Cao Keguan91,Wang Zhongwei2,Hou Jijin2,Liu Pen92 and Yang Jin92 (1.Chengde Petroleum College,Chengde 067000,Hebei,China;
try:developments in American science.Washington D C:A— merican Chemical Society,1992 7郭振宇,雷建华,丁著明.磷系织物阻燃剂的研究进展EJ].化工 文摘,2008,(3):43~46 8王利生,王忠卫,张东翔.以DCPP为母体的反应型阻燃剂及其 阻燃聚酯切片[J].塑料助剂,2003,40(4):19~24 9王忠卫,张荣科,高军,等.羟甲基苯基次膦酸阻燃共聚酯的合 成与性能研究口].高分子材料科学与工程,2008,24(5):24~
之一,磷系阻燃剂具有低烟低毒、与聚酯相容性好 其使用凹]。笔者曾合成了一种新型阻燃单体——
Bruker BIFLEXIII型质谱仪、Bruker一400型核磁 共振仪,德国布鲁克公司;梅特勒一托利多TGA/ SDTA85e型热重/同步差热分析仪(氮气氛,升温
收稿日期:2009—04—29;修改稿收到日期:2009一09—20。 作者简介:曹克广(1960一),男,教授,博士,承德石油高等专 科学校校长,教育部化工技术类教学指导委员会主任委员,主要从 事有机杂环化合物的合成与应用研究工作。 基金项目:山东省教育厅基金(J06D03);山东省自然科学基 金(Y2007820);山东省博士基金(2006BS04038);河北省教育厅基 金(2007121)。
2. 43
从表 2 可以看出ꎬ随着配比中乙二醇含量的增
2. 4 反应压力
难ꎬ虽然反应温度超过水沸点ꎬ但仍出水不畅ꎮ 因此
说明反应逐渐趋于完全ꎬ但副反应也逐渐增多ꎮ 当
与乙二醇发生了酯化反应ꎬ生成了—COOCH2 CH2 OH
CEPPA 中的两个反应基团(—COOH 和—POOH) 均
和—POOCH2 CH2 OH 酯基ꎮ
摩尔比为 1∶ 1. 0 时ꎬ样品呈现黏稠状ꎬ因此未进一步
系加剧了乙二醇间 的 反 应ꎬ促 进 了 副 产 物 二 甘 醇
收稿日期: 2021 01 18
作者简介: 张金峰(1986—) ꎬ江苏泰州人ꎬ工程师ꎬ主要从事聚酯工
+ 2HO—CH2 CH2 —OH
1. 4. 5 动力黏度
图 1 反应时间对产品指标影响
热至 30、40、50、70 ℃ ꎬ测试溶液动力黏度ꎮ
由图 1 可知ꎬ随着反应时间的延长ꎬ酸值逐渐降
2 结果与讨论
低ꎬ二甘醇含量增大ꎮ 为控制阻燃共聚酯中二甘醇
品性能影响如图 1 所示ꎮ
0. 05 mol / L 的 KOH / CH3 CH2 OH 溶液滴定ꎮ
磷系阻燃剂阻燃PET的研究进展闫梦祥;张思源;王总帅;闰明涛【摘要】综述了磷系阻燃剂阻燃聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)的改性方法,其中主要有共聚阻燃改性、共混阻燃改性、后处理法以及一些新技术.重点介绍了共聚阻燃改性中以2-羧乙基苯基次膦酸(CEPPA)为代表的磷系阻燃剂以及共混阻燃改性中所用的各种阻燃剂,并指出了PET阻燃的研究方向.目前,PET的阻燃主要向着低毒、低烟、无卤化方向发展,而且开发新型或复配无卤阻燃剂已经成为PET阻燃的必然趋势.%This paper overviewed flame-retardant modification methods for polyesters,which focused on the copolymerization,blending and post-processing methods for flame-retardant modification,and also introduced some new modification technologies.Furthermore,2-carboxyethyl(phenylphosphinic) acid (CEPPA) as a representative phosphorus-containing flame retardant used for polyesters was introduced in detail,and future development direction of flameretardant polyesters was proposed.It should be pointed out that low toxicity,low smoke and halogen-free flame retardants for polyesters are the current direction in development,but the development of new types of halogen-free flame retardants will be a future trend.【期刊名称】《中国塑料》【年(卷),期】2017(031)010【总页数】5页(P1-5)【关键词】聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯;磷系阻燃剂;研究进展;发展趋势【作者】闫梦祥;张思源;王总帅;闰明涛【作者单位】河北大学化学与环境科学学院,河北保定071002;河北大学化学与环境科学学院,河北保定071002;河北大学化学与环境科学学院,河北保定071002;河北大学化学与环境科学学院,河北保定071002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ323.4+1PET是各种合成纤维中发展最快、产量最高、应用面最广的一种合成纤维[1],是三大合成纤维中工艺最简单的一种,其纤维纺织品大量用于衣料、窗帘、幕布、床上用品、室内装饰及各种特殊材料。
善0 H
… a
目前文献 中报道 的关于苯基 次膦酸 铝的制备 方
法主要有 两种 :1 . 以苯基次膦酸与氢氧化钠 反应 制
1 0 中国阻燃 2 0 1 5第1 期
I 论文选编 l
1 . 3合成步骤
在 装有 回流冷凝 管 、电动搅拌 器和酸 吸收塔 的 5 0 0 mL四颈 烧瓶 中加 入 2 2 3 g硫酸 铝溶 液 。并 控制 温 度在 0~5 ℃范围内 , 缓慢 滴加 苯膦 二氯 , 滴毕,
司 ;NE XUS 6 7 0 型红 外 光谱 仪 ,美 国高 力 公 司; 电感耦 合等 离子体 原子发 射光谱 仪 ,美 国 T h e r mo
统磷酸 酯阻燃剂相 比,其结 构 中缺 少 P — O -C键 , 耐 水解 n ,铝 离子既有防止 阻燃剂挥发 损失和污染 环境功能 ,又有较好 的抑 烟作用 ,且耐 油性能好 , 分 解温 度 大 于 3 5 0 ℃适 用 于 尼 龙 和 线 型聚 酯 材 料 ( G F P B T)的 阻燃 改性 [ 1 8 - 2 0 1 。与 其他 阻 燃剂 ( 如 MC或 MC A)协 同使 用可 以优 势互 补 ,对机 体物
结果 见表 3 。
表 3不 同反应时间对 苯基 次膦 酸铝产 率的影 响
Ta bl e 3 Ef f e c t o f d i f f e r e n t t i me o n t h e yi el d of aI u mi nu m p h e n yl p h Os ph i n a t e
表 1水平因素正交表 L 9( 3 4 )
Ta b l e 1 L ev e l s a n d f a c t or s o f or t h og o na l e x p e r i me n t a l L9
Synthesis,Characterization and Therm al Properties of a Novel Phos2 phorus2Containing Copolyesters B ased on22carboxyethyl(phenylphos2 phinic)AcidHaiming Liu,1Rui Wang,2Xi Xu,1Xiao Kai Sun,2Xiaohui Zhou2 1Depart ment of Polymer Science and Materials,State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering,Sichuan U niversity,Chengdu610064,China;2Depart ment of Materials Science and Engineering,Beijing Instit ute of Clot hing Technology,Beijing100029,ChinaAbstract:A novel reactive p ho sp horus2containing monomer,22carboxyet hyl(p henylp hosp hinic)acid (CEPPA)and corresponding p hosp horus2containing copolyesters were synt hesized and characterized by F TIR,1H NMR spect ra.The copolyester,which contains0.6wt%p hosp horus,can reach a lim2 iting oxygen index(LO I)value of29.4%.The t hermal p roperties of p hosp horus2containing flame re2 tardant copolyesters were investigated by differential scanning calorimeter(DSC),t hermogravimetry (T G)under air and nitrogen.DSC shows t hat t he glass2t ransition temperat ures(T g),t he melting point s(T m)and t he melting crystallizatio n temperat ures(T mc)of copolyesters decrease wit h increas2 ing p ho sp horus content,Meanwhile t he cold crystallization temperat ures(T cc)increase wit h increas2 ing p ho sp horus content.T GA shows t hat t he initial deco mposition temperat ures(T id)decrease and t he maximum2rate decomposition temperat ures(T max)increase at air and nit rogen at mo sp here,while char yields increase,wit h t he increase of p hosp horus content.The residues of copolyesters after T GA testing were st udied by Fourier transform infrared spectro scop y to better understand t he mechanism of flame retardancy,which show t hat t he charred residue is mainly composed of Ar2P group containing species.K ey w ords:flame retardant;synt hesis;p ho sp horus2containing copolyesters;t hermal properties Document code:A Article ID:100124381(2008)Suppl220420207IntroductionPolyester resin materials are widely used in a wide range of applications such as flooring,surface coatings,vehicle body panels and appliance housings due to having good mechanical and optical p roperties, resistance to fatigue,resistance to creep f ract ure and wear aspect s.1-3However,t he poor flame retardancy of polyester resins limit s t heir usage in which specific fire retardant properties are required.PET resins can be imparted flame retardance eit her by adding flame retardant s or by incorporating reactive flame retard2 ant s.Incorporating a chemically reactive p hosp horus2 containing monomer into t he polymer chain is one of t he most efficient met hods of imp roving t he flame re2 tardancy of polyesters,which impart s polyesters good flame retardancy,t hermal stabilities,and sim2 ultaneously can minimize negative impact upon p hysi2 cal and mechanical p roperties of t he polymer.4-7 Recently,t he researches mainly focus on t he re2 active p hosp horus2containing flame retardant.The mo st important met hod of synt hesis of flame retard2 ant polyesters is t he esterification of diols wit h p hos2 p horus2containing diacid such as22carboxyl et hyl (p henyl)p ho sp hinic acid(CEPPA).324,8211CEPPA containing carboxylic and p hosp hinic acid f unctional2 ities is a biof unctional copolymerizable p ho sp horus mo nomer disclosed by U.S.patent12,13,and can be copolymerized wit h et hylene glycol(EG)and terep h2 t halate(TPA)to form flame retardant poly(et hlene terep ht halate)and renders t he resulting copolyesters and fibers good fire resistance p roperties and t hermal stabilities.024 材料工程/2009年增刊2(SAMPE China2009) In t his work,we have synt hesised a p hosp horus2 containing flame retardant,namely22Carbo xyl et hyl (p henyl)p ho sp hinic acid(CEPPA),which after2 wards was int roduced into esterificatio n and polycon2 densatio n system to obtain polyesters wit h enhanced content of p ho sp horus and of aryl group s in t he st ruct ure.The incorporation of a bulky pendant group containing p ho sp horus into t he polyesters is expected to introduce new interesting properties such as high LOI value,enhanced t hermal stability,flame resistance and flexibility.The performances of t he corresponding copolyesters,such as t hermal p roper2 ties and flame retardancy,were st udied by t he con2 ventional met hods:DSC,T GA and LO I,respective2 ly.1 ExperimentalMaterialsDichlorop henyl p hosp hine(DCPP)and acrylic acids were p urchased f ro m Sinop harm Chemical Rea2 gent Beijing Co.,Lt d.(Beijing,China)wit h a p uri2 ty of97%and used wit hout f urt her p urification.Te2 rep ht halic acid(TPA),et hylene glycol(EG),and Sb2O3were supplied by Sinopec Tianjin Pet rochemi2 cal Co.,Lt d.(Tianjin,China).All ot her materials were commercially available.Synthesis of22carboxyethyl(phenylphosphinic)acid (CEPPA)22carboxyet hyl(p henylp ho sp hinic)acid(CEP2 PA)was synt hesized according to t he reported litera2 t ures.12,13Dichlorop henylp hosp hine,200.0g(1.12mol) was placed in a reactor under a nit rogen p urge, stirred and warmed to70℃.At temperat ure,drop2 wise addition of acrylic acid92.6g(1.29mol),was started and t he temperat ure was maintained at802 85℃.When t he addition was complete,t he mixt ure was maintained briefly at80285℃.and t hen heated f urt her to1252130℃.The mixt ure was maintained at 1252130°C for one hour and t hen cooled to ambient temperat ure.The desired22carbo xyet hyl(p henyl) p hosp hinic acid can be obtained after hydrolysis of t he above mixt ure which are composed of t he cyclic anhydride of CEPPA acid and t he mixed anhydride of acrylic acid wit h32chlorocarboxyet hyl(p henylp hos2 p hinic)acid.The synt hetic route is shown in Figure1.Fig11 The synt hetic route of CEPPASynthesis of phosphorus2containing copolyesters TPA,EG,CEPPA,and Sb2O3were int roduced in a15002ml four2necked round2bottomed flask e2 quipped wit h a t hermometer and a mechanical stirrer. The mixt ure was heated in nitrogen at mosp here to 235℃under a p ressure of0.3M Pa until t he conver2 sion of t his esterification is at96%.Then t he esteri2 fication product s were t ransferred to a1.0L reactor equipped wit h a nit rogen inlet,a condenser,and a mechanical stirrer.The reactor was fitted to a vacu2 um system and evacuated to remove all oxygen.The reactor was t hen heated to2802285℃under a p res2 sure of less t han50Pa and maintained for223h to give t he p ho sp horus2containing copolyesters.Finally t he heat and vacuum were removed and t he resulting polymer melt s were ext ruded at t he N2pressure and cooled wit h water.Thus copolyesters containing dif2 ferent amount of CEPPA were synt hesized.CharacterizationThe st ruct ure of CEPPA was determined by F T2 IR,1H NMR spect ra,which were performed on a Nicolet F TIR670inf rared spect rop hotometer(Nico2 let,U SA)and a Bruker500(5002M Hz)NMR spec2 t rometer(Fallanden,Switzerland)wit h DMSO2d as a solvent,respectively.The struct ure of p ho sp horus2 containing copolyesters was recorded by using a Nicolet F TIR670inf rared spectrop hotometer.The t hermal behavior of t he copolyesters sam2 ples was recorded using a DSC6200(Seiko Instru2 ment s Inc.,J apan).Indium was used as a standard for temperat ure calibration and t he analysis was made under a co nstant st ream of nit rogen(50ml/min). The weight s of DSC specimens are about5mg.They were heated to300℃,kept at t his temperat ure for10 min to eliminate any previous t hermal history,and124 Synthesis,Characterization and Thermal Properties of a Novel Phosphorus2containing Copolyesters Based on…t hen immediately cooled to room temperat ure.After t he t hermal t reat ment ,t hey were heated at 20℃/min to obtain t he melting endot herm and t he crystal 2lization exot herm f rom 25℃to 300℃and t hen were cooled at -20℃/min f rom 300℃to 50℃to obtain t he cooling crystallization exot herm.The t hermogravimet ric analysis (T GA )was per 2formed wit h a WC T 22D Thermal Analyzer (Beijing ,China )at a heating rate of 20°C /min under air at 2mo sp here and a nit rogen at a flow rate of 50ml/min ,and t he temperat ure ranged f rom room temperat ure to 800℃.Continuous records of sample temperat ure ,sample weight ,and it s first derivative were taken.The limiting oxygen index (LOI )values were measured on a J F 23oxygen index meter (Jiangning ,China )according to ASTM D2863,wit h sheet di 2mensions of 100mm ×6.5mm ×3mm.To investigate t he mechanism of flame retardan 2cy ,t he st ruct ure of chars of t he p hosp horus 2co ntai 2ning copolyesters after T GA test at air at mosp here was recorded by using a Nicolet F TIR 670infrared spect rop hotometer.2 R esults and discussionSynthesis and characterization of CEPPACEPPA was synt hesized t hrough t he reaction of DCPP and acrylic acid ,and sequent hydrolysis ac 2cording to Figure 1.The st ruct ure of CEPPA was determined by F TIR ,1H NMR spect ra.Figure 2shows t he F TIR spect rum of CEPPA.The st rong band in t he 330022500cm -1range is as 2signed to p ho sp horus acid and carboxylic acids O —H st retching ,which indicates t he formation of P —O H and C —O H.The stretching band observed near1731.13cm -1is att ributed to t he carboxylic acid C =O stretching.In addition ,t he peaks at 1225.90,1419.59and 943cm -1are assigned to carboxylic acid characteristic C —O st retching and in 2plane and out 2of 2plane O —H bending bands ,respectively.Simultaneously ,t he peak observed at about 2907.52cm -1belongs to t he absorption of —CH 2.The peaks at 1143.6and 1122.36cm -1are att ributed to P =O absorption.The peaks at 1050and 968cm -1can be assigned to p ho sp horus acid in 2plane and out 2of 2plane P —O H st retching.14However ,no charac 2teristic absorption peak for P —Cl is observed at a 2round 3002600cm -1,which demonst rates t hat ,t he reactio n of CEPPA proceeded completely.Figure 3shows t he 1H NMR spect rum of CEP 2PA.The peak at about 11.56pp m should be assignedto t he active 2O H (e )of CEPPA (carboxylic acids ).And t he multiplet between 7.48and 7.73pp m corre 2sponds to t he p henyl ring p rotons (a ).The peak at about 2.49pp m is assigned to t he solvent DMSO 2d6(f ).The multiplet between 2.26and 2.30,between 1.96and 2.02pp m can be assigned to t he C H 2p ro 2tons (c ,d )respectively.3,4Above characterizations confirm t hat t he target p roduct CEPPA was synt hesized successfully.Synthesis and characterization of phosphorus 2contai 2ning copolyestersFigure 4shows t he F TIR spect rum of t he p hos 2p horus 2containing copolyester.The absorption of —CH 2is observed at about 2977160cm -1.Thepeaksat1716136and1249.22cm -1are assigned to C =O and C —O ab 2sorption ,respectively.The peaks at 116148and1100.49cm -1are att ributed to t he vibration f rom P224 材料工程/2009年增刊2(SAMPE China 2009) =O gro up and t he peak at 1020.52cm -1can be as 2signed to P —O —C absorption.Meanwhile ,t he st rong band in t he 330022500cm -1range assigned to p hosp horus acid and carbox 2ylic acids O —H st retching disappears.In addition ,t he absorption of p ho sp horus acid in 2plane and out 2of 2plane P —O H st retching observed at 1050and 968cm 21,respectively disappears ,which indicates t he re 2action of CEPPA and EG ,t he formation of p ho s 2p horus acid ester and Carboxylic acidester.Figure 4 F TIR spectrum of PET 2co 2CEPPATable 1 Phosphorus Content ,Phosphorus Comonomer Molar Fraction ,and Thermal Propertiesof Various Phosphorus 2Containing PolyestersSample code P /wt %CEPPA/mol %T g /℃T cc /℃T m /℃T mc /℃PET00079.07134.33255.24200.49PET030.311.1877.75135.77249.72184.36PET060.622.3775.84151.93245.00181.18PET090.923.1875.18160.80241.65169.78PET12 1.226.7772.20163.17236.94160.38PET15 1.529.5171.51164.38230.12152.95PET181.831.6870.68165.85228.43149.90Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)analysisDifferential Scanning Calorimet ry (DSC )is use 2f ul in t he determination of relationship s between p roperties and molecular st ruct ures.Samples were heated f rom 25to 300℃in nit rogen at mosp here at a flow rate of 50ml/min and a heating rate of 20℃/min ,and t hen were cooled f rom 300to 25℃at a flow rate of 50ml/min and a heating rate of 220℃/min.As shown in Figure 5,6and Table I ,t he glass 2t ran 2sition temperat ures (T g )and t he melting point s (T m )of copolyesters decrease wit h increasing p ho sp horus content.This is because incorporation of CEPPA dis 2rupt s t he original struct ure and makes t he resulting copolymer chain more flexible.Meanwhile t he cold crystallization temperat ures (T cc )increase and t he melting crystallization temperat ures (T mc )decrease wit h increasing p hosp horus content ,respectively ,in 2dicating difficulty in crystallization wit h increased CEPPA concent ration.3,16In addition ,t he addition of CEPPA in PET greatly affect s t he crystallization and st ruct ure.Fig 2ure 5,6shows t hat t he T m and T mc of t he copolyes 2ters decrease wit h t he increasing content of CEPPA.And t he T cc value increases wit h t he increasing con 2324 Synthesis ,Characterization and Thermal Properties of a Novel Phosphorus 2containing Copolyesters Based on …tent of CEPPA.While t he content of p hosp horus va 2ries f rom 0wt %to 1.8wt %,t he T mc and T m value of copolyesters varies from 200.49℃to 149.90℃and f rom 255.24℃to 228.43℃,respectively.And t hecontent of p ho sp horus varies from 0wt %to 1.8wt %,t he T cc value of copolyesters varied from 134.33℃to 165.85℃.Table 2 Decomposition Temperature ,Residual Char ,and LOI Values of Phosphorus 2Containing CopolyestersSample code Air at mosphereT id /℃T max /℃Char yield at 700℃/wt %N 2at mosphereT id /℃T max /℃Char yield at 700℃/wt %LOI PET0418.2445.38/575.21 1.37415.79453.279.2023.3PET03412.2448.80/570.39 1.40415.55454.0411.426.9PET06411.8449.11/575.52 1.44414.72454.2014.729.4PET09411.8450.97/576.30 1.90414.50455.2915.130.4PET12410.4451.13/581.43 2.10414.07459.5315.531.5PET15409.3451.60/583.76 2.82413.86461.2316.733.7PET18402.3453.15/574.603.41412.16461.3917.735.9Therm al decomposition behaviors of phosphorus 2con 2taining copolyestersThe effect of CEPPA on t he t hermal stability of t he copolyesters was st udied by means of t hermo 2gravimet ric experiment s carried out at a heating rate of 20℃/min under air and nit rogen at mosp here.Figure 7,8show t he mass lo ss and mass lo ss rate curves obtained from T GA experiment s in air and nit rogen ,Table II gives t he initial decompo sitiontemperat ures (T id ),t he maximum decompo sition rate temperat ures (T max )and t he residues of samples at 700℃.As can be seen in Figure 7,8and table II ,t he p ure PET and t heir copolyesters have similar t hermal stabilities.And t he initial decompo sition temperat ures (T id )of t he copolyesters decrease wit h increasing p ho sp horus content under nit rogen and air at mo sp heres ,which is att ributed to t he poorer stabil 2ity of O =P —O t han —C —C —bond.17,18424 材料工程/2009年增刊2(SAMPE China 2009) Furt hermore,Figure7shows two stage decom2 position patterns.The first is similar to t heir t hermal degradatio n in nit rogen(Figure8),located f rom a2 bout3002520℃.The second is not found in t heir degradatio n in nit rogen at mo sp here,which is owing to a f urt her oxidative degradation of carbonaceous residue located from5202650℃.The maximum2rate degradation temperat ures of t he first stage increase wit h increasing p hosp horus content under nit rogen and air at mo sp heres.Howev2 er,t he maximum2rate degradation temperat ures of second stage under air at mosp here slightly changes wit h increasing p ho sp horus content.This behaviour may be att ributed to p ho sp horus2containing group s t hat decompo se at earlier stages and forms a p ho s2 p horous2rich char layer.The t hick layer prevent s f urt her decompo sition of t he copolyesters by raising t he maximum2rate degradation temperat ure of second stage and leads to a high char yield.On t he ot her hand,t he char yield of copolyesters increase wit h increasing p hosp horus content under ni2 t rogen and air at mosp here.Simultaneously,t he a2 mount of char formed f ro m t he samples depends on t he amount of CEPPA,and correlates well wit h t he LOI values of t he copolyesters.This is because p ho s2 p horus2containing copolyesters are easy to form p ho s2 p horic acid or anhydrides which can cause acid2catal2 ysed char accumulation and tend to inhibit complete oxidation of t he carbon to carbon dioxide,and conse2 quently contributed to increase t he amount of char and t he LO I values of copolyesters.Thus,t he char formation can cause increase in t he amount of residue and a retardation of t he release of volatile f uel,lower t he t hermal co nductivity of t he burning materials, and consequently,reduce t he mass loss of t he poly2 mers.19-21Limited oxygen index(LOI)testTo investigate flame retardancy of p hosp horus2 containing copolyesters,t he limited oxygen index (LO I)values of t he copolyesters wit h different CEP2 PA content s,and t he compositions of p hosp horus2 containing copolyesters and correspo nding LO I values are listed in Table II.The LOI values of copolyesters increase wit h t he increasing content of CEPPA. While t he content of p hosp horus reaches1.8wt%,t he LO I value of copolyester is reached35.8demon2 st rating t hat CEPPA has good flame retardant effect on t he copolyesters.The structure of the residues of copolyesters after TG AtestFigure9 F TIR spectra of residues of PET18after T GAtest at different temperat ures at air at mosphereTo f urt her understand t he oxidative t hermal de2 compo sition of p hosp horus2containing copolyesters, Changes in t he F TIR spectra wit h temperat ure for t he copolyester(PET18)at air at mosp here are inves2 tigated.Figure9displays t he F TIR spectra of resi2 dues after T GA test f rom room temperat ure to 525℃.As shown in F TIR spect ra,at450℃,t he ab2 sorption bands between2500and3700cm-1assigned to O—H group become broadened.The intensities of absorption bands at170021720cm-1and124021250 cm-1which are att ributed to C=O and C—O st retc2 hing,respectively decrease f rom room temperat ure to 450℃.At450℃,The peak at1122.39cm-1(P=O absorption)disappears and t he intensity of t he peak at1099.24cm-1(P=O absorption)decreases,indi2 cating t he gradual degradation of t he group s in t he rage f rom room temperat ure to450℃.22,23Simultaneously,at400℃,new peak assigned to C=C st retch of benzene ring and Ar2P st retch was observed at1600-1550cm-1and about1415cm-1, respectively indicating t he existence of species contai2 ning Ar2P group.The copolyester after t hermal deg2 radation at575℃at air at mosp here shows a typical spect rum of highly carbonized materials.As shown in Figures8,at temperat ure up to575℃,changes in t he peak absorption became evident.The vibration band of C—H group appearing at2980-2960cm-1524 Synthesis,Characterization and Thermal Properties of a Novel Phosphorus2containing Copolyesters Based on…disappear and t he absorption bands between2500and 3700cm-1assigned to O—H group become more broadened.24At525℃,The peaks at1700-1720cm-1and 124021250cm-1att ributed to C=O and C-O st retc2 hing,respectively and t he peaks at1122.39and 1099.24cm-1assigned to P=O absorption respec2 tively,decrease nearly entirely.The intensity of t he broadened peaks at160021610cm-1and1415cm-1 greatly increase,which show t he residue is mainly composed of Ar2P group and p hosp hate.A similar suggestion was reported by Wei Liu.253 ConclusionsCEPPA can be copolymerized wit h TPA and EG in t he conventio nal melt polymerizatio n p rocess used for PET.The copoyester,which contains0.6% p hosp horus,can reach a limiting oxygen index(LO I) value of29.4%.Incorporation of CEPPA into PET increases t he cold crystallization temperat ure and re2 duces t he glass2transition temperat ures,t he melting point s,t he heating crystallization temperat ures of t he resulting copolymers.Meanwhile,t he t hermal stabilities of p hosp2containing copolyesters de2 crease,while char yields increase wit h increasing p hosp horus content.F TIR spectra of residues of t he copolyester show t hat t he charred residue is mainly composed of Ar2P group containing species.References[1] Tachita Vlad2Bubulac;Corneliu Hamciuc;Oana Petreus.HighPerform.Polym.2006,18,255.[2] P. 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2012年第31卷第8期CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS ·1751·化工进展反应型含磷阻燃剂的应用研究进展李清英1,夏正斌1,范方强1,陈均炽2(1华南理工大学化学与化工学院,广东广州 510640;2广东嘉宝莉化工集团股份有限公司,广东江门 529085)摘要:含磷阻燃剂具有低烟无毒、阻燃效果好的特点,是典型的无卤阻燃剂。
关键词:含磷阻燃剂;聚氨酯;环氧树脂;丙烯酸中图分类号:TQ 021.8 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2012)08–1751–06 Research progress in reactive phosphorus-containing flame retardantLI Qingying,XIA Zhengbin,F AN Fangqiang,CHEN Junchi(1School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,Guangdong,China;2Guangdong Carpoly Chemical Group Co.,Ltd,Jiangmen 529085,Guangdong,China)Abstract:Phosphorus-containing flame retardant,which exhibits the characteristics of low smoke,non-toxic and good flame retardancy,is a significant type of halogen-free flame retardants. In this paper,we described the mechanism of phosphorus-containing flame retardant,and introduced the different modification methods to incorporate phosphorus into the main chain or side chain of polymer,especially in the application of polyurethane,epoxy and acrylic resin. In addition,we reviewed the development of reactive phosphorus-containing flame retardant in recent years. Finally,the suggestions for further study on the synergistic mechanism of flame retardants as well as the development of the waterborne and UV-curable flame retardant polymer were proposed.Key words:phosphorus-containing flame retardant;polyurethane;epoxy;acrylic阻燃聚合物材料已经广泛应用于建筑、电子电器和交通等领域[1],并且需求量呈现不断上升的趋势。
参考文献[1] M allat S G .A theo ry fo r m ultireso luti on signal decompo siti on :the w avelet rep resentati on .IEEE trans .Pattern A nal .M ach ine Intell.,1989,11(7):674~693.[2] Shao Xueuang ,CaiW ensheng ,Sun Peiyan et al .Q uantitative determ inati on of the components in overlapp ing ch rom atograph icpeak s using w avelet transfo rm .A nal.Chem .,1997,69(9):1722~1725.[3] 邵学广,侯树泉,方能虎等.小波变换用于植物激素重叠色谱峰中组分的定量分析.分析化学,1998,26(1):107~110.[4] Zhao Gui w en ,Su Q ingde .N ew F rontiers in R are Earth Science and A pp licati ons .Beijing :Science P ress ,1985.[5] Su Q ingde ,M ao Q inglu ,Zhao Gui w en .Pho toacoustic spectra of N d (T FA )3・2H 2O and N d (H FA )3・2H 2O .Spectroch i m icaA cta ,1995,51A (14):2459.阻燃剂双(对-羧苯基)苯基氧化膦的合成新工艺王利生 黄金印 朱庆松 李前树(北京理工大学化工与材料学院 100081)王利生 男,45岁,教授,主要从事化学工程及合成材料的研究。
1998201214收稿,1999201220修回关键词 双(对2羧苯基)苯基氧化膦 双(对2甲基苯基)苯基氧化膦 阻燃剂 合成新工艺双(对2羧苯基)苯基氧化膦(BCPPO )可用作聚酰胺[1,2]、聚酯[1,3]、聚苯并 唑[4]等多种聚合物的反应型阻燃剂或阻燃单体以制得阻燃聚合物材料,它可同时赋予聚合物较好的阻燃性、抗静电性和染色性,较高的热稳定性和氧化稳定性以及较高的玻璃化转变温度等性能,具有广阔的应用前景。
地址:266317 山东省青岛市胶州市胶东街道办事处纺织染整工业园
1 苯基次膦酸铝阻燃剂的研究简介
苯基次膦酸铝(Phosphates of Aluminum,简称PAl)是一种新型的阻燃剂,是一种螯合性的核糖核酸铝配合物,它可以与材料表面形成非活性膜,有效抑制发生火灾的可能性。
2 合成苯基次膦酸铝阻燃剂的研究
3 优化反应条件
4 研究结论
新型含磷阻燃剂阻燃PET热稳定性研究王忠卫;刘炳艳;田秀娟;李艳【摘要】以2-(二苯基膦酰)-1,4-苯二酚(DPO-HQ)和苯基磷酸二氯酯(MPCP)为原料,合成新型磷系阻燃剂聚苯氧基磷酸(2-(二苯基膦酰)-1,4-苯二酚)酯(PDPMP),FTIR、1H-NMR、31P-NMR表征确定了该化合物的分子结构.然后以PDPMP为阻燃剂制备了阻燃PET(FR-PET),极限氧指数(LOI)法考察其阻燃性能;动态热重分析(TGA)研究PET及FR-PET的热稳定性能,选取Flynn-Wall-Ozawa(FWO)和Starink两种动力学方法研究其热降解动力学.结果发现:含磷阻燃剂的加入提高了PET的阻燃性能;初始降解温度提前,FR-pET的活化能低于纯PET;但后期降解阶段活化能增幅明显高于纯PET样品,阻燃剂先于PET分解,生成耐热性较好的炭层,提高了聚酯的热稳定性.【期刊名称】《山东科技大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2016(035)002【总页数】8页(P86-93)【关键词】聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET);磷系阻燃剂;极限氧指数;热稳定性;热降解动力学【作者】王忠卫;刘炳艳;田秀娟;李艳【作者单位】山东科技大学材料科学与工程学院,山东青岛266590;山东科技大学材料科学与工程学院,山东青岛266590;山东科技大学材料科学与工程学院,山东青岛266590;青岛职业技术学院,山东青岛266590【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O631聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(polyethylene terephthalate,PET)具有优良的综合性能,目前已广泛应用于合成纤维、工程塑料、电器绝缘材料、薄膜和胶片等领域[1],然而PET材料与大多数高分子材料一样,具有致命的弱点——易燃性[2],其极限氧指数为20~22左右,因此PET的阻燃问题是人们在使用过程中需要解决的首要问题。
二磷杂螺环[5 [] 5 十一 ,
烷一 , 二氧化物双三 3一 9
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法DC i r tl n g r e ) S(f ei sni comt 、 df na c n a i r 差热分析 e a l y DA fei traa li和热机械分析法 T (fr tl ml ys d ena h i e n s) a T A t roe ail ys等。其中T A是 M (e mc naaas) h m h c nli G
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4 甲氧基经甲基苯基 一
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1. 1
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18 3 3 -1 9
H 刃H
温度/ ℃ 苯基次麟酸类阻燃剂的热失重曲线, ,,,, 线45678
图 2 磷杂螺环类阻燃剂热失重图
F . Te cr s hshsi m radn i2 h T A v opo a rf e nat g G u e f p p l o a e t s
0 于
2 基乙基( - 苯基) 次
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( E P I 、 ( - 6 二 苯 并一C e ( , )氧 C P A) [ 6氧一 H一 4 (,) 12一
磷 杂 己 环一一 ) 甲基 ]丁 二 酸 ( DP E 、 酸 酯 6酮 一 一 D )s 磷 ]
替 代 品 。为 了开 发更 多新 型 的阻 燃 产 品 , 笔者 合
成 了对羧 苯基 苯基 次膦 酸 ( P P , 结 构特 点 C P A) 其
第 2卷 第 5 6 期
20 0 9年 9月
6 9
新 型 反 应 型 阻 燃 剂 对 羧 苯 基 苯 基 次 膦 酸 的 合 成 与 热 稳 定 性 分 析
曹 克 广 王 忠 卫 侯计金 刘 鹏。 杨 静
\ 十U U / \/
c <> c — 一H s
—— f ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ∞ H 0
△)f f(
— 、
1 实 验 部 分
1 1 原 料 和 仪 器 .
速率 1 0℃/ i , 温范 围 2 ~ 10 0℃) 瑞 士梅 a rn升 5 0 ,
( . 德 石 油 高 等 专 科 学 校 , 北 承 德 0 7 0 ; . 东科 技 大 学 化 学 与 环 境 工 程 学 院 , 东 青 岛 2 6 1 ) 1承 河 600 2 山 山 6 5 0
摘 要 : 苯基 二 氯 化 膦 与 甲苯 在 无 水 A1 1催 化 下 发 生 F i e C at 反 应 , 得 中 间产 物 经 氧 化 制 成 对 羧 苯 以 C。 r dl rf e — s 所 基 苯 基 次 膦 酸 ( P P , 物 收 率 l . ~ 3 . 。结 果 表 明 , P P 起 始 分 解 温 度 与 2羧 乙 基 苯 基 次 膦 C P A)产 O3 O8 CPA 一
金 ( 0 71 ) 2 0 21 。
齐 聚物口 等 。C P A作 为一 种反 应 型阻燃 剂 , EP 具
有 生产 成本 相对 较低 、 燃效 果好 、 阻 添加 量 少等 特 点 得到 了 广 泛 应 用 [ 。研 究 发 现 , C P A 合 7 ] 用 E P 成 的 阻燃 聚 酯切 片 熔 点 低 于 普 通 聚 酯 切 片 , 温 高 纺 丝易 发生 分解 , 适 合 细 旦 丝 的纺 丝 和 深 度染 不
等 特 点成为 主 要 开发 品种 L , : 对 羧 苯 基 苯 1 如 双 ]
基 氧 化 膦 ( C P l 、 - 乙 基 苯 基 次 膦 酸 B P O)3 2羧 ]
羟 甲基 苯 基 次 膦 酸 ( HMP A) 并 对 其 性 能 作 了 P ,
评 价 _ , 为 HMP A 可 以作 为 C P A 的 良好 g认 ] P E P
特勒 公 司 。 1 2 。 P P 的 合 成 . C PA
甲苯 、 高锰 酸 钾 、 水 A1 1、 OH, 析 纯 , 无 C。 Na 分 天津 市广 成化 学试 剂 有 限公 司 ; 6 5 盐 酸 , 析 3 . 分
纯 , 岛 正 业 试 剂 有 限 公 司 ; E P ( 一 青 C P A
酸 ( E P 接 近 ; 5 , O , O 分解 温 度 均 明 显 于 高 C P A; P P 成 碳 率 高 于 C P A,C P A 可 C P A) 其 % 1 5 E P C PA E P P P 作聚酯永久阻燃剂 。
关键词 : 阻燃 剂 聚酯
文献标识码 : A
是 用对 羧 苯基 取 代 C P A 结 构 中 的 2羧 乙 基 , EP 一
期 望应 用 时刚性 的对 羧苯 基参 与共 聚后 可 以提高 阻燃 聚酯 的热 稳定 性 , 而 拓 展 阻 燃 聚 酯 的应 用 从 范 围。 C P A 的合成 路线 如下 : P P
c a C t~ H 一 。
2羧 乙基 苯 基 次 膦 酸 一
中图分类号 : TQ3 4 2 8 1 . 4
开发 环保 型阻燃 剂 是 当前 助 燃剂 研究 的热 点 之一 , 磷系 阻燃 剂具 有低 烟低 毒 、 聚酯相 容性 好 与
色 , 聚酯 生产 加工 工艺 提 出了较 高要 求 , 对 限制 了 其 使 用 ] 。笔者 曾合 成 了一种新 型 阻燃单 体——
共 振仪 , 国 布 鲁 克 公 司 ; 特 勒一 利 多 T 德 梅 托 GA/
事 有 机 杂 环 化 合 物 的 合 成 与 应 用研 究 工作 。 基 金 项 目: 东 省 教 育 厅 基 金 (O D0 ) 山 东 省 自 然 科 学 基 山 J6 3 ; 金 ( 2 0 B 0 ; 东省 博 士 基 金 ( 0 6 S 4 3 ) 河 北 省 教 育 厅 基 Y 07 2) 山 20B 008 ;
9 . ) 苯 基 二 氯 化 膦 ( C P, 99 、 D P W一 9 . ) 青 98 , 岛富斯 林 化工 科技 有 限公 司 。 尼 高力 3 0型 红外 光 谱仪 , 国尼 高 力 公 司 ; 8 美
B u e I L XI 型 质 谱 仪 、 r k r4 0型 核 磁 r k rB F E I I B u e一0
向装 有 机械搅 拌器 、 回流冷 凝 器 、 1 收系 HC 吸 统及 加热 器 的 四 口烧 瓶 中加 入 0 3 o P 、 . 3t l o DC P
收 稿 日期 : 0 9—0 20 4—2 ; 改稿 收 到 日期 : 0 9—0 —2 。 9修 20 9 O 作 者 简 介 : 克 广 ( 9 0一 , , 授 , 士 , 德 石 油 高 等 专 曹 16 ) 男 教 博 承 科 学校 校 长 , 育部 化 工技 术 类教 学指 导委 员会 主 任 委 员 , 要 从 教 主