Influence of time, temperature, confining pressure and fluid content on the experimental co
European Journal of Radiology 67(2008)218–229ReviewThe principles of quantification applied toin vivo proton MR spectroscopyGunther Helms ∗MR-Research in Neurology and Psychiatry,Faculty of Medicine,University of G¨o ttingen,D-37075G¨o ttingen,GermanyReceived 27February 2008;accepted 28February 2008AbstractFollowing the identification of metabolite signals in the in vivo MR spectrum,quantification is the procedure to estimate numerical values oftheir concentrations.The two essential steps are discussed in detail:analysis by fitting a model of prior knowledge,that is,the decomposition of the spectrum into the signals of singular metabolites;then,normalization of these signals to yield concentration estimates.Special attention is given to using the in vivo water signal as internal reference.©2008Elsevier Ireland Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:MRS;Brain;Quantification;QAContents1.Introduction ............................................................................................................2192.Spectral analysis/decomposition..........................................................................................2192.1.Principles........................................................................................................2192.2.Statistical and systematic fitting errors ..............................................................................2212.3.Examples of analysis software......................................................................................2212.3.1.LCModel ................................................................................................2212.3.2.jMRUI...................................................................................................2213.Signal normalization ....................................................................................................2233.1.Principles........................................................................................................2233.2.Internal referencing and metabolite ratios............................................................................2233.3.External referencing...............................................................................................2233.4.Global transmitter reference........................................................................................2233.5.Local flip angle...................................................................................................2243.6.Coil impedance effects ............................................................................................2243.7.External phantom and local reference ...............................................................................2253.8.Receive only-coils ................................................................................................2253.9.Internal water reference............................................................................................2253.10.Partial volume correction.........................................................................................2264.Calibration .............................................................................................................2275.Discussion..............................................................................................................2286.Experimental ...........................................................................................................2287.Recommendations.......................................................................................................228Acknowledgements .....................................................................................................229References .............................................................................................................229∗Tel.:+495513913132;fax:+495513913243.E-mail .0720-048X/$–see front matter ©2008Elsevier Ireland Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ejrad.2008.02.034G.Helms/European Journal of Radiology67(2008)218–2292191.IntroductionIn vivo MRS is a quantitative technique.This statement is often mentioned in the introduction to clinical MRS studies. However,the quantification of signal produced by the MR imag-ing system is a complex and rather technical issue.Inconsistent terminology and scores of different approaches make the prob-lem appear even more complicated,especially for beginners. This article is intended to give a structured introduction to the principles of quantification.The associated problems and pos-sible systematic errors(“bias”)are explained to encourage a critical appraisal of published results.Quantification is essential for clinical research,less so for adding diagnostic information for which visual inspection often may suffice.Subsequent to the identification of metabolites,its foremost rationale is to provide numbers for comparison of spec-tra from different subjects and brain regions;and–ideally–different scanners and sequences.These numbers are then used for evaluation;e.g.statistical comparison of cohorts or correla-tion with clinical parameters.The problem is that the interaction of the radio-frequency(RF)hardware and the dielectric load of the subject’s body may lead to rather large signal variations(up to30%)that may blur systematic relationships to cohorts or clinical parameters.One of the purposes of quantification is to reduce such hardware related variation in the numbers.Thus, quantification is closely related to quality assurance(QA).In summary,quantification is a procedure of data processing. The post-processing scheme may require additional data acqui-sitions or extraction of adjustment parameters from the scanner. The natural order of steps in the procedure is1.acquisition and pre-processing of raw data,reconstruction ofthe spectrum(e.g.averaging and FFT),2.analysis:estimation of the relative signal for each identifiedmetabolite(here,proton numbers and linewidth should be taken into account),3.normalization of RF-induced signal variations,4.calibration of signals by performing the quantificationscheme on a standard of known concentration.In turn,these steps yield the metabolite signals1.for visual inspection of the displayed spectrum on the ppmscale, arbitrary units,from which metabolite ratios can be cal-culated, institutional units(for your individual MR scanner andquantification scheme;these numbers are proportional to the concentration), absolute units of concentration(commonly inmM=mmol/l);estimated by comparison to a standard of known concentration.The term quantification(or sometimes“quantitation”)is occasionally used to denote singular steps of this process.In this review,it will refer to the whole procedure,and further differ-entiation is made for the sake of clarity.In practice,some these steps may be performed together.Already at this stage it should be made clear that the numbers obtained by“absolute quantifica-tion”are by no means“absolute”but depend on the accuracy and precision of steps1–4.Measurement and reconstruction(step1) must be performed in a consistent way lest additional errors have to be accounted for in individual experiments.Only in theory it should be possible to correct all possible sources of variation;in clinical practice it is generally is too time consum-ing.Yet the more sources of variation are cancelled(starting with the biggest effects)the smaller effects one will be able to detect.Emphasis will be put on the analysis(the models and the automated tools available),the signal normalization(and basic quality assurance issues),and the use of the localized water signal as internal reference.2.Spectral analysis/decomposition2.1.PrinciplesThe in vivo spectrum becomes more complicated with decreasing echo time(TE):next to the singlet resonances and weakly coupled multiplets,signals from strongly coupled metabolites and baseline humps from motion-restricted macro-molecules appear.Contrary to long-TE spectra short-TE spectra should not be evaluated step-by-step and line-by-line.For exam-ple,the left line of the lactate doublet is superposed onto the macromolecular signal at1.4ppm.The total signal at this fre-quency is not of interest but rather the separate contributions of lactate and macromolecules/lipids.Differences between the two whole resonance patterns can be used to separate the metabolites;e.g.the doublet of lactate versus the broad linewidth.In visual inspection,one intuitively uses such‘prior knowledge’about the expected metabolites to discern partly overlying metabolites in a qualitative way.This approach is also used to simplify the problem to automaticallyfind the metabolite resonances to order to evaluate the whole spectrum“in one go”.Comparing the resonance pattern of MR spectra in vivo at highfield and short TE with those of tissue extracts and sin-gle metabolites in vitro at matchedfield strengths hasfirmly established our‘prior’knowledge about which metabolites con-tribute to the in vivo MR spectra[1].Next to TE,thefield strength exerts the second biggest influence on the appearance of in vivo MR spectra.Overlap and degeneration of binomial multiplets due to strong coupling increase at the lowerfield strengths of clinical MR systems(commonly3,2,or1.5T). These effects can be either measured on solutions of single metabolites[2]or simulated fromfirst quantum-mechanical principles,once the chemical shifts and coupling constants(J in Hz)of a certain metabolite have been determined at suffi-ciently highfield[3].Motion-restricted‘macromolecules’are subject to rapid relaxation that blurs the coupling pattern(if the linewidth1/πT∗2>J)and hampers the identification of specific compounds.These usually appear as broad‘humps’that form the unresolved baseline of short-TE spectra(Fig.1).These vanish at longer TE(>135ms).The baseline underlying the metabo-220G.Helms /European Journal of Radiology 67(2008)218–229Fig.1.Including lipids/macromolecules into the basis set.Without inclusion of lipids/macromolecules in the basis set (A)the broad “humps”at 1.3and 0.9ppm are fitted by the baseline.Inclusion of lipids/macromolecules (B)resulted in a better fit and a lower baseline between 2.2and 0.6ppm.The SNR improved from 26to 30.The signals at 2.0ppm partly replaced the co-resonating tNAA.The 6%reduction in tNAA was larger than the fitting error (3%).This may illustrate that the fitting error does not account for the bias in the model.LCModel (exp.details:6.1-0;12.5ml VOI in parietal GM,3T,STEAM,TE/TM/TR/avg =20/10/6000/64).lite signals is constituted from all rapidly relaxing signals that have not decayed to zero at the chosen TE (macromolecules and lipids),the “feet”of the residual water signal,plus possible arte-facts (e.g.echo signals from moving spins that were not fully suppressed by gradient selection).The ‘prior knowledge’about which metabolites to detect and how the baseline will look like is used to construct a math-ematical model to describe the spectrum.Selecting the input signals reduces the complexity of the analysis problem.In con-trast to integrating or fitting singlet lines the whole spectrum is evaluated together (“in one go”)by fitting a superposition of metabolite signals and baseline signals.Thus,the in vivo spec-trum is decomposed into the constituents of the model.Without specifying the resonances this is often too complicated to be per-formed successfully,in the sense that an unaccountable number of ‘best’combinations exist.G.Helms/European Journal of Radiology67(2008)218–229221Prior knowledge may be implemented in the metabolite basis set adapting experimental data(like in LCModel[2]),theoretical patterns simulated fromfirst principles(QUEST[4]),or purely phenomenological functions like a superposition of Gaussians of different width to model strongly coupled signals and baseline humps alike(AMARES[5]).The least squaresfit may be per-formed in either time domain[6]or frequency domain or both [7].For an in-depth discussion of technical details,the reader is referred to a special issue of NMR in Biomedicine(NMR Biomed14[4];2001)dedicated to“quantitation”(in the sense of spectrum analysis)by mathematical methods.2.2.Statistical and systematicfitting errorsModelfitting yields the contribution of each input signal. Usually Cr´a mer–Rao lower bounds(CLRB)are provided as an estimate for thefitting error or the statistical uncertainty of the concentration estimate.These are calculated from the residual error and the Fisher matrix of the partial derivatives of the con-centrations.In the same way,correlations between the input data can be estimated.Overlapping input signals(e.g.from glutamate (Glu)and glutamine(Gln))are inversely correlated.In this case, the sum has a smaller error than the single metabolites.The uncertainties are fairly well proportional to the noise level(both must be given in the same units).The models are always an approximate,but never a com-plete description of the in vivo MR spectrum.Every model thus involves some kind of systematic error or“bias”,in the sense of deviation from the unknown“true”concentration.Contrary to the statistical uncertainty,the bias cannot be assessed within the same model.In particular,the CRLB does not account for the bias.Changes in the model(e.g.,by leaving out a minor metabo-lite)may result in systematic differences that soon become significant(by a paired t-test).These are caused by the pro-cess of minimizing the squared residual difference whenfitting the same data by two different models.Spurious artefacts or“nuisance signals”that are not included in the model will results in errors that are neither statistical nor systematic.It is also useful to know,that for every non-linear function(as used in MRS)there is a critical signal-to-noise (SNR)threshold for convergence onto meaningful values.2.3.Examples of analysis softwareA number of models and algorithms have been published dur-ing the past15years.A few are available to the public and shared by a considerable number of users.These program packages are generally combined with some automated or interactive pre-processing features,such as correction of frequency offset,zero andfirst order,as well as eddy-current induced phase errors.We shall in brief describe the most common programs for analysis of in vivo1H MRS data.2.3.1.LCModelThe Linear Combination Model(LCModel)[2]comes as stand-alone commercial software(/ lcmodel).It comprises automated pre-processing to achieve a high degree of user-independence.An advanced regularization ensures convergence for the vast majority of in vivo spectra.It was thefirst program designed tofit a basis set(or library)of experimental single metabolite spectra to incorporate maximum information and uniqueness.This means that partly overlap-ping spectra(again such as,Glu and Gln)are discerned by their unique features,but show some residual correlation as mentioned above.Proton numbers are accounted for,even“frac-tional proton numbers”in“pseudo-singlets”(e.g.,the main resonance of mIns).Thus,the ratios provided by LCModel refer to the concentrations rather than proton numbers.The basis set of experimental spectra comprises the prior information on neurochemistry(metabolites)as well as technique(TE,field strength,localization technique).The non-analytic line shape is constrained to unit area and capable tofit even distorted lines (due to motion or residual eddy currents).The number of knots of the baseline spline increases with the noise level.Thus,the LCModel is a mixture of experimental and phenomenological features.Although the basis spectra are provided in time domain, the evaluation is performed across a specified ppm interval.LCModel comes with a graphical user interface for routine application.Optionally the water signal may be used as quan-tification reference.Recently,lipids and macromolecular signals have been included to allow evaluation of tumour and muscle spectra.An example is shown in Fig.1.LCModel comprises basic signal normalization(see below) according to the global transmitter reference[8]to achieve a consistent scaling of the basis spectra.An in-house acquired basis set can thus be used to estimate absolute concentrations. Imported basis sets are available for a wide range of scanners and measurement protocols,but require a calibration to match the individual sensitivity(signal level)of the MR system[9]. Owing to LCModel’sflexibility,the basis set may contain also simulated spectra or an experimentally determined baseline to account for macromolecular signals.Such advanced applica-tions require good theoretical understanding and some practical experience.Care must be taken to maintain consistent scaling when adding new metabolite spectra to an existing basis.This is easiest done by cross-evaluation,that is evaluating a reference peak(e.g.,formate)in spectrum to be included by the singlet of the original basis and correcting to the known value.Caveat:The fact that LCModel converges does not ensure reliability of the estimates;least in absolute units(see Sections 3and4).Systematic difference in SNR may translate into bias via the baseline spline(see Fig.2).The same may be due an inconsistent choice of the boundaries of the ppm interval,partic-ularly next to the water resonance.In particular,with decreasing SNR(lower than4)one may observe more often systematically low or high concentrations.This is likely due to the errors in the feet of the non-analytical line shape,as narrow lines lead to underestimation and broad lines to overestimation.The metabo-lite ratios are still valid,as all model spectra are convoluted by the same lineshape.2.3.2.jMRUIThe java-based MR user interface for the processing of in vivo MR-spectra(jMRUI)is provided without charge222G.Helms /European Journal of Radiology 67(2008)218–229Fig.2.Systematic baseline differences between low and high SNR.Single spectrum from an 1.7ml VOI in white matter of the splenium (A)and the averaged spectra of seven healthy subjects (B).Note how the straight baseline leads to a severe underestimation of all metabolites except mIns.Differences were most prominent for Glu +Gln:3.6mM (43%)in a single subject vs.6.7mM (7%)in the averaged spectrum.( Overview.shtml ).It comes with a wide range of pre-processing features and interac-tive graphical software applications,including linear prediction and a powerful water removal by Hankel–Laclosz single value decomposition (HLSVD).In contrast to LCModel,it is designed to support user interaction.Several models for analy-sis/evaluation have been implemented in jMRUI,in particular AMARES [5]and QUEST [4].These focus on time-domain analysis,including line shape conversion,time-domain filter-ing and eddy-current deconvolution.Note that in the context of jMRUI ‘quantitation’refers to spectrum analysis.The pre-processing steps may exert a systematic influence on the results of model fitting.jMRUI can handle large data sets as from time-resolved MRS,two-dimensional MRS,and spatially resolved MRS,so-called MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI)or chemical-shift imaging (CSI).G.Helms/European Journal of Radiology67(2008)218–2292233.Signal normalization3.1.PrinciplesThe signal is provided in arbitrary units of signed integer numbers,similar to MRI,and then converted tofloating complex numbers.In addition to scaling along the scanner’s receiver line, the proportionality between signal strength and number of spins per volume is strongly influenced by interaction of the RF hard-ware and its dielectric and conductive load,the human body.It is the correction of this interaction that forms the non-trivial part of signal normalization.Signal normalization is mainly applied to single-volume MRS,since spatially resolved MRSI poses addi-tional technical problems that are not part of this review.For sake of simplicity we assume homogeneous conditions across the whole volume-of-interest(VOI).Normalization consists of multiplications and divisions that render the signal,S,proportional to the concentration(of spins), C.Regardless whether in time domain(amplitude)or frequency domain(area),the signal is proportional to the size V of the VOI and the receiver gain R.S∼CVR or(1a) S/V/R∼C(1b) Logarithmic(decibel)units of the receiver gain must be con-verted to obtain a linear scaling factor,R.If R can be manually changed,it is advisable to check whether the characteristic of S(R)follows the assumed dependence.If a consistent(often the highest possible)gain used by default for single voxel MRS, one does not have to account for R.Correction of V for partial volume effects is discussed below.The proportionality constant will vary under the influence of the specific sample“loading”the RF coil.The properties of a loaded transmit–receive(T/R)coil are traditionally assessed by measuring the amplitude(or width)of a specific RF pulse,e.g., a180◦rectangular pulse.This strategy may also be pursued in vivo.The signal theory for T/R coils is given in concise form in [10]without use of complex numbers.Here,we develop it by presenting a chronology of strategies of increasing complexity that have been used for in vivo quantification.3.2.Internal referencing and metabolite ratiosBy assuming a concentration C int for the signal(S int)of ref-erence substance acquired in the same VOI,one has not to care about the influence of RF or scanner parameters:SS intC int=C(2)When using the total creatine(tCr)signal,internal referencing is equivalent to converting creatine ratios to absolute units.In early quantification work,the resonance of tCr has been assigned to 10mM determined by biochemical methods[11].However,it turned out that the MRS estimates of tCr are about25%lower and show some spatial dependence.In addition,tCr may increase in the presence of gliosis.3.3.External referencingThe most straightforward way is to acquire a reference sig-nal from an external phantom during the subject examination, with C ext being the concentration of the phantom substance [12,13].The reference signal S ext accounts for any changes in the proportionality constant.It may be normalized like the in vivo signal:S(VR)C extS ext/(V ext R ext)=C(3)If,however,the phantom is placed in the fringefield of the RF receive coil,the associated reduction in S ext will result in an overestimation of C.Care has to be taken to mount the external phantom reproducibly into the RF coil if this bias cannot be corrected otherwise.3.4.Global transmitter referenceAlready in high-field MR spectrometers it has been noticed that by coil load the sample influences both the transmit pulse and the signal:a high load requires a longer RF pulse for a 90◦excitation,which then yields reciprocally less signal from the same number of spins.This is the principle-of-reciprocity (PoR)for transmit/receive(T/R)coils in its most rudimentary form.It has been applied to account for the coil load effect, that is,large heads giving smaller signals than small heads [8].On MRI systems,RF pulses are applied with constant duration and shape.A high load thus requires a higher volt-age U tra(or transmitter gain),as determined during pre-scan calibration.S/V/R∼Ctraor(4a) S U tra/V/R∼C(4b)Of course,U tra must always refer to a pulse of specific shape, duration andflip angle,as used forflip angle calibration.On Siemens scanners,the amplitude of a non-selective rectangu-lar pulse(rect)is used.The logarithmic transmitter gain of GE scanners is independent of the RF pulse,but has to be converted from decibel to linear units[9].Normalization by the PoR requires QA at regular intervals,as the proportionality constant in Eqs.((4a)and(4b))may change in time.This may happen gradually while the performance of the RF power amplifier wears down,or suddenly after parts of the RF hardware have been replaced.For this purpose,the MRS protocol is run on a stable QA phantom of high concentration and the concentration estimate C QA(t i)obtained at time point, t i,is used to refer any concentration C back to time point zero byC→C C QA(t0)C QA(t i)(5)An example of serial QA monitoring is given in Fig.3.224G.Helms /European Journal of Radiology 67(2008)218–229Fig.3.QA measurement of temporal variation.Weekly QA performed on stable phantom of 100mM lactate and 100mM acetate from January 1996to June 1996.The standard single-volume protocol and quantification procedure (LCModel and global reference)were applied.(A)The mean estimated concentration is shown without additional calibration.The A indicates the state after installation,B a gradual breakdown of the system;the sudden jumps were due to replacement of the pre-amplifier (C and D)or head-coil (E),and retuning of the system (F).Results were used to correct proportionality to obtain longitudinally consistency.(B)The percentage deviation from the preceding measurement in Shewhart’s R-diagram indicates the weeks when quantification may not be reliable (data courtesy of Dr.M.Dezortov´a ,IKEM,Prague,Czech Republic).3.5.Local flip angleDanielsen and Hendriksen [10]noted that the PoR is a local relationship,so they used the amplitude of the water suppression pulse,U tra (x ),that had been locally adjusted on the VOI signal.S (x )U tra (x )/V/R ∼C(6)The local transmitter amplitude may also be found be fitting the flip angle dependence of the local signal [14].The example in Fig.4illustrates the consistency of Eq.(6)at the centre (high signal,low voltage)and outside (low signal,high voltage)the volume headcoil.Fig.4.Local verification of the principle of reciprocity.Flip angle dependence of the STEAM signal measured at two positions along the axis of a GE birdcage head-coil by varying the transmitter gain (TG).TG was converted from logarith-mic decibel to linear units (linearized TG,corresponding to U tra ).At coil centre (×)and 5cm outside the coil (+)the received signal,S (x ),was proportional to the transmitted RF,here given by 1/lin TG(x )at the signal maximum or 90◦flip angle.Like in large phantoms,there are considerable flip angle devi-ations across the human head as demonstrated at 3T in Fig.5a [15].The local flip angle,α(x ),may be related to the nominal value,αnom ,by α(x )=f (x )αnom(7)The spatially dependent factor is reciprocal to U tra (x ):f (x )∼1/U tra (x ).The flip angle will also alter the local signal.If a local transmitter reference is used,S (x )needs to be corrected for excitation effects.For the ideal 90◦–90◦–90◦STEAM local-ization and 90◦–180◦–180◦PRESS localization in a T/R coil,the signals areS (x )STEAM ∼M tr (x )∼C2f (x )sin 3(f (x )90◦)(8a)S (x )PRESS ∼M tr (x )∼C f (x )sin 5(f (x )90◦)(8b)The dependence of S (x )was simulated for a parabolic RF profile.A constant plateau is observed as the effects of transmission and reception cancel out for higher flip angles in the centre of the head where the VOI is placed.This is the reason why the global flip angle method works even in the presence of flip angle inhomogeneities.Note that the signal drops rapidly for smaller flip angles,i.e.close to the skull.3.6.Coil impedance effectsOlder quantification studies were performed on MR systems where the coil impedance Z was matched to 50 [8,10].Since the early 1990s,most volume head coils are of the high Q design and approximately tuned and matched by the RF load of the head and the stray capacitance of the shoulders.The residual variation of the impedance Z will affect the signal by S (x )U tra (x )/V/R ∼CZ(9)G.Helms/European Journal of Radiology67(2008)218–229225Fig.5.Flip angle inhomogeneities across the human brain.(Panel A)T1-w sagittal view showing variation in the RFfield.Flip angles are higher in the centre of the brain.The contours correspond to80–120◦localflip angle for a nominal value of90◦.(Panel B)The spatial signal dependence of STEAM and PRESS was simulated for a parabolicflip angle distribution with a maximum of115%relative to the global transmitter reference.This resulted in a constant signal obtained from the central regions of the brain,and a rapid decline at the edges.Reflection losses due to coil mismatch are symmetric in trans-mission and reception and are thus accounted for by U tra.These are likely to occur with exceptionally large or small persons (infants)or with phantoms of insufficient load.3.7.External phantom and local referenceWhen the impedance is not individually matched to50 , the associated change in proportionality must be monitored by a reference signal.In aqueous phantoms,the water signal can be used as internal reference.For in vivo applications,one may resort to an extra measurement in an external phantom[14].An additionalflip angle calibration in the phantom will account for local differences in the RFfield,especially if the phantom is placed in the fringe RFfield:SU tra(x)/(VR)S ext U tra(x ext)/(V ext R ext)C ext=C(10)This is the most comprehensive signal normalization.The com-bination of external reference and localflip angle method corrects for all effects in T/R coils.The reference signal accounts for changes in the proportionality,while the localflip angle cor-rects for RF inhomogeneity.Note also that systematic errors in S,U tra and V cancel out by division.Calibration of each individual VOI may be sped up by rapid RF mapping in three dimensions.3.8.Receive only-coilsThe SNR of the MRS signal can be increased by using sur-face coils or phased arrays of surface coils.The inhomogeneous receive characteristic cannot be mapped directly.The normaliza-tions discussed above(except Section3.2)cannot be performed directly on the received signal,as the coils are not used for trans-mission.Instead,the localized water signal may be acquired with both the receive coil and the body coil to scale the low SNR metabolite signal to obey the receive characteristics of the T/R body coil[16,17]:S rec met S bodywaterS rec water=S bodymet(11)For use with phased array coils it is essential that the metabolite and water signals are combined using consistent weights,since the low SNR of the water suppressed acquisition is most likely influenced by noise.3.9.Internal water referenceThe tissue water appears to be the internal reference of choice, due to its high concentration and well established values for water content of tissues(βper volume[18]):SS waterβ55mol/litre=C(12)It should be kept in mind that in vivo water exhibits a wide range of relaxation times,with the main component relaxing consider-able faster than the main metabolites.T2-times range from much shorter(myelin-associated water in white mater T2of15ms)to much longer(CSF,2400ms in bulk down to700ms in sulci with large surface-to-volume ratio).This implies an influence of TE on the concentration estimates.In addition,relaxation time and water content are subject to change in pathologies.Since the water signal is increasing in most pathologies(by content and relaxation),water referencing tends to give lower concentration estimates in pathologies.Ideally,the water signal should be determined by a multi-componentfit of the T2-decay curve[12].An easy but time-consuming way is to increase TE in consecutive fully relaxed single scans.A reliable way to determine the water sig-nal is tofit a2nd order polynomial through thefirst50ms of the magnitude signal(Fig.6).Thus,determining the amplitude cancels out initial receiver instabilities and avoids linefitting at an ill defined phase.If care is taken to avoid partial saturation by RF leakage from the water suppression pulses,this is consistent with multi-echo measurements using a CPMG MRI sequence [18](Fig.7).。
get rid of
good name
hard to deal with
erroneously identified as
basic nature
答案及注释词汇题1. 答案为A。
work out 制定出(计划、方案);解决问题;make out 分辨清楚;set out 动身,排列,陈列;故 A 符合句意。
2. 答案为B。
immediately 可作连词(conj.),意为…之后马上。
promptly、quickly 都只能作副词,意为迅速地,快。
3. 答案为D。
例:She gained wealth through foreign trade. Obtain 得到,买到,达到;例如:He finally obtained what he had always wanted.4. 答案为C。
substance 1)可指特殊种类有形或无形的物质;2)可指矿物质。
stuff 材料,素材;口语中用于不知名子的情景或不需要清楚说出的东西。
例如:green stuff 蔬菜。
matter 常和精神spirit 一词相对应。
5. 答案为B。
unique 独一无二的,唯一的。
句子里的the only one 表明选unique 合题意。
6. 答案为C。
find fault with sb 是固定搭配,意为“挑毛病,找岔儿”;error 意为(行为,信仰的)的错误;flaw 意为缺点,缺陷aflaw in a person‘s character。
7. 答案为B。
compose 谱曲,创作;如,compose poems, compose a symphony(交响曲)。
8. 答案为A。
client 律师的客户,医生的患者;customer 顾客,主顾;consumer 消费者。
9. 答案为C。
上下文要求encouragement 鼓励。
最喜欢的电影英语作文肖申克的救赎示例作文篇一:English:"The Resilience of Hope: A Reflection on 'The Shawshank Redemption'"In the realm of cinematic excellence, one film stands out as a timeless masterpiece, a beacon of hope and resilience, that transcends the boundaries of time and captivates audiences worldwide - "The Shawshank Redemption." This 1994 adaptation of Stephen King's novella, directed by Frank Darabont, is not merely a tale of imprisonment but an allegory of human spirit and the power of friendship.Set against the grim backdrop of Shawshank State Penitentiary, the narrative unfolds like a symphony of adversity and triumph. The protagonist, Andy Dufresne, played by the iconic Tim Robbins, embodies a quiet strength that defies the oppressive walls that confine him. His unwavering determination to maintain his dignity and pursue justice in the face of overwhelming despair is a testament to the indomitable human will.What sets "The Shawshank Redemption" apart is its ability to delve into the depths of human emotions, painting a vivid picture of hope, friendship, and redemption. Andy's friendship with Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding, played by Morgan Freeman, is a shining example of the transformative power of empathy and understanding. Their bond, forged in the crucible of shared experiences, serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of places, genuine connections can bloom.The film's profound message resonates with the idea that hope is a powerful tool, capable of breaking free from the chains of adversity. Andy's relentless pursuit of innocence, through years of meticulous planning and determination, is a metaphor for the human capacity to ovee seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It teaches us that no matter how bleak the circumstances may seem, there is always a chance for redemption and renewal.Moreover, "The Shawshank Redemption" challenges societal norms by questioning the nature of justice and the corrupting influence of power. It highlights the importance of integrity and theability to find light in the darkest corners, even within the confines of a prison.In conclusion, "The Shawshank Redemption" is more than just a movie; it is a life lesson, a call to action, and a testament tothe resilience of the human spirit. Its enduring popularity and critical acclaim serve as a reminder that even in the most challenging of times, the power of hope and friendship can prevail. This cinematic gem will continue to inspire generations toe,urging us all to hold onto hope, no matter how distant it may seem.中文:《自由之翼:肖申克的救赎》在浩瀚的电影海洋中,有一部作品犹如一颗璀璨的星辰,以其独特的魅力照亮了我心灵的夜空,那就是被誉为“电影史上的经典之作”——《肖申克的救赎》。
这是水妖根据“美国ARCO 权威托福考试参考词汇”参考金山词霸,然后加入韦氏词典的解释整理出来的。
美国ARCO 权威托福考试参考词汇Aabhor vt.憎恶, 痛恨 to regard with extreme repugnance : LOATHEaccelerate v.加速, 促进 to cause to move fasteraccessible adj.易接近的, 可到达的, 易受影响的1. capable of being reached ; 2 easy to speak or deal withaccurate adj.正确的, 精确的 conforming exactly to truth or to a standard accuracy n.精确性, 正确度adjacent adj.邻近的, 接近的 not distant : NEARBYadvantageous adj.有利的 giving an advantage : FAVORABLEadvocate n.提倡者, 鼓吹者 vt.提倡, 鼓吹 : to plead in favor ofaforementioned adj.上述的, 前述的 : mentioned previouslyalert, alertly adj.提防的, 警惕的 watchful and prompt to meet danger or emergency amass vt.收集, 积聚(尤指财富)1 : to collect for oneself : ACCUMULATE;2 to collect into a mass : GATHER ambrosia n. 特别美味的食物something extremely pleasing to taste or smellanomaly n.不规则, 异常的人或物anxiety n.忧虑, 焦急; 渴望, 热望1 an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear2 fearful concern or interest3 a cause of anxietyappall vt.使胆寒, 使惊骇to overcome with consternation, shock, or dismayappalling adj.令人震惊的, 骇人听闻的inspiring horror, dismay, or disgustappear vi.出现, 看来, 似乎1. to be or come in sight; to show up2. to have an outward aspect : SEEMappropriate adj.适当的especially suitable or compatible : FITTINGapt adj.易于...的, 有...倾向的unusually fitted or qualified : READY; having a tendency灵敏的, 灵巧的keenly intelligent and responsive适当的suited to a purpose; especially : being to the pointarouse vt.唤醒, 唤起to awaken from sleep鼓励, 引起to rouse or stimulate to action or to physiological readiness for activityvi.睡醒to awake from sleep : STIRas of lateastute adj.机敏的, 狡猾的having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity:CRAFTY, WILY attribute n.属性, 品质, 特征an inherent characteristicv. 加于, 归结于to explain by indicating a causeauthoritative adj.权威的, 有权威的, 命令的having or proceeding from authority : OFFICIALBback and forth adv. 来来回回: backward and forwardbarely adv.仅仅, 刚刚in a meager manner : PLAINL Y几乎不能SCARCEL Y, HARDL Ybarter n / v.物品交换, 交换to trade or exchange by or as if by barteringbehold vt.把...视为to perceive through sight or apprehension : SEEvi.看used in the imperative especially to call attentionbeneficial adj.有益的, 受益的, [法律]有使用权的conferring benefitsbind v.绑, 约束to confine, restrain, or restrict as if with bonds镶边, 装订to wrap around with something so as to enclose or coverbizarre adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)strikingly out of the ordinary : odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode blunder v.跌跌撞撞地走to move unsteadily or confusedly犯大错, 做错to make a mistake through stupidity, ignorance, or carelessness n.大错a gross error or mistake resulting usually from stupidity, ignorance, or carelessness border n.边界, 国界, 边, 边沿, 边境an outer part or edgevt.与...接壤, 接近to touch at the edge or boundary : BOUND; v.接壤to lie on the border breach n.违背, 破坏infraction or violation of a law, obligation, tie, or standard破裂, 裂口a broken, ruptured, or torn condition or area b : a gap (as in a wall) madeby batteringvt.打破, 突破1. BREAK, VIOLATE ; 2 to make a breach inbump (swell) n. 肿块a swelling of tissuev.碰(伤), 撞(破) 1 : to strike or knock with force or violence 2 : to collide with bush n.矮树丛a : SHRUB; especially : a low densely branched shrubby degrees adv. 逐渐地by right, by rights adv. 正当的Ccandid adj.无偏见的, 公正的, free from bias, prejudice, or malice : FAIR坦白的, 率直的marked by honest sincere expressioncare n.注意, 照料, 烦恼, 忧虑painstaking or watchful attentionvi.关心, 顾虑1. to feel trouble or anxiety ; 喜爱 2. to have a liking, fondness, or tastevt.在意to be concerned about or to the extent ofcarve v.雕刻to cut with care or precision ; 切开to make or get by or as if by cutting celebrate v.庆祝, 祝贺to honor (as a holiday) by solemn ceremonies表扬, 赞美to hold up or play up for public notice举行to perform (a sacrament or solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropriate rites chart n.海图a map for the use of navigators ; 图表a sheet giving information in tabular form vt.制图to make a map or chart ofcirculate v.(使)流通to pass from person to person or place to place(使)循环, (使)传播to move in a circle, circuit, or orbit; especially : to follow acourse that returns to the starting pointclassify vt.分类to assign (as a document) to a category; 分等to arrange in classescolleague n.同事, 同僚an associate in a profession or in a civil or ecclesiastical officecollusion n.共谋,勾结secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purposecommand v.命令, 指挥to direct authoritatively :ORDER;支配to exercise a dominating influence over 俯临to overlook or dominate from or as if from a strategic positioncommonplace n.平凡的事something commonly found ; 平常话an obvious or trite commentadj.平凡的commonly found : ORDINARY, UNREMARKABLEcompromise n./ v.妥协, 折衷to adjust or settle by mutual concessions危及...的安全to cause the impairment ofconceal vt.隐藏, 隐蔽to place out of sight ; 隐瞒to prevent disclosure or recognition of confidential adj.秘密的, 机密的PRIV A TE, SECRETconform vt.使一致to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or accord使遵守, 使顺从to be obedient or compliant ? usually used with tocongregate v.聚集to come together into a group, crowd, or assemblyconserve vt.保存, 保藏to keep in a safe or sound stateconsiderably adv.相当地1. worth consideration : SIGNIFICANT ; 2. large in extent or degree conspicuous adj.显著的attracting attention : STRIKINGcontemporary adj./n. 当代的, 同时代的(人)happening, existing, living, or coming into being during the same period of time contrast vt.使与...对比, 使与...对照to set off in contrast : compare or appraise in respect to differencesconvenient adj.便利的, 方便的suited to personal comfort or to easy performancecounter n.计算器, 计数器柜台, 筹码adv./prep.相反地in an opposite or wrong directioncraggy adj.多峭壁的,崎岖的1.full of crags:craggy slopes ; 2 ROUGH, RUGGED :a craggy face critic n.批评家, 评论家one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter吹毛求疵者one given to harsh or captious judgmentcrush vt.压碎, 碾碎to squeeze or force by pressure so as to alter or destroy structure curiousDdamage n. 损害, 伤害loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property, or reputationv. 招致损害to cause damage todecay vi./ n.腐朽, 腐烂, 衰减, 衰退to decrease gradually in quantity, activity, or force defeat n./v. 击败DESTROY; 战胜to win victory over : BEATdeficitden n.兽穴, 洞穴the lair of a wild usually predatory animaldesolatedetachable adj.可分开的, 可分离的, 可分遣的able to separatedeter v.阻止 turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting ; 2. INHIBITdim adj.暗淡的, 模糊的lacking pronounced, clear-cut, or vigorous quality or character discerning adj.有辨识能力的showing insight and understanding : DISCRIMINATINGdiscord n.不一致, 意见不合lack of agreement or harmony v.不和DISAGREE, CLASH disseminate v.散布1. to spread abroad as though sowing seed; 2 to disperse throughoutdistinct adj.清楚的, 明显的presenting a clear unmistakable impression截然不同的, 独特的distinguishable to the eye or mind as discrete : SEPARATE draft n.草案, 草图vt.起草, 为...打样, to draw the preliminary sketch, version, or plan of due to adv. 由于, 应归于duplicate adj.复制的,两倍的consisting of or existing in two corresponding or identical parts or examples adj. 完全相同的being the same as another:*duplicate copiesn.复制品, 副本an additional copy of somethingvt.复写, 复制to make a copy of 使加倍, 使成双to make double or twofoldEearmark v. 加上记号to mark in a distinguishing mannerelaborate adj.精心制作的, 详细阐述的, 精细的planned or carried out with great carevt.精心制作to produce by labor ;详细阐述to expand something in detaileligible adj.符合条件的, 合格的qualified to participate or be chosen : ENTITLED emancipate vt.释放, 解放to free from restraint, control, or the power of anotherembrace vt.拥抱, 互相拥抱to clasp in the arms : HUG;包含to take in or include as a part, item, or element of a more inclusive wholeemit vt.发出, 放射to throw or give off or out (as light); 发表, 发行to issue with authority encourage vt.鼓励to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope : HEARTEN ; 怂恿to spur on enhance vt.提高RAISE; 增强HEIGHTEN, INCREASEentangle vt.使缠上, to wrap or twist together : INTERWEA VE纠缠, 卷入to involve in a perplexing or troublesome situationentitle vt. 授权, 授权to furnish with proper grounds for seeking or claiming something给...题名, 给...称号to give a title to : DESIGNATEepoch n.新纪元an event or a time marked by an event; 时代, 时期an extended period of time erode, erosion vt.侵蚀, 腐蚀to diminish or destroy by degreesessential adj.本质的,基本的of, relating to, or constituting essence提炼的, 精华的of the utmost importance : BASICn.本质, 实质something basic; 要素,要点something necessary, indispensable evacuate v.撤出to remove especially from a military zone;排泄to discharge from the body as waste exceed vt.超越to go beyond a limit set by ; 胜过to be greater than or superior toexcerpt n.vt.摘录, 引用to select (a passage) for quoting : EXTRACTexhilarating adj.令人喜欢的,使人愉快的being able to make cheerfulexpanse n.宽阔, 膨胀扩张great extent of something spread out ; 天空FIRMAMENTextend v.扩充to spread or stretch forth : UNBEND ;延伸, 伸展to increase the bulk of extravagant adj.奢侈的, 浪费的放纵的lacking in moderation, balance, and restraint过分的exceeding the limits of reason or necessityFface n.脸the front part of the human head 面容, 表情facial expressionvt.面对, 面向to confront impudentlyfame n.名声, 名望public estimation : REPUTATIONfancy adj.奇特的, 异样的dependent or based on fancy : WHIMSICALvt.想象, 设想to form a conception of: IMAGINE;n.爱好, 迷恋amorous fondness : LOVE faucet n.龙头a fixture for drawing or regulating the flow of liquid especially from a pipefeature n.特征,特色a prominent part or characteristic ;容貌, physical beautyfellow n.人, 家伙MAN, BOY;伙伴an incorporated member offictitious adj.假想的, 编造的, 虚伪的of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction : IMAGINARY final analysis n. 最终分析fizz n./ vi.嘶嘶响to make a hissing or sputtering sound; 兴奋to show excitement or exhilaration flaw n.缺点,瑕疵a defect in physical structure or form; vt. 使有缺陷to make flaws inflicker v.摇曳, 闪烁to move irregularly or unsteadily : FLUTTER n. 闪烁an act of flickering forbidden adj.禁止的, 严禁的not permitted or allowedfoster vt.养育, 抚育to give parental care to : NURTUREfragrance n.芬芳, 香气, 香味a sweet or delicate odorfrightening adj.令人恐惧的, 引起突然惊恐的causing to be afraid offuel n.燃料a material used to produce heat or power by burningfund n.资金, 基金a sum of money or other resources; v.支助, 投资to provide funds forGgain vt.得到, 赚到to acquire or get possession of 增加to make an increase ofgemstones n.经雕琢的宝石a petrified material that when cut and polished can be used in jewelry glisten v.闪光to give off a sparkling or lustrous reflection of or as if of a moist or polished surface goods n.货物something that has economic utility or satisfies an economic wantgraphic adj.绘画似的, 图解的of, relating to, or represented by a graphgrave n.坟墓an excavation for burial of a bodyv.雕刻to carve or shape with a chisel : SCULPTUREadj.严重的significantly serious : CONSIDERABLE, GREATgrumpy adj.脾气坏的, 性情乖戾的moodily cross : SURL YHhardly adv.刚刚, 仅Barely; just ; 几乎不certainly nothatch vt.孵, 孵出to produce young by incubation; 舱口, 舱口盖a small door or openinghearty adj.衷心的, 亲切的enthusiastically or exuberantly cordial精神饱满的, 丰盛的, 强烈的VIGOROUS, VEHEMENThostile adj.敌对的, 敌方的of or relating to an enemyhuge adj.巨大的, 极大的, 无限的very large or extensivehybrid n.杂种,混血儿an offspring of two animals or plants of different races, breeds, species, or genera adj.混合的, 杂种的Iignore vt.不理睬, 忽视1. to refuse to take notice of ; to reject (a bill of indictment) as ungrounded imitate vt.模仿,仿效 produce a copy of: REPRODUCE; 2 to follow as a pattern, model, or example imperceptible adj.感觉不到的not perceptible by a sense or by the mind : extremely slight, gradual, or subtle increase vi.增加to become progressively greater , 繁殖to multiply by the production of young indefinite adj.模糊的, 不确定的not definite ; not precise : V AGUEindicative adj.(~of) 指示的, 预示的, 可表示的serving to indicateinduce vt.劝诱, 促使to move by persuasion or influence ; 导致, 引起EFFECT, CAUSE ingenious adj.机灵的showing or calling for intelligence, aptitude, or discernment有独创性的marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution inhibit v. 抑制to hold in check : RESTRAIN; 约束: to prohibit from doing something insatiable adj.不知足的, 贪求无厌的incapable of being satisfied : QUENCHLESSinspiring adj.灌输的, 鼓舞的having an animating or exalting effectinsult n.侮辱, 凌辱a gross indignityvt.侮辱, 凌辱to treat with insolence, indignity, or contempt : AFFRONT;intense adj.强烈的existing in an extreme degree 热情的exhibiting strong feeling of purpose intricate adj.复杂的, 错综的having many complexly interrelating parts or elements : COMPLICATED 难以理解的difficult to resolve or analyzeinundate v.淹没to cover with a flood : OVERFLOWinvent vt.发明, 创造to produce (as something useful) for the first timeLlandmark n.地界标an object (as a stone or tree) that marks the boundary of land里程碑, 划时代的事an event or development that marks a turning point or a stage lateral adj.横(向)的, 侧面的of or relating to the sidelegendary adj.传说中的of, relating to, or characteristic of legend or a legendliberate v.解放, 释放to set at liberty : FREE;limited adj.有限的, 狭窄的confined within limits: RESTRICTED缺乏创见的: lacking breadth and originality literallylocale n.现场a place or locality especially when viewed in relation to a particular event or characteristic ludicrous adj.可笑的, 滑稽的meriting derisive laughter or scorn as absurdly inept, false, or foolish lyrical adj.抒情诗调的, 充满感情的: L YRICMmagnificence n.华丽, 富丽堂皇the quality or state of being magnificentmandatory adj. 命令的, 强制的Required or commanded by authority; obligatorymar v.弄坏, 毁坏to inflict serious bodily harm on : DESTROYmature adj.成熟的, 到期的having completed natural growth and development : RIPE merchandise n.商品, 货物the commodities or goods that are bought and sold in business : WARES minuscule adj.小字写的written in or in the size or style of minuscules, 极小的very small misleading adj.易误解的, 令人误解的leading in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action moderately adv.适度地avoiding extremes of behavior or expression: CALM, TEMPERATE motionless adj.不动的, 静止的without any motionmuscular adj.肌肉的of, relating to, or constituting muscle; 强健的having well-developed musculature mutation n.变化, 转变a significant and basic alteration : CHANGENnaked adj.裸体的, 无遮盖的not covered by clothing : NUDE无装饰的, 无保护的not provided with a shadenominal adj.名义上的, 有名无实的of, relating to, or constituting a namenourishment n.食物, 营养品a : FOOD, NUTRIMENT b : SUSTENANCEnow and then adv. 偶然from time to time : OCCASIONALL YOoath n.誓言, 宣誓, 诅咒 a solemn attestation of the truth or inviolability of one's words obstacle n.障碍, 妨害物something that impedes progress or achievementominous adj.预兆的, 恶兆的being or exhibiting an omen : PORTENTOUS;on the spot adv.当场, 在危险中, 处于负责地位operation n.运转, 操作, 实施, 作用, 业务, 工作, 手术option n.选项, 选择权the power or right to choose : freedom of choiceoutlawe n.歹徒a lawless person or a fugitive from the law逃犯 a person excluded from the benefit or protection of the lawv. 宣布...为不合法to deprive of the benefit and protection of law : declare to be an outlaw overlap v.(与...)交迭to extend over or past and cover a part ofoverwhelm vt.淹没, 覆没to cover over completely : SUBMERGE 颠覆,推翻UPSET, OVERTHROWPpanacea n.万能药a remedy for all ills or difficulties : CURE-ALLparticle n.粒子,极小量, 微粒a minute quantity or fragmentpassing n.经过, 消逝(死) the act of one that passes or causes to pass; especially : DEATH adj.经过的going by or past 及格的given on satisfactory completion of an examination path n.小路, 小径a trodden way 路线, 轨道a track specially constructed for a particular use penetrate vt.穿透, 渗透to pass into or through; 洞察to discover the inner contents or meaning of perennial adj.终年的, 长期的, 永久的PERSISTENT, ENDURINGperjury n.伪誓, 伪证the voluntary violation of an oath or vow: false swearingperplexing adj.复杂的, 令人困惑的causing to make intricate or involvedphenomenon n.现象an observable fact or eventplot n.小块土地a small area of planted ground(小说的)情节the plan or main story of a literary workvi.密谋, 策划to plan or contrive especially secretlypoint out v.指出poll n民意测验a questioning or canvassing of persons selected at randomv.投票to question or canvass in a pollposthumously adj.死的的,遗腹的born after the death of the fatherpraise vt.赞扬, 歌颂to express a favorable judgment of : COMMENDprecision n.精密度, 精度the quality or state of being precise : EXACTNESSpredominantly adv. 支配地PREDOMINANTLYprevail vi.流行, 盛行to be or continue in use or fashion : PERSIST获胜, 成功to gain ascendancy through strength or superiority : TRIUMPHprimitive adj.原始的, 远古的of or relating to the earliest age or period : PRIMEVAL粗糙的, 简单的private adj.私人的, 私有的belonging to or concerning an individual person, company, or interest profitable adj.有利可图的affording profits : yielding advantageous returns or resultspromotion n.促进; 提升, 晋升the act of furthering the growth or development of something propagate v.繁殖to cause to continue or increase by sexual or asexual reproduction传播, 宣传to cause to spread out and affect a greater number or greater area : EXTEND prospect n.景色something extended to the view : SCENE 前景an extensive viewvi.寻找, 勘探to explore an area especially for mineral depositspulp n.(水果的)果肉the soft, succulent part of a fruitpuzzling adj.使迷惑的difficult to understand or solveRrange n.山脉a series of mountains 行列a series of things in a line : ROW范围, 射程the space or extent included, covered, or used : SCOPEvt.排列to set in a row or in the proper order; 归类to assign to a category : CLASSIFY reach n. 范围: a continuous stretch or expanse; vt.到达, 达到to stretch out : EXTEND rebel n.造反者one who rebels or participates in a rebellionadj.造反的, 叛逆的DISOBEDIENT, REBELLIOUSv.造反, 反叛to oppose or disobey one in authority or controlrecipient n.容纳者, 容器one that receives : RECEIVERrecycle v. 重复利用to adapt to a new use : ALTER n.再循环the process of recycling refrain n.重复, 叠句a regularly recurring phrase or verse ;vi.节制, 避免CURB, RESTRAINregrettably adv.抱歉地, 遗憾地1. to a regrettable extent; 2 : it is to be regrettedrelate vt.叙述, 讲to give an account of : TELL使联系, 发生关系to show or establish logical or causal connection between reluctantly adv.不情愿地, 嫌恶地feeling or showing aversion, hesitation, or unwillingness remote adj.遥远的, 偏僻的far removed in space or timerepair n.修理, 修补to restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken research n.研究careful or diligent search vi.研究, 调查to search or investigate exhaustively resort vi.求助, 诉诸to have recourse ;常去to go especially frequently or habitually度假胜地a place providing recreation and entertainment常去之地frequent, habitual, or general visitingrestore vt.恢复, 使回复to bring back to or put back into a former or original state归还, 交还to put again in possessionrevere v.尊敬, 敬畏, 崇敬to show devoted deferential honor torewarding adj.报答的, 有益的, 值得的yielding or likely to yield a reward : VALUABLE rudimentary adj.根本的consisting in first principles: FUNDAMENTAL未发展的of a primitive kind run-down adj.破败的,衰败的being in poor repair : DILAPIDATED n.. 纲要, 总结Sscarcely adv.几乎不, 简直没有almost not ; certainly not; probably notscenery n.风景, 景色a picturesque view or landscapescrupulous adv.小心翼翼地, 多顾虑地acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper secretly adv.秘密地, 背地里seek v.寻找, 探索to go in search of : look for; 寻求to ask for : REQUESTsensible adj.明智的, 有判断力的perceptible to the senses or to reason or understanding shade n.荫, 阴暗comparative darkness or obscurity owing to interception of the rays of light sheer adj.全然的UTTER 峻峭的marked by great and continuous steepness透明的of very thin or transparent texturev.使避开to deviate from a course : SWERVEshield n.防护物, 盾one that protects or defends : DEFENSEvt.(from) 保护to protect with or as if with a shield : provide with a protective cover or shelter silently adv.默默地, 静静地free from sound or noise : STILLsite n.地点, 场所the spatial location of an actual or planned structure or set of structures sketch n .略图, 草图a rough drawing representing the chief featuresslim adj.苗条的, 纤细的of small diameter in proportion to the height or length : SLENDER socket n. 孔, 插座, 糟an opening or hollow that forms a holder for somethingsolitary adj.孤独的1being, living, or going alone or without companions 2saddened by isolation sophisticated adj.诡辩的, 久经世故的not in a natural, pure, or original state : ADULTERATED spacious adj.广大的, 大规模的: vast or ample in extent : ROOMY; large or magnificent in scale split v.劈开, (使)裂开to affect as if by cleaving or forcing apartstain n.污点, 瑕疵a soiled or discolored spot ; v.染污, 沾污to suffuse with colorstatic adj.静态的, 静力的exerting force by reason of weight alone without motion strengthen v.加强, 巩固to make strongerstrict adj.(~with) 严格的stringent in requirement or control, , 精确的EXACT, PRECISE stripe n.斑纹, 条纹a stroke or blow with a rod or lashstubborn adj.顽固的unreasonably or perversely unyielding : MULISH难应付的, difficult to handle ,manage, or treatstyle n.风格a distinctive manner or custom of behaving or conducting oneself文体 a distinctive manner of expressionsubtle adj.狡猾的highly skillful: EXPERT 微妙的DELICATE, ELUSIVE; 精细的REFINED supernatural adj.超自然的of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe surpass vt.超越, 胜过1 to go beyond : OVERSTEP; 2 to become better, greater, or stronger than : suspicious adj.(~of) 可疑的, 怀疑的tending to arouse suspicion : QUESTIONABLEswift adj.迅速的, 快的, 敏捷的in a swift manner : with speed : QUICKL Ysymphony n.交响乐, 交响曲a musical composition (as for organ) resembling such a symphony incomplexity or varietyTtake place v. 发生To happen; occur.temperature n.温度degree of hotness or coldness measured on a definite scaletension n.紧张(状态), 不安张力the stress resulting from the elongation of an elastic body terrifying adj. 恐怖的causing terror or apprehensiontheory n.理论,原理the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one anothertimid adj.胆小的: lacking in boldness or determination羞怯的lacking in courage or self-confidencetolerate vt.忍受, 容忍to suffer to be or to be done without prohibitiontouching adj.动人的, 令人同情的capable of arousing emotions of tenderness or compassion trace n.痕迹, 踪迹a mark or line left by something that has passed;微量a minute and often barely detectable amount or indicationtransplant v.移植, 移种, to transfer (an organ or tissue) from one part or individual to another移民to remove from one place or context and settle or introduce elsewhere : relocate treasured n.财宝, 财富wealth of any kind or in any form : RICHESvt.珍爱, 珍惜to hold or keep as precious : CHERISH, PRIZEtrickle v.滴流1 a : to issue or fall in drops b : to flow in a thin gentle streamtropical adj.热带的, 热情的of, relating to, occurring in, or suitable for use in the tropics turbulence n.骚乱, 动荡the quality or state of being turbulentUunaccustomed adj.不习惯的not habituated,不平常的not customary : not usual or common unbearable adj.无法忍受的, 承受不住的not bearable : UNENDURABLEuncalled-for adj.不必要的, 多余的Not required or requested; unwantedunquenchable adj.难抑制的Impossible to slake or satisfy:, 不能消灭的mpossible to suppressVvacillate v.犹豫不定to waver in mind, will, or feeling : hesitate in choice of opinions or courses vandalism n.故意破坏公物,艺术的行为willful or malicious destruction or defacement of publicor private propertyverify vt.检验, , 查证to establish the truth, accuracy, or reality ofvigorous adj.精力旺盛的, 有力的possessing vigor : full of physical or mental strength oractive force : STRONGvivid adj.生动的,逼真的having the appearance of vigorous life or freshness : LIVELY清晰的producing distinct mental imagesWwarn vt.警告, 注意, 通知to give notice to beforehand especially of danger or evilwed v.娶,嫁,结婚to take for wife or husband by a formal ceremony : MARRY widespread adj.分布广泛的widely extended or spread out; 普遍的widely diffused or prevalent willing adj.自愿的inclined or favorably disposed in mind : READY反应迅速的prompt to act or respondwithhold vt. 抑制to hold back from action : CHECK ;拒给, to refrain from granting, giving, or allowingvi.忍住: FORBEAR, REFRAIN。
银行系统公开招聘考试英语-选词填空(二)(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}选词填空{{/B}}(总题数:50,分数:100.00)1.The manager {{U}}talked over{{/U}} the requirement of the new job with him.∙ A. discussed∙ B. mentioned∙ C. accepted∙ D. rejected(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[解析] discuss:讨论,例如:A meeting will be held to discuss the issue tomorrow afternoon.明天下午将开会讨论这一事宜。
mention:谈到、提及,例如:He mentioned that he might be leaving.他说起过他也许要离开。
accept:接受,例如:She accepted a present from her friend.她接受了朋友的礼物。
reject:拒绝、排斥,例如:The manager rejected their application.经理对他们的申请不予理睬。
2.The parents have to {{U}}restrain{{/U}} their daughter from playing cyber games.∙ A. disallow∙ B. reduce∙ C. prevent∙ D. confine(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[解析] prevent:防止、阻碍,例如:The rain prevented us from playing football.雨使我们不能踢足球了。
disallow:不允许、禁止,例如:The judge disallowed their claim.法官否决他们的要求。
开始Begin, start, begin with, spring, start up, set off on, break out, strike up, originate from,;Initiate, launch, originate, sprout; unfold; unleash outset, onset, Rudimentary, elementary,出现Appear, appear to be, emerge, arise, loom, turn out, show up, out, come into sight/view, come forth发生Happen, occur, take place, come about,Happening occurrence产生,创造create, produce, bring about, yield, give birth to, bear, bring into being, generate, beget,germinate;Invent, innovate, renovate, plan, design, imagine, conceive, devise, formulate, imagine, envision,建立Found, set, built up, construct, institute, constitute, set up, establish制造,组成Make, make up, produce, construct, turn out, manufacture, form, shape, compose, compile, concoct, fabricate生长壮大复制,繁殖58Copy, duplicate, reproduce, multiply.发育,发展Grow, develop, breed, bring up, nurture, cultivate, hone, raise, foster, (主动)Develop, advance, progress, move forward, go forward, proceed(自我成长)Burgeon, flourish, thrive, bloom, blossom, boom, prosper;保持,延续Continue, last, carry on, keep on, keep, remain maintain retainPerpetuate,Persevere, stick with, insist on, persist in,Continuous, incessant, permanent, constant, steady, unbroken, perpetual, everlasting, eternal, lasting, unending, uninterrupted, undying, immortal, invariable,存在,生存Exist,found, stand, lay in, be rooted in,be embedded in,Substance, matter, object, material, stuff, things, entity,individual, creature, beings,Topic, subject, issue, theme, gist, item, content, point,Extant, existing, in existence, substantive, ubiquitous, omnipresent, universal,survive,outlive,outlast, remain alive,Endure, undergo,结束,停止53stop,finish, be over, cease, discontinue, wind up, bring to an end(close, halt), end,come to an end, end up, terminate,quench,quell,run out, expire, concludeadjourn/dissolve/lull/subvert, abortaive , Surcease, cessation, impasse, deadlock, logjam, stalemate, Ultimate, final, eventual,Abeyance, suspend, interruption, brake, halt, pause,死亡,毁灭Perish, annihilate, kill, exterminate, take life, slay, hatchet, slaughter, assassinate, famish, smother, throttle, strangle, stifle, decimate,Die, pass away, perish, expire, run out,decease, death, demise, Defunct, moribund, dying,Fatal, formidable, deadly, fatality.取消,废除550Cancel, annul, call off, do away with,Abolish, desuetude, disuse, abandon, repeal, revoke, invalidate, rescind, nullifyObsolete, out of date, outmoded, out of fashion, old-fashioned,除去551Remove,erase,delete, extinguish, exterminate, eliminate, eradicate, extirpate, efface,clear away, throw away, do away with, wipe out, get rid of , rule out,Obliterate, expurgate, expunge, purify, purge,破坏Destroy, damage, wreck, devastate, raze, ravage, knock down, demolish, vandalize, tear down, ruin, spoil, dilapidate,Perdition,detrimental,harmful, injurious,topple down/inclement/伤害Damage Bruise, mar, maul, do harm to, injure, wound, hurt, impair, harm, hurt, wound, harm, break, fracture, maim, cripple, mangle, mutilate;cut, gash, fracture, break灾祸Disaster, catastrophic, calamity, cataclysm, carnage, massacre, holocaust, decimate, wreck, accident,Misfortune, hapless, mishap,逐渐消亡Rot way, perish, decay, disintegrate, decompose, deteriorate, molder, aggravate, worsen, exacerbate, corrupt,Rotten, decayed, corrupt, damaged;decrepit ,decrepitude, dilapidate状态之改变正面能力,强,权力Enable, facilitate, empower, entitle, enhance,Strengthen, reinforce, sustain, countenance, consolidate,Able, be capable of doing , competent, potent, omnipotent, puissant, resourcefulAbility, capability, capacity, skill, forte,competence, facultyIntelligence, aptitude, flair, talentClever, bright, talented, astute, wisdom, wise, smart, acumen,Hegemony, puissance, resource, power, energy, authority, influence, impact, supremacy, potency, strength, force,vigor;大Aggrandize, amplify, augment, broaden, widen, extend, enlarge, magnify, enlarge,Exaggerate, overstate, overstress, overemphasize,多,增加Enrich, increase, add to, abound, fill, fill up, replenish, stock up, add, put in, raise,Accrue, mount up, augment, accumulate, riseAbundant, plentiful, more than enough, profuse, copious, rich, wealthy, generous, numerous, in great numbers; sufficient, enough, adequate, ample, as much as necessary,Increment, accretion, growth, augmentation,高Raise, lift up, improve, enhance, elevate, escalate, heave, heighten, hoist,Rise, increase, ascend, mount, go up, climb scale, jack up, skyrocket, surge, upsurgeHigh, tall, in height, lofty, towering, lanky; Height, stature, elevation, altitude有助Help, assist, aid, subsidize, help to, conduce to,, contribute to, function to, be of assistance, lend a hand, facilitate, enhance, Helper, aide, assistant, accessory, ancillary, accomplice, auspices,支持Support, bolster, boost, brace, buttress, espouse, proponent, underpin, embrace, exponent,快216Accelerate, hasten, speed up, quicken up, expediteRun, scurry, scuttle, scamper, prance, gallop, sprint, scud, Dart, fleet, rush,Fast, quick, rapid, swift, expeditious, speedy, fleeting, briskSpeed, swiftness, pace, velocity, rapidity, tempo, rate, quickness, promptness,有效,起作用Effective, efficient, effectual, successful, useful, helpful, functional, applicable, operative, working, active, functioning, in operation, in use, Available,able, Impact, influence,自由,解脱Release, free, set free, set off, liberate, unshackle, unfetter, emancipate, manumit, disentangle, untangle, extricate,unravel,中性变Change, alter, modify, vary, turn, become, adjust, amend, transform, distort, modulate, transmute, shift, transfigure,Fluctuate, move, revolutionize, alternate, shiftDiversified, volatile, fickle, mercurial, protean, erratic, eccentric, irregular, inconsistent, Changeable, unsettled, variable, malleable, mutable,Change, alteration, variation, modification, transition, renovation, recondition, mutation;修改Redress, rectify, revise, emend, renovate, innovate, recondition,负面弱Weaken, enervate, vitiate, sap, impair, emaciate, attenuate, diluteWane, sag, fade, flag, deteriorate, exacerbate, wither, blight, dry up, wilt, sere, sear, shrink, shrivel, Weak, feeble, effete, wan, frail, lacking in strength, impotent, feeble, lethargicInfirmity, weakness, decadence, decadent,减少,降低Lower, reduce, decrease, drop off, abate, decline, dwarf, dwindle, rarefy, curtail, shorten, abridge, truncate, dock, decline, slump, eclipse, subside, shrink, ebb,Diminish, lessen, debase, dilute, moderate, die down, grow less intense, cut down, ebb, cut back,慢Decelerate, slow, slow down, retard, hold back,Slow, sluggish,Postpone, put off, delay, defer, procrastinate, adjourn,Dilatory, tardy, slack, sluggish,平息reconcile, comfort, placate, conciliate, reassure,allay, calm, console, soothe, pacify, assuage, mitigate, palliate, salve, temper,palliation, reconciliation,禁止,限制Prohibit, proscribe, forbid, ban, restrain, interdict, overrule, veto, stop fromLimit, restrict, confine, blockade, fetter, shackle, circumscribeProhibited, forbidden, banned, illegal, outlawed, proscribed, taboo;Durance, taboo,控制, 抑制Control, wield, hold, steer, helm, maneuver, manipulate, dominate, regulate, rein in, direct, rule, govern, reign, regimentCurb, bridle, yoke, restrain inhibit smolder, suffocate,refrain from阻碍455Hinder, hamper, check, stunt, impede, block, obstruct, retard, interrupt, hold back, prevent from, forestall, keep from, deter from, discountenance, lumber, thwart, stem, stymie, frustrate, stump, stem,Entangle, enmesh, ensnare, entrap,Barrier, obstacle, obstruction, impediment, setback, hindrance, hurdle, blockade, blockage, morass, predicament, plight, straits, quandary,strait,预防Forestall, proselytize, preclude, prevent,干预432Interfere, intervene, intercede, meddle, annoy, vex, nettle, perturb, disturb, discomfit, molest, pester, bother, annoy, harass, intrude,Mediate,Inroad, raid, assail, assault, attack, trespass, infringe, attack, foray, intrude, encroach, Turbulence, disturbance得到,付出,付,出给Give, offer, endow, endue, present, bestow, provide, supply, furnishImpart, instruct, apprise, teach, instill, inculcate,Proffer, confer, donate, contribute, subscribe, bequeath,Issue, flow out, release,支出Cost, spend, pay, pay out, expend, disburse,Prodigal, profligate, splurge, spendthrift, dissipatefrugal, scrimp, skimp, abstemious,Expenditure, subvention,归还,偿439Return, hand out, restore, reciprocate, remunerate, revert,Compensate, reimburse, indemnify, expiate, atonement,Salary, remuneration, Emolument, honorarium,分配Distribute, allocate, issue, hand out, apportion, allot, dispense, ration, allot, assign, designate; Distribution, dispensation ration, allotment施加impose, entail, exert, inflict, suppress, subjugate, compress ,repress, coerce,使满Suffice, satiate, satisfy, cater, sate, meet requirement, gratifySuffuse, implant, instill, infuse, fill, impregnate,放弃Relinquish, give up, disclaim, abdicate, abjure, waive, renounce, recant, wean, forsake, abdicate, desert, forswear, renounce, repudiate, forgo, disown, disavow, abandon,Renunciation,获得,得到Get, receive, Accept, attain, acquire, obtain, gain, repossess, retrieve, procure, catch,Earn, profit, embezzle, peculate, defalcate, graft, appropriate,Obtainable, accessible, receptive,Receiver, recipient, procurement夺Deprive, take away, exact, extort, dispossess, bereave, divest, strip,Loot, ravage, ransack, sack, despoil, plunder, rapine, snatch, ,exploit, distill,Confiscate, impound, sequestrate, forfeit, expropriateExaction, depredation, spoliation,吸引Attract, appeal, fascinate, draw, charm, intrigue, enchant, tempt, allure, enchant, enthrall, rivet, fix, spellbind, intoxicate, engross, occupy, captivate, enamor,Attractive, appealing, charming, pleasing, attractiveness, fascination, charisma, personal, magnetism, attraction, fascination,包含510Contain, consist of, comprise, cover, encompass, span, contain, encompass, subsume, consist of, include, involve, embroil, implicate, ;Configuration component,需要,Require, call for, need, demand, necessitate,Necessary, required, requisite, essential,Requisite, prerequisite, requirement, precondition,使Cause to be, make, lead to, render, turn into, trigger, activate, cause,要求,请求,Request, ask, entreat, demand, petition, appeal toSolicit, invoke, plead, implore, beseech, adjure,Dictate, command, mandate, order, instruct, charge,Imperative, essential, compulsory, mandatory, urgent, obligatory,Request, requisition, petition, invocation;促使,劝说,Advise, urge, argue, advocate, persuade, sway, influence,Convince, expostulate, exhort, hortative刺激,激发,鼓励Stimulate, activate, spur, incite, agitate, inspire, arouse, excite, provoke, actuate, incite, foment, stir up, trigger, Kindle, enkindle, igniteencourage, motivate, invigorate, prompt, instigate,Impetuous, impulsive;Drive, motivation, incentive, inducement, impetus推动,驱动,迫使Push, drive, propel, force, oblige, propel, compel goad威逼利诱,欺骗,伪装Deceive, dupe, cheat, swindle, hoodwink,Disguise,Duplicity, artifice, chicanery, deception, scheme, subterfuge, duplicity.引诱Beguile, lure, tempt, allure, entice, tantalize, coax, delude, cozen, beguile,,Guile, deceit, cunning, wile, trickery,Wily威吓Threaten, menace, intimidate ,hector, frighten, bully,Threatening, menacing,Threat, menace允许,承认Allow, let, permit, licenseAllowance, license, permission, consent, sanction, authorization心理,想要,期望Expect, look forward to, wait for, look ahead to, suppose, anticipate, await欲望,欲求Wish, want, desire, long, yearn, aspire, crave, hanker, covet:Desirous, eager, avid, greedy, acquisitive, much desired, coveted, ambitious, enterprising; Longing, aspiration, yearning, ambition, avarice, desire for, appetite, desire意图Intend, tend to, mean, plan, be inclined to, predispose, resolve, prone to, apt to, disposed to, attempt to, aim to, be set to, have in mind, slantIntentionally, purposely, deliberately, consciously,Intention, motive, tendency, trend, proclivity, inclination, acclivity declivity,Liable, inclined to, willingly, likely不愿意Waver, hesitate, oscillate, vacillate, boggle, pause, falter,reluctant, unwilling,irresolute, indecisive, undetermined, uncertain, undecided, unsure, Reluctantly, unwillinglyReluctance, unwillingness认知,感觉,察觉Sense, feel, savor, be conscious of, be aware of, regain consciousness, perceive, Cognize, regard, Detect, identify, notice, recognize, observe,Heed, pay/give heed to, take heed/notice of, notice, pay/give attention toConscious, aware capable of feeling, sentient, percipient, cognizant,Consciousness, awareness, feeling, sense, sensation,Attention, heed, notice思考Think, consider, ponder, speculate, contemplate, reflect, muse, ponder, contemplate, muse, meditate, ruminate, chew, deliberate, take into account, take into consideration, cross one's mind, flash across one's mind, pass through one's mind, occur to sbthoughtful, meditative, pensivethought,consideration,reflection,contemplation理解know, understand, realize, appreciate, grasp, apprehend, figure out, be informed about, read, make out, go one’s idea across, decipher, decode, recognize, comprehend, be acqu ainted with, be familiar with,忽视,忘记, 没感觉Forget, not remember, neglect, ignore, overlook, disregard, pay no attention to, take no notice of Condone, excuse, and forgive, pardon, absolve, exonerate, extenuate, Oblivious, remiss, delinquent, negligent , Neglectful, forgetful,Oblivion, remission, omission. Amnesia, amnesty, inattention, oversight Ignorant, unknown, unconscious, unaware, insensitive, unresponsive清楚clarify, elucidate, shed light on, illuminate, make clear explicit, overt, precise, unambiguous, plain, clear, unequivocal, clarity, clearness, lucidity, transparency, simplicity, precision.迷惑Confuse, puzzle, muddle, bewilder, perplex, baffle, nonplus, flummox, disconcert, confound, mix up, fluster, obscure, obfuscate, perplex,Quandary, dilemma, plight, predicament,态度正面,赞成,同意Approve, endorse, grant, confirm, ratify, agree with, consent, endorse, approbate, assent, approve, accord, agree, accede, resonate,Unanimous, in full accord,Approval, agreement, concurrence, unanimity, approbation. Uniformity, consistency, endorsement, confirmation, ratification, sanction, allow, permit, let, consent to肯定,相信Certain, sure, ascertain, positive, confident, convinced, assured, Inevitable, certainly, surely, positively, definitely, confidently, assuredly, inevitably, undoubtedly, unquestionably, unequivocally Believe, trust, entrust, have faith in, fidelity, loyalty, faith, affidavit, conviction喜欢,赞美Love, be fond of, like, favor, worship, adore, Laud, praise, commend, extol, exalt, exult, eulogize, honor, pay tribute to, hymn, paean, carol, psalm, encomium,不喜欢,Loath, hate, dislike, abhor, repulse, repel, abominate, detest,Heinous, odious, hateful, repellent, repulsive, repugnant obnoxious,Aversion, odium, aversion, revulsion, abhorrence,不同意,反对Disagree, dissent, reject, and disallow discord,Contradict, gainsay, say the opposite to, oppose, counter, be in opposition to, go up against, defy, controvert, impugn, Inconsistent, contradictory, in disagreement, at oddsDisharmony, dissonance Opposing, dissenting, opposite, contradictory, override contrariwise, oppositely; Dispute, argue,反驳Refute, rebut, retort, deny, confute, contest, disprove羞辱,贬义Embarrass, humiliate, disgrace, dishonor, mortify, demean, discomfit, degrade, undermine Embarrassed, ashamed, unembarrassed, unabashed Humiliation, chagrin忧虑Worry about, fret over, feel anxious, uneasy about, be concerned about,fret, agony, Anxious , uneasy; Anxiety, concern, uneasiness, disquietedness, nervousness疑问,不相信Doubt, query, question, inquiry,Discredit, distrust, disbelieve, mistrust, suspect, be suspicious of, have doubts aboutDoubtful, misgiving, skeptical, dubious, incredulous,;Doubt, incertitude, questioning, skepticism, implausibility, incredibility批评,谴责Criticize, censure, condemn, denounce, attack, rail, rebuke, blame, reprove, reprimand, reproach; diatribe, reproof, reprimand分久必合,合久必分合,和,同,等, 似Accord, match, equal, like, resemble, approximate,Same, unified, matching, much the same, be similar to, akin to, the same as, equivalent, identical parallel Equivalent, congruity, concord, parallel, similarity, parallelism, tantamount, tally, Resemble, bear a resemblance to, be like, look like, simulate, take after, imitate, mimic, copy, emulate,比较Compare, contrast, weigh against, judge against, balance, parallelComparatively, relatively适合Suitable, fit, suited, proper, right, appropriate, apposite, apropos, opportune, fitting, apt, suitably, properly, rightly, appropriately, fittingly, aptly,相容Compatible, well-matched, well-suited, attuned, companionable, congenial, affable, amicable, Accommodate, Harbor, lodge,陪伴Accompany with, go along with, go together with, go with, come with, keep sb. Company, join, escort, convoy, cling to合作,合并Work together, cooperate, come together, and collaborate, join forces, team up,Merge, unite, connect, bond, bring together, combine, associate, amalgamate, swallow up, become one, come together, Affiliate, annex, coalesce, incorporate, integrate, put together, join together. Involve, embroil, include, Weld, join, solder,Merger, combination, solidarity, coalition, cohesion, conglomeration, agglomeration, confluence, Rapport, rapprochement, inseparable,聚集Gather, accumulate, amass, collect, pile up, heap up, compile, assemble, garner, convene, summon, organize, call together, swarm, throng, teem, crowd Rally, confer, muster, congregate, aggregate, put together, amass, convoke, convene, collect a supply of;Collection, group, multitude, flock, herd, array, accumulation, accretion, backlog.Gregarious,联系,依靠Link, relate, connect, associate, correlate, attach, fasten, clinch, cling to, tie, adhere, affiliate, pertain, trace;Relevant, pertinent, germane,Link, bond, nexus, linkage, relationship, attachment,Rely on, trust, depend on, count on;Reliable, foolproof, dependable, independent, sovereign;trust, reliance, dependence,整体,全部,广义Complete, total, entire, full, whole, thorough, comprehensive, all-round, versatile, plenary Generally, entirely, fully, wholly, thoroughly, exhaustively, usually, largely, mainly, mostly, for the most part, on the whole, in generalAll over, throughout;交易,遇见,互相Trade, exchange, deal, do business, transact, interact, intertwine, swap, switch,Trade, commerce, interplay, commodity, goods, merchandise, transaction, interactionMeet, encounter, run into, run across, come across, happen to see, discover;Mutual, reciprocal, vice versa,遵守,认同Obey, comply with, act upon, follow, meet the terms, act in accordance, submit, observe, conform, Accordance, tractable, obedient, ductile, compliant, docile, manageable, tame,分,分开,部分Divide, break up, separate, undo, seclude, sever, diversify, bifurcate, ramify, disconnect, cede, sunder, asunder, part, partition, isolate, part, detach,Exclude, occluded, preclude, segregate, secludeDisband, dismiss, scatter, estrange, segment, cleave, rift, disintegrate, split up, fall apart, collapse, Fission, crevice, partition, detachment, secession,Section, aspect, feature, facet, respect, side, sector, division, part, segment, fragment, piece, portion背离Digress, deviate, diverge, astray, depart, swerve, deflect, defection, apostate, betray, divagate, secede egress,Perfidious, infidelity, disloyal, unfaithfulness, disaffected,不同Different, dissimilar, unlike, incongruous, discordant, disparate,Multifarious, motley, various varied, diversified,Diversity, shade, nuance, disparity, discrepancy, difference, variance, multiplicity,不相容,不适合Incompatible, mismatched, unsuited, discordant, inharmonious, unsuitable, improper, wrong, inappropriate, inopportune, unfitunsuitably, inappropriately,违背,对立Contravene, defend, break, breach, disobey, counter, resist, violate, defy, flout, infringe, infraction, 对立争,斗,努力Compete, via, contend, struggle, wrestle, tussle, challenge, fight against, emulate, rival, conflict, contest, strife,confront, face up to,Strive, make an effort, endeavor to, try to do, attempt to do, struggle;Effort, attempt antagonistic, hostile, friction躲避Avoid, escape, keep away from, stay away from, shun, wince, flee, run away, flight, parry, evade, dodge, sidestep,elude, shirk,成Win, succeed, triumph, prevail, outstrip, outwit, transcend, exceed, surmount, overcome surpass, Fulfill, complete, accomplish, finish, achieve, reach, approach, realize, soar,Subdue, suppress, override, overrule, subvert, topple,Consummation, achievement, feat, attainment, accomplishment.Accessible, reachable, attainable, obtainable, approachable,败Fail, be unsuccessful, be abortive, flunk, founder, bungle, sink, be fruitless, bungle, blunder, bumble, muff Failure, abortion, crash stranded,处理,对付,处置Deal with, cope with, and dispose, handle, manage, process, Disposition选择Choose, select, favor, prefer, pick,传递Transmit, pass, hand on, transcribe, transfer, move, convert, convey, send, ferry, transport, Impart, inculcate, instruct, teach, inform, apprise, pass on transfusion,采用,利用Make use of, use, employ, utilize, exploit, consume, harness, assume, take on手段,工具By means of, by way of, by virtue of , method, manner, means, device, instrument, facility, implement, apparatus, appliance, mechanism, gadget, utensil, tools,contrivance, maneuver, tactic, mean, expedient, stratagem, tact, ploy,artifice, chicanery, scheme, plan, project, program行为,Act, perform, behave, work, serve as, operate, run, function to, conduct;Be engaged in, carry on, indulge in, participate, endeavor to, take part in, devote to, dedicate to, Behavior, demeanor, conduct, action, performance,信息处理表达说,表达say, tell, talk, speak, utter, express, voice, state, articulate, pronounce, emote,Declare, pronounce, claim, announce, address, intimateEquivocate, prevaricate, prattle, stammer,chat, discuss, converse, bargain, negotiate,talk, chat, discussion, debate, conversation, colloquy提出Suggest, propose, present, put forward, recommend, advocate, advise, posit, aver, allege, postulate, propound, tender, Hint, imply, insinuate, allude,描述Describe, depict, illustrate, limn, recount, portray, represent, define, characterize, delineate, sketch out,; description, version解释,说明Explain, interpret, explicate, detail, clarify, make clear, construe, misconstrue, elucidate, shed light on, decipher,, expound, disabuse, explain in detail, account for;Exposition, exhibition, connotation, exegesis, gloss annotate,表明Show, demonstrate, evince, indicate, display, exhibit,获取信息观察,探求observe, view, see, spot, watch, notice, make out, perceive, bring attention to, be aware of, distinguish, discern, detect, scrutinize, monitor, study, sight, inquire, probe, search, explore, Search, grope, probe, plumb, fathom, research,quest;调查,检查Inspect, examine, scan, study, check, investigate, censor, peruse, look into, look over, scrutinize, survey, Inspection, examination, census, censor, investigation, scrutiny, survey, inquiry, census, poll 纪录,记载Record, register, document ,write down, take down, put down, note down, detail, keep details,逻辑分析证明Analyze, consider, infer, extrapolate, prove, justify, confirm, verify, validate, testify, attest, authenticate,substantiate, give evidence, corroborate假设Presume, assume, suppose, imagine, premise, surmise,推断Induce, infer, deduce, reason, derive from, ratiocinate, conclude,因果result from, result in, according to, attribute to, ascribe to, credit to, account for, derive from, arise from, proof, evidence, inference, conclusion, convince, cogent, sound, logical, rational,真,正确True, right, correct, proper, real, actual, genuine, veritable, veracious, authentictruly, really, actually, in fact, authentically, realistically, pragmatically;genuinely veraciously,faultless, impeccable, in the right wayTruth, canon, criterion, norm, axiom, veracity. Rationale, truism, maxim,correct, revise, rectify假,错False, wrong, incorrect, fallacious mistaken, erroneous, unreal, errant, faultyFake, sham, phony, pretended, simulated, pseudoMistakenly, erroneously; Mistake, error, fault, fallacy, misconception, illusion;take A as B, confuse A with B, mistake A for B, erroneously identify A as B, falsify,发现, 揭示Discover, find out, learn, reveal, disclose, unveil, expose, divulge, make known, debunk, declassify, decode,decipher, translate, make out, revelation,其它强调的,Absolutely, incontrovertible, indispensable,indisputable, inalienable, indubitable, incontestable, irrefutable, incontrovertible;重要的Consequential, imponderable, paramount, substantial, major, significant, important, leading, major, dominant, predominant, prevailing, key, pivotal, decisive, critical, crucial, basic, fundamental, radical, essential, primary, integral, inherent, indispensable, necessary优缺点Advantage, benefit, advantageous, valuable, precious, positive, positive aspect, helpful, asset, valuable quality.Disadvantage, drawback, weakness, shortcoming, downside, negative aspect, unfavorable feature.明显的,突出的,优秀的,杰出的Obvious, apparent, evident, conspicuous visible, noteworthy, noticeable, notable, manifest, outstanding, remarkable, salient, prominent, eminent, distinguished, striking, extraordinary, excellent, monumental, phenomenal,主要mainly, chiefly, principally, predominatly, basically, fundamentally, primarily, inherently,考研英语常用的阅读同义词替换artificialsynthetic, fabricated, contrived, fake, mock, bogus, counterfeit, pseudoconventionaltraditional, historical, past; accepted, common, regular, routine, mainstream, ordinaryearlyfirst, old, ancient, primitive, previous, former, remotesimulatevirtual, create, reproduce, pretend, imitateartificialsynthetic, fabricated, contrived, fake, mock, bogus, counterfeit, pseudoreducecurtail, cut, decrease, halve, impair, lessen, moderate, trim, slashfuturewhat's next, prospect, approaching, expected, destined, forthcomingworldwideinternational, cosmopolitan, global, universal, ubiquitous, widespread, around the worlddevelopevolve, advance, grow, improve, progress, flourishfinddiscover, come across, encounter, hit on, expose, notice, note, observe, recognize, spot, uncoverdemandrequest, claim, need, order, require, call fordeclinedecrease, degeneration, drop, fall, recession, depression, reduction, slump, worseningsignificanceimportance, milestone, impact, justification, gist, implication, point, purport, vitalprevelantcommon, usual, prevailing, widespread, systematic, collective, general, popularobjectionchanllenge, complaint, disapproval, opposition, protest, query, question, remonstrationobstaclebar, barricade, barrier, block, blockage, check, obstruction, problem, snag, hurdlecommercialbusiness, economic, financial, mercantile, profitable, pecuniaryinevitableunavoidable, certain, destined, fated, inescapable, suremillitaryarmed, belligerent, army, weapon, warlikerolefunction (provide, support, weaken, smooth, solve), job, position, duty, post, task, contribution。
英语温度方面的知识点总结Basics of Temperature:Temperature is a fundamental physical quantity that measures the hotness or coldness of an object or a substance. It is a scalar quantity, which means it has magnitude but no direction. The SI unit of temperature is the kelvin (K), and it is also commonly measured in degrees Celsius (°C) and degrees Fahrenheit (°F).The concept of temperature is based on the kinetic theory of matter, which states that all particles in a substance are in constant motion and that temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of these particles. At higher temperatures, the particles move faster, while at lower temperatures, they move slower.Temperature Scales:There are several temperature scales commonly used around the world, including the Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin scales. The Celsius scale is based on the freezing (0°C) and boiling (100°C) points of water, while the Fahrenheit scale uses the freezing (32°F) and boiling (212°F) points of water. The Kelvin scale is based on absolute zero (-273.15°C), which is the lowest possible temperature and the point at which all molecular motion ceases.The relationship between these scales can be expressed through the following formulas:- Celsius to Fahrenheit: °F = (°C × 9/5) + 32- Fahrenheit to Celsius: °C = (°F - 32) × 5/9- Celsius to Kelvin: K = °C + 273.15- Kelvin to Celsius: °C = K - 273.15Factors Affecting Temperature:Several factors can affect the temperature of an object or a substance, including the amount of heat energy added or removed, the mass and specific heat capacity of the substance, and its surroundings. When heat is added to a substance, its temperature increases, and when heat is removed, its temperature decreases.Specific heat capacity is a measure of how much heat energy is required to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount. Substances with higher specific heat capacities require more heat energy to increase their temperatures, while those with lower specific heat capacities heat up more quickly.The surroundings of a substance can also affect its temperature. For example, a substance in contact with a colder object will lose heat and decrease in temperature, while a substance exposed to a heat source will gain heat and increase in temperature.Applications of Temperature:Temperature is used in a wide range of applications across different fields, including meteorology, medicine, food industry, and engineering.In meteorology, temperature is a crucial variable for weather forecasting and climate studies. It helps meteorologists understand the behavior of the atmosphere, predict changes in weather patterns, and assess the impact of climate change.In medicine, temperature is important for monitoring the health of individuals and for various medical procedures. Body temperature is used as an indicator of fever or hypothermia, and medical equipment such as thermometers, incubators, and cryogenic storage units rely on temperature control for their proper functioning.In the food industry, temperature control is essential for food safety and preservation. Proper cooking temperatures ensure that food is safe to eat, while refrigeration and freezing processes help extend the shelf life of perishable items.In engineering, temperature plays a critical role in the design and operation of various systems and devices. For example, in the automotive industry, engines, and exhaust systems need to be able to withstand high temperatures, while in electronics, temperature control is essential for preventing overheating and ensuring the proper functioning of electronic components.In conclusion, temperature is a fundamental physical quantity that influences many aspects of our lives. Understanding the basics of temperature, its different scales, factors affecting it, and its applications can help us appreciate its importance and make informed decisions in various fields.。
第38卷第5期计算机仿真2021年5月文章编号:1006 -9348(2021 )05 -0066 -04基于温度补偿的动力锂电池S O C估算方法刘新天,彭泳,何耀,郑昕昕(合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院,安徽合肥230009>摘要:动力电池的荷电状态(State of C h a r g e,S O C)是电动汽车的重要参数之一,直接影响电动汽车的安全控制与可续行里程的评估。
为实现对锂电池S0C的准确估计,考虑温度对锂电池容量等特性参数的影响,通过引人温度补偿模型,并结合扩展卡尔曼滤波(E x t e n d e d K a l m a n Filter,EKF)算法实现对锂电池S0C的动态估计。
关键词:电动汽车;锂电池;荷电状态;温度补偿;扩展卡尔曼滤波中图分类号:T M743文献标识码:BState of Charge Estimation of Lithiumion Power BatteryConsidering Temperature InfluenceLIU Xin -tian,PENG Yong,HE Yao,ZHENG Xin -x in(S c h o o l o f E l e c t r i c a l and A u t o m a t i o n E n g i n e e r i n g,H e f e i U n i v e r s i t y o f Technology,H e f e i Anhui230009, China)A B S T R A C T:As a n i m p o r t a n t p a r a m e t e r o f t h e e l e c t r i c v e h i c l e s,t h e S t a t e - o f- Ch a r g e (SOC)o f L i t h i u m - i o nb a t t e r y h a s a d i r ec t i n f l u e n c e o n s e c u r i t y c o n t r o l and t he r e m a i n d e r d r i v i n g r a n g e e s t i m a t i o n.The c a p a c i t y w h i c hp l a y s a n i m p o r t a n t r o l e i n SOC e s t i m a t i o n c h a n g e s w i t h t h e a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e,b u t a s a c o n s t a n t v a l u e i n m o s t i ns t a n c e s,s o t h e SOC e s t i m a t i o n a c c u r a c y d e c r e a s e s i n d i f f e r e n t t e m p e r a t u r e s.I n o r d e r t o a c h i e v e a c c u r a t e e s t i m a t i o n o f l i t h i u m b a t t e r y S OC,c o n s i d e r i n g t h e i n f l u e n c e o f t e m p e r a t u r e o n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c p a r a m e t e r s s u c h a s l i t h i u m b a t t e r yc a p a c i t y,dy namic e s t i m a t i o n o f l i t h i u m b a t t e r y SOC w a s r e a l i z ed b y i n t r o d u c i n g te m p e r a t u r e c o m p e n s a t i o n model a n dc o m b i n i n g Ex te nde d Kalman F i l t e r (E K F)a l g o r i t h m.The d i s c h a r g e t e s t of t h e l i t h i u m b a t t e r y wa s c a r r i e d o u t u n d e rt h e a c t u a l o p e r a t i n g c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e s i m u l a t e d e l e c t r i c v e h i c l e un d e r d i f f e r e n t a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e s,an d t h e a c c u r ac y o f t h e SOC a l g o r i t h m w i t h o u t t e m p e r a t u r e c o m p e n s a t i o n and t he a c c u r a c y of t h e co mp en sa te d SOC a lg o r i th m w e r ecompared.The r e s e a r c h r e s u l t s show t h a t t h e p r o p o s e d method i s s u i t a b l e f o r l i t h i u m b a t t e r i e s w i t h d i f f e r e n t t e m p e r at u r e s,wh ic h c a n a c h i e v e a more a c c u r a t e e s t i m a t i o n.K E Y W O R D S:E l e c t r i c v e h i c l e;L i t h i u m- i o n b a t t e r y;S t a t e o f Charge(S OC);Te m p e r a t u r e co m p e n s a t i o n;Ex t e n de d Kalmanf i l t e r (E K F)i引言锂离子动力电池具有能量大、寿命长等优点,已被广泛 应用于电动汽车中。
形容词合适的: suitable/ advisable/ sound/ temperate/ rational/ preferable/ reliable/ fitting/ modest/ moderate精致的: elegant/ delicate/ elaborate/subtle美好的: gorgeous/ glorious/ splendid/ admirable/ breathtaking/ impressive/ spectacular/ superb杰出的: outstanding/ distinguished/ eminent/ excellent/ supreme/ extraordinary/ prominent/ matchless/ foremost著名的: famous/ illustrious/ celebrated/ notable聪明的: intelligent/ wise/ ingenious/ sensible/ smart/ clever/ knowledgeable/ capable大的: immense/ huge/ spacious/ prodigious/ massive/ enormous/ vast/ tremendous/ expansive 小的: slight/ tiny/ microscopic/ small/ diminutive/ minuscule重要的: important/ significant/ concernful/ pivotal/ superb/ momentous/ vital/ primary/ essential/ principal/ leading/ major/ dominant/ predominant/ fateful最好的: optimum/ premium基本的: underlying/ elementary/ fundamental/ essential/ cardinal不足的: insufficient/ scanty/ meager/ needy/ poor/ scarce/ devoid/ empty/ lacking充足的: fraught/ sufficient/ enough/ adequate/ abundant过多的: excessive/ redundant/ overabundant/ inordinate特殊的: unique/ matchless/ unrivaled/ extraordinary / special奇怪的: odd/ bizarre/ quaint/ weird/ queer相似的: similar/ approximate/ proximate/ homogeneous/ identical/ equal/ equivalent/ coordinate.无效的: null/ invalid/ void有效的: valid/ acceptable/ effective/ resultful/ efficient/ competent高兴的: delightful/ happy/ hilarious/ exultant/ gleeful/ joyous/ exalted/ blessed/ pleasing/ amusing成就, 成功: success/ triumph/ victory/ accomplishment/ achievement/ fruition/ consummation/ attainments失败: failure/ be defeated/ a case of crabs观点: point of view/ standpoint/ viewpoint/ frame of reference/ theory财产: treasure/ profit/ fortune/ moneybag/ wealth/ belongings/ estate/ possessions/ property/ riches/ worth好处: advantage/ behoof/ benefit/ gain/ good/ stead优点: excellence/ merit/ strongpoint/ virtue缺点: bug/ disfigurement/ limitation/ objection/ vice/ lacuna/ defect/downside发展: development/ evolution/ progress/ grow普及: popularization/ prevalence.出现: emergence情况: circumstance/ condition原因: causation/ cause/ matter/ reason影响: infection/ influence/ impact提供: provide/ supply/ furnish/ give/ render/ accommodate思考: consider/ speculate/ ponder/ think建议: propose/ suggest/ advance/ mention/ recommend/ advise/ offer/吸引: engross/ absorb/ draw/ attract/ intoxicate/ lure/ entice/ tempt揭示: reveal/ exhibit/ expose/ disclose/ unveil/ show/ transpire/ indicate/ denote理解: understand/ comprehend说明: illuminate/ clarify/ illustrate/ exemplify/ explain/ elaborate暗示: imply / allude/ insinuate开始: start/emerge/ launch/ start/ begin/ commence/ initiate带来, 引起: generate/ produce/ give rise to/ engender停止: stop/ cease/ halt/ terminate/ end/ finish/ conclude赞同: agree with/ applaud/ approve/ go along with/embrace反对: oppose/ argue against/ combatFaded from 消失于:disappeared fromNovel 创新的,新颖的:innovativeStationary 固定的:fixedVessel 船只:craftSmothering 窒息的:eliminatedCoined 组成,创造:createdIntervention 干预:influenceEmerged 出现:appearedOutlining 概括,总结:summarizingDeliberate 仔细地:carefulDemanded 需要:requiredImitate 模仿:copyComparably 相似地:similarlyInclinations 偏好,喜好 : preferencesVaried 不同:differedCumbersome 笨重地:burdensomeConfined 局限:limitedFramed 构造,制定:posedSupposedly 可能地,推测地:seeminglySanitation 卫生:healthConflicting 对立的:apposingGive way to 让位于:turns intoSpeculate 假设:hypothesizeAlternative 选择:optionImposing 要求高的,费力的:demandingPenetrate 穿过:go throughExtended 增加,延长:increasePreferred 喜欢; favoredBarren 贫瘠的:infertileHard 坚硬的:firmDivergence 不同,区别:differenceDurable 耐久地:long-lastingDwelling 住所:housesElaborately 精心地:done in a great detail Bounds 限制:limitsChance 偶然的:unplannedIntegral 必要的,基本的:an essentialCarry 承担:supportConcentrated 集中:clusteredEffect 影响:influenceDistinct 区别,不同:separateSetting 建立:establishingEnds 目标:goalsDrastic 激进的:radicalExtracted 提取:removedInstances 例子:casesEntombed 陷入:trappedMarked 明显的:pronouncedUshering 开始,引入:beginningExecute 执行,创造:createDomains 领域:fieldsFundamental 基本的:basicSkilled 专业的:expertPresided over 管理控制:managedCelestial 天文学的:astronomicalEntities 物体:objectsMotifs 母题,图案:designsRare 罕见的:infrequentMaintaining 维持:preservingTolerate 忍耐:endureObtain 获得 getRoll back 减少 reduceStimulating 刺激 encouragingDepressed 降低,使沮丧 loweredStringent 严厉的 strictDictates 决定 determines Witnessed 看到 observedA break with 分开 a departure fromConserve 维持,保留 retainMagnified 加强,加剧 intensifiedForage 觅食 feedCounteracted 否定,抵消 negatedIn season 应季 a particular time of yearFixture 寻常物品 commonplace object Nevertheless 但是 howeverRotates 转动,改变 turnsReadily 容易地,欣然地 easilyConstituting 组成 making upPits 洞,坑 holesDisputes 争论 argumentsUnrestricted 不受限制的 unlimitedSnap 折断 breakFed 吃/放入 putExposed to 易受影响的,受支配 subjected to Exert 引起,导致 causeDiffuses 穿过,扩散 travelsRapture 破裂 burstMiniscule 微小的 tinyEnables 使能够 allowsAesthetically 美学的,艺术的 artisticallyRefreshing 非同寻常的,耳目一新的 unusualDevote 奉献 dedicateBound 系,绑 tiedAssembling 聚集 gatheringAdorned 装修 decoratedAttire 服装 clothingUnravel 揭露 discoverMundane 平凡的 ordinaryGap 空隙 openingDiscards 抛弃 gets rid ofDeft 灵巧的 skilledRobust 强壮的 strongHeralded 宣布 announcedPosition 职位 jobMajor 主要的 principalSymmetrical 比例平衡的,对称的 proportionally balanced Obvious 明显的 apparentDominated 占支配地位的 were prevalent inSupplements 补充 extensionsCrisscross 交叉 move back and forthSkepticism 怀疑主义 doubt Subsidy 资助 financingConjectural 猜测的 based on guessingEmploying 采用 usingAssortment 种类 varietyExalted 高级的 superiorIngots 银锭/块 blocks of silver mixed with copperCame of age 出现了,成名了 established itselfTrace 痕迹 imprintsExposed 暴露 uncoveredAdversely 逆向/反的 negativelyAltered 改变 changedNoxious 有毒的,有害的 harmfulDetectable 可以探测的 measurableAcute 敏锐的,剧烈的 intenseExceeded 超越 surpassedAstounding 惊讶的 surprisingDurable 耐久的 lastingCustomarily 通常 usuallyInduced 导致 causedRemarkable 异常的 extraordinaryExerted 运用 appliedRestricted 限制 limitedIntricate 错综复杂的 complexVary 区别,不同 differInitially 首先 at firstCohesion 凝聚力 unityConsciously 有意识地,故意地 purposely Unadorned 未装饰的,平凡的 plainConsumption 消费,吃 eatingConstituents 组成部分 componentsCalculated 计算,决定 determinedCeased 停止 stopProminent 著名的 distinguishedApply to 应用于 used forCoarser 粗糙的 rougherDense 浓密的 thickThanks to 由于 because ofEagerly anticipated 渴望,期待 looked forward to Properties 特征,特点 characteristicsAscribed to 归功于,认为 assumed to be true of Revolutionized 巨变,革命 dramatically changed Appeal 吸引attractionSpawned 产生,产卵 createdCore 核心 centerEmbedded 镶嵌 encasedSpotting 识别 identifyingDogma 信仰,教条 beliefDetect 发现 discovered the presence ofShied away from 避免 avoidedMilestone 里程碑 significant developmentCritical 关键的 essentialJolting 震动 shockingMagnitude 成都/大小 extent Intent 目的,意向 goal Administered 管理 managedPeriphery 外围 outer edgeInception 起初beginningFabricating 构成,虚构constructingResort to 采取usingIngenuity 机灵,灵巧resourcefulnessFunctional 有功能的,有用的usableSignificant 有意义的meaningfulAttained 获得reachedFlamed 燃烧burnedEncompass包围,环绕 includeCame to the forefront 来到最前线/变得很重要 became important Hinged on 依赖 depended onLured 引诱attractedExpendable消费品,可以牺牲的 nonessentialNotwithstanding 尽管despiteIntricate 错综复杂的complexRandom 任意的unpredictableOptimal 最佳的,最理想的bestUrged 催促encouragedCarried on 继续 continuedDiverse 不同的variedEnsures确保 guaranteesSuitable 合适的,适宜的appropriatelyScares 稀有rareResemble 类似look likeCoarse 粗糙的crudeBrittle易碎的,脆弱的 easily brokenAppreciated赏识,意识到 recognizedMerely 仅仅onlyEmitting 发出producingSpanning 跨越 coverPursue 追赶catchAltogether 完全的completelyIntensive 集中的,透彻的concentratedPrevailed 流行,盛行dominatedDepicted 描述describedForemost 首要的 leadingMeteoric流星的,迅速的 rapidApace with 快速的,急速的as fast asWider 宽广的more extensiveThereby 因此,在那方面by that meansUnique 唯一的,独特的singularRotting 腐烂的decayingKey 关键的importantConverted修改 changedAntecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessorAppealing吸引人的 attractiveLocal 场所placeBoosted推进 raisedScope 范围extentProlific多产的,丰富的 productiveEager 热心的,渴望的enthusiasticEngaged使用,雇佣 hireSubsequent后来的 laterSums 总数amountsIdentical同样的 exactly alikeGraphic生动的,鲜明的 vividUndoubtedly 毫无疑问的certainlyComponents 组成部分partsBesides 除此之外in addition toFlourished繁荣,昌盛 thrivedGrumbled 抱怨,牢骚complainedServe服务,适合 functionSole 唯一的onlyDetecting 发现findingSedentary久坐的,不活动的 inactiveSubjected 受影响的exposedEssence 本质,精华basic natureDiverse 不同的differentNoted 注意到 observedEmphasize 强调stressAccessible易接近的,可靠近的availableAccount for 解释,说明explainSmooth operation 顺利进行 effective functioning Cluster 成群 groupAlert 警惕 wareScurrying 急跑,匆忙走rushingFormidable 艰难地,令人敬畏的difficultIntent 目的,意向 purposeRegardless of 不管,不顾no matter whatMarked 显著地noticeableConfine 限制 restrictPresumably 推测,大概 probablySustain 支撑,持续 supportInsignificant 无关紧要的unimportantUltimately 最后,最终 eventuallyDemise 死亡 deathConvert 转变 changePrimarily 主要地,根本上 chieflyPrevailing 流行的dominantUndergone 经历 experiencedVast 巨大的 great Attachment to 倾向于 preference for Protruding 凸出的 projectingShield 保护 protectDaring 大胆boldBoosted 鼓舞 raisedInhibited 阻碍hinderedCounterpart 版本,对应物 versionDetectable 明显的,可探测的 apparentSumptuous 奢侈的 luxuriousYield 供应provideAdhere 坚持 stickInitiate 启动,开始 beginModifying 改变,限制 changingRapidity 迅速 swiftnessEfficiency 效率 effectivenessRear 抚养 raiseScale 攀登 climbImmunity 免疫,保护 protectionConspicuous 明显的 noticeableBias 偏见 prejudiceExorbitant 丰富的 expensiveUndergone 经历 experiencedConsorted 交往 associatedSufficient 充足 adequateAnnihilate 消灭,征服 conquerAptly 恰当的 appropriatelyFashion 制造 createArticle 物品 objectStaples 基本产品 basic elementsInvade 侵入 move intoContemporary 当代的 existingFinely 微小的 minutelyAttendant 伴随的 accompanyingExponential leaps 迅速上升 rapid increasesVirtually 几乎完全,实际上 almost completely Pertinent 相关的 relevantSuccinct 简明 conciseRevise 改变 changeMonopolized 垄断 dominatedFactions 部分 sidesFlattering 赞美 complimentaryDisseminated 分散 spreadAccelerated 加速 increasedGiven way to 替代 been replaced byReliance 依赖 dependencePicture 想象 imagineEmit 发出 give offGlowing 发光的 shiningInflux 流入,到达 arrivalExtraordinary 异常的 exceptionalEra 时代 period of timeIntriguing 吸引人的 attractiveConclusive 总结性的 definitivePreoccupation 卷入involvementPrimary 基本的fundamentalEntire 整个whole Bring about 引起 causeTemping 吸引人的 attractiveReckless 不负责任的 irresponsibleConcomitant with 同时发生的,与之伴随的 in conjunction with Skyrocketing 迅速上升 increasing rapidlyExtolling 高度赞扬praisingRoughly 大约harshlyReaped 获得gainedInterchangeable 互换的,等同于 equivalentClassified 分类 categorizedIncinerated itself 燃烧 burn upSecuring 获得 acquiringImplications 意义 significantHinterland 腹地,内地贸易区 regionPersisted 坚持,持续 continuedUndergoing 经历,遭受 experiencingSuspend 悬挂,延迟 hangFatal 致命的 deadlySecure 安全的 safeSorted out 分类,挑练 separatedDampened 使潮湿 moistenedFine 细微的 tinyDerived 起源,得自 obtainedDrastically 激烈的,彻底的severelyCoincided with 一致,符合 happened at the same time Supplement 补充 add toContemporary 当代的,同时代的 written at the same time Prized 珍视 valuedOvertaken 超越,胜出surpassedIntervals 间隔 periodsFreeing 解除 releasingPlunge 投入,跳进 dropTangled缠结的,紊乱的 twisted togetherConcealed 隐藏 coveredAvail themselves 利用 make useAccordingly 因此for that reasonCrucial至关重要的 importantPonderous 笨重的heavyAttained 达到,获得achievedAbundant 丰富的,充裕的plentifulPeculiar 独特的,奇异的strangeMeticulously小心翼翼的 carefullyDurability 经久,耐久力enduranceIncised雕刻的carvedConsumed消耗,吃eatenInnovative 创新的 newExtract 提取,提炼removeScorched烧焦burnedConsequence 结果resultExceed超越,胜出go beyondGenerated 产生 causeNorm 标准 standardHenceforth 今后 from that time onMandated委托统治的recommendedImmutable 不可变的unchangeableRevered 尊敬 respectedConsist 一致的,协调的constant address v. 应付,处理(问题等)aging n. n陈酿appropriate v. 擅用,挪用,占用,盗用article n. 物品;制品,商品arrested adj. 不良的,滞留的。
Aa branch of/a division ofa quarter of/a fourth of abandon/giveup/desert/cease/stop/quit abide by/ stick to/ adhere to abnormal/ unusualabrupt/ sudden/unexpected abundant/plentiful/adequate/ sufficient/enough accelerate/ step up/quicken/speed up acclaim/hailacceptable/satisfactorily account for/ explain account/consideration/takeint accout/explainaccumulate/collect/gather/buildup accuse …of/ charge… with achieve/attain/get/gain/abtain adhere/to follow/stick fastadverse/unfavorableadvisable/wiseaim /goalaircraft/plane/aeroplanealike/simileralleviate/ lessen/relieveallocate/assign/distribute/gavenallow/permitalternative/ choicealmost/nearly/vcitually/practicallyalthough/while/thoughan improved/a betterannoying/irritating/unpleasantannuallay/every yearanyhow/anywayappalling/dreadfulappear/be seen/come intoview/ be in sightapply to/put into / use /action / operation /functionappraisal/evaluationargue/contendarise/get uparouse/excite/wakeassemble/gatherassert/state firmlyassume/postulateastonish/surpriseat any price/for love ormoneyat once/immediatelyat stake/in dangerattend/go toattend to/wait onattraction/lure/temptationauthentically/genuinelyauthority/governmentBban/forbid,prohibitbare/barrenbarren/barebe bordering on/be close to be entitled to(do sth.)/have right to(do sth)be hailed as/be acclaimed as be realized/befulfilled/come truebearing/influence impacteffectbecause of/on accountof/due to owing to/thanks tobefore/previously/formerly/prior tobehaviour/conductblend/mixbranch/divisionbrave/courageousbreak/beatbroaden/widenCcall/phonecall … up/telephonecall …off/cancel capability/abilitycare/remedycareful/conscientious/cautio uscater for/meet/satisfy census/countcertain/sure/inevitable change/alter/modify/vary/shiftchange into/turn intocharacteristic/typicalcheerful/pleasant/happychildish/immatureclever/intelligertclose/near/intimatecollaborate/cooperatecollide with/run intocome across/catch sightof/see sb/sth suddenlycompactly/denselycompel/force/obligecomplain/feel unhappycomplete/finishcompel/force/obligecomprehend/understand/see/follow/ read catch one'smeaningconcise/short and clearconfidential/secret conscientious/careful/cautio usconsideration/account consolidate/strengthen consume/use contaminate/pollute contend/argue continuously/steadilyconventional/orthodoxtraditional,conversation/talkconvert/change/exchangeconviction/beliefcopy/duplicatecount/censuscourteous/respectful/politecoverage/reportagecredible/convincing/believablecriticize/find fault withcultivate/fostercut in/interruptDdamaging/harmful danger/hazarddeadly/fatal/lethal debate/discussdecent/honestdecide/make up one's mind (to do sth)/be determined to(do sth)deduce/derivedefer/postponedelete/write off deliberately/intentionally/o n purposedemand/insiston/request/require demolish/pull downdensely/compactlydepend on/upon/relyon/upon/trustdepict/describedesirable/satisfactorydeter/inhibit/preventdeteriorate/worsendiligent/hardworkingdimly/faintly weaklydisappear/vanish/be out ofsightdiscuss/talk overdismiss/fireddisorder/confusiondistinguish/tell thedifferencedistress/danger/difficultydiverse/varied/differentdo away with/get rid ofdoctor/physiciandraft/formulatedraw/attractduplicate/copydurable/long-lastingdying out/extinctionEeffect/resultelevate/promoteelicit/provoke/induce/trigger eligible/entitled,qualified embody/include encourage/spurendeavor/try/attempt enormous/large enternal/everlastingespecially/particularlyeternal/everlastingeventually/finallyexhaustive/extremelythoroughexhibit/show/displayexpect/ wish / hopeexperience/practicaldifficultyexpire/diedexplore/investigate/lookinto/probe/go throughextensive/massiveextinction/dying outextract/take outFfail/omitfail to(do sth)/be unable to (do sth)fairly/without bias/justly fascinate/intriguefaster/cultivatefatten up/polishfaulty/wrong/mistaken/incor rect field/speciality/range/scopefinal/lastfind faultwith/Criticize/blamefinish/copmletefire/dismissfirm/companyfor love or money/at anyprice,by all the meansfor the most part/mostlyforce/strength/power/compel/enforcefoster/cultivateformerly/before/previouslyframework/skeletonfrightened/scaredfriendly/intimatefrighten/scarefulfill/realize/complete/acco mplish/finish successfully Ggain/put ongain/profitgain/obtain/attain/get/achiev e,gangster/violent criminal gather/come togetherga(u)er/measuregaze/stare gently/mildly/kindlyget up/arise/get out of bedgive up/abondongoal/aim/purpose/destinationgorgeous/lovely/beautifulgovernment/administrationgradually/step by stepgrasp/take/have/get/catchhold ofgrateful/thankfulguarantee/ensureguy/manH Ihail/acclaimhard/difficult/severe harmonious/proportionate/s ymmetricalharness/utilise/use/make use of/take advantage of have aninfluence/impast/effect on hazard/danger hazardous/dangerous healthy/well/wholesome/vig oroushighly/very horrify/terrifyidea/concept/plan.schemeidentify/nameimmediately/right away/atonce/without delay/in notime (at all)immense/enormous/verybigimproved/betterin conjunctionwith/together within distress/in dangerinevitable/certainsure/unavoidableingenious/cleverinitial/beginninginsane/crazy/madinsist on/demandintelligent/cleverintimate/friendlyinvaluable/extremely usefulinvestigate/look intoisolated/solitary/lonely/separatedK.Lkeep/remain/maintain/preser vekid/childknow/realize/be aware of last/pastlately/recently/these days laugh at/mock/make funof/make a fool of/make ajoke with sblawful/legallet/rentlethal/deadly/fatallimited/smalllocation/scene/place/positiom/site/spotlook for/try tofind/searchforlure/attractionM Nmagnificent/splendid make up one's mind/decide /be determined tomanual/physicalmassive/extensivemerely/justmighty/very strongmildly/gentlymind/brains/spiritminute/slight/tiny/very small miraculous/amazingmix/blendmock/laugh atmodify/changemotive/reasonmoving/stirringmystery/ puzzle/problemnearest/closest tonotreluctantly/unreluctantlynotably/particularlynotice/perceivenow and then/occasionallyat times/from time totime/sometimes/ once in awhilenumerous/many/a lotof/lots of a great many/alarge number ofOobscure… fromview/prevent…from view obvious/clear occasionally/sometimes/at times/once in a time/now and thanoccupant/resident/inbabitan t occur/happenodd/strangeomit/fail/be unable toomit to do sth/fail to dosth/be urable toon the whole/generallyoperative/workingorthodox/conventional/traditionaloutcome/resultoutrageous/outrageous/unacceptableovertake/passown/possessPparticipate in/take part in particular/detail particularly/especially patient/the sick/ill perceive/noticepermit/allowperpetual/endlesspersist/continue/go on/last phase/stagephysician/doctorplane/aircraftpianner/prircipal organizer polish/shine(one's shoes)/glaze/fatten up pollute/contaminatepool/pondpoorly/inadequatelyporcelain/chinapossess/own/havepossession ofpostpone/deferpostulate/assume/supposepractically/almostpraise/think highly ofpreparation/arrangementpreserve/keeppressing/urgentpretty/beautifulpreviously/before/formerlyprincipal/mainprincipal organizer/plannerprior to/beforeprobe/explorepromote/elevatepropose/suggestprovoke/elicitpull up/stop/draw upput off/take offput up with/tolerate/bear/stand/endurepuzzle/mysteryQRquit/give up/stoprarely/seldom/not often readily/willinglyrealize/know/seelearn/understand/fulfill recommend/praise suitable for a post recommend/suggest/puopos e regardless of/despite/inspite of /whateverregret/sorry/regretableregulate/controlrely on/depend on/reston/be dependant onremainder/restremedy/cure/healremove/take offresentment/angerresident/occupantrestrain/preventrestrict/confineresume/restartrisk/dangerSsafe/secure satisfactorily/acceptably scare/frightenscared/frightenedscatter/separatescene/location/site/spot/plac eseize/grasp seldom/rarelysensational/excitingsensible/seasonableseparate/isolate/divorceset up/establishsettle/solvesevere/hardsevere/hard difficultshabby/unfairshake/tremble/quake/shivershine/polishshock/surpise/astonish/amazeshrink/contractsketch/outline/summarizesum upsole/onlysomewhat/a little space/roomspare/extraspeciality/field spectrum/range specification/instructing speed/velocityspur/encouragestage/phase stand to reason/seemlogicalstandpoint/point ofview/view-point/opinion/ideastationary/not moving/stillsteadily/continuouslystep by step/gradually/littleby little/by degreestroll/walkstop/pull up/quit/give upsubject/topicsubstantial/significant/importantsuggest/proposesummit/top of the mountainsurprise/shocksurvive/livesustain/supportsurgeon/doctor whoperform surgical operationsTtake intoconsideration/take into accounttake out/extracttake off/removetalk over/discuss temptation/attraction/lure terminate/put an end to/get a close to think fault with/praisethrift/charitythrilling/excitingthe remainder/the resttire/boringtolerate/put upwith/bear/stand/enduretopic/subjecttouching/movingtough/strongtremble/shaketry/testtry (to do sth) /attemptture/attraction/temptationturn out/producetypical/characteristicUVW uncertainty/doubtuneasy/anxious/uncomforta bleupgrade/improvedurge/advise/persuade urgent/pressingutterly/totally/completely vague/imprecise/unclear vanish/disapper/be out of sightvigorous/healthy/well/energ eticvirtually/almost/infact/practically/morally weary/exhaustedwhile/when/although/though wholesome/healthy/well widen/broadenwithout bias/fairlywreck/damageyield/harvestX。
abandon v. go away from (a person or thing or place) not intending to return; forsake; desertabstract adj. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existenceacademy n. school for special trainingaccess n. ~ means of approaching or entering (a place); way inaccommodate v. provide lodging or room foraccompany v. walk or travel with (sb) as a companion or helper; escortaccumulate v. gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of get (sth) in this wayaccurate adj. free from errorachieve v. gain or reach (sth), usu by effort, skill, courage, etcacknowledge v. accept the truth of admit (sth)acquire v. gain (sth) by one's own ability, efforts or behaviouradapt v. ~ sth (for sth) make sth suitable for a new use, situation, etc; modify sthadequate adj. ~ satisfactory in quantity or quality; sufficientadjacent having a common endpoint or border also immediately preceding or following adjust v. put (sth) into the correct order or position; arrangeadministrate v. to administeradult adj. grown to full size or strengthadvocate v. speak publicly in favour of (sth); recommend; supportaffect v. have an influence on (sb/sth); produce an effect onaggregate v. ~ sb (fml ) be formed or bring sb into an assembled group or amountaid n. helpalbeit conj althoughallocate v. ~ sth allot or assign sth (to sb/sth) for a special purposealter v. become different; change in character, position, size, shape, etcalternative adj. available in place of sth else; otherambiguous adj. having more than one possible meaningamend v. correct an error in (sth); make minor improvements in; change slightly analogy n. ~ partial similarity between two things that are comparedanalyse v. separate into its parts in order to study its nature or structureannual adj. happening every yearanticipate v. expectapparent adj. clearly seen or understood; obviousappend v. ~ sth (fml ) attach or add sth (esp in writing)appreciate v. understand and enjoy (sth); value highlyapproach v. come near or nearer to in space or timeappropriate adj. ~ suitable; right and properapproximate adj. almost correct or exact but not completely soarbitrary adj. based on personal opinion or impulse, not on reasonarea n. extent or measurement of a surfaceaspect n. particular part or feature of sth being consideredassemble v. come together; collectassess v. ~ sth decide or fix the amount of sthassign v. ~ sth to sb give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of things to be used assist v. ~ in/with sth; ~ (sb) in doing sth (fml ) helpassume v. accept as true before there is proofassure v. tell (sb) positively or confidentlyattach v. ~ sth fasten or join sth (to sth)attain v. succeed in getting (sth); achieveattitude n. ~ way of thinking or behavingattribute v. ~ sth to sb/sth regard sth as belonging to, caused by or produced by sb/sthauthor n. writer of a book, play, etcauthority n. power to give orders and make others obeyautomate v. cause to operate by automationavailable adj. that can be used or obtainedaware adj. ~ of sb/sth; ~ that... having knowledge or realization of sb/sthbehalf n. on behalf of sb/on sb's behalf; US in behalf of sb/in sb's behalf as the representative of or spokesman for sb; in the interest of sbbenefit n. profit; gain; future good (used esp with the vs and preps shown)bias n. opinion or feeling that strongly favours one side in an argument or one item in a group orseries; predisposition; prejudicebond n. written agreement or promise that has legal force; covenantbrief adj. lasting only a short time; shortbulk n. size, quantity or volume, esp when greatcapable adj. having ability; able; competentcapacity n. ability to hold or contain sthcategory n. class or group of things in a complete system of groupingcease v. come or bring (sth) to an end; stopchallenge n. ~ (to do sth) invitation or call (to sb) to take part in a game, contest, fight etc to prove who is better, stronger, more able, etcchannel n. sunken bed of a river, stream or canalchapter n. (usu numbered) division of a bookchart n. detailed map used to help navigation at sea, showing coasts, rocks, the depth of the sea, etcchemical adj. of or relating to chemistrycircumstance n. condition or fact connected with an event or actioncite quote; commendcivil adj. of or relating to the citizens of a countryclarify v. (cause sth to) become clear or easier to understandclassic adj. having a high quality that is recognized and unquestioned; of lasting value and importanceclause n. group of words that includes a subject1(4a) and a verb, forming a sentence or part of a sentencecode n. (system of) words, letters, symbols, etc that represent others, used for secret messages or for presenting or recording information brieflycoherent adj. connected logically or consistent; easy to understand; clearcoincide v. ~ (of events) occur at the same time or occupy the same period of time as sth elsecollapse v. fall down or in suddenlycolleague n. person with whom one works, esp in a profession or businesscommence v. begin (sth); startcomment n. ~ written or spoken remark giving an opinion on, explaining or criticizing (an event, a person, a situation, etc)commission n. ~ action, task or piece of work given to sb to docommit v. do (sth illegal, wrong or foolish)commodity n. thing bought in a shop and put to use, esp in the homecommunicate v. ~ sth make sth known; convey sthcommunity n. the community the people living in one place, district or country, considered as a wholecompatible adj. ~ (of people, ideas, arguments, principles, etc) suited; that can exist togethercompensate v. ~ for sth give (sb) sth good to balance or lessen the bad effect of damage, loss, injury,etc;compile v. ~ sth (for/from sth) collect (information) and arrange it in a book, list, report, etccomplement n. ~ thing that goes well or suitably with sth else, or makes it completecomplex adj. made up of (usu several) closely connected partscomponent n. any of the parts of which sth is madecompound n. thing made up of two or more separate things combined togethercomprehensive adj. that includes everythingcomprise v. have as parts or members; be made up ofcompute v. ~ sth calculate sth with a computerconceive v. become pregnantconcentrate v. ~ (sth) (on sth/doing sth) focus (one's attention, effort, etc) exclusively and intensely on sth, not thinking about other less important thingsconcept n. ~ idea underlying sth; general notionconclude v. ~ (with sth) (usu fml ) come or bring (sth) to an endconcurrent adj. ~ existing, happening or done at the same timeconduct n. person's behaviourconfer v. ~ (with sb) (on/about sth) have discussions (esp in order to exchange opinions or get advice)confine v. ~ sb/sth keep (a person or an animal) in a restricted spaceconfirm v. provide evidence for the truth or correctness of (a report, an opinion, etc); establish the truth ofconflict n. struggle; fightconform v. ~ keep to or comply with (generally accepted rules, standards, etc)consent v. ~ give agreement or permissionconsequent adj. ~ (fml ) following sth as a result or an effectconsiderable adj. great in amount or sizeconsist v. (phr v) consist of sth be composed or made up of sthconstant adj. going on all the time; happening again and againconstitute v. (fml ) make up or form (a whole); be the components ofconstrain v. make (sb) do sth by strong (moral) persuasion or by forceconstruct v. build (sth); put or fit together; formconsult v. ~ sb/sth go to (a person, book, etc) for information, advice, etcconsume v. use (sth) upcontact n. ~ state of touching (used esp with the vs shown)contemporary adj. ~ of the time or period being referred to; belonging to the same timecontext writings preceding and following passage quotedcontract n. ~ (for sth/to do sth) legally binding agreement, usu in writingcontradict v. say sth that conflicts with by (sb), suggesting that the person is mistaken or not telling the truthcontrary adj. opposite in nature, tendency or directioncontrast v. ~ A and/with B compare so that differences are made clearcontribute v. ~ (to/towards sth) give one's share of (money, help, advice, etc) to help a joint causecontroversy n. ~ public discussion or argument, often rather angry, about sth which many people disagreewithconvene v. summon to come together; arrange (a meeting, etc)converse v. ~ (about sth); ~ (together) (fml ) talkconvert v. ~ (sth) (from sth) (into/to sth) change (sth) from one form or use to anotherconvince v. ~ sb make sb feel certain; cause sb to realizecooperate to work or act togethercoordinate vt. to organize or integrate (diverse elements) in a harmonious operationcore n. centre of such fruits as the apple and pear, containing the seedscorporate adj. of or shared by all the members of a group; collectivecorrespond v. ~ be in agreement; not contradict sth or each othercouple n. two people or things that are seen together or associated, esp a man and woman togethercreate v. cause to exist; make (sth new or original)credit n. permission to delay payment for goods and services until after they have been received; system of paying in this waycriteria n. (pl of criterion) standard by which sth is judgedcrucial adj. ~ very important; decisiveculture n. refined understanding and appreciation of art, literature, etccurrency n. money system in use in a countrycycle n. series of events that are regularly repeated in the same orderdata n. facts or information used in deciding or discussing sthdebate n. formal argument or discussion of a question, eg at a public meeting or in Parliament, with two or more opposing speakers, and often ending in a votedecade n. period of ten yearsdecline v. say `no' to (sth); refuse (sth offered), usu politelydeduce v. ~ sth arrive at (facts, a theory, etc) by reasoning; infer sthdefine v. ~ sth state precisely the meaning of (eg words)definite adj. clear; not doubtfuldemonstrate v. ~ sth (to sb) show sth clearly by giving proof or evidencedenote v. be the name, sign or symbol of (sth); refer todeny v. say that (sth) is not truedepress v. make sad and without enthusiasmderive v. ~ sth from sth obtain sth from sth; get sth from sthdesign n. ~ (for sth) drawing or outline from which sth may be madedespite prep without being affected bydetect v. discover or recognize that (sth) is presentdeviate v. ~ from sth stop followingdevice n. thing made or adapted for a special purposedevote v. ~ oneself/sth to sb/sth give to sb/sth; dedicate ;differentiate v. ~ between A and B; ~ A (from B) see or show (two things) to be different; show sth to be different (from sth else)dimension n. measurement of any sortdiminish v. become smaller or less; decreasediscrete adj. separate; distinctdiscriminate v. ~ ~ A from B see or make a difference (between two things)displace v. move from the usual or correct placedisplay v. ~ sth put sth on showdispose v. place(sb/sth) in a suitable way; arrangedistinct adj. easily heard, seen, felt or understood; definitedistort v. pull or twist out of its usual shapedistribute v. ~ sth separate sth into parts and give a share to each person or thingdiverse adj. of different kinds; varieddocument n. paper, form, book, etc giving information about sth, evidence or proof of sth domain n. lands owned or ruled by a nobleman, government, etcdomestic adj. of the home, household or familydominate v. have control of or a very strong influence on (people, events, etc)draft n. rough preliminary written version of sthdrama n. play for the theatre, radio or TVduration n. time during which sth lasts or continuesdynamic adj. of power or forces that produce movement1、a change of pace 节奏变换Y ou can’t do these chemistryexperiments all day long. Y ou certainly need a change of pace.2、 a far cry from 相距甚远The published book is far cry from the early manuscript.3、and how 的确A: She’s a good dancer.B: and how.4、 a matter of time 时间问题It is only a matter of time.5、 a phone call away 一个电话之远、愿意过来帮忙。
高考英语短语大全(a)round the clock 日夜不停地(an) affection for 宠爱(do) damage to 对…造成损害(every) now and then 时而,偶尔(go) on the stage 当演员(in) back of 在…的后面在…后a close(narrow) shave,escape 侥幸的脱险a great/good deal of 大量,非常,极其a great many 相当多,很多abide by 履行,遵守above all 首先,尤其是account for 是...的原因accuse…of…控告,谴责act as 担当act on 按照…行事adapt to 适应add to 增添add up to 合计达,总括起来adhere to 黏附,胶着;坚持adjust to 适应after all 终究,毕竟,究竟against one’s will违心的ahead of time 提前aim at 目的在于,旨在;瞄准all at once 突然,忽然;同时,一起all but 几乎,差不多;除了…都all over 遍及,到处allow for 考虑到,为...留出余地along with 和…一起,和…一道amount to 相当于,合计an influence on 对…的影响and so on 等等and yet 可是,然而anything but 绝对不apologize to…for…道歉认错appeal to 呼吁,恳求apply to sb. for sth. 向…申请approve of 赞成argue with…about与某人争论某事arise from 由…引起,由…产生arm in arm 臂挽臂arm sb. with sth. 用…武装arrive at/come to/draw a conclusion 得出结论as a matter of fact 其实,事实上as a result of 作为…的结果,由于as a rule 通常,一般说来as anything 非常地as follows 如下as for/to 至于,关于as regards 关于,至于as yet 迄今,至今as/so far as 就…,到…程度as/so long as 只要,如果;既然,如果ask after 探问,问起associate... with…将某事与某时联系起来assure sb. of sth. 保证某人某事at (long) last 终于at a loss 困惑,不知所措at a time 每次,一次at all costs 不惜任何代价at all events 无论如何,不管怎样at any rate 无论如何,至少at best 充其量, 至多at first sight 乍一看,初看起来at hand 近在手边,在附近at heart 内心里,本质上at home 在家,在国内;舒适,无拘束;熟悉,精通at intervals 不时,每隔一段时间at length 终于,最终;详细地at most 至多,不超过at no time 从不,决不at one time 曾经,一度at present 目前,现在at random 随便地,任意地at stake 在危急关头at the cost of 以...为代价at the mercy of 完全受…支配,at the moment 目前,此刻at the same time 同时;不过,然而at times 有时,间或at yet 至今attach to 附属于,隶属于,使喜爱attempt at 企图,努力attitude to/towards 态度,看法attribute…to把…归因于back and forth 反复地,来回地back up 支持bank account 银行账户be about to (do) 即将,正要be absent form 缺勤, 缺课be absorbed in 专心于be abundant in 丰富的,富裕的be accustomed to 习惯于,适应于be acquainted with 与…相识,熟悉,了解be active in 积极于be advantageous to 对…有利be alive to 注意到,对…敏感be angry at 因某事生气be answerable for 应对…be anxious for 急切盼望,渴望be anxious to (do) 渴望(做)be ashamed of 为…感到害臊be assigned to 被分配给…be aware of 意识到be based on 根据,以…为基础be beneficial to 对…有益be beside oneself 极度兴奋,对自己的感情失去控制be better off 富裕起来,境况好起来be bored to death 烦死了be bound to (do) 一定会,不得不be built up of 由…建成be careful to (do) 务必注意(做)be certain to (do) 一定(做),必然(做)be characterized by 以…为特征be clever at 擅长于be combined with 与…结合be composed of 由…组成be concerned about 关心,挂念be confident in 对…有信心be curious to (do) 很想做be dependent on/upon 取决于,依赖be destined for/to 注定be determined to 决心做be disappointed at sth./in sb. 对…感到失望be eager for 渴望be eager to (do) 急于,要(做)be equal to 等于be faced with 面临be free from 无…的,摆脱了…的be friendly to 对…友好be friends with 与…友好be good for 适于,在…期间有效be grateful to 感谢,感激be independent of 脱离…而独立,与无关be involved in 卷入,陷入be it that 即使be kind enough to 承…好意,恳请be lacking in 缺乏be late for 迟到be likely to (do) 可能要,像是要be lined with 两旁是…be mad about 迷恋be of little value 没什么价值be on good terms with 与…某人友好be particular about 对…讲究be pleased with 对…感到满意be present at 出席be proud of 以…自豪,因…满意be ready for 为…准备好be ready to (do) 装备好(做),乐意(做) be rich in 富于be satisfied of 相信be satisfied with 对…满意,满足于be second to 次于be short for 是…的缩写(简称)be short of 短缺be sick for 渴望be sick in bed 病在床上be sick of 对…感到厌倦be strict with 对…要求严格be subjected to 遭受be suited to 适合于be supposed to (do) 应该,非…不可be sure of 坚信,确信be sure to (do) 一定,必定be surprised at 对…感到惊奇be through with 结束be tired from 因…而疲乏be tired of 厌烦,对…厌倦be tired out 疲倦极了be true of 适用于be unconscious of 不知道…be unequal to 无法胜任…的be unfit for 不适合,不胜任be well up in 精通,熟悉be well-off 生活富裕be wild with joy 欣喜be willing to (do) 乐意…be worried about 为…而担心be worse off 处境较坏,情况恶化be worth (doing) 值得(做)be wrong with 有点毛病,有些不舒服bear/keep in mind 记住begin with 从…开始belong to/in 属于某人/某地方benefit from 得益于…beside the question 离题beyond one’s power超出某人能力blame sb. for sth. 为…责怪某人blow out 吹灭blow up 炸毁;爆炸break away (from) 突然离开,强行逃脱break down 损坏;(健康等)垮掉break in 非法闯入,打断,插嘴break into 非法闯入,强行进入break into tears (cheers, laughter) 突然哭(欢呼,笑)起来break off 中断,突然停止break out 逃脱,逃走,break through 突破,取得突破性成就break up 结束,打碎粉碎,驱散bring about 导致,引起bring down 使落下,打倒;降低,减少bring forth 产生,提出bring forward 提出,提议;提前bring out 使显出;激起;出版,推出bring to 使恢复知觉bring to an end 使结束bring sth to mind 使人想起bring up 教养,养育;提出bring/carry/put into practice 贯彻,实施bring/put into operation 实施,使生效,使运行bring…home to sb.使清楚意识到build up 逐渐积聚,集结;逐步建立;增进,增强burn out 烧光,熄灭burn up 烧掉,烧毁;烧起来;旺起来;(使)发怒burst into (tears) 突然发出burst out (crying) 突然发出but for 倘没有,要不是by accident 偶然by all means 当然可以by chance 偶然, 碰巧by comparison 比较起来by far …很多,最by hand 用手,用体力by heart 凭记性by itself 独自地,自动地by means of 依靠,用by mistake 错误地by no means 决不,并没有by oneself 独自的,单独地by reason of 由于by the moment 到…时by turns 轮流地,交替地by virtue of 由于,鉴于by way of 经由,经过;通过…方式come round/around 顺便来访;苏醒,复原come through 经历...仍活着,安然度过come to 苏醒;涉及,谈到;总数为,结果是come to an end 结束come to one’s help帮助某人come to the point 扼要地说,说到要点come true (预言,期望等)实现,成为事实come up 走上前来;发生,出现come up to 达到(标准),比得上come up with 提出,提供,想出come/go into operation 实施,实行,生效come/go into effect 生效,实施comment on 评论conceive of 设想,构思出concentrate…on集中于;专心于confine…to将…限制于conform to 遵守,依照,符合,顺应congratulate sb. on 祝贺consist in 在于,存在于consist of 由…组成consult with 商量,商议contrast…with…使形成对比contribute to 有助于…convince sb. of/that 使某人相信cooperate with 合作,协作,相配合cope with (成功地)应付,处理cope with 对付correspond to 与…相符count in 包括在内count on/upon 依靠,指望count out 排除count up 共计,算出...的总数cover up 掩饰,掩盖;盖住,裹住cross off/out 划掉,勾销cure sb. of 治好某人cut across 超近路穿过,对直通过cut back 削减,缩减;急忙返回cut down 削减,减少;杀死,砍倒cut in 超车抢挡;插嘴,打断cut off 切断,阻碍;使分离,使隔绝cut out 删去,切去;戒除,停止服用cut short 中断,打断date from 起始于;追溯到deal with 处理,对付;论述,涉及decide on 选中decline invitation 辞谢邀请decline with thanks 婉言谢绝dedicate…to…将…献于deep down 实际上,在心底demand sth. of sb. 要求depend on 取决于,视…而定,依靠, dependence on 依靠derive from 起源,衍生devote … to将…奉献给;把…专用die down 逐渐消失,变弱die off 死去,凋谢die out 逐渐消失,灭绝differ from 与…有区别differ in 在…方面不同dispose of 处理,解决;去掉,丢掉distinguish…from区别do away with 废除,去掉do one’s duty履行职责do one’s part尽本分,尽其职do well/badly in 在…方面干得好/不好do without 没有…也行,用不着do/try one’s best尽力,努力double up 弯腰;将…折起来draw in (火车,汽车)到站;(天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短draw up 起草,拟定;(使)停住dream about/of 梦见/梦到dress up 穿上盛装,精心打扮;drop by/in 顺便(或偶然)访问drop down 落下drop off 下降,减少;睡着,入睡;让…下车,把…放下drop out 退出,退学dry out (使)干透dry up (使)干透,(使)干涸;(使)枯竭dwell on/upon 老是想着;详述eat out 在外面吃饭end in 结果为,最终成为engage in 从事于,参加entitle sb. (to do) 予某人某事的权利escape doing sth. 躲避做某事ever since 从那时起,自那时以来ever so 非常,及其every other 每隔一个的except for 除…外,要不是由于exchange A for B 以…换…excuse sb. from 使免除expect sth. of sb. 期待得到expose sth. to 将某物暴露于…exposure to 暴露,显露,曝光face to face 面对面地face up to 正视fair play 公平竞赛,公平对待fall away 背离fall back on 借助于,依靠fall behind 落后,落在…后面fall in with 符合,同意,fall off 下降fall out 争吵,失和;脱落fall short of 达不到愿望fall through 落空,成为泡影far from 远远不,完全不feed in 输入feel like 想要figure out 算出,推测出fill in 填满;填写; (for)替代fill out 填写;长胖,变丰满find fault with 抱怨,挑剔,找茬子find out 发现,查明first of all 首先for instance 例如,比如for one thing 首先,一则for the better 好转, 向好的方向发展for the moment 目前,暂时for the present 目前,暂时for the sake of 为了…起见,for the time being 眼下,暂时from time to time 有时,不时gain access to 获得gain/have an advantage over 胜过;优于get across (将…)清楚,(使)被了解get along with 与…相处(融洽)get around/round 走动,克服,设法回避(问题等);(to)抽出时间来做get at 够得着,触及;意思是,意指;查明,发现;指责get away 逃脱;走开,离开;(with)做了(坏事)而逃脱责罚get by 通过;过得去,(勉强)过活get down 下来;写下;使沮丧;(to)开始认真做,着手做get in 进入,抵达;收获(庄稼等);(with)对…亲近get into (使)进入;卷入;对…发生兴趣get off (从…)下来;出发;下班,结束(工作);逃脱惩罚get over 克服,解决(问题等);(从疾病,失望等)中恢复get rid of 摆脱get through 度过(时间);(使)通过(考试),(使议案等)获得通过;(将…)讲清楚,完成;接通电话get together 相聚,聚集get/catch/take hold of 抓住,得到get/have the best of 战胜Get the better of 战胜,在…中占上风give away 泄露;赠送give birth to 生育;导致give in 交上,呈上; 投降,屈服give off 发出(光,声音等),散发出(气味)give oneself away 露马脚give oneself up 自首give out 分发;用完;消耗尽;发出(光,声音)give reason to 对…进行解释give rise to 引起,导致为…的原因give suspicion to 对…怀疑give up 停止,放弃;(oneself)自首give way to 给…让路,被…代替glance at 瞥见,一瞥glimpse of 瞥见,一瞥go after 追求,追赶go ahead 开始;进行go along with 赞同go back on 违背(诺言等)go blank (头脑)变成空白go with 跟…相配;与…相伴;附属于go without 没有go wrong 发生故障,出错,出毛病,犯错误guard against 预防go on strike 罢工go out 外出(尤指参加社会活动);过时;(潮)退,(灯)熄,终止;送出,公布,播出go over 仔细检查,察看;复习,重做go round/around 足够分配;(with)常…与交往;流传;四处走动,到处活动go through 经历,遭受;详细检查.查找,详细讨论;获得通过,被批准;(with)将…干到底go under 失败;沉没;破产go up 上升,上涨,增长,正在建设中;烧毁,炸毁hail from 来自,出生于hand down 把…传下去hand in 交上,递交hand in hand 手拉手,密切关联地,同时并进地hand on 把…传下去hand out 分发,散发hand over 交出,移交hang about/around 闲荡,闲呆着hang on 坚持,抓紧,不放;等候片刻,(打电话时)不挂断;有赖于,取决于hang on to 紧紧抓住;保留(某物)hang up 挂断(电话);悬挂,挂起happen to do 碰巧hardly… when刚…就…have desire to do 想做某事have in mind 考虑到,想到have intention of 有意,打算have no desire for 对…没有欲望have no intention of 无意,不打算have not the least idea of 不知道have on 穿着.戴着have sth. in stock 有现货have sth. to do with 与…有关系have/gain access to 可以获得head/make for 驶向,走向heart and soul 全心全意help oneself (to sth) 自取所需hinder from 阻碍,妨碍hold back 踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制;隐瞒,保守(秘密等) hold on 坚持住,握住不放;(打电话时)不挂断,等一会hold out 维持,保守;(坚持)要求,不屈服hold up 支持,支撑,延迟;抢劫;展示,举出hurry up (使)赶快,匆匆完成identify st h. with …把…看成一样if only 要…多好impose…on sb.强人所难;欺骗improve on/upon 改进,胜过in (full) blossom 正开着花in (good) shape 处于(良好)状态in (light) of 鉴于,由于in a hurry 匆忙,急于in a sense 从某种意义上说in a way 从某一点上看,在某种程度上in a word 一句话,简言之,总之in a…mood (humor, temper) 处于…情绪中in accordance with 与…一致,依照,根据in addition 另外, 加之in addition to 除...之外(还)in all 共计,合计in any case 无论如何, 不管怎样in any event 无论如何,不管怎样in case 假使, 以防(万一)in case of 假如, 如果发生;防备in charge (of) 负责, 管理in common 共用的, 共有的in conclusion 最后, 总之in confidence 私下地, 秘密地in connection with 关于, 与...有关in consequence 因此, 结果in consequence of 由于...的缘故,因为in contrast with/to 与...对比起来,与...形成对比in correspondence with 与…联系(通信)in danger 在危险中, 垂危in debt to sb. 欠某人的债in demand 非常需要的,受欢迎的in detail 详细地in favo(u)r of 赞同,支持in force 生效,有效;在实施中in future 今后,从今以后in general 一般说来,大体上in half 成两半in hand (工作等)在进行中,在控制中in hono(u)r of 为纪念,为了向…表敬意in itself 本质上,就其本身而言in line 成一直线,成一排;(with)与…一致,与…符合in memory of 纪念in no case 决不, 无论如何不in no time 立即,马上in no way 决不in one’s will在…遗嘱中in order 按顺序,按次序;处于良好状态,井然有序,整齐in other words 换句话说,也就是说in particular 特别,尤其in perfection 完美in person 亲自,本人in place 在合适的位置in place of 代替,取代,交换in practice 在实践中,实际上in proportion to 与…成比例in public 公开地,当众in question 正在考虑的,谈及的in relation to 有关,关于,涉及in return (for) 作为(对…的)报答(或回报、交换) in sb’s/the way 妨碍(某人)的,挡(某人)道的in secret 秘密地,暗地里in sequence 依次.逐一in sight 看得见,被见到;在望,在即in spite of 不管,不顾in step 同步,合拍,协调in stock 有现货的,有库存的in sum 总而言之in support of 支持in tears 留着泪,含着泪,在哭着in terms of 从…方面来说,按照;in the air 流传中in the course of 在...过程中in the distance 在远处in the event of 万一,倘若in the face of 在…面前,不顾in the first place 第一,首先in the future 在将来in the light of 根据,依照in the long run 终究,从长远看in the mood for sth. 对某事有心境in the same boat 处境相同,面临危险in the wings 已准备就绪的, 在眼前in the world 究竟,到底in truth 事实上,的确in turn 依次地,轮流地;转而, 反过来in vain 徒然,白费力indifferent to 不在乎inquire into 调查insist on 坚持,强调;坚决要求interfere in 干涉(某事)interfere with 干扰(某人);妨碍interference in 干涉,介入interference with 妨碍,打扰introduction to 介绍jog sb’s memory唤起某人的记忆just now 刚才,才不久;现在,眼下keep a diary 记日记keep an eye on 留神,照看,密切注意keep back 阻止,抑制;隐瞒,保留keep from 阻止,抑制keep house 管理家务keep in touch (with) 保持联系keep off (使)不接近,(使)让开keep on with 坚持keep pace (with) 与…齐步前进keep sb’s head保持镇静keep to 遵守,信守;坚持keep track of 与…保持联系keep up 保持,(使)继续下去;使居高不下keep…company陪伴keep…in order保持整洁knock down 撞倒,击倒knock out 击倒,击昏know…backward(s)对…及其熟悉lacking in 缺乏…的lay aside 搁置一边;储蓄lay down 放下,制定lay off 解雇lay out 安排,布置lead the way 带路,引路lean on/against 依靠leave out 省略,遗漏leave school 毕业,结束学业leave…behind忘带;留下lend itself to 适合于,对…有用lend sb. a hand 帮助let alone 不打扰,不惊动,更别提let down 放下,降低;使失望let go (of) 放开.松手let loose 放松let off 宽恕,放过;开(枪),放(炮,烟火等);排放let out 放走,释放;泄露,放出lie in (问题,事情等)在于limit… to将…局限于line up (使)排队,(使)排成行little by little 逐渐地,一点点地live on 靠…生活, 以…为食物live through 度过,经受过live up to 符合,不辜负(期望);遵守,实践(诺言,原则等) look back (on) 回顾,回忆;回头看look down on/upon 看不起,轻视look forward to 盼望,期待look in 顺便看望,顺便拜访look into 调查,观察look on 旁观,观看look out (for) 留神,注意look over 把…看一遍,察看,参观look through 详尽核查;(从头至尾)浏览look up 好转;(在词典等中)查找;看望,拜访;(to)尊敬lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心lose sb’s head慌乱,仓皇失措lose sight of 忽略;看不见major in 主修make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用make a face 做鬼脸make a good job of 将…办得好make a name of oneself 出名,扬名make a point of 认为重要;强调make an appointment with 约会make an attempt 试图make believe 假装make do with 将就使用make for 有助于走向,朝…前进; make good 成功make it 成功make one’s way前往,行进,去make out 写出,开出辨认出,看出;理解,了解; make progress 进步,进展make provision for 为…做准备make sense 讲得通,有意义,make the best of 充分利用make the most of 充分利用,尽量利用make time 原地踏步make up 捏造,临时编造,虚构构成,组成;(为…)化妆;补充,补足;和解, make up for 补偿.弥补make up one’s mind下定决心,打定主意make use of 利用make way 让路,腾出地方或位置many a 许多的may(might) as well 还是…的好meet the needs of 满足…需求meet with 碰到might/may as well 还是…的好minor in 兼修(科目)mix up 混淆,弄混,弄乱name…after以…命名never mind 不要紧,没关系;不用担心,别管no doubt 无疑的,很可能no less than 不少于,多达no matter 无论no wonder 难怪,并不奇怪not at all 一点也不not nearly (by no means, far from) 远不not on any account 决不not so much…as 与其说…不如…not to be sneezed at 值得考虑,不可轻视nothing else than 完全是,实在是now (that) 既然,由于object to 反对某事objection to 反对异议occur to 被想到,被想起of one’s free will 出于自愿off and on 断断续续地,间歇的,off duty 下了班(的),不在值班off the way 远离正道on (one’s) guard 警惕,提防;站岗,值班on (the) one hand 一方面on (the/an) average 按平均值, 通常on a …scale…规模地,在…规模上on account of 因为, 由于on board 在船(车或飞机)上on business 因公, 因事on condition (that) 如果on duty 在上班(的),在值班(的) on earth 究竟,到底on fire 着火,起火on guard 警惕,防范on hand 在手边,在近处on occasion(s) 有时,间或on one’s own独自;独立地on purpose 故意地on sale 出售;廉价出售on schedule 按时间表.及时,准时on the basis of 根据, 在...基础上on the contrary 正相反on the other hand 另一方面on the point of 就要…之时on the road (to) 在去…的旅途中;在…过程中on the side 作为兼职或副业;暗地里on the sly 偷偷的on the spot 在场,到场;马上,当场on the whole 总的来说,大体上on top of 除…之外on/in behalf of 代表,为了on/upon one’s以名誉担保once (and) for all 一劳永逸,永远的once in a while 偶尔once more/again 再一次once upon a time 从前one after another 一个接一个,相继one another 互相only to 结果是operate on 给某人动手术or else 否则,要不然or so 大约,左右originate in/from 起源于,来自,产生other than 不同于,非;除了our of order 不按次序out of breath 喘不过气来out of control 失去控制out of danger 脱离危险out of date 过时的,不用的out of doors 在户外out of place 在不合适的位置;格格不入的out of practice 生疏的,荒废的out of question 毫无疑问的out of sight 看不见,在视野之外out of step 不合拍,不协调out of the question 不可能的out of touch (with) 不联系,不接触out of work 失业over and over (again) 一再地,再三地participate in 参与,参加pass away 去世pass for 被认为(当作)pass off (as) 充作,被看作,被当作pass out 失去知觉,昏倒pass through 通过,经过pave the way (for) 铺平道路,为…做准备pay attention to 注意pay back 偿还,还钱给(某人);向…报复,回报pay off 得到好结果,取得成功还清(债);付清工资解雇(某人);向…行贿pay up 全部付清persist in 坚持不懈,执着pick out 选出,挑出,拣出;辨认出,分辨出pick up 增加(速度);(使)重新开始,继续;获得,学会拿起,捡起;取(给),用车接载(人);好转,改进,play a part (in) 起作用,参与,扮演角色play a trick/joke on 和某人开玩笑play with (a toy) 玩,玩弄point out 指出,指明praise sb. for sth. 为某事表扬某人prefer A to B 宁要A不要Bpreference for/to 偏爱,喜欢;优惠;优先选择present sb. with sth. 从给某人某礼物prevail over 获胜,占优势prevent from 预防,防止proficiency in 熟练精通provide sb. with sth. 向…提供provide sth. for sb. 向…提供pull along 沿…拉pull back 撤退pull down 拆毁pull in (车)停下,车进站, 到岸pull off 脱去,扯下;(成功)完成pull out 拔出,抽出,取出;(车,船)驶出;(使)摆脱困境pull round 掉头,转向;康复pull together 齐心协力,团结起来pull up (使)停下put (set) right 使恢复正常,纠正错误put across/over 解释清楚,使被理解put aside 储存,保留;暂不考虑,把…放在一边put away 放好,收好put in 花费,付出(时间,精力等);申请,正式提出put in for 正式申请put into practice 实施,实行put into use 使用,应用put off 推辞,推延;阻止,劝阻put on 穿上,上演;增加(体重)put out 熄灭,关(灯);出版,发布;生产;伸出put to use 使用put up 提出;提高(价格,速度);提供食宿建造,支起,搭起;张贴;进行(抵抗等);提供,提名put up with 容忍,忍受put/lay the blame on sb. for sth. 将某事归罪与某人quarrel with sb. about sth. 与某人由于某事而争吵queue up 排成队(等候)recover from 恢复健康refer to 参考,查阅,涉及,提到refer to…as…把…称作,把…当作refresh one’s memory 使人记起rely on 依靠,信任remember sb. to sb. 代某人向…问好replace…with … 用…替换…requirement for/to 需要,需要的东西,要求respond to 响应,作出反应rest in 在于rest on 依靠restrain from 抑制,制止ring off 挂断电话run down 查找出,搜索到撞倒;说…坏话,贬低;停止运转,耗尽,减少,缩减,run for 竞选run into 撞在…上偶尔碰见;遭遇(困难等);共计,达到…之多run off 很快写出;复印出,印出;跑掉,逃掉run out of 用完,耗尽run over 在…上驶过,(撞倒并)碾过;把…很快地过一遍run short 快用完,快耗尽sacrifice to 牺牲,献出,献祭,供奉scrape by/through 勉强通过see off 为…送行see through 看透,识破see to 注意,照料send for 派人去请,召唤;函购send in 呈报,递送,提交serve as 作为,用作serve…right给…应得的惩罚set a limit to 限制set about 开始,着手set aside 留出,拨出(时间,金钱等set back 推辞,延缓,阻碍;使花费set down 记下,写下set forth 阐明,陈述set in 开始(并将延续下去)set off 出发,启程;引起,激起set out 陈述,阐明;动身,启程settle down 定居shoot down 击落,击毙,驳倒shoot up 迅速上升;猛增shove off 动身离开show in 领进,领入show off 炫耀,卖弄show up 显露,暴露,露面,来到shrink from 退缩,畏缩shut down 关闭,停业shut out 把…排斥在外side by side 肩并肩地,一起side with 站在…一边sit for 参加(考试)sit in 列席旁听sit in on 列席(会议),旁听sit up 不睡,熬夜;坐直slow down 减速smooth over 调停,平息so that 以便,为使;所以,因此so…that如此…以致solution to……的解决方法speak/thinkhighly of 赞赏,高度评价specialize in 专攻,专门研究speed up (使)加快速度sponge off 依赖他人生活stand a chance of 有成功的机会stand by 做好准备,准备行动站在…一边,支持,帮助;袖手旁观;坚持(决议等),遵守(诺言等)stand for 代替,代表,意味着,主张,支持;(用于否定,疑问句)容忍,接受stand out 清晰地显出,引人注目;杰出,出色stand up 站起来;(论点证据等) 站得住脚stand up for 支持,维持,保卫stand up to 勇敢的面对,抵抗;经得起,顶得住stay up 熬夜step by step 逐步地step in 走进,干涉step into 插入,干涉step up 加快,加紧,提高stick out (把…)坚持到底;突出,显眼stick to 坚持,忠于,信守;紧跟,紧随;粘贴在…上subject sb. to 使遭到submit sth. to sb. 呈交submit to…屈服于substitute…for… 用…替换…such…that那样的…以致switch off/on 切断/接通(电源)sympathize with sb. 同情某人take (a) delight in 以…为乐take (make) a stand against 反对take (make) a stand for 捍卫take a chance 冒险,投机take advantage of 占…的便宜,利用take after (在外貌,性格等方面)与(父母等)相像take away 减去take care 注意,当心take charge 开始管理,接管take down 拆卸;记下,写下take effect 生效,起作用take in 接受,吸收,接纳;理解,领会;欺骗;包括take interest in 对…发生兴趣take measures 采取措施;设法take notice of 注意take off 脱下;起飞;匆匆离开take on 同…较量,接受…的挑战开始雇佣;呈现,具有; ;承担,从事take one’s time 不着急,不慌忙take over 接受,接管;借用,承袭take pains to do st 费尽苦心做某事take sb. by surprise 使…大吃一惊take shape 成形,出现take sides 偏袒某一方take steps 采取步骤take the place of 代替,取代take to 对…产生好感,开始喜欢,形成…的习惯,从事take turns 轮流take up(on) 接受邀请开始从事;把…继续下去;着手处理;占去,占据take up with 与…成朋友take… as 把…当作,认为take…for 把…认为是,把…看成take…into account 考虑到,顾及,体谅talk back 回嘴,顶嘴talk sb. into 说服(某人做某事)talk…over with sb. 商量tear down 拆掉(旧房)tear off 撕开televise live 实况转播tell sth. from 区别testify to 表明,证明that is (i.e.) 就是说,即the key to… …的答案(线索,办法)the moment (that) 一…就think of…as 把…看作是,以为…是think over 仔细考虑thirst for 渴望,热望throw away 扔掉,错过(机会),浪费throw/cast light on 使人了解,阐明tick away/by (时间一分一秒地)过去to an extent 在某种程度上to and fro 来来回回to begin with 首先,第一to the point 切中要害,切题touch on/upon 谈到,论及turn down 关小,调低;拒绝turn in 交还,上交;上床睡觉turn off 关掉;拐弯,离开…转入turn on 接通,打开turn out 制造,生产;结果是驱逐turn over 翻过来,翻倒;移交,交;turn sb. away 打发走turn to 查阅;求助于,求教于turn up 开大,调大;出现,来到under control 处于控制之下up to date 现代化的,合目前情况use up 用完,用光vary from 与…不同vary with 随…而变化wait on 伺候,招待ward off 防止,避开warm up (使)暖起来, (使)活跃起来,(使)热情起来;热身watch out (for sth.) 留神wear off 逐渐消失,逐渐减少wear out 穿破,磨损,用坏, (使)疲乏,(使)厌倦,(使)耗尽what if 如果…将会怎样whether…or 是…还是,不管…还是while away 消磨(时间)wipe out 擦净,彻底摧毁with ease 容易,不费力with respect to 关于,至于with/in regard to 对于,就…而论within the limit of 在…范围内word for word 逐字地work at/on 从事于,努力做work out 解决;算出;弄懂;制定出write off 取消,勾销,注销aches and pains 痛苦arts and science 文理bag and baggage 提包和行李brothers and sisters 兄妹bow and arrow 弓和箭bread and butter 面包和黄油fair and square 公正far and away 远离far and near 远近fire and sword 火与箭first and foremost 首先first and last 先后fish and chips 炸鱼和薯条free and easy 轻松自在friend and foe 朋友和敌人forward and backward 前后fun and pleasure 娱乐good or ill 好歹(善恶) great and small 大小hammer and sickle 锤子与镰刀hand and foot 全方位head and shoulder 头与肩heart and soul 心灵heaven and earth 天地heavy and light 轻重high and low 高低hill and dale 山谷home and abroad 国内外horse and cart 马车house and home 家居hue and cry 喊叫hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘whole and all 全体import and export 进出口internal and external 内外judge and jury 法官与陪审团king and queen 国王与皇后ladies and gentlemen 女士与先生land and sea 陆海law and order 治安lean and lanky 瘦长leaps and bounds 跳跃light and shade 光阴long and short 长短lord and lady 贵族与小姐' male and female 男女man and beast 人与兽sweet and sour 糖醋odds and ends 零碎officers and soldiers 官与兵old and trial 久经考验out and away 出走past and present 过去与现在。
1. Kinematics (运动学)
- Position: 位置
- Distance: 距离
- Displacement: 位移
- Speed: 速度
- Velocity: 速度(包含方向)
- Acceleration: 加速度
- Time: 时间
2. Dynamics (动力学)
- Force: 力
- Mass: 质量
- Inertia: 惯性
- Momentum: 动量
- Energy: 能量
- Power: 功率
3. Thermodynamics (热力学)
- Temperature: 温度
- Heat: 热量
- Internal Energy: 内能
- Entropy: 熵
- Enthalpy: 焓
4. Electromagnetism (电磁学)
- Electric Field: 电场
- Magnetic Field: 磁场
- Electric Charge: 电荷
- Current: 电流
- Voltage: 电压
- Resistance: 电阻
JUMO CTI-500 导導性电导率 浓度和温度传感器转换器说明书
Page 1/17Data Sheet 202755JUMO CTI-500Inductive Conductivity/Concentration and Temperature Transmitter with switch contacts Type 202755Brief descriptionThe instrument is used for the measurement/control of conductivity or concentration in liquid media. It is particularly suitable for application in media where severe deposits of dirt, oil, grease or gypsum/lime precipitates are to be expected. The integrated temperature measurement enables fast and accurate temperature compensation, which is of special importance when measuring conductivity. Additional functions permit the combined changeover of measuring range and temperature coefficient.Two built-in switching outputs can be freely programmed to monitor conductivity/concentration and /or temperature limits. It is also possible to assign alarm and control functions (dilution).The instrument is operated either from the membrane keypad and plain-text graphics display (operator language can be changed over) or through the user-friendly PC setup program. The display can be read off by simply rotating the housing cover. This applies to the installation both in horizontally and vertically arranged pipes. By using the setup program, the instrument configuration data can be saved for plant documentation and printed out. To prevent any tampering, the instrument can also be supplied without keypad or display. In this case, the setup program is needed for programming.The JUMO CTI-500 is available either as a combined unit (transmitter and measuring cell together in one unit) or as a split version (transmitter and cell connected by cable). The split version is particularly suitable for plant subjected to strong vibration and/or significant heat radiation at the measurement point, or for installation on sites that are difficult to access.Immersion models up to 2000 mm are available for application in open containers or sluices. Typical areas of application: Freshwater and wastewater engineering, air conditioning systems and cooling tower monitoring (dilution control), rinsing baths (e.g. monitoring electroplating baths), inlet and final checks in factory water treatment plant, concentration monitoring, vehicle wash plant, etc.Block structureKey features•Activation of up to four ranges •Activation of up to four temperature coefficients •Concentration measurement of - caustic soda NaOH - nitric acid HNO 3- a freely definable curve(through the setup program)•Fast-response temperature sensor •Temperature compensation - linear- natural water- individual characteristic (learning function)•Operation- via keypad and LC display - through setup program•Operator languages: English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish •By using the setup program:- user-friendly programming - plant documentation•Learning function for the temperature coefficient•Individual characteristic for concentration indication •Dilution controlPage 2/17 Data Sheet 202755Functional description The inductive measurement method permits largely maintenance-free acquisition of the specific conductivity, even in the toughest media conditions. As opposed to the conductive measurement method, problems such as electrode decomposition and polarization do not occur.The conductivity is measured using an inductive probe. A sinusoidal a.c. voltage feeds the transmitting coil. Depending on the conductivity of the liquid to be measured, a current is induced in the receiver coil. The current is proportional to the conductivity of the medium.Instrument descriptionMeasuring cellThe measuring cell consists of a hermetically sealed polypropylene (PP) or polyvinyl-idenefluoride (PVDF) body inside which the two measurement coils are arranged. A bore in the measuring cell enables the medium to flow through. The measurement principle entails an inevitable electrical isolation(1)Temperature sensor, exposed(1a)optionally: internal(2)Cell body in PP(3)Measurement coils(4)Liquid loopExposed temperature sensorThe sensor (in a stainless steel sleeve) exhibits a very fast response to temperature variations. This is especially important for CIP processes (phase separation).Internal temperature sensorThe sensor is integrated in the PP body. This construction ensures that no metal parts come into contact with the sample medium (important with corrosive media). However, temperature acquisition is somewhat slower here.Temperature compensationSince conductivity largely depends on thetemperature of the medium, it is usuallynecessary to compensate for the temperatureeffect.The instrument allows both linear and non-linear temperature compensation.If required, temperature compensation can beswitched off, for example, when thetemperature conditions on the measurementsite are stable or when temperaturecompensation is carried out in the software, inexternal evaluation devices (PLC or similar).Process connectionsTo cover a wide variety of applications, theinstrument can be supplied with differentprocess connections (also as an immersionmodel), see dimensions.Installation at the measurementpointThe operating position is generallyunrestricted. However, it is essential to ensurethat there is a continuous exchange of thesample liquid in the flow channel.TransmitterThe CTI-500 transmitter has been designedfor use on site. A rugged housing protects theelectronics and the electrical connectionsfrom corrosive environmental conditions(IP67).A vent screw with a PTFE membrane preventscondensation.OperationThe JUMO CTI-500 can be operated eitherfrom the instrument keys and the graphics LCdisplay and/or through the setup programfrom a PC or laptop.The instrument can be secured againstunauthorized alteration by a password.Functions of the outputsAnalog outputs•One analog signal output for conductivity/concentration and temperaturerespectively.•The analog output signals are freelyscalable (range start and end values).•The response of the analog outputs toover/underrange or alarm can beprogrammed.•Simulation of the signal output:The analog signal outputs can be freely setin the manual mode.Application: “Dry-run” start-up of the plant,trouble-shooting, servicing.Displays and controls(1)Graphics LC display(2)LEDs for the switching status indication of the outputs K1 and K2(3)KeysVersion without a displayOperation/configuration throughthe setup program onlyVersion with a displayOperation/configuration fromthe keys or through the setupprogramPage 3/17Data Sheet 202755Graphics LC display (1)Switching output 1 or 2 is active (2)Binary input 1 or 2 is operated (3)Keypad is inhibited (4)Alarm has been activated (5)Instrument is in manual mode (6)Instrument status (7)Temperature of medium (8)Conductivity measurement (9)Unit of conductivity measurementSwitching outputsThe instrument features two floating switching outputs (solid-state relays) as standard.These can be used freely for monitoring the conductivity/concentration or the temperature.The following functions can be assigned:❏Limit monitoring (MAX. or MIN. limit comparator) with programmable hysteresis ❏Pulse function (the output switches briefly on reaching the switching point, then opens again).❏Pull-in and drop-out delay ❏Inverted switching outputs❏Response to overrange/underrange or with activated measuring circuit monitoring (pull-in/drop-out).❏“Calibration timer run down" signal.Contact functions(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)Alarm window 1Alarm window 2Pulse contactTrigger conditions longer than pulse timePulse contactTrigger conditions shorter than pulse timeBinary inputsThe two binary inputs serve to implement the following functions:–Key inhibit –HOLD mode–4-fold range changeover–4-fold temperature coefficient changeover–Initiation of dilution function and biocide dosingSpecial functions•The learning function for the temperature coefficient enables exact measurement of media with a non-linear characteristic. During a temperature change, the instrument “learns” the temperature coefficient of the present medium and stores the profile. The stored values then enable the correct indication of thetemperature-compensated conductivity.•Individual characteristic for concentration indication.An individual characteristic with 20 interpolation points can be enteredthrough the setup program. This function can be used to generate specialcharacteristics for specific media (e.g. special detergents). This results in correct measurements that contribute to assuring the quality and saving costs.•Dilution controlVarious processes that find theirapplication in wet cooling towers arestored as sequence control (biocide dosing and subsequent inhibiting of dilution). Additional information can be found in the operating manual.•Calibration timerThe calibration timer draws your attention to a calibration schedule. This function is activated by entering a number of days, after which recalibration has to be carried out (plant or operator requirement).Page 4/17Data Sheet 202755Technical dataGeneralA/D converterresolution:15 bitsampling time:500msec=2 meas. per secSupplyFor operation with SELV andPELV circuits.As standard:19 — 31V DC (24V DC nominal),the instrument incorporates reverse-polarity protectionripple:< 5%extra code 844:24 V AC ±10%, 50 — 60 Hzpower consumptionwith display:≤ 3 Wpower consumptionwithout display:≤ 2.6 WRating of the solid-state relaysU < 50 V AC/DCI ≤ 200 mAElectrical connectionplug-in screw terminals 2.5 mm2 orM12 plug/socket connectorsDisplay (option)graphics LCD with background lighting; contrast is adjustabledimensions: 62 x 23 mmPermissible ambient temp. (transmitter)-5 to +50°Cmax. 93% rel. humidity, no condensationPermissible storage temp. (transmitter)-10 to +75°Cmax. 93% rel. humidity, no condensationEnclosure protection (transmitter)IP67Housingpolyamide (PA)Weightdepending on version and processconnectionapprox. 0.3 — 2kgConductivity/concentrationtransmitterConcentration measurement(implemented in the instrument software)–NaOH (caustic soda)0 —15 % by weight or 25 — 50 % byweight–HNO3 (nitric acid)0 —25 % by weight or 36 — 82 % byweight–customer-specific concentration curve,reely programmable through the setupprogram (see “special functions”)Calibration timeradjustable: 0 — 999 days (0 = off)Output signal for conductivity/concentration0 — 10 V / 10 — 0 V2 — 10 V / 10 — 2 V0 — 20 mA / 20 — 0 mA4 — 20 mA / 20 — 0.4 mAThe output signal is freely scalable.Burden≤ 500Ω for current output≥ 2kΩ for voltage outputAnalog output with “Alarm”Low (0 mA / 0 V / 3.4 mA / 1.4 V)orHigh (22.0 mA / 10.7 V)ora fixed settingMeasuring rangesFour ranges can be selected. One of theseranges can be activated via an external switchor a PLC.Note:The overall tolerance is made up of thetolerance of the transmitter + the tolerance ofthe sensor.Temperature transmitterTemperature acquisitionmanually -200 to 25.0 to 150°C/°For automaticallyTemperature measuring range-200 to 150°C/°FCharacteristiclinearAccuracy≤ 0.5% of measuring rangeAmbient temperature error≤ 0.1%/°CResponse timewith exposed temperature sensort09≤ 6 secwith internal temperature sensort09≤ 2 minOutput signal for temperature0 — 10 V / 10 — 0 V2 — 10 V / 10 — 2 V0 — 20 mA / 20 — 0 mA4 — 20 mA / 20 — 0.4 mAThe output signal is freely scalable withinthe range -20 to +200°C.The sensor can be applied within the range-10 to +100°C.Burden≤ 500Ω for current output≥ 2kΩ for voltage outputMeas. rangesTransmitterTolerance(in % of rangespan)0—500 µS/cm≤0.5%0—1000 µS/cm0—2000 µS/cm0—5000 µS/cm0—10 mS/cm0—20 mS/cm0—50 mS/cm0—100 mS/cm0—200 mS/cm0—500 mS/cm0—1000 mS/cm0—2000 mS/cm aa not compensated for temperatureFunction of the binary inputsSetting parameters Binary input 1Binary input 2Measuring range/ temperature coefficient changeover Range1/TC1open open Range2/TC2closed open Range3/TC3open closed Range4/TC4closed closedKey inhibit closed X “Hold” function X closed Start dilution function close (edge 0 - 1)openStop dilution function open close (edge 0 - 1)Page 5/17 Data Sheet 202755Analog output for “Alarm”Low (0 mA / 0 V / 3.4 mA / 1.4 V)orHigh (22.0 mA / 10.7 V)ora fixed settingTemperature compensationReference temperature15 to 30°C, adjustableTemperature coefficient0.0 to 5.5%/°C, adjustableCompensation range-20 to 150°CFunction–linear–natural water (EN 27 888)–non-linear (learning function, see specialfunctions)SensorMaterialPP (polypropylene), suitable for foodstuffsNote:Temperature, pressure and samplemedium affect the life of the cell!Temperature of the sample mediumPressure10bar max. at 20°C6 bar max. at 60°CProcess-connectionmax.temperature16870660°C16960761769080°Cshort term100°CMeasuring rangeSensorTolerance(in % of rangespan)0—500 µS/cm≤1%0—1000 µS/cm0—2000 µS/cm≤0.5%0—5000 µS/cm0—10 mS/cm0—20 mS/cm0—50 mS/cm0—100 mS/cm0—200 mS/cm0—500 mS/cm0—1000 mS/cm≤1%0—2000 mS/cm a1a not compensated for temperature. Electrical connection - head transmitter (transmitter with cable glands (-82))Data Sheet 202755Page 6/17Data Sheet 202755Page 7/17 Electrical connection (transmitter with M12 connectors (-83))Data Sheet 202755Page 8/17 DimensionsSensor (detail)Page 9/17Data Sheet 202755DimensionsDrilling diagramTransmitter with M12 plug connectors and M12 socket connectorsVersion:Transmitter with separate sensor (split version)(basic type extensions /20, /25, /60 or /65)Transmitter with M16 cable gland(only for the "head transmitter" model)Data Sheet 202755Page 10/17Dimensions / Process connections (head transmitter)Data Sheet 202755Page 11/17Dimensions / Process connections (separate sensor)Page 12/17Data Sheet 202755Dimensions (separate sensor as immersion model)Optional accessory:flange DN32, part no. 00083375Optional accessory:flange DN50, part no. 00083376Page 13/17Data Sheet 202755Mounting examplesWeld-on threaded pipe adapterDN50, DIN 11 851(mating component for proc. connection 607),part no. 00085020DN ø D L H MaterialMaximum temperature Part no.324098172PVC+60°C00439247405011817700439249324088179PP +80°C00449511405010218100449514506312418100449516Data Sheet 202755Page 14/17 Kit for pipe mountingPage 15/17Data Sheet 202755Order details: CTI-500 as “Head transmitter”x = standardo = available as an option(1)Basic type202755JUMO CTI-500 - Inductive transmitter/switching device for conductivity/concentration and temperature (2)Basic type extensions10head transmitter without display/keypad a a The PC setup program is required for programming the instrument, see accessories 15head transmitter with display/keypad (3)Process connection o o 168PVC union nut G11/2A b,cb Special tee is not included in delivery, see accessoriesc Maximum temperature of medium: 60 °Co o 169stainless steel union nut G11/2A bo o 607screwed pipe fitting DN50, DIN 11 851(MK DN50, milk cone)o o 617clamp connection 21/2", ISO 2852d d Mounting items (mounting brackets) do not come with delivery. If required, please include in your order (accessories)o o 690SMS 2"(4)Immersion length o o 0see dimensions (5)Electrical connection o o 82cable glandso o 83M12 plug/socket connectors (instead of the cable glands)e e If required, order 1 set M12 plug / socket connectors, see accessorieso o 84two M16 cable glands and one blind grommet (6)Extra codes x x 000no extra codeo o 268internal temperature sensor o o 768cell material PVDF f fOnly with process connections 168 and 169, in combination with extra code 268o o844supply 24AC V ±10%(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(6)Order code /---/,...aaList extra codes in sequence, separated by commasOrder example202755/10-108--82/000Page 16/17Data Sheet 202755Order details: CTI-500 as “Transmitter with separate sensor”x = standard0 = available as an option – = not available(1)Basic type202755JUMO CTI-500 - Inductive transmitter/switching device for conductivity/concentration and temperature (2)Basic type extensions20transmitter without display/keypad (without sensor)a,b a The PC setup program is required for programming the instrument, see accessoriesb A calibration kit is absolutely essential for commissioning. If required, please include in your order (accessories)25transmitter with display/keypad (without sensor)b60transmitter without display/keypad including sensor (cable length: 10 m)a 65transmitter with display/keypad including sensor (cable length: 10 m)80replacement sensor with a 10 m long cable without transmitter b,c c Mounting items (union/ring nuts, mounting brackets) do not come with delivery. If required, please include in your order (accessories)(3)Process connection x x000not availableo o o 168PVC union nut G11/2A (media temperature: 60°C max.)d,e d Special tee is not included in delivery e Maximum temperature of medium: 60 °Co o o 169stainless steel union nut G11/2A do o o 607screwed pipe fitting DN50, DIN 11 851(MK DN50, milk cone)o o o 617clamp connection 21/2", ISO 2852c o o o 690SMS 2"o o o 706immersion model(4)Immersion length x x0not available o o o 5000500 mm o o o 10001000 mm o o o 15001500 mmo o o 20002000 mm (max. length)o o oxxxxspecial length (in 250 mm steps; e.g. 0250; 0750; 1250; 1750)(5)Electrical connectionx21attached cable with M12 socket connector on separate sensor o o o o 82cable glands on the operating unito o o o 83M12 plug/socket connectors on operating unit f f If required, order 1 set M12 plug / socket connectors, see accessorieso o o o 84two cable glands and one blind grommet (6)Extra codes x x x x x 000no extra code--o o o268internal temperature sensor o o 768cell material PVDF g gOnly with process connections 168 and 169, in combination with extra code 268o o o o844supply voltage 24 V AC(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(6)Order code /---/,...aaList extra codes in sequence, separated by commasOrder example202755/65-108-1000-21/000Page 17/17Data Sheet 202755Stock items (shipment: 3 days after receipt of order)Production items(shipment: 10 days after receipt of order)AccessoriesTypePart no.202755/10-168-0-82/00000445842202755/15-168-0-82/00000445843202755/15-607-0-82/00000445845TypePart no.202755/65-607-0-82/00000445840TypePart no.Weld-on threaded adapter DN50, DIN 11 851 (mating component for process connection -607)00085020Special tee DN32, PVC, including threaded socket aa with anti-rotation lug - the cell can only be installed in the correct orientationmax. 60°C, mating component for process connection -16800439247Special tee DN40, PVC, including threaded socket a00439249Union nut G1 1/2, PVC00439199Union nut G1 1/2, stainless steel 00452039Ring nut DN50, DIN 11 85100343368Ring nut SMS DN2" 00345162Flange DN32, material: PPbbonly in conjunction with a separate sensor in the immersion version 202755/60-706-... or 202755/65-706-... or 202755/80-706-...00083375Flange DN50, material: PP b00083376Kit for pipe mounting, stainless steel 00515128Kit for DIN rail mounting00459903Shackle for CTI-500 sensor and immersion fitting with diameter 40 mm 00453191M12 socket connector, 5-pole, straight, for assembly by user necessary for versions 202755/xx-xxx-xxxx-83/xxx 00444313M12 plug connector, 8-pole, straight, for assembly by user 00444307M12 socket connector, 8-pole, straight, for assembly by user replacement part for sensor 202755/80...00444312PC setup software for JUMO CTI-50000447634PC interface cable with TTL / RS232 converter and adapter (serial connection cable)00350260PC interface cable with USB / TTL converter and two adapters (USB connection cable)00456352Switched-mode power supply for DIN rail mounting,Type PS5R-A24input voltage:AC 100to 240V /50to 60Hz output voltage:DC 24V , 0.3A00374661Cover with LC display and keypad (facilitates the programming of transmitters without display and keypad)00443725Special tee DN32, PPaincluding threaded socket (max. 80°C), mating component for process connection -16900449511Special tee DN40, PP a 00449514Special tee DN50, PP a00449516Calibration kit (for calibrating a replacement transmitter or replacement sensor)00459436M12 plug/socket connectors set, suitable for electrical connection 8300529482Additional concentration curves for the usual acids and lyes (20 interpolation points in tabular form),for entry on the CTI-500 through the setup program.on request。
UNIT 1(1) Answer: go through fire and water(2) Answer: salary(3) Answer: give(4) Answer: no peace(5) Answer: sink into(6) Answer: ambition(7) Answer: By way of(8) Answer: expressive(9) Answer: churned(10) Answer: engraved(11) Answer: not hold a candle to(12) Answer: inward24页 1) Answer: Success(2) Answer: literacy(3) Answer: significantly(4) Answer: promoting(5) Answer: appropriate(6) Answer: too(7) Answer: later(8) Answer: repetition(9) Answer: invented(10) Answer: lessUNIT 251页1) Answer: appetite(2) Answer: destructive(3) Answer: agency(4) Answer: processed(5) Answer: saturated(6) Answer: utter(7) Answer: hoisted(8) Answer: referring to(9) Answer: retrieve(10) Answer: UnfortunatelyP52 1) Peter was chasing the dog and Tom was riding the wooden horse in the garden.2) They all looked on except one young man. He took her to the hospital instantly.3) I laid charges against the company and won the case.4) If we want to stay competitive, first of all we need to modernize our factory.5) They got irrigation water from the dammed rivers.P53 1) Except in the oases the desert is almost devoid of vegetation, although somestunted, thorny shrubs grow in the western Sahara.2) The fruits growing wild in the coastal forest are edible.3) The national security agency made recommendations for improving safety standards in airplanes / to improve safety standards in airplanes.4) The Beatles enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous pop group.5) The emergence of language was a defining factor in the evolution of modern humans.1) Answer: Excluding(2) Answer: packaged(3) Answer: to boost / of boosting1) Answer: comes second to(2) Answer: infected with(3) Answer: traces of(1) Answer: vegetarian(2) Answer: are bred(3) Answer: slaughtered(4) Answer: ideal(5) Answer: reductionP56 1. sing a pop song2. died a miserable death3. live a harmonious life4. Breathing a deep breath5. dreamed a bad dream6. smiled a bitter smile7. a hard fight to fight8. sleep a troubled sleep) Answer: exclude(2) Answer: stubborn(3) Answer: devoid of(4) Answer: bow to(5) Answer: potent(6) Answer: drawbacks(7) Answer: contaminating(8) Answer: heightened(9) Answer: infected(10) Answer: come second to1) Answer: consumption(2) Answer: between(3) Answer: packed(4) Answer: evident(5) Answer: population(6) Answer: encouraging(7) Answer: grave(8) Answer: against(9) Answer: criticize(10) Answer: itself31) Answer: invitation(2) Answer: eloquent(3) Answer: concede(4) Answer: contradictory(5) Answer: conceals(6) Answer: guilty(7) Answer: generalize(8) Answer: get caught in(9) Answer: for now(10) Answer: as a last resort1) Non-smoking area. John's very intolerant of people who smoke.2) She is an interesting character, and a bit of a mystery to me.3) Because it does not reveal their marital status.4) We are planning on trekking through the Malaysian Rainforest.5) He muttered something under his breath that I couldn't understand.6) They may need to wear protective rubber gloves and clothing.7) The chairperson said sometimes unemployment tempted the youth into criminal activities.8) Though she never admitted it, the look on her face when I mentioned James' name gave her away.1) Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.2) The hill farmers' lot has never been easy and in recent years has been assailedby a series of major crises.3) As most people in his family, Grey is a great talker when he's in the mood to talk.4) Few people find it necessary to condemn white lies on the grounds that they are not real lies.5) All the evidence of your qualifications and skills that backs up the claims you make in yourrésumé should be included.1) Answer: In general(2) Answer: that irritates(3) Answer: arrogant1) Answer: adamant(2) Answer: never indulge in(3) Answer: absurd(4) Answer: a romantic1) Answer: be aware(2) Answer: nonetheless(3) Answer: acceptable to1. was being careful with his words.2. was being polite and ate quite a bit.3. was getting impatient waiting for the waiter to come around.4. are being stupid because they run the risk of being caught and expelled from school.5. He was being a coward.6. was being a nuisance when he complained.7. I'm being serious.1) Answer: asserting(2) Answer: go along(3) Answer: because(4) Answer: part(5) Answer: Mistakes(6) Answer: exceptions(7) Answer: end(8) Answer: resort(9) Answer: dying(10) Answer: freedomUnit 3(1) Answer: convinced(2) Answer: supersede(3) Answer: personal gain(4) Answer: on the grounds that(5) Answer: devastating(6) Answer: presumptuous(7) Answer: playing God(8) Answer: manipulation(9) Answer: juggle(10) Answer: rollVocabulary (1) Answer: invitation(2) Answer: eloquent(3) Answer: concede(4) Answer: contradictory(5) Answer: conceals(6) Answer: guilty(7) Answer: generalize(8) Answer: get caught in(9) Answer: for now(10) Answer: as a last resortB 1) Non-smoking area. John's very intolerant of people who smoke.2) She is an interesting character, and a bit of a mystery to me.3) Because it does not reveal their marital status.4) We are planning on trekking through the Malaysian Rainforest.5) He muttered something under his breath that I couldn't understand.6) They may need to wear protective rubber gloves and clothing.7) The chairperson said sometimes unemployment tempted the youth into criminal activities.8) Though she never admitted it, the look on her face when I mentioned James' name gave her away.C 1) Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.2) The hill farmers' lot has never been easy and in recent years has been assailed by a series of major crises.3) As most people in his family, Grey is a great talker when he's in the mood to talk.4) Few people find it necessary to condemn white lies on the grounds that they are not real lies.5) All the evidence of your qualifications and skills that backs up the claims you make in yourrésumé should be included.D (1) Answer: In general(2) Answer: that irritates(3) Answer: arrogant(1) Answer: adamant(2) Answer: never indulge in(3) Answer: absurd(4) Answer: a romantic(1) Answer: be aware(2) Answer: nonetheless(3) Answer: acceptable to(1) Answer: be aware(2) Answer: nonetheless(3) Answer: acceptable toUsage 1. was being careful with his words.2. was being polite and ate quite a bit.3. was getting impatient waiting for the waiter to come around.4. are being stupid because they run the risk of being caught and expelled from school.5. He was being a coward.6. was being a nuisance when he complained.7. I'm being serious.Comprehensive (1) Answer: go along(2) Answer: honesty(3) Answer: straightforward(4) Answer: indulge in(5) Answer: What about(6) Answer: dodge(7) Answer: assert(8) Answer: absurd(9) Answer: resort(10) Answer: juggle(1) Answer: asserting(2) Answer: go along(3) Answer: because(4) Answer: part(5) Answer: Mistakes(6) Answer: exceptions(7) Answer: end(8) Answer: resort(9) Answer: dying(10) Answer: freedomUnit 42. Narration.3. In chronological order.4. For example, the odd animals stored in the upper apartment of the laboratory; his lunch at school; his observation of the whole group of haemulons, etc. Details such as these are omitted because they are of little help in bringing out the theme of the essay —how the professor's teaching method enabled him to see the importance of close observation and thus exerted a life-long influence on his academic career.(1) Answer: after lingering(2) Answer: resuscitate(3) Answer: sloppy(4) Answer: gaze(5) Answer: loathsome(6) Answer: ghastly(7) Answer: sideways(8) Answer: in despair(9) Answer: concluded(10) Answer: with infiniteVocabulary (1) Answer: for myself(2) Answer: concluded(3) Answer: infinite(4) Answer: internal(5) Answer: misery(6) Answer: mode(7) Answer: ventured(8) Answer: visible(9) Answer: observation(10) Answer: commendedB 1) I lay in bed feeling thoroughly wretched.2) It is fragrant with the smell of apple blossom.3) They are fine specimens of the veteran revolutionaries.4) I'd like to enroll in the modern art course if it is not too late.5) The taste is slightly bitter, and it has a strange odor.C 1. The scheme does nothing to help families on low incomes and is sure to provoke / call forth / draw / arouse criticism.2. Jenny is terribly uncertain as to whether Bob is the right boy for her.3. These goods bear no resemblance to those I saw printed in the advertisements.4. In China, where black hair and black eyes are the norm, her blond hair and blue eyes are rather conspicuous.5. We did not have time for a rehearsal before the performance because of the delay of our flight.D (1) Answer: an energetic(2) Answer: ardent(3) Answer: The investigation(4) Answer: a wretched(5) Answer: To leave them to their own devices(1) Answer: entrusted(2) Answer: explicit(3) Answer: did not commend itself to(4) Answer: look him in the face(5) Answer: turning to(1) Answer: my subsequent(2) Answer: The latter(3) Answer: part with(4) Answer: with reluctance(1) Answer: Enrolling(2) Answer: specimen(3) Answer: leave him to his own devices(4) Answer: investigation(5) Answer: By and by(6) Answer: content with(7) Answer: entrusted(8) Answer: reluctance(9) Answer: infectious(10) Answer: observation(11) Answer: mode(12) Answer: grounded in(1) Answer: known(2) Answer: only(3) Answer: doing(4) Answer: assistance(5) Answer: assignment(6) Answer: simply(7) Answer: But(8) Answer: turned(9) Answer: singled(10) Answer: because54. Yes, the essay ends well by asserting the number of skeptics on global warming is growing smaller, thus highlighting the point that global warming has undoubtedly become a reality. In a way, the ending echoes the beginning, helping render the whole piece more coherent.(1) Answer: densely populated(2) Answer: uninhabitable(3) Answer: thrown into(4) Answer: migrate(5) Answer: contaminate(6) Answer: respiratory(7) Answer: widen the range(8) Answer: incidence(9) Answer: adjusting(10) Answer: wildlife15% in the last four years.Answer: percentagesuch as New York, London, Los Angeles, Tokyo, creating a continuous, 24-hour Earth Day celebration.Answer: zone3) The cloud absorbs sunlight, heating the stratosphere (平流层) up but stoppingAnswer: warmthAnswer: diverseNorth and South.Answer: widen6) It's such a beautiful city, it's a shame we didn't have more timeAnswer: look aroundthey can only dimly perceive.Answer: in the face ofAnswer: in perspective9) Most aquarium (水族馆) plants come from tropical and subtropical areas, with aAnswer: temperatethis chapter needs to be supplemented by practical experience.Answer: theoretical1)Its profits shrank from $5 million to $1.25 million in the last global financialcrisis.2) They will have to adhere to the cultural norms of the organization in orderto be successful with their database project.3) My hometown is/lies halfway in between Salk Lake City and Denver.4) I saw waves battering (against) the rocks at the bottom of the cliff.5) Flood waters washed away the only bridge connecting the village to the outsideworld.2)1) Your report on the new car park is fine, but why don't you beef it up withsome figures?2) There is a wide variation among Internet providers in cost, features, software,reliability and customer service.3) Poverty is one of the reasons for the high incidence of crime in thisneighborhood.4) I suggested we sing and dance for the elderly people in the nursing home,and all my roommates were in favor of my idea.5) Doctors who are compelled to work 36 hours at a stretch cannot possibly befully efficient.1) Much of the loss of biodiversity currently being experiencedpopulations wiping out entire ecosystems for development and single crop farming.habitat. We already of deforestation on global warming, but do we stop to think about the thousands of animal and insect species that(die off, attribute, diverse, scary)(1) Answer: is attributed to(2) Answer: diverse(3) Answer: the scary(4) Answer: are dying off2) In August 2005, some organizations predicted that a temperature increase of 2 °C above the pre-industrial level couldfor sea levels and biodiversity. At the current level of climate change, this prediction could become a reality in 10-15years. (trigger, esteemed, overwhelming)(1) Answer: from esteemed(2) Answer: trigger(3) Answer: overwhelming3) With huge amounts of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere global(magnify, go up, turmoil, throw into, melt)(1) Answer: melting(2) Answer: throwing(3) Answer: into turmoil(4) Answer: be magnified(5) Answer: going up(1) Answer: contaminated(2) Answer: contaminate(3) Answer: contamination(4) Answer: uncontaminated(5) Answer: habitable(6) Answer: habitation(7) Answer: inhabit(8) Answer: uninhabited(9) Answer: uninhabitable(10) Answer: inhabited Comprehensive(1) Answer: beef up(2) Answer: coastal(3) Answer: in favour of(4) Answer: residents(5) Answer: theoretical(6) Answer: disastrous(7) Answer: battered(8) Answer: shrinking(9) Answer: migrate(10) Answer: washed away(11) Answer: Scary(12) Answer: humanity(1) Answer: predicting(2) Answer: accuracy(3) Answer: basis(4) Answer: collide(5) Answer: atmosphere(6) Answer: melts(7) Answer: affected(8) Answer: actions(9) Answer: striving(10) Answer: technologies Unit 64. To contrast differences, the author uses:And that... is where the contrast between...... on the other hand...So Grant and Lee were in complete contrast...To transit from contrasting differences to comparing similarities, the author uses:Yet it was not all contrast, after all.To compare similarities, the author uses:Each man had...Daring and resourcefulness they had, too...Lastly...(1) Answer: Different(2) Answer: underlying aspiration(3) Answer: in common(4) Answer: much alike(5) Answer: to begin with(6) Answer: acute(7) Answer: handicaps(8) Answer: indomitable(9) Answer: refusal(10) Answer: on his feet1) As a man who has reached his present who has experienced the tough side of life, he knows more about life than most people.Answer: the hard way2) Bob made to Ann before their marriage that he would break his gambling addiction for good.Answer: solemn3) upon list of all the things she needed, from padlocks to picture frames.Answer: wrote outrespect.Answer: champion5) The President has announced a policy for the nation's wetlands, which calls forAnswer: ownershipvisiting their families at the weekend.Answer: privilegeshe didn't know very much about romance, just enough to know that it seemed to be a force that did not like to be tamed.Answer: To be sureas anyone else in the school.Answer: handicap9) His plan met with resistance from her family, who regarded the idea as wholly unrealistic.Answer: surge(1) Answer: cut the ground from under(2) Answer: feetB 1) The committee aims to achieve reconciliation between the two opposing parties.2) The management's refusal to increase the minimum monthly grant.3) Public places such as metro stations, theaters, and museums have been made more accessible to the disabled.4) His love for the countryside brought forth a series of remarkable watercolors.5) It embodies the ideals of freedom and equality.C 1) The books are keyed to the interests of children.2) We will not stand by and let the small village schools get closed for lack of funds.3) Their response was in effect a refusal to our request though they didn't turn it down explicitly.4) Generous to a fault, he paid for all the expenses.5) We shall always feel we are deeply in your debt.Dspeed. Asked about reasons for the great success, he said,company: cooperative with regard to making decisions, and trustingfellow workers. Every employee has a strong sensethe company and boundless the work." (underlying, prosper, enthusiasm, obligation, to begin with, in relation to)(1) Answer: prospered(2) Answer: the underlying(3) Answer: To begin with(4) Answer: in relation to(5) Answer: of obligation to(6) Answer: enthusiasm for2) Most chapters of this book are dedicated to the effects of games on children.According to the author, in performing and observing actions, likecooperate with each other in the competition. (personality, implicit, collision)(1) Answer: the collision(2) Answer: implicit(3) Answer: personality3) Martin Luther King and Rosa Parker had a They were black peopleand inequality and to try to gain control over Faced with greatall men are created equal. (destiny, in common, combat, notion, hang on)(1) Answer: in common(2) Answer: to combat(3) Answer: own destinies(4) Answer: hung on(5) Answer: the notionE 1) Both of these follow their dreams and finally became successful lawyers.Answer: set out2) Yesterday a lone his attempt to beat the record for crossing the Atlantic.Answer: set off3) Fortunately the wound was treated before infection (感染Answer: set inyour purse.Answer: set aside5) A new middle school, where excellent teaching is given by friendly and helpfulAnswer: set upbackground color for floor and walls first.Answer: set aboutAnswer: set offhis stock more than his customers, often refusing to sell a cherished piece to a disliked buyer.Answer: set upbattle.Answer: set up10) Rome her neighbors by her ancient fame and lasting influence. Answer: set apart1. According to the manager, what he wants is a simple yet effective sales plan.2. Usually he was a serious man, yet this joke reduced him to hearty laughter / set him laughing heartily.3. The governor has put forward a series of policies to cut the state budget, but the effects of the new measures have yet to be seen.4. He is not yet 20, but his technical control, confidence, brilliance and intellectual depth display an outstanding maturity.5. John wouldn't let me see his essay, because he hasn't finished it yet.6. Maybe the reason scientists have yet to receive signals from extraterrestrialintelligence is that there isn't any extraterrestrial intelligence sending signals.7. She knew the sensible thing to do was to leave the place as soon as possible, yet she wanted to stay.8. Her selective yet comprehensive exhibition draws mainly from public collections, among them many of the United States' most distinguished libraries.(1) Answer: personalities(2) Answer: embody(3) Answer: underlying(4) Answer: collision(5) Answer: leadership(6) Answer: ownership(7) Answer: ideals(8) Answer: champion(9) Answer: the hard way(10) Answer: prospered1) Answer: indication(2) Answer: sensitive(3) Answer: career(4) Answer: resign(5) Answer: supply(6) Answer: disciplined(7) Answer: promoted(8) Answer: criticized(9) Answer: surrender(10) Answer: respected。
全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:鹰击长空鱼翔浅底万类霜天竞自由的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Amidst the boundless expanse of azure skies and rolling meadows, a resounding truth echoes through the tapestry of life: freedom is the essence that breathes vitality into every creature's existence. From the majestic eagle that reigns supreme in theheavens to the nimble fish that dances through crystalline waters, the relentless pursuit of liberty resonates as a universal anthem.As I gaze upward, my eyes are met with the awe-inspiring sight of an eagle soaring majestically, its wings outstretched like banners of defiance against the very notion of constraint. With each powerful flap, it seems to declare its sovereignty over the vast realm of the skies, an emblem of unshackled ambition and an unwavering spirit that knows no bounds.Yet, this yearning for freedom is not exclusive to the avian kingdom alone. Cast your gaze upon the shimmering depths of a nearby stream, and there you shall witness the graceful dance of fish, their scales glistening like liquid silver as they dart to and fro, liberated from the shackles of gravity. They, too, are bound by an innate desire to roam unfettered, their sinuous forms a living testament to the indomitable will that propels them throughlife's currents.Across the verdant expanse of nature's canvas, this symphony of liberty reverberates, a cacophony of voices proclaiming the inalienable right to self-determination. The very essence of existence, it seems, is intertwined with the quest for freedom, an eternal dance that transcends species and habitats.Consider the majestic elk that roams the vast wilderness, its antlers standing tall as a crown of defiance against any who would dare to curtail its wanderlust. With each thunderous stride, it lays claim to the untamed wilderness, its domain a realm where boundaries are but mere suggestions to be disregarded at will.Nearby, a colony of ants toils ceaselessly, each individual a testament to the collective pursuit of autonomy. Though their world may seem minuscule to our human eyes, their unwavering determination to shape their destiny and secure the well-being of their brethren is no less awe-inspiring than the grandest of nature's spectacles.Even the humble wildflowers that blanket the meadows are not exempt from this universal yearning. Their vibrant petals unfurl in defiance of the elements, their fragrance a silent declaration of their right to thrive and flourish, unfettered by the whims of circumstance.It is a truth that echoes through the ages, whispered by the wind and inscribed upon the very fabric of existence: freedom is the birthright of all creatures, great and small. It is the driving force that compels the eagle to take flight, the fish to navigate the currents, and every living being to strive forself-actualization.Yet, in the midst of this grand symphony, a dissonant chord emerges – the encroaching influence of humanity. As we tame and subjugate the wild domains, erecting barriers and imposing our will upon the natural order, we risk stifling the very essence that breathes life into the world around us.It is a sobering realization, one that should give us pause and prompt us to reevaluate our relationship with the vast tapestry of life that surrounds us. For in our quest to conquer and dominate, we risk silencing the melodies of freedom that have resonated since time immemorial.Perhaps it is time for us to take a step back and observe, to truly appreciate the harmonies that arise when each creature is afforded the liberty to fulfill its destiny. To bear witness to the eagle's majesty as it defies gravity, to marvel at the fish's graceful dance through the currents, and to revel in the resilience of even the most diminutive of beings as they assert their place in the grand scheme of existence.In doing so, we may come to understand that our own pursuit of freedom is not an isolated endeavor but rather a thread woven into the intricate tapestry of life itself. For just as the eagle spreads its wings and takes flight, so too must we embrace the boundless potential that lies within us, unfurling thebanners of our aspirations and letting them soar on the winds of possibility.It is a lesson that nature itself imparts, a symphony of liberty that transcends species and habitats, reverberating through the ages as a clarion call to embrace the essence of what it means to truly live. Let us heed this call, for in doing so, we may discover that our own freedom is inexorably intertwined with that of all beings, great and small, that share this wondrous world with us.In the end, perhaps the true beauty of existence lies not in our ability to subjugate and control, but in our willingness to coexist and celebrate the myriad expressions of liberty that grace this planet we call home. For it is in this symphony of freedom that we find the pulse of life itself, beating in sync with the rhythm of the eagle's wings, the flow of the river's current, and the eternal dance of existence itself.篇2The Soaring Spirit of FreedomAs I gaze out over the frost-covered fields on this crisp winter morning, I can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the incredible diversity of life that surrounds me. From the majestic eagle soaring high overhead to the tiny fish dartingthrough the icy shallows, each creature seems to embody a spirit of freedom that resonates deep within my soul.Up in the vast expanse of the sky, the eagle reigns supreme. With its powerful wings outstretched and its piercing eyes ever vigilant, it commands respect and admiration from all who witness its graceful dance among the clouds. Yet, despite its regal bearing, the eagle is no mere ornament to be admired from afar – it is a living embodiment of the unconquerable spirit that resides within us all.As it soars through the endless azure, cutting through the crisp winter air with effortless ease, the eagle reminds us that true freedom knows no bounds. It is a reminder that we, too, possess the ability to rise above the petty constraints and limitations that so often seek to confine us, if only we have the courage and determination to spread our wings and take flight.Down below, in the frozen shallows that wind their way through the heart of the valley, a very different world unfolds. Here, the fish dart and weave with lightning speed, their iridescent scales flashing like tiny mirrors reflecting the pale winter sun. Though their domain is vastly different from that of the soaring eagle, these aquatic creatures, too, embody a spirit of freedom that is no less inspiring.As they navigate the intricate maze of submerged branches and rocks, the fish seem to revel in their ability to move with fluid grace, unencumbered by the weight of gravity that binds us to the earth. They are a living testament to the fact that freedom can take many forms, and that true liberation lies not in the absence of boundaries, but in the ability to embrace and transcend them.Yet, for all their apparent differences, the eagle and the fish share a common bond – a primal drive to compete, to assert their dominance over their respective domains, and to lay claim to the freedom that is their birthright. On this frosty day, as the chill wind whips across the frozen landscape, the air is alive with the sounds of this eternal struggle for supremacy.High above, the eagle engages in aerial duels with its rivals, each bird determined to establish its mastery of the skies. Their piercing cries echo across the valley, a haunting melody of defiance and conquest that resonates deep within the heart of any creature that has ever known the thrill of hard-won victory.Down below, the fish engage in their own battles, darting and weaving through the icy waters in a never-ending dance of dominance and submission. Each individual fish is driven by an instinctive need to assert its place in the hierarchy, to stake itsclaim to the freedom of movement that is so essential to its survival.As I watch these timeless dramas unfold, I cannot help but see parallels to the human experience. For are we not, in our own way, engaged in a constant struggle to assert our freedom, to carve out our own place in the world, and to rise above the challenges and obstacles that threaten to hold us back?Just as the eagle must battle the wind and the elements to maintain its lofty perch, so too must we confront the metaphorical storms that rage around us, ever vigilant against the forces that seek to clip our wings and ground us forever. And just as the fish must navigate the treacherous currents and hazards of their aquatic realm, we too must chart our course through the turbulent waters of life, ever mindful of the pitfalls and perils that lurk beneath the surface.But therein lies the true beauty of freedom – for it is in the struggle itself that we find our strength, our resilience, and our unwavering determination to prevail. It is in the act of competition, of pitting our will against the challenges that stand in our way, that we discover the depths of our own potential and the limitless heights to which we can soar.As the day draws to a close and the frosty chill of night begins to settle over the land, I find myself filled with a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation for the indomitable spirit that burns within all living creatures. For in that moment, as I watch the eagle wing its way back to its lofty aerie and the fish disappear beneath the icy surface, I realize that true freedom is not a destination to be reached, but a journey to be embraced –a never-ending quest to push beyond our limits, to defy the constraints that seek to hold us back, and to soar ever higher towards the boundless horizons of possibility.And so, as the first stars begin to twinkle in the twilight sky, I make a silent vow to myself – to live each day with the same fearless abandon as the eagle and the fish, to embrace the challenges that lie ahead with open arms, and to never allow the flame of freedom to be extinguished within my heart. For in that moment, I know that I am part of something greater, something more profound than any one individual could ever hope to be – a tiny thread woven into the tapestry of life itself, joined in an eternal dance of defiance and triumph with all those who have dared to reach for the heavens.篇3Eagles Soaring, Fish Swimming, All Life Striving for LibertyAs we gaze up at the boundless sky, a majestic eagle soars high above, its wings outstretched, cutting through the vast expanse of blue. With a piercing cry, it seems to herald its own freedom – the freedom to roam, to hunt, to live by its own rules in the wild realm of nature. Such an image stirs something primal within us, awakening a deep-seated longing for the very same liberty that this feathered sovereign embodies so perfectly.Yet, even as we find ourselves awed by the eagle's mastery of the skies, we need only turn our gaze towards the nearest stream to behold another marvel of nature's design. There, with fluid grace, schools of fish dart through the crystalline waters, their scales glistening like a thousand tiny gemstones in the sun's radiant embrace. To them, the entire river is a realm of freedom –a vast, watery expanse to explore, to hunt, to breed, and to live according to the ancient rhythms that have governed their kind for millennia.In this rich tapestry of life, it becomes evident that the yearning for freedom is not merely a human conceit, but rather an innate drive that courses through the veins of all beings. From the loftiest avian apex predators to the most unassuming denizens of the deep, every creature seems invested with an instinctive quest to carve out its own niche, to stake its claim onthe world, and to live in accordance with the fundamental laws of its nature.For we humans, this indomitable thirst for freedom takes on existential dimensions, shaping the very core of our identity and our place in the grand scheme of things. Throughout the annals of our species, it has been this burning desire for liberty that has propelled us to reach for the stars, to conquer seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and to continually redefine the boundaries of what is possible.Yet, even in our modern era of unprecedented technological marvels and societal advancements, the struggle for true freedom rages on. In a world where invisible chains of expectation, conformity, and societal pressures threaten to bind us, we must remain ever-vigilant, drawing strength from the examples set by nature's own unfettered denizens.As the eagle reigns supreme in the azure vault above, daring any force to restrain its boundless spirit, we too must aspire to shake off the shackles that seek to curtail our innermost yearnings. With the same tenacity that drives the fish to ceaselessly explore the endless waterways, we must navigate the currents of life, never allowing ourselves to be swept along by the tides of complacency or resignation.In this eternal quest, we would do well to heed the lessons that the natural world so generously imparts. For just as the eagle must weather fierce storms and brave treacherous updrafts, our own pursuit of freedom will invariably be fraught with challenges and adversities. Yet, like that regal winged hunter, we must steel our resolve, trusting in our innate strengths and abilities to surmount any obstacle that dares impede our flight.And when the harsh winds of struggle threaten to overmatch us, let us look to the resilient fish for inspiration. For they, though diminutive in stature, possess a hardiness and adaptability that allows them to thrive in the most turbulent of waters. By emulating their tenacity and their ability to navigate even the most turbulent of currents, we too can emerge from the depths of our trials, stronger, wiser, and ever more determined to seize the full bounty of freedom that life has to offer.As we stand at the crossroads of our own journeys, let the stirring image of the eagle's majesty and the fish's unwavering perseverance serve as a rallying cry – a reminder that freedom is not merely a lofty ideal, but a fundamental birthright that we must steadfastly defend. For in this vast, frosty world where all life competes for the ultimate prize of liberty, only those whoembrace their innermost wildness and shed the self-imposed shackles of doubt and fear will truly soar.In the end, the path to freedom is one that each of us must forge for ourselves, heeding the wisdom of nature while simultaneously charting new frontiers that stretch the very boundaries of what it means to be truly unbound. It is a journey fraught with peril, yet brimming with unimaginable rewards that await those brave enough to spread their wings and take flight.So let us cast off the chains that bind us, whether they be forged of steel or mere phantoms of the mind. Let us embrace the spirit of the eagle, the resilience of the fish, and the indomitable will of all living beings that strive for the ultimate expression of their own essential natures. For only then can we truly lay claim to the exhilarating freedoms that make life worth living – freedoms that course through our very veins, yearning to be unleashed upon a world that hungers for the uplifting spectacle of unfettered souls in their full, resplendent glory.。
时间变化和地点转移作文英文回答:Time is an elusive entity, constantly flowing forward, indifferent to our desires and regrets. It shapes our lives, etching memories into our minds and leaving behind tracesof our experiences. Location, too, holds sway over us, influencing our perspectives and shaping our identities.Imagine if we could harness the power of time and space, traversing the boundaries that confine us. What wonders might we behold? What lessons could we learn from stepping outside our comfort zones and exploring the unknown?In the realm of literature, writers have long used time travel and location shifts as literary devices to explore the complexities of human existence. Through time jumps, they transport their characters to different eras, allowing them to witness historical events firsthand or to confront their own pasts. By shifting locations, they immerse theirreaders in diverse cultures and environments, broadening their understanding of the world.From Shakespeare's "The Tempest" to Toni Morrison's "Beloved," time travel and location shifts have played pivotal roles in shaping unforgettable characters and narratives. These literary devices have allowed writers to transcend the limitations of reality, creating worlds that both mirror and challenge our own.Beyond fiction, time and location also exert a profound influence on our own lives. The passage of time marks significant milestones, leaving us with a sense of nostalgia or anticipation. Moving to a new location can be transformative, offering fresh perspectives and opportunities for growth.As we navigate the complexities of time and space, we are presented with countless choices. Do we cling to the familiar or venture into the unknown? Do we dwell on the past or embrace the possibilities of the future? These questions challenge us to reflect on our values andpriorities, shaping the course of our journeys.Time and location are intertwined, forming the tapestry of our lives. By embracing the power of both, we can expand our horizons, learn from the past, and create a futurefilled with possibilities.中文回答:时间是一个难以捉摸的存在,它不断向前流动,对我们的愿望和遗憾漠不关心。
一位名人的现在和过去的变化英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Role Model: The Inspiring Journey of Malala YousafzaiAs students, we often look up to individuals who have achieved remarkable feats and left an indelible mark on the world. One such person who has captured my admiration and served as a constant source of inspiration is Malala Yousafzai, the renowned Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. Her journey from a young girl fighting for her right to education to becoming a global icon for human rights is nothing short of extraordinary.In the past, Malala was just like any other child growing up in the Swat Valley of Pakistan. Born in 1997, she spent her early years in a region where the Taliban's influence was rapidly growing, threatening the basic rights of women and girls. Despite the dangers, Malala's father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, a passionate advocate for education, instilled in her the importance of learning and speaking out against injustice.At the tender age of 11, Malala began blogging anonymously for the BBC, detailing the harsh realities of life under the Taliban's oppressive regime. Her fearless voice resonated with people around the world, shining a light on the struggles of girls denied access to education. This initial act of bravery was just the beginning of Malala's remarkable journey.On October 9, 2012, a day that would forever change the course of her life, Malala was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman while on her way to school. The shocking attack drew worldwide condemnation and outrage, yet it only fueled Malala's determination to continue her fight for education. After a remarkable recovery, she emerged as a powerful voice for change, undeterred by the threats and violence she had faced.In the present day, Malala has become a global icon, transcending borders and inspiring millions with her unwavering commitment to education and human rights. At the age of 17, she became the youngest person ever to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, an honor that recognized her courageous advocacy and her tireless efforts to promote education for girls worldwide.Malala's journey from a young girl in the Swat Valley to a world-renowned activist is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and the belief that every individual has thepotential to create positive change. Her transformation from a local activist to a global leader has inspired countless individuals, including myself, to stand up for what they believe in and fight for a better future.What strikes me most about Malala's journey is her unwavering commitment to her cause, even in篇2The Evolution of Oprah Winfrey: From Talk Show Host to Global IconOprah Winfrey is a name that resonates with people all around the world. She has transformed from a talented talk show host to a multifaceted global icon, leaving an indelible mark on various aspects of society. In this essay, I will explore Oprah's remarkable journey, contrasting her past as a television personality with her present-day influence as a cultural phenomenon.The Past: The Oprah Winfrey ShowIn the 1980s and 1990s, Oprah Winfrey was primarily known for her groundbreaking talk show, "The Oprah Winfrey Show." It was an era when television was the dominant medium, and Oprah's ability to connect with her audience on a personal levelwas unparalleled. Her show tackled a wide range of topics, from celebrity interviews to hard-hitting social issues, and her warmth, empathy, and authenticity made her a household name.Oprah's past as a talk show host was marked by several notable achievements. She became the first African American woman to host a nationally syndicated talk show, breaking barriers and paving the way for greater diversity in the entertainment industry. Her ability to engage in candid conversations and her willingness to share her own struggles and triumphs resonated deeply with viewers, fostering a sense of community and trust.One of the most significant aspects of Oprah's past was her "Book Club" segment, where she recommended and discussed various novels. Her endorsements had an extraordinary impact, often propelling obscure books to the top of bestseller lists, a phenomenon known as the "Oprah Effect." This influence on the literary world was unprecedented, and it encouraged millions of people to read and engage in intellectual discourse.The Present: A Global PhenomenonIn the present day, Oprah Winfrey has transcended her role as a talk show host and has become a global phenomenon, influencing various aspects of society. Her journey from atelevision personality to a cultural icon has been nothing short of remarkable.Oprah's current influence extends far beyond the realm of entertainment. She has established herself as a successful businesswoman, with her own multimedia production company, Harpo Productions, and her own television network, OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network). These ventures have allowed her to continue telling stories and inspiring people through various platforms.Oprah's philanthropic efforts have also been a significant part of her present-day impact. Through her charitable foundation, she has supported numerous causes, including education, women's empowerment, and global health initiatives. Her dedication to giving back and her ability to use her influence for positive change have inspired countless individuals around the world.In addition to her business and philanthropic endeavors, Oprah has become a cultural icon, transcending the boundaries of traditional media. Her influence篇3The Transformation of Stephen Hawking: From Brilliant Mind to Inspirational IconTime and time again, the human spirit has proven its incredible resilience, rising above the most daunting challenges life can throw our way. One shining example of this tenacity is the late, great Stephen Hawking – a man whose brilliant mind transcended the boundaries of his physical limitations, leaving an indelible mark on the world. As a student in awe of his achievements, I find his journey from a promising young physicist to a global icon both humbling and inspiring.In his youth, Hawking was like any other bright-eyed university student, brimming with curiosity and ambition. Born in 1942 in Oxford, England, he exhibited an early affinity for mathematics and science, devouring books on physics and astronomy. After enrolling at the University of Oxford, Hawking's exceptional intellect quickly became apparent, and he was already making waves in the field of cosmology by his early twenties.However, it was during his time as a doctoral student at the University of Cambridge in 1963 that Hawking's life took an unexpected and devastating turn. At the tender age of 21, he was diagnosed with a rare form of motor neuron disease,commonly known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease. This cruel condition gradually robs its victims of their ability to move, speak, and eventually breathe.Faced with such a grim prognosis, many would have understandably succumbed to despair. But Hawking was no ordinary individual. With a remarkable fortitude that would come to define his life, he refused to let his illness dim his intellectual curiosity or his zest for living. In his own words, "However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at."And succeed he did, in ways that would've been unimaginable to the average person. Despite the relentless progression of his disease, Hawking continued his groundbreaking research, making seminal contributions to our understanding of black holes, quantum mechanics, and the origins of the universe. His landmark work, "A Brief History of Time," became an international bestseller, introducing complex cosmological concepts to a mainstream audience with unparalleled clarity and wit.Yet, Hawking's impact extended far beyond the realm of science. As his condition worsened and he became increasingly reliant on assistive technology, his very existence became apowerful testament to the indomitable human spirit. With each labored breath and painstakingly composed sentence, he challenged societal perceptions of disability, proving that physical limitations need not confine the boundless potential of the mind.In his later years, Hawking's public profile reached stratospheric heights. He made cameo appearances in popular TV shows and films, lending his distinctive synthesized voice to causes he championed, such as environmental protection and space exploration. His life story inspired countless individuals grappling with their own adversities, reminding us all that our circumstances need not define our destinies.Perhaps most remarkably, Hawking maintained an infectious sense of humor throughout his trials, often poking fun at himself and his unconventional existence. He once quipped, "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny," a sentiment that resonates profoundly with anyone who has faced seemingly insurmountable challenges.As I reflect on Hawking's extraordinary journey, from a promising young physicist to a global icon whose influence transcended the boundaries of science, I am struck by the sheer power of human perseverance. Here was a man who, by allconventional measures, should have been confined to the margins of society, yet he became one of the most recognizable and celebrated figures of our time.Hawking's life serves as a poignant reminder that our greatest limitations often reside within our own minds. If we can cultivate the same unwavering determination, intellectual curiosity, and sense of wonder that he embodied, there is no barrier too formidable to overcome.As students, we are constantly faced with challenges –academic, personal, and societal. Yet, in Hawking's indomitable spirit, we find inspiration to push forward, to never underestimate the power of the human mind, and to approach each obstacle as an opportunity for growth and discovery.In the end, Hawking's legacy extends far beyond his scientific achievements, remarkable as they were. He will be remembered as a beacon of hope, a living embodiment of the boundless potential that lies within each of us, if only we have the courage to embrace it. And for that, we owe him a debt of gratitude that words can scarcely capture.。
托福写作冷门词汇1 能,会,可以:can,(would)be able to,have the chance/opportunity to do..,get to do2 应该:should,be supposed to,shall,have to,must,be required to,it is necessary for sb to3 上升,增加:(vi.)increase,go up,rise,(vt.)increase,raise(n.)growth,rise,increase.4 下降,减少/小:(vt.)decrease,reduce,lower(vi.)decrease,fall,drop,go/come down,decline.(n.)fall,decrease,decline,drop5 变:change,alter,become(different/big/small/..),get,grow6 知道,了解,意识到:know,be aware/concious of,realize,get information about7 证实,表明:show,suggest,indicate,make it clear that8 很大程度上,基本上:greatly,considerably,enormously,significantly,basically9 提高,变好:improve,make better,enhance10 采取(措施):adopt,take11 提出(政策):propose,offer12 废除:eliminate,get rid of,do way with,dispense with13 提供:provide,offer,give14 任务:assignment,job,work,task15 有用,帮助:beneficial,helpful,useful,be a great helpto,do good to,bring benefit to,be good for16 方法:way,approach,strategy,method17 观点:idea,belief,view,opinion18 影响:affect(vt.),influence(vt.),have influence/effect/impact on19 (被)允许:allow,permit,can,may,be free to do20 恢复,复原:restore,recover,bring back421 阻止:prevent,stop,keep(sth/sb from doing sth)22 花费:spend,take,cost,put in,make effort23 参加:join,take part in,participate in,engage in,get involved in,attend,be a part of24 调整,调节:adjust,regulate,control25 产生,创造:create,produce,make,generate,bring about,form26 表现,显现出:show,display,demonstrate,represent27 确保:ensure,guarantee,assure(of),promise28 最后:in the end,eventually,at last,finally29 行为方式,做法:act,practice30 建议:suggest,say should,advise,recommend31 决定:decide,choose,make up one’s mind32 查明:find out,discover,figure out33 导致,引起:cause,result in,lead to,bring about,contribute to34 限制:limit,restrict,confine,put a limit on35 正在做,努力:work on36 延期相关:more time,extra time,extension,later deadline;put off,postpone,put back to,delay37 因素:cause,factor,reason38 合适:fit,suit,be suitable/fit/right39 需要:require,need,it is necessary,demand40 不变:fixed,constant,stable,unchanged(unchanging)41 担心:worry about,be concerned about,care about42 解决:solve/resolve,address,deal with,work out,tackle43 解释:tell,explain,spell out,say how拯救托福写作头脑空白找到文中适合的例证写作,是部分同学的弱项。
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Influence of time, temperature, confining pressure and fluid content on the experimental 12compaction of spherical grains3M. Rossi*1,a, O. Vidal1, B. Wunder2, F. Renard3451 Laboratoire de Géodynamique des Chaînes Alpines, CNRS, OSUG, Université Joseph 6Fourier, BP 53, 38 041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France78Fax: +33 4 76 51 40 58, E-mail addresses:, ovidal@ujf-grenoble.fr92 GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Division 4.1, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany1011Fax: +49 331 288 1402, E-mail adress: wunder@gfz-potsdam.de123 Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et de Tectonophysique, CNRS, OSUG, Université1314Joseph Fourier, BP 53, 38 041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France15Fax: +33 4 76 82 81 01, E-mail address: frenard@obs.ujf-grenoble.fr1617* Corresponding author18Phone: +33 (0)4 79 75 94 28Fax: +33 (0)4 79 75 87 771920E-mail address: Magali.Rossi@univ-savoie.fra Present address: Environnement Dynamique et Territoires de Montagnes, UMR CNRS21225204, Bât. Belledonne, Université de Savoie, F-73373 Le Bourget du Lac, France.232425Abstract26Theoretical models of compaction processes, such as for example intergranularpressure-solution (IPS), focus on deformation occurring at the contacts between spherical 2728grains that constitute an aggregate. In order to investigate the applicability of such models,29and to quantify the deformation of particles within an aggregate, isostatic experiments were30performed in cold-sealed vessels on glass sphere aggregates at 200 MPa confining pressure31and 350°C with varying amounts of fluid. Several runs were performed in order to investigate32the effects of time, fluid content, pressure and temperature, by varying one of these33parameters and holding the others fixed. In order to compare the aggregates with natural34materials, similar experiments were also performed using quartz sand instead of glass spheres.35Experiments with quartz show evidence of IPS, but the strain could not be quantified.36Experiments with glass spheres show evidence of several types of deformation process: bothbrittle (fracturing) and ductile (plastic flow and fluid-enhanced deformation, such as IPS). In3738experiments with a large amount of water (≥ 5 vol.%), dissolution and recrystallization of the39glass spheres also occurred, coupled with crystallization of new material filling the initial40porosity. Experiments performed with a fluid content of less than 1 vol.% indicate creep41behavior that is typical of glass deformation, following an exponential law. These42experiments can also be made to fit a power law for creep, with a stress exponent ofn =10.5 ± 2.2 in both dry and wet experiments. However, the pre-factor of the power law4344creep increases 5 times with the addition of water, showing the strong effect of water on thedeformation rate. These simple and low-cost experiments provide new insights on the4546rheology of plastically deformed aggregates, which are found in many geological47environments, such as partially molten-rocks, pyroclastic deposits or fault gouges during the48inter-seismic period.4950Keywords: isostatic experiments, glass spheres, ductile deformation, compaction51521Introduction53Ductile deformation usually occurs in the lower crust under high pressure (P) and54temperature (T) conditions by crystal plasticity, but can also be efficient under mid-crustal P-55T conditions when deformation is accommodated by diffusive mass transfer through a fluid56phase (intergranular pressure-solution – IPS – ; e.g., Weyl 1959; Rutter, 1976; Tada & Siever571989; Gratier et al. 1999). IPS results from a stress gradient at grain-scale that leads to58dissolution and flattening of grain contacts, transport through the contacts to the pores, and 59precipitation of new phases within the porosity (e.g., Weyl 1959; Tada & Siever 1989). At 60higher confining pressure, plastic deformation can occur at grain contacts leading to contact 61flattening. These two ductile deformation mechanisms thus compact and strengthen the initial aggregate, leading to a reduction in porosity and permeability.6263Numerous experimental studies have been performed in order to understand the 64mechanical processes and to quantify the strain of mineral aggregates. High-temperature 65compaction experiments have been performed in order to investigate plastic deformation in 66the lower crust and in high-strain zones using both dry and hydrated aggregates (e.g., Rybacki 67& Dresen, 2000; Xiao et al., 2002; Rutter & Brodie, 2004). Under the P-T conditions of the 68middle and upper crust, creep experiments were performed in the presence of fluid, including 691) compaction experiments in drained conditions, (e.g., Renton et al. 1969; Rutter 1983;70Kronenberg & Tullis 1984; Gratier & Guiguet 1986; Rutter & Wanten 2000), 2) compaction 71experiments with a controlled fluid pressure (i.e. the effective pressure: Niemeijer et al. 2002;72Niemeijer & Spiers 2002; He et al., 2003), and 3) shearing experiments (Bos & Spiers, 2000;73Stünitz & Tullis 2001).74Supplementing the experimental approaches, several numerical and theoretical models 75have been proposed to explain creep compaction (e.g. Weyl, 1959; Rutter, 1976; Raj & 76Chyung 1981; Tada & Siever 1986; Tada et al. 1987). These models are generally based on 77the deformation of spherical elements making up an aggregate (e.g., Lemée & Guéguen, 781996; Renard et al. 1999, 2000; Gundersen et al. 2002; Yasuhara et al. 2003). The 79comparison between models, experiments and nature is not straightforward because 80compaction experiments are generally conducted with grains of irregular shape, and because 81models focus on the grain-scale deformation, whereas compaction experiments focus on bulk 82deformation of the aggregate.83Considering an aggregate in a closed system, subjected to an external hydrostatic pressure, the effective normal stress at the grain contacts depends on the external confining8485pressure, the pore fluid pressure, and the contacts surface area that increases with compaction.86Therefore, the final morphology of the spheres and the size of the contact areas can be used to 87estimate the local effective stress at the grain contacts at the end of experimental runs.88Experiments of different run times involving calibrated spheres instead of grains of irregular 89shape, conducted in closed systems with different starting solid/fluid ratios could be used to 90quantify strain at the particle scale and to constrain general strain-stress relations, even 91without a proper knowledge of the applied stress or strain rate. The aim of the present study92was to test this “grain-scale” approach by conducting compaction experiments on an 93aggregate of calibrated spherical particles, in order to quantify particle strain at the end of the 94runs by observing the grain contacts using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).95Such experiments could be conducted using very simple experimental equipment, such as isostatic cold-sealed autoclaves or internally-heated apparatus, thus reducing the duration9697of experiment preparation, and allowing experiments to be performed over a wide range of 98confining pressure and temperature values. The main disadvantage of such an experimental 99set-up is the change in effective stress during the experiment, due to an increase in the contact 100surface area between the spheres with increasing compaction. Therefore, the strain rate and 101the stress at the contacts are not controlled and vary during the experiment, making it difficult 102to derive general compaction laws. However, the combination of experiments conducted with 103the same initial conditions (sphere diameter, water/sphere ratio, temperature, and confining 104pressure) but different run durations should allow the time-dependent change in strain rate 105and local stress to be estimated at the contact of the spheres with deformation. To the authors' 106knowledge, such an approach has not been attempted so far as it requires working with 107aggregates with constant particle geometry and size. Owing to the difficulties in producing 108perfectly spherical mineral grains with a small and constant size of about 100 µm, which are 109required for such experiments, commercial glass spheres had to be used. Moreover, 110dissolution and precipitation kinetics of glass are higher than in crystallized materials, thus allowing shorter experimental durations.111112The present work reports on experiments conducted in closed system conditions varying the time, the solid/fluid ratio, the confining pressure and the temperature. The results 113114open up the possibility of studying rock deformation under isostatic confining pressure, and 115using glass spheres as an analogous material for silicate minerals. For comparison with 116natural minerals, similar experiments were conducted with non-spherical quartz grains instead 117of glass spheres. The results obtained from this very simple experimental approach are used to 118discuss the creep law of an aggregate made of ductile glass beads and the controlling effect of 119water content, temperature and pressure on deformation.1201212Experimental method122The starting material was an aggregate of 45-90 µm diameter spheres of soda-lime 123glass (72% SiO2, 14% Na2O, 10% CaO and 3% MgO) from Sandmaster-France. At 124atmospheric pressure this glass has a softening point at 730°C. According to figure 1, and 125assuming that viscosity increases with pressure, the glass should behave elastically under126stress at T < 450°C. Therefore, and since it is the IPS processes that were of prime interest, 127most experiments were conducted at 350°C and 200 MPa confining pressure. For comparison 128with crystallized material, additional experiments were performed with quartz sand (Nemours 129sand; d50=199 µm). In order to investigate the variation in strain with time, several runs were made at the same P-T conditions for durations ranging from 2 hours to 4 weeks. To 130131investigate the effect of temperature at constant pressure, a set of experiments was conducted 132at 25, 150, 250, 350 and 450°C and a constant pressure of 200 MPa. The effect of pressure 133was studied at a constant temperature of 350°C, with experiments conducted at 100, 200, 300 134and 400 MPa (table 1).135In all experiments, the glass spheres (or quartz grains) were mixed with about 3 wt.% 136biotite to investigate the possible enhancement of IPS at the contacts with phyllosilicates (Bos 137& Spiers, 2000; Rutter & Wanten, 2000; Niemeijer & Spiers, 2002). 100 mg of this was 138loaded with varying but controlled amounts of fluid into a 3.0 mm outside diameter, 0.2 mm 139wall thickness and 12 mm long cylindrical gold capsule (figure 2A). The confining pressure 140minus the pressure of the water in the capsule equals the effective confining pressure To 141investigate the effect of fluid availability on deformation, various amounts of fluid were thus 142introduced in the sample: 0, 1 and 5 vol.% double de-ionized water (volume of fluid related to 143100% volume of glass spheres). These amounts of water give rise to different fluid (P f) and 144effective (P e) pressures. Assuming a body-centered cubic packing, the starting porosity of the 145sphere aggregate is about 32%. Considering an initial porosity of 32%, the density of the air + 146water fluid in the 5 vol.% water experiments was 0.12 From the P-V-T data of 147Burnham et al. (1969) and Keenan et al. (1969), this corresponds to a P f ~ 25 MPa at 450°C. 148The 0.12 iso-density curve intersects the vapor-liquid equilibrium curve at about 350°C 149and 17 MPa. Below this temperature, P f lies on the liquid-vapor curve, i.e. about 10 MPa at 150300°C and 4 MPa at 150°C. Experiments performed with 20 vol.% of fluid at 400°C would 151thus have a fluid pressure of about 40 MPa. Therefore, the fluid pressure in the 1 to 5 water vol.% experiments was about 12% of the confining pressure (P c), and Pf < 0.1 x Pc in 152153experiments conducted at T < 400°C. The fluid pressure was higher in experiments conducted 154with higher amounts of fluid, but it was always less than 0.25 x Pc (maximum value 155calculated for the 400°C experiment performed with 20 vol.% fluid). These calculations show 156that the effective pressure was almost the same or close to the confining pressure in most 157experiments.158Gold capsules were used because gold is not reactive to the materials and fluids used 159for this study. Moreover, gold deforms easily and the external confining pressure is160completely transmitted to the enclosed experimental mixture. Once filled, the capsules were 161welded shut and placed in a water-pressurized horizontal cold-sealed pressure vessel (Tuttle, 1621969; figure 2B). The capsules were weighed after each stage of sample preparation to check 163for any leakage. Confining pressure was measured to within ± 5 MPa, and temperature was measured to within ± 1°C with a chromel-alumel thermocouple located inside the vessel at the 164165contact with the gold capsule. Because of the strong inertia of the heating system and the 166small size of the capsule, the temperature gradient at the hot end of the autoclave and along 167the capsule was negligible (Vidal, 1997; Vidal & Durin, 1999).168In each experiment, pressure was applied first, and the sample was then heated up to 169the desired temperature in about two hours, keeping the pressure constant. At the end of the 170runs, temperature was decreased to 25°C in less than 15 minutes. The remaining pressure was 171released when the samples had reached room temperature.172After the runs, the capsules were weighed to check for any water loss and leakage. The 173capsules were then opened and some material was collected for SEM observation. Except for 174experiments performed with ≥ 5 vol.% fluid, aggregate cohesion was lost during this 175procedure, which facilitated observations of the grain contact size and morphology. The run 176material was deposited on gold-coated copper holders and observed with a Zeiss DSM 962 177SEM (GFZ Potsdam, Germany) and a Leica Stereoscan 440 SEM (Université de Savoie, 178Chambéry, France). Local strain at the grain contacts was calculated from the change in grain 179geometry measured on the SEM pictures (see part 3.2). The amount of fluid that possibly 180entered the glass spheres during the experiments was estimated qualitatively from Raman 181spectroscopy, using a Jobin-Yvon LabRam HR800 (ENS-Lyon, France), conducted directly 182on the spheres or on double polished thin sections made from epoxy-impregnated samples. 1831843Results1853.1Effect of water content on the morphology of contactsThe morphology of the grain-grain contacts characterized under the SEM is strongly 186187dependent on the amount of fluid within the sample.188In dry experiments, the contacts between the grains showed flat circular morphologies 189(figure 3A) and the spheres were not bound together. Despite flattening at the contact, there 190was no significant reduction in porosity after the runs. In experiments with 1 vol.% fluid, most 191spheres were bound together and the contacts showed a flat rim and conchoidal cracking at 192the core (figure 3B). Numerous contacts showed concentric circles of alternating outgrowths 193and depressions (figure 3C), and rare stylolite-like contacts were observed, with the spheres194both dissolving and penetrating one into another (figure 3D). In both dry and 1 vol.% fluid 195experiments, the initial porosity was well maintained despite deformation: porosity reduction 196was too small to be observed under the SEM (figure 3A-B). On the contrary, the initial 197porosity in experiments conducted with ≥ 5 vol.% fluid was completely filled with a microporous matrix having the same composition as the glass spheres. The spheres were all 198199bound together, and their free faces showed recrystallized rims (figure 3E-F). Porosity filling 200and sphere bonding combined to strengthen the material. The sphere diameter was slightly 201smaller than that of the starting material, and sphere interpenetration was observed, both these 202phenomena suggesting strong dissolution of the glass during the experiments. A further 203increase in the amount of fluid produced the same contact morphology, but also increased the 204reactivity of glass. Complete recrystallization of the spheres was observed in experiment 205ENS2 conducted with 15 vol.% fluid (figure 3G).206Raman spectroscopy was used to check the possible incorporation of water in the glass 207spheres and newly formed material in the porosity. Raman spectra of the initial glass spheres 208indicated that they were water-free (figure 4Aa). In experiments with 1 vol.% fluid, very 209smooth peaks were detected in the spectral range of water (3500 - 3750 cm-1), indicating that 210if any, only a very small amount of water was absorbed at the rim of the spheres (figure 4Aa). 211The Raman spectra of the material filling the porosity in experiments with 5 vol.% fluid 212showed well-defined bands at 3550-3750 cm-1, 615 and 1100 cm-1 (figure 4A), which are 213characteristic of a hydrous crystalline phase. From comparison of the Raman spectra, this 214material resembles a Ca-bearing zeolite (figure 5), even though it is Al-free. A profile from 215this recrystallized material towards and through a glass sphere shows that glass hydration and 216recrystallization also occur at the rim of the glass spheres (figure 4B). At the contact between 217two glass spheres, neither glass crystallization nor glass hydration was observed or detected 218(figure 4B). These observations suggest that glass hydrolysis was associated with 219recrystallization. Furthermore, the initial macroporosity disappeared and was replaced by a fluid-rich microporous recrystallized matrix. At the sphere contacts, the availability of water 220221was much lower than on the free surfaces. Therefore, no water was incorporated in the glass 222and no recrystallization occurred.223Regardless of the amount of fluid, evidence of cracking was found in some spheres in 224all experiments with the cracks spreading from one sphere contact to the next (figure 3H). 225Cracking increased significantly at low temperature and high confining pressure, but no 226relationship could be found between the amount of fluid and the amount of cracking. The 227timing of crack formation remains uncertain. Most cracks probably formed during the veryfirst stage of the experiments during pressure loading, and at the end of the experiments 228during quenching. However, cracks might also have been formed during the runs. 229The occurrence of all the features previously described indicates at least three main 230responses to stress: ductile deformation in experiments performed with no or a small amount 231of fluid (≤ 1 vol.%), brittle deformation in all runs, and chemical reaction (dissolution-232crystallization) in experiments with a large amount of fluid (≥ 5 vol.%). 2332343.2 Time-dependent change in strain and T, P, water content dependency 2351-D strain was estimated from the change in diameter of the glass beads under 236compaction (figure 6A). Since the changes in the average sphere diameter due to compaction 237were negligible, the 1-D strain associated with each contact (ε, shortening of the sphere radius 238at the contact) can therefore be calculated using the following relation: 239s c s s d d d d 22−−=ε (1) 240where d c is the contact diameter and d s the associated sphere diameter directly measured for 241each sphere on the SEM pictures (figure 6A). The size of the glass spheres d s and the contact 242size d c were determined from SEM pictures of the run products. Only unfractured and 243unbroken contacts were measured in order to estimate ductile strain. For each experiment, 244about 100 contacts were measured to calculate average contact diameters (Nc in table 1), to 245ensure that the local strain measured at different grain contacts is representative of the overall 246strain of the aggregate. Since the confining pressure was isotropic, the strain was also 247assumed to be isotropic. Equation 1 was only used to estimate the strain in dry experiments 248and experiments with 1 vol.% fluid for T ≤ 350 °C, i.e., experiments for which no glass 249recrystallization occurred. In experiments with 5 vol.% fluid or with 1 vol.% fluid at 450°C, 250the material is not loose and just a few sections of contacts could be observed with SEM. It 251was thus not possible to obtain a good statistical representation of the strain, which would 252thus be extremely badly constrained. 253From equation 1 the finite strain at each contact was calculated at the end of the runs 254and the strain averaged over a significant number of contacts to obtain the overall strain 255achieved in each experiment (table 1). Figure 6B shows that in all experiments, most 256deformation occurred at the very beginning of the experiments, during the first ten hours. 257Then, deformation quickly slowed down after a few hours. Deformation-time relations were 258derived by combining the results obtained from different run-time experiments conducted259under the same P-T conditions and fluid/solid ratio (table 1, figure 6B). During the first two 260261hours of each experiment, a strong increase in sphere contact area was observed, which 262implies a strong decrease in stress and strain rate. For this reason, the ε = f(t)[P,T]relations 263were fitted with time-dependent power laws using only the strain data at t > 2 hours. A power 264law exponent value of 0.068 is best constrained by the 1vol.% water experiments at 350°C 265(figure 6B). In view of the wide scatter of the values obtained in all the experiments, this power exponent was left unchanged to fit the other experiments. For the 150°C experiments, 266267both the wet and dry experiments were fitted using the same ε = α t0.068 function (dashed line268in figure 6B). Then, discrete differentiation of the ε-time relation data at given P and T values 269gives the microscopic strain rate (values listed in table 1).270At 350°C, strain was clearly greater in the 1 vol.% fluid experiments than in the dry 271experiments, whereas the addition of water in the 150°C experiments did not show any significant difference compared to the dry experiments. The strain versus time plots in figure 2722736B show that strain increased significantly with temperature. This can also be seen in figure 7, 274which shows a plot of the strain observed after 6 hours in experiments conducted at a pressure 275of 200 MPa, and temperatures of 25, 150, 250, 350 and 450°C. At T ≥ 250°C strain is 276enhanced by the addition of water. No quantitative data are available for the 1 vol.% fluid 277experiment performed at 450°C. Indeed, as observed at 350°C in experiments with 5 vol.%, the spheres chemically reacted with the fluid and the porosity was filled with new material. 278279A set of experiments with 6-hour run time was also performed at various confiningpressures (100, 200, 300, 400 MPa) at 350°C (figure 8). As expected from the previous ε-T 280281results after 6 hours, experiments containing 1 vol.% fluid showed a higher strain than dry 282experiments at all pressures. Radial fracturing spreading from the contacts increases with 283confining pressure (figure 3H), so that the number of contacts between unbroken spheres is 284lower in experiments with high rather than low confining pressure. However, figure 8 shows 285that, for a constant water content, the average strain increases linearly with increasing 286confining pressure.287All these observations indicate that strain increases with temperature, confining 288pressure, and the addition of even very small amounts of water. The similarity observed at 289350°C in 5 vol.% fluid experiments and at 450°C in 1 vol.% fluid experiments, and the fact 290that, at 150°C, dry and 1 vol.% fluid experiments have similar strain-time variations, suggest 291that the effect of water was thermally activated. In contrast, the effect of pressure was similar292for the dry and 1vol.% fluid experiments. The observed increase in strain was thus simply 293related to an increase in local stress at the contact between the spheres.2942953.3Effect of phyllosilicates2963 wt.% biotite was introduced in the starting mixture, in order to investigate whether 297or not the presence of mica enhances deformation as discussed in the literature (Rutter 1983; 298Tada & Siever, 1989; Dewers & Ortoleva 1995; Hickman & Evans 1995; Bos et al. 2000; 299Rutter & Wanten 2000; Renard et al. 2001; Niemeijer & Spiers 2002). Glass sphere – mica 300contacts were scarce and difficult to identify because the samples lost their cohesion when 301opening the capsule. In dry experiments, the mica deformed mechanically by kinking and 302indentation (figure 9A). In experiments with 1 vol.% fluid, the mica was also kinked (figure 3039B) and the spheres were slightly dissolved at their contacts (figure 9C). The mica could also 304be dissolved when a fine flake was sandwiched between two spheres. In experiments with5 vol.% fluid, it was not possible to make any systematic direct observations of the mica 305306because the mica flakes were closely sandwiched inside an aggregate of very compact 307recrystallized glass spheres. Some spheres were occasionally truncated at their contacts with 308mica (figure 9D), but it was hardly possible to quantify any strain or dissolution of these 309spheres. If at all, the dissolution of glass spheres at the contact with mica was low, and mica 310also dissolved.311Even though glass sphere dissolution was evidenced at the contact with the mica, it 312was impossible to quantify the amount of dissolution and the resulting strain related to the 313presence of mica. However SEM observations seemed to indicate that the effect of mica on 314glass sphere dissolution was mostly limited to spheres directly in contact with the mica flakes. 3153163.4Comparison with natural materials317In order to compare the results obtained for glass spheres with natural materials, several experiments were carried out using natural quartz under the same P-T and water 318319content conditions as used with the glass beads (table 1). The initial grains already presented 320some features of previous dissolution, but the surface of the grains was relatively smooth. 321After a few weeks, micro-stylolites developed at the contact between quartz grains, forming 322rough surfaces, while free faces only showed dissolution patterns (figure 10). These 323observations indicate that IPS was efficient under isostatic compaction even with very small 324amounts of water. However, the unknown and variable initial shape of the quartz grains 325precluded any quantification of the strain of individual grains, as done for the glass spheres.。