On solvability of a partial integral equation in the space ${L_2(OmegatimesOmega)}$
对外边值问题,考虑到二维Dirichlet 问题的解应当在无穷远处有界,故解的边界积分表达式要做修正,对积分方程的解要有约束,这样去解边界积分方程得出的解才等同于原问题的解。
Galerkin 边界元方法是把积分方程转化为等价的边界变分方程,经用边界元离散后,通过求解线性代数方程组和计算解的离散的积分表达式求得原问题的数值解,该方法需要在边界上计算重积分。
inequalities for graph eigenvalues
We consider the Laplacian and eigenvalues of graphs and induced subgraphs. Although an induceas a graph in its own right, it is natural to consider an induced subgraph S as having a boundary (formed by edges joining vertices in S and vertices not in S but in the “ host ” graph). The host graph then can be regarded as a special case of a subgraph with no boundary. This paper consists of three parts. In the first part (Section 2-5), we give definitions and describe basic properties for the Laplacian of graphs. We introduce the Neumann eigenvalues for induced subgraphs and the heat kernel for graphs and induced subgraphs. Then we establish the following lower bound for the Neumann eigenvalues of induced subgraphs. 1
Abstract For an induced subgraph S of a graph, we show that its Neumann eigenvalue λS can be lower-bounded by using the heat kernel Ht (x, y ) of the subgraph. Namely, √ 1 Ht (x, y ) dx λS ≥ inf y ∈S 2t dy x ∈S where dx denotes the degree of the vertex x. In particular, we derive lower bounds of eigenvalues for convex subgraphs which consist of lattice points in an d-dimensional Riemannian manifolds M with convex boundary. The techniques involve both the (discrete) heat kernels of graphs and improved estimates of the (continuous) heat kernels of Riemannian manifolds. We prove eigenvalue lower bounds for convex subgraphs of the form cǫ2 /(dD(M ))2 where ǫ denotes the distance between two closest lattice points, D(M ) denotes the diameter of the manifold M and c is a constant (independent of the dimension d and the number of vertices in S , but depending on the how “dense” the lattice points are). This eigenvalue bound is useful for bounding the rates of convergence for various random walk problems. Since many enumeration problems can be approximated by considering random walks in convex subgraphs of some appropriate host graph, the eigenvalue inequalities here have many applications.
人体结构学 Human Structure学习通章节答案期末考试题库2023年
人体结构学 Human Structure学习通超星课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.Which bones belong to the shoulder girdle?答案:Scapula###Clavicle2.The paired cerebral bones are答案:parietal bone###temporal bone3.Shoulder joint is formed by答案:head of humerus###glenoid cavity of scapula4.Please deseribe the location and openings of the paranasal sinuses答案:答5.Please describe the formation, main structures and communications of the middle Cranial fossa.答案:答6.Please describe the joints of the vertebral bodies.答案:答7.Please describe the joints of the vertebral arches.答案:答8.Please describe the composition, characteristics and movements of theshoulder joint.答案:答9.Which bone belongs to the long bone?答案:Femur10.Which bones belong to the irregular bone?答案:Vertebra###Sphenoid bone11.The blood- testis barrier does NOT include the答案:gap junction between adjacent spermatogomia12.Which of the following description is true about the primordial follicles答案:The primordial follicle consists of a primary oocyte and a layer of flat follicle cells.13.(英文答题,第一空填1个单词,第二空3个单词)The axial bone contains fromup downwards _____ and_____.答案:skull###bonesoftrunk14.About the component of nephron, the correct option is答案:renal corpuscle, proximal tubules, distal tubules and thin segment15.About the features of proximal tubule, the WRONG option is答案:The cytoplasm of epithelial cell is weakly basophilic.16. A patient presents in your office after having a positive result on a homepregnancy test. Her menstrual cycle has always been the classic 28-day cycle discussed in textbooks, with ovulation occurring on the 14th day following the start of menstruation. Her menstrual period began on August 19.2019.You estimate her EDD to be答案:on May 26, 202017.Which of the following is NOT considered one of the fetal membranes答案:buccopharyngeal membrane18.Which bone does not form the anterior cranial fossa?答案:Temporal bone19.Which bone forms both the middle and posterior cranial fossa?答案:Temporal bone20.(英文答题,第一空填1个单词,第二空1个单词,第三空2个单词)Thesternum consists from up downwards of_____ , _______ and ______ .答案:manubrium###body###xiphoidprocess21.Of the following statements about epididymis, the WRONG option is答案:The ductus epididymis is lined with a simple columnar epithelium22.Of the following statements about trachea, the WRONG option is答案:The adventitia is constructed of the elastic cartilage rings.23.The interalveolar septum does NOT contain答案:ciliated cell24.All the following cells are included in the spermatogenic epithelium, EXCEPTthe答案:Leydig cells25.Please describe the general features of the vertebrae.答案:答26.Which bone forms the posteroinferior part of the bony nasal septum?答案:Vomer27.Drawing pictures of Thoracic vertebra from anterior and lateral view.答案:答28.Which bone does not form the thoracic Cage?答案:Sacrum29.About the scapula, which of the statements is not true?答案:It has three borders, three angles and three surfaces.30.About the component of the renal corpuscle, the WRONG option is答案:At the vascular pole, the efferent arteriole enters the glomerulus.31.Of the following statements about podocyte, the correct option is答案:They form the visceral layer of the Bowman's capsule.32.An infant is born with a sacrococcygeal teratoma. Biopsy(组织活检) andhistologic analysis reveal that it contains intestinal epithelia, cardiac muscle, cartilage, and integument tissue. You counsel the mother that the tumor is benign(良性的)and recommend surgical removal. This tumor was caused by which developmental anomaly?答案:Failure of primitive streak regression33.Which of the following structure is NOT included in the secondary follicle?答案:secondary oocyte34.All the following are from mesoderm EXCEPT the答案:spinal cord35.Which of the following descriptions is NOT true about the corpus luteum?答案:The corpus luteum continues to produce estrogen and progesterone during the whole process of pregnancy.36.Of the following statements about the alveolus of lung, the WRONG option is答案:It opens on the wall of terminal bronchioles.37.Which of the following descriptions is NOT true about the secretory phase ofa menstrual cycle?答案:The basal layer of endometrium becomes thicker .38.Of the following statements about Leydig cells, the correct option is答案:It secretes testosterone.39.Of the following statements about macula densa, the WRONG option is答案:It is derived from smooth muscle fibers of afferent arteriole.40.Of the following statements concerning terminal bronchioles, the WRONGoption is答案:They have some mixed gland.41.Of the following options, the blood-air barrier does NOT contain答案:typeⅡalveolar cells42.All the following cells are included in the spermatogenic cells, EXCEPT答案:Sertoli cells43.Which of the following does not belong to the joints of the vertebral arches?答案:Anterior longitudinal ligament44.Human chorionic gonadotropin is produced by the答案:syncytiotrophoblast45.Which of the followings is not enclosed in the articular capsule of shoulderjoint ?答案:Tendon of the short head of the biceps46.The pathway connecting the infratemporal fossa with the orbit is答案:inferior orbital fissure47.When does ovulation occur in a menstrual cycle?答案:the 14th day。
%The existence of nontrivial solutions to a discrete Kirchhoff type problem was studied. The matrix form and the corresponding energy func-tional of the above problem were given in this paper,then the desired solutions were equivalent to the critical points of the energy functional by variational methods. When the nonlinear term met the superlinear growth conditions,it was proved that the problem had at least one nontrivial solution via Mountain Pass Lemma of critical point theory.【期刊名称】《太原科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【总页数】4页(P72-74,75)【关键词】Kirchhoff型方程;变分方法;山路引理【作者】王庆云【作者单位】山西建筑职业技术学院基础部,太原030006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O177本文主要利用山路引理研究离散Kirchhoff型方程:非平解的存在性,其中N≥3是一个给定的整数,[1,N]表示离散区间{1,2,…,N},a,b>0是常数,△表示由△u(k)=u(k+1)-u(k)所定义的向前差分算子,△2u(k)=△(△u(k)),且∀k∈[1,N],f(k,·)∈C(R,R)满足f(k,0)=0.显然问题:式(1)有平凡解u=0.因此,我们所感兴趣的是问题式(1)非平凡解的存在性。
Article history: Received 28 April 2009 Received in revised form 17 July 2009 Accepted 23 July 2009 Available online 3 August 2009 MSC: 65M06 65M12 65M15 35Q51 35Q53 78M20 Keywords: Fractional diffusion equation Finite difference Compact scheme Padé approximant Stability Convergence Fourier analysis
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (2009) 7792–7804
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Journal of Computational Physics
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E-mail address: mrcui@ 0021-9991/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2009.07.021
M.R. Cui / Journal of Computational Physics 228 (2009) 7792–7804
1. Introduction Fractional differential equations (FDEs) have attracted increasing attention because they have applications in various fields of science and engineering. For example, they can describe many physical and chemical processes, biological systems, etc. The main physical purpose for investigating diffusion equations of fractional order is to describe phenomena of anomalous diffusion in transport processes through complex and/or disordered systems including fractal media, and fractional kinetic equations have proved particularly useful in the context of anomalous slow diffusion, see, for example, the excellent review paper [1]. An overview of the basic theory of fractional differentiation, fractional-order differential equations, methods of their solution and applications can be found in the book [2]. There have been several numerical methods proposed for solving the space and/or time FDEs up to now. Lynch et al. [3] developed two numerical schemes, one explicit and another one semi-implicit, for solving the transport problem with anomalous diffusion modeled by a partial differential equation of fractional order. Meerschaert and Tadjeran [4] studied the onedimensional radial flow model, they found that the fractional derivative describes more accurately the early arrival that cannot be explained by the classical advection–dispersion equations and they presented an implicit Euler method, based on a
A note on the fairness of TCP Vegas
A NOTE ON THE FAIRNESS OF TCP VEGASCatherine Boutremans and Jean-Yves Le Boudec Institute for Computer Communication and Applications(ICA) EPFL(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology),CH-1015LausanneAbstractThis paper shows that TCP Vegas’fairness critically re-quires an accurate estimation of propagation delay.We also show that,in practice,this may be difficult to achieve and we discuss how to choose the parameters and that control the window sizes’update.1IntroductionOur objective in this paper is to better understand the dy-namics of the congestion control algorithm implemented in TCP Vegas[1]and to better assert its possible use in the context of TCP friendly applications.First,we briefly introduce the principles of TCP Vegas, detailed in Section2,which uses measures of round trip time(RTT)as congestion feedback,rather than packet losses.In Vegas,actual and expected rates in a connec-tion are evaluated using,respectively,the actual value of the RTT and the minimum value of all RTT values ever measured in this connection(this is the estimation of the propagation delay).The difference between these rates, whose value is compared to two parameters(namely and),is then used to adjust the window size.Several drawbacks of TCP Vegas have been pointed out recently.First,because of the default values of and in its implementation[1,2],TCP Vegas does not share the total bandwidth amongst connections in a fair way[3,4].Secondly,the same unfairness is observed for any given inaccurate estimation of the propagation delay. This led Hasegawa[5,6]to propose an enhanced Vegas in which.He shows that this setting leads to oscillations in the window size values,and claims that their amplitude can provide an accurate estimate of the propagation delay.This is crucial as even in this setting, the accurate estimate is necessary to ensure a fair share of the bandwidth.In this paper,wefirst check the fairness of the en-hanced TCP Vegas proposed by Hasegawa.In particular, we address the problem of the propagation delay estima-tion.This leads us to review the case where.Our main results follow.Under the setting,wefind that the rate oscilla-tions,which we show increase with the rate value,do not allow a connection to accurately estimate the propagation delay.Also,any over-estimation of the propagation delay of a given connection will increase its rate,an increase that becomes more pronounced with the over-estimation factor.In return,the different connections’peaks in the oscillations are not synchronized in time,thus there is no sub-use of the link capacity.When,we show that the rate of a connection converges to a stable value that depends on the arrival order of all connections.As a result,thefirst connections to be established will be favored when the propagation delays are properly estimated.Yet,in later connections the propagation delays are overestimated and so their rates are greater than what they should be.These two effects tend to counterbalance each other but the second tends to dominate.This paper is organized as follows.In section2,we summarize the congestion avoidance scheme of TCP Ve-gas.Section3gives an analysis of the case and presents simulation results.Section4is devoted to the case.Finally,a discussion on our results is ad-dressed and conclusions are drawn.2TCP Vegas’Congestion Control AlgorithmIn this section,we describe the congestion avoidance al-gorithm of TCP Vegas.As mentioned previously,the bandwidth estimation scheme of TCP Vegas radically dif-fers from the one of TCP Reno.While TCP Reno uses packet losses as congestion feedback,TCP Vegas uses the difference between the expected and actual rates to esti-mate the congestion state of the network.Because TCP Vegas does not need to engender losses to evaluate the available bandwidth in the network,it utilizes the band-width more efficiently than TCP Reno.The basic idea of TCP Vegas is that the farther away the actual throughput gets from the expected throughput, the more congested is the network,which implies that the sending rate should be reduced.The threshold triggers this decrease.On the other hand,when the actual and ex-pected throughputs are close,the connection is in danger of not utilizing the available bandwidth.The thresholdtriggers this increase.The Congestion Avoidance algorithm of TCP Vegas,first introduced in[1],can be summarized as follows. Once per round trip time,1.Vegas computes the expected throughput,which isgiven by:where is the current window size andis the minimum of all measured round trip times.2.Vegas calculates the current sending rate byusing the actual round trip time:where RTT is the observed round trip time of a packet.3.Vegas computes the estimated backlog in the buffersby:4.finally,Vegas updates the window size as follows:(1) TCP Vegas controls its window size to keep the mea-sured backlog within the boundaries.The reason behind is that TCP Vegas tries to detect and utilize the extra bandwidth whenever it becomes available without congesting the network.Typical values of and are1 and3or2and4[1,2].3Case:As we have just seen,TCP Vegas tries to keep a certain amount of packets queued in the buffers.This implies that the value of can be greater than the propa-gation delay(which is the delay when there is no queue). In this section,in which,we will analyze the in-fluence of an over-estimation of the propagation delay on the fairness of TCP Vegas.3.1Analysis3.1.1Analytical study of the steady stateIn this analysis of the fairness of TCP Vegas,we propose a generalization of the equations presented in[4].We will study the rate distribution,provided by TCP Vegas, at the steady state that is when all the window sizes have converged to a stable value.Figure1:Network modelThe network model considered here is illustrated in Figure1.It consists of a single bottleneck link,shared by er()has a propagation delay and uses the window-basedflow control of TCP Vegas. The bandwidth of the link is and the switch adopts a FIFO discipline.The buffer size is assumed to be infinite.This assumption ensures that TCP Vegas does not behave like TCP Reno,which would be the case for small buffer sizes(as shown in[3]).In the depicted configuration,let us assume that each user measures a minimum round trip time,(2) where()is the propagation delay over-estimation of connection.We now consider that the TCP Vegas algorithm has reached a steady state(fixed window sizes).Then,each connection measures a round trip timewhere is the queuing delay at the switch.We can deduce from(1)that,at the steady state, .Therefore,we can express the window sizes by:(3)at the steady state using:andwhere and for all,and(7)This derivative has large values when is close to.This shows that the influence of the over-estimation of the propagation delay of a connection on its rate increases with the over-estimation factor.the partial derivative of the rate of a connection with respect to the over-estimation factor of another con-nection is(8)This quantity(which is negative)has significant val-ues only when and are close to and.In practice,this means that the cross influence of the over-estimation of a connection on the rate of an-other connection is important only for connections with an important over-shooting.So far,we have considered that all window sizes did stabilize.In fact,when,the window sizes will oscillate around the steady state values considered in this section.An analytical study of the system dynamics is quite complex.Therefore,we performed simulations to study these oscillations and to check if Hasegawa’s hy-pothesis was true.3.2SimulationsThe results presented in this section were obtained with two different simulators:the Network Simulator(ns)de-veloped at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and our own implementation of the congestion avoidance algorithm of TCP Vegas,to cross-check our results.3.2.1Simulation setupThe simple network model that was simulated is the one described in section3.1.It consists of a single bottleneck shared by connections(see Figure1).The following parameters were used:the link bandwidth=1Mbps, the propagation delays0.2s for all(all users have the same propagation delay),the number of users=10,20and40,and the buffer size is infinite.Thesuccessive connections(=1,...,n)join the network ev-ery2seconds,starting from connection with index1.In addition,we introduced a random part to the propagation delay in order to take into account the influence of very small variations of the queue size(the random part was a zero mean gaussian with variance equal to the variance of an M/M/1queue loaded at90%).Each simulation lasted for120seconds.3.2.2ResultsIn this section,we present some results that exhibit the behaviour of the TCP Vegas congestion avoidance phase. In Figure3(a,b,c),we show the values of measured by the different connections.Eachfigure cor-responds to a different value of the parameter.The x-axis and y-axis represent respectively the index of the connection(recall connections join successively the net-work)and the corresponding.The solid line represent the theoretical values of given by Bonald(not taking the oscillations into account).The triangles and the stars represent respectively the values of at the beginning and at the end of the con-nection.Their simulation values are very close to each other and are far from the value of the propagation delay (especially for the late connections).This means that the oscillations are not sufficient to allow the connections to measure accurately the propagation delay.However,the theoretical value of is pessimistic compared to the real values.Let us now investigate the influence of the propagation delay over-estimations on the rates distribution.Figure4 (a,b,c)shows the rates of the different connections() as a function of their over-estimation factor()for dif-ferent values of and.The vertical bars represent the amplitude of the rate oscillations.We can see that any over-estimation of the propagation delay of a connection results in an increase of its rate which gets worse(for a given)when the over-estimation factor increases.This effect is very critical as the late connections can receive up to5times more bandwidth than the earlier connec-tions.This demonstrates the unfairness of TCP Vegas. Another point of interest is the increase of the ampli-tude of the rate oscillations with the rate value.This is explained in the following.For all connections,the win-dow size oscillates around its mean value,all oscillation amplitudes being similar.This leads to oscillations of the queuing delay,which influences the rate value follow-ing:5rate = f (x *c), n = 10r a t e i (b p s )x i *c(a)5r a t e i (b p s )x i *c(b)4rate = f (x *c), n = 40r a t e i (b p s )x i *c(c)Figure 4:Repartition of the rates for (a),(b)and (c).5time(s)Figure 5:Evolution of the rates over time forand.as a function of the time is plotted (we chose a small simulation window to facilitate the reading of the plot).The oscillations’peaks are not synchronized in time and therefore don’t lead to an under-utilization of the link ca-pacity.3.3Conclusion forWe have shown that any over-estimation of the propaga-tion delay of a connection results in an increase of its rate which gets worse as the over-estimation factor increases.We also have found that the rate oscillations did not al-low to compensate this effect.As a result,the late con-nections,which have an important over-estimation factor,can get a lot more bandwidth than the earlier connections.Because of this,the enhanced TCP Vegas,when ,does not achieve fairness among the connections.This leads to non deterministic transfer times.4Case 2:We now turn to the case in which stabilization of the window sizes,that would oscillate for is observed.We now propose to analyze the joint impact of 1)the difference between and ,and 2)the over-estimation of the propagation delay on the fairness of TCP Vegas.The network model and notations are the same as those depicted in section 3.4.1Analysis of the fairnessAt the steady state,in the case ,we can deducefrom (1)that for all .Therefore,we can express the window sizes by:(10)and derive the following expression for the throughput of connection :(11)This equation holds the two reasons of unfairness of TCPVegas.First,if the propagation delays are correctly es-timated(),the rate of a connection converges to a value that lies between two bounds that depend on the parameters and.Therefore some connections could receive times more bandwidth than other connec-tions.Second,late connections will probably receive more bandwidth than earlier ones as the boundary val-ues increase with over-estimation of the propagation de-lay.The adjective probably refers to the fact that the ac-tual convergence value,because of possible overlap be-tween boundaries of successive connections,can not be assessed to a greater value for later connections.More-over,the convergence values depend on the arrival order of connections,as more than one solution exists to the equation.Let us now detail the case in which all connections measure accurately the propagation delay.We state that earlier connections will be favored and will receive more bandwidth,as shown in the heuristic argument that fol-lows.Let us consider the simple case where only two connections are sharing a bottleneck link.Figure6 illustrates the convergence region of TCP Vegas for 2users,but the same geometric picture can be easily extended to a case with more users.In thefigure, and lines for connection denote the sets of window size pairsand,respec-tively.The fairness line represents window size pairs of equal throughputs of connections,i.e..Connection1 increases its window size in regions(1),(4)and(7),and decreases it in regions(3),(6),and(9).Similarly,user2 increases its window size in regions(7),(8)and(9),and decreases it in regions(1),(2)and(3).The only region where neither user updates its window size is region(5). The arrows in other regions indicate the directions in which the window sizes may get updated.Now,if we suppose that connection1startsfirst and connection2 joins the network when connection1is in steady state, the initial conditions of the system are situated on the x-axis between the lines and.And,starting from that region,the window sizes will converge to a point in the hachured part of region(5),assuming that the distance between and lines is sufficiently large compared to the amount()by which users update their window sizes.In the hachured part of region(5),the rate of connection1is greater than the one of connection 2and this explains the bias in favor of early connections. Of course,the greater the difference between and, the greater will be the unfairness.In the next section,we present some simulation results that illustrate our analysis.1 Figure6:Convergence region of TCP Vegas4.2SimulationsUsing the setup of section3.2.1,with,we simu-lated two scenarios:in thefirst one,we imposed that all connections have an accurate estimation the propagation delay()while in the second one,more realistic, the propagation delay is estimated by the connections.4.2.1Case1:without over-estimation of the propa-gation delayFigure7illustrates the rate distribution between users for different values of the parameters.The x-axis and y-axis represent respectively the index and the rate of the connections.As expected,we see that earlier connec-tions receive more bandwidth than later ones.Moreover, the unfairness increases with the ratio.We can also notice that the oscillations disappeared.5ratei(bps)index of the connection (i)Figure7:Rate distribution between the connections for and without propagation delay over-estimation4.2.2Case2:with over-estimation of the propaga-tion delayNow,we investigate the joint impact of being unequal to and the propagation delay over-estimation.In figure 8(a,b,c),we plotted the rates of the connec-tions as a function of their over-estimation factor,for dif-ferent values of ,and .We see that the two effects tend to compensate each other and so the overall fairness increases as furthers off .However,the effects do not cancel out as the influence of the over-estimation factor dominates.This can be seen in the figure as the rates in-crease with increasing values of .5rate = f (x *c), n = 10r a t e i (b p s )x i *c(a)4rate = f (x *c), n = 20r a t e i (b p s )x i *c(b)4r a t e (b p s )x i *c(c)Figure 8:Repartition of the rates for (a),(b)and (c).4.3Conclusion forUnder this setting,the rate of a connection converges to a stable value that depends on the arrival order of the connections.When the propagation delays are prop-erly estimated,the earliest established connections are fa-vored and receive more bandwidth.On the other hand,the later connections over-estimate the propagation de-lays and therefore gain a larger portion of the bandwidth.These two effects tend to counterbalance each other but the second tends to dominate.5Final ConclusionIn this article,we have studied the fairness of TCP Vegas.We have considered the two cases and .When ,any over-estimation of the propaga-tion delay of a given connection results in an increase of its rate that gets greater as the over-estimation factor increases.The rate oscillations do not allow for compen-sation of this effect.This results in unfair distribution of bandwidth among the users.In the case ,we showed that two reasons of un-fairness of TCP Vegas are 1)the over-estimation of the propagation delay of a connection and 2)the fact that.The analysis of these two factors evidenced that,although their effects counterbalance,they do not cancel each other out.The over-estimation problem is dominant and causes unfairness.Our final conclusion is that the use of TCP Vegas in the future (instead of Reno)should rely on but will require that propagation delays be correctly estimated.There is no obvious way to achieve this.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank Professor Patrick Thiran for fruitfull discussions.References[1]L.Brakmo and L.Peterson,“TCP Vegas:End toend congestion avoidance on a global internet,”IEEE J.of Selected Areas in Communication ,vol.13,pp.1465–1480,1995.[2]J.S.Ahn,P.B.Dansig,Z.Liu,,and L.Yan,“Eval-uation of TCP Vegas:Emulation and experiment,”in ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review ,vol.25,pp.185–195,1995.[3]T.Bonald,“Comparison of TCP Reno and TCPVegas via fluid approximation,”tech.rep.,INRIA,1998.[4]J.Mo,,V.Anantharam,and J.Walrand,“Anal-ysis and comparison of TCP Reno and Vegas,”in Globecom’99,1999.[5]G.Hasegawa,M.Murata,and H.Miyahara,“Fair-ness and stability of congestion control mechanisms of TCP,”in11th ITC Specialist Seminar,pp.255–262,October1998.[6]G.Hasegawa,M.Murata,and H.Miyahara,“Fair-ness and stability of congestion control mechanisms of TCP,”in Globecom’99,pp.1329–1336,1999.。
Searching for Leviathan An Empirical Study
n commuting derivations, DF0,n , has a model completion, DCF0,n , the theory of differentially closed fields of characteristic zero with n commuting derivations. We regard the study of DCF0,n as being synonomous with the study of algebraic differential equations. Even for ordinary algebraic differential equations, it is not the case that every such differential equation is analyzable in terms of linear differential equations. For example, there are many differential equations for which if X ⊆ K is the set of solutions to the equation in some differentially closed field K and L ⊆ K n is a (finite dimensional over the constants) vector space of solutions to a system of linear differential equations, then for any Γ ⊆ X × L defined itself by differential equations, if both projections are surjective, then Γ = X × L. Nevertheless, at least in the case of ordinary differential equations, such a situation is always explained by the geometric simplicity of X . Hrushovski and Sokolovi´ c showed in [5] that if a minimal type in DCF0,1 (their proof immediately generalizes to minimal types of finite transcendence degree in DCF0,n ) is not locally modular, then it must be nonorthogonal to the generic type of the constant field. Here locally modular may be read as geometrically simple. This dichotomy theorem lies at the heart of the model-theoretic proof of the characteristic zero function field version of the Mordell-Lang conjecture [4]. When a group is present, local modularity means that all the generic structure comes from definable groups and when a group is absent, local modularity means that all of the structure is essentially binary. Later in this paper we make heavy use of these and related concepts from geometric stability theory. The reader may wish to consult [11] for the technical details. The Hrushovski-Sokolovi´ c proof relies on the central theorem on Zariski geometries of Hrushovski and Zilber [6]. Recently, Pillay and Ziegler found a direct proof of a strengthening of this theorem based on a theory of jet spaces for algebraic D-varieties [12]. It had been hoped that the jet space technology would adapt to higher dimensional systems of partial differential equations, but technical difficulties obstructed a smooth application of these methods. However, arc spaces of differential varieties work beautifully and we employ them to prove a higher dimensional version of the dichotomy theorem. In particular we define the differential arc spaces Am (X ) of a differential algebraic variety X . The fibre Am (X )a at a point a ∈ X will not be a definable group, but will be obtained by a sequence of fibrations, each fibre of which is isomorphic to the differential tangent space of X at a, which is a definable group. The theory DCF0,n is totally transcendental [9, 15], and in particular, superstable. As such, every type is coordinatized by regular types. If K |= DCF0,n is a differentially closed field, V ⊆ ⊕n i=1 K∂i is a d-dimensional subspace of the Lie algebra spanned by the distinguished derivations, and CV := K V := {x ∈ K | ∂ (x) = 0 for all ∂ ∈ V }, then the generic type of CV has Lascar rank ωn−d . It follows from the Lascar inequalities that this type is regular. We conjecture that every non locally modular regular type in DCF0,n is nonorthogonal to a generic type of such a constant field. We will prove that every non-locally modular regular type is nonorthogonal to a regular type which is the generic type of a definable subgroup of the additive group. As all such groups are defined by linear differential equations, this gives, in particular, a rigorous sense to the assertion that the geometric
Seshadri constants and periods of polarized abelian varieties
So m(A, L) is the (square of the) length of the shortest non-zero period of A, where the length is taken with respect to the euclidian metric defined by bL . When L is a principal polarization, this invariant has been studied by Buser and Sarnak in [2], who use an average argument familiar from the geometry of numbers to get a bound on the maximal value of m(A, L). Lazarsfeld has recently established in [8] a surprising connection between minimal period lengths and Seshadri constants. Using symplectic blowing up in the spirit of [9] he shows that the Seshadri constant of (A, L) is bounded below in terms of m(A, L): ε(A, L) ≥ π m(A, L) . 4 (L)
i=1di ≥ຫໍສະໝຸດ (8g )g 1 ≈ (8e)g , 2g ! 2
then L is very ample. Roughly speaking, Theorem 1 says that the Seshadri constant √ of a very general abelian variety (A, L) is quite close to the theoretical upper bound g Lg . In the other direction, one is lead to ask under which geometrical circumstances ε(A, L) can become small – apart from the trivial situation when A contains an elliptic curve of small degree. Lazarsfeld [8] has shown that for the Jacobian (JC, Θ) of a compact Riemann surface C of genus √ g ≥ 2 one has ε(JC, Θ) ≤ g . Now the principally polarized abelian varieties which may be considered as being closest to Jacobians are Prym varieties of ´ etale double coverings. Our second result then shows that this intuition is indeed reflected by the fact that Prym varieties have small Seshadri constants:
On Model Theoryfor Intuitionistic Bounded Arithmeticwith Applications to Independence ResultsSamuel R.Buss∗AbstractIPV+is IPV(which is essentially IS12)with polynomial-induction onΣb+1-formulas disjoined with arbitrary formulas in which theinduction variable does not occur.This paper proves that IPV+issound and complete with respect to Kripke structures in which everyworld is a model of CPV(essentially S12).Thus IPV is sound withrespect to such structures.In this setting,this is a strengtheningof the usual completeness and soundness theorems forfirst-orderintuitionistic ing Kripke structures a conservation resultis proved for PV1over IPV.Cook-Urquhart and Kraj´ıˇc ek-Pudl´a k have proved independence results stating that it is consistent with IPV and PV that extendedFrege systems are super.As an application of Kripke models for IPV,we give a proof of a strengthening of Cook and Urquhart’s theoremusing the model-theoretic construction of Kraj´ıˇc ek and Pudl´a k.1IntroductionAn equational theory P V of polynomial time functions was introduced by Cook[4];a classicalfirst-order theory S12for polynomial time computation was developed in Buss[1];and intuitionistic theories IS12and IPV for polynomial time computation have been discussed by Buss[2]and by Cook and Urquhart[5].This paper discusses(a)model theory for the intuitionistic ∗Supported in part by NSF Grant DMS-8902480.fragments IPV and IPV+of Bounded Arithmetic(IPV is essentially IS12 enlarged to the language of PV)and(b)the relationship between two recent independence results for IPV and CPV.The theories IPV and CPV have the same axioms but are intuitionistic and classical,respectively.Our model theory for IPV and IPV+is a strengthening of the usual Kripke semantics for intuitionisticfirst-order logic:we consider Kripke structures in which each “world”is a classical model of CPV.The use of these so-called CPV-normal Kripke structures is in contrast to the usual Kripke semantics which instead require each world to intuitionistically satisfy(or“force”)the axioms;the worlds of a CPV-normal Kripke structure must classically satisfy the axioms. The main new results of this paper establish the completeness and soundness of IPV+with respect to CPV-normal Kripke structures.The outline of this paper is as follows:in section2,the definitions of PV1, IPV and CPV are reviewed and the theory IPV+is introduced;in section3, we develop model theory for IPV and IPV+and prove the soundness of these theories with respect to CPV-normal Kripke structures;in section4we apply the usual intuitionistic completeness theorem to prove a conservation result of PV1over IPV.Section5contains the completeness theorem for IPV+with respect to CPV-normal Kripke models.In section6,we apply the soundness theorem to prove a strengthening of Cook and Urquhart’s independence result for IPV and show that this strengthened result implies Kraj´ıˇc ek and Pudl´a k’s independence result.2The Feasible TheoriesCook[4]defined an equational theory PV for polynomial time computation. Buss[1]introduced afirst-order theory S12with proof-theoretic strength corresponding to polynomial time computation and in which precisely the polynomial time functions could beΣb1-defined.There is a very close connection between S12and PV:let S12(PV)(also called CPV)be the theory defined conservatively over S12by adding function symbols for polynomial time functions and adding defining equations(universal axioms)for the new function symbols;then S12(PV)is conservative over PV[1].Buss[2]defined an intuitionistic theory IS12for polynomial time compu-tation and Cook and Urquhart[5]gave similarly feasible,intuitionistic proof systems PVωand IPVωfor feasible,higher-type functionals.This paper will deal exclusively with the following theories,which are defined in more detail in the next paragraphs:(1)PV1is PV conservatively extended tofirst-order classical logic—PV1is defined by Kraj´ıˇc ek-Pudl´a k-Takeuti[12]and should not be confused Cook’s propositional expansion P V1 of PV[4],(2)IPV is an intuitionistic theory in the language of PV and isessentially equivalent to IS12,(3)CPV is S12(PV),and(4)the intuitionistic theory IPV+is an extension of IPV and is defined below.We now review the definitions of these four theories—it should be noted that our definitions are based on Bounded Arithmetic and not all of them are the historical definitions.Recall that S12is a classical theory of arithmetic with language0,S,+,·,⌊1x⌋,|x|,#and≤where|x|=⌈log2(x+1)⌉is the length of the binary representation of x and x#y=2|x|·|y|.A bounded quantifier is of the form (Qx≤t)where t is a term not involving x;a sharply bounded quantifier is one of the form(Qx≤|t|).A bounded formula is afirst-order formula in which every quantifier is bounded.The bounded formulas are classified in a syntactic hierarchyΣb i,Πb i by counting alternations of bounded quantifiers, ignoring sharply bounded quantifiers.There is a close connection between this hierarchy of bounded formulas and the polynomial time hierarchy;namely,a set of integers is in the classΣp i of the polynomial time hierarchy if and only if it is definable by aΣb i-formula.The theory S12is axiomatized by some purely universal formulas defining basic properties of the non-logical symbols and by PIND(polynomial induction)onΣb1-formulas:x⌋)⊃A(x))⊃(∀x)A(x)A(0)∧(∀x)(A(⌊12for A anyΣb1-formula.A function f isΣb1-definable in S12if and only if it is provably total in S12with aΣb1-formula defining the graph of f.In[1]it is shown that a function isΣb1-definable in S12if and only if it is polynomial time computable.Let S12(PV)denote the conservative extension of S12obtained by adjoining a new function symbol for each polynomial time(Σb1-defined) function.These new function symbols may be used freely in terms in induction axioms.Another name for the theory S12(PV)is CPV and we shall use the latter name for most of this paper.We useΣb1(PV)andΠb1(PV)to denote hierarchy of classes of bounded formulas in the language of CPV.PV is the equational theory consisting of all(intuitionistic)sequents of atomic formulas provable in S12(P V),i.e.,PV is the theory containing exactly those formulas of the form(r1=s1∧···∧r k=s k)⊃t1=t2which are consequences of S12(P V).PV1is the classical,first-order thoery ax-iomatized by formulas in PV and is conservative over PV.Equivalently,PV1 is the theory axiomatized by the∆b1(PV)-consequences of S12(P V)(where ∆b1(P V)means provably equivalent to aΣb1(PV)-and to aΠb1(PV)-formula).Since S12(PV)has a function symbol for each polynomial time function symbol,the use of sharply bounded quantifiers is not necessary;in particular, everyΣb1(PV)-formula is equivalent to a formula of the form(∃x≤t)(r=s).Hence CPV=S12(PV)may be axiomatized by PIND on formulas in this latter form.IS12is an intuitionistic theory of arithmetic.A hereditarilyΣb1-formula, or HΣb1-formula,is defined to be a formula in which every subformula is aΣb1-formula.IS12is axiomatized like S12except with PIND restricted to HΣb1-formulas.Any function definable in IS12is polynomial time computable and,conversely,every polynomial time computable function is HΣb1-definable in IS12.Let IPV=IS12(PV)be the conservative extension of IS12obtained by adjoining every polynomial time function with a HΣb1-defining equation. Note IPV and CPV have the same language.An alternative definition of IPV is that it is the intuitionistic theory axiomatized by PV plus PIND for formulas of the form(∃x≤t)(r=s).In this way,IPV and CPV can be taken to have precisely the same axioms;the former is intuitionistic and the latter is classical.The theories IPV and IS12 have the law of the excluded middle for atomic formulas,that is to say,the law of the excluded middle holds for polynomial time computable predicates. This restricted law of excluded middle also applies to the theory IPV+defined next.Definition IPV+is the intuitionistic theory which includes PV and has the PIND axioms for formulasψ(b, c)of the formϕ( c)∨(∃x≤t(b, c))[r(x,b, c)=s(x,b, c)]where r,s and t are terms andϕ( c)is an arbitrary formula in which the variable b does not occur.The induction axiom is with respect to the variable b and is:ψ(0, c)∧(∀z)(ψ(⌊1z⌋, c)⊃ψ(z, c))⊃(∀z)ψ(z, c).Note that IPV+⊇IPV sinceϕcan be taken to be0=1,for instance.In[3]a theory IS1+2was defined by allowing PIND on HΣb∗1-formulas where HΣb∗1-formulas are HΣb1-formulas disjoined with an arbitrary formula in which the induction variable does not occur.It is readily checked that IPV+is equivalent to the theory IS1+2extended to the language of PV1by introducing symbols for all polynomial functions via HΣb1-definitions.We use⊢c and⊢i for classical and intuitionistic provability,respectively; thus we shall(redundantly)write CPV⊢cϕand IPV⊢iϕand IPV+⊢iϕ. Whenever we writeΓ⊢iϕorΓ⊢cϕ,we require thatΓbe a set of sentences;†however,ϕmay be a formula and may also involve constant symbols not occuring in any formula inΓ.†By convention,afirst-order theory is identified with the set of sentences provable in that theory.Definition A positive formula is one in which no negation signs(¬)and no implication symbols(⊃)appear.Ifθis a positive formula andϕis an arbitrary formula,thenθϕis the formula obtained fromθby replacing every atomic subformulaχofθby(χ∨ϕ).We do not allow free variables inϕto become bound inθϕ:this can be done either by using the conventions of the sequent calculus which has distinct sets of free and bound variables or by renaming bound variables inθto be distinct from the free variables inϕ.Theorem1Letθbe a positive formula.If CPV⊢c¬θthen IPV⊢i¬θ.Theorem2Letθbe a positive formula andϕbe an arbitrary formula.If CPV⊢c¬θthen IPV+⊢iθϕ⊃ϕ.These theorems follow readily from the corresponding facts for S12and IS1+2which are proved in Buss[3].Theorem2can be obtained as a corollary to Theorem1via Lemma3.5.3(a)of[15].3Kripke structures for intuitionistic logicA classical model for PV1or CPV is defined as usual for classicalfirst-order logic using Tarskian semantics.The corresponding semantic notion for intuitionisticfirst-order logic is that of a Kripke model.We briefly define Kripke models for IPV and IPV+,a slightly more general definition of Kripke models can be found in the textbook by Troelstra and van Dalen[15].(Kripke models for IPV are slightly simpler than in the general case since IPV has the law of the excluded middle for atomic formulas.)A Kripke model K for the language of IPV is an ordered pair({M i}i∈I, ) where{M i}i∈I is a set of(not necessarily distinct)classical structures for the language of IPV indexed by elements of the set I and where is a reflexive and transitive binary relation on{M i}i∈I.‡Furthermore,whenever M i M j then M i is a substructure of M j in that M i is obtainable from M j by restricting functions and predicates to the domain|M i|of M i.The M i’s are called worlds.Ifϕis a formula and if c∈|M i|then we define M i|=ϕ( c),M i classically satisfiesϕ( c),as usual,ignoring the rest of the worlds in the Kripke structure. To define the intuitionistic semantics,M i ϕ( c),M i forcesϕ( c),is defined inductively on the complexity ofϕas follows:§‡Strictly speaking, should be a relation on I since the M i’s may not be distinct. However,we follow standard usage and write as a relation on worlds.§A more proper notation would be(K,M i) ϕ( c)or even(K,i) ϕ( c)but we use the simpler notation M i ϕ( c)when K is specified by the context.(1)Ifϕis atomic,M i ϕif and only if M i|=ϕ.(2)Ifϕisψ∧χthen M i ϕif and only if M i ψand M i χ.(3)Ifϕisψ∨χthen M i ϕif and only if M i ψor M i χ.(4)Ifϕisψ⊃χthen M i ϕif and only if for all M j M i,if M j ψthen M j χ.(5)Ifϕis¬ψthen M i ϕif and only if for all M j M i,M j ψ.Alternatively one may define¬ψto meanψ⊃⊥where⊥is always false(not forced).(6)Ifϕis(∃x)ψ(x)then M i ϕif and only if there is some b∈|M i|suchthat M i ψ(b).(7)Ifϕis(∀x)ψ(x)then M i ϕif and only if for all M j M i and allb∈|M j|,M j ϕ(b).An immediate consequence of the definition of forcing is that if M i ϕand M i M j then M j ϕ;this is proved by induction on the complexity ofϕ. Also,the law of the excluded middle for atomic formulas will be forced at every world M i because we required M i to be a substructure of M j whenever M i M j¶.In other words,both truth and falsity of atomic formulas are preserved in“reachable”worlds.Consequently,the law of the excluded middle for quantifier-free formulas is also forced at each world.Hence,ifϕis quantifier-free,then M i ϕif and only if M i ϕ.A formulaϕ( x)is valid in K,denoted K ϕ( x),if and only if for all worlds M i and all c∈|M i|,M i ϕ( c).A set of formulasΓis valid in K, K Γ,if and only if every formula inΓis valid in K.Γ ϕ,ϕis a Kripke consequence ofΓ,if and only if for every Kripke structure K,if K Γthen K ϕ.A Kripke model for IPV is one in which the axioms of IPV are valid. Likewise,a Kripke model for IPV+is one in which the axioms of IPV+are valid.The usual strong soundness and completeness theorems for intuitionistic logic state that for any set of sentencesΓand any sentenceϕ,Γ ϕif and only ifΓ⊢iϕ(see Troelstra and van Dalen[15]for a proof).Hence validity in Kripke models corresponds precisely to intuitionistic provability.A countable Kripke model is one in which there are countably many worlds each with a countable domain.The usual strong completeness theorem further states that ifΓis a countable set of formulas andΓ iψthen there is a countable Kripke structure in whichΓis valid butψis not.¶This differs from the usual definition of Kripke models for intuitionistic logic.The usual strong soundness and completeness theorems give a semantics for the theory IPV in that for any formulaϕ,IPV⊢iϕif and only if for all K,if K IPV then K ϕ.It is,however,a little difficult to interpret directly what it means for K IPV to hold;and we feel that it is more natural to consider CPV-normal Kripke structures instead:Definition A Kripke model K=({M i}i∈I, )is CPV-normal if and only if for all i∈I,the world M i is a classical model of CPV.Theorem3(Soundness of IPV and IPV+for CPV-normal Kripke models.)(a)If K is a CPV-normal Kripke structure then K IPV.Hence for allϕ,if IPV⊢iϕthen K ϕ.(b)If K is a CPV-normal Kripke structure then K IPV+.Hence for allϕ,if IPV+⊢iϕthen K ϕ.The converse to Theorem3(b)is proved in section5below.Proof It will clearly suffice to prove only(b)since IPV+⊇IPV.Suppose K is a CPV-normal Kripke structure.Since every world M i is a classical model of CPV and hence of PV1,it follows immediately from the definition for forcing and from the fact that P V1is axiomatized by universal formulas that K PV1.So it will suffice to show that the PIND axioms of IPV+are valid in K.Let M i be a world and consider a formulaϕ(b, c)of the form ψ( c)∨χ(b, c)whereχ(b, c)is a formula of the form(∃x≤t(b, c))(r(x,b, c)=s(x,b, c))and where b is a variable, c∈|M i|andψ( c)is an arbitrary formula not involving b.We must show thatM i ϕ(0, c)∧(∀z)(ϕ(⌊12z⌋, c)⊃ϕ(z, c))⊃(∀x)ϕ(x, c).To prove this,suppose that M i M j and thatM j ϕ(0, c)∧(∀z)(ϕ(⌊12z⌋, c)⊃ϕ(z, c));we must show M j (∀x)ϕ(x, c).If M j ψ( c)then this is clear,so suppose M j ψ( c).Note that for any b∈|M j|,M j χ(b, c)if and only if M j χ(b, c).Hence,since M j ϕ(0, c)and M j ψ( c),M j χ(0, c).And similarly,by reflexivity of ,for each b∈|M j|,if M j χ(⌊12b⌋, c)thenM j χ(b, c).In other words,M j (∀z)(χ(⌊1z⌋, c)⊃χ(z, c)).But now since M j CPV and CPV has PIND forχ(b, c),M j (∀z)χ(z, c).We have established that either M j χ(b, c)for every b∈|M j|or M j ψ( c).The same reasoning applies to any world M k M i and in particular,for any M k M j,either M k χ(b, c)for every b∈|M k|or M k ψ( c).Hence by the definition of forcing,M j (∀z)ϕ(z, c).We have shown that if K is a CPV-normal Kripke model then every axiom of IPV+is valid in K.It now follows by the usual soundness theorem for intuitionistic logic that every intuitionistic consequence of IPV+is valid in K. Q.E.D.Theorem34A conservation theoremThe usual G¨o del-Kolmogorov“negative translations”don’t seem to apply to IPV since we don’t know whether the negative translations of the PIND axioms of IPV are consequences of IPV.However,the usual completeness theorem for Kripke models of IPV does allow us to prove the following substitute:Theorem4Letϕbe a quantifier-free formula.(a)Ifψis a sentence of the form¬(∃x)(∀y)¬(∀z)ϕand PV1⊢cψthenIPV⊢iψ.(b)Ifψis a sentence of the form¬(∃x1)(∀y1)¬¬(∃x2)(∀y2)¬¬···¬¬(∃x r)(∀y r)ϕand PV1⊢cψthen IPV⊢iψ.This theorem is a statement about how strong IPV is;although IPV has stronger axioms than PV1,it uses intuitionistic logic instead of classical logic so it makes sense to establish a conservation result for PV1over IPV.Of course,at least some of the negation signs inψare required for Theorem4 to be true;for example,PV1proves(∀x)(∃y)(∀z)(|z|=x⊃|y|=x)but IPV cannot prove this since otherwise,by the polynomial time realizability of IPV-provable formulas,y would be polynomial time computable in terms of x,which is false since y must be greater than or equal to2x−1.Proof Let’s prove(1)first.Suppose IPV i¬(∃x)(∀y)¬(∀z)ϕ;we must show PV1 c(∀x)(∃y)(∀z)ϕ.By the usual completeness theorem for Kripke models for IPV,there is a Kripke model K=({M i}i∈I, )of IPV such that K ¬(∃x)(∀y)¬(∀z)ϕand such that each M i is countable.Hence there is a world,say M0such that M0 (∃x)(∀y)¬(∀z)ϕ.Our stategy is tofind a chain of worlds M0 M1 M2 ···such that their union is a modelof PV1and of(∃x)(∀y)(∃z)¬ϕ.First of all note that each M i PV1since IPV includes the(purely universal)axioms of PV1.Hence i=0,1,2,···M i is a model of PV1,again because PV1has universal axioms.Let x0∈|M0|be such that M0 (∀y)¬(∀z)ϕ(x0,y,z).It will suffice tofind the M i’s so thati∈N M i (∀y)(∃z)¬ϕ(x0,y,z).Suppose we have already picked worldsM0,...,M k−1and that y k∈|M k−1|;we pick M k M k−1so that forsome z k∈|M k|,M k ¬ϕ(x0,y k,z k),or equivalently,M k ¬ϕ(x0,y k,z k).Such an M k and z k must exist since M0 (∀y)¬(∀z)ϕ(x0,y k,z k)andM0 M k−1and thus M k−1 (∀z)ϕ(x0,y k,z).Since each M i is countable,we may choose the y k’s in the right order so that y1,y2,...enumerates everyelement in the union of the M i’s.Thus for every y in the union i∈N M i there is a z such that¬ϕ(x0,y,z)holds.That gives a model of PV1in whichψis false,proving(1).The proof of(2)is similar but with more complicated bookkeeping.Let Kbe a Kripke model of IPV such thatψis not valid in K.Here if M0,...M k−1have already been chosen and if x k,1,...,x k,i−1and y k,1,...,y k,i−1are inM k−1so thatM k−1 ¬¬(∃x i)(∀y i)···¬¬(∃x r)(∀y r)ϕ(x k,1,...,x k,i−1,x i,...,x r,y k,1,...,y k,i−1,y i,...,y r) then we may pick M k M k−1and x k,i∈|M k|so thatM k (∀y i)···¬¬(∃x r)(∀y r)ϕ(x k,1,...,x k,i,x i+1,...,x r,y k,1,...,y k,i−1,y i,...,y r) By appropriately diagonalizing through the countably many choices for i and x and y we may ensure that k∈N M k is a model of P V1∪{¬ψ}.We omit the details.25A completeness theorem for IPV+We next establish the main theorem of this paper.Theorem5(Completeness Theorem for IPV+with respect to CPV-normalKripke models)Letϕbe any sentence.If IPV+ iϕthen there is a CPV-normal Kripkemodel K such that K IPV+and K ϕ.Note that the conclusion“K IPV+”is superfluous as this is already aconsequence of Theorem3.The proof of this theorem will proceed along thelines of the proof of the usual strong completeness theorem for intuitionisticlogic as exposited in section2.6of Troelstra and van Dalen[15].The new ingredient and the most difficult part in our proof is Lemma7below which is needed to ensure that the Kripke model is CPV-normal.Although we shall not prove it here,Theorem5can be strengthened to require K to be countable.Definition Let C be a set of constant symbols.A C-formula or C-sentence is a formula or sentence in the language of PV1plus constant symbols in C. All sets of constants are presumed to be countable.Definition A set of C-sentencesΓis C-saturated provided the following hold:(1)Γis intuitionistically consistent,(2)For all C-sentencesϕandψ,ifΓ⊢iϕ∨ψthenΓ⊢iϕorΓ⊢iψ.(3)For all C-sentences(∃x)ϕ(x),ifΓ⊢i(∃x)ϕ(x)then for some c∈C,Γ⊢iϕ(c).The next,well-known lemma shows that C-saturated sets can be readily constructed.Lemma6LetΓbe a set of sentences andϕbe a sentence such thatΓ iϕ. If C is a set of constant symbols containing all constants inΓplus countably infinitely many new constant symbols,then there is a C-saturated setΓ∗containingΓsuch thatΓ∗ iϕ.The proof of Lemma6is quite simple,merely enumerate with repetitions all C-sentences which either begin with an existential quantifier or are a disjunction and then formΓ∗by adding new sentences toΓso that(2)and(3) of the definition of C-saturated are satisfied.This can be done so thatϕis still not an intuitionistic consequence.(For a full proof,refer to lemma2.6.3 of[15].)In the proof of the usual completeness theorem for Kripke models and intuitionistic logic,the C-saturated sets of sentences constructed with Lemma6specify worlds in a canonical Kripke model.However,Lemma6 is not adequate for the proof of Theorem5and Lemma7below is needed instead.A C-saturated setΓdefines a world with domain C in which an atomic formulaϕis forced if and onlyΓ⊢iϕ.For the proof of Theorem5,we shall only consider setsΓwhich contain IPV+and hence imply the law of the excluded middle for atomic formulas;the C-saturation ofΓthus implies that for any atomic C-sentenceϕ,eitherΓ⊢iϕorΓ⊢i¬ϕ.ThusΓspecifies a classical structure MΓdefined as follows:Definition SupposeΓ⊃IPV,Γis a C-saturated set,and for all distinct c,c′∈C,Γ⊢i c=c′.Then MΓis the classical structure in the language of PV plus constant symbols in C such that the domain of MΓis C itself(so c MΓ=c)and such that for every atomic C-sentenceϕ,MΓ ϕif and only ifΓ⊢iϕ.It is straightforward to check that MΓis a classical structure:the only thing to check is that the equality axioms hold(it suffices to do this for atomic formulas).Note the equality relation=MΓin MΓis true equality in that M c=c′if and only if c=c′because of the restriction thatΓ⊢i c=c′if c and c′are distinct.This restriction is not very onerous as we will be able to make it hold by eliminating duplicate constant symbols.In order to prove Theorem5we must construct setsΓso that the structures MΓare classical models of CPV;Lemma7is the crucial tool for this:Lemma7SupposeΓis a set of C-sentences,ϕis a C-sentence and Γ⊇IPV+.Further supposeΓ iϕandΓ⊢i c=c′for distinct c,c′∈C. Then there is a setΓ∗of sentences and a set C∗of constants such that(a)Γ∗⊃Γ(b)Γ∗is C∗-saturated(c)Γ∗ iϕ(d)Γ∗⊢i c=c′for all distinct c,c′∈C∗(e)MΓ∗ CPV.ProofΓ∗and MΓ∗are constructed by a technique similar to Henkin’s proof of G¨o del’s completeness theorem.We pick C+to be C plus countably infinitely many new constant symbols and enumerate the C+formulas as α1,α2,α3,...with each C+-formula appearing infinitely many times in the enumeration.We shall form classically consistent sets of sentences Π0,Π1,Π2,...so thatΠ0⊇CPV and so that,for all k,Πk⊇Πk−1and eitherαk∈Πk or¬αk∈Πk.Furthermore,ifαk=(∃x)β(x)andαk∈Πk−1 then for some constant symbol c,Πk⊢cβ(c).Thus,as usual in a Henkin-style model construction,the union of theΠk’s will specify a classical model M of CPV with domain formed of equivalence classes of constants in C+.This M will become MΓ∗after elimination of duplicate constant names.If we did not adopt this restiction,then the domain of MΓwould have to be equivalence classes of constants in C instead of just the set C.But this would cause some inconveniences later on in the definition of the canonical CPV-normal Kripke structure.While defining the setsΠk we also define setsΠ′k,Γk,C k and C′k so that Πk−1⊆Π′k⊆Πk andΓ=Γ0⊆Γ1⊆Γ2⊆···and such that C0is C,C k⊇C′k⊇C k−1,and C+= k C k.Γ∗will be the union of theΓi’s after elimination of duplicate constant names.Definition Let D be a set of constants andΛbe a set of D-sentences.Then T h+ϕ[Λ,D]is the set{θ:θis a positive D-sentence andΛ⊢iθϕ}For us,the formulaϕisfixed,so we also denote this set by T h+[Λ,D].If ∆is a classical theory then the[Λ,D]-closure of∆is the classical theory axiomatized by∆∪T h+[Λ,D].Definition We defineΓ0to beΓ,C0to be C andΠ0to be the[Γ,C]-closure of CPV.For k>0,Πk,Π′k,Γk,C k and C′k are inductively defined by: (1)Supposeαk∈Πk andαk is of the form(∃x)βk(x).Then C′k is C k−1plus an additional new constant symbol c∈C+\C k−1.AndΠ′k is the [Γk−1,C′k]-closure ofΠk−1∪{βk(c)}.(2)If Case(1)does not apply then C′k is C k−1plus the constant symbolsinαk and:(a)LetΠ′k beΠk−1∪{αk}∪T h+[Γk−1,C′k]if this theory is classicallyconsistent,(b)Otherwise,letΠ′k beΠk−1∪{¬αk}∪T h+[Γk−1,C′k](3)Ifαk is of the form(∃x)βk(x)andΓk−1⊢iαk then C k is C′k∪{d}whered is a new constant symbol from C+\C′k,Γk isΓk−1∪{βk(d)}andΠkis the[Γk,C k]-closure ofΠ′k.(4)Ifαk is of the formβk∨γk andΓk−1⊢iαk then C k is C′k and:(a)If the[Γk−1∪{βk},C k]-closure ofΠ′k is classically consistent thenΠk defined to be equal to this theory andΓk isΓk−1∪{βk}.(b)Otherwise,Γk isΓk−1∪{γk}andΠk is the[Γk,C k]-closure ofΠ′k. DefineΠω= kΠk andΓk= kΓk.Note C+= k C k.The point of cases(1)and(2)above is to makeΠωa complete theory with witnesses for existential consequences.The point of cases(3)and(4)is to forceΓωto be C+-saturated.The requirement thatΠk contain T h+[Γk,C k] andΠ′k contain T h+[Γk−1,C′k]serves to maintain the condition thatΓk iϕ.Claim:For k=0,1,2,(1)Πk is classically consistent for all k.(2)Γk iϕ(soΓk is intuitionistically consistent).Note that ifΓk⊢iϕ,thenΓk⊢i(0=1)ϕand henceΠk⊢c0=1and Πk is inconsistent.So to prove the claim,it suffices to showΠk is consistent which we do by induction on k.The base case is k=0.Suppose for a contradiction thatΠ0is inconsistent.Then CPV⊢c¬θ1∨¬θ2∨···∨¬θs for positive C-sentencesθj such thatΓ⊢iθϕj.By taking the conjunction of theθj’s there is a single positive C-sentenceθsuch that CPV⊢c¬θand Γ⊢iθϕ.But,by Theorem2,IPV+⊢iθϕ⊃ϕand thus,sinceΓ⊇IPV+,Γ⊢iϕ;which is a contradiction.For the induction step,wefirst assumeΠk−1is consistent and show that Π′k is consistent.Referring to Case(1)of the definition ofΠ′k,suppose αk=(∃x)βk(x)and thatΠ′k is inconsistent.This means that there is a positive C′k-sentenceθ(c)such thatΠk−1⊢cβk(c)⊃¬θ(c)andΓk−1⊢iθ(c)ϕ. Then,since c was a new constant symbol,Πk−1⊢c(∃x)βk(x)⊃(∃x)¬θ(x) and soΠk−1⊢c¬(∀x)θ(x);also,Γk−1⊢i[(∀x)θ(x)]ϕ.But(∀x)θ(x) is a positive C k−1-sentence andΠk−1contains T h+[Γk−1,C k−1],soΠk−1 contains(∀x)θ(x)which contradicts our assumption thatΠk−1is consis-tent.Now suppose Case(2)of the definition applies.Letαk=αk( e) where e denotes all the constant symbols inαk that are not in C k−1(soC′k =C k−1∪{ e}).LetΠa k andΠb k be the[Γk−1,C′k]-closures ofΠk−1∪{αk}andΠk−1∪{¬αk},respectively.We need to show that at least one of these theories is classically consistent,so suppose that both are inconsistent.Then there are positive C′k-sentencesθa( e)andθb( e)such thatΓk−1⊢iθa( e)ϕ,Γk−1⊢iθb( e)ϕ,Πk−1⊢cαk( e)⊃¬θa( e)andΠk−1⊢c¬αk( e)⊃¬θb( e)Then Πk−1⊢c¬(∃ x)(θa( x)∧θb( x))andΓk−1⊢i[(∀ x)(θa( x)∧θb( x))]ϕ.SinceΠk−1 contains T h+[Γk−1,C k−1],(∀ x)(θa( x)∧θb( x))is inΠk−1,contradicting the consistency ofΠk−1.Tofinish the induction step and prove the claim,we assumeΠ′k is consis-tent and show thatΠk is consistent.First suppose Case(3)of the definition ofΓk andΠk applies and thatΠk is inconsistent.Then there is a positive C k-sentenceθ(d)such thatΠ′k⊢c¬θ(d)andΓk−1⊢iβk(d)⊃(θ(d))ϕ. Since d is a new constant symbol,Πk−1⊢c(∀x)¬θ(x)and likewise,since Γk−1⊢i(∃x)βk(x),Γk−1⊢i(∃x)θ(x)ϕ.Hence(∃x)θ(x)is inΠ′k which contradicts the consistency ofΠ′k.Second,suppose Case(4)of the definition applies.LetΠc k andΠd k be the[Γk−1∪{βk},C k]-closure and[Γk−1∪{γk},C k]-closure ofΠ′k,respectively.Suppose,for sake of a contradiction,that both Πc k andΠd k are inconsistent.Then there are positive C k-sentencesθc andθd such thatΓk−1⊢iβk⊃(θc)ϕandΓk−1⊢iγk⊃(θd)ϕand such thatΠ′k⊢c¬θc。
Some additional information on formal semantics
sentence to the real world, it can be true or false. New symbols: T (true) is symbolized by the numeral 1; and F
Some additional information on formal semantics
The vocabulary of symbols and the rules for the formation of logical formulae
Example All students are smart. We cannot substitute an individual constant for
The vocabulary of symbols and the rules for the formation of logical formulae
Example (Allwood, et al, 1977: 65) a) Someone is conservative x C(x) b) There exists a unicorn x U(x) c) Some girl is nicer than Jane
The vocabulary of symbols and the rules for the formation of logical formulae
The scope of the quantifier is the length of the parenthesis that comes immediately after the quantifier.
Artificial Intelligence AI has been a topic of significant interest and discussion in the modern world.As an English teacher,I would like to guide you through writing an English essay on this subject.Here are some points to consider when constructing your essay:1.Introduction to AI:Begin your essay by defining what artificial intelligence is.You might mention that AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions.2.Historical Context:Provide a brief history of AI,starting from its early conceptualization in the mid20th century to the development of the first AI programs. Discuss key milestones and figures in the field,such as Alan Turing and his Turing Test.3.Types of AI:Explain the different types of AI,including narrow or weak AI,which is designed for a particular task,and general or strong AI,which has the potential for broader cognitive abilities.4.Applications of AI:Discuss various applications of AI in todays society.This could include areas such as healthcare,where AI is used for diagnosis and treatment planning, or in the automotive industry with selfdriving cars.5.Impact on Employment:Address the concern that AI might replace human jobs. Analyze both the positive and negative impacts of AI on employment,including job displacement and the creation of new job opportunities in AIrelated fields.6.Ethical Considerations:Delve into the ethical implications of AI,such as privacy concerns,the potential for bias in AI algorithms,and the responsibility of AI developers to ensure their creations are used ethically.7.Future Prospects:Speculate on the future of AI,including advancements in machine learning,neural networks,and the potential for AI to achieve consciousness or selfawareness.8.Conclusion:Summarize the main points of your essay and offer your personal perspective on the role of AI in society.You might consider ending with a call to action for responsible development and use of AI technologies.9.Citations and References:Ensure that you cite any sources you use to support your arguments and provide a list of references at the end of your essay.10.Proofreading:Finally,proofread your essay for grammatical errors,clarity,and coherence.Make sure your essay flows logically and that your arguments are wellsupported.Remember,an effective essay on AI should be informative,engaging,and thoughtprovoking,encouraging readers to consider the implications of AI on a personal and societal level.。
On certain quasi-local spin-angular momentum expressions for large spheres near the null in
a r X i v :g r -q c /0109047v 1 13 S e p 2001On certain quasi-local spin-angular momentum expressions for large spheres near the null infinityL´a szl´o B.SzabadosResearch Institute for Particle and Nuclear PhysicsH-1525Budapest 114,P.O.Box 49,HungaryE-mail:lbszab@rmki.kfki.huThe recently suggested quasi-local spin-angular momentum expressions,based on the Bramson superpotential and on the holomorphic or anti-holomorphic spinor fields,are calculated for large spheres near the future null infinity of asymptotically flat Einstein–Maxwell spacetimes.It is shown that although the expression based on the anti-holomorphic spinors is finite and unambiguously defined only in the center-of-mass frame (i.e.it diverges in general),the corresponding Pauli–Lubanski spin is always finite,free of gauge ambiguities,and is built only from the gravitational data.Thus it defines a gravitational spin expression at the future null infinity.The construction based on the holomorphic spinors diverges in presence of outgoing gravitational radiation.For stationary spacetimes both constructions reduce to the ‘standard’expression.1.Introduction The energy-momentum and angular momentum density of matter fields is described by their energy-mom-entum tensor T ab ,whose contraction with a Killing field K a gives a divergence free current T ab K b .The flux of this current on a compact,spacelike hypersurface Σwith boundary S :=∂Σis therefore conserved,i.e.depends only on the boundary S and independent of the rest of the hypersurface.In Minkowski spacetime the independent Killing 1-forms are the translations K a e :=∇e x a and the rotations K ab e :=x a ∇e x b −x b ∇e x a ,where x a are the standard Cartesian coordinates,a ,b =0,...,3.The corresponding conserved quantities are P a S := ΣT ab t a K a b dΣand J ab S := ΣT ab t a K ab b dΣ,where t a is the future directed unit timelike normal to Σand dΣis the induced volume element on Σ.P a S and J ab S can be interpreted as the quasi-local energy-momentum and angular momentum of the matter fields associated with the 2-surface S ,respectively.If Σextends to the spacelike infinity i 0or to the future (or past)null infinity I ±of the Minkowski spacetime,then,provided the limits exists (by imposing certain fall-offand global integral conditions,e.g.parity conditions at the spacelike infinity),then they define the global energy-momentum and angular momentum.In general relativity the usual fall-offconditions on the 3-metric and extrinsic curvature on a spacelike hypersurface ensure that the ADM energy and spatial momentum are finite and unambiguously defined[1,2].However,to have finite and unambiguously defined angular momentum and center-of-mass additional conditions,e.g.explicit parity conditions on the three-metric h ab and extrinsic curvature χab ,have to be imposed [2,3].These are preserved by the evolution equations,ensure the functional differentiability of the Hamiltonian on the whole phase space,and yield unique Poincare structure both for the lapse-shift at infinity and the Hamiltonian.At spatial infinity the energy-momentum and relativistic angular momentum are the value of the functionally differentiable Hamiltonian,which are just the familiar ADM energy-momentum andspatial angular momentum,and the center-of-mass of Beig and ´OMurchadha [3].Thus,although there are interesting open issues,e.g.whether the angular momentum measured at the spacelike infinity enters the Penrose inequality or not [4],the spatial infinity case is well understood.At null infinity there is a generally accepted definition of the energy-momentum,which is the Bondi–Sachs energy-momentum.However,on the definition of angular momentum there is no consensus at all, and there are various suggestions for that:The constructions based on the Komar–Winicour–Tamburino expression are intended to be associated with any BMS vectorfield,and,in the special case of the boost-rotation vectorfields,they can be interpreted as angular momentum[5-7].The suggestion of Ashtekar and Streubel is based on symplectic techniques[8],which turned out later to be connected with the Winicour–Tamburino linkages[9].The general form of other expressions are based on charge integrals of the curvature [10-16]:In particular,although the suggestion of Penrose[12]is based on the solutions of the2-surface twistor equations and the concept of‘origin’is largely decoupled from the cuts of I+,itfits nicely to the symplectic structure of I+[17-20].Other remarkable suggestion in this class is due to Moreschi[13-16].He considers(and,together with Dain,prove[15]the existence of)a foliation of I+by special cuts(the‘nice cuts’),intended to model the‘system of rest frames’.Thus he is able to define not only a(supertranslation–ambiguity–free)angular momentum,but higher order moments of the‘gravitationalfield’,too.In their classic paper Bergmann and Thomson[21]raises the idea that while the energy-momentum of gravity is connected with the spacetime diffeomorphisms,the angular momentum should be connected with its internal O(1,3)-symmetry.Thus the angular momentum should be analogous with the spin.This idea was formulated mathematically by Bramson[22-24],whose specific angular momentum expression was based on the superpotential derived from Hilbert’s Lagrangian and the solutions of the asymptotic twistor equations. Recently,Katz and Lerer[25]could recover the Bondi–Sachs energy-momentum from the standard Noether analysis using asymptoticallyflat backgrounds,and suggested an expression for the angular momentum and center-of-mass.Interestingly enough,although these suggestions are based on different ideas and yield mathematically inequivalent definitions,all these resulting expressions bear some resemblance to each other. It is not clear whether the recent suggestion by Rizzi[26],based on a special foliation of the spacetime near the null infinity and reducing to the ADM angular momentum at the spatial infinity[27],also takes such a form.At the quasi-local level the situation is even worse.Although the general framework of how the various quasi-local quantities should look like is more or less well understood(see e.g.[28]),only a few explicit definitions have been suggested for the energy-momentum and angular momentum.Thefirst such suggestion, due to Penrose[12],is,however,not complete:In addition to the(symmetric)kinematical twistor Aαβtwo additional twistors,a Hermitian metric twistor hαβ′and the analog of the(skew,simple)infinity twistor Iαβ, would be needed to reduce the ten complex components of Aαβ(the quasi-local quantities)to ten real ones, and to isolate four of them as the energy-momentum and six of them as the angular momentum.Although at the future null infinity these extra twistors exist and the construction works properly,reproducing the Bondi–Sachs energy-momentum and gives a definition for the angular momentum,it is not clear whether the additional twistors exist and the construction is viable quasi-locally or not.In principle the Brown–York approach also can yield both energy-momentum and angular momentum[29,30].However,instead of a4-covariant energy-momentum this approach yields separated energy and linear momentum,and it is not a priori clear whether they form a single Lorentz-covariant object.Furthermore,in lack of a unique prescription how the reference configuration should befind(imbedding of the2-surface into a3-plane[29], or into the light cone in Minkowski spacetime[31,32],or restrict the imbedding in some other way[33]),this construction is not complete either.To define Lorentz-covariant energy-momentum and angular momentum Ludvigsen and Vickers[34]used the Nester–Witten and the Bramson superpotentials,respectively,but their choice for the two spinorfields in the superpotential depends on the asymptotic structure of the spacetime. Thus their definition is not genuinely quasi-local.Genuinely quasi-local,manifestly Lorentz-covariant energy momenta,based on the Nester–Witten2-form and either the holomorphic or the anti-holomorphic spinor fields,were suggested by Dougan and Mason[35],but they did not give any specific definition for theangular momentum.Recently we suggested to complete the Dougan–Mason energy-momenta by a spin-angular momentum expression based on Bramson’s superpotential,but,instead of the Ludvigsen–Vickers prescription for the spinorfields,we suggested to use holomorphic or anti-holomorphic spinorfields[36]. These have already been studied in various situations(pp-waves[36]and small spheres[37]).In the present paper these spin-angular momentum expressions will be calculated for large spheres near the future null infinity.In[22]Bramson introduced his superpotential as the superpotential for the conserved O(1,3)-current C a ab,derived from Hilbert’s second order Lagrangian(considering that as a function of the tetradfield and the O(1,3)-connection1-forms).However,he defined C a ab as the partial derivative of Hilbert’s action with respect to the connection1-forms,while in gauge theories the conserved currents corresponding to the internal gauge invariance are the variational derivatives of the particle action with respect to the connection 1-forms.In fact,this variational derivative is zero.Thus,in Section2,first we show that Bramson’s superpotential can be derived from Møller’s tetrad action in a correct way,and then we review the status of our specific quasi-local spin-angular momentum expressions and provide the general formulae for the large sphere calculations.In Section3.we review those structures of the future null infinity that we need, especially the BMS translations and rotations and their spinor form,and quote the asymptotic solution of the Einstein–Maxwell equations from[38].Then,in Section4,we calculate the anti-holomorphic spin-angular momentum for large spheres expanding that as a series of r−1.We will see that although this is diverging linearly and itsfinite order part is ambiguous in general,the Pauli–Lubanski spin vector built from the anti-holomorphic Dougan–Mason energy-momentum and spin-angular momentum is alwaysfinite and well defined.To demonstrate this,we need the O(r−1)accurate expansion of the Dougan–Mason energy-momentum.Since,however,this calculation has been done only for stationary spacetimes[39](and apparently an r−1order term was overlooked),we have to clarify the asymptotic behaviour of the energy-momentum,too.In Section5we show that in stationary spacetimes the anti-holomorphic construction reduces to the‘standard’expression.The holomorphic construction,calculated in Section6,is diverging quadratically in presence of outgoing gravitational radiation,but gives the same‘standard’expression for stationary spacetimes.Finally,in the Appendix we discuss how the various spinor equations determine special spin frames on two-spheres,in particular,on round spheres and on large spheres near the future null infinity.We show how the BMS translations and rotations can be recovered from them.We found that, in addition to the usual representations,they can also be recovered from the solutions of the limit of the Dirac–Witten equations on the unit sphere cuts of I+,too.We treat the2-surface twistor equations also in the traditional way instead of the almost exclusively followed conformal method.Our conventions and notations are mostly those of[40].In particular,we use the abstract index notations,and only the underlined and boldface indices take numerical values.The signature is-2,the Riemann-and Ricci tensors and the curvature scalar are defined by−R a bcd X b Y c Z d:=∇Y(∇Z X a)−∇Z(∇Y X a)−∇[Y,Z]X a,R ab:=R e aeb and R:=R ab g ab,respectively.Thus Einstein’s equations take the form R ab−116πG16πGC a ab:=4α|g|δI U4πG∇bE a a E b b−E a b E b a ,(2.1)whereαis some normalization constant,to be determined in some special situation.C a ab is identically con-served,and we call the corresponding superpotential2-form,W ac ac:=12εab cd=−α1|g|C a a:=δI U/δE a a gives the tensorial energy-momentum expression t b a for the gravitational‘field’found in[42,43](and see also[44]): C a a=ϑa b t b a.)If S is any closed orientable spacelike2-surface in M andλA A,A=0,1,is a pair of smooth spinorfields on S such that they form a normalized spin-frame,i.e.εABλA AλB B=εAB,whereεAB is the antisymmetric Levi-Civita symbol,thenϑa a:=σa AB′λA A¯λB′A′is an orthonormal1-formfield on S,whereσa AB′are the standard SL(2,C)Pauli matrices.Since the Bramson superpotential depends onϑa a algebraically,the integral J ab can be expressed in terms of the normalized spin framefields defined only on S.J ab is independent of the extension of{λA A}offthe2-surface S.Translating the tensor name indices of J ab into spinor name indices, and defining its anti-self-dual part by J AA′BB′=:εAB¯J A′B′+εA′B′J AB,wefind thatJ AB=iα8πGS¯λB′A′∇BB′λA A−¯λB′B′∇AA′λA B .(2.3)For any pair of spinorfieldsλA A this defines a Lorentzian4-vector,and it is natural to choose the spinor fields in(2.2)and(2.3)to be the same.(A more detailed discussion of these issues,and,in particular,the connection of these concepts and the current C a a will be given elsewhere[45].)The quasi-local Pauli–Lubanski spin vector will be defined in the standard way byS AA′:=1mS AA′.)To complete the construction of these quantities,however, the spin framefieldλA A must be specified on,and only on S.In the present paper we will assume that the spin frame is holomorphic,¯m e∇eλA=0,or anti-holomorphic,m e∇eλA=0.Here m a and¯m a are the standard complex null vectors tangent to S and normalized by¯m a m a=−1,by means of which the metric area-element on S is−i m[a¯m b].In fact,one can show that in the generic case there are two holomorphic/anti-holomorphic spinorfields and they can be normalized,provided S is homeomorphic to S2.Thus P AB′and J AB that we will study here are the two energy-momenta of Dougan and Mason[35],and the two spin-angular momenta that we introduced in[36],respectively.Then the formers can also be written as P AB′=−γi:={o A,ιA},A A:={−ιA,o A}is its dual basis and the spinor components with respect to this frame are defined byλA A=:εA,then the condition of holomorphy can be written as′∂′λA1+σ′λA0=0and′∂′λA0+ρλA1=0;and the condition of anti-holomorphy is equivalent to′∂λA0+σλA1=0and′∂λA1+ρ′λA0=0.Thus boldface capital indices are referring to a basis in the space of solutions,while the underlined capital indices to the GHP spin frame.For example,for a round sphere[39]of radius r the two linearly independent anti-holomorphic and holomorphic spinorfields are given by(A.2.2)and(A.3.2)of the Appendix,respectively.Substituting them into(2.2)we get zero,as could be expected in a spherically symmetric system.It is known that the anti-holomorphic Dougan–Mason energy-momentum is a future directed non-spacelike vector if S is the boundary of some compact spacelike hypersurfaceΣ,the matterfields satisfy the dominant energy condition onΣ,and S is convex in the weak sense thatρ′≥0[35].(For the holomorphic construction the analogous convexity condition isρ≤0.)Furthermore,if the dominant energy condition holds on the whole domain of dependence D(Σ)ofΣthen P AB′is vanishing if and only if D(Σ)isflat, and this is also equivalent to the existence of two constant spinorfields on S with respect to the covariant derivative∆e(see the Appendix);and P AB′is null if and only if D(Σ)has a pp-wave metric and the matter is pure radiation,which is also equivalent to the existence of one constant spinorfield on S[46,47].J AB has already been calculated for(axi-symmetric)S bounding a pp-wave Cauchy development and it was shown that the Pauli–Lubanski spin S AB′is proportional to the(null)P AB′[36].We have already calculated(2.2)for the Ludvigsen–Vickers-,the holomorphic-and the anti-holomorphic spinors for small spheres S r of radius r with respect to an observer t a at a point o∈M[37].Considering this to be a function of the radius,J AB,it can be expanded as a power series of r.The leading term isr−4αr6T AA′BB′CC′DD′t AA′t BB′45Gt CC′t D′EεDF E(A E E B)F in all cases,where T abcd is the Bel–Robinson tensor and{E A A,E A A}is the dual Cartesianspin frame at o;i.e.E a a=σAA′a E A A¯E A′A′andϑa a=σa AA′E A A¯E A′A′form an orthonormal dual frame at o.Thus the‘pure gravitationalfield’itself does not seem to contribute to the spin-angular momentum in r4order. On the other hand,for the leading term in the similar expansion of the quasi-local(anti-self-dual)angular momentum of the matterfields in Minkowski spacetime we get4by J ABr.Then,according to the general philosophy of the large sphere calculations[38,39],we expand thespinor componentsλA Ar.The expansion coefficients as functions of the remaining coordinates depend on the actual construction(holomorphic or anti-holomorphic).If thereforeλA A(0)+1(1)+1(2)+...and d S r=:r2(1+1r2s(2)+...)d S, where d S is the area element on the unit sphere S,then(2.2)takes the form*J AB r =1rs(1)+14πGSr ρ′(1)λA0(0)¯λB′0′(0)+ρ(1)λA1(0)¯λB′1′(0) ++ ρ′(1) λA0(0)¯λB′0′(1)+λA0(1)¯λB′0′(0) +ρ′(2)λA0(0)¯λB′0′(0)+ρ(1) λA1(0)¯λB′1′(1)++λA1(1)¯λB′1′(0) +ρ(2)λA1(0)¯λB′1′(0) ++1rs(1)+1*We use two different notations for the expansion coefficients:f(k)(i.e.when the index k is between parentheses)denotes the coefficient of r−k in the expansion,which may turn out later to be zero.On the other hand,as is usual in the relevant literature,f k will denote the(k+1)th nonvanishing expansion coefficient of the function f=f(1whereδ:=m a∇a=:P(∂/∂¯ζ)+Q(∂/∂ζ),andζ,¯ζare the standard complex stereographic coordinates on the 2-sphere.In particular,on the unit sphere in the Minkowski spacetime the edth and edth-prime operatorstake the form0′∂f:=12(1+ζ¯ζ)(∂f/∂¯ζ)+12(p−q)ζf and0′∂′f:=12(1+ζ¯ζ)(∂f/∂ζ)−12(p−q)¯ζf,which will be used in the subsequent calculations.Overdot will denote partial derivative with respect to u.In the coordinate system(u,w,ζ,¯ζ),where w:=r−1and the future null infinity is given by w=0, the BMS vectorfields have the form k a=(H+(c i+¯c i)t i u)(∂∂ζ)a+¯c i¯ξi(∂∂u)a+O(r−1),a=0,...,3,where t0:=1and t i for i=1,2,3are given explicitly above.The functionst a can be written as t a=σAB′a τA¯τB′,whereτ0:=exp(iα)4√2andτ1:=−exp(iα)4√2,and exp(iα)is an unspecified phase.In Minkowski spacetime the standard constant orthonormal framefield {E a a}(i.e.the translational Killing vectors K a a)has precisely this asymptotic form,and if the phase exp(iα) is chosen to be−i then the functionsτA are just E A A o A,the contractions of the Cartesian spin frame with the GHP spin vector o A.In fact,in terms of the GHP spin frameεA A4√ 2ιA ,I A=−i211+ζ¯ζ o A−√√2εi jk K a jk),where i,j,k=1,2,3andσA i B:=√√∂u)a+ξi(∂√√r+1√r2σ0+16ψ00−(σ0)2¯σ0 +O(r−5).(3.3)This implies that the area element of the large sphere of radius r is d S (u,r )=r 2(1−r −2σ0¯σ0+O (r −4))d S ;i.e.in equation (2.4)s (1)=0and s (2)=−σ0¯σ0.The spin coefficients with definite (p,q )type areσ=1r−1r ˙¯σ0−12¯σ0−0′∂′0′∂¯σ0 −12¯σ0ψ20+12r +1r 3 0′∂¯σ00′∂′σ0−120′∂′ψ10+1r 20′∂′σ0−1r 12ζ−12√r 3 12ζσ0¯σ0+12(e +i µ).Here M ,e and µare real constants,interpreted as the total mass,the total electric charge and the total magnetic charge,respectively,and J is a real function with structure J = m =1m =−1J m Y 1,m for some constants J 0and J ±1,where Y 1,m are the standard j =1spherical harmonics.Rewriting J by the familiar polar coordinates (θ,φ)(defined by ζ=:cot θ√2+i φ.)4.The anti-holomorphic spin-angular momentumSubstituting the expansion λA (0)+1(1)+1(2)+...of the spinor components and the expressions(3.2-9)for the functions P and Q and the spin coefficients into the equations defining the anti-holomorphic spinor fields on S (u,r ),we obtain the following hierarchy of equations′∂λ1(0)+12λ0(1)=− ψ20+σ0˙¯σ0+0′∂2¯σ0 λ0(0),(4.2.a) 0′∂λ0(1)=0,(4.2.b)0′∂λ1(2)+12ψ10 λ1(0)++ 0′∂¯σ00′∂′σ0+σ00′∂′0′∂¯σ0+¯σ00′∂0′∂′σ0+120′∂¯ψ1′0−2Gφ10¯φ1′0 λ0(0),(4.3.a)′∂λ0(2)=σ0 0′∂′λ0(1)−λ1(1) − σ00′∂¯σ0+1(0),A=0,1,of(4.1.a-b),and we choose them to be given explicitly by(A.2.2)withρ′=1(1)→λA(0)andλA(2)+D AλA A2λB0(1) +2λB1(0) 0′∂λA1(1)+14πGSψ20+σ0˙¯σ0 λA1(0)λB0(0)+λA0(0)λB1(0) d S(4.5)is vanishing.(We return to the discussion of L AB below.)Next let us consider the r0order term of(2.5):12λA 0(2)λB 1(0)−− 0′∂λB 1(0) λA 1(2)+λA 1(1) −0′∂λB 1(1)−(ψ00+σ0˙¯σ0+0′∂2¯σ0)λB 0(0) +12σ0¯σ0 λA 0(0)λB 1(0)+λA 1(0)λB 0(0) d S == SλA 1(0) 0′∂λB 1(2)+12σ0¯σ0λB 0(0) +λB 1(0) 0′∂λA 1(2)+12σ0¯σ0λA 0(0) −− ψ00+σ0˙¯σ0+0′∂2¯σ0 λA 0(0)λB 1(1)+λA 1(1)λB 0(0) d S == S −ρ′(3) λA 0(0)λB 1(0)+λA 1(0)λB 0(0) ++ ψ10+2σ00′∂¯σ0 λA 1(0)λB 1(0)+σ0 λA 1(0)0′∂′λB 1(1)+λB 1(0)0′∂′λA 1(1) −− ψ20+σ0˙¯σ0+0′∂2¯σ0 λA 0(0)λB 1(1)+λA 0(1)λB 1(0)+λA 1(0)λB 0(1)+λA 1(1)λB 0(0) d S ,(4.6)where ρ′(3)is the 3rd order term of ρ′in (3.7),and we used (4.1.a),(4.2.a)and (4.3.a).Substituting (3.7)here,using (4.1.b)and the consequences 0′∂′λA 1(0)=0and 0′∂′λA 0(0)=λA 1(0)of (4.1),the integral of the first three terms of the right hand side of (4.6)can be written asSψ10+2σ00′∂¯σ0 λA 1(0)λB 1(0)−0′∂′σ0 λA 1(0)λB 1(1)+λB 1(0)λA 1(1) + 0′∂¯σ00′∂′σ0−120′∂′ψ10+12¯ψ1′0+¯σ00′∂′σ0 λA 0(0)λB 0(0)−0′∂′σ0 λA 1(0)λB 1(1)+λB 1(0)λA 1(1) −− 0′∂′σ00′∂¯σ0+12 S ¯ψ1′0+2¯σ00′∂′σ0+0′∂′(σ0¯σ0) λA 0(0)λB 0(0)−4G 0′∂′(φ10¯φ1′0) λA 0(0)λB 1(0)+λA 1(0)λB 0(0) −−20′∂′σ0 λA 1(0)(λB 1(1)+λB 0(0)0′∂¯σ0)+λB 1(0)(λA 1(1)+λA 0(0)′∂¯σ0) d S .(4.7)Using (4.2.a)again,the integral of the last term on the right hand side of (4.6)can be rewritten as− S ψ20+σ0˙¯σ0+0′∂2¯σ0 λA 0(0)λB 1(1)+λA 0(1)λB 1(0)+λA 1(0)λB 0(1)+λA 1(1)λB 0(0) d S == S λB 1(1) 0′∂λA 1(1)+12λB0(1) −− ψ20+σ0˙¯σ0+0′∂2¯σ0 λA 0(1)λB 1(0)+λA 1(0)λB 0(1) d S == S λA 0(1) 12λA 1(1)− ψ20+σ0˙¯σ0+0′∂2¯σ0 λA 1(0) d S .(4.8)Therefore,λA0(2)andλA1(2)are not needed to calculate the anti-holomorphic spin-angular momentum,but λA0(1)andλA1(1)do appear in(4.6)explicitly.Since,however,the physical quantities should not be sensitive to the addition of the spurious zeroth order solutions toλA0(1)andλA1(1),and by such solutionsλA0(1)=0can always be achieved,whenever(4.8)gives zero,that should be a gauge term.To see that,in fact,this is the case,recall that(4.1.b)and(4.2.b)are the same,thus we may writeλA0(1)=C A CλC0(0)=−2C A C0′∂λC1(0) for some constant complex2×2matrix C A C.(However,C A B is not quite arbitrary,that is restricted by the requirement that the pair of anti-holomorphic spinorfields should form a normalized spin frame.In fact,fromεAB=εA(λA ArλA A(0)+1(1)+...)it follows that C AB must be symmetric.) Substituting this into(4.8)and using(4.2.a)we obtain−2 C A CδB D+C B CδA D S0′∂λC1(0) 12λD0(1)−20′∂ ψ20+σ0˙¯σ0+0′∂2¯σ0 λD1(0) d S= =12πSφ10¯φ1′0 λA0(0)λB1(0)+λA1(0)λB1(0) d S,(4.11)I AB:=1emphasizing that these generators of the anti-self-dual rotation BMS vectorfields emerged naturally,like the approximate rotation-boost Killing vectors in the small sphere calculations[37],without putting them into the general formulae by hand.Although I AB depends on the solutionλA1(1)of(4.2.a)(and hence its integrand is a genuinely non-local expression),that is independent of the gauge solutions.In fact,using′∂′λA1(0)=0,it is easy to see that the addition of a gauge solution toλA1(1)changes the integrand by a total′∂′-derivative.To clarify the meaning of the term of the integrand involvingλA1(1),recall that the BMS vectorfields k a AB are tangent only to the origin cut,and they can be represented completely byλA0(0)λB0(0) only there.On general cuts k a AB contain correction terms proportional to the generator(∂4πGSψ20+σ0˙¯σ0 λA0(0)¯λB′0′(0)d S.(4.13)To see this,let us substitute the explicit solutions(A.2.2)into(4.5).We obtain L00=−√√2∞P10′,i.e.L AB represents the linear momentum.In fact,for A= B=0,A=B=1and A=0,B=1the coefficient ofψ20+σ0˙¯σ0in(4.5)is−2ζ(1+ζ¯ζ)−1,2¯ζ(1+ζ¯ζ)−1 and(ζ¯ζ−1)(1+ζ¯ζ)−1,respectively,which are proportional to the independent spatial BMS translations. Therefore,the anti-holomorphic spin-angular momentum can befinite only in the center-of-mass system (i.e.when the spatial components of the Bondi–Sachs energy-momentum are vanishing),and hence I AB in the O(1)part of(4.10)appears to represent only the intrinsic or spin part of the total angular momentum, while rL AB appears to be the orbital part of the angular momentum.To check whether this interpretation is correct we should calculate the quasi-local Pauli–Lubanski spin(2.4)built from the quasi-local anti-holomorphic Dougan–Mason energy-momentum P AB′and the anti-holomorphic spin-angular momentum. However,to compute the spin,we need to know the Dougan–Mason energy-momentum for large spheres with O(r−1)accuracy.Since this has been calculated only in stationary spacetimes[39](where a physical term was apparently overlooked and the gauge ambiguity caused by the spurious solutions was not considered at all),first we must calculate this.The r order part of(2.6)is vanishing,because SλA0(0)¯λB′0′(0)d S=2 SλA1(0)¯λB′1′(0)d S=4πσAB′0(seeAppendix A.2),i.e.P AB′rhas afinite r→∞limit at I+.Substituting(3.5)and(3.7)into thefinite term of (2.6),using(4.1.a),0′∂′λA0(0)=λA1(0)and its complex conjugate,(4.2.a)and the fact thatψ20+σ0˙¯σ0+0′∂2¯σ0 is real,we obtainS12λA0(1) +λA0(0) 0′∂′¯λB′1′(1)+1Since the last term of the integrand is a total0′∂-derivative:(0′∂2¯σ0)λA0(0)¯λB′0′(0)=0′∂(0′∂¯σ0λA0(0)¯λB′0′(0))−(0′∂¯σ0)λA0(0)0′∂¯λB′0′(0)=0′∂(0′∂¯σ0λA0(0)¯λB′0′(0)−¯σ0λA0(0)¯λB′1′(0)),thefinite part of(2.6)is,in fact,the Bondi–Sachs energy-momentum(4.13).The O(r−1)term of(2.6)isSρ′(3)−12 λA0(0)¯λB′0′(2)+λA0(1)¯λB′0′(1)+λA0(2)¯λB′0′(0) −0′∂′λA0(0)¯λB′1′(2)−λA1(2)0′∂¯λB′0′(0)−λA1(1)¯λB′1′(1) d S== S ρ′(3)−12¯λB′0′(2) +¯λB′0′(0) 0′∂λA1(2)+12λA0(1)¯λB′0′(1)−λA1(1)¯λB′1′(1) d S== S − 2Gφ10¯φ1′0+0′∂¯σ00′∂′σ0 λA0(0)¯λB′0′(0)−− 0′∂¯σ0 λA0(0)¯λB′1′(1)− 0′∂′σ0 λA1(1)¯λB′0′(0)+12λA0(1)¯λB′0′(1)− λA1(1)+λA0(0)0′∂¯σ0 ¯λB′1′(1)+¯λB′0′(0)0′∂′σ0 d S.(4.14)Herefirst we used0′∂′λA0(0)=λA1(0),and then(4.3.a),(4.1.b),(3.7)and the fact thatψ20+σ0˙¯σ0+0′∂2¯σ0 is real.However,as we saw above,λA0(1)=C A CλC0(0)=−2C A C0′∂λC1(0),and by means of which(4.2.a) takes the form0′∂(λA1(1)+λA0(0)0′∂¯σ0)=C A C0′∂λC1(0)−(ψ20+σ0˙¯σ0)λA0(0).Since0′∂acting on s=−1r C A CδB′D′+¯C B′D′δA C ∞P CD′−1r M AB′+O(12πSφ10¯φ1′0λA0(0)¯λB′0′(0)d S,(4.16)M AB′:=−12F01′, E01=12(F00′−F11′)and E11=√of ambiguities,and is built only from the gravitational data.Note that our Pauli–Lubanski spin is free of the so-called supertranslation ambiguity,because this is defined in terms of the solutions of an elliptic differential equation on the cut in question,and not by means of the BMS boost-rotation vectorfields.Thus the present construction is similar in its spirit to that of Penrose[12].The fact that we could derive only a Pauli–Lubanski spin is compatible with the idea of Bergmann and Thomson[21]that the gravitational angular momentum should be analogous to spin(justifying the‘spin-angular momentum’terminology),but raises the question as whether that should be completed by an orbital angular momentum part or not. Another interesting issue is how the Pauli–Lubanski spin changes under(infinitesimal)supertranslations,in particular,under time translations;or whether there exists aflux for S AA′through I+or not.However, these questions are beyond the scope of the present paper.5.Stationary spacetimesSuppose that the spacetime is stationary.First we show that all the terms of the integrand of(4.12)involving the asymptotic shear together integrates to zero.Bramson already showed that2¯σ00′∂′σ0+0′∂′(σ0¯σ0)= 0′∂′3(S0′∂2S+12C A BλB0(0)=(GM+0′∂20′∂′2S)λA0(0).Using dim ker′∂(−1,0)=0,this can be solved explicitly.Its solution isλA1(1)=0′∂(0′∂′2S)λA0(0)+(−2GMδA B+C A B)λB1(0).Substituting this into the last term of the integrand,that takes the form−20′∂′σ0 λA1(0) λB1(1)+λB0(0)0′∂¯σ0 +λB1(0) λA1(1)+λA0(0)0′∂¯σ0 ==−2 −2GMδA C+C A C δB D+ −2GMδB D+C B D δA C 0′∂′ σ0λC1(0)λD1(0) .Therefore,the last term of the integrand of(4.12)integrates to zero,too.Byψ20=−Gm the integrand of L AB is the total0′∂′-derivative0′∂′(−GmλA0(0)λB0(0)),and byφ10=14[e2+µ2]λA0(0)λB0(0)).Thus in stationary spacetimes(4.10)reduces toJ AB r =18πSS λA0(0)λB1(0)+λA1(0)λB0(0) d S−3i J m SY1,m S d S and the corresponding realcomponents c i=(c1,c2,c3)by m=1m=−1c m Y1,m=:c1sinθcosφ+c2sinθsinφ+c3cosθ,for the leading terms wefinally obtain J ij=εijk j k and J0k=−c k.Thus J AB reproduces the j k’s,and the c k’s can be interpreted as the components of the relativistic center-of-mass.In particular,for the Kerr–Newman solution on the shear-free cuts J12=−ing the expressions of Appendix A.2for the L2scalar product of the spinorcomponentsλA A2(e2+µ2)σAB′and M AB′=−2GM2σAB′.Hence in stationary spacetimes the Pauli–Lubanski spin reduces to that of Bramson.As he showed[23],this is invariant with respect to supertranslations.。
GGALVANIC DISTORTIONThe electrical conductivity of Earth materials affects two physical processes:electromagnetic induction which is utilized with magneto-tellurics(MT)(q.v.),and electrical conduction.If electromagnetic induction in media which are heterogeneous with respect to their elec-trical conductivity is considered,then both processes take place simul-taneously:Due to Faraday’s law,a variational electric field is induced in the Earth,and due to the conductivity of the subsoil an electric cur-rent flows as a consequence of the electric field.The current compo-nent normal to boundaries within the heterogeneous structure passes these boundaries continously according tos1E1¼s2E2where the subscripts1and2indicate the boundary values of conductiv-ity and electric field in regions1and2,respectively.Therefore the amplitude and the direction of the electric field are changed in the vicinity of the boundaries(Figure G1).In electromagnetic induction studies,the totality of these changes in comparison with the electric field distribution in homogeneous media is referred to as galvanic distortion. The electrical conductivity of Earth materials spans13orders of mag-nitude(e.g.,dry crystalline rocks can have conductivities of less than 10–6S mÀ1,while ores can have conductivities exceeding106S mÀ1). Therefore,MT has a potential for producing well constrained mod-els of the Earth’s electrical conductivity structure,but almost all field studies are affected by the phenomenon of galvanic distortion, and sophisticated techniques have been developed for dealing with it(Simpson and Bahr,2005).Electric field amplitude changes and static shiftA change in an electric field amplitude causes a frequency-indepen-dent offset in apparent resistivity curves so that they plot parallel to their true level,but are scaled by a real factor.Because this shift can be regarded as spatial undersampling or“aliasing,”the scaling factor or static shift factor cannot be determined directly from MT data recorded at a single site.If MT data are interpreted via one-dimensional modeling without correcting for static shift,the depth to a conductive body will be shifted by the square root of the factor by which the apparent resistivities are shifted.Static shift corrections may be classified into three broad groups: 1.Short period corrections relying on active near-surface measurementssuch as transient electromagnetic sounding(TEM)(e.g.,Meju,1996).2.Averaging(statistical)techniques.As an example,electromagneticarray profiling is an adaptation of the magnetotelluric technique that involves sampling lateral variations in the electric field con-tinuously,and spatial low pass filtering can be used to suppress sta-tic shift effects(Torres-Verdin and Bostick,1992).3.Long period corrections relying on assumed deep structure(e.g.,a resistivity drop at the mid-mantle transition zones)or long-periodmagnetic transfer functions(Schmucker,1973).An equivalence relationship exists between the magnetotelluric impedance Z and Schmucker’s C-response:C¼Zi om0;which can be determined from the magnetic fields alone,thereby providing an inductive scale length that is independent of the dis-torted electric field.Magnetic transfer functions can,for example, be derived from the magnetic daily variation.The appropriate method for correcting static shift often depends on the target depth,because there can be a continuum of distortion at all scales.As an example,in complex three-dimensional environments near-surface correction techniques may be inadequate if the conductiv-ity of the mantle is considered,because electrical heterogeneity in the deep crust creates additional galvanic distortion at a larger-scale, which is not resolved with near-surface measurements(e.g.,Simpson and Bahr,2005).Changes in the direction of electric fields and mixing of polarizationsIn some target areas of the MT method the conductivity distribution is two-dimensional(e.g.,in the case of electrical anisotropy(q.v.))and the induction process can be described by two decoupled polarizations of the electromagnetic field(e.g.,Simpson and Bahr,2005).Then,the changes in the direction of electric fields that are associated with galvanic distortion can result in mixing of these two polarizations. The recovery of the undistorted electromagnetic field is referred to as magnetotelluric tensor decomposition(e.g.,Bahr,1988,Groom and Bailey,1989).Current channeling and the“magnetic”distortionIn the case of extreme conductivity contrasts the electrical current can be channeled in such way that it is surrounded by a magneticvariational field that has,opposite to the assumptions made in the geo-magnetic deep sounding(q.v.)method,no phase lag with respect to the electric field.The occurrence of such magnetic fields in field data has been shown by Zhang et al.(1993)and Ritter and Banks(1998).An example of a magnetotelluric tensor decomposition that includes mag-netic distortion has been presented by Chave and Smith(1994).Karsten BahrBibliographyBahr,K.,1988.Interpretation of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor: regional induction and local telluric distortion.Journal of Geophy-sics,62:119–127.Chave,A.D.,and Smith,J.T.,1994.On electric and magnetic galvanic distortion tensor decompositions.Journal of Geophysical Research,99:4669–4682.Groom,R.W.,and Bailey,R.C.,1989.Decomposition of the magneto-telluric impedance tensor in the presence of local three-dimensional galvanic distortion.Journal of Geophysical Research,94: 1913–1925.Meju,M.A.,1996.Joint inversion of TEM and distorted MT sound-ings:some effective practical considerations.Geophysics,61: 56–65.Ritter,P.,and Banks,R.J.,1998.Separation of local and regional information in distorted GDS response functions by hypothetical event analysis.Geophysical Journal International,135:923–942. Schmucker,U.,1973.Regional induction studies:a review of methods and results.Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,7: 365–378.Simpson,F.,and Bahr,K.,2005.Practical Magnetotellurics.Cam-bridge:Cambridge University Press.Torres-Verdin,C.,and Bostick,F.X.,1992.Principles of special sur-face electric field filtering in magnetotellurics:electromagnetic array profiling(EMAP).Geophysics,57:603–622.Zhang,P.,Pedersen,L.B.,Mareschal,M.,and Chouteau,M.,1993.Channelling contribution to tipper vectors:a magnetic equivalent to electrical distortion.Geophysical Journal International,113: 693–700.Cross-referencesAnisotropy,ElectricalGeomagnetic Deep SoundingMagnetotelluricsMantle,Electrical Conductivity,Mineralogy GAUSS’DETERMINATION OF ABSOLUTE INTENSITYThe concept of magnetic intensity was known as early as1600in De Magnete(see Gilbert,William).The relative intensity of the geomag-netic field in different locations could be measured with some preci-sion from the rate of oscillation of a dip needle—a method used by Humboldt,Alexander von(q.v.)in South America in1798.But it was not until Gauss became interested in a universal system of units that the idea of measuring absolute intensity,in terms of units of mass, length,and time,was considered.It is now difficult to imagine how revolutionary was the idea that something as subtle as magnetism could be measured in such mundane units.On18February1832,Gauss,Carl Friedrich(q.v.)wrote to the German astronomer Olbers:“I occupy myself now with the Earth’s magnetism,particularly with an absolute determination of its intensity.Friend Weber”(Wilhelm Weber,Professor of Physics at the University of Göttingen)“conducts the experiments on my instructions.As, for example,a clear concept of velocity can be given only through statements on time and space,so in my opinion,the complete determination of the intensity of the Earth’s magnetism requires to specify(1)a weight¼p,(2)a length¼r,and then the Earth’s magnetism can be expressed byffiffiffiffiffiffiffip=rp.”After minor adjustment to the units,the experiment was completed in May1832,when the horizontal intensity(H)at Göttingen was found to be1.7820mg1/2mm–1/2s–1(17820nT).The experimentThe experiment was in two parts.In the vibration experiment(Figure G2) magnet A was set oscillating in a horizontal plane by deflecting it from magnetic north.The period of oscillations was determined at different small amplitudes,and from these the period t0of infinite-simal oscillations was deduced.This gave a measure of MH,where M denotes the magnetic moment of magnet A:MH¼4p2I=t20The moment of inertia,I,of the oscillating part is difficult to deter-mine directly,so Gauss used the ingenious idea of conductingtheFigure G2The vibration experiment.Magnet A is suspended from a silk fiber F It is set swinging horizontally and the period of an oscillation is obtained by timing an integral number of swings with clock C,using telescope T to observe the scale S reflected in mirror M.The moment of inertia of the oscillating part can be changed by a known amount by hanging weights W from the rodR. 278GAUSS’DETERMINATION OF ABSOLUTE INTENSITYexperiment for I and then I þD I ,where D I is a known increment obtained by hanging weights at a known distance from the suspension.From several measures of t 0with different values of D I ,I was deter-mined by the method of least squares (another of Gauss ’s original methods).In the deflection experiment,magnet A was removed from the suspension and replaced with magnet B.The ratio M /H was measured by the deflection of magnet B from magnetic north,y ,produced by magnet A when placed in the same horizontal plane as B at distance d magnetic east (or west)of the suspension (Figure G3).This required knowledge of the magnetic intensity due to a bar magnet.Gauss deduced that the intensity at distance d on the axis of a dipole is inversely proportional to d 3,but that just one additional term is required to allow for the finite length of the magnet,giving 2M (1þk/d 2)/d 3,where k denotes a small constant.ThenM =H ¼1=2d 3ð1Àk =d 2Þtan y :The value of k was determined,again by the method of least squares,from the results of a number of measures of y at different d .From MH and M /H both M and,as required by Gauss,H could readily be deduced.Present methodsWith remarkably little modification,Gauss ’s experiment was devel-oped into the Kew magnetometer,which remained the standard means of determining absolute H until electrical methods were introduced in the 1920s.At some observatories,Kew magnetometers were still in use in the 1980s.Nowadays absolute intensity can be measured in sec-onds with a proton magnetometer and without the considerable time and experimental skill required by Gauss ’s method.Stuart R.C.MalinBibliographyGauss,C.F.,1833.Intensitas vis magneticae terrestris ad mensuram absolutam revocata.Göttingen,Germany.Malin,S.R.C.,1982.Sesquicentenary of Gauss ’s first measurement of the absolute value of magnetic intensity.Philosophical Transac-tions of the Royal Society of London ,A 306:5–8.Malin,S.R.C.,and Barraclough,D.R.,1982.150th anniversary of Gauss ’s first absolute magnetic measurement.Nature ,297:285.Cross-referencesGauss,Carl Friedrich (1777–1855)Geomagnetism,History of Gilbert,William (1544–1603)Humboldt,Alexander von (1759–1859)Instrumentation,History ofGAUSS,CARL FRIEDRICH (1777–1855)Amongst the 19th century scientists working in the field of geomag-netism,Carl Friedrich Gauss was certainly one of the most outstanding contributors,who also made very fundamental contributions to the fields of mathematics,astronomy,and geodetics.Born in April 30,1777in Braunschweig (Germany)as the son of a gardener,street butcher,and mason Johann Friderich Carl,as he was named in the certificate of baptism,already in primary school at the age of nine perplexed his teacher J.G.Büttner by his innovative way to sum up the numbers from 1to ter Gauss used to claim that he learned manipulating numbers earlier than being able to speak.In 1788,Gauss became a pupil at the Catharineum in Braunschweig,where M.C.Bartels (1769–1836)recognized his outstanding mathematical abilities and introduced Gauss to more advanced problems of mathe-matics.Gauss proved to be an exceptional pupil catching the attention of Duke Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand of Braunschweig who provided Gauss with the necessary financial support to attend the Collegium Carolinum (now the Technical University of Braunschweig)from 1792to 1795.From 1795to 1798Gauss studied at the University of Göttingen,where his number theoretical studies allowed him to prove in 1796,that the regular 17-gon can be constructed using a pair of compasses and a ruler only.In 1799,he received his doctors degree from the University of Helmstedt (close to Braunschweig;closed 1809by Napoleon)without any oral examination and in absentia .His mentor in Helmstedt was J.F.Pfaff (1765–1825).The thesis submitted was a complete proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra.His studies on number theory published in Latin language as Disquitiones arithi-meticae in 1801made Carl Friedrich Gauss immediately one of the leading mathematicians in Europe.Gauss also made further pioneering contributions to complex number theory,elliptical functions,function theory,and noneuclidian geometry.Many of his thoughts have not been published in regular books but can be read in his more than 7000letters to friends and colleagues.But Gauss was not only interested in mathematics.On January 1,1801the Italian astronomer G.Piazzi (1746–1820)for the first time detected the asteroid Ceres,but lost him again a couple of weeks later.Based on completely new numerical methods,Gauss determined the orbit of Ceres in November 1801,which allowed F.X.von Zach (1754–1832)to redetect Ceres on December 7,1801.This prediction made Gauss famous next to his mathematical findings.In 1805,Gauss got married to Johanna Osthoff (1780–1809),who gave birth to two sons,Joseph and Louis,and a daughter,Wilhelmina.In 1810,Gauss married his second wife,Minna Waldeck (1788–1815).They had three more children together,Eugen,Wilhelm,and Therese.Eugen Gauss later became the founder and first president of the First National Bank of St.Charles,Missouri.Carl Friedrich Gauss ’interest in the Earth magnetic field is evident in a letter to his friend Wilhelm Olbers (1781–1862)as early as 1803,when he told Olbers that geomagnetism is a field where still many mathematical studies can be done.He became more engaged in geo-magnetism after a meeting with A.von Humboldt (1769–1859)and W.E.Weber (1804–1891)in Berlin in 1828where von Humboldt pointed out to Gauss the large number of unsolved problems in geo-magnetism.When Weber became a professor of physics at the Univer-sity of Göttingen in 1831,one of the most productive periods intheFigure G3The deflection experiment.Suspended magnet B is deflected from magnetic north by placing magnet A east or west (magnetic)of it at a known distance d .The angle of deflection y is measured by using telescope T to observe the scale S reflected in mirror M.GAUSS,CARL FRIEDRICH (1777–1855)279field of geomagnetism started.In1832,Gauss and Weber introduced the well-known Gauss system according to which the magnetic field unit was based on the centimeter,the gram,and the second.The Mag-netic Observatory of Göttingen was finished in1833and its construc-tion became the prototype for many other observatories all over Europe.Gauss and Weber furthermore developed and improved instru-ments to measure the magnetic field,such as the unifilar and bifilar magnetometer.Inspired by A.von Humboldt,Gauss and Weber realized that mag-netic field measurements need to be done globally with standardized instruments and at agreed times.This led to the foundation of the Göttinger Magnetische Verein in1836,an organization without any for-mal structure,only devoted to organize magnetic field measurements all over the world.The results of this organization have been published in six volumes as the Resultate aus den Beobachtungen des Magnetischen Vereins.The issue of1838contains the pioneering work Allgemeine Theorie des Erdmagnetismus where Gauss introduced the concept of the spherical harmonic analysis and applied this new tool to magnetic field measurements.His general theory of geomagnetism also allowed to separate the magnetic field into its externally and its internally caused parts.As the external contributions are nowadays interpreted as current systems in the ionosphere and magnetosphere Gauss can also be named the founder of magnetospheric research.Publication of the Resultate ceased in1843.W.E.Weber together with such eminent professors of the University of Göttingen as Jacob Grimm(1785–1863)and Wilhelm Grimm(1786–1859)had formed the political group Göttingen Seven protesting against constitutional violations of King Ernst August of Hannover.As a consequence of these political activities,Weber and his colleagues were dismissed. Though Gauss tried everything to bring back Weber in his position he did not succeed and Weber finally decided to accept a chair at the University of Leipzig in1843.This finished a most fruitful and remarkable cooperation between two of the most outstanding contribu-tors to geomagnetism in the19th century.Their heritage was not only the invention of the first telegraph station in1833,but especially the network of36globally operating magnetic observatories.In his later years Gauss considered to either enter the field of bota-nics or to learn another language.He decided for the language and started to study Russian,already being in his seventies.At that time he was the only person in Göttingen speaking that language fluently. Furthermore,he was asked by the Senate of the University of Göttingen to reorganize their widow’s pension system.This work made him one of the founders of insurance mathematics.In his final years Gauss became fascinated by the newly built railway lines and supported their development using the telegraph idea invented by Weber and himself.Carl Friedrich Gauss died on February23,1855as a most respected citizen of his town Göttingen.He was a real genius who was named Princeps mathematicorum already during his life time,but was also praised for his practical abilities.Karl-Heinz GlaßmeierBibliographyBiegel,G.,and K.Reich,Carl Friedrich Gauss,Braunschweig,2005. Bühler,W.,Gauss:A Biographical study,Berlin,1981.Hall,T.,Carl Friedrich Gauss:A Biography,Cambridge,MA,1970. Lamont,J.,Astronomie und Erdmagnetismus,Stuttgart,1851. Cross-referencesHumboldt,Alexander von(1759–1859)Magnetosphere of the Earth GELLIBRAND,HENRY(1597–1636)Henry Gellibrand was the eldest son of a physician,also Henry,and was born on17November1597in the parish of St.Botolph,Aldersgate,London.In1615,he became a commoner at Trinity Col-lege,Oxford,and obtained a BA in1619and an MA in1621.Aftertaking Holy Orders he became curate at Chiddingstone,Kent,butthe lectures of Sir Henry Savile inspired him to become a full-timemathematician.He settled in Oxford,where he became friends withHenry Briggs,famed for introducing logarithms to the base10.Itwas on Briggs’recommendation that,on the death of Edmund Gunter,Gellibrand succeeded him as Gresham Professor of Astronomy in1627—a post he held until his death from a fever on16February1636.He was buried at St.Peter the Poor,Broad Street,London(now demolished).Gellibrand’s principal publications were concerned with mathe-matics(notably the completion of Briggs’Trigonometrica Britannicaafter Briggs died in1630)and navigation.But he is included herebecause he is credited with the discovery of geomagnetic secular var-iation.The events leading to this discovery are as follows(for furtherdetails see Malin and Bullard,1981).The sequence starts with an observation of magnetic declinationmade by William Borough,a merchant seaman who rose to“captaingeneral”on the Russian trade route before becoming comptroller ofthe Queen’s Navy.The magnetic observation(Borough,1581,1596)was made on16October1580at Limehouse,London,where heobserved the magnetic azimuth of the sun as it rose through sevenfixed altitudes in the morning and as it descended through the samealtitudes in the afternoon.The mean of the two azimuths for each alti-tude gives a measure of magnetic declination,D,the mean of which is11 190EÆ50rms.Despite the small scatter,the value could have beenbiased by site or compass errors.Some40years later,Edmund Gunter,distinguished mathematician,Gresham Professor of Astronomy and inventor of the slide rule,foundD to be“only6gr15m”(6 150E)“as I have sometimes found it oflate”(Gunter,1624,66).The exact date(ca.1622)and location(prob-ably Deptford)of the observation are not stated,but it alerted Gunterto the discrepancy with Borough’s measurement.To investigatefurther,Gunter“enquired after the place where Mr.Borough observed,and went to Limehouse with...a quadrant of three foot Semidiameter,and two Needles,the one above6inches,and the other10inches long ...towards the night the13of June1622,I made observation in sev-eral parts of the ground”(Gunter,1624,66).These observations,witha mean of5 560EÆ120rms,confirmed that D in1622was signifi-cantly less than had been measured by Borough in1580.But was thisan error in the earlier measure,or,unlikely as it then seemed,was Dchanging?Unfortunately Gunter died in1626,before making anyfurther measurements.When Gellibrand succeeded Gunter as Gresham Professor,allhe required to do to confirm a major scientific discovery was towait a few years and then repeat the Limehouse observation.Buthe chose instead to go to the site of Gunter’s earlier observationin Deptford,where,in June1633,Gellibrand found D to be“muchless than5 ”(Gellibrand,1635,16).He made a further measurement of D on the same site on June12,1634and“found it not much to exceed4 ”(Gellibrand,1635,7),the published data giving4 50 EÆ40rms.His observation of D at Paul’s Cray on July4,1634adds little,because it is a new site.On the strength of these observations,he announced his discovery of secular variation(Gellibrand,1635,7and 19),but the reader may decide how much of the credit should go to Gunter.Stuart R.C.Malin280GELLIBRAND,HENRY(1597–1636)BibliographyBorough,W.,1581.A Discourse of the Variation of the Compass,or Magnetical Needle.(Appendix to R.Norman The newe Attractive).London:Jhon Kyngston for Richard Ballard.Borough,W.,1596.A Discourse of the Variation of the Compass,or Magnetical Needle.(Appendix to R.Norman The newe Attractive).London:E Allde for Hugh Astley.Gellibrand,H.,1635.A Discourse Mathematical on the Variation of the Magneticall Needle.Together with its admirable Diminution lately discovered.London:William Jones.Gunter,E.,1624.The description and use of the sector,the crosse-staffe and other Instruments.First booke of the crosse-staffe.London:William Jones.Malin,S.R.C.,and Bullard,Sir Edward,1981.The direction of the Earth’s magnetic field at London,1570–1975.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London,A299:357–423. Smith,G.,Stephen,L.,and Lee,S.,1967.The Dictionary of National Biography.Oxford:University Press.Cross-referencesCompassGeomagnetic Secular VariationGeomagnetism,History ofGEOCENTRIC AXIAL DIPOLE HYPOTHESISThe time-averaged paleomagnetic fieldPaleomagnetic studies provide measurements of the direction of the ancient geomagnetic field on the geological timescale.Samples are generally collected at a number of sites,where each site is defined as a single point in time.In most cases the time relationship between the sites is not known,moreover when samples are collected from a stratigraphic sequence the time interval between the levels is also not known.In order to deal with such data,the concept of the time-averaged paleomagnetic field is used.Hospers(1954)first introduced the geocentric axial dipole hypothesis(GAD)as a means of defining this time-averaged field and as a method for the analysis of paleomag-netic results.The hypothesis states that the paleomagnetic field,when averaged over a sufficient time interval,will conform with the field expected from a geocentric axial dipole.Hospers presumed that a time interval of several thousand years would be sufficient for the purpose of averaging,but many studies now suggest that tens or hundreds of thousand years are generally required to produce a good time-average. The GAD model is a simple one(Figure G4)in which the geomag-netic and geographic axes and equators coincide.Thus at any point on the surface of the Earth,the time-averaged paleomagnetic latitude l is equal to the geographic latitude.If m is the magnetic moment of this time-averaged geocentric axial dipole and a is the radius of the Earth, the horizontal(H)and vertical(Z)components of the magnetic field at latitude l are given byH¼m0m cos l;Z¼2m0m sin l;(Eq.1)and the total field F is given byF¼ðH2þZ2Þ1=2¼m0m4p a2ð1þ3sin2lÞ1=2:(Eq.2)Since the tangent of the magnetic inclination I is Z/H,thentan I¼2tan l;(Eq.3)and by definition,the declination D is given byD¼0 :(Eq.4)The colatitude p(90 minus the latitude)can be obtained fromtan I¼2cot pð0p180 Þ:(Eq.5)The relationship given in Eq. (3) is fundamental to paleomagnetismand is a direct consequence of the GAD hypothesis.When applied toresults from different geologic periods,it enables the paleomagneticlatitude to be derived from the mean inclination.This relationshipbetween latitude and inclination is shown in Figure G5.Figure G5Variation of inclination with latitude for a geocentricdipole.GEOCENTRIC AXIAL DIPOLE HYPOTHESIS281Paleom a gnetic polesThe positio n where the time-averaged dipole axis cuts the surface of the Earth is called the paleomagnetic pole and is defined on the present latitude-longitude grid. Paleomagnetic poles make it possible to com-pare results from different observing localities, since such poles should represent the best estimate of the position of the geographic pole.These poles are the most useful parameter derived from the GAD hypothesis. If the paleomagnetic mean direction (D m , I m ) is known at some sampling locality S, with latitude and longitude (l s , f s ), the coordinates of the paleomagnetic pole P (l p , f p ) can be calculated from the following equations by reference to Figure G6.sin l p ¼ sin l s cos p þ cos l s sin p cos D m ðÀ90 l p þ90 Þ(Eq. 6)f p ¼ f s þ b ; when cos p sin l s sin l porf p ¼ f s þ 180 À b ; when cos p sin l s sin l p (Eq. 7)wheresin b ¼ sin p sin D m = cos l p : (Eq. 8)The paleocolatitude p is determined from Eq. (5). The paleomagnetic pole ( l p , f p ) calculated in this way implies that “sufficient ” time aver-aging has been carried out. What “sufficient ” time is defined as is a subject of much debate and it is always difficult to estimate the time covered by the rocks being sampled. Any instantaneous paleofield direction (representing only a single point in time) may also be con-verted to a pole position using Eqs. (7) and (8). In this case the pole is termed a virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP). A VGP can be regarded as the paleomagnetic analog of the geomagnetic poles of the present field. The paleomagnetic pole may then also be calculated by finding the average of many VGPs, corresponding to many paleodirections.Of course, given a paleomagnetic pole position with coordinates (l p , f p ), the expected mean direction of magnetization (D m , I m )at any site location (l s , f s ) may be also calculated (Figure G6). The paleocolatitude p is given bycos p ¼ sin l s sin l p þ cos l s cos l p cos ðf p À f s Þ; (Eq. 9)and the inclination I m may then be calculated from Eq. (5). The corre-sponding declination D m is given bycos D m ¼sin l p À sin l s cos pcos l s sin p; (Eq. 10)where0 D m 180 for 0 (f p – f s ) 180and180 < D m <360for 180 < (f p –f s ) < 360 .The declination is indeterminate (that is any value may be chosen)if the site and the pole position coincide. If l s ¼Æ90then D m is defined as being equal to f p , the longitude of the paleomagnetic pole.Te s ting the GAD hy p othesis Tim e scale 0– 5 MaOn the timescale 0 –5 Ma, little or no continental drift will have occurred, so it was originally thought that the observation that world-wide paleomagnetic poles for this time span plotted around the present geographic indicated support for the GAD hypothesis (Cox and Doell,1960; Irving, 1964; McElhinny, 1973). However, any set of axial mul-tipoles (g 01; g 02 ; g 03 , etc.) will also produce paleomagnetic poles that cen-ter around the geographic pole. Indeed, careful analysis of the paleomagnetic data in this time interval has enabled the determination of any second-order multipole terms in the time-averaged field (see below for more detailed discussion of these departures from the GAD hypothesis).The first important test of the GAD hypothesis for the interval 0 –5Ma was carried out by Opdyke and Henry (1969),who plotted the mean inclinations observed in deep-sea sediment cores as a function of latitude,showing that these observations conformed with the GAD hypothesis as predicted by Eq. (3) and plotted in Figure G5.Testing the axial nature of the time-averaged fieldOn the geological timescale it is observed that paleomagnetic poles for any geological period from a single continent or block are closely grouped indicating the dipole hypothesis is true at least to first-order.However,this observation by itself does not prove the axial nature of the dipole field.This can be tested through the use of paleoclimatic indicators (see McElhinny and McFadden,2000for a general discus-sion).Paleoclimatologists use a simple model based on the fact that the net solar flux reaching the surface of the Earth has a maximum at the equator and a minimum at the poles.The global temperature may thus be expected to have the same variation.The density distribu-tion of many climatic indicators (climatically sensitive sediments)at the present time shows a maximum at the equator and either a mini-mum at the poles or a high-latitude zone from which the indicator is absent (e.g.,coral reefs,evaporates,and carbonates).A less common distribution is that of glacial deposits and some deciduous trees,which have a maximum in polar and intermediate latitudes.It has been shown that the distributions of paleoclimatic indicators can be related to the present-day climatic zones that are roughly parallel with latitude.Irving (1956)first suggested that comparisons between paleomag-netic results and geological evidence of past climates could provide a test for the GAD hypothesis over geological time.The essential point regarding such a test is that both paleomagnetic and paleoclimatic data provide independent evidence of past latitudes,since the factors con-trolling climate are quite independent of the Earth ’s magnetic field.The most useful approach is to compile the paleolatitude values for a particular occurrence in the form of equal angle or equalareaFigure G6Calculation of the position P (l p ,f p )of thepaleomagnetic pole relative to the sampling site S (l s ,f s )with mean magnetic direction (D m ,I m ).282GEOCENTRIC AXIAL DIPOLE HYPOTHESIS。
考研英一伊丽莎白那篇文章DeepMind is one of the leading artificial intelligence (AI) companies in the world.The potential of this work applied to healthcare is very great, but it could also lead to further concentration of power in the tech giants.It is against that background that the information commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, has issued her damning verdict against the Royal Free hospital trust under the NHS,which handed over to DeepMind the records of 1.6 million patients in 2015 on the basis of a vague agreement which took far too little account of the patients' rights and their expectations of privacy.DeepMind has almost apologized. The NHS trust has mended its ways.Further arrangement sand there may be many - between the NHS and DeepMind will be carefully scrutinised to ensure that all necessary permissions have been asked of patients and all unnecessary data has been cleaned.There are lessons about informed patient consent to learn.But privacy is not the only angle in this case and not even the most important.Ms Denham chose to concentrate the blame on the NHS trust, since under existing law it "controlled" the data and DeepMind merely "processed" it.But this distinction misses the point that it is processing and aggregation, not the mere possession of bits, that gives the data value.The great question is who should benefit from the analysis of all the data that our lives now generate.Privacy law builds on the concept of damage to an individual from identifiable knowledge about them.That misses the way the surveillance economy works.The data of an individual there gains its value only when it is compared with the data of countless millions more.The use of privacy law to curb the tech giants in this instance feels slightly maladapted.This practice does not address the real worry.It is not enough to say that the algorithms DeepMind develops will benefit patients and save lives.What matters is that they will belong to a private monopoly which developed them using public resources.If software promises to save lives on the scale that dugs now can, big data may be expected to behave as a big pharm has done.We are still at the beginning of this revolution and small choices now may turn out to have gigantic consequences later.A long struggle will be needed to avoid a future of digital feudalism. Ms Denham's report is a welcome start.。
重要哲学术语英汉对照——转载自《当代英美哲学概论》a priori瞐 posteriori distinction 先验-后验的区分abstract ideas 抽象理念abstract objects 抽象客体ad hominem argument 谬误论证alienation/estrangement 异化,疏离altruism 利他主义analysis 分析analytic瞫ynthetic distinction 分析-综合的区分aporia 困惑argument from design 来自设计的论证artificial intelligence (AI) 人工智能association of ideas 理念的联想autonomy 自律axioms 公理Categorical Imperative 绝对命令categories 范畴Category mistake 范畴错误causal theory of reference 指称的因果论causation 因果关系certainty 确定性chaos theory 混沌理论class 总纲、类clearness and distinctness 清楚与明晰cogito ergo sum 我思故我在concept 概念consciousness 意识consent 同意consequentialism 效果论conservative 保守的consistency 一致性,相容性constructivism 建构主义contents of consciousness 意识的内容contingent瞡ecessary distinction 偶然-必然的区分 continuum 连续体continuum hypothesis 连续性假说contradiction 矛盾(律)conventionalism 约定论counterfactual conditional 反事实的条件句criterion 准则,标准critique 批判,批评Dasein 此在,定在deconstruction 解构主义defeasible 可以废除的definite description 限定摹状词deontology 义务论dialectic 辩证法didactic 说教的dualism 二元论egoism 自我主义、利己主义eliminative materialism 消除性的唯物主义 empiricism 经验主义Enlightenment 启蒙运动(思想)entailment 蕴含essence 本质ethical intuition 伦理直观ethical naturalism 伦理的自然主义eudaimonia 幸福主义event 事件、事变evolutionary epistemology 进化认识论expert system 专门体系explanation 解释fallibilism 谬误论family resemblance 家族相似fictional entities 虚构的实体first philosophy 第一哲学form of life 生活形式formal 形式的foundationalism 基础主义free will and determinism 自由意志和决定论 function 函项(功能)function explanation 功能解释good 善happiness 幸福hedonism 享乐主义hermeneutics 解释学(诠释学,释义学)historicism 历史论(历史主义)holism 整体论iconographic 绘画idealism 理念论ideas 理念identity 同一性illocutionary act 以言行事的行为imagination 想象力immaterical substance 非物质实体immutable 不变的、永恒的individualism 个人主义(个体主义)induction 归纳inference 推断infinite regress 无限回归intensionality 内涵性intentionality 意向性irreducible 不可还原的Leibniz餾 Law 莱布尼茨法则logical atomism 逻辑原子主义logical positivism 逻辑实证主义logomachy 玩弄词藻的争论material biconditional 物质的双向制约materialism 唯物论(唯物主义)maxim 箴言,格言method 方法methodologica 方法论的model 样式modern 现代的modus ponens and modus tollens 肯定前件和否定后件 natural selection 自然选择necessary 必然的neutral monism 中立一无论nominalism 唯名论non睧uclidean geometry 非欧几里德几何non瞞onotonic logics 非单一逻辑Ockham餜azor 奥卡姆剃刀omnipotence and omniscience 全能和全知ontology 本体论(存有学)operator 算符(或算子)paradox 悖论perception 知觉phenomenology 现象学picture theory of meaning 意义的图像说pluralism 多元论polis 城邦possible world 可能世界postmodernism 后现代主义prescriptive statement 规定性陈述presupposition 预设primary and secondary qualities 第一性的质和第二性的质 principle of non瞔ontradiction 不矛盾律proposition 命题quantifier 量词quantum mechanics 量子力学rational numbers 有理数real number 实数realism 实在论reason 理性,理智recursive function 循环函数reflective equilibrium 反思的均衡relativity (theory of) 相对(论)rights 权利rigid designator严格的指称词Rorschach test 相对性(相对论)rule 规则rule utilitarianism 功利主义规则Russell餾 paradox 罗素悖论sanctions 制发scope 范围,限界semantics 语义学sense data 感觉材料,感觉资料set 集solipsism 唯我论social contract 社会契约subjective瞣bjective distinction 主客区分 sublation 扬弃substance 实体,本体sui generis 特殊的,独特性supervenience 偶然性syllogism 三段论things瞚n瞭hemselves 物自体thought 思想thought experiment 思想实验three瞯alued logic 三值逻辑transcendental 先验的truth 真理truth function 真值函项understanding 理解universals 共相,一般,普遍verfication principle 证实原则versimilitude 逼真性vicious regress 恶性回归Vienna Circle 维也纳学派virtue 美德注释计量经济学中英对照词汇(continuous)2007年8月23日,22:02:47 | mindreader计量经济学中英对照词汇(continuous)K-Means Cluster逐步聚类分析K means method, 逐步聚类法Kaplan-Meier, 评估事件的时间长度Kaplan-Merier chart, Kaplan-Merier图Kendall's rank correlation, Kendall等级相关Kinetic, 动力学Kolmogorov-Smirnove test, 柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米尔诺夫检验Kruskal and Wallis test, Kruskal及Wallis检验/多样本的秩和检验/H检验Kurtosis, 峰度Lack of fit, 失拟Ladder of powers, 幂阶梯Lag, 滞后Large sample, 大样本Large sample test, 大样本检验Latin square, 拉丁方Latin square design, 拉丁方设计Leakage, 泄漏Least favorable configuration, 最不利构形Least favorable distribution, 最不利分布Least significant difference, 最小显著差法Least square method, 最小二乘法Least Squared Criterion,最小二乘方准则Least-absolute-residuals estimates, 最小绝对残差估计Least-absolute-residuals fit, 最小绝对残差拟合Least-absolute-residuals line, 最小绝对残差线Legend, 图例L-estimator, L估计量L-estimator of location, 位置L估计量L-estimator of scale, 尺度L估计量Level, 水平Leveage Correction,杠杆率校正Life expectance, 预期期望寿命Life table, 寿命表Life table method, 生命表法Light-tailed distribution, 轻尾分布Likelihood function, 似然函数Likelihood ratio, 似然比line graph, 线图Linear correlation, 直线相关Linear equation, 线性方程Linear programming, 线性规划Linear regression, 直线回归Linear Regression, 线性回归Linear trend, 线性趋势Loading, 载荷Location and scale equivariance, 位置尺度同变性Location equivariance, 位置同变性Location invariance, 位置不变性Location scale family, 位置尺度族Log rank test, 时序检验Logarithmic curve, 对数曲线Logarithmic normal distribution, 对数正态分布Logarithmic scale, 对数尺度Logarithmic transformation, 对数变换Logic check, 逻辑检查Logistic distribution, 逻辑斯特分布Logit transformation, Logit转换LOGLINEAR, 多维列联表通用模型Lognormal distribution, 对数正态分布Lost function, 损失函数Low correlation, 低度相关Lower limit, 下限Lowest-attained variance, 最小可达方差LSD, 最小显著差法的简称Lurking variable, 潜在变量Main effect, 主效应Major heading, 主辞标目Marginal density function, 边缘密度函数Marginal probability, 边缘概率Marginal probability distribution, 边缘概率分布Matched data, 配对资料Matched distribution, 匹配过分布Matching of distribution, 分布的匹配Matching of transformation, 变换的匹配Mathematical expectation, 数学期望Mathematical model, 数学模型Maximum L-estimator, 极大极小L 估计量Maximum likelihood method, 最大似然法Mean, 均数Mean squares between groups, 组间均方Mean squares within group, 组内均方Means (Compare means), 均值-均值比较Median, 中位数Median effective dose, 半数效量Median lethal dose, 半数致死量Median polish, 中位数平滑Median test, 中位数检验Minimal sufficient statistic, 最小充分统计量Minimum distance estimation, 最小距离估计Minimum effective dose, 最小有效量Minimum lethal dose, 最小致死量Minimum variance estimator, 最小方差估计量MINITAB, 统计软件包Minor heading, 宾词标目Missing data, 缺失值Model specification, 模型的确定Modeling Statistics , 模型统计Models for outliers, 离群值模型Modifying the model, 模型的修正Modulus of continuity, 连续性模Morbidity, 发病率Most favorable configuration, 最有利构形MSC(多元散射校正)Multidimensional Scaling (ASCAL), 多维尺度/多维标度Multinomial Logistic Regression , 多项逻辑斯蒂回归Multiple comparison, 多重比较Multiple correlation , 复相关Multiple covariance, 多元协方差Multiple linear regression, 多元线性回归Multiple response , 多重选项Multiple solutions, 多解Multiplication theorem, 乘法定理Multiresponse, 多元响应Multi-stage sampling, 多阶段抽样Multivariate T distribution, 多元T分布Mutual exclusive, 互不相容Mutual independence, 互相独立Natural boundary, 自然边界Natural dead, 自然死亡Natural zero, 自然零Negative correlation, 负相关Negative linear correlation, 负线性相关Negatively skewed, 负偏Newman-Keuls method, q检验NK method, q检验No statistical significance, 无统计意义Nominal variable, 名义变量Nonconstancy of variability, 变异的非定常性Nonlinear regression, 非线性相关Nonparametric statistics, 非参数统计Nonparametric test, 非参数检验Nonparametric tests, 非参数检验Normal deviate, 正态离差Normal distribution, 正态分布Normal equation, 正规方程组Normal P-P, 正态概率分布图Normal Q-Q, 正态概率单位分布图Normal ranges, 正常范围Normal value, 正常值Normalization 归一化Nuisance parameter, 多余参数/讨厌参数Null hypothesis, 无效假设Numerical variable, 数值变量Objective function, 目标函数Observation unit, 观察单位Observed value, 观察值One sided test, 单侧检验One-way analysis of variance, 单因素方差分析Oneway ANOVA , 单因素方差分析Open sequential trial, 开放型序贯设计Optrim, 优切尾Optrim efficiency, 优切尾效率Order statistics, 顺序统计量Ordered categories, 有序分类Ordinal logistic regression , 序数逻辑斯蒂回归Ordinal variable, 有序变量Orthogonal basis, 正交基Orthogonal design, 正交试验设计Orthogonality conditions, 正交条件ORTHOPLAN, 正交设计Outlier cutoffs, 离群值截断点Outliers, 极端值OVERALS , 多组变量的非线性正规相关Overshoot, 迭代过度Paired design, 配对设计Paired sample, 配对样本Pairwise slopes, 成对斜率Parabola, 抛物线Parallel tests, 平行试验Parameter, 参数Parametric statistics, 参数统计Parametric test, 参数检验Pareto, 直条构成线图(又称佩尔托图)Partial correlation, 偏相关Partial regression, 偏回归Partial sorting, 偏排序Partials residuals, 偏残差Pattern, 模式PCA(主成分分析)Pearson curves, 皮尔逊曲线Peeling, 退层Percent bar graph, 百分条形图Percentage, 百分比Percentile, 百分位数Percentile curves, 百分位曲线Periodicity, 周期性Permutation, 排列P-estimator, P估计量Pie graph, 构成图,饼图Pitman estimator, 皮特曼估计量Pivot, 枢轴量Planar, 平坦Planar assumption, 平面的假设PLANCARDS, 生成试验的计划卡PLS(偏最小二乘法)Point estimation, 点估计Poisson distribution, 泊松分布Polishing, 平滑Polled standard deviation, 合并标准差Polled variance, 合并方差Polygon, 多边图Polynomial, 多项式Polynomial curve, 多项式曲线Population, 总体Population attributable risk, 人群归因危险度Positive correlation, 正相关Positively skewed, 正偏Posterior distribution, 后验分布Power of a test, 检验效能Precision, 精密度Predicted value, 预测值Preliminary analysis, 预备性分析Principal axis factoring,主轴因子法Principal component analysis, 主成分分析Prior distribution, 先验分布Prior probability, 先验概率Probabilistic model, 概率模型probability, 概率Probability density, 概率密度Product moment, 乘积矩/协方差Pro, 截面迹图Proportion, 比/构成比Proportion allocation in stratified random sampling, 按比例分层随机抽样Proportionate, 成比例Proportionate sub-class numbers, 成比例次级组含量Prospective study, 前瞻性调查Proximities, 亲近性Pseudo F test, 近似F检验Pseudo model, 近似模型Pseudosigma, 伪标准差Purposive sampling, 有目的抽样QR decomposition, QR分解Quadratic approximation, 二次近似Qualitative classification, 属性分类Qualitative method, 定性方法Quantile-quantile plot, 分位数-分位数图/Q-Q图Quantitative analysis, 定量分析Quartile, 四分位数Quick Cluster, 快速聚类Radix sort, 基数排序Random allocation, 随机化分组Random blocks design, 随机区组设计Random event, 随机事件Randomization, 随机化Range, 极差/全距Rank correlation, 等级相关Rank sum test, 秩和检验Rank test, 秩检验Ranked data, 等级资料Rate, 比率Ratio, 比例Raw data, 原始资料Raw residual, 原始残差Rayleigh's test, 雷氏检验Rayleigh's Z, 雷氏Z值Reciprocal, 倒数Reciprocal transformation, 倒数变换Recording, 记录Redescending estimators, 回降估计量Reducing dimensions, 降维Re-expression, 重新表达Reference set, 标准组Region of acceptance, 接受域Regression coefficient, 回归系数Regression sum of square, 回归平方和Rejection point, 拒绝点Relative dispersion, 相对离散度Relative number, 相对数Reliability, 可靠性Reparametrization, 重新设置参数Replication, 重复Report Summaries, 报告摘要Residual sum of square, 剩余平方和residual variance (剩余方差)Resistance, 耐抗性Resistant line, 耐抗线Resistant technique, 耐抗技术R-estimator of location, 位置R估计量R-estimator of scale, 尺度R估计量Retrospective study, 回顾性调查Ridge trace, 岭迹Ridit analysis, Ridit分析Rotation, 旋转Rounding, 舍入Row, 行Row effects, 行效应Row factor, 行因素RXC table, RXC表Sample, 样本Sample regression coefficient, 样本回归系数Sample size, 样本量Sample standard deviation, 样本标准差Sampling error, 抽样误差SAS(Statistical analysis system , SAS统计软件包Scale, 尺度/量表Scatter diagram, 散点图Schematic plot, 示意图/简图Score test, 计分检验Screening, 筛检SEASON, 季节分析Second derivative, 二阶导数Second principal component, 第二主成分SEM (Structural equation modeling), 结构化方程模型Semi-logarithmic graph, 半对数图Semi-logarithmic paper, 半对数格纸Sensitivity curve, 敏感度曲线Sequential analysis, 贯序分析Sequence, 普通序列图Sequential data set, 顺序数据集Sequential design, 贯序设计Sequential method, 贯序法Sequential test, 贯序检验法Serial tests, 系列试验Short-cut method, 简捷法Sigmoid curve, S形曲线Sign function, 正负号函数Sign test, 符号检验Signed rank, 符号秩Significant Level, 显著水平Significance test, 显著性检验Significant figure, 有效数字Simple cluster sampling, 简单整群抽样Simple correlation, 简单相关Simple random sampling, 简单随机抽样Simple regression, 简单回归simple table, 简单表Sine estimator, 正弦估计量Single-valued estimate, 单值估计Singular matrix, 奇异矩阵Skewed distribution, 偏斜分布Skewness, 偏度Slash distribution, 斜线分布Slope, 斜率Smirnov test, 斯米尔诺夫检验Source of variation, 变异来源Spearman rank correlation, 斯皮尔曼等级相关Specific factor, 特殊因子Specific factor variance, 特殊因子方差Spectra , 频谱Spherical distribution, 球型正态分布Spread, 展布SPSS(Statistical package for the social science), SPSS统计软件包Spurious correlation, 假性相关Square root transformation, 平方根变换Stabilizing variance, 稳定方差Standard deviation, 标准差Standard error, 标准误Standard error of difference, 差别的标准误Standard error of estimate, 标准估计误差Standard error of rate, 率的标准误Standard normal distribution, 标准正态分布Standardization, 标准化Starting value, 起始值Statistic, 统计量Statistical control, 统计控制Statistical graph, 统计图Statistical inference, 统计推断Statistical table, 统计表Steepest descent, 最速下降法Stem and leaf display, 茎叶图Step factor, 步长因子Stepwise regression, 逐步回归Storage, 存Strata, 层(复数)Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Strength, 强度Stringency, 严密性Structural relationship, 结构关系Studentized residual, 学生化残差/t化残差Sub-class numbers, 次级组含量Subdividing, 分割Sufficient statistic, 充分统计量Sum of products, 积和Sum of squares, 离差平方和Sum of squares about regression, 回归平方和Sum of squares between groups, 组间平方和Sum of squares of partial regression, 偏回归平方和Sure event, 必然事件Survey, 调查Survival, 生存分析Survival rate, 生存率Suspended root gram, 悬吊根图Symmetry, 对称Systematic error, 系统误差Systematic sampling, 系统抽样Tags, 标签Tail area, 尾部面积Tail length, 尾长Tail weight, 尾重Tangent line, 切线Target distribution, 目标分布Taylor series, 泰勒级数Test(检验)Test of linearity, 线性检验Tendency of dispersion, 离散趋势Testing of hypotheses, 假设检验Theoretical frequency, 理论频数Time series, 时间序列Tolerance interval, 容忍区间Tolerance lower limit, 容忍下限Tolerance upper limit, 容忍上限Torsion, 扰率Total sum of square, 总平方和Total variation, 总变异Transformation, 转换Treatment, 处理Trend, 趋势Trend of percentage, 百分比趋势Trial, 试验Trial and error method, 试错法Tuning constant, 细调常数Two sided test, 双向检验Two-stage least squares, 二阶最小平方Two-stage sampling, 二阶段抽样Two-tailed test, 双侧检验Two-way analysis of variance, 双因素方差分析Two-way table, 双向表Type I error, 一类错误/α错误Type II error, 二类错误/β错误UMVU, 方差一致最小无偏估计简称Unbiased estimate, 无偏估计Unconstrained nonlinear regression , 无约束非线性回归Unequal subclass number, 不等次级组含量Ungrouped data, 不分组资料Uniform coordinate, 均匀坐标Uniform distribution, 均匀分布Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimate, 方差一致最小无偏估计Unit, 单元Unordered categories, 无序分类Unweighted least squares, 未加权最小平方法Upper limit, 上限Upward rank, 升秩Vague concept, 模糊概念Validity, 有效性VARCOMP (Variance component estimation), 方差元素估计Variability, 变异性Variable, 变量Variance, 方差Variation, 变异Varimax orthogonal rotation, 方差最大正交旋转Volume of distribution, 容积W test, W检验Weibull distribution, 威布尔分布Weight, 权数Weighted Chi-square test, 加权卡方检验/Cochran检验Weighted linear regression method, 加权直线回归Weighted mean, 加权平均数Weighted mean square, 加权平均方差Weighted sum of square, 加权平方和Weighting coefficient, 权重系数Weighting method, 加权法W-estimation, W估计量W-estimation of location, 位置W估计量Width, 宽度Wilcoxon paired test, 威斯康星配对法/配对符号秩和检验Wild point, 野点/狂点Wild value, 野值/狂值Winsorized mean, 缩尾均值Withdraw, 失访Youden's index, 尤登指数Z test, Z检验Zero correlation, 零相关Z-transformation, Z变换注释。
Item 101A (Gosper): Numerical comparison of continued fractions is slightly
The algBiblioteka rithm suggested here compares two rational numbers a=b and c=d by means of a continued fraction expansion algorithm applied simultaneously to the two numbers, and stopped as soon as a discrepancy of quotients is encountered. For instance,
Canadian Mathematical Society Conference Proceedings
Continued Fractions, Comparison Algorithms, and Fine Structure Constants
Philippe Flajolet and Brigitte Vallee
ing fractions and for determining the sign of 2 2 determinants. The analysis of such extremely simple algorithms leads to an incursion into a surprising variety of domains. We take the reader through a light tour of dynamical systems (symbolic dynamics), number theory (continued fractions), special functions (multiple zeta values), functional analysis (transfer operators), numerical analysis (series acceleration), and complex analysis (the Riemann hypothesis). These domains all eventually contribute to a detailed characterization of the complexity of comparison and sorting algorithms, either on average or in probability.
unit 6 section A 译文
1 在某些方面,欧洲统一销售法中确定的制度范围反映了对合同标的物的一些限制,这些限制是有效的,这些可以在欧洲统一销售法中规范合同当事人在某些特定类型合同下的争议中的义务和救济的条款中看到。
有限域上一类方程的解数余杜鹃;曹炜【摘要】We study the number of solutions to the following equation:n<br> While keeping the coefficients unchanged, we effectively reducethe degree matrix to improve the estimates on the number of solutions to the equation. Furthermore with certain constraint conditions on the variables and coefficients, we obtain a sharp bound on the number of solutions to the equation using Hasse’s theorem for elliptic curves over finite fields.%研究有限域Fq上一类方程的解数。
若对方程未知变量和系数进行适当限定,则可将其化为椭圆曲线方程,从而利用 Hasse 定理得到原方程解数的一个精确界。
【期刊名称】《宁波大学学报(理工版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)001【总页数】4页(P66-69)【关键词】次数矩阵;有效降次;椭圆曲线;Hasse 定理【作者】余杜鹃;曹炜【作者单位】宁波大学理学院,浙江宁波 315211;宁波大学理学院,浙江宁波315211【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O156由于有限域上的方程在密码学上具有重要的应用价值, 因而一直受到人们的极大关注. 在文中, 用 Fq表示含有 q个元的有限域, 其中q=pl,素数p≠2,3. 设 f是 Fq上的n元d次多项式, 用表示方程f=0在 Fq中的解数.早在1936年, Chevalley[1]和Warning[2]就得到了关于的p-adic估计, 即若n>d, 则有改进了Chevalley-Warning定理, 证明了其中 [x]为不小于x的最小整数, ordq是q进制加法赋值, 即对任意的总存在非负整数v, 有且则,满足还将上述结论推广到了多项式组: 设用表示在 Fq中的公共零点个数, 则有:Katz[4]改进了Ax的结论, 证明了Sun等[5], Wan等[6]对有限域上方程的解数均有研究. Cao[7]提出了对方程次数进行有效降次的方法, 即保持方程系数不变的同时, 对方程的次数矩阵进行降次变换, 降次后的方程与原方程有相等的解数. 这一方法在许多情形下使寻求高次方程的解数变得更加简单快捷. 基于此, 笔者采用逆推法研究有限域上的一类对角方程, 使其在经过 Dp-降次以及ω-降次后成为次数相对较低的对角方程,从而可由Wan[6], Cao[8-9], Weil[10]等关于对角方程解数的相关结论改进对原方程解数的估计. 进而若对方程中的未知变量和系数进行适当限定, 则可将方程化为椭圆曲线方程, 从而可利用Hasse定理得到原方程解数的一个精确界.在有限域Fq上, 形如的方程称为Weierstrass方程. 若则由(1)式定义的平面曲线非奇异, 其上所有的点和一个无穷远点O组成的点集称为定义在 Fq上的椭圆曲线, 记为在弦切律定义的加法运算下中所有点构成一个有限Abel群. 用表示中点的个数, 则有:引理1[11]其中注1 Hasse定理后被Weil推广到有限域的一般曲线上. Weil-Hasse定理是代数几何中的一个深刻结论, 它说明黎曼猜想对于函数域是成立的(但对于数域上的黎曼猜想至今仍无法证明).设多项式多项式中所有含zi的项为称zi为独立变量.hi可以表示为设非空集合定义其中: max取遍中系数为非零的单项式:改进了Ax-Katz定理关于多项式组零点个数的估计.引理 2[7] 设非空集合如果则特别地, 我们有:在有限域 Fq上, 设多项式其中:记为第j项各未知量的次数所组成的向量, 称为多项式的次数矩阵.令为同余式组的解集, 其中定义定义 1[12] 设其次数矩阵为称变换是多项式的有效降次, 若它满足:引理 3[12] 设若σ是多项式f的有效降次, 则有:在有限域 Fq上, 形如的方程称为对角方程. 令分别为方程(3)的次数向量和系数向量, 用表示方程(3)在Fq上的解的个数.引理 4[10] 方程(3)在 Fq上的解的个数N(k;a*)满足:其中: M 表示元组的个数,χ1,为 Fq上n个阶整除di的非平凡特征, 但其乘积为平凡特征.注 2 由文献[9,12-15]知, 引理 4中的元组与同余式的解存在一一对应关系, 因此引理 4中的M与上述同余式的解数相等.注3 Sun等[14]证明了M=0的充要条件为至少满足以下情形之一:(i) 对某个di, 有(ii) 若是{d1,…,中全部偶数组成的集合, 则k是奇数两两互素且与中任一个奇数互素. 在有限域 Fq上, 考察方程显然易见, 方程 C的次数矩阵为矩阵D=用表示方程C在 Fq中解的个数, 并对次数矩阵D进行如下变换:Step1 对D进行Dp-降次:Step2 再进行ω-降次:在经过Dp-降次及ω-降次后, 则可得到新的方程:同上, 用表示方程C1在 Fq中解的个数.则有:定理1证明方程 C1的次数矩阵为易证同余式组和DT≡ 0(modq-1)同解, 因而Dp-降次与ω-降次均为有效降次变换. 由引理3可得:定理2证明由定理3和引理2可得.定理3特别地, 若对某个则证明由定理3、引理4及注2、注3可得.我们还可由定理 2和定理 3得到下面的结论(证明略).推论1 进一步地, 若有:则有:下面考虑方程其中:且4a3 +27b2≠显然, 方程E是对方程C的未知变量和系数进行限定而得到的. 我们将证明, 若方程E的次数矩阵能有效降次为Wereistrass方程的次数矩阵, 则可以利用Hasse定理得到方程的解数的精确界.定理4 设方程如(5)所示. 若方程E的次数同时满足:则方程在 Fq中解的个数为:证明易见, 方程的次数矩阵为:而椭圆曲线方程E的次数矩阵为:由定义1可知, 若存在从方程到方程E的有效降次, 则以矩阵和D为系数矩阵的齐次线性方程组在剩余类环ℤq-1中同解, 即(a与同解,且(b)与同解.不难证明, r1,r2,r3同时满足下列条件即可:注意到在 Hasse定理中, 有限域 Fq上椭圆曲线是射影平面上的点集, 由和一个无穷远点O组成. 而方程E~的解集在不存在无穷远点O的笛卡尔平面直角坐标系中. 由Hasse定理, 可知方程在 Fq中的解的个数满足:其中定理证毕.【相关文献】[1] Chevalley C. Démonstration d’une hypothèse de M Artin Abh[J]. Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg, 1936, 11(1):73-75.[2] Warning E. Bemerkung zur vorstehenden Arbeit[J]. Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg, 1936, 11(1):76-83.[3] Ax J. Zeroes of polynomials over finite fields[J]. American Journal of Mathematics, 1964, 86(2):255-261.[4] Katz N M. On a theorem of Ax[J]. American Journal of Mathematics, 1971, 93(2):485-499.[5] Sun Q, Yuan P Z. On the number of solutions of diagonal equations over a finitefield[J]. Finite Fields and Their Applications, 1996, 2(1):35-41.[6] Wan D Q. Zeros of diagonal equations over finite fields[J]. American Mathematical Society, 1988, 103(4):1049-1052.[7] Cao W. A partial improvement of the Ax-Katz theorem[J]. Journal of Number Theory, 2012, 132(4): 485-494.[8] Cao W. A reduction for counting the number of zeros of general diagonal equation over finite fields[J]. Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2006, 12(4):681-692.[9] 柯召, 孙琦. 数论讲义(下)[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2003:72-80.[10] Weil A. Numbers of solutions of equations in finite fields[J]. American MathematicalSociety, 1949, 55:497-508.[11] Hoffstein J, Pipher J, Silverman J H. An introduction to mathematical cryptography[M]. New York: Springer, 2008.[12] Cao W. A special degree reduction of polynomials over finite fields with applications[J]. International Journal of Number Theory, 2011, 7(4):1093-1102.[13] Andrew G, Shu G L, Sun Q. On the number of solutions to the equation四川大学学报:自然科学版, 1995, 32(3):243-248.[14] Sun Q, Wan D Q. On the solvability of the equationand its application[J]. American Mathematical Society, 1987, 100(2):220-224.[15] Sun Q, Wan D Q. On the diophantine equationAmerican Mathematical Society, 1991, 112(1):25-29.。
ESTIMATION OF VEGETATION PARAMETERS FROM MULTISPECTRAL IMAGES USING SAIL+PROSPECTMODELFRANZ KURZ AND OLAF HELLWICHAbstract:We propose a general framework to set up a method to estimate vegetation pa-rameters from multidimensional remote sensing data using a physical model and a moder-ate amount of ground control data.This framework is exemplarily demonstrated for win-ter wheatfields imaged by the Daedalus multispectral scanner using the SAIL+PROSPECTmodel as physical model for leaves combined to a canopy layer.The vegetation parame-ters estimated with help of the devised method are intended to be used to derive informa-tion about soil heterogeneities which are important for precision farming.1IntroductionPrecision farming has the goal to treat the plants growing on an agriculturalfield according to their local needs;in the extreme case each plant should be handled individually.Therefore, there exists a strong need to know the local state of plant development with a sufficient degree of precision.Accuracy requirements have to be fulfilled with respect to the numerical values of the vegetation parameters describing the state of the plants,as well as to local and timely resolutions.It is reasonable to assume that a significant part of information needs of precision farming can be fulfilled by means of remote sensing imaging sensors.Winter wheat was chosen as the crop to be investigated,because at certain crop stages it has a strong tendency to show the characteristics of the underlying soil,thus,allowing to deduce soil heterogeneities.At the beginning of the design of a procedure to determine unknown vegetation parameters,sensor and physical model have to be selected.In case of this work, the investigations were conducted under the umbrella of the Forschungsverbund Agrarökosys-teme München(FAM,Research Network Agricultural Ecological Systems Munich)which is presently using the Daedalus multispectral scanner as standard remote sensing sensor.This means that the sensor was given in advance.The physical model to be selected describes the observed image grey values as a function of vegetation and imaging parameters.The model should be based on parameters relevant to the purposes of the investigation,i.e.in this case they should facilitate the derivation of soil heterogeneities.On the one hand,a model should have a complexity large enough to allow the sufficiently accurate derivation of vegetation pa-rameters.On the other hand,it should be simple enough to provide a chance to estimate all important vegetation parameters with the help of a limited amount of remote sensing data avoiding over-parameterization.These requirements are fulfilled by the SAIL+PROSPECT model.In principle,the investigations could be conducted using an empirical model instead of a phys-ical one.For empirical models the relations between vegetation parameters and image grey values are established without knowledge about functional dependencies.They are based on the acquired ground truth data,i.e.on locations for which vegetation parameters have been measured in addition to the remotely sensed ing these samples,an interpo-lation formula is to be devised to interpolate vegetation parameters for observed grey values. The disadvantage of this approach is that non-linear relations can only be modelled correctly with sufficiently many in parameter or grey value space evenly-distributed ground truth sam-ples.In particular for multidimensional vegetation parameter spaces,it is not easy to fulfil this requirement,as the ground truth samples have to be selected without intensive knowledge about the numerical intervals in which the vegetation parameters of the investigated agricul-turalfields actually occur.Even for linear functional relations the problem can be severe, namely in cases of extrapolation.Owing to these disadvantages,in this work we will make direct use of the knowledge implicit to physical models.To be able to utilise the major advantage of empirical models which is the possibility of individuallyfitting the model to local characteristics and sensor specifics we plan to use a small number of ground control points in the suggested approach.As ground control points we understand ground truth samples which are not only used to validate the method but which are an essential part of it.They provide a means to adjust the theoretical grey values being a function of vegetation and imaging parameters to the grey values actually occurring at the investigated site using simple parameters such as offset and scale.Such afitting could be very useful to account for systematic errors in one of the components of the system,i.e.on the part of the sensor,the physical model regarding the vegetation species investigated,or other systematic influences.Yet,it has to be noted that the use of ground control points can result in difficulties when ground truth measurements are erroneous which is according to our experiences not too improbable.The purpose of the proposed approach including the physical model is to estimate a set of vegetation parameters.This set does not have to include all parameters which are input of the physical model.Some of them,mainly the imaging parameters such as the viewing direction but also others,can be derived with the required accuracy by simple means.Others are known to be constant inside of agriculturalfields and are,therefore,of minor interest.In order to estimate the set of important vegetation parameters the model describing the image grey values as a function of those parameters has to be inverted.Therefore,the invertibility of the model is demonstrated in section3.2.Full model inversion is not necessary as only a part of the parameters has to be estimated.Also,the fact that the model will be applied for a specific task,namely the analysis of the species winter wheat,may simplify the inversion. Nevertheless,model inversion is particularly critical and the most important processing step in the proposed scenario requiring a thorough analysis of the model.First,the analysis showed that the model is invertible regarding the wanted parameters.Second,through analysis of error propagation it was shown that some parameters cannot be estimated with a reasonably high accuracy,i.e.that the sensitivity of the model with respect to those parameters is low such that large changes in grey values are necessary to represent comparatively small changes of vegetation.In order to be able to validate the model with real data it was tried to measure as many model parameters as possible directly,i.e.as ground truthing data.For a testfield this was done in a dense grid providing a framework to derive a strategy for the use of control points.2Physical Models2.1OverviewThe estimation of vegetation parameters using physical models is based on the description of radiance transfer in the canopy by means of an analytical reflectance model.In the last30 years,various models describing radiation transfer in canopy,soil and leaves have been pub-lished.These models provide the relationship between the radiation incoming from the sun and the–according to the bidirectional reflectance distribution function(BRDF)–direction-ally scattered radiation at the location of the observer given some structural and spectral prop-erties of the vegetation/soil medium.Models describing the complete vegetation-soil medium are called canopy transfer models.These models can be distinguished in geometrically based models,turbid-medium models and ray-tracing models.Geometrically based models take into account the macroscopic properties of vegetation,in particular size and shape of trees or assembly of plants,whereas in turbid-medium models leaves are treated as infinitesimal parti-cles with given optical properties distributed randomly in horizontal layers and oriented with given directions.Ray-tracing methods rely on the explicit representation of position,shape, orientation,and optical properties of all relevant scatters in the vegetation canopy.Generally, a model suitable for a certain application has to be chosen which closes the gap between the amount of parameters used and the extent of model errors made.Most physical models are only applicable for certain vegetation types or sensor types with specific ground resolutions.2.2The SAIL modelFor our purposes,the SAIL model(Verhoef1984)which describes the vegetation as a turbid medium has some decisive advantages.The model is well tested and universally applicable for most agricultural vegetation types with a relatively small number of necessary input param-eters.The SAIL model was successfully tested for soybean(Goel and Thompson1984)and maize(Major,Schaalje,Wiegand and Blad1992).Simplifications and assumptions about the vegetation are needed to keep the model applicable.Based on the two-flux theory(Kubelka and Munk1931),the radiation transfer in a turbid medium can be described by a downward and an upward diffuse radiationflux.In addition(Allen,Gayle and Richardson1970)model radiation transfer with a directed radiationflux from the sun to the surface and up to the observer.(Suits1972)and(Verhoef1984)relate the coefficients of theseflux equations to parameters describing the vegetation canopy.A functional relation between vegetation pa-rameters and remotely sensed reflectance can be sketched by(1) The vegetation canopy is considered as a homogeneous layer characterised by leaf area index ,leaf angle distribution,as well as radiance and transmittance of the leaves. The azimuth angles of the leaves are assumed to be randomly distributed while their zenith angles obey the LAD.This distribution can be modelled either by a trigonometric distribution (Shultis and Myneni1986),a beta distribution(Goel and Strebel1984),or an ellipsoidal distribution(Nilson and Kuusk1989)given only the mean leaf angle.Other input parameters of the SAIL model are soil reflectance,diffuse part of the incoming radiation, azimuth angle of the observer with respect to the azimuth angle of the sun,zenith angle ofthe observer,and zenith angle of the sun.Extensions of the SAIL model take into account e.g.the hot-spot effect(Kuusk1991a)or the row structure of an agriculturalfield(Goel and Grier1986a).2.3The PROSPECT modelIn the SAIL model,the leaves are considered the only components of the vegetation canopy characterised by their reflectance and transmittance.This may be a very rough simplification of complex vegetation canopies like winter wheat consisting of ears,stems and leaves with different spectral properties.Nevertheless,the leaves are the most important components of the vegetation canopy whose spectral properties can be modelled by so called leaf optical physical models.For our purposes,the PROSPECT model(Jacquemoud and Baret1990) with extensions(Jacquemoud,Ustin,Verdebout,Schmuck,Andreoli and Hosgood1996)was chosen,because it provides reflectance and transmittance of fresh leaves over the wole solar domain given only four parameters:(2) the content of chlorophyll a and b,the specific water content,the specific dry matter and a structure parameter.The PROSPECT model has been upgraded with the leaf op-tical properties of more than50species(Hosgood,Jacquemoud,Andreoli,Verdebout,Pedrini and Schmuck1995)including winter wheat.It is based on the plate theory(Allen,Gausman, Richardson and Thomas1969)which considers a leaf a plate of absorbing material bounded by two rough Lambertian surfaces.Incoming diffuse radiation is reflected or transmitted on the surfaces while the radiation in the plate is absorbed by chlorophyll,water,lignin and other particles.The optical properties of the surfaces are described by refraction index,those of the plate by absorption coefficients.The plate theory was extended describing the leaf as a pile of N-plates separated by N-1air layers with N as structure parameter(Allen et al.1970).3Inversion of the SAIL+PROSPECT Model3.1OverviewGiven SAIL+PROSPECT model,the radiance on top of the vegetation canopy can be calcu-lated with altogether11input parameters.Two of them are wavelength-dependent:the soil reflectance and the diffuse part of the incoming radiation.Generally,inverting physical models means estimating input parameters given radiance on top of the canopy in specific spectral bands.1The inversion problem was subject of many investigations during the last years.Two main methods can be distinguished:inversion with multidirectional and with multispectral data.Inversion using directional data,i.e.data from different viewing directions,allows the estima-tion of several parameters of physical models.(Goel and Thompson1984)have shown that the leaf area index and,with less precision,the average leaf angle can be retrieved by inversion of the SAIL model with directional data in the NIR band.Data from different directions madesimultaneously are of limited availability and,therefore,this method is not really practically applicable.The inversion with multi-or hyperspectral data allows the estimation of parameters with data acquired for example with nadir viewing direction only.The spectral appearance of the vege-tation canopy is used to derive any or all input parameters of the physical model.From a math-ematical point of view the number of parameters estimated must be smaller than the number of bands used which is not the case with wavelength-dependent parameters.Therefore,some parameters should be introduced into the inversion process as known,e.g.soil reflectance, diffuse part of the incoming radiation,zenith and azimuth angle of the observer,or zenith an-gle of the sun.(Jacquemoud1992)has shown the full invertibility of the SAIL+PROSPECT model with multi-and hyperspectral data for six parameters.The results were poor,except in the parameters chlorophyll and water content.Better results are obtained by reducing the number of estimated parameters andfixing canopy parameters like mean leaf angle and leaf structure parameter.Problems occur when bright soils are combined with small LAI val-ues.The inversion was tested withfield spectrometer reflectances of a sugar beet canopy (Jacquemoud,Baret,Andrieu,Danson and Jaggard1995).Corresponding with these results,we chose an inversion of the SAIL+PROSPECT model with four parameters:specific water content,specific dry matter,chlorophyll content and leaf area index.These parameters show the highest variability within a singlefield with winter wheat. Other parameters like structure parameter,mean leaf angle and soil reflectance are introduced as known and constant.3.2Investigation of InvertibilityIndependent of the actual inversion,a plausibility test was conducted analysing the grey value vector as a function of the vegetation parameters in parameter space,i.e.in the space de-fined by the vegetation parameters,by comparing difference quotient and differential quo-tient.For this purpose the intervals where parameter values were expected for winter wheat were discretized in5equally-spaced values.For a four-dimensional space,this resulted in a four-dimensional grid with625grid points.In each grid point for each coordinate direc-tion,the difference quotient with respect to the next grid point and the differential quotient were computed.If both values differ by a large amount,this indicates that irregularities are to be expected.Otherwise,if they compare well,irregularities between the grid samples are not very probable.The test showed that irregularities were rather not to be expected making inversion of the model potentially easier.The inversion of the model was conducted using simulated annealing followed by least-squares adjustment.A description of simulated annealing is given by(Hellwich1999).First, for the625samples mentioned in the previous paragraph grey values were computed using the model.These grey values were converted to integer digital numbers,i.e.they were rounded. Then,the inversion of the model by simulated annealing was executed.Starting with random initial values for the vegetation parameters the procedurefinds the parameters belonging to the grey value vector.For the625samples convergence was achieved,i.e.the model was invertible in all discretization points.The solution found by simulated annealing is improved by least-squares adjustment using a Gauss-Markov model(Mikhail1976).This approach has the advantages that(1)convergence of simulated annealing can be considered as achieved after a relatively small number of it-erations,and that(2)an analysis of error propagation is implicit to the computations.The least-squares adjustment uses the solution found by simulated annealing as approximate so-lution.The error propagation analysis unveiled that in some points there is a strong tendency that grey values are not accurate enough to allow an accurate estimation of vegetation param-eters.i.e.the grey values have a low sensitivity with respect to vegetation parameter changes. This problem can be alleviated by averaging grey values of neighbouring pixels,at least where they belong to homogeneous areas.4Test with Real Data4.1Ground TruthingFor a study site in the north of Munich,Daedalus multispectral scanner data and aerial photography was acquired.Flight date was June,28,when winter wheat changes to maturity.The Daedalus multispectral scanner operates in spectral bands of the VIS,NIR, SWIR and TIR spectra with a ground resolution of.The Deadalus image data was geocoded by matching with colour-infrared ortho imagery with a ground resolution of. The measured radiance of the Daedalus scanner was radiometrically corrected.Several parameters of the SAIL+PROSPECT model were measured on one hundred randomly distributed representative sites within afield with winter wheat.Dry matter and water content of samples corresponding to a area were measured.The wet samples were weighed,oven dried and weighed again to assess total dry matter and total water content.Leaf area index and mean leaf angle were measured with the Licor bining leaf area with total dry and wet matter the specific dry matter and specific water content can be derived.Most measurements are repeated to assess accuracy ing the Licor LAI-2000,ears,stems and leaves of winter wheat plants cannot be separated for the assessment of leaf area index and mean leaf angle.Thus,all measurements are made without separation of different plant components.Figure1shows the spatial variability of measured parameters considering all ground truthing sites within thefield.The mean leaf angle is the parameter most difficult to assess,which shows in form of a high standard deviation.This constitutes a particular problem as mean leaf angle has a small spatial variability while the goal of this work is the determination of spatial heterogeneities.This is another reason forfixing this parameter in the inversion process.The LAI has a range of values from to with an standard deviation of for single measurements.While this standard deviation represents the internal accuracy of the measurement method the absolute accuracy of LAI assessment may be worse2.The accuracy properties of specific dry matter and specific water content are calculated according to the law of error propagation.Additionally,the leaf albedo of small samples was measured with afield spectrometer in the visible and near infrared spectra for the validation of the PROSPECT model and to retrieve information about the unknown chlorophyll content.The samples were put on a dark underlay and reflectances were measured a short-time after cutting the leaves.specific dry matter [g/cm 2]specific water content [g/cm 2]Fig.1:Spatial variability of measured parameters and standard deviations of single measure-ments computed from repetition measurements4.2Qualitative Comparison of Ground Truth Measurements withReal Image DataGiven the ground truth measurements of most input parameters of the SAIL+PROSPECT model the reflectances on the ground truth sites in all channels of the Daedalus scanner can be simulated.Realistic values for unknown input parameters have to be guessed.Espe-cially,for the soil reflectance a dark soil was considered.The ground measurement-based reflectances for the whole area of the field are calculated by interpolating between the point-wise reflectances computed from ground truth data.In Figure 2,reflectances derived from ground truth and remotely-sensed reflectances are qualitatively compared.The simulated pat-terns in the field correspond comparatively well with the measured ones.Even the bright region in the south-east induced by low LAI and wilted plants is well mapped.Differences between the patterns are mainly caused by interpolation effects,measurement errors,and the influence of linear features caused by agricultural machinery.4.3Least-Squares Adjustment and Error PropagationThe robustness of the least-squares adjustment was tested based on simulated reflectances computed from the vegetation parameters acquired by ground truthing.Artificial Gaussian noise was added to the simulated values.The corresponding standard deviations in the nine Daedalus bands were derived from 3x3pixel neighbourhoods of real image data.In this way,the local variations of the standard deviations induced by vegetation heterogeneities and dis-Fig.2:Comparison of measured and simulated reflectances of Daedalus channel3 turbances like wheel tracks are taken into account.To improve the accuracy of the unknown parameters reflectances from3x3pixels were taken as input observations of the least-squares adjustment.In this way,a smoothing effect is achieved.The least-squares adjustment con-verges for of all pixels.It fails e.g.in regions at the margins of afield and at wheel tracks where standard deviations of the measured reflectances are high.Figure3shows the standard deviations of the estimated vegetation parameters.The chloro-phyll content with values ranging from up to is relatively accurately estimable.Also the simulated standard deviations of specific dry matter and specific water content are smaller than the ones estimated by repeating the ground truth measurements.The LAI has a relatively high standard deviation compared to its value range and to the standard deviation of the ground truth measurement.These results correspond to previous investigations which found that LAI should better be estimated by inversion of directional data(Jacquemoud et al.1995).By combination of more than3x3pixels,the accuracy of the estimated LAI should be improvable.5OutlookAn approach to the estimation of vegetation parameters from multispectral image data was proposed.A physical reflectance model,namely the SAIL+PROSPECT model,was chosen to compute vegetation parameters from the grey value vector.In a simulation for winter wheat, the partial invertibility of the model was demonstrated with respect to relevant vegetation parameters such as LAI,chlorophyll content a and b,specific dry matter,and specific water content.The promising correspondence between reflectances derived from ground truth measurements using the model and remotely-sensed reflectances raises hopes to be able to reliably invert the SAIL+PROSPECT model using real data.As mentioned in the introduction a direct inversion with real data may lead to wrong results.Therefore,the use of the ground control points will be investigated regarding afitting of the output reflectances of the SAIL+PROSPECT model0. 246810121416−3200.511.522.53chlorophyll content [µg/cm 2]123456−3specific dry matter [g/cm 2]Fig.3:Simulated standard deviations of vegetation parametersto the measured grey values.The aim is to use a minimum of ground control points to reach the postulated accuracies for the estimated vegetation parameters.The practical acceptance of this approach in precision farming will mainly depend on the number of ground control points needed.ReferencesAllen,W.A.,Gausman,H.W.,Richardson,A.J.and Thomas,J.R.[1969].Interactionof isotropic light with a compact plant leaf,Journal of the Optical Society of America 59/10:1376–1379.Allen,W.A.,Gayle,T.V .and Richardson,A.J.[1970].Plant-canopy irradiance specified bythe Duntley equations,Journal of the Optical Society of America 60/3:372–376.Goel,N.S.and Grier,T.[1986a].Estimation of canopy parameters for inhomogeous veg-etation canopies from reflectance data.I.Two dimensional row canopy.,International Journal of Remote Sensing 7:665–681.Goel,N.S.and Strebel,D.E.[1984].Simple -distribution representation of leaf orientationin vegetation 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a rXiv:084.472v1[math-ph]3Apr28On solvability of a partial integral equation in the space L 2(Ω×Ω)Eshkabilov Yu.Kh.National University of Uzbekistan e-mail:yusup62@rambler.ru Abstract In this paper we investigate solvability of a partial integral equation in the space L 2(Ω×Ω),where Ω=[a,b ]ν.We define a determinant for the partial integral equation as a continuous function on Ωand for a continu-ous kernels of the partial integral equation we give explicit description of the solution.Key words:partial integral operator,partial integral equation,the Fredholm integral equation.2000MSC Subject Classification :45A05,45B05,45C05,45P05In the models of solid state physics [1]and also in the lattice field theory [2],there appear so called discrete Schrodinger operators,which are lattice analogies of usual Schrodinger operators in continuous space.The study of spectra of lattice Hamiltonians (that is discrete Schrodinger operators)is an important matter of mathematical physics.Nevertheless,on studying spectral properties of discrete Schrodinger operators three appear partial integral equations in a Hilbert space of multi-variable functions [1,3].Therefore,on the investigation of spectra of Hamiltionians considered on a lattice,the study of a solvability problem for partial integral equations in L 2is essential (and even interesting from the point of view of functional analysis).A question on the existence of a solution of partial integral equations for functions of two variables were considered in [4-8]and others.In this paperwe consider an integral equation on the space of functions of two variables L 2(Ω×Ω),where Ω=[a,b ]ν⊂R ν,with one partial integral operator.We define a determinant for the partial intergal equation (PIE)as a continuous function on Ω,which helps to obtain the classical Fredholm theorems for a PIE,and for a continuous kernels of the PIE we give explicit description of the solution.Let H =L 2(Ω×Ω)(H 0=L 2(Ω))be a Hilbert space of measurable and quadratic integrable functions on Ω×Ω(on Ω),where Ω=[a,b ]ν.We denote by µthe Lebesgue measure on Ωand define the measure µon Ω×Ωby µ=µ⊗µ.1In the space H,we consider a partial integral operator(PIO)T1defined byT1f= Ωk(x,s,y)f(s,y)ds,f∈Hwhere k(x,s,y)∈L2(Ω3).The function k(x,s,y)is called kernel of the PIO T1.If there exists a number M such thatb(t)≤M for almost all t∈Ω,(I) then the operator T1is a linear bounded operator on H and it is uniquely defined by its kernel k(x,s,y),whereb(t)= Ω Ω|k(x,s,t)|2dxds.A kernelk(s,x,y)f(s,y)ds,f∈H.Consider a family of operators{Kα}α∈Ωin H0associated with T1by the following formulaKαϕ= Ωk(x,s,α)ϕ(s)ds,ϕ∈H0,where k(x,s,y)is the kernel of T1.Further,if a set of integralabity in the integral is absent,then we mean integralabity by the setΩ.First,we consider certain properties of PIO T1with the kernel k(x,s,y)∈L2(Ω3)satisfying the condition(I)and then we study solvability of the PIE with the kernel k(x,s,y)∈C(Ω3).Lemma1.Let f∈H andϕy(x)=f(x,y),where y∈Ωisfixed.Then for an arbitraryε>0,there exists a subsetΩε⊂Ωsuch thatµ(Ωε)≥µ(Ω)−εand ϕα∈H0,α∈Ωε.Moreover, ϕα ≤C,α∈Ωεfor some C>0.Proof.Let f∈H and d= f 2=0.Define two sequences of measurable subsets inΩby the following equalities:A n= y: |f(x,y)|2dx<n,y∈Ω ,n∈N,B n= y: |f(x,y)|2dx≥n,y∈Ω ,n∈N.The sequences of subsets{A n}and{B n}hold the following properties:1o.A1⊂A2⊂...⊂A n⊂...and B1⊃B2⊃...⊃B n⊃...;22o .lim n →∞A n = n ∈N A n and lim n →∞B n = n ∈N B n ;30.Ω=A n ∪B n and A n ∩B n =∅,n ∈N .Further,we define two bounded sequences of non-negative numbers a n and b n by a n =A n dy Ω|f (x,y )|2dx and b n =B n dy Ω|f (x,y )|2dx.The sequences of numbers a n and b n have the properties:4o .a n is increasing and b n is decreasing;5o .a n +b n =d,n ∈N .¿From the boundeness and monotonicity of the sequences a n and b n we infer that both of them have finite limit.By the property 5o and by the construction of the set B n we obtain that d −a n ≥0,n ∈N and d ≥a n +nµ(B n ),n ∈N .Then µ(B n )≤(d −a n )/n,n ∈N .Therefore lim n →∞µ(B n )=0.By the property 3o we have µ(A n )=µ(Ω)−µ(B n ),n ∈N .Hence,lim n →∞µ(A n )=µ(Ω),i.e.for an arbitrary small ε>0there exists a number n 0∈N such that µ(Ω)−ε≤µ(A n 0)≤µ(Ω)and 0≤µ(B n 0)<ε.Moreover,this means that|ϕα(x )|2dx = |f (x,α)|2dx <n 0,α∈A n 0.Then,for the set Ωε=A n 0we have ϕα∈H 0,α∈Ωεand ϕα ≤C,α∈Ωεfor all C ≥n 0.Corollary 1.Let f ∈H , f =1and ϕy (x )=f (x,y ),where y ∈Ωis fixed.Then there exists a measurable subset Ω0⊂Ωsuch that,µ(Ω0)>0and the family {ϕα}α∈Ωof functions on Ωhas the following property:ϕα∈H 0,α∈Ω0and 0< ϕα ≤C,α∈Ω0for some C >0.Corollary 2.Let f ∈H .Then there exists a decreasing sequence {εn }n ∈N of posity numbers such that lim n →∞εn =0and(a)for each n ∈N there exists a measurable subset Ωn ⊂Ωwith the propertieµ(Ωn )>µ(Ω)−εn such that Ω1⊂Ω2⊂...⊂Ωn ⊂...andn ∈NΩn =Ω;(b)for each n ∈N ,ϕ(n )α∈H 0,α∈Ωn and there exists a positive number C n such that ϕ(n )α ≤C n ,∀α∈Ωn ,where ϕ(n )α(x )=f (x,α),α∈Ωn ;(c)for any n ∈N ,the functionf n (x,y )= f (x,y ),if (x,y )∈Ω×Ωn ,0,otherwisebelongs to H and lim n →∞f n (x,y )=f (x,y ).Proposition 1.The following two conditions are equivalent:(i)A number λ∈C is an eigenvalue for the operator T 1;(ii)A number λ∈C is an eigenvalue for operators {K α}α∈Ω0,where Ω0is some subset of Ωsuch that µ(Ω0)>0.3Proof.We start with the implication(i)⇒(ii).Letλ∈C be an eigenvalue of operator T1,i.e.T1f0=λf0for some f0∈H, f0 =1.We defineϕα=ϕα(x)=f0(x,α),α∈Ω.Therefore,we have a family{ϕα}α∈Ωof functions on Ω.Then,by Corollary1,there exists a subsetΩ0⊂Ωsuch thatµ(Ω0)>0and ϕα∈H0,α∈Ω0, ϕα =0,∀α∈Ω0.For an arbitraryα∈Ω0we haveKαϕα= k(x,s,α)ϕα(s)ds= k(x,s,α)f0(s,α)ds=λf0(x,α)=λϕα(x),i.e.the numberλis an eigenvalue for Kα,α∈Ω0.Now,we prove the implication(ii)⇒(i).Suppose that there exists a subset Ω0inΩwithµ(Ω0)>0and a numberλ∈C is an eigenvalue for operators Kα,α∈Ω0.Since Kαis a compact operator for allα∈Ω,then there exists a function f0∈H,f0=0[9]such that T1f0=λf0.Proposition2.Ifλ∈C is an eigenvalue of the operator T1,then the numberλis an eigenvalue of every operator K∗α,α∈Ω0:K∗αϕ= λis an eigenvalue of the adjoint operator T∗1.Proposition3.Every eigenvalue of the operator T1has infinite multiplicity. Proof.Letλ∈C be an eigenvalue of T1.Hence,there exists an element f0∈H, f0 =1such that T1f0=λf0.We consider a subspace L0⊂H:L0={ f∈H: f(x,y)=b(y)f0(x,y),where b=b(y)is an arbitrary bounded measurable function onΩ}.For every f∈L0we have T1 f=λ f,i.e.L0⊂Mλ,where Mλis the eigen-subspace corresponding toλ.But,the subspace L0is infinite dimensional,therefore,Mλis also infinite dimensional subspace of H.Now we consider the equationf−κT1f=g0,(1) in the space H,where f is an unknown function from H,g0∈H is given(known) function,κ∈C is a parameter of the equation,T1is PIO with a kernel k(x,s,y) continuous onΩ3.It is clear that,if k(x,s,y)∈C(Ω3)then for allα∈Ωthe integral operatorsKαon H0are compact.For eachα∈Ωwe denote by∆(1)α(κ)and M(1)α(x,s;κ), respectively,the Fredholm determinant and the Fredholm minor of the operator E−κKα,κ∈C[10],where E is the identity operator in H0.According to the continuity of the kernel k(x,s,y)and uniform convergence of the series for∆(1)α(κ)and M(1)α(x,s;κ)for everyκ∈C we obtain[10]that the function4D1(y)=D1(y;κ)onΩand the function M1(x,s,y)=M1(x,s,y;κ)onΩ3, which are given respectively by the equalitiesD1(y;κ)=∆(1)y(κ),y∈Ωand M1(x,s,y;κ)=M(1)y(x,s;κ),y∈Ω, are continuous functions onΩandΩ3for everyκ∈C.The continuous function D1(y)=D1(y;κ)(M1(x,s,y)=M1(x,s,y;κ))is called a determinant(a minor)of the operator E−κT1,κ∈C.Definition1.If for a numberκ0∈C D1(y;κ0)=0for all y∈Ω,thenκ0 is called a regular number of the PIE(1).A set of all regular numbers of the PIE(1)is denoted by R T1.Definition2.If for a numberκ0∈C there exists a point y0∈Ωsuch that D1(y0;κ0)=0,thenκ0is called a singular number of the PIE(1).A set of all singular numbers of the the PIE(1)is denoted by S T1.Definition3.If for a numberκ0∈C there exists a measurable subset Ω0⊂Ωwithµ(Ω0)>0such that D1(y;κ0)=0,∀y∈Ω0,thenκ0is called a characteristic number of the the PIE(1).A set of all characteristic numbers of the PIE(1)is denoted by X T1.Definition4.A numberκ0∈C is called an essential number of the PIE(1)ifκ0∈S T1\X T1.A set of all essential numbers of the PIE(1)is denotedby E T1.Thus,for a parameterκof the PIE(1),there exist subsets R T1,S T1,X T1,and E T1in C,which have the following relations:(i)R T1∪S T1=C and R T1∩S T1=∅;(ii)X T1∪E T1=S T1and X T1∩E T1=∅.¿From Definitions1,2,3and4one gets that for an arbitrary non-zero PIOT1sets R T1and E T1are non-empty,but X T1may be empty.For example,consider a PIE in the space L2([0,1]2):f(x,y)−κ1e x−s e y f(s,y)ds=g0(x,y),where f is an unknown function in L2([0,1]2),g0∈L2([0,1]2)is an arbitrary given function.For this PIE,the determinant has a simple form D1(y;κ)= 1−κe y,y∈[0,1].Therefore S T1= e−1,1 and X T1=∅.¿From Proposition1and Definition3it followsTheorem1.A numberλ∈C,λ=0,is an eigenvalue of the operator T1if and only ifλ−1∈X T1.Theorem2.a)ifκ0∈E T1,thenκ0∈X T∗1.Proof.Letκ0∈E T1.Then there exists a point y0∈Ωwith D1(y0;κ0)=0 and we haveµ{y∈Ω:D1(y;κ0)=0}=0.But using a property of the determinant D1(y;κ0)we obtain thatκ0),where D1(y;is a determinant of the operator E −κ0)=0and µ y ∈Ω: D 1(y ;κ0is an essential number ofthe adjoint equation f −D 1(y ;κ0)g (s,y )ds,g ∈H ,(2)but the corresponding homogeneous equation f −κ0T 1f =0has only trivial solution (zero solution).Here D 1(y ;κ0)and M 1(x,s,y ;κ0)are the determinant and the minor of the operator E −κ0T 1,respectively.Proof.Let κ0∈R T 1and κ0=0.First,we prove that PIE (1)is solvable in H .By Corollary 2,for the function g 0there exists a decreasing sequence of non-negative numbers εn and a sequence of increasing measurable subsets Ωn ⊂Ω,which satisfy the properties (a),(b)and (c)with lim n →∞εn =0.For every Ωn wedefine a subspace L (n )2=L (n )2(Ω×Ω)as follows:a function f∈H belongs to the subspace L (n )2,if it satisfies the following conditions:(i)ϕ(n )α(x )= f(x,α)∈H 0,∀α∈Ωn ;(ii)there exists a positive number C n such that ϕ(n )α ≤C n ,∀α∈Ωn ;(iii) f(x,y )=0if (x,y )∈Ω×(Ω\Ωn ).For every f ∈H ,there exists a sequence f n ∈L (n )2,n ∈N ,such thatlim n →∞f n =f.Therefore,first we find a solution of the equation (1)in the space L (n )2andwe can find a solution of the equation (1)in the space H as the limit f (x,y )=lim n →∞f n (x,y ),where f n are solutions of the equation (1)in the space L (n )2.Thus,the equation (1)in L (n )2reduces to the following one:f n (x,y )−κ0T 1 f n (x,y )=g n (x,y ),(3)where g n is an element of L (n )2corresponding to the function g 0(x,y ).Hence,by the property (b)of Corollary 2,for each fixed y ∈Ω,the equation(3)reduces to the following second type Fredholm integral equation in H 0:ϕ(n )α(x )−κ0K αϕ(n )α(x )=h (n )α(x ),α∈Ω(3′)where ϕ(n )α(x )= f n (x,α)is an unknown function in H 0,h (n )α(x )=g n (x,α)is agiven function in H 0.By the first fundamental Fredholm theorem,the equation (3′)for every α∈Ωn has the only solutionϕ(n )α=ϕ(n )α(x )=h (n )α(x )+κ0B αh (n )α(x ),6where the operator Bα=Bα(κ0)acts in H0by the formulaBαϕ= M(1)α(x,s;κ0)dy<∞,(II)|D1(y;κ0)|2then PIE(1)has a unique solution on H and it has a form f=g0+κ0Bg0∈H, but corresponding homogeneous equation f−κ0T1f=0has only trivial solution, where the operator B is given by(2).Proof.Letκ0∈E T.PutΩ′={y∈Ω:D1(y;κ0)=0}.It is evident that1Ω′=∅andµ(Ω′)=0.However,for every y∈Ω\Ω′the function f0(x,y)= g0(x,y)+κ0Bg0(x,y)satisfies the equation(1).Now it is enough to show that f0∈H.Suppose that g0satisfies the condition(II).We have|Bg0(x,y)|2dxdy= M1(x,s,y;κ0)≤ |M1(x,s,y;κ0)|·|g0(s,y)|ds|D1(y;κ0)|2dxdy≤≤N20µ(Ω) |g0(s,y)|ds 2µ(Ω)·|D1(y;κ0)|2dy<∞,i.e.Bg0∈H,therefore f0=g0+κ0Bg0∈H and f0is a solution of the equation(1).Uniqueness of the solution follows from ing Proposition1one can also show that the homogeneous equation f−κ0T1f=0has only the trivial solution.Remark1.The condition(II)in Theorem4is natural.For example,for the equationf(x,y)−κ1e x−s yf(s,y)ds=e x y1/2(4)in the space L2([0,1]2),we have D1(y;κ)=1−κy,y∈[0,1]and M1(x,s,y;κ)=e x−s y.Hence,S T1=E T1=[1,∞).For eachκ∈[1,∞),the equation(4)hasthe solutionf0(x,y)=e x 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