在成长过程中,马克·吐温深受家乡文化和西部荒野的影响,这为他的作品提供 了丰富的素材。
马克·吐温曾在汉尼巴尔的一所学校接受教育,但因家境困难 而辍学。
马克·吐温曾从事过多种职业,包括印刷学徒、记者、排字工 人等。
世界著名作家马克·吐温 生平及作品介绍
目 录
• 马克·吐温的生平 • 马克·吐温的作品风格 • 马克·吐温的代表作品介绍 • 马克·吐温的作品对后世的影响 • 马克·吐温的历史地位和贡献
马克·吐温的作品被视为世界文学的经典之一,他的作品被广泛阅读和研究,对世界文学的发展产生了积极的影响 。
马克·吐温的幽默风格具有鲜明 的个性和独特的魅力,使他成为 美国文学史上最著名的幽默作家
马克·吐温的作品在批判社会现 象方面具有深刻的洞见和尖锐 的笔触。
他以锐利的笔锋剖析社会问题 ,揭示社会不公和人性弱点, 引发读者对社会现实的思考。
马克·吐温mark twain中文名:马克·吐温外文名:Mark Twain别名:萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱门国籍:美国出生地:美国密苏里州佛罗里达的乡村出生日期:1835年11月30日逝世日期:1910年4月21日职业:作家代表作品:《百万英镑》、《哈克贝利费恩历险记》、《汤姆·索亚历险记》人物简介虽然他的财富很多,却有损他高超的幽默、机智与名气,称英国最不知名人士之一,擅长写讽刺小说。
写作风格融幽默与讽刺一体,既富于独特的个人机智与妙语,又不乏深刻的社会洞察与剖析,既是幽默辛辣的小说杰作,又是悲天悯人的严肃!作品笔名“马克·吐温”是其最常使用的笔名,一般认为这个笔名是源自其早年水手术语,马克·吐温的意思是:水深12英尺,萨缪尔(即“马克·吐温”)曾当过领航员,与其伙伴测量水深时,他的伙伴叫道“Mark Twain !”,意思是“两个标记”,亦即水深两浔(1浔约1.8米),这是轮船安全航行的必要条件.还有一个原因是,他的船长塞勒斯,曾是位德高望重的领航员,不时为报纸写些介绍密西西比河掌故的小品,笔名“马克·吐温”。
人教版高中历史必修3 8.22课文注释:马克.吐温
![人教版高中历史必修3 8.22课文注释:马克.吐温](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/158a37fc8bd63186bcebbc8d.png)
陶洁《美国文学选读》(第3版)笔记和课后习题详解(第8单元 马克
![陶洁《美国文学选读》(第3版)笔记和课后习题详解(第8单元 马克](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e20e428ecfc789eb172dc8b6.png)
第8单元马克•吐温8.1复习笔记I.Introduction to author(作者简介)1.Life(生平)Mark Twain(1835-1910)is the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens.He was an American novelist and humorist.Twain grew up in Missouri,which would later provide the setting for Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer.He apprenticed with a printer.He also worked as a typesetter and contributed articles to his older brother Orion’s newspaper.After toiling as a printer in various cities,he became a master riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River before heading west to join Orion.He was a failure at gold mining, so he next turned to journalism.While a reporter,he wrote a humorous story,"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,"which became very popular and brought nationwide attention.His travelogues were also well received.He achieved great success as a writer and public speaker.His wit and satire earned praise from critics and peers,and he was a friend to presidents,artists, industrialists,and European royalty.马克·吐温(1835—1910)是萨缪尔·朗赫恩·克莱门斯的笔名。
• 马克 · 吐温是 19 世纪美国现实主义 文学的主要奠基 人之一,他在现实 主义小说语言风格方面为美国文 学 的发展做出了卓越的贡献。用美国 小说家和评论 家威廉· 狄恩· 豪威尔 斯的话来说 ,他是 “ 美国 文学 的 林肯”。 • 马克 · 吐温是第一位用地道的美国 口语写作 的美国作家,他的《哈克 贝利 · 费恩历险记》为美国 小说的 语言带来意义深远的变化,奠定了 美国文学 口语化风格的基础。他那 清新幽默的文笔,毫无雕 琢的朴素 语言开创了美国小说口语化的先河, 对后 世作家产生巨大影响。
海伦· 凯勒曾言:“我喜欢马克· 吐 温 ——谁会不喜欢他呢?即使是上帝,
亦会钟爱他,赋予其智慧,并于其心 灵里绘画出一道爱与信仰的彩虹。”
威廉· 福克纳称他为“第一位真正的美 国作家,我们都是继承他而来 ”。他 是美国乡土文学的集大成者。 海明威曾经说过“ 一切当代美国文学 都起源于马克 · 吐温一本叫《哈克贝 里· 费恩历险记tion
However , he lacked financial acumen. Though he made a great deal of money from his writings and lectures, he squandered it on various ventures, and was forced to declare bankruptcy. Twain worked hard to ensure that all of his creditors were paid in full, even though his bankruptcy had relieved him of the legal responsibility.
Unit 8Part 1The Age of Realism and Naturalism: Mark TwainⅠTeaching ContentLocal Colorism; Mark TwainⅡTime Allotment4 periodsⅢTeaching Objectives and Requirements1 Help the students to know about Local Colorism.2 Help the students to know about Mark TwainⅣKey Points and Difficult Points in Teaching1 Local Colorism2 Mark Twain3 The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnⅤTeaching Methods and MeansLecture; Discussion; Multi-mediaⅥTeaching Process1 Local Colorism1.1 Introduction●Local colorism first made its presence felt in late 1860s and early seventies.●Hamlin Garland defines local colorism in his Crumbling Idols ashaving “such quality of texture and background that it could not have been written in any other place or by anyone e lse than a native.” Here “texture”(质地)refers to the elements which characterize a local culture, elements such as speech, customs, and mores to peculiar to one particular place. “Background” covers physical setting and those distinctive qualities of landscape which condition human thought and behavior. As Garland indicates, the ultimate/ˈʌl.tɪ.mət/aim of the localists is to create the illusion of indigenous | ɪn'dɪdʒɪnəs] little world with qualities that tell it apart from the world outside.●Local color may be defined as the careful attention to details of the physical scene and to those mannerisms(n.固守独特的格调; 癖性; 矫揉造作)in speech, dress, or behavior peculiar to a geographical/ˏdʒiəˋɡræfɪkl/ locality.●Local colorists concerned themselves with presenting and interpretingthe local character of their regions. They tend to idealize and glorify, but they never forgot to keep an eye on the truthful color of local life.In America, local color is mainly shown in the fiction.●Bret Harte was the first well-known writer of local color.1.2 Background●The social and intellectual climate of the country provided astimulating milieu /mɪˈljɜː/环境for the growth of local color fiction.●Socially, marked differences existed between different parts of theco untry, the east assuming the superior “aristocratic”贵族的posture, the rest of the country keenly feeling psychological need to assert their cultural identity, seeking understanding and recognition by showing their local character.●Intellectually, the frontier humorists had prepared the literary groundfor local colorism.2 Mark Twain (pseudonym/ˈsuː.də.nɪm/假名;雅名of Samuel Langhorne Clements) (1835-1910)2.1 Life●Born in 1835 in the village of Florida, Missouri●Brought up in the small town of Hannibal, Missouri, on theMississippi River (4 years old-18 years old)●After his father‟s death in 1847, quitted school and workedsuccessively as a printer‟s apprentice, a tramp printer, a silver miner, a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River and frontier journalist in Nevada and California, which gave him a wide knowledge of humanity.●In 1866, went east, where he met Howells and Olivia Langdon ofElmira, New York in.●Married Miss Landon in 1870 and they settled in Hartford, Connecticut.●During the last twenty years of his life, became increasingly criticaland desperate which is related to his personal tragedies (the bankruptcy of his publishing firm bankrupted, other bad financial investments, bringing him humiliation(蒙羞;耻辱)and weariness (厌倦), followed by the death of his two daughters and wife, driving Twain to the edge of despair and insanityɪn'sænətɪ(精神失常), scorned the whole mankind as “damned human race”.●In 1910, died in Hartford, Connect.2.2 Works●The frontier tale: “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of CalaverasCountry” (1865), bringing him recognition from a wider public, making him nationally famous.●The Innocents Abroad(1869), an account of American tourists in Europe which pokes fun at the pretentious |prɪ'tenʃəs] adj.自负的, 夸耀的, 自任不凡的, decadent 'dekədənt n.堕落者; 颓废派艺术家; 颓废者and undemocratic Old World in a satirical / sə`tɪrɪkl /tone, making Twain as the master of humorists●Roughing It (1872), describing a journey working its way farther andfarther west through Navada to San Francisco then to Hawaii●The Gilded Age (1873), exploring the scrupulous 'skruːpjələs adj.小心谨慎的, 细心的; 有顾忌的individualism‚ɪndɪ'vɪdʒʊəlɪzm in a world of fantastic speculation and unstable values●The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(1876), a nostalgic nɔˈs tældʒɪkrecollection‚rekə'lekʃn of Twain‟s childhood life o f the Mississippi River, regarded as a classic book written for boys about their particular horrors and joys.●Life on the Mississippi River(1883), telling a story of Twain‟sboyhood ambition to become a riverboat pilot.●The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), Twain‟s masterwork, themilestone in American literature, marking the climax of Twain‟s literary creativity, from which “all American literature comes”(Hemingway)●A Connecticut Yank ee in King Arthur’ Court (1889)●The Tragedy of Pudd’ nhead Wilson (1894)●The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg (1900)●The Mysterious Stranger2.3 Mark Twain’s esthetic principle(P134)2.4 Mark Twain’s Contributions to literatureas a writer (P138)as a social critic (P138-139)2.5 Discussion of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(First the students give their opinions about the work from the aspects of theme, characters and writing style. Then discuss the selectedreading together.)ⅦReflection Questions and AssignmentsReflection QuestionsIn The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck Finn is athirteen-year-old boy. Why does Mark Twain use a child as thecenter of consciousness in this book?Assignments1 Comment on the character Huckleberry Finn in The Adventuresof Huckleberry Finn.2 What is the significance of The Adventures of HuckleberryFinn?Part 2杨勇:经典之作翻译:卡拉维拉县驰名的跳蛙我的一个朋友从东部写信给我,我按照他的嘱咐访问了性情随和、唠唠叨叨的老西蒙·惠勒,去打听我那位朋友的朋友利奥尼达斯·斯迈利的下落。
When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it's a sure sign you're getting old. 当你的朋友开始恭维你看起来多么年轻时,这是个确凿的信号说明你已 经开始老了。
外旅游记》出版。出版者为美国出版公司的勃里斯。1881年12月 《王子与贫儿》出版。出版者为 波士顿的詹姆斯·勒·奥斯谷特。1882年4月 马克·吐温重访密西西比河上,以便为其《密西西比河 上的生活》的下半部收集材料。他遍访密西西比河流域,一直到五月底。1883年夏 马克·吐温在夸 雷农庄完成了《赫克尔贝里·芬历险记》的写作。《密西西比河上的生活》由奥斯谷特出版。1885 年2月18日 《赫克尔贝里·芬历险记》由惠勃斯特出版公司出版。1885年3月 麻省康谷尔顿的图书 委员会称《赫克尔贝里·芬历险记》为“无聊之作,只能供贫民窟阅读”。不得放在书架上,从而 开始了禁书的一段历史,其影响直至今日。虽然如此,到五月份时,《哈克》出售了五万一千本。 (这样的禁书是个别单位的,并非全国性的)1885年1月2日 惠勃斯特公司出版了《格兰特回忆 录》,格兰特一家收益四十万元, 使得他们能免于破产。马克·吐温也深信自己有经商的天才。 (格兰特将军,1869—1877年连任两届美国总统。格兰特与马克·吐温交谊较深)1886年1月 马 克·吐温开始写《在亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国佬》。1889年12月 《在亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的 美国佬》由惠勃斯特出版公司出 版。1894年4月16日 《汤姆·索亚在国外》由惠勃斯特公司出版。 1894年11月 《傻瓜威尔逊》由美国出版公司出版。
外国文学史PPT 张世君 第8章第7节 马克吐温
![外国文学史PPT 张世君 第8章第7节 马克吐温](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bf96a28371fe910ef12df8fa.png)
马克· 吐温的叙事语言运用生动活泼的方言,他的 作品句法简洁、朴素,语言准确、简明,极少用长句, 常用并列句和重复句。他的口语化风格奠定了美国文 学口语化风格的基础。 《哈克》运用了各种方言,在《哈克》扉页“说 明”中,作者写道:“在这部书中,运用了一系列的 方言妙语:密苏里河黑人方言,西南最边远的森林地 带的方言,普通的‘Pike-County’方言,最终发生变 化的极好的方言。这些方言的运用,不是偶然冒险的 形式,被人猜疑,而是经过周密的调查,颇费心力的, 它具有帮助引导读者熟悉这几种方言的价值。”
哈克是马克· 吐温有名的儿童形象。他在密西西比 河上流浪,他是一个现代流浪儿,和传统流浪汉不同 的是,他的旅行冒险不是为了追求物质利益,而是为 了追求自由,表现出文明的倾向 。他不愿做虚伪的 “文明人”,宁愿下地狱。他帮助黑奴隶吉姆逃跑, 反对种族歧视。 他的整个旅行是不断的“逃离”,从家中逃离, 从文明社会逃离,从无法解决的现实问题面前逃离。 他是一个逃离的人。
马克· 吐温的幽默充满人道主义的同情心和正义感,幽 默与讽刺融为一体。1910年11月23日,他在纽约发表 《我也是义和团》的著名演说,谴责帝国主义列强侵略 中国。他以惯常的幽默风格谈道:“我在报上读到一段 新闻,一开头便说:‘俄国准备实行节约’。我倒是没 有料到会有这样的事。我当即想,要是俄国实行了节约, 能把眼下派到满洲去的三万军队召回国。让他们在和平 生活中安居乐业,那对俄国来说是多大的好事。”“义 和团主张要把我们赶出他们的国家。我也是义和团。因 为我也主张把他们赶出我们的国家。”
《王子与贫儿》 的加冕仪式真假王 子重新换装,恢复 原来的身份。加冕 过程嘲笑了严肃的 国王即位。电影改 编把幽默演绎到底, 以玉玺敲核桃的动 作结束。
陶洁《美国文学选读》课后习题详解(马克 吐温)【圣才出品】
![陶洁《美国文学选读》课后习题详解(马克 吐温)【圣才出品】](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/30acace0daef5ef7ba0d3cd6.png)
第8单元马克•吐温1. Why do you think Mr. Wheeler is so eager to tell these stories?Key: Because Mr. Wheeler regards these stories as really important matters, and he admires the two heroes of these stories very much. He is really eager to share his stories with others.2. Does his audience share his enthusiasm in telling the stories?Key: No, his audience does not share his enthusiasm nor has any interest in his stories. Although the narrator tells his stories in a very earnest and sincere way, his audience shows no interest, because that it has nothing to do with his preoccupation. As an educated man, the audience cannot understand the way of laborers for joy, and he will not bother himself to understand it. So, in the end, when the audience gets a chance, he flees away.3. Do you think the narrator and his listener ever suspect the presence of humor? Why? How do you interpret their interactions?Key: No, I don’t think that the narrator and his listener ever suspect the presence of humor. Because both the narrator and the listener show no special response and emotion to these stories, that is, the narrator tells his stories for the story-telling sake, and the listener listening to it for the listening sake. There is nocommunication between them, which causes the failure of interaction.。
美国文学史Unit8马克吐温 PPT
![美国文学史Unit8马克吐温 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/07fc79a9770bf78a6429542f.png)
In 1861, the American Civil War destroyed the traffic along the Mississippi.
He left the Mississippi at the outbreak of the war, and became, in swift succession, an army volunteer, a gold prospector in Nevada.
He was a failure at gold mining, so he next turned to journalism. While a reporter, he wrote a humorous story,
He became apprenticed to a printer and began contributing to his brother’s newspaper in 1851.
From 1857 to 1861 he found himself a pilot on the Mississippi River.
-- Ernest Hemingway
★ "I believe that Mark Twain had a clearer vision of life, that he came nearer to its elementals and was less deceived by its false appearances than any other American. I believe that he was the true father of our national literature.-- H.L. Mencken
马克·吐温的儿童文 学作品简介
• 马克·吐温的儿童文学作品主要包括《汤姆·索亚历险记》、《哈 克贝利·费恩历险记》等
• 这些作品以儿童为主人公,讲述了他们的冒险故事 • 作品中充满了幽默、讽刺和想象力,深受广大读者的喜爱 • 马克·吐温的儿童文学作品具有很高的艺术价值和教育意义 -他 的作品不仅让孩子们享受到阅读的乐趣,还培养了他们的想象力和 创造力 • -他的作品向孩子们传递了正义、勇敢和友谊等价值观
• 资本主义的发展导致社会阶级分化 • 探险、拓荒和西部开发等历史事件为文学作品提供了丰富的素材
• 对种族歧视、社会不公等现象进行批判 • 对儿童、动物和自然等主题的关注体现了他对人性的关爱和对和谐社会的向往
马克·吐温的儿童文学作品对美国文化的传播产生了重要影响 -他的作品被翻译成多种语言,成为了美国文化的代表之一 -他的作品向世界展示了美国社会的多样性和包容性
马克·吐温的儿童文学作品对世界各地的儿童文学产生了深远的影响 -他的作品被翻译成多种语言,成为了世界儿童文学 的经典之作
• 作品中的幽默和讽刺让作品具有很高的娱乐性 • 作品向孩子们传递了正义、勇敢和友谊等价值观
• 作品中的幽默和讽刺让作品具有很高的娱乐性 • 作品向孩子们传递了正义、勇敢和友谊等价值观
His major works
He wrote 28 books and numerous short stories, letters and sketches.
It is the first novels which tried to
•Innocents Abroad (1869dfeisrscrtibbeotohke)neawcmoollreaclittyioonf poofstt-ravel
-- Ernest Hemingway
★ "I believe that Mark Twain had a clearer vision of life, that he came nearer to its elementals and was less deceived by its false appearances than any other American. I believe that he was the true father of our national literature.-- H.L. Mencken
Civil War America
•The Gilded Age (1873) 《镀金时代》 •The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆索亚历险记》(1876) • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝恩历险记》 (1885)
Mark Twain 马克-吐温
T.S Eliot T.S艾略特
Mark Twain
Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910),better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist.
Chapter 8 Literature
![Chapter 8 Literature](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/69e33bfe33d4b14e8524689d.png)
I. Colonial Period (1607-1765)
Background: Puritanism
Features of Puritanism
Predestination: God decided everything before things occurred.
Original sin: Human beings were born to be evil, and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation.
Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔·霍桑 The Scarlet Letter 《红字》
Herman Melville 麦尔维尔 Moby Dick《白鲸》
Harriet Beecher Stowe 斯多夫人 Uncle Tom's Cabin 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》
IV. Realistic Period (1865- 1918)
Poetry: The Raven《乌鸦》 Horror Fiction: The Fall of the
House of Usher《厄舍大厦的倒塌》 Whodunit: Murders in the Rue
Ralph Waldo Emersion 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生 (1803-1882)
stylist of American romanticism.
Sketch Book《见闻札记》-- the first modern short stories
James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯•费尼 莫尔•库珀 (1789--1851) -- launched two kinds of popular stories → the sea adventure tale and the frontier saga.
马克·吐温被视为美国文 学史上最杰出的短篇小说 家之一,他的作品对后世 产生了深远影响。
他的作品不仅具有娱乐性 ,而且具有很高的文学价 值和历史价值。
马克·吐温的作品影响了 许多后来的作家,他的语 言风格和叙事技巧被广泛 模仿和创新。
马克·吐温的作品启示我们要重视文学创作,通过作品 来表达对时代的思考和感悟,传递人类智慧和情感。
马克·吐温以其独特的语言风格和幽默感在文学界独树一帜。他 的作品语言简练,富有表现力,能够引人入胜。
马克·吐温的作品中充满了对当时社会现象的揭示和批判,通过幽 默的方式展现出社会的荒诞和不合理。
该作品以贞德为题材,展现了马克·吐温对历史人物的独特理 解和女性英雄主义的关注。
这部作品以贞德为主角,讲述了她在法国百年战争中的传奇 经历。马克·吐温通过对贞德的描绘,探讨了女性在战争和社 会变革中的角色和力量,展现了他对女性权益的关注和尊重 。
《英汉对照·英美Байду номын сангаас学精品-美国的一面镜子-马克·吐温短 篇小说选》
马克·吐温的作品反映了当时美国社会的各种 问题和矛盾,他的作品被认为是批判现实主 义文学的代表。
马克·吐温的作品对美国文学产生了深远的影 响,他被认为是美国文学史上最重要的作家
• 吉姆:具有丰富的思想感情和优秀品质的黑人,“富 有尊严的正面人物,” 美国文学史上著名的黑人 典型形象: * 具有独立人格,向往自由,富于反抗精神; * 善良、真挚、纯朴,有细腻丰富的情感与自我牺牲精神; 历 险 记 》 插 图 * 有愚昧无知的一面。 《 哈 克 贝 利 费 恩
马克·吐温口语化影响 马克 吐温口语化影响 吐温
马克·吐温开创了美国小说口语化的先河。 直接受口语化影响的作家有:舍伍德·安德 森、海明威、福克纳等。美国诗人T•S•艾略 特、庞德、E•E•卡明斯等人的诗歌所表现 出的口语化特点,也同马克·吐温的文风有 密切关系。 T•S•艾略特说他在英美开创了新文风,是 “英语的新发现”。肖伯纳认为他是英语的 语言大师。 福克纳也说:“我认为,马克·吐温是第一 个真正的美国作家。我们大家都是他的继承 人。我们都是他的胄裔。” 至今,在美国,用方言土语叙述故事已成为 一个主要的文学传统。
1、现实主义的客观描写与浪漫主义的主观抒情完美 结合 ; 2、具有原型意象的象征意蕴; 3、采用第一人称叙事,出色描写儿童的心理行为; 4、轻松的幽默与犀利的讽刺熔于一炉; 5、使用经过提炼的南方方言俚语——自然流畅、丰富 生动、简洁轻松的“美国英语”。 “全部美国文学起源于一本叫《哈克贝利·费恩历 险记》的书……这是我们所有的书中最好的一本。” ——海明威
“全部现在美国文学都起源于马克·吐温的一 本叫《哈克贝利·芬历险记》的书……这是 我们所有的书里最好的一本。所有的美国 作品都从它而来,在它之前什么也没有, 自它以来也没有像它那样的作品出现。” ——海明威
《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 (一)情节
• 白人男孩哈克贝利·费恩与黑奴吉姆 乘木筏沿密西西比河漂流而下、 寻找自由的故事; 恩 《 历 哈 险 克 记 贝 》 利 插 费 图 ·
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In 1861, the American Civil War destroyed the traffic along the Mississippi. He left the Mississippi at the outbreak of the war, and became, in swift succession, an army volunteer, a gold prospector in Nevada.
President William Howard Taft said:"Mark Twain gave pleasure – real intellectual enjoyment – to millions, and his works will continue to give such pleasure to millions yet to come... His humor was American, but he was nearly as much appreciated by Englishmen and people of other countries as by his own countrymen. He has made an enduring part of American literature.&became apprenticed to a printer and began contributing to his brother‘s newspaper in 1851. From 1857 to 1861 he found himself a pilot on the Mississippi River. It is from this work that he got the idea of his pen name ―Mark Twain‖
Life in the East
Eastern publications followed a British-style Social life differed greatly from the West. humor, and often had to explain to their audience which sections of their publications were funny and why. Nobody knows whether or not Easterners actually believed the stories from the Westerners. Western journalists made up tales as if they were factual, perhaps believing that they could fool Eastern readers.
Discoveries lured people of all races and nationalities.
Most mining camps were rather ugly places, extremely dusty during the summer and muddy during the winter.
Twain died of a heart attack on April 21, 1910.When he died, he left uncompleted autobiography. Haley's Comet was visible in the sky both on the night that Mark Twain was born and on the night he passed away.
Mark Twain 马克-吐温 novel
T.S Eliot T.S艾略特
Mark Twain
Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910),better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist. He was lauded as the “greatest American humorist of his age”.
Mark Twain meaning “watermark two”, was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmate that they were coming into shallow water.
★"the first truly American writer, and all of us since are his heirs " “the father of American literature “ -- William Faulkner ★ "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called "Huckleberry Finn.“ -- Ernest Hemingway ★ "I believe that Mark Twain had a clearer vision of life, that he came nearer to its elementals and was less deceived by its false appearances than any other American. I believe that he was the true father of our national literature.-- H.L. Mencken
Life Experience
Samuel Langhorne Clemens, the third of five children, was born in Florida, Missouri. His father died when he was only 12. From that time on he worked to support himself and the rest of the family.
In his late years, Mark Twain wrote less, but he became a celebrity, frequently speaking out on public issues. He made colloquial speech an accepted, respectable literary medium in the literary history. Twain received an honorary doctorate from the University of Oxford in 1907.
Writing Characteristics of Mark Twain
☆ Literature is an art of language. Mark Twain’s language is artistic and like a sharp weapon without doubt.
He is famous for his humor and satire. His work are characterized by broad often irreverent humor or biting social satire. ☆ Mark Twain‘s humor is based on the humor of the Western in America.
☆He used a lot of colloquial idioms and colloquial syntax ☆He often described persons who was innocent, simple, naï ve, and ignorant as his heroes and heroines.
Selected Readings in American Literature
Unit 8
Mark Twain(1835—1910)
American Literature
19世纪中期-20世纪初 1865~1914 20世纪初~
Franklin 富兰克林 prose
Whitman 惠特曼 poetry
Gambling became one of the most common pastimes in nineteenth-century mining camps.
life in the West
At that time, people enjoyed to tell tall tales (荒诞故事) and practical jokes(恶作剧). For example, cowboys put bull snakes in their companions' bedrolls. Tall tales were widely printed in almanacs(年鉴; 历书) and newspapers during the early 1800s and reached their peak between 1850 and 1865. Early Western newspapers played a particularly large role in developing and perpetrating these humorous stories.
•The Gilded Age (1873) 《镀金时代》 •The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆索亚历险记》(1876) • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 《哈克贝恩历险记》