高k栅介质AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT器件特性研究【摘要】高性能AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件在高温、微波大功率应用上拥有明显的优势,然而AlGaN/GaN异质结HEMT器件仍然存在着界面缺陷、栅泄漏电流较大和电流崩塌效应等问题,严重限制了高频、大功率及高温可靠性。
本文首先对高k栅介质AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT器件进行了仿真特性分析,通过MOSHEMT与常规的肖特基栅器件的对比,MOS结构能够使器件获得更大的饱和电流,更高的截止频率,但栅介质的插入会影响栅控能力,即引起器件跨导下降和阈值电压负方向移动。
在此基础上,作者还研究了相同结构,不同介质层厚度、不同介电常数材料以及温度对MOS-HEMT器件的特性影响,结果表明,氧化层厚度的... 更多还原【Abstract】 High-performance GaN-based high-electronmobility transistors (HEMTs) have shown outstanding performance for high-temperature, high-power andhigh-frequency applications. However, they also have many questions, such as defect states, the larger gate leakage current and current collapse, which would seriously limit device reliability.To solve this problem, signifcant progress has been made on AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor high electron mobility transistors (MOS-HEMTs) using SiO2, Si3N4 as t... 更多还原【关键词】AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT;高k栅介质;ATLAS;【Key words】AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT;high-k gate dielectric;ATLAS;摘要3-4Abstract 4-5第一章绪论8-161.1 AlGaN/GaN HEMT 器件的研究进展8-111.1.1 GaN 材料在微波功率器件方面的优势8-101.1.2 GaN 基HEMT 器件的研究进展10-111.2 AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT 器件的研究意义11-141.2.1 AlGaN/GaN-MOS-HEMT 器件的研究进展11-131.2.2 新型MOS-HEMT 栅介质材料的选择13-141.3 本论文研究内容14-16第二章MOS-HEMT 器件基本原理16-262.1 AlGaN/GaN 异质结材料的极化效应16-192.2 MOS-HEMT 器件的结构与制备19-222.2.1 AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT 器件的基本结构19-202.2.2 AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT 器件的制备20-212.2.3 高k 栅介质的制备工艺21-222.3 AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT 的工作机理22-252.3.1 器件直流特性22-242.3.2 器件频率特性24-252.4 本章小结25-26第三章GaN 基器件仿真工具与基本模型26-383.1 GaN 基器件仿真的软件平台26-283.1.1 TCAD 工具简介26-273.1.2 器件仿真软件ATLAS 概述27-283.2 基本材料参数的设置28-293.3 ATLAS 中的方程与物理模型29-333.4 模拟MOS-HEMT 器件的研究方法33-363.4.1 极化效应333.4.2 电极的定义33-363.5 本章小结36-38第四章AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT 器件基本特性仿真38-484.1 模拟的MOS-HEMT 器件基本结构38-394.2 MOS-HEMT 器件仿真特性分析39-414.3 不同参数对MOS-HEMT 器件特性的影响41-454.3.1 栅氧化层厚度变化的影响41-434.3.2 介电常数变化的影响43-454.4 GaN 基MOS-HEMT 器件温度特性模拟45-474.5 本章小结47-48第五章Hf 基高k 栅介质MOS-HEMT 器件特性研究48-545.1 Hf 基高k 栅介质的材料特性48-495.2 HfSiO/AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT 器件特性49-535.2.1 器件结构及制备49-505.2.2 器件特性分析50-535.3 本章小结53-54第六章结束语54-56致谢56-58参考文献。
微波场板GaN HEMTs大信号特性及其模型研究
h i g h e l e c t r o n mo b i l i t y t r a n s i s t o r s ( Ga N HE MT s ) wi t h g a t e a n d s o u r c e f i e l d p l a t e s i s p r e s e n t e d i n t h i s P a p e r . T h i s
《AlGaN-GaN MOS(MIS)HEMT中电子迁移率及Ⅰ-Ⅴ输出特性》篇一AlGaN-GaN MOS(MIS)HEMT中电子迁移率及Ⅰ-Ⅴ输出特性AlGaN/GaN MOS(MIS)HEMT中的电子迁移率及Ⅰ-Ⅴ输出特性的研究一、引言AlGaN/GaN 高电子迁移率晶体管(High Electron Mobility Transistor,简称HEMT)作为一种重要的半导体器件,广泛应用于高频、高功率和射频等领域。
本文将就AlGaN/GaN MOS (Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor HEMT)结构中电子迁移率及Ⅰ-Ⅴ输出特性的相关研究进行详细阐述。
二、AlGaN/GaN MOS HEMT结构及工作原理AlGaN/GaN MOS HEMT是一种利用AlGaN/GaN异质结界面处二维电子气(2DEG)的半导体器件。
在AlGaN/GaN MOS HEMT中,电子迁移率受到材料质量、界面质量以及外加电场等多种因素的影响。
在论文中,首先介绍了GaN材料作为第三代半导体的优势和基本的特性参数,同时对GaN材料在各个领域的应用潜力、AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(High Electron Mobility Transistor,HEMT)器件的结构发展与研究现状进行了简单的陈述。
其次,详细介绍了AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件的结构和工作原理,并对器件的耐压机理与常用的技术手段进行简单的分析。
同时详细的介绍了Silvaco TCAD器件仿真工具的运行架构与常见的数学物理模型,为后续的器件模型建立与仿真结果分析打下了理论基础。
随后,较为详细的介绍了本论文在实际AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件制备过程中涉及到的工艺流程与常见器件测试分析技术手段与方法。
然后,通过ISE TCAD器件仿真软件对具有阶梯型AlGaN外延层AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件进行器件特性和工艺仿真,为后续新型器件的制备提供了指导。
其中,通过软件仿真设计实现了具有阶梯型AlGaN外延层AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件相比于传统结构击穿电压从60V提高至105V;实际器件工艺制备实现了击穿电压为621V的具有阶梯型AlGaN外延层AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件,相比于传统结构器件击穿电压增幅为309%。
第29卷 第6期2008年6月半 导 体 学 报JOU R NA L OF SEM ICO N DU CT OR SVo l.29 No.6June,2008Corresponding author.Email:ch entsh @Received 14December 2007,revised manus cript r eceived 11J anu ary 20082008Chinese Institute of Electronics14W X Band AlGaN/GaN HEMT Power MMICsChen Tangsheng,Zhang Bin,Ren Chunjiang,Jiao Gang,Zheng Weibin,and Chen Chen(N ational K e y L aborator y of M onolithic Integ rated Circuits and M od ules ,N anj ing E lectronic Dev ices Institute ,Nanj ing 210016,China )Abstract:T he dev elo pment o f an A lG aN/G aN HEM T pow er M M IC o n SI SiC de sig ne d in micr o str ip techno lo gy is pres ente d.A r ecessed g ate a nd a fie ld plate ar e use d in the de vice pro cessing to im pr o ve the per f or mance o f the A lG aN /G aN HEM T s.S para meter mea sur ements sh ow th at the fr equency per fo rm ance of the AlG aN /G aN HEM T s de pe nds signifi ca nt ly o n the o pe rat ing v oltag e.Higher oper ating v oltage is a key to higher pow er g ain f o r the A lG a N/G aN H EM Ts.T he dev eloped 2 stage pow er M M I C deliv ers a n o utput po wer of mo r e than 10W w ith o ver 12dB po w er ga in acr oss the band o f 9~11G Hz at a dr ain bias o f 30V.Peak o utput pow er inside the band re aches 14.7W w ith a po we r g ain of 13 7dB and a PA E o f 23%.T he M M I C chip size is only 2 0m m 1 1mm.T his wo rk sho w s super io r ity ov er pr evio usly r epor ted X ba nd AlG aN /G aN HEM T pow er M M ICs in o utput po we r per millimete r g ate w idth and output po wer per unit chip size.Key words:X band;A lG a N/G aN ;HEM T s;pow er M M IC EEAC C:2560C LC number:T N325 3 Document code:A Article ID:0253 4177(2008)06 1027 041 IntroductionAlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (H EMT s )are prom ising for nex t generation high pow er and hig h frequency applicatio ns due to the ex cel lent transport pro perties o f AlGaN /GaN heterostruc ture g row n on SI SiC substrate.Key features are that AlGaN/GaN H EMT s can deliver high o utput pow er density ,oper ate at high vo ltag es,and show high o utput impedance,w hich is important for hig her output pow er lev el,hig her pow er added efficiency,and w ide band matching ,respectively.Pow er mo no lithic m icrow ave integrated circuits (M M IC )are an impo rtant kind of solid state microw ave pow er device due to their smaller size,higher uniform ity ,hig her pow er gain,and higher reliability.AlGaN/GaN H EMT M MICs hav e received rapidly g row ing interest in the research comm uni ty [1~4].Usually microstrip technolo gy [1,3,4]and coplanar w ave guide (CPW)technolo gy [2]ar e used to design pow er MM pared w ith CPW techno logy ,Al GaN/GaN H EM T M MICs desig ned in microstr ip tech nolo gy,w hich is w idely used in the design of GaAs pow er M MICs,have much sm aller chip size and simpler RF gr ounding schemes.In this paper,a m icrostrip tw o stage high pow er AlGaN /GaN H EM T M M IC is pr es ented that oper ates betw een 9 0and 11 0GH z w ith more than a 12dB pow er g ain,and has a 14 7W peak pulsed output pow er inside the band and a chip size ofonly 2 2m m 2.2 Frequ ency performances of AlGaN/G aNH EMT sT he M M IC pr ocess has been reported prev io us ly [6,7].T he AlGaN/GaN epitax ial lay er s are gr ow n on SI SiC substrate.A recessed g ate and a field plate are used in A lGaN/GaN H EM T s pro cessing to im prove dev ice perform ance.Via ho le g rounding is realized using inductively co upled plasma (ICP)r eactiv e ion etching.T he g ate leng th is 0 35 m and the field plate is chosen to be 0 5 m to balance the pow er and fr equency perform ances.T he pinch o ff vo ltag e of the AlGaN /GaN H E M T s is about -2 0V.The S pa rameter measurem ent is used to evaluate the frequency perform ance of the developed AlGaN/GaN H EM T s w ith a gate w idth of 0 2mm.Fig ur es 1and 2showtheF ig.1 Var iatio n o f C g s with drain vo ltag e at differ ent g at e biases半 导 体 学 报第29卷variation o f C gs and C gd w ith drain v oltag e at different gate biases,respectively.As drain v oltage increases,C gd decreases rapidly but C gs incr eases g radually.The deep ex tensio n of the high field r eg ion tow ar d the dr ain electr ode leads to the deep decrease of C gd [8].The variatio ns of current gain cut off frequency f Tand max imum oscillation frequency f M AX w ith drain voltage at different gate biases are g iven in Figs.3and 4,respectively.As drain vo ltag e increases around the no rmal g ate bias of about -1 2V,f T decreases w hile f MA X increases rapidly.The analysis of the variatio n of frequency per form ance w ith drain voltage sug gests that higher oper ating voltage is a key to hig her pow er g ain fo r AlGaN/GaN H EM Ts.F ig.4 Var iation of f M AX w ith drain vo ltag e at differ ent gat ebiasesF ig.5 Photog r aph of the develo ped A lG aN /Ga NH EM T po wer M MI C3 Circuit design of the AlGaN/GaNHEMT power MMICThe AlGaN/GaN H EM T pow er MM IC is de signed in m icrostrip technolo gy as a tw o stage am pli fier based on 4tr ansistors w ith 6 100 m gate w idth as the output stage and one transistor w ith 8 125 m gate w idth as the driving stag e.Figure 5show s the photog raph of the developed AlGaN/GaN H EM T po w er MM IC.T he chip size is only 2 0mm 1 1m m.The thickness o f the chip is 0 8mm.The MM IC desig n is based on S parameter measur em ents and load pull measurements of the unit cell AlGaN/GaN H EM Ts.The o utput m atching circuit is o ptimized for m ax imum output pow er in the frequency rang e from 8 5to 11 5GH z.In the g ate bias netw orks,resistor s ar e used to improv e decoupling.Resistors in the MM IC ar e r eal ized using an active layer o f the epitax ial structure.4 Results and discussionT he developed M M IC chip is attached to a co pper carr ier fo r RF perform ance m easurem ents.T he C W m easured S param eters o f the X band M M IC at a dr ain bias of 15V is illustr ated in Fig 6.Pow er per fo rm ances o f the M M IC are m easured in pulsed m ode.T he pulse w idth and the duty cycle ar e 100sFig.6 CW measured S par amet ers of the X band M M IC at a drain bias of 15V1028第6期Chen T ang sheng et al.: 14W X Band A lGa N/GaN H EM T Po wer M MICsFig.7 Pulsed output pow er as a function of fr equency at different input pow er levels and a dra in bias o f30V P o ut> 40dBm across the band of9~11G H zand10%,respectively.Figure7presents the pulsed output pow er as a function of frequency w ith different input pow er levels under30V operating vo ltag e.T he X band M MIC delivers gr eater than10W output pow er across the band of9~11GH z w hen the input pow er lev el is28dBm.The M M IC demonstrates a sm all signal gain of m ore than17 2dB at an input pow er lev el of 10dBm inside9~11GH z.Co mpared w ith the result fro m Fig 6,the developed M MIC reveals higher small signal gain in pulsed m ode oper ation.Pulsed o utput pow er performance o f the X band MM IC as a function of input pow er lev els a10 4GH z is illustrated in Fig 8.T he developed M M IC exhibits a m ax imum out put po w er of14 7W and a pow er g ain o f13 7dB at an input pow er lev el of28dBm and a dr ain voltage of 30V.The output pow er leads to a pow er density of6 1W/mm at the M MIC level and a pow er density of7 6W/mm at the tr ansisto r level,w hich is close to the results o f discr ete AlGaN/GaN H EM Ts[6].In this case,the sm all signal g ain is about18 5dB,the asso ci ated pow er added efficiency(PAE)is23%,and the MM IC is at abo ut5dB g ain com pression.Considering the2 2m m2chip size,the output pow er per unit chip size reaches6 68W/mm2.A co mparison o f perform ances of X band AlGaN/GaN H EM T M M ICs is g iv en in T able1.T his w o rk show s super io rity inoutput F ig.8 Pulsed o utput pow er per for mances of the X band M M IC as a funct ion of input power level at10 4G Hz and a drain vo ltag e o f30V P max=41 7dBm(14.7W)po w er per millimeter gate w idth and output pow er per unit chip size.5 ConclusionAn AlGaN/GaN H EM T pow er M MIC desig ned in microstrip technolo gy o n SI SiC substrate is presented. The chip size is only2 0mm 1 1mm.S parameter measurements show that frequency perfo rmances o f the AlGaN/GaN H EMT s depend sig nificantly on oper ating voltage.H igher operating vo ltag e is a key to hig her pow er gain for the A lGaN/GaN H EM Ts.T he developed tw o stag e MM IC operates acro ss the band o f 9~11GH z and delivers a peak pulsed output pow er o f 14 7W with a pow er gain o f13 7dB and a PAE o f23% at10 4GH z and30V o perating pared w ith pr evio usly repor ted results of X band AlGaN/GaN H EMT po wer M MICs,this w ork show s superiority in output pow er per millim eter gate w idth and output po w er per unit chip size.Acknowledgments The authors w ould like to thank Pro f.Wang Xiao liang fro m the Institute of Semicon ductors,Chinese Academy of Sciences for suppor t w ith the GaN epitax ial w afers.Additio nally,thanks are giv en to Zhang Zheng,Xu Xiao le and Geng T ao fo r their pr ocessing assistance.T able1 Compariso n of perfor mances of X band A lGaN/G aN H EM T M M ICsReference P o ut/WGp/d BPAE/%Frequ ency/GH zDrainbias/VChip siz e/(m m mm)P out density/(W/mm)P o ut den sity/(W/mm2)M easurementcondition[4]25.414.82110303 4.5 2.23 1.8850 s,10%[1]2018309.5353 4 5.0 1.67100 s,10%[3]2012251040 4.5 3 4.16 1.48100 s,10%[5]1911.75431023.5 4.75Pulse mod e Th is w ork14.713.72310.4302 1.1 6.12 6.68100 s,10%1029半 导 体 学 报第29卷References[1] S chuh P,L eberer R,Sledzik H,et al.20W GaN HPAs for next generation X band T/R m odules.IEE E M TT S Diges t,2006:726 [2] Klockenhoff H,Behtash R,W uirfl J,et al.A compact16w att Xband GaN M M IC pow er am plifier.IEEE M T T S Digest,2006:1846[3] Van Raay F,Quay R,Kiefer R,et al.X band high pow er micr os tripAlGaN/GaN H EM T amplifier M M IC s.IEE E M T T S Digest,2006:1368[4] Fanning D M,Witk ow k i L C,Lee C,et al.25W X ban d GaN on S iM M IC.GaAs M ANTECH Conf Proc,2005:227[5] M oon J S,Wong D,Antcliffe M,et al.H igh PAE1mm AlGaN/GaN H EM Ts for20W and43%PAE X band M M IC amplifiers.IEDM Techn ical Diges t,2006[6] Chen T S,Wang X L,Jiao G,et al.Recessed gate AlGaN/GaNH EM Ts w ith field m odulating plate.C hinese Journal of S emicondu ctors,2007,28(Suppl):398(in Ch ines e)[陈堂胜,王晓亮,焦刚,等.凹槽栅场调制板结构AlGaN/GaN H EM T.半导体学报,2007,28(增刊):398][7] Chen T S,Zhang B,Jiao G,et al.X band11W AlGaN/GaNH EM T pow er M M IC s.Proceedings of th e2nd European M icrow ave In tegrated Circuits Conference,M unich,Germany,2007:162 [8] Okamoto Y,And o Y,Nakayam a T,et al.High pow er reces sed gateAlGaN GaN HFET w ith a field m odulatin g plate.IEEE Trans E lectron Devices,2001,51(12):221714W X波段AlGaN/GaN HEMT功率MMIC陈堂胜 张 斌 任春江 焦 刚 郑维彬 陈 辰(南京电子器件研究所单片集成电路与模块国家重点实验室,南京 210016)摘要:报道了研制的SiC衬底A lGa N/GaN HEM T微带结构微波功率M M I C,芯片工艺采用凹槽栅场板结构提高A lG aN/GaN HEM T s的微波功率特性.S参数测试结果表明A lGaN/G aN H EM T s的频率特性随器件的工作电压变化显著.研制的该2级功率M M IC在9~11GH z带内30V工作,输出功率大于10W,功率增益大于12dB,带内峰值输出功率达到14 7W,功率增益为13 7dB,功率附加效率为23%,该芯片尺寸仅为2 0mm 1 1mm.与已发表的X波段A lG aN/Ga N H EM T功率M M IC研制结果相比,本项工作在单位毫米栅宽输出功率和芯片单位面积输出功率方面具有优势.关键词:X波段;A lG aN/GaN;高电子迁移率晶体管;功率M M ICEEAC C:2560中图分类号:T N325 3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253 4177(2008)06 1027 04通信作者.Em ail:chentsh@vip.sin 2007 12 14收到,2008 01 11定稿 2008中国电子学会1030。
微波场板GaN HEMTs大信号特性及其模型研究
微波场板GaN HEMTs大信号特性及其模型研究汪昌思;徐跃杭;闻彰;陈志凯;赵晓冬;徐锐敏【摘要】针对栅、源两种场板氮化镓(GaN)高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMTs),提出了一种包含非线性热网络的电热大信号模型.该模型基于电热耦合理论,采用有限元电热仿真方法,提取了两种场板器件的热阻和热容参数,建立了与功耗相关的非线性热网络,并嵌入到改进的Angelov经验模型中;分析了场板结构对微波小信号特性和大信号负载阻抗的影响等.在片测试及仿真结果表明,针对两种场板GaN HEMTs器件,在0~40 GHz频带内,该模型能较精确地预测S参数、输出功率(Pout)、增益(Gain)和功率附加效率(PAE)等参数;为成功地完成电路设计,提供了较为精确的电热大信号模型.%An electro-thermal large-signal model including a nonlinear thermal network for Gallium Nitride high electron mobility transistors (GaN HEMTs) with gate and source field plates is presented in this paper.This model including the nonlinear thermal network with respect to power dissipation is embedded in the improved Angelov model.Based on the electro-thermal principle,the thermal resistance and capacitance for the two field plates of the devices are identified by utilizing the electro-thermal finite element method (FEM) simulations.And the characteristics of small signal and load impedance for the two devices with different field plates have been analyzed in microwave frequency range.Accurate predictions of the quiescent currents,S-parameters up to 40 GHz,and large-signal harmonic performance for the devices with different gate peripheries have been achieved by the proposed model.【期刊名称】《电子科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2017(046)003【总页数】7页(P485-491)【关键词】场板;氮化镓;大信号模型;自热效应;热阻【作者】汪昌思;徐跃杭;闻彰;陈志凯;赵晓冬;徐锐敏【作者单位】电子科技大学电子工程学院成都611731;电子科技大学电子工程学院成都611731;电子科技大学电子工程学院成都611731;电子科技大学电子工程学院成都611731;电子科技大学电子工程学院成都611731;电子科技大学电子工程学院成都611731【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN304.2GaN HEMTs具有功率密度大、电子迁移率高、耐高温等优势,正被广泛应用于微波毫米波通信与雷达系统中[1-2]。
《AlGaN-GaN MOS(MIS)HEMT中电子迁移率及Ⅰ-Ⅴ输出特性》篇一AlGaN-GaN MOS(MIS)HEMT中电子迁移率及Ⅰ-Ⅴ输出特性AlGaN/GaN MOS(MIS)HEMT中电子迁移率及I-V输出特性的研究一、引言在当代的半导体器件领域中,AlGaN/GaN HEMT(高电子迁移率晶体管)因其在高频率、高功率及高温条件下的优秀性能,已被广泛运用于各种高频微波器件、集成电路以及高效率功率转换电路等众多领域。
随着科技的发展,MOS(金属氧化物半导体)结构被引入HEMT器件中,形成了AlGaN/GaN MOS(MIS)HEMT 结构,其性能的进一步优化和提升成为了研究的热点。
本文将重点探讨AlGaN/GaN MOS(MIS)HEMT中的电子迁移率以及I-V输出特性。
在AlGaN/GaN MOS(MIS)HEMT中,电子迁移率受多种因素影响,包括材料的质量、界面状态、温度以及电磁场强度等。
在AlGaN/GaN MOS(MIS)HEMT中,I-V输出特性主要受电子迁移率、栅极电压、源漏电压以及器件结构等因素的影响。
第29卷第6期半导体学报V01.29No.62008年6月JOURNALOFSEMICONDUCTORSJune,200814WX—・BandAIGaN/GaNHEMTPowerMMICsChenTangsheng’,ZhangBin,RenChunjiang,Jia0Gang,ZhengWeibin,andChenChen(NationaiKeyLaboratoryofMonolithicIntegratedCircuitsandModules,NanfingElectronicDevicesInstitute,Nanjing210016,China)Abstract:ThedevelopmentofanAlGaN/GaNHEMTpowerMMIConSI-SiCdesignedinmicrostriptechnologyispres-ented.Arecessed.gateandafield.plateareusedinthedeviceprocessingtoimprovetheperformanceoftheAIGaN/GaNHEMTs.S.parametermeasurementsshowthatthefrequencyperformanceoftheAIGaN/GaNHEMTsdependssignifi—cantlyontheoperatingvoltage.HigheroperatingvoltageisakeytohigherpowergainfortheAIGaN/GaNHEMTs.Thedeveloped2-stagepowerMMICdeliversanoutputpowerofmorethan10Wwithover12dBpowergainacrossthebandof9~11GHzatadrainbiasof30V.Peakoutputpowerinsidethebandreaches14.7Wwithapowergainof13.7dBandaPAEof23%.TheMMICchipsizeisonly2.0mm×1.1ram.ThisworkshowssuperiorityoverpreviouslyreportedX-bandAIGaN/GaNHEMTpowerMMICsinoutputpowerpermillimetergatewidthandoutputpowerperunitchipsize.Keywolds:X・band;AIGaN/GaN;HEMTs;EEACC:2560CLCnumber:TN325.3Docnmentooik:1IntroductionpowerMMICAArticleID:0253.4177(2008)06-1027-04AlGaN/GaNhighelectronmobilitytransistors(HEMTs)arepromisingfornextgenerationhighpowerandhighfrequencyapplicationsduetotheex-cellenttransportpropertiesofAIGaN/GaNhetero-structuregrownonSI.SiCsubstrate.KeyfeaturesarethatAIGaN/GaNHEMTscandeliverhighoutputpowerdensity,operateathighvoltages,andshowhighoutputimpedance・whichisimportantforhigheroutputpowerlevel,higherpower-addedefficiency,andwide.bandmatching,respectively.Powermono-lithicmicrowaveintegratedcircuits(MMIC)areallimportantkindofsolid.statemicrowavepowerdeviceduetotheirsmallersize,higheruniformity,higherpowergain,andhigherreliability.AIGaN/GaNHEMTMMICshavereceivedrapidlygrowinginterestintheresearchcommunity01 ̄4J.Usuallymicrostriptechnology[1’3’4]andcoplanarwaveguide(CPW)technologyc2]areusedtodesignpowerMMICs.Com-paredwithCPWtechnology,甜GaN/GaNHEMTMMICsdesignedinmicrostriptechnology,whichiswidelyusedinthedesignofGaAspowerMMICs。
简述gan hemt器件的外延结构及原理
简述gan hemt器件的外延结构及原理全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:GaN HEMT是一种新型的高频功率半导体器件,具有高频率、高功率、高温稳定性和低损耗等优点,被广泛应用于无线通信、雷达系统、激光和功率放大器等领域。
本文将简要介绍GaN HEMT的外延结构和工作原理。
GaN HEMT的外延结构主要由GaN材料层和AlGaN或InGaN形成的二维电子气层构成。
AlGaN或InGaN则是掺杂在GaN材料中形成二维电子气层的材料,可以调控GaN HEMT的电性能。
在GaN HEMT的工作原理中,主要涉及到二维电子气层的形成和调控。
GaN HEMT的外延结构还包括金属源极和漏极,通过金属接触将外加电压传递到二维电子气层中,实现器件的控制和驱动。
栅极层也是GaN HEMT的关键部分,通过栅极电压调控电子气层的位置和密度,从而调节器件的传输特性。
GaN HEMT的外延结构和工作原理是基于二维电子气层的控制和调控,利用GaN材料的优良性能实现高频、高功率和低损耗的功率器件。
随着半导体技术的不断发展,GaN HEMT将在各种应用领域发挥重要作用,推动无线通信和功率电子领域的进步。
第二篇示例:GaN HEMT(氮化镓高电子迁移率晶体管)器件是一种基于氮化镓材料制造的高性能功率放大器。
在GaN HEMT器件中,外延结构和原理是非常关键的部分,它直接影响着器件的性能和稳定性。
GaN HEMT器件的外延结构一般由氮化镓衬底、氮化镓发泡层、氧化铝绝缘层、金属栅极等部分组成。
高K栅介质AlGaN-GaN MOS-HEMT器件研究
高K栅介质AlGaN-GaN MOS-HEMT器件研究高K栅介质AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT器件研究近年来,随着电子设备的不断发展和网络的飞速发展,人们对高功率、高频率、高性能功率器件的需求越来越高。
其中,金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管 (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Heterostructure Field-Effect Transistor,MOS-HEMT) 作为一种新型的功率器件,以其低电阻、高频响应和较高的开关速度等优点备受关注。
为了解决这个问题,研究人员提出了使用高绝缘常数介质的方法 (High-k Dielectric Approach),即在传统的AlGaN/GaN材料结构中引入具有高绝缘常数的栅介质层。
这种高K栅介质AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT器件,具有更低的输出电容和更高的截止频率,因此其高频性能得到了有效提升。
高K栅介质AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT器件的研究主要包括以下几个方面。
常用的高K栅介质材料包括氮化铝 (AlN)、氧化铝 (Al2O3)和二氧化钛 (TiO2)等。
常见的制备方法包括分子束外延 (MBE)、金属有机化学气相沉积(MOCVD) 和射频磁控溅射等。
此外,研究人员还对高K栅介质AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT器件的电学性能进行了详细的研究。
Al 2O 3绝缘层的Al G a N ΠG a N MOSHEMT器件研究3冯 倩 郝 跃 岳远征(西安电子科技大学微电子研究所,西安 710071)(宽禁带半导体材料与器件教育部重点实验室,西安 710071)(2007年4月21日收到;2007年7月21日收到修改稿) 在研制AlG aN ΠG aN HE MT 器件的基础上,采用A LD 法制备了Al 2O 3AlG aN ΠG aN M OSHE MT 器件.通过X 射线光电子能谱测试表明在AlG aN ΠG aN 异质结材料上成功淀积了Al 2O 3薄膜.根据对HE MT 和M OSHE MT 器件肖特基电容、器件输出以及转移特性的测试进行分析发现:所制备的Al 2O 3薄膜与AlG aN 外延层间界面态密度较小,因而M OSHE MT 器件呈现出较好的栅控性能;其次,该器件的栅压可以加至+3V ,此时的最大饱和电流达到800mA Πmm ,远远高于肖特基栅HE MT 器件的最大输出电流;而且栅漏反偏状态下的泄漏电流却减小了两个数量级,提高了器件的击穿电压,通过进一步分析认为泄漏电流主要来源于F owler 2N ordheim 隧穿.关键词:Al 2O 3,A LD ,G aN ,MOSHE MTPACC :7340N ,7360L ,73303国防预研项目(批准号:51308030102)和西安应用材料创新基金(批准号:X A 2AM 2200616)资助的课题.11引言基于AlG aN ΠG aN 异质结的高电子迁移率晶体管在高温器件及大功率微波器件方面有非常好的应用前景[1].近几年人们在提高HE MT 器件的工作频率、输出功率和增益等方面取得了一定的研究进展,但是肖特基栅过大的泄漏电流不仅降低了器件的击穿电压和功率容限,而且是低频噪声的主要来源[2,3].为了解决这一问题,人们将MOS 结构小的栅漏电、高击穿电压的特点与AlG aN ΠG aN HE MT 大电流的特点相结合,制备了以SiO 2,SiN ,G a 2O 3作为绝缘层的MISHE MT 结构,进一步提高了器件的输出电流,优化了器件的功率特性[4—6].本文采用原子层淀积的方法(A LD )得到了高质量的绝缘介质Al 2O 3,并以此作为绝缘材料制备绝缘栅AlG aN ΠG aN MOSFET 结构,其泄漏电流比传统的HFET 结构小2个数量级,而且提供了一个较大范围的栅偏压,最大可以加到+3V ,这样也有利于得到更高的输出电流、提高输出功率密度.21实验及其样品 本文所用的AlG aN ΠG aN 异质结材料是采用MOC VD 方法在蓝宝石衬底基片(0001)面上外延生长的,NH 3,T MG a ,T MAl ,SiH 4分别作为N 源、G a 源、Al 源和Si 源.其中蓝宝石衬底厚度为330μm ,材料层结构由下而上依次为1μm 未掺杂G aN 外延层,5nm 未掺杂AlG aN 隔离层,14nm Si 掺杂AlG aN 层(Si 掺杂浓度为2×1018cm -3),6nm 未掺杂AlG aN 帽层,其中Al 组分为27%.采用感应耦合等离子体(ICP )刻蚀实现器件有源区的隔离,欧姆接触采用电子束蒸发T i ΠAl ΠNi ΠAu (30nm Π180nm Π40nm Π60nm)图1 M OSFET 和HE MT 截面图第57卷第3期2008年3月100023290Π2008Π57(03)Π1886205物 理 学 报ACT A PHY SIC A SI NIC AV ol.57,N o.3,March ,2008ν2008Chin.Phys.S oc.830℃氮气环境中退火30s ,在制备完欧姆接触后将材料放入AS M Pulsar2000T MA LD 系统中淀积315nm 的Al 2O 3;肖特基接触采用电子束蒸发Ni ΠAu (30nm Π200nm ),样品表面未采用介质钝化.器件源、漏间距为4μm ,栅长为1μm (具体器件结构见图1).实验中所用的X 射线光电子能谱仪是美国PE 公司生产的,型号为PHI5300ESC A ,采用的是Al 的Kα线,功率为250W.图2 AlG aN ΠG aN 异质结淀积Al 2O 3后的XPS 测试与拟合曲线 (a 1)Al2p 测试曲线,(a 2)15°Al2p 拟合曲线,(a 3)65°Al2p 拟合曲线;(b 1)O1s 测试曲线,(b 2)15°O1s 拟合曲线,(b 3)65°O1s 拟合曲线;(c )15°G a3p 测试曲线;(d )65°G a3p 测试曲线31实验结果与讨论 图2给出了AlG aN ΠG aN 外延层在制备Al 2O 3后的XPS 测试结果和拟合曲线(其中15°和65°代表不同的光电子测试角度).通过对图2(a 2),(a 3)的分析,我们看到在两个测试角度下,Al2p 谱线均可以分解为7416eV 处的Al 2N 和74eV 处的Al 2O 两种构成形态谱线的叠加,而Al 2N 峰值强度随着光电子测试角度的增加而减小,但是Al 2O 峰值强度却未随测试角度的改变而发生变化,基本上维持恒定.在图2(b 2)和(b 3)中,O1s 谱线可以分解为53111eV 处的Al 2O 峰以及53218eV 处的G a 2O 峰,G a 2O 峰的峰值强度随着测试角度的改变与Al 2N 峰的变化情况相一致,我们认为这是由于当测试角度为15°时,更多的AlG aN 层的原子被轰击出来而探测到,随着角度的增加所测得的结果更接近于表面薄膜的组成,所以Al 2N 峰和G a 2O 峰的峰值强度有所减小;进而对G a3p 谱的峰值强度进行测试,也呈现出衰减的趋势,当测试角度为15°时,我们可以清晰地检测到G a3p 峰的存在,但是当角度增加至65°时,则无法检测到G a3p 峰的存在(图2(c )和(d )).从上面的测试分析结果可以看出,在AlG aN ΠG aN 异质结材料的表面的确淀积了一层Al x O y 薄膜,而且在淀积的过程中并没有造成AlG aN 外延层的无序化,最后根据65°测试所得到的O1s 与Al2p 的原子数目比以及所对78813期冯 倩等:Al 2O 3绝缘层的AlG aN ΠG aN M OSHE MT 器件研究应的灵敏度因子0178和01193,可以算出表面淀积的氧化物应为Al 2O 3.图4 M OSHE MT 与HE MT 器件输出、转移特性曲线图3 1MH z 下栅电容C 2V 测试曲线图3为在1MH z 下,对MOSHE MT 和HE MT 器件栅电容的C 2V 测试曲线.从图中可以看出,不论HE MT 还是MOSHE MT ,当偏置电压为-5V 时都呈现出陡峭的电容变化趋势,由此我们认为在AlG aN 外延层和A LD 制备的Al 2O 3绝缘层间具有良好的界面性质,界面态密度也控制在一定范围内,从图中我们还可以得到HE MT 结构电容在零偏下的电容为4316pF ,而MOSHE MT 结构的电容为3919pF.我们取AlG aN 的介电常数为818,厚度为25nm ,Al 2O 3绝缘介质的介电常数为10,那么由下式计算可以得到,Al 2O 3层的厚度约为214nm ,比预设的315nm 要略小一些,这可能是由于在淀积栅金属前对材料进行化学方法清洗时,对Al 2O 3薄膜也产生了一定程度的腐蚀.1C M OS-HE MT=1C OX+1C HE MT,其中绝缘介质层电容C OX =εO ×εOX ×A Πd OX ,测试的肖特基接触面积大小为A =π×63×63μm 2.从图4MOSHE MT 和HE MT 器件输出特性曲线中可以看出,以Al 2O 3为绝缘介质所制备的MOSHE MT 器件呈现出很好的栅控性能,甚至在栅上的偏置电压可以加至+3V ,最大饱和电流也比常规HE MT 器件高出170mA Πmm.而MOSHE MT 器件的最大直流跨导比HE MT 器件略大一些,但是它的截止电压为-5V ,而常规HE MT 的截止电压仅为-4V ,可以看出尽管介质层的厚度仅为214nm ,但是对2DEG 的控制能力仍有一定的影响,造成截止8881物 理 学 报57卷电压向负方向漂移;但是由于器件可以在较高的正偏压下工作,因而可以引起更多2DEG 电子的积累,使得最大饱和电流有所增加,这两种效应相叠加最终造成MOSHE MT 器件的最大直流跨导略高一些.从图5(a )对肖特基二极管的特性进行测试的曲线可以看出,在室温下,当V gs =-20V 时,MOSHE MT 的泄漏电流仅为0133μA Πmm ,而相同栅长的常规HE MT 器件泄漏电流为56μA Πmm.因而采用Al 2O 3作为MOS 结构的绝缘介质,可使得器件栅反向泄漏电流减小2个数量级,而且HE MT 器件栅上所加电压必须小于2V ,否则会因肖特基接触正偏引起更大的泄漏电流.将该图中MOSHE MT 的肖特基接触特性曲线与文献中的相比较[7,8],发现当栅偏置电压大于零时,绝缘栅肖特基结构的反向泄漏电流快速增加,远远大于文献中的数值.因而我们将这部分数据重新处理,如图5(b )所示.从处理后的数据可以看出,log (J ΠE 2)与1ΠE 基本上满足线性关系,这也就是说由于Al 2O 3绝缘介质层的厚度很薄(仅为214nm ),当MOSHE MT 器件栅上施加正向偏置时,绝缘介质层导带发生倾斜后的最低处仍然高于AlG aN 外延层的导带底,而电子以一定的概率隧穿进入AlG aN 外延层的导带中引起泄漏电流的产生,也就是发生了F owler 2N ordheim 隧穿,而不是直接隧穿,这与Al 2O 3介质比AlG aN 层的导带底高出211eV 紧密相关[9].图5 (a )G aN M OSHE MT 和HE MT 器件肖特基接触特性曲线;(b )log (J ΠE 2)对(1ΠE )作图41结论采用A LD 方法在常规AlG aN ΠG aN HE MT 器件研制基础上制备了MOSHE MT 器件.通过对器件的C 2V 特性和输出、转移特性的测试发现:制备的Al 2O 3介质薄膜与AlG aN 外延层间具有优良的界面性质,界面态密度较小,呈现出较好的栅控性能;MOSHE MT器件栅压可以加至+3V ,此时的输出电流约为800mA Πmm ,也大于常规HE MT 器件的最大输出电流;而栅漏反偏时的泄漏电流却减小了两个数量级,有利于器件击穿电压的提高,通过进一步分析我们认为MOSHE MT 器件的泄漏电流主要来自于F owler 2N ordheim 隧穿.[1]T rew R J ,Shin M W ,G atto V 1997Solid State Electronics 411561[2]Rumyantsev S L ,Pala N ,Shur M S 2000J .Appl .Phys .886726[3]T an W S ,H ouston P A ,Parbrook P J 2002Appl .Phys .Lett 803207[4]K han M a ,Shur M S ,Chen Q C 1994Electron Lett .302175[5]Chang S J 2003J .Electrochem Soc .150C77[6]Chiou Y Z 2003J Vac Sci Technol B 21329[7]T am otsu H ,Sanguan A 2004Japanese J Appl .Lett .43L777[8]K i Y P ,Hyun I C 2003Phys .Stat .Sol .72351[9]T am otsu H ,Sanguan A 2003J .Vac .Sci .Technol .B 21182898813期冯 倩等:Al 2O 3绝缘层的AlG aN ΠG aN M OSHE MT 器件研究0981物 理 学 报57卷Study of Al GaNΠGaN MO SHEMT device withAl2O3insulating film3Feng Qian Hao Y ue Y ue Y uan2Zheng(The Institute o f Microelectronics,Xidian Univer sity,Xi’an 710071,China)(K ey Laboratory o f Ministry o f Education for Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Materials and Devices,Xi’an 710071,China)(Received21April2007;revised manuscript received21July2007)AbstractOn the basis of AlG aNΠG aN HE MT,the AlG aNΠG aN M OSHE MT device was fabricated w ith Al2O3insulating filmfor the first time,which was deposited by A LD.The X2ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements showed success ful deposition of Al2O3 layer on the AlG aNΠG aN film.The results of Schottky capacitance,I2V characteristics and DC trans fer characteristics measurement showed that the interface state density between the AlG aN film and the Al2O3insulating film was fairly low and the M OSHE MT device showed success ful gate control of drain current up to V G S=+3V and achieved drain saturation current of800 m AΠmm,which was much larger than that of the HE MT device.Furtherm ore,the gate leakage current of M OSHE MT is tw o orders lower in the reverse bias condition as com pared w ith the Schottky gate structure,which increased the device breakdown v oltage, while the leakage current was g overned by the F ow ler2N ordheim tunneling mechanism.K eyw ords:Al2O3,A LD,G aN,M OSHE MTPACC:7340N,7360L,73303Project supported by the National Advanced Research Program(G rant N o.51308030102)and X i’an Applied M aterials Innovation Fund(G rant N o.X A2 AM2200616).。
电场调制新型AlGaN-GaN HEMTs器件设计及关键技术
电场调制新型AlGaN-GaN HEMTs器件设计及关键技术电场调制新型AlGaN/GaN HEMTs器件设计及关键技术摘要:AlGaN/GaN HEMTs(High Electron Mobility Transistors)是当前高频功率放大器和开关电路中最重要的器件之一。
本文基于电场调制设计思想,探讨了新型AlGaN/GaN HEMTs的器件设计及关键技术。
一、引言AlGaN/GaN HEMTs是由铝镓氮化物(AlGaN)组成的沟道层和氮化镓(GaN)组成的电子隔离层构成的高电子迁移率(High Electron Mobility)晶体管。
然而,传统的AlGaN/GaN HEMTs在高电场下易产生漏电流,引起器件功率损耗,并且容易受到温度与功率耦合效应的影响。
二、设计原理电场调制是通过增加栅压调制电场的方式,从而改变AlGaN/GaN HEMTs的导型和迁移率的电场效应。
三、器件设计及关键技术1. 沟道设计:通过优化沟道宽度和长度,可以减小漏电流,提高其功率特性。
对于新型AlGaN/GaN HEMTs,通过电场调制实现功率损耗的最小化。
2. 栅极设计:采用金属栅极结构,提高器件的性能稳定性。
3. 衬底设计:选择适当的衬底材料和衬底厚度,通过降低衬底电阻和优化衬底氧化层的设计,可以减小功率损耗并提高器件的效率。
Al G a N ΠG a N 槽栅HEMT 模拟与实验研究3王 冲 全 思 张金凤 郝 跃 冯 倩 陈军峰(西安电子科技大学微电子研究所,西安 710071)(宽禁带半导体材料与器件教育部重点实验室,西安 710071)(2008年3月14日收到;2008年9月9日收到修改稿) 分析了栅槽深度对AlG aN ΠG aN HE MT 特性的影响,并对不同栅槽深度的器件特性进行了模拟,得到了器件饱和电流、最大跨导和阈值电压随栅槽深度的变化规律.当槽栅深度增大,器件饱和电流逐渐下降,而最大跨导逐渐增大,阈值电压向X 轴正方向移动.研制出不同栅槽深度的蓝宝石衬底AlG aN ΠG aN HE MT ,用实验数据验证了得到的不同栅槽深度器件特性变化规律.从刻蚀损伤和刻蚀引入界面态的角度分析了模拟与实验规律产生差别的原因.关键词:高电子迁移率晶体管,AlG aN ΠG aN ,槽栅器件PACC :7300,7320D ,7360L3国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号:60736033)资助的课题. E 2mail :wangchong197810@11引言基于AlG aN ΠG aN 异质结的高电子迁移率晶体管(HE MT )在高温器件及大功率微波器件方面已显示出了优势[1,2],槽栅及介质栅等进一步提高性能的器件结构逐渐成为研究的热点.刻蚀掉AlG aN ΠG aN 异质结的一部分AlG aN 层制作槽栅结构,有利于肖特基结更好的控制沟道二维电子气(2DEG ),从而提高器件跨导[3],Lan ford 等人采用槽栅结构来实现增强型器件[4].但肖特基栅制作在被刻蚀的AlG aN 层上,刻蚀损伤会引起栅泄漏电流的增大及界面态的产生[5].Nakayama 等研制了槽栅MOS 场板结构的HE MT ,器件总功率达到140W [6].国内近些年也有AlG aN ΠG aN 槽栅HE MT 研究的报道[7].文章在对AlG aN ΠG aN 槽栅HE MT 理论研究的基础上,进一步实验研究了不同槽栅深度与器件特性的关系,得到了在变化的栅槽深度下器件饱和电流、最大跨导和阈值电压等参数的变化规律,并分析了实验与模拟数据产生差异的原因.21器件制作 采用MOC VD 方法在蓝宝石衬底基片(0001)面上外延生长了AlG aN ΠG aN 异质结.蓝宝石衬底厚度为330μm ,材料层结构由下而上依次为3μm 未掺杂G aN 外延层,5nm 未掺杂AlG aN 隔离层,12nm Si 掺杂AlG aN 层(Si 掺杂浓度2×1018cm -3),5nm 未掺杂AlG aN 帽层.P L 谱测量后计算得到的AlG aN 层Al 组分为27%(Al 0127G a 0173N ).Hall 效应测量显示,室温下蓝宝石衬底上生长的材料2DEG 迁移率μ和面密度N s 分别为1267cm 2ΠVs 和1112×1013cm -2.槽栅HE MT 器件结构如图1所示.图1 槽栅AlG aN ΠG aN HE MT 结构图器件台面隔离采用感应耦合等离子体(ICP )干法刻蚀,刻蚀深度为150nm ,刻蚀速率为100nm Πmin ;源漏欧姆接触采用T i ΠAl ΠNi ΠAu (30nm Π180nm Π40nm Π60nm )850℃N 2中退火.在做好栅掩模后采用第58卷第3期2009年3月100023290Π2009Π58(03)Π1966205物 理 学 报ACT A PHY SIC A SI NIC AV ol.58,N o.3,March ,2009ν2009Chin.Phys.S oc.图2 槽栅局部AFM 图ICP 干法刻蚀不同深度的栅槽,栅槽深度选择5nm ,图3 AlG aN ΠG aN 异质结导带随栅槽深度的变化(曲线1,2分别为导带底和费米能级)10nm ,15nm 三个深度,刻蚀速率为011nm Πs ,刻蚀偏压为50V.做完栅槽刻蚀后,继续采用栅槽刻蚀掩模用电子束蒸发的方法进行栅金属蒸发,而后剥离形成栅电极,栅金属采用Ni ΠAu (30nm Π200nm ).制备的AlG aN ΠG aN HE MT 栅长为1μm ,栅宽为100μm ,源漏间距为4μm.传输线模型(T LM )结构宽度为100μm ,测试结构与HE MT 在同一片材料上制作,并规则地分布于器件周围,T LM 计算得到接触电阻R c 为0163Ω・mm ,比接触电阻112×10-5Ω・cm 2.使用HP4156B 精密半导体参数测试仪测试了器件直流特性.采用Agilent5500原子力显微镜(AFM )观察了槽栅局部结构,如图2所示,同时测量得到栅槽深度.31模拟讨论和实验结果 AlG aN ΠG aN HE MT 源漏之间的主要电导由2DEG 导电沟道提供,由AlG aN 势垒层上的肖特基栅施加偏压来改变耗尽区的厚度,从而控制沟道2DEG 及器件的工作状态.当对器件进行槽栅刻蚀后,2DEG 密度和栅到沟道的距离都会发生的变化,减小肖特基栅到沟道的距离能提高栅控能力而提高器件跨导,同时器件阈值电压也发生变化,所以研究栅槽深度对器件特性参数的影响很有必要.在短栅长器件电流达到饱和时,源漏饱和电流和跨导可表示为[8]I Dsat =qW D μnL∫V g VTn 2D (u )d u ,(1)G m =ε0ε1W D V satd(2)(1),(2)式中W D 为栅宽,L 为栅长,μn 为迁移率,n 2D 为二维电子气密度,V g 为栅压,d 为AlG aN 层厚度,ε0和ε1分别为空气和AlG aN 的介电常数,V sat 为饱和电子速度,V T 为阈值电压,V T 可表示为[9]V T =ΦB -ΔE Cq-qN D (d -d i )22ε0ε1-σpolε0ε1d ,(3)76913期王 冲等:AlG aN ΠG aN 槽栅HE MT 模拟与实验研究其中σpol 为极化电荷,q 为电子电量,q ΦB 为肖特基势垒高度,ΔE C 为导带不连续性,N D 为AlG aN 掺杂浓度.从上面3个表达式中可以看出槽栅刻蚀后2DEG 密度n 2D 和AlG aN 层厚度d 的变化对器件特性的影响.当刻蚀形成槽栅后栅下沟道电子面密度减小引起器件饱和电流下降,同时由于AlG aN 厚度减薄会提高器件的跨导并使得阈值电压向正方向移动.采用SI LVAC O 模拟软件,对器件结构参数进行定义后,取栅槽深度为5nm ,10nm ,15nm 对AlG aN ΠG aN 槽栅HE MT 直流特性进行了模拟,得到了不同栅槽深度下器件特性与未刻蚀槽栅器件的特性对比.图3所示为刻蚀不同栅槽深度后AlG aN ΠG aN 异质结导带图的变化.当异质结中AlG aN 厚度不断被刻蚀减薄后,肖特基势垒对2DEG 的耗尽作用也逐渐增强,所以异质结界面处的G aN 导带量子阱中电子逐渐减少.当AlG aN 厚度减薄到10nm 和15nm 时,异质结界面处的G aN 导带已经高于费米能级或向上弯曲,这表明异质结界面处的2DEG 在未加栅压时就已经被耗尽,这时器件呈现增强型特性.模拟出了不同栅槽深度的AlG aN ΠG aN HE MT 在漏压为6V 时的转移特性曲线如图4所示,从转移特性曲线中也可以间接得到阈值电压的变化规律.图4 模拟出的不同栅槽深度器件转移特性对比对制研制出的栅槽深度分别为5nm ,10nm ,15nm 的AlG aN ΠG aN HE MT 与未刻蚀槽栅的器件在漏压为6V 下进行了转移特性测试,如图5所示.对比模拟与实验得到的器件转移特性发现,模拟得到的曲线与实际转移特性曲线随刻蚀深度变化规律非常近似,器件阈值电压向X 轴正方向移动的变化规律基本符合.图6显示了器件最大跨导和栅压2V 时最大饱和电流的变化规律比较,当栅槽深度增大器图5 研制出的不同栅槽深度器件转移特性对比图6 器件最大饱和电流最大跨导随栅槽深度的变化图7 器件电流亚阈特性比较件饱和电流逐渐变小,跨导最大值也随栅槽深度增大而增大.但当槽栅深度达到15nm 时与模拟数据相比,实验得到的饱和电流下降更明显而跨导的提8691物 理 学 报58卷高却减小.槽栅刻蚀工艺中会引入界面态[10],在从负栅压到正栅压以扫描方式测试器件相当于对器件界面态引起的电子陷阱逐步充电,陷阱中俘获的电子产生的耗尽作用就会对器件的特性产生影响.在栅槽深度较大的器件中,离子轰击材料表面的时间较长,离子轰击更容易产生界面态,所以器件饱和电流下降增大.而且当刻蚀深度较大时,刻蚀轰击的AlG aN表面距离2DEG沟道更近,刻蚀损伤容易引起沟道载流子迁移率的下降[11],所以随槽深增大器件最大跨导增大速度变缓.随刻蚀深度的增加器件亚阈特性也逐渐恶化,图7显示了15nm槽深器件与未刻槽器件的半对数坐标下转移特性曲线,15nm 槽深器件的电流亚阈斜率明显变小,这也说明了槽深较大的器件亚阈特性受到刻蚀过程中G aN和AlG aN.由于自热效应的存在,实际器件的饱和电流增大到一定程度后电流随栅压增大速度会变缓;模拟与实验曲线的差别也与刻蚀深度的测量误差及器件工艺中的实际尺寸和设计尺寸一致性有关.41结论 从理论上分析了栅槽深度对器件饱和电流、最大跨导和阈值电压的影响,并用SI LVAC O模拟软件模拟出了栅槽深度变化后器件几个参数的变化规律.模拟规律显示:饱和电流随栅槽深度增大而减小,最大跨导随栅槽深度增大而增大,阈值电压随栅槽深度增大而向X轴正方向移动.研制出了不同栅槽深度的AlG aNΠG aN HE MT,用实验验证了模拟得到的曲线变化规律,分析了模拟与实验数据产生差异的原因.当器件槽栅深度增大到15nm后,刻蚀产生的界面态和沟道迁移率受到一定损伤是器件实际参数值与模拟参数值产生偏差的主要原因.器件亚阈斜率的比较进一步证实了界面态的产生.[1]M asataka H,T oshiaki M,T akashi M2006IEEE Electron DeviceLett.2716[2]Darwish A M,Boutros K,Luo B,Benjam in D H,Viveiros E,Alfred H2006IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques544456 [3]Y asuhiro O,Y uji A,T atsuo N,K oji,Hironobu M,T akashi I,M asanobu S,K oji H,M asay oshi K,Naoki S,M asaaki K2004IEEE 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Devices,Xiπan 710071,China)(Received14M arch2008;revised manuscript received9September2008)AbstractThe effect of recessed2gate depth on device characteristics was analyzed.The device characteristics w ith different recessed2 gate depth were simulated by using SI LVAC O and the variation of saturation current,maximum conductance and threshold w ith different recessed2gate depth were obtained.W ith increasing recessed2gate depth,the saturation current reduces and maximum conductance increases and the threshold shifts to positive direction of X2axis.H igh electron m obility transistors of AlG aNΠG aN heterostructure grown on sapphire substrates w ith different recessed2gate depth were fabricated.The simulation of different recessed2gate depth device characteristics were validated by com paring experiments w ith the simulation results.The discrepancies between simulation and experiment were analyzed in the aspects of etching damage and interface states.K eyw ords:high electron m obility transistors,AlG aNΠG aN,recessed2gate devicePACC:7300,7320D,7360L3Project supported by the National Natural Science F oundation of China(G rant N o.60736033).E2mail:wangchong197810@。
在各种材料和器件技术中,AlGaN / GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(high-elec- tron mobility transistor)似乎最有前途。
各种功率放大器技术正在争夺市场份额,例如Si横向扩散金属氧化物半导体(LDMOS)和双极晶体管,GaAs金属半导体场效应晶体管(MESFET),GaAs(或GaAs / InGaP)异质结双极晶体管,SiC MESFET和GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT,high-electron mobility transistor)。
表1.电力电子竞争材料特性表表2 GaN器件的竞争优势与竞争材料相比,GaN的材料特性如表1所示。
然而,GaN器件可以在28 V下轻松工作,最高可达42 V。
1. 引言随着高频通信和雷达技术的发展,对高速、高功率、高频率器件的需求越来越迫切。
2. 器件设计根据器件工作的物理特性和工作环境,我们设计了一种新型的场板结构。
3. 工艺研究针对设计的新型场板结构,我们开展了一系列的工艺研究。
4. 结果与讨论通过实验研究,我们得到了一系列关于新型场板结构的参数优化结果。
GaN基HEMT器件自支撑栅结构研究GaN基HEMT器件自支撑栅结构研究摘要氮化镓(Gallium Nitride,GaN)基高电子迁移率晶体管(High Electron Mobility Transistor,HEMT)具有高功率、高频率和高温度等优势,是当前研究的热点领域。
1. 引言GaN基HEMT器件作为一种新型的功率器件在通信、雷达、电力和航天等领域有广泛的应用前景。
2. 自支撑栅结构原理自支撑栅结构是指在HEMT器件中,在栅极材料与通道材料之间无缝结合,形成自支撑的栅电极结构。
3. 自支撑栅结构的优势自支撑栅结构的优势主要体现在以下几个方面:3.1 降低电压和电流由于自支撑栅结构改善了电子迁移速度,减小了电流通过栅电极的阻碍,因此,在GaN基HEMT器件中使用自支撑栅结构可以降低电压和电流的需求,有效延长器件的寿命。
3.2 提高频率特性由于自支撑栅结构的存在,栅电极和通道区之间的电阻降低,从而提高了器件的频率特性。
3.3 提高热稳定性自支撑栅结构改善了栅电极与通道区之间的热阻问题,减少了热效应对器件性能的影响。
4. 自支撑栅结构的设计和制备在设计和制备自支撑栅结构时需要考虑以下几个关键因素: 4.1 栅电极和通道区的材料选择栅电极和通道区的材料选择直接影响到自支撑栅结构的效果。
结型增强栅AlGaN-GaN HEMT设计
结型增强栅AlGaN-GaN HEMT设计结型增强栅AlGaN/GaN HEMT设计引言:随着半导体材料与器件技术的不断发展,高电子迁移率晶体管(High Electron Mobility Transistors,HEMTs)作为一种高性能功率器件,在无线通信、雷达系统、功率放大以及电源管理等领域得到了广泛的应用。
而在AlGaN/GaN HEMT中,结型增强栅极设计是实现高性能的关键所在。
本文将重点介绍结型增强栅AlGaN/GaN HEMT设计的原理、方法和优点。
一、结型增强栅AlGaN/GaN HEMT原理HEMT是一种基于二维电子气的半导体器件,其关键结构包括衬底、GaAs/AlGaAs超晶格、源漏区、栅结区和栅极。
因此,结型增强栅极设计对于实现高性能AlGaN/GaN HEMT至关重要。
二、结型增强栅AlGaN/GaN HEMT设计方法1. 栅极长度优化:栅极长度是AlGaN/GaN HEMT的重要参数之一,其长度决定了沟道电流的传输速度。
2. 栅极形状优化:栅极形状对于电子气浓度的调控具有重要影响。
3. 材料参数优化:AlGaN中的铝组分比例会直接影响其带隙和二维电子气浓度。
X波段单级氮化镓固态放大器陈炽;郝跃;冯辉;马晓华;张进城;胡仕刚【期刊名称】《西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2009(036)006【摘要】利用自主研制的SiC衬底的栅宽为2.5 mm的AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件,设计完成了单级X波段氮化镓固态放大器模块.模块由AlGaN/GaN HEMT器件、偏置电路和微带匹配电路构成.采用金属腔体和测试夹具,保证在连续波下具有良好的接地和散热性能.利用双偏置电路馈电,并且采用独特的电容电阻网络和栅极串联电阻消除了低频和射频振荡.利用微带短截线完成了器件的输入输出匹配.在8GHZ 频率及连续波情况下(直流偏置电压为V_(ds)=27V,U_(gs)=-4.0V),放大器线性增益为5.6 dB,最大效率为30.5%,输出功率最大可达40.25 dBm(10.5W),此时增益压缩为2 dB.在带宽为500 MHz内,输出功率变化为1 dB.【总页数】5页(P1039-1043)【作者】陈炽;郝跃;冯辉;马晓华;张进城;胡仕刚【作者单位】西安电子科技大学,宽禁带半导体材料与器件教育部重点实验室,陕西,西安,710071;西安电子科技大学,宽禁带半导体材料与器件教育部重点实验室,陕西,西安,710071;西安电子科技大学,宽禁带半导体材料与器件教育部重点实验室,陕西,西安,710071;西安电子科技大学,宽禁带半导体材料与器件教育部重点实验室,陕西,西安,710071;西安电子科技大学,宽禁带半导体材料与器件教育部重点实验室,陕西,西安,710071;西安电子科技大学,宽禁带半导体材料与器件教育部重点实验室,陕西,西安,710071【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN325~+.3【相关文献】1.基于氮化镓器件的单级式Buck-Boost逆变器的分析与参数优化设计 [J], 王俊;李雪艳;王聪2.氮化镓和砷化镓固态功放性能对比与分析 [J], 张小平3.X波段氮化镓小型化T/R组件的设计与实现 [J], 肖宁;秦立峰;张选;程显平4.美国推出X波段雷达用氮化镓功率放大器 [J], 王巍5.X波段砷化镓单片驱动功率放大器 [J], 张鲁川;蔺兰峰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Foundation Items:Project Supported by the S tate Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (2002CB311903);The Key Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KGCX2 SW 107)Study on the X Band Gate Field Plate forAlGaN/GaN HEMTsWang Dongdong,Liu Guoguo,Liu Dan,Li Chengzhan,Liu Xinyu(Institute o f Microelectronics,Chinese Academ y o f Sciences,Beijing 100029,China)Abstract :Conventional T shaped gate and gate field plated structures were demonstrated andcompared to each other from DC,RF and microwave power charac terization.The results show that due to gate field plate,de gradation in the value of unity current gain frequency f T and maximum frequency of oscillation f max are observed,but there is a significant improvement in knee voltage and output power density.Also,0 25 m gate length AlGa N/GaN HEMTs with varying gate field plate lengths of 0 4,0 7,0 9and 1 1 m were fabricated on SiC substrates.With the increase of field plate length within the optimum,output power density is improved drama tically,which is demonstrated by equivalent circuit analysis.At 8G Hz,a continuous wave output power density is 7 11W/m m with 35 31%po wer added efficiency and 10 25dB c orresponding linear gain a t V ds =40V for an 0 25 m 1mm de vic e with field plate length of 0 9 m.Key words :AlGaN/GaN HE MTs; gate field plate;cut off frequenc y;power densityC LC number :TN386 Document code :A Article ID :1003 353X (2008)10 0850 05EEAC C :2560SX 波段AlGaN/GaN HEMTs 栅场板结构研究王冬冬,刘果果,刘丹,李诚瞻,刘新宇(中国科学院微电子研究所,北京100029)摘要:基于SiC 衬底成功研制X 波段0 25 m 栅长带有 栅场板结构的AlGa N/Ga N HE MT,对比T 型栅结构器件,研究了 栅场板引入对器件直流、小信号及微波功率特性的影响。
结果表明, 栅场板结构减小器件截止频率及振荡频率,但明显改善器件膝点电压和输出功率密度。
针对场板长度分别为0 4、0 7、0 9、1 1 m,得出一定范围内增加场板长度,器件输出功率大幅度提高,并结合器件小信号模型提参结果分析原因。
在频率8GHz 下,总栅宽1mm,场板长度0 9 m 的器件,连续波输出功率密度7 11W/mm,功率附加效率(P AE )35 31%,相应线性增益10 25dB 。
关键词:AlGaN/Ga N HE MTs; 栅场板;截止频率;功率密度0 Introducti onAlGaN/Ga N high electron mobility transistors (HE MTs)have attracted considerable interests as power devices in microwave application,promising greater thana tenfold increase in power density as compared with Ga As de vices.Recently,the introduction of field plated structure has resulted in increasing of device breakdown voltage and dramatically enhanced power and linearity performance [1 2].AlGaN/Ga N HE MT grown on SiC substrate with field plates yielded power densities up to 40W/mm at 4GHz,which is believed to be the best po wer perfor mance to date [3].In formal reported field plated devices,the field plate was deposited on the Si N x passivation layer and技术专栏Technology Columnconnected to the source [4]or the gate [5].But for Xband,T shaped gate technique with 0 25 m gate footprint is generally applied to minimize the gate resistance.Here a structure combined field plate structure and T shaped gate is presented,which also leads to the simplification of the device design and fabrication.In this work,an X band gate field plated AlGaN/GaN HE MT structure was demonstrated.On the same wafer,conventional T shaped gate devices were also fabricated for direct comparison.With the ne w gate field plates,both DC and power performance were found to be dramatically improved.At 8GHz,saturated power density (P sa t )of 7 11W/mm with peak PAE of 41 89%with associated linear gain of 10 25dB at V ds =40V were achieved on gate field plated parison of DC,frequency and large signal power performance of gate field plated to T shaped gate was given.Power performance of devices with varying field plated length was discussed.1 D evice Structures and F abri cationFig.1sho ws two different device cross sections.The device struc tures were grown on SiC substrates by MOCVD.The epi layer c onsists of a 3 5 m Ga N buffer layer,a 110nm high mobility Ga N layer,a 1nm undoped AlN insert layer,a 23nm undoped Al 0 22Ga 0 78N barrier layer,and a 10nm undoped GaN cap layer.Average sheet resistance is about 380 /as measuredby Leightonmeasurements.(a)AlGaN/GaN HEMT wi th T s hapedgate(b)AlGa N/GaN HEM T with gate field plateFig.1 Schematic cross section of AlGaN/GaN HE MT s 图1 AlGaN/GaN HEMTs 器件结构示意图Both devices were fabricated by the sa me process.De vice fabrication started with ohmic c ontacts,which were formed by rapid thermal annealing of E beam evaporated Ti/Al/Ti/Au at 850!for 50s in N 2ing on wafer transfer length measurement (TLM)patterns,the specific contact resistivity (SCR)of ohmic contact of T shaped gates was 2 53 l0-6∀cm 2,while (2 24-2 58) l0-6∀cm 2was measured for field plated structure.Device isolation was implemented by N ion implantation.Next,100nm SiN passivation layer was deposited by PEC VD.Recessed gate with depth of 7nm was formed by ICP etch.T shaped gates and gate (Ni/Au)with varying field plated length were fabricated using E beam lithography.An overlay metallization on the ohmic c ontacts and measurement pads wasalso depositedafter gatemetallization.Total gate width and length on all the devices tested were 10 m 100 m and 0 25 m,respectively.Gate source and source drain spacing were 1 2 m and 4 m,respectively.For T shaped gate,the total width of head was 0 55 m.Field plate lengths,with respect to the gate drain edge,were 0 4,0 7,0 9and 1 1 m toward the drain.2 R esul ts and Discussions2 1 D C C harac teristicsOn wafer DC measure ments were performed using aHP4155A semiconductor parameter analyzer.The offWang Dongdon g et al:Study on the X Band Gate Field Plate for AlGaN/GaN HEMTsstate gate drain destructive breakdown voltage was changed significantly,increasing from 67V for T shaped gate to 100V for gate field plated structure as sho wn in Fig.2(a).This improve ment in breakdown voltage is due to the depletion layer formed under the field plate resulting in the reduction of the electric field strength at the gate edge toward drain [6].As shown in Fig.2(b),the breakdown voltage stops increasing with field plated length L fp beyond 0 9 m because the field distribution decays beyond the field plate edge.With increasing L fp ,the electric field waveforms at gate edge and fp edge become independent from overlapping,and finally the shape of electric field distribution almost remains unchanged,which indica tes that there is an optimum L fp of 0 9 m.Within the optimum L fp ,the breakdo wn volta ge was improved with the increase of L fp .All the discussions below are based on the optimum L fp.(a)Schottky characteristics(b)Breakdo wn voltage with different L fpFig.2 Breakdown characteristics of both T shaped and gatefield plated 0 9 m structures图2 T 型栅结构和 栅场板长度0 9 m 结构击穿特性T ypical drain c urrent volta ge(I ds -V ds )characteristics for gate field plated devices with L fp of 0 9 m and T shaped gate are sho wn in Fig 3(a).B oth gates were biased from -4to 2V in a step of 1V.As in Fig 3(a),the gate field plated HE MT e xhibits ma ximum drain current density (I max )as high a s 790mA/mm at a ga tebias of 2V and a drain bias of 11V,while I ma x of 725m A/m m measure d for T shaped gate.The knee voltages are less than 5V for gate field plate but 7 8V for T shaped ga te.The significa nt reduc tion in knee voltage clearly points out the bene fits of the ga te field plated structure.T wo possible mechanisms involved in the field plated ope ra tion are reduction of electric field at the ga te edge re sulting in a lower electron injection in surface states traps and/or modula tion of surface sta te traps in the gate drain access region [7].The DC transfe r charac teristic s are sho wn in Fig 3(b).The drain bia ses at 7V.A peak extrinsic transconduc tance (g m )of 361mS/mm for ga te field plated struc ture measured at V gs =1V.Also,T shaped gate e xhibits g m =358mS/m m.The threshold voltage of both devices is a bout -1 5V.The tra nsfer characte ristics are almost identical for both types ofdevices.(a)Drain current vol tage characteristics(b)DC transfer characteristicsFig 3 DC characteristics of T shaped and gate field platedstructures with field plate length of 0 9 m图3 T 型栅结构和 栅场板长度0 9 m 结构直流特性Wang Dongdong et al:Study on the X Band Gate Field Plate for AlGaN/GaN HE MTs2 2 R F Small Signal CharacteristicsOn wafer RF measurements were carried out withHP8510C network analyzer at 1to 40GHz.S para meters for both T shaped and gate field plated structures were measured at optimum bias points for maximum unity current gain cut off frequency (f T )and oscillation frequency.The effects of pad parasitics were de e mbedded by conventional Y parameter subtraction.Fig 4sho ws the measured short circuit current gain |h 21|and maximum available power gain (MAG )derived fro m S pa ra meter measurements as a function of frequency.The value of unity gain cut off freque ncy (f T )and f max of oscillation are determined by e xtrapolation of the |h 21|and unilateral gain at -20dB/dec,respectively.Peak f T decreases from 33 5to 28GHz,and peak f max increases from 48to 39GHz,for devices with T shaped gate and gate field plated,respectively.This is attributed to an increase in the additional feedback capacitance associated with gate [8],which degrades small signalcharacteristics.Fig 4 Short circuit current gain |h 21|and max i mum availablepower gain of both T shaped gate and gate field plated structures with L fp =0 9 m图4 T 型栅结构和 栅场板长度0 9 m AlGaN/GaNHE MTs 器件频率特性2 3 Power Characteristi c sLarge signal C W measure ments at 8GHz were performed using a focus microwave automatic load pull system.Fig 5de monstrates that,at 38V drain bias, gate field plated device yields saturated output power density (P sat )of 7 1W/mm with associated power added efficiency (P AE )of 35 3%and corresponding linear gain (G L )of 10 2dB.Whereas for the T shaped gate,P sat is 4 9W/mm with associated PAE of 30%and G L of 12 31dB.The lower P sat and P AE due to the large knee walk out voltage is the main limitation of devices with T shaped gate.However,G L of gate isabout 2dB lower than that of T shaped gate.Because the feedback capacitance associates with the field plate resulted in relatively low gain characteristics for gate field plateddevice.Fig 5 CW microwave power characterization of both gatefield plate with L fp of 0 9 m and T shaped gate AlGaN/GaN HE MTs图5 T 型栅结构和 栅场板长度0 9 m 结构AlGaN/GaN HE MT s微波功率特性Fig.6 CW microwave power performance as a function offield plate length L fp at drain bias voltage of 40V图6 AlGaN/GaN HE MTs 器件微波功率特性与场板长度L fp 的关系(V ds =40V)Moreover,it must be stressed that with the inc rease of field plated length L fp within the optimum of 0 9 m,the large signal power performance of gate field plated was improved significantly.The improve ment in breakdown voltage with increase of L fp was reflec ted in the po wer performance of the devices.At a drain bias of 40V,power densities of 5 65,6 38,7 11W/mm were measured for devices with gate field plated length of 0 4,0 7,0 9 m,respectively,as shown in Fig 6.This was due to the slight reduction of the gate resistance on the one hand.Ho wever,with the inc reaseWang Dongdon g et al:Study on the X Band Gate Field Plate for AlGaN/GaN HEMTsof L fp,lo wer linear gain,large signal gain and PAE were observed due to the increase of additional capacitance such as C gd and C gs.These were demonstrated by small signal model para meters e xtrac t.To examine the gain characteristics of both gate field plate and T shaped gate,the small signal parameters were extrac ted by GaN HE MT small signal model that includes22elements[9].The main parasitic parameter as well as intrinsic parame ters of devices are shown in Tab. 1.At drain bias of20V,compared to T shaped gate,with the field plate length increasing from 0to0 9 m,C g d increases from0 08to1 02pF and gate resistance reduces from5 52to3 15.Equivalent circuit analysis de monstrated that the introduction of gate field plate resulted in additional feedback capacitance,and reduced gate resistance which improves output power to some extent.With the increase of the field plated length,the feedback capacitance became larger,which degraded gain characteristics according to Miller effects.Tab 1 Parasitic parameters of the four kinds of devices a t V ds=20V表1 源漏偏压V ds=20V四种结构器件模型参数Normal(T gate)A(L fp=0 4 m)B(L fp=0 7 m)C(L fp=0 9 m) R g/5 523 83 493 15R d/22 352 422 45R s/5 567 36 36 36R i/1 250 810 840 64R gd/22 5819 1625 33116 23C gs/pF0 310 580 791 21C gd/pF0 080 250 591 02C ds/pF0 020 030 050 05Fig 7compares the output power performance as a function of V ds of both devices with L fp of0 9 m and T shaped gate.G L for the gate field plate structure varies from6 9to10 25dB with V ds increasing from20to 40V,while G L is nearly unchanged,about12to 12 31dB.Thus,the gain loss due to the additional gate feedback capacitance associated with the field plated is considerably compensated by increasing the drain bias volta ge.This is due to drain depletion layer e xtended toward the drain electrode with a high drain voltage, resulting in the reduction of parasitic capacitance[10].At the same time,measured P sat for gate increased as V ds increased up to45V,whereas the voltage for T shaped gate was sweeping up to less than40V and the device burned out during the measure ment,sho wing that this volta ge sweeping range was beyond the safe limit.But PAE of both devices were slightly decreased due to the increasing DC power dissipation.The influence of gate field plated structure on the feedback capacitance became less significant and eventually achieves better power performance under high voltageconditions.Fi g 7 C W microwave power performance at di fferent d rain bias voltage for both T shaped gate and gate field plates tructures图7 T型栅结构和 栅场板长度0 9 m结构器件微波功率特性与源漏偏压V ds的关系(下转第922页)Wang Dongdong et al:Study on the X Band Gate Field Plate for AlGaN/GaN HE MTs的应答器和非接触IC卡的原理与应用[M].第二版.陈大才译.北京:电子工业出版社,2002:27 97.[2]TSAI C C,DAI S B,LEE W T,et al.The RF circuit design formagnetic power and data 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