James Fenimore Cooper




James Fenimore Cooper (1789 - 1851)

Life story Major works Features Contributions
Life story

born in a rich family enrolled at Yale at 13 but expelled(开除)for childish pranks Joined the United States Navy(美国海军) at 18(1808 – 1811) lived in New York and participated in intellectual life and politics at the beginning of the 1820s Lived in Europe to escape debt from 1826 1833, and during this time he defended American democracy in his writings inherited fortune then returned to the Unites States
Thank you for your attention!

created a myth about the formative period of the American nation Finding "the West" and "the frontier life" as materials for literary works Introducing Western tradition into American literature

詹姆斯费尼莫尔 库柏

詹姆斯费尼莫尔 库柏
库柏所著《最后一个莫希干人》插图 《拓荒者》是以猎人纳蒂·班波为主要人物的五部曲《皮袜子故事集》 之一。开始时库珀并没有通盘的写作计划。按内容顺序排列,1841年出版的《杀鹿者》应居先,依次为《最后的 莫希干人》(1826)、《探路人》(1840)、《拓荒者》和《大草原》(1827)。库珀在《拓荒者》中着力描写独立战 争 后 纽 约 州 开 发 地 上 的 小 城 镇 生 活 。 因 使 用 鹿 皮 护 腿 而 得 到 “ 皮 袜 子 ” 绰 号 的 纳 蒂 ·班 波 在 森 林 中 以 狩 猎 为 生 , 与 印第安人为伍,因两次救过法官的女儿,法官企图把班波置于他所代表的“文明”的保护之下。班波不喜爱这种 “文明”,走向西部未开发的土地去过他热爱的森林生活。小说中还穿插描写传奇式的爱情故事。五部曲中最出 色的一部是《最后的莫希干人》,故事发生在18世纪中叶,英法殖民主义者为掠夺印第安人土地而发生战争,印 第安人一方面被屠杀或者充当炮灰,另一方面又互相残杀,终于使整个部落绝灭。库珀虽然对印第安人的遭遇 往......
苏联发行的库柏纪念邮票 他在库柏镇一直生活到12岁。镇子附近未开发地上残存的印第安人以及关于印第 安人的传说,给库柏留下了深刻的印象,并促使他日后第一个在长篇小说中采用印第安题材。1801年,父亲把他 送到纽约州首府奥尔巴尼,在圣彼得牧师家学习,为进入耶鲁大学做准备。13岁时,库柏转到耶鲁上学,读到第 三学年,因违犯校规被开除。据说当时他试图把炸药放入锁孔来打开他朋友的房门。1806年10月,库柏在一艘商 船 上 当 了 水 手 , 随 船 去 欧 洲 , 做 了 11 个 月 的 海 上 航 行 。 1 8 0 8 年 1 月 , 他 加 入 海 军 , 做 见 习 士 官 。 1 8 0 9 年 11 月 , 他 开始任海军军官,从海军准尉直至升任为海军上尉。曾在安大略湖畔一海军基地参加造船工作,1810年,他请了 一年长假,在假期中结了婚。1811年,库柏自海军退役。这五六年的海上生涯,为他后来写海上小说打下了坚实 的基础。库柏的妻子苏珊·狄兰色,出身于纽约州著名的大地主家庭,父母在威契斯特县拥有大片土地。婚后,库 柏就和妻子定居威契斯特,有时则住在库柏镇,过着乡绅生活,直到1822年迁往纽约。他在威契斯特,听到不少 关于独立战争时期的故事,这又为他创作革命历史小说......



The Spy

Based on Sir Walter Scott's Waverly series tells an adventure tale about the American Revolution
Sea adventures (i)
a series of sea adventures starting from The Pilot (1824) a genuine American sea tale about the exploits of John Paul Jones.
The Deerslayer
depicts Natty Bumppo's experiences as a young man take place in the 1740s in the upstate New York Deerslayer is joined by his Mohican friend, Chingachgook, to rescue two frontiersmen.
James Fenimore Cooper
Precaution<戒备>(1820, his first novel, imitating Austen’s Pride and Prejudice) The Spy <间谍>(his ses) The Pilot <领航者>(best of his sea romances) The Littlepage Manuscripts<利特佩奇的 手稿> Leatherstocking Tales <皮袜子故事集>


链的人》、《红人或印第安人与假印第安人》 1845-1846
• 《刺客》1831《黑衣教士》1832《刽子手》 1833
• 《火山口》1847 • 《欧洲拾零》1837-1838 • 《返乡路上》1838 • 《故乡风貌》1838
➢The first of the three different types of fiction writing the first of its kind, "Spy" on behalf of the revolutionary historical novel As the representative of "pioneer" frontier novel "Pilot" as the representative of the sea novel
• Gorky ,once said: "The educational value of the Cooper works, is no doubt. Nearly a hundred years, they are loved by young readers of the world. For example, in reading the memoirs of the Russian revolutionaries, we often will findCooper's work is to develop their sense of honor, enterprise and bravery mentor. "
• 1820,The Precaution • 1821.11.22,The Spy



Major works:
The Spy (1821) 《间谍》 The Pilot (1824) 《舵手》
The Leather stocking Tales (1823~1841)皮袜子故 事集 The Pioneers (1823), 《拓荒者》 The Last of the Mohicans (1826), 《最后的莫西干人》 The Prairie (1827), 《大草原》 The Pathfinder (1840), 《探路人》 The Deerslayer (1841). 《杀鹿者》
1) 2) 3)
He is good at making plots. All his novels are full of myths. He had never been to the frontier and among the Indians and yet could write five huge epic books about them is an eloquent proof of the richness of his imagination. He created the first Indians to appear in American fiction and probably the first group of noble savages. He hit upon the native subject of frontier and wilderness, and helped to introduce the “Western” tradition into American literature.

The French and Indian War is the war between Great Britain and France in North America from 1754 to 1763. In 1756, the war erupted into the world-wide conflict known as the Seven Years' War and thus came to be regarded as the North American theater of that war.

James Fenimore Cooper (1789---

James Fenimore Cooper (1789---

Cooper's depiction of American Indians was sometimes criticised as unrealistic and implausible. Over fifty years after The Deerslayer (1841) was published Mark Twain served up a heaping plate of sardonic but scathing criticism of it and Cooper in his essay "Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences" (1895). But as Cooper writes in his Introduction to The Last of the Mohicans: • The Mohicans were the possessors of the country first occupied by the Europeans in this portion of the continent. They were, consequently, the first dispossessed; and the seemingly inevitable fate of all these people, who disappear before the advances, or it might be termed the inroads, of civilization, as the verdure of their native forests falls before the nipping frosts, is represented as having already befallen them. There is sufficient historical truth in the picture to justify the use that has been made of



专业英语八级英美文学知识分类模拟题4专业英语八级英美文学知识分类模拟题4单项选择题1. ______ was the only female American prose writer in the 19th century.A.Emily DickinsonB.Jane AustinC.George EliotD.Harriet Beecher Stowe答案:D美国19世纪唯一的女散文作家是Harriet Beecher Stowe(哈利特·比彻·斯托)。

Emily Dickirson(艾米丽·迪金森)是女诗人。


2. Harriet Beecher Stowe's works mainly focus on ______.A.romanticismB.local colourismC.naturalismD.transcendentalism答案:BHarriet Beecher Stowe(哈利特·比彻·斯托)的作品充满了乡土气息。

3. Which of the following is the masterpiece by Harriet Beecher Stowe?A.Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal SwampB.Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories'C.Uncle Tom "s CabinD.The Gilded Age答案:CSwamp(《德雷德:阴暗大沼地的故事》)和Sam Lawson's Fireside Stories(《山姆·罗森的炉边故事》)也是她的作品,但没有前者有名。

The Gilded Age(《镀金时代》)是Mark Twain(马克·吐温)的作品。

4. ______ is the masterpiece written by William Dean Howells.A.The Rise of Silas LaphamB.The Innocents AbroadC.The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead WisonD.The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg答案:AThe Rise of Silas Lapham(《塞拉斯·拉帕姆的发迹》)是威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯的名作。



朱永涛《英语国家社会与⽂化⼊门》配套题库【课后习题】(美国⽂学)第7章美国⽂学Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):1. American literature is mainly about the seeking of the American people for success and happiness. _____【答案】T【解析】美国⽂学主要是关于美国⼈民追寻成功和幸福。

2. Rip Van Winkle was a character created by James Fenimore Cooper. _____【答案】F【解析】《瑞普·凡·温克》是⼩说家及历史家华盛顿·欧⽂(Washington Irving)的名篇。


3. The Leather-Stocking Tales consist of five novels depicting the American West. _____【答案】T【解析】《⽪袜⼦故事集》是美国作家詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库柏(James Fenimore Cooper)的系列⼩说,共包含《杀⿅者》(The Deerslayer)、《最后的莫希⼲⼈》(The Last of the Mohicans)、《探路⼈》(The Pathfinder)、《拓荒者》(The Pioneer)和《⼤草原》(The Prairie)等五部⼩说。

4. Before Mark Twain, all major American writers were born on the East Coast. _____ 【答案】T【解析】马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家、演说家,⽣于美国密苏⾥州佛罗⾥达。

James Fenimore Cooper

James Fenimore Cooper

His themes


Writing style: powerful but clumsy P53-54
Rich imagination: never been to the frontier and among the Indians His style is dreadful, characterization wooden and lacking in probability, and his language, his use of dialect, is not authentic.
The Leatherstocking Tales, (German edition)
Analysis of Leatherstocking Tales

Illustrating the importance of the frontier and the wilderness for the first time in the history of American literature. With the central figure Natty Bumppo, these novels unfold an epic account about his adventures from initiation into the backwoods until his final death in old age out on the prairies in the middle of America. D. H. Lawrence called Natty Bumppo the essential American soul.
Analysis of Natty Bumppo

3.2 James Fenimore Cooper(1789—1851)

3.2 James Fenimore Cooper(1789—1851)

• An encounter with another Indian tribe the Delaware will prove crucial toward the end. • The book ends in tragedy, with Uncas and Cora dying. Magua dies of Hawkeye′s rifle as he hangs off an edge.
Deer slayer kills his first Indian.
Watching the deer slayer paddle away
Cooper’s ambivalence

He realized his ambivalence -- nature and civilization, freedom and law-- in ―The Pioneers‖.

characterization :wooden and lack in probability (The main character in his stories:

language: dialect, not authentic. (criticized by Mark Twain)
--The Prairie
Who are the pioneers?
-- maybe Natty Bumppo, -- maybe Judge Temple, -- maybe both.
The Last of the Mohicans
• • • • The background The story Main characters Themes


1) All his novels are full of myths. 2) He is good at making plots. a. the richness of his imagination. b. the first Indians to appear in American fiction and probably the first group of noble savages. c. majestic landscapes descriptions 3)He hit upon the native subject of frontier and wilderness, and helped to introduce the “Western” tradition into American literature.
The Last of the Mohicans
• The Last of the Mohicans is an epic novel by James Fenimore Cooper, first published in January 1826.
The features of his work
James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯· 费尼莫尔· 库珀 (1789-1851)
• born in a rich family and grew up in Cooperstown
• attended Yale but expelled because of misconduct
• five years at sea • inherited fortune and lived a comfortable life
James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯· 费尼莫尔· 库珀 (17891851)

关于james fenimore Cooper的作文250字

关于james fenimore Cooper的作文250字

关于james fenimore Cooper的作文250字James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)Cooper wrote both novels and social criticism. It is his fiction which has become famous, but it is worth remembering that he also wrote books criticizing the shortcomings of democracy in his own country. He is the first important writer to be critical of the United States and his fiction is much more memorable. Cooper made the American conscious of his past, and made the European conscious of America.His Works: “Precaution”(1820), a pseudo-British domestic tale, whose chief virtue was its lesson to Cooper that he should attempt hereafter only native material. After a single false step with“Precaution”, an imitative novel of British life, he had only one answer to what an American novelist should write about: he should use his art to acquaint all mankind with American facts and American ideas. He captured and preserved the forest for us in his vivid, imaginative landscapes, and the men who roamed that forest. “The Spy" (1821) was a rousing tale about espionage against the British during the Revolutionary War. An adventure tale of the neutral ground about New York City during the British occupation, it is still one of the best romances of the Revolution.Cooper launched two kinds of immensely popular stories: 1) the sea adventure tale, and 2) the frontier saga. The best of his many sea romances was“The Pilot'(1824). The hero of the novel represents John Paul Jones, the great naval fighter of the Revolutionary War. Cooper's enduring fame rests on his frontier stories, especially the five novels:the Leatherstocking Tales (Series)--"The Deerslayer”(1841),“The Last of theMohicans" (1826),“The Pathfinder" (1840),“The Pioneers”(1823) and“The Prairie”(1827),in that ordr--tell the tale of their central character Natty Bumppo,backwoodsman and wilderness scout, homespun philosopher and deadshot,personification of the democrat's ideal of the democratic man. Natty is a fictional character, based on certain originals remembered from the author's boyhood, who “possessed lttle of civilization but its highest principles, as they are exhibited in the uneducated, and all of savage life that is not incompatible with these great rules of conduct.”Here, embodied in a clear-cut romantic type, is the American moral ideal.All of Cooper's social criticism derives from this norm, which was, like that of the carlier American thinking, both religious and political ininspiration.Natty, a frontiersman whose actions were shaped by the forest in which he lived, seems to be related in some way to the deepest meaning of the American experience itself. His greatest gift is a reverence for life, a deep understanding of the genius of man. His friendship with Chingachgook is symbolic of Hawkeye's understanding of the differences that exist between peoples. (Chingachgook symbolizes the aboriginal life and culture of America.) The friendship between the two men, which runs through all five Leatherstocking Tales, is one of the great friendships of literature, and it exists because of, not in spite of, their contrasting differences.。



James Fenimore Cooper
America’s first successful popular novelist; the first border writer Created a myth about the formative period of American nation Helped introduce the “Western” tradition into American literature
31岁时开始写小说。第1部小说《戒备》(The Precaution )于1820年自费出版,很不成功。在妻子鼓励下,他改变方 向,写了一部他认为“应当是纯粹美国式的以爱国为主题的 书”,即《间谍》(The Spy)。小说在1821年出版后受到 欢迎。以后又写了反映边疆生活的《皮袜子故事集》(“皮 袜子”是小说主人公纳蒂· 班波的绰号五部曲:《拓荒者》 (The Pioneers,1823)、《最后的莫希干人》(The Last of the Mohicans, 1826)、《草原》(The Prairie, 1827)、 《探路者》(The Pathfinder, 1840)和《杀鹿人》(The Deer-slayer, 1841)以及反映航海生活的《舵手》(The Pilot,1824),在美国文学史上开创了3种不同类型的小说, 即革命历史小说《间谍》、边疆冒险小说《拓荒者》和海上 冒险小说《舵手》。 库珀在30年创作生涯中写了50多部小说和其他著作。他 最有成就的作品,如《皮袜子故事集》五部曲,对美国的西 部小说产生很大影响,至今仍拥有不少读者。
• 导演: 迈克尔· 曼 编剧: 迈克尔· 曼 / Christopher Crowe 主演: 丹尼尔· 戴-刘易斯 / 玛德 琳· 斯托 / 拉塞尔· 敏斯 / 埃里 克· 施维克 / 乔迪· 梅 类型: 冒险 / 爱情 / 战争 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 / 法语 / 摩霍克语 上映日期: 1992-09-25 片长: 112 分钟 / USA: 117 分 钟(director's cut) 又名: 最后的摩根战士 / 大地英 豪 / 最后一个莫希干人


Completed two novels: The Prairie (1827) and The Red Rover (1827).
Involved in European issues, and wrote serious articles about European politics, detached from his American readers
Natty Bumppo
Natty Bumppo, Cooper’s most famous creation, nicked named Leather-Stocking by the Templeton settlers
With his friend, John Mohegan, a Delaware who has lost not only his land but also his Indian name, chingachgook, represents all dispossessed American Indians.
Return to His Origins
Returned to New York with his family in 1833 Move his family back to his boyhood home—
Cooperstown Completed A Letter to His Countrymen (1834-35) The Monikins (1845), a satire Based on his observations in Europe, he wrote a
Civilization vs. wilderness.
An American Author in Europe

james fenimore cooper

james fenimore cooper
The French and Indian War is the war between Great Britain and France in North America from 1754 to 1763. In 1756, the war erupted into the world-wide conflict known as the Seven Years' War and thus came to be regarded as the North American theater of that war.
The Last of the Mohicans is an epic novel by James Fenimore Cooper, first published in January 1826.
It is the most famous of the Leatherstocking Tales. It was one of the most popular English-language novels of its time, and helped establish Cooper as one of the first world-famous American writers.
In his lifetime Cooper wrote thirty-two novels, eight of which are set in the frontiers he and his family had known. At the age of thirty, his first novel was written for a dare from his wife.
2.The changing idea of family 3.The role of religion in the wildness








然而随着美国独立运动与民族意识的增强,其文学也在努力探索有别于英国的独特发展方向,詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀(James Fenimore Cooper,1789—1851)就是这一时期的引领者。





库珀最成功的作品就是“皮袜子系列”小说(The Leatherstocking Tales),其中包括《拓荒者》(The Pioneer, 1823)、《最后的莫希干人》(The Last of the Mohicans, 1826)、《大草原》(The Prairie, 1827)、《探路人》(The Pathfinder, 1840)以及《杀鹿人》(The Deerslayer, 1841)共五部作品。





1.2 Later life
to the Unites States, living first in New York City and then in Cooperstown in 1833 earned less from his books but was forced to go on writing for income during the last decades of his life died of dropsy at Otsego Hall in 1851

Personal experience Literary contributions Themes Writing style Social significance Influence (by and on)
Photograph by Mathew Brady c.1850
Statue in Cooperstown, New York.
5.Social significance

a prolific and popular American writer of the early 19th century. a master of adventurous narrative and the creator of an American hero-myth. One of the representative writers at the American Early Romantic Period with Washington Irving.

Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. (1) interracial love and friendship (2) literal and metaphorical nature (3) the role of religion in the wilderness (4) the changing idea of family


A deep friendship between a white man and an Indian was something completely new in Cooper’s day. Indians were often seen as savages and enemies.
The westward movement of American civilization
How to protect our culture? Dialects, ethnic clothing, traditional festivals, ancient buildings.
The cruelty of the wars.
✓ Peace and development
General Webb General Munro Alice Munro
Cora Munro
General Montcalm Major Heyward
Magua Tamemund
Chingachgቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱok
Fort Henry
Hudson River
Fort Edward
The last of the Mohicans is his best-known work.
Cooper knew that the world of the American Indians was destined to disappear. The westward movement of American civilization could not be stopped.
Thick Forest



英语文学阅读书单1.Washington Irving (1783-1859)The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.1819-1820 见闻札记包括 Rip Van Winkle 和 The legend of the Sleepy Hollow睡谷的故事2.James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)The Last of the Mohicans 最后的莫西干人3.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)LigeiaThe Fall of the House of Usher 鄂谢府的崩溃Selected Tales 爱伦坡短篇小说选集4.Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)Young Goodman Brown 好青年布朗The Scarlet Letter红字如何评价霍桑的《红字》? - 陈小圆的回答The Minister’s Black Veil 教长的黑面纱5. Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896)Uncle Tom's Cabin 汤姆叔叔的小屋6. Frederick Douglass (1818-1895)Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass 一个美国黑奴的自传7. Henry David Thoreau(1817-1862)Walden 瓦尔登湖8.Herman Melville (1819-1891)Moby Dick 白鲸Bartleby the Scrivener 巴托比文书9.Mark Twain (1835-1910)The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈克贝利·费恩历险记10.Henry James (1843-1916)Daisy Miller 黛西·米勒The Portrait of a Lady 贵妇画像The Turn of the Screw 螺丝在拧紧11.Kate Chopin (1851-1904)The Story of An HourThe Awakening 觉醒12.Sarah Orne Jewett (1849-1909)A White Heron13.Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935)The Yellow Wall Paper14.Stephen Crane (1871-1900)The Open Boat15.Sherwood Anderson (1874-1946)Winesburg, Ohio 俄亥俄,温斯堡小镇16.Katherine Anne Porter (1890-1980) “He”17. Mary Wilkins Freeman (1852-1930) The Revolt of “Mother”Old Woman Magoun18. Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)An American Tragedy 美国悲剧Sister Carrie 嘉莉妹妹Jennie Gerhardt 珍妮姑娘The Financier 金融家19. Edith Wharton (1862-1937)The Age of Innocence 纯真年代The House of Mirth 欢乐之家20. Jack London (1876-1916)The Call of the Wild 野性的呼唤To Build a Fire。

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James Fenimore Cooper
⏹One of America’s first great novelists - he helped to create a sense of American history
through his writings.
⏹Cooper was influenced by nature and wrote about it frequently in his novels.
⏹Also influenced by and wrote about places in the Hudson River Valley, such as the Van
Wyck House.
James Fenimore Cooper
(September 15, 1789-September 14, 1851)
⏹Born in Burlington, NJ, to a wealthy, landowning judge (William Cooper)
⏹Attended Yale University at age 13 but was expelled in his third year
⏹Sent to sea as a merchant marine
⏹Served three years in the US Navy
⏹Married Susan DeLancey in 1811 and settled down as a farmer
⏹The couple moved abroad, but he defended American democracy while overseas
⏹Cooper’s views were considered “conservative” and “aristocratic” – made him unpopular ⏹His works were more popular overseas than in America
⏹His novels are said to “engage historical themes”
⏹Helped to form the popular view of American history
⏹Cooper died in 1851,
⏹Historical Context
⏹Grew up during the dawn of the 19th Century, when Americans were occupying, clearing,
and farming more land than ever before.
⏹After the American Revolution, Americans experienced unprecedented and accelerating
social and environmental changes.
⏹Historical Context
⏹The wilderness was his earliest and most important teacher
⏹He made a good income selling his works.
⏹Historical Context
⏹The Native Americans that Cooper wrote about impacted American fiction, but were
wildly unrealistic.
⏹Cooper did not have much interaction with Indians, and those which he
described were unlike any that could be found.
⏹Born in 1789, Cooper grew up in Cooperstown, NY
⏹Cooperstown: wooded hills surrounding Lake Otsego
⏹Cooper spent a great deal of time exploring the frontier, which had a significant impact
on his writings.
⏹Spent his youth partly on the family estate on the shores of Otsego Lake
⏹Roamed through the forests and developed a love of nature
⏹Nature was evident in many of his writings:
⏹The Deerslayer, The Last of the Mohicans, The Pathfinder, The Pioneers, and The
⏹Major Literary Works
⏹Cooper wrote more than 30 novels
⏹Works include:
⏹The Spy –1821
⏹The Last of the Mohicans 1826
⏹The Red Rover – 1827
⏹Notions of the Americans –1828
⏹The Water Witch – 1830
⏹ A Letter to His Countrymen - 1834
⏹The American Democrat –1838
⏹The Chainbearer - 1845
⏹The Redskins - 1846。
