英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable Experience》




英语作文an unforgettable experience英语作文an unforgettable experience(精选30篇)无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。

那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是小编为大家收集的英语作文an unforgettable experience,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。

英语作文an unforgettable experience 篇1As a student ,I don’t have any great event to talk about ,but here I want to share my experience of preparing for the high school entrance examination.During the first three years of junior school ,we were very happy and free .But we often heard that Grade 4 would be a hell. After the final exam of Grade 3 in June, everything blew onto our faces : teachers’ changing ,harder and harder texts ,terrible pressure and of course the graduate exam .Where your position was on the listboard became the most important thing in our life .We had to study hard day and night ,always from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. the next day.But I must say that it’s really an unforgettable memory in my life. Under the pressure we lived our life to the fullest, and enjoyed the true interesting things that we may have never cared before. Grade 4 in junior school was a turning point in my life. My attitude to learning, my world outlook and my philosophy of life all changed. I turned to be positive and strong. I also gained many people’s true & pure friendship,both teachers ’ and classmates’. In some way,I like that kind of life,as it taught me many things I’d never learned before.Teachers also helped me a lot. I still c an’t forget that myhistory teacher talked to me until 10:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2003,for my application. My head teacher also encouraged me, so did my Chinese teacher. I should say, all my teachers worked very hard and always neglected their sleep and meals. Even if some of them were about 50 and often fell ill, they never left us one day .【参考译文】作为一名学生,我没有任何伟大的事情要谈,但在这里,我想分享我的经验,为高中入学考试准备。

英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable E某perience》(精选多篇)

英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable E某perience》(精选多篇)

第一篇:英语口语演讲稿《UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE》on my birthday two yEars ago, many spEcial things happEnEd on mE.and i would rEmEmbEr thEm forEvEr.that morning, i rodE my bikE to school happily as usual. on my wayto thEclassroom, i saw somE of my classmatEs. but whEn thEy saw mE, thEy rushEd away. that madE mE confusEd. bEcausE thEy would talk to mE orplay jokEs on mE bEforE. but it was strangE today.whEn i camE into thE classroom, i found thE atmosphErE was quitE strangE.EvErybody lookEd at mE and laughEd loudly. suddEnly thEy allsaid in good ordEr,“happy birthday to you!” thEn thEy bEgan to sing “happy birthday to you——” that madE mE mov Ed. i nEvEr told anyonE about my birthday, how did thEy know? i bEliEvEd thEy must havE donE alot of things. at that momEnt, i found nothing to say but thanks instEad! aftEr school, a thing ing as a surprisE happEnEd on mE on my wayback homE. whEn i was riding suddEnly a crowEd of pEoplE rushEd out to stoppEd my bikE.i rEcogizEd thEm at oncE. thEy wErE my sEnior classmatEs. thEy all lainEd to mE,“why don't you tEll us about your birthday? don't you fEar that wE will lEt you stand trEat? this timE you owE us.” thEn Each of thEm gavE a gift and a card with bEst wishEs to mE. i was dEEply movEd again. i suggEstEd having a dinnEr togEthEr. but thEy all rEfusEd bEcausE of thE timE. thEn thEy lEft mE saying wE would ask you to pay us anothEr day!whEn i got back homE, i thought of EvErything happEnEd today. suddEnly i fElt so happy bEcausE i had such grEat friEnds around mE. i thankEd thEm from thE bottom of my hEart. i would valuE thE prEcious friEndship forEvEr!i havE so many fEElings through that spEcial day. thE only rosE without thorns in thE world is friEndship. a truE friEnd is somEonE who rEachEs for your hand and touchEs your hEart. truly grEat friEnds arE hard to find, difficult to lEavE, and impossiblE to forgEt. onE friEndin a lifEtimE is much, two arE many, thrEE arE hardly possiblE. stick to makE friEnds, for lifE without friEnds is likE lifE on a dEsErt island. to find onE rEal friEnd in a lifEtimE is good fortunE, to kEEp him is a blEssing.thank you for your attEntion!第二篇:英语口语演讲稿《UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE》on my birthday two yEars ago, many spEcial things happEnEd on mE.and i wouldrEmEmbEr thEm forEvEr.that morning, i rodE my bikE to school happily as usual. on my wayto thEclassroom, i saw somE of my classmatEs. but whEn thEy saw mE, thEy rushEd away. that madE mE confusEd. bEcausE thEy would talk to mE orplay jokEs on mE bEforE. but it was strangE today.whEn i camE into thE classroom, i found thE atmosphErE was quitE strangE.EvErybody lookEd at mE and laughEd loudly. suddEnly thEy all said in good ordEr,“happy birthday to you!” thEn thEy bEgan to sing “happy birthday to you~~~~~~” that madE mE movEd. i nEvEr told anyonE about my birthday, how did thEy know? i bEliEvEd thEy must havE donE a lot of things. at that momEnt, i found nothing to say but thanks instEad!aftEr school, a thing ing as a surprisE happEnEd on mE on my wayback homE. whEn i was riding suddEnly a crowEd of pEoplE rushEd out to stoppEd my bikE.i rEcogizEd thEm at oncE. thEy wErE my sEnior classmatEs. thEy all lainEd to mE,“why don't you tEll us about your birthday? don't you fEar that wE will lEt you stand trEat? this timE you owE us.” thEn Each of thEm gavE a gift and a card with bEst wishEs to mE. i was dEEply movEd again. i suggEstEd having a dinnEr togEthEr. but thEy all rEfusEd bEcausE of thE timE. thEn thEy lEft mE saying wE would ask you to pay us anothEr day!whEn i got back homE, i thought of EvErything happEnEd today. suddEnly i fElt so happy bEcausE i had such grEat friEnds around mE. i thankEd thEm from thE bottom of my hEart. i would valuE thE prEcious friEndship forEvEr!i havE so many fEElings through that spEcial day. thE only rosE without thorns in thE world is friEndship. a truE friEnd is somEonE who rEachEs for your hand and touchEs your hEart. truly grEat friEnds arE hard to find, difficult to lEavE, and impossiblE to forgEt. onE friEndin a lifEtimE is much, two arE many, thrEE arE hardly possiblE. stick to makE friEnds, for lifE without friEnds is likE lifE on a dEsErt island. to find onE rEal friEnd in a lifEtimE is good fortunE, to kEEp him is ablEssing.thank you for your attEntion!dEcEmbEr 3rd.第三篇:英语演讲稿 UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncEladiEs and gEntlEmEn,thank you from thE bottom of my hEart for giving mE such a wondErful opportunity . it’s my grEat honor to stand hErE. and i firmly bEliEvE this will undoubtEdly bE onE of my UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncEs.thE titlE of my spEEch is UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE. timE fliEs. i am going to bE 21 yEars old bEforE long. thE titlE has rEmindEd mE numErous things that havE happEnEd in thE past.so, i would likE to sharE onE of my most UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncEs with you.it datEs back to a hot summEr at my agE of 13.i was taking summEr vacation at homE by watching tv EvEry day. onE day, my mom suggEstEd mE to takE swimming lEssons so as to Enrich thE holidays. i took thE grEat idEa on hEaring it. bEcausE i was fond of watEr which brought a sEnsE of spirituality. that momEnt, i could not hElp imaging mysElf swimming in a big swimming pool. consEquEntly, wE got in touch with a coach in no timE and i was told that thE class should bE arrangEd to bEgin from thE nExt day.so thErE camE my first timE to stand by a swimming pool thEfollowing day. oncE again did thE watEr charm mE.whilE, no soonEr had i forcEd my body down to thE watEr than all thE plEasurE was instEad by fEar. thE fact was far from intErEsting. i just fElt likE bEing swallowEd by thE watEr. sEEing this,thE coach spokE to mE,“don’t bE afraid ,boy. thE swim ring you arE wEaring will kEEpyou in a safE situation .and what you nEEd to do is just to bEliEvE in yoursElf and movE your arms as wEll as your lEgs”. aftEr that, i triEd to calm mysElf down and did as thE coach had said. as a rEsult,thE movEmEnt of my wholE body in thE watEr inspirEd mE and i found mysElf morE and morE skillEd . lots of joy followEd it and last for a wholE day. whEn anothEr day had passEd, i was rEquirEd to lEarn swimming strokE without a swim ring. although fEar caught up with mE again, i had aclEar acknowlEdgE that it was my choicE and i ought to havE itdonE .thErEforE, i took my rEsponsibility. of courcE, lifE is full ofuncErtain. i had failEd as many timEs as i had madE attEmpts. it did mattEr. i kEpt trying and practicE, in addition to lEarning from failurE. as a rEsult, i madE it aftEr sEvEral day.now, whEn i occasionally go to swim in thE swimming pool in our campus, i will naturally rEcall this UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE and whatit havE taught mE. that is “lEarn to fail, or fail to lEarn” and thE couragE to facE failurE. for mE couragE doEs not mEans no to bE afraid. it mEans you holdfEar in your hEart, but still takE actions to ovErE it. that is all. thank you for you listEning and hElping to crEatE my anothEr UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE.第四篇:英语演讲稿UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncEladiEs and gEntlEmEn,thank you from thE bottom of my hEart for giving thE opportunity to makE such a formal English spEEch. it’s myfirst timE to stand on thE stagE in front of so many attEndEEs. thatwill undoubtEdly bE my UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE.and what i am going to talk about today is UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE. somE pEoplE say, timE fliEs. in fact, that is thE casE. in my mEmory, numbErs of things havE happEnEd ovEr thE past 20 yEars.whilE, i would likE to sharE thE two most UnforgEttablE things with you.first,lEt us look back to a accidEnt at my agE of 4 which occurrEdin my homEtown.bEcausE of low frEquEncy of rEturning to my homEtown,i stayEd unfamiliar with thE transportation in thE villagE road. onE day, i happEnEd to go across thE road on my own. suddEnly, a mEdium sizE of truck strikE into my sight and consEquEntly knockEd into mE. frankly spEaking,whEn rEfErring to thE dEtails of what had happEnEd to mE undEr thE truck,my mind will go blank. nEvErthElEss,it’s said that i had bEEn hung undEr thE truck for a long way. finally what countEd most was my survival.thE sEcond EvEnt should bE my failurE in thE collEgE EntrancE Exam. rEgardlEss of lacking hard study in thE first four sEmEstErs,i still kEpt mysElf onE of thE top studEnts in our class. what was morE, i had improvEd my attitudE bEforE thE last sEmEstEr camE and progrEss had fEllow it. as thE saying goEs, “lifE is full of uncErtains”. on thEday thE rEsult camE out , i fElt that thE sky is falling which had last for sEvEral days. whErEas,whEn i occasionally wandEr in this campus,whEn i just stand hErE to makE a spEEch of my UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE,i will by no mEans t rEat mysElf a “lucky dog”.aftEr thEsE two EvEnts,thErE Exist abundant rEasons for mE to hold thE bEliEf that my fatE is full of luck and will forEvEr bE as long as i kEEp fight my way out with smilE in my facE. and that also told mE couragE. for mE, having couragE doEs not mEan not to bE afraid, but to havE fEar in my mind and just to do it mEanwhilE trying to makE it. it just likE i am standing hErE inEvitably fEEling a littlE nErvous as wEll as holding faith in my hEart.that is all. thank you for your listEning and crEating my anothEr UnforgEttablE ExpEriEncE. i rEally apprEciatE it so much.第五篇:an UnforgEttablE thing英语作文hElpi bEliEvE hElping othErs will makE mE happy. i will full of satisfaction whEn i hElp othErs.last wEEkEnd, i hElpEd my mom to do somE housEwork. on thE onE hand, i swEpt thE floor, clEanEd thE room and took out thE rubbish. on thE othEr hand, i hElpEd my mom makE dinnEr and wash thE dishEs. i was tirEd whEn i did housEwork. but i was so happy bEcausE i hElpEd my mom.i will nEvEr forgEt that day. hElping othErs is mEaningful .i will try to hElp morE pEoplE in thE futurE.。

难忘的经历An Unforgettable Experience英语作文【精选7篇】

难忘的经历An Unforgettable Experience英语作文【精选7篇】

难忘的经历An Unforgettable Experience英语作文【精选7篇】难忘的经历An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇一One of my most unforgettable experiences occurred on a day last summer, when I was handing out newspapers from door to door.Disappointed at my study results, I didn’t want to go to school any longer. I found a temporary job during my summer vacation. Because I was poor in knowledge, the manager only asked me to deliver newspapers from house to house.At the beginning, I took it for granted that it would be a piece of cake. There would be no difficultly in finishing it. But to my surprise, when I went to people’s houses, they looked me up and down. I could feel that they looked down upon me. I was badly hurt. Though I was discouraged, I came to another house. A black dog jumped out suddenly. I was frightened and screamed with fear. But no one came to help me. At that time, I came to realize that delivering newspapers was more difficult thanreading in the classroom. I wanted to give up, but I couldn’t.I tried my best to do the job better. Although I was very tired, I made it finally.From this unforgettable experience, I have learnt that if we put our heart into it, nothing is difficult and nothing is impossible.Now, I am sitting in the classroom, happy, confident, and hard-working. As long as I don’t lose heart and work harder and harder, I will make much progress.翻译:我最难忘的经历之一发生在去年夏天的一天,当我分发报纸从门到门。



MyUnforgettableExperience我难忘的经历(五篇范文)第一篇:My Unforgettable Experience我难忘的经历My Unforgettable Experience As we all know,sharing is a part of beauty.Just as the Swedish proverb goes,shared joy is a double joy;shared sorrow is half a sorrow.Sharing can broaden our horizon.As for me,by doing this,I live a happier and more confident life.It was Jane who taught me to share with others.Never will I forget the first time that I met her.It was a hot summer afternoon.Having failed in the mid-term exam,I sat at my seat and corrected my answers carefully.I still remember how depressed and frightened I was because I had hoped to be still among the best as in junior high school.I was almost about to cry out to let off my sadness!At this time Jane came to me,passing me a piece of napkin.Afterwards was her words:“I know you regard me as your enemy in the study.But because we are good at different fields,we can help each other exactly.Sharing is the most beautiful ethnic principle in the world,isn't it?”Faith would move mountains.There was always aroadahead,shecomfortedmewith patience.Suddenly,my heart was filled with the warmth I had never sensed before.I felt much better and smiled at her.Instantly,we became close friends and both made great progress in the study.For the next years,Jane and I spent hours on the phone each weekday and virtually every weekend night together.Often we'd lie on the same blanket under the stars,pouring our hearts out,talking of our dreamslikewise.Indeed,friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy.Being together with friends,we feel connected.We know they are always there to offer advice,an ear to listen,and a shoulder to cry on.Maybe the friends we choose can enrich our life or have negative effects on us,so we should choose those who have good characters and share our interests.Of course,those who are different from us can also be our friends,like Jane to me,as long as they are sincere,honest and make us feel happy.Also,we should treat our friends with respect and be ready to lend them a hand when they are in need.Only in this way can we keep our friends.Jane,thanks for sharing,thanks for coming in to my world.第二篇:我的难忘经历作文(通用)我的难忘经历作文(通用6篇)在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。



An Unforgettable Experience英语作文An Unforgettable Experience英语作文(精选21篇)在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。

那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的An Unforgettable Experience英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇1Everyone has some unforgettable experiences. I will never forget my first volunteer work.Last summer, our class went to a country primary school to help the students there. First, we gave away some books and stationery to them. Then we talked about school life. I was quite shy before, but to my surprise. I talked with some students for almost an hour without intermission. I shared my effective study methods with them excitedly. Finally, we played games together. All of us felt so happy.By doing the volunteer work. I not only gained happiness, but also became more confident. It made me experience that giving is receiving.An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇2This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn't believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day.In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we didn't feel tired,and we were very happy.. In all, we had a good holiday. An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇3I like traveling very much. My trip to XiAn is really unforgettable. Before I went there, I always wanted to see Bin Ma Yong, so I chose to go there. I went to there by train with my parents and I had breakfast in the hotel. Then we went there by bus. When I got off the bus, I was very excited.I saw a lot of false man whose hand with all kinds of things. I took many pictures. Finally we went back the hotel in the afternoon. Though I was very tired, I felt very happy. I dwill never forget it for ever. An Unforgettable Travel My families plan to visit the interesting place p of Shanghai.We are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghainese's lips.It is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so it's very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away it.As we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the Huangpu River through the window.At the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city. This is the trip l never forget. An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇4I like traveling very much. My trip to XiAn is really unforgettable. Before I went there, I always wanted to see Bin MaYong, so I chose to go there.I went to there by train with my parents and I had breakfast in the hotel. Then we went there by bus. When I got off the bus, I was very excited. I saw a lot of false man whose hand with all kinds of things.I took many pictures. Finally we went back the hotel in the afternoon.Though I was very tired, I felt very happy. I will never forget it for ever.An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇5One day on my way to school,I ran across a traffic accident,in which a girl was seriously injured by a motorcycle.I rushed to her rescue instinctively.I lifted her in my arms and hailed a taxi,which took us quickly to a nearby hospital.After emergency treatment,the girl came to.I felt at ease when I knew that she had only suffered from minor bone fractures and would recover in a couple of weeks.I left the hospital without giving my name,but my heart was full of joy and peace.Not until then did I understand the meaning of the proverb:"Helping others is the source of happiness."This may be the most unforgettable experience of my life.An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇6Last summer holiday, I learned to swim. It was very unforgettable and interesting. I went to the swimming pool with my father. He taught me how to swim.At first, I was afraid of diving in the water. And I felt uncomfortable in the water. But father said it doesn't matter and he would protect me. Then I began to swim, but I couldn't swim forward at all. It made me upset. Then father told me how to move, how to stretch out my hands and legs. Slowly, I could movea little. In fact, it was not that easy.I learned it for almost half a month. I was excited when father told me I made it.An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇7As a lyric goes:" You'll be old if you don't pursue something you like insanely." I didn't pay much heed on it the first time I saw this lyric. But you'll never realize the profound meaning until you put it into practice.Not long ago, I did a crazy , at least as far as I can see, thing. Well, you can guess it. I went to see a vocal concert of my favorite super star---Yan Yalun, who comes from Taiwan province. Although it happened two months ago, the stirring scene still excited me a lot every time I recollected it.On January 9, 2013, Yalun held a concert at the centre of Kaide Square in Wuhan. I arrived there alone at about 11:20am. Cause the concert would begin at 5:00pm, I had to wait for nearly six hours. But it seemed that every fan who had arrived there gave a cold shoulder to the waiting time, the half of the square had already been occupied by Yalun's fans. They were taking pictures of the advertisements about Yalun's concert, buying album and making new friends with each other. About one century passed by, it was the wonder time next. With the thunderous applause breaking out, Yan Yalun presented at the stage. I burst into tears instantly I saw him. Then it was the official procession. He described what the new album tried to tell us and answered some questions asked by the host. Later, it was the key link and also the point why I eagered to come here so much---Yan Yalun's autograph on my new album. It meant that I could shake hands with him, I had never imagined it. It was my turn to get the autograph. He firstly received my letter written to him byme and shaked my hands. Then, you could never guess it, he touched my head softly! At that moment, I could hear nothing and my brains were all blank so that I even didn't know how I came back.To be honest, the excited feeling is out of the expression by words. Only have you walked into the scene can you tell the magic feel. Believe it or not, the idols can give fans power. So , guys, Just do a crazy thing under the cover of your blossom age! An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇8This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn t believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day.In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn t feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday.An Unforgettable Experience.An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇9One day on my way to school,I ran across a traffic accident,in which a girl was seriously injured by a motorcycle.I rushed to herrescue instinctively.I lifted her in my arms and hailed a taxi,which took us quickly to a nearby hospital.After emergency treatment,the girl came to.I felt at ease when I knew that she had only suffered from minor bone fractures and would recover in a couple of weeks.I left the hospital without giving my name,but my heart was full of joy and peace.Not until then did I understand the meaning of the proverb:"Helping others is the source of happiness."This may be the most unforgettable experience of my life. An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇10Last summer,I went to Beidaihe for my holiday with my family. We took a train because the way is not far. We lived in a big hotel where could see the sea . We stayed there for three days.The first day,we went for a walk along the seaside,and then we went swimming and took a lot of interesting photos there. The second day,we went to a famous market and bought many keepsakes. I was going to bring these keepsakes for my friends.The last day,we had a good picnic on the seaside with the natives. They acted all kinds of programmes and made us feel happy.It's a very good journey,and we all enjoyed ourselves on those days. If I have another holiday,I will go there again.An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇11Disappointed at my study results, I didn't want to go to school any longer. I found a temporary job during my summer vacation. Because I was poor in knowledge, the manager only asked me to deliver newspapers from house to house.At the beginning, I took it for granted that it would be a piece of cake. There would be no difficultly in finishing it.But to my surprise, when I went to people's houses, theylooked me up and down. I could feel that they looked down upon me. I was badly hurt. Though I was discouraged, I came to another house. A black dog jumped out suddenly. I was frightened and screamed with fear. But no one came to help me. At that time, I came to realize that delivering newspapers was more difficult than reading in the classroom. I wanted to give up, but I couldn't.I tried my best to do the job better. Although I was very tired, I made it finally.From this unforgettable experience, I have learnt that if we put our heart into it, nothing is difficult and nothing is impossible.Now, I am sitting in the classroom, happy, confident, and hard-working. As long as I don't lose heart and work harder and harder, I will make much progress.An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇12Everyone has some unforgettable experience. I will never forget my fiest volunteer work. Last summer, our class went to a country primary school to help the students there. First, we gave away some books and stationery to them.Then we talked about school life. I was quite shy before, but to my surprise, I talked with some students for almost an hour without intermission. I shared my effetive study methods with them excitedly. Finally, we played games together. All of us felt so happy.By doing the volunteer work, I not only gained happiness, but also became more confident. It made me experience that giving is receiving.An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇13Speak of exams, there are many unforgettable experiences that deeply rooted in our memories. Here i would like to say onething that impressed me most.It was the maths final examination. When i was doing a difficult maths problem, suddenly the teacher who supervised our class cried, " What are you doing?" I turned around and found that the teacher was standing beside Xiao Ming, holding a piece of paper in her hand. Xiao Ming looked rather nervous, his face bushed, " Sorry, Ms. Wang, I should not do that. " Then he was asked to get out of the class behind the teacher.This issue told me a great lesson: we should not do what we are not allowed to do because it takes great risks. So, please bear in mind that good students should obey the rules of examinationsAn Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇14I would never forget that day I first met my girl-friend.Before I realized what had happened, I was thrown flat onto the concrete road, knocking my head against the front wheel of the bike. Soft dust blurred my eyes and grated my teeth. This must be worse than all the traffic accidents I've heard of, I thought to myself and got ready to shout at the person who should take responsibility of this accident. But when I raised my head, I found a face so beautiful and so sweet that I could not refuse to fall for. I smiled as handsome as possible and ask: " I'm sorry, are you OK?" For my kindness, as well with my later hard chasing, that girl became my girl-friend. This is really a memorable experience for me!An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇15Heard that school on Thursday this week to organize everyone go for an outing, get pumped up the classmates. I also break the fingers, looking forward to Thursday soon.Finally arrived on Thursday. In order to attend the outingactivities, I got up at 7 o 'clock in the morning, dressed in a hurry, after washing a face that had mother prepare breakfast, back schoolbag running quickly and went to school. After all the students here, the teacher took us to the big shahe scenic spot. There can be fun, swing, treadmill, there are many, many entertainment fitness equipment. The most interesting for its water boats and water bikes, under the guidance of the teacher, we four students a group, take turns to sit and play. It's our turn to this group, I muster up courage to set foot on the inflatable, surface airy feel feet, head a little dizzy, but I still insist on sat.Big shahe scenic area of the scenery is very beautiful, the air is very fresh. There are yellow chrysanthemum, pink morning glory, purple Marilyn flowers, tall poplars, curved willow, a variety of flower. The students playing chase between the flowers and green trees, busy playing.How time flies, the twinkling of an eye it at noon, we have to go back. At that time, I can see some birds in the nearly "ji, ji, ji" is in the branches, good now said to us: "children, goodbye, welcome you come again next time!"It was a memorable trip!An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇16Today, my family and my grandma's two families together into the big green ditch scenic spots.Early in the morning at first light, big jiu is driving their van to big green channel.The car ride with grandpa's grandmother grandpa grandma father mother big jiu yuan elder sister and I were 9.Vehicles running for five hours smoothly arrived at the large green ditch scenic area.From a distance of tall big green ditch archway, and rows ofbrightly colored ger, scenery is very spectacular traffic, people mountain people sea...Listen to a person, big green channel is a national 4 a level scenic spots.Natural forests of the groove depth of more than 200 meters up to more than 300 kinds of trees and plants. Ditch water, although less than one meter deep, one year four seasons spring constant. Especially the summer spring water flow is urgent, is drifting of the best places to visitors.Tourists every two people sit a rubber boat, kayak paddle of choose and employ persons not, automatic stream down more than 10. All visitors drift, get wet with water gun spraying small basin water all over each other are all very happy, who also don't care. After drifting and then the xiaoqing lake and other attractions. Although the end of the day, everyone is very tired, but have swim, have said not over of the scene, according to the phase of endless linger on. The beauty of the big green channel is memorable!An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇17One sunny afternoon, I and the chopped towels, as well as the Mr Wong of the class to the playground together with bike, Musical Instruments. Of course there are other classmates. Everyone here, we in the ginger President, xiao, under the leadership of miss li go to luo pu temple outing.Along the way, everybody interest high, some humming a ditty, some jokes, and storytelling. After a while, we got to los pu temple school. We with los pu temple school classmates came to the outskirts. In the outside, I saw Wang Quanyou an adult's bike, want to try riding a bike is what felling of adult, he said to the throne: "power, can let me ride?" T o crown said: "of course I can."I carefully on a section of the road, then I don't know what's the matter, I a not careful to ride into the mud, suddenly fell, although the body is mud, but can be so close to nature, I still think it is a very happy thing. The other students, some fish, some catch butterflies, and with wildflowers wove garlands. Two school classmate seldom such pain pain is happy to play, play of happy, harmonious and happy picture!Then, we came to los pu temple ancestral temple again. Ancestral temple, there are two very large pagoda tree. Ancestral temple, there are so many people celebrating. There is a big drum, I knocked over a few big drum, fun!When we play excitedly, xiao notice we have to get back to the us had to reluctantly leave los pu temple. This is really a memorable trip!An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇18One day during the summer holiday, my mother told me to go to the duck restaurant to sell roast duck. I went happily to the duck restaurant.I heard that the duck restaurant was very good at business. The team that sells the roast duck is long and old. I routinely followed in the queue, just as I silently waiting, suddenly a beautiful aunt came and she willy-nilly, walked to the front of the team, said: "boss, to half a duck." I saw this scene, walked up to her, gently said to her: "aunt, you buy things to wait in line." The aunt glanced at me and said, without looking at her, "can you manage it, little guy?" I was so angry that "aunt you have to wait in line to buy something, don't you understand?" The people who sell the roast duck nearby saw the fierce behavior of auntie, and they all began to talk about it, accusing the aunt of the wrong thing. I saw aunt face go red, the roast duck did not buy, turnaway.It had been a long time, but my aunt's domineering manner was always on my mind. I think that every one of us is going to get into the habit of doing everything from a young age to a voluntary compliance. Don't let others say it easily.This is something we should all know.An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇19During the qingming festival, I went back to my hometown with my grandparents and my brother -- pingyao. On the way, I listened to my grandmother talk about five big cows. This time it was to take us back to look at the cows and try to taste the milk that had just been squeezed out. I was so excited when I heard grandma say that.When we arrived at our old brother's house, I rushed into it and went straight to the dairy. A: wow! The beautiful and fat cow, the black and white circular pattern is very beautiful, the head has a strong and strong bull horn. The stomach was big, the drums were bulging, and many of the nipple drooping down below. Look, a cow baby is leaning against the cow mother, with its head against the cow mother's body, seems to be with the cow mother sajiao, true love! I would like to go up and touch it, but for the sake of safety my uncle wouldn't let me. When I looked at the cow, I suddenly found that the cow had eaten not grass but food. The old uncle said that he was afraid that the cows would eat dirty grass and get sick, which would affect the quality of the milk, so it was safer to eat the foodAn Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇20One thing, although it's been half a year, I still remember it as if it happened yesterday.Remember it was a Sunday afternoon on a hot summer day,the sun was baking in the earth, my mother took me to the mall shopping. The people on the road held up the sun umbrella, cicadas called non-stop, as if to say: "hot dead! Hot dead!"It's really annoying.I don't know what I'm going to do. Inside the mall, there is a sea of people, like a huge oven, which is "roasted" in less than three minutes. I clenched my mother's hand and also made a lot of sweat. When I came out, my mother saw that I couldn't bear the heat, so I bought an ice-cream for me to eat. I thought, this is really a good time to send charcoal. I want to eat, a cake of ice cream three to five except two is "destroyed", ice cake paper is carelessly tossed into a garbage can. Just listen to "when"The ice cream stick rolled to the ground. I glanced at it and walked on.An Unforgettable Experience英语作文篇21Last summer,i went to beidaihe for my holiday with my family.we took a train because the way is not far.We lived in a big hotel where could see the sea .we stayed there for three days.The first day,we went for a walk along the seaside,and then we went swimming and took a lot of interesting photos there.the second day,we went to a famous market and bought many keepsakes.I was going to bring these keepsakes for my friends.the last day,we had a good picnic on the seaside with the natives.they acted all kinds of programmes and made us feel happy.It's a very good journey,and we all enjoyed ourselves on those days.if i have another holiday,i will go there again.。



难忘的经历,英语演讲稿篇一:难忘的经历英语演讲稿my unforgettable experiencesi’m glad to be here to share one of my unforgettable experiences with ,we were practicing a dialogue. several pairs had done it well. when i askedtwo students to do it , but one failed in talking.i was surprised, because she isa not bad girl. i thought she could do it well, although she didn’t raised her in talking. it’s not a serious problem. the most important is what canwe do when they feel also realized that she was nervous because she joined the class just a week ago. what should i do i smiled to her and said,"don’t be nervous, i believe youcan do it well. just have a try. "but she still kept in silence. i had to lether sit down, but i said to her with a smile on my face, “listen carefully and latertry it again, ok ” she smiled ,too. after another two dialogues , she raised herhand confidently. did she do a good job of course!since then, she’s never nervous in class and seldom fails in talking. i think ,as a student, she’s successful. as a teacher, i’m successful , too. what’s more,i often say to my students, “in my class, don’t be nervous. just try your best to express yourselves ,just to speakenglish loudly , right or false is not the most important, courage and confidenceis the most important! believe you’ll do better and better! ” i think my words can help my students keep confident. let studentsto be your friends, let them study in the happy time not in nervous every day, please.do you think sothanks for your listening, thank you.篇二:英语演讲稿英语演讲稿1 i consider as important as job satisfaction and are several reasons:first, interest is the first power of the life, job satisfaction is the driving forceand source ofour ongoing effort to work if we are not interested in the work, thenwe will lose confidence in life , money is the ultimate purposeof our work, if the work does not have the money as support, i believe that no onewill go to , our enjoyment of life is to get the money, and then use themoney to meet ourpsychological needs of derive pleasure can not be said ofour lives all butoccupies an important part in our lives. ok, this is all my speech, thank you.我认为工作满意度和钱一样重要。

难忘的经历An Unforgettable E某perience英语作文优秀7篇

难忘的经历An Unforgettable E某perience英语作文优秀7篇

难忘的经历An Unforgettable E某perience英语作文优秀7篇英语作文an unforgettable experience 篇一A memorable event in the road I was growing up, there is one thing to make me never forget. Gone through that matter, I seem to grow up a lot. That was New Year's Eve last year; the students send each other greeting cards. Cards with their own wishes and sent to good friends. I have also been infected by this atmosphere and ready to join the crowd, suddenly, I saw a student sitting there alone. That is not the famous "naughty King" Liu Kai do? But now, he seems like a changed man. How he got it? I looked at him puzzled. Suddenly, I wake up. Certainly because no one sent him a greeting card, and no one said to him words of wish I could not help feel sad for him. So I handed him a greeting card ,and said to him: “ happy holiday!" He looked at me then looke d at the cards, said happily: “Thank you!" His eyes filled with happiness. He stood up and said: “I also have a beautiful card Looked at him, and I smiled. How important Group is ! Few years ago, an unforgettable thing was happened in my life. It is a terrifying experience.The weather was very hot in summer. So my friends and I am together to catch craft. I felt much feared and excited. I was frightened for I was first catch craft. If I fall into river how can I do and I isn't good at swimming. I was excited that I have a chance to catch craft.Then I was very careful to stand on the craft with scared. But the craft always ups and downs in the river and beyond my control. I was fallen into river after a second I stood on it 。



难忘的经历英语作文:An Unforgettable Experienc难忘的经历英语作文:An Unforgettable Experience(精选10篇)无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。

那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是小编收集整理的难忘的经历英语作文:An Unforgettable Experience(精选10篇),欢迎阅读与收藏!难忘的经历英语作文:An Unforgettable Experience 篇1I like traveling very much. My trip to XiAn is really unforgettable. Before I went there, I always wanted to see Bin Ma Yong, so I chose to go there. I went to there by train with my parents and I had breakfast in the hotel. Then we went there by bus. When I got off the bus, I was very excited. I saw a lot of false man whose hand with all kinds of things. I took many pictures. Finally we went back the hotel in the afternoon. Though I was very tired, I felt very happy. I dwill never forget it for ever. An Unforgettable Travel My families plan to visit the interesting place p of Shanghai.We are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghainese's lips.It is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so it's very easy to see this building,even if you are several miles away it.As we get to the high floor of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower,we see the attractive viwswhich includes the Huangpu River through the window.At the moment,l suddenly moved by the builders put their soul and energy to this building and let it be a landmark of this city. This is the trip l never forget.难忘的经历英语作文:An Unforgettable Experience 篇2 In the morning, we got to the hotel where we lived. Afterbreakfast, we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn’t believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious.After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day.In this trip, we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian, went shopping and so on.Several days later, we left Dalian. On our way home, we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn’t feel tired. In all, we had a good holiday.难忘的经历英语作文:An Unforgettable Experience 篇3 Everyone has some unforgettable experience. I will never forget my fiest volunteer work. Last summer, our class went to a country primary school to help the students there. First, we gave away some books and stationery to them. Then we talked about school life. I was quite shy before, but to my surprise, I talked with some students for almost an hour without intermission. I shared my effetive study methods with them excitedly. Finally, we played games together. All of us felt so happy.By doing the volunteer work, I not only gained happiness, but also became more confident. It made me experience that giving is receiving.难忘的`经历英语作文:An Unforgettable Experience 篇4 An unforgettable experienceMy mom used to say that I was born to swim. But the truth is that I didn’t know how to swim until the last year of my primary school!Mom always said that I could swim in the basin when I wasonly two months old. I was surprised at the amazing fact. If this was true, then why was I afraid of water? I went to swim every summer, but I didn’t make a little progress. I was worried and blamed myself several times. When I watched people swimming freely, how I wished I had learnt to swim!The story of how I learnt to swim is dramatic. One hot summer afternoon, my father and I went to the swimming pool to swim. While my father was changing his clothes, I was roaming along the bank of the pool. Suddenly I heard a voice, “Look out!” and then came a big noise and beautiful splashes. Just when I was adm iring the swimmer’s skills, I slipped into the pool! I was so afraid that I shouted at once! But the water kept coming towards me and I drank a lot of it. I was moving upside down and trying to reach the bank. I was struggling very hard to keep my head above the water.A minute was like a hundred years to me. To my surprise, I was able to keep the style! Just then, my father, saw me and he seemed to be shocked. He then said, “Calm down, just wave your arms and legs like this. Right!” And I got it! I finally learnt to swim! You can’t imagine how happy I was and I wanted to jump for joy!From this unforgettable experience I learnt that one’s power is unlimited. Sometimes you could show that power in an emergency. If you believe that, you will discover the power lying within yourself and achieve your goals. And one has to stay calm when it’s dangerous. To calm down helps you to think clearly and make the best decision for you. That’s what I have learnt from the experience.难忘的经历英语作文:An Unforgettable Experience 篇5 When I was six years old, my cousin in tainan got married.Five people, including father, mother, two brothers and I, I took a taxi to the wedding. It's a beautiful scenery along the way. When I was looking at the scenery, however, the taxi door suddenly opened and I fell off immediately. My father and mother took me to the hospital. Luckily, only my nose was broken. After treatment, I took the red nose to the party.My mother later told me that if there was a car coming, from behind us, I would be killed. It's a close phone. Since then, I have never taken the first step to ensure that the door has been closed and a taxi has been closed.难忘的经历英语作文:An Unforgettable Experience 篇6 One day, when I was a kid, I saw the AD for the lost dog. As my next-door neighbor had a German shepherd in the AD, I called the missing dog owner to tell him. I also gave him my neighbor's phone number.I almost forgot the whole thing, when I heard my neighbor talking loudly about the night. I rushed to the window and saw what was happening. "I'm sorry, but this dog belongs to us. We've been holding it for nearly eight years now, "said my neighbor, a tall stranger.All of a sudden, I felt quite guilty, for my childish neighbour suspected that there was no truth in it. But I didn't have enough courage to tell him that it was me who caused him all the trouble.I have been silent on this matter until now.难忘的经历英语作文:An Unforgettable Experience 篇7 Everyone has some experience that he can't forget. For me, the most memorable experience was part of the English conversation test. This happened about three years ago when I had to take an English exam, including conversation, to get to the United States.English is my second language, and I don't need to mention the difficulty of reading and writing. I was nervous, of course, when it was my turn to face the examiner, one gentleman and the other young lady. They asked me about sports, sightseeing, Chinese culture, and I went to America. I was just too nervous to make any sensible answer. In fact, I have difficulty opening my mouth. The interview took about a dozen minutes, but it seemed to me for years. When it was all over, my shirt was completely soaked.This is my first English conversation with a foreigner. This is a lesson I won't forget.难忘的经历英语作文:An Unforgettable Experience 篇8 Last summer holiday, I learned to swim. It was very unforgettable and interesting. I went to the swimming pool with my father. He taught me how to swim. At first, I was afraid of diving in the water. And I felt uncomfortable in the water. But father said it doesn’t matter and he would protect me. Then I began to swim, but I couldn’t swim forward at all. It made me upset. Then father told me how to move, how to stretch out my hands and legs. Slowly, I could move a little. In fact, it was not that easy. I learned it for almost half a month. I was excited when father told me I made it.去年暑假,我去学游泳,那是很难忘也很有趣的一件事。



英语口语演讲稿《UnforgettableExperience》(优秀范文五篇)第一篇:英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable Experience》On my birthday two years ago, many special things happened on me.and i would remember them forever.That morning, i rode my bike to school happily as usual.on my way to theclassroom, i saw some of my classmates.but when they saw me, they rushed away.that made me confused.because they would talk to me or play jokes on me before.but it was strange today.When I came into the classroom, i found the atmosphere was quite strange.everybody looked at me and laughed loudly.suddenly they all said in good order,“happy birthday to you!” then they began to sing “happy birthday to you——” that made me moved.I never told anyone about my birthday, how did they know? i believed they must have done a lot of things.at that moment, I found nothing to say but thanks instead!After school, a thing coming as a surprise happened on me on my way back home.when i was riding suddenly a crowed of people rushed out to stopped my bike.i recogized them at once.they were my senior classmates.they all comlained to me,“why don't you tell us about your birthday? don't you fear that we will let you stand treat? this time you owe us.” then each of them gave a gift and a card with best wishes to me.i was deeply moved again.i suggested having a dinner together.but they all refused because of the time.then they left me saying we would ask you to pay us another day!When i got back home, i thought of everything happened today.suddenly i felt so happy because i had such great friends around me.i thanked them from the bottom of my heart.i wouldvalue the precious friendship forever!I have so many feelings through that special day.the only rose without thorns in the world is friendship.a true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.one friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible.stick to make friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island.to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune, to keep him is a blessing.Thank you for your attention!第二篇:英语口语演讲稿亲爱的14班同学们: 外教口语考试的安排已经出来了,考试时间是下周二(6月8日)下午四点,考试地点是文科楼307,考试内容分为两大部分,第一部分是个人演讲,第二部分是对话,具体要求如下,请同学们互相通知,谢谢INSPIRATIONAL SPEECH(one person)This is your chance to choose one thing you really like or absolutely detest, and create a well organized 1 minute speech to persuade your classmates that 'you spit the truth.' You are correct, sir/madam!By the end of your speech, everyone should agree with you.Decide on a single specific opinion to promote, and use the Crazy English and Expressing Emotions texts to supplement your speech.No reading aloud--your speech must be memorized and well prepared.Requirements:1)Incorporate language from Crazy English or Expressing Emotions at least 10 times.2)Your speech must not exceed 75 seconds.3)Pay close attention to emotion, rhythm, and persuasive points.(What is the best method to persuade your peers?)PERSUASIVE DIALOGUE(2 people)This is your opportunity to choose a partner and create a 1.5 minute conversational dialogue.Person A will aim to persuade Person B to share the same view point on one subject.Choose one specific opinion and prepare a logical dialogue.Initially, Person B will disagree with Person A's view point, but by the end of the 1.5 minutes, Person B should agree with Person e the Crazy English and Expressing Emotions texts to supplement your conversation.No reading aloud--your dialogue must be memorized and well rehearsed.Requirements:1)Incorporate language from Crazy English or Expressing Emotions at least 10 times.2)Your dialogue must not exceed 105 seconds.3)Pay close attention to emotion and logical progression.(The dialogue should feel authentic, like a real life situation.)CRAZY ENGLISH SUPPLEMENTI am honored to...I stand before you today...I know I speak for...Words can't express...We are here to...I'm trying to tell you...How can we...? There's(not)a perfect correlation between...and...It means that...Believe it or not...I am convinced that...I Hope this has given you some idea of...I'll do my best to (I)appreciate...Generally speaking...My first point is that...It's true that...;it's also true that...One further point to add is...I mentioned earlier that...A good example(of this)is...To Illustrate this...To put it in different words...To put in another way...We mustn't forget that...There is no doubt(that)...It is vital to remember that...Mr.Christian says...So we can see that...Working together, we can...But I want you to realize that...To summarize...So what's that point?...It must now be clear that...I want to remind you that...In conclusion, I'd like to say...I'd like to finish by...I look forward to...Good afternoon everyone!I stand before you todayto give you a short speech and I’m honored to do this.My topic is “happiness”.I hope it will be of great help to you.firstly, I'm trying to tell you what is happiness?2, How can we master our youth? I want you to remind you that years only wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Worry, fear, self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.I am convinced that in the center of your heart and my heart there’s a w ireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young.It means that when the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.I appreciate for your time.Thank you!青春不是指岁月,而是指心态。






关键词:一件难忘的事英语口语作文一件难忘的事英语口语作文篇1One Unforgettable Experience大家好,今天我想和大家分享一件难忘的事情。


Hello everyone, today I want to share with you an unforgettable experience. It happened during my college years and still leaves a deep impression on me.当时我在一次社会实践中,和同学们一起去了一个边远的山村。



During a social practice, I and my classmates went to a remote mountain village to help the local villagers with cultural exchanges and educational support. In this village, we met a very special old man.这位老人叫做王大爷,已经年过九旬了。



The old man was called Grandpa Wang, who was over ninety years old. He was the oldest and wisest person in the village. We were lucky enough to communicate with him and listen to him tell us about his life.他告诉我们,他曾经是一个非常富有的商人,在全国各地都有生意。



英语口语演讲稿范文《UnforgettableExperi remember them forever.that morning, i rode my bike to school happily as usual. on my way to theclassroom, i saw some of my classmates. but when they saw me, they rushed away. that made me confused. because they would talk to me or play jokes on me before. but it was strange today.when i came into the classroom, i found the atmosphere was quite strange.everybody looked at me and laughed loudly. suddenly they all said in good order,“happy birthday to you!” then they began to sing “happy birthday to you~~~~~~” that made me moved. i never told anyone about my birthday, how did they know? i believed they must have done a lot of things. at that moment, i found nothing to say but thanks instead!after school, a thing coming as a surprise happened on me on my way back home. when i was riding suddenly a crowed of people rushed out to stopped my bike.i recogized them at once. they were my senior classmates. they all comlained to me,“why don”t you tellus about your birthday? don”t you fear that we will let you stand treat? this time you owe us.” then each of them gave a gift and a card with best wishes to me. i was deeply moved again. i suggested having a dinner together. but they all refused because of the time. then they left me saying we would ask you to pay us another day! when i got back home, i thought of everything happened today. suddenly i felt so happy because i had such great friends around me. i thanked them from the bottom of my heart. i would value the precious friendship forever!i have so many feelings through that special day. the only rose without thorns in the world is friendship. a true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. one friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. stick to make friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island. to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune, to keep him is a blessing.thank you for your attention!december 3rd.。



用直接对话写一篇令人难忘的经历的英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1An Unforgettable Experience"Hey Emily, how was your summer vacation?" asked my best friend Lily as we walked into class on the first day of 5th grade."Oh my gosh, Lily, you'll never believe what happened to me!" I exclaimed. "I had the most amazing, crazy, unbelievable experience ever!"Lily's eyes went wide. "No way! What happened? Tell me everything!"I took a deep breath and began my story. "Well, it all starteda few weeks ago when my parents surprised me and said we were going on a trip to the rainforest..."A Rainforest Adventure"A trip to the rainforest?" Lily squealed. "That's so cool! Which rainforest did you go to?""The Amazon rainforest in South America," I replied. "My dad's cousin lives in a little village right in the middle of the jungle, and he invited us to come stay with his family for a few weeks."Lily looked equal parts amazed and envious. "Wow, that must have been incredible! What was it like?"I grinned, memories of the trip flooding back. "It was unlike anything I've ever experienced before! The sounds, the smells, the vibrant colors everywhere you looked. As soon as we landed in the village, it felt like we had stepped into another world.""I can only imagine," Lily said wistfully. "Did you see any cool animals or plants?""Are you kidding?" I laughed. "There were crazy creatures everywhere we turned! Bright green frogs the size of my hand, flocks ofincredibly colorful birds, butterflies bigger than my face. And don't even get me started on the plants..."I paused for dramatic effect before continuing. "One morning, my cousin Marco took us on a hike deeper into the jungle. We saw alien-looking flowers easily as tall as me, vines as thick as tree trunks, leaves bigger than a car windshield!"Lily's jaw dropped. "No way! That's insane! I've never seen plants that big, not even at the botanical gardens downtown.""I know, right?" I said, nodding vigorously. "The whole rainforest felt like a real life Jurassic Park or something. Everywhere we went, Marco would point out different plants and explain how they could be used for food, medicine, shelter - his knowledge about the jungle was amazing."A Thrilling Turn"That already sounds like the adventure of a lifetime," Lily mused. "But knowing you, I'm guessing that's not even the most exciting part, is it?"I grinned mischievously. "You know me too well. No, as crazy as all that was, the real excitement happened on our last night in the village..."I recounted how we had gathered around the campfire with Marco and the rest of the village that fateful evening. How the elders had begun chanting an ancient ritual while the children played drums in a hypnotic rhythm."All of a sudden, the chanting and drumming stopped," I told Lily with wide eyes. "An eerie silence fell over the wholevillage. That's when we heard it - the unworldly sound of stampeding in the distance, growing louder every second!""Oh my gosh!" Lily gasped. "What was it?"A Rampaging Beast"At first, no one knew what the thunderous noise getting closer and closer was," I said, my voice dropping to a dramatic whisper. "But then, we saw the trees starting to sway and topple in the distance, like a massive being was plowing straight through the heart of the jungle!"Lily leaned forward, eyes wide with anticipation. "Well?! What was it?"I paused for what felt like an eternity before finally revealing: "An elephant stampede!""An elephant stampede?!" Lily's jaw dropped. "In the Amazon? But how? There aren't any elephants in South America!""Exactly!" I nodded vigorously. "That's what was so crazy about it. According to the villagers, elephant stampedes in that part of the Amazon are essentially unheard of. Elephants are absolutely not native to that region."I described the scene of utter pandemonium that had erupted in the village as the deafening sounds of trumpeting and crashing trees grew nearer and nearer. How the vill篇2An Unforgettable Experience"Mom, I'm bored," I whined one afternoon. School was out for the summer and I had already finished all my video games."Why don't you go outside and play?" she suggested. "You could ride your bike or go to the park."I groaned. "But that's no fun by myself. All my friends are away on vacation."Mom thought for a moment. "Well, what about going on a little adventure then? We could go pick strawberries at that farm outside of town."My eyes lit up. "Really? Like actually picking the strawberries ourselves?"She laughed. "Yes, really! We'll make a whole day of it. Doesn't that sound fun?"I nodded eagerly. "Yeah! When can we go?"The next morning, bright and early, we set off for the strawberry farm. The drive took almost an hour, but I didn't mind.I was too excited thinking about all those strawberries.When we finally arrived, I could hardly contain myself. "This place is huge! Look at篇3A Memorable Camping Trip"Mom, Dad, can I tell you about the camping trip I went on with my class last month?" I asked excitedly as soon as they got home from work. "It was the most amazing adventure ever!""Of course, honey," Mom replied with a smile. "Your dad and I would love to hear all about it."Dad settled into his favorite chair as I plopped down on the couch, unable to contain my enthusiasm. "Well, it all started when we got on the bus bright and early one Friday morning..."The Bus RideTimmy: Can I sit next to you, Sarah?Sarah: Sure, but you'd better not kick the seat in front of you like last time!Timmy: Don't worry, I'll be good. I'm just so excited for this trip!Sarah: Me too! I've never been camping before. Have you?Timmy: No way! My dad always says we're "indoors" people. Whatever that means.Sarah: I wonder what it will be like sleeping in a tent. Do you think we'll see any wild animals?Timmy: I hope so! As long as they're not bears. Bears are scary.The CampsiteMrs. Taylor: Alright children, please form two lines so we can go over the camp rules...After what felt like a million rules, we were finally free to explore our campsite! The forest seemed to go on forever with towering trees in every direction.Timmy: Whoa, did you see that?! Something just moved in those bushes over there!Jessie:gulpsYou don't think it was a bear, do you?Timmy: Nah, probably just a squirrel or something. Still, this place is awesome! It's like we're in a totally different world.Sarah: Yeah, no cars, no buildings, just trees and nature everywhere you look. It's beautiful!Jessie: I'm glad we got to set up our tents before it gets dark though. I wouldn't want to be outhere alone at night.The Night HikeMrs. Taylor: Who's ready for an exciting night hike?!cricketsMrs. Taylor: Oh, come on, it will be fun! Just make sure you grab a buddy.Timmy:whispers to SarahPlease say you'll be my buddy? I'm kind of freaked out by the dark.Sarah:whispers backDon't worry, I'll protect you from the big bad trees!The hike was utterly bewitching. Fireflies twinkled all around us like little fairies. Occasional hoots from unseen owls made me shiver. Despite the eerie atmosphere, I felt more alive than ever before!Jacob:whimpersThis is too scary. I want to go back!Mrs. Taylor: Don't be afraid, Jacob. That's all just part of the magic of being outdoors at night. Listen to the night sounds and fireflies. Isn't it wonderful?Jacob: ...I guess when you put it that way, it is kind of cool.The CampfireTimmy:munches on s'moreThis camping thing isn't so bad after all. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it's...fun!Sarah: See, I told you you'd like it, you big baby!We spent the rest of the evening gathered around the warm glow of the campfire, singing songs, telling stories and jokes, and making forever memories.Jacob: Hey guys, look up there!points to skyThe entire universe seemed to be putting on a show, with thousands upon thousands of stars twinkling brilliantly.Sarah:breathlesslyWow, I've never seen so many stars before. It's...magical.Mrs. Taylor: Out here, far away from the city lights, you can really see how amazing the night sky is.I could have stayed out there mesmerized all night, but soon it was bedtime. Crawling into my cozy sleeping bag, I watched the fire slowly die down to embers and fell into the deepest, most contented sleep of my life.The Morning AfterJessie:whinesI don't wanna go home yet! Can't we stay longer?Mrs. Taylor: I'm afraid not. Our bus leaves right after lunch. But don't be too sad - we can always come back again another time!And just like that, the magical camping adventure was over. I felt so grateful to have experienced the wonders of the great outdoors for the first time.As I recounted every tiny detail to my captive parents, they listened with smiles on their faces.Mom: It sounds like you had an incredible trip filled with so many special moments!Dad:ruffles my hairI'm proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing nature. Not a lot of kids these days get to have that kind of experience. You'll always have those memories.Me: Yeah...maybe next time we can all go camping together as a family! What do you say, Dad? You in?篇4A Memorable Summer Adventure"Hey Mom, can I tell you about the most exciting thing that happened to me this summer?" I asked as I plopped down on the couch next to her.She smiled at me. "Of course, honey. I'd love to hear about your adventure."I grinned, remembering the thrill. "Well, it all started when Dad said we were going camping for a week up in the mountains..."A Week Earlier"A camping trip? Really?" I asked, my eyes widening with delight. We hadn't gone camping since I was a little kid.Dad nodded. "Yep, we're heading up to Pine Ridge camping grounds next weekend for seven whole days and nights.""Awesome!" I exclaimed. I loved camping - sleeping in a tent, roasting marshmallows over the campfire, and exploring the outdoors.My little sister Lily didn't seem quite as excited though. "Do we have to go?" she whined. "Camping is boring.""It'll be fun, you'll see," Dad promised with a wink at me. "We're going to hike, fish in the streams, and who knows what other adventures we'll have?"The Camping TripAfter what felt like forever, the day of篇5The Best Day Ever"Hurry up, kids! We're going to be late for school!" Mom called from downstairs."Coming!" I yelled back, shoving the last of my homework into my backpack. I raced down the stairs and into the kitchen where my little sister Jenny was already munching on toast."Good morning, sleepyhead," Mom teased, ruffling my hair. "Did you remember to pack your permission slip for the field trip today?"My eyes went wide. "The field trip! I almost forgot!" I dug through my backpack until I found the crumpled paper and waved it at her triumphantly. "Got it!"Jenny stuck out her tongue. "You're so forgetful, Billy. It's a good thing I reminded you last night.""No one asked you, pipsqueak," I shot back, sticking out my own tongue.Mom just laughed. "Alright you two, that's enough. Let's get a move on before you miss the bus."The ride to school seemed to take forever as I fidgeted impatiently in my seat. Finally, we pulled up to the sunny concrete playground, and I could barely wait for the bus to stop before I was bounding down the steps."Bye Mom篇6An Unforgettable Day at the Zoo"Hey Sam, do you want to hear about the craziest day I had a few weeks ago?" I said to my best friend as we walked home from school."Sure, what happened?" Sam replied."Well, it was a Saturday morning and my mom had promised to take me and my little sister Emily to the zoo..."Flashback to that morning:"Come on kids, hurry up or we'll be late!" My mom called up the stairs."I'm coming, I'm coming!" I shouted back, cramming the last of my things into my backpack. I could hear Emily's little footsteps running down the hall.In the car, Emily and I could barely contain our excitement. "I can't wait to see the tigers!" Emily squealed."Yeah, and I want to see the gorillas. They're so huge and strong," I added.Mom laughed, "Okay, okay you two. We'll get there soon enough. Just be patient."When we finally arrived, Mom paid for our tickets and in we went. The zoo was pretty crowded since it was such a nice day out.First we wandered over to the tiger enclosure. We waited around for what felt like forever before finally one of the big stripey cats emerged from its cave. It let out a loud roar that made Emily jump."Wow, that was cool!" I said. Emily clutched Mom's hand but grinned too.Next we visited the gorilla area. The male silverback gorilla was massive, probably weighing 400 pounds. He thumped his chest a few times, which made the ground vibrate. We all just stood there in awe watching him.Emily tugged on my sleeve, "Jacob, Jacob! I need to go potty.""Aw man, okay. Mom, Emily has to go," I told her."Alright, I'll take her. You stay here and I'll be right back," Mom replied, leading Emily away.I turned my attention back to the gorillas, watching as the big male groomed a smaller female. Sometime later, I noticed a zookeeper walking around inside the gorilla exhibit, raking up some of the gorilla's fur and waste.Suddenly, the male gorilla spotted the zookeeper and charged right at him, roaring furiously! The zookeeper barely had time to react before the massive gorilla body-slammed him, sending his rake flying.People all around started screaming as the gorilla grabbed the zookeeper and started violently shaking him around like arag doll! A few other zookeepers came running with tranquilizer guns to try and subdue the angry gorilla.My heart was pounding out of my chest watching this terrifying scene unfold right in front of me. I wanted to run and find my mom, but I was glued to the spot.After what felt like an eternity, the zookeepers were finally able to get a couple good tranquilizer shots into the gorilla. He staggered around dizzily for a few seconds before crashing to the ground, completely passed out.The zookeepers rushed in to pull their unconscious coworker away from the gorilla. He wasn't moving and there was blood...it looked really bad. An ambulance arrived a few minutes later to rush the injured zookeeper to the hospital.That's when I heard a voice calling my name. "Jacob! Jacob, where are you?" It was my mom, frantic.I turned and saw her and Emily rushing towards me. "Oh there you are! Thank goodness you're alright!" She pulled me into a tight hug. "We were in the bathroom and there was some kind of code red alarm, and nobody could leave. What in the world happened?"With my heart still racing, I recounted to her the insane gorilla attack I had just witnessed. Her eyes grew wider with every detail.Emily just looked back and forth between us, bemused. "The gorilla didn't like the zookeeper?" she asked innocently."No, no he didn't!" I confirmed, shuddering a bit.Mom shook her head slowly, "Well, I think that's quite enough excitement for one day at the zoo. Let's go home."We hustled out of there in a daze. None of us spoke a word the whole drive home. I could still vividly picture the terrifying scene replaying over and over in my mind.When we got back to the house, Mom turned on the news to see if there was any coverage about the incident. Sure enough, there was a brief report about a "tragic gorilla attack on a zookeeper" at our city's zoo earlier that day. Apparently the zookeeper had suffered critical injuries and was in surgery.As intense and frightening as the whole thing was, I knew I had just experienced something profound that I would never forget...Back in the present with Sam:"Holy cow! No way, a real live gorilla attack?! That's insane!" Sam's eyes were as wide as saucers. "But wait, what ever happened to the zookeeper? Did he survive?"I shook my head somberly. "Unfortunately not. We saw a follow-up news story a couple days later that said he had died from his injuries. It was just...terrible."Sam was silent for a moment, digesting the tragic ending. "Man, I can't even imagine witnessing something that crazy and violent. You're right, that's definitely an experience you'll never forget as long as you live!""Tell me about it," I agreed with a solemn nod. "Thankfully stuff like that doesn't happen very often. But it's a harsh reminder that you've got to be really careful around those powerful wild animals, even when you think it's a controlled environment like a zoo."We walked along in respective silence for a little while after that. I knew I'd be retelling and reliving that harrowing day at the zoo for years and years to come. Just one of those experiences that simply sticks with you forever once you've been through it.。

演讲致辞-英语口语演讲稿 Unforgettable Experience 精品

演讲致辞-英语口语演讲稿 Unforgettable Experience 精品

英语口语演讲稿 UnforgettableExperienceon my birthday two years ago, many special things happened on me. and i would remember them forever.that morning, i rode my bike to school happily as usual. on my way tothe classroom, i saw some of my classmates. but when they saw me, they rushed away. that made me confused. because they would talk to me or play jokes on me before. but it was strange today.when i came into the classroom, i found the atmosphere was quite strange.everybody looked at me and laughed loudly. suddenly they all said in good order,“happy birthday to you!” then they began to sing “happy birthday to you~~~~~~” that made me moved. i never told anyone about my birthday, how did they know? i believed they must have done a lot of things. at that moment, i found nothing to say but thanks instead!after school, a thing ing as a surprise happened on me on my way back home. when i was riding suddenly a crowed of people rushed out to stoppedmy bike.i recogized them at once. they were my senior classmates. they all lained to me,“why dont you tell us about your birthday? dont you fear that we will let you stand treat? this time you owe us.” then each of them gave a gift and a card with best wishes to me. i was deeply moved again. i suggested having a dinner together. but they all refused because of the time. then they left me saying we would ask you to pay us another day!when i got back home, i thought of everything happened today. suddenlyi felt so happy because i had such great friends around me. i thanked them from the bottom of my heart. i would value the precious friendship forever!i have so many feelings through that special day. the only rose without thorns in the world is friendship. a true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. one friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. stick to make friends, forlife without friends is like life on a desert island. to find one realfriend in a lifetime is good fortune, to keep him is a blessing.。



英语口语演讲稿《UnforgettableExperience》英语演讲Good morning everyone,Today, I'm here to share with you an unforgettable experience that I had. It was a few years ago when I decided to embark on a solo backpacking trip across Europe. This was not only a journey to explore new places and cultures but also a way for me to challenge myself and step out of my comfort zone.The first stop on my journey was in Paris, the city of love and lights. I was captivated by the magnificent Eiffel Tower, the grandeur of the Louvre Museum, and the charming streets of Montmartre. Every corner of the city was filled with a sense of history and romance. I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the beauty that surrounded me.From Paris, I traveled to Rome, where ancient ruins and modern life coexist. Walking through the Colosseum, I could almost hear the echoes of gladiators and cheers from the crowd. Vatican City, with its breathtaking St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, left me in awe of the artistic brilliance of Michelangelo. It was surreal to be in the presence of such masterpieces.Next, I ventured to Barcelona, a city known for its dreamy architecture by Antoni Gaudi. I spent hours exploring Park Güell, marveling at its colorful mosaic tiles and whimsical sculptures. The Sagrada Familia, a masterpiece still under construction, was like nothing I had ever seen before. Its intricate details and towering facade were simply mesmerizing.The final leg of my journey took me to Amsterdam, a city of canals, bicycles, and vibrant culture. I embraced the local lifestyle by renting a bike and riding along the picturesque canals. The Anne Frank House was a sobering experience, reminding me of the atrocities of World War II. Yet, amidst the somber history, the city exuded a lively and accepting atmosphere.Throughout my trip, I had the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life. I shared laughter and stories with fellow travelers in hostels, tasted local delicacies in street markets, and learned about different cultures and traditions from locals. These encounters enriched my journey and broadened my perspective on the world.As I reflect on this unforgettable experience, I realize that traveling solo allowed me to discover my own strength, independence, and resilience. It pushed me to navigate unfamiliar territories, overcome language barriers, and embrace new experiences wholeheartedly. It taught me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and the incredible rewards that come with it.In conclusion, my solo backpacking trip across Europe was an unforgettable adventure filled with breathtaking sights, enriching encounters, and personal growth. It will forever hold a special place in my heart, reminding me of the endless possibilities that come with embracing the unknown. I encourage all of you to embark on your own journeys, whether it's through travel or other means, and create your own unforgettable experiences.Thank you.。

2024英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable Experience》

2024英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable Experience》

2024英语口语演讲稿《Unforgettable Experience》Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished judges and fellow classmates,Today, I am honored to stand before you and share an unforgettable experience that has profoundly shaped my life. It was the summer of 2022 when I had the opportunity to embark on a life-changing journey.I have always been fascinated by different cultures and the power of education to transform lives. So, when the chance to volunteer as a teacher in a rural village in Africa appeared, I knew I had to seize it. With excitement and a bit of nervousness, I set off for an adventure that would change my perspective on life forever.Upon arriving in the village, I was immediately struck by the warm welcome and genuine joy of the local community. The children's beaming smiles and eager eyes lit up the room, even in the simplest of classrooms. However, what struck me most was their hunger for knowledge and thirst for a better future.As a teacher, my responsibility was not only to simply impart knowledge but toinspire and empower these young minds. With limited resources and in a language foreign to most, I had to overcome numerous challenges. I had to adapt my teaching methods, incorporating games, songs, and interactive activities, to make learning engaging and enjoyable for these students.Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and I saw remarkable changes inmy students. Their confidence grew, and their thirst for knowledge became insatiable. Every day, they eagerly showed up to class ready to challenge themselves and discover the world beyond their village. Witnessing their progress was immensely gratifying and reminded me of the true power of education.Yet, it was not just the students who had transformed. My own perspective on lifewas profoundly impacted by this experience. In the absence of material possessions,I witnessed the resilience and contentment in the faces of those who had so little.The people of the village taught me the value of gratitude, simplicity, and the importance of community.Moreover, I came to appreciate the immense privilege of education that many of us take for granted. Education is not merely a pathway to success but a powerful toolfor change. It is a means to empower individuals, uplift communities, and break the cycle of poverty.Reflecting on this unforgettable experience, I am reminded of the words of Nelson Mandela, who once said, \。



Unforgettable Experience英语口语演讲稿on my birthday two years ago, many special things happened on me. and i wouldremember them forever.that morning, i rode my bike to school happily as usual. on my way to theclassroom, i saw some of my classmates. but when they saw me, they rushed away. that made me confused. because they would talk to me or play jokes on me before. but it was strange today.when i came into the classroom, i found the atmosphere was quite strange.everybody looked at me and laughed loudly. suddenly they all said in good order,“happy birthday to you!” then they began to sing “happy birthday to you~~~~~~” that made me moved.i never told anyone about my birthday, how did they know? i believed they must have done a lot of things. at that moment, i found nothing to say but thanks instead!after school, a thing coming as a surprise happened on me on my way back home. when i was riding suddenly a crowed of people rushed out to stopped my bike.i recogized them at once. they were my senior classmates. they all comlained to me,“why don't you tell us about your birthday? don't you fear that we will let you stand treat? this time you owe us.” then each of them gave a gift and a card with best wishes to me. i was deeply moved again. i suggested having a dinner together. but they all refused because of the time. then they left me saying we would ask you to pay us another day!when i got back home, i thought of everything happenedtoday. suddenly i felt so happy because i had such great friends around me. i thanked them from the bottom of my heart. i would value the precious friendship forever!i have so many feelings through that special day. the only rose without thorns in the world is friendship. a true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. one friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. stick to make friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island. to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune, to keep him is a blessing.thank you for your attention!december 3rd.。



my unforgettable experiencesi’ m glad to be here to share one of my unforgettableexperiences with you.once, we were practicing a dialogue. several pairs had done it well. when i asked two students to do it , but one failed in talking. i was surprised, because she is a not bad girl. i thought she could do it well, although she didn' t raised her hand.troubles in talking. it' s not a serious problem. the most important is what can we do when they feel nervous.i also realized that she was nervous because she joined the class just a week ago. what should i do? i smiled to her and saidy don' t be nervous, i believe you can do it well. just have a try. " but she still kept in silence. i had to let her sit down, but i said to her with a smile on my face, “lis ten carefully and later try it again, ok? ” she smiled ,too. after another two dialogues , she raised her hand confidently. did she do a good job? of course!since then, she' s never nervous in class and seldom fails in talking. ithink , as a student, she' s successful. as a teacher, i' m successful , too.what' s more,i often say to my students, “in my class, don' t be nervous.just try your best to express yourselves ,just to speakenglish loudly , right or false is not the most important, courage and confidence is the most important! believe you'll do better andbetter! ” i think my words can help my students keep confident. let studentsto be your friends, let them study in the happy time not in nervous every day, please. do you think so?thanks for your listening, thank you.篇二:英语演讲稿英语演讲稿1 i consider as important as job satisfaction and money.there are several reasons: first, interest is the first power of the life, job satisfaction is the driving force and source ofour ongoing effort to work if we are not interested in the work, then we will lose confidence in life andmomentum.second, money is the ultimate purpose of our work, if the work does not have the money as support, i believe that no one will go to work.third, our enjoyment of life is to get the money, and then use the money to meet ourpsychological needs of life.we derive pleasure can not be said of our lives all butoccupies an important part in our lives.ok, this is all my speech, thank you.我认为工作满意度和钱一样重要。



英语演讲稿难忘的经历第一篇:英语演讲稿难忘的经历my unforgettable experiences i’m glad to be here to share one of my unforgettable experiences with you.once,we were practicing a dialogue.several pairs had done it well.when i asked two students to do it , but one failed in talking.i was surprised, because she is a not bad girl.i thought she could do it well, although she didn’t raised her hand.troubles in talking.it’s not a serious problem.the most important is what can we do when they feel nervous.i also realized that she was nervous because she joined the class just a week ago.what should i do? i smiled to her and said,"don’t be nervous, i believe you can do i t well.just have a try." but she still kept in silence.i had to let her sit down, but i said to her with a smile on my face, “listen carefully and later try it again, ok? ” she smiled ,too.after another two dialogues , she raised her hand confidently.did she do a good job? of course!since then, she’s never nervous in class and seldom fails in talking.i think , as a student, she’s successful.as a teacher, i’m successful , too.what’s more,i often say to my students, “in my class, don’t be nervous.just try you r best to express yourselves ,just to speak english loudly , right or false is not the most important, courage and confidence is the most important!believe you’ll do better and better!” i think my words can help my students keep confident.let students to be your friends, let them study in the happy time not in nervous every day, please.do you think so? thanks for your listening, thank you.篇二:英语演讲稿英语演讲稿 1 i consider as important as job satisfaction and money.there are several reasons: first, interest is the first powerof the life, job satisfaction is the driving force and source ofour ongoing effort to work if we are not interested in the work, then we will lose confidence in life andmomentum.second, money is the ultimate purpose of our work, if the work does not have the money as support, i believe that no one will go to work.third, our enjoyment of life is to get the money, and then use the money to meet ourpsychological needs of life.we derive pleasure can not be said of our lives all butoccupies an important part in our lives.ok, this is all my speech, thank you.我认为工作满意度和钱一样重要。

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on my birthday two years ago, many special things happened on me. and i would
remember them forever.
that morning, i rode my bike to school happily as usual. on my way to the
classroom, i saw some of my classmates. but when they saw me, they rushed away. that made me confused. because they would talk to me or play jokes on me before. but it was strange today.
when i came into the classroom, i found the atmosphere was quite strange.
everybody looked at me and laughed loudly. suddenly they all said in good order,“happy birthday to you!”then they began to sing “happy birthday to you~~~~~~”that made me moved. i never told anyone about my birthday, how did they know? i believed they must have
done a lot of things. at that moment, i found nothing to say but thanks instead!
after school, a thing coming as a surprise happened on me on my way back home. when i was riding suddenly a crowed of people rushed out to stopped my recogized them at once. they were my senior classmates. they all comlained to me,“why don’t you tell us about your birthday? don’t you fear that we will let you stand treat? this time you owe us.” then each of them gave a gift and a card with best wishes to me. i was deeply moved again. i suggested having a dinner together. but they all refused because of the time. then they left me saying we would ask you to pay us another day!
when i got back home, i thought of everything happened today. suddenly i felt so happy because i had such great friends around me. i thanked them from the bottom of my heart. i would value the precious friendship forever!
i have so many feelings through that special day.
the only rose without thorns in the world is friendship.
a true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. one friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. stick to make friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island. to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune, to keep him is a blessing.
thank you for your attention!
december 3rd.。
