
航空公司面试英文问题11. Can you work under pressure?2. What is your greatest strength?3. What is your greatest weakness?4. What have you done to correct your weaknesses?5. Have you ever failed?What is your biggest failure?6. How do you handle failure?7. How do you handle change?8. When you are in charge, how do you motivate people?9. Describe a time when you resolved a conflict?About work10. What is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job?11. Why have you held so many jobs?12. Do you consider yourself a loyal employee?13. What did you like about your last job?14. What did you dislike about your last job?15. What was your favorite job?16. What was your least favorite job?17. What have you learned from previous jobs?18. How long will you stay with our airline?19. What would your coworkers say about you?20. What would your previous supervisors say about you?21. What were the people like at your last company?22. What did you dislike about your last employer?23. If you could change one thing about your last employer, what would it be?24. Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job?25. Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance?26.Have you ever been fired?If so, why were you fired?27. Have you ever been asked to resign from another job?28. What will your references say?29. Can we check your references?30. How many sick days did you take last year?31. Do you consider yourself a success?32. Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?33. What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?34. Why has it taken you so long to find a job?35. Why do you want to be a flight attendant?36. What kind of contributions will you make to our airline?37. Have you applied to other airlines?38. When are you available to start?39. What are your outstanding qualities?40. How important is appearance?41.What part of being a flight attendant interests you most?42. What do you think will be the biggest challenge of beinga flight attendant?43. What is the best part of being a flight attendant?44. Do you have any natural talent or skill, something that comes easy to you?45. How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker?46. Have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded?By whom?47. Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much? How did you handle it?48. Are you skilled at sizing people up?49. Have you ever been part of a problem?50. Have you ever had to support the directives of higher management, even when you disagreed with it?51. Have you ever lied?52. Have you ever broken a law?53. Have you ever stolen something?54.Have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful?How did you handle it?55. Have you ever been tempted to break a work rule or policy?What did you do?56. Why do you want to work for our airline?57. What kind of experience do you have?58. Are you willing to be based wherever the company sends you?59. What would you like to be doing ten years from now?60. Why should we hire you?61. What are your qualifications?62. What is your biggest accomplishment?63. What are your career goals?64. How does a flight attendant job fit into your career goals?65. What personal characteristic best describes you.66. Do you prefer to work alone or with others?67. Do you consider yourself a team player?68. Describe your team style.69. Are you self motivated?70. What motivates you?71. Describe your relationship with peers.72. What kind of people do you prefer to work with?73. Describe your personality?74. How do you handle criticism?75. Were you ever unfairly criticiz航空公司面试英文问题2Do you read, write and/or speak a foreign language?Are you willing to learn a foreign language?Are you a leader or a follower?What have you learned from your previous jobs?What kind of employee are you?What was your favorite subject in school?What was your least favorite subject in school?Tell us about your leadership skills.What was your major success as a leader?What was your major failure as a leader?What do you think are the most important components of a practical leadership philosophy?Whose leadership qualities have you most respected?Have you incorporated his/her leadership qualities?Have you ever had an unexpected leadership role? How did it work out?What are your assets?Whom do you most admire?Other QuestionsWhat bases does our airline have? What type of aircraft?Who is the president of our company?How long has our airline been in existence?How do you feel about the airline industry?How do you feel about being away from home frequently?How do you feel about relocating?How do you feel about unions?What do you feel is the role of unions?Why do you want to leave your previous employer?Will we find anything on our background search that you''''''''''''''''d like to discuss now?Is there anything you would like to discuss?Do you have any questions?。

空乘英语面试十六个经典问题的回答1. What is important to you in a job?Mention specific rewards other than a paycheck, for example, challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution.你认为工作中最重要的是什么?要点:回答着眼于具体的收获,避免谈及薪资。
2. Why do you want to work for this organization?Cite its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions. Stress that you want to work for this organization, not just any organization.你为什么想在这个机构工作呢?要点:列举该公司的社会名誉,为员工提供的各种机会以及良好的工作条件,并且强调基于上述原因,你想为该企业而非其他企业工作。
3. Why should we employ you?Point to your academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm. Mention your performance in school or previous employment as evidence of your ability to learn andto become productive quickly. If the job involves management responsibilities, refer to past activities as proof of your ability to get along with others and to work as part of a team.我们为什么要录用你?要点:表明自己的专业知识,工作技术,为企业工作的热情。

空乘英语面试问题及答案空乘的你是不是很紧张?下面是网为你整理的英语问题及答案23句,希望可以帮助到你!1、What was your least favorite job?我不太喜欢从事科学研究之类的工作,在我看来这种工作是枯燥乏味的,相比之下我更喜欢与人打交道,古语说的好,读万卷书不如行万里路。
I do not like the work of scientific research. In my opinion, this kind of jobis boring. Compared with scientific research, I prefer to communicate withpeople. Just like the old saying, traveling is better than reading ten thousandbooks. Journey is not as good as reading countless people.2、How long will you stay with ourairline? What kind of contributions will you maketo our airline?首先我要说我爱这个职业,所以我会为了这个职业奉献我所有的一切,直到我不能在我的工作付出的一天,直到你们不需要我的那一天。
First of all I have to say I love this profession, so I would like to devoteall to this career till I can not contribute anything to this job. I will manageto fulfill my duties without any complain.3、What would your coworkers say about you?你的同事是怎么谈论你的?我的朋友都说我是一个可以信赖的人。

民航英语面试问题民航英语面试问题:1. Introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in a career in aviation?自我介绍并解释为什么你对航空事业感兴趣?2. What do you know about our airline and why do you want to work for us?你对我们的航空公司了解多少以及为什么要在我们这里工作?3. Tell us about your previous work experience and how it relates to the aviation industry?介绍一下你以前的工作经验以及它与航空行业的关系?4. What qualities do you possess that make you a good fit for the aviation industry?你有哪些品质使你适合在航空行业工作?5. How do you handle stressful situations and how do you ensure safety in high-pressure environments?你如何处理紧张的情况以及如何确保高压下的安全?6. Can you explain the importance of teamwork in the aviation industry?你能解释一下在航空行业中团队合作的重要性吗?7. How do you approach problem-solving in a fast-paced and time-sensitive environment?在快节奏和时间紧迫的环境中,你是如何解决问题的?8. How do you stay updated with the latest aviation regulations andindustry trends?你如何及时了解最新的航空法规和行业趋势?9. Describe a situation where you had to handle a difficult customer and how you resolved the issue.描述一个你曾经处理困难顾客的情况以及你是如何解决问题的。

空乘面试英语问题空乘面试英语问题are you the conservative or the free?这个问题没有绝对的答案,如实回答,但是要知道两种性格各自的优缺点。
迄今为止,什么事情给你留下了最深刻的印象?what have given you the deepest impression so far?这种事件型的问题实际上很大程度上是考察你的口语水平,因此要有所准备。
请做一下自我介绍!please introduce yourself!这个好好准备一下,最好事先背下来。
你为什么想当一名乘务员?why do you want to be a flight attendant?一般说出自己最真实的想法,最好和梦想之类相关。
你父母对你当乘务员怎么看?what do your parents think of your job as a flight attendant?最好是表示支持的态度。
你从何时起想成为一名空中乘务员的?when did you begin to want to become a flight attendant?按实际回答。
你想拿多少月薪?what is your ideal salary?这个一般不要正面回答,这里提供一种回答:i think it should depend on your company, how much do you think i'm worth paying.and i also believe that the company has the fair salary system.如果你被录用,你会与我们共事多久?if you are hired, how long will you work with us?这个也是不要正面回答,这里提供一种回答:i think this problem has many uncertain factors, but i'm sure the team deserves my work, so i sincerely hope that is as long as possible.你以前做过兼职吗?have you had a part time job before?有胜过无,最好突出自己吃苦耐劳、乐于助人的性格。

空乘面试常见的中英文问题一、跟我谈谈你自已1.你比我面试的其他应征者强在什么地方?2.你最好的伴侣是怎么评价你的?3.从如今到将来五年你盼望做些什么?4.假如你可以轻松转变你性格中的一件事,那将是什么?为什么?二、教育背景1.你参与过什么课外活动?2.你学到了什么学问?你为什么要选择这些主修课?你选择辅修课的缘由是什么?你最喜爱哪一门课程?最不喜爱哪一门?3.为什么你会在非专业领域求职?4.你从简历中提到的实习里学到什么?三、谈谈你的工作经受1.告知我你最近从事的三种职业,解释你做过的`工作?你的工作方法?你的工作伙伴和上司,你的老板以及的你的团队成员?2.你为什么离开上一份工作?四、你很了解我们公司吗?1.你对于这个职位最感爱好的是什么?对我们公司呢2.基于对行业的了解,你申请的工作是你心目中的理工作吗?3.你怎么应付工作中最无趣或最气人不开心的部分?4.你在工作上没有多少阅历,你准备怎样学习必需懂的学问?五、总结性问题1.不工作的时候,你喜爱干些什么?2.你如何在职业和家庭单向维持平衡?你情愿重新迁居吗? Problem Solving1.Can you work under pressure2. What is your greatest strength3. What is your greatest weakness4. What have you done to correct your weaknesses5. Have you ever failed6. What is your biggest failure7. How do you handle failure8. How do you handle change9. When you are in charge how do you motivate people10.Describe a time when you resolved a conflict11.How do you handle conflict译文:解决问题1.你能在压力下工作吗2.你的最大特长是什么3.你最大的弱点是什么4.你做了些什么来改正你的缺点5.你有没有失败6.什么是你最大的失败7.你怎样对待自己的失败8.你怎么处理的改变9.当你负责你如何激励人们10.描述的时候,你解决了一个冲突11.你如何处理冲突。

民航英语面试问题及回答1、Where are you based at the moment?你们的基地在哪?I come from North China Administration of CAAC. 我来自民航华北局。
2、Are you a captain or a first officer(副驾驶)?你是机长还是副驾驶?I am now a captain and also a flight inspector of A330. 我是空客330的机长,同时也是空客330的检查员3、Can you tell me about your home town?能跟我谈谈你的家乡么?I come from Beijing, the capital of china. Beijing is an old beautiful city, also the cultural and political center of China. The capital airport is the biggest one in China has 3 runways now. It will become the aviation center in the world. Beijing is going to hold the Olympic Games next year, welcome to Beijing.我来自北京,中国的首都。
4、Can you tell me about your hobbies or interests?你有什么兴趣或者爱好?I like sports, such as playing basketball and watching NBA,I likeyaoming . Sometimes, I like watching TV, going to KTV and reading. 我喜欢运动,例如打篮球。

1、Can you work under pressure?or Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?Yes, I can! Because when I was in college, I served as the vice minister of the sports department. And there are a lot of activities which are held by the sports department. So I have accustomed to working under strong pressure. The most impressive thing of mine is that the school sports meeting, which is one of the most large-scale activities in my college, basically it is arranged by the sports department from start to finish. It includes many details,such as arranging the location of each class, arranging the order of admission to the opening ceremony, arranging the time of every kind of competitions and so on. So I believe I can.你能在压力下工作吗?/之前你有过很大的压力吗?是的,我可以!因为我在读大学期间,曾经担任过校体育部的副部长,学校举办的很多活动都是由体育部来组织的,所以已经习惯了在强压下工作,令我印象最深的是校运动会,那可是学校的大型活动,基本上从头至尾都是由体育部自己操办,包括很多的细节,例如要安排好每个班级的位置,运动会开幕式的入场顺序,各项比赛的时间安排等等。

空中乘务招生面试英语1) What made you decide on this type of occupation? positionvocationjob什么缘由使你决断从事这类工作?2)Do you know what are the responsibilities of the stewardess?tasksassignmentsobligations你知道作为空中小姐的职责是什么吗?3) What do you think are the chief characteristics ofa stewardess?qualitiestraits你认为空姐的主要品质是什么?4) I can begin to work right away because I am out of work now.unemployedlaid offbetween jobs我可以即刻开始上班,由于我现在没有工作。
BASIC E*PRESSIONS 基本句型表达1) What made you decide on this type of occupation? 什么缘由使你决断投身这个行业呢?2) I like travelling very much and I enjoy working with people.我特别喜爱旅游,喜爱和人打交道。
3) The main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers rela*ed and happy during the flight. 主要的职责就是让乘客在飞行中能放松、欢乐。

空乘英语面试问题及答案空乘的你是不是很紧张?下面是为你的英语问题及答案23句,希望可以帮助到你!1、What was your least favorite job?我不太喜欢从事科学研究之类的工作,在我看来这种工作是枯燥乏味的,相比之下我更喜欢与人打交道,古语说的好,读万卷书不如行万里路。
I do not like the work of scientific research. In my opinion, this kind of jobis boring. Compared withscientific research, I prefer to municate withpeople. Just like the old saying, traveling is better than reading ten thousandbooks. Journey is not as good as reading countless people.2、How long will you stay with ourairline? What kind of contributions will you make to our airline?首先我要说我爱这个职业,所以我会为了这个职业奉献我所有的一切,直到我不能在我的工作付出的一天,直到你们不需要我的那一天。
First of all I have to say I love this profession, so I would like to devoteall to this career till I can not contribute anything to this job. I will manageto fulfill my duties without any plain.3、What would your coworkers say about you?你的同事是怎么谈论你的?我的朋友都说我是一个可以信赖的人。

飞行员英语面试问题及回答1、Summary of your career/previous work experience . 总结一下您的工作经历。
2、Short and long term career goals短期和长期事业目标。
3、Why do you want to quit your current job?您为什么要放弃之前的`工作?4、Why have you applied to this organization?您为什么要向本机构申请工作?5、Why do you want to work for this organization?为什么要为本机构工作?6、How are your skills,qualifications , and experience suitable for this job?您适合这份工作的技能、资格和经验怎样?7、What do you know about the job that you have applied for?您对所应聘的工作了解多少?8、Tell us something about yourself.谈谈您自己.9、What impresses you about this pany?您对本公司的印象如何?10、What kinds of responsibilities or tasks motivate you一he most?什么样的职责或任务最能激发您?12、What do think you like the least about this field?在本领域中您最不喜欢什么?13、What has been your greatest challenge?您最大的挑战是什么?14、What are your three strong points and what are your three weak nesses?您的三大优点和三大缺点是什么?模板,内容仅供参考。

空乘面试英语问题第一篇:空乘面试英语问题航空公司空乘面试英语试题 Problem SolvingCan you work under pressure?What is your greatest strength?What is your greatest weakness?What have you done to correct your weaknesses?Have you ever failed?What is your biggest failure?How do you handle failure?How do you handle change?When you are in charge, how do you motivate people?Describe a time when you resolved a conflict?How do you handle conflict?Previous EmploymentWhat is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job?Why have you held so many jobs?Do you consider yourself a loyal employee?What did you like about your last job?What did you dislike about your last job?What was your favorite job?What was your least favorite job?What have you learned from previous jobs?How long will you stay with our airline?What would your coworkers say about you?What would your previous supervisors say about you?What were the people like at your last company?What did you dislike about your last employer?If you could change one thing about your last employer, whatwould it be?Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job?Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance?Have you ever been fired?If so, why were you fired?Have you ever been asked to resign from another job?What will your references say?Can we check your references?How many sick days did you take last year?Is this typical?Personality and MotivationDo you consider yourself a success?Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?Why has it taken you so long to find a job?Why do you want to be a flight attendant?What part of being a flight attendant interests you most?What kind of contributions will you make to our airline?Where else are you interviewing?Have you applied to other airlines?When are you available to start?What are your outstanding qualities?What interests you most about being a flight attendant?What can you do for us that others can''''''''''''''''t?Describe a difficult problem you''''''''''''''''ve dealt with.How important is appearance?What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flight attendant?What is the best part of being a flight attendant?Do you have any natural talent or skill, something that comes easy to you?What do you like to do in your spare time?How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker?Have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded? By whom?Do you ever freeze in social situations?Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much? How did you handle it?Are you skilled at sizing people up?Have you ever been part of a problem?Have you ever had to support the directives of higher management, even when you disagreed with it?Have you ever lied?Have you ever broken a law?Have you ever stolen something?Have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful? How did you handle it?Have you ever been tempted to break a work rule or policy? What did you do?Why do you want to work for our airline?What kind of experience do you have?Are you willing to be based wherever the company sends you?What would you like to be doing ten years from now?Why should we hire you?What are your qualifications?What is your biggest accomplishment?What are your career goals?How does a flight attendant job fit into your career goals?What personal characteristic best describes you.Do you prefer to work alone or with others?Do you consider yourself a team player?Describe your team style.Are you self motivated?What motivates you?Describe your relationship with peers.What kind of peopledo you prefer to work with?Describe your personality?How do you handle criticism?Were you ever unfairly criticized?SkillsDo you read, write and/or speak a foreign language?Are you willing to learn a foreign language?Are you a leader or a follower?What have you learned from your previous jobs?What kind of employee are you?What was your favorite subject in school?What was your least favorite subject in school?Tell us about your leadership skills.What was your major success as a leader?What was your major failure as a leader?What do you think are the most important components of a practical leadership philosophy?Whose leadership qualities have you most respected?Have you incorporated his/her leadership qualities?Have you ever had an unexpected leadership role? How did it work out?What are your assets?Whom do you most admire?Other QuestionsWhat bases does our airline have?What type of aircraft?Who is the president of our company?How long has our airline been in existence?How do you feel about the airline industry?How do you feel about being away from home frequently?How do you feel about relocating?How do you feel about unions?What do you feel is the role of unions?Why do you want to leave your previous employer?Will we find anything on our background search that you''''''''''''''''d like to discussnow?Is there anything you would like to discuss?Do you have any questions?下面介绍的15种常用语,请不断练习,直到可以脱口而出为止。

1、Can you work under pressure?or Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?Yes, I can! Because when I was in college, I served as the vice minister of the sports department. And there are a lot of activities which are held by the sports department. So I have accustomed to working under strong pressure. The most impressive thing of mine is that the school sports meeting, which is one of the most large-scale activities in my college, basically it is arranged by the sports department from start to finish. It includes many details,such as arranging the location of each class, arranging the order of admission to the opening ceremony, arranging the time of every kind of competitions and so on. So I believe I can.你能在压力下工作吗?/之前你有过很大的压力吗?是的,我可以!因为我在读大学期间,曾经担任过校体育部的副部长,学校举办的很多活动都是由体育部来组织的,所以已经习惯了在强压下工作,令我印象最深的是校运动会,那可是学校的大型活动,基本上从头至尾都是由体育部自己操办,包括很多的细节,例如要安排好每个班级的位置,运动会开幕式的入场顺序,各项比赛的时间安排等等。

空乘面试英文问题空乘面试英文问题can you work under pressure?你能在压力下工作?what is your greatest strength?你最大的长处是什么?what is your greatest weakness?你最大的弱点是什么?what have you done to correct your weaknesses?你做了些什么来改正你的缺点?have you ever failed? 你有没有失败过?what is your biggest failure?你最大的失败是什么?how do you handle failure?你怎样对待自己的失败?how do you handle change?你怎样应付变化?when you are in charge, how do you motivate people?当你负责,你如何激励员工?describe a time when you resolved a conflict?描述当你解决了一个冲突?how do you handle conflict?你如何处理冲突?previous employment以前的工作what is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job?最难的事情,你有没有在你目前的工作是什么?why have you held so many jobs?你为什么要做那么多工作?do you consider yourself a loyal employee?你认为你是一个忠诚的员工?what did you like about your last job?你喜欢你的上一份工作?what did you dislike about your last job?那你不喜欢你的上一份工作?what was your favorite job?你最喜欢的职业是什么?what was your least favorite job?你最喜欢的工作是什么?what have you learned from previous jobs?你从过去的工作中学到了什么?how long will you stay with our airline?多久你会留在我们的航空公司?what would your coworkers say about you?如果你的同事对你说什么?what would your previous supervisors say about you?你觉得你以前的上司会对你说的?what were the people like at your last company?你的公司上的人是什么样子的呢?what did you dislike about your last employer?你不喜欢你的.前雇主?if you could change one thing about your last employer, what would it be?如果你可以改变你的前雇主的事情,那会是什么?were you satisfied with your performance at your last job?你满意你的表现在你的上一份工作?空乘面试中常见的英文问题2015-10-31 11:28 | #2楼what do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flight attendant?what is the best part of being a flight attendant?do you have any natural talent or skill, something that comes easy to you?what do you like to do in your spare time?how would you handle an abrasive captain or coworker?have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded? by whom?do you ever freeze in social situations?have you ever worked with someone who talked too much? how did you handle it?are you skilled at sizing people up?have you ever been part of a problem?have you ever had to support the directives of highermanagement, even when you disagreed with it?have you ever lied?have you ever broken a law?have you ever stolen something?have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful? how did you handle it?have you ever been tempted to break a work rule or policy? what did you do?why do you want to work for our airline?what kind of experience do you have?are you willing to be based wherever the company sends you?what would you like to be doing ten years from now?why should we hire you?what are your qualifications?what is your biggest accomplishment?what are your career goals?how does a flight attendant job fit into your career goals?what personal characteristic best describes you.do you prefer to work alone or with others?do you consider yourself a team player?describe your team style.are you self motivated?what motivates you?describe your relationship with peers.what kind of people do you prefer to work with?describe your personality?how do you handle criticism?were you ever unfairly criticized?面试空乘(空姐)常用中英文问题2015-10-31 8:56 | #3楼1) what made you decide on this type of occupation?什么原因使你决定投身这个行业呢?2)i like travelling very much and i enjoy working with people.我非常喜欢旅游,喜欢和人打交道。

1. Introduce yourself(自我介绍)
2. Why do you want to be a flight attendant?(为什么想成为一名空乘人员?)
3. How do you deal with difficult passengers?(如何处理难缠的乘客?)
4. Can you tell me about a time when you had to handle an emergency on board?(你能否讲述一次你在机上处理紧急情况的经历?)
5. How do you handle a conflict with a coworker?(如何处理与同事的矛盾?)

下面为大家整理了若干面试中出现频率较高的问题及精彩回答,希望能够帮到大家!经典问题Tell us about yourself.这是一个有关你个性、背景、学习以及工作经历的非常宽泛的问题。
Why should we hire you?招聘者正在问有关你的特点和强项的问题。
Why did you leave your last job?面试人员想要知道你是辞职的,还是被辞退的,或是下岗的,并希望了解原因。
Are you willing to relocate?这代表着你是否愿意移居另一个城市或国家。
Tell me about your scholastic record.这是指你在学校及大学所学的学科和成绩。
Tell me about your extracurricular activities and interests.这是在问你业余都做些什么和你的兴趣,例如运动、音乐或旅游等。
How would your last boss describe you?这句话的意思是你的上个老板是如何看待你的。
下面是一些常见的面试问答:1、Q:Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.(你能在两分钟内自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!) 我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。
)2、Q:Give me a summary of your current job description. (对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明。

空姐面试英语问答Dialogue 1I: What made you decide on this type of oupation?A: Oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has e. My dream will e true. And I like travelling very much and I enjoy working with people.I: Can you make yourself understood in English without too much difficulty?A: Yes, I think I am quite fluent in English. I got the certificate of the Secondary English Training last month.I: Do you know what the responsibilities are for a stewardess?A: The main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight. And good service is also important.I: Are you in good health?A: I just had a plete physical examination and I am in top condition.I: Have you had any nursing experience?A: Yes, I have two years of nursing experience, and now I am working as a nurse in a hospital.I: How tall are you? What about your eyesight?A: My height is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters. I抳e never had any vision problems.I: What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses?A: One of my strengths is my friendliness and open-minded attitude and also I think I have a warm personality. But sometimes, I find it is hard to tell others when I don抰 like what they are doing.I: If a passenger can抰 understand what you say, what should you do?A: I try to speak in another language or I抣l try my best to use gestures and draw pictures.I: 什么原因使你决定投身这个行业呢?A: 哦,说真的,我非常喜欢蓝天。

空姐英文面试问题及答案空姐英文面试问题及答案1、Can you work under pressure?or Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?是的,我能够!因为我在读大学期间,以前担任过校体育部的副部长,学校举办的很多活动都是由体育部来组织的,所以已经习惯了在强压下工作,令我印象最深的是校运动会,那不过学校的大型活动,基本上从头至尾都是有体育部自己操办,包括很多的细节,例如要安排好每个班级的位置,运动会开幕式的入场顺序,各项比赛的时间安排等等。
Yes, I can! Because when I was in college, I served as the vice minister of the sports department. And there are a lot of activities which are held by the sports department. So I have accustomed to working under strong pressure. I am most impressed that the school sports meeting,which is one of the most large-scale activities in my college, basically it is made arrangements by the sports department from start to finish. It includes many details, Such as arranging the location of each class, arranging the order of admission to the opening ceremony,arranging the time of every kind of competitions and so on. So I believe I can .2、What is your greatest strength? What are your assets?我的优势是坚强的意志力和超强的耐力,当然这是后天训练出来的结果,因为我是名长跑运动员,在以前大大小小的比赛中,无论自己有多累,我都会对自己说,你要坚持下去,你现在是在跑道上,你必须用跑的形式来结束这场比赛,你不能够停下来,如果你停下来你就失败了,你就是个十足的失败者,自己都会瞧不起自己。
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1、Can you work under pressure?or Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?Yes, I can! Because when I was in college, I served as the vice minister of the sports department. And there are a lot of activities which are held by the sports department. So I have accustomed to working under strong pressure. The most impressive thing of mine is that the school sports meeting, which is one of the most large-scale activities in my college, basically it is arranged by the sports department from start to finish. It includes many details,such as arranging the location of each class, arranging the order of admission to the opening ceremony, arranging the time of every kind of competitions and so on. So I believe I can.你能在压力下工作吗?/之前你有过很大的压力吗?是的,我可以!因为我在读大学期间,曾经担任过校体育部的副部长,学校举办的很多活动都是由体育部来组织的,所以已经习惯了在强压下工作,令我印象最深的是校运动会,那可是学校的大型活动,基本上从头至尾都是由体育部自己操办,包括很多的细节,例如要安排好每个班级的位置,运动会开幕式的入场顺序,各项比赛的时间安排等等。
2、What is your greatest strength?My biggest advantages are my strong will and endurance to the things I like, Of course, they are not natural. I was long-distance runner in the past. And while I was running in the runway, no matter how tired I was, I would never stop running, I would tell myself that I can not stop. If I stop, I will be a real loser. On the contrast, if I insist on running to finish the competition, even though I am the last runner to across the finish line, I will still feel proud of myself. Because I won myself.你最大的优点是什么?我最大的优势是坚强的意志力和超强的耐力,当然这是后天训练出来的结果,因为我是名长跑运动员,在以前大大小小的比赛中,无论自己有多累,我都会对自己说,你要坚持下去,你现在是在跑道上,你必须用跑的形式来结束这场比赛,你不可以停下来,如果你停下来你就失败了,你就是个十足的失败者,自己都会瞧不起自己。
3、What is your greatest weakness?My biggest drawback is that I am a little stubborn. I am always insisting on my own opinion. I will not consider other’s advice until I found that I run against the wall. But because of my stubbornness, I become a person who have strong will and indomitable character.你最大的缺点是什么?我最大的缺点就是我有点固执,我总有我自己的想法,只有当我碰壁的时候我才会考虑别人给我的建议,但是就是因为我的这份固执,这份执着,才让我锻炼了我坚强的意志,不屈不挠的性格。
4、What have you done to correct your weaknesses?At present, I will consider the advice which is given by the people around me first and find the best way to solve the problems.为了改正你的缺点,你做了些什么?我想我会在做每件事情之前,好好斟酌身边的人给我的意见,找到一个最好的解决方法。
5、Have you ever failed?In fact, I was growing up accompanied by the failures. It is failures which lead me to success. Only after the mistakes, I can understand the right things better. I have always thought that it was not good if one's life always goes well. An easy life can lead people to become fragile and vulnerable, so failure is one of the most important teachers in my life.你曾经失败过吗?我觉得我是在失败的陪伴下长大的,是失败让我看清楚通往成功的那条路,只有错过才能更深刻的理解什么是对的,我一直认为人的一生如果太顺利的话反而不是件好的事情,安逸的生活会让人变得脆弱,不堪一击,所以失败是我人生中最重要的老师之一。
6、What is your biggest failure?My biggest failure was that I was too confident to succeed. When I was in the middle school, all the students were preparing for the final exam. I also managed to reviewing all the courses. But I reviewed in my own way and ignored the importance which is given by my teachers. So I got a bad result in the exam. This bad result hit me greatly which made me know that I should regard other’s experience as the sun which cant take me to the brightness.你做过最失败的事情是什么?太过自信结果导致自己慢慢变成了自负,觉得自己很聪明,结果聪明反被聪明误。
7、How do you handle failure?At present, I have learned how to face failures. I will adjust my attitude well when facing failures. I should regard the failures as a further step to the success,and find the reasons for failures to make sure that I will not make the same mistake any more.失败了你会怎么办?当自己失败时,要学会及时调整自己的心态,千万不能让自己灰心丧气,要把这次失败看成是又向成功迈进了一步,要及时找出失败的原因,总结经验,不要两次都犯同样的错误。
8、How do you handle change?There is nothing that will always keep the same in the world. In fact all the things are changing with the time passage, including me. I need to learn the good things and change my own bad habits with growing up. This is so called the transformation of life.你如何看待变化?世界无时无刻不在变化,没有什么东西是一成不变的,包括自己,人总要学着长大,吸取好的东西,改到自己坏的习惯,这样才可以称作是人生的蜕变!9、When you are in charge, how do you motivate people ?To motivate the employees to work harder, on the one side we should make the employees understand that the interests of employees and enterprises are the community. In fact the employees and the enterprises have to make progress together. We should work hard to make our enterprise to become stronger, so that we also will benefit more. On the other side, we should manage to know about the need of the employees and to satisfy them. If the employees are satisfied with the company, they will work harder.如果你是负责人,你如何激励员工?要想激励自己的员工更努力的工作,首先要让员工体会到,员工和企业是利益共同体(community of interests),是彼此共同进退的关系,我们共同努力的目标只有一个,让企业变得更强大;其次,因为每个人都有不同的需求,所以还要了解什么是他们目前最需要的,如何让他们的需求得到最大的满足,以此来激励员工更努力的工作。