Ekman layer damping of r-modes revisited




质谱都有几种工作模式:SIM,SRM,MRMSIM :单离子检测扫描(single ion monitoring)SRM :选择反应检测扫描(selective reaction monitoring)MRM :多反应检测扫描(multi reaction monitoring)质谱都有几种工作模式:(1)Full Scan:全扫描,指质谱采集时,扫描一段范围,选择这个工作模式后,你自己来设定一个范围,比如:150~500 amu。

对于未知物,一定会做这种模式,因为只有Full Scan了,才能知道这个化合物的分子量。


(2)SIM:Single Ion Monitor,指单离子监测,针对一级质谱而言,即只扫一个离子。



比如,要对500 amu的离子做SIM,较高高分辨状态下,可以设定取样宽度为1.0,这时质谱只扫499.5~500.5 amu。

还有些高分辨率的仪器,可以设定取样宽度更小,比如0.2 amu,这时质谱只扫499.9~500.1 amu。

但对于较纯的、杂质干扰较少的体系,不妨设定较低的分辨率,比如取样宽度设为2 amu,这时质谱扫描499~501 amu,如果没有干扰的情况下,取样宽度宽一些,待测化合物的灵敏度就高一些,因为噪音很低;但是有很强干扰情况下,设定较高分辨,反而提高灵敏度信噪比,因为噪音降下去了。

(3)SRM:Selective Reaction Monitor,指选择反应监测,针对二级质谱或多级质谱的某两级之间,即母离子选一个离子,碰撞后,从形成的子离子中也只选一个离子。



[ 2 ]
资助课题 : 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目“ 南 方暴雨” ( 2004CB18301) ; 国家 自然科学 基金项目 ( 40333025 , 40325014 , 40333031) ; 国家教育部科技项目( TRA PO Y T , FA N ED D 11999) 。 作者简介 : 谈哲敏 , 博士 , 教授 , 主要从事大气动力学与中尺度气象研究 。 Email : zmtan @nju . edu . cn 。
初稿时间 : 2005 年 9 月 18 日 ; 修改时间 : 2005 年 9 月 26 日 。
题等 。 显然 , 前者是后者的基础 。 关于大气边界层动力学的研究 , 经历了一个长 期过程 。 Boussinesq 首先提出利用层流理论来研 究湍流的思想 , Prandtl[ 3] 指出了在近壁层中流体粘 性的重要性 , Ekman[ 4] 在观测分析的基础上 , 探讨了 旋转流体边界层中科氏力 、 气压梯度力与湍流摩擦 力的相对重要性 , 提出了 3 种力相平衡的边界层模 型 , 即 Ekman 模型 , 并给出了该模型的解析解 , 即通 常称之为 Ekman 解或者 Ekman 流 , 该解是大气边 界层动力学中第一个解析解 , 它的发现是大气边界 层动力学研究中的一个重要里 程碑 。 尽管 Ekman 解是在极其简化的条件下得到的 , 但由于它可以描 述大气边界层的主要动力学特征且形式非常简单 , 已被广泛应用于大气动力学 、 海洋动力学等领域的 研究 , 对大气边界层 、 湍流理论的发展起了重要的推 动作用[ 5] 。 与大气边界层的观测 、数值模拟等研究
气 象 学 报 63 卷 544
的飞速发展相比 , 大气边界层基本动力学的研究发 展相对比较缓慢 , 其原因主要与大气边界层动力学 过程具有高度的非线性或者非均匀性有关 , 而目前 尚未有一种有效处理高度非线性的数学理论工具 , 另外 , 边界层过程中众多的变量 、 复杂的边界条件和 物理问题的闭合也是影响边界层研究取得进展的一 个重要原因 。 对于大气边界层动力学的研究 , 过去绝大多数 局限于在线性理论的框架中探讨边界层的水平风场 结构 、边界层顶部的自由大气与边界层相互作用产 生的 Ekm an 抽吸效应等 , 这些结果显然不足以反映 实际大气 边界层中的情 况 , 因此 , 发展一个 比 Ekman 模型更为完善的 , 但又较完全大气边界层模型 简单的中等复杂程度的动力学模型成为边界层动力 学研究中的一个重要任务 。 事实上 , 发展不同层次 的中间动力学模型( Intermediate model) 一直是大气 动力学 、 海洋动力学研究中的热点问题[ 6 , 7] 。 近 20 a 来 , 国内外的学者在发展大气边界层中间模型这一 方向开展了大量的研究工作 , 建立了几种不同条件 下的简化非线性 Ekman 动力学模型 , 并用这些模型 探讨了边界层过程及其在天气 、气候系统演变中的 作用 。 本文主要针对目前几类最具有代表性的非线 性 Ekman 层中间动力学模型进行简要总结 、 分析与 讨论 , 并提出其中存在的问题和今后进一步气低层 1 ~ 3 km , 由于 这一特殊的空间位置 , 其与地面过程密切相关 , 在地 球大气中各种能量 、 通量与物质等的输送中扮演重 要角色 。 大气边界层的结构 、演变与发展 , 除了受自 身的动力学过程控制外 , 还受其顶部天气系统的影 响 , 相应地 , 大气边界层过程也对天气 、气候系统产 生重要影响 。 因此 , 与大气边界层相关的不同尺度 之间的相互作用一直是大气科 学中的重要研 究方 向[ 1] 。 目前 , 大气边界层研究可以粗略地分成两大 类: 第一类主要是大气边界层动力学 、 物理过程本身 的研究 , 包括不同条件下大气边界层动力学 、物理过 程、 边界层结构及演变等 ; 第二类主要是与天气 、气 候系统相关的边界层过程 、不同大气边界层模式发 展以及不同层次大气数值模式中的边界层参数化问



第12卷 第3期强激光与粒子束V o l.12,N o.3 2000年6月H IGH POW ER LA SER AND PA R T I CL E B EAM S Jun.,2000 文章编号: 1001—4322(2000)03—0319—05湍流大气中哈特曼传感器的模式波前复原误差IIΞ李新阳, 姜文汉, 王春红, 鲜 浩(中国科学院光电技术研究所,国家863计划大气光学重点实验室,成都双流350信箱,610209) 摘 要: 分别采用Zern ike和Karhunen2L oeve两种模式波前复原法,分析了在子孔径斜率测量噪声影响下,哈特曼传感器对大气湍流畸变波前的模式复原误差与模式复原阶数等的关系。



关键词: 哈特曼传感器; 大气湍流; 测量噪声; 波前复原; Zern ike模式; K2L模式 中图分类号: O43711 文献标识码: A 经常利用哈特曼-夏克型波前传感器(简称哈特曼传感器)测量大气湍流造成的动态畸变波前[1~8]。

在圆孔径上常用Zern ike模式和Karhunen2L oeve模式(简称K2L模式)进行模式波前复原计算[8~12]。






1 哈特曼传感器测量噪声引起的模式波前复原误差 哈特曼探测器中不可避免地要受到探测噪声的影响,探测噪声有许多来源和种类,但最终都反映为子孔径斜率的测量噪声g n,实际测量结果是真实值与测量噪声的叠加[4,5]g’=g+g n(1) 斜率测量噪声通常都可以看作是零均值的白噪声,噪声与真实值不相关,并且噪声之间也互不相关,即满足条件<g n g T n>=IΡ2gn , <gg T n>=<g n g T>=0(2)其中I为单位矩阵;Ρ2gn为子孔径平均测量噪声方差。




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1970年,L. David Frye 和Michael Edidin 进行实验
细胞融合(cell fusion)原理 自发条件下或人工诱导下, 两个不同基因型的细
胞或原生质体融合形成一个杂种细胞 基本过程 细胞融合导致异核体的形成 异核体通过有丝分裂导致核的融合
● N-连接: 糖链与肽链中天冬酰胺残基 相连
● O-连接: 糖链与肽链中的丝氨酸或 苏氨酸残基相连
上图 : N-乙酰葡萄糖胺为N连接 N-乙酰半乳糖胺为O连接
胆固醇仅存在真核细胞膜上,含量不超过膜脂的1/3 植物细胞膜中含量较少
2、功能 1)提高脂双层的力学稳定性 2)调节脂双层流动性 胆固醇的含量增加会降低膜的流动性 3)降低水溶性物质的通透性 如:在缺少胆固醇培养基中,不能合成胆固醇的
1、用途 用于转基因 细胞融合 制备的药物,利用脂质体可以和细胞膜融合的特
核基因组编码的白质膜蛋白 30%
1、膜蛋白与脂分子的结合方式分为 : A:整合蛋白(integral protein)
又称内在蛋白(intrinsic protein) B:外周蛋白(peripheral protein) C:脂锚定蛋白(lipid-anchored protein)
J. Danielli & H. Davson 1935 发现: 质膜的表面张力低于油-水界面,推测含蛋白质 认为: 双层脂分子在中 内外表面附着的蛋白质

Empirical processes of dependent random variables

Empirical processes of dependent random variables

n i=1
from R to R. The centered G -indexed empirical process is given by (P n − P )g = 1 n
the marginal and empirical distribution functions. Let G be a class of measurabrocesses that have been discussed include linear processes and Gaussian processes; see Dehling and Taqqu (1989) and Cs¨ org˝ o and Mielniczuk (1996) for long and short-range dependent subordinated Gaussian processes and Ho and Hsing (1996) and Wu (2003a) for long-range dependent linear processes. A collection of recent results is presented in Dehling, Mikosch and Sorensen (2002). In that collection Dedecker and Louhichi (2002) made an important generalization of Ossiander’s (1987) result. Here we investigate the empirical central limit problem for dependent random variables from another angle that avoids strong mixing conditions. In particular, we apply a martingale method and establish a weak convergence theory for stationary, causal processes. Our results are comparable with the theory for independent random variables in that the imposed moment conditions are optimal or almost optimal. We show that, if the process is short-range dependent in a certain sense, then the limiting behavior is similar to that of iid random variables in that the limiting distribution is a Gaussian process and the norming √ sequence is n. For long-range dependent linear processes, one needs to apply asymptotic √ expansions to obtain n-norming limit theorems (Section 6.2.2). The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we introduce some mathematical preliminaries necessary for the weak convergence theory and illustrate the essence of our approach. Two types of empirical central limit theorems are established. Empirical processes indexed by indicators of left half lines, absolutely continuous functions, and piecewise differentiable functions are discussed in Sections 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Applications to linear processes and iterated random functions are made in Section 6. Section 7 presents some integral and maximal inequalities that may be of independent interest. Some proofs are given in Sections 8 and 9.



《高维非线性系统的全局分岔和混沌动力学》读书记录目录一、内容描述 (2)1.1 研究背景与意义 (3)1.2 国内外研究现状综述 (4)1.3 本书主要内容概述 (5)二、高维非线性系统的基本概念 (6)2.1 非线性系统的定义与特点 (8)2.2 高维非线性系统的演化方程 (9)2.3 高维非线性系统的相空间重构 (10)三、高维非线性系统的局部分岔理论 (11)3.1 分岔点的判定方法 (12)3.2 分岔路径的几何描述 (14)3.3 分岔参数的敏感性分析 (15)四、高维非线性系统的全局分岔与混沌动力学 (17)4.1 全局分岔的概念与判据 (18)4.2 混沌运动的特性与判据 (19)4.3 同宿点与异宿轨线的几何构造 (20)4.4 混沌系统的吸引子与李雅普诺夫指数 (22)五、高维非线性系统的控制与同步 (23)5.1 系统控制的策略与方法 (24)5.2 相空间重构在控制中的应用 (25)5.3 基于李雅普诺夫指数的混沌系统同步方法 (27)5.4 多变量系统的控制与同步 (28)六、高维非线性系统的数值模拟与实验验证 (29)6.1 数值模拟的方法与步骤 (30)6.2 实验验证的重要性及常用实验设计 (32)6.3 实验结果与理论分析的对比分析 (33)七、结论与展望 (35)7.1 本书的主要研究成果总结 (36)7.2 研究中的不足与局限性分析 (38)7.3 对未来研究的展望与建议 (39)一、内容描述《高维非线性系统的全局分岔和混沌动力学》是一本深入探讨高维非线性系统动力学行为的学术著作。







斯异质结。 基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算结果表明,ML MoS2 / VS2 和 BL MoS2 / VS2 异质结均表现出 p
型肖特基势垒,但在由 BL MoS2 构成的异质结中,肖特基势垒高度显著降低,仅为 0. 08 eV,十分接近于欧姆
接触的形成。 此外,通过对两种异质结光吸收光谱的计算,发现 BL MoS2 / VS2 异质结的介电函数的实部和虚
膜材料 [9-11] 。 目前为止,基于二维 MoS2 纳米片的场效应晶体管和数字电路已被成功制造。 值得关注的是,
在纳米电子器件中引入二维 MoS2 纳米片不可避免地涉及到与金属的接触,而相应的接触性质将会显著影响
器件的性能 [12-14] 。 因此,如何在金属半导体界面有效地降低接触电阻,对设计高性能纳米电子器件具有重
Key words: density functional theory; MoS2 ; electronic structure; van der Waals heterojunction; Schottky barrier;
light absorption
0 引 言
近年来,以石墨烯为代表的二维纳米材料因其独特的机械和电子性能而得到了广泛的研究与应用 [1-5] 。
用于描述交换关联作用 [18] ,投影缀加平面波方法被用来考虑离子与电子间相互作用。 平面波展开的截断能
被设置为 500 eV,采用 11 × 11 × 1 的 K 点网格在布里渊区进行取样,能量和力的收敛标准分别为 10 - 5 eV、
0. 01 eV / Å。 为避免相邻晶格之间的相互作用,真空层被设定为 15 Å 以确保消除层间的相互影响。 在非对
that the heterojunction composed of bilayer MoS2 has higher absorption peaks. The research results provide a theoretical basis

田纳西伊斯曼 不同模态对应的参数

田纳西伊斯曼 不同模态对应的参数




1. 电子结构参数在田纳西伊斯曼模型中,电子结构参数是非常重要的一部分。




2. 声子振动参数声子振动在固体物理中是一个非常重要的概念,它涉及了晶格动力学、热传导、介电性质等多个方面。



3. 磁性参数磁性是固体物理中的一个重要研究领域,而在田纳西伊斯曼模型中,磁性参数对应着费米面拓扑、交换相互作用、铁磁共振、磁化率等多个方面。


4. 电子输运参数在实际应用中,我们经常关心材料的电子输运性质,比如电导率、霍尔系数、电子迁移率等。








状态空间模型:适 用于线性系统,能 够描述系统的动态 特性
卡尔曼滤波:适用 于非线性系统,能 够处理噪声和干扰
状态空间模型:在 机器人控制、自动 驾驶等领域有广泛 应用
卡尔曼滤波:在信 号处理、导航等领 域有广泛应用
卡尔曼滤波是一种用于 状态空间模型的估计方 法,它可以从观测数据 中估计系统的状态,并 预测未来的状态。
状态变量:描述系统状态 的变量
输出变量:描述系统输出 信号的变量
观测矩阵:描述系统输出 信号与状态变量的关系矩

状态空间模型:描述动 态系统的数学模型
输入变量:描述系统输 入信号的变量
卡尔曼滤波是一种 线性最小方差估计 算法
主要用于解决动态 系统的状态估计问 题
基于状态空间模型 ,通过预测和更新 两个步骤实现状态 估计
具有稳定性、准确 性和实时性等特点
状态空间模型:描述系统动态过程的数学模型 卡尔曼滤波:一种基于状态空间模型的最:根据系统模型和上一时刻的状态估计,预测下一时
状态空间模型: 优点:能够描述系统的动态特性, 适合于非线性系统。 缺点:计算复杂度高,需要 大量的计算资源。
卡尔曼滤波: 优点:计算复杂度低,适合于实时 应用。 缺点:只能处理线性系统,对于非线性系 统需要线性化处理。





二、基本概念和原理1. 格子玻尔兹曼法概述格子玻尔兹曼法(Lattice Boltzmann Method,简称LBM)是一种基于分子动力学理论的流体动力学模拟方法,其核心思想是将宏观流体动力学描述建立在微观分子动力学规律之上。



2. 岩石电频散模型的建立基于LBM的岩石电频散模型建立过程中,首先需要考虑岩石孔隙介质的微观结构和电磁特性。



三、岩石电频散模型的微观机理研究1. 孔隙结构对电频散特性的影响通过基于LBM的岩石电频散模型,可以对岩石孔隙结构对电频散特性的影响进行深入研究。



2. 导电颗粒对电频散特性的影响在岩石中,存在着不同的导电颗粒,如矿物颗粒、裂隙和液体颗粒等。

Stewart, I.D.,& Oke,T.R.Local Climate Zones for Urban Temperature Studies

Stewart, I.D.,& Oke,T.R.Local Climate Zones for Urban Temperature Studies

LOCAL CLIMATE ZONES FOR URBAN TEMPERATURE STUDIESby I. D. S tewart anD t. r. O keThe new “local climate zone” (LCZ) classification system provides a research framework for urban heat island studies and standardizes the worldwide exchange of urban temperature observations.The study of urban heat islands (UHIs) implicates two of the most serious environmental issues of the twentieth century: population growth and climate change. This partly explains why the worldwide stock of heat island studies has grown so remarkably in recent decades. From Cairo to Tokyo, London to Dallas, and Delhi to Nairobi, cit-ies of every cultural and physical description have been the focus of a formal heat island investigation. The global reach of this literature reflects both the widespread repercussions of the heat island effect in all urban areas, and the scientific curiosity about a phenomenon so seemingly simple.“Urban heat island,” a term first coined in the 1940s (e.g., Balchin and Pye 1947), refers to the atmospheric warmth of a city compared to its countryside. Heat islands occur in almost all urban areas, large or small, in warm climates or cold. The traditionally described heat island is that which is measured at standard screen height (1–2 m above ground), below the city’s mean roof height in a thin section of the boundary layer atmosphere called the urban canopy layer. Air in this layer is typically warmer than that at screen height in the countryside. The physical explanation for this is more com-plex than generally acknowledged in the literature (Table 1). The main causes of the heat island relate to structural and land cover differences of urban and rural areas. Cities are rough with buildings extending above ground level, and are dry and impervious with construction materials extending across natural soils and vegetation. Also important is theView of LCZ 1 in Seattle, Washington. Photo: I. D. Stewartheat and moisture release from people and their activities. These urban characteristics alter the natural surface energy and radiation balances such that cities are relatively warm places (Oke 1982; Lowry and Lowry 2001).The extra warmth in cities has several practical implications. Whether these are considered to be positive or negative depends upon the macroclimate of the city. In cities with a relatively cold climate, or with a cold season, the heat island can convey benefits such as cheaper house heating costs, improved outdoor comfort, fewer road weather hazards such as surface icing or fog, and more benign conditions for plant growth and animal habitat. On the other hand, heat islands in relatively hot climates or seasons can increase discomfort and potentially raise the threat of heat stress and mortality, and heighten the cost of air conditioning and the demand for energy.Heat islands also have climatological implications. The fact that temperatures are elevated at urban stations means that their use in databases to assess historical climate series may have “contaminated” the global air temperature record. The concern is whether the presence of urban data has created a warm bias in the time series. Bias could occur if urban stations are used in the temperature record in greater numbers than is warranted by their representation as a land cover type on Earth.To fully understand these and other issues, it has been the preoccupation of researchers for many decades to measure the heat island effect through simple comparisons of “urban” and “rural” air tem-peratures. The conventional approach is to gather temperatures at screen height for two or more fixed sites and/or from mobile temperature surveys. Sites are classified as either urban or rural, and their tem-perature differences are taken to indicate the heat island magnitude. Classifying measurement sites into urban and rural categories has given researchers a simple framework to separate the effects of city and country on local climate (e.g., Lowry 1977). However, recent research shows that through this popular use of urban–rural classification, the methods and communication in heat island literature have suffered critically. In a review of many such studies, Stewart (2011a,b) found that more than three-quarters of the observational heat island literature fails to give quantitative metadata of site exposure or land cover. Most investigators simply rely on the so-called urban and rural qualifiers to describe the local land-scapes of their measurement sites. Here we develop a climate-based classification of urban and rural sites that applies universally and relatively easily to local temperature studies using screen-level observations. Our aim in this classification is twofold: 1) to facilitate consistent documentation of site metadata and thereby improve the basis of intersite comparisons, and 2) to provide an objective protocol for measuring the magnitude of the urban heat island effect in any city. We do not aim to supplant the terms urban and rural from heat island discourse, but instead to encourage a more constrained use of these terms when describing the local physical conditions of a field site. The terms urban and rural alone cannot sufficiently describe a field site or its local surroundings. INADEQUACIES OF SIMPL E URBAN–RURAL DIVISION.Urban is defined in standard dictionaries as “constituting, forming, or including a city, town…or part of such,” with town being a “densely populated area…opposed to the country or suburbs,” and characterized physically as a “cluster of dwellings or buildings.” Rural, in contrast, is an “agricultural or pastoral area . . . characteristic of the country or country life,” with country being “the parts of a region distant from cities.” From these definitions, we interpret rural landscapes to be less populated than cities, with fewer built structures and more abundant natural space for agricultural use, whereas urban landscapes have significantly more built structures and larger populations. By extension, suburban landscapes are those lying immediately outside or adjacent to a town or city, and that have natural and built-up spaces with population densities lower than cities but higher than the country. While such definitions of urban and rural may be evocative of the landscape, they are vague as objects of scientific analysis (Stewart and Oke 2006). In the heat island literature, for example, the term urban evokes an eclectic mix of local settings from which its observations have originated: the wooden quartersAFFILIATIONS:S tewart anD O ke—Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaCORRESPONDING AUTHOR: I. D. Stewart, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, 1984 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2, CanadaE-mail: stewarti@interchange.ubc.caThe abstract for this article can be found in this issue, following the table of contents.DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00019.1A supplement to this article is available online (10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00019.2) In final form 1 May 2012©2012 American Meteorological Society1880december 2012|of old Hiroshima, Japan(Shitara 1957); the parks and playing fields ofPretoria, South Africa(L o u w a n d M e y e r1965); the courtyardsand stonework streetsof London, England(Chandler 1965); theskyscraper canyons ofDallas, Texas (Ludwig1970); the industrialplants and refineries of Ashdod, Israel (Sharonand Koplowitz 1972);the shaded avenuesa nd l aw n s of Ne w Delhi, India (Bahl andPad ma nabha mu r t y 1979); the school and col lege g rou nd s of Nairobi, Kenya (Okoola 1980); the factories andworkshops of Cairo, Egypt (Robaa 2003); the brick and tin shanties of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Nunes da Silva and Ribeiro 2006); and the high-rise housing estates of Singapore (Chow and Roth 2006). A significant problem in this literature, and in heat island method-ology, is that the term urban has no single, objective meaning, and thus no climatological relevance. What is described as urban in one city or region differs from that of another city (Fig. 1). The term urban is there-fore impossible to define universally for its physical structure, its surface properties, or its thermal climate.Equally problematic is that urban and rural are becoming outmoded constructs in landscape classi-fication, for the developing world and especially Asia (Lin 1994; McGee and Robinson 1995; Lo and Yeung 1998). In these and other densely populated regions, thesocial, political, and economic space that separates cities and countrysides is no longer distinguished by a clear urban–rural divide. Urban form is becoming increas-ingly dispersed and decentralized as traditional and nontraditional land uses coexist, and as people, capital, commodities, and information flow continuously be-tween city and countryside. Urban theorists now con-tend that the spatial demarcation between urban and rural is artificial, and that the relation between city and country is more accurately described as a continuum, or a dynamic, rather than as a dichotomy (Gugler 1996).The densely populated Kanto Plain surrounding Tokyo is a perfect case in point. In a study of the Tokyo heat island, Yamashita (1990) paired an urban site in the city center with a rural site 60 km to the north. He defined UHI magnitude for Tokyo as the temperature difference between the urban and rural sites. Despite being located 60 km from the city center, the so-called rural site was still within the mixed urban–rural surroundings of metropolitan Tokyo, in the small city of Kumagaya. This gave a curious portrayal of the rural landscape to some urban climatologists (Fig. 2), but one that is, nonetheless, understandable given the dense settlement patterns of the Kanto Plain. Yamashita’s remark that “the whole area of the Kanto Plain is more or less urban-ized” correctly speaks to the difficulty of classifying urban and rural landscapes in highly dispersed and decentralized cities.EXISTING URBAN AND RURAL L AND-SCAPE CLASSIFICATIONS. We recognize that all classifications are limited in scope and function, and further that none of the systems we review in this section was designed to classify heat island field sites, and none makes that claim. Therefore what we iden-tify as advantageous, or restrictive, with these systems relates only to the aims of the new classification.Chandler (1965) was perhaps the first heat island investigator to develop a climate-based clas-sification of the city. He divided Greater London into four local regions, each distinguished by its climate, physiography, and built form. FollowingChandler’s lead, Auer (1978) proposed an urban–1. Greater absorption of solar radiation due to multiple reflection and radiation trapping by building walls and vertical surfaces in the city.Greater absorption is not, as often assumed, due solely to lower albedo of urban materials.2. Greater retention of infrared radiation in street canyons due to restricted view of the radiatively “cold” sky hemisphere.Sky view becomes increasingly restricted with taller and more compact buildings.3. Greater uptake and delayed release of heat by buildings and paved surfaces in the city. Often incorrectly attributed only to the thermal properties of the materials, this effect is also due to the solar and infrared radiation “trap” and to reduced convective losses in thecanopy layer where airflow is retarded.4. Greater portion of absorbed solar radiation at the surface is converted to sensible rather than latent heat forms.This effect is due to the replacement of moist soils and plants with paved and waterproofedsurfaces, and a resultant decline in surface evaporation.5. Greater release of sensible and latent heat from the combustion of fuels forurban transport, industrial processing, and domestic space heating/cooling. Heat and moisture are also released from human metabolism, but this is usually a minor component of the surface energy balance.Source: Oke 19821881december 2012AmerIcAN meTeOrOLOGIcAL SOcIeTY|rural classification for the city of St. Louis, Missouri. He recognized 12 “meteorologically significant” land uses in St. Louis, based on the city’s vegeta-tion and building characteristics. Ellefsen (1991) derived a system of 17 neighborhood-scale “urban terrain zones” (UTZs) from the geometry, street configuration, and construction materials of 10 U.S. cities. His was the first system to represent city structure and materials, initially for acid rain studies. A key feature of Ellefsen’s system is the division of building types into “attached” and“detached” forms.F ig . 1. Examples of urban field sites in climate literature. Conventional methodology defines these sites as universally “urban” despite obvious differences in building structure, land cover, and human activity: (a) modern core of Vancouver, Canada; (b) old core of Uppsala, Sweden; (c) town center of Toyono, Japan; (d) business district of Akure, Nigeria; (e) city airport of Phoenix, Arizona; (f) university campus of Szeged, Hungary.1882december 2012|Combining features of both Auer’s and Ellefsen’s schemes, Oke (2004, 2008) designed a simple and generic classification of city zones to improve siting of meteorological instruments in urban areas. Hisscheme divides city terrain into seven homogenous regions called “urban climate zones” (UCZs), which range from semi-rural to intensely developed sites. The zones are distinguished by their urban structure (building/street dimensions), cover (permeability), fabric (materials), metabolism (human activity), and potential to modify the natural, or “preurban,” sur-face climate. Most recently, Loridan and Grimmond (2011) developed “urban zones for characterizing energy partitioning,” or UZEs. Their classes are de-fined by threshold values for the active vegetative and built surface fractions of cities (“active” here meaning engaged in energy exchange). The classification helps atmospheric modelers to distinguish urban areas with respect to their partitioning of incoming radiation.National land cover and land use classifications often include categories for both urban and rural environments. For example, the U.S. National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) divides the coterminous United States into 16 land cover classes, 4 of which are deemed “urban oriented” (Homer et al. 2007). In some European countries, the “climatope” system has traditionally been used to classify urban terrain and urban climates, largely for planning purposes (Wilmers 1991; Scherer et al. 1999). Climatopes derive from local knowledge of wind, temperature, land use, building structure, surface relief, and population den-sity. These data are integrated across an urban area to reveal special climates of local places, or climatopes. Wilmers (1991) identified nine such climates for the city of Hannover, Germany, based on vegetation, surface structure, and land use criteria. Scherer et al. (1999) documented many more climatopes in Basel, Switzerland, based on ventilation and land cover characteristics.These previous classifications contain many fea-tures that align with the aims of heat island observa-tion. Their limitations, however, must be recognized. First, not all classifications use a full set of surface climate properties to define its classes. A complete set consists of the physical properties of surface structure, cover, fabric, and metabolism (Oke 2004). Second, a system that excludes rural landscapes is not well suited to heat island investigation, nor is one with class names and definitions that are culture or region specific. The classifications of Chandler, Auer, Ellefsen, and Oke are all predisposed to the form and function of modern, developed cities, so their use in more diverse economic settings is limited. Third, although the climatope concept is well adapted to most urban settings, its class names and definitions vary widely with place, and thus cannot provideclassification systems with a means for comparison.F ig . 2. “Rural” site used by Yamashita (1990) to measure UHI magnitude in Tokyo (red circles indicate site location). Urban and rural influences on surface climate are seen at (top, center) micro and (center, bottom) local scales. This overlap in landscapes and spatial scales on the Kanto Plain makes the urban–rural dichotomy an awkward fit for site classification. Aerial photographs courtesy of Google Earth.1883december 2012AmerIcAN meTeOrOLOGIcAL SOcIeTY|CONSTRUCTING A NEW CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM. In a classic paper on the logic, method, and theory of classification, Grigg (1965) listed several criteria that a system should meet. First, itshould invoke a simple and logical nomenclature by which objects/areas can be named and described. A system’s nomenclature is critical to its validity and acceptance. Second, a classification system should facilitate information transfer by associating objects/ areas in the real world with an organized system of generic classes. Users can then make comparative statements about the members belonging to each class. This condition led Grigg to his third and most important criterion: inductive generalization. A properly constructed classification system should simplify the objects/areas under study, and thereafter promote theoretical statements about their proper-ties and relations. To Grigg’s criteria, we add that a new classification of urban and rural field sites should be inclusive of all regions, independent of all cultures, and, for heat island assessment, quantifiable according to class properties that are relevant to sur-face thermal climate at the local scale (i.e., hundreds of meters to several kilometers).Classification by logical division. Scientific classification is essentially a process of definition. It begins with a “universe” class, which is divided into subclasses (Black 1952). The basis for division at each class level is a differentiating principle, or property, of theoreti-cal interest. The universe for the new classification is “landscape,” which we define as a local-scale tract of land with physical and/or cultural characteristics that have been shaped by physical and/or cultural agents. The landscape universe is divided according to properties that influence screen-height tempera-ture, namely surface structure (height and spacing of buildings and trees) and surface cover (pervious or impervious). Surface structure affects local climate through its modification of airflow, atmospheric heat transport, and shortwave and longwave radiation bal-ances, while surface cover modifies the albedo, mois-ture availability, and heating/cooling potential of the ground. These properties tend to “cluster” spatially, such that in locations where the building height-to-width ratio is large, so is the fraction of impervious cover and the density of urban construction materials. Dividing the landscape into these properties gen-erates dozens of prototype classes, many having clus-ters that are considered highly improbable or logically unacceptable in the real world (e.g., closely spaced buildings on pervious cover or closely spaced trees on impervious cover). Such clusters were removed from the system while others were added to represent landscapes defined not by their structural or surface cover characteristics, but by building materials or anthropogenic heat emissions. The resulting classes were quantified by their surface properties and assigned simple, concise names. Throughout this process, prospective users of the system in the inter-national climate community were asked for feedback on the general nature of the system, its application to local settings, and its cultural and regional biases. This early exposure of the system to its target com-munity resulted in substantial changes to the number, nature, and naming of the individual classes.Data sources. Quantitative data to characterize the classes by their surface properties were selected from the urban climate observational and numerical mod-eling literature. Measured and estimated values of geometric, thermal, radiative, metabolic, and surface cover properties were gathered from urban and rural field sites worldwide. Quantitative data were also retrieved from the classifications of Anderson et al. (1976), Auer (1978), Häubi and Roth (1980), Ellefsen (1990/91), Theurer (1999), and Oke (2004), and from reviews of empirical urban climate literature (e.g., Wieringa 1993; Grimmond and Oke 1999).Data to adapt the classes to the real world were chosen from the urban design literature, which gives qualitative attributes to urban form through expres-sions of “fabric,” “texture,” and “morphology” (e.g., Brunn and Williams 1983; O’Connor 1983; Vance 1990; Kostof 1991; Potter and Lloyd-Evans 1998). These are the same expressions to which urban cli-matologists give quantitative attributes. This overlap was especially useful to assimilate regional urban form into the classification system, and to balance its temporal (old vs modern) and spatial (core vs periph-ery) representation. These data also give support to culturally neutral definitions for each class. LOCAL CLIMATE ZONES. Hereafter, all classes to emerge from logical division of the landscape uni-verse are called “local climate zones” (LCZs; Table 2) (Stewart 2011a). The name is appropriate because the classes are local in scale, climatic in nature, and zonal in representation. We formally define local climate zones as regions of uniform surface cover, structure, material, and human activity that span hundreds of meters to several kilometers in hori-zontal scale. Each LCZ has a characteristic screen-height temperature regime that is most apparent over dry surfaces, on calm, clear nights, and in areas of simple relief. These temperature regimes persist1884december 2012|Built typesDefinitionLand cover typesDefinition1. Compact high-riseDense mix of tall buildings to tens of stories. Few or no trees. Land cover mostly paved. Concrete, steel, stone, and glass construction materials.A. Dense treesHeavily wooded landscape ofdeciduous and/or evergreen trees. Land cover mostly pervious (low plants). Zone function is naturalforest, tree cultivation, or urban park.2. Compact midriseDense mix of midrise buildings (3–9 stories). Few or no trees. Land cover mostly paved. Stone, brick, tile, and concrete construction materials.B. Scattered treesLightly wooded landscape ofdeciduous and/or evergreen trees. Land cover mostly pervious (low plants). Zone function is naturalforest, tree cultivation, or urban park.3. Compact low-riseDense mix of low-rise buildings (1–3 stories). Few or no trees. Land cover mostly paved. Stone, brick, tile, and concrete construction materials.C. Bush, scrubOpen arrangement of bushes, shrubs, and short, woody trees. Land cover mostly pervious (bare soil or sand). Zone function is natural scrubland or agriculture.4. Open high-riseOpen arrangement of tall buildings to tens of stories. Abundance of pervious land cover (low plants, scattered trees). Concrete, steel, stone, and glass construction materials.D. Low plants Featureless landscape of grass or herbaceous plants/crops. Few or no trees. Zone function is natural grassland, agriculture, or urban park.5. Open midriseOpen arrangement of midrise buildings (3–9 stories). Abundance of pervious land cover (low plants, scattered trees). Concrete, steel, stone, and glass construction materials.E. Bare rock or paved Featureless landscape of rock or paved cover. Few or no trees orplants. Zone function is natural desert (rock) or urban transportation.6. Open low-riseOpen arrangement of low-rise buildings (1–3 stories). Abundance of pervious land cover (low plants, scattered trees). Wood, brick, stone, tile, and concrete construction materials.F. Bare soil or sand Featureless landscape of soil or sand cover. Few or no trees or plants. Zone function is natural desert or agriculture.7. Lightweight low-riseDense mix of single-story buildings. Few or no trees. Land cover mostly hard-packed. Lightweight construction materials (e.g., wood, thatch, corrugated metal).G. Water Large, open water bodies such as seas and lakes, or small bodies such as rivers, reservoirs, and lagoons.8. Large low-rise Open arrangement of large low-rise buildings (1–3 stories). Few or no trees. Land cover mostly paved. Steel, concrete, metal, and stone construction materials.VARIABLE LAND COVER PROPERTIESVariable or ephemeral land cover properties that changesignificantly with synoptic weather patterns, agricultural practices, and/or seasonal cycles.9. Sparsely builtSparse arrangement of small or medium-sized buildings in a natural setting. Abundance of pervious land cover (low plants, scattered trees).b. bare treesLeafless deciduous trees (e.g., winter). Increased sky view factor. Reduced albedo.s. snow cover Snow cover >10 cm in depth. Low admittance. High albedo.10. Heavy industryLow-rise and midrise industrial struc-tures (towers, tanks, stacks). Few or no trees. Land cover mostly paved or hard-packed. Metal, steel, and concrete construction materials.d. dry ground Parched soil. Low admittance. Large Bowen ratio. Increased albedo.w. wet groundWaterlogged soil. High admittance. Small Bowen ratio. Reduced albedo.1885december 2012AmerIcAN meTeOrOLOGIcAL SOcIeTY|Local climate zone(LCZ)Sky viewfactor aAspectratio bBuildingsurfacefraction cImpervioussurfacefraction dPervioussurfacefraction eHeight ofroughnesselements fTerrainroughnessclass gLCZ 10.2–0.4> 240–6040–60< 10> 258 Compact high-riseLCZ 20.3–0.60.75–240–7030–50< 2010–256–7 Compact midriseLCZ 30.2–0.60.75–1.540–7020–50< 303–106 Compact low-riseLCZ 40.5–0.70.75–1.2520–4030–4030–40>257–8 Open high-riseLCZ 50.5–0.80.3–0.7520–4030–5020–4010–255–6 Open midriseLCZ 60.6–0.90.3–0.7520–4020–5030–603–105–6 Open low-riseLCZ 70.2–0.51–260–90< 20<302–44–5 Lightweight low-riseLCZ 8>0.70.1–0.330–5040–50<203–105 Large low-riseLCZ 9> 0.80.1–0.2510–20< 2060–803–105–6 Sparsely builtLCZ 100.6–0.90.2–0.520–3020–4040–505–155–6 Heavy industryLCZ A<0.4>1<10<10>903–308 Dense treesLCZ B0.5–0.80.25–0.75<10<10>903–155–6 Scattered treesLCZ C0.7–0.90.25–1.0<10<10>90<24–5 Bush, scrubLCZ D>0.9<0.1<10<10>90<13–4 Low plantsLCZ E>0.9<0.1<10>90<10<0.251–2 Bare rock or pavedLCZ F>0.9<0.1<10<10>90< 0.251–2 Bare soil or sandLCZ G>0.9<0.1<10<10>90–1 Watera Ratio of the amount of sky hemisphere visible from ground level to that of an unobstructed hemisphereb Mean height-to-width ratio of street canyons (LCZs 1–7), building spacing (LCZs 8–10), and tree spacing (LCZs A–G)c Ratio of building plan area to total plan area (%)d Ratio of impervious plan area (paved, rock) to total plan area (%)e Ratio of pervious plan area (bare soil, vegetation, water) to total plan area (%)f Geometric average of building heights (LCZs 1–10) and tree/plant heights (LCZs A–F) (m)g Davenport et al.’s (2000) classification of effective terrain roughness (z) for city and country landscapes. See Table 5 for class descriptions 1886december 2012|year-round and are associated with the homogeneous environ-ments or ecosystems of cities (e.g., parks, commercial cores), natural biomes (e.g., forests, deserts), and agricultural lands (e.g., orchards, cropped fields). Each LCZ is individually named and ordered by one (or more) distinguishing surface prop-erty, which in most cases is the height/packing of roughness objects or the dominant land cover. The physical properties of all zones are measurable and nonspecific as to place or time (Tables 3 and 4).The landscape universe con-sists of 17 standard LCZs, of which 15 are defined by surface structure and cover and 2 by construction materials and anthropogenic heat emissions. The standard set is divided into “built types” 1–10, and “land cover types” A–G (Table 2). Built types are composed of constructed features on a pre-dominant land cover, which is paved for compact zones and low plants / scattered trees for open zones. Land cover types can be classified into seasonal or ephemeral properties (i.e., bare trees, snow-covered ground, dry/wet ground).Thermal differentiation of LCZ classes. The logical structure of the LCZ system is supported by observational and numerical modeling data (Stewart and Oke 2010; Stewart 2011a). Mobile temperature observations from Uppsala, Sweden (Sundborg 1951; Taesler 1980); Nagano, Japan (Sakakibara and Matsui 2005); and Vancouver, Canada (T. Oke and A. Christen) were used to measure thermal con-trasts among LCZ classes. During calm, clear evenings,thermal contrasts are drivenLocal climate zone(LCZ)Surface admittance aSurface albedobAnthropogenic heat output cLCZ 11,500–1,8000.10–0.2050–300Compact high-rise LCZ 21,500–2,2000.10–0.20<75Compact midrise LCZ 31,200–1,8000.10–0.20<75Compact low-rise LCZ 41,400–1,8000.12–0.25<50Open high-rise LCZ 51,400–2,0000.12–0.25<25Open midrise LCZ 61,200–1,8000.12–0.25<25Open low-rise LCZ 7800–1,5000.15–0.35<35Lightweight low-rise LCZ 81,200–1,8000.15–0.25<50Large low-rise LCZ 91,000–1,8000.12–0.25<10Sparsely built LCZ 101,000–2,5000.12–0.20>300Heavy industry LCZ A unknown 0.10–0.200Dense trees LCZ B 1,000–1,8000.15–0.250Scattered trees LCZ C 700–1,5000.15–0.300Bush, scrub LCZ D 1,200–1,6000.15–0.250Low plants LCZ E1,200–2,5000.15–0.300Bare rock or paved LCZ F 600–1,4000.20–0.350Bare soil or sand LCZ G 1,5000.02–0.10Watera Ability of surface to accept or release heat (J m –2 s –1/2 K –1). Varies with soil wetness and material density. Few estimates of local-scale admittance exist in the literature; values given here are therefore subjective and should be used cautiously. Note that the “surface” in LCZ A is undefined and its admittance unknown.bRatio of the amount of solar radiation reflected by a surface to the amount received by it. Varies with surface color, wetness, and roughness.cMean annual heat flux density (W m −2) from fuel combustion and human activity(transportation, space cooling/heating, industrial processing, human metabolism). Varies significantly with latitude, season, and population density.1887december 2012AmerIcAN meTeOrOLOGIcAL SOcIeTY|。


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在平面应变状态下,其上每一点皆与最大剪应力面相切 的线叫滑移线。
由于剪应力成对且互相垂直,则过xoy平面内的每一点可 以作两条这样的线。所以在整个xoy平面内滑移线是两族正交 曲线,分别称为族和族。
规定:α、β的正方向成右手坐标系,并使τ在该坐标系内 成正方向。 α的切线与x轴的夹角用θ表示,由x轴的正方向按 逆时针算起。不难看出,最大主应力σ1的方向在α—β坐标系 的第一及第三象限,所以σ1方向顺时针转过π/4就是α方向, 逆时针转过π/4就是β方向。
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Minkowski空间中给定平均曲率问题正解的存在性及确切个数Minkowski空间中给定平均曲率问题正解的存在性及确切个数引言:Minkowski空间是由数学家赖曼·闵可夫斯基(Hermann Minkowski)在20世纪初引入的一种几何空间。






















MODAL MASS, STIFFNESS AND DAMPINGMark H. RichardsonVibrant Technology, Inc.Jamestown, CAINTRODUCTIONFor classically damped structures, modal mass, stiffness and damping can be defined directly from formulas that relate the full mass, stiffness and damping matrices to the transfer function matrix. The modal mass, stiffness, and damping definitions are derived in a previous paper [1], and are re-stated here for convenience.The transfer function is defined over the complex Laplace plane, as a function of the variable )j s (ω+σ=. Ex-perimentally, the values of a transfer function are measured only along the ωj -axis in the s-plane , that is for )j s (ω=. These values are referred to as the Frequency Response Function (FRF ).CLASSICALLY DAMPED STRUCTUREA classically damped structure is one where the modal damping is much smaller than the damped natural fre-quency of each mode (it is lightly damped), and the mode shapes are primarily real valued (they approximate normal modes).Light Damping: A structure is lightly damped if the damp-ing coefficient )(k σ of each mode (k ) is much less than the damped natural frequency )(k ω. That is, k k ωσ<<k=1,…, Modes (1)Normal Mode Shapes: If the imaginary part of each mode shape vector }u {k is much less than the real part, that is if,()()}u {Re }u {Im k k << (2) where ,()()}u {Im j }u {Re }u {k k k += (3) the structure's mode shapes approximate normal modes,where,=}u {k DOFs -dimensional mode shape vector for theth k mode.Modes = number of modes of vibration. DOFs = number of DOFs of the structure model.Both of these assumptions are satisfied by a large variety of real structures from which experimental modal data can be obtained.MODAL MASS MATRIXWhen the mass matrix is post-multiplied by the mode shape matrix and pre-multiplied by its transpose, the result is a diagonal matrix, shown in equation (4). This is a definition of modal mass. []⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡ω==φφO O OOA 1m ][]M [][t(4)where,=]M [(DOFs by DOFs) mass matrix.[]==φ}u {}u {}u {][m 21K (DOFs by Modes) modeshape matrix.[]⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡ω=O O OOA 1m = (Modes by Modes ) modal mass matrix.The modal mass of each mode (k ) is a diagonal element of the modal mass matrix, Modal mass:kk k A 1m ω=k=1,…, Modes (5)=k p =ω+σ−k k j pole location for the th k mode. =σk damping coefficient of the th k mode.=ωk damped natural frequency of the th k mode.=k A a scaling constant for the th k mode.MODAL STIFFNESS MATRIXWhen the stiffness matrix is post-multiplied by the mode shape matrix and pre-multiplied by its transpose, the result is a diagonal matrix, shown in equation (6). This is a defi-nition of modal stiffness. []⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡ωω+σ==φφO O OOA k ]][K [][22t(6)where,=]K [(n by n) stiffness matrix.[]⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡ωω+σ=O O OOA k 22 = (Modes by Modes ) modalstiffness matrix.The modal stiffness of each mode (k ) is a diagonal elementof the modal stiffness matrix,Modal stiffness: kk 2k2k k A k ωω+σ=k=1,…, Modes (7) MODAL DAMPING MATRIXWhen the damping matrix is post-multiplied by the mode shape matrix and pre-multiplied by its transpose, the result is a diagonal matrix, shown in equation (8). This is a defi-nition of modal damping. []⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡ωσ==φφO O OOA 2c ][]C [][t(8)where ,=]C [ (DOFs by DOFs) damping matrix.[]⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡ωσ=O O OOA 2c = (Modes by Modes ) modal damping matrix.The modal damping of each mode (k ) is a diagonal element of the modal damping matrix,Modal damping: kk kk A 2c ωσ=k=1,…, Modes (9)SDOF RELATIONSHIPSThe familiar single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) relationships follow from the definitions of modal mass, stiffness, and damping for multiple DOF systems,)(m k 2k 2k kk ω+σ= k=1,…, Modes (10))2(m c k kkσ= k=1,…, Modes (11)SCALING MODE SHAPES TO UNIT MODALMASSESMode shapes are called "shapes " because they are unique in shape, but not in value. That is, the mode shape vector }u {k for each mode (k ) does not have unique values. It can be arbitrarily scaled to any set of values, but the rela-tionship of one shape component to any other is unique. In other words, the "shape " of }u {k is unique, but its values are not. A mode shape is also called an eigenvector , which means that its "shape " is unique, but its values are arbitrary. Notice also, that each of the modal mass, stiffness, and damping matrix definitions (5), (7), and (9) includes a scal-ing constant )A (k . This constant is necessary because the mode shapes are not unique in value, and therefore can be arbitrarily scaled. Unit Modal MassesOne of the common ways to scale mode shapes is to scale them so that the modal masses are one (unity). Normally, if the mass matrix []M were available, the mode vectors would simply be scaled such that when the triple product[][][]φφM t was formed, the resulting modal mass matrixwould equal an identity matrix . However, when the modal data is obtained from experimental transfer function meas-urements (FRFs), no mass matrix is available for scaling in this way.Even without the mass matrix however, experimental mode shapes can still be scaled to unit modal masses by using the relationship between residues and mode shapes.t k k k }u }{u {A )]k (r [=k=1,…, Modes (12)where,=)]k (r [ (DOFs by DOFs) residue matrix for the th kmode.Residues are the constant numerators of the transfer func-tion matrix when it is written in partial fraction form,∑=−−−=m1k *k *k )p s (j 2)]k (r [)p s (j 2)]k (r [)]s (H [ (13) * -denotes the complex conjugate.Residues have unique values, and have engineering units.Since the transfer functions typically have units of (motion / force), and the denominators have units of Hz or (radi-ans/second), residues have units of (motion / force-second).Equation (12) can be written for the thj column (or row) of the residue matrix and for mode (k) as,()⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎪⎪⎪⎪⎬⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧⋅⋅⋅=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎪⎪⎪⎪⎬⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧⋅⋅⋅=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎪⎪⎪⎪⎬⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧⋅⋅⋅nk jk k 2k 1jk k nk nk 2jk jk k 2jk k 1k nj jj j 2j 1u u u u u A u u u u u u u A )k (r )k (r )k (r )k (r (14) UniqueVariablek=1,…, ModesThe importance of this relationship is that residues areunique in value and reflect the unique physical properties of the structure, while the mode shapes aren't unique in value and can therefore be scaled in any manner desired. The scaling constant k A must always be chosen so that equation (14) remains valid. The value of k A can be cho-sen first, and the mode shapes scaled accordingly so that equation (14) is satisfied. Or, the mode shapes can be scaled first and k A computed so that equation (14) is still satisfied.In order to obtain mode shapes scaled to unit modal masses, we simply set the modal mass to one (1) and solve equation (5) for k A ,kk 1A ω=k=1,…, Modes (15)Driving Point MeasurementThe unit modal mass scaled mode shape vectors are ob-tained from the thj column (or row) of the residue matrixby substituting equation (15) into equation (14),()()()()()()()⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎪⎪⎪⎪⎬⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧⋅⋅⋅ω=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎪⎪⎪⎪⎬⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧⋅⋅⋅=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎪⎪⎪⎪⎬⎫⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧⋅⋅⋅k r k r k r k r k r k r k r u A 1u u u nj j 2j 1jj knj j 2j 1jk k nk k 2k 1(16)UMMk=1,…, ModesNotice that the driving point residue ()k r jj (where the row index(j ) equals the column index(j )), plays an important role in this scaling process. Therefore, the driving point residue for each mode(k ) is required in order to use equa-tion (16).Triangular MeasurementFor cases where the driving point measurement cannot be made, an alternative set of measurements can be used to provide the driving point mode shape component jk u . From equation (14) we can write,)k (r A )k (r )k (r u pq k jq jp jk =k=1,…, Modes (17)Equation (17) can be substituted for jk u in equation (16) to yield mode shapes scaled to unit modal masses. Equation (17) says that as an alternative to making a driving point measurement, three other measurements can be made in-volving DOF(p ), DOF(q ), and DOF(j ).DOF(j ) is the reference (fixed) DOF for the thj column (or row) of transfer function measurements, so the two meas-urements jp H and jq H would normally be made. In addi-tion, one extra measurement pq H is also required in order to solve equation (17). Since the measurements jp H ,jq H , and pq H form a triangle in the transfer function matrix, they are called a triangular measurement .CONVERTING RESIDUES TO DISPLACEMENT UNITSVibration measurements are often made using accelerome-ters to measure acceleration response, or vibrometers to measure velocity. Excitation forces are typically measured with a load cell. Therefore, transfer function measurements made with these transducers will have units of either (accel-eration/force ) or (velocity/force ).Modal residues always carry the units of the transfer func-tion multiplied by (radians/second ). Therefore, residues taken from transfer functions with units of (accelera-tion/force) will have units of (acceleration/force-sec). Likewise , residues taken from measurements with units of (velocity/force) would have units of (velocity/force-sec). Similarly, residues taken from measurements with units of (displacement/force) would have units of (displace-ment/force-sec ).Since the modal mass, stiffness, and damping equations (4), (6), and (8) assume units of (displacement/force), residues with units of (acceleration/force-sec) or (velocity/force-sec) must be "integrated" to units of (displacement/force-sec) units before performing mode shape scaling.Integration of a time domain function has an equivalent operation in the frequency domain. Integration of a transfer function is done by dividing it by the Laplace variable(s ),2a v d s)]s (H [s )]s (H [)]s (H [==(18) where,)]s (H [d = transfer matrix in (displacement /force) units.)]s (H [v = transfer matrix in (velocity /force) units. )]s (H [a = transfer matrix in (acceleration /force) units.Since residues are the result of a partial fraction expansion of a transfer function, residues can be "integrated " directly as if they were obtained from an integrated transfer function using the formula,2k a k v d )p ()]k (r [p )]k (r [)]k (r [==k=1,…, Modes (19) where ,)]k (r [d = residue matrix in (displacement /force) units.)]k (r [v = residue matrix in (velocity /force) units. )]k (r [a = residue matrix in (acceleration /force) units. =k p =ω+σ−k k j pole location for the th k mode.Since we are assuming that damping is light and the mode shapes are normal, equation (19) can be simplified to,)]k (r [)F ()]k (r [F )]k (r [a 2k v k d ==(20)where,)(F 2k 2k kk ωσω+≅k=1,…, Modes (21)Equations (20) and (21) can be summarized in the followingtable.Table 1. Residue Scale Factors.where,)(F 22ωσω+≅(seconds)EFFECTIVE MASSIt has already been shown that modal mass is really just a scaling constant that is used to relate mode shapes to resi-dues. Residues have unique values and engineering units. Mode shapes don’t have unique values (only their shapes are unique), and don’t have any units.Nevertheless, a useful interpretation of modal data is to ask the question, “What is the effective mass of a structure for a given DOF, at one of its resonant frequencies?” In other words, if a tuned absorber or other modification were at-tached to the structure at a specified DOF, “What would its mass (stiffness & damping) be if it were treated like an SDOF mass-spring-damper?”The answer to that question follows from a further use of the orthogonality equations (4), (6), and (8) and the defini-tion of mode shapes scaled to unit modal masses.Equation (16) can be used to convert residues with (dis-placement/force-sec ) units into mode shape components scaled to unit modal masses. One further assumption is necessary in order to define effective mass.Diagonal Mass Matrix. The mass matrix ]M [ is assumed to be diagonal.This assumption is usually made in finite element modeling of structures, and in general is a good approximation for most real structures. Assuming a diagonal mass matrix and unit modal mass mode shapes, equation (4) can be rewritten as,()1u mass 2jkn1j j=∑=k=1,…, Modes (22)where ,=j mass j th diagonal element of the mass matrix. =jk u j th component of the unit modal mass mode shape.Now, assuming that the structure is viewed as a mass on a spring with damper at DOF(j ), then its effective mass for DOF(j) at the frequency of mode(k) is determined from equation (22) as,()2jkj u 1mass =j=1,…, DOFs (23)Assuming further that DOF(j ) is a driving point, equation (16) can be used to write the mode shape component jk u in terms of the modal frequency k ωand driving point residue)k (r jj as,)k (r u jj k jk ω=j=1,…, DOFs (24)Substituting equation (24) into equation (23) gives another expression for the effective mass of a structure for DOF(j) at the frequency of mode(k),)k (r 1mass jj k j ω=j=1,…, DOFs (25)Units CheckAssuming that the driving point residue )k (r jj has units of (displacement/force-sec ) as discussed earlier, and the mo-dal frequency k ω has units of (radians/sec ), then the ef-fective mass would have units of ((force-sec 2) /displacement), which are units of mass.Once the effective mass is known, the effective stiffness & damping of the structure can be calculated using equations (10) and (11).ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLESuppose that we have the following data for a single mode of vibration,Frequency = 10.0 Hz. Damping = 1.0 %Residue Vector =⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧++−, suppose that the measurements from which this data was obtained have units of (Gs/Lbf). Also assume that the driving point is at the second DOF of the structure. Hence the driving point residue = 2.0.Converting the frequency and damping into units of radi-ans/second ,Frequency = 62.83 Rad/Sec Damping = 0.628 Rad/SecThe residues always carry the units of the transfer function measurement multiplied by (radians/second ). Therefore, for this case the units of the residues are,Residue Units = Gs/(Lbf-Sec) = 386.4 Inches/(Lbf-Sec 3) Therefore, the residues become,Residue Vector =⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧++−2.9318.72764.83 Inches/(Lbf-Sec 3)Since the modal mass, stiffness, and damping equations (4),(6), and (8) assume units of (displacement/force ), the above residues with units of (acceleration/force) have to be converted to (displacement/force) units. This is done by using the appropriate scale factor from Table 1. For this case:000253.083.621F 22=⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛≅ (Seconds 2)Multiplying the residues by 2F gives,Residue Vector =⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧++−0.04880.19550.00977 Inches/(Lbf-Sec)Finally, to obtain a mode shape scaled to unit modal mass,Equation (18) is used. The mode shape of residues must be multiplied by the scale factor,927.170.195583.62r SF jj=+=ω=to obtain the unit modal mass mode shape,UMM Mode Shape =⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧++−875.0505.3175.0 Inches/(Lbf-Sec)The effective mass at the driving point is therefore calcu-lated using equation (23) as,()()0814.0505.31u 1mass 2222===L bf-sec 2/in.or using equation (25) as,0814.0)1955.0)(83.62(1r 1mass 222===ωREFERENCES[1] Richardson, M.H. "Derivation of Mass, Stiffness and Damping Parameters from Experimental Modal Data" Hew-lett Packard Company, Santa Clara Division, June, 1977. [2] Potter, R. and Richardson, M.H. "Mass, Stiffness and Damping Matrices from Measured Modal Parameters",. I.S.A. International Instrumentation - Automation Conference, New York, New York, October 1974。








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1.一种由明暗恢复形状的改进变分算法 [J], 杨磊;韩九强
2.一种未知光源参数的明暗恢复形状方法 [J], 俞鸿波;赵荣椿
3.一种新的基于从明暗恢复形状的月球表面三维形状恢复算法 [J], 王国珲;韩九强;
4.一种基于多面体模型的从明暗恢复物体形状方法 [J], 张军;彭国华;秦洪元;曹文伦
5.一种基于网格的从明暗恢复形状方法 [J], 田丰;高骞;郭巍;仇庆丰;王传云



1.线源激励二维理想导体角反射器辐射场严格解 [J], 马云辉
2.应用格拉斯曼积分研究二维伊辛模型的严格解 [J], 陈小波
3.二维伊辛模型严格解的推广 [J], 陈学琴;陈义万
4.二维线性Koiter型弹性壳模型方程与二维线性膜壳模型方程解之间的偏差估计[J], 肖黎明
5.铁木辛柯《弹性理论》中的一个问题 [J], 蒋平



麦克斯韦尔模型与开尔文模型综述(总4页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除麦克斯韦尔模型与开尔文模型综述1弹性力学概念和流变学的两个基本模型在流变学里,应变不与应力成简单的正比关系,这两者不是线性关系。







式( 1)可与弹性力学中一维虎克定律的形式进行比较σ=Eε(2)式(2)中ε为应变,E为比例常数,又称杨氏模量。

式( 2)表示材料的应变与应力成正比,与式( 1)的不同就在于应变速率ε上,其中包含着时间因素。

2开尔文( Kelvin)模型简介比马克斯威尔模型( 1868)晚几年,提出了开尔文模型( Kelvin ,1875)。


元件a为弹簧,具有完全弹性,其应力应变关系符合虎克定律式( 2) ,在此可写为(图1 开尔文模型)a为弹性元件弹簧, b为流性元件有阻尼的唧筒, 两者并联,σ为应力元件b符合牛顿流体条件,参照式(1)可写为=η 由于是并联,所以两元件上应力之和应等于总应力σ ,有σ= +=E+ησ=E+η (3)式(3)为开尔文模型的本构关系,为深入了解开尔文模型的性质,给出一些特定情况来分析。





复模态反应谱(Complex Modal Response Spectrum, CMR谱)是一种用于研究结构动力响应的分析方法。













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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0607105v 2 7 S e p 2006Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000(0000)Printed 5February 2008(MN L A T E X style file v2.2)Ekman layer damping of r-modes revisitedKostas Glampedakis and Nils AnderssonSchool of Mathematics,University of Southampton,Southampton SO171BJ,UK5February 2008ABSTRACTWe investigate the damping of neutron star r-modes due to the presence of a vis-cous boundary (Ekman)layer at the interface between the crust and the core.Ourstudy is motivated by the possibility that the gravitational-wave driven instability of the inertial r-modes may become active in rapidly spinning neutron stars,eg.in low-mass X-ray binaries,and the fact that a viscous Ekman layer at the core-crust interface provides an efficient damping mechanism for these oscillations.We review various approaches to the problem and carry out an analytic calculation of the effects due to the Ekman layer for a rigid crust.Our analytic estimates support previous numerical results,and provide further insight into the intricacies of the problem.We add to previous work by discussing the effect that compressibility and composition stratification have on the boundary layer damping.We show that,while stratification is unimportant for the r-mode problem,composition suppresses the damping rate by about a factor of two (depending on the detailed equation of state).1INTRODUCTIONDuring the past few years we have witnessed a renewed interest in neutron star oscillations.One trigger for the recent activity was the discovery that inertial modes in rotating fluid stars are generically unstable under the influence of gravita-tional radiation (a specific family of axial inertial modes,the so-called r-modes,being the most relevant)(Andersson 1998;Friedman &Morsink 1998).Potential astrophysical implications of this instability have been extensively discussed in the liter-ature,particularly in the context of gravitational wave observations (for a detailed review see Andersson &Kokkotas (2001)).Another motivation for work in this area is provided by the possible observations of crustal oscillations following magnetar flares (Israel et al 2005;Watts &Strohmayer 2006).Soon after the discovery of the r-mode instability,it became clear that many additional pieces of physics need to be considered if one wants to draw ”reliable”astrophysical conclusions.Since much of the required physics is poorly,or only partially,known this effort is ongoing.At the present time the most important damping mechanisms that counteract the growth of an unstable mode are thought to be i)viscous boundary layers at the core-crust interface (Bildsten &Ushomirsky 2000)and their magnetic analogue (Mendell 2001;Kinney &Mendell 2003),ii)the bulk viscosity due to weak interactions in a hyperon core (Lindblom &Owen 2002;Nayyar &Owen 2005),and iii)superfluid mutual friction due to scattering of electrons offof the vortices in the neutron superfluid in the core (Mendell 1991;Andersson,Sidery &Comer 2006).At the same time the mode amplitude is expected to saturate due to nonlinear mode-mode coupling (Arras et al 2003;Brink,Teukolsky &Wasserman 2004).As the damping of unstable r-modes could be an issue of astrophysical relevance these mechanisms have attracted some attention.At the time of writing,the available results indicate that for mature neutron stars the key damping agent may be the friction associated with the crust interface.The crust forms when the star cools below 1010K or so,a few weeks to months after the star is born.Shortly after this the heavy constituents in the core (neutrons,protons,hyperons)are ex-pected to form superfluid/superconducting states.This leads to the suppression of,for example,the hyperon bulk viscosity (Haensel,Levenfish &Yakovlev 2002;Reisenegger &Bonacic 2003;Nayyar &Owen 2005)and the emergence of mutual fric-tion.The estimates for superfluid mutual friction (Mendell 1991)indicate that,even though this mechanism may suppress the instability in the f-modes completely (Lindblom &Mendell 1995),it is not very efficient for r-modes (Lindblom &Mendell 2000).We therefore focus our attention on the role of the crust,which as a first approximation can be modelled as a rigid spherical “container”enclosing the neutron star fluid.Such configurations have been studied in several classic fluid dynamics2Glampedakis&Anderssonpapers(see the standard textbook by Greenspan(1968)for a detailed discussion of rotatingfluids and a wealth of references). In the context of r-mode damping the effect of a rigid crust wasfirst discussed some years ago by Bildsten&Ushomirsky (2000),followed by the work of Andersson et al(2000),Rieutord(2001)and Lindblom,Owen&Ushomirsky(2000).In this problem the corefluid oscillations are damped because of the formation of an Ekman layer at the base of the crust and the associated Ekman circulation.The resulting damping is rapid enough to compete effectively with the gravitational-wave driving of the r-modes.Subsequent work by Mendell(2001)indicates that when a magneticfield is present in the Ekman layer the damping timescale may become even shorter.Thus the dissipation due to the presence of the crust-core interface plays a key role for the r-mode instability.Our aim in this paper is to study the interaction between the oscillatingfluid core and a rigid crust(using mainly analytical tools).A more refined model,which considers an elastic crust,is discussed in an accompanying paper(see also Levin&Ushomirsky(2001)).Even though this problem has been discussed in some detail already,we have good motivation for revisiting it.It would be a mistake to think that the effect of the Ekman layer on an unstable r-mode is well understood. While we may know the answer for the simplest model problem of a viscousfluid in a(more or less)rigid container,a number of issues remain to be investigated for realistic neutron stars.The presence of multiple particle species and the associated composition gradients may affect the Ekman circulation(Abney&Epstein1996),the magneticfield boundary layer(Mendell 2001)depends strongly on the internalfield structure(which is largely unknown)and whether the core forms a superconductor or not,once the core is superfluid one would need to account for multifluid dynamics as well as possible vortex pinning,and so on.To prepare the ground for an assault on the latter two problems,we want to obtain a better understanding of the nature of the viscous boundary layer and the methods used to study the induced damping of an oscillation mode.We will focus on the problem of a single r-mode in the core(a slight restriction,but the generalisation to other cases is not very difficult once the method is developed).In order for an analytic calculation to be tractable,a simple model for a neutron star is a prerequisite.Hence,wefirst consider a uniform density,slowly rotating,Newtonian star and reproduce familiar results for the Ekman problem.In doing this,we develop a new scheme which should prove useful in more complicated problem settings.Our study also serves as an introduction to boundary layer techniques for the reader who is not already familiar with the tricks of the trade.We then compare and contrast the different methods that have been used to investigate the Ekman layer problem.This discussion serves to clarify the current understanding of the induced r-mode damping rate. Finally,we extend our analysis to compressiblefluids with internal stratification.The results of Abney&Epstein(1996)for the spin-up problem suggest that both these features will have a strong effect on the Ekman layer damping.However,we prove this expectation to be wrong.For a toroidal mode,like the r-mode,wefind that stratification is irrelevant.The compressibility, on the other hand,does play a role but we demonstrate that the effect is much weaker than indicated by Abney&Epstein (1996).Rather than leading to an exponential suppression,the compressibility is estimated to reduce the r-mode damping by about a factor of two.2FORMULATING THE EKMAN PROBLEM IN A SPHEREAs afirst application of our boundary layer scheme we consider the Ekman layer problem in a spherical container.This is an instructive exercise as the solution to this problem is well known(Greenspan1968).The so-called“spin-up problem”forms a part of classicfluid dynamics and was studied in a number of papers in the1960s and70s.We found the work by Greenspan&Howard(1963);Greenspan(1964);Clark et al(1971);Acheson&Hyde(1973);Benton&Clark(1974)partic-ularly useful.The Ekman problem is also relevant for a discussion of unstable r-modes.In fact,it is reasonable to expect that the associated r-mode damping timescale is of the same order of magnitude as the spin-up timescale in a rigid sphere since an inertial mode has frequency proportional to the rotation rate of the star,σ∝Ω.In building a simple model of a neutron star with a rigid crust,we assume a core consisting of an incompressible,uniform density,viscousfluid surrounded by a rigid boundary.Furthermore,we work in a slow-rotation framework(which greatly simplifies the mathematical analysis as the star is retains its spherical shape at O(Ω)).Finally,we make the so-called Cowling approximation,i.e.neglect any perturbation in the gravitational potential.These simplifications are obviously not necessary in a numerical analysis of the problem,but(in our view)the benefits of having an analytic solution far outweighs the value of a numerical solution to the complete problem.One can argue in favour of some of our assumptions,since most astrophysical neutron stars are slowly rotating(in the sense that their spin is far below the break-up rate)and the inertial modes which we are interested in are such that the density(and hence gravitational potential)perturbations are higher order corrections.Working in the rotating frame,our dynamical equations are the(linearised)Euler and continuity equations,∂t v+2Ω×v=−∇h+ν∇2v(1)∇·v=0(2) The enthalpy h,which is defined asEkman layer damping of r-modes revisited3∇h=1ν/Ω∼1cm for typical neutron star parameters.Our aim in the following is tofind a consistent solution to the problem when the solution in the bulk of the interior(the inviscidflow)corresponds to a single l=m r-mode.Schematically we assume that the solution takes the following form(a standard uniform expansion in boundary layer theory(Bender&Orzag1978)):v=v0+˜v0+ν1/2[v1+˜v1]+O(ν)(4) and similarly for the perturbed enthalpyδh and the mode frequencyσ(we assume that all perturbations behave as exp(iσt))δh=δh0+δ˜h0+ν1/2[δh1+δ˜h1]+O(ν)(5)σ=σ0+ν1/2is+O(ν)(6) The complex-valued frequency correction s is of particular importance,since its real part corresponds to the Ekman layer dissipation rate.The idea behind the expansion(4)is that the inviscid solution v0is modified by˜v0in the boundary layer in such a way that the no-slip condition is satisfied.This then leads to a change in the interior motion,represented by v1,which requires another boundary layer correction˜v1and so on.In principle,this leads to an infinite hierarchy of coupled problems. In this picture,the various boundary/crust-induced corrections to the basic inviscidflow fall into two categories,namely, boundary-layer corrections(always denoted by tildes in this paper)which are characterised by rapid(radial)variation[here ∂r∼O(ν−1/2)]and secondary“background”corrections which vary smoothly throughout the star.Based on this different behaviour,when(4)is inserted in(1)and(2),each of these equations splits into two components;one containing onlyboundary layer quantities and another comprising the background quantities.These two families of equations are not entirely independent,since the boundary conditions communicate information between boundary layer and background quantities.Assuming that the solution to the inviscid problem takes the form of an axial r-mode we get∂t v0θ−2Ωcosθv0ϕ=−1r sinθ∂ϕδh0(8) 2Ωsinθv0ϕ=∂rδh0(9) We also know that the l=m r-mode solution corresponds to a frequencyσ0=2Ωr sinθi∂ϕU0+ˆeϕR c m+1(12)(normalised to unity at the base of the crust).The corresponding boundary layer correction is a solution to∂t˜v0θ−2Ωcosθ˜v0ϕ=ν∂2r˜v0θ(13)∂t˜v0ϕ+2Ωcosθ˜v0θ=ν∂2r˜v0ϕ(14) 2Ωsinθ˜v0ϕ=∂rδ˜h1(15)∂rδ˜h0=0(16) We also need to satisfy the continuity equation which leads to˜v0r=0,andν1/2r∂r˜v1r+1sinθ∂ϕ˜v0ϕ=0(17)Note that we have only kept the highest radial derivative of the various variables in the boundary layer,and that we have also4Glampedakis&Anderssonneglected angular derivatives compared to radial ones.Finally,the solution to the˜v0problem must be such that the no-slip boundary condition is satisfied,i.e.we must havev0+˜v0=0,at r=R c.(18) At the next level,we determine the change in the interior motion induced by the presence of the Ekman layer.This means that we must solve,∂t v1θ−2Ωcosθv1ϕ=−1r sinθ∂ϕδh1+sv0ϕ(20)∂t v1r−2Ωsinθv1ϕ=−∂rδh1(21) together with the continuity equation∇·v1=0(22) and a boundary conditionv1r+˜v1r=0(23) A solution to this problem should provide the frequency correction s,which encodes the rate at which the presence of the Ekman layer alters the coreflow.That is,the induced damping of the r-mode which we are interested in.3SOLUTION IN TERMS OF A SPHERICAL HARMONICS EXPANSIONSo far,our calculation follows closely the standard treatment of the spin-up problem(Greenspan&Howard1963;Greenspan 1968).At this point we deviate,by expanding the velocity components in spherical harmonics.We have several reasons for doing so.Firstly,the standard approach(which will be reviewed in Section4)leads to a boundary layerflow that is explicitly singular in particular angular directions.Although one can demonstrate that this is not a great problem,and that the predicted Ekman layer dissipation can be trusted,it is not an attractive feature of the solution.We want to use an approach that avoids such singular behaviour.Secondly,the standard approach is somewhat limited in that it may not easily allow us to consider a differentially rotating backgroundflow(or an interior magneticfield with complex multipolar structure).Our approach will allow such generalisations,should they be required.3.1The boundary layer correctionsWefirst concentrate on the correction to thefluid velocity in the Ekman layer.We need to solve(13)-(14)and then determine ˜v1r from(17).If we are mainly interested in determining the damping timescale due to the presence of the Ekman layer,the induced radialflow will play the main role.Assuming that˜v0can be written˜v0=˜Wr ∂θ˜V−i∂ϕ˜U r∂ϕ˜V2Ω(σ0+iν∂2r)(sinθ∂θ˜V+m˜U)(25)Similarly,equation(14)leads to sinθcosθ∂θ˜V+m cosθ˜U=12Ω(σ0+iν∂2r)∇2θ˜U=m˜U−cosθ∇2θ˜V+sinθ∂θ˜V(27)1sinθ∂θ(sinθ∂θ)+∂2ϕEkman layer damping of r-modes revisited5 is the angular part of the Laplacian on the unit sphere.If we now expand the various functions in spherical harmonics,i.e.˜U= l˜U l Y m l etc,and then use their orthogonality together with the standard recurrence relations,cosθY m l=Q l+1Y m l+1+Q l Y m l−1(30) sinθ∂θY m l=lQ l+1Y m l+1−(l+1)Q l Y m l−1(31) whereQ l= (2l−1)(2l+1)(32) we arrive at the two coupled equationsn(n+1)2Ω(σ0+iν∂2r)˜V n+1−m˜V n+1−n(n+2)Q n+1˜U n−(n+1)(n+3)Q n+2˜U n+2=0(34) Since we know that we must match our solution to the inviscid r-mode solution at r=R c,we now assume that all toroidal components apart from˜U m vanish.Strictly speaking,this assumption is inconsistent.This can be easily seen by setting n=m→m+2in thefirst of equations above.In principle,one would expect an infinite sum of contributions.This problem is similar to that for an inertial mode in a compressible star(Lockitch&Friedman1999).From a practical point of view,however,one must truncate the sum at some level in order to close the system of equations.Just like in the inertial-mode problem,one would expect the solution to converge as further multipole contributions are accounted for.This then provides a simple way to estimate the error induced by the truncation.Adopting this strategy,we will later compare our results to ones obtained by including more axial terms(˜U m+2,˜U m+4and so on)in the boundary layerflow.After setting n=m we get(since Q m=0)m(m+1)2Ω(σ0+iν∂2r)˜V m+1−m˜V m+1−m(m+2)Q m+1˜U m=0(36) Using the standard ansatz[˜U m,˜V m+1]∝eλr for a differential equation with constant coefficients,we can show that a solution will exist ifν2λ4−4iΩ(m+1)2=0(37) i.e.for the two rootsνλ2=2iΩm(m+2)3Q2m+1+1(39) The solutions correspond to eigenvectors˜Vm+1=−1±α(1+α)Ω(m+2)2Q m+1[(1+α)A+(1−α)B]=0(44)6Glampedakis &Anderssonwhich leads toA =−1−α2α(45)Finally,we can use this solution together with (17)to determine ˜v1r .Assuming that ˜v1also takes the form (24),we readily find thatν1/2∂r (r ˜W 1m +1)=(m +1)(m +2)˜V m +1(46)which can be integrated to give ˜W 1m +1.Hence,we have obtained all leading-order boundary layer variables.3.2The induced interior flowHaving determined the appropriate solution in the Ekman layer,we now want to calculate the induced flow in the interiorand deduce the damping rate of the r-mode.By combining (19)and (20),and again using a solution of form (24)[albeit now without the tildes]for v 1,we can show that we must have(σ0∇2θU +2m ΩU )−2Ωcos θ∇2θV +2Ωsin θ∂θV −2Ω[sin θ∂θW +2cos θW ]=−is ∇2θU(47)Expanding once again in spherical harmonics and using the fact that the right-hand side vanishes unless l =m ,we immediately arrive at2(m +2)ΩQ m +1V m +1+2ΩQ m +1W m +1=is (m +1)U 0m(48)and a solution V m +1=s (m +1)m +2W m +1(49)Given this result,we can use the continuity equation to show that ∂r (rW m +1)=(m +1)(m +2)V m +1=is (m +1)2m +21α1λ2(52)andW m +1(R c )=(m +1)2isQ m +1ν1/2R c(2m +3)α1λ2(54)From this last equation we can extract the damping rate,Re s =Ω α+1+√αR 2c1/22m +34(m +2)(m +1)√α+1α2−1(56)These expressions constitute the main new result of the first part of this paper.They have been derived by combining boundary-layer theory techniques with a decomposition in spherical harmonics.Putting numbers in,we find for m =1that s ≈2.92−0.602i .This should be compared to the results of Greenspan (1968)(see also Rieutord (2001)),who finds s ≈2.62−0.259i .The quantity which we are mainly interested in,the real part of s which gives the damping rate of the core flow,differs from Greenspan’s result by about 11%.This is not too bad given that we truncated the boundary layer solution at the level of a single multipole contribution.If we include further terms,we need to solve a system of equations larger thanthe “2×2”problem given by (33)-(34).Including one more axial term (˜Um +2)in the boundary layer we end up with a “3×3”Ekman layer damping of r-modes revisited7 m=22×24.097−0.473i3.518−0.176i3×33.451+0.376i4×43.714−0.292iTable1.Ekman dissipation rate s computed in the present work,compared with the standard approach in the literature(Greenspan 1968).problem and so on.As we include more multipoles in the description our damping rate approaches Greenspan’s result,cf.the results listed in Table1.We see that if we consider the“4×4”problem we get results that agree with the standard ones,see the following section,to within5%or so.This is certainly much more accurate than our knowledge of the various neutron star parameters.It should be noted that,by solving the problem in a“non-standard”way we have learned an interesting lesson: In order to represent the boundary layerflow accurately,we need to include a number of multipoles even though we have a very simple coreflow.4THE STANDARD SOLUTION TO THE EKMAN PROBLEMFor completeness,and comparison with our calculation,we will now discuss the“traditional”solution of the Ekman problem. This solution is described in detail in the paper by Greenspan&Howard(1963)as well as the book by Greenspan(1968)and is,essentially,a boundary layer theory calculation without expanding in spherical harmonics.The formulation of the problem is identical to that described above.By combining(13)and(14)we can easily show that we must haveν2∂4r−2iσ0ν∂2r−σ20+4Ω2cos2θ ˜vθ=0(57)Despite really being a partial differential equation for˜vθas a function of r.The ansatz˜vθ=eλ(r−R c)then leads to the indicial equationν2λ4−2iσ0νλ2+4Ω2cos2θ−σ20=0(58) which has solutionsλ=±ν−1/2[i(σ0±2Ωcosθ)]1/2(59) In order for the boundary layer corrections to the velocityfield to die away from the surface we must have Reλ>0.One can show that the two solutions that satisfy this criterion correspond to¯λ1,2= 1|1/(m+1)±cosθ|i (60) where we have i)used the l=m r-mode frequency,and ii)introducedλ=2R c sinθY m m−i2R c sinθY m m+i8Glampedakis&AnderssonThis completes the solution in the boundary layer.We want to infer the induced radialflow in order to estimate the Ekman layer damping of the core r-mode oscillation.The required relation is best expressed in terms of a“stretched”boundary layer variableζ= ν(R c−r)(66) Then the O(1)continuity equation leads to∂ζ˜v1r=1ΩR2c 1sinθ∂ϕ˜vϕ≡IΩR2c(67)or˜v1r=1ΩR2c ζ01sinθ∂ϕ˜vϕ dζ=1ΩR2c ζ0I dζ(68)This is to be matched to the O(ν1/2)core solution in such a way thatlim r→R c v1r=limζ→∞˜v1r(69)Working things out for our boundary layer solution wefind thatlim ζ→∞˜v1r=1ΩR2c ∞0I dζ=1ΩR2cim(m+1)¯λ1−1¯λ21−B∂θ¯λ22(2m+3)R cΩQ m+1Y m m+1(71)and we can determine the Ekman layer dissipation rate for the r-mode from(m+1)2sΩ2 1¯λ2 Y m m−AR c∂θ¯λ1¯λ22 (72)Thefinal step is to use orthogonality of the spherical harmonics,i.e.evaluate s from s=2(2m+3)Q m+1Ω2 1¯λ2 Y m m−AR c∂θ¯λ1¯λ22 dθ(74)The required integral can be much simplified if we use the symmetry of the integrand,see the discussion in the Appendix or alternatively Liao,Zhang&Earnshaw(2001).Thus we getJ=2πi π0sinθsin2θ¯Y m m+1Y m m−mrevisited9 Figure1.We compare data corresponds to parameters m=2,E good agreement.Figure2.We compare data corresponds to parameters m=2,E=1−0.8√∂r≪∂˜vθ10Glampedakis&AnderssonReturning to equation(21),which determines the induced coreflow,and reinstating the pressure and density instead of the enthalpy,we have1iσ0v1+2Ω×v1+ρ∇δp0(78) as well as the continuity equation∇·v0=0,we obtain,∇· δp1¯v0+δp0¯v1 =ρs|v0|2(79)Integration of this relation over the volume(V)of the star and use of the divergence theorem gives,ˆr· δp1¯v0+¯(δp0)v1 dS=s Vρ|v0|2dV(80) Swhere S represents the surface at the core-crust interface.We know that the inviscid r-mode problem is such thatˆr·¯v0=0(81) which means that we arrive at thefinal expressions= S¯(δp0)(ˆr·v1)dSρΩ rm+1ρR c(84) 2m+3Putting all these ingredients together wefind that(using definitions from the previous section)2(2m+3)Q m+1Ωs=t E =−2E2m Ω(2m +1)!!I m ηc R c 0ρR c 2m +2dr2m +2Q m +1I m (87)Given this relation our result for the damping timescalet E =(m +1)!ρc R 2cRe J (88)is also identical to Rieutord’s result.From this comparison it is clear that any difference between the various detailed studies of the Ekman layer problem in the r-mode instability literature is due to the chosen stellar model.To quantifythedependence of the damping rate on (say)the mass distribution in the star is obviously an important task.Lindblom,Owen &Ushomirsky (2000)did this by performing calculations for a number of realistic supranuclear equations of state.Here we will choose a more pragmatic approach,which we think provides some useful insights.Let us first return to(86),but instead of taking ρ=ρc we will,somewhat inconsistently,allow the two (constant)densities to be different.Then we see that,in the case of the m =2mode,I = R c 0ρR c 6dr 7ρc ≈3.41×10−2M4R 2r sinrπR 3ρc (91)From this comparison we see that one can quite easily bridge the difference between the constant density calculation and the results of Lindblom,Owen &Ushomirsky (2000).As a further exercise,one can work out the integral by combining the data in Table 1of Lindblom,Owen &Ushomirsky (2000)for M ,R and R c with the n =1polytropic density profile.This leads to underestimates of the damping timescale results obtained by Lindblom et al for various equations of state by 10-30%.This is due to the fact that realistic equations of state are slightly softer than the n =1polytrope.Nevertheless,it shows that the polytropic model captures the main features of the problem.One should keep in mind that the use of realistic equations of state for Newtonian neutron star models is dubious.For a given central density (say)the mass and radius often differ considerably from the corresponding results in general relativity.This means that it may not be entirely consistent to use realistic equations of state in the present discussion.On the other hand,it is important to get an understanding of how the results change with the stellar parameters,and over what range the damping timescale for an unstable r-mode may vary.We think that the above discussion led to some useful comparisons that provide useful steps towards this understanding.Possibly the most important conclusion is that all current calculations are consistent.7INCLUDING STRATIFICATION AND COMPRESSIBILITYSo far,we have discussed the Ekman layer problem for incompressible fluids.Although this is not an unreasonable first approximation for neutron stars,it is well documented that both compressibility and stratification due to either temperature or composition gradients may be important.Considering also the results of Abney &Epstein (1996)for the spin-up problem,which suggest that the Ekman layer timescale is significantly altered by both stratification and compressibility,it is clear that we need to relax our assumptions.7.1Formulating the compressible problemWe want to avoid the assumption of uniform density and include stratification and compressibility(while maintaining the calculation at O(Ω)which means that the star is spherical).In a perturbed compressible,stratified star the equation of state is usually taken to have the form∆p=pΓρ=δp0ρ−p′ρ=δ˜p0Γp−ρgσ0v0r=0(96)where we have prefered to use the perturbed pressure in order to emphasize the presence of the stratification.Inspection of the Euler equations,together with the fact that s∼O(Ω1/2),implies that v1θ,ϕ∼O(Ω−1/2)andδp1∼O(Ω1/2).Hence,in the continuity equation the second and third term are O(Ω−1/2)while thefirst term is of order O(Ω3/2).At the same time,the fact that we are considering an r-modeflow means that the last term is also O(Ω3/2).As we are working in the slow-rotation limit we keep only the former terms,and we get∇·v1−ρg2ΩQ m+1(m+2)U0m−1Rκ W1m+1=(m+1)(m+2)V1m+1(99) where we have defined the dimensionless“compressibility”,κ≡ρgRCombining these equations we arrive atr∂r W1m+1+ m+2−r2ΩQ m+1U0m(101) Once we solve this equation,we can replace(53)in the analysis of the incompressible case and infer the damping rate of the r-mode.The problem is that,whereas theκ=0case is easily dealt with,the radial variation ofκin a realistic model will typically require a numerical solution.7.2Case study:The n=1polytropeTo get an idea of how important the compressibility corrections may be we will consider the simple model problem of an n=1polytrope.Before doing this,let us make a few comments on the work of Abney&Epstein(1996).In their analysis of the spin-up problem they arrive at an equation corresponding to(101).They then make the assumption thatκcan be taken as constant.Sinceκ≫1in the region of the boundary layer the calculation simplifies considerably,and one easily shows that the compressibility leads to an exponential suppression of the Ekman layer damping.Working out the relevant algebra,we find a revised Ekman damping rate˜s given by˜s(2m+3)! R cs≈0.1(103) This suggests that the Ekman layer damping is strongly suppressed in a compressible star.In fact,if we takeκ≈100as in Abney&Epstein(1996)we would have a truly astonishing result where the boundary layer dissipation was completely irrelevant.The analysis is,however,wrong.To see what the problem is,we can work outκfor the polytrope(90).This leads toκ=11−x(104)where x=r/R and the last step follows from an expansion near the surface.As it turns out,this is a good approximation throughout the star.From this we see that whileκr/R is indeed large in the outer regions of the star(the divergence at the surface is due to the sound speed vanishing there),it vanishes at the centre and is certainly not large compared to m+2in (101)in the inner regions of the star.This is relevant for our analysis since we are trying to work out the inducedflow in the core,not just the corrections in the thin boundary layer at the base of the crust.Given the approximate expression forκit is straightforward to write down an analytic solution to(101).If we focus on the l=m=2r-mode and express the right-hand side as Bx3,then the solution is simplyW1=Bx31−x (105)This should be compared to the incompressible result W1inc=Bx3/7.Repeating the analysis following(53)wefind that˜s1−7R c/8R(106)This shows that the compressibility lowers the Ekman damping rate by a factor of two or so(for R c/R=0.9).Although this is far from irrelevant,it is certainly not as dramatic a suppression as the results of Abney&Epstein(1996)suggest.The above analysis is,as far as we know,thefirst attempt to account for the effect of compressibility on the Ekman layer damping of r-modes.We have shown how the problem can be solved(up to quadrature),and then estimated the magnitude of the effect for a polytropic model.Would it now be useful to consider an even more realistic model based on some tabulated equation of state?We think that the answer is no.There are two reasons for this.We have already discussed the well-known fact that one should be careful when using realistic(relativistic)equations of state in a Newtonian calculation,and that it is difficult to make sure that one is comparing like with like.A second reason why we feel that a more“detailed”calculation may not be relevant is that we are still not considering the true physics problem.In a mature neutron star we should incorporate both superfluid components at the crust-core interface and the magneticfield.We have shown that the Ekman layer damping in an incompressible normalfluid core differs from a compressible model by a factor of a few.This is typical of the uncertainties associated with(say)the equation of state,and is perhaps the level of accuracy that we should expect to be able to achieve.。
