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[3] 就在俄国民粹主义日渐衰竭并濒于消亡之际,美国在19世纪晚期爆发了著名的“人民党(Populist Party)”运动。
深海采矿扬矿实验系统相似条件及相似准数的确定徐 妍1,郑红彬2,张晓峰3(1 北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院,北京 100083;2 河南平顶山煤业(集团)公司矸石电厂,河南平顶山 467013;3 北京工业大学,北京 100022)摘 要:根据流体动力学原理,从深海采矿扬矿实验系统中流体动力学相似条件入手,利用数学分析方法,研究实验系统中各参数之间的关系,确定实验系统中几何相似、运动相似及动力相似条件以及应遵循的准数。
关键词:采矿工程;深海采矿;扬矿管;相似准数中图分类号:TF857;TD432 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-0211(2005)04-0094-03收稿日期:2004-08-16基金项目:国家长远发展专项和国际海底区域研究开发 十五 项目(DY105-03-02-17)作者简介:徐 妍(1975-),女,山西太原市人,博士生,主要从事复杂系统力学行为等方面的研究。
根据中试1000m 铰接式扬矿子系统建立实验室的需要,开展扬矿系统在海水中受力研究,虽然系统受力复杂,但其原型与模型的相似必须满足流体流动的力学相似,即表征流动的所有物理量和场之间必须相似,即几何相似,运动相似,动力相似。
tpo36三篇托福阅读TOEFL原文译文题目答案译文背景知识阅读-1 (2)原文 (2)译文 (3)题目 (5)答案 (10)背景知识 (11)阅读-2 (12)原文 (12)译文 (14)题目 (15)答案 (20)背景知识 (20)阅读-3 (24)原文 (24)译文 (25)题目 (27)答案 (32)背景知识 (33)阅读-1原文Soil Formation①Living organisms play an essential role in soil formation. The numerous plants and animals living in the soil release minerals from the parent material from which soil is formed, supply organic matter, aid in the translocation (movement) and aeration of the soil, and help protect the soil from erosion. The types of organisms growing or living in the soil greatly influence the soil's physical and chemical characteristics. In fact, for mature soils in many parts of the world, the predominant type of natural vegetation is considered the most important direct influence on soil characteristics. For this reason, a soil scientist can tell a great deal about the attributes of the soil in any given area simply from knowing what kind of flora the soil supports. Thus prairies and tundra regions, which have characteristic vegetations, also have characteristic soils.②The quantity and total weight of soil flora generally exceed that of soil fauna. By far the most numerous and smallest of the plants living in soil are bacteria. Under favorable conditions, a million or more of these tiny, single-celled plants can inhabit each cubic centimeter of soil. It is the bacteria, more than any other organisms, that enable rock or other parent material to undergo the gradual transformation to soil. Some bacteria produce organic acids that directly attack parent material, breaking it down and releasing plant nutrients. Others decompose organic litter (debris) to form humus (nutrient-rich organic matter). A third group of bacteria inhabits the root systems of plants called legumes. These include many important agricultural crops, such as alfalfa, clover, soybeans, peas, and peanuts. The bacteria that legumes host within their root nodules (small swellings on the root) change nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into nitrogen compounds that plants are able to metabolize, a process, known as nitrogen fixation, that makes the soil more fertile. Other microscopic plants also are important in soil development. For example, in highly acidic soils where few bacteria can survive, fungi frequently become the chief decomposers of organic matter.③More complex forms of vegetation play several vital roles with respect to the soil. Trees, grass, and other large plants supply the bulk of the soil's humus. The minerals released as these plants decompose on the surface constitute an important nutrient source for succeeding generations of plants as well as for other soil organisms. In addition, trees can extend their roots deep within the soil and bring up nutrients from far below the surface. These nutrients eventually enrich the surface soil when the tree drops its leaves or when it dies and decomposes. Finally, trees perform the vital function of slowing water runoff and holding the soil in place with their root systems, thus combating erosion. The increased erosion that often accompanies agricultural use of sloping land is principally caused by the removal of its protective cover of natural vegetation.④Animals also influence soil composition. The faunal counterparts of bacteria are protozoa. These single-celled organisms are the most numerous representatives of the animal kingdom, and, like bacteria, a million or more can sometimes inhabit each cubic centimeter of soil. Protozoa feed on organic matter and hasten its decomposition. Among other soil-dwelling animals, the earthworm is probably the most important. Under exceptionally favorable conditions, up to a million earthworms (with a total body weight exceeding 450 kilograms) may inhabit an acre of soil. Earthworms ingest large quantities of soil, chemically alter it, and excrete it as organic matter called casts. The casts form a high-quality natural fertilizer. In addition, earthworms mix of soil both vertically and horizontally, improving aeration and drainage.⑤Insects such as ants and termites also can be exceedingly numerous under favorable climatic and soil conditions. In addition, mammals such as moles, field mice, gophers, and prairie dogs sometimes are present in sufficient numbers to have significant impact on the soil. These animals primarily work the soil mechanically. As a result, the soil is aerated broken up, fertilized, and brought to the surface, hastening soil development.译文土壤形成①活生物体在土壤形成中起着重要作用。
第六章 岛屿生物地理学理论与生物多样性保护
Galapagos 群岛
0 325 Preston(1962)
0 165 Brown(1978)
0 326 Brown(1978)
0 170 Browne(1981)
0 230 Browne(1981)
4 库萨伊岛 Kusaie 5 图木图群岛 Tuamotu 6 马贵斯群岛 Marquesas 7 法属社会群
岛 Society lslands 8 波纳佩岛 Ponape 9 马里亚纳群岛 Marianas Islands 10 汤加岛
Tanga 11 加罗林群岛 Caroline Iqlands 12 卑硫群岛 Pelew Palau Islands 13 圣克
Байду номын сангаасz 值
0 340 Darlingion(1943)
0 300 Wilson(1992)
0 301 Preston(1962)
0 237 Hamilton 等 1964
斯群岛 New Hebrides 23 布鲁 Buru 24 希兰岛 Ceram 25 索罗门群岛 solomons
如果这一关系用一曲线表示 我们就可得到生态学中的所谓 物种 面积曲线
Species-Area curve 图 2
stochastic calculus for fractional brownian motion and related processes附录
kH (t, u)dWu = CH Γ (1 + α)
α (I− 1(0,t) )(x)dWx
(see Lemma 1.1.3). Therefore, the first equality is evident, since
0 R t
(kH (t, u))2 x)α )2 dx +
k n
C . n2
[AOPU00] Aase, K., Øksendal, B., Privault, N., Ubøe, J.: White noise generalization of the Clark-Haussmann-Ocone theorem with applications to mathematical finance. Finance Stoch., 4, 465–496 (2000) [AS96] Abry, P., Sellan, F.: The wavelet-based synthesis for fractional Brownian motion proposed by F. Sellan and Y. Meyer: Remarks and fast implementation. Appl. Comp. Harmon. Analysis, 3, 377–383 (1996) [AS95] Adler, R.J.; Samorodnitsky, G.: Super fractional Brownian motion, fractional super Brownian motion and related self-similar (super) processes. Ann. Prob., 23, 743–766 (1995) [ALN01] Al` os, E., Le´ on, I.A., Nualart, D.: Stratonovich stochastic calculus with respect to fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter less than 1/2. Taiwanesse J. Math., 5, 609–632 (2001) [AMN00] Al` os, E., Mazet, O., Nualart, D.: Stochastic calculus with respect to fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter less than 1/2. Stoch. Proc. Appl., 86, 121–139 (2000) [AMN01] Al` os, E., Mazet, O., Nualart, D.: Stochastic calculus with respect to Gaussian processes. Ann. Prob., 29, 766–801 (2001) [AN02] Al` os, E., Nualart, D.: Stochastic integration with respect to the fractional Brownian motion. Stoch. Stoch. Rep., 75, 129–152 (2002) [And05] Androshchuk, T.: The approximation of stochastic integral w.r.t. fBm by the integrals w.r.t. absolutely continuous processes. Prob. Theory Math. Stat., 73, 11–20 (2005) [AM06] Androshchuk, T., Mishura Y.: Mixed Brownian–fractional Brownian model: absence of arbitrage and related topics. Stochastics: Intern. J. Prob. Stoch. Proc., 78, 281–300 (2006) [AG03] Anh, V., Grecksch, W.: A fractional stochastic evolution equation driven by fractional Brownian motion. Monte Carlo Methods Appl. 9, 189–199 (2003)
2005 Visions of Science Photographic Awards科學幻想攝影獎(2005 Visions of Science Photographic Awards)是由諾華制藥公司(Novartis)和倫敦每日電訊報(London Daily Telegraph)共同發起的。
去年度由科學家、攝影師和新聞記者組成的評選小組分別選出了2005年度科學幻想攝影獎各個類別中的優勝作品,其中主要五大獎項為:Action, Close-up, People, Concepts and Art 。
Action:Shrimp cleaning the teeth of a lizard fish生物的的共生,攝影師吉姆‧格林非爾德(Jim Greenfield)是在荷蘭安地列斯群島(Netherlands Antilles)的古拉索島(Curacao)海岸下拍攝到這張照片的。
Close-up:Salt and Pepper照片的作者大衛‧麥卡錫(David McCarthy)是倫敦藥劑學校的一位研究人員。
People:Clinical skills tutor一位臨床技能師,抱著一把修護用手臂。
Concepts:The Origin of Life英國劍橋大學的講師約翰‧布拉肯伯裡(John Brackenbury)把一系列高速照片組合在一起,向人們闡述有生源說(panspermia)的概念。
Art:Paracetamol Crystals這張照片的作者斯派克‧沃克(Spike Walker)使用一台顯微照相機捕捉到了一種解熱鎮痛藥物扑熱息痛(Paracetamol Crystals)溶液中的晶體成長畫面。
2005-Lubrication and Lubricants
LUBRICATIONAND LUBRICANTS1.IntroductionLubrication is a process in which afilm of lubricant is inserted between rubbing surfaces for the purpose of controlling friction and/or to reduce wear of the sur-faces.Thesefilms are designed to minimize contact between the rubbing surfaces and to shear easily so that the frictional force opposing the rubbing motion is low. Lubricants may be liquids,solids,gases,or greases.Lubricating oils and greases contain refined or synthesized base oils from animal,vegetable or mineral (petroleum)origin,and a variety of additives to improve their lubricating and other characteristics.Lubrication is a major component of tribology,defined as the science and technology concerned with interacting surfaces in relative motion,including fric-tion,lubrication,wear and erosion(1).Tribology and lubrication are ancient arts.In his splendid History of Tribo-logy(2),Professor Dowson traces the development of these arts and sciences,and describes the outstanding artists and scientists responsible,from the paleolithic age to the end of the twentieth century.He reports archeological evidence that bitumen was used to lubricate potters wheels5000years ago.Water-lubricated sliding bearings were used in Egypt$2400BC to transport large objects.A char-iot wheel from$1400BC was found with traces of tallow as lubricant,and the Chinese had lubricated metal wheel bearings with leather seals to hold the lubri-cant in place in the fourth century BC(2).The word‘‘tribology’’first appeared in Lubrication(Tribology)Education and Research—A Report on the Present Position and Industries Needs,Depart-ment of Education and Science(UK),1966.This is often called The Jost Report, after H.Peter Jost,the chairman of the British Lubrication Engineering Work-ing Group,which prepared the report.The word is derived from the Greek tribein,meaning‘‘to rub’’,and logos,meaning‘‘reading’’or‘‘study’’.Tribology is literally the study of rubbing.The Working Group defined it more precisely as‘‘the science and technology of interacting surfaces in relative motion and the practices related thereto’’(3).The Jost Report was part of an effort to focus attention on the‘‘scientific, technological,economic and environmental issues’’(2)involved in the study and practice of tribology.Another purpose was to bring together the many, and often splintered engineering and scientific disciplines that deal with this technology.Dowson speculates that the dramatic progress in thisfield in the final third of the twentieth century may have been significantly influenced by these efforts in the1960s(2).The1966report by the British Lubrication Engineering Working Group demonstrated to industry and government the impact of friction,wear,and lubri-cation on the nation’s economy,and the value of further research in tribology. That report showed,eg,that the most significant value of better lubrication (91%)comes from increased productivity,lower maintenance and replacement costs,and lower investment cost.Direct energy savings(5%),and savings in the cost of lubrication,in manpower and material(4%),account for the remainder.1Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology.Copyright John Wiley&Sons,Inc.All rights reserved.2LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS Vol.15 Tribology is a multidisciplinary science that embraces lubrication,friction, wear,properties of lubricants,surface characterization,bearing materials,and the selection and design of lubricating systems.The lubrication engineer would add to this list lubricant and coolant selection,plant lubrication and maintenance programs,and machine condition monitoring.2.Fundamentals of LubricationTribology,by definition,is concerned with interacting surfaces in relative motion.It is appropriate,therefore,to begin the discussion of lubrication funda-mentals by describing the characteristics of tribological surfaces.2.1.The Nature of Interacting Surfaces in Relative Motion.Tribo-logical surfaces are the load-bearing surfaces on the moving parts of machines. They include surfaces on crankshaft rod and main bearings,radial and thrust bearings on steam and gas turbines,cams and valve lifters,pistons and cylin-ders,natural and artificial hip joints,ball and roller bearings,machine tool slideways,cutting tools,magnetic information storage devices,and microelectro-mechanical systems(MEMS).Despite their appearance andfinishing efforts, these surfaces are not perfectly smooth.There are microscopic irregularities; gently sloping hills and valleys called asperities on them.If an imaginary surface is drawn through a real surface,such that the volume of all of the material above the imaginary surface is equal to the volume of voids below that surface,the roughness of the real surface,R a,can be defined asR a¼ðj y1jþj y2jþÁÁÁþj y n jÞ=nð1ÞWhere R a is the center line or arithmetic average of the absolute distances,y i, from the imaginary surface(mean line)for a given sampling length(usually 0.80mm).Roughness(R a)values of machined surfaces range from0.025m m for ball bearing surfaces to25m m clearance surfaces on rough machine parts(4–6). The roughness of computer hard disk surfaces is measured in angstroms(A˚)or nanometers(nm)(7).The total profile of a surface consists of a‘‘waviness’’and a roughness com-ponent.The parameter R a,although it is the most common measure of surface roughness,is insensitive to the shape or waviness of the profile.A more useful parameter is the root-mean-square(rms)roughness,R q.R q¼½ðy21þy22þÁÁÁþy2nÞ=n 1=2ð2ÞWhere R q is the rms deviation of y i from the mean line for a given sampling length(4).The rms roughness of computer hard disk surfaces is<2nm(7).The most repeatable of the roughness parameters is the10points height, R z.Vol.15LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS3 R z¼½ðP1þP2þÁÁÁþP5ÞÀðV1þV2þÁÁÁþV5Þ =5ð3ÞWhere R z is the average distance between thefive highest peaks(P i)and thefive deepest valleys(V i)within the sampling length.It is also linked with the machin-ing parameter S2/8r,where S is the feed rate and r is the tool radius(4).Another index of roughness is R t,the maximum peak-to-valley height.R t¼R pþR vð4ÞWhere R p is the maximum peak height and R v is the maximum valley depth within the sampling length(4).The description of the test disk used in the ASTM D6425-02test method for measuring friction and wear illustrates the impact of surface texture on these quantities(8)and is shown below and used with ASTM’s permission.Test Disk,AISI52100Steel,62Æ1HRC Hardness.The surfaces of the disk are lapped and free of lapping raw materials.The topography of the disk will be determined by four values:0.005m m<R z>0.65m m;0.035m m<R a>0.050m m;0.020m m<R p>0.035m m;0.050m m<R v>0.075m mFour different measures of surface topography are specified for the disk in order to get acceptable reproducibility of the test method(9).Approximate roughness indexes obtained with various metal-working processes areProduction process R t,m m R a,m mturning 4.00–25.00.500–3.0grinding 2.00–6.00.400–0.8milling 1.50–20.00.200–2.0boring0.50–20.00.050–1.6honing0.03–1.00.015–0.2lapping0.03–0.60.015–0.1Engineering surfaces also differ in composition from the underlying bulk material.A metal bearing,eg,will have a work hardened layer at the surface, over which an oxide layer forms,on top of which is an adsorbed layer of moisture and gases.When two such surfaces come in moving contact,their surface struc-tures,compositions,and the interaction between opposing asperities accounts for a major portion of the friction between them and much of the wear that inevita-bly occurs(10–12).For example,without the oxide and adsorbed layers,coefficients of friction>4have been measured in a vacuum of0.133mPa on surfaces cleaned by abrasive cloth and heated.The coefficient decreased considerably when oxy-gen was admitted to a pressure of0.133Pa(13).The oxide and adsorbed layers on metal surfaces can,therefore,be considered as lubricatingfilms.2.2.Friction.When two of these surfaces are brought together,they initially touch at the highest asperities.The load,N,normal to the surfaces at4LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS Vol.15the contact points causes the asperities to deform until the pressure in the result-ing contact areas just equals the yield pressure,p,of the asperities.The sum of these contact areas is the real contact area,A r.The yield pressure is equivalent to the Brinell Hardness Number(BHN),in consistent units,measured at the surface of the material(4).A r¼N=p¼N=BHNð5ÞThe real area of contact is a minute fraction of the total surface area.For example,with a typical bearing contact stress of3MPa and a bronze bearing asperity yield pressure of500MPa,<1.0%of the nominal area would involve asperity contact(14).As the load on the surfaces increases,the asperities continue to deform,the softer surface more than the other.More of the asperities come in contact and the real area of contact grows.The opposing surfaces also tend to adhere or bond to each other in the contact area.The shear strength of these bonds depends on the time of contact and the difference in composition of the two surfaces.Sliding of one of these nonlubricated surfaces across the other requires a friction force,F,to displace the contacting asperities.This force includes several components,among them:a shear or adhesion component arising from bonding of the contacting asperities;a plowing or deformation component,arising from the interlocking of asperities;a lifting component to raise asperities over the roughness of the mating surfaces.The shearing component,F s,may account for90%or more of the total fric-tion force(14).This component is proportional to the shear strength,s,of the asperity junctions:F s¼A r sð6ÞMore detailed descriptions of surface texture,surface structure,and compo-sition and the real area of contact will be found in Refs.(4–6,12,13,15,16).2.3.Coefficient of Friction.The coefficient of friction,f,of a pair of con-tacting surfaces is defined as the ratio of the total frictional force to the normal force or load.It can also be expressed as the ratio of shear strength,s,to the yield pressure,p,at the asperity junctions.f¼F=N¼s=pð7ÞIf there is a lubricatingfilm on the surfaces,the coefficient of friction is the ratio of the shear strength of the surfacefilm,s f,to the yield pressure,p m of the substrate or backing material.f¼s f=p mð8ÞIf a shear force is gradually applied to one of two dry,unlubricated surfaces in contact,the surface will not move until the force is great enough to overcomeVol.15LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS5 the shear strength of the asperity contacts.The ratio of the shear force required to start motion to the normal force on the surfaces is the static coefficient of friction.Once motion starts,less force is needed to keep the surface moving at a constant velocity.The coefficient of friction during sliding is the kinetic or dynamic coefficient.The static coefficient measured for a hard steel surface on another hard steel surface is0.78.The dynamic coefficient measured for hard steel on hard steel is0.42.When a thinfilm of light mineral oil is applied to these surfaces, the static coefficient drops to0.23.The dynamic coefficient with a light oilfilm drops to$0.1.Adding a friction modifier to the oil can reduce or reverse the dif-ference between the two coefficients.Adding stearic acid to the lubricant,eg,for hard steel on hard steel,reduces the static coefficient to0.0052,which is lower than the dynamic coefficient,0.029(17).An extensive Friction and Wear Databank is found in Ref.18.Tables of the coefficient of friction values for a wide variety of material combinations are also available in Refs.19and20and many other sources.These data,however, should be used with caution.The coefficient of friction varies with changes in humidity,gas pressure,time,temperature,sliding speed,surface quality, the shape of the contact region,the method of testing,and other variables. Where high reliability is needed,the friction should be measured using a proto-type device under design conditions(20).2.4.Wear.The principal types of wear in sliding contacts are adhesive, abrasive,and corrosive wear.Fatigue wear occurs in concentrated contacts(ball and roller bearings,gears,cams,and automotive valve lifters)under the combi-nation of sliding and rolling(21).The Archard equation reported by Rabinowicz(21)gives a simple,quanti-tative relationship for predicting the adhesive wear rate:V¼kNx=pð9Þwhere V¼wear volume,k¼wear coefficient,N¼normal load,x¼sliding dis-tance,p¼yield stress or indentation hardness.Values of k for several unlubricated material combinations are shown in Table1(14).Others will be found in Ref.18and in Refs.(21–24).Adhesive wear is material separated or transferred during the shearing of asperity contacts.These wear particles,and other particulate surface contami-nants that are hard enough to damage the surface,cause abrasive wear.Abra-sive wear is the removal of material by ploughing,cutting,or scratching.Its rate generally obeys equation9and the wear coefficients tend to be higher than the adhesive coefficients(21).Corrosive wear is the wearing away of the products of galvanic or chemical corrosion of the surface.There is no simple equation that characterizes this type of wear.Current broader discussions of the friction and wear phenomena are found in Refs.13,25,and26.2.5.Viscosity.Viscosity,or resistance toflow is the most important property of a lubricating oil.It was defined by Newton(27)as the ratio of the6LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS Vol.15 shear stress,T,divided by the shear rate,dU/dh,in afluid duringflow. Newton’s law of viscosity is given in equation10(28).T¼F s=A s¼ ÁdU=dhð10ÞThefluid in contact with the surface of the moving plate has the same velo-city,U,as the plate.Thefluid in contact with the stationary plate has zero velo-city.There is,therefore,a shear stress,T,on thefluid equal to the force,F s, required to keep the plate moving divided by the area,A s,of the moving plate, and is proportional to the velocity gradient,dU/dh,of thefluid.The parameterF s is a frictional force and the coefficient,m,is the dynamic viscosity of thefluid(29).The unit of dynamic viscosity in the System International(SI)is pascal-second(PaÁs).The customary unit is centipoise(cP),which is PaÁsÂ10À3.Schoff and Kamarchik(30)describe methods of measuring the viscosity of a wide variety of materials.Standard methods for measuring the dynamic viscos-ity of lubricating oil can be found in Refs.31–34.Generally,however,it is easier to measure the kinematic viscosity,v,of a lubricating oil using a capillary viscometer.Kinematic viscosity is the dynamic viscosity divided by the density,d,of thefluid at the same temperature.v¼ =dð11ÞThe customary unit for kinematic viscosity is centistoke(cSt),which is equivalent to millimeters squared per second(mm2/s).The most common method for accurate measurement of kinematic viscosity over a wide temperature range is ASTM D445(35).Older literature may report kinematic viscosities of lubricat-ing oils in Saybolt Universal Seconds(SUS).ASTM D2161-04,has been retained for the purpose of calculating kinematic viscosity in centistokes from SUS or SFS data(36).Viscosity–Temperature Relationship.The MacCoull equation,also called the Walther equation,relates the kinematic viscosity,v,of a liquid to its temperature.log log Z¼AÀBðlog TÞð12ÞWhere Z¼(vþ0.7)for2.00cSt v2Â107cSt;A and B¼constants,and T¼absolute temperature,8K¼temperature,8Cþ273.2.It is applicable to homogeneous liquid lubricants with conventionally refined hydrocarbon base oils and is valid between the cloud point at low tem-perature and the initial boiling point($3408C)at higher temperatures.(The cloud point is the temperature at which a cloud of wax crystalsfirst appears when it is cooled under conditions prescribed in ASTM D2500.)This equation is the basis of the viscosity–temperature charts described in ASTM D341(37).Oils with ester,phosphate,silicone,and synthesized hydrocarbon base oils follow the MacCoull(Walther)relationship over the range ofÀ18to1758C to within5%.Many esters,synthesized hydrocarbons,and low pour point mineral oils exhibit low temperature(À40toÀ548C)viscosities substantially below MacCoull equation predictions(38).Vol.15LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS7 Viscosity Index.Another widely used and accepted measure of the varia-tion of viscosity with temperature is the viscosity index(VI).The higher the VI, the lower is the variation of viscosity with temperature.The VIs for oils having values<100are calculated byVI¼100½ðLÀUÞ=ðLÀHÞ ð13Þwhere U¼kinematic viscosity at408C of the oil whose viscosity index is to be calculated;L¼kinematic viscosity at408C of a‘‘0’’VI oil with the same viscosity at1008C as the unknown;H¼kinematic viscosity at408C of a‘‘100’’VI oil with the same viscosity at1008C as the unknown.Values of H and L for viscosities of2cSt and above are given in ASTM D 2270(39).Equation13gives confusing results for VI values>100.Viscosity indexes of 100or greater are calculated by the empirical formula(39):VI¼½ððantilog NÞÀ1Þ=0:00715þ100 ð14Þwhere Y N¼H/U and Y¼kinematic viscosity at1008C of the oil whose viscosity index is to be calculated.Viscosity index is sometimes used as a measure of the quality of lubricating oil,especially for selecting base stocks for automotive engine oils and automatic transmissionfluids.This is not always applicable,however.The role of viscosity index in base stock selection is described later.Several aromatic typefluids,polyphenyl ethers,aryl phosphate esters,and halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons have negative VIs.Effect of Pressure on Viscosity.The lubricantfilm pressure in the con-centrated contact areas of rolling element bearings,gears,cams,etc,can be as high as2000–3000MPa.The viscosity of thefilm at these pressures could be a million times higher than that of the lubricating oil at atmospheric pressure, as illustrated in Fig.1,or the lubricant may have solidified(38,40).The rate of viscosity increase with pressure of a liquid lubricant varies with its composition and chemical structure and with temperature and pressure.Traction drives,found in some industrial machinery and the toroidal drives in some continuously variable transmissions(CVTs)depend on this property of tractionfluids to transfer power.Generalized pressure–temperature–viscosity relationships from extensive data on petroleum and synthetic oils are described in Refs.(14,41,42).Newtonian Versus Non-Newtonian Behavior.If the viscosity of afluid subjected to shear is independent of the rate of shear or magnitude of the shear stress,it is a Newtonianfluid.Most industrial lubricating and hydraulic oils are Newtonianfluids.If the viscosity changes with shear stress or shear rate,thefluid is non-Newtonian.This behavior is typical of multigrade engine oils and other oils con-taining polymeric viscosity improvers.The rate of decline in viscosity in a non-Newtonian lubricating oil is initially slow,then reaches a maximum,andfinally slows again.At very high shear rates, the viscosity tends to level out and approach that of the base oil.8LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS Vol.15 Grease also behaves in a non-Newtonian manner.At low shear rate,it acts like a high viscosity semisolid and‘‘stays in place’’.In a bearing,under high shear rate,it acts more like its base oil and supports fullfluid lubricatingfilms.2.6.Lubrication Regimes.In the fullfluidfilm regimes,the moving, load-bearing surfaces are completely separated.There is no contact between them.Resistance to motion arises solely from the internal friction of thefluid, a function of its viscosity.Adhesive wear is absent.Wear may occur from surface fatigue or from contamination of thefluid with corrosive or abrasive substances.The coefficient of friction in a liquid lubricated system is dependent on, among other things,the lubricant viscosity,the relative speed of the surfaces, and the load on the surfaces.In a journal bearing,eg,the lubricantfilm thick-ness and the coefficient of friction are functions of the dimensionless Sommerfeld bearing characteristic number S.S¼ðR2=C2ÞZN=Pð15Þwhere P is the average pressure on the bearing surface,W/2RL;Z is the dynamic viscosity, ,of thefluid;and N¼is the rotational speed of the journal,U/2p R.The relationship between the kinetic coefficient of friction and the dimen-sionless quantity,ZN/P,is illustrated in Fig.2(10).This is known as a Stribeck curve.At values of ZN/P greater than$30,lubrication is in the fullfluidfilm regime.Friction increases with increasing ZN/P because of increasing resis-tance toflow.As ZN/P is reduced,by reductions in the speed or viscosity,or by increases in load,the coefficient will reach a minimum value.Further reduc-tion in ZN/P leads to partial breakdown in thefluidfilm and lubrication is in the mixed-film regime.Friction increases as ZN/P decreases in this regime,as more and more of the load is carried by asperity contact and less byfluid-film pressure. Finally,a point is reached,as ZN/P gets smaller,where there is nofluid pres-sure,the rate of increase in the coefficient of friction starts to level out,and lubri-cation is in the thin-film boundary regime(43).Ideally,a bearing is designed to operate where the coefficient of friction is at its minimum.Hydrodynamic Lubrication Regime.Rohde(44)and Dowson(45)remind us that the basic mechanism offluid-film lubrication was explained by Reynolds (46)in1886,based on the earlier work of Petrov(47),and Tower(48).The fundamental requirements of lubrication in the hydrodynamic regime are the formation of a wedge-shapedfilm;and generation of pressure in thefilm, sufficient to keep the surfaces apart,by the motion of the surfaces themselves.The pressure distribution in the lubricatingfilm of the sliding bearing illu-strated in Fig.3(29),moving with velocity U relative to a slanted stationary pad in afluid with viscosity ,and assuming noflow out of the sides of the bearing, is(49)p¼6 UxðhÀh2Þ=h2ðh1þh2Þð16ÞVol.15LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS9 The total force P that the bearing will support per unit width isp¼½6 UB2=ðh1Àh2Þ2 ½lnððh1=h2Þ À2½ðh1Àh2Þ=ðh1þh2Þ ð17Þand the frictional force F required to move the slider at speed U isF¼½2 UB=ðh1Àh2Þ ½2lnðh1=h2ÞÀ3ðh1Àh2Þ=ðh1þh2Þ ð18ÞThe analysis of hydrodynamicfluidfilms assumes laminarflow in thefilm,ie,a Reynolds number,R e,<1000.R e¼U p h= ¼Uh= ð19Þwhere U¼velocity,r¼density,h¼averagefilm thickness,m¼dynamic visco-sity,n¼kinematic viscosity.Transition from laminarflow to turbulentflow starts when the Re is$1000 and theflow is completely turbulent at a Re of1600(50).In a journal bearing,the wedge is formed because the diameter of the jour-nal is smaller than that of the bearing.As the journal starts to rotate,its center-line moves away from that of the bearing.The rotating journal drags,or pumps the lubricant through the wedge,against the resistance toflow,and increases the pressure in thefluid until the journal is lifted off the bearing surface.The load carrying capacity W of a journal bearing is(51)W¼ð UR2L=C2Þ12 "=ð2þ"2Þð1À"2Þ1=2ð20Þwhere m¼lubricant viscosity,U¼journal peripheral speed,R¼journal radius, C¼clearance¼bearing radiusÀjournal radius,L¼axial length of the bearing, e¼eccentricity¼center offset distance e/clearance C.Bearings designed for hydrodynamic lubrication include journal and thrust bearings in steam and gas turbines,and main and rod bearings for automotive engine crankshafts.Elastohydrodynamic(EHD)Lubrication Regime.The shapes of sliding surface bearings designed for hydrodynamic lubrication have a high degree of conformity,a relatively large contact area,and low unit loading,such that the effect of pressure on viscosity can be neglected.In contrast,the surfaces in a roll-ing element bearing and on gear teeth are nonconforming.Surface contact is con-centrated at a point in ball bearings or along a line in roller bearings and gears. Contact pressure,therefore,is high enough to cause elastic deformation of the contacting surfaces,forming a small area of contact.The viscosity of liquid lubri-cants entering the contact area increases exponentially and may solidify.Since the viscosity of the lubricant is affected by the elastic deformation of the surfaces, as well as otherfluid properties,this lubrication regime is called elastohydrody-namic or EHD.The hydrodynamic pressure developed in the lubricant is sufficient to sepa-rate the surfaces at the leading edge of the contact area.As the lubricant is10LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS Vol.15 drawn into the contact,its pressure and viscosity increase further,keeping the surfaces apart.During contact,thefluid acts like an elastic solid,so that it cannot escape the contact except in the direction of rolling(52).As the lubricant comes out of the contact area,there is a sharp pressure spike,followed by a sudden pressure drop so extreme that it causes a bulge in the rolling surfaces.The minimumfilm thickness is at the location of this bulge.The pressure spike and suddenfilm restriction directly affect the rolling element fatigue life(53).The Dowson-Higginson equation for minimumfilm thickness(54,55)ish min=R¼1:6ð E0Þ0:6ð U=E0RÞ0:7ðP=E0ÞÀ0:13ð21Þwhere R is the effective radius of the contacting surfaces,a is the viscosity–pressure coefficient,E0is the effective Young’s modulus of the contacting surfaces,m is the dynamic viscosity at the inlet temperature and atmospheric pressure, U is the effective velocity,and P is the Hertz pressure at the line contact.Similar equations forfilm thickness in point contact are given by Dowson (2)and by Khonsari and Hua(53).The life of rolling element bearings is related to afilm thickness parameter,l.¼h= ð22Þwhere h is the calculated EHDfilm thickness,and s is the composite surface roughness.In the absence of chemically active additives in the lubricating oil,damage to the bearing surface occurs,and reduces the life of the bearing,if thefilm thick-ness becomes less than the height of the surface asperities(l1).The life of the bearing increases significantly at values of l>1.5(56).Hydrostatic Lubrication.In hydrostatic lubrication,fluid is pumped under pressure to the load-carrying bearing.Almost anyfluid may be used, including gases(nitrogen,helium,air),water,and liquid metals.The principle applications of hydrostatic lubrication are gas bearings,mov-ing large masses on relatively small bearing areas and for startup of heavily loaded hydrodynamic bearings.Squeeze Films.Viscous lubricantfilms do not immediately collapse when sliding stops.During the time it takes for thesefilms to be squeezed out of the contact area,they can support peak loads higher than those supported in steady-state operation.This time delay also provides damping for shock loads and shaft vibration.These squeezefilms are important in rod bearings of reciprocating automotive engines,damping in turbomachinery and in the lubri-cation of skeletal joints(hips etc).Ludema(55)estimates the time delay for a vis-cousfluid squeezed out of an elliptical contact area as1=h2¼1=h20þf½2Wða2þb2Þt =3 a3b3 gð23Þ。
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3. 英文的参考文献在上,中文的参考文献在下。
4. 中英文的条目均用字母升序排列,不用多余地以方括号括住的阿拉伯数字排列(因为不是给国期刊投稿)。
5. 结合本规则里的第一至第三部分,一一读懂本规则里的第四部分的实例,将大有裨益。
6. 第四部分里的实例不能涵盖全部的情况,所以碰到本规则外的未尽情况时,要多查阅权威参考书。
二、条目的制作1.1.1 姓在前,名在后,中间加逗号。
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3.3 上述名称如有副标题,则副标题后的首字母需要大写(即冒号后的首字母要大写)。
3.4 文章不斜体,也不加引号。
4. 所在的城市4.1 凡是书籍的条目,一定要给出所在的城市名。
Founder principle
MarquesasMarianas IslandsPelew Palau Islands
Renell Ialands
D'Entrecasteaux Islands
2 岛屿生物地理学理论
True oceanic islands
其二是个体总数和物种数目之间的关系非常接近对数正态分布Distribution of species abundance
A Survey of Computational Meth in Protein—Protein Interaction Research
Li Zhoujunl~,Chen Yimin91~,Liu Junwanl一,and Chen Huowan91 ’(College of Computer。National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073) 2(School of Information Science and Technology.Hunan Agricultural University,Changer Science&Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100083) 4(School of Computer Science,South Center University of Forest Science and Technology,Changsha 410004)
计算机研究与发展 Journal of Computer Research and Development
ISSN 1000—1239/CN 11—1777/TP 45(12):2129—2137,2008
圆 李舟军h3 陈义明1’ 刘军万h4
1(国防科学技术大学计算机学院长沙410073) 2(湖南农业大学信息科学技术学院 长沙410128) 3(北京航空航天大学计算机学院北京 100083) ·(中南林业科技大学计算机科学学院长沙410004)
1 PPI网络的构建
1.1 PPI的计算预测 作为实验手段的重要补充,用计算方法预测蛋
05 Allosterie
Allostery: Key Point
Binding of a ligand at a site different from the active site modulates the activity. This behavior extends well beyond the normal use of the word “allostery” which is often used to discuss cooperative interactions. The molecular basis for allostery provides insight into many regulatory mechanisms. That which has been learned by studying allosterically regulated enzymes/proteins has profoundly influenced our understanding of cooperativity and enzyme regulation in general.
N=1 N=4 0.5
[ substrat ]
Allosteric regulation of enzyme activity Vmax [S]N The empirical Hill equation
Hill plot
v*K0.5N + v*[s]N = Vmax *[s]N v*K0.5N = Vmax *[s]N - v*[s]N v*K0.5N = [s]N * (Vmax – v) v /(Vmax – v) = [s]N K0.5N
C. Peters et al. (Eds.): CLEF 2005, LNCS 4022, pp. 792 – 799, 2006.© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006Dublin City University at CLEF 2005: Cross-LanguageSpeech Retrieval (CL-SR) ExperimentsAdenike M. Lam-Adesina and Gareth J.F. JonesSchool of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland {adenike, gjones}@computing.dcu.ieAbstract. The Dublin City University participation in the CLEF 2005 CL-SRtask concentrated on exploring the application of our existing informationretrieval methods based on the Okapi model to the conversational speech dataset. This required an approach to determining approximate sentence boundarieswithin the free-flowing automatic transcription provided to enable us to use oursummary-based pseudo relevance feedback (PRF). We also performedexploratory experiments on the use of the metadata provided with the documenttranscriptions for indexing and relevance feedback. Topics were translated intoEnglish using Systran V3.0 machine translation. In most cases Title field onlytopic statements performed better than combined Title and Description topics.PRF using our adapted method is shown to be affective, and absoluteperformance is improved by combining the automatic document transcriptionswith additional metadata fields.1 IntroductionThe Dublin City University participation in the CLEF 2005 CL-SR task [1] concentrated on exploring the application of our existing information retrieval methods based on the Okapi model to this data set, and exploratory experiments on the use of the provided document metadata. Our official submissions included both the English monolingual and French bilingual runs. This paper reports additional results for German and Spanish bilingual runs. Topics were translated into English using the Systran V3.0 machine translation system. The resulting English topics were applied to the English document collection.Our standard Okapi retrieval system incorporates a summary-based pseudo relevance feedback (PRF) stage. This PRF system operates by selecting topic expansion terms from document summaries, full details are described in [2]. However, since the transcriptions of the conversational speech documents generated using automatic speech recognition (ASR) do not contain punctuation, we needed to develop a method of selecting significant document segments to identify documents “summaries”. Details of our method for doing this are described in Section 2.1.The spoken document transcriptions are provided with a rich set of metadata, further details are available in [1]. It is not immediately clear how best to exploit this most effectively in retrieval. This paper reports our initial exploratory experiments in making use of this additional information by merging it with the standard document transcriptions for indexing and relevance feedback.Dublin City University at CLEF 2005: CL-SR Experiments 793The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 overviews ourretrieval system and describes our sentence boundary creation technique, Section 3presents the results of our experimental investigations, and Section 4 concludes thepaper with a discussion of our results.2 System SetupThe basis of our experimental system is the City University research distributionversion of the Okapi system [3]. The documents and search topics are processed toremove stopwords from a standard list of about 260 words, suffix stripped using theOkapi implementation of Porter stemming [4] and terms are indexed using a smallstandard set of synonyms. None of these procedures were adapted for the CLEF 2005CL-SR test collection. The documents fields to be indexed for a particular set ofexperiments were merged into a single document field prior to indexing.2.1 Term WeightingDocument terms were weighted using the Okapi BM25 weighting scheme developedin [3] calculated as follows,),()))(()1((*1)11(),()(),(j i tf j ndl b b K K j i tf i cfw j i cw +×+−+××=. where cw(i,j) represents the weight of term i in document j , cfw(i) is the standardcollection frequency weight, tf(i,j) is the document term frequency, and ndl(j) is thenormalized document length. ndl(j) is calculated as ndl(j) = dl(j)/avdl where dl(j) isthe length of j and avdl is the average document length for all documents. k1 and bare empirically selected tuning constants for a particular collection. k1 is designed tomodify the degree of effect of tf(i,j), while constant b modifies the effect of documentlength. High values of b imply that documents are long because they are verbose,while low values imply that they are long because they are multi-topic. The valuesused for our submitted runs were tuned using the provided training topics.2.2 Pseudo-relevance FeedbackWe apply PRF for query expansion using a variation of the summary-based methoddescribed in [2] which has been shown to be effective in our previous submissions toCLEF, including [5] and elsewhere. The main challenge for query expansion is theselection of appropriate terms from the assumed relevant documents. For the CL-SRtask our query expansion method operates as follows. A summary is made of the ASRtranscription of each of the top ranked documents, which are assumed to be relevantfor each PRF. Each document summary is then expanded to include all terms in themetadata fields used in this document index. All non-stopwords in these augmentedsummaries are ranked using a slightly modified version of the Robertson selectionvalue (rsv) [3] shown in equation (1).)()()(i rw i r i rsv ×=. (1)794 A.M. Lam-Adesina and G.J.F. Joneswhere r(i) = the total number of relevant documents containing term i , and rw(i) is thestandard Robertson/Sparck Jones relevance weight [3], )5.0)()(5.0)()(()5.0)()()(5.0)((log )(+−+−++−−+=i r R i r i n i r R i n N i r i rw where r(i) = is defined as before, n(i) = the total number of documents containingterm i , R = the total number of relevant documents for this query, and N = the totalnumber of documentsThe top ranked terms are then added to the topic. In our modified version of rsv(i),potential expansion terms are selected from the augmented summaries of the topranked documents, but ranked using statistics from a larger number of assumedrelevant ranked documents from the initial run.2.2.1 Sentence SelectionOur standard process for summary generation is to select representative sentencesfrom the document [6]. Since the transcriptions in the CL-SR document set do notcontain punctuation marking, we needed an alternative approach to identifyingsignificant units in the transcription. We approached this using a method derived fromLuhn’s word cluster hypothesis. Luhn’s hypothesis states that significant wordsseparated by not more than 5 non-significant words are likely to be strongly related.Clusters of these strongly related word were identified in the running documenttranscription by searching for word groups separated by not more than 5 insignificantwords, as shown in Figure 1. Note that words appearing between clusters are notincluded in clusters, but can be ignored for the purposes of query expansion since theyare by definition stop words. … this chapter gives a brief description of the [data sets used in evaluating theautomatic relevance feedback procedure investigated in this thesis ] and alsodiscusses the extension of …Fig. 1. Example of Sentence creationThe clusters were then awarded a significance score based on two measures.Luhn’s Keyword Cluster Method. Luhn‘s method assigns a sentence score for thehighest scoring cluster within a sentence. We adapted this method to assign a clusterscore as follows:TWSW SS 21=.where SS1 = the sentence scoreSW = the number of bracketed significant wordsTW = the total number of bracketed wordsFor the example in Fig. 1, SW =6 and TW =14. Query-Bias Method. This method assigns a score to each sentence based on thenumber of query terms in the sentence as follows:Dublin City University at CLEF 2005: CL-SR Experiments 795 NQTQ SS 22= .where SS2 = the sentence scoreTQ = the number of query terms present in the sentenceNQ = the number of terms in a query The overall score for each sentence (cluster) was then formed by summing thesetwo measures for each sentence.3 Experimental InvestigationThis section describes the establishment of the parameters for our experimentalsystem and then gives results from our investigations.3.1 Selection of System ParametersIn order to set the appropriate parameters for our feedback runs, we carried outdevelopment runs using the CLEF 2005 CL-SR training topics. The Okapi parameterswere set as follows k1=1.4 b =0.8. For all our PRF runs, 5 documents were assumedrelevant for term selection and document summaries comprised the best scoring 4clusters. The rsv values to rank the potential expansion terms were estimated based onthe top 20 or 40 ranked assumed relevant documents. The top 20 ranked expansionterms taken from the clusters were added to the original query in each case. Based onresults from our previous experiments in CLEF, the original topic terms are up-weighted by a factor of 3.5 relative to terms introduced by PRF. For our submittedruns we used either the Title section (dcu*tit) or the Title and Description (dcu*desc)section of each topic. Our official submitted runs are marked + the tables of results.Baseline monolingual results using English topics without query expansion are givenfor comparison for each experimental condition.For our experiments the document fields were combined as follows:dcua2 – combination of ASRTEXT2004A and AUTOKEYWORDA1dcua1a2 – combination of ASRTEXT2004A, AUTOKEYWORDA1 andAUTOKEYWORDA2dcusum – combination of ASRTEXT2004A, AUTOKEYWORDA1 andAUTOKEYWORDA2 and the SUMMARYdcuall – combination of ASRTEXT2004A, SUMMARY, NAME andMANUALKEYWORD3.2 Experimental ResultsTables 1-4 show results of our experiments using these different data combinationsfor the 25 test topics released for the CLEF 2005 CL-SR task. Results shown areMean Average Precision (MAP), total relevant documents retrieved (Rr), andprecision at cutoffs of 10 and 30 documents. Topic languages used are English,French, German and Spanish. Topics were translated into English using the SystranV3.0 machine translation system. The upper set of results in each table shows796 A.M. Lam-Adesina and G.J.F. JonesTable 1. Results using a combination of ASRTEXT2004A and AUTOKEYWORDA1, with theTitle or Title and Description topic fields. Expansion terms ranked for selection using statisticsof 40 top ranked documents.MAP Rr P10 P30 Run-id TopicLang.dcua2desc40f Baseline 0.050 536 0.148 0.103English 0.065+ 738 0.176 0.1400.1390.2080.076744French0.1160.0996110.041German0.1090.1520.055Spanish727dcua2tit40f Baseline 0.070 384 0.228 0.1430.1510.2520.080622English0.2520.1550.081708French0.1840.1206470.056German6020.1290.1920.068Spanishcombined Title and Description topic queries and the lower set Title only topicqueries.Results in Table 1 show results for combination of ASRTEXT2004A with AUTOKEYWORDA1. It can be seen that the PRF method improves results for theEnglish topics in each case. Also that the results using Title only topics are better thanthose using the combined Title and Description topics with respect to MAP. Thisresult is perhaps a little surprising since the latter are generally found to be performbetter and we are investigating the reasons for the results observed here. However, thenumber of relevant documents retrieved is generally higher when using the combinedtopics which is to be expected since the topics will contain more terms which canmatch with potentially relevant documents. Cross-language information retrieval(CLIR) results using French topics are shown to perform better than monolingualTable 2. Results using a combination of ASRTEXT2004A, AUTOKEYWORDA1 and AUTOKEYWORDA2, with the Title or Title and Description topic fields. Expansion termsranked for selection using statistics of 40 top ranked documents.Run-id TopicMAP Rr P10 P30Lang.dcua1a2desc40f Baseline 0.046 500 0.188 0.105English 0.067 784 0.184 0.148 French0.1710.2167730.094German 0.046 611 0.096 0.0920.1647650.128Spanish0.064dcua1a2tit40f Baseline 0.0800 472 0.228 0.1600.110+ 727 0.252 0.196English0.106+ 768 0.260 0.191FrenchGerman 0.074 691 0.172 0.1490.2200.1560.091Spanish679Dublin City University at CLEF 2005:CL-SR Experiments 797English for both MAP and relevant retrieved. This is again unusual, but not unprecedented in CLIR. Results for translated German and Spanish topics show areduction compared to the monolingual results.Table 2 shows results for the same set of experiments as those in Table 1 with theaddition of the AUTOKEYWORDA2 metadata to the documents. Results heregenerally show similar trends to those in Table 1 with small absolute increases in performance in most cases. In this case the performance advantage of French topicsover English topics with PRF has largely disappeared for the Title only topics,however, performance for French topics is still much better than for English topics forthe combined Title and Description topics.Table 3. Results using a combination of ASRTEXT2004A, AUTOKEYWORDA1 and AUTOKEYWORDA2 and the SUMMARY section of each document, with the Title or Titleand Description topic fields. Expansion terms ranked for selection using statistics of 40 topranked documents.MAP Rr P10 P30Run-id TopicLang.dcusumdesc40f Baseline 0.105 598 0.224 0.171English 0.147 889 0.272 0.2170.2608560.2160.154French0.1640.1376960.108German0.1688600.152 Spanish0.107dcusumtit40f Baseline 0.141 618 0.284 0.2160.2430.2920.167770English0.165+ 837 0.308 0.251French0.160 German0.2207380.1107360.1300.2840.154SpanishTable 3 shows results for a further set of experiments with the SUMMARY fieldadded to the document descriptions. All results here show large increases compared tothose in Table 2, indicating that the contents of the SUMMARY field are useful descriptions of the documents. The SUMMARY of each document is manuallygenerated and presumably includes important terms which may be good descriptionsof the topic of the document and possibly words actually appearing in the document,but incorrectly transcribed by the speech recognition system. The relative performance of monolingual and cross-language topics is the same as that observed inTable 2.Table 4 shows a final set of experiments combining the ASRTEXT2004A, SUMMARY, NAME and MANUALKEYWORD fields. These results show large improvements over the results shown in previous tables. Performance for Title onlyand Title and Description combined topics is now similar with neither clearlyshowing an advantage. Monolingual English performance is now clearly better thanresults for translated French topics for both topic types, while our PRF method is stillshown to be effective. The manually assigned keywords are shown to be particularlyuseful additional search fields.798 A.M. Lam-Adesina and G.J.F. JonesTable 4. Results using a combination of ASRTEXT2004A, SUMMARY, NAME and MANUALKEYWORD section of each document, with the Title or Title and Description topicfields. Expansion terms ranked for selection using statistics of 40 top ranked documents.Run-id TopicMAP Rr P10 P30Lang.dcualldesc40f Baseline 0.221 1031 0.368 0.271English 0.283 1257 0.432 0.3370.4240.30311220.257French0.32810010.2720.229German0.2970.38011600.247Spanishdcualltit40f Baseline 0.242 736 0.412 0.3110.4880.3770.3071009English0.4960.36011360.276French0.2760.360German9620.2050.3600.2680.232Spanish9084 Conclusions and Further WorkOur initial experiments with the CLEF 2005 CL-SR task illustrate that PRF can be successfully applied to this data set, and that the different fields of the document setmake varying levels of positive contribution to information retrieval effectiveness. Ingeneral in can be seen that manual assigned fields are more useful than the automatically generated ones.These experiments only represent a small subset of those that are possible with thisdataset. In order to better understand the usefulness of document fields and retrievalmethods more detailed analysis of these existing results and further experiments are planned. The okapi retrieval model generally produces competitive retrieval results. However, in this case the results achieved are significantly lower than those observedusing a parameter setting of the SMART retrieval system [7]. It is important to understand why the standard okapi weighting does not appear to work well with theCLEF 2005 CL-SR test collection, and we will be pursuing this issue as part of ourfurther work.References1.White, R. W., Oard, D. W., Jones, G. J. F., Soergel, D., and Huang, X.: Overview of theCLEF-2005 Cross-Language Speech Retrieval Track,Proceedings of the CLEF 2005:Workshop on Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Evaluation,Vienna, Austria, 2005.m-Adesina, A. M., and Jones, G. J. F.: Applying Summarization Techniques for TermSelection in Relevance Feedback, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual InternationalACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pages 1-9,New Orleans, 2001. ACM.3.Robertson, S. E., Walker, S., Jones, S., Hancock-Beaulieu, M. M. ,and Gatford, M.: Okapiat TREC-3, Proceedings of the Third Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-3), pages 109-126.NIST, 1995.Dublin City University at CLEF 2005:CL-SR Experiments 7994.Porter, M. F.: An Algorithm for Suffix Stripping, Program, 14:10-137, 1980.5.Luhn. H.P.: The Automatic Creation of Literature Abstracts. IBM Journal of Research andDevelopment, 2(2):159-165, 1958.6.Jones, G. J. F., Burke, M., Judge, J., Khasin, A., Lam-Adesina, A. M., and Wagner, J.:Dublin City University at CLEF 2004: Experiments in Monolingual, Bilingual and Multilingual Retrieval, Proceedings of the CLEF 2004: Workshop on Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Evaluation, Bath, U.K., pages 207-220, 2004.7.Tombros, A., and Sanderson, M.: The Advantages of Query-Biased Summaries inInformation Retrieval. In proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pages 2-10, Melbourne, 1998. ACM.8.Inkpen, D., Alzghool, M., and Islam, A. : University of Ottawa’s Contribution to CLEF2005, the CL-SR Track Proceedings of the CLEF 2005: Workshop on Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Evaluation, Vienna, Austria, 2005.。
Analysis of compliance between the cutting tool and the workpiece on
E-mail addresses: vela@ciateq.mx (L. Vela-Martı´ nez), ´ uregui-Correa), eduardo.ruateq.mx (J.C. Ja (E. Rubio-Cerda), gherrera@uaq.mx (G. Herrera-Ruiz), ´ n). concyteq@.mx (A. Lozano-Guzma 0890-6955/$ - see front matter r 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2007.10.016
´nez et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48 (2008) 1054–1062 L. Vela-Martı 1055
Nomenclature € 1 ðtÞ, x _ 1 ðtÞ, x1 ðtÞ acceleration, velocity and displacex ment of the cutting tool in the present time € 2 ðtÞ, x _ 2 ðtÞ, x2 ðtÞ acceleration, velocity and displacex ment of the workpiece in the current time z1, on1, m1 damping ratio; natural frequency (Hz), and modal mass (kg) of the cutting tool z2, on2, m2 damping ratio; natural frequency (Hz), and modal mass (kg) of the workpiece Fx(t) force in feed direction (N) Kc, Kf cutting coefficients (N/m2) b depth of cut (m) f0 nominal feed (rpm) x1 (tÀt), x2 (tÀt) displacement of the cutting tool and the workpiece in the previous time f(t) dynamic feed in terms of relative motion Fc(t), Ff(t) cutting and feed forces (N) t time delay (s) [I] unit matrix [C] damping coefficients matrix [K] stiffness coefficients matrix {f(t)} dynamic feed vector ff^g static feed vector {F(t)} dynamic force vector € ðtÞg, fx _ ðtÞg, fxðtÞg acceleration, velocity and displacefx ment vectors ^ b specific depth of cut [A] coupling matrix {x(t)}, {xt(t)} displacement vector in present time and time delay, respectively
数, q表示产品 的消费量, !是时间贴现率 ( 0< !<
1), 并且产品间的不变替代弹性 ∀= 1 / ( 1- !) > 1。
总体价格水平 P被定义为各产品价格的集合:
p ( ) 1- ∀d 1 /( 1- ∀ )
( 2)
西南民族大学学报 ( 人文社科版 ) 2009 / 12总第 220期
本刊网址: www xuebao net 79
3. 开放经济中的企业行为和均衡
由于封闭经济中的市 场规模一定, 均衡 条件
表明, 一旦加权企业平均 生产率确定, 企业数量、
价格水平和人均财富都被确定, 因此行业 总生产
率只能通过其他途径得以提高, 尤其依靠 企业技
条件则变为 ∃( #* ) = ∃d ( #* ) + n∃x ( #* ) = 0。 值得注意的是, 企业进入国际业务面临 的成
本大于进入国内市场成本总是普遍存在的, 所以
假设 ∋∀ - 1 fx > f 具有合 理性 ( 间 接反应 在 #x* > #* ) , 事实上, 也只有在这种情况 下, 才表现 出一
1- G ( #* &
) #∃- f e
( 7)
pin表示企业成功进入行业的概率, 上式可以
看出, 如果企业进入后的净价值小于 0, 则没有企
业愿意进入, 只有新进入企业的净价值大于等于 0
时, 企业才愿意进入行业, 这就构成了企业自由进 入 ( Free Entry)行业的约束条件。
( 2) 封闭经济下的均衡
∃d ( #) =
rd ( #) ∀
2005-A global Malmquist productivity index
A global Malmquist productivity indexJesu ´s T.Pastor a ,C.A.Knox Lovell b ,TaCentro de Investigacio ´n Operativa,Universidad Miguel Herna ´ndez,03206Elche (Alicante),SpainbDepartment of Economics,University of Georgia,Athens,GA 30602,USA Received 2June 2004;received in revised form 24January 2005;accepted 16February 2005Available online 23May 2005AbstractThe geometric mean Malmquist productivity index is not circular,and its adjacent period components can provide different measures of productivity change.We propose a global Malmquist productivity index that is circular,and that gives a single measure of productivity change.D 2005Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Malmquist productivity index;Circularity JEL classification:C43;D24;O471.IntroductionThe geometric mean form of the contemporaneous Malmquist productivity index,introduced by Caves et al.(1982),is not circular.Whether this is a serious problem depends on the powers of persuasion of Fisher (1922),who dismissed the test,and Frisch (1936),who endorsed it.The index averages two possibly disparate measures of productivity change.Fa ¨re and Grosskopf (1996)state sufficient conditions on the adjacent period technologies for the index to satisfy circularity,and to average the same measures of productivity change.When linear programming techniques are used to compute and decompose the index,infeasibility can occur.Whether this is a serious problem depends on0165-1765/$-see front matter D 2005Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2005.02.013T Corresponding author.Tel.:+17065423689;fax:+17065423376.E-mail address:knox@ (C.A.K.Lovell).Economics Letters 88(2005)266–271/locate/econbasethe structure of the data.Xue and Harker(2002)provide necessary and sufficient conditions on the datafor LP infeasibility not to occur.We demonstrate that the source of all three problems is the specification of adjacent periodtechnologies in the construction of the index.We show that it is possible to specify a base periodtechnology in a way that solves all three problems,without having to impose restrictive conditions oneither the technologies or the data.Berg et al.(1992)proposed an index that compares adjacent period data using technology from a baseperiod.This index satisfies circularity and generates a single measure of productivity change,but it paysfor circularity with base period dependence,and it remains susceptible to LP infeasibility.Shestalova(2003)proposed an index having as its base a sequential technology formed from data ofall producers in all periods up to and including the two periods being compared.This index is immune toLP infeasibility,and it generates a single measure of productivity change,but it fails circularity and itprecludes technical regress.Thus no currently available Malmquist productivity index solves all three problems.We propose anew global index with technology formed from data of all producers in all periods.This index satisfiescircularity,it generates a single measure of productivity change,it allows technical regress,and it isimmune to LP infeasibility.In Section2we introduce and decompose the circular global index.Its efficiency change componentis the same as that of the contemporaneous index,but its technical change component is new.In Section3we relate it to the contemporaneous index.In Section4we provide an empirical illustration.Section5concludes.2.The global Malmquist productivity indexConsider a panel of i=1,...,I producers and t=1,...,T time periods.Producers use inputs x a R N+toproduce outputs y a R P+.We define two technologies.A contemporaneous benchmark technology isdefined as T c t={(x t,y t)|x t can produce y t}with k T c t=T c t,t=1,...,T,k N0.A global benchmarktechnology is defined as T c G=conv{T c1v...v T c T}.The subscript b c Q indicates that both benchmark technologies satisfy constant returns to scale.A contemporaneous Malmquist productivity index is defined on T c s asM scx t;y t;x tþ1;y tþ1ÀÁ¼D scx tþ1;y tþ1ðÞD scx t;y tðÞ;ð1Þwhere the output distance functions D c s(x,y)=min{/N0|(x,y//)a T c s},s=t,t+1.Since M c t(x t,y t,x t+1, y t+1)p M c t+1(x t,y t,x t+1,y t+1)without restrictions on the two technologies,the contemporaneous index is typically defined in geometric mean form as M c(x t,y t,x t+1,y t+1)=[M c t(x t,y t,x t+1,y t+1)ÂM c t+1(x t,y t,x t+1, y t+1)]1/2.A global Malmquist productivity index is defined on T c G asM Gcx t;y t;x tþ1;y tþ1ÀÁ¼D Gcx tþ1;y tþ1ðÞD Gcx t;y tðÞ;ð2Þwhere the output distance functions D c G(x,y)=min{/N0|(x,y//)a T c G}.J.T.Pastor,C.A.K.Lovell/Economics Letters88(2005)266–271267Both indexes compare (x t +1,y t +1)to (x t ,y t ),but they use different benchmarks.Since there is only one global benchmark technology,there is no need to resort to the geometric mean convention when defining the global index.M cGdecomposes as M G c x t ;y t ;x t þ1;f y t þ1ÀÁ¼D t þ1c x t þ1;y t þ1ðÞD t c x t ;y t ðÞÂD G c x t þ1;y t þ1ðÞD t þ1c x t þ1;y t þ1ðÞÂD t cx t ;y t ðÞD Gc x t ;y t ðÞ&'¼TE t þ1c x t þ1;y t þ1ðÞTE t c x t ;y t ðÞÂD G c Àx t þ1;y t þ1=D t þ1c x t þ1;y t þ1ðÞÁD G c x t ;y t =D t cx t ;y t ðÞÀÁ()¼EC c ÂBPG G ;t þ1cx t þ1;y t þ1ðÞBPG cx t ;y tðÞ()¼EC c ÂBPC c ;ð3Þwhere EC c is the usual efficiency change indicator and BPG c G,s V 1is a best practice gap between T c Gand T c s measured along rays (x s ,y s),s =t ,t +1.BPC c is the change in BPG c ,and provides a new measure of technical change.BPC c f 1indicates whether the benchmark technology in period t +1in the region[(x t +1,y t +1/D ct +1(x t +1,y t +1))]is closer to or farther away from the global benchmark technology than is the benchmark technology in period t in the region [(x t ,y t /D ct (x t ,y t ))].M c G has four virtues.First,like any fixed base index,M cGis circular,and since EC c is circular,so is BPC c .Second,each provides a single measure,with no need to take the geometric mean of disparate adjacent period measures.Third,but not shown here,the decomposition in (3)can be extended to generate a three-way decomposition that is structurally identical to the Ray and Desli (1997)decomposition of the contemporaneous index.M cGand M c share a common efficiency change component,but they have different technical change and scale components,and so M c Gp M c without restrictions on the technologies.Finally,the technical change and scale components of M c Gare immune to the LP infeasibility problem that plagues these components of M c .paring the global and contemporaneous indexes The ratioM G c =M c¼M G c =M t þ1cÀÁÂM G c =M t cÀÁÂÃ1=2¼D G cx t þ1;y t þ1=D t þ1c x t þ1;y t þ1ðÞÀÁD G c x t ;y t =D t þ1c x t ;y t ðÞÀÁ"#ÂD G c x t þ1;y t þ1=D t c x t þ1;y t þ1ðÞÀÁD G c x t ;y t =D t c x t ;y t ðÞÀÁ"#()1=2¼BPG G ;t þ1cx t þ1;y t þ1ðÞBPG G ;t þ1cx t ;y tðÞ"#ÂBPG G ;t c xt þ1;y t þ1ðÞBPG G ;t c x t ;y tðÞ"#()1=2ð4Þis the geometric mean of two terms,each being a ratio of benchmark technology gaps along differentrays.M c G /M c f 1as projections onto T c t and T c t +1of period t +1data are closer to,equidistant from,orfarther away from T c G than projections onto T c t and T ct +1of period t data are.J.T.Pastor,C.A.K.Lovell /Economics Letters 88(2005)266–271268J.T.Pastor,C.A.K.Lovell/Economics Letters88(2005)266–271269 Table1Electricity generation data,annual means1977198219871992 Output(000MW h)13,70013,86016,18017,270 Labor(#FTE)1373179719952021 Fuel(billion BTU)1288144116671824 Capital(To¨rnqvist)44,756211,622371,041396,386 M c G=M c if BPG c G,s(x t+1,y t+1)=BPG c G,s(x t,y t),s=t,t+1.From the first equality in(4),this condition is equivalent to the condition M c G=M c s,s=t,t+1.If this condition holds for all s,it is equivalent to the condition M c t=M c1for all t.Althin(2001)has shown that a sufficient condition for base period independence is that technical change be Hicks output-neutral(HON).Hence HON is also sufficient for M c G=M c.4.An empirical illustrationWe summarize an application intended to illustrate the behavior of M c G,and to compare its performance with that of M c.We analyze a panel of93US electricity generating firms in four years (1977,1982,1997,1992).The firms use labor(FTE employees),fuel(BTUs of energy)and capital(a multilateral To¨rnqvist index)to generate electricity(net generation in MW h).The data are summarized in Table1.Electricity generation increased by proportionately less than each input did.The main cause of the rapid increase in the capital input was the enactment of environmental regulations mandating the installation of pollution abatement equipment.We are unable to disaggregate the capital input into its productive and abatement components.Empirical findings are summarized in Table2.The first three rows report decomposition(3)of M c G, and the final three rows report M c and its two adjacent period components.Columns correspond to time periods.M c G shows a large productivity decline from1977to1982,followed by weak productivity growth. Cumulative productivity in1992was25%lower than in1977.M c G calculated using1992and1977data generates the same value,verifying that it is circular.The efficiency change component EC c of M c G(and M c)is also circular,and cumulates to an18% improvement.Best practice change,BPC c,is also circular,and declined by35%.Capital investment in Table2Global and contemporaneous Malmquist productivity indexes1977–19821982–19871987–1992Cumulative productivity1977–1992 M c G0.685 1.064 1.0390.7570.757EC c 1.163 1.0890.929 1.176 1.176 BPC c0.5890.977 1.1180.6440.644M c0.4310.895 1.0390.4000.592M c t0.7130.902 1.0530.678 1.333M c t+10.2600.887 1.0240.2360.263pollution abatement equipment generated cleaner air but not more electricity.Consequently catching up with deteriorating best practice was relatively easy.Turning to the contemporaneous index M c reported in the final three rows,the story is not so clear.Cumulative productivity in 1992was 60%lower than in 1977.However calculating M c using 1992and 1977data generates a smaller 40%decline,verifying that M c is not circular.Neither figure is close to the25%decline reported by M cG,verifying that technical change was not HON,but (pollution abatement)capital-using.The lack of circularity is reflected in the frequently large differences between M ct and M c t +1,which give conflicting signals when computed using 1992and 1977data,with M c tsignaling productivitygrowth and M ct +1signaling productivity decline.Although not reported in Table 2,we have calculated three-way decompositions of M cG and M c .All three components of M c G are circular,and LP infeasibility does not occur.In contrast,the technical change and scale components of M c are not circular,and infeasibility occurs for 13observations.The circular global index M cGtells a single story about productivity change,and its decomposition is intuitively appealing in light of what we know about the industry during the cking circularity,M c and its two adjacent period components tell different stories that are often contradictory.Thedifferences between M cGand M c are a consequence of the capital-using bias of technical change,which was regressive due to the mandated installation of pollution abatement equipment,augmented perhaps by the rate base padding that was prevalent during the period.5.ConclusionsThe contemporaneous Malmquist productivity index is not circular,its adjacent period components can give conflicting signals,and it is susceptible to LP infeasibility.The global Malmquist productivity index and each of its components is circular,it provides single measures of productivity change and its components,and it is immune to LP infeasibility.The global index decomposes into the same sources of productivity change as the contemporaneous index does.A sufficient condition for equality of the two indexes,and their respective components,is Hicks output neutrality of technical change.The global index must be recomputed when a new time period is incorporated.Diewert’s (1987)assertion that b ...economic history has to be rewritten ...Q when new data are incorporated is the base period dependency problem revisited.The problem can be serious when using base periods t =1and t =T ,but it is likely to be benign when using global base periods {1,...,T }and {1,...,T +1}.While new data may change the global frontier,the rewriting of history is likely to be quantitative rather than qualitative.ReferencesAlthin,R.,2001.Measurement of productivity changes:two Malmquist index approaches.Journal of Productivity Analysis 16,107–128.Berg,S.A.,Førsund,F.R.,Jansen,E.S.,1992.Malmquist indices of productivity growth during the deregulation of Norwegian banking,1980–89.Scandinavian Journal of Economics 94,211–228(Supplement).Caves,D.W.,Christensen,L.R.,Diewert,W.E.,1982.The economic theory of index numbers and the measurement of input output,and productivity.Econometrica 50,1393–1414.J.T.Pastor,C.A.K.Lovell /Economics Letters 88(2005)266–271270J.T.Pastor,C.A.K.Lovell/Economics Letters88(2005)266–271271 Diewert,W.E.,1987.Index numbers.In:Eatwell,J.,Milgate,M.,Newman,P.(Eds.),The New Palgrave:A Dictionary of Economics,vol.2.The Macmillan Press,New York.Fa¨re,R.,Grosskopf,S.,1996.Intertemporal Production Frontiers:With Dynamic DEA.Kluwer Academic Publishers,Boston. Fisher,I.,1922.The Making of Index Numbers.Houghton Mifflin,Boston.Frisch,R.,1936.Annual survey of general economic theory:the problem of index numbers.Econometrica4,1–38.Ray,S.C.,Desli,E.,1997.Productivity growth,technical progress,and efficiency change in industrialized countries:comment.American Economic Review87,1033–1039.Shestalova,V.,2003.Sequential Malmquist indices of productivity growth:an application to OECD industrial activities.Journal of Productivity Analysis19,211–226.Xue,M.,Harker,P.T.,2002.Note:ranking DMUs with infeasible super-efficiency in DEA models.Management Science48, 705–710.。
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On the drivers of eco-innovations_ Empirical evidence from the UK
Research Policy 41 (2012) 862–870Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectResearchPolicyj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /r e s p olOn the drivers of eco-innovations:Empirical evidence from the UKEffie Kesidou ∗,Pelin DemirelUniversity of Nottingham,Nottingham University Business School,Jubilee Campus,NG81BB Nottingham,United Kingdoma r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 27April 2010Received in revised form 30August 2011Accepted 15January 2012Available online 11 February 2012Keywords:Eco-innovationsEnvironmental regulations Organisational capabilitiesa b s t r a c tThe environmental economics literature emphasises the key role that environmental regulations play in stimulating eco-innovations.Innovation literature,on the other hand,underlines other important determinants of eco-innovations,mainly the supply-side factors such as firms’organisational capabilities and demand-side mechanisms,such as customer requirements and societal requirements on corporate social responsibility (CSR).This paper brings together the views of these different disciplines and provides empirical insights on the drivers of eco-innovations based on a novel dataset of 1566UK firms that responded to the Government Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditure by Industry in 2006.By applying the Heckman selection model,our findings indicate that demand factors affect the decision of the firm to undertake eco-innovations whilst these factors exhibit no impact upon the level of investments in eco-innovations.Hence,we suggest that firms initiate eco-innovations in order to satisfy the minimum customer and societal requirements,yet,increased investments in eco-innovations are stimulated by other factors such as cost savings,firms’organisational capabilities,and stricter regulations.Based on a quantile regression analysis,the paper offers interesting insights for policy makers,by showing that the stringency of environmental regulations affects eco-innovations of the less innovative firms differently from those of the more innovative firms.Crown Copyright © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionWhilst most researchers and policy makers are well acquainted with the concept of innovation,1eco-innovation is a new concept for which a standardised definition does not exist yet.OECD illustrates that eco-innovation differs from generic innovation on two signif-icant characteristics:“It is innovation that reflects the concept’s explicit emphasis on a reduction of environmental impact,whether such an effect is intended or not.And,it is not limited to innova-tion in products,processes,marketing methods and organisational methods,but also includes innovation in social and institutional structures”(OECD,2009,p.13).Additionally,the merit of eco-innovation has been highlighted by academics and policy-makers in the European Commission (see Kemp,2009about the MEI project)not only because of its beneficial environmental impact but also due to the expected increased competitiveness of the firms and countries that eco-innovate (Arundel and Kemp,2009).∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+4401159515265;fax:+4401158466667.E-mail address:effie.kesidou@ (E.Kesidou).1Innovation refers to “the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service),or process,a new marketing method,or a new organisa-tional method in business practices,workplace organisation or external relations”(OECD and Eurostat,2005,p.46).The UK environmental policy clearly sets out the urgent chal-lenges in meeting the increasing demands of the economy whilst moving towards a low emission and sustainable environment (DTI Energy White Paper,2007).Furthermore,“the transition to a low-carbon economy will bring challenges for competitiveness but also opportunities for growth’arising out of eco-innovations,which will offset some of the high costs of mitigation”(Stern Review,2006,p.16).On the way to an environmentally sustainable eco-nomic growth,integrating environmental and innovation insights and understanding where the UK stands in terms of its existing capabilities and potential for creating eco-friendly technologies is crucial.A number of contributions from the field of innovation and envi-ronmental economics are seeking to determine the factors that drive eco-innovation.Studies leaning towards the field of innova-tion indicate that demand factors in general (Horbach,2008),and collaboration with environmentally concerned stakeholders in par-ticular (Wagner,2007)play an important role for the generation of eco-innovations.On the other hand,insights from the manage-ment literature on corporate social responsibility (CSR)suggest that the societal pressure and demand for environmentally friendly products and processes may not necessarily lead to increasing investments in eco-innovation,but rather be limited to initiate a minimum investment in eco-innovation that will signal the com-mitment of the firm to ‘green issues’(Suchman,1995;Bansal and Hunter,2003;Potoski and Prakash,2003;Darnall,2006).0048-7333/$–see front matter.Crown Copyright © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.respol.2012.01.005E.Kesidou,P.Demirel/Research Policy41 (2012) 862–870863Other scholars have highlighted the importance of technologi-cal and organisational capabilities in stimulating eco-innovations in manufacturingfirms(Horbach,2008).The implementation of environmental management systems(EMS)which facilitate eco-innovation is seen as the reflection of the strong organisational capabilities offirms in environmental management(Wagner,2007; Horbach,2008).Studies closer to thefield of environmental economics underline the significance of environmental regulation and standards that aim to combatfirms’pollution activities(Magat,1979;Malueg, 1989;Milliman and Prince,1989).Recently,increasing attention has been given to the role of regulation in enhancing investments in eco-innovations(Brunnermeier and Cohen,2003).Regulation is not seen as an undesirable cost-increasing factor but as a stimulator offirms’innovativeness that,in turn,would lead to afirst-mover advantage in markets for eco-innovations(Porter,1991;Porter and Van Der Linde,1995a,b).Yet,an issue that is overlooked in these studies is related to the heterogeneity infirms’innovation capabilities and their respective strategies for eco-innovation.Less innovativefirms may adopt eco-innovation as a means to reduce production costs and comply with the minimum environmental standards,whilst more innovativefirms may adopt eco-innovation in order to enter new markets(Grubb and Ulph,2002).As a result, the effectiveness of regulations forfirms could potentially differ depending on whether or not they are already ahead of their peers in eco-innovation investments and activities.This paper contributes to the literature by pooling together insights from the innovation literature on eco-innovation,the management literature on CSR strategy,and the environmental economics literature.The paper considers three key factors that potentially drive eco-innovation:(1)demand factors,(2)organisa-tional capabilities,and(3)stringency of environmental regulations.With respect to the demand factors and organisational capa-bilities,by applying the Heckman Selection model,we are able to distinguish between the factors that affect the decision of thefirm to conduct eco-innovation,and those factors that affect the level of investments in eco-innovation.The application of this method-ology enables us to examine the extent that demand factors–namely societal requirements of CSR and demand for environmen-tally friendly products–affect the decision of thefirm to conduct eco-innovation and/or the level of investment in eco-innovation. Additionally,we use quantile regression techniques to analyse whether environmental stringency affects eco-innovation differ-ently in less innovativefirms and more innovativefirms.The paper is structured as follows:in Section2,we review the theoretical and empirical literature on eco-innovation and for-mulate the research hypotheses.Section3presents the data and explains the methodologies that were applied.Section4presents the empirical results,whilst Section5discusses thefindings and the policy implications of the study.2.Theoretical framework and research hypotheses2.1.Demand factors:CSR and customer requirementsTheoretical insights from the innovation literature underline the critical role of demand pull factors for innovations.In the late 1980s,the linear model of innovation was replaced by new insights that emphasised the feedback mechanisms that take place at every stage of the innovation process(Kline and Rosenberg,1986).Con-sequently,numerous other studies from innovation management literature highlighted that not only producers participate and shape the innovation process but also consumers and users,universi-ties,as well as public and private institutes(Edquist,2004;Nelson, 1993;Von Hippel,1987).Innovation is now seen as a cumulative and interactive process integrating technology push and market pull(Dosi,1988;Lundvall,1992).However,the demand factors in eco-innovation concept have generally been overlooked.Only recently a small number of empir-ical studies indicate that demand factors play an important role for the creation of eco-innovations(Horbach,2008;Wagner,2007). In particular,Horbach(2008)shows that demand,namely expec-tations of increases in the turnover of thefirm,is an important determinant of eco-innovations in the case of German manufactur-ingfirms.Additionally,Wagner(2007)underlines the importance of active consumer associations for eco-innovation.His empirical study on German manufacturingfirms indicates that collaboration with predominantly environmentally concerned stakeholders–partly reflecting the activities of consumer protection associations –plays an important role for the generation of eco-innovative prod-ucts(Wagner,2007).Moreover,recent years have witnessed an increase in government efforts to endorse eco-innovations through the use of centralised‘green purchasing’plans(e.g.BIS,2009). Overall,this evidence pinpoints that demand factors and in par-ticular,calls for corporate responsibility and consumer demand for environmentally friendly products and processes,will affect the decision of thefirm to invest in eco-innovation.Additionally,the above studies examine the impact of demand factors upon a binary dependent variable that reflects the decision of thefirm to eco-innovate(eco-innovations=1vs.no eco-innovation=0).We still know very little about the impact of the demand factors upon the intensity of eco-innovations.Insights from the management literature on CSR suggest that demand factors may not affect the level of investment in eco-innovation.The CSR literature illustrates thatfirms align their practices with societal expectations in order to ensure the legiti-macy of their business(Iatridis,2009;Palazzo and Scherer,2006; Sethi,1975).Consequently,the adoption of CSR policies may reflect a reinforcing or reorienting of thefirm strategy through signalling commitment to‘green issues’and building the‘green’image of the company(Bansal and Hunter,2003;Darnall,2006;Potoski and Prakash,2003).As a result,firms may undertake only the mini-mum investment in eco-innovation to legitimise their practices and improve their‘green’image(Suchman,1995).Thus,CSR and cus-tomer demand for green products and processes may not bring the expected increasing investments in eco-innovations.Therefore,we test whether demand factors and in particular customer demand for environmentally friendly innovations and CSR will affect the decision of afirm to invest in eco-innovation, as well as the level of investment in eco-innovation.Hypothesis1.Demand factors influence(1)the decision of the firm to invest in eco-innovation;and(2)the level of investment in eco-innovation.anisational capabilities:environmental management systems(EMS)The innovation literature focusing on eco-innovations has shown that increasing investments in eco-innovation are influ-enced by the capabilities of thefirms(Kemp et al.,1992).In particular,thosefirms that build organisational capabilities and practices such as source reduction,recycling,pollution preven-tion,and green product design are more likely to invest in eco-innovation(Georg et al.,1992;Winn and Roome,1993). Additionally,Florida et al.(2001)demonstrate that two types of organisational factors–organisational resources and performance monitoring systems–play an important role for the adoption of eco-innovations.Organisational environmental capabilities are often developed with the implementation of environmental management systems864 E.Kesidou,P.Demirel/Research Policy41 (2012) 862–870(EMS).2EMS are voluntary organisational frameworks that detail the procedures used to manage the impacts of the organisation on the natural environment(Darnall,2006).Their purpose is to continuously improve corporate environmental performance to get ahead of the existing government regulations to reduce emissions and waste disposal(Kollman and Prakash,2002).EMS are viewed as an indicator of the strong but latent organisational capabilities of thefirm in environmental management(Fryxell and Szeto,2002; Russo and Harrison,2005).A number of empirical studies from the innovation literature have found that implementation of EMS has a positive impact upon eco-innovation(Horbach,2008;Wagner,2007).Even though the implementation of EMS signals the building of organisational capabilities,management research on EMS has shown that solely external certification does not boost eco-innovation due to the rather ostentatious organisational implementation of EMS by some firms(Boiral,2007;Fryxell and Szeto,2002;Rondinelli and Vastag, 2000;Russo and Harrison,2005).Hence,we investigate how the organisational environmental capabilities of thefirm affect its eco-innovativeness.anisational factors influence(1)the decision of thefirm to invest in eco-innovation and(2)the level of investments in eco-innovation.2.3.Stringency of environmental regulationsMost research on environmental economics is focussed on the effectiveness of various policy measures,namely regu-lations(ambient standards,technology-based standards,and performance-based standards)and market-based instruments (Pigouvian tax,subsidies,deposit/refund systems,and tradable per-mits),for limitingfirms’pollution activities(Callan and Thomas, 2009;Magat,1979;Milliman and Prince,1989;Malueg,1989). Presently the attention has shifted to the role that environmental regulations play in stimulating eco-innovations(Brunnermeier and Cohen,2003;Lanjouw and Mody,1996).Empiricalfirm-level stud-ies suggest that more stringent environmental regulations boost eco-innovations(Cleff and Rennings,1999;Frondel et al.,2008; Green et al.,1994).This hypothesis,initially formalised by Porter(1991)and Porter and Van Der Linde(1995a,b)has been empirically tested sev-eral times in different contexts and with different datasets as the interest to control emissions and environmental pollution heav-ily mounts on the industry and governments(Brunnermeier and Cohen,2003;Horbach,2008;Mazzanti and Zoboli,2006;Popp, 2006).The‘win-win’situation underlying the Porter hypothesis suggests that regulations can forcefirms to invest in environmen-tal research and development in order to cut down the costs of complying with environmental regulation standards.In turn,firms that undertake eco-innovations will be able to reduce their produc-tion costs and/or enter into expanding markets for eco-products. Indeed,regulations may be the only means to break out of exist-ing technological lock-ins and move towards eco-technologies that usually have higher costs at least in the short term(Arthur,1989; Klaassen et al.,2005).The majority of evidence on the relationship between envi-ronmental regulations and eco-innovations comes from a small number of developed countries,namely the USA and Germany,and to a lesser extent from other European countries such as Italy,UK2European Union’s Environmental Management and Audit Scheme(EMAS)and ISO14001constitute the most diffused forms of formalised EMS and both schemes require third party certification and investigation.Bansal and Hunter(2003)argue that these two schemes reinforce legitimacy which cannot be claimed through in-house EMS.and Denmark.The differences in stringency of environmental reg-ulations across countries are accompanied by different levels of development in their eco-innovation capabilities(Klaassen et al., 2005;Popp,2006).Eco-innovations respond heavily to national and local regulations and therefore,we anticipate stringency of environmental regulations to stimulate eco-innovations.Yet,we know very little about the response of different types offirms to environmental regulations.Firm heterogeneity with respect to innovative capabilities implies that somefirms may be ahead of others in their investments into environmental R&D. Thus,higher levels of environmental stringency may increase eco-innovation in less innovativefirms,which assume a reactive strategy by adopting eco-innovations in order to reduce production costs of complying with environmental regulations.In contrast, more innovativefirms,which are ahead of their peers in eco-innovations,may not respond to environmental stringency since they are already complying with the new regulations.Finally, highly innovativefirms,which are more proactive,may increase their investments in eco-innovation for strategic reasons;in order to gain an advantage in product markets(Grubb and Ulph,2002). As a result,stricter regulations may not affect the investments of allfirms in eco-innovation uniformly.Hypothesis3.Stringency of environmental regulations affects the level of investments in eco-innovation differently for less innova-tivefirms and more innovativefirms.3.Data and methodology3.1.DataThe data we use in the empirical analysis was collected by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs(DEFRA) in2006for the‘Government Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditure by Industry’.The objective of the survey was to gather firm-level data on environmental protection expenditure across industrial sectors in the UK.The survey is designed to collect information on operating and capital environmental expenditure, environmental management systems,environmental research and development expenditures,motivation for environmental expen-diture,and general information onfirm characteristics such as employment and turnover.From a random sample of7850manu-facturingfirms1599responded to the survey,which represents an approximately20.4%response rate.Because of missing responses to some of the variables,the sample that is used in the analysis is reduced to1566.We use environmental research and development expenditures (ECORD)as a proxy of eco-innovation.This variable measures the level offirms’R&D investments into eco-innovations and is more specific and precise compared to the majority of R&D based eco-innovation indicators found in the literature.Survey questions that investigate environmental R&D activities often askfirms‘whether or not’they conduct environmental research and development activities and not specifically‘how much’they invest into envi-ronmental research and development activities(Horbach,2008). Hence,thefirst advantage of the ECORD variable used in this study is its ability to indicate not only whetherfirms conduct environ-mental research and development but also to provide information on the level of such investments.The second advantage of the ECORD variable is that it is specifically aimed at R&D expenditures allocated for eco-innovations and not all types of innovations.Some previous studies have utilised thefirm’s total R&D as a proxy of eco-innovations even though these measures do not immediately indicate the rate of eco-innovations but assume a strong correla-tion between eco-innovations and generic innovations(Jaffe and Palmer,1997;Brunnermeier and Cohen,2003).E.Kesidou,P.Demirel/Research Policy41 (2012) 862–870865 Table1Variables and summary statistics.Variable Definition Mean Std ECORD Environmental research and development(£).7687134,186 CSR=1if thefirm invested in environmental protection because of parent company or owner policy/CSR.0.06aCust Req=1if thefirm invested in environmental protection because of customer environmental requirements.0.02aEMS=1if thefirm has implemented environmental management systems.0.26aEOC Environmental operating costs(£).512,29812,239,109 ECC Environmental capital costs(£).196,4784,135,495 AC Total abatement costs=EOC+ECC(£).708,92113,565,860 Equ Upgrade=1if thefirm invested in environmental protection because of equipment upgrade.0.13aCS Total cost savings resulting from environmental improvements(£).24,800265,313BP Total income obtained from the sale of by-products arising from environmental improvements(£).0.030.304 TOPCOM=1if thefirm is a Top Company b.0.03TURNOVER Company turnover in2006. 5.44E+07 4.55E+08 EMP Number of employees in2006.180606SIZE=ln(EMP). 3.94 1.39a The mean of a dummy variable represents the proportion or percentage of cases that have a value of1for that variable.b DEFRA selected Top Companies by ranking the top50companies by turnover and by number of employees.In addition the companies with over250employees in SICs 10–14(Mining and quarrying),23(Coke/petroleum/nuclear fuel),40and41(Energy&water supply)were included and thefive largest(by number of employees)companies for each SIC,were also selected as Top Companies.We measure the demand for eco-innovations with two indica-tors:(a)customer requirements(CUST REQ),which is a dummy variable that takes the value of1if afirm has invested in environmental protection because of customers’environmental requirements;and,(b)corporate social responsibility(CSR),which is a binary variable that specifies whether afirm has invested in environmental protection because of parent company or owner policy on corporate social responsibility.Organisational capabilities related to eco-innovations are mea-sured with a dummy variable that indicates whether afirm has implemented environmental management systems(EMS).In the literature,the stringency of environmental regulations is often proxied with abatement costs(i.e.the capital and operat-ing costs of complying with environmental regulations as in the US PACE survey),the number of pollution related inspections to companies(Brunnermeier and Cohen,2003),qualitative survey questions on whether existence(or anticipation)of regulations ‘prompt’product and process eco-innovations(Cleff and Rennings, 1999;Green et al.,1994)and also by considering the pre and post periods of a specific environmental legislation(Popp,2006).In this study we measure regulatory stringency with abatement costs by taking into account the environmental operating and capital expen-diture of thefirm(AC).Table1presents the main variables,their definition and some summary statistics.3.2.MethodologyHypotheses1and2are tested by applying a Heckman model (1979)whilst a quantile regression model is used for testing Hypothesis3.3.2.1.Heckman modelLet us use i=1,2,...,N to indexfirms.This equation specifies the determinants of eco-innovation(ECORD i):ECORD∗i=˛x0i+ε0iHere x0i is a vector of the determinants of eco-innovation,˛is a vector of parameters of interest,andεi is an error term.Envi-ronmental research and development(ECORD)can be used as a proxy for eco-innovation but,this is possible only in cases where ECORD>0(i.e.firms spend on ECORD).However,manyfirms do not perform ECORD;in particular,1314out of1566firms do not undertake any environmental R&D.As a result,the dependent vari-able ECORD is left censored,with a lower threshold of zero.Hence,the above equation cannot be estimated with an OLS regression; this would produce inconsistent estimations of the˛coefficients because of selection bias and truncation(Amemiya,1985).This is resolved by employing a two-step Maximum Likelihood Heck-man model byfirst estimating a selection equation,and then the outcome equation adjusting for selection bias(Greene,2003).In particular,the selection equation indicates whether or not afirm performs ECORD:ECORD i=1if ECORD∗i>00if ECORD∗i≤0where ECORD∗i=ˇ0+ˇ1x1i+ε1iwhere ECORD∗i is the corresponding latent variable indicating that firms decide to perform ECORD if it is above the threshold level of zero.Hence,conditional onfirm i performing ECORD,3it is possible to observe the determinants of eco-innovation as follows:ln(ECORD i)=ln(ECORD)if ECORD∗i>0–if ECORD∗i≤03.2.2.Quantile regression modelThe quantile regression produces important insights about the different factors that determine investments in environmental research and development(ECORD)at different points on the conditional ECORD distribution(Koenker and Basset,1978).The Heckman model and other statistical techniques focus on the mean effect of the covariates.Hence,the quantile regression comple-ments the Heckman estimation by providing a detailed description of the conditional ECORD distribution across all quantiles.Note that,in this part of the study,we focus only on thosefirms with positive ECORD investments.Ideally,one would combine a selection equation with the quantile regression model to correct for the sample selection problems as discussed in Section3.2.1.Whilst there are examples of quantile regression models that include a3Following previous studies,we use the logarithmic form of the environmen-tal research and development variable,since it is a highly skewed variable(Jaffe and Palmer,1997).The Histograms of ECORD and ln(ECORD)demonstrate that the logarithmic transformation corrects for the non-normality of the ECORD variable. Additionally,the Shapiro–Wilk test shows that the null-hypothesis of normality is rejected for ECORD(Prob>z:0.000)and accepted for ln(ECORD)(Prob>z:0.220). Note that the normality tests are conducted on the non-censored portion of the ECORD data(i.e.ECORD>0)which effectively enters into estimations in the second stage of the regression model.The missing values of ln(ECORD)generated in cases when ECORD=0are taken into account at thefirst stage of the model where we identify the factors forfirms to undertake ECORD or not.866 E.Kesidou,P.Demirel/Research Policy41 (2012) 862–870Table2Environmental R&D by size and sector.Allfirms ECORD>0ECORD mean Number offirms ECORD mean Number offirmsSizeMicro(1–9employees)2208426457 Small(10–49employees)118710619922127 Medium(50–249employees)10,68130742,04278 Large(≥250employees)67,751114193,09340SectorMining and quarrying63957331,12315 Food,beverages and tobacco products327223223,72532 Textiles,clothing and leather products21319316,51512 Wood and wood products32633616,7857 Pulp and paper products,printing680159636217 Coke,petroleum and nuclear fuel19,1451444,6726 Chemicals and man-madefibres11,59822246,96054 Rubber and plastic products182814121,48612 Other non-metallic mineral products192854946511 Basic metals and metal products166515712,45021 Machinery and equipment42299330,25913 Electrical,medical and optical equipment466413130,55320 Transport equipment19488410,23116 Other manufacturing67075243,6008 Energy production and water228,54425710,9388Total1566252selection equation(Buchinsky,2001),this theoretically poses a con-flict between the main equation and the selection equation sincethe Heckman model evaluates the results at the mean and not at dif-ferent quantiles.Hence,we omit the selection equation and simplyfocus on thosefirms that invest in ECORD.3.2.3.Other methodological issuesFirstly,in order to address potential multicollinearity problems,we have checked the Pearson correlation matrix for dependent andindependent variables used in the analysis.The only two variablesthat are found to display high levels of significant correlation isthefirm size(ln(EMP))and the abatement expenditure(ln(AC))variables(r=0.75,significant at5%).In order to remove this correla-tion,we transformed the AC variable by dividing it with TURNOVER(AC/TURNOVER).The resulting correlation betweenfirm size andthe transformed AC variable is much lower(r=−0.0255)andinsignificant.Furthermore,the VIF inflation factor(VIF),1/(1−R2 k )test(Greene,2003)reveal an improvement in eliminatingmulticollinearity.4Secondly,since the data is cross sectional,problems of endo-geneity may arise especially with regard to issues of reverse causality between environmental research and development (ECORD)and abatement costs(AC).We were able to check empir-ically the potential problems of reverse causality by examining whether ECORD in2003is significantly correlated with abate-ment costs in2006for a subset of64firms that appear in both years.The Spearman correlation analysis shows that ECORD in 2003is not significantly correlated with AC/TURNOVER in2006 (r=0.187).5In contrast,ECORD in2006is significantly correlated with AC/TURNOVER in2006(coefficient=0.330,significant at5%). This empirical test shows that the data does not suffer from serious endogeneity problems.We also tested the data for possible bias arising out of com-mon method variance(CMV).CMV is a type of spurious correlation which occurs amongst indicators or constructs when these derive4The VIF for the independent variables including the transformed AC variable (AC/TURNOVER)has dropped to1.13from the VIF value of1.46for the independent variables including abatement expenditure(ln(AC)).5We apply the Spearman non-parametric test because the AC/TURNOVER vari-able is not normally distributed and the data is not homoscedastic.from a common source.Podsakoff et al.(2003)have categorised the sources of CMV:(a)common rater effect,(b)item characteristics effect,(c)item context effect,and(d)measurement context effect. Note that CMV varies with the discipline of study.In particular,it has been shown that the levels of CMV are approximately15.8% in marketing,3.8%in other business areas,28.9%in psychology, and30.5%in education(Malhotra et al.,2006).The current study is based on the measurement of simple,objective,and unambiguous constructs–such as environmental expenditure,environmental management systems,environmental research and development, motivations for environmental expenditure,firm size and turnover –that we would expect to be associated with lower levels of CMV as it is in the case of‘other business areas’.Yet,we tested the survey for potential presence of CMV(Appendix A).Our results indicate that CMV is not a problem in this study.4.Empirical resultsEnvironmental research and development(ECORD)forfirms of different size and sector is presented in Table2.An ANOVA test on differences in mean values was conducted,comparing the mean of various size subgroups offirms.6A Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric ANOVA test of equality of population rank was carried out,comparing the medians of various sector subgroups offirms.7 Table2indicates that investment in environmental research and development is significantly related to the size of thefirm,namely largefirms spend on average£67,751per annum on ECORD,whilst micro,small,and mediumfirms invest considerably less.8Thisfirst finding confirms that largefirms are more likely to undertake envi-ronmental innovations compared to their smaller counterparts. Largefirms’higher tendency to eco-innovate may be driven by their higher public visibility and the corresponding pressures they face from green/environmental public groups and the governments 6The assumptions of ANOVA,namely,independence,normality and homoscedas-ticity,were satisfied.7The non-parametric test was applied because ANOVA’s assumption of homoscedasticity was not satisfied.8The Bonferroni Post hoc ANOVA test was performed to determine the multiple comparisons between the mean differences of the various SIZE rgefirms differ significantly at the0.05level from other sub-groups.。
欧洲常绿阔叶植物Bioclimatic limits and range shifts of cold-hardy evergreen broad-leaved
Phytocoenologia37(3Ð4)523Ð539BerlinÐStuttgart,December21,2007 Bioclimatic limits and range shifts of cold-hardy evergreen broad-leaved species at their northern distributional limit in Europeby Silje Berger1,Gunnar Söhlke1,Gian-Reto Walther1,2and Richard Pott1,Hannover1and Bayreuth2with4figures and1tableAbstract.The few native evergreen broad-leaved species occurring in central Europe have attracted the interest of generations of scientists;thus,the factors limiting their northern distribution have been well studied.For investigation of climate change-driven range shifts,these climate-sensitive species are particularly well suited.We here analyse recent range shifts of some of the cold-hardiest evergreen broad-leaved species,including both native and introduced species in Europe.Based on updated field data and outputs from bioclimatic models,we show that the milder winter conditions of the last few decades are consistent with the northward expan-sion of potential ranges and an increase in the number of evergreen broad-leaved species. At the landscape scale,these species indicate a considerable change in the composition and structure of temperate deciduous forests in various parts of Europe.Keywords:range shifts,Tertiary flora,climate change,global warming,deciduous forests, forest structure.IntroductionThe vegetation of central Europe is relatively poor in native evergreen broad-leaved species compared to temperate regions of other continents. However,these few species have attracted the interest of generations of scientists,and thus,the factors limiting their northern distribution have been well studied in the past.Climate,especially temperature and the length of the growing season,has been pointed out as an important factor deter-mining establishment and survival of evergreen broad-leaved species at their northern range margins,in Europe and worldwide(Box1981,Walter& Breckle1999,Woodward et al.2004,Pott2005).The temperature limits of many evergreen broad-leaved species have been investigated in detail with physiological methods(rcher1954,1970,2000,Sakai1982, Sakai&Larcher1987),as well as by biogeographical comparison(e.g. Iversen1944,Jäger1975).The fact that even the most cold-hardy evergreen broad-leaved species are sensitive to low winter temperatures makes them suitable as climateDOI:10.1127/0340-269X/2007/0037-05230340-269X/07/0037-0523$4.25”2007Gebrüder Borntraeger,D-14129Berlin·D-70176Stuttgart524S.Berger et al. indicators.This fact has been applied to reconstruct past climatic fluctua-tions from geological records(Iversen1944).Recent climate change has left visible‘fingerprints’within different ecosystems all over the world (Walther et al.2001,Parmesan&Yohe2003,Root et al.2003),and it is likely that the warming trend will continue or even increase(IPCC2001). Climatic indicators serving the reconstruction of past climatic conditions may also be used as indicators of recent and near-future climate change. Climate induced range shifts of individual evergreen broad-leaved species have been detected in different parts of Europe(Dierschke2005,Dobber-tin et al.2005,Walther et al.2005).At the regional scale,an assemblage of evergreen broad-leaved species favoured by climate change has also been investigated in detail(e.g.Walther2000).Whereas the aforementioned studies focus on single species only or on a particular habitat,we here analyse how the cold-hardiest evergreen broad-leaved species,a group in-cluding both natives and exotics,shift their northern range margins in con-cert with recent global warming.The potential ranges implied by species’specific bioclimatic limits are compared with updated data on the realised distributions of these species across Europe.Because the evergreen broad-leaved plant type has been scarcely repre-sented in central European plant communities,changes in the diversity and distribution of evergreen broad-leaved species not only lead to changes in the physiognomy of existing forest communities,but may in the long run also form new assemblages in different parts of Europe.MethodsRecent range extensions at the northern distribution boundaries of selected cold-hardy evergreen broad-leaved species were detected by comparing his-torical distribution maps and records with present distribution data.His-torical data were compiled from Adamovic´(1909),Holmboe(1913),Loe-sener(1919),Enquist(1924),Schröter(1936),Schmucker(1942), Iversen(1944),Browicz(1960),Fægri(1960),Schmid(1956),Walter& Straka(1970),Horva´t et al.(1974),Jäger(1975),Meusel et al.(1978) and others(for details see Berger(2003),Söhlke(2006)and Walther et al.(2007)).The data on the current distribution were compiled from nu-merous national and regional vegetation databases and surveys,email sur-veys interviewing experts on plant distribution(cf.acknowledgments),re-cent literature records and our own field observations.Many of the new literature records were verified in the field,especially occurrences forming new distribution boundaries,in order to confirm the correct identification of the species and to assure that the species is still present in the given locations.The resulting updated distribution maps were superposed on potential distribution areas of the species based on various bioclimatic parameters. These parameters were derived from(I)biogeographical literature addressing limiting parameters of the re-spective species,525 Bioclimatic limits and range shifts of cold-hardy evergreen broad-leaved species(II)climatic parameters of the native range of exotic species,and(III)results of bioclimatic modelling,emphasising the functional importance of the relevant particular parameters for the species-specific biological traits(see discussion section).Distribution maps were compiled,analysed and designed using ESRI ArcView3.3and ArcPress.Selected native and introduced evergreen broad-leaved speciesIlex aquifolium is the northernmost evergreen broad-leaved small tree or shrub in Europe,with severe winter frosts limiting its northern distribu-tion.This can be expressed through the mean temperature of the coldest month,which must be aboveÐ0.5∞C(Iversen1944).The potential distri-bution area of Ilex aquifolium was modelled with the bioclimatic model STASH(Sykes et al.1996)for the period1981Ð2000(Walther et al.2005).The potential distribution of Laurus nobilis was modelled by Sven-ning&Skov(2004),based on three key bioclimatic variables,namely growing degree days(GDD),mean temperature of the coldest month and water balance,using a‘bioclimatic envelope’approach.Prunus laurocerasus is native to the Balkans and the coast of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea,and it is frequently cultivated in central Europe as an ornamental shrub.Winter temperature and length of the growing season are important climatic parameters limiting the distribution of Prunus lauro-cerasus.The limiting January mean temperature based on the native range was estimated toÐ1.2∞C.The length of the growing season was expressed through number of months per year with mean temperature above5∞. Hence,the potential range of Prunus laurocerasus is additionally limited by a growing season length of at least8months,and by annual precipitation which must exceed550mm/year.Bioclimatic limits of the palm Trachycarpus fortunei were derived from its native range in China(Walther et al.2007),suggesting that mean tem-perature of the coldest month must exceed+2.2∞C,annual GDD must exceed2300and drought index(Sykes et al.1996,see also Prentice et al. 1992)does not exceed0.26.The potential distributions of Prunus laurocerasus and Trachycarpus for-tunei are based on climate data from the ALARM dataset(Mitchell et al. 2004,Reginster et al.2005).The reference period1991Ð2000was regarded as representative of current climatic conditions.The1990s were the war-mest decade since the start of the measurements(IPCC2001)and,hence of special importance in the context of analyses of global warming-related data.In the same period,most of the new occurrences of all the regarded species outside their former ranges were recorded.The potential ranges of all four of these species were superposed,revealing overlapping areas with especially suitable climatic conditions for evergreen broad-leaved species.In order to assess how range shifts of a set of evergreen broad-leaved species affect the composition and structure of European deciduous forest526S.Berger et al. ecosystems we compared the evergreen broad-leaved species occurring in southern Switzerland and in Great Britain,both areas where a pronounced increase of evergreen broad-leaved species has taken place in the last few decades.ResultsThe current and potential distributions of the selected evergreen broad-leaved species are shown in Fig.1.The realised historical range(Fig.1,top left:hatched area)of Ilex aquifolium is shown according to Walter& Straka(1970)and Meusel et al.(1978).The new occurrences outside the historical range indicate a shift in the distribution of Ilex aquifolium to-wards the north in Norway and northeast in Germany,Denmark(cf.also Ban˜uelos et al.2004)and southern Sweden,where Ilex aquifolium ex-panded into new areas along the southern Swedish coast.Most new occur-rences(Fig.1,top left:black dots)were first recorded in the same time span(1981Ð2000)as the model refers to(Walther et al.2005).The new occurrences on the mainland and larger islands are all within the modelled new potential range.The realised distribution of Prunus laurocerasus is based on Jäger(1975) and BSBI(2006)(Fig.1,top right:hatched area);further new occurrences (Fig.1,top right:dots)are compiled from various sources and our own observations(Söhlke2006).These new records are found within large parts of the potential distribution area.The records forming the new north-eastern boundary of the introduced range in northern Germany,with single occurrences as far north as Rügen and as far east as Berlin,all originate from the last two decades(Söhlke2006).The number of records from Great Britain also increased substantially in the last decades(see Perring& Walters1962and following editions,BSBI2006).The realised distribution of Laurus nobilis is based on Meusel et al. (1978),Brullo et al.(2001),BSBI(2006)and Wohlgemuth et al.(2006); it overlaps with the potential distribution(Svenning&Skov2004)in large areas(Fig.1,bottom left).The historical range of Laurus nobilis encom-passed the Mediterranean,whereas at present,the species occurs as far north as in Britain and in southern Switzerland.However,to our knowl-edge there are no confirmed realised occurrences in the northernmost part of the potential distribution area in mainland Europe.The distribution records of Trachycarpus fortunei from Europe are listed in Walther(2003),BSBI(2006)and Walther et al.(2007).Escaped Tra-chycarpus fortunei palms have been recorded in southern Switzerland in large numbers,but also in France,as far north as Brittany,and rejuvenation within gardens has been observed in southern England.Also the northern-most subspontaneous occurrences of Trachycarpus fortunei correspond with the boundary of the potential distribution area.In addition to individual species distributions,Fig.2shows the overlap of the potential distribution areas of all the species shown in Fig.1.The potential species distributions overlap in substantial parts of central Europe,527 Bioclimatic limits and range shifts of cold-hardy evergreen broad-leaved speciesFig.1.Potential and currently realised distribution of selected evergreen broad-leaved species(for details see text).with gradually decreasing number of species’ranges towards the northeast. Whereas updated distribution data from France are scarce,more current information on evergreen broad-leaved species is available from the British Isles and Switzerland.Both the southernmost part of Switzerland and southern Great Britain have especially favourable winter temperatures, compared with other parts of Europe where deciduous forests occur.This is reflected in the coincidence of potential distribution areas of the four species regarded here,and additional evergreen broad-leaved species,which have also been recorded in these areas.A non-exhaustive list of additional evergreen broad-leaved species recorded in deciduous forests of southern Great Britain and southern Switzerland is given in Table1.Many of the same(exotic)species occur in both areas,but some species are restricted to528S.Berger et al.Fig.2.Superposed potential distribution of the four evergreen broad-leaved species shown in Fig.1.Shading represents the number of evergreen broad-leaved species(Over-lap of all four species’potential ranges indicated by the darkest shading,decreasing gradu-ally with decreasing number of species’potential ranges overlapping).Great Britain(e.g.Rhododendron ponticum)and others to southern Swit-zerland(e.g.Cinnamomum glanduliferum,Pittosporum tobira).In both Britain and southern Switzerland,the number,developmental stage and abundance of evergreen broad-leaved species varies with latitude and altitude.Releve´s from Walther(2000)and Berger&Walther (2006)reveal an altitudinal gradient in the number and abundance of ever-green broad-leaved species on south-facing slopes in the Insubrian region (Fig.3).At low altitudes there are dense stands of evergreen broad-leaved species in the shrub layer,and some individuals of urus nobilis and Cinnamomum glanduliferum have grown up to the tree layer.Towards higher altitudes the evergreen broad-leaved species are restricted to the shrub layer and their cover decreases.Finally there are only single small specimens in the herb layer,and at even higher altitudes no evergreen broad-leaved species are growing at all.In parallel,the number of evergreen broad-leaved species present declines with altitude.529 Bioclimatic limits and range shifts of cold-hardy evergreen broad-leaved speciesTable1.Evergreen broad-leaved species recorded in deciduous forests of Europe.Records from Switzerland according to Walther(1999)and from Great Britain according to BSBI(2006).Frost resistance refers to the experimental work of Sakai(1982),Sakai& Larcher(1987)and Dirr&Lindstrom(1990).Fig.3.Altitudinal distribution of exotic evergreen broad-leaved species on south facing slopes along Lago Maggiore,schematically.530S.Berger et al. DiscussionPrevious studies showed that climate change has favoured the spread of evergreen broad-leaved species in different parts of Europe.For instance,in southern Switzerland and northern Italy an increasing number of evergreen broad-leaved species was recorded as a consequence of climate change (Gianoni et al.1988,Walther2000,2001,2002).Also,the northward range shift of Ilex aquifolium in Scandinavia(Walther et al.2005)and the altitudinal upward shift of Viscum album in the European Alps(Dobber-tin et al.2005)are regarded as consequences of warmer winter tempera-tures.In central European deciduous forests,the change of the growth form of Hedera helix from creeping along the ground to climbing up trees has likewise been linked to recent climate change(Dierschke2005).We here regard this phenomenon more broadly,for a group of species, and present a biogeographic analysis that shows an emerging assemblage of advancing evergreen broad-leaved species over much of central Europe. The specific bioclimatic limits of these species and the impacts of this on-going process at landscape scale are discussed.European distribution and bioclimatic limitsWinter temperature plays an important role in limiting the distribution of the evergreen broad-leaved vegetation towards the poles(Rübel1930, Schimper1935,Schmithüsen1976,Box1981,Sakai&Larcher1987, Woodward1987,Walter&Breckle1999).Although minimum temper-ature ofÐ15∞C is regarded to be an important threshold value for cold-hardy evergreen broad-leaved species in general,the specific climatic threshold differs with the particular biological traits of the given species (e.g.Sakai&Larcher1987,Walther1999).In addition to low winter temperature,other climatic parameters may also limit the species’persist-ence at northern range margins,such as the length of the growing season (as required to produce viable seeds)and total summer warmth(indicated by GDD;as needed for a positive annual carbon balance and accumulation of biomass).The most obvious effect of rising winter temperatures is a reduced risk of lethal frost incidents,which allows survival beyond the former range boundary.Additionally,the frequency of sub-lethal frosts,that nevertheless may be severe enough to damage tissue,decreases.Hence,sub-lethal dam-age,which must be compensated by replacement of damaged tissue,and thus cost energy,will decrease.This favours species at their range margin and thus,survival in formerly unsuitable areas may become possible under climatic warming.Evergreen broad-leaved species are particularly favoured by milder winter temperatures,as they are able to profit from positive net photosynthesis in periods with favourable climatic conditions even in win-ter(Zeller1951,Fischer&Feller1994,Oliveira&Pen˜uelas2004), in contrast to deciduous trees which are leafless in the winter season.531 Bioclimatic limits and range shifts of cold-hardy evergreen broad-leaved species Although all the four species presented in Fig.1are restricted by cold winters(with frost resistance varying considerably between species),their temperature limits show that other climatic parameters may also play a role in limiting their distributions,due to specific biological traits.Whereas the survival and regeneration of Ilex aquifolium is mainly restricted by severe winters,Prunus laurocerasus additionally needs a sufficiently longer grow-ing season in order to produce viable seeds(Adamovic´1909,Söhlke2006). Hence,reproduction of Prunus laurocerasus is limited by the length of the growing season,which restricts it from extending as far north as Ilex aqui-folium,in spite of its ability to survive equally low winter temperatures.The northward extension of Laurus nobilis is also restricted by cold winters,though the limiting winter temperature used in the model to project the potential range of Laurus nobilis may be overestimated(Sven-ning,m.).The importance of winter temperatures for the north-ern distributional boundary is supported by the findings of Sakai& Larcher(1987),who regarded Laurus nobilis as a Mediterranean broad-leaved tree with medium frost resistance,especially pointing out the limited frost resistance of overwintering propagative organs.Low winter temperatures limit the distribution of Trachycarpus fortunei as well.Furthermore,its cold hardiness also depends on sufficiently warm summers(here expressed as GDD).Warm summers allow this palm to ac-cumulate enough biomass to regenerate damaged leaves and thereby to compensate for sub-lethal frost damage of the winter season(Walther et al.2007).The northernmost sub-spontaneous occurrences of Trachycar-pus fortunei coincide well with the northern boundary of the predicted potential distribution area.The lack of naturalised occurrences of Trachy-carpus fortunei in southernmost Europe,even though the species is culti-vated in this area,reflects the summer dryness of the Mediterranean climate with drought too severe for growth of this species(c.f.Berger&Walther 2006).At local scale,not only macroclimatic limits but also other ecologically relevant parameters,e.g.edaphic factors,must be taken into account,as they also influence the diversity and structure of communities with an in-creasing share of evergreen broad-leaved species(Berger&Walther 2006).This is of special importance at species range margins,as the habitat requirements of species become more specific towards range boundaries (Thomas et al.2001).Towards the Mediterranean the amount and the tem-poral pattern of precipitation also plays a role limiting the distribution of evergreen broad-leaved species(Berger&Walther2006,Del Rio& Penas2006).Impacts at the landscape levelVegetation modelling has projected range shifts both by single species and by biomes(e.g.Prentice et al.1992,Bakkenes et al.2002,Woodward et al.2004,Thuiller et al.2005,Ohlemüller et al.2006).The fact that responses to climate change are species-specific,as results presented here532S.Berger et al. show,suggests that climate change in the longer term will lead to a reorgan-isation of existing communities rather than to synchronous shifts of whole vegetation units.Furthermore,as there are only few native evergreen broad-leaved species in northern and central-European plant communities, the aforementioned range shifts may lead to distinct changes in the diversity and physiognomy of existing forest communities,or to assemblages of new species combinations(Chapin et al.1993,Scoles&Van Breemen1997). The substantial overlap of the projected ranges of several evergreen broad-leaved species in southern Great Britain and southern Switzerland(shown in Fig.2)suggests a trend towards more evergreen broad-leaved species in deciduous forests,which is further substantiated by the occurrence of additional evergreen broad-leaved species recorded in these areas(see Table 1).A shift from deciduous forest to deciduous forest with more evergreen species may change some forest ecosystem processes,e.g.carbon cycling and water balance.A new type of deciduous forest,with evergreen understorey,has been described by Delarze et al.(1999)for southern Switzerland.A structural scheme for this forest type with an increasing number of evergreen broad-leaved species is shown in Fig.3.As species approach their bioclimatic limits towards higher altitudes the size of the individuals and the number of species decreases.Analogously,the number of evergreen broad-leaved species declines towards higher latitudes.Also the growth form of the most cold-hardy species changes towards their northern range margins.For ex-ample,Ilex aquifolium forms trees in the core area of its distribution but grows more often as a shrub towards the range margin(Berger2003).The change in growth form of Ilex aquifolium near its range boundary shows that the species is able to grow and survive in a transitional area,but does not reach the size of the individuals in the core area.Similar observations have been registered for Hedera helix(see Dierschke2005)as well as for Prunus laurocerasus in its native range,where it occurs only as vegetatively spreading shrubbery at high altitudes(Nakhutsrishvili1999).On the British Isles there is no pronounced altitudinal gradient,but the evergreen broad-leaved species may constitute a considerable proportion of the shrub and lower tree layer,e.g.in both southwestern England and Ireland,as has been observed in southern Switzerland.Small evergreen for-ests and scrub stands(often with Quercus ilex)have been described as re-cently generated vegetation types with no counterpart in the native vegeta-tion,whereas Rhododendron thickets and understoreys are matched in the native vegetation by evergreen thickets of Ilex aquifolium(Peterken2001).The overall assessment of the impacts of spreading evergreen broad-leaved species in deciduous forest communities should consider existing communities formed by the respective species in their native ranges as well as those reported in the palaeoecological literature.In North America and Asia species-rich mixed broad-leaved forests are a general phenomenon in latitudes with analogous conditions(Fujiwara&Box1994).In Europe, however,repeated glaciations have reduced the formerly diverse Tertiary evergreen flora to a few species able to recolonise central Europe duringthe Holocene(Schmid1939,Lang1994).The assemblage of currently spreading evergreen broad-leaved species might be divided into three sub-groups based on their origin:(I)species native to Europe,expanding their previous ranges by themselves but also facilitated by human introductions, e.g.Ilex aquifolium and Laurus nobilis;(II)species widespread throughout the Tertiary not able to recolonise central Europe in the Holocene,but reintroduced as ornamentals from nearby refugial areas,e.g.Prunus lauro-cerasus;and(III)species introduced from other more distant parts of the world,e.g.Trachycarpus fortunei,Cinnamomum glanduliferum.The now expanding evergreen broad-leaved species represent plant types as well as families characteristic of the European Tertiary flora.The laurel type(Daphno-Macrophanerophyta)was the most important tree form in Tertiary Europe(Mai1995).Most species of this type are shade tolerant (Mai1995)and hence may thrive in the understorey of deciduous forests. This still applies to Ilex aquifolium,which grows in the understorey of deciduous forests in large parts of its distribution area.In north-western Europe Ilex aquifolium grows in different communities of the Querco-Fagetea,also in Atlantic beech and mixed forests like Abieti-Fagetum and Galio-Abietum,and in montane beech forests of Italy(Fagion australo-italicum)(Pott1990).In south-western Europe beech forests (Rusco-Fagetum,Ilici-Fagetum)have different laurophyllous and sclerophyllous species in the understorey(e.g.Ruscus aculeatus,Hedera helix,Buxus sempervirens and Ilex aquifolium)(Durin et al.1967,Tombal 1972,Rameau1985,Ge´hu&Julve1989).Finally,Ilex aquifolium also grows in the understorey of deciduous forests of the Balkan Peninsula, together with Prunus laurocerasus,Hedera helix and Rhododendron ponti-cum,where Fagus orientalis and Fagus moesiaca form the tree layer(Rho-dodendro pontici-Fagetum orientalis)(Horva´t et al.1974).Prunus laurocerasus is associated as an evergreen shrub to the understorey of decid-uous beech forests(e.g.Fageta laurocerasosa,Fageta luzulosa, Fageto-Abieteta laurocerasosa)in its native range(Nakhutsrishvili 1999).Numerous fossil leaves,flowers and fruits from several Cinnamomum species have been recorded from the Tertiary,showing that the genus Cin-namomum(Lauraceae)played an important role in the Tertiary flora of Europe(Staub1905,c.f.also Kovar-Eder et al.2006).All Cinnamomum tree species require ample precipitation,in addition to warm temperatures, which the introduced Cinnamomum glanduliferum enjoys in the Insubrian region under present conditions(Berger&Walther2006).Today the genus is restricted to warm-temperate and tropical east and southeast Asia (monsoon area)and to Australia(two species)(Staub1905),though some species have become naturalised elsewhere(e.g.Fleischmann1997, Ward&Labisky2004).Another life form of importance in Europe throughout the Tertiary was the tropical tuft-tree type Macrophanerophyta scaposa(“Schopfbaum”),a single-stemmed tree with a terminal rosette of leaves that die and extend the trunk,as in palms(Box1981,Mai1995).In the recent European floraFig.4.a)Tertiary flora“Lausanne zur miocaenen Zeit”(Heer1946):Large tree on the left:Cinnamomum,small tree on the left:Laurus(darker shaded).Palms,e.g.Sabal(fan palm),Phoenicites(feather palm).b)Deciduous forest stand with evergreen understorey in southern Switzerland(winter), also with Cinnamomum,Laurus and the fan palm Trachycarpus fortunei.there are few examples of this type,e.g.Chamaerops,Phoenix and Dra-caena,but the introduced naturalising species Trachycarpus fortunei also belongs to this type(cf.Fig.4).Fig.4a illustrates some of the main aspects of the Tertiary flora of central Europe(Heer1946).The large tree on the left is Cinnamomum and next to it is a small Laurus(shaded darker).Also palms like Sabal and Phoeni-cites are represented.Fig.4b shows a deciduous forest stand in southern Switzerland in winter,also with a Cinnamomum tree,Laurus and a palm species(Trachycarpus fortunei).Recent climate change has favoured the evergreen broad-leaved plant functional type within deciduous forests.With continued warming this process is likely to proceed and to induce changes in the composition and structure of temperate deciduous forests in various parts of central Europe. Other human activities also cause changes to the native vegetation,for ex-ample the introduction of new species.The combination of these anthropo-。
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Wear259(2005)996–1004Radial fretting behaviours of dental feldspathic ceramics againstdifferent counterbodiesM.H.Zhu a,H.Y.Yu a,b,Z.B.Cai a,Z.R.Zhou a,∗a Key Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of Materials(Ministry of Education),Tribology Research Institute,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu610031,Chinab West China College of Stomatology,Sichuan University,Chengdu610041,ChinaReceived30August2004;received in revised form20January2005;accepted1February2005Available online10May2005AbstractRadial fretting is a fretting phenomenon mainly induced by oscillating normal loads or thermal cycling,where the two surfaces keep in contact and no impact action occurs.In fact,such fretting mode is frequently encountered in oral environment after prosthesis inser-tion.In this paper,radial fretting tests on two types of ball specimens(52100steel and Si3N4ceramics)with diameter of12mm against the dental feldspathic ceramicsflats(Cerec Vita Mark II)have been carried out.Maximum normal load(F max)was varied from100N to 800N with a constant speed of12mm/min,and the number of cycles from1to105.In order to maintain the surfaces offlat and ball specimens in contact and avoid an impact effect,a minimum normal load was set at50N.The kinetics behaviours of the feldspathic ce-ramics under different normal loads were analyzed in details.The fretting scars,which were examined by optical microscope and laser confocal scanning microscope(LCSM),were displayed as the worn zones in shape of annular.The critical normal load of cracks initi-ation was verified.Below the critical normal load,the damage mechanisms were the combination of adhesion and delamination.Above the critical normal load,four damage zones were analyzed.To clarify the experimental results,the analysis of classic Hertzian theory has been discussed.It was also found that the radial fretting damages greatly decreased when a drop of oil was added into the contact inter-faces.©2005Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Radial fretting;Wear;Cracking;Dental feldspathic ceramics1.IntroductionFretting is small amplitude oscillatory relative movement which occur between contacting surfaces[1,2].Fretting con-ditions are found virtually in any technical system where contact vibrations are induced by fatigue stress,cyclic loads, thermal cycling,acoustical noise or electromagnetic shak-ing.This small oscillatory displacement along the contact surfaces can result in the damages of materials losing by wear or/and cracks initiation by cyclic contact stress[1–3]. In general,the fretting damages are recognized as one of modern plagues in industrial ually,the fretting ∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+862887600971;fax:+862887600971.E-mail address:zrzhou@(Z.R.Zhou).phenomena are very complex in practical industrial applica-tions.For example in nuclear reactors,sometimes the relative movement is not simply tangential but is complicated by the normal force also oscillating,to the extent that the surfaces lose contact in each cycle.This leads to a hammering ef-fect which is termed“impact fretting”[4–6].Therefore,the relationships of the directions of relative movements along the contact surfaces are important factors for scientific re-searches.According to the directions of relative movements of ball-on-flat contact,the fretting modes can usually be di-vided into four basic types,i.e.,tangential,radial,rotational and torsional fretting.Also,some researchers characterized the fretting modes into three types,i.e.,linear(tangential),ra-dial and circumferential(torsional),and termed them Mode I,Mode II and Mode III,respectively[7].0043-1648/$–see front matter©2005Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2005.02.010M.H.Zhu et al./Wear 259(2005)996–1004997Fig.1.The scheme of force direction of mastication:(a)inciser teeth;(b)molar teeth.Up to now,investigations of fretting are mostly focused on tangential mode,and the main theories of fretting wear and fretting fatigue are built up under this mode.In fact,the phe-nomena of radial fretting are usually presented at the actual industrial components,such as “false brinelling”occurring in rolling bearings,fuel rod/spring contacts in pressurized water reactors,leaf springs in automobiles and railway lo-comotives,jet and diesel engine components,electrical con-tacts,power plants and orthopedic implants.Fretting under oscillating normal loads or thermal cycling,classified as ra-dial fretting,occurs where the two surfaces are kept in con-tact and no impact effect occurs [8].Under radial fretting,micro-slip occurs in a contact zone delimited by the mini-mum (inner)and maximum (outer)contact radius.In buccal condition,the movement of radial fretting also frequently encountered in the process of mastication.Fig.1shows the schematic of the forces in radial direction for inciser and mo-lar teeth.It should be noted that Kennedy [9],Johnson [10]and Tyler et al.[11]had earlier used oscillatory normal loading in contact fatigue studies before almost half a century.Al-though the radial fretting phenomena had been observed in the earlier investigations of contact fatigue,the friction be-haviours between contact interfaces were ignored.Recently,the research groups of Belgian [12]and ours [8]had designed and constructed two new radial fretting test systems,respec-tively.Some experimental results had been obtained from the contacts of TiN coating,high-speed steel (Ti,Al)N coat-ing and soft tin coating against Al 2O 3ball [7,12],steel,alu-minium alloy,TiN coating and MoS 2coating against 52100bearing steel ball [8,13].However,it is not enough to estab-lish the theory system of radial fretting.For dental ceram-ics,the tests of single-cycle or multi-cycle Hertzian contact [14,15]were usually used to detect the toughness,but no researchers paid attention to the radial fretting phenomenon occurred in the contact interfaces up to now.Detail investi-gations of ceramics materials under radial fretting condition have not been reported yet.Therefore,the purpose of this paper is to understand the radial fretting behaviours of brittlematerials.Fig.2.Schematic diagram of radial fretting test rig.2.Experimental procedureThe test apparatus,which was developed from a tension-compression hydraulic machine and had been described in detail in reference [8],was designed for a ball-on-flat contact configuration,as seen in Fig.2.The flat specimen was fixed on the upper holder linked to the load cell.The ball specimen was fixed at the lower holder and was mounted on the piston,which subjected to oscillatory movement with a given speed of 12mm/min.Cyclic deformation between two contact sur-faces (i.e.,the relative displacement of contact system)was measured by the extensometer.In order to maintain the two surfaces in contact all the time and avoid an impact effect,a minimum normal load (F min )was set at 50N.Maximum nor-mal load (F max )was chosen as 100N,200N,300N,400N and 800N,respectively.In the radial fretting test,the num-ber of cycles varied from 1to 105.The whole fretting process was computerized and variations of deformation (indentation depth)versus normal load can be recorded as a function of cycles.52100bearing steel and silicon nitride (Si 3N 4)ceram-ics with diameter of 12mm were used as spheric specimen.The dental ceramics flats of the Cerec Vita Mark II (ce-ramic solid,modified feldspar frits and inorganic pigments molten in matrix.)were machined as the flat specimen in the size of 12mm ×12mm ×15mm.The main mechanical properties for three materials are shown in Table 1.For the flat specimen,the elastic modulus and hardness were de-tected by nano-indentometer (CSEM)under maximum load of 100mN at loading rate of 200mN/min,and the fracture toughness was obtained by three-point bending examina-tion.The flat surfaces were carefully polished to a final rough-ness (R a )of about 0.12m.The samples were ultrasonically cleaned in hexane.The fretting tests were performed under temperature of 23◦C and relative humidity of 60%±10.Af-ter the fretting tests,the morophologies of fretting scars were998M.H.Zhu et al./Wear259(2005)996–1004Table1The main mechanical properties of ball andflat specimensMaterials Elastic modulus(GPa)Hardness(HV)Fracture toughness(MPa m1/2)Poisson’s ratio 52100steel208790250.3Si3N430017006.50.26Cerec Vita Mark II64.28710.920.3examined by optical microscopy and laser confocal scanning microscopy(LCSM).3.Experimental results3.1.Kinetic behaviours3.1.1.F–D curvesThe curves of normal load(F)against displacement(D), which can be recorded as a function of cycles,supplied the most important information of deformation behaviours of the contact interfaces during the radial fretting test processes [8,13].In thefirst cycle of radial fretting,the load was applied from0to F max,and then unloaded to F min.The important in-formation about materials deformation was obtained through the F–D curves of thefirst cycle.Fig.3shows the F–D curves of Cerec Vita Mark II ceramics against52,100steel ball ob-tained after thefirst radial fretting cycle.It can be founded that the loading and unloading curves of the F–D curve were superposed under the normal load of F max=100N(Fig.3(a)), suggesting that only elastic deformation occurred.When the maximum normal load increased to200N,the F–D curve was open(Fig.3(b)),corresponding with the plastic defor-mation occurring between the surfaces of two specimens. The residual deformations of the open F–D curves,which in-creased with the increasing in the normal loads,reflected the extent of plastic deformation.Under the higher normal loads (F max=400N and F max=800N,as seen in Fig.3(d)and(e)), some zigzags can be observed in the loading curve,resulting from some cracks of ceramics initiated and propagated under higher contact stress.For two contact pairs,under lower normal loads (F max=100N and F max=200N),all F–D curves closed near to a line in the whole subsequent fretting cycles(Fig.4).The relative movement between two contact pairs was fully ac-commodated by the elastic deformation.From Fig.3(c),it can be found that the loading curves departure from the line after the normal load reached250N.It might be inferred that some energy dissipated due to the plastic deformation of con-tact pairs during the radial fretting cycles when the maximum normal load exceeded250N.Fig.5displayed that the open F–D curves last to no more than100cycles under the con-dition of F max=300N,i.e.,the deformation accommodated by the elastic deformation after100cycles.With the increase of the normal load,the duration of the open F–D curves in-creased significantly.For example,under F max=400N,the number of the cycle which the F–D curve transformed from the open to the closed was5000(Fig.6).While the F max in-creased to800N,all the F–D curves were open before the number of cycles was equaled to105,as shown in Fig.7.Fig.6shows that the F–D curves were partitioned to two parts which corresponded with different contact stiffness after 5000cycles,resulting from the maro-cracks propagated due to the accumulation of cyclic deformation.In Fig.6(d),the bended F–D curve was perfectly replaced by line AB and CD with different slopes.In general,the contact stiffness,which can be simply calculated from the formula of K= F/ D, reflected the elastic properties of the counterfaces.Therefore, different elastic behaviours have occurred in radialfretting Fig.3.The F–D curves of thefirst cycle under different normal loads:Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact.M.H.Zhu et al./Wear259(2005)996–1004999Fig.4.The F–D curves of subsequent cycles:Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact,F max=200N.Fig.5.The F–D curves of subsequent cycles:Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact,F max=300N.Fig.6.The F–D curves of subsequent cycles:Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact,F max=400N.1000M.H.Zhu et al./Wear 259(2005)996–1004Fig.7.The F –D curves of subsequent cycles:Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact,F max =800N.Fig.8.Variations of the displacement as a function of the number of cycles.under different levels of normal load.Under higher maximum normal load of 800N,this situation can be observed in all radial fretting cycles (Fig.7).3.1.2.D–N curvesFig.8shows the displacement (D )as a function of the number of cycles (N )for two contacts.It can be found that a lower radial displacement corresponded to a lower normal load.However,when the normal load increased to a higher level,the higher displacement corresponded to severe dam-ages and large difference on displacement levels for two con-tacts.Due to the smaller elastic modulus for 52100steel ball than that of Si 3N 4ceramics,the displacement for the CerecVita Mark II against 52100contact is always lower than that of Cerec Vita Mark II against Si 3N 4contact (Fig.9).The higher the normal load was,the larger difference on displacement existed.As shown in Fig.10,no obvious discrepancy on the ratio of relative displacement of two contacts was presented under lower normal loads (F max =100N and F max =200N)owing to the only elastic deformation on the dental ceram-ics.When the normal loads reached and exceeded 300N,the discrepancy quickly increased with the rising of the normal loads (Fig.10).In general,the displacement decreased with the increase of the number of cycles in radial fretting test,which was ob-tained under the test materials of metals [8,13].In ourtests,Fig.9.Variations of the displacement as a function of the number of cycles under different maximum normal loads.M.H.Zhu et al./Wear259(2005)996–10041001Fig.10.The ratio of relative displacement of two contact pairs under the different maximum normal loads:r=D52100/D Si3N4.an abnormal phenomenon can be observed under the condi-tion of higher normal loads(F max=400N and F max=800N) as seen in Fig.9(d)and(e).This was maybe the results of the rapid propagating of cracks.3.2.Surface damage observationsConcerning to radial fretting,the micro-slip occurred in an annular zone which formed between the maximum and min-imum contact circle.Under lower normal loads,the fretting scars exhibited the worn zones in shape of annulus as shown in Fig.11where bright area was the worn zones and the black spots were the defects(micro-cavity)of dental feldspathic ceramics.In Fig.11(b),nonhomogeneous wear was observed in whole slip zone due to nonhomogeneous stress distribu-tion between the contact interfaces.It is very clear thatno Fig.12.The profile of fretting scar:Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact, F max=300N,105cycles(corresponding to Fig.11(b)).macro-cracks can be formed in the contact zones after105 cycles under the conditions of F max≤300N(Fig.11).With the increase of the maximum normal load,the extent of dam-age and the width of the annulus increased obviously,as seen in Fig.11.In Fig.12,the profile of the micro-slip zone which corresponded to the image of Fig.11(b),was obviously over-topped the surface of theflat specimen.This maybe the results of the materials transferring from its counterbody by adhe-sion wear mechanism.Obviously,the occurrence of material transferring was easier for the contact pairs of steel ball than that of Si3N4ball.Under higher normal loads(F max≥400N),the cracks formed in shape of homocentric circularity at the boundary of the maximum contact zone,as shown in Fig.13.Because the cracks initiated atfirst cycle under these test conditions, the cracks can be detected on the surfaces of specimens after several cycles(Fig.14).Although obvious residual deforma-tion occurred at thefirst cycle under F max=300N,no cracks had been observed after105cycles,as shown in Fig.11.To Fig.11.LCSM photomicrographs of the fretting scars:(a)Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact,F max=200N,105cycles;(b)Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100 contact,F max=300N,105cycles;(c)Cerec Vita Mark II vs.Si3N4contact,F max=100N,105cycles;(d)Cerec Vita Mark II vs.Si3N4contact,F max=300N, 105cycles.1002M.H.Zhu et al./Wear 259(2005)996–1004Fig.13.LCSM photomicrographs of the fretting scars:(a)Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact,F max =400N,105cycles;(b)Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact,F max =800N,105cycles;(c)Cerec Vita Mark II vs.Si 3N 4contact,F max =400N,105cycles;(d)Cerec Vita Mark II vs.Si 3N 4contact,F max =800N,105cycles.Fig.14.LCSM photomicrographs of the fretting scars:Cerec Vita Mark II vs.Si 3N 4contact,F max =800N,5cycles;(a)lower magnification;(b)higher magnification.compare Fig.11with Fig.13,it was assumed that there was a critical normal load resulting in homocentric circular cracks initiation under N =105.Thus,the critical normal load clearlyintervened between 300N and 400N,which means that the highest stresses appeared at the outer area of contact.Figs.11(b)and 13indicated that the damage zones of the fretting scars could be plotted into four regions,i.e.,from cen-ter to exterior:contact center,slight wear zone,severe wear zone and cracking zone,as shown schematicly in Fig.15.In the center of contact,the interface of two counterparts were kept in contact all the time,where no damage was detected.In severe worn zone,a great deal of particles in shape of flake usually in thickness about 0.5m which detached by delami-nation [16]was founded in Fig.16.The coexistence of cracks and wear was the essential feature in cracking zone as seen in Fig.17.The feature of wear was substantially different from the configuration spalled by high contact stress (Fig.14(b)).Fig.15.Schematic diagram of damage zones of ceramics under condition of radial fretting.M.H.Zhu et al./Wear 259(2005)996–10041003Fig.16.The morphography of delamination in the fretting scars:Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact,F max =400N,105cycles;(a)in mode of brightness;(b)in mode of height;(c)profile of lineAB.Fig.17.The morphography of cracking zone in the fretting scars:(a)Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact,F max =400N,105cycles;(b)Cerec Vita Mark II vs.Si 3N 4contact,F max =800N,105cycles.Obviously,the wear mechanism during the cracking zone was also delamination.To compare Fig.14with 17,it is very easy to deduce that the formation of cracking was earlier than that of wear under high normal loads.From the boundary to the contact center,the interspaces of cracks increased gradually from several micrometers to several decades micrometers as shown in Fig.17(b).4.DiscussionsAccording to the experimental results mentioned above,the damage mechanism of dental ceramics under radial fret-ting can be marked into two cases of different normal load levels.When F max ≤300N only wear occurred through the mechanisms of combination of adhesion and delamination.But when F max ≥400N the cracking formed prior to wear and accelerated the detachment of particles.Generally,the formation of cracks is quite dangerous for engineering ap-plications of ceramics.Therefore,the ceramics must be used below the critical contact stress under radial fretting.Never-theless,up to now there is no method to detect the fatigue properties of engineering ceramics under dynamic contact conditions.According to the above results,the critical load or stress for cracking initiation can be obtained by testing ra-dial fretting under different parameters.Also,the fatigue life curves can be obtained under nonhomogeneous deformation.Therefore,the radial fretting test will be proposed as a new and potential method to evaluate fatigue life of ceramics un-der dynamic contact conditions.In the compressive stress distribution given by classic Hertzian theory [17],the maximum value lies in the cen-ter of contact zone under the contact of ball-on-flat.As a balance,there is a tensile stress distribution at the boundary of the outer contact consequentially.This is the reason why the cracking zone formed at the outer contact region.Surface shear stresses were calculated from the principal stresses of Hertzian theory by Tyler et al.[11].The octahedral shear stresses of surface of flat specimen at different contact radii were calculated in terms of the principal stresses.The oc-tahedral shear stress was maximum at the outer rather than inner contact radius.During a cycle of oscillatory normal loading,the stresses variation formed the higher peaks just in the middle between the inner and outer contact radius.In other words,it was revealed that the maximum shear stresses appeared in an intermediate position of the micro-slip zone,i.e.,corresponded to the severe wear zone.No friction is one of basic hypotheses in Hertzian theory.Since the worn of materials were the basic phenomena under radial fretting,the friction force can not be neglected during the damage processes,while it is balanced by its symmetrical distribution.Obviously,our results are in good agreement with the stresses analysis provided by Hertzian theory.In order to understand the effect of friction force on damages,a drop of lubrication oil was put between the interfaces of contact pairs.The damage extent was much slighter than that of dry condition under the same test parameters,as shown in Fig.18(compared with Fig.13(a)).It is indicated that the material damages were weakened greatly with the decrease of friction force by lubrication.1004M.H.Zhu et al./Wear259(2005)996–1004Fig.18.LCSM photomicrograph of the fretting scars under oil lubrication: Cerec Vita Mark II vs.52100contact,F max=400N,105cycles.Therefore,the friction force is impossible to change the es-sential structure of the stresses distribution.The actual stress distribution appended the effect of friction force is difficult to get an analytic solution.To expect,a new model needs to be built up to calculate the stress distribution of radial fretting by numerical calculation methods in our future work.5.Conclusions1)For the dental ceramics of Cerec Vita Mark II,the defor-mation behaviours were strongly depended on the levels of maximum normal loads under radial fretting.When the maximum normal load was equaled to100N,only elastic deformation occurred in all cycles.When the maximum normal load increased to200N,residual deformation can only be detected in thefirst cycle.The plastic deforma-tion could be observed in thefirst and subsequent fretting cycles under higher normal loads.When the maximum normal load reached and exceeded400N,the propaga-tion of cracks can be reflected in the D–N curves.2)The critical normal load of cracks initiation under our testparameters was verified to be between300N and400N.Below the critical normal load,no macro-cracks can be detected in the fretting scars.It is suggested that the ra-dial fretting test is a potential method to evaluate fatigue properties of ceramics under dynamic contact conditions.3)Under lower normal loads(below the critical normalload),the damage mechanisms were the combination of adhesion and delamination.Under the higher normal loads(above the critical normal load),the fretting scars can be plotted into four regions,i.e.,contact center,slightwear zone,severe wear zone and cracking zone.The de-lamination was the main damage mechanism in the wear zone,and the combination of cracking and delamination in the cracking zone.4)Under oil lubrication,the extent of radial fretting damagesgreatly reduced.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.50105017and No.50305030)and Sichuan Youth Science&Technology Foundation of China (No.03ZQ026-062).References[1]R.B.Waterhouse,Fretting Fatigue,Appl.Sci.,London,1981.[2]R.B.Waterhouse,Fretting wear,in:ASM 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