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1-J. Catal. 341, 44-54, 2016
Single-atom and small-cluster Pt induced by Sn (IV)sites confined in an LDH lattice for catalyticreformingYanru Zhu,Zhe An,Jing He ⇑State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Beijing 100029,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 17February 2016Revised 2June 2016Accepted 4June 2016Available online 9July 2016Keywords:Pt dispersion Single atoms Small clustersHydrotalcite-like compounds Catalytic reforminga b s t r a c tConventional supported Pt for industrial catalytic reforming exhibits high conversion,but suffers low selectivity due to the hydrogenolysis reaction.The development of highly dispersed Pt offers the oppor-tunity to settle this problem.Here,a supported Pt,with Pt dispersed in single atoms plus small clusters with fewer than 10atoms (91%)on Sn-containing mixed metal oxides,has been prepared by the induc-tion of a Sn component confined in the lattices of brucite-like layers of layered double hydroxides.Pt in single-atom and small-cluster dispersion effectively inhibits hydrogenolysis and significantly improves the selectivity to cyclization products in the n -heptane reforming reaction.Ó2016Published by Elsevier Inc.1.IntroductionCatalytic reforming is an important secondary processing pro-cedure for crude oil,which converts the naphtha feedstock into high-octane reformates,playing a key role in solving the demand for gasoline consumption and quality upgrading [1].The isomer-ization and cyclization reactions in catalytic reforming are value-enhancing because they provide high-octane products.But it is necessary to inhibit hydrogenolysis byproducts for the sake of atom economy.Aromatization needs to be avoided as well,since carcinogenic aromatic compounds are limited by environmental regulations [2].On alumina-supported Pt,the reforming catalyst applied in industry [3–5]and of wide research interest [6–10],hydrogenolysis was favored on large Pt ensembles containing five atoms,the so-called B5sites [6,7],and the aromatization requires Pt sites with threefold symmetry [8,9].Therefore,highly dispersed Pt catalysts with abundant atomic sites are critical to inhibit the byproducts and could catalyze the reforming process better than large clusters or even particles [10].Introduction of a second or even a third component,such as Sn,Re,Ge,or Ir,offers a way to enhance Pt dispersion [11–20].More and more studies point to the importance of highly dis-persed metallic catalysts because of their enhanced catalysis in a variety of significant reactions [21–26].For example,Pt–Sn/Al 2O 3catalysts with smaller contiguous Pt islands [21,22]exhibit high selectivity to isomerization and cyclization,but low selectivity to aromatization and hydrogenolysis in n -hexane reforming.Isolated Pd atoms dispersed onto Cu surfaces allow very selective hydro-genation of styrene and acetylene [23].Alumina-supported single-atom alloy nanoparticle catalysts with low concentrations of individual Pt atoms on a Cu surface have been found to exhibit excellent activity for butadiene hydrogenation,with high butene selectivity under mild conditions [24].An Ag-alloyed Pd single-atom catalyst supported on silica gel provides excellent catalysis in the selective hydrogenation of acetylene under ethylene-rich conditions [25].The catalyst consisting of only single Pt atoms uni-formly placed on an FeO x support shows extremely high activity for both CO oxidation and PROX reactions [26].Many efforts have been dedicated to improving the dispersion of active metal sites [27–31].A mass-selected soft-landing tech-nique is powerful in the preparation of supported metal clusters or even single-atom catalysts,because of its exact control of the size of metal species using mass-selected atom beams [28].A wet-chemistry approach is often used to anchor single-site metals to the support surface because the precursor already contains single-atom metal species,so long as a aggregation can be avoided in the post-treatment processes [29,30].A few studies show that the support surface defects could serve as anchoring sites for metal clusters or even single atoms [26,31].Nevertheless,to improve metal dispersion by a highly uniformly dispersed second element might be more controllable,suitable,and inexpensive.For exam-ple,either the iron oxide interface between Pt and c -Al 2O 3[32]/10.1016/j.jcat.2016.06.0040021-9517/Ó2016Published by Elsevier Inc.⇑Corresponding author.Fax:+861064425385.E-mail address:jinghe@ (J.He).or the Pt–O–Ce bond in Pt/ceria-based oxide[33]could help pro-mote Pt dispersion.Layered double hydroxides(LDHs),also known as hydrotalcite-like materials,accommodate a wide range of divalent(M2+)and high-valence(M3+or M4+)metal cations in brucite-like layers [34].The metal cations are distributed uniformly at the atomic level within the brucite-like layers,owing to the absence of contin-uous M3+–O–M3+bonds[35].Thus,LDH materials,with greatflex-ibility in chemical composition,prove inexpensive and versatile precursors for supported metal catalysts in which the metal com-ponents are highly dispersed[36–39].For instance,well-dispersed and embedded metallic iron nanoparticles with a high density (1014–1016m2)have been produced using MoO42À-intercalated FeMgAl-LDHs as a precursor[38].Uniform Ni–Fe alloy nanoparti-cles supported on mixed metal oxides(MMOs)are prepared by cal-cination and reduction of a NiFeMgAl-LDH precursor[39].For noble metals such as Pt or Pd,which are difficult to insert into the lattices of brucite-like layers of LDHs,high dispersion could be achieved through the interactions between the supported noble metal component and another component confined in LDH or MMO lattices[36,40–43].Bimetallic PtIn particles with an average diameter of1nm have been prepared by dispersing Pt on the sur-face of a calcined In-containing LDH support,Mg(In)(Al)O[42]. Highly dispersed bimetallic Pd–Ga/MgO–Al2O3catalysts have been produced by introducing[PdCl4]2Àanions into positively charged MgGaAl-LDH layers[43].Our previous work has demonstrated that electron-rich(Sn)or electron-defect(Zr)sites,derived from Sn(or Zr)-containing LDHs,could induce oppositely charged Pt precur-sors to facilitate Pt dispersion[44].In this work,Pt–Sn reforming catalysts,with Pt sites dispersed in single atoms and small clusters, have been produced by the electrostatic induction of highly dis-persed and negatively charged Sn sites to cation Pt precursors,in which the highly dispersed Sn sites are confined in the brucite-like layers of Sn-containing LDHs as the precursor(Scheme1). The negatively charged Sn sites are selectively controlled by the deprotonation of hydroxy groups by use of the extremely low iso-electric point($4.3)[45]of Sn(IV)oxide or hydroxide.Owing to excellent dispersion of Pt,the resulting catalyst effectively inhibits the hydrogenolysis and promotes the cyclization in the n-heptane reforming reaction.2.Experimental2.1.Materials 2.2.PreparationAn MgSnAl LDH sample was synthesized on the surface of c-Al2O3by an in situ growth method[46].Typically,41mg of sodium citrate and49mg of SnCl4Á5H2O were dissolved in0.50mL deion-ized water to form a Sn4+citrate solution.Portions of2.56g of Mg (NO3)2Á6H2O and2.40g of urea were dissolved in4.5mL deionized water to form a Mg2+urea solution.Sn4+citrate solution and Mg2+ urea solution were mixed well and then moved to a Teflon auto-clave with5.0g of c-Al2O3.After aging at120°C for12h,the sam-ple wasfiltrated,washed with deionized water till neutrality,and dried at70°C overnight,to give a MgSnAl-LDHs/Al2O3sample. Similar procedures were used to prepare MgAl-LDH/Al2O3samples in the absence of Sn citrate solution.Sn4+was loaded on as-prepared MgAl-LDH/Al2O3or Al2O3by the incipient wetness impregnation method.A portion of1.8mL of SnCl4Á5H2O acetone solution(the concentration of Sn4+is3.7g LÀ1)was impregnated onto2g of MgAl-LDH/Al2O3or Al2O3support;then the sample was oscillated for2h at ambient temperature and dried at120°C overnight.Pt2+loading was achieved by the incipient wetness impregnation method.A portion of13mg of[Pt(NH3)4](NO3)2 was dissolved in1.8mL of deionized water.This solution(pH8) was then poured onto2g of an as-prepared MgSnAl-LDHs/Al2O3 sample,Sn4+-loaded MgAl-LDH/Al2O3,or Sn4+-loaded Al2O3.The resulting sample was oscillated at ambient temperature for2h and dried at120°C overnight.A PtO2/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3,PtO2/ SnO2/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3,or PtO2/SnO2/Al2O3sample was produced by calcining Pt2+-loaded MgSnAl-LDHs/Al2O3,Sn4+/MgAl-LDH/ Al2O3,or Sn4+/Al2O3at550°C for 2.5h inflowing air (40mL minÀ1).The temperature was raised from ambient temper-ature to550°C at2°C minÀ1.After calcination at550°C for2.5h, the temperature was decreased to500°C in N2flow(40mL minÀ1). Then a H2flow(40mL minÀ1)was introduced and the temperature was maintained at500°C for2.5h,affording Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3, Pt/SnO x/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3,and Pt/SnO x/Al2O3.For comparison,0.3wt. %Pt/Al2O3or2wt.%Pt/Al2O3was produced following the above procedures,except for the loading of Sn element.For the temperature-programmed reduction(TPR)evaluation of Sn(IV), Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3,SnO2/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3,and SnO2/Al2O3were produced by calcining MgSnAl-LDHs/Al2O3,Sn4+/MgAl-LDH/Al2O3, and Sn4+/Al2O3at550°C for2.5h.2.3.CharacterizationsElemental analysis for Pt and Sn was performed using a Shi-Scheme1.Schematic illustration of the preparation of highly dispersed Pt catalyst.Y.Zhu et al./Journal of Catalysis341(2016)44–5445were recorded with a Shimadzu XRD-6000diffractometer(CuK a radiation,k=0.154nm)in the2h ranges of3–90with a scan speed of5°minÀ1.The low-temperature N2adsorption–desorption experiments were carried out using a Quantachrome Autosorb-1 system.The specific surface area was estimated according to the five-point Brunauer–Emmett–Teller(BET)method based on the adsorption isotherm.Before measurements,the samples were pre-treated at100°C under high vacuum(104Torr)for4h.TPR and hydrogen–oxygen titration(HOT)were carried out on a Micromet-ric ChemiSorb2720chemisorption system with a thermal conduc-tivity detector(TCD).About100mg of sample was loaded in a U-type quartz reactor.The TPR was carried out with a heating ramp rate of10°C minÀ1in a stream of10%H2in Ar to900°C,with a totalflow rate of40mL minÀ1.For HOT measurement,the sample after reduction online was exposed to aflow of dry Ar (15mL minÀ1)until the baseline was stabilized at150°C.Subse-quently,O2pulses were introduced into the carrier gas until total saturation was reached at150°C,and then the absorbed oxygen was titrated by introducing pulses of H2at150°C.Finally,the TCD was used to monitor and record the consumption of H2.The Pt dispersion was calculated based on the HOT results according to the method for metal dispersion measurements in0.4wt.%Pt–Sn/Al2O3in Rajeshwer’s work[47]using the relation of HT:OT: Pt=1.5:0.75:1.The scanning electron microscope(SEM)images were taken using a Zeiss Supra55(Zeiss Ltd.,Germany).Samples were cut in half to expose interior surfaces and cross sections. The X-ray photoelectron spectra(XPS)were recorded on a Thermo Fisher Scientific ESCALAB-250instrument(USA)with an excitation source of AlK a radiation.A C1s peak at284.8eV was used as a cal-ibration peak.In addition to a binding energy scan range from0to 1200eV for the identification of all detectable elements,detailed scans for chemical state identification and quantification were recorded.HAADF-STEM images were taken on a JEM-ARM200F electron microscope capable of subangstrom resolution.The sam-ples were dispersed onto a copper grid coated with a thin holey carbonfilm.The size distribution of Pt is based on200single atoms,clusters,and particles in total counted in varied regions. The Pt L III-edge X-ray absorption spectra(XAS)of0.3wt.%Pt sam-ples were determined on the1W1B beamline of the Beijing Syn-chrotron Radiation Facility(BSRF)operated at$2.2GeV and $200mA,and the XAS of the2wt.%Pt/Al2O3sample was deter-mined on the BL14W1beamline at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radi-ation Facility(SSRF)operated at3.5GeV and140–210mA.A Si (111)double-crystal monochromator was used to reduce the har-monic component of the monochrome beam.Pt foil and PtO2were used as reference samples and measured in the transmission mode, and all the samples were measured in thefluorescence mode. Before measurements,the samples were pretreated carefully to ensure that the reduced catalysts were not exposed to air.Speci-mens were made by directly applying thefine powders to Scotch tape inside a glove box kept under high-purity N2(99.99%)sealed by the valve bag,and the XAFS data were then measured immedi-ately.The IFEFFIT software was used to analyze the EXAFS data at the Pt L III edge.Reliable parameters for the high Z(Pt,Sn)and low Z (O)contributions were determined by multiple-shellfitting in r space with application of k3and k1weightings in the Fourier trans-formations.The in situ Fourier-transformed infrared(FT-IR) absorption spectra for the sample with CO adsorbed were carried out in a cell equipped with KBr windows,allowing sample activa-tion and successive measurements in the range298–773K on a Vertex70(Bruker)instrument with4cmÀ1resolution and64scan times in the Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry,Sino-pec Group.The sample was reduced under H2at773K for60min and then cooled to373K under evacuation.Backgrounds were col-lected at373K under evacuation.The sample was exposed to1% CO in He at373K for30min and cooled to303K.Then mild evac-uation was carried out at303K for30min and the FT-IR spectra were recorded consecutively at varied times during the evacuation. Finally,the temperature-programmed desorption of adsorbed CO was carried out under evacuation.The temperature was raised from303to573K at5K minÀ1.The coverage-dependent FT-IR spectra were recorded consecutively every12s.2.4.Catalytic testsMCP hydrogenolysis was performed in afixed-bed reactor with inner diameter10mm and length38cm under total pressure 0.1MPa with H2(50mL minÀ1)at350°C.The as-prepared sample (0.5g)was activated by air(20mL minÀ1)at550°C for 2.5h online.After the temperature was decreased to500°C in N2flow (40mL minÀ1),a H2flow(12mL minÀ1)was introduced to reduce the sample at500°C for2.5h.Then MCP was vaporized at250°C and was fed into the reactor by a liquid pump(0.1mL minÀ1)for 10min.The products were analyzed online with a gas chro-matograph(Shimadzu GC-2014C)equipped with an Rt-Alumina BOND/Na2SO4capillary column and connected to aflame ioniza-tion detector(FID).The conversion of MCP(X MCP)and the selectiv-ity(S i)to particular products were determined byX MCP¼PA iÀA MCPPA iÂ100%andS i¼A iPA iÀA MCPÂ100%;wherein A i and A MCP are corrected chromatographic area for partic-ular compounds and for residual MCP[48].n-Heptane(n-C7)reformation was also performed in the reac-tor with inner diameter10mm and length38cm.The sample (0.5g)was set in the reactor,activated,and reduced online as above.Afterward,n-heptane was vaporized at250°C and mixed with H2(H2/n-C7H16molar ratio6.4:1,WHSV=4hÀ1)before being fed into the reactor.The n-heptane reformation was performed at 500°C and0.7MPa.A gas chromatograph(Shimadzu GC-2014C) equipped with a Rt-Alumina BOND/Na2SO4capillary column and connected with aflame ionization detector(FID)was used to ana-lyze the compositions after the reaction.The conversion of n-C7 (X n-C7)and the selectivity(S i)to particular product were deter-mined byX n-C7¼PA iÀA n-C7PiÂ100%andS i¼A iPA iÀA n-C7Â100%;where A i and A n-C7are corrected chromatographic areas for partic-ular compounds and for residual n-C7.3.Results and discussion3.1.Confinement of Sn in LDH latticesA Sn-containing MgAl-LDH(MgSnAl-LDHs)sample was synthe-sized in situ on the surface of c-Al2O3(Fig.1).The Sn content in the resulting MgSnAl-LDHs/Al2O3was determined by ICP technique to be0.3wt.%with an Mg/Sn molar ratio of19/1.For comparison, MgAl-LDH was synthesized on c-Al2O3as well.In each case,the (003),(006),(009),and(110)reflections characteristic of the hydrotalcite structure[49]were visibly observed in the X-ray diffraction(XRD)patterns(Fig.1A).No other phases in addition46Y.Zhu et al./Journal of Catalysis341(2016)44–54to LDHs and c-Al2O3are resolved.The lattice parameter a for MgAlSn-LDHs increases by0.0008nm in comparison to that for MgAl-LDH because Sn(IV)has a larger cationic radius(0.069nm) than Al(III)(0.053nm).From the scanning electron microscopeB–D),MgSnAl-LDHs are observed to grow den-exterior and interior surfaces of c-Al2O3,with a thick-nm.The growth of LDHs results in the specific increasing from206m2gÀ1(for c-Al2O3)toMgSnAl-LDHs/Al2O3)or285m2gÀ1(for MgAl-probably because the LDH crystallites raise the surfaceSn-containing layered double oxide supported on c-(Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3)was produced by calcination at550°C(Fig.2A).For comparison,control samples were prepared by impregnating MgAl-LDH/Al2O3or c-Al2O3with SnCl4acetone solution in a Sn loading of0.3wt.%.By calcination,MgAl-LDH/ Al2O3or c-Al2O3-supported SnO2(denoted SnO2/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3 or SnO2/Al2O3)was produced.No SnO2phase is visible in either case from the XRD patterns(Fig.2A).In the H2TPR profiles (Fig.2B),all Sn-containing materials have one visible reduction peak before750°C,which is attributed to the reduction of Sn (IV)to Sn(II)according to a previous report[50].Mg(Sn)(Al)O/ Al2O3exhibits a narrow and symmetric reduction peak with a T m of480°C,while SnO2/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3or SnO2/Al2O3shows a broad one enveloping two reduction peaks.This implies that the chemi-cal environment of Sn(IV)sites in the LDH lattices is more homo-geneous than that of those outside LDH lattices or without LDH lattices,which we propose to result from the confinement effects of brucite-like lattices of LDHs.For SnO2/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3or SnO2/ Al2O3,reduction at low temperature($340°C)could be attributed to the bulk SnO2clusters,and the other reduction(430–460°C) originates from refractory Sn-aluminates,which might have been formed during calcination[51,52].The reduction of Sn(IV)in Mg (Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3is more difficult than that in SnO2/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3 or SnO2/Al2O3,which could be attributed to the confinement of Sn(IV)in the lattices of Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3.3.2.Pt dispersion induced by Sn sitesPt was loaded at0.3wt.%on MgSnAl-LDHs/Al2O3,MgAl-LDH/ Al2O3,or Al2O3by incipient wetness impregnation.Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al) O/Al2O3,Pt/SnO x/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3,and Pt/SnO x/Al2O3were produced by reduction in H2at500°C.The dispersion of Pt,calculated on the basis of HOT and ICP-OES results,is as high as96%for Pt/Mg(Sn) (Al)O/Al2O3and85%or80%for Pt/SnO x/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3or Pt/SnO x/ Al2O3.The Sn(IV)sites confined in the lattices of LDO visibly pro-moted the dispersion of Pt sites,which is supposed to result fromof(a)c-Al2O3,(b)MgAl-LDH/Al2O3,and(c)MgSnAl-LDHs/Al2O3.SEM images of(B)exterior surfaces,(C)interior surfaces,Fig.2.(A)XRD patterns of(a)Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3,(b)SnO2/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3,and(c)SnO2/Al2O3;(B)H2TPR profiles of(a)Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3,(b)SnO2/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3,(c)SnO2/Al2O3,and(d)Al2O3.the possible electrostatic recognition of the Pt precursor by the confined Sn(IV)site.In an earlier report,highly dispersed Pt cata-lysts from the deposition of Pt4and Pt6clusters onto a c-Al2O3sur-2nm Pt clusters and a few particles(>2nm)are found to coexist with small clusters and single atoms.The single Pt atoms and small clusters account for62%and41%.Without induction by Sn sites,histograms of size distributions of(a)0.3wt.%Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3,(b)0.3wt.%Pt/SnO x/Mg(Al)O/AlPt/Al2O3.(f)Histograms of size distributions from HAADF-STEM.48Y.Zhu et al./Journal of Catalysis341(2016)44–54To elucidate the interactions between Sn and Pt sites,H 2TPR and XPS characterizations were carried out (Fig.4).The TPR pro-files (Fig.4A)of all Pt-supported samples (after calcination at 550°C)exhibit two reduction peaks at about 200–300and 380–600°C.The reduction at low temperature is attributed to the reduction of Pt (IV),and the reductions at high temperature could be attributed to hydrogen back spillover on the Pt–support inter-face or the reduction of Sn (IV)[52].The presence of the Sn (IV)component can be clearly observed to increase the reduction tem-perature of Pt (IV)centers.For PtO 2/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al 2O 3,where Sn (IV)were confined in the lattice,the reduction temperature (286°C)for Pt (IV)sites is 53°C higher than that for PtO 2/Mg(Al)O/Al 2O 3,while the reduction temperature for Pt (IV)sites in PtO 2/SnO 2/Mg(Al)O/Al 2O 3)increases by 32°C.For PtO 2/SnO 2/Al 2O 3,the reduction temperature for Pt (IV)sites increases by only 6°C in comparison with that for PtO 2/Al 2O 3.The results imply not only the interactions between Sn (IV)component and Pt (IV)sites but also the stronger Pt–Sn interactions in Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al 2O 3.In the Sn3d 5/2XPS spectra,the binding energy around 485.5eV corre-sponds to the Sn 0state,while the binding energy around 486.8eV corresponds to the oxidized Sn state [54,55].Comparing the Sn3d 5/2binding energy (Fig.4B–D)for the samples with and with-out loaded Pt (after reduction in H 2at 500°C),it can be seen that the Pt–Sn interactions increase the binding energy for Sn (II/IV)in Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al 2O 3by 0.5eV,indicating electron transfer from Sn to Pt.In comparison,the Pt–Sn interactions in Pt/SnO x /Mg(Al)O/Al 2O 3or Pt/SnO x /Al 2O 3increase the binding energy for Sn (II/IV)by 0.2and 0.1eV.The XPS results further suggest stron-ger interactions between confined Sn (IV)sites and supported Pt centers.From the Sn3d 5/2XPS spectra,it can also be observed that Pt–Sn interactions promote the reduction of Sn (IV)sites.For each sample without Pt loaded,no Sn (IV)was reduced to Sn 0.With Pt loaded,the Sn 0state was observed.But the Sn 0fraction depends on the location of Sn sites.By the deconvolution of XPS spectra,the Sn 0percentage in Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al 2O 3is estimated to be 7%,much lower than that in Pt/SnO x /Mg(Al)O/Al 2O 3(12%)or Pt/SnO x /Al 2O 3(14%).That means the confinement helps stabilize Sn (IV),making the confined Sn (IV)more difficult to reduce to Sn 0.2/Mg(Al)O/Al 2O 3,(b)PtO 2/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al 2O 3,(c)PtO 2/SnO 2/Mg(Al)O/Al 2O 3,(d)PtO 2/Al 2O 3,and (e)PtO /Mg(Al)O/Al 2O 3,and (D)SnO 2/Al 2O 3,without (a)or with (b)Pt.The coordination structure of Pt centers has been further char-acterized by extended X-ray absorptionfine structure(EXAFS) spectroscopy.The parameters of samples from the experimental EXAFS analysis are shown in Table1(more details are presented in the Supporting Information;see Figs.S1and S2).The EXAFS results for0.3wt.%Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3indicate the presence of first-shell Pt–O contributions with an average coordination num-ber of2.4at a bond distance of2.03Åand second-shell Pt–Pt con-tributions with an average coordination number of3.5at a bond distance of2.72Å.No PtO x phase should be present because the samples were prereduced prior to EXAFS measurements.The Pt–O coordination is assumed to originate from the interactions between the Pt sites and the supports.The Pt–O bonding distance, close to that in PtO2indicates strong interactions.The Pt–Pt coor-dination number in0.3wt.%Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3is much lower than that in bulk platinum(coordination number of12at a dis-tance of 2.76Å),indicating the existence of small Pt clusters. According to the XPS results,a very small portion of the Sn(IV) is reduced to Sn0in the presence of Pt.So the Pt–Sn coordination, at a similar distance to the Pt–Pt shell,was attempted to be intro-duced in the EXAFS curvefitting.But thefitted Pt–Sn coordination number(error bound of N>±100%)is unreasonable for0.3wt.%Pt/ Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3,probably because of the high disordering in the higher shells resulting from the low content of Sn0(about9/1of Pt0/Sn0ratio estimated from XPS).For0.3wt.%Pt/SnO x/Mg(Al)O/ Al2O3or0.3wt.%Pt/SnO x/Al2O3,the Pt–O coordination number is 1.6or1.1,the Pt–Pt coordination number is4.8or5.8,and the Pt–Sn coordination number is0.8or1.0.The Pt–Sn and Pt–Pt coor-dination numbers suggest the formation of semispherical-like clus-ters with the Sn atoms located at the surfaces of these Pt entities, which has been predicted on Pt–Sn/Al2O3catalyst in Weckhuysen’s work[56].The structure is consistent with the estimated ratios of Pt0/Sn0(about9/2for0.3wt.%Pt/SnO x/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3and0.3wt.% Pt/SnO x/Al2O3)from the XPS results.It is visible that the Pt–O coor-dination number decreases and the Pt–Pt coordination number increases regularly with the decrease in the content of small clus-ters and single Pt atoms,which is consistent with the observations for Pt/FeO x catalysts by Zhang et al.[57].The Pt–Pt coordination (N Pt–Pt=8.3)absolutely dominates for2wt.%Pt/Al2O3,also con-firming the formation of large Pt particles.The EXAFS data reveals less Pt–Pt contribution in0.3wt.%Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3,in agree-ment with the HAADF-STEM result that0.3wt.%Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/ Al2O3mainly contains single atoms and small clusters Pt.The FT-IR spectra for the samples with CO adsorbed were recorded to provide additional information about the geometric construction of Pt centers(Fig.5).According to previous report, the IR absorption for CO adsorption on reduced Pt is generally com-posed of two t(CO)regions:thefirst,located between2090and 2000cmÀ1,is assigned to linear adsorption on Pt0atoms,some-times accompanied by a shoulder at about2096cmÀ1assigned to CO adsorbed on Pt clusters at metal/support interfaces;the second, at1860–1780cmÀ1,originates from the bridged adsorption on two neighboring Pt atoms[58].For linear adsorption,t(CO)increases with the increase in Pt coordination number and the decrease in Pt dispersion[59,60],as well as the increase in CO coverage because of the coupling of CO molecules adsorbed on neighbor Pt atoms[26].Recent work show that Pt(CO)2gem-dicarbonyl species (characterized by double bands at2086and2069cmÀ1)are formed uniquely on single atoms or small clusters[61–63].As shown in Fig.5a,in addition to the absorption bands of gaseous CO at2170cmÀ1and2115cmÀ1,0.3wt.%Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3 presents double absorption bands at2086cmÀ1and2066cmÀ1, which are both rapidly weakened under evacuation,indicative of rather weak and reversible adsorption of CO on Pt sites.No shift in the absorption band position is observed with the decrease in CO coverage(Fig.5a and b),suggesting a lack of interaction between adsorbed CO molecules.Therefore,the double absorption bands are assigned to the symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations of CO in the Pt(CO)2gem-dicarbonyl species on single Pt atoms and small Pt clusters.The0.3wt.%Pt/SnO x/Mg(Al)O/ Al2O3(Fig.5c and d)and0.3wt.%Pt/SnO x/Al2O3(Fig.5e and f) mainly present a strong absorption band at2058cmÀ1with a shoulder at about2084cmÀ1.The absorption band at about 2084cmÀ1arises from the CO adsorbed onto Pt clusters at inter-faces.A weak absorption band at1824cmÀ1is also detected for 0.3wt.%Pt/SnO x/Al2O3.The intensity of the absorption band at 2058cmÀ1remains almost unchanged after evacuation for 30min,which indicates that the adsorption of CO is irreversible.A visible red shift is observed with the decrease in CO coverage. Thus,the absorption band at2058cmÀ1is assigned to linearly adsorbed CO on Pt clusters.The weak absorption band at 1824cmÀ1is typical of bridge-bonded CO on Pt particles.The absorption bands at2063and1824cmÀ1observed on2wt.%Pt/ Al2O3(Fig.5g and h)verify the CO adsorption on large Pt particles. The absorption band assigned to linearly adsorbed CO on Pt clus-ters in2wt.%Pt/Al2O3shifts to2063cmÀ1from2058cmÀ1dueTable1EXAFS results of supported Pt and reference samples.Shell R(Å)N D r2Â102(Å2)D E0(eV)Reduced chi-squaredÂ1020.3wt.%Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3Pt–O 2.03 2.40.54 6.90.37Pt–Pt 2.72 3.50.67 6.90.3wt.%Pt/SnO x/Mg(Al)O/Al2O3Pt–O 2.02 1.60.859.60.19Pt–Pt 2.74 4.80.749.6Pt–Sn 2.820.8 x/Al2O3Pt–O 2.02 1.10.24 4.10.18Pt–Pt 2.73 5.80.92 4.1Pt–Sn 2.80 1.0 1.1 4.12wt.%Pt/Al2O3Pt–Pt 2.758.30.319.00.32PtO2Pt–O 2.02 1.1Pt–Pt 3.10 foil Pt–Pt 2.76120.488.40.17N:coordination number;R:the distance between absorber and backscatter atoms;D r2:change in the Debye–Waller factor value relative to the Debye–Waller factor of the reference compound,where the increase of D r2suggests a high degree of disorder of the system in0.3wt.%Pt/Mg(Sn)(Al)O/Al2O3;D E0:inner potential correction to account for the difference in inner potential between the sample and the reference compound.Infitting,D E0is assumed to be the same for all the scattering paths in one sample because of the high disorder and limited independent data points in the higher shells in the R range1.0–3.5Å.Reduced chi-squared is used to measure the quality of thefits. The better the curve isfitted,the smaller is the reduced chi-squared value.50Y.Zhu et al./Journal of Catalysis341(2016)44–54。
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