Integrating Boundary Scan into Multi-GHz IO Circuitry
Calculus I
Calculus ICalculus, also known as mathematical analysis, is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of rates of change and how things change over time. It is a fundamental mathematical tool that has become essential in many fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and biology. In this essay, we will explore Calculus I, which is the introductory course for Calculus.The study of Calculus is divided into two main branches: differential calculus and integral calculus. Differential calculus is concerned with the study of rates of change, while integral calculus is concerned with the study of accumulation. Calculus I focuses on the fundamental concepts of differential calculus.One of the key ideas in Calculus I is the concept of limit. A limit is the value that a function approaches as the independent variable approaches a certain value. Limits are an essential tool for studying the behavior of functions, especially at points where the function may not be defined.Another important concept in Calculus I is the derivative. The derivative of a function is the rate of change of the function at a particular point. It is defined as the limit of the difference quotient as the change in the independent variable approaches zero. The derivative is a fundamental concept in Calculus and is used extensively in many fields, including physics, engineering, and economics.The derivative has many important properties, including the power rule, product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule. These rules allowus to find the derivative of complicated functions quickly and efficiently.The derivative also has many applications, including optimization problems and finding the location of maximum and minimum values of a function. For example, in economics, the derivative is used to find the marginal cost and marginal revenue of a company. In physics, the derivative is used to find the instantaneous velocity and acceleration of an object.Another important concept in Calculus I is the notion of differentiation. Differentiation is the process of finding the derivative of a function. It is an integral part of Calculus and is used extensively in many fields.One of the most important applications of differentiation is in the study of optimization problems. Optimization problems involve finding the maximum or minimum value of a function subject to certain constraints. For example, in economics, firms try to maximize their profits subject to certain constraints, such as the cost of production.Integration is the second branch of Calculus, and it deals with finding the area under a curve. Integration is the inverse of differentiation, and it is used extensively in many fields, including physics and engineering.One of the most important applications of integration is in the study of volumes and areas. For example, in physics, the volume of a solid can be found by integrating the area under the curve of itscross-section. In engineering, the area of an irregular shape can be found by integrating the area under the curve of its boundary.Calculus I also covers important topics such as limits, continuity, and trigonometric functions. Limits are used extensively in Calculus to study the behavior of functions. Continuity is a fundamental concept in Calculus that ensures that a function is well-behaved and has no abrupt changes.Trigonometric functions are essential in Calculus because they are used extensively in the study of differential equations, which are equations that involve derivatives. Differential equations are used to model many real-world phenomena, such as the growth of a population and the spread of diseases.In conclusion, Calculus I is an essential course for any student studying mathematics, physics, engineering, or economics. It provides a solid foundation for more advanced courses in Calculus and other fields. The concepts of differential calculus, such as limits, derivatives, and differentiation, are fundamental in the study of many real-world problems. The concepts covered in Calculus I, such as optimization and integration, have many applications in numerous fields and are essential for solving problems in many areas of science and engineering.In addition to the topics mentioned above, Calculus I also covers related rates, which are useful in real-world scenarios where things are changing at different rates. For example, if you are filling a pool with water and you want to know how fast the water level is rising, you would use related rates. This involves finding the relationship between the rates of change of different variables and using this relationship todetermine one rate when the other rate is known.Another important concept in Calculus I is the Mean Value Theorem. This theorem states that if a function is continuous on a closed interval and differentiable on the open interval, then there exists a point in the interval where the derivative is equal to the average rate of change of the function over the interval. This theorem has applications in many areas, including economics, where it is used to prove the existence of equilibrium prices.Calculus I also covers curve sketching, which involves studying the behavior of a function as it approaches zero and infinity, finding its intercepts, and determining where it is increasing or decreasing. This is important in many fields as it allows us to understand the behavior of functions and predict their future values.One of the most important applications of Calculus I is in physics, where it is used extensively in studying motion. The concepts of calculus are used to determine the velocity, acceleration, and position of an object at any given point in time. Understanding these concepts is essential in fields such as aerospace engineering, where the motion of objects in space is critical to the success of missions.Calculus I is also used extensively in engineering, especially in the design and analysis of systems. For example, in electrical engineering, calculus is used to determine the power consumed by a circuit, while in civil engineering, it is used to calculate the stress on structures such as bridges and buildings. Calculus is also essential in chemical engineering, where it is used to determine therate of chemical reactions.In economics, calculus is used to model and analyze various economic phenomena, such as supply and demand, consumer behavior, and production optimization. The concepts of calculus are essential in understanding the dynamics of markets and the behavior of firms in different situations.Calculus I has numerous real-life applications, from modeling the growth of populations to understanding the spread of diseases. It is used in biostatistics to determine the probability of an individual developing a certain disease and in epidemiology to model the spread of infectious diseases. In ecology, calculus is used to study predator-prey relationships and competition between species.In the field of finance, calculus is used to determine the value of financial securities such as stocks and bonds. Understanding the concepts of calculus is essential in the field of quantitative finance, which involves using mathematical models to predict the behavior of financial markets.Overall, Calculus I is a fundamental course in mathematics that teaches students the basic concepts of differential calculus, including limits and derivatives, and their applications in various fields. It provides a solid foundation for more advanced courses in Calculus and other related fields. The concepts covered in Calculus I have numerous applications in many fields, including physics, engineering, economics, and biology, making it an essential tool for solving real-world problems.。
in Three Dimensions
Partial Surface and Volume Matchingin Three DimensionsGill Barequet and Micha SharirAbstract —In this paper we present a new technique for partial surface and volume matching of images in three dimensions. In this problem we are given two objects in 3-space, each represented as a set of points, and the goal is to find a rigid motion of one object which makes a sufficiently large portion of its boundary lying sufficiently close to a corresponding portion of the boundary of the second object. This is an important problem in pattern recognition and in computer vision, with many industrial, medical, and chemical applications. Our method treats separately the rotation and the translation components of the Euclidean motion that we seek. The algorithm steps through a sequence of rotations, in a steepest-descent style, and uses a novel technique for scoring the match for any fixed rotation. Experimental results on various examples, involving data from industrial applications, medical imaging,and molecular biology, are presented, and show the accurate and robust performance of our algorithm.Index Terms —Geometric hashing, computer vision, pattern recognition, partial surface matching, protein matching, molecule docking.—————————— 3 ——————————1I NTRODUCTIONHE problem of finding a full or a partial match betweenthree-dimensional object s at t ract ed considerable at t en-t ion in the literature during the past decade. A main moti-vation comes from the object recognit ion problem in com-put er vision, where an object is viewed by a range sensor,and the resulting image has to be matched against a library of model object s. The image may cont ain several of t he model object s (as well as ot her object s), and t hese object s may be only part ially visible because of occlusion and be-cause the sensor usually cannot scan all sides of the objects.In addition, the image is likely to be very noisy. The goal is to find a Euclidean motion of a model object, which makes it overlap a large portion of some object in the image, lead-ing t o t he ident ificat ion of t he model object in t he viewed scene, and to finding its position and orientation there. This is acknowledged by many researchers as a major problem in object recognition (e.g., [11, p. 137]). It has important ap-plications for robot t ask planning, assembly, inspect ion,and many addit ional indust rial, milit ary, and ot her appli-cat ions. Ano t her significan t mo t iva t ion for the surface ma tching problem is docking of proteins in molecular biol-ogy, where a geometric fit between parts of the boundaries of two molecules (i.e., a partial surface matching) is sought,requiring also t hat t he molecules do not overlap near t he mat ched boundaries. Import ant applicat ions of moleculedocking are t he recognit ion and binding of recept ors and ligands (the reacting sites), and synthetic drug design. Par-tial volume matching can also aid in the detection of struc-tural mot ifs (sequences of amino acids t hat have similar spat ial st ruct ure) in prot eins, t hus adding t o t he under-st anding of their role and functionality [2]. Yet another mo-tivation is the combination of several snapshots of the same object, taken from different view points, in order to obtain a description of a bigger port ion of it s boundary. This has obvious industrial, civil, and military applications (e.g., the decoding of aerial photographs in which depth data is as-sumed to be available), and is closely related to the field of active vision , which is current ly an int ensive t opic of re-search [13]. Anot her import ant mot ivat ion is t he regist ra-t ion of medical images obtained from the same or different modalities. In many cases, more t han one imaging t ech-nique is used in clinical diagnosis, therapy planning, and in evaluation of t herapy. Int egrat ing t he complement ary in-format ion obtained from several studies of the same patient can be a valuable tool in the treatment of the patient. Note that, in most of t hese applicat ions, we are only seeking a partial match between the image and the model objects, or between two protein molecules, or between different views of the same object. Medical image matching, however, usu-ally involves a global match (registration) of a whole organ.Our work was motivated by earlier works on the partial curve matching technique, first proposed by Kalvin et al. [53]and by Schwart z and Sharir [75]. This t echnique, which uses the so-called geometric hashing method, was originally introduced for curve matching in the plane. In that problem we are given t wo curves, such t hat one is a (slight defor-mat ion of a) proper subcurve of the other, and we wish to find the translation and rotation of the subcurve that yields the best least -squares fit t o an appropriat e port ion of t he longer curve. The geomet ric hashing t echnique was ex-ended and used in computer vision for automatic identifi-T¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥• The authors are with the School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel-Aviv Uni-versity, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel. E-mail: {barequet, sharir}• G. Barequet is currently a postdoctoral fellow with the Department of Computer Science of Johns Hopkins University.• In addition, M. Sharir is with the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sci-ences, New York University, New York, NY 10012, USA.Manuscript received 25 July 1995; revised 29 May 1997. Recommended for accep-tance by R. Szeliski.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:tpami@, and reference IEEECS Log Number 105207.cation of partially obscured objects in two or three dimen-sions. See [47], [57], [61], [62], [63], [84] for various ext en-sions and applications of the technique. Our algorithm also makes int ensive use of geomet ric hashing, but in a some-what different setup.1.1Previous WorkWe first briefly review the fairly extensive literature on theproblem of surface or volume matching, studied mainly in the cont ext of comput er vision and pat ern recognit ion.Some works (e.g., [14]) depend on the ability to match sig-nificant features of the objects, like knobs and holes, whose existence is not usually guaranteed. Other methods, which do not rely on the existence of a particular type of features,are pose-clustering [78], alignment [49], and geometric hashing .A comparison bet ween t hese t echniques is found in [83].Comprehensive surveys on part ial surface mat ching t ech-niques in comput er vision are found in [11], [23]. Many ot her works have addressed t he problem, most of which have various limit at ions. They eit her rest rict t he shape of t he matched objects (e.g., require them to be polyhedra, or to have large planar portions, or study only planar objects),or assume t hat t here is no occlusion (so a full mat ching bet ween t he object s is sought ), or handle only rest rict ed mot ions, involving fewer than six degrees of freedom. The methods that do not have these restrictions have other dis-advantages. For example, some of them are sensitive to sta-tistical outliers, which have to be removed in a preprocess-ing st ep. Ot her met hods might converge t o a mot ion t hat yields only a local ext remum of t heir “scoring funct ion,”etc. We provide here, for t he convenience of t he reader, a quick review of these works.Potmesil [71], [72] describes a heuristic surface matching algorithm, which searches for t he t ransforma t ion t ha t maximizes shape similarities in the registration of two ob-jects, where the candidate transformations are evaluated at some selected points, e.g., surface control points and points of maximum curvature. Besl [9], [10] gives some metrics for measuring mat ches bet ween curves and surfaces. Fisher [36] suggests heuristics for obtaining a registration between two objects by using their two-dimensional boundaries (the so-called silhouettes ). Horn [43] and Brou [18] develop t he extended Gaussian image method, which uses a surface nor-mal hist ogram for mat ching convex (and some rest rict ed nonconvex) shapes. Fang e al. [29] and S ockman and Es eva [79] solve a const rained regist rat ion problem be-ween polyhedra, where only two-dimensional translations and rot at ions are allowed. They ext ract some edge- and point -feat ures, and accumulat e a t hree-dimensional hist o-gram of possible matches, in which clusters are assumed to indicate possible matches. Faugeras [30] and Faugeras and Heber t [31] use quaternions for conver t ing t he t hree-dimensional ro t a t ion problem in to a four-dimensional minimum eigenvalue problem, while t he t ransla tion is found by using a st andard least -squares t echnique. Horn [44] suggests instead to look for the maximum eigenvalue.(Although we do not use quat ernions, we have used a similar idea for a variant of our approach; see Sect ion 5.)Alternatively, Golub and van Loan [40] and Arun et al. [5]use singular value decomposition . The main deficiency of theirmethod is relying on t he exist ence of significant ly largeplanar regions in t he object s. Szeliski [80] uses a st andard steepest descent heuristic for generating a series of rotations of one object relat ive t o t he ot her. His goal is t o minimize t he sum of weight ed differences (along t he z -axis only)bet ween point s of t he t wo object s. Taubin [81] approxi-mat es data point sets with algebraic surfaces up to the 10th degree, wit h an applicat ion t o global posit ion est imat ion(t hat is, without occlusion). Kamgar-Parsi et al. [54] presenta “2.5-dimensional” registration method, which is act ually a mat ching problem in t wo-space. Besl and McKay [12]regist er three-dimensional shapes (of various types) by us-ing t he so-called iterative closest point algorit hm. This algo-rit hm iteratively invokes a procedure which finds the clos-est member of a point set to another given point. The algo-rithm converges very quickly t o a local minimum of a mean-square dist ance met ric, so it is applied from several st art ing rotations, hoping not to miss the global minimum.Huttenlocher et al. [48] t rack moving object s in a series of t wo-dimensional ras t er images by using the minimum Hausdorff distance under translations between two sets of points. They act ually mat ch port ions of t he t wo images.Their method assumes that the orientations of occurrences of t he same object in successive images differ by only a relat ively small amount . This work t hus considers only ranslat ions, and explicit ly assumes t hat t he rot at ion com-ponent of the rigid motion of the object is relatively small.Finally, Lavalee and Szeliski [64] solve the 2D/3D matching problem by performing a least-square minimizat ion of the “energy” needed to bring the projection lines of the camera contours t angent t o t he object. They do t hat efficient ly by using a precomputed map of signed distances which are rep-resented by an octree spline.First at t empt s t o solve t he molecule docking problem,which are based on energy minimization (refs. 1–6 of [55]),were only par t ially successful. Geome tric approaches (refs. 7–16 of [55], including [25]) were much more success-ful, but (at least the earlier ones) were not reliable enough and suffered from unaccep ably long compu a ion ime [55]. Kuntz et al. [60] transform the structures of the ligand and of t he recept or of t wo prot eins int o a graph in which t hey search for four-cliques. Each de t ec ted clique is mapped in t o a t hree-dimensional t ransforma t ion and checked for possible penet rat ion of t he ligand int o t he re-cept or, in which case it is rejected. Similarly, Kuhl et al. [59]construct a graph in which t hey search for t he maximum clique. Alt hough t his problem is NP-complet e in general,t hey claim to obtain a randomized algorithm whose practi-cal running time is O ((nm )2.8), where n and m are the num-bers of at oms in t he ligand and t he recept or, respect ively.Ot her geomet ric met hods [51], [55] perform a brut e-force search over all the discretized three-dimensional rotations,while using a secondary method for identifying the appro-priate translation. The paper [55] uses a correlation function (computed efficient ly by using t he discret e Fourier t rans-form) for determining the translation. Traditional methods for det ect ing st ruct ural mot ifs in prot eins usually employ algorit hms for st ring comparison, where t he st rings repre-sent t he primary st ruct ures (amino acid sequences) of t he prot eins. A survey of t hese met hods is found in [74]. En-BAREQUET AND SHARIR: PARTIAL SURFACE AND VOLUME MATCHING IN THREE DIMENSIONS3hanced met hods [1], [67], [73] also consider predefined mo-t ifs (such as the so-called ,-helixes and --sheets) in the sec-ondary structures of the molecules.A major contribution to these problems was achieved by application of techniques based on geometric hashing. This method facilitates the handling of a priori totally unknown three-dimensional st ruct ures. The main problem in gener-alizing this technique to partial matching between surfaces (as opposed to curves) is that, in its original application to partial curve mat ching, t he met hod depends on t he linear order of points along the given curves, which is needed for computing t he relat ive “shift” bet ween mat ching port ions of t he curves. There are significant t echnical problems in naive attempts to extend this technique to (partial) match-ing between surfaces or volumes. In applications based on geometric hashing, one proceeds by assigning footprints t o t he molecule atoms, then by matching the footprints and by voting for the relative transformation (rigid motion) of one molecule relat ive t o t he ot her, assuming t hat t he correct t ransformat ion will receive significantly more votes than all the others. For the motif detection, Nussinov and Wolfson [69] define the footprint of each atom as its coordinates in systems defined by any non-colinear t riple of at oms (t hus each at om has O(n3) foot print s, where n is t he number of at oms in the molecule). Similar ideas are presented in [33], [35]. Fischer et al. [34] take a similar approach for the mole-cule docking problem. In their method, each pair of atoms defines a basis (whose lengt h is t he dist ance bet ween t he t wo at oms), and t he foot print of every at om is defined as t he distances from the atom to the endpoints of every basis, coupled wit h t he lengt h of t he basis (t hus each at om has O(n2) footprints). In all cases, the footprints are stored in a hash table, as in any other application of geometric hashing, which allows t o ret rieve ent ries wit h some t olerance. Here t his is needed not just because of t he noisy foot print s, but also because of the conformational changes that might occur in the molecule structures during the reaction between them.Finally, we briefly describe t he t opic of medical image mat ching, which has also attracted a lot of attention in the medical lit erat ure. The problem arises when complemen-t ary informat ion about some organ is obt ained by several imaging techniques, such as CT (Computed Tomography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), and others. The goal is to mat ch (regist er) t he various models of t he same organ obt ained by these methods, in order to obtain a single im-proved and more accurat e model. Such a regist rat ion is needed because the orientations of the organ usually differ from one model o ano her. Many me hods, which are similar t o t he met hods for object recognit ion, were pro-posed for t he solut ion of t his organ regist rat ion problem. These include, among many ot hers, approximat ed least-squares fit bet ween a small number of markers [41], [42], singular value decomposition for matching point pairs [28], [45], high order polynomials for a least-squares fit [56], [76],“thin-plate spline” for regist ering int rinsic landmarks [16] or ext rinsic markers [15], paramet ric correspondence [22], [70], chamfer maps [7], [17], [26], [46], [50], partial contour matching [68], moment s and principal axes mat ching [3], [37], [38], [58], [82], and correlation functions [6], [20], [24], [52], [66]. Two comprehensive overviews of image registra-tion t echniques are given by Brown [19] and by van der Elsen et al. [27].1.2Our ApproachWe propose a new approach to the matching problem and present several of it s applicat ions in t he domains men-ioned above. Our algorithm accepts any pair of point sets in 3-space, describing eit her t he volumes or t he boundary surfaces of two objects, and attempts to find the best rota-tion and t ranslat ion of one object relat ive t o t he ot her, so t hat:1) if t he given set s represent object boundaries, t henhere should be a good geomet ric fit bet ween large port ions of these boundaries; and2) if the given sets represent object volumes, then thereshould be a large fit bet ween t he boundaries of t he object s, so that their volumes either overlap or remain disjoint near the fit.In t he first case, our algorit hm solves t he (part ial) surface mat ching problem. In the second case, it solves the (partial) volume mat ching problem, eit her wit h volume overlap or wit h volume complementarity.Here is a brief sketch of our algorithm:• First, we associat e wit h each point of t he t wo set s a footprint. This value should be invariant under rot a-t ions and translations, and should be “descriptive,” in the sense ha poin s of t he wo set s whose local neighborhoods admita good match should have similar footprints, whereas points whose local neigh-borhoods do not fit well together should have signifi-cantly differing footprints.• Next, we define a scoring function that measures the “goodness” of a specific rotation (of one set relative to the other), and is invariant of the relative translation.In an ideal set t ing, t his funct ion has a global maxi-mum at t he correct rot at ion and does not have any ot her local maxima. This enables us to advance from any rotation toward the correct rotation, by invoking the scoring funct ion it erat ively, and by deciding lo-cally in which direction to advance.• Finally, we comput e t he best t ranslat ion associat ed wit h the final rotation. The various applications of our algorithm mainly differ in the definition and compu-tation of the footprints. Needless to say, the choice of footprints is a crucial factor that influences the success of our method.Our t echnique bears some resemblance t o previous in-dexing met hods t hat are based on t he densit y of vot es in some space. The main contribution of our technique is the new observat ion t hat t he densit y of vot es in t ranslat ion space can be used for comput ing t he correct relat ive rot a-t ion of a model and an image. Other ingredients of our al-gorithm are known met hods for searching for ext remes of unknown functions, clustering, principal components analysis, and several ot her t echniques. In comparing our algorit hm t o previous works on surface mat ching, we can say t hat our algorit hm appears t o be robust even in t he presence of considerable noise in t he input dat a (or of ex-cess dat a t hat is irrelevant for t he part ial mat ch t hat we4IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 19, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 1997seek). Therefore, we do not need t o remove, in a preproc-essing step, data that represent statistical outliers. Our algo-rithm does not depend on any correspondence between the two set s of input dat a point s. It does not depend on t he exist ence of any predet ermined feat ures of t he object s. It does not rely on surface derivatives. Our algorithm is very easy to implement, and it runs in practical time with practi-cal input s, which compares favorably wit h report ed per-formance of earlier algorit hms. It produced very accurat e result s in all the cases that we tested and are reported here.However, as other indexing methods, our technique can be fooled by contrived examples (which, however, are unlikely to arise in pract ice), or when poor foot print syst ems arebeing used. The generalizat ion of our algorit hm t o higher dimensions appears t o be st raight forward. The only issue prevent ing the algorithm from being a fully automated tool for ma ching any wo poin se s is he need o assign “descriptive” footprints to all the points. This seems to re-quire cust omized t reat ment for each class of applicat ions,which may be regarded as a deficiency of our algorit hm.However, it is also an advantage of it: Whereas most of the previous regist rat ion algorit hms act ually regard t he coor-dinat es of each point as it s foot print , we achieve great er versat ilit y of t he mat ching process t hrough t he addit ional informat ion hidden in any specific system of footprints. We emphasize again t hat t he choice of foot print s does great ly influence t he success of t he subsequent mat ching proce-dure. As with other indexing methods, our algorithm may fail with a poor choice of footprints. Our experiments show that the algorithm breaks down when the number of correct votes falls below roughly one percent of the total number of votes (as did occur in t he molecular mat ching examples—see Sect ion 7). The largest percent age of correct vot es t hat occurred in our experiments was 16 percent.In the context of molecular biology, the main differences between t he applica t ion of our algori t hm to molecule docking and similar works on this problem based on geo-metric hashing are the following:1) We use all the atoms on the molecule boundaries in-stead of using only “points (at oms) of int erest.” (For example, t he t echnique of [34] uses only t he “back-bone” C-atoms of the polypeptide chain of a protein.)2) We generat e a foot print for each individual at om in each molecule, and not for pairs or t riples of at oms.Consequent ly, we have much fewer foot print s t han earlier methods do, and thus also much fewer voting entities.3) The o t her me t hods vo t e direc t ly for a ro t a t ion,whereas we vot e for an imaginary t ranslat ion at any fixed rotation. Thus, the other methods have only one voting process, whereas we generate a series of rota-tions and vote at each one of them separately.Our technique was most successful in the industrial and medical applications, where the quality of the data allowed us to generate good footprints, and was more problematic (though st ill reasonably successful) in t he molecular biol-ogy applicat ions, where t he foot print s generat ed by t he current version of our algorithm are of poorer quality, due to the nature of the input data. We feel that the difficultiesthat we faced wit h molecule docking were not due t o in-herent limit at ions of t he algorit hm, but rat her because of t he imprecision in t he definit ion and comput at ion of t he boundary at oms of t he molecules and, consequent ly, t he product ion of poorer-quality footprints for them. (Needless to say, these problems also hamper the performance of all the earlier algorithms mentioned above.)The paper is organized as follows. In Sect ion 2 we de-scribe t he rat ionale for t he algorit hm proposed in t he fol-lowing sections, by examining a two-dimensional variant of the problem. Sect ion 3 present s an overview of t he algo-rit hm. Section 4 describes in detail the various phases of the algorithm. Sect ion 5 describes an alt ernat ive st at ist ical ap-proach in three dimensions, which reduces the problem, in favorable sit uat ions, t o a t wo-dimensional problem. Sec-ion 6 analyzes t he complexit y of t he algorit hm. Sect ion 7presents the experimental results mentioned above. We end in Section 8 with some concluding remarks.2R ATIONALE : T HE T WO -D IMENSIONAL C ASEThe mot ivat ion for our algorit hm arose from our experi-ment at ion wit h mat ching synt het ic set s of point s in t wo dimensions. The input consisted of a point set A in ޒ2, and of anot her point set B , obt ained from A by rot at ing (by some angle 6) and translating. The footprints of the points were chosen in an artificial way that ensured a nearly per-fect mat ch. Consider t he point set A shown in Fig. 1. As seen in the figure, the points belong to a regular grid. Each point was assigned a unique foot print. Then, we repeat ed t he following st ep for various angles 6. The set A was ro-t at ed count er-clockwise about t he origin by 6. Denot e t his rot at ion as R 6. The new set B was defined as the collection of all t he ro t a t ed poin t s, where t he coordina tes were rounded t o t he nearest grid point. (When more t han one such rot at ed point was rounded t o t he same grid point ,only one representative point was arbitrarily selected.) Each point R 6(p ) was assigned the same footprint as p . Now we intentionally assumed t he wrong assumpt ion t hat B was obt ained from A by translating by some shift (t x , t y ) instead of by rot at ing. Under t his assumpt ion we vot ed for t he relat ive shift between A and B in the following manner. For each point p ° A we located the point q ° B with the samefootprint (if it exist ed) and vot ed for t he shift r rq p -. Had our assumpt ion been t rue, all t he vot es would have been given to the same shift (t x , t y ) (or, because of our coordinate rounding, to shifts very close to (t x , t y )). Since it was false,the votes were not given to one single cell (shift) but were spread in t he vot ing t able. Fig. 2 shows several vot ing t a-bles t hat correspond t o different values of 6. The vot ing t ables show that the scattering of the votes increases as the angle of rot at ion increases, reaching a maximum at 6 = 5.Surprisingly, the distribution of the votes in the voting table resembles a rot at ed version of t he original set A ! This is easily confirmed when we calculate the shift for which each point p = (x , y ) voted. Let S f denote the scaling of both axes by f . Then, it is easy to see that, for any point p (x , y ),BAREQUET AND SHARIR: PARTIAL SURFACE AND VOLUME MATCHING IN THREE DIMENSIONS 5r r r T S 5S S [\[\[\[\[\[\[\[\[\[\[−=−=−+−=−−+−=−−−F H G G G I K J J J =⋅−−−F H G I K J =⋅+F H G I −+F H G I K J →θθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθπθπθb gb g b g b g b gc h ¥¥FRV VLQ VLQ FRV FRV VLQ VLQ FRV VLQ VLQ FRV VLQ FRV VLQVLQ VLQ FRV FRV VLQ VLQ FRV VLQVLQ FRV VLQπθπθθπθ+F H G I ++F H G I F HG G G G G IK J J J J J=F H G I KJ +\65S b g Hence, if the rotation of B relative to A is T , then each pointp votes for the imaginary shift r rq p -, which is obtained byfirstrot at ing p around t he origin by p q 22+, and t hen by scaling it by 22sin q . This means that the voting table actu-ally shows t he shape of t he original set rot at ed by pq 22+and scaled by a factor of 22sin q .Fig. 1. Synthetic two-dimensional point set.This suggest s t he following t echnique for det ermining t he goodness of a rotation Z between A and B . We rotate A by Z and vote for the shift between R Z (A ) and B . The closer Z is to the correct rotation T , the more “compact” is the re-sulting voting table. That is, the votes should appear to be clustered around some “accumulation point .” As shown above, when t he relat ive rot at ion bet ween A and B is T ,each poin t p ° A con t ribu t es one vo t e t o the shif tSR p 2222sin q p q +F H G I KJ b g . Apart from round-off errors, t he rot at ion R pq 22+ does not influence t he densit y of t he vot ing t able.Thus, t he only fact or t hat causes t he vot es not t o be gat h-ered at a single cell of the voting table is the scaling effectedby S22sinq. Since the sine function sin q2 is continuous over thespace of orientations T ° [0, 2S ] and has a unique minimum (at 0) and a unique maximum (at S ), we expect the voting table t o be t he most sparse when our “guess” Z deviat es from the real T by S , i.e., when |T Z | = S , to be the most dense when T = Z , and to vary continuously and monotoni-cally between these two extremes. This suggests that we use a scoring function that measures the sparseness of the voting table, giving higher scores to more compact tables, and then apply a simple it erat ive binary search st ep t hat varies t he rot at ion in the direction that makes the table more compact.A plausible scoring function of this kind is SC T M i i n 021a f ==Âwhere T is t he vot ing t able, n is t he number of cells in T ,and M i is the number of votes given to the i th cell. The per-formance of this scoring function was very good in our ex-periments in two dimensions, as well as in our experiments in t hree dimensions which involved full mat ching of dat a free from noise. I failed, however, in cases of par ial ma ching, or when the data was noisy. We describe in de-tail in Sect ion 4.2 t he improved scoring funct ion t hat we act ually used in our experimentation.3O VERVIEW OF THE A LGORITHMAfter presenting the basic idea of the algorithm in an ideal and artificial two-dimensional setting, we now extend this idea and develop from it the actual algorithm that we have used. In a nutshell, the idea is to separate, as above, the ro-tation and ransla ion componen s of he desired rigid ransforma ion, to conduct a search only over the space of rotations, and t o comput e a score for each rot at ion, based on an attempt to compute the correct translation under the (usually false) assumpt ion t hat t he current rot at ion is t he correct one. We are given two sets of points (not necessarily of equal sizes) representing two respective objects in three-space, and expected to be spread more or less uniformly on the boundary of t he corresponding object s or in t he vol-umes that they occupy. In the former case we seek a partial (or full) surface mat ch bet ween t he boundaries of t he t wo object s, whereas in the latter case we seek a volume match,involving either volume overlap or volume complementar-ity. Our proposed algorithm consists of the following steps:1) Dat a acquisition:• Read all t he input point s describing t he t wo object s.Opt ionally (in difficult cases), discard point s which do not contribute to the matching (e.g., because their footprints are “insignificant”).• Compu te a footprint for each input point. Points that are expect ed t o mat ch (locally) should have similar foot print s, and point s t hat should not be mat ched (locally) should have significantly different footprints.• Prepare a generic voting list . That is, construct a list of pairs of point s, one of each object , such t hat t he dif-ference between the footprints of the points in a pair does not exceed some tolerance threshold.。
methods are inherently apt at locating boundaries.internal textures or background, and to perform edgelegs are fixed. Becausestatic measurement methods cannot accurately reflects between class variance method[12], moment preserving method [13] and entropythresholded result using the moment preservingsmethod will tend towards over-detection. On the otherFor dyadic decomposition, the subscript. The coefficient sets are generated by down sampling by a factor of two after each convolution. The denotes the detailed coefficient set with orientation determined by the direction (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) in which the high-pass filter is employed. Here, the biorthogonal spline wavelets are adopted. We magnify the detail coefficients prior to reconstruction such that promising edge contrast enhancement is achieved.The magnification factors can be either scale-irrelevancy or scale-relevancy. The enhancement region can be either local or global. Global enhancement does not only enhance the bone and soft tissue junctions but also enhance the interior texture ofSE3and SE4are structure elements shown in Fig. 5(b) and (c), denotes the erosion operation, denotes the exclusive-OR operation, and denotes the dilation operation. The estimated BJZ of Fig. 6(a) is shown in F ig. 6(b). The superimposition consequence of the original image and the demonstrated in Fig. 6(c). The result demonstrates thatw w w w the initial magnification factor corresponding to the first scale. Similarly, for the scale-increase approach, the magnification factors increase by the scale parameter factor, i.e. (w, w w, 2w, 2 w), accordingly. As for the scale-irrelevancy approach, the triple of the magnification factors (ww2, w) is (w, w, w), individually. F rom the experimental study, we conclude that the thresholding outcome of the ROI based approach is not veryplate of spaghetti' effect. This effect has beenseen as a drawback in many applications. However,the compromising result under the consideration ofTo simplify the description of the subsequentig. 7(a) is selected for an example. Fdenotes the erosion operation anddenotes the exclusive-OR operation.Step 2. Calculating the OPN(i), namelywhere represents the logical AND operation.Step 3. If the index i is equal to zero, it increasesone by and step 2 is repeated. Let OPN(i). If the OPN(i)is larger than the threshold value th, the thickening procedure is terminated. Otherwise, the index increases one and step 2 isThe estimated bone regionsmeans the OR operation.The underlying principle of step 3 is that if the EBI almost coincides with thewill increase significantly. Hence, we can determine the iteration number through measuring the OPN5. THE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSMR knee image sets. Each set comprises six knee images corresponding towhere and denote binary exclusive-OR and AND operations, respectively. The average error ratio of the patella segmentation for the patient i, i.e. EPi, can be calculated bylikewise. F ig. 9(a) shows that the average error ratios of the femur segmentation for the all gathered patients are less than one percentage. The worst case happens when significant edge occurs between bone and partial volume portion. This situation is demonstrated in Fig. 10. Although this case is seldom encountered, we still try to solve the problem in our future research. The average error ratios of the patella segmentation for the all gathered patients are shown in Fig. 9(b). We can find that the error ratio of patella is(a)(b) Error ration(%) Error ration(%)s approach. (d) The extracted boundariesby using the deformable model. (e) The extracted s approach. (d) The extracted boundariesby using the deformable model. (e) The extracted。
国际生物多样性日International Biodiversity Day (29 December)世界水日World Water Day (22 March)世界气象日World Meteorological Day(23 March)世界海洋日World Oceans Day (8 June )人与生物圈方案Man and Biosphere (MAB) Program (UNESCO)中国21世纪议程China's Agenda 21中国生物多样性保护行动计划China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan 中国跨世纪绿色工程规划China Trans-Century Green Project Plan生物多样性公约Convention on Biological Diversity防治荒漠化国际公约Convention to Combat Desertification气候变化框架公约United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)坚持环境保护基本国策adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection 污染者负担的政策"the-polluters-pay" policy强化环境管理的政策policy of tightening up environmental management环保执法检查environmental protection law enforcement inspection限期治理undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time生态示范区eco-demonstration region; environment-friendly region国家级生态示范区(珠海)Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region国家级园林城市Nationally Designated Garden City工业固体废物industrial solid wastes白色污染white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)可降解一次性塑料袋throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags放射性废料积存accumulation of radioactive waste有机污染物organic pollutants三废综合利用multipurpose use of three types of wastes(waste water, waste gas, solid waste)城市垃圾无害化处理率decontamination rate of urban refuse垃圾填埋场refuse landfill垃圾焚化厂refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林protect forests from overexploitation森林砍伐率deforestation rate水土流失water and soil erosion土壤盐碱化soil alkalization生态农业environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture水资源保护区water resource conservation zone海水淡化sea water desalinization造林工程afforestation project绿化面积afforested areas; greening space森林覆盖率forest coverage防风林wind breaks防沙林sand breaks速生林fast-growing trees降低资源消耗率slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源develop renewable resources环保产品environment-friendly products自然保护区nature reserve野生动植物wild fauna and flora保护生存环境conserve natural habitats濒危野生动物endangered wildlife珍稀濒危物种繁育基地rare and endangered species breeding center美化环境landscaping design for environmental purposes环境恶化environmental degradation温饱型农业subsistence agriculture空气污染浓度air pollution concentration酸雨、越境空气污染acid rain and trans-boundary air pollution工业粉尘排放industrial dust discharge烟尘排放soot emissions矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气)fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas清洁能源clean energy汽车尾气排放motor vehicle exhaust尾气净化器exhaust purifier无铅汽油lead-free gasoline天然气汽车gas-fueled vehicles电动汽车cell-driven vehicles; battery cars小排量汽车small-displacement (engine) vehicles温室效应greenhouse effect工业废水处理率treatment rate of industrial effluents城市污水处理率treatment rate of domestic sewage集中处理厂centralized treatment plant21世纪议程Agenda 21 (the international plan of action adopted by governments in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro Brazil(巴西里约), - provides the global consensus on the road map towards sustainable development)世界环境日World Environment Day (June 5th each year)世界环境日主题World Environment Day Themes环境千年-行动起来吧!(2000)The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!拯救地球就是拯救未来!(1999)Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!为了地球上的生命-拯救我们的海洋!(1998)For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas! 为了地球上的生命(1997)For Life on Earth我们的地球、居住地、家园(1996)Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home国际生物多样性日International Biodiversity Day (29 December)世界水日World Water Day (22 March)世界气象日World Meteorological Day(23 March)世界海洋日World Oceans Day (8 June )联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会)United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)环发大会首脑会议Summit Session of UNCED联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment Programs (UNEP)2000年全球环境展望报告GEO-2000; Global Environmental Outlook 2000入选“全球500佳奖” be elected to the rank of Global 500 Roll of Honor联合国人类居住中心UN Center for Human Settlements (UNCHS)改善人类居住环境最佳范例奖Best Practices in Human Settlements Improvement 人与生物圈方案Man and Biosphere (MAB) Program (UNESCO)中国21世纪议程China’s Agenda 21中国生物多样性保护行动计划China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan中国跨世纪绿色工程规划China Trans-Century Green Project Plan国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)中国环保基本方针China’s guiding principles for environmental protection坚持环境保护基本国策adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection 推行可持续发展战略pursue the strategy of sustainable development贯彻经济建设、城乡建设、环境建设同步规划、同步实施、同步发展(三同步)的方针carry out a strategy of synchronized planning, implementation and development in terms of economic and urban and rural development and environmental protection (the “three synchronizes” principle)促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一bring about harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and environmental protection中国环保基本政策the basic policies of China’s environmental protection预防为主、防治结合的政策policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control污染者负担的政策“the-polluters-pay” policy强化环境管理的政策policy of tightening up environmental management一控双达标政策policy of “One Order, Two Goals”:“一控”:12种工业污染物的排放量控制在国家规定的排放总量The total discharge of 12 industrial pollutants in China by the end of 2000 shall not exceed the total amount mandated by the central government.;“双达标”:1. 到2000年底,全国所有的工业污染源要达到国家或地方规定的污染物排放标准The discharge of industrial pollutants should meet both national and local standards by the endof 2000. 2. 到2000年底,47个重点城市的空气和地面水达到国家规定的环境质量标准2. Air and surface water quality in all urban districts in 47 major cities should meet related national standards by the end of 2000.对新项目实行环境影响评估conduct environmental impact assessments (EIA) on start-up projects提高全民环保意识raise environmental awareness amongst the general public查处违反环保法规案件investigate and punish acts of violating laws and regulations on environmental protection环保执法检查environmental protection law enforcement inspection限期治理undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time中国已加入的国际公约international conventions into which China has accessed控制危险废物越境转移及其处置的巴塞尔公约Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer生物多样性公约Convention on Biological Diversity防治荒漠化国际公约Convention to Combat Desertification气候变化框架公约United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change生态示范区eco-demonstration region; environment-friendly region国家级生态示范区(珠海)Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region国家级园林城市Nationally Designated Garden City对水质和空气质量的影响impact on the quality of the water and the air治理环境污染curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control海藻mostly in polluted waters)工业固体废物industrial solid wastes白色污染white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)可降解一次性塑料袋throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags放射性废料积存accumulation of radioactive waste有机污染物organic pollutants氰化物、砷、汞排放cyanide, arsenic, mercury discharged铅、镉、六价铬lead, cadmium, sexivalent chromium城市垃圾无害化处理率decontamination rate of urban refuse垃圾填埋场refuse landfill垃圾焚化厂refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林protect forests from overexploitation森林砍伐率rate of deforestation水土流失water and soil erosion土壤盐碱化soil alkalization农药残留pesticide residue水土保持conservation of water and soil生态农业environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture水资源保护区water resource conservation zone海水淡化sea water desalinization保护珊瑚礁、红树林和渔业资源protect coral reefs, mangrove and fishing resource 绿化祖国turn the country green全民义务植树日National Tree-Planting Day造林工程afforestation project绿化面积afforested areas; greening space森林覆盖率forest coverage防风林wind breaks (防沙林sand breaks)速生林fast-growing trees降低资源消耗率slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源develop renewable resources环保产品environment-friendly products自然保护区nature reserve野生动植物wild fauna and flora保护生存环境conserve natural habitats濒危野生动物endangered wildlife珍稀濒危物种繁育基地rare and endangered species breeding center自然生态系统natural ecosystems防止沙漠化(治沙、抗沙)desertification环境负荷carrying capacity of environment三废综合利用multipurpose use of three types of wastes先天与后天,遗传与环境nature-nurture美化环境landscaping design for environmental purposes防止沿海地带不可逆转恶化protect coastal zones from irreversible degradation 环境恶化environmental degradation城市化失控uncontrolled urbanization温饱型农业subsistence agriculture贫困的恶性循环vicious cycle of poverty大气监测系统atmospheric monitoring system空气污染浓度air pollution concentration酸雨、越境空气污染acid rain and trans-boundary air pollution二氧化硫排放sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions悬浮颗粒物suspended particles工业粉尘排放industrial dust discharged烟尘排放soot emissions二氧化氮nitrate dioxide (NO2)矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气)fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas清洁能源clean energy汽车尾气排放motor vehicle exhaust尾气净化器exhaust purifier无铅汽油lead-free gasoline天然气汽车gas-fueled vehicles电动汽车cell-driven vehicles; battery cars氯氟烃CFCs温室效应greenhouse effect厄尔尼诺南徊ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation)噪音noise (分贝db; decibel)化学需氧量(衡量水污染程度的一个指标)COD;chemical oxygen demand 生物需氧量BOD; biological oxygen demand工业废水处理率treatment rate of industrial effluents城市污水处理率treatment rate of domestic sewage集中处理厂centralized treatment plant红潮red tide (rapid propagation of sea alg。
boundaryscan应用实例 -回复
boundaryscan应用实例-回复什么是boundary scan技术?Boundary scan技术,又称JTAG(Joint Test Action Group)技术,是一种用于芯片级电路板测试和诊断的技术。
它使用了IEEE标准1149.1定义的边界扫描链(Boundary Scan Chain),通过在电路板上的闩锁功能来实现对芯片上的引脚的测试和调试。
Boundary scan技术的原理和功能如何工作?Boundary scan技术的原理基于一种边界扫描链结构(Boundary Scan Chain),该链将所有芯片引脚连接起来形成一个环。
Boundary scan技术的功能主要有以下几个方面:1. 电路连通性测试:通过boundary scan技术,可以检测和诊断电路板上信号线的连通性是否良好,以及是否存在断路和短路。
2. 引脚功能测试:通过boundary scan技术,可以实时测试和诊断芯片引脚的功能是否正常。
3. 元件配置和诊断:通过boundary scan技术,可以识别和配置电路板上的各种元件,例如存储器、逻辑门等。
4. 容错性检查:通过boundary scan技术,可以检查电路板上的信号线是否遵循电气特性,例如正确的电阻和电容值。
Boundary scan技术的应用实例1. 电子设备制造:Boundary scan技术可以在生产线上用于测试和验证电子设备的电路板,以确保其质量和可靠性。
2. 电路板维修:当电子设备发生故障时,boundary scan技术可以用于定位和修复故障点。
ReferencesUnit 1 An Introduction to Business LogisticsPart II. Exercises for Dialogue 1Answer the following questions according to the dialogue.1.Logistics means to supply the right product at the right time in theright quantity in the right condition at the right place for the right customer at the right price.2.It includes the procurement, maintainance, distribution andreplacement of personnel and material.3.These two concepts are the same meanings. Logistics is generalmeaning and includes military definition and business definition.Business logistics stresses special term on a trade or business. Exercises for Dialogue 21.(Opening)2.(Opening)Part III. Practical ReadingsExercises for Text 1I. Answer the following questions:1. Business logistics means to be defined as a business-planning framework for the management of material, service, information and capital flows.2. Business logistics involves the following activities: demand forecasting,procurement, materials handling, packaging, warehouse and inventory management, ordering processing, logistics communications, transport, customer service and so on.3. The role of logistics is to maintain the balance between the minute details and the main elements involved in a product.II.1.商务物流管理有不同版本的不同定义 2 必要资源的利用3. 逆向货物的搬运4. 人员和材料的补充5. 复杂信息6. 现代的商业环境7. 需求预测8. 设施场地选择9. 公司最重要的财富10. 公司战略抉择走势评定III. definitions—heart---output---service---strategyIV. 1. 这一非常宽广的物流观点把单一的供应链与贸易公司的方方面面整合在一起。
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Wang Xiangrong: A Pioneering and Influential Landscape Architect文_玛莎·舒瓦茨(Martha Schwartz) 哈佛大学终身教授,美国注册景观设计师,英国皇家建筑协会会员译_周梁俊 致舍景观创始人王向荣:一位极具开创性和影响力的风景园林师世界上能很好设计花园的风景园林师不多,因为设计大公园和小花园总是需要有在不同尺度上转换的能力,这需要花费大量时间和具有强烈的空间感。
他的作品蕴含着非常深刻的个人追求 ——一种来自他内心的力量。
----------Induction Currents from CircularCoilsIntroductionA time-varying current induces a varying magnetic field. This field induces currents in neighboring conductors. The induced currents are called eddy currents. The following model illustrates this phenomenon by a time-harmonic field simulation as well as a transient analysis, which provides a study of the eddy currents resulting from switching on the source.Two current-carrying coils are placed above a copper plate. They are surrounded by air, and there is a small air gap between the coils and the metal plate. A potential difference provides the external source. To obtain the total current density in the coils you must take the induced currents into account. The time-harmonic case shows the skin effect, that is, that the current density is high close to the surface and decreases rapidly inside the conductor.Model DefinitionE Q U A T I O NTo solve the problem, use a quasi-static equation for the magnetic potential A :σ-∂--A ---- + ∇ × (μ–1μ–1∇ × A ) = σV coi -l∂t0 r 2πrcoilHere μ0 is the permeability of vacuum, μr the relative permeability, σ the electric conductivity, and V coil the voltage over one turn in the coil. In the time-harmonic case the equation reduces to–1 –1V= ----------- j ωσA + ∇ × (μ0 μr ∇ × A ) σ 2πrF O R C E SThe total electromagnetic force acting on region of space Ω can beobtained by integrating Maxwe ll’s stress tensor on the delimiting boundary ∂Ω:F =T n dS∂ΩThe Force Calculation feature automatically performs the integral along the boundaries of the desired region, considering also the axisymmetric geometry of the problem. The computed force will be available in results processing as a global variable.Results andDiscussionIn the time-harmonic regime, the varying magnetic field induces electrical currents in the metallic plate. The currents, in turn, act as sources of an opposing magnetic field “shiel d ing” the plate from the magnetic field. As a result of this phenomenon, the region in which electrical currents are generated is confined in proximity of the surface and reduces in size with increasing frequency. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the induced current density at 10 Hz and 300 Hz, respectively.In this model, a time-domain study is performed to investigate the step response of the system. Figure 3 displays a snapshot of the induced current density and magnetic flux density for the transient solution in a combined surface and arrow plot.Finally, Figure 4 shows the total axial force between the coils and the plate as a function of time computed by the Force Calculation feature. For the chosen current direction, the force is repulsive(negative).Figure 1: The ϕcomponent of the induced current density for the time-harmonic solution plotted together with a contour plot of the magnetic vector potential at a frequency of10 Hz.Figure 2: Plot of the same quantities at a frequency of 300 Hz.Figure 3: Snapshot of the induced current density (surface plot) and the magnetic flux density (arrow plot) during the transient study.Model Library path:ACDC_Module/Inductive_Devices_and_Coils/coil_above_plateModeling Instructions—Frequency DomainFrom the File menu, choose New.N E W1 In the New window, click the Model Wizard button.M O D E L W I Z A R D1In the Model Wizard window, click the 2D Axisymmetric button. 2In the Select physics tree, select AC/DC>Magnetic Fields (mf). 3Click the Add button.4Click the Study button.5In the tree, select Preset Studies>Frequency Domain.6Click the Done button.G E O M E T R Y 1Square 11In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 right-click Geometry 1 and choose Square.2In the Square settings window, locate the Size section.3In the Side length edit field, type .4Locate the Position section. In the z edit field, type .Rectangle 11In the Model Builder window, right-click Geometry 1 and choose Rectangle.2In the Rectangle settings window, locate the Size section.3In the Width edit field, type .4In the Height edit field, type .5Locate the Position section. In the z edit field, type .Circle 11Right-click Geometry 1 and choose Circle.2In the Circle settings window, locate the Size and Shape section.3In the Radius edit field, type .4Locate the Position section. In the r edit field, type .5In the z edit field, type .Circle 21Right-click Geometry 1 and choose Circle.2In the Circle settings window, locate the Size and Shape section.3In the Radius edit field, type .4Locate the Position section. In the r edit field, type .5In the z edit field, type .6Click the Build All Objectsbutton.The geometry is nowcomplete.Next, add the materials relevant to the model.M A T E R I A L SOn the Home toolbar, click Add Material.A D D M A T E R I A L1Go to the Add Material window.2In the tree, select Built-In>Air.3In the Add Material window, click Add to Component. M A T E R I A L SA D D M A T E R I A L1Go to the Add Material window.2In the tree, select Built-In>Copper.3In the Add Material window, click Add to Component. 4Close the Add Material window.M A T E R I A L SCopper1In the Model Builder window, under Component 1>Materials click Copper.2Select Domains 2–4 only.M A G N E T I C F I E L D SSingle-Turn Coil 11On the Physics toolbar, click Domains and choose Single-Turn Coil.2Select Domains 3 and 4 only.3In the Single-Turn Coil settings window, locate the Single-Turn Coil section. 4From the Coil excitation list, choose Voltage.5In the V coil edit field, type [mV].With this setting, the Single-Turn Coil feature applies a loopvoltage of mV to each of the coil loops.Now, add a Force Calculation feature that computes the total force acting on the plate.Force Calculation 11On the Physics toolbar, click Domains and choose Force Calculation.2Select Domain 2 only.3In the Force Calculation settings window, locate the Force Calculation section. 4In the Force name edit field, type plate.S T U D Y 1Step 1: Frequency Domain1In the Model Builder window, under Study 1 click Step 1: Frequency Domain.2In the Frequency Domain settings window, locate the Study Settings section.3In the Frequencies edit field, type10[Hz],100[Hz],300[Hz].Disable the automatic plotgeneration.4In the Model Builder window, click Study 1.5In the Study settings window, locate the Study Settings section.6Clear the Generate default plots check box.7On the Study toolbar, click Compute.When the solution process is completed, create plot groups to visualize the results.R E S U L T S2D Plot Group 11On the Results toolbar, click 2D Plot Group.2On the 2D Plot Group 1 toolbar, click Surface.3In the Surface settings window, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of the Expression section. From the menu, choose Magnetic Fields>Currents and charge>Induced current density>Induced current density, phi component .Add a contour plot to show the field lines of the magnetic flux density. In axial symmetry, those lines can be obtained by plotting the isolines of the magnetic vector potential multiplied by the radial coordinate, r.4On the 2D Plot Group 1 toolbar, click Contour.5In the Contour settings window, locate the Expression section.6In the Expression edit field, type Aphi*r.7In the Model Builder window, click 2D Plot Group 1.8In the 2D Plot Group settings window, locate the Data section.9From the Parameter value (freq) list, choose 10.10On the 2D Plot Group 1 toolbar, click Plot.The plot shows the induced current density in the plate. Plottingthe other solutions shows how the region in which the currents are induced decreases with increasing frequency.11From the Parameter value (freq) list, choose 100, then click Plot.12From the Parameter value (freq) list, choose 300, then click Plot. Transient AnalysisTo set up a time-dependent study to investigate the step response of the system requires only a few additional steps. The Initial Values feature automatically included in the Magnetic Fields interface specifies the initial value for the magnetic vector potential, defaulted to zero. At the beginning of the transient simulation (t = 0), amV voltage is applied to the coil. This corresponds to excitingfrom an unexcited state the system with a step function.1 On the Study toolbar, click Add Study.A D D S T U D Y1Go to the Add Study window.2Find the Studies subsection. In the tree, select Preset Studies>Time Dependent. 3In the Add study window, click Add Study.4Close the Add Study window.S T U D Y 2Step 1: Time Dependent1In the Model Builder window, under Study 2 click Step 1: Time Dependent.2In the Time Dependent settings window, locate the Study Settings section.3In the Times edit field, type 0,10^(range(-4,1/3,-1)).4Select the Relative tolerance check box.5In the associated edit field, type .6In the Model Builder window, click Study 2.7In the Study settings window, locate the Study Settings section.8Clear the Generate default plots check box.9On the Study toolbar, click Compute.R E S U L T S2D Plot Group 21On the Results toolbar, click 2D Plot Group.2In the 2D Plot Group settings window, locate the Data section.3From the Data set list, choose Solution 2.4From the Time (s) list, choose .5On the 2D Plot Group 2 toolbar, click Surface.6In the Surface settings window, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of the Expression section. From the menu, choose MagneticFields>Currents and charge>Induced current density>Induced current density,phi component .7In the Model Builder window, right-click 2D Plot Group 2 and choose Arrow Surface. 8In the Arrow Surface settings window, locate the Arrow Positioning section.9Find the r grid points subsection. In the Points edit field, type 50.10Find the z grid points subsection. In the Points edit field, type 50.11Locate the Coloring and Style section. From the Color list, choose White.12On the 2D Plot Group 2 toolbar, click Plot.The Force Calculation feature automatically computed the totalforce acting on the plate and created a global variable that canbe plotted as a function of time.1D Plot Group 31On the Results toolbar, click 1D Plot Group.2In the 1D Plot Group settings window, locate the Data section.3From the Data set list, choose Solution 2.4Click to expand the Legend section. From the Position list, choose Lower right.5On the 1D Plot Group 3 toolbar, click Global.6In the Global settings window, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of the y-axis data section. From the menu, chooseMagnetic Fields>Mechanical>Electromagnetic force>Electromagnetic force, zcomponent.7On the 1D Plot Group 3 toolbar, click Plot.The plot shows that a repulsive force acts on the plate during the transient.The following instructions explain how to use a Revolved data set toData Sets1On the Results toolbar, click More Data Sets and choose Solution.2In the Model Builder window, under Results>Data Sets right-click Solution 3 and choose Add Selection.3In the Selection settings window, locate the Geometric Entity Selection section. 4From the Geometric entity level list, choose Domain.5Select Domains 2–4 only.6On the Results toolbar, click More Data Sets and choose Revolution 2D.7In the Revolution 2D settings window, locate the Data section.8From the Data set list, choose Solution 3.9Click to expand the Revolution layers section. Locate the Revolution Layers section. In the Start angle edit field, type -90.10In the Revolution angle edit field, type 255.3D Plot Group 41On the Results toolbar, click 3D Plot Group.2On the 3D Plot Group 4 toolbar, click Surface.3In the Surface settings window, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of the Expression section. From the menu, choose MagneticFields>Currents and charge>Induced current density>Induced current density,phi component .4In the Model Builder window, click 3D Plot Group 4.5In the 3D Plot Group settings window, locate the Data section.6From the Parameter value (freq) list, choose 10.7On the 1D Plot Group 4 toolbar, click Plot.8Click the Zoom In button on the Graphics toolbar.。
Computational-Fluid-Dynamics (1)
Computational Fluid Dynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical methods and algorithms to solve and analyze problems involving fluid flow. It has become an essential tool in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, and environmental engineering. CFD allows engineers to simulate and predict the behavior of fluids in complex systems, which can help optimize designs, improve performance, and reduce costs. One of the key advantages of CFD is its ability to provide detailed insights into fluid flow phenomena that are difficult or impossible to observe experimentally. By dividing the fluid domain into small computational cells and solving the governing equations of fluid motion, CFD can generate visual representations of flow patterns, pressure distributions, andother important parameters. This information is crucial for understanding howfluids interact with solid structures and how changes in design or operating conditions can affect performance. In the aerospace industry, CFD plays acritical role in the design and analysis of aircraft and spacecraft. Engineers use CFD simulations to study the aerodynamics of wings, fuselages, and other components, helping to optimize lift, drag, and stability. By simulating different flight conditions, such as takeoff, landing, and cruising, engineers can evaluate the performance of new designs and identify areas for improvement. CFD also allows for the prediction of flow-induced vibrations and noise, which are important considerations for aircraft safety and comfort. In the automotive industry, CFDis used to optimize the aerodynamics of vehicles, reducing drag and improving fuel efficiency. By simulating airflow around cars, trucks, and buses, engineers can identify areas of high pressure and turbulence that increase drag and reduce performance. CFD can also be used to study the cooling of engines and brakes, ensuring that components operate within safe temperature limits. Additionally, CFD simulations can help automotive manufacturers comply with environmentalregulations by predicting the dispersion of pollutants from vehicle emissions. In environmental engineering, CFD is used to model the dispersion of pollutants inthe atmosphere, water bodies, and soil. By simulating the transport and transformation of contaminants, engineers can assess the impact of industrial emissions, agricultural runoff, and other sources of pollution on air and waterquality. CFD can also be used to design and optimize pollution control measures, such as scrubbers, filters, and barriers, to minimize the release of harmful substances into the environment. By integrating CFD with other tools, such as geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing, engineers can develop comprehensive solutions for environmental management and protection. Despite its numerous benefits, CFD has some limitations and challenges that engineers must address. One of the main challenges is the accuracy and reliability of CFD simulations, which depend on the quality of the numerical methods, grid resolution, and turbulence models used. Errors in modeling assumptions and boundary conditions can lead to inaccurate results, requiring validation against experimental data or empirical correlations. Another challenge is the computational cost of CFD simulations, which can be significant for large and complex systems. Engineers must carefully balance the trade-off between simulation accuracy and computational efficiency to obtain meaningful results within a reasonable timeframe. In conclusion, Computational Fluid Dynamics is a powerful tool that hasrevolutionized the way engineers analyze and optimize fluid flow systems. By leveraging advanced numerical techniques and high-performance computing, CFD enables engineers to simulate complex phenomena with unprecedented detail and accuracy. From aerospace to automotive to environmental engineering, CFD has applications in a wide range of industries, helping to improve design efficiency, performance, and sustainability. While challenges remain in terms of accuracy, reliability, and computational cost, ongoing research and development efforts continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with CFD, driving innovation and progress in the field of fluid mechanics.。
Development of Analytical Equations to Calculate the Cogging Torquein Transverse Flux MachinesM. V. Ferreira da Luz (1), P. Dular (2), N. Sadowski (1), R. Carlson (1) and J. P. A. Bastos (1)(1) GRUCAD, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil.(2) Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, F.N.R.S., ULG, Belgium.Po. Box 476, 88040-900, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.E-mail of Corresponding Author: mauricio@grucad.ufsc.brAbstract - Cogging torque is produced in a permanent magnetmachine by magnetic attraction between the rotor permanentmagnets and the stator teeth. It is an undesirable effect thatcontributes to torque ripple, vibration and noise of the machine. In this paper, the resultant cogging torque values are computed using a three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis. For this, the rotor movement is modeled by means of the moving bandtechnique in which a dynamic allocation of periodic or anti-periodic boundary conditions is performed. The 3D finite element method is the most accurate tool to carry out cogging torque. However, it does not easily allow a parametric study. For this reason, an analytical model was developed in order to predict the cogging torque. The tools are intended to be used for the study of transverse flux machines.I.I NTRODUCTIONAlthough permanent magnet (PM) machines are high performance devices, there are torque variations that affect their output performance. These variations during one revolution arise from factors as: commutation of the phase currents; ripple in the current waveform caused by chopping; variations in the reluctance of the magnetic circuit due to slotting as the rotor rotates. This last effect is called cogging [1]. Cogging torque arises from the interaction between permanent magnets and slotted iron structure and occurs in almost all types of PM motors. It manifests itself by the tendency of a rotor to align in a number of stable positions even when the machine is unexcited, and results in a pulsating torque, which does not contribute to the net effective torque. Therefore, one major task in developing PM machines is to minimize the cogging torque. Several methods are known. Some researchers minimize the cogging torque by skewing, an asymmetric distribution of the magnets or pole shifting [2]. Others works consider the relative air-gap permeance by modeling the shape of slots, the tooth width, or using teeth pairing, extra slots or notches in the teeth [3]. Others works control the function of the magnetization manipulating the shape of the magnets, the magnetization of the magnets themselves, the pole arc to pole pitch ratio, and the shape of the iron core [4].To verify the effects of machine geometry on the cogging torque is important to determinate its waveform. The electromagnetic torque can be calculated analytically or numerically in a variety of ways, such as Maxwell Stress and co-energy methods. However, they require very accurate global and local field solutions, particularly for the determination of cogging torque. In other words, a high level of mesh discretisation is required in a finite element method (FEM) calculation, whilst a reliable physical model is essential to an analytical prediction. A lot of work has been done on prediction of cogging torque in PM motors. They are divided into three groups. The first group uses analytical approaches [4, 5]. The second group uses the bi-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) FEM simulation [6] and the third one uses a combined numerical and analytical method [7].In the last years we have developed a set of numerical tools for efficiently studying PM machines with FEM. A 3D magnetodynamic formulation, using the magnetic vector potential as the main unknown, discretized with edge finite elements, has been developed with adapted techniques for considering stranded conductors, periodicity and anti-peridodicity boundary conditions, moving band connection conditions and moving parts. The rotor displacement is modeled by means of a layer of finite elements placed in the air gap [8]. This method, named Moving Band Method, uses an automatic relocation of periodicity or anti-periodicity boundary conditions allowing the simulation of any displacement between stationary and moving parts of an electrical machine. The 3D FEM is the most accurate tool to carrying out cogging torque. However, it does not easily allow a parametric study. Moreover, the 3D simulation demands a high computation time. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to develop an analytical model and to compare it with 3D FEM for a transverse flux machine. This comparison allows finding an analytical model fast and precise to study the cogging torque behavior in order to satisfy some industrial design constraints for machines.The contribution of this paper could be divided in two aspects: the first one is the cogging torque calculation using the Moving Band Method for a 3D problem considering two moving bands in the same motor. The second aspect is the development of the analytical model to the transverse flux permanent magnet (TFPM) machine.TFPM machines have been found to be highly viable candidates in electric and hybrid propulsion applications [6]. Of particular interest are the double-sided topologies where high energy permanent magnets are mounted in the rotor rims in a flux concentration arrangement, yielding high air gap flux densities. The topology of such a machine requires 3D finiteelement analyses to accurately predict the machine parameters [6]. II. M AGNETODYNAMIC F ORMULATIONA bounded domain Ω of the two or three-dimensionalEuclidean space is considered. Its boundary is denoted Γ. Theequations characterising the magnetodynamic problem in Ω are[9]:j h = curl , b e t curl ∂−=, 0 div =b , (1a-b-c) r b h b +μ=, e j σ=, (2a-b)where h is the magnetic field, b is the magnetic flux density, b r is the permanent magnet remanent flux density, e is the electric field, j is the electric current density, including source currents j s in Ωs and eddy currents in Ωc (both Ωs and Ωc are included in Ω), μ is the magnetic permeability and σ is the electric conductivity.The boundary conditions are defined on complementary parts Γh and Γe , which can be non-connected, of Γ,0h =×Γh n , 0 . e =Γb n , 0e=×Γe n , (3a-b-c) where n is the unit normal vector exterior to Ω. Furthermore, global conditions on voltages or currents in inductors can be considered [8]. The a -formulation, with a magnetic vector potential a and an electric scalar potential v, is obtained from the weak form of the Ampère equation (1a) and (2a-b) [9], i.e.,0)' ,()' ,grad v ( )' , ( ',)' curl , ()' curl , url c (s h s c c t s r =−σ+∂σ+>×<+ν−νΩΩΩΓΩΩa j a a a a h n a b a a),(F 'a Ω∈∀awhere s h n × is a constraint on the magnetic field associated with boundary Γh of the domain Ω and μ=ν/1 is themagnetic reluctivity.F a (Ω) denotes the function space defined on Ω which contains the basis and test functions for both vector potentials a and a'. (. , .)Ω and <. , .>Γ denote a volume integral in Ω and a surface integral on Γ of products of scalar or vector fields.Using edge finite elements for a , a gauge condition associated with a tree of edges is generally applied.III. P ERIODICITY C ONDITIONS AND M OVING B AND M ETHOD Another important point is the simulation of the rotor movement. The applied technique permits the use of only one mesh for the calculation.Generally, to model electrical machines not presenting fractional windings, the calculation domain can be reduced to one or two poles using anti-periodic or periodic boundary conditions [9]. The discretisation of these boundaries is performed in a similar way, linking all their geometricalentities (nodes, edges and facets) by pairs. These boundaries are denoted ΓA and ΓB , respectively the reference boundary(which contains all the degrees of freedom) and its associatedboundary [8].For the a -formulation, periodicity conditions are split up into a strong relation on the normal component of b and a weakrelation on the tangential component of the magnetic field h .When edge finite elements are used for a , the strongperiodicity (anti-periodicity, with the other sign) relation for apair of equally oriented edges on ΓA and ΓB is a B = ± a A , (5) where a A and a B are the circulations of a along the considered edges on ΓA and ΓB . In 3D, periodicity conditions have to be consistent with gauge conditions (when used) associated with trees of edges [8].The periodicity boundary conditions can be directly applied to the moving band [8] connection (Fig. 1). The connection between the moving and the stationary regions (both being separately meshed), through the moving band, is similar to a periodicity connection (direct identification of the degrees offreedom; Fig. 1, boundaries b-b'). When (anti-) periodicity conditions are considered on both sides of the band (Fig. 1,boundaries a-a'), a complementary part of this band has to be connected through the same conditions to the moving region (Fig. 1, boundaries c-c') [8].Such connection conditions have to be updated for each position during the movement. When the calculation domain angle is exceeded, the moving part must be relocated in front of the stationary part, while inverting the connection conditions (i.e., inverting the rotor field sources) if anti-periodicity conditions are used.The movement is considered using the Lagrangian approach, i.e. with a moving coordinate system [10]. This approach is easily and implicitly considered with the a -formulation because no deformation is done in the domains involving the time derivative, i.e., in the conducting regions.IV. N UMERICAL P REDICTION OF C OGGING T ORQUE The cogging torque is computed at each angular position by means of 3D FEM analysis, integrating the Maxwell stress tensor on a surface containing the rotor, with null stator currents.To the aim of reducing the numerical errors, the cogging torque should be computed as the mean value of the Maxwellstress tensor on the whole airgap volume V g [9], i.e.∫∫∫∧=gV cogging dv )d (T F r , (6)where F is the Maxwell stress and the r is the dummy radius.V. A NALYTICAL P REDICTION OF C OGGING T ORQUE The cogging torque experienced by all estator teeth has the same shape, but are offset from each other in phase by the angular slot pitch [11]. The cogging torque experienced by the k th stator tooth can be written as the Fourier series()∑∞=ϕ+−+=θ1n n s n o ck )θn(θ2 cos T 2 T )(T , (7)where θ is the mechanical angular position of the rotor and ϕn is the phase angle of the k th harmonic component. T n are the Fourier series coefficients and they are determined by the magnetic field distribution around each tooth, the air gap length, and the size of the slot opening between teeth [11]. The method is based on the derivation of the flux density distributions in airgaps as a function of the machine design parameters. θs is the angular slot pitch calculated by sms N N π=θ, (8) where N m is the number of stator slots and N s is the number of magnet poles.Since the cogging torque of each tooth adds to create the net cogging torque of the motor, the motor cogging torque can be written as ∑−==θ1N 0k ck 2n cogging s )(θT S )(T , (9)where S 2n is the skew factor, which is given by ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛απαπ=s sk m sk m sn 2N N n sin N n N S , (10) where αsk is the slot pitches.In the analytical approach the assumptions used supposed that the end effects and the iron saturation are negligible.VI. R ESULTSThe analyzed TFPM machine as shown in Fig. 2 has 90 poles, a rated power of 10 kW, a rated voltage 220 V, and a rated speed of 200 rpm. This motor was manufactured by WEG Industries - Brazil. Fig. 3 shows a CAD model of the TFPM machine. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show the assembly details of the inner and outer stator for one phase of the TFPM machine. In this doubled-sided construction, the rotor is arranged between an inner and an outer stator.Figure 2. The TFPM machine manufactured by WEG Industries - Brazil.Figure 3. A CAD model of the TFPM machine.Figure 4. Assembly details of the inner and outer stator - one phase of theTFPM machine.Fig. 6 shows the ring-shaped windings of the TFPM machine.The Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets in the rotor are magnetized with an alternating polarity in circumferential direction. Therefore, the flux concentrating elements in the rotor increase the magnetic flux density in the airgaps beyond the remanent flux density of the Nd-Fe-B magnets. Fig. 7 shows the magnetic flux distribution due to the Nd-Fe-B magnets to the one-phase of TFPM machine.Figure 5. Assembly details of the inner stator - one phase of the TFPMmachine.Figure 6. Ring-shaped windings of the TFPM machine.Figure 7. Magnetic flux distribution to the one phase of the TFPM machine. The typical feature of TFPM machine is the magnetic flux path which has sections where the flux is transverse to the rotation plane and the ring-shaped winding in the stator in which the direction of the current corresponds to the movement direction of the rotor. This design leads to a structure in which the design of the magnetic circuit becomes almost independent from the design of the electrical circuit. Hence, there is the possibility to achieve higher torque values by increasing the number of pole pairs without affecting the electrical circuit parameters [12]. Also the absence of end-turns in stator winding which results in reduced copper losses is one of the major advantages of this machine structure.Considering the electromagnetic symmetries and using periodic boundary conditions, the smaller domain of study consists of an 8-degree sector of the whole structure. The 3D mesh without the air elements is shown in Fig. 8. In this figure we can see the stator, the coils, the rotor with the permanent magnets and the two moving bands (one inner and another external to the rotor). Each air gap was divided in three equal layers, being the moving band located in the central layer. Hexahedra in the moving band and prisms elsewhere have been used. The mesh of the structure has 40 divisions along the moving band.Figure 8. The studied domain and 3D mesh for TFPM machine. Results are presented for a speed of 200 rpm and when the machine operates at no-load condition, i.e. only the permanent magnet excitation is considered. Fig. 9 shows the cogging torque produced by both outer and inner parts of one phase.Figure 9. The cogging torque (normalized) produced by both outer and inner parts of one phase versus angle for TFPM machine.VII.C ONCLUSIONSIn this paper, the cogging torque was calculated with a 3D magnetodynamic formulation and with adapted techniques for considering stranded conductors, periodicity and anti-peridodicity boundary conditions, moving band connection conditions and moving parts. The Moving Band Method was implemented for 3D problems considering one or more moving bands in the same motor.The 3D FEM is the most accurate tool to carrying out cogging torque. However, it does not easily allow a parametric study. For this reason, an analytical model was developed in order to predict the cogging torque of TFPM machine. The comparison of the results between the analytical model and the 3D FEM simulation was satisfactory.Consequently, the developed analytical model allows fast and precise study of the influence of rotor permanent magnet distribution as well as the opening of stator auxiliary poles on the cogging torque behaviour in order to satisfy some industrial design constraints for machines. The skewing of the stator slots or, alternatively, of the permanent magnets also is taken into account with the analytical model.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors thank the cooperation of the WEG Industries - Brazil. This work was supported by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) of Brazil.R EFERENCES[1] J. R. Hendershot Jr. and T. J. E. Miller, Design of Brushless Permanent-Magnet Motors, Magna Physics Publishing and Clarendon Press - Oxford, 1994.[2] N. Bianchi and S. 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Multiple-edge noise barriers
1 INTRODUCTION The use of a single vertical screen to obstruct the propagation of noise from source to receiver is well known. However, it has been shown’.’ that the use of two or more screens could be considerably more efficient in terms of noise reduction, and construction material. In this paper the principle of using multiple diffracting edges is extended to barriers with a single foundation. Adding side-panels on to a single vertical screen, creating a fork-like profile, is a relatively inexpensive measure, and one which could be applied to barriers already in existence without alteration
Applied Acousrics 44 (1995) 353-367 0 1995 Elsevier Science Limited Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0003-682X195/$9.50 ELSEVIER 0003-682X(94)00032-8
Multiple-Edge Noise Barriers
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接下来是我为大家整理的关于宜昌各景点的英文导游词,便利大家阅读与鉴赏!宜昌各景点的英文导游词1Yichang, known as Yiling in ancient times, is named after the water is here and the mountain is here and the mountain is here. It is the ancient battlefield of the Three Kingdoms, one of the birthplaces of Chu culture, and the hometown of Qu Yuan, the great patriotic poet and Wang Zhaojun, the messenger of national harmony.Yichang is located in the west of Hubei Province, at the boundary of the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River, known as the throat of Sichuan and Hubei and the gateway of the Three Gorges. Yichang has jurisdiction over 5 urban areas, 3 county-level cities and 5 counties, with an area of 21083.58 square kilometers and a population of 4.15 million, of which the urban area is 4249 square kilometers, the built-up area is 61.53 square kilometers and the urban population is 1.33 million. Yichang has a long history. It was a place of ancient Jingzhou in Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties. The Warring States period is one of the birthplaces of Chu culture. In 278 BC, Emperor Qingxiang of Chu Dynasty burned the Yi mausoleum here. The 13th year of Jianan in the Eastern Han Dynasty__ The second year of Zhangwu in the Shu Han Dynasty (220 A.D.)__ The battle of Wu Shu Yi mausoleum took place here. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was governed by Yiling Prefecture and Yichang Prefecture. In 1949, Yichang county was set up as a city in the urban area and suburbs. Yichangs economy was very backward before 1949. After the founding of the peoples Republic of China, the ancient city began to glow with youth. Yichang is a city of outstanding people. The famous Changyang people have been living here for ten or two million years. Seven or eight thousand years ago, the ancestors of Yichang lived here. It is said that Leizu Niang, the imperial concubine of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, was born here in Xiling, Yichang. Qu Yuan, a world cultural celebrity, Wang Zhaojun, an ancient Chinese ambassador of national harmony, Yang Shoujing, a famous scholar of Qing Dynasty, and many other historical and cultural celebrities were born here On a beautiful land. Li Bai, a famous poet, Guan Yu, a martial saint, Lu Yu, a tea saint, Ouyang Xiu, one of the eight famous poets in Tang and Song Dynasties, and Qin Liangyu, a heroine who led the Tusi soldiers to the national calamity in the late Ming Dynasty, left their footprints in Yichang.Yichang has clear water and beautiful water. The Three Gorges, one of Chinas top ten scenic spots, is located in the territory. Now it has formed a tourism culture brand represented by natural scenery, modern engineering and cultural landscape, and has initially formed a one body four line tourism pattern. That is: Yichang City, Gezhouba project, Xiakou scenic area, Three Gorges Dam as the main, set the integration of the above surrounding landscape. Take the Three Gorges line of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, the three people line of Tujia folk customs, feelings and folk customs of Qingjiang, the three people line of ancient battlefield relics of the Three Kingdoms, and the four line of three people line of world cultural celebrities Qu Yuan, ancient Chinese beauty Wang Zhaojun and Shennongjia savage exploration. In addition, in recent years, it has also launched some scenic spots such as Dalaoling, Yuquan temple, Longmen River, chaibu River, etc. These scenic spots complement each other and add special charm to Yichangs tourism. Yichangs tourism is forming a unique tourism culture with the Three Gorges tourism as the leader.宜昌各景点的英文导游词2The Three Gorges waterfall is one of the top ten famous waterfalls in China. It is 102 meters high and 80 meters wide. It is a national 4A scenic spot. Covering an area of more than 600 mu, the whole scenic area is a magical Canyon integrating charming scenery, famous customs andculture, water entertainment, travel and exploration and other leisure functions. Along the way, there are continuous peaks, steep cliffs and strange shaped stones.Finally arrived at the scenic spot, what came into view was an antique forest path. On the left side of the path is a flowing stream. The stream is clear, fast or slow, playing beautiful notes. Children were attracted to run around in the stream. Catch small fish and crabs. A fall accidentally brings infinite cool to this hot summer. The right side of the path is close to the mountain wall, which is covered with all kinds of precious flowers and trees. Its said that there are many macaques living deep in the trees! When everyone is immersed in the beauty of the roadside. Suddenly, there was a boom sound in the distance. Someone yelled: waterfall, waterfall. I looked around and saw a huge white cloth hanging high on the mountain, straight down to the bottom of the valley. I cant help but think of Li Bais famous saying, flying down 3000 feet, its suspected that the Milky way is falling nine days. It is a true description of this time. Close to the waterfall, two small rainbows and a big rainbow open three seven color arches for the waterfall, as if to welcome our arrival. I put on my raincoat and ran to the waterfall. The water flower and wood warehouse forest attacked us like bullets. I rushed forward without hesitation. The roar of the tiger and the sound of the dragon, the avalanche and tsunami cant stop me. Im running through the waterfall,running through it I feel completely integrated with her.After swimming the waterfall, we all turned into a drowned chicken just out of the water, but we still had a happy smile on our faces. This is my first time to see the rainbow, the first time to see the waterfall, and the most memorable trip.Beautiful and magical Three Gorges waterfall, I will always remember you!宜昌各景点的英文导游词3We went straight to the waterfall by sightseeing bus. Along the way, one mountain after another is steep and lush. We got off the sightseeing bus and headed for the Three Gorges waterfall. When you enter the scenic area, you can see an ancient forest path. On the left side of the path is a flowing stream with clear water. On the right side of the path are the continuous mountains, with dense forests and abundant grass, flowers blooming and butterflies dancing, birds singing and mountain streams. If youre lucky, you can see groups of monkeys playing in the mountains. I was intoxicated with the beautiful scenery by the side of the road, and suddenly there was a loud thunder in my ear. Following the prestige, a huge hundred chains hang high in the mountains, straight down to the bottom of the valley. Its really flying down 3000 feet. this is the Three Gorges waterfall. I yelled excitedly, put on my raincoat and ran to the waterfall. I went through a cave first, and a cool wind came, followed bya water mist, which floated like a gossamer, and the crystal clear water droplets sprinkled on my face...... We frolic, we fight, we go through the water.Suddenly, someone yelled, rainbow, rainbow... I ran out of the waterfall and saw a big arch bridge hanging in the sky, which was colorful. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Its so beautiful. Ive never seen a rainbow, but today I see its beauty. I stand in the middle of the rainbow, my mother grabs this beautiful moment for me. Its really worth the trip. If you want a cool summer, please come to the Three Gorges waterfall!宜昌各景点的英文导游词4The rippling green lake of Kunming cant compare with the sunrise of the high slope with the brilliant rays; the sunrise of the high slope with the brilliant rays cant compare with the magnificent Huangshan of Anhui; the magnificent Huangshan of Anhui, in my opinion, cant compare with the quiet and comfortable paradise! This is the real feeling of my visit to Yichang.When we arrived in Yichang, it was in the morning. We went to the Three Gorges Dam first. Standing in front of the grand dam in the scorching sun, looking around at the clear and incomparable lake water, the green terraces, the rolling dark green mountains, I feel very relaxed and quiet. If the scenery is different, the Three Gorges is the first one.. Guo Moruos poem is the voice of my heart.In the afternoon we stayed in paradise. I have also experienced the beautiful scenery described in Tao Yuanmings Peach Blossom Land. First of all, through a narrow and steep stone steps, we came to the Ba tribe under the guidance of the peach trees which were not blooming but were also luxuriant. In the article, the plain clothes and hard-working farmers didnt see it, but the friendly and honest Ba people were also very lovely.Among all kinds of grapefruit trees and banana leaves, they set up high lofts from the ground, with hollow windows, sharp roofs and comfortable straw. This is their home. The open-air challenge arena is covered with thatch on both sides, and surrounded by colorful rhombic shaped handicrafts, decorated like Chinese knots. On a bamboo pole in the center, there are two big wooden tubes for shouting. This is the place where they recruit relatives by voice. The wooden stakes stand in the woods. A pavilion is set up by Brown logs. The top of the pavilion is covered with gray and huge ox head bones. This is their sacrificial platform. Pakistan Peoples life is really interesting, very simple, but full of adventure and strong tribal culture.After leaving the Ba tribe, we set out for Baima cave under the guidance of our guide. More than 30 people, in a long narrow wooden boat slowly forward. The light green water of the lake, which was fluctuating, swayed into a dark hole. The boat had not rowed long before it reached out. Ionly heard the long rhythmic sound of rowing, the clear sound of spring water ticking on the stalactite, and the small sound of bat wings from time to time. All of a sudden, the bow of the boat was knocked, and a little white light was seen at the corner. Looking up, the top of my head was gray, and the stalactites stood upside down. The body was rugged and of different lengths, just like playing the high and low notes on the keys quickly, wave after wave. On both sides are all kinds of unknown rocks, shining silver smoothly. As like as two peas looked down at the water, the shallow lake suddenly became unfathomable. The shape of the water reflected the shape of the rock.At this time, we seem to be in a quiet, peaceful, dreamy, isolated world. Its so beautiful that no one on the boat speaks, for fear that it will break the magnificent scenery! The boat stops in front of us, and we step on the wooden bridge one after another to get off the boat and walk towards the depth of the cave which is completely closed by rocks.The wet stone surface in a variety of brilliant lights under the light of a layer of mist, the surrounding stones are like a giant standing in the cloud, reflecting a colorful light. Through the zigzag stone road, while listening to the sound of dripping water, while enjoying another wonderful masterpiece of nature along the road. I dont know how long Ive been walking, there is a dazzling white light in front of me. Ive been in the dark space for a long time, and suddenly I see the sun shining high.Its like Im in another world when Im outside with luxuriant flowers and plants.Out of Baima cave, we appreciate the beautiful landscape again. The mountains that cant be seen in the distance merge with a corner of the light blue sky. The artistic conception of water and sky meet is all here. After watching the paradise in the afternoon, we got on the bus and left Yichang reluctantly.Different cities have different places of interest, such as the ancient city of Jingzhou, the Three Gorges of Yichang, the plateau of Yunnan and the thousand lakes of Hubei. These masterpieces of ancient people and nature are really amazing宜昌各景点的英文导游词5The hundred mile wasteland was named after the ancient times when it was a hundred miles away and deserted. Ouyang Xiu, Wenzong of the Song Dynasty, once left a famous saying that a few families gather in the wasteland, and a knife field is thin and wild. It is located in Yiling township of Yichang City, bordering on Yuanan county and Dangyang city, with a total area of 47700 mu (about 31.8 square kilometers). It is 50 kilometers away from the urban area of Yichang City, 70 kilometers away from the Three Gorges Dam, with an average altitude of 1200 meters and the highest temperature of 28oc in midsummer. It is a summer resort in Yichang. At present, five parks have been opened in the scenicarea: sightseeing experience area, hawthorn Culture Park, Red Leaf Valley Scenic Area, forest sea and snow leisure area, and primitive ecological area.It is characterized by prairie scenery, natural desolation, with the original desolation culture and Hawthorn Tree love culture. This is an important scientific research and experimental base for the project of raising sheep in the South of grassland construction in the south of China in the 11010s, with 30000 mu of grassland and 15000 mu of artificial grassland, enjoying the reputation of Grassland in the south of China; Due to the unique geographical environment of high mountains, it has the desolation characteristics of late spring, cool summer, early autumn and cold winter, and the most important characteristic is to taste desolation. The desolation in spring, the coolness in summer, the desolation in autumn and the coldness in winter make it not enough to see the barren scenery in the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter; the Hawthorn Culture Park is the biggest highlight of the barren scenery, 20__ In the first half of the year, the film love of Hawthorn Tree directed by Zhang Yimou, a famous international director, was shot in Yichang. The hawthorn tree, the soul tree in the film, was selected from the scenic spot of the hundred mile wasteland. The film was released in the 20th century__ After its release on September 16, 20xx, the scenic spot of the barren land became famous overnight for its hawthorn trees.Countless Hawthorn fans came to see the elegant demeanor of the barren land hawthorn trees and explore the true meaning of pure and beautiful love. 20__ In the second half of the year, Li Lu, a well-known domestic film and television director, shot a TV series of the same name in Yichang. The Hawthorn Tree in the play was also selected from the hundred mile wilderness scenic spot. At present, the scenic spot has been built into a hawthorn Culture Park to protect and commemorate the hawthorn trees and the location, so that tourists can fully experience the Hawthorn love culture.In addition to summer tourism, the supporting participatory projects in the scenic area are gradually opening up, including yurt, horse racing course, grass skiing course, archery course, paragliding course, field game course, wind power test course, golf driving range, etc. With the in-depth development of tourism, it will become one of the core scenic spots in the ecological and cultural tourism circle of Western Hubei, which integrates grassland sightseeing, film and television love culture experience, grassland nomadic leisure, sports and entertainment.宜昌各景点的英文导游词。
Model More Sophisticated SystemsAs the size of engineering systems increase linearly, the size of the equations that describe those engineering systems increases exponentially.A key example is the modeling of multiple degree of freedom (DOF) robotic systems. As the number of joints increases, the transformation matrices requiredto describe joint motion exponentially increase in size. At some point, equation manipulation by hand is impractical; software support is hence needed.A corollary is that computer algebra systems can be used to model more sophisticated engineering systems than is possible by hand.Computationally Faster than Numeric Computation Numerical computation refers to the iterative solution of equations using software; this is computationally time-consuming.In many cases, computer algebra systems can be used to rearrange equations to an explicit formulation; this eliminates the need for time-consumingiterative approaches.Preserve Information about Model StructureBy delaying numeric evaluation until only strictly necessary, computer algebra systems preserve information about model structure and parameter relationships. This information can be used for code generation, parameter-based optimization, model simplification and more.How Do Engineers Use Computer Algebra Systems?IntroductionWe will now, through an exploratory application-based approach, illustrate how computer algebra systems are typically used by engineers.Maple, a math tool with a hybrid symbolic-numeric math engine, is used to illustrate each example. Maple’s broader calculation management features are used to document each example with natural math notation, images and text.Transformation Matrices for a Multi-DOF RobotThe modeling of robotic arm manipulators involves the derivation of transformation matrices; these matrices grow in size as the degrees of freedom increase. Deriving these matrices by hand would take hours, with a high probability of introducing errors. However, computer algebra systems will derive transformation matrices for an arbitrarily complex robot in a matter of seconds, while eliminating the risk of error.Figure 2 demonstrates how Maple can be used to generate the Denevit & Hartenberg matrices, which assist in determining the coordinate transformations between joints in a robotic manipulator.Figure 1.Maple provides a complete calculation management environment in which engineers can record and reuse the underlying reasoning, data and derivationsInverse KinematicsInverse kinematics involves finding the joint parametersto move a robot arm to a desired position. Figure 3demonstrates how the position constraints of a doublependulum can be rearranged to give the joint angles.Code Translation of Joint Angles to CThis equation in Figure 3 is now converted to C code.Computer algebra systems can identify and factor outcommon subexpressions; this makes the code far morenumerically efficient than hand-written code.Figure 2. Denavit and Hartenberg formulation forrobotic manipulatorsFigure 3. Rearranging inverse kinematics equationsFigure 5. Photovoltaic diode equationHowever, the equation can be rearranged using special functions. These functions are normally only encountered in advanced mathematical analysis; a few examples are LambertW, Fresnel, Bessel, and Appell. Special functions are increasingly implemented in computer algebra tools, allowing engineers to use these functions without any specialized training. This isRearranging Heat Balance EquationsThe thermal efficiency of a thermodynamic cycle is a function of the heat and mass flows around a system. Deriving the heat and mass balances require a lgebraic manipulation.Consider the Rankine cycle with two-stage regeneration in Figure 11.A heat balance on the two pre-heaters H1and H 2 gives these equations,where X 1and X 2 are the mass fractions of the working fluid extracted in the high and low pressure turbines, and h n is the specific enthalpy at pointsn = 1 .. 6.Figure 12 illustrates how Maple is employed to rearrange these equations to give X 1and X 2. If two states at points 1-6 are known (e.g. temperature and pressure) then• e nthalpy values can be determined,• a nd X 1 and X 2 can then be calculated.Integrating an Empirical Equation for Heat Capacity The specific heat capacity of many chemicals is often described by empirical polynomials in temperature.These polynomials can be integrated (as illustrated in Figure 13) to give an expression that can be used to calculate changes in enthalpy.Beam Deflection with Distributed and Point LoadStudents of structural and civil engineering encounter the Euler-Bernoulli beam deflection equation early in their education:This equation connects the deflection of the beam w(x) to the applied load q(x). With the appropriate initial and boundary conditions, the equation can be solved to give explicit expressions describing the deflection.Figure 11. Rankine Cycle with Two-Stage RegenerationFigure 12. Heat Balance on Preheaters and Symbolic Manipulation of EquationsFigure 13. Integrating Empirical Equation for Specific Heat CapacityFigure 14. Beam with distributed and point loadFor simple load cases, such as a simply supported beam with a distributed load, the Euler-Bernoulli equation can be solved manually.However, more complex load cases would take significant amounts of time to solve by hand. For example, consider the simply supported beam in Figure 14; the beam has a uniform load (across part of the beam) and a point load. Mathematically, the distributed load can be described by a Heaviside step function, and the point load described by a Dirac function. q(x) hence becomesFigure 15 describes how Maple is used to solve the Euler-Bernouilli equation with this loading.Closed Loop Transfer FunctionConsider the closed loop control system in Figure 16.Typically, an engineer may want to calculate the closedloop transfer function for such a system.Figure 17 illustrates how the closed loop transferfunction is derived using Maple. The steps, whilemathematically straightforward, are tedious to do byhand for non-trivial systems.Controllability Matrix of a DC MotorIn Figure 18, we extract the symbolic controllabilitymatrix of a DC motor described by differential equations.Figure 15. Solving the Euler-Bernoulli Beam Bending Equationwith a Distributed and Point LoadFigure 16. Closed Loop Control SystemFigure 17. Closed Loop Transfer Function for a Control LoopT erminal Settling VelocityConsider a spherical particle falling in a fluid. Figure 19 gives the equations for the drag force and the buoyancy force; the terminal settling velocity is reached when both are equal.The equations are rearranged to give an explicit expression for the settling velocity.Balancing Chemical EquationsMonomethylhydrazine (CH 6N 2) and Dinitrogen T etroxide (N 2O 4) are typically used in rocket propulsion as a fuel and oxidizer. In determining the theoretical rocket performance, the adiabatic flame temperature of the combustion products needs to be calculated; this partly involves balancing the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the feed and combustion products.Assuming the combustion products contain CO , HNO ,H 2O , NO 2, O , CO 2, HO 2, H 2O 2, N 2, OH , H , H 2, NO , N 2O and O 2, the overall balance equation for the combustion of CH 6N 2 and N 2O 4 can be written thus.a CH 6N 2 +b N 2O 4 = n 1 CO + n 2 HNO + n 3 H 2O + n 4 NO 2 + n 5 O + n 6 CO 2 + n 7 HO 2 +n 8 H 2O 2 + n 9 N 2 + n 10 OH + n 11 H + n 12 H 2 + n 13 NO + n 14 N 2O n 15 O 2Generating the individual atom balances from the overall balance is painstaking because of the sheer number of chemical species. As illustrated in Figure 20, the process can be mechanized with computer algebra.Figure 18. Symbolic Controllability MatrixFigure 19. Terminal Settling Velocity of a Settling ParticleFigure 20.Balancing the Combustion Reaction of Monomethylhydrazine (CH 6N 2) and Dinitrogen Tetroxide (N 2O 4)Combustion can produce many more species than used in this example; generating the atom balanceequations by hand would be laborious, but is easy with computer algebra.Battery Modeling and Model ReductionElectrochemical battery models derived from porous electrode theory are described by partial differentialequations. While being physically accurate, these models are computationally intensive to simulation.Several techniques are used to simplify these models while retaining physical accuracy. These techniques include collocation and Galerkin’s method; bothtransform non-linear PDEs into a set of ODEs and are described elsewhere (Dao et al, 2012).ConclusionThe 1950s and 1960s saw the birth of the first computer algebra systems. Due to the skills and training of their creators, these innovative tools were first designed for the needs of mathematicians and physicists.Initially, a few forward-thinking engineers exploited symbolic math for advanced research applications. The benefits, however, remained out of reach for the vast majority of engineers.This started to change in the early eighties with the advent of cheap computing power. The next 30 years also saw the evolution of the human-centered design principles that radically improved the usability of computer algebra systems. | info@T oll-free: (US & Canada) 1-800-267-6583 | Direct:1-519-747-2373© Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc., 2017. Maplesoft and Maple are trademarks of Waterloo Maple Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Moreover, a maturing feature set, including tools formanaging calculations as well as doing calculations, made integrating mechanized algebra into the engineering design process much simplerComputer algebra systems thus gradually entered the mainstream consciousness of engineers, and have grown in popularity year-on-year. Moreover, the applications discussed in this white paper clearly demonstrate the benefits of mechanized algebra across the entire breadth of engineering.References[1] Simplification and order reduction of lithium-ionbattery model based on porous-electrode theory, Thanh-Son Dao et al., Journal of Power Sources, Volume 198, 15 January 2012, Pages 329-337。
mapimagefixed pointcomposite functionone to one / injectiveonto / surjectivebijectiveinverse functionreciprocaldenominatorsymmetric with respect to the y axis / the origin / the line y=x abscissax/y interceptordinateanalytic geometryparabolahyperbolaconic sections 二次曲线系coefficientspoint-slope formuladirectrix 准线vertex focuslatus rectum 过焦点平行于准线的弦radius, centertangent linedegenerate 退化major axis / minor axiseccentricity e=c/adifference 差branch 支asymptotes 渐近线focal axispolynomial equationsquadratic polynomial 二次多项式quadratic formuladiscriminant判别式division algorithm / remainder theoremquotientfundamental theorem of algebra multiplicity 重根conjugate radical 共轭根the complex conjugate 共轭复数‘monic (an=1)the rational roots theoremlogarithm 对数GRE用log x表示lnx trigonometry 三角几何complementary 互余cos = complementary sinetangent / cotangent / secant / cosecant terminal side 终边quadrant 象限arbitrary angle 钝角trig function 三角函数periodicity 周期性periodequidistant 等距sequence 序列convergent / divergent(minus) infinitymonotonic 单调bounded 有界the sandwich (or squeeze) theorem approach A from above (右逼近A) continuous functionThe Intermediate Value Theorem 中值定理derivative 导数secant line 割线tangent line 切线normal line 法线differential 微分的linear appropriationimplicit differentiation 隐函数求导concave up (convex) f’’>0concave down (concave) f’’<0inflection point 拐点local minimum / absolute minimumcritical point / stationary point (f’=0) nth-derivative test fn>0 极小,反之极大adjacent sides 毗连的边relate rates dy/dt= r dx/dt indefinite integration 不定积分intersect 曲线相交rectangular (or Cartesian) coordinates polar coordinatescardioids 心形线r=2a(1+cos(sita)) solids of revolution 旋转体infinite series 无穷极数harmonic seriesp-seriesalternation seriespower seriesthe radius of convergencethe interval of convergence arccosine functionarcsine functiondomainadjoint 伴随阵determinantexpected valueprobability density function derivativeinflection pointrankeigenvalueeigenvetoreigenspacesubsetpolyhedron 多面体vertices / vertexinverse of the matrixorthogonal 正交height 多项式系数绝对值和+最高次tracepolynomialidempotent 幂等A2=Anilpotent 幂零scalar 数量阵fixed pointthe qth roots of unitycoset 陪集dot/scalar product 点积projAB B在A的投影cross producttriple scalar product (A*B)•C magnitude 模parametric equation 参数方程symmetric equation (直线)对称式generator, elements cracking p111 arbitrarylevel curve of height 等高线contour curve 轮廓线(被平面截的截面)hyperboloid 双曲面circular poraboloidcylindrical coordinatesspherical coordinatespartial derivativedirectional derivativesgradientsaddle point cracking p131Hessian matrixline integralThe Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Line Integral 势场内线积分只与起止点有关gradient field My=Nxconservative 值与路值无关Green Theorem cracking p152ordinary/partial differential equation (ODE/PDE)homogeneous of degree n n阶齐次exact differentialintegrating function 积分因子inconsistent (线性方程组)无解commutative 交换的invertible 可逆的associative 传递性coefficient matrixaugmented matrix 增广矩阵Gaussian Eliminationechelon formparameter 参数nullspacelinear combinationspan 几个向量的所有线性组合trivial combination即linearly independentbasis a minimal spanning set for a vector space dimension 基中向量数normal vector 法向量column space / row spaceLaplace expansions 即按某行/列展开adjugate matrix 共轭矩阵Cramer’s Rule克莱莫法则scalar 数乘linear operation=linear transformationkernel / nullity / range / rankRank plus Nullity TheoremCayley-Hamilton Theorem p(A)=0 divisibility, factor, multipleprime number, compositegreatest common divisor (gcd)least common multiple (lcm)the congruence equation ax=b(mod n)the Euclidean Algorithm 欧氏算法cracking p222 congruence 余数binary operation on S S S*Sassociate :a•(b•c)=(a•b)•c semigroup条件identity 单位元semigroup+identity=monoidmonoid+inverse=groupabelian groupgeneral/special linear groupSn symmetric group对称群(阶为n!)S3为最小的6阶非阿贝尔对称群alternating group 置换群(同上)polygon 多边形equilateral triangle 等边三角形isosceles triangle 等腰三角形Dn nth dihedral group :order(Dn)=2n additive group of integers modulo n multiplicative group of integers modulo p cyclic groupKlein four-group, or viergruppeproper subgroupnontrivial subgroupgenerators 生成元finitely generatedisomorphism 同构homomorphism 同态monomorphism 单同态epimorphism 满同态endomorphism 自同态automorphism 自同构direct product (a, b) cracking p237direct sum 同上if abelianelementary divisors/ invariant factors cracking p238normal subgruoup 正规子群inner automorphism induced by aunity 环乘法单位元unit 存在乘法逆的非零元素ring with unity 幺环commutative ringsubringcharacteristicring of integersring of integers modulo n (Zn, +, •)ring of Gaussian integers Z(i)ring of polynomials in x over R R[x]ring of real-valued functions on R RR 交换幺环evaluation (or substitution) homomorphism at a cracking p249 Frobenius endomorphism f(a)=app is a prime numberbinomial theorem 二项式定理integral domain 整环left/right zero divisor 零因子cancellation law a!=0, ac=ab, them c=bdivision ring 无零因子的环field= commutative division ring又,有限整环是域strictly-skew field= noncommutative division ring体real quatenion 四元素体Boolean ring 该环中元素idempotent subset > supersetuniversal setcomplement of B relative to A A-B union / intersectionsymmetric difference (A-B)U(B-A)Cartesian product 笛卡尔积open / closed intervalcardinality (cardinal number) 元素数countably infinitealgebraic numbers cracking p267 power set of Alevels of infinitycardinal number of continuumtranscendental numberscombination, permutationbinomial coefficientpigeonhole principle 抽屉原理probabilityBoolean algebra (or algebra) of sets on S: E指the power set of S 的子集probability measure on E cracking p274distribution functionvariance, standard deviationthe normal distribution 正态分布standard normal distributionbinomial distribution 二项分布imaginary unit iprinciple argument 幅角主值sample space (S), outcomes (S中元素), events(E中元素,S的子集)independent独立, mutually exclusive相斥Bernoulli trialspolar form, exponential formprincipal logarithmprincipal value of zwhyperbolic function 双曲函数Laplace equation / harmonic uxx+uyy=0entire function 在复平面内解析disk of convergencepunctured open disk cracking p312singularity, isolated singularitypole of order nsimple pole (n=1) double pole (n=2)essential singularityannulus 环面singular (or principal ) part / analytic partresidueHausdorff spaceindiscrete / trivial topologyinterior, exterior, boundary, limit point, closure interior+boundary=closurelower-limit topology B=[a,b)connectedcovering, open coveringcompactnessnorm of a point cracking p290 Euclidean metric 欧氏度量square metricopen map != continuous 一来一去,方向反homeomorphism = continuous + open map upper bound, bounded abovelub=suremum (sup)glb=infimum (inf)complete space = no holesLebesgue measurable setssingletonLebesgue measurable functionLebsegue integrablestep function cracking p296index of a group 子群中元素的最小公共阶tangent 相切loop 循环inradius 内径trajectory 轨迹centroid 重心clusterpartial fraction expansionsufficient / necessary condition先是issue,45分钟,完了以后紧接着argue,然后是10分钟的休息时间,你可以选择跳过。
Synopsys TestMAX DFT 设计测试工具简介说明书
DATASHEET Overview Synopsys TestMAX DFT is a comprehensive, advanced design-for-test (DFT) tool that addresses the cost challenges of testing designs across a range of complexities. TestMAX DFT supports all essential DFT, including boundary scan, scan chains, core wrapping, test points, and compression. These DFT structures are implemented through TestMAX Manager for early validation of the corresponding register transfer level (RTL), or with Synopsys synthesis tools to generate netlists. Multiple codecs and architectures are supported that address the need for ever-higher levels of test data volume, test time reduction, and fewer test pins. TestMAX DFT leverages Synopsys Fusion Technology to optimize power, performance and area for the design, minimizing the impact from DFT. Key Benefits • Lowers test costs • Enables high defect coverage • Accelerates DFT validation using RTL • Minimizes impact on design power, performance, and area • Preserves low-power design intent • Minimizes power consumption during test • Integration and verification of IEEE1687 network and compliant IP • Integration and verification of IEEE 1500 access network Key Features • High test time and test data reduction • Patented, powerful compression technologies • RTL generation with TestMAX Manager • Fused into Design Compiler ® and Fusion Compiler™ for concurrent optimization of area, power, timing, physical and test constraintsComprehensive,advanced design-for-test (DFT)TestMAX DFT Design-for-Test Implementation• Hierarchical scan synthesis flow support• Pin-limited test optimizations• Unknown logic value (X) handling• Location-aware scan chain reordering during incremental compile• Core wrapping with shared use of existing core registers near core I/Os• Analysis-driven test point insertion using TestMAX Advisor• Flexible scan channel configurations to support multi-site testing and wafer-level burn-in• Multiple compression configurations to support different testers and packages with different I/O• Boundary scan synthesis, 1149.1/6 compliance checking and BSDL generation• Consistent, comprehensive DRC shared with ATPG• Enables TestMAX ATPG for compressed pattern generation• IEEE 1687 ICL creation and verification• Hierarchical IEEE 1687 PDL pattern porting• Automated pattern porting and generation of tester-ready patterns in WGL/STIL/SVF and post-silicon failure diagnostics02468101214304K436K 653K 702K 728K 1M 1.2M 3.5MT e s t e r c y c l e s (m i l l i o n s )Standard scan Scan with compression Design sizeFigure 1: TestMAX DFT delivers high test time and test volume reductionHigh Test Time and Test Data ReductionTestMAX DFT reduces test costs by providing high test data volume compression (Figure1). Using Synopsys’ patented TestMAX DFT compression architectures, TestMAX DFT saves test time and makes it possible to include high defect-coverage test patterns in tester configurations where memory is limited. With the industry’s most area-efficient solution, TestMAX DFT has virtually no impact on design timing and results in the same high test coverage as provided by standard scan (Figure 2a). For additional test time and data reduction, TestMAX DFT implements test points within synthesis, via its transparent links to TestMAX Advisor for powerful test point analysis and selection.Pin-Limited TestTo accommodate designs that require a limited number of test data pins either at the top-level or per core, TestMAX DFTgenerates an optimized architecture that ensures high quality without incurring extra test data. Several factors limit the number of available test pins, including tighter form factors, multi-site testing to target multiple die simultaneously, and core-basedmethodologies with multiple embedded compressor-decompressors (codecs). These types of techniques minimize the number of chip-level test pins available to each codec. To provide high test data volume and test application time reduction for these pin-limited test applications, TestMAX DFT generates a low-pin tester interface. Use TestMAX DFT to minimize the required number of scan I/O for pin-limited testing (Figure 2b).Input pattern values Output pattern values Input pattern valuesOutput pattern valuesFigure 2a: (left) Codec optimized for high pin count; Figure 2b. (right) Codec optimized for pin-limited testingDFT Implementation into RTLIn conjunction with TestMAX Manager, TestMAX DFT offers early validation of complex DFT logic and architecture by producing RTL. For easy adoption, commands are similar to Synopsys’ widely deployed standard scan synthesis flow. TestMAX DFT generates compression logic directly into RTL, which can be verified with the VCS® simulator or other Verilog simulation tools. In addition, all test and design constraints are automatically generated for synthesis tools. Validation of RTL DFT ensures key compression logic and connections with other DFT logic such as logic BIST and memory BIST operate as specified, prior to synthesis, leading to very high and predictable test coverage and test compression results.DFT SynthesisThe TestMAX DFT synthesis flow is based on the industry’s most widely deployed standard test synthesis flow and incorporates Test Fusion technology. TestMAX DFT synthesizes DFT logic directly from RTL or gates into testable gates with full optimizationof synthesis design rules and constraints. All test and compression requirements specified prior to the synthesis process aremet concurrently with area, timing and power optimization. TestMAX DFT also enables TestMAX ATPG to seamlessly generate compressed test patterns while achieving high test quality.Complete DFT Rules CheckingFor maximum productivity, and prior to executing TestMAX DFT, TestMAX Advisor enables designers to create “test-friendly” RTL. TestMAX Advisor identifies DFT rules violations early in the design cycle during the pre-synthesis stage to avoid design iterations. Specifically, TestMAX Advisor validates that the design is compliant with scan rules to ensure operational scan chains and the highest test coverage. The violations can be diagnosed using its powerful integrated debugging environment that enables cross-probing among violations, RTL and schematic views. For flows within Design Compiler and Fusion Compiler products, TestMAX DFT provides comprehensive design rule checking for scan and compression logic operation.Fusion Design Platform For Concurrent Optimization Of Area, Power, Timing, Physical And Test ConstraintsWith Synopsys’ synthesis flow (Figure 3), scan compression logic is synthesized simultaneously with scan chains within the Fusion Design Platform. Location-based scan chain ordering and partitioning provides tight timing and area correlation with physical results using Fusion Compiler or IC Compiler. This enables designers to achieve area, power, timing and DFT closure simultaneously. TestMAX DFT writes detailed scan chain information which Synopsys’ physical design tools read, which then perform further optimizations to reduce area impact and decrease overall routing congestion (Figure 4).RTL Creation FlowNetlist Creation Flow Figure 3: Test compression flowIntegrating DFT resources into a complex multi-voltage design can be a time-consuming and error-prone process without automation tailored for low-power flows. Once voltage domain characteristics of the design with IEEE 1801 (unified power format or UPF) are specified, TestMAX DFT automatically inserts level shifters and isolation cells during scan chain implementation. To reduce routing congestion and area impact of the DFT logic, TestMAX DFT minimizes both scan chain crossings between power/voltage domains and the number of level shifters inserted.Figure 4: These screen captures show TestMAX DFT results without the routing congestion associated with standard scanHierarchical Scan SynthesisTo handle test synthesis of very large designs, some level of abstraction is required so that the system/chip integrator can reduce design time. By abstracting the DFT information in a test model, along with timing and placement information, TestMAX DFT enables quick hierarchical test implementation of multi-million gate designs.Boundary Scan Synthesis and Compliance Checking to the 1149.1/6 Standard TestMAX DFT delivers a complete set of boundary scan capabilities including:• TAP and BSR synthesis• Compliance checking to the IEEE 1149.1/6 standard• Boundary Scan Description Language (BSDL) file generation• Functional and DC parametric pattern generation for manufacturing testIntegrated Setup of TetraMAX ATPG for Pattern GenerationTestMAX DFT transfers all information about the scan compression architecture and test operation to TestMAX ATPG. Working together, TestMAX ATPG and TestMAX DFT automatically generate compressed, power-aware test patterns with highest test coverage.©2021 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks isavailable at /copyright.html . All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.。
Editor’s Notes编者的话Excellent performance, start from where?卓越绩效,从哪里开始?“If you really want your desire comes true, don’t just think about it in your mind, you need have an ‘almost crazy eager’ for it. ‘If only this is possible!’ This slipshod idea does not work; your desire must be as strong as to drive you to think about it day and night, from moment to moment. From your head to your toes, this idea is all through your whole body; and should you get hurt someday, it would not be blood you would bleed, but this “desire”. And your desire must be as undivided, as strong as like this, can it be turned into the drive of you to excellence.“如果真心希望愿望实现,光在脑中想想可不成,你得有一股`几乎疯狂的渴求'。
形态学边界增强算子及多界面检测中的应用张国英;康凯阁;刘广银;陈淑兰;钱晓晔【摘要】Accurate detection of viscous oil-water interface in the test tube would be important for the optimiza-tion of viscous oil demulsification. Interface information can be extracted by image analysis method in-time. Viscous oil is easy to stick on the glass tube. There is heavy noise in the tube. Different interfaces have different bright-ness. The conventional image interface extraction method is difficult to extract the different interfaces simultaneous-ly. An adaptive boundary detection operator is proposed which can separately enhance the dark area and bright area. To enhance the dark area, the image is carried out by gray morphological open operation; the result is then processed by dilation and erosion operation respectively, the two results are then subtracted. Bright area boundary enhancement and dark area boundary enhancement are dual operation. The experiment can extract the interface of the viscous oil-water interface and the upper viscous oil-air interface. Compared with the conventional method, this method has more accurate and anti-noise performance.%试管稠油油水界面准确检测对稠油破乳过程决策及操作优化具有重要作用。
生活方式调查作文英语Title: A Survey on Lifestyle Choices。
Introduction:In contemporary society, lifestyle choices play a pivotal role in shaping individuals' well-being andsocietal dynamics. This essay aims to explore various aspects of lifestyle through a comprehensive survey, shedding light on preferences, habits, and attitudes that define modern living.Demographics:To begin with, let's delve into the demographics of the surveyed individuals. The respondents comprised a diverse range of age groups, occupations, educational backgrounds, and geographical locations, ensuring a representative sample for analysis.Physical Activity:Physical activity is a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. When asked about their exercise habits, a significant portion of respondents expressed a commitment to regular physical activity. From brisk walks to intense gym sessions, the spectrum of activities varied widely. Interestingly, a considerable number also emphasized the importance of integrating exercise into their daily routines, citing benefits such as improved mood, enhanced energy levels, and better overall health.Dietary Preferences:Nutrition is another vital aspect of lifestyle. The survey explored dietary preferences, uncovering a myriad of choices ranging from omnivorous to vegetarian and vegan diets. While some individuals prioritized convenience and indulgence in their dietary decisions, others emphasized balance, opting for nutrient-rich foods that nourish both body and mind. Additionally, there was a notable awareness of food sustainability and ethical consumption practicesamong respondents, reflecting a growing societal consciousness towards environmental issues.Sleep Patterns:Sleep, often overlooked yet crucial for well-being, was also a focal point of the survey. Insights into sleep patterns revealed a diverse range of behaviors, with some individuals adhering to strict sleep schedules while others admitted to struggling with sleep disturbances due to various factors such as stress, technology use, andlifestyle choices. The prevalence of sleep-related issues underscored the importance of fostering healthy sleep habits and prioritizing restful nights for optimal functioning.Social Interactions:Human beings are inherently social creatures, and our interactions shape our experiences and perceptions. The survey delved into social behaviors, exploring the frequency and nature of social interactions amongrespondents. While some highlighted the importance of maintaining close-knit social circles for emotional support and companionship, others embraced solitude as a means of self-reflection and personal growth. The impact of technology on social dynamics was also evident, withdigital communication platforms playing an increasingly central role in fostering connections, albeit sometimes at the expense of face-to-face interactions.Work-Life Balance:Achieving a harmonious balance between work and personal life is a perennial challenge in today's fast-paced world. Respondents shared their perspectives on work-life balance, with opinions ranging from advocating for flexible work arrangements to prioritizing leisureactivities and family time. While some individuals expressed satisfaction with their current balance, others acknowledged the need for boundary-setting and self-care practices to prevent burnout and maintain overall well-being.Conclusion:In conclusion, the survey on lifestyle choices provides valuable insights into the diverse preferences, habits, and attitudes that shape modern living. From physical activity and dietary preferences to sleep patterns, social interactions, and work-life balance, the findings underscore the complexity of lifestyle dynamics and the importance of mindful decision-making in fostering health, happiness, and fulfillment. As society continues to evolve, understanding and adapting to changing lifestyle trendswill remain essential for promoting holistic well-being and societal flourishing.。
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Integrating Boundary Scan into Multi-GHz I/O CircuitryJeff Rearick, Sylvia Patterson, and Krista DornerAgilent Technologies ASIC Product DivisionFort Collins, COAbstractA minimally invasive solution for adding boundary scan to high-speed I/O circuits is described. The insertion of boundary scan registers on the transmit side is done in the lower-speed parallel domain, while the boundary scan registers on the receive side is done using the techniques described in IEEE Std 1149.6 in the high-speed serial domain. Special clocking requirements are described, and results from actual silicon testing are presented that demonstrate negligible impact on functional performance while maintaining compliance with the both 1149.1 and 1149.6 standards. .1. IntroductionThe external interfaces of integrated circuits (ICs) have been experiencing two trends of great interest to test engineers: significantly improved testability due to IEEE standards under the 1149 umbrella, and significantly increased performance requirements as system speeds and bandwidths grow. Unfortunately, the latter trend poses a threat to the former, as designers may be tempted to jettison testability in favor of performance. A prime example of this conflict is illustrated in very high speed interfaces such as SerDes (Serializer/Deserializer) channels which operate in the GHz range. Traditional boundary scan techniques embodied in IEEE 1149.1 [1] and even advanced boundary scan techniques embodied in IEEE Std 1149.6 [2], when applied indiscriminately, can degrade the mission performance of such high speed I/Os. Fortunately, creative application of the 1149 standards is possible, allowing both performance and testability goals to be achieved.After providing a brief background on both boundary scan and high speed I/O, this paper describes the source of the performance impact of traditional boundary scan, followed by a description of a creative solution which minimizes performance impact while preserving compatibility with the 1149 standards. A description of the actual silicon implementation of this solution is given, along with test results demonstrating the achievement of both performance and testability objectives.2. Background2.1 Boundary ScanThe As physical access to the pins of devices and the interconnect between devices on printed circuit boards (PCBs) was reduced with the advent of surface-mount devices and multi-layer PCBs, visionary members of the test community organized a Joint Test Action Group that ultimately led to the codification of boundary scan testing in IEEE Std 1149.1. The principle behind boundary scan testing of a PCB is to add test circuitry internal to the ICs on the board, and to use that test circuitry to exercise the interconnections between ICs. The 1149.1 standard specifies that scan-based control and observe points be added to the I/O pins of the ICs, that these scan registers are connected to form a boundary scan chain, that this scan chain is accessed via a Test Access Port (TAP) with a standard set of instructions, and thus enables chip-to-chip interconnect testing without direct physical access to the pins of a chip. Figures 1a and 1b show a simplified view of a bi-directional I/O pin before (a) and after (b) the addition of 1149.1 boundary scan.ITC INTERNATIONAL TEST CONFERENCE0-7803-8580-2/04 $20.00 Copyright 2004 IEEEPaper 19.3560Figure 1Adding 1149.1 Boundary Scan to a Bidirectional I/O PinWith the added circuitry in Figure 1b, this I/O is now able to:•Drive either digital value to the pin from the boundary register labeled DR BSR (the EXTEST instruction).• Tristate the pin via the boundary labeled TS BSR.• Sample the value received from the pin in the boundary register labeled RX BSR.Though the pin may have been capable of performing these operations via the functional logic inside the chip, this additional circuitry greatly simplifies the creation of board-level interconnect tests by bypassing the internal logic and using the standard instructions and interface specified in IEEE Std 1149.1.Two shortcomings of IEEE Std 1149.1 are its inability to handle AC-coupled nets and its poor detection of faults on differential nets. These issues are addressed by IEEE Std 1149.6, which builds upon the foundation of 1149.1 but adds additional circuitry for edge-based testing (beyond DC level-based testing) of AC-coupled nets as well as dual single-ended treatment of differential receivers. Figures 2a and 2b show a simplified view of a differential channel before (a) and after (b) the addition of 1149.6 boundary scan. Note that section 6.2 of IEEE Std 1149.6 specifies the use of dedicated test receivers (labeled “testrx” in Figure 2b) with hysteretic comparators prior to the boundary scan registers; these allow reconstruction of the driven waveform on AC-coupled nets.Figure 2Adding 1149.6 Boundary Scan to a Differential Channel(a)(b)(a)Paper 19.3561With the added circuitry in Figure 2b, the ends of this channel are now able to:•Drive either pulse polarity to the TX pins from the boundary register labeled “TX BSR” (theEXTEST_PULSE instruction).•Drive a series of pulses to the TX pins from the boundary register labeled “TX BSR” (theEXTEST_TRAIN instruction).•Capture the direction of the last edge (rising or falling) received from the RX pins in theboundary registers labeled RX+ BSR and RX-BSR. 2.2 High Speed I/OGiven the need for high bandwidth communication between chips on PCBs, and in light of the real estate issues associated with large numbers of parallel traces along with the clock synchronization problems at high data rates, it is becoming more common for ICs to employ high-speed serial links running at GHz frequencies with embedded clocking to carry data. These data streams are created by the parallel-to-serial conversion on the transmitting IC, with an associated increase in speed, and resolved by serial-to-parallel conversion on the receiving IC with a complementary decrease in speed. Figure 3 shows a highly simplified view of the parallel-to-serial conversion on the transmit side.Figure 3 Simplified Schematic for High Speed Serializer OutputlParticular attention should be paid to the implicit clock domain crossing in the parallel-to-serial converter: the left side of the figure is running in the 1X_CK domain, while the serial shift register inside the parallel-to-serial converter runs, in this example, at ten times the frequency (in the 10X_CK domain). This results in very high speed operation in the serial domain, and thus imposes extreme design constraints which can make the addition of test circuitry unacceptable.Paper 19.3 5623.Problems with Traditional BoundaryScan InsertionThe addition of the boundary scan hardware to a chip pin, as shown in Figure 1, will unmistakably affect the performance of the original circuit: there is an additional multiplexer delay in series with the driver data (as well as the tristate control), and there is an additional fanout and load on the receiver. Concentrating on the driver side, and keeping in mind the very challenging performance requirements for high-speed serial outputs, it becomes clear that adding boundary scan in the serial domain may impose too large a penalty on the mission mode operation of the output to be practical. For example, a common serialized data rate is 3.125 GHz, with a corresponding period of 320 pS. The delay through a the added multiplexer alone could consume a substantial portion of that period, and the additional logic can only exacerbate problems with jitter. Of course, there are many possible implementations of serial driver circuitry beyond this simplistic example, but the point remains that adding test hardware in the high speed domain is problematic. Fortunately, there is a clever alternative that avoids this issue altogether.3.1Driver-Side Boundary Scan Insertion in theParallel DomainThe placement of the output boundary scan register just in front of the driver is not mandated by IEEE Std 1149.1; it is merely illustrative. The intent is simply that the value placed in the boundary scan register will be reflected on the pin during EXTEST. Indeed, the standard allows for an arbitrary analog circuit to exist between the boundary register and the pin (see Figure 10-7 of IEEE Std 1149.1-2001). Though the parallel-to-serial converter described above may appear to be largely digital in nature, it can be treated as an encapsulated analog circuit for the purposes of creatively applying the standard. Taking that line of reasoning to its natural conclusion results in the idea of placing the boundary scan register in the parallel domain, as shown in Figure 4.Figure 4 Addition of Boundary Scan to Parallel Domain of TransmitterPaper 19.3563The fundamental tradeoff here is in space vs. time: adding boundary scan costs 10 times more multiplexers in the parallel domain as it would in the serial domain, but each mux can be absorbed in a clock domain with 10 times the period. It is important to note that there are not 10 times more boundary scan registers: the standard mandates a 1-to-1 correspondence between a boundary register and a pad. The operation of this circuit is simple, though nonsensical in terms of the mission mode: the single value in the boundary scan register is copied to all of the parallel inputs (10 in this example), then serialized and presented as a high-speed stream of (constant) values, cycle after cycle. This high-speed stream of constant values in indistinguishable from DC, and thus satisfies the requirements of boundary scan.One very important point requires mention here: this placement of the boundary scan register requires the parallel-to-serial converter to be operational during boundary scan testing, which implies that the clocks used in that portion of the circuit must be running. At first glance, this may appear to be a violation of the intent of IEEE Std 1149.1, in that there should be no functional dependencies on the chip to perform an EXTEST operation. However, there are two reasonable responses to this challenge. First, many types of I/O circuits require some pre-conditioning before they will operate, and it is not uncommon to include a “design warning” section in the BSDL for a chip containing such I/Os that spells out the preconditions for performing boundary scan, which, in this case, would include the recipe for providing the appropriate clocking. Second, and more in line with the standard, because most parallel-to-serial converter circuits employ a phase-locked loop (PLL) to generate the high-speed clocks, a free-running oscillator which requires no external clock reference could be used as the source of the PLL reference clock during boundary scan test. Though the frequency and phase of such an oscillator are not precisely controlled and would not work in mission mode, the considerably relaxed data required for boundary scan (namely DC 0 and 1) are frequency- and phase-independent. Thus, no functional dependency on chip logic exists for EXTEST operation; the “analog circuit” allowed between the boundary scan register and the pin includes the autonomous clock generator.The alert reader will doubtless have realized that the placement of the boundary registers in the parallel domain requires that a considerable amount of circuitry be operational in order to perform the simplest boundary scan test. That is certainly true, but should not be treated as either a violation of the standard (it is not) or as a large weakness of this approach; indeed, it may be argued that a successful boundary scan test demonstrates that not only the interconnect is functional but a sizeable portion of the IC still is as well. Assuming that the IC was fully tested at the component level and has not suffered an early life failure, a failing boundary scan test can still be diagnosed as an interconnect problem, though it is fair to say that there is a marginal increase in the probability that the IC may be suspect compared to a boundary scan implementation closer to the pins.The final item to note about the placement of the driver-side boundary register in the parallel domain is that the modifications specified by IEEE Std 1149.6 for edge generation are exactly the same as they would be were the boundary register placed in the serial domain.3.2Receiver-Side Boundary Scan Insertion viaIEEE Std 1149.6Integrating boundary scan on the receiver side of a high-speed link is a somewhat simpler problem than for the driver side. The arguments that justify the placement of the driver-side boundary scan register in the parallel domain are not symmetrical with the receiver side, nor is the performance penalty (another fanout) as great, nor is the function of the serial-to-parallel converter circuitry as amenable to simulated DC operation. Specifically, one of the key operations performed on an incoming high-speed data stream by a receiver is clock recovery, whereby the (regularly forced) transitions in the data are used to infer the clock used in the downstream serial-to-parallel converter circuitry. With the constant DC values present during boundary scan testing, there is no clock to recover. Though another clock could be injected for this purpose, this is not generally a native element in the receiver, as it was in the driver. Given all this, it is not necessary to place the receiver-side boundary scan registers in the parallel domain; in fact, for differential channels (which are very common in high-speed I/O), it is not even desirable.Most importantly, the subject of receiver-side boundary scan for advanced I/Os like these high-speed serial links has been thoroughly examined and specified in IEEE Std 1149.6. This new standard details the design of a test receiver capable of both edge detection for AC-coupled nets as well as level detection for traditional DC-coupled nets (as would be tested by 1149.1). These test receivers are placed in parallel with the mission receivers, and are thus in the serial domain for the types of I/Os described here. Simulations and actual silicon measurements indicate that the presence of the test receivers causes negligible impact on mission-mode performance.Paper 19.3 5644. Silicon Implementation and ResultsThe complete boundary scan implementation shown inFigure 5 was implemented in 0.13 micron, 1.2V test chipwith several differential transmit/receive pairs, firstdescribed in [3]. The nodes labeled as TX+, TX-, RX+,and RX- represent the test points measured.Figure 5 Complete Boundary Scan Implementation for SerDes Channel The boundary scan test results on actual silicon for level-based DC EXTEST are shown in Table 1, and the resultsfor edge-based EXTEST_PULSE appear in Table 2Table 1 DC EXTEST –Level ResultsTest driving levelsTX+ TX- DC-coupledcaptured dataRX+ RX-AC-coupledcaptured dataRX+ RX -01 01 VV 10 10 VV The “VV” notation in Table 1 indicates that the initialized value (V) in the test receiver was not changed during EXTEST when the driver was AC coupled to the receiver; this is exactly the expected behavior, because the coupling capacitor blocks the DC level.Table 2 EXTEST_PULSE – Edge Results DrivingTX+ TX-transitionsOn-board AC-coupledcaptured dataRX+ RX-On-chip AC-coupledcaptured dataRX+ RX -01 to 10 10 1010 to 01 01 01In addition to the verifying the correctness of all boundary scan operations (both 1149.1 and 1149.6), the tests also showed that the mission performance of the serial links was as expected and unaffected by the addition of the boundary scan circuitry.Jitter introduction on the driver side is by definition zero, since the serialized data goes through a retiming process in the 10X_CK domain. As long as the additional multiplexer delay associated with the addition of the boundary scan cell in the parallel domain is accounted for in static timing analysis, there will be no impact on thePaper 19.3565functional performance of the high speed transmitter. Indeed, the measured jitter on the actual silicon (about 20 pS peak-to-peak worst case) has been traced back exclusively to clock duty cycle and noise issues in the serial domain, which have nothing to do with the boundary scan circuitry. On the receiver side, the high input impedance of the test receivers added a negligible additional load beyond the mission receivers. Overall, the test chip was a resounding success in demonstrating not only the first silicon implementation of 1149.6, but also the workability of placing boundary scan in the parallel domain of the transmitter and adding the test receiver to the serial domain of the receiver.5. ConclusionsDespite the ostensible impossibility of adding boundary scan to GHz-speed I/Os, this paper has demonstrated not only a viable circuit design for both the driver and receiver portions of such a circuit, but presented successful results from actual silicon. The key innovations were the placement of the driver-side boundary scan register in the parallel domain in order to minimize impact on the high-speed section and the use of 1149.6 test receivers in the serial domain. Not only did this approach achieve correct implementation of boundary scan, it also resulted in negligible impact on the mission-mode operation of the high-speed serializer/deserializer circuitry.6. References[1] IEEE Std 1149.1-2001, “IEEE Standard Test AccessPort and Boundary-Scan Architecture,” IEEE, USA,2001.[2] IEEE Std 1149.6-2003, “IEEE Standard for Boundary-Scan Testing of Advanced Digital Networks,” IEEE,USA, 2003.[3] Vandivier, Wahl, and Rearick, “First IC Validation ofIEEE Std 1149.6”, Proc. International Test Conference, 2003, pp. 632-639Paper 19.3 566。