

人教版九年级化学上册 1-5单元综合测试题【附答案】

人教版九年级化学上册 1-5单元综合测试题【附答案】



下列物质的用途与其化学性质无关的是A.熟石灰用来改造酸性土壤 B.小苏打用于治疗胃酸过多C.海水用来晒盐 D.海水用来制碱3.下列图示实验操作中,正确的是A.A B.B C.C D.D4.用“燃烧法”除去空气中的氧气,可以使用的物质是()A.木炭B.铁丝C.红磷D.硫磺5.下列说法不正确的是A.利用元素周期表,可查阅元素符号B.分子可以构成物质,但物质不一定由分子构成C.汤姆森发现了电子,证实原子是可分的D.利用相对原子质量表,可直接查出某种元素一个原子的实际质量6.下列说法不正确的是A.利用元素周期表,可查阅元素符号B.分子可以构成物质,但物质不一定由分子构成C.汤姆森发现了电子,证实原子是可分的D.利用相对原子质量表,可直接查出某种元素一个原子的实际质量7.某物质4.6 g与氧气反应,生成8.8 g CO2和5.4 g H2O。

下列说法正确的是( )A.参加反应的O2的质量为11.2 g B.该物质中碳、氢元素质量比为1:3C.生成CO2和H2O的分子个数比为2:3 D.该物质一定含有碳、氢元素,可能含有氧元素8.逻辑推理是化学常见的学习方法,下列逻辑推理正确的是()A.氧化物含有氧元素,含有氧元素的化合物一定是氧化物。















1065965 3763760 500厘米50分米61036130 205502 2千米200米7、4×3=(____),读作(______),用口诀(_______)来计算。




二、我会选(把正确答案前面的序号填在()里)(10分)1、下面哪两个数相加得1000?()A.536和361 B.649和341 C.792和2082、以广场为观测点,学校在北偏西30°方向上,下图中正确的是()。


• 80年后,2004年夏季奥运会在相隔一个多世纪后再 次在雅典举办,来自201个国家的近11,000名运动员 展开竞技,创下参赛国数量之最。
Translate the following paragraph into English:
• 太极拳(Tai Chi )是一种武术(martial arts)项目,也 是一种健身运动,在中国有着悠久的历史。
• 同年,冬季奥运会首次亮相,比赛项目包括Leabharlann 样滑冰、 冰球、雪橇和冬季两项运动。
Eighty years later, when the 2004 Summer Olympics returned to Athens for the first time in more than a century, nearly 11,000 athletes from 201 countries competed, breaking the then record of participating countries.
• 古代奥运会每4年举办一次,在8月6日与9月19日之间 的一个纪念宙斯的宗教节日期间举行。 • The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896. • 第一届现代奥运会于1896年在希腊雅典举办。
• The Olympic symbol consists of five inter'laced(交错的; 交织的) rings of equal dimensions [daɪˈmɛnʃ(ə)n]( 面积, 大小) , representing the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games. • 奥运会的标志由五个大小相同的套环组成,代表着五大 洲的联合和来自世界各地运动员的大聚会。

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 5 单元过关测试卷 (练习题)

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 5   单元过关测试卷 (练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit 5 单元过关测试卷(739)1.他似乎对英语感兴趣。

h e is in te r e s te d in E ng lis h.2.这项工作是依照她的指示做的。

T h e wo rk wa s d on e h e r in s tr u c tio ns.3.上周日你(H e len)和妹妹一起去逛商场买衣服,你对你们买的衣服很满意,并想把这份快乐与好朋友Lil y分享,所以你就给她发了一封邮件,讲述你所买的衣物的情况。


2. 你妹妹买了一件广州产的蓝色的棉质牛仔裤。

提示:W h a t a r e th e p r od u c tsW h a t a r e th e y ma d e ofW h e re we re th e y ma d eW h a t d o yo u a n d yo u r s is te r th ink o f th e m要求:1.文中要包含上文所给要点,需使用被动语态。



4.Ch ine s e p e op le a r e u s e d to ea tin g with(筷子).5.A u tu mn h a s c o me an d the(叶子) a r e f a llin g.6.Yo u mu s tn't c r o s s the r o ad whe n th e (交通)ligh ts a r e r e d.7.(可移动的) p hon e s a re r ea lly u s e f u l in ou r e ve r yd a y lif e.8.M os t o f th e mo un ta in's(表面) is co ve r e d with g re e n tr e e s.9.O u r En g lis h te a ch e r a lwa ys k e e p s h is le sso n s (live).10.M y s is te r, H e le n,is g oo d a t (p la y)vo lle yb a ll.11.T he so n g is so po pu la r th a t it is(wid e)su n g b y yo u n g p eo p le.13.T he r e is a n (in te r n a tion a lly)k ite f es tiva l in th e p a r k.G o ld e n S u n is a ne wly p r o du c ed f r u it d r ink 1. in H on g Ko n g.2.in g re d ien ts a r e 35% wa te r a n d 65% f ruit ju ic e.T h e f ru it ju ic e is ta k en f r o m ma n y d iff e r e n t f in e f ru its,3.o r an g es,a p ple s,p e a r s f ro m S ou th A me r ic a,a nd g r ap e s f r o m 4. .G o ld e n S u n is a ve r y 5.fr u it d r in k.It is f u ll o f p le n ty o f vita min C,wh ic h is imp o r tan t a n d n ec e s s a r y f o r ou r h e a lth.It is o f6.ta s te with n o s ug a r a n d it 7.d e lic iou s.It is g ood 8. f o r ch ild r e n b u t fo r a du lts.So i t is be tte r 9. it twicea d a y.C ho o se G o lde n S u n,an d c h oo s e a g oo d wa y 10.in go o d h ea lth!(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)15.据我所知,吉姆要搬到美国去。

















最后,将13/9化简为最简分数,可以得到13/9=1 4/9。









新视界大学英语综合教程第五单元课文翻译及练习答案Active Reading心计商家你有没有想过,为什么世界各地的商场看上去都差不多?这是因为他们已经进行了大量研究来分析购物者的行为。

























部编人教版五年级上册语文配套练习册答案第五单元16太阳1.粮.食liáng 煤炭.tàn 杀.害shā细菌.jūn2.抵达摄氏度地区3.(1)因为……所以……(2)如果……就……4.(1)A (2)B (3)C快乐阅读(一)课内阅读1.虽然……但是……如果……就……2. A3.(1)太阳和我们的关系非常密切。




17松鼠1.秀美玲珑歇息光滑拾柴梳理2.藏cáng(藏身)奔bēn(奔跑)藏zàng(宝藏)奔bèn(投奔)3.(1)C (2)C4.(1)只有……才……(2)只要……就……快乐阅读(一)课内阅读1.通常—往往坚实—坚固错杂—整齐狭窄—宽敞2.搬放扎挤紧踏平3.聪明警觉乖巧对松鼠的喜爱之情。




3.跃跃欲试安全转移第五单元综合练习一、摄影.shè治疗.liáo 矫.健jiǎo分杈.chà苔藓.xiǎn二、繁殖粮食煤炭杀菌松鼠鸟窝狭窄勉强三、矫健的身体轻快的四肢玲珑的小面孔强烈的日光四、1.灵巧 2.乖巧 3.驯良 4.善良五、1.繁殖 2.治疗 3.警觉 4.敏捷六、1.猛烈 2.强烈 3.热烈七、阅读(一)课内阅读1.jiàng chǔ lòu2.光明—黑暗温暖—寒冷3.文段第二句话。






Unit 5 You’re supposed to shake hands.1、能够默写出重点单词、词组,并熟练应用于写作中;2、掌握被动语态与情态动词的结合,会用该语法造句。

词汇填空1. supposed to do 的用法be supposed to do=should do sth. 应该,被期望【解析1】用来表示被要求,希望做某事,含有必须、应该或理应做某事【解析2】时态、人称、和句式变化在be动词上体现。

to 为动词不定式,后面接v.原形肯定句:主语+be supposed to do sth.【例如】You were supposed to arrive at 6:00 o’clock, but you arrived at 7:00.否定句:主语+be+ not supposed to do sth =should not do sth= be not allowed to do【例如】You’re not supposed to come to school late.【解析4】一般疑问句:Be +主语+supposed to do…?Are you supposed to finish homework first?【解析5】用法:①人做主语,译为:“应该做….,被期望做……You’re supposed to put up your hand, if you have some questions in class.①物做主语,译为“本应做……,本该做….”The train was supposed to come an hour ago.【练习】—John, you are _______ to tell your mother you will stay out late.—Don’t worry. I have already phoned her about it.A.supposedB. afraidC. willingD. excited1.You ________________(not suppose) to cut in line when you wait for the bus.2.你不应该单独和网友见面。

人教版九年级英语全册第五单元Unit 5单元综合测试题含答案

人教版九年级英语全册第五单元Unit 5单元综合测试题含答案

人教新目标英语九年级上册Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?单元测试题(100分)Name_______ Score_______一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)。

( )1.A year has four seasons and it twelve different star signs.A. divided intoB. is dividing intoC. divided intoD. is divided into( )2. This kind of thing is used us light.A. givingB. for givingC. to givingD. for give( )3.The of most trees will fall down in autumn.A.leaf B.leafs C.leaves D.leave( )4.It's well­known that tea in this area.A.produces B.is produced C.produced D.is producing( )5. Look, the land is white snow. How beautiful it is!A. cover withB. covering byC. covered withD. cover by( )6.The number of books in the bookshop is about 10,000 and a number of them about science.A. isB. wasC. areD. were( )7.English more and more widely today. So we must learn it well.A. usesB. usedC. is usedD. used to( )8.—Are Jiangsu and Zhejiang famous for silk?—I think so. I know,more than half of the silk in China is produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.A.As long as B.As far as C.As many as D.As little as( )9.—Mom,is it OK for me to watch TV for a while?—Sorry.Why not watch TV after your homework ?A.completes B.completed C.has completed D.is completed( )10. This TV set Shenzhen.A. is made ofB. is made fromC. made inD. is made in( )11. He will go on walking no matter tired he is.A. howB. whatC. whenD. where( )12.In those days,bikes were not used because few people could afford to buy one.A.quickly B.hardly C.nearly D.widely( )13. Please avoid with him, boy!A. argueB. arguesC. arguingD. argued( )14.L ast night Miss Smith told us a story.A. livingB. liveC. livelyD. alive( )15.—What do you think of my shirt?It cotton.—It looks nice on you.A.is made in B.is made for C.is made of D.is made by二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)。



3.一根绳子长 12.5 米,第一次剪下 0.48 米,第二次剪下 5.2 米还剩多少米?(4 分)
4.一辆货车第一天运了 26.6 吨货物,第二天比第一天多运 1.8 吨,两天一共运货多少吨? (5 分)
5.书架上有一些书,小丽买了两本共花了 16 元钱,小丽可能买哪两种书?(5 分) 海洋世界:9.50 元 童话大王:10.3 元 趣味折纸:5.80 元 科学小品:5.70 元
8.58.12 缩小到原来的是( ),4.25 扩大到原来的 100 倍是( )
9.把一个大三角形剪成两个小三角形,每个小三角形的内角和是( )。
10.只有一组对边平行的四边形是( )
12.351○12.352 4 平方米○40 平方分米
32.5×10○3.25×100 0,3×6.5○6.5
4.一本故事书的售价是 3.12 元,一本连环画的售价比这本故事书的 2 倍多 0,85 元,一本 连环画的售价是多少元?
5.一个长方形,长 12.7 米,宽 8.5 米,它的周长和面积各是多少?
6.梅花鹿高 1.46 米,长颈鹿的身高是梅花鹿身高的 3.5 倍,长颈鹿比梅花鹿高多少米?
7.五(1)班 45 名同学去看电影。电影院规定,个人票每张 8 元, 40 人以上可以买团体票, 每张便宜 1.5 元。请你帮忙算一算,全班买票最少要多少钱?
2.计算小数加减法时要把小数点对齐。 ( )
3.去掉小数点后面的 0,小数的大小不变。 ( )
5.0.13 千克是 13 克。
三、选择。(将正确答案的序号填在括号里)(4 分)
1.和 2.05 大小相等的小数是( )。①20.05 ②2.050 ③2.50




(8分)fán zhízhìliáo méi tàn líng lóng()()()()sōng shǔxiázhǎi shūlǐmiǎn qiǎng()()()()三、形近字组词。
















五年级下册语文练习册答案【全册】1、草原我会读:xuàn shuāi měng shù bō yū我会写:羞涩勾勒翠色欲流礼貌天涯襟飘带舞我理解:1、〔1〕一碧千里;〔2〕渲染;〔3〕勾勒;〔4〕翠色欲流2、〔1〕③;〔2〕①我会找:1、草原羊群 2、河清澈明亮我判断:1、√;2、√我诊断:1、去掉“送进了〞;2、把“柔软〞改成“柔美〞;3、把“尽管〞改成“只要〞;4、把“不但〞改成“既〞2、丝绸之路我会读:xiá níng róng bó mó qiān yù chù bǐ我会补:栩栩计数富彩崇峻彩纷轮奂丝绸饱满我会填: 1、矗立 2、屹立 3、挺立我会改:1、丝绸之路是一条伟大的路。



我判断:1、×2、√3、√我概括:1、栩栩如生 2、不计其数 3、崇山峻岭我理解:2、B3、白杨我会写:边疆抚摸陷入清晰介绍我会填:介意中介简介介词新疆边疆疆界我会做:1、深思清楚挺拔 2、出现脆弱坚决我会换:1、浑黄一体 2、分辩 3、抚摸 4、挺拔秀丽我会选: 1、挺秀 2、挺拔 3、分辨 4、分辩 5、坚强 6、顽强我会改:1、旅客望着卫士出神。





我阅读:1、〔1〕不管不管总是〔2〕3 直随处都能生长坚强〔3〕表达自己要像白杨树那样扎根边疆的愿望2、〔1〕由小树联想到自己即将到边疆生活、学习的孩子,心中感到欣慰。

4、把铁路修到拉萨去我会填:分外继狂及昂废食装裹翼杯以我会读:ráo jǐ níng xiè chěng záo我会选:1、不是……而是 2、尽管……还是 3、观测 4、观察我会改:1、隧道贯穿了。



北师大版五年级上册数学第一单元测试卷1.小数除法一、单选题1.一个三位小数,保留两位小数所得到的近似值为3.86,这个三位小数最小是()A. 3.864B. 3.855C. 3.861D. 3.8542.照这样计算,204个书架大约可以放多少本书?()A. 10000本B. 20000本C. 16000本3.爸爸给小明新买了12个羽毛球,花费了19.4元,那么1个大约()元。

A. 1.6B. 1.65C. 1.624.24÷5=( )A. 5 B. 4......4 C. 6 (2)5.下面的数,()保留两位小数得4.46.A. 4.B. 4.4C. 4.46.经过实际测量,一个瓶子装满水有1.385升,保留一位小数是()A. 1.3升B. 1.4升C. 1.5升7.在□÷5=21…△中,余数可能是()A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 4二、判断题8.因为52×6+4=316,所以316÷6的余数是4。

()9. 4.8与2.7的和的三分之一是5.7 ()10.(1)7.2-7.2÷(1.9+1.7)=7.2-7.2÷3.6=7.2-2=5.2 ()(2)0.25×4÷0.25×4=1÷1=1 ()11.把3.99×0.5的积精确到百分位是2.00.()12.近似数都比原数大。


14.写出下面的循环小数.(1)5.61666…写作:(2)9.00707…写作:15.计算31780÷79=________......________16.在÷7=121……中,此余数最大可以是________;当被除数为 ________ 时,余数是1。


暑期预学-人教版八年级上册unit 5单元综合练习(含解析)

暑期预学-人教版八年级上册unit 5单元综合练习(含解析)

人教版八年级上册unit 5单元综合练习一、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)1.—Are you sure you can do well in tomorrow's test?—I think so. I've got everything________.A.serious B.simpleC.ready D.enjoyable2. —Many people are called Hansen in this country.—Yeah, Hansen is a ________ name here.A. funnyB. realC. fullD. common3. Do you often _______ TV plays______ home?A. see; inB. look at; atC. watch; atD. watch; with4. ______ kind of show ______ your sister like?A. What; doesB. What; doC. What’s; doesD. Which; do5.When spring comes,trees begin to ________ green.A.sound B.tasteC.keep D.turn6. You can’t ________ Mark to decide where to go. After all, he’s only a three-year-old boy.A. expectB. hopeC. makeD. want7.The boss asked Tim to go and________out if there was anyone else absent.A.find B.findingC.to find D.found8. —Does he _______ a teacher? —Yes, he ________.A. want; doesB. want to be; doesC. want be; doesn’tD. want to be; doesn’t9.With the development of science and technology, robot cooks ________in our families in the future.A.appear B.appearedC.will appear D.were appearing10. I f I become rich, I’ll buy a big house ________ a swimming pool.A. aboutB. ofC. withD. for11. Jane, I can't go to the cinema with you today, because I have ________ to do.A. important somethingB. important nothingC. something importantD. nothing important12. Sorry, I must say I don’t like this picture ________ your other pictures.A. as good asB. so well asC. much well thanD. more better than13. —What about watching ________ action movie tonight?—OK. It’s said that Furious 7 is ________ excellent one. Let’s watch it.A. an; theB. an; anC. a; theD. a; an14. —_______,Tom. Do you want to go to the movies?—Oh, sorry, I have a lot of homework to do. I am _______.A. Excuse me; busyB. Sorry; gladC. I’m sorry; funD. Excuse; sorry15. —What do you think of the game show? —________. It's so interesting.A. I love itB. Yes, I'd like toC. I don't think soD. I can't stand it二、完形填空(每空1分,共15分)Hello Kitty is a famous cartoon cat.You can see her on many __1__of things,like bags,clothes,food and books.People all over the world love the __2__Hello Kitty.40 years ago,a Japanese company Sanrio made Hello Kitty.It first __3__on a wallet.To people's __4__,in the artist's design,Hello Kitty is a __5__!That's why people always see her __6__with two feet.Hello Kitty is in the third __7__in her school.Her favorite __8__is apple pie.She lives with her parents and twin sister __9__of London.It is quiet there.Hello Kitty has a big family.Onweekends,her father often drives his __10__to take them to visit her __11__in the forest.It's __12__that Hello Kitty has a pet cat like herself.The artist said 40 years ago,many Japanese worked and __13__in Britain,so she made Hello Kitty a(n) __14__person.Hello Kitty has a very __15__life now.She's the symbol of all the good things.1.A.sizes B.kinds C.colors D.prices2.A.cute B.careless C.angry D.possible3.A.wrote B.brought C.appeared D.turned4.A.hope B.surprise C.answer D.dream5.A.girl B.boy C.cat D.dogughing B.talking C.standing D.eating7.A.floor B.grade C.name D.place8.A.drink B.present C.restaurant D.food9.A.inside B.outside C.near D.far10.A.bike B.car C.horse D.ride11.A.friends B.teachersC.grandparents D.classmates12.A.interesting B.important C.different D.normal13.A.played B.lived C.solved D.invited14.A.Australian B.British C.Chinese D.American15.A.difficult B.meaningless C.happy D.lucky三、阅读理解(每题2分,共26分)AThe Simpsons are the most popular family in the world. Every week, many people all over the world stay at home to watch them on TV.This is a cartoon family of five people: all of them have bad-looking yellow faces and big white eyes. The parents are Marge and Homer. Marge has blue hair. She loves her hair very much. She is always very kind to her family. Homer works in a factory and spends all his free time watching TV and eating donuts. He always eats with his mouth open and he is too fat.Bart is the oldest child. He always gets bad marks. He doesn’t like to do his homework and often makes his parents angry. He likes playing tricks on his sister, Lisa. Lisa is a little youngerthan Bart and is always top of the class at school. She’s the smartest person in the family. Maggie is the youngest child. She can’t talk or walk but she’s always in a good mood (心情). She can only say one word: “Daddy”.The Simpsons started in 1989 and it’s still very popular now. Peop le of all ages like it because the Simpsons are like a real family. They aren’t perfect or beautiful like a lot of families on TV.1. What do the Simpsons look like?A. They have good-looking noses.B. They have round blue faces.C. They have short yellow hair.D. They have big white eyes.2. What does Homer like doing in his free time?A. Watching TV.B. Doing exercise.C. Cooking donuts.D. Reading newspapers.3. From the passage, we know that Bart _______.A. is quite a smart boyB. is the youngest in his familyC. doesn’t work hard at his studyD. likes to play tricks on his sister Maggie4. The Simpsons has a history of _______ years.A. 10B. 16C. 20D. 265. What might the writer think of The Simpsons?A. Boring.B. Successful.C. Terrible.D. Perfect.BCarol and Linda took a trip to San Francisco last July. They went there to visit Nick. Nick is a friend from their old neighborhood in Rome. He moved to San Francisco five years ago. They went there by train because they wanted to see more of the United States.They arrived in San Francisco in the evening. Nick met them at the train station. They were so delighted to see him. He looked the same as before. They gave him a big hug. The next day, they went sightseeing. They saw the Golden Gate Bridge. They had lunch at Fisherman's Wharf. At Fisherman's Wharf, they saw the fishing boats come in. The next day, they visited theUniversity of California at Berkeley. Nick teaches music there. Carol and Linda liked the school. They thought that it was very big and very beautiful.They saw all of San Francisco before they left. Nick took them everywhere! They went back to New Orleans by plane because they didn't have time to go back by train. Nick was sad to see them go and they were sad to leave.All in all, Carol and Linda had a wonderful trip. They traveled across Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. They visited all of San Francisco. They had a great visit with Nick. They both wanted to go again next summer!6. Carol and Linda went to San Francisco by train because they _______.A. thought it was cheaperB. thought it was more comfortableC. wanted to see more places on the train tripD. wanted to make more friends on the train trip7. The underlined word “delighted” in Paragraph 2 means “_______”.A. boredB. happyC. surprisedD. sorry8. According to the passage, we can know that Nick _______.A. is a music teacherB. is Carol's old classmateC. moved to San Francisco last yearD. looked very different from before9. How did Carol and Linda go back to New Orleans?A. By train.B. By boat.C. By plane.D. By car.10.What's the passage mainly about?A. A warm hug on the train.B. A nice trip to San Francisco.C. A delicious dinner with an old friend.D. A special visit to the University of California.CThe first reality TV show in the world was called Expedition Robinson and it was shown in Sweden(瑞典) in 1997. Half of the people in the country watched this new kind of TV program. Two years later in Holland, the first series of Big Brother was filmed. Again, it was a great success. Now more than 20 countries around the world have Big Brother or Expedition Robinson on their TV screens. The ordinary people who take part in the programs are known by millions of people in their own countries and reality TV shows have become big business.For the TV producers, reality TV is a dream that has come true because many of the programs cost nothing to make. At some point, the television viewers are asked to telephone the program to vote(投票) or to apply to take part in the show. It is the cost of these telephone calls that pays for the shows. One of the most popular shows is Pop Idol. In the show a group of young people are made into pop stars. TV viewers vote for their favorite person on the show. The winner makes a record(唱片) and millions of copies of the record are sold.But not everyone is happy about reality TV. In Portugal(葡萄牙), two TV channels got into trouble becaus e they showed too much of the personal lives of the people in the shows. In France, reality TV is called “rubbish(垃圾) TV”.11.Those who take part in the reality TV shows are usually ________.A. common peopleB. pop TV starsC. successful peopleD. famous film stars12.Who would pay for the cost of the reality TV shows according to the passage?A. TV producers who make reality TV shows.B. TV actors who take part in reality TV shows.C. TV viewers who telephone reality TV shows.D. TV companies which broadcast(播放) reality TV shows.13.It can be concluded(总结) from the passage that ________.A. everyone is happy about reality TVB. reality TV may do well in many countriesC. all the people in Europe enjoy watching reality TVD. reality TV will not be broadcast in any countries四、词汇运用(每空1分,共10分)1. No one told worse _________(joke) than Linda.2. Buddies In India (《大闹天竺》) is a good _________(comedy).3. We dislike this soap opera because it's _________(meaning).4. —What kind of movies do you like, Mike?—_________(act) movies.5. My brother's favorite _________(cartoon) are Tom and Jerry and Big Head Son and Small Head Dad.6. My father watches the n on TV every day so that he can know what's going on around the world.7. —What do you p to do this Saturday, Amy?—I'll go to the countryside to visit my grandma.8. —This weekend I'll go to visit Green Farm with my family.—I h you'll have a good time there.9. This story is so boring that I can't s it.10.Just now Jim and I had a ________(discuss) about how to make model planes.五、短文填空(每空1分,共8分)Hey, friends! Let me introduce three (1)________ to you.The first one is Magic Brush (《神笔》). It (2)________ in 1955. It describes a poor boy called Ma Liang. He loves painting. He always uses his magic brush to fight against bad people in the village.The second cartoon is Baby Tadpoles (蝌蚪) Look for Their Mother. The story is very (3)________. A group of tadpoles try their best to (4)________ who their mother is.The third cartoon is The Monkey King, from the Chinese novel (小说) Journey to the West. It's the (5)________ of the three cartoons. Sun Wukong is the (6)________ character in this cartoon. Both Chinese and many people from other countries like him. Why is he popular? One of the main (7)________ is that he is not a common man. He (8)________ help others. And he can do all kinds of things to fight against bad people.六、按要求完成句子(每题2分,共30分)1. 无论你做什么,都要尽力而为。
























(8分)湖北省石首市天鹅洲麋鹿自然保护区的小麋鹿出生了!它们línɡ lónɡ()的面容上有着一双乌溜溜的大眼睛,一身橘红色的毛,摸起来十分ɡuānɡ huá()。

白天,鹿妈妈为它们shū lǐ()身上的毛;晚上,鹿妈妈和它们一起xiē xi()。

















Unit 5 Languages around the world词汇练习题一、单词拼写(一)1. Though he is not a ________________(本国的) English speaker, he can speak English very fluently.2. I don't think it's fair to accuse me of having an _______________(态度)problem3. Computer hackers have broken down security, _______________(系统),raising questions about the safety c information4. The written word is a ________________(符号) for recording human speech5. People change their mind for a ________________(多样化) of reasons.6. This is the ________________(典型的) question most of us hear during an interview.7. Physical activity is an important ________________(因素) in keeping fit.8. A great actor can bring a _______________(角色) to life.9. We know that these were_______________ (具体的)instructions.10. _______________(尽管)the efforts of the United Nations the problem of drug continues to grow.(二)1.We are all n_______________ Chinese speakers.2.What is your a_______________ to the new invention?3 Red is a s_______________ of good luck in many cultures.4.She was good at physics d_______________ the fact that she found it boring5 He spoke for half an hour without r_______________ to his notes.6_Alice always b_______________ her opinions on the facts I believe in her.7.This fish has a lot of ________________(骨头) in it.8.The necklace is made of ________________(贝壳).9.The ________________(文明) of mankind has taken thousands of years.10 Reading _______________(经典作品) is good for middle school students.11.He lives in the city but I don’t know his ________________(具体的)address.12.The president is busy with important international _______________(事务).13.The students come from a ________________(多样的) of backgrounds(背景).14.One day you will _______________(欣赏) the beauty of the language.(三)1.To improve your spoken English, you'd better find ________________((本地的) speakers to talk with.2. Linda has an active ________________ (态度) to everything.3.American education _________________(体系) is quite different from that in Asian countries.4. Physical activity is an important ________________(因素) in maintaining fitness.5.The cultural _________________(符号) of minorities are usually hard to understand.6.They have just moved into a new ________________(公寓).7. Living in the wild means a _________________(斗争) against nature.8.Every _________________(方法) has been tried to help him get rid of Internet addiction.9. My English teacher asked us to write a _________________(描写) of our hometown in English.10.The government has decided to build a ________________(地铁) to reduce up-ground traffic pressure.二、选词填空(一)have trouble with, struggle for, have...working, be equal to, relate to, depend on1.We should help those who are still ________________ freedom.2.It's cruel of the man to ________________ the horse all day long.3.His remarks didn't ________________ the topic under discussion.4.Please don't hesitate to turn to us for help whenever you ________________ your study.5.The poor man ________________ his son to earn money.6.O1d as he is, he _________________ running a factory.(二)base on, play an important role in, date back, be known for, lead to1. With written records ________________ 4 thousand years, China is recognized as one of the four great civilizations of the world.2.After all, the doctor-patient relationship ________________ trust, and therefore honesty is essential.3.As we all know, China ________________ its Great Inventions.4. He often eats junk food, ________________ high blood pressure.5.Big data are ________________ dealing with information around the world.(三)be known for, date back to, refer to, play a great role in, fight for, give up, relate to, compare ..with.…, be connected with, depend on1.While giving the English speech, one is not allowed to _________________ the notes.2. The first part of the idea does not ________________ the other.3.Whether we can go to picnic this Sunday ________________ the weather at that time.4. Coffee has a history ________________ at least the 9th century.5.The Internet _ ________________ closely _________________ our daily life.6. Mandela was a great leader who ________________ _black people and was in prison for almost thirty years.7. My cousin ________________ the chance of working abroad and returned to his hometown.8. New Zealand is a beautiful country which _________________ its pleasant climate and amazing scenery.9.The police _________________ his fingerprint _________________ that left on the spot to identify the murderer.10. For teenagers, friends are _________________ their character development.(四)refer to, ups and downs, be based on, date back to, a variety of, major in, no matter,be regarded as1.The book _ _________________ a classic.2.The novel describes the _________________ of life.3.There are _________________ ways to do this.4.The film Titanic __________________a true story.5.The church _________________ the 13th century.6.The soldier __________________ his experiences in the wars.7 He _________________ history at Peking University.8. _________________ what you are reading, it is important to enjoy what you read.三、单句语法填空(一)1. I really appreciate __________________(work) with someone who does such a good job.2. One of the most likely _________________(factor) for his success is his perseverance.3. All the songs the girl composed _________________ (base) on her own experiences.4. He has become interested in _________________(carve) dragons on bamboo since he came bark from China.6.What was once __________________(regard) as impossible has come true.7.AI has caused __________________(globe) influence on people's daily life.8.The big city offers a __________________(vary) of attractions.(二)1.The reason _________________ Professor Li didn't come yesterday was that he went to visit the children in hospital.2.The days are gone _________________ physical strength was all you needed to make a living.3.That's the hotel _ _________________ we stayed last summer.4. I am looking forward to the day _________________ my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.5.The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point __________________ he can walk correctly and safely.6.Mr Black is going to Beijing in September _________________ I will spend in the country.7. There was a time _ _________________ there were slaves in the USA.8. I have never imagined that I will fall into a situation _________________ I am out of money.9. My father helped me analyse the reason _________________ I should have failed in the exam.10.All the neighbours admire this family _________________ parents are treating their child like a friend.(三)1.Science fiction is a type of writing __________________ (base) on fantasy.2.This is a law _ _________________ (date) from the 17th century.3.I will appreciate _________________ if you help me with my English4.There are many reasons _________________ this has been possible, but one of the main_________________ (factor) has been the Chinese writing system.5.Over the years, it developed into different forms because that was a time _________________ the Chinese people _________________l (divide) geographically, _________________(lead) to many varieties of dialects and characters.四、课文语法填空China is 1. ____________ (wide) known for its ancient civilization. There are many factors for its being alive, one of 2. _____________ is the Chinese writing system.At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture-based language,3. _____________(carve) on bones and shells. By the Shang Dynasty, it developed into different forms because Chinese people4. _____________(divide) geographically, leading to many varieties of dialects and characters.5. _____________ was during the Qin Dynasty that the Chinese writing system was united into one form, which was of great6. _____________(important) in uniting the Chinese people and culture.Chinese people can all communicate7.____________ writing.Written Chinese plays 8. _____________ important role in connecting China's present with its past.Furthermore, as China takes on more 9. _____________ (globe) affairs, an increasing number of international students begin to 10. _____________ (appreciate) China's culture and history through Chinese.五、语篇语法填空It was a Sunday 1. _____________ I got to London. I felt excited and phoned my friend Jack, 2._____________ was working in a company3.____________ the manager was a Chinese. I told him that I would wait for him at the nearest metro station. The reason4. ____________ I came was that I wanted Jack to show me around the city,5. ____________ there are many beautiful historical attractions. When he found me, he advised me that I should go to the Elizabeth Tower first by metro. When we got onto it,it was very crowded. Much to my surprise, a little boy asked me to take his seat,6.____________ left me a deep impression.At about 9 o'clock, we got to the Elizabeth Tower. I was shocked to find London Bridge was quite near it. We asked a local citizen to take photos for us, and we took photos for him in return. I bought an album7. ___________ many postcards with beautiful sights were included. We spend two hours there. It was 11o’clock 8.____________ we left for the .as we left for the next attraction.Unit 5 Languages around the world 词汇练习题参考答案一、单词拼写(一)1. native2.attitude3.systems4.symbol5.variety6. classic7.factor8.character9.specific 10Despite(二)1. native2.attitude3.symbol4.despite5.referring6.bases7.bones8.shells9.civilisation 10.classics11.specific 12.affairs 13.variety 14.appreciate 15.dialects(三)1. native2.attitude3.system4.factor5.symbols6.apartment7.struggle8.means9.description 10.subway二、选词填空(一)1. struggling for2.have working3.relate to4. have trouble with5. depends on6.is equal to(二)1. dating back2.is based on3. is known for4.leading to5. playing an important role in(三)1. refer to2.relate to3. depends on4. dating back to5. is; connected with5. fought for 7.gave up 8.is known for pared; with10. playing a great role in(四)1.is regarded as2.ups and downs3.a variety of4.is based on5.dates back to6.referred to7.majors in8.No matter四、单句语法填空(一)1.working2.factors3.are/were based4. carving5.dynasties6.regarded7.global8.variety(二)1.why2.when3.where4.when5.where6.that/which7.when8.where9.why 10.where(三)1.based2.dating3.it4.why; factors5.when; were divided; leading四、课文语法填空1.widely2.which3.carved4.were divided5.It6.importance7.in8.an9.global 10.appreciate五、语篇语法填空1. when2.who3.where4.why5.where6.which7.where8.when。



部编人教版三年级上册语文配套练习册答案第一单元1大青树下的小学1.早晨服装读书粗壮绒球影子2.扬 yáng 扮 bàn 凤 fèng 坝bà洁jié艳yàn3.清晨沉重陈旧树枝一只鸡一支歌打扮半天伙伴4.粗壮的枝干可爱的小鸟洁白的粉墙古老的铜钟(只要合适就可以)5.(1)戴带(2)飘扬快乐阅读1.安静热闹2.同学们上课时,窗外的样子:窗外十分安静,树枝不摇了——是那样好奇地听着。



2 花的学校1.荒野狂欢跳舞落叶罚站能够猜出口笛2.扬起杨树户外互相手臂碧绿快乐阅读(一)1.走吹跑拍冲2.花朵们他们放假后的样子:树枝在林中互相碰触着,绿叶在狂风里簌簌地响,雷云拍着大手。






3不懂就要问1.quān tú dāi jièái lì2.被子背诵忘记仰望唱歌大哥坐下座位3.流利地背诵大声地朗读讲得详细听得认真4.鸦雀无声摇头晃脑一字不漏糊里糊涂一字不漏糊里糊涂5.怒斥照常快乐阅读1.,:“,。





第一单元综合练习一、停下装扮放假扬起互相皮球所以双臂汉族二、jià bèi sàn shà shuāi sì三、猜谜安静粗壮祖先扬起广场四、绚丽多彩提心吊胆手忙脚乱披头散发张牙舞爪口干舌燥1.提心吊胆2.手忙脚乱五、×√√√六、1.示例:宽敞的图书室里碧绿的草地上2.示例:星星亮了,像一颗颗闪闪发光的小眼睛。

五年级语文上册 第五单元综合素质评价(含答案)

五年级语文上册 第五单元综合素质评价(含答案)


(7分)一天,我发现一只刺猬躲在一条xiá zhǎi()的沟里xiē liánɡ()。

它长得xiǎo qiǎo línɡ lónɡ(),面容qīnɡ xiù(),背后长满了刺,腹部的皮毛却很ɡuānɡ huá()。

刺猬喜欢吃蚂蚁,缺少食物时,也会miǎn qiǎnɡ()吃几个果子。

到了冬天,气温下降到七shè shì dù()左右时,它就会进入冬眠状态。





(12分)1.下列词语中加点字读音完全正确的一项是()A. 细菌.(jūn)树杈.(chà)矫.健(jiǎo)B. 苔藓.(xiān) 收拾.(shí) 治疗.(liáo)C. 驯.良(shùn) 帽缨.(yīnɡ) 圆锥.(zhuī)D. 煤炭.(tàn) 宽敞.(chǎnɡ) 姓氏.(sì)2.下列加点词使用不恰当的一项是()A. 吃完饭,我们不能马上做剧烈..的运动。

B. 松鼠好像很怕强烈..的日光,白天躲在窝里歇凉。

C. 校长的话音刚落,台下就响起了一阵猛烈..的掌声。

D. 在辩论会上,正方和反方进行了激烈..的辩论。


”这句话写出了太阳的()A. 距离远。

B. 温度高。

C. 体积大。

D. 重要性。

4.下列句子中,关联词语使用正确的一项是()A. 鲸不是鱼类,而是哺乳动物。

B. 太阳因为离我们很远很远,所以和我们的关系非常密切。

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to learn that the young man was released simply because he came from a respectable middle-class family. (respect)
III. Usage the + adj.
综合1册5单元练习答案 p.133 Vocabulary 1) A monthly statement(银行每月结单) is a general term for a personalized financial record that regularly informs a recipient(收件人) about the status of his or her account. It is generally mailed to the recipient on or near the same day each month. 2) Over a hundred children came to the annual Christmas party which was a good opportunity for them to gather and renew (恢复)acquaintances 3) My parents' marriage was a classic of its time – those years of the so-called cultural revolution, with no wedding ceremony and no honeymoon.
1.He looked down at the floor in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. (embarrass)
2. Rescue workers continued to search for survivors . nearly72 hours after the collapse of the World Trade Center. (survive) 3. A tiny old lady was among a group looking at an art exhibition in a newly opened gallery(画廊;走廊). (new) 4. The reality is that we all have marketable skills such as writing, consulting, or designing and selling things. (market)
1. The + adj. can be used to refer to all people of a
particular type,
e.g. the poor / the rich / the young / the old the dead / the disabled / the unemployed the British / the French.
8) Steve announced just now that he was leaving, but the coach had already started looking around for a replacement weeks before.
9) Shortly after he learned of the earthquake, the man hurried back to his hometown, searching high and low (到处;高低贵贱)to find out whether his parents had survived the calamity(灾难).
3. Complete the sentences, using the words or phrases in brackets. Make additions or changes where necessary.
1) On further inquiry, we learned that the earthquake caused heavy casualties(重大伤 亡) and material losses to the inhabitants. Many old people died of hunger and thirst after they were trapped for nearly a week. Fortunately most younger people survived. (die of, survive, inquiry)
4) Having failed in the examination, Owen didn't dare look his father in the eye. 5) Britain still has a bicycle industry; frames(车架) and complete bicycles are manufactured here, though most of the components are imported. 6) The employees of the company are treated right with handsome paychecks(薪水) and stock options. 7) San Francisco is one of the largest cities in California and a leading center of culture, finance, and industry in the United States.
II. Word Formation
Complete the sentences by adding a suffix to the given base in brackets. Suffixation A suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to form a new one. Unlike prefixes, a suffix frequently alters the part of speech of the word. For example, the verb replace, by the addition of the suffix-ment, is changed into a noun replacement, (see Appendix III)
Rewrite the parts in italics with the + adj..
1. Some Democrats believed they lost the election because poor people didn't turn out to vote. the poor 2. Those who had died were completely innocent victims of the bomb. The deceased / The dead 3. The governor has guaranteed health care for pregnant women, preschool children, and disabled people, the disabled 4. Do you know why French people are skinnier than Americans? It is because French people stop when they're full, Americans stop when the plate is empty (or the TV show ends), the French
2) I was almost embarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to the whole class.
3) Doctors and nurses of the Children’s Hospital will care for the seriously injured pupils.
2. It can also be used to refer to a particular person or persons, e.g. the deceased / the accused / the former / the latter. (Note that the former / the latter can also refer to a particular thing or things.)
10) I was listening for Grace's voice, but it wasn't easy to pick it out among all the others.
11) The survey reveals that an increasing number of young people claim they enjoy married life.
12) Someone grabbed at the letter I was reading. Looking up, I was delightfully surprised to find that it was my former classmate.
2. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has been written for you. 1) Only an eight-month-old baby girl survived a car crash that killed both her parents.