






















限时练活动方案1. 活动目标本次限时练活动旨在提高参与者的技能水平,并通过限时竞赛的形式激发其学习和实践的动力。


2. 活动规则2.1 活动时间本次限时练活动将在指定日期内举行,共计持续一周时间。

具体的活动时间如下:•开始日期:[请填写具体日期]•结束日期:[请填写具体日期]2.2 报名条件本次活动对参与者没有限制,任何对提升自身技能有兴趣的人都可以报名参加。

2.3 活动内容本次限时练活动将采取项目驱动的形式,参与者需要根据活动发布的题目,完成相应的技术任务。

具体内容如下:•每天活动组织方会发布一个新的题目•参与者需要在规定时间内完成题目并提交答案•每个题目会有相应的难度等级,参与者可以根据自己的实际情况选择难度级别•参与者可以自行选择编程语言和开发环境•每个题目的答案可以是一个代码实现、一个文档解答等形式2.4 提交方式参与者需要在规定的时间内将完成的答案提交给活动组织方。

具体的提交方式如下:•将答案以 Markdown 文本格式提交到指定的代码托管平台或邮件地址•提交的文件命名规则为:题目编号-参与者姓名.md2.5 评估与奖励活动结束后,活动组织方将对参与者的答案进行评估,并根据评估结果进行打分。


3. 活动准备参与者需要做以下准备工作:•确保自己具备完成题目所需的技术基础•确认自己拥有可以使用的开发环境和工具•保证网络连接稳定,以便及时获取活动信息和提交答案4. 活动宣传与报名活动组织方将通过各种渠道进行活动的宣传和报名工作,包括但不限于:•在社交媒体平台发布活动信息•在技术论坛和社区发布活动信息•通过电子邮件邀请感兴趣的人参加活动参与者可以通过官方发布的渠道进行报名,具体报名方式将在宣传时公布。








经过HTTHT 操作后,栈S中从栈底到栈顶的元素依次为A.1,2,4B.2,3,1C.3,1,2D.4,2,17.有如下Python程序段:#随机产生5个整数,存储在列表a中for i in range(1,5):k=a[i]j=i1while j >= 0 and abs(a[j]2)>abs(k2):a[j+1]=a[j]j=1a[j+1]=k执行该程序段后,列表a的值可能是A.[5,2,4,0,1]B.[3,1,0,2,3]C.[1,2,3,4,5]D.[0,4,0,2,4]8.有如下 Python 程序段:s="abaabcaab"st=s[0]i=1while i<len(s):if len(st)==0 or s[i]!=st[1]:st=s[i]+stelse:st=st[0:len(st)1]i+=1执行该段代码后,st的值为A. bcaB. acbC. bacD. cab9.定义如下函数:def fac(n):if n==1:return 1else:return 1/n+fac(n1)执行语句12.使用列表a模拟链表结构(节点数大于0),每个节点包含数据区域和指针区域,head为头指针。


There is no doubt that human activities have contributed a lot to social and economic development, but for our own benefit, we humans had better not push nature too hard, or we will have to pay a price.
Building large dams can also cause earthquakes. Many people died as a result of a big earthquake caused by millions of tons of water that had been collected in a reservoir after a large dam was built over a known fault line.
Meals Allergies (过敏) Special Dietary Requlrements
Students are provided with breakfast, dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch, which includes a sandwich, a drink and a dessert. We request that you let us know of any allergies or dietary requirements and information about any medicines you take. Depending on the type of allergies or dietary requirements, extra money may be needed for providing special food.





请回答以下问题:1. 根据已知条件,列出函数f(f)的方程式。

2. 求函数f(f)的导函数f′(f)。

3. 若函数f(f)的极值点为f=−1,求函数f(f)在f=−1处的极值。

解答:1. 假设函数f(f)的方程式为f(f)=ff^2+ff+f。

由已知条件可以得到如下方程组:3 = 4f+2f+f (1)1 = f+f+f (2)解方程组 (1) 和 (2),可以得到f=1,f=-1,f=3。


2. 函数f(f)的导函数f′(f)可以通过求函数f(f)的变化率来得到。

根据导数的定义,有:f′(f) = lim(f→0) (f(f+f)−f(f))/f对函数f(f)=f^2−f+3进行求导,得到:f′(f) = 2f−1所以,函数f(f)的导函数f′(f)为2f−1。

3. 函数f(f)的极值点为f=−1,可以通过求导数为0的点来求得。

令f′(f)=0,有:2f−1 = 0解方程得到f = 1/2。



请回答以下问题:1. 当f=2时,f(f)=1;当f=1时,f′(f)=2。


2. 求函数f(f)的导函数f′(f)的导函数f′′(f)。

3. 若函数f(f)的极值点为f=−1,求函数f(f)在f=−1处的极值。

解答:1. 假设函数f(f)的方程式为f(f)=f^3+ff^2+ff+f。

根据已知条件可以得到如下方程组:1=8+4f+2f+f (1)2=3+2f+f (2)解方程组 (1) 和 (2),可以得到f=-2,f=3,f=-4。



限时训练刷题练习册一、选择题1. 下列哪个选项是正确的数学表达式?A. 2 + 3 = 5B. 3 × 4 = 12C. 4 ÷ 2 = 6D. 5 - 1 = 3答案:A2. 请从下列选项中选出正确的英语单词拼写。

A. colerB. colorC. collerD. cooler答案:B3. 以下哪个历史事件标志着第二次世界大战的结束?A. 珍珠港事件B. 诺曼底登陆C. 广岛原子弹爆炸D. 柏林墙倒塌答案:C二、填空题1. 地球的自转周期是 ________ 小时。

答案:242. 请填写下列化学元素的符号:铁 ________,氧 ________。

答案:Fe,O3. 根据题目要求,以下句子中缺少的单词是 ________。

- 句子:I am ________ to help you.答案:willing三、简答题1. 请简述牛顿第三定律的内容。


2. 请解释什么是光合作用,并简述其过程。




四、计算题1. 如果一个圆的半径是5厘米,求这个圆的面积。

答案:圆的面积公式是A = πr²,代入 r = 5 厘米,得到 A = π × 5² = 25π ≈ 78.54 平方厘米。

2. 一个班级有40名学生,其中25名男生和15名女生。


答案:选中男生的概率是男生人数除以总人数,即 P(男生) = 25/40 = 5/8。








A.废置迟缓显示 B.废止迟缓显示C.废置弛缓展示 D.废止弛缓展示【答案】C2.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是A.上海影评界最权威的组织之一上海电影评论学会曾公布“影响中国电影进程和我们生活”的22部影片名称,《渔光曲》《祝福》《手机》等影片均列其中。






C. 如果只为了一点小小的成就便踌躇满志....,不但得不到别人的赞美,反而遭人们嗤之以鼻。

D .我们看问题要有系统论的观念;那种只见树木不见森林、只见部分不见整体目无全牛....的思维方式是不可取的。








对限时练进行总结1. 引言限时练是一种提高工作效率和时间管理能力的方法。



2. 限时练的优点2.1 提高注意力和集中精力限时练迫使人们集中注意力并全神贯注于任务,从而提高工作效率。


2.2 避免拖延和时间浪费许多人面临的一个常见问题是拖延。


2.3 增强时间管理能力限时练可以培养人们的时间管理技巧。


2.4 快速决策和问题解决能力在限定的时间内完成任务,迫使人们快速做出决策和解决问题。


3. 使用技巧3.1 设定合理的时间限制在使用限时练时,设定合理的时间限制非常重要。



3.2 划分任务优先级在限时练中,划分任务优先级可以帮助人们更好地管理时间和精力。


3.3 掌握专注力技巧专注力是限时练成功的关键因素之一。



3.4 适当休息和调整在限时练中,适当的休息和调整也是重要的。



4. 适用场景4.1 工作任务限时练对于繁忙的工作环境非常适用。


4.2 学习和考试在学习和考试过程中,限时练也具有重要意义。



40分钟限时练习(5)一.选择题(共8小题,满分24分,每小题3分)1.(3分)下列各数中,比﹣4小的数是()A.﹣2.5B.﹣5C.0D.22.(3分)如图所示的几何体,它的左视图是()A.B.C.D.3.(3分)下列计算正确的是()A.a2+a3=a2B.a3•a3=a9C.(a3)2=a6D.(ab)2=ab24.(3分)若关于x的方程x2+mx﹣2n=0的一个根是2,则m﹣n的值是()A.﹣2B.2C.﹣4D.45.(3分)已知⊙O的半径为3,点P在⊙O外,则OP的长可以是()A.1B.2C.3D.46.(3分)甲、乙、丙、丁四位选手各进行了10次射击,射击成绩的平均数和方差如表:选手甲乙丙丁平均数(环)方差0.251.002.503.00则成绩发挥最稳定的是()A.甲B.乙C.丙D.丁7.(3分)如图,在矩形ABCD中,点C的坐标为(2,3),则BD的长为()A.3B.3√2C.√13D.48.(3分)如图是某商场到地下停车场的手扶电梯示意图,其中AB、CD分别表示地下停车场、商场电梯口处地面的水平线,∠ABC=135°,BC的长约是5√2m,则乘电梯从点B到点C上升的高度h是()A .5√22mB .5mC .52mD .10m二.填空题(共8小题,满分32分,每小题4分)9.(4分)要使分式x+1x−4有意义,则x 的取值应满足 .10.(4分)请你写一个能先提公因式,再运用公式来分解因式的三项式,并写出分解因式的结果 .(答案不唯一)11.(4分)大量事实证明,环境污染治理刻不容缓,据统计,全球每秒钟约有19.2万吨污水排入江河湖海,把19.2万吨用科学记数法表示为 吨.12.(4分)已知a +b =5,ab =3,b a +a b = .13.(4分)小虎同学在解方程组{y =kx +b y =3x的过程中,错把b 看成了6,其余的解题过程没有出错,解得此方程组的解为{x =−2y =−6.又已知直线y =kx +b 过点(1,﹣8),则b 的值为 . 14.(4分)菱形的周长是40cm ,两邻角的比是1:2,则较短的对角线长 .15.(4分)一副三角板如图所示放置,已知斜边互相平行,则∠1的度数为 .16.(4分)如图,在△ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,BC =3,以点C 为圆心的圆与AB 相切,⊙C 的半径为2.4,则AB = .三.解答题(共4小题,满分44分)17.(10分)计算:(1)√−83+√(−1)2−√643×√14;(2)√(−4)2−√−13+√102−62.18.(10分)解方程:(1)2x+1−1x=0;(2)x−2x+2−16x2−4=1.19.(12分)从一副扑克牌中取出红桃J、Q、K和黑桃J、Q、K这两种花色的六张扑克牌,将这三张红桃分为一组,三张黑桃分为另一组,分别将这两组牌背面朝上洗匀,然后从这两组牌中各随机抽取一张,请利用列表或画树状图的方法,求其中一张是J,另一张是Q的概率.20.(12分)如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,点O是对角线AC中点,过点O作EF⊥AC分别交边AB,CD于点E,F.(1)求证:四边形AECF是菱形;(2)当AF平分∠CAD时,且CF=5,DF=2,求AD的值.。



《登泰山记》一、挖空练习泰山之阳.( ),汶水西.()流;其阴.(),济水东流。
















大风扬积雪击.( )面。


















40分钟限时练习(1)一.选择题(共8小题,满分24分,每小题3分)1.(3分)﹣8的倒数是( )A .8B .18C .−18D .﹣8 2.(3分)若√x+2x有意义,则实数x 的取值范围为( ) A .x >﹣2 B .x ≥﹣2 C .x >﹣2且x ≠0 D .x ≥﹣2且x ≠03.(3分)2022年11月5日,“长征三号”运载火箭在西昌卫星发射中心点火起飞,随后将“中星19号”卫星准确送入高度为35800千米的预定轨道,发射任务取得圆满成功.该卫星主要为跨太平洋重要航线、东太平洋海域及北美西海岸等覆盖区域提供通信服务.数据35800用科学记数法表示为( )A .0.358×105B .358×102C .3.58×104D .3.58×105 4.(3分)分式方程1x−2=3x 的解为( ) A .x =3 B .x =2C .x =1D .无解 5.(3分)已知点(﹣2,3)在反比例函数y =k x 的图象,则下列各点也在该图象上的是( )A .(2,3)B .(1,﹣6)C .(6,−12)D .(0,0)6.(3分)计算2sin 30°的值为( )A .1B .√3C .2D .2√37.(3分)一个多边形的内角和的度数可能是( )A .1700°B .1800°C .1900°8.(3分)下列图形中,既是轴对称图形也是中心对称图形的有( )A .4个B .3个C .2个D .1个二.填空题(共8小题,满分32分,每小题4分)9.(4分)因式分解:ma 2﹣2am +m = .10.(4分)化简:3m 2n9m = .11.(4分)如图,四边形OABC 是矩形,OC 在x 轴上,OA 在y 轴上,函数y =x 的图象与AB 交于点D (3,3),点E 是射线BC 上一点,沿DE 折叠点B 恰好落在函数y =x 的图象上,且BE =2CE ,则点B 的坐标为 .12.(4分)已知下列命题:①若a2=b2,则a=b;②2022年全年鄂尔多斯市一般公共预算累计完成842.8亿元,用科学记数法表示为8.428×1010元;③二元一次方程2x+y=6的正整数解有3对;④连接两点之间的线段叫做两点之间的距离.是真命题的是.(只填序号)13.(4分)为了落实“双减”政策,减轻学生作业负担,某学校领导随机调查了九(1)班学生每天在作业上共花费的时间,随机调查了该班10名学生,其统计数据如下表:则这10名学生每天在作业上花费的平均时间是小时.时间(小时)43210人数2421114.(4分)如图,四边形ABCD中,E、F、G、H依次是各边中点,O是四边形内一点,若S四边形AEOH=3,S四边形BFOE=4,S四边形CGOF=5,则S四边形DHOG=.15.(4分)如图,在▱ABCD中,∠ABC<90°,⊙O与它的边BA,BC相切,射线BO交边AD于点E.当AB=6,AD=8时,DE的长等于.16.(4分)如图,点A是反比例函数y=kx(k≠0,x<0)图象上一点,过点A作AB⊥y轴于点D,AD=DB.若点C为x轴上任意一点,且S△ABC=9,则k的值为.三.解答题(共4小题,满分44分)17.(10分)计算:(1)(√12−√13)×√3+(12)0;(2)(m ﹣1)2﹣m (m ﹣3).18.(10分)计算.(1){x −y =12x +5y =9;(2)3x +2≤﹣2(x ﹣2).19.(12分)为了解市民对全市创卫工作的满意程度,某中学数学兴趣小组在全市甲、乙两个区内进行了调查统计,将调查结果分为不满意,一般,满意,非常满意四类,回收、整理好全部问卷后,得到下列不完整的统计图.请结合图中信息,解决下列问题:(1)求此次调查中接受调查的人数,并补全条形统计图.(2)若本市人口300万人,估算该市对市创卫工作表示满意和非常满意的人数.(3)兴趣小组准备从调查结果为不满意的4位市民中随机选择2位进行回访,已知4位市民中有2位来自甲区,另2位来自乙区,请用列表或用画树状图的方法求出选择的市民均来自同区的概率.20.(12分)如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,D是边BC延长线上一点,连接AD.AE∥BD,∠BAC=∠DAE,连接CE交AD于点F.(1)若∠D=36°,求∠B的度数;(2)若CA平分∠BCE,求证:△ABD≌△ACE.。

高中英语必修三 Unit1 限时练-经典教学教辅文档

高中英语必修三 Unit1 限时练-经典教学教辅文档

Unit 1 Art工夫:60分钟满分:125分一、单词拼写(每词1分,满分50分)根据汉语或首字母提示填出本单元所学单词。

1.(北京高考完形填空改编)If they run out of certain daily necessities, Wilson will drive to the nearest store and p_________what's needed.2. Confucius is regarded as one of the most_______________(有影响的)figures in Chinese history.3.(全国Ⅲ卷语法填空改编)In ancient China lived an artist whose paintings were almost lifelike. The artist's_______________(名誉)had made him proud.4. Over the past 30 years evidence has_________(出现)that the forests have been affected by climate change.5. —The hill village remains _______(原始的) and unspoiled(未遭破坏的).—That explains why people desire to explore such a remote place. 6.Relatives and friends gave their best wishes to theb______________and bridegroom.7.Tom was c____________by Mr Smith because he didn't arrive on time.8.Rodin is thought to have made a big contribution to modern_______________(雕塑)9.Calligraphy, which has a long history,is_____________(视觉的)art related to writing.10.The young could suffer __________(永世的)hearing loss if they listen to music at full volume for more than five hours a week. 11.The actor many people were fond of gave a great performance,but he was very _______(谦逊的).12.They suggested building a __________(纪念碑)in memory of the heroes who died in the rescue activity.13.Many of us regard reading as an __________(投资)in ourselves, so it is natural that we want to learn something useful in return for our effort.14.China's e____________into the World Trade Organization makes a big difference to the world economy.15.It's also helpful to learn something about the museum in advance,such as its_____________(博览会)and activities.16. He has gained global____________(赞誉)for his artistic talent.17.(河北衡水中学模考)The mountain's deep valleys and diverse wildlife will___________(确保)you wonderful scenery and a fantastic hiking experience.18.(浙江高考浏览理解改编)The number of trees larger than twofeet across has___________(减少)by 50 percent on more than 46, 000 square miles of California forests.19. I felt lucky to be chosen as a____________(代表)of our school and join in the cultural tour of Pompeii.20. From ____________(青铜) bowls to ceramic ______________(花瓶), and jade sculptures to ink wash paintings, our goal is to display the Chinese _______________(艺术的) genius from ancient times.21. Born during the Ming Dynasty, Tang sought and failed to gain ____________(参与) into the ____________(国民的) service, so he turned to painting instead.22. In time, he gained ___________________(承认) as one of the greatest artists China has ever known.23. Even though Buddhism entered China much earlier, it did not really begin to show ______________(扩大) until the seventh century.24. If you are not interested in works of art by classical masters, ____________________(当代的) art by emerging artists is also w_____________ of your attention.25.In the art market, no one can _______________(保证) that an artist will be a good i________________.在空白处填入括号内单词的正确方式。



























人教版初中英语七年级下册限时练Unit2 Period1

人教版初中英语七年级下册限时练Unit2 Period1

Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Period 1班级:姓名:小组:__________Ⅰ.单项选择1. David eats _______ lunch at school and he always has _______ good lunch.A. the; aB. 不填; theC. the; theD. 不填; a2. We can see many stars _______ night here. A. in B. at C. on D. of3. —It’s 9:50, right?—Yes, it’s ____. A. ten past nine B. ten to nine C. ten past ten D. ten to ten4. When ____ your mother take a shower? A. does B. is C. do D. are5.My father often ______ home at six o’clock in the evening. A. go B. gets C. goes to D. gets to6.My brother often goes to ___school after ___breakfast. A. /; the B. the; the C. the; / D. /; /7.Anna and her brother usually do ____ homework at 8:00 p.m. A. his B. her C. our D. their8.—______ does your father go to work every day?—He goes to work at half past six.A. HowB. WhatC. What timeD. How time9. —What time do you usually go to bed? —_______ nine o’clock.A. AtB. OnC. InD. of10. Tina wants to take ____ shower after playing ___ soccer. A. a; the B. the; the C. a; / D. the; /11.Please tell me something _______ your new teacher. A. in B. for C. about D. on12.There are sixty minutes in ______ hour. A. a B.an C./ D. the13.—Do you know the______?—Yes, it’s 10:30. A.age B. time C. number D. address14. What do you usually do ______ Sunday morning? A. to B. at C. on D. in15. Ice-cream is unhealthy, so I ____ eat it.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. sometimesD. never16. —What does your mother do to keep healthy, Tim? —She usually ______.A. swimB. swimsC. is swimmingD. to swim17. What time does Jane _______ after school?A. do her homeworkB. does her homeworkC. do her homeworksD. does her homework18. —Are you often late for school ,Tom? —No, ____,I get to school early.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. sometimesD. never19. I like to have some vegetable and chicken _____ lunch. A. for B. to C. of D. at20. We should do exercise because it ___us. A. is good for B. is good to C. is bad for D. is bad to21. It’s twelve o’clock. It’s time to have ____. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dessert D. dinner22. I don’t know his address. Please ________ me about it. A. say B. tell C. speak D. listen to23. —______ do you usually play the violin?—On weekends.A. What timeB. WhyC. WhereD. When24.—What’s the English for 9:50? —It’s ______.A. nine fiftyB. fifty nineC. ten to nineD. ten past nine25. I ______ watch so I don’t know the time.A. don’t have aB. have notC. not have aD. have no a26. Tom has ______ breakfast every morning. And he always eats ______ good breakfast. A. the; the B. 不填; a C. the; a D. 不填; the27. Mary gets up early every morning, so she’s _____ late for school.A. usuallyB. neverC. alwaysD. often28.Sam often goes to school _____ seven thirty. A. on B. at C. in D. for29.—What time is it ? —_____.A. It’s May 1stB. It’s a clockC. It’s seven o’clockD. It’s my birthday30. —When do you _____ home? —At around 6:00 . A. to get B. get C. get to D. gets Ⅱ. 完形填空My sister is a good 1. She is twenty-one years old. She drives a car in a 2. She 3 from Sunday to Friday. Her home isn’t4the factory. She gets up5at six. She goes to work at 6:30.67:30, she must get there. She has7in the factory. She has lunch there ,too. She8 the factory at 5:00 in the afternoon. She cooks and then does housework in the evening. She likes9 very much. She likes watching TV10. She goes to bed at about 10:30 p.m..1. A. worker B. bus driver C. taxi driver D. doctor2. A. shop B. hospital C. factory D. farm3. A. studies B. buys C. comes D. works4. A. for B. in front C. out D. near5. A. early B. late C. not D. before6. A. After B. At C. Between D. Late7. A. something B. breakfast C. food D. nothing8. A. gets B. arrives C. leaves D. drives9. A. reading B. to read C. read D. seeing10. A. very much B. little C. a little D. a fewIII.阅读理解ABob works in an office. Every morning he has breakfast at seven thirty, reads his newspaper, drinks a cup of coffee and then goes to work. One morning he is still at the table and reading his newspaper at 8 o’clock. He asks wife for another cup of coffee. His wife asks him, “Aren’t you going to the office today?” “ The office?” He jumps up from his chair, “ I think I am in the office.”1. Bob is ________.A. a bus driverB. an office workerC. a primary school teacherD. a waiter2. Bob ______ before he goes to work.A. has breakfastB. reads his newspaperC. drinks a cup of coffeeD. A, B and C3. Bob ______ this morning.A. can go to work lakeB. must go to workC. doesn’t go to workD. should go to work early4. Bob _______ this morning.A. has a cup of coffee at homeB. has two cups of coffee at homeC. has a cup of coffee in his officeD. has two cups of coffee in his office5. Bob thinks ________.A. today is SundayB. he is in the officeC. he works very hardD. he is at homeBJenny gets up early in the morning.She has her breakfast and goes to school.She walks to the bus stop and takes a bus.She gets to school at about half past seven.Jenny is never late for school.She likes school and works hard.Classes begin at 8:00.She has six classes every day.Jenny is good at all her lessons,and she likes English best.Usually Jenny has lunch at school.She goes home at five in the afternoon.Sometimes,she helpsher friends with their lessons.After supper she usually watches TV news.Then she does her homework.She goes to bed at about 9:30.Jenny is a good girl.( )1. Where does Jenny have her breakfast?A. She has her breakfast at home.B. She has her breakfast at school.C. She has her breakfast in restaurant.D. She has her breakfast on the bus.( )2. How does Jenny do at her lessons?A. She doesn’t like going to school.B. She can’t do her lessons.C. She does very well in her lessons.D. She doesn’t know her lessons at all.( )3. How many hours is Jenny at school?A. She is at school for seven hours.B. She is at school for seven and a half hours.C. She is at school for eight hours.D. She is at school for nine and a half hour.( )4. What does Jenny sometimes do after school?A. She has supper with her classmates at school.B. She helps her friends with their lessonsC. She does some shopping for her mother.D. She goes home with her friends.( )5. What does Jenny do after supper?A. She watches TV and then goes to bed.B. she watches TV and does some housework.C. She watches TV and does her homework.D. She reads her English and does some sports.Ⅳ.句子翻译1.你什么时候穿衣服?What time do you _____ ______?2.我通常在六点四十沐浴。



限时练2(时间:45分钟,满分:80分)一、选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.(2024全国乙,理1)设z=,则=()A.1-2iB.1+2iC.2-iD.2+i2.(2024江苏南京、盐城一模)设M={x|x=,k∈Z},N={x|x=k+,k∈Z},则()A.M⫋NB.N⫋MC.M=ND.M∩N=∅3.(2024山东聊城模拟)已知等差数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,且a5=5,a1+S11=67,则a3a10是{a n}中的()A.第30项B.第36项C.第48项D.第60项4.(2024新高考Ⅰ,4)设函数f(x)=2x(x-a)在区间(0,1)内单调递减,则a的取值范围是()A.(-∞,-2]B.[-2,0)C.(0,2]D.[2,+∞)5.(2024湖南常德二模)某人同时掷两枚骰子,得到点数分别为a,b,则焦点在y轴上的椭圆=1的离心率e≥的概率是()A. B.C. D.6.(2024新高考Ⅱ,5)已知椭圆C:+y2=1的左、右焦点分别为F1,F2,直线y=x+m与C交于A,B两点,若△F1AB面积是△F2AB面积的2倍,则m=()A. B.C.-D.-7.(2024江苏苏锡常镇一模)已知正四面体P-ABC的棱长为1,点O为底面ABC的中心,球О与该正四面体的其余三个面都有且只有一个公共点,且公共点非该正四面体的顶点,则球O的半径为() A. B. C. D.8.(2024河南郑州二模)函数f(x)=若关于x的方程[f(x)]2-(m+1)f(x)+m=0恰有5个不相等的实数根,则实数m的取值范围是()A. B.C. D.二、选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得2分,有选错的得0分.9.(2024山东聊城三模)随着国民经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,我国社会物流需求不断增加.社会物流总费用与GDP的比率是反映地区物流发展水平的指标,下面是2017—2024年我国社会物流总费用与GDP的比率统计,则()2017—2024年我国社会物流总费用与GDP的比率统计A.2024—2024这5年我国社会物流总费用逐年增长,且2024年增长的最多B.2017—2024这6年我国社会物流总费用的70%分位数为14.9C.2017—2024这6年我国社会物流总费用与GDP的比率的极差为0.2%D.2024年我国的GDP超过了121万亿元10.(2024河北唐山三模)函数f(x)及其导函数f'(x)的定义域均为R,若f(x)为奇函数,且f(x+2)=f(x),则()A.f'(x)为偶函数B.f'(0)=0C.f(x)的图象关于点(1,0)对称D.若F(x)=f(x)+xf'(x),则F'(x)为奇函数11.(2024广东汕头一模)已知直线l1:2x-y-3=0,l2:x-2y+3=0,圆C:(x-a)2+(y-b)2=r2,若圆C与直线l1,l2都相切,则下列选项肯定正确的是()A.l1与l2关于直线y=x对称B.若圆C的圆心在x轴上,则圆C的半径为3或9C.圆C的圆心在直线x+y-6=0或直线x-y=0上D.与两坐标轴都相切的圆C有且只有2个12.(2024山西临汾二模)已知二面角α-l-β的棱上有A,B两点,直线AC,BD分别在这个二面角的两个半平面内,且都垂直于AB.已知AB=4,AC=6,BD=8,记二面角α-l-β的大小为θ,则下列说法正确的是()A.当CD=2时,θ=60°B.当θ=120°时,CD=2C.θ≤∠CADD.点A到平面BCD的距离的最大值为三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.(2024广东茂名二模)已知曲线f(x)=x3+x-3在点(1,-1)处的切线与曲线g(x)=a cos x在点处的切线平行,则a的值为.14.(2024全国乙,理15)已知{a n}为等比数列,a2a4a5=a3a6,a9a10=-8,则a7= .15.(2024山东德州一模)某企业的一批产品由一等品零件、二等品零件混装而成,每包产品均含有10个零件.小张到该企业选购,利用如下方法进行抽检:从该企业产品中随机抽取1包产品,再从该包产品中随机抽取4个零件,若抽取的零件都是一等品,则确定选购该企业产品;否则,拒绝选购.假设该企业这批产品中,每包产品均含1个或2个二等品零件,其中含2个二等品零件的包数占10%,则小张确定选购该企业产品的概率为.16.(2024广东广州一模)已知抛物线C的顶点为坐标原点O,焦点F在x轴上,过点(2,0)的直线交C 于P,Q两点,且OP⊥OQ,线段PQ的中点为M,则直线MF的斜率的最大值为.限时练21.B解析因为z==1-2i,所以=1+2i.故选B.2.B解析因为x=k+(2k+1),k∈Z,所以集合N是由整数中奇数的组成,而集合M是由整数的组成,故N⫋M.3.A解析设等差数列{a n}的公差为d,由a5=5,得a1+4d=5; ①由a1+S11=67,得12a1+d=67,即12a1+55d=67.②由①②解得a1=1,d=1,所以a n=n,于是a3a10=3×10=30,而a30=30,故a3a10是{a n}中的第30项.4.D解析 (方法一导数法)由题意知,在f(x)=2x(x-a)中,f'(x)=(2x-a)2x(x-a)ln2,由函数在(0,1)内单调递减,知(2x-a)2x(x-a)·ln2≤0在(0,1)内恒成立,即2x-a≤0在(0,1)内恒成立,即a≥(2x)max,所以a≥2.故选D.(方法二复合函数法)因为函数y=2x在R上是增函数,要使复合函数f(x)=2x(x-a)在(0,1)内单调递减,只需函数h(x)=x(x-a)=在(0,1)内单调递减,所以≥1,即a≥2.故选D.5.C解析因为椭圆=1的焦点在y轴上,所以a>b.由e=,得0<.用投掷两枚骰子得到的点数组成的数组(a,b)表示这个试验的一个样本点,则该试验的样本空间共有36个样本点,其中满意0<的样本点有(2,1),(3,1),(4,1),(5,1),(6,1),(4,2),(5,2),(6,2),(6,3),共9个,所以所求概率为.6.C解析如图所示,椭圆+y2=1的左、右焦点分别为F1(-,0),F2(,0),设点F1,F2到直线y=x+m的距离分别为d1,d2,由点到直线的距离公式可知d1=,d2=.由消去y可得4x2+6mx+3m2-3=0.∵y=x+m与椭圆C交于A,B两点,∴Δ=36m2-16(3m2-3)>0,即-2<m<2.∵△F1AB的面积是△F2AB的两倍,∴有·|AB|·d1=2×·|AB|·d2,即d1=2d2,=2, 两边平方整理,得3m2+10m+6=0,解得m=-或m=-3.又-2<m<2,∴m=-.故选C.7.B解析因为正四面体P-ABC的棱长为1,所以正四面体P-ABC底面ABC上的高为PO=.由题可知球O与该正四面体的其余三个面都相切,设球O的半径为r,则V P-ABC=V O-PAB+V O-PBC+V O-PAC,所以r+r+r,所以r=.8.A解析由[f(x)]2-(m+1)f(x)+m=[f(x)-m][f(x)-1]=0,可得f(x)=m或f(x)=1.令y=x ln x且定义域为(0,+∞),则y'=ln x+1,当x∈时,y'<0;当x∈时,y'>0.所以y min=-.综上,依据f(x)的解析式可得f(x)的图象如图所示.明显f(x)=1有两个根,要使原方程有5个不相等的实数根,则f(x)=m有三个根,所以-<m<0.9.ACD解析由图表可知,2024—2024这5年我国社会物流总费用逐年增长,2024年增长的最多,且增长为16.7-14.9=1.8万亿元,故A正确;因为6×70%=4.2,所以70%分位数为第5项数据,即为16.7,所以这6年我国社会物流总费用的70%分位数为16.7,故B错误;由图表可知,2017—2024这6年我国社会物流总费用与GDP的比率的极差为14.8%-14.6%=0.2%,故C正确;由图表可知,2024年我国的GDP为17.8÷14.7%≈121.1万亿元,故D正确.故选ACD.10.AC解析对于A,因为f(x)为奇函数且在定义域R上可导,即f(-x)=-f(x),所以两边对x取导可得(-x)'f'(-x)=-f'(x),即f'(-x)=f'(x),所以f'(x)为偶函数,故A正确;对于B,令f(x)=sin(πx),明显f(x)为奇函数,且最小正周期T==2,即满意f(x+2)=f(x),则f'(x)=πcos(πx),则f'(0)=π,故B错误;对于C,因为f(x+2)=f(x)且f(x)为R上的奇函数,所以f(-x)=-f(x),即f(x+2)=-f(-x),所以f(x-1+2)=f(x+1)=-f(1-x),即f(x+1)+f(1-x)=0,所以f(x)的图象关于点(1,0)对称,故C正确;对于D,因为F(x)=f(x)+xf'(x),则F(-x)=f(-x)-xf'(-x)=-f(x)-xf'(x)=-F(x),所以F(x)为奇函数,由A可知F'(x)为偶函数,故D错误.故选AC.11.ACD解析对于A,设直线l1:2x-y-3=0上随意一点(x0,2x0-3)关于直线y=x对称的点为(m,n),则解得m-2n+3=0,所以点(m,n)在直线l2:x-2y+3=0上,所以l1与l2关于直线y=x 对称,故A正确.对于B,因为圆C的圆心在x轴上,所以圆心为(a,0).因为圆C与直线l1,l2都相切,所以r=,解得a=0或a=6.当a=0时,r=;当a=6时,r=,故B错误.对于C,由圆C:(x-a)2+(y-b)2=r2,得圆心为(a,b),半径为r,因为圆C与直线l1,l2都相切,所以r=,解得a+b-6=0或a=b,所以圆心(a,b)在直线x+y-6=0或直线x-y=0上,故C正确.对于D,由圆C:(x-a)2+(y-b)2=r2,得圆心为(a,b),半径为r,由圆C与两坐标轴都相切,得圆心到x 轴的距离为|b|,到y轴的距离为|a|,所以r=|a|且r=|b|,即|a|=|b|,解得a=b或a=-b.当a=b时,由题意可知=|a|,解得a=b=-或a=b=;当a=-b时,,无解,此时不满意.所以与两坐标轴都相切的圆C有且只有2个,故D正确.故选ACD.12.AB解析如图所示,过点A作AE∥BD且AE=BD,连接CE,ED,则四边形ABDE为平行四边形.又BD⊥AB,∴AE⊥AB.又AC⊥AB,∴∠CAE=θ.又AC∩AE=A,AC,AE⊂平面ACE,∴AB⊥平面ACE.又AB∥ED,∴ED⊥平面ACE,∴ED⊥CE,ED⊥AE.由题意知,BD⊥AB,AC⊥AB,∴=0,=0.∵,∴+2+2+2=62+42+82-2×6×8cosθ=116-96cosθ.对于A,当CD=2时,代入=116-96cosθ得cosθ=,又因为0°≤θ≤180°,所以θ=60°,故A正确;对于B,当θ=120°时,代入=116-96cosθ得||=2,故B正确;对于C,在△CAE中,cosθ=,在△CAD中,cos∠CAD=,∵AE<AD,0°≤θ≤180°,0°≤∠CAD≤180°,∴①当AC2+AE2-CE2>0时,cosθ>cos∠CAD,则θ<∠CAD,②当AC2+AE2-CE2=0时,cosθ=cos∠CAD,则θ=∠CAD=90°,③当AC2+AE2-CE2<0时,cosθ<cos∠CAD,则θ>∠CAD,故C错误;对于D,以A为原点,分别以AE,AB,AZ为x轴、y轴、z轴建立空间直角坐标系,如图所示,则A(0,0,0),E(8,0,0),D(8,4,0),B(0,4,0),C(6cosθ,0,6sinθ),所以=(8,0,0),=(6cosθ,-4,6sinθ),=(0,-4,0),设平面BCD的一个法向量为n=(x,y,z),则取n=(0,3sinθ,2),∴点A到平面BCD的距离为d=,又0°≤θ≤180°,所以0≤sin2θ≤1,∴当sinθ=1时,d取得最大值,故D错误.13.-3解析f'(x)=3x2+1-,g'(x)=-a sin x,由题意可知,g'=f'(1),即-a sin=3,解得a=-3.14.-2解析 (方法一)设等比数列{a n}的公比为q,则由a2a4a5=a3a6,a9a10=-8,得可得所以a7=a1q6=a1q·q5=-2.(方法二)设{a n}的公比为q.由a2a4a5=a3a6,可得a2=1.又因为a9a10=a2q7·a2q8=-8,即q15=-8,得q5=-2,则a7=a2·q5=-2.15.解析依据题意,该企业这批产品中,含2个二等品零件的包数占10%,则含1个二等品零件的包数占90%,在含1个二等品零件一包产品中,随机抽取4个零件,若抽取的4个零件都是一等品,其概率P1=,在含2个二等品零件一包产品中,随机抽取4个零件,若抽取的4个零件都是一等品,其概率P2=,则小张确定选购该企业产品的概率P=.16.解析依题意,抛物线C的焦点在x轴的正半轴上,设C的方程为y2=2px,p>0,明显直线PQ不垂直于y轴,设直线PQ的方程为x=ty+2,点P,Q,联立消去x得y2-2pty-4p=0,则有y1+y2=2pt,y1y2=-4p.由OP⊥OQ得+y1y2=4-4p=0,解得p=1,于是抛物线C:y2=2x的焦点F,弦PQ的中点M的纵坐标为=t,则点M(t2+2,t).若直线MF的斜率最大,则必有t>0,则直线MF的斜率k=,当且仅当2t=且t>0,即t=时,等号成立,所以直线MF的斜率的最大值为.。

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限时(1)I.改错.Dreams play important role in our daily life and a good dream is the motivation to success. To realize a dream, one should learn to defeat difficulties through constant struggles so well as persistence.Like most people there was a time that I dreamed of being an excellent student in my English after entering into middle school. To catch up my classmates, I made pen-friends with some foreign students to improve my writing English. Finally, I won the English Speech Contest, realize my dream.Now, I hope that I can admitted to a key university after graduation from middle school. I wish to be a doctor in the future. Of course, whether my dream will come true depend on my personal efforts. I strong believe that where there is a dream, there is hope and there is a way.II.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(每空1词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Freeflyers: Modem SkydiversHave you experienced the thrilling sport—freeflying? Imagine falling towards the planet Earth at 1 awesome speed of 300 kilometers per hour. You start your fall from over four kilometers above the Earth. And you have less than one minute before you pull your parachute (降落伞)cord. You are falling 2 fast that just turning your head can send you off 3 a different direction. This is the wild side of a sport that has not found its limit—freeflying.Freeflying 4 (base) on the more traditional skydiving, 5 of which are eye-catching. However, it is more terrifying to watch freeflyers create formations and movements. Freeflyers, 6 the name suggests, enjoy the more spontaneous(即兴的)thrill of doing their own things.The wildest trip for a freeflyers is falling …head down‟. Falling …head first‟ requires a great deal of control, which means 7 (travel) not only fast but also steadily. Even the 8 (slight) movement has a great effect on your direction.They wear the amusing jumpsuits, strange helmets and smaller parachutes. 9 (actual), their parachutes are about one quarter the size of the traditional skydiver‟s parachutes. It is only in the last few years 10 freeflying has gained any real public acceptance. 1.________ 2._________ 3._________ 4.___________5.____________6.________7._________8.___________9.__________10.___________III.完型填空.A Disaster Makes a Strong PersonI lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight(货物)yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head. Now I am thirty-two. I can still 41 the brightness of sunshine. It would be 42 to see again, but a 43 can do strange things to people. I don‟t mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the 44 of them made me 45 more what I had.Life, I believe, asks a continuous series of adjustments to reality. The more quickly a person is able to make these adjustments, the more 46 his own private world becomes. The adjustment is never 47 . I was totally confused and afraid. But I was lucky. My parents and my teachers saw something in me—the 48 to live—which I didn‟t see, and they made me want to 49 against blindness.The hardest 50 I had to learn was to believe in myself. I am not talking about simply the kind of 51 that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. That is part of it. But I mean something bigger than that: the confidence that I am, despite being imperfect, a real, 52 person; that there is a special place where I can make myself fit.It took me years to discover and 53 this confidence. It had to start with the simplest things. Once a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was making fun of me and I was hurt. “I can‟t use this.” I said. “Take it with you,” he 54 me, “and roll it around.” The words55 in my head. “Roll it around!” By rolling the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought 56 : playing baseball. At Philadelphia‟s Overbrook School for the Blind I 57 a successful variation of baseball and I called it ground ball.All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to be clear about my 58 . It was no good trying for something that I knew at the start was wildly out of reach 59 that only invited the bitterness of failure. I would 60 sometimes anyway but on the average I made progress.41. A. remember B. affect C. measure D. bring42. A. possible B. wonderful C. hopeful D. reasonable43. A. question B. mistake C. disaster D. situation44. A. importance B. value C. loss D. attention45. A. record B. expect C. offer D. appreciate46. A. natural B. modern C. meaningful D. challenging47. A. necessary B. easy C. difficult D. practical48. A. right B. plan C. place D. potential49. A. guard B. hit C. argue D. fight50. A. game B. skill C. lesson D. knowledge51.A.self-control B.self-confidence C.self-defense D. self-improvement52. A. modest B. energetic C. generous D. positive53. A. strengthen B. express C. share D. destroy54. A. urged B. blamed C. respected D. admired55. A. held B. stuck C. bothered D. knocked56. A. important B. specific C. common D. impossible57. A. invented B. confirmed C. checked D. noticed58. A. interest B. limitation C. experience D. responsibility59. A. once B. unless C. because D. though60. A. fail B. try C. act D. continueIV.七选五.Travel MannersEvery culture has its own unwritten list of behavior that is acceptable. Every society also has its taboos, or types of behavior that are considered a violation of good manners.The word taboo comes from the Tongan language and is used in modern English to describe verbal and nonverbal behavior that is forbidden or to be avoided. 36 They tend to be specific to a culture or country, and usually form around a group‟s values and beliefs. What is considered accep table behavior in one country may be a serious taboo in another.Verbal taboos usually involve topics that people believe are too private to talk about publicly, or relate to one‟s manner of speaking. In many cultures, for example, it is considered bad manners to discuss subjects such as sex or religion in public. In some countries, the volume of one‟s voice may annoy people. 3738 For example, one of the biggest differences among many Western, Asian, and African cultures is the use of eye contact. In the US, people make eye contact when they talk to others. 39 In many Asian and African cultures, however, children are taught to lower their eyes when talking to their elders, or those of higher rank, as a way to show respect.Certain gestures made with the hands can have very different meanings depending on the country you are in. Crossing your middle finger over your forefinger is the sign for good luck in many western countries. 40 Also, in some Asian countries, moving your hands a lot while talki ng, or …talking with your hands‟, is considered unsuitable.Behavior that is acceptable and non-offensive in one culture can be highly offensive in another. When visiting a foreign country, be aware of some of the basic differences, as this will help to ensure a more enjoyable trip.A.Nonverbal taboos usually relate to body language.B.In Vietnam and Argentina, however, it is a rude gesture.C.In spite of what some people may think, taboos are not universal.D.Cancer is a taboo subject and people are frightened to talk openly about it. E.Learn a country‟s customs so that you don‟t hurt the local people unconsciously. F.They might think that someone who is speaking or laughing loudly is rude or aggressive.G.If a person avoids eye contact, others might think they are being dishonest or unconfident.V.阅读理解. AParents whose children show a special interest in a particular sport feel very difficult to make a decision about their children's careers. Should they allow their children to be trained to become top sportsmen or sportswomen? For many children it means starting school work very young, and going out with friends and other interests have to take a second place. It's very difficult to explain to a young child why he or she has to train five hours a day, even at the weekend, when most of his or her friends are playing.Another problem is of course money. In many countries, money for training isavailable from government for the very best young sportsmen and sportswomen. If this help cannot be given, it means that it is the parents who have to find the time and the money to support their child's development and sports clothes, transport to competitions, special equipment, etc. They can all be very expensive.Many parents are worried that it is dangerous to start serious training in a sport at an early age. Some doctors agree that young muscles may be damaged by training before they are properly developed. Professional trainers, however, believe that it is only by training young that you can reach the top as a successful sports person. It is clear that very few people do reach the top, and both parents and children should be prepared for failure even after many years of training.57. What does Paragraph l mainly tell us?A. Parents are uncertain about their children's interest in sport.B. The advantages and disadvantages about sports training.C. How to explain to children about their sports training.D. Becoming top sportsmen or sportswomen is hard.58. Sports training can be expensive when DarentsA. can't find a good coach through government.B. can't receive the help from government.C. have to make children be the best.D. have to buy sports clothes.59. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that _________A. training should be taken to succeedB. parents are worried about the dangers of trainingC. doctors are positive about training youngD. professional trainers agree with training young60. What does the text mainly talk about?A. Problems school children face.B. The relation between sports and training.C. Worries from parents about kids' training in sports.D. Different ideas about sports training for school children.BThe picture-like island is rich in scenic beauty. Barbados sightseeing is a photographer's dream that comes true with numbers of natural wonders, breathtaking scenic views, attractive gardens and miles of white, sandy beaches. There's so many things to see and to do, as you check out some of the places of interest on the island.Historical Appeal ExperienceFull of historical appeal you'll love the impressive collection of beautiful great houses, landmarks, old churches, and traditional ancient houses some of which may date back to the 16th century. Historic Bridgetown, over 375 years old, capital of Barbados, is located with its color1 ful fishing boats and splendid yachts (极佳的游艇) . Check out the Barbados National and see some of the island's most beautiful homes.Nature Charm EnjoymentNature lovers will find the Botanical Garden, as well as the wonderful landscapes of the tropical plants and flowers, a welcome addition to their trip. Nature paths, rocky caves and local wildlife will make these tours relaxing.A guided island tour is of excellent value for money as well as informative changes from scenic, fun-filled, historic tours to exciting safari tours. If seeing the island from a different point is what you want to do, then try one of our sea tours, air tours or underwater tours to enjoy what sea plants and animals it can offer.Rental Drive AdventureIf you rent a car, here are a few things to remember. The roads, thin and rocky, are sometimes leading nowhere and often unmarked. You might think of some possible dangers. But don't get upset if you get lost-everybody does, even locals, Bajans ! If you make a wrong turn, consider it is a part of the adventure of touring Barbados. You might want to pick up any of the several visitors' guides which include maps. For more detailed information, please contact us by either of the following:Tel: (246) 427-1952 0r 436-7189Fax: (246) 436-223453. Which of the followings is the sightseeing of Historic Bridgetown?A. Traditional houses and rocky caves.B. Beautiful houses and nature paths.C. Old churches and splendid yachts.D. Landmarks and tropical plants.54. According to the passage Botanical Garden _A. can make tours dangerous with rocky cavesB. is full of tropical plants and landmarksC. will cost travelers lots of moneyD. may attract lovers of nature55. If travelers prefer something risky in Barbados, they may _______.A. have a guided island tourB. see the Botanical GardenC. go to Historic BridgetownD. try a rental drive adventure56. What should be the best title for the passage?A. A Car Adventure of Touring Barbados with FunB. An Island of Historical Appeal as One ExpectsC. Barbados-A Wonderful Place for SightseeingD. Return to Nature, Know More of the BajansCIt was a long time since I visited my mother last time. The demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. She thought about it for a moment, and then agreed.That Friday after work, I drove over to pick her up. When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she had curled her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn to celebrate her last wedding anniversary. She smiled from a face that was as beautiful as an angel's.We went to a very nice and comfortable restaurant. After we sat down, I had to read the menu. A smile was on her lips.“It was I who used to ha ve to read the menu when you -were a child,” she said. “Then it's time that you relax and let me return the favor,” I responded.During the dinner we had an agreeable conversation-nothing special but catching up on recent events of each other's life. We talked so much that we missed the movie. As we arrived at her house later, she said,“I'll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you.” I agreed.A few days later my mother died of an unexpected heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn't have a chance to do anything for her. At that moment I understood the importance of saying “I love you” in time and giving our loved ones the time that they deserve. Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, bec ause these things cannot be put off till “some other time”.50. Why did the mother curl her hair and wear the dress that night?A. She was trying to be polite.B. She felt happy to meet the author.C. She had no much time to go to the cinema.D. She had the habit to do so when going out.51. How can we learn about the talk between the author and the mother?A. It was pleasant.B. It wasted them much time.C. It settled the problem between them.D. It made them regret having missed the film.52. Why does the author tell the story about the meeting with his mother?A. To share his rich experience.B. To show his love to his mother.C. To express sorry about his mother.D. To advise people to care for the family.DWinter weather has returned to northern areas of the world. In much of the United States, winter means the return of snow.Snow is a form of frozen water. It contains many groups of tiny ice particles (颗粒) called snow crystals (晶体) . These crystals grow from water particles in cold clouds. They usually grow around a piece of dust. All snow crystals have six sides, but they grow in different shapes. The shape depends mainly on the temperature and water levels in the air. The shape of a snow crystal may change from one form to another as the crystal passes through levels of air with different temperatures. Snow contains much less water than rain. About seventy-five centimeters of snow has as much water as two and one-half centimeters of rain.Generally, the color1 of snow and ice appears white. This is because the light we see from the sun is white. Most natural materials take in some sunlight. However, when light travels from air to snow, some light is sent back, or reflected (反射). Snow crystals have many surfaces to reflect sunlight. It is this light that gives snow its white color1 .Much of the water we use comes from snow. Melting snow gives water to rivers and crops. Snowfall helps to protect plants and some wild animals from cold. Fresh snow is made largely of air which is kept among the snow crystals. Because the air has trouble moving, the movement of heat is greatly reduced. However, snow is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people in the United States every year. Many people die in traffic accidents on roads that are covered with snow or ice.46. The shape of snow depends on _______.A. different temperaturesB. different water levelsC. temperatures and water levels in the airD. temperatures and levels of air47. According to the text, snow looks white because _______.A. snow is actually whiteB. snow crystals are whiteC. the reflected light is whiteD. the ice particles are white48. How can snow protect plants from the cold?A. It gives them much heat.B. It has a higher temperature.C. It keeps them from wind.D. It contains air which helps hold heat.49. What does the last paragraph of the text mainly talk about?A. Snow can give water to rivers and crops.B. Snow can help crops grow better.C. Snow has both advantages and disadvantages.D. Snow is the cause of the deaths of many people.Key:限时一I.1. play important role- play an important role2. so well as- as well as3. a time that- a time when4. entering into-去掉into5. catch up my- catch up with my6. writing English-written English7. realize-realizing8. can admitted- can be admitted9. depend- depends10. strong- stronglyII.1.an 2. So 3. In 4. is based 5.both6.as7.travel(l)ing8.slightest9.Actually10 thatIII:41—45 ABCCD 46—50 CBDDC 51—55 BDAAB 56—60 DABCA IV.CFAGBV.A: ABDC B: CDDC C: BAD D: CCDC。
