江西科技师范学院毕业设计(论文)题目(中文):中性笔的发展及研究现状(外文):The development and research of Gel ink pen 院(系):化学化工学院专业:应用化学学生姓名:黄斌学号: 20072355指导教师:雷海峰丁海新2011年 03 月 10日目录引言 (3)1.中性笔的发展 (3)2.中性笔的研究现状 (5)2.1笔头对出墨量的影响 (5)2.1.1笔头的碗口与球珠的间隙 (5)2.1.2球座体环槽的体积 (5)2.1.3球座体油槽与小孔的面积 (5)2.1.4球珠的表面情况 (6)2.2墨水配方的研究 (6)2.2.1着色剂 (6)2.2.2润湿剂和分散剂 (7)2.2.3流变调节剂 (8)2.2.4消泡剂 (8)2.2.5润滑剂 (9)2.2.6缓蚀防绣剂 (9)3.中性笔发展展望 (9)参考文献 (11)中性笔的发展及研究现状江西科技师范学院化学化工学院07应化2班黄斌指导老师:丁海新摘要:本文介绍了中性笔的起源及国内发展状况,初步讨论了中性笔笔头对出墨量的影响和中性墨水体系中的各助剂——润湿剂、分散剂、流变调节剂、消泡剂、润滑剂、缓蚀防锈剂的作用和选择。
关键词:中性笔发展助剂引言中性笔(GELINK PEN,又称中性墨水笔)是属于圆珠笔一类的书写工具。
(a)span=250KHz fb)span=10KHz
Fi94.14the spectrum at70.955MHz in the fast band
Fi94.15the spectrum at72.055MI-tz in the first band
学校代码:10255学号:2120035东华大学学士学位论文展纱及展纱织物复合材料结构及性能的研究RESEARCH ON THE STRUCTURES AND PROPERTES OF SPREAD TOW AND SPREAD TOWFBRIC COMPOSITES学科专业:纺织工程作者姓名:李蓓蓓指导教师:李炜教授答辩日期:2015-01-12万方数据万方数据东华大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:我恪守学术道德,崇尚严谨学风。
本文以瑞典OXEON AB公司提供的展纱织物为背景,开展了展纱及展纱织物结构及性能的研究,主要完成了以下几个方面的工作:(1)对展纱前后纤维束进行了力学性能、浸润性能以及压缩特性测试。
硕 士 学 位 论 文
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※
院(系、所) : ××× 申 请 学 位 : ×××学位 学 科 专 业 : ××××(××××) 研 究 生 姓 名 : 王某某 指 导 教 师 : 刘某某教授 联合指导教师: 张某某教授 论文完成日期: 二〇〇九年 x 月 x 日 学号:20070000
南通大学学位论文原创性声明 学位论文使用授权声明 扉 页 摘 要 ................................................................................................................ i Abstract .......................................................................................................... ii 第一章 绪 论 ............................................................................................... 1 1.1 课题来源、研究的目的和意义........................................................ 1 1.2 国内外研究概况................................................................................ 1 1.2.1 国外研究概况.......................................................................... 1 1.2.2 国内研究概况.......................................................................... 1 1.3 论文的主要研究内容........................................................................ 1 第二章 材料与方法 ...................................................................................... 2 2.1 研究资料及仪器设备........................................................................ 2 2.1.1 研究对象.................................................................................. 2 2.1.2 主要仪器与试剂...................................................................... 2 2.2 实验流程与方法................................................................................ 2 2.2.1 标本制作.................................................................................. 2 2.2.2 获取数据.................................................................................. 2 2.2.3 分析数据.................................................................................. 2 2.2.4 测定数据.................................................................................. 2 2.2.5 统计学处理.............................................................................. 2 第三章 结 果 ............................................................................................... 3 3.1 ××××............................................................................................ 3 3.1.1 ××××.................................................................................. 3 第四章 讨 论 ............................................................................................... 6 4.1 ××××............................................................................................ 6 4.2 ×××................................................................................................ 6 第五章 结 论 ............................................................................................... 7 参考文献 ............................................................................................................ 8 英文缩写词表 .................................................................................................... 9 综 述 .............................................................................................................. 10 综述参考文献 ..................................................................................................11 在攻读硕士学位期间公开发表的论文与参加的项目 ............................ 12 A:在国内外刊物上发表的论文............................................................... 12 B:在国际学术会议上发表的论文........................................................... 12
k 有关的函数在倒空间中的形式。方程(1)中的自由能 F 可由平均场理论得到,其中包括原 子间有效作用能。 对铝理合金而言, 其基体为面心立方结构, 亚稳析出相 d?为 L12 有序结构。 为减小计算量, 将三维空间在二维平面上投影。经二维投影变换后, (2)式变为:
~ P( r , t ) d P ( k' , t ) C 0 (1 − C 0 ) ~ ~ ~ = L ( k' ) V ( k' ) P ( k' , t ) + K B T ln + ξ ( k' , t ) dt K BT 1 − P ( r , t ) k'
~ dP(k,t) C0( 1 − C0 ) ~ ∂F = L (k) + ?(k,t) dt K BT ∂P(r,t) k
k 为第一布里渊区定义的倒易格矢, P( k,t) , L (k) ,
∂F , ξ ( k , t ) 为与晶格位置坐标 ∂P(r,t)k
_______________________________________________________________________________ 中国科技论文在线
Al-12at%Li 合金在不同 W1 作用下的原子图像演化分别示于图 1 至图 3。溶质 Li 原子在 各格点处出现的几率由灰度表示,灰度越大表明 Li 原子出现的几率越大。图像中黑白相间的 形貌即为有序相, 灰度反差越大说明有序程度越大。 图 1 为 W1 取 64.70×10-18 J 时原子图像的 演化过程。在最初时刻,合金处于完全无序状态, Li 原子在各点的出现几率相同,因此图像 中各个格点的灰度相同。随着迭代步数的增加,从第 900 步时至 1500 步,观察到尺寸不等、 随机分布、相互独立的有序相核心,如图 1(a) 所示。此后先后形成的有序相晶核相继长大。图 像通过灰度变化显示, 尤其是在有序相附近区域, 无序基体中的 Li 原子浓度显著下降如图 1(c) 所示。 (a)
单位代码 10475学号 104753150433分类号H0硕士学位论文Construal Mechanism of the Ambiguity ofthe Chinese Adverb Yiqi汉语副词“一起”歧义的识解机制研究学科、专业:外国语言学及应用语言学研究方向:认知语言学申请学位类别:文学硕士申请人:王 星指导教师:杨朝军 教授二〇一八 年 六 月Construal Mechanism of the Ambiguity of the Chinese Adverb Yiqi汉语副词“一起”歧义的识解机制研究A Thesis Submitted tothe Graduate School of Henan Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree ofMaster of ArtsByWang XingSupervisor: Prof. Yang ChaojunJune, 2018AcknowledgementsI would like to express my sincere appreciation to those who gave me favor directly or indirectly with this thesis.Firstly, I am greatly indebted to my supervisor Professor Yang Chaojun for his insightful instructions, professional advice and generous help during this thesis writing. He was so patient and responsible that he spent so much time reading my manuscript carefully and he kindly corrected many errors in it and gave me suggestions for enriching the manuscript. Without his help, this thesis cannot have emerged. I have learned not only a deep understanding of linguistics but also a proper way to do linguistic researches.Secondly, I owe my sincere gratitude to professors and teachers in our Foreign Language School, including Liu Chendan, Niu Baoyi, Zhuang Huibin, Li Shujing, Ma Yingcong, etc. who gave me constructive advice and relieved me when I was anxious. I am thankful for their help, support and valuable suggestions. I am also very grateful to my schoolmates, Zhang Cuiying and Liu Fengmei, who have patiently listened to my puzzles, kindly offered suggestions and generously shared related materials during the research. Their supports and encouragements helped me solve the problems and finish the present thesis.Thirdly, I am also grateful to the scholars and authors whose works are cited in the bibliography for their instructive ideas.Last but not the least, my sincere thanks go to my family who have shared my worries, frustrations with me, and they wish me happy in eventually finishing this thesis.ABSTRACTAmbiguity is a widely existing phenomenon in language use. In the 1980s, Chinese grammar has already started the studies on the ambiguous phenomena of Chinese adverbs. Collaborative adverbs have not been studied much in the studies of modern Chinese adverbs, and the studies on ambiguity of them are even less. Thus, this thesis studies the ambiguity phenomena of the collaborative adverb yiqi. There are three common meanings of yiqi, including Meaning1 referring to “in the same place” which is a noun; Meaning2 referring to “at the same time” and Meaning3 referring to the “commonness” are adverbs. It is known from the linguistic data that Meaning2 and Meaning3 as adverbs are much more common and prominent. Therefore, this thesis mainly studies the ambiguity of yiqi when it is used as an adverb, sums up the rules of the ambiguity of it and discusses the construal mechanism behind these ambiguous phenomena.This thesis reviews previous studies on the ambiguity of adverbs at first. The author finds that most of studies are done in the semantic and pragmatic layers. While previous studies on the ambiguity from the cognitive perspective are less. Then, this thesis reviews the previous studies on the word yiqi which is done from the part of speech, subcategory of it, etc. This thesis takes the collaborative adverb yiqi as the research object to study the ambiguous phenomena of it and to figure out the construal mechanism of ambiguity of it. Based on that, the author proposes three research questions: What are the semantic characteristics of the collaborative adverb yiqi (一起)? What are the syntactic features of the collaborative adverb yiqi making ambiguity? What’s the construal mechanism of the ambiguity of the collaborative adverb yiqi?Cognitive Grammar is the most developed linguistic theoretical model and has thegreatest impact in the development of cognitive linguistics (Evans, 2009: 468). The analysis of cognitive grammar is based on construal, which is the cognitive ability to conceptualize the same scene with alternative method, including specificity, focusing, prominence and perspective. This thesis studies the ambiguity of the collaborative adverb yiqi from the perspective of cognitive grammar. It gets 98,574 sentences of yiqi in total from CCL and online corpus, selecting 2,000 sentences at random as linguistic data, and finds out ambiguous sentences with the semantic profile and syntactic features of yiqi. This thesis studies the ambiguity of yiqi with literature review method, data analysis method as well as qualitative analysis method. According to the types of sentences in which yiqi makes ambiguity, the author summarizes the following two syntactic features: N + V + N + yiqi + VP and N + yiqi + VP. It can be seen that the main reasons of ambiguity are the collaborative characteristics and the semantic profile of yiqi through analyzing its syntactic features, which can be construed that its semantic profile mainly refers to the nominal components which is plural (either in form or meaning) before it. When the components before yiqi are equal to or greater than two or the scope of N is uncertain, that is, from different observing perspectives, when the scope or the direction of the semantic profile of yiqi is unsure, ambiguity appears.There are two major contributions of this thesis: first, the thesis studies the ambiguity of the collaborative adverb yiqi from cognitive grammar perspective, which expands the research scope of cognitive linguistics; second, the thesis discusses the construal mechanism of the ambiguity generated by the collaborative adverb yiqi, which paves the way to the future studies on how to eliminate ambiguities of yiqi and plays a great role in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.KEY WORDS: Cognitive Grammar; collaboration adverb; yiqi; ambiguity; Construal摘要在语言使用过程中,歧义是一种普遍存在的现象。
电子科技大学UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRONIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CHINA 专业学位硕士学位论文MASTER THESIS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREE论文题目新闻事件地名实体识别和地图链接技术研究专业学位类别工程硕士学号201722180232作者姓名李玉超指导教师许文波教授分类号密级UDC注1学位论文新闻事件地名实体识别和地图链接技术研究(题名和副题名)李玉超(作者姓名)指导教师许文波教授电子科技大学成都(姓名、职称、单位名称)申请学位级别硕士专业学位类别工程硕士工程领域名称电子与通信工程提交论文日期2020年4月论文答辩日期2020年5月21日学位授予单位和日期电子科技大学2020 年 6 月答辩委员会主席评阅人注1:注明《国际十进分类法UDC》的类号。
Research on the Identification of Geographical Names of News Events and the Technology of MapLinkingA Master Thesis Submitted toUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaDiscipline:Master of EngineeringAuthor:Yuchao LiSupervisor:Wenbo XuSchool:School of Resources and Environment独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。
电子科技大学UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRONIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CHINA 专业学位硕士学位论文MASTER THESIS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREE论文题目低频脑信号的相位同步与认知活动的关系专业学位类别工程硕士学号201622090310作者姓名杨学志指导教师陈华富教授分类号密级UDC注1学位论文低频脑信号的相位同步与认知活动的关系(题名和副题名)杨学志(作者姓名)指导教师陈华富教授电子科技大学成都(姓名、职称、单位名称)申请学位级别硕士学科专业工程硕士工程领域名称生物医学工程提交论文日期2019.5.15论文答辩日期2019.5.23学位授予单位和日期电子科技大学2019年6月答辩委员会主席评阅人注1:注明《国际十进分类法UDC》的类号The Relationship Between the Phase Synchronization of Low Frequency Brain Signal and CognitiveActivityA Master Thesis Submitted toUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaMaster of Engineering Discipline:Xuezhi YangAuthor:Prof. Huafu ChenSupervisor:School of Life Science and Technology School:摘要摘要认知活动依赖于大脑多个区域间的功能上有组织地信息通信。
论文分类号 H313 单位代码10183密级内部研究生学号 9931005吉林大学硕士学位论文文化差异与英汉互译的局限性Cultural Differences and the Limitation of Translation between English and Chinese作者姓名:计琦专业:英语语言文学导师姓名赵文学及职称教授论文起止年月:2001年5月至2002年5月ContentsIntroduction (1)Chapter I Conceptualization: Culture, Its characteristics, Function and Diversity in Perception (7)1.1.Definition of culture (7)1.2.The characteristics of culture (9)1.3.The basic function of culture............................ (13)1.4.Perceptual diversity: different worldviews (15)Chapter II Relationship between Language and Culture (19)2.1. Demarcation of language (19)2.2. The relationship between language and culture (21)2.3 .Whorf hypothesis (22)2.4. Linguistic and cultural relativity (25)Chapter III Communication and Intercultural Communication. 27munication: definition and classification (27)3.2.The components of communication (28)3.3.Culture and communication (31)3.4. Intercultural communication (32)3.4.1. Basic concept (32)3.4.2.Intercultural communication: a model (33)Chapter IV Translation: Basic notions, Classification, Principles and Equivalent-effect Theory (41)4.1. The notions of translation (42)4.2. Functions of translation (44)4.3. Classification of translation (45)4.4. Principles, strategies of translation and functional equivalence theory (46)Chapter V Limitation of Translation between Chinese and English............................................... .. (54)5.1. Glyphomancy (56)5.2. Antithetical couplets (56)5.3. Lexical gap (58)5.4. Fauna and flora (60)5.5. Address terms (69)5.6. Puns (78)5.7. Social life (82)Conclusion (85)References (86)Abstract (English) (89)Abstract (Chinese) (96)IntroductionTranslation is a phenomenon that can be found in almost all the parts of the world. As a result of exchanges and interactions in various forms between peoples of different cultures, it appeared out of the need for communication between those who speak different mutually unintelligible languages. Consequently, translation enjoys a long history and carries a rich tradition. They can be traced far back to ancient times in China as well as in many other countries. Generally speaking, the 19th century was a period w hich marked the start and rapid development of translation between English and Chinese when China and the English-speaking countries, especially Britain and the United States, came into contact on large scale. It witnessed a dramatic increase of such activities in which many books were rendered from one language into another. To be more exact, however, to some extent, during this century and the following one, such activities were mainly of one direction. That is, far more works of different nature, such as literary classics, books of natural and social sciences, humanities found their way from English into Chinese than vice versa. They brought with them new ideas, advanced theories, different ways of thinking, exotic life styles, tradition, religion, etc. It is probably safe to say, without introduction of such ideas, theories, and ways of thinking into China by means of English-Chinese translation, there would be in China no natural and social sciences, humanities, technologies, etc. in modern sense.As time goes by, the world has now entered 21st century that is experiencing the advancement of science and technology at an even faster and unprecedented speed. Contemporary means of transportation, communication and information have made the world smaller and smaller, turningit into a "global village". All this made it possible for peoples of different cultures to have more frequent and much easier contacts, exchanges, and interactions with one another. To ensure the success of most of such encounters, translation is often required. It has taken on added and even greater importance than ever before. Therefore, its role can never be overestimated. To meet the ever increasing demand for translation services and good translators, many translation companies have appeared, translation departments have been established in many Chinese and foreign universities, some of which even offer Master and Doctor programs in the field.As an activity of multiple dimensions, translation performs many functions. It serves as a transmitter of culture, a means of communication, a bridge linking people of different nations with one another, one of the techniques of language learning, and a source of personal pleasure. Due to its important role in many areas of social life, it has become a well-established independent discipline. Consequently, it has received lots of attention from scholars in various fields such as linguists, writers, anthropologists, etc. There have been heated discussions and debates about the nature, function, criteria and other aspects of translation. Different ideas, opinions, theories have been advanced. The Italians hold the view of Traduttore traditore ("The translator is a traitor.") .Yan Fu firmly believed that good translation should be faithful to the original source text, intelligible to the readers of the target text, and elegant in style. His argument has influenced one generation after another of Chinese. Even today, he still has many followers in contemporary China. Fu Lei advocates the idea of placing more emphasis on the content than on the form while translating the source text into the target one. The past decade of 1990s witnessed a dramatic upsurge of cultural approach to the study of translation. As increasing number of translators and scholars embrace it, the cultural approach has gained greater momentum. Majority of them share the consensus that translation heavily involves not only two languages, i.e. the source language and the target one, but also their cultures. This is the case mainly b ecause the two, i.e., language and culture, are closely interrelated, interdependent and cannot be separated from each other. Each language is a way of seeing and reflecting the delicate nuances of cultural perceptions. It carries and mirrors the culture t o which it belongs. Culture provides the framework in which language operates and functions as a means of communication for those who speak it as mother tongue .The two are supposed to be in a constant process of interaction. In a word, language, especially its meaning system, is culturally loaded, bound and determined.In the process of translation, the message of the source text is rendered into the target language. When this is going on, the two systems of language and culture, i.e., the source one and the target one, come into play. On the one hand, what the two systems share in common make it possible for a translator to turn the source text into the target one. On the other hand, what they do not share, i.e. the differences between them, make translation a difficult, complicated and seemingly impossible task. As a result of such differences, one question arises," Is it possible to reproduce the message of the source text in the target language with a complete equivalence between the two and without any unintended alteration, extension, loss of the meaning of the original?" To put it in another way, "Is it possible for the target text to be exactly the same as or precisely equivalent to the original in all aspects?"In most cases, the answer to this q uestion is negative although some people tend to assume that text in one language can be accurately translated into another. As researches on the nature of translation deepen along cultural direction, majority of scholars agree that translation usually carries limitation and there are limits of translatability. Many papers discussing this issue haveappeared in the past few years. However, complete and systematic investigation of such limitation is rare in China.This thesis is intended as a tentative and systematic exploration of the limits of translatability from the perspective of the translation between English and Chinese. It holds that cultural differences are usually responsible for the limitation of translation. Such limitation manifests itself in many areas such as glyphomancy, antithetical couplets, lexical gap, fauna and flora, address terms, puns, social life, etc. It takes the forms of untranslatability, partial equivalence, non-correspondence, etc., often leads to the extension, partial or total loss, alteration of the meaning of the original. Misunderstanding, misrepresentation and false assumption often results. The present thesis is composed of five chapters in addition to an introduction and a conclusion. Chapter I conceptualizes the basic notion of culture first, then analyses its characteristics and function. It also probes into cultural diversity in perception. Relationship between language and culture forms the focus of attention of the second chapter which also covers a detailed discussion of Whorf hypothesis. Chapter III examines intercultural communication in terms of its definition, classification, and components. The fourth chapter provides an exploration of translation, its basic demarcation, categories, procedures, and principles. It also surveys Nida's theory of equivalence. Chapter V is the key part of the thesis. In this part, the author investigates the limitation of translation, especially translation between English and Chinese from cultural perspective, arguing with carefully analyzed examples in favor of the view that it is seldom possible for many original source texts to be exactly translated into the target language due to cultural differences. The discussion is developed in terms of the areas where such limitation presents itself. It has adopted the approach of cultural comparison.Chapter I Conceptualization: Culture, Its Characteristics, Function and Diversity in PerceptionHuman beings are "cultured animals". Consequently, much of the complex behaviors of the human beings should be and could be explained on the basis of culture. Since translation is a linguistic and cultural activity, a discussion of culture is necessary in order to clarify it and other relevant terms so as to provide a theoretical basis on which the study of translation can be developed. To meet this need, the first chapter mainly deals with the definition, characteristics, universals and individualities of culture.1.1. Definition of cultureCulture is a term that has been very fashionable in the academic circle. For a long time, it has engaged the attention of scholars in various fields. In the eyes of most of them, it is ubiquitous, multi-dimensional, complex and all pervasive. Different ideas about it have been proposed. It is estimated that there are about more than two hundred definitions of it so far. Edward Tylor, an anthropologist, first saw it as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society". Goodenough offered (1957) his well-known idea about culture as "whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members, and to do so in any role that they accept for any one of themselves." That knowledge is socially acquired: the necessary behaviors are learned and do not come from any kind of genetic endowment. Hoebel and Frost (1976:6) believed that culture is an "integrated system of learned behavior patterns which are characteristic of the members of a society and which are not the result of biological inheritance." To them, as to Goodenough, culture is not genetically predetermined or instinctive. To New mark (1988), culture is "the way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to a community that uses a particular language as its main means of expression". Bates and Plog (1990:28) proposed a widely accepted descriptive definition of culture as " a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning. This definition includes not only patterns of behavior but also patterns of thought (shared meanings that the members of a society attach to various phenomena, natural and intellectual, including religion and ideologies), artifacts (tools, pottery, houses, machines, works of art) and the culturally transmitted skills and techniques used to make the artifacts."This definition covers most of the major territory of culture on which scholars currently agree.With this as a point of reference, Samovar and Porter advanced their concept of culture as " the deposit of knowledge, experiences, values, actions, meanings, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving."From the above discussion, it can be seen that culture is so all-encompassing and inclusive that it permeates virtually every aspect of human life and determines or influences all of man's behaviors, including both verbal ones and non-verbal ones.1.2.Characteristics of cultureAs suggested previously, culture is a term and phenomenon of many facets. Its definitions vary when the proponents of the definitions differ. In spite of this, there still has been a lot of consensus among the scholars over the characteristics of culture. Generally speaking, they can be summed up as follows:A. Culture is learned. Humans are not born with the geneticimprint of a particular culture. From infancy on, members of a culture learn about their patterns of behavior and ways of thinking until such patterns and ways become internalized. People learn about their culture from a variety of sources and in many different ways such as interaction with others, observation and imitation. This learning occurs as conscious and unconsci ous conditioning which leads one toward competence in a particular culture. The term "enculturation" is often adopted to denote this total activity of learning one's culture. This process is also known as "socialization" in social psychology and sociology.B. Culture is transmissible from person to person, group to group and generation to generation. For a culture to exist and continue it has to make sure that its crucial messages and elements are passed on. They must be transmitted from generation to generation. It is mainly through communication that culture becomes a continuous process, for once cultural values, principles, habits, attitudes and the like are formulated, they are communicated to each member of the culture. Such communication depends heavily on different types of symbols such as spoken and written words, non-verbal actions, etc. The portability of symbols allows people to package, store and transmit them. The human mind, books, pictures, films, videos, and the like enable a culture to preserve what it deems to be important and worthy of transmission. Hence, each individual, regardless of his or her generation, is heir to a massive "library" of information that has been collected in anticipation of his or her entry into the culture. In this sense, culture is historical and preservable. Each new generation might write more, but the notes from the past usually represent what people may call culture. As Proust , a French novelist, once wrote,“The past remains present.”C. Culture is based on symbols. Human culture develops and employs different kinds of symbols. Such symbols usually take a variety of forms. Among them, language is one of the most important.A culture without language is unthinkable. The emergence of language was the giant step that made possible the remarkable and intricate system that is called culture. Human cerebral cortex and all the neurological structures associated with it have developed in a way that enables people to use symbols at a sophisticated level not shared by any other creature. By relying on such system of symbols, people do not only transmit knowledge from person to person, but also pass ideas from generation to generation. At their disposal are the speculations, observations, facts, experiments, and wisdom accumulated over thousands of years. Through language, it is possibleto learn from cumulative, shared experience.D. Culture is a set of shared perceptions. The meanings of symbols exist in the minds of individual members of a culture. When the symbolic ideas are shared with others, they formed the basis for culture. Not all of an individual's symbolic ideas are necessarily shared by others. Some symbols are shared only with a few. A culture can form only if symbolic ideas are shared with a relatively large group of people.E. Culture involves beliefs, values and norms. The shared symbol systems that formed the basis of culture represent ideas about beliefs, values, and norms. Beliefs refer to the basic understanding of a group of people about what the world is like or what is true or false. Values refer to what a group of people defines as good or bad or what it regards as important. Norms refer to rules for appropriate behavior, which provide the expectations people have of one another and of themselves.F. Culture is dynamic. Culture is a system that does not exist in vacuum and seldom remains constant. Instead, it is subject to change and fluctuations. There are many factors that bring them about. One is the constant exposure of a culture to ideas and information from outside sources. Another is the contact or face-to-face interaction of the members of a culture with "strangers " and "foreigners". Although culture changes through a number of mechanisms, the three most common ones are innovation, diffusion and acculturation. Innovation is the discovery of new practices, tools, or concepts that many members of the culture eventually accept and that may produce slight changes in social habits and behaviors. Diffusion refers to the borrowing by one culture from another. Acculturation occurs when a society undergoes drastic change under the influence of a more dominant culture and society with which it has come into contact. This happens usually in response to extended and intensive first-hand contact between two or more previously autonomous cultures or co-cultures. This type of change is common to international immigrants, who, for a variety of reasons, find themselves in another culture.G. Culture affects behavior. If culture was located solely in the minds of people, we could only speculate about what a culture is, since it is impossible for one person to see into the mind of another. However, these shared perceptions about beliefs, values, and norms affect the behaviors of large group of people. In other words, the shared perceptions that characterize a culture give people guidelines about what things mean, what is important, and what should or should not be done. Thus, culture establishes predictability in human interactions. Cultural differences are evident in the varying ways in which people conduct their everyday activities, as people "perform" their culture in their behavioral routines. Within a geographical area, people who interact with one another over time will form social bonds that help to stabilize their interactions and patterns of behavior. The stable patterns become the basis for making the predictions and forming the expectations about others.H. The various facets of culture are interrelated. Complex in nature, culture has many different aspects and e lements. All of them are organic components of one and the same system. They are interrelated to each other and function as an integrated whole. As Hall pointed out, "You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected".I. Culture is ethnocentric. Keesing notes that ethnocentrism is "a universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth". In other words, it becomes the perceptual prism through which a culture interprets and judges other groups. It is learned consciously and unconsciously. Scholars generally agree that ethnocentrism can befound in all cultures. Unless it is carried to an extreme, it can have positive effects. For example, it is often "a source of cultural and personal identity". Ethnocentrism takes on a negative condition and becomes "destructive when it is used to shut others out, provide the bases for derogatory evaluations, and rebuff change." The feeling that we are right and they are wrong pervades every aspect of a culture's existence. In more subtle ways, ethnocentrism can cause the alienation of co-cultures from the dominant one or one group from another.1.3. The basic function of cultureGenerally speaking, our ancestors evolved culture for much the same reason we have culture today. Both then and now, culture serves the basic need of laying out a predictable world in which an individual is firmly oriented. Culture enables us to make sense of our surroundings. As Thomas Fuller pointed out, culture makes all things easy. Although this view is slightly overstated, culture does ease the transition from the womb to this new life by giving meaning to events, objects, and people in the environment. In this way, culture makes the world a less mysterious and frightening place. From the instant of birth, a child is formally and informally taught how to behave. Common behaviors and definable settings allow for automatic responses that can be forecasted. Children, regardless of the culture, quickly learn how to behave in a manner that is acceptable to adults. Conversely, they are also told that if they are good, they will be rewarded. Within each culture, therefore, there is no need to expend energy to decide what each event means or how to respond to it. The assumption is that people who share a common culture can usually be counted on to behave "correctly" and predictably. Hence, culture reduces chances of surprises by shielding people from the unknown. It offers each of its members a common blueprint for all of life's activity. It is impossible for us to spend a single day without having access to the guidelines our culture provides. Without the " rules" that govern our actions, we would soon feel helpless. From how to greet strangers to how to spend our time, culture provides us with structure. To lack culture is to lack structure. Without both, we would be intellectually defenseless, floundering animals in an unfathomable realm. Culture teaches each of us how to make the most of what we have gained through millions of years of evolution.1.4. Perceptual diversity: different worldviewsPerception, in its simplest sense, refers to the way we make sense out of our physical and social world, or the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of our world. Our perception gives meaning to all those external forces. The physical mechanism of perception is pretty much the same in all people: sensory organs such as the eyes, the ears and nose permit us to sense our environment, and the sensations received by them are routed through our nervous system to our brains, where they are interpreted and accorded meaning in a two- stage sequence. The first stage is identification, in which a configuration of light or sound waves is identified. At the second stage, the interpretation and evaluation of what has been identified take place. The result of this stage, unlike the biological one, is not the same for all people because this process is learned and therefore influenced by all of our past experiences. This fact together with other factors make communication hard and problematic, for our culture provides us with an unique perceptive lens that exercise great influences on how we interpret and evaluate what we receive from the outside world. We behave as we do because of the ways we perceive the world. In short, the world looks, sounds, tastes, and feels the way it doesbecause our culture has given us the criteria of perception. Intercultural communication can bebest understood as cultural variance in the perception of physical and social world. A central tenetof this position is that minor problems in communication are often exaggerated by the perceptualdifferences. To understand the words and the actions of others, we have to understand theirperceptual frames of reference and learn to understand how they perceive the world. In the idealintercultural interactions, we would hope for many overlapping experiences and a commonality ofperceptions. The nature of culture, however, tends to introduce us to different experiences and tovaried perceptions of the external world. Such differences in experience and perception resultfrom differences among different cultures in history, ecology (including such physical forces asthe overall climate, the changing weather patterns, the prevailing land and water formation, andthe availability or unavailability of certain foods and other raw materials), technology (theinventions that a culture has created or borrowed), biology (the inherited characteristics culturalmembers share are the result of biology, a s people with a common ancestry have similar genetic compositions. These hereditary differences often arise as a adaptation to environmental forces andthey are evident in the biological attributes often referred to as race), institutional networks(theformal organizations in societies that structure activities for large numbers of people includinggovernment, education, religion, work, professional associations, and even social organizations),belief(conviction in the truth of something, with or without proof, or a set of learnedinterpretations that form the basis for cultural members to decide what is and what is not logicaland correct), value (a enduring belief that a specific mode o f conduct or end-state of existence ispersonally or socially preferable to another), world view (human being's inside view of the waythings are colored, shaped and arranged according to personal cultural preconceptions),etc. Thesecultural elements heavily affect the meanings people of different cultures develop for theirpercepts. They greatly influence individual, subjective aspects of meaning system of each culture.Chapter II Relationship between Language and CultureAs a sociocultural phenomenon, language has engaged the attention of scholars in various fields of humanities and social sciences for a long time. Many of them focus their researches on its nature, its relationship with culture, and other aspects of it. There are both consensus and controversies over all these issues. Since this thesis is intended as a tentative study of how cultural differences affect the result of translation, one of the forms of intercultural communication, both of which depend heavily o n language, it deserves its share of attention from us. Without a discussion of language, esp. its relationship with culture, the present attempt to examine the limitation of translation between English and Chinese would be incomplete and far from satisfactory. Therefore, this chapter is devoted to the exploration of the definition of language, its relationship with culture, Whorf hypothesis, and linguistic and cultural relativity2.1. Demarcation of languagePeople frequently ask a question: What is language? The answer to it seems to vary from person to person and from the past to the present. In fact, the definition of language is not only affected by time, but also affected by the development of the study of the nature of language. It does not mean that the nature of language has changed. It simply suggests that as a result of the persistent efforts of scholars and researchers, people are getting closer and closer to the true nature of language. Generally speaking, in the past, language was mainly viewed from a static perspective. More attention was directed at its internal structure than at its social use. For example, language was regarded as "a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates".(Bloch and Trager 1942:4-5). As time goes by and linguistic as well as other relevant researches deepen, it is commonly accepted and generally agreed that language has both natural (internal) properties and social properties. They are two sides of one and the same coin. Both of them together form the defining features of language. To gain a better and correct understanding of what it really is, the two types of properties that are interrelated and interdependent have to be taken into consideration simultaneously. Therefore, the idea o f language as a dynamic as well as static system has become quite prevalent nowadays. Samovar pointed out in 1991 that language is “a set of symbols, with rules for combining the symbols ,that a large community uses and understands." He also regards language as a "medium of exchange for sharing internal states of being with one another". Besides, more and more current definitions of language carry an emphasis on the communicative aspect of the social properties of language. To Jandt, language is "a set of symbols shared by a community to communicate meanings and experiences". Encarta Encyclopedia defines it as "the principal means used by human beings to communicate with each other."。
SOOCHOW UNIVERSITY 硕士学位论文论文题目TGF-β RⅡ靶向并激活NK-92细胞的肿瘤免疫治疗作用研究生姓名王仲娟指导教师姓名刘海燕专业名称免疫学研究方向肿瘤免疫论文提交日期2013年4月TGF-βRⅡ靶向并激活NK-92细胞的肿瘤免疫治疗作用中文摘要中文摘要目的:很多肿瘤可以通过分泌TGF-β抑制NK及T淋巴细胞的功能,促进肿瘤的发生与发展。
(2)通过Elisa方法检测肿瘤细胞分泌TGF-β1的分泌,获得高表达TGF-β1用于肿瘤杀伤和动物模型的肿瘤细胞系(3)通过Transwell实验,Cell Counting Kit- 8 (CCK8)表达检测NK-92-TN 细胞的迁移及存活能力。
rectification tower,and the effects of several variables such as reflux ratio,pressure and accumulative batch distillation is investigated.During
Since the extensive application of DMAC as solvent and reaction medium
has been increased in textile and paper making fields,the obtained results are very useful i n reducing production cost,reproduction expending and environment protection.
into dimethylamine on account of long time distillation.We think the
extraction process is the better in these two processes because the rectification process consumes plentiful energy in long time distillation.
sulfone hollow fiber membrane.However,a lot of DMAC waste liquid
inpour into water area during manufacture,use and disposal every year Losses of these toxic substances to the ambient water may lead to an adverse environment impact Oil the water quality and thus endanger public health and welfare.In this dissertation,the feasibility and
后,这方面需求更加迫切。 (3)信息安全 人脸识别技术在信息安全领域也有着巨大的潜在应用价值。随着网络技术的 发展,网络的安全控制成为一个日益迫切的重要问题。例如,在计算机远程登录 控制、数据库的安全访问、程序的安全使用中,利用人脸识别技术可以加强局域 网和广域网的安全性,并且可以解除必须记录各复杂用户名、密码的烦恼。在电 子商务飞速发展的现代,利用人脸识别技术可以加强其网上交易的安全性。 (4)人机交互 利用人脸识别技术可以创建友好自然的人机交互方式,简化人与计算机的交 互方式,是智能计算机领域研究的重要内容之一。
பைடு நூலகம்
show that the
algorithm ND—LDA Can achieve much
higher recognition
using the classifier based
Compressed Sensing theory.
西安电子科技大学 硕士学位论文 基于LDA的人脸识别技术研究 姓名:王海珍 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:测试计量技术及仪器 指导教师:任获荣 20100101
人脸识别是模式识别中极具挑战性的课题。在目前的人脸特征提取算法中, 基于Fisher准则的线性判别分析(LDA)算法是一种较成功的特征提取算法。 D.LDA算法是为解决标准LDA用于人脸特征提取时遇到的小样本问题而提 出的一种解决方法。针对D.LDA实现过程中会间接丢失部分分类信息的问题,本 文提出了基于D.LDA的改进算法一非参数直接线性判别分析(Nonparametric D.LDA,ND.LDA)。该方法利用NDA非参数化思想对D.LDA中的类间离散度形 式进行了改进。从而使利用ND.LDA方法计算出的最佳投影方向,不仅能利用训 练图像类内离散度矩阵的主空间和零空间的分类信息,而且具有NDA算法的优点
中央民族大学《科技文献检索》论文中央民族大学 《科技文献检索》 论文分子烙印技术简介姓 名: 学 号: 院 系: 专 业:lsf 年 级:2011 年12 月 31 日1中央民族大学《科技文献检索》论文分子烙印技术简介摘要: 分子烙印技术是 20 世纪末出现的一种高选择性分离技术,因其模仿了生物界的锁匙作用原理, 使制备的材料具有较高的选择性, 受到了全球众多的科研工作者的重视。
分子烙印技术因其优越性被应 用到各种领域,如化学或生物传感器、临床药物分析、中草药提取分离等。
发展至今,分子烙印技术取 得了很多成就。
当然,分子烙印技术的研究过程中也遇到一些问题待解决,随着研究的深入和技术的进 步,分子烙印技术将会被应用得更加灵活,更加广泛。
关键词: 分子烙印;聚合物;应用Introduction of molecular imprinting technologyAbstract : Molecular imprinting technology is a kind of high selectivity separation technology thatoriginated in the end of twentieth century. Owing to its principle of imitating the theory of in biology, materials can be prepared high selectively and many researchers attaches importance to it all over the world. Molecular imprinting technology is applied to various of fields because of its advantages, such as chemical sensor orbiosensor, clinical pharmaceutical analysis , separation of herbal medicine and so on .At present, Molecular imprinting technology has made a lot of achievements .Of course, there are some problems coming along with the process of researches .As in-depth study and progress of technique , Molecular imprinting technology will be used more neatly and widely. Key Words : MIP; polymer;application1 前言1890年,Emil Fischer 提出了“锁匙学说”,认为酶和底物结合时,底物的结构必 须和酶的活性部位的结构非常吻合,就像锁和钥匙一样,这样才能紧密地结合形成中间产 物。
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常州机电职业技术学院毕业论文题目:基于WEB服务的现代物流信息系统设计与实现作者:张朝建学号:60911253班级:物流 0932专业:物流管理系部:经济管理系指导教师:陈勇评阅教师:2012年月日毕业设计(论文)中文摘要随着计算机及网络技术的不断发展使现代物流信息化已经成为我国经济发展的新热点。
关键词:Web服务物流信息系统分布式毕业设计(论文)外文摘要Title:modern logistics information system design and implementation Based on the WEB serviceAbstract:Along with the computer and network technology to the development of modern logistics information has become a new hotspot of economic development in China. With the deepening of the logistics information, modern logistics enterprise to use the software and the internal system also has more and more multifarious, such as online inquiry system, electronic office system, financial management, etc. These systems cross each other between, has a lot of repeat information and data, but between each other but cannot unimpeded information exchange and sharing. The interaction between enterprises in information and system of mutual operation is very difficult, and thus appeared the enterprise electronic commerce development between the bottleneck. Through the use of Web services, modern logistics enterprise can in an unprecedented fashion through the abstract and mixed will itself information and affairs modular, very good solution to the system integration, and regulate the modern logistics enterprise internal information coding, integrate various application system of data. In this paper a kind open environment, use Web services technology used in modern logistics business enterprise management of distributed information system, with some examples of some of its function method and call process. The scheme is very good to meet the modern logistics enterprise business scattered processing requirements, improve the large logistics enterprise established enterprise information system efficiency and quality.Key words: Web services ,distributed logistics information system , Information sharing目录摘要....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第一章引言................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第二章引入WEB服务的意义.. (3)第三章现代物流信息系统 (3)3.1系统特点 (3)3.2系统目标 (5)3.3 WEB平台的体系结构 (5)第四章系统数据库设计 (7)4.1数据设计 (7)第五章系统总体设计 (11)5.1系统体系结构 (11)5.2系统总体功能结构 (15)5.3系统总体物理结构 (15)结论 (16)参考文献 (17)1 引言现代物流管理是不同于运输和物资管理等学科的新兴学科,是关于运输、仓储、装卸、搬运、包装、配送、流通加工、物流信息等环节的综合化、一体化,是一套全新的理论方法体系。
2 引入WEB服务的意义我们知道,Web服务是用以支持联网协同计算机进行交互的软件系统,具有联网计算机可以处理的格式化接口(通常WSDL)。
其他系统按照规定方式以SOAP 消息与Web服务进行交互,典型的是使用XML通过HTTP与其他Web相关标准相连。
3 现代物流信息系统3.1系统特点现代物流已经形成以计算机技术与物流技术为核心的,实现了数据的快速、准确传递,提高了仓储管理、装卸搬运、采购定货、配送运输、定单处理的自动化,使得订装、运输、流通、加工实现一体化。
在供应链管理中要对自动仓库、GPS 系统、条形码识别等进行发送指令及实时监控。
3.3 Web 平台的体系架构在一般的物流系统中,物流活动产生的需求信息和反馈信息,一般都是随着物流的传递而逐级传递的。
利用Intranet/Internet 技术,可以实现总线型物流系统的物流结构,供应商、制造商、分销商、客户、商务网站和第三方物流企业通过自身的服务器进行信息的发布和接收,实现物流系统信息的在线实时共享.整个管理信息系统采用三层B/S 体系结构。
三层的B/S 结构是从两层的B/S 结构改进而来的。
在两层的B/S 应用程序开发领域,以其强大的功能,良好的扩展能力,,迅速地流行起来。
它能够快速开发出看上去非常专业的应用Web 应用程序。
Web 平台的三层分布式体系结构为图2所示。
图2 Web 平台的三层分布式体系结构客户端浏览器Web 服务器 应用服务器 数据库服务器 反馈页面 HTTP 请求事务逻辑请求结果三层分布式体系结构的第一层是客户端表示层、客户层仅仅是整个应用系统的图形界面表示;处于第二层的应用服务层,有一台或多台服务器组成,其中Web服务器主要负责对客户端应用程序的集中管理,应用服务器(Application Server)主要负责应用逻辑的集中管理,即事务处理;处于第三层的是数据中心层,有数据库系统,主要负责数据的存储和组织、数据库的分布式管理、数据库的备份和同步等等。