The role of interlanguage in foreign language teaching.
第二语言习得中的语言迁移研究郭 翠(青岛大学文学院外文系,山东青岛 266071)摘 要:语言迁移研究作为中介语研究的重要内容,对第二语言习得理论的丰富和发展做出了重要贡献。
关键词:语言迁移;行为主义;普遍语法;认知主义A bstract:Language transfer is one of the important factors shaping the learner's interlangua ge,the studies ofwhich have enriched and developed the theor y of second langua ge acquisition.This paper generalizes the de-velopment of the studies of language transfer on the basis of Behaviorism,Universal Gra mmar and cogni-tivism.This paper also makes an analysis of language transferability and c haracterization of language trans-fer,and concludes by pointing out the implications of the studies of langua ge transfer to foreign language teaching and research.Key words:langua ge transfer;Behaviorism;Universal Grammar;cognitivism中图分类号:H0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-665x(2001)02-0018-061.语言迁移研究与中介语研究中介语(interlanguage)这一术语表达两个不同但相关的概念:一是指学习者在某一阶段所建立的目的语知识系统;二是指由这一系列目的语知识系统相互连接而形成的连续体。
在研究学习语言规律的时候,人们又很快发现:学习外 语和学习母语是很不相同的。对一个人来说,外语是一 种陌生的事物,不认真学习就不能掌握,而学习母语的 过程却可以在不知不觉中完成。从牙牙学语开始,每个 人都在母语的环境中学习语言;年龄渐长,他每天读报、 听广播、看电视、与人交谈、发表见解……人们在不知 不觉中学习语言。这种学习是终身的,但又是自发而朦 胧的。所以如果问一个成年人他的母语能力是怎么发展 起来的,绝大多数往往自己也说不清楚。那么,What’s the role of the first language (L1)?
5.2. Language Transfer: The role of the L1 was first seen in the terms of language transfer theory, including positive and negative transfer (p.7). It is a popular belief that the role of the L1 in SLA is a negative one (p.17). According to behaviorist learning theory, old habits get in the way of learning new habits (p.21). Interference was the result of what was called proactive inhibition (旧的知识、经验抑制?). In order to develop learning new habits, the learner has to overcome proactive inhibition (p.22). 负迁移也叫干扰(interference),干扰 又分为阻碍性干扰(preclusive interference)和介入性干 扰(intrusive interference).
The Role of Language in Art and Literature
The Role of Language in Art and Literature Language is an essential component of art and literature. It is the medium through which artists and writers express their ideas, emotions, and experiences. Without language, art and literature would not exist in the form we know them today. The role of language in art and literature is multifaceted, and it can be examined from various perspectives.From a literary perspective, language is the primary tool that writers use to create their works. Writers use language to convey their thoughts, emotions, and experiences to the reader. They use words to create characters, settings, and plotlines that engage the reader's imagination and emotions. Language is also used to create the tone and mood of a piece of literature, which can affect the reader's emotional response to the work.From an artistic perspective, language is used in various forms of visual art, such as calligraphy, graffiti, and typography. In these art forms, language is used as a visual element, rather than a means of conveying meaning. For example, calligraphy is a form of art that uses beautiful handwriting to create visually stunning works of art. Graffiti artists use language to create colorful and expressive murals that communicate a message or idea. Typography is the art of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed.Language also plays a significant role in the interpretation and analysis of art and literature. The meaning of a work of art or literature is often open to interpretation, and language is the tool that critics and scholars use to analyze and understand these works. They examine the language used by the artist or writer to understand the work's themes, symbolism, and meaning. Language is also used to compare and contrast different works of art and literature, to understand their historical context and cultural significance.In addition to its role in creating and interpreting art and literature, language also plays a vital role in preserving cultural heritage. Literature, in particular, is an essential source of cultural history, as it provides a window into the beliefs, values, and experiences of past generations. Language is the tool that allows us to preserve and pass down these cultural artifacts to future generations, ensuring that they are not lost to time.Finally, language is also used to create new forms of art and literature. Artists and writers use language to experiment with new forms and styles of expression, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of art and literature. For example, poets use language to create experimental forms of poetry, such as concrete poetry, which uses the visual arrangement of words to create a work of art.In conclusion, the role of language in art and literature is multifaceted and complex. It is the primary tool that artists and writers use to create their works, and it plays a significant role in interpreting and analyzing these works. Language also plays a vital role in preserving cultural heritage and creating new forms of art and literature. Without language, art and literature would not exist in the form we know them today.。
the role of the interpreter play in the mode of business negotiation((英语专业论文))本科学位论文
中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题目:The Role of the Interpreter Play inthe Mode of Business Negotiation姓名: 0000000班级、学号: 0000000000000系 (部) :经济管理系专业:商务英语指导教师: 00000000开题时间: 2008-4-3完成时间: 2009-11-122009 年 11 月 12 日目录课题 The Role of Interpreter Play in the Mode of Business Negotiation 一、课题(论文)提纲二、内容摘要三、参考文献The Role of the Interpreter Play in the Mode of BusinessNegotiation0000000Abstract: Targeting business interpreting, this paper is aimed at exploring into the Business Interpreter’s role .With the advancement of china’s reform and opening-up as well as theacceleration of global economic globalization, the presence of business interpreting has been sharply expanded as an indispensable element in Sino-foreign business cooperation along the line of professionalization. Despite many features in common with general interpreting, business interpreting is characterized by some defining features of its own, which inevitably exert impact over the role to be played and adopted by the Business Interpreter. From this point of departure, this paper traces back to the origination of business interpreting, illustrating that it emerged on the historical stage with war and barter between ancient tribes, and the etymological root “interprets”indicates a connotation of “negotiator”. In comparison with general interpreting, business interpreting is a two-way communication in real sense attributable to the participation of feedback, which is a necessary component of communication.Key Words: two-way communication; mediator; flexible adaptation 0 IntroductionInterpretation, as a sun-rising industry, accredits its initiation and burgeoning development to the expanding cross-cultural communication across the globe nowadays, it is gaining popularity and attention with the ever-accelerating economic globalization as well as cultural exchanges and diversification. Attributable to itsextensive involvement in social activities ranging from inter-state affairs to inter-corporate events, it is already no unfamiliar buzzword to people from all walks of life. On the other hand, this is also a mutually influential and enhancing process. Interpreters and translators also play a pivotal role in helping break down the cartographic borderlines and cultural barriers, thus acting as a facilitator in shaping a “global village”.It is no exaggeration to say that interpretation is indispensable and widely present in communicative activities in various forms and kaleidoscopic fields of study, therefore, interpreting, as an umbrella article, is further divided into several categories according to different categorization standards as applied. For the sake of clarity and brevity, it is hereby roughly categorized into four subclasses, namely, Conference Interpreting(Simultaneous Interpreting and Consecutive Interpreting), Court Interpreting, In-house Interpreting and Escort Interpreting (Chai Mingjiong,2004:Preface).Among these four subclasses, In-house Interpreting refers to negotiation interpreting or Business Interpreting undertaken by the in-house interpreters in the given enterprises or governmental sectors, and it is mainly concerned with business negotiations, commercial or technological exchanges. Due to the limited length of this paper, the subject under discussion is confined only toconsecutive interpretation in the mode of business negotiation, or to be more precise, in the mode of Sino-Foreign cooperative project, either Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Venture or Sino-Foreign Contractual Joint Venture, both of which have survived and thrived in China.1 Role of the interpreter in Sino-foreign economic cooperation1.1 Necessity of interpreters’presence alongside the budding and unfolding of Sino-foreign cooperationPeace and development is the global trend and theme nowadays, any nation cannot seek development in isolation. To keep up with the trend of times and avoid proceeding against the grains of society, countries are striving one after another to expand their global presence; meanwhile, the developing countries, among which China has taken the lead, are embracing the opportunities brought about and going all out to attract foreign investment. Take China for illustration, thanks to the reform and opening-up, WTO accession as well as the 2008 Olympic Games and 2010 World Exposition, recent years have witnessed many multinational enterprises flooding into China, setting up representative offices or branches, establishing solely-funded companies through purchasing original Chinese privately-owned companies, scoring merger and acquisition cases to integrate small and medium-sizedChinese companies into their larger corporation group. On top of this, many other Sino-Foreign Equity or Contractual Joint Ventures have been set up, featuring not a conglomeration of the weaker into the stronger, but a willing marriage between two giants in like industry. It is hardly imaginable that numerous foreign-related talks and negotiations are being carried out everyday in our country. Certainly, all of these negotiations entail the participation of interpreters, or to be more precise, not only participation, but also involvement, or rather, facilitation. As a natural result, a boom of Business Interpreting has dawned, hand in hand with the boom of economic integration. Interpretation, a kind of oral translation, is first and foremost communication in nature.However, technically speaking, this communicative nature is not always present due to the absence of feedback in some interpretation modes, namely, one-way communication, because “Feedback makes communication a two-way or interactive process”, and feedback is an indispensable link and component of a communication process. In this regard, the interpretation under discussion is communication in real sense, since it is possessed of all necessary “ingredients of communication: behavior source, encoding, message, channel, responder, decoding, response and feedback”. To take a further step, it is a kind of indirect and“abnormal communication”“materialized through the intermediary role of the Interpreter”.In light of this communicative perspective, it finds its expression in two processes, namely, comprehension and reformulation .Without any doubt, the former is the direct communication between the Behavior Source(Message Originator) and the Interpreter while the latter is the direct communication between the Interpreter and the Responder(Message Receiver).Therefore, in this two-end indirect communication process between the Message Originator and the Message Receiver, the Interpreter mediates as a transformation station which receives the message in source language, operates on the input in mere seconds and delivers the same message in target language in an incredibly transient period, thus achieving mutual understanding between both sides.This mechanism is best reflected in one classic remark: “Traduirec, cist compradors ET faire compradors (Translation is to understand and to be understood)”.As a natural conclusion, as the only one who is in direct contact with both the Message?Originator and the Message Receiver, the Interpreter is heavily engaged and plays a role which affords no neglect.1.2 Unique Role of the Interpreter in Sino-Foreign BusinessCooperative Project“Fidelity”has been celebrated as the overarching principle governing translation and interpretation. Preconditioned on this guideline, there exists an idealized model in interpretation, that is, the Interpreter should be totally invisible and transparent, re-displaying the original text in target language in both meaning and form, ensuring a perfect overlapping and identicalness between the original and the translated and thus keeping the communication line smoothly going on .Apart from this, the conventional stereotype of the Interpreter is a conduit, a loudspeaker and a “necessary evil”enabling mutual understanding by means of switching between two sets of linguistic codes. She does not enter discussion on her own behalf; she must keep to the original words of the speaker and delivers exactly the same meaning without any alteration in another language; she should not express any personal opinion or propose any advice concerning topic under discussion; she must be strictly neutral and passive; only when an interpreter is invisible and transparent to a degree that her existence is hardly perceptible by communicators can she be deemed as qualified. This indisputable theory holds true for professional interpreters in many interpreting modes, however, not in this particular mode of Sino-Foreign cooperative project, inwhich the Interpreter, stopping being merely a conduit or message-transmitting tool, sometimes unwittingly takes on the other functions. Instead of being passive, she has an active involvement in the communication. This involvement ranges from some minor points of influencing the communicators with her choice of words, to some major ones of deciding on who takes the next turn of speaking, or breaking the ice and launching a new topic at a certain moment. On top of this, disputes and disagreement arise inevitably in negotiation due to widely differing national cultures, value concepts, individual backgrounds and conflict of interests. At this time when the negotiation comes to a standstill or is on the verge of collapsing, the Interpreter, as the only one who is in direct dialogue with both sides of communicators, shall play the role of mediator and facilitator to an appropriate extent and at an opportune moment.2 The Origination of Business Negotiation Interpreting2.1 Origination and Popularization of Business Interpreting--Categorization of InterpretingDiscourse may vary with each speaker and subject. In this case, the Interpreter becomes a more integral member of the meeting since she is always in close proximity to the meeting participants. Consecutive interpreting is commonly used for formalor informal meetings, sightseeing tour guiding, diplomatic occasion, business negotiations, banquets or receptions. There have been heated arguments over the superiority between Simultaneous Interpreting and Consecutive Interpreting, Daniel Gile has devoted a paper to a close comparison between the two from a cognitive perspective and countered the once-prevalent concept that Consecutive Interpreting is just an accelerated Simultaneous Interpreting by proposing differentiated Effort Models.Categorized by content and domain-specific subject, it can be divided into political (diplomatic) interpretation, technical interpretation and business interpretation. Under these three broad headings, interpretation further branches out into several types, such as conference interpreting, court interpreting, escort interpreting(liaison interpreting or on-site interpreting)and business negotiation interpreting, to mention just a few. Conference interpreting mainly renders service for various bilateral and multilateral conferences of international nature, confronted with all kinds of subjects imaginable. Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting methods are usually employed. A court interpreter interprets in a civil or criminal court proceeding (e.g. arrangement motion, pretrial conference, preliminary hearing, deposition, trial) for a witness or a defendant who speaks or understands little or noEnglish. Court interpreters must accurately interpret for individuals with a high level of education and an expansive vocabulary, as well as persons with very limited language skills without changing the language register of the speaker. On-site interpreting is usually used in civil engineering project or visit to manufacturing or production plant, thus involving highly technical knowledge and vocabulary. Business Negotiation Interpreting or In-house Interpreting mainly serves the purpose of business talk, negotiation as well as commercial and technological exchanges, in which Sight Interpreting and Consecutive Interpreting are usually employed. Due to the limited length of this paper as well as the time constraint, the subject under discussion in this paper is confined only to Consecutive Interpreting in the context of business negotiation. 2.2 Origination of Business Interpreting and the Interpreter’s Role“Interpreters reputedly belong to the second oldest profession.”Said by Jennifer Mackintosh, Interpretation is an age-old profession dating back from time immemorial when language came into being. It boasts a much longer history than translation since written language lagged much behind spoken language. However, compared with translation, the origination time of interpretation is far more difficult to be defined. This is because written language can be intelligibly recorded on tangible papers for research andretrieval of following generations, while spoken language can only be recorded by special recording devices which were invented ages later than the emergence of interpretation itself.Therefore, due to the lack of historical literature, we can only come up with an assumption that the first group of interpreters in the history of humanity appeared on the stage during the first contact between and among different nations, out of either warfare or trade. As a matter of fact, the history of Business Interpreting can be traced back to the very beginning of the origination of interpreting, but it took a rather crude mode at that time, rendering service for “commodities trading and barter”and manifesting itself in a kind of “non-professional and non-refined intermediary oral communication mingled with a multitude of body languages, let no speak of systematic interpretation techniques or ‘skills’”. As simple and crude as it was during its initial stage, interpretation served the same ultimate end as it does today, that is, to facilitate communication between people speaking different native languages. And one point affords no neglect: interpretation came into being with warfare and commercial trade, so it was consequently positioned in a negotiation environment with negotiators on both sides fighting for interests and benefits on their own part and making compromises or concessions inevitably. As aresult, we can easily relate that interpreters could not only observe the principle of fidelity to the original speech, but also had to set great store by negotiation skills. Therefore, the shared understanding between the Interpreter and the speaker as well as the highly sophisticated worldly sense of the Interpreter also accounted much. This is by no means a subjective assumption cooked out of nothing; this concept is also echoed and reinforced by the etymological root of “interpretation”. “Interpret”derives from Latin word “interpretari”meaning “explain”; and the corresponding Latin noun “interprets”means “a negotiator”.2.3 Emergence and Expanded Presence of Business Interpreting Despite the fact that Interpreting and Interpreters came into being with trade or warfare negotiation between tribes. Business Interpreting, as a subclass under the umbrella article of Interpreting, did not enjoy widespread attention or exposure until recent years, which witnesses a flourishing trend of economic globalization featuring a free flow of capital and manpower in a global context. Nowadays, Business Interpreting is a most popularized interpreting mode. Unlike political affairs interpretation which may only take place in solemn and critical diplomatic atmosphere or court interpretation which is only employed on very limited occasions, business interpretation is all-pervasive and penetrating into amultitude of social aspects.3 Rediscovering the Interpreter’s Role in Business Negotiation 3.1 Long-lasting Debate over the Interpreter’s RoleNot merely limited to laypersons, this conventional stereotype of interpreters is also shared by traditional interpretation theory, namely, interpreter is a “necessary evil”enabling mutual understanding through language transformation. In the notion of interpretation theory, the Interpreter does not enter the conversation on her own behalf ,just expressing others’ideas and acting as a loudspeaker or microphone; she must keep to the original utterance of the speaker and delivers exactly the same message free from embellishment or alteration in another language; she should not express any opinion or propose any advice concerning topic under discussion; she must be strictly neutral and passive; Only when an interpreter is totally invisible and transparent to a degree that her existence is hardly perceivable by communicator can she be deemed as qualified. This indisputable theory holds true for professional interpreters in many interpreting modes. In compliance with this notion, almost all of the official interpretation administrative institutions and international interpretation organizations have clearly pointed out in their Code of Ethics and Code of Professional Standard that the Interpretermust not take part in any discussion or provide any suggestion or personal opinion, they must maintain their neutrality completely without fail, otherwise, they are not professional and negligent of duty. Granted, this effort attempting to professionalize interpreting has paid off in a definition suitable to most of the interpreting modes such as Conference Interpreting and suitable to most of the contexts in any interpreting mode. However, in the context of business negotiation, if this rule is put into practice in a hidebound way without being adapted to the actual situation, this lack of flexibility might lead to the negotiation ended up in ruin. As a matter of fact, this topic of the Interpreter’s role has been sparkling off heated discussions in recent years, which will undoubtedly continue on an increasingly elevated level in the years to come. Researchers and practitioners have divided opinions as two schools of thought, with one side clinging to the perception that the Interpreter is nothing but a conduit. “The interpreter is expected to convey the communicants' messages accurately, maintaining the same register that was used in the source language without embellishment, explanation or omission.”Moreover, in case the Interpreter stops being merely a conduit or message-transmitting tool and sometimes necessarily and unwittingly takes on the other functions in this particular mode of Sino-Foreign cooperativeproject or negotiation, some researchers define “the other functions”as nothing related to the role of the Interpreter while another school of thought regards it as an integral part of the Interpreter’s role. Iris Varner Linda Beamer observed from a client’s perspective that “the Interpreter facilitates mutual comprehension and understanding. She is a conduit and does not enter the discussion on her own behalf”, while Roy positively pointed out the active role of the Interpreter: “The Interpreter can manage the flow of talk by adopting appropriate discourse strategies and, together with the primary interlocutors, influences and even decides the direction and outcome of the interaction” .Later on, Ran Wan and Jiang Lihue carried on the research findings of Roy and even went as far as to conclude that “Interpreting is a three-party communication with the Interpreter as a third-party interlocutor” .In addition, Chen Ming yao also suggested that “in case of one negotiator blurting out insulting remarks on the spur of the moment, the Interpreter shall assume the mediating responsibility by ignoring it, softening the tone or substituting less offensive words in order to ease up the stress…the Interpreter is not only accountable for message transmission but also responsible for assisting both parties to reach a win-win outcome”. Yin Yao de proposed that “the Interpreter is obligated to and responsible for untying the knots andcoordinating the bilateral relationship”.Against this backdrop and due to the time constraint, this paper will proceed to analyze the Interpreter’s role on the basis of viewing the necessary mediating and defusing functions as an integral part of the Interpreter’s obligation. This is particularly applicable to the case of in-house interpreter who has intimate familiarity with the company and negotiators.Instead26 of being passive; she has an active involvement in the communication. This involvement ranges from some minor points of influencing the communicators with her choice of words, to some major ones of deciding on who takes the next turn of speaking, or breaking the ice and launching a new topic at a certain moment. On top of this, disputes and disagreement arise inevitably in negotiation due to widely differing national cultures, value concepts, individual backgrounds and conflict of interests. At this time when the negotiation comes to a standstill or is on the verge of collapsing, the Interpreter, as the only one who is in direct dialogue with both sides of communicators, shall play the role of mediator and facilitator to an appropriate extent and at an opportune moment. 3.2 Rediscovering the Interpreter’s Role from a Discourse Analytical PerspectiveBusiness Negotiation is communication in real sense with theSpeaker triggering off feedback from the Responder, or to be put in another way, it is a genuine “conversational interchange”. “The Interpreter-mediated conversation can be viewed as a discourse process in which the primary interlocutors coming from two different language/cultural systems interact face-to-face with each other through an Interpreter”said by Ren wen Jiang Lihua,.Therefore, this particular mode of interpreting can be further analyzed from a discourse perspective.3.3 Rediscovering the Interpreter’s Role in Disputes HandlingCultural difference is a stand-out issue presenting itself in business negotiation .Different cultures has fostered people with different outlooks, values and working styles. Due to this seemingly insurmountable barrier standing in between, which is further complicated by the nature of business negotiation that both sides are bent on gaining profit and thus naturally reluctant to make any leeway, discrepancy and frictions inevitably take place. In this situation, it is the obligation of the Interpreter to undo the knots and coordinate mutual relationship without going against the translation criterion.3.4 Evolution of the Interpreter’s RoleTo sum up the aforementioned impacts of the Interpreter’s dynamism at work, it is entirely appropriate and necessary for theInterpreter to be empowered to bring order to the often-occurring chaotic situation by means of appointing the next turn-holder and end a lapse of embarrassing silence by means of initiating a new turn .Besides, the Interpreter is also authorized and obligated to make necessary adaptations on the basis of the original message for the purpose of avoiding the imminent dispute .In addition, she shall do all in her power to handle some disputes in a composed and cool-headed manner possibly by means of bridging the cultural gaps between the negotiators. Granted, the task of translators and interpreters is to re-display the original text in target language in both meaning and form, thus ensuring a perfect overlapping and identicalness between the original and the translated. Yet this is a much too idealized model on the basis of the much too simplified wishful thinking that interpretation or translation is only an activity involved with linguistic issue. But the undeniable fact is that translation and interpretation process is far beyond the linguistic level; the Interpreter or translator is needed to intervene and actively participate due to the existence and interference of various social backgrounds and different national cultures. In final analysis, not merely being a microphone from a linguistic point of view, the Interpreter in this particular mode of business negotiation is also a facilitator helping steer the conversation toward a mutually-desireddirection, an active participant and a mediator who ungrudgingly provides her good offices so as to clear away those disputes rising from cultural misunderstandings. As a matter of fact, this just reflects an increasing trend in recent years, which has also been brought to light by some practitioners and researchers of interpretation. Professor Liu Hyping pointed out that “a multitude of interpreting practices has showed that the Interpreter’s role in foreign exchanges is becoming increasingly multifarious”, and“the organizational and communicative capabilities besides linguistic capability are also indispensable to a competent interpreter”. “She can be the project organize implementer and interpreter all rolled into one; messenger, liaison person or even negotiator; or a consultant mediating the bilateral relationship in case of cultural conflicts”.Actually, “the professionalization of interpreting has been accompanied by this multiplicity tendency.”4 ConclusionDespite all features in common with other modes of interpreting, Business Interpreting is possessed of some unique characteristics of its own, such as a continuum of high-degree interaction with both ends of the communication line, involvement of both stakeholders’interests and handling of unforeseeable emergencies such as conflicts. Seen in this special context ofbusiness negotiation, the Interpreter is no more stereotyped as a loudspeaker or a necessary evil that receives passively and reformulates mechanically. Instead of being invisible and transparent, she has an active involvement in the communication. This involvement ranges from some minor points of influencing the communicators with her choice of words, to some major ones of appointing the next turn-holder so as to bring order out of the temporary chaotic situation, or launching a new topic to break the ice and terminate an embarrassing silence. Moreover, she shall help both sides communicate among cultures, between cultures and across cultures. At a certain moment when the negotiation comes to a standstill or is on the verge of collapsing, the Interpreter, as the only one who is in direct dialogue with both sides of communicators, shall actively intervene and play the role of mediator to an appropriate extent and at an opportune moment. In final analysis, the business interpreter should be a facilitator, a defuses and a mediator apart from being a message-transmitting conduit.Bibliography:[1] Gaiba,F(1998). The Origins of Simultaneous Interpretation. The Nuremberg Trials, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press[2] Heynold,C(1994). Interpreting at the European Commission. Teaching Translation and Interpreting,[3] 刘宓庆.口笔译理论研究[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2006[4] 秦红,杨秀芬.中国加入世贸组织后商务谈判面临的挑战——中美商务谈判口译语用失误分析[J].上海:上海科技翻译,2003,04[5] 尹耀德.口译现场争执的处理[J].中国科技翻译.2003(16).。
The Role of Translation in Foreign Language Teaching
雅思关于英语作为第二语言的大作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Importance of English as a Second LanguageIntroductionEnglish is considered the Lingua Franca of the world today, with over 1.5 billion people speaking it either as their first or second language. As globalization continues to expand, the importance of English as a second language becomes even more evident. In this essay, we will explore why learning English as a second language is crucial in today's society.Employment OpportunitiesOne of the main reasons why English is so important as a second language is because it opens up a world of employment opportunities. Many international companies require their employees to speak English, as it is often the language used for business communication and negotiations. By learning English as a second language, individuals can significantly increase their chances of securing a job with a multinational company and advancing in their careers.Access to Information and ResourcesEnglish is the language of the internet, with a vast majority of online content being available in English. By learning English as a second language, individuals can access a wealth of information and resources online that would otherwise be unavailable to them. From educational materials to news articles to entertainment, the ability to understand English opens doors to a whole new world of knowledge and entertainment.Communication and ConnectionEnglish is also the language of diplomacy and international relations, making it essential for individuals who wish to communicate and connect with people from around the world. By speaking English, individuals can easily converse with people from different countries and cultures, fostering understanding and cooperation on a global scale. English also allows individuals to travel to English-speaking countries and navigate their way through unfamiliar environments with ease.Cultural Understanding and AppreciationLearning English as a second language also provides individuals with the opportunity to immerse themselves in English literature, music, film, and art. By understanding English,individuals can explore and appreciate the rich cultural heritage of English-speaking countries, gaining a deeper understanding of different perspectives and worldviews. This cultural exchange can foster empathy and tolerance, helping to break down barriers and build bridges between people of different backgrounds.Challenges and SolutionsOf course, learning English as a second language comes with its own set of challenges. Many people struggle with pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, making it difficult to communicate effectively in English. However, there are many resources available to help learners overcome these challenges, such as language classes, online tutorials, and language exchange programs. With dedication and perseverance, anyone can become proficient in English and reap the benefits of being bilingual.ConclusionIn conclusion, the importance of English as a second language cannot be overstated in today's globalized world. By learning English, individuals can improve their employment prospects, access a wealth of information and resources, communicate and connect with people from different cultures,and appreciate the rich cultural heritage of English-speaking countries. While learning English may pose challenges, the rewards far outweigh the difficulties, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone seeking to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.篇2The Importance of English as a Second Language in the Global ContextIntroductionEnglish has become the most widely spoken language in the world due to its historical and cultural significance. As a result, it plays a crucial role in business, education, and international communication. For non-native speakers, learning English as a second language has become essential to succeed in the global context.The Role of English in International CommunicationEnglish is the lingua franca of the modern world, being used in international organizations, conferences, and diplomacy. As a result, proficiency in English opens up opportunities for people to connect with others from different cultures and backgrounds. In a globalized world, the ability to communicate effectively inEnglish is a valuable skill that can help individuals build relationships and foster cooperation.The Importance of English in EducationEnglish is the language of instruction in many academic institutions around the world. As a result, students who are proficient in English have access to a wider range of educational opportunities. They can study in prestigious universities, participate in exchange programs, and pursue careers in multinational companies. Moreover, English is the language of scientific research and technological innovation, making it essential for students in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine.The Role of English in BusinessEnglish is the language of international trade and commerce, being used in negotiations, contracts, and business transactions. As a result, professionals who can speak English have a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. They can collaborate with colleagues from different countries, engage with clients from diverse backgrounds, and expand their business networks. Additionally, English fluency is a prerequisite for many high-paying jobs in multinational corporations and global companies.Challenges and Opportunities for English LearnersLearning English as a second language can be challenging due to its complex grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. However, there are also many opportunities for English learners to improve their language skills. They can take English courses, attend language schools, participate in language exchange programs, and practice speaking with native speakers. In addition, the internet has made it easier for people to access English language resources, such as online courses, language apps, and language learning websites.ConclusionIn conclusion, English is a powerful tool for individuals to connect with others, advance their education, and succeed in the global economy. As the world becomes more interconnected, the ability to communicate in English is becoming increasingly important. For non-native speakers, learning English as a second language opens up a world of opportunities and possibilities. Therefore, it is imperative for individuals to invest time and effort in improving their English language skills. By mastering English, they can expand their horizons, broaden their perspectives, and achieve their goals in the global context.篇3IELTS Essay: English as a Second LanguageEnglish is considered as the universal language, spoken and understood by people all over the world. As the language of international communication, English has become increasingly important in various aspects of life including education, business, and technology. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people around the world are learning English as a second language. In this essay, we will explore the benefits and challenges of learning English as a second language and discuss how the IELTS exam evaluates proficiency in English.One of the main benefits of learning English as a second language is the opportunity it provides for social and professional advancement. English is the language of business, politics, and diplomacy, and being proficient in English can open up a world of opportunities for individuals seeking to work or study abroad. In addition, English is the language of the internet, and being able to communicate effectively in English can help individuals access a wealth of information and resources online.However, learning English as a second language can also be challenging. English is known for its complex grammar andspelling rules, as well as its wide range of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. For non-native speakers, mastering these aspects of the language can be daunting and require years of study and practice. In addition, the pronunciation of English can be difficult for some learners, especially those whose first languages have different sound systems.The IELTS exam is designed to evaluate proficiency in English and assess the language skills of non-native speakers. The exam consists of four components: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Each component tests different aspects of English language proficiency, such as comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. The IELTS exam is widely recognized by universities, employers, and governments around the world as a reliable measure of English language proficiency.In conclusion, learning English as a second language can be both rewarding and challenging. While English proficiency opens up opportunities for social and professional advancement, mastering the language requires dedication, effort, and practice. The IELTS exam plays a crucial role in evaluating English language proficiency and helping individuals achieve their goals of studying or working in an English-speaking environment. With determination and perseverance, anyone can achieve fluency inEnglish and reap the benefits of being able to communicate effectively in the global language.。
The Role of English Language Teaching in Intercultural Education
Axioms of language teaching
• FLT develops competence/skills AND education /understanding
– i.e. ability to ‘speak about the world’ and ‘speak about self’ in new ways
• And conflicts among natives
– There is something rotten in the state of Denmark/Europe’ – Hamlet
• What is to be done?
– Intercultural not multicultural – White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue (2008)
• FLT teaches how to ‘speak about the world and self’ in new ways by learning how others use other languages to ‘speak about the world’ and ‘self’ - in ‘foreign languages’
An attitude is the overall mental orientation which an individual adopts towards someone or something (e.g., a person, a group, an institution, an issue, an event, a symbol, etc.) • Attitudes – 4 components: – belief or opinion about the object of the attitude – emotion or feeling towards the object – evaluation (either positive or negative) of the object – tendency to behave in a particular way towards that object
欧盟口译教程unit1roleUnit 1: The Role of Interpretation in the European Union Introduction:Interpretation plays a crucial role in the functioning of the European Union (EU) as it ensures effective communication among its member states. This unit will explore the various aspects of interpretation within the EU, including its importance, challenges, and the skills required for successful interpretation.1. The Importance of Interpretation in the EU:Interpretation is essential in the EU as it allows representatives from different member states to understand and be understood in multilingual settings. With 24 official languages, interpretation enables effective communication during meetings, negotiations, and debates. It ensures equal participation and representation for all member states, promoting transparency and democratic decision-making.2. Challenges in Interpretation:Interpreters in the EU face several challenges due to the complexity of the institution and the diversity oflanguages. One major challenge is the speed and accuracy required in simultaneous interpretation, where interpreters listen to the speaker and deliver the message in real-time. This demanding task requires exceptional concentration, linguistic expertise, and the ability to maintain neutrality.3. Skills Required for Interpretation in the EU:Interpretation in the EU demands a range of skills. Firstly, interpreters must possess excellent language skills in at least two official EU languages, ensuring accurate comprehension and expression. They must also have a deep understanding of EU institutions, policies, and procedures to interpret complex and technical terminology. Additionally, cultural sensitivity and adaptability are crucial for effective cross-cultural communication.4. Modes of Interpretation in the EU:The EU primarily employs two modes of interpretation: simultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretation. Simultaneous interpretation is used in large conferences and meetings, where interpreters work from soundproof booths, listening to the speaker through headphones anddelivering the interpretation simultaneously. Consecutive interpretation, on the other hand, involves the interpreter delivering the interpretation after the speaker has finished speaking, often used in smaller meetings or bilateral discussions.5. Training and Professionalism:To become an interpreter in the EU, individuals must undergo rigorous training and possess relevant qualifications. Many universities and institutions offer specialized interpretation programs that focus on language proficiency, interpreting techniques, and EU-related knowledge. Professionalism is also vital, as interpreters must adhere to strict ethical guidelines, maintain confidentiality, and demonstrate respect for cultural diversity.6. The Role of Technology in Interpretation:Technology plays an important role in interpretation within the EU. Interpretation services are supported by advanced audio and video systems, allowing interpreters to work remotely or in multiple locations simultaneously. Additionally, computer-assisted translation tools andterminology databases assist interpreters in preparing and researching for assignments, ensuring accuracy and consistency.7. The Future of Interpretation in the EU:As the EU continues to evolve and expand, the demand for interpretation services is expected to increase. The EU is exploring new technologies and tools to enhance interpretation efficiency and quality. The use of artificial intelligence and machine translation may play a role in supporting interpreters, but human interpreters will remain essential for nuanced and context-specific interpretations.Conclusion:Interpretation plays a vital role in the functioning of the European Union, enabling effective communication and facilitating decision-making among its diverse member states. The challenges faced by interpreters are met with professionalism, linguistic expertise, and cultural sensitivity. With the support of advanced technology and continuous training, interpretation in the EU will continue to evolve and adapt to meet the changing needs of theinstitution.。
Language Transfer(二语习得论述题重点)
Language TransferDuring the process of foreign language learning, the influence of mother tongue in foreign language study can not be ignored. Generally speaking, there are positive transfer and negative transfer of mother tongue in foreign language learning. Positive transfer plays a positive role in English learning, while negative transfer just the opposite and cause a lot of troubles. Language transfer mainly shows in the following aspects: Phonemics, vocabulary,grammar,writing etc. We should make best use of the advantages and overcome the disadvantages.Teachers:Teachers should help students find out the commonalities of two languages in the processing of teaching, and make Ss eliminate anxiety to learn English.(Awareness of the Differences and Similarities between Native Language and the Target Language the differences of the two languages are the important point in teaching) Teachers also should view and handle students' mistakes correctly, and don't correct and criticize too much when they make mistakes in order to avoid students not to use target language to express themselves.Pay attention to teaching methods. Having English-Chinese Bilingual Extensive Reading Exercises;Effectively Utilizing Bilingual DictionariesStudents:Have a correct view on language transfer. in stead of regarding negative transfer as barriers in the process of learning English, learners should fully recognize it and realize that it is an essential stage and a learning strategy in the process of English learning. Through contrastive analysis and error analysis one find out the causes of mistakes and make every effort to avoid or minimize negative transfer.Increasing the amount of language input. learners should be given a large amount of foreign language input, read more ,listen more, practice more and recite more,especially the original English material, and learners should be encouraged to communicate with each other in English, only in this way can learners avoid or minimize the influence of negative transfer.Enhance the import of cultural background. In the process of teaching, teachers should use the method of contrastive analysis, and find out the differences and similarities of two languages through the comparison of them, especially the customs and historical background. Enhance the learning of culture background of Britain and America, only in this way can help learners acquire a second language faster and better.The influence and interference of MT is inevitable.What we should do is to understand the root cause, the ways and classifications of MT Transfer and to have a better view of English learning.FossilizationAccording to Krashen there are five reasons for fossilization. Insufficient quantity of the target language input ;Inappropriate quality of the target language input ;The affective filter ;The target language output filter ;The acquisition of deviant forms of the target language. A ccording to many researchers, fossilization can’t be eliminate, but it can be reduced to some degree.Teachers:Formulating Appropriate Teaching Strategies At the initial stage:teachers should let students focus on the language. features of the target language and emphasize its accuracy and fluency. At the advanced stage, learners begin to leam the advanced grammar and complex sentence structure, so teachers should warn students not to use some communicative skills or their learned knowledge to avoid or paraphrase their unfamiliar language.Helping Students formulate appropriate learning strategies Teachers should pay special attention to lead students to adopt the learning strategies which are suitable to the present stage and help students find out learning strategies which are right for them. Teachers should teach students how to leam and use different learning strategies with the change of learning content. Moreover, teachers should examine whether the learning strategies adopted by students are effective and make timely adjustments. Directing Students' Communicative Strategies Teachers should cultivate students' communicative competence and make students adopt active and effective strategies to solve the difficulties in the communication to reduce the IL fossilization. In addition, teachers should increase more effective and correct input and guide students to adopt the correct communicative strategy and grasp the higher language competence, thus the fossilization can't appear early.Arousing Students' Intrinsic Learning MotivationCultivating Students' Cross-culture AwarenessCoping with Students' Errors Correctly(giving effective feedback)Improving Teachers' QualityStudents:Self-consciousness of language fossilizationReducing the negative transfer of mother tongue (Accumulation of declarative and procedural knowledge;Increase of language output ;Exposure to Target language and Target language culture)Increasing the quality and quantity of optimal input.Adoption proper learning strategiesInterlanguageAll in all, teachers should keep in mind that interlanguage is a process which is approaching the target language step by step. During this process students slowly revise the interim systems to accommodate new hypotheses about the target language system. Teachers should pay much attention to the studies of interlanguage so as to treat students’interlanguage fairly and properly, value the training of learning strategies and provide students with more opportunities for comprehensible input and output so that learners’interlanguage could develop rapidly towards the target language.Learning strategies should be taught or trained;Positive attitude towards errors;Input and output should be balanced in class;Make full use of positive transfer.Critical Period HypothesisPutting Emphasis on Pronunciation and Listening; Paying AttentiontoTeaehing Strategies1.在我国,外语学习并非越早越好,英语学习的最佳时期是10岁。
三语习得Foreign Accent Ratings in Third language acquisition
Foreign Accent Ratings in ThirdLanguage Acquisition:The Case of L3FrenchMagdalena WrembelAbstract The present paper constitutes a part of a larger-scale project aimed at investigating the sources and directions of cross-linguistic influence in the phonological acquisition of a third language.To this end,foreign accent ratings were performed on a pool of speech samples of L3French recorded by L1Polish subjects,proficient in L2 English,with different competence levels in French.The perceptual judgements of L3 French,performed online by expert raters,involved the ratings of accent,intelligibility, acceptability and confidence level as well as the identification of the subjects’L1.The study revealed interesting patterns of correspondence between different rating param-eters,and demonstrated a high level of inter-rater consistency.Thefindings pointed to the multilingual subjects’first language as the prevailing source of cross-linguistic influence in the phonological acquisition of an L3,however,the L2influence was also found to be considerable,judging on the basis of the raters’identification of the subjects’L1.The results appear to be consistent with the assumption of a combined cross-linguistic influence(cf.De Angelis,Third or additional language acquisition.Multi-lingual matters,Clevedon,2007)thus substantiating the existence of both native and non-native interference in L3phonology,although its strength is hypothesised to be dependent on the typological relatedness of the respective language combinations.1IntroductionUntil fairly recently,empirical investigations into the phonological acquisition of a foreign language have focused primarily on the influence of the native tongue on the acquisition of a second language.But for the past few years,there has been a M.Wrembel(&)Adam Mickiewicz University,Poznan´,Polande-mail:magdala@.plE.Waniek-Klimczak and L.R.Shockey(eds.),Teaching and Researching English31 Accents in Native and Non-native Speakers,Second Language Learning and Teaching,DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-24019-5_3,ÓSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg201332M.Wrembel growing recognition that Third Language Acquisition(TLA)is a subfield of inquiry separate from Second Language Acquisition(SLA)and scholars have started to differentiate between the acquisition of an L2and other subsequent languages(cf.Cenoz et al.2001;Cenoz and Jessner2000;De Angelis2007).The phonology of third language(L3)acquisition constitutes a particularly young discipline and research in this area has been limited in scope compared to that on L3lexis and morphosyntax(cf.Cabrelli Amaro and Rothman2010).The complexity of cross-linguistic influence(CLI)has become one of the most frequently studied aspects of TLA,with investigations into the nature of L3 interphonology being no exception.Two opposite perspectives on the potential sources of CLI in L3have been endorsed;one pointing to the native L1phonology as having the greatest impact on third language acquisition(Ringbom1987; Llisterri and Poch-Olivé1987;Pyun2005),and the other recognizing the non-native language,i.e.the earlier acquired L2as the prevailing source of interference in L3production,thus leading the so called‘foreign language effect’or L2status (Hammarberg and Hammarberg1993,2005;Llama et al.2010;Wrembel2010).A relatively limited number of studies investigating this phenomenon has been conducted to date,and their results appear to conflict.The traditionally acknowl-edged claim that foreign language acquisition,especially in the area of L3phonol-ogy,is subject to a strong interference from thefirst language was attested by Ringbom(1987),Llisterri and Poch-Olivé(1987)and Pyun(2005).According to Ringbom,all L3learners tend to retain an L1-based accent,particularly in the realm of intonation,irrespective of their L3proficiency levels.He further claims that L2 transfer in L3interphonology is infrequent and may be governed by the recency and intensity of L2use.Llisterri and Poch-Olivé(1987)demonstrated experimentally that in the case of Catalan/Castilian bilinguals learning a third language there is no interference from their L2in the production of vowels and fricative consonants in L3 French compared to the monolingual controls.The observed transfer in L3was explained by the authors by referring to the acoustic features of the subjects’L1 sound system.Negative transfer from the L1phonology was also evidenced as the strongest source of CLI in third language acquisition in a study by Pyun(2005)on the multilingual speakers with Korean L1,English L2and Swedish L3.However,he identified also other sources of phonological knowledge in the subjects’interlan-guage,involving an interplay of various L1,L2and L3rules.On the other hand,several studies to date testify to the complex interference between foreign languages acquired as second and third and point to the existence of the so called foreign language effect that tends to outweigh L1transfer in L3 phonological acquisition.The earliest reported investigations into the sources of CLI in L3involved impressionistic case studies(Chamot1973)or diary studies of a multilingual informant(Rivers1979),both of which demonstrated non-native phonetic interference in the L3performance.With the advent of studies using a more controlled experimental design,further evidence was provided for the complex nature of L3interphonology,which is understood as the evolving system of phonological rules that is restructured during the successive stages of foreign language acquisition(cf.Carlisle1991,76).A longitudinal study of a singleForeign Accent Ratings in Third Language Acquisition33 multilingual speaker with L1English,L2German and L3Swedish(Hammarberg 2001is a case in point(Hammarberg and Hammarberg1993,2005).The study was based on accent judgements by3native raters on the informant’s samples of L3 Swedish as well as an auditory and acoustic analysis of these samples performed by the authors at different stages of interlanguage development.Thefindings pointed to a prevalent interference of the non-native language at an early stage of L3acquisition(when the informant’s performance in L3Swedish was strongly L2-accented)as opposed to more native interference at the later stage.The results of accent judgements were corroborated by the auditory analyses by the experi-menters of the informant’s performance in L3Swedish.Wrembel(2010)con-firmed thesefindings in a perceptual accent judgement study of foreign accentedness of L3learners of English with L1Polish and L2German.The results reflected a significant tendency to identify the subjects as L2-accented at the initial stages of L3learning,which diminished with the advancement of L3proficiency. The author claims that results reflect a cumulative effect of several variables including the foreign language effect,typology(the subjects’L3English and L2 German both being Germanic languages),and the recency and intensity of use of L2German.Similar trends were attested in a study on VOT acquisition in L3by Llama et al.(2010),who concluded that it is the L2foreign language effect(or the so called‘L2status’)rather than typological relatedness that constitutes the main factor determining the source of transfer of VOT patterns for L3Spanish learners in L1French/L2English and L1English/L2French language combinations.Investigations into the possible sources of CLI in L3have also yielded inconclusive results in some of the most recent studies in thefield.Gut(2010)found conflicting evidence for L2-L3cross-linguistic influence as her data suggest that while L2and L3 proficiency and language distance might be conditioning factors for L2–L3influence, the effects of the phonological properties of the L3are stronger than cross-linguistic influence.Wunder’s(2010)results were also mixed,pointing to some non-native cross-linguistic influence on L3phonology and combined L1German and L2English influence on L3Spanish aspiration patterns.Finally,Wrembel’s(2012)foreign accent study involved a mirror design with respect to the language combinations employed in the present study which was achieved by exchanging the L2/L3language combina-tions,i.e.from L1Polish/L2French/L3English in the present study to L1Polish/L2/ English/L3French in the other study.Wrembel(2012)demonstrated that L1transfer from the subjects’Polish phonology dominated in their performance in L3English irrespective of the stage of language proficiency in L3.However,a partial reliance on L2French phonetic encoding was also reported.2ExperimentThe present experiment is part of a larger study aimed at investigating the sources and directions of cross-linguistic influence in L3phonological acquisition in various language combinations.The current study focuses on the acquisition of L334M.Wrembel French by subjects with L1Polish and L2English,and it follows a mirror design of a previous foreign accent study by the same author which involved L1Polish, L2French and L3English(Wrembel under review).Foreign accent ratings have been widely applied in studies on second language acquisition,e.g.Højen(2000),Piske et al.(2001),Gallardo del Puerto et al.(2007). However,to the best of my knowledge,they have not been applied extensively in research on third language phonological acquisition with the exception of Ham-marberg and Hammarberg’s case study(cited above),in which L3accent ratings were performed by three raters at two different stages of interlanguage development.The technique of foreign accent rating was selected in order to generate accent ratings in a third language as well as to explore the L3speakers’degree of intelligibility and acceptability,and the raters’level of confidence.Moreover,it was expected to contribute to the investigation of potential sources of cross lin-guistic influence in TLA as the raters were to identify the multilingual subjects’first language based on the perceptual evaluation of their L3performance,and to point to the phonetic/phonological features that led to the perception of a foreign accent in particular L3speakers.2.1Research DesignTwenty speech samples of L3French(30–40s each)were randomly selected from a small corpus of non-native French recorded by the author and were subject to foreign accent ratings performed by15expert judges.The raters included10 native speakers of French as well asfive non-native speakers with a near-native proficiency level in French,all of whom were Polish university lecturers.The judges’mean length of French teaching experience was12years and they all had previous phonetic training,irrespective of their native versus non-native status. The stimuli were recorded using CoolEdit96as16-bit monofiles at16000Hz sampling frequency.The subjects were recorded performing language tasks in two conditions:a read-on-your-own task and a spontaneous speech.The experiment was designed on the e-learning Moodle platform so that it could be performed by the raters via the Internet at their convenience.The raters were assigned an access code and after the completion of the online questionnaire, it was submitted automatically to the present researcher.The online questionnaire was divided into two parts,thefirst one elicited the raters’personal information, including their native versus non-native status,their teaching experience in years, and their knowledge of foreign languages.The second part of the experiment consisted of20identical subsections,each equipped with a recording(i.e.ten recordings of read texts and ten recordings of spoken texts)and a set of six questions.The judges were asked to perform the following tasks:1.rate the samples for an overall degree of foreign accent on a6-point scale(1=strongly accented,6=native-like accent),Foreign Accent Ratings in Third Language Acquisition35 2.evaluate how intelligible the speaker sounds(on a6-point scale from1=unintelligible,6=totally intelligible),3.assess the degree of confidence in their rating judgement(on a6-point scalefrom1=uncertain,6=certain),4.rate how irritating/acceptable the speaker sounds(on a6-point scale from1=very irritating,6=totally acceptable),5.identify the speakers’L1( a language from an open list presented inthe rating questionnaire),6.point out the phonetic/phonological features that contribute to the perceptualimpression of foreign accent in particular speakers.2.2ParticipantsThe recorded subjects included10native speakers of Polish with a very good command of English as their L2and with rather limited competence in French as their L3.One native speaker of French with L2English was included as a control. The Polish participants were students of the School of English at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan´.Their proficiency level in French,assessed on the basis of competence level tests administered at the university,ranged from elementary(A2Basic Speakers,according to CEFR)to intermediate(B1/B2 Independent Speakers),whereas their competence in L2English was more advanced as they were all at the C1level(i.e.Proficient User).A language learning biography of each multilingual speaker was constructed in order to control better for various factors contributing to the complex nature of cross linguistic influence.The relevant data were collected by means of a questionnaire administered individually after the recording session.The questions covered the following:(1)age of acquisition of each non-native language,(2)proficiency level in all non-native languages,(3)sequence of acquisition of all languages,(4)amount of formal instruction in non-native languages(in years and hours per week),(5)natural exposure to non-native languages(e.g.stays abroad),(6)number of languages known to the speaker,(7)metalinguistic awareness of positive or negative transfer from non-native languages in L3oral production.The analysis of language biogra-phies resulted in a fairly homogenous profile with respect to the participants’L2 English,however,they differed significantly in proficiency level in L3French. 2.3HypothesesThe following hypotheses were put forward in the present study: H1:Accent judgements are correlated with speaker proficiency level in L3.H2:There are patterns of correspondence between the rating scores on accent, intelligibility,acceptability and raters’confidence.36M.Wrembel H3:The subjects are identified as native speakers of Polish or English on the basis of their L3performance depending on their proficiency level in L3French.H4:There are differences in accent judgements due to the task and inter-rater variability.3Results3.1Foreign Accent RatingsPerceptual judgments of foreign accent in L3French involved several rating parameters, of perceived foreign accent,2.individual speaker intelligibility,3.confidence level of judges, of irritation or acceptability evoked by the speakers’accents.Table1presents the results for all the rating parameters including total mean values as well as individual values for20speech samples.The highlighted squares indicate values significantly higher than the remaining ratings based on the comparison of means which was calculated with the use of a two tailed t test with Bonferroni’s correction(p\0.05).As far as foreign accentedness is concerned,the mean total rating of the L3 French samples was3.3on a6-point scale(1=strongly accented,6=native-like accent).Participants whose results were significantly higher than the remaining ratings were speakers4,7,8,9,13,17,19and20.All of these participants were at the intermediate level.Speaker8,who received the maximum ratings,was the native French control.The second perceptual judgment task related to the speakers’intelligibility and the mean rating was4.5on a6-point scale(ranging from1=unintelligible, 6=totally intelligible).The intelligibility ratings were on average higher than accent ratings.Statistical differences based on the comparison of means were found for intermediate level speakers(i.e.speakers3,4,7,9,11,13,17,19,20) and for the native control(speaker8).The level of judges’confidence when performing the accent rating tasks had a mean value of5.4on a6-point scale(from1=uncertain,6=certain)and remained fairly stable across the speakers as no statistically significant differences were found in the certainty ratings with respect to different speakers.As far as the acceptability rating is concerned,the mean score for L3French samples totalled4.2on a6-point scale(1=very irritating,6=totally accept-able).The samples which scored significantly higher in terms of acceptability included intermediate level speakers(i.e.speakers3,4,7,9,11,13,17,19,20)and the native control(speaker8),as in the accent and intelligibility ratings.Foreign Accent Ratings in Third Language Acquisition37Table1Mean accent scores for four rating tasks for L3French on a6-point scaleSpeaker TaskForeign accent Intelligibility Certainty Acceptability M 3.3 4.5 5.4 4.21 1.4 2.9 5.7 2.72 1.4 2.3 5.5 2.33 3.5 5.3 5.3 5.14 4.3 5.3 5.4 5.15 3.3 4.4 5.5 3.76 1.5 2.8 5.5 2.57 4.3 5.4 5.5 5.58 6.0 6.0 4.3 6.09 4.1 5.1 5.1 5.110 1.6 2.7 5.7 2.711 3.7 4.7 5.1 4.112 2.5 4.4 5.2 3.913 4.5 5.7 5.5 5.514 2.2 4.2 5.7 3.415 2.9 4.1 5.2 3.616 2.6 4.2 5.6 3.917 4.3 5.7 5.2 5.418 2.3 4.2 5.5 3.119 4.7 5.8 5.1 5.520 4.1 5.3 5.6 5.1The highlighted squares indicate significantly different scores at the0.05level3.2L1IdentificationThe subsequent rating task required the judges to identify the speakers’native language(L1)on the basis of their L3French performance.To this end,the judges were to select one from an open list of L1labels presented in the online ques-tionnaire,including English,French,German,Polish,Spanish and other.The overall results presented in Table2indicate that the subjects were cor-rectly identified as native speakers of their respective languages,i.e.L1Polish or L1French(in case of the control subject)on average in50%of the cases.They were identified as English on average in29%of the cases.The control native speaker of French was identified correctly in100%of the cases.Statistically significant differences in correct L1identification based on the comparison of means(i.e.a two tailed t test)were revealed for speakers1,5,8,and14for whom the values for correct L1identification ranged between70and100%.The sub-jects with significantly strong identification as L1English included Speakers6and 20with the respective scores of73and87%.After the exclusion of the scores for the French control,the identification percentages were calculated for the Polish subjects only.Based on their L3French performance,47%were identified correctly as having L1Polish;30%as having38M.Wrembel Table2Identification of speakers’L1(in%)based on the performance in L3French(correctidentification as Polish vs.identification as english)Speaker L1identificationCorrect identification(%)Identification as English(%) M5029110002530340404402758013620737332781000947401033331147331247201333331473271567201633271740718533319474020787NB.Identification as‘other L1’not included in the analysisEnglish as their L1,and in23%of the cases a different native tongue was identified.The identification of other L1s is excluded from the present analysis as the results were very scattered and showed no regularities.3.3Speakers Variables3.3.1Accent Ratings Versus Proficiency Level and Performance ModeThe results of accent judgements were further analysed with respect to speaker characteristics,i.e.their proficiency level in L3French(i.e.elementary vs.inter-mediate)and the recorded performance mode(read vs.spoken text).The mean scores are presented in Table3.The comparison of means calculated on the basis of a two tailed t test point to statistically significant differences(p\0.05)for three rating parameters in L3 French(i.e.accentedness,intelligibility and irritability)with regard to both the subjects’proficiency level in French and the performance mode.The intermediate subjects outperformed those at an elementary level with respect to proficiency in L3French in all the rating parameters apart from thejudges’confidence level which remained stable for both proficiency levels (M =5.4).Mean accent ratings were significantly higher for the more advanced subjects (M =3.9vs.M =2.5)rendering the results consistent with the partici-pants’proficiency levels.The intelligibility ratings followed the same pattern with intermediate subjects scoring on average higher than lower proficiency subjects (M =5.2vs.M =3.9).In terms of tendency to irritate,the more proficient speakers were found to be more acceptable than their elementary counterparts (M =4.9vs.M =3.5).Similar patterns were observed in the analysis of the performance modes ( vs.spoken text).On the whole,spoken samples received significantly higher ratings than the read text in case of three parameters:i.e.accentedness (M =3.3vs.M =2.9);intelligibility (M =4.8vs.M =4.1);and irritability (M =4.4vs.M =3.9).No significant differences were observed with regard to the certainty level of the raters,which totalled M =5.4irrespective of the speakers’perfor-mance style.3.3.2L1Identification Versus Proficiency Level and Performance ModeThe results of identification of the subjects’L1on the basis of their L3perfor-mance were further analysed with respect to their proficiency level (elementary vs.intermediate)and the performance mode (reading vs.speaking)(see Table 4).In order to investigate the statistical significance of differences between the mean results of the identification as L1Polish (i.e.correct identification)versus the identification as L1English (English being the L2)at different proficiency levels in L3French and in different performance modes,a Pearson Chi-square test was calculated (see Table 5).The test showed a significant difference in the identification as L1Polish at different proficiency levels (p \0.01)with the elementary subjects being more frequently correctly identified as Polish native speakers (53%)compared to a significantly lower percentage of identifications as L1English (28%).At the intermediate level,however,the difference between identification as Polish versus English was not significant (38vs.34%).No statistically significant differences were found in case of the performance style and identification type,although the read samples tended to be more often Table 3Mean ratings with respect to the subjects’proficiency in L3French and the performance modeTotal Level ModeMSD Element Intermed Read Speak Accent3.3 1.3 2.5 3.9a 2.9 3.3a Intelligible4.5 1.1 3.95.2 4.1 4.8a Certain5.40.3 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4Irritating 4.2 1.2 3.5 4.9a 3.9 4.4a Highlighted squares point to statistically significant differences a p \0.05Foreign Accent Ratings in Third Language Acquisition 3940M.WrembelTable4L1identification versus proficiency level and performance modeTotal(%)Level ModeElement(%)Intermed(%)Read(%)Speak(%) Identification as Polish4753384944Identification as English3028342832Table5Pearson’s Chi-square testLevel Mode Identification as Polish v2 6.27 3.52df22sig0.04a0.17 Identification as English v2 1.55 3.98df22sig0.460.13 a p\0.05for L1identification versus proficiency level and performance modeidentified correctly as L1Polish(49%)than the spoken samples(44%),and the reverse was true for the identification as English(32%—spoken vs.28%—read samples).The significant difference in L1identification for subjects on different profi-ciency levels in L3French is presented visually in Fig.1.3.4Inter-Rater VariabilityA further analysis was aimed at inter-rater variability to investigate a potential correlation between the rating scores on the four parameters(i.e.foreign accent, intelligibility,certainty and acceptability)and the raters’variables,including: (1)native versus non-native status,(2)phonetic training,and(3)the length of the teaching experience.Table6presents mean ratings for thefirst two variables.Unlike in the author’s previous studies,in case of the present study all the judges had phonetic training,therefore no variety was demonstrated in this respect.The nativeness variable was shown to have affected the ratings as native raters tended to assign lower score for accent,intelligibility and irritation compared to non-native judges,however,this difference proved statistically significant only for intelligibility(M=4.3vs.M=4.9).The comparison of means calculated on the basis of a two tailed t test pointed also to statistically significant dif-ferences(p\0.05)in the level of certainty with native judges being more certain of their ratings(M=5.6vs.M=4.9).To analyse the impact of the third variable,i.e.the length of French teaching experience on the ratings,a Spearman’s correlation was performed(see Table7).The results pointed to a weak inverse correlation between the raters’length of teaching experience and their level of confidence,i.e.the more experienced judges assigned themselves lower points for the rating certainty.No correlations were observed between the raters’French teaching experience and their ratings on accent,intelligibility and acceptance.3.5Rating ConsistencyIn order to investigate the rating consistency separate tests for inter-rater and inter-speaker reliability were administered.Cronbach’s alpha was calculated to test the inter-rater reliability which was found to be high for all the four rating parameters (foreign accent 0.89;intelligibility 0.92;confidence level 0.94;acceptability 0.89).In case of L1identification of the subjects,the inter-rater reliability ranged from moderate for the correct identification as Polish (Cronbach’s alpha 0.49)to low for identification as English (0.24).A Spearman’s correlation analysis was performed to test the inter-speaker reliability,i.e.the consistency of ratings assigned to the same subjects for their Table 6Mean ratings with respect to raters’variablesRaters’variables Native statusPhonetic training Non-nativeNative Accent3.5 3.1 3.3Intelligible4.9a 4.3 4.5Certain4.95.6a 5.4Irritating4.3 4.1 4.2a p \0.05Fig.1L1identification in L3French for different proficiency levelsseparate read and spoken performances (e.g.Accent vs.Accent2).Table 8presents significant correlations on the ‘match-guise’ratings performed by the judges with respect to the four rating parameters.The strongest correlations were found for the acceptability (0.71)and confidence level (0.68),however,the remaining param-eters also demonstrated moderate correlations,i.e.intelligibility (0.6)and the degree of foreign accent (0.58).3.6Foreign Accent FeaturesThe raters were also asked to identify phonetic/phonological features that con-tribute to the perceptual impression of a foreign accent of particular subjects.The most frequently identified features of a foreign accent in L3French included vowels (24%),consonants (10.8%),intonation (9.5%),rhythm (8.5%),problems with the French [R](8%),grapho-phonemic correspondence (7.5%)and nasality (7.3%)(see Fig.2).4DiscussionThe first hypothesis put forward in the present study assumed that accent ratings are correlated with the subjects’proficiency levels.The results corroborated this claim since the ratings corresponded to the subjects’proficiency levels and indi-vidual foreign accent scores assigned by the judges reflected the subjects’respective command of L3French.The mean foreign accent ratings for the elementary level subjects totalled M =2.5(on a 6-point scale),whereas the accent ratings for the intermediate learners were significantly higher M =3.9.The native French control (Subject 8)received maximum scores in accent,intelligibility and acceptability.On the whole,the findings lent validity to the performed foreign accent ratings as they reflected the subjects’actual proficiency levels in L3French.The second hypothesis assumed the existence of patterns of correspondence between the rating scores on accent,intelligibility,acceptability and rater confi-dence.The lowest mean scores were assigned for foreign accent (M =3.3),with all of the intermediate level subjects scoring significantly higher than the ele-mentary ones.The acceptability scores were on average higher (M =4.2)and they Table 7Spearman’s correlation between the raters’years of teaching experience and their respective ratingsAccent Intelligible Certain Irritatingrho Spearman r Years of teaching Correlation coefficient -0.0050.096-0.18a 0.051Sig.0.930.090.0020.38N 300300300300a p \0.01。
The Role of a Foreign Lnaguage Learner
The Role of a Foreign Language LearnerWhy did you choose to be a foreign language learner? For acquiring knowledge? For information exchanging? For fun? Or just for passing exams?No matter what bracket you are in , you should undertake the role of a foreign tongue learner.Firstly, you are the educator. As most of you will become a teacher after graduation, your first task is to teach students the language you learn. Your students are beginners of the target language, so they need your advice and guidance. By helping them memorize words, explaining grammars and assisting on comprehending articles, you can have your students to have a better grasp of the language, and also a better understanding of the culture. What’s more, when they grow up, they can help another group of pupils to learn the language. This is an endless circle. So you are the deliverer of knowledge.Secondly, you are the information communicator. By saying that, I mean you are an interpreter. Take my own experience as an example. Last week, I went to the EU-China B&T Cooperation fair working as an interpreter for a French company. The French lady could only speak little Chinese, but she had to talk with 5 Chinese companies. Could she manage that? Of course, she could not. So I translated what she said to the Chinese company and translated what the Chinese company said to her. From my experience, I see how important the role of a foreign tongue learner is. It is you who help two persons with different languages talk smoothly and difficulty-freely, it is you who help the information exchanged, and it is you who make a bridge between two isolated inlands.Last, but not the least, you are the bridge for two cultures. As a foreign language learner, you not only learn the language, but learn the culture. It is you who know both the Chinese culture and the foreign culture well. Your role is to help people from different cultures understand each other. Presently, the link between country to country is becoming much more tightly. The world needs bilingual persons like you.Learning a language is fun, rewarding, satisfying, challenging, although at times, it can be frustrating. As a foreign language learner, you should always keep in mind that you are a teacher, translator and a bridge.。
The Role of Language in International Education an
The Role of Language in International Education and DevelopmentYuqing HeJincheng College, Sichuan UniversityAbstract: Today, when international education is becoming more and more important and being valued by people, learning several foreign languages seems to be the public’s primary countermeasure against this phenomenon of internationalization. Language is the bridge of this kind of communication. Hopkins said: “Language is the image and reflection of ideas.” The essence of international education is the collision and exchange of multiple cultures.One very important reason is that people learn the languages of other civilizations.Keywords: International education; Language internationalization; Cultural integrationDOI: 10.47297/wspiedWSP2516-250027.20210511The sociality of language determines its widespread use in all classes of society. The development of international education also must promote the development of language learning. International education refers to education on a global scale that transcends countries. Studying abroad is the most important and direct manifestation of international education. In 2017, the number of Chinese students studying abroad exceeded the 600,000 mark for the first time, continuing to maintain its status as the world’s largest source of international students.One of the upsurge of foreign language learning and education to society is that it has promoted the substantial development of related education,training and publishing institutions.The cost of international education has always been high, but it is also due to the large vacancies for such basic talents. To cultivate more international education talents, language learning must be promoted to a very high position. Even in the context of globalization for one or two years, we can still see from the official data of IELTS that the number of IELTS applicants in Mainland China reached 50,000 in 2019, among which the A-type (academic) candidates accounted for 77%. As one of the most famous international standardized English proficiency tests in the world.According to the 2019 Report on the Development of China’s Language Education Service Industry, by the end of 2018, there wereAbout the author: Yuqing He (2002-05), female, Han nationality, Origin: Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, Education: Undergraduate Research direction: Linguistics.147Journal of International Education and Development Vol.5 No.11 20219,734 companies operating language services as their main business purpose, with the total output value of language services reaching 37.2 billion yuan. In December 2020, QS released a survey of international students entitled HIGHER EDUCATION IN 2020: HOW COVID-19 SHAPED THIS YEAR. The report focused on 887 prospective students’ attitudes toward studying abroad and their views on the upcoming academic year. The percentage of students who unexpectedly choose 2021 is rising. Of course, this is also due to the trend of stable epidemic prevention and control status and policies of various countries. In this special international situation, language learning and professional learning are more inseparable.According to the survey, online courses are still the main teaching method for overseas students from September to November. In fact in the end, lost was supposed to have the language environment of students, will have greater demand on the international language education.To seize the opportunity to expand its influence, it must start from a public foundation. Language involves everyone’s daily life, and this is also the best place for the public to start the internationalization of education. Since the 1980s, from the coastal areas to the inland areas of China, the learning of a second foreign language in primary and secondary schools has emerged in many more developed cities. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China gradually incorporated English teaching into the compulsory curriculum of primary and secondary schools, and has been expanding the scope of English popularization. The Chinese syllabus from 1988 to 2000 highlighted the instrumental characteristics of English. The current curriculum standards stipulate that the overall goal is to cultivate students’ comprehensive language ability. Since 1989, every college student has to take CET-4 and CET-6. Language knowledge and language skills are the foundation of comprehensive language use ability, cultural awareness is the guarantee for the proper use of language, emotional attitudes and values are important factors that affect students’ learning and development. Large tourist cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Wuhan are also the most important cities in China with the largest external worker population.In order to promote the development of cultural media in these cities, increase people’s sense of belonging and identity to the original culture of the city,most museums and cultural places are open to the public for free. Behind these huge demands for cultural life are higher requirements for language communication and quality spiritual life. In Chengdu, college students can find recruitment information for volunteers or paid staff in museums, historical galleries, art galleries, commercial exhibitions and music festivals on various social media and public platforms. Foreign language students have a wider range of options. For example, many language students are required or voluntarily take CATTI exams.Entrusted by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China, this vocational qualification certificate is a national vocational qualification148The Role of Language in International Education and Development certificate implemented and managed by China Foreign Languages Publishing and Distribution Administration. It is a unified professional translation certification for the whole society implemented in China. For a city, that needs to quickly improve the efficiency of cultural communication, expand its cultural influence and achieve healthy cultural competition, the participation of language college students reduces the cost of the government’s search for professionals and improves the development efficiency of cultural identity. In these cases, language always acts as a medium or a special benign catalyst. All of these directions are closely related to people’s basic urban life. In order to make the children in some poverty-stricken areas of China truly feel the diversity of the world culture, as a tool and motivation for them to leave the poverty-stricken areas, language education is self-evident. In 2017, ODP Funds in China launched a questionnaire survey, the results showed that 72% of young people were willing to participate in volunteer teaching activities. By 2019, the foundation had sent a total of 32 volunteer teams from colleges to provide grassroots education in poverty-stricken areas, which not only covers basic subject knowledge, but also includes cultural interaction and language education. In this field, many students still stay in the stage of dialect learning and being taught. Even though the importance of international language education is widely known today, the implementation process is still being questioned. These weak foundations require us to work together to solidify public demand, and we are all involved.A variety of new vocabularies are derived from Internet communication, which will incorporate the commonalities of languages between multiple civilizations. This has also given birth to a series of educational methods, language education professions and learning pathways.The internationalization of the new vocabularies make many things that cannot be understand by students from different language background simple and vivid. For example, English and French, the pronunciation of French is partly different from that of English, but due to the spread of many English words, the pronunciation of English words can also be directly used in French. This is the same in the introduction of Chinese vocabulary into English. The phenomenon of interoperability between Chinese and foreign languages began as early as ancient times. Most of the new vocabulary formed by the intercommunication of these languages is through mainstream transliteration, free translation and borrowed form. Transliteration has names such as various alcoholic beverages, and it is very straightforward that people need to have a certain understanding of the etymology of the vocabulary.The vocabulary combined with transliteration and free translation is richer, and semantics and fonts generally merge two or more cultural meanings.However, pure transliteration does not conform to the laws of the Chinese character system, and it will be more difficult for scholars in the native Chinese environment to understand it culturally. Therefore, when Chinese absorbs or derives foreign vocabulary and short sentences, it often adds free translation elements on the basis of transliteration. Even so, some poems and149Journal of International Education and Development Vol.5 No.11 2021proverbs, no matter how hard the translator works, cannot restore their own cultural heritage and artistic conception. In this era of exponential changes in vocabulary, majors, and everyday language on the Internet, language learning must not be stagnant. As the oldest and most important social tool and nature, linguistics today can no longer be learned in a closed and inefficient way.Networking can well stimulate students’ interest in learning. Now the international teachers’ team is constantly expanding. In China, ICA has become one of the certificates considered by many language learners in college. Many language teachers can participate in online or offline language teaching as soon as they graduate. Which attracting more people to join this group. ICATEST is a standardized test organized by the International Chinese Language Teachers Association. Usually known as ICA International Chinese Teacher Professional Qualification certificate, issued by THE ICA organization evaluation certification, has become the authoritative brand of international Chinese teachers.According to the June 2021 China-foreign Language Exchange and Cooperation Center, more than 180 countries and regions have carried out Chinese education in more than 70 countries to integrate Chinese into their national education systems.The overseas edition of the People’s Daily said that on June2, the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission released in Beijing the Chinese language and language life situation in mid-2020.As of 25 January 2021, Chinese officially became the official language of the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Relying on Internet resources, Chinese learners have a broad channel of communication and learning. In fact, since its launch in October 2019, the Global Chinese Learning Platform has brought together Chinese learning resources to provide intelligent Chinese learning paths. In 2020, international Chinese education has been affected by the epidemic, which has also forced the global Chinese learning platform to be further optimized and improved. Today, the platform product content is more abundant, oral evaluation engine, tone correction and other key technologies to achieve breakthroughs.With the rapid development of language, we can no longer use old language concepts to look at future language education and international education.The growth of a language talent is inseparable from an open international education environment.I believe that peace has always been the most important theme of the international community, and the development of international education is also an unstoppable historical process. Starting from the language, to learn the cultures from different countries and regions seriously, and then feel the development of international education together.150The Role of Language in International Education and DevelopmentReferences[1] ”China Education Program” 1988-2000.[2] Dong Yafen “Retrospect and Prospect of College English Education” “Foreign Lan-guage Circles” 1992.[3] Jiang Lei. “Cultural Contrast and Contrast of English and Chinese Idioms” [M].Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2000.[4] Sino-foreign Language Exchange and Cooperation Center: “People’s Daily Over-seas Edition”, 2021.[5] Global IELTS Results Big Data Analysis Report,2019.151。
dearrobin英语作文英文回答:In the realm of language acquisition, the concept of interlanguage plays a pivotal role. It refers to the transitional linguistic system that learners develop as they progress from their native language to the target language. This linguistic construct exhibits a unique blend of elements from both languages, reflecting the learner's evolving proficiency in the new language.The process of interlanguage development is a dynamic and multifaceted one. Learners may initially transfer features of their native language into the target language, resulting in errors and deviations from standard language use. However, as their exposure and practice with thetarget language increases, they gradually modify their interlanguage system to align with the norms of the new language.Interlanguage can manifest in various ways, including pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. For instance, a learner of English whose native language is Spanish may initially pronounce the "th" sound as "z" or "d." Over time, with repeated exposure and practice, they would learn the correct pronunciation and incorporate it into their interlanguage.The concept of interlanguage has important implications for language teaching and learning. By understanding the nature and characteristics of interlanguage, educators can tailor their instruction to address the specific needs and challenges of learners. Interlanguage provides valuable insights into the learner's progress and can guide the development of appropriate teaching materials and strategies.Furthermore, interlanguage errors can be viewed as opportunities for learning and growth. By analyzing the errors that learners make, teachers can identify areaswhere additional support and guidance are required. This error analysis can help learners develop a deeperunderstanding of the target language and its intricacies.中文回答:什么是中间语?中间语是学习者在从母语向目标语言过渡时形成的过渡性语言系统。
高中生英语作文《英语在全球化中的作用》The Role of English in GlobalizationIn today's interconnected world, the role of English in globalization cannot be overstated.English has become the lingua franca, or common language, of the world, enabling people from different cultures and backgrounds to communicate and connect with each other.One of the key ways that English has contributed to globalization is through the spread of knowledge and information.With the advent of the internet and social media, English has become the primary language of communication for many online platforms.This has allowed for the rapid dissemination of news, ideas, and research across the globe, fostering a greater understanding and exchange of cultures.Furthermore, English is the language of international business and trade.In order to engage in global commerce, businesses must be able to communicate in English, the language of international finance and diplomacy.This has created a demand for English language skills among professionals in various fields, leading to the growth of English as a second language (ESL) programs around the world.English also plays a crucial role in education and academia.Many of the top universities and research institutions in the world publish their findings and curricula in English.This has made it easier for students and researchers from different countries to access and share knowledge,furthering the goals of education and research on a global scale.In conclusion, the role of English in globalization is multifaceted and essential.It serves as the bridge that connects people, ideas, and cultures from around the world.As the world continues to become more interconnected, the importance of English will only continue to grow, making it an indispensable tool in the global village we live in.。
语言的角色的英语作文The Role of Language in Communication。
Language plays a crucial role in communication. It is a tool that allows people to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas, and to understand and connect with others. Without language, it would be nearly impossible for humansto communicate effectively with one another.One of the most important roles of language in communication is its ability to convey meaning. Through language, people can express their thoughts and emotions, and can share information and knowledge with others. Thisis essential for building relationships, forming connections, and collaborating with others. Language also allows people to communicate complex ideas and concepts,and to engage in meaningful discussions and debates.In addition to conveying meaning, language also serves as a means of persuasion and influence. Through language,people can persuade others to adopt their point of view, to take a certain action, or to change their behavior. This is evident in advertising, politics, and other forms of public communication, where language is used to sway opinions and to shape public perception.Furthermore, language plays a significant role in shaping cultural identity and preserving traditions. Different languages are often associated with specific cultures and communities, and they serve as a means of preserving and transmitting cultural heritage. Language is also closely tied to identity, as it reflects a person's background, upbringing, and values. Through language, people can express their cultural identity, and can connect with others who share the same language and cultural background.Moreover, language plays a crucial role in social interaction and cooperation. Through language, people can negotiate, collaborate, and coordinate their actions. Language allows individuals to work together towards common goals, to resolve conflicts, and to establish social normsand rules. In this way, language serves as a tool for building and maintaining social relationships, and for promoting cooperation and mutual understanding.In conclusion, language plays a vital role in communication, serving as a tool for conveying meaning, persuading and influencing others, preserving cultural identity, and promoting social interaction and cooperation. Without language, human communication would be greatly limited, and the ability to connect, understand, and collaborate with others would be severely impaired. Therefore, language is a fundamental aspect of human communication, and it plays a central role in shaping our interactions and relationships with others.。
The role of literature in language learning
The role of literature in languagelearning语言学习中文学的作用语言学习是人类历史上一项重要的活动。
在全球化过程中学习外语的重要性英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1In the process of globalization, learning a foreign language has become increasingly important. With the world becoming more interconnected and businesses operating on a global scale, the ability to communicate in another language is a valuable skill that can open up countless opportunities. In this essay, we will explore the importance of learning a foreign language in the era of globalization.First and foremost, learning a foreign language can greatly enhance one's career prospects. In today's competitive job market, employers often look for candidates who are proficient in multiple languages. Being able to speak another language can give you a competitive edge over other candidates and open up new job opportunities both domestically and internationally. Moreover, multinational companies are more likely to hire employees who can communicate with clients and colleagues from different countries, making foreign language skills an asset in the workplace.Furthermore, learning a foreign language can also facilitate cultural understanding and promote tolerance. Language is closely linked to culture, and by learning a new language, we gain insight into the customs, traditions, and values of another culture. This can help break down cultural barriers and foster empathy and understanding between people from different backgrounds. In a globalized world where diversity is celebrated, being able to communicate in another language can help us build relationships with people from all walks of life.Additionally, learning a foreign language can improve cognitive skills and enhance brain function. Studies have shown that bilingual individuals have better problem-solving skills, multitasking abilities, and memory retention. Learning a new language requires the brain to work in different ways, which can help improve overall cognitive function and prevent cognitive decline in later years. Therefore, learning a foreign language is not just beneficial for communication purposes but also for mental health and cognitive development.Moreover, learning a foreign language can enrich our personal and social lives. Being able to communicate with people from different parts of the world allows us to make new friends, explore different cultures, and broaden our horizons. Languageis a powerful tool that can connect us to people from diverse backgrounds and create meaningful relationships. In a globalized world where cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly important, being able to speak another language can help us navigate social situations and connect with others on a deeper level.In conclusion, learning a foreign language is essential in the era of globalization. From improving career prospects to enhancing cognitive skills and fostering cultural understanding, the benefits of learning a foreign language are numerous and far-reaching. In a world that is becoming more interconnected by the day, being able to communicate in another language is a valuable skill that can open up countless opportunities for personal, professional, and social growth. Therefore, it is important for individuals to embrace foreign language learning and strive to become global citizens who can communicate effectively in a multilingual world.篇2In the process of globalization, the importance of learning a foreign language cannot be overstated. As nations and cultures become increasingly interconnected, the ability to communicate in a language other than one's native tongue has become avaluable skill in both personal and professional settings. In this essay, I will explore the various reasons why learning a foreign language is essential in today's globalized world.One of the most obvious reasons for learning a foreign language is the ability to communicate with people from different countries and cultures. In a globalized world where travel and international business are becoming more common, the ability to speak a second language can open up many opportunities for social and economic advancement. By learning a foreign language, individuals can form connections with people from other parts of the world, build relationships, and better understand different cultures and perspectives.Furthermore, learning a foreign language can also enhance cognitive abilities and improve brain function. Research has shown that bilingual individuals have better problem-solving skills, multitasking abilities, and memory retention compared to monolinguals. This is because learning a new language requires the brain to process and store information in different ways, which can improve overall cognitive function and mental agility.In addition to cognitive benefits, learning a foreign language can also improve job prospects and career opportunities. In today's globalized economy, multilingual individuals are in highdemand in many industries such as business, international relations, and tourism. Employers often value employees who can communicate in multiple languages, as it allows them to engage with a wider range of clients, customers, and partners. By learning a foreign language, individuals can increase their marketability and competitiveness in the job market.Moreover, learning a foreign language can also contribute to personal growth and self-development. Language learning can foster empathy, understanding, and appreciation for other cultures and ways of life. By learning a foreign language, individuals can gain a deeper insight into the world around them and develop a more open-minded and global perspective. This can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a greater sense of connection to the global community.Overall, in a globalized world where communication and interaction across borders are becoming increasingly important, learning a foreign language is a valuable skill that can benefit individuals in many ways. From improving communication and relationships with others to enhancing cognitive abilities and job prospects, the benefits of learning a foreign language are numerous and far-reaching. Therefore, in order to thrive in today's interconnected world, it is essential for individuals toinvest in language learning and embrace the opportunities that multilingualism can offer. By doing so, individuals can expand their horizons, broaden their perspectives, and truly become global citizens.篇3The Importance of Learning Foreign Languages in the Globalization ProcessIn today's increasingly interconnected world, the ability to communicate in multiple languages has become a valuable skill. Globalization has brought people from different cultures and backgrounds together, making the need for multilingualism more important than ever. Learning a foreign language not only opens up new opportunities for personal and professional growth, but it also fosters cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.One of the key reasons why learning a foreign language is important in the globalization process is that it enables individuals to communicate effectively with people from different parts of the world. English has become the lingua franca of international communication, with over 1.5 billion people speaking it as a second language. By learning English oranother widely spoken language, individuals can bridge cultural and linguistic barriers, allowing them to connect with others on a global scale.Moreover, learning a foreign language can enhance one's career prospects in an increasingly globalized job market. Many employers value candidates who are proficient in more than one language, as it demonstrates an ability to adapt to diverse environments and communicate with a wider range of people. Being bilingual or multilingual can open up job opportunities in industries such as tourism, international business, and diplomacy, where language skills are a valuable asset.In addition to the practical benefits, learning a foreign language also promotes cross-cultural understanding and empathy. Language is not just a tool for communication; it is also a reflection of a culture's values, beliefs, and traditions. By learning a foreign language, individuals can gain insight into different worldviews and ways of life, fostering respect and appreciation for diversity.Furthermore, being able to speak more than one language can also have cognitive benefits, such as improved memory, problem-solving skills, and multitasking abilities. Studies have shown that bilingual individuals have better cognitive controland are more adept at switching between tasks. Learning a foreign language can also delay the onset of cognitive decline in old age, as it challenges the brain to think in new ways and make new connections.In conclusion, learning a foreign language is essential in the globalization process for a variety of reasons. Not only does it enhance communication skills and career opportunities, but it also promotes cross-cultural understanding and cognitive development. In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability to speak multiple languages is a valuable asset that can open up new horizons and facilitate meaningful connections with people from different backgrounds. As the world continues to become more interconnected, the importance of learning foreign languages will only increase, making it an essential skill for individuals who wish to thrive in the globalized society of the 21st century.。
语言工作者英语作文Title: The Role of Language Professionals in Shaping Global Communication。
Language professionals play a pivotal role infacilitating effective communication across diverselinguistic and cultural boundaries. Whether they are translators, interpreters, linguists, or language educators, these individuals contribute significantly to bridging gaps and fostering understanding in an increasingly interconnected world. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted responsibilities of language professionals and their impact on global communication.First and foremost, translators serve as cultural mediators, enabling the exchange of ideas, information, and literature between different language communities. They possess not only linguistic proficiency but also a deep understanding of the cultural nuances embedded within languages. By accurately conveying the meaning and essenceof texts from one language to another, translatorsfacilitate cross-cultural dialogue and promote mutual comprehension. Moreover, they play a crucial role in preserving and disseminating cultural heritage by translating literary works, historical documents, and other culturally significant texts into various languages.Interpreters, on the other hand, excel in real-time communication, providing on-the-spot translation during meetings, conferences, negotiations, and other multilingual events. Their ability to convey messages accurately and fluently in different languages ensures smooth communication flow and prevents misunderstandings. In diplomatic settings, interpreters facilitate diplomatic relations by enabling communication between representatives of different countries. They serve as indispensable intermediaries, helping to build trust and foster cooperation on a global scale.Linguists contribute to global communication by studying language structures, evolution, and variation, providing valuable insights into how languages function andevolve over time. Their research informs language policies, language teaching methodologies, and language planning efforts aimed at promoting linguistic diversity and multilingualism. Linguists also play a key role in language revitalization initiatives, working with indigenous communities to preserve and revitalize endangered languages threatened by globalization and language shift.Language educators play a crucial role in equipping individuals with the linguistic skills and intercultural competence necessary to navigate a globalized world. Through language teaching and proficiency programs, they empower learners to communicate effectively in different languages and engage with diverse cultural perspectives. Language educators not only impart language skills but also promote cultural awareness, empathy, and respect for linguistic diversity. By fostering multilingualism and intercultural understanding, they contribute to building more inclusive and harmonious societies.In addition to these traditional roles, language professionals are increasingly leveraging technology toenhance global communication. Machine translation tools, language learning apps, and other digital resources have revolutionized the way we communicate across languages. Language professionals play a vital role in developing and refining these technologies, ensuring their accuracy, reliability, and cultural sensitivity. They also harness technology to reach broader audiences and facilitate access to language services, particularly in remote or underserved communities.In conclusion, language professionals play a multifaceted role in shaping global communication. Through translation, interpretation, linguistic research, language education, and technological innovation, they facilitate cross-cultural exchange, foster mutual understanding, and promote linguistic diversity. In an increasingly interconnected world, their contributions are more important than ever in building bridges between people and cultures.。
14英语在国际商务中的角色The Role of English in International BusinessIn the globalized economy, the importance of English in international business cannot be overstated. It is the de facto language of commerce, facilitating communication, negotiation, and collaboration across borders. This essay will explore the multifaceted role of English in international business, from its function as a lingua franca to its impact on corporate culture and branding.The Lingua Franca of International BusinessEnglish has emerged as the lingua franca of international business, serving as a common language for people from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Thisuniversality is crucial for conducting business on a global scale. Without a common language, the complexities of cross-cultural communication would be significantly amplified, leading to misunderstandings and potential business failures. English bridges these gaps, allowing for the seamless exchange of ideas and the establishment of international partnerships.Communication and NegotiationEffective communication is the cornerstone of successful business relationships. English, as the primary language of international business, enables clear and concise dialogue between parties. This is particularly important during negotiations, where precision in language can make the difference between a successful deal and a missed opportunity. The ability to articulate one's position and understand the counterarguments is facilitated by the widespread use of English, reducing the likelihood of miscommunication.Cultural Exchange and UnderstandingWhile English serves as a common language, it also acts as a conduit for cultural exchange. Businesspeople from various countries bring their uniquecultural perspectives to the table, enriching the global business environment. English, in this context, is not just a tool for communication but also a medium through which cultural nuances are shared and understood. This cultural exchange fosters a more inclusive and diverse business community, which is essential for innovation and growth.The Impact on Corporate CultureThe prevalence of English in international business has a profound impact on corporate culture. Companies that operate globally often adopt English as their working language, influencing their internal communication, decision-making processes, and even their company values. This shift towards English can lead to a more unified corporate culture, but it can also raise concerns about the potential loss of local identity and the homogenization of business practices.Branding and MarketingIn the realm of branding and marketing, English plays a pivotal role. Many global brands use English in their slogans, taglines, and marketing campaigns to appeal to a broader audience. The use of English in branding can convey a sense of modernity and international appeal, which can be particularly attractive in markets where English is associated with progress and innovation. However, companies must also be mindful of cultural sensitivities and adapt their messaging to resonate with local consumers.Education and Skill DevelopmentThe importance of English in international business has led to a growing emphasis on English language education and skill development. Professionals who aspire to work in a global context are often expected to have a strong command of English. This has led to an increase in English language courses and programs aimed at enhancing business communication skills. The ability to communicate effectively in English is now considered a valuable asset in the international job market.Challenges and ConsiderationsDespite its benefits, the dominance of English in international business also presents challenges. For non-native speakers, the pressure to communicate in a language that is not their own can be daunting and may lead to feelings of inadequacy. Additionally, the reliance on English can sometimes overshadow the importance of local languages and cultures, leading to a loss of linguistic diversity. It is essential for businesses to balance the need for a common language with respect for linguistic and cultural diversity.In conclusion, English plays a critical role in international business, serving as a bridge for communication, negotiation, and cultural exchange. Its influence extends to corporate culture, branding, and professional development. While the benefits of English as a lingua franca are clear, it is important to approach its use with sensitivity to cultural differences and the potential challenges it may present. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the role of English in international business will only continue to grow, making it an essential skill for anyone looking to succeed in the global marketplace.。
英语作文国际交流语言International Exchange Language。
In today's globalized world, international exchange language plays a crucial role in facilitating communication and understanding among people from different countries and cultures. It serves as a bridge that connects individuals and communities, enabling them to share ideas, knowledge, and experiences. In this essay, we will explore the significance of international exchange language and its impact on cross-cultural communication.First and foremost, international exchange language serves as a common medium for communication in various international settings such as business, education, diplomacy, and tourism. English, for example, has become the de facto global language due to the historical influence of the British Empire, the economic dominance of the United States, and the widespread use of English in international organizations such as the United Nations andthe European Union. As a result, proficiency in English has become a valuable skill for individuals seeking to engagein global trade, international collaboration, and cross-border travel. Moreover, English language proficiency has become a key factor in determining access to higher education, job opportunities, and career advancement in many countries around the world.In addition to its practical utility, international exchange language also plays a significant role inpromoting cultural exchange and mutual understanding among people from different backgrounds. By learning a common language, individuals can gain insights into the customs, traditions, and values of other cultures, fostering empathy, respect, and appreciation for diversity. This, in turn, can help to break down barriers and stereotypes, promoting a more inclusive and harmonious global community. Furthermore, international exchange language allows for thedissemination of knowledge and ideas across borders, enabling individuals to access a wealth of information, literature, and media from different cultures, thereby enriching their intellectual and cultural horizons.Furthermore, international exchange language has the potential to promote global cooperation and address common challenges such as climate change, poverty, and public health. By enabling individuals and organizations to communicate and collaborate across borders, international exchange language can facilitate the sharing of best practices, the coordination of efforts, and themobilization of resources to address global issues. For example, in the field of scientific research, English serves as the lingua franca for scholars and researchers to share their findings, collaborate on projects, and publish their work in international journals, thereby advancing human knowledge and innovation.In conclusion, international exchange language plays a crucial role in promoting communication, understanding, and cooperation among people from different countries and cultures. By serving as a common medium for communication, it facilitates cross-cultural exchange, fosters mutual understanding, and enables global cooperation. As such, the promotion of international exchange language is essentialfor building a more interconnected, inclusive, and peaceful world.。