Six Degrees Of Separation英文歌词及中文翻译
六度空间理论及其应用一、六度空间理论的背景以及基本定义:1.六度空间理论简述:六度空间理论(Six Degrees of Separation)是一个数学领域的猜想,中文翻译包括以下几种:六度分割理论、六度空间理论或小世界理论等。
三、六度空间理论应用:1. 六度空间理论的实验基础:(1)寻找马龙·白兰度的过程:有这么一个故事,几年前一家德国报纸接受了一项挑战,要帮法兰克福的一位土耳其烤肉店老板,找到他和他最喜欢的影星马龙·白兰度的关联。
Twitter 2006年6月成立
独立用户4年超过 1.02亿,现超过5亿
新浪微博 2009年8月成立
注册用户一年超过 4500万,现超过3亿
在微博客上,140字的限制将平民和莎士比亚拉到了 同一水平线上。”的确,微博客的出现,让每一个 “小我”都有了展示自己的舞台,引领了大量用户原 创内容的爆发式增长。正如Twitter拥趸所认为的, Twitter为世界带来了一个“人人都能发声,人人都可 能被关注的时代”
现在网络推广工具的转型 主讲人:伊娃 2012-7-26
社交网络 即社交网络服务,源自英文SNS(Social Network Service)的翻译,中文直译为社会性网络服务或社 会化网络服务,意译为社交网络服务。社交网络含 义包括硬件、软件、服务及应用,由于四字构成的 词组更符合中国人的构词习惯,因此人们习惯上用 社交网络来代指SNS(Social Network Service)。
弱关系圈 辐射圈传播
强关系圈 裂变式、病毒式传播
更低的会员获取成本,更全面的会员个性体系,更 精准的会员信息上班上 Nhomakorabea 上床上车
LBS、签到、照片上传、快速链接、趋势分析…… 将社会化媒体的多项元素应用于150万家终端
推荐10首活跃气氛的英文歌曲1. Katy Perry – Roar我非常喜欢水果姐的这首歌,这首歌在各种歌唱比赛都听到,这首歌的MV 真的超赞,绿色好心情,曲风也是鼓舞人的,当我情绪低落时,我也非常喜欢听这首歌来活跃自己的气氛!2.《Six Degrees of Separation》——The Script一开始听着很深沉,但是渐渐的就开始变成呐喊,听着会有点淡淡的忧伤,旋律真的很好,听了两年多了,还是很喜欢这首歌,当你情绪低落的时候,听到歌声中的歇斯底里的呐喊,心情得到释放人也就活跃起来了。
3.《Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)》——Shakira2010年南非世界杯主题曲,从2010年一直喜欢到现在,看着MV听着歌曲,你会不自觉的想动起来的,超赞的一首歌曲!4.《Summer Shade》——Cody Simpson这首歌曲,我2014年3月份买手机时店家下载给我的,一直听了两年多,一直都很喜欢,有时候下班回家的路上随机播放到这首歌我总会觉得心情很好,整个人都好似要跳跃起来的那种感觉!5.《Perfect Strangers》——Jonas Blue要是在路上听到这样欢快的歌曲,我一定会很开心的,伴奏配得有趣、活跃,调节情绪、活跃气氛这样的歌曲在适合不过了!6.《Try Everything》——Shakira我是因为听了这首歌曲,才想去看电影《ZOO TO PIA》的,电影中最喜欢的画面就是朱迪在火车上听着这首歌曲走近全新的世界,就像我当年大学毕业时满怀激情的走向曼谷,真的很感动,看着朱迪就好似看着两年前的自己,听着这首活泼的歌曲,气氛不活跃都难啊!7.《I Like How It Feels》——Enrique Iglesias & Pitbull一听就感受到很欢快的嗓音,口哨声,动感的吉他声,真的很欢快,特别适合派对上播放的一首歌曲,当然旅游车上播放也能很好的活跃气氛的!8.《Collide》——Howie Day跟着好听的吉他声渐入到活跃的氛围,听着这首歌曲真的很享受,所有的外在的世界好似都与我无关,我只是在享受这样美好的氛围,一种欢快的氛围!9.《Secrets》——One Republic很有节奏感,唱得也很紧凑,让人都没有时间去想其它的事情,沉浸在歌声中,自我调节,自我感受,一种很私密的美的感受。
1无所不达的六度人脉网赢家的武器:六度分割理论很多人听说过一个由数字领域引发的猜想,如果他是一名人脉学“粉丝”的话,对于“Six Degrees of Separation”这一短语并不会陌生。
我很沮丧地站在公主大道的报亭边,忘记了吃午餐,头疼地琢磨下一步的拜访计划,这时,我看到了介绍“Six Degrees of Separation”一本普通杂志。
英语必修四第四单元课文翻译霍金Research shows the average person only has regular communication with between seven and fifteen people, and that most of our communication is in fact with five to ten people who are closest to us. However, perhaps we are closer to the rest of the world than we think. “Six Degrees of Separation” refers to the theory that any person on Earth can be connected to any other person through a chain of no more than five other people.研究表明,普通人只与7 至15 个人经常保持联系,而且其中大部分的交流实际上只发生在5 到10 个亲近的人身上。
The concept was first talked about as long ago as in the 1920s. The Hungarian author Frigyes Karinthy published a book called Everything Is Different in 1929, in which he introduced the idea of friendship networks and his ideas influenced many of our early impressions of social networks.这个概念早在20世纪20年代就被提出。
• 那么你和你要找的那个TA又有哪些关联? 是否远在天边,近在眼前 • 人海茫茫,该去那里找TA呢
人 立 方
• 人立方关系搜索是微软亚洲研究院开发设 计的一款新型社会化搜索引擎,它能从超 过十亿的中文网页中自动的抽取出人名、 地名、机构名以及中文短语,并通过算法 自动的计算出它们之间存在关系的可能性 。人立方搜索的创建理念来自于“六度空 间”。
数学解释 若每个人平均认识260人,其六度就是2606 =308,915,776,000,000 • (约300万亿)。消除一些节点重复,那也几乎覆盖了整个地球人口 若干多多倍。 公式可以进一步抽象成: 其中n表示复杂度,N表示人的总数,W表示每个人的联系宽度
• • • • • 人人网 开心网 若邻网 白社会 豆瓣 QQzone 六度分割 旅行器 新浪微博 FACEBOOK
人立方其他相关功能 1.关系百科 2.Q20读心机器人 3.微博关系图 4.六度搜索
• 人立方的一切找人方式仅供 参考 • 找人还是要靠自己。
1.1990年,戏剧《六度分隔》 2.1993年,《六度分隔》(Six Degrees of Separation) • (影片主角的台词包括“我们之间,只需要5个人
• 你我的世界,虽然在六度空间里看似 很小,然而世界确是很大很大,我们 不能生活在网络中,多出去走走,用 心感受世界,你会收获更多
• 烤肉店老板——加州朋友——朋友同事——制作人的女儿— —制作人——马龙· 白兰度
SEV EN 7 SP IR ITS W IN ES: TH E AU STRA LIAN SP IR IT CAP TUR ED IN W IN E柒善葡萄酒:捕捉了澳大利亚精神的葡萄酒7 Spi ri ts Wi nes are made with a philosophy deeply embedded in the Australian lifestyle and culture, drawing on millennia of nature’s influence over the land and the soils. We work with our environment and our soils and apply the winemakers craft to making great wines.柒善葡萄酒是本着深深扎根于澳大利亚生活方式和文化的理念而酿造的,吸取着上千万年来大自然给大地和土壤带来的精粹。
Many thousands of years after first human settlement in Australia, 7 Spi ri ts Wi nes is a leading proponent of Terrior and the Spi ri t of the La nd; letting natures hand guide our wine making and vineyard management to achieve wines of great depth and complexity and offering truly sensational and rewarding wine drinking experience.在最早的人类在澳大利亚扎根几千年后的今天,柒善葡萄酒是风土和土地精神的领先支持者;让自然之手指导我们的葡萄酒酿造和葡萄园管理以创造出拥有深度和复杂性的葡萄酒,带来真正美妙和让人如愿以偿的品酒经历。
例如在数学中有个著名的“六度分割理论”(英文翻译Six Degrees of Separation)又称为“六度空间理论”、“小世界理论”等。
早在1929年,匈牙利作家F Karinthy就做出了“小世界现象”论断,认为地球上的任何两个人都可以平均通过一条由六位联系人组成的链条而联系起来。
1967年,美国著名社会心理学家、斯坦利米尔格兰姆教授(Stanley Milgram)提出了“六度分割理论”。
SixDegreeofSeparation本博客的代码的思想和图⽚参考:好⼤学慕课浙江⼤学陈越⽼师、何钦铭⽼师的《数据结构》题⽬:六度空间”理论⼜称作“六度分隔(Six Degrees of Separation)”理论。
图1 六度空间⽰意图“六度空间”理论虽然得到⼴泛的认同,并且正在得到越来越多的应⽤。
输⼊格式:输⼊第1⾏给出两个正整数,分别表⽰社交⽹络图的结点数NNN(1<N≤1041<N\le 10^41<N≤10输出格式:对每个结点输出与该结点距离不超过6的结点数占结点总数的百分⽐,精确到⼩数点后2位。
输⼊样例:10 91 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 10输出样例:1: 70.00%2: 80.00%3: 90.00%4: 100.00%5: 100.00%6: 100.00%7: 100.00%8: 90.00%9: 80.00%10: 70.00%We use two kinds of method to store the graph:adjacnet matrix and adjacnet tableThe code is followed:1/*2 * sixDigreeSeparation.c3 *4 * Created on: 2017年5⽉8⽇5 * Author: ygh6*/7 #include <stdio.h>8 #include <stdlib.h>910/*11 * Algorithm thought:12 * We easily know this question is BFS.13 * we access the first level nodes, then access second level nodes14 * until we reach the sixth level.15 * We let every node to BFS until it reach the sixth level,then we record the total nodes M16 * it can reach, calculate the M/N(The total point the test data gives) .17*/19#define MAX_VERTEX_MUM 1000120 typedef int vertex; /*vertex is the index of point in the graph*/21 typedef int dataType; /*dataType is the data type of vertex */22 typedef int weightType; /*The data type of weight */2324/*25 * Define a data structure to edge26*/27 typedef struct eNode *ptrToENode;28 typedef struct eNode {29 vertex v1, v2;30 weightType wight;31 };32 typedef ptrToENode edge;3334/*35 * Define a data structure for adjacent table node36*/37 typedef struct adjNode *ptrToAdjNode;38 typedef struct adjNode {39 vertex adjVertex; /*The index of vertex in the graph*/40 weightType weight; /*the value of the weight*/41 ptrToAdjNode next; /*A point to point next node*/42 };4344/*45 * Define a data structure for adjacent table head point46*/47 typedef struct vNode *ptrToVNode;48 typedef struct vNode {49 dataType data; /*The value of every vertex,some times it will be ignore*/50 ptrToAdjNode head;/*The point to point the adjacent table first element*/51 } adjList[MAX_VERTEX_MUM];5253/*Define a data structure for graph*/54 typedef struct gNode *ptrToGNode;55 typedef struct gNode {56int vertex_num;57int edge_num;58 adjList g;59 };60 typedef ptrToGNode adjacentTableGraph; /*a graph show by adjacent table*/ 6162/*63 create a graph given the vertex number.64 @param vertexNum The verter number of the graph65 @return a graph with vertex but no any egdgs66*/67 ptrToGNode createGraph(int vertexNum) {68 vertex v;69 adjacentTableGraph graph = (adjacentTableGraph) malloc(70sizeof(struct gNode));71 graph->vertex_num = vertexNum;72 graph->edge_num = 0;73for (v = 1; v <= graph->vertex_num; v++) {74 graph->g[v].head = NULL;75 }76return graph;77 }7879/*80 insert a edge to graph.We will distinct oriented graph and undirected graph81 The e->v1 and e->v2 are the vertexs' indexs in the adjacent table82 @param graph The graph you want to insert edge83 @param e The edge you want to insert the graph84 @param isOriented Whether the graph is oriented graph.If the graph is oriented85 we will set adjacent table graph[v1]->head=v2 and set graph[v1].head=v286 otherwise we only set graph[v1].head=v287*/88void insertEdge(adjacentTableGraph graph, edge e, int isOriented) {89 ptrToAdjNode newNode;90 newNode = (ptrToAdjNode) malloc(sizeof(struct adjNode));91 newNode->adjVertex = e->v2;92 newNode->weight = e->wight;93 newNode->next = graph->g[e->v1].head;94 graph->g[e->v1].head = newNode;95if (!isOriented) {96 newNode = (ptrToAdjNode) malloc(sizeof(struct adjNode));97 newNode->adjVertex = e->v1;98 newNode->weight = e->wight;99 newNode->next = graph->g[e->v2].head;100 graph->g[e->v2].head = newNode;101 }103104 adjacentTableGraph buildGraph() {105 adjacentTableGraph graph;106 edge e;107 vertex v;108int vertex_num;109 scanf("%d", &vertex_num);110 graph = createGraph(vertex_num);111 scanf("%d", &(graph->edge_num));112if (graph->edge_num) {113 e = (edge) malloc(sizeof(struct eNode));114for (v = 0; v < graph->edge_num; v++) {115 scanf("%d %d", &e->v1, &e->v2);116 e->wight = 1;117 insertEdge(graph, e, 0);118 }119 }120return graph;121 }122123/*==============================define a queue=====================================================*/ 124/*define a list to store the element in the queue*/125 typedef vertex elementType;126 typedef struct node *pList;127 typedef struct node {128 elementType element;129struct node *next;130 };131132/*define a queue to point the list*/133 typedef struct node2 *pQueue;134 typedef struct node2 {135 pList front; /*the front point to point the head of the list*/136 pList rear; /*the rear point to point the rear of of the list*/137 };138139/*create a empty list to store the queue element*/140 pList createEmptyList() {141 pList list;142 list = (pList) malloc(sizeof(struct node));143 list->next = NULL;144return list;145 }146/*create a empty queye*/147 pQueue createEmptyQueue() {148 pQueue queue = (pQueue) malloc(sizeof(struct node2));149 queue->front = NULL;150 queue->rear = NULL;151return queue;152 }153154/*155 Wether the queue is empty156 @param queue The queue need to adjust157 @return If the queue is null,return 1 otherwise return 0158*/159int isQueueEmpty(pQueue queue) {160return (queue->front == NULL);161 }162163/*164 Add a element to a queue,If the queue is null,we will create a new queue165 @parama queue The queue we will add elememt to166 @prama element The element we will add to queue167*/168void addQueue(pQueue queue, elementType element) {169if (isQueueEmpty(queue)) {170 pList list = createEmptyList();171 list->element = element;172 queue->front = queue->rear = list;173 } else {174 pList newNode = (pList) malloc(sizeof(struct node));175 newNode->element = element;176 newNode->next = queue->rear->next;177 queue->rear->next = newNode;178 queue->rear = newNode;179 }180 }181182/*183 delete a element from a queue184 @param queue The queue will be deleted a element185 @return The element has been deleted187 elementType deleteEleFromQueue(pQueue queue) {188if (isQueueEmpty(queue)) {189 printf("the queue is empty,don't allow to delete elemet from it!"); 190 } else {191 pList oldNode = queue->front;192 elementType element = oldNode->element;193if (queue->front == queue->rear) {194 queue->rear = queue->front = NULL;195 } else {196 queue->front = queue->front->next;197 }198free(oldNode);199return element;200 }201 }202203/*204 * Initialize a visited array that make them all to zero205*/206void initVisited(adjacentTableGraph graph, int *visited) {207int i;208for (i = 0; i <= graph->vertex_num; i++) {209 visited[i] = 0;210 }211 }212213/*214 Breadth first search215 @param graph The graph stored by the adjacent table216 @param startPoint The point we start search217 @param visited A array to tag the elemeent whether has been visited 218*/219int BFS(adjacentTableGraph graph, vertex startPoint, int *visited) { 220 ptrToAdjNode p;221int count = 0;222int level = 0;223int last = startPoint, tail;224 visited[startPoint] = 1;225 count++;226 pQueue queue = createEmptyQueue();227 addQueue(queue, startPoint);228while (!isQueueEmpty(queue)) {229 elementType element = deleteEleFromQueue(queue);230for (p = graph->g[element].head; p; p = p->next) {231if (visited[p->adjVertex] == 0) {232 visited[p->adjVertex] = 1;233 addQueue(queue, p->adjVertex);234 count++;235 tail = p->adjVertex;236 }237 }238if (last == element) {239 level++;240 last = tail;241 }242if (level == 6) {243return count;244 }245 }246return count;247 }248249/*250 *Prove the six degree of separation251*/252void SDS(adjacentTableGraph graph) {253 vertex v;254int count;255int visited[graph->vertex_num+1];256float result;257for (v = 1; v <= graph->vertex_num; v++) {258 initVisited(graph, visited);259 count = BFS(graph, v, visited);260 result = (float)((float)count / graph->vertex_num)*100;261 printf("%d: %0.2f", v, result);262 printf("%%");263 printf("\n");264 }265 }266267int main() {268 adjacentTableGraph graph = buildGraph();269 SDS(graph);Adjacnet Table1/*2 * sixDigreeSeparation.c3 *4 * Created on: 2017年5⽉9⽇5 * Author: ygh6*/7 #include <stdio.h>8 #include <stdlib.h>910/*11 * Algorithm thought:12 * We easily know this question is BFS.13 * we access the first level nodes, then access second level nodes14 * until we reach the sixth level.15 * We let every node to BFS until it reach the sixth level,then we record the total nodes M16 * it can reach, calculate the M/N(The total point the test data gives) .17*/1819#define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 10001 /*define the max number of the vertex*/20#define INFINITY 65535 /*define double byte no negitive integer max number is 65535*/2122 typedef int vertex; /*define the data type of the vertex*/23 typedef int weightType; /*define the data type of the weight*/24 typedef char dataType; /*define the data type of the vertex value*/2526/*define the data structure of the Edge*/27 typedef struct eNode *ptrToENode;28 typedef struct eNode {29 vertex v1, v2; /*two vertex between the edge <v1,v2>*/30 weightType weight; /*the value of the edge's weigth */31 };32 typedef ptrToENode edge;3334/*define the data structure of the graph*/35 typedef struct gNode *ptrToGNode;36 typedef struct gNode {37int vertex_number; /*the number of the vertex*/38int edge_nunber; /*the number of the edge*/39 weightType g[MAX_VERTEX_NUM][MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; /*define the adjacent matrix of graph*/40 dataType data[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; /*define the dataType array to store the value of vertex*/41 };42 typedef ptrToGNode adjacentMatrixGraph; /*a graph show by adjacent matrix*/4344/*45 create a graph given the vertex number.46 @param vertexNum The verter number of the graph47 @return a graph with vertex but no any egdgs48*/49 adjacentMatrixGraph createGraph(int vertexNum) {50 vertex v, w;51 adjacentMatrixGraph graph;52 graph = (adjacentMatrixGraph) malloc(sizeof(struct gNode));53 graph->vertex_number = vertexNum;54 graph->edge_nunber = 0;55/*initialize the adjacent matrix*/56for (v = 1; v <= graph->vertex_number; v++) {57for (w = 1; w <= graph->vertex_number; w++) {58 graph->g[v][w] = 0;59 }60 }6162return graph;63 }6465/*66 insert a edge to graph.We will distinct oriented graph and undirected graph67 @param graph The graph you want to insert edge68 @param e The edge you want to insert the graph69 @param isOriented Whether the graph is oriented graph.If the graph is oriented70 we will set adjacent matrix [n][m]=[m][n]=edge's weight,else we only set71 the adjacent matrix [n][m]=edge's weight72*/73void inserEdge(adjacentMatrixGraph graph, edge e, int isOriented) {74 graph->g[e->v1][e->v2] = e->weight;75if (!isOriented) {76 graph->g[e->v2][e->v1] = e->weight;7980/*81 construct a graph according user's input8283 @return a graph has been filled good84*/85 adjacentMatrixGraph buildGraph() {86 adjacentMatrixGraph graph;87 edge e;88int vertex_num, i;89 scanf("%d", &vertex_num);90 graph = createGraph(vertex_num);91 scanf("%d", &(graph->edge_nunber));92if (graph->edge_nunber) {93 e = (edge) malloc(sizeof(struct eNode));94for (i = 0; i < graph->edge_nunber; i++) {95 scanf("%d %d", &e->v1, &e->v2);96 e->weight = 1;97 inserEdge(graph, e, 0);98 }99 }100101return graph;102103 }104105/*=====================define a queue used BFS================================*/ 106/*107 * The elementType is element which the following list store.108*/109 typedef int elementType;110111/*112 * Define a list to store the queue elements113*/114 typedef struct node1 *pList;115 typedef struct node1 {116 elementType element;117struct node1 *next;118 };119120/*121 * Define a queue used to BFS122*/123 typedef struct node2 *pQueue;124 typedef struct node2 {125 pList font;126 pList rear;127 };128129/*130 * Create a empty list131*/132 pList createEmptyList() {133 pList list = (pList) malloc(sizeof(struct node1));134 list->next = NULL;135return list;136 }137138/*139 * Create a empty queue140*/141 pQueue createEmptyQueue() {142 pQueue queue = (pQueue) malloc(sizeof(struct node2));143 queue->font = queue->rear = NULL;144return queue;145 }146147/*148 * Whether the queue is empty149*/150int isQueueEmpty(pQueue queue) {151return (queue->font == NULL);152 }153154/*155 * Insert a element to a queue156*/157void insertQueue(pQueue queue, elementType element) {158159if (isQueueEmpty(queue)) {160 pList list = createEmptyList();162 queue->font = queue->rear = list;163 } else {164 pList newNode = (pList) malloc(sizeof(struct node1));165 newNode->element = element;166//newNode->next = queue->rear->next;167 queue->rear->next = newNode;168 queue->rear = newNode;169 }170 }171172 elementType deleteElementQueue(pQueue queue) {173if (isQueueEmpty(queue)) {174return -1;175 } else {176if (queue->font == queue->rear) {177 pList temp = queue->font;178 elementType elememt = temp->element;179free(temp);180 queue->font = queue->rear = NULL;181return elememt;182 } else {183 pList temp = queue->font;184 elementType elememt = temp->element;185free(temp);186 queue->font = queue->font->next;187return elememt;188 }189190 }191192 }193194/*195 *Breath first search a graph which store in form of adjacent matrix 196 *@param graph The graph stored with adjacent matrix197 *@param startPoint The start point we start search198 *@param visited A array to tag whether element has been accessed 199*/200int BFS(adjacentMatrixGraph graph, vertex startPoint, int *visited) { 201 vertex v, w;202/*203 * count:to record the total nodes the start point can access204 * level:to record the level the current node accessed205 * tail:to record the every node's index, every access it will be flush 206 * last:to record last lever latest accessed node,we can use it to 207 * let level add.208*/209int count = 0;210int level = 0, last = startPoint;211int tail = last;212 pQueue queue = createEmptyQueue();213 count++;214 visited[startPoint] = 1;215 insertQueue(queue, startPoint);216while (!isQueueEmpty(queue)) {217 w = deleteElementQueue(queue);218for (v = 1; v <= graph->vertex_number; v++) {219if (graph->g[w][v] != 0 && visited[v] == 0) {220 visited[v] = 1;221 insertQueue(queue, v);222 tail = v;223 count++;224 }225 }226if (w == last) {227 level++;228 last = tail;229 }230231if (level == 6) {232return count;233 }234 }235return count;236237 }238239/*240 * Initialize a visited array that make them all to zero241*/242void initVisited(adjacentMatrixGraph graph, int *visited) {243int i;244for (i = 1; i <= graph->vertex_number; i++) {246 }247 }248249/*250 *Prove the six degree of separation251 *@param graph A graph prepared252*/253void SDS(adjacentMatrixGraph graph) {254int visited[graph->vertex_number + 1];255 vertex v;256int count;257float result;258for (v = 1; v <= graph->vertex_number; v++) {259 initVisited(graph, visited);260 count = BFS(graph, v, visited);261 result = (float) ((float) count / graph->vertex_number * 100);262 printf("%d: %0.2f", v, result);263 printf("%%");264 printf("\n");265 }266 }267268int main() {269 adjacentMatrixGraph graph = buildGraph();270 SDS(graph);271return0;272 }Adjacnet MatrixFrom PTA test result,we find the adjacent matrix effective is more high than adjacent table.But the adjacent matrix take more memory.Is it use spaceto swap the timethe test result is follow。
六度分隔的另一种证明方式英文回答:The six degrees of separation theory, also known as the small-world phenomenon, is a sociological theory that states that any two people on Earth are connected by a chain of six or fewer acquaintances. This theory has been popularized by the play and film "Six Degrees of Separation," which follows the story of a young man who claims to be the son of Sidney Poitier.There are several different ways to prove the six degrees of separation theory. One method is to use the "Erdős number," which is a measure of how close someone is to the Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős. Erdős was a prolific collaborator, and he published over 1,500 papers with more than 500 different co-authors. As a result, anyone who has ever collaborated with Erdős has an Erdős number of 1. Anyone who has collaborated with someone who has an Erdős number of 1 has an Erdős number of 2, and soon.By calculating the Erdős numbers of a large number of people, it is possible to show that the average Erdős number is around 4. This means that any two people on Earth are likely to be connected by a chain of four or fewer acquaintances.Another way to prove the six degrees of separation theory is to use the "small-world experiment." In this experiment, participants are given a list of names and asked to send a message to a target person. Theparticipants are only allowed to send the message to someone they know, and the recipient of the message is then allowed to send it to someone they know, and so on. The experiment has been conducted several times, and it has consistently shown that the average number of steps it takes to send a message from one person to another is around six.The six degrees of separation theory has implications for a variety of different fields, including sociology,psychology, and marketing. For example, the theory suggests that it is possible for people to spread information or ideas very quickly through their social networks. The theory also suggests that it is possible for people to find common ground with others, even if they come from different backgrounds.中文回答:六度分隔理论,又称小世界现象,是一种社会学理论,声称地球上的任何两个人都可以通过六个人或更少的熟人联系起来。
摘要:作为非线性叙事电影中一个非常独特的案例 ,1965年的波兰电影《萨拉 戈萨手稿》罕见地融合了套层结构叙事、网状叙事、多视角叙事、不可靠叙事、树状叙 事、时间倒错叙事等诸多非线性叙事形态,堪称电影探索非线性叙事的集大成者,在 20世纪60年代就为电影在非线性叙事应用的复杂性、多元性方面树立了垂范性的标 杆。这部元电影经由多种非线性叙事及跨层悖论建构了错综复杂而富有魅力的复杂 叙事、谜题叙事,其对碎片化的多故事之整合则有颇具匠心的设计&
事 事的套娃式结构。影片中的人物
就在 事的过程中喟然长叹:“所有
这些故事的 都
,听众以为会很快 ,但一 事 造出另一个故事,然
后不停 。”譬如,影 134—141分钟,在第6层嵌套中讲述了弗拉斯克塔的故 事,连影片中的 索也感慨道:“弗拉斯克塔为布斯克罗斯讲述了故事,布斯克罗斯
部影片的第一 事(正片前5分钟)是#809年前后,萨拉戈 争时期的一 国
军官在战争废墟中 发现了一部以
》的 ,随
军官俘获,因为这部 中讲述了这
军官的先祖 索的
斯公爵一 !的朝 布拉斯•埃瓦斯一
托拉尔瓦。参见扬•波托茨基:《萨拉 手
② 参见扬•波托茨基《萨拉 手稿》,
有关青少年网络社交行为的媒介环境分析的中英文对照Media environment on teenagers online social behaviour analysis contrast in both Chinese and English一、青少年社会交往媒介的网络化A, the adolescent social media network数百年来传播技术的发展,尤其是上世纪70年代出现的信息技术革命,使现代媒介环境呈现出信息全球化、信息海量化、媒介网络化、形式视觉化和交流分离化的传播特征。
Spread for hundreds of years to the development of technology, especially in the 1970 s emerging information technology revolution, the modern media environment brings out the information globalization, the quantification, visualization and communication media network, form the separation of transmission characteristics.日新月异的传播媒介和无穷无尽的信息传达,空前改变了人们的生活方式甚至是生存方式。
在这一的媒介环境下,青少年的交往方式和生活环境势必会走入一个全新的社会交往空间The ever-changing media and endless information convey, unprecedented changed people's way of life and even way of life. In this media environment, interactions and the living environment of teenagers are bound to walk into a new social space。
五分熟英文版歌词原唱介绍: 德国组合,以说唱为主。
由制作人Geo(参与过Ace of Base、CultureBeat、Falco、N-Tune & Fusion的音乐制作)一手打造、TinaHarris担纲主唱的知名流行音乐组合「Sweetbox糖果盒子」。
从1995年开始推出首支单曲「Booyah - Here WeGo」,隔年发行第2首单曲「Shakalaka」,不仅立即在电台、各大舞吧引起了不小的回响,其中第2首单曲还是纽约的舞曲榜3周冠军。
Yummy的《五分熟》的英文版本歌曲是:《Don't Push Me》《Don't Push Me》歌曲原唱:Sweetbox歌曲做曲:Geoman Villalon所属专辑:《Sweetbox Complete Best》原版歌词:I’m a love ‘em and leave ‘emTouch and tease ‘em kinda girlI’m the perfect typ eFor one wild nightYeah, I suffocate quickDoes that make me a bitch?I don’t really care, noWell your roses were sweetReally swept me off my feetBut I start to chokeWhen you say let’s elopeYeah, I suffocate quickDoes that make me a bitchI don’t really care, no, no, no…Don’t push me so hard, don’t push me so farDon’t cage me in, don’t tie me downDon’t push me so hard, don’t push me so farDon’t cage me in, don’t tie me downCan we take a bubble bath have a drink and a laughEnjoy what we have and then leave it to the past‘Cause I don’t give a damnMaybe you’re the perfect manThat’s not how this story goesYou can write me fat checks or buy diamonds for my neck Buy a big fat ring I prefer Tiffany’s‘Cause I don’t give a damnMaybe you’re the pe rfect manThat’s not how this story goesNo, no…Don’t push me so hard, don’t push me so farDon’t cage me in, don’t tie me downDon’t push me so hard, don’t push me so farDon’t cage me in, don’t tie me downDon’t push, push me so hardDon’t push me so far…no…Don’t push, push me so hardDon’t push me so far…no…And I’m not trying to be giving you a bitter pill, no I…And I don’t wanna make you promises I can’t fulfill, no I…Don’t push me, don’t push me, don’t push me, don’t push me downDon’t cage me in…oh…Don’t push me –I don’t wanna be tied downDon’t push me so hard, yeah, don’t push me so far, no, no Don’t cage me in, come on, don’t tie me downI’m a love ‘em and leave ‘emTouch and tease ‘em kinda girlI’m the perfect typeFor one wild nightYeah, I suffocate quickDoes that make me a bitch?I don’t really care, noWell your roses were sweetReally swept me off my feetBut I start to chokeWhen you say let’s elopeYeah, I suffocate quickDoes that make me a bitchI don’t really care, no, no, no…Don’t push me so hard, don’t push me so farDon’t cage me in, don’t tie me downDon’t push me so hard, don’t push me so farDon’t cage me in, don’t tie me down( Oh )Don’t push me so hard,( Don’t push me) don’t push me so far(Come on)Don’t cage me in, ( Oh ) don’t tie me down ( don’t tie me down )Don’t push me so hard, ( Hey hey ) don’t push me so far ( No no )Don’t cage me in, ( Ohh~ ) don’t tie me down ( don’t tie me down )。
六度空间理论、六度分隔理论一个数学领域的猜想,名为Six Degrees of Separation,中文翻译包括以下几种:六度分割理论或小世界理论等。
中文名六度空间理论外文名Six Degrees of Separation别称六度分割理论,小世界理论提出者斯坦利·米尔格兰姆(Stanley Milgram, 1933-1984应用学科社会科学,心理学适用领域范围社交,网络目录1. 1基本知识2. ▪涵义3. ▪价值4. ▪总结1. 2分析应用2. ▪关系强弱3. ▪联系区别4. ▪传递成本1. ▪假设2. ▪电影应用3. ▪网站应用基本知识编辑涵义小世界现象(又称小世界效应),也称六度空间理论、六度分隔理论(英文:Six Degrees of Separation)。
初一到十五的顺口溜大全(中英文版)English:From the first to the fifteenth, here"s a complete list of handy sayings. 中文:初一到了十五,这里有一份顺口溜大全。
English:A handy saying for the first day, "New Year"s Day brings new joys." 中文:初一是这样的顺口溜:“新年第一天,带来新喜悦。
”English:On the second day, "Two hearts beat as one."中文:初二的话是:“两颗心齐跳。
”English:The third day"s saying, "Three is a crowd, but it"s fun."中文:初三的顺口溜是:“三个人是群,但是好玩。
”English:For the fourth day, "Four seasons, each one unique."中文:到了初四,“四季轮回,各有千秋。
”The fifth day brings, "Five senses, life"s delights."中文:初五的话是:“五感带来生活之乐。
”English:On the sixth day, "Six degrees of separation, we"re all connected." 中文:初六的顺口溜是:“六度分割理论,我们皆相连。
”English:The seventh day"s saying, "Seven seas, vast and wide."中文:初七的话是:“七海辽阔。
小小世界纪录片读后感 400字
小小世界纪录片读后感 400字英文回答:"Small World" is an extraordinary documentary that delves into the interconnectedness of our world. It explores the fascinating theory of six degrees of separation, which posits that any two people on the planet can be connected through a chain of no more than six acquaintances.The documentary follows a diverse group of individuals from different walks of life as they embark on a journey to test this theory. They travel across continents, meet strangers, and forge connections in an attempt to link themselves to a target individual.The film beautifully captures the challenges and triumphs of this social experiment. It highlights the power of empathy, the importance of taking risks, and the transformative nature of human relationships.While the "six degrees of separation" theory may not be scientifically proven, "Small World" provides compelling evidence that we are all part of a vast and intricate webof human connections. It inspires us to embrace the unknown, to reach out to others, and to recognize the sharedhumanity that unites us all.中文回答:《小小世界》是一部杰出的纪录片,深入探讨了我们世界的相互联系性。
Oscars outwardly promote:
democracy (the famous people are really just people)
equality (anyone can win...)
hard work ( long as they work hard enough)
The Oscars as a Media Event
33% of all Canadians watch all or part of the Oscars (48% adult women, 40% adult men, 12% children)
The Oscars as a Commodity
the Oscars? • Movies no longer in the theatre • Winners other than Best Picture
The Oscars as a Contest
AMPAS members nominate 5 and pick 1 winner
Nominations made by those who work in same category (eg. Directors vote for other directors)
Participants MUST
• Dress up and arrive in a limousine - every male connected with the ceremony, from star to truck driver, wears a tuxedo - females must wear formal evening gowns which have been approved in advance by AMPAS' official fashion coordinator
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You've read the books, you've watched the shows What's the best way, no one knows, yeah 你看了书你看了节目没人知道最好的办法是什么
Meditate, get hypnotized, Anything to take it from your mind but it won't, go
You're doing all these things out of desperation, oh, whoa.
You're going through six degrees of separation. .
You had the drink, you take a toke. Watch the past go up in smoke.
Fake a smile, yeah, lie and say
You're better now than ever and your life's OK, well it's not, no.
You're doing all these things out of desperation, oh, whoa.
You're going through six degrees of separation. .
First you think the worst is a broken-heart, What's gonna kill you is the second part.
And the third is when your world splits down the middle.
And fourth you're gonna think that you've fixed yourself.
Fifth you see them now with someone else.
Then the sixth is when you admit you may have f*cked up a little. .
No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself
No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself .
You tell your friends, yeah, strangers too
Anyone who'll throw an arm around you, yeah
Tarot cards, gems and stones Believing all that sh*t's gonna heal your soul
Well, it's not, no You're only doing things out of desperation, oh, no.
You're going through six degrees of separation. .
First you think the worst is a broken-heart, What's gonna kill you is the second part.
And the third is when your world splits down the middle.
And fourth you're gonna think that you've fixed yourself.
Fifth you see them now with someone else.
Then the sixth is when you admit you may have f*cked up a little. .
Oh, no there's no starting over Without finding closure
You take them back, no hesitation
That's when you know you've reached the sixthdegree of separation
Oh, no there's no starting over Without finding closure
You take them back, no hesitation That's when you know you've reached the sixth degree of separation .
First you think the worst is a broken-heart, What's gonna kill you is the second part.
And the third is when your world splits down the middle.
And fourth you're gonna think that you've fixed yourself.
Fifth you see them now with someone else.
Then the sixth is when you admit you may have f*cked up a little. .
No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself
Oh you go through six degrees of separation
No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself
Oh you go through six degrees of separation
No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself
No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself Oh you go through six degrees of separation...。