 excess activated sludge污泥气 sludge gas污泥消化 sludge digestion好氧消化 aerobic sigestion厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion中温消化 mesophilic digestion高温消化 thermophilic digestion污泥浓缩 sludge thickening污泥淘洗 elutriation of sludge污泥脱水 sludge dewatering污泥真空过滤 sludge vacuum filtration污泥压滤sludge pressure filtration污泥干化 sludge drying污泥焚烧 sludge incineration合流水量 combined flow雨水量storm runoff暴雨强度 rainfall intensity人口当量 population equivalent重现期 recurrence interval降雨历时 duration of rainfall地面集水时间 time of flow管内流行时间 time of flow汇水面积 catchment area充满度 depth ratio表面水力负荷 hydraulic surface loading 固体负荷 solid loading堰负荷 weir loading容积负荷 volume loading表面有机负荷 organic surface loading污泥负荷 sludge loading需氧量 oxygen demand供氧(气)量 oxygen (air) supply氧转移率 oxygen transfer efficiency充氧能力 oxygenation capacity泥饼产率 sludge cake production污泥回流比 return sludge ratio污泥浓度 sludge concentration截流倍数 interception ratio径流系数 runoff coefficient总变化系数 peaking variation factor生化需氧量 biochemical oxygen demand化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand耗氧量 oxygen consumption悬浮固体 suspended solid电镀废水 electroplating wastewater电镀清洗废水 electroplating rinse-wastewater闭路循环 closed system, closed loop连续处理 continuous treatment间歇处理 batch treatment清洗槽 rinse tank连续式逆流清洗 continuous countercurrent rinsing 间歇式逆流清洗 intermittent countercurrent rinsing 反喷洗清洗 back spray rinsing清洗用水定额 rinsing water norm末级清洗槽浓度 final rinse tank concentration清洗倍率 rinsing ratio碱性氯化法 alkaline chlorination process一级氧化处理 first stage oxidation treatment二级氧化处理 second stage oxidation treatment槽内处理法 tank treatment铁氧体法 ferriter technique树脂交换容量 resin exchange capacity空间流速 space flow rate交换流速 exchange flow rate再生周期 regeneration period洗脱液 spent regenerant离子交换柱 ion exchange column电解处理法 electrolytic treatment电极密度 electrode density极距 electrode distance双极性电极 bipolar electrode不溶性阳极 insoluble anode周期换向 periodic reversal脉冲电解 pulse electrolysis流出水头 static pressure for outflow给水额定流量 rate of flow设计秒流量 design flow design load卫生器具当量 fixture unit设计小时耗热量 heat consumption热水循环流量 hot water circulating flow循环附加流量 additional circulating flow配水点 points of distribution上行下给式 upfeed system下行上给式 downfeed system单向供水 one way service pipe system双向供水 multi-way service pipe system竖向分区 vertical division block明设 exposed installation暗设 concealed installation,embedded installation回流污染 backflow pollution空气间歇 air gap粪便污水 soil生活废水 waste水流转角 angle of turning flow内排水系统 interior storm system外排水系统 outside storm system集中热水供应系统 central heating system开式热水供应系统 open system of hot water supply单管热水供应系统 single pipe system of hot water supply 自然循环 natural circulation机械循环 mechanical circulation第一循环管系 primary circulating system第二循环管系 secondary circulating system引入管 service pipe, inlet pipe排出管 building drain, outlet pipe立管 vertical pipe, riser, stack横管 horizontal pipe悬吊管 hanged pipe清扫口 cleanout检查口 checkhole,checkpipe存水弯 trap,water-sealed joint水封 water seal通气管 vent pipe,vent伸顶通气管 stack vent专用通气立管 specific vent stack主通气立管 main vent stack副通气立管 secondary vent stack, assistant vent stack 环形通气管 loop vent器具通气管 firxture vent结合通气管 yoke vent, yoke vent pipe间接排水管 indirect waste pipe雨水斗 rain strainer回水管 return pipe卫生器具 plumbing fixtrure, fixture 气压给水设备 pneumatic tank隔油井 grease interceptor降温池 cooling tank化粪池 septic tank接触消毒池 disinfecting tank。



July 2015 | Vol.58 No.7559© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015Organogel as durable anti-icing coatingsYaling Wang 1,2, Xi Yao 1,2, Jing Chen 3, Zhiyuan He 1,2, Jie Liu 1,2, Qunyang Li 4, Jianjun Wang 1,2* and Lei Jiang 1,2A durable organogel anti-icing material via swelling cross-linked poly(dimethylsiloxane) with liquid paraffin is reported. The surface of the organogel is covered by a thin released layer of paraffin due to the osmotic pressure, which acts as a lubri-cant and reduces the ice adhesion greatly. Results show that the ice adhesion on the surface of the organogel is as small as1.7±1.2 kPa (at −30°C) and the low ice adhesion remains even when the temperature is lowered to −70°C. The surface with lubricating liquid paraffin layer exhibits excellent durability, as it shows an ultralow ice adhesion after 35 cycles of icing/deicing and100 days of exposure in ambient environment. INTRODUCTION Ice formation and accretion on surfaces cause damages and inefficiencies that negatively impact aeronautics, ships, off-shore oil platforms, power lines, wind turbines and tele-communication equipments [1]. Designing materials capable of efficiently minimizing or even eliminating the ice formation atop of their surfaces remains a challenge. R endering the surfaces superhydrophobicity has been pro-posed as a leading passive anti-icing strategy because of the water repellency resulting from the high contact angle value and low ice adhesion strength due to the trapped air. However, superhydrophobicity would be lost at subzero temperatures because of the vapor condensation/desubli-mation [2−4]. Moreover, icing/deicing cycles may result in deterioration of superhydrophobicity (anti-icing proper-ties) because of gradually breaking of the surface asperities [5−9]. Introducing a liquid lubricating layer between the ice and solid substrates is another strategy. Inspired by ice skating, Wang et al. prepared one type of self-lubricatingl iquid water layer created by hygroscopic polymer network deliquescing and swelling due to water absorption or con-densation [10,11]. The temperature range, in which theself-lubricating liquid water layer exists, could be tuned by the water activity of the lubricating layer according to Koop et al . [12]. Another example is the development of 1 Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 2Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 30045, China 4School of Aerospace, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China *Corresponding author (email: wangj220@)l ubricant-infused porous materials inspired by nature’s Ne-penthes pitcher plant which exhibits low contact angle hys-teresis and has very low value ice adhesion (15.6 ± 3.6 kPa) [13,14]. However, for the passive removal of ice, the lower ice adhesion strength is, the better the anti-icing coating is [13]. This is particular true for the anti-icing of some out-door facilities, and it would be ideal if the ice could be shed off due to its gravity or the action of wind. Organogel mate-rials were found to have advantages for anti-sticking func-tion by some researchers, since the polymer network m er-its a slow and continuous release of liquids [15−17]. Thus it should be useful for durable anti-icing coating. Howeverno reports of organogel materials for anti-icing application have been reported.Herein, we reporta n organogel (OG) anti-icing coating by swelling cross-linked polymer networks with liquid par-affin (LP). In this type of anti-icing coating, polymer net-work not only absorbs LP , but also holds the paraffin in the cross-linked network to avoid being abundantly removed during the shed off of the accreted ice [18,19]. We select-ed LP because it is a natural lubricant. LP-swollen cross-linked poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) (LP-OG) is found to exhibit ultra-low ice adhesion strength (1.7 ± 1.2 kPa). Moreover the anti-icing coating can maintain effectively an ultra-low ice adhesion even when the temperature is as lowas −70°C. Even after experiencing 35 icing/deicing cycles and 100 days of exposure in ambient environment, the iceadhesion on the LP-OG still keeps smaller than 10 kPa. All these indicate that LP-OG possesses a great potential for anti-icing coating with ultra-low ice adhesion, broad tem-perature window and excellent durability. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Preparation of PDMS and organogel materialPDMS oligomer (Sylgard 184, Dow Corning) was mixed with the curing reagent at a ratio of 10:1 by weight to form a Published online 10 July 2015 | doi: 10.1007/s40843-015-0069-7Sci China Mater 2015, 58: 559–565standard admixture. The resulting mixture was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 min and then poured into a Petri dish with a thickness of 1.0 mm. Afterwards a vacuum (0.1 MPa) was applied for 30 min to remove all bubbles. The mixture was kept horizontally at room temperature for 24 h, and then cured in an oven at 80°C overnight. The cured PDMS was cut into square pieces (18 mm×18 mm), and immersed into heated paraffin bath for at least 7 h. Then the swelled PDMS pieces were taken out and cooled to room tempera-ture and excess paraffin on the surface was removed. A liq-uid layer was formed on the surface of prepared organogel after it was kept overnight. Two kinds of paraffin were used in our experiments,i.e., LP and FT (Fischer-Tropsch wax). LP is commercial product which is liquid mixture of satu-rated cyclic hydrocarbon and isoalkane by refining process (molecular weight 250–450, melting point −24°C). FT is a kind of microcrystalline wax (melting point 102–104°C). Phenyl silicone (from silicone tube) and butyl rubber (from rubber plate) were swelled by LP following the procedure for the preparation of PDMS-based OG.Ice adhesion measurementThe ice adhesion strength was tested by a home-built ap-paratus which consists of a cooling stage (experiment tem-perature ranges from −20 to −70°C) and an XY motion stage with force transducer as depicted in previous paper [3]. 1000 μL ultrapure water was syringed into a glass cu-vette (10 mm × 10 mm × 25 mm) on organogel sample sur-face when the cooling stage reached a desired temperature. Ice columns formed and were kept at the same tempera-ture for 5 h to ensure a full contact between the ice and the substrate. A nitrogen gas flow with a small flow rate purged continuously to avoid water vapor frosting on the substrate. Nine samples each time were measured. Probe velocity was 500 μm s −1 (typically used in other references) [20]. 50 μm s−1 was also tried to obtain some force curves in adhesion measurement. Non-shear contributions were minimized by keeping the probe distance constant (2 mm), as close to the surface as practical. Recorder for force-time curve was switch on just before the probe started to move. Once the probe contacted the glass cuvette that held the ice column, the force value began to increase until ice de-tachment. The probe continued to push the ice to slide and sliding friction force was also recorded. T he shear force required for ice detachment was used to quantify ice ad-hesion force just before the adhesion failure. The contact area between the ice and the substrate was 1.00 cm2. The ice adhesion strength (Pa) w as obtained via dividing the shear force by the area. Ice adhesion strength has the same unit as the shear stress needed for ice detachment.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThermally-cured cross-linked PDMS was immersed ina bath of the heated LP. In order to reach swelling equi-librium, the PDMS network was soaked in the bath for 7 h. Then the PDMS was taken out and cooled down to room temperature. The prepared OG is transparent. Fig. 1a shows the images of PDMS before and after swollen by the LP. Kinetic process of swelling is described as the LP (as the solvent) diffusing into and out of the PDMS cross-linked structure driven by the osmotic potential (as interpreted by Flory-Huggins theory). LP is immiscible with the PDMS. But the affinity of the LP to PDMS makes a certain amount of LP impregnated in the cross-linked network of PDMS. Swelling is quick d uring the first 1.0 h and then the rate de-creases gradually to reach a swelling limit (inset of Fig. 1a). Schott [21] used a second-order kinetic model to describe the d iffusion-controlled swelling process and divided it into two stages: the diffusion of the solvent into a network and stress relaxation of the polymer network. The rate of former is faster than that of the later. The s econd-order ki-netics can be expressed as2ee1tt tQ QKQ=+. (1)H e rein,Qeis the equilibrium swelling ratio, Q t is the swelling ratio of the moment t, K is the constant of rate. Fit-ted Qeis 2 3.17 ± 2.41%. Lowering the temperature increas-es the viscosity of the solvent and decreases the relaxation degree of the network, resulting in a lower swelling ratio. This means that OG swelled by the LP will release LP at lower temperatures.The optical microscopic image verifies the release of LP on the surface of LP-OG at room temperature as shown in Fig. 1b. Compared to the smooth and flat PDMS surface, the surface of LP-OG is covered by LP drops. Fig. 1c is the atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of PDMS and LP-OG surface. It shows that LP-OG has almost the same surface roughness as that of the PDMS surface. But AFM probe tip seems to skip always due to capillary interaction between the released LP on LP-OG surface and the AFM tip. Osmotic pressure and surface effect in c o mbination re-sult i n the surface of OG being covered with a thin layer of LP. Released LP makes OG different from the PDMS sur-face. Static contact angle (CA) of water on LP-OG is slight-ly smaller than that on PDMS and the value decreases from 114.3 ± 0.5° to 108.6 ± 0.9°. This is reasonable since wax is reported to have lower Y oung’s water contact angle than that of PDMS, which verifies that the released LP c o vers the surface of PDMS.560July 2015 | Vol.58 No.7© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015Anti-icing performance of LP-OG is investigated by measuring the ice adhesion strength on the LP-OG sur-face. As shown i n Fig. 2a, ice adhesion strength on the flat PDMS is 146.3 ± 9.3 kPa, which is in the range of values reported in the literature (a b out 120–460 kPa) [20]. PDMS with thickness of 533 μm has lower ice adhesion strength than that with thickness of 18 μm according to Kendall’s theory Ps∝1/t1/2 (t represents thickness of elastomer) [22]. PDMS swelled by LP has ultra-low ice adhesion strength of 1.7 ± 1.2 kPa, decreasing by almost two orders of mag-nitude compared to that of the PDMS. Other materials such as phenyl silicone and butyl rubber swelled by LP also reduce the ice adhesion strength by 60 and 20 times compared to that of dry polymer, with the ice adhesion of 2. 0 ± 0.5 kPa and 7.8 ± 2.12 kPa, respectively. This verifies that LP-OG can decrease the ice adhesion greatly, t h us can satisfy the passive removal of ice on the power line surface which usually requires ice adhesion strength smaller than 20 kPa [23,24].To investigate the valid temperature range of the LP-OG for anti-icing, wide temperature range from −20 to −70°C was tested. Fig. 2b shows that ice adhesion strength on the PDMS surface is nearly independent on the temperature with a value around 150 kPa. On the LP-OG surface, ice adhesion strength maintains in the range of 1 .7 ± 1.2–5.8 ± 1.8 kPa between −20 and −60°C and increases a little to 8 .0 ± 3.7 kPa until −70°C. The increase of ice adhesion strength can be explained by the viscosity increase with the decrease of temperature. Previous research generally measured ice adhesion at −10°C or −15°C. Ice adhesion strength usually increases with the decrease of temperature [25]. Chen et al. [24] reported a sharp increase of ice adhesion strength from 55 ± 15 kPa to 1156 ± 152 kPa when temperature was cooled to −25°C, which signified the disappearance of the self-lubricating liquid water layer. The largest temperature range was reported by Dou et al. [11] who showed that polyurethane (PU-9) anti-icing coating maintained a low ice adhesion until the temperatures was lowered to −53°C, and then a sudden increase of the ice adhesion from 27 kPa to 200 kPa occurred. LP is a mixture of saturated alkane with reported melting point at −24°C. However, no sharp increase of ice adhesion was observed when the tempera-ture was lowered below the melting point of LP. And the ice adhesion remained almost the same when the temperature was lowered to −70°C, which was the lowest temperature that our instrument can a c hieve. T h erefore our LP-OG an-ti-icing coating has the largest temperature range reported in the literature.0123456781020Swellingratio(wt.%)Time (h)bPDMS LP-OGa3.1 nmPDMSR q= 0.462 nmLP-OGR q= 0.737 nm5.2 nmcLiquid paraffinswellingPDMSCross-linkednetworkLP-OGLiquidparaffinFigure 1 Preparation and surface release of LP-OG. (a) Images of cross-linked PDMS before and after being swollen by LP. The resulting OG was larger in size than the as-prepared PDMS due to swelling (scale bar is 1 cm). The swelling ratio of PDMS by LP changed with time and the equilibrium swelling ratio was obtained by fitting with Schott’s second-order kinetics (inset). (b) Optical microscopic imaging of PDMS and LP-OG surface at room temperature. After releasing overnight, LP droplets come out onto the OG surface. Apparent CA of water drop on PDMS and LP-OG is 114.3 ± 0.5° and 108.6 ± 0.9°. Scale bar in the optical picture is 100 μm. (c) AFM images reveal that P DMS and LP-OG have almost the same surface roughness. Scan size is 10 μm × 10 μm.July 2015 | Vol.58 No.7561© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015562July 2015 | Vol.58 No.7© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015Wh y do LP-OG surfaces show ultra-low ice adhesion strength with a large temperature window ? Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) curve shows that paraffin in LP bulk start to crystallize at about −20°C during the cool-ing process at a cooling rate of 5°C min −1. A f ter a complete crystallization at about −36°C, the total e n thalpy change is 2.52 J g −1. En thalpy for the crystallization of pure paraffin is much higher (230.5–251.4 J g −1) [26]. It means that only about 1.09% (by weight) paraffin crystallizes in LP . Under polarized optical microscope (inset), no visible crystals ap-pear in the bulk LP , when the temperature is lowered from −20 to −70°C. As is known, LP contains saturated cycloal-kane and isomerization alkane. Cyclic hydrocarbon with long side chain alkyl and is oalkane generally form small size and laminar crystals, while n -alkanes tend to form large size and fibrous crystals [27]. Phase transition tem-perature c a n be tuned by mixing l i ght paraffin [28] and t h e size and morphology of the wax crystal can be varied by adding pour point depressant [29,30]. Th e component cor-responding to phase transition at −24°C as shown in Fig. S1 should be some cyclic hydrocarbon or isoalkane. At low temperatures, only few crystals separated from LP , and the crystals are small and are separately embedded in the LP , thus LP bulk is actually still a liquid system. Low content of crystallizable components also cause the difficultness for the paraffin crystals being observed under polarized opti-cal microscope.When we mix LP with FT with ratios of 2:1 and 1:1 by weight, OG prepared by molten mixture swelling has ul-tra-low ice adhesion strength of 4.27 ± 0.92 kPa and 4.46 ± 0.82 kPa, even though solidified FT separates from LP onthe released paraffin film on the OG surface. It indicates that a certain amount of solid paraffin d oes not disturb LP’s anti-icing performance. It is possible to incorporate inor-ganic components to make composite anti-icing coatings, which is expected to increase the mechanical robustness. Low ice adhesion strength definitely requires the existence of lubricating layer, which property can be characterized by the equation,k /v F A hη=, (2)where F k is sliding friction on the thin fluid layer with con-tact area of A , η is the viscosity of fluid layer, v is the shear velocity, and h is the thickness of the fluid layer. For OG to have ultra-low ice adhesion (e.g., 2 kPa), only a thin LP lay-er with thickness of 2 μm is needed since LP has viscosity of 4000 mPa s (by rheometer-MCR 301, Anton Paar, Austria, with flow layer thickness of 1.000 mm at −30°C) and shear velocity of 500 μm s −1 [25,31].Fig. 3b shows that fo r ce increases immediately to a max-imum and ice is detached on the LP-OG surface. Then a non-zero force dri ves a dynamic sliding steadily. However, on the PDMS surface, force firstly experiences a slow in-crease and then reaches a maximum value to detach the ice. And then a drop of shear force down to zero follows. The difference between force dropping to non-zero and drop-ping to zero after the ice detachment verifies the liquid-like lubricating layer on LP-OG surface [32]. Dynamic sliding on PDMS surface shows a typical solid-like stick-slip fric-tion characteristic. According to the Rabinowicz’s model, it is typical for the sliding of a solid on an elastomer surface4080120160200Butyl rubber -basedPhenyl silicone -basedPDMS -basedI c e a d h e s i o n s t r e n g t h (k P a )a b í20í30í40í50í60í70I c e a d h e s i o n s t r e n g t h (k P a )Temperature (°C)Figure 2 Anti-icing effect of LP-OG. (a) PDMS-based OG swelled by LP reduces the ice adhesion strength by 86 times compared to that of dry PDMS. Other polymer systems such as ph enyl silicone and butyl rubber swelled by LP also show ultra-low ice adhesion strength. Measured at −30°C with a probe velocity of 500 μm s −1. (b) Ice adhesion strength on LP-OG as temperature ranges from −20 to − 70° C , which shows that LP-OG has the largest temperature range reported so far. In this paper, LP-OG is re ferred to PDMS-based if there is no special explanation.July 2015 | Vol.58 No.7563© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015[33]. On the LP-OG surface, static friction and smooth slid-ing represent a typical stop-start force-displacement curve for a simple liquid (driving velocity > critical velocity) [34]. While the friction force of liquid-like layers or films is lower and more like that of a viscous liquid flowing between two solid surfaces with a smooth friction [31,35]. As ice slides, the smooth sliding friction generally increases with sliding velocity as indicated in Equation (2), but the “effective” vis-cosity is usually much higher than the bulk viscosity of the trapped film [31]. When the film thickness becomes larger than 1 μm, viscosity of LP film is the same as that of the bulk [25]. Besides, before ice detachment, force on the LP-OG surface increases rapidly, which means that lubricating domains on OG and effect of elastic deformation can be neglected. The absence of stick-slip dynamics in the sliding friction indicates that no capillary bridges are formed for thin LP lubricating layer, which can exert its bulk fluidity [36]. Temperature dependence of ice adhesion on LP-OG comes from dependence of viscosity on temperature. Vis-cosity increase with temperature decrease from −20°C to −70°C explains the little increase in ice adhesion strength in Fig. 2b. In fact, ice adhesion force in shear is equal to the static friction. Fig. S2 provides an empirical value of (F s –F k )/F k = 0.5–2 (F s is the static friction, equ al to ice adhesion force in the measurement), which relates ice adhesion force to viscosity and thickness of lubricating layer on LP-OG. Abo ve result that thin LP layer with thickness of 2 μm is needed for 2 kPa is obtained based on this relationship.The durability of anti-icing performance of LP-OG an-ti-icing materials was studied via the variation of ice ad-hesion strength with the icing/deicing cycle as well as the service time as shown in Fig. 4. LP-OG was tested by re-peated icing/deicing for 100 days at am b ient environment. Dur ing this period, it was exposed to the sunlight. The ice adhesion strength on the LP-OG surface showed very little increase after 35 cycles of icing/deicing. It is noteworthy that LP-OG’s anti-icing performance is maintained after se r ving for one hundred days. When LP-OG reaches to swelling equilibrium after 7 h, the weight of captured LP is about 23.17 ± 2.41% of that of PDMS network. Due to the affinity of LP to PDMS, the release rate of LP-OG is slow compared to swelling. In addition, micrometer thickness is enough for lubricating according to Equation (2). Thus LP-OG has a long lifetime showing a promising candidate for anti-icing coating.CONCLUSIONSWe prepared a durable OG anti-icing coating which is formed by swelling cross-linked polymer network with LP , and the released paraffin lubricating layer reduced the ice adhesion simultaneously. LP swelled PDMS network shows ultra-low ice adhesion strength. Moreover, the ice adhesion of the anti-icing coating remains ultra-low at the tempera-ture as low as −70°C. Durability has been confirmed as theí80í60í40í2002040600. e a t f l o w (W g í1)Temperature (°C)a b o r c e (N )Displacement (mm)LiquidIceLP-OG1020F o r c e (N )Displacement (mm)Ice SolidA B CDNo visible crystalat í70°C with a POMThe total enthalpy change 2.52 J g í1Figure 3 Ice adhesion mechanisms on the LP-OG surface. (a) D S C curve (black solid line) of LP during cooling process at a rate of 5°C min −1. Red solid line is the virtual baseline. A and B are the start point and the end point of paraffin crystallization, respectively. The two gray dashed lines represent the end temperature of crystallization and e x tension of baseline before crystallization. Their intersection is the C point. D is the initial point of extension separating from red line and D is near A. Th e area of ABCD inclusion represents the enthalpy of paraffin crystallization. Inset is a p o larized optical mi-croscopic (POM) image of LP film sandwiched between two pieces of glass at −70°C. No visible crystal was observed during the cooling process from −20 to −70°C even to −150°C (scale bar 100 μm). (b) Force curves for ice adhesion measurement on the LP-OG surface (upper) and the PDMS surface (bottom) verify a liquid-like layer as a lubricant on the LP-OG. Ice adhesion force corresponds to the value in the curve at the moment of ice detachment marked by the black arrow. Gray dashed lines represent t h e zero-force baseline. 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Operating Instructionsfor shut-off valves, hand-operated control valves, overflow valves, check valves, 3-way valves, oil drain valves and strainersIntroductionThese operating instructions have been prepared in compli-ance with the Directive 2014/68/EU, Pressure Equipment Directive, Appendix I, sub-clause 3.4 (DGR or PED). A hazard analysis is available for the valves mentioned in these operat-ing instructions. Activities relating to the installation, com-missioning, use and maintenance of the valves described in the following must take place only for the intended purpose and by authorised persons. During commissioning, use and maintenance, the information on wearing Personal Protective Equipment must be observed. The procedure for valves with small nominal diameters that are not subject to the pressure equipment directive is analogous.1.Installation including the connection of various pres-sure equipment1.1 MarkingAll valves are marked according to prEN 12284 (DIN 3158) on their housings as follows:• Manufacturer‘s name(HERL)/Year of manufacture • Material lot number and supplier symbol • Type designation• Permissible operating pressure (PS)• Nominal diameter (DN) – Nominal pressure (PN)• Material designation • Flow direction arrow • CE mark from DN 32Type designations:Small valvesT34, T37, T63, T64Hand-operated shut-off and control valves T2, T5, T51, T52, T6, T61, T62Check valvesT2, T5, T51, T52, T6, T61, T623-way valves T19A, T25Oil drain valves T38StrainersT2, T5, T51, T52, T6, T61, T62Overflow valveT5, T51, T52, T6, T61, T62,The type designations can contain the following letters or combina-tions of letters that identify the material or type:V Forged steel/Steel casting VA Stainless steel F or .F Bonnet flanged .L Long bonnet .SW/FPT Inlet socket welding end/Outlet female pipe thread .FPT/SW Inlet female pipe thread/Outlet socket welding end .S Special type of connections with attached number for identification of connections .E For welding ends -R Regulating valve -R/AV Regulating valve with soft seal -RUV Check valve -RUV/AV Check valve with hand shut-off feature /TF Check valve for liquid /TG Check valve for suction- or discharge-gas .FA Bellows seal unit .CO2 Valve for CO2-SS Strainer -UV Overflow valve1.2 Surface protectionThe valves have the following surface protection:• Silver coloured AQUA paint or • Zinc chromating.This surface protection only offers protection for dry transport and storage in dry, heated rooms. The valves require an ad-ditional priming coat for the application of a durable coating system or insulation. Painting of the spindle and cap thread of the bonnet must be avoided.For this reason, the supplied valve caps must not be removed. Valves with handwheel must be protected by a cap or other suitable means when painting.1.3 General installation instructionsUntil their installation, the valves must be protected against all kinds of dirt and moisture. This applies in particular to construction sites.The valves are generally suitable for refrigerant (specified in EN378-1) and cooling mediums. Depending on the fluid and operating conditions, seals of various materials and with vari-ous lubricants are used. The valves must be checked for their suitability prior to installation.Original InstructionsAttention!Valve openings and sealing surfaces are generally protected against damage and fouling by plastic plugs or caps.It must be ensured prior to installation that these plastic plugs and caps have been removed.The valves are provided with an arrow indicating the direction of flow. For shut-off valves, this arrow indicates the preferred direction of flow in which minimum pressure loss occurs. See ANNEX 2 for large valves with equalibrating disc.The installation of pipes and their supports must be carried out so that the valve housing is not subjected to harmful shearing and bending forces and vibration.The connection of pipes to the valves must take place stress-free in order to prevent subsequent damage to the connec-tions.In case of leakage, fluid (e.g. refrigerant) can escape. Installa-tion in a pipe system must take place so that maintenance and inspection are possible.For the use of valves in refrigerating systems, the require-ments of EN378 must be taken into account.The valve spindles must be protected against fouling and the effects of weather, e.g. with the supplied caps1.4 Instructions for the installation of valves with flanged connectionFor the installation of flanged valves, it must be ensured that the flange pairs are fitted parallel and concentric to each other and the seals on the connection surfaces are correctly centred. The screws of the flanged connection at the inlet and outlet should be tightened during installation preferably with a torque wrench crosswise and evenly (see tightening torque table ANNEX 3).1.5 Instructions for the installation of valves with welding endsWhen welding valves, absolute cleanliness must be ensured, as any foreign bodies and dirt introduced into the interiorof the housing can damage the sealing surfaces and spindle guides. If necessary, the valve housings must be cleaned on the inside after welding.Prior to the removal of the bonnet, it is recommended to mark the bonnet and housing, e.g. with a punch, so that these can be refitted to the associated valve housing and in the same position. In cases where the valves can be welded in an as-sembled condition, the valves must be opened. This reliably separates the shut-off element from the sealing surface.For non-return valves, the bonnet and shut-off element must gener-ally be removed for welding. For oil drain valves, the welding socket must be removed for welding.A: The standard version of the welded ends of our valves is in accordance with DIN 2559, Part 1, V weld identifica-tion code number 22, DIN 3239 Part 1 and, for the edgeoffset, DIN 8563 Part 3 with classification number 507 in accordance with ISO 6520 or ISO 5817, Quality Group Bfor the connection of steel pipes in accordance withDIN/ISO 4200.The welded ends of our valves which are to be deliveredin accordance with ANSI standards are executed in ac-cordance with ASME/ANSI B16.25 for Schedule e.g. 40 or80. Details about the dimensions are contained in section16 of our catalogue.Due to the wall thickness of HERL valves it is possible toprepare welded ends to other diameters within a certain range. In this instance, to ensure suitability, we wouldrequest the dimensions of the outside diameter and wall thickness of pipe in use.B: Prior to welding, the pipe ends must be prepared witha suitably weld bevel. The surface in the vicinity of theplanned weld must be totally dry and clean.C: The bonnets of the check and overflow valves have to be removed by all welding processes. By use of the TIG(Tungsten-Inert-Gas) – welding process it is not neces-sary to remove the bonnet of the shut off-, the regulating valves and the strainers. Prior to welding the valves intopipelines, it is absolutely essential to move thevalve spindels to the central position. To prevent damag-es to the interior components of the valves, it is necessary(e.g. the autogen welding process) to make sure with suit-able measures, that the valves do not become overheated during the welding process. Insofar as no suitable facili-ties are available for this purpose, we recommend thatthe bonnets of the regulatingand shut off valves shouldbe dismantled, too. You have also to remove the bonnets, if the welding process (e.g. the autogen welding process) can damage the disc sealing with impurities.D: It is recommended that during removal, the bonnetand the body are marked with aligned counterpunchmarks and that the bonnet be fitted.E: Preheating before and stress-relief after welding is not necessary for the body materials used by HERL as longas the materials of the pipe to be welded conforms to AD Code of Practice Group1 and 5.1 and that the welder isqualified to the standard of AD Code of Practice HP2/1.During the welding in of valves, absolute cleanliness isessential as impurities inside the body can result in dam-age to the sealing surfaces and the spindle guide.Please observe also the enclosed welding recommenda-tions for welding electrodes.F: The choice of these materials depends on the type ofwelding, on the pair of materials to be welded and on the specific stress case under the envisaged operating condi-tions. The material code can be found either stampedon the valve body or casted onto it. This code is inaccordance to the DIN Standard.Materials: see datasheets1.6 Information on shut-off, control and 3-way valves Marking below handwheel nut with: CONTROL VALVE.The letter C is stamped into the square of the spindle.Shut-off, control and 3-way valves can generally be mounted in any position.Note! Straight-way shut-off valves in refrigerating systems should always be installed with the spindle horizontal to pre-vent the en-trapment of fluid in the valve body. In condensate pipes, this en-trapment can cause an accumulation of fluid in the condenser.Attention! For valves with double seat (from a nominal di-ameter of 250 and bigger), it must be ensured that the higher pressure (to be taken into account in the pressure test) acts on top of the shut-off element, otherwise the valve may not be able to be closed tight manually and the PTFE/Graphite gasket of the double seat may be damaged when attempting to close the valve.Information on shut-off valves with equalibrating disc, typeT5F-HUB or T6F-HUB see ANNEX 2.1.7 Information on check valvesMarking on the valve bonnet: RUVFor liquid pipes, the shut-off element is loaded with a helical spring (marking: type designation ends with TF). These check valve type can be mounted in horizontal and vertical lines. For suction gas and compressed gas pipes, the shut-off ele-ment is not spring-loaded (marking: type designation ends with TG). These check valves must be installed with shut-off elements closing vertically downwards.1.8 Information on 3-way valves3-way valves have no spindle back seal with which the stuffing box space can be sealed against the internal pressure (see 4.4).1.9 Information on strainersMarking on the valve bonnet: SSWhen fitting filters, it must be ensured that the bonnet points vertically downwards as far as possible. This enables the bon-net to be removed together with the screen insert downwards without dirt residues remaining in the filter.1.10 Information on quick-acting valves for oil drainOil drain valves must generally be installed with upstream shut-off valve with horizontal spindle (see EN 378).Oil drain valves are delivered with hose nozzle and chained sealing cap.In order to prevent an accumulation of deposits between the shut-off and oil drain valve, the oil drain must be directed downwards.1.11 Information on overflow valvesT he scope of an overflow valve is to operate fluid bypass from a branch of the circuit with a greater pressure to an another with a lower pressure, in order to perform pump overflows or for hot gas defrost applications. The intervention of overflow valve is then regular during the operation of the system and is occurring under normal (non-emergency conditions). Attention!Overflow valves must not be confused with a safety valve and must not be used with this purpose.2. CommissioningWhen commissioning new systems and after completing re-pairs, shut-off valves must be opened fully as far as possible. Any dirt and foreign bodies in the system will be collected in the filters and can be removed (see 4.5).The function and tightness of the installed valves must be checked during the leak test and after reaching operating pressures and tem-peratures. For this purpose, the valve caps must be removed (see 3). Any leakage of the stuffing box can be stemmed by retightening the gland nut or thrust washer. For bellow-type valves, the stuffing box must be tightened ac-cording to the tightening torque table on ANNEX 1. Caution!Liquid refrigerant can discharge from leaky stuffing boxes of valves in pipes of refrigerating systems. Risk of burns! Suit-able personal protective equipment (e.g. safety goggles, pro-tective gloves) should be worn.Leaks at the bonnet seal should be stemmed preferably by tighten-ing the bonnet screws crosswise and evenly with a torque wrench (torques shown in Tightening torque table), whereby the valve must be fully open to avoid pressing the shut-off element against the valve seat. The bonnet must rest flat.3. UseValves must only be used for the intended purpose. This can only be ensured when the operating instructions of the system manufacturer are observed.Shut-off and control valvesShut-off and control valves (when looking on to the bon-net) can be closed by turning the handwheel clockwise and opened by turning the handwheel anticlockwise.Shut-off valves must only be closed when fully open, i.e. against the back seal or operated fully closed, i.e. on the valve seat.Constriction of the fluid flow must be reserved for control valves only. An excessive fluid flow in the gap between the shut-off ele-ment and valve seat of shut-off valves can lead to cavitation and erosion and in turn to leaks.CapsThe caps must be removed for operating the valves.Caution! When unscrewing the cap, suitable personal protec-tive equipment (e.g. safety goggles, protective gloves) should be worn.Prior to removal, the caps must be freed from ice if neces-sary. In the area of the cap thread is a pressure relief hole to allow fluid to escape. This hole must be kept free in any event. When cleaning a clogged pressure relief hole, the operator should stand so that the hole points away from his body to avoid possibly being sprayed by discharging fluid.Note!If the pressure relief hole releases the interior space, thenthe sufficient supporting thread is still present at the cap. If screwing on caps, then the seal must be fitted. The caps must be firmly tightened to prevent the ingress of moisture into the interior space.Attention!Attention! Sealed cap valves must only be operated in an emergency or for maintenance purposes during shutdown periods. After these situations, the valves must immediately be resealed by a specialist (according to EN 13 313). Incorrect valve adjustment can result in the pressure limits in pressure equipment being exceeded!Contact temperature: Valves are occasionally installed in pipes in which very low or high temperatures prevail. For the operation of these valves, suitable personal protective equip-ment (e.g. protective gloves) should be worn.Quick-acting valves for oil drainIt should be noted that the quick-acting valves are spring-loaded and open at a gauge pressure of >20 bar; it is therefore essential that the shut-off valve upstream of the quick-acting valve is closed. The outlet of the quick-acting valves should be connected to a solid pipe or hose in order to protect the op-erator against injury from re-frigerant discharging with the oil and enabling him to safely close the upstream shut-off valve. Attention!Suitable personal protective equipment (e.g. gas mask and protective gloves) should be worn!Recommendation: Screw cap in place after use.4. Maintenance including inspection by the user4.1 GeneralHERL valves are largely maintenance-free. The materials have been selected so that wear, especially between components subject to friction, is kept to a minimum. For reliability rea-sons, all valves, particularly those that are rarely operated or difficult to access, should be tested for tightness and smooth operation as part of system inspections. Leaks at the valve stuffing boxes and bellow units, if sealed with caps, can only be located after their removal. The procedure de-scribed under Item 3 should be followed. If the valve bonnet is disas-sembled for maintenance purposes, new seals must be used when reassembled.4.2 Back sealWith the shut-off and control valves fully open, the back seal of the spindles seals the stuffing box space against the valve interior, so that repacking of the stuffing box is also possible under pressure in the valve interior. This is not the case with 3-way valves.Valves with screwed bonnet:• Remove thrust washer, handwheel washer and nut.• Apply packing worm by carefully inserting into bonnet.• Screw packing work into packing tube by turning anti-clock-wise simultaneously exerting downward pressure. • Pull packing tube by lifting packing worm simultaneouslyturning it anticlockwise.• Clean spindle shaft with non-linting cloth.• Fit new packing tube.• Fit thrust washer.• Tighten thrust washer according to Tightening torquetable.• Fit handwheel or cap.3-way valves3-way valves have no back seal with which the stuffing box space can be sealed against the interior space. Where internal pressure exists due to a fluid, the stuffing box packing can ini-tially be safely replaced when the pressure in the valve interior space, i.e. at the inlet of the 3-way valve, has been reduced to atmospheric pressure. This pressure relief must take place as described in the operating instructions of the system manu-facturer.Important note: we recommends stuffing box packing re-placement only with the shuttle valve removed.Working steps:• See Opening valves and filters in refrigerant circuitsThe interior space of valves and filters in refrigerating systems is subject to system pressure. The valves and filters must be rendered pressureless prior to opening and free from liquid refrigerant (see operating instructions of refrigerating sys-tem). With a drop in pressure, the valves can become very cold through the expansion of liquid refrigerant. In order to prevent the ingress of air moisture, the valves must only be opened after heating to ambient temperature. An open flame should not be used to accelerate heating!Attention!Suitable personal protective equipment (e.g. safety goggles and protective gloves) should be worn.4.6 StrainersFor cleaning the strainer insert, the operating instructions of the system manufacturer must be observed. Suitable cleaning agents and methods depend on the fluid.When refitting the upper part, a new seal must be used and the screws tightened crosswise with the torque specified in the tightening torque table.Note!A tightness test must be carried out on completion of all maintenance work.Attention!Deposits and dirt can cause leakage.Attention!Suitable protective equipment (e.g. safety goggles and protec-tive gloves) should be worn.Working steps:• Turn the spindle with the handwheel in the “open” direc-tion (anticlockwise), until the sealing surface of the spin-dle makes contact with the sealing surface of the bonnet.• Subsequently turn back a quarter to half a turn (clock-wise). A good metallic back seal can subsequently be achieved by firmly jerking in the opposite direction.• Remove the handwheel to prevent the spindle moving.4.3 Retightening stuffing box packingIn the event of leaks at the stuffing box, the gland nut should initially be retightened.Attention!When retightening the gland nut, suitable personal pro-tective equipment (e.g. safety goggles and protective gloves) should be worn. A tightening force must be selected that enables the spindle to still be turned. The gland nut tightening torques are shown in the tightening torque table in ANNEX 1.Bellow-type valvesTo prevent the ingress of moisture into the bellow unit via the stuffing box, the gland nut must be checked for tightness as part of in-spections according to the tightening torque table in ANNEX 1.4.4 Renewing stuffing box packingIf the leak cannot be stemmed by retightening, the stuffing box must be repacked.Smooth operation of the valve will be maintained with prompt re-packing of the stuffing box.Attention! When removing the stuffing box, suitable per-sonal protective equipment must be worn (e.g. safety goggles).Required tools: Two packing worms and packing iron.Shut-off, control valves (regulating/expansion) and over-flow valves Working steps:• Activate back seal as described in 4.2. The stuffing boxpacking is now without function. The back seal alone takes over the function of sealing towards the interior space.• Before removing the stuffing box rings, the handwheelwasher and nut must be fitted, so that in the event of pressure in the packing space, the stuffing box or thrust washer finds a stop. Valves with flanged bonnet:• Remove gland nut and stuffing box gland. • Remove handwheel washer and nut.• Apply packing worm – opposite – if possible to the outeredge of the packing to avoid damaging the spindle sur-face.• Screw packing worm into packing by turning clockwise.• Pull packing rings by evenly lifting the packing worm.• Clean spindle shaft with non-linting cloth.• Fit new rings according to Spare parts list drawing.• Note size and number of rings per packing.• Fit stuffing box gland and gland nut.• Tighten gland nut as shown in the tightening torque tablein ANNEX 1.• Fit the handwheel or cap.ANNEX 1: Tightening Torques [Nm]G= Valves with screwed bonnetsF= Valves with flanged bonnets* Coefficient of friction: 0.125 (smooth surfaces, bolts lightly oiled)** Closure against 25bar below shut-off element, from DN250 and larger against 21bar *** Closure against 21bar above shut-off element, below shut-off element :DN250= 14bar, DN300= 13bar, DN350= 10bar, DN400= 7barANNEX 2: Internal Tightness1.IntroductionThe shut-off valves manufactured by HERL satisfy the require-ments of DIN 3158 …Refrigerant Valves“ which defines not only the safety requirements but also testing and marking of the valves. In response to recent developments, the following sections deal with the specific characteristics of testing the internal tightness of valves with large nominal diameter.2.Internal Tightness to Pressure under the Shut-Off Ele-mentWhen large diameter HERL valves are closed with high oper-ating pressure differentials, large closing forces are necessary in order to achive the tightness of the valve seat.Table 1 shows the forces acting from below on the shut-off element at an operating pressure differential of 25 bar.In order to ensure reliable shutting off a seat force higher then the operating forces in Table 1 must be applied. From that results an axial spindle force with a torque of 800 - 2000 Nm. This spindle force cannot be achieved with handwheel and muscle power. See also ANNEX1for max. stem torques.DIN 3158, which is also a part of the European standard EN 378/Part1-4, takes this fact into account insofar as it specifies a limitation on the operating pressure differential for handop-erated valves.Table 3 on page 13 of DIN 3158 shows the maximum permis-sible pressure differentials for the closing of hand-operated valves.Table 2 shows an extract from the guide values of the maxi-mum permissible pressure differentials for the nominal diam-eters DN250, DN 00, DN350, DN400 relative to an operating pressure PS = 25 bar. Δ p zul = P B -P B ‘ acc. Table 2Δ p per = P B -P B ‘ acc. Table 2P B , P B ‘ = Operating Pressure F B , F B ‘ = Operating Force F S = Seating Force F a = Axial Stem Force M da = Stem-Torque Pilot-stroke Shut-Off Element with PTFE/Graphite GasketMain Shut-Off Element with PTFE/GraphiteFigure 1Sketch of a shut-off valve (Example: T6F.HUB)Figure 1 shows the pressure (P) and the resulting application directions of the forces (F).3.Internal Tightness to Pressure above the Shut-Off Ele-mentIn view of the difficulties described in Section 2, the HERL-Shut-off valves above DN 250 are designed such that the flow direction of the medium is from above, i.e. from the spindle side. When the valve is closed, the op-erating pressure thus acts from above on the shut-off ele-ment. Most of the seating force required is thus provided by the operating pressure. Only a relative small spindle force is required to close the valve tightly. In order to make the opening of the valve, the shut-off element of which is exposed to the operating force, just as easy, the HERL-valves above DN 250 are equipped with a pressure relief device in the form of a pilot-stroke shut-off element, the diameter of which is designed such that in order to relieve the pressure on the main shut-off element, only approx. 10% of the opening force has to be applied which would otherwise be required if the main element were to be opened without pressure relief.The schematic drawing in Figure 1 shows the background to the explanation above.4.Internal Tightness to Pressure under the Shut-off Ele-ment using Special ToolsIf HERL-Shut-off valves are used in systems as end fit-tings or for isolating pressure or for isolating pressure vessels on which the partial tightness test is performed with high test pressures, then the internal tightness of the valves must be achieved using special tools.These tools include the use of a power wrench withtorque wrench and a support for the reaction arm of the power wrench. The design strength of the valve compo-nents is calculated for the loads ocurring here.ANNEX 3: Torques for the bolts of mating flanges [Nm]© 2019 Parker Hannifin CorporationReplaces Prior VersionsBulletin: 02-T-05-Bedi-AV-ENG-200121Parker Hannifin CorporationInstrumentation GroupRefrigeration and Air Conditioning EuropeVia Enrico Fermi, 520060 Gessate (Milano) - ItalyTel: +39 02 95125.1 - /race。

ABB Instrumentation Model 8037 Sodium Monitor II 说

ABB Instrumentation Model 8037 Sodium Monitor II 说

IntroductionThe prevention of damage to the boilers on modern power stations becomes more and more critical as the cost of repairs and out of service plant continually rises. To reduce the effect of boiler tube corrosion and the formation of scale on the inside of the tubes, the levels of impurities in the various parts of the steam/water cycle must be carefully monitored.Sodium ions are normally the most abundant species in solution found in boiler plant, therefore the measurement of sodium provides a valuable indication of the overall purity of the solution. Whilst on-line conductivity can give useful information concerning the total concentration of the ionic species, it is far less sensitive than a specific measurement for sodium.The sample points where sodium would be required on-line are:Water treatment plantOn the outlet of cation and mixed resin exchange beds sodium measurement gives an early indication of resin exhaustion and treated water quality.Condensate monitoring at the extraction pump dischargeAs condensers are operated under vacuum, leaks result in the ingress of cooling water into the process water. If the cooling water contains relatively high levels of sodium (as is usually the case), monitoring of sodium in the process water can provide an early indication of condenser leaks. Saturated steam in drum boilersThe monitoring of sodium in the saturated steam between the boiler drum and the superheater detects carryover and, in conjunction with sodium monitoring in the condensate (the sodium balance), can indicate problems of deposition of sodium on superheated tubes and turbine blades.Once-through boilersSince the purity of the boiler water is more stringent in these boilers, sodium monitoring, after the condensate polishing plant, boiler feed and superheated steam, can assist in maintaining water/steam purity within limits.General InformationThe ABB 8037 Sodium Monitor uses an ABB sodium ion-selective electrode and reference electrode to measure the sodium ion concentration in power station waters.The model 8037 is an accurate, reliable instrument which requires very little maintenance and measures sodium ion concentrations within the ranges of 0.10µ–1 to–1. The basic monitor is supplied with a panel- or wall-mounting transmitter and cable attached electrodes, optional facilities are available as detailed below.a)Detachable cable electrodesb)Serial data interfacec)Second current outputd)Reservoir fed reference electrodee)Environmental cover kit 8037 Sodium MonitorTransmitterThe 8037 Series transmitter provides the operator interface and communications to other devices. The signal from the sensing system is converted by the transmitter and information is provided on a large custom designed, easy to read, back-lit liquid crystal display (l.c.d.) as a µg/l, µg/kg, ppb or mg/l, mg/kg, ppm value.A process retransmission signal and two alarm relay outputs are provided as standard. A second current output or RS485 serial interface, which allows the transmitter to be easily incorporated into an ABB PC30, or other Modbus compatible supervisory systems, are available as options.Available in a wall-mounting, or 1/4DIN panel-mounting, version the transmitter is protected to IP66, ensuring reliable operation in the most demanding situations. The same level of protection is maintained during programming and calibration.An easy-to-read display is used in conjunction with the four tactile membrane key pads to prompt the user through the programming procedures. Included as standard is a four language software package, to display information in one of English, French or German languages.Sensing PanelA flow schematic is shown. The sample enters the monitor via the compression fitting on the 3-way changeover valve. It then passes through the changeover valve to the constant head unit which removes the effect of changes in sample pressure and flow-rate. A small tube overflowing into the constant head on one side, ensures self-starting when the sample is lost, and enables the monitor to function over a wide sample flow range. The sample is then delivered to the entrainment ‘T’ piece and stainless steel entrainment tube, where an alkaline vapor reagent is added to raise the pH value, before flowing past the sodium and reference electrodes mounted in the flowcell. Finally, the sample leaves the flowcell and exits to drain.The potential developed between the sodium ion-responsive electrode and silver/silver chloride reference electrode is logarithmic with respect to changes in sodium ion concentration. The signal from the electrode pair is connected to the 8037 transmitter.A temperature sensor, fitted into the flowcell, detects the temperature of the sample. The sensor is connected to the transmitter unit which compensates for changes in output from the electrode pair over a range of 5 to 55°C.Calibration is carried out manually after connection of the calibration tube to the standard solution container. The 3-way changeover valve on the liquid handling panel is manually changed over from sample to standard solution. The calibration is initiated from the transmitter unit, where it is controlled by the microprocessor. The standard takes the same path as the sample through the liquid handling panel.Schematic Flow DiagramComponents of 8037 Sodium MonitorPt1000Sodium ElectrodeReference ElectrodeContaminatedDrainFlowcellSample Inlet3-WayChangeover ValveConstant Head UnitStandard Solution ContainerOutput to8037 TransmitterEntrainment 'T' PieceUncontaminated DrainReagent Solution Container Wall-mounting T ransmitterPanel-mounting T ransmitterInterconnecting cable (Maximum length 10m)Sodium 8037Toxic sive FlamREAGENT SOLUTIONSTANDARD SOLUTION1(LOW)SpecificationDisplayMeasured value5-digit, 7-seg back-lit l.c.d.Information16-character, single-line, dot matrix back-lit l.c.d. RangesProgrammable as follows –Either0.10µg/l to 10mg/lor0.10µg/kg to 10.0 mg/kgor0.10ppb to 10.0 ppmCurrent output expansionScale expansion – between 2 and 4 decades logarithmic,or the equivalent linearizedMaximum load resistance 500Ω (20mA)Display resolution0.01µ–1in range0.01µ–1 to 9.99µ–10.1µ–1in range10.0µ–1 to 99.9µ–11µ–1in range100µ–1 to 999µ––1 in range–1 to–1Accuracy±10% of concentration or ±0.1µ–1 whichever is the greater (when sample temperature is within ±5°C of calibrationtemperature)Reproducibility±5% of concentration or 0.1µg/l (whichever is the greater) atconstant temperatureResponse time1 to 100µ–1 – less than 4minutes for 90% step change100 to 1µ–1 – less than 6minutes for 90% step change Temperature compensationAutomatic within ±5°C of calibration temperatureCurrent outputsOne, fully isolatedTwo, fully isolated (optional)0 to 10, 0 to 20 or 4 to 20mA programmable.Serial communicationRS422/RS485 (optional)Modbus compatibleAlarmsTwo fail-safe, high and low concentration alarmsHysteresis±1% of f.s.d. (fixed)Relay contacts (single pole changeover)Rating250V a.c.250V d.c. max.3A a.c.3A d.c. max.Loading(noninductive)750VA30W max.(inductive)75VA3W max.Insulation, contacts to earth:2kV r.m.s.CalibrationManual initiation of calibration sequenceCalibration frequency, typically, weekly for 1-point,and 4-weekly for 2-point calibration Installation InformationSample temperature5° to 55°CSample flow50ml.min–1 to 500ml.min–1Sample pressure (gauge)Maximum 0.14bar (2psi)Outlet from sensing panel should go to atmospheric drain Ambient temperature0° to 55°CDimensions of sensing panel250mm wide x 440mm high(690mm to clear bottle assemblies) x 160mm deep Mounting for sensing panelFour holes –8.5mm diameter200mm horizontal325mm verticalWeight of sensing panel11kg (including optional environmental cover) Connections to sensing panelSample inlet1/4 in.o.d. compression fitting (6.3mm) Sample drains10mm i.d. flexible, atmospheric drain Dimensions of transmitter unitWall-mounting unit 160mm x 214mm x 68mmPanel-mounting unit 96mm x 96mm x 191mm(cut-out 92mm x 92mm)Weight of transmitter unitWall-mounting2kgPanel-mounting 1.5kgPower supply requirements115V nom. ±15V, 50/60 Hz or230V nom. ±30V, 50/60 HzPower consumption<10VAInsulation, mains to earth2kV RMSMax. cable core sizesMains supply32/0.2mmSignal24/0.2mmMaximum distance between sensor & transmitter unit 10mEnvironmental dataStorage temperature limits0°C to 55°COperating humidity limitsUp to 95% RH non-condensingEnvironmental protectionWall-mounting transmitter IP66/NEMA4XPanel-mounting transmitter IP66/NEMA4X (front)Sensing Panel Installation Details252525Leave at least 250mm between units if the transmitter is mounted above the sensor panel325440690200160mm space required below sensor panel, to allow for the opening of the optional environmental CoverOptionalEnvironmental Cover160Flam Toxic sive SOLUTIONREAGENT STANDARD SOLUTION1(LOW)T undish DrainValve FlowmeterSample InableSodium 8037InstallationIt is recommended that the sample supply line be fitted with a needle valve and flow indicator (supplied by others) and that the sample be discharged from the monitor to an atmospheric drain.Maximum distance between sensing panel and transmitter 10m (with detachable cable electrode option).Overall Dimensions+–Normally ClosedCommon Normally Open Normally ClosedCommon Normally OpenNeutral Live EarthTBARelay 1Relay 2123456789E N L1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112Mains SupplyRetransmission Output0V Rx–Rx+Tx–Tx+Blue GreenRedReference Electrode (Black)Coax coreTBBRS422/RS485Serial Interface (If fitted)Earth StudEarth Stud (on case)Earth connection to delivery tube mounting stud on sensor panelPt1000Temperature compensator ScreenSodium Electrode123456789E N L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112Power Supply Retransmission Relay 1Relay 2Serial Power SupplyRetrans.Relay 1Relay 21234567+–NLSerial (If fitted)123456123456123456––––––Rx+Rx–Tx+Tx–0V+–Retrans.OutputRelays 123456––––––NC C NO NC C NORelay 1Relay 2Mains Supply N L ––Neutral Line –EarthOutput RS422/RS485Earth Stud (on case)NC C NO Normally Closed CommonNormally Open===Channel 2Channel 11-2-Coax core (SodiumElectrode)3-4-Black (Ref. Electrode.)Black (Sodium Electrodescreen)Earth connection to delivery tube mounting stud on sensor panelChannel 2Channel 1PT1000Temperature Compensator 567Red Green Blue---Sodium/Ref Electrodes Electrical ConnectionsWall-mount TransmtterPanel-mount TransmitterS S /8037I s s u e 1The Company’s policy is one of continuous product improvement and the right is reserved to modify the information contained herein without notice.© ABB 2000Printed in UK (01.00)ABB Instrumentation Ltd Howard RoadSt. Neots, Cambs.England, PE19 3EUTel: +44 (0)1480-475-321Fax: +44 (0)1480-217-948ABB Instrumentation Ltd Oldends Lane Stonehouse, Glos.England, GL10 3TATel: +44 (0)1453-826-661Fax: +44 (0)1453-827-856ABB Automation IncInstrumentation Division 125 E. County Line Road Warminster, PA 18974 USA Tel: +1 215-674-6000Fax: +1 215-674-7183ABB Instrumentation spa Via Statale 11322016 Lenno (Como)ItalyTel: +39 (0)344-58111Fax: +39 (0)344-58278Ordering Information。


两种机理: 1,从有序到无序; 2,流体作用形成“原 子簇”
1,分散相; 2,分散介质 3,混合
质量分数为70%的 二氧化硅—溶剂体 系剪切增稠的可逆 性曲线。 结论:频率增大和 减小的两条扫描曲 线基本重合,表明 剪切增稠效应具有 可逆性。
结论: 二氧化硅质量 分数越高,其实粘 度越大,剪切变稀 和剪切增稠的临界 增稠的频率越大, 剪切增稠的增稠阶 段的增稠效果越强。
纯Kevlar和STF/Kevlar的扫描电镜图 经过一次针刺测试后的纯Kevlar 和STF/Kevlar复合材料图
液体防护服(中央一套《我爱发明》之液体 防护服) 液体增稠液减震器
又轻又软又薄又刀枪不 入的衣服,一直都只存 在于神话和小说中,如 黄蓉的软猬甲
由“美国特拉华州立大 学合成物质研究中心” 和“美国陆军研究实验 室”下属的“武器和原料 研究理事会”共同开发 了一种“剪切增稠液体” ,利用它制造的防护服 通常被叫做“液入织物中,通常状态下是以 液态形式存在,但是,织物一旦受到冲击、 压紧,“剪切增稠液体”就变成坚硬的固体,使 织物更强韧,难以被穿透。
Shear Thickening Fluid
背景 原理 制备及表征 应用
自从有战争以来,盔 甲(战斗服)的研发 就从未停息。
但盔甲的轻便性和防 护性一直是一对不可 调和的矛盾,即使是 目前最先进的防弹背 心,其实也没比中世 纪的盔甲在原理上高 明多少,起主要防护 作用的,还是插在里 面的那块金属板。
剪切增稠液体(Shear Thickening Fluid, STF) 是一种新型智能材料,一般由分散相和分散 介质组成。在常态下,剪切增稠材料十分柔 软,一旦遇到高速的冲撞或挤压,材料变得 坚硬从而消化外力。当外力消失后,材料会 回复到它最初的柔软状态,它有着极强的吸 收冲击的能力。



低粘度流体阻尼英文Low-Viscosity Fluid Damping.In the realm of fluid dynamics, low-viscosity fluid damping refers to the phenomenon whereby a fluid with reduced viscosity is utilized to absorb or dissipate energy in the form of vibrations or shocks. Viscosity, a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow, plays a crucial role in determining the efficiency of damping. Lower viscosity fluids offer reduced resistance to motion, which can be advantageous in certain damping applications where quick energy dissipation is desired.Applications of Low-Viscosity Fluid Damping.Low-viscosity fluid damping finds widespread applications in various engineering and industrial sectors. Some of the key areas where it is employed include:1. Mechanical Engineering: In precision machinery, low-viscosity fluids are used as lubricants to reduce friction and wear. By doing so, they enhance the efficiency and durability of mechanical systems.2. Aerospace Engineering: In aircraft and spacecraft, low-viscosity fluids are critical for thermal control systems. They effectively dissipate heat generated during flight, ensuring the stability and safety of the vehicle.3. Automotive Engineering: Low-viscosity fluids areused in car suspensions to improve ride comfort and handling. By reducing friction and absorption of vibrations, they contribute to a smoother ride experience.4. Oil and Gas Industry: In this industry, low-viscosity fluids are essential for enhancing the flow of hydrocarbons through pipelines. By reducing the viscosityof the oil or gas, they ensure efficient transportationwith minimal energy losses.Advantages of Low-Viscosity Fluid Damping.The use of low-viscosity fluids in damping applications offers several advantages:Faster Energy Dissipation: Lower viscosity fluids exhibit reduced resistance to flow, allowing for faster energy dissipation. This is beneficial in scenarios where rapid damping is crucial, such as in shock absorbers or vibration isolation systems.Reduced Friction and Wear: By reducing friction, low-viscosity fluids contribute to increased efficiency and durability of mechanical systems. This is particularly important in high-performance applications where wear and tear can be significant.Improved Thermal Management: In systems that require effective thermal control, low-viscosity fluids enable more efficient heat dissipation. This is crucial in maintaining the stability and reliability of critical components.Enhanced Fluid Flow: Lower viscosity fluids flow more easily, enabling better distribution and circulation withinsystems. This is beneficial in ensuring uniform cooling or heating throughout complex assemblies.Challenges and Considerations.While low-viscosity fluid damping offers numerous advantages, there are also some challenges and considerations to take into account:Leakage Concerns: Lower viscosity fluids are more prone to leakage due to their reduced resistance to flow. This requires careful design and sealing considerations to prevent unwanted fluid loss.Compatibility Issues: Not all materials are compatible with low-viscosity fluids. Careful selection of materials is necessary to ensure compatibility and prevent corrosion or damage to system components.Temperature Sensitivity: The viscosity of fluids can vary significantly with temperature. This requires careful monitoring and control of operating temperatures tomaintain consistent damping performance.Maintenance Requirements: Low-viscosity fluids may require regular replacement or topping up due to evaporation or leakage. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure continued effective damping performance.Conclusion.Low-viscosity fluid damping is a valuable tool in various engineering and industrial applications. It offers faster energy dissipation, reduced friction and wear, improved thermal management, and enhanced fluid flow compared to higher viscosity fluids. However, it also presents challenges such as leakage concerns, compatibility issues, temperature sensitivity, and maintenance requirements. Careful consideration of these factors is crucial in ensuring the effective and reliable performance of low-viscosity fluid damping systems.。



水汽捕集泵维护保养英文回答:Water vapor condensate pump maintenance and upkeep are essential for ensuring its efficient operation and prolonging its lifespan. Regular maintenance helps prevent breakdowns and costly repairs, as well as ensures the pump operates at its optimal performance.First and foremost, it is crucial to regularly inspect the pump for any signs of wear and tear. This includes checking for leaks, loose connections, and any unusual noises. If any issues are detected, they should be addressed promptly to avoid further damage.Cleaning the pump is another important maintenance task. Over time, debris and sediment can accumulate in the pump, affecting its efficiency. Regular cleaning helps remove any buildup and ensures smooth operation. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for cleaning and useappropriate cleaning solutions.In addition to cleaning, lubrication is necessary to keep the pump running smoothly. Lubricating the moving parts of the pump helps reduce friction and wear. It is important to use the right type and amount of lubricant as specified by the manufacturer.Regularly inspecting and cleaning the pump filters is also crucial. Filters prevent debris from entering the pump and clogging the system. If the filters become clogged, it can restrict the flow of water vapor condensate and affect the pump's performance. Cleaning or replacing the filters as needed is essential for proper maintenance.Furthermore, it is important to check the pump's electrical connections and controls. Loose or faulty connections can lead to electrical issues and even pump failure. Regularly inspecting and tightening the connections, as well as checking the controls for proper operation, is necessary to prevent any electrical problems.Lastly, it is recommended to keep a record of maintenance activities and schedule regular inspections by a professional technician. This helps ensure that all necessary maintenance tasks are performed on time and any potential issues are addressed promptly.Overall, proper maintenance and upkeep of water vapor condensate pumps are essential for their efficient operation and longevity. Regular inspections, cleaning, lubrication, and filter maintenance are key tasks to ensure optimal performance. By following these maintenance practices, the pump will continue to function effectively and prevent any unexpected breakdowns or costly repairs.中文回答:水汽捕集泵的维护保养对于确保其高效运行和延长寿命至关重要。



水汽捕集泵维护保养英文回答:Maintaining and servicing a water vapor capture pump is essential for its optimal performance and longevity.Regular maintenance helps to prevent breakdowns, improve efficiency, and ensure the safety of the equipment. In this response, I will outline some key steps and considerations for maintaining and servicing a water vapor capture pump.Firstly, it is important to regularly inspect the pump for any signs of wear and tear or damage. This includes checking the pump housing, valves, and fittings for leaks, cracks, or corrosion. Any identified issues should be addressed promptly to prevent further damage.Secondly, the pump's filters should be checked and cleaned or replaced as necessary. Filters play a crucialrole in removing impurities and contaminants from the captured water vapor, and if they become clogged or damaged,it can affect the pump's performance. Regularly cleaning or replacing the filters will ensure the pump functions efficiently.Additionally, the pump's motor and electrical components should be inspected for any signs of malfunction or damage. This includes checking the wiring, connections, and motor bearings. Lubrication of the motor bearings should be carried out as per the manufacturer's recommendations to prevent friction and overheating.Furthermore, the pump's control panel and settings should be checked and calibrated regularly. This ensures that the pump operates within the desired parameters and prevents any potential safety hazards. It is also important to ensure that the pump is properly grounded to prevent electrical shocks.In terms of servicing, it is recommended to have a professional technician perform a thorough inspection and maintenance of the pump at least once a year. They can identify any potential issues that may not be visibleduring regular inspections and carry out any necessary repairs or replacements.In conclusion, regular maintenance and servicing of a water vapor capture pump are crucial for its optimal performance and longevity. By following the steps outlined above and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can ensure that your pump operates efficiently and safely.中文回答:水汽捕集泵的维护保养对于其性能和寿命至关重要。



1.防潮dampproof / moistureproof / protection against the tide2.防水waterproof3.防腐蚀antisepsis/antisepticise; corrosion resistance4.抵御紫外线avoid ultraviolet radiation耐酸碱endure acid and aldali抗老化anti-aging不渗漏no leakage阻燃flame retardance耐气候性weatherability整洁性cleanability耐化学品性chemical resistance耐热性heat-resistance耐低温low temperature resistance耐磨anti-wear卫生安全性sanitation and security有害的,有毒的deleterious无毒的innocuity刚性rigidity强度高high rigid密封seal up运输transport储藏storage/store up堆垛stack测量measure/meterage工艺arts and crafts/ craftwork/technics沟槽/凹槽groove锯齿纹sawtooth lines/veins边缘edge横向的transverse纵向的longitudinal /lengthways框架/结构frame椭圆形ellipse三角形triangle菱形diamond/lozenge螺旋状的helical螺纹screw thread飞边flash壁厚wall thickness鼓胀tympanites均匀性uniformity均匀的well-proportioned /homogeneous 均一地uniformly (使)凝固;(使)变硬;(使)浓缩solidfy软化;低温处理soften v膨胀inflate韧性,韧度,刚度(性),耐久性,粘稠性toughness 腐蚀,磨损eorde挤出吹塑成型extrusion blow molding(EBM)注射吹塑成型injection blowing molding (IBM)热成型thermoforming降解degradation整合integrate修剪,整理焊缝trimming双轴定向拉伸biaxially oriented成型后的余料flash废料scrap收缩shrinkage预成型preform往返,穿梭shuttle(使)旋转rotate分子的molecular分子量molecular weight流变学rheology分层的laminated促进,使便利facilitate制作fabricate添加剂additive结晶体crystalline无定形的amorphous热塑性塑料thermoplastic热的,热量的thermal热分解thermal decomposition加强,强化;(焊缝)加厚,增强reinforcement规格specification劣质的inferior填充压力packing pressure机械性能mechanical performance变形distortion着色剂colorant保香性preserve flavor圆周circumference阻隔层barrier layer隔膜泵diaphragm pump装填物,填料,漏斗filler夹板plywood活塞plunger透明clarity阀门valve储料缸accumulator塑化机plasticator挤出机extruder机筒barrel油泵oil pump油冷却器oil cooler电动机electromotor减速机gear box温控器temperature controller调节adjust转速rotate speed压力pressure直径diameter螺杆screw加料段(加料段/固体输送段) feeding section/zone 熔融段(压缩段) melting /transition section均化段(计量段) metering section剪切段shearing section混合段mixing section固体输送段solids zone熔体输送段melt pumping zone螺纹开角helix angle螺纹螺距land width/pitch螺槽深度flight depth螺纹宽度flight width导程lead压缩比compression ration螺杆外径与机筒内壁的间隙flight clearance料筒(机筒) barrel轴承bearing料斗hopper进料斗feed hopper搅拌机blender计量meter薄片flake粉末powder颗粒pellet液体liquid机头head型坯parison模体mould/mold芯模(内模) core/mandrel模套(外模) die模唇brim压缩空气compressed air膨胀inflate泵pump摩擦力frictional force 预混合料premix添加剂additive排气(孔),通风(孔) vent塞住plug分配dispense颗粒的granular计算密度/单位体积重量bulk density腐蚀corrosion塑化plasticization 扭转/转矩torque架桥现象bridging problem (使)凝固solidify缩减downsize数量quantity滞留residence附件attachment安装mount/ install 摇晃wobble热固塑料thermoset橡胶rubber喷管nozzle热电偶thermocouple 调节regulate螺钉bolt锁紧圈/压紧环clamp ring马力/功率horsepower结构/构造configuration输送pumping传导conductive输出量output相对的opposed挥发性volatiles静止的static磨光polish鉻Chrome电镀plating通孔through hole 碳化钢carbon steel 氮化钢Nitrided steel 不锈钢stainless steel 降解degradation模体mould body肩部夹坯嵌块striker-plate for filler-neck-calibration 导柱calibration device模颈filler-neck端板back-up plate冷却水入口cooling water entry模底夹坯口striker-plate for outlet-neck-calibration 模腔mold cavity把手孔handle hole合模线split-line冷却刀口cooled steel-knife冷却腔cooling cavity卧式转盘挤出吹塑机horizontal rotary wheel EBM立式转盘挤出吹塑机vrtical rotary wheel EBM往返式连续挤出吹塑机shuttle continuous EBM加热圈heater吹针air injection pin/air needle刀口striker-plates液压阀hydraulic vavle温控器temperature controller油封sealing of oil cylinder伺服阀servo vavle/ tracer valve/ tracing valve 流痕flow mark活塞piston滑块sliding block机械手manipulator /mechanical picker储料模头accumulator head调节螺丝screw thread分流梭central torpedo抛光polish拉杆roll pole传动装置gearing。



航海及海运专业英语词汇(A5)航海及海运专业英语词汇(A5)航海及海运专业英语词汇(A5)annum running 年息annum 年annunciate 通告;公布annunciate 通告公布annunciator panel 信号器指示板annunciator 报警器;通告者;信号器annunciator 信号机annunciator 信号器anode bar 阳极棒anode battery b电池anode battery 阳极电池anode cap 阳极罩阳极帽anode conductance 阳极电导anode current 屏极电流anode current 阳极电流anode dissipation 阳极耗散anode effect 阳极效应anode follower 板极输出器anode glow 阳极辉光anode grid 帘栅极anode hum 板极交流声anode load 阳极负荷anode load 阳极负载anode plate 阳极板anode rays 阳极射线anode resistance 阳极电阻anode seal 阳极密封anode voltage 阳极电压anode 阳极anode 阳极屏极anode-screening grid 帘栅极anodic inhibitor 阳极防蚀剂anodic oxidation treatment 阳极氧化处理anodic oxidation 阳极氧化anodic polarization 阳极极化anodic process 阳极处理anodic protection 阳极防护anodic protector 阳极防腐板anodic 阳极的anodise anodizeanodise 对…阳极化处理anodize 同anodiseanodized coating 阳极化处理层anodized finish 阳极化抛光anodized 阳极化处理的anodizing 阳极化处理anoid barometer 空盒气压表anolyte 阳极电解液anolyte 阳极电解液(电解时阳极附近液体anomalistic inequalities 月角差anomalistic month 近点月anomalistic period 近点周期anomalistic revolution 异常转动anomalistic year 近点年anomalistic 例外的anomalous behavior 异常动作anomalous hole 异常空穴anomalous ionization produced by nuclear explosion 核爆炸产生的异常电离anomalous propagation 异常传播anomalous 异常的anomaly 不规则anomaly 异常anomaly 异常;近点角anonim sirket 股份公司anonymous letter 匿名信anonymous 匿名的anorak 带风帽的厚茄克anorak 防水衣anorak 防水衣防水布带风帽的厚茄克anotron 冷阴极充气整流管anoxia 缺氧anschutz gyro compass 安修茨陀螺罗经answer aback! 船首开始反转! answer all right! 舵灵!answer back code 应答码answer back 回答answer back 信号回答answer brief 答辩状answer interval 应舵时间间隔answer lamp 应答灯answer next lamp 副应答灯answer signal 回答信号answer the helm 舵灵answer the helm 应舵answer too slow! 舵反应太慢舵反应太慢) answer too slow 舵效太慢answer wheel 回令手轮answer 回答answer 回答答复answer 回答应答answer 应答;响应answerback code 应答码answerback 应答码answered 已回答answering back mechanism 应答机构answering flag 回答旗answering frequency 回答频率answering pendant 回答旗answering pennant 回答旗answering sign 回答信号answering time 应答时间answering 回答ant acid 抗酸剂ant apex 背点ant- 反antarctic air 南极圈气团antarctic circle 南极圈antarctic circum polar current 南极绕极海流antarctic circumpolar current 南极绕极海流antarctic continent 南极洲antarctic exploration ship 南极探险船antarctic front 南极锋antarctic ocean 南极海antarctic ocean 南极海antarctic pole 南极antarctic regions 南极地区antarctic treaty 南极条约antarctic waters 南极水域antarctic west wind drift 南极冷流antarctic whiteout 南极乳白天空antarctic zone 南极带antarctic zone 南极带南极区antarctic zone 南极区antarctic 南极antarctic 南极的antarctic 南极的南极antarctic 南极南极地带南极的antarctica 南极洲antarctogea 南极地区antares =αscorpii 大火ante christum=before christ 公元前ante meridian 上午的ante meridiem 上午antebellum 战前antebellum 战前antecedent date 以往时期antecedent 前项antechamber compression ignition engine 预燃室式内燃机antechamber 预燃室antecians 对跖人antedate 提前(信件antedate 提前日期antedated bill of lading 倒签提单antelucan 天明以前的antenna mine 触线水雷antenna amplifier 天线放大器antenna aperture 天线孔径antenna area 天线面积antenna array 天线阵antenna array 天线阵天线群antenna assemblies 组合天线antenna assembly 天线装置antenna assembly 天线组合antenna assembly 天线组件antenna attenuator 天线衰减器antenna automatic tuning 天线自动调谐antenna bandwidth 天线频带宽度antenna beam angle 天线波束宽度角antenna beam 天线波束antenna beam 天线射束antenna beamwidth 天线波束宽度antenna bearing 天线方位antenna circuit 天线电路antenna control unit 天线控制装置antenna coupler 天线耦合器antenna coupling 天线偶合antenna curtain 天线屏障antenna diameter 天线直径antenna directional pattern 天线方向图antenna directive gain 天线方向性增益antenna duplexer 天线转换开关antenna effective resistance 天线有效电阻antenna efficiency 天线效率antenna elevation angle 天线仰角antenna exchanger 天线转换器antenna extender 天线延长器antenna feeder 天线馈线antenna field gain 天线场强增益antenna gain stabilization 天线增益稳定器antenna gain 天线增益antenna grounding switch 天线接地开关antenna halyard 天线升降索antenna height 天线高度antenna highness 天线高度antenna illumination 天线照明antenna impedance match 天线阻抗匹配antenna impedance 天线阻抗antenna indcator 天线指示器antenna indicator 天线指示器antenna input impedance 天线输入阻抗antenna installation 天线装置antenna insulator 天线绝缘器antenna loading 天经加载antenna loading 天线负载antenna main lobe 天线主瓣antenna major lobe 天线主瓣antenna matching device 天线匹配器antenna matching unit 天线匹配器antenna mine 触线水雷antenna minor lobe 天线旁瓣antenna mounting 天线座antenna noise 天线噪声antenna pattern analyser 天线模型分析器antenna pattern 天线方向图antenna pedestal 天线架座antenna pickup 天线噪声antenna platform 天线平台antenna polarization 天线的极化antenna polarization 天线极化antenna position control 天线位置控制antenna position indicator 天线位置指示器antenna positioning device 天线定位装置antenna positioning 天线位置控制antenna power gain 天线功率增益antenna radiation pattern 天线辐射曲线图antenna reductor 天线减速器antenna reflector 天线反射器antenna resistance 天线电阻antenna resonant frequency 天线谐振频率antenna rotation motor 天线旋转电动机antenna selector switch 天线转换选择开关antenna sidelobe 天线旁瓣antenna socket 天线插座antenna splitting device 天线共用器antenna standing wave ratio 天线驻波比antenna sweep radius 天线扫描半径antenna switch unit 收发转换开关天线开关箱antenna switch 天线转换开关antenna switch 天线转换天关antenna switching device 天线交换器antenna switching device 天线转换开关装置antenna switching device 天线转换装置antenna switching equipment 天线转换设备antenna synthesis 天线合成antenna tilt switch 天线仰角转换开关antenna tilt 天线倾角antenna topmast 天线顶桅antenna tracking system 天线跟踪系统antenna tuning unit 天线调协单元antenna tuning unit 天线调谐单元antenna tuning 天线调揩antenna tuning 天线调谐antenna vertical angle 天线顶角antenna 天线antenna 天线天线的anterior angle 前角anteroom 客厅anteroom 客厅休息室anteroom 休息室anthelic arcs 反日弧anthelion 幻日anthracite 无烟煤anthrax 炭疽热anthropoclimatology 人类气候学anti clutter sea 海浪干扰抑制anti logarithm 反对数anti tr switch 发射机阻塞开关anti- 反anti-abrasive material 耐磨损材料anti-acidic paint 耐酸漆anti-aeration fence 防通气隔栅anti-aeration plate 阻气板anti-alcohol clause 反酗酒条款anti-apray 防喷溅的anti-attrition 减磨anti-backlash spring 消隙弹簧anti-bugging 防错法anti-carbon 防积炭的anti-catalyst 缓化剂anti-catalyst=anticatalyst 缓化剂anti-cavitation plate 防空蚀板anti-cavitation valve 防空蚀阀anti-click circuit 消噪声电路anti-clockwise rotation 反时针方向旋转anti-clockwise rotation 逆时针旋转anti-clockwise 逆时针的anti-clockwise 逆时针的@a.anti-clutter rain 抗雨干扰anti-clutter sea 抗海浪干扰anti-clutter 抗杂波干扰anti-coherer 防粘合器anti-collision device 防撞装置anti-collision indicator 防撞警报器anti-collision service 防撞勤务anti-collision structure 防撞结构anti-collision system 防撞装置anti-collision 避碰anti-collision 防撞anti-corrosion additive 抗腐蚀添加剂anti-corrosion alloy 耐蚀合金anti-corrosion coating 防腐涂层anti-corrosion plug 防腐塞anti-corrosion test 耐腐蚀试验anti-corrosion 防腐蚀anti-corrosion 抗腐蚀anti-corrosive additive 抗腐蚀添加剂anti-corrosive agent 防锈剂anti-corrosive coating 防腐涂层anti-corrosive composition 防腐剂anti-corrosive composition 防腐剂防腐涂料anti-corrosive composition 防锈漆anti-corrosive enamel 防蚀瓷漆anti-corrosive grease 防锈滑脂anti-corrosive grease 防锈油脂anti-corrosive insulation 防锈绝缘anti-corrosive oil tank 防锈油柜anti-corrosive oil tank 抗锈油柜anti-corrosive oil 防锈油anti-corrosive paint 防锈漆anti-corrosive primer 防锈底漆anti-corrosive treatment 防腐蚀处理anti-corrosive treatment 防蚀处理anti-corrosive zinc plate 防蚀锌板anti-corrosive 防锈的anti-corrosive 防锈漆防锈的anti-cracking ability 抗裂性能anti-creep device 抗蠕动装置anti-dated bl 倒签提单anti-detonating compound 抗爆剂anti-detonating quality 抗爆性anti-detonation fuel 抗爆燃料anti-detonation 抗爆燃anti-detonator 抗爆剂anti-direction finding 反测向anti-drag 减阻anti-drawning mask 带氧气呼吸器的轻型潜水面罩anti-drug clause 反贩毒条款anti-dust cover 防尘罩anti-electromagnetic interference test 抗电磁干扰试验anti-electron 反电子anti-emulsification 抗乳化度anti-explosion bulkhead stuffing box 防爆舱壁填料函anti-explosion packing gland 防爆填料函anti-fading 防衰减的anti-flash 防闪的anti-fluctuator 缓冲器anti-foam additive 抗泡添加剂anti-foam agent 抗泡剂anti-foam 抗泡剂anti-foam=antifoam 抗泡剂anti-fouling composition 防污漆anti-fouling electrolyze sea water 电解海水防污法anti-fouling paint 防污漆防污涂料anti-fouling system 防污系统anti-fouling 防污染的anti-frction 润滑剂减摩设备a. 减摩的anti-freeze 防冻剂anti-freeze=antifreeze 防冻剂anti-freezing agent 防冻剂anti-freezing lubricant 防冻润滑剂anti-freezing solution 防冻溶液anti-freezing 防冻剂anti-friction alloy 减摩合金anti-friction alloy 抗磨合金anti-friction bearing 减摩轴承anti-friction composition 减磨剂anti-friction composition 减摩剂anti-friction grease 减摩润滑脂anti-friction grease 抗磨滑脂anti-friction material 润滑剂anti-friction metal 减摩金属减摩合金anti-friction pivot 减摩枢anti-friction ring 减摩环anti-friction slide 减摩滑座anti-friction thrust bearing 减摩推力轴承anti-friction wheel 减摩轮anti-friction 润滑剂anti-friction 润滑剂减摩设备减摩的anti-grounding navigation aid 防搁浅导航设备anti-hunt control 防振荡控制anti-ice paint 防冰漆anti-icer 防冻装置anti-icing agent 防结冰剂anti-icing equipment 防冰装置anti-icing equipment 防结冰装置anti-impact gear 防撞装置anti-incrustation material 防垢剂anti-incrustation material 抗垢材料anti-interference capacitor 抗干扰电容器anti-interference circuit 抗干扰电路anti-interference connection 抗干扰联接anti-interference connection 抗干扰联结anti-interference filtration 抗干扰滤波anti-interference performance 抗干扰性anti-interference 抗干扰anti-jamming circuit 抗干扰电路anti-jamming 抗干扰anti-kickback attachment 非反向安全装置anti-knock additive 抗爆添加剂anti-knock composition 抗爆剂anti-knock fuel 抗爆燃料anti-knock 抗爆抗爆剂a. 抗爆的anti-knock 抗爆抗爆剂抗爆的anti-knocking property 抗爆性anti-knocking 抗爆的anti-lamellar tearing steel plate 防层状撕裂钢板anti-leeway device 披水板anti-magnetic 抗磁性的anti-magnetic=antimagnetic 抗磁性的anti-mildew composition 防霉剂anti-mist resistance 防雾电阻anti-moist battery 防潮电池anti-moist 防潮的anti-noise paint 吸声漆anti-oscillation vector 抗振荡矢量anti-overloading amplifier 防过载放大器anti-oxidant additive 抗氧化添加剂anti-oxidant anti-corrosion additive 抗氧化抗腐蚀添加剂anti-oxidant 抗氧化剂anti-phase 反相anti-phase=antiphase 反相anti-piracy guard 护航队anti-pitching device 减纵摇装置anti-pitching tank 减纵摇水舱anti-pitchstabilizer 减纵摇装置anti-podean day 跨界增日anti-pollution check 防污染检验anti-pollution check 防止污染检查anti-pollution control 防污染控制anti-pollution equipment 防污设备anti-pollution measure 防污染措施anti-pollution standard 孩子污染标准anti-pollution valve 防污染阀门anti-pollution vessel 污染清除船anti-pollution 防污染anti-polution 防污染anti-priming pipe 汽水共腾防止管anti-rattler 消声器anti-resonance 并联谐振anti-resonance 电流谐振anti-resonance=antiresonance 电流谐振anti-resonant circuit 反谐振电路anti-roll pump 减摇泵anti-roll stabilizer 减横摇装置anti-rolling apparatus 减摇装置anti-rolling chock 侧龙骨anti-rolling couple 抗摇力偶anti-rolling device 减摇装置anti-rolling effect 减摇效果anti-rolling gyroscope 陀螺减摇装置anti-rolling moment 抗横摇力矩anti-rolling system 减摇装置anti-rolling tank stabilization system 减摇水舱稳定装置anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱anti-rolling 减摇的anti-rolling 减摇的@a.抗横摇的anti-rollstabilizer 减横摇装置anti-rumble 消声器anti-rust agent 防锈剂anti-rust composition 防锈剂anti-rust emulsion oil 乳化防锈油anti-rust grease 防锈滑脂anti-rust paint 防锈漆anti-rust 防锈的anti-rustpaint 防锈漆anti-scale forming material 防垢剂anti-scale 防垢的anti-seasickness tablet 防晕船药片anti-seize compound 防粘剂anti-selfcontained navigation 非自主式导航anti-sidetone circuit 消侧声电路anti-singing edge 抗谐鸣边anti-sink ability 抗沉性anti-skiddeck paint 防滑甲板漆anti-sludging agent 抗沉淀剂anti-smuggle clause 反走私条款anti-spray guard 防喷溅护板anti-spray guard 防喷溅护板anti-spray 防喷溅的anti-squeak 减声器anti-squeak=antisqueak 减声器anti-static precautions 防静电措施anti-sway stabilizer 减横荡装置anti-swinging device 消摆装置anti-tetonator 抗爆剂anti-tipping moment 抗仰倾力矩anti-tr switch 发射机阻塞开关anti-tripping bracket 支撑肘板anti-twist batten 防扭撑杆anti-vibrating spring 减振弹簧anti-vibration design 减振设计anti-vibration mounting 减振装置anti-vibration pad 减振垫anti-wear additive 抗磨添加剂anti-wear agent 抗磨剂anti-wear 抗磨的anti-whirling baffle 减涡导流片antiacid additive 抗酸添加剂antiacid 抗酸剂n.抗酸剂抗酸的antiacid 抗酸剂抗酸的antiacidic paint n. antiaeration fence 防通气隔栅antiaeration plate 阻气板antiager 抗老化剂antiaircraft control 防空管制antiaircraft light 防空探照灯antiaircraft lookout 对空监视antiaircraft protection 防空antiaircraft weapon 防空武器antiattrition 减摩antibouncer 减振器anticarbon additive 抗碳添加剂anticarbon additive 抗炭添加剂anticarbon anticatalyst 缓化剂anticarbon anticipate 预期anticarbon 抗碳的anticarbon 抗炭的anticatalyst 缓化剂anticholera vaccination 霍乱预防注射anticipated conditions 预期的条件anticipated freight 预支运费anticipated load 预期载荷anticipated payment 预付(货anticipated profit 预期利润anticipated time of shipment 预计装货日期anticipated 预期的anticipated 预先的anticipating control 预控anticipating 预期的提前使用的anticipation anticipator 预感器anticipation 预期anticipatory breach 提前违约anticipatory lc 预支信用证anticlick circuit 消喀呖音电路anticlockwise 反时针方向、逆时针方向anticlockwise 逆时针的anticlockwise 逆时针的@a. anticlockwise 逆时针方向anticlutter gain control 海浪干扰抑制anticlutter rain 抗雨雪干扰anticlutter sea 抗海浪干扰anticlutter 防干扰anticlutter 抗杂波干扰anticollision aid 避碰助航设备anticollision device 避碰装置anticollision device 防撞装置anticollision display 避碰显示anticollision gear 防撞设备anticollision indicator 防撞警报器anticollision indicator 防撞指示器anticollision radar 避碰雷达anticollision radar 防撞雷达anticollision unit 避碰装置anticollision 防撞anticondensation coating 防凝结涂层anticorrosion anticorrosive 防锈漆a. 防锈的anticorrosion anticorrosive 防锈漆防锈的anticorrosion coating 防腐涂层anticorrosion 抗腐蚀anticorrosive coated steel pipe 防蚀钢管anticorrosive coating 防蚀涂层anticorrosive composition 防腐剂anticorrosive composition 防锈漆anticorrosive insulation 防锈绝缘anticorrosive oil 防锈油anticorrosive paint 防锈漆anticorrosive pigment 防锈颜料anticorrosive priming paint 防锈打底漆anticorrosive treatment 防蚀处理anticorrosive 防腐蚀的anticosti island 安提科斯提岛anticrepuscular arch 反曙暮光反曙暮辉anticrepuscular arch 反曙暮辉anticyclogenesis 反气旋的形成anticyclolysis 反气旋的消散anticyclone divergence 反气旋辐散anticyclone subsidence 反气旋下沉anticyclone 反气旋anticyclonic curvature 反气旋曲率anticyclonic eddies 反气旋涡旋anticyclonic pressure 高气压anticyclonic region 反气旋区域anticyclonic storm 反气旋风暴anticyclonic vorticity 反气旋涡度anticyclonic wind 反气旋风anticyclonic wind 高气压风anticyclonic 高气压的antidated bill of lading 倒签提单antidated bl 倒签提单antiderivative 反导数antidetonant 抗爆剂antidetonating fuel 防爆燃料antidetonating quality 抗爆性antidetonation 抗爆燃antidetonator 防爆剂antidrawning mask 带氧气呼吸器的轻型潜水面罩antidumping code of the gatt 关税与贸易总协定反倾销守则antidumping 反倾销antielectro shoes 防静电工作鞋antifade 不变色antifault 防故障antiferromagnet 反铁磁体antiferromagnetism 反磁铁性antifictionbearing 减磨轴承antiflare top 防焰罩antiflash 防闪antifoam 抗泡剂antifouling coating 防污底涂层antifouling composition 防污剂antifouling composition 防污漆antifouling electrolyze sea water 电解海水防污法antifouling organometallic structural plastics 有机金属防污结构塑料antifouling paint 防虫漆antifouling paint 防污漆antifouling paste 防腐漆antifouling poison 防污毒料antifouling varnish 防污漆antifouling 防污的防污剂antifouling 防污漆antifreeze 防冻剂antifreezing agent 防冻剂antifreezing compound 防冻剂antifreezing fluid 防冻液antifreezing lubricant 抗冻润滑剂antifreezing protection 低温防护antifreezing solution 防冻溶液antifreezing 防冻antifreezing 防冻的antifriction alloy 抗磨合金antifriction bearing 减磨轴承antifriction composition 减磨剂antifriction grease 润滑脂antifriction metal 减摩合金antifriction property 抗磨性antifriction 减摩的antifriction 润滑剂减摩设备减摩的antigalvanic paint 防电解油漆antigas mask 防毒面具antigas mask 防毒面罩antigas 防毒气antigas 防毒气的antihistamine tablet 盐酸异丙嗪antihum condenser 声抑制电容器antihum device 抗哼装置静噪设备antihum 哼声抑制antihunt circlet 阻尼电路antihunt circuit 阻尼电路antihunt signal 阻尼信号antihunt 阻尼antihunt 阻尼防摆动防震antiicing fluid 防冻剂antiinterference 抗干扰antiiotic ointment 抗菌素软膏antijamming blackout 抗干扰电路antijamming display 抗干扰显示器antijamming feature 抗干扰装置antijamming 防干扰antijamming 抗干扰antiknock compound 抗震油剂antiknock gasoline 防爆汽油antiknock quality 抗爆性antiknock 抗爆抗爆剂抗爆的antiknocking 抗爆的antiknocking 抗爆的@a.抗爆的antileak cement 防漏水泥antileak 防漏的antille current 安提里洋流antilogarithm 反对数antilunar tide 反月潮antimagnetic iron 防磁铁antimagnetic 防磁性的antimagnetic 抗磁性的antimoist battery 防潮电池antimonial lead 铅锑合金antimonsoon 反季风antimony 锑antimony compounds 锑化合物antimony ore 锑矿antimony oreresidue 锑矿antimony 锑antineutrino 反中微子antineutron 反中子antinodal point 反交点antinode 波腹antinose-dive leg 箱体支架antioxidant 抗氧化剂antioxidant 抗氧剂antipanic lighting 应急照明antipanic 反恐慌的antiparallel coupling 反并联接法antiparallel coupling 反并联结法antiparallel 反并联的antiphase 反相antipiracy guard 护航队antipitching device 减纵摇装置antipitching 减纵摇的antipleon 欠准区antipodal day 过日界线日期antipodal 对跖的antipode 的大圆反向antipodean day 过日界线的日期antipodean day 跨界增日antipodean day 跨界增日跨界增日antipodes day 跨界增日antipodes 对跖地antipodes 对跖点antipole 反极antipollution standard 抗污染标准antipollution vessel 反污染船污染清除船antique 古物antiradiation material 防辐射材料antirattler 减声器antiresonance frequency 电流谐振频率antiresonance 电流谐振antiroll force 抗横摇力antiroll stabilizer 减横摇装置antirolling apparatus 减摇装置antirolling device 减摇装置antirolling gyroscope 减摇陀螺仪antirolling gyroscope 减摇装置陀螺仪antirolling tank 减摇水舱antirolling tank 减摇水柜antirolling 减摇的antirolling 抗横摇的antirumble 减声器antirust coating 防腐涂层antirust coating 防锈涂层antirust composition 防锈混合antirust composition 防锈混合漆antirust grease 防锈油脂antirust grease 防锈脂antirust paint 防锈漆antirust varnish 防锈清漆antirust 防锈的antirustpaint 防锈漆antisaturated logic circuit 抗饱和型逻辑电路antiscale forming material 防垢剂antiscale 防垢的antiscaling 防锈antiscorbutic 抗坏血病的antiseasickness tablet 防晕船药片antiselene 幻月antiseptic eye drops 磺胺醋酰钠滴眼液antiseptic eye drops 磺胺醋酰纳滴眼液antiseptic lotion 消炎洗剂antiseptic oil 防腐油antiseptic 防腐剂antiseptic 防腐剂防腐的antiseptics 防腐的antishark powder 防鲨粉antishifting board 防漂板antishipping activity messages 反航运活动电文antisideband 反边带antisidetone circuit 消侧音电路antiskid plate 防滑板antiskid 防滑的antiskidding 防滑antismuggling 反走私的antisolar point 对日点antisolar tide 反日潮antispray screen 防溅屏antispray 防喷溅的antisqeak 减声器antisqueak 减声antisqueak 减声器antistall 防失速antistatic additive 防静电添加剂antistatic addtive 防静电添加剂antistatic mat 防静电地毡antistatic material 抗静电材料antistatic 抗静电干扰的antistranding sonar 防搁浅声纳antistrip performance 抗剥落性能antisubmarine barrier 反潜屏障antisymmetric matrix 反对称矩阵antisymmetrical 不对称的antitechnicality clause 抵御市场波动条款antiterrorism 反恐怖antitorque moment 抗扭力矩antitrade wind 反信风antitrade 反信风antitwilight 反曙暮光antitwilight 反曙暮光反曙暮辉antitwist batten 防绞杆antivibration device 减振器antivibration gear 防振装置antivibration mat 防震垫板antivibration mounting 防震座antivibration pad 防震垫antivibration pad 防震座antivibrator 防振器antiwater-logging 防止木头泡胀antiwear device 防磨损装置antiwear 减摩antiwear 抗磨的antlia 唧筒星座antliae 唧筒星座的antwerp rules 约克—安特卫普规则antwerphamburg range 安特卫普汉堡范围内各港anus 肛门anvil cloud 砧状云anvil roll 支承辊anvil 砧any good brand 好商标any one accident 任一事故any one bottom 任何一船底any one event 任一事件any one location 任意地区any one loss 任一灭失any one loss 任一损失any one occurrence 任意事件any one risk 任何险保险any one risk 任一保险any one vessel 任一船舶any one vessel 任意船舶any one voyage 任意航次aoo 任意事件aor 任何险保险apart n.apart 拆开apartment 房间apartment 房间;公寓apartment 房间公寓apastron 远星点apatite charter party for shipments of apatite ore and apatite concentrate from murmansk 磷矿石租船合同apatite charter party 磷矿运输租船合同apeak 立桨;立锚apeak 竖着立锚aperiodic antenna 非调谐天线aperiodic circuit 非周期电路aperiodic compass 不摆罗经aperiodic compass 非周期罗经aperiodic component 非周期分量aperiodic damping 非周期衰减aperiodic element 非周期环节aperiodic galvanometer 不摆电流计aperiodic instrument 不摆式仪表aperiodic mode of motion 非周期运动aperiodic mode of motion 非周期运动形式aperiodic motion 非周期运动aperiodic transition 非周期过渡aperiodic transitional condition 非周期过渡条件aperiodic 非周期的aperiodicity 非周期性aperture antenna 隙缝天线aperture atomizer 喷孔式喷油嘴aperture atomizer 喷孔式喷油嘴喷雾器aperture distortion 光阑小孔畸变aperture lens 孔径透镜aperture ratio 孔径比aperture time 孔径时间aperture 光阑孔;孔aperture 孔aperture 主喷嘴apertured 有缝隙的apertured 有孔的aperwind 解冻风apex of dry dock 干船坞坞头apex 顶aphelion distance 远日点距离aphelion 远日点aphotic 无光射海区aphotic 无光射海区无光的aphotic 无光深水区aphylactic projection 不等角不等积的投影api gravity scale 美国石油协会(石油相对密度分级api gravity 美国石油协会相对密度api hydrometer 美国石油协会相对密度计api 美国石油协会apical angle 顶角aplanatic refraction 无光行差折射aplhanumeric display device 字母数字显示装置aplhanumeric visual display 字母数字显示器aplhanumeric 字母数字的aplhanumeric-graphic display 字母数字图像显示器apocenter 卫星在椭圆轨迹上离主星最远点apogean range 远地点潮潮差apogean tide 远地点潮apogee 远地点apollo guidance and navigation information 阿波罗制导与导航信息apollo instrumentation 阿波罗测量船apologia 自辩解apologist 辩护者apomecometer 测距仪apoplexy 中风病aport 向左舷aport 在左舷apostle 船首副肋材apostle 船首副肋材带桩apparatus capacity 设备容量apparatus distilling apparatus 蒸馏装置apparatus 器具仪器装置apparatus 仪器apparatus 装备apparel and tackle 船具apparel and tackle 舾装apparel 船舶装备apparel 舾装apparent time 视时apparent time 视时视时apparent altitude 视高度视高度apparent annual motion of the sun 太阳周年视运动apparent area 可视面积apparent ascension 视赤经apparent capacity 视容量apparent capacity 视容量;视在电容apparent capacity 视在容量apparent condition 表面状态apparent condition 表面状态apparent course 视航向apparent declination 视赤纬apparent defect 外观缺陷apparent diameter 视直径apparent direction of wind 视风向apparent direction 视向apparent distance 视距apparent diurnal motion of heavenly body 天体周日视运动apparent fixity level 表观固定基面apparent freezing point 结冰点apparent good order and condition 外表情况良好apparent good order and condition 外表状况良好apparent horizon 视地平apparent horlzon 视地平apparent impedance 视在阻抗apparent inductance 视在电感apparent length 表观长度apparent light 反光灯标apparent load 表现载荷apparent luminance 表观亮度apparent mass 表观质量apparent mass 表观质量视质量apparent mass 视质量apparent material 透明材料apparent maximum altitude 视最大高度apparent maximum altitude 视最大高度最大视高度apparent maximum altitude 最大视高度apparent midnight 视子夜apparent minimum altitude 视最小高度apparent minimum altitude 视最小高度最小视高度apparent minimum altitude 最小视高度apparent motion 视运动apparent noon 视正午apparent order and condition of cargo 货物表面状况apparent order and condition 外表状况apparent order and condition 外表状况;表面状况apparent order and condition 外表状况表面状况apparent output 视在输出量视在功率apparent phase 表观相位apparent pitch 视螺距apparent place 视位置apparent place 天体的)视位置apparent position 天体的)视位置apparent power 视功率apparent power 视在功率apparent precession 视进动apparent precession 视进动陀螺仪轴由于地球自转的)视进动apparent resistance 视在电阻apparent right ascension 视赤经apparent rolling 表观横摇apparent rolling 视摇摆apparent semi-diameter 视半径apparent shoreline 视海岸线apparent slip ratio 视在滑脱比apparent slip 视在滑距apparent solar day 视太阳日apparent solar time 视时apparent solar year 视太阳年apparent specific gravity 表观比重apparent sun rise 视日出apparent sun set 视日没apparent sun 视太阳apparent throat 焊缝表观厚度apparent time of change tide 高潮视时apparent time 视时apparent time=true time 视时apparent vertical 动垂线apparent vertical 视垂线apparent viscosity 表观粘度apparent voscosity 表观粘度apparent wander 表观漂移apparent wander 表观漂移视进动陀螺仪轴由于地球自转的)视进动apparent wander 视进动apparent watt 视在瓦特apparent wave height 视波高apparent wave period according to zero crossings 表观波浪周期apparent wave period 可见波周期apparent weight 视重量apparent wind 视风apparent 明显的apparent 明显的表面的apparent 视……apparent 外观的apparent 外观的明显的apparently drowned 溺水假死apparenttime 视时apparition 初现appeal 请求appeal 上诉appeal 上诉;出现appeal 上诉请求appear in sight 出现于视域内appearance method 目测法appearance of fracture 断口外观appearance surface 外表appearance test 外部检验appearance 外观appearance 外形appears on its face 从表面上看appellant 上诉人appellant 上诉人;上诉的appellate court 上诉法院appellate decision 上诉判决appellate jurisdiction 上诉管辖权;上述裁决权appellate jurisdiction 上诉管辖权上述裁决权appellate 上诉的appellee 被控诉者;被上诉人appellee 被控诉者被上诉人appellee 被上诉人appellor 上诉人appendage drag 附体阻力appendage resistance 附体阻力appendage 备用仪表船体附属体附属件appendage 备用仪表附属体附属件appendage 附体appendages 船体附属体appendant 附属物;附属权利appendant 附属物附属权利appended documents 附件appendicitis 阑尾炎appendix 附件appendix 附录appendix 附录补遗appendix 附录补遗附件appertaining documents 有关证件apple green 苹果绿apple juice 苹果汁appleton layer 电离层appliance for closing opening 关闭用具appliance load 用具重量appliance of water 供水appliance of water 供水设备appliance 装置appliance 装置附属设备仪表applicability 适用范围applicability 适用性applicability 适用性适用范围applicable law of contract of crew employment 船员雇佣合同准据法applicable law of contract 合同准据法applicable law of general average 共同海损准据法applicable law of limitation of liability for maritime claims 海事赔偿责任限制的准据法applicable law of maritime liens 船舶优先权准据法applicable law of right in rem 物权准据法applicable law of salvage at sea 海难救助的准据法applicable law of ship arrest 船舶扣押准据法applicable law of ships collision 船舶碰撞准据法applicable law of the ownership of the ship 船舶所有权准据法applicable law of the ship's mortgage 船舶抵押权准据法applicable law 可适用的法律;准据法applicable law 可适用的法律准据法applicable navigation areas of the certificate of competency 适任证书适用航区applicable 适用的applicant 请求者applicant 请求者申请人applicant 申请人applicant 投保人application and requisition 申请application blank 空白申请书application blank 申请书空白表格application development system 应用开发系统application for attending to marine casualties 海事委托申请书application for bail 请求保释application for bunkers 加油申请单application for cargo shipment 装船申请书application for cargo survey 商检申请书application for certificate of registry 船舶国籍证书的请领application for exchange 申请外汇application for extension of time limit for recovering from a third party 申请追偿延期application for forced auction of ship 强制拍卖船舶申请application for lashing 捆绑申请单application for limitation of liability for maritime claims 海事赔偿责任限制申请application for materials 物料申请单application for negotiation of draft 出口押汇申请书application for negotiation of draft 出口押汇申请书application for shipment 货运舱位申请。
















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CHINA PARTICUOLOGY Vol. 2, No. 2, 81-83, 2004z Research NoteFOULING PREVENTION WITH FLUIDIZED PARTICLES IN EVAPORATION OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE EXTRACT Mingyan Liu1,*, Xiulun Li1, Ruitai Lin1, Wanda Nie2, Rucheng Zhang2 and Ningsheng Ling2 1School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, P. R. China2Tianjin Zhong Xin Pharmaceutical Group Company Limited, Tianjin 300380, P. R. China*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: myliu@Abstract The present investigation shows that comparing with the evaporation of vapor-liquid two-phase flow boilingsystem, heat transfer is enhanced by adding proper inert solid particles into the traditional Chinese medicine liquid whichis under evaporation. As a result, fouling prevention effects are evident in such three-phase flow boiling evaporator.Keywords fouling prevention, fluidized particles, evaporation, traditional Chinese medicine liquidThe fouling of the inside wall of evaporator heating tubes used in concentrating traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) extraction liquid is solved by adding inert solid particles into the broth. While suspended in the boiling vapor-liquid two-phase fluid, these particles in motion continuously scour the heat transfer surface to prevent solid deposition as well as to remove scales that have already formed (Klaren, 1999; Zhang & Li, 2000; Liu et al., 2001). The presence of these added solid particles also increases the heat transfer coefficient, thus lowering the temperature of evaporating wall to effectively protect the TCM from over-heating.1. ExperimentalFig. 1 shows the experimental apparatus which consists of a quartz glass single-tube evaporator, operating with natural circulation, i.d. 0.038 m, o.d. 0.045 m, and 2.5 m in height, connected to a 1.2 m length stainless steel va-por-liquid separator followed by a stainless steel vapor condenser.The outside surface of the quartz glass tube is plated with a thin layer of transparent electrically conductive ma-terial for heating electrically the evaporating liquid and at the same time permitting viewing the flow and fouling phe-nomena. Except for the quartz glass evaporator tube, the apparatus is insulated with fiberglass.The inert solid particles are 0.0025x0.0025 m cylinders made of an inert material with a density of 2190 kg.m-3, that does not interact with the TCM extract being processed, Gengnian'an in ethanol and water in the present study. The selection of the material and size of the inert solid particles is based on previous research (Zhang & Li, 2000). The physi-cal parameters of the Gengnian'an extract are as follows: boiling point at atmospheric pressure 81.3 o C, vaporization latent heat 1040×103, viscosity at 20 o C 1.54×10-3 Pa.s, density at 20 o C varying from 880 to 1030 kg.m-3 with con-centration. Inlet and outlet pressures are measured by pressure gauges, liquid temperatures at inlet and outlet by two armored 0.001 m diameter copper-constantan ther-mocouples, and the outside wall temperature by two cop-per-constantan thermocouples on the conductive film. After starting two-phase flow evaporation for a given time, solid particles are then added. The influence of solid holdup ε on the evaporation process is studied for ε=0%, 1%, 3% and 6%. The heat energy transferred through the heating tube, calculated from electric input for the 2.5 m length of the evaporating tube, is used as the basis for heat-transfer rate computation.Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of experimental setup of vapor-liquid-solid flow boiling of extraction liquid of traditional Chinese medicine,wherein, 1. test section of evaporator, 2. condenser, 3. tank ofcondensed liquid, 4. vacuum system, 5. electronic heatingsystem, 6. temperature measuring system.CHINA PARTICUOLOGY Vol. 2, No. 2, 200482 2. Results and DiscussionThe heat-transfer rate q is measured and calculated by either of the following equations:e l q q q =−, (1)q m λ=. (2)The heat-transfer coefficient h based on the outside tube area is determined as follows:o wo b o wo b ()()q qh A T t d L T t ==−π−. (3) 2.1 Effect of heat flux on heat-transfer coeffi-cientFig. 2 shows the relationship between heat flux q /A and heat-transfer coefficient h with different solid holdups, in-dicating that h first increases and then reaches a steady value with increasing q /A at given solid holdups. The h versus q /A curve can be basically divided into two parts: a linear part when q /A is low, and followed by a flat part when q /A is high. The transition between the two parts is con-sidered as the incipient point of boiling heat-transfer. The linear part results from the natural convection of sin-gle-phase liquid flow when ε=0% and liquid-solid two-phase flow for other values of ε. Heat transfer coeffi-cient h increases with solid holdup, sharply when the holdup is high, showing how solid particles can improve heat-transfer. The flat part of the curve for boiling heat-transfer involving vapor-liquid-solid three-phase flow shows reduced effect of the solid particles.Fig. 2 Variation of heat-transfer coefficient h with heat flux q/A.2.2 Effect of solid holdup on heat-transfer tem-perature differenceIt can be seen from Fig. 2 that the higher the solid holdup, the steeper the linear part of the curve, that is, the higher the slope of the linear part. Since the physical meaning of the slope is the reciprocal of the heat-transfer temperature difference, it can be said that the higher the solid holdup, the less the heat-transfer temperature difference at given heat flux in heat transfer for single or liquid-solid two-phase flow. For the flat part, vapor-liquid-solid three-phase boiling heat transfer is the main mechanism. The enhancement effects of solid particles on three-phase heat transfer can be revealed by studying the relationship between solid holdup and temperature difference for boiling heat transfer △T =T wo -t b at constant heat flux values, as shown in Fig. 3, that is, △T decreases with increasing solid holdup. A dis-tinct cause of heat-transfer enhancement is the boundary disturbance created by solid particle flow, especially when solid holdup ε increases up to 3%. Decreased △T meanslower wall temperature which is highly favorable for pro-tecting the quality of temperature-sensitive TCM products.Fig. 3 Temperature difference versus solid holdup in va-por-liquid-solid boiling of TCM extract.2.3 Effect of solid holdup on heat-transfer coef-ficientFig. 4 shows the heat-transfer coefficient for three-phase boiling evaporating system increases from about 600 to 1200 W .m -2.K -1 as solid holdup increases from zero toε=3%, for various heat flux values. With further increase insolid holdup, however, the increase in heat transfer coeffi-cient is far less significant.Fig. 4 Relations between heat transfer coefficients for TCM extractand solid holdup.Liu, Li, Lin, Nie, Zhang & Ling: Fouling Prevention with Fluidized Particles in Evaporation832.4 Relationship between vapor generating rate m and solid holdup εFig. 5 shows the variation of vapor generating rate of mwith solid holdup ε for vapor-liquid-solid three-phase flow boiling at given heat flux values. Theoretically, when heat flux is specified, the vapor generating rate for a given heat-transfer area is fixed. The fluctuating value of m in Fig. 5 may be largely due to experimental difficulty in con-trolling the heat loss and thus keeping the operationsteady.Fig. 5 Vapor generating rate versus solid holdup.2.5 Effectiveness of solid particles on foulingprevention or cleaningThe present experiments showed that, in the evapora-tion of Gengnian'an extract, without adding solid particles, in as few as 15 hours of operation the inside wall of thequartz evaporating tube would be coated with a brownfouling layer to make the tube no longer transparent. However, with the use of solid particles, evaporation could be carried out for as many as 60 hours without any such deposit. The latest experimental study on a pilot apparatuswith five heating tubes yielded further evidence that foulingcould be effectively avoided by adding inert solid particles.AcknowledgementThe authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of the Special Project for Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Tianjin (No. 0131086112).NomenclatureA o outside surface area of heating tube, πd o L , m 2d o outside diameter of heating tube, mh heat-transfer coefficient , W .m -2.K -1L heating tube length, mm mass flow rate of vapor, kg .s -1q heat transfer rate, Wq lheat loss rate, wo r wo r (9.40.052())()T t A T t +−−,Wq e electric heating power, Wt bboiling point of TCM extraction liquid, oC t r roomtemperature, oC T wiinside wall temperature of heating tube, oC T wooutside wall temperature of heating tube, oC △Theat-transfer temperature difference, T wo -t b , oC Greek lettersεvolumetric concentration of particle, %λvaporization latent heat, J .kg -1πcircumference ratio, dimensionlessSubscriptsb boiling point e electric heating i inside l heat loss o outside r room w wallReferences Klaren, D. G. (1999). Self-cleaning heat exchangers. Int. J. Hy-drocarbon Eng., 4, 42-48. Liu, M. Y., Jiang, F., Li, X. L. & Lin, R. T. (2001). Evaporation of extraction liquid of TCM with vapor-liquid-solid flow boiling.Proceedings of Annual Meeting of China Medicine Institute , China Medicine Institute, Beijing, Vol. 1, 207-208.Zhang, L. B. & Li, X. L. (2000). Study on boiling heat transfer inthree-phase circulating fluidized bed. Chem. Eng. J., 78, 217-223.Manuscript received February 6, 2004 and accepted March 7, 2004.。
