华泰财产保险股份有限公司InstituteTimeClauses-HullsTotalLossGeneralAverageAnd34thsCollision Liability
华泰财产保险D&O --英文--非报备
HUATAI INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHINA, LIMITED DIRECTORS & OFFICERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICYWORDINGIn consideration of the payment of the Premium and in reliance upon all statements made and information furnished to Huatai Insurance Company of China, Limited (“Huatai”), including statements made in the proposal and materials accompanying it, and subject to all terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations of this Policy, Huatai agrees with the Insured(s) and with the Company as follows:1. Insuring AgreementHuatai shall pay on behalf of the Insured(s) all Loss which they are legally obligated to pay, and/or shall pay on behalf of the Company all Loss which the Company is legally required or permitted to pay the Insured(s) as advancements or indemnity under applicable company indemnity laws, rules, regulations or agreements, for any Claim against the Insured(s) for a Wrongful Act, provided the Claim is first made against the Insured(s) during the Policy Period.2. Definitions(a)“Administrative Authority” mean s any national, provincial, local government, orgovernmental or administrative body, agency or commission.(b)“Claim” means any notice received by, the Company, or by the Insured(s) alleged tohave committed a Wrongful Act, of the intention of a person or entity to hold theInsured(s) responsible for the results of any Wrongful Act, including any demandreceived by the Insured(s) for money or services naming the Insured(s) asdefendant(s), or the institution of legal, arbitration or administrative proceedingsagainst the Insured(s).(c)“Company” means the Company shown in Item 2 of the Schedule and anySubsidiary.(d)“Deductible” means the amount shown in Item 5 of the Schedule.(e)“Defence Costs” means reasonable legal fees, costs and expenses incurred by or onbehalf of the Insured(s) with the prior written consent of Huatai (but shall notinclude wages, salaries or other remuneration of the Insured(s) or of anyemployee of the Company) which are necessary to defend or appeal a Claimcovered by this Policy.(f)“Discovery Period” means the period of 12 months referred to in Clause 3(f) whichshall run from the date this Policy expires.(g)“Employment Practice Liability” means, with respect to any past, present orprospective employee of the Company, any actual or alleged:(1)employment-related sexual or other unlawful harassment;(2)termination of employment which is against the law;(3)employment-related unlawful discrimination;(4)employment related denial of justice;(5)false or misleading advertising or representation involving terms orconditions of employment with the Company;(6)employment-related defamation;(7)failure to employ, promote or grant tenure;(8)unfair deprivation of career opportunity;(9)unfair discipline or evaluation of employment performance;(10)failure to provide or adhere to adequate employment policies orprocedures;(11)violation of any laws or regulations governing employment practices;(12)breach of employment contract;(13)employment-related invasion of privacy.(h)“Insured(s)” means all natural persons who were, now are or shall be director s,supervisors, officers, company secretaries or employees (but only where such employees are acting in a managerial capacity) of the Company.The term Insured(s) shall also include:(1)the lawful spouses of all directors, supervisors, officers, companysecretaries or employees (but only where such employees are acting in amanagerial capacity) of the Company;(2)the estates, heirs or legal representatives of deceased persons who weredirectors, supervisors, officers , company secretaries or employees (butonly where such employees are acting in a managerial capacity) of theCompany at the time of the Wrongful Act upon which the Claim is based;(3)the legal representatives of directors, supervisors, officers, companysecretaries or employees (but only where such employees are acting in amanagerial capacity) of the Company in the event of incompetency,insolvency or bankruptcy;The term Insured(s) shall not include:(1) a receiveror or a liquidator;(2)an official manager;(3)an external auditor;(4) a trustee or administrator of any occupational pension scheme oremployment benefit programmes.or any employee(s) of such person(s).(i)“Investigation” means any investigation, inquiry, public examination, commissionor prosecution, criminal or otherwise;(j)“Loss” means any da mages, judgments, settlements and Defence Costs. Loss shall not include fines or penalties imposed by law, punitive or exemplary damages, taxes, any amount for which the Insured(s) is not legally liable or any matter deemed uninsurable under the law. Damages, judgments, settlements and Defence Costs incurred with respect to more than one Claim against the Insured(s), but resulting from a single Wrongful Act shall constitute a single Loss.(k)“Non-Profit Organisation” means any corporation, institution, associ ation, trust, fund or foundation established for any social, community, charitable or industry purpose to provide services or benefits to its members and not for the purpose of making profits.(l)“Outside Directorship” means the position held by the Insured(s) in an Outside Organisation with the knowledge and consent and at the request of the Company.(m)“Outside Organisation” means any company or organisation, other than the Company, in which an Outside Directorship is held.(n)“Policy” means:(1)the Insuring Agreement, the Definitions, the Extensions, the Exclusions,the Conditions and all other terms contained herein;(2)the Proposal and any attachments thereto;(3)any Endorsement attaching to and forming part of this Policy either atcommencement of the Policy Period or during the Policy Period.(o)“Policy Period” means the period of time shown in Item 3 of the Schedule of this Policy.(p)“Premium” means the premium shown in Item 6 of the Schedule and any additional premium shown in any Endorsement attaching to and forming part of this Policy. (q)“Subsidiary” means any company, including any company held directly or indirectly through one or more Subsidiaries, in which, at the inception of the Policy Period:(1)the Company:(a)controls the composition of the Board of Directors; or(b)controls the voting power at any general meeting; or(c)holds more than 50% of the issued share capital; and(2)the accounts are consolidated with the accounts of the Company inaccordance with professionally accepted Accounting Standards for theconsolidation of accounts applicable in the country in which this Policywas issued.(r)“Wrongful Act” means any actual or alleged act, error, omission, breach of duty, misstatement or misleading statement by the Insured(s) while acting in theircapacity as Insured(s) of the Company or of any Outside Organisation to whichthe Outside Directorship Extension applies.3. ExtensionsThe following Extensions, which are automatically included in this Policy, are subject to all of the terms, conditions, exclusions and. limitations of this Policy. These Extensions do not increase the Limit of Liability unless Huatai otherwise agrees in writing.(a)Advancement of Defence CostsHuatai shall pay Defence Costs on behalf of the Insured(s) on an ongoing basisprior to the final payment or settlement of any Claim PROVIDED THAT:(1)such Defence Costs are incurred with the prior written consent of Huatai;(2)such advance payments by Huatai shall be repaid to Huatai in the eventthat the Insured(s) shall not be entitled to payment of any Loss or receiptof any benefit under this Policy.(b)Investigations, Inquiries, Prosecutions (Criminal Or Otherwise)Huatai shall pay on behalf of the Insured(s) on an ongoing basis prior to the finalpayment or settlement of any Claim all reasonable legal fees, costs and expensesincurred in being legally represented at any Investigation PROVIDED THAT:(1)the Investigation involves an allegation that the Insured(s) committed aWrongful Act;(2)the allegation is first made against the Insured(s) during the Policy Period;(3)such legal fees, costs and expenses are incurred with the prior writtenconsent of Huatai;(4)this Extension does not cover any fines or penalties imposed by law;(5)this Extension does not cover wages, salaries or other remuneration of theInsured(s) or of any employee of the Company;(6)such advance payments by Huatai shall be repaid to Huatai in the eventthat the Insured(s) shall not be entitled to payment of any Loss or receiptof any benefit under this Policy.(c)Acquisition Creation Sale or Dissolution of SubsidiariesIf during the Policy Period the Company acquires or creates a Subsidiary that:(1)increases the Company’s total assets by no greater than 10% based on theCompany’s latest annual report; and(2)is domiciled outside of the United States of America or Canada,then the Insured(s) of such Subsidiary shall be automatically covered by this Policy for Claims for Wrongful Acts committed or alleged to have been committed on or after the effective date of such acquisition or creation, and no notice needs to be given to Huatai relating to the acquisition or creation of such Subsidiary and no additional premium shall be paid relating to this extended cover.If during the Policy Period the Company acquires or creates a Subsidiary that either increases the Company’s assets by more than 10%, or is domiciled in the United States of America or Canada, and written notice of such acquisition or creation is given to Huatai as soon as practicable, and the Company agrees to pay any additional premium required and agrees to any amendments to the Policy required by Huatai relating to such Subsidiary, then the Insured(s) of such Subsidiary shall be covered by this Policy for Claims for Wrongful Acts committed or alleged to have been committed on or after the effective date of such acquisition or creation.If during the Policy Period the Company acquires or creates a Subsidiary, and if the Insured(s) require cover for Claims for Wrongful Acts committed or alleged to have been committed prior to the effective date of such acquisition or creation, Huatai may at its discretion, and subject to the payment of an appropriate additional premium, agree to provide such cover after presentation and consideration of a complete proposal and all necessary information.If the Company effects a sale or dissolution of a Subsidiary, cover under this Policy shall apply to any person who was an Insured(s) of that Subsidiary prior to the sale or dissolution PROVIDED THA T cover shall only apply for or in respect of Claims for Wrongful Acts committed or alleged to have been committed prior to the effective date of sale or dissolution.(d)Continuous CoverNotwithstanding Exclusions 4(b), (c) and (d), and in the absence of fraudulent non-disclosure, this Policy extends to cover the Insured(s) for any Claim, and for any Wrongful Act which may give rise to a Claim, which should or could have been notified to Huatai under any other preceding directors and officers liabilityinsurance policy issued by Huatai and which is notified during the Policy Period, PROVIDED THAT:(1)Huatai has been the insurer pursuant to any other preceding directors andofficers liability insurance policy continuously between the date whensuch notification should have been given and the date when notificationwas in fact given;(2)the terms, conditions and limits of this Policy shall not apply to thisExtension, which shall be subject to the terms, conditions and limits of thepreceding Huatai directors and officers liability insurance policy whichapplied at the date on which such notification should have been given. (e)Outside DirectorshipsFor the period during which the Outside Directorship is held this Policy covers:(1)Outside Directorships in any Outside Organisation listed in the Schedule ofOutside Directorships attached to this Policy; and(2)Outside Directorships in Non-Profit Organisations.Cover for any other Outside Directorships is subject to:(3)receipt of the most recent annual reports and audited financial statementsfor each Outside Organisation proposed;(4)receipt of details of any Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Policyheld by or on behalf of the Outside Organisation or its directors,supervisors, officers, company secretaries and employees;(5)receipt of any other information which Huatai may require;(6)acceptance by Huatai in writing of each Outside Directorship.If during the Policy Period the Insured(s) ceases to hold an Outside Directorship the cover provided by this Policy for such Outside Directorship shall continue, PROVIDED THAT the Claim for Loss arises from a Wrongful Act which occurred prior to the Outside Directorship ceasing.The cover provided by this Policy for Outside Directorships does not extend to cover:(7)any Outside Organisation in which the Outside Directorship is held or anyother director, supervisor, officer, company secretaries and employee ofsuch Outside Organisation;(8)any claim made against the Insured(s) the Outside Organisation or any ofits directors, supervisors, officers, company secretaries and employees;(9)Loss with respect to which insurance cover is available pursuant to anyunderlying policy listed in the Schedule of Outside Directorships attachedto this Policy.(f)Discovery PeriodIf Huatai refuses to renew this Policy, the Company and/or the Insured(s) mayupon payment of an additional 50% of the full annual premium extend the coverunder this Policy for a period of 12 Months which shall run from the date thisPolicy expires, for any Claim first made against the Insured(s) during theDiscovery Period and notified in writing to Huatai during the Discovery Period,but only in respect of Wrongful Acts committed or alleged to have beencommitted before the date of expiration of the Policy Period.The right of the Company and/or the Insured(s) to exercise the Discovery Periodmust be by notice to Huatai in writing within 30 days of expiration of the PolicyPeriod and the Company shall elect equally to exercise its right (if any) to thisextension of cover under any directors and officers insurance policy issued inrespect of the same Policy Period.The right to exercise the Discovery Period does not apply in the event ofcancellation of this Policy. Huatai’s offer of renewal terms, conditions, limits ofliability or premium different from those of the expiring policy shall not constitutea refusal to renew.4. ExclusionsHuatai shall not be liable to make any payment for Loss in connection with any Claim made against the Insured(s) or any payment in connection with any Investigation involving an allegation made against the Insured(s), in either case based on, arising from or attributable to:(a)(1) fraudulent, dishonest or criminal acts of the Insured(s) if such acts arefound by any Court or Administrative Authority to be fraudulent,dishonest or criminal;(2) any personal profit or advantage gained in fact by the Insured(s) to whic hsuch Insured(s) was not legally entitled.(b)any litigation or other proceedings begun before the prior and pending litigationdate shown in Item 7 of this Policy or alleging the same or essentially the samefacts alleged in prior or pending litigation.(c)any fact, circumstance, act, omission. or claim of which notice has been given underany policy existing or expired before or on the inception date of this Policy.(d)any fact, circumstance, act or omission which may give rise to a claim and of whichthe Company or the Insured(s) are aware prior to the inception of this Policy.(e)any Claim brought by or on behalf of the Insured(s) or the Company other than anyClaim:(1)arising from an Employment Practice Liability;(2)instigated by a shareholder or group of shareholders of the Company in thename of the Company without the participation, solicitation or assistanceof any Insured(s) or the Company;(3)instigated by a receiver or a liquidator without the participation, solicitation,or assistance of the Insured(s) or the Company;(4)for contribution or indemnity, if the Claim for contribution or indemnitydirectly results from a Claim which is covered under this Policy.(f)any Claim brought against any person acting in the capacity:(1)as trustee or administrator of a superannuation scheme; or(2)as external auditor.(g)(1) any injury, damage, expense, cost, loss, liability or legal obligation in anyway related to pollution however caused including shareholder orderivative Claims arising from or attributable to such pollution. Pollutionincludes the actual, alleged or potential presence in or introduction into theenvironment of any substance, if such substance has, or is alleged to have,the effect of making the environment impure, harmful or dangerous.Environment includes any air, land, structure or the air therein,watercourse or water, including groundwater; or(2) the hazardous properties of nuclear or radioactive material.(h)any Claim for:(1)bodily injury, sickness, disease, death or emotional distress of any person,provided however that any Claim for emotional distress shall not beexcluded with respect to any actual or alleged Employment PracticeLiability; or(2) damage to or destruction of any tangible property including loss of use ofsuch property.5. Conditions(a)AllocationsIf a Claim against the Insured(s) includes causes of action against uninsureddefendants, allegations of uninsured damages, uninsured acts or other uninsuredmatters, Huatai, the Company and the Insured(s) agree to use their best efforts toagree upon a fair and proper allocation of defence costs, settlements and damagesbetween Huatai, the Company and the Insured(s).(b)AssignmentThis Policy and any rights hereunder may not be assigned without the written consent of Huatai.(c)Claims, Circumstances or Investigations - NotificationsThe Company and the Insured(s) shall give written notice to Huatai as soon as practicable of(1)any Claim first made during the Policy Period;(2)any facts or circumstances of which they shall first become aware duringthe Policy Period which may give rise to a Claim;(3)any notice first received during the Policy Period of any Investigation(s),but in no event later than 45 days after this Policy expires, or, in the case of Claims first made, facts and circumstances of which the Company and/or the Insured(s) shall first become aware and notice(s) of any Investigation(s) first received during the Discovery Period, if applicable, no later than 45 days after the Discovery Period expires. Notice and all information regarding a Claim, a circumstance that may result in a Claim or an Investigation shall be sent in writing to Huatai at [insert address] or by facsimile to [insert facsimile number].The Company and the Insured(s) shall give Huatai such information and cooperation as it may reasonably require to enable Huatai to investigate and determine both its liability under this Policy and the extent of the Insured(s’) actual or potential liability for any Claim or arising from any facts or circumstances which may give rise to a Claim.If during the Policy Period or Discovery Period, if applicable, the Insured(s) shall become aware of an actual or alleged Wrongful Act which may subsequently give rise to a Claim and during such period gives immediate notice to Huatai of such Wrongful Act, any Claim later made against the Insured(s) arising out of that Wrongful Act shall, for the purposes of this Policy, be treated as a Claim made during the Policy Period or Discovery Period, if applicable, in which such notice was first given. Notice of such Wrongful Act must contain a specific description of the actual or alleged Wrongful Act, state by whom it was committed or alleged to have been committed, and describe the material facts or circumstances which may give rise to a Claim.(d)Claims - Defence & SettlementNeither the Company nor the Insured(s) shall admit liability for or settle any Claim or incur Defence Costs without Huatai’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.Huatai shall at all times have the right but not the duty to associa te in the investigation, defence or settlement of any Claim to which this Policy may apply.Huatai shall at all times have the right but not the duty to assume conduct in thename of the Insured(s) of the defence or settlement of any Claim or any claim for contribution or indemnity against any person or entity with respect to which the Insured(s) may have rights.Huatai and the Insured(s) shall not be required to contest any Claim unless a lawyer (to be mutually agreed upon by Huatai and the Insured(s)) shall advise that the Claim should be contested. The lawyer shall take into consideration the economics of the Claim, the damages and costs which are likely to be recovered by the plaintiff, the Defence Costs which will be incurred in contesting the Claim and the prospects of the Insured(s) successfully defending the Claim. The costs of obtaining such opinion from the lawyer shall be paid by Huatai as part of the Defence Costs. Should the lawyer advise that in all the circumstances the Claim should not be contested but should be settled Huatai and the Insured(s) shall not object to or oppose settlement of the Claim within the limits advised by the lawyer as being reasonable.(e)ConfidentialityThe Company or the Insured(s) may disclose that it has paid or agreed to pay a premium in respect of a contract insuring the Insured(s) against a liability.The Company or the Insured(s) shall not, without Huatai’s prior written consent, otherwise disclose the existence of or the terms of this Policy, including but not limited to the identity of Huatai, the limit of liability and the premium, unless required to do so by law.(f)DeductibleThe Company shall pay the Deductible for all Loss resulting from each Claim.Huatai shall have no obligation to pay Loss until the Insured(s) o r the Company have incurred Loss in the amount of the Deductible if applicable, except that, if the Company is unable to pay the amount of the Deductible due to insolvency then, subject to all other terms and conditions of this Policy, Huatai shall pay suc h Loss.If two or more Claims are made against any Insured(s) arising out of a single Wrongful Act, or out of a series of related Wrongful Acts, the Claims shall be treated as a single Claim for the purpose of applying the Deductible. This single Claim will be treated as if it was first made during the Policy Period at the earlier of:(1)when the earliest Claim was first made, or(2)when the earliest circumstance giving rise to a Claim was notified.The Deductible shall apply to all Loss for which advancement or indemnification by the Company is required or permissible under company indemnification laws, rules, regulations or agreements regardless of whether or not the Company actually advances or indemnifies the Insured(s) for such Loss.The amount of any Deductible payable will be calculated after deduction of any tax credit that is or may be available to the Company for payment of the Deductible.(g)Limit of LiabilityThe amount shown in Item 4 of the Schedule is Huatai’s maximum aggregate liability for all Loss including Defence Costs, arising from all Claims first made against the Insured(s) during the Policy Period and the Discovery Period if applicable.Two or more Claims arising out of a single Wrongful Act or a series of related Wrongful Acts shall be treated as a single Claim. All such Claims shall be treated as if first made during the Policy Period or Discovery Period at the earlier of:(1)when the earliest Claim was first made, or(2)when the earliest circumstance giving rise to a Claim was notified.(h)Loss MitigationThe Company and the Insured(s) shall, at their own cost, use due diligence and do and concur in doing all things reasonably practicable to avoid, or diminish any Loss under this Policy.(i)Non-Executive DirectorsIn the event that Huatai is entitled to avoid this Policy from inception, or from the time of any variation in cover, due to non-disclosure or misrepresentation by the Insured(s), Huatai shall maintain cover for non-executive directors who are Insured(s) under this Policy until the expiry date of the Policy Period. Provided that such non-executive directors are able to establish to the satisfaction of Huatai that they are innocent and free from all such fraudulent conduct, non disclosure, misrepresentation or intent to deceive. Any return of premium or amendment to the terms of this Policy shall be at the discretion of Huatai.(j)Other InsuranceUnless otherwise required by PRC laws, this Policy shall apply only as excess over any other valid and collectible insurance. However, if a Loss is not covered by the other insurance but would be covered under this Policy, this is hereby agreed that this Policy would drop down and serve as the primary policy.(k)Governing LawThis Policy shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Peopl e’s Republic of China.The parties to this Policy shall choose one of the following methods to resolve any dispute in connection with this Policy:(1)Any dispute arising out of the performance of or in connection with thisPolicy shall be resolved through consultations in good faith. If thedispute cannot be resolved through such consultations, the dispute shall:(a)Where the party(ies) other than Huatai is a PRC citizen or entity, besubmitted to the China International Economic and Trade ArbitrationCommission in Beijing for arbitration in accordance with theFinancial Disputes Arbitration Rules administered by CIETAC at thetime of the arbitration; and(b)Where the party(ies) other than Huatai is not a PRC citizen or entity,be submitted to the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (the“HKIAC”) for arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRALArbitration Rules administered by the HKIAC at the time of thearbitration, or be submitted to the China International Economic andTrade Arbitration Commission in Beijing for arbitration inaccordance with the Financial Disputes Arbitration Rulesadministered by CIETAC at the time of the arbitration; or(2)Any dispute arising out of the performance of or in connection with thisPolicy shall be resolved through consultations in good faith. If thedispute cannot be resolved through such consultations, the dispute shall besubmitted to the PRC courts for litigation in accordance with relevant lawsand regulations.(l)Representation and SeverabilityHuatai has relied upon the statements made in the proposal, the supplementary proposal(s) if any, and materials accompanying them in granting cover under this Policy. All such statements and materials form the basis of the contract of insurance.The proposal(s) shall be construed as separate proposal(s) by each of the Insured(s) and, with respect to statements made and particulars provided in the proposal(s), no such statements or particulars, and no information possessed by the Insured(s), shall be imputed to any other Insured(s) to determine whether cover is available for any Claim against such other Insured(s).(m)SubrogationIn the event Huatai makes any payment under this Policy, Huatai shall be subrogated to all rights of recovery of all Insured(s), and the Insured(s) shall fully cooperate with Huatai in securing such rights, including but not limited to the execution of any documents necessary to enable Huatai to effectively bring suit in the name of the Company or the Insured(s).(n)Takeovers and MergersIf during the Policy Period the Company merges with or consolidates into another。
3.五大国战争与核风险除外责任本保险不承保下列风险:3.1下列事项导致的损失、损害、责任或费用:3.1.1战争爆发,无论是否宣战或在下列国家间爆发:英国、美国、法国、俄罗斯、中国3.1.2 无论为所有权或使用权的征用3.2 直接或间接由下列事项导致的损失、损害、责任或费用:3.2.1任何核燃料、核废料或核燃料燃烧所生的电离辐射或辐射污染3.2.2任何核设施、反应器或其他核子装置或其核组件的辐射、毒素、爆炸或其他危害或污染物质3.2.3任何使用原子或/和裂变、聚变或其他类似反应或辐射力或辐射物质之武器或设备。
INSTITUTE NOTICE OF CANCELLATION,AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF COVER AND WAR AND NUCLEAR EXCLUSIONS CLAUSE –HULLSThis clause shall be paramount and shall override anything contained in this insurance inconsistent therewith1 CancellationCover hereunder in respect of the risks of war, etc. may be cancelled by either the Underwriters or the Assured giving 7 days notice (such cancellation becoming effective on the expiry of 7 days from midnight of the day on which notice of cancellation is issued by or to the Underwriters). The Underwriters agree however to reinstate cover subject to agreement between the Underwriters and the Assured prior to the expiry of such notice of cancellation as to new rate of premium and/or conditions and/warranties.2 Automatic Termination of CoverWhether or not such notice of cancellation has been given cover hereunder in respect of the risks of war, etc, shall TERMINA TE AUTOMA TICALL Y2.1 upon the outbreak of war (whether there be a declaration of war or not) between any of the following:United Kingdom, United States of America, France, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China;2.2 in respect of any vessel, in connection with which cover is granted hereunder, in the event of such vessel being requisitioned either for title or use.3 Five Powers War and Nuclear ExclusionsThis insurance excludes3.1 loss damage liability or expense arising from3.1.1 the outbreak of war, whether there be a declaration of war or not between any of the following:United Kingdom, United States of America, France, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China;3.1.2 requisition either for title or use3.2 loss damage liability or expense directly or indirectly caused by or arising from3.2.1 ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel3.2.2 the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or other nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof3.2.3 any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.。
2011 年10月起担任华泰人寿保险股份有限公司临时负责人。
高级管理人员简历及其履职情况谭硕伦(Saloon Tham):男,马来西亚国籍。
华泰财产保险股份有限公司International Navigating Conditions
区域四:格陵兰岛格陵兰岛领海区域五:北美(东部)西经50度至100度之间,北纬52度10分以北;12月21日至4月30日之间,圣劳伦斯湾、圣劳伦斯河及其支流(Les Escoumins 以东),贝尔岛海峡(贝尔岛以西),卡伯特海峡(雷角及诺斯角一线以西)及Canso 海峡(Canso堤道以北);12月1日至4月30日之间,圣劳伦斯河及其支流(Les Escoumins以西);圣劳伦斯水道;大湖区。
华泰财产保险股份有限公司Institute Time Clauses-Hulls Disbursements And Increased Value
华泰保险(财产险&意外险)华泰人寿华泰资产管理四、ACE—华泰保险战略合作伙伴●成立于1985年,可追溯至1792年●总部在百慕大●拥有16000多名员工●总资产超过730亿美金●标准普尔和A.M. Best均给予A+评级●全球理赔服务网络五、经营业绩华泰保险自1996年成立以来,公司累计实现原保险保费收入146.17亿元,年均保费增长率达27.23%;累计实现投资收益39.98亿元,年均收益率达12.41%;累计实现净利润34.72亿元。
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被保险人因遭受意外伤害事故,并自事故发生之日起一百八十日内造成所附“三度烧烫 伤与给付比例表”所列残疾程度之一者,保险人按表中所列给付比例乘以保险单中列明的保 险金额给付烧烫伤保险金。如治疗仍未结束的,按事故发生之日起第一百八十日的身体情况 进行伤残鉴定,并据此给付烧烫伤保险金。
雹灾、冰凌、泥石流、崖崩、突发性滑坡、地面突然下陷等自然灾害; 5) 第三者不服从旅游区或被保险人的管理规定; 6) 被保险人的旅游服务质量未达到事先双方合同或约定规定的标准; 7) 既不提供全陪或领队,也不提供地精神损害赔偿。 10) 旅游者洗牙、洁齿、验光、心理治疗、装配假牙、假眼、假肢或者助听器等; 11) 第三者患先天性疾病(包括先天性畸形)、遗传性疾病、性传播疾病、法定传染病
华泰财产保险股份有限公司 境内旅行人身意外伤害保险条款批单
兹经双方理解并同意,华泰财产保险股份有限公司《境内旅行人身意外伤害保险》条款及附 加条款依本批单的规定作以下扩展:
一、 磨房“安途”团体保障计划中领队的概念包括领队、协作、向导、指导、教练等指 定身份人员。
二、 磨房“安途”团体保障计划在境内旅行期间,扩展以下风险运动:潜水、滑雪、滑 水、热气球、蹦极、冲浪、风筝冲浪、攀岩、速降、自行车、徒步、野外穿越、野外定 向、登山(仅限海拔高度 5000 米以下)、溯溪、骑马、皮划艇、帆船、野战、拓展训练 活动,均在保险范畴之内。
1. 保险责任:因意外事故造成第三者人身损害,应由被保险人(指领队)承担的经济赔偿 责任,包括事先经保险人书面同意而支付的诉讼费用以及其他实际支出的费用,保险人 在相应的保险金额限额内负赔偿责任。其中意外医药费用最高赔偿为保险金额的 20%, 疾病医药费用(含中暑及高原反应)最高赔偿为保险金额的 1%。
CL290 Time Hulls Disbursements and Increased Value 011083-协会定期船舶营运费用和增值保险条款
INSTITUTE TIME CLAUSES - HULLSDISBURSEMENTS AND INCREASED VALUE(Total Loss only, including Excess Liabilities)This insurance is subject to English law and practice1.NAVIGATION1.1The subject-matter insured is covered subject to the provisions of this insurance at all times andthe vessel has leave to sail or navigate with or without pilots, to go on trial trips and to assist andtow vessels or craft in distress, but it is warranted that the vessel shall not be towed, except as iscustomary or to the first safe port or place when in need of assistance, or undertake towage orsalvage services under a contract previously arranged by the Assured and/or Owners and/orManagers and/or Charterers. This Clause 1.1 shall not exclude customary towage in connectionwith loading and discharging.1.2In the event of the vessel being employed in trading operations which entail cargo loading ordischarging at sea from or into another vessel (not being a harbour or inshore craft) no claim shallbe recoverable under this insurance in respect of loss of or damage to the subject-matter insuredor for liability to any other vessel arising from such loading or discharging operations, includingwhilst approaching, lying alongside and leaving, unless previous notice that the vessel is to beemployed in such operations has been given to the Underwriters and any amended terms of coverand any additional premium required by them have been agreed.1.3In the event of the vessel sailing (with or without cargo) with an intention of being (a) broken up,or (b) sold for breaking up, no claim shall be recoverable under this insurance in respect of loss ordamage to the vessel occurring subsequent to such sailing unless previous notice has been given tothe Underwriters and any amendments to the terms of cover, amount insured and premiumrequired by them have been agreed.2.CONTINUATIONShould the vessel at the expiration of this insurance be at sea or in distress or at a port of refuge or of call, the subject-matter insured shall, provided previous notice be given to the Underwriters, be held covered at a pro rata monthly premium to her port of destination.3.BREACH OF WARRANTYHeld covered in case of any breach of warranty as to cargo, locality, trade, towage, salvage services or date of sailing, provided notice be given to the Underwriters immediately after receipt of advices and anyamended terms of cover and any additional premium required by them be agreed.4.TERMINATIONThis Clause 4 shall prevail notwithstanding any provision whether written typed or printed in this insurance inconsistent therewith.Unless the Underwriters agree to the contrary in writing, this insurance shall terminate automatically at the time of4.1change of the Classification Society of the vessel, or change, suspension, discontinuance, withdrawalor expiry of her Class therein, provided that if the vessel is at sea such automatic termination shall bedeferred until arrival at her next port. However where such change, suspension, discontinuance orwithdrawal of her Class has resulted from loss or damage which would be covered by an insurance ofthe vessel subject to current Institute Time Clauses Hulls or。
华泰财产保险股份有限公司高新技术关键研发设备物质损失险条款总则第一条 本保险合同由保险条款、投保单、保险单或其他保险凭证以及批单组成。
第一条被保险人范围第二条 本保险的被保险人是指经过国家主管部门认定的从事高新技术研发、生产的企业或机构。
第二条保险标的范围第三条 保险标的是本保险合同中载明的下列安装验收完毕并投入使用的关键研发机器设备及配套设施,包括各类机器、工厂设备、机械第三条装置及附属设备等:(一)属于被保险人所有或与他人共有而由被保险人负责的机器设备;(二)由被保险人经营、管理或替他人保管的机器设备;(三)其他与被保险人具有法律上承认的有经济利害关系的机器设备。
保险责任保险责任第四条 在保险期限内,在保险合同列明的保险标的坐落地址范围内,由于下列原因造成保险标的的直接物质损失,保险人按照本保险合第四条同的规定负责赔偿:(一)火灾、爆炸;(二)雷击、暴雨、洪水、台风、暴风、龙卷风、雪灾、雹灾、冰凌、泥石流、崖崩、突发性滑坡、地面突然塌陷;(三)飞行物体及其他空中运行物体坠落。
第五条第五条 在保险期限内,在保险合同列明的保险标的坐落地址范围内,由于下列原因引起突然的、不可预料的意外事故造成保险标的的直接物质损失,保险人按照本保险合同的约定负责赔偿:(一) 设计、制造或安装错误、铸造和原材料缺陷;(二) 工人、技术人员操作错误、缺乏经验、技术不善、疏忽、过失行为;(三) 离心力引起的断裂;(四) 超电压、碰线、电弧、漏电、短路、大气放电、感应电及其他电气原因。
第六条 保险标的的下列直接物质损失,保险人按本保险合同的约定负责赔偿:第六条(一)被保险人拥有财产所有权的自用的供电、供水、供气设备因第三条所列原因遭受损坏,引起停电、停水、停气以致造成保险标的的直接物质损失;(二)在发生保险事故时,为抢救保险标的或防止灾害蔓延,采取必要的、合理的措施而造成保险标的的直接物质损失。
第十五条 除另有约定外,投保人应当在保险合同成立时交清保险费。
第十六条 订立保险合同,保险人就保险标的或者被保险人的有关情况提出询问的,投保人应当如实告知。 投保人故意或者因重大过失未履行前款规定的义务,足以影响保险人决定是否同意承保或者提高保险费率的,保险人有权解除本 合同。 前款规定的合同解除权,自保险人知道有解除事由之日起,超过三十日不行使而消灭。自合同成立之日起超过二年的,保险人不得解除合 同;发生保险事故的,保险人应当承担给付保险金责任。 投保人故意不履行如实告知义务的,保险人对于合同解除前发生的保险事故,不承担给付保险金责任,并不退还保险费。 投保人因重大过失未履行如实告知义务,对保险事故的发生有严重影响的,保险人对于合同解除前发生的保险事故,不承担给付 保险金责任,但应当退还保险费。 保险人在合同订立时已经知道投保人未如实告知的情况的,保险人不得解除合同;发生保险事故的,保险人应当承担给付保险金责任。
4、 安排住院许可 若被保险人病情严重至需要入院治疗,救援机构可协助办理入院手续,但不负担因之产生的任何费用。
5、 住院期间及其后的健康状况的监控 在符合有关保密和相关授权义务的条件下,救援机构负责在被保险人住院期间及返回中国境内前对被保险人的健康状况进行监控。 (二)旅行服务 1、 接种及签证相关信息 提供关于各国的签证、疫苗接种要求的信息。
(十三) 被保险人从事跳伞、滑翔、探险活动(见第10条释义)、武术比赛(见第11条释义)、摔跤比赛、特技(见第12条释 义)表演、赛马、马术表演、赛车、拳击等高风险运动或活动;
〖案情〗原告:世嘉有限公司(GLOBAL EMINENCE LIMITED)(以下简称世嘉公司)被告一:中国大地财产保险股份有限公司(以下简称大地财保)被告二:中国大地财产保险股份有限公司航运保险运营中心(以下简称大地财保航保中心)2017年2月1日10:00左右(当地时间),“SAGAN”轮空载状态自中国台湾地区高雄港出发驶往韩国昂山(Onsan)港,随船携带一组4个活塞环备件。
开航后约31 h即2月2日17:00开始,至2月6日8:50期间,主机扫气箱至少7次起火,此后主机彻底无法启动、船舶失去动力开始漂航。
世嘉公司在2月8日下午联系韩国拖船,当日21:51时得知5 000 hp的拖船因4 m高的涌浪被迫返港,预计2月11日上午天气好转才能出航。
2月10日,世嘉公司联系了日本的5 000 hp拖船,同日18:02得知该拖船预计到2月13日出发对“SAGAN”轮执行拖航。
2017年2月11日,世嘉公司与日本救助株式会社(THE NIPPON SALVAGE CO.,LTD,以下簡称日本救助)签订服务性质为“清除燃油”的《国际残骸移除及海事服务契约(按日计酬)2010》【WRECKHIRE 2010 INTERNATIONAL WRECK REMOVAL AND MARINESERVICES AGREEMENT(DAILY HIRE)】。
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